5 things to consider when taking a photo, by mona lisa tello

+ 5 Things to Consider When Taking a Photo By Mona Lisa Tello

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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5 Things to Consider When Taking a Photo

By Mona Lisa Tello

+Composing the “Perfect” Picture

Taking the “perfect” picture requires not only technique, but also an artistic eye. However, there a few elements that can be employed in order to increase the likelihood of capturing an impressive image.

+1. Subject

Choosing what is going to be in the photo is important in conveying a story and eliciting desired emotions.

+2. Lighting

If taking pictures of landscapes, be sure to go out earlier in the day. Learning how to balance light and shadows is a simple way of creating dramatic moods.

+3. Angle

By capturing the same scene at creative angles, artistry is introduced into the image.

+4. Composition

Determining where to place the subject among its surrounding elements is the key to creating meaning. It is important to capture just enough information to tell the right story.

+5. Framing

By utilizing tree branches, windows, or fences in the foreground to frame landscapes, a dramatic effect can be instantly generated.

+About the Author

Mona Lisa Tello has been an educator in New York City for more than 15 years. She completed her postgraduate studies in high school education at Mercy College.