5 quick steps to your smarter financial self

1 SIGN UP FOR FREE! Register easily with your email and you will quickly be on your way to financial prudence. Costs you "Nothing"… 2 ADD ACCOUNTS Let moneyStrands automati- cally pull together, analyze and present you with the highlights of your financial data trapped in multiple bank or credit accounts. money- Strands will keep the results up-to-date all in one secure and convenient place. 3 BEEF UP YOUR PROFILE The better you describe yourself the better moneyStrands reveals how you compare to similar people anonymously. TIME TO GET STARTED! moneyStrands is here to help you make smarter financial decisions. Sign up now and see your financial picture come into focus. After all, your money IS your future! TYPES OF RECOMMENDATIONS Financial Tip Expert advice and best practices Peer Comparison How people like you behave financially Product Suggestions Products fitting your profile. Alerts Timely messages that keep you in the know. CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY AT YOUR SERVICE - moneyStrands' intelligent recommendation engine searches expert tips, relevant facts, and product offers from many sources to find the best deals and advice that match your financial profile. - As your life changes, your financial goals also change. moneyStrands learns, anticipates and adapts to your needs and priorities along the way. How can I adjust our family budget to start saving for a house down payment? Hmmm… 'female', '20-something', 'college degree', living in 'San Francisco'. Yes, that's me! No more surprises. I know how to spend my money yet still achieve my longer term goals. Schools over! "Real life", here I come... Being in control of my money gives me the confidence to go for what I want. The future sometimes means sharing and with moneyStrands we can both keep our finances seperate or together. moneyStrands helps me put my long term goals in perspective so I can always chart out a realistic plan. Longterm planning allows you to achive those big dreams. MoneyStrands allows me to plan for the things that mean the most to me. Everytime I rate something moneyStrands learns about me and fine tunes upcoming recommendations. That's smart! Congratulations, you have less debt than 90% of yours peers! MAKE IT YOURS Create your own layout by adding, deleting or reshuffling your financial data the way you like. moneyStrands adapts to your preferences. 4 STAY IN CHARGE ON-THE-MOVE Access all your data on your smart phone. Configure moneyStrands to receive timely text alerts that may save you from financial headaches. 5 presents 5 QUICK STEPS TO YOUR SMARTER FINANCIAL SELF Powered by I add all my accounts ONCE and moneyStrands keeps them up-to-date. That's a time saver indeed. Watch out mate! Your checking account balance has just dipped below $200. Watch out mate! Your checking account balance has just dipped below $200. Try this credit card. It has a lower APR thank yours and no annual fee. Take advantage of any company match to your retirement account. It's free money!

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Post on 30-Oct-2014



Economy & Finance

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Page 1: 5 Quick Steps To Your Smarter Financial Self


Register easily with your email and you will quickly be on your way to �nancial prudence. Costs you "Nothing"…


Let moneyStrands automati-cally pull together, analyze and present you with the highlights of your �nancial data trapped in multiple bank or credit accounts. money-Strands will keep the results up-to-date all in one secure and convenient place.


The better you describe yourself the better moneyStrands reveals how you compare to similar people anonymously.


moneyStrands is here to help you make smarter �nancial decisions. Sign up now and see your �nancial picture come into focus. After all, your money IS your future!


Financial Tip Expert advice and best practices

Peer Comparison

How people like you behave �nancially


Products �tting your pro�le.

Alerts Timely messages that keep you in the know.


- moneyStrands' intelligent recommendation engine searches expert tips, relevant facts, and product o�ers from many sources to �nd the best deals and advice that match your �nancial pro�le.

- As your life changes, your �nancial goals also change. moneyStrands learns, anticipates and adapts to your needs and priorities along the way.

How can I adjust our family budget to start saving for a house down payment?

Hmmm… 'female', '20-something', 'college degree', living in 'San Francisco'. Yes, that's me!

No more surprises. I know how to spendmy money yet still achieve my longer term goals.

Schools over! "Real life", here I come...

Being in control of mymoney gives me thecon�dence to go forwhat I want.

The future sometimesmeans sharing and withmoneyStrands we canboth keep our �nances seperate or together.

moneyStrands helps me put my long term goals in perspective so I can always chart out a realistic plan.

Longterm planning allows you to achive those big dreams. MoneyStrands allows me to plan for the things that mean the most to me.

Everytime I rate something moneyStrands learns about me and �ne tunes upcoming recommendations. That's smart!

Congratulations, you have less debt than 90% of yours peers!


Create your own layout by adding, deleting or reshu�ing your �nancial data the way you like. moneyStrands adapts to your preferences.



Access all your data on your smart phone. Con�gure moneyStrands to receive timely text alerts that may save you from �nancial headaches.



Powered by

I add all my accounts ONCE and moneyStrands keeps them up-to-date. That's a time saver indeed.

Watch out mate! Your checking account balance has just dipped below $200.

Watch out mate! Your checking account balance has just dipped below $200.

Try this credit card. It has a lower APR thank yours and no annual fee.

Take advantage of any company match to your retirement account. It's free money!