5 love languages by roel tolentino

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05/01/2023 1

05/01/2023 2


Surgical OncologistProfessor of Surgery Level IV

Personality, Leadership and Business Coach

Past President - Philippine Society of Oncology

Discovering your Love Language

B.S. Biology and Doctor of Medicine

General Surgery

Surgical Oncology Fellowship

New York

Post-Fellowship Studies

Post-Fellowship Studies

Post-Fellowship Studies

Cancer Hospital, Beijing, China

Master in Business Administration/Health

05/01/2023 10


Surgical OncologistProfessor of Surgery Level IV

Personality, Leadership and Business Coach

Past President - Philippine Society of Oncology

Discovering your Love Language


At the end of the lecture, the audience

will be aware on the five love languages.

will be encouraged to use this knowledge to reduce relationship problems.

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Me My partner/friend


By Gary Chapman



05/01/2023 14

• Read each pair of statements and pick the one that best describes you.


A. I like to receive notes of affirmation from you.E. I like it when you hug me.


B. I like to spend one-on-one time with you.D. I feel loved when you give me practical help.


C. I like it when you give me gifts.D. I like taking long walks with you.


D. I feel loved when you do things to help me.E. I feel loved when you hug or touch me.


E. I feel loved when you hold

me in your arms.F. I feel loved when I receive a gift from you.


B. I like to go places with you.

E. I like to hold hands with you.


A. I feel loved when you acknowledge me.

C. Visible symbols of love (gifts) are very important to me.


E. I like to sit close to you.F. I like it when you tell me that I am attractive.


B. I like to spend time with you.

C. I like to receive little gifts from you.


D. I know you love me when you help me.

E. Your words of acceptance are important to me.


B. I like to be together when we do things.

C. I like the kind words you say to me.


E. I feel whole when we hug.D. What you do affects me

more than what you say.


A. I value your praise and try to avoid your criticism.

C. Several inexpensive gifts mean more to me than one large expensive gift.

14B. I feel close to someone when

we are talking or doing something together.

E. I feel closer to friends & loved ones when we wrestle, hug or shake hands.


A. I like you to compliment my achievements.

D. I know you love me when you do things for me that you don’t enjoy doing.


E. I like for you to touch me when you walk by.

F. I like when you listen to me sympathetically.


C. I really enjoy receiving gifts from you.

D. I feel loved when you help me with my home projects.


A. I like when you compliment my appearance.

B. I feel loved when you take the time to understand my feelings


E. I feel secure when you are touching me.

F. Your acts of service make me feel loved.


D. I appreciate the many things you do for me.

E. I like receiving gifts that you make.


B. I really enjoy the feeling I get when you give me your undivided attention.

D. I really enjoy the feeling I get when you do some act of service for me.


C. I feel loved when you celebrate my birthday with a gift.

D. I feel loved when you celebrate my birthday with meaningful words (written or spoken)


D. I feel loved when you help me out with my chores.

E. I know you are thinking of me when you give me a gift.


C. I appreciate it when you remember special days with a gift.

D. I appreciate it when you listen patiently and don’t interrupt me.


B. I enjoy extended trips with you.

D. I like to know that you are concerned enough to help me with my daily task.


E. Kissing me unexpectedly makes me feel loved.

F. Giving me a gift for no occasion makes me feel loved.


A. I like to be told that you appreciate me.

B. I like for you to look at me when we are talking.


C. Your gifts are always special to me.

E. I feel loved when you kiss me.


A. I feel loved when you tell me how much you appreciate me.

D. I feel loved when you enthusiastically do a task I have requested.


E. I need to be hugged by you every day.

F. I need your words of affirmation daily.


Add Total Number of Answers:A. Words of affirmationB. Quality TimeC. Receiving GiftsD. Acts of ServiceE. Physical Touch

There are five languages of loveWords of AffirmationQuality TimeReceiving GiftsActs of ServicePhysical Touch

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Words of Affirmation

First language: Words of Affirmation

These are compliments or words of appreciation.

Also included are words of encouragement.

The tone of your voice matters. Keep it kind!

If asking for something, make it a request, not a demand.

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Ang pogi mo naman!

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Quality Time

Second language: Quality Time

It is spending time with each other, without being distracted by other things around you.

You are both doing an activity you enjoy (or one enjoys and the other is willing to do), to be together, and the focus is not on the activity as much as it is on being together.

Second language: Quality Time

Know your spouse by talking with each other. “What do you think about…..”

No interrupting, no giving advice. Listen to what they are saying and respond kindly to it!

Be willing to share your feelings, wishes, and dreams.

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Where na u?

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Receiving Gifts

Third language: Receiving Gifts

A gift is a visual symbol of the love you have for the other.

The cost of the gift does not matter, as much as the thought and effort put into giving the gift.

Gifts may be homemade, bought, or found.

Third language: Receiving Gifts

A single flower given a dozen times will have more meaning than a dozen roses given one time.

Love is a difficult emotion to express, and a gift is a visual symbol of that love.

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Acts of Service

Fourth language: Acts of Service

Acts of service is love expressed by actions.

You put thought, time, energy, and effort into deciding what would please your spouse the most.

Love this way may be shown as helping with various chores.

Fourth language: Acts of Service

It takes time and effort to decide what specific actions would mean the most to your spouse. What is important to one is not important to another.

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Physical Touch

Fifth language: Physical Touch

No, it’s not just about sex.

It may include hugs, holding hands, a brief touch to one’s shoulder, or a brief kiss before leaving home.

Fifth language: Physical Touch

We all have a need to have physical touch in our lives, from the time we are infants.

People who express love in this way have a greater need than others.

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Words of Affirmation

Acts of Service

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Words of Affirmation

Acts of Service

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Quality Time

Acts of Service

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Quality Time

Acts of Service

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Receiving Gifts

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Receiving Gifts

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Acts of Service

Physical Touch

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Acts of Service

Physical Touch

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Physical Touch

Act of Service, Receiving Gifts, Words of Affirmation

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Physical Touch

Act of Service, Receiving Gifts, Words of Affirmation

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Me My partner/friend


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Use the knowledge of Love Languages to improve your relationship with other people.

Time is NOW!

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[email protected]



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