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Dr. Karlo Mauro's Free Report – 5 Constipation Relief Strategies for Women


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Dr. Karlo Mauro, N.D.

Is No Stranger To Just Going For It…

About the Author: Dr. Mauro currently ranks as a 3rd degree black belt in the martial art of Aikido Yoshinkai. Aikido sparked his interest in natural health. This led to an experience which left him convinced his calling was to serve as a Naturopathic Doctor (despite the fact he had just completed a 6 years of University and a Masters degree in Education). Dr. Mauro abandoned his teaching career, entered Naturopathic medical school, emerging four years later an ND.

Dr. Mauro takes a special interest in helping patients with gastrointestinal problems. He works out of his clinic in Tecumseh, Ontario (just east of Windsor). For more information or to book an appointment, go to www.theNaturopath.ca or call (519) 739-2402.

Contact Information

Dr. Karlo Mauro, BSc, BA, MSEd, ND Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

519.739.2402 [email protected]


www.3WeekDetox.com www.DrKarloMauro.com

www.ConstipationReliefForWomen.com www.theNaturopath.ca

Tecumseh Business Plaza

13178 Tecumseh Road East Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 3T6


DISCLAIMER: The contents of this document and audio CD have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or be a substitute for professional, medical or behavioral advice. Always seek the advice of your naturopathic doctor, medical doctor or qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or behavioural condition that you may suffer from. This document and any content it contains are meant for informational purposes only. The use of this document and its contents is a choice that you have voluntarily made and Dr. Karlo Mauro, ND assumes no liability for your use of this document or its contents.

All Content Copyright © 2007 - 2012 Dr. Karlo Mauro, ND

Dr. Mauro celebrating his birthday with son Alek and daughter Ella.

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Table of Contents 5 Constipation Relief Strategies

Introduction: A letter from Dr. Mauro... 4

Constipation Strategy #1: How to Use Your Toilet... 5

Constipation Strategy #2: Some Healthy Foods That May Be Clogging You Up (And How You Can Still Enjoy Them)...


Constipation Strategy #3: Potent Tonic... 7

Constipation Strategy #4: Yoga Stomach Vacuum… 8

Constipation Strategy #5: Get This Blood Test... 9

50% Off Coupon: One-On-One Coaching with Dr. Mauro... 12

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Introduction: A Letter From Dr. Karlo Mauro Dear Reader,

t feels very good to finally see a concise resource available online on how women can rid

themselves of constipation, bloating and gas, naturally and safely. Even many acclaimed "natural" remedies for constipation are quite harmful to the bowels if used for a long period. Such "miracle cures" may use natural ingredients, but they are NOT natural for your body. For example, the use of excessive magnesium supplements, frequent laxatives (like senna or cascara) or enemas can pave the way for serious intestinal problems down the road. Results That Last Without Side Effects The material you'll find here is the same that I've used with countless patients for the past 12 years in my Naturopathic clinic. With some people the results are overnight. For others it takes longer but the results are long lasting. You'll find, in these pages, 5 powerful ways to relieve constipation, bloating and gas. As a matter of fact, these 3 strategies were taken, word for word, right out of my 37 Constipation Relief Strategies For Women ebook. I've put forth great effort to organize the information so it's an easy reference. I've filtered out details you really don't need to know. I've boiled things down to what you need to do to keep regular and, as a result, your stomach flatter. Many women are not aware of how severe a constipation condition can be. The complications go beyond delayed bowel movements and bloating.

You Don't Want Last Night's Dinner Hanging Around Too Long In Your Gut

You see, you have about 20 feet (6 meters) of small intestine, with an average diameter of two fingers. It's a pretty compact space for a ten hour trip. There's actually three parts to your small intestine. The first two are involved in breaking down food. The last part is where all the nutrients are absorbed. At this stage, it’s all quite “liquidy” with all the

gastric juices from your stomach and secretions from your pancreas. Next, undigested food and fiber move into the final five feet (1.5 meters) of the journey called the large intestine (or colon) where the excess water is re-absorbed back into the body. Now, here's the problem with putting off the next bowel movement. The large intestine will keep on re-absorbing water, making your stool drier and drier, which in turn makes it move even slower. You don't want this stuff sitting inside you for three days. Here's why… The slower your stools move, the more toxins will be re-absorbed (back to the liver) and the more congested your liver will be. So there's more at stake than just discomfort.

Please, Read This Free Booklet, Apply the Information

And Vanquish Your Constipation, Bloating and Gas

I've supplied you with 5 different strategies to defend yourself against constipation. You might not need to do all 5, of course. Start with 1 or 2 that suit your condition and temperament and give them a try. If they don't get you up to one to two bowel movements a day, start some of the other strategies. If you’re interested in getting 32 more Constipation Relief Strategies then I highly recommend you order my full volume 37 Constipation Relief Strategies For Women at... www.ConstipationReliefForWomen.com/37strategies

I look forward to your success stories! Sincerely,

Dr. Karlo Mauro, BSc, BA, MSEd, ND Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


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Constipation Relief Strategy #1

How to Use Your Toilet

efore I get into the constipation relief strategies, let’s make sure you’re not doing this common mistake when you sit on the toilet. Of course, you assume you already know how to go the bathroom.

Well, you may not. Most people in North America have been taught the wrong way to sit and have a bowel movement. The sitting position is not a good way to have a bowel movement. It may be more "civilized" but it's

not more healthy. In fact, the way our ancestors would squat to have a bowel movement is the ultimate method to thoroughly and easily empty.

But don't worry, you don't need to abandon your toilet and start squatting like a caveman in the corner of your backyard. Some people have told me that they do in fact, lift

their feet onto the toilet seat and squat while having a bowel movement. Although it’s the best way, it’s also a very risky way of slipping and falling so I do not recommend it.

Instead, try this... Instructions: 1. Find a stack of old telephone books, a short stool or another item of about one to two feet (30 - 60 cm) in height. 2. Place them in front of your toilet. 3. Now when you sit down, place your feet on the books, stool or whatever you have chosen to elevate your feet.

4. Next, lean forward, wrapping your arms around the back of your thighs at the point where they meet the knees.

5. You are now imitating the squatting position and will find it easier to have a full bowel movement.

Why This Helps: A natural "pinch" forms at the end of your colon, near the anus, when you are sitting and standing. This helps prevent you from having a bowel movement at anytime. Normally, people are trying to push their stools through that pinched portion of the colon if they’re sitting on the toilet normally. This is believed by some doctors to be a contributing factor to cancer in that area of the colon. When you squat however, the end of the colon is opened making it easier for stool to evacuate.


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Constipation Relief Strategy #2 Some Healthy Foods That May Be Clogging You Up

(And How You Can Still Enjoy Them)

ertain foods you are eating could be causing your constipation. This is particularly true if you have a thin build and are prone to dryness of the skin. For example, after you eat potatoes,

especially french fries, do you have a chalky, dry taste in your mouth? If so than you're probably sensitive to astringent foods which can dry out your stools as they have a "compacting" effect on cells. Self-Test: One sure-fire way to test this is to eat a RAW apple, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Don't eat anything else. Drink water like usual. You should be able to tell if astringent foods are a problem if you feel like that apple is moving through you like a pebble.

Instructions: I'm going to list for you the most common foods that will clog you up, and how you can still enjoy them:

Apples, Pears and Persimmons: These must be baked or steamed before you can eat them. You can also add them to porridge during the cooking process or shred them into baked goods. Point is, you can't eat these raw or they'll back you up. But in

their cooked, soft form, they should go down well. Just make sure that you don't dry them out when baking (cover dish with a lid).

Dried Fruit: By their very nature dried dates, raisins, apricots, etc. are dry and absorb water easily. In order to eat them, you need to soak them in hot water for at least 8 hours. I recommend you rinse them

thoroughly, and then pour boiling water over top the night before. The next day consume them. If you're short on time, you can place them in a pot. Cover with water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes. If you'd prefer to eat them raw, you can add milk or a milk substitute and thoroughly puree them in a blender.

Potatoes: Generally white potatoes will clog you up no matter what you do. Fried potatoes, of course, will have a more constipating effect than potatoes chopped up and steamed with rice. Red potatoes will be the least aggravating. I recommend

you drink more water whenever you consume potatoes. Instead of starchy potatoes, you can substitute sweet potatoes or yams. These do not have an astringent effect, and make a sweet healthy dish. Make sure you cook them thoroughly. Often time people don't cook them enough and don't get the full flavour. They should taste sweet and have a mushy consistency. They should taste starchy. Sweet potatoes and yams also absorb more slowly into your blood stream, helping maintain steady glucose levels and consequently, a healthy weight.

Toast and Crackers: Women love toast and crackers. Also grilled cheese sandwiches are a comfort food for many women. But they are also very drying. Fear not, they are not banned from your

daily menu, but you need to make sure that you have a full glass of warm water whenever you eat these foods. Generally, I discourage drinking a lot with meals (as it dilutes digestive enzymes), but if you are having very dry foods like toast, crackers or dry


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roasted nuts, you should consume warm water with the meal. Do not drink it cold, as your stomach's juices work best in a warm environment.

Popcorn and Puffed Cereals: Don't make a habit of eating popcorn, puffed cereals, or rice cakes. These are all very drying and will only aggravate your constipation. When you do, make sure you consume at least 1-2 cups

of warm water to help moisten them up in your gut.

Constipation Relief Strategy #3 Potent Ginger Tonic

can't help but laugh when I see people drinking ginger ale for an upset stomach. Sure it may feel like it helps a bit, but all the refined

sugar is causing more harm than good. The following “Potent Ginger Tonic” recipe is far more powerful than "ginger ale." You'll notice the difference both in taste and results almost immediately. Even using dried ginger

or store bought ginger tea bags works great too. Instructions:

1. Grate or dice one teaspoon of fresh ginger root. (You can purchase a chunk of ginger root for less than 75 cents in any supermarket)

2. Boil three cups of water in a pot. 3. Add the ginger root to the boiling water and

simmer for 10 minutes (covered). 4. Strain ginger. 5. Let cool in cup. 6. Stir in the juice of a ¼ squeezed lemon.

Consume three cups a day. You can drink it hot or at room temperature. Do not drink cold. You may

want to make a batch each day with half the amount of water, and then add boiling water to portion when you want to enjoy a glass. If you find it too strong, respect your body's message: Add more water to your current batch to make it weaker and make the next batch with less ginger.

Important: Ginger is one of those ingredients where "the more the better" doesn't really apply. If you make it too spicy it can cause stomach upset, possibly ulcers and a "burnt out" feeling in your stomach. Make sure it's potent, but not too potent.

Additional: You can also use small amounts of ginger when cooking. Just grate it into rice, add to vegetables before baking or stir-frying, or even add it to your oatmeal in the morning for a "ginger cookie" taste.

Why This Helps: Ginger is a strong stimulant that is safe and natural. It is used widely throughout Asia and is believed to have a stimulating effect on the intestinal tract. It encourages the contractions that push food through your intestines. It also fights off unhealthy bacteria that can encourage constipation (as well as produce a lot of foul gas).


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Constipation Relief Strategy #4

Yoga Stomach Vacuum

his posture has been used in India for thousands of years, but is almost unheard of in the

west. It’s a simple exercise you can do almost anywhere —though it works best in private. Instructions:

1. Place feet hip-width apart. 2. Bend knees slightly (no

farther than the tips of your toes). 3. Lean forward slightly. Keep your back

perfectly straight. (If you’re a golfer, this is kind of like a golf posture while addressing the ball.)

4. Place palms of hands, fingers pointing towards your kneecap, on your thighs.

5. Inhale deeply, right down into your belly, filling your lungs as much as possible.

6. Exhale completely, so that no air remains in your lungs. You have now created a vacuum.

7. Using your stomach muscles pull your gut upward and inward.

8. Then press downward and outward (do not exhale, yet).

9. Repeat as many times as feels comfortable without taking another breath.

10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 at least three times. Important: You may find this exercises causes you to burp. That's fine, in fact, better out your mouth than the other end (which can be a long painful journey).

Make sure you practice this posture on an empty stomach – two hours AFTER your last meal (30 minutes after a lighter snack) or 20 minutes before eating. Practice five times a day, immediately upon arising, before bed, and before each meal. I recommend that before you go to eat, when you wash your hands in the privacy of a restroom, you can do this exercise. That way it's easy to remember. It only takes 60 - 90 seconds and will make a big difference—not only relieving constipation but in improving your overall digestive function. If you are experiencing severe constipation, put aside 10 minutes a day for constant repetition of this exercise — give your gut a real workout. You may want to start with 1 or 2 minutes and then work your way up. Why It Helps: This exercise really gets the peristalsis — the churning and pumping motion of your intestines — in action. Unlike other constipation "remedies" that merely flush your colon FOR you, this exercise builds and trains the muscles of your intestines to push food through itself. The exercise is so powerful, that yogis in India have been witnessed to digest rocks using this pose – not a goal I recommend you aim for.


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Constipation Relief Strategy #5 Get This Blood Test

ne of my patients had been dealing with constipation for years. She had already tried everything, allopathic and natural, to get her bowels moving.

Her final solution was found in an inexpensive (free to Canadians) blood test. Even if you have had regular blood work, this test is

often overlooked. You need to determine whether your thyroid is under active – a condition called hypothyroidism. If your thyroid isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone it can cause constipation quite easily

(and nothing else will seem to help) as well as depression, hair loss, fatigue and weight gain. Instructions for the Do-It-Yourself Test: First, I'll show how to get a rough idea whether your thyroid is under active. This isn't a substitute for getting the proper blood work, but it will help give you a clue whether you’re suffering from a thyroid problem or not. Doing this test may help convince your medical doctor to request the necessary blood tests.

1. Pick a five-day period that avoids the first week of your menstrual cycle and the few days you are ovulating.

2. Before you go to bed place a thermometer beside your bed.

3. As soon as you wake up in the morning stick the thermometer under your armpit. Don't get up. Don’t move. Don't even go to the bathroom.

4. Remain perfectly still while taking it. 5. Take thermometer out and write down the

reading. 6. Repeat for four more mornings.

7. Take results from five days, add them up and then divide by five to get the average reading.

8. If your average temperature is below 36.3ºC (97.3ºF) you are likely suffering from hypothyroidism and should pursue a blood test immediately.

Instructions for Requesting a Blood Test: When your doctor “tests your thyroid” it’s not very thorough of a test. Standard tests only check TSH levels (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) which is the messenger from the pituitary gland in your brain to your thyroid. You should request that they also test the actual thyroid hormones, Free T4 and Free T3. If your results come back stating that you are in the normal range, but near the end of the scale, you may still have “Subclinical Hypothyroidism.” That is, tests are “normal” but symptoms are clearly present. The amount of thyroid hormones you need depends on your body size and other factors. Also, different labs have different scales for determining what is "enough" hormone. So just because the lab's computer concludes you are normal, yet your readings are off, you may still be suffering from hypothyroidism. How to Restore Thyroid Function: Natural Methods: Sea vegetables such as kelp are a good food to consume to help prevent thyroid problems, as they are rich in iodine. See your local Naturopathic doctor for further assistance in regulating your thyroid gland. They’ll not only work on balancing your thyroid gland but also your adrenal glands. If your thyroid tests are extremely abnormal, you may have to start taking a synthetic thyroid hormone T4, Levothyroxine (Synthroid), which will usually do the trick. Of course, you are not curing anything, simply artificially supplying the hormone your thyroid isn't producing enough of.


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Dear Reader,

When you apply these 5 Constipation Relief Strategies as well as remove the 7 common causes of constipation (which you’ll receive in my free 7 email series), amazing things will start to happen with your digestive tract.

If you’re not getting the results you’d like quick enough, I recommend you check out my full volume, 37 Constipation Relief Strategies For Women. You’ll be able to instantly download it after ordering at… www.ConstipationReliefForWomen.com/37strategies

I assure you that you’ll be completely satisfied with the quality, presentation and most importantly, the results. In fact, if you’re not, you’ll get a complete refund. My 37 Strategies is backed by a 60-day-money-back-no-questions-asked guarantee. So try them out for 60 days and if you’re not happy, for whatever reason, just email my clinic directly and you’ll get every last penny back.

Read below what others from across the world had to say about my 37 Constipation Relief Strategies For Women. People just like you are now experiencing regular daily bowel movements without gas and bloating.

I’m glad you’ve taken this first step. I’m certain it’ll have a life-changing effect for you.

Yours In Natural Health,

Dr. Karlo Mauro, BSc, BA, MSEd, ND Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine www.ConstipationReliefForWomen.com/37strategies

“I have had to use laxatives, twice a week, for around 7 years to keep my bowel moving. Since taking on board some of your strategies I am now having a bowel movement every day, sometimes twice a day. It has taken around 3 weeks to get to this point. I can't believe that after suffering with constipation for around 12 years, something so simple could have such an impact on my life. I have so much more energy, less bloating and I no longer have to take a change of clothes to work to change into (the next size up) when the bloating kicks in around 1pm. Thank you so much!”

Lucie - England

“I ordered your 37 strategies around 2 months ago. Since then I slowly lost 5 lbs and am having a BM every day, sometimes twice. Before I was only going twice a week. I’m practicing only 5 of your strategies.”

Sherry - USA

“THANK YOU so much. My friends think I sound like a 2 yr old bragging that, "I pooped twice today!" The 37 strategies are working!”

Lon - Hawaii

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“I have used many of your constipation strategies and have found them to be fantastic. I am feeling so much better. I have more energy and people have said that I look better. I would highly recommend your book and thank you very much for your help.”

Philippa - England

“I am having great results with your 37 strategies, especially strategy #1, #6 and #14. I am using some of the others also, but I think these three are making a big difference. I have been going 1-3 times a day. I am so happy. Thank you again for your help, and your free coaching emails -- they are precious.”

Carla - USA

“A big thank you for your 37 Strategies. I was feeling pretty desperate when I researched on the Internet because I did not want to resort to laxatives. I have to tell you that within the first week of applying some of your strategies I noticed an improvement and now, six weeks later, I am totally cured of constipation. To my relief and astonishment I have one bowel movement without fail every morning, sometimes two or even three. Basically, I only needed a few of the many strategies you offered, but I found it all very informative and helpful to read. May God bless you for all the wonderful work you are doing.”

Ann - England

“Thanks to your 37 strategies, I fairly regularly break the world record sometimes three times a day...You are magic. Thank you.”

Ruth - USA

“Your 37 strategies for fighting constipation are nonetheless amazing. I adopted about 6 of them and from the very first day, after months of constipation, I went to the toilet without the need of medicines or glycerine suppositories. I had forgotten how good it feels to have your body cleaned from the inside everyday and in a natural way. Very well done to you and may the Lord keep his hands on you.”

Janet - Ontario, Canada

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When you purchase Dr. Karlo Mauro’s

37 Constipation Relief Strategies for Women You’ll Save 50% off a Phone Consultation

with Dr. Mauro himself

Accelerate the speed at which you apply the lifestyle information and natural remedies contained in your new copy of 37 Constipation Relief Strategies for Women. It’s too easy to put the volume away until you’re “ready” to start. Dr. Mauro has generously agreed to give you 50% off his regular phone consulting fee, to help you truly become free from the pain, embarrassment and frustration of chronic constipation, gas and bloating. Discount applies to any single payment. You may pay for multiple consults in advance and retain the 50% discount. Some women, for example, book 4 monthly, 45-minute appointments in advance, all at the 50% discount. Fee (before discount), at time of printing this coupon, is $147 per 45 minutes (subject to increase at a later date). Fee after discount is only $73.50 per 45 minutes. Please note that without an in-clinic physical examination, thorough medical advice cannot be provided on the phone. Phone consults without an initial physical will be limited to lifestyle suggestions, coaching and recommended guidance. You are still encouraged to work with a local Naturopathic Physician. This coupon is valid for 3 months after your recorded purchase date of 37 Constipation Relief Strategies for Women. Your name and contact information will be kept on file to verify your identity. This coupon is not transferable to any other person. By having Dr. Mauro onboard, coaching you via phone, the ease and speed at which you'll be enjoying relief from constipation should increase dramatically. Don’t go at this alone, Dr. Mauro is here to help. Call now, before this coupon expires, and before you put up with bloating and gas one day longer than you need to.

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37 Constipation Relief Strategies For Women by visiting...
