5 case study final

Case Study and Suggestions Wastage of Dowel Bars: Case: These are to be provided as reinforcement for the supporting walls for the LIFT (ELEVATOR). But the LIFT that has to be inc orp orat ed, its des ign is not yet finalized. The dowel bars are long enough to provide reinforcement for any size of the wall, but it will be used only as  per the requirement when the design will be finalized and the remaining part will be removed as a waste, or mig ht be remo ved compl etel y moreov er it is getting corroded, as left like that since long. Suggestion:  The design of the LIFT must have been made prior to the construction work, so that the wastage of the bars would have been checked. And if on a whole the full site is considered, this wastage can be a big bother. Unused Passenger Hoist: Case: A Passenger Hoist is installed in front of a Block for lifting man, small and light weighed materials/tools/etc, is very costly and something more than the required one. Oper ati on of thi s li ft a very expens ive,  becaus e power req ui rement is too hi gh than tradition of this segment. Presently at the site, there is no means to pr ovide su ch expensive equipments. Suggestion: If the cost of the generator was unaffordable, then such an expensive lift should not have been bought. Now, it can be shifted to any other project of the company where it can be used efficiently . Unused Spare Area: Case: A considerable space is left beside flats of Block-1 and similar blocks as spare area, while the same is not the case with the other blocks. This space is of no use as in particular. Suggestion: This would be ta ken as an ar chit ectura l imperfection as of which can be included in the boundary area of the flat, which thereby would have increased the carpet area of the flat.

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Case Study and Suggestions

Wastage of Dowel Bars:

• Case: These are to be provided as reinforcement for the supporting walls for the

LIFT (ELEVATOR). But the LIFT that has to beincorporated, its design is not yet finalized. The

dowel bars are long enough to provide reinforcement

for any size of the wall, but it will be used only as

 per the requirement when the design will be finalized

and the remaining part will be removed as a waste,

or might be removed completely moreover it is

getting corroded, as left like that since long.

• Suggestion:  The design of the LIFT must have been made prior to the construction

work, so that the wastage of the bars would have been checked. And if on a whole the

full site is considered, this wastage can be a big bother.

Unused Passenger Hoist:

• Case: A Passenger Hoist is installed in front of a Block for lifting man, small and

light weighed materials/tools/etc, is very costly and something more than the required

one. Operation of this lift a very expensive,

  because power requirement is too high than

tradition of this segment. Presently at the site,

there is no means to provide such expensiveequipments.

• Suggestion: If the cost of the generator was

unaffordable, then such an expensive lift should

not have been bought. Now, it can be shifted to

any other project of the company where it can be

used efficiently.

Unused Spare Area:

Case: A considerable space is left beside flats of Block-1 and similar blocks as sparearea, while the same is not the case

with the other blocks. This space is

of no use as in particular.

• Suggestion: This would be

taken as an architectural

imperfection as of which can

be included in the boundary

area of the flat, which

thereby would haveincreased the carpet area of the flat.

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Facilities Provided to the Workers:

• Case: For any type of manual work to be carried out effectively and efficiently the

most important factor is ‘Mental strength’. Human mind become monotonous and

tedious doing a same work repeatedly and thus the efficiency decreases. This

definitely increases the tenure for completion of the project.

• Suggestion : When dealing in lakhs and crores, what a few thousands of rupees willmatter, which if invested in fact will be a blessing in disguise. What could have been

done is, a film projector can be provided which is not very costly, on which the

workers during night time can see movies/films and get freshen up. This can be very

 beneficial for many aspects. Their efficiency will grow and the company will be

 benefited. Moreover, with such a small facility, the company will be praised by their 


Quality Control Lab:

• Case :  Quality control at site is provided in order to maintain a desired degree of 

quality of construction material together with the protection of environment. It

includes the quality of steel used, cement, bricks, aggregate, etc. which provides

stability to any structure. A quality control lab should have a garden in front of it,

which encourages and shows that the construction being done at site is environmental

friendly and creates a good working


There are certain tests that demand to be

conducted in a control temperature. So

the quality control must have a certaintemperature-controlling device so that the

tests are conducted in a proper manner.

• Suggestion : There should be a garden

in front of the lab and temperature-

controlling device.

Public Transport Accessibility and Transportation Route:

• Case :  The mode of transport and the way of 

transport to the construction site should be quick and easiest so that the work can be started at the

earliest without delays and is comfortable to the

engineers and working people and they remain fresh

and effective after coming at site.

The bus takes the engineers and workers from a

 place name ‘Chingrihatta’. From this place there are

two possible routes to reach the site, the one is by

the by-pass (short-route) and the other is a normal

long route. The bus takes from the long route, as justafter the flyover there is a sharp turn and the road is

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muddy over there, which increases the chances of toppling of bus. This causes an

additional 20 minutes more to reach the construction site that’s means the work could

have started 20 minutes earlier besides this it causes a large inconvenience as there is

a single bus running to the site and almost 50% people goes standing in bus.

• Suggestion : Since the construction is a long-term work the company can repair the

shortest route so that the working people can reach by spending less time in busmoreover it will add to the company economy by saving the cost to petrol

consumption and attract the buyers by the mode of infrastructure to reach the place.

Also by increasing the number of vehicles company can provide comfort to its

workers so that their mind gives more productivity.

Water - Logging Problem Surrounding the Batching Plant:

• Case : It is always necessary to create a proper concrete base near the batching plant

so that the ingredients of concrete can be collected over that concrete base in a proper 

quantity; a concrete base helps in providing a platform to these materials and helps in

 proper utilization (less wastage) of the material.

At site although a concrete base was

 prepared but it was not proper, the nearby

dirty sand come into the way of backhoe

which get mixed up in the material and is

carried up by the batching plant which led to

the side depression during rainy season. This

depression has creates the water logging

 problem at the backside of the batching plant

and causes difficulty in movement of 

 backhoe. Now every time whenever there is a rain water gets collects over there and a

 pump is used to remove the water which adds to the cost of construction project and

also use of an extra manpower which could have been used at some other work.

• Suggestion : The broken bricks, sand gravels and even the waste material generated

during pile caps can fill up the place where the depression has been created.

Protection of Reinforcement from Corrosion

• Case : Steel is the heart of any R.C.C. building. It is the most important, costlier, and

is very prone to rusting and hence proper 

care of steel is very necessary. A proper 

isolated place should be there to keep the

steel where there is no moisture, also

only the required quantity of steel should

 be present on site so that its managing

could be done in a proper way. There

were two major problems at site: Firstly,

the steel was placed randomly at site in

an open atmosphere that caused rusting

of steel. Secondly, since phase 2 constructions have been stopped. The dowel bars that

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were protruded from columns are getting corroded in the open atmosphere. If such

condition persists further then the strength of steel will be reduced to great strength

and it couldn’t be used for further extension of building.

• Suggestion : There should be a proper isolated structure free from moisture for the

steel. The dowel bars should be coated with the anticorrosive material to prevent the

steel from being corroded further. The basement which has been prepared can be useda storage space for steel.