5)& 13041&3*5: '03.6- 3&1035 · 2015-09-22 · ‘prosperity formula’: aa simple...


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Page 1: 5)& 13041&3*5: '03.6- 3&1035 · 2015-09-22 · ‘Prosperity Formula’: AA simple equation (part of which isthose 6 wordsI mentioned earlier)that will reprogramyou on a ... And in
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This  is  Inc.  500  entrepreneur  and  Reality  Hacker  Amish  Shah,  and  here’s  a  little-­known  fact  that  can  change  your  life  (and  your  wealth)  forever:

You  see,  recent  studies  by  Russian  molecular  biologists  show  that  the  words  you  speak  every  day…  actually  have  a  shocking  impact  on  your  DNA.

Yes,  your  WORDS.

I  hope  you  don't  take  this  too  personally…  but  could  this  Russian  discovery  be  the  REAL  reason  you  don't  yet  have  the  wealthy,  successful,  debt-­free  and  purpose-­rich  life  you  crave?  

And,  could  it  also  explain  why  some  “lucky”  people  And,  could  it  also  explain  why  some  “lucky”  people  around  you  seem  to  be  magnets  for  life-­changing  opportunities  and  coincidences…  

While  you  may  still  be  working  WAY  too  hard  every  day,  for  too  little  rewards?

This  all  has  to  do  with  your  wealth.

Because,  when  you  speak  the  right  words  in  the  right  way...  your  DNA  automatically  rearranges  itself  for  the  better,  like  a  self-­solving  jigsaw  puzzle.

The  traits  that  make  you  successful  -­  like  perseverance  and  self-­confidence  -­  become  dramatically  amplified.

You  shake  off  wealth-­destroying  bad  habits  like  fear,  procrastination  and  greed.

And  crippling  problems  like  compounding  debt…  

A  growing  stack  of  bills  you  just  can’t  afford  to  pay…  

Staying  stuck  in  a  soul-­sapping  stagnant  career…

Being  unable  to  do  what  you  want  with  your  life  (or  even  what  you  NEED),  because  you  don’t  have  enough  Being  unable  to  do  what  you  want  with  your  life  (or  even  what  you  NEED),  because  you  don’t  have  enough  


Feeling  a  sense  of  fear  and  lack  every  time  you  even  think  about  money…

Or  even  just  being  financially  STUCK,  and  feeling  like  you’ll  never  see  the  light  at  the  end  of  the  suffocating  


All  these  problems  will  disappear  FOREVER…

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Just  by  saying  the  right  words.

But  when  you  say  the  WRONG  things  every  day?

Well  that’s  how  your  ‘Prosperity  DNA’  gets  poisoned…  before  it  leaves  you  STUCK  in  an  endless  vortex  of  those  prosperity-­crushing  challenges.

In  the  next  few  moments,  I'm  going  to  show  you  In  the  next  few  moments,  I'm  going  to  show  you  the  astonishing  science  that  PROVES  this  phenomenon  is  quietly  controlling  your  life  every  single  day.

And  more  importantly,  I'm  going  to  help  you  reprogram  your  Prosperity  DNA  by  showing  you  6  Power  Words…

That  will  activate  a  wealth  attraction  switch  deep  inside  you.

A  switch  that  will  grant  you  access  to  a  hidden  energetic  gateway  wedged  between  the  building  blocks  of  the  Universe  itself.

Let’s  get  started…

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Remember  that  scene  from  the  Matrix...  when  Neo  sees  reality  for  what  it  really  is?

Well,  just  by  saying  these  6  Power  Words  in  a  certain  way…  you  too  will  gain  a  breathtaking  new  understanding  of  the  world  around  you.

(Think  of  it  like  a  far  more  powerful,  supercharged  (Think  of  it  like  a  far  more  powerful,  supercharged  version  of  the  affirmations  many  people  use.)

And  once  this  understanding  washes  over  you,  all  the  mental  blocks,  fears  and  worries...  and  all  the  uncontrollable  circumstances  and  obstacles  that  have  ever  held  you  back  in  your  career  or  wealth  will  VANISH…

As  raises,  promotions,  epiphanies,  hidden  business  opportunities,  and  other  positive  ‘coincidences’  begin  rushing  into  your  life.

A  select  group  of  people  have  already  taken  this  leap  before  you.  Many  are  using  it  to  create  wealth  and  success  right  now.  And  many  more  will  follow  suit  in  the  future.

But  forBut  for  YOU,  nothing  can  begin…  until  you  understand  these  6  seemingly  innocent  words.

No,  the  6  words  are  not  “HEY  UNIVERSE,  GIVE  ME  MONEY  NOW!!!”  …  

In  fact  you’ve  probably  NEVER  heard  these  words  before,  because  as  you’re  about  to  see…  they’re  not  even  in  English  :-­)  

But  before  we  look  at  those  words,  it’s  crucial  that  I  ask  you  this:  

Do  you  ever  feel  like  the  only  thing  stopping  you  from  taking  your  wealth  and  success  to  a  whole  new  level…And  from  solving  a  problem  you’re  facing  right  NOW  -­  like  sky-­high  mortgage,  credit  card  debt,  a  vanishing  source  of  income,  or  a  lukewarm  career...

Could  be  just  one  or  two  stubborn  obstacles  you’ve  fought  for  years?

Maybe  you’re  aware  of  whatMaybe  you’re  aware  of  what’s  wrong  -­  it  could  be  a  bad  habit  like  procrastination  or  never  finishing  what  you  start.

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It  could  be  that  you’re  STUCK  in  a  dead  end  job  or  business,  and  you  need  to  escape  your  comfort  zone.

Or  it  could  even  be  some  sort  of  energetic  block  -­  like  a  childhood  experience  or  an  embedded  belief  that  quietly  messes  with  your  prosperity  every  single  day.

YYet…  none  of  your  existing  personal  growth  practices  -­  whether  you  meditate,  use  visualization  or  the  law  of  attraction,  or  you  even  just  read  books  about  wealth  and  developing  a  wealthy  mindset  -­  are  able  to  help  you  reach  the  CORE  of  that  problem.

Now  tell  me:  years  from  now,  if  you  were  to  grow  old  without  ever  addressing  this  problem...

Would  you  have  been  able  to  acquire  the  wealth  -­  and  the  FREEDOM  that  wealth  brings  -­  to  have  lived  your  greatest  life?

And  by  greatest  life,  I’m  not  just  talking  about  the  fun  stuff  like  bungalows,  convertibles,  5-­star  holidays  and  a  personal  masseuse...

But  even  perks  like  the  flexibility  to  take  a  year  off  work  to  explore  your  SELF...  

The  freedom  to  explore  the  seven  continents  and  immerse  yourself  in  the  cultures  and  natural  beauty  of  the  world...  

The  opportunity  to  savor  unique  and  The  opportunity  to  savor  unique  and  exhilarating  experiences,  and  rub  shoulders  with  people  who  inspire  you  to  dream  BIG…

The  platforms  to  share  your  personal  gifts  with  others,  as  you  inspire  and  empower  them  to  live  up  to  their  highest  purpose...

Or  to  just  BEOr  to  just  BE  THERE  more  often  for  your  loved  ones  instead  of  being  so  damn  busy  working  all  the  time!

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If  your  answer  is  “Nope,  I’m  pretty  far  off  from  having  that  kind  of  prosperity…”

Then  pay  very  close  attention,  because  you’re  about  to  dive  headfirst  into  what  I  call  the  ‘Prosperity  Formula’:

AA  simple  equation  (part  of  which  is  those  6  words  I  mentioned  earlier)  that  will  reprogram  you  on  a  SUBATOMIC  level...  to  become  a  magnet  for  wealth,  success  and  fulfillment.

A  word  of  warning  before  we  continue:  this  is  not  your  everyday  guide  to  getting  rich.

So…  what  is  this  Prosperity  Formula  all  about?

It’s  a  journey.

A  journey  DEEP  into  the  creation  energies  lying  dormant  within  you  right  NOW…  and  into  the  hidden  Universal  Laws  that  controls  reality  from  behind  the  scenes.

And  once  you  take  this  journey,  and  learn  how  to  tap  into  that  glitch  in  the  Matrix...

You’ll  be  able  to  expose  your  personal  blocks…  break  free  from  them…  

AndAnd  TUNE  your  mind,  body  and  spirit  to  ATTRACT  unlimited  wealth-­creating  opportunities  on  autopilot.You’ll  enrich  your  life  with  positive  outcomes  and  ‘coincidences’  that  defy  all  odds.

We  WON’T  be  looking  at  familiar  concepts  like  the  Law  of  Attraction  or  visualization,  which  don’t  tell  the  whole  story...

There  is  ZERO  talk  about  technical  skills  investing,  saving  money,  or  starting  a  business…

It  has  NOTHING  to  do  with  the  stock  market,  It  has  NOTHING  to  do  with  the  stock  market,  or  the  economy,  or  ANY  man  made  system  beyond  your  control...

And  in  fact  it’s  not  even  about  creating  a  positive  wealth  mindset,  or  the  traditional  idea  of  “personal  growth”.

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And  you’ll  notice  you  keep  meeting  people  eager  to  help,  inspire  and  guide  you  to  get  where  you  want  to  be.

Just  like  how  a  satellite  pulls  frequencies  out  of  thin  air!

How  are  we  going  to  do  all  this?  How  are  we  going  to  do  all  this?  Well,  there  are  two  parts  to  the  Prosperity  Formula.  Let’s  take  a  glance  at  both  of  them:

The  first  part  is  the  invisible  world  of  sounds.

Here  you’ll  discover  how  sounds  shape  the  world  around  you...

Did  you  know  that  just  LOOKING  at  the  geometric  lines  of  certain  symbols  -­  many  of  them  ancient  symbols  used  for  thousands  of  years  -­  can  alter  your  brainwaves?  

And  even  open  gateways  to  higher  states  of  consciousness?

A  small  group  of  those  in  the  know  are  harnessing  symbols  to  BEND  reality  itself,  and  create  highly  prosperous  outcomes  in  their  career  and  finances.

(I’ll  tell  you  how  to  do  this  yourself  in  a  few  moments,  and  trust  me  -­  this  alone  will  blow  you  away.)

How  the  sounds  you  make  by  speaking  could  be  REPELLING  prosperity  from  entering  your  life…

And  how  to  harness  the  power  of  sounds  to  rearrange  your  Prosperity  DNA,  so  you  can  begin  ATTRACTING  prosperity  instead  of  repelling  it!

((A  big  part  of  this  is  those  6  words  I  mentioned  earlier.)

The  second  part  is  the  mysterious  world  of  visual  symbols.  

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In  the  next  few  moments,  I  want  to  show  you  how  these  two  forces  -­  sounds  and  symbols  -­  can  give  you  the  unexpected  answer  to  one  of  the  most  important  questions  of  your  life:

“How  can  I  achieve  lasting  PROSPERITY  in  my  finances  and  my  career…  and  make  the  biggest  possible  positive  IMPACT  on  myself  and  the  planet?”

Now,  at  this  point  some  people  may  think  this  is  a  little  “out  there”.  How  can  something  as  abstract  as  sounds  and  symbols  hold  the  key  to  more  zeroes  in  your  bank  account?

The  first  thing  I  want  you  to  know  is  that  some  of  the  worldThe  first  thing  I  want  you  to  know  is  that  some  of  the  world’s  wealthiest,  most  successful  and  most  awakened  people  -­  from  Oprah  Winfrey  to  Deepak  Chopra  -­  are  using  this  wisdom  every  day  to  live  extraordinary  lives…  do  extraordinary  things…  and  leave  extraordinary  legacies.

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The  second  thing  I  want  you  to  know  is  that  I  myself  have  used  this  ‘Prosperity  Formula’  to  spark  unbelievable  change  in  my  own  life,  when  nothing  else  seemed  to  work  for  me.

I  started  off  as  a  troubled  kid  in  a  broke  Jersey  family.

TToday,  I’m  an  Inc.  500  serial  entrepreneur  blessed  with  many  successes  and  opportunities  in  my  life.

And  I  credit  it  all  to  the  innate  understanding  of  the  invisible  laws  of  the  universe  that  I  gained  through  this  Prosperity  Formula  I  keep  telling  you  about.

Back  when  I  was  a  kid,  my  family  had  no  money.But  what  we  did  have…  was  a  passion  for  ancient,  esoteric  knowledge.  The  kind  most  people  know  nothing  about.

And  so  every  night,  when  other  kids’  parents  were  reading  them  story  books,  my  mom  was  reading  me  ancient  Sanskrit  scriptures…  and  teaching  me  about  stuff  like  Vedic  Philosophy.

One  of  the  biggest  lessons  I  learned  was  about  sounds.One  of  the  biggest  lessons  I  learned  was  about  sounds.

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See  when  it  comes  to  harnessing  the  power  of  sounds,  a  lot  of  people  use  affirmations:

Those  positive  statements  you  recite  every  day  to  raise  your  energy  and  manifesting  power.

If  you’re  like  many  people,  you  may  have  tried  If  you’re  like  many  people,  you  may  have  tried  affirmations  yourself...  after  all  it  is  a  $1  billion  per  year  industry!

But  maybe  you’ve  yet  to  experience  the  PROFOUND  life-­changing  effects  you’ve  been  promised.

Positive  words  carry  both  positive  vibrational  charges…  and  the  building  blocks  of  the  Universe  itself!

Ancient  languages  like  Hebrew,  Sanskrit  and  Tibetan  knew  this  well  -­  creating  complex  sound  systems  that  engage  not  only  a  person’s  left  brain  hemisphere,  but  also  their  right:  the  side  associated  with  intuition  and  introspection.

In  fact  some  words  even  stretch  across  seemingly  unrelated  cultures  -­  like  the  words  ‘Ya’  and  ‘Wa’,  which  form  both  the  name  of  the  Jewish  God  Yahweh…  

And  in  theAnd  in  the  Yogic  tradition  in  the  Mantra,  ‘Na  Ma  Shi  Va  Ya’.

When  you  use  words  correctly,  they  can  resonate  in  different  parts  of  your  mind  and  central  nervous  system…  with  breathtaking  consequences!

And  once  YOU  understand  how  to  harness  these  charges  in  words,  you’ll  be  able  to  use  the  power  of  sounds  to  go  beyond  plain  old  affirmations…

…  into  the  realm  of  using  sound  to  tap  into  the  fabric  of  the  universe  -­  and  become  more  successful  and  abundant  than  you  ever  thought  possible.

And  there’s  a  good  reason  for  that.  Because  as  you’re  about  to  see,  there’s  a  crucial  missing  ingredient  in  affirmations.

What  a  lot  of  people  don’t  know  about  affirmations...  (And  what  most  gurus  don’t  tell  you,  because  they  don’t  know  it  either!)  

…  is  it’s  not  just  about  what  you  make  yourself  BELIEVE  by  reciting  statements  like:

“Money  comes  to  me  easily,”  or  “Success  is  my  default  state”...

…  nor  is  it  simply  about  faking  it  till  you  make  it  with  statements  like:

“I  am  a  money  magnet”  or  “I  will  be  living  in  my  dream  house  this  time  next  year”...“I  am  a  money  magnet”  or  “I  will  be  living  in  my  dream  house  this  time  next  year”...

…  it’s  also  about  the  vibrational  power  within  those  actual  SOUNDS.

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I  know  it  sounds  incredible  -­  but  the  evidence  behind  the  power  of  sound  is  too  loud  to  ignore!

For  instance...

If  you’re  a  history  buff,  you  may  have  heard  of  the  Greek  Philosopher  Pythagoras,  and  how  he  used  vibrating  string  sounds  to  heal  people.

By  now  I’m  sure  you’ve  heard  of  Dr.  Masaru  Emoto’s  experiments  on  words  and  intentions…  and  how  they  can  alter  the  molecular  structure  of  water  crystals  (and  if  they  can  do  that  to  water,  imagine  what  can  be  done  to  your  body,  which  is  70%  water!)

There’s  also  ‘Acoustic  Levitation’:  a  mind-­blowing  process  invented  at  the  Argonne  National  Laboratory...  that  uses  sound  waves  to  levitate  liquid  pharmaceuticals...  and  increase  their  effectiveness.  

And  some  pioneers  have  even  started  applying  this  knowledge  to  help  people  -­  like  the  new  branch  of  And  some  pioneers  have  even  started  applying  this  knowledge  to  help  people  -­  like  the  new  branch  of  medicine  known  as  ‘vibrational  medicine’,  which  explores  how  sound  interacts  with  molecular  structures…

And  then  you  have  pioneers  like  the  renowned  scientist  Dr  Baskaran  Pillai,  who  uses  sounds  known  as  ‘phonemes’  to  help  his  patients  reprogram  their  habits,  emotions  and  behavior.

It  should  be  clear  to  you  by  now  that  you  too  must  find  the  “innocent”  negative  words  you  unknowingly  use  every  day  -­  the  ones  that  are  vibrationally  SCRAMBLING  your  Prosperity  DNA…

And  replace  them  with  prosperity-­boosting  words  that  serve  you!

For  instance  -­  how  often  do  you  find  yourself  using  For  instance  -­  how  often  do  you  find  yourself  using  the  word  “busy”  to  describe  your  day?

Did  you  know  that  in  Old  English,  the  word  “busy”  stems  from  “anxiety”,  “anger”  and  even  “painful  constriction”?

Imagine  the  energetic  charge  in  words  like  that…  and  imagine  how  this  could  be  affecting  you  on  an  energetic  and  subatomic  level.

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Now,  this  brings  us  to  those  6  power  words  I  told  you  about  at  the  start  of  this  video.

Here  they  are:

Aum.Gum.Shreem.Maha.Maha.Lakshmi  yei.Namaha.

You  may  not  yet  know  what  these  words  mean,  let  alone  how  they’re  going  to  affect  your  wealth  and  success.Heck,  you  probably  can’t  even  pronounce  them  or  recognize  what  language  they’re  in.  So  let  me  explain…

These  words  come  from  an  ancient  Sanskrit  mantra  used  for  thousands  of  years  for  prosperity  and  wellbeing.

Aum  means  pure  force.

Gum  means  removal  of  obstacles.

Shreem  is  the  sound  of  abundance.

MahaMaha  symbolizes  the  increase  of  energy.

Lakshmi  yei  represents  purpose.

And  Namaha  represents  completion.

This  is  just  a  small  sample  of  words  you  can  use  everyday  to  rearrange  your  Prosperity  DNA.

Other  ‘prosperity’  words  may  sound  more  familiar  -­  like  Amen  or  Shalom.

And  you  DO  NOT  need  to  have  any  specific  spiritual  or  religious  beliefs  for  ANY  of  these  words  to  work.

Nor  do  you  need  heaps  of  free  time  or  effort.

YYou  just  need  to  enter  a  specific  state  of  mind,  and  spend  a  few  short  moments  SAYING  them  every  day,  to  spark  the  ‘rearranging’  process  from  deep  inside  you.

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Okay,  so  now  that  you  know  a  little  more  about  sounds…  let’s  move  on  to  the  next  part  of  the  Prosperity  Formula  equation:  SYMBOLS.

As  a  child,  one  of  my  biggest  turning  points  came  when  I  stumbled  on  this  symbol  in  a  book  my  mom  brought  back  from  India:

This  symbol  is  known  as  the  SriThis  symbol  is  known  as  the  Sri  Yantra.

Or  in  Sanskrit,  it  roughly  translates  to...  “The  Symbol  of  all  Creation”.

The  Sri  Yantra  is  said  to  be  over  12,000  years  old.  And  in  this  time,  spiritual  explorers  like  monks  and  Vedic  scientists  have  used  it  to  meditate  and  achieve  superhuman  states  of  consciousness.

But  what  really  struck  me  about  the  Sri  Yantra  is  that  it’s  not  just  a  SPIRITUALLY  validated  source  of  reality-­bending  power  -­  it’s  also  a  scientific  one.

In  1984,  researchers  at  Moscow  University  used  an  EEG  machine  to  observe  the  brainwaves  of  test  subjects  who  were  asked  to  stare  into  the  Sri  Yantra.

What  they  found  was  that  within  moments,  these  people’s  brain  waves  slowed  down  to  the  Alpha  Level:  a  state  of  mind  associated  with  intuition,  creativity,  relaxation  and  deep  meditation.  

Not  only  that  -­  it  also  began  creating  new  neural  Not  only  that  -­  it  also  began  creating  new  neural  pathways  in  their  brains…  which  means  it  was  actually  PROGRAMMING  and  physically  UPGRADING  their  minds!

Can  you  imagine  the  power  of  a  symbol  that  can  switch  on  your  deepest  inner  potential,  just  by  LOOKING  at  it?

But  thatBut  that’s  not  the  only  proof  of  the  Sri  Yantra’s  power:

Many  of  the  strangely  recurring  mathematical  patterns  found  all  over  nature,  architecture  and  even  in  our  bodies  can  be  found  in  the  geometric  lines  of  the  Sri  Yantra:  

Including  Pi,  the  Golden  Ratio  and  the  Fibonacci  sequence.

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Why  are  so  many  of  these  ‘glitches  in  the  Matrix’  found  in  this  symbol?

And  get  this:  in  his  research  paper  ‘Art  as  Technology’,  award-­winning  artist  Bill  Witherspoon  made  another  remarkable  discovery  about  the  Sri  Yantra:

Because  when  this  symbol  was  placed  in  an  Oregon  crop  field,  its  yield,  soil  fertility  and  nutrient  level  multiplied  dramatically!

How  is  that  even  possible???

Scientists  and  spiritual  teachers  alike  theorize  that  the  SriScientists  and  spiritual  teachers  alike  theorize  that  the  Sri  Yantra  contains  the  ‘architectural  plan’  of  the  universe  itself…

And  often  connect  it  to  the  space-­age  model  of  reality  known  as  Superstring  Theory  -­  which  mathematically  maps  out  the  building  blocks  of  our  entire  universe.

For  thousands  of  years,  billions  of  people,  from  our  ancient  ancestors  to  modern  civilizations  have  harnessed  the  power  of  symbols  to  empower,  inspire  and  influence  millions.

Ancient  Egyptians  used  hieroglyphic  symbols  as  a  means  of  communication.TheThe  Aborigines  of  Australia  used  symbols  in  their  art  to  record  and  retain  important  information.Almost  every  religion  and  institution  on  the  planet  has  its  own  symbol.Today,  brands  like  Coca-­Cola  and  Nike  use  their  corporate  symbols  to  create  desire.

And  there  are  even  symbols  with  hidden  meanings  And  there  are  even  symbols  with  hidden  meanings  and  messages…

Remember  -­  the  Sri  Yantra  is  just  one  of  many  symbols  that  can  have  a  profound  affect  on  the  human  mind,  body  and  spirit.

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It’s  pretty  clear  that  symbols  are  often  used  to  control  and  sometimes  even  manipulate  you.

But  what  if  you  could  turn  the  tables,  and  use  this  power  for  your  own  good?

Can  you  imagine  what  would  happen  if  you  could  consciously  squeeze  out  the  power  of  symbols  that  could  actually  ENHANCE  your  life?

Picture  using  a  symbol  like  the  Sri  Yantra  every  time  you  need  to  find  a  creative  solution  to  a  problem  at  work.  Or  when  you’re  deciding  where  to  spend  or  save  your  money.

Or  even  when  you  just  need  to  get  into  a  state  ofOr  even  when  you  just  need  to  get  into  a  state  of  ALLOWING,  so  the  right  opportunities,  situations  and  people  gravitate  towards  you…  

And  you’re  hyper  aware  of  ALL  of  them,  because  you’re  in  this  supercharged  state  of  mind.In  other  words…  your  symbol  of  choice  becomes  your  gateway  to  an  infinite  ocean  of  prosperity.

An  article  by  Natasha  Dern  on  the  Huffington  Post  even  points  out  how  symbols  can  be  used  to  enhance  meditation:

“The  aim  of  using  symbols  in  meditation  is  to  move  beyond  linguistic  interpretations  “The  aim  of  using  symbols  in  meditation  is  to  move  beyond  linguistic  interpretations  

and  uncover  a  level  of  intuitive  understanding  beyond  language,  which  profoundly  

transforms  the  way  we  experience  the  world  and  ourselves.”

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Now,  if  before  this  you  haven’t  even  HEARD  about  the  self-­empowering  properties  of  symbols…

I  want  you  to  know  it’s  not  your  fault.

This  stuff  isn’t  taught  in  schools.  You  won’t  see  it  in  the  mainstream  media.  In  fact  even  many  of  the  world’s  smartest  people  don’t  know  about  it.

YYet  I  -­  an  average  kid  from  a  poor  family  -­  learned  about  it,  APPLIED  it,  and  turned  my  life  around.

And  if  someone  like  me  can  do  it  -­  you’ll  be  doing  it  EFFORTLESSLY  in  no  time.

Best  of  all,  it  works  on  autopilot.

Other  self  empowerment  methods  talk  about  reprogramming  you  on  a  SUBCONSCIOUS  level…

But  when  you’re  using  a  modality  like  symbols,  you’re  going  deeper...  into  the  SUBATOMIC  level.

And  this  is  precisely  what  holds  the  key  level  to  DRAMATIC  and  LASTING  holistic  results.

Okay,  so  by  now  you  already  know  more  about  sounds  and  symbols  than  99%  of  people  on  the  planet.

But  thereBut  there’s  one  more  thing  you  need  to  know  before  you  can  use  both  these  parts  of  the  ‘Prosperity  Formula’  to  make  massive  changes  to  your  wealth  and  success…

And  that’s  how  to  COMBINE  them.

You  see,  when  I  first  started  applying  the  power  of  sounds  and  symbols  in  my  life,  profound  changes  started  to  happen  in  my  business,  my  mindset,  even  my  relationships  with  the  people  around  me...

But  what  truly  allowed  me  to  break  through  otherwise  unreachable  barriers  and  achieve  things  like  getting  on  the  Inc.  500  list  and  starting  my  own  nonprofit...

Is  when  I  started  applying  BOTH  symbols  and  sounds  at  the  same  time.Is  when  I  started  applying  BOTH  symbols  and  sounds  at  the  same  time.

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Why?  Because  when  combined,  sounds  and  symbols  produce  a  harmonic  effect  in  your  body  and  brain.

Neuroscientific  research  already  tells  us  we  absorb  up  to  300%  more  information  when  we  absorb  information  through  multi-­sensory  experiences  instead  of  just  reading  or  listening.

So  can  you  imagine  the  transformative  effect  of  stimulating  your  eyes,  your  ears,  your  vocal  chords,  and  even  your  intuition...  by  consciously  harnessing  symbols  and  sounds  at  the  same  time?

I  like  to  think  of  it  as  turning  yourself  into  a  human  satellite  dish:  

YYou’re  re-­aligning  yourself  to  the  Universe’s  deepest  attraction  frequencies...  

After  society,  your  mentors  and  your  own  limiting  beliefs  have  knocked  your  Prosperity  DNA  out  of  alignment  and  kept  you  way  below  your  full  success  potential!

And  by  following  a  few  simple  steps,  you’re  going  to  be  doing  this  in  just  a  few  moments.

Because  now,  I  want  to  share  something  very  personal  with  you.  You  see  even  though  I’ve  spent  most  of  my  adult  life  as  a  serial  entrepreneur…

My  REAL  passion  has  always  been  to  help  people  with  the  esoteric  knowledge  I’ve  picked  up  over  the  years.

I  want  to  help  people  find  that  sweet  spot  between  science  and  spirituality…  and  use  it  to  create  the  prosperous,  I  want  to  help  people  find  that  sweet  spot  between  science  and  spirituality…  and  use  it  to  create  the  prosperous,  wealthy  and  purpose-­driven  life  you  may  have  thought  you  could  never  have.

And  because  I’ve  been  applying  the  power  of  sounds  and  symbols  in  my  OWN  life…

Not  long  ago,  I  finally  gained  the  courage  and  clarity  to  sell  all  my  businesses!

All  so  I  could  gather  and  help  a  global  online  All  so  I  could  gather  and  help  a  global  online  community  of  people  who  harness  unusual  forces  of  nature…  to  find  joy,  success  and  fulfillment  in  places  most  others  never  look.

That’s  why  you’re  reading  this  report  right  now.

Because  I  liberated  myself  to  serve  my  highest  purpose…

Just  as  you  will,  when  you  startJust  as  you  will,  when  you  start  APPLYING  the  power  of  sounds  and  symbols  in  your  own  life.

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This  Kit  is  the  single  best  way  to  master  and  apply  everything  you’ve  read  about  up  to  this  point  -­  and  you  won’t  find  it  anywhere  else  but  here.

It  comes  in  an  easy-­to-­use,  4-­part  collection  of  It  comes  in  an  easy-­to-­use,  4-­part  collection  of  training  videos,  mind  exercise  audios  and  guided  meditations.  And  when  you  request  it  using  the  button  below,  I’ll  even  include  a  free  surprise  bonus.

I  can’t  wait  to  guide  you  through  the  program.I  can’t  wait  to  guide  you  through  the  program.  And  to  spark  fast,  profound,  lasting  change  in  your  Prosperity  DNA.  Let’s  get  started:


The  Prosperity  DNA  Activation  Kit  will  give  you  all  these  answers  and  more.  Let's  get  started.

Lastly,  I  invite  you  to  picture  the  difference  between  your  reality  today…  and  a  reality  aligned  with  the  Universal  vibration  of  prosperity  itself.

What  will  the  average  day  at  work  feel  like  when  you’re  performing  better  and  achieving  more  every  day?

How  will  it  feel  to  keep  on  challenging  yourself,  and  discovering  talents  and  abilities  you  never  knew  you  had?

How  will  it  feel  to  know  you’re  playing  a  bigger  game…  and  impacting  more  lives?

Will  you  enjoy  the  freedom  of  being  able  to  spend  more  time  with  your  loved  ones…  and  even  your  personal  passions?

And  lastlAnd  lastly,  how  will  it  feel  to  know  money  will  never  again  be  something  you  worry  about…  but  instead  something  you  draw  into  your  life  with  sublime  ease  and  joy?