4th pt v

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  • 8/9/2019 4th pt v


    Name: __________________________________________ Score: ____________

    English VChange these sentences form indirect to direct speech


    Mother reminded us to nish out assignment before watching TV

    ! "inda remar#ed that $aul is %er& well' $oll& said that he would beat the drum( Thelma complained that the drum was hea%&)* +e said that we would meet &ou at the par#, The carpenter said that he would meet &ou at the &ard

    Change the statements from direct t- indirect speech. The little fair& said) /Come with me01 2osephine said/ 3 want to go home04 5lenn as#ed) /+h& do &ou loo# so frightened607 8 9ambi said)/ 3ll nish reading the boo#0!- Mother commanded) ;ont eat meat0

    Tell which of the following is a fact) write

  • 8/9/2019 4th pt v


    Name: __________________________________________ Score: ____________

    !( +e can ser%e our countr& through hard wor#!* To be a minister is the highest form of son ice to go!, 2ose $l=al could ha%e been a great president of our countr&

    Encircle the letter of the best possible outcomes for each situation

    !. The &oung man is #ind>hearted ?ne da&) he heard a little bo& cr&ing outside his window The &oung man found out that the child was beingteased b& the bigger bo&s The &oung man went out @e will probabl& ____________

    a Aoin the teasingb stop the naught& bo&s

    !1 2ose $i=al owned a horse when he was stud&ing in Madrid +hen his allowance did not come one da&) he did not ha%e enough mone& for food3t was li#el& that ____________

    a he stopped stud&ing for a whileb he sold his horse

    !4 Toto& needs a new school bag @e did not ha%e enough mone& to bu& the bag Then he heard that their neighbor was loo#ing for a bab&>sitterfor her little child She was willing to pa& a few pesos to the bab&>sitter 3t is safe to guess that ____________

    a Toto& applied for the Aobb Toto& spent the whole &ear without a bag

    !7 2un and 2err& started arguing o%er a new to& 2un wanted to #eep it but 2err& disagreed since he wanted to #eep the to& for himself Mothercame and told the bo&s to share the to& train 9ut the bo&s went with the Buarrel 9efore the& #new it) Mother was bac# holding a slipperrobabl& ____________

    a Mother ga%e the bo&s the slipperb the bo&s stopped shouting at each other

    '- The dogs were pla&ing wildl& in the &ard

  • 8/9/2019 4th pt v


    Name: __________________________________________ Score: ____________

    Complete the sentences with the words suggested b& the picture

    '! 8uroraDs dress is as red as ________________

    '' @er e&es are as bright as the _____________

    '( The a%ocado tree is as tall as the __________

    '* @is teeth are as white as a _______________

    ', The orange is as round as a ____________

    nderline the adAecti%e in each sentence

    '. 2ose $i=al was a studious bo&'1 3 heard a loud cr&'4 The mart&r suFered a cruel death'7 +e wal#ed down the dar# lane(- 2ames owns a %aluable watch

    Choose the correct form of adAecti%e inside the parenthesis to complete the sentence

    (! 3 feel it is ______ toda& than &esterda&Gwarm) warmer) warmestH

    (' "eaDs bag is _______ than mineGbig) bigger) biggestH

    (( ?f the two) this lamp is _______Gbright) brighter) brightestH

    (* "ast Monda& pro%ed to be the __________ da& in ;ecemberGcool) cooler) coolestH

    (, The water in the bottle is _________ to drin#Gsafe) safer) safestH

    Math VComplete the table

    Cut>outs Number of Sides Name of ol&g


  • 8/9/2019 4th pt v


    Name: __________________________________________ Score: ____________





  • 8/9/2019 4th pt v


    Name: __________________________________________ Score: ____________

    $ead and sol%e

    (, 8 small gift box has three dimensions: " I 4! cmK + 4 cm and h I !4 cm +hat is its %olume6

    (. 3f the perimeter ot the sBuare base of a cube is '- cm) what is the %olume of the cube6

    (1 unlado sa i&ong sarili simula nang tumuntong #a sa i#a limang baiting G',ptsH