4º the earth and our solar system


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Identificacin del material AICLETTULO NIVEL LINGSTICO SEGN MCER IDIOMA The Earth and our Solar System A1.2



Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural


El planeta Tierra, sus caractersticas, los movimientos de la Tierra y sus consecuencias espacio-temporales. Acciones para conservar nuestro planeta. Secuencia didctica que aborda La Tierra como medio en el cual viven seres vivos y no vivos. Inicialmente diferencia los componentes del planeta Tierra y sus caractersticas, as como los movimientos que lleva a cabo sobre s misma y alrededor del sol. Tambin se abordan diferentes medidas o acciones para la conservacin y cuidado de la Tierra. PDF



4 de Educacin Primaria

Miguel ngel Cabo Snchez.

7-8 sesiones - Aprender a aprender: los alumnos/as trabajan de forma autnoma en mltiples de las actividades a lo largo de la unidad. - Competencia lingstica: los alumnos/as interactan de forma oral y escrita en diversidad de actividades. Se integran todas las destrezas en las diferentes actividades. Tambin se presenta el proyecto final de forma oral. - Competencia en el conocimiento e interaccin con el mundo fsico: los alumnos/as conocen su planeta, su composicin y otras caractersticas, as como formas de ayudar a su conservacin. - Competencia digital y tratamiento de la informacin: los alumnos/as hacen uso de las TIC para ampliar informacin en torno a la Tierra, nuestro Planeta. - Competencia cultural y artstica: los alumnos/as realizan un proyecto sobre la Tierra guiado, pero al mismo tiempo eligen el contenido especfico a tratar: la atmsfera, la geosfera, los movimientos de la Tierra, el reciclaje Fomento de la creatividad. - Autonoma e iniciativa personal: los alumnos/as investigan sobre la Tierra y pueden realizar sus propias aportaciones, realizan las actividades de forma autnoma previa explicacin y tambin y eligen el contenido especfico que deseen para llevar a cabo su proyecto. Ampliar informacin a travs de la pgina web: http://www.kidsastronomy.com/ http://www.kidsforsavingearth.org/



Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


Tabla de programacin AICLE1. Describir la Tierra e identificar y reconocer sus principales caractersticas 2. Identificar las partes del planeta Tierra 3. Reconocer y comprender los dos movimientos de la Tierra 4. Diferenciar las cuatro estaciones y los conceptos de tiempo: das de de la semana y meses del ao 5. Identificar distintas acciones que el ser humano puede llevar a cabo para proteger el planeta 6. Valorar la importancia de tener un planeta limpio y de la adopcin de acciones para conservarlo



- La Tierra: caractersticas y partes - Los movimientos de la Tierra: rotacin y traslacin - La Tierra: hechos importantes - Cuidado y conservacin de nuestro planeta


La Tierra, sus caractersticas y conservacin.


- Describir la Tierra, sus caractersticas y movimientos - Diferenciar los movimientos de la Tierra - Describir las estaciones del ao y explicar sus caractersticas - Enumerar los meses del ao y das de la semana - Clasificar materiales segn su tipologa de reciclado - Explicar acciones para proteger y conservar nuestro planeta


- Experimentos sobre movimientos solares - Calendario - Juegos de rol sobre astros - Encuesta


FUNCIONES: - Explicar fenmenos naturales - Describir objetos en movimiento - Aportar informacin extrada de otra fuente - Expresar datos esenciales

ESTRUCTURAS: - The Earth is - It is/It isnt - The Earth moves - We have to

LXICO: Earth, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, rotation, revolution, crust, mantle, nucleus, winter, January, recycle


- Identifica las partes de la Tierra y su composicin - Reconoce y comprende los movimientos de la Tierra - Conoce las estaciones y los meses del ao en relacin a estas - Conoce los diferentes das de la semana e interpreta calendarios - Conoce, propone y lleva a cabo medidas para proteger el planeta y conservarlo limpio


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


1.- Look at these words and guess what the unit is about. MAIN LANGUAGE Earth geosphere axis spring planet crust To complete summer round mantle cause autumn water nucleus day winter land rocks night To save air metals revolution keep space movement sun clean look To move week To cut down atmosphere rotation month plant hydrosphere imaginary seasons To waste To recycle pollute January February March April May June July August

September October November December To reuse To reduce To turn off paper glass plastic


The Earth is our planet. It is round and it looks blue from space. The Earth has everything that living beings need: air, water, and heat and light from the Sun. On our planet there is water, land and air. Some animals and plants live in water. Many animals, plants and human beings live on land. Some animals, like birds, can fly thanks to the air.


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

The Earth looks blue from space


We can name three parts of the Earth: The Atmosphere: the atmosphere is the air that we breathe. It is the gaseous part of the Earth. The atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases. Living beings need oxygen to breathe and live. The Hydrosphere:the hydrosphere refers to all of the water on our planet, it is the liquid part of the earth. Most water comes from oceans and seas and the rest is in lakes and rivers. The Geosphere: the geosphere is the solid part of the earth that is composed of rocks and metals. In the geosphere there are three layers: the Earths crust, mantle and nucleus.

crust mantle nucleus


HydrosphereMaterial AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Geosphere Earth and our Solar System


The Earth is our planet and there is water, land and air. The Earth has three parts: Atmosphere (composed of air), Hydrosphere (composed of water) and Geosphere (composed of rocks).


1.- Read and colour.


Land: Brown

Seas and oceans: Dark blue Atmosphere:___________________

Light blue

2.- Read and match. Geosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere

the liquid part of the Earth. It is composed of water. the air that we breathe. It is the gaseous part of the Earth. the solid part of the Earth that is composed of rocks.


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

3.- Write the parts of the geosphere.

___________________ ___________________


4. Listen and complete.

The Earth is a ________ round ________. There are a lot of interesting things on the Earth. The ________ shines, the wind blows, the ________ falls on it. We see the ________ and the ________, air and ________, trees and grass on the Earth. A lot of beautiful flowers grow in the fields and gardens. Different birds and animals ________ in the forest. But nothing can live without sunlight. The ________ is like a lamp that gives light, and it is also like a fire that gives warmth. But animals, trees and ________ cannot grow or live without air and water. The rain gives them water, the sun warms them and everything begins to ________. Water is the most wonderful thing on the ________. Some of the water is in ________ and lakes and some in seas and ________. The water in rivers and lakes is fresh, and in seas and oceans the water is ________.


The Earth moves!!

There are two important movements that affect The Earth. Rotation: the Earth moves around an imaginary line that it is called an axis. The Earth takes 24 hours a day to complete one rotation. This movement causes day and night. In the part of the Earth facing the Sun it is day-time and the other side, it is night-time. Revolution: the Earth also moves around the Sun, this movement is called revolution. The Earth takes 365 days, or a year, to make one revolution.

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System



The Earth moves around its axis. ROTATION

The Earth moves around the Sun. REVOLUTION

There are two movements of the Earth: Rotation and Revolution. Rotation: the Earth moves around its own axis. It takes 24 hours. Revolution: the Earth moves around the Sun. It takes 365 days.

5. Listen and write.


Blue Hydrosphere Rotation Geosphere Atmosphere Revolution

1. ______________________ . 2. ______________________ . 3. ______________________ . 4. ______________________ . 5. ______________________ . 6. ______________________ .

Listen and think!!


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

6. Help the scientist. What is the movement of the Earth?The Earth is moving around the Sun


The Earth is moving around its own axis

7.- Find the words and write a sentence with each one. atmosphere hydrosphere geosphere

rotation revolution water air

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


Example: The Atmosphere is the gaseous layer of the Earth. 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________


The sun is the Earths source of light and heat. The Earth revolves around the Sun. One revolution takes 365 days, or one year The North Pole always points the same way as the Earth revolves around the Sun. The Earths revolution around the sun causes the seasons. The Earth rotates; it takes 24 hours to complete a turn. Rotation produces the succession of day and night, as well as the time difference in different parts of the world.

The sun is the Earths source of

light and heat.

The Earth takes 24 hours to


At any time half of the Earth faces the Sun and the other half faces away from the Sun. In the part that faces the Sun its day and in the part that faces away from the Sun, its night.

night day

complete a turn.




Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


When the North Pole tilts towards the Sun, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. When the North Pole tilts away from the Sun, it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

The sun is the Earths source of heat and light. The Earth revolves around the Sun. One revolution takes about 365 days and causes the seasons. The Earth rotates around its own axis and takes 24 hours to complete a turn. It causes day and night.

ACTIVITIES 8. Read and complete the following sentences. hemispheres Sun around Earth revolution day year revolves

difference axis points inclination

rotation seasons

1. A __________ is the time that the Earth takes to revolve around the __________ 2. A__________ is the time that the __________ takes to rotate around its own axis. 3. We have __________ because the Earths __________ is tilted and it always __________ the same way when the Earth __________ around the Sun. That is to say, the __________ movement and the __________ of the Earth are responsible for seasons. 4. We have day and night because of __________.

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


5. Rotation is also responsible for the time __________ in different parts of the world. 6. We have a leap year every four years because the Earth doesnt take exactly 365 days to revolve __________ the Sun; it takes a quarter of a day more than that. 7. Winter and summer take place at different times of the year in the Northern and Southern __________.

9. Choose, read and say. Who am I? Im a movement of the Earth that causes the seasons. Who am I? Im the part that faces the Sun and I have light. Who am I? Im the most internal layer of the Earth. Who am I? Im the movement of the Earth that produces day and night. Who am I?

Im the liquid part of the Earth that it is composed of water. Who am I? Im the gaseous part of the Earth and the air that human beings breathe. Who am I? Im the source of light and heat. Who am I? Im the solid part of the Earth composed of rocks. Who am I?

10. Listen and tick the correct answer. 1










Earth Earth and our Solar System



Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

11. Do an experiment that explains why we have Day and Night You need:

- A torch. - A globe

______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________


The revolution of the Earth causes us to have four seasons. They are: SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN AND WINTER. SPRING From the 21st of March to the 21st of June. In Spring, the weather is warm and sunny. SUMMER From the 21st of June to the 23rd of September. In Summer, it is hot and sunny. AUTUMN From the 23rd of September to the 22nd of December. It is often rainy and windy. WINTER From the 22nd of December to the 21st of March. It is cold and sometimes snowy.

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System



A month has four or five weeks and 30 or 31 days, except February which has 28 or 29 days. A year, a complete revolution of the Earth, has 12 months, they are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. The 1st month is January, January has 31 days. The 2nd month is February, February has 28 or 29 days. The 3rd month is March, March has 31 days. The 4th month is April, April has 30 days. The 5th month is May, May has 31 days. The 6th month is June, June has 30 days. The 7th month is July, July has 31 days. The 8th month is August, August has 31 days. The 9th month is September, September has 30 days. The 10th month is October, October has 31 days. The 11th month is November, November has 30 days. The 12th month is December, December has 31 days.


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


A week has seven days. Every day is a complete rotation of the earth. The days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.



Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


The days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The months of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. The seasons of the year are: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

12.- What season is it? Write.


13.- Read and complete. Find the four seasons. This season begins on the 23rd of September and ends on the 22nd of December. It is ______________ . This season begins on the 21st of March and ends on the 21st of June. It is ______________. This season begins on the 22nd of December and ends on the 21st of March. It is ______________. This season begins on the 21st of June and ends on the 23rd of September. It is ______________.


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

14. Complete the diagram and colour. Write the months and the seasons.

15. Do this crossword about the days of the week. a The 6th day of the week is _______________ . b The 4th day is ______________ . c The 3rd day is ______________ . d The 1st day is ______________ . e The 5th day is ______________ . f The 2nd day is _____________ .

What day is it, today? _____________________

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


16. Add the correct word: before / after Wednesday is Tuesday Saturday is . Friday Tuesday is . Monday Friday is Thursday Monday is Sunday Sunday is . Monday

17. Add the correct word: tomorrow / yesterday Today is Friday, . was Thursday Today is Tuesday, . was Monday. Today is Thursday, . will be Friday. Today is Wednesday, . was Tuesday. Today is Monday, . will be Tuesday. Today is Sunday, . was Saturday. Today is Saturday, .will be Sunday. 18. Listen and write the month of the year.

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________ 6. ________________ 7. ________________ 8. ________________ 9. ________________ 19. Answer these questions.

What do you prefer: winter or summer? ________________________ . What kind of clothes do people usually wear in summer?_______________ ______________________________________________________. What do you prefer winter or summer? ____________________________ What are the winter months? ________________________________ What are the four seasons of the year? _______________________ . What do people usually do in winter? _____________________________ ______________________________________________________ What do people usually do in summer? __________________________ ______________________________________________________


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

Which season comes before winter? ____________________________ Whats the weather like in winter? _____________________________ What kind of clothes do people wear in winter? _______________________ _______________________________________________________ What season is it now? ___________________________ What do you usually do in summer? _____________________________ _________________________________________ What holiday is in winter? _________________________________ .

20. Find out and write! When are these festivals?

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


Thanksgiving day is in ______________________ . Christmas day is ___________________________ . St Patricks day ___________________________ . Halloween ___________________________ . Valentines day ___________________________ . New Years day ___________________________ . The USAs Independence day ___________________________ .

Have a shower not a bath, save water!

Dont pollute the air or

Recycle glass, paper, plastic

Recycle glass, paper, pDont pollute the air or water

Plant trees and dont harm them Keep your country clean

Plant trees and dont harm them

Keep your country clean


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

Pack a no-waste lunch. Reuse bags and grocery bags. Bring my own bag to the supermarket.

Dont buy plastic water bottles. Get a special bottle that you can refill everyday. Plant a tree. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth. Donate things to charity. Buy things in large quantities so there is less packaging. Put them into smaller recycled plastic containers by yourself. Use both sides of a piece of paper for printing and writing. Turn off the lights when you are not in a room. Separate your garbage and recycle. Other: ____________________________________________

21.- Read and answer.


Recycling means taking materials from products you have finished using and making new products with them. Making new things from recycled ones takes less money, less energy, and less of the Earths resources. Because less energy is used, factories dont pollute as much. But what can we recycle?

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


Paper, newspapers, magazines, cards, forms, blank papers, cartons, torn pieces of paper, paper towels, cardboard, egg cartons, photocopies, envelopes and boxes in general. Plastic cups, vessels, soft drink bottles, milk cartons, shampoo and detergent bottles Glass cups, bottles, pots, glasses... Metal plates, aluminium cans, pots, wire, nails, scrap iron and copper. There are four coloured containers specially made for recycling. The blue container is for things made of paper, the green container is for things made of glass and the yellow container is for things made of glass and aluminium. The grey container is for organic garbage. Keeping our planet clean and safe is everyones duty. If you make a habit of reducing, reusing and recycling, you can make the world a better place. So, go for it! Protect our planet today and everyday.


What does recycling mean? What are the advantages of recycling? What types of papers can we recycle? What are the four types of containers? What is the blue container for? And the green one? What can we do apart from recycling to make the world a better place?


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

22. Colour the containers. Write the name of each picture bellow the container where you should throw it.




_________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________ Fish tank

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________ Squirt bottle

_________________ _________________

Milk carton


photocopies detergent bottle

Water bottle

I want to recycle



envelope card

tea pot paper bag egg carton galss magazine

wine bottle

apple juice bottle

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


23. Listen. Repeat and learn the rhyme.

Recycling rhyme By Miguel A. Cabo To live better, recycle paper, To live free, dont harm trees, To feel fantastic, recycle plastic, To feel good, dont pollute, To be excited you have to recycle Save the Earth, Save the Earth Because its your future, and your friends too!. 24. Environmental test.

QUESTIONS 1. Do you separate your garbage and recycle? 2. Do you reuse plastic carrier bags? 3. Do you turn off the water when you brush your teeth? 4. Do you usually buy rechargeable batteries? 5. Do you have a shower instead of a bath? 6. Do you use both sides of a piece of paper for printing and writing? 7. Do you turn off the lights when you are not in a room? 8. Do you use public transport as much as possible? 9. Do you throw garbage on the streets? 10. Are you worried about your Planet, the Earth? Is your classmate green?: _________






Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

25. Solve this crossword.

Across 1. They are caused by revolution of the Earth. 6. The part of the Earth composed of water. 7. The shortest month of the year. 10. We celebrate Halloween in this month. 13. The Earth moves around it. 14. The internal layer of the Earth. Down 2. The air that we breathe. The gaseous part of the Earth. 3. The season that starts on 22nd December. 4. We make new things from used materials. 5. The movement of the Earth around the Sun. 8. The third planet from the Sun. 9. The movement of the Earth around its own axis. 11. The solid part of the Earth 12. The first month of the year.

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


26. Put the words in order to make true sentences.

Earth / part / the / solid / Geosphere / of / the / is ______________________________________________________ we / atmosphere / The / that / breathe / is / the / air ______________________________________________________ around / sun / moves / The / the / Earth ______________________________________________________ night /day / causes / and / Rotation ______________________________________________________ Earth / complete / revolution / takes / a / in / The / a / year ______________________________________________________ source / is / heat / the / The / of / light / and / sun/Earths ______________________________________________________ 27. Listen and say: I agree or I disagree 1. ______________________ . 2. ______________________ . 3. ______________________ . 4. ______________________ . 5. ______________________ . 6. ______________________ . 7. ______________________ . 8. ______________________ .

Be green, Please!

28. Make a clay model of the Earth. Show all of its layers and parts. You need: scissors tools to model clay clay glue school paints pictures of the Earth Others

Jose Antonio Rodrguez Rodrguez CEIP Las Salinas Roquetas de Mar (Almera)


Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System

29.- What can you do? Cross X .

Hello!! My friends!! Read and write a cross.

SELF-ASSESSMENT Read and write a crossI can recognize words and expressions related to the Earth I can read and understand information about the Earth I can talk about the Earth and how to protect it I can talk to your classmates about the Earth and its main characteristics I can write a description of my planet, its parts, and describe its movements

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System


30This certificate is awarded to who has performed very well in helping the Earth this year!Signature Date

Certificate of Achievement A GREEN Student

Material AICLE. 4 de Primaria: The

Earth and our Solar System