4music gr10 tg - qtr 1 (10 april 2015).pdf

DEPED COPY Quarter I: Music of the 20th Century 1 Quarter I MUSIC OF THE 20TH CENTURY CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of... 1. The 20th century music styles and characteristic features. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner... 1. Creates musical pieces using a particular style of the 20th century. LEARNING COMPETENCIES The learner... 1. Listens perceptively to selected 20th century music. 2. Describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 20th century styles. 3. Relates 20th century music to its historical and cultural background. 4. Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers, and audience) of 20th century music. 5. Sings melodic fragments of given Impressionism period pieces. 6. Explores other arts and media that portray 20th century elements through video films or live performances. 7. Creates short electronic and chance music pieces using knowledge of 20th century styles. From the Department of Education curriculum for MUSIC Grade 10 (2014) All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.

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DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century1Quarter IMUSIC OF THE 20TH CENTURYCONTENT STANDARDSThe learner demonstrates understanding of...1. The 20th century music styles and characteristic features.PERFORMANCE STANDARDSThe learner...1. Creates musical pieces using a particular style of the 20th century.LEARNING COMPETENCIESThe learner...1. Listens perceptively to selected 20th century music.2. Describesdistinctivemusicalelementsofgivenpiecesin20thcentury styles.3. Relates20thcenturymusictoitshistoricalandculturalbackground.4. Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role ofcomposers/performers, and audience) of 20th century music.5. Sings melodic fragments of given Impressionism period pieces.6. Explores other arts and media that portray 20th century elementsthrough video films or live performances.7. Creates short electronic and chance music pieces using knowledgeof 20th century styles.From the Department of Education curriculum for MUSIC Grade 10 (2014)All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide2QUARTER IMUSIC OFTHE 20TH CENTURYSessions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5IMPRESSIONISMTO MODERN NATIONALISMI. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: 20th Century Musical Styles:Impressionism to Modern NationalismSub-topics: ImpressionismExpressionismNeo-ClassicismAvant-GardeModern NationalismComposers(Debussy, Ravel, Schoenberg, Bartok, Stravinsky,Prokofieff, Poulenc, Stockhausen, Glass, Cage, Bernstein,Varese, and Gershwin)B. Materials: DVD/CD recordings, video clips, or recordings from YouTube/internet of Impressionistic, Expressionistic, Neo-Classicist,Avant Garde, and Modern Nationalistic musicCD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops,netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 playersVisual arts pictures of Impressionistic, Expressionistic,and Modern Nationalistic paintingsCharts of music scoresC. Reference: Music Grade 10 LM - Pages 3-24II. LESSON PROPERA. PRELIMINARYACTIVITY1. Review: Concepts on previous lessons on Romantic Music.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century32. Motivationa. Display pictures or posters of the paintings of impressionist painterClaude Monet, expressionist Jose Joya, and post-impressionist VanGogh on the wall or board ofthe classroom. Let the students goaround to view the pictures.b. Display and discuss pictures on action painting by Jackson Pollock.c. Onapieceofpadpaper,havethestudentsdescribeeachofthepictures in their own words (5 minutes). Collect their works.d. Callsomevolunteerstudentstoreadtheirdescriptionsorobservations. Connect these to the new lesson.B. DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITY1. Have the students listen to CD recordings or watch video clips fromYouTube on Impressionist, Expressionist, Neo-Classicist, Avant-Garde,andModernNationalistmusic,whilelookingatthepicturesofthepaintings.2. Askthemtoanalyzethecharacteristicsandstylesofeachthroughdiscussion and sharing of insights.3. Let them compare the paintings with their counterpart in music, in termsof the elements and characteristics of each.4. Ask them to share their impressions, experiences, thoughts, and feelingsafter listening to the music and discussing all these.C. INTEGRATION1. Integration of Music with Arts, Literature, and History through the useof paintings and music recordings.2. Role playing - Call on volunteer students to depict the socio-historicalcontext of one of the musical movements studied, Modern Nationalism,which incorporated folk songs and indigenous music.Infusion of values: Belief in the power of the mind and its ability to achieveones goals and control situations.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide4D. GENERALIZATIONThe20thcenturystylesofimpressionismandexpressionismprovidedcomposers with the opportunity to express their thoughts based on outsideimpressions as well as ideas and expressions based on their inner convictions.Other forms that emanated included neo-classicism, which is a return to theclassicalformandstructureusingmodernharmoniesandtechniquesofcomposition;avantgarde,whichdealswiththeparametersofsoundinspace;andModernNationalism,whichisacombinationofnationalistthematic materials with the modern techniques of composition.III. WHAT TO KNOWLet the students answer the following:1. What group of people inspired many of Bartoks compositions?2. Which Russian composer created the music for the ballet The Firebird?3. Who is considered the foremost impressionist?4. What kind of musical style is attributed to Schoenberg and Stravinsky?5. Who was the target audience of Prokofieffs Peter and the Wolf?6. Give an example of a musical work of each of the composers below.Write the title in the blanks.Composer Musical WorkDebussy _____________________________________Ravel _____________________________________Schoenberg _____________________________________Stravinsky _____________________________________Bartok _____________________________________Prokofieff _____________________________________Poulenc _____________________________________Gershwin _____________________________________Glass _____________________________________Bernstein _____________________________________All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century5IV. WHAT TO PROCESSListening Activity: Works of 20th Century Composers1. You will play excerpts of any (one) of the following musical examples:Debussy Claire de Lune, La Mer, Childrens Corner SuiteRavel Miroirs, Sonatine, Daphnis et Chloe, Jeux dEau, BoleroSchoenberg Verklarte Nacht, Violin Concerto, Piano Concerto,GurreliederBartok String Quartet no. 4, Allegro, Mikrokosmos,Barbaro,Music for StringsStravinsky The Rite of Spring, Petrouchka, The Firebird SuiteProkofieff Romeo and Juliet (ballet), Piano SonatasGershwin An American in Paris, Porgy and Bess, Rhapsody inBlue, Someone to Watch Over MeBernstein Tonight from West Side Story, Clarinet SonataGlass Einstein on the Beach, Satyagraha, AkhnatenPoulenc Concerto for Two Pianos, Dialogues des Carmelites2. Let the students listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognize thedistinct musical style of each composer.3. Let them choose a composition that they like.Let them write a short reactionpaper on it.2. Listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognize thedistinct musical style of each composer.4. Based on this activity, let the students write a brief profile of the composerof the pieces playedin a bond paper to be submitted the following meeting.V. WHATTO UNDERSTANDA. Name the Composer, Title of the Music,Musical Style, and Description1. AftertheListening Activity,youwillprepareselectedexcerptsofcompositionsbyDebussy,Ravel,Schoenberg,Bartok,Stravinsky,Prokofieff, Poulenc, Glass, Bernstein, and Gershwin.2. Divided into four teams, with each team forming a line.3. As you play a few measures of the first excerpt, let the first student ineach line goes to the board and writes the name of the composer.TheAll rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide6second student will write the title of the music.The third student willwrite the musical style. Then, the fourth student will write a descriptionof the music in one phrase.4. The team that writes the correct answers first, scores four (4) points.5. The same procedure goes on until all the students in the line have hadtheir turn.6. Assign one student to tally the scores and announce the winners. Theteamwith the highest score is the winner. In case of a tie, the first teamto finish is the winner.7. After proclaiming the winners, the scorer will ask this question: Whatwas the most significant thing that you have learned from this activity?VI. WHAT TO PERFORMA. Performance Activity 1:Video Clips / Watching Live /TV PerformancesVideo Clips1. Divide the class into four groups by having them count off from 1 to 4.2. Have the students create and explore other arts (multi-media) that portray20th century musical styles (impressionism, expressionism, jazz, avantgarde) through a 10-minute video clip or MTV using their digital camerasor mobile phones.3. Let them show and discuss their video works in class.Watching Live / TV Performances1. Dividetheclassintogroups. Assigngroupswhowillre-enactwhatthey watched.Assign other groups to do the video recording.2. Havethestudentswatchliveperformancesofmusicalconcerts,ifavailable in their area, or let them watch live concerts recorded on TVor the internet (YouTube).3. Let them re-enact in class what they have watched.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century74. Letthegroupsassignmemberstomakea10-minuteaudiovideopresentation, while the other members re-enact what they have seen onlive concerts and on TV and internet.5. Have the groups show and discuss their video works in class.B. Performance Activity 2:Singing or Humming Musical Fragments1. Play several musical excerpts of selected 20th century composers. andbriefly discuss the title, composer, and musical style of each.2. Let the class listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognizethe distinct musical style of each composer.3. Have the students sing or hum some melodic fragments (portion only)of any of the following excerpts of 20th century music, together withthe recordings:a. Claude Debussys Claire de Luneb. Leonard Bernsteins West Side Storyc. George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blued. Ravels Boleroe. Any work of minimalist composers, Philip Glass or Meredith Monkf. Any work of nationalist composers, Erik Satie or Bela Bartok.4. Basedonthemelodicfragmentsoftheexcerptsthattheysangorhummed, they should be able to aurally identify the different selectedworksofthecomposersofthe20thcenturybynamingthetitleandcomposer in a random short quiz(5 points).5. Havethestudentschooseacompositionthattheylike. Askthemtowrite a brief profile about the composer, and to also give their personalreactions about the music on a one whole sheet of bond paper.6. Let them submit it in class the next meeting.Evaluation Activity:Drawing Lots1. After the above singing or humming activity, prepare a box containingslips of paper with the names of Debussy, Ravel, Gershwin, Bernstein,Glass, Monk, Satie, and Bartok written on them.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide82. Dividetheclassintofourgroups.Eachgroupwillchoosefourrepresentatives who will be assigned as contestants.3. Each contestant will draw a composers name from the box and mustsay three sentences about his compositional technique or musical style,his major contribution to modern music, and one work that shows hiscompositional style.4. The rest of the groups will evaluate each contestants answer by flashingacardorpapermarkedCORRECTorWRONG. Eachcorrectanswer earns a point.5. The group with the highest number of points wins the contest.C. Performance Activity 3:Film Showing or Video Watching1. Have the students research on the 20th century musical play West SideStory written by Leonard Bernstein.2. Instruct them to watch any video clip of West Side Story on the internetor YouTube.3. Let them write a reaction paper explaining the following elements ofthe performance:a. Settingb. Musical compositionsc. Role of composer and lyricistd. Role of performers (actors, actresses)e. Role of the audience (students)f. Sound and musical directiong. Script / screenplayh. Props, costumes, lighting4. Divide the class into groups. Ask them these questions: Did you likewhat you watched?Why or why not?5. Have them explain their answers on a one whole sheet of bond paper.Let each group report their answers in class.D. Performance Activity 4:Singing Songs fromWest Side StoryAll rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century91. The students may opt to do this as an individual or group activity. Groupswill be divided into four.2. Let the students listen to the songs Tonight, Maria, Somewhere, andAmerica from video or recordings of West Side Story. Ask them to drawlots for the song to sing.3. Havethemsingandperformtheirsonginclass,withorwithoutaccompaniment. They may also sing with the recordings.4. Letthosestudentswhoarenotperformingactasjudgesfortheperformance evaluation.5. Judgeswill havefiveplacards, scorecards,orpaper sheetsmarked:BEST, BETTER, GOOD, FAIR, NEEDS FOLLOW UP.6. Judges will display a score card after evaluating the performance.7. One student may be assigned to tabulate the scores after the performance.8. Select and announce the Best Performance award.E. Performance Activity 5:Live Concert or Recording or Music VideoLet the students choose the activity that they are interested in.1. Class Concert Live Performancea. Group the students into four. The first two groups will do the classconcert.b. Have the group leader assign each member to do any of the following:singing,dancing,choreography,musicaldirecting,playinganinstrument (either as accompaniment to the song or dance, or a soloperformance or as a band).They may use props and costumes, ifneeded.c. Let the groups perform in class their own original interpretation ofthe songs from West Side Story.2. Recording or Music Video: Individual or Group Activitya. Have the remaining two groups choose their members.b. Let them record the performance of their classmates using a cassetterecorder,ormakeamusicvideousingacellularphone,digitalcamera, or video camera.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide10c. Have them play the recorded performance or show the music videoto their classmates.The groups in the video or recording will choosethe Best Performers.d. You will also rate the students performance based on the criteriabelow.e. Choose the Best Video Presentation based oncreativity (50%)and presentation (50%).Evaluation of Performing ActivitiesLet the students answer the following:Rating scale: 5 = Very Good 2 = Poor4 = Good 1 = Needs Follow-up3 = FairRate scores are based on your performance quality.1. How well did I perform the songs from WestSide Story? ____________2 How well can I identify the different musical genresbased on instrumentation, text, and purpose? ____________3. How well can I describe the characteristics of eachthrough listening to their melody, harmony, rhythm,text, and mass appeal? ____________4. How well did I participate in the performance ofthe different activities? ____________Teachers Rating of the Students Performance1. Musicianship (60%)a. compositional concepts presented ____________b. musical elements ____________c. technique ____________2. Ensemble coordination (20%) ____________3. Ensemble organization (20%) ____________All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century11VII. EVALUATIONLet the students answer the following:1. What are the styles of 20th century classical music studied in this lesson?2. Explainbrieflyhowthesestyleshavecounterpartsinthevisualarts,particularly in painting.VIII. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES / ASSIGNMENTA. Let the students answer the following:1. Which of the styles that you studied do you like best?2. Explain your answer in essay form.B. Encourage the students to search for the following video on YouTube andto view it for additional inights on 20th century music:Young Peoples Concert: What is Impressionismby Leonard BernsteinThey may also search for Bernsteins other video lectures on music.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide12QUARTER IMUSIC OFTHE 20TH CENTURYSessions 6, 7, and 820TH CENTURY MUSICAL STYLES:ELECTRONICAND CHANCE MUSICI. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: 20th Century Musical Styles: Electronic and Chance MusicSub-topics : Electronic MusicChance MusicComposers (Cage, Stockhausen, Varese)B. Materials : DVD / CD recordings /video clips/ recordings from YouTubeor the internet of Electronic andChance MusicCD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops,netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 playersPictures, slides, video clips of musical gadgets usedespecially in Electronic MusicSound makers like stones, rice, radios, horns, andkitchen utensilsC. Reference: Music Grade 10 LM.Pages 25-30II. LESSON PROPERA. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY1. Review: Let the students go over the concepts they have learned aboutImpressionism, Expressionism, Modern Nationalism, Neo-Classicismand Avant-GardeMusic.2. Motivation:a. Hold a Chance Music Experience. Ask one student to simulate aperformance concert sitting in front of the piano, keyboard, singingwith a microphone, just holding a guitar, or holding any other musicalinstrument for 3 minutes without playing these.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century13b. Discuss the performance and get reactions and observations fromthe class. What did they think? hear? see? feel? touch? smell?c. Use the experience as a bridge to the topic of the lesson.B. DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITY1. Let the students listen attentively to CD recordings of Electronic andChance Music.2. Ask them to define/describe each of the two musical styles introducedin the recordings they listened to.3. Discuss the history, characteristics, and operations of the two kinds ofmusical styles.4. Have the students experiment with sounds on materials they had broughtto class to create Chance Music. Divide the class into four or five groups,each with a written plan of what to accomplish.5. Perform this experiment with a live concert of the two musical styles inthe classroom.6. Use new electronic equipment (if available) to listen to different soundsfrom the instruments (Example: synthesizer, cassette tape recorder, DVDplayer, karaoke, and others that you may think of).C. INTEGRATION1. Integrate the use of electronic equipment, if available, and other materialsthat can produce sound as well as the use of modern technology gadgetsin Music with lessons in Physics, Vocational Education, and Technologyand Livelihood Education (TLE).2. Show a picture of an action painting by Jackson Pollock and compare itwith chance music.Infusion of values: Appreciation of the beauty of nature and the realizationof their contribution to the environment.D. GENERALIZATIONThe modern musical tradition experimented with new sounds in classicalmusic through such styles as Electronic Music and Chance Music. Throughthis experimentation, the novelty of sounds emanating from sources otherthanthetraditionalmusicalinstrumentsplayedamajorroleinthecompositions being created.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide14III. WHAT TO KNOWHave the students answer thed following:1. Who was the French composer known as the Father of Electronic Music?2. What are some of the new musical approaches of Cage?3. What is meant by musique concrete used by Stockhausen?4. Giveanexampleofamusicalworkby Varese,Stockhausen,andCage.Write your answers on the blanks below.ComposerMusical WorkVarese ___________________________Stockhausen ___________________________Cage ___________________________IV. WHAT TO PROCESSListening Activity: Works of 20th Century Composers1. Play excerpts of any (one) of the following musical examples:Cage 433"; Metamorphosis, for piano; Five Songs,for contralto soloist and piano; Music for WindInstruments, for wind quintetStockhausen Etude, Electronic STUDIES I and II, Gesang derJunglinge, Kontakte, Momente, HymnenVarese Hyperprism for wind and percussion,Octandre for seven wind instruments and double bass,Intgrales for wind and percussion,Ionisation for 13 percussion players2. Have the students listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognizethe distinct musical style of each composer.3. Let them choose a composition that they like, and then write a short reactionpaper on the composition and the profile of the composer.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century154. Have them submit this on one whole sheet of bond paper during the nextmeeting.At random, choose students to read their reactions in class.V. WHATTO UNDERSTANDName the Composer, Title of the Music,Musical Style, and Description1. After the Listening Activity, prepare selected excerpts of compositions byStockhausen, Cage, and Varese.2. Divide the class into four teams, with each team forming a line.3. As you play a few measures of the first excerpt, have the first student ineach line goes to the board and writes the name of the composer. The secondstudent will write the title of the music. The third student will write themusical style. Then, the fourth student will write a description of the musicin one phrase.4. The team that writes the correct answers first, scores four (4) points.5. The same procedure goes on until all the students in the line have had theirturn.6. Assign one student to be the scorer. The team with the highest score isthe winner. In case of a tie, the first team to finish is the winner.7. Thescorerwillannouncethewinnersandthenaskthemthisquestion:Whatwas the most significant thing that you have learned from this activity?VI. WHAT TO PERFORMA. Activity 1:Experimentation with the Sounds of 20th Century Music SystemsLet the students do the following activity:1. Chance Music Put small items inside a bag. Include coins, pens, pins,small bells, and other articles with percussive sounds. Pour the bagscontents on a hard surface. Then, using a cellphone or other availabledevice, record the sounds that are produced.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide16Put the items back in the bag. Then unload the same, while once againrecording the sounds being produced. Note the changes between thetwo sets of sounds recorded.2. Electronic Music Create shortelectronic music piecesusing yourknowledge of 20th century musical styles.B. Performance Activity 2:Original Chance and Electronic MusicHave the students do the following:Rate scores are based on the elements of music such as rhythm, melodicappeal,harmonyandtexture,tempoanddynamics,timbre,andoverallmusical structureBEST, BETTER, GOOD, FAIR, NEEDS FOLLOW UP..1. The class will be divided into four groups.2. Each group will create an original five-minute performance of ChanceMusic and Electronic Music (if available) to be performed in class.3. Those who are not performing will act as judges for the performanceevaluation.4. Judgeswill havefiveplacards, scorecards,orpaper sheetsmarked:BEST, BETTER, GOOD, FAIR, NEEDS FOLLOW UP. They willdisplay these score card after evaluating each performance.5. One student may be assigned to tabulate the scores after the performance.6. Announce the Best Performance award.7. Havethestudentsanswerthisquestion:Whatwastheroleoftheaudience in the performance of Chance Music? Explain your answers.C. Performance Activity 3: Group ActivityVideo Clips1. Divide the class into four groups by counting off from 1 to 4.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYQuarter I: Music of the 20th Century172. Let each group create and explore other arts (multi- media) that portray20th century musical styles (Chance and Electronic Music) through a10-minute video or MTV using their digital cameras or mobile phones.3. They may use the internet as reference for their video clips.4. Let them show and discuss their video works in class.Watching Live / TV Performances1. AskthestudentstowatchliveperformancesofmusicalconcertsonChance and Electronic Music, if available in their area; or to watch liveconcerts recorded on TV or the internet.2. Letthegroupleaderschoosetwoorthreeoftheirmembersasvideographers for each group. Have them record and make a 10-minuteaudio video presentation, while the other group members re-enact whatthey have seen on live concerts and on TV.3. Have them show and discuss their video works in class.4. ChoosetheBest Video Awardusingthecriteria:Creativity(50%)and Presentation (50%).Evaluation Activity:Drawing Lots1. After thedifferent performing activities, prepare a box containing slips ofpaper with the names of Cage, Stockhausen, and Varese.2. Divide the class into four groups. Let each group choose four representativeswho will be assigned as contestants.3. Leteachcontestantdrawoutacomposersnamefromtheboxandsaythree sentences about his compositional technique or musical style, his majorcontribution to modern music, and one work that shows his compositionalstyle.4. Let the rest of the groups evaluate each contestants answer by flashing acard or paper marked CORRECT or WRONG. Each correct answerearns a point.5. The group with the highest number of points wins the contest.All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.DEPED COPYMUSIC Teachers Guide18Evaluation of Performing ActivitiesHave the students rate themselves based on their performance quality.Rating scale: 5 = Very Good 2 = Poor4 = Good 1 = Needs Follow-up3 = Fair1. How well did I perform chance and electronic music? ____________2 How well can I identify the different musical genresbased on instrumentation, text, and purpose? ___________3. How well can I describe the characteristics of eachthrough listening to their melody, harmony, rhythm,text, and mass appeal? ____________4. How well did I participate in the performance ofthe different activities? ____________Teachers Rating of the Students Performance1. Musicianship (60%)a. compositional concepts presented ____________b. musical elements ____________c. technique ____________2. Ensemble coordination (20%) ____________3. Ensemble organization (20%) ____________VIII. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY/ ASSIGNMENTHave the students view this video which is available on the BBC and YouTubewebsites:BBCs The Story of Music: Age of Rebellion and The Popular Ageby Howard GoodallAll rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.