4eso summer work

 4ESO  Name: ____________ PRESENT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS Present simple Present continuous We use the present simple to talk about:  regular habits and routines. We usually go rollerblading at the weekend.  permanent situations. David lives in Manchester.  scientific facts. Water boils at 100˚C.  states, not actions, e.g. like, believe, know. She doesn’t like chorizo. We use the present continuous to talk about:  something that is happening now or ‘around now’. They’re playing tennis at the moment.  temporary situations. He’s visiting his grandparents in Ibiza.  changing or developing situations. The number of car accidents every year is increasing.  future arrangements. She’s going to the cinema this evening. PAST SIMPLE AND PAST CONTINUOUS Past simple Past continuous We use the past simple to talk about a finished action in the past. Mark went to the cinema last night. We use the past continuous to talk about:  an action which was in progress at a particular time in the past. They were watching TV at nine o’clock last night. a. an action in the past that is interrupted by another action I was walking along the street when someone stole my bag.

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 Name: _______________________________________


Present simple Present continuous

We use the present simple to talk about:•  regular habits and routines.

We usually go rollerblading at the weekend.


permanent situations.David lives in Manchester.•  scientific facts.

Water boils at 100˚C.

•  states, not actions, e.g. like, believe, know.She doesn’t like chorizo.

We use the present continuous to talk about:

•  something that is happening now or‘around now’.They’re playing tennis at the moment.


temporary situations.He’s visiting his grandparents in Ibiza.•  changing or developing situations.

The number of car accidents every yearis increasing.


future arrangements.She’s going to the cinema this evening.


Past simple Past continuous

We use the past simple to talk about a finishedaction in the past.

Mark went to the cinema last night.

We use the past continuous to talk about:


an action which was in progress at a particulartime

in the past.They were watching TV at nine o’clock last

night.a.  an action in the past that is interrupted

by anotheractionI was walking along the street when someone

stole my bag.

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Present perfect simple

We use the present perfect simple:

•  to talk about an experience in somebody’s life. (We don’t say when it happened.)He’s had  a mobile phone for a long time.


with for  and since to talk about an action that started in the past and continues to thepresent.Tim’s known Kate since he was ten.

•  with just, yet and already  for a past action with a result in the present.

I’ve just bought a new mountain bike.


Past simple Present perfect

- Finished actions that happened in the past(the time is also finished)

I bought a car yesterday.

- Past actions that haven’t finished- The action is finished but the time isn’t

I have lost my keys this morning ( the actionis finished but the morning hasn’t finishedyet)


Past perfect Simple

Use of Past Perfect

1. An action taking place before a certain time in the past

(putting emphasis only on the fact, not the duration)

Example: Before I came here, I had spoken to Jack.

2. Conditional Sentences Type III (condition that was not given in the past)

Example: If I had seen him, I would have talked to him.

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Past simple Past perfect Simple

- Finished actions that happened in the past(the time is also finished)

I bought a plane ticket three days ago.

An action taking place before a certain time

n the past

(putting emphasis only on the fact, not the


Example: Before I came here, I had

spoken to Jack.

2. Conditional Sentences Type III

(condition that was not given in the past)

Example: If I had Known she was ill, I

would have visited her .


Ability Obligation Prohibition Notnecessity

Probability Certainty/deduction




 _________ ________ MAYMIGHTCOULD







We use the first conditional to talk aboutsituations that are possible or likely to happen.

If he finishes his homework, he’ll go to the cinema.


If you study, you will pass the examIf you don’t study, you won’t pass the exam



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 He will go to the cinema if he finishes his homework

He won’t go to the cinema if he doesn’t finish his homework


We use the first conditional to talk aboutimprobable situations.

If I ate more vegetables, I would be healthier.


If you won the lottery, you would buy a new car.If you didn’t win the lottery, you wouldn’t buy a new car.




We use it to talk about unreal situations in the past.


I would have passed the exam if I had studied harder.If you had driven more carefully, you wouldn’t have had an accident.


1. Indirect Questions. Fill in the gaps.

1 "Where's the station?"

"Can you tell me ___________________________________________ ?"

2 "Are you coming to the party?"

"Can you let me know if ___________________________________________ ?"

3 "How does it work?"

"Can you explain ___________________________________________ ?"

4 "What's the the matter?"

Please tell me ___________________________________________ ."

5 "Where are you from?"

"I'd like to know ___________________________________________ ."

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6 "How long does it take to get there?"

"Do you know ___________________________________________ ?"

7 "Has she reached a decision yet?"

"Has she told you whether ___________________________________________ ?"

8 "What time are you leaving?""Do you know ___________________________________________ ?"

9 "Does Annie know about computers?"

"I wonder whether ___________________________________________ ."

10 "Excuse me. How do you get to the post office from here?"

"Could you tell us ___________________________________________ ?"

11 "What are you doing?!"

"Do you have any idea ___________________________________________ ?!"

12 "Could you lend me 50 Euros?"

"I don't suppose ___________________________________________ ."

13 "Could you take me to the airport?"

"Is there any chance ___________________________________________ ?"

14 "Does Susana like classical music?"

"I can't remember if ___________________________________________ ."

2 . Comparative Strutctures. Complete the following sentences using the correctform of the words in brackets.


The_____________ (expensive) he bought it the________________ (cheap)he sold it.b.  The_______________ (I/learn) the___________________ (I/know).c.  The________________ (fast) you run, the_________________

(you/advance).d.  The_________________ (hot) it is the___________________ (you/drink)e.  The__________________ (soon) the____________________ (good)f.  The __________________ (you/eat) the__________________(fat) you will

get.g.  The___________________(she/read) that book,

the__________________(she/like)it.h.  The___________________(intelligent) you are, the_____________ (high)

marks you will get.

3. Complete the sentences with So/Neither

b.  I am learning French in a private school. So________________Ic.  We didn´t go to the theatre last night, Neither________________wed.  When I was a boy I could run 100 metres in 11

seconds.____________________ Ie.  We won´t go on holiday this year. _____________________theyf.  My children speak French much better than I do.

So____________________mineg.  I don´t like going to pubs. _____________________I


I´ve finished everything on my plate___________________we.i.  I wasn´t even wounded in the war, _____________________I

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j.  When I was a boy I could play for hours without gettingtired.___________________I

j. I wouldn´t like to live near the river. _____________________


1. He sometimes reads the newspaper, ____________?

2. You are Indian, _____________?

3. They had a nice weekend, ____________?

4. Peggy didn't use the pencil, ________________?

5. Mary has answered the teacher's question, _______________?

6. The boy is from Turkey, ____________?

7. Sue wasn't listening, ______________?

8. Andrew isn't sleeping, _____________?9. Tom and Maria will arrive at Heathrow, ______________?

10. She has a brother, ____________?

11. He's been to Texas, ___________?

12. Dogs like meat, _____________?

13. There are some apples left, _____________?

14. I'm late, ____________?

15. Let's go, _____________?

16. Don't smoke, _____________?

17. He does sing in the bathroom, ______________?

18. He'll never know, _____________?

19. I think, he's from India, _______________?

20. Lovely day today, _____________?

21. She is collecting stickers, ____________?

22. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ______________?

23. You have cleaned your bike, ____________?

24. John and Max don’t like Maths, ____________?

25. Peter played handball yesterday, ___________?

26. They are going home from school, ___________?

27. Mary didn’t do her homework last Monday, ____________?

28. He could have bought a new car, ____________?

29. Kevin will come tonight, ___________?

30. I`m clever, _____________?

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5. Write subject and object questions withWho.

John met somebody.

Who did John meet?

Somebody knocked on the door.

Who knocked on the door?

1 Somebody screamed in the darkness.


2 Helen saw somebody through the window.


3 The children spoke to somebody.


4 Somebody lost their wallet.


5 Sara interviewed somebody about the story.


6 Somebody whistled at the dog.


6. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect of the verbs in brackets andfor or since.

1 We ……............... (be) married ……................ about ten years.

2 I ……................. (not see) my boyfriend ……................. last weekend.

3 They ……................. (have) lots of arguments ……................. Monday.

4 She ……................. (not speak) to herex-boyfriend ……................. months.

5 John ……................. (know) Anna ……................. a year.

6 You ……................. (not phone) me ……................. my birthday.

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7. Complete the text with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect or the past simple.

Dear Helen

I (1) ……................. (not hear) from you for along time. Is there a problem between us? You(2) ……................. (be) angry with me atJoe’s party last month, but I don’t understandwhy. We (3) ……................. (be) boyfriendand girlfriend for more than a year and I(4) ……................. never …….................

(feel) happier. I think I (5) …….................(fall) in love with you as soon as I (6)……................. (meet) you last summer. You(7) ……................. (make) me very happysince then. What (8) ……................. I……................. (do) wrong at Joe’s party?Please explain.

Phone me soon.

All my love


8. Complete the text using the Present Perfect Simple or the Simple Past Tense.

1. My son_________ (be born) 15 years ago and his sister is two years younger. I ____________ (never smack) either of them, although I___________ (sometimes feel)like doing it. Of course, I ____________ (often tell) them off, but on the whole theyare well-behaved.

2. When I ___________ (be) a child, my mother___________ (prepare) breakfastevery weekday, but on Saturday my father___________ (cook) eggs and bacon and I __________ (make) the toast and the coffee. On Sundays we _________ (alwayssleep) too long to have breakfast. I don´t think I __________ (ever eat) breakfast ona Sunday on my whole life.

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9. Complete the text with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. Use thepresent simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous or presentperfect.

My brother, Sam, (1) ……................. (go) to a gallery last week to see an exhibition

by a new artist. While Sam (2) ……................. (look) at one of the paintings, a man(3) ……................. (appear) next to him. The man asked,‘(4) ……................. you ……................. (enjoy) the exhibition?’ Sam said, ‘It’svery good, but I(5) ……................. (not understand) this painting.’ ‘Really? That’s interesting,’the man replied. Sam said, ‘I (6) ……................. (stare) at it for a long time, but I(7) ……................. (not decide) if I like it yet. The subject is interesting but thestyle andcolours are a bit simple. What do you think?(8) ……................. you ever ……................. (see) this artist before?’ ‘Yes,’ hereplied, ‘I am the artist.’ Sam (9) ……................. (blush) but the man said, ‘Don’tworry. I like talking about

my paintings and I (10) ……................. (prefer) people to be honest.

10. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the firsttwo sentences. Use the past perfect and the past simple.

I took an aspirin. Then I felt better.

When I had taken an aspirin, I felt better.

1 She did her homework. Then she went to bed.

When ……….............................................….. .

2 We saw our friends. Then we went home.

When ………....................................……….. .

3 He rang his parents. Then he felt happy.

When ………..................................……….. .

4 I went to London. Then I visited Oxford.

When ……….....................................……….. .

5 They took some photos. Then they left.


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11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Usethe present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous or presentperfect.

1 While I……................. (watch) TV last night, my friend ……................. (ring).

2 A What …….............. you ……............... (do) next weekend?

B I’m not sure, but I usually ……................. (go) swimming.

3 A ……................ David ……................ (start) his exams yet?

B Yes, he …….............. already …….............. (do) three exams.

4 What ……................. (happen) in the street when the police …….................(arrive)?

5 She usually ……................. (put) on formal clothes for work, but she……................. (wear) jeans today.

6 A ……............... you ever ……............... (see) a ghost in this house?

B No, but we ……................. (hear) lots ofstrange noises.

12. Fill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice).

1.  In the year 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian (visit) his provinces in Britain.

2.  On his visit, the Roman soldiers (tell) him that Pictish tribes from Britain's

north (attack) them.

3.  So Hadrian (give) the order to build a protective wall across one of the

narrowest parts of the country.

4.  After 6 years of hard work, the Wall (finish) in 128.

5.  It (be) 117 kilometres long and about 4 metres high.

6.  The Wall (guard) by 15,000 Roman soldiers.

7.  Every 8 kilometres there (be) a large fort in which up to 1,000 soldiers (find) 


8.  The soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check) the people

who (want) to enter or leave Roman Britain.

9.  In order to pass through the Wall, people (must go) to one of the small forts

that (serve) as gateways.

10.  Those forts (call) milecastles because the distance from one fort to another

(be) one Roman mile (about 1,500 metres).

11.  Between the milecastles there (be) two turrets from which the soldiers

(guard) the Wall.

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12.  If the Wall (attack) by enemies, the soldiers at the turrets (run) to the

nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that (can / see) by the soldiers in the


13.  In 383 Hadrian's Wall (abandon) .


Today Hadrian's Wall (be) the most popular tourist attraction in northernEngland.

15.  In 1987, it (become) a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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13. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present or past simplepassive.

1 English ……................. (speak) in the USA.

2 Their last hit ……................. (not compose)by the band.

3 Friends ……................. (show) on Mondays.

4 Computer studies ……................. (not teach) when I was a child.

5 Millions of videos ……................. (buy) every year.

6 My favourite actor ……................. (not interview) on last night’s show.

7 The Olympic Games ……................. (watch) by millions of people every four


8 My friends ……................. (not invite) to the party last weekend.

14. Write these sentences in the passive.

1 TV stations made millions of pounds.

………........................................................... .

2 People all over the world watch TV.

………........................................................... .

3 The presenter didn’t accept the answer.

………........................................................... .

4 Teenagers spend a lot of money on videos.

………........................................................... .

5 The best team didn’t win the match.

………........................................................... .

6 Young children don’t watch chat shows.

15. Change the direct speech sentences into indirect speech.

1 ‘I’m a scientist.’She said that ……….....................…….….. .

2 ‘The clock doesn’t work without a battery.’

I explained that ……......................……….. .

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3 ‘The train arrived an hour late.’They complained that ……......................… .

4 ‘He has passed all his exams.’She said that ……......................………....... .

5 ‘I’ve been a fashion victim for years.’He joked that …………....................…..….. .

6 ‘We’ve already seen the film.’He replied that …………….....................….. .

7 ‘They will be very happy together.’I predicted that …………................…....…... .

8 ‘We’ll tidy up the kitchen.’They promised that …………............…........ .

9 ‘I can buy a Rolls Royce.’She boasted that ............................................. .

10 ‘He needs to fill in a form.’She explained that ..........................................  ………...........................................................

16. Convert the phrases below into reported speech.

"It's raining," she said.

1  ______________________________________________

He said to her, "I love you."

2  ______________________________________________

"I saw María in the supermarket yesterday," said Carlos.

3  ______________________________________________

"We've lived here for three years," he said.

4  ______________________________________________

"I'll bring a pasta salad," said Francesca.

5  ______________________________________________

"Mark's going to install solar panels," said Miranda.

6  ______________________________________________

"They found gold here," said the geology teacher.

7  ______________________________________________

"Jenny can't speak French," said Pierre.

8  ______________________________________________"I first met my wife in Seville," he told us.

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9  ______________________________________________

"I want your homework handed in by tomorrow," he said.

10  ______________________________________________

"My mother made these cakes," said Juan.

11  ______________________________________________

"I'm feeling tired now," said David.


17. Reported Questions

1) Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?"Yesterday Mandy asked me .

2) Jason: "Who gave you the laptop?"Yesterday Jason wanted to know .

3) Robert: "Is Tim leaving on Friday?"Yesterday Robert asked me .

4) Daniel: "Will it rain tomorrow?"Yesterday Daniel asked me .

5) Jennifer: "Where do you play football today?"Yesterday Jennifer wanted to know .

6) Nancy: "Why didn't Nick go to New York last summer?"

Yesterday Nancy wanted to know .7) Barbara: "Do I have to do my homework this afternoon?"Yesterday Barbara asked me .

8) Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?"Yesterday Linda wanted to know .

9) Grandmother: "Where are my glasses?"Yesterday Grandmother asked me .

10) A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?"Yesterday a man asked me .

18. Fill in the or a/an or no article as appropriate.

a.  I wish __________ grew on __________ trees.b.  Can you pay me back____________ money I lent you?c.  All ___________ countries of ___________ world must try to save__________

energy.d.   ___________ energy we need for__________ project will take most of

 ____________ savings in _________ bank.e.   __________ weather in __________ south of_________ France is wonderful.f.   ___________ bad weather can ruin___________ holiday.g.  He plays___________ football for__________ national team.


 _____________ children want to play__________ game of_________ footballbefore__________ supper.

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i.  I know__________ he is ____________ doctor, but I am not sure whether he is ___________ psychiatrist or _________ brain surgeon.

j.  He first played ___________ piano at___________ concert when he was at ___________ school.

k.   ___________ Ben Nevis is___________ highest mountain in__________ UnitedKingdom.


Who or what is responsible for __________ increase in _________ crime? Is it __________ society, ____________television or_________ education wegive_____________ young people?

19. RELATIVE SENTENCES.Join the sentences to make one long sentence. Usewho or which.

1 That’s the girl. She lives next door to Martin.


2 This is the book. Katie bought it for me for my birthday.


3 There are a lot of people. They enjoy watching this TV show.


4 We got on the bus. It goes into the town centre.


5 These are the computer games. They are the most popular.


6 Skiing is a sport. I’d like to try it.


7 I’ve got a friend. She doesn’t like chocolate.


8 This is an important match. We can’t lose it!


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20. Combine these pairs of sentences using a relative clause and which, who, thator whose. Begin with the word or phrase given.

1.  We ordered some furniture a month ago. It hasn´t arrived yet.The furniture2.  You read a lot of information in the newspaper. You shouldn´t believe it all.You shouldn´t3.  We have had bad weather this summer. It isn´t usual.The bad weather4.  The man´s a film director. His films have won a lot of prizes.That is the film director5.  Measles is an illness. Its symptoms are unpleasant for children.Measles6.  Someone might solve the energy crisis. That person will become an

international hero.The person7.  There is hot water and steam undr the earth. It can provide energy.

The hot water and steam8.  Some countries wast energy. He complains about them.He complains9.  He took part in some iscussions. They were a waste of time.The discussions10. A man invented the steam engine. He revolutionised land transport.The man

21. Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose from thedropdown menu.

1) I talked to the girl car had broken down in front of the shop.

2) Mr Richards, is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich is in East Anglia.

4) This is the girl comes from Spain.

5) That's Peter, the boy has just arrived at the airport.

6) Thank you very much for your e-mail was very interesting.

7) The man, father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.

8) The children, shouted in the street, are not from our school.

9) The car, driver is a young man, is from Ireland.

10) What did you do with the money your mother lent you?

22. Combine the sentences using defining relative pronouns. When the relativepronoun is an object, it can be omitted.

1 That's the girl. She spoke to me yesterday. _____________________________________________________________ .2 What's the name of the book? You want me to read it. _____________________________________________________________ .3 We stayed in a hotel. The hotel was very expensive. _____________________________________________________________ .

4 I rent a house. It is very small. _____________________________________________________________ .

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5 The car was stolen. It was a BMW.

 _____________________________________________________________ .

6The man smoked forty cigarettes a day. He died of a heart attack.

 _____________________________________________________________ .

7That's the building. I work there.

 _____________________________________________________________ .8That's the boy. His mother works in the post office.

 _____________________________________________________________ .

9The businessman was very rich. I saw him last night.

 _____________________________________________________________ .

10That's the dog. Its owner is French.

 _____________________________________________________________ .

23. Conditional Sentences. Finish each of the following sentences in such a waythat it means exactly the same as the first sentence.

1.They criticized me because I made a simple mistake.If I hadn´t2. The lion was attacking the man, so he shot it.The man wouldn´t _______________________3. He was making so much noise that he didn´t hear the telephone.If he hadn´t4. He is a millionaire now because he worked so hard when he was younger.

He wouldn´t5. She lost all her money in the business because she wasn´t careful.If she had6. They did away with the old cinema because they wanted to build a block offlats.If they hadn´t wanted to built7. He forgot to post the letters because she was in such a hurry.If she8. He is useless at maths now because he didn´t pay enough attention at school.,He wouldn´t

9. The weather was awful, so we didn’t enjoy our holiday.

We would have

10. You got up too late, so you missed the train.

You wouldn´t

24."Future perfect and continuous


Don't come before 5pm, (I/ work) at my office.

2. Come at 5.30pm, (I/ finish) working.

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3. Do you think (you/ still/ live) in the same house next year?

4. If you can, come to see me, (I/ stay) at the Beach Hotel until


5. In my dreams, tomorrow (I/snuggle up) to you and not taking my

exam !

6. I'm visiting Australia at the moment, at the end (I/ travel) more

than 6000 km.

7. I'll come to join you around 7pm, (my meeting/ end) by then.

8.  It's no point arguing with him. He (not do) anything I


9. I (wear) contact lenses when you see me next. You (not recognize)me.

10. He's well-off but he (spend) all his money before he's 30.

11. She always makes jam in summer. She (make) at least 100 jars by

the end of the summer.

12. This time next week I (have) breakfast in bed in a luxury hotel.

13. I'm sure she (wear) her red dress at the party tomorrow.

14. If you come, I (save) you a seat in the front row.

15. At this pace, we (finish) painting the house by the end of the week.

16. You (have) to be more patient with your students.

17. You can have my car. I (not use) it while I'm on holiday

25. Complete the text with a suitable tense, Future Continuous or Future


It's hard to make predictions too far into the future but I suppose in 20 years' time I

(finish) my studies and I (find) a good job. I finally (be) independent and I (travel) all

the time. The world certainly (be) different: people (drive) electric cars and we (run)

out of petrol. I expect everyone (change) their habits, but scientists still (look) for a

way to control global warming. I hope I (live) long enough to see it all happen!

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26. First, read Jack's itinerary for tomorrow. Then, for each sentence, choose

either Future Continuous or Future Perfect to complete it. Look at the example.











Leave Home

Arrive at Airport

Plane Leaves For Paris

Arrives in Paris

Meeting Starts

Meeting Finishes

Business Dinner

Leave Restaurant

Arrive at Hotel

Go to Bed

Example. At 8am, he will be leaving home. (leave)

1. By 8.30am, he at the airport. (arrive airport).

2. At 9am, he his plane (wait).

3. At 9.30am, he for Paris (leave).

4. At 10am, he to Paris (fly).

5. At 11.10am, he (arrive) in Paris.

6. At 1.30pm, the meeting (start).

7. At 7.50pm, he his dinner (eat).

8. At 10.15pm, he (leave) the restaurant.

9. At midnight, he (sleep).

27. Complete the sentences using either Future Continuous or Future Perfect.

1. Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a power cut on the line. The train (leave) as

soon as the power is restored.

2. The weather forecast says that the sky (clear) by tomorrow morning.

3. This time tomorrow, he (defend) his PhD and (have) a party with his friends.

4. You can stay in my office. I (use) it today - I need to do some fieldwork.

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5. In 2100, many animal species (become) extinct on Earth and humans (settle) on

other planets in the universe.

6. You can come around this evening. The children (go) to bed by then.

7. She (finish) the report by 10 o'clock tomorrow

28.  Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the

original sentences. Use Must have+ past participle

1.  He hasn´t contacted me. He probably thought I was unsuitable

for the job.


2.  I suppose she offered you a lift.


3.  He visited us last year. I am sure you recognised him.


4.  The train has left and she is still at the station.


5.  Her watch simply disappeared.


29. Use Modal Perfect.

1.  There is no possibility that Mark was involved in the crime. (couldn´t)

2. Maybe Janet invited him here tonight. (might)

3. We expected him to pass his exams, but he didn´t.


4.  It was a bad idea to ask him to do it. (been)

5.  It was wrong to stay out all night without phoning me.

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6.  I started working here in 1990, so in the year 2000 it will be ten years. (by

the year 2000)

7.  She isn´t in the office. Perhaps she went home. (may)


I´m sure she was quite angry when she said it. (must)

9.  Perhaps she learned English as a child. (may)

30. Complete the following sentences with the correct past modal verb form.

Must have - Might have - Should have - Can't have

1. John ______________gone on holiday. I saw him this morning downtown.

2. Nobody answered the phone at the clinic. It _____________closed early.

3. I _______________revised more for my exams. I think I'll fail!

4. Sarah looks really pleased with herself. She _____________passed her drivingtest this morning.

5. I didn't know you were going to Phil's party yesterday. You ______________toldme!

6. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He _____________caught the wrong train.

7. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He _____________caught the correct train.

8. Don't lie to me that you were ill yesterday. You _______________been ill - Donsaid you were at the ice hockey match last night.

9. I don't know where they went on holiday but they bought Euros before they leftso they ______________gone to France or Germany.

10. His number was busy all night - he ________________been on the phonecontinuously for hours.

31. Complete the following text using a Gerund or an Infinitive. (16 marks)

I couldn´t___________________ (imagine) Peter___________________ (go) by bike.

However, after a long conversation he agreed______________ (come) with us. He

understood how healthy it was to do physical exercise. It was not

easy_______________ (convince) him as he has always hated_______________ (do)


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We were all looking forward to__________________ (see) him riding a bike. We had

decided_______________ (ride) through the forest. That was another problem

because Peter is not a countryside person and he is not used to____________ (do)

any kind of physical effort. We thought we would______________ (tell) us that he

was not going to ride in muddy paths but he didn´t say anything. He said he didn´t

mind _____________ (ride) his bike in this type of paths as long as we waited for him

in case he felt tired. Surprinsingly enough, we didn´t have to wait for him. We didn´t

expect him to be so fit. Actually he told us he would like_________________ (repeat)

the experience again.

As you can see Peter is a very determined person who never gives

up______________ (do) what he has in mind to do. Undoubtedly, this was a

wonderful experience for us and for him. Sometimes we judge people beforehand.We all thought Peter wouldn´t be interested in_____________ (practise) any kind

of sports and probably he didn´t even know how good he was

at_________________ (ride) bikes. On top of that, _____________________ (buy) a

bike is something most people of our age.

32. Complete the sentences using either gerund or infinitive

1.  I know I shouldn´t, but I can´t help________ when

I see him.

a. Laughing b. laugh c. to laugh d. to laughing

2.  The members all know what to do, but the

President still needs__________

a. Convince b. convincing c. to convince d.

being convinced

3. I can´t see how they can avoid______ anotherdefeat.

a. to suffer b. to suffering c. suffering d.

having suffered

4. I´m sorry but I am not used___________ in public.

a. to speaking b. speaking c. speak d. to


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5. I must apologize for___________ so rude to your


a. having been b. to being c. to be d. be

6. I advise you to give up_____________

a. smoke b smoking c. to smoke d. to


7. We are all looking forward __________ you.

a. to see b. to seeing c. seeing d. having


8. I can´t afford__________ a new car.

a. buying b. buy c. to buy d. to buying

9. This room still needs________

a. to clean b. cleaning c. to cleaning d.


10. You have been robbed? Try_______ an alarm.

a. to put b. to putting c. putting in d. in


11. By now you should be accustomed __________


a. drink b. to drink c. drinking d. to


12. __________ abroad helps you to broaden you


a. to study b. study c. studying d. to


13. I would like__________ you one day.

a. to visit b. visiting c. to visiting d. visit.

14. You should stop__________ fast food.

a. to eat b. eating c. eat d. to eating

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15. When we were little we used to___________ live

in a small house.

a. living b. have live c. live d.lived