4agic val! 16 » i - b v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/times... · ansor. refused.to...

Conditio $m( ^ H R ~ j^ Z 'Z '~ — ^ ...... ------ Qhipoffth Tim Abbot of Wri pile of Umbs into i Months late, ai Ey CLIFF HAAS The'Assoc/atedPress WASHINGTON - Nearly Senate approved a compror Wednesday lhat carries a 5! The spending blueprint f _ begins’Oct. l was approve . ^ n t to the House, which will The measure docs not r signature because it serves Congress as il makes spendi Even so, the budgel Is Immig By The Associaied Press . juidTheTlme?*News _ WASHIt^GTON ■ - ' ‘AiT ' could help case soulhem I with the Border Palrol n ' Congress. ' ' " Senate and House-confer bcrs arc debating a.conlrovi tries to prolect Hispanic Arr discrimination. “There's stiil a chance c Hardy, a press aide to Sen. i "W tH e clock is ticking am hour." The House-Senate confe provision cslabiishing an e; program. Uiat would be Immigration and Naluralli said. The new program w temporary employmenl vl areas where Ihere are doc •afies,hesald. ^ByBOBSpRlNGER llioAssocIatfi^PTess ’ MdNMOUTH. -in. - T munlty Is reeling from’H came to ligtit wt;eo an ------- trading . weifafe-aid- for- stltulcs. - Now 18 oU>er8 ha v e beei for allegedly extorting zr scamasecret. MonmouUi' Township' i ons good lliij' ,000 anc / V . 79th i H b *. . he-old-limb Wright's Tree Service inserts ito a ^'chipper’' machine, whic acconipanied b\ rte app[ c i. c arly five monihs late, the r iromise $932 biilion budget aSlBlbllllondeficlt. v U for Uie fiscal year lhat I oved on a voice vole and r will consider it next week, it require the president’s' s ves only, as a guideline for } inding and tax decisions. c I is a iargeiy symbolic F jration ; I liTlmmlgraiibnTjill that' ’< Tl Idaho farmers’ battles I 1 remains, deadlocked In iference commlltee mcm- c roverslal amendment Uial £ Americansagainst hiring i :e of passage," said Don :n. Allan Simpson. R-Wyo. , \ and we’re in Uie elcvenUi - c nference bill contains a c n expanded guest worker c >c administered by the •allzation Service, Hardy L t would allow foreigners o visas to work in farm documented labor short- o b ois offic Lemki agsrs, -------- : ------------------------ CBtllc - This farmlng-'cohv.....Len n’H'aex'scandal Uial two w an official admitted public or' (avoni-front-pfo*" offices - him. )cen Indicted somc Mar ; money to keep his chargi p' Supervisor' David his ow I for starte I d rising h year, No. 271 I .... Is a InstanUy reduces them hich a member of a crew cl( by vast deficit document bccausc lhe House have made lhe. bulk of Uieii contained in the budget pU reduclions, “ I don’l know if it makes wheUier It passes or not,” R-Okla., said during a brief S< nearlyemptychamber..., • In a related deviopment. a t senators seni a lelter to Majc H. Baker Jr., R-Tenn.. asking chancc to vote qn the so<alle Presideht Reagan wants. I bill sta] Soulhem Idaho farmers. \ m ore Uian 18,000 iilcj>ais anr /-Ticcn-the largc>;, of-steppec ■enforcem'ent efTorts'.-kcofcl Patrol officials. The confcrence provision promise between a Senate expansion of a limited guc already adminislered by the and a new INS program pro Hardysaid. But the bill's chances c Wednesday as House and - ended talks in a stalemate. ' Afternearly-sixhoursofdls CCS were unabie to forge a ( anti-blasproposalbyRep. Bai . Simpson. Uje Senate sponse the FYank provision, as wel offered by Rep. Romano Maz Sponsors have been trying' out of conference and Uiroi before Congress’s scheduled a is ind cialadn nke. tbe married father of I trs. wasfientdjciedtottimyeaR UerUUffyBar-------- -------------- em k ^ 40, said be had accq>ted I women in return for a total. < llic rental aid dlsbureed by his cer-He-said ~Uie-womes [any of U» 18 people Indicted las rges' ranging from fraud to pei sUtutlon tumed-Lemke'Iaton- own sdieme by extorting public of elk sea I - B v| i em to sawdust. Abbot was i r clearing tree limbs away i V /\ )use and Senate already heir decisions on items go plan, including deficit to ve ikes a lol of difference' )t.” Sen. Don Nickles, bu if Senate debate before a wc _____ _________________ ml . a bipartisan group of <18 Sc lajorlly Leader Howard (Ing that Uiey bc given a i Ic oiled llne-item veto that rei of, ills in C( ■s. who oro said lo hire onnualiy. have recenUy Uk iped-'up'Border natrolT lej Mfding to'area Border ' ml dl: Ilon represents a com* -n - i ate bill calling for an Rc guest.worker program so Uie Ubor Department thi proposed by the House, bn s of passage dimmed co ind Senate negotiators cu bo [ discussions, the confer- Uii a compromise over an fe! Barney Frank, D-Mass, i ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation pp hrough both chambers i, ed adjoummenl Ocl, 6. bn idicted, som e^o of two teen- him as “hush sars In prison scam, said W; -----------^— TwarreirMCNs ited MX from "1 sur; tal.QfUSOin werelnvolved his township allkeptsilenti jT^tUMied------Thirteen-of- [ ' arrested, said llastweekon are women ai Ipeijury and with prostltuU m vlctlm of - Lemke at his ( Mlc aid from aid to which Ui i ^ _________ __ . I ison in M Twin Falls, Idal .y from an Idaho PowerCo. Ilr a mild autumn day. 11* The measure, po/trayed i government spending;'Would to reject individuai ilems in I vetoing Uie entire bill, as he m The budget Is supposed lo l> but most indlvldua] approprln work on lhe budgel blueprint military spending Impasse bc Senate. That stalemate was broki House Speaker Thomas P. 0 reached a-prellminary agreei }f a defense authorization blli. onferei But Rep, P eter Rodlno. D•^ Uie House Judiciary Commi leader, r c ^ 'd to_(^iyej'Uriu tfilgFit fheefaguin, culling in clIscuHslons over the complex I ' Bul several members of tiic Rep, Hamilton Fish, R-N.Y., some kind of agreement coulc the weekend and Uiat Uie co l>reak the impasse on Monday The issue has blocked fini: :omprehenslve legislation, Mrders. Over the past eight the negotiators ironed out t fefences In bills passed by tlie In general. Uie conferees aj [ines and possible prisoi 2mpioyers who knowingly hlr :o grant legal status to the: jrove they entered the United I. 1981, and lived herc contii jreakingUieiaw. o fp '^ o ffs^ tfe )apjfwnc sh money” for n^revciing i WajTen Counly State’s Alton i^^sed aa to how many peo ed, aod I was surprised how tl itfor8olong,” McNeUlsaid. )f the pe<yle Indicted have bt id McNeOI.Ten of Uiose aim i and four of them are d>ar{ iUon. a c c ^ of having m w s dffiM or In hlshome for m Uiey were not enUUed. 4agic Val! daha w' . c actii Join Idat dooi proc are; then - ■ lefti - . -^afd ..... aide schc fron mo\ .line In Twin FaUs on _________ Tl Rep Bul acn envi ^ ^ J _ncr( tion M d as a way to reduce Wec uld allow the president D-A in legislation Instead of rior i musl do now. join obe In place by May 15. irlntions bills along wlUi int bogged down over a between the House and !▼ roken last vVeek when . O’Neill Jr. and Baker ^ reement on the outlines ■III. The Nl ince us Frid D-N.J.. UiedialmiBiior imittee and conference iriie ivh'eiilliti.cdlifCreiiis'*. 'T^ ; Into ciuestlon whether-'™®® ex bill will continue. tlie confercnce. such as Th Y., expressed hope that disp. 5Uld be worked oul over Wed conferees could try to Qroi lay. Amc final agreement on the serlc 1, which is aimed at lhe | WLflUfin5_aqtQ55_LLS_tion. {ht days of discussions, ,p It Uie oUier major dif- ‘ , Uie Houso and Senate, , „ sogreed to impose sUff ," “ ison sentences upon hired Illegal aliens, and hose aliens who couIcT „ „ j , ited States prior to Jan. SJ ntinuously and without reep sc®n secfei QW&fd ngUie According to McNe idroey cases. Uielr boyfrie Uons lor publfc re xople phony names and U vUicy relative as theirlandl 1. . McNeill said Lem) ) been... check, -^Uie-person A ruled would cash it'aDdUn arged' among the phony lai xwlUi herboyfrieod.^ rwlal “Pwpfe^doil'k ‘k especially » Uiey fe //ey — Dl ilKickir I higl' ______________________ , - SAI Som area: b est ht QtUmSKECIYgJJ-*"'— iJe'Associaled Press B0ISI5 - With Uie deadiir iction this year 10 days away, blin rivan-s says decisions on daho wiidemess-issues will hi b'ait. That’s because lengthy, c ioors negotiations have falli iroduce agreement on wheUier ireas of Idaho should bc presen wilderness. If Uiere’s a hope th daho wilderness bill can be app ly Congress by the end of next hen some questions will have eft unresolved, Uie govemorsaj --W e haven!l-been able lo coi t'iUi_an_agreement,’.’jh e_ gov afd Wednesday, in an interview hould finalize whal we can.” Meanwhile, the staff of-Senr-J >1c^U_re^ says negotiations coi 'almost daily” on the p ro p o i k'Udemesfe bill. But McClure lide Bill Livingstone said tli imnln'g-shortT-because-Congr chcduled to recess on Ocl. G, a rom this Saturday. ••The negotiationsjicc.ongoir noving,” said Livingstone. Me :iialrman of the Senate Energ ■/atural Resources Commltti iddltlon of 525,000 acres of wildi nIdaho. That's been endorsed by Uie 5 lepublican congressional delej Jut Evans wants al least 1.2 r icres -added; major con^r> ;nvironment groups want 3.4 r icres and one conservation org ion wants upwards of 3 million McClure met Tuesday and Vednesday wiUi Rep. Morris )-Arlz.. chairman of Uie Hous( ior Committee, and Democrai lolin Selberllnu. chairman o: Moscow 1 Shultz, G he Washington Posi NEW YORK - Soviet Fc linisler /\ndrei A. Gromyko esday casl a pall over his •riday wiUi President Reagc isuing a strongly worded aUa leU.S. administration. -The-attack tollowcd.a.thrcc lecllng'BcrewiUi SecreUuyof leorgc P. Shultz. The Soviet news agency Tass Ispatch reporting lls versic /ediie.sday's meeling, q Iromyko as saying. "S .merican relations have eriously undermined as a res le policy ot Uie present admin onJ^-------------------------------- Ta.-a added Uiat'Shultz “sel IC: known American positions' 0 not atte.st to any positive ch 1 (the) U.S. approach to.lnl onal affairs.” Tass published the Soviet ac nder a New York dateline aboi ours after Uie Gromyko-5 2ssion, suggesting thal It rcfi .. jrejunc :NelU, women and. In some di Mends_fUlodi.oul_aDPllca-_P rental assistance using pl 1 then named a friend or p) mdlord. oi >mke Uien would.Issue Uie O'JIsted-aa: the-.landlord—« 1Uie mooey would be split J landlord, Uie woman and *' _^ u-w'-- "know what to Uil^ s f know one” of Uios^ in- e 16 » . n i c:f,' _ . I C»VTV< — ■ ' UlQleVMTXtwtMEMItl Thursday, Sepl le w i s m a lielvc Map t adds c have t o ------------------------ BOISE (AP) - closed- ations contin llled lo wlldemess total ersome "grown” by moi 3rvedas ocros becausc < that the mistake, pproved Bill Livingstoi <l week, for Sen. James /e to bc McClure has be says. Uie U.S. Forest S rome up Frank Church-R [ovemor lum Wildemes 2w. “ We “growri” by I3i;0 That Idaho wl -James originally- was - Mntlnue about 3,8 million idldaho’ -ing-2.23 million ■e press River of No Relu time Is Even wiUioul p gress-ls------Idaho-Mdldem ess , a week Uie total has gon acres found in i )lnfi.and_ mapped area. IcClure. 1 ------------------------------- rgy and ittee. Is panel's public land! Idemess tinue. minus the sl£ , know whal’s being ( e state’s “Tliere’s still a p< legation, be passed, but tin I million There are severs ‘rvation- we're nol talking a I million In the negoUatlo rganlza- . said, on acres Last week, the Id d again proposal of 526,00 s Udall. Wednesday. Sen. S ise Inle- thal endorsement rat Rep. prospects for p ol thal • See WILDS blasts av jromyko studied Soviet de - whal Gromyko hear Foreign “Please don’t as ;6 Wed- lions." the pokerfac Is lalks as he emerged fr gan by session with Shultz a tack on to Uie United Natii discussions arc "not •eerhour.' he.visjtsjleagan at .t of Slate; ; "you cpna^m c tions next time,” Gi .c« « told reporters. Shultz, who appea; later, said he and < •c« I » comprehensive and tion” asabackgrou -------------- ShuIlz~reTiisca"l et forth about Uie substam s which Wednesday's talk, a changes littletoadd. Intcma- Following publics dlspatcli, an admlr account briefed on Wednes loutfive Uicy had been "pi o-Shultz recitation of know eflecled Gromyko. dsjofsi dictod, sold Dora SbotweU, a Paric ‘N* Eat Cafe, a block fro picturesque downtown a practleaUy everybody in town oneolthem.” Despite Lemke's staten -women hadpropoalUooed hit Judge Michael MUim said at "I (lod it Impossible to belles these bad Uiou^ts in y sexual activity was ^ la re t exdiange. .. ... """"T ijr 5 « ; eplemffor27.19&4 ild a y ed 1 )error \ acres ’ ) - While negotl- ntinue. Idaho’s .oUil already has more Uian 130,000. sc of 0 mapping ptone, press aide ies McClure, said ; been notified by !Sl Service that the - -• h-Rlver of No Re- mess area ’ has 3i;oooocres: ) wilderness area as-calculated a f - ----- lion acres. Includ- llon-acres-in the------------- r lelum Wilderness. It passage of an hill fhic yoflr gone up by 131,000 in a check of Uie onds subcommittee. fald-Uicjneetlnga-COO:______ ! staffs, and he doesn't Ing discussed, a possibility a bill can time Is n ^ n g out. veral proposals, .^but ' lg at all about what’s ations," Livingstone ' e Idaho Association of 6,000 acres, t^ d on n. Steve Symii^'^ld ent should l ^ n v e passage , le *• [J)SonPa^fe'5;? iw a y ;.:'^ t 0 ta ll^ deliberation about icard from Shultz. : ask"me-any-ques-._.. ... >faced Gromyko said 1 from Uie midday 112 at Uie U.S. Mission >lalions. He said his "not concluded" until at.UieWhi.teHQUsc..., me p thousand ” Gromyko teosln^y peared a few mlnutes' nd Gromyko had "a and broad conversa- jound for Uie session We-look-forward-to----------- i” in Washington. a"'tb"~lio>nEylHIng tance or results of . k, and U.S. aides had ilication ot Uie Tass Imlnistratlon official. Inesday’s Ulks said ' "pretty much of a nown positions" by 5 e x 1, a waitress atthe rifrom Monmatitb’ii ____ square, “And own knows at leatf itement ’ that the lhim,y.S.'Dlstrict ------ -- latUieseQteadng, altevetttesawMOBQ' D your mind, Tt^ arenUythe «UI'ot* I'

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Page 1: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation


$ m (

■ H R

— ~ j ^ Z ' Z ' ~ — ^......

------Q h ip o ffthTim Abbot of Wri pile of Umbs into i

Months late, ai

Ey CLIFF HAAS The'Assoc/ated Press

WASHINGTON - Nearly Senate approved a compror Wednesday lhat carries a 5!

The spending blueprint f _ begins’Oct. l was approve

. ^ n t to the House, which will The measure docs not r

signature because it serves Congress as il makes spendi

Even so, the budgel Is

Im m igBy The Associaied Press

. juidTheTlme?*News _

WASHIt^GTON ■ - ' ‘AiT ' could help case soulhem I

with the Border Palrol n ' Congress. ' ' "

Senate and House-confer bcrs arc debating a.conlrovi tries to prolect Hispanic Arr discrimination.

“There's stiil a chance c Hardy, a press aide to Sen. i "W tH e clock is ticking am hour."

The House-Senate confe provision cslabiishing an e; program. Uiat would be Immigration and Naluralli said. The new program w temporary employmenl vl areas where Ihere are doc •afies,hesald.


’ MdNMOUTH. -in. - T munlty Is reeling from’H came to ligtit wt;eo an

------- trading . weifafe-aid- for-stltulcs.- Now 18 oU>er8 have beei for allegedly extorting zr scamasecret.

MonmouUi' Township' i

ons good

ll i i j ' ,000 anc

/ V. 79th i

H b *. .

he-old-limb—Wright's Tree Service in serts ito a ^'chipper’' m achine, whic

acconipanied b\

rte app [ci.c

arly five monihs late, the r iromise $932 biilion budget aSlBlbllllondeficlt. vU for Uie fiscal year lhat I oved on a voice vole and r will consider it next week, it require the president’s ' s ves only, as a guideline for } inding and tax decisions. c I is a iargeiy symbolic F

jra tio n; I

liTlmmlgraiibnTjill that' ’< Tl Idaho farmers’ battles I 1 remains, deadlocked In

iference commlltee mcm- c roverslal amendment Uial £ Americansagainst hiring i

:e of passage," said Don :n. Allan Simpson. R-Wyo. , \ and we’re in Uie elcvenUi - c

nference bill contains a c n expanded guest worker c >c administered by the •allzation Service, Hardy L t would allow foreigners o

visas to work in farm documented labor short- o


o is o ff icLemkiag srs ,

-------- :------------------------ CBtllc- This farm lng-'cohv.....L e nn’H 'aex 'scandal Uial tw o w an official admitted public o r ' (avoni-front-pfo*" offices

- • h im .)cen Indicted som c M ar ; money to keep h is charg i

p ' Supervisor' David h is ow

I for starte


d rising

h yea r, No. 271

I ....

I s a InstanUy reduces them hich a member of a crew cl(

by vast deficit

document bccausc lhe House have made lhe. bulk of Uieii contained in the budget pU reduclions,

“ I don’l know if it makes wheUier It passes or not,” R-Okla., said during a brief S< nearlyemptychamber..., •

In a related deviopment. a t senators seni a lelter to Majc H. Baker Jr., R-Tenn.. asking chancc to vote qn the so<alle Presideht Reagan wants.

I bill sta]Soulhem Idaho farmers. \

more Uian 18,000 iilcj>ais anr /-Ticcn-the largc>;, of-steppec

■enforcem'ent efTorts'.-kcofcl Patrol officials.

The confcrence provision promise between a Senate expansion of a limited guc already adminislered by the and a new INS program pro Hardysaid.

But the bill's chances c Wednesday as House and

- ended talks in a stalemate.' Afternearly-sixhoursofdls

CCS were unabie to forge a ( anti-blasproposalbyRep. Bai . Simpson. Uje Senate sponse the FYank provision, as wel offered by Rep. Romano Maz

Sponsors have been trying' out of conference and Uiroi before Congress’s scheduled a

i s ind

cialadnnke. tbe married father of I trs. wasfientdjciedtottimyeaRUerUUffyBar-------- --------------em k ^ 40, said be had accq>ted I women in return for a total. < llic rental aid dlsbureed by his cer-He-said ~ Uie-womes

[any of U» 18 people Indicted las rges' ranging from fraud to pei sUtutlon tumed-Lemke'Iaton- own sdieme by extorting public

of elk sea

I - B v | i

em to sawdust. Abbot was i r clearing tree limbs away i

V / \

)use and Senate already heir decisions on items go plan, including deficit to

veikes a lol of difference')t.” Sen. Don Nickles, bu if Senate debate before a wc

_____ _________________ ml. a bipartisan group of <18 Sc lajorlly Leader Howard (Ing that Uiey bc given a i Ic oiled llne-item veto that rei


ills in C(■s. who oro said lo hire onnualiy. have recenUy Uk iped-'up'Border n a tro lT lej Mfding to 'a re a Border ' ml

dl:Ilon represents a com* -n - i ate bill calling for an Rc guest.worker program so Uie U bor Department thi

proposed by the House, bn

s of passage dimmed coind Senate negotiators cu

bo[ discussions, the confer- Uiia compromise over an ■ fe!Barney Frank, D-Mass, iansor. refused.to accept finwell as a compromise enklazzoil, D-Ky. \ toIng to gel the legislation pphrough both chambers i,ed adjoummenl Ocl, 6. bn

i d i c t e d , s o m e ^ o

of two teen- him as “hush sars In prison scam, said W;----------- — TwarreirMCNsited MX from "1 sur; tal.QfUSOin werelnvolved his township allkeptsilentijT^tU M ied------Thirteen-of-

[ ■ ' arrested, said llastweekon are women ai I peijury and with prostltuU m vlctlm of - Lemke at his ( Mlc aid from aid to which Ui

i _________ __

. I

ison in M

Twin Falls, Idal

. y

from an Idaho PowerCo. Ilr a mild autumn day.

1 1 *

The measure, po/trayed i government spending;'Would to reject individuai ilems in I vetoing Uie entire bill, as he m

The budget Is supposed lo l> but most indlvldua] approprln work on lhe budgel blueprint military spending Impasse bc Senate.

That stalemate was broki House Speaker Thomas P. 0 reached a-prellminary agreei }f a defense authorization blli.

onfereiBut Rep, Peter Rodlno. D•

Uie House Judiciary Commi leader, r c ^ 'd to_(^iyej'Uriu tfilgFit fheefaguin, culling in clIscuHslons over the complex I ' Bul several members of tiic Rep, Hamilton Fish, R-N.Y., some kind of agreement coulc the weekend and Uiat Uie co l>reak the impasse on Monday

The issue has blocked fini: :omprehenslve legislation,

Mrders. Over the past eight the negotiators ironed out t fefences In bills passed by tlie

In general. Uie conferees aj [ines and possible prisoi 2mpioyers who knowingly hlr :o grant legal status to the: jrove they entered the United I. 1981, and lived herc contii jreakingUieiaw.

o f p ' ^ o f f s ^ t f e

) a p j f w n csh money” for n ^ re v c iin g i WajTen Counly State’s Alton

i^^sed aa to how many peo ed, aod I was surprised how tl itfor8olong,” McNeUlsaid.)f the pe<yle Indicted have bt id McNeOI.Ten of Uiose aim i and four of them are d>ar{

iUon. a c c ^ of having m w s dffiM or In hlshome for m Uiey were not enUUed.

4agic Val!


w' ■ . c



then- ■ lefti

- . —


..... aide



.line In Twin FaUs on

• • _________ TlRepBulacnenvi

^ ^ J _ncr(tion

Md as a way to reduce Weculd allow the president D-Ain legislation Instead of riori musl do now. join obe In place by May 15. irlntions bills along wlUi int bogged down over abetween the House and !▼

roken last vVeek when . O’Neill Jr. and Baker ^ reement on the outlines■III. The

Nlince usFrid

D-N.J.. UiedialmiBiior imittee and conference iriie ivh'eiilliti.cdlifCreiiis'*. 'T^ ; Into ciuestlon whether-'™®® ex bill will continue. tlie confercnce. such as Th Y., expressed hope that disp. 5Uld be worked oul over Wed conferees could try to Qroi

lay. Amcfinal agreement on the serlc 1, which is aimed at lhe | WLflUfin5_aqtQ55_LLS_tion. {ht days of discussions, ,p It Uie oUier major dif- ‘ , Uie Houso and Senate, , „ sogreed to impose sUff , " “ ison sentences upon hired Illegal aliens, and hose aliens who couIcT „ „ j , ited States prior to Jan. S J ntinuously and without

reep sc® n secfei

Q W & fdngUie According to McNe idroey cases. Uielr boyfrie

Uons lor publfc re xople phony names and U vUicy relative as theirlandl 1. . McNeill said Lem)) been...check , -^Uie-person Aru le d would c a sh it'aD dU n arg ed ' am ong th e phony lai xwlUi herb o y frieo d .^ rw la l “ P w p fe ^ d o il 'k ‘k

especially » Uiey fe

/ /e y — D l

ilKickirI higl'______________________, • - SAI

S o m

a r e a :

b e s tht QtUmSKECIYgJJ-*"'— iJe'Associaled Press

B0ISI5 - With Uie deadiir iction this year 10 days away, blin rivan-s says decisions on daho wiidemess-issues will hi b'ait.That’s because lengthy, c

ioors negotiations have falli iroduce agreement on wheUier ireas of Idaho should bc presen wilderness. If Uiere’s a hope th daho wilderness bill can be app ly Congress by the end of next hen some questions will have eft unresolved, Uie govemorsaj --W e haven!l-been able lo coi t'iUi_an_agreement,’.’jh e_ gov afd Wednesday, in an interview hould finalize whal we can.” Meanwhile, the staff of-Senr-J

>1c U_re says negotiations coi 'almost daily” on the p r o p o i k'Udemesfe bill. But McClure lide Bill Livingstone said tli imnln'g-shortT-because-Congr chcduled to recess on Ocl. G, a rom this Saturday.

••The negotiationsjicc.ongoir noving,” said Livingstone. Me :iialrman of the Senate Energ ■/atural Resources Commltti

iddltlon of 525,000 acres of wildi nIdaho.

That's been endorsed by Uie 5 lepublican congressional delej Jut Evans wants al least 1.2 r icres -added; major con^r> ;nvironment groups want 3.4 r icres and one conservation org ion wants upwards of 3 million

McClure met Tuesday and Vednesday wiUi Rep. Morris )-Arlz.. chairman of Uie Hous( ior Committee, and Democrai lolin Selberllnu. chairman o:

Moscow 1 Shultz, Ghe Washington Posi

NEW YORK - Soviet Fc linisler /\ndrei A. Gromyko esday casl a pall over his •riday wiUi President Reagc isuing a strongly worded aUa leU.S. administration.-The-attack tollowcd.a.thrcc lecllng'BcrewiUi SecreUuyof leorgc P. Shultz.The Soviet news agency Tass

Ispatch reporting lls versic /ediie.sday's meeling, q Iromyko as saying. "S .merican relations have eriously undermined as a res le policy ot Uie present adminonJ^--------------------------------Ta.-a added Uiat'Shultz “sel IC: known American positions'0 not atte.st to any positive ch1 (the) U.S. approach to.lnl onal affairs.”Tass published the Soviet ac

nder a New York dateline aboi ours after Uie Gromyko-5 2ssion, suggesting thal It rcfi

..jre ju nc:NelU, women and. In some di Mends_fUlodi.oul_aDPllca-_P

rental assistance using pl 1 then named a friend or p) mdlord. oi>mke Uien would.Issue Uie O'JIsted-aa: the-.landlord—« 1 Uie mooey would be split J landlord, Uie woman and *'

_^ u -w '--"know what to U i l^ s f know one” of Uios in- e

16 »

. n i

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I C»VTV< ■ — ■' UlQleVMTXtwtMEMItl

T h u rsd a y , S e p l

l e w i

s m a

l i e l v cMap t adds c

have t o ------------------------BOISE (AP) -

closed- ations contin llled lo wlldemess total ersome "grown” by moi 3rvedas ocros becausc < that the mistake, pproved Bill Livingstoi <l week, for Sen. Jam es /e to bc McClure has be says. Uie U.S. Forest S rome up Frank Church-R [ovemor lum Wildemes 2w. “ We “growri” by I3i;0

That Idaho wl -Jam es originally- was - Mntlnue about 3,8 million idldaho’ -ing-2.23 million ■e press River of No Relu time Is Even wiUioul pgress-ls------Idaho-Mdldemess, a week Uie total has gon

acres found in i )lnfi.and_ mapped area.IcClure. 1-------------------------------rgy andittee. Is panel's public land!

Idemess tinue. minus the sl£, know whal’s being (

e state’s “Tliere’s still a p<legation, be passed, but tinI million There are severs‘rvation- we're nol talking aI million In the negoUatlo rganlza- . said,on acres Last week, the Id

d again proposal of 526,00s Udall. Wednesday. Sen. Sise Inle- thal endorsementrat Rep. prospects for pol thal • See WILDS

blasts av jrom yko

studied Soviet de - whal Gromyko hear

Foreign “ Please don’t as ;6 Wed- lions." the pokerfac Is lalks as he emerged fr gan by session with Shultz a tack on to Uie United Natii

discussions arc "not •eerhour.' he.visjtsjleagan at .t of Slate; ; "you c p n a ^ m c

tions next time,” Gi .c« « told reporters.

Shultz, who appea; later, said he and <

•c« I » comprehensive and tion” asabackgrou

-------------- ShuIlz~reTiisca"let forth about Uie substam s which Wednesday's talk, a changes littletoadd.Intcma- Following publics

dlspatcli, an admlr account briefed on Wednes loutfive Uicy had been "pi o-Shultz recitation of know eflecled Gromyko.

d s jo f s idictod, sold Dora SbotweU, a Paric ‘N* Eat Cafe, a block fro picturesque downtown a practleaUy everybody in town oneolthem.”

Despite Lemke's staten -women hadpropoalUooed hit Judge Michael MUim said at " I (lod it Impossible to belles

these bad Uiou^ts in y sexual activity was ^ l a r e t exdiange.

.....■ """"T

i j r


«■ ;


i lda y

e d 1) error \ acres’ ) - While negotl- ntinue. Idaho’s .oUil already has more Uian 130,000. sc of 0 mapping

ptone, press aide ies McClure, said ; been notified by !Sl Service that the - -• h-Rlver of No Re­mess area ’ has3i;oooocres:) wilderness areaas-calculated a f - -----lion acres. Includ-llon-acres-in the------------- rlelum Wilderness.It passage of an

hill fhic yoflrgone up by 131,000 in a check of Uie

onds subcommittee.fald-Uicjneetlnga-COO:______! staffs, and he doesn't Ing discussed, a possibility a bill can time Is n ^ n g out.

veral proposals, .^but ' lg at all about what’s ations," Livingstone ' ’

e Idaho Association of

6,000 acres, t ^ d on n. Steve S ym ii^ '^ ld ■ ent should l ^ n v e

passage , le *• [J)S o n P a^fe '5 ;?

i w a y ; . : ' ^ t

0 t a l l ^

deliberation about icard from Shultz.: ask"m e-any-ques-._.. . . . >faced Gromyko said1 from Uie midday 112 at Uie U.S. Mission >lalions. He said his "not concluded" until at.UieWhi.teHQUsc..., me p thousand” Gromyko teosln^y

peared a few mlnutes' nd Gromyko had "a and broad conversa- jound for Uie sessionWe-look-forward-to-----------i ” in Washington.

a"'tb"~lio>nEylHIng tance or results of . k, and U.S. aides had

ilication ot Uie Tass Imlnistratlon official. Inesday’s Ulks said ' "pretty much of a

nown positions" by

5 e x “

1, a waitress a tth erifrom Monmatitb’ii ____

square, “And own knows a t leatf

itement ’ that thelh im ,y .S . 'D ls t r ic t ------ --latUieseQteadng,altevetttesawMOBQ'D your m ind, Tt^ arenUythe «UI'ot*


Page 2: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

. B r i e fB o m b s ro c k ^

NEW YORK (AP) - African Consulate ben plant Wednesday, and claiming credit for thei bombings In the New Y(

No injmies were rej----------- occurred21hoursapart

I Thc first blast occun----------- of-ft-mld^anhattaiH>!

South African Consula Resistance claimed res]

• —........ TJie s ^ n d occurre<Carbide plantinTarryti Westchester Cbtinly. i

............ Robert Rohs. A callerUons said the Unlled F planted the bomb.'

- F o rm e r o ffice> LOS ANGELES (AP

who became a call glri, tried to bring another 1

-----------wasconvlcted Wednesdj. - . ----Norma Jean Almodi

published "Cop to Call years in prison under th<

The 10-man, Iwo-woti nounced a verdict befoi six hours of deliberation

Ttiejudgesetsentenci Ms. Almodovar conte

.. . . .case because police lear o' booic, which she says c

and corruption in the pc division.

SALT LAKE CITY (A • up in revolt" and deman

wasting money, banker { . Eccles, president, di

officer of First S e ^ t y threatens-the mainspri growth.

Eccles, a member ol pointed by President Re country ought to rise u their congressmen adoj stop wasting all this m<

V luncheon Wednesday. Reagan created the (

from the private secto finances. Top corporate a t specidc problems.

Eccles said higher Is deficTI...............

T o d c i ^

---------- P a r t l yTwin Falls, Butley-Rup( Gooding treai:

In thc nortit, conslderftb today with a few mount Partly cloudy tonight and I souUi, partly cloudy today

---------- dayrOwnighthminld-aHigtis t»th doyf 60s to low 7 Northern NovkU u d Doctb I NorUwm Utah will be ] today, continuing Friday

---------showers mainly over Uie rr. In the day. Lows in tbe 3C Higiu mokiy In the upper 6(

Northern Nevada will ha' ni^lits and miid, sunny c Friday, except partly do hortiicosi tTioay. uvemigi SS.IlighsbothdayslntheTQ! Camas Pnlrle and tbe lowe Valley:

Partly cloudy with sllgl sho\v'crs today. Highs S5 tt and Friday partly doudy. 20s. lllghs55to6S. Synopsis:

Tlic souihcm half of Ida under o dry westerly flov nesday. wiUi clear skies

Tlic National Wealher : there would be lilUe c southern Idaho loday. Gou llntjcring showers were move inlo the eastef» secti day nlKht. while ci?ariigsk

' weauicr '^ re lorccasnontions today. .

Temperalurcs Wednesda r&ntied (rom a pleasant G Boise. Mountain Home and ’

- N ational-" .......Mu Mln PCI

MbuQue<gu« - ii 44 -»AtUflU 67 a« ...

' Doiton n il .aCnictgo u M ...(MUS M SI .a

S ” •"Dalroil • : 54 «• .DHonolulu - W I 74 ...Houtlcn 07 I U ...

------ -------------------- «0— — .«

I n d e xB u s in e s ^ . .....................C la s s if ie d ...................C o m ic s . . ........................D e a r A b b y . . .................O la n a H o o l e y ............I d a h o ............................CirculatkmCIrcul a Uon pbooes are mado not receive your papa


_ Buhl-CasUeford_______PUer-Rogemn-HoUiflt^ Twin Falls and all other an

NewsIf you have a news tip or \ department, call ?3»)931 weekdays. To rtport late n w eekend caU 73M1S36. AdverUsiiig BiDBUk>.«»If you wish to place ao adw are toten Mooday th iw gt Saturdays from 8 a.m. m l available weekdays only.

A>2 T im es-N ew s, Twfn Fa ils

f l y ----------E N ew York a re a• - Bombs a t the So lere and a t a su&sban cheml iDd police sakl the dteanlzaU< he blasts may be llnkM ^ l l ot] Yoric area In the past iW year reported In either nast, wh

ta rt-------------------------- \ - ----------airred at 12:23 a.m. in a stalru voffice-bulidlpg-that houses i (ulate. A gron). called Guerri respMisibility.rred at 9:30 p.m. at the Un: rytown, north of New York Citv /, ^ id Greenburgh pollcc S Ier to police and news organl: d Freedom Front daimed it h

cer convictedAP) — A civilian traffic offic Iri, wrote a book about it and ti er female officer to prostltutli5Sdayofpanderingr-------------KXtovar, 33,-author of the i

Girl,” could face up to ;• the maximum sentence, ivoman Stqierior Court Juiy i efore Judge Aurello Munoz afi Ions Wednesday. ncingforOct.24.•nteods she was “sel up” In t earned of her plans to publish t « chronldes sexual wrongdoi 2 police department’s Holiywo

qate.s,‘revplt.'^^n-;(AP) - Taxpayers shouId’"ri

land the federal govetnmcnt st iftr SptticerF. Eccles says, dialrman and chief executi

rity C^rp„ said federal spcndi pring of tho nation's econoir

r of the Grace Commission i . Reagan, “The taxpayers of t) e up in revolt and demand th idopt our recommendations a money,” he told a Rotary Cl

lie commission to solicit advi >ctor on how to control ledci ate officials were sdected to lo

r taxes won’t solve the natior

l y ' s w ey c l o u d y ^teipert, Jerome- .

. . The F a>rable doudlness 6 n » ^ — )unUiin showers. T nd Friday. In the day Umwgh Fri- / V.id Os to mfd 30s.------- l j ^ \ ~iwTOs.octhemUUli: / /be partly doudylay wllh a few T r^le mountains late ' fe 30s to low 40s. n n V \sreosandTOs.I have dear, coolly days through ydoudy extreme , . S OTilght low to----- 1?*®"------1sTMnndlowaos. T e m p e ta l ovwT Wood River

slight chancc of vflnk a to 65. Tonight /nj/mjK ^ Kly. Lows In lhe \

Show ersIdaho remained now oioft Wcd- kies and warm

a cool 48 in Mul er Service said in liie sUilc wi B change over' wiUi 71 degree :noody skies and slate v,-ere Sta re expected to reporlngUdcg lecUons Wednes- No preclplta g skies and drier whero in ldaho'W MnMnras:---- The poHeri~Si

nesday wos 851 aday afternoon ofalr.It 65 degrees In The extend© md Twin Fails to Idaho calls for

....... j *-U> Vftgit 87 81

Pep Lo»Anfl«l«-- M rt.60 • Momphli • ■ M i3.... MUa<IDmcA S4 73 ..01 Mllolukss SO 37.... MlnnMOOiii U it.01 W «S

75 • 71------- OU*hom*Ol/------ U--- **—

.01 -Omtht 47 3S

.... Pf»*nl« 7# U

.... PiM&urph M M-.08- PortlMW.M*. TO U

I - --------..... C l- 2 L e tte r s .... . G 4-10 M agic V a lU..........AS N a tio n . . ............C 3 O b i t u a r i e s..........B 3 O p in io n . .

. . A 6 , B 7 O u td o o rs .rt,dro<aUeB (findermanned between 7 and 10 a.m. tper by 7 a.m., call the numb



or wish to' talk to sonteone In U )931 between 9:30-a.ra. and e news and sports results after

idvertlsement, call 733^1 . Cli ugb Friday from 8 a.m. until m ill oooa Information on dis /.

alia , Idaho T hursday, S e p te t

t Double s tanSouth • WASHINGTON (Amlcal complained W e d ^ atlons applying a double st other ment that threatenssars. beyond tolerable llmlwhich explosions.--------------- Pakistani FinanceIrwell governors of the \

the M6netai7 Fund thatirrilla adjustmeeklyasparl

■.- ‘‘dlsturt)ances In thUnion exchange system arl

Industrial nations."

R e s ta u ra n t iSAN YSIDRO, Cali

_ on Wednesday demoll where a gunman kille a possible memorial t<

fflcer A wrecker and crew ithen red brick structure utlon, onlookers. Journalists-------------- The company annoe un- - had decided to raze tJ :o six Huberty went on a r

wounding ID before I y an- shooter.

UAW le a d e rST. IXUIS (AP) -

" Hj® from around the na Jithe • union's tentative conti “O'ne . andwillsendltio350,( 'vood The union's 300-mei

contract by an oven mccllng^nSt. Lduls.

contract would provii *rvlneJobs.

C h i c a g o g e t s1 ap* CHICAGO (A P ) - T fth ls have to pay $103.8 that Chicago’s public schc

I and year, an appeals court Club The three-judge pane

Appeals overturned a ivice Court, saying the lowe deral in ordering the paymer I look “ It troubles me," sa

the Cliicago School Bo loiwl said board attorneys ’

Uie U.Si Supreme Coiir

^ a t h e r -j n i l d - i n t o - x

•orecast for 8 p .m . ED T.

yxi^T Z T Y

\)(V /

S Rain Fkjrries Snow Oc< Natiooal Strvico

^lullan. Warmest (or liic day day (were Coldwell nnii i’arnui Siitui

w s, while Uie coldest In thc noiirStanley ond Falrfidd, Iwth 40s,Icgrees; ti„iltallon u’as_rcpo^cd jiny- ]<lul)( bO'Wedne^ny.> Count IH 'iVIrt h'flllS war- ami 185 particles per cubic meter evnp

Soil Iidcd forccasl for soulliom will ffor.Saturdoy Ihrougli Mon- rlw;:

J«' ■pcJiu'na.'Oro," ■SI . Sl.LOuH ^57 4.71 S*iiL«»Oiy ... t i . 4J3 12 S«nFt>nci}co 91 £03 . M Soilllo U SI17 .... Spokine it un .... Witninoton U t i

■■ Idahoa ... MJ. M.r,a l i Doise 6' 3S5 ,0S Outior « ?a1 ,0a HMortmn m 76

...............................A 4 P col l e y .....................B3 Poli...............................A5 Spo! s ..........................8 2 Twi...............................A 4 Vail

D 6-7 W oi/ StiaerlpUeoIUtw

m onlv If vou ciiy home ddlmy

aad S u i^ . $1.70 p --------S3(J S3S—lo-«<lv»o»*nd-*r*

S326-5375—SuwUyocly. 1 tnoolTrUKni UmocUaWBQ.Sti

t4 .» per mooU) lore

a the editorial □d 5:30 p.th.' e r SiXatidon


--------------------sneiClassified ads Soaw^eUa pcau«

display ads is doiguicdMUKtiibe published

Ilem ber 27,1954

andard-under fire(AP) - Third Worid govemr

j p ^ y that- industrial nation: s standard In Ihelr economic i *ns to push impoverished coui imlts and trigger political and {

ice MintsterGhulamlsaq Khai c Worid' Bank and Internal tiai poor countries are “expect part of the required good condm

th&Jntematlonal-payments arising from the actions of r

t t u r n s i n t o r u b b l-alif. (AP) — Construction woi nollshed the McDonald’s restai tilled 21 peoplerdearing the sll a llo the victims, rew destroyed what remained < ure with llltle fanfare and lists were not alerted to the act! wiounced eariier this'monthtl te the building where James 0 a rampage July 18, killing 21 re he was slain by a police sl

2rs back co n tra c t) - United Aulo Workers les nation Wednesday endorsed

ontract with General Motors C 150,000 workers for ratification, member GM Council approvec /erwhdming show of hands a is. •“ '■

l ^ t Owen Oleber has said ovide “innovative" means df

:ts no fed era l hel{- The federal government does }.8 million to help desegrei whools during the 1984-85 sc: urt ruled Wednesday, land of the 7lh U.S. CiixuitCou d a decision by the U.S. Disl )wer court "abused Its dlscreti ment.’ said George Munoz, presider : Board, said of U»e ruling. Mi ys were considering an appe: oiirt.

w e e k e n d

iT, T h u rsd a y . S e p l . 2 7 ,

^ J

FRONTS:W a rm ^ ^ CotcJ-,-^ O ccluded-,-^ Siiition.-ify^ Vice NOAA u S Om.i -t

ay lo iw dry. illglis In llic low (o mi ;itunlay, warming into Uic upper C oiir 70 iiy Monday. 1-ow-s in llic 30s l(os,Tlie nttricullur.nl outlook for sout

ilalio .>liows no prccipilalion Is cxpc irouiJi Moniiay.'Condltlon.'! for hn 11.1 iiarveslinti will l>c Uaiiy vaporatlon rales wlli tw .15 to .20 I oil it'inpcralurcs (or lhe poialo liai .'111 (all Iwlow 45 dotjrees by 3 a.m. Ise alxjvc 'J5 dqyres by noon.

’S3 ■ ’."-idjhoFifij' • - - ‘ u '341 Uaislon S7 <« McCjIl. .. • 58 360 POC»lellO 67 JSl Silmon 60 *u Twin Falls

U il U,I

M.n Pep Last Yoat 74 4J35 .. Noim»l 78 K75 IMJJ'SJI;"ICI 7.;76 roraoiio<i'»5uniijc . . 7.:

’c o p ic . . . . .......................’o l l t i C S . . . . ; ............ .. . .I p o r t s ......................... ! . Dw in F a l l s ......... ......... ..../a lle y L i f e ............V o r ld ....................... ...........itmmy; <UUy, H.io per •«*: SiBdiiy, 75< d SintHy. tl.«0 per mk. Rund moCarr , S1.X per ««Bk; StixUy. lit per wedi; ( .70 per MtNcrlpUaa muA be:I: dtUy ud Sunlty. I idooUi |8.n, J ao *miO.UiBcah* 17130; daUyoo2y.ini I IH l l ( I l a llii Oi.ll . l i hibuOj W tnootli SOS, 3 moDtta tio.ss. 8 rmoUm C

psMctmiflntt hI for (UUy aadSiBdijr.

n.rsUpuUiibedditiyttiaitlrdSl, W..1 CBl, by Un>e VaUey Newtptfitn- »U«e pUd il T<rtn F»a* by The TUaw-N omcUl dly ud comty newi Mpa- pm 08 o< U>e Id«2» Code. llHndiy it Im he diy o( U» <*«ei 00 «Udi tegtl wUcti

receTunentsjns-are WASHlNGTOr c treat- and House gave iuntries approval Wedne d social would” replace

warning oii'dgainurtold------nating-wamingslatlonal - dangers associat jcleSTo 'TR eB nrw asap luct" to ' In both chambersits-and....... - Approval canur major amendment agr

m ents of tbe. tc eluding grow warehousers anc coalition of heali

vorkers Wendell H. Fon laurant loned the compro site for The legislation

' dent Reagan. Ma d of the ty White House p id few "The administra ction. on the bill throujthat=lt------n o w th a r i t 's 'p

; Oliver review the legisl: 21 and decides whether t shani- " I ’mcertalnih

thc bill becausc 11 sides,” said Re]

: t D-Tenn.,achiefsleaders Th® current wi cd the states: “The si , Corp., determined that < .j], ' dangerous to youi /ed the The four new 1 at Its' would s^ite, folio

.; -• e ra l 's Warning”, Cfaanw' -• “ Smoking • cat

■ ''h6^'dlse'^,''CT ccmplicatepregn

lid the • “ Quitting smc rff pro- reduces serious ri

• “ Smokingbypi result in fetal injt

>esnot ■ Wildregate ■ • -school • Continuec

Durtof 52e.000-acreblll. Istricl Symms said p etlon" o ther environmei

get the message lent of Idaho don’t want Munoz the 526,000 acres. Kjal to E ^ n s sajd one

he’s "compromi proposals Is In tl Boulder Peak are

Tfw governor s-------- that area can

negotiations. “It

I another year IService complett

------------- studiesH n-that^____ unreasonable to c

there when tliey I A w ay," hesaid.S Evans said sor

^QQ areas could be lel / the Idalio wlldem ^ ------------the-Whitc-eioudsr

tlie Mallard-I>arl' Maries.

The governor : ^ areas would rec

'""-"rM_____ , ,YC

cmid Cos r COS lo

arjulhcmtpccted IhaylHK in^paii— ' :--------------------- 1» Inch- larvesl n. Uicn

■JB"..,,' ' '


Mm Pep__________________

1..^ " r7.M»m

sl. A 9 . A 3 D l-4 • B l



■.moott1BM0;--------------------------------- -----iCt,90.lOoBljr._________________________

..Twin - - ..IV ... rt-lnc.—»-N«w«


S treo n g e r si Bive OKX )N (A P)-'n )e Senate &ve final congressional dnesday to a bill thatle the general h e a l t h __garettes With four ter-ngs-about ' the q jecific--------latedwlthCToklng. ^ i approved by voice vote { erswlthlitUedebate. S Lmaafter.adoptioQ of an ( agreed to by oil seg- , tobacco Industry, Ip- owers, . distributors, and retailers, and by a ealUrgroups, said ‘ord, D-Ky., who fash- promise In the Senate, ion now goes to Presl- UariinFltzwater, d ^u - e press secretary, said, tration took no position oughout the debate and I 'p a s ^ 'W lin ia v e lo fislation before Reagan ertoslgnit.” i]he president will sign c i l is a victory lotboth Etep. Albert (3ore Jr., Dfsponsorof the bill, warning on dgarettes surgeon general has

at cigarette smoking Is ' o u rli^ th .” ew rotating warnings illowing “Surg<^Gen- >”,that: •causes l ipg - cancer, and li

!gnancy." monomoking now greatly Untsriskstoyourhealth.’’ the I/ pregnant women may certahjury, premature birth genet

i s - - - - - - - -lUed from Page Al priori

wilde11. Ev)1 perhaps Evans and cxprc nentallsts “will finaly dlspu Ige that thc people of, the It ont or need more than' Servi a s . . . ” build:jne of the a r e ^ wliere_disqu im i^ " from -earlier wilde 1 thc While, Cloud and He ireas in central Idaho. - ir said he has decided n be left for future “II will be at least

before the Forest Ictes Ks management >t-arca. ll-would-fae—0 consider final action. ly have a study under

some of tlie disputed lefl “under study" in

2meSs bill — including dsrBouldorPeaks-and“ arkIn area near Sl.

ir said settling those recdve “tlie highest

fou’d be hard-pre; of casual pants. I

between dress; and casual. Whaf: more, Gant pant

-iiave-all-the-extri coniforts yqi

look for, PerfecU; r: - porportiGned r .. five room;

pockets, smooti front Of pleated

---- a-self-belt-ancreinforced seams . It goes withou saying. No bod;

shodd be withou at least one paii

of casual pant by Gant

[etdium Dry Goa women. Located a

Monday thre parking across


smokinj < f r ( ^ (

New Cigare

' ' A


tUw Ct'J'- W*rnb>g*

CM Warwio ‘

Source House £netgy C<vnm*>ce Ctynro/iee

■ ■“id low birth weight ” <-r'7 ':rrr lv /o ^ le * 5 Jn o k c c6n(^^<5Si onoxlde.”Under the amendmeni, a scctlc e bill was removed thal II rtain findings of the U.S. sun unerai with regard lo smo!

iority” in future negotlallons, lldemess bill passes this year. Evans said environmentalists \ pressed "serious dlsinist” thi sputcd areas aren't protecled ui e Idaho wilderness bill, the Fc irvlcc will quickly allow- r tlldjng in those areas. That w squaliIy_Jhe_areas..for_fu Ildcmcss preservation, lie said. Hc described his latest stance

L lili 111 i f l !

mt PaiV

ressed to find a be . Pants designed ti ssy T : H i it’s ■ f ' , ^ 9nts


:Uyed>my.D lh i

ns. -} u t

>dy} u t

a i r U |« d H Hnts

l o d s . A c l o t l i i n g sfi

I a t 130 2 n d A v e n

i r o u g h S a t u r d a y 1 (

>s t h e - s t r e e t 'T e l e f

TCHlY 'G Q Eitchum & Twin Fa

g w a rn i C o n g ree lte W arnings Appr.

. - y

/ f J

"'^■r^*aSteBSpfS..aiey indu< as'^cigarette.

largest preventable c tion of and premature death listed States, and is assoc

irgcon unnecessary deaths < rtoking Americans annually.”

s. if a “ realistic compromi: appears impossible U

s have agreement in time (o lhat if bill.under He said he’s made si Forest his original proposal,

road-- lo get Into spedlics. would Evans said he's cont future_the-pressure.oa” anc d. Seiberilng and Udall i :e as a proposals.

nts)etter looking pair to bridge the gap

iifore for men and mie North. Open 10 to 6. Validated :phone 734-9624.

J M “)DS-'alls

lingse s s ^



iduded-sucb s * - > ^ tte. 5mSkins lie cause of illness eath In the United jsociated with the hs of over 300,000 ly.”

imise" because it le to get complete ! (o pass the Idaho

je some changes in but didn’t want

i.»ntlnulng“ tokeep and-worklng.with- - all on compromise

,1 I I



I ;id;nid4. I



---------------<------------- fi

Page 3: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

Anti-aByGARY LANCER The Associated Press

n e w y o r k _ - ^ ^<JoggIng Geraldine F e n

publfcallons and a netv local groups, particJpant

--------- C h a n tin g -L tf c T ^ a nw avers have been a flxtu

I a source of controvers- F e rra ro cam paign stop

' Dem ocratic vice-presldei In recent weeks, the a

h av e been joined .by R« and U ielr'chants of "F< “ ^ a g a n , Reagan, Reai fo rts to disrupt her sp eed

;Amid indications tha t

— Mondale hits^

Reag.By ROBERT FURLOW TTie Associated Press

, ____ WASHINGTON - Ptough Wednesday on na pledge of arms<ontrol challenger Walter Mondi

i ...... fo r meetings with Soviet;^_ .G n y i?y k o ..^ -

'iHpwcVerrMohdale als slap on the same subjc d«nt’s record on arms c modem history.” And Reagan’s domestic poticl whiie the president re Mondale’s own economic

During a busy day of ca• In a statement appare well as American ears. Bowling Green Stale Un Sam is a friendly old m: steel. We must be stror enough to be patient whe be equally clear lhat p adversaricspush us at th<• Mondale, arriving in N( own meeting wltl> Groi

------ togetljer-aa-one-behlnd-negotiate with a forelgr there’s notliing to be gair hope that he wl() (ake that Rjiagan) seriously.” • ‘•Mondale’s vice presi Geraldine Ferraro, camp a cheering audience of i

^ B g s l r s a s jThe Los Angeies Times

SPRINGFIELD. 111. - contain a sudden contr President George Bush reversed himself and si take a second look at I blind trust that shields hi from public dlsdosure.

“ I don’t need all this, with exasperation over persistent questioning fn a s to why.he would' i

------ cunninH-matOrPresldcnU

SolldaBol«i ila ic

? 01d«ell!t ! N*mpi; 500 12ih Av r Mounliin Home: •‘0J Emmcll: :S0 S \V.ut'

Mctidun: 111 t 1'> ! I«lnF*IU: lO'^rs H


e_anll:abortloii4irotestcrs—Ii| erraro’s steps have been > iiutluiial anii-aoortion ar letwork of well-organized ar ants say. ’ dls. F'erraro N6;"The s l ^ wl xture - and Increasingly, ersy — at almost every Jc op since she became the Rl Idential nominee In July, to e anti-abortion protesters w< Reagan-Bush supporters ■’Four more years” and gr ^ g a n ” in concerted ef' pl KxAes. frHat some of the protests dl'


{an talkw

President _ Reagan - talked- natlonal defense and got a

rol unity from Democratic mdale as both men prepared det Foreign Minister Andrei

ibject, saying, “This presl- is control is the bleakest in Jld Mondale hit hard at licles incampai^ speeches, renewed, his criticism of

nic and trade proposals, t campaigning; arently meant for Soviet as rs, Reagan told students at University in Ohio, “ Uncle man, but he has a spine of rong enough and confident vhen provoked, but wc must- t past a certain point our theirperll.”

1 New York on the eve of his Iromyko, said, "We stand nd-our-presldent'when we !lgn power. 1 will tell him ■ained by delay and It is our. hat meetlng (on Friday with

residential running mate, mpaigncd in Boston, telling of more than 10,000 people

ts the Democr personal Inc

1. — Hoping to thiscampal( ntrovcrsv. Vice But since 1:iisH~Wednesday known aboiI said hc would consultationIt the financial Govemment5 his tax returns assets In a b}. is so strict Iiis ,” Bush said knowing an^er two days of ments or ho; from reporter___ _d' noi join his Bush had


F ixed ra te m o rtg a j p eop le to d ay d u e t

'c o n s e q u e n c e s jp f ^ co u ld b e d i^ f f l i l iD so dow n th e lin e , se n se b ec au se:

» L o w er in te r e s t r • You are prote<rt6

l l i ca s a n

... .. . ......... ...f’Ijzj j/6-6710, Pljtitiiion 3-t2-ti5yS tt& Di-!iiborn-»S9-151B •J Avc. !■ -

400 N 3-.I t 511MM17 ,.'.uhmKion 365-6331 •Ut BB8-3U17•; hTuc iJtck Ulvd 73<-r’W

)n proteappeared to be orchestrated, I last weekend that if the Reagai was behind them, “Why don't tl

-Iightilkc-men?I^______ _____Republican campaign offlcl

any role in the demonstratio anti-abortion groups this week direct involvement. One said with the'Reagan campaign on o

The pickets are “locally Ins John C. ‘Willke, president i Right-to-Life Committee. "W( toona and say, ’Someone’s co we want 50 people on the sidewi

Wlllke denied in a telephone 1 group's newspaper has urged pickets, ’i certainly approve from his medical office in Cin didn't tell anybody to do it.”

i ^ f d ^

is tougltJiat "I resent ItwhenRonal Uie memory of President Kc has anything in common wit

___Mondalo-.also made, ana United Steelworkers in Cle\ c Reagan administration and d because of what they have ;i our country and we nre not i

oflt,” . ■ ii ■. ••'&l’s 'have a figfit';f: 'i^ [. cheering crowd. “Let’s take n Reagan, too, was wooing s ,t more subdued terms at j i, Canton, Ohio.I He defended his declsic

formally restraining steel li States, saying Import quot

s and temporary at best and.I lot worse off in the long run.' e In Bowling Green, Reagai f the U.S. intelligence nctwc t ministration, t. .We're feeling Uie efr r destruction of our inteliigen'

years — before we came 5 somehow to say, well, spyir 1 est and let's get rid of our In ! we did tliat (0 a large extent 1 a question obout embassy : r. the wake of iast week’s emb; 1 Beirut.

Reagan'said the United , against retreating to "fot ; closing Its embassies work > much security as possible w

kreraiouircrtocratic ticket in disclosing I; income tax returns during irlalgn. ai:e he assumed office, little is Dbout Bush’s finances. In Kon with the U.S. Office of w snt Ethics, hc placed hisa blind trust that Bush said ai:t that it forbids him-from iranything about his Invest- sihow much laxes he. nays, ui

________ ______________d(ad maintained ihat hc coul'd pi

IRDABEtOTECAGEMAKEgages a r e o u t o f re a c h fc J to h ig h in te r e s t ra te s .

tn e 'h b r r ie W n 'e r t i. O u r a d ju s ta b le m o rtg a

t ra te n n a k e s i t affo rd ab h rt6d if in te r e s t r a te s rise .

IVi " " 4

.... ^'■■sue.........I- • .LENDER i - ,

esters okI, Ms. Ferraro said Howeigan-Bush campaign 13 IssueI't they come put and lion aga---------------------------------- s a y s ^fficials have denied ticket a:Itlons, ana national TmoDi-eek also daimed no Life Ullaid it was working againston other matters. abortloiInspired,” said Dr. pamphl

U of the National Abortio‘We don’t go to Al- Brown.> coming tomorrow. In Itsewalk.'” how to (ne interview Uiat his new art;ed the anti-abortion to rise i•ove of it,” he said whocorCincinnati. "But we Wlllki’ chapter

ih on de>nald Reagan lays claim to s t Kennedy and pretends he I wilh that good man.” an emotional -speech to . - 1

Cleveland, denouncing the r and saying. "We aro mad 3ve done to usi and Uiis is v lot going to take any m ore' :i

ake it to them.” ting steelworkers, thougli In • v It a new steel plant in fi

ilslon .lasl week against Cel imports Into Uie United h luotas are “short-siglitedi d . . .will make all of us a Cun.” pIgan tried to pin a lapse in s !iwork on the Carter ad-

effects today of the noar • || gence capability in recent me iiere.-Uie effort that , pying is sorhehow dishon- ir Intelligence agents, and * .entT ’-he said in-answer to— sy .security wortdwide In . mbassy annex bombing in

tod States had a choice”fortres.s America" and roridwide or providing as ae with the realization Uiat Ii

rirblirrd tru sla.\es on Uiose assets wiUio ing the trust. But Wedm announced he Instructed his Dean Burch, to contact offici Ethics Office "to see wha worked out.”

Bush Iiad believed that, agreement with a private management company was I so tlglitly that he would r under the kind of financial d demands Uiat faced Dcmoci presidential nominee Gera

—Eccraro last, month-----------

CTEDESSENSE!I fo r m any ’

.......'m o r ^ a g e s ■- ‘:r a y e a r o r tg a g e m akes

& — 1----------------------ise.

Drganizvever, an article In Uie newsp ue describes an anti-abortion gainst Ms. Ferraro In Hartfon‘■ir lc vHol Ihnt thn Kfntir

; always be met by pn>Hfers.”jUie^r"'ariir-abbrtlon^giTjup. th u)bby Inc., long has urged der ist CaUiollc polltldans who lon, and has distributed 24,00( ihlet, Geraldine Ferraro: A ;lon,” said the group’s pres Ji­ts monUUy magazine, "We’v< 0 organize rallies,” Mrs. Bro\ irticle "challenges Catholics I0 up against any Catholic in : :ondoncs abortion,” she said. Ike said his group, which clain ers and millions of member

2fense,suicide bombers will be near

"An embassy is not a bunk On arm s control, he follow

- United NaUons speech ofllwi new warning that America h

Speaking to Uie college wanled peace "bccause pea an attractive w ayto live s

toward tho Soviets is lik • version,” coming Just befi

following years of much liars Asked about Uiat assert

Canton, "I don't change my haveto live in the world toge

He was asked earlier wha Gromyko meeting, and he provide a chance to “open u| suspicions thal exist tn botli (

Mondale, who meets Gro: Uie president meets with tlu “ Foreign leaders sometime nature of American politic tween Mondale and the Sovii in Uie middle of a lougli, bo

_\vhlchjh.e,prcsident_andj.ar tough issues, i want Mr. Gr that despite thal, we stand b thal effort and hope ilrogr-ess

Noting again the^chllly i rdatlons thepasfseveral ye am hopeful Uierc has been a i Reagan's attlludo.”

s t—hout break- Inesday he'is attorney. S - 'iVidalsoflhe_________hat can. bc ■ ' W /Jv

it. the trust V (1te Houston Uis fashioned ' jr.1 not come--------------------- P 1 disclosure--------------------- \ )eratlc vice---------------- ._11 ■raldine A. ------- W

-V .. " T ” ”

zed via ivspaper’s Sept. working wiU ion demonstra- Uie presiden ord, Conn.. and .antl-abortlon

5.” . UieReagan-IUie / le r ic a n <am paignrt

iemonstrations Help wiUi_c(Ho favor legal literature ai,000 copies of a there.”A CaUiollc for His group’}

resident, Judie a national cl several artlc

:’ve4old people calling her irown said. One voted agalns

In particular abortion-relaIn public officc Ms, Ferrai1. iclsm, Wlllkeaims 2,000 local oniyfavorsJtbers, has been supported iTt

, arms 'larly impos.slbIe to stop, inker,” Reagan said, lowed up his conciliatory two days earlier.wiUi Uie_ ahasa"spineofsteel." f ’c students, he said hc. >eace in Amcrica is such e and terrible •

j a T S S i r s r ^ i ^ ! *like a "deathbed con- )cfore Uie election and' arsher words.' crtton, Reagan, said In my feelings a,bit but we igether.”^hat his goal was for the hc replied Uiat it would 1 up a dialogue aboul Uie til our countries."

Iromyko one day before the Soviet offldal, said, mes misundorsland Uie. itlcs. 'This meeting (be- iviet leader) takes place boisterous campaign in .are.debating some.very. __ Gromyko to understand d behind Uie president In usswillbemade.” y nature of U-S.-Soviet years, Mondale said, "I

I a genuine change in Mr. |__

I w ; ___S vl



H'fli nl' M B ral

R ''

IlslElilBl ii'S i n S s a n l l U l i w

Q y * * ’

networviU] the Reagan campaign to s deni's candidacy - but not I :ion demonstrations.'

m-Bush people to help thot re-ci? OfcouTsc'wc nave';’ he saii_certaln Information, Uie de

and wlUi a lot of volunlet

jp ’s Nalional Righl-to-Life New 1 circulation of 120,000, has pu rtlcles on Ms. Ferraro slncc j ir a "pro-abortlon radical” w ilnst the committee’s posltlor -elated Issues. sin«#^her d ec rraro has been singled-out fi like and oUiers said, because : •ilegal abortion but. In Uielr vi( I u aggressively.

I R e n d ej ~ In T h e II 149 M a i n /

ijTEAK_&LOBSp.or.SHRIMI Frid ay s Saturday Nights




t h e opi

PERK-------------------------------------- _70i

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P olitic

r k H | i[> support. through B R p ^ 2 5 | | e e

i Im iiiiii B P

iesign'of 'Jleers out ‘-- - ews, withpublished ^ V ? August, V v jL who has 7on on

for crlt-‘ l l B [ | i ^ ^e she notk-iew, has G E R A L D IN E

_ _ D o g g e d by

^zvous! Rogerson MallA v e . E ast * T w in Falls

IMP______ $ 1 1 ?5 ,» ..................... - I I

5 : 0 0 'TIL 7 :00 O rSO A .M . C O C P

p. RANK, D.A N N O U N C E S

oening of his office forthe

practice oflODONTlCS05 Fillmore St:--------vln Falls, Idaho

733-0712 ^ours by Appointment

his Week' Only

I 0 % oJIOshK(Gtiildren


L All little g ir ls anc \ — O s h K o s h p la y w 'e a

rid es , p ic n ic s , o rv-------------------- W O O d S rO i

ju m p e rs , to p s arn a lm o s t in d e s tru c

[ \ v ^ .. fo r .e v e ry girl’j W m - .B c irv f ty in c

- . ^ ? ^ - .p o ! .y e s le r ic o tto [ m y o u c a n s a m all o f itl C

A ttic tln isw^ --------------- for-^ ^ ^ g g ^ O s h K o s h

— to d d

g g . j r / i e Chl

\^ain A venue North, T w in Fg W e W elco m e* VISA ♦M a: • A m erican E x p re ss • Pari:

mbor27,1984 Time3-NQws,T

N E F E R R A R O b y jieck lc rs^ ____ _

(Inni l l —alls

iR Relax In O u r3 . — R ondoxvou*- --------


CKTAILS 1 3 * 3 8 3 5 ; - ^

D.D.S. :3 I

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Cosh-i- Ifs— -r- ,

a n d bojfsJoveL— -1— 'e a n = o r T ra in i Dr wali<s-in th e — •—iro u r-o v e ra iis :------ ■—a n d p a n ts a r e ; 'u c tib ie . G r e a t 1 iri’s a n d b o y 's : i n a l i t o t t o n o r t t o n ^ h d j i o w . s a v e 2 0 % o n ;

tl C o m e to th e ; s w eel< end fo r :fG r-sav ings.oB ------ :—)sii for in fa n ts , : id d iers .2T -4T — -j—

a n d 4 - 6 X .

. /

Children's Attic ;

1 Falls • 7 3 3 -1 5 0 6 • M asler C a rd - ^aris C h a rg e :

/s,'Twln Falls. Idaho A-3

Page 4: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

_ I j j i i s


“ Slcphm H arManagtngE^

The members of are Stcpb


For-som epeop Never m ind w

the date (o r the a F o r o thers, thi

_______ certa in trees .turyellow o r gold, m aintain th a t it i certa in day, no n

M agic V,

couple o l d ay s al week in Twin Fa bouncing back

- receive^ little a tt------: - Oh yes, a few y

. • . here and there .: : able on a sunny <

tu res bare ly dip sum m er is on i ts '

But it w as — southem Idaho p a rtu re w as en

________manner.by_two_oitom ato p lan ts an

___, growing season t<:: ; So now, in the \

• a re m ostly c lear breezes a re lighi

:■. . levels approachL conditions invite o r recreation,-an long, blue-and-g

- : a h e a d .________; If if® ® -, what j: enjoy the finest ti

r \

^ - ^ L ^ e r s; T r a p S p r u n g o n fi' It was a lovely trap!; Six years ago our hypothei farmint* 240 acres as he had

"T JV evcr got rich, but lived goo__Jjiro u ^ tollcge. and hadsa>

tnorl'j»a{<e"wasln {>609 sffapc Interest. Amos was happy, p had accepted occasional fro; of God.";

-----'r-Maybe he thought-it-God-sprices started mushroominf- and then his banker and the 1 him that he vms indeed a rid a man who’d worked hard 'ar weather for years to provide was glad tidings of the first il . Yes. even though gas. ferti

. costswerecreepingeverupv confident. He had provided U his country needed him. neec needed his old-time work eth was a good price for his crop, handle expenses. Outfits like Administration were paid to ;

' that fanners as a whole remj — r So he treated himself lo a s

$45,000 tractor. After all. he v do his own work, and he’d rec favorable tax benefit on the p

— Gvcn-wheircropTJrices-fell thj . he was covercd by his Increa;

“ And iand values crept up sc everytlilng else. Gas - r o c l

“ •flllli ha’d'^tialthyTnortgziBc: operating loans. But again th' pay, while he read of a fish /a guns. Maybe he was In tlie wr

__EpectrumlSo hehad to Iwrro'didn’t wish to,Thlswentona and he began to wonder.. .He been better off tefore land va along with everjlhlng else.

Ho began to wonder tt^iy th< valued higher. He was makini it. Crop income was fbced. anc out, the land vaIi«only gave

— tw rrow lngpow r.-nor^ater

L Howard WtliamCr AdwCTiislH angw J o r y Hog Editor Circubik

; of the editorial board and wri ephcn Hartgen and Wliliam E

LoyJJieLiij 11 the seaKiple, fall a rrives w ith th 1 when the calendar o r i e autum nal equinox, the season changes wh tu rn from sum m er’s sh Id. Then there a r e . thi it isn’t au tum n until a S] ) m a tte r w hat the weath( g a l l ey th jsy ear, the f ir SWl^iof M asons T«as "U I a fte r L abor Day. B ut v F a lls County and tem pi k to 'su m m e rtim e levt attention.V yellow birch o r willow e. But when short sjeev ly afternoon and the ove lip .Into the SOs, it’s tou, ts way out.— and autum n fairly

10 this p ast weekend, emphasized in a n ev( )_otthreeirosty.nightS-tl and garden vines a s we! n for farm crops, le wake of the first h a rd a r and — tor a day. o r ght and tem pera tu res 1 ^ in g norm al fo r la te S> te bne Into the outdoors, and kindle hopes th a t £

d -g o id ^d -g reen Idaho

lat m orecoiJd one a sk ? I

' / / '

i f ^S ' 'T a i e T D f - A r r n :

1 f a r m e r s ‘” u5atiiough

thetical Amos was lure m lad for 25 years. w itha good;put his kids — -year U- savings. His — _.used th apeancIKrelow ' iriviesti y. productive, and • Somi frost-lossesasanact grand)

suchsi<l-sent when land------- pitfallsling.includinghis, couldn he PCA lender told small f richer man. This, io why wc l and risked the looked ide family comforts, set by t stilk. Nowertilizcr, and other small f upward, he felt farm er Ki/orhlsown.and Admini leeded his crop. througl ethic. All he needed mucho rop and he could , So do ike the Farm Credit for. he’; I to see to that, and desplca jmained solvent. downuj a spanking-new Old Am

le wasolder, liked to NOEl received a Twinie purchase. So. Ithat^TarrrtTknew -eased land values. ^ c»iiv. psomembre. Asdid NcWI ■ockcled! Buthe Cen te r’ gC7and cuuld make " Twin I*'. 1 the crops didn’t with oui 1 /armer going ig^at 22. We k I wrong end of the us whenrrow.ln a way hc, ___ • h o .v ^n a couple of years someof .Hell’s bells, he had Thani lvalues went iip, prompti

partlcipthe land was andlauj

ting less money off RAY> and unless he sold MARI ve him greater MARIter”[>ay-back— -— JULQ

r O p

mC. BlakeUsing Marwgcr aHo,, - -----------------LiOonMatvigcr q

C<writers of cdilorials- 1 E. Hcjward-------------------------- Ir

. tf at

inest__ :1waiisonsH

the_startofschool,._........JJr th e alm anac lis t cc

blvhen the leaves ofshades.of. green to _____the purists. T hey ci 1 specific time on a th er has been. S'

t wtth4t-being t iipera tu res quickly c jvels, the ^ r t e n t

w leaves appeared € v es a re comfort- gt vem igh t tem pera- is ough to think th a t sc

Scly well blew into JJ d. Sum m er’s de- 2ven more frigid aii-thaLdidin a Jot-of_____ reveil a s nipping the

rd frosts, the skies )r two, anyhow —> heading back to _ Septem ber. Such - J

rs, e ither for w ork • J t ano ther pf.those .. . _... ho autum ns lies ,

ca:? If it doesn’t, then ^ H t l a s t s .

OW' I fai

• -J------------------------------------pri

sei/ pui

/ V fl" / / /

/ / Ho

t i Z J l




^ "ev ...... ...... wlo

T D S T T i a y ^ o u n d i a

■'er. ■dawned on Amos. Grealerland Jgh not greater farm Incomc pol' ! more farm credit, more' interes I a concurrent loss In farm c'quit; r thatlherropsdldn'tpay off..Ui i that added borrowing power on stmehts'oulsideoTagrrc'UIttiiH.^' imehow Amos had thought tliere id design by the government lo pI situations, or at least explain U jHsrPcrhapsthcrc-wasrbufallA d now foresee was the downfall cII farmer If he had overborrovi'et wouidn’l he? A few years'ago il ed so good.. .now it is more like >y those who werc supposed to al )w the powers-that-bc can blame 11 farm er while they benefit and ler withers and dies. The Farm ( ilnistratlon is largely rcsponslbli Ligh poor supervision and control h of the nation’s troubles in farm do you write your Congressman le’s loo busy squabbling o.ver an icable mess the Eastern Liberal 1 upon him. Or go to Hichard Sta: Vmos would rather sell out! — ►ELKRETTlo Falls

l i c e s u p p o r t a p p r e c iw tJc'gmnings itair Design/ltoO> er would like very much to thanJ I I-'alis Policc DopamMlit for Uf( o u r ' • i lair to There” fun-run heli e knowour police department is ien problems and emergencies a wonderful to have Uiclr support I of our fun times as well, ink you. gentlemen, for your p l n ^ , courtesy, watchfulness c clpants. and your quick and reac jughter.YANDMARILUJENO JIK AND SUSAN BECK RY LEE ROBERTS LIKRTJ.T.S' ....v ------ ---

► f t l i c


almost never makes news, r -week or so agorin a talk lo a

the Cosmos Club, ho moumc Court Is “ moving lo Uie righ conservative colleagues aro want to go "by hookor by cr

He wenl on lo say that ‘‘ex increasingly is developing ii thal his colleagues show littl accommodate disagrcemen so tired” as hc was al the lei that being a Supreme Court way to eam a living.” Alas, I announcing his retirement.

These have nol been espec Harry Blackmun. InNovemi old. He can look back on 25y< yearson the 8th U.S. Circuit; court. In the whole cf Uialpe but two Opinions that truly m memorable.

_ One was in Roev. Wade, U case of 1973. The oUier wa?I: baseball anti-trust case of 19 and a quarter since the New Uie Knickerbockers 23 to I w Fields June 19,1846, wlUi All

• C artW rlgnrag lhe InstiaalocThai was how Blackmuri beg he was done with Part I he h£ of 89 baseball immortals, am Crawford, Iron Man McGinn Brown.

Blackmun was Nixon's thi Supreme Court vacancy thai 1970 by the resignation of Ab sent up the name of Judge Cl South Carolina, asuperblyq was shot down by Indiana's I bidding of organized labor. > by propos'ingG. Harrold Car altogether deplorable choice

-rejected, Nbcon gave uponS and turned to Minnesota's Hi was confirmed IM-o in May ai iiLs service the following Oct<

Time hiAlwut one ycar.ago two lari

carried the result of an opinio tlic mimDer one concern ol ttii alcohol and drugs. Around thi Harris and Gallup polls both < own admission, ovor one thin families acknowledge the di.s<• Since then we have had fevi

.priinary.andjiQ.\vjuiUonalj!lc seriouscfforl lo deal wilh this put forward. We arc led to mii financial background of Ms. F the questions of how much the 1 louse drinks, and docs lhat h. abiliiyioi>erfomi?— ilf(‘cl like the little child In II

"Kmneror's New CloUies." nt look. The lack of attention In t exten.sion of the rules of (he al "Don’t feel, don’t tnisi. and d( goes on at our house.” Ju.sl ho negative impact Ikis become v Secretary of State, George Scl alwul "narcotoc drug.s and inl relaUons.” Wliat Mr. Schullz \ talking alwut the illegal Iraffii drugs (alcohol) withoutcomir

Wtial has to be developed is alwut our legal drug (alcohol) eilher Uiirslyor mad. One exp "everyone drinks wiUi guilt” i why we have no ongoing dialoj

familiar to fffemmd values, C o n v i c t Spolenllal, loircslpaid, Tlminosto^ luity every \ is not a racial , .Unless )T3u' • .-oppre-wd miiron willioul even IfiT. ■ wiryltTJuIipelerewasa Han.senbackllo prevent Thi.s minoriiinUieir • ourprisons, l.(111 Amos----------beiitonnyTuKall of lhe memlwrofCo ivt'ed.And.. . .alwulllme.ouio ilhad a lP oppression aniIke a Irap, repre.sentatioioald. Congress,ime Uie Tiie generalind Uie small country has himi Credit Uieir opprcssitsible, By.sendingGeilrol.for citizcnsof Idalarming. enligJitenmenlnan? Wliat insuring tha tt•anillegal, longer to be toi ;rals brought Send GeorgeStallings? MARYLYN

—---------------- TwinFailsI

G ood nrta

; c i a t e d ^ a ! ; ^ SkxlyCajje' which we arcs lankUie knows. -UieTflielp ifehaswbTki held on Sept. Ico for many It is Uiere for wonderful friei es arise.. will be out of a ort during a good man, Tc

— W earehlsfrhim go.

sssofour, ■ 'NICKANDE ■eady smiles Twiij Falls

A m azed 1The logic oftl

___________ a_rr-------------- ^apparen tly like

o ne mource Hany Blackmun, who i. made Uie front page a J a private I’lncheon at •ned lhal Uie Supreme ght,’’andUialhls ro getting where Uiey crook.” extremism”' In the court's opinions; itUe willingness to ents; Uiat hc was "never ^rm ’send InJuly; andrtJnsllceJsi'anit.lgL_____S. he did not conclude by

ecially happy years for mber he will be 76 years iyearsonUicbench — 11iitrl4 years on the high-------period he has written maybe described as

, Uic notorious abortion----->lnFloodv. Kuhn, the 1972.“ Itlsacentury I w York Nine defeated I on Hoboken's Elyslan I Uexander Jay )c^dU{eu‘mplrpT'‘ " egan hisoplnlonVBeforo ’ had recalled the names imong them Wohoo Sam nnlly and Three Finger

;hird choice for the lat had b«en crcated In \bcFortas. Nixon flrsl Clement Haynswortli of 'quallfiedriomineewho s Sen. Birch Bayh at the .Nlxonliienblundered arswellof Florida, an ce. When Carswell wasI Soulhem conservatives----- 1Harry Blackmun.;lle. uni and effectively began we ctober. _ an'

tere tP Iirge Idaho newspapers . m lion poll Uiat claimcd me people o( Idaho was the same Ume Uie h cited that, by their ird of American it.scaseof alcoholism. ^ jverishaclivilyin re;ilecUonsandJiQl one_____ pnlls "malaise” lias been e.'« ninulc iaspecllonof the I

Ferraro but ignore ha* he Speaker of the im|have impact on his c

1 liie story of the bacnolKxivreallv wants to mt (Ills area is an (malcoholichome— amdon’t (alkaboul what reahow-important lhls VewascitcHlbyour expJchultz, when he talked an>inlematlonal whiz was doing was Uiaff ic and accepting legal usoimont. Ais the ability to talk conjl) withoul getting accXpert stales thal "de” and perhaps this is Jud]log. The knee-jerk uni'

iy w h o a r e o n tf

t s s h o u l d h a v e v o le

opprcssed!n\inority in lhls coi al or .sexual mrnoTltyTTiie mo; ninorltyhashi.storicall/lwen n t(jKcn representation. That i; peratlve that Idahffsend Geor] k to Congress.irity is the Inmate populaUon ii I.e. our nation's criminals. To

howlixIgcrUiey nave neverlia Congress represent them. It is )ur country end Ulis brutal .. ind allow Uie convicts of Amer ion In Uie United SUites House

al pri.son population in our historically had to respond to sion throug our nation’s cour 3eorge Hansen to Congress. Ui laho can show their ml to Uie rest of Uie country by t Ulis lack of representation is tolerated.ge to Wasliington.. ..'NE . . .5

i a n n e e d s a j o bid and I wish to express our mr nool Wcnil Tni SamplE. ssure most all ofTwln Falls

rkcd"S"tficlXi^Falis"Fecff^ ’ years. He is a trustworthy am lend. As many might know, he a job on Sept. 29. If anyone ne< Ted would be it. friends and arc very sorry lo <


1 by Idaho logicf the people of Uie staleof Idah imaze me. Manvof them \^ul ke to i^ u m a convicted felon t

rns cou

JU S T IC E H A R R Y E 'R o t te n w a y tu eai

In his early years on Uie hig was known as a ’‘Minnesota T votes in tandem wilh Chief Ju; Burger. They were Uie court's conservatives. But as time wii sleadily drifted away from his pasl four terms of court, 380 cj decidi^ by divided votes; Bur haiveciisagreed In 157 of them.

—Looking back-allhe 1983-841 understand Blackmun'S frustr weariness. ThecourtdecldedJ and controversial cases — by I

breaktA r c h i e L). W e

G uest opii

reaction is Uie apprehension ol proliibiUonrOnd so-Uie curta in e.'cchange terminates.

Because we aro unwilling to has developed nol necessarily, importance.

One-thirdof our families arc by alcoholism; by Uieir owii'ad backbone of the disease Is deni

(marijuana is the largest cash and so we wonder just how sevi really is.

We are told Uiat 18 perccnt of jxperimenting wilh alcohol am my senior hlgli school class Is s .vhlle lhe "Chronicle of Higher hai between 70 and 90 percent < ise alcohol.

A rcceni Gallup Poll dies an :on.sumption by youlh of at leas K’cepl the description of alcohc ‘deprcssant” that progrcssivel udgment and reason, why has i iniversal in an area where il ca

th e f a rm - ". . . ----- CongrcrfM? and al Ihe-s.)ice college presidenl for:

help a student, counlry JOHN WALKER nost TwinFails en . . .

;if“^ _ I h a n k s ^ D ,Onbehalfo(lhejun

min of District II. we woul To the Duncan a very specia

t is program would not ha ._:l - Itw as.Hehasspentn' herica" and helping wl'Ui Junic iseof very appreciated. We

next year.Also, thank you to T

to dedicated his time to j JUrts. SHARYNANDbilV .Uie Buhl

I. too. am very llred..........you conduct every two

Congressman GeorgeI know you will neve

on him.While working at Uic

during Uie fair. I m etr s fhe booths on. I asked him if he wi,_____ ^onihciJongressmaaJnland favor. Rick said he did anda therewouldbeanartlc he Well, you did 11. Rick needs For years the Tlmes-

' Yotinovershowpcople losee Congressman dow. ,Yo

him.Bul Rick, you are not

be Uie last to knock Uie and then walk on him.

Keepltup! Youonlyi “ ho and his supporters sUni Puia__whatGcorge Hanficn4s )nto rhakeshimmoredeten



n■ Bla

cro*Y BLACKM UN bea e a r n a liv in g ’


hlghcourt. Blackmun a Twin" because of his -j<| Justice WarrehEarl r t ’s two most consistent :W £ o n , Blackmun p^ni I his old friend. Over the gja, 10 cases have been 3urgor and Blackmun i^gi.

-----------------------polil84 termrbne can well------istration anded25 eases .Uieblg Ja by 5-4 votes. Blackmun Sym

the 'noCOUI

^ ________ wV a lk ^ Jr . ^

. . youipinion qual___________________ fore

A(noflhereimposltionof mill aln fallB^nd the------------ 200.<

priC'{totalk, Ihefollowing ther ily In order of and

Olarc severely impacted tothI'admi^iori ( th e .............. Higlienlal) with no inst:p^nl ".'031ishcrepinUiecountry) prod jcvere Uie problem does

impcIt of sIxUi graders are 2 naiand Umt lOperccntof-----mosiIssloneddailyonpol. agei

lerEducatlon” Icllsus enab ml of collegc students I g

prohan Increase in dowrleast 10 percent. If we can I oholasa coulcively sedales-las it become so AnI can only be re/wi

ie-sametirnedlsmi.wa : forsimplyatlempllnglo c

^ cs

Duncan,-Ueis-—junior golfers, and parents 'h 'OUldliketoglveArt C?cialUiank you!____________Ecallon and enUiusiasm, our t have been as successful as . /

inlorloumamenlswhlch is p Wc hope lessee him again o

flo Terry Vels who also tpjuniorgolf. N)UWAYNE WILSON o

c A

p p o rt H ansen [Jred Of the smear campaigntwo years against - A•ge Hansen. I(ever disappoint me, you ftm etrytodoahatchetjob I,

. ■ wUieRepublicanbooUi olelRickShaugnessy.He U--- >w r* LW ^swasgolngtodoanartlcle wtUnhlsCCongressman’s)-----wdid nol take sides, and yes th rticle. flllick! foles-News has Uiken sides. c£ tple whal good Uie to.You onlyprintlies about

U)not Uie first nor will youlhe Con^TJSsman down dcn.ily make his hide tougher. Unnger in Uie belief Uial suFHsdoinglariehtrlt -------- 1lermined to f l^ t for truth ]

A-4 Timos-Novrs, T

ift to ric^ ; ______1 4 ^ J J a m e s

K i l p a t r i c k ^

vas on Uic losing side in IC of Ui( JcUimax copyright case; he los ^awtucket creche; he lost on Un jankruptcycase; hc loslonamhe«xclus!onaryrulo,------------- Bccausc hc so often sided wlUi >larshall and Wliliam Brennan, osing liberals, Blackmun was a najorlty opinions for Uie court.' hare.of the year^ burden, but v xceptlons Blackmun’saMignm cdestrian assignments. One do ly construing North Dakota’s la urlsdlctlon over Indian tribes. The unhappy jurist was exacU

1 remarking upon Uie court’s pc onservaUve Image In Uie 1983 U ime since BucfivJjWflm.e chief ourt stdp06tMi«inik“'>’j «chle' lrec/ion.-acmhiWu^Q]dsayl lackmun's charge of decision " rook.” it has to be said Uial hcxil eauty, are inthe eye of Uie behc larshall got to his decision in‘M; / the neatest hook and crook in ' 3 Uius sel an example Uic court nee.Thus we embark upon the 1984 1 theconservatlvesideundersti lat the trend so evident In the la mlinue. Such a course would m. lackmun increasingly unhappy } might decide to quil and go ba e’s a fine fellow and everybody ilillcaliy speaking, we can't saj Issed.----------------- ------------

JawesKllpatrIck writes lor Un 'ndlcate.

talk’fulunterp reductive?Why has chemical manlpulaUc •r^piton ol reality become so 1: lung people, and how severely t lallty of life and interfere wllh ( resee and protecl our fulure wc Acceptable figures that put our lilion per hour and an early ten 0.000 people a-year-glves us a gi ice we arc paying to "feel good ere Is no forum to address our f id no apparent motivation to trj Our junior senator, Sieve Symr the raising of Uiedrinking age i gliway Funds as an invasion b> state affairs, but I wonder whic

oducer andpurveyor of legal m esSen. McClure alsoobject. wl iportant lhat 18-year-old young larcotlcs legally available? It i: )st cveryoncisuslngTvho-wantJ e is of lUUe concem, but our lac ables behavior Uiat is deadly at : guess Uie whole focusof this el )hlblt us, but to understand whj wn and whal our Individual par 1 break Uie “ no talk” rule, mar ild come lo reality.

irchleD. WalkerJr.dlrectsan wbllllotlonccnterat Gooding.

and freedom. Not only forhis ours.

You see. when someone bat over evil, someone Is walchin .someone a lol more powerful niiSlediiiifg sldrfcs you printi causes Uiem to be feariess of;

'nhrown'themvay.'Tliey will fi have to. because thoy see Am Constitution as ll realFy Is sup

-Eree]------- :---------------------Congrcssman Hansen Is lOO

American, dedicalbd to prote -lamllies from th£.gEowlng ag< put us in bondage and Uiose w our guns, and Uiose who wouli from worshipping our religioi

How would wc like It if our c Magic Valley were jailed, we of our churches, doors locked, children flee for fear of Uieir 1: America? I’d say Russia, but i Nebraska? This is miglity cloj Uiere, why couldn't ll happen 1

What aro we letting happen America, Uie land of Uie free? Idalio«ro gullible enough to b< freedoms aro not at slake in Ui I guess you do not deserve to b won’l bc if you let Congressm: oU^LfiOQd men, who figlit for i ^ e lec tio ite .

who run forhis office; would yi walk-a mile inhlSihoes'M don Uiink you would run In reverse flghl all Uie fights Congrtsssmi fought so long. People of Magli can trust Uils man, he Is Uiere: to prolect us as clUzcnsof Idat

I’m proud of you. George an( lo know you. and work on the c

Thanks for your love of freec deepfalUiinGod. r

God bless you boUi and your I'm proud U) be a hard-corp I

supporter. rEDHH:WARD.—J T le r _

.Twin Falls, Idaho Thursday.

i g h r

k r - ^ — — .

fUie25. He lost on Uie Host on Uic case of Uie nUicBlidisco a major case involving

wlUi Thurgood ian.lheoUiertwo - . as able to write only 16 irt.X hlsw asafair iut\^thacoupieof gnmerits.were‘‘ "e docs not gain fame 'slaw on civil es.

actiy right, of course.- ’s positively 83 lerm. For Uie flrsl hicfjustlceln 1969, Uie thieved a sense of ^

ou“ byhook^orby h()oks and crooks, like wholder. John n'Marburyv. Madison \i in court history, and lUrt has followed ever

1984 term. Those of us jrstandably will pray le last term will d make Harry ppy. so unhappy Uiot0 back lo Mlnnesola. ' e ody likes him. but1 say he'd really be - -


ulelaUonofour___________so Important toour clydocsltaiterour ilh our ability lo e well-being, tour bar bill al $6 termination of over

;agrossbaslsofUie----------'ood or less bad,” but tur present silualion otry.ymms, loudly objects 3ge tied to Federal n by the bureaucracy which halhcis

al narcotics. And why I. why Is 11 so ung adults have class It Is obvious Uiat ants(orhas)toand r lack of discipline ly and devastating, lls effort is nol to whal is coming part might bc. If we many good Uilngs


^an alcoholic

•his family but for

! battles for good ) ching over Uiem. • ' rful than thein tinyftorpa^r. i r ' ' ‘sofail Uiesmears.^ ill figlit alone if Uiey America and our suppo.sed lo be.

; 100 percent roteclusandourlagoncieswho tryto-----—» who try to Uike 'ould prevent u s , gious freedom, lur clergymen In we were forced out ked, wives and eirllvcs. Sound like but how about close. If It happens x:n hbre.pen Kere, in our iand ■ee? If Uie people of ' tobelicveour T in this election then to be free. You smanHansenand i for freedom, lose

Id you, or could you.donTUifnkwn---------------erse. you would not sman Hansen has lagic Vaiiey. you erclfwenoedhlm,Idaho and America, iand Connie, proud he campaign, reedom and your i

our famiiy. irp Hansen

Jay. September 27,1984

Page 5: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

. . ' a ■ ' '* ’•


' H I

MH elicopter trying to

m a rk eByTheTlmes News and Tlie Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Tli overwhelmingly approved; the House a bill that wc companies facing . b because of a depressed n

. .. lumber and plywood to buy out of government timber o

The (fontracls were sigj late 1970s and early 1980s, \ were predictions of Incrci building, at prices well abo market value for timber

I tional forests.•' -AmiougJi'ne'saidhedisiik

Sen. Hnward M. Metzen Ohio, voted Wednesday foi promise measure he had Westem senators. Metzenl the final version couid save

Hc blamed the situatl ‘ wildly speculative blddii that drove contract prici percent of the appraised vi limber.

If a timber contraci cam: — when-ircomes'duerthe-go

usually resells the limber the original purchaser tlie between the bid price and selling price.

The bill passed witliou troversial amendment pro

____^ n , James McClure. R-li

its” thal logging compan eam by building roads

Pentagc finds lot of fraud

WASiUNGTON (AP) - disclosures of 57.G22 coffe<

Pentagon said Wednesday investigators have uncovei cases of waste and fraud i but acknowledged even t represent only the tip of the I

"I keep turning over r -_.evp.ry rock I tum over I

- - thingsV' JoMph H.-Sliefjcl* fense i^epartmehl’s inspeci al, said at'a 70-minute Wnti conference on his battle aga and waste in military procui

“ We know we’re very vul Sherlcksaid. “We know tha

■ ■■■CQntrol problems^nd_we_’r tremendous amounl of woi provingqur inlemal controli JH e said he could nol quai

f ^ u c h money is lost lo fi \w a s le In a defense cslablishi

V i j s weapons and equipmc ra te of $600 million a day.

He said he tries to win cc of fradulent contractors, secutors are often reluctai dertake a complicated trial t tako weeks to wlna singleco

However, by appealing patriotism, Sherick said he' persuading prosecutors to more of those tough cases.

A 34-year veteran observ miiitarv's procurement p Sherick praised ueiense :

___ Caspar Weinberger for hacup and increasing his staff f m o r ^ a n 1,000.

All told, Sherick said. lh( Department’s criminal Invi

- unltfffiavo referred about 17 for prosecution or admlnlsti tloh during the pasl 2V4 year more than 1,300 convictions.

Defense Department aui resulted in savings of $2 while audits by the General Ing Officc, an arm of Conj

___ tnnyc inioijig.defense.contn— saved C;6tiU ltonrSherickM

S Ii to free body from watei

js s e d lu it g e ts I

tim ber sales, ss The propose

would have al Tlic Senate nles to use th< ed and sent to for the purcl would allow limber, faced bankrupicy conservallonis

d market for “ McClure c: buylhclrway amendment..! ir contracts, then there woi signed in the the bill passec )s, when there aide Bill Uvlnf :reased home During debj above today’s Daniel J. Evt e r cut in na- forcing compo

tracis "we wo silked the blllr"panles“ to “ zenbaum, D- treasuries." for the com- Some firms

ad forced on of business, I senbaun; said were obligated ive taxpayers process il into — a-pFice4haUouation on a at today's mar dding binge" • Other compc trices lo 400 proceedings ai i value oflhe new leglslati'

Gorton, R-Wa: annot be met companies wil !-govemment-least-45-perce ber and bills contracted for lie difference paniesforwho and the final Gorton rcje<

blii violated hout a con- syslem. sayir proposed by company can j; R-ldaho. to The bill affc

panics could bid ' on' the ri Is to deficit nalional forest

str ikesi + C SAN FRANC' L d erate eartliqu:

tloh of Norlhe J nesday, triggJ shutdown of

Transit system- Slung by, There werfer

iffecpols and damage or injt □nresla. theday own )vered 17,000 Jd since 19811 those may ihe iceberg. Jr rocks and- M

fld new Mrick, llie D e - ' ; H ~ ■' - Mx*clor gener- __ m ijntagonnews ■'against fraud Kuremenl.

vulnerable,"that wc have j g cve’rc doing a work on im*

™'“'’ H^uanti,fy how} fraud and m KisKmcnt that * 5 8)ment al the

■\ convictionsrs, but pro- * mi*ctanl lo un-lal lhat couldsconvlcllon;ing to theirhe’s started ■ m m m lo lake on m W ^

server of the [ processes,5 5 -s c c re n n r-™ -------bocking_him _^H_____ Piff from 15 to

the Defense H . Investigative M117.000 c a s e s _ ^ B ___ilslrative ac- cars and won

audits have S2.8 blilio.n. H

2ral Account- ^k)ngress that nlracts,have ttS aldr-^^-r—

1 ^ 3

te r tow er In a N orth Caro

b re a k |. a r

5. waosed amendment, which J: allowed logging.compa- duithese credits lo help pay ni''rchase of' more federal fT:ed stiff opposition from l lnisls. ^‘ did not introduce the ^ ;..because..if It.passed. - vJvould be hb chance to gel jsed," Mid McCiure press 3'Ingstone. 7ebate on the Issue, Sen. S 2vans,.R-Wash., said by ipanies to honor the con- would be requiring com- ^ i“ pay.'~from “ empty

ns already have gone out i r , he said, because theyted to buy tlie timber and ^llo lumber and plywood at ■ '

larket prices. ^Ipanies are In bankruptcy ) and may be saved by the s r ation. But Sen. Slade ^ iVash., said lhat because will be forced to buy al .x rcent-of-the-ti’m berthey— - f for, “there are some com- ; - 'homlhlslsnolenough." jjected charges lhat the Ki the free enterprise ying that "only a live — mpaylaxes."iffects companies lhal do “ cir'uwn trees but instead riglit to cut limber in jj;

ests, .

rate q uake % s B ay A rea.NCISCO (AP) - A mod- V []uake shook a large sec-Ihem California on Wed- ^Igger ng an emergency ^if Uie Bay Area Rapid “em. 3 t no immediate reports ofnjurles. . . _ U


1 ^ -

^ l a980

P e

irolina town s ta r ts to cr

J ja z z ^ ^ a t Shit d s V i iW ® V ( A P ) J a

Shelly Manne, a drummer a poser , who helped reshape music during a 45-year careei a hospltai Wednesday after s a my^lcrious seizure at his h was64.

Manne had starred in H( during the Olympic Arts Fesi month and Sept. 9 had b<

i —

W iW A Y ^ Y O I


199Ji d e i

m O f f i

KERNERSVII faiiedtohearrac

F crashed during aalop a IlO-foot-h nesday. 1

' Both mcnaboa The worker i

dispatched and n i^ t , aulhoritie:

The helicopter supports as 350 « onto the roof of a

Witnesses said wlth^loudxilck fly from the blac his face and gasp

“ Idon’tknowv W. Stringer, For who directed Ihi there was sometl working earlier

H H H warnings. That’s Communlcatlo

:ra«U wamed pilot Thr

l e l l ^ M a n h e ^ iJazz great claime<I' Shelly': and com- Angeleisb^Mayo:

e modem>er, died al The cause of Mj r suffering Immediately knc : home. He Kotarakos, spokf

Memorial Healtl: Hollywood spokesman Bill C is'ival last nation would be been pro- lhan today.


__ Zio t r ---------

9 9 ^ 1 8

1 ^

icials s( nltheaiVILLE. N.C. (A P )- A pilot a radio warnings just before his 1 lg an attempt to rescue a workc it-high water tower, officials i

iMard the craft were killed, r also died after the helicc fld minutes before It crashed ties said.ter's rolor struck one of the wi )0 spectators watched. The crc if a barber shop and apartment aid they heard the rotor hit lh Icklngwund, and !io lle sa v fat liade. One town official put his asped when he saw the crash, iw why he came down low,” sali 'orsyth County's chief medical the rescue operation. “I don'

lethlng wrong with the radio, v ier. The pilot didn't respon It’s whal was so frustrating.” itlons tapes showed rescue fTjomr.e.i Hnroskl several tlm

lyor Tom Bradley.^

Manne’s death was not known, said Cathleen okeswoman for Serra illh Cenler. Coroner's li Gold said an exami- be conducted no lliter

b i oL B a O T S J

w / a Am _______________

r i 4 ( t m r -----------------1

t S ^ l

fay resc ir^mshH apparently the three mlr lishelicoptcr ■ loolow,butli trker trapped The dem Ils said Wed- Tompkins Jr

more than 3'/ 20-foot plew

licopter wQs p.m.,fourm! hed Tuesday Stringer sa

also has bee f water tower WFMY,asa:

W s h a n d s 10 w o rk e r s w ho

sa id D r. Lewcal examiner Bruce Hat lon't know if and Allen M0 , which was Medical Ser[»nd to the below the boc” Hatton salt:ue workers the tower”times during ducked as th



C L O !----- - H e r e 's H c

S h

— 19W t'• F ro n t w h o o l d r iv e • A M r o d io• D o lu x o in t e r io r• P o w e r f r o n t d is c b r a k t

— ■ R a c k ’a n d p in io n - s ie e r i


DOWN.. ISol.. ID.

filil lM lI 9 J ( l J J i 2 0 i r s

T H E I S E IFor Over 30 Years The Ei 701 M o in A v o . E.

7 mF-OR^a%


119”M a in a t S rd

In T h e B u rl

Thursday, Soptembe

-----N atioi

zue piloi Lwarninilnutes before the crash that he I Uaroskl didn' t respond. Strlngi imoiltlon worker, Charles Jr.,'19, ot Lumberton, had bc 3'A hours after his legs were ci ce of the support; Tompkins t iiinutes before the crash occurr » ld he had requested the helicc

u ^ by Greensboro televi; a last resort.39, and rescue worker Steve

lere was enough light to sec thi •ly. Stringer said. Richcy had 5-foot rescue rope to two ot ho hod reached the body by din

atton of the Winston-Salem Re Mock of Ihe Forsylh County ervice were strapped to the s >ody when the helicopter crashei aid he told Haroski over his radi ’ scconds before the crash, the rotor struck the support.

PH O N E 733-0931


5 E - O I Ilo iv^R eal-V alu t h o p e U p !

,Ylfilill(AGOll• Roclining soots

• • Stool bolted radio•F lo o r mounted frc

ikos • Consolotto jring— • Deluxe soot bolts

KEVDOV1 5 2»0|<' •ni.<..ll7b>l.lO J<laii*dt9<ir.7I>..IU. [.(O'..* .,il»p.o>ii.tlud»d

s N M O T OEasiest Placed The World Ti

T w in F a l l i


^ m

A ih mPULS/

_____ - R a o r - W W

j 6 9 ’

d E a s t , T w in Fall r le y M o ll , B u r le )

bor 27,1984 Times-News, Twl

ngs—t he was getting Ingersaid. . les Glenwood d been trapped re crushed by ans died'at 9:48 ...............rurred,’licopter, which__levislon station

eve Richey, 34, . e the tower andhad planned lo ____5 other reMue climbing up the

\ Rescue Squad nty Emergency he support Just ished. “ — radio to“ get off 5h. He satd he

—:-----------------1 ^



I I Tlu es

INssdiolsi transmission

o lu --------------------- --------


O R S'd To Buy A Car


i l

m yI

d lls Ie y J

, Twin Falls, Idaho A-5

Page 6: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

W lAa\ r i r i < ^

W a t e r u s e

BOISE (AP) - Idah water righls In wilder

-------V^evelopmenUJOuJdbes--------— The-cliib‘s-lawsnit-f

• seeks to force the U.S,. for 24 wlidemess areas

An attomey for the c tlon, which Is opposlni groups, said at a news (

■ slmllaractlonsinallsU TheSierraCTuballegi

failing lo claim water areas.

But Mountain States believes the case Is pari development using Wes: _Idaho Water Users As

T r i a l s e t i r

- .. . - IDAIIO.FALLS (AP)Falis man charged witl

— “ mfllfon.Keilh Prestwich, 52,

manufacturing a contr Reynold George contlni

Prestwich was arna 'Bonneville County She

. . . .l—marljuana plants thal U

f c .

POCATELLO'(AP)^ . . civil l a w ^ w il l be/ilc

gasoline < ^ le rs convict However. Jones lold i

f th e work would be han rather lhan the stale.

»: The altomey general Konllnental Fuel Co.Im ;-Davld Miller since their i.'to fix gas prices In Bar M9a2.I Jones said thc civil su t and Individuals who pie. ! defendants included Tri : andJaraesLeeseJr.

lhe suil Is successft . ! •.t'otai damafie a ^ s s m e r

t T h o u s a n d; ; POCATELLO (/\P) •: contracts were signed . have filed application : Worid Corp.• Bul company execul I workers are actually h

---------:___ IheJEQcatellQ.plaiii- Catalytic subsidiary,I modules used in the pr ; project, which is expc<

- ; It’scompleledlnl990. The company hos be

I workers in Pocalello f(____ I Landry said the reasoi

■f g e f a couple steps aho ; Officials do nol anil

plant, explaining lha • -• anywhere from 25 to 10

: F i f t h A m e

_ • B O IS E (A P )-A C a to refuse to testify incriminate himself, lh

The man could clal instances, bul can’t sir

; -state lax return on, I Wednesday, overruling

Robert L. P eterson ' before Woodland unde

, tax returns o r face tlic | Tax officials allege*

$10.110inl980and$2G.l ' a demand to file a state

compelling 11.

FREE"H ow to Sele

Wj u

I k ?......' - - - i S f j -- ^ ( s ) ; '

17 ^ - 0 4 4 5 5^— \— for-reServati

! D r a p e r y * C a r p e

L 1 0 %I O N VVi

■- Bring this coupo'• . W allcovcnngs" cii

■ I - waHcovenngs pua1 Expiration dato:C

--- - f a ------- ---------- . ._

A-6 Timos-News. Twin Falls

x h o ___________

Hyi e r s w a r n e d odaho water users arc being u demess areas and thc prospe bestripped by a Sierra-Glubia\v it-flledT!artlcrthls-ycarlrU I,S, Forest Scrvice to claim feteas In Colorado. . ...................te conservative Mountain Slat isIng the SIcrra.Club on beha ivs copference Tuesday lhal theIslateslfthcclubwins............leges the federal government v iter righls to preserve and pi

Ites attorney Casey Shpall, I jarl of a nationwide effort lo pr Vestem waler. '5 Association Director Sheri Qi;

i n p o t - g r o w i n\ P ) . - A Nov. I trial has beer wllh growing hundreds of mar;

52, pleaded Innocenl Wednesc )ntroiled substance. Seventh 1 tinued Prestwlch's bond al S25,i rrested in late Augusi after Sheriff’s deputies confiscalc{ al Uiey valued in excess of $1.21

’) — Idaho Attomey General * /iled on behalf of Consumers <

vlcted eariier Uils year of illega lid a Pocalello news conferencc handled by private Boise alloi

2ral said hc has considered fi t.Inc., Don Bliesner, Howard i lelr March federal jury convlcti Bannock County from January

1 suit would also Involve the gai pleaded no contest lo hc federa Triangle Oil, Vem E. Herzog

ssful, Steele will receive about Tient as his fee. Jones said.

i d s s e e k E x x oP ) — In the first 10 days af led with Exxon Co. USA. nparl; tions with subsidiaries of the'

ecutives sayjt wtll be-some tli lyhiredlorlhemultlmliilon^ol lant of thc Project Constmctl 7 , will be responsible for the : production of natural gas at ll cpected lo cost more than $5001 90.s been silent about Its hiring pl lo for the past two weeks, and J ason Is lo give engineers a chaahead”----------anticipate a “largo influx” of thal hiring would be done 5100 workers hired every day oi

l e r i d m e n t u s e. Caribou Counly man can’l cla ify about illegal income b( f. the Idaho Supreme Court sayj claim that FlfUi Amendment ; simply refuse to provide aiiy-i n, that basis, the courLrulec ling 6th District Judge William on was one of several Caribou nder a stale Tax Commission hc posslbllilyof going to Jail. Iged Peterson had taxable Ir 26,191 the next year. When he fi tate tax return, Uie lax agency

E CLII\i l e c t a n d H a n g W a l l c

SEPTE^_________a p j l

_'SEPTEJV ® 0 t2 ; (

In ou r •howroom

O ne free tlen w o r th a thoi

CCVlTlfKJl IS tu VV.IISowflV fif'l f I ' '.

543-6678jt io n s___

pet •Wallcovering

> D tS C O U J/VALLCOVERIN(pon v.'iUi vou to oiir "Hov clir.ic .nd 'JOI n 10% clisco

)u:ch,T^O(l»:Ocf.27fh, 1984. b » o

_____■____________ J____ y

•alls. Idaho Thursday. Soplei

- — — 1


o f s u i t g3 warned the state's P'jpecls for new farm .la\vsuiHn<3oionido:-------------“'U;S: DlstrlcrCourt------rfederal water rights

tales Legal Founda- “:hal( of agricultural ^the suit couid lead to •

it violated the law by I protect wilderness

I, Denver, said-she----------- JJprevent any further ”

Cfiapman agreed.

" ^ ......... “ siin g c a s e sr

ceeen set for an Idaho ca larijuana plants thal coAOrth-more-than-$l------- —foi

Iniesday to charges of hij h Districl Judge H.25,000. lmcr state police and calied more than 440 wl.2 million. ♦ dlj

W frSM it--.—al Jim Jones says a Sters against Pocatello ]jgal pricc fixing. Wjnee Wednesday tliat Idjtlomey John SteelC' ph

ott1 filing suit against Iitl•d 0. Miller and H. IIction for conspiring rejary 1978 to October loc

crigasoline companies moeral charges. Those S;og on, Eari Pixton pul

16()ut 30 perccnt of the

o n j o b s (after major energy “sl

arly 2,000 job seekers lal he Steams Catalytic cai

ligi■ beforejiny_ _ Jndollar project. ” 'iction Co.. a Stearns________:he assembling large illlieU Barge. Wyo., . aci DO million by WitrHfme , Bh

' plans for up lo 1.000 jn( id Site Manager John:hance to a chance to lo------------------------------------ egiof workers into the "i

le In increments ofyor two. ^

e l i m i t e d |claim a blanket riglit .5because he mi^it ^

;ays.ent riglil In specific 3iy-ihformalion on his--------lied unanimously on im Woodland.30U Counly residents '<§ on order to file state ^

: Income of al least le failed to respond to icy won a court ordor


MlCi I Illcoverrngs"URSDAY,EMBER 2 7 th7 ;0 0 P .M .____ ■_______ 2

TURDAY.EMBER 2 9 th _________^2:00 P .M ..om at Corrlog* Squor*

le m o n s tra tio n is lou san d w o r d s . ’A..V, 10 lo.itn how to 5C- T-l.lii :.itL‘ (Of woll- .v.ilcii :{)mullocJv ilo d

ocnc-'il'ji'ily’ Atlonti

J ____ ______ _

’ I

lIMT !\i G s IlO'.v 10 Hang | McoLini on ;iny jj 9

3lGmb0r27,1984 ^Craig u forPA<

BOISE (AP) - Rep. Lan R-Idaho, is under fire becat cal action ’ committees gj 5255,700 in his two previo palgns.

Crafg has become inci rtopunrtpnt on.politlcal-conun

-money to mount his cai Philip Stem,-, founder i chairman of Citizens Again said in statement mailed to I In Craig’s districl.

“The PACs are drowning volco of Uie ordinary , voter said.

"A lobbyist for a PAC given a congressman $2,50 much better chance of getl congressman’s ear lhan on own constituents who can’t : conlribute that much.” '

._..Stem!s.group. .which was Sunday on the CBS televis gram “60 Minutes," said C ceived 5109,300, or 35 percei campaign money, from committees during hi^ first c;

-for^Gongress-ln-1380—In-H increased lo $146,400, or 40 p< his treasury.

“Thai means that Rep. Ci indebted for tWb-fifths of campaigi money, not to Ihi who live and vole and pay la* district, but to outside politic esl groups with Ihelr Own

stem said.In a telephone intervIc'

Washington. D.C., Stem I Idaho Statesman he had i press releases criticizing al olher congressmen for accef litical committee money.

In the case of 10 senati representatives, Stem's grou local newspapers adverti criticizing receipt of coi money.

Stem said he would not i publishing Idaho ads callings to Craij>’s PAC conlributloiKj

H om eless jCALDW EU.(AP)~Onlyl

“street people" remained lalized Wednesday night afl« carrying the men to an Ort liglous commune collided wi in southweslem Idaho, kill driverofUiecar.

across the counlry as ; Bhagwan Shree Ro "Share-A-Hime" program. ' jnecsh Humanity Trust is ; legions of homeless, Indiuon lo the group’s sprawling cer

"egon enclaveof Rajneoslipurj The trip billed as the start i



£ I ^

L&fundany Craig, - ....................ause polltl-gave- him " .

/Ious cam- ■.

icreaslngiyunlUecs:ampaigns, H E H B

ilnsl PA.Cs,, . 10 the press • | H | ^ "

ng ouf the ‘

elling lhat _ one of his't afford to 4


Craig r e his group I cenl.of his specifically whi1 polill<^ Ices have con : campalgiK.campalgns. -1982rthal-^Karmcn-Larsi percent of manager, said tJ

with Craig lakir Craig was cal committees, f his 1982 "I think mosl the people that Lany's vi .axes in his regardlessofthc tical inter- Craig is nol ai n axes to contributed to 5( In the Istf Idaho,” '* ^ fry jilS la c

interesl In thal lew from palgn,"shesaid,

lold the She also said C senl oul is a political com

about 300—targeted certain lepting po- denied the group

the outcome of C ators and Craig's camp< oup has in obtaining money rtlsemenls committees beo commlllee works at ll, Ms.

she said, the ca t rule oul political commi g attention contributions fr iSjjje m '*- wjth Cralg's^nj

stay in hoiyfiveof43 life for the m ent ed hospi- D.C., andcame I ifler a bus U.S, 20 early )regon re - Traliways chai with a car head-on with a ca cilling the ofNotus.about2£

..... Fdiir meri wercondition wilh

rraiirciiics-fracttires-at^lt pari of pllal, and anotl

Itajneesh's under observatlo I. The Ra- Center In s bringing spokeswomen salont peoole___ Most of tiie 31lentral Or- cldenl wereiram:---------cniergency’ trcalrt of a new tlon.

' ' ^ r

: r -

^ • 1' f E r

f ,seI for

. % 1Ch<wo<Ion


under fiF ire g

l i n g , i


A R R Y C R A IG ^ S 2 5 5 ;7 0 0 T n f u n a r ~

- has —nol - explored AThlch political commit- c »ntribuled lo Craig's ^

rrsonrCrflig’s'cainpalgn" i fd there is nothing wrong ^Icing money from polltl- %es. I flost Idaho-people know- n ■

vole is not for sale, itheamount,” shesaid. ■t aware of which g-riaps; £ Ito his campaign, Ms. i

I ■hat part of the cam- _ I>Id. ■ ,d Citizens Against PACs tommiltee becausc it has T l airrcongressmenrStem- % )up is trying to Influencef Craig’s election.' _■npaign Is successful in ^ley from polllical action ^MM:ausc the campaign ^Is. Larson said. In 1980, |campaign got a list of iTimittees and solicited ^

from those agreeing %onservative philosophy. C

)spitalin began In Washington, I * ie to a crashing hall on J y Tuesday when th e- V harter bus collided I I car near the farm lown ^ 125 miles west of Boiso. V -•ere in good and stable ■ - lh back Injuries or ^ ■aidwelhMemorial-Hos^ ^ lother man continued ^ lllon al Mercy Mcdlcal_

Nampa, hospital said.. %31 men injured in the 1 ^

J dismissed after Q calmenl and observa-

-^ -

^ A v e n u e N o r th - 1

m tc o ts e e *

: F o i


» p t . 2 7 t h r o u:n |b y p re -s e a s o r le ie c t group of fas or fall and winter.

.ad les Coats . . . . . .Now 34i h o o s e f ro m d r e s s , c. 'o o l b l e n d , n y lo n o r p )n c o l o r s . Q u e e n s 3 6 -

— ----------V *


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a sx tsITSj l .


;a l e

> u g h O c t . 1 3on sa v in g s on a ash ion -w ise co a ts ir.

.................. R e q .M S . t

4i^to89c a s u a l a n d s t r e e l st<

■ p o ly l i b e r IIII c o a t s li 16-52. T a i ls S .M .L .

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671 ' J j f l j l lI1

to *110.

U y le s in

rwiN— - I —BALLS' ,



$27.95 y to t

$29.95 A

*19“ JTO >


Mf - y .



| r

Page 7: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

I ' '; ' \ P a c l&

■ S ; ----------------- V O coan------ l ^ - H O N G - ------

- ; S r K O N G -------


‘ ■■ f tlwjng Ctisu ' i 'I! 10 Miles;

i'H ong KongI - P o p u la t io n : 5 .3 imllian' ,, 1983)

--------- i!A roa :-40& .squaro-m ilos;; :■ lh a n tho s la te of Rhod ! - C a p i t a l : Victoria

L ite ra c y : 75 pe rcen t ! ‘ L a n g u a g e s : C h in ese at

____ , :__ Englist]____________, : R e l ig io n s : 90 p ercen i r

local religions, lO pe r* C hristian°*M8ln in d u s t r ie s : Textile

— ... ^ -ap p a re l, tourism , shipliron a n d s ie e l. lishing,

“■ a n d sm all m anulacturi ^ M a ln c r o p s : R ice and

' “ Sou'Cos WofW Alnun.ic, Tho '- FaclDook

^ n g e r o v (

b r e a k i n g

A r a b p a c iBy The Associated Press

rrWednesdajr-UireaieDcd- Jordan for breaking lhe ca solidarity and rwumihg relations WiUl Egypt. „- But the Egyptian ( hailed the bold action c feing Hussein as a step to\ b g peace to the Middle

i^ lv ing the Palestinian prG “ Syria’s governmen' ^xiss said the Jordaniai l^ o u n ccd Tuesday night, ^ ro u s ” and vowed that S

--------phc^t'detcrrcntTiieasarcs;Libya callcd for an Ax

Si'ainst Jordan In retaliatl ®e Libyan news agency Ifeacherous stab in the I: * a b nation.”

Tishrin said Syria "has th punish those who violate mit resolutions,” Includlr Arab League decision to 1

------- tlons wlth-Egypt-bccauseppace treaty with Israel.

A senior official jn Isr Minister Shimon Peres’

• -Je ru sa lem said his reactio_____ of. deliiiht.” An Israel

Ministry statement called tive development in our rc

--------wriHgivca boostio-the id(David an the peace proces*

The decision was a blow Mideast ^ w e r armed by Union Uiat has recently e laflucnc'e in Lebanon. j;ordan have long been al what Syria considers Jord eration on issues Involving


' /‘ J W«hov#th* \ CI-*. \ il

T V -, V - “ ln o llo l I' \ Magic /

J^y^wMler- ^ kUltr; / N ^h Ib ,/ M atornlty: \ b l t l

.DKSSES \C 0•niras \ I-fUU SLIPS \

^ •GOWNS \ .WB£S >,: \ .PAini£s <

* CWI \

; .U y o w a y ». G ift Wrapping

> / 'T h o Betl Srockod \ . ' ( J Chiidron t Store VJ

* J In MoBle Volloy- ^

. locolly Owned

------- ----- a wAiEHNirrvyEAi;_____ BURIEY MAIL >71-

iAnglo*-------, By RICK GL/


O T f c \ PEKING- lialed a pac colonial Honj .promising pe speak freel;

----------themsdves^rbut- enshrinl

AjS authority.The.agreer

■ years of seen L that the prosi

Britain for 1 Soulh special adn

® China Communist < Sea lease expires

In precise □ ■'"guarantees t^ Hong Kong rion [July, promises thi

remain unchilos^smallof-------the handoverhodo Island The crown

awaited the I first reactioiJ and '''ere warm.__________ —Jn U llo n j^ .nl mix ol Chinese, hns percent and economii

oftheonci^m Wiles and • , ihipbuiiding. m Hong Konj ing, cement initialed in I ;turing bassador Siind ' Chinese Vice

rho wotw Kong.The colon:

-----------------1 world flnancl

ver B®jj5 o f i ^c t m Kss ___ li

nfi Ijihyn onid~to 'p u n is h ' eranksof Arab _ ihg diplomatic'

I government n of Jordan’s I toward bring- - j H B H Idle East and f l l H H problem. ■ ' , .nent-controlled nian decision, ght, w as“dan- at Syria wouid

Arab boycott | \ / |lallon for what IVIney called “a tn. mmooo x.; le back lo the

enLnei^pajiftc____s the means toale Arab sum* 'ading the 1979 to break rela-^ i t- s lg n e d a — --------- g |

Israeli Prime res’ office In clion was “one raeli Foreign

' ^ S c h

low io Syria, a ! Iwo rani by’tlie Soviet

y extended Its 1. Syria and 1 al odds over ordanlan mod*Ing Israel.

WEAR MGItli t Doyt

COATS ■ I I Iinfant-14

lal«nlt)fJaats;_ « ««« .- BiB. Coni, Twill[altnilybckats --------------Cotloa.Cord,

r t AR -----tTI-OTT? J

)‘C hineiJLADSTONE YiJated Press ...........- • - Is

Tl} — China and Britain Inl* a >act Wednesday for post* U. ong Kong In the year 1997, people the right to strike, -ar

Miy, prafy and govern dl

rlnlng Peking’s ultimate ni sy

eement,'revealed after.two___icret negotiations, specifies wi •osperous free port ruled by co r 143 years will become a idminlstrative region oii m >t China when the British to resJuIyl, i£»7. Islisc detail, the document C< s almost every right lhat pr g residents now enjoy, and lhal those liberties "will s t changed for 50 years” afler Ai/erdato,----------- ---------------agiwn colony had anxiously ta ie details of the pact and Hc lions lo the accord there th n. Hong Kong, with its S.S-

las been the most populous ofimically succcssful remnant loi‘mighty Brilishempire. pcft agreement was released T^ong nino hours after 11 was ticn Peking by British Am*' oa Sir Richards Evans andice Foreign Minister Zhou toiWef negoliators, in a cere* “Fr?fvedateJ<’viswn-in'Ji(5ng- loc

ailIony ranks third among deincial centers, behind New 1

>x.700i»p>oowinm«ioui<yno- M Dontv iMcn tx>m OMngra orxlM ConwmioKlito'OMrionai , ■nonolin*Mnoi<aX-rWinciu<Mi ■A.J TM> wn«M wonn f Com- ■• p*e*— ........... . - - - ■ -

H171tNS.i2iqW ’ BOD


#540I fe a tu res, yet easy to

Economical. F reezes n . ' Fuliy autom atic in anges, with a tilt head .

R E G . $ 5 9


: o H ^ = s $ - iint-oioo roetix .Avia (.im ^ I• •Au>oaoo»jf*.A</ei<a>n... I lood .Awto I

>se p a c tt guaraiYork and London. The Unit is Hong Kong’s-biggest Two-way trade Is more lhan a year, nearly twice the v U.S. tradg with China.

The pact reflects what bo -and-B rita ln -called a Irli diplomacy and lhe best arrs possible-under-the Chinese nist-. Idea o f - “one-count systems."

— But-doubts persist whelh< wricked by frequent policy r could honor Its commitment.

■Reaction varied from menls by Hong Kong busines to a snub by the Nationalist Island Taiwan, anolher terr Communists hope to recla promlsesof autonomy and fn

The U.S. govemment si statement released in Pek American investors will fir

-agreem ent-iigood-reason- talned confidence In the I Hong Kong as an attract thriving commercial center.'

But Taiwan’s Nationalists .agreement dooms.HongJO offered Uie residents homo*n loans and mullfple-enlri permitting unllmlled e n try ; The only requirement I tlonaiists demanded-was a oath. r ,

Tlie agreement stales thal i lory, functioning under th “ Hong Kong, China,” will 2ocal-^vcniment wfth-auto all things except in foreign afl defense.

Hong Kong will be able

t t

^ ^ * X - 7 0 0 I

189^1BODYWitHS»-gOttNS-»im g

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M B I a

m i Mij.':.

rHING!— ------

139^"SAVE O N ^ QUALITY f O P T I C S (

8 0 - 2 d b m m \

• ^ 5 ' )-------^A C R a ^ l M _________-sal for outdoor ipont, IdlllaoriuntBlt. icro-locuilng lor 3t»-up».:U«m*ly Fin* Rasolu*-------------


in tecs rtiled States minister itself, it markei. cldc economic a m $8 billion take part In inl volume o f ' tions such as th(

on Tariffs and 1 both China. Fiber Arrangem rlumph In accord d e a ^ g w Tangemcnt The basic fre< 5e-Coifimu“ Of—Hong-^Kong mtryr~two"tained;Brltbns"i

would be able ther China, posts.-exci^t at |T reversals, Hong Kong Chl It. posts.I endorse- A Chlnese-apj less figures tive. will repiaci 1st Chinese chosen by Brita jritory the post troops in Jaim wilh authorize passpofreedom. ----------said In a HAPeking that . - x / ifind In the • IV l YI i - fo r - s u s ^

future of ictive and

K o n g _ a n d _ |^ ^ H ^ Hhm'origagetry visas K ^ n B S I W y and exit. iT«(ii»ii^*Lw

a loyally S | | | | f ^ ^

the name - ill have ai to n p m y r in - - -affairs and YoO v o aiv

t o b e)le to ad; I-

I m n

SSmiii II isKxa >iin Quttilf loiiuKi. jod olln t Ihf Bcil »lii> ind .•i»»lchl»,.iiu>t 4 tnainiyi lo UVe peilicl picluKi ullsia lleaiDiliIy lu> conliol m

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m a m

righ ts “if, pass legislation, de- — c and trade policies and inlemation^ organiza- the General Agreement d Trade and the Mulli* . . :ement, an internationalg ^ lh t ^ textile t r a ^ .__reedoms the lhe ^ p l e jn g -w ou ld -bo-m aln^-2?^ 5"and -oilier * forcIgners~^^ le to hold govenunent at "the highest levels."—^ - iThinese will fill senior

appointed chief execu- ace lhe governor, now 'itain. Peking also will

in Hong Kong and sports.-------------------- a------------- ^


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t h a t:OUNT!”______________________ w

^ O N4 . 5 M A C R O .X 5»*onon tant toi________ __tl Moc(Oi«ui»>aroomOCCI ■o'luovno'>maoo

9 ^

C h e r n e t i k o , F iiMOSCOW- (AP) — Pr£

Konstantin U. Cherocnko’helc Arith Prem ier Kalevi Sorsa of F )n Wednesday.-Jsorsa,-lhc-flrstrforeit^cr tc Arllh Chernenko in more the monihs. said Uie Soviet leadc

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BLUE I 7 ;

Thursday. Septomtnbor 27.1384 Tlmo3-Now3,T

Woriiin lan d ’s premi'resident “ very worried abo :ld talks iations."' Finland— sorsa-told'Finn

discussions with Cl to meet on economic a^nx

han Iwo negotlaliotis betwe< idcr was SovletUiilon. -.

ifiin S t r e e t , G o o d in g

n i i n

i^ i ti s m

W P i | l i

I r tuR«> ou'omo'C am .ii.om«ia«rtinio(i.oeKng I.. ODiono. Conor, 0M .#«>1 >u>V ou<onx>i>c taih ■ B S ■;a me o«o-»®o'i-miioa ■ico'd99? ' • BODYWltH;»ei

m m r-lu™TZ,;^ priority and m am^ 0 7 tho Illm (lash m% ^ 0* socond lastoslr ONLY Includos oxclu^lvS259.97 limited w arrantyS - S3S8.98 tratlon on Supor PHii o n SURESH••Illy pi«lur«t aunptr.lftcJuati Hf ■• t llmittd wananlirfitgllliillon ■


)M f3 .5 /4 .5 113Ktn*u t>nc*‘ IfVJ------------ » Siconic 01 grouojnflo mocio to< I

^ ___ EH1CESJ00Q.THB


LAKES MALL r34-2678

n ie r ta lkabout superpower re-

'innish“reporters~hls'h Chernenko ce n te re d -___^:roomenis and trade - - - Iwecn Finland and the

*--- -J ----OpenW,^:*---------night unlll 7:00;;:;;

/ 7 VISA, Si;a W Moiterchorge r.*7 and loYOWoyt I;:- •


-n m odo oporsllon, rlly. sh u lto r speed nan u al m odels. Olf- h m otoring . 1/2000 isl sh u lto r spood. u^lvo 2-yoflr U.S.A. a n ty /p roduci regls- e r P rog ram body.

w5H O T :

1 1 9 ^ ^

■THRU in-i*aa i i i,__

^ ;

jjo, -. :

'3, TwinFalls. Idaho A-7

Page 8: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

- M .

Frank and I


^oom -H ild9 F i n e e p i 8 I


----------^ 1 ---------

Hagar the H

G a so lin ^ ^MsyoukiTOvv.iveplar l a p a r ty f o r t o a a g l


--------^arjield ----------



The Born Lo:

^ '

Daily ci■ ■ ■ n --------------- B r “

jy---------- —


■• ACROSS 181 Beat It! 19 i

Is Journal^0 Wound 20 I

.fomindor 23 14-Tlmo pe riod ---------- 24 I5 Bryant or.Loos 25 I 6 -.-Allo 29 1

------ I t^okerrrionuy— ------ JTl

fg g DailI GENERAL TENDRNCU Ino day or evening to be ouU )»Iunt with anyone about .vllI do to aid your progrc Wou to obtain knowiedgt bnnalion you desire.

------lMHlES<Marcfa^Mo-Aprid i^ lo investlgaie“ wtialcv

A-8 Timos-News, Twin Fal

^ J F — —

[ C oI Ernest


Wa_________IHTwiwAREVOU 1LLEP-AT

3 J

Horrible 1t i s » T W e l I j W a s Y S W o P P o M E V P YOU " p .

^ M

L l l e y "

^annedM l/^^

I Ice cream.'] ' ^




■■18 Spring b lo o m 33 Gol19 C lap ton o r 34 Tro

Bloro bric20 E xclom atlon 37 Exc23 Oovourod 41 Hol24 Bowling ia n o -------42 J.'—25 Romovo 43 Gro 29 I s n n a e c o s s o rv 44 Rop 32 Exclind quo

ily H ordscIClES:Thisis fuslny to you jutspokcn and butdosoquici lUt whal Uiey TAURUS (. Igress or help partner coult idge and in- nlonated as i

accomplished prUrlShGood^—

ilcvcr is con-' yourworklHci

I Falla, Idaho Thursday, Sepi0 p t0 m b o r2 7 .1984

! f

I f f l l

' I ’t t

^ U H l-i


I H f v o u NEEPN- ^ W ^ O E M O N « m r& !-

— I

_J Omiu.A ^ I ' .1 f

IS LooVifJe.Fop I..FW iT M AKi I ' / o p Y i I

;--------------1 ^^A ^JPl-6 I

I * A\ Tn

lllrt . i iiiiif 9 v . I ' \

T s o r r y id r e p o r t ,^ K S ’ Will b e no p a r ty /

p - a - r - t - y ^

\ i n

W p— a — ^

P L i "h

J5 -f"

/ 1 6 q T A H ^ D IT ,? 3 \ ^ ‘V6u ,'a :£'...

L - J L1 45 Easy gallop

47 Primllivo— w eapon w 11 SO Givo way— — ' 51 Exclamallo

58 Horaldic toi----------- 59 Court pion

60 Milky slono---------- 62 Maple genu_______ 63 Loioloiforc

64 Chost soun _ _ 65 Bogs

* CG Mimes■ ■ ---------- ------^67■Wo d'5It■fi■^

or shoe

----- DOWN----------- 1 - Nn Nn_______ 2 Lawmaking

body;obbi. _ _ 3 Cor

4S S o n so o f ta i 6 Old'woman

— ! T .7 T o b le l SG roon lnnd t

9 Bolm ontor___ i___ Pronknoss

10 Incanlalion

..._ ... . ...... — -ll.C h r is lm a s iSot up 12 Wondorlanctro u g h for - 13 Sisllono 's ri 3rlcks 21 Cap or lornixc lnm alion 22 Spouses ■toll o lty 25 Flaky. B r.sl•■— doLuno^^--------- 26-S«lvotjro a lL a k e 27 Knowledge^oporlor's_________ thoaoosjuosiion 2d H enouipul

cai---------------------- , _ Qly


■on and net rlj^Iit aiuswers, cnl jic tlyandcJeverly .. I5 {/^prll.20 to May 20) A tie mid prove to be as opi- vie s you and little could bo so( led .U -am tocom prom ise. ' V

"H cH yalrarrgea^ tJia tyou nev

I c s

.u N E v E je F o p e f r

U, X r 2 5 / ^ . . ~ L S f f m

' M E /v jo p Y , O F C O U


OH.TOAT’■ i - y l f f ' \ ^ O K k r \

The m oney iv ' V W S f i ^sv iq a w S ^ - t i i 6 . p a r - t y ^

b ee n s t o l i

T W E N T V V E A R 5 F R O M 1'm < 3 0 i n g t o l o o k b a c

^ H I S A N P L A A A A A A l

. „ . / ^ - w iiew . i t j : d m e s > ( TO 61VIW6, you *510? UOTHlfJ''


ll°P 29 G o llerP alm ci0 30 Atr. Dutch' 31 Sigmoidy 33 Hob. m ontholion 34 S o n a lo r lro rr i.: torm Colo.Ion 35 Migratoryono worker0 "US 36 Slag lo rono 38 E arthp igm ont ound 39 Corrida cheo r

40 Aslan monoy________ 44.Fallofs— -.4.—

ith h n t 45 Lodges of ' ason ■•


■fiasio r c s te rd a y inan lsh J H1 11C M T E

J . Oi C 'O B e Ln d b a s o - E T l O i N l | i Bto r .c o InI t a m I T

.- ■ ■ i T l i E t i r'io 'is j K W f A E d 1 1a s so n g ...... LfljO M P S B A iland girl j Al RIAIL J A IB 'i’s rolo lU ln lS lA p iD lA j«m i N ] E l s ) T f ? M

■ ■ ( T l T T i rr .s ly lo ;E V E M C ^

p u l' L?. Wj E_1 A

can j L't much (itim; and IolyticUve lhan heretofore.----

.MOON CHILDREN (June:* 21) You may be disappolnl friend-who has another com and cannot accompany you entertainment.

LEO (July 22 lo Aug. 21) v tie is not willing lo let go of hi view, thougli you do nol agrw so drop the subject for the tim■ VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept. : 4nfyrinH(4on—«ou—nee<l—(fo: newspaper ahd’pefFodicalsTl

' le w ;, - \ — Wl


Hi and

jl Beetle•'l FT------------

1.-V: !■ / I P TM SP X H ATI

. . A —tSfRiJMP

“ y S h o e

^ f y'KUWiTMEt ) - TUECaiFl/I • ^ o ■RflCUJTIO

we ve

5lenf > 7\ndy C

A NOW I^CK ON T t ----- ---------

B l o n d i (*=:!^ ) fHUOnV, HONE( 1 ^ ^ WE'LL B£ L


_________ (;— I -s iie opatT’ Peanut

Pear Swee Wliat Iw


46 Time Ol life R

47 Wtioat bundle | |48 Eng. monoy II49 Consum ed 850 Solomn ^52 Spaco agcy.53 Error ^

54 Fatlguo •55 Cfvli wrong56 Box „]57 IvyL e a q u o ____

school ■ ■61 Majors ol TV

III:a l


y 's Pu2:lc Solved: tj,l



n 'Cu

J w j iiure J ISC ILwlsoly-.lJj spondenee.- - - -

L-2210 July LIBRA (Sepl. nled hy ;i leinpted to inves mmiimcnl thing today, whi lU in some At least study

malter first.) -A familyhis. orlior SCORPIO (Ocl ree wilh il, lhal you are Inge ime being, monetary affars . 22) Seek fool you. rom-;yout— -SAQITTAHIUS . ajid’lhen wiow wliat youi

rd of Id______N

liiClLOUre-wm-cw-PiHu^ — - —

id Lois; IT w m Kips I, I—x;™=5E

; BaileyEREfe ANVTHls/S 1\TE IT'S A i t»\PV S O i r P I E R - - ^ T *

m v i m a & T . . . T w E E i t A s r o i - u r c S ■ m T w f m i m K D n l6C0UNT|2<t;.. B E T ^

X i a p p "


/ a tlea sA/ NOU \ ,» ( WERENT I ^ V RIDING J


lie ____^3NEV, OO ) i ('AL5XANC

LATE Y ^ -----f VI? T A .

i t s "f e e t l ie a r t , T h o s e hh ap p e n e d ■ s p e n t t wf sh a re d ?

W h a t ’s V

(iuecn Ellzabctli II was t class of men studying consti teueher-was-one-of-Eton-C guished educators. But her llim, evidently. He was nevei a l her, nol once, during the er

Sand huis about 10,(XX) grali You don’llie a r mucli aboi

West Dennis, Mass. Pity. 1 s(]uare-botlomed grocery 1 thlni^s.werc swirled into c carried home like bouquets.

I lalf Uie people in Soulh Am Brazil,

WEATHER DEATHSArgument conliniies over U

wealher-related deaths. L named. So have hurricanes.: flash floods In rcccnt years n Curious. If true. Man has nol ( llglilning or hurricanes, but h'l curb flooding, which is killir ever. Mere’s to the Corps o! ii;i

IJandlc* personal-corre- anc - •• bul)l.ZitoOcl.22) Youare C .’esl loo heavily In some- Sit I'hlch-would nol be wise, awl Jy every angle of tlie am


Del. 2310 Nov. 21) Show A igenlous in handling any rigl: irs and don’t let oUiers chei

theH>tHNovr22tQ-Decr21)-rTisviDur practical alms are P:

j ^ : ! |_


’ ^ l = Q , . H A v e ' A . e


------- :-------------------:=f-------

a S a S sITEVKWA6?. Ll

f f n '

_ iwwi'i'

K « 4 7 " c o I W A S FIT.


ANDEP IS (?OiN6 I ( cook VEPY W ELL^

fs / ll

> h o u r s we S u d d e to g e th e r . ^ y o u v


B w h a t f -

is the only female In a jnslltutional history. The . rr i-GoIlege's-most-dislin— f=rher presence unnerved rr.iver seen to look directly i-_,B entire course. „ Jralnsperliandful, , . iboul Ijjlhcr Crowell off. In 1872, he invented n„ijy bags. Before then, ^0 cones of paper and g

America, almost, live in yj}| Or: slue


•r tlie commonest sort of S™' Lightning has Ixjcn

But it says here that ■s now must be blamed. Pi lol done much to control Slal ilhehassperirjilllonsto Illing more people lhap ^ Ai !ii;nginccrs-ciinki abvl

and go a lltr them in a positiv bul don't Iread on the toes of oil

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to J: Sit in Ihc quiet of- your slu awhile and know whal you ambitions are. Then find a betl ofhavingharmony.

A{iUARIUS(Jan.21loKcti. 1 'iglit to work on gaining ;hcrished wish that has eluded he p as t. by using lhe

^PISC K (Feb. 20 to March 2(

. . . f :.W K g , i Tfr\TOC ViHKlfB! A

^ j l fl / i i -Z Z Z d W ,

A h/'r T M e y p o ^ . UNLE55 T > l t / J -

/ AHC?TI- ----------1— r-HATi

.w a i , M s w A i i . m i » a ) -ONMVPESKHA'Sd je s e

L m t m e m m a s E i .

>ii>rnoN ?ITASAUVO


, ? VERY

i ■ M:d‘t r i i i i i H

lenly you said I thoi were bored. play;

The suicide rale nalionwlde rt hc same during lhe Greai Dej haprevious decade.

Do lizards gel bored? If-nol levote 90 percent of their lives I notlonless.

Nine out of 10 cancers are on tl

TEMPERATURE CONTROL Thc clerical folks In the office

oom temperature. Some“saia' 00 cold. Thc Old Man on thc I irge wall Uicrmomeler. fane; ailed in an cieclriclan to tlnkci lat. Argument ended. All wer ley didn’t know was the ele olhlng. and lhe thermometer's ermanently a t 72 degrees F. Biologically, bals are more lil

■hich they don’l resemble in th ingle.ss mice, which they res< r so it was reported in a Nal udy of animals.The Myopia Hunt Club of Har roup o' polo players thafgoe; :lmils only near-sighlcd mcmbc

Poland grows more potatoes Lates docs. So there.

Address mail to L.M. Boyd

live way. - gel now ideas lhat fl others, thinking and can gi Jan. 20) cess in the future tt

:ludy for fine day for you. our tniestlerway IF YOUR..CHIL

DAY...he or she v ■varying philosophic

1. 19) Got such a f(|rlile mind g some tiye that you send id you in college and sliould

wrong now. Early leach li minrifyri’in ni‘rlpT-~fTv

20) Vou resullsposslblchen


S ? '

i U ;

?THETHlM(9 B ' !A T e -w o R se -i& -® —

P H O N V /

GONG TO GET A U 3T |., jr c y A 8 U>2 W)HO . .

'10 I S E E V O U R ly '•5BAND IS O O IN G )

h o u g h t you ]iJ<ed a y in g T r i v i a .

Je remained jusl aboi&t Depression as durinjl

' not. why n tff ThdyJ ves to lying absolutely.;

onthefa(M. '‘v

IOL —ffice argued about th ?iaTa."Too‘ not7T)Urersr:-------Ihc top floor boughi a ' ancy schmancy, and- nker with the Uicrmo- were satisfied. What' electrician changed;

er's pointer was fixed,*

■e like human beings,,:In the least, than like' resemble somewhat:- National Geographic^

Hamilton, Mass. — a:; goes back'to" 1882— •- mbers.

loes Uian the UnittS

oyd in care nf thES •

lat fit inlo your way ot; in gain far more suc­re thereby. An active,.

HIIJ) IS BORN TO- le will like to study phlcs of life and have iind thal it is impera- send you progeny to luld prepapj for suclich lo be more broad-_____cta iic lilw cn n ^g i^ here. ______________

Page 9: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

D rug INASHVILLE, Tenii. (/

c o r ^ g executives, res] recent publish^ reports ( by country music stars, “fractional,” not a "ran blem and does not threa dustry. '

Several country music " 'Irave 'd lscussed '^ lrdru ,

publldy In receni week NashvUle Tennessean, piortcd. that some. two. c have had serious drug addiction problems.

Midmir■ MLUai BEACH, Fla. (

mayor of this heavily Jew! ' ‘be wants back'the m ^

tlngly presented lo a form in the German SS who one a.poncentratloncamp. , •’The gold city mcdallloi

_ ra ted Friday lo Franz I iSSayor'ora skTvIUageln I 4^ , as part of a tourism M am l Beach' Mayor from berg didn't know i that Houslxrger, 64, was F iret SS Infantry Bri^ )VorldWarII.

iT o w n sch-PARMINGTON, Conn. (

television sets In this smi l>^ing targeted for.^anot long shutdown, but local <

• hoping to avoid the hoop rounded this year’s event.

.The Farmington Libra which sponsored Janui Turnoff," decided on Me ahead with a sccond January 1985.

ml ■ sLMiM A cop t7 ’i S S n ’T n


I i l i i i !




t ^ W y De very careful i -'-W /. whot you wont \ M i Decouse you Ju fJV (Tiight got It.



{ i i i i ' i r F O O '

vX m / M r «»

p t e w a n


i i a f r R e i u ^” m l s a t / .- If—

H l TREK It n l 12:30 ■ t t i TREK 111 ■ t t \

■ i t i i t : u*i

. l i i a

o p l e

use spli(AP) — Re- .TheTenne

responding lo drugs amon]rts of drug use ers, includirrs, say It Is a Jones, Johrrampant" pro- Jennlijgs, Hjirealen the in- PaycheckrH

Cash and Tasic performers The papei drug ■ problems^creased avoeeks with the the coOtlnuin, which re- prescription0 . doien -stars, the vitalityug or alcohol Industry.”

^ "This is a

mayor uJ. (AP) - The ' “ I will wr ewish clty.says._back,^.Froni edai he uhwil- look 11 under )rmer sergeanl The mayoi once worked In posed a plai

barrassing" lllon was pres- again In thi iz Ha^bergcr, honors vlslUi Tn the AustriaiTincludes n Ism promotion, entations, a yor Malcolm Haosberger. w at the tim? Arthur vas part of the dircclor of irigade during League of B

pleased wilh

h e d u le s a nin. (A P )-T h c ‘W r e n small lown are media eveni nother month- helped in so :al officials are - said Nancy oopla that sur- bra rian al ;nt. proposed thibrary Council, educating pj inuary’s "TV- should turn Monday to go selective In

id attempt In children wal When th e :


c L i iv T^STW O O D>p on tho edge... i t t j ^ ^ f f l


tort yacwtY »iuvt« —Fl

•ful Of

g y i l

1V-11FO R



O U B iE F E A T U R E I ^ t ^ j i

- T M e V V R A T H I t

L l B i 5 H I ~ A i r “SEA TS

, /T H E S E A R C ^J 1 / FORSPOCKj^H


lits Gourmessean detailed the use o f ' pnlOng a number of perform- Foding Johnny Cash, George CaDhnny Rodriguez, - Waylon ‘Honk Williams Jr., Johnny oU

r-Loretta -Lynn;-Rosanne owT inm y Wynette. pnper, reported lhat the In- enivailablllty Vof cocaine and lh( nued use of alcohol andlon pills are "threatening Taily of the country music In’ , bks all very good to brins the pn

vanisawiwrite him and ask for Itomberg-sald-Tuesday.-M{e~hclerfalseprelenscs.”yor also said he had com- Fcilan to prevent.such "cm- Hi5" events from happening Mthis city, which routinely G<

^ _ _ ^ l - m in u le ^res^ Was was the caso wilh tr;

er. ' inTeitlebaum; ,regional in

of the Antl-Dcfamatlon : B’nal B’rith. said he was Wiilh Fromberg’s decision. th

n o th 6 r te levnot really hoping for a co

ent this lime, althougli that evsome'ways the last time," tel

icy-DcSalvo, children’s .H --ac al the town’s library who the idea. "We’rc aiming al

»parcnls to realize why Uiey inm it off or cut down or l)C yeIn whal they and their co

valch.” wlfic Hartford suburb of 17,000 ne


NEV£R ENDING 7:00 .OMORfiOW 7:00.9:1)0 W ^ - ' t '

MAUeiMlMA IK '.L ?:riCHTI)OPE7:IS-9:3a M - - - ^ iUOMI CINIMAOMORROW 7:00.9:00 ^

OXFORD BIUES . /M W / ^ 7:00-9:00 j M M f ■

• i S J P


i§ iM ^

n try m iproblem out In tbe c^ien," s Foglesong, president of Na Capitol-EMI Records.

"Drugs are a problem In olher industries, and 1 hate t( own-lndustry pointed out.-Bi problem, not only with the ( crs but with a'161 of peoplethem, too.------ ---------------

Joe Talbol, a co-owner < Talbot Music Group, said dn

• In the induslry Is “a fractk) blem, nol rampant, not' the problem thal can do great da

oard bad"I think It’s perfMtly appn

-hesald.— ------- ^The Antl-befamatlon Lca(

Force on Nazi War Crimlr Hausberger, now maj Mayrhofcn, was a sergca German brigade thal mo]

War n . Later In the war. transferred to an admlnlstra in Amersfoort. a concentratl in the Netherlands.

"We cannol even say lhat: war criminal, but he was a m> the SS." said Elliot Welles.

— .........^ ----------

ivision tu rnconducted Its turnoff in Jam event was reported by new television stations and radio

- a c ^ the country.

"It will be interesting lo s Impacl is the same this yea year, when we had terrrifl coverage,” said Ellen 1 whose famiiy was'fealured new spa^r articles.

a Z E o F M ^_ Tlic comcdy ItuI p'ovcs

ont’s a ciowd. . STEVE



S . tAT..tUN.'ll40.J;JO



S t o r y „

Rob LoweUxFORD ;-

Tlie w orld 's m ost snvngo e iecu tiono rftuisl iiiiswnr_to S f _ \}. QrtONSOI«.CHAniCSUIIONSON / ' ;iii) Ja

R O M IH S M A K E R S ^ ^ i^ ; :: '!?Of


Ta p

I f e ,

la T A R T S ra iD A T I

TWIf?W H T W f c £ r : ^ :?.vrom lliecroalors ol :iIOS at RItfoemont High" nelhlng even losler.

3 it’s c a su a l .Alier Iho holiest •

lutnmer of Ihclr Uvet. getting back lo basics

wBS«asy. Gelling ' V \ back to normal. ,

was Iho hard part i

S T A R T S j M : r n i D A Y i ^ j p . ;

u s i ^ d r <

'sa id Jim the Industry.”^ashvUle’s Buddy KU

- NashvUle^iasedIn a lot of the largest muilo see my. pany In the wi But-tt-is a —Bome-perfonneri perform- addiction.)le around "Admitting th' •• problem -and. g• of Peer- Important," he 5Irug abuse way we will ev«ttonaJ-pro- - blem."..............ne kind of Bul hc adds tdamage to Nashville "Is a d

f c ' ,^ropriate.” ^ 1

:agueTask ilnals said layor of cant in a wpped up

ir, he ■ks t h u i rativepostItlon camp l y

It hew as a R I Imemberof,. M W

O llo ffinuary. the ^iwspapcrs, ^lio stations

) see if the I ENIERlear as last III THF TF iric media „ ‘JJF "

Babcock. TUESDAY TH k1 in some c«i



v ^ *

iY |t u

J l $ 2 ,

— B i ----------- =-""-AutaiJM-: R esort

/M i S100.0Cj l s y i produci

Colem s7 i\ri c ^ g s tfh iT ; coolersf - lV ' Colerrici '. f e * week!j g S E v eroK"?: Friday i

winner*V I ; 4:3(l l ; -6:31

l l j -V - 9:31


l e c e w s”4 < ' ! .

M IIW! ! ! | « I ^ " > /f c r i i i ‘ i / i

^Jm m

i l

I ' H I


g l

II S--Si

___________ Mi'-------c

1 - - Mrcles zmo\UUe

ECiUen. owner of toh ed Tree International, Tl music publishing com- tr worid, says he's glad Ola:

lers-are-admitUng-Ujelr—Gai mai

; that Uiey have a drug l-gelUng_help is very...siB wsald. "'ITiafsU)eonly_ JM ever overcome Uw pro- gjlg

s Uiat not everybody In a dope freak."



3 9 3


N 24 HRS. . _

Cac , $ I 'olemfre

;2 , 0 0 0 w o r t h o f O

ta m n is 'h e re ’an d C a d u s trl C as in o in Ja c k p o t is gi ,000 w orth of C o le m an Ci jc ts .. .o v e rS lO .O O O a w ( n a n ten ts , s leep in g b a g s )s to v es , b a rb e q u e grills. 1 ‘rs , ju g s a n d la h te rn s , inc m an C a b o o se utility traiU :!e ry T uesday . W e d n esd a ; ly a n d S unday , w e d raw < ers- D raw ings::30 S In d iv idua lC o lem j :30 $175 C o le m an ca rr

p ac k a g e :3 0 , $ 5 0 0 C o le m an c a n

p ac k a g e :30 S1150 C o le m a n cai

p ac k ag e . Including utility.trailer. -


y m l k


n> ... - j i C

' '■ r / i ' ‘ " ■

■■ iiA ' ' T hursday . S ap to m b

E h ess t i t le jM 0SC(3W rAP)-n)e-slxUi

»f tlie Worid <3iess Champlonsh idjoumed Wednesday after Ui nove and chess ejqierts sali iUieholder Anatoly Kaipov api0 have the upper hand.

The game was to resume toda International master

DIafsson of Iceland said chal SaniKasparov— at-21-tbo-yo :nar> to contend for the

Solly Jessy P o p h a e ) <------ 'to -G arrfi:P rocficai;E

■ g o 's most e x p e r ie n c w ho Ihelf s p e c ia l g

n e ig h b o rs from a i l c ’ questions to B ruce ,

' wllh Solly. Exciusivt They've g o t 6 '

6 P .M .- M ID N IG H T M O N .-F R I.

ctusP100,01l a n a^e-forC o l e m a n p r o d u c i

u s 'P e te ’s J u s t ^; giving aw ay P e te 's .'b '1 ca m p in g p re s e n ts w e e k in th ro u g h i

ig s , ea rly inti Is. h e a te rs , o fw inn in including five ' E a c h ( aile rs every e n te r s yc

a d e lu x e day, T hursday, C o m e w e ig h t lucky w in n er ir

free - for- m a n item s it’s fun . am ping C all to

room re j :am ping^_________

ca m p in g C j Q l ng a C ab o o se

. . . .

’ ' 9

j j . Ji'.

nber 27.1984 Tlmes-Nows. T'

g a m e adjo iurgam e“ che3scrown-=w)u] ship was time saving the gam Uie 42ndaid Uiat AiUxKigh Uie two ippeared same number of pie

adioumment, a Kaq day. on U>e queen's rook

Helgl path iq>4he board, lallenger Kasparov, playing v youngest-to-find a way-to-stO; le world was to salvage Uie gi

^ K p p |

j l i^ ^r&BRi•I o n d B ruce Williams^ War ; Enlertdfrilng d s brily twP' ic e d ra d io hosts c a n b e . > g u e s t Is ton ight: It's you. A o v e r A m erica. C alling in l ), ta lk ing o v er p e r so n a l pi Ively o n Tolknet. Sally a n d ev e ry b o d y ta lk in g . Listen

*etes0 0 .ampiia«;

r ts five n igh ts a wpick Up an en try blank a t ( b e a t lea st 21 y e a r s old. c t a t th e draw ing . Entries a 1 S u n d ay e v e n in g s, so an 1 th e w eek in c re a s e s your ling tha t w eek .1 en try you su b m it autpm« y ou in th e G rand P rize Dr :e S6 .000 C o le m an Tent T le to C ac tu s P e te ’s an d be in o u rS 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 C olem an r-all. I f s e a s y . It's free. Ar

to ll-free (800) 821-1103 fc e se rv a tio n s .

ictus0cxpcclc<jlynci1in * .l E«itinilyunr«(>

l a o ^ t , N evada -

r ----------------------r z j i

fc j f f l

o u rn edvould haye a difficult----- ■^ e .

two players had tbe 'pieces al Uic time of Karpov pawn was left mik file wiUt a-clear- . ird. ’The experts said ng white, would have►•stop-lhal-pawn-lf-be--------------He^me.


UCENarm.‘Down-‘ . , ■ ; ___ .[■kvo'of Amefr- . . “ ■ le. And look'J . A nd your I in flnanCIOt'Ii p roblem sin d Bruce. ...... .....; ------ten In. :

m a ^

n §week!__________a t C actu s :d . and beJS a r e valid ■I an entryour c h a n c e s ;

jm atically ...............i Drawing for" nt Trailer. - .J b e a :nan.A nd ; •

3 for , ;


«. Twin Falls. Idaho A-9

Page 10: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

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A-loflm ea-News, Twin Fa

A «-- ,iF a » 8 .ld a h o T hursday , Sepi

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E njoy IhcI , AmslcrdiI v'iSilpori'I • RoundI ._______________^Grounc

. ’ • O c e a n•__________> All mori

• Everytf" ' Major cf(

~ - C u n 10^


■ - - ............... GHAHGG-iZ-C

■ i i . / ' JO

K i l l












: j LI., a. J i T E R S 'E ^ -Iho e x p a n s iv e c o m fo r ts o( a

3 rd a m O c e a n L iner. " Y ou o r i s irn E a s te r n M e x tco a n d II n d tr ip a ir f a re for iw o b e iw c o n d J r a n s X ^ s J je lw e e n p la n e a n i r a n s p ’b r ta l io n a n d s ia to n n o ;il^ n n r i p n lt^ r ln in m o n t n<; r ry th in g is in c lu d e d e x c e p t il€

c r e d i t c a r d s a r e a c c e p io c n g l . M 6 x T g g rM P n ig g & -B Ii~


IL^M-Voun-Dofj.on a j j ^ c

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n r n v id p r i .Thn^^rrl Iho vo<;s< I le m s o l p e r s o n a l n a tu re , o d fo r o p t io n a l p u r c h a s e s r ja m a T c a r a r T d 'G e i iT p is ^ v f


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Page 11: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation


TJmcs-Naws writer

' TWIN FALLS - The Health Sciences Center

. ; County to pay a $118,0001 by a critfcally lll,47-> woman.

— -Commlssioner-Judy F which arrived at her off sccond largest Indigent c; by the commfssioners.

____ .woman Js-filUl.in-the.hothe meter Is still running

Felton said the bill coi

still s hot I

mi-at’sthBy DEAN S. MILLER Times-News writer

TWIN FAI.LS - Ge drillers worlcing behli High School have pur deeper without hittin{ since Monday, when s round out the water enougJij for the scii energy needs.

District orficials de I tinue drilling past th e :

Monday, after ttie wei 91 degree waler. Elsir

------ . President Arnold ElslI------------ ncsday~thc—rig -h aI* l,700.foot well, and tin

oftliew aterw asO lori 1 Elslng’s contrqcl w! district specified a I,II The drilling companyj lhat depth, lyit theI________ calls for a pump tb Lj the well lo lest tem! flow at various levels.

Elsing said ' tlie prompt the well to water.

The district has ma of 5125,000 from the [

• • Energy and the Bom Administration for dr and converting Twlr School and Sawtootli School to Jgeotheri systems. '

-------------- Tlie.granLmoney-disuccess of the disti project, and the distri

•eligible for the grant il not yield hot enough w; ' Acting Superintendc

/ says the Sawtooth school has heat puii

•, efficiently use 91 degt the high school heatin

' require 101-degree w efficiently heat the sci Qnt he'ating pipes bene

J o in t ‘By DEAN MILLER Times-News writei^

MURTAUGH - A jqini boards of Hansen. KImbei

- Wednesday night to p Legislature a seven-mem to govern a proposed new three districts: .

.Xhe .con^Idatlon boarc two members'each from and three members from t

Murtaugh chairman A joint meeting he would lil

^ — TepresentatloTrtorthree-t existing districts as Uie Ii consolidation board memb

Klmberiy chairman Ken by the joint board to a Legislature to secl< approv consolidation board.

The joint board also pas that the Department of Et sites for consolidation scho

Kimberly board membe felt an outside study woulc

■ less likely to be affected by Murtaugh board meml

___ supervisor^pick. CaiTjcL

Appe------ UyANNLTl'i-JCAliy• - Tlmcs-Ncws writer

— TWIN-FALLS - A Council decision to rc narrow strip of land Jul

. is being appealed by ne Mayor Emery Pcli

council members wilh i on th C 'a p F ^ s board, sioners will complete U

This is only the sc( board has had to be for Is outside the city but li

____ Jmpacl,.. the^homeowji

1 ^

lilty hiallc

-------------------------- Tlneai

rheUniversity of Utah ihe er has asked '^A'ln F.alls mec XW hospital bill IncuiTcd id 17-year-old' Twin Falls the

althy Felton said the'bill, Uon officc lasl week. Is Uie 'Cov

U care bill ever received Fi srs. Furthermore, the pari Lhospilal.-Wliich^mQanS ..veiri Ing for the counly. isa could lop $180,000 when Tl

I l e r s - H

seek 0^ well


Geothermal well i ehind Twin'Falls' ' punched 200 feel k ' ting hotter water _ ,>n school officials ter was not hot sciiool. district’s

1 decidcd to con- he 1,500 foot level well yielded only Ising Drilling Co.Elsing.sald Wed- “ . .

I Uie temperature or 92 degrees.I with the school I 1,500-foot well, my has exceeded he contract also ■ ,:b bc Installed in__’;emperalure and - •ils. m,e pump miglil to yield hotter h;!- •

matching grants le Department of Jonnevllle Power "■ drilling Uie well •Vln Falls Higli - ' : x)th Elementary ' • lermai heating

y’-depcnds.on.liiQ..- Ssgf listrlct’s drilling. ■ strict may not be nt if the well docs., tl waler.:ndent Carl Snow3th Elementarypumps that' canlegree water, but B f e j w jaling syslem will P * * * .; water lo'm ost ' . , school wIUi radi- :

cneath the floors; G eo th e :

schoololnt meeting of lhe school iberly, and Murtaugli voted

propose to the Idaho ember consolidation board new district combining the

lard would be composed of om Hansen and. Muriaugh m Kimberly.I Allen Cummins lold the 1 like lo “try to keep equal Krto-nve'ycars*” u s tir [ 'ih ~le Inlllal zones from which mbers would be ciiosen.<enl Taylor was designated ) act as liaison wllh lhe troval of lhe seven-member

passed a motion lo request f Education study potential chools.nber Carol While said she ould be more objective and I by local politics, jmbcr and Iransporlalion ier said the study lusulLs__

eals boi^ a _______________________ U

A reccnt-TwIn'Falls Clly K> rezone to commercial a uI jutting off Kimberly Road A/nearbyhomeowners------ -liPetersen has asked two wlUi opposing views to serve Dird. Two county commis- l(;e Uie board.. ' ni second time Uial such a

: formed. Because the land sjul In ils designated area of kiwners had an nddillonnl n:

r T wlit Ivitlil cosls arc totalled.The Ulah hospital's bill alp

early 20 percent of Uie $550,000 He counly this year lo pay ledlcal care, said Commissioner Idaho slate laws require cour

he, major responsibility for In Ithough a recent state sales ta lon to indlgents will helptb caM lover said.Felton said that Uie county

artment is now investigating eirily IhattheHealUi.Sciences C( 5 a counly resident.The patient became crilirni


W ■ ' '

■>' •


^ e r m a l ^ w ^ d r i l l e r s w o r lc

I board <

School corfs

could guide future discusslo i)e bound by whal Uiey find."

At ils lasl meeling. on Ai .suggesled as a possible sllc Klmlxirly as a site for a altliougli no formoMleclslon \

Differing d c g r c f^ f bom tween Uie tliree schools was no mollon was made. J^he Bi

>ard to eappeal step not available to laiUie city. _______________

All Ui^cily council memb( Klelnkopf approved Uie zonl week. They pointed oui lhal U Acrc SuMIvislon was inapprc land zoned for agricullure and was necessary because offl< Development Corp., who requc lo commercial zoning, had notices of an earlier zoning cha

Klelnkopf explained his i saying the city had foUou-ed I law in printing legal notices o

-aK a.olJm pacI In IMl ainLn

h hugdelivering i

already equals been In Oie000 budgeted by Sciences C ly for indigent Johnson, a mer Ann Cover.. ; associate.. rounties lo bear

U.al burden,

ty Welfare De- RickFulli ng the case lo Sciences C IS Ccnie/juiii£flLarajiaferred.

hospitals w( irniiv 1" '•rtrr care she req

ll1' i ' ^ , " .. .

I f '

i r k in g n e a r T w in F a l l s H

eyes ccT

__________ G^ 1 ^ ^ ^ _____ II

* 0-„ ^ l

rfsoiidation a:C(a:

_____________________ i>sslon, but "we would not i.Id." “1 August 22. Hansen was jlle for a lilgii .school and r a junior higii schoo). on was made. f.tx)nded indebtcdne.*is be- j,‘ vas briefly discussed, bul e Board will seek furlher__.jw

examin> landowners within 6bligaii5i______________ Uien.___tnbers except Gale "We ac«)ning change lasl it.” hesait the nearby LItUe inlo an a(:ipropriaUy built on Counciland Uial the cliange serve-or3fflcials nt United changes^quested Uic change the board ad nol seen legal'the homi.'ichange. The laIs sland Monday, Sawtoothed the letter of the commorces of zoning for Uie opment Cid now hnri n Ing.nl It______

F aU ijeindI a child in early August. Sl We Intensive carc unit of the 1 Center since Aug; 7, saic a hpspllal cominttnlly rel

low listed “in critical conditio lem problems.” Johnson no way lo giA a prognosis iy."illmer, the comptroller of Uie I

Center, said Uie patient KlJo.Utah.lwausc.noj>jgional were equipped to give her tiie ■equlred.

I ■

ii I g a

H ig h S c h o o l a r c s t i l l c o

o n s ^ i d_-uivlpf» r rn m Hii». A rinrnny fi a.sse.s.smenl of the Individual i

Tiie joinl iward dlscussedll General I*'und approprlalion new facilities versus appli'c menl of Public Works’ Permi

Haii.sen Superintendent Dii board a coiisdidallon proji competition in llie "liundrcds of requests for .six million doll

Taylor ft'as asked by the leglslalors lo the joint Iwan Oclober 24 in Hansen, lo disc

j>trateglESAviUi.Uie.jQinlboan White suggested lo the join

aspects of. con.wlidation be communities on fact siieels and greater student acce.ss 1 i)e pointed out, shesald.

Kimberly bOard menibor improvc<l attitudes could b< building, "At tlic new ; (Washington) they found lesi number of sludents." lie said.

Smith agreed thal Uie po! facilities,should be stressed improved attitude to a new si feel greal. bul 1 don’l know I said, - ; ....... - ......... ........

l e c o m iloirlb"'silck wltii life decislo

adopted the plan and we shoi said. “An ingress of COO and 5 agricultural zone is a major cl cii woman Mary McCiusRy on the appeals board. On s her stance. boUi commissi rd will have lo agree wIUi Kiel fieowners to' win Uieir appeal; land in question, targeted i th Storage Co. buildings, w ircial in the early '70s so Unlli I Con).. parent company, v

ligentShe has “There was ag r

10 Heallh wouldn't survive i «id Ken improve for a whilt relallons sittlngupandsome

.............B ut. tills week,

is except Fullmer said me' the patient includ

le HealUi hospital had lo acq ent was of beads suspendednaljdnho___BulJ.the_medicathe. acute patient are not un

intensive care unit.




13 Bui

. ma ofte was

^ ^ ------------------ Iho-S


--------------------------------- ^mo al I the

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- i vis he;

I rou■JJJl — I I ovc

^ ! B H M U H H I tlmJJ*- .. ... r des

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sea ask

^ lap:


co in in g u p e m p ty

Jation ^■ f;»npr.-jr.; nrripp :i»; Ia __!aldistrict.s.;dlUie po.ssibliity of state ions for construciion of ilicalion to.tiie Depart- ' manent Building Fund.Dick Smith lold llie joint roject would face stiff cds of millions of dollars Jollars."he joint iward lo Invite" lard’s nexi meeting, on llscuss potenlial fundinglard____________ :_______oinl boards lhal posilive be disseminated lo the els, Improved facilities ss to curriculum should

t r Rrch Bauscher Mid...... .be expected in a new

I sciiool in Pullman ;esl scores wenl up for a lid.posilive Impacl of now «xl. bul compared such /suit or a new car. “You , whow long II lasts." lie

merciaIslons made But wiien the____________Uiiicd lyXarca.hould follow zoned only lhal id some feel Kimberly Road rchange.” company's slor.

Unless slie-— Residenls of issioners on bordering Sawti Llelnkopffor more buildings ii; ■ increase van3a1d for more create an lll pla

was zoned Wayne and . nlled Devel- appeal on beha

would buy the subdivision.

■■ Obituaries/hospital■ Magic Valley B3■ Idaho B7

t med- - -

I great deal of feeling that she /e initially. Arid Uien“she did” fhile',"-Fullmer said, “She was imewhal lucid lost week.” - ek,. Uie patient has ‘ilaken )r Uie worse," Fullmer said.0 say what’s going to happen

medical expenses incurred by :lude a spocial bod Uial Uie acquire, which was composed ded by an air flow, lical. costs .Incurred..by_tlic- unusual for someone in llie

M , Fullmer said.

Liability’s a prot


schocUy KAREN MAIN Times-News corresporjc/enf

BUHL - Buiil school bus rolling along wflh too man again this year.

Bus contractor Doug Scotl t Buhl School Board Tuesda many of the school buses h often have loo many siudenls was concerned about lhe llabihird lstrlc t:--------------- ’---------

Scolt said there seems lo b students this sciiool year espoc the elementary grades and students do nol tako their a: routes so there are "spc changes each day. ^ T * in ir i im r T ir 7 ra i7 ^ ie i mothers are working seasona at llie Green Giant processini their children change bus roul lo the babysUter’s house after and otiier students use the b visit friends or attend club mi hesaid.

Four of the H buses on routes mainly have overcrowded. There are son more lhan GG students riding time, which Is beyond Uie designated capacity, he saic againsl slate law'io operate boyond capacity,

The kids may then ride foi scat and 'higli school studei asked lo hold klndergartner c lap.s. hesaid.

“ I really don't know what aboul it.’' Scott tnld the board.


TWIN FALLS-Teachei Twin Falls School Distri I'uesday -afternoon at <

• JuQlor High School lo rev d istrict’s latest contract p and to-plan “public aw activities" for Uie coming v

Twin Fails Education ; tion gegotlfltor Wednesday Uie teacncf^S concemed aboul a decreas base figure for Uie calcul;

' pay torextru’dultes:' Roy said Uie proposal a]

formula on which pay for o and overseeing extra-cu activities is calcfflated 1

. • ex tra ' worlrhas traditional calculated as a perccntagi base pay level. Roy said U; p r o p e l would c^culale percentage of $12,700. Thi

.offer scl base pay at $13,30GKoy said Uie 90 perceni

dance rulo In Twin Falla sc

nl zone:he land was designated as par •ca.oUmpact injaaL-Uic-couj hal area thal falls In a bell oIi oad as commercial. One of. ;torage buildings already exle

of the'LitUe Acrc Subdlvls iwtooth Storage have argued I Igs would further block their vl iaallsnrifftlrctWMdi^borhood j planned Jog In the zoning map. id Joy Anderson have filed ihalf of Uie oUier homeowner ion. The appeal will be heard

-'-Thursday, Soptom

lical ble Fullmer sald_ the hospl Id patients wiUi Uie underslai IS botii help the people and bc

careu-cprovidc.".......:n , , Ke-sald it was .difficidl J. financial status of the patl tn arrived al the hospital. be<

coma. Once her Indigen ly termined. Fullmer said U: le followed procedures eslab: d of Idaho for billing Twin Fa

When Uie hospilal takes ic_lhclr-carQ_is_.usually_Jlt le spccial slate fund thnl mo!

ute lo. Fullmer said.


ed bu

jfd istBecausc the boi

problem two yi member Lila Bel

luses ^re thisseepbackin?" any kids some students <

driver Uiey are usi I told the and the drivers ca Jay that all the students wh he runs use the bus. Scott s

^biSv 'to^^‘*‘lyj.9....rnisf>d lhp iiahiUt;buses last week, :

be more board lo review i ‘ociallyin requlremenls dnd nd some district’s liability assigned affected by overcr

'Poraillc" Board chalrmaj said he would arra

ien sorne ^lu, Scott lo stud nal shifts Uie possibility of ai

in Olher bus bu:

m Srnfi'c Bccausc the s ti^ transporlaUon an

DmeUmes said a chartered? a one comfortable for t

he b iS s school bus contraclid. It is After consultiniii t ^ u s e s intendenl Gus Sf

alUiough the bus cfour lo a was nol In wrllllents'.are understanding hi:• on their used for extracurr

The board decidlal to do Inexpensive transj1 bus and van go to I

lers rev ct vrov

lers in the leaving less lime Irict met for extra-duty, ac

O’Leary teachers arc beir eview the more'oftheirweel proposal time for those acti

iwarencss Roy said Uie as 'weeks. cenied about a pi , Associa. from SIOO to $200 f


ase in Uie Insurance prcm ulatlon of---------------recent-years-and

asked Uie schools ance premiums in

CMch ng salary Increases. I

■ ^ 5 1 " '^1 ' 'tyi«s of public m to ch e rs

Uwlalesl ■t'O coming weeks, share btUie schoo

m J l Z a cledlcatallolnstn ™= and benefits and

. crease of InsUn mt alien* and benefits wUl schools Is ’ attenUon.

alongif. Uio------ TSr..,lends ^

/ision. -i . •iUialview,d and ’ . .............P- ; "'V •

■ Ird on EM ERY P E I

— .... —

imbof 27,1984 Times-News.'

a l s B 2


billospital accepts Idaho ■slaiiaing lhat'"we can,J be reimbursed for Uie

cull to .determine.Uie............patient whon she first , bccausc siie was In a gent status was de- d Uie hospital slricUy ilablishcd by the slate 1 Falls County.kcs in Utali Indigents, - •_JInanced_lhrough_a______mostcdiliillesconlrib-


trictboard faced Uie same

years ago, board Bell asked “How did In?’'Its do not tell Uic bus : using a different roule s cannot keep track of- ; who are auUiorized to Dttsaid,Board of Educallon iilitv_-llmlls on school }k, so ScoU asked Uie JW the new Insurance " dnd find out how Uie lily insurance could be- srcrowded buses, m an Howard Hopkins irrange a meeting later itudy the problem and ' of another bus route.: business, High School I Thornsberry asked the ilball team could hire a for an upcoming game

I students pay for Uieir anyway, Thomsberry

■ed bus would bc more 3r the long ride If Uie tractor agreed, ting with Scolt, Super-rSplropulos'sald-Uial---------us contractor agreed it Tiling, 11 was Scott's

his buses would be :urricularaclivilles, icided to have Uie more ansportalion of a school to the football game.

viewoosalime during Uie day , activities and Uiat ■ being forced to use veekend and evening activities, e assoclailon is con- a proposed increase IOO for Uie deducUble urance policies for.

rcmiums arc among It have Increased Inand-teachers-havo_____ols to pay full Insur- s in return for lower es. Roy said, d to specify whal c-awareness-acUvl— jrs will organize in cks, but did say Uie diooldislricl budget istructional salaries and Uie rale of In- jUnclional salaries vUl be Uie focus of

•E TER SENlm gn-40A erve — L _ _ _ _

ws.Twin Falls. Idaho B-1

Page 12: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

pBrief)^Chemical Agi—KETCHUM-The Su

.. American West wUl'spo Fomms" In southern October.

. The public forums wl• bers will discuss the » .herbicides, orchard chc]

The forums, co-sp« Mont.-based Institute o broader series of 20 fon Northwest., Panel m em bm in Scott-Bergin, Inland Ni

..............E u g ^ ', ” Ore;-basedAlternatives to Pestlclc the Unlverisly ofldaho (

Scott-Bergin will spea .and registration procedi (oxicologialeffeclsofch

Other area people intc_______ ar^nv lted to join lhe p

te le p f io n e ^ a r c I a 'J o r i e sWesl:

A Ketchum panel wli: ■Ketchum's Old Clly HMI held at 7:30 p.m. at the

;'O ne will also be held ' . location havenotyet bee

- D em os’ benef■ KETCHUM-Jude Hi• ' DemMratIc candidates:

senti^ves from the elgl ing. districl — are ho

•' f e a t i i r in g ^ ^ - R o s e w o o i

Callen of Jerome in U ; L Hawkes, a Blaine Cou

t^Obiti1 :u:■ 'A nne Saxo n Uleri

TWIN F /\lls - Anne Sax o( Juneau, Alaska, formei resident, died Sepl. 13 In Jun

• ■ B om Oct, Ifl, 1909. In Rlv i she moved with her pare ' " F u lls and gradualcd from ; , . HlKhSchoollnl927., She received o Ret^istei

- . ! D egree from lhe LDS KospI---------- • -N u n lng^rrSalt Lakc-Cttyni

, , lhe Arm y Nurse Corp for iwi ' ‘ ■ She m arried Daniel A. Uie 1 ' • In 1M7. They had resided In. ’• 1” - tha t tim e.

She worked for many reg is tered nurse fer Iho Al

. Se rv lceand late rbecam ea* , n lB artleU Memorial Hospilj

Surviving a re : her husban a daughter, Patrfclo Wllllon

, a son. Daniel Ulery of Ju ' sisters, Jeonnlne* Biel of

' 'Demi DcAUey of Jerom e t Wellon of Lake Havasu Cil

. ' ’ grandchildren: . and i : ■ < grandchildren,

, 1 • The family suggests Ihi contributions be made lo Ba:

„ rlill Hospital, 32fi0 Hosp . : 'Juneau. Alaska 99801.

' l.H a ze lB ishop■ BUHL - Hazel Bishop.

• > died Tuesday a t Twin F a llH ospilal a fle r an extended ill

. Bom Dec. 12.1912. In Eigi ' , a ttended school In Kansas. 1

B radley Bishop on Nov. : P ryor, OWa,, and they mov V alley in 1945. They lived on

— CasUeford.unlll retiring and___ Castleford, then moved into

whe're she Kad since resided died in M ard i 1384.

She was a member of lh( M ethodist Church.

Su rv lv ingare : fourdaugh Lut2 of Twin Falls. Connie

' Ogden, Shanrn ' Mulligan , S levens. Wash., ond Mar:

Buhl; two sons, Bradley Mi •a n d Donald Bishop, both i g randchildren; six great-gn a b ro ther, L.W. flcynolds

: = S i r ^; GOODING - A graveside■ Basil D. Cobble, GS, of Nash ; and form erly of Gooding,

Monday, wiil be held Friday ! ^ m w o o d Cemelery, Priends ' D em aray 's Gooding Chapelt ! 'to 6 p ,m ,

: BUHL - The graveside___ ; __ N ora Rogers. 87, of Buhl,

Monday, wlll b eR ^ii h'rlday thc W est E nd Cemetery In Bl

; m ay call a t Demaray’s Goo< ; today from l to 6 p.m. '

suggests tliat. memorial c<

-H o sp i! UAG1C1: REGIONALMEl

A to--------- M rs.-Horty-CraJg; Mrs.-Slcve

G eorge E , Brown J r „ Jay A, Hc M rs. Ronald Black, all of Twin Mi s . Rick Novacek. WilllamMra Buhl: K enneth V. Naylor of Hai

------M cllnda-Ncwton,-bothof-WcndiMouniain Home; Edward C. Well Swafford of Kimberly; Mra, Pau

------TMiiCKUtm ufOHMliOHei Mrj . Wa,L. Hansen of E den; and Matthew

Reto;--------WlUlanr-BUl** LrH oblltrM rsr

and daughter, M rs. John Slander -r— Twin F a lls ; Mra^Bflraqulel BoJ

Mi s . M ark C. Bulcher and daugl son. both of K im berly; Harold C- H artley and daughter of Buhl; Mr M rs. Kevin L Slade and daughter

BinD a u ^ te rs to Mr. and Mrs. J J

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hansen of Poul M. K aiser of Jerom e and N Filer.

GOODINO----------------- -------------------------- Adml

M arilyn Kemp of Twin Falls; (

& 2 T lm es-N ew a. Twin Falla.

Fht=— ^Lgenda F o ru m s’ sI Sun Valley-based Institute of sponsor th m “Chemical Ager m Idaho during the month

i will feature panels whose me he use of weedkillers, aqui :hemicals and crop chemicals, i-sponsored by lhe MIssoi \e of the Rockies, are part o forums scheduled th ro u ^ u t i

in Idaho.will lnclude-Lu£ I Northwest Coordinator for i id Northwest-Coalition-• icides and Robert Krelger fn ho College of Veterinary Sclenc peak about EPA pesticide test! :edures. Qr. Krelger will disci f chemicals.inlerestcd In the chcmical debi le panel. Those Interested shoi rries at Ihe’Institute of-Americ

win be held Ocl. 22 at 7 p.m. SMi: An Idaho Falls panel will the Idaho Falls Public Libra Jd at Twin Falls, bul dale a been announced.

efit fe a tu re s ban<i Hawkes and Melissa Stewart [es for the Idaho House of Rep eight-county Magic Valley flo hosting a fund-raising eve

vood County Band at Whisk

fl the Nov. 6' general electi( County substllulc teacher a

lu a rie so r i ] T exas; and tw(

' F ile r and E mSaxon Ulery, 74. wyo. She wasm e r Twin Falls brotlierJuneou, -me funeralRiverton, Wyo,. io :w o.m , a t I

w rcnts to Twin church , withrom Twin Falls officiating. Bui

Cem etery,istered Nursing . Friends moyospital School of pel m Buhl Frid

uihJ a«i nxl ll. Id e lam liy ;■tw oyean. conlrlbutlons I U ltl j In J u n ta u Response Unll

H nJuneousInce Caslleford Met!

“y * Willard El

r Ii,n«ft.i. (T:scs----- M archMo .te a llc n ilo

H S- s r '

lospllal Dri™, ,

moved to Callfo Surviving ai

Fillm ore, Calif

s i isL S i S b I ; W < ^ a „ d ,H o .lo n o form near V.m.rniand moving Into..,nto Buhl in 1978, l>owncy, Calif.

L e ta K a y l f lhe Castleford R U PER T -

Rupert, died ughters, Bonnie Minidoka Memt nie Thatcher ot Bom Dec. 25, gan of Lake she moved to i ilary Irving of tended schooI.s ' Melvin BIsJiop graduated from ith of Buhl; 15 in Denver, then •grandchildren; where slie wo lids of Belton, California fo rm

rices—side scrvlce for moy be m ndc to ashville, Tenn.,ling, who died BUHL - Milay a t 11 a.m . In "R u s ly " Johnsi:ndsm ay< 'jjll4 died Monday, w?el u late CSnccptii

today. T he fam ria l conlributioi

ide funeral for Youlh Ranch orluhl. who died _ia y 012 p.m , ot bDltU-JY —n Buhl. Friends Saidana.34.ofD!kx)dlng Chapel will be held lon. The family Christian Cent1 contributions Church In Rur

l i ta ls —HCVALLEY MEDICALCENTER ••Ulmltted:cvenOstrander,-M r»rRobcrt-Shc , Henderson, Mrs. Dario V argas ai ik-ln Falls ; Henry H arm s of Ruper Mraz and Mrs. William Taylor, all H arrison; Mrs. Cote Prestw ich ai endcll; M rs.-G erald 'nichardson” Wells of Jackpol, Nev.; Mrs. J . See Paul M. K aiser of Jerom e; Brice ■Waame Schofield ut P lIn ; Mrs."Jul )cw Harris of Duriey.IdeosedirsrATD.TvtmerrMrsrDflrreirMiSj ider, and Mrs. Kevin Williams, all i B o jo rq u ^ and daughter of Pau

lughter and Mrs.'BIaln£ Hlgley ar i p . F isher Sr. of Buriey: U u r a Lt ; Mrs. Patrick Rodgersof Declo; an ftlerofWendell.Blrtbs, J A » l t Swafford bl Kimberly on I of Eden, and aons to Mr. and Mn d Mr. and Mrs. Wa>-ne S n ^ fie ld (

NO COUNTYdm uted------------------------------------j ; Carkie Rosales of Glenas Ferry

ilia, (daho Thursday, Septerr

•• Ketchum. buslnesswopubllcanJeffSloker.a

of the Bolh of the Democr, genda tion of Idaho's natura ith of family famis and nu

bolUe law for Idaho. F mem* raiser call 72G-7I66.

Dye a rra ignesoula. FALLS - Ki

.was arraigned Wedn Ul inc. pn co

stales Dye Issued ch« own to Fashion Bnil amount of $66,52; Hut

for ■■■jy.si/aridlwbchecks amountof$235.^4and!

Police reports Indlt I account in a Kimberly

told police the checfc $6,000-and a public <

hould custody altheJw ln Fa

! rican D6gs*1eyesigm. at TWIN FA LLS-A n I'm be in Twin Falls Saturda; >rary. dogs.5 and The clinic Is being :

Canyon Kennel a u b fr TwinFalls FIreStalior

u J Veterinarian Dan V ^ dog’s eyes and IhenJ art - disorders.:epre-

!vSl’ Gppding Higliskey GOODING - An of % ^;A V '3 tf(M unun lty .\v iU bche l[

evtilf P I>e“ r ction. program in the mulli-i

an d ' can visit thc school fad

B----------two sisters. /Uma l.^ckey of She i^rma Atherton of Laramie. Franc 'a s preceded in death by a Ted I

Francal will be held Saturday 'at in lOTi Dl the Castlefonl Mclhodist liaclsl lh Uie Rev. Daniel Cotton She Burial will be In West End Mellu

and wlay cali a l lhe Farm er Cha- S u r•rldavuntllSD.m. ~_________ jmly suggests Uiat memorial Relbe s be given to thc Quick F a lr .i nit of CasUeford or lo lhe Nelwc lethodist Church. Krosk

Elm ore Billings a .m . i-VLLS - Willard Elmore t. of Santa Paula. Calif.,I Falls resident, died Aug. 22 aula liospllal. ^'rl*ch 8, 19W. near Wyaconda. nded schools In Missouri. He rom college In Ctilcago, and *The keeper for Sun-sliine Biscuit conlrl Boforseveralycars. s father fanned In MIs.'aurl M ving the fomily to Idaho in arm ed In lhe Twin Falls and Mar for 20 years. After his fa- . j ju i I in 1958, he retired and y u rie '

wire M .„ 0,a llf.; two daughters,- Mrs. w nast lyofTulnrerCatlf.randM rs— ^Downey. Calif.; four grand- cjildar< greal.grandchlldren; lwo I S S a riin Billings of Murray,arold Bliiings of Woodland, gI sisler, Kathleen C a n e ro t sa ld u .le was preceded In death hy c .Salt

■al was licU Aus. 27 InI,. ---------------------

vH a m b v "Si™— Leta Kny Ilamby, 80. ot ttie Ke <1 Wednesday moming in funera omorial Hospital. churcl25, 1S03. in ilasllngs. Neb., orflcla'

to Colorado, ttlicre she at- V Iow tWI.S a t Fort Morgan. She call alom BamcsBuslnes.sCollege Ave, Inlen moved lo San Francisco, of theworked for the state ot the cil

r m any years- Burley

(c to 0 favorite charily. Ple.xsi

FriemMass for Tlioinas Harold 1819 A

mson S r , GS. of Bulil, w in unlil ( ’, will be held ot Ihe Immac- under plion Church ol 10 a.m . Burle) am lly suggests tliat memo- tions be made lo tlj9 .l(}ijl)0 1 or U « Heart I-'und, OAH ___________________________W.anvi- Thc funeral for Mary Mond; )f Duriey. wlw died Monday, o t theI loday al lO a .m ,. a t Uie will be en ter Aiucmbly of God ca ll a lu riey . Burial will be in servic'

andKlhcI H anstenandM ni.:

Jam es Pate of ShosJwm;: Shell— Wesley Hunter-and Bob Burcl s andp e rt; CASSlall of ‘ and Shoron Tliompson. Roy> F

— Helen-Hyde.-Klto-MorKtin-i Scott G race Mendenhall of Heybui icc J , both of P au l; and Robert Ar

_ J

Christopher Hodge. Ncll i ingo •Gonznlesima daughteranU T all of V .>auj; A son lo Mr, and Mrs, flyai ' and “ Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Milchell of I Lee;a n d MINIDO

iStella liongorto of Burley,

'a n d 1Mrs. Guadalupe SancJici of Hey Id of bolhof Rupert; andStel!aI>3i

A son to Mr. and Mrs. Elias

______Hfinwfflr**' ________ ^;rry; A sontoM r,andM rs.'D avi(


nvoman, is running againsl :r, a Twih Falls attomey. ■ ocratic candidates endorse pr ural resources and preservali ranches. Bolh favor a retun ). For more information oh the

ned in fo rgery caj- Kevin David Dye, 18, Kimb idnesday In Fifth District M r counU offorgery. The comp *ecks on an account other tha Jnikers, 284 Maln-Ave. S.,ir Hudson’s Shoes, 148 Main Avi cks tb R ( ^ r ’s Clothing Store 1nd$50. ___ndlcate Dye wrote checks or srly bimk. The owner of lhe ac( xks were stolen. Bond was s lc defender appoinled. Dye I Falls County Jail.

ighTt^Be^cHecEeAn animal ophthalmologist wi rday to check the ey e s l^ t of

ng sponsored by the Snake E b from 7:30 a.m. to 4 ;30 p.m. a lion. Cosl is $12 per dog. n Wolf of Dtnver will dilate e n ^ e c k for cataracts or o

igh open h o u se siI open house for parents and i)e]d:atr^n 'a t 7 p.ih. l5ith“‘an orleiita iltl-purpose room and then gu facilities.

She m arried Harry Niece In IMl lr ranciso. He died In IMG. She mai x l Hamby on June IC. 195C, in ranclsco. Tliey moved to Alaska. 1970, they moved to Rupert, when

Id since resided.She w as a m em ber of the Ui elhodisl Cliurch, the I jidy Shrii id was a life m em bcrof E astern Sli Surviving a re : her hasband of Ruf iir slslo rs K^IlP Knnpu .md ^ ’Iber, both of Fort Morgan, Colo-71 ilr . of Ardmore. Okla., and Bari ;lwerUi of Rupert; and a brother, -oskobof F ort Morgan.The funeral will be held Friday i m. in Uic Hansen M ortuary Chapi ipcrt. wIUj Uie Rev. David Smith o jpe rt Uniled MeUiociist Church ilating.F riends m ay call a t the mortuary temoon and evening, and prior lo nc of the scrvice bn Friday.The family suggests lhal ineinc nlrlbutions may be m ade lo lhe Ru illcd Melliodisl Qiurch or to Uie At m H eart ;\.<y»cialion.

lary SaldanaRUKLHY - Mory Saldana, 34 irlcy, died Monday a t Cassia .Memc i.spilal following o lengthy illne.<u. She was Iwrn Sept. 22. 1950,lascon.Q hlo. - ______________surviving are; h e r mother, ICv: Idana of Buriey; six brothers, Sai Iclana, Alwl C. Saldana. Adolf Iclaiia. Fred C. Saldana and Adar Idana, a ll of Buriey. and Francisc Idunu J r . of Heybum; two sis te rs ,: .Saldana and Rosic C. Saliiano, bot irley. She was precc<led in lieatli r fath e r and her grandparents.\n eveiilnjrservISirw aSliCltrnr?^ slnesd.iy at lhe Ctiri-stlan Cei sem hly of God Q iurch in Buriey. \ • Kev. Manuel Ortega officiating.' le ra l l>e held today a t 10 a.m . al ,irch. wllh Uie Rev. Saul C. Said Iciating. Ilurial will be In Pleas ;w Cemetery In Rurluy. Frlend.'i.n I al the Christian Center. 1819 All e. In Burley, from 9 a.m . unlil Uie tl the .service. A rrangements are unI direclion of Payne Mortuary rley. ^_____________________

L'.xsuhl view Cemijlery In Rur lends may c.!]] a l Uie Christian Ce 19 Albion Ave. in Hurley, Irom 9 1 lil tim e of service. Arrangements de r Uie direction of E’ayne Mortuar iriey.

:)AKI.I-:y - Tlie funeral for H< ip,yivxl H;ili.- n t Onklpy who < jnday. will be held a t l;30 p m, lo the Oakley 1J)S Stoke Ccnler. liuII bo in Oakley Cemelery. Friends i If a l the church one liour prioi rviccs.

Irs. Kd Morris, both of Gooding.Releaaed

one; and Mrs. Uoyd McI.eod ar Jurden. all of Gooding_______j _ .


iy> K.ssen, Karen l/iom as , John I jin-and-Troy-W oo(ihouseraii'of-li ybum; E dw in lJllkand Connie Mi 1 Arehibald and l-'rewjjan Bates, I

Released ’Ncll Ullchle, Roger Howarth. tHJTlmoiJiyTKrkereyriniorBQrlcy:

Births(yan Thomas of Burley and a doug llo fP o u l.----- V----- - - ..........—



Heybum; Tami W arr ond Willard 1 liOngoHa and son of Burley.

Birth:ilas Longoria ot Burley,

lovid Lawley of Twin F f Ils.

isi Rc- BOISE (AP) airplanss were In

prQl£c. in ail unsuccess lllon of ^ ^ 0 busli imnhie the flight Of a II be fund Boise and Idaho F

R. Craig Leona vice president of

a s e Equipment Co., d scheduled Tui

flight plan indica'

jp ln in t L c o n a n ih a n his l iv e s n o t ld c d au lh ;in lhe- - -We. S., eln lhe Goveiccounl ^Lt: to hei

IDAHO FALLS ‘6 0 three-fourths of II will be money goes lo t

em or’s Office has from a public sc:

o ,„ .- as it holds publl at the proposed 1986 fisc.

“ I have yet lo ite lhe public-school pel

other Peterson. Gov. J director.

Peterson was it day night to hole public hearings ot

nd Oie ’ will release the bi

i td f r o r f - a ^ ^ s M n d e lele guests mid-December.

Most of Tuc______ focused on fundii

Rehabililation A{ Idaho’s arts anc

_______ grams and fundirand development grams,

I In San Those program! larricd portions of Uie s in San million budget ant creshe * lestimony probal

unii«r ■ -

lr Franlupcrt; .. -

MaryOlose---------PRESTUN (/ft*'arbara County Commissi cr, Hill decided not lo pat

Catastrophic Indig w The decision wa;iSftiic "leeling where cl, of. explained by Fre

administralor. ryihis He said llie pro, lo lhe by lhe Association

and is designed tc mortal p a y m e d ic a l bills

d a r e d IndiBcnt._ F u n d s lo tlnan i

being provided counties which coi percent of their sl

“ nues. Grant said. He said only li

^ - C a r e - c €iaul c! • .size to

TWIN FAM^ Center was gran permit to double I carc center at a m

Tirm:------ FallH—Planning-a:cnier mission Tuesday ni /.wllll The commission g. The permission lo ope

care for GO childrer ildana y^ars.

Thespeclal-usei becau.se the day c

etlme Morrison Streel I under residential area, ry of Two provLsions

when-the daycare• ■ ^ irm m m rryou iise

sliorter hours. 1------- children may play

the center musl pi gel anollier deferr:

Cener Ihecilycouncilfori

mryln. CorrecTWIN F /\IJ^ -

day’s edition of Tl: Helen correctly Identifici o.died Charles Mann^ers._ loday by Jam es Me^rvy.

Burial Is may

Fam ous Brcand son, PantS {II p . r f . t

: W esfernS ti H ats. .. ....

- I r r ig a t io n .Mitchcll. B o o t s ...........s, bolhof----------- Wrc n g te r □.. Marla Shirts B.j.111.

^ W o r i T F on ts B..,.!.. W orkShirts R.g.sn.



P ) — Twenty-sbc .’w a s : ! In the sky Wednesday was : essful search for an day. islnessman missing In Div 1 light plane between minisoFalb. ihepl}nard,-34, Id ^ o Falls, at 9::of Leonard Petroleum plans

did.not arrive home Stanli Tuesday afternoon. A "Heicated he was-olone In comn

anyorird didn’t show, rela- had iulhorilies and a search said.

Brnor’s b ;ar from]I S .(AP)----- Though - folks-tf Idaho’s general fund. budg(0 education, the gov- mone las nol heard testimony Dw school representative velop:

ibllc hearings on thc dorse' iscal year budget. Dlvisl lo hear from my first and I person," said Martin Welfa . Joim Evans’ budgel Voc

$3.8 ns in Idaho Falls Tucs- said i lold the sixlh ot elghl $11 r 5 on the budget. E v a^ client ! budgel he will submit rehab slaturelelevlsion ’ addn^a ' Iri'-^ssw.w

withruesday's teslimony mone; iding for the Alcohol amoui Agency, funding -fcfr servlc

and humanities pro-, Eas idlng for handicapped out fi enlally dis^blled pro- budge

the lcims account for small also s J stale's current $550 bones and Petersson said the Petc bably indicates "the attend

iklin Cou(ft») — The Franklin counl:Issloners Wednesday far, bparticipate in Idalio’s anticidigcnt Fund. fund (was made at a special been cre the plan was Con^red Grant, program said t

sevenjrogram Is sponsored seriouion of Idalio Counlies the i1 to help the counties _____lliis of residents de-

ance a program arc d by participating • contribute at leafil 70 • slate sales tax r?ve- I.I hair of Idaho's 44

:enter__) riseS “ The Chrisllan ■anted a speclal-use le lhe size of its day I meeting of lhe Twin t-and-Zoning-Comiu- >'nlghl.ion granted the center jpen al 0:30 a.m. lo ren up to Uie age of 10

se permit Is required, y carc center at 181 I is operaling in a

ns will rcmain from • Iarc center had fewer ■ Igor cniiuren_,.and . ,

Tlie area wlierc • •lay is rcstricled and <put in a sidewalk or • (

:rral agreement from iorUiewaik.- *1


ction I; — A story. In Tues- A The Times-News in- fied Oie .lawyer for's._He was .defended ____vy. '* V m m



Irand W om en's $ l l^•cl.valu»toS27.00)....... A


‘© r e s s ------------------------^

; n .« ...................N o w C

$ n j T i.u ^s ......... N o w ■ I

m.9s...................N o w H

BUDCavf- w f s j : .. ■

irchjan-:as started Wednesday momlnj as scheduled lo resume on Th ly.Division of Aeronautics Inistrator Worthie Rauscher ; e pilot left Boise In a small C« 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. He filed fl

ans Indicating possible stops anley and Salmon. Rauscher sal "He had business interests in I mmunilles, but we couldn’t lyone in either place lhal saw hir id contact with him," Rausc Id.

b u d g e t d i p u b lic sc

Iks-wllh lhe 25 percent" share ol idget "are out hustling" for all oney they can get.Dwight Whittaker, Idaho Falls lopmenl Workshop director, rsed proposed budgets by vision of Vocational Rehabilita d the Departmeni of Health slfare.l/ocatlonal rehabililation is seel ,8 million slalewlde and WhilU Id every dollar spent will yielc 1 rclum In lax revenues fi ents who enter the labor force a tiabilitallon.

w.wu m w m r^^y^sR onds (c lh about $1.5 million In fedi mey ahd Wlilttaker said " lounl will just maintain cun ■vices.’’Sastem Idaho residents who sp I for a proposed $529,000 A dgel and for a $428,000 budget ‘ Idaho Commission on the / ■0 said they were proposing bi nes budgets,’eterson lold llie 50 people \ ended the public hearing the st

unty optsunties have joined Ihe progran r, bul "more lhan 60 percentof ticlpaled $4.5 million tooperaie' id during lhe 1985 fiscal year en collected."Commission Chairman Robert I id tlie county would have to h /eral questions answered befor ■loasiy considered partlcipatlnj ; fund — including whel

New Medicare

24 h o u r in -h o m e nursii minifTial life e x p e c ta n c ce iv in g u p -to -d d le m ec

G a ry T h ie lten , A dm inis

Important adv, major bladdei

• Provide heavy-duly prolec againsl weiness.

-•-HGip-prcvcnricjaK^G— ^• Dependable proTeciion (or

comlorl and conlicjence.• Keep skin drier lhan any o:

inconlirience caro produci• Fit body contours of adulis

older children.• Proven ellective in hospiia

nursing homes.

M E D IC A ISam« Building B

__ Op*n 9i00 o.rn^fo M O p.m . Me



I ^ s o - - - - “ 1• N O W

; ^ 9 s ---------------------- - V ,

— NOW ____

B ” N O W .^ l


GET PA— - - T W I N ^ l l ^

J o r m ising. It Civil A ir 'P alro ra i rhurs- volunteers searched s

B o l^ to Idaho Falls, 0 ad-Jdne"vla"Salmon and

• sald"^ route.The direci route

Hailey, north of the P f . Butle, then across th

expanses of forests ani

iim or Rauscher said If ai ischer frulllc^ detailed d i

ground will start.

irector w chool chiof the~ wlllTiave projected re\ ill the $548 million In fiscal yi

begins July I, but will i Is Dc- $354.8 million. He sa r, en- assumes no stale sa / the and no public school t( ilatlon Increases, h and IftheLegislaturepa

half of an educallo; icking passed lasl session, th llaker another $28 million !ld an creases and a career h from hesald.

> after Also, the Division ol has Ideiitifledat leasts

a b o u l . . f l f p r c i ^ ^ f l i a l ^ fo — i- —

ideral Although there were "this geslions for a state lott

irrent had £ ^ i f ic proposa additional money for U:

spoke Whillaker called for ARA of Commerce to lure r

el for Idaho to broaden the sl Arts Lasl session a Sem

bare- killed a proposal to mfl of Economic and Com

: who a separate state D slale Commerce.

s out on iam so Franklin County couldofthe fund once It had joinedlie the Franklin County rir has $M,000 bill from the

Ulah Medical Center,tH ull far refused to pay.have County officials cla

ore it Involved wilh the blIng In counlry illegally al lllelher accident lhat senl him

DSpic^"5 Benefit pays at 100


’ 2 n d A v o . N.T w in F oils

Sing c a r e (o h e lp perse ney rennain a l h o m e v 2d ic a l c a re . F o r m o re

is tr a to r , 7 3 4 -4 0 6 1

Ivance in coping wit er control problems

eclion ^ A t t G n i

or / '■ •

othisr / 'Cl. . \Ils and • ; ' ,


iL M A R TI Bl M*dlcal C«nttr Pharmacy Won, JLtI.iPhon# 734-7B« or.l.JOC



■/ESTS---- r : - ^01. PolyMI).fl.S17.Sd

LW2L.fi;OATS» g .$ a4 .o o _______

IBi r m

>sing flilierPahd'otber Bd air routes from Is, one via Stanley, and one non-slop

lie goes south of the Big Southern

s the Snake River two cover large

3 and mountains.

i air searches are ^dsearchesonthe’

vaits liefs—Ireveniifis'of about al year 1986, which vlll require al least ! said that figure ! salary increases ol teachers’ salary

e passes the second alien reform' bill 1, thal will require on for salary in- e r ladder pay plan,

in of Public Works ast $5 million worth

lhat needs^^ _

vere a couple sug- lottery, few people )0sals for raising or the state.[ for a Department fe new Industry to He slate’s tax base. Senate committeeI make the Division iJommunlty Affairs1 Department of

fundould pull ou7 of the ned.y recently got a the University of,

ter, which 11 has so

claim the patient ; bill was in lhe,.II the time of the lim lo lhe hospilal.

0 0 %

V‘ w

j r s o n s w ith2 w h ile ra ­re inform a-

with “ ms.

n d s "

Ir ES’" TwInFolll


i I

1 =—7 3 3 .7 3 2 9 ° — “

Page 13: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

m ' I

. D o n n a H e n ry cl

^ £ j ^

By TERRELL WILLIAMS TZ/nes-NeJW comsponden

WENDELL - Gifted at do not necessarily grow adults.

Donna Henry, teacher o at vyendeli Elementary, i are sometimes never deve:

• "They must leam to u have,” Henry says, addlny

Every weekday momint: 45 minutes working wiii) challenging them lo thin! atively. The students ar their regular classrooms there has been completed i

------- higli.--------------------------In a recent study of cl

some fifth graders for dii "pass the buck.” They re the duly,” "chuck Uie doll) the milker."

F oriimBy MICHELLESNYDKK. Tlmes-News correspondent

PAUI. - A handful of I Counly residents'gathered night in Paul seeking ani questions regarding today' million school bond clcctlon.

l J ‘_Superinlendenl-Gcne-Sm the purpose of the forum Wi " try to change people's mine inform them" of the issues and "then let them decide."

It is the school district attempi to get abond approv pasl twoyears. Esscnlially t

"pjjckage was offered last Ni at a t cosl of $5.7 million.

I n j u r y - t GBy JaNENE BUCKWAY Times-Ncwscorrcspondcnt

SHOSHONE - A Carey : filed a claim against Llncoli for damages to his horse.

BUI Bennett notified Uie Counly Board of Comm Monday he was claiming doi $10,000 for an incident that i during the Lincoln County 1 Rodeo Uie first week In Auguj

K ids’eI was munchlngon a Uilnkii

cookie—er, cookies (when I' UtOUgllt 1 IlUVUi k.'UUiilUicmil ' occurred lo nie my expecUill(

-----children were toohigh.-------I expectcd Uiem lo bite llic I

along wiUi cach oUier. As a rc- --lllusU-aUs,jny.cxp:Ktotion^j

maturity was doomed for fall It was a special day for Uie

was the sun shining, but Uielr coming to play for the enUre(

• be more fun—and what couil trouble for any self-respcctln

P art of Uie problem was Ult group. Why couldn't God mai pairs imd thesa m e ^ ? ft1ri

Uiroc lltU© girls arranged In r

M d i

; c h a l le n g e s th e s tu d e n t

te d = s^lMS - Uldent mu(

Uiaii and talented chlldrcn )w up to be successful diffi

Hen2rof the gifled students y, says natural talents Si eveloped. clas0 use the ability they of 11 ling, "that’s my goal." thej

ling, Henry spends 30 lo ;tssliUi about six students, sysihink logically and cre- Tlarc allowed to leavo the

ims only If their work stut;ed and their grades are leac

f cliches. Henry asked t• different ways to say uie1 responded wiUi "loss add lollar,” and "hand over the

• pro

1 provicI . The bond pnnt solve overcrow

schools, includ of Minidoka cach to Acoqu •ed Monday mentary schod: answers to Heybum and Jay's $5,950 schools and c< 3n. room building.Snapp said ......Snopp said tI was not to new sciiool had ninds, but to but said it woul jcs at stake in the Rupert a -" would replaccrlct's Uiird Wasliington blii iroved in the are over7U yearIly Uie sam e___Snappcs'diiv:i November been laken to 1

______ as safe as bo

0 horse-fBennelt claii

nf jured while hedesignated un

ey man has fairgrounds ar icoln County against Uie cou

Counly and Uie Uie Lincoln Uiree govemmi nmlssioners in the upkeep c damages of rodeo arena lat occurrcdty Fair and The claim sl [g u s t . ___ ;^horse to be $7.5

efforts <nking woman’s' H H n I'm In deepTl)’" when it-----------lations for my V W y

Uic bullet and gel a rcccnt incidentnsand falUi In their________failure. order. CUie kids; Nol only ' given ai lelrcouslnswere ajealou ireday. What could Rathe ould be more descripl:tlngmoUier? playing1 Uie makeup of Uie by dlnm make all cousins In band-aii tim e Ingredients never c< Mwo »ttlo b o y y ^ rt:^^lf-san Innospecified ' apart.

. y

n ts in h e r gifled p ro g ra m

^ u d e Mune overly creative student re

fiadc up a cllclic word and s: fiam,” whateverUiat means. "You penple who are having

Ifficulty. do you see how cliches Icnry asked.

Successful inventors, the leac lass, iock Ihemselves oul of the f thinking just as lhe students r licy think of new cliches for theo "They generate other ideas.”

sslgns each ot tlicm lo design a yslem for the sciiool cafeteria. The gifled and talented class is

lie top 10 percent of the elemc tudenl body, based on annual I sacher recommendations.

The majority ot funding for Ihc lie state, but. unlike most scl idditional funding for Uie class I he local district. Stlllr il ls on irogram due tolimlted funds.

d e s in foproposal, >>elnt! made lo mod■owding in the district’s gemludes- adding six rooms Tliqula and Memorial elc- scholodls, four rooms cach lo saidind Paul elcmenta’ry the i

conlrucllng a new 22- He sg. poss d the exacl site-fdr-lhe- wim;lad not been determined. Trould be built somewhere Uient area. The new building' "bac ace the Lincoln. ..and_-ra|P-bCiildings, bolh of which Inears old. heat

steps have seve0 keep the old liuildings ‘<'B-yc bo'^iblc.' inciudini; re- notei

p r G m p t s -laims his liorsc was In-, S2.GI he was unloading il iq a anin unloading zone al the Tl and his claim is filed advi

lounty fair board, Lincoln insu Uie cily of Shoslione. The In iment entities participate cour p of Uie fairgrounds and notil

re<iiJ broil

shows the value of the Jacli 7.500 with Uie additional 01

at matiij ^ ^ F ^ i a n a Hooli3 ^ ^ B ~ G o o n t n r n e i g l ^

*. One wrong move or one exlra f1 and one of Uie cousins would sui Ious rage.ther than giving ai»iow by blow, 'iption of the cousins flghUng a k ng a iltUe Uiat day, sufflcc it lo & nner the battle scars had b(^n •aided and Uie hurt feelings sooU r ceascs to amaze me that these a me enemies together arc lovini


V a l

M: 7 T b| | V f h ' ' V

B i 'im a t W e n d ell EIcm eht<:

t responded wilh Henry, i I said "toss the year, also

in Iheaflet ng a little bil of Subjects rhes lock us in?" somellmcj

subjects, t In Henry’s

eacher tells iier Chemist tlie normal way constructii ts must do when -ire just a leoldones. yearinUie5.” siie says ami -M y owi pi a new serving do in hen

Hcnrysay; s is comprised of p o r exa: imenlary scho6l graders sti al I.Q. tests and from the

detaljed si_______________ body-’pacLsthe class is from a variety o school districts.- reports loi ss is provided by In t h i s - only a half-day mentary s

and talentc

D on sc lnodding from time to lime, thi lenulne need to replace them. The concrete slabs on lop

chool building ."are in bad s aid Snapp, adding hc hus be [ie slabs are not In danger of i le said if they did fall. howev( ossible they could fall throu /indoW^bfoncbriheaa'Mrwn Truslee Richard Swensen lere have been instances v bad rain and strong wind have alnjriglilJnsideof the clas5T(Joi In comparing the annual ci

eating and ligliling belwet L*ven-year-<Hd Paul school ai '.-year-old Washington school, oted Uial e 'ner^ cdstff-pCr

» -L in € o ln2,500 claimed for loss of Uie us .nimai.The claim was laken

■dvisemcnt for study by Uie c< iisurance carrier and legal ad\ In oUier insurance businc;

ounly’s insurance company 1; otified the commissioners the e<iuesled a jury trial In U ■rouglit by former sheriff’s 1ackOlsen. ____Olsen, thrpuRh his lawyer

uritx; arThlsparticul

lo Uie point tha

ohldi^idbemo iq h b o r s — childr«n-forcef ^ . . . ' leciveanyoneoi

.Jusl like Joan;

ra favor Fortunately t Isuccumbto among Uiem or

salty Joan Rive)W. listened politelya lot and' B aavforandthLosay Uiat chicken hoiise tn Tliere Uiey saooUied. It freckle-faced inJse discussion on th

goint'to do ever

' l e y

r ' f , . . . - s


ta ry S ch o o l t o th in k loo

, leaching lhe class for her » teaches o regular fifth gra lernoon.:ls covered by the gifted stud ics similar to their.-ri^uiar'clj . bul UiercHs more depth lo tl ■’s class.slry experiments, simple i tion and compiiler program a few of the projects to d he gifted class.wn individual goal is to share •re with the (regular) cla.ss lys.cample, she explains, when i study, the basics of anatomy,; e gifted class will produc supplemental reports about ls ,^ud i os Uiaeyc-oc-Uiebrai: ' of visual aids, they will presc oall fifth grade students.3 way, says Henry.-all-of

school can benefit from lh ited proiiram.

hool bethere is a room in the new ; I. malely one-thircip of Uic-classroom of the V

shape,’’ Snapp said ".tli< ;een toid exteremely energ; if falling. . . one of the best ii :vcr, il Is the new building ougli the efficicncy."Oiils: Jle added Uial il en said $2 and $.1 million I when a of the two old l)i

ve blown__5ame numlx:r of n JoiiisT^ new and larger cost for square feet wouli

■een the million, and the Should lhe bom

3l, it was cessful. Snapp sa Cr 'class j V'See'BOND

I C o u n t yuseofUie Fuller of Jerome

. suit in United Stal 1 underl Boise earlier Uiis; counly’sj riglits violations

■dvisor. I seculion. less, the I Olsen was chan ’ lawyers! for allegedly pun hey have; privaie vehicle w Uie suit: card. He \yas acq

5 Deputy i by a Lincoln Cour _ ' was dismissed fro

er Greg" ' following the trial

re usuaular play day, Uiings had gotli lat It was necessary to give lh(

noUiers have b ^ n telling their centuries—thii^t-lieselftshrdo out,bckind,bC'Uioughtful.. nRlverssayson Uie TV, "gro'

y Uiere was not an adolesren^ or Im l^it have gollen back’a vers reply. As It was, the cousi 2ly to the pollUcklng for better then retreafea to lhe lop oflH } to discuss Uie situation, sat, sncakcr-fooled and in Uie UiroQS of a degi the merits of maturity.

erything mommy tells us and

o g ica lly a n d c r e a tiv e ly t

:ier second Henry says ret jrade cla.'is criteria rcquirei

often given mate udents are ison, Uie gitte 'classittom guidelines. Is alll0 the study m aterial and toj

.says she encour1 madiine Independent thlnl im wriling " I t ’s a dlffen e done this .different than cli

In the regular re what wc students arc cha i.ssrooms." nofenougli time

advanced problei ;n the fifth stu^iits', y, students "Same of Uils luce more (]uitelimeconsur lUt specific The best part ; rain.-Using-6ludenls.-Henry- eseut these restricted varietj

"This is always )f the cle- -n'challenge. I.do lhe gifted Uiing they’re not

them to always b<

ond rw school are approxi- lird the costs per c Washington School.. j itlie Paul school is an j rgy-efficienl building. ^ >t in the slate. We wanl ng to have the same j

lit would cost between in to update lhe inside

buildings, "with the Z f rodms.!i-and UiaUhe—2r building of 45,000 *'11 )uld cosl around $2.5 ( j,

Di‘ond proposal be sue- * said the district will _ „ nii NDonParo B4 "


^ L s u i t ™me, filed a SI million we >tates District Courl in lls summer, citing civil rec xs and malicious pro-

pollarged wlUi petty theft lurchasing gas for his • wiUi a counly credii sal icquiltcd of the charge' junty jury In.Aprll. He f^c from his job as deputy prl

i//y dooalien" we’re going to h the announced Uial nimie

leir keep everyone in line.-don'l-fifihting-thervvouldho

and Isaac.[row Itdidn’tseem tom a----------,\nnleand Isaac werenl youngest of the group.fa--------- The kids hopped dovluslns house roof with Ihelr h ler prove IhemsdvM in aitHe--------^Atfirstbcing malur

Everyone had funpicli garden. Evensellingl

, Uieirtoysupwasauni experience, mosUybe

nd ! Ifanyofthecousins

f •

Thursday, Soptombor Z

l a k i W '

ly to so lv e p ro b le m s

regular classes musl meel stai iremcnls and so students ai atcrlal to memorize. In compa ided class, free of prc-si at liberty to research, Iq seckoi to.make more decisions, llcni ouragcs more mind skills ar hlnking.ferent approach lo teaching "I classroom leaching," she say: liar large classes, she explain challenged lo think, but there ne lo present-extra projects ai blem solving exercises to slowi

Ills stuff (In the gifted class) isuming.” the teacher admits, irt about teaching the advancc iry-Bays.-is-Ui6-wonderful,-u. iety the dass is allowed.'ays new,’’ she says. "It’s alwaj 1 .don’t expect them to do som nol capable of, bul I do expe- 'S be reaching,” she savs.

Dedicai for Jer

._ JEROME.—Tho-Gayle-For Memorial • Park-in-Jerom e- completed a Uireo-year df opment program and will offic bc dedicated for public.usc. p.m. loday.

The park is owned and n taincd by the Jerome Recrer District and while il has bee use lhe pasl two summers, dis Director Mike Pepper said a lhe original devdopmcint plan now been accomplished.

"We have been-using il for -reorentionai-programs-Uie-^ Iwo summers," Pepper said. ‘ we didn’t want to officially dicatc it until our full plan recreation facilities was finl; and we have now reached point."

The facility Is Uie result o all-out community effort, Pc] said. 1 Ic added so many p^ple businesses have h e lp ^ bring facility lo reality thal commi pride runs high and thcrc.ls ali

p m ed tcp mo-• ny. r. waS; hinie ar.J isaa^ would bc . fi

nc. And if anyboidy started b.

stmatter to Uie cousins Uiat__qjsreUiesmallestand c<'up- • . ' aldown from the chicken Ir halos showing, ready to d Jl an odull world. . b<ilure wasn't all that bad:--------picking vegetables in Uie « ng Uie lable and picking a, unique, enjoyable ^(»because Uiey had neverkeringjosnriltUe.------------ thi l n ^ l toop ibby or was>*


■ ■ ■ J ■. I

r27,19e4 ■ Timo3-Noi|j,TwlnF

I G ood I hosp iI h u rt bI la te bH .'By JaNENE BUCkW/■ T/mes-Newscorrespoi

H GOODING - Dell H accounts continue to | H Counly Memorial flos]H Hospilai board C■ Faulkner lold Uic boa H meeting, Uie hospital■ $590,000 In'outstandir | H celvable and suggesU H blem might be solv H overdue accounts t H a ^ n c y for collection. B HealUi Care Flnam H I Utah based collc■ a s ^ la te d wlUi St. Bt5 ? 2 S 2 S S P 0 g d e n , pc-ij-gg ^ Walker ACT Center, \ f f l a i the Gooding hosplt ^ written propoW to, ^ ^overdue account colle< ^ Board member Rod

the hospilal’s cash 9 could bc eased by m Is lection of outstandln( ^ said HealUi Care Fin

M had sent the brief ex;collection service In

UTT inquiry from Uie hospl Spackman said V

G o r in g hospital dot compuior system lo i to 3,000 accounts on added Uial the hosplt

—— T-hillingrfnrlhft-Wftlhfti contract.

"We have talked w about possible collect

wte learned aboiwe contacted Uiem," 1

He told Uife hosp collection agency ch rfialely6.5pcn:entof^

•"n; for Its services bul w Aid foramounlsunder$50

The proposal calls ■ more than 55 days

tum ed over to Uie co >ins. Patients, would recc

‘S payment booklet wi ra te figured inlo Uie

iwer ule.Spackman said He£

Is cial Services claims ’• success rate wiUi ov

and told Uie board Ui-un-------could-bc-covered-b

paym en^ received ^ays paying on the monthly me- “ We need to wei^

costs againsl how U beiieflt,” hesaid.

____ • SeeHOSPITALc

ition toe ^ome pc■orsyth~no vandalism7Tlic“pa le-has- acre3-of- land in- the devei- Jerom e Cily.[idally This summer, he sj e.aL*Ji—rcatlon-distrlct ramp:

staiiation of ploygn main- ment, buUt plcnlc^rci

•eatlon ball ’ courts. Pathx «en in asphalted and secui lislrlct Installed, he added, all of The brief dedlcalii

on has ‘ will Includc introdu number of the indi'

or our have contributed to Ihi j-^pasl—and-development'of-t 1, "Bul eluding Uie charter i ily de- the recreation district an for The'park is named nished Gayle I'orsyth, who 1 d Uial nlze Uie recreation

served as a charter d of an member. She was

^epper second term when sh lie and and died in February, ng the Pepper said U has aunlty very heavy use - sh almosl opened forpubllc use i

o M il i ir iheard tp utter a harsh word, a from among the group would t

back lo the fold. “ nteUeTiayTVfl«i5n7UioughTl started wearing out. Being kin

jm dinalure was almost too mi cousins. Void of Ihelr rowdy wi also lost the interest and spoht

■"Thdrc is one thing worec Uia children, as any moUicr wiil at bored children: •

■ "T h ln g s^ t back to normal w: cousins pickcd an honest flghl. arms Annie was very phllosopl whole thing.

"I guess It’s just too hard for 3heji4iQlOa^.We:reiusiKtas.


vln Falls, Idaho B-3

ding; lita l - b ym s<WAY ;spondent

Delinquent paUenl- to plague Gooding

(lospital.I Chairman Jodi board al Its r ^ l iltai has more than nding accounts re- >esUJd that Uie pro- solved by sending s to a separate lon. ' - i nancial Service, b Mllecliori agency t. B e n e d id M ^ l-

ErTwfiich Is I w a ^ ispltal, submitted a to the board for

ollection. ■Rod Spackman said ish flow problems y more Umdy col- idlng accounts on^ Financial Service f explanation of its In response to an

ospltai board. i 1 Wednesday Utt does not have a

lo handle Uie 2.000 on its books and

ispltal aiso handles tlkep-€enlpr-aB-pgr ----------

■d wilh local banic " llecUon service an'd about Uils company 1," he said. I lospital board Uip ' charges approxi- I of what Is collected Jl would not charge r$50.ills for all accounts lys past due U) be e collection service, receive a monUily

wiUi Uie Interest Uie payment schec}-

HeolUi Care Ffnari- ims an 87 perceril 1 overdue accounts d Uie agency's feesd-by-lhe-intercsl^----------'cd from paUenls;Ully plan. t ' " / e i^ how much it:V Uie hosplUil will:

ALonPageB4 ; '

•dayarkrpafft*6: vcrs'2 0 " • : ---------the east end-of- ' •

I ; ■le said, the rec* -implet^'U ie-In-—! yground equip* :areas and volley iathways were :Ecurlty lighting •I. • , cation program roduction of aindividuals who ;0 the acquisition ; ;of-lhe-park,-ln— ---------er members of ‘rict board. - :■ ned for the late ho helped orga- on district and ] er district board ' ; as serving her1 she becamc 111 uy.i979.las been geUing . since it first ise in 1982.

d, a righteous vo l^ ild be heard to , .

ghTure'cousinsrp'klndandhdpfui.i; ______jm uch 'loaskofir^- ly ways, the cousftis Kihlaneityofplay.r’ 'U i^ b i c k e r i n g ' ill attest, and Uiat is .

al when one of tho ' — ‘------ght. Sergeanl al • • ; sophical about th e - '

ifo r us to be good_________ctas:vaKDow7^,

Page 14: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

• B<4 Tlm es-N ow s, Twin Fal

eyed i• JEROME , Hydropower wanls t

' -droeleclric plani on , , owned filtc th

downstream from Ita hatchery below i

• CountryaubGolfCoiThe plan, which wj

‘a Monday Jerome i . mlssopers meeting, \

a threc-mllc long div state and federal la hatchery outflow w hydro site.

Bob Cordell, a BU ager, lold lhe commi his agency would ha^ a ri^t-of-way In oi

win only approve the

Servic*R u p e r t - Marine

Shawn Estes, son of H Virginia M. Estes of Ruj graduated from the Jui :cdurse at Uie Army Jung

• Training Center al Fori panama. Estes Is a men:


I'HAGERMAN - Terr son of PatU and Doyle Hagerman. h a s b e e n pro A ir Force lo Uie rank of Class. Druiis Is a com ^ U ip m e n t s p e c ia lis t MormondHlL In ScoUand

• :-TWIN FALLS - An Brian S. Engel, son of Jol Engel of Twin Falls, Is i th6 lOlst Alrboum DivI: Campbell In Kentucky.

• ConUnued from P Uie old building or I

and sell Uic bricks,•-'TTie bond proposal will Oew fire prolection n Minico Higli School. Sn: Minidoka Counly fire r p r e s s e d conccm that 1 Q flre at Minico. it wou: impossible to control.

. new fire lines weit^iild probably bc conta Snapp. quickly addlng'Ui & m e up with Jie 'monc *Ino- matter how the el gpj."

• ConUnued from P

The proposal was t, advisement until Uie bon with-representatives of U M pice to furUjer disci gram.

--------- :^paokman-said-Wedn(bers of Uie board will company representalh Goodell of Ogdonnext wei discuss Uie company's sei

in oUior business at

- ^

SCHO(NECCHI'S Educal. ot provloui yuor uncloimud. afo iho m ost n ic chlnoi oro MADEVQl, uphollll'fy.

---------- ---------------- tfATHCIM-!hrr:<7-Wil)> Ihl- n .'w IQU cocjod dioI nnd • biillonlioli,'-. (any

Sfllctl ••lo-.lil sill' jlitcli . all ot Illl corns or nrciij.oin Ihli od.J529,_youi



~ At The

- - - '" T w i

_ »2 S °°


r&p&wer near hai

- Western iftheprojeIs to build a hy- la n d u s e ^on a privately CordellsUiree miles stUl in a (

I Its Snake River posM to dUie Jerome .waterfroni

Course. norUi-aldeI was detailed al site. .Cordeie County Com- Uie dlverslg, would require open flumediversion across Cordell; lands to carry Commlsslo

waters lo Uie ally suppo) jecl.

BLM area man- Patrickimlssioners Uiat Hydropowehave to approve reached foI order for the day.ihpflri, Thp nr.M----- GonlolWUie riglil-of-way the propose

ce news-Ine Lance Cpi. infanlryma[ Harold L. and mulll-natioRupert, recently and observJungle warfare Stales mil

ingle Operations Sinai.='ort Sherman in lem bcrofU ielst' OAKLEVDCS,• Pendlcloi) in Oakley, ho:

Into Uie Mil * ■ .Cadets as a

erry • B r u n s , of 1388 duri yie Pugmire of parade. Tl promoted in the wceksofrlE : of airman first a t the Wesi JommunlcaUons York.' ist at RAF and. JEROME

of Gordon Army Spec. 4 Jerome, ha Jolm and Creta Into Uie Mil is a member o f . Cadets as a livision at Fori of 1988 duri ky. Engel, an parade. P r

nPageB3 Trustee Hor tear it down definite ne

purpose roo iVlll also pay for as well. 'I

measures at needed lunc Snapp said the school, he si e marshal has space for re at if Uiere were classes, rauld bo nearly s„„pp

(ilven this £were put In, 11 ntolnod, ■■ says „codso(U.e ' Uiat Uiey must Dney lo do Uiat Swenson:

election turns little over graduating

itaJ= =nPageB3 meeting, it

seeking bot1 taken under thesiologistIjonrd can meet The facillif the collection surgeon forIscuss the pro- anosthesloh

tired last mitlnesday-mem- Staff plijvill meet with there needsalive George available fiweek to furUiier ministratorservices. continuingat the recent geon and an

i w A R I" ^ U H C a W E D}01S |W IN G M A (calion Doportmonl plocod ofdoi uor volfi. Duo lo budgot <ut» I IUM1 machmui miivl bo lo ld l AH i modern mochinuv iri iho Nocchi \DE OF METAl ond o r oti la ry. tiylo” . •.1rot«h, vinyl, iilk. rrtrTnortiKTn’rartmow'wiifm-J! 1903 Ni-cchi 534 mochlr^o, you |<

id M U ‘niagic hoppoii: 4ifaighi any mio), mvijibio bllridhom. r li.-ty, opplccjui.', -.ow orl bulloili .Ill'll ptof«'‘.sionol vrrginq ilitch* ihr. 0''d muio. milfiout llio nood 'OKiiiii-is your prico w llh IhU a <oiiiChock4o«»wulcomo VISA-


^Y, OCTOBI9:30 .A .M ^--5 :3(

.E L K S ^205’S h o s h o n e S I7N 7

____t w i n f a l l s _ _

vvin F an rfeo to iP W fto ro i S o w in g C o n to r"

D eposit to ho ldA 10 m onths to payoi

layow ay program .

.1 •

Falls, Iciaho Thursday, SepI

r plant it^er^oject com pile with county :p l^ ,h e s a ld . > Usaldttieproject,wbichts a preliminary stage, pro- -> divert 300 cubic f@$^o(. om the hatchery bU ier'de b rin g s tO“tb e ' hydro.......r d ^ was unsure wheUi^ . Tsloq would .be. c u l^ ^me. :11 said. Jerome -County- : *, sioners appeared geoef' iporUve of UiQ. hydro pro- ;

:k Kueny,. Westem , >w^ official, could not be ,

for co'mmment Wednes-

osed hydro plant. ~j

[ ---------------------------------------------- ^

man. Is participating in the i itlonal peacekeeping force I ;rvers as Uie primary Urtlted '' military contingent in Uie

E>J T- bimlel J . Stringham. i

has beert officially aetci>iCSis'/Military Academy's Corps of 1s a new member of Uie class surlng the annual acceptance tThe pardde followed six crigorous basic cadet training £t e l Point Academy in New £

VIE — Gordon T. Prairie, son s in J . and Judy Prairie of b has been officially accepted r Vlllllary Academy's Corps of as a new member of the class vurlng the annual acceptance lPrairie r e c ^ y complete<i s

e Harold Short said there Is a b need for a larger multi- ii room at Mlnlco High School e

This will provide badly a inch room sjiace at the higli li esaid. and wlil provide extra s •required physical education U

11said the school board "has— s a lot of thought, and Uiey ? bond proposal meets the "

Hie children.”ft

;n said that Uiere has l>een a e ^er 300 students In the ng classes up to this poinl.

It was noted Uie hospital is Doth a surgeon and an anes- list.:ility has been without a staff for several monUis and stall lologist Frank Johnson re- monlh.

physicians told the board Jds lo be an anesthesiologist ! for emergencies and ad- lor Duano Cutriglit said he Is lg a search for both a sur- an anesthesiologist,

s r ~ ] '


eHIHES__do ri in onticipolioii r» lhi-»o lo lo i wi.fo- Ml mochmoi oflurod :chi lino, Ihuii) mo I labrici' Lw ii, can- Ih. EVEN SEW'ONi~2S^»ffnwarrantf:---------------u |0 it sol Iho color, jhl low ing, tiQtog.I. inotiogram. \o1in jn i o rd jnop i, lop- Ich. ^Iroighl Mtolch Dod ol old Ibthionod> ad . $189. Wllhoul A-M .C,

W IN Gi i Y i r z

3ER Sth30 P.M.____ -

± m -T.

ro so io

/u p t o ________onm.-

eplembor 27,1984


Federal Energy Regula mission gave its approval lo a new Bonneville 1 ministration rate-settli)g r will trigger rate increas residential and farm cu

. Uiree Pacific NorUiwest I fall.

The projected size of Ui . . ranged from 4 lo l l perce

ing on the sourcc of Uie fig increases are cAcpected no

Officials at 'tw o of U) : ^utilities — PorUand Genei

Co. and Pacific Power St I said they were considerir court to try to stop Uie BPA

“ BPA now appears to right lo ac t at whim on cislons thal involve billion and affect millions of pei Jim Durham, BPA vice pn

* ■'gcnerarcoahscl. "The ongain some control over BP

. courts to overturn Uie FEf

e six weeks bf basic cadet i e Uie West Point Academ i York, e

. BUHL — Army Spec.. J a n e s ,^ n ofAValiir A. Jai

. and Karee L. Tlfoene ot S .inem tst.of.

^An*c8FntT)ivlsioh atW rl C f Kentucky. Janes, a milll > specialist. Is parUcipatlr i multinational peacekeepln{ c observers as the prima: ; Stales Military contlngei / Sinai:

TWIN F A L I.S -D arius 1I sonofliolaB eckerofTw iif been promoted in the Air FI rank of technical sergeant,f a missile maintenancei wiUi Uie 3<Mth Intere! Ballistic Missile Test Mj1 Squadron-al Vandenberg

I bul that since 'the 1975 I• increase(whlchhasstayodi each yoar since).'there 1 ' around 500 first graders e I He said this has resulted ir I students in grades one Ui I Uian there are in grad

through 12.“We need the facilities ai

! enl time, bul we will really i , in the future.” Short added.

Snapp said property own Mindloka School District w

1 estimated Sl.:iG per Sl.OOO I


I ' H p H P H M M M


“ 'M soyour Ropo'i s~ y '^ th p C h a r g o or

U ^Y o u r ________ ^dnkcard

rate m e;AP) - Tht or Congress Iilatory Com- Intend to doal Wednesday fronts to prote

Power Ad- The changegmeUiodUiat Northwesi Ini•ases for the num companlcustomers of utlliUcswhofit utilities Uils unfair burden

power-cxchanUie increases privately-heldcenl, depend- The FT)RCfigures. More- 3 0 vote in \lextyear. spokesman JUie affected changes shoul

ieral Electric related alterai Light Co. — approved byring going lo ment and Bu<PA plan. few weeks,to have Uie The BPA s)n major de- result in flrsons of dollars farm rate inc |)eople." said ■ Portland Gen<president and for Pacific I on ly^ |xno~pen:ent-for-UJPA is for Uie Utah PoweraiERC decision But PGE aj

it training at BaseinCallfoi my in New

TWJN FALI William L. Ad

:. 4 Colt B. Adams of Twi lanes of Buhl, from Uie Air San Martin, puter and-f»wi

ot. Ujp. iOlst; at K « s i^ r" I Campbell in ' Mississippi, .'fi lilary police ’graduateofUi( ting in theIng force and HANSEN - lary United . Creary, son o gent in the McCreary of 1

training as an specialist iindi

IS E. Becker, ‘training progr vin Falls has in Alabama. Force to the

nL Becker is CASTLEFOI ! technician ArmySgt.Byr jrcontinental of I^awrence ! Maintenance arrived for di g Air Force NorUi Caroiii

> birth rate property valui Kl consislanl cost is "o( the ‘ have l ^ n Uie market val ; each year. The school in GOO more attempting to Ihrougli six see developini •ades seven something abo- • more later." al the pres- The school 1

ly need them, any altemati d. proposed bone uTiers ill Uie third time. T wilt pay an lhal the alterr

Oof taxable* desirable.,


S E - J a n t z e n -

VsOFf---------Free Parking— y ^ K

Behind Twin / ^ H Falls ond

Burley Stores, v ^ / ’

>thod tc!s Id change Uie rules. We dli do Whal we can on .boUi an otectourcustomers." sa Iges were sought by large ra Industries^ mostly alumi- 0< anies, and publlcly-owned lo felt Uiey were bearing an ^ ien of Uie cost of Uie BPA’s- j lange program for *• eld utllilles. Bjtc approved Uie plan by a ty, 1 Washington. D.C. BPA 1 Bob Reed said Uie , ould lake effect os soon Uie bc sraUons In papenrark arc pr jy the Office of Manage- 20 Budget, probably within a co

\ says the changes will si( !lrst-year residenUal and Mi increases of 8 perccnt for ui, eneral Electric, 4 percent gp : Power & Light and 5 '-UTB-ldah(rcustomcfs"oi— r and Light Co,. Ui; and PP&L officials hod cn


mifomia: dl:

ILLS — Airman 1st Class wl Adams Jr., son of Emma 'win Falls, has graduated .lr Force electronic com- /

.Adams was an honor Uie course. '

- Pvt. Fred A. Me- 'I of Frank and DoroUiy ')f Hansen, has Mmpleted 'an Army military police 'nder the orw' station unit '>gram at Fort McClellan ^

'X)RD — Newly promoted 'Jyron J . Barron, grandson 'e Sill of Castleford, has sduty at Eort Bragg ,in »


dues. He emphasized Uie ' he taxable amounl. not of 'value." • '•ol board said Uiey are •to solve a problem they 7

)lng and "if we don’t do ibout it now, it will cost us

}1 board declined to offer 'alive plans should Uie ^ond election fall for the s

They hinted, however. 'ematives may not be loo '



72 nd iL I V E T H

Jantzen A N D S A

j a n t z e n ’s w o v e n F• . 'CHECK IN PLUW GIVE


Pant Gives Slim, ' Plum Shirt Blouse. $38,AndS38.)

___ B._New One-Button----------^ D ro ss Ie F ^ lf f i^ lf

Low-bow Figured Pricos S70,$36, An

(Not Shown — Side Bi Trim Print BIbuse And Neck Sweaters).


___C._Twp;Button._ BlazerTrouser Can Bo < Down With A Variel Switch From Trouse Skirt. (Reg. Price Trouser $42, Blouse

D. The Sago Sculptur----- Oi-Four Sw eaters,

Sage Dirndl Skirt Dot Blouse. (Rog. P Skirt $38, B louse $4

- I T E M S T ^ R E A


o tr ig g edifferent figures. PGE vice p and general counsel James : said his utility’s residenUal a rates would go up 11 per October and 12 percent in 198S

Z o n in g oreBy DARLENE WILLIAMS Tim^News con^pondenf

J E R O M E T h e Jerome Board of Commissioners is nc process of drawing up a plani zoning ordinance as part county’s comprehensive plan.

In an update meeting with« sioners' Monday, Attome Meservy. sald he was going the Idaho Code to make* s ordinance will be legally com

— Meservy-lold“ the-commi Uie p ro p o ^ ordinance enumerate Uie condiUons tc p o ^ for a-special use per would be explainable In court - Hc noted a ll ' 'standards In i

must be uniform, but can vs district to district.”

He also told the commi whenever a zoning bounda

v p r z z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ^

Layaway your : w in te r coat ; now w hile fhere

a la rg e selectio i


; COATS: ^39® ®

: M ens & W om en ' STARTING AT

$ 4 7 * 0

O N O N !

m' F o r t h (

A n n i v e iHEtl- L I F E ----------tAVE V3 ^4 POLYESTER PIN- IVES A DIFFERENT NG FOR F A L L - zer Wilh ZIp^Front

Trim Look. Solid ie . (Reg. Prices $85,.

m SklK Jacket Is Slra?gfif=SRrrt=At«I—-ed Blouse. (Reg.And S42).Button Skirt, Rulfle S

m d Turtle Or Scoop ‘



ter__Wlth .Fashion 0 d re s se d Up Or riety Of B louses Or u ser To A Box Pleat - Ices: Blazer $80,Jse $42).tured V est Is One s, Worn Hero With _ rt And Mulll-Color I. Prices; Vest $33.$44).

^ I V E R S A R Y


i mh E ¥ ^ V B E B l ± M

er incre! president PP&L spokesirs Durham said his uUllty1 and farm first-year Increas•ercent In Uie company’s Wt18S. will experience a*

d in a n c e wodistrict is change mailed to'-lhetres

■ 300 feet of Uie zor le County a .hearing regar now in Uie change. Meservy umlng and mailed lo over 2 rt of Uie Uien it should tem. newspaper, h commis- He advised lh( ney Jim make sure fl-ml lg through made regarding b

sure Uie It was noted therrect. in the code Is 301

* Meservy said h» nTri way Uirough I

be finished revie when he will be

n a district planning andzbni vary from Commissioner

working wlUi Mi tnlssioners nance, said she da'ry In a “ progress Is bein]


S A L E i

O fh o b o s t in th o W o s t S hop a t

S H».»■ Soulh ------- I

^rsary Sii H R K ^ H H



A m i At Roper's N r n m j Fhal Until Y

£sman Glenn GlUe^ie.Ity will experience a- rease of 8 percent while s Washington customers iea 7 perccnl hike.

7ork s e tuiged, a noUce m ust be ^residents living wlUiln > zone, ooUfying Uiem of igardlng the boundary Tvy said If a noUce was er 200 people Involved,1 t e published In a local

! Uie commlssioDers-lb -minimum standard is ng boundaries In a zone.Uie minimum standard 5 300 feet, but could be 1 quarter of a mile or

id he is about a Uiird of Igh Uie code and plans U> eviewing it by Oct. 22.I be meeting with Uic zoning commission, ier Pam Smith, who is I Meservy. on the ordi- she is pleased becausc wing made."



c i r iA T

I o t . . .______________ '

C T S S z h z J


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iflBER. . .'sNoSalefs til YOU the irnerAreitT^Wsfled---------- —

Page 15: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

By MICHELESNYDER Times-News comspooden

RUPER:T - The Mlnid( Board of Commisslooer cepted a new catastrophic program which wiU hel{ burden off tbe county in th< large indigent claim;

.-C ounty Clerk Duane S that, several counUes In

. have a “pooTdf funds,” wl ' derived from each county

sales tax revenues, amoun million. He says that each county will pay a $10,000 on approved Indigent medi After that, the remainder v from the state fund.

Pig roas asucces

By DIANA HOOLEY Times-News correspond

GLENNS FERRY ■ Glenns Ferry homecoir roost held to l^eneflt th munlty Disaster Fund success, said Liz* coordinator for the fund

Gluch said obout $1,J raised In tickcts and dc

£1 at the p.lproafli with WK gofhg for expenses, netl Communlly Disaster $800.

A crowd of atxiut 250 a the roost, said Gluch. said part of the fun wa; the p ig ,. turkeys, appl« onions the night before.

"We hod a good Ume ( and everything tasted too,” she added.

Gluch said the Com D isas^r Fund was set u three years ago to bene) people who hove eme medical financioi needs.

Three ijenefits hove bc to .replenish the iund o

_______j!cats...ail!Lfflushjailpeople hove been given assistance In the com during tlmesof cHsls.

“At the benefits we. have a bond and food, times a potluck. We'v tioned off pics and a b< had door prizes, oil U money for the fund,'

_______Gluch.She said, however, il'

money frequently canno a dent in sojno of thc recl medical expend '

"We don’t pretend to] to pay off large mediCi with Uie fund. What w e ' do Is to help In any woy as a communlly,” said G

^ ~ W TC

V ita m in C■ SOOmg


--- (opBitOfitc."brl'»odi____ ...["./—V.io-ninC..... .............

* r 6 9

O y s t e r S h e l l n C a l c i u m 1

W/VitomInD fII you drink cefloo, I]

— I— -yBoi'body'ieoICiom^-------lovolt may bo


s { 9 8

. S

Sunny Maid .C h i ld r e n 's ;

C h e w a b lo 'Multipio Vllomlni (

wllh Iron______ M--------------- n w ta c;--------------

^ 2 , 2 9

" S e H o b la Eipan^Downtown Mall* 144 Mai

• - Twinffliit^aaz n : __Moi«lnvi£iUorJsM:6i3£

Jnsuranldoka County H r — ■ ji^ ners has ac- . K S - « J U ihic Insurance lielp take the I the event of a

e SmlUi says Commisslo In Idaho will Uio new inst ’ which will be Into effect Oi nty's share of pending up ti ountingtow.5 ach Individual w v 100 deductable ledlcal claims. * e rw illb .pa ld

discuss an a----------------- 1 flood plaiftor

. lOatSp.m.ait s t Heybum ^___ _______ ■ approximate

_ fdentswillsoflood insuri Emergency I determined ti

ondent for conversi(g ra m a s‘'mii

^ ^ The »m lng pig ^ t Uie Com* I r t i i r md was a z‘ Gluch,md raiser. TWIN FA $1,200 was heard Mondi I donations ^ by witnesscJ jiOctof thAt nettihg:er ' Fund the state.

Hall was iOaUended witness in t ich. Gluch Dovis. Hall i was fixing offered mom pples. and o r “doa'Vvay ■c Followingne doing It was placed ited good, Falls County

rumors that 1 kimmiinity county Jail ai :t up about beaten up. :nellt local troUicr, Hall ■mergency ciKto<^y. xls. Kevin Dyij bw n held Incarcerated d over the - - while Ha nnrt mnnv hodreccived 'en needed to either hurt lommunlty Testimony

Kandace Kc ve.usually assistant prc »d,-some* ing she rec; ?e’ve auc- •^elng threati i beef and Holl was feat 1 lo raise ' Detective nd ” said FaUs police

Holl had COI“ the fimd------ feor for his'nnot make , hired people I recipients' _ Havlnghei

Terry Johnsc to he able -K. Baxter, dical bills Dlstrit ve wanl to . delayed sent( ov we can another dGluch. ■ 22,17SM Heyb ______ I charged with


■ S |- i

V ita m in E4001.U. Co

_____----------------------____________________ lilUliIJfcl___ 1MC«p*ultx -.........I

^ 2 . 7 9

V i t a


S2T 2 9 *2

fe Na ^ Vii

Sunny Maid AC h ild r e n 's 1 0 0 c C h e w o b le . ^ _

MuHlpUVItowInt C ^

~ s 2 7 2 9 I

i w l c yM ain A vonuo Eoit,jaa-jzzi— -------------------- -4:30; Sot. «:TO-<iOO.- Cloiod Sunda



I 'inil

.............. hosloner Fred Malcr said that ov nsuranro program will go Ocir 1. All daims Uiafare au

3 unlll Uiat time will still bc

aring setKN -:-A.publlc hearing to 'J amendment to Heybum's pr►ordinance will be held Oct. pU.a t City Hall. ofl 1 Mayor Harold Hurst saysilely five Heybum areares:.. Jsoon be diglble for federal ac

urance as Ute Federal H<y Management Agency has Isd the city meets Uie criteria -pr■sion into the regular pro- opminimally flood pronor" :

rt hears tesFALLS — Testimony was ur nday In Fifth District Court fi\ ses on behoUofXSreg Hall, dQ , ^ n Falls, wha iW w this Jumrhcr and'fled Un

' Ullis used as a confidential wi 1 the 1982 trial of ArUiur as ill says Davis subsequently of oney to friends to ‘‘t>eal up" sp ay wllh” Wm. ’lg extradlllon in June, Hall thi Kl in custody in the Twin AJ Ily Jail. Hall says he heard al: at Davis had conlocts in the pe land wos going to hove him fir J. At Uie request of his gr lali wos placed In separate co

WlDye, Kimberly, who was lh! ■ed In the Twin Falls counly lio Hall.was. there, testified he < edo coll bffcring hini S2.000 la: urt or have Hail killed. ap ny was also heard from rei Kemp, former Twin Fails gr. prosMuting attorney, slat* sei ■ecalled rumors Hall was jatened by Davis and lhal sarfulforhlslife.’0 Donald Waldon, Twin ice deportment, testified contacted him expressing Is'llfe and lhat Davis had lie to “get him.”Te_ar^gument_s from_6oth_ nson, aitomey for Hall,'and :r, prosecuting attorney, tricl Judge Daniel M eehl. ntenclngforoneweek. er case, Rob Alien Watson, •ybum Ave. E.. Twin Falls,'Ilh sexual abuse of a child

w t m& ' . e

S u p e r B ThorapouiC o m p le x Mn Cot"glg» B o i^s jo n

IJfctlaKtiiliiStliliii_____ _ 'v i:2"i". _. -looitbi.. . . ___

^3.99 3.9*

50 mg B rew erno'proicrlpllon ; Y © O Stj» moy Intorfofo lt>VitomlnB-6 •otlpioo.qn.dyou^nay roquirod si



iatural Vitamiifitamin E . « nA tt U (dl-alptia)OCapiuloi GO Capsules

I Q Q %A K. v v f r ^ 4 . 0


f ! *1. • O N

----------— - I


an-to aithe county’s sole responsibili

It was also n o t^ at lh meeting lhal state and ct ficials ore hoping to transi resonslblllly from the slate governments.

Maier said county officio like lo have "more local cot having the aulhorily tb genei own funds.

__l!But, right now we don’l 1auUKirityi” sHidMaier.

"When Uie funds are out. \

t oh floocCity clerk lla Despaln :

proposed amendmenl lo ti plain ordinance will affect fi\ off of V Street, north of Uie riv

_Offlclals..of-Uie-PEMA action was Uiken "on Uie b Heybum’s special flood hazj is small In size wlUi minimal

-problems and In unlikely to I oped in the foreseeable fulurt

Should Uie city experient

stimony orunder 16, was sen tenc^ by five yeors' probation on a 1 determinate sentence. Wal

S C i g ^ m a k e Uic counseling expenses Inci the victim. He is t^ tiave nc with Uie victim’s family associate wllh children undei of 16 unless accompanied 1 sponsible adult.

Watson was also ordere<| to the sex offenders program ar AA regularly for one y e a r .: also pay the probationary fi per monUi. Meehl advised W: financial responsibility wi g re a t . in the reimbursn counseling expenses, bul Watson could prove himself this adversity. Meehl added, tion Is not gettlngoff.”

• Christopher l>ee Gromi 1852 Klmberlv Road. Twli appeared in court on a me rcconsldcration«»or sentence granted Crammer credit I served under o prior sentei

( t GLAS! ^ ★ R

P i

. FQ!


■ 5 ^

v n a m i n B - 1 2250 meg

iOTILE_______im.opiul .iL.Cjo.iul B 13

9 9 ^ £ 3 9

ii-al ■ V i t a m i n e r ' s ■ B -5 0

b a la n c e d T im ed R eleas<

> • AtonvonlonI woy 10

Q.Complex vilomins I wtuKcul ir> a llmod rolooto

J tobloi lorm.MT»bU>.

4 9 ^ * 3 . 9 9

nin NatUEal Garlic

') Oilllu ’ lOOCapsuloi

I « X #

l.o o V ." dM A N Y N A T U Krh re fu n d c e r t i f ic a te ava ;u m er m a ili in o n e , tw< e $ 1 .0 0 . .$ 2 .q 0 o r $ 3 .0 0

idMiniiUlty. of business. Bul the rcccnt and we must obi county of* are tied,” Maier isfer more The commii ite lo local couraged al Is

after hearing Ui :Iols would Sen. Chick BII3 »ntrol” by Leroy, Gov. Joi lerale Uielr several other «

favor of such a n I hove Uiot The Issue wlli

the" next s ^ lo i we’re out convenes after U

d ordinalI says the peeled pressure

Uie flood the future, offici five homes would require a river. in thal partlcula

Uie National F i say-Uie_ gram regulation basis lhat

Bzard area Despoln says lal flooding recent Heybum0 bc devel- that Burley w jrc.” ' flooded before U >nce unex- have a problem.

n Hall’s es(ly Mcehl to Judge BeCker, a five-year violation of pVob alson was Grammer I r ? ? » i ig * i ju d g e Becker’s i ( : i a ? e f ^ ^ y Ihen be eili no contact the “Scad Hum ily or to rehabililaion) i Jer Uie age viously ordered 5 by a re* remanded I

Idaho Slate Boat to enroll In • Terry I.coTi and attend Jerome, having ■ Hc musl parole violation, lec ol $30 a ™ rccognlzani

Watson his violating his pa would b e »een unalile t sment ot enployment. He lUt hoped in (arm la b o r bl >11 through portatlon to am !d, "proba- ordered a psych

Tanner and deu mmer, 25, Oct. 9.. win Falls,

“ “‘' m OJISSIFIEice. Meehl pHOf, for time tcncing by



1 S A L I

M E G A " 2 000 .

2 fVlulti V i t a m i n


Vitamin C W / R o s o H i p s


*® IlyOUtohoOfQlconlrocoplivo, yoor

. lovois may bo •® rodueod. ^

_ IJOIobI.U '



100 m g .(Ascoitlc Aci#U T a b lo ti

1 . 0 0 R E F IRE MADE PRO/a i la b le a t p artlc lp o tln g MO o r th r e e p ro o f t o f | lb In c o u p o n t fro m N atu

idokapx a n e L p3ul Uie law'Is still there abide by It,' so our handsler said. .mlssloners were' en- ^

last week’s meeting. ^ : Uiat Rep. Steve /\nton.Jllyeu, Lt. Gov. David. I John Evans, as well as ' county officials are in a move.vlll be voted upon whenslon of tfiFLeglslalure ^ r Uie firet of the year.

mceure for developmenl Inficials of FEMA say they de any new construction C ular area lo comply with

Flood Insurance Pro*lons; explained Hurst..........—

lys it was noted at the im Cily Council meeting L _

would bc completelye these'five homes would - --- ^m. ' 1

scape ?:r, so as not to be in iC'Obation. ^ !r is granted parole onr’s \eligible lo r - i i^ p o h 'tb (runncr” program (dnig ^I In SeatUe, as pre- Ved by Meehl. Grammer' ^ fd to the custody of Uie-v ^oard of Corrections. \[Tanner, 19,605 West B, Cing been charged with ^on, was released on his Vance. Tanner admitted Cparole, saying he had ^

to maintain steady >lie said ,he had engaged ■• but was wlUiout Irons- Jond from work. Meelil ^ chologlcai evaluation oflelayed sentencing until \


T...FAST!l <MMERCIAL /lALlSTS ZIVICE - 1 <MOBILE <1367 V, Inc. <

E! \. M I

£ I-N a t u r a l Z in c < |


'£ 4 9 :

! " ■ :■ I

S u n n y M o l d . J

250mg K

I00labl*t> ^

n .79 5

Vitamin <B-12 i

1 0 0 m e g' (Tinted Release) 11

60 T ablets /

FUND I iODUCT \ >n g t t o r e s * . " ^f p u r c h a s e lo | Jitu re M a d e . | %



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K ^ ^ ^ D E P A R I K » Yourl K Blue I


BOY'S C g Z E S C I E S r S< GIRLS'»C ' '

MEN'S ? P L A I D F L A ^

i S H IR1% L in ed Y oke■C P e r m a n e n t P re s\ '■ ‘ S-M-L-XLK ONLY

I * 8 ”

» ' P ' - '

■ A ' y r - ^NN .

I M E N ’S I E

< O eC •

,(Jr '

C b y C a m p u s{ a n d M e m b e r s (C S p o r t C o a t S ty l\ I n c l u d e d . . . , .

Thursday. September


1 ^ " Atjo s\-n)(iAi,cepr€MB^ w v B 6 o r r >A e m o u T B i / ^

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sr 27,1964 Tlmes-Nows, Tv irTwin Foils, Idaho B-5 "

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Page 16: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

CSIC o n t i n u i n g «-.TWIN FALLS - partment at the Coll of non-credit prograi

During the first v classes start; Small! fop 10 sessions (or Welding open Oct. I; for 575; Special Wi starts Oct. l a t $90 fc starts Oct. 1 for 10 Drafting opens Oct. 1 Aided Drafting begin $95;. Strength, and I engineering students sessions for.$75; am forlO sessions for $75

Others beginning t] C.E.T. License Prepj for 10 sessions a t $75; Aide — Part I opens

---------- — vlronm ontai—3ai;starts Oct. 1 and ru Technical Report Wr sessions for$60.

" ^ Classes starting tl 'd iide: Budgeting — begins Oct. 10 for 1 Moving with knit mi elghtsesslonsat$30; :(GM)beglnsOct, lO.i ;^Fo^ more Informal ■pit-rcglster, call 733-!

■ ■ ^ T W l N F i ^ - Tfii College of Souihcm Id Start Oct. 29. lEnrollmenl Is still b

i^c small engine mech

i .’-Programs which wll il;4 and still have ' ^ ^ a n l c s , food ser ,^glne m e^anlcs, ar '.tjon call a vocational c

P a i r t o o f f e r «:* TWIN FALLS-T ^ \

-------------;Edward D.-Jones-and'

(lalindiJ e r o m e - a la-yeai

a(*cused of robbing a hiti waS'bound over lo Fifth foHrlal on robbery chari

Magistrate Roger Bur Pubnl(H3alindo. held foi naof hearing In magisl ncjotr.

Callndo, who does noi sealed by Public Defend Police Capl. Mito Albr I r ^ la t ln g for the defen<

■ CELstalk

■ C O N C . ■ G R f i

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F reshlb............Compoiod tw<

ier la t l p«> glxxardi to throv

W Times-News, Twin Ffl

g e d -p la n s p rog rz~ The Continuing Educatic

College of Southern Idaho haa. prams which wUl begin In Octol >t week of thc month the' foi aii Engine Repair begins Oct.: for $75: two sections of G . 1 and Oct. 2 running for 14 se Welding for experienced w

0 for .13 sessions; Sculpture W10 sessions at. $70; IntroducI cl. 1 for 10 s^ Io n s-a t$75; Con ■gins Oct. 2 running for 10 sessi id Materials for drafting am ents opei^ Oct. 2 and nms and Basic Electronics opens $75.lg the first week of October ini reparation beginning Oct. 2. n $75; Environment Health and: ens Ocl. 3 for elghl sessions { Sanitation—for—Non-Profest : runs for six sessions for $« Writing starts OcL 1, running

g the second week of Oclob — The Garnfe Plan for the F

>r 11 sessions at $30; Jiffy : material, starts Oct. ll, rui

30; and Computerized Fuel Sy 10, runs for four sessions for nalion on any of these course: r33-9554, ext. 363,364, or 3C5.

There ar i stfu JJpenlngs in sei1 Idaho'vocallon^ programs u

11 being taken for food scrvicc echanics programs.

I will be taking new students on 'e openings Include agrlcul service, law enforcement, : , and welding.. For more info al counselor at 73.‘}-9554.

: r c o u r s e o n t a x e sTwo prominent pr^essionais md Corof Twin Falls.wlll cond

lo boundirear-old Twin Falls resident, hitchhiker of $2 lo S3 In cash. Ifth District court In Jerome tiarges.Burdick ordered Carlos Aiejo I for trial following a prellml- Sistrale court Monday after-

not speak English, is repre- ender IJandy Stoicer. Jerome llbnzo acted as Interpreter, fendanl and the court.

)* C ru n th y '

LERY i l

3 9 “ IQ l b .

A r r iv e d !



k G U «lo tti Sauco S I

^ 1 5 9 ,

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..............II two oil limo (avoilto plo««i ol ch p*f pound Ihor* whole fryert.ond

irow a way or ho itl» wllh,

f ^ W E II M A G I C I

Lc e e e z i iW**kdoy« «.« PJM


n Falls, Idaho Thursday, Sep

ram s • Tax savings andilllon De- Southern Idaho Oma n hn«it Bob Seibel. ani:toben four-session courfollowing from 7 lo 9 p.m. oi:t. 2, runs - provide informal

General • vestment vehiclesI sessions will Include an ani

welders Keough's-, Stocks! Welding Involving real estijclionto _ M dJ^ lngprogrj

' Sclbel h a . a and pre- University anii 1! JS tor 10 Co-,ns Ocl 2 ' ’“ ‘•“I 1 I

University of Art the U.S. Mllllaiy/

■include: For more Infoi .running class,call733-95W nd Safety IS at $60;esfiionals----------------------------$60: nnd T railer se1ing for 12 TWIN FALLS-

• Mobile Industry T tobcr In*’ Shoshone High Scle Future......classes. " ’:y Knits, courses inc

^ Introduction to Ml'^es or to Monday Ihrough F


■The cost of each 1

several ■ ’is which computer. For m(

363.[iceand r , .

S S B urley t o ismall TWIfI FALLS -

nforma- offering a Genera School Ag Shop bei

The course wlli and Mig and will n Thursdays for fiv(

e s first 15 pre-paid stiIls Irom contact lhe Burle

i o v e r fo r'I. The defendant Is charfj 'tl. Clarence Turner, 41, of C lie and a 17-year-old compank

Sepl. 9 . ____________ _Jo • The two Twin Falls re

borrowed pickup truck f :r- Falls, allegedly asked Tun

olj in the vehicle after a ' ■O' liie vehicle was low on oil. f’c They allegedly Then dre’

Turner take off his jack wallet.


U n s w o e te n o d n d iv id u o lly Q u ick

J^ ro z o n ..

LUEBERRIES- 1 - ^ J - l b - B o x ------ ■

i g 9 5

O th e r F rp z e n . . s r r lo s A v a ila b io ■

LEGS4 9 *

I chlO(«n — thigh and dium- ind no no ck t. livers or (ugh)


N S E N ^H A R K E T :

!!””.!!________WEST 5 POINTS '

» J* . - - f*SUl.lDftKD


' «

3ept0m t)or27.1984^ -

nd Investments course for lhe (0 Continuing Education Depart and Roscoe Patton will ins ourse which begins Ocl. 18, ». on Thursdays In Shields 102. matlon on selecting approp cles lo fulfill Individual needs. ’ analysis of savings Instrumenl cks, bonds, options, tax ad estate, oil and gas, drilling pi )graow ._^ _ _ ' • —

a B.S. degree from Kans d 15 years experience with Ei

New York Stock Exchaii a general business degree Arizona, as well os a£ .S . deg ly Academy al West Point, nformatlon or to pre-regislei }554,exl.363. Thefeeis$15.

e t f o r S h o s h o n e ]5 - The Collegc of Southern y Training Computer Trailer \ SchopLOct..i-<;,.offerlng four.1

include Word Processing wit to 3 p.m., Business 1

Ic Spreadslieet from 3:30 lo 6: Microcomputers from 7 to 10 , h Friday, and Data Base Mam 9 a'.m, lo 4 p.m. on Saturday.

ich class Is $52 and the workshc imitwyp-yin.firBi |oponplc WtlC itf‘W nrav?acfcess to Ifls or 1 more Information call 733-9J

} g e t w e l d i n g c o u5 — The College of Southern eral Welding class at the Bur1 beginning Oct. IC./Hi coyer arc. gas welding and ill meel from 7 to 10 p.m. Tues( five weeks. The class is llmlt< J students at $70. For more infc irley_Coinmmi^y_EduM^on (

ir robberarged wllh robbing Jerry. . )f Colorado after Galindo QDlon gave Turner a ride on '

residents, traveling in a k from Caldwell to Twin i rurner lo take a look al the • a warning liglil iiuiicalcd

ill.drew a gun and demanded acket and hand over his

D O N ' 1T O

SWEI e i G A i


—^SeeC Times-Nc Septem b Savings

-------- ---------— ------------ ^W es


4 lb . Pkg.

$ | 8 8

P u r in o 's P ro m iu m

MEOW1 4 L .

S Got 14 pounds loi ______ prJco o f?

r su CAD

— I - O t i -

— 1

e College of o nirtment.nstruct the BOISE -8, hiectlng • Geolo^cai S2. They will oped the finoprlate In- the amount'ts. The class lhe Snake Rmts. IRA's, croplands, acQdvantoges an agency hyprograrm, The_study,

____ r obllect^ du

nsas StateEdward D. .ange firm. JT J ^ £ l li from the L i l t egree from,

icrtorte l i n k i

- j r ^ d e a c: High:m Idaho's HAGERMA r will be at Ing Idaho Pov itdlfferent . J»y.dro p lan t.t

m aybeelectn Idaho Powe

vith Select the remains of Manage- remote line,

6:30 p.m.; lonely slretchi 10 p.m., all and Northern] inagement

Ljirry Tay spokesman. ;

;hop Is $.'»). culling gaps

•9554. ext. ' welwlng&tou Taylor said

one of the oldc power syste monitored In:

u r s e “A little V.n Id.iho Is suspcct^at tlurley Hlgli mere." Taylo:

^ ^ Newer llmn.lculllnB, w l^w lre sepssdaysond electroculloni

LOfflco_at_ -n^akeperiodit winter to find

= ___:_____I electrocution]

y o f h itc l. Turner told police the ;

sparsely populated area in i Counly and as Uie men att

__MttiJils_s!ccping_bag. lec lea p ^ Into the back of thc tliere until hc jumped out I-'den, hesald.

Galindo and tlie juvenile Falls a short time later, petitioned into court under t act.

r F O R G S H O P

i i l S E N ' lNTICCAI A L E NOiO G R E S l5 u r A a r n T l ew s, Tuesd ber 25th, W s Uke These



C ase of 6 Pk(

^ 1 1(24 lbs.} ■ ■

m C ot Food

M I X k

o r t h o r o g u lo r ■7 Ibt. ' ■

J o h n n y C ot



irvey gii w atcT i

— A newly , released U.S. » 1 Survey sludy has devel- n- first reliable estimates on ol it'o f water pumped out of U: River Aquifer lo irrigate w

. according lo i y Goodell, hydrologlst.'':ly,_whqse t o ^ a ^ werc, oi during-the. l ^ _ growing


U t i ; l i n e s^ th

l e d t o /

i d - b i r d s - ^Qi

lAN - A Utility line link- ^ ’ower’s Thousand Springs t to_Mountain City,.Nev., :trocutlng golden eagles. tj] wer workers have spoiled a, 3 ofseveral eagles near the vl le, which runs Ihrough ches of the southern Idaho m Nevada deserts. ■

raylor, an Idaho Power I 1, says that workers arc I ps in the ground wires of H

iouch the line.aid the transmission line isilderlinks In the company’s'Stem and w as. rarelyInyears^past.

! while ago we began -to It there might be a problem ylor said. _lines are ■designed wlth l »:paratlons to prevent bird I ons. I

s from tlie 'utility's I ntal department plan to I idic surveys of the line Ihis-H nd out if the gaps solve thc ■ 3n problem. m

:h h ik e r Ie pickup stopped in an N in the east end of Jerome, attempted lo drive awayleaving-him-behindr-he------the pickup. He remained )Ut again in the tou’n of

lie were arrested In Twin ir. The juvenile Is being cr the youth rehabilitation

^e t I■

' S ■

L S E ■

»w ■ w J

r R e = »

day, H Vith ■


p J

m t

ives reli u se d fr i

. season, indicates that a ■ million acre-feet (750 blllloh I of ground waler were pump ' the aquifer from an estima I wells.

The sludy concluded th ; on^fjflh ^ f lhe lotal_water ; Uie aquifer.eachyeaiLended

diverted for agrlcul tural use,

In addition to the decp-we Ing, another 810,ooo acre-f billion gallons) were remov the Snake River by 450 high- plngsyslems.

The study did not all estimate surface diversions

„£anoLsystems,___________Goodell said the waler i

estimates were develo] examining the power con

dem and by pumpers during • season.'The U;S.G.S figures i

that pumping diversions I aquifer were.at the high-en vious estimates, she said.

[ CPTW ord P rocesso rs i" ^ 5 r t( fe s - Ins'S-iTw? Service • Suppl!

_ ^ s p e n c e n ' o f f ic e su p i

I^Ufallt. IJJ.tltD Ig,!.,. t


^ u ’S T pin

K u n t i :



• All loothor coniiiuctcon •0 " h ig h top• liiiu la iod •V ib ram io lo

DANNERModol 8168

W in to r L ights• O oftox linod ••,Thinujlol« injulolod• Vibfom »olo

• Limiiod lo ilOfk on hand



STEELHEADERSBO• OroolVioblu toolhor top• Woloiproof rubbor bollom

LICEI---------------------- o T O E

S l u e L a k e :-^}236B lu t> lokcTN;7Twli

iab lefic "om aquabout 2.3, In Ihe past, hj

oh gallons) th a ^ lw e e n l aj nped out of w^re diverted f nated 5,300 pumping betwee

. , eastern boundarl data Indicate th!

lhat atwut feel of waler wei er_enlerlng_acea of the aquJfced up being -y_*______ ____

• Another 360,OOC tellpunip- 'y“ <“ ';ert^< ro '

Uieaqulterlylngvoved from- -------------------W lltpum- The new rtpo.

Withdrawn for I:-------------- the-Snake-Rlverillempt to Eastern Oregon.' ins through obtained from tl _______ Siirvpy, Wpstnm Tr diversion Open Flle'Servlceloped by Federal Center, Donsumptlon Orders must jngthe 19W report 84-134’’anc s Indlcaled-nioney order for$:

from the ______________end Qf pre- | H n | n V n n

i I B m's

J K f i' l i e s -

K w l iDpiy t r j c s u B

W “ a h B< ^ 2 0 %

i n g S o o

ay Now for Christm as!r c D a n n e1 0 Modol

Chucka* Vlbram lolo ■Cortox lined• Brooihobltf cordui

• lim iiod to tk

R eg. to * 9 9 . 9 5

Y our C hoice-

H e r m a n S Modol

HUNTING'* Injololod• Doubio loolhor mil• Vibromsolo

nd ' lim iiod to tIOi

R e g , t o .

* 1 2 4 . 9 5

/ o u r C h o i c e

D U.................... ............Modol

L lghtw oigh

lOOT BOD•O ortonllnod

” • Thin»u1oto intulali• Vibiom »olo

:ense5 s live bait E O U ’r r i T T E f t o

3S S p o r t i n g ITDATTiaOmHiOB.- SUN4AT*:Vln;Fol!CIdr0HOl~PhoS5-(2O

iguresu ifert. hydTQlo^ts estimated 11 and 2 million acre-feet Ml from tbe aquifer by Iween King Hill and th e . idarlesofldaho.-Thenew ; : that 1.93 mlUlon cubic-' were diverted from that IulferinJ980.__________.

),000 acre-feet of waler from tho the stretch of Ihg west of King Hiii;

eport is titled “Water )r Irrigation in 1980 on iver-Plain. Idaho'and ;on." The report can be n the U.S. Geological

vice Section, Box 2S125,T, Denver, Q jIo. 80225. s t specify “Open-FUe • and Include a check or

or$7.50.— -------------

Boots4 Offf w ^

B l u ^ a k e ^ a l l

o t s !

r FallI•________________ ____

m e r L ig h t3 d o l3 0 6 6

:kar Bootarduro ponoll lo slock on hond

n S u rv iv o rs d o l 7 1 9 3

MG BOOTS'r midsolo

i nock on hond

S rid o l8 3 7 0 ----------------- —lig h t L e a th e r


$ 1 Q J 9 5 _


r G o o d s» t»7 i30T IU «iB 8

Page 17: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation


.. B O ISE (A P)-A legl among, political .conse posing the Natlonil

— — Associatlon says he Is iantl-NEA book because tion takes stands on 1 Issues.

Rep. Robert Forrey.R other opponents of NEA

promote a new book, "1 Horse in American Ed Samuel Blumenfeld.

The publidation call:— ~ first rull-lengthexpi^ol

Education Association."Sen. Steve Symms, R-]

a similar event In Wa remarks prepared for Symms said the new bo for "every teacher, ever

_?yerypollticlan.“There are many co:

conscientious teachers, politicians who will hav

iiDouc OT?rwcSi)yreaain said Symms.

Blumenfeld, who critic on Idalio higher educatl planned to attend the news conference.

The book published b Co., Boise. State groups

. Idalio Education .Assc NEA affiliates, represem in collective ijargaining professional w orktops i

. tivities.Forrey sald'the NEA (

on furthering the quality— —but-has-lnstead-taken-li

stands on such issues as women's rights.

— ‘'Tiie ^educational—ptbeen taken away from tiii boards and are being d national union," Forrey s

The book is compatibl views, he said, and cons

' agreed to speak in favo that request was mi

— -publlsHeK------------------M In response to a qu

reporters, Forrey said cratlc Party must be Iia

i » NEA. since it supports thi ^ . In the education flel m Democrats have good in M go about il in the wro

supporting such organ NEA.

The news conference 1 leader of Independent'E

' Idaho,' a new group b— —altcrnnlive-to-lhe lEAr-

Educators-aileges the IE intolerably in union politi ol ideas.

The sponsors of the Washington news conien Idalio ConservatlYe. Uni American Conservative L

Blumenfeld is not new ti Earlier this year, hi

before legislators and highcr-oducationevaluati for the Idaho Associatii merce and Industry.

Tuition p ~ under stuz : r= M o scp .w _ {A P J= u ta i

higher education official: ing the possibility of a program to allow some pay In-stale tuition rates cross the border to attend

> A similar program invc and Washington went inti fail.

Eugene Woolf, chief ai fleer for Utah, said Utah < leaning toward on agre would limit the reclprt

-------- pro^am to speolflc^reas“We’re having prob

over-enrollment in ce grams," he explaine pharmacy as one such pro

Idaho Stato University fighting lo keep the lone school In Idaho open.

Anolher problem in a reciprocal program is lh Idaho students want lo i

. colleges for every Ulah s _ _wants_to.go_lo.school.ln

agreement limited to s\ grams of study may bc i address the problem, offic

Delay strikes NLRB hearlitional Labor Relallons Boi

_ on the way a union .decelection was 1iad at Woj has been deloyed.

'Rie hearing, tentatively for this week', was laler mc Monday. But NLRB' spc Susan Seek said Tuesday been canceled and has nc rescheduled.

The hearing was request ers of the Lumber, Prod Industrial Workers union 1 Louisiana-Pacific Corp. i

= z-MoyieSorings. ■— = _ TTie leaders cODlendet

cerllflcatl^eiecllon was u

_ ^ g l d a::— t m i

r j c p ’ * b u S lStaleU

___ _ Nurslnj

E A ■Oct. 5

P C I ------------------to a tle n........... ■ ' Unde

legislator who Is. nservaUves. op- . . n il Education is promoting a n - use the associa-

f, R-Nampa, and EA held Boise -Wednosday— lo—, "NEA: Trojan Education," by - V I

; ^ s Itself “th e _ __ 11eoftheNalionaln."R-Idaho, staged Washington. In for that event.’ book is a must :very parent and

competent and rs, parents and have their eyes _

^ g l h l f ^ k , "

•iticlzed a report;atloh this year. :. vthe Washlnglon Y '. -f-

d by Paradigm V ’' • up^suchasthe V .'association are Nsenting teachers ling, sponsoring ps and olher ac*

:a doesn't dwell Ity of education.n-lnappropriale— ----------as abortion and

-p o llc te s-h av e— -----------I the local school g decided by a eysald.tible with those ionsequently. hc |avor.of It when ■ made by Ils

question 'from aid the Demo- linked with Uie H M

5 Uie NEA. field, he said. i intentions bul ATong way, by ganizations as

ce-included Uieit'Educators of j> billed as an I ]Ar-Independent— E H IEA Is cloaked

lillles and liber- I I H

the Boise and - 'ference arc Uic f lUnion and Uie ■reunion. ■wlo Idaho. ■

he appeared MId criticized a p *jalion complied _ iation of Com-

p lan ^ u d y - I

J tah :an d Jd ah o =:lals aro study- B f arranging a ‘ Pne students to ^lies when Uiey /M •rid college.molving Idaho ■into effect Uiis ■

I academic of- ah officials arcgreement Utat ^ ^ 9 Iprocal tuition »asof sludy. roblems wilh certain pro-

Qlned, clllng U lprogram. i l lIty Is currently one pharmacy

1 arranging a; that about 10 ■ ■ :o attend Utah ^ J W t th student who n m n Lin Idaho..An._I specific pro-bc one way to oufui- fflcialssaid.

e s M

ring vAPj-----A-Na—Board hearing Idccertmcatlnn ___!— I—Moyle Springs I

/ely scheduled (moved to next Ispokeswoman" ylay thal it has j} nol yet been j

Itested by lead- |roducllon and jon local at the j}. sawmill in I

IS unfair. --

dho ISLU ceremony name centW^ ~)CATEaO (AP) - Tholing Uial houses the Idaho ’i University Department of Iiing will be named in honor tle woman who headed Ute <irtment from 1965101975. i ceremony Is planned for5 to name Ute building i

• Helen Beckley. She plans JteiWwIUthcr'famlly. i ider Mrs. B^kley's lead-"[p, the nursing department 1Ined $2 million in grants, (5 of which funded the .facill-• tat w lU b ^ her name______ —J officials said Utdf during____t 10 years at the helm.____ i

llment' quadrupled. '______I ____________ !__________ I \


■■ T . •<3’


?■ iimli

m ^ i n i D'= ^ 8 HR. VHS /IDEOCASSEHE


I f f l J' P ro g ra

, V . i r ‘ ■ ‘f-F u __________ E f le c l:

M o d e l M r1 V C R 4 0 0 2 X , •



I - A n d.....(EKDire!

b — -------Bom


U.S. Air Force Is belter today to meet the Soviet lhan II was when Ronald R officc nearly four years secretary of the Air Force s

"We recognize. Ute' So number us, but I think we n that in quality,'’_^ rc ta ry .M id lte reT u ^ a y ,___

"Our pilots arc flying mo better planes, and I think I cally we can match them els). We are very upbeat.”

Orr took p a rt in a one^l tion of Uie F-UIA fight program al Mountain I Force Base west of here. H wiUi base personnel.3

t s

^ ' W n


HS VIDEO C i p u m I


3 .5 WATTS

COMPLETE WITH SPEAKERS W AS $ 2 9 9 . . . . . . '



COMPLETE WITH SPEAKERS W AS 5 3 9 9 ..............

H o u r R e c o r d /P la y b a c k g ra m m in g ■ E le c tro n ic F u n c tio n W ire d R em oti c t s —S c a n , P a u s e /S ti l l .

jow $ / l .)N LY..> n u s u o u ^ 6 n ^ -----------


i d V i d e o M a c h i n e ! t e s j a c t ; 3 f c l 9 M ) - ^ -

jnusC oupon----------

)re e e h i[AP) - The Orr admltlc icr equipped ahead of the let challenge number of sal Reagan look orbU. irs ago, the “ We know e sa y s.. salellltcs a yc Soviets out- orilyabbufis ! make up for do think Uiat ry_Yeme_Orr_kecp up-WlUi U............ ' - • The secreta

nore hours In ports Uial Der ktechnologi- would cancel m (the SovI- gram if he di

.......... ember's generMlay inspec- " I can’l Ima htcr-bomber than for him lc

Home Air B*l," Orr sai He aiso met dollars alread

developing th




:a sset teRECORDER

• 4 Hoad• Wlroloss romolo» Modol FVH720 ____




:k ■ O n e -E v e n l/- l4 -D a ^ ic V H F /U H F T u n e r J t e C o n t r o lH S p e c ia l 11. a n d F r a m e A d v a n c e14995------------------ 1___________ I

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ief visitilled Uujl the &vlets are su :hc United Slates In Uie satellites being placed In 'th

Alw Uial they send up 100 Ui yetir," he said. "We have hx 15 percent of lhat, bul wc cs fiat sclentirically we canhUiem.!!________ ________ lhelary.was criUcal-of re- fo >jmocral Waller Mondale th :el Uie B-1 bomber pro- lc I defeats Reagan In Nov- saneral election:.............. armagine a sillier statement tu 1 to say he would scrap Uic th said. He said billions of :ady have been spent on ra

Uic plane, intended to thMlE I b U n i


R [ \ I ^ —

J \\ |

■ II5 ■■ M

Phi. 19" d i e .


! | t VI '


Thursday, Septa

t s M ouisupersede theaglng 52.

But Orr said Uial whUe ti the B-1 bomber is moving a) Air Force has no intention c Uie F-20 fighter plane. It n has many of the characterli c aD ab llltie s of the F - lV •

Orr said Northrop Corp. d _ U ic- .E -2 0 -in -r^n se-to -a

former President Jimmy 0 the aircraft Industry to d< less-expensive fighter prim, sale lo America's allies. Con; and'maintenance costs on tumed out to bc conslderab than Utat of the F-16.

“The F-20 was sel up to b( rable to Uie F-IC, bul ll does

pnnnhiHtiesof lhe F-16 an1MODEL VR400Q~

- MODEL 3704

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M O D E L VI

hilco[ag. m easu re -


• : ^ ^ ^ ^ M O D E L

i i ^ s SiS S S j

intain Fcton'lplantobuyii

testing of Asked about Ute ahead, the Force planes, Oi I of buying know how Mount reportedly haslost 12F-111S ristics and — compared wl

. . . operations around develop^ He said last y( a-call -by. tionally safe year Carter tor "m 1383, we t o develop a jm .oqo nying li marily for "Given the dangc instruction don'l Uilnk the n the F-20 extreme.'' ably lower Orr also said tlii

Mountain Home be compa- expand. "There i s nol have that wc have any md,no,we baschcre,"hosal(

" F T "■ Mei

■ ■ ■ ■ I■ ■ . •'PROGRAK VIDEO CH

RECORl - W m E S S $C

3 REMOTE - 1^ CONTROL . . . . V

PHilco BmPORT/

■ g u l COMPONEr a s g REG. $159.



S - $ 4 2ai002 ■ "

Philco 9 ^ ' 1 3 l a g . m e <



Phjicc2 5 " diag. me




item bor27.1984 — TIm offN ow s

io m euy It,” Orr said. —: Ute safety record of Air , Orr said he did nol luntain Home — which .Ils hi the post 12 years

wiUi -oUier milllary lund the country, it year was an excep- ear for Ute Air,Force. • • t have 1.3 accidents per ' ’ 'I hours." Orr said: / - ingcrs of Ute mission, I Ute accident rate Is,

1 the combat mission a t ' me will continue lo . re should bc no fears any plans lo close Ute said.

The- B e s t . :Aerchandise

At The Best.


$ A « 5





2 T b0 _ ___________ ; f _ _

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95— It:

Jj: I ,COm easu re


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^ I 111 k [ I

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Page 18: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation


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JDOWN M E N T S ^ = OV. < ^SSAME S H ^

in Falla, Idaho^* Thursday. So


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HUELAKESA Thurs.-Fri.-5 Sept. 27-28

^ W o r

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Soplom bar27.

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i P3 l i

If you Have I Or Organ, Nov

Iband .Saturday, To Twin Falls Quality Wurllt On This Exce Never Be Thi:


a' - ■ ' V-|9 '— ■

Limited Selecti of Used Items

from —I $ 4 9 !

l i l l





f n ^ n

Ever Considerei ow Is Your Cha t e ^ ^ i s l c J b i s

y, Keith lorgen lls Outstanding Ijtzer Products, ceptional Opporti his Low Again!

r o m T O

] p = ^ j | g | r ^

y i l l

tctlon 9 JIS Ir

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ed Owning A Pi ance To Oo SoS ThUf^psapinseji’s Will Br Values On Sup

; Don’t Miss tunity. Prices V i!

I“ f W

1 ^ 1

i ^ r * * * ^

f c H o u i

f jk 1 0 -^ Dalh

Piano I 0 For H .

Bring ■upeit ■

Out ■Will ■

JO O -^ B -

( ■ II'

t o

W z z



Page 19: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

' C a

to h

O n o il p roB y ROLAND PRINZ Thdi4ssoc/£(edP^»ss

VIENNA, Austria-------------Lcom m lUee— rocomn

n e sd a y lh a t lhe ct c u r re n t oil price a lim its , a n d its cha ^>eclal session of the Uon o f Peln leu i C ountries Is not necdc

M ana Saeed Oleibi O P E C ’s m ailcet mb m itteean d o U mlnistt A rab E m ira tes , told

:iow ing.the meeting tt have n o t Improved e r a n t a revision ol quot

W hen oil prices.. sum mer a m i d - ^ ^

■■ -«w a8'.i»duction, speculation c a r te l would have spec ia l session prioi reg u la rly scheduled D ecem ber. ’

L a te r , .as.._marke th e re w as ^eculatio m ig h t w an t to incret la te th is year.

D ue to the "slug wealcness of the ma said , “ th e re is no ne ex trao rd in a ry mcctlni

O teiba sa id ovcral

• __ _

to buyBOISE (AP) - An a

been reached Ior the cx; $12 million worth of win exports from Idaiio to tl China.

Gov. John Evans s news conference Wei Idaho's sister slate, consider Importing w technology products in t

“ We consider the Stal of our most Importar sources for American pi Vincent C. Siew^ cllrectt the Board of Foreign T

------------oL E conom lcjU fairsJoiof China.

Slew was among 15 r Taiwanese procuremen itlng Idaho Wednesday, made to sign wiicat an tracts,, bul Evans said dustry representative i the Taiwanese delegatlo

------------- The-contracts-slgnc(for shipping some 78,00 of wheat and bariey to ti

C l o s i______ NEW YORK (AP) — W»dn«

■ nillonjr p»ieo3-)or-New-r9t<i C Eichtnao Issuos;

__ P6 8«i»» UitAMF .M ICHAMH 2 HASA 3a SU UHAblLlb I .n 14 2145 4 V..A«riie> 10 70 1 U.AoinLt i.U 3t2tOJ UHAltP;d 1.» 10 4 H-AISkAlt .14 a WIIWAlMH 1.» 10:i04Alplnl . 1,40 » 103 n nAllScp Sl'.» bid” mS- AIIBSlf. • 2 - 8 1 289 48 . Aiiiscn n OH.Alcoa I.M 82»JiU H 'AmM .20 3ta 8Vt-

I AmHas '1.10 91»3 2S t' i AmAor W3 IH*' ADrand' 375 317 tm -

ADflcai I.M t 107? TO .AmCin 2.S0 1 TM 41H._______ ACy in • l!w 1^

~ AmE»p 1-M 18S211 34H.AFtmll -eo II 23 2lh-AHomo 2.64 122U 4th<AHoio 1.12 10 2076 30V..IAmne n 9 7 1205 74Hh AfflMol US .4tANIfls a 2.22 7 3r2u38h4AmStd I.M 12 4» JlH-iAT&T n 1.» 13 1UUttH-iAMP a t* 19 42&4 ]m - AnaemD 537 7Vi-Anehoi 1.48 14 m 2iU<!!isr.' ,:!!? ,!■„! !S; « " I S "iSS R '

' Armwn 8 m 27HiAsstco .40 32S 22H<

' “ A thlOlf “ l.eo — r 3W25H4AtdOQ 2.e0 10 2»4 HSt-AIIRIcn 3 BUU IH4AllttCp .M 48 e -Auoal .3? 17 409 77H4ArCOCp 1.70 7 im 34 4A>erv 5 .U 14 Ul 3QH«A m ■“ ^ 1 W 7 iIh *

----------Sffiu— '!!!•Ity MI .20 80IU8 11 -. r i s . i g j i ! ; :

• » r s 1^»IC0 ,1.70 3478 2«*4 flelMiri !»e«IIAt nfl.40 88t *» r .» . ”2‘4 1 i2i i ; t :

1: :aitck0 .64 It 1161 H>

- g g£ v iS S S l|e»£a . H*

1.’ ” ’» i a S ti (bn>rt • -80 • 2U 33H« 1 OuevEr .« 0 IJH -

- ' y • v'^— --------- —

artel r® hold Aniner o d u e t io nNZ■ess I

ria - An OPECimmendod— Wed' —_______

cartel maintain i and production chahman said a the full Organiza- f j te ra Exporting M

eil)B, chairman of I Amonitoring com- r H

Jster of the United > lold reporters fol- gthatoU mdritets id enough to war- juotasorprices.«8. plunged, this ..1 , ,


on grew that the duction hi16 to convene a recent w(irior.to the next ning at allied meeting in day.- -

Thai isxl(els stabilized, celling Ination that OPEC In Marct:rease production reduced

ever In a Isluggishness and culling tmarlcet," Oteiba chmaric S) need to hold an (o$29abcHing.” • -We V.crali OPEC pro- lower the

grain inn agreement has Ciiina bct; export of almost 1985.wheal and bariey Idaho sh lo the Republic of agrlcultur

of China Ins said during a About 90Wednesday lhat exported, e. Taiwan, will percentagi’ wood and til- lo tlic Rcin the future. , available,stale of Idaho one Represeliant and major China’s lin products,” said ducts Indieclor general for future Iripn Trade Ministry Siew als

15 members of a stal'e ” **SInenl. mission vis- n^aking hay. This visit was states wasand barley con- triptoTaiv

said a forest In- jj.,/e also met wllh country'anatlon. Siewsald. jncd'Wedncsday— During-tl8,000 metric tons signed a prlo the Republic of Republic oi

( i n g pvdnajoty Budind I.S4 i 7265,k.6l«;— QllNlh— a . 1__ .8I6&3

SuftBti- :,M {11JS3CBS J i i 'n f , ™

! : : s SS:",;, rssUH4 U . CSX t 1.04 8 2748 ,

V,- H Caosai IS 4ll U - •/, CRLk 0 .40 1DS0 :

UH* U CamSp 2.30 17 734 uit r " a s - .:i5 ' i 'S '!2e<^_ H Catlng -g .48 , 31 n n CaiP* , 2.57 7 7673 :}7H* V, Carrol .05 14 720

s ? , ! ! 's js .iOH- W. CalrpT l.SO 1U7 ;

31H* H Celan»« 4 7 418 ;tv i - H ConSoW 1.90 6 1702 :

u, CnIlPS 1.60 6 118 1IH - H CnSoya . . .84 *14 U I

e m - V, Conrrbi m - (70 —IH Crt-l#od - 'rM 8 71 148H4 H CessAIr .40 387 :4ri^— H cnmpln .40 lo ttn i1»H V H ‘ "CnBfnSiJ----- :*0— 9~I»2-34H* H vjCnitC .501 748: ih 1 jj 3cni wt 305 :taH4 U cnass 3U 4 3178 <»v.+ V, ChesPn 1.97 1 7U3 :74lt4 H cnovrn 7.40 71H :.<t CNWal I 173 2H h4 U ChlPrtT 336 27 2J1H4 'A ChflsCf 4it 7 78 3ItH4 H Ch^Slr 1 10158 ]) m - yi CrClIy ,08 1 470 S

»5i5 , f I«|)4.1 ClevEI 7.57 r a 18H4 H Cloroi 1.70 1DI7 2gu ' Coaalal ,40a SI6 2

U CocaCI 2-7B 1 7041 8I7H4 H . ceioeo 1587 I

'A IS'Sl I I J i K 8S K - a ' ! K S8 - H CmDEn 1.84 18 305 7r r s » 3 S '* :! ? gSS's?i 1: 7

i7H* H ConsPw .40 7 1SU .tH CntlCp 2.M 6 1448 11 - H CniiOr a 1.88 utBOi i14% 4 H Conllll ^ 6870 I

C « P * I'.U 1 7 ^ 1 ' 71 4U- \4 ComO- 7.37 15 648 6 «U4 H ' C w l N .40 ^ .7M T.

**7 U cCmVrl 3.70 I 181 SH 4 H “ D—0 “•

H Oan* * 1.70 UO IH4 H 0*r1K' 4.74 ,1 tOU 71h 4 H D«tOn K 7>t4)l 1Oayeo .74H4 H D«y1H0 .65 1 1377 3;

*1 i 4 S J iH - H OB l ^ t .» im _ I

D8lE<J* ■ ,VM IIBJ 1-U - H OlAinS 1.78 e IH4 11H4 H Digital 1 4007 9eH4 % Ditney 1.70 711718 St

i)k4 U OomFIt 7.U 81166 Ka i a g g : a .

fBuOPEC 5 4 5 , oil revei

H | r In billions *

V ‘Esiimatod

I 21.7 19.9

M Wi s i iTTTi fTT^rHA"

JK490 TnOufto Gfaphc by Kevin Doyd, Soi

1 has lieen sharply cut bacii in weeics and currently is run-

1 about I6.S million barrels a

. is 1 million barrels below the ; imposed by OPEC ministers rch 1983, when- OPEC also id prices for the first time I a bid to stabilize oil markets.' the official price of its ben- k Saudi Arabian Light grade 1 barrel from $34.

will not h^ lta te lo even he {production) celling or the

I Idahobetween Nov. 5 and May 31,

> shipped $11.8 mliilon worth of tural products to the Republic a In the last year, Evans said.190 percent of Idoiio's wheat is d, Evans said. Figures on Uie age of Idaiio's wheat siiipped Republic of China were un- 'le.esentativcs of lhe Republic of1 technology and wood pro-* ndustrics will be inciudcd in - rips to Jdaho, Siewsald.also gave Evans a book listingursJntheJtcpubllcof-Chinai------hink Idatio Is a very fine sister Slew sardr”An~agreement Idalio and Taiwan sister

ras signed during Evans' June 'aiwan., Evans Is a good friend of our ‘ and a friend to our people.”

Id.g-thcTiewsT:onference7Eva»s“ iprociamatlon making Oct. 10 cof China Day In Idaho.

i r i c e s&3 «H » H J l&3' MHVH “ □'Jkbp' 748 7 » 8 I . . -H15 38H- H aslAIr 758Ji ,** « «48 73 h4 H sKod 3a 164887II 10^- H 5,on 1.70 8 1 43 34u68V>47 mrsEi 7.30 14 1147

73 72 H4 i eIcoIO ’i“«) 10 170 JO ^ 9 H - ^ .,E..ort 3 .4_0^_71^S9.15«if Vl FMC 1.80 tO 573 i7 35H4 Vl Falfchd .60 « 175

1? JS

is m l i s l s - H S J

g Fsicme 1.37 77157

2 V* tllpro 7:04 72417 :e 31H-M, •fiJ?,®" ,40 819 U 3 1 H4 H ForflM jl.M 3 15U3 Tl 7SH4 W F/plMe .600 121134

, « ^ u i14 77H QAF .OSo 68g 17H- V* GTE 3 08 8 16757 76H . Clr^«U S 1 78 18 8076 » H - U GnCoip V.50B 17 764 « 67H* H GnDYfi 1 10 77917 15H- H Ocliil 7 17 4113

I5 U +m QniMt .» 111778! SvL S s r * ,’sSi 'MiS, !IS!!7S gS ,„i i «0 n » - » I X 3u28 4 U GiPie 80 151750 4 30H -U , f f l ,t;?B 7u38H+ V, QiBfFn 4 317

»5 . “S S ’K ; s ssss:, 1:S5 '!,S !

1 fp . IUI OIAIPC 18 738

e is ^ i ' '_ j ; .s " i r s i i '

J J f . “ HUT n “ n> 7)H4 n HllDtn 1.80 11 9778> U H -t Htrind .07 17 19315!’' - “ :S !!,!S i!J!t K ? ■■’S ' ! S1 U HOfCult___1 .44 # mI 14 Honoay i l i a! i ! 5 : . s SSM.I S8H-1H HBnwII tl.BO 101315I 75H MoSpCp .50 13 1908I 77H4 H HSIOlIn 2.U 10 7I 40H -m HOUtlnl 1.75 8 1 004


fsiiticountries’ B enues* K

IMiililC iiT T ^ i iT T T i iT ^ ^ i

n nattonal quotas If that woii- the market and the prici1 Oteibasald.------ He also-discIcsed“that-& mlltee dealt with “vars iations and contacteda member couiitries . . .1 prices and quotas,” but h I. toldentifyanyofthevloiati

He said that althoue s production restraint ha<

calm the oil markets, i ™ months, the strength of e dollar in worid foreign

S to c l a s vo

NEW YORK (AP) ii managed a modest ga

day after prices fell . best levels of the sessk ® volume picked up as se

^ blocks changed hands, ® Oil and auto Issi

reaciilng 52-week highs gainers. Several flm

of ciiemicai slocks aiso ro: 0- Tlie Dow Jones, ave in- industrials climbed

1,212.12; llhad been up lg 9 poinls earlier In tiie da-----------^Advances-led-decllne

the New York Slock whose composite Index

“ 95.82.Big Board volume

100.20 million shares J.- miiiionlntheprevlouss .. Nationwide turnover

listed Issues, Includlni.0------ Ihowitocks on regionalg and in the over-i

5 ^ ----------------------------

lie7_71^-_%__MOuWO--- 7 48— 6 •7568 27H4 H HuflhTl 48 .501 13H« H Human .60 14;^ 3H4 H IClnd S 1.30 "“ e IS5 74 4 'A iniPr sl,60 10

4887 71W-1 irrCp 1 7!143 50H4 H lUlnl 1.70 9<108 7 U4 H IdihoP 3.78 7

1147 6 Vi- H idealD749 70W-J» IllPowr 7 64 5'’S2 ’!!!• “ s a "170 35V»- V, inEo 70

14009 45 4 Insico .14 70Fts 59’a - h wPdsfi ' 50

« u i i 4 u s r ” 7-s- 7 '50 SH "IBM 4 40 13

n&5 14H4 H InlFla. 1,08 14 I497M nlHirv___

I8M IBH 4 U !liN*fn ?,«iMlcn 7.

1157 26H 4 H ‘ JohnJn 1.70’’i s ;i'll I?'

-fi 31 — H JoyMlg 1.40 17!4?7 71H* H Kmitl 1.74 I319 5Vi 4 .H XafsrAI .60 17819 I6H4 \t Ktn«b 104 ■ !»'i5U3 47%4m KanGE 7.38 S'

S S ' " • i

E ; f ’ "807 48H41H KerrMc 1,10 13 764 37 - H KimbC »7,70 8

i f f i s r s ;;s“ ■!!■!!' M f ’r 3-c-ii-776 7? — U LTV 75lU . a s - 1* LwrPl ,70 967QI n U 4 H LaarSo 180 9'» H t M 142 *SS '••»£''' “ ’530 Lanmn 7,Me

TM 7OH4 H LeTlIZ 77 9 173 29H4 ■* lo f i;70 9

i s r - B f i!

S S S ; 5 a s V ?:■

S S 8 1 S M ■“ ! r! ! ! ! : 5 K S ’!M? lej*- 1, Mwrtoi .« IT 701 32U— H Misco se 11

“!!« ' ,7110 MH-IH- UayOS 7,40 8

I f : - s j tJ. Su . i.« *394 30U - w ueQEd 3 13


l i i i1 1 \ \ iT T T i r r m r r m

tiuld defend markets is pro'Ice Of o il,” factor” foroil I

Oil is sold fc it-the*xom-"~worid,.;,and‘ tarious vio- shattering rise d -various of the-gains i. violating pricc cut foilie refused countries,

alors. Oteiba saidjeh OPEC committee lad helped ministers of. in reccnt Em irates, Indo)f the U.S. Algeria, wouldI exchange in Geneva. SwiI

k s p o s t c i lu m e s uM — Slocks market, tot gain Wednes- shares.II from Uielr Standard i slon. Trading Industrials rt several large S&P's 500-sl< >. wasupO.GGat ssues, some The NASD hs, paced tlie for the over inanciai and closed at 250.: rose. Tlie marke verage of 30 then moved £ d 4.9C to of the oils. £ up more than chips. 13ul Uu day. in the closir

k .Exchange, The sessloi ‘X rose 0..T5 to —trend-where r

been Instltul e swelled to inve.stors foc s from 86.25 big-capitallza ssession. situation Etc er In NYSE- broader marl< ng trades in the upturn.lalexdiangiis----- SliocLtem Lr-the-counter credit markei

6 1301 70HVH McGrH 124 ', -A KSJS”

I4 2«l 77 M«rvcll 1.32‘8 3M3 74H. H MaiLyn .6010 3 18 - % MoMPI7 301 7«Vt- H MidSUI .74 9 4188 18V»- H MWE 68 7 71 3JV«- 1 MMM 40

17 18H- '.i MinPL .565 1083 71 4 V. Mobil .70It 947 37H4 H MohhOl

775 7W Monsn s 7.30475 11H- H MnIDU 7.56

20 350 9H - H MonPw 2.60a618 42H Morpan 4

1103 7 1^ - V, Morfon 1781177 13 - H M01>U S ^

7 37 45H4 % MIFuel 1.4413 10332 I24H4H - N-;;,S I 1 5 : ! ! K . ;11 4080 51 4 H KalCan I7 557 38H NalOlsl 7 70

J . . l l l im .» _ H __(ttlEG__ 1IJ8___-J • ................... NltCyp......1 76 ■ -13 7704 32H4 H NII .75i ! " i s - s ; . : '5 E S ’ ,7.17 177 75H4 H NEngEI 3*0 -K — Nowml 18 3874 34Vi NlaMP 7

IS ,K 1 !5 :2S10G8 16H4 H NAPhl S 15 718 30 H4 H NoeslUl 1.48

38 148 TSVi- H NlnOPS 1.56 .» Al . {'“SlPw 3.M n 56} 34V>4 'a Nortrp sl.70

4 7^t4 H NwstAIr Ht3 462 37^^- Nwllnd 7 688 415 45H- H Nofton 7

14 734 78 - U . NOfwsI 1 80 24 818 7tH4 V> NYNX n ,613-155. J n i 4 . i » . . . ____ - O -.L - OcciPfll 7.M

1818 12 - U OhloEC 1.846 77 18 - H OklaGE 1.879 88 45H4 H ONn 1.37

1! ,i 8 S?c“ VX'737 I4H- H OwonUI 1.68 '

9 83 34 H4 H OilO'd S .409 70 48H ■ - P- 8 711 55H- H PPO 1.447 1 773 37H- H PacGE 1.77 - 81712 87U-I Pacllg 3.16

10 4453 44H4 )k PcTcl n 5.408 168 8t - H paellep 7.3710 181 7SH- H PinAm7 in ' 6 - ' V Wnh'EC— TTS----10-380 3t - H Pation 1 115 503 20H- W Pennay ‘ J.M a^^3 16H4 <A PaPl. 2 «18 uao I lH -H P«palC0 V6814 788 35 4.1H -ParkEI .50 111 1844 47V 4 H ptuar 1.37 1 _..1»5 16H. . PMfpO .6 737 37 H4 H PhllaEI 7.70 esUdeiA-H PMiMi 3-40 i'! ’S H!!..... " E ? ' T i : S "17 637 78 4 H PWnaar 1.74 16 535 38H- H PllnyB I.M 1 II 838 7SH- H Plllatn— 3 « - 7W-------“i^MUm------ .M— I17 7B8 13H Polarkl 1 I8 488. 60H-. H PortOE 1.87 1 0 ^ 48H4IH ProctO 7.U 1

$ 5 : ! ! S I ? '8 636 66 - H PSvEO 2.77 13 564 35W- H PuO«lP 1.7*




_ ■



imH '

/ i 1

irovinglobe a "negative ® 111 prices.I for dollars around lhe . '■ the’ dollar’s record- - ,ise has wiped out much •;s from last year’s'oli-*- ffor some consuming j;

Id the market monitor- lee, made up of the oil , of Uie United Arab j.' idonesia, Venezuela and lid next meet on Nov. 16, witzeriand. i

gains urges___ Itotaled 119.7G million

£rirPoor'rinaejT of'loo t> rose 0.C8 to 187.78, and ( -stock composite IndexjatlG6.28. cSDAQ composite index tver-llie-coiinter market I50.2:1, up 0.22. t rket opened mixed andd ahead on- the strength ^i. autos and oilier blue Uie advance lost steamsing hour lo trim the (,

}lon extended a recenl j •e most of tiie aciion has j, lullonal — with those focusing largely on the Izatlon and special- stocks - while the f arkelstruggleslojolnin ^

mxales4lecllnedin.tlie____Skets Wednsesday.

I ' 17 194 451.4 H PullOMm .17I 1 ! S S 5 : S Effio ; I ! s g s ; i 5I 3306 3H1- % RCA 1.04

4 7044 I8H - - s BLC S .20 I 4 5 78 1 7 4 naHPur .82

! 13 7449 7 S H -S f lanw' 847 61 25 - RinoiO

I 8 7762 79 U 4 1 Raylhn 1.40TM «3H4 % RBadDi .40

1 8 7196 4CH-'A RgicnC .507 - 73 -78H-H HopAK

I 8 aS5 24V.4 V. HBvlOfl t.84I 7 769 72 Haynin 3.70I 13 117 85 4 H RoyMII 1I 13 17785 37 -7H HlltfA » .41

8 620 77U Robins .76 . N-N - ' -o^ocKwl' 1

I '■'it 'l41M3 U RyJwS i'.*citr ^ 7 - 4 3 t 37'.i4-H— CM------

840 77H Stiowy 1.5018S877 tJ*.*- ^ moofs 1.178 57 75H FoSP n 16 512 3i’.44 U ScntPIo 1.68

2« 385 J5H - cfiimb 1.7U5 730 15 1 ScollP M2

I 8 304 55»k4 oaqrm .80 1 6 44 OIHSG .U

8 182 3SH4 H eats 1.76 I 5 8013 I3’4 4 % nollO :‘ ! ; a r : s s a ! ' I ’S ! S 5 : 5 s r .iS

3014' 60W- H liyTino .48' r : I! iJ!«>«.»_ SO.|C,

15 7166 nU ‘ " ^ I E ^ s 7 .W ' 577 »U 4 H ^ 0 « ll r>5.'60

I’i iI 637 31 - St Squibb 1.4<

1 780 4IH ibind :564 17H-I IdOOn 7.6C754 34H- V, IfltlOfl I'.ie

- 1301-14H--------- tomT—. 1.7C

31754 73 H4 V. uprOll ' .70a s;— t a

, ’ .iS -S S . H -__ 'A TEM 7.«'73 7121 Uh I H acBo*!I 1788 73H4 W alley’ !!!! K2: t !ffi,

S " . » t i v '— 7 17370 38'*4 h ' «l#«

10 517 40H tnnco 7.8{ 14 7«« 74 4 H «S0'0 M 13 317 33 « H aiaco 3

163ff 17 4 H lE lt I 2-2« — l22TiaT8W‘T--------- Ta«init------i

:S3'.II 834 58H • xPae .40

71961 JJH4- ■nwlltv .576 757 17 ♦ Vi ’ lot'In

IThursday, Septe

■ M a r k e t q u o t a t i o n

■ V a l le y l ife , D e a r /

■ C la s s i f i e d a d v e r t i

AT&bill Clforju-By NORMAN BLACK The Associated Press

WASHINGTON - The "T'eiephone ^'Telegraph 0

former Bell companies c their customers to cover j and court costs In federal suits, the Federal Commi Commission said Wednesda

The agency’s ruling cat course of developing prc counting .principles” for liability for a $270.8 million against the Bell System wor Industries Inc. In 1981.

By a 5-t»0 vole, the FC( , stockhoiders-of AT&T and

new BeH companlft^^J-a ■'!^-i;;Zaipycrs .■ .§ho'OArtji»A3

of paying the S270.8 million as well as $67 million In costs.

Under Wednesday's ruUr and Uie Bell companies can. raising Uie matter again the they file new rate proposj FCC.

In Uie interim, however, companies must charge 11 judgment against Uie ean stockholders, as well as shli


BOISE (AP) — A compar to acquire Inlermountain dustries Inc. lacks enough

—cpmplelclts-tcndero ffcrarl Friday expiration looms.

But ^ e w York altora _sentlng IMG Holdings Inc

dbesh’r 'fo re w e ariy obs completing Uie offer by Uien

IMG has not disclosed th of Inlermountain shares lei the end-of lasl week, bul ha lolal was less than the GG0,( required.

Tho IMG offer to pay $33.1 will remain open until I midnlglil unless extended.

"Ordinarily, when you offer wUh no competition, come flooding in arUieTasf IMG attomey Roger Dianc investor can hSld out unlll hour to see If Uiere is a higlie

Darrell Alvord, head Prudenlial-Baciie Securitiej Boise, also said Intermour Industries shareholders walUnti lo soe wheUier i raises the ante for Inler stock.

"With the stock prices h:

1.04 U 3747 35H4^H:S " i "

10 4M 7 *

•“ 1 A o .1,84 1 3088 37 H4 'A’S K i S S

’is i ! » l !!,.g , g S i i : ! i S .

! S . i s 1 s : ’5 S l i f ;— 10-3r?-40H— Vt----^

1,50 8 474 7S'..<.4 HiSj.’J S a T ! ! ““

1.68 10 8 70 34V.- H

,! S S l !: ■ w u1.76 9 4824 3 f 4 - 'A

' I 5? '' , NEW y‘•I: : XS,..'*’ ,, nallonal pt

M 1311U S h - H.IDa 18 410 3lH— H Aclon,-.*5 ^ JS )L AflRu*' i2.M 8 706 55H Ado0«t.6S 7 609 37H4 M ^eols .16« 77 77260 16H 4 V. Anfrub7.04 "75106 77 H4~5; aMoM T

J S J S1.« J1M 7M IJ-1% Amp.1

“ S ’i . s . £ 5 7 . 5 t i r ,!M 7M31 H Allrolc1:!! „ S a s s , '■’! “ ! r s r j r r j - w , r

_ g s s; , u - u

S’1 K - '

■ . i ' ! i! f e . 7J6 2476 79U* H d’;S ! ! S ! ! 5 : 5

« 5 « - H Hurt? 0


itember27,l9W- Timos-News,ms C2 ■ Abby C3 ising C4-10


stockholders Uic Uial had been ci since Uie case be;

e.American-v The FCC said "Co. and its rullng by-U:SrI5 connot bill H. Greene, who i

r judgments of AT&T, on h rai antitrust judgment shoulc munications AT&T and Uie st day. Under Greene's;ame in Uie for judgments fr iroper "ac- based on Uie a r assigning ceived.

"“S lo niing, ATM Syslem'sdDmto,in appeal by AT&T spokesle next Ume called Uie rullniisais at Uie tresslng.;’ He sa:

court In Washingr, Uie.elght anoUier case UiUie Lillon more of an opp

amlngs for ceived In Uie Lilthlfl back lo ent a defense.

nyJacksjire-gas-ut(any formed Uiere, people an In Gas In- offertobemade,' ^1 shares to At Uie close ls1h(^)f^e^V-ove^Hhe^»unte^

Inlermountain st raey repre- S33.37asharean( nc. said he Alvord said I bslacles~lo~sweetcn-its-bid- cn. tendered, or an(the number make a better > tendered by termountain. has said the “There are stil 0.000 shares in there," hesald

Plateau Resou

Friday at 52S-a-share offei undisclosed com]

»K n sweeten ils bid. ___IMGJIoldinga.

P l

d of Uie Kelly and J . Rich ies office In On Sept. 11 lunlain Gas mailed shareholi

may be Uiem to accept Ui somebodv IntermounUiln

ermounlain parent companj Gas Co., Idaho':

hanging in utility.

".,:S1 80 20 18 55H '

164 10 8368 7V.4 H2 04B 10 Ul 54 ♦ H Waetl» 40B 13 731 2SH4 H WackhI 1 87 9 3917 4«.- H W*IMll

5S7« 104 4Mi- H WalU i .16 79 38 8U— H WinCm

7.60 8 64 37H4 U Warna- X ® '

1 48 tH - H WnAIlL

1.80 14 73 3 39H WhlllaK“ • s r

n5.40 7 1 679 63% -H WynnS _S1.40 8*876 , __

7.56 8 778 53H ZenlIhE

S HYORK (AP)-Wadn#jai. ImpOII

ptKos lot Am»(iun Siou insiSy

..... - ‘- , 7 ^ ^ - 3 ”

I '! h i l a s " I.80 . 5 4 48H- W, •'^ tSn

-----JO— 5 ' 656~I2H— H— M«(m— iS .16 13 to 70H MrsMn

3 20 8 27 60H* H M»0la6 3H MiehlE

.06 4 7B 7 . NiPitnl18 48 5H NProc10 70 11H- H NolAi

g .15 70 8H - H NoCdO361 3H— U Nunxae70 1H4 H OurkA

g 51 6H Pal'Cp- :37— tS-117-TlIk+-Tt— W Cp—

.15 5 HU. PolLw78 IDH— H Plilway

g 1.80 78 24 H4 H Pf*"”W tl* RMruJ

4 357 8H . .. SacCap,75« 136 U 17U Solllron

6 156 SH TIE'.18 14 1« 71H4- H TenAm

770 4 H4. H TenSymU172J-H-M8- T«l#»pft .

.7S« 11 138 10H Ti*«n■“ - M ." .

S " 4 i,T!; 5 SESSSS13 4 5H UnlvR*

f - B —75 7 « H WangB

1» m WrnC «a .40 la 736 37 Winiid

.57 1(88 14H Waior |.Od 3 6 lOVt- H WatSL1.J7 a t IH4 H wvcnru

g .15 Its »h + h

CnitnersentUie IlUgaUon expenses

n ch a rg ^ to ratepayers c began in 1976.said it was following a_______SfblstrtcrJudgeH arold------^/ho oversaw the breakup n how liability for Uie lould be dlvld^ among le seven Bell companies, le 's ruling, Uie liability Is from such old cases is e assets each firm rc-

r gave up approximateiy its assets when It set Uie g companies free on Jan.J liable' for roughly 25 ___ _e antitrust judgment and

J or less equally ■zglonal Bell companies created by Uie Bell lise.ikesman Pic Wagner idlng "particularly dis- i said a federal appeals lington recenUy ruled in i Uiat AT&T deserved opportunlly than It re- Litlon litigation to pres-

L s h a r e s _ ^

i t i l i l y _____________

! are expecting a betler ide,” hesald.3se of trading on Uieitei‘—market—Tuesday,-----------In stock could be sold for •and bought for$33.62. d IMG may choose to

another company may :er offer to acquire In-

: still a couple of piayers said.esources Inc., an Idaho created to acquire In-

Gas, stili has a 3ffer out, and anoUier, wmpany has said it may Id.ags Inc. slartcdjiieDder_______■mountain’s 4,400 share- jt a monUi ago. It Is

Inlermountain board Jchard Hokin, James llchard Jordan.11 Inlermountain Gas.- tholders a letter urging )t Uie IMG offer. iiln Gas Industries Is Uic» jany of lntermountalr\ iho's chief natural gas

IFE .86 8 784 79H* H ^■L- 2 " v - lv - in .76 l o “si 38H4 H

K, ■ !!»• “S4rt .71 77 1193 43H- H

‘ 7 g S ! - “a ' d ' i ' s ; : ! ! : 5Vf 7.16 7 790 41U- HSn g ■,!!!: Kj 6 s 1 9 3248 7JH - «f f ’S’S S ': s ,;S S S X - "3< a 1.66 11 7B 30H4 Ui

.10* 13 797 17H - Hns !60 10 58 18U - H ___I,----------J— 104(07-371*— W---------------

s r - ' ® ~ ; 7 s ! n s r ^ -----------

«nl .06« 4U 4HPit I .16 75 486 1 5y 211 S 4 Hh<d 11 14 13H- H)R» . 73 89 3

1 iS - S J lS .— ......

la 1.08 11 13 58HV « 'IIE -74 13 777 1 H - Hitnl .10 18 7tt 71H- M)C l.lOa ,5 'U ' "dO g 10 ITH- Hlie 1 38 1 KHA .» 8 104- H4 H

i • l.«»l . 169 H • tay 1.80 10 1 68 4. H iH l.»4 13 89 45U- Hn .—Up .12# U 117. 1 H+ \* . , .ran 23 U Hilr J4 • 13 23 H______________

14tfl7 1 U4 H un . 25 Hiym IS .35 1 Ik»pft................... 2Ce . H ................an 11 340 TH- US.". • - - ■7 ’?, V - ” ...........xlA .10 16 31 H - H

S" " 5 , 5 . »■!,— ---------r -,B 1, 2,5. ” 5 - *Id 83 H4 Un g .20 12 S 1 H— Uit. > g =58' *•£ -W U 73 4 H - '^


}ws. Tw in Falla, Idaho 0*1

Page 20: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

---------- Month CommodityMay Malnes Dcc. llvecatUe Oct. llvecatUe J^ov. feeder catUe Oct.livehogs

- — - " Dec. wheat -Dec.comOcl. silver _ Ocl. gold Dec. copper

, Oct. sugar .Nov. soybeans

* Mar. Treasury Bills Dec. Treas. Bonds


Quotations from NAS proximately 2 p.m. All terdealer bids. Interdealer do not Include retail mari down or commlssloi quotations are provided by Jones & Co.

BidMooreFln.Gp. • 23.50 Intermn Gas 33.375

POCATELLO (AP) - kUhO riAG' '*ES!mE - »l«uohl9r *iMra no qu

**W?£eV — *Qood.*ehote*** iJtuch qtMli; f««<)«r UmDano quoii,

JEROME - Th» lollowino l» ths

FMdet iifflb* Sa.OMO.CO: fil \ur

8 ^ d d M iw » n w » .wcwMf

Hiiiareiiss 40.0046.00 w ) «ijH oltish'iitari MO 101,000 tb. 0.0(

Ib. 42.00-U 00 : 40&400 Ib. U.O(kS2.00:"’• c & M r .T M to ^ tb .M .O W

n . 81.0044 00; ind cr>ole«MII*> utr% 0«AHA ^Neb, ^JAPt^SOA) ^ ^

tr^lno•lM<a ano htilett alow, boin cUm<a a ' i 5 « f S J . S ’S.K2.'a%

UJO^OO: n«iiei» icaiiertd to td i; cr«le* 2-4 »so-ioso iba sa.OMS.OO, m ctiolct 2J 900-1000 IU M.Ofr«.i bfMliino ullllly and commarclil K •nd bonlna utility 1-2 M.OO .OO. a

, eurt*fJi.OM4.00.' sumo: 100: law woolM itauemar


' OtWA Ktot) UM SMI*

Nov 34i.S0 W.SO M .U

Z ??S:SS5:S£:2Aug ]7e.M sn.oo 3n.40

------- » e ----------- S o:S S : »l*p?

. . Jun UO.OO tiO.CO 414.i0. PJt».B»l#j24.M1. ^

Pi*vdj/'»op«n Inl 1«a.770, up 140.

ff i S:S ffi:! S :!M«r eoo.o KB.S 770.0» S5:S S ! S :l

- Ok t7B.O U4.0 UO.tJ»n . aiO.S. BH.5 AM.SMat MI.9 091.5 S79I» K:! SJ S!J

Prtv. sitsiia.282.Prav day'a opan intM.M. up 42.

NEW YORK (AP) - Spot non" U ’S f tW U n ,

Coppof • M OS cam* p«r pound. Mcenia a'pound.

Zinc -4i cents apound. deiivarM. _______ Tlfl-B.ll94 M«UU.W**fccompo»ii

OMd "“ uM.io Handr t Hiimi_ Qoia . trojP^pentQif-QuncO^ monincic»«a tue.

Silnr • t7.M Htndy S Haima quota).

SUv*» • 17.812 per troy ounce, N' month closed Tue.

MafCury ■ U20.004S27.00 per 78'^'tlnum • ca.S04327.00 domr


CHICAGO (AP) - USOA-Butti •aaunetiinfled, AA1.577SI.M75. Al

---------EMa; Tt»de aeollmeni ilMdyWedneadjr: Salea deihrarad (o r trwided hlflnec on n>e<3iumi wnik

S S l W S J . i S S S - ' ' '" ' '

H o m e r e s c d e

— d o w n i n - A u g i

--------- WAGIllNQTON-(Ai*)—sin^ofam ily homes have

•— the foiinh consecuUve m<----- -ping-l.y percent in August

realtors .<?ay.The National AssoclaUo

------tors said Tuesday-thatprevioudy’ o w n ^ sli homes fell to a seasonal! annual rate of 2.72 millk

____ August, the lowest levelNovember.” '

Sales have declined 12 pe they hit their peak In Api annual soles rate of 3.07 inl Housinp tndustry-Qffldala.

--^^In g IntcrestTTJles for tbe de«

c -2T lm o8-N ew 8, Twin Falla


Prevty ao se High

4.61 4.6862.975 63.35 661.225 61.30 6

e . 66.175 - 66.475 645.525 45.60 4

-- 3.50%- -3.50% --32.83V4 .1S4'A

„ . 7.62 7.72345.90 349.50 3457.35 58.60 - 54.04 4.20

5.97V4 6.09% ilUs 89.42 89,54 8!3 66.30 07.18 6- Quotations from Sinclair and C

HBBiHiWlASD a t ap- Ulah Power All bids in- Albertson

lier quotaUons IdahoPwr.Ct laricup, mark- Dart-Kraft slon. These C.P. NaUonalI by EdwardD. Hosp.Corp.A

Cmy. Psy. Cei1 Ask Maytag) 24.00 MlcronTech.75 • 33.625 Barry Wright

« quoleielaughtaf. Plnioi: 1 al IS.SOJS " i s ' r . T i r

le. 18.00,lallS.OOindlughtar laniba no Idiho pmiu: 3 at

14.00an(f2oiitria(rthe teaull ol me Quouitont 'rep>

I Aawctation tala dealera, ceurtesv li. )taad count waa Aaaociai«n Inc. P.

idtno bean u> and:lAd leeder pigs

Itmba S8.008l.00

0.00 and noittein


atauohter bulla rtHtS^iSaS'*'.’*’ VaiieyflaanrQuou

t fi h Uirl Qr n .0(M8.00:S00lon0 aactiday.

yitrtaSs.OMO.Oa. nortnem aprina $■ prices are quoted

- Omaha live- Oraln Co. in Goodin

iu s e rm ^ ly l!w NEW YORK |AF Vila aiaady: aieeia New York Collet W.niiied oood and wednaaday:

8U 0A M 0U .«‘ ada and pvt loada 112.000 M.;cwtt*0. miied oood and Nov ^ .U ; cowa law Jan J 2^ 40.00, cuin» Ma>9. canner and low Maymar Umba aieady. Sep

Nov'’^tev.^ijnM #-'


«“ ar, .Jul

IS'“r k * ' 5 5

!t:2S:S8 a S 'P.MW.W

»:«o 4os:so -3:mNEWYO.M.P

IS ! ,? . ; .”:.;.’74S.0 743. -18.0 ?aclllcorpru.o 7U. -IB.O RolmCorpru.O 7H. -tB.G Sony CorpW.O 7B8. -18.1 0«n- “ olojsHfl.O 780. -18.2 AmerTiT nTO-S JW. -18.4 AmOentCpS§:§ SS: *JM.5 as«. -19.4 SoerryCp

S:S S: =iS:S f e *H3.0 MJ. -20.0 IBM •3. NorSta*P«

Tranum Cp


Id. NY Con^ei Ipot I H | H j H |

ed.>o*iiem.-----------;— ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■aiman (only dailyi_WI.Conift« a j»t,_

a rn ^ (only daily V V H A '>, NY Comei apol' 78 lb nau . New I,, ....... •omeaiic merchant i,.,iu..i'ji

.......... .

1.AliTTS-lJiM. '«dy but eaui«ua . . .10 volume buftra ' ...... ...wnile noldlng uiv nU' JOI tiMlira large 7M4; A

les r::':;;: g u s t-------- "Zave fallen for month, drop- jrjtt,

ust from July.— — rwTKhr

aUon of Real-at resales-of 0 f f ^ 1 slngl^famlly; W M J

jally adjusted ±illlon units in

:pert%nt since H j l D f f l April wiUi an mlUlon units.

nia ris. ^ ^ g j a a a- ■ B a

alia, Id ah o T hursday, S ep le r


quoOose ')•*'

Low P.M.4.62 4.65

62.775 63.025 g ? ’60.65 60.725 ou<65.95 - 66.225 ' Ouil 45.20 45.25 '

- ,-3 .4 6 ^ 4 ---------3 . m {"jlf2.81 2.81V4 Mei. 7.40 -7.425

341.30 ■ 342.20 Ptin56.55 58.20 ’ gS?3.98 4,14 I1&;5.94 5 . m |i'»'

89.45 89.4767 .05^ 67.11 S '

d C o . ^ Abo— . — I Alth

r 22.375 i s 27.625

■ Co. 35.S0 SJ;,78.875 i r

ml ' 16.25. 5ISI. A m . . 41.375 Y.ei C e n t. 26.875

46.125 »* . 27.625 27.875 I Ijh t 30.25 ■ ^ J 8 - } 2 5

I g aasuiaiHtna: 1 al 18.00.10 al 15.00.4 at 14.00. p «}|lmemukel. ur,S.S0. 8ai 15.00.3 ai 14.». S al M OO ^ 7^SmV oO, II a lia 00.2 <11700, la l |/5.'andlollihemaDiei. M.,3 at 15.50.1 al 15.25.9 at 15 00. 4 ai K ,' ^aTw^wSaiH.OOandUMe.OO.repceaeni olleringi ol lepotimo p,leav ol Western Dein Oea>eis uq,

Prices ate net, U.S. No. 1. lots Sfgind storage charges. Oci


A M * I £ • Jul Ocf

tiey^2-84, twr iey 4 n , miied Q'am pecI are e von dail|i by nmg«n'a Omer Pire an averape^ol several Mjgic ro^heat, Sepwrnber d«ii.#(v'. 3.00; and FanQ wheal. September deUery. 3 88. Mai■In Co. al Qilss. Prices ai 3 p.m. M |

?Bd * o'.B M ounliln fiom loSIl ''

w w -E0 ^ High Low 8etn« *OiO,. P«'|

2 .U 21.« 21.S? ».07 , P

5:S J:S! S1:S! M ::S! ,SS I S B:!! g s :S? ''nn.iD 1 .11 aio I! 11 . 01 M'l2197 21.07 21.9S 21.» - 22.00 22.00 22.00 00

M .1. .1 . "»:S !:2 S.5 !!t ;:1!70 JM S69 STS ..09 We:S t'i !.S.--S:ii- ;.!t- "•■S !:S t:S !:S tf, i


(APHSales. 4 p.m. piKe and nei \lI IS most acilve Hei Yoix Stock Jas. tradtng nationally al moro than J «

S:1M SS 1!. S K K : _

" ■ 1 ; M !R • n) : » !!" l i 1.M9.700 MH -IV.

I 1.279.M0 Df -}•'> N1.737.000 3?V. , I, lod 1.033,200 1J4H . S’'mOOO i!'* ! % 20

:p 8M.900 :n , , h «



I j l J

,_nmlu..«Al..~< »•- ..........


>len iber27 .1984

SPOKANE. W««n. 'lAPj - 9el«cle quouiions on in* Spouno Stock Eiclu

-U ted M d S i Allied Sifver '

Cou*?*" li8 ^ “"’ fisserv, •Q«ll- - Resource* ........... tHecU 1Homastake . iIndepenaew-............. ...............Uitle Squaw Melro^iiian'•ONO * 1

S'S""" Ns r , ^silver Ctescenil a ,™ .WWP 1W. Gold W. Silvei

Ov«r-ei«-CouniM Aboi Mines - ' -Althouie Placer#American Sllvflf ______ .

eS"’ ‘

aST" "sraS ' tSitvei Bucklei r a , .Steri. MinesVinoicaiorYreka Uniled

dSc " m :m *83'.m^ : S 1 3Fea &3.60 83.85 83.U 81Apr &5.00 85.15 84.90 84Jun 85.92 88.00 85.82 (8Auo 84.20 84.20 84.02 84Ocf 82.80 82.60 82.75 82

K:?7gJsn 68 00 88.10 87.70 87Maf '. 88 50 88.87 88.40 UApr 88 55 88.55 88 45 81

f^ev sales 1203®'" 87.55 87,30 8J pIovdVy“ open inl 5,827. oH 89.


?;s SiS S:S; SIS 2- l!.g S:!3. !S:S 2

Jul ’ 50.CO SO.tO 49.90 5CS!f ISS S:J? S:S !l

talllTSiSSF"*''’’’"''-''''"’» ,o « ib ..:c .m .i« f» . ^Mai 82 25 82.50 81.90 81May 82.90 83.25 82 85 8:JuV 84.25 84.30 83.90 8<

jT,,,Piev day's open inl 7.852. up 3i5*

m m m- POCATeaO ^AP)

Soil while viheai. bailey, haio'ieo sp (13 peiccm pioiam). hard lod winter" • a W lW - Ul! I.P >i: . «


barler-»«0-U85(5hisheO.PORTLAND (API - Moinino liends

aiiKino at Poiiiand Wodnesfliy le jn^menifiyjaii. i^cK oipaipe. pei bush

No.i«>hiieciub<<itneai3.72No.inaidieawinieiwheaM 21

PORTLAND (APj - Bids ai 1:30 Wednesday tor o'ams aii>»mg al Pi cuiieni shiD'Toni B» ml. Irucv or tusnei. eiCBOi oau.-coin. wiioy and so

No.i soil ohiie wheal No.i "hile Club wheat No) MiDo roi'o* “ P'’"No.2 yellow com. domosuc No.2 baileyNo? Mom Oily ai Ykma

-Uiafd red winter whut Oiflinaiy piolem 10 pci Biolom tl pci piolcn12 pel pioum13 pci pioiem13 PCI pioicm14 pci pioimn15 PCI pioiein

NEW YORK (AP) - Find Do*>)onei lor Wednesday.^1.28.

U Sik “ 471.14 477.53 488.88 47 InduaUllls85 Sik


cled cktalng CHICAOO (AP) - < change We^

Alih«ctoa*,wfi*at«iiSld Aafcad wim lhe contiKt lor d<1.15 1J5 ■ bushel: com waa m

- iSiO 18.50 Ooeomber at C-81«t3.80 3.7S changed to IU eenii

18J5 17.00 n.74Vk • boahei:«and.45 .Si lower lo U cant hlgh«


i:!3 i:S13.00 14.00 Mar 3.57

x,:IS ,S » I T

lil lil i . » i . |

..a S ’ S:!i»

I'is w g m b u m ln k m m ;^

il jy !:!!" il i2.10 2.» i^mbumMmuffl^M

. Jan* a[ll- • - z

0 3 1 f§1^2036M M CASH POTATOES !!:i! ::!i

M«r 3.n

' % i . m !m 7T.Pi# ;;w

S:^ T:»

t!:! =:li K S:SFoo » 7 i

1Si! -:S; hIssS ® " ' ' s s - O i g r “" “ " “ i ; sg - 2 - ' - ' ' - S S - - S i!49 U . OS Jm M OOSS ::S a?

■ £ ^ 82.62 .0 5 ^ ,e v . sales 12,IcS*

!-gNov 2 2

Ja“ 7»;«Ma'r“ V fo v .ia le s l,^ " '”


aim Duieau

H % ;i’’ti‘it.95 (Steady): .

...... . ,. , , 4.0O.4.50;ldaho8D0.isieady). LA j j ,5, janons pei 11.00-12 00 Caloiaflol2

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K f Y ou c a r— reliable

A n(j n o service

___—raenUc !,'.Z partsgi

rB l B

I I I Conte ■ e J Ned

j r — — - C lQE SHBI- Qnln and aoyMan fwbjtM y lowar at IM trading Inc.,iat!SM2^ U J ? c S n W tower Sim] or dMtvtry In CWcemMr at 0.47,. o f ij I m cenu 10 4 cenia kjwer wilfi ^I1»» i boshei; « ia were un- BolSSd £ an* ie?T3*v? inta HOtt'

gher wiih November at tS.WVt a gc- buil(

— Futurea trading on inerade Wednesday: 45,0(PW-KV> IMT- U t t Chs. Simi

W??firt*¥48v! 3.47 -,03W 7 ^ 1 J7 3.57W 3.54 3J4W -.m t* .'

MV» J.44H 3,4tV» 3.4m -.02 MlCI 3.S3W -.02 p e r .

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n1138i30.up527.' .

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proceCh l« r S«Jf eng.wMBx "o-fs iS JS \ l ::!! I4.85 4.88 . 4.82 l u +.04i n a S s . * •'«

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82.70 81.95 82.10 'SS gig a s a s . ^*.00 88.10 U.15 85JB +J4 T*

: | -Krfio 78.50 HtA ?g:S18.00 78.00 78.00 77.S0 ' f*14.75 84.75 84,70 84.70 Wlnl2a.26S.upl.m. ^

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78.35 '

r7.n-n '.7S_77.75_":M _,.5J0_:fCim 10.508, oil 779- ^

-K :

-K- -K '

- USOA - Matoi poiaio I ping points US IA tuosday in -fC lescia Noim Oatoia round reds “

10 sacks sue A Wisconsin Wpel cwi 90 couni Wisconsin 012 00-13.00: Idaho 17.00-18.00. ^



a n ’t b u y , r e n t , o r le a st l e - l i f t - l r u c k - th a n - a - C c 10 o n e o f f e r s y o u th e p ;e s u p p o r t l ik e W e s te n J n d u d i n g - th e _only_ffi: g u a r a n te e poIic^M vaiU


-- 'Caicrp.iini C

Itact:d S m i th * 2 3 2

—— - NMicron T create ceiBOISE (AP) -Som eofthe^e

hareholders In Micron Techr nc., including Industrialist llmplot, are donating 140,000 s if Uielr personal stock holdin Jolse Slate University for conion of a technology centcr.BSU President John Keiser sa

tuilding covering approxin 5,000 square feet, to be name;implot-Mlcron------ Center—'echnology, is expected to cosi S million .to construct. That voiild easily be covered b; illcron stock, which closed al )ershare Monday. .

Keiser said the cenlcr, whic nclude numerous computer an illile communications fad ieralded-“ an entrepreneurial s or new solutions to major probl -D onors-t4>-the-project—b Jlmplot w ere- Micron exec Vard Parkinson, Joe Park Jouglas P itm an and Leslie G veil as Boise.buslnessmen Allt )le, Ron Yanke and Tom NIchol:

Features of Uie facilily will irn ' Teaching rooms equipped Mmpulers, video projection, ai illile receivlngequlpment.• A control center for satellite ion and transmission,

ISOA repraaoni bids Irom laiminal el irocessors, mills and merchandisers al i.m.Ceniraltlmo.No. 2 So lt: whoal 3*45HNo. 1 Yellow soybeans 8.07\tK?: I ?S11S: gli; •S : P » e ' i n o r b i d . . .n.Q.-noiQuoteil.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★K COOD 40 ACRE FARM, lorg ^ (ioldi. full w olor. S.W. Filor. fi( pc modolod S bodroom. 3 bol ^ homo w . firoplaco. Roomy cir ^ dor-block moc))lno shod, shop

Kgorogu. Flot doiry born, corral: S137,500Torms.


Kfull w otor, 4.700 ft. goiod pipe S.W. Filor, corrolt, looling shot

^ t I 2 q . t U 0 - SlQ.OOQ-down—qi ^ sumo, carry .k 240 ACRES SW COODINC ^ largo 3 story homo, dolocho K doublo cor gorogo. Corral: ^ golod pip o . S?40.000.P 200 ACRE FARM/DAIRY COM0 ■ loaling shod, two good homos. W Tho ow nor has lolton oxcopt ^ C O O O IN C .-C ortoU ^.sloo l.g ri V lor now houso. SOS.OOO.^ ?20 ACRES S.W. HILL CITY, lo % $375,000. A j$um ob(o7’/ . \ l o o i

{ Sab alak R ealty


i 8 8 K B 6 s t i M Q U . i i l

___________ __________ ran-----------------

!*• ' III

a s e a m o r e C o m e C a te rp il la r - . lighter, e p a r ts a n d ea s ie r tern E q u ip - , T rucksl&hOiUL^______________ ____


erKTFDWPANY,11 C .i l . 'n a E nro ^r:i3r’finrk 'otC .ri

}2 = 2640 /2405 H'i ~

'ech own •nteratBleading microwave and ct hnology tions system.Jt J.R . • Spacc for electi ) shares conductor technlcla lings to grams related lo ind onstruc- • Space for the uni

, center, as well as said the signers, learning Jmalely media producers an Tied the op and test comput — ,for_.ingprograms. . . sC about • studios and e<^ii: tal cost industrial and ed» by Uie video training p ro ^ 11536.50 . Equipment to sup]

technical computin lich will graphic appllcatlom and sat-

r s u t i l i ty sh<S e s _ f o r f r e s h jf k t o BOISE ( A P ) - I d Gill, as shopping for moi Jlen No- polluUon-control eqp lolson. coal-fired generatinj include: The company mui xJ wlUi million In tax-exei and sat- paper to cover ils sh

costs at Uie joinU; IcrecepH plant in Nevada., and A change in ta x I

refinancing be comp

■ Uie year. Idaho Powi Bowers said.

Bowers said t ^ S e& ^ w '- '^ n ts to finance eiovaioii share of pollution-co •"*' Jim Bridger plant in

in ’law . Powerownsone-UUr j2o2 9i« Depending on It 3'A e2:8m Service requlremen

may finance the fu remaining costs, Boi

r - k ' k ' k ' k ' k i f ' k ' A

■ rr < s .


NO, F- hod

WBO. Singlo 3 sido oponor barn e os. golod pipo, NE G ooding. S350.C tptionolly good caro ol this 80 A grainorio i. N o.homo..hoj.wolLon

lorgo 2 bodroom homo/droplaco oon/ow nor corry ot 8*«.

RAY SABALA 733-6340

l & R O V733-4321

r i f i c k i f . - k i - k i i


e s e e a w h o le n e w M ts i r„ fa s te r ,-m o re -e ff ic ie n t f to 'o p e r a t e a n d s^rv icf k s a t W e s te rn E q u ip m e

J Y D U R — C A T E R P I L I

D E A L E R:.rnrn"Mr Tr:jrro' Co ' '•


BSU[ cabile communlca-

:ectronle and seml- tlcian and oUier pro- • industry.university computer as Instructional de- -

ling psychologists, s and oUien to devel- ip u te r - ^ I s t^ leam-

quipment to produce educational quality

lograms. hsupport scientific and ' uting and computer ;Ions.

hopp ing I m o n g y

- Idaho Power Co. is money to finance equipment for two

itingplanls. must refinance $53.8 exempt conimercial s share of equipmenl ilnUy owned Valmy

ox laws requires tbe 3mplete by Uie end of >ov/er Treasurer Dan

n-control cost^ a t ^ ^ ^ It in Wyoming. Idaho UUrd of Uie faculty.) Internal Revenue ments, Uie company e full $30 million in , Bowers said.

irn ond oqulpm ent. ^ [M.OOO.BO ACRE FARM NE v ILondjoptic^rcodyJft-:-

ilaco, corroi, b o rn .^


, a i \r ' k ' k ' k ' k ' ^ ;

rn e ja t io n 'o f en t,-a rfc l-—'N . 'ic c C a t .Liff m e h t t o d a y , \


'oteatelld : r


Page 21: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation



TWIN FALI^ - Deglai. __ alcohol and emphasizing U

is both unhealthy, expens to crime were among the |

' a community round-tabl; ___. cussion Tuesday._______

Some 75 persons repi education, Judicial, pro services as well as leac organizations , partlclpati

j sponsored by the Magic j People, Snaice River Li

__^Center-for Human PolenThe latter is a national, r imd training organization munity groups In holdlr Tuesday’s ^undtable. sa

j ecutlve dlr^tor.

h a p p e n iO v e rn ig h te fs

TWIN FALLS - Youth O vem l^ ter for ages 5-12 Is scheduled F the Magic Valley

Ti!*'children al “ the Elizabeth Blvd.. at 7: and pick them up by Saturday. Activities elude swimming, fro games and a special r dinner snack and breakfast will be serv cost Is $6 and the ovem open to the public. > should bring swim sulL and sleeping bags. Call to register.

K ennel m atc l-------------TWIN FALLS — Th

River Canyon Kennel ( hold Its B-OB All Bn Obedience Sanctione< match Sunday at the Tv

----------clty-pflrkTFor-more ition contact Debbie match chairman, 324-

______ Ani t a Fahrenwald,.733-J


! \ “

_ _ :___ ; c a l L U i e - I i m (. _ and Places Pag____your- business,

introduce yours

C a l l i

A s k F o

H e y life

d-tablem ' Err

plaxui creas

glamorizing the use of scion lg that substance abuse only] enslve and often leads Coum hc proposals offered at somc :able drug abuse dls* no pi______________:_____ parlii•epresentlng business, Tht probation and social ficiali leaders of community facei paled In the event abuse agic Valley Chcmical repor

Lions Club and the parti( itenlial in Sun Valley. Im| J, non-profit education wlthi ion which assists com* from Idlng such events as anen savs Bob Wright, ex* a log


ey—1 Da]iin a fi abi

thing last eve — greatly. My

trying to brib. . S l a t e d ter with cand - Another relatives Uie for children before. The c Jd Friday at and didn’t w sy YFCA. show of affec

vfrtuailystVW Y. 1751 With all 'Ui

I 7:30 p.m. children bein by 9 a.m, days, parent;

is will In- their childrer free vlde<> they have nev

al movie.-A u,ey are relat and light gn u,e mon »rved. The abuse should emlghferls er) try to tal c. Children uig future, iulls, towols All childrei -all 733-1384 it’s OK for till

want to be toi

DEAR CC , ■ concerjio(l-w

■ch se t■T. r ■ encourage r

el Club wiil realizing tlic Breed and point oul.

ined AKC Thanks for 5 Twin Falls learned somc re in fo rm a ~ ' ‘ le Morton. DEAR ABI J24-1560, or ding invliati’33-J897..---------- quaintance.-

tions?____________I We have ne

t e n

I IM i

mss-New s Tetem ar: ^ge"! We'll feature s', w hafsinew zaodii jrself and-your bdsii

1 t h e T i m e s -

■or C i n d y o r

? t o / f c C OEmphasis also was given durir mned workshop to the import ’ased use of trained substance j lors as resource persons in the: ly place all young people can I unselors do have contact with sl Tie school administrators clain problem, It was pointed out-

Eticlpants..............................rhe unwillingness of not only ials. but churches aind especlall; :e up to the widespread canker o use was a recurring theme xirts (rom the small group dl rticipants.mplementing an educational lh a comprehensive “ wellness” im kindergarten through high j emphasis on health and physla logical adjunct to drug educn ijor sii^estlon that surfaced se

inger seIBBY: I witnessed some- mjvenlng that distressed me Tly aunt and uncle were yribe Uieir 2-year-old daugli- Imdy to hug and kiss some nJie child had never seen Ue child was obviously shy | want ib put on a phony

fftctlon to dcodIc who were pc

tlie horror stories about yeelng sexually abused these in';nts should not encourtigc thiren lo hug and kiss f>eople anever seen before — even if chilatlvcs.lt makes that child es ore vulnerable to sexualild a relative (or a strani>- retake Improper liberties in ex

allIren should !» taugtit tlial tinthem losay no if they don'l* hv touched, hugged or kissed.-ACONCKKNKDNIECR eaCONCERNED: You are I’i-wtlh-good-rcason_SiVelvc a l,veIl-lnlentloned gro\vn-u|).s -

reluclanl youngsters lo I UhCIC S6-aiid-So" wltl!^i"‘Ov\ the incipient danger you

for caring enough to write, I fH). mething valuable today. pr

-------------------------- “ lo:VBBY: Wc recejved a wed- it: lation from a casual ac- e.—W hat-are our obliga- I

•neversocializedwitiithese ge


arkelinq Departrnent i your business or pi tany-changes-the-p siness to dur 22, 00'

> - N e w s T e l e i

i r T e r e s a ” ^ C

Dnsideruring the well- during the al xirtance of in- legal drinklnj ice abuse coun-^ ’The seriou: he schools, the was spo tli^ t an be reached. Judges, coun lh students, but following a li laini they have.. Itions at the T 3ut by several District JutV - ..................his felony-ccinly school of- abuse problei lally parents to Is not always er of substance Magistrate ne during the civil and mi ) discussion of been able to

obvious factoi mal approach " I’ve nevei 5s” curriculum duct or wif( gh school with involve alcol slcal fitness as' problem is inc ucfition was.a....Lavela„Yoi 1 several times counselor, sa

een in kAbigail

Jm V anB unDear Ahi

people. Must we send a

ye's. I disagree' My wife rec invitation to a .sho\ ’cr. She the Invitation. Is it necessar a gift anyway? Again, siie closo friemi of Uic bride or css.

My wife InsisLs lhat every receives a shower invili expected to send a gift who attends Die shower or not. thal no gift is required ur invitation isacccpted.

1 realize thal Ihis is not cx carlhsluikingpruhlcm. but if I’m right, my wife will have ti

.a lobster dinner. . . — -PIIIMPC.INW KSTIIAI' DEAR PHILIP: Tell Mrs

DEARABBY: 1 am 7-J. so fui. A frioiui lold me tiuit } printed soinelhing funny nl

“Joys-of turnlflinw: Will you pl it again?

-I.K O T l DEAR LEO: Wilh pleasure DEAR ABBY: Wc olcislerj

gel away with a lol jusl Iwcau

l a v

> la <Dea(

Publication c Is Friday


“ ^ o u n P o <

nt_anjliieserye-yoo! personnel with a |

:.-publia_stuauld knov DOO readers. Interest

e m a r k e t i n g

C a l l T o d a y

's meatafternoon, along with raisin ingage.)usness of thc local problem hted during brief statements imselors and probation wor lunch'hostcd by thc Snake I

I Turf Club. ,udge Dan Meehl said 65 percc conviction cases have.subsj lems although drinking or dru 'sthespecificcharge. , tc Mike Redman, who hai nisdemcanor cases, said he 0 observe substancc abuse < lor In 64 per cent of his casc-s. -or had a battery, disorderly Ife-beatlng case which did rohol or drugs.” he said." ncrcdlble.”'ounger. Twin. Falls, high.s* said seven different students

cids’ ki!managed lo kc lhan mosl folk brated my 80lh it rhade.

If you forget 5 oh\J appointment c

, yesterday, just BO, and you wil

ecciveciTan man’s hat by mic declined mail a letter ariry to send your pocket forhe's not a “ rm fto . youknr Itie host- say a tiling. '

You h a v c ^ ^ryone who thing w h e n fP ’itatlon is you’re in you?"!hcUier she Being 80 is mi. 1 submil 70. At 70 peopleunless the everytlilng, hut

you can lalk bexactly an mid insist on hif you say because every!

;tohuym e yctlingalitllesc----------- --Thev.sav lhalMlTi-'OHD truc.lfyouaskirs. C, she Sign me...

soon lo l)cyou once idollingnKir

alx)Ut Uie new. updated.pIcasG-ruii.......Haa- u m v o

Send your nam TllKLION printcil with il I re: for S2..W (this;rs sure do Abby. Wlusewe-ve Boxmzi.lIoU}.

adline For on Monday, Oct. 8

jy, Sept. 28th, ;OOP.IVI.


m m

. t f o

ur-^paee-eri-th5=^ photo and copy i

3wabout.Jt's_a.gr£ sted?

J D e p a r t m e

' ( 2 0 8 ) 7 3 3 - 1

ns to resing the come to her office w:

participate In t :m first specifically to urge Its from that "we have a prot vorkers. Jody Hamilton. T £ River tion officer, and Rui

selor for the Port of rcent of • gravity of lhe probleibstancc___^Dennis Voorheesirug use secuforTHimTe “cori

the reluctance to rec handles reiterated that sub; he has always” present in c

c as an drinking, either at Hi ■s. ' of tlie Individual’s Ilf rly con- home. Is Involved In I did nol Lynda Mazzarelll' I.'"Tlio counselor at The W

headed thc task foi ..school-borab.George.scrvei nls had Sim as trainer, focu^

[sseskeep breathing longer

oiks, I have Jusl cole- )lh birliiday and I’ve got

et someone’s name or an or what you said

ist explain thal you are will l)c forgiven. If you

' mistake, or promise to ' and carry it around in for lwo weeks, Jusl say, know,".and nolwty will.

j^ 'rfecl alibi for evory- p l’rofio. If you act silly, ^"second childhood." much Iwller than l>elng

iplo aro mad at,you for Hit if you mako it lo fW.: back, argiio, disagree 1 having your.own way rylwdy thinks you are L‘sofl inlhehcad. liat.life begins.at.40.-Not.- ik me, life begins at BO!

— «m4UlADIiLAXiiU---------

iKirricd? Scud for Abt>y's Oil. expanded booklet, ^ \vc-a-l^vcly-\voddiiig . ” inie and address clearly a check o r money order is includes postage) to: Wedding Uooklel. P.O.

jllywood. Calif. m iS . i



8. .- . -- - I






^ e w = l^ e s raescribing ireajwav to ___

e n t - " = ^ - -

- P 9 3 1

educede when they heard she was to

the round-table event' 'ge her to tell thc gathering iroblem—If you only knew.". Twfn Falls juvenile proba- Ruth Schneider.ryouth coun- l of Hope, both indicate^ the blem.ices. (ormer deputy pro- c6hsplra6yo( silence" about recognize drug problems. He ;ubstance' abuse Is "almost in child abuse cases and Uiat it the time of a crime, as part s lifestyle or a problem in the I In his legal work.!lll of Chcmical People and a ! Walker Center In Gooding force for the meeting. De-

:vedasjnoderatDE.ancLGary_ Kuslng on the problem. Botli

w c invite you to visit UV

MOur new location..w cfcttncsnm e

Dnoc«o.inoca cnoiccs.




y ^ A U/ SA T..S

L o c a lo d f ro m J o r d a n '* Cc o { F ilo r o n H lg h w o y 3 0 , 2

STARTING TIMIt 1______________ L u n ch a t th

C lAntiauo Iruil jars • 3 tn u ll botli lion (rom various oaris of tho

prosiod g la u piocos • 5 cornlv pro iiion • 33 piocos of molcfiln diilioi - Flow bluo bowU and f

' woro piocos ■ Banana boot • IHc woro piocos • Milk glo»» forn d lots • Sol ol “Couniois" d isfto t' lorn glossworo • Wodgowood | plolos -.Compotoj • PilchofS • ' giovy bowl • Oormony ehocolo wolof glcsios • Gorm ony Pioco

M W—EojIpcloM’glo}} bollod Ubrory

ropo cross plecos'and m oitre ts Wood lorn ttond • Loddor bock Dakoto cfioirs • (3) I8BS prosso> lorn slond.

F U R N I T U lColdipol 17 cu. It. Irost-froo ro frooio ' Konrnoro aulomalic cl(• Lorga nico coffoo loblo • Mo bod • Slop ond toblos • Comol h ? Hollywood bod Iramos wilh i

— ttnc-»otk»— ToWe ond-pole l< lablos • Wood picnic toblo. ahc Cord tobtos • Whol-not »l>olvo»

OTHEIlo ls and lols of old picturo Iron cTi'odo quills • BuHor poddio one books • Wicker piocos • Old s Linon\ ond fancy work • Wick< churn • Wood stool • Coal buc! (2) S gallon Redwing bollows • o ro s .O ld bo!o f 6 r k ^ 1 5 b r a Modol A iruck lircs • Foalhor 111

------------------------- SICrolltmon 10' rodlol orm sow sandor • Soldoring Iron • Milor

_clompi,=.W ood.wof.kinaJOolii: : Holchols ■ 2m on sow • Troubl• Pipo lools • G rinder • 6'. 6’. on

, HOUSEHOIBroidod throw rubs • Desk lomr graphs ol Konic spols of Iho oi Priicolto curlolns ■ luggago ■ S<• Coromlc laiy tuson • Wooden ■ Rolissory ■ 3 crock pots • 35 II pons • Frooior bo*o» • Tin Iroys lols - NolIons ond nlcknecksom

____________ ^OTHEIMComplolo >01 of rock polishin objidton rock • 75-100 lbs. ol ( GroQso guns • W oih iub> - Tro carts • Whoolborrow ■ Cordon Gordon tools • 3 compor wlndc shovel • Co» loniorn • 4 gorder• Poper roll dUponsor • Moplo olhor mlicollonoous articles to

.♦ Ou*

• M argaret ond Clifford come• hov* mqd* tholf homo her«• coll*clln9 ond-hunllng lor-n

Cdtn*.'colch 'up 'o 'n old Ilmioportm*nt In FlUr ond don' M 0 |9*tof*«youlh*r«: '

-----------------T E R M S r

O w ner: CliffoSALE MANAGED B Y h A u c t lo n M n ]i^l# ^--Oary<B uhl, IdAho CoodlT543-8227 . 034-53:

T h u rsd ay . S e p te m b

irugabi. are from the Center for Hum

During the reports’ on discussion on assigned qw plexity of fighting substanc dent, although Ideas were cl to prevention and concentn fnr more widespread problei

Random Ideas included: — • Cultural accepiafl^nil

media advertisements abou a "mixed messge" to youths

• Drugs are obviously bi Illegal, but the liquor Ind established part of U. S. ec operated liquor stores in Ida

• Peer pressure can be c things such as self-help hot: programs and training y

_^be:cn.througli.lhe miUlKor "Kids talk to other kjds, not

^ A c D o n a l


has mov

; s tree t n( “ T \ w i n , i F 5


im u tr -----------


I C T I O NSEPT. 2 9 ,1 9 8C o r n o r a t F i lo r , I d a h o ( S o u t 2 m l lo i l o u t h a n d 'A m i l e e

11tOOA.JM.th o C e o k » h o c k b y F i lo r M o t

t L A S S W A R Ejtilot • Old corn whljkoy jug • 55 p ho world. This will oil bo sold os

n lv ^ g lo si goblois • Joponoso pio ling crystal sot • Sot of whool dosi{ d plolos • GrowyJureons • Antique Hobnail gloss • 6 milk glass gobloi ) dish • Too sols • Largo globos • Ci j> • Gold overlay Iruil ond borry di d plolos • Condio holdors - Cruots • Cream 6 sugars • J Flow Bluo p

slolo sot • Purpio bultor dishos • 2 cos ■ Sonio o thor carnival glass.

IQUE FURNITUREry to b lg -GffW w g 'iornif Lynn-t pot >ss • Ook Hons clow choir • Morblo ck choir • Singlo spool bod from o • sod bock choirs - 1921 ook boby Iii

U R E & A P P L I A N C Irefrigoroior-lrooior • RCA 30 cu. clolhos w oshor • Konmoro autom< Moiching dovono and choir, davo ll hldo hossock • Adjusioblo hosso< h m oitrosj ond springs ~

iho mokes Into a bench • Lown on os ■ Moplo bod fromo.

:R C O L L E C T I B L E Somos. somo ornoie • Wickor floro )nd bowl • Noodio point plcturos ■ I d silverware • Boltles • Timblo irc cker doll buggy • Chorry pillo r • ucKol • * pair hond shears • Old I • Spud boskets - Wolor or milk pi iroko boom • Buttons • School dos ' lick • and much, much moro.

SHOP.ITEM S_____w • Elociric ilg saw ■ 4 w ood plono lor low • Hond saw s • Hommors • I • Wnnd drill b ils • Wfonchos-A x« jble Iighls • lu g wrenches • Pipo vi and 13'Slop ladders.

» L D M I S C E L L A N E (mpi • Books ond books and books ’ oroo • Corpot piocos • Lots o l bod • Swag lamps • Records • Drapos - 1 len salod bowl sol • Party dishos • S Ib. icoles - QuIll piocos - Eloctri< lys • Pressure cooker - Carving sol and much, much moro.

L M I s i » I . L A M E O I I jting equipm ent wllh cob m aleric >1 gom rock from 6 slo ies • Crow ree Irlmmers • lopping shears • P on culiivoior • Beel lork ■ Corom I idow frames • Flshirig lackle • Cho len hoses • Nalls, screw s and bolls ilo wood for picluro fromos • Lots too num erous to mentlot].

igoce a l lh*lr r»sl^ n c* .^ ^h * Thc

n e io (hll a re a In 1913 <ina IV I ir *r* In Mogic VolUy sinc* lh*n . Tl r-mony lr*oiur**.-Th*y Invlle you lm*i and'«n]oy~lh* day. Th*y or an'l hav* reem for lh*lr m any ya

i n ^ h ^ C o d a d Cheiord & M argaret’ MASTER S AUCTION SE

"THB B O S IR E S S t h a T H

/Ctbome---- ------------------------ ^dlHK. IdAho ^

s.,5___ 543

ibef27,1984 Tlmes-Newa. Tv

)use Tluman Potential. I on thc small group ; questtons. the com* i

lance abuse was evi- re channeled primary ntrated on alcohol as ' Iblem. ;

d : :O f and. glamorized . iboul drinking bring ' uths.y big business albeit : Industry js also an • '

1. economy with state •I Idaho.be counteracted with ! hotlines. Big Brother. ■ g youths who have •'Lfor-counseling skills; j .........not adults.” i

aidicejnv ; >ved 1 ;

r t o r t h ; ’



isa \^ o u th w o i t C o r n o r l o o o i t ) . _ ;

^ A o th o d lit C h u rc h

55 ploco voso collec- f os ono unll - O ther

> piocos • Yellow de- • design dishos • Buller liquo inkwell ■ Willo- sbleis • English wlllo- I • Cupid bowl . Gob- ry d ishos-W ood pol- ‘ uots • 8 Willow w ore -j uo plolos • Flow Bluo s • 2 very old etched s,

~rblo lop stond lablo • n o -(2) 1910 wood N.Dy high cholr_. Fooled

ICESI cu. ll. uprighi deep- tomotic clolhes dryor iovono mokos into a ' issock • Smoll bu ffo l- asionol choir • Mago- 'oU ofikoi_._2lehtom *_ -!--------n and loungo chairs •

Slorol holder • 2 hand- • os ■ Old piciuros • Old *0 iron • Moot sows • or • Old molol bullerOld tools •' Flat iron • i ilk purifier • Box com-1 dosk ■ WWI shell -3

lonos • Arden electric o n • Screwdrivers • C-A xat-J> itks .-S ledQ ^- ----------50 vise • Wood clamps

l E O U S>oks • Enlorgod photo- bedding • 3afghons -

os - Booiionds - Plonts IOS • Condles - Trivets octric knile • Poll ond *J sol • Quilting molor- .•

I l l s ___ I H Zloriols - 10-13 lbs. ol row bors ■ Gos eons • s • Pitchforks • 3 lawn om board • TV irOys •Chorcool g rill- Scoop

soils - Propane healer ‘Lots of fruit jars'- ond

. Thomos' Fomily willM.. , ----------

n. Tli*y hov* en[oyed ”I you-io .th* lr.ouctlon .'.................y or* moving Inlo on I ' ~ ly y*or» o l coll*cllon> -----

heckThom as •


Cai Harper <B uhl. Id ah o . " ____

543-5054 or ^543_-6073 •

3. Twin Falls. IdahoC-3 >

Page 22: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation


___ _____ _ P U B U C H E A R IN G ^Notice l3 h e re b y given

i by th e City C ouncil lor th e City o l Tw in Falla. S ta to o f Idaho , th a t a Public H earing will bo he ld a l th e h o u r of 7:00

' o ’clock P.M ;. on th e I5 lh d a y o l O ctober. 1984. In th e Council C h a m b e rs,

- C i ty Hall. lo c ate d a t 321 S e c o n d A venue E ast.

.Twin Fa l l a ^ d a t i o . to 'c o n s id e r th e applica iion


........ ' -CHANGE“ a n 3 “ Z0NINGMAP AMENDMENT from A gricullural d e n s ity lo R-1 43000 PUD de n sity fo r p roperty lo c a ie d at G randview Drive Soulh a n d Highway 74, which

' p ro p e rty ' Is moro■ p a rtic u la rly __^do?crlbpd_

a s :A parcel of land located In T ow nship 10

-------------- ^ -S ou th rR ange-fT -E ast-o l tho B oise M eridian,

' ■ Twin Falls County, Idaho, moro

: particularly d e sc r ib e d

• WV^SWVj S ec llon 29 EXCEPT tha t portion

. described . a s beginning a t Ihe Q uarter C orner com m on lo S e c llo n s 29 and 30, T ow nship 10 South , R ango 17 E.B.M.;

' THENCE S ou th 69*31’ E ast 160.61 fee l;

• THENCE S ou lh 135.61

THERC6 N orth 135.61 fee t lo th e Point of B eginning,

. AND ^ C E P T lha t por- tion Ihereo f lying

- . S oulh a n d W e s L o lla te ra l IIO o l the Twin Falls Canal Com pany.

■ AND EXCEPT Iho South400 fee t Ih e reo l East o ls a id L ateral 110.

A de term ina tion h as b e e n . .m a d e th a t the

------- p ro p o se d re q u e s t is Inco n fo rm an ce w llh tho C o m p re h en siv e P lan for

------------- t t i r t n r o f T w l n - F a i i s ;“ Idaho .

■ Tho p ro p o sed u so of -----------I 4 h a - p r o p o rty ,.l.i —ffislr

• d e n tla i p lanned unit de-- ve lopm ent.

Any p e rso n o r p e rso n s a o in to re s led m ay ap-

______ i.p e a r a n d b e h e a rd a t the> a p p o ln ijd \lm e and

^ DATED T his 16th day_______L olSeplfim bflf..1984 .

s /E m e ry P e le rs e n M ayor

• PUBLISH: T hursday . S e p ie m b e r 27.1984.


In a cc o rd a n ce w ith Ti­tle 67. C h a p te r 52. Idaho

; C o d e , and re la te d a c ts , n o tic e is h e re b y given

- th a t th e Idaho D epart­m e n t o f Law E nfo rce ­m e n t In ten d s to pro-

------------ m u lg a te —the— followingadm inistra tive ru les

. gove rn ing p ra c tic e and p ro c e d u re s :

R ules No. 11.01A and 11.01 B-Iden tify ing s c o p e a n d con stru ctio n of ru les a n d indentlly ing g e n e ra l p rov isions.

Rule 11.010. C lasslly - Ing p a rties In p ro ce ed - in g s com ing b e lo re Ihe D epartm ent.

-------- Rule 11.01E>- O utliningrig h ts and rep re ­se n ta tio n of p a r tie s in p ro coed lngs.

Rule 11.01E- O utlining p ro ce d u re (or in te rv en ­tion by In te re s ted pa rties .

Rule 11 .01F-R equiring th a l p lead in g s , applica*

. tio n s , m o llons, p e titio n s

■ D ep a n m e n l follow Idaho R ufes of Civil P ro c ed u re .

' R ule 11.01G* Defining th e p ro c e s s by which

Elo ad ings b e fo re lh e opa rtm on t a ro filed, se rv e d , a m e n d e d or w ithdraw n a n d how m uch tlmo is a lloca ted lo r each .

■ R ule 11.01H- D escrib­ing th c p r o c c s s for

_______ .p te h ea rjn g .co a Ifiie n & e * _Rulo 11.0111- Outlining

th o actual h e a r in g pro- — . j-c o 5 s rin c lu d in g jio tic c :o f :

p la co a n d .lim e , p relim i­n a ry p ro ce d u re , o rd e r of

firo ce d u re . c onso llda - lon of sim ilar Issu es , s tipu la tions, ru le s of cv-

• Idenco . do cu m en ta ry ev­id e n c e . su b p o o a n as .

- ■ d e p o s itio n s , b r io ls . andtran scrip ts .

R ule 11.01J- D escrib ­in g th e p ro c e s s of sub-

------------ m il lin g " d fec ls io n s~ an d_____ i^sfitK icTno o rd e rs .

Rule 11.01K- D escrib ­in g th e reh e a rin g pro­c e s s .

Rule 11.01L- D esc rib ­in g the judicial review p ro c c s s .

' A public hearing- will — ' b e g ran ted II re q u e s te d .

In writing, w ilhin tw enty ' ' (20y~da|'S of^ pnbticatton

tw enty-fivoT 25)-persons!• b y a gove rn m e n ta l sul>*

- - d iv is ion o r a g e n c y . 'o r b y----------- a n ‘ a sso c ia tio n 'p r e s - '

'e n f ln g a po 'llllon with-----------^ slonatu res -Q (_ ,,n o lJe ss

th a n tw onty-fivo (25) m e m b e rs o f Ih e o rg an i­z a tio n . T ho a g e n c y will

.c o n s id e r lully a ll w ritten----------- jr r a ~ o ra T —BUbfTiissions"--------- r e sp e c t in g th e p ro p o s e r f

r u le s and re g u la tio n s .____ H o q u e s is lo r a h e a r in g

m a y .b e so n t lo Mr. Brian • D o n eslo y . A lto m ey , L ega l S e rv ice s D ivision, Iflaiho p p p iirlm n n t r f

■ E n fo rcornenrrB O S O 'C of-

c -4 Hmo5-Now3, Tw in Fa

: LEGALNOTICEporal L ane. B oise, Idaho,

_ _ 5 3 7 0 4 -------- -— ----------------'e n P rior to a n y publli; for hearing any po rson can

'Il9 ,--rev lew th e p roposed I a ru les a t th e Legal be S e rv ices Division, 6 0 »

':00 C orporal L ane , Boise, 5 lh :: id a h o . C op ies o l tho , In p roposed ru le s and rog* irs , u la tlons -will b e m ade 321 available upo n written is l , re q u e s t a t th e rate of

to S even Dollars and Fifty Ion C e n ts (J7.50). C hocks in OS th e am ounl o f J7.50'm ust I C T _ a c c o m p a n y .th e roquest NG and b e m a d e payable to om (he D epartm ent of Law ,

fo E hlorcem ent.Jliy A nyone c a n subm it

a t w ritten com m ent re- u th y a rd in g - U ie ...p ropqsed ich ru le s and any Ind iv u d ih l^ ofo ag en c y - o r -d e p a r tm e n t )p_d_w ho m ay b e a fle c ted by

, Ihe p roposod action b m d en co u rag e d to subm it l i o Inform ation concorning

a f , ic Impact o f tho pro- ’ty, p o se d ac tion . All written ore c o m m en ts and dala )ed c o nce rn ing th e pro­

p o se d ac tion m ust bo d irec te d lo Mr. Brian

ion D onesley , A ltoreny, a s Legal S e rv ice s Division,

Ihe Idano D oparlm ent of Law n e r E n forcem ent. 6050 Cor- >ns poral L ano, B oise, Idaho

83704. a n d m usl be 1 ' po st-m arked or deliv­

e re d on or b e lo re tho '31 i5 lh day of O ctober.

1964. Oral a n d wrilten >•61 c o m m en ts c an be p ro i?-

DATED T h is 10th day '•61 of S e p ie m b er . 1984.

of BRIAN N. DONESLEY.A ttorney . Legal Serv ices

•or* Division, Idaho , Do- •h0 parlm ent of Law En-

o f_ io rc 0 m 0 n t— ---------------th e PUBLISH: T hursdays, inal S ep tem b er 20, 27, and

O ctober 4.1984.uthlast ________________________I. NOTICEOFh a s TRUSTEE'SSALEth e On W ednosday , the I In -9lh day of January.-1985. tho a t tho hour ol 3:00 for o ’clock p .m .. of said day.

«l5“ ln‘ lho-oftico“ of-Tiilefact- Inc.. localcd at 163

I of Fourth A venue North,

d e - C ounly . Idaho,CHICAGO TITLE COM-

o n s PANY OF IDAHO, an ap- Idaho corporation, as th e . su b stitu te d s u c ^ s o r and tru s te e , wiil se ll al public

auction , to th c highest day b idde r, lor cash , in

lawful m oney of the U nited S ta te s , all pay­a b le a t th e tim e of sate.

Jay. th e following describod rea l p roporty , situated in

— th o County of Twin Falls, RO- s ta te of tdaho . and do- RO- sc rltied a s lollows. to-

wit:Tl* Lot -3 o l LINCOLN

aho TERRACE r SUB* CIS. DIVISION. Twin Fails ven County. Idaho, ac- art- c o rd in t to the plat 'CO- th e re o t. reco rded in J,ro- Book 5 o l P lals . Pago ling— 0 _ f e c o f d s — of— said- ||0S C ounty, jn d The T ru s te e 's sale

sha ll b e m ade pursuant in d to the pow er of salo

c on fe rred in th e D eod of T rust to sa tisfy tho ob-

>raf ilgaJion se c u re d there- ,, by. Said s a le will bo lly- m a d e w ithout covenant ed- o r w arranty rega rd ing tl- lh e tie . p o s se s s io n or on-

. c u m tira n c e .J h e D eed o l . tn a T rusl re fe r red lo heroin irfr w as e x ec u ted by


Ing h u sb a n d a n d wile, as e r '- G rantor, to TITLE AND te d t r u s t CO.. a s original

T ru stee , lor th e benelii 1^0 a n d secu rity oi ca* EQUITABLE SAVINGS'S-


ib o M arch 15, 'l978, a s In- fO- slrum en t No. 732496. ing M ortgage rec o rd s ol Ich Twin Falls County. Iho Idaho, and sub seq u en tly e d . a s s ig n e d by S tep h e n A.

o r Long and M aureen E. 'OW Long to A lbert G. 'e d Jo h n so n . J r . , by War-

ran ty D eed recorded f'b- J u n e 25, 1979. a s In- •of -slrum ent No. 761711. and — ih e n -a ss ig n o d -b y -A lb o ru

ifB G. Jo h n so n lo Mary Ellen, fO- Button and C hristopher ' 'O t= T h o m a s ^ o ito n 'b r M e m --

orandum of M odilication of A greem ent recordod

da- N ovem ber 25. 1981, as e s . Instrum ent N o. 813086. cv- The a 'o re sa ld original

T rustee ha» re sig n ed a s a s . T rustee , and C hicago Tl- 'fid Ilo C om pany of Idaho

h a s be en app o in ted as ■1^ su c c e s so r T rustee , ub- p u rsuan t to A ppointm ent ind d a ted Aug. 14, '1984 ro- • '^ -c o rx Je d ATjg.*i?, 'ig84 'a5 -- rib- Instrum ent No, 866757. 'fO- reco rds ol Twin Falis

Counly. Idaho . THE fit- ABOVE GRANTORS ARE ew n a m e d TO COMPLY



n s, FOR THIS OBLIGATION.Jb*__ T ho_dolp,ullJor_w hlcli_b y „ th I?sa io ' Is to bo m ado is_ 3S-, J a i iu re .lo m a k e p rin cip al,. Kh In tcrost and tax and in- ISS su ranco re se rv e account 2 5 ) ' p a y m o n tsa s -so t forth on.^ ni- paid D oed of T m sl and Vlll Prom issory N ote , In lhe en am ount ot S300.68 per n s m onth, duo o n th o ..ls t e o - - d a y - o l e a c h -m o n th ,- lo r - IS. tho m onths of O clobor, ng N ovem ber.- O ecem ber,- an -1 9 8 3 , and -January and ty. February , 1984. and In . " , th e am ount o t M 0Q.62 w t^ u 6 - 6 n - > h » - l f t t - d a y - o r r If- e a c h m onth for Ih o

1 Falls, Idaho Thursday. Sopt.LEG A LN O TICE

0, m o n ih s o f March. April, lc___ M a y J u n e .: J u iy , A ugust, oli; 1984. T h e original l o a n u )n a m o u n t w as J25,200.00id w ith in le r e s t duo th e ro n oal a t th e r a te of 12.5% p e r o:50 an n u m , a s e v idenced by si0 , P ro m is so ry Nol® d a ted ai »o M arch 14, 1978 a n d sub- Tl

S* s e q u e n t M odification H5 A g re e m e n t da ted Nov- oi

in e m b e r 16,1981. P rincipal Hof b a la n c e duo a s o l 0ty A u g u st 1, 1984 is"* aiin $24,394.16.. rss t T h e b a lan c e ow ing a s cis t of A u g u s t 1 ,1 9 d 4 -o n Jh e Fito ob lig a tio n se cu red by s iiw , s a lc f D e e d of T rusl Is cl

$27,628.07. including c(lit p rin c ip al, in te rest, lalo a ;e- c h a r g e s , c o s ts o l an in* fc)d su ra n c o policy to p ro tec i b:i J ^ t h o s e c u r l ty ,~ escrow dint a d v a n c e paym en is and a Id ay c o llec tio n loo, butb e x c lu d in g c o s ts and A'lit e x p e n s e s actually , h - \ jig c u rred In en lorc ing tho O IP—o b llg a tto n s— unde i— Ihr--B ' o- a b o v e-m en tio n ed Deed3n of T rust o r In connec tion lola w ith Ih ls sa le , a s trust- Pi0- e e ’s f o e s an d /o r rea- Si}0 so n a b lo a tlo rn o y 's fee s . 21in a s au th o rized in the _y. P ro m isso ry Nolo l^n , s e c u r e d t)y thc CIW a fo rem en tlo n o d D eod ol J lir- T rust. Tl10 DATED: A ugust 301h. I^D0 1984. ' • CIv- C h icago Title C om pany F,1 0 'o f ld a h o sr, B Y :Jo a n M .H arl. •3n T ru s t O llic e r Ti ? PUBLISH: T hu rsdays, .T

l y _________________________ E'• NOTICEOFTRU STEE’SSA L E J

33 NOTICE IS HEREBY S0- GIVEN T hat on W ed- R n- n e s d a y , th o ninth (Jay 61 P' — J a n u a ry ;— 1085. a t Ihoа. h o u r o l 10:00 o 'c lo ck ni Id a .m . o l s a id day. a t th e P'

o f fic e s o l TitloFact, Inc, Pa t 163 Fourth A venuo f*'

— N orth in Twin Falls. Twin O'F a lls C oun ty . Idaho, al

, LAW YERS TITLE PCOfklPANY OF IDAHO, l<-a s T fu stG o : Witt se ll a t Hpu b lic a u c tio n to tho ai

‘y- h ig h e s t b id d o ^ lo r c ash ai' c r i n law fu l“ mb-ney“ d f - th Q -s ;63 U n ited S ta le s of o'n< A m e ric a , all p ayab le a t d>

'0. lo ilow ing d e sc r ib e d 'o a t BpropoM y s itu a te d in the Ic

an C o u n ly of Twin Falls,a s S ta te o l Idaho, a n d de- ciO f.,s c r i b e d l o l l o w s , ,to:_ ailie w n; - aiist T o w n sh ip Ton (lOj pJn S o u th . R antje Fou '- aiHe te e n ( 1-1) East o l tho f(ly- B o ise M e 'id ian . Twin trle. F a lls C ounly . Idaho, aied S o c lio n S e v e n tee n aiIn (17): A t 'ac t o l land d

's , lo c a te d In thole- S o u th e a s t Qua'-tc^ S'10- N o '-th e ast Q u a r te ' i:

(S E ’A N E '/4). . boinij 1!-N m o re paM icula'Iy d e - R8 * s c i b e d a s lollows: b Ils BEGINNING at th e EaslIC- Q u a '- ie ' corner- ol Plat 5 a id S e c lio n 1 7 ; • Sin TH ENCE NoOh 00*03' C30 W e s t along th o Easl _tid--------- itn B -o f"sa lo -S ec tto n — :

17 fo r 485,00 le e t; . Alie TH ENCE N O 'th89*52'02" Cnt W e s t and p a 'a lle l to Clie th e S oulh line ol IEof s a id SEVi NEV. lo ' Fb- 449.00 foot: Ee- TH ENCE South » 00*03' P30 E as t a n d para lle l to 11nt Iho E as t line o l sa id T11- S o c lio n 17 lo r 485,00 C n- le e t to Iho S ou th lino E01. o fsa id S E 'A N E V i; p In TH ENCE South A sy 89*52’Q2" E as t a lonyId sa id S outh L ine lor D3, 449.00 loot lo tho IIIS p o in t o l beyinn in tj. tlID E x co p l Counly p;al fi(jht*oI*way. - Blil S a id s a le will Ijo m ade, ooi rtim o u t covenan t O' 3:S ■ .w arranty roga'Uintj title, K IS p o s s e s s io n or . en-!d :t;u ii iU' j in .e i . t o - 9o t b f r - Pn- th e o b iiya tion se cu rio d Cб. t)v a n d p u rsu an t to the o ol p o w er o i i,aie c o n fe rred a y, in th o D eod o l T rust q (y e x e c u te d ijy JO H N C. 3

RO BIRTS and BEVERLY cE. RO BIRTS. h u sb a n d and if3. w ilo . a s G ran to rs (all o l ir- w h o so rfcjht, tit le and ^Id ■ iriierest has boon a1- aSSum cO by JAMES n Id M EtVIN TOONE tll and sr l_ E B lS a L L A -J A _ tO Q M £ -----tn. H u sb a n d am i W ife, a s p3r A s s u m p tiv o G 'a n lo ^ ) , lo r

T lT L E ^ F A G T - F I N G ^ iJ ^m initial t r u s te e (and sa id c:d TITLE FACT, INC. havini] q IS r e s i . jn e J a s su c h trust-B. 0 0 , a n d lh e D oneliciary cal h e rc in a l te r m en lioned tis hav in ij a p p o in led LAW- pI- YERS TITLE COMPANY c0 O F IDAHO, a tlis p a r ln c r s h ip . a s sue - t( ). c e sE O ' T ru s le o ) , lo r Ihc It b e n e l i t a n d se cu rity ol

TH E IDAHO FIRST NA-.5- .-TIO N At:------ BANK;------ h3—7. B e n e lic ia ry . sa id Deed Is o f T ru s t having be enE liled of 'c c o r ti on De- (cE c o m b e r 19. i960 a s In- p,,Y s lr u m e n t No: 794(508. 01- si)6 licial R e c o rd s o l Twm 2' 0 F a lls C o u n ly , Idaho, ThoS a b o v o G ran to rs a 'o ol

n a m e d lo com ply with si5. Id ah o C o d e Sec tion -45- lo

o o n la lio n is m a d e , lhat 0;{ ]_ jh e y jK e O 'a r e n o t pffis* jd is I~ o n tly r o s ponsib io for ihisll,. . o b lig a tio n . . ‘ laV T h o d e fa u lt lo r w hich S'It tn o s a le is l o b e m a d e is oii n . : . t h o ja i lu r o of lho G^ant-- Tc d o r s a n d /O '~ A ssu m p liv o r00 G ra n to r s to maKe mon- Si5f th ly in sta llm en t pay- S' st m e n ts u n d o r a d e e d ol >r - - tru s t • n o te -d a to d -O o*-sc r, c o m b e r _ 1 9 ._ 1 ^ i n J h o j Q r,- a m o u n t ’ -of ’Sbvond H u n d re d T hirteen a n d S' n . N o O n e H undred th si2 (S713,ro) Oollars p e r o ’

0 ■ R '-inc loar"and~ n i‘oro si. 'be

epiember 27.1984

lo r M arch of 1984 and Hio a c h m onth ih o rea llo r sauntil pa id . Rl

Tho ba lanco ow ing a s Bl o f t h e d a te h e re o f on tho

. ob liga tion s o c u re d by Nisa id D oed of T rust is tho 12am o u n t of Filly-N ine NiT ho u san d T h ree tieH undred Sevonty-N Ino reond Sixty Ono- thH u ndred th s (J59.379.60) R(O ollars in principal, p lu s Ni

• a c c ru e d in te re s t a t th e 48 ra to of th ir te en (i3% )'po '- pc c e n t -per a nnum from fac F e b ru a ry . 1,- 1984, p lu s di' se rv ice c h a rg e s , late c h a rg e s , a n d any o th e r. Ej c o s ts or - o x p o n so s ih a s so c ia te d with ' th is of fo re c lo su re a s prov ided pc by th e D eed of T rust o r Ni d e e d -o i Ifusi no te , o r by s \ Idaho law.“ DATED Ihis 20th day of o*A ugust. 1984. feIJ^WYERS TITLE beCOMPANY OF IDAHO s \

---ByrW itliam -RrSnyde'-------- inA ttorney a t Law. Al* o l

lo rn ey lo r T ru s tee of PUBLISH: T hursday .S op tom bor 6, 13. 20. and 8027.1984 (0


tn Iho In terest ol k ,TOMMIE . BORING, \uTAWNYA BORING, ,1

'DAWN WElS,.i&..JASON - ”

E igh teen Y ears of A ge. r rSUMMONS ig


You . a ro he rebynotilied thal a Petition, j 'p u rsuan t to th c Child r<Proiectivo Act. h a s b e en pi

, filed in th e abovo- ««en titled m atter in Ihe _above-en lilled Court, Ihc \f.Pe titioner being Ihe cIdaho D eparim opt of jiH ealth and W cllare. You j

. a re h e reby d irec ied to t^, a p p ea r a t th e hearing on c r s a r d - P e t i l i o n — a t- 1 : 3 0 — F

o 'c lo ck p.m . on th e 10th fday o l O ctobor. 1984. in ir

- s a ld .C o u t4-at.thp .lud ida i___ ^; Building, Twin Falls, n■ Idaho, -— ^

You have the right to uc o u n se l and one will b e a

^ a p p o in t e d lor you 11 you■ a ro " 'u n a b ie to alford -t

private counsel. 11 C ourt sapp o in led c ounsel is preq u ire d , you should f m ake your r eq u e s t for ana ppo in lm en t a s m uch in n

, a d v an c e of th e hearing nI d a ie a s ls p ra c l ic a b lo , ^

WITNESS my hand and ns e a l o l sa id Court this 017th day o l S e p tem ber, ai

I 1984. p• R ichard A, Penco.C lerk |r

by/SD orolhyM cM uilin hD eputy Clerk ai

' PUBLISH: Thuraday. aiSop lom ber 27. and s;

' O ctober 4.1984, 0

n -0 R D lN A N C E N 0 r^ 1 2 1 ------AN ORDINANCE OF THE B



PLANNING MAP aI AMENDMENT. ' d, I WHEREAS, United' D evelopm oni C orpora- si( lion had m ade applica* 1;. tlon lor a rozone o l pro* i(' perty located on Kim- r

Doriy Road, '/4-m ile E ast —, of th e in te rsec tion of b ' 3200 Easl Road and, Kimberly Road; and p• WHEREAS. Tho Cily s p l a nning - a iKJ— gofttrvg— q I C om m ission lor th e Clly! o l Twin Falls, Idaho , hold .I a Public H earing a s rc- 1 quirod by law on th c 28lh. day ol A ugust, 1984, 10 'b '' -consider th e Zoning Des- in1 ignation and n e ce ssa ry sI Zoning and Planning p,1 Map am o n d m en ts ujjon hi) a REZONE of tho real o '> proporty below do- d.I sc ribed : and , it------- W H E R E A S r-T iie-C ily C5 Planning and Zoning s L C.Oipmisslpn.. ha_s__m ade^j.i^*w K om m enda tion5 'to 'tho ci1 City Council for tho City 0 :1 o l Twin Falls. Idaho; and, ai• WHEREAS. The City Z' ' Council for tho City ol C I Twin Falls. Idaho, he ld a w• Public H earing to con- a

s ido r tho sa m e m atto r on d' tho 17m day of Sep- tc• tem bor,1984, aii n o w t h e r e f o r e . b e trI IT ORDAINED BY THE £ • CIT Y -C O U N C IL OF K

! FALLS, IDAHO: fr» SECTION 1. Thai tho si- following d e sc r ib e d real p- proporty b e a n d Iho- sam o is h e reby RE*1 ZONED C-2.i Tho North 661.63 loot ! o l tho loilowing do- ' .sc ribed property,• locatod in T ow nship 10’—gjpum R ange .1 7 -£ asL "I B^M,, p r in flails Courity.- IdaW: ------------------i___ Soction 13: A p a rcel o l _ c

land locatcd m tho 1 SW '/4SW '/4. morei p a rticu la /ly jle sc r ib ed a s T

follow s; ________ - —^-COMMENCING a l Iho- S o u th w e st co rn c r of said• Soc tion 13 and running1 THENCE Norlh-8 9 * 4 7 '5 9 '-E a s t fo r 9 8 9 .7 - - a o o !4 ip n a J ie S 5 .iJ j |i f t j : iy —I b o undary , of sa id T 1 SW ’/4SW%: i THENCE North

0*11*22.5" E ast for 50.00

b o u n d a ry 'o f Idaho S la lo '


H ighw ay 30 righl-of-way, sa id p o in t a ls o being theREAL-------POINT-------O F - T HBEGINNING;

THENCE continuing - North 0*11'22.5" E asl for 1271.63 f e e t " to lhe N o rth ea s t c o rn e r of Lit- TH lie A cres Subdiv ision , a s ro co rd ed -ln th e olllce of Ihe Twin F a lls County R e co rd e r, B ook of Pials N um ber 8. P a g o N umber 48, sa id lin e a fso being a TH portion of th e Easterly b o u n d a ry o f sa id sub-, d ivision: 1 .- —

THENCE 89*48’37" . E as t fo r 330.75 fee t a long Ihe N o rth erly boundary TH o f sa id SW '/4s w V4 to a po in t, ,. b e in g Ihe N o rth ea s t c o rn e r o l said SW % SW '/4;

THENCE Soulh 0*14’0 6 "W e slfo r1 2 7 1 .5 6 TH fee t a lo n g th e -Easterly bo u n d a ry of said S W /4SVVV4 to a point on thB“ N o n tiB r iy b o u n d a r y — o l sa id H ighw ay right- of-way;

THENCE Soulh 80*47’5 9 '’ W e s t lor 329.74 fee l a lo n g th e Northerly bo u n d a ry of said TH H ighw ay right-of-w ay lo th e REAL POINT OF BEGINNING.

SECTION 2. That the C o m p re h en s iv e Zoning a n d P lan n in g Map lor the Clly of T w in Falls. Idaho, b e a n d , th e sam e is EX h e re b y a m e n d e d to re­flec t th e rez o n in g of tho A^ rea l p ro p e r ty abovo de-

COUNCIL S e p te m b e r 17.1984, PA• SIGNED BY THE ^MAYOR S e p te m b e r 17. I1984, iEm ery P o te r s e n . IMayor ^ {Je w e l C h a n d le r. ICity C lerk • - 5PUBLISH: T hursday, I S e p te m b e r 27.1984


-FALLS-------------------- --------------MAGISTRATE DIVISION

In th e In le re s t ol TOM--M e-80R IN G ,-IA W m .Y A -----_M R IN G . DAWNVifElS& "JASON DELEON. A Child TH

U nder E ig h te en Y oars of Age.

SUMMONS T H E 'S T A T E O F - 1 0 A H 0 - - SENDS GREETINGS TO: FRANK BEREMER. Twin F alls, Id ah o 83301

You a r e - hereby TH no lified lh a t a Petition, p u rsu a n t to tho Child . P ro tec tive A ct. has been filed jn th e above- en titled m a tte r in tho TH a b o v e-en title d Court, the P e titio n er 'b e in g the tdaho D epartm en t of H ealth a n d W ellare. You a re h e re b y d irec ted to a p p e a r a t th e hearing on TH sa id P e tit io n , at 1:30 o 'c lo c k P .M . on the lOih day of O c to b e r . 1984. in

’sa idT iroorfanne-Ju iJic ia]-------B uilding. Twin Fails. Idaho. TH

You h a v e th e right to c o u n se l a n d ono will be a p p o in ted for you il your a re u n a b le to allord privale c o u n s e l . II Court a p p o in led counso t is req u ire d , you should TH m ake y o u r r e q u e s t lo ran a p p o in lm e n t a s much in a d v an c e of th e hearing d a lo a s is p rac ticab le .

W ITNESS m y hand and se a l of sa id Court ihis 17th d a y o l S ep tem ber,1984. EXRichard A. P e n c e . . p a

- - C le r k - ----------- 1B y rs /D o ro lh y McMullin f

D eputy C lerk E PUBLISH: Thursday. f S e p te m b e r 27. • and ‘

• o c tobe i^ r i9 8 ? :— :-------------- 1


N otice is h e re b y given cC by th e C ity Council lor the C ily oi Twin Falls, S ta te o f Idaho , that a t h Public H earin g will be held a l ih o hou r of 7:00 o 'c lo c k P .M .. o m h o 'is th day of O c lo b e r , 1984. in tho -Council C ham bers,City H all, lo c a ie d a t 321 Soco n d A venue East,

-Twin F alls , Idaho lo c o n s id e r th e appiicauon ,t h o l TERRY K. SHEPPARD and KEN SCHIEBE lor a ZONING DISTRICT CHANGE a n d ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Irom AG d e n s ity to Rl 43000 d e n s ity for property lo c ate d I 'A m iles East t h and I '/ i m ile s South ol th c in te rs e c tio n ol E as tland - Drive a n d ’ KIm borly R oad . Twin

m ore pa rticu larly d e ­sc rib ed a s :PARCEL I:

T ow nsh ip 10 South. R ange 17 E as t ol lhe B o ise M eridian, Twin jH Falls C o u n ty . Idaho.S oc tion 25: A parcel ol land lo c a te d in thoS W /4SWV4 — of sa id------

— S e d in n ___ a n d , morepa rlicu ia riy described t H

— as-lo llow s:X O M M £ N C lN G _ a L Jh o ____

• S o u th w e s t co rne r of sa id S e c tio n ; - - —

_TH ENCe-South-69*20’O5--------E as t a lo n g lh e so u th -T H

- b o u n d a ry of.Section 25 fo r a d is tan c e ol 1325.88 foo t to tho S o u th e a s t cornor ol

- lh e - SW W SW ’A ol-.„ ..w ^cU aa2 i------- >--------THENCE N o n h 0*04'27"

W e s t a lo n g the East TH b o u n d a ry o l Iho SW '/4SV /% of Sec-

~ : : i - t lo n 25 fo r a d istance- . of 991.11! foot to fho-------



THENCE N orth e9*28'05"---------W est fo r a distance EXC

■ of 632.68 feet fo th e RAF E as terly rim of Rock- T(C re ek Canyon; f t

THENCE N orth 32*09'51"- 8 .W est along th e FiE as terly rim of Rock S<C re ek Canyon for a lad is la n c e -of 34.77 Si

, fee l; PJTHENCE N orth 51*13’28" as

W est - along th e C0> E as lerty rim of RockC re e k Canyon for a _ d is ta n c e of 112.77foot: THE

THENCE N orth 0*004’27”W est fo r a d istance of 202.13 fee t to tho N ortherly boundary of th e SW'/4SW’/4 ol S e c tio n 25;

THENCE , Soulh 89*45'46" East along th e Northerly b o u n d a ry of the

-------SW 'A SW 'A- o f -S e c — THEtlon 25 for a d istance of 738.93 fee t lo the N o rth ea s t co rne r of th e SWV4SW /4 of S e c tio n 25;

THENCE S outh 0*04’27" THE E as t a long th e East b oundary of Ihe SW'/4SW'/4 of Sec ­tion 25 for a dislanceof 305.00 feet 10 th e ,TRUE POINT OF THE BEGINNING.

EXCEPT t h e Easl 25 fee l.

ANO SU BJECT to a 50.00 'foo l county road THE

boundary .PARCELZ: -

T ow nsh ip 10 South. R a n g e 1/ East of Ihe B o ise M eridian. Twin Falls County . Idaho.S e c tio n 25; A parcol of THE land located in the SWV4S W /4 and more pa rticu larly described . a s follow s:

COMMENCING a l the S o u th w e s t corner of sa id Soction 25;

THENCE Soulh89-28’05" Easl along THI th e S outh boundaryof S e c t io n 25 for a .

-------d ls tan c 0 ~ o f-l3 2 5 :8 8 ---------fe e t to th e Southeast c o rn o r of Ihe

-------SW A 4SW W -of-Soc----------tion 25

T H ENC E North 0*04'27"W esl along th c East Abo u n d a ry of the b e tSW ’/4SWV4 ol Sec- pro

------ t lo n 25 for a distanco - c o rof 705.16 foot to th e CoiTRUE POINT OF th eBEGINNING Ida

THENCE N orlh 89*28'05" TW est for a distance th e

. o f 536.24 feet to tho diviE as terly rim of Rock fouC re ek (canyon: p a r

THENCE N orm 4*16'31" AW est a long ihe s oE as terly rim o l Roch pe?C reek Canyon lor a -appd is ta n c e ol 151.31 plafee t: C

THENCE N orlh32*09'51" o fJW est a lo n g . the s/EE as terly rim o l Rock ^C reek Canyon lor a PU

-------^fllstancB“ o f - l 80:82— S«ifee t; —

THENCE Soulh 89*28'05" East for ad is tan c e of 632.66 Cfe e t to the East da iboundary of lheSVJ'ASWVt ol Soc- A.ftion 25: m a

THENCE S outh 0*04'27" - -T wE as t along tho East hoiboundary o l tho -c o iSWV4SWV4 ol Sec=__ Fojtlon 25 for a d istance Twof 285.96 fool to th e TwTURE POINT. OF TITB E G I N N I N G . * CO

EXCEPT th e E asl 25 lec t. CoPARCEL 3: ------------- wit

T ow nsh ip 10 Soulh, to IR an g o 17 East of the c a ;B oiso M eridian. Twin • theFalls County . Idaho. pa;S e c tio n 25: A parcel of sa l

SW ViSW '/i and m ore sitiparlicuiariy descrll)od Twa s follow s: Ida

COMMENCING al^ th e - foilS o u th w e s t cornor ol 1sa id Soction 25: ' ^

THENCE South t89*28'05" Easl a long Ith o S ou th Boundary £o l S ec tion 25 lor a Id is ta n c e ol 1325.88 Vloo t to th e Sou theast <c o rn o r of th e cSW ’/4SW'/4 o l Soc* »

___ Han 25; _________ 'THEN(:E N orth 0*04'27" f

W esl along tho East Jb oundary of tho >SW 'A SW '.. ol Sec - wlltlon 25 dIor a d is- w ata n c e of 397.16 fee t po:to th e TRUE POINT cuiO F BEGINNING; thc

THENCE N orlh 89*28'05" byW ost lor a distanco po 'o l 524,19 fee t to th e InE as terly rim ol Rock exiC re ek Canyon: E.

T R E N C rN o n m 3 * 0 0 '4 1 - rlO'E as t along the TITE as terly rim o l Rock COC re ek Canyon lor a ’ Cod is ta n c e of 93.15 forfee t; ritv

THENCE North 11*38'31" NEW esl a long tho aE as terly rim of Rock BoC rook Canyon (or a Soi

" d islarico ~ o l~ 1 3 3 ;6 0 “ n n Stopi-___________________Vo;

THENCE Norlh 4*16'31" moW osl a long lh e Tw

____ Ea3lerly..rljn-fl(JlQck___IdaCrooK Canyon lo r_a_—TW

" d i s l a n c e * 'o f - ^ . 7 5 AR------ f ee t; PLTHENCE^-----^SO iilh— 45--

89*28'05'-‘ EaslMor a - . .C O d is ta n c o of 536.24 NO fo e i to tho East IS bo u n d a ry ol Iho AR SW'/4SW'/4 of S e c . — PR

----- tlon-25:................OB

THENCE S oulh 0*04'27" tE as l a long tho East thl<bo u n d a ry o l iho hel

, .S W W S V /% -o f-S e c - . whi ffofl’T rToT a tJisiancB— gtal

L E G A L N O T I C E Vof 303.00 lee t 10 the o f

■ T RU E POINT OF S e p l— BEGINNING----------------Uie_EXCEPT Ih e East 25 feet, each>A RCEL4: ^ J a m

T o w n sh ip 10 South, th eR a n g e 17 Easl ol the eachB o ise M eridian. Twin FebrF a lls C oun ty rldah o . May,S e c t io n 25; A parcol of Augiland lo cato d in said q u e ;S e c t io n and rnore d u e ;pa rticu la rly described la tea 3 (o I lo w s : o th e

COMMENCING a t the a s s cS o u th w o s t section foreic o rn e r of .said Sec* c ru e

- - ' t l o n 25: ------------- ra terH E N CE South an

89*28'05" East along a s c lh e -S o u th -b o o n d a ry - -o b lk

- o f S e c tio n 25 for a sa idd is ta n c e of 767.09 $28,{f e e t to a point on th e interE as te r ly rim of Rock 9.5<xC r e e k Canyon and Qjb e in g th e TRUE 1934


rH E N CE -N orth-V 28:3a'.’— By; IE as t a long th e T rusE as te r ly rim of Rock p u bC r e e k Canyon lor a s e p id is ta n c o o l 216.76 a n d 'f e e t; -------

THENCE N orth 8*52’37"E a s t a long th e TE a s te r ly rim of Rock O rC r e e k Canyon lo r a dayd is ta n c e of 176.42 th e Ile e l ; A.M.

THENCE North 13*00'41" s te pE a s t a long lhe rim o l CouiR o c k C reek Canyon Shos

. fo r a d is tan c e ole.OO Twin• f e e t ; of IdTHENCE Soulh CAN

.89*28 ’05 '’ East a s I

. 25 fo r a d istance of In la524.19 fee t to the UnlliE as t boundary of tho a b leSWV4S W /4 o l Sec- th etlon 25; ' rea l

THENCE South-«*04'27’' th eE a s t along the Easl Idahib o u n d a ry o l th e folioSW 'A SW '/I of Sec- Lotlo n 25 lor a dislance AE:of 297.16 fee l 10 tho Dl'S o u th e a s t corner o l Ccth o SWV4S W /4 -of COS o c tio n 25; p li

TH ENCE N orlh 69'25'05" TnW e s t a long Ihe TwS o u th boundary of co

— SecH on-25-lor-a d is-------S ata n c e of 558.79 le e l wlthito th e TRUE POINT w arr O F ■_HEGlNNlNG._nQ3SEXCEPT THE East 25 cumil e e t ; th e

A de term lna llon has by ab e e n m a d e that iho pow 'p r o p o s e d req u e si is in in I c o n fo rm a n c e -w ith . ;th e _ o x o cC o m p re h en s iv e Plan lor BARth e C ity of Twin Falls. LaWIdaho . h u s t

T h e p ro p o sed u se o l g ranth e p ro p e rty is sub- ICAfdiv id ing th e property into trustfou r s e p a r a te residential a n dp a rc e ls . Jack

A ny p e rs o n or pe rsons Snals o I n le re s le d may ap- recop e a r a n d b e heard at the insira p p o in te d tim e and Ofllcp la ce . Fall!

DATED This 18th day Tt-of S e p te m b e r , 1984. th iss /E m e r y P e te rso n 1)

MAYOR w hePU B LISH: Thursday, th e •S«piember-27r1984:— — e a c t

• •___________________ Ju mN OTICEOF S e p

TRU STEE’SSALE 2)O n M onday , Iho 14lh expi

d a y -o f Ja n u a ry . 1885. a t w ithth e h o u r of 10:30 o ’clock a n dA.M. of sa id day. at the a s 1m ain fro n t door ol the oblii

..TwlnJ-all3.CQuQtl.Courj- sa idh o u s e , localod a f l h o S24;ic o rn e r o f S hoshone and acc rF ou rih S tre e ts - Cllv~ol M ay

T w in F a l l i County - o l - -DiTw in F a lls . S ta te of Idaho 1984TITLE AND TRUST FIRJCOM PANY, an Idaho COhC o rp o ra tio n , a s trusteo, Tr ■ w itfso l l 'a rp u b lica u c t lo n r 'B y rto th e h ig h e s t bidder, for Tru!c a s h . In law lu l money of PUEth o U n ite d S ta te s , all S o pp a y a b le a t th e lime of 4 .11 s a le , t h e following do-

's i tu a io d in the bounty of In “Tw in .F a lls . S late of COItd a h o . a n d described a s JUCfo llow s, to-wlt::.. THE

T ho W e s t 76 foot of Lot IN47 a n d Lot 48 AND tho COIN orlh 2.5 le e t of tho FALE as t 49 foot ol Lot ^7. MAall in Btock 12 of BLUE InLAKES ADDITION S P fW EST. Twin Falls A cC o u n ty , Idaho, ac- y e a c o rd in g to tho platt h e r e o t , recorded In TH(V o lu m e 3 o l P lats. SE fP a g o 30. records o l G ors a id C oun ly . S p rS a id s a lo will bo m ade Avo

w llh o u t covenant o r Idatw arran ty regarding lillo. Yp o s s e s s io n or on- notlc um b ra in c o s . to sa tisly p u rth o o b liga iion socured P rob y a n d p u rsuan t to Iho file<p o w e r o f sa lo conforred enllIn th o d e e d ol irust a b oe x e c u te d by CLIFFORD PotE. BROW N, an unm ar- • Idalr ied - p e r s o n grantor, to H etTITLE AND TRUST a roCOM PANY, an Idaho a p pC o rp o ra tio n , a s tru stee , salefor th o b e n o llt and socu* o ’clrity o l THE LOMAS & dayN ^ m E T O N COMPANY. Ina C orpo ra tion . a s Ju dB e n ef ic ia ry , recorded FallS o p to m b o r 15. 1978 a s Y 1nStrom ent-N o77445l21n— <5bU V o lum e a l oaoe.^, a o pm o r tg a g e tuconis^"T51 5reTTw in Falls County, pr.lv

j t i r A T O V E Q H s m y R r i r la r e NAMED TO,COM- m alPLY WITH SECTION a p p

-45--1506(4)(a).--------IDAHO- -advCODE, . d a tiNO REPRESENTATION ViIS MADE THAT THEY s e aA R E , O H ARE NOTE, 17lh P R E ^ N T L Y — R E -- 198-^^O N S IB L E FOR THIS RICOBLIGATION. Clei

T h e d e fa u lt for which by:5th is s a le is to b e mado is Db o ln g th o lalluro to pay PUEw h e n d u e , m onthly in- S e ^


T ru s t Note d a le T ip te m b e r 14. 1978, C O U RB _ a m o u n l_ o L $ 2 ^ 0 0 JUDICI

c h , fo r th e month ofn u a ry , 1984, AND in 'N Ale a m o u n t , of $297.0(5 .FALLSc h . fo r tho months of AAA I

a n d gig u s l . 1984. All dolln-

l ^ r ' f f S u S r t e d B ^LLC.0 c h a rg es : plus any CARTEh e r c o s ts or ex p en ses •_so c la to d with this re c lo su re . The a c - SH u e d In fe rest is at lh e Und( le o f9 .5 % "p o T an iiu m ,- a " a n d th e balance ow ng o r >. of Ihls da le on thet llg a tio n -- s e c u re d -b y . y j 'e aId d e e d of trust is 4 th cla 6,803.70 p lus accrued JS M , g le re s t a l Ihe rale of l lJ is o P

S."p1?mbe, 10.

FLE AND IBU ST lh e SJ 3MPANY.T,USIG0 .:M abaol.Rod»lno----------

f f iidO ctobor4,1984. P E R JT

N O fiC EO F lho_^TRUSTEE’SSALE s c r i t

Dn T uesdav , Ihe 29th A -pay of J W . 1985, a t u f'A3 h o u r of 10:00 o ’clock ^ , TM. of sa id day, on Iront R amjp s of Twin Falls S o lslun ly C ourt Houso. 425 parlllo sh o n e St. N orth. a s f o;in F a lls County. S ta te BEGINIdaho FIRST AMERI- N ort

law lul monoy of th e Polnilted S ta te s , all pay- - THENCIe a t th e time ol sa lo , 00*2.3 follow lna described ta n cal p roperty , silualod in THENC9 fco u n ly ^ w ln Falls. 89*31Ih o . and doscfibod a s taiiC'low s.lo -w lt: • THENCLol 4 . 'B lock l o l EAST E as tADDISON SUB- feo t;DIVISION. Twin Falls THENCC ounly . Idaho, a c - E as tcord ing to Ihe ollicial I 68.Cplat th e reo f, recorded Poinfn Iho Ofllce ol Iho PUBTwin Falls County R c- HEREEc o rd e r. S ta te ol Idaho, th e 3n Said salo,w ill.bem ade__198^5..£th o u t covenant or o 'c lo c iirran ly regarding lille. S av ing

m i n c e s to sa tisly s te p sB O bligation secu red C ount)

a n d pursuant lo Ihe T w iniw or of sa le conferrod T w in

th e doed ol tru st Id ah o , o c iite d by.JO H N 8 . _ d l e n «;RRUTI'A and S a fe . 1iWANDA F. Barrutla. tio n toisb a n d and wile, a s fo r casa n to r. to FIRST AMER- th e UAN TITLE CO.. a s r ig h t,j s t e e . for the ben elit c la imid secu rity c l Myrtle n a m ec,ck son . a 'w idov/, and a n d li la k e River Roal E sta te s c r ib e co rd e d Ju ly 23.1982 a s P E R H S lrum en t No. 824875 of |u d g m'Ilcial R ecords ol Twin a ll coills County . Idaho c ru o d T h e de fau lt for w hich Dateis s a le Is to be made Is Id ah o .1) Failure to m ako S e p le i i o n d u o paym onts in J a m e s0 a m oun t ol $233.00 Shoi

in o ’. Ju ly . Augusi. a n d . PUBLI3ptem ber.l984 . S e p te i2) Any o the r co sts or 27.198 ( p o n se s a ssoclaled1th th is foreclosure. ---------Id th o balance ow ing '1 of th is da te on Ihe }ligallon secured by ■ Soa lid d e e d ol trust Is celvec ^4;500.00 togeiher wllh Tw in 1 :c ru o d Interesl Irom

D W ciF S 5p lem llo r“« 7 - ^ « ' ' ' “l184 O ctobRST AMERICAN TITLE Hmo I3MPANY publicT ru s teo C oun i^D oxterT T B allrJr."" ' G lty—•ust O llicer A vemJBLISH : Thursday. Idahosp te m b o r 27, Octobor Bid; f l .a n d 1 8 .l9 8 4 .


ch ild under Elghloen , OPie a r s of ago, PUBL

SUMMONS S « p tcHE STATE OF IDAHO 1934.ENDS,GP.EETIN.GSJ.0;________1o n e • & Laura |rgp r in g s te e l. 145 Addison COUFvo n u o I11A, Twin Falls, i i j n if lah o 83301You, arfl- he reby im <

ollllod that a Poiition. f a l lu rsu a n t to tho Child m a r ro tcc llv e Act, has be en . 1 jtile d in tho above- c c tn ti n lll led manor . In lhe bove-ontitled Court, theo lll lo n e r bolng tho n o tla h o Dcpartmont of m qleallh and Wellure. You q i v EIro h e re b y direcied to HofHp p o a r a t 'th e hearing on a n n o afd Petition, at i:30■clock p .m . on iho 24th na m oay of Soptom bor. 1984. nn lc 1 sa id Court at theud ic ial Building, Twin d £a lls , Idaho . n ro scY ou havo the right to w ithir

ounse ra n d -c n o T v iirD o — rtatop p o in te d for you If you p f ih re unul^lti lu a lfu iu c la im tlv a lo counsol. .. i i .. „ a „ e

la k e y o u r r o q u e s tf o r a n -p o rs c ppo ln tm en t a s much In of s< dv a n co of the hearing -officG

'w i f N E S y S n d 'a o d ^ " S lsa l o f sa id Court th is Tw in rih d a y 6f Seplom bor, o r fileJ84.- ............ DalICHARD A. PENCE. S opK le rk s / J e ry:S /D orothyM cM ullln R t 1 , D epu ty Clork ijjaho

UBLISH: Ttiursday. p u B loptem beY 2 7 ,__ a n d _ S e o t (c to b e r;4 ^ 9 W :--------- -------- O cfe l






, D efendantsNOTICEOF

SHERIFF’S SALE Jn d e r a n d by virtue ol E xecu tion -lss’u e d x u l - , — th e ab ove entitled

u rt, In (he above en- 9d a c tio n , da ted tho'd a ^ o f SEPTEMBER,.............

14, (w herein th e plain- s o b ta in ed a judgm ent jin s t th e de fendan ts rein , on th e 27th day of BRUARY, 1984), for.) su m of J8248.17, 1 / e levied upon all the h i. lillo. In iere si and1m 'orsard"iJerelf(Jarii;----------In a n d lo tho following

sc rib ed REAL PRO*RTY. to-wlt: fho N orth 330 fee l of ho following do- ic ribed properly; «V .parco lo f land in the >JE'/4NEV4 of Secllon n . T ow nship 10 South,^ an g e 16 t a s t of the 3 o lse M eridian; more )arllcu1arly d e sc r ib e d ' i s follows:GINNING a t tho 'Jo rth e as l co rne r of said Sec tio n 21,ENCE North 89*30’ V e s L a■ I l t f t fee l to th'ffViod •>olnt of Beginning;ENCE SouthW*23’42” W est a d l s - an ceofS SO foet;ENCE South)9*30'02" W est a d is-a n c o of 168.89 f e e t ; ............-IENCE North 00*28’22"Easl a d is tanco of 660

IENCE Soulh 89-30'=ast a d is tance ol 168.00 fee t to th e True ^ o in to l Beginning.3UBL1C i30TIC§ IS •REBY GIVEN: That on 3 3rd day of O clobor.M. a l Ihe hour of 2:00_:'tock PM Daylight v ings T ime, of said V. a t th e East front )p s o r t h e Twin trails lunty C ourthouse , fin Falls, County of fin Falls, S ta te of Iho , I will, in obe- jn c e to said O rder ofreT 'so ira fp u b llc -a u c* ---------n to th e h lgnosi bidder •c a s h , lawlul m oney of 3 U nited S la te s , all h t. title. In terest and llm o l the above m ed d e fendan t, of. In d to th e above de- r ibed REAL PRO- ;rT Y to sa tisfy said , Jgm ont to g e th er with

c o s ts that have ac- jo d o r m a y a c c r u e . ■D ated a l Twin Falls.Ih o . on th is 10th day of ip iem bor. 1984. m e s R. Munn Shorill of. Twin Fallslun iy rld ah o --------------------------IBLISH: Thursday, ip tem b er 13. 20. and ,1984.


S e a te d b ids will be re- iived by the City of vin Falls, Idaho, at Ihe lico o l Iho Cily Clerk1111 -2:00 o ’clock P;M.-.---------4V a«Jaaaocal:tlm Bnon!— c to b er 4.1984. a l which n o they will bo opened jbllcly and road in the auncit Cham bers ofity -H a l l ;-8 2 1 -S e c o n d --------^onuo E as t. Twin Falls, a h o .B ids will be received lo r Iho p u rch ase of a S o w er Rodder. •B ld 6 -m u 6 t_ b ® _ < u b - ---------I lted on bid lo rm s pro- d e d by tho Cily ol Twin ills . Bid form s are mailable a t City Hall, oom 23. 321 Second vonuo E ast, Twin Falls, ah o•W ELL. CHANDLER D eputy City Clerk, City

'T w i n . ^ T i J a J ^ ^

UBLISH; Thursday, D ^tom bor 20, and 27,


th o . M attor of the s ta te of SILAS D. AYLEY, D eceased

C a se No. 3163 NOTICE to CREDfTORS • NOTICE IS HEREBY IVEN thal tho un- e rs lg n cd h a s boon 3polntod Porsonal Rop* is e n ta tiv e of tho abovo a m ed o s la to . All a rs o n s having claim s g ainst th e abovo nam ed e c e d o n ta r o requ ired to r e se n t thoir c laim s|th ln Jo u r.rao n th 3 J if lo r--------Dto ol (Irst publication

iaim s shall bo lorever arred ; C laim s m usl b eliher—- ^ r e s e n te d — lo --------onnlo Tholm a Doyloy. o rso n al R oprosentatlve I said E stalo, a t theIflco - ' o f“ Wiillam— J.--------angloy P.A . 140 Seco n d - t. E as t, P.O. Box 1414, win Falls, Idaho 83301. r filed w lih ih e Court.D aled th is 10th doy of

e p ie m b e r , 1984. f J e n n ie Tholma Dayloy I 1, Box 167, H ansen , lahoUBLISH: T hursday.eptombor__: .20^__'■ c lo b e r4 r^ '1 1 ,i9 8 4 ."

E G A i ; N O T I C E

Page 23: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation




----------------- Cm o N o.860- 'NOTICE O F HEARING




. C aro l Lynn Doan have filed in th e above en- til led Court a petition p ray ing th a t a n ordor m ig h t b e m ade term in atin g tho parental r e la tlo n sh fp of David

- B re tt Day and Dallas L aw ren ce Day forever a n d g ran ting petitioners le av e to ad o p t said D allas L aw rence Oay, m ino r, a n d tha l W ed­n e s d a y th e 21st day of N ovem bor, 19S4, a l 9:30 o ’c lo ck a .m . of sa id day, a t th e cou rtroom of Ihe

•C oun ty o t Twin Falls. S ta te o f Idaho , h a s beon s e t fo r th e hearing of sa id pe tition , and you a re h e re b y notified to

-a p p e a r ancf show c au se ,— It a n y you m ay have, why

th e p ray e r of sa id peti­tion sh o u ld no l bo g ra n te d .

You a re further no tif ied lh a t th is pro­c e e d in g Is In parl lo d e p riv e you of any and a ll le g al r ig h ts a s lhe na tu ra l p a re n i of said m ino r ch ild and that you

_______ h a v e th e right to legal------------- c o u n se l; a n d if c o n s e r is

r e q u e s te d a n d you can________ a h o w .to th e satlsfac lion

o l th e uou 'rt m a t you"aro financially unab le to em p lo y counsel, c o u n s e l sha ll b e pro­v ided .

GIVE'J U nder m y fiand-------------a n d - s e a l . o f -lh e District

C o u rt o f th e Fifth Judicial D lstric i o( th o S ta te ol Idaho , In and lor the C ou n ly of Twin Falls. M ag islra te D ivision, ihls 2 ls t day of Sep tem ber.

' 10M.C h a r le s P . B rum bach, M ag istra tePUBLISH: T hursdays. S e p te m b e r 27.- Octobor 4 ,11 a n d 18,1984.


O n Ja n u ary 10. 1985 al Ihe hou r of 2:00 o 'clock

--------------P T M T o r s a id - a a y ^ n r iBlobby of T ru s tee . 163 4th A venue N orth. Twin Falls . Idaho . TITLEFACT. INC.. a n Idaho C orpora­tio n , a s T ru slo e will sell a t pub lic au ctio n , to the h ig h e s t b idde r, lor cash , In lawful m oney of the U nited S la te s , aii pay­a b le a f l h e lim e of-sa le ,

_________th e follow inq described_________r.eal.property...si(u3,ted In------------- th e C o u n ty o fT w in fa M s i

S ta le of idaho . and d e ­sc r ib e d a s follow s to-wit: T00110226620 T ow nsh ip 10 Soulti.

------------- R a n g G -l7 E „ B.M irTwirrF a lis C oun ty . Idaho Sec ­iion 22: A pa rt of the SEV4SW/4, more pa rllcu lariy d e sc r ib e d as

----------- BEGTWI G a l • a pomf369 foet W ost of the N o rth ea s t c o rn e r ol said

. SEV4SWV4, sa id point be in g th e N orthw est c o rn e r o l lh e tracl-ltnown a s Tax No. 296. running d u o E as t 136 fee t; THENCE d u e S outh 364 f ee l;THENCE following Iho rim rock o t Rock Creed C anyon in a n o ftn w o sto riy direction.200 foet;

------------- T H E N C E -N oflh-210-foelto lh e POINT p F BEGINNINGEXCEPT Highw ay fligh of W ayS a id sa io wlli b e mado w ithou t c o venan t or w arran ty rega rd ing title, p o s s e s s io n o r en ­c u m b ra n c e s lo salisfy Iho ob iiga ilon secu rcd by a n d p u rsu a n t to the p o w er o f sa io con fe rred In th e D ee d of T rust from

. JO H N W, NUSSBAUM a n d -^ L L A NUSSBAUM. h u sb a n d a n d wilo to T Itlofact. Inc.. a n Idaho C o rpo ra tion , Trustoo.

'a n d H ac ie n d a H omos, Inc ., a n Idaho C orpora­tio n , B o n o lic la ry .'d a ted

• M arch 17,1981. recorded------------ M a rc h ' I 8 r l 9 8 i r a s - I n r

s tru m e n l N o. 799262. re--------------o o rdc a f Tw in. PailB

C ounty , Idaho.---~ D a lau it fo r-w h ic h - fh is -

s a to " ls - to -b i rT T ia d o “ is-failu re to pay : Ac­c u m u la ted de ticloncy in

- ........ p a y m o n ts o l $25i-.00,pefm o n th , for th e m o n ih s ot N ovem bor,- 1983 and-a ll s u b s e q u e h l m on ihs . Tho b a lan c o ow ing a s of lhls d a to o n th e obligation s e c u r e d by sa id O eod of T ru s t- is $17,583.88, plus in lo ro s t 'a n d fo rec lo su re c o s ts a n d Iho second o n o -h a ifo f th e l9 8 1 .a llo f

... ............ tho_1982 a n d l9B 3.taxos,w h lc h -a re -d e lin q u e n t 'lm

E LEGAL JO'ICEICT th e a m o u n t- o f ” J67,84. TH J233.34, $219,20. plus O f penalty a n d in terest. HO— rO C fllpt"N O sr2145r2174" HE and 2146 respeciivoly.VIN DATED Ihis 4th day of

S e p te m b o r, 1984,)N TITLEFACT. INC.HE BY: D.D. W aters .OF V ice-Presiden t ILD STATE O F IDAHO

SSm d Counly o l Twin Fails ICE. On th is 4th d a y of Sep- Ihe tom bor 1984 be fo re m e, JNS th e u n d e rs ig n ed , a lor. Notary Public In and for- - s a i d - S late ,— p e rso n a lly NO a p p ea re d D.D. W alers ER- known to m e lo be the OF Vice P re s id e n t of lheL A i--co rpo ra tion ................ th a fO R _ o x o c u te d — th is— Instru­

m ent. o r lh e pe rso n whoAY. o m c u te d th e instrum ent OF on boha lt o f sa id cor- ICE po ration . a n d acknowl­

e d g ed lo m e tha l such kSE co rporation executed 'hat th e s a m e a s su c h Trust-

ave IN W ITNESS WHEREOF, en* I have h e re u n to se l my ion hand a n d affixed my o f - . d e r licial s e a i. Ihe day and id e year In Ihis cerllllcate Ital llrsl ab o v e w rlllen. ivid F ra n ce s E .C Iilton , lias Notary Public for idaho :ver R esid ing a t: Twin Falls e rs My C om m ission expires: laid Lllelay, PUBLISH: T hursdays, ed- S e p te m b er 13 ,20 .27 and ' of O clober 4,1984.3:30 ________________________lay, IN THE DISTRICT Ihe COURT OF THE FIFTH M n - JUDICIAL'D r?r7-:fr>.-o?:i; IIs h ^-THE STA TB--i:.V '4>;.-,i'.- lils, IN AND ’FOR THE 3on COUNTY OF TWIN


to CUELL.ISO, ^ Plaintiff,vhy - - v s ................o ti- ANDREA • JANE MIT- be CHELL,

O elendant. her C a se N o. 36838 2 )ro- AU AS SUMMONS

lo THE STATE OF IDAHO and SENDS GREETINGS TO Ihe THE ABOVE NAMED laid DEFENDANT, you YOU ARE HEREBY tgai NOTIFIED T hat a Com- H ls--p laln t- h a s be en filed can ag a in s t you in lhe Ois- lion tricl C ourt of Ihe Fifth are ju d ic ia l U istnct oi tne '

to S la te of Idaho , in and for sol, th e C ounly of Twin Falis. Dro- by th e a b o v e named

plaintiff, for th e purpose and o l ob ta in ing a D ecree ol irict D ivorce, severing abso- cial lutely, th e b o n d s orfnat- I o l rimony now existing be- the tw een you a n d lhe pialn- liis, tilf, M ark A nihony Mit- i t i i s . choli.}or. That sa id c a u se of ac ­

tion is b a se d upon a lleged g ro u n d s ol ir­reconcilab le differences

lys. and you a re heroby iber d irec to d to a ppea r and

plead to sa id Complaint w ilhin tw en ty (20) days of

— Ihe se rv ice o l th is Alias S u m m ons upo n you; and you a re fu rther notified

’ 31 lhat u n le s s you so ap-

tim e h e re in specified, 'i '" ’ tho p la in lill will lake C '- judgm dn t a g a in s t you as

s S g f f i "WITNESS My hand and

>sh. se a l o f th is Court, Ihe the 2 is t d a y of Septem ber.

1984.jlCj R ichard P e n c e ,

C lerk . ________________

PUBLISH: T hursdays. S e p te m b e r 27. O ctobor 4 ,11and18 ,1984 .

lec- NOTICEOFthe TRUSTEE'SSALE ore On Friday. January 4, l a s 1985. a t th e h o u r o l 11:00

a .m . o f sa id day at o m f^ H e fe o lr -4 n o T r -1 6 3 -4 lh - thc A venue N orm . Twin laid Falls, Idaho 8J303. oint NORMAN S . JENSEf^. a rest M em ber o l m e idaho )wn S la te Bar. T ru stee , wiil linn se ll a t pubiic ouclion to .

tho h ig h o sl bidder, lor 364 c ash In law lui monoy ol

th e U nited S ta te s , ail the payable at th e .time of BGd sa le , the -fo llo w in g d e - '

a sc rib ed p roperty situal- Ilon* cd In th e C ounty of Twin

Falls. S la te of Idaho, a n d . o e l - d o s a i b c d - . s s . . io ilow a.- OF to-wit:

Lot 17. B lock 21,-Flier liah T ow nsilo , Twin Falls

County. Idaho, ac- id e cord ing to th e final and

or a m e t‘d p d p lat thereof tie r e c o rd e d jp Book of en- P lats , p a g e 41, records isfv of Twin F a ils Counly, red Idaho.the Said sa le will b e made fcd w ithout co v en an t or om w arran ty rega rd ing tltlo, UM p o s s e s s io n or en- JM c u m b ra n ce s lo satisfy

to tho ob lig a lio n - socured Jho by and p u rsu an t to iho oc pow er of s a le conferred o s ' in lhe D eed of Trust ]rs! e x ec u ted by GERALD iGd WAYNE H^ALL and Jed AUDREY LEONA HALL, - t r r - h u s b a n d - a n d - w lf o T ^ s re- G ran to rs to NORMAN S.

a lly JFN SFN . JT tu S tO O ^ Io r, Iho b onolit a n d socurity

ih is -o f- ih o -A d m in ls tra to r. of

flee t of"the U nited S ta te s • r in of A m orica, w hoso prin- nor. clpal o ffice a n d Post Of- 5 of fnio a d d re s s is V eterans -all A d m i n l s t r a U o n . . . fho W ashington D.C. 20420, his and h is su c c e s s o rs in- Ion such oflico . a s such , as 1 o j B enefic iary , recorded u s Ju ly 30. 1&76. a s Instru-

iiro men'. N um ber 700485, jnd R eco rd s of Twin Falls lo f C ounly . Idaho . The do­e s , fault fo r w hich th is sa le

LEGAL JOTICE14, failure to:.............................JS (1) Make monthly Tl :t. payment of orincipal 74— w d “ InioTe^ in“ tfro—

amount of $197.30 for of the month ol June

1983. and subsequent j months to date hereof.(2) Make monthly re­serve payments for T taxes and insurance in tho amount of $43,70 T for the same period,

p- and the balance owing T e, as ofJu lv i. 1984. on the a obligation secured By

or said Deed ol Trust is T Ily $22,6T9.62,-wlth interest rs accruing at 8.5%. ie DATED: August 29. T 10 1984.afNORMANS.-JENSEN..........u-— Trustee- - ----- T10 Offlco . of District nt Counsel, Veterans' Ad- ir- ministration, Federal t 1- Building & U.S. Coiirl-

:h house. 550 West Fort i<i Street, Box 044, Boise, it- Idaho M724

F, Seplember 20. 27! gY Oclober4,and11.1984.___Id* "IN T he DISTRICT te COURT OF THE FIFTH


s- FALLS r■ FRED-3. KNADLER and h

9 ELAINE KNADLER. Y. Id husband and wife

Plaintiffs „

It ARTESIAN LEASING, ^ H INC., an idaho Corpora-

\i C RY Sm " r i d e r ; '^N Husbafld and Wifo, S

Defendanis P T. - Case No. 38723 c


. Sends.O£eelings.to.Paul..p T- Rider and Crystal Rider. £

the above-nam(nrdefen- It. dants:

You are hereby notified thal a Complaint

0 has boon filed againsl ,0 you in the District Courl ) ;D of tho Fifth Judicial Dis-

tricl ofthe Stale olldaho. ;IY in and for the Counly of J n. Twin Fails, by lhe •d above-named piainiills. s- for the purpose ol ob- th lalning a judgment. iF— Y5T3— Jtra— ngreoy—or directed lo appear and ;s. plead to said Complaint )id , within iwenly (20) days of };e the service ol this alias |01 Summons upon you: and \ 0- you are lurlher noiilied ; it“ ihat unless you so ap- ; e- poar and plead to said : n- Complaint within the , It- timo herein spocilled,

the plainlllfs will lake 'c- judgment against you as)n prayed in said Com-Ir. plaint.)S WITNESS My hand and]y seal of this Court, tho 5lhid day of September. 1984.ni RiCiHARDA.PENCE of Clerk -JS By: Lucille Wllcock -------id ' DeputyClerk«d may; MAY, SUDWEEKS.n. SHINDURLING ’ &fd STUBBS :Ie— ByTJay Drsudweeks------- fd. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. •(c 516 Socond Siroot East.IS P.O. - Box 1848. Twin 'n- Falls. ID 83303-1846.

PUBLISH: Thursdays, 'Id September 13. 20. 27.ie and October 4,1984. |

INVITATION TO BID ' Scaled bids will be re- - {

celved by the City of , ■■■.' Twin Falls.-ldahbTai the"J

8. until 2:00 o'clock P.M.. jsr prevailing local time, on •

Oc*ober 4,1984.atwhich >time they will bo opened f

— pUtJltcly'^nu road'irrihe *Council Chambers of ^City Hall, 321 'Second c

fl' Avenue Easl. Twin Falis. <M Idaho. Fpj Bids wiil be received c

in T r a c l o f - L o a a o f - a3. Backhoe. • Ca Bids must bc sub- v

milted on bid forms pro-ill vlded by the City OfTwln tlo- Fails. Bid forms" are f

available at City Hall,Room 23. 321 Second c

‘II Avenue East. Twin Fails. \o'. Idaho. J

Jewel L. Chandler. ' aDeputy City Clerk b

‘n Cily of Twin Fails, Idaho s•d OPEN: October 4,1984 c

PUBtlSHr------Thursday—«September 20 & 27.1984. J

's NOTICEOFC; PUBUC HEARING 1Id Notice is hereby given 10 by lhe' City Council for c

the Cily of Twin Falls. E State of Idaho, that a

y. Public Hearing will be Fhold at Ihe hour ol 7:00 5

I® o'clock P.M. on the 15th s day of Oclober. 1984, in

9- tho Council Chambers,[<• City Hail, located at 321'y Second Avonuo East.- <

Twin Falls, Idaho, to ^'0 consider the applicalion <d of Lyle Frazier lor Rain ist Tree Enterprise, inc. for r5 approval Dl a devei- 1'd opment plan undor an i ^•__B-_4_PiJD_fot-proporty—V

located on Los Lagos iDrive, Twin Falis, Idaho, (

^ parUcu^ul^oLr^^ £

*------- A— parcel— of— iand—(located in the SE*/4 ol

V the SE’/4 of Section 32,.'■ Township 9 South,

Rangae l7'£ast of the \ . - Boise Meridian in Twin--t

Fails Counly. Idaho, f moro parlicularly do- >

‘5 scribed os loiiows; -| d BEGINNING at a point on , > the easterly bound- ( 5. ary of said SE'/> ( Is SE'/4 bearing North ( J* 0*01’20" Wesl 470.D0 | Ie • feet from the < le— .southeast— com et—

LEGAL NOTICFthereol: ■ ' ‘ [J

THENCE North 0*01’20" CWesl 110.51 feet J ’ along ihe easlerir~T boundary of 'SaldSEV. SEW: C

THENCE ' -South f89*12’50" West C219:56 feet; R

THENCENorth70*08’41" West 456,58 feel:

THENCE North 58’56-OS" J West 385.00 feel:

THENCE South 3l«D3' fi" West 134.891001:.

THENCE South-6 1 ‘00’23" Easl 319,81 a

feet; ■ STHENCE Soulh C

■e7*00’12" Easl 468.71 e.........feel;............................. 2

THENCE South *82M9-03" East 50.88 tJfeel: a

THENCc South h89'50'55” East 286.80 Cfeet 10 tho Poinl ol sBeginning, contain- l<Intj 3,05 acres, more tl

EXCEPT The East 40,00 a_ feel. boing le s

: right-of-way for t< Washington Street

: North.A delermlnallon has

: beon made lhat the ; proposed request Is in ‘ conformance with the , Comprehensive Plan for { 1 10 Clly ol Twin Fails.• Idaho.

The proposed use ol ’ the properly is a resi-

dential planned unit do- ^

Any person or persons C

• appoinled lime and- [ , pilace, 5• DATED Ihis 18th day of C

September, 1984, S. s/Emery Petersen c

Mayor c' PUBUSH:— Thursday. - a; September 27.1984, • t


On Monday, the 21st "day’ of January. 1985, at °

' the hour of 10:15 o'clock ^A.M. of said day at Ihe F

j Twin Falis.Counly Court- )'house. County of Twin "

• Fails, Stato of idaho,_• TITLEFACT, "INC., an

Idaho corporation, as “jt r u s l e e J l l _ j

soil at public auction, lo the highest bidder, for \ cash. In lawful money ol J

: the United Stales,-aii - I payable at the time ol

sal^e, the following de- \ scribed real properly, c

; situated in the Counly ol Twin Falls, Slate of i Idaho, and described as |

; follows, to-wit: ( Lot 22. Block 1. COL- F


, County, Idaho, ac- f cording to the olficial e plat thereof, recordec^ .^ In Book 11 of Plats. i

a o 6. records of ; n Fails County,

Idaho. 1Said sale will be mado <

' without covenant or /warranty regarding title, f

— poBseeeion— or— on-—cumbrsn-ces to satisly r

' the obiigailon securcd r; by and pursuani to the . f

power oi salo conferred jfn the deed of trust c

■ executed by RICHARD j ' E. LUND(aREN and i

DOROTHEE E, |,• LUNDGREN. husband |- . . and wile,, grantor , to .Tl* a f TLE AND TRUST COM- e . 'PANY,-as trustee for the-£

i SAVINGS ANO LOAN s, ASSOCIATION OF TWIN E1 FALLS recordod January I ■—25(—1978,-a5-in5lfument—i No. 729596. Mortgage re- cI cords ol Twin Fails a

Counly. Idaho. Said teal a' property hereinabivo iI described is now owned C

. and • HELEN L. rCARLSEN. husband and a

- wife. a- Tho default tor which c 1 this sale is lobe made is} failure to pay: • 's

(1) Monthly payments, 1i collection cnarges and .1. late charges through F

Septemberl,l984. in theamountol$1.152,2l: t and the balance owing as ol this date on thoobligation sccured by f

f_ealff ftnnrt nf Iriist Is S$44,722.81, plus interest C and foreclosure costs.

DATED: September 10, ; 1984.

I TITLEFACT, INC.. Sue- r cossorTrusteo '

BY: D.D. Waters ' , I Vice President, PUBUSH: Thursdays, ■ ) Septembor 13, 20, 27,I andOctober4,l984,

. INVITATION TO BIOI Sealed bids wilt be re-, ceivod by lhe Cily ol ' i) Twin Falis, Idaho, ai Ihc iI office of the Cily Clerk ,1 up to 2:00 o'clock P,M„ •

frevailing io‘:ai lime, on hursday. Octobcr 4.

I 1984. at which lime they : wili-be-opened -publicly— ,

I and road in Iho Council ,, Chambers ol tho City .■ H?ll, . I East, Twin Fails, Idaho, ,

Said- bids-will be re- I

I ®TemNo!l-1750°oa'j?4'' 'Ix 5/8" Wator Meters. ,

, Contract Documents iI with spoci'icalions aro | i-avallable at • City-• Hail, - - 1, Room 23, 321 Second |■ Avenue East, Twin Falls, |

•Idaho, ' I1 Jewel L Chandler.--------- <• Deputy Cily ClerkI City of Twin Falls, Idaho ;I OPEN: Oclober 4.1984. |) PUBLISH: Thursday, |} Seplember 20 and 2/. j




Plaintiff E£V8 Ml


C a 8 eN o .C I-3 0 8 1 -1 (^N O T C E O F Gl

U ner and by virtue of ap -an .E x e cu llo n !ssu ed :o u t ..reof lh e < above-en tilied naC ourt, In tho above- p(e n title d a c tio n , da ted tho ac

- 24lh day -o l'A ugust, 1984.. -h i w h ere in th e Plaintiff ob- pr ta in o d a ' judgm ent wl a g a in s t th e de fendan t a l h e re in , on Iho 16ih day of pt D ec em b er , 1983. for th e ot su m of $2,254,00. I havo to lev ied u pon all th e righl, m title . In te re s t and claim ot

a n d to th e loliowing d e - insc r ib e d rea l property , thto-w it; L>

Lot 5 in Block 2 of Iho R<Twin Falls S ch u g ars BiSubdiv ision to the,C lly R.o l Twin Falls, a s the R.s a m e Is p la tled In th e Rolficial p lat thereof and fonow of reco rd in th e P.o lfice of th e Twin Falls 1CC oun ty R ecorder. PiTwin (4 iis , idaho. S<PU B U C NOTICE IS 4.

HEREBYGIVEN _T hai o n th e 3rd day of ^O CTOBER. 1984, a l tho C(

_ h o u r of.l:30 a ' c ^ - » . ' ^ - r j ^ o f sa id

'F a l ls “ C ounty •C ourl- '" iNh o u s o . Twin Fails, C(C oun ty o l Twin Fails. F/ S la lo o t Idaho. I will, ino b e d ie n c e to sa id O rdor ^of S a lo , se ll a t pubiic E:a u c i lo ru .to . . th e h ig h e s t . EJb id d e r for c ash , lawful .m o n e y of th e United ^ S ta le s , all right, lille. in-te re s t a n d claim ol tho Gia b o v e-n am e d Defen- d(d a n t. o l. in and lo tho afa b o v e-d esc rib ed rea i fep ro p e r ty lo sa tis ly sa id a tju d g m e n t lo g e th er with pra ll c o s ts tha l have ac- acc ru e d o r may acc ru e d . cc

- DATED th is 10th day o f - pr S e p te m b e r . 1984. wi J a m e s R. Munn | | |

C oun ty , idaho ‘ OfPUBLISH: T hu rsdays, foS e p te m b e r 13, 20. and ni


In th e In te re s i o l TOM- c iMIE BORING. TAWNYA 3JBORING, DAWN WEIS & R,

-JA S O N D E L E O N .A C hild VVu n d e r E igh ieen Y oars of r <A ge. 8:


— ^Vou— a r e — h e re b y — no tified tha t a Petition,p u rsu a n t lo lhe Child -r,

.P ro te c l iv e Aci, has b e e n 'filed in Ihe above- „! e n title d m attor in the above-en tiiiod Court,Tho Potitionor boing th e !Idaho D epartm ont of "H eallh a n d W ellare. You S'a re h e re b y d irec tod to r*. ap 'pea r a l the 'h o a rin g on

- s a r d - P e t l l l o n . - a l - 1 : 3 0 - - P o ’d o c k p.m.. on Iho. lOth day o rO c b lb e rr iS M i- ln -V ^sa id C ourt a t th e Jud ic ia l HBuilding, Twin Falls, fl Idaho .

a p p o in ted lor you II youa ro u nab le to afford “ p rivate counsel. If C ourt-appoin ted

m ako your req iiesl lor ana p po in tm en t a s m uch in . ad v an c e of th e hearing d a te a s isp ra c iic ab ie .

W ITNESS my hand and• s e a i of sa id Court Ihis '

17th day ol Sep tem ber,1984. ...RICHARD A. PENCE. r!

C lerk Pb y : S / D O R O T H Y fMCMULLEN u

D epu tyC le rk “PUBLISH: . , T hursday , P,

_ S p jjte m b er • 27,- and qO ctoS er 4/1984. " ^ IN THE , DISTRICT-CC O U R T -O r THE FIFTH wJUDICIAL DISTRICT OF F


COUNTY .OF TWIN bFALLS JIn Iho M atter o l Ihe aE sta te o l: EVA MAY WPENNEL. D ec ea sed w

( ^ s e N o . . . . r<NOTICE to CREDITORS a:

NOTICE IS-H ER E B Y o■ GIVEN T hat Iho un- T

d o rs ig n o d h as be en a p p o in ted P e rsonal R ep- tt

■ re so n ta llv e of the ab o v e-n am e d e s ta te . All d p e r s o n s having claim s p a g a in s t th e said d c - S<

—c o a s e d 'a ro - r e q u i r e d - to —irp r e s e n i - thoir claim s 1! w ilhin loor m onihs a fte r

pub lication of this no tico a:o r sa id c laim s will b e fc

'm u s t e ilh e r t>o p res - a;on to d 10 Leona F. oG o ch n o u r. P e rsonal s-R e p ro sen ta llv e , clo . $l

- W ebb . Burton.- C arlson . D P e d e rs e n 8. Paine . P.O . T Box 1768. Twin Falls, F Idaho , o r llled wilh Ihe F C ^ u rt. C

DATED T his 4th day ofS e p le m b e r , 1984. B L eo n a F. G ochnourPU B U SH : T hursday . PS e p te m b er^2 7 . O ctobor S


- i n - th e - M a t io r - o f _ th e _ M A E sla ie of. WALTER W. FOI McCASE. D ec ea sed NA

Proba te N um ber NOTICE to CREDfTORS N


I..” ” .appoin ted p e rso n a l rep - Catresen ta iive o l tho abovo resnam ed d e c e d e n t. All prop e rso n s having c la im s narag a in s t the d e c e d e n t o r ha:

-h l& e s la to a ro re q u irc d .lo .. ab(p re se n t Ihelr c la im s reaw ithin four (4) m o n ih s nara lte r the da to o f ih iH lr s t pelpublication o l Ihls n o tic e lineor sa id claim s will b e Maforever ba rred , C laim s vlom u sl e ilher bo p res - OO'on lod to Ihe u n - Ion

-d ersig n ed -e l Ihe a d d re s s — theindicated, o r filed w ith pelth e Clerk ol th e Court. de<LAURA E.McCABE amRoute ( 1, Filer, Idaho tioi83328 aroRAYBORN and fRAYBORN BoR.E. R ayborn, A ttornoy 667for tho E sta te 1P.O. Box 321, Twin Fails , St.1083303,733-2600 S,( PUBLISH; T h u rsd ay s . E S ep lem b er 27, O clobo r Ro4 ,a n d l1 .1 9 8 4 . J

•_________ ________ BoIN THE DISTRICT R4£COURT OF THE FIFTH \



In Iho M atter o l th e MaE sta te of JOHN OSCAR OcESUNGER, D ec ea sed hoi

• C ase No. 3154 in 'NOTICE to CREDITORS coi

NOTICE IS HEREBY mgGIVEN thal th e u n - peidorsignod have b e e n opiappoin ted p e rso n a l re p - ^oiresen ta tlvos of th e ag;above-nam ed e s ta te . All naip e rso n s having c la im s vagaln si Ihe sa id do - so;c e a se d a re requ ired to thh p rese n i their- c la im swithin lour m o n th s a fle r D|rth e da le of Iho first c i j

-publlcatioti-oLthts-n o tice— ghio r said claim s wiii b e qq forever barred . C laim sm usl bo e ith er p r e s - , ^i^e n led to C h e ste r Ollio qq Eslinger and Wilma EulaK uykendall. p e rso n a l igorcp resc n la llv e s o l Ihe i^ge s ta te a t O flice I I . Twin pnFalls Bank & Trust B idg., caTwin Fails, Idaho 83301, 1 1 or filed wilh lhe Court.

DATED This 10th d a y INofS ep ie .iiber.1984 . CCC h e ste r Oiiie E slinge r. JU3790 Clover Valley R oad . ThRocklin, CA95677 INWilma Eula K uykendall, CCRoute 14, Twin Falls, ID Ffi83301 In

PUBLISH; T h u rsd ay s . A^S ep tem b er 13, 20, 27, na an d O ctober 4,1984.


On W ednesday , th e AV Twelfth day o l De- c em b e r. 1984. a l t h e hou r o f 10:00 o 'c lo c k A.M. of 82. sa id day, front s lo p s of Tv/in Fails C ounty C o u rt ch h o u so . Twin Fails, S ta le 9° o f Idaho, FIRST AMERI- K« CAN TITLE COMPANY, | l ‘

- a s - « f u B io e ,- ;v i l l - s o t l- a l— Af pubiic aucllon . - to lh e fe'

'h ig h o s fb id d o r . 'fo r c a s h , rn a jn J a a f u J - T nD nev o ( <ne ^

U niled S ta te s , ' a i l - ^ ^ > ' ab lo a t th e tim e o l sa le ,Iho loliowing d e s c r ib e d El: rea l property , s itu a te d in

’- th d -e o u n ty o K v flr rF a lls :— S la to of idaho, a n d do - faj sc rib ed a s fo llow s, to - ch

' ' ' 'loi 3 , , Block 7^ o l he NORTH P A R K S y i B ^ C O

Fails Counly', Idaho , f>V . -accord ing to lh e o f- if’

ficial plai ih o reo f , ro - loco rded in th o o ffice of fO

. th e County R e co rd e r, c rSaid sa lo wiil b e m a d o -

•w ithou t' co v en an t o r scw arran ty reg a rd in g title , 1i p o s se s s io n o r on - 19c u m b ra n ce s lo sa tis fy Rl lh e ob ligation s e c u r e dby and p u rsu an t to th e B;

ror o l sa lo c o n fo rre dlhe d e e d o t tru s t PI

- o x e c u lo d — by— G L E N N — S iCLARK ond CINDY ar

- CL-ARK, h u sb a n d a n d wife Tiliowost of Twin Falis. a s g ran to r, d b a . FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO. a s tfu s ie e . fo r th e .benefit and so c u ri ty o l b)JAM ES DALE W ELCH |oa n d PATRICIA LEE ih WELCH, h u sb a n d an d , |dwifo H<rec o rd o d Ju n o 21. 1981 tha s Inslrum ont NO. 804533 p.

. o f Olficial R o c o rd s of o<Twin Fails Counly , id a h o c*

T ho dofauil for w h ich H;th is sa io is to bo m a d e is or

1. Failure to p a y N oto Fj d u e Ju n e 8. 19M. in Iho Ai principal su m of A| 56.150.00, lo g e th e r w ith p |

- i n l e r e 3 t - l r o m - J u n e - 8 , - : - j ( 1 9 8 1 .a la ra to o l1 1 .0 % . th

2, T o g eth er w ith a n y Ci

a s so c ia ie d w ilh ' l h l s prfo roclosuro of

- a n d - th e -b a la n o e - o w in g —ca s of th is d a te o n th e z(obligation s e c u ro d by 2Csa id d e e d of tru s t if cl$8,285,23 ' d(DATED: A ugust 3 , 19S4 -t,{TITLEWEST O F TWIN e ,FALLS ofF irs t A m erican T itle KiC om pany ..........- Ni

T ru s tee Ki B Y :D o x to rT .B a ll.J r . •.•' ie

T rust O lficerPUBLISH: TTfursdaya. r , S e p te m b e r 6 .1 3 , 20. and

T h u rsd a y , S ep tem b er


C a se N o .3 6 8 4 M bou r NOTTCE O F HEARINQ SWV A petition by lla Marie Tt-

S n o d g ra ss , b o rn Nov- 0*11' ■ombtn— 29:— 1931, - at fe a t C anehlll, A rk a n sa s , now bour residing In Buhl. Idaho, High p roposing a ch an g e In sa id nam e to lla M arie Tyree REA h as b e e n f l lo d - in - ih e BEG abovo e n llllo d o o u r t . th e . . . J> reaso n for th e ch an g e in Nori nam e b e in g tha t Ihe 1271 pelltlone r is com m only Nori linovm In th e a re a a s lla tie fi Marie T yree ,, w as pro- reco viously d ivo rced from th e O ee S n o d g ra s s and no Reci longer d e s i r e s to retalnv Nun

-the n a m e S n o d g ra s s ; l h e - 4 8 , < p e titio n e r 's fa the r Is p r t d e c e a se d : th e nam es boui and a d d r e s s e s ' o f pell- dlvh H onor's n e a r e s t rela tives T> are:- . 89*4

Ron P a llo n , R oute 3, (ee t Box 72, P lllsb u rg , KS bou 66762; SW '

Tom P a tto n , 500A Holly belr S t.. Shaw -A .F . B ase , cort S.C . 29152; S W

Bonnie B uerlson , Tl R o u le 1 ,W y a n d o li ,O k la .. 0*1<

S andra f o u n ta in , Rt. 1, (ee l Box 322, A n d erso n , MO bou 64831; SW

Henry P a tto n . Buhl^ th e ld a h o 8 M i6 '' ' * o f

S (ep han le Vofrouljoic, of-« 116 Slh A v en u e -S o u lh , Tl Buhl, Idaho 83318’. 80Vsuch pe llllon will b e foot heard on W ednesday bou (day) lh e 3 ls t day of Higl O ctober, 1984. a l the Ihe hour of 9:30 o 'c lo c k a .m . BEC i n ' Ihe a b o v e nam ed A court a n d ob je c tio n s d e s may b e (ilod by and m aj pe rso n w ho c an , In such h e a ob jec tions, sh o w to th e timi court a g o o d reaso n cisi again st su c li a c h an g e o l Ape

WITNESS My hand and o fS se a l o l sa id D istrict Court LaN Ihis 251h d a y of Sep - C ortem ber.1984 . ^ - ' -opnRichard A. P e n c e . PUICletk S e t


A ® N E Y * ' FOR PETl- ,TIONER: JR oberi C, W eaver. . "W eaver a n d D ykas. 130 2y_ North' B roadw ay. Buhl,ldaho833l6 • {T.!,PUBUSH: T hu rsdays. 5 fJ S e p lom bor 27. Octobor 4.11 and 18,1984.

IN THE D iSTfliCt dayCOURT O F THE FIFTH TueJUDICIAL DISTRICT OF ChaTHE STATE OF IDAHO. loCiIN AND FOR THE AveCOUNT-f OF TWIN MaiFALLS appIn Ihe M ailer o( Ihe L. .a pp lica lion o l KEFAH CroAWADAH. lo r ch an g e o l D gnam e ZOI

CasgN a.387B 5-1 AMNOTICE o f HEARINS- denA p e llllon by SAMIH nail

AWAWDAH and lociFAKEEHA SAMIH FallELABED now lesld lng a t S inB22 O ulncy; Twin Falls. &Idaho, p ro p o s in g a proch an g e of n a m e o f their p a fso n , K elah Aw aw dah to a s;K efah S am lh H asan LE labed, w ho w as born FApril 19. 1979. The A

T e W r r o r lh - e c h a h g e - - 6 r b e e - n a m e — b e in g - ,- ,- th a t - - p r o A w aw dah Ja .a m v . olO. con

= nlc lcrram B ^ndiho-ch lld !r=C or Itue na m e sho u ld be th e E labed. Idal

T he p e l l l l o n e r 's 'a r e T - lh o -n a lu ra l -m o th o r_ a n d _ tn e .

fa ther o f sa id m inor fosj child. A

The p e titio n wlli b e so h e ard a t su c h tim e a s tho Poa court m ay appo in t, and aop

by any p e rso n w ho can , ^ DIn su c h o b je c tio n s show Septo th e c o u rt a good 3 '^rea so n a g a in s l such a Cch an g e of n am o . r u i

. WITNESS My h?nd and Sep se a l ol sa id coucl Ihis11th day of S e p tem ber, 198 1964.R ichard A. P e n c e —

Clerk ••B y ;ShailaM oiyneuii Y nr

D eputy i u f PU BUSH : T hursdays,

-S e p if im b e r_ _ 1 3 _ 2 0 ^ 2 7 , an d O c to b e r4 ,1 9 8 4 .

_______ ___________~ PAINOTICEOF


N otice is h e re b y given b y .lhe B oard of Appealslor th e A roa of Impacl of Alth o Cily o l Twin Falls, th iIdaho, th a l a Public SEIHearing wlli b e hold a t THIth e h o u r .o l l ;0 0 o 'c lock, oEiP.M .. on th e 16lh day of VO ctober, 1984, in tho notCouncil C h a m b ers , Cily h a ;Hall, locatod a l 321 Sec- yoiond A venue East. Twin co iFalls, Idaho boforo tho narA rea of Im pacl Board o t a reA ppeals u p o n th e AP- iiiePEAL of WAYNE and wri

'-JO Y -A N D E R S O N -(ro m -fo nth e d e c is io n of the. City wilCouncil for lh e Cily of (ro

-T w ill ra iib , iuaiiu . ut>- 5uiproving th q ^ application furo t Uhrifid TOveiopm ent ’ los

Z O N E ^ I^ c h would ro- th^ 2o n e p ro p e rty from Aori- Jui cullural d e n s ity tp C-2 pr« d en sity . sald__ property Th

- 'b e in g lo c a to d 'A mile agiE ast of th e Intorseclion Vof 3200 E as t Road and so;Kimberly R oad and 660' 29t Norlh’of^lho cen te rlin e ol ’ RicKimberly R oad, and (

' legally d e s c r ib e d a s : ShT ow nship 10 Soulh. I

Rango 17 E as l. B.M., PL Twin - F a lls Ck)unty. S e

- Id a h o r — ..........--27.\

Section l i : A p a rc e l o f 'UNITE Id lo c a te d in ' Iho DISTRi/y4SW.'/4,------------m oro — T H E -rtlcularly d e sc r ib e d a s lOAHC low s: ' - U n i t e d:OMMENCING a t th e Amerli u thw est c o rn e r o f sa id Kondri c tion 13 a n d runn ing Inc..F H E N C E _______ N orth________•47'59" E as t for 989.7 9t a long th e S o u th erly CIC C undary of sa id pany V/iSm *-. CompjTHENCE N orth Amerii11'22.5" E as l for 50.00

lundary of Id ah o -S ta te . ANO ghw ay 30 right-of-w ay TO .fd po in t a lso b e ln g th e — NAME :AL *T O IN T OF CIC C •GINNING pany:T H E N C E ...c o n tin u in g .. . . You Drth 0*11'22.5" E as t f o r - sum m 71.63 fo e t to th o to se i s r lh e a s l c o rn e r o( Lit- Colerr ) A cres Subd iv ision , a s Colem c o rd e d In th e offlco of Rltchl< 0 Twin F a lls C ounty lorne> sc o rd e r. Book of P lals is 156 um ber 8. P a g e N um bor P.O . E i,.sa ld lln o .arso -b o in g a ...ld ah o >nion o f th e . E as terly sw er ju n d a ry of sa id su b - which vision; uponTHENCE N orth ( ^ ) dil»48'37" E as t fo r 330.75 th is t let a long th o N ortherly upon sundary o l sa id th e da WV4SW'/4 to a po ln l la lllo Bing th e N o rth ea s t defaui 3rner of sa id again: W'/4SW'/4: detjiaiTHENCE S outh plaint,

’14 '06" W ost fo r 1271.58 WIT te l a long th e E as terly Ihe si oundary of sa id S la te : W'/4SV/'/i to a po in t on lOm < le N ortherly boundary 19W. r sa fd H Ignw ay righ t- JERR f-way: * oX-R.THENCE S o u th . D ep

)*47'59" W est for 329.74 PUBLI lot a lo n g th e N ortherly S e p le oundary . of sa id O ctob ighw ay right-of-w ay lo in le REAL POINT OF COUF EGINNING: . ■ FOURAny a n d all p e rso n s OISTF

esiring to c om m en t STATl lay a p p e a r and b e AND I e a rd a t th e a b p o in ted OF AC m e a n d p la ce , t h e d e - MAG Ision o t th e B oard of in th p p e a ls will b e final. E sta h DATED T his 24lh day EDWII

f S e p te m b e r . 1984. c e a se a M arN . O rton . Com m unlty Devel- n OTIpm e n l D irector -------- NO'U BU SH : T hu rsday . GiVEl o p le m b e r2 7 ,l9 8 4 . dorsic


Nolle© is h e re b y given y th e P lan n in g , and oning co m m iss io n for nroQc 10 cTly o l Twin Falls. S ,,h ir la te of Idaho , th a t a ubllc H earing will b e „ rhii. e ld a t th e h o u r o f 7:30 'c lock P .M .. o n th e 9th (^ ,0® ay of O c to b er. 1984. a E u e sd a y . in th e Council :ham bers , C lly Hall. pf,ro<- jc a te d a t 321 S e c o n d g e - , . ,v e n u e E as t, Tw in Falls , M Jaho, to c o n s id e r th e p » d ^ pp llcation o t L aw rence . J o n e s a n d G ordon L. Maho :rockett fo r a ZONING k b o IISTRICT CHANGE and “ n v ONING MAP sanVe.MENDMENT from R-4 k a r l e n s lly to R-4 PRO do- slty (o r proporty q/q )ca led In lh e vicinity of c a r ls i alls A venue & Polk pl\ne tre'et a n d F a lls A venue 7-101

Tyler S t re e t , which

T 2 r . y ' ^ d e s c K

\ o t s 2 a n d 7 o l B I o c k 2 , IN Fron tier Subdiv ision COUF A d e te rm in a tio n h a s POUF

e e n — m a d e — th a l— th e —fo p o s e d -ro q u re s t- ls - ln .-S T A Tonfo rm an c e with th e AND <3m p[flhfln6W fl-Pla^loh=Q f-A le City o l Twin Falls. ALUk Jaho. SU R /T he p ro p o se d u s e of

Any p e rso n o r p e rs o n s . COMI 0 in le re s te d m ay a p - ASSC e ar a n d b e h e a rd a t tho » j p c ppo jn le d tim e and BREJ

DATED T h is 2131 d a y o l NEGle p te m b e r , 1984. SONv/M ik e O u e s n e ii INSUC hairm an SON

UBLISH: M onday, BOWe p te m b e r 24. and PAN}W . y , S e p l e m b . r 2 7 , CRA)

and'__________' pe rsi


Pialntllf YOv a NOTI

;LINTW. MILLS plainD o londan t aoalr

( ^ s e N o . 38487-2 |f(clA N OTH ERSUM M ON S JudicHE STATE O F IDAHO SlatelENDS G REETIN G S TO th e 1HE ABOVE NAMED th e £)EFENDANT: ||((, i

You a re ho roby oiroc ib tified th a t a C om plain t A nsv la s b e e n (iled a q a ln s t non'Ou in Iho ob o v o on tltiod saido u n . by ttio abovo iw enlam ed p ia ln tllf. a n d you serviiro h e ro b y d ire c te d to rnon: ilo a w ri tte n a n sw e r o r (urth vritton m o tio n In d e - to sso n so - to - sa id -C o m p ia in t- iim ovithin tw e n ty (20) d a y s th e ' rnm th o s e ry jf-n th kSum m ons; a n d you a re nrayiu rth o r n o til ied th a t un- plaino s s y o u d o s o w ithin th o “ f h ' im o - h o r o in —3pQ C lliod_nnalfh e P laintiff will tako JfainJud g m e n t a g a in s t you a s a c IIcjray o d In th o C om plain t, ctaitr rh e n a tu re o f th o claim ny eig a ln s t y o u Is d ivo rce . inc.

W ITNESS My h a n d a n d w i seal o l th is C o u rl th is s e a l S th d a y o l A u g u s t, 1984. j r i c Ric h a rd A. P o n c e dayc

C lerk ' J o h rShalla M olyneux c ii

D epu ty _ ■ By: I PU B U SH ; T h u rsd a y s , pO b S e p to m M L f lJ 3 . .2 0 .a n d _ s o o i 27,1984. - - ir - :- - -4 ,-n

or27.1984- Tlmes-Nows.Twir

L EG A L N 0 7 I C E LECJITED STATES’ .STRICT COURT FORIE------DISTRICT— O F ----------AHOllled S ta le s of ne rlc a . Io r th o U so ol m drick O ll Ck5mpany.

___________ Plalnilfi_________V8

C C o n s tru c tio n Com- .ny a n d Insurance im pan y of North n e rlc a ,

D elendan is— G<v}Wor84-4068------------------ANOTHERSUMMONS TO THE ABOVE- \M ED D EFEN D AN T,- — C C o n stru c lio n Com- iny: 1You ' a re heroby im m bhed-aiid reqiilrOd

s e rv e u p o n Jonrv R,)Iem an of th o firm of >lem an, M cIntyre & tch io , p la in tifl's al- rney . w h o se a d d re ss 156 2nd A venue W osl.0 . Box 525. Twin Falls.,aho.63303-0525. a n .a n :______ver to th e com plaint lic h is h e re w ilh served )on y o u . w ithin twenty }) d a y s a f te r se rv ice o(Is A n o th e r Sum m ons >on yo u . exclu sive ol0 d a y o( s e rv ic e . II you 11 to d o s o . judgm en t by )fauil will bo taken l a in s ty o u fo r th e ro l lo l im a n d ed in th e com- a int.W ITNESS My hand and e s e a l o f sa id Uniled a le s D istr ic t C ourt this 'th d a y of S e p tem ber,W.■RHYL. CLA PP. C letk f-: R. H ab e rm an ■D epu ty C lerk JBLISH: T hu rsdays. )p lem b § r 13.< 20. 27, : to b e r 4 .a n d l i : i9 6 ^ .1 THE DISTRICT DURT O F THE DURTH JUDICIAL ISTRICT OF THE rATE O F IDAHO. IN ND FOR TH E COUNTY FADA1AGISTRATE DIVISION

th e M atte r o l ihe s ta te o f: RAYMOND 3WIN JO S U N . Do-

’^ (^ M N o .3 P - e 2 2 0 JOTICE to CREDITORSNOTICE IS HEREBY.......... -IVEN th a t th e un- ■ a rs ig n e d h a s beenrip o rn ted P e rso n a l Rep-______ise n la tiv e of iho 30 v e-n am ed e s ta te . All a r s o n s hav ing claims ja ln s l th© sa id , d e ­b a se d a r e requ ired to r e s e n t th e ir claim s Ithin fou r m o n ih s altor le d a te o f th e flrsl ub lica iion of th is notico r sa id c la im s will be irev e r b a rre d . Claims lu st e i th e r b e pros- n te d to Karl Josiin , e rso n a l R epre- ■e n ta tlv e , c /o W ebb, u rto n , Carlson,e d e r s e n & P aino . P.O, ox 1768, Twin Fails, laho , 83303, o r filed with le Court.DATED T h is 19 day ol

e p te m b e r , 1984.A R L JO SU N e rso n a l R ep resen ta tive fo W ebb , Btmon» • a ris en , P e d e rse n & a ine , P .O . Box 1768, Min-Falls, Idaho 83303.U BU SH : Thursday, B p tem ber 27, Oclobor a n d 11,1984.



O N A tD “ K T ^ A S P E R :----------OMMODITY . BUYERS SSOCIATION, INC., a o rp o ra llo n ; JAMES E. RENNAN d b a CURRY iRAIN_^STORAGE; NICK lEGU d b a NEGU AND O N S TRUCKING; AID ^SURANCE COMPANY;,ONNY BOW UN dba lOWUN GRAIN COM- 'ANY; a n d ELDON ;RAW F0RD dba:RAW F0RD FARMS,.nd any a n d all olhor lo rso n s , firm s, o r cor- lo ra tions hav ing claim s, •

D efendants C a8aN o .86208


;e n d s - g h e e i i n g s t qHE ABOVE NAMED lEFENDANTS:

YOU A RE HEREBY lOTIFIED. T hat a Com- ilaint h a s b eon fltod g a in s t y o u in th e Ols- rTcl CJourt o f th e Fourlh udic lal D lslrlc t o t the Itate of Id aho . In and for he C oun ty of Ada. by h e abovo n am ed Plain- Ilf. a n d you a ro hereby liroc ted to fllo a w ri tle n .^ — m sw e r o r w rlllen Me­lon In d e fe n s e to the ;ald C om plain t within Kventy (20) d a y s of iho lorvico o( th ls . Sum- 10n s ; a n d you are u rth o r no tified thal un- Qss you d o s o w ithin thoIm o. h e ro in -sp e c if ie d -.---------he •P laln ilff wlll take

i ia y ^ ^ (o ?? ii sa ic/com ^ ilalnt.- T h ^ n a tu re o l th s -c ia lmig a in e t -y o iJ - i s -a -C o m -_____ _ilaint (o r In terp leader \c lio n c o n c irn ltlg - ;lalm s a g a in s t C o m m o d -^ ,; • ty B u y e rs A ssociation .

W ITN ESS m y hand and iea l o f t h e sa id DIS- rRICT CO U RT th is 20th Jay d fA u d u s l,1 9 8 4 . lo n n B a s tid a

C lerk 3y: DEPUTY CLERK PU B U SH : -T hufsday,5 o p te m b e f - 2 7 .- O ctober-------« ,1 V a n d n 8 ; i9 8 4 - : - .—

TwinFails, Idaho


Page 24: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

L E G A l NOTICE NOTICE of LETTINGS e a le d p r o p b sa i r^ lH

bo rec e iv e d by l lu IDAHO TRANS­PORTATION BOARD only a t th e olflco of tho IDAHO TRANS'


------- HIGHWflYSrM II Wb sI-S ta te S tre e t . Boiso, Id aho , unlll tw o o'c lock p .m r o n th o I6 lh day of O c tc o e r. 1084, for- the w ork o f . producing, h a u lin g 'a n d stockpiling

” -CbVei'- ■ C c a t v :M atcriaf C la s s 3 , . Vi" A ggroga to ' fo r Roadm ix Pavomont. S e c o n d a r y .. Screen ings, and W A ggrogalo in S lo ck p lle . known as Id ah o S tockp iles Nos. 2638. 2657, 4511 and 4529,

---------InT w in Falls.and.Jorom e...C o u n lio s .K o y N os. 2434. 2677.3152 a n d 4529.


P ro p o s a ls m ust bo p re p a re d a n d subm ilted In a c c o rd a n c e with the re q u ire m o n is of Section 102- P ro p o sa l Require- m e n ts a n d Conditions o l • t h e ^ ^ h o S t a n d a r ^

H/flhw ay Constracllohr_____Edition of.1963,_________

P la n s , speclllca tlons, lorm of c on lrac t.-pco - p o sa l fo rm s, a n d other Inlorm ation may b e ob­ta in e d a l th e o f l lc e o f the Idaho Transportation D ep a rtm en t. Division of H ighw ays, B oise, Idaho, and from th e Distrlcl E n g in e e r a t Shoshone. Idaho .

A ' non-rolundable c h a rg e o l FIFTEEN DOLLARS |S15.CfO plus s a le s tax will b e m ade for e ac h s e t of plans, pay­m ent tb bo m ade by

----- cf\eck,-payable to-the -Idaho Transportallon D epartm en t. Division of

T h e right is resenifed lo r e je c t all p roposals, or to a c c e p t th e proposal or

a o s a ls de em e d b est l e f a t e o l l d a h o .

^N o p roposal will be c o n s id e re d u n le ss ac ­co m p an ie d by an ac ­c o p tab le p roposal guar­anty in a n am ount nol le ss th a n (Ive pe rc en t of the to ta l am oun t of the p ro p o sa l . T his guaranty m iist b e In th e lorm of a C ertified C heck or a Ca­s h ie r 's C h e ck draw n an Idaho bank , m ado pay­ab le to th e Idaho Trans­p o rta tion D epartm ent. D ivision H ighw ays, o r a B id d e r 's Bond..B id d e r s shall bo

l ic e n s e d In th e S ta te of Idaho by th e S la te Con.- tr a c to r s L ic en se Board, e x c e p t on pro jec ts in­volving fed e ra l funds. The s u c c e s s lu l b id d e r on p ro je c ts Involving fed e ra l lu n d s snail ob­tain su c h a license

• bo fo re aw ard ;Wlll bo m a d e, a s provided In

' S u b s e c tio n 107.03 ol Iho■ Idaho -Slandard '

------ ^wiflcations.^EdiHon o[ _

The ContracWx-wlll be •

than th e minim um wago ra le s of Form SP-L-IN p ro d e te rm in o d by tho

---------S e c re ta r y - o l- L a b o r -f o r —-tho t^ro le c l. a? so t out In Iho a d v o rtise spcciiica- lions a n d bid proposal. S u ch r a te s will be mado a p a r t o f Iho contract

-- co v erin g Iho projec l. The • Fair L abo r S tan d ard s Aci 011938 (U .S C.A. Tllle 29, P a rag rap h s 201-219. • C h a p te r 8) shall apply in tho em p lo y m e n t of labor lor th is p ro jec t.

It Is th o p u rp o se o l the Idaho Transporialion Board to build iho im- pro v em cn i th e shorte st lime c o n s is te n t 'wiin good c o nstruction . Noc­o s sa ry eQulpm enl and un e ffe c tiv e organizntlon will b c in s is ted upon.

------------ D a te d “ Soptem tJcr• 1984.

G.K. GREEN, P.E,S ta te Highw ay Ad-m in istra to r(Chiol E ngineer)PUBLISH: M onday,,: S e p te m b e r 24 Ihrough and Including Friday,


S e a le d bids" will be rO' c e iv ed by tho City ol Twin F a lls . Idaho, ai iho o llico of th o Clly Clerk unlll 2:00 o 'c lo ck P.M. prevailing local tim e, on O c lo b e r 4 .1984. a l which limo th e y will bo opened public ly a n d read in tho ]

_____Council__ C ham bers__ ol—i• -.City H all. 321 S econd "t

A vonue E as t. Twin Falls, iIdaho. , ,-•-Bids will bo received i

- . . ; l o r - th o - p u ic h a s o - o l -a _ iF ro n t E nd L oador

" B id s ■ m u s f b e sub - iffllltod on b id form s pro- , vided by th o City o l Twin Falls. Bid form s aro availab le a t Clly Hall.

' Room 23. 321 S econd iA vonue E as t, Twin Falls, |Idaho. I

— Jew el L. C hand le r • i D eputy Clly Clork. Cily of j Twin-Falls. Idaho i

OPEN : O ctobo r 4,1984. i PUBLISH: T hursday. | S^ t e m b e r 20, and 2f.__ |

M TImos-Nowa. Twin Fall

gais~AnnL E G A l NOTICE


- I r t - t h e M atter o l th e Poll- tlo n o l SHANE

.D 0U Q L A 3 LAUaHfclf^rF o r C h a n g e ol N am e.------

_____C a ae N o .3 8 7 8 5 JO' NOTICE OF HEARING

ON PETmON TO >8. CHANGE NAME fO A Petition by Shane \a '\\ 'O b u o T a3 "L ao g h lln ;'b o fn - >‘0 J u ly 23, 1 9 « In Twin

F a lls . Idaho, now resld- I?' in g a t 223 Ja ck so n S treet ‘n In Twin Falls. Idaho, as p r o p o s in g a change In >s-.- n a m o to Shano Douglas

J e f f h a s bo en Illed in the ne .__abov6 -en litled -::r"C ourt.-

T h e rea so n for — ^he* c h a n r je o l nam e b e n g

||L th a t h e h a s be en u sn g N- t h o na m o Shano Douglas

J e f I fo r so m e lim e, nas b e e n know n in tho com-

JT m u n ity a s sam o. and In- l e n d s lo I 'oglster for high s c h o o l u nder thls^name. T h e nam o o l th e Petl-

30 t l o n e r 's la ther is 5d S t e p h e n Ray U ugh iln ,10 a d d r e s s unknow n: the ’Ff n a m e a n d a d d re ss o l the e- P e t i t io n e r ’s , m other is- o l - S h e r r i le o J e ll . 226 rfl_ ^ . c k so n S ' f " « t . . TV/in • ! ^ 3 S t e .* l d a h o , - : - ^ . ^ -n . . S u c h Petlllon wtfl b e----- heard-on-lhe-IOth'dayol-s , O c lo b e r . 1984. and ob- Q- l e c t i o n s m ay be filed by Bf a n y p e rso n w ho can , in b- s u c h ob je c tio n s, show to

t h e C ourt a good reaso n m a g a in s t a ch an g e of31 name.3. PU B LISH : T huniday. sl S e p le m b e r 6 ,13 . 20. and 9. 27 .1984 .

e . -NOTICEOF VJ PU B U C HEARING3 N o tic e Is hereby given ir b y th e Planning and

Z o n in g com m ission for.V th e City o l -Twin Falls,0 - J d a .h o . . lha t. a public n H e a rin g will be held at if t h e h o u r of 7:30 o 'clock,

P .M .. on lh e 9lh day of a— OCTODor, ISM. a lu e s - ir d a y . in th e Council If C h a m b e rs . Clly Hall.Jt lo c a te d a t 321 Second

A v e n u e E asl, Twin Falls, e Id a h o , upon the appllca-

tlo n o l MARY RUTH KAWAMOTO for a

r- SPE CIA L USE PERMIT In )( o r d e r tha t the applicant )l m a y o p e ra te a boauly e - s a l o n 'a s a hom e oc- y c u p a t lo n o n ' properly a lo c a te d a t Route 3 Box 1. 6960, C ento Drlvo. Twin n F a lls , and legally de- f. s c r ib e d as:J. L ot 1. Block A. Donna t ' L eigh Subdivision, a T w in Falls Couniy.

Id ah o , accord ing lo th e 0 o fficial plat therool ro- if c o rd e d In Book 10 of i. P la ts , p ag e 13, reco rds f o f Twin Falls Counly. .11 Id aho .; A ny and all p e rsons r d e s ir in g to com m onl a m a y a p p e a r and be K h e a r d 'a t th e appoinied , e tim e a n d placo. !0 , T h e decision o l "I n C o m m iss io n shall bo ' 0 fina l u n le s s within fllleon . d ' d a y s — o f — th e — C om --; )l m is s io n s action an ap- : - - - p e a l is-liled wllh lhe City ' Q- CouncU. On Appeal, a --

P u b lic H eafina w i lL b e - . 0 s c h e d u le d boloro ihoVI C ity Council.0 DATED THIS 21sl dayir— o l^ op tom ber^ l984 .------------n s /M ik eO u e sn o ll 1. C hairm an I. PUBLISH: Monday, c S e p te m b e r 24. and :t T h u rsd a y , Septem ber 27. e - 1 9 8 4 .•' - A D V E R T I S E M E N T . FO R BIDS FOR 19S4

CRUSHING CONTRACT.fl S e a le d proposals will

bo rec e iv e d in iho ollico • o l th e D epuly Clly Clork

0 a t . 321 Second A venue1 E a s t, Twin Falls. Idaho,

u n til 2:00 P.M ., provailing 'il lo c a l tim e O clober 5. h 1984 a l w hich lime they . •' s h a ll bo publicly opened o a n d ro ad In the Council , fl C h a m b e rs of iho Twin , i^ ■ > l l s C i ] y i l i a i ---------------------

— I h e — work con­te m p la te d heroin is the <

, c ru sh in g o ll5 ,0 0 0 to n s o l ( '• g rav e l. I

Con*racl D ocum ents I w ith - jpecillca tions

( • - a n d /o r p lans aro availa- h b le a t Ihe office o l ihe ^ C lly E ng ineer. 321 Sec- _ o n d A venue bas:. Twin '

F i l ls , Idaho, a t a ioo of■ ■■ SIS-QQ______________________

JE W E L L . CHANDLER D epu ty Cily Clork. City Of

0 Tw in Falls, Idaho k O PE N :O ctot)er5.1984.

PUBLISH: Thursday, n S o p lo m b o r 20. and 2/. h 1984. d _________________0 B E FO fle THE IDAHO 'il-P U B L IC ---------- UTILITJES—d COMMISSION ■■ . , i, In m n M anor ol Iho De- i

c en ilic a tlo n by tho Idaho v1 P u b lic Uiilities Com- 3 a—m iG Ston-ol-A ulhO fity-tO -*

bOt Itilraslalo Rail Ratot. “ u n d o r th e S taggers Rail = - A cto f1 9 8 0 _ • 1 C a se No. P-300-30 ) LEGALNOTICE

YOU ARE HEREBY I NOTIFIED lhal iho Idaho \ , P u b lic Utllllios Com- I

m is s io n has 'p ioposod to ' c ' r e s c is s io n of its Rules i 1 a n d Regulations for I

A dm in is tering iho Sol- t in g of Iniraslaio 'Rail * R a te s under Iho Slag- S n e r s Rail Act of 1980, ^

- fb A P A - 3 1 ^ - : ...

Falls, Idaho Thursday, Sopt(

t o u n c e m e

Sr ’ C la i i i f i e irH I3 F -

Q A nnouncem entsIIM 001 Florliis

002 U9I& found ,,, 003 Announcement ^ OCMSirtelilnoiie#*

'Ic OOSMsmotlilflOllces - -00flP«i3tinil»

Jg ' ^ .S n lo c l a O o l l e r B --------

™ ..........Iln ...........

• 018 Ineom# preperty OMMonoyloloM

?na s OJSInsltuellon


rte" G J R e a le s t^ oig 0^9 ooan nou»}ig 030 Home* (otMi#a s oaiOul-oMownhomss

T’* 03< Joromo homcjn- 036ns*leaiilewinledlh 03rF»fms»finchej% 03«A«BifleS10l>.,L 039QuBlnOMprop«fly

OWComoloryloisIS 0<3V.ctllor. proporly n, Condominium# lor Ml#i e W5 Mobile homoj lor Ml#

] l S R e n U ls I26 QSOFuinlstiodhcusa#in OilLlnlurnishadnouM#

• 052Fu;r»,tBU,4aupie.es • * ' OWUnlurn.»pU.&Oupl*io#

OSS Room# lor lom 0»- -WHenlilmobilehorln# b- OSeOlllco&buslnttirtntd 3V 059Condomlnlum»(or.«ni In oaioirigeranui#" 063W*til#dtoranl

OeSTouilstandliillsrrantil )n OM Mobile hems }pKa.of ... ...................

@ M erchandise' J 067MlJC.Ior#*I# ■

068Compulera OeSCameriaqulpmanl 070W»nledlobuy 071St^oa9»n<lctot^lno 072AnllquBS

in 074Mu>lcaJln»truffl#nls id oreoilleoedulpmem j r 077RiatO*,TV#4#leraoj 5 078FurnlturB4c*rp#lj

Ic ' i —il LEGAL NOTICE ^

YOU 'A R E FURTHER ”^ O H F I E O — thal— the-------’I C o m m issio n p ro p o ses 10 ‘ r e s c in d - th e s e Rules a n d '

^ R e g u la lio n s b e ca u se it Ha° w ill lo s e Ils authority to 12:’• s e t In trasia te rail ra le s .?; u n d e r Ihe S taggers Rail 1- " A ct o f 1980 on Sep-? te m b e r 10. 1984. upon shll th e exp ira tion of Its pro- wo„ v is io n a l certification to/ u n d e r th a t Act. roi

P e r s o n s In terested In Do » <rom m enllng upon the* C o m m iss io n 's p roposed, r e s c is s io n of th e so c a

-R u les a n d Regulations ifnm u s t m ake written lo

f c o m m e n t to Ihe Com- cai' m is s io n S ec re lary . Idaho Ha

P u b lic U tllilles Com- bju, m is s io n . S talehouse , LO; B o ise . Idaho 63720 on or tioi

’’ b e fo r e Friday. O clober 5,f 1984. C om m ents should ^■ -be h e a d e d by iho caso K , c apc lon and caso » v , n u m b e r show n at lhe top to

o f th is logai nollce. aroI DATED a t Boise, l o Id ah o , th is lOth day ol gro

. -S op to m b o r, 1984.- --------- foo, M y rn a J . W allers «flflI C om m ission Secre tary Shi ' PUBLISH: ^Thursdays.

S e p te m b e r 13, 20, and m

\ TO BID. _______

’ C 9ived by Ihe Clly ol Tw n Falls. Idaho, a l the

' o l l ic e oU tlfi-C ily -C lo rk -------in i i r 2:00 o ’clock P.M., - p -eva iling local tim e, onO c lo b c r 4,1984, a t which Rvt

j tim e thoy will be opened ^' p ub lic ly a n d road in tho tra<■ C o u n c il Cham bers of- not . C ity ■Hair,“ 3 2 l~ S e co n d fist r A vo n u e E as l, Twin Falls, Wri « Id ah o . HC

B ids will bo rocolved a F1 for th e purchaso ol a wh'} • 5 -G ang , H ydraulic As:( T rac to r/M ow er. n_oi} B ids m ust b e sub- Lac, m it ted on bid form s pro- Ati;I v id o d by th e City ol Twin hoi . F a lls , Bid lo rm s ' a ro ' a v a ila b le a l Cily Hall.I R o o m 23. 321 Second _P' I A v en u e E as t. Twin Falls,I . Id ah o . . '/i Hoi- J E W E L L C jjA tjP L E B _____w

D epu ly Clly Clerk I C ity O fT w inFalls, IdahoI O PE N : O ctober 4.1984 oivi

PUBLISH: T hursday, Sal; S e p te m b e r 20, and 27, Thi


I T O -L o jI lF o u n d S■ ToeI CHECK DAILY ?o'?,---- FORSURREtff— f, HOUND POUND




LOCATED: 139 BTH AVE. W, (I____ '_Hours5Jo 7pm only_________

Mondiy. thru Fridty, pist Lab X, lemalo, bitck. you.

2 . Lflb X, male, bUck & whito. You3.PoodloX.ma!Orbrack. - fgnii

.4_Shophofd. male. brown&. foai

5,'*Hu9ky XTbliCrS'whlfT^A^d-* malo. _ youi

. . . .C a l l . . . .7 S M f l« # r t a 4 {no’oocauso Dofla are bfouoni fOf. In ovsry hour and SOLO orDESTTOYED after 4a houra. —ploaso call er visll ihs pound m r

• dally to chock whBlher your " iii po t has boon plckoo up. This OEI Is nol an uo-to-dalo list, lurr MIxod dogs are hard lo de- Twli scrlbo, coma 10 Itie pound to <0h 900 II your pel Is there. In tr Com e and pick oui a puppy to

'o r full grown doo- tM y Nev w ould lor* to Mv* • homa. .rnfD.6:



e n t s - R e a

e d in d e x J■ Y(

(ai079Applianc«9 Nl060HaillngS«lrcond. fo,OU Bulldlno mstail«i9 anDUOmo«»iB# nao u Firewood ,na067PlinlsAlr#O5- . r gOM Vtfie;y ----- - Cj

092Aueiions ^

Q Farm ers 'm arket.^.W5.F«rt)U«4lop'»oli , «»■ ”09«F»rm!i!cd Sh

OB7-H»y,orjinAreoi3 rIo----- OB8Farmiforrem-•■ • • • • -#b

... 099P»Stur«(orreni _ CalOOLIvestocKwantet) DlilOtAninnlbrBedinfl -T

lOSHorsetQuipmnntlOeSwlneiMSnaep e;nOPqi^lrySrlbQils (j,

------ mirflfltton------------------------ Dl113 Farms &r<neh supplies n tWFirmlmpiBmenls1U5F.rm-o,kv,ar,IBd g

□ nyRecreational an

IJOAvlailon ^1210o»is4nnrineiiem^ Exi

, forI S ! - r - IncIJSTrVvBltrillers §|l,'


( y j Automotive •niAulosarvice £x 132 Aulo pjna 4 »eeossorto9

- • l S » r r - ■ - gp. ___

HO Trucks Ex|141 Vans lim142lmport9[>ortSM-4- KI1(I4e4-wna«l(irivej poi145Anllqu#tulos Twi


IMAutos-ChryjlarIMAulos-Chovxoloi W'IMAutos-Oodfla ^ 11B2Aulos-Ford - <34IMAutos-Llncoln-Meieury GIFiMAuios-Oidtmobiie No172 Aulos-PonilK hor173 Aulos-Plymoum jf,,, 17<Autos—Olhor i7SAuiodeiiers 340eu#lnassfllrociory

002-LoslS Found '■ - 5c

— JH W M H 0G U 3G -------AVAILABLE FOR har

ADOFmON Hours Mon-Fri 12:00pm-2:00pm.

V Malo Billlany, Cockor 2 ' c ross.w hllo& rod.tem os,

Sholior located on 1 mllo wost (oad. uso tho onirancoto Sowor plant across mo LOroad Irom KART Radio. 19S4 lorDog llconsos may now bo Anpurchasod al tno City Waior moOlllco. lyp

moC a ll ......................... 324.8436 KoIfn o an sw o r ...........324-4313 agiLOST; Female gray Tabby *cal wllh whilo paws & chosl. NoH as only 3 loos 4 woarino a drrbluocolla».734.S464aliorl soi LOST: Reward lor Inlorma- lion loading to Ihowhoroabouii ol 2 maiodoos: ^1 Whito Lob. 2 yoars. black ^nyloo collar, answers to .f'Bon: Small X puppy, brown wll& whito. lurry laco. answ ers p'eto Buslor. Losl In Tulllo kniaroa . Call B37.48ia. carLOST: Toy Poodio wlift dark °l®

e a . v r ? : i ! S i ; IStag allachod. answers lo Shorry. Roward. Call 934- S962.0J134.4939.

OOfr-PereonalB------- - - — Slfi


BREAK BAD HABITS(Smoking. o*or-oating) Im- pal provo soll-ostoom wllti hvpnosls. John 324-7261HAVE MOTOR HOME-Will ro,travol-Gomioman In M 's • iq , noods Co-pilol 5M5. U k o s ^ fishlno. dancing, "IravorW rllo6o«47,Ha90iman. po;HOTLINE 73M 122 'o'^A Probiom I5 not a probiomwhon shared. MonUI Health MaAssociation. 5pm to 7am. 24 UThours on wockonds. opi Lady drlvlns ‘lo Yuma,Arizona wanis somoono to '“V holp drlvo & sharooxponsos- Loavlng somo- 43;llmo In Ocl. Phono ft4.5227. NE

PREONANT-NEED HELP?Froo prognancy testing 'oc available. .Call PregnancyHolllne 4 Crisis Conier ^0

-73*»7472.^J>outaaday.SATELLITE SEMINAR-Lol os OPanswer your questions and Aanivo you iho facts about MaSatolli^le Systems. ’iciThis 15 not a salos pros- Sc onlatlon. Inlormation only ^2 lJ wllh no obligation.To bo hold ovory Thursday,7:30 p.m. at SatolUto NoTochnology, 953 Biuo Lakes io>Blvd North, for moro in- Aplormalioncall 734-1234. wll

.SliiOElil-tJilaad.'i-marfliag— Sx;rido Irom Wondoli lo orHagorman School. Catl altor ovi fl;00o.m..S36-?632.



Piscoa unaoritiohoaaing o f ■ hoiyourcholcol ca;

ro-u r" i .j 111 lujcii u m — lamillos-ovoryday-and tno resu lts will arnaio you. Callioday.and.ona.of.ouririonoiy ^ftd-v/lsors will holp you word Hoyour ad so lhal 11 will t o - OU' Tiost ellective and bring you:ho results you are looking 123


007-Jobaollntere5t .S ;DEUVERY PERSON, auto WAfurnished. Sun VaUey to theTwin Falls, Monday-Frlday. Cai40 hrs per week. Musi reside w In theS un Valloy aroa: Roply to Box 042, c /o TimesN ews. Bok 548. Twin Falls. ForIP.633M.- , .......... ................

% l e s t a t e

0 0 7 - ^ ^ f I n t e r M t WARE YOU MAKING WHAT YOU'REWORTHTAmerlca’d (aslosi Qtowing Hoallh 4 Nulrlllon’ Company looking l e r ambitious poopio who aro sorlous about Ihoir fl- nancial futuro. Full lime or Oua pari time. Earn lop dollar, mgl Complete Iralnlng provided: Cos Call now for Intorvlow, 1- busi &pm. Wgiiuay Uiiu n ida, yoW 734-2558 ask for Jack. loaaASSISTANT - MANAGER. Looking for a porson to Reg assist managor In boauly lull- shop. Must have vfork oxpo- Ort^ rionco. noal appearance & Goo

s r - i r - ’-ir-fEfe-issDimension Cuts:733-4733:------ ConCity ol Shoshono. Idaho now accopllng applications lor ' “ 2 pollco olllcor. Closing dato RES Oclobor8,1M4.ea6-2o!lQ. caro EXPERIENCED dioaol truck {l°^ drivor wllh hay hauling ex-

•pgngnet r c g i r t c ^ : — -------- 1COCKTAIL WAITRESS oponing. Full llmo evonlngs. — Apply In porson at Iho Ca-' TAK nyon Spilngj inn between 2 o“P' and 5 p.m, Thurs., Sopt.27. cock Contaci Vlckl In Iho lounno. D m Exportaneed Rocaptlonist 'or Local Conlracior, Dulles nciude: answering Horlion shone sysiom. typing, filing. A jispalch, dala entry, word m srocossing experience ■ srelorrod. Exc health caro ■ }onofils. Sond resum e lo ■ ».0. Box 1747, Twin Fills, ID ■0303. •_______________ ■EXPERIENCED part-tlmo ■ ,vailross for.evening shill. ■ ^pply in'porson a llo r^pm . Soorgo K S f ine Food, 1719 | i <lmborlvRoad. . WExporioncod CNA's; Part ■ imo LPN; And Part timo ■ <ltchon Help, ^ p iy m M jorson 640 Filor AVo Weal. Mrwin Falls.______________ «=EDERAL JOBS. Fodorat ^ jovornmonl is hiring in your iroa. Immodlato openings withoul losls. $12-S69.Cm.:all relundablo. (312) 88&-13471x1 E-151S.__________3IFT/T0Y Domonslrators 1 'Neodod! Houso ol Lloyd. ‘ iomo pany plan. Work now 1 :hrougn November. Fun 4 ( )asy fob, oxc opportunlly lo larn FREE toys 4 gilts + ‘ iood psyl No Investment. 1 -REE {300 kll. hostess gilts, :ra!nlng..4..8uopllos,.,Great _ _ 3onus gilts. (TV. microwave, , /CR, Hawaii, mofcll Call > :oday 537-6920^ tPjblSt'Bf6"trucks1or potato larvosl Slarting Ocl 1, 3 Aioeks work. 366-2106. I —MMEDIATE OPENING lor _ sart llmo Critical Care RN In ] JCAH Hospital, Excollont senellls & salary common- juralo with experience. Cali Mrs. Haipor 205476-4444 oxt.201________ E.O.E.LOOKING FOR Somoono lorrlllc who lovos chiidron.An acli.ve suriosato nothorly/ giandmothorly lype (of any ago) to bo a molhor'3 holnor wllti a Kolchum lamllj* 3 school- age gUIs. Ilveln artangomonl & salary aro nogollable. Non-smokor wllh valid • driver's liconso. Ploaso sond rosumo or roloroncos 10 E. Fisher. Box 598, Sun ' i/alloy 63353 or call 622-9302 | i asK lor Suzanno o ' 726- ,i669 ovonlnos._________ •

MAINTENANCE person 'Mllh skills in rolrlgorallon. steam and pnoumatk bolior Knowlodgo. Skills In :arpontry. plumbing and Dioclrlcal aro desirable, t tm Contact Joint Joiomo School Dlstrlcl 261, 107 3rd uvo Wosl. Jerome, Idaho-- — i3363. Phono 324-2392.

Manager-Tralnee Iwalor loading retail firm with - Kxcollonfgrowin-poientiai. — i Jn.W c.ioti (ra<n/og.,faa(Jtnfl .10 storo managomont. Bus>- 10SS admlnislralion dOQroo 5rgfUltCU-‘‘ ^ •■’HolOgJTlW r- “ 30lontlal. EOE. Send re­sume 4 shorl lettor about;oursoll-lo-B ox-H -8?rcro--------!rimes News, Box 548, TwinFalls. ID a3303..__ ______ ^ <

MAURICES' IBlue Lakos Mall

Ready to go back to work? \ Looking Ior mature, caroor. 1ind.goal orlontcd.lndMdu:_____ 5Ils to nil pail-timo saloB . aoslilons. For more in- ' lormation. call Shorrio al ‘ ?33-45l4boiwoen10-Sp.m. ,May Tracking Co. Laylon,UT. noods drivofs for team oporallon.NowKW400‘s.alr ride, good pay 4 benolits, 1— lay-over pay. loadinn & pn- loading oay, lots of mllos. "Djn, 1-fl06-251-6664.____NEEDED: Shool Molal A'orkers. Must havo own loots, hoating 4 flashing ; work. Dane's Shoot Molal J Sorvicos. Kolchum. ID 726- ” 9332or788-30a7a1torBpm. ■ OPENING Ior llconsod m Adoption Counsolor • In f MagicValleyarea.Workwlth V llconsod adoption agoncy.Send rosumo to: Rl 2. Box , 2134. Burloy,Idaho 633ifl '


Now accepting appiicallons 1 low orkm ournew tw lnFalle Appliance Division, working 1 wllh nydro-air troalmoniaY5ien;i3.,M,ijai Bo .18 yoms---------or older. Kee 10 work i evonlngs por week Irom 6pm-10pn>, somo Saturdays.No oxporionce necessary, will train. Wo otter J400 a monlh salary or prollt shar­ing, whlchevor you prolor.For inlormallon catl 734J3605.

EOE_________TELEPHONE SALES, panitme-ovonlnet-Earri-i-whilo---------holpinn others, will Irain. Calim-06&5.____________

aody man wllh oxporionce 4 jwn tools. Cali 726-9472.,WANTED: ' Dairy-miiVing _ _ Herdsman; roloronco5“ rc-— ~ qulrod. Housing & olhor - jonollts. Contact P.O. Box 123, Franklin, IDB3237.MANTEO: Expeiloncod nllkor lo mllK ovoning shllL }n large dairy. Shllt starts al ipm. Phone 543-4S32- II no inswer phone 543-5547.VANTEO: Poison lo stay in he homo wllh older lady.:all 733-7335.________

™ s® A T o“tT•or more intormation, catl

or.73W.S6, ; ^

007-Jobaoflfitefe»t 007PLEWS HEATING 4 ' Air rjH Condllloning looking for30od rellablB sonrlceman. ^.7, Musi bo oxporioncod. ForTioro Inlormallon,- Call 734- p i .5722or54343?1. "-2S3uallly Porson nooded for a (wngl posilion In Aloollo __i^slmeftcs. horno show ES1juslposs, no dollvorlos In- F0(

esslorially. no Invoslmonl Avo irdown pyml, 326-5633. _ oan ^egialorrod nurse lo workull-tlme 11 pm - 7am In our PW’Drthop^ic 4 Rehab Dopl. ^ jood benoliis. plus shlltlolerenlial...............Corttact-. .In$l’ocalollo Rogional M odlcal' noo:ontorr'777 Tfospltal Way. job>ocalollo Idaho 33201. iocx2S6-a366)E0i .____________lomRESPONSIBLE .-porson to “ uta ro (or eldorly man In ''o'Ciomo, Room board, w agos. P^oi )olall8.324-213a.32«-21S9,— fiE9UME8‘ tETTER9---------

Prolosslonal with ^ ” _Provsn rosulls. 734470C.■AKING APPLICATIONS for posixperloncod turtondor 4 Boxlocklali waitress. Apply In Box mr«onatthoCounirvinn.

007-Jpb3OllnterB8l 007

( " " m i W H Mn e e d :


• Bookhot'pinf)

■ -------------------------irSoIbTyU-CH lOiir Employocr. uro ,M P l o a s o Rq(

SUPPLEMENT YOUT ho T im o s - N o w s h o s 2 ir in g s lo r o m o t o r r o u to G o o d in g o r c o . 2V, h o u n e a r ly m o r n in g s . E xco llo r

, t im o in v o lv e d . M u s t hi n o m ic o l c o r o n d b o b o n d t

IF in to r o s to d ,- c o n to c t O o p t. a t T h o T im o s -N o w

• 1-ridoy B tO O T o 'S I ffO in rT r

Im mediate 0 | in Twin Fc

N a t i o n a l c b m p a n

F in a n c i a l MR equirem ents:• A c c o u n t in g d e g r o o• 3 to 5 y o o r s e x p o r io n c t

b u s in e s s o c c o u n t in g• T ro v e l

C o m p a n y v o h ic io f u rn i s b o n o f i t p r o g r a m • S a la ry

. w ith o x p o r io n c o .

S o n d r o s o m o s a n d ro . B o x R 6 2 . c / o Tlm i

B o x S 4 B T w ln F a lls

S k i p p

-■lEHW-raOWi-S k ip p e r s - 4 s - n o w - o c c

c o f io n s .fo r p o r t - t in D oy & N ig h t S h if ts o v a n c e m e n t p o fe n ti i b e n e f i t s — . AAost ^ o ld e r . A p p ly n o w c S k ip p e rs b e tw e e n 5 :0 0 p .m .

C a c t u s p a t r f b

Cactus P ete 's Hot is seeking quali cants for th e foil* tions:





A p p ly in p o r s o n o t Ce J a c k p o t . N o v

o r T o io p h o n o P o r s o i 2 0 8 -7 3 3 -1 2

. An EQual Oppo'rtunil)

007-J6b8dlnlefaa1 WO-TAKING APPUCATIONS for ___oxporioncod cocktail CHINwallrossos. Apply In porson bogiraller 2 pm al 1749 Kimbeily ChlniRoad. i nifl

" " " wolcc006-Sales People . homi

ESTABLISHED GORMET FO^Ot,‘ .^ y s^opportunlly

Avorago c o m m is s io n ® ^ oarnlngs ol «004600 per 2 * ^ week. V ohlc lo '4 ■ training";;?!? provldod. Mr, Bacon, m - ^ 4364wookdavs.a.m .'sonly.

TELEPHONE SALES l! : ,> Insldo-ohono.salea p e r s o n . . - ^ noodod. Good pan llmo or job sharing possiblity wllh local company. Call our cus- aQC lomors Monday thru Friday.. Presc Musi have good phono rnnah volco. be articulate and use propor crammer in a pro- "."I,' fosslonal mannor. Profor

afraid 01 a soiling Challenge, gnya Could work Inlo a |ull llmo fioir^ posilion. Sond resum es to ®ciivi Box T-62. c lo Times News, o'oa- Box548.T.F..M«ho83301.____734-4.

______________ • BAB1

007-JobSO flnterest - eveni


■ vided■ tutor

m p ' - • ' 1 ^

i'o ;h v .v o o ttn so a ) ■ vitjed R op ly T o: ■w i n F a l l $ J 0 8 3 3 0 1 ^ concJ

fuiidi iimlto

I day.■ SawK

'O U R IN C O M E ' S i0 - J . . Mil 72 irn r n o d ia to o p o n - -g j- u to c a r r i e r in t h e Qgai >urs p o r d a y in tho -, _Co llo n f p ro f i t f o r t h o QUAI

h o . c s m o l l o c o - !n d o b lo . caiiV-----------------------: t t n o C i r c u la t io n myhio w s . M o n d a y th r u s'*®'*n S 5 3 T ------------------------------S ,

___________________ IIOpeningFails mt

o n y s o o k i n g

M a n a g e rWond53MSMOWi

■nco in s m a ll3 C17-


n is h o d • E x c o l lo n t lo ry c o m m o n s u r o to


ccmp1 r o fo ro n c o s to : piope im o s -N o w sills , ID. 83301 ^



(WiiERtuaSr— S;3 c c e p t i n g - 0 p p l i -------nraor

t i m e p o s i t i o n s ,

3 o v a i l a b l e . A d - tablet

i t i o l w i t h f u l l rood”

b e 1 9 y e a r s o r

/ a t y o u r l o c a l

n 2 : 0 0 p . m . & MonoRC

F ^ morel, bulidli Excotl sq III

CACTUS PEIE’SIIHC. i™,;; [ lA C K P O T , ■ ■ ^

J ' n i E V A l l A — T p a n s ^

exlsl^[ofel & Casino aiified app li- .5;;. allowing posi- msuii

frolQhloryofianchns s

EBS s/ C tact CiVO Slallo

RVERSt m v 1


youro lhe B«

I C a c tu s P o t o 's . IdahoJ o v a d o•so n n o i O H lc o ^norn.1214 ‘ sumoijnily Employor' ' Prolet

................................... house

O O i

lo lproteM lonal M WSenrtcea___________ b y o w


)ME NURSING & THERA-provided by Idaho Homo , 773

lallh and H ospco DUPLE

Jflon. For information call “.M illiUO6I orvlsilour-olllcoln ._4-PLEX> Social Security Building, • oxtra I

§S oT A .rE i,“S; =

I5 -B .by .ltl= r. . i s ; , iIC Chrlstain Day Caro 4 ( 11733 sschooi. Llconsod. holials. Cail 734-3238. 020-4y ago, Anylimo. but Fri. ■■■ m)hts 4 during day Sal. j j - - ,00-lns welcomo. 7334314. «;BYsrrTiNO-tn-mri*omor-<'^BUy-oy ago. drop-lns wolcomo. contracI moals 4 snacks. learning Doodslivltlos, Harrison School McCoy)a. For Inlorrnallop call Oooda^ ________________ Roal EiBYSiniNG In my homo, iractsy ago. swing shill or Pricesoning. (ull llmo proforrod. Co«t»-ftge lonced yard. Will polty For FreIn, Cail 326-4457. MolropiBYSiniNG,myhomo.2-4 Servicears of ago. close 10 Har- Twlnfjo n ,C a llf t i& 2 . Silvor tiBYSiniNG in my homo, at roastlyllmo, Moals pro- Conl[n(led-Excolionl care, WMI ^ ,or -otom, sludonis, 733- ( C M

kBYSiniNG-my — » m o . .idays 5am-«p<n, F(^M/mo |„ ia u. droprlns— _RoaaonaDlo_ fg. w e. os. m oals/snacks pro- ed. Bickoi School aroa.1-5051 . AM SPECIAL OAY CARE" .ncorned with quallly caro. Q J fI dayof acllvily. hot meal. iltotl enrollmonl, 57 pery. walking distance- --------wtoolh. For Info 733-9289.=ANT CARE by mdmolhor. J7.00 por day.lin«-7415.__________Old Rock School Houso Xssumiuallly Learning Day Caro.' ostt O*Cost no moro. 324-2155, utll.. 1lALfTY CARE piovldod M'x26'n lunch, snacks. 4 aciivi- Ihrougrs. J7/por day. Ago 1 4 up. J363 mcII734-&948._____________ ' ('IncludVNTio'caro-torBabios-ln—'hom o. Hol lunches, milk. " 'O , Ex

S ' a "'jgya S ,: l c mi,.7U.7B09.

y. soil. Irade, hiro- Vacallaissllicd Is the ono placo Open t

! S "l-S llua llons Waniod ISlolmDoiioncod ranch handsds work on or aboul - BOTH! lobor 15-Novomber 1. rol-incos. Roply lo Box 251. ?'ylo tiindoil. Idaho 83355 or call 'ffo*- 1^579 allor 7:00 F.m.____ fluart 1IWING, Good, doponda- m„ 1 „ . .work,Call733-4980...

; -B in ln a i3 0 p p ly i. K ' , ’BEER4W1NEBAR

in Bliss. $7500. Bulll-ln::all 837-6583 botore4pm. ^ 'chonER BAR & POOL HALL school 3 ovor 60 yoars of abllshod clioniollo and Judss roal property plus Tiplole-ot'op o t porsonalipeily. Roducod to “ Y. °V'.500. Call Jim 543-5604 or ' ' “ O ''[kor Roaliors 543-4371. \smetologlal: osiabllshed tu,h 2poraior boauly salon for ^oiri 10. J6000. Fixod ovorhoad samo 11g o o d ^ lo c a l lo n .- 7 3 4 4 8 5 7 - S a

_____________ AssumtY CLEANER, good living sulllclo

hard workor. 543-5582. occuoai:30 or 734-2253 allor 7. . g y - ^ OD” CHEFSrwrito •your- • bdrm, 1i-oaycho«c.;Sm a// iown Ulehon,erlalnmont conlor Ing toetufos collec ahop. 4 ro- room,TOms. drlvo thru lo go. mont,ing room. Serving char- yard. 1illod sloaks, lobster. Call 733

lolning bar room, liquor ^mso. pool labios. card fiuitiraiIes, band sland ficalorod 0^ 7^ Ilos. Living quarters.Jd schools, no compctl- E ',2 11. Soil lor Iracllonol cost. ,000-uko-owor.payment6.~i“ ;n?-' ,000 trade or make a cashjr. Coll Vera. 733-1982 or ,rlo 543-5075. Solid h(RdBERTJONES


R LEASE: Slanloy Com- c o n <:rclal or mulllpio uso Mrm

i!a,co»VApS:s!aII building plus lot. Main

localion. Monthly or 'Illy loaso for Ihe building,■734-2132._____________ hap


is. Turn-key Invesimenl 'wrtunlly. Now buslnoss ?.

major dopanmont In n,chai sling buslnoss. In-laiivo (ranchiso which ^ vldes Iralnlng school,liosslvo regional --------onlslng 4 promotions, lailallon 4 customervico programs, Iree mkeiBhl charges 4 no Inven- ,I ovorhoad. Two dllloronl ioca,ojiichlso programs avaiia- e . | | . ,; Based on populalion 4 ’ i,

r i S ’. K ' “, K ' ’S ESLirmallon package. Con- — S I Doug Mlsnor. c /o Slar LOW D lions inc.. 2811 Main Ihls cl set, Boise, ID 63702, or locaiod 1206-3^5-STAR. - Exceile INER MUST SELL Chem- H' you (■WoljUo-Wa'shrSmall in ~ p ro p o r l ilmonl can mako you your Hon. Pr nbossl324-3712alter5. this la --------------------------------- Catl Jo t

• WARNINGI " T y fhe ' Timaa-NowB re- ,nmondS—tha t—yQ urin--------tlgato ovory phase olastmoni opponunltles. ,-n rm i; leclaily thoso Irom out ot10 or olfered by a person iL*''*:-K K i r - - - Sio suggest you consult *'ir own attorney. 8 ^ % a sBoiler Business Bureau. Qualllyir

lie Consumor Affairs or oanfen. lor a (reo pamphlel and -on Vt a<irmallon (rom Iho noreallcirnoy Q onerars Con- B.S%FD

lection Division. State- balhN arse. Boise. Idaho M720. ml fromw aaat^ ioo.- .- ------- . ~ « bjoq. i

p . ' i

} 2 ‘ 0 3 a Il8-4fWOfnfl Property ljr OWNER: 5 units, | 7 0 m it aomeono else help . I Iko mo payment. Uve In 1 b .11 4 ront Ihe olhor *. ( ilentlal Ineotno, |M/monlh. reasonable. In , B 19. mln down, ownor win rry contract, 73*-<07D.IPLEX; Two f bdrm unlla. collont close In localion.I nrw t«w o down. Ownor ontwlilcarfvy54>8a3. _ >LEX„(aimoat new),, plus _ tra lol. Doubio your lr>- , simoni In 5 years. J12.000 ndlos. private parly. Call 'M157 ovonlnos.________•JN ITS-In-T .F- ExcollenlJ--------Tns 4 (inanclng-avallablo. sillvo cash flow. *63.000.- ■ II733-S767.

jQ -MoneyTQloan ■ ■

a-lnvfl8tmenl .lY -or-^E L L -foal-eslaw -^--------ntracls, mongages a n d - ods of Trust, al discounl; iCovs 734-20M. i <oda ol Trust, Mortgages.'; lal Estalo or Wrap Con- cts purchased. Highest k;es Pald-We H y « ' ist»-No BrolterB Fees. Callr Freo Ouoto (208) 734-0367 ilropolliannrlcos, P.O. Box 2040,'In Falls. Idaho S3303. ’ vor & Qold • Bars 4 Coins reasonable rales. ^ ln o n ta m M M 7 ^ _ _

S -4 iu s lc Lessons\N 0 LESSONS,. : vin o tT 'ta — b o '.nlsts, beg Ihru advanced.West Main Apt 14;---------------------

Q R e a l e s t a t e

0-H om esForSalB1% ECONOMY with Quallr >

4 Bdrni Homel sumablo. fixed 6% Inter: ::l Owner. $96,48 mo, avg.I.. 1V4 balh. attached x26‘ shop. sh a g .ca rp a l. - oughoul. AC. approx,3 mo pymts lor15V4 yrs.* icludos Ins, 4 laxos, Lat--tola!0d4353.a2.lnJa3-Wllh-----------3, £xompllon,)Only $7500 Mn, firm, Primo conlral

, cost conscious buyers,Mling: cloaning up now. on II0US0 SoonI Wo'vo lucod bolh price 4 DP OOI To soil by 11/1 al )S1. Como. call, or wrlto O w ner Sharp, 206 Borah Jatf.VT.F. 20&-734-3631- TH TOWN 4 COUNTRY, t e wllh largo 3 bdrm ranch lo home. Pasluro, fnilt os. garden, noar Robert lart. assumablo 10% loan, illor owned, $64,900. Call isolov Realty 733-5086- ICK RAMBLER. 4 bdrm. balh, 2500 Sg Fl. W bsml,

ichod dbl garago. Lg /ored patio, garden area,Ill-Ins. Irpic. Lg Counlry :hon w/vlow, 65x130 Lol.

localion,’ Sawtoolh <lioot. Low dnlo FHA Moit.

Sraised $70,000. Asking 300. 734-7556 attor 5 or

1-6222_tls^s._________. OWNER-Country living so In. Only 5 mln from vn. 2 acros w/paslure, all ck homo w/4 bdtm. 2 ;h, 2 lireplaces 4 family, i >m. Total 2.100 SF all on ino lloor. .Lots ol privacy, (tin a subdivision,-$69,500.-- * sumablo low inl. loan wllh ' : illcloni down. Immodlaie |.:upancv. Call 733-3322. . !;

OWNER: Charming 3 F rm,1V4bath, 2story, N ov/--

now carpoling. Ilv- <I toom & lormal f n b g “ im, fam room In base- . 1 nl, 2 lireplaces, nico ;d, 176 Flllmoro. $62,500.^7334749,____________

rm mobile homo, pasluro, r: It iroos. $31,000.734-7347, •

OWNER: Country living so In, Boaulilul view. 2 1:h,3bdrm,1700 sq. It. m

EXCEPTIONALVALUElldhomo 4 attractlvoapt,, - nor $40.000,733-2524, , ;R SALE BY OWNER-2'- ■■ rm, 1 bath, $41,000. Will, ;3w Friday 4 Saturday, Call •.n 2 7 M 0 3 0 o r4 3 « 6 8 L _ ,.:R SALE BY OWNER-2-. rm. full basement, m - ';h, ownor will carry paper,-!/dow n. 466 Manin Streol ;r34-4694,______________ ;

HAPPINESS IS A PONY. -‘2 B Kids will lovo this w olH i 31.3 bdtm, m balh home ■■

al s ^ . "cS ir"o d 'ay -T h ^ i / n’lla s tlo n p . $45,500. 203-.:haid Dtlvo West.1ABALA& ROY REALTY


LOOK ^JKECOUNTTTf UVINQ? bodroom. 1 balh homo ' atod 2 miles Irom Twin Ils. Ownor llnanclng at ;H. Intorost with $4000 ' wn. Total price $29,900.


W DOWN PAYMENT on s clean 2 bdrm homo aled at 557 Heybum Avo. eelleni seller financing lo - - your budget; And iho

ipony-lB-ln-good'conai.'------------n. Pticod In tho mid $30’s. s la bolter lhan ronllno. IIJo h n A lln u n ^ i^ M lo f________

= u m w . c o .733-2365 r ^

DRM at 280 Pierce. Twin”Is. Now carpel, paint. '

,SOO.$4000down.'biiance~- - -2X. Call 734-0446. “% assumablo VA loan, no-* iilllying, 3 bdrm. m bath ',1 Iden spot.-small n is iu 'ro :- ' ------ --V4 acre Terms neg ,,* ’ ‘•Bailors. Call 734-T674, ^ jfc FD £0 Assum, ini.. m I)s w/beaulilul 3 bdim 2 r- '

ranch-style homo. 4 s t !’Irom T.F. wyiiax. term s.';. i5D0.Call334-{m , ■■

Page 25: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

^ Hofnes For StieSALE OR TRADE: 3 bOfm, 1 bath homa In Phunlx for Twin Falls aroa home, 155,000, Call 5*3<2S3.

030~Homes For Sale

- - - - 1 “ ™

Proreiiionolly appralu - will finonco a t bolow n

down p a r e n t , lovely.................... lotrdoirgnocTBflcirHbi

Formal living room wit room, (our bodroomi. room wllh ceramic Illo (amll)r room with cutio <ounlor», Intiollod do' ulillty room oil kitchen slono (loor oniry holl. i doublo gorogo. partial ono lovol or> o lot jutl i POO^V.......................


^ ____ iHUp.WllV.PAY.THE REAIT

g t» ie iA L N O T IiT h «0 r t i« K * i the right,In S p«l«» b u t only th« ol< ' contldarad, a t outlln)

a Tho (ollowing proper•- tho public. ERRORS5 THROUGH PUBLICATI £ (llo»lnthoHUOBolto


------------- J —BtDSARE-REQUIHEDC

---------- ------------------ !-----------^ R O0z

< 3 2 2S',

1 : . 5 0 ,

■ i I ■ , 0

I 4 . 2 100' O


. I —-----UJ Any rool s tlo to brok ^ qulrod properllo'i.lo. >- submit on oflor. If H £ monoy dopoill will bc

7 In III lo lo ditcroilon. Q mlnei to bo rooton 3 Buyer* oro to dolerr X any, p rior to nogolii

points lo be charged ____ _ 5 HUD will p o y o ro lhoi


---------£ — - wlihoiS .. I — I origin

■ ® \oco^ \Z Equal Hoo.lng< LENDER contoc

------ 1------------ U.S.DI *■I Box 042, FB/USCI




Plaeod undor iho hoao yourcholcel

Yout ad will foach lamlllos ovoryday ani rosulls will amazo you loday and ono olour Id AdVlsors will holp you your ad so lhal ll w moat ollocUvo and brin tho rosults you aro lo

---------- — (or.------ -------------------


: Backhoe wort. « ' _____________ M7P or 733-4013.

r q w c r e t e w o r k _

Ity WOfk.. .

m l e s t a t e '

_ OaO-HomMFwRalfln, 1 Sacrlfica cozy 2 bdrm, wllhfor oarago. Insulated, good

me, roof, now paint. Torms, low_ In letost, >26,800.733-1878.

(O a-H ofw aFofSale

roliod ot $l20.000.c0. Asking pri iw m arket iixod in terest ralo ond . 'e l^ oco lion . o a st ol city, booutll rhom bTporfofl IflrroUIng o-fomlV with flagstono firoplaco. oelogd^

ms. throo bolhroom s, huge mos : lilod sunken lub and marblo do ustom brick c ircular llroploco. Kit

doublo ovon stovo. sido by sic :hen. Cuslom shutters (or kllchon jII. big cem ent circle drive, covorc rllal basom ont w ilh bulll-ln sloro USI under ono ocro. Ownor has ct


n m ? ;


Th« ilsI prlco l l HUD * •sllm at* o> I, In h i io l* d licrlllon, to occapt of • o lla r tha t givas HUD the sr*e lllnad In oor la tla r of April 2 7 .19(

>penlos ore now ovolloblo (or sol 3RS IN THESE LISTINGS OO N ; aTION. All do to . Including lislod olto Aroo OHIce.




R O U P -M N S U R A B L E ^ R O P {

25% Route $32.M urtough .ip

50% 12l9W llm oreSl. $36, TwIn-Folis.lO

0 ] 66 EICamlno S36, Twin Foils, 10

lOOr; 1166 Blake St. $46,: Twin Foils. ID

iroker licensed in the Slate o( Id .10.you, Tho brokor completes pc if HUD doesn no t accept vour c II be rolurnod through your b roke

lon. HUD will only p o /d lico o n t p isonoblo w ilhin maximum limit: ,termino HUO's moximum ollowt joliotions wllh lenders on Inter ged on the loon. All othor dlicou Iho ros ponslbility of Iho buyer.

rACtAUEALESTATi JR CHOICE FOR FULJD properties oro ollorod for solo ihout rogofd lo .tho .purchoiors loin. O ilers to purchase may bo S' ;o^ HUO olHro only tno pu rvices of o qualified brokor, othor nloct Ihe Roal Eslote Broker ol ihc

. D eportm en t of Hot Urban D evelopm e

T o l» p h o n « » 3 3 4 .1 0 8 6 SCH 5 5 0 W o s t F o r t S t ro o t , I


• 4 f ¥

------------ DUMPHAULtfSP 2 lon dump i

with drtver. V thing, anywhei


denlial & com joafl/np ol LIconso.Calit

OHAVEL&TOI ch 22 000 dflvowa

and tM • IO»S. You I

II will bo- W ickers Qribring you Run Gravol,0 looking Ouarter Minu:------------------- - .-C lay ,-6 Soulh

Soulh of Joron

' HENHY-aSEf ’ . . Gonofal mm

lor, low rates,------ — 32*-7599,


. . . r o u o n ^ lo r a 15---------- - . •1734.2683.■cS T tS - o f fic e 8P*C

Downlown,K — — 8paco:-ParI(li^ l r a ( ( i c , low r<

Inlerlof &. t Estimates, Ooi

^-Rentals030-H om ia For Sale

lh MUST SELL! Owner 3d translerred, 3 bdrm w/bsmt IW on Vi acre lol. U3.000. 2003

Ellzaboih. 73»<805.

-Oa>-Ho(ne3FofSale .

price $110,000.00. Ownor ind will carry poper. Small lutKul ond spacious, orchi-mlly ond ontortom ingr--------igo>-shopod formol dining lo slor bodroom and bolh- doublo sink vonity. Hugo Kitchon wllh ceramic tiled sido refrlgorolor-froozor,

ion and fomlly room, (log- >ored patio. Hugo attached orago . 3.600 sq. ft,, oil on s movod. imm ediate occu-


'■»________ RrWA(rBUYNOW.*aEART(rLES E--------------------------------------- j • R»o> fair market value. HUD C ^lo H a rs te is th en lh e lls lIn g ^ ^ r ao ta it nat ralurn will ba » 1983. I

solo and moy bo shown to ^ |f NOT BECOME OFFICIAl g »

lod prlco. must ogroo with J

( E D | !



_BlDS.CLOSE:.4;30J0Z5/.84_ • _ ! BIDSOPEN: 10:0010/10/84 g ^

.p^RTIB S-^-----------------—

I ?X [1

32.600 None s ^> 5!h b

36,150 W eslern Realty O j733-2365 8 b

n S36 ISO IntorstoteRoeity S C

• 733-2211 I 1S tl

46,300 None ^ C

f so

----------------------------- i SI Idaho will show HUD oc- q I,k popor work necetsory to' a )iir o iler, your lull eam ost ^)ker. Z

OIt M ints which HUD dolor- S ’ Tilts oslobilshod by HUD... •>wobln dltcounl points, ll h terost rotes ond discountcount points beyond those » (

TE BROKER------- i iJLL D E T A IL S I | 'olo to quoilflod purchotort m irs roco, color or notional " ‘0 sobmillod dirocily lo th e ' g ' . fturchotof con no t secure : y • horwiio purchasers ihould q . ihoir choico. « ,

> •o u s in g &________ | _jle n t I '16t, B o lso . I d a h o 8 3 7 2 4 ,


rUHG ~ PMWHdip ti\jck lor rent Judy 's palir. Will haul any.- 20 yts oxp,rher8.73MM2. EvorettS^p

• PAINTING01 fencing, rosl- Die'*'? . f a ommorclal SUtoill Blil 32&-59U. & roller. 733TOP SOIL P^K TIN ^!jways, parking Inlorlor Sou haul or wo can yoars • exp«lonhwosi Crano Buck Call C3,733.1234. PLUMBING

' Stulzman'sGravol Pit, Pit H eallno,*el, Grain Rock. romodol &r inus, 3/4 Mirtus,— -— hEMODEUiulh. 2 Wait. 3 /4- - - HrimVVnn ,romo i»444.6,

3 2 W K 5 .»

5EBV1C6S-— :m echanic,. painI- . . . u p h a lt. 8hl lno,-tl(«wood-cut— — rop<Ur».a^tos^EvojilnBj, M , — STORAaE!

f a i sIII lawn cinanun. eIc.'AISton ) rates. Call Mike - — T aS flooftr

s r ,. Prime OIMce thru Septe irking, custom er- 4?a.5419or; r re r i t 15000,000 THEE SERV

t W a l l ^ r l n o m o " ™ ". oxtorlor, (toe trimming, Oon,734.7140. Insurod.Ca

g - -



(OO-HotneaFofSale (NICE 3 BEOROOM'homo on 1Heyburn Avo, Easl. Alumi* anum siding, loncod back Iyard, ^wlooth/O 'Loary cSchools, closo to shopping, t;$43,000, Cail'Ed Mariietlng yto*O(nal08 0f(IC0 734.4875 or liRos 734-2442,1201 Falls Avo. ('Ea3t.Suilo«12.__________ ___«Ropo,, 3 .bodroom, $37,509. C SI.OOO down, Ace Realtyn w t ? _______________ L ,

• YEUOW'A choorful color lor thiolovoly homo, 3 bdrms. 2 Vbalhs, iuslrlont for a lamily. VPart basomont, A/C. hsptinklor syslem, 2 car noarago. slovo & lols moro. TJ9000 down & assume. U«1,OOO;2502lndlanTralls, FC allJohn Bonnolt at ■<


or ^734*2338

VOUR CHOICE:'Vory'nl‘c o _ p

$50's*ifM's: Aiso l-s’ acros ^ • with t»aullful. 'beatjllful ^

- -TTDmira:— tr so tiKhOOOr—fRocky Mtn Realty VE 733*6920anvHmo,_______ ''10'-t% INTEREST wlih ° minimum' down. Ownor . motivalod to soil boaulllul >* oxocutlvo homo. 1’/» acros. 3 5-f bodrooms. 3 balhs, • a brick, ranch Slylo, 'A milo lo t Joromo Goil Courso, $22,000 0 bolow appraisal, prlcod al n $105,000. Will consider lease C option. 939-8SS2or 342.4573. 5

'10.7% FINANCING avail on theso 2 boauliful homos in choico locailons. 3 bdrm & 4 bdrm wllh lots ol nico foaluros. Call lor doialls. c

RAINTREEHOMES 734*0660 or 733«43 I

2 BDRM, 1 balh, closo In .1 homo. *29,500, $3500 down A assum e $228 paymonts. will lako pickup or camp trallor In irade. Call 5^3.6251 ___

• • • I1-li

LOW INTEREST. SELLER fi ' FINANCING, This noat home '•

Is in a fino neighborhood ol * . _436-Ash Sl^Euiniture..appll-_'|

ancos, Garden, and Iruit troos,Fullprlco$18.500.

2 bodroom homo lor $19,900, Completely '

■ carpolod and kitchon yipli- S - a n c o s . LOW INTEREST R - ^

NANCING. 1■ ••3 ACBES^\h'3b«ltoom fix-up homo. Fabulous view •

? ^R 3 ',iS rfeaE "R 'E !;NANCINQ, Only $34,500.So ;

- -HURRYJ------------------------------ J


Joyco C o to '...........73M767s O tv e H a m le lt...... 733-4030 ]

I ^ K ^ 1

ess Repair and S.er\

t r epainting, Inl & o il. Tree

ixp, froo ost, rols, lie.. remiSooncor.324.305>, McENO_______________ TOE

Painling. 30 yrs Treet & exl. Spray, brush mint. 733.8498,73^732. Jim 'NGSEHVICe______

& oxiorlor. 14 exporionco. Savo A a llC h u c k lT ? ^ ^ - UNGANDWEUjiNQ' sn'8 Plumbing. •I & Wolding. Now,1I& repair. 7^7124>EUNROO — - ------------Rejjalr.-Romodeling

W — — —» * iM cialty. Kot c ce. e h ln ^ a , ootUna & ^ i u ■.a ay n o x p - .T a K ib .------------- IN.

?torwo.7M-<7g7. . you,30llnQ8i flofftodellftQ* - familhsition rool (or result »or sq 20%, discounlBptembor. free est. Ad.vii)or3240066. your

luntain tree te . for.& topping, hedge

iQ, froo esllmales,I. Cali 734-7098,

H E M E N A C E _________ _

— . _ i a ----------------------

V rfY lLIK ESlS; She NEV?*? SAYH A s m i m i v o :

030-Kom es For Sale (C TIREDOFRENTJNG-Thorols a boiler way. Nowly re* (urblshed patio homo In . f - oxcoilenlNW locaiion wilh 2 bdrms, y'fi bath, foncod

(or.only $47,500, $2500 down S & term s to lit your budgel- i,T|; Coll John Altman------------------e ‘'


WTTHAUTTLEBfTOFLUCK Your olfer may tako Ihis - houso. The owners aro in a hurry & want to soli last!That may bo your good ‘ luck look al II today, so Features 5 bdrms. 2 balh, liroplaco. basomoni, doublo 50 garago, lols more, assuma- po bio 10W% loan, $66,900, Mosoloy Roally 733:5086, 19:

C31-Outot Town 241_FJIer_a-bcdroom „onJaroc_i5!

corner lot, Aco Realty73^6217________________ la

-FOR.SAL&«.RENT: 1600 tq ------fl homo on 5 acres noar 23 Wondoii. WIII consldor all

- oilers. Call 536.2417 or 678- Mi 1330 days or 678-5264 evos. HOUSE & SHOP with 5 acros. foncod, Rupert aroa, aalo or Uado, 532-4591.NICE 3 bdrm homo in Buhli oxC torms. ownor molivalod, .a mid $30,000. bring all oKois. L Cail Vora, 733-1982 or Merlo,


__________________RENOVATiO 2 slory lava sirock houso, 137x110 iol, Vft p,balh. doublo carport. Iruil ^ t rqo j-.$^99j j a i l 837-6678.

0 32-B uh m ierH o rn es u-------------- ------p,

(03-K lm t^rty4<ansen, JFOR SALE OR LEASE: Largo 4[vory nico 2 bdrm homo In 4Hanson. Energy olllclonl. ir.large Michon w/pantry, 1'<i 3;bain, foncod yard, oxtra 6jlargo hoatod shop/garago. c<$52,900 or loaso al $ !^ /m o r,

OOP, «I23.4S69 or 868.7479- y

C3*-J0rome Homes si$4500 CASHES us out, FHA assumablo loan wllh $31,500 * balanco, 4 bdtm, fuii base. ( monl homo. 414 E Avo K.- . Jofoinq. By ovinor. 33i'i2i6.

(OT-F a fm siR a n ch e s

23^ACRES (or saio, V« mllo J _SQum_Ql Casilolord. Call 5

733-0141 atior 5:00 p.m..................H 25 ACRE PRIME FARM or Commercial Land. Railroad .q (rontagp. Shown by appi. $; Write BOX N-62 c /o Timos 5 NOWS, PO Box 548. Twin l Falls. 83303....................................$i


I r A '.^B I

r v i c e N e e d s ~ r B ,

- c ’ \

I_ -2

REE SERVICE___________ ^'OOS & shrubs topping & ' imovai. Free osl. J o h n - i cBrldO 73^)939.734-4365. • iREE SERVICE__________ ,'00 & Shrij^bbory trim- r inp.Frooosl.Insurod. cm'9TrooCaro,734-l484, V

\ s F 1


ADVERTISE .--------- ¥ e y f l ------- -------------------ERVICE SPECIALTY i NTHISDIRECTORY— T z!:<KJ under r/io hotaing o l |rcholcc i ,

ir ad will roach 22,000 lilies everyday and lhe - ull9 will amaze you. Call ay and ono of oor friendly Visors will heip you word ir ad so lhal 11 will bo •st olfoctlvo and bring you ,results you aro looking j

m m v ' ;

I m-------------1 MC

.. sal

, 'I Lli ?ni] MlI bdi

OVI» _ •

- ■ , - ■ i _________________I

r A ■ ^

!i - ^ ~ r «o

rail_____ : - ...J______________ 207


'T * ' " 0 _______ 180

iAVb SfiIlm


037-Farm s & Ranches • J


•S23,50(K} bdrm. doublo wide, 1 aero, Melon Valloy, •$30,000-2.5 acros with (ixor-uppor .homo, barn, cC

■ pasturo, $5p00 down, - : - So •$38.00^4 bdrm on 5 acros, • ja.

.lull.bascm ent,.privacyjioar , .jnc Snake Rivor Cayon.B tl. im


7 3 M « 4 o r 5 4 J ^ 2 2 2 J;;

ROWCROP ! Bli‘ ExSOacros Kimboily sl

wll80"acres at B uhl.hydro- $2: pollnolai

193acros Kimborly AF

240 acros Hunt

-ISSocrosJotomc ~

166 acres Buhl AIi_____________________ • ..... n«

232 acros Joromo Lo

Many olhors available

BARNES REAlW . |1043 Blue Lakes North

Call 733.8227160 ACRES FOR SALE by $1owner. Gravity prossuro eacontor pivot and buildings, 73$170,000. Cali 726.4733 or p/72W510, _______be320 ACREFARM. Hay. g ra in ’& pasluro. 2 pivots i hand “linos, homo, largo shop, r : shod & grain siorago. $1350 por acio, good torms.Wondoii 536-2151._________ ^40 Acre dairy al Buhl, Flat four Stanchion Barn has ro-tail milk solup. Cows & p equipment exlra. Cali Jim Paulson 543-4930Bam es Realty 7 3 ^ ^ . <>[40 ACRES lor Sale by ownor. B4 Wosl ol Jerom e, sprinkler . .irrigated, $70,000 Firm.'Call 3,324-8551 or. 324-2197 alter aJ

95 ACRES wllh 50 shares ol r Twin Fails C^anal water in Iho Murtaugh area. 2 bdrm, 1 Cl

“ balh 'housor now woll wlth— bi submersible pump. Call 0 734-5782, a>

C 38-A creageiL ots i— -0

................ HIII

BARELAND ^ $5,500 1 aero with excellent view 8. covenants, NW of

$8,000 1 acre wllh view of ![: ct^^ llphls & mounUlns, SW j.

$20,000' 2VS acres near ^ Snako River Canyon & Pole ^ UnoRd. C$85,000 Commercial com er c

' loldo«nlownTwlnFall8. ------*I $99,000 Large com er lot on F

Shoshone Sl. Zoned pro- 2 lesslonal. . vt1«,000 Comer kjl on Ad. K dlson Ave. with added $ parking lol. ' . h

I AMERICAN REALEStATE& ? a p pr a isa l s

I (Across f ro n ^ u rtH p u s o ) t

I Doug Volimer, Broker j I MaryAkkotman . . . 734-3882 .

A ldaSlfOno........... TO0905 5_0*nn ls-V olI[neL __J3«lfla— i •..-VOtfell WJ[S - ;;;,7 3 M 5 6 2 [

BUHL Mako an oflor. Shorl 7•2 acres wilh large (inor- -■upper 3 bdim. 1 bath home, >Asking $19,900 with only 10% cdown. Call Jim a t ^ e r ►Realtors S43-071 or ovos ,543-5604,________ ' JTUTTLE Area. Houso, shop, igarage, machino shod. & icorrals. 5 acros w/wator. IWill carry al10V^%.837.6539, ; VIEW.VIEW UNENDING. 40 acres ovorlooklng Snako Rlvo/. oxcollenl waler -ad. lacont. a portion can bo divided Into V ocro lots, Ownor linancing al 1 0 \ ,lower $40,000. Cali Vora, 1733-1982 or Moile, 543-5075. I


5 4 3 ^ ;w ill T I ^ E ~1oriromo Iti j

acres, waler shares. Largo 4 I —bdrm—2- balh- hom e.-e teel— I -ekJInO i-o loc-hM i— Nooda-i-i.;

w m o finishing Inside, owner very -motivated, Cail Vora. 733-1962 or Morlo, , 543-5075.


___1.5 acres. ExcollonI building partial. $4000 down will , fiarrv balance. 32ft-5335. | 4 BDRM homo on 1.25 acros. ' West of Kimberly. Priced I mid 70‘s with lerm s. Owner 1 u,mriirrv- 4 2 : ^ ^ ,

=4-ACRE-fcOT-Nortn-Wesi-of— TwIn'Tali# for » le . Call 543*5548.


MOBILE HOME LOTS lor ' J ” sale "Magic Valley Mobile Eslales." Famiiy & adultsubdlvlsJon, Washington St, 14 XS & I block West on Pheas* oiocant Rd, easy terms. 734-8943. kilcfM U S rS E a Ihis charming 3 ff®® bdrm. 2 ' baih homooveriooklnti Hagorman " ' ' JValley. Boaulilul socludaa 9*:*:

-yardrm aluie Iroes.-ail-elec—14x7plus oanh slove, lippor cust$M,000. Call Vora. 733.1982 spatorM oiI^543« ) n , adul


I039-BuaineS3 Property ^

BRICKWAREHOUSE: 1?^ 4500 sq (I, truck docv. ' siov railroad access. Locatod M

.207.,Som.St^Ownor-wlllJl-— 19B nanco $75,000, 2 B;

COMMERCIAL BUILDING: ign1800 sq ft plus 800 sq It Shop, tidti good oil sireol parKlng, 541 non Main Avo Easl. Excollont financing,

MARKCTING ASSOCIATES ' I?!' 734-4875 Oflk» .

1201 Falla Ave E. Suile 12BUILDINGS lor salo or Irad'o- 2 33,500 sq. It., 2 olllcos, Cali733-553J,________________ 0,1

loar................ ................ Res

COMMEROAL BUILDING onSoulh Park Avonuo Wosl, - | plarpo cornor lol and build- WA

-Ing. Roady ler loaso or movo ^in nowl $98,500- ' " ^

COMMERCIAL BUILDING on (gCMain Siroot North. Idoal for —smaii retail or ovon pro. H*f(esslonal ollico. Gas noir lurnaco. $45,000,

MUiCOMMERCIAL BUILDING on lot, Bluo Lakos Blvd. Norlh. Excollont corner lol wilh 700 pgj:sl building. Prime locallon ,gnlwllh lorms considered. now$235,000. iMn;


73W650 '2 1

------DouflVolimer,-Brokef---------MafyMdietman ...7M -3882 r :A ldaStrong........... 73WWJ5

^DflnnlaVolT m er....73W 9C

— ............................. AV/(M3-Vacatlon Property

Elkhom at Sun Valloy. $’WBoaulllul condo. 3 bdrm. 2 __balh In duplex unit, Ali CLt

. furnishings Includod. only car| $115,000, Owner linancing, pas easy torms. Call 734-5257 or jio(733-96S8.________________ co iFAIRFIELD: Boaulilul 4 Has bdtm. 2 bath log homo on 10 c l^

; acrcs, onorgy ollicioni- pni Excollont skiers rolrcat. X country or 8 mllos to Soldlor. $70,000'(SV'ifado-Jot Magic Valloy properly, Ownor cm anent, CallS«-62S3- VACATION INTERNA- TIONAL Timo Share owners, Addlllonal polnlsavaii.-Low Prlco. Call 423-4426.10 MILES WEST ol Kolchum pM on Warm Springs Crook, No

p r a ™sq, 11. Firoplaco and cook ,7 stovo', $17,500, Coll 786-4733

_____- GOQW-Condominlums p

CLEAN, like now. Two Tea “ bodroom;----- condominium,--hA

Ono iovel. $38,000. Financing Qai avallabio. 734-9899 altor 5pm dra

M5-Moblle Homes 3 ^

BROADMORE ' ■ MobllO' Homo-2 bdrm,-■comp/oto(y....{4 lurnished Includtng smaii appliances, dishos & linen•f family room & firoplaco no add on. New rool S lurnanco. excollont condl-

—tlonrLTJtratcd-at-Spaco-»12r-^North Fork Storo. Kolchum. MC $12,500 will carry coniraci. -lheCall Dick or Diane a l Gem W/SUle Realhr 734*0400._____furCozy oxtra-cioan 1 bodroom. MCcarpolod & drapod.. 10 It Joiwide-Mus>solJ. 733-6234, tovFOR SALE OR RENT: 12x55, fui2 bdim. 1’/I bam. localod In ’o" Viilaoe Mobllo Esiaios,Kimborly. Prolor to soli lor NM$3500. Call 825-5063, . Fir

- HOLLISTER: 1971 Hoan Side 24x56 double wido, 3 bdrm, RE 1V balh, wood burning ho siovo, 10x12 dock on back, po

•Traitor needs somo work, sAsits on 6 cit^ 25x125 lots. nIi$38,500, Call alter 5. 755-2348 ciliJackpol.________________ finMOBILE HOME, (Btuo Lakes 93;T :'C -)*12‘ wido- 2 bdrm, sn

— C3Tpetedr«naohod-*at-port_jji Ulilily shed. Gas healed, pn

- Partly furnished, $6500.733-9400or733<923._______THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! 14X 64 Glonbrook or t4 X 64 JL. Broadmoro, Bolh aro 2 ^ bdrm.. Ironl living room, all *i; oloclrlc, and havo wood Slovos. Reduced lo only $7,995 oach. Both oro nice and won't last long. Hurryl

valley Mobile Homes


l-2-3bdim WCARTER HOMES il

733*7568 reWOULD LIKE TO TRADE triplex wilh $20,000. equityand Incomo ol $560/mo. for _

— Dbl wldo-mobilo homo. Cail 11__ 3n3-49^1137Vntn,___________ $1

END CLOSEOUT1198456 X 24 Sequoia show model, 12inniiod. A boaulllul homo o(reflucoo trom regular iow Vjprice of $28,482 lo only $i

T“ f e , 995,-0 elivo7 & sot-up in' tw

12 X.60 Fleetwood 3 bdrm. 2r $4995, Free dolivory, ^ Brockman's Mobllo Homos. pj 1-84 at- KasoU-Rd Exli 201. la Burlov43a-S707or438*83a3. ' m


I 1981 Governor 11. 14x70 BI mobile homo, Foaluring 3 u

bdrm. 2 balh. dishwasher, rr rango & refrlgeralor. $253.60

I per monlh, will loaso or ront $;

' . AIJRORA REAL ESTATE ■ " r - = * I N V E S T M E S T --------- e iI 2SXKImt)erlyRoia b<

734<370orPattvtt734-»(e6 hi

Thursday, Soplomb

- 03 i^ o M I e H ^ ~ ~ ■ 051-Ur'x60 TAMARACK. Appll- , - ^ j ^ Kos. cooler; good caro 4e an '$6900. Caff 733-6941.^ HomoIXM Buddy 2 bodroom, ali ' 7 X . octric, front dineito, Ironl ichon. very clean, $10,900.•00 delivery, Brockman's ^ a n uoblio Homes 1-64 at Kasola [on'- 3 'd Exit 201 Burloy 438-5707 $J?Lro

lx7D-2-BORM-ACAOEM'^^['0*-C«jstom built, oxc cond. oraposMCO A-11, Camoo. quiol £« [» •, Juil section, bulti In appH- ■ncos, refrigerator, swamp 'f i L _ oolor»carport,Jargo.shod...$250. 2Aming. oxiras. $10,000. lorrod,none 734-6445.________deposi<x70,3bdrm5.1’4bath.roai $200. Iood condiiion inside. Call baUi,43-4539.________________ __garage973 TAMARACK 14x70.love 4 rolrig. cloan. 2 bdrm. jn o n t..balh. make oiler. 324.2258. ^i2L—9(?.SAHAHA-28x68J-bdim._3-BDflbalh. assum e ioon. musl

iDvoollDrooortv.536-273<. flfound 978 14x70 FLEETWOOD. 3 d ra . ! M in, oood eo.di- on. $13.900. Call 324.5199. JBDR 981 BAINBRIDGE 14xC"2 idrm, all oloctrlc w/rango, ofrig 4 built-in dishwashor, 3 80 ' ike now. musl soo to ap- irocialo, Dixie 734-96001pm 5t>m,326-5185ovos/wknfls. $325. I

BDRM. 1980 Sequoia, balh. 4x54. sot up In mobile park, countr II oloctrlc. AC. ^issumable Falls,

r a_______________________ 4BDRI


S lnsoft,R en ta ls -

f 4 BDF

UO-Fumlshed Houses S a ilANSEN: 2 bdrm mobile omo, carpolod, cloan, air. aasonable, Cail 423-5104. 4 BDR; lURTAUGM: 1 bdrm. large 5 ,°^°'’ >t, sower & waler lurnishod.120 plus doposll. 733-4332- ERSON NEEDED lo Share J BDfl jnt 4 exponsos in 2 bdrm, owly romodolod homo. Call miercMon. 733.160;. g ' f ' J BORM HOUSE. $200. 2 ^

dim. mobllo, $225. Most llllllQS. cloan, quiet. Call 052—2i S ------------------------- E =

D S U n lu m J o m a a ----------- f J " ;L NICE COUNTRY 2 bdrm. Mayer :arpel,_^rapo^s^,^ all^applU JERQI

^ crD d .$ 2 7 5 .324-7554. 4%AVAILABLE Oclobor 1. 2 njalMidrm, 1 balh. rango 4 ioIiIb- KITChrator. $215 por month * sloopi100doposil.620 2ndAvoW. 733-77

PMC 7 3 3 ^ Lo o k;LEAN 2 bdrm homo, now APARarpol, gas hoat, lull 733-29lasomont, $220 a month plus rq o n 100 deposit,733-9303,:OUNTRY HOME, 7 mtlos 2 bdrlast olTF. 3 bdrm. $325 plus uliliH<leo, roloiongoa, 733-5096. a lter .;OEN ADDRESS, 7 miles SmallLasi ol TF. 3 bdrm. $225 plus sludolOD. Cali 733-5096. • $150-' IXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN 2 STUD)drm, houso, Foncod yard. Albor >r malnlained, washor/dryor pels,lookup. Idoal lor rolirod $50 dc:ouplo. W ater and sewoi 1 ;;j i )aid. No pols. $275 - dopos- t,F ..t, Roloroncos roquirod, 'por>MC 733-5555. ► days*nLER: 3 bdrm. 1 balh. i o r 2 ivaiiabto Octobor 1st. $300 ronl.f deposit, garage, large Idl, nnn7;

' a M f o r i S a :3000 AREA, T.F., nice 4 KImbi Jdrm, 1 balh. llrepiaco. no ^ jots, foncod yard, $350, ea50.324-6136cr 734:8947. -tANSEN.CIean.- 2 bdrm. 2 - S ^ n , jalh. available now, carpel. 734.1J Jrapos, good oil furnanco.10 pois, $235 por monlh -f ♦‘“ rlopoil1,Call«3-5l)7)._____ “ P«JIBGE.3 bdrm. IniuUKd.

a f a S 'T A Y iT -.OVELY-3-bdrtn— 3 - b 3 l h - | ^lomo. 2 fireplaces, covorod -a id ’jallo, country kitchen. Avail :„orii 3c1 1- $550 a monlh. Callr33-S^lor-appl----- “ ••rCDr\^OD£RN 1 bdrm house in . lhe country. Carpot, drapos.W/D hookup, caiport, oillurnanco. Cail 825-5&)0- « i _ MODERN 3 bdrm homo InJoromo. soulhem cdQc.ol . ____lown near TF. Wofl in- A QUsulalod, thermal windows. Watorfamily room, fonced vard, ups,S300/monlh -f dop.324-2a34. Lois,NICE 4 bdtm homo. T.F. ALLFiroplaco. downtown loca- duplelion, $350 *■ dop. 536-2256. slovoRENT OR BUY-2 sloiy ofoa Ihouso, 3 bdim. $275 + do- pols.rMsH-no co ts. 734-2494. dofioSALE OR RENT: Hagerman. , , !Nice 2 bdtm houso, warm 'climate, low down, ownor ®PPi“

small 2 bodroom Italior, Extra $t?5^plu9-depo6H:Thre«-C—S“ io‘ Property Manaaera734<65e Spacious nearly now cloan 4 Fboaulilul, 2 bodroom. ail Ciostoloclrlc homo, includes PinO-ranno& Iridoo-733-8234, WarnVERY CLEAN 1 bdrm houso, 5521 221 Highland, range 4 to-Irlgoraior, $175 per monlh + — ; dooosit- nopel3-734;50B0.

WESTILLHAVE Throe now hom os available al Villa Doi Rio lor rent, 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, kitchen LA"'- appliances, loncod yard 4 underground sprinkling,$410 + deposit. Releiencos NICE required. Appll

AUROM PROP. MGT Jt { |________ _________________apts.

115 Flier IW bdrm, 1 balh. CaMj$160, For more Inlo cail c |ng

•733-~23SSWdiiern-ACTrat5al—12x60TRAILERforront,$200 referDor month. Call 326-5410 or 733-3

$150. P-19. 2 bedroom, 1 One bath, carpet, drapes, and pers<

.yatdr-ln-M urtaugh-^Evafta—capp (iTOperty JiUntQoment. 351 - Equa ?ndAYe.W .7W <01. Cali;$180. P -« . 2 bodroom, 1 1 BC Path, drapos. hookups, nlor large yard. Evana Property lusto M a ^ e ^ n t , 351 2nd Ave.

2vi BDRM OLDER HOME on i“ b5 Buhl-Casllolotd Road. Cor- foon ral barn.>calf pen. $250 per q b j 1 month. Call 537-6956. pots2 BDRM HOUSE In Hanson, with $200 por monlh + doposll 4 tion fglerwcea.C«ll423.S&4 plus

v :_ ._ ...........................................2BC-8 ROOM HOUSE. 2bdm i,1uli^ Full] basement, oil heal. 5H Ing, hillosSE oftow n,733.2557. posi

iibof27,198<l Tlmos-Nows.Tv

r O - 0 5 4

-U n tu m .H o u M

IDRM Unlurnlshed Mobllo >mo localod In Adult Park,'In Falis. Eldorly couple 1s }lerred. but llmiled to. • a(incl.iotrenl).3244218. . SHOSHONE HOMES (or . ii:3bdrm s,2balhs,$3004.?5. ront or lease. 866-2324. ■X P J ?h/«rtn\w>n 1 hamw .carpolJrpshiy painted, _ . ipes, and yard. Kimberly, ana Properly M a n i^Jnt, 351.2nd Av«. W.IS*- 51________ • •M. 2. b d r o u - l . '. ......... re-------------70d, no pots, roforonces, posit. Cail 733.5602- W. P .« . 3 bodroom. 1 U). carpol. drapos, rage, largo backyard,»n# Property Manao^Jnt. 3S1 2nd Ave. W. TO-

___________ ■BD flM ..l.balh..ali Jp p lk ______ces, foncod yard, undoP ound sprlnkior, double car rage, $370 * doposll, rol. onces required. 733.9094, 3DRM.2bath home.waiet sanitation paid. $350. n o ,Its, Alter6pm . 733.6325. ■

BDRM Counlry Homo }rih Easl ol Jerome, $200 dopoalt. 324-5943.25. P-103. 5 bedroom ,'! ilh, largo homo la iunlry.3 miles from Twin ills, tv in s Propeily Man- lement. 351 2tvJ Ave. W.,4.1401 . _BDRM f 2 In basomoni. 2 Ith, family room, fireplace sort, dishwashor, micro -f noe, pasluro. 453 Filof Avo .fF .i4 M -f dep. 324-6321.BORM. i bath house,

railablo Oclobor 1; opiaco, custom drapos, a'll ils pal{f, 3 miles from lown.50. no pots. 733.8750,BDRM, 2 bath homo near >bort Stuart. --$425 pet onlh + dep & rolerenees.3-0303 or 73:^«66 Lee.BORM. 2 bath, -rocontly . modeled. Close lo hools 4 shopping. 75/monih- wlli discounl,111 786-4573 or 734-4W8,

l52-Ftim .A pt& D up. xocutlvo 2-bdrm conilo ap-. lancos Includod, garago,innlrcourtrt350-a-monlh.-;---------aver & AMOClalea 754.7838 . EROME. 1 4 2 bdim apts. alar lnrn 'thT* i doposll- Janet Siean. Re.

ial Manaoor. 324-2734. ITCHENEHES ANO looping rooms. Phone.

OOKINQ FOR A HOUSE OR .PARTMENHCall Oulilci's,33-2940.________________lOOMMATE WANTED: la lure non-smokor lo sharo-

bdrm condo. Vi toni 4 ' lllilles. Phono 734-2194.Itor 7 . _________________imall 1 bdrm apt. Ideal loi ludont or single person^. 150-734-19311vmossatie. • ITUDIO APT close lo, abortsons. 1 person, no leis. air, $95 por month * 50dODOsll.Call733-5721. •

::jRM , 363 4th Ave East,' » ',F.. ali ullllllos paid. $190 lOr monlh. C alf 734-8944 lava or 734-7339 evenlnos- ■ or 2 BORM DUPLEXES for’

onl. Cali Snako River Auc*'lon 733.7754.____________ .1 UNITS complete wllh ca-- lio -W. $4^55 j) 0 ^ 1201

135/J1«. P-46. 1 bdrn iri laih. furnished, waler paid,

34.1401 . 150. P-ae. 2 bdim, 1 balh larpoi. d iapes. fiidgo. lovo. Evana Property Man- >aement,3Sl 2nd Ave. WeaL -W 4 0 1 .________________1B5. P-43. 1 bedroom. 1 ialn, pay n /loil," Wdliii >ald. Evans Property Maiv igement, 351 - -d Ave. W. '34-1401.rBDRM-APrsi50 pontionih---------f $100 cleaning doposll. 126 vlaln Sireet. Filer. 326:5276.;

054-Unfum .A pts.& Duplexes

i QUIET 2 bdrm in 4-Plex.Valor, garbage. W/D hook* ips. $200 por monlh, 351 .ois.T.F.Call 543-4801. iLL ELECTRIC 2 bdrm luplox in Joromo, Includos lovo, rofrlgeralor, utility iroa in each unil, garage, no lols. $275 por monlh-f $150 ioeo8ll.Cail324-S940.


ippllancos lurnishod. equal ipportunlly. Cali 324-3464.40 Sth Avo East. Jerome; .Extra largo 1 bdrm noar;,.iou,ny rn-T F $1&5/mQ.______ilovo.relriQ.3^5373.

FALLSAPARTMENT :ioso to schools 4 shop.Jlng, Children welcome.Warm, (riondiy 4 quiol at- nosphero. 1 4 2 bdrm apts.1195 4 $240 mon. 863 Oulncy.'

CALL734«00 JkRGE BRICK APT. COM.3LEX, studio with heal, ivaior, Slovo 4 relrlg $160; i33 Shoshono Strool. 733-iS86 or 733-4998.________________LARGE 2 BDRM, IW bath. + sasemont storage, 733-9460, r334636or734<l31,MICE 2 BDRM APT in T.F, Appllancosincludod, $ 2 ^ ’+ ' iljnnall.Cnll 324^72.DNE. TWO. or THREE bdrm apts., unlurnishod. No pots.Cali 733-0740.___________

roforonces required. Call 733-3072.gX L U T Vl&TAT-VtLLAGE-- - - - -One bodroom apis (or persons 62 4 oldor or handl-

--------EqiiarH ouslngO pportunlty .-----Cill 7 3 3 ^ .1 BDRM/ nico 4 clean, so­nlor clllion prelenod. ad-, lustod income. Equal HouK .. . Ing Opportunity. Seo al West Sloe Courl or call 934-6229. -1 BDRM APT. bdrm 4 living room carpotod 4 draped, gas heal, newly painled, no. pols Good reliable lonanta with rolerenees. good loca­tion in TF. $185 per mon|t\ piu8$i50depoaiL43ft<a05. .2 BDRM APT o flipark* A,v*. _ Fully-caipntftti, niilnl htilirti- -

s, Twin F-alla, Idaho C-7'

Page 26: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

- ^ H c i

054-Unfum.Apts.•— ADuo te W -------------

1 BORM spanmsnl li downtown Klmtwrly. LJrai

~ living room, kilchon comb< w U hl balh, *135 Wf montl


1 harirnnm hasnmon................ap*ftmenLStovo.,.tciriQcre

ior, oas fireplace. J22S i montn plus deposll.TTiraB C ProoftvU anaQ af»73»«5fl S14S. M . 1 bdrm, 1 ealh

'■ fllove^ "'carMl'. 'y a fd r 't4J Aufllln. Evw# Propert) U i ^ a ^ n t , 351 2nd Ave

S160. P-102. 1 Mrm. 1 balh fridgo & slovo. carpoi d rapoa^ Evana Propwti ManaoetTtenl, 351 2nd AvaW . ^ 4 0 t . __________

----------- . 2 “ BDRM .-tuliy-carpoiodoiecric hoat. oil of Sparks $285 plua^ doposil. 326-S62i

O SM toom s For RenlFum lshod bdrm and privale

■ balh, non smoKor. oldoi aingle porson prolerrod. CalI734-^m,

057-MobllGHomeNICE 12x60 In Filor. Quiet, mostly aduMa. no pels, S16C ♦ dopoall. Call 326-4166.

TAKEbVEHPAYMENTS le a i Governor II. 14*70 mobllo homo, Foaluilnfl 3 tjdrm, 2 batfi, dijftwasfior, rango & rofrlgoralor. {253.60 p e r monlh, will loaso or renl


2S3S Klmberty Rota 73W 70ofi^ ttva t73* .14«

06S-Offlc8flentalsCOMMERCIAL BUILDING. 30'x65','532 N. Wastflnalon. Ideal ior retail or ollico. ample Darfclng. Call 73M753. COMMERCIAL BUILDING lor rant on.higfily traveled Kimberly Road. Formorly Kld'8 Klothes Slore. could b e used for alore, olllce or

------------a ho p -S o o aL1409.KJmbertyRoad or call Anderson's Roai Estate 73^6756. CONVENIENT & Attractlvo

tnr ronl In.nwA/C. privalo. recently re­modeled. downtown loca­tion. Call Ken Roy at 733-432V_______________

NEW OFFICE BUILIMNQ Beautllul block wllh lava rocl(, prime locallon. exceliont parking, air con* Idilioned wilh economical g a s hoal. Choice carpet and paint. 450 square loot or 1200 io 5100 square feet. Inquire a t H & R Block. 414 Addison Ave.,7W )106 or 733-7849. PRIME DOWNTOWN OltlCO Space lor ronl. 700 sg ft. air condillonlng. iillchon-eti avallabto. all utillllos paid, S200 per month. Call KCIfl Christian Radio 734-57T7. W Mondav thru Friday.PRIME OFFICES. Addison Ave. E. across Irom A lbertson 's. Ample parking. SOO SF. Doshier & Holley Realtors. Call 714-2922.


__ __ I t e m s u n d e r _ Ja d v e r t i s e d o s p e c i a l l o w r a

3 LIN ES, 7 D

$ j - 0 0

(Add SI.OO for each od<fljl pr pyfll,' lllclcynIuoK

III,, tciinl v>hi(i.-...•.•tl Sl.OOO H... nr..

Tolundi. or od|uMmonn _ _ _ _ _ coninllod vpijy.________

■ cuVVhTs I WRIII N o m o ii. oddro& b on g 'q u o t e d a p p ly to W<



— ■p . ___I — ...............-


I -------------------------

---------- J — C h « k o n e i — — f

I .P l o o t o p u b lis h m y Ol

I N A M E : ________I A D D R E S S : ____

--------! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

M Times-News, Twin Fal

z n t a l s r F g ]

O58-OfficflR0nlalaU L OFFICE SPAC€-lor4*aa«.in

In Blue U k es Olflce ParV. W4 arge Sq. Ft avallablo. S792/mo imbo including ulillllos. 733-5200. lontti OFFICE SPACE avallablo In

Iho First Intorslate BankW building, Immodlato oc-■ cupancy. For informallon

____c a l l ^ 4 8 4 or 383-5271.moni P-07. ITOOsq ll. Rocopllonlst

b a building. uUllUoi Included. e e C Farm Burc.iu Building on S85S -Klmb'irly. Rd..Evans Pro-

jerty ---------------------------—Ave. 073-Sewlng4Cratts

rpol, ClaKlfii'd CrAfis |»fty I------------------------------Avo, M y

JJ5 5 ----------------- Q u U L B o o lirks. o f•5625

F o r t t t F r t t n


“ ■ ^ lA' " » •

4x70 ' '


^ •■JlUeOEB T'vM0..1t)l-..'VI,NG. -'W .I'Kl

i . ’ •INGJled ' ^ — >.

Qlorf HAILOWEEH CHOST AHD I:0n- cKjujciB'i [loin ir~r o'k>»i ntyllcal joa KMn nend »t0urvjl-ypho«v<1200 No. I3 ll-2tuireson To Older...

luU, iiiutl'JIWI a'V3 UoIj.l,*a Ifico P'ftPCtl plraw «*£■'» IX* pin

ri-ett i! jald.(CIR '■. 9-5 Clatsitift___ O*porim»iIson Bo«Irom Biiby.o.•''’O’liley CAN.D.ANI.HI8CKM

• _ S .1 ,0 0 0 ^ ______ I


hnii J.>..s on' For priwati- [itiit' iiT ..Qcli |noM tommi-rcit

nnil ll od i» lond\ Of od|U\ir _______collod»otly

liT pO R ^T re iiA

TE YOUo n d I c lo p l io n o n u m b e r s s W o n l - A d r lo r w h ic h p a y rn *


- A c t io n A d _______4-+-5=

Y o d f o r . _____day* f o r w h ic l

I Falls, Idaho Thursday, Sopl

% r m e r s * n i i


»Tn-PRIM E-,6FFlCe— S ^ E - - 804 available. Will remodel lo mo sull, closo lo downtown. 202 0^ 2nd Ave. Nonh. 734-B075.I In 2 Commorclal buildings on ink Main Avo South & Easl. Vi oc- block & 1 block from mail, ion 1.200 sq ft & 2,500 Sq ft. Caii _ Woslorn nenily 733-2365. list 2 oxcellonl 1-man ollices In (.rn »rlrr»ri,^«ntnwn fnr tlf tn x - ed. S140. Call Ken Roy al Sabala on ft Roy Really 733-4 321.

'f®;- J.rocm cllico .space-B luo mo 1^1,03 locaiion.Three C

;prop*rjyMinafl*r*734<B58 • ■


fis p l.ins& patterns

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:iL O R B A L L P O I N T P E N ( ir W O R D ( 4 w o r d s p e r c lo s :

5 * 9 S p e c ia l— ------------ f lu i in m

lic h I h o v o o n c lo s o d $ .

_______ ___ P H O N E T H____ CITY :

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066-HobllBHomgSpc 0(TWO 12x50 4 One 14*70 lois. m] avail Oct 1. odull courl. no fir pets. Easl 5 Points Trailer Ini Coun. Call 733-3436.


( B M erch an d ise wj

' - " " " E

087-M tsM llaneous ^ po__________________________bn

ANTIQUE solid round oak culablo. unique base. t345: ]i;Enamel wood cook slovo. orU5: Solid oak comode. {145. c iCall 734-6577.____________ __f |ASHLEY WOOD STOVE, has jnauto therm oslat, burns all tl night, new. still in box. t305.7 S B ^ or 786-4131 oves. p"BEAUTIFUL home pool ta- anbio. Delta. 4*6. sacrilico ca

Billiard Suppllea&pooTtabte fPsalos. Ropair. recovoring, tio cues. Bowladrome 733H»69. . j iCrallsman Planer Moider. 5 Rc

, horso . pow or._220._.singlo ..Hephase with molding biis, 54,Sl499.324-5633 afler 6pm. j' fDiamond & Ruby Ladies fa<

-4W oddln<wlnfr-tetr-«lt»-fe— N<Men's Wedding band: Mon's toi108peodbike.326-4554. Ci DISPLAY CASE. 5 ll high.LIghlcd mirrored doors. TFglass shelves. Now condi- toilion. Moial lramed.J225. Call G:

- 637-6335.________________ ___Ft.ESTATE SALE. Misc. Itoms, 671ponablo typewrllor, \ /tPanasonic radio/casollo ro- chcorder&more. 733-6143. S2Floral volvol couch, porloct J lcondiiion. 2 swivot rockers. WlUOO: Riding lawn mower. Ct$260- Cali 324-7658. .«GE Mobile Tolophono wiih 2ampiilier & wiring harness, .ap {2500.324-5564. — - - «Jean 's Class, T-Sfiirl Class 3slaning soon. Caii Bernina GlSowtnQCenior 734-5267. an LARGE roar tine tliior. {1400 now, will soil for J500: Also 7x10 utility trailer. {400. Caiialter 6 Dm. 733-6325, w|

M LSil=--Tlie___ _ -finiss-Sesfs—USINESS- RECTORY i


INES. 3 0 DAYS f;

* 3 1 “ j10.00 lor «Q<h odd’l. line)

nb d a ily in t h o b u s i- d irc c io ry u n d e r y o u r , ; ip c c if ic h e a d i n g fo r s c c u iiv e d o y s .

HERE::a i l o l y o u r c d . R o te s |Jor 3 l in o s m in i in o m , • _______ ______I III

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067-M lscellaneous 06Majestic froo slandlng USfiroplaco wllh plpo to coiF- ,willinq.{l50.733-47S3allor5. ^NEW Cassottu Siorago Cab- -Inol. locking ainss fronl, n- holds 5001 {«■ Call 734-9077.Norco Cllallon B lw asher/dryer combo, 3 loryears old. rocondilionod, tin i300-wl(l taKo partial iradolor non working apDliances: quPool lablo. now balls, rack 8 ' j .brush, nowly covorod., 2 loscustom slicks, needs trim, ^ J125oroHor.73^6335altor5 or 300 01700 Yakima, Filer.SEARS BEST extra HI- pjj capacity waler soltonor,{ife . Call 734.3066. gl®,THE URGEST selecilon ol —unlinlshod furniluro-dross- , ors, rockors. stools, chairsand roll top desks. Tho Mary ^Carter Cenier.-733-3493. 2116- ^Founh Avo. E.. Twin Falls- Pri’TROUT. 5 lbs breaded. P,°|; bonod. {8.95. Rogulaily {11.75;. Non-breaded. {9,95.Regularly S11.95. Smllh's STIHomo Delivory Dairy. Buhl, woi 543-4272. ^ ^ .. ejlSTROY-BILT TILLERS, max, VAI factory olf soason discountNow—tn—eliocl—Uuu—Scp:_9^tember. Best buy now al Gardon Country In Burioy.676-0226.________________TROY-BILT Rotolllier#. Fac- _tory 'p rices discouniod al WAGardon Counlry in Burioy. OaiiFree sot up. Call collect pun676-0226._______________ 209-VACUUMSI Sovoral lo J-® chooso from starling at only{24:95 Banner Furniture, WE733-1421.________________ PR(VVIPE RAGS lor many usos. 2ndChoapor lhan paper towels. J**'.SOcflb, 734-9412 Clair “2 DIAMOND RING, 07 appraised at {3300, will lako qT {SwO.Soeal146Jackson.3 speed bike: Tiro chains to GR-15: Kdrby vacuum, many ailachmenis: 1942 Magnovai pfo phono radio. PA. recorder, mu Ali priced ripht. 324-3473. ^4 VERY OLD wooden wagon ugi whools tor salo. {250 oach, oiaCall 625-5043.____________ [ns6' THERMAL PANE Sliding Bui g lass door, good shape. Mu5100. Ciiil 734-7733. Slr<

073-Se»lni4Cnilli EX(__________ _ _ f n

Olil-Tiiiie Warmtli ®Hailoa

------------7 2 6 6 _______ 'V t

A '



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a loom will) Ifiij ;ilthjn I’l e l t r pintappie tftjien j;*;

c iijin J Ijn ellcci in Ihn btju 7^4. tilul jljhan CiiKhft ill in one pifce-uM synthrtic •oc.lrti;igu||tillul, uielottccheuihM__^fill I'iltcin 7266 flutclionl S2.75 ior -MCft pJllern Add ‘d l 5fl« MCh pjltnn Ib ^«nd hjftdiinE S*fld to: uri Alic* B>oob D*tt» 1 2 2 CAJ Rud«fM«lTwlr» Folli Tlm«i-N»wi .Bei 163. Old Ct.»he» SU.. « « ^

•ir»i, KT 10113. Prim Hinn, W Addtts. Sp. P*tl«n Numbw. tab CRAHS c i j l t i ' Ne- ’85

-Needltcf3lt Catjloc -kn itr— u a m ii, uuin.ijuiiir TTMc-ihft— S®“ pjlterni piinled irmde S«n[) J? rloi AaCW nB00»S.42J0ot»i fon

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-i334«^ltacai.Qu>llJii| nrx13frS*Mlerr»hioB».SuwJI-‘55— eso

-tn-Cnct09« Pitdnnrt Qoltts clln 127-Afltum V W lio . I q * 12(-Thrittr Crattr FlMen n i r

-1»5-Ptt»l Oaiit*---------------------- ,-Tf124-Eiiy Cifb V OrURiMb ^ 1

3-Sbtch V Patch OuUti ” ; 2.SbiM V full QuTu

1200vNlTMrRaidrc6« ^*■£*7 An of Oowf* Crechct ' NE^

U»«qArt«(lliMliCnctNi - S®" ll CcmpltU.Clfl t o109.SwM.Knilftoitlm«»i«n' SetififllBUot.C£K(llt , ^ W101-Q«>1I Bear CdlKbSH CW

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------------- 5*2I»8-Coi"|HII»>» FHi

T159 Programabio Calculator pacwilh printer. {175. Call 733- ^2928 daya o r 734-5568 eves. G.E


070-W antedToB uy S SBUYING - & SELLING ali ^ lorms of .gold & sllvor. Con-. MAtinoniai • Gold. 633 Blue disiLairas^^Ofth. 734-^7. •• woiBUYING: Evoryihing In gold ^& sllvor. Idaho Coin Galler- ^le s . 302N,Main. 733-6593. REICASH PAID for non working 5?]rofrlgoralOrs. freezors. riS±siovos; Also TV's, 734-7199. SelFURNITURE & Appliances, 1 Sutploce or wholo iTousohoid. ^Call 734. 7733.____________ '8/

Nlghtcrawlers Wanled Z—U rg e only, bost ptico. Call ” a 733-1912 Irom 2:00 till 7:00, Mon-Frl or 324-5264 Jerome.^Privato Collecior-Buying □old & silver coins, all old U.S. coins. I p » cash, caii733-4613asKforT^oChef. WH STUDENT wants appliances. !!„ working & non-working, ^nh choap-Afler 5,326-3116.VACATION Properly wantod, will trado income property In Jeromo. Call

WANTEDTOBUY: MNlghtcrawlersCall 734-4944 _

WANTED: Old obsolete NEIDairy equip., buckets, woepumps, separators. Call roaiM^S27-104O. Dave Casto, sq iP.O. Box 2207. Modesto, CA Call85351.___________________“WE BUY WORMS- All lypos 061PRODS: {8.50. In Twin at 430 .-5; 2nd Avo. East, 734-9512; 324-1151:32^569; 666-23M.

074-M uslcal . -BAND INSTRUMENTS- ajlcRonl-to-own. 100% applied REIto purchaso. No Inlorosl or,Charge. All major brands, v-gFroo doiivory. Andrew lum Music. Rupert 43fr3a57_^. Boflinnino Band S tudents:. poliUso our rental purchaso col(plan whon you join tho band, toiInstrumonts: Solmor. r . | ,Bundy. Yamaha. Warner 325. Music Co-. 139 ShoshonoSlroot North. Twin Falis, ’S ;Idaho or 733-7083. 2 1. EXCELLENT Studio Uprightpiano. {900. ALSO Uprighi ” , h a n o with lancy cabinet. {90Q.-734-<985or7i3-4Q50.Lowroy 2 koy board organ.Has rhythms, easy play 3loaluros. walnut color, lan- Anttastic condilion.-pricod lor oac oa&y purchaso; -Also-Usod— accUprighi Story & Clark piano, nari oak finish. Includesold tash-

tlon. Tho Music CentprKovboards 733-6609. _ _ J®*;MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS o-TJfoi------sale:----- Saxaphones.-:—irom bones. Ilutos, clarinets. and guitar9« ;^ h o Coin Gal- lories. 302 ^ Main. TwinFall.. 733.6583. ............. [SJ

OTB-Offlw Equlpmeni ^IBM boil style standard Fiodiclatinji & transcribing un- qaiIis. tM for sot; Portablo audictating unils. {20 oach. rintCail733^0731.____________ (jooSmith Corona Coronamallc •Sat,7000 ollico olocirlc Ivpowril- qaior- Itke now. {110.733^17. ° l'

077-Radlo.TV&StflredBlack & whllo. {25; Portable J?™color. {139. Tho Bargain Qfii Barn 734-3081..COLOR Televisions. Usod.largo soloction. From {99.95. . >Un!»-TV » ApplUnco . 4?0Main S . Twin.____________ IMOVING- Must soil- 9FT FridSATELLITE DISH wilh 2 i3Bowman (Vicelver & moior Mriflvo. 734-4698 altor 5pm. 9/i(RENTANEWTVIOwnanew Supcolor TV by renting. No crod- temItorschockod.iOtM alnAve. f’oriMfiAINS-733-7111. Il-OnIB" RCA portablo color TV. MO.t145 or make ollor, Call d‘»734-6366______________________- 25" C.M. Color Console avo

K i '^ S l £ " 'c J S - ^ SM „ i., ,7 3 3 -7 m -------------- g

078-Fum.iC»ll(ll» ^ CASH for good used furr lurniiuro 4 »£?''??«»• rooi ^ n n o r Furnituro. 733-1421. [n e COUCH. Lovoseat & 4 colfoo &£l labiosr- - - r tso r— W»tt>fbed— Salt mattross. healer, liner & 1 lram«r,.*75;-ltreplace.-oood— Hag.-,>Hi.l«» W ' Al^n __ lolaFleetwood 8ltx40ti mobllo clotnomo. *800. Call behveon3«. j-p;<pm. 825-5631. •________ ___ s j iDINING Table & B chairs, Bucjnly T 5fl^ . B « n « r HelFurnimra, 7M-J421. jo r G O O R _ U S E D _ ao l* s^ v — -hoteseats< chairs, rK kers, r»- Car cHnors and tables. All at real ~ cjnilow clearance prices. 3 f^ r w f Fumttura. ? » jC 1 .- 2311l a r g e 7 plece'Dlnino'roorh Saliset. ail w ood. dark. Finish, 3only ( 349.95. Calna 0«4r- Bar ■nea C»rrt>r. 733-7111.NEW waterbed, excellom Wa;condition. J8 0 0 n ^ , . f*. ^Juced to {600.734-1423. 3 p

Cwitw . 7M-7141:---------------


0 7 & - F o r n A Q ^ ____• 063-TIRED OF Couch 4 Chairal ^ ARE-YOU7 Wouia I lk e - to - ^ 1 trado for comparable se l Inneutrals 4 /o r oanh tones, 2 ^

“ chairs {wlour avocado).-bfi“ X {f couch (cul velvel.) avocado- f r ^green, gold 4 while, good " ahaoo. 12 yrs old. Call 543-5685afler5om or weekends. K’S USED CARPET. {2.50 per

WATERBED FOR SALeT STotal package oxcepi ^ headboard. Includes a good

•ael :o l-ehee ie- and >(rui|lpd‘ - 2 s cover.^(ing8lzo w ithnom o . tlon waterbap, {195, Call-

mt-AppllanaaCITATION 18Ib hoavy duty basIautomatic washer & dryer. neo<

Kultl cycle washer and 6 mls<mperaluro dryor, while. 2 Ft

Guaranteed at only {299.90 tBanner Furniture, 7fa.1C1. rnlsrCORONADO 21 cubic ft ^chest frooier, guaranteed 211 •{299. Banner Fumthire, sa l,733-1421.________________ andFreezers, {69 & up: Ranges. —{99 4 up; Refrlg., {149 4 up. (M. The Bargain Barn 734-3081.FRIGIDAIRE trash com- , paclor, worka good. (491anrw rF um lh rrs. 70.1421.. ^ G.E. 2-Temperaluroaulomalic clolhos dryer, fi'O ''white, looks liko new, works " ’o j □ood, guaranteed {189.Bannof Furniture, 733-K21. DRYMAYTAG portable aulomalic I? ” ' dishwasher, almond color, works good A goa/anteed.{149. Banner Fumtturs, PlRE733-1421. haullREFRIGERATOR 4 Washer, ^both good condition. Call FIRE734-1351. ._____________ somiSell . cleaning Frigidairo ^Super, oxcellont condition. R R {300; 1981 WhIMpool. no Irost refrigerator, excelleni con-ditloni {500.326-4602.______Trash compactor, never ca iij usod. {260; GianI relrigora-lor/froozer combo, ss Qffi.doors, {400; Doubio wall ovon. Whirlpool, never Alboiused. {400. Call 324-5103. Red WHIRLPOOL 17 cubic >1whito relrigeralor. No frost. CANiworks good, guaranteed at Bags

2Vi yoar old big capacity Hailportable dlshwasW ^ { 1^ ;ead;

^ bush06(^H eallnoand hon

AlrCondltionlng p °u ;NEW HUNTSMAN air lighl area. wood burning stovo. 6 inchroar vont. heals approx 900 niebi sq ft. Cosi {500, asUng {325.Call 734-7191 evenings. still j

nz-B uiid im iM tte iU i! S?"o<APPROXIMATELY 1200 usod ??!?' bricks. {100.00. Call 5434068altorSp.m.______________ RodAPPROXIMATELY 1200 usodbricks. {100.00. Call 543-4068 ^a»Pr6p,m.___________RED CEDAR oxtorlor, Inlorl- • or. fonclng, Channel Ruslic V-groovo. Whito Plno. Coral lumbor. Poles. 324-6120.ROUGH LUMBER, posi 4poles, trusses, galv, and — :coiorod motal. 326^31. - JTRUSSES - Gangnaii ong .' nilCall collect lor Iroo quotes, hui 326-5900or32^3131.30. 24 It.trusses, 4>12 pitch, box2ll.lails.(31eachor{899for Froziail. Call 734-1538. strav85 FIFTY Pound bags ol rios.ready comonl. {2.00 a bag. rios.Call 678-1264. Bluel

OSS-GaroosSalea ^Antique Aucllon Isi Sun ol “oach month,Starting Juno3. 090-

.AHTlQUS9r-oett«ti«ssr-KS“ L°i 8

C s accumuialion. 4lh. 1 East. Vi Soulh. " M

Jorome. Sepi 26 4 29, »6. 3 ^ BACKYARD SALE; Fri 4 SaL ■28lh-S-MihriO^-412-5ih‘ Avo“ X Easl, Bird cages, hodgesaw. d ishos, shoos, clothes. ALMilu rn iluro,oads4ends. Pup. GARAGE SALE-Fund raiserlor Alzhoimor Family Sup- °E /porti Saturday 9-5. 1206 3 si;hoem ont Dtlvo.__________ JelfoGARAGE SALE-346 EXCiBuchanan. Kids 4 adult g?«^ clothes, vacuum cleaner.books, lols ol misc. Fri 4 1°'*'®sa l. Sept 28 4 29.9-5. ■ eiatoGARAGE SALE: Salurday FREIonly. 612 Rose Sl Norfh. moniacross Irom Robert SlueH. 733-0GARAGE SALE. 10-5 Sop- FREEtember 28 4 29.428 Monroo. IngeiChimney blocks. . 543-5GOOD OLO JUNKIE Yard MUSSale: Friday. 10-5 4 Saturday BosVtill noon. 465 Gardner. No old. ■


MINIFARM/YARD6ALEI NOW 9/10 mile North ol D 4 BSupply. 1 « Salurday. Sop- 5 ° " tem ber 29. Spray rig. boat, horso trailer 4 mlsc olhorimma. 734-4594,__________ PIT IMOVED: Extra lurniiuro. *«*{dishes, cookwaio. lawn pflOlmowor. vacuum 4 misc. 9-5, GROSaturday. Sopl 29. 609 Easl i'll tAvo F. Jerome.___________ MMIoMOVING SALE: Clothos Purodryer, air condi;ioner. Slamclothos & misc. Saturday, pareifl-5- 617 4lh Avu E, Goodino. femaMOVING SALE! Assorted REGllurnlturo, dryor, TV, living old,room, dining ;oom. bdrm. all biooiIn excoiionl condiiion. Thurs femaA Fri. 447 Rusty Lane. ^^h E 3aturdayrS«ptembor-»,-fr5r-ch«rt1 milo North Easl ol amoi Hagorman_PlcJuco-framos,—pels,inln twifflJi, ?, CR rnrlins, 5 aiclolhino. tools 4 misc. male3 'fAMILY garage salo. Frl-4 Toy .S»L .._S 0Pt,_ j8-_29 ._44S _C hlhBuchanan. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ir - xHeld Inside 11 bad weather, dog • Tons of toxs.^klds c to ih a v -3 8 « : •housenold and garden stuff.Carousel fireplace, modi- tm«i d n e cabinet, toilet, sink. -3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE: boau2318 Castle Dr. 9 am to 3 pm. t i i » Saturday;S_ept29.- ~3 FAMILY YARD SALE, trieviBargains galore. 330 Ash nooc(com er ol Ash 4 SoilWashington) in Kimberly, u n Saturday. Sept 29.94.3 FAMILY SALE: 10 speed studbicycles, rtding toys, nice train

05<i3 -G lng6S tJu o f ATUROAY._S«pl: a . . W . . _ E B j _lolhes. toys 4 misc Items. — 1?1 Wiseman.__________ _ A RD-4-FRONT-PORCH— „ ,ALE: Wed. Thura, Fri 4 Sal. 0 » - lI am lo 6 pm. Riding frEHTTilower, clOthrng, mlsc ,0, - " 'liclea, tire?, etc. iVi miles '‘S J -

Burley Comer,,Cleariakooad. Buhl._____________ p p -pARD_SALE:_Sa!_qn!y.,

Her. Clolhes, lurn 4 mlae._'ARD SALE. Clothes, toys. itaol.mi9c..3«<tfiA ve..Ns -

153 Falls Ave East, Thura-»y. Sepl 27. 10:00-4:30. (ardware, rodwood plant- 42ra, black pasl|c pipe, |a rs, iskets, arrangom enls,.Bodle work, dishos, lols ol ilsc., some new.FAMILY SALE: Dishwash- r, bunk bod frames 4 lots olliso, 425 Dubois. Friday 4 ^ 11%Blurdav.frj.____________;i TYLER, 9 to 5 p.m. Fri. 4 l" V fat. 28 4 29. Lota ol childron Ef/A S Id baby Itoms. Bake sale.

B8-flrewood ■ IS'm t

A-1 RREWOOD • HAY FiQS. {50; Rounds. {60. Call 250 to£ 3114.________________ tons, ;EAVERWOODCOMPANY: Also 1rowqod by tho semi or in oats, 10 round, or split and dellv- rain, to ed.Call73M266. ST )Y PINE Del. 4 Slacked. 73;

=IEWOOD for salo. Ireo — =~u 1 ^ Call ovenlngs. 6-9. ^

i^EWOOD-Troo lengths, .•sjrp::;SIREWOODFORSALEI S S S

Call4234363.E'VE GOT FIREWOOD. IP 5286.' ie . Cul. spill, doiivorod.111324-7563. ___________ OOM

Ba-VarietyFoodflbortas. grapos 4 Jonathan Syear:Id 4 Gold Delicious {225 pPlos. Now readyl 423-4474. 324-655INNING PEACHES roady. OUAUIiggotta Riverview Orchard. whow<ing Containers. »434987. MV. 16i3-5004 or 543-5131. homo, III 4 Alberta poachos. ady -Sept 24; Concord

is h o iI .C a liw S n .)NEY FOR SALE. 60 J ™ lunds lor {42; 12 poundsr {10. doiivor In Twin Falis ^ ,aa.Caiia34-5369altar5pm. W - Fnes U-PIck Farm, (we olso WANTE:k} 5 « Wost ol Joromo. nead 0a SURVIVED tho FROSTII e.CallJIII good canning tomatoes. = = ill peppers, jaiapoano's. oon chilios, and 201 reditaloos. Taking orders on cOLOSckedRus8ets.324-3490. HollersId potatos, banana 4 8aio.3Smmor squash, carrols. 526 DAIRYivburn W-733-2963. seleclli


>umpklns4rodpolaloos. ol JercSwoet corn 20 ears/{1. 324-473

So Frosh You Pick Thom" Jersey(ni S of Buhl on Cslird HW. je so ; '(

W480Q JerseyTHEBERRYPATCH lo n g

Raspborrios-{13.95iial roaisteBiackborrlos-{13.95 Hat Bulls. 11uck1oborrios-{16.50gal SyoarcConcord Grapos- {6.00 20Ib wANTf

3zon: Gooseborrlos.

r a S i . . z i s : w -pii Ja .,,1 . . .

*......................... 14 HE>Ordor ahead 423-5977 bull ca

(6pm-9pm) sho ls. I

30 -^e ts& Supplies weight

lite spotted. Phono 734-32 or 734-5437. _____CC CHESAPEAKE Bay. Ro-

.MOST FREE! AKC Lab ABC'8ip, Mom exc. Hunler. Dad taughtlow. {SOfwood 733-6976. HaiimaEAUT1FULD0G HOUSES llahlngsizos. pricos right, 122 a LLBFIfersonorCall 733-2450. foalurii;CELLENT lamliy pols 4 horsoslOd hunlors. Springer SeplonBck U b X. males 4 - Oclobomales, musl soo to appro- Goldortte. {20.536-5301. Ogden. tEE: Black malo pup. 2jnths old. Call atior 5, Arablai3^)672.________________ exp rllEE: Malo black U b Spr- ior X. 5 monihs old. (fail 'i.5533. B lack»JST SACRIFICE Purebred ' ™ )Slon Terrier Puppy. 8 wksJ. {125. or bosi oiler. Call GENTL4 ^ 9 allor 6pm. M a^.

jbermans, malo puppies. HORSE Oor make oHor.436.6lB0.3W TAKING Shootingigs for Fail. Edah-How HORSEmnols. Gun dog 4 Obo- praduai»ncoTrainina-83MS70. Huntor--------------------------------- • HORSEr BULL Pups for sale. 5leksold.Call 734-1351. GS£S£JWFES6J0NAL Horso:TOOMINGI Vacalioning? Hm1 board your dog. Chori 03-Liv lior Konnels. 42^104. HORSE irebred Blue Polni, roal go im eso kilions. Both Horsoi .rents woro bluo. 2 ideAL males lott. {35 ea-734^B35 old. Et :GISTER£DLabs.8wooka -15,2. I j . AKC champion *2000. jodllnes. 1 malo. {IOO; 2 CaljM< rrulos. {75 oach. 7340019. .REGIS' HEATEN Terrior puppies.- yo«r# ii»npteivalredrnoshod. iiii— th t a ^ ioii< medium size, show or sM dp '

lie pup; 2 while female 2 Elkls

• X 5 1/2' K 6' Chain Link years>g.kennel: {100: Call 734- ladies(*;____________ both. ':FA r eg ister ed Persianle n s , both males, cam* 2 HOR!19, very well mannered, Ouartoilaulllul Wttens. S weeks, to lead. Q0.Call43M167. .2 PackLEFTI AKC Golden Re- all auiever, males. parenlB both pack.Ti»od hunters 4 pet*. {125 7 yearill or trade. 7334441 Irom QuarteiIof733-5ie0aller4. mounu

. i u « ,^737eyes.___________

> 4 - 1 0 4

3 F a r m e r s * m t r K e t

B6-FeftUliaraSoBa•RTTLEER FOR SALE. Wo . ad, you haul. SIO p«r ckuDload.Call324-«05S. ’ - i



f f - : fU y ',G ii ln 4 t= e ^ 7 u :"

-ALFALFA ^60loafytons,l8t , . l


ALFAlfAHAY -I cutting. 600 tons. {65 pern. Call 07-6313.________"»PROX 25 tons 2nd culling falla, no rain, {85 a li;i;.ill62»6515.___________ -)R SALE: Approx. 50 ton r f ly 4 600 bales ol straw. Caa

)R SALE: Approx. tOO lies 3rd cutling hay In ttn ild.Call733^a76.^YFOR SALE: le t appro;0 tons. 2nd approx 200 ns, 3rd approx 100 tone; so now seeding a lfa lls . its, approx 100 tons. No in. too ouallN. 366-7420.

STRAWFORSALE733^734 or326-4288.

0 are now buying oats, oaso call 3 2 4 4 ^ or K4-

WHEATHAY ^60 tons, {55per ton.

Call 837-6313.ID CROP HAY, {55 in llOld.0 In slack. {65<70 deihr- Odin 5 lon loads. 423-8729.0 ions ol llrst and second 3j, hay.lor u ie . Call 8 ^

Be-FatmaForRetrttlME Potato ground lOr nl. 100 acres 4 wheel line,

4-eai.allor6-_________--MUFIED young farmV 10 would llkelo ronl In the / , 160 acres or larger, with mo, havo exporianceift ichinory. Reply lo Bbk 32. c /o Timos News, Bm a. Twin Falls, ID 83303. i^NTED TO RENT, farm ound. Filer area, cash or a ro8 ^W a o u le3 2 ^8 g j^

iS-PaitureaForR ent . ^NTED: Fall pasture lor 20 ad ofcows beginning Ocl

K -C attle)LOSTRUM fed day ol(l liters and bbll calves for le.324443aor324-568a, •JRY HEIFERS, good lection ol close up & ahorl Dd dairy heilors. Chuck llorson, 2 North 4 2M East Jerome, Call 324-3331 or

M737.________________:rsey Cow, jusl Ireshen,50: Nanny goat. {60; rsev Holler, {150.423^787 ING BODY crowlhy type jlstered Polled Herelbrd lis. Two 3 yoar olds 4 one ear old. Call 866-7564. » ^NTEO White-faced Ewes.)ss brod. 3.4 4 5 yrs oldf,

__________ ;■:ANED Holsloin calves for lo or will consider Iradi •Springers. 543-8948. » HEAC) weaned-Holslelft • -

II calvos. on grain 4 had ois. Call 432-5469.- ■WHITE FACED Hfiforei ,

jighs noibs, brod lo start ivlng- M arch-15.'had-a |) - ois 4 bangs vaccinated^

..........- - -slock cows, cash or wlD* do .lor machinery. Calt j-6374. ;

H ^H ofw a T “IC'a ol Horsemanship jght 4 pleasure riding at iiiman's Fun Farm; Also hino. Call 733-1939..L BREED Registered Sale jiuting Ctiarlot 4 Cultat rsos. Entry deadline: iplomber 29, Sale dale: :lobor 6. 11:00 a.m., ildon Splko Coliseum, iden. Utah. For more in- •malloncall601-731-0100. : ablan Goldlng. TralnecT p rider. 4 yoars old. colloni endurance 4 traH ospect, {700. Call 324-36431 , ick Mare, 6 yra old. broko f ide, good In mins. {55ffi innv-Qoat, {60.423-5787. [ •NTLE eiack 4 white Paini ire. Excellent wlit| U d rs tu m S 4 4 2 iZ z = = ’— )RSE SHOEING by gradul_ '3 larrlor, 12 voars exp. Call mJonfls4234217ovea. ■ }RSE SHOEING 4 Trtming;' adualo larrlor. Call M.inter. 32U606-_________ ;3RSES 4 1 MULE, sell or ' ide for 8' Wide >oseneck.326-5410. T orsos bougt)t-sold-traded.' HomeofDiM'aOoctor. ,

mvestOCk.PH.733<055.: )RSE&-aale/trade. Some al good kid's horses. Alao irseshooing 326-4631.EAL AOHA Mare. 7 years j . English. Western or 7..2 hands, uc rlllce at 000. Soo lo a p p re ^ ie .I11324-3791. ---- ^=GISTERE0Vy gelding. 5 ^ lars old, haTpacked elklS;vearr{80oT32*«36:----- -----,4MTH MOUTH POA. o]^-^for;ki(^-^ln8-w ell.—

=IkJ>4'deer Packej’s . Geld*

f c a W i l ’S - -f S & S M I Sl | ^ J U « l l IjngH. ^ C l L

10BSES, » A nbUn t ' » iirlor. 2 v a ir , old, bm k .

>ack Mules. Been paclMd aummer, anyone ^

ck.7»4-2510or4i7.22BO. !___year old NorvRefllaiered lartor horse mare. (Jood luntaln horae & would

rE M p L D .- iin l :g M lM !-----


Page 27: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation


IB HAND tnoroughbred ' 'd rfding, welt tnlned, g r u t '

'M raonallty , 12 y o v s old. • ^ u t l t u t , bip horso. Ctll i643-«8;9OfS4t4(a0. ( 3.AQHA YetJtlna Rlllts. ’ VTEX OH. 1-KINQDOM KEY. SIOOO Mcrr. C 3 -* m or <54>ae69.________________ __ (

1 lg -ttO (» B |u lp iM (ll I

8 lT ^ ^ h o ^ 'V # to c M iill« re r 'i25 lo 30 In stock, we trtds. ' F anner's Exchanoo, ,

3 J FT Qoosenock Traller,_ l 24%ft IMnst spaco, 3 horsos s ld« by side, Compleleiy ,

' seK-conumod. Sell or trade ' fe fm o lo ih o n n .a itM H . |

'fl» -S»IW 1

1 » - a i e e | ) ____________ 19S 'h M d of oood Ewes to !

■ wmb starling Janusry S. Call ^ ^ ^ 1 0 e w ^ n £ s ^ _ _ _

y&-PouH ry&eabl)H 8 ;

-11>-lrrioalionHAST1N08 GATED PIPE. Alum, PVC & undorground. ' Pipe tralior, $495. Mslhors. 6 m iles Soulh of Kimberly. Call anytime. 42Mfl47.


^ 1 2 M a ln .B u h I5 4 3 ^' Q uar. rebuilding (or Nelson’

RjnBM & W e«lherTec._30 QUARTER MILE used H&I., handiinos & 20 used w heeilnes tor sale. 43M611.

nria-:FafmSuppHe»METAL stock rack lor sa lo.._; Very good condition. Cell . B34-at&. ^

-.114-Firm Implements !POTATOSTORAGE: •

Forced air and refrigerallon. i60 ,000 sacks available. Call Ig y e » 3 2 4 ^ o r5 3 M 3 9 0 . IX- 1074 THIOKOL Polatq ■M ^ e s lo r , good condition; iisooo. C A I i a i ^ l eves IATTENTION FARMERS: ;Have your fields all washed Ito Iho lower end? Now iho i

middlel I've got a 5 yard jcarryall for your small lobs. .S2S/nour. Call Wayne .B S » e f .5 < « M o rM W 7 is i :leave m essage.__________ __(BANKRUPTCY SALE. An- i t lque Model 4600 IH Tractor.Call 73«771 Monday* ,Thursday. 9am-4pm_______ __,NEW HOLUND STACKER < 1030, good condition, nowhydraulic pump. <3000. Call :3&-7420._______________ ___(

" IK -F m llu p lB in e n te


Ouo to changot In our f<• following oqulpmoni is a . lolo:

DESCRIPTION . 2S90Co«« wilh Mud hog ,1 ottochmoni. 400 hours

-3 6 7 0 C oto-4986 hou rsT T :

Co»oRPW dlK l6-. llko nov

Srijlion 3 4 'roller harrow . .

- ' ' IHCModel630036‘drill- . .

- 3-lHC Model SIO Drills w ith

T ‘•'l-IHCM odelSIOctrlll..........

:.‘IHCM odoIN5-4botlom plo

— -^r?ns2tWt*sff*jrff-5pr«c35r-:• Evorsmon 4012 Land Piono

-JD 6-Floll Choppor ............

AAattcocontact Roy Voll

I The Pe Malice

733Office HoMondoy through Frida/ 6

. d o y 0 o .m .fo l2 N eo n .

Deadline!5 p.m .. Mondoy-Frldoy le day; '13 Noon .Saturday

■- “^d Monday.

/ - I N o tic e ! -, -CH EqCfO U R StK lN THE

. - _ J lQ N -Jl-th o ro »houfdJy> '

n ^Imos-Nows irrtmodlotofy nol bo r e t^ n t lb lo lor n'

RatesPrlvoloPorlyA ds

- — .-.H N o . o f P ^ ^ T~~ ~

• T T T "Minimum 5-30

• '" p ^ o .o lD a y i . - T m T T

----- --------- MinVmu” 2 0 ^ ^ 1

Tho obovo roles opply on lions wilhoul Copy chong* on oil "moving sal«" ods

_ z :^ s .O lh « r ( a lo to v a i la b lo .

_______ a ........ .

•m e rs* m o114--fifmlmplemenl8

! CAB JOHN DEERE Roll '; Guard, wltl fit 4020 or 3020

John Deere. Call 43»<17B7.I CASE 060 BEAN Special -. Combine. Qood condition.

C500. Also Allls Chalmers XT 190 Traclor. UOOO. Call845-2903.________________CORN CHOPPER. Fo i Super

C a f l ^ b ^ ^ '. ,-F 0 R 8 A L E ;_

' plow. Call73M122.F0R8A1£:

I . .G ood. > c o w .. rubbO(. tlcft. ' • PoU toR oller.'-C aircw soO '

O r43«564.______________InnesK B 'bW nw lndrow err- W atts 3 bottom plow; In* tematlonal Modol 16 com chopper. 423^089 ovenlnQS. INTERNATIONAL 642 4- bottom plow. Excollent condition. 11700. S43-4210. INTERNATIONAL 82 Boan Combine. Excollont condi­tion. $1600 firm. Call Aftermnn,537-ea7l._________ULUSTON Combine. U500.IH S2 Combine. While 2-105. cab and air, 4040 JD, cab and air. 4440.JD. cab and air. 1980 12 Ft. drop^leck Irailer. New 14 tl. bed and hoist. Caso 560 C backhoo.,WIII trade. 8111

. LouQhmiller.733-5761.; ' LOCKWOOD Potato Pilor, i 35' boom, stinger, good ' condillon, roasonablo. Call• afler6om.B37-8825._______

Massoy Ferguson 57, 4 bot-. tom plow, . spring trip;

Lockwood Super 6 Polalo Harvestor, prices nogotia- blo. Call 3244072. •

f M F421,4row cotnhead,30 '' spaclngs, lits 410 & 510 comblno. good cond, $750.

I 3 2 4 ^ L _ ________:----------M FSSCeRowComhead; MF 750 Combine. 18 It header. &38-22<7 or 536-2587.1964 DODGE 2 ton truck with

j - 14' Parma manure spreader: TL-10Alli8Chalmers2wheol

’ drive front end loador with chains & loader iraller. S6500.5434718 or 5434824.1973 GMC TRUCK, nol run-

. ning a l this time; 1976 JDI balor: 3 Bottom plow. Call

Randv. 543-4381.__________} 1974 SPUD HARVESTOR.; Has dug spprox. 150 acros.

like now, must seltl 834-5896.: 2-Eaglo comblnalion 20'-. i b eds. Elec/hydraullc. $7000 ) each j::all 837-6313.

cylinder englno. eloclric• sta rt wllh 25 'loads, 4234224.? 375 Inlornallonai Swalhor,^ 14' header, roady lor flold,

$7000. 4234377or423-5738.660 CASE Bean Special. Eye. cond. w / exlra Solve,-will

• soli Selve separately or in­cludod with combine. $3500.

R e v e 's 3 2 ^ . ___________MII 7' SUND boan pickup, $500.

Call 324-7343.

114-Farm Implements

E-SURPLUS :QUIPMEtUIt form ing aaoraiian», iho s avoilobto lor immodioto


l r , ..........................‘49,000

T T T T .- : . . . ; .T T T 7 ‘20,0 0 0 -

n o w .........................‘ 12,000


..................... -‘20,000-^ -

vith hitch ................. ‘4,000


I plow ”, . , : >6,000-

m o ............................ ‘ 1,500

............. Make Ofler................................. ’22 , 0 0 0 - -

> F a r m sC o l lo c t 7 3 4 -6 3 4 7

eople’setplace-0931l o u r s — ^y e o.m . to 5:30 p.m. Sotur-

B S ----------- ^ ---------I lor publicotion following oy for publicollon Sundoy

rHE FIRST DAY O F/U B tlC ^. bo on_cctor-ploo»o colt Ihi> to fyT n io Timos-Nowj will ^ t m oro Ihon ono incorroci

7 .0 0 lO iSO 1 4 .5 0

T 6 « 2 0 - - ^ | . 2 s T .2 6 - 3 ^ .

' 2 2 . ^ 2 5 .7 5 2 8 .0 0

only lo contocuTtvo Insor- ingo. Propoymoni roquirod ods and •■posUton woniod"b la upon r»qu«it. __________

a r k e t - ' R e c

"Think Uke a like a man ol th~

A m an of ac own suits as if

rrow .’.'A '.man-'oi easy for the defi

------- ---------North's-blddI; he did bave ex

long suits. Dummy’s diJ

' South ImmedlaI long sjiits. A he

and "a spade w ' '■ queen and I

a ttack ed clut ; winning. AnotI , won, but West'!I book on that si) h ea rt acc, toolI finesse and th

queen. When i appear, he casliI and conceded i

horrible, resull j m akes via two> -diamond finess

and one club." ,Henry Baer

) fo r maxim'uiconcealed his \

. defense. After vmond finesse, I king instead of

I Elast. won andi dummy’s weak*I queen won, as c

finesse. The cashed and thi

I dered a secondI was all. Baer's

spades earned score.

' 114-Farm Implements u I PAflTIOTJ^’ OUT!" ' HOTOTn—■ Gomco Model 520 tjecl can

han/eslor.Call326-5425.■ TRACTORS: 1105 MF. 700 slOi■ hrs. cab: 4020 JD: 1466 IH /ow

w /cab. W/4WD: IH 770 20' olfset disc. Call 438-0767 or

I 734-2331 unil 6545.■ WANTED: Caso Vac Engine Soc

with VT 328 block. Coll 324- will3601 alter 6:00p.m.________ or,WE REBUILD Hydraulic clo; Jacks al ABBOn.'S AUTO Mal SUPPLY. 305 Shoshono mo Strool Soulh. Twin. ' We 1 8 'METAL Spud Bed. b o lts Boi motor. In good condillon. Jot Call 7 3 3 ^ 7 . - Soi

115-FaraiWortA-C CUSTOM Haying Toi sorvlco. Swaihing. baling. ^siacklnn. 934-8368.934-5750, 14' ALFAU'A, GRASS. STRAW, '|s | cuslom Slacked. Fasi quallly JO work. 2 wldo. Call Jorry >ral Sialoy 7 3 4 -7 9 2 2 .i

.. ALFALFA & STRAW S U ck--?^ Ing, 2-wldo, owner oporaled. ' ’ 7 dopendablo, will travol. Call >5s f e ________________ g ,All ground work. Com Chop, Swath. Bale, G reen Chop, i f

- C o m - -Thrashing......R ock-55.picker, loader, manure ' “ Jhauling. 543^886._________ ^Are you wanllng your HAY STACKED quickfy? 2 wldo. 9

•'.hl0h.0xpd.CalI733-5897.~ ’ u" >_8 £ftN, ...THBASHING,.,-

axial flow combine. Call


~ S43^974.CUSTOM BALING: Now ..fHolland heavy duty balor, “ ownor oporalod. oxpori­oncod. day or night. Call734-0857.___________________ _CUSTOM Grain & Boan MaThrashing, Call Gary al 12:3264167.________________ noCUSTOM HAYING, rl^ a i m ^ t u l l n g & slacking, wli

CUSTOM HAY & STRAW, 2 'wstrlnos, swath, bale & Slack, oviCall f c 4 i ^ or 536-2168. ohCUSTOM KAY STACKING. 2 tiowldo. -1068 hay' stacker, tieSchodulo oarly lor prompt wisorvico. Call 536-2273. «aCUSTOM HAYING. 3 wldo »

' otacKlna. baling & swathing.. Arnold Pruell. 5434048, - Vh

' "CUSTOM ^ATHINGTNCW '-Br’ Holland 14 'wilh conditioner, pljCall 3264386._____________ ihlCUSTOM SWATHING. Iravolany aroa. Scoll Baggotl, P"

• 5^5130 or543«65. N CUSTOM THRESHING. INT./- “i

gHARVESTING: Grain, beans, gl'corn. 3 Machines, trucking ynavailable, Vernon Fairchllcf fitS 4 3 -5 663o r5*3^ . £ ,

MANURE HAUUNG. 0] boan cutting, roto-tllling, all gc types custom' farmlno. Also ,58^ orseshoolng■ 3264631. =

MAVENCAMP BflOTHERS 1Custom Thrashlntfv Grain, =beans & corn. JD 6600 E.B. .bell unloador. ffl7-6217, •C374494 or 6 3 7 ^ 2 . 7 "■ ^ 19

GootHaullng/Wanlod : ne

■ ^ R acrea tlo n al ' £!------------------------ -------- " t ;

, „iaO:Hjvljl!on . *1TAILORCRAFT 43 L-2-M wlTandum seating, recent re- Irl'cover & paint, new Inlerlor, SInew Instrumenls. rebuilt S(Cont A-65, 800*6 Ilres, hyd Hi

- - Drakes, -n e w - '^ u ili^ e e l.— Excellent-oond.-Easy to l ly . - i -

S7500-. Will consider trades or678-7942.________________ ^h a n g a r SPACE for rent. 5,1 Joromo Airport. Paved Ux-Iw a y s-& ramp dihangar. 733-9233 Days,

d ~ 7 » f 0 2 5 Eveninos. ^ - ■- w

' . c r e a t i o n t

IE ACES:e a man of action; act ftiougliL” .

— Henri B e r ^ o x t .

action goes a f te r his } i f th e re is no tom or- i.*ot'.thought-.Tnakeadefense to slip . * jldd lng"w as pushy, b u t ^ , : ex ce llen t body i^J^is

d iam ond 10 won and idlalcly w en t a f te r his . h ea rt to his ja ck held, i w as led to dum m y’s 1 E a s t ’s a c e . E a s t ilubs, d u m m y ’s a cc jio ther . h e a r t finesseis t’s d iscard closed th e Nct suit. South cashed his l itook an o th e r diam ond 3T

then tr ie d \ h e spadein the ja c k failed to _ lashed th e diam ond ace >d down one. I t w as a su it s in ce th e gam ewo h e a r t finesses, th ree Solesses, p lu s one spade .I- ' <f 'ier ol D allas, playing ■ n u m a t ' d u p l ic a te , is w eak spot from theDr w inning th e f ire t dia- nj<e, he led a bold spade \ <[ of finessing in hearts.. < snd sh ifted to hearts,iakest su it. B ae r 's h e a r t Alas did an o th e r diam ond biile sp ad e queen w as tai

the sp a d e 10 su rren - ' ind spade trick , b ut th a t ;r 's d ecep tive a ttack in ned h im an excellen t

,21-BobIsSAcc6M. 12s■TitW *YSBETTEirB01fS-7-QOFall liquidation salo en all .197now and usod boats In awi Slock, good solocllcn and/owos/prlcosll SOI

MaglcValleyMarlna Hoj7 3 3 < 1 4 1 .____ LO'

ATTENTION FISHERMAN willSoo this 1968 2tlt Flbcftorm oxcwllh ISOhp. I/O More Cruls- hojor, Slove. sink, sloops 2. o i icloanost boal In the Valloy. LU:Mako oflor. Seo al Inler- Boimountain Motor Homos In ionWendoll. 536-2301.______ o f !Boats Motors & Trailers ll»"Johnson. Morcrulser. and Jio Seaswltl. 733^141

Manic Valloy Marina__ d_olEvlnrudo & Mercury Motors, MUboats & fishing lacklo. Bo:Tom's Marina & Sport Qds. roaHovburn/Burloy.8f8-7473, Ma14' ARKANSAS Traveler {JJ®(Ishing boal with 15 HP ^Johnson molor. covor & MUtraitor, great trowlor. Must Coisoo 10 approclato. $1500 or 6; rbost ollor. Call alior 5.423- lior

-5760 Of 733^965 davsr------- — dut15' CRESTIINER. 65 Mereu- {JJ® ry motor, E-Z load Irallor.g ooa1171 Monroo. 733-6607. OP15 tl Sllvorlino 1971 Chrysler cor 55 hp. lilt iralter, sun lop,

16' URSON Fiberglass. V _ .hull. 75 HP Morcuiy molor. Jra lull curloin, heavy duly h o a ir “r '

1970 VIKING tri-hull with 90 .,*1horso Evlnrudo & trailer, —t5V4', Musi sell, mako ollor. S^

- r & w r s 6 r 7 ^ m ,

122-Sptitting Goods JJ?GUNSFORSALEI VEW holesalo * 10%. , Tra

___CaII 734-a«tt2allec.S--------- paiMarlin rifle 32 cat., oxcollont. |x '125; Also S.W. Modol 29, Oilnow $375-733-8261, MoRUGER M-77 243 wilh 4x ^wldo angle scopo. $240, Call Wl4234023*' Ml(

WINCHESTERMODELlOl ovoi ond undor. 12 gagoshotgun, Excollont condi- f,‘tion wilh caso, 73*48« ol- t gtlco Of 734-2442 ros._______ J *WINCHESTER Modol 12. 16 L?-gauge, '.olmost llko now, jtz ^ C a l l 7 3 3 ^ 1 7 .(1) DUCKS UNUMITED. (The Plains: Central odltlon) ^

-Brt)wnlng-B80-12o#— Gold— 5plaled, Inlay engraving J *throughout, wilh 3 long ^ralsod gold medallon de- ^Dieting a Ilock of ducks (ly- 1S7Ing. Stock & forearm- Fancy reiBurl walnul. Investor gun or Br(oye-stoppor. Great shooler- t-B'pneasani & duck:- Unllrod. ^$1500 or buy a s donation to igjQlvo to Ducks Unlimllod this ouiyear, (2) Elk Special 306 cal. wnfiom.. seml-auto. 2 cllmj, tak Exc. cond.. 4x Scopo. $370.;(3] 22 cat. M12A pump illlo, good cond. $100. Call 543-

• b — . 12j-SMInaB]iil|»iwnl


1970 COLT Snowmobile, whnnndsben.$tS0.326-5415. coj

---- 107Rowboat, cahoe,_ sailboat,

' powerboat--It you do^ k« i

cl'asBlllftd ad.

- 125-TfavelTraiieraA TTEtfnONHUNTEraSee d e

-1h i9 -1968-C ard lnal-0« luH -25wllh hoator, slove, gas re- uh(rig, Electric 'ollet. sleeps 4, cat i f e . Excellem^wnd^^^^ ^

H ^ e a In Wendell. 536-2301, ^ ~CLEAN lS fl.‘ tnlIer,-Sleeps

iea s y t o t o w 1977 2211 Kii - Slh W heel with Root afc &awnlno. rear dinetle, re- Mduced to soil. See al Inter- i9mountain Motor Homes In Ci

~ W endetrSJ6«C 1-------- -------- iti

a l ____________________

. ®► B O B B Y W O

N O R 'n i♦ K Q 1 0 9 2 V 8 6♦ A Q J IO

— _____WEST EAST> .3 .3 .............................; ,+ .A J.5 4r 3 .................................TICIO-?-:f . K 9 8 5 3 ..................f K 9 8 4 3 ♦ .Q 'J IO

SOUTH♦ 7 6V A Q J 9 4♦ 742♦ 7 S 2

Vulnerable: North-South. North. The bidding:North E a a t Sonth W< 1 4 P a s s INT P t S f fT ■ P a s s P a ss P ;

Opening lead: Diamond:


South holds:

4 A J . 5 4 .. T K 10752

♦ 6♦ Q J I O

N o rth S o n th

! ♦ .?

ANSWER: Four spades. A slij bid but more promising than tational jump to three spades

Seod brtd£« qu6itlOBt lo Tlie A e« 12WS, DaUas, Tesai 7SUS, wllh icU itunpcd esvelope (or rrply.


125-Travel Trallera Iffl

978 3011 Argosy with largo Quo< iwning. fool a/Crblg folrla. cami md vory luxurious, $10,995. #hov >00 a l fntormounialn Motor mou ^omes in Wendoll, 538-2301. Wen .OVELY 15 'Glow Lite Trailer 1 0 '\ vllh counlry cabin Intorior, rolrli ixcollont condillon. good heal loalor, prolocl (or hunting If camping, Call823441«, ■ — .UXURY PLUS. See this m Joautllul 1678 Royals In- ornatlonal 31lt Trailer, lots « >f storago. U sed only a lew , imos. Excolloni quality. 110,995. Seo at Intormoun- aln-M otor-Homes In-Wen—>011.536-2301.____________JUST SELL 1972 2611 Trail lo s s sth Whool, rool a/c. oar balh, good condition,,, rfake oiler. Soe a l Inter- nountaln Motor Homos In iVondoll.S36-2301, tIUST SELL 1975 22ft Coachman, rool a /c. sleeps 1; roar tub. Excollont condl- ion. Largo (ront bod. Re- tucod-to soii.-Soo at mtor- nounialn Moior Homos inWendoll. 536-2301.________3PEN ROAD 27 ft. Sell- :onlained. oxcollont cond. Vwning, air, TV anienna,

PACKAQ'EDEAL'. rravol irallor. 19* '77 Nomad, iclf conlainod, all conve-.. ilo h c o s ;'79 Dodge 200 Van.

V S . P/B. now Iiros plus r ~ nore, $9000 o r will sell sops- a tely. Phone 637-6514.SNOW BIRDS ORDER NOW‘iu.Way-Hilchlkots.-dcllvery--------imo 4-8 w eoks, somo In stock. Maudos Trailer Salos 3l(l-a4.oxil147or8374492./ERY CUTE Socurity 15H Frailer, g as/e lec roldo.

Excolloni condition. Make ' Dllof, Soo a t Inlermouniain Wotof Homes In Wendell.»6-2301.________________M IL SACRIFICE 1978 3011 Midas Slh Whool. roof a /c. iv inlonna, roar bath, good rendition, Mako olfor. See Jt Intormountain Molor Homes in Wendoll. 536-2301.1963 30' KIngcralt' iravel irallor. $2995. 324-2897 or soo »t73617lh S t. Jerome.1965 17' GOUTE. Fridge, sto v o ,' ovon, toilet, twin M>ds.2LP tanks. $1195. Callr344195.________________ _1968 f4T fSC D t3m airtr«T el- — irailor oxcolient condition. B 50orboslo lfer.S 43«83 . . i9T1A U08X35ParkM odol. rear bodroom. lop air. $3995. Brockman's Mobile Homes k84 a t Kasota Rd Exil 201 Burlev 438-5707or 438-8303. B1976 Teton Park model, tip ^ 3ul. 40 fl. You-can.pull thiswllh g j ^ P -


I mll«a N of P«cTlne B t ^ , r.F .C aU 734^B yof< 5pP 7 .1977 STARCRAFT Tont Trail- sr, 16ti, heate r. Icebox, sink,M ok top, s le ep s 6.7344247. U 1977 VACATIONEER. 2 8 'Slh B

I1979 COLEMAN Valley Forge B le r< l-ifa lle f .- ir ,-s te e p s -6 .-^ |B

1 , 28' JAYOT Luxury. ETrailer. AC. stereo, Ilnted H jglass. 3 awnings, pull out [ 5u n try , equalizer hitch, wind ■Jefleclor.$ia.900.074809. ■ 25 FT f SPARTAN Fully con— ■lalned. oxcalleni condllk^n. ■Catl324«l99.____________ •96 G lobeslar Trailer 24 Ft.Sell contained t2eftS. 324-3712atter5p.m .__________■78 KrT COMPANION 21' ■ Travel “ Trailer.— 73«B 37 .- IC o m erC a 8 2 M il(^se ,f4 7 . 1

128-CimpOT* Shells1977 S lx pac --S ho rtbed

1 ' . " ~ 11960

O L F F - . KEast.

' 1976------------- 8’ 0

lacks9 -:7 .A

1976 . Jack.

-----------------------------------------c-------------------- — maki

5 4 ......................................■ ..'127-f r s T ] - ................. -- ............................................... 197V-10 440.


------- - wornSEEidaymllei

lh. D e a le r : ducemoui Weni

W est SPRI

P a « . _ SMP a s s . new

• engitid f iv e

S9 -27-B a


w . . Ho!! • •• VER

Crul— • . 316.

a /c .oKoiMoll

. , 538-;EXT

_____ . 1978

s lig h t o v e r- • • mileu in a n in v l - .les.

„ PORP.O. Box ClasicU-addr«sed. &AC


» ago,:------------------------------------ CaM.

__________ UKE

lZ 8 -C m p O T iS h e ll»

amper, qas roldg, toiiot. Wenhowor. $ ^ . Soo al Inter- m USlOunlaln Molor Homos In 20' ii/ondell. 536-2301. 440,O' VACATIONER, gas-elect dineDlrlg,lollot, lacks, sloops 4, $10,(oalor.$1700,733-1659. tain


127-MotorHomes 127-


S « « A m « rlca . . . I t 'i

C r»«l Salactlon of Ne Motor Hornet a Travi


SA 70vtrlondA ve.,B urU y

P a c e A i"L u x u ry . . . i t ' s

C L O S E *1 9 8 4 ' s AS LC

» 3 3 ,8 1

RUB u riv y 678-9476 H o u rs :



W atM I.S O O $ « 1 REDUCED T O 1 4


T h u rsd ay , S optem be

ft-C am cw a& S M ls 1Z7-li969 10W Wanderland. r T T ^ ldge, toilet, jacks 4 im ace. 2414 Addison Avea s t. 73*0678;___________976 SECURITY TRAVELER _’ overshol camper. New # f icks.-funytosded.-exceilent ondilion. $1500. Call 734-564 or 734-3722.__________ ' f-976 10W Kit Camper. , ^ •ck s, forced alt. healer.

nak»t>fforr734.7523:-------- ^

127rH oW H O nV »-:::: . . v . : RiBSOLUTELY PERFECT 97V-23' Mini WInny Dodge - 40. MIchelin tires, Party lodel. beaullful colora. lake offor. See at Inter- n p . . lOunlain Motor Homes In yendetl,S36-230i;EE THIS NICE 1975 22 'Hol- (]ay Rambler Mini, 40,000 ' Illes, power plant, roof k/C, good condllldn, re- lucod 10 sell. See al inter- nountaln Motor Homes In Vendell. 536-2301.________ _ a |

adlals. new relrigerator. all vERYiew gas controls, rool air, 32,000inglno air. aux gen, ani^Hm Mj'gf,,:assette, cruise. A/T, P /S . c |m j ,» /B .734^o r733^ t4 i4 . 3 i/ERY CLEAN 1979 23' Olfer.Mallard Mini Home. Strong Motor:hevy 400 engine, party 636-23nodol, rool a /c. excellent vviLLI:ondlllon. Make offer. See BubbIIt Intormountain Motor refrlOiHomes In Wendell. 536-2301.. OodgtI/ERYECONOMICAL197918’ Internbruise Master Mini. Dodge frtWeiJIB. V 8 ,'11.000 miles. Cab 1975i/c ,sleops5,$11,900orbest Home3l(or. Soe at Intormountain daync Molor Homes In Wendell,

EXTREMELY WEU-KEPT c o n ^1978 ly iC ru lse Master Mini. 1978 . ’oar bath. Sloops 4 ,.10.W ..carpeiTtlles. -radlal Ilres. make ol- gener'or. Seo at Inlfermounlain ago;Motor Homes In Wendell, (liliyi36-2301. _micro'•OR RENT: Winnebago 25'. 1978:ia ssA . sleeps 8. generator Add|s AC. 733-1058 or 734-3383. 1978 I

3REAT all purpose 1972 Home19% 'motor home, low mile- 38.000igo, excellent condillon. excell:all 467-2530, _v a ^.IKE NEW 1978 25' Win- rSSSS: iobago-MlhI“Pany“ MoaoTr^979-:>5,000 mllos. Sleeps 4, rear MoloiMlh, lots ol slorago, pricod Hcena0 sell now, Soo al Inter- i gei InDuntaln~Motor^omos~tn iJBiraiWondell. 536-2301. ■ FIRMI^UST SELL Boautllul 1977 1963 J>0' Sport King Mini. Dodgo all op140, 40,000 miles, rear mightlinollo. Excellent condillon. oartti 110,995. Soo at Inlermoun- aln Moior Homos in Wen- Ipll. 536-2301.

127-Motor Homes . ^ e ^

---------------------------------- 1 Chas;

1WINO I rH o a a i t rI ' i C l o i a t o H o m a— traile

K ^>N *w «U s»d 132-raval Trailer* ___

ISURELIVIN- §I /IC E * 678-7057•y - Home; 434.4581' ^

___ ___ — *1 1980' rims,----------------------------

s —-------------- _ ongli03M

_____ 135:


m f \ Vai-1975-

. i i t 's b u l l l in " K

E O U T - ILOW AS 1®

li______ __ ___ 1983M H P H M ' Wim-ImT—Z-K_


,v mmi r s :9 - 6 p .m . M on .-S aK ios4

-■ ww

)LPHIN I: hoaae a■OUT! I

--- — --------------------- - i W a S20C9._r

— wJ J,

18 , 9 0 0 “

£t s j — 7 » 2 M 1 - J t o

.................. -......."I""

104-WotorHonw H M te i

SS A MOTOR HOME lor'21 ft., a leep«8.733-1027

tor8om733le44 0»2LEti!— ------ ~ BBOBCAS• • ■ • • • Sfcarlic

DEALER - D .S ’ CLOSEOUT after 6 pn;

M m i lU n O u ." * " “ . i S

r t 5 5 4 l l ! S ? « 0 M l n l - - - '2 E i Eolor Homes - i ^ T r y64 Road Ranger. Sthheel.26'--,-- - • • • - Ct_ASStC84 Road Ranger, 16* R uns

. »qulpmei

hese units will be sold S / S I S ' '’

« thousands of Doiiarsll


FOR SA^Y NICE 1974 24' Swinger,WO miles. 4.kW Onan.ihelln Ilres, Awning,ops 6, lots more, good MUST .idlllon. $11,500 o r ^ s t Chevy p!>r. See at Intormountain bumper!tor Homes In Wendell, stereo , (.2301.________________ paint. I.L SACRIFICE 1973 Dodge jblstop Van. o u /e lecIg, Hot water, toilet, TWO ?]ge 318, $ ^ , See at ^ s ; 20irmounlaln Motor Homes bod: 18Vandel). 536-2301: 324^813i FIREBALL 21' Motor WEWIUne, $7500. Call 733-2928 A newersor73»«6aevenings. 1977 & r 5 23' ROLULONG, lowBS, 480 Ford Joaded , exc 1 « 0 >id.$12.800.6>M27S, • CUMMIKB 27' WINNEBAGO, new HD pel. upholsiery. c u rta ln s ._ iS l |^ £ * lerator. A/C. low mile-»; 1904 25M' HerlUge, 10UGMy loaded including 4 & 2 1irowave & cenlral bath; bed. 3248 21*--Jamboree. 2414 1964CH1llsonAve Easl.734^1678. with con8 DOLPHIN MINI Molor $895.423me 16Vi'. Self conUlned. i964 OOlXIO miles, 15-18 MPQ. i4 'P a n rsellent condition. Book tl-IOAI:KO $7300. for quick sale drive lr<00.7330596 . chainsB-30Fr-TRAVEL-OUEEN-l66Q0.64

1966 IH(insed. Call 733-5534, _ « , d du 1 MIDAS. Sleeps 6. exc

[Ml Cali 734-2302. condlllo3 Jamboree 26'. 1 owner. Call 734-opilons. 460 Ford, $24,500 igeg Gh]ht Uke travel tralier a s undem1 irade. 837-6335. rollback14 DOLPHIN. 21 ft: like Also 22’w, many exlras, low mile- truck, j> . C a l l 7 ^ 4 . ________ _ 19m 6 mi4 PACE ARROW lot ronl.leps 7. Aflordablo luxury. ,

SPRINTER Dodge assls, (ully self con- 19ro. ^ ned, new radial lires. J f ® " " '

C miles, excelleni con- Q O O ^:$14.500; Call 734-7386:--------

^ ' Many i» - t « y T « i i « ______ «lAVY DUTY covered ullllly polly Her: 6x6x6, well built, t i e » .4 ».734-7l91evos. , , 9

3/4 to Forced

5 3 Autom otive. AiBSL!

--------------------- 1 - i . ■ 1974 TV

^ccesaories caii43slevrolet Truck- 5 speed ig7SCh ansmlsslon, t495;.3/4 lon new tli a r axle.-l29i;327 engine & - flnalne:

' M a o X o t 7 3 3 4 0 0 ^ * ')lld type black T-top for wim o BO-Corvette, 4 - wheelS:* -R ugby -ns, y .cshape ,ffiJ2 !bL .___ 532.-&

U&Dafc-T^CKUPTIe'is “ io T f ' iglne & trans, $75, Catl sierra f a » 9 - $2900. (

SSrjJvdwjLSuppllea j f f h e i HUNTERSSPEOAL

imaha Moto4, 4 wheeler. 1?77 .lafl drive, reverse, electric pickiipart Call exceueyamahaCoumiv78»6072 noflom75-YAMAHA_350_IohuUt_1978 Cl f e

'fr iave m essage, 324-7264. utility «1 lOOCC KAWASAKI, 137 lies; 1981 175CC Kawasaki,0 miles, both excellent 1978 Giftdllton. Call 3264802. Longb 183 & 1984 KAWASAKI KXS'a. Both bikes are very 1978 Tean, very quick, excellent p ckuc)ndlllon, make offor. Call Ekcoif>4-8960. Ca»M183 V-65 MAGNA. 1978 1Ilndshleld. Excellent con- Newlllon. $3350. Call 3244264. stereo

L.aoenslon.gall5434646, AM/FI >84 -HONDA 200X Three- heeler. Excellent-condi- on. $1300. Call 32»S608, 1 8 * ‘ »4 KAWASAKI NINJA S<Mlli X900A1. 3500 miles, like ow, call 733.7365.965 YAMAHA TRI Z 250 ^ -Wheeler with trailer. <2300.J4 W 4 evenings or 733- 1162 leave messageKUvs. ra 125 HONDA. $350 or best tier. Low mileage. Call

8 HUSKY 390 MX. Excellent. ondition. *750 or ? Call2*«5P.__________ __

- T OH'<u. Perfect conditton. Bubbli 2000 Rrm. Call between 8 6 refrifl. .73«230 . .

, InWer^geev


1,D.310ABackhoe,t21.500 ISTtV

5i.“S £ g a a ,.» o

lnlera»ctlonHwyn&^84.Croaareada ID 1 ^ ^


BobHouaton.SaleaRep ' J S ^ ftome P h o n e ..........

I b e r 2 7 ,1 ^ T Im es-N aw s. Tvs

)4-141-HwyEquIpmm> 381 Industrial E ngine .......w parts -lor aale. best ,Call788«00.CASE loader, backhoe. diesel - to«iue: O ifk - - -

anicuUted loader, cab,- rd; Troian 4W0 loader,)lt diesel, rops, IM , Call belore 9 am or6 pm, 4234457. ____73KI931 10 puce-youi---------lilted ad. WeVo hote toiVOti- - '

—Tfcocks5SlCl947V»;lon;Plcluip:-..-.-:;-.-:;1___ good____original ...omenl. Call 734-718^TOM TRUCK s a l e s :.rio, Oregon, Large ttlon ol used farm u . Tandem and single .Call 503-881-1709.

SALE: 1972 GMC RO. 8U71, 13 spd,.0. Tesco spud bed:I 1968 Chafflberlln 38‘»l) hopper-boitom grain sr wllh bell. U rp & - ar. 11x24.5 radials. Call Q go^anlngs.I SALE: Uke New 1974 mallonal Cargo Star 3 f la tbed . $M0. Call

lings. 32<U606,JT SELU 1070 VS ton vyPU, 350 cu In, chromo ipers & rims, sunrool, eo, dual gas Unks, fresh It. Make ollsr soon, .10 or anything reason- I. Call 678-7652.3 2011 belted polatoo s; 2011 combination hoist ■ 1811 hoisl bed. Call ^13or324-2669. ■WILL PAV CASH for 1974 - swer P.U.S &4x4's, A l ^’ & newer Automobiles. . itlor Motors. 734-8340.I KENWORTH 2204MINS 4 and 4 Irans., ---------

HD, rear ends. 6.29 ). Good condillon. Call

------------ - ---------------1 GMC 2 ton, V-6 engine,

2 Irans. wooden Doet -•3244269._________I CHEVY 1 ton. Grain box I combination callle rack, i.4234447allar4:OOp.m.I OODQE 2 lon truck wllh Parma manure spreader:10 Allls Chalmers 2 wheel e front end loader with Ins & loader tralier,X ).6434nSor5434824. --------------) IHC TRUCK. V-8 wllh 7 j dump bed. $2000. Call« 0 1 after 8:00 p.m. ____ ;) FORD PiCKUPt, good dlllon, $600 or best offer.1734^«65._____________ .3 GMC 7500. 427. 5 & 3, dem drive. 2A\ Buhi back bed w/slde boom;0 22' potato bed, now on :k. $ ^ or best offer:2QMC 4000,351.V6,4&2. itack master bed, $4250 best olfer: 1946 C h e v iw

truck w/fiatbed, sharp,50 or best olfer. 324-4088.0 DATSUN. Rebuilt line , oood condition, f c .C a l l S i t o . J____1971 DATSUN PICKUP---------------ny exlras, $1500 or besl er. 734-e24Taflor5.1 GMC Vi ton Pickup.Ily loaded, like new, ife. 423-6600 e v e n in g s ^7 FORD RANGER XLT,; ton, Exc. condition, reed 10 solll $2275, o r will islder oiler & some trade.11734-8742. all day Sunday (ter 6 wkdays_________ ;■4 TWO TON International ' ck with Imco hydraulic j , 16'. good condition. ' [1438.^2 or 438^340. .5 CHEVY-LUV,new palnl,M tires, 60,000 miles onilner$1800.-324«13.------ ------------? INTERNATIONAL 1700.I, 5 & 2, V8, air brakes, h or without' new 16‘gby~bed -4 -h o ls t. • C all.........—L -ia tor32ft-3125. • . t _______i CMC SUBURBAN irra Classic. Loaded,100. Call 53MK5.7 TOYOTA SR5 PU shell. $2200 or beat offor.

n 3/4 Ton Chevrolet :kup with Slock rack. In ceilent condition, price oollbie. Call 324^1533.78 CHEVY PICKUP VS ton.

s n w a:er 7 om. 543-6484.78 FORO Ito n . White wllh lilty box bed & headache ck. very clean rig, $5600. 4 4 0 1 0 o r9 3 4 ^ e v e s .78 GMC 3/4 ton Crew Cab ’' t ^ 2 4 ^ engine, $ ^ .

i^O Y O T A .SRS Long bed ckup'W llh camper shell, iceirenl condillon, *3500. a»326t5010.'____________178 TOYOTA SRS Pickup. , _ ew 10" radial tires i ereo , g ^ condition. t34 0 4 3 w J0 ^ 1 3 . - ...... ...............179 FOflD COURIER. Sharp.M/FM Upe deck, sliding« r window, air shocks, low -------Hoaoe.$2995.733-1023.-----------180 050 SPORT, black &}1d wilh matching shell,(cellent shape. 733-6222. '182 MAZDA B2200. lots ol (Iras, like new. 19,000 lies. $5100.432-5525.I FORD 250,4 spd. a /c , nice tmper shell.-L ow -m iles,- tc . cond. $1500.4234278..9 CHEVY ITON Crew Cab! . jally. Silverado, fully a ded. Excellent shape;t a s a _______ _I41-Vin8ILL SACRIFICE 1973 Dodg* ubbletop Van, gas/elec ifrig, hol waler. tolleti odgo 318, $3300. See al .

Wendall,53^2301.' .166 VW CAMPER VAN, new ibullt motor, lota o l e x tru ,300 or beat olt sr. 4234865..

all > 3 ^ 7 7 ._____________irt VOLKSWAGON Campe? in . $1900 or beat offer. C ^

174 CHEV Conversion Van) idge , stereo, carpeting,

-----177 CUSTOM DODGE va n : ew carpet & upholateryi ■dial tires. $3695. n £ i7 0 4 . * -8 DODGE VAN Reduced td >800. Jeep , 1956 H unten , jecUl«OdO.CaltS2«101-r-;-.7rTT-

I, Twin Falls, Idaho

Page 28: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

" l ^ A u U

142-Import Sports CareFOR SALE OR TRADE: 2 ’Bl

tnd '82 Subaru GL 4X4 •wAaona. 79 AUDI 5000S, S

80 TOYOTA *X* Pickup, r t Firebird. Days: 678-7S& gvfla:fl7M372ore7fr0977.

£tiA(\P- 1980 Toyota CellM Supra Ona Owner- $7495 Nar.Soo-P»h 655-4337 1971 Dalsun. pans. S200;' 1B73 Audi Fox. brand new

' ’---------- lB7r::VOtKSWAOON-VAN-

Excellent comfnion._S1700._o iia z f ra a s , ■

--■•••■•■•1972-DATSUN 2*0-1. wotf oood condliion. Bluo book

M c r i * l l ^ ^ “ ^ l i 7 3 * J n i ' 1974 SUPER BEETLE In

1Q7B HONDA CMc 1200, 1 owner, brand naw mufllor & . tires, noeds aome onolne work. tlDOO. 4 2 3 ^ .1977 TOYOTA Colica JLtflback. excellent atudent i%i, oood condition. .Phonog U l r l 734-4220.__________^ r m v a . Low mileage Ja k e .cvor 1 ^ . Call 423.!ia^ or•423<311. ' _____________.1981 DATSUN 200SX. Air. •■cniise, power windows, tapo decli i much moro. Excep- ,tiotul]y aharp & clean. Catl fl7».74»or8r8-7339.1982 VOLVO TURBO, allver.2 door, excellent condliion. 4S.OOO-miles, 1 ownor. Call 20fl-7»«4aor2Q8-726->533. 1083 RABBIT GTI. Only 12,000 miles, excollont con-

■ 'ditlon. sun rool. AM/FM .c tsse tle . bfack wim (najjon, Interior. «7I», Call 72ft-406,

IM H W rm I Drives______ ,1983 OMC JIMMY^Uke.now._

Asklno *11.500. Call 734-4738 - after 6 o.m,, weekdays.* :•»» FORP -

■73 DODGE V4 T V8 power wagon, like new snow tlresnr •D/BD/b«100,733-1859,

■.’79JEEPCJ7 Hardtop, 6 cyl. low mllos. roil bar. lock- OUla. 14500,733-1859,


i i i c i t i

USED1979CH£VriMPAU4 0(IOi)

______ 19B2HD)(llUCC0HDiX 3 DOOI

■ 1573 YW im 750 KOIORCtCli







- D I C KT i ' . r

- -CLOSE-OUl1 9 8 4 P O N T I /

R*loilVaiu» ___L _*13.352,00................. N

1 9 8 4 P O N J ! ^

R ita ll'vo luo" '"“ $12.6&8.(K),................. N

, P O N T I A )


1 9 8 4 P O N J I A C

_____ RotoM Voluo '*12.860,00 ........................N

R*IgH''voIo b '* 0 ,5 1 0 .......................N

9 8 4 P O N T I A (

-Rtioll Volv*--' ’- —- *14,082.....................,N

Raloll’vV ue*14.934.00 ................. N

^ ^ i J 9 8 4 P O N T I A C

____ _ a»toiiV oiu»°‘ ^

m P AC H E V R O L E T - P O N T I

___ ______ & G M C T R U C K S

100 S . L in c o tn , J o r o m o

3 2 4 - 3 9 0 0

_ _ 7 3 4 ; 6 5 6 5 _ _

G-10Tlm es^ews. Twin Fall

tom otive1 4 M Wheel Drtves

Bl M U STSELUj£) 1941 DODGE 4 wheel drive,

oxc condliion, runs good,- *1200, Call alter 5, <2M!44,« 1950 JEEP WILLY, lowbar.

hoavy duly winch, solt lop. j„.- 831 Ash St, 734^085.)w 1963 Wiilys Jeep Wagoneer.

* ?oon^m; rU* V floll *°fr ' ■*lQ0Q.634.550aovea&wknds_ X)' 1974 CHEVROLET 4 'wheel

-“ 'drivo 1 ton,- IB loot bed. 5

i l p e e d ™ r a . ‘ a i l S ^ 7 4 iIn evenlnos._________________•IW 1975 FORD F150 4x4 W ton i

pickup, P/S. 4 speed. 380 cu. I “i am/fm cassette, new i A brakes, asking 11900. Call

ns 326-5415.________________1978 FORD PICKUP. ^ ton. ,

Z, 4x4, good tirea, good runn- “ i ^ ^ n d i t l o n . tJOOO, Call |

1977 CHEVY CHEYENNE V, \ ITfl ton 4x4. vory good condliion, ,Of P/S. A/T. high lilt kit. while

spoke rims, radial llres, r *4995, Call 73M626.io 1977 JEEP WAGONEER Sla- 'Z tlon Wagon. 733-5937. Corner Ijtl Caswell & Rose. 147. I

1977 JEEP CJ5,60.000 miles; fr 8000 Ib capacity wench,n’ excellenl condliion. must .•li sell Immediately, Call 734- )

1234-from 10 am 10 6 pm or [y • 543-5345altere, ask lorBon. |n- 1978 FORO BRONCO 4x4 ,M Ranger XLT. AC. AM/FM , ,n casjo lte. carpet, good tiros.1 c.iiim.53ai.

19783/4 T0nCh0vy4<4. V-8. :A/T. P/B, P/S, Dual tanks, ,oxceiient •condliion. $4500. .

- Call734-2i89.____________ ;M -1980‘ CHEVY*4X4-SllveradorH

V, lon. A/T; P/,B. P/S. A/C. ' sharp. Call 2 2 9 4 , '

a -1982 -Q M C -JIMMY 4x4,- 4 - • ' spoed. A/C, lols more.

excollent condition. $10,000 “L o r oiler. Call 654-2139 oves.

'83 CHEVY S-10. club cab.,i. ve, 5 sp. loaded, wilh sharp k- lumber rack tool box. *8950

will trade. 733-1859.

175-Auto Doftlers

m r s I

I f S i l I CARSiR ^ 4 9 9 5 IDOOH _ J 5 9 9 5 - ItClE * 4 9 5 I

* 4 9 5 I * 2 9 5 <1 '5T9_5IR * 2 9 5 I

!ioo« * 1 9 9 5

* 1 6 9 5

K tD E T P/ I s u z u

s . ■ 7 3 3 - 8 7 2 r ’I I Hfir rm ~ • ll II II r r 111

llT-0N^84s-|r iA C j=IREB|RD _

- | W ^ 1 7 9 9 5 - - I l £ G R A N D J ^ 1 X

'~Now * 1 1 , 4 9 5


' ' i ^ w * 1 4 ^ 4 9 5 . _

K G R A N ^ P ^

! T j ^ l 7 4 9 5 - -

M E R O ^ S E ' - -

' N o > v * i a , T 9 5A C T R A N S AWIrt,ol <|(l» d**0VV*'

: Now * 1 4 , 4 9 5


~n o w ' * 1 3 , 4 9 5A C T R A N S


m iM^ T I A C ^ j — ^

s a g f T ] , . .TRUCKS

Fall3, Idaho Thursday, Sopte


H 8-A irttque A utos' 15f1948 FORD. 4 dr; 1954 Chov. 4 1»

, dr; 1951 Merc, 2 dr; 1956 Cad. cy 4 dr; 1957 Pontile. 2 dr; 1904 Wi 500 XL. 2 dr. 734-5773 or o_r

' 733-7072.________________ __19;1908 Camaro Convertiblo. sp

This year will be our bostl 7,,! UsoClassliiod. 733-0931. Jiy

' 1« -^ u tO fl- AMC. -i~1977 AMC PACER. Rebuilt

• • C a

! ■152-AutM-Bulck JJS1981 BUICK SKYLARK. 4 ~

I door. V8. cruiso. A/C, do- Itt , luxe Inlerlor, exc cond. Call1 m

164-Au108-C»llllac , *; 1977 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 2 17! { door, loadod. excellenl

condliion, *6000 or best ol­for; 1972 Chevy Suburban 400. A/T. V6 7 oood cordl-

; t lon. $1200. 734-8889. ^

' ISO -Autoa-Chryaler 5 ^ -. '82 NEW YORKER. 5th Avo, '• loadod. 21-23 MPQ. Will

Ifade. *10.9ifl. 733-1859.

: tS8-Aiitos-CtievTolet: C U S S IC 1947 Chovy Coupo.. newly rebuill engine & trans.

mako offer, For moro In- lormallor) call 324-5567,1984 CAPfflCE C i ^ c W agon. V-fl. AT. AC. AM/FM casse tlo , 9 passenger, rod! rack, oloctrlc rear window, wlro w heel covora, 4,000 miles. 734-0205 or 734-1348.78 NOVA 4 DOOR. 305 V6.


- 175-Auto Dealore ' ■ ' L

( H1984 MO


-------- U S IENDSTI

D o n 't F o r g e t ! Roc< c e ip t w o r th $ 1 ,0 0 0 i o f a n y n o w c a r o r g<


73 3 -7 3 6 5 236 Sh

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O n A l l L o c a

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Onghl rud. doll

______ ____^19751V'tl ongino, oir con


1974 0LDSM(O ulu.oinlc-i.or.aii

19Bluo inivallic. oir c;

1975 CHEVYAulomoiic troiiMiiiwioii.


19Floor mounti

1977 MERCIPomor iluufingi

1979 CHE


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T H E I S iForO verSO Years The 701 M o ln A v o .E .

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15&-Aut08-Ch8vrol9t ifi1963 CHEVROLET 4 door. 8 “cylinder, real nice. *795. ,97Work 733-4000 ask for Grant c“ ior 423-5800 evenlnos. nic1973 EL CAMINO. 327, 3 Plyspeod. good liros. runs Wa good, noods clulch. $500firm.Call 733-9612.________ _1973 NOVA, lapo dock, now 196liros. good conditlorf, *500. runCall 545-9222._____________ 3W

AM/FM cassollo. AC. radi- cor -als :-tm .-now -m llosr$2495r-*5l)

734-2064 aflor 5:00 p.m. _1980 CHEVROLET Caprice .|.Classic Wagon.-' oxcollont -.-j condition.' mosi options.$1000 undor book. $4500. Call iaa734-3011. •_____________ 9^

1fl2-Aut08rFord-________ ^•75 LTD ”G<jod condition. 197*600. AM/FM radio, now ' rooliros. Call 324-5099. Cal

175-Auto Dealers ITS

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M S , FBI, 8 < X - 6 P , M ,

> E N M O T

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r « n nFH NO M O N EY DO W N 7rFORDtTD-4DOOdoluKO ml0(101, ouromalic Ironiir

5 F O R D LTD 4 D O O Rcondirioninq. oow ur ^li-i'iing and


M O B ILE 9 8 S T A T IO Nr, ait.£oiidilioning. powor ttfliTing

1 9 7 7 F O R D T -B IR Dlir condilioning. powor iluoring on

/Y M O N T E C A R L O 2lOn. pow.II lluuriitg or^d brakii\. oi

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i T w i r w i f iFH N O M 6 N E Y D O W N1 9 7 8 F O R D P IN T Ounti'd iion^mlsMon. individual loa

iC U R Y M O N A R C H 4ing and brakbv. outomolic Iron^mi

HEVY M A L IB U W A GIlioning. powor iroorlng ond broi(i


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Twin Folli ,

182-Auto87Ford8FALLSPECIAL f B f

l978.Ford FalrmonI 4 door, 8 :ylinder. auto. R/dofrost.ilco.' *1450; Also 1978 ^Plymouth Volaro Slallon 1981Nagon. loadod, $1350. Call 38.0C

Fountair) Automotive *88^--3 2 4 « 6 3 . 7:001

1963 FORO FAIRUNE 500.uns good, mako ollor. Cali W*»y124-MW, Io”0OTt -Cl^on PIIJT/1 TitT/tlondlllon. Good aludonl car, ^ 300.'734.508SbT3rt55S4;—

166-M ercury& U ncoln.. - . f lFALLSPECIAL ■

1983 Mercury Lynx 2 door, ■),«00 milos, *3900 wllh Iroo ■snow tires. Fountain H» u to m o llv e3 2 4 ^ . ■1979 MERC ZEPHYR Z7, Sun Bool. 6 cylindor. AT, *2000, ■:all 326-5425. , ■

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733-2891 .

■ SAT.8AJ|<.-5P.H.J I

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n o Y r ~4DR--------------- - -iin iiiion .

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Im T1

N W A G O Nng ontj brokoi.

ond broken.

2 D O O R

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4 D O O R


i n rM

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168-Autos -Oldsmobile . 16&-tBSOLUTELY Immaculalo l is T 982 Oldsmobile Slera LS. 4 Dles< 'oor. V-e diesol. Call 829- excel840 or 734-6474, 73»«981 Oldsmobile Toronado, 81 016.000 miles, lully oQUlppod, Broui88n. Call 733-1086 before a /c [;00 a.m. or alier 7:00 p.m, or 53,00(

_ fubbtVhy koop II-whon you no l 3ngornoodlt?Sollllw llhan Choc! lasv, Inoxponslvo classiliod whalo ,o: ------------ orgar

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S orry . . . not untii /

October 1 st! / ; /

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m h n/ m K

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m^ (

1 9 8 4 - F O R f l -D r iv e T o d

T on, c lo t l i 'v in y l buck< A M T o d io . ITTTlccIrglas S 1 0 .2 9 3 ; <18 m o n th s ol- w ith 6 ' ^ r m ilo p o n o jl

tS B

2 .0 l i t r e f u e l s a v e r e n g i I r a i lo r to w in g c o p a b i i i l w a l l c o n s t r u c t io n , o a s y m v . SE V E R A L T Q ,C I: $ 6325 ; 40 m o n f h i o t S l w itli 6 ' p o r m ilo p e n a l ty

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68-Autos • Otdsmot)<le 172-.a i OLDS REGENCY 98 1979 Plesol. 47,000 miles, loaded, extrasKcellent condition. Call *3595ci»<604,8:0^3:00. 1981 'i OLDS. Cutlass Supiomo 34.000rougham Diesel, p /s. p/b, dowa,rc, power locks, till, crulso. y top .1.000 miles. Excellent f ice ,«ibbor. *5400. Call 543-5702. a ^ e d ,

iocii classified for ;

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m r J /

S ep t. 24 - Ol

Roy Rayfli n v i t e s Y o u T o £


I B R O N C O I Ioday For

'C ko l s o o t s , w a ln u l m o ia llic I a s s . ”SiocK“ i«'2B35. ■ io ta l" a O 1-S 207 .96 ; 12,,50% A n n u o !

iq h y .._____ _________ ..E s — IB M

n g in e , 4 s p e e d r n a n u o l tran* i i i l io s . 1300-^' p a y lo a d c a p a i 3sy to r e m o v e t a i lg o le . sty li C H O O S E FRO M ^_!JQ lQ L dL S 1 3 1 .8 6 : 1 2 .5 0 % A n n u a l Pi

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142!-Aut08-Pontiac 175-AulI RREBIRD. AT. AC. 305, aa, regular *5t00-For If you hi 6oroffer.e78-a?72. Ask Earl

TURBO . TRANS AM. PREEwn00 miles, power win- ACE a, PB, PS, lilt wheel,p , af«rp car-Muat a « ^, 190e OTO, 380,4 C»d. 5 spoke rime, f itsh ---------It. *280iri9e8 FIREBIRD. You car 3 spoed. red wllh while ads lor tZSW, 733-4332. ------------

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01 P o r c o n f o g o R a to : 6 0 ,0 0 0

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in s m is s io n . d e l u x e o i l v in y l ' lo c ily . 1 4 " l i r o s o n d w h o o ls / l e s t e e l w h e o l . l a d d e r typ i d u Q -Q lJ n c e p l io n -S 2B I.S 6;-C P o r c o n fo g o R a to ; 6 0 .0 0 0 n-


ne o f F -150 's an d a g r e a t s e le c tio n c

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n F o ll i , ID » 733 -5 1 1 0

2-175-Auto Dealera

u have T u r to sell..,Earl Olsen about our

CHEVROLETC a ll7 » « 3 3

can't beat classiliod '' lor fasl. oconomlcal

Tfv ono- iQdav,-------------

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ig e p o c k a q o ,^fiT^CA'P c a s t }00 m ile lim it

M l rr . . . ’

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n y lT n to r io r . jo ls , d o u b le ty p o I r o m e .

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n d F - 2 5 0 ' s .

n o f c o l o r a ,

iCTIONANO , th n i U c t G .“ ^


Page 29: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

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IS U p a 2nd

B y STEVE CRUMP Times-News sports e

POCATELLO - II g rea t computer comi

As Uie tense them up In the t)flckgroi football punter, stone waiting for the loi center. As he slowlj count, a scries of superimposed on the h ear our-'kicker i himself. .

“ The velocity x)f tt . ...i®wardforce.plus_th

thc collaterial of th minusdragcoefnclcn

The ball is snappc takes a step lorward footballlntothelowsi

“The human bra nouncer says. “Thej efficient computer. Unlvac,. we know human ingenuity an< product, without 11

sophisticated soawan------------- -ClDsuup"on-face“Di

■ ching his kick die in ■ He smiles broadly a head.

' ‘Yeah!"Fade to black.

As tlie worid, or I fraction of It thal

Illustrated, knovv's, J punter at Idaho Stal kicks footballs and t

' with iriathemalicaJ pr - they will land. Not, of

th re ^ d d sc-conds it I .but tater. After his classcs.

I t also knows that team All-American.

•‘When you kick, the think." says Kaiser, thinks a lot about ers

- - “ It's Just somethlng- and then you do II. You to conccntrate and r

' ____ _:pressure.get.to:you...ltlolly somethini' you right by doing It overa

__________But.thaLdocsn!tjne£doesn’t have his head ll

, . , / y e f i ’s .a .g o ^ stm ihg.” says Idaho Stall Jim Koetter. “He'sp' time looklngat films ai technique, ahd he’s al

-----------^frginmseirrHfi-Hao"leg and he’s a good atl

.............. 'basically .made, himpunter."

--------------- tnmicallyHfoetter aweak suit In punting Is— certainly weaker th Illustrious predocessi Case dcBruIjn, now of Invaders ot tlie Ui Football League.

“ Teclmically, I thin ‘ Bruijn was a lIlUc st

K aiser Is, but It really much difference.”

Thisw^ bleeds Mi

By CHRIS IIAFT . Tlmes-Ne\is writer

RUPERT - Yes, folks, possible.

Charlie Park, this w< football seer, graduated Falls High School In 1953 gulshed class, for It was th of seniors spawned bv t high schooUbuUdJng, became Vera C. O'Leary.

--------andhas^IncebccnrazcdrIt should be added that!

football for the Bmlns sophomore and senior sea« tho Bruins’ fiercest rivals High, which hosevolved In

___So you’d naturally figunthe Twin Falls-Minlco | around, Park grows inccj sight of red and gold - school colors — and gets g upon gooscbumps at the

------- • SeePICKSonPag

SlK a

punter en( i All-ArneIP ' ■ Brandon,tsedltar Weber S

coaches- It would make a specloliu ammercial. job done.’

Brandceme music comes essential Wund. we sec a ..consi anding hla groimd, you look long tnap from ^,5

w y barks out the ^ ^ of equations are Ihe screen and we j ^ r calculating. ,0

. . . ^ , makes th f the cube root of like that- 5 . th e .h a n ^ e J ^ e v e r y -4 i!

the wind Speed nuld ” r le n t . . . '! , , ..

wiS®de£ml and booms Ihe „ssis(a„[.|

brain," Uie an-

11 " L T “ ■

and we build no 'You k It, from our hits tli

dware— to — our-sw ps -a n ^ a r e . . ." ^ y s . “ V.

doesn’t vr^ r p m ie r rw it - pu„,.v in coffin comer. •

ir and shakes his• times for season, u punter in

or at to sL that f S e a m al r e a * Sporte „„ 4 2 .S y i , Jeff Kaiser, a ^state University, Kaiser t d tries to figure he sllll Ha< I precision where- “ i want , of course, in the as a perso it takes to do It, neH l-yan his engineering aside fron

the team, ja t he's a first- impravinE


there’s n o t l m o t o S ' a■r, a senior who graduate school,

S s — ■u, but J l 's essen- "The yet rt)u leam lo do team he ph irandover." term snean that Kaiser slrength," id In the game, coach, Ste\------- ---- -..........In his secoistudent of ^unl*. ^ l ,P o c a t^ tale'^lTead CoaclT'was'a r ^ 'spends a lot of Uie kids \ sandworklngon intelligent 1 s always analyz- because oi raioSr^-JilRnB .were able aUdete, but he’s ments am

iImselL_a..Kood .season ” Kicking V

T adds, K alsertiU ysgd!!™ lishisteclmique “ “ “

Jeff’s poten • Uian lhal of his “ Wlien h !sssor at ISU, kleklngoff( ; of tho Oakland Mllbrandt.

United States didn't have • quarterbaci

hink maybe de- going to pla : smoother than where, .. ily doesn't moke Kaiser, w ' says Gregg .

lek’s guest iinico red-cks, anyUiing Is

week’s guest 'cd from Twin ■953 — a d ls tln ^ llp a l t y 5 Uie last group v the orifilniil K 'C M ' I ,_which later B f a ry Junlor'iJlgh ^ p a r — --------- . »! ,at Park ployed ns during his ^ , reasons. One of : \ais was Rupert........... .............d Into Mlnlco. . jure that when V _ \0 game rolls \ 7. ic e n se d -a l- lh e - |^ \V ^ — d — Minico’s ’ V kV -V Isgoosebumps W V - he mere men- C H />ag e P 2 ____ - A T w in

\ d e t a i l e d p r e v i e -

t i s e rigineering erica yearon,, an assistant coach at

Stale and one 6f the few ts In Uie Big Sky who lize in kicking. “Ho gets the le."Idon says Kaiserhas all of Uie lal ingredients.' nsistency is Uie main thing, ok for a guy who makes'sure cs the same steps and .whose 5 conslstjint — not wobbly pp )wn — whose toe Is extended , /ho comes up and follows I h the same way whCQ. he ; the kick. DsBruijn was a kid

at — he punted Uie same way -tim er~very smooth. • yery

ler, who worked full-time leBruljn when he was an nt to Dave Kr^gtiiorpe a t ISU 1 ho has worked extensively ' :alser as . well; agrees Uiat ency Is a punter's greatest

1 look for consistency wjjere Uie ball, consistency In hfs

and-cveryUiing,'^-KoeUiBr-- ‘Vou watcii him, and Jeff vary much from piint the ■

ilnly not this year. Tlirough I ;ames, Kaiser has kicked 12 f o r a 44.6-yard average. U s t , when he was Uie leading in NCAA Division I-AA and

almost ■ automatically, am All-America, his average 5 yards. •;r Uiinks about that, and.says. Mas work to do. int to work on my drops, and rsonai goal I'd like to have a ard average," he says. “ Bul ! tm that, I just want to help im. And I want to keep ing."-vement is someUiing Kal.ser igtit about a lot In Uie last ars, since graduating from High School with creden-

an.all-SouUieast'Idaho Con-... []uarterback and free safety pened to iiave a strong leg. year^eff was a senior, Uie playedbn jusldidn'thave it IS of physical size and

says his high school teve Milbrandt, who is now :cohd season as head coach -

QaT"smarr football” team —> were one ot the most nt I've had as a co.ich — and

of their Intellltiencc we • lie .to.raake..sonie adjust-, and have a real good

g was strictly a sideline tor ien. says Mllbrandt. bul Uie iys he had iltUe doubt of tentlal.I he was a junior. >ie was iff out of the end zone," says It. “ I knew he probably' ve the talent to bc a college ack, but I knew he was play collegQ football some-

, who grew’ up In nortliem ^KAISKRonPaselM h

■ • ~ r_ V


tguesser ' •and-gold _

1H A R U E P A R K I n F a l l s H ig h a lu m

i e w o f ^ ' e e k e n d ^ ^



s '

d ' ' yy

f c ’ H M

Id a h o S ta te ’s J e f f Kai

The big ^

Minico a t Twin F a lls Je rom e at Wood River Burley a t Caldwell Buhl a l Rigby Gooding a t Valley

-Wendell a t K iinB erly- Glenns F erry a t Declo

Richfield a t C am as Co -M ack ay at GasUeford-

H agerraan a t M urtaug C arey a t Shoshone Idaho State a t Montani Oregon State a t Idaho Northern Ariz, a t Nev; T e x a s « . P enn State Slippery Rock a t Edinl A tlanta a t San F ran cis Dallas a t Chicago

-Los Angeles R a id e rs al

e v e n t s

i f - • L : I'!

'i dfr -■ V

V j g t t ' J M

a is c r i s l{icking a t a pac<

Steve C^ m e s " , o

I his season

i Tw in Fale r Je ro m e b

Caldwell Rigby by Gooding]

' Kim berljlo Declo by1— ^ - R aftR iv i^oiinty . Richfieldd-------------------OastleforJgh M urtaugl

Shoshone na S ta te ' , .M ontana 0 Oregon Slvada-Reno Ncvada-I:_____________ EennStalnboro Edinboroisco S an Fran

D allas by a t Denver R aiders 1:


m m■ ■ iB 9 H H B Til








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^ ^ f l ■« 55-2

1 107L hou won

liie^ ---------------fror

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. . . prola c e a h e a d o f 1 9 8 3 alw

Crum p Chris 1iilor ■ • Sports wril' Ic l.'>’5/.750 l ^ s l week: r6nr6:^ m /.75D ~ This s(’a,s(;i

'alls by 9 Twin Fa eby21 Jerom eell by 7 Burley tby 3 Rigby b'■gbyjo _____ _Goqdinerlybyl'4. Kimberi Jy22 Declo b)i w r t y r e ----------KaltUiv:ldby6 Richtiel[ordbyS-----------Castlcroigh by 2 , M urtauf nebyW Shoshon na Slate by 2 Idaho St 1 State by 15 Oregon: a-Reno by 8 Nevada-tateby_13--------Texas bjiro by 3 SlipperyanciscobyM . S anF rai by 3 Dallas bs b y ? , - : Raiders

'! tr , v v ' '• ■ R oyals, Tw ins

■ H o rse sh o e pit

■ O u tdoo rs /R ec

N o .Iro llinByCHRISifAFT T//ncs-Nevis ivri/cf

EDEN — Phase Two of Uie I Conference season — sep contenders from pretefiders — Friday night when the G Senators duel the Valley Vikinj

As usual, the league's elite c ot Klmberiy, Valley and G cach owning 4-0 overall recor 2-0 conference marks, and Dc and 1-0. Most ot the next few will feature confrontations b these schools.^ Thus will tl playoff representatives bi termined.

Goodlng-Valley may not ( l«ing the most importUnt ol encounters: But it is (iie first, u enougii ot a reason to label it cr

As usual, the No. I Senato wield their double^'di’cd ofi sword of quartcrliack Todd Sin conference’s . leading passer fullback Danny Dally, wh amas.sed472yanls.

“Simis Is probably the class Uie league as far as quarierbac concerned, and Dally is a scalback — he can sliake and 1 pretty well,” Valley Coach f Fonnesbeck noted. "Gooding i disciplined, and very sirong at They execute really, really v you let Simis get outside, he’s a to run or throw, sp you have to Uie perimeter as well as the intc ~Nor is GoodingTclel’en^ a bc "They give you a lot of dltferen and confuse Uic blocking schc Fonnesl)eck said. Tlie Senator yielded Just -15 points, an effort I3ob Milligan traces particulc linebackers Malt Birnie and M NovLs and backs Alan Cheney. Kirtland and Robbie Gage. ‘ aliead (defensively) of where w last yoar by quile a ways," M said.

However, Uie Vikings ; well^?qui|)ped to match Goc

Figure t Bruin-^By lARRY HOVEY Timcs-Nows writer

TWIN FALI-S ~ The suresi one can anticipate wiicn Uie : Spartans invade Twin Falls’ Stadium Friday night ts that th Stale Conference game will be c

It's not bccause Uie two conllw^a»nft.wttiL CQmDnr:il») >Twin Falls is 1-3 (0-2 in confe while Minico Is0-4 and0-2. It's: that these games are usually cit-siiiccHTinico-brokeifiWLrgirv firsl victory ever against Twii in 19?2, the teams had pretty traded wins until Twin Falls w Last two encounters,

scorcd was that first victory. . decision and 29 has been the i most for a win. However, In 19 Spartans scored 3G and lost by 1

Twin Falls' biggest margin 55-21 decision in 1969 and U: lopsided decision was a 33-7 vie 197U, The epitome of a tiglit however, camc In 1977 when : won21-14 in two overtimes.

Twin Falls’ Biil Jones, who hi Uie past nine Bmin-Spartan from~thifsldclin’c-a5~aiT'asstst head coach, can say from pc experience “ we always do I; problem with Mlnlco becaus always seem to gel Uie most

s H aft Larry■mlcr ‘ S[)orts wi■cli: 17-3/.8.'i0 Uislwcd isiin: b'l- lb/.8U0 rhis seas

Falls by 13 T w in lne by 14 Jerom;y by 6 Burlej/b y S Buhibtag __________Goodhlerly by 12 Kimb«I by 15 ' Declol{iver Dy iz i ta t tnieid by 6 Richfisrorduyia---------- cjsubaugh by 8 M urtalonebyG ShoshcI State by 3 , Idaho>n S tate by 7 Orego:da-R enobyl3 Nevadihy 6___________ Texas:ry R o ck b y 6 9 E d inb'rancisco by 6 San Fts by 7 Dallasirs by 4 Ralde:

Thursday, Soptomt

■ ■

IS b o th lo se D 2

itch ing aren a D 4

ic reation D 6-8

S o lo itp Ece Canyon .

— begins Gooding

consistsGooding.«rds and ^ l o , 4-0

weeks between tlie two be dc-


,wfiichi!^'crucial.itors will M A T T 1offensive G o o d in g d«limis, Uie **cr, and strength.s. A "nieivho has Glenns Ferry las

them out of Uie staissac to t receiving the No. 4tacks are But Uiat doesn’t ra great ting worse,d bake It Just as Milligan

Forrest improved, Fonnesi is very fenslve line a cutIt guard. Bereft ot the '" su

well. If graced their backfliaUireat —a Gary Taylor, A;o defend Mussmann - the 'Ucrlor." pensated wlUi diveita i^a in . mnning backs T.,ent looks Clark and Erichhem es,'’ receiver Todd Zelliors have Severance andrt Coach Hardy,ilariy to "We can’t countWilliam or Mussmann to

V. Donny adverse situation.“We're 11 heroes, not or

we were nesbecksaid.Milligan Valley has had a

of heroes on deferappear total ot .19 poinU

rooding's . See CANYOI

onanoi Vlinico <£st thing e Mlnlco s’ Bruinthe Gem 'e close. .ome into

i f e r c n c ^ j ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^'ssimplyclose. ■ jKSf*:. _rw iunts~M B g r r .' ..,:—vin Falls ...ty much won the

aD second1970, the J E F F L A I

H c’H ru n fhin was athe*last Uieir kids against 'Ictory in year I Jhou^it wc it game, team but we cam n Minico Uiat’s not really n

lage. 1 expect Uie s has seen out of Minico Frida; 1 games Minico mentor D tstant“0 i'“ s0clng ■hl5^lrst“ T personal game bul notes “ I

have a here who have fol lise they dicated Uie games i st out of • SeeSHOWDO\

y H o v ^ Chcwriler Lasl we;ck: I6-4/.80Q 14-6/.7I ason: 62-18/.78Q Tliis sc;

1 F a lls b y l M inic m e by 7 J e ro ne y b y 2 caldwby 1 Rigby

l i n g b y ^ _________ G ood iberly by 3 K im bo b y 4 _____________D e c loK iv e rb y i H an Sfield b y l C am aIB Tortfbys------------C a s tlflaugh by 2 'M u rt: hone by 2 C a re jb S ta te by 6 ____ Idaho;on S ta te by 20 Oregc ida-Eeno by 1 . N orthIS b y 5 - --------------- T e x a sib o ro b y l I E d in l Francisco b ^ S an F as by 2 D a llalersbyC : J 3gnyi

inbor27,1984 Timos-Nows,!



m s(ien

PT B IR N IE ■I d e fe n s iv e c o g ' .

niere" lG-12 defeat'of last Friday dropped state A-3 ratings a(ter

!o. 4 ranking last week.I’t mean Valley’s get- •

[gan calls his defense inesbeck rales his of- cut above lost year’s, ‘•superstar’’ who hM ckfleld In reccnt years ir. Art Henry or Marlin he Vikings have com-livyrsity personified In________

T.J. Kincaid, Hyan ich Buschhom, wide teller, t l ^ t end David d quarterback Bill

•unt on Taylor, Henry to ball us out of an on. We’ve got to have : one or two,” Fon-

id a sufflcienl number dense, as Its meager lints allowed demon- YONonPageD2


LAM BERT |1 th e sw e e p s i

inst Twin Falls. Last we were the batter

came away 13-6 and y much of an advan- he same kind ot ciftort iday niglit." ir Doug Bailey will beirTwtn- Fall^Mlnioo---------—s “ Uie people around

followed it have lo- les are always tight. I DOWNonPageD2

:harIieP ark ;---------[ week: R.Hohnhorsty.700 _________; season: 48-32/.6Q0

nico by 6 'om eby21 Id w ellb y l |b y b y l3oding by 6 _______Tiberly by 14clo by 7 ________nsen by l2 - ii m as County by S , '' sUeToPiTbyTT | irtaugh by 14' re y by 3ihoStateby-12-;j--'r^‘., _ egon S tate by 28 r th e m A riz .b y l7x as by 14--------- r ------ —!inboroby20 ; n F rancisco by 6.- illasbyG 1: inverby-?::^-^

VS, Twin Fails, Idaho tVI

V -

Page 30: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

Roy. The Associated Pres

______ ' K ansas City Monageiwuld only shioig and off

_____ of the hat to the Callfom"They’re still hangl

aren’t they." he said. " give them credit. Our p well, but theirs was eve

< bappcnssomctlmcs.” r ’The Angels, barely

, ^ e r lc a n League Wesi------five slralghlrcam^bac

front-running Royals 2- . night In the finale ot Scries In Kansas Cit Royals, with three gam the r e ^ a r season, holi lead over the Angels an advantage over Minneso 9-3 to Chicago.

“It feels good to wli ;^gels Manager^ohn who had grown /rustrated as the Royals (Hree games of this ov “1 knew I'd remembe ,^ 1 ing was like before th over. We have to win as

OOiUOCreOTMU5w«< liMwm. PM«m*n. mom I JO# m.

>*■' w ty w o ra m .lilinlco«iTwn?K?®u!«SlM«m.lpt

OWnO II V»U»T. eo»A. I p I" — —

V nKM4>4 Cwut Counry. rwxU. iT*"

j; J*nim*ttUin'i 'JS? JOpm *' DtSs*'oSs' 7*'' V vji«r,K4ii»e«, >.»fl m ••'C^mSnr^jcS'll S ^ ^ S ti i f , Js*mJ T«1nruii,P^^SffK«looi,lpm J- ia«fK)»«i,M*9iiUndSrf3!i>»M,8r»l

P e n n an t race- ,

' tTsJl x ’lm i'"* ■ *■*'

; AL s tan d in g s ..

i-0*uen IU M t4« -■ srs™ S B S !l

■ p ' l s■ wtaTowwow I" ”

• M ’d o W

----------SHte<ta>. KMu* giya~---------

. jjyrs*'® ’‘" •'

— (iwin MU imuriuiuH

: NL s tan d in g s

- f e - i

& IS h o iv d i: '■ • Continued from Pai

_ ikriow our kids are really ex and it’s been a a t rivalry

Both coaches expect lo SI Iri the air a little more than i

"From what our scouts I from the films we've seen, {ibly will be trying to throv

— ^piat^s been our-weakness t working on it and hopeful! ^utthatoff.'*Jonessald.I Replies liaUey,~'they’ll

: veer and work the option aj ------Wlth-(nmnlng back-Jeff)

Picks—.......... • Continued from P ai

• tion of dcarold Alma Mater Wrong.TheguyyovEsthel Park, who owns both Th(

cafe and Parky’s Drive In, ' the Rupert area after g

__ from Idaho State Unlverslt

'— ■— -‘It'took'Sbout'flvc or Ia j

-&2Times-News, Twin Fa

m m

/als fiitess [nTpiMj^.

Iger Dick Howser y * 1 I \I offer a verbal tip'omfh Angels._____________uiglng in there, can and W( d. “You’ve got lo " I’m sai ir pitcherpltchjed.!:flut.rof-4he even betteij’ a r .said Hows

r i^ lW re i ;ly alive in the DougDe Vest after Jpsing knocked In back to beat the Ron Roma s iO Wednesday keep the Aj of a four-game in baseball City, Mo. The race.^mes to play In It was tl- hold a 3%-game regular se iandal',4-gam e arc trying lesota, which lost title since

Thursday win one," said games at

)hn McNamara, play four In 1 increasingly Romanic 'als won the first struck out howdown series. Angels Ios nber what that eliminated e the season was been a thrt 1 as much as we only undeci

a s s y e b s & f c i i s f e i ,

sssiJ-nsM S’

. KhMkiiMH AL box sco res

SU». aeATTU OIVELMttP.,ro«. D.,,., «.» j f . j i ' s 'H

» - •- S > ; 4 i j S " i 'UmSV

- T ^ * noriTMw

Vtn.,•S " MfWYWK ^ B*ttIUO«£


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- ■ s Cii !S V "‘ i . f S ' C i i i s i I ir SB? s !.• js:;;: s• r . .

Is tu Cwri«WinniMnBI-WA>nilI 7 I E-Ou'i|»i; D<>.lo*ooi<i Ih r - S f t S r w S


K ..”'" I I, j !

CAUTOBMU ioutf*»anf P.™. o c .* i

o ^ " J " 3SSS i

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I s f f l i E c i

town—-? excited for it Tlils will nilry."................ season eitherlo sec the ball A-1 opponent' an usual. ' sizeadvantag its tell us and may be biggc en, they prob- but, as A-I to trow the ball, considered falss bul-N^are----- “ Defensivel•fully we can stop them offI. __________ we havo been Ily’ll run thc not big cnou^ n and sweeps tackle to tackl ;ff)-Lambert------Bailcysays

P a » D l tliey finally w mitted.

ter. R igh t?___ ;0f course.jKSpartaJis. ionvoreinn Io( TheWoyslde living In tlisne In. moved to had four dau( ■ Braduatlng s(±ool sysloir rally In 19(a. yolved. and yo

rtryearsTbot ATiairmller

n Falls, Idaho Thursday. Sep

inallyw e’lTsTOwhathappenT’~ “ "" s a t i s f i^ 'w i th winning three h e s e ^ o u r with the-Angels,"-

reasonably expect.’D eC >nc« and Brian Downing ■1 In a n m apiece in support of .n an ick ’s Mven-hit pitching to iA ngclsm athem aticallyaiive .

•all’s only undecided division j

: th e final home game of the 'seaso n fo r the Royals, who ,lg to w in their fifth AL West ]ce 1976. The Royals a re off ,y a n d close out with three < U O akland while the Twins■ In Cleveland. (lick , 12-12, walked one and {u t tw o to snap a five-game (losing s treak that virtually <ed Califom ia from what had ( tiree-team race in baseball’sec lded division. The Angels. i

K«vgmn dn J 1 0 ow.ofiill'’ 11 I

• Tottto N r 17 t^ '"

,S 5 !"« t 0 IKM> W.I4 I I 9 II I 0 cT3m?"5 3» * * °

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»> 1 M 0 ■ ' ’ ' *s i i i f •V. «f-*rtten 4_*im

N L b o x s c o r e s

v>«r«> cl } s 0 0 Cn.irxM ii4 I I !;<A'IV3I 10 7 0 0 0 UilcMI )0 0 fl 0 0 n.»nf <1? i j S . M . i H ' o S r b”•I.C_/=__ CC.0»1 .If 7 0 10 p

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sect them lo throw oulle a "1 i is ." ■ "''iu;i m ark thc first tim e this - ie r le am has faccd a Class yo n t w ithoul giving u p a lol of il. lage in the line. Twin F ails foi ■ger in a couple of p layers ofl te am s go. bolfi have to be be fa irly sm all up fronl.vely-wc'rc-gotng lo haveio ------ 1iff lack le and Uiat’s w here up?p hurl fill Ywr. We're liist Tvi )ugh to slop .people from Jei :k le ," says Bailey. cieiy s - th e " ^ a r ta j i s ~ w i i f ^ —bot

’ won m e over." he ad- fiel def.

*. Park_'ca'n_cxplaln_hls_gri( loRically. First, he was Mlr neighborhood. Second, hc squ aughters go through the indi cm . "Y ou just gel In- this you get to kiww some o f . exuj xmaiiy;*M>w a ia: ~~njnf

epiem ber 27,1334

lo se ,1*5 who fin l^ with four in X M tie Kansas City, for the AI ^ - o nly by winning all their

games while the Royals 1«------ Bud-Black,-17-12,-pitch

three days rest, surrender ^ hits, but thc Angels bunch

them in the sixth. After ( ^ • grounded' -out' 'leading'

Schofield singled .and I ^ walked. Downing followi ” single off the glove «flh lr ° George Brett, scoring Scl

sending Lynn to third. Dec brought Lynn home wilh run.

® The Royals threatened ° enth, loading thc bases wl 'I ButRomanlckgotoutofth '* retiring Willie Wilson on a f ^ Chlcago9,MlnDesota3 s In Chicago. Greg Wal

three-run homer to cap thlrd-lnnlng rally ;>s the downed’ Mlnesota and

/ second-place Twins from , 3 first-place Kansas City, s Minnesota remained l• back of thc Royals In thc

.O'" ei i 0 I } Kinn.ar ■•«;«« sf"ilit' JS 7 0 0 0 l&4U;r ^ I 0 0 9 liUf/«l p. 00 oS HtX'r, "bOO#9U?.

JST" B "iViVfi);" SSJJJK 1,SSSSS I S S : !i'‘'*M<ii OP- l<n ffScUce 0a 4, t . in IJ. Oim«Wcnn*«flBni-C*r W>-S*n CHq(171 SO-Rn«ii 0<*go 4. Sin iinciKO .UarWl.SAoa S—UU»y HRERUSO ^

9 9 9 0 GolUOi' I 0' l l I i ;

' ^ ‘ S ! !’" ?PO- Kifin«ar r-i u a.

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019 *)l 4?'°^ 'p'**'jonMon"’ 3b'4 oV o% u? I. Ntw To» iiijfifi* 7t> 4 9 I 0 itcno *»» I ;u~ fl*n*<]<i c 4 I } I CKocn

J S i l l ?i i i ! S s . . . . . . ........ .«

1 tiio"Irvlnn lo mix tlilniis upoffo and ihii t’s what Jones wojric

• “TIify u.se motion and po« you know 11 is coming you ci it." .loncssaid. “ But if you’rt for pass defense, they can c off balance — and we can't becaughtoff balance."

IJWh tea'iiis-cnlortJie garni up after four weeks of the Twin Knii.-i will hfi wilhniit jiir Jeff Maiina wiio has some m cie pulls. And the Bruins are 1 boul^ith-flurlcadlng Jones

field as u Bruin besides I defensive back and halfback gridiron._Park, avidly,folic Mlnico teams, not just thc squad. Rather lhan dwell Indignllics the Spartans have! Ihls fall, he’s liable to point

proinising glrU^«nm!rMlnlc6 is Itfrolj^txras icar future.

. but iXpxas. could .League

AL West lead California, v,

ioselhemall. Richard D< chlng-on-just—personal-five ered Just four pitching an i ched three of Twins for his r Gary Pettis The Twins t r -offi' 'Dick' •ImiliijfWilh t

Fred Lynn cr singled. K iwcd wllh a Randy Bush Urd baseman fleldtodrivel k:hoflcld and The White: eclnes’single the Ihlrd off} h the second Hill doubled,

singled, witli d ih the sev- Hill was out a with two out. choice ground the inning by Law and Hare an y ball. RBI singles

homcr. a bla< 'alker hit a field stands, p a five-run Chicago adi e While Sox when Rudy I 1 kept the scored on a ti n gaining on baseman Gar}

In thc sever 1'. games scored on a sir

10 American lo cu t Ciiicago'

M e t

f > ! I e x t <By The Associi

100 g * ^ 4 R afael SantG*«*,ii5i Johnson problj r jo-.u-4/^ of the New Yo ’ H ntftsaso oneblt.» rf 0 1 1 The rookie sl0 0 0 0 J of runs with 1

I 9 0 9 9 0 ho m eran d ad c1 e 0 0 0 Mels complete

-..............Philadelphia P

itfe1.jiL.5j j j — raw, in lhf‘irJin Santana, cal

Jiwn 0?“ Inlcmac olo i ^ w a s baiting

S i §10 the disabled lis y, o2o spiked on the

o«»o inactive. SanI ZV.: Toooo defense, saw

r 0 0 0 9 ^0 sho:«»ii a 0 70 order to make J2 S2 obtained in a t

ra P - .;o !T imanage:

m.m IU,. I,Ml. i/i. record tlial he H HER DO BO and Kniglil wl

7 0 0 7 1 1985. Where dot I 4 J J I "No quesllor ijM ' ® Johns<

problem . A Igli

cl J i l l off-season."

IB 4 9 10min Jt, 010 y e a rs in the mi )«' J ' I j J lia rd lo gel up I iT.*'® 90S. ‘Tchancew hen: d'*’’'’" ooS " I ’m hoplngi

0 9 0 I 'v e always be now m y hitting

Mookie Wil! •• hom er to the Ml

Santana. Wi V * ’ ** fie lder John Ch

S t * . ,bJe 3nO a sing

! - € n r} ; ? ’ » • Continu

5 J , „ s tra le s . To siisl g g g * ! form ance. _Foni ir, ®i-}i»'*i Vikings can do

Senator attack re.six)nsibilitles;

»g g Foiineslwck s ■Vr 'rl 5 7 0 tu rn the a ffair il

i' «7 0 "Physically . wi s i M 2 1 > ta lle r, but we’re

B " Jo ? ‘t-^B 0 0 0 gel into one of tl u n i l I knock p01 o» too-ij i S i i S I J po in ts." '

Meanwhile, n i^ 'i'ia 1 concern over

a d v an tag e - And • Vikings have wo

0 0 0 . ence gam es on J J ; tally , lhe streal

i-?a» ' v ictoryoverG oo

•icsaboul. today (Tuesday; ower and if able to play 1 can defend know who m i^il 're back off txjtwecn now a 1 catch you Minico has lo; 'I afford to offensive lineme

for Uie sca.son Dallon Heiner.

fnT banged ' ta ilb a c k rh a ra -51 he season. "He' uniflLhark B«»ln.Vi cxpl.ijnii neck mus- can hang onto Uic 12 having a Klckoff lime ics to -n o tc- '‘» ^ ‘*<«”' ’-----------

being a Like all iKie fa ck on the b ad a sw c lla s th c illows.'^al| ^ d o th a ^ th ls M ^ i e football - " ^ o u ’blced wll11 on the the lum ps wllh tl esuffered gonna be a long s It out. for a fra id ." rls’- irack M aybe so. but B snnT hc—k n o ^ e y iw r c o t :

'■ fan behind them.

so d oest, Kansas City lost 2-0 to , which moved within 3f^ t

Dotson, 14-15, snapped a I ive-game-losingstreak-by— :n elght-hitter against aje hils 14th complete game. aIS took a 2-0 lead in the first rlh lW(Jotils,'MlckeyHatc})‘ 'c, Kent Hrbek walked and C sh doubled to ri^t-center/eln both runners. hte Sox scored five runs In siff Ken Schrom, 5-10. Marc Ijled, and -Scolt Fletcher n itll Hill stopping at third,it at tlie plate on a fielder’s 01jnder by Jullo Cruz. Rudy harold Baines followed wilh rlES before Walker’s 24th ai)last into the upper right- rri. IMadded a run In the fifth N/ Law singled and. later .a throwing error by third BaryGaetti. sivcnth, Gaetti doubled and aisingle by Ron Washington a igo’s margin lo 6-3.

! t S S W € i €

: e n d s t r)ciated Press

antana is causing Dave 3blcms, but the manager York Mets does nol mind le

afB shortstop drove in a pair h his first major league hi 1 double Wednesday as the in eted a three-game of Uie or a Phillies wilh a 7-1 victo- le, York, their sevenlh in a 7i■home finale.____________ la,called up from Tidewater ■national League on July fi\ Jng .299 when he went on foi I list August 24 afler being inj the riglit thumb. Wliile, anlana, outstanding on iw Johnson shift Huble ga ihorl from third base in tin ike room for Ray Kniglit, 19: a trade wilh the Houston tin

1.(1Iger already had gone on IW he plans lo keep Brooks Sa where they are ow for 1

doesthatleaveSantana? no: lion, 1 have a problem,’’ Na inson, "but it’s a nice Sei Igtit has to be given lo the thr g with others during .the Ihc

GijSantana said. "I spent six I minors ond worked very cor

ip here. I never really gol fin; cn 1 was withSl, Ixuis. sir lg things will go my way. St. been a. good fielder and I: nghasimproved." tos; Vilson added his loth Da Mets’attack. horWilson and rookie left nal Ghristensen.-witha-dou—Rx] Ingle Jn iJis iJrst .major- «

n v u n —[nued from Page Dl - fciiistain lhal kind of jxir- s ir'onnesbcck said all the cerdo against the balanced Ick is “t r y and identify VVees and‘keys.’ " - • rark also has-no desire lo I> iir inlo a battle of brawn. Glcwe may look a llltle arc

I’re not as heavy as they ^I. "I don’t think we can Friif thoso toe-to-toe games Sou

people down. We’ll .* finesse in certain

(3-1, Milligan expressed tor Valley’s homc-field CorJld wi-ll hp «!hniild; l>io whlwon six straight confer- <on their turf. Inciden- ganeak began wilh a 35-8 —ioodingOcl. 1,1982. j ‘

lyo.or four.flHt.oUciimiL Aayj and 1 suppose they’ll »ly Friday. Bul you don’t fiilil be coming down wilh < wand game time."losl "one of our better 5

men" In Gary Cook, out |Wl with a knee injury. <r. the speedy slartlng •a-smairbone-rraclui^n" ■*-'He’s an iff-er." says £ininL'. "ttp’ir.plny^f.hn X . Uieball.” -ic is 8 p.m. In Bruin <

I fans. Park accepts Uie *• the good. He’s forced to t^ n .______ ____wlUi the kids and take h them," he said. "It’s i lg season for them, I’m

lUt the Spartans should !ot3deast:oDe:fiet«iiniii t k . th. «^1

je sM j> Tom Paciorek'hit a plnci : his third of Uie year, in Uie- • and Hill tilt hiii fifUi. a twu-i'L I the eighth lo make It 9-3. ' ' Tlie-crowd-of-14.322-on-I home date of Uie season gav(

a 1984 Comiskey Park at mark of 2,136,388, topping la

'C lubrecortof2;m ,821.'' < ■ aevelaQdl,SeatUeO

In Cleveland, Bert Blylev« his record to 18-7 wiUi hi shutout, a seven-hitter, as 11 land Indians edged Uic Scat ners.

Blyleven struck oul six am one as hc lowered his ERA to his l2 Ui complete game. The ri^ t-hander has 46 career : and thc 18 victories arc Bl most since hc won 20 games, Minnesota Twins in 1973. New Yoric3, BalUmore 1 . In Baltimore, John Montefi Baltimore hitless until Rid singled leading off the slxU and pitched Uie New York Ya a victory over Uie Orioles.'

Montefusco gave up only tv

e p P h i l l

r c a k t o

league start, drove in tv apiece.

Phila'deiphia’s Juan Sami his 72nd base of Uie season in inning, when Ute Phillies scoi only run. The steal gave him league-rookie record,-surpas 71 steals by Montreal’s Tim nlOfll_____________________

Sid Fernandez, C-C, pitched five Innings for the Mels,- * four hits, striking oul five ar ing four. Kx-Met Jerry K( 14-15, took the loss. .

The victory completed a game sweep of Uie series by U Uielr first over Philadelphi; 1972. The paid crowd of 5,251 I Uie Mels’ season altenda 1,829,482, an increase of 725,3 i98;i.San Diego 4, San Francisco 0.

InSan Francisco, Eric Show next start for San Diego will b National Uaguc' Champ Series opener, tuned up by p three-hit ball over seven inn the Padres beat the San F r Giants.

Rich Gos.sage and Andy II completed llie shutout by work final two innings, combining f strikeouts.St. Louls5,MonirealO

In Montreal, rookie Kurt K< tossed his second stralglit shulc David Green belle<l a thi homer, leading the St. Uuls nals lo a victory over the MiRxpos, ------ ---- . —

Kppshico. 6-5.. allowed seve

fckjmcthing will happen I streak Friday, and that's all certain now.

In other Canyon Conferencc; Wendell (2-2. 0-2) witl visit ranke<l Kimlx:riy (4-0 . 2-0 ) am DccIo (4-t). I-O) will play 1 Glenns Ferry (2-2, 0-2 ). Both a re scheduled to7;;Wp.rn.

Elsewhere in the Magic Friday. Wood River (0^) will 0 South-Central Idalio Conf season in Hailey against JeroiiI-0 ) at 7 p.th. Fifth-ranked (3-1. 2-0 ) will travel to Caldwe lo bcglii the Cougars’ Cross Conference schedule at 8 0 whllo l^uhl (l-:i. 0-11 will visitII-3 , 0-1) for another Cross game, slaled for 7:30 p.m.

• Abbon. Airto »vppir • Ak

II COMPLET!f - — wm M I p w o

= - l 3Includei: Oi%c type Amuricon

„ ,'i"i[?3V- 2 o«_diij:_p,od>.. robui!- dfomiSdiK fo io n . (Nowwhe

wliool booringi, blood lyilonlolf. F(onlwhM]_drivovillghll'

A B B O *O P E N S i

:TT-r- — — ^ C o r n e r !. O f y . i |d d

in n e snch homer, seven Innings, les he sevenUi. a callous on his f m ji'sliut,iii Rigttettf-pitcfacd-

30th save, giving n-the-final-nin in Uie eighth i ive Chicago Rick Dempsey, v, attendance offRighetti. last year’s Toronto 8, Boston < ' " ‘ " " In 'Boston,' tTrf

, , four-run third inr uf" home run, and (h his fourth in the sevenUi im n f Blue Jays defeat

atUe Mari- gox behind Uie a . „ , Doyle Alexander, ind walke<I

lo 2.81 with Oakland 7, Texas { he veteran In Ariington, r shutouts, Murphy’s Uiree-i Blyleven’s seven-run secom cs.wiUi the Oakland A’s to i

Texas Rangers. MUwaukeeT.Detr

;fuscoheld In Milwaukee, ich Dauer Ogilvie ripped a I xUi inning Robin Yount sini Yankees lo ahead run as Uie I

rallied wlt,h four two hits in .inninc to beat Dell

\ y . Giants’I ^ says he I

I / back ne)SAN FRAN

Interim mana; told Uie San E

, , he Isn’t intere:two runs the club nexl

team announc nuol slolo will hired ba( In Uie (lllh assignments a s>rod their 'm a major ^ l / g lasslng the...... Craw-and-lhlrtlRaines In Davenport hav

____________ rfiUim fo r ..12KlUie tlrst Manager Tor : allowing , "™ crBobLurl and walk- Bullpen coac Koosman, " “m "“ .Ix*",

Ing position wi a three- PltcWng coachth cM ets r f i r a t '- I f

hla sinee Buford have ^llbrouglil manager will 111lancc lo WheUier to keep5,JMover Lurie said Ull

name a new nu, World Series. ()w whose ‘he club-afler I I b im thenplonship to' pitching “ sanmlngs as DICEO Padres T^ranclsco _______________

Hawkins walked seven and s rklng the Chicago 5, Plttsbur ’ for four In Pitlsburgli, St

a three-nm homer: Cubs to a victory 0

Kepshire Pirates, uloutand ClnclnnaU6 ,AUant Ihree-run la Cincinnati,Is Cardi- drove in three runs Montreal a single lo help M

-----------l7lh-vlclory-as-thveil h i ts . ^ a t U j e A U ^ t a B r

lo Uiat In Ihe Magic \ all Uiat’s Mackay (2-2, 2-0)

CasUeford (3-1, 1-1 'c games, battle of confercnci >11 third- Kaft River (2-2, i ind No. 4 Hansen (0-4, 0-1) a

host lo 0-2 ) will take to ;h games Murtaut^i (0-4,0-2)

games; I.xiague-le: : Valley the top-ranked Cla I open ils sl.He, is idle this wc inference In a crucial Sa\ 3mcV2-2 , 'inatdiup,''" fourth'-: 1 Buriey (4-0, 2-0 ) will enle veil (1-2 ) Carey (2-0,2-0 ) in a iSS Slate at 7:30 p.m, In o’clock, Sawlcoth game

dLRigby—Valley-leamsrCa ss Stale i-i) will play Richi

p.m. in Fairfield.



an con & llglil iiucht. Inilatl <aeiuild.olt 4.whaol.cyI>nd«(»-<]nd rv hool eyiindort St2 oocli If noodod} om, inspoel moilof cylindor, ode Illy m ore.

i A T U R B A ' It S h o s h o n e & a r i l ^ r

5 0 t a ^

, leaving afterlrritatlngils pitching hand. Oave

ing up Baltimore’s lonebth on an-RBI single by------y, who had Uie only hit

tlon4tTrfue'WhnC ca p p ^ U I inning wiUi a two-run d George Bell homered 1 Inning as Uie Toronto feated Uie Boston Red le seven-hit pitching of ler. casSon, Texas, Dwayne ree-run homer in a cond inning led the to a victory over the s.Petrous{ce, pinch-hltter Ben I a two-run double and singled home Uie go- he Milwaukee Brewers our runs In Uie eighth Detroit.

'/manager e won’t be }e)dseasohlANCISCO (AP) - ■ inager Danny ()zark m Francisco Giants lerested in directing lexl year, and Uie lunced Tuesday he back as a special

Is scout and consul-

Instructor Tom Me-'bird baso coach Jim ---------have been oBked to

iQfti; hy. r.4.nnrnl______Tom Haller and Lurie. '^ c h John Van Or- !cn offered a scout- 1 wiUi Uie club and ach Herm Starrette -base- coach~Don ” e been lold Uie new illhavetheopUonof {eep Uiem.JUie Giants hope to / manager after Uie iS. Ozark took over e r Frank iloblnsAn ug. 4 and managed to a 23-28 record

game wiUi Uie San IS Tuesday night.

nd struck oul eight.}burgh2I, Steve Lake slammed___ner to lead Uie Chicago ry over Uie Pittsburgh

iantaSti, Dave Concepcion runs wllh a double and p Mario Soto earn his 5-the-ClncimiatlReds—1 Braves.

ic Valley Conference.2-0) will visit No. 3 , 1-1) for an 8 o'clock - ence contenders, while •2 , 1-1) will travel to 1) and Hagerman ((H, to thc road against

0-2) In two more 8 p.m. j-leadlng Oakley, still Class A-4 team in Uic sweek,Saw^Ui Conferencc

■fth'-ranked Shc^one ’ntcrtain Uiird-ranked in a crucial showdown In Uie only oUicr

le Involving Magic*Camas-County-n=2 ;-------tlchfleld (1-2, M ) a l 4 d.

fcim A«rt« . I

ERHAULlf" O ' J ■

1 ' I "

P - -

S :\

TO SUPPLY i ~ ~ '33-2049- riYS

Page 31: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

CanBy STEVE CRUMP TJmes-News sports editor

BOZEMAN, M onl.-To------- there’s history:--------------

Idaho State University won a football game ir S ta te 's l2-yeaw)ld Reno

....... SLnriliim In p0 inJ-0liact,.lhave lost 12 of tlie“ last they’ve played licre.

The. second, tiling Is u IVISU quarterback Kelly Br

“ I’m surprised at how throwing the bail,” says Coach Jim Koetter, wi ranked Bengais (2-1) will prove Uielr Big Sicy Conl cord to 2-0 here Saturday surprised at how much he' because the guy they hi fensive coordinator (Bill cam e from a passing p Whitworth (College). The; really good offensive perfc this point; there’s no que tana State Is the surprise t league."

Bradley, a G-foot-3, i95-p omorfi.from Zumbrota. M

•; No. 2 passer in the confci three games. He has tl passes, completing of tli yards and five 'touch(fo\ come-from-behind 34-28 IdaJio last week in MSU' opener, he completed 30 O! for 349 yards and four TDs.

“ He’s gotten better an says Montana Stale Co Arnold, whose leam impn willi tlie victory at Mosco' young iiid. and maturity v question wiien the season I

B m n c iBvSTEVECRUMP TImcs-Ncws sporls editor

BOISE — Fresh from a ing of defending Big S(<y < champion Nevada-Reno a viclory of IJie season, co will be jusl one problem I University's football leai battling this weekend.

The 1-2 Broncos will iio Washington. 3-0 for the sea day night in Bronco Sladi final game of a four-gair opening homesland,

“ Eastern Wasliington h pabiiily of bealing us, an bccausc we're coming off gam e.” says BSU Coach I cich. “ They’re a very go( team .”

Folks used to considerin lhe annual gimme game - Portland Slate - on the sc

. ~ B l g Sky Conference teams surprised by this year’s edi E a ^ e s . In its first season Division I-/U compelilion. cm Washington has alread; of Montana Slate, the iiotte the Big Sky at Uie moment.

“This is a big game for th Setencich. “ I^styear they Stale) Long Beiich, a'iDlv team that finlstied (lnsl sc They've won eigiit "slraig since.”

-------n^asterinvasIiiii'gturiTs”an independent Instilulion ardent suitor for members Big Sky. Tiie league’s c presidents lias already in Cheney, Wash., school lo i EWU has shed ils Division the two preliminary steps ing tlie ninth member of th old conference.

I t has aiso shed its reput; gartic' loser. Eastern W

BatterecBySTEVECRUMP Tlnns^c\vsvportsvditor~

MOSCOW - "Gee,” Uni Idaho head-footbali-Coac Erickson has iwen asked times Ulis week, “this i s a t to bc playing Oregon Slate, 1

.Erickson.smiles wanly., only half convincingly, "I d if there’s ever a good time

-----Pac-10.sciiool.”When this Saturday's 8 p

— encounter in the Kibble C scheduled more lhan a ye. was to l)c a prestige eve re tu rn of former Vandal C Andros, now the OSU director, and lhe flrsl time

___ team.haclplny.cdJn.Moscpw. Dome was opened in 19

athletic direclor Bill Beikni----- ffay- tui uw\n nB at ti>e-tim<

Beavers would be facing portion.s of the Idaho junior \

Injuries have left the Idal m ere shadow of the balicluij eight games ' in 1383.

___ quarterback Scolt Linehan i;a t least two more weeks, a wide receiver Eric Yarber,

^ Ing pass receiver in the----- eonference.-Defensive-tae

Andrews is out Indcfinitel: knee Injury, and outside li Tom Hennessey may or return to action this season d

■ ' itpnn^hnwJttSt hIS bfOkCH ft - And-running back Andre^

d£Tensiva tackle Scott Katz, i


To begin willi, J BMji

ity has never''' in Montana

eno H. Sales ^ ^ ^ 7 *:t,.lbc.Itengals--^;lG 5~,™ast 14 games E i i^

> that there's H ^ 'Bradley. ^low well he's 1 I lys ISU iiead \ '

whose l8Ui- * vill try to im- | g | ;onference re- day. “ I’m not he’s throwing ' | I |B hired as of-

Bill Dietrich) W /■ program atrhey’ve had a ^erformance to New-I[question Mon- -se leam in the he’s a qualit:

A yearag(>5-pound sopll- least-produc, Minn., is llie eiglith in rujIference after passing offe> thrown 150 offense, avei f them for 958 game. All ol lifowTis. In a Bobcats' I-IO 28 win over So far this; SU's Big Sky averaged 4tx0 of 55 passes game, and , Ds. league and .1 and better.” passoffense. Coach Dave "1 think tl

iproved to 2-1 game is that >cow. •‘He's a whocancalc y was the bij, Tim Clem on began. Bui junior who


1 a 37-12 past- <y Conference0 and its first complacency

m Boise Slate- leam, wiil be

host Eastern season, Satur- ladium in the ;ame. season-

1 has the ca- and not just off the Reno

:h Lyle Seten- good foolball

T in g EWU as: —along wilh S T E '> schedules of R« ims mighl bc knociied off edition of the stale last sej son of NC^V\ minutes ion. the East- ijaho S la te .' >ady disposed UieBigSkyir attest leam in playoffs.nt.. ‘'Dick Zor rthcm .” says_anoUicr-fine- ley beat iCaJ. Sctcncicti. '.‘2.Division 1-A) whoprepares t season) B-4.ai^ ii games and one that_ . ______ for. Thev iia

Fs, drcourse, dcpU. to comjon that is an now."ership in the Eastern \fs council of quarterback I

invited the 195-pouna jur10 apply and pleled 41 of 7( lonJI status, for wu yardf ps lo becom- Flanker Tni I the 21-year- i85-|X)und sop

of lho.se passeputotlon K a Detciislvtly

Washlnelon up jasl 49 poll

:d VandaUniversity oftiach Dennised about 150a tough time •

le.huh?”ly.and_says,'I don’t know me to play a

8 p.m. IviDT te Dome was year ago, it

event — lhe ; ■11 Coach Dcc I SU athletic ime a Pac-10x i ^ s in c ^ h e _ j ^ f t M ^ H |1975. Idaho

Iknap had no

ing selected R IC lo rv j i j j ly ,_______ S U I U h e jdaho team a .:Iub that won end Frank M 3. Starting MikeJohnstor in is gone for for the year wi J, along with "It's not' ju cr . the lead—-Erickson, who he Dig Sky record against tackle-John-also-l-2r^Fv& itely with a wilh a team wl e linebacker many key pit 3r may not have to make )n depending playing with ; n :foot:heals.-.younc-ktds^ irew-Smith,—deveiop-into'i tz, defensive players real q

’r S 'i j-'ri!

iD S t . It(

yt lV.c;


■ Sl



lE R R IL H O G EA T'found^yeapon •

lity kid." 'foago. MSU liad the Hig Sky’s hiluctive offense, finishing ajrushing offense, .seventh in v< ffcnse and iasl in scoringveraging jusl 9.9 yjirds per (H

of that accounted fc.r the st-10 finlsii. - jiilis season, the Bolxrats liave in4tX) yards and 27 points per idd a re ranked first in liie wid fouriii In the countr>' in B<se. Al: the key to tlieir passing 22lat they've found two backs 20itch lhebali,''saysKoeller. fo:,*ments, a 5-10. iJLvpound (]uho scored the winning . ,



F t rm-' ~ ak J- “_ of

- S S t^ hi:H I L ^B p ^ jE V E D E S P O T [“•R a rf '.n o iio r j,ff Montana and Montana I sea.son and came within a sit es of doing the same lo ga u, which finished second in eo: / in 1083 and made the IvU no

se;Hornes iius put togetiicr l>e!ie-tcam-thjs-yoar.’-K;iys------\‘2U\is s.vcr^fi(X)<r.coiicii. ng- •es Ills people and is always BS

ytiat we had better Ixj ready pit have the talent anti the un

impele in the Big Sky riglit 'iCOI

is led on offense by ag.:k Rick Worman. a R-foot-2. rujjunior. Worman has coin- seir 70 passes — f>8 percent coirds and five louchdowns. inc'nicy Poffenrotli. a (>-2. Nosophomore, has caughi II 225« es for IM yards. cluely. the Eagles have given Ioswints in tlirw liames. U>d 21U

als host C.sue

— ----------------- jty

■ P I | | B B n k fenf r — am

Ss “1 ^ - 7 cf W '-i will

----- -------------- r ^ A r - f - a - 2^ cor

i I .ai;J , We

..lir W ; one ][■ C _ I _______Mi -5lai0 r i i / i

C K SLO A N W L c jiu a ile ib a c k ? _______

wh(Moreno and comerback wec

ton. all startersj are gone sop: with knee injuries. staiju s l' llie Injuries.'’ says ErJi

'hose team will carry a 1-2 Frii nst Oregon State, which Is pas veneverbeen-aasoclaled—last wherelnjurieshavehitso thrt players. We're going to ke the adjustment. We’ro we'; h yoiing kids, and these Erii ^arc-gnlng-to-~:havo~ to — Tl 0 'm ajor coliege footbali Maj 1 quick. We just have to KEI

beattouchdown against Idaho la ranked 10th in the confi

—reeoivingr witli is- <?at€he yards and two touchdowns, the sixth-leading rusher in t with 142 yards and a 6.8 ; carry average. Fullbac

- Jones, • a;iB^),--220-i»uh.d..ji caught-J5 :passes:ior-125-7 ■carried tlie ball for 76 more.

Defensively, the Bobcats up to pre-season billing. State currently ranks third Sky in total defense, givi: average of 235 yards a g; 'Cats are second in pass do third in rushing defense.

“ I expecled tliey would ha defense based upon their people,” says Koetter. added some things like bill: and gelling in more man coverage lhan in the past.' you different looks on downs. Iwonnle Burt (M! 245-pound senior noseguan

"lot of pressure on the passe had good linebacker drops a age and the secondary hr verywelh'.'

MSU free safety Doug K (M),'ll!5-pound junior, recc Sky defensive player-of hon.ors this week for hi interception performance Idatio. the last on a goalll with less tlian a minute to | Bobcats also have a pre-se? All-American in Mark Fello 225-pound defensiyc'cnd whc 20 tackles in three games. li for-lost yardage,.Si?LOf_l}i' (|uarterl)ack sacks.

Slill. Montana Stale has gi

*: Eorgehy inid(P«‘ Hnph;>rWpr f.!tirlg

, (^1, 220-pound junior, and 1 end Don Mariarilyl Easi sacked opposing quarterbac times and forced six fumbles

Againsl them. Boise Stati ray an offense thal is final and heallliy. Behind Hazsen the Broncos’ 5-11, lG5-poun more quarteri)ack. the Bron' UNK for 4H3 yards last week on llie arm of Ciioates and 9« tlie- legs of junior tailb. Francis. And Steve Despo 21.')-pouiid senior guard. l»c of liie few offensive linemi history of the Big Sky eve player-of-llie-weck honors fo formance against UNR.

Boise State's performanci the Broncos into third plac league rankings for total 0: eiglith in the country — inch 2 in ru.shlng and No. 4 in passi

Defensively. Boise Stc struggled, allowing 7C points games. But with the return ol comerback Gary Castillo.- not played .this year due t season injury. Selencich is I& iwtter things,

— ” (Tlio dofcn.so> played a fi iig a jiis lR a io ,l' sa y s liiti S4xi BSU mentor. ‘'Wc arc st

.m tit! Iml WP ;iri‘ g rltin a«pie healthy and iwginning tounit."____________________

The Broncos rank fourtl conference in total defeitsc against lhe pass and slxlli ag rusli. Carl Keever, a (>-3. 2 senior. Inside linebacker, is ai conference’s leading tacklerf including two blocked Noseguard- -Glenn Simonlon 225-pound senior, has 27 tac eluding four sacks worth 20 losses, while I>ance Seller? 218-pound junior oulside lir

Oregon >suck it up and develoV'some' -ity: *---------------------------- --

They’ll get lo try agains fensive line thal averages 27( and-a-defensive-front-that-r about 2C0 .

“ I’m looking fonvard Erickson says, again nol convincingly,

Oregon Slate Coach Joe A' wlio.se job was saved -by Andi a-2.«.l-(in[sh7in.-i98;j.-flny3-i complacent ai)oul Idaho.

■'We've won so few Uiat we take every opponent very s( We cannol “afford to overlo one.”

But Avezzano will also not ( the fact that the Vandalsstnrilng <;lx ^iphnmnroc nfreshmen Saturday, along quarterback wiUi very liltlepkiyintHxper loneft-------------

Whether that quarterback Rick S lo y i^ c G-2. 205-poun( who started in place of Linel week, or Darel Tracy, a G-2,19 sophomore from Heybun starred al Minico High ErJckson won't decide until t Friday. Sloan completed just passes in a 34-28 loss to Montai laBt-Salurday-and.was-lnleJjreetimes.-w -------

"A lot depends on whal U A'c’re going lo do offensively Erickson.- The game will be broadcas Magic Valley on Twin Fails <EEP-AM.

B o zelastweek. is points in threenference in a loss to Eahes for M2 ccIhwI that wcIS. He's also Division II loK:i UiCleague, Against that,8 yards-per- an offease tlack Jessie _iircsslvelv_m<•JiDllor, has first-year quar Tyards; -andliii ftS i-3 roul b•e. . . its conferenccts are living amassed 5G0 y;g. Montana yards more tha•d in the Big loss to Texa.s-Elving up an "They mix Ufgame. The well,” says Arr

defense and of differences. (Paul) Pelersd

have a good coach whor reluming quarterback la<

"They’ve established amlitzing more finding a quanan(-lo-man) new dimension1. They give running game.'1 different kid." ..........MSU’s 6-1, ■ The Bengals3rd) puts a the Big Sky inser, Uiey’ve hasn't ranked I5 and cover- The reason is 1has played pound sopliomo

2 rusher, withKimball, a games and :i

ceived Big average. And liof-lhe-week 130 yards niakhis three- purpose nmner

:e againsl "We've run fililne stand our last two g;0 play. The question that lh ieason I-AA game more effc ilows. a G-3. “ We’re getting 'ho had hnd HogeahdourlalOof them andChrisCawdi

Uiose.were- but-Mhink-lho our running g;

given up 63 schcmes. We've

et-Wolf■l&£cldel,.a ..imm:j:wn-l.:allfd defensive tackles and fouastern has yards in losselacks seven Setencich sa;les. Saturday will iM)ate will ar- forget thal theyially whole and that they nen Choates, next week,und sopho- “ I’m coiicerniancos stung team playingek. 215 of it rememlxiring li99 more via he .says. "You cIback Jon goo*' leam. andpol. a G-2. Is a good footballlecame one Kickoff timemen in the Stadium. The gaver lo win in the Magicfor his per- KMX-AMlnTwl

ice pushed lace in lhe offense


1 2 - has ■ t f Its in three1 of starting ^ i. wlio lias

to a pre- looking for

fine game..............................K.'OfKi-year, - slill very

to jell as a

rth in the Lse, fourthagainsl the H I23(j-|>ound Hamong tlie . Hjrs with 2«, ™d punts, on. a G-2. ackles. in- JO yards In ;rs, a G-2, linebacker


nst an of-270 poundSv, - -;-avcragos"‘

I (0I all that

Avezzano, idros after3-ite's-nol: ................ .

pve have to jserioasly.■look any-

it overlook s will bc- a n d —tw o— _ i _____________g wllh a le college

:k will beincjjunlor.!. .•_________lelian last 19G-pound jm who 1 School,rtodayor ...................st 19 of 49tana State - _ i t c r c e p t f i d _ • B __

the heck!ly." says ^

an In lhe - .... - - -Is Station


; m a n (eegames. Including21 in Easlem Washington, a•waH«9t elevnted from------)1-A._____________________at, ihe Bengals will send that has grown pro-

jnOre- effecllve " undor jarterback Vern Jlajxi?,. , . . jUfMoiitanalaVt weekln ” ■ ice opener. Idaho State ) yards total offease. 222 ;han in its season-opening i-El Paso.i up tiie run and pass real Arnold. "1 don’l a lol es lielween Harris and rson (the ISU as.sist.mt I was the •Bengals’ last year); tlie offense is

and it’s just a mailer of larlerback to fit it. The on forldaho State is tlieir le. wllh the (Nlen-i|) Hoge. ..

lls are currently third,in in rushing offense: ISU d lhat higli in a decadc. the: is Uiat Hoge, a G-l, 212- F more, is the league’s ^i'v>wu •Uh 279 yards i n 'V f t i ^ ^

a ^.G-yards-pcr-carty inp J his 42 pass catc)jes for ma‘. lake him the No. 2 all- cicr ler In the conference. ' pas; n for about 200 yards-In touc

games, and there’s no tere . lhat makes our pas.sing “i jffoctive." says Koetter. alth ng good proiluction from whe •tailbacks(WadeWilhite " I t wdery) are running well, the lie koy-lo the success of-c“onl

game Is our blocking Id 'vestillgotworktodoon prol

fBaekfHllHrhafrneeounlwHorte------ :four sacks amounting to *sses. • Jsays his lougliest job t I Imj getting his players to iey l)eat Reno last week f must play Idaho Stale

■rned about our foolball • .. g Saturday niglil and I ’ last Salurday niglit,” u can'l do that against a ind Ea.stern Washington )allteam,''ie is 7 p.m. in Bronco game will bc broadcast

;ic Valley on station I’wln Falls.

SdTTi i a s

p r i

IH e f


jso 6 i'nded by Archjbold Louderj

and I


K E L L Y B R A D L E Y E v c - p o p p i h g n u m b e

them, bul they liavC b(HJn e/fecI For his part, Harris,' a G-

^ n d junior, is third to N( nnzona’s Mike Mendoza and E in passing yardage. althougJj hi MAt‘« in the league In passin :icncy. Harris has completed 6 lasses for 933 yards am ;ouchdowns, but he’s bee ereepted seven times. '

"Harris is continuing to im ilthpugJi there are slill some vhere he needs work," says K '1 think he’s moro comfortabi he offense and he’s gellingMnfident;” —--------------- -----

Idaho State’s blgge.st def iroblem is lurnovers, 15 of lli

~~THINKING'OFLet Us A nsw er All As Explajn The Ke System .

This Is N o t. Informational

T O B E H E L D : S a t e l l

E v ery T h u rs d j 7 :3 0 P.M .9 5 3 B tu e L ak e

For More Inl

n e l li t e ^i^ l©i c e i

rs pL


I ~ ■ I ^

lerVS■g.«:-&J .Qn3POQy: Ltd.L.-.Sla3i9{

Thursday, Sopton-

Bradlthree games. In 0 seven intcrecptlonj

-------including Hoge’s fu■ gob'll lino with wha

Im B the game-winning t____ But _the_B<;nfiaJsJ -'ConferenoO' 'ond'T

. in team offense. ^ ^ B | league in both pa

scoring offense. Id; . B y in tlie league in 1

1^ scoring defense average of just 14

"• and second and thiI pass defense, rcspe

"It’s a good, sou Arnold. "They ha\ back that we'ye

► ^ beforo.”Koetter had ,eigh

ing on defense goln .y buloneofthem^uil

others were lost injuries. Thus la s t ' mance againsl Me

}ctivc.’' Idaho Slate allowed G-2. 191- 103 yards, made

Northem iiappy.I Bradley “ We played'ctit' be.ranks and I was especlaUi sing effi- play of some of 01 163ofll9 particularly our ins ind two says Koetter. "Thej «en in--pletely comfortable

lions, but they’re j Improve, improvemenl." ne areas Idaho State has nc Koetter. 1972; the last time t Ible with in town, in 1982, they lg more overtimes.... ’Tn” this'league,Iefensive advantage Is a re*al i Ihem in Arnold.

■ T m m MiW of Your Question ey O ptions of Ownii

'f A Sales Presentation - al Only With No Obligati

Hite Technolog'd a y S ta r t i n g S e p te m b t

( e s B lv d . N o.

iform ation: 734

U^^R'S*t nH P oum ^

^ ^ U D E R ’S% Sc o t c h

kxMO a y ^ ^o U o n d - Estobllshed.uam Wolker incorporotid. Form

3mber27.1984 Tfmes-Nows,'

ley?In addition to HatVlV lions, ISU has fumbled

•B fumbieon the'UfEP-______vhat would have been

ing touchdown.eoJs.rank-firsl In.the._____ndToiMhiiilhciiafibn • ' ' nse. and second in the

passing offense ^ d . Idaho State is second in total defense tod se — allowing an t 14 points a game I third in rushing and fspectively. ' , - sound defense," sAys have some velerflris

I've played against

eight starters return-going inlo, the season. ...... -^uit the team and^wo 3st for Uie year Co ast weekend's perfof-

Montana, in which wed the Grizzlies jtist de him particularly

oblstanding defense, iaJIy pieased with (he if our younger kids, inside linebackers,'’,

rhey’re still not'com- ible wilh those posJ* re showing a lo(;qf

IS not won here since ne the Bengals w^re - hey lost 30-27 in th i« ,

lie, the home field...... 'eal advantage," says

YSTEM? ~o ns As W e l l rning Such A

) n — - jation.

»gyn b e r 2 7 th

J4 -1234 ~ ^



o^rmington ______

- I \

ws. Twin Falls, Idahd EV3

Page 32: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation


. ' t R on B la k e , w h o (

N ew 1

:; ■•"ByFLYNNMcROBEI :• : Times-News writer

: '. TWIN FALLS - T '. ' brainchild of an area• * diet, Twin Falls is m '• ‘ owner of a first-cia

pHchinB facility.‘ ’ Ron Blake, lhe ma

‘ for the project, le<l j residents and bus• summer in tiie tonsti ;! arena al Drury Park. •: The grand opening •; this weekend to break ; and familiarize the cii i; event is open to the p• begin at l p.m.. belli : Sunday.; ' ‘There’s a lot of pc

lo toss horseshoes a . . ■ Blake said. "This pi

:: doing - now we’ve finer installations aroi

After approval of I draft last AugusLby- Ing, director of the Parks and Recreation he went aliead wiUi i

. . . . . . project.

i Rozier\HOUSTON (a p > - r

; Mike Rozier has reache agreement lo be rcleaf

United Slates Football T 5hur^ Mauler. Rozier’ WllklnsOn. said We<inesd

Wilkinson told Houslo: : tlon--K1KK, howevei.

would not pay Uic/le _!___ • n givymcnLiinULl}ii»-fflriD

• Helsman Trophy winner ' trac t with another team.

------------“ Mikc-has-close..to-S;• m ainlngonaconlractlh

! teed money," Wilklnso; wouldn’t make any sense• going to relieve the oblig:

------- I'that-contract without as5: guarantees from anothe

wishes to beoome oblii’ali : Under terms of . tli , .agrecmentrTJozler woi

Maulers an unspt.'clfied i ! released from the ren

yearsQfhiscontract.• Attempts by The .\sso- to reach Mauler officla

— KaiserZ -------------1 CmjtmuuilliTin \P f

• California as an Oakland _____,-had similarlncllnnlions..

■ "George Dlanda was r ' when I was a kid I jusl■_kicked and kicked.” I

___ _ always wanled to be a 1•placcklcker. not a punter

‘ - Kaiser was recruited ti '^ T Z h 'e watched dcBniljn p<

- yearrT hen he went on

: the 1982 season, as ono ol• from whom Kragthorpe I

■ • a succcssor to deBruij - j «achi^nowi:lhe^aUilflliC

■ .Htflh Slate, decided to s] I • me ancrpigccKicwng=gu * ( Kaiser and Perry Larso:

. 0 4 TImoa-Nows. Twin FallFails.ldaho Thursday, Seplt

lo o rg a n iz e d th e p ro je c t,

local hi3ERTS An empl

servatlon S vately func

- Thanks to the whiclibcgni irea pltchlns ad- donation ol s now Ihe praud businesses. ^:lass horseshoe "I had I

contractors man responsible with this e<l several area recalled, businesses this In all, 350 nstruction of the constructloi rk. Isn't complling will bc held plans of hoj eak in the facility toumament J city with it. The new bathrt le public and will built. Blake Jlh Salurday and ty asslstanc

tlons.f people that like "We wan s around here,” port from ; project needed private dor :e got one of the project,” Bl around." 'This weelof Blake’s rough provide a i by_Chad Brown- .munity, sup the Twin Falls and later a lion Department, ching leagi 111 arranging the winter


r free o f I■ Running.back I ' ^ ■ ■ 1 died a tentative f leased from his , intracl wllh the all Uague Pit-

Lslun Radio Sta- that Rozier

ot .the inncr-N obro^— ncr signs a con*

3.$2-]nllllon.rc-—Is guaran-

nson said. "It nse to say wc'rc iligaled party on assurancesand—^ ^ ^ ^ H ither party who I'aled,". tlie tentative’ • Ml would pay the __ p|ud aipunt to’ bo reniaining- two successful.

The Nat ssocialed Press Houston 01 icials were un- Rozier and

T ----------------------^pageDl ■ ■ fium lliirUiind Raiders fan, The experlmtis_____________ _l!Knowingis my hero,’and in a given :jusl kicked and going to be’ he says. "I feeling," sia kicker, b_uj a allow you lo

iter." ' ■ ■ In the 1982Ml to ISU, where times for aI perform for a i.,arson • 30on a 18-month averoge. Ka

r -ri><tnTWHt—for—c of two kickers, was S-for-15. pe hoped to pick pATs that s ruijn. The ISU wa.sthewon

0 spilt the punt- head ciwch =gut!erPetwe<iii punter ajid t rson. a transfer “i don't U

c t , s h o w s o ff D ru ry P a rk I


iployee of the Soli Con- Ida1 Scrvice, Blake'has pri- suninded the whole process. "gan In June, along with the peoot materials from local QIa

es. _ ll1 friends, .some ot them' pet3rs, Uiat had experience spos sort ot thing,”. Blake bei

U350 hours were put into the terition of the facility, but ll Co.nplel^-yet. With Blake’s Coihosting horseshoe pitching Coients. a lighting system and Sujhroom facilities must be s trike is looking for communi- Co.once to aid in such renova- . I:

effi’ant to drum up some sup- Spiin local civic groups and Gc<donations to tlnish off the We'Blokesaid. -Chi-eekend’s activities should Wea good indication of com- Maiupport.for the local club, Sh(r a planned horseshoe pit- Bu:igue to be organized over Smler._The_club will hosl uidenis as part of the Southern Go:


' at'■ ’’ ' . re

M| B | | ^ _ 3

/S jB - to - nc




M lK E q O Z lE R ^F in a n c ia l t i e s ^

ll. thJatlonal Football League ciOilers own Uie righis lo Mnd Wilkinson said Rozier tr

UiiivuisUy ufNmv Miixiw. nr rlment wasa disaster. K( ing thnLif-yflii donU.pftriorm_lili n situation lhat you're not m. be the kicker is a terrible pr says Kaiser. "It doesn’t an lo build any confidence.’’ _ Al 982 season, Kaiser punted 32 Nc • a 41.2-yard average and ye » times for a 37.7-yard 1 Kaiser tried five field goals no cd~thrce ro f~ them t^Lfirson ~ p r •15. The Bengals missed five it season, and their kicking Nl orst In the conferencc.

ich, he ■ made Kaiser Uie m(ILaryjiitlmptaccMtKei . '------t Ihlnkithere’s any question m



H M i

TinitS,-*il>l.«.>/SKVI-S.rk h o rs e s h o e p itc h in g fa

loe areii

Idaho Horseshoe League summer.

"We want to find out how people will wani lo get Invol Blake said of tlie weekend eve

In order to fund seasonal petitions, Blake Is looking foi sponsors. The pit backboard bc used tor sponsor advertlsin

Businesses that contribute terials include; Olmslead Co., Idaho Power, A'roma I Cousine, Monroe Concrete, Cc Concrete. Volco. General Bi Supply. Tlm nine Backhoe struction Co., Southern Idaho Co. and C&C Construction.

Individuals providing timi effort were: Mike l>»netti, Spriggs. Al Bullock. l-800-Hoi George Holmes. Rick Smith, Wentworth. Andy Cliett, Chapin, J o ^ Taylor. Dave Wes Rathbun, Tlnk Peterson. Makin, Carole Burgess. Je. Short, Ray Grossaint, Burgess, Rich Morrison. SmiUi. I^ r ry Wahl of Peslo ul(jat(^, Brian Olmslead Gdrdon'Anhus.

a y s agencould l)c In an Oiler uniform ately If contract lerms < reacl\ed.

“I’ve conveyed to the Oiler have this agreement In prim

• that Mike could l>p availat lomorrow.” Wilkinson sal next step has lo be theirs. I dc that we have ^ y control_o;


Herzog broke ott negotlatl Rozier saying conlinue<l.tal bc disruptive lo Uie teani. H( said_he will not consider It(j2iet-.until after Uic em current s c ^ n .

WilkinKansaidhe had hear thal the Oilers might trade rigliLs to another NFL club.

"I've talked prully cloi some .sources at the leag

"s^dtirtJt'miuLLrEspgeL'asin ] reliable, and they've indicil thal some halfway seri cus.sions have taken placc cc Mike and the transfer of tract,’’ Wilkinson said.

Koelttcr. "You have lo coaci llki* ynn m .icli quarterbai make sure you go wlUi Uiem i prove they can’l do the Job. I and Perry (who finished s

_ All-American Tony 7^nd Nevada-Reno in field goal kic year) responded to that appr

Kaiser says he's conflden now • lhal he no longer -J

-pressure.Kaiser Uilnks aboul kickln

NFL or the USFL, but not loc " R l^ t mw I’m UiUikh

maybe math.”— Fviutui In punting som«w

make sure il’s a variable.

^ f s i iBring

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w many ■/olved.’’

al com-forlocal 0 ^rds will U‘Ina-ted ma- . ... •1 Cattle —I Italian .......Colonial

CAMPh" Ditch

me and /ti, Rick /lot Rod, th. Rick

Harry e Salus. .... .m. MarkJeanette ' ^

Keith1. Rick M 0Ico Liq- 9ad; jind

m Immedi STERN!could be 7% Can

ers that weinciple'and ' x k O n r lable as ot T n \ | , [ .aid. "The- .. don’t knowover whal ' .....—-------- -Foci/> «<oc.*

viL'w bi'\0'Iger L jdd . —Itlons wilh cooiod :alks would, down tubbi?rHereeghas!er‘ signing ' covuond ;nd of the »irop»

:anl reports ' S de Rozier’s ------------------

losely wiUi ague level,ratw urantt- — -------:iled to me•rious dls- ^ Jmconcerning .B3f his con-

HiTeTsayS------------ich kickers )acks,_and_ n until Uiey ). BoUi Jeff

sccond-to ndejas of kicking last proach." cnl enough -feels Uie

dng Uie Uie «>much. ting about


i g i n t h i s l i s t a n

c o u n t o n a n y o

t n d v e r t i s e d - * ;

'lit b i s c o u i i t o

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moM e r g IiSHOTGUN I 3 9 ’ V t!

li>C"d !>0.,AIHlOH.l» lh.xl an.l loi.i nd 0» Ih.o.r.d (of W«<l loo>.< a-xl ro»i'.r g»|i A.fl.lobl* aall go„o.,.......... ..h All l7o..d O



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deer bXg .T .T . .ELK BAG--------- --KNAPP SAW...........HUNTING KNIVES..GAME HOIST..........TARGETS..................RiFLE...................Vr-.GUN OIL..................GUN CASE.............GUN RACK . . . . . . "SHARPENING STON HOODED SWEAT SHHAT..............GLOVES.................RAIN GEAR ...........GAME CALL . . . . COLEMAN FUEL . . .FIRST AfD KIT.........SOAP DISH.............COMPASS..............WHISTLE..................WATERPROOF MATiTOOTHBRUSH.........TIE DOWN STRAP . .SAFETY VEST.........DUTCH OVEN . . . , .GRILLS.....................b o o I OILORGREft COUNTY M A P S . . . BACKPACKSCANTEEN................KNIFE, FORK, SPOOMESS KIT............ ,DISH PAN...............BUCKET----- ---------TOILET CARE......... .TENT STAKES___ __MEDAL DINNER PLA CAMP SHOVEL . , AIR MATTRESS . . .TRAIL P A D .............TARPS.....................SLEEPING BAG . . . CAMP COT : . . . . . LANTERN CARRYINl AXE . . . . . . . . . . .HATCHET..............ROPE..................CHILE.'. —

ASPIRIN................-ROLAIDiS.™,--------PANCAKE TURNERFLASHLIGHT ___BAHERIES . . . . . .RLM.......................JERKY___ . . . . .SALT & PEPPER .WALL TENT............COOLER............TRASH BAGS . . . .TOWELS___ _CAMP STOVE . . . .

-iSCOPF r O V FR^SCOPES................BINOCULARS . . . . GUN C A S E ,. '. . . . GUN SLINGSHELL BELT.............CAMERA..............CAMOUFLAGE CLO



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Page 33: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

I > T v iI H I L * 1 * J *

JinTBrB y JO H N N A D E L The Associated Press

-----------L O S-AN GK LE S— ImUgr____ g lv e n .w ay .to .se lf -s a tla la c ll f

B ro w n . W ilh h is c a r e e r r\ c o rd d e s tin e d to iiv e o n ly a w e e k s , h e s a y s h is p la c e li F o o t b ^ L eague h is to ry — r e c o rd b o o k s— Is s e c u r e . -

' • " I th in k th in g s sp ■ th e m se lv e s ;! ’ s a y s Brow i

12,312 y a rd s h a s b e e n th e I d a r d s in c e h e r e t i r e d a t ag th e 1965 se aso n . “ Y ou d c o n firm a tio n o f it . G re. g r e a tn e s s . I don ’t know su p p o se d to s a y . I h a v e no f a i lu re . 1 don’t ^ a t e to m o r p l a y e r s .”

N e w sp a p e rs a n d p l a y e r s . tw o o f th e m — a r e c e r ta ln l to B ro w n th e se d a y s .

F r a n c o H a r r is , now w ith I S e a h a w k s a f te r 12 y e a r s ts b u r g h , is ju s t 303 y a n B ro w n . C hicago ’s W a lte r

- j u s t 337 y a rd s sh o r t.L a s t y e a r , B r o w o s o ^ t

n a n t 'a b o u t th e^ \* i’i 5 v t h ta lk in g a b o u t a c o m eb a ck w ith (h e L os A n g e les R a id h e so u n d s a b o v e i t a li .

' “ T h is is th e m e d ia ’s jo w h a t ’s going on r i ^ t now s a id b y te lep h o n e f ro m h is ] H ills h o m e . " I t r e a l ly doesi m e . I don ’t u n d e rs ta n d

B ro w n r e t i re d a f t e r o n e i s e a s o n s , a y e a r in w h ic h 1,S44 y a rd s on 289 c a r r i e s , 110.3 y a rd s p e r g a m e a n d p e r ru sh .

“ Y ou don ’t h a v e to b e a { to b r e a k a r e c o rd lik e m in ' s a y s . "Y o u on ly h a v e lo \x l a s t a w hile . E v e r y g ood b a 10 o r l i y e a r s co u ld b r e a k 't I d o n ’t th ink a n y o f th e m ct

--------- i r p i f iy tn g T U n c - y e a r s - s n cg a m e s a y e a r .’’

D u rin g B row n’s f i r s t f( e a c h N F L le a m p la y e d D u rin g h is la s t f iv e , e a c h c 14 g a m e s . S in ce 1978, eac h p la y e d 16 g a m e s a y e a r .

L ook ing b a ck , d id h e so o n ?

“ W h at w ould b e th e p p la y in g lo n g e r? " h e a n sw e d o a lit t le r e s e a r c h a n d y o i n u m b e rs a n d th e le v e l m a n c e , th e n u m b e r s . i th e m s e lv e s .’’

H e r e ’s w h a t th e y s a y :• B ro w n se t h is -re co rd s e a s o n s w ith th e C lev e lan I n 118 g a m e s , h e a v e ra g e d p e r g a m e a n d 5.2 y a r d s p e r• H a r r i s h a s a p e a re d in l a v e r a g in g 72 y a rd s p e r gai y a r d s p e r c a rry .• P a y to n , in h is 10th s€ p la y e d In 133 g a m e s , avi y a : ^ p e r o u tin g a n d 4.4 c a r r y .

“ T h e re ’s no o n e th a l ’s a b le to ke ep lh a t p a c e c te n s i ty ,” B row n s a ^ . “ 1 m y e ra . N obody 's e v e r beei th a t . T h ese th in g s a r e ver ( E r ic ) D ic k erso n (o l th e L

y e a r , E a r l (C a m p b e ll o f U O ile rs ) h a d a c o u p le of

---------y e a r s : ”" T h e r e ’s no o n e th n t d e a l

a day*loK lay le v e l, a n int^ lik e I did . A ny o f th o s e g i

. c a n go n ine o r 10 s tr o n g yei m is s in g p ra c tic e , w ilh o i g a m e s , w ilh a 5.2 a v e r a g e , s p e a k fo r Itse lf.”

9 *I • L ' y ^ 8 u !

CooneyA N CH O R A G E , A la sk a

G erry . Cooney w in t r y c S a tu r d a y to f ig h t P h i lip w h a t w ould b e C o o n e y ’s s in c e h e w as s to p p e d In the b y L a r r y H o lm e s in a I W o rld B oxing C ounc il h< UU e J u n e 11,1982. -

-------------“ T h a n k G od I g o t I t , " Co f Uie sc h ed u le d IC^round i te le v is e d l l y e b ^ C K . “ I h

— — C ooney w a s r e f e r r in g to p o n e m e n ts Viliich h a v e d c o m e b a c k a n d le f t s o m e

' ' s e r v e r s w o n d er in g if h e \ a g a in .

“ I r e a l ly c a n ’t b la m e w a n t in g to w a it a n d s e e p e n s ," Cooney s a id o f th e su r ro u n d in g h is a ^ u n c e o f conU nu inc h is c a r e e r .

TTie " b a d lu c k ” o f w tu s p o k e se e m e d to h a v e s t w h p n hiftftH npp p a re d hi c h e c k d u r in g a wo S p r in g f ie ld . O re .

“ I t w a s j u s t a n l ^ , ” c M ik e Jo n e s s a l d . - ^ l a l n l w a s s c ra tc h e d b y o n e V ic to ry V alle ’s f in g e rn a il r e f le x drill.

C ooney w a s o r ig in a l ly s< l e a v e S p r in ^ ie ld f o r A ncl W ed n e sd ay , b u t th a t w a s t h is S a tu rd a y .

- - T b e c h an g e h a d n o th in g — the-iilc lriiiV ono8 :*a ld .-- i'A

to d o i t any w a y . G e r r y hai aix< w a s t r a in in g v e ry ( S p ^ g f i e l d U ’

rown w. t o r n

c l lo n f o r J im . _____ ____r HjBhing re -y a 'f e w m o r e | | M | g | M M e in N ational


sp e ak fo r t)w n , w hose l e N F L s t ^ - : a g e 29 a f te r I don’t need jrea U ies s is IW v * a t I 'm W no rec o rd ■ < '

) n ew sp ap ers

! r s r - a t le a s t S \Qlnly re laU ng ^

iU tU ieSeatU e J j n • i r s wiUi P i t- I 'a rd s behind c r P a y to n Is

^ d e d indig*^U ilng , ev en a ck , possib ly [a ide rs . Now, *;

5 job , Uils Is i’ ” n ow ," Brow n l i s H o lly w o o d - - aesn’t involveId w h a t^ I ’m ^

n e of h is b e s tc h h c ga in ed b c ^ H n i g r ' e s , a v e rag in g .n d 5.34 y a rd s

I a g re a t ba ck ' 1 * 6 * n in e ,” Brow n ■) be good and I b a ck p lay ing a k ' l h e r ^ 'r d . n could b rea kTfTTrf- l ? nr -1 d -----

t four y e a r s , •x i 12 g am es. y v l ':h c lu b p lay ed ^ a c h te am h a s r - ' '

i 'iSV, I .' He re ti re to o •

e pu rpose of ,i.jw e rs . “ I fy o uy o u check th e C ' ‘ ; ; ; e l o f pe rfor- >, s p e ic (o r ^

■ord In n in e . > . liand Brow ns. -ged 104 y a rd s • ,*p e rc a r ry . ’ .In 167 g a m es , • ■ . ' j g a m e and 4 .1

se aM n ,” h a s a v e rag in g 90

4.4 y a rd s p e r

l ’s e v e r be en B r o w n o n I « o r th a t in-“ I dom in a te d B ro w n w as ) e e n a b Ie lo do .. y e a r b e c a u s e v e ry obvious, j j j s r e c o rd .. /i e L os A ngeles s a i d a p la y e r

»f th e H ouslon o u t o f bounds, of do m in a n t T h a to p in lo i

" F r a n c o T ii le a ls wlUi l l on o v e r th e y e a r In tense level. U ia t h e ’s a l

! guys, if Uiey ( P i t t s b u r g h ( y e a r s wiUioul i t , U ie S te e le i

h o u t m is sin g o U ie r le a m s g e , U iat w ould h im .”

B ro w n refc


t V

yfeturrisska (A P) - y onceUip Brow n In H | H | P B ly’s f irs t b o u l . h R i V w th e !3Ui round a b id for th e 1 heavyw eigh t

” G ooney s a id —nd m a tc h to b e ' ^ H | V ^'I h a d th a l b a d

> lo U iree po st- ' e de layed h is n e boxing ob- le w ould figh t

n e people fo r me w h a t h a p -th e sk e p tic ism A B B ne ed IntenU on

w n ic n u w n e yI s tru c k a g a in t j t K J

h lg h _ o n h is C o m e b a i w orkou t a t .

“ I f e d r t ” c o -m a n ag e r a d d in g h e h i alning 'C Jooney ' r o u n d s . “ I ’v V5 of U a ln e r f o r 8-10 roun la i ls du rin g a j u s t a s lo n g i

T h e o n c e y schedu led to 25U1 a n d lasi Lnchorago la s t k n o c k o u t of 'a s c h anged to w a s sc h ed u l

a g a ln s l B r o ' Ling to do U i . f ig h t w a s pp ,--t'-We p la n n e d ::= fo r T S q ) tr 8 : h a d setU ed In k n u c k le o n h

r y w ell h e re T h e S e p t C o o n e y decl

j 4 j

i/aits irw]

I # -1^


-:-Ji V. ■ T ■

- I

- t - r i - v . . G •

j F " ’'

^ V ■■■

n h i s w a y t o N F L r u s h i n g

/a s p a r tic u la r ly u p se t la s t Ihii ise H a r r is w as a p p ro a c h in g - hoi . . A m o n g .o U je r.th i iJg i, h e p la /e r lik e H a r r i s cou ld a d d a Sez S’(m yiy r d i 'f c e rCy T O g itn g - - r a r d s . a si lo n h a s n ’tc h a n g e d . f in" R a T b e e n a g r e a t p la y e r > ars," h e s a y s . “ I 'm sa y in g bei a l Uie e n d o f h is c a r e e r , s a j h C oach C huck ) Noll sa id F d e r s s a id it, a n d so d id 27 po: TIS w hen U iey p a s se d on "

B n'c fc rre d lo w h a l hap p en e d Uia

s ip ringJfin:

' fbaiag;

1-------- chi

^ ' Ju lL . t . i J H I ^

■ IP / / ' rc (

J a

toB i l " d eK ' , ’. y e

- - &

R R Y C O O N E Y h aj a c k i n A n c h o r a g e J h----------^ :------- Hi

re a ) good ,” sa id Cooney, po ! h a d s p a r r e d m o re th a n 100 1 I ’v e be<*n s p ^ g e v e ry day _ fig ju n d s . T h e re I s no p ro b lem . A t i g a s l f l ^ t . ” Ccic e -b ea te n C ooney, w hose on la s t v ic to ry w a s a 54-second bo o f K en N o rto n M a y 11,1981.- pu du le d to r e s u m e h is c a r e e r Cc : ro w n M a y 3 l , 1983. B u t U iat a e p M l p o i ^ a n d re sc h ed u led m

n h is le fl h a n d . . . . Jo 9 boUt fell ^ u o u g h w h en of

leclded to h a v e su rg e ry to b£



' 1' .

N i l

rv.y:-? ■ B R : )

n g m a r k w i t h B r o w n s in

th is s u m m e r , w hen H a r r is h o ld o u t a n d _ U ie _ S _ t^ e rs Wl p la c in g ■ h im .on 'w a iv er S e a h a w k s s ig n e d h im a f le r U T ffliii ln t^ it's c i c g u r l ' Vi'a tiig r , ' a s e a so n -e n d in g ,knee in ju ry f i r s t g a m e .

~ ' 'F r a n c o ’ r ig h r n o w is a 'm y b e in g m a d e up by th e m ed ia , s a y s .

P a y to n , th o u g h , evokes p o s it iv e re a c t io n .

“ 1 U iin k W a lle r 's legii B ro w n s a y s . ’‘I th in k unfo r U ia l a f t e r U ie f lrs l few y e a r s

Saturda]r e m o v e tw n e c h ip s in Uie

^ in g e r t) !^ U Je letL hand ._______- L a s t A p r i l 18, Uie Ck)one flg h l w a s an n o u n ce d ag a in foi a t L a s -V e g a a ,-N e v .-“ I ’m ^ b a c k a n d I 'm e x c ite d lo b e a g a in ,” C o o n e y sa id .

T h e s i t e and- d a te Uie - c h a n g e d to D a l la s a n d J u ly 2 J u ly 9 U ie fig h t w as p- b e c a u s e o f a pu lled m i C o o n e y s le f l shou lder.

M e a n w h ile , B row n, who ha r e c o rd , h a s w a ite d . Hc h a s n s in c c N o v . 19 w h en h e knoi J a m e s J a c k s o n In Uie f ir s t R a g ie y , L a .

C looney Is n o t o n ly looking to e n d in g h lq lay o ff bu t s a id d e f in i te ly go in g to figh t a( y e a r . I w a n t to k e ep b u sy : N g e t U ire e f ig h ts In.Uils y e a r

S a tu r d ay is jw u t r Ca h a d o n ly fo u r f ig h ts s in cc h< J im m y Y o u n g In Uie foun

"M a y 2 b .i980. H e -h as h a d -m p o n e m e n ts U ian lh a t.

B e s id e s th e B row n postp o r f ig h t a g a in s l E a m ie S have i

■Aug.“ 2 r ^ 3 8 0 ; w a s c a lled 1 C o o n e y s u f fe r e d a to m back on N o v . 13,1981, Cooney pull b o u t a g a i n s t Jo e B u g n e r bee p u lle d b a c k jn u s d o ; .c n J a a C o o n ey c a n c e le d a J a n . 25 e a g a in s t B u g n e r I x d tu s e . ( m u s c le I n h is le t t- s h o u lt

- C o o r ^ s - m a tc h a ga ln s trH t ” fo r M a i ^ is 'w fts -postponec

o f a p a r iU a l t e a r of m usc l b a c k o f U ie le f t shou lder.

nfly^fori M i ■

‘Y n i i H n i

S j 5 ? i L „ m i n e . .

g o o d b a

d o n ’t t h i

« 1 2 o r l ^

n h a s n ’t b e e n a b le ' g a m e s y o u ’r e aiv

to g e t y a rd s .J- J “ I th in k h e ’s

U ilnk F r a n c o ’s ai th e v ie w p o in t of Uie S te e le r s ' v. B ow ls. I d o n ’l Ui g r e a t f ro m th e s t

■ B ^ Uie b a ll.“ E a r l C am pbe

lim e g r e a ts even ^ B th o se th r e e yeai

w ith h is n u m b e r h is g r e a tn e s s . Th

^ B ^ B ru n n e r s ; th e r e a ^ B p B s u s ta in .”

B ro w n n o te s Ui - th e S e a h a w k s t

' g a in ed 45 y a rd s c I S a n D ieg o a n d 13

^ l y T y a g a in s l N ew Engl “ F ra n c o w en t

a n y p r a c t ic e ant V S y now 48, s a id . “ N

r a n o u t a n d r a n t I W m e th e s a m e c l r \ .1 do th e s a m e th ing

y “ Y ou te ll m e 1 V d u c e d th a l no w ? i ■4. sh a p o . I p la y lc

•• J ra c q u e tb a ll . I ’m_______ l L J s _ c l o s e _ l o _ h l s . .tf. » p la y in g d a y s .& n B ro w n h a s h is

- w ru n n c re e v e r a n H a r r i s o r e v o ^ P z

• S a y e rs , O . J . ' ^ a n d J im T a y l o r a l

“ S a y e rs , th e . J B ro w n s a y s . '

g r e a te s t b a c k wh

M S/j j ^ l

in 1 9 6 3

i s w a s a . w ound Uj)e rs . T h e ' .................•U ie lr s l a f " "

ry in Ih e lr

lyU i th a t 's - ; --------------------— -a ,” Brow n

; a m o re

a sirs. W alle r orjc;; 3G-'

Rofl.S 45 ..........

B . R I b i e s s C■ • V ' ' plush pilo lined

ae-flG. (Tails

l y . . . Jlie m idd le

ney-B row n Ifo r J u n e 18 r.^ a d 16 b e -----------X figh ting

h e n - w ere [ • • 5 B/.20, bu l o n _ ________p ostponed .• ^ ^ B

n u s c le in . . . , ’. . : B

h a s a 21-0-2 -1 n o l fought .:>-V sB [locked ou lil ro u n d a t : ‘a B

(lg fo rw a rd -... • - .* 1 3

A . M a n c h b .

M a y b e I 'l l R o g .s120.00 .a r . " ..G oing b . M a n c h e s

h e sto o o e d H anasom o pm-

m o ro -p o s l- - ----------------------1*

« n m e D ts .a C u u c i s j -e rs s e l fo r O W e SI o ff w h en --------- Y O U lck m u sc le ; I W U iu lle d o u lo fe c a u s e of ai n J M , . l ^ , _________________ ^) e xh ib ition

o f pu lle d ■ iild c r ~and H olm e s s e l ^ c a i M c a u se - ::BQhfCtd:!Eyrirt « le s in i f i i ' and B u rley ^

S1J3 _

FKisNln n ’t hpivp tO -b e -2

. _ . . y o L L o n l y ± a w

l a c k p l a y i n g 1 0 c

h i n k a n y o f t h e n

1 4 g a m e s a y e a r ,

lie lo do m in a te . WiUi 16 S a y ea lw ay s go in g lo b e a b le “ C

w h al’s an a ll- tim e g rc a l. I p e rf (5 a n a ll- tim e g r e a t fro m a s trc o f h is c o n trib u tio n s to d o s e

w in n in g fou r S u p e r H e: th ink h e 's a n a ll- tim e th e r! s ta n d p o in t o( c a r ry in g l a s t ;

e x c it3beli is o n e of m y a il- b a ll ,/e n U iough4ie on ly h a d Bue a r s . I ’m no l d e a lin g e v e rb e rs . I ’m d e a lin g w ith " IT h e re a r e a lol o f g r e a t p e a k2 a re n ’t m a n y w ho c a n If y(

au d it> U ial in tw o g a m e s 'fo r> Ulis se aso n , H a r r is Is on 14 c a r r i e s a g a in s l 1 13 y a rd s on 10 c a r r i e s Ingland. - f i ( u n t In to S e a t t le wiH iouta n d d id U ia l,” B row n , [ # «“ No p ra c U c e a n d Uien USSm th e b a il. I( Uiey g iv e ! | S c lre u m s tance.s. I cou lding. ■■ ' [ k gle 1 c o u ld n ’t h a v e p ro - U v V? I ’m s t i l l a live . I ’m in

le n n is , I ru n , I p la y ' i K'm 233 pou n d s,” w h ich [ f t eils_ w .e ig h l_ d u r in g _ h ls__

lis ow n lis t o( th e b e s t Vgf -^ndH l-doeanH -inc lw le— [ f gP a y to n . H qrranks G a le y m

S ira p f iQ n ^ ll ie M alson l i K r a l i c a d o f th e m . le m a n d o m in a te d ,”

“ W a lle r ' isn 't Uie « w ho r a n o n th e B e a rs ,

^ B ? 2 i

A L E '

............ ..............................................

A .

C o l la r J a c k e t)lv-colton clitni’ lor men ol all ^ JG-.lG (Tails slifilillyHighei) ^

s C o r d B o m b e r J a c k e t ^cd Classic styling S i lo s ' ^ sli^tilly higiiei) Rog. SSO----- W


i f e s te r S p o r t C o a t s f)l lie w eaves and hornngbonos ^)0 ........................................ NOW ^t e s t e r S u i t s


“O th e r G re a t Si waters, S h ir ts , 1 u n g M en’s ( I h T I

rirtR oU ^^ ,

t w i n .f a l u

i S l i S ! #

FL recci - a j y e a t b a c k - t o -

i v e t o b e g o o d a i

) o r 1 1 y e a r s c o i

> m c o u l d b r e a k i l

j r . ’ '

a y e r s w a s . . .“ 0 . J . w a s th e c lo s e s t U iing to

h a t I d id . He h a d a n in te n s ity e rfo rm a n c e le v e l lh a t s lro n o m lc a l . N o o n e e ls e h a s lose to I t.”H c s a y s D ick erso n " c o u ld b<

le m a n if h c c a n s u s ta in w h a t is l y e a r . Y ou m u s l d o m in a te , < K citem en l e v c ry tlm e y o u g< a l l .”B u t B row n d o u b ts U ial footba

krer se e U iat a g a in .“ I U ilnk b a s ic a lly Uie g a m

c ak e d , th e re ’s o v c rsa tu ra U o n■ y o u d id n ’t h a v e a .big- gan J d le n ce , I 'm s u r e th e r a t in g s


-------— 5,-

p — P e dw K t i . Main o t 3rd EailV f f / A TVtflN FAILS



B . C

M Q Q 0 . ‘Dow" J # 1 5 J ? | uilta warm l ■ j & A siam rcpclla

O Q 9 9 D- n i b i o_ J r t D ccpplusti

Perennial la

■ M j h i -

■ a a l i ^ V

r t A AR c. io()%Sporl co al b' R«g. *250.0

S av ings ITTEver T ie s , J e a n s , J i

T t i e R a i i i ) r B oy’s


T h u rsd ay . &eptemb<

i.. . IS-ftfSgjgK'.'S-

ord to f«3 b r e a k a r c c o r d -

a n d - l a s t a w h i l e . - ]

) u l d b r e a k t h e r e i

i t p l a y i n g n i n e y (

- J i

g o dow n, t o do in g " T h e g a m e is ve i ly a n d a th in k th e 'd o l l a r bill L W as so f t. 1 d id n ’t p la y nin a s c o m e w a s b e in g p a id . I d

p r id e .b e co m e " I d o n 'l c ritic ize

I t h e d id t im e s d ic ta te . I 'm j i * ,c re a te a p a r i o f i l . " g e t Uie I n h is d a y , h e say

c h o se to b e sp o r tsn ba ll w ill p la y e r s choose to

T h e r e ’s noU iing ' m e h a s M o n e y 's g r e a t . B ut on now . to ta lk to a m b lin g s p o r l5 m a n . ' ' '^ i l iV a 'fi w ou ld th in g s .

z > i - H 3 o n l i

?***«\ A n y R e g u l a r P l

P a l r o f

N i k e S h o e :

W i t h T h i !

5 « p tr ^ r i9 8 4 — — C o u p o n

I C r S e i l s

a it lnT h0 BurUy^ «____________________ BURIEY


3 — -

C . D.

iwn-Look' Yukon JacketTl fl oz polyester QuillinQ. Water & t ‘llani nylon Shell Navy and brown . . . • . u M L M - . R O B . S S O '. . .

l o s s C o r d C a n y o n C o a t stipiie. (tamccJ coiiat anc3 Iminfl. i llavonle Sizes 36-46. Rog. $60 .

% C a m e l H a i r ^ iibyM ancncslof. • I 1 ) .0 0 .............................NOW I ^

■ C h g a lS f ,C o rd u ro y C 0 9 t I

...............................................NOW '

iry l3 e p a r tm e n f lu s tin B oots, Lu i W e a r ( I n T h e R o i

Q p i


Iber 27,1984 Tlm os-N ow s.Tv

faid i i k o ------------ ---

2 . - E v e r y ---------------^

r e c o r d . I

y e a r s a n d

J i m B r o w n

, v e ry o b v io u s now . I bill h a s m a d e p eop le n ine y e a r s b e c a a s e l I d id i l fo r m y ow n

c lze Uie U m es. T he m ju s l n o l go in g to b e

sa y s, “ m o s t p la y e r s r tsm e n . T o d ay , m o s i - ; to b e .y c a p ita l ls ls . lg w ro n g wiUi II. .B u t i l ' s v e r ^ f f i c u l t ^ t a l i s l , J ! t 5 u ’r c a _ J ' a r e t w o 'a f f e r e n t " -


O F F mr P r i c e d ^ I j

mo e s

r h l s

o n * ^ -------------- “

*s—UyMell [ r e n lEY


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C o l u m b i a R

IdahcB O I S E - I t 's ba ck

Ih c Id a h o D ep a rtm e th e n e v e M n d ln g baH R iv e r C o m p ac i.

A t s ta k e is Idah u p s t r e a m a n ad ro m o i

_________.J is h i n g _ a s a in s l_ t h (W ash in g to n a n d On

---------------t.’p in n n ii i .m t- u id bpis te m o f tlie C olum bia

________L-tiptLO fJhe d w in d lin g. t r e a t y a n d non -trt c o m m e r c la l j f ish ing (o u r-d o y ru n . U su a

'13,000 s te e lh e a d — h e a d e d fo r Id a h o — v (ish m a rk e ts I n a Inri ta n a re a s ,I - I d a h o h a s v igorous

•fri th e C o lu m b ia a t ihl • n lJ g ra t io n p e rio d for • s te e lh e a d lh a t a r e ni

___ d r a in a g e . T h e r e als<-- . - I . h u g o J a a c k lo g - o f - s f e

m o v e m e n t h a s be en d.........- t h e Ih c rm a l b a r r i e r 0‘ S e p te m b e r .

l O t i

iseasc3ame Depai

NVrfT\ ‘;\ ■ I / WABHINO: Cait>I 1 may tx> oncounlei

i r r r i A ininU«ron.Tnoti• j y , — ,'- ' NO open scaw"■-‘ C 'T L . '»B y ”

P v f / V C A


38 '■■fcELHORC . ^ 7 . 0 .

R i v e r C o m p a c t

o’s steet t ­

ack lo th e su p re m e c o u rt for . m enl of F ish a n d G a m e in : b a ttle a g a iils t th e C o lum bia

daho 's e q u ita b le s l ia re of : m ous fish m ig r a h ls fo r sp o r t I J h e _ J r l : t ] n e .d _ d e s lg n s _ o f _ ; O regon lo s a t ia te In d ian . sp u r t "H.sliliig uu tliu i i ij ln ~ '.

ib la R iv e r a n d th e pe rp e tu a - n g n a tiv e s te e lh e a d ru n s . i i- trea ty (Isliing ( In d ia n and ” I ing w ill r e s u m e to d a y fo r a I sua lly , th a t m e a n s abo u t •- a t l e a s r s o m e of th e n :— will w in d iip on Uie fre sh la rg e n u m b e r o f m etropo li-

o u s ly p r o te s te d g ill-n e ttin g :t th is t im e s ln c c il is a p e a k ifo r th e la r g e r “ B " s lr a ln 'i n a tiv e to th e C le a rw a te r I a lso o b v io u s ly r e m a in s aj t< K U ^ d -w h o s e iu p s tr e a m ]y i d e la y e d i i d r o n f u s ^ by 1: r o f la te A u g u s t a n d e a r ly i

litdcom biartrrient’s are

;ait>ouJileicd__________notois jon on

' ■ (

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zpaNXTziJ I^

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‘*5 ■ ) /I ’ oqOOlHO f I y


4 6 '

: t b a l k s a g a i n

slheadeT h a t b a ck lo g rep rese n t:

o v e r B o n n e v ille D auv anc r a p p e a r e d a t the cou n tin g s ta l I r e a c h e s o f t h e s p a w n in g a r e a I I t a ls o m e a n s D ial th e com

a r e b i t in g h e a v ily into a n u r t f r e s o u r e e . e x ce llen t r e tu m I h a r v e s t b u t a loss lh a t w iil b(if__^spa_\yiingl>eds.__________

Id a lio p ro les l'ed th e coir l- ' s c u b o n -U ia t ' cn ded OYe r - U w - ils p r im a r y a rg u m e n ts on tw

b e fo re Id a h o 's eq u itab le sha r r ~ h a s b e e n a llow ed to e sca p e I h e a v y im p a c t on th e "nutiv< I c o v jite d above th e . hn 1 s te e lh e a d .I I n I ts l e t te r o l S ep t, Id, il• m e n t a s k e d O regon lo " lim ' " i r c a l y g ill n e t f ish e rie s fo r I ’ Id a h o a n d o th e r u p r iv e r sp( : tl ie c h a n c e to h a rv e s t w ild fl I T h is w ill n o l h a p p en if e scap• ig n o re d In d o w n riv e r f ish e rle I Id a h o c h a r g e d lh a t th e O rt 1 hilS- CT nslstc n tly vo ted ~tO' h a r v e s t d u r in g a pe rio d w her ' n e n l w a s no t m e e tin g es-

a g re e d t ^ y its ow n d e p ar tm i

» o rg

i e g i t Pea manager

UnlUfllild, :u4il,4Ai] 5.1 . . . . M,7(t. lfc;,8,\e •>l ... . ■JA, I01> llAc.,

12.11, li I'JAIi,. 19Ai:


y-c. 'J7 21 ... . ;c c .:a ' :h i . . . .



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equity Ie n is liX).()00 a d u lt Idalula-U iat-’havu-paiyw 'd ta k e n aa n d have nol r e - M j>ercs ta tio n s in th e u p p e r — a mre a . an o th e io m m crcia l f is h e r ie s “ T h eu rtid c ia l ty e le v a te d . g u a ra n

im for c o m m e rc ia l in to Uic1 b c felt on th e u p p e r .seen in

T h e IL’O inm crlcal f ish in g o f ( ^ l u

itw o p o ln ts : h a rv e s t C o m p aiharo of th e r e so u r c e O r(‘i!ona p e up s tn - a m a n d in e m b tI tiv e " ru n s th a t a r c Id a lu. h a tch c ry -p ro d u ce d to leg!

c o m p a i), (he Iiiaho d e p a r t - lh e m eilim it n o iitre a ty a n d O re go r tlie nuxl 10 d a > s .- C o m m isp o rtsm en d e s e rv e com m i;

Id fish in th e fu tu r e , d ire c too p e m e n t g o a ls a r e w eek -bir ie s .” IdalKO regon c o m m iss io n tlie we<

'hen Ihe w ild co m p o - W ash in e sca p em e n t g o a ls T )ie i

■tmeni.. a n d thi

9 ^

ment design

»General S(« — - AnUeredElk AatkrkM,3nd ...... 0cl(V0ctl9 ........0CI.I&-A d ..........Oct.frOcl.3l...........Ort, 15-............0 c l.6 0 c t.l9 ............ : Oct. 15-(1............Ofl-frOcl.lI............ Ocl, 15-Ae ................ 0 e t.3 0 cl.a ...........................t)cl.frOct.3l ............•.Ocl, 15-lOlw, lOAc...... Oci.3 ....... O ct.3 ... .•................... OcI.J-Ocl. M........^ .......

..................Sep, ItO ct.a , . , . X . . ., l i l . I to c ...........Ocl W)ct,28«...........1 ..................Sep. lfrOcI.28,,,»...........; ..............,,. Od.3^)Cl.H ................UAc ...............Sep.Ts-Nov,2S.............IA ................(Jct. 17-N0V.25................................... Ocl.WW.7....................lc , . , ............ Ocl .1-Ocl, M.................

'. . . ...........()cI.>Nov,4......................n ...: ........Scp.ll-Nov,2i...............................Orl.l7-Sov,ll ...........r , . . .

:a u -,i i,j4 ii......... oci.aoci, M............................ Ocl.a-Nov.l....................

' . . . : oct. s-oci.-h t .t . .. v......vr,ii................Ocl. 17-Nov. II ..............................0C1.3-0CI.H.....................Ma.Wac..rtlac. laic.C/Vac..CSa(.-.CCac.C7uc. w..................Oct. lo-<)cl. H ................

:77iic.78iic...........OfI.3^)c!.7...........:, 14, lH.£t,3P.31,:ifiA,37.U44.i,vj,rjO«.ci,7o,TJ,7C..................... ronlrolicrlhun

TlilTIwad nr lowi-r J.iw' mml ac™nip.i ;isslnir;iiisil.

;dorf-Knwli Cnrk ro,id. f\lso sec conlmllttl hunt.Siv n'porllni: m|ulftim-nW for suci laiidleclkhujitcrsThat (lortlun niuiIi of Iliv l.octuui Klver, lil.i<> Snnd ('rr^'k lo llic inoutli o( Slonn .soulli ul mid iiKluilinK d>e Slonn

-That-ponion-ATr.t-o(-ilie-Siimmlt-'ldor|.Kr<.-mliCn.fkro,id.11ial iwrliuii soulh of lliv l.-iiulin.-irk S

Dial jMjrlioii Hurtli of llw Ixwlu'wi'lllver, lilIc.Saml Cfii-k from Imi twiudliii; Ilip kdraliiai;!.'.Ili.’d txinioiiiioniiulI.iiitlin.irk-SianIvy I'lial (Kirtiun i-a<l ol llio lluui--CI)<k^Uo ;.iiil H>uIliol Wi-I Cn-vk'l'.i!i.sCn.rk rwit

a x V f ' l 61

T JCf«^C'l50H A '-yr — ^ ----------- —i r p

.'’T V , . . . '" y-PQ

\ i'0«f» I t iV .

5 6 S f

X I ”

5 7 \ “

rests OIiho m a in ta in s t r e a ty fisher1 a b o u t 10,050 w ild s le e lh e a d I r c e n l o f th e c slim a ted71 .000 w n d n o n tre a ty f ish e rm e n w ie r3 .0 0 0 w ild fis h .lie o v e rh a rv e s t o f w ild .fish i a n te e U iat w e w ill no t m e et e ; h e fu tu re , th u s p e rp e tu a t in g tl in t h i s y e a r ’s r u n . ”2 m a jo r p ro b le m is th a t llie i lu m b la R iv e r an ad ro m o u s fis

j a c t a n d U iot s a m e leg isla a a iin c L ^ tsh lrm to rU b e .o .n ii'iv b e rs .iho h a s t r ie d s e v e ra l w ay s , fn g is la t lv e to p le ad in g , to g< la c l b u t-ad m iss io n m u s t b e oi le m lx ir s ta te s .Ig o n , r e p re se n te d by its F ish T ilss ion. a n d W ash ing ton , wh n is s io n , on ly a p o litica llj to r . d e c id e on an ad ro m o u s m -by -w eek .ilio’s le t te r of ia s t w eek w as co ,'e ek ly F r id a y c o m p a c t m eeti cd th e r e s o l u i io n p r ^ q r c d b j lin g to n le t It di(» fo r la c k o f s e o ; u su a l p roce< |ure is fo u r d a y th re e d a y s o f cloj^ jre . In thi

ined to stabi

Seasonskrlw E tk .I&OC1.19 ltOet.31

.150d, 19 ,lW)ct,3l

,"l5^ .31

K.,.. none

...... none

...... none

...... none

...... none

...... nonc

...... none

. ..v, none • ■

...... none

...... nonc


iipany Ilic


ver, soulli >nii Creek • nn Cai'k , j



ver. nortli IlieSlonn

ilcyroad.-CJolilburn ■ro;Kl.

L _ 6 0

6 0 f t -

. ^ '

jV L " .IcAnmou .


174 \ , 7 5 \ -

. y 7 7 8 |..- .

nreturrh e rm e n h a v e O re g o n a n d \Vid Uiis y e a r - to fiv e days.0 w ild fish ru n I d a h o an ad ro r

w ould ta k e “ c o s m e t ic , ncd l t lo n a l d a y sc

h in 198-1 w ill is e s s e n t ia l ly I1 e s c a p e g o a ls ‘‘W e w ill pi g th e p ro b le m c o m p a c i meel

w ill ru n Into t le su p e rv is io n - 'sa id , f ish ru n s w a s A llh o u g li-U

s la tio n m a d e s a id " w e a n .'t w o c o m n a c t sh o u Id _ b e . s c

s la t io n . T he f ro m ju d ic ia l h e a d e d fo r Ida g e t in to Uie H e s a id if i t '

J a g re e d to b y - I h e - th e r m a l- tu r c s ) to di^s

ish a n d G a m e e a s e d , w h ich h a s no “ B u t w e ’rc a lly -appo in ted n e v il le and . v : m a n a g e m e n t h a p p e n e d to tl

m o r ta l i ty o r 1 ; c o n s id e re d a l in d ic a t io n Uiis c t in g . O reg o n R u n s in lo 1 I b y Id ah o b u t b a r d e r _ d l s s l t K « h C ho p e d -7 o r s lirtlays o f f ish in g “ W e a r e b th is in s ta n c e , c e m e d e a c h c

3ilize popuiaiJ E R O M E — Populatio r

a n d h u n tin g conditions ap good f o r th e 0{ ^ in g V a lle y ’s fe w e lk un its Wedi

B a s ic a l ly , Uie season O c l. 3 -N ov. 11 alUiough t few e x c e p tio n s Uiat shoul f ro m th e Id a h o F ish and p a r tm e n l 's regu la tions.

F o r th e m o s t p a r t, the p e rm i ts b c in g J s su e d in Ui( U iis y e a r , p a r t of Uie dc

' d e s ig n lo s ta b liz e populi v a r io u s in fo rm atio n tool: fo r m a n a g e m e n i Ind ica te I r c s l o f Ihc s la te , Uie po M a g ic V a l le y 's un its a re in

. H a r s h w in te rs in tw o i - U iree' y e a r s h a v e necess

a n d e x p e n s iv e feeding In d ic a tin g th e p o p u la tio n s tr ip p e d th e c ap a c ity of ra n g e s 'to c a r r y them .

" O n ly In U n il 44 (Cam; a r e w e a c tu a l ly in te rested lio n o f n u m b e rs ." sa y s Ci R e g io n 4 w ild life m a n a g e r w in te r w e fed 750 head a t P r a i r ie f e e d s ite s and Uia a b o u t 5G5 th e y e a r before, th a l t lie h a r s h e r w ln le r p r o b a b ly fo rc ed m ore ar th e fe e d in g a r e a s b u t Uie n s u f f ic ie n t ly up to ind icate > h e rd g ro w th , to o ."

U n it 44-1 ( th e sou lh Sol - - t a l n - h u n l ) ' i s - o n e of U

■ ^ x ^ l i o n s . runn ing from____ N o v .,-,1 8 — w iU i— ISO— ar

p e rm i ls . A t th e sa m e tim i :500 p e r m i t s fo r a n tlerle ss- in fo rc e .

K v a le s a id th e re a re I fo r th e m a n a g e m e n t dlff U nit 4-1.

_ “ Wlil le w e d o th ink a m in g of th e to ta l num ber d e s ire a b le . th a l Is only j th in k in g in hav ing the lo n g e r h u n t th e re . We do m a jo r re d u c tio n in h a rv e if th e h u n tin g p re s su re c a r a n im a ls o v e r th e d ivide a S ou th F o r k of th e Boise 1 O u r h o p e is th a t a n im a ls ; lh a t a r e a w ill go Into the fee d in g a r e a s if cau j^ it ll f ir s t h e a v y sn o w .”

"W e p r e f e r to have n u m b e rs o n Uie South For becau .se th e - South Fork d e s ig n a te d a s a perm ani s i te w h ile th e G am as P ra is d o n e o n a n em erg en c j a r e b e t t e r p re p a re d to a n im a ls o n th e Soulh Fo

■■ ' th e a n im a l s h a v e those si a n d r e tu r n to p la cc s whe s to re d h a y a n d a re p r th e m . O n th e p ra ir ie , the c o n c e n tra te d . In d ifferen t th a t j n ’a k e s iV loglsD cally

------- f o r . t t s . t a p m ) a a i L la U tmK v a le no te d h e also

s h u n tin g a t le a s t som e o • “ Soiraennk'froiivcamasP

S ou th F o r k w in te ring a e s ta b l is h a tr e n d Uiat fo llow ed in fu tu re y e ars .

T h e d e p a r tm e n l a lso Is i sU f tliz ln g th u h e rd s usii M o u n ta in w in te r range . / o f th a t h a b i ta t w as deslro r e tlu c in g th e w in te r c a r r jty-

C o n c e rn in g lh e m a tte r ( ' h u m tie re b 't 'a n im a li 'K v a l

h u n te r s a g a in s t expeclin c o m e e a s y .

“ T h e p e rc e n ta g e s still i w h ile -w e h a d good numbo y o u h a d to w ork and have to p ic k u p a n a n im a l ." hes

■“ H e 'n o t e d ~ in fu iu iiilic th ro u g li th e sta tew ide

n to Su]d W ashing ton d id m ove Uie clo: iy s , p ro m p tin g ^ lo n le U lcha Irom ous e x p e r t , to c ite the toke , noUilng m e an ln g fu f . T he two y s of c lo su re u n d e r Uiese condit liy m e a n in g le s s ."1 p r ^ n t Uie s a m e p ro lcs l a t f leeting Uiis F r id a y b u t I ’m sm to Uie s a m e c o n clu sio n .” Richi

i - i f w ^ te e l h e a d ru n counts I

a re no t s e e in g th e num bers se e in g ” o l I c e Ha rb o r coun

h e fish c ro s s i n g Ice H arbo r Idaho sp a w n in g bed.s. f i t w c r c j u s la m a l l e r o f w a l l ln i ,a l -b a r r ic r - ( h ig h - w a tc r - te m p d issipate , a p p re h e n s io n s wouli

:’re m is sin g 100,000 fisli from 1 d w e c a n ’t txj c e r ta in w hat l o th e m , . .w h e th e r Il’s Just ho lt o r h a rv e s t, r ig h t now w e havi Uiis ba ck lo g is be in g m a d e u p .” lo Idaho h a v e c lim b ed since sslp a to d b u l t h c rc - h a s n ’l.b e c jlirge^2 beco m in g m o r e a n d m o r e . :h d a y " U ia l th e ov e ra ll' im pac

M T lm e s -N e w j

itions at locaions a r e h ig h c e n su s U ia l sia p p e a r f a i r ly bu lls-on ly w a sB of M a g ic on ly a t 25 p e rc• d n e s d a y .; on ly su c c e s s v n ru n s f r o m . p e rc e n t on covI U iere a r e a w ere b a s ica llyluld b c ta k e n a n d th e bulls-oiid G a m e D e- ra n g e d fro m 3i

h u n t to 50 p cle n u m b e r o f po rtio n o f Uie ulhe u n its Is u p T h e b e s l sid e p a r tm e n t’s d e se r t u n it hu la lio n s. T h e p ro g en y of Uiao ls a v a i la b le Uiken o u t o f .Ue Uiat lik e lh e y e a r s ago b y 1p o p u la tio n in b a c k w a te r w ilin c re a s in g , vo ir. T h e - e lk) of th e p a s l se p a raU n g th es s l t a le d lo n g R iv e r v a lle y I' o p e ra l lo n s , p la in .)ns h a v e out* A new h u n t3f th e n a t iv e y e a r , 245-1, w h

th e -B llss-H lllm a s P r a i r i e ) an tle re d -o n lyed in a r e d u c - p le m en ts th e oC ra ig K v a le . Die BIlss-H lII Ce r . “ T h l s p a s l a n d so u U io fW ja t th e C a m a s • ‘‘I . ^ s l y e a r vtial’s u p f ro m c ess on U n it 41•e. W e r e a l iz e a lw ay s one o f Ie r c o n d itio n s W e’r e g uesslna n im a ls In to d e se r t h u n t or• n u m b e r s a r e B llss-H lll C itye w e d id h a v e c e n ta g e s r ig h t

K vale addeik ild ier M oun- U iings Ind ica te th e • o p e n in g • up. T h e w in le i

im O c l. 27 to b a s is fo r m o s t ju U le re ri-n n ly . .h c c a u a J l iQ J ^m e. h o w e v e r, r a n g e m a k e s p B-only w ill b e m o n ito rin g a ll

• T h e n u m b e r tw o r e a s o n s in d ic a te s a n

I ffe re n c e s on s e a rc h e s a ro i tu m e d up v e r

a lltU e t r i m - w in te r m o rt te rs w o u ld b e c a r c a s s e s wei / p a r t o f th e S outh , F o rk « le l a t e r a n d C ounly s e a rc h lo n o t n e e d a a h a n d fu l,”

- S Ke R iv e r a r e a . U n it 243-1 (£ Is p u sh e d in lo R iv e r) — ' le S o u th F o r k anU e re d -o n ly i

llie re b y th e U n it 243-2 anU erless-on lj

e th e la r g e r UiUt 244-1 (S 'o rk fe e d s i t e s - O ct, 27-No' irk h a s b e e n p e rm its , m e n t f e e d in g , , , U n ll2 4 4 - 2 - ra ir lo fe e d in g a n lie r te ss -o n lj icy b a s is . W e U n il 245-1 (< to s e rv e Uie B llss-H lll C itj F o rk b e c a u s c w ith 2 0 a n tle re s ite s in m in d - U n il 24S-2 -

h e rc w e h a v e ro ad a n d w es t p r e p a re d fo r a n tle re d -o n ly i le h e rd s h a v e U n it 245-3 - :nl a r e a s a n d an tlerJe ss-o n l; i ly \m p o ^ 5 W 6 ' U n l l S W - l -

a C -------------------J u H H l l L f i Ea ho p ed th a l lOO anU ered-oi ; of Uie S o u lh U nit 248-2— 1’ra lrH rt trU ic — a n d T ra il C rec a r c a s w o u ld anU eriess-on lj

a t w o u ld b e U nit 248-3 — souUi of W arn

s in le r e s te d in w ith 50 an lle rc ising th e E lk U n i l2 4 W a i . A la rg e p a r t 75 a n d betw eei ro y ed b y f ire , th e E a s l F o r rry in g c a p a c i- 3-Nov, II w ith

an U erless , r e s r o f in c re a s e d U n it 2 4 M a /a lc 'c a u t lo n e i i ' wl(H " V25'-“ a ling Ih in g s to anU crtcss-on lj

• . y n l t 249-3 t I in d ic a te th a t Wood.. souUi tw rs l a s t y e a r . B augh '' C reek ' ve a l i t t le luck am i ib a t po rt le s a ld . . H ig liM ay 7 5 a rtio n — l e a n e d —O ctr-a-N ovr-ll dc te le p h o n e a n d 50 a n tle rk

iprem e'lo.sure id a l io ’s h in w i l lb e g r e h a rd s . " ^ T l i a t Idaho is back l( ken a s w i lh O regon a n d W asi vo a d - a su rp r ise , iit io n s “ W e’r e ju s t hav ing

e a r l i e r Uian cxpected , a t Uie c o u n ts rebounded so ( su re i l t h a t w e ’re se ein g re tu i rh a rd s h a d p ro jec ted fou r oi

k n e w lh a t w hen Uie nu h a v e h a v e lo re su m e th e figl

rs w e r e tu r n to Uie U,S. Sup u n tin g I d a h o ,a h a lM oat in lh >r a r e c o u r t saI3 1 d o iio w as

s h a r e of th e u p -riv e r a Ing fo r tio n s . Bul i t d id n ’t del ripera— U ie 'C o lu m b ia -R iv e r -uld b e a d ju d ic a to r ....................

■hlls tim e a ro u n d , I 1 Bon- n u m e ric a l o r percenlx It h a s c o u r t w hich w ould Uic )ld u p , a n y fu tu re C om pact i w e n o T h is wt)uld m e a n W

w o u ld be le g a lly r e s l i » Uie u n ti l ld a h o 's po rtio n ol >een-a tw in lo n m m p p o lf tjfj^h

" T h e y d h e c o u r tT le C-Con-. c o m e b a ck .” R ich a rd a c t o n w e ’r e go ing lo h a v e to,

W3. Twin Falls , Idaho T hursd

cal levelll s u c c e s s in U n it 43 for w as 13 p e rc e n t and cows- 5c rc en t. O n U n it 44, bulls- ss w a s 34 p e rc e n t wiUi 50 c o w s . T h o se , p e rc en ta g es

a l ly th e s a m e on Unit 48 Is-on ly h u n t on U nil49 a lso m 35 p e rc e n i in th e la rg e r ' p e rc e n t on lh e sm a lle r h e u n it.I s u c c e s s c o m es in Uie • t h u n ts , h a rv e s tin g Uie U ia t b a n d of e lk U iat w as

)f.U ie W a rm S p r in g s a re a b y t r u c k lo w ln le r on th e w illo w s of M ag ic R ese r- e lk s ta y e d on Uie ridge th e h ig h p r a i r ie and Wood By f ro m th e S n a k e R iv er

lun l h a s be en a dded lh ls w h ic h fs a po rtio n w csl o f

H ill C ity r o a d for 20 ily p e rm i ts . T h is com ­mie o ld e r 245-2 h u n t, e a s l o f ill C lly r o a d to H ighw ay 75 i f W a rm S p r in g s , a r w e h a d 70 p e rc e n i 6uc- ill 45 a n d i t ’s trad itio n a lly o f th e h ig h e s t in th e s ta le ,

s s in g th i s y e a r Uie new I on th e c a s t s id e of th e C ity r o a d w ill have, p e r- | g h t up th e r e . ’’ K vale sa id , dd ed U ia t a n u m b e r of c a te d e lk popu la tio n s w eren le r a e r ia l c o u n ts a re th e ----------lost m a n a g e m e n t decisions e v a stn e .s s o f lh e su m m er e s p ro d u c lio iilm d su m m er [a ll b u t Im possib le, i b e r of e lk fed la s t y e a r a n in c re a s e a n d ground a ro u n d e lk feed ing s ite ^ ' v e ry litU e in th e w oy of

n o r ta l i ly .___O nly_ seven _______w e re found a ro u n d th e ,

■k s i t e s a n d th e C am as ir c h e s r e v e a le d " le s s Uian

;ic V a lle y u n its wiUi season )c r m its a v a i la b le Include:

•1 (SouU i F o rk o f Uie Boise - O ct. 3-14 wiUi 400 tlly p e rm i ts .13-2 ^ O ct. 3-14, 400 on ly .1 (S o u th S o ld ie r M ountain)-N ov. 18 150 an tlered-on ly

2 -O c t.2 7 - N o v .l8 w lU i3 0 0 _ o n ly p e rm i ts .-1 ( d e s e r t u n it) — w est of C ity r o a d O ct. 3-Nov. 11 ie re d -o n ly pe rm its ,•2 - e a s t o f B liss-H ill C ity v e s t o f H ig h w ay 75 wiUi 30 n iy p e rm its .• 3 - O c t . 3-Nov. 11 WiUl 30 . o n ly p e rm its .i — n o r th of W a rm S p r in g C re e k O c t. ^ N o v . 11 wiUi S '-o n ly p e rm its . '•2 — n o r th of W arm Sp rings ::re ck O c t; 3-Nqv. i i wiUi SO.T— o n ly p e rm i ts .3 — w e s t o f H ighw oy 75 a n d a r m S p r in g s O c l. 3-Nov. 11 le re d -o tJy p e rm ils .-4 a n d 5 — c o s t o f H ighw ay w een T r a i l C re e k R oad and F o r k o f W ood R iver Ocl. k-ith 50 a n U e re d only and 100 , r e sp e c t iv e ly .

a n d 2 - O c l. 3-Nov. 11 'a h t l c r ^ ^ n l y ’ ancl’ 15'-

■only, re sp e c t iv e ly .1-3 a n d 4 — w es t of L ittle aUi o f B a u g h C reek and eek -Q u ig ley S u m m it ro ad • p o r tio n o f u n il 48 co st o f '5 a n d sO ulh of E a s t Fo rk —i^ l - w l th - 7 5 -a n tle re d -o n ly ----------le rless-o n ly . respectively .

5 Courtg r e a t . R ic h a rd s said,:k lo s q u a re one in its batU e W ashington doesn 't-com e a a •

ving to r e s u m e th e botU e :te d ." R ic h a rd s sa id . "T h e so q u ic k ly ( fo r s tee lhead )

e lu m n u m b e r now s Uial w o - ir o r f iv e y e a r s la te r . We2 n u m b e rs c a m c back , w e’d : f i ^ i . " -■

S u p re m e C o u rt w hich g a v e n th e la s t leg a l balU e. T h e vas e n tiU ed to o n cqul(a5Ie e r a n a d ro m o u s fish popula- • ' L d e fin e lh a t s h a re , leav ing k - e r -C o m p a c t-o a -U ie -f ln a l- ......-

id, Id a h o w ill s e e k e lU ier a e n la g e s t ip u la U o n fr o m U ie .I Uien b c le g a lly b ind ing on ic t m a n a g e m e n t decisions.I W ash in g to n a n d O regon ‘c s tr a in e d f ro m a n y fish ing }n of th e r u n h a d c lc a rc d th ef ish ln p nrt»n< - ----- ----------- ------iT le fl th e doo r o p e n for u s lo la rd s s a td , " a n d it a p p e a rs e to . " *■

jrsday .“Septom ber27 ,1984 -----------

Page 35: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

Little X]• M r. G e a n a n d M rs . Splc

h a v e jo lncrt th e r a n k s of (I v e r ts .

O u r f i r s t m c e tio g , afl y c a t s ^ ^ a a a t a r e s t s lo p ne w h e re I w as to m e e t n p a r tn e r s fo r a few d a y s ' fDIQCKKXK resjcrvuir;'

T h e i r m o to r h o m e w as £ — off-w h ite w ith no t th e sJijji

h a 'd 'b o e n ' d rlvert“ anyw hei p a v e d ro ad s . A fte r exchan s h a k e s a n d m a k in g a decls w h e re w e w ould m e et B lac k fo o t, m y n e x t encoi d u r ln g lh o sc Jec lio n o f a c a r

“ P h y llis , It n e ed s anoth< In c h on th e le ft s id e ,” w a r e m a r k I g a rn e re d afl< ^ r k e d , p re p a re d th e rods,

^ l e b o a t in th e w a te r a n d w f o r M r. C lean lo g e t h is r ig I

M rs . Splc a n d S p a n c an im m e d ia le ly f ro m th e coi w e a rs . I t Is p ro b a b ly a lov Im m a c u la te b ib o v e ra lls wl e m b ro id e re d on th e dei c o u rs e , th is Is fish in g a t tir e

T h e co n v ersa t io n w h ile < t h e f ish ing g ro u n d s w a s dot M r . C lean on how lo ke ep 3 h o m e o r c a m p e r c le a n a n d ]

f'M on th iy w e g iv e h e r i p o l i s h / ’ h e s a ld ab o u t t h e !

^ '^ i f f r J ^ n S i c e lh a l '.- r : a l l th is in a n d a l l know a f te r Ju s t a fev m a r r i a g e . . .th e “ s ^ . .1

‘DuPoiLU BBO CK , T ex a s

S t ra c e n e r , a 47-year-old T e x a s , r e a l e s ta t e sa ic s r f ish in g for b a s s a m o n th a; A lb a n y n e a r A bilene.

H e c a u g h i a bom b.T h e f re a k exp losion r:

f a c e , a rm s , c h e s t and___ sh rap n e I.-A lth o u g h h e no I

c r i t ic a l cond ition , II w ill tal s u r c e r y and th e ra p y to c m o t i v e in ju r ie s S tracenei T h e r e Is s till a c h a n c e h e wl h i s w ounds.

F o u r w ee k s la te r , h e ani B a r b a r a S m ith S t ra c e n e r , ; r e e l in g fro m th e shock wa b o m b b la s t, a s th e y tr y to n o f lh e acc iden t:

O ffic ia ls b e liev e th e > d e v ic e h c sn a g g e d w a s left s o m e o n e fish ing illeg a lly t in g b o m b s u n d e rw a te r , a n h a s long b e e n p rac tic ed T e x a s .

R a th e r th a n u s e ro d s . e x p lo s iv e d e v ic e s a r c p lac h o le s w h ere c a tf ish dre

t H- - ' - S B

- n i l ®W a r n in g ; 1

— T h a i C igar!

9 mg. "tai”. 0.7 mj,

outdooIpic a n d Span tf fish ing con-

a f te r m a n y} n e a r ln k o m , ■ ■ /I m y fish ings ' f ish ing lh e p i p y

IS a beau tifu li j j i t e s t h i n t i t - l o o k . ----------- 3v h e re ’ b u l o n ' O F co u rse ,h ang ing h a n d in d o o r p a rk irKilslon on ju s t a n d y o u soon 1lee t on th e s h o u ld b e chancouiiter w a s f o r n o t lakinic a m p s i te . D a n , y o u r owio th e r q u a r le r T h e f i r s t 1w as ju s t on8 C le a n ’s b o a t ;a f le r I h a d T h e r i tu a l is 1d s . he lp ed g e t d r y f o r g ras]d w as w a itin g b o a t n e t a n di g level. u p a n y blood Ia n b e sp o tted to u c h th e s u r fc o stu m e s h e i f y o u a r e tilovely p a ir o l y „ „ a r c soon ts w i th d a ls c y s t a n ta l l , w lplid e r le m :. O t u , e j i r t i„

[I"!- a r r a n g e d , lie c ru is in g to d o m ln a lc d b ycp y o u r m o to r ^ IS l'l a» «id po lished . -■ r a b a t h a M a r t o f Ilsh ing .

le T ra v e lc o h e A f t e r th e f S p ic a n d S p a n

a i B ^ n ^ ^ ^ T S S ^ c h i c k e n a n d wi

few y e m o f s u p p e r . T h is 1.1 lo ld y o u " a n d so o n sh e I

)nt spin— J im lx ) m b s a r e c

-old A bilene, c a t c h . T h e fi le sm an , w en l n e t s w h en thc h ago in L ak e " I t ’s v e ry

y o u r c a tc h ,” R o g e r D ickej

1 rid d le d h is s e v e r a l hund id leg s w ith f e w m in u te s . ' 10 longe r-is i n - -U su a lly , o f I ta k e y e a r s o f s o ld lo re s tc 0 c o rre c t th e l a r n e pro fii. ener s u f fe r e d D y n a m lfe ^ e w i l ld le f r o m in g th e p a s

P a lm e r , d ire a n d h is w ife, f o r th e Texi

sr . 37, a r e s ti ll D e p a r tm e n t , w av e s of th e " T w e n ty 0

to m a k e se n se f a l r i y com m------------------------d o n 't s e e lh a te ho m e m ad e th e u s e o f^ J y n le ft beh ind b y M o s l fishe ly by de to n at- n o w u s e elect: a m elhod lh a t a r e a f t e r a ced in ru ra l P a l m e r sa i

P a l m e r sa id . I s a n d ree ls , in to a n isolate ilaced in de ep J im S t r a c e i d row se. T h e S l ra c e n e r .


r V___________ l i

.........w n ..........

' t m■ ■

g; T h e S u r g e o n G e n e r a l I

]a r e l te S m o k in g ’ Is O an g ero u

mfl. (licolinB w. pel cigaifiite. FTC Re

j “7 “ \ poc ) S w e n

■•A nevy I____________________ and

______ nea

s e T 'M r r a e a n " r e n ts “ a n - bef,k in g sp a c e fo r o ld B e tsy expon gel th e im p o re ss io n you exaIh arged w ith ch ild b e a tin g piclcing p ro p e r c a r e of D ir ty a )wn fishing rig .;t fish c a u g h t fro m M r.a t gives o th e r ind ica tions. qis to h av e lw o tow e ls , one g ja•asplng th e fish f ro m th c |n «nd a no ther w e l fo r w ip ing ou twl o r sc a le s th a t h a p p e n lo 3 ^u r fa c e o f lh e b o a t . ‘ site

e the ty p ica l s lob , a s I a m , a re>n re le g a ted lo s it t in g in th e whiIping up sp o ts a n d ke ep in g sh an th e w o rm box. .n e a tly T

site T

u will ge t in to th is n e a tn e s saw ay. W om en so o n le a m ^ea

in ess c an b e m ix e d w ilh lhe

’ S ' s l l re fishing d a y e n d s , M rs. V )an announces lh a l s h e h a d - B lae n in h e r ov en b e fo re going witiI would lo te i l lo o u r r ig for -VIs p u ts th c f ra u in a U ssy a n ci d s fu ssing ab o u t Ju s t how th e

nner’ boe d e tonated , s tu n n in g th e thoi ! fisii a re th e n g a th e re d In h e th e y floa t to th e s u r fa c e . dev r y p ro fi tab le in te rm s of w at I,” sa id A bilene po lice Sg t. B key. " Y o u 're go n n a p ick up sho m dred po u n d s o f f ish In a r e a i s . ' ' .................................................... slip o f f ic ia ls s a id , tlie c a tc h is wc{

5 ta u ra n ts o r s to r e s for a T I. '■...............................................wa} ic fishing h a s ta p e re d dur- aloi la s t d e cad c . s a id D avid lur< ire c to r of f ie ld .o p e ra tio n s T 'ex as P a rk s a rid W ildlife s tr ; n t. • ' l i k e ’ o r 25 y e a r s a g o H nm o n ," P a lm e r s f i ld T ^ I wal h a t m an y c a s e s c o m e In on a w iy n a m ile a n y m o re . '' ' feel sherm en fish in g illeg a lly s e ctrlc ai stu n d e v ice s if Ihey hon a quick, s p o r tle s s c a tc h , tio r

sa id . But o c ca sio n ally , boa id. som eone d ro p s a bom li T a ted lake. fro i c e n e rc a u g li to n e . S tn ir. who c a n sp e a k even boa


V k-------------


1 "-"^ r .

- W -

I H a s ^ C e te r m i n e r l n j j w

ro u s 10 Y out H e a lth .

;B e(M ftB .'B 4 .

)r d irtn(I j lg a s lo b y o u a r e . _ H T a k e . th a L R e d .M a n o u t : p o c k e t '’ a n d " m a y b e you hai c h a n g e c lo th e s ’' a n d “ la k e 0 d ir ty sh o e s ” a r e a ll r e m a r k s y n e v e r e n c o u n te re d b e fo re Pii a n d M r s . S p ic a n d Span .

-A a -y o t t - ^ ee e i th e -d a n g e n e a tn e s s f re a k s is no l you i c o n la c r f y o u h a v e b e en th ro i b e fo re w ith o u t c h a n g in g ) ;- I i e x p o s u re lo th e f ra u a n d I e x a m p le th e y e sp o u se ^ th a t p ic k e d u p a n d e v e n tu a lly h e lf a n ic e d i r ty ou tlhg .

-C h a n g e d m y lo caiio n fo r fisl B lac k fo o t R e se rv o ir . M y usu ; Ing p o ln l h a s been a t H en ry o u tin g s t a r t e d a t C h ina H a t a r c p le n ty of n e a r-th e -w a te s i t e s a n d a n ou td o o r p r iv y a n a r e a v a i la b le . T h e re a r c som w h e re y o u co u ld p itc h a te n s h a d e o f t r e e s righM Jn th e w a t

T h e r e a r e a t le a s t th re e la s i t e s w ilh sm a ll docks a l c a c h

T h e la k e w a s in th e p ro c ( te r r i f ic a lg a e b loom a n d v re a l iz e d th a t w e h a J lo s e e k w h e re w e w e re no l ree lin g s l im y g r e e n m o re lh a n w e w er

W e c h o s e th e in le t a re a B lac k fo o t R iv e r a n d tro lle d II w ith s o m e su c ce ss .

-W e th e n tr ie d th e b a ll ro i a n c h o r in g th c boa t in th c m th e r i v e r ch a n n e l. T h is w a s pr

omb blith o u g h h is ja w s a re w ired sh h e h a d no idea w h at th c d e v ic e w a s w h en he p u lle d 11 f w a te r A u g . 21.

B e c a u s e h e w orked m o st wi sh o w in g h o u se s 'to bu ild h is fl re a l e s t a t e bu sin e ss , h e s a id , h s lip a w a y o n ce o r tw ic e w e e k d a y s lo h o o k a few b a ss .

T h a i X u e sd a y m orn ing , h e : wa s a lo n e in h is b a s s b o a t ‘ a lo n g th e ban lT V V Itlnn lD cp" lu r e ."

T h e lu r e hooked on s o m e th S t ra c e n e r r e e le d It in. "11 k r lik e a f ish a t f i r s t ,” h e sa id .

H c s a id it re se m b le d th r e w a te rp ro o fe d audio sp e a k e rs < a w o o d en b o a rd . Tw o w ires , i fee t lo n g , w e re a tta c h e d to th e

S l r a c e n e r s a id h c f ig u red I h o m e m a d e so n a r soun d in g < tlo n a n d to sse d it in th e bo tto r b o a t a n d c o n tin u ed fish ing .

T w o d a y s la te r , a f te r rc f ro m a m o m in g fishing S l ra c e n e r sa id he w as c lea n in j b o a t a n d d id " a rea lly d u m b tli

r ■ : .. I P i i— ^

y - •V— - S '


lever hturt any<by w a tch in g , tw o

i t : o f .y o u r . .h a d . th i s _ ld e a .f i la d b e t te r h a v in g m o re su c c

o ff Ihose m e thod .5 y o u h a v e O u r to ta l catc l Vir. C lea n w a s 13 I ro u t a n d

c h u b s w e re cau; g e p -o f - th r . .u -nrm s T he_ ln rg lu r d ire c t m y r u s ty d e l ia r •ough th ls - p o u n d s r M o s t o f I • I l^ l s th e - to 14 in c h e s lo n g .- I th e b a d R o o s te r ta il t j it c a n b e b e t te r lh a n a n y i ! lp to ru in tr ie d . T ro llin g a 1

w a te r w fisfru lU e j All th e p ro b le n

e n d a f te r th e f in Ish in g th e th e n a tiv e s lo ld n >ual s ta r t- s ta r t h itt in g ab o u y b u t th is a t . T h e ret e r c a m p L a s l w e e k 's co a n d w a te r sp a w n in g Iro u t a t im e a r e a s up th e B c a v e rh e a un t' in th e S e v e ra l c a lle r s a t e r ed g e , m o s l o f th e sp a v la u n c h in g - R e d R ock C re e l :h s i te . la k e , n o l th e B c a \ tc ess o f a Y ep , th e y a n

w e soon feed in g s tr e a m k a n a re a R e d R ock . N ev e r ng in th e n a m e c h a n g e a ft 'e r e fish , o u l o f th e r e s e r ;a o f th c R iv e r , th e sm alU1 th is a re a s tr e a m s .

■outine b y 5^ve/j is an av m id d le o f crman who wrIU p ro m p te d - /o r T h e ^ m c s - N e

inds ans h u t , s a id ' S ta r in g a l th e d2 s tr a n g e w h a l it d id , h e sa: I f ro m th e looked lik e elcc ti

th o u g ti to r ih c b a t w ee k en d s " I j u s t g rab b e d i fled g lin g s tu c k th e m lo th , h e w ould " J u s t u s I w as e d u r in g ‘M a y b e^ th ls lsn 't;i . ......... .........- -T h e exp losione sa id , h c b o tto m o f Ihc bOi . “ c a s tin g in to th e ground . p ~ rnnn tng fo rcc^ rom 'the"b li

th e g ro u n d , tin} th in g a n d a lu m in u m bO£ k n ld a felt S t ra c e n e r . H is t

tc re d in to h is e y e r e e s m a ll on th e gro u n d .■s ta p e d to ’"T h e y to ld m e

a b o u t SO b e e n a im e d a t m' [led e v lc e . a n n ih ila te d ,” h c 2 1 it w as a In v es tig a tio n s : c o n lra p - c o v e red no Infoi lom of th e tlie b o m b a t th e

in fo rm a tio n av a i r e tu rn in g a lly no c h an ce n g tr ip , re s ted .Ing ou t h is T h e a c c id e n t I th in g ," th e ir re a l e s ta t e f

U k :

i -


^ o n e rw o o th e r b o a ts w hich J

f l r s l a n d Ihey w er e ____jc c e s s th a n o u r tro lling

Itc h th e f irs t even ing Id a b o u l 20 chubs. T h e * a u g h t w hen w e used u s e s U m u L w a s — b y s ts i r — tw o a n d one-hall of th e tro u l w ere e ig h t P " g - — --------- ------ - ______ for

ty p e lu r e s p roduced ly a n y tro llin g lu re w e a f ly in th e a lg a-tin ted ‘ U ess. a ole m s w ilh th e a lga w ill ^ f i r s t h a r d f r o s t -a n d -a s - d m e “ th e b lgg 'en s will o u t th is s a m e lim e ."


c o lu m n m en tioned th e I a t C la rk Canyon going le a d R iv e r . '■j r s g a v e m e no tice lh a t ja w n in g fish go up th e e e k . w h ic h feeds th is B a v erh c ad R iv e r . ^a r e r ig h t . T he m a in *-------n to C la rk Canyon i s ' irer u n d e rs to o d w hy th e ^ a f l e r th e w a te r c o m es ^ > e rvo lr to B e av e rh ea d I a lle r p f th e tw o feeding

avid Tw in Falls f ish -.. . rites a weekly column ' ■News. j

ig le r '(e d e v ic e a n d w ondering ty. s a id , h c sa w w ires lh a t [(( i c tr ic a l le ad s . H e th e n k\\ b a t te r y in th e Soat. 1/je d th o se tw o w ires and th e b a t te r y ,” he sa id .

}s d o in g ll. I thought.V ia goo d id e a .'")n r ip p e d a hole in lh e — b o a t a n d btew a c ra te r id. T h o u g h m ost of th e - b la s l - w f ls - d i r e e te d . ln lo - ^ ;iny f ra g m e n ts o f th e . M b oa t sh o t Ih rough ( s b ifo ca l g la sse s sh a t- |l l y e s .a n d h e la y s U m n e d I I

n e if i t ( th e bom b) h a d m e , I w ould hav e b e e n |

i c s a i d .n s s a y they h av e u n - 1 ifo rm a tlo n on who le f l W I iie la k e , a n d w ith s c a n t I [j v a ilab le ,. th e re is v ir lu - 11|: e a n y o n e will be a r - [ |i |

I t h a s c o s t th e c oup le ! | t e f i r m .

V /mt

/ WM


Idaho F&( ^lalVs

BO ISR - A r ^ n t b a d ex ai o f slo b h u n tin g In a nelghbc s t a t e w o n 't b e .r e p e a le d in Ii

A uithniiL thp r is k n f n cllaH on p ro sec u tio n , a c c o rd in g to

..fo rcem en t .C h ief. F r a j ik N ^ r Id a h o D e p a r tm e n t o f F ish G am e.

H e w as r e f e r r in g to a new sp a c c o u n t of a n in d iv id u a l who a c o u g a r t r e e d a ll n ig h t s(

.Qut:<}frflal£L5porlsm an cou ld ( a n d shoot it th c n e x t d a y .

" T h e d e p a r tm e n t 's cn fo rce i b u r e a u a n d le g a l s e c tio n I r e se a rc h e d th is m a t te r and e lu d e d th a t th e a c t iv i ty is illeg Id a h o ," N eS m ith sa id .

4 F ish a n d G a m e Com mi! re g u la tio n s ta le s lh a t no b ig g a n im a l m a y b e ta k e n froi h a lf-h o u r a f te r s u n s e t lo one- b c fo re su n r ise .

|~ ~ p M A aj p A N D W

I •5^^* '• -■ \

W arm '

DOWN1' Mon't t W om«n’«'ll N O W ................................... .'

_PN.MACK___________ ____^ U PT O .....................................

W eH

DENIA/By U v l ,

U M d■ •fl. * 3 9 .9 3 ..........................

I B « f l .» 1 9 .9 5 ..........................

Shop A W arm Comfor

iD ^ • TW IN I

.--..• ''■ .'■ I'.. .. ^1:.;.


m sU C (S9^B|||L*r


------------------------------ *---------- ^

T h u rsd ay , Septom boi

G serves nc slob hunter:am p le Id a h o law d e fin eb o r in g " h u n t , p u rsu e , c a lId ah o f ish , se in e , t r a p , po

on a n d a t te m p t to do sc0 e n - e x p la in e d . F ie ld p e S rn im . _ _ b c c n .d ire c te d -to .a c t h a n d p r e v e n tio n of* a n y

h u n tin g , h e a d d e d . s p a p e r N eS m ith a lso h a d . 10 k e p t h u n te r s w ho fa il to 1 so a n d a te b ig g a m e ta g s .

1 ay In " T h e la c tic o f sllin s te a d o f no tch ing

s jm e n t v ie w ed a s a preme< I h a v e e v a d e re g u la tio n s .” 1 id con- c a l ls lo u s in d ica te eg al in b e e n a fav o r ite tactic

la g to ta k e m o re th a r n isslon A ll co n se rv a t io n 0 ’ g a m e e n fo rc e th e la g \ rom a q u ire m e n t w hen il is je -hou r th e c o rr e c t p ro cc d u r

fo llow ed , N eS m ith s^


H u n t e r s S p <

W olverine Lai


1 Yourself In O ur

JGOATSALI............. » 1 5 ~ o h

TTTTT. .................: . : . . . . 4 0 «

Have R u g g ed ......

\A JACKETS/ l , W r a n g l « r 8 L « o

............................. NOW^ 3 1

............................NOW * 2 ^

M A C IE 'S For>rtable Hunting ClofIMAIN AVE. SOIHH H FALLS • 733-5439

H E 'j E S 2


[ 1

i VAWa g eI 100

50r27.1984 Tim os-N ow s, Twi

loticeirsf in es " t a k e " a s c a tc h , c a p tu r e ,

, p o sse ss o r a n y .s o .” N eS m ith • _______

I p e rso n n e l h a v e ■.a c tiv e ly e n f o tw , .^ _____m y su c h Illegal 1. .la d a w a rn in g fo r to p ro p e r ly v a ll-

gs.f s li t t in g th e ta g ling it sh o u ld b e ‘m e d ita te d a c t to s , ” h e sa id . " C A P ' ia le lh a l th is h a s 3ctic fo r u s in g one lh a n one a n im a l ." on o ffice rs shou ld g v a lid a t io n re- it is a p p a r e n t th a l K iure h a s no t b e e n th s a ld .

s l liR J .i p M i a l s .

Lotfo-up 11


!8 !!IE- -- ■-» H r . g . prica

« % r o W - | ^

3 1 .9 5 i ‘8 2 .9 5 I

othes II


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l»«ILJ,Wt<lOU>«TOH>IXOOO:} ^

Twin-Falla, Idaho D-7-.

Page 36: 4agic Val! 16 » I - B v| inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · ansor. refused.to accept fin well as a compromise en klazzoil, D-Ky. \ to Ing to gel the legislation

R e f l ^If I h e r e a r e few p lcasi

• r e w a r d in g a s th a l of Iro;-------------cn joy lngT i f in e hu n tln g (

f ie ld , th e r e a r e a lso few g r e a t a s th a t o f lo singo r

A s I w r i te , m y 10-year r e t r i e v e r l i e s c u r le d up) Is h e r h a b i t in th e s e mell

• h e r c a r o c r .D u rin g h e r e n t ir e Il(c5

h a s fo llow ed m e w herev f ro m b lg -c l ty h o tc I s to tJ

------- w in te r o f C a n a d ia n w'lltlA nd a v e te r in a r ia n bn

to m e tl ic o th e r d a y lh a l m e ju s t a l i t t le longer.

'•— - I f h l s d ia g n o s is l s c o r r .o f c a n c e r so m e tim e afte se a so n h a s e n d ed .

'n i a t ’s h a r d f o r m c l o i c o a t Is a s so f t a n d fine a: — h e r e y e s a r c b rig h t ar up h e r c a r s a n d w ags he m e n tio n p h e a s a n ts , du d

T he v e te r in a r ia n Is a 1 h a v e a g r e a t d e a l of conl p ro fe ss io n a l sk il ls .

B u l l r e f u s e d h is o ffer t is su e s a m p le s o th a l a I: c o n firm o r d e n y h is su sf . H o ld h im th a t I d idn ’t

s p e n d th e m o n e y wheri I n o in f lu c n cc o n tlie outc(

B u l In t r u th , 1 d o n 't re know th a t s h e 's dy ing fo

In s le a d . I ’ll sp e n d m y d ru g s a n d o p e ra tio n s an

• lijst m o n th s b e t te r U T h L iy c a r . M u id n n d l .

go th ro u g li th e h u n tin g s p a iro f y o u n g s te r s ,a l t l io b e In h e r la s t y e a r a n d r e h lc iten e i th e r .

Som ehow , I 'l l a lw ays w o n d erfu l r e tr ie v e , whk le n l , w h ic h d u c k h u n t or w ill b e o u r l a s t toge ther,

B u t I d o n ’l w a n t to be ; s u r e th a t s h e ’s d y ing , bc d o n 't w a n t to p a r t fro m i c o m p a n y s l i e 's g iv e n m( a u tu m n w o o d s , f ie ld s an f ro m h e r h e a d snu g g led

-------------s to c k in g -c la d fe e l a s I wS om ehow . I ’m not m u

th in g s .-----------n iK F T irsn m n g ffm a c i

' to th in k a b o u t 'm y so n ’s 1 s le e lh e a d , m y f ir s t c a rc

________ re t r ie v e o f a b ig o ld g i ym a l la rd h a lfw a y acroM h e r f i r s ^ a u tu m n w hen s

‘fe e l. 'S h e s to p p e d to clfai - I h e w a y b a c k a n d lh a d l a b o u i th e d u c k .

A nd to o , la s t th in g s h i

Public ra i concern ! pollution

B O IS E ,. Id a h o (A P ) I C a s c a d e R e s e rv o i r w an

■ r e s o r t p r o p o s e d fo r th e la k e w o n 't ' d a m n g e p o llu te I ts w a t e r o r ru in

S u m m e r-h o m e ow ner c a m p e r s e x p re s s e d tin

\ c o n c e rn s In B o ise whei I a g e n c ie s h e ld a 'm e c t i

C a s c a d e R e s e rv o ir re: : 'r i j y P h o e n ix , A rlz ., a rc

T a g g a r t .' ■ ’ l i l s p la n f o r a lour-

c a lle d IjC B o is inc ludc boa tii> a-feeaU te& aB djw

S om e p a r t ic ip a n ts _ m cclL ng s a id th e y mov<

ab o u t 65 m ile s n o r th ol b e a u ty a n d un cro w d c

, T h e y s a id th e y a r e v d e s tr u c t io n o f Uiose. ( r e s o r t d r a w in g thousa r d a i ly Is b u ilt .

’ O th e rs in d ic a te d the. a d d to th e a r e a ’s beai

; • a s k e d how m a n y tei I p e rm a n e n t jo b s th e f

- • - — c r e a t e . - ................................T a g g a r r is .seek ing j

u s e B o ise N a tio n a l F o n W esl M o u n ta in s fo r e lg l to u se 120 a c r e s o f Bur m a tio n s h o r e l a n d for a r

T a g g a r l . w h o ,dl<i no! d a y 's m e e lin g . a lso wa h o te l, r e s t a u r a n ts , golf Ing a n d o i l ie r facilitie! p r iv a te la n d .

F e d e ra l o f fic ia ls sa id w ill cqn;?jdpr o il puljllc d e c id in g w h lc li issues t( 12- lo 18 -m onlh env ironr s tu d y o fT ag g ;ir l 's i) ro p <

A P a r k C ily , U lah, I d u c t Uie s tu d y on Iwha

_________ c r n m c n L a n d i a g g a r t _

Jerom e sali D ucks Unli

J E R O M E - Duckf J e r o m e c l ia p t e r will hi

--------------d in n e r h e r e o n OelrB.—----------------- T h P d ln n n r IsschodiiU

th e M o o se H a l l . T ho .c p r e c e d e d by n c o ck ta il I

A rt w o rk s w ill b e f— r--------- d e o rp r lz e s w l i r ty n y v c r

A d m iss io n is $25 fo r s co u p les .

T ic k e t in fo rm a tio n cj b y p h o n in g J o h n H elser



Z l ........ P H O N E 7 3 3 - t

D-fl T lm os-N ow 3, Twin F

I I"

►ctions isa su re sa s tra in in g a n dn g d o g in th e -----------—'ew sa d n e s se s a s g o n e . 'e a ro ld l a b r a d o r *^111u p a t m y fee l, a s ■ A a f l T icllowcr y e a r s of

„ ____ nQ Lcom lmilfc.<T>an. M aid O n e o U h T ever sh e c ou ld , th e w o rld 1 to the how ling le ft s o m e l v'llderness, - - S ho rU y t 1 b roke th e n e w s w en t f ish ir h a ts h e 'l l follow a n d o n e o f i r. b e fo r th e i:o r rc c t,a h e ’IId ie . . . i t w a s a j a fte r th is h u n tin g ra in e d a Ilt

c a tf ish froi: lo a cc ep t. H er ic a s it e v e r w as it and sh e p icks ^ h c r t a l l i f l;lucks o r g e ese . |s a friend , a n d I ........................ ■:o n f ld e n c e in h is

[fer to se n d off a W e $la la b o r a to r y c a n h o u s e !iusp lcions. r e m o dIn ’t w an t toeri It w ould hav eutcom e. .t 're a l ly w a n t tog for s u re . 350 K,m y m oney on 3 and on m a k in g ; r Umn e v e r , id I a rc go in g toi g s e a s o n l ik e a /lUiough s ite m a y v /i d l ’m n o s p r in g ’

lys w onder w hich^ /h lc h n lg h lln at o r goose sh o o l W'*rter. ■ t ^b e a b so lu te ly;, b e ca u se I re a lly)m th e w onderfu lI m e In th es a n d m a rs h e s o rJed be tw ee n m yilw r i te . _________ . .m uch In to la s t C |

T a c in s c i tc rn tk c — — ti’s f irs t thia r o r M a l d ’s f l r s t p]<^ re en h e ad ’x i ^ t h c s l o u ^ ' I n '2n s h e w a s a l l : ir a s e 'a f ro g o n ~ a d to r e m in d h e r .. -

s h a v e a w a y of

raises ^I over

0>H I

VP) - U se r s of v a n la s s u ra n c e s a — ;he w e s te m Id ah o B B ' ge its s c e n e ry , W i uln Its fish ing , n e rs , b o a te r s and

those a n d o th e r ^hen g o v e rn m e n t Ie e tln g a b o u t Uie - '

re so r t p ro p o sed ' a rc h ile c t D en n is .

)u r-seas6n r e s o r t ' ’ udes a sk i a re a .U frisk ig — ts In M o n d a y 's _ loved to th e a r e a ' fl of B o iw fo r its vdcd re c re a t io n , e w o rrie d abou t « . q u a litie s If a . isands o f v is i to rs

th e r e s o r t w ould )oau ty , a n d th e y

te m p o ra ry and e p ro je c t w ould

lg p e rm iss io n lo ^ o resl la n d In th e , ■Eighl sk i lift.s, and B u re au o f R ecla- r a m a rin a , no t a t te n d Mot)- - w an ts lo bu ild a " ’

jo lf c o u rse , hous- ities on a d ja c e n i

;aid M onday th e y ' iljllc c o m m e n t in - go.v,;s to .e x am in e in a , '•onm ental Im p ac t ^ " 7r o p o sa l . .h , f irm w ill con- ---------e h a lf of Uie gov-1 ----------------------------- --------------:


ilu tesilimitedicks U n llm ite d ’s _II hold I ts a n n u a l

d u lw lfn rS p .m . In ______10.d in n e r w ill, bea i lh o u ra t6 :3 0 ., ______« a u ction ed and

o r s in g e s , $40 for

n c an b e ob la in ed se ra t3 2 4 -8 1 3 I. ffl

JE W S ---------


3 3-09 31 ---------

In Falls. Idaho Thursday, Sof

f l o o d t ) ^


J w Hairop 'O utdoors

inL »trug.f U ie b e t t e r f r ie n d s i h a v e In Id l i v e s in L ew lslon . a to w n I — e 10 y e a r s ago for C a n ad a , ly b e fo r o I le ft , th e tw o o f u s — h in g a t D w o r^ a k R e se rv o ir o f u s r e m a r k e d Ui'at it m ig h t le l a s t tim e .; a s o u r t r ip . A s 1 r e m e m b e r,iL . - I l i t t l e a n d we caug lit fou r-inch 'ro m sh o rc .


S to c k th e la r g e s t s e le c t i s e h o l d w ire s lo r o n y n< o d e l i n g . j o b . -

G R O U N D N H ____ ^

K.COIl. . 1 #

( J i t .

^ T / f /



S H O W E R S t iEoty car* ond long lo»tlng 3?" »hov

~Slffli3la 10 IrtlloH ont p iic* conilruc thicit loom lining tor axlra durabll g lo it , aat/corallb«rg lo»fln lth willh lghq u o h iy ..

S II6 1

hc.iatl. Fif>gcrti «<*lo)iin9 »pray

a ! * J r Enginocrod loiciloil '66SC P



iiloa>ali£ally cli-cJiiv ou t.lh e .u b iu ii <’* you '

I ’K AINiNG' • 1 ^ ' ^.. ? ’7 f.m i-s-m otc



S T o lHeavy duty 24 go ' ing block m a tte fi l i tc i avaitoblc.

6 ' 'x 2 4 "

$ 3 9 5C K E S - E V A N S ^


........ B .


H o p .

y O u r|0 b P


- f

3optem bor27 .19e4

)ver fini" B u l w e re fu se d to go fish

U m elogeU ic r.-------- E!vcn to d ay , I su s p e c t h e

le a s t o n e of m y f ly ro d s .. Som ehow , w e ’v e m a n a g

. togeU ier a l le a s t e v e r y yea . a lU iough he ’s s ti ll c a tc h ln j

I n c h e rs n n d w ii rp r o b a b ly \ p r iso n fo r fiv ro d U iefl so m

T h e ou tdoo rs is r e a l ly a 1 be g in n in g , fo r re n e w in g o i fo r touch ing na 'tu re a n d b e

O ld dogs a n d fr ie n d s a r e m e llo w w ine full of Uie s a v a n d e xperience .

11____J h e y g ive u s m o re lh a n rJ l c x p e r ie .:c c s in th e w ild . W«

th e p le a su re of r e m e m b e r l

IRE.... -- ■

•c t io i i o f I 'A n e w o r ■ • ^



r A t iihowar noil.

obllliy. High wlihHyt#c'»

; * * JlA S S A G E IW ER HEADbo".< selling ino itogc vhowor icrtip adluiinit'ni Irom lo li >ray '0 invigoioliiig vf'owur

lo highuti quoliiy and buili ;C PK

i y °

M i nOH IN I DESIGN,u ..vc-scd ,nu n, llu. * 3 j ; g

• Meal



gougo-ilue l • Hcol o b io rb - e liniih ‘ la rg e lelccion of

8" X 24" ,

5 $ ^ 9 5


* 8 9 * ®


= = S A i r P R I C E I

J)«v>to*clo>ili t e r a t u ' r eng i ? d if lt 'en i ovailobic fo-molie p ]

easier. k im BERI'

" 5 * " ' 'juan litici to /e lo il FAllS nei. ORICON

aldayss h ln g a la s t ' o n e sw ilh (h B i

A n d w hen a h e h a s a t — - h a v e th e plea;

b e t t e r tim es:: Ig e d to fish s p e n l togeU ie e a t j j r s o , A n y o n ew h ( n g f o u r s a m e d o g 'fo r y w in d u p In L a b r a d o re a n im edav . r e t r i e v e r nnd a p la c c for p o in t in g sp a no u rse lv e s —_____ W e m a y ha 'txjcorhfng"' 'o n t l i e fiurit,’b—............... d o g a lo n c m i jr e like c o m p a n lo n s hiv o r of ye a rs t h r o u g h th e w

s tu b b l e field f n n e w . E v e n whenWe a lso have h c h i a y haVe 1 jr ln g 'th e old h i s o w n w ay d


SPECIAL PURChov>» t>i,g-*M'Yl»clbu(l«'ln'»p>w'»' pt.»-ol.l bo"l* l-v O'nip I-r- < HO'"' I'S Sp»n<il pi-cH I.' 7 'n"®' 0»d <

UWMI977WH Addl lampi and lr«» ovollabli ar tlmiloi i


■— i r ^ ---------------------^


V f " '


CAST IRONIhu BROOKFIELD ■» Julf ■ ming 33 .22 ' -.iJo w.lh B 'd C0l<^purlini'nls. Enaix(.'Ivd ' iron for durability orid dopll glon.WliiU).

E m e rs o i

A . ^

W - t t

“ ■ W . M I S ” , 1 ®


O VA L LAVAn ologonl oval nmiiiMic lovQioiy. this im oorh di'ntiti is occi'nlod by tw o \oopd iih onit D jwecpinR onli iplost' r.m. CoiKoolod front ovor- flow anil J ' co iilcr. 20' xt7 OVAI, *010


Hitjli lir'ing g ives tli.s viln- . .closel tu lro sir'ciiqi'li ond I

liiiisli •F IusIil‘s Cl num niii cioiloiu ol w<ilL-i •• I? " ' -Rouiitl Iront * W llli.- •'.'C'.

» H E A T E R S2fr-SOO <011...................

3FI..7SO 'o t l ...................

^ 4 n . i o o a w o i i ...............

6 f t . . l 5 0 ( |w o t l ..............

B fl^ lO O O w ott...............

: D ! r^Fl..3Sbb w o it ..............

v o / r y v u f f ^ f A v p s -





s of a fahBm ; -. • . tvn a tr ip d o e s tu m so u r , w e ujle a s u re o fro m e m b e r ln g ----------23 am ong th e sh in in g h o u rs c< Iher. ai#ho has h u n te d wIUi Uie U: 'o r ye a rs know s U ia t a l^ :a n be m o re U ian a fi'in r in n r i t ta n v m o r e U ia n a ____lanlel. • bih a v e ju im a n f r i c n ^ a l M g _ vi t, bu t a s oftb ri a s no t, Uie Hin i ^ t b e a l l t h e — ------------ hiish lpw c n e e d to s e a r c h e w illows a l Uie e d g e of a vi Id for p h e asa n t? . aicn a h um an f r ie n d is a long , al ve h is own d o g a n d m a y go ly during th e h u n l, so th a l tc

f V


i P LkddlllanDl ■ilo..a.lngt. M

f B A T H R O O l HEAT-LIGHT-FQuid «Hi«ii-iir .cntilor'oii

-------- h«gi ond boll'*00m I'flKi ...IndividucI opero'ton o' COtion, opooling 'TogcrScr

______ Ifinwhearer 70 C F m = 7000


ili *1.26 i n D isposal

a a




l.l i.icjl, l„sl..| ----- J .

;C W M ? ____^ ' T

^ 9 5

Sole Pfiee ALL • l a ” ----------

. . * 1 7 ” N , — ^

. . ■ • 1 6 ' ' ’ M Y l I

• M " \ — • 3 7 ”

SA vt-^ ^


^ 7 3 3 - 7 3


MOO 3ISN-E.JeihSI, W M t^thSl

aithf ul \tw o o n e -m a n , one-dog hun ts a u n d e rw a y .

" In s u c h a s itu a tio n , com par c a n b e in te n s if ie d . N o l only di a n d I h a v e o n e anoU icr, bu t w th e c o m p a n y o f oU ier hu n te rs I h e lr d o g s w h e n w e co m e ou t < field .

But when » mmpsrinwntni b r a s s in th e p o c k e ts of m y sh(

_ v M t a n d f e a U i e ^ ln th e a l r ,^ H un te r’s m o s t c o n s t a t comp;

- h i s d o g . - --------------------------A nd r e a l ly , w hen you s t r ip ;

vcneel- o f m a n ly acU vity, c o m p a n io n s h ip Is w h at huntli a bou t.

G ood h u n t in g com pan ions i to co m e b y . b e th e y m a n o r d(

^ M P U C i^ I L I M I N T



I — _ 'opiotimtnl iltmtnU

9 5


B M r B E A U 1r . r A N s t a i n l e s r - f A H

_________k i t c h e i

' coch func Dyroble bulled ■cr O' on/ ste<il with lull ce h u - —<00*^9 ■ 6 ’ -d lo" Mode l conjiruCtion, 5 y

ranly SB422rso *24-

C ’


i oo i f_______ PRICE PR i

■ i s s s s r





" a n t iq u e ’ ' BRASS 4 " • BATH LAV FAUCET

• Wll^ln•tlr^^ (JpM IrotllPI routll tonti‘10.00 MAILIHR

* 6 1j3 B o ;



A d v o r l l to d prici

iHO Jr 3 0 4 «

s a



huntings a r e . t a k e s a s long tbU*

h u n t ln g 'p a r tn e r a an lo n sh ip c a n in e com panlor do M aid A n d a s long a s r w e h a v e a n d w oods togeUi(

T sa n d o U ie rm e n ,U ie h u i u to fU ie s e c o n d a ry .

W h a ^ s re a l ly In

ihooting t ic tw c e n h u n te rs ., a b ird _ T h a i ’s so m e th ir ipanlonTs' ' t h e N R A 'lb sav e 'ft----------------------I tre s ls w lU i lr r t i

Ip a w a y Uie ta k e n aw a y by an; d e aU i.

Itlng is a ll “ Mike Harrop is i

is a re h a rd o u f d o o r writer wh dog. I t in'the B ll^ area.


S S E riM i, . / rM ? . - f ^pttre kiltctlon ot /■ntno »eu con lil- •( 0 W l H A V I ' / / n &CIINTOW Nt

l l j w

J T I F U L XE S S S T E E L i G l t /E N . S I N K _d linijh siainlejv coveroge u n d ? '-

I yr limited wor-

6 ”


best sellrng Viich ^ (lo rnb le chrom e p loledI lio.i lor yeo'S ol eliicien.

♦ te e use S~ 'vcl hondle

r spou t Eosy do it yourv2 3 3 0 2 6

^ 2 6ISTER ^


: e t s ^ ^

II rcdi-corore by |uit chongmg li-M(jn •Ouicl> lool free ln 1ollo1l int.ol • 10 yr limited woironly • JXT(I REBATE THRU SEPT.

r f O '77.18DEC SA ■ ^ -IO .OOmaii.in

‘67.18 YOUR N

i P IP E IN S U L /In iu la to i b o lh hot ond ♦R eto in j its shopo fo mointa split a n d slip over tho pi

V chips, b a n d s , zippers, o r ac3 lenglhi' V i- 'M P M R l/<

W SAL PIPE V. Cl. R o g . S t . 79 R «g .

^636C7SM '

:a b in ^ts

| c c y

- a - 1 — X (^ % -A iiw .ts « * d o «i V / w

lest good thru Oct. lOth, 198

> R E H O U R ^

M O N .-F R I .8 l 3 0 f o . 5 i 3 0 ------------------

S A T U R D A Y „8 l 3 0 t a 5 i 0 0


g-dogto U-aln a hum ane r a s i l d o e s t o t r a l n ajilo n .a s m e n go to Uie f ield s ;e th e rw iU i dogs and 3 h u n r w l l lb e

ly I m p o r ta n t Is Uie

i r s .I ^ in g w e ’ll ne v e r n e e d _______v e f o r i i s r 'ilii u sv a n tf c a m ie v c r b c : / a n y th in g sh o r t of

pisaprlz^wlnnlng - who operates a randisa. ~ ......... - ........ —

a i i i s j

V j

.............— -

lANDLE HEN FAUCETViichen loucei ol led bfo ss constiuc- c ency a n d trouble- ndle o n d high r.se aurie ll Ins1oiloll0 f

J 9 5

r -

....... ............

igmg the Sondli- jHotioii ♦ Eidunvc ■aTOW7300



}nd c o ld p ipes, jintain if* f il» Jo tt 9 p ipo , wilh out r adhosivo l » 6 It.

1/COPPIR V* CAL PIPI :« g .$ 2 .4 9 -


Many itylMOnd t im te<W M lr»M


ndoak------------------------- --------


W e R i« e l o r b « o l a l l o d v a r l i ie d

>BD P '« » » ® n~ -o n ' c p m p o ro b le

- m c re h o n d iM