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  • 7/28/2019 48MK6_2X_E_RM_A


    Model No. CF-48 Series

    Reference ManualPersonal Computer


    We recommend that this Reference Manual be printed.

    Read Me First ..................................................... 2

    Key Combinations ............................................. 3

    LED Indicators ................................................... 6

    Touch Pad .......................................................... 7

    Standby/Hibernation Functions ....................... 9

    Security Measures ......................................... 13

    Computing on the Road................................. 18

    Battery Power ................................................. 20

    CD Drive .......................................................... 25

    PC Cards ......................................................... 30

    RAM Module.................................................... 32

    Port Replicator ................................................ 33Printer.............................................................. 34

    External Display ............................................. 35

    USB Devices ................................................... 38

    Modem............................................................. 40

    LAN.................................................................. 42

    Wireless LAN .................................................. 44

    Hard Disk Drive...............................................

    47Setup Utility .................................................... 48

    Technical Information .................................... 53

    DMI Viewer ...................................................... 54

    List of Error Codes ......................................... 55

    Dealing with Problems (Advanced) .................. 56


    When the cursor is moved to an item under [Contents] or to page (green display), the shape of the cursor will

    change to . Under this condition, if characters are tapped (or a click is made), the corresponding page in theReference Manual will be displayed.


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    2Read Me First

    NOTE: NOTE provides a useful fact or helpful information.

    CAUTION: CAUTION indicates a condition that may result in minor or moder-ate injury.

    Windows 2000 : Information for Microsoft Windows2000Professional users.

    Windows XP : Information for Microsoft WindowsXPProfessional users.

    Enter : This illustration means to press the [Enter] key.

    Fn + F5 : This illustration means to press and hold the [Fn] key, then pressthe [F5] key.

    [Start]* - [Run]: This illustration means to click [Start]*, then to click [Run].For some applications, you may need to double-click.

    * Windows XP : [start]

    page: When the cursor is moved to an item under [Contents] or topage (green display), the shape of the cursor will change to .Under this condition, if characters are tapped (or a click is made),the corresponding page in the Reference Manual will be displayed.

    : This illustration means to refer to the Operating Instructions.

    Windows 2000 screens are used in this manual when no specific OS notes are re-quired.Some of the illustrations in this manual may differ slightly in shape from the actualitems in order to make the explanation easier to understand.Circular media such as CD-ROM and DVD-ROM are described as discs.In this manual, WinDVD4 is indicated as WinDVD.The following drives may be described as CD drive.DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW drive, DVD MULTI drive.

    Illustrations and Terminology in this Reference Manual

    If the user has logged on without the administrator authority, some functions may notbe executable, and some screens may not be displayed as shown in this manual. Ifthis happens, log on with the administrator authority to enable these functions.Confirm the latest information on optional products in catalogs, etc.

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    3Key Combinations

    Do not press the following key combinations repeatedly in (quick) succession. Also, do not press different keycombinations quickly one after another.Do not press the following key combinations while using the touch pad (mouse) or other keys.



    Key Functions

    LCD brightnesscontrol ( down)LCD brightnesscontrol ( up)

    Display change

    Speaker on/offswitch

    Volume control( down)

    Volume control( up)

    Function Descriptions

    Pressing this key combination adjusts the brightness of LCD.The brightness setting is stored in memory separately un-der the condition the AC adaptor is connected and underthe condition the AC adaptor is not connected.

    By pressing this key combination, you can select eitheran external display, internal LCD or simultaneous.( page 35)This combination does not work when [Command Prompt]screen is set to Full Screen.

    Pressing this key combination turns on/off audio from theinternal speakers and headphone jack.

    Pressing this key combination adjusts the volume of theinternal speakers and headphone jack.

    Popup Window(Displayed after log-

    ging on to Windows)



    Fn + F1

    Fn + F3

    Fn + F4

    Fn + F2

    This key combination cannot be used to adjust thevolume of the warning beep or speakers connectedto the USB port.


    Fn + F5

    Fn + F6

    Disabling the speakers will also disable the warn-ing beep.Speakers connected to the USB port cannot bemuted.

    Do not press the following key combinations until you log on to Windows and the hard disk drive indicator turns off.Note, however, that the key combinations Fn + F1 , Fn + F2 and Fn + F3 are operable in the Setup Utility.The key combinations below may not work while some applications are running. Besides, the popup window may not bedisplayed depending on the state of the application you are using (e.g., when [Command Prompt] screen is set to Full Screen).

    Do not press another key until the display destina-tion has been completely switched.Do not press this key combination in the followingconditions. While MPEG files are playing.


    Windows XP

    When switching to a different user with the Fast UserSwitching function, this key combination may not work.In this case, log off all users, and try the operation oncemore. If the problem persists, restart the computer.The combination does not work when the computeris in the Dualview mode.



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    When the bat-tery pack isinserted in thecomputer

    When the bat-tery pack is notinserted in thecomputer



    Power off usingthe standby func-tion

    Remaining ca-pacity of the bat-tery pack

    Power off usingthe hibernationfunction

    Function Descriptions

    Pressing this key combination causes the current statusof the computer to be saved to memory, and powers offthe computer. ( page 9)

    Pressing this key combination displays the remaining bat-tery capacity on the screen. ( page 21)

    Pressing this key combination causes the current statusof the computer to be saved to the hard disk, and powersoff the computer. ( page 9)

    Popup Window(Displayed after log-

    ging on to Windows)

    Fn + F9

    Fn + F7

    Fn + F10

    Key Combinations

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    5Key Combinations

    Hotkey Settings

    There are two Fn key functions as follows:

    Fn key lock functionAfter Fn is pressed once, it stays in the pressed position until another key ispressed. This is convenient when it is difficult to press two buttons simultaneously.Popup windows display ON/OFF


    1 Run the Hotkey SettingsWindows 2000 Select [Start] - [Programs] - [Panasonic] - [Hotkey Settings].

    Windows XP Select [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [Hotkey Settings].

    2 Set the parametersUse Fn key lockAdd the check mark if you want to enable the Fn key lock function.The following Fn key lock function will then be enabled.To use Fn only once : 1 Press Fn once. (Locked)

    2 Press another key for combination. (Lock released)To use Fn successively : 1 Press Fn twice. (Locked)

    2 Press another key for combination.

    Fn key remains locked until Fn is pressed once more.

    NotificationThis setting is only available when [Use Fn key lock] is checked.

    [Make sounds when Fn key is pressed]*1:Notifies the user with a sound when Fn is pressed, locked, or released.(If MUTE is set, you will not hear a beep.)[Show status on screen]:Displays the Fn key status on the taskbar.

    : Fn is locked

    : Fn is not locked

    Disable popupAdd the check mark if you want to turn the popup window display function OFF.The full-screen display of [Command Prompt] screen or MPEG files may change toa window display if Fn + Fx *2 are pressed. To prevent this, turn the popupwindow display function OFF.


    The Fn key lock function also works with Fn and other keys (e.g., keys forwhich characters are printed in blue) aside from Fx *2.Each user can select separate settings for whether or not to use the Hotkeysettings.

    3 Select [OK]

    *1 If MUTE is set, you will not hear a sound.*2 Fx indicates any function key from F1 to F10 .

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    This indicator lights green when Caps Lock is pressed. Subsequentnon-shifted input is capitalized.

    This indicator lights green when NumLk is pressed. This causes aportion of the keyboard to function as a numeric keypad. The [Enter]key functions differently depending on the application.(If an external keyboard or ten-keyboard is connected to the externalkeyboard/mouse port, the numeric keypad of the internal keyboard willnot operate.)

    This indicator lights green when ScrLk is pressed. Scroll lock func-tions differently depending on the application.

    This indicator lights when the CD drive is accessed.

    The access lamp on the CD drive lights at the same time as this indica-tor. (In some cases, only one of them may light.)

    This indicator lights when the floppy disk drive is accessed.

    This indicator lights when the hard disk drive is accessed.

    Not lit : Battery pack is not connected or charging notbeing performed.

    Orange* : Charging in progress.

    Green* : Fully-charged.Red : The battery level is very low (the charge is approx.9% or less).Connect the AC adaptor. You can use the com-puter when the indicator light is orange. If you donot have an AC adaptor, save your data and poweroff your computer. After replacing the battery packwith a fully charged one, turn your computer on.

    Blinking red* : Battery pack or charging may not be working prop-erly. Quickly save your data and power off yourcomputer. Remove the battery pack and discon-nect the AC adaptor, then connect them again.If the problem persists, contact Panasonic Tech-

    nical Support.

    Not lit : Power off / Hibernation modeGreen : Power onBlinking green : Standby modeBlinking green rapidly : Due to extremely low temperatures, power

    cannot be turned on, or computer cannotresume from standby mode.

    Caps Lock

    NumLk(Numeric key)

    ScrLk(Scroll lock)

    CD drive status

    Floppy disk drivestatus

    Hard disk drive sta-tus

    Battery pack status

    Power status

    LED Indicators

    * When the AC adaptor is connected.

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    7Touch Pad

    Use the touch pad to move the cursor on the display and perform normal computeroperations.

    Left Button

    Right Button

    Work Surface


    Two quick taps, but on thesecond tap leaving yourf inger down (applyingpressure) and moving iton the work surface.

    While holding down thebutton, moving your fingeron the work surface.


    Function Operation

    Moving the Cursor




    ScrollScroll a document(The movements will dif-fer depending on the ap-



    Move the tip of your fingerlightly over the surface.

    Basic Operation

    (To next page)

    tapping clicking

    double-tapping double-clicking

    Besides the above operations, operations such as Zoom and Pan are possibleby allocating these functions to the buttons and/or pad. For more details, refer to[Mouse Properties]*.* Windows 2000 : In [Control Panel] - [Mouse]

    Windows XP : In [Control Panel] - [Printers and Other Hardware] - [Mouse]

    The operations of Scroll, Pan or Zoom will differ depending on the application.There are cases the touch pad will not support these operations even with anapplication that supports the functions.


    By design the touch pad is to be used with a finger tip only. Therefore, do not useany implement which causes damage on the work surface.


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    8Touch Pad

    The touch pad is designed to be used with a fingertip only. Therefore, avoid thefollowing actions, which may cause damage to the work surface.

    Placing any object on the work surface Pressing down forcefully with sharp-pointed objects (e.g., nails) or hard objects

    that can leave marks (e.g., pencils and ball point pens)Try to avoid having any harmful substances such as oil, come in contact with thetouch pad. The cursor may not work properly in such cases.When the touch pad becomes dirty:Wipe to remove dirt by using a dry soft cloth such as gauze or a soft cloth firstapplied with detergent diluted with water and then thoroughly wrung. Do not usebenzene or thinner, or rubbing alcohol. Doing so may adversely affect the surface,e.g., discoloration. In addition, do not use commercially-available household clean-ers and cosmetics, as they may contain components harmful to the surface.

    Handling the Touch Pad

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    Function Where data is saved to Time until Requires power supply


    Standby Memory Short Yes (if power is cut, all data is lost)function

    Hibernation Hard disk Rather long Power is not required to maintain datafunction

    Standby/Hibernation Functions

    Starting Up Your Computer Quickly

    We recommend plugging in the AC adaptor if the standby function is to beused for a long period of time. If the AC adaptor cannot be connected, werecommend that hibernation mode be used instead of the standby mode.If the standby or hibernation function is used repeatedly, the computer maynot work properly. To stabilize computer operations, we recommend shuttingdown Windows on a regular basis (about once a week) without using thestandby or hibernation function.


    Use any of the following methods to enter the standby or hibernation mode.To use the hibernation mode, make the setting below in advance. (Enabled in factorypreset.)

    Fn key combinations ( page 4)Using the power switch ( page 11)From the shut down screen: Standby

    Windows 2000 : In [Start] - [Shut Down], select [Stand by].

    Windows XP : In [start] - [Turn Off Computer], select [Stand By]. Hibernation

    Windows 2000 : In [Start] - [Shut Down], select [Hibernate].

    Windows XP : In [start] - [Turn Off Computer], press and hold Shift , thenselect [Hibernate].

    Entering the Standby or Hibernation mode

    Setting for using the hibernation mode

    Windows 2000

    1 Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Power Options].

    2 In [Hibernate], add the check mark for [Enable hibernate support] and select [OK].Windows XP

    1 Select [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [Power Op-tions].

    2 In [Hibernate], add the check mark for [Enable hibernation] and select [OK].

    (To next page)

    Differences between the standby and hibernation functions

    If you want to immediately start up and continue an application after shutting down your

    computer, you can do so by using either the standby or hibernation function.

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    10Standby/Hibernation Functions


    Before entering the standby or hibernation mode

    Be sure to save all data.When a file in an external device such as a CD drive, external hard disk, or ATAcard is opened, close the file.Even when a password has been set in the Setup Utility, [Enter Password] doesnot appear when the computer resumes from the standby or hibernation mode.If you want to use the security function when using the standby or hibernationmode, use the Windows password as follows:

    Windows 2000

    1 Set the password in [Control Panel] - [Users and Passwords].

    2 Add the check mark for [Prompt for password when computer goes off standby]in [Control Panel] - [Power Options] - [Advanced].

    Windows XP

    1Select the account to change in [Control Panel] - [User Accounts].2 Set the password.

    3 Add the check mark for [Prompt for password when computer resumes fromstandby] in [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [Power Options]- [Advanced].

    Do not enter either the standby or hibernation mode under the following condi-tions. You may corrupt your data or file, the standby or hibernation function maynot work, or the computer (or peripherals) may fail to work properly. When the floppy disk drive indicator ( ), hard disk drive indicator ( ), CD drive

    indicator ( ) or access lamp on the CD drive is on ( page 6).

    When playing/recording audio files and displaying images (such as MPEG files). When using the communications software and the network function. When using LAN port (cards), SCSI cards and modem port (cards) etc. (If these

    cards fail to work properly, restart the computer.)

    When entering the standby or hibernation modeStandby mode: until the power indicator blinks green

    Hibernation mode: until the power indicator goes off

    Avoid the following: Using the keyboard, touch pad, or power switch. Using external mouse or other peripheral devices. Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptor. Closing or opening the display.

    In standby or hibernation modeDo not insert or remove peripherals; abnormal operation may result.In standby mode, power is consumed. If PC Cards are inserted, more of thatpower is consumed. When all power has been consumed, all data saved at standbyis lost since it is retained in memory. We therefore recommend plugging in the ACadaptor when using the standby function.

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    11Standby/Hibernation Functions

    Press the power switch; at the beep* sound, re-lease your finger

    The computer will enter either the standby or hibernation mode,depending on the setting.

    After releasing your finger from the power switch, do not touch the power switchuntil the power indicator goes off or blinks.At the beep* sound, release your finger from the power switch. If you con-tinue to press down on the switch and hold it for more than four seconds, theunit will emit a second beep* then power off. Data not previously saved willbe lost.

    Windows 2000

    Even when [When I press the power button on my computer] is set to [PowerOff] with [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Power Options] - [Advanced], ifyou press the power switch for more than four seconds and do not release it, asecond beep* will sound and the computer will be turned off forcibly. Data notpreviously saved will be lost.

    Windows XP

    Even when [When I press the power button on my computer] is set to [Shutdown] with [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [PowerOptions] - [Advanced], if you press the power switch for more than four sec-onds and do not release it, a second beep will sound and the computer willbe turned off forcibly. Data not previously saved will be lost.


    * When the speaker function is disabled, e.g., by the key combination Fn + F4 , there willbe no beep sound.

    Shutting down

    Using the Power Switch


    Windows 2000

    1 Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Power Options] - [Advanced].

    2 Select [Standby] or [Hibernate] for [When I press the power button on my com-puter] and then select [OK].

    Windows XP

    1 Select [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [Power Options]- [Advanced].

    2 Select [Stand by] or [Hibernate] for [When I press the power button on my com-puter] and then select [OK].

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    12Standby/Hibernation Functions

    When [Standby]*1 or [Hibernate] is selected as the setting for [When I close the lid of myportable computer] in [Control Panel]*2 - [Power Options] - [Advanced], the computerwill enter either the standby or hibernation mode when the LCD panel is closed. Opera-tion will resume when the LCD panel is opened. Even if the display is closed after thecomputer has entered either the standby or hibernation mode, operation will resume

    when the display is opened. If the computer does not resume when the LCD panel isopened, press the power switch.

    *1 Windows XP : [Stand by]

    *2 Windows XP : [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance]

    Resuming Operation

    Until resuming is complete (requires about 15 seconds, or 60 seconds if connectedto a network, after the display returns), avoid the following: Touching the keyboard (except for password input), touch pad or power switch. Using external mouse or other peripheral devices Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptor.

    Closing or opening the display. Shutting down or restarting Windows. Entering either the standby or hibernation mode again.


    Press the power switch

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    13Security Measures

    To prevent unauthorized access of your computer, the various security measures are provided below.

    You should set your Supervisor Password and User Password (The User Passwordcan only be set when the Supervisor Password has been set).Without the password, access to your computer is impossible.

    Starting up when the password is set

    When [Password on boot] of [Security] menu is set to [Enable], enter your pass-


    and press Enter .

    When you do not want your computer to be used without permission

    When the Setup Utility is started with the Supervisor PasswordYou can register all items of the Setup Utility ( page 48).

    When the Setup Utility is started with the User PasswordYou can not register [Advanced] menu and [Boot] menu.[Set Supervisor Password] and [Hard Disk Lock] will not be displayed on [Secu-rity] menu. The User Password can be changed only when [User Password Pro-tection] has been set to [No Protection]. The User Password cannot be deleted. F9 does not work.

    *1 Supervisor Password or User Password set in the Setup Utility (not the Windows password).*2 Even if no password is entered for about a minute when starting up the Setup Utility, the

    power will not be turned off.


    You do not want your computer to be used without permission

    You do not want the data on the hard disk to be read, or data tobe written to the hard disk, in cases including theft.

    You want to prevent theft or damage to data by using a floppydisk

    You want to prevent theft of your computer

    Function to use

    Supervisor PasswordUser Password

    Hard Disk Lock

    Prevent operation byusing a floppy disk

    Security lock


    page 16

    page 17

    Names and Func-

    tions of Parts

    When [Password on boot] in the Setup Utility is set to [Disable], the password is not

    necessary when the computer is started up, but the password becomes necessarywhen the Setup Utility is started up. This alternative makes it possible to prevent thecontents of the Setup Utility from being changed.


    Will Start

    Three incorrect attemptsor

    No password for about a minute*2

    The correct passwordEnter Password [ ]

    Windows has a security function that differs from the above security measures. For detailed information, refer tothe Windows help.

    For security functions for the wireless LAN : page 46


    Will Not Start(Power off)

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    14Security Measures

    Setting the Supervisor Password (enabling, changing, disabling)

    1 Run the Setup Utility ( page 48)

    2 Using either or , select [Security]

    3 Using either or , select [Set Supervisor Password] andpress Enter

    4 Enter your password at [Enter Current Password] and press


    5 Enter your password at [Enter New Password] and pressEnterTo disable the Supervisor PasswordPress only Enter

    6 Re-enter your password at [Confirm New Password] and pressEnter

    To disable the Supervisor PasswordPress only Enter

    7 At [Setup Notice], press Enter

    8 Press F10 and select [Yes], then press Enter

    Your password will not be displayed on the screen.Only up to seven alphanumeric characters can be used. There is no distinction between upper and lower case letters. Use only the upper horizontal row of numeric keys to input your password. Do not input your password while holding down Shift or Ctrl .Disabling the Supervisor Password also disables the User Password.


    Do not forget your password. If your Supervisor Password is forgotten youwill be unable to use your computer. Contact Panasonic Technical Support.When running the Setup Utility, do not leave your computer even for a shorttime, as the possibility exists for the password to be set/changed by anotherperson.


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    15Security Measures

    Setting the User Password (enabling, changing, disabling)

    1 Run the Setup Utility ( page 48)

    2 Using either or , select [Security]

    3 Using either or , select [Set User Password] and pressEnter

    4 Enter your password at [Enter Current Password] and pressEnter

    5 Enter your password at [Enter New Password] and pressEnter

    To disable the User PasswordPress only Enter

    6 Re-enter your password at [Confirm New Password] and pressEnter

    To disable the User PasswordPress only Enter

    7 At [Setup Notice], press Enter

    8 Press F10 and select [Yes], then press Enter

    When the Supervisor Password has not been set, the User Password can not beset. Set the Supervisor Password if you have not done so. ( page 14)


    Your password will not be displayed on the screen.Only up to seven alphanumeric characters can be used. There is no distinction between upper and lower case letters. Use only the upper horizontal row of numeric keys to input your password. Do not input your password while holding down Shift or Ctrl .

    When you do not want the User Password enabled or changed withoutpermission:

    1 Run the Setup Utility and enter the Supervisor Password.

    2 Using and , select [User Password Protection] in [Security] menu and

    press Enter .

    3 Using and , select [Protected] and press Enter .


    Do not forget your password. If a password is forgotten, you will be unable to use

    your computer. If this happens, ask a person who knows the Supervisor Pass-word.When running the Setup Utility, do not leave your computer even for a short time,as the possibility exists for the password to be set/changed by another person.


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    1 Run the Setup Utility ( page 48)

    2 Using either or , select [Security]

    3 Using either or , select [Hard Disk Lock] and pressEnter

    4 To enable the Hard Disk LockSelect [Enable] and press EnterAt [Caution], press Enter .

    To disable the Hard Disk Lock

    Select [Disable] and press Enter

    5 Press F10 and select [Yes], then press Enter

    Security Measures

    If your computer requires repairContact Panasonic Technical Support.Be sure to set [Hard Disk Lock] to [Disable].

    In the default setting, [Hard Disk Lock] is set to [Disable].You cannot set [Hard Disk Lock] without setting the Supervisor Password. Set

    the Supervisor Password if you have not done so. ( page 14)

    The hard disk protection function only works with the internal hard disk. Thisfunction does not work with the external hard disk.



    When the Hard Disk Lock is set to [Enable], it is impossible to read/write data from/tothe hard disk when the hard disk is inserted in a different computer, since a password isalso set for the hard disk. When the hard disk is returned to the original computer, youcan read and write data as before. In this case, however, make the settings in the SetupUtility exactly the same as they were before the hard disk was removed.It is possible to set the Hard Disk Lock even if [Password on boot] is set to [Disable], butwe recommend that [Password on boot] be set to [Enable] for security reasons.(Note that this Hard Disk Lock does not guarantee complete protection of data.)

    When you do not want the data on the hard disk to be read/written

    Setting the Hard Disk Lock (enabling, disabling)

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    Disabling the floppy disk operation makes it impossible to read and write a floppy diskand to start the computer from a floppy disk. This can prevent data from being accessedillegally or overwritten accidentally using a floppy disk.

    Preventing theft or damage to data using a floppy disk

    Security Measures

    1 Run the Setup Utility ( page 48)

    2 Using either or , select [Security]

    3Using either or , select [Floppy Operation] and press


    4 Using and , select [Disable] and press Enter

    To enable the floppy operation

    Select [Enable].

    5 Press F10 and select [Yes], then press Enter

    Setting the Floppy Operation (enabling, disabling)

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    18Computing on the Road

    One of the main features of notebook-type computers is that you have the power ofcomputing away from your home or office. In the following, information is provided onhow to maximize use of the battery pack which is necessary for such computing.

    Four Important Points

    Saving Power

    Be sure to charge your battery before and after use.

    To get the maximum use of your battery, set the power management mode.

    Check to see that you have your AC adaptor with you before leav-ing your home or office.Purchasing a spare battery (CF-VZSU18/CF-VZSU18A/CF-VZSU18B) is highly recommended.

    Always watch your battery level!

    Leave your computer off when it is not in use

    ( Starting Up/Shutting Down)

    Adjust the brightness (darker) with Fn + F1By holding down on the keys ( will be displayed), the degree of brightness willbe lowered, thereby lowering the power consumption.

    Before stepping away from your computer, press Fn + F7 orFn + F10 to put your computer in the standby or hiberna-

    tion mode ( page 4)

    Remove peripheral devices (USB devices, PC Cards, externalmouse, etc.) when not in use

    Windows 2000

    In [Control Panel] - [Power Options], make settings in detailBy making settings in detail for the timeout, alarm, etc., it is possible to controlthe consumption of power.

    Windows XP

    In [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [Power Op-tions], make settings in detailBy making settings in detail for the timeout, alarm, etc., it is possible to controlthe consumption of power.

    Windows 2000

    Setting the Intel SpeedStep technology ( page 19)





    Power Saving Methods

    Select to view important tips for using the battery pack. You can also viewimportant tips using the following procedure.

    Windows 2000

    Select [Important Tips] in [Start] - [Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals].Windows XP

    Select [Important Tips] in [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [On-Line Manuals].



    When installed in a network environment (except when the Wake up from LANfunction is in use).

    Do not use the standby or hibernation mode.After resuming operation from the standby or hibernation mode, the network con-nection may be severed or the computer may not work proper ly.

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    Select on the taskbar

    By using the Intel(R) SpeedStep(TM) technology applet, you can set the computer sperformance to optimize power consumption.

    Setting the Intel(R) SpeedStep (TM) technology

    Displays settings currently in effect.

    Do not add the check mark.

    Computing on the Road

    Starting up the Intel(R) SpeedStep(TM) technology

    Windows 2000

    The icon differs depending on the current setting.Maximum Performance (The CPU performance is maximized at all times.)

    Automatic (The CPU performance is automatically maximized only when


    Battery Optimized Performance

    Maximum Battery (Maximum battery life)

    You can also start using [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Power Options]- [Intel(R) SpeedStep(TM) technology].


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    20Battery Power

    Use the Battery Indicator to Check the Battery Status

    Battery StatusCharging in progress


    The battery level is very low (the charge is approx. 9% orless).Connect the AC adaptor. You can use the computer whenthe indicator light is orange. If you do not have an AC adap-tor, save your data and power off your computer. After re-placing the battery pack with a fully charged one, turn yourcomputer on.

    Battery pack or charging may not be working properly.Quickly save your data and power off your computer.

    Remove the battery pack and disconnect the AC adaptor,then connect them again.If the problem persists, contact Panasonic Technical Sup-port.

    Battery pack is not connected or charging not being per-formed.

    Battery IndicatorOrange*



    Blinking red*

    Not lit

    * When the AC adaptor is connected.

    This computer prevents overcharging of the battery by recharging only when theremaining power is less than approx. 95% of capacity after the battery is fully



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    21Battery Power

    Check the Remaining Battery Power

    Fn + F9


    In the following cases, there may be a difference between the remaining bat-tery capacity displayed on the indicator and the actual remaining battery ca-

    pacity. To correct this, execute the Refresh Battery utility. ( page 23) The battery indicator light remains red. The battery remaining displays 99% and the indicator light is orange for a

    long period of time. Low battery warning appears after a short period of time. This may be

    caused by the use of standby mode for long periods of time. The battery isdischarging while the computer is in standby mode when the AC adaptor isnot connected.

    There may be a discrepancy with the % value that is displayed on the taskbarof Windows, but this is not a malfunction.

    When the battery pack is inserted inthe computer (example)

    When the battery pack is not in-serted in the computer

    Press Fn + F9 to Check the Remaining Battery Power on the Screen(After logging on to Windows)

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    22Battery Power

    When remaining battery capacity falls to 5%[Critical battery alarm]

    When the Remaining Battery Charge Becomes Low

    When remaining battery capacity falls to 10%[Low battery alarm]

    Displays a message indicating the lowbattery level.

    Windows 2000

    The computer will enter standby mode.Windows XP

    The computer will enter hibernationmode.

    Connect the AC adaptor before start-ing up the computer next time.

    If the computer starts up or resumeswhile the AC adaptor is not connected,Windows may not operate properly oralarm operations may not work properly.

    Displays a message indicating the lowbattery level.

    Charge your battery.

    Connect the AC adaptor immediately.If you do not have the AC adaptor withyou, exit any programs currently run-ning, then shut down Windows, andconfirm that the power indicator is off.Use a spare battery if you have one.( page 24)

    The following is factory default setting.

    Above settings can be changed.

    1 Windows 2000

    Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Power Options] - [Alarms].

    Windows XP

    Select [Start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [PowerOptions] - [Alarms].

    2 Set alarm operations and remaining battery level for operating alarm func-tions.When disabling the speaker by pressing Fn + F4 , the sound alarmis also disabled.

    About High Temperature Mode

    This computer has a high temperature mode function that prevents the degradation ofthe battery in high temperature environments.We recommend setting the high temperature mode function when installing the com-

    puter in a car, etc. To do this, set [Environment] in [Main] menu of the Setup Utility to[High Temperature]. Note that a 100% remaining battery reading in [High Temperature]mode is about an 80% reading in [Normal Temperature] mode.After switching from [Normal Temperature] to [High Temperature], or vice versa, theremaining battery will not be displayed properly until the battery pack is completelydischarged or fully charged.

    Set the value for [Critical battery alarm] to 5% or more. This is necessary for thestandby or hibernation function to be completed (assuring data is saved) whenthe battery level is low.

    When making a setting for [When the alarm goes off, the computer will] in [Alarms]- [Alarm Action], add a check mark for [Force stand by or shutdown even if aprogram stops responding.]

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    The battery pack has a function for measuring, storing and learning about battery ca-pacity. Using this function properly to accurately display remaining battery capacity re-quires that the battery pack be fully charged (charged to 100%), then fully discharged,and then fully charged again.This procedure should be performed once after you purchase the computer. As you usethe battery pack over a long period of time, the remaining capacity display may becomeinaccurate due to aging of the battery pack and other factors. The procedure describedbelow should be performed again.

    1 Attach the battery pack and connect the AC adaptorRemove all peripherals (except for the battery pack and AC adaptor).

    2Use the Refresh Battery utility to fully discharge the batterypack

    1 Run the Setup Utility. ( page 48)

    2 Select [Refresh Battery] from [Exit] menu and press Enter .

    3 At the confirmation message, select [Yes] and press Enter .

    Once the battery indicator turns green, the battery pack will be completely dis-charged. It takes approximately 4.5 hours until the power automatically goes offthrough the complete discharge of the battery from the fully charged state.

    3Allow the battery pack to charge until the battery indicator turnsgreen

    Charging Time: Approximately 3.8 hours.

    Accurately Displaying Battery Capacity

    Battery Power

    If the computer is turned off while refreshing the battery (electrical power outage,accidental removal of the AC adaptor or battery pack, etc.), the battery will not berefreshed correctly.


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    24Battery Power

    Replacing the Battery Pack

    1 Power off your computer ( Starting Up/Shutting Down)Do not shut down using the standby function.

    2Turn your computer over and remove the coverSlide the latch, and then without releasing it, slide and remove the cover.

    4Reattach the coverMatch the mark on the cover to the body of the computer and slide thecover back into place.

    Be sure the battery pack is properly connected to the connector.

    For an improperly attached cover, your battery pack may fall outwhile you are carrying around your computer.Be sure the tab does not get caught when closing the cover.


    Do not touch the terminals on the battery pack. The battery pack may no longerfunction properly if the contacts are dirty or damaged.The battery pack is not charged when the computer is first purchased. Be sure tocharge it before using it for the first time. When the AC adaptor is connected tothe computer, charging begins automatically.In the standby mode, do not remove/change the battery pack. Removing thepack in the standby mode will erase your data and may damage the computer.




    3 Taking out the battery packPull the tab on the battery pack and remove it from the computer.

    Inserting a battery packFirmly attach the battery pack to the connector.


    Battery Pack


    When the charge provided by your battery pack is supplied for only a shor t period oftime, even after fully charging according to the instructions, it may be time to replaceyour battery pack. The battery pack is a consumable item and therefore will requirereplacement (CF-VZSU18/CF-VZSU18A/CF-VZSU18B).

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    25CD Drive

    If the disc gets dirty

    After wiping the disc with a moist, softcloth, wipe it with a dry cloth. Always wipefrom the center toward the edge.

    Do not place items other than discs on the tray.

    Do not leave the tray in the open position or touch the lens.Under some conditions, dust may build up on the lens, or on a disc. This may result ina read or write malfunction.Do not apply excessive force to the tray in the open position, doing so could damage thetray.Do not open the drive or move the computer while the drive is being accessed.Doing so could cause it to malfunction.In addition, after running an application involving access to a disc, do not open thedrive or remove the disc until after the application has been closed.Do not access the drive until after the tray is closed and the CD drive indictor andaccess lamp on the CD drive are off. ( page 6)Do not expose the drive to excessive smoke that may leave a residue, e.g., oil smoke,

    or tobacco smoke. Doing so could shorten the life of the drive lens.We recommend cleaning the drive lens with an air puffer used for camera lenses. (Donot use any spray-type of lens cleaning products.)Never insert foreign objects such as paper clips into the drive. Doing so could cause itto malfunction.Do not use any discs that have become deformed, warped, or are not completelyround.

    To avoid damaging discs:Do not touch the data surface (the side opposite the side with the title printed on it) asit can cause the disc to become dirty or scratched.Do not allow discs to become dirty or scratched.Do not place or store discs in locations exposed to heat, direct sunlight, humidity ordust.

    Do not write on the surface of the disc with a ballpoint pen or other writing instrumentnor paste any paper to it.Do not drop, bend, or place heavy objects on top of discs.If the disc is brought from a cold into a warm environment, moisture may form on thedisc. Wipe this moisture off with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth before using the disc.Cleaning the disc using a disc cleaner is recommended once every 2 or 3 months.

    Usage Precautions

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    1 Turn your computer on2Press the disc eject button and slowly pull out the tray

    Setting a Disc

    Title-side up

    Do not apply excessive force to the tray in the open position, doing so coulddamage the tray.

    Center Holder

    Eject ButtonCAUTION

    CD Drive

    If the vibration of the CD dr ive is excessive, set [CD Drive Speed] to [Low] in theSetup Utility.For AutoPlay CDs: If an AutoPlay CD does not start after the computer resumes from the standby

    or hibernation modes, remove the disc from the drive, then reinsert the discagain after a 15 second wait.

    An AutoPlay CD may start during file access, depending on the status of the disc.When playing back movies from a disc, note that smooth playback may not bepossible in some cases.

    If the CD drive has not been accessed within 90 seconds, the drive motor will automati-cally shut down to reduce the power consumption. When the CD drive is accessedonce again, the power of the drive motor is turned on. However, approximately 30seconds are required until data is actually read from the disc.

    Power-saving Mode


    3Place the disc securely on the center holder4Close the tray

    Before using the drive for the first time, remove the protective sheetfrom the lens area. The protective sheet inside the drive delays theopening of the drive by about ten seconds. This delay is not a problem.


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    To play DVD-Video or MPEG2 files, install the DVD playback software (included).

    For information on how to install the software, refer to the instructions of the software( WinDVD).

    About Regions SettingThe DVD-Video has a region code that is fixed according to the region where it issold. In order to play a DVD-Video, the region code of the player software and of thedrive must match that of the DVD-Video.For U.S.A. and Canada: 1For Europe: 2

    The region code is not set prior to the shipment of this drive. Therefore, operations

    will differ depending on the first DVD-Video played.In the case of a DVD-Video with a specific region code:The drive will automatically be set with the same region code as the DVD-Video.In the case of any other DVD-Video:[Confirm Region] appears. Select region code and select [OK]. Play now begins.([Confirm Region] may not be displayed for some DVD-Videos. To confirm thecurrent region code and the number of settings remaining, right-click on the WinDVDscreen and select [Setup]-[Region].)

    When using DVD Media

    CD Drive


    The region code can be set a total of five times, including the initial setting.Proceed very carefully, because after the fourth change has been made, the

    region code set last is fixed and no further changes can be made.The user must take responsibility for any trouble that results from illegally chang-ing or altering the region code.

    [Confirm Region] will also be displayed if a DVD-Video with one region code isinserted into a drive for which another region code has already been set.


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    If the write operation is to involve a long period of time, be sure to connect the ACadaptor. If the battery power runs low and the power of the computer is cut, the writeoperation may end in failure.Depending on the disc, the quality of the write operation may not be so good. Werecommend using any of the following discs.

    Recommended Discs:



    CD-R write speed*

    CD-RW write speed

    High-Speed CD-RW writespeed

    600 KB/s (4X speed)1200 KB/s (8X speed)2400 KB/s (16X speed Max.)3600 KB/s (24X speed Max.)

    600 KB/s (4X speed)

    600 KB/s (4X speed)1200 KB/s (8X speed)

    1500 KB/s (10X speed)

    * Depending on the disc, the writing speed may become slower.

    Using the CD-ROM of the CD-R/RW writer software (included), install the applicationsoftware on your computer. For information on how to install the software, refer to theinstructions of the CD-R/RW writer software.

    Be sure to use discs conforming to the proper write speeds.

    CD Drive

    Information for the DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive (Model with a DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW Drive)

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    Using the CD-ROM of the writer software (included), install the application softwareon your computer. For information on how to install the software, refer to the instruc-tions of the writer software.Be sure to use discs conforming to the proper write speeds.

    If the write operation is to involve a long period of time, be sure to connect the ACadaptor. If the battery power runs low and the power of the computer is cut, the writeoperation may end in failure.Be sure to use discs that meet the following specifications.

    DVD-R for General Ver.2.0 (4.7 GB)DVD-R for General Ver.2.0/4X-SPEED DVD-R REVISION 1.0 (4.7 GB)DVD-RW Ver.1.1 (4.7 GB)DVD-RW Ver.1.1/2X-SPEED DVD-RW REVISION 1.0 (4.7 GB)DVD-RAM Ver.2.0 or Ver.2.1 (4.7 GB/9.4 GB)

    In the case of DVD-RAM, only non-cartridge discs or removable cartridge discs canbe used.Depending on the disc, the quality of the write operation may not be so good. Werecommend using any of the following discs.

    Recommended Discs:



    CD-R write speed*

    CD-RW write speed

    High-Speed CD-RW writespeed

    DVD-R write speed

    DVD-RW write speedDVD-RAM write speed

    600 KB/s (4X speed)1200 KB/s (8X speed)2400 KB/s (16X speed Max.)

    600 KB/s (4X speed)

    600 KB/s (4X speed)1200 KB/s (8X speed)

    1,350 KB/s (1X speed)

    1,350 KB/s (1X speed)2,700 KB/s (2X speed)

    * Depending on the disc, the writing speed may become slower.

    Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.PIONEER VIDEO CORPORATIONTAIYO YUDEN Co., Ltd.

    TDK CorporationVictor Company of Japan, Limited

    Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

    CD Drive

    Information for the DVD MULTI Drive (Model with a DVD MULTI Drive)

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    30PC Cards

    Your computer has two PC Card slots. These slots conform to the PC Card Standard;therefore, communications or SCSI devices, etc., may be utilized. The slots allow you touse two Type I or Type II cards (or one Type I and one Type II), or one Type III card.

    Type I or IITwo cards can be used simultaneously.

    Type IIIOne card can be used only in the slot 1.

    Check the PC Cards specifications. Be sure the total operating current does notexceed the specified limit. Damage may result otherwise.Allowable Current (total for two slots) : 3.3 V: 400 mA, 5 V: 400 mA

    There are times when both a Type I card and a Type II card will not work at thesame time.ZV card, SRAM card, FLASH ROM card (except for an ATA interface) and cardrequiring 12V are not supported.With the repeated insertion/removal of a PC Card, the computer may no longerrecognize the PC Card (depending on the type of card).In such cases, restart the computer.When inserting one more CardBus type card with one already inserted, after en-tering the standby or hibernation mode, the computer may not function properly.If the computer freezes after resuming from the standby or hibernation mode, tryremoving and then reinserting the PC Card. If this does not correct the problem,restart the computer.

    Slot (Socket) 2

    Slot (Socket) 1



    When using a PC Card to connect a peripheral device (SCSI, IEEE 1394,

    etc.):1 Connect the peripheral device to the card.

    2 Turn the device on.

    3 Slide the card in until it snaps into place.When inserting a card, do not force the card in if difficulty is encountered.Depending on the shape of the card, a segment may remain protrudingfrom the slot after insertion. Do not try to force the card all the way in. Youmay damage the slot, making it impossible to remove the card.

    Simply slide the PC Card right-side-up until it snaps into placeRefer to the operation manual of each card on how to insert the card.

    Inserting/Removing the PC Card

    Inserting a PC Card

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    31PC Cards

    Do not remove a PC Card while your computer is in the standby or hiberna-tion mode.When two PC Cards are inserted, perform the following procedure (fromStep 1 to Step 3for each of the two cards.Note that the operation of removing the PC Card may not be complete,depending on the status of the PC Card or device connected to the PCCard, such as when a SCSI card is used to connect an external hard disk tothe computer. In such cases, turn off the power from [Start]*menu, thenremove the card.* Windows XP : [start]


    Eject Button

    Removing a PC Card

    1 Disable the card functionWindows 20001 Select on the taskbar, select the PC Card, then select [Stop].

    2Follow the on-screen instructions.

    (When the PC Card has been removed after the computer is turned off, thisstep is not necessary.)

    Windows XP

    1 Select on the taskbar, select the PC Card, then select [Stop].

    2Follow the on-screen instructions.

    (When the PC Card has been removed after the computer is turned off, thisstep is not necessary.)

    2Press the button out, then press the button again

    3Slide the PC Card out

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    RAM module specifications

    RAM modules are extremely sensitive to static electricity. There are caseswhere static electricity generated by the human body has adversely affectedsuch modules. When inserting or removing a RAM module, do not touch theterminals or internal components, insert objects other than the module, or al-low foreign particles to enter. Doing so has been known to cause damage, fireor electric shock.

    200 pins, SO-DIMM, DDR SDRAM, PC2100 Compliant

    RAM Module

    Memory Cover

    RAM Module Slot

    RAM Module


    Only a RAM module designed for PC2100 can be added.



    Use a RAM module meeting the RAM module specifications below. If a module isused that does not meet the specifications, there are cases in which data maybecome unusable or the computer may not operate proper ly.

    Inserting/Removing RAM Module

    4Put the cover back into place1 Insert the cover diagonally, then fit it in place.2 Fasten the screw.

    1 Power off your computer ( Starting Up/Shutting Down)Do not shut down using the standby or hibernation function.Disconnect the AC adaptor and remove the battery pack.

    2Turn the computer over and remove the screw, then removethe cover


    Whether the RAM module is properly recognized or not can be confirmed in[Information] menu of the Setup Utility ( page 49). If the RAM module is notrecognized, power off the computer and insert it again.

    3 Inserting the RAM module1 Slide in the module at an angle and firmly attach it to the connector.2 Snap the module into place by pushing down on it.

    Removing the RAM module1 Open the left and right hooks.2 Gently remove the RAM module from the slot.

    If the RAM module is difficult to insert or difficult to press down, do not forceit. Check once more to ensure that the module is positioned correctly.


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    33Port Replicator

    A port replicator is available as an option (CF-VEB481). This device elimi-nates the hassles of having you connect/disconnect the various cables whencarrying your computer around and allows a variety of peripherals to be

    connected including a headphone or microphone, etc.The port replicator connects to the expansion bus connector on the bottomof your computer.For more detailed information, refer to the operation manual of the por treplicator.

    When connecting the external display to the display port on the portreplicator, the characters on the external display may be blurred if1280 x 1024 (or a higher resolution) is set.In this case, select a resolution that is lower than 1280 x 1024.

    Although the computers USB connector operates as USB 2.0, theport replicators USB connector operates as USB 1.1.


    Expansion Bus Connector

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    1 Power off your computer ( Starting Up/Shutting Down)Do not shut down using the standby or hibernation function.

    2Connect the printer to your computer

    3Turn on the printer, then turn on your computer

    4Setting your printerWindows 2000

    Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Printers].Find your printers icon, click on it, then select [File] - [Set as DefaultPrinter]. If no icon is available, select [Add Printer] icon and follow theon-screen instructions.

    Windows XP

    Select [start] - [Printers and Faxes].Find your printers icon, double-click on it, then select [Printer] - [Set as

    Default Printer]. If no icon is available, select [Add a printer] and followthe on-screen instructions.

    Parallel Port


    You may need to install a driver for your printer. Follow the on-screen instructions and refer to the operation manual of the printeron how to install the driver.Confirm whether or not the setting for [Parallel Port] in the Setup

    Utility is optimal. ( page 50)


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    1 Power off your computer ( "Starting Up/Shutting Down")Do not shut down using the standby or hibernation function.

    2 Connect the external display to the external display porton your computer

    3 Turn on the external display, then turn on your computerWhen an external display is connected, the computer displays on boththe internal LCD and the external display after Windows starts up re-gardless of [Display] setting in the Setup Utility.

    It is possible to change the setting to display only on the external displayor only on the internal LCD with Fn + F3 .

    4 Set your external displayWindows 2000

    Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Display] - [Settings] - [Ad-vanced] - [Monitor] and make the monitor settings.When a monitor that does not conform to the Plug & Play standards isconnected, select [Properties] - [Driver] - [Update Driver] in [Monitor]and make the monitor settings.

    Windows XP

    Select [start] - [Control Panel] - [Appearance and Themes] - [Display] -[Settings] - [Advanced] - [Monitor] and make the monitor settings.When a monitor that does not conform to the Plug & Play standards isconnected, select [Properties] - [Driver] - [Update Driver] in [Monitor]and make the monitor settings.

    External Display Port

    External Display

    For more detailed information, refer to the operation manual of theexternal display.Set number of colors, screen resolution, or refresh rate correctly tosuit the monitor.When the display destination of the screen is switched using Fn +

    F3 after [Command Prompt] screen is set to Full Screen, thedisplay destination returns to the destination before switching if anEXIT is input and [Command Prompt] screen is closed. This canalso happen if the Full Screen is canceled via an Alt + Entercommand. Press Fn + F3 again.


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    Dualview Windows XP

    With Dualview, you can use both the internal LCD and the external displayas an extended display domain. You can also drag a window from the internalLCD to the external display. To use the Dualview;

    1 Select [Settings] in [Control Panel] - [Appearance and Themes] - [Dis-play].

    2 Select display [2] and add a check mark for [Extend my Windows desktoponto this monitor], then select [Apply].

    3 Make the settings for each display (screen area, colors, etc.).

    External Display

    When using Dualview, the display destination of the screen cannot bechanged with Fn + F3 .If you change the resolution and/or color setting, be sure to restart thecomputer.There are some applications that cannot be used in the Dualview.When the button to maximize a window is pressed, one of the displayswill show the maximized display.A window that has been maximized cannot be moved to the other display.When the Dualview is being utilized, the pop-up icon window is dis-played only on the display [1].


    Extended Desktop Windows 2000

    Do not use the Extended DesktopIf you use the Extended Desktop, the screen may not be displayed properly.

    Do not select these buttons to extend your desktop.If you should select these buttons, restore them to the original settings soon.

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    37External Display


    When the application running is not shown on the display, refer to thefollowing items.(Under the condition the application is in the external display (externaldisplay [2]), or after the application is closed in the external display, thereare cases the application will not be shown in the display when executedthe next time if the position of the extended display is changed or theDualview is closed.)

    When there is no display after the position of the extended display ischanged:

    The application running is being displayed at the position of the ex-tended display before the change. Return the position of the extendeddisplay to the condition before the change. Move the application to theinternal LCD (internal LCD [1]), and then correct the position of the

    extended display.

    When there is no display when the Dualview is disabled:The application running is being displayed in the extended display (ex-ternal display [2]). Set the Dualview again, move the application fromthe external display (external display [2]) to the internal LCD (internalLCD [1]) and then disable the Dualview.

    When the Dualview is used, set [Never] for [Plugged in] and [Running onbatteries] for [Turn off monitor] in [Control Panel] - [Performance and Main-tenance] - [Power Options] - [Power Schemes].If this setting is not made, there are cases the display will not be shown

    properly.To prevent images from being burned onto the external display, manuallyshut off the power to the external display when the display does not haveto be used.When the display domain for the Dualview is changed, there are casesthe wallpaper and icons become displaced.Wallpaper: Change the setting for the wallpaper.Icons: Run the command to automatically realign the icons. (Auto Ar-range)When an animated pointer is used for the mouse pointer (e.g., when chang-ing the theme in [Appearance and Themes] of [Control Panel]), an errormay occur when resuming from the standby or hibernation mode. In suchcases, change the mouse pointer to the standard pointer with the follow-

    ing procedure.1 In [Control Panel], select [Printers and Other Hardware] - [Mouse].

    2Select [Pointers].

    3Select [Windows Default (system scheme)] in [Scheme], then select[OK].

    When an external display not compatible with VESA DPMS is used, thereare cases the display of the external display will be adversely affectedwhen the LCD panel is closed. In such cases, turn the power of the exter-nal display OFF.

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    Connecting USB devices

    USB Devices

    USB devices may be connected or removed without turning off thecomputers power.When a USB device is connected, there are cases the standby orhibernation function will not operate in a normal manner due to theUSB device. In addition, a USB device may have to be removedtemporarily and the computer restarted in cases where the computeris unable to start up properly.

    Some devices will not operate when connected to a USB HUB; thesedevices must be connected directly to the USB port on your computer.When a USB device is removed and then inserted, may appear inthe Device Manager and the device may not be correctly recognized.If this happens, try removing and connect the device once more.When USB devices are connected, power consumption increases.Remove USB devices when not in use, especially when operating onbattery power.Although the computers USB connector operates as USB 2.0, theport replicators USB connector operates as USB 1.1.

    Windows 2000

    When the computer enters standby or hibernation mode and then re-

    sumes while a USB 1.1 device is connected, a device disconnectionwarning message may appear on the screen, but this will not impedethe computers operation.

    USB Ports

    Connect the USB device to the USB port of your computer

    For information on how to connect to the USB device or install the driver,refer to the operation manual of the USB device.


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    Do not remove a USB device while your computer is in the standbyor hibernation mode.Save important data and close each application.

    1 Disable the device functionsWindows 2000

    1 Select on the taskbar and select the USB device, then select


    2 Follow the on-screen instructions.

    (When is not displayed or when the USB device has been re-moved after the computer is turned off, this step is not necessary.)

    Windows XP

    1 Select on the taskbar and select the USB device, then select


    2 Follow the on-screen instructions.

    (When is not displayed or when the USB device has been re-moved after the computer is turned off, this step is not necessary.)

    2 Remove the USB device


    Removing USB devices

    USB Devices

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    Do not enter either the standby or hibernation mode during communications.

    Connecting the Internal Modem with a Telephone Jack



    1 Connect the computer and the telephone jack using a mo-dem telephone cableOpen the modem cover, position the cable so that the tab matches the port( ), and insert the cable.

    2 Set the modemWindows 2000

    1 Select [Edit] in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Phone and Modem Op-tions] - [Dialing Rules], then select the location from which you will be dialingin [Country/region].

    2 Input the necessary information (items such as area code, dialing rules, etc.),

    select [OK], then select [OK].Windows XP

    1 Select [Edit] in [start] - [Control Panel] - [Printers and Other Hardware] - [Phoneand Modem Options] - [Dialing Rules], then select the location from whichyou will be dialing in [Country/region].

    2 Input the necessary information (items such as area code, dialing rules, etc.),select [OK], then select [OK].


    Do not use the PBX internal phone lines inserted in company offices. Doingso may lead to a fire or electric shock.It is not possible to connect the modem to any of the following lines. Internal home phones IntercomsBe sure to connect the modem telephone cable into the modem port, notinto the LAN port.

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    Ring Resume Function

    With this function, if the telephone that is connected to the modem rings in the standbymode, the power of the computer automatically switches ON.This function is convenient when using automatic information receiving applicationssuch as a FAX application.When using this function, it is necessary to run a software application able to main-tain the condition to receive telephone calls and to return the computer to the origi-nal condition after a call. For further details, refer to the operation manuals providedwith software applications.

    Enabling the Ring Resume Function

    1 Windows 2000

    Select [Device Manager] in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [System] -

    [Hardware].Windows XP

    Select [Device Manager] in [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Mainte-nance] - [System] - [Hardware].

    2 Select the modem you are using from [Modems].

    3 Select [Power Management], add the check mark for [Allow this device to bringthe computer out of standby], then select [OK].

    This function does not work when the computer is off or is in hibernationmode.After operations are resumed from standby status, the screen remains

    dark. The former screen display will be restored when the keyboard ortouch pad is touched.The computer cannot resume if a telephone is connected to the line of amodem (e.g., a PC Card modem) other than the internal modem.


    When using this function, it is recommended that the AC adaptor be con-nected to the computer.Concerning the setting for [System standby]* Roughly consider the communication time and then set [System standby].

    There may be cases where the computer enters the standby mode afterthe time set for [System standby] elapses even during communications,and cuts off the communications.

    If [Never] is set, the computer will not enter the standby mode duringcommunications, but once the computer resumes, the power of the com-puter will remain on while the user is absent.* Windows 2000 : Select [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Power Options]

    - [Power Schemes]

    Windows XP : Select [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Mainte-

    nance] - [Power Options] - [Power Schemes]

    When the Ring Resume function is being used, some time elapses beforea connection is established (equal to the time for the computer to resume).To allow the computer to resume, set the Call to a larger value than a

    typical telephone call.If it is not possible for the sending side to set a long Call, set the Numberof rings until answer (with the software application that is able to maintainthe condition to receive telephone calls) to a small value.


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    When using the computer as a network computer, some additional settings mayhave to be made depending on the usage conditions. We recommend asking yoursystem administrator or the person in charge of the network.

    If you are unable to connect to the network (when the indicator of your HUB unitdoes not light):

    1 Windows 2000

    Select [Device Manager] in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [System] -[Hardware].

    Windows XP

    Select [Device Manager] in [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Main-

    tenance] - [System] - [Hardware].2 Select the network adaptor name you are using from [Network adapters].

    3 Select [Advanced].

    4 Confirm the settings of each item.

    Connecting LAN


    1 Power off your computer ( Starting Up/Shutting Down)Do not shut down using the standby or hibernation function.

    2 Connect the cableConnect the LAN port and the network system (server, HUB, etc.) using a LAN



    Do not connect the modem telephone cable into the LAN port.Do not use the standby or hibernation functions during communications (ex-cept when the Wake up from LAN function is in use), as this may cause anerror in data transmission or reception. The timeout function may engageeven during data transmissions, causing the computer to automatically gointo standby or hibernation mode. When not using the Wake up from LANfunction, we recommend disabling the timeout function using the followingprocedure.

    Windows 2000 : [Control Panel] - [Power Options] - [Power Schemes]

    Windows XP : [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [PowerOptions] - [Power Schemes]

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    Wake up from LAN

    Be sure to connect the AC adaptor, and enable the supply of power.Make settings to allow the use of a Local Area Network.The computer will not wake up if the LAN cable is disconnected and recon-nected.The Wake up from LAN function will not operate under the following conditions:

    When the computer has been shut downWhen the power switch is pressed over for four seconds or longer to turn offthe power (e.g., when the computer hangs)When the AC adaptor and battery pack are removed from the computer orreattached to the computer

    After operations are resumed from standby status, the screen remains dark.The former screen display will be restored when the keyboard or touch pad istouched.The computer may start up if accessed by another computer on the network.

    Windows XPThe following procedure can be used to prevent startup due to unintentionalaccess by a computer.

    1 Select [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Maintenance] - [System]- [Hardware] - [Device Manager] - [Network adapters], then select the net-work adaptor name you are using, and then select [Power Management].

    2 Add the check mark for [Only allow management stations to bring the com-puter out of standby], then select [OK].


    This is a function of the internal LAN to automatically power the computer on from anetwork server when the computer is in the standby or hibernation mode. To use thisfunction, it is necessary to have a network environment that accommodates Wakeup from LAN.

    Enabling the Wake up from LAN Function

    Windows 2000

    1 Select [Device Manager] in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [System] -[Hardware].

    2 Select the network adaptor name you are using from [Network adapters].

    3 Select [Power Management], add the check mark for [Allow this device to bringthe computer out of standby] and [Allow the computer to turn off this device to

    save power], then select [OK].Windows XP

    1 Select [Device Manager] in [start] - [Control Panel] - [Performance and Mainte-nance] - [System] - [Hardware].

    2 Select the network adaptor name you are using from [Network adapters].

    3 Select [Power Management], add the check mark for [Allow this device to bringthe computer out of standby] and [Allow the computer to turn off this device tosave power], then select [OK].

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    44Wireless LAN

    If you use a wireless LAN, you can use a network without cable connections.



    Communication is performed through the wireless LAN antenna. Do not block theantenna area with your hand or otherwise interfere with the passage of the radiosignals.

    Wireless LAN Antenna

    The communication speeds and distances differ depending on the devices that sup-port the wireless LAN, the installation environment and other ambient conditions.One characteristic of radio waves is that their transmission rate tends to drop asthe communication distance increases. It is recommended that the devices sup-porting the wireless LAN be used in close vicinity to each other.The rate may drop while a microwave oven is being used.

    Windows XPDo not use the Fast User Switching function.


    Do not use wireless LAN on airplanes, in hospitals, or in

    other locations where wireless LAN signals may affectthe operation of devices in the vicinityIf you intend to use the computer in the environments described above, turn the

    wireless LAN off using the following method:To turn off the wireless LAN

    1 Double-click or on the taskbar.

    2Select your wireless LAN adaptor and select [General].

    3Select [Off] for [Switch radio].

    4Select [OK]. The icon will turn to .

    To prevent theft of data or unauthorized access to thehard disk via a wireless LAN ( page 45) ( page 46)If you plan to use wireless LAN functions, we recommend that you do so only after

    making the appropriate security settings, such as for data encryption.

    We recommend turning the wireless LAN off when it is

    not in use or out of rangeIf you leave the wireless LAN on, the batterys operating time is shortened.

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    45Wireless LAN

    To use the wireless LAN, set the profile by following the procedure below.The settings will vary for different network environments depending on the networksystem being used. For more details, ask your system administrator or the person incharge of the network.

    Windows 2000

    After setting the profile, delete the profile displayed at the time of purchase (profilename: Default).

    Windows XP

    If [Windows XP is currently configured to manage the Intel(R) PRO/Wireless LANadaptor.] is displayed, select [Yes].


    The Settings

    1 Double-click on the taskbar

    2 Select your wireless LAN adapter and select [General]

    3 Select [On] for [Switch radio]

    4 Select [Networks] and select [Add]5 Enter the profile name and network name, and then make other

    necessary changes, then select [Next]

    6 Make necessary changes and select [Finish]For security reasons, we recommend that you enable the encryption (WEP).If you enable WEP, enable encryption on the access point side as well.

    1 Select [64-bit] or [128-bit] from [Data Encryption].

    2Select [Use pass phrase] or [Use hex key], and enter the pass phrase or key.In the case of ASCII character: [64-bit (5 characters)] [128-bit (13 characters)]In the case of hexadecimal: [64-bit (10 digits)] [128-bit (26 digits)]

    Set the same value on the computer side and the access point side. When using an access point that enables 128-bit settings (some access points

    display 104 bits), we recommend setting data encryption at 128 bits to pre-vent unauthorized decryption.

    When changing the profile settings while connected, first select the profile,then select [Connect] to enable the new settings.

    7 Select the set profile and select [Connect]

    8 Select [OK]


    Set profiles for each user by following the procedure shown below.

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    46Wireless LAN

    Check the Communication Status

    If the function fails to operate correctly

    The access point fails to be displayed in [Available Networks]Select the profile you are using, and select [Advanced] in [Networks]. [Con-nect to ad hoc networks only] may have been selected in [Connection prefer-ence]. In this case, select [Connect to infrastructure and ad hoc networks].This computer uses channels 1 through 11*. Check the channel being used.* In the case of wireless communications, the frequency band being used can

    be divided into segments, so that different communications can be con-ducted on each band segment. A Channel refers to the individual fre-quency bandwidth divisions.

    The access point cannot be accessed

    The network key setting may not conform to the access point.Check the network key setting of the access point and, if necessary, set itagain correctly.Depending on the access point and settings, access may not be acceptedunless the computers MAC address is registered beforehand. In this case,check the computers MAC address and register it according to the operatinginstructions of the access point using the following procedure.

    1 Display [Command Prompt].

    Windows 2000

    Select [Start] - [Programs] - [Accessories] - [Command Prompt].Windows XP

    Select [start] - [All Programs] - [Accessories] - [Command Prompt].

    2 Input [ipconfig/all], and press Enter .

    3 Make a note of the 12-digit string of alphanumerics displayed on the Physi-cal Address line on the Wireless Network Connection side. Then input[exit], and press Enter .

    The IP address of the access point is wrongFollowing the operating instructions of the access point, set the IP address of theaccess point again correctly.

    Double-click or on the taskbar to check the communication status.

    For more information about how to use the Intel PROSet, refer to the [Help] in the menu bar.

    Read the operating instructions for the access point carefully and check the settings.


    About WLAN Security ClientWLAN Security Client is an implementation of the client side of the IEEE 802.1X-Port

    Based Network Access Control protocol. 802.1X access control provides improvedsecurity for both wired and wireless networks. Since the WLAN Security Client has already started when is displayed onthe taskbar, do not double-start it. If is not displayed, start up the WLANSecurity Client in the following menu.

    Windows 2000

    Select [Start] - [Programs] - [Intel] - [WLAN Security Client Manager].

    Windows XP

    Select [start] - [All Programs] - [Intel] - [WLAN Security Client Manager]. For more information about how to use the WLAN Security Client, refer to the[Help] in the menu bar or;

    Windows 2000

    Select [Getting Started Guide] or [User's Guide] in [Start] - [Programs] - [Intel].Windows XP

    Select [Getting Started Guide] or [User's Guide] in [start] - [All Programs] - [Intel].

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    47Hard Disk Drive

    To change your hard disk drive, contact Panasonic Technical Support

    To change your hard disk drive, contact Panasonic Technical Support.Be sure to back up all important data before the change.You can erase the data before changing the hard disk drive.

    ( Hard Disk Data Erase Utility)

    If [Hard Disk Lock] is set to [Enable] in the Setup Utility, change this to [Disable]before the change.Be careful when replacing the hard disk drive. The hard disk drive is extremely sensi-tive to shock. In addition, static electricity could later affect some internal components.


    Installing/Removing the hard disk drive


    3 Removing the hard diskCarefully lift the hard disk and remove it from the connector by pullingthe tab.

    1 Power off your computer ( Starting Up/Shutting Down)Do not shut down using the standby or hibernation function.Disconnect the AC adaptor and remove the battery pack.

    2 Turn your computer over and remove the coverSlide the latch, and then without releasing it, slide and remove the cover.


    Hard Disk


    4 Inserting the hard diskConnect the hard disk to the connector and carefully insert the hard disk.

    The hard disk may be damaged if its top and bottom are confused.In this computer, connect the strand on the opposite edge of theflat cable to the red strand to the No.1 pin of the connector.


    5 Close the coverMatch the mark on the cover to the body of the computer, then slide thecover back into place and put the battery pack in place.



    Be sure the tab does not get caught when closing the cover.



    Whether the hard disk is properly recognized or not can be confirmedin [Information] menu of the Setup Utility ( page 49). If the harddisk is not recognized, power off the computer and insert it again.

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    48Setup Utility

    Running the Setup Utility

    If you fail to press F2 at the right moment, the Setup Utility will not start up. Inthis case, power off the computer and try again.To close the Setup Utility, press Esc , select the exiting method in [Exit] menu,

    then press Enter .


    F1 :To display the corresponding help file.

    Esc :To display [Exit] menu. :To move among the items.

    :To move among the menus.

    F5 F6 :To move among the values.

    Enter :To display sub-menu of each item selected by .

    F9 :To set default settings (except the password).(When starting up the Setup Utility with the User Password, this keyis not available.)

    F10 :To save the settings and exit.

    Key Operations

    When setting date and time, Tab can be used to move the cursor.


    1 Turn on or restart the computer

    2 Press F2 while [Panasonic] boot screen is displayed soonafter the computer begins the startup procedureIf [Enter Password] is displayed, enter your password.When a User Password is entered, some contents cannot be changed ( page 13).

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    49Setup Utility



    Information Menu

    Language: [English]

    Model No.: xxxx

    Serial No.: xxxx

    CPU Type: xxxx

    CPU Speed x.x GHz

    BIOS: Vx.xxLxxEmbedded Controller: Vx.xxLxx

    System Memory: xxx MB

    Video RAM: xxx MB

    Primary Master: xx GBSecondary Master: CD Drive

    ( : Default)Parameters

    *1 Select the language for displaying the Setup



    External MonitorInternal LCDSimultaneous



    Normal TemperatureHigh Temperature

    Touch Pad


    Display Expansion

    CD Drive Speed*5


    Main Menu

    System Date: [xx/xx/xxxx]*2

    System Time: [xx:xx:xx]*3

    Touch Pad: [Enable]

    Display: [Simultaneous]

    Display Expansion: [Enable]

    CD Drive Speed: [High]

    Environment: [Normal Temperature]

    ( : Default)Parameters

    *4 The display destination in cases where Win-

    dows is not running is set here. When an ex-

    ternal display is connected, the computer dis-

    plays on both the internal LCD and the exter-

    nal display after Windows starts up regardlessof [Display] setting.

    *5 For a DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW drive and a DVD

    MULTI drive, the description for CD Drive

    Speed applies to read only.



    Date is shown in order of Month / Day / Year.*3 Time is shown in 24-hr. style.

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    Serial Port

    Parallel Port




    Boot up from LAN*2

    Wireless LAN

    Serial Port : [Enable]Parallel Port: [Enable]

    Mode: [ECP]

    Modem : [Enable]LAN: [Enable]

    Boot up from LAN: [Enable]Wireless LAN: [Enable]








    Setup Utility

    Advanced Menu

    ( : Default)

    *1 This item is displayed only when [Parallel Port]

    is set to [Enable].


    (Display may differ depending on computer model.)

    *2 [Disable] is automatically set when [LAN] is set

    to [Disable].

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    To the sub-menu





    No ProtectionProtected

    To the sub-menu


    Password on boot

    Set Supervisor Password

    Setup Utility Prompt

    Boot First Menu

    Hard Disk Lock*

    User Password Protection

    Set User Password*

    Floppy Operation

    Setup Utility

    Security Menu

    Password on boot: [Enable]Set Supervisor Password: [Enter]

    Setup Utility Prompt: [Enable]Boot First Menu: [Enable]Hard Disk Lock: [Disable]User Password Protection: [No Protection]Set User Password: [Enter]

    Floppy Operation: [Enable]

    * Setting impossible when the Supervisor Pass-

    word is not set.

    ( : Default)Parameters

    When the Setup Utility is started up with the User Password;[Set Supervisor Password] and [Hard Disk Lock] will not be displayed.The User Password can be changed only when [User Password Protection] has beenset to [No Protection]. The User Password cannot be deleted.


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    Save Values & Exit

    Exit Without Saving Changes

    Get Default Values*

    Load Previous Values

    Save Current Values

    Refresh Battery

    Exit the Setup Utility and save your changes to CMOS.

    Exit the Setup Utility without saving your changes to CMOS.

    Set the default settings.

    Load previous values from CMOS for all Setup items.

    Save your changes to CMOS.

    Refreshing the Battery ( page 23)

    Setup Utility

    Exit Menu

    Save Values & ExitExit Without Saving ChangesGet Default ValuesLoad Previous ValuesSave Current Values

    Refresh Battery

    * This item may not be displayed when starting up the Setup Utility with the User Password.


    Boot Menu

    Floppy DriveHard Disk Drive

    CD DriveLAN

    The default order is as follows:[Floppy Drive] [Hard Disk Drive] [CD Drive] [LAN].To move a device up by one in the order, select the device with and ,and then press F6 .To move a device down by one in the order, select the device with and ,and then press

    F5 .


    Boot MenuThe device for starting up the operating system can also be selected during computerstart-up. After the computer is turned on and Esc is pressed at Panasonic bootscreen, [Boot Menu] (th