
248 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition) Pt. 90 appropriate FAA Regional Spectrum Management Office. Each application must be accompanied by a statement showing the name of the FAA Regional Office and date notified. The Commis- sion will assign the frequency. Nor- mally frequencies available for air traf- fic control operations set forth in sub- part E will be assigned to automatic weather observation stations and to automatic terminal information sta- tions. When a licensee has entered into an agreement with the FAA to operate the same station as both an automatic weather observation station and as an automatic terminal information sta- tion, the same frequency will be used in both modes of operation. PART 90—PRIVATE LAND MOBILE RADIO SERVICES Subpart A—General Information Sec. 90.1 Basis and purpose. 90.5 Other applicable rule parts. 90.7 Definitions. Subpart B—Public Safety Radio Pool 90.15 Scope. 90.16 Public Safety National Plan. 90.20 Public Safety Pool. 90.22 Paging operations. Subpart C—Industrial/Business Radio Pool 90.31 Scope. 90.33 General eligibility. 90.35 Industrial/Business Pool. Subparts D—E [Reserved] Subpart F—Radiolocation Service 90.101 Scope. 90.103 Radiolocation Service. Subpart G—Applications and Authorizations 90.111 Scope. 90.113 Station authorization required. 90.115 Foreign government and alien eligi- bility. 90.117 Applications for radio station or radio system authorizations. 90.119 Application forms. 90.121 Canadian registration. 90.123 Full disclosures. 90.125 Who may sign applications. 90.127 Submission and filing of applications. 90.129 Supplemental information to be rou- tinely submitted with applications. 90.131 Amendment or dismissal of applica- tions. 90.135 Modification of license. 90.137 Applications for operation at tem- porary locations. 90.138 Applications for itinerant fre- quencies. 90.139 Commission processing of applica- tions. 90.141 Resubmitted applications. 90.143 Grants of applications. 90.145 Special temporary authority. 90.147 Mailing address furnished by licensee. 90.149 License term. 90.151 Requests for waiver. 90.153 Transfer or assignment of station au- thorization. 90.155 Time in which station must be placed in operation. 90.157 Discontinuance of station operation. 90.159 Temporary and conditional permits. SPECIAL RULES GOVERNING FACILITIES USED TO PROVIDE COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES 90.160 Public notice. 90.161 Amendment or dismissal of applica- tions. 90.162 Agreements to dismiss applications, amendments, or pleadings. 90.163 Petitions to deny, responsive plead- ings. 90.164 Classification of filings as major or minor. 90.165 Procedures for mutually exclusive ap- plications. 90.166 Grants of applications. 90.167 Time in which a station must com- mence service. 90.168 Equal employment opportunities. 90.169 Construction prior to grant of appli- cation. Subpart H—Policies Governing the Assignment of Frequencies 90.171 Scope. 90.173 Policies governing the assignment of frequencies. 90.175 Frequency coordination require- ments. 90.176 Coordinator notification require- ments on frequencies below 512 MHz. 90.177 Protection of certain radio receiving locations. 90.179 Shared use of radio stations. 90.185 Multiple licensing of radio transmit- ting equipment in the mobile radio serv- ice. 90.187 Trunking in the bands between 150 and 512 MHz. Subpart I—General Technical Standards 90.201 Scope. 90.203 Type acceptance required. 90.205 Power and antenna height limits.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)Pt. 90

appropriate FAA Regional SpectrumManagement Office. Each applicationmust be accompanied by a statementshowing the name of the FAA RegionalOffice and date notified. The Commis-sion will assign the frequency. Nor-mally frequencies available for air traf-fic control operations set forth in sub-part E will be assigned to automaticweather observation stations and toautomatic terminal information sta-tions. When a licensee has entered intoan agreement with the FAA to operatethe same station as both an automaticweather observation station and as anautomatic terminal information sta-tion, the same frequency will be usedin both modes of operation.


Subpart A—General Information

Sec.90.1 Basis and purpose.90.5 Other applicable rule parts.90.7 Definitions.

Subpart B—Public Safety Radio Pool

90.15 Scope.90.16 Public Safety National Plan.90.20 Public Safety Pool.90.22 Paging operations.

Subpart C—Industrial/Business Radio Pool

90.31 Scope.90.33 General eligibility.90.35 Industrial/Business Pool.

Subparts D—E [Reserved]

Subpart F—Radiolocation Service

90.101 Scope.90.103 Radiolocation Service.

Subpart G—Applications andAuthorizations

90.111 Scope.90.113 Station authorization required.90.115 Foreign government and alien eligi-

bility.90.117 Applications for radio station or

radio system authorizations.90.119 Application forms.90.121 Canadian registration.90.123 Full disclosures.90.125 Who may sign applications.90.127 Submission and filing of applications.90.129 Supplemental information to be rou-

tinely submitted with applications.

90.131 Amendment or dismissal of applica-tions.

90.135 Modification of license.90.137 Applications for operation at tem-

porary locations.90.138 Applications for itinerant fre-

quencies.90.139 Commission processing of applica-

tions.90.141 Resubmitted applications.90.143 Grants of applications.90.145 Special temporary authority.90.147 Mailing address furnished by licensee.90.149 License term.90.151 Requests for waiver.90.153 Transfer or assignment of station au-

thorization.90.155 Time in which station must be placed

in operation.90.157 Discontinuance of station operation.90.159 Temporary and conditional permits.


90.160 Public notice.90.161 Amendment or dismissal of applica-

tions.90.162 Agreements to dismiss applications,

amendments, or pleadings.90.163 Petitions to deny, responsive plead-

ings.90.164 Classification of filings as major or

minor.90.165 Procedures for mutually exclusive ap-

plications.90.166 Grants of applications.90.167 Time in which a station must com-

mence service.90.168 Equal employment opportunities.90.169 Construction prior to grant of appli-


Subpart H—Policies Governing theAssignment of Frequencies

90.171 Scope.90.173 Policies governing the assignment of

frequencies.90.175 Frequency coordination require-

ments.90.176 Coordinator notification require-

ments on frequencies below 512 MHz.90.177 Protection of certain radio receiving

locations.90.179 Shared use of radio stations.90.185 Multiple licensing of radio transmit-

ting equipment in the mobile radio serv-ice.

90.187 Trunking in the bands between 150and 512 MHz.

Subpart I—General Technical Standards

90.201 Scope.90.203 Type acceptance required.90.205 Power and antenna height limits.

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Federal Communications Commission Pt. 90

90.207 Types of emissions.90.209 Bandwidth limitations.90.210 Emission masks.90.211 Modulation requirements.90.212 Provisions relating to the use of

scrambling devices and digital voicemodulation.

90.213 Frequency stability.90.214 Transient frequency behavior.90.215 Transmitter measurements.90.217 Exemption from technical standards.90.219 Use of signal boosters.

Subpart J—Non-Voice and OtherSpecialized Operations

90.231 Scope.90.233 Base/mobile non-voice operations.90.235 Secondary fixed signaling operations.90.237 Interim provisions for operation of

radioteleprinter and radiofacsimile de-vices.

90.238 Telemetry operations.90.239 [Reserved]90.241 Radio call box operations.90.242 Travelers’ information stations.90.243 Mobile relay stations.90.245 Fixed relay stations.90.247 Mobile repeater stations.90.249 Control stations.90.250 Meteor burst communications.

Subpart K—Standards for SpecialFrequencies or Frequency Bands

90.251 Scope.90.253 Use of frequency 5167.5 kHz.90.255 [Reserved]90.257 Assignment and use of frequencies in

the band 72–76 MHz.90.259 Assignment and use of frequencies in

the bands 216–220 MHz and 1427–1435 MHz.90.261 Assignment and use of the fre-

quencies in the band 450–470 MHz forfixed operations.

90.263 Substitution of frequencies below 25MHz.

90.264 Disaster communications between 2and 10 MHz.

90.265 Assignment and use of frequencies inthe bands 169–172 MHz and 406–413 MHz.

90.266 Long distance communications onfrequencies below 25 MHz.

90.267 Assignment and use of frequencies inthe 450–470 MHz band for low-power use.

90.269 Use of frequencies for self-powered ve-hicle detectors.

90.273 Availability and use of frequencies inthe 421–430 MHz band.

90.275 Selection and assignment of fre-quencies in the 421–430 MHz band.

90.279 Power limitations applicable to the421–430 MHz band.

90.281 Restrictions on operational fixed sta-tions in the 421–430 MHz band.

90.283 [Reserved]

Subpart L—Authorization in the Band 470–512 MHz (UHF–TV Sharing)

90.301 Scope.90.303 Availability of frequencies.90.305 Location of stations.90.307 Protection criteria.90.309 Tables and figures.90.311 Frequencies.90.313 Frequency loading criteria.90.315 Special provisions governing use of

frequencies in the 476–494 MHz band (TVChannels 15, 16, 17) in the Southern Lou-isiana-Texas Offshore Zone.

90.317 Fixed ancillary signaling and datatransmissions.

Subpart M—Intelligent TransportationSystems Radio Service

90.350 Scope.90.351 Location and Monitoring Service.90.353 LMS operations in the 902–928 MHz

band.90.355 LMS operations below 512 MHz.90.357 Frequencies for LMS systems in the

902–928 MHz band.90.359 Field strength limits for EA-licensed

LMS systems.90.361 Interference from part 15 and Ama-

teur operations.90.363 Grandfathering provisions for exist-

ing AVM licensees.90.365 Partitioned licenses and

disaggregated spectrum.

Subpart N—Operating Requirements

90.401 Scope.90.403 General operating requirements.90.405 Permissible communications.90.407 Emergency communications.90.411 Civil defense communications.90.415 Prohibited uses.90.417 Interstation communication.90.419 Points of communication.90.421 Operation of mobile units in vehicles

not under the control of the licensee.90.423 Operation on board aircraft.90.425 Station identification.90.427 Precautions against unauthorized op-

eration.90.429 Control point and dispatch point re-

quirements.90.431 Unattended operation.90.433 Operator requirements.90.437 Posting station licenses.90.439 Inspection of stations.90.441 Inspection and maintenance of an-

tenna structure marking and associatedcontrol equipment.

90.443 Content of station records.90.445 Form of station records.90.447 Retention of station records.90.449 Answers to official communications

and notices of violation.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)Pt. 90

Subpart O—Transmitter Control

90.460 Scope.90.461 Direct and remote control of trans-

mitters.90.463 Transmitter control points.90.465 Control of systems of communica-

tion.90.467 Dispatch points.90.469 Unattended operation.


90.471 Points of operation in internal trans-mitter control systems.

90.473 Operation of internal transmittercontrol systems through licensed fixedcontrol points.

90.475 Operation of internal transmittercontrol systems in specially equippedsystems.


90.476 Interconnection of fixed stations andcertain mobile stations.

90.477 Interconnected systems.90.483 Permissible methods and require-

ments of interconnecting private andpublic systems of communications.

Subpart P—Paging Operations

90.490 One-way paging operations in the pri-vate services.

90.492 One-way paging operations in the 806–824/851–869 MHz and 896–901/935–940 MHzbands.

90.493 Paging operations on exclusive chan-nels in the 929–930 MHz band.

90.494 Paging operations on shared channelsin the 929–930 MHz band.

Subpart Q—Developmental Operation

90.501 Scope.90.503 Eligibility.90.505 Showing required.90.507 Limitations on use.90.509 Frequencies available for assignment.90.511 Interference.90.513 Special provisions.90.515 Change or cancellation of authoriza-

tion without hearing.90.517 Report of operation.

Subpart R—Frequency List [Reserved]

Subpart S—Regulations Governing Licens-ing and Use of Frequencies in the 806–824, 851–869, 896–901, and 935–940MHz Bands

90.601 Scope.


90.603 Eligibility.90.605 Forms to be used.

90.607 Supplemental information to be fur-nished by applicants for facilities underthis subpart.

90.609 Special limitations on amendment ofapplications for assignment or transferof authorizations for radio systems above800 MHz.


90.611 Processing of applications.90.613 Frequencies available.90.615 Spectrum blocks available in the

General Category for 800 MHz SMR Gen-eral Category.

90.617 Frequencies in the 809.750–824/854.750–869 MHz, and 896–901/935–940 MHz bandsavailable for trunked or conventionalsystem use in non-border areas.

90.619 Frequencies available for use in theU.S./Mexico and U.S./Canada borderareas.

90.621 Selection and assignment of fre-quencies.

90.623 Limitations on the number of fre-quencies assignable for conventional sys-tems.

90.625 Other criteria to be applied in assign-ing channels for use in conventional sys-tems of communication.

90.627 Limitation on the number of fre-quency pairs that may be assignable fortrunked systems and on the number oftrunked systems.

90.629 Extended implementation period.90.631 Trunked systems loading, construc-

tion and authorization requirements.90.633 Conventional systems loading re-



90.635 Limitations on power and antennaheight.

90.637 Restrictions on operational fixed sta-tions.

90.645 Permissible operations.90.647 Station identification.90.651 Supplemental reports required of li-

censees authorized under this subpart.90.653 Number of systems authorized in a

geographical area.90.655 Special licensing requirements for

Specialized Mobile Radio systems.90.656 Responsibilities of base station li-

censees of Specialized Mobile Radio sys-tems.

90.657 Temporary permit.90.658 Loading data required for base sta-

tion licensees of trunked Specialized Mo-bile Radio systems to acquire additional

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Federal Communications Commission Pt. 90

channels or to renew trunked systems li-censed before June 1, 1993.

90.659 Change in number or location of basestations or transmitters.


90.661 MTA-based SMR service areas.90.663 MTA-based SMR system operations.90.665 Authorization, construction and im-

plementation of MTA licenses.90.667 Grandfathering provisions for incum-

bent licensees.90.669 Emission limits.90.671 Field strength limits.


90.681 EA-based SMR service areas.90.683 EA-based SMR system operations.90.685 Authorization, construction and im-

plementation of EA licenses.90.687 Special provisions regarding assign-

ments and transfers of authorizations forincumbent SMR licensees in the 806–821/851–866 MHz band.

90.689 Field strength limits.90.691 Emission mask requirements for EA-

based systems.90.693 Grandfathering provisions for incum-

bent licensees.90.699 Transition of the upper 200 channels

in the 800 MHz band to EA licensing.

Subpart T—Regulations Governing Licens-ing and Use of Frequencies in the 220–222 MHz Band

90.701 Scope.90.703 Eligibility.90.705 Forms to be used.90.709 Special limitations on amendment of

applications and on assignment or trans-fer of authorizations licensed under thissubpart.

90.711 Processing of Phase II applications.90.713 Entry criteria.90.715 Frequencies available.90.717 Channels available for nationwide

systems in the 220–222 MHz band.90.719 Individual channels available for as-

signment in the 220–222 MHz band.90.720 Channels available for public safety/

mutual aid.90.721 Other channels available for non-na-

tionwide systems in the 220–222 MHzband.

90.723 Selection and assignment of fre-quencies.

90.725 Construction requirements for PhaseI licensees.

90.727 Extended implementation schedulesfor Phase I licensees.

90.729 Limitations on power and antennaheight.

90.733 Permissible operations.90.735 Station identification.90.737 Supplemental reports required of

Phase I licensees.90.739 Number of systems authorized in a

geographical area.90.741 Urban areas for Phase I nationwide

systems.90.743 Renewal expectancy.90.745 Phase I licensee service areas.90.751 Minor modifications of Phase I, non-

nationwide licenses.90.753 Conditions of license modification.90.755 Procedures for license modification.90.757 Construction requirements.


90.761 EA and Regional licenses.90.763 EA, Regional and nationwide system

operations.90.765 Licenses term for Phase II licenses.90.767 Construction and implementation of

EA and Regional licenses.90.769 Construction and implementation of

Phase II nationwide licenses.90.771 Field strength limits.

Subpart U—Competitive Bidding Proce-dures for 900 MHz Specialized MobileRadio Service

90.801 900 MHz SMR subject to competitivebidding.

90.802 Competitive bidding design for 900MHz SMR licensing.

90.803 Competitive bidding mechanisms.90.804 Aggregation of 900 MHz SMR licenses.90.805 Withdrawal, default and disqualifica-

tion payments.90.806 Bidding application (FCC Form 175

and 175–S Short-form).90.807 Submission of upfront payments and

down payments.90.808 Long-form applications.90.809 License grant, denial, default, and

disqualification.90.810 Bidding credits for small businesses.90.811 Reduced down payment for licenses

won by small businesses.90.812 Installment payments for licenses

won by small businesses.90.813 Partitioned licenses and

disaggregated spectrum.90.814 Definitions.90.815 Eligibility for small business status.90.816 Criteria for comparative 900 MHz

SMR renewal proceedings.

Subpart V—Competitive Bidding Proce-dures for 800 MHz Specialized MobileRadio Service

90.901 800 MHz SMR spectrum subject tocompetitive bidding.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.1

90.902 Competitive bidding design for 800MHz SMR licensing.

90.903 Competitive bidding mechanisms.90.904 Aggregation of EA licenses.90.905 Withdrawal, default and disqualifica-

tion payments.90.906 Bidding application (FCC Form 175

and 175–S Short-form).90.907 Submission of upfront payments and

down payments.90.908 Long-form applications.90.909 License grant, denial, default, and

disqualification.90.910 Bidding credits.90.911 Partitioned licenses and

disaggregated spectrum.90.912 Definitions.90.913 Eligibility for small business status.

Subpart W—Competitive BiddingProcedures for the 220 MHz Service

90.1001 220 MHz service subject to competi-tive bidding.

90.1003 Competitive bidding design for the220 MHz service.

90.1005 Competitive bidding mechanisms.90.1007 Withdrawal, default and disquali-

fication payments.90.1009 Bidding application (FCC Form 175

and 175–S Short-form).90.1011 Submission of upfront payments and

down payments.90.1013 Long-form application (FCC Form

601).90.1015 License grant, denial, default, and

disqualification.90.1017 Bidding credits for small businesses

and very small businesses.90.1019 Partitioning and disaggregation.90.1021 Definitions concerning competitive

bidding process.90.1023 Certifications, disclosures, records

maintenance and audits.90.1025 Petitions to deny and limitations on


Subpart X—Competitive Bidding Proce-dures for Location and MonitoringService

90.1101 Location and Monitoring Servicesubject to competitive bidding.

90.1103 Designated entities.

AUTHORITY: Secs. 4, 251–2, 303, 309, and 332,48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154,251–2, 303, 309 and 332, unless otherwise noted.

SOURCE: 43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, unlessotherwise noted.

Subpart A—General Information§ 90.1 Basis and purpose.

(a) Basis. The rules in this part arepromulgated under Title III of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amend-ed which vests authority in the FederalCommunications Commission to regu-late radio transmission and to issue li-censes for radio stations. All rules inthis part are in accordance with appli-cable treaties and agreements to whichthe United States is a party.

(b) Purpose. This part states the con-ditions under which radio communica-tions systems may be licensed and usedin the Public Safety, Special Emer-gency, Industrial, Land Transpor-tation, and Radiolocation Radio Serv-ices. These rules do not govern radiosystems employed by agencies of theFederal Government.

§ 90.5 Other applicable rule parts.

Other Commission rule parts of im-portance that may be referred to withrespect to licensing and operations inradio services governed under this partinclude the following:

(a) Part 0 of the Commission’s Rulesdescribes the Commission’s organiza-tion and delegations of authority. Thispart also lists available Commissionpublications, and standards and proce-dures for access to Commissionrecords, and location of CommissionField Offices.

(b) Part 1 of this chapter includesrules of practice and procedure for ap-plication signature requirements, adju-dicatory proceedings including hearingproceedings, and rule making proceed-ings; procedures for reconsiderationand review of the Commission’s ac-tions; provisions concerning violationnotices and forfeiture proceedings; andthe environmental processing require-ments that, if applicable, must be com-plied with prior to initiating construc-tion.

(c) Part 2 contains the table of fre-quency allocations and special require-ments in International regulations,agreements, and treaties. This partalso contains standards and proceduresconcerning marketing of radio fre-quency devices, and for obtainingequipment certification.

(d) Part 5 contains standards and pro-cedures for obtaining experimental au-thorizations.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.7

(e) Part 15 provides for the operationof incidental and restricted radio fre-quency devices that do not require anindividual license.

(f) Part 17 contains detailed require-ments for construction, marking, andlighting of antenna towers.

(g) Part 18 deals with the operationof industrial, scientific, and medical(ISM) devices that are not intended forradio communication,

(h) Part 20 of this chapter containsrules relating to commercial mobileradio services.

(i) Part 20 of this chapter which gov-erns commercial mobile radio serviceapplicable to certain providers in thefollowing services in this part:

(1) Business radio service;(2) Private paging;(3) Land mobile service on 220–222

MHz;(4) Specialized Mobile Radio Service.(j) Part 22 contains regulations for

public (common carrier) mobile radioservices.

(k) Part 51 contains rules relating tointerconnection.

(l) Part 68 contains technical stand-ards for connection of private land mo-bile radio equipment to the publicswitched telephone network.

(m) Part 94 governs licensing and op-eration of private operational-fixedradio stations on frequencies in themicrowave spectrum above 928 MHz.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 50FR 39677, Sept. 30, 1985; 55 FR 20398, May 16,1990; 58 FR 21407, Apr. 21, 1993; 59 FR 18499,Apr. 19, 1994; 59 FR 59957, Nov. 21, 1994; 61 FR45635, Aug. 29, 1996; 63 FR 36608, July 7, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36608,July 7, 1998, § 90.5 was amended in paragraph(c) by removing the term ‘‘type acceptanceand type approval’’ and adding in its place‘‘certification’’, effective Oct. 5, 1998.

§ 90.7 Definitions.

Antenna height above average terrain(AAT). Height of the center of the radi-ating element of the antenna above theaverage terrain. (See § 90.309(a)(4) forcalculation method.)

Antenna height above sea level. Theheight of the topmost point of the an-tenna above mean sea level.

Antenna structure. Structure onwhich an antenna is mounted.

Assigned frequency. Center of a fre-quency band assigned to a station.

Assigned frequency band. The fre-quency band the center of which coin-cides with the frequency assigned tothe station and the width of whichequals the necessary bandwidth plustwice the absolute value of the fre-quency tolerance.

Authorized bandwidth. The frequencyband, specified in kilohertz and cen-tered on the carrier frequency contain-ing those frequencies upon which atotal of 99 percent of the radiatedpower appears, extended to include anydiscrete frequency upon which thepower is at least 0.25 percent of thetotal radiated power.

Automobile emergency licensee. Personsregularly engaged in any of the follow-ing activities who operate radio sta-tions for transmission of communica-tions required for dispatching repairtrucks, tow trucks, or other road serv-ice vehicles to disabled vehicles:

(1) The operation of a private emer-gency road service for disabled vehiclesby associations of owners of privateautomobiles; or

(2) The business of providing to thegeneral public an emergency road serv-ice for disabled vehicles.

Average terrain. The average ele-vation of terrain between 3.2 and 16 km(2 and 10 miles) from the antenna site.

Base station. A station at a specifiedsite authorized to communicate withmobile stations.

Basic trading areas. Service areas thatare based on the Rand McNally 1992Commercial Atlas & Marketing Guide,123rd Edition, at pages 38–39, with thefollowing additions licensed separatelyas BTA-like areas: American Samoa;Guam, Northern Mariana Islands; Ma-yaguez/Aguadilla-Ponce, Puerto Rico;San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the UnitedStates Virgin Islands. The Mayaguez/Aguadilla-Ponce BTA-like service areaconsists of the following municipios:Adjuntas, Aguada, Aguadilla, Anasco,Arroyo, Cabo Rojo, Coamo, Guanica,Guayama, Guayanilla, Hormigueros,Isabela, Jayuya, Juana Diaz, Lajas,Las Marias, Maricao, Maunabo, Maya-guez, Moca, Patillas, Penuelas, Ponce,Quebradillas, Rincon, Sabana Grande,Salinas, San German, Santa Isabel,Villalba, and Yauco. The San Juan

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.7

BTA-like service area consists of allother municipios in Puerto Rico.

Carrier frequency. The frequency of anunmodulated electromagnetic wave.

Channel loading. The number of mo-bile transmitters authorized to operateon a particular channel within thesame service area.

Control point. Any place from which atransmitter’s functions may be con-trolled.

Control station. An Operational FixedStation, the transmissions of which areused to control automatically theemissions or operation of another radiostation at a specified location.

Conventional radio system. A methodof operation in which one or more radiofrequency channels are assigned to mo-bile and base stations but are not em-ployed as a trunked group. An ‘‘urban-conventional system’’ is one whosetransmitter site is located within 24km (15 miles) of the geographic centerof any of the first 50 urbanized areas(ranked by population) of the UnitedStates. A ‘‘sub-urban-conventional sys-tem’’ is one whose transmitter site islocated more than 24 km (15 miles)from the geographic center of the first50 urbanized areas. See Table 21, Rankof Urbanized Areas in the UnitedStates by Population, page 1–87, U.S.Census (1970); and table 1 of § 90.635.

Developmental operation. A speciallylicensed operation for the purpose oftesting concepts in the use of radio ap-propriate to the radio services gov-erned by this part.

Dispatch point. Any place from whichradio messages can be originated underthe supervision of a control point.

EA-based or EA license. A license au-thorizing the right to use a specifiedblock of SMR or LMS spectrum withinone of the 175 Economic Areas (EAs) asdefined by the Department of Com-merce Bureau of Economic Analysis.The EA Listings and the EA Map areavailable for public inspection at theWireless Telecommunications Bureau’spublic reference room, Room 5608, 2025M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20554and Office of Operations—Gettysburg,1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA17325.

Economic Areas (EAs). A total of 175licensing regions based on the UnitedStates Department of Commerce Bu-

reau of Economic Analysis EconomicAreas defined as of February 1995, withthe following exceptions:

(1) Guam and Northern Mariana Is-lands are licensed as a single EA-likearea (identified as EA 173 in the 220MHz Service);

(2) Puerto Rico and the U.S. VirginIslands are licensed as a single EA-likearea (identified as EA 174 in the 220MHz Service); and

(3) American Samoa is licensed as asingle EA-like area (identified as EA175 in the 220 MHz Service).

Effective radiated power (ERP). Thepower supplied to an antenna multi-plied by the relative gain of the an-tenna in a given direction.

Emergency medical licensee. Persons orentities engaged in the provision ofbasic or advanced life support serviceson an ongoing basis that operate radiostations for transmission of commu-nications essential for the delivery orrendition of emergency medical serv-ices for the provision of basic or ad-vanced life support.

Film and video production licensee.Persons primarily engaged in or pro-viding direct technical support to theproduction, videotaping, or filming ofmotion pictures or television pro-grams, such as movies, programs, newsprograms, special events, educationalprograms, or training films, regardlessof whether the productions are pre-pared primarily for final exhibition attheatrical outlets or on television orfor distribution through other masscommunications outlets.

Fire licensee. Any territory, posses-sion, state, city, county, town, or simi-lar governmental entity, and personsor organizations charged with specificfire protection activities that operateradio stations for transmission of com-munications essential to official fireactivities.

Fixed relay station. A station at aspecified site used to communicatewith another station at another speci-fied site.

Forest products licensee. Persons pri-marily engaged in tree logging, treefarming, or related woods operations,including related hauling activities, ifthe hauling activities are performedunder contract to, and exclusively for,persons engaged in woods operations or

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.7

engaged in manufacturing lumber, ply-wood, hardboard, or pulp and paperproducts from wood fiber.

Forward links. Transmissions in thefrequency bands specified in § 90.357(a)and used to control and interrogate themobile units to be located bymultilateration LMS systems.

Frequency coordination. The process ofobtaining the recommendation of a fre-quency coordinator for a frequency(ies)that will most effectively meet the ap-plicant’s needs while minimizing inter-ference t licensees already operatingwithin a given frequency band.

Frequency coordinator. An entity ororganization that has been certified bythe Commission to recommend fre-quencies for use by licensees in the Pri-vate Land Mobile Radio Services.

Geographic center. The geographiccenter of an urbanized area is definedby the coordinates given at table 1 of§ 90.635.

Geophysical telemetry. Telemetry in-volving the simultaneous transmissionof seismic data from numerous loca-tions to a central receiver and digitalrecording unit.

Harmful interference. For the purposesof resolving conflicts between stationsoperating under this part, any emis-sion, radiation, or induction which spe-cifically degrades, obstructs, or inter-rupts the service provided by such sta-tions.

Interconnection. Connection throughautomatic or manual means of privateland mobile radio stations with the fa-cilities of the public switched tele-phone network to permit the trans-mission of messages or signals betweenpoints in the wireline or radio networkof a public telephone company and per-sons served by private land mobileradio stations. Wireline or radio cir-cuits or links furnished by commoncarriers, which are used by licensees orother authorized persons for transmit-ter control (including dial-up transmit-ter control circuits) or as an integralpart of an authorized, private, internalsystem of communication or as an in-tegral part of dispatch point circuits ina private land mobile radio station arenot considered to be interconnectionfor purposes of this rule part.

Internal system. An internal system ofcommunication is one in which all

messages are transmitted between thefixed operating positions located onpremises controlled by the licensee andthe associated mobile stations or pag-ing receivers of the licensee. (See sub-part O).

Itinerant operation. Operation of aradio station at unspecified locationsfor varying periods of time.

Land mobile radio service. A mobileservice between base stations and landmobile stations, or between land mo-bile stations.

Land mobile radio system. A regularlyinteracting group of base, mobile andassociated control and fixed relay sta-tions intended to provide land mobileradio communications service over asingle area of operation.

Land station. A station in the mobileservice not intended to be used while inmotion. [As used in this part, the termmay be used to describe a base, control,fixed, operational fixed or fixed relaystation, or any such station authorizedto operate in the ‘‘temporary’’ mode.]

Line A. An imaginary line within theU.S., approximately paralleling theU.S.-Canadian border, north of whichCommission coordination with Cana-dian authorities in the assignment offrequencies is generally required. It be-gins at Aberdeen, Washington, runningby great circle arc to the intersectionof 48° N., 120° W., then along parallel 48°N., to the intersection of 95° W., thenceby great circle arc through the south-ern most point of Duluth, Minn.,thence by great circle arc to 45° N., 85°W., thence souuthward along meridian85° W., to its intersection with parallel41° N., thence along parallel 41° N. toits intersection with meridian . . . 82°W., thence by great circle arc throughthe southernmost point of Bangor,Maine, thence by great circle arcthrough the southernmost point ofSearsport, Maine, at which point it ter-minates.

Line C. An imaginary line in Alaskaapproximately paralleling the borderwith Canada, East of which Commis-sion coordination with Canadian au-thorities in the assignment of fre-quencies is generally required. It be-gins at the intersection of 70° N., 144°W., thence by great circle arc to theintersection of 60° N., 143° W., thence

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.7

by great circle arc so as to include allthe Alaskan Panhandle.

Location and Monitoring Service(LMS). The use of non-voice signalingmethods to locate or monitor mobileradio units. LMS systems may trans-mit and receive voice and nonvoice sta-tus and instructional information re-lated to such units.

Major trading areas. Service areasbased on the Rand McNally 1992 Com-mercial Atlas & Marketing Guide, 123rdEdition, at pages 38–39, with the follow-ing exceptions and additions:

(a) Alaska is separated from the Se-attle MTA and is licensed separately.

(b) Guam and the Northern MarianaIslands are licensed as a single MTA-like area.

(c) Puerto Rico and the United StatesVirgin Islands are licensed as a singleMTA-like area.

(d) American Samoa is licensed as asingle MTA-like area.

Manufacturers licensee. Persons pri-marily engaged in any of the followingmanufacturing activities:

(1) The mechanical or chemicaltransformation of substances into newproducts within such establishments asplants, factories, shipyards, or millswhich employ, in that process,powerdriven machines and materials-handling equipment;

(2) The assembly of components ofmanufactured products within such es-tablishments as plants, factories, ship-yards, or mills where the new productis neither a new structure nor otherfixed improvement. Establishmentsprimarily engaged in the wholesale orretail trade, or in service activities,even though they fabricate or assembleany or all the products or commoditieshandled, are not included in this cat-egory; or

(3) The providing of supporting serv-ices or materials by a corporation toits parent corporation, to another sub-sidiary of its parent or to its own sub-sidiary, where such supporting servicesor materials are directly related tothose regular activities of such parentor subsidiary which are eligible underparagraphs (1) or (2) of this definition.

Meteor burst communications. Commu-nications by the propagation of radiosignals reflected off ionized meteortrails.

Mobile relay station. A base station inthe mobile service authorized to re-transmit automatically on a mobileservice frequency communicationswhich originate on the transmittingfrequency of the mobile station.

Mobile repeater station. A mobile sta-tion authorized to retransmit auto-matically on a mobile service fre-quency, communications to or fromhand-carried transmitters.

Mobile service. A service of radio-communication between mobile andbase stations, or between mobile sta-tions.

Mobile station. A station in the mo-bile service intended to be used whilein motion or during halts at unspec-ified points. This includes hand carriedtransmitters.

Motor carrier licensee. Persons pri-marily engaged in providing a commonor contract motor carrier transpor-tation service in any of the followingactivities: Provided, however, thatmotor vehicles used as taxicabs, liveryvehicles, or school buses, and motor ve-hicles used for sightseeing or specialcharter purposes, shall not be includedwithin the meaning of this term. Forpurposes of this definition, an urbanarea is defined as being one or morecontiguous, incorporated or unincor-porated cities, boroughs, towns, or vil-lages, having an aggregate populationof 2,500 or more persons.

(1) The transportation of passengersbetween urban areas;

(2) The transportation of property be-tween urban areas;

(3) The transportation of passengerswithin a single urban area; or

(4) The transportation, local distribu-tion or collection of property within asingle urban area.

MTA-based license or MTA license. Alicense authorizing the right to use aspecified block of SMR spectrum with-in one of the 51 Major Trading Areas(‘‘MTAs’’), as embodied in RandMcNally’s Trading Area System MTADiskette and geographically rep-resented in the map contained in RandMcNally’s Commercial Atlas & Mar-keting Guide (the ‘‘MTA Map.’’) TheMTA Listings, the MTA Map and the

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.7

Rand McNally/AMTA license agree-ment are available for public inspec-tion at the Wireless Telecommuni-cations Bureau’s public reference room,Room 628, 1919 M Street NW., Washing-ton, DC 20554.

Multilateration LMS system. A systemthat is designed to locate vehicles orother objects by measuring the dif-ference of time of arrival, or differencein phase, of signals transmitted from aunit to a number of fixed points orfrom a number of fixed points to theunit to be located.

Navigable waters. This term, as usedin reference to waters of the UnitedStates, its territories and possessions,means the waters shoreward of thebaseline of its territorial sea and inter-nal waters as contained in 33 CFR 2.05–25.

900 MHz SMR MTA-based license orMTA license. A license authorizing theright to use a specified block of 900MHz SMR spectrum within one of the47 Major Trading Areas (‘‘MTAs’’), asembodied in Rand McNally’s TradingAreas System MTA Diskette and geo-graphically represented in the mapcontained in Rand McNally’s Commer-cial Atlas & Marketing Guide (the‘‘MTA Map’’), with the following excep-tions and additions:

(1) Alaska is separated from the Se-attle MTA and is licensed separately.

(2) Guam and the Northern MarianaIslands are licensed as a single MTA-like area.

(3) Puerto Rico and the United StatesVirgin Islands are licensed as a singleMTA-like area.

(4) American Samoa is licensed as asingle MTA-like area.

The MTA map is available for publicinspection in the Office of Engineeringand Technology’s Technical Informa-tion Center, room 7317, 2025 M StreetNW., Washington, DC.

Non-multilateration LMS System. Asystem that employs any of a numberof non-multilateration technologies totransmit information to and/or fromvehicular units.

Operational fixed station. A fixed sta-tion, not open to public correspond-ence, operated by, and for the sole useof those agencies operating their ownradiocommunication facilities in thePublic Safety, Industrial, Land Trans-

portation, Marine, or Aviation RadioServices. (This includes all stations inthe fixed service under this part.)

Output power. The radio frequencyoutput power of a transmitter’s finalradio frequency stage as measured atthe output terminal while connected toa load of the impedance recommendedby the manufacturer.

Paging. A one-way communicationsservice from a base station to mobileor fixed receivers that provide signal-ing or information transfer by suchmeans as tone, tone-voice, tactile, op-tical readout, etc.

Person. An individual, partnership,association, joint stock company, trustor corporation.

Petroleum licensee. Persons primarilyengaged in prospecting for, producing,collecting, refining, or transporting bymeans of pipeline, petroleum or petro-leum products (including natural gas).

Police licensee. Any territory, posses-sion, state, city, county, town, or simi-lar governmental entity including agovernmental institution authorizedby law to provide its own police protec-tion that operate radio stations fortransmission of communications essen-tial to official police activities.

Power licensee. Persons primarily en-gaged in any of the following activi-ties:

(1) The generation, transmission, ordistribution of electrical energy for useby the general public or by the mem-bers of a cooperative organization;

(2) The distribution of manufacturedor natural gas by means of pipe line,for use by the general public or by themembers of a cooperative organization,or, in a combination of that activitywith the production, transmission orstorage of manufactured or natural gaspreparatory to such distribution;

(3) The distribution of steam bymeans of pipeline or, of water by meansof pipeline, canal, or open ditch, for useby the general public or by the mem-bers of a cooperative organization, orin a combination of that activity withthe collection, transmission, storage,or purification of water or the genera-tion of steam preparatory to such dis-tribution; or

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.7

(4) The providing of a supportingservice by a corporation directly relat-ed to activities of its parent corpora-tion, of another subsidiary of the sameparent, or of its own subsidiary, wherethe party served is regularly engagedin any of the activities set forth in thisdefinition.

Private carrier. An entity licensed inthe private services and authorized toprovide communications service toother private services on a commercialbasis.

Radio call box. A transmitter used bythe public to request fire, police, medi-cal, road service, or other emergencyassistance.

Radiodetermination. The determina-tion of position, or the obtaining of in-formation relating to position, bymeans of the propagation of radiowaves.

Radiofacsimile. A system of radio-communication for the transmission offixed images, with or without half-tones, with a view to their reproduc-tion in a permanent form.

Radiolocation. Radiodeterminationused for purposes other than those ofradionavigation.

Radionavigation. Radiodeterminationused for the purposes of navigation, in-cluding obstruction warning.

Radio teleprinting. Radio trans-missions to a printing telegraphic in-strument having a signal-actuatedmechanism for automatically printingreceived messages.

Railroad licensee. Railroad commoncarriers which are regularly engaged inthe transportation of passengers orproperty when such passengers or prop-erty are transported over all or part oftheir route by railroad.

Regional Economic Area Groupings(REAGs). The six geographic areas forRegional licensing in the 220–222 MHzband, based on the United States De-partment of Commerce Bureau of Eco-nomic Analysis Economic Areas (see 60FR 13114 (March 10, 1995)) defined as ofFebruary 1995, and specified as follows:

REAG 1 (Northeast): REAG 1 consistsof the following EAs: EA 001 (Bangor,ME) through EA 011 (Harrisburg-Leb-anon-Carlisle, PA); and EA 054 (Erie,PA).

REAG 2 (Mid-Atlantic): REAG 2 con-sists of the following EAs: EA 012

(Philadelphia-Wilmington-AtlanticCity, PA–NJ–DE–MD) through EA 026(Charleston-North Charleston, SC); EA041 (Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson,SC–NC); EA 042 (Asheville, NC); EA 044(Knoxville, TN) through EA 053 (Pitts-burgh, PA–WV); and EA 070 (Louisville,KY–IN).

REAG 3 (Southeast): REAG 3 consistsof the following EAs: EA 027 (Augusta-Aiken, GA–SC) through EA 040 (At-lanta, GA–AL–NC); EA 043 (Chat-tanooga, TN–GA); EA 069 (Evansville–Henderson, IN–KY–IL); EA 071 (Nash-ville, TN–KY) through EA 086 (LakeCharles, LA); EA 088 (Shreveport-Bos-sier City, LA–AR) through EA 090 (Lit-tle Rock-North Little Rock, AR); EA095 (Jonesboro, AR–MO); EA 096 (St.Louis, MO–IL); and EA 174 (Puerto Ricoand the U.S. Virgin Islands).

REAG 4 (Great Lakes): REAG 4 con-sists of the following EAs: EA 055Cleveland-Akron, OH–PA) through EA068 (Champaign-Urbana, IL); EA 097(Springfield, IL–MO); and EA 100 (DesMoines, IA–IL–MO) through EA 109(Duluth-Superior, MN–WI).

REAG 5 (Central/Mountain): REAG 5consists of the following EAs: EA 087(Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX); EA 091(Forth Smith, AR–OK) through EA 094(Springfield, MO); EA 098 (Columbia,MO); EA 099 (Kansas City, MO–KS); EA110 (Grand Forks, ND–MN) through EA146 (Missoula, MT); EA 148 (Idaho Falls,ID–WY); EA 149 (Twin Falls, ID); EA 152(Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT–ID); and EA154 (Flagstaff, AZ–UT) through EA 159(Tucson, AZ).

REAG 6 (Pacific): REAG 6 consists ofthe following EAs: EA 147 (Spokane,WA–ID); EA 150 (Boise City, ID–OR);EA 151 (Reno, NV–CA); EA 153 (LasVegas, NV–AZ–UT); EA 160 (Los Ange-les-Riverside-Orange County, CA–AZ)through EA 173 (Guam and the North-ern Mariana Islands); and EA 175(American Samoa).

Regional license. A license authorizingthe right to use a specified block of220–222 MHz spectrum within one of sixRegional Economic Area Groupings(REAGs).

Relay press licensee. Persons primarilyengaged in the publication of a news-paper or in the operation of an estab-lished press association.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.7

Secondary operation. Radio commu-nications which may not cause inter-ference to operations authorized on aprimary basis and which are not pro-tected from interference from thoseprimary operations.

Signal booster. A device at a fixed lo-cation which automatically receives,amplifies, and retransmits on a one-way or two-way basis, the signals re-ceived from base, fixed, mobile, andportable stations, with no change infrequency or authorized bandwidth. Asignal booster may be eithernarrowband (Class A), in which casethe booster amplifies only those dis-crete frequencies intended to be re-transmitted, or broadband (Class B), inwhich case all signals within thepassband of the signal booster filter areamplified.

Special industrial licensee. Persons reg-ularly engaged in any of the followingactivities:

(1) The operation of farms, ranches,or similar land areas, for the quantityproduction of crops or plants; vines ortrees (excluding forestry operations);or for the keeping, grazing or feeding oflivestock for animal products, animalincrease, or value enhancement;

(2) Plowing, soil conditioning, seed-ing, fertilizing, or harvesting for agri-cultural activities;

(3) Spraying or dusting of insecti-cides, herbicides, or fungicides, inareas other than enclosed structures;

(4) Livestock breeding service;(5) The operation of a commercial

business regularly engaged in the con-struction of roads, bridges, sewer sys-tems, pipelines, airfields, or water, oil,gas, or power production, collection, ordistribution systems. The constructionof buildings is not included in this cat-egory;

(6) The operation of mines for the re-covery of solid fuels, minerals, metal,rock, sand and gravel from the earth orthe sea, including the exploration forand development of mining properties;

(7) Maintaining, patrolling or repair-ing gas or liquid transmission pipe-lines, tank cars, water or waste dis-posal wells, industrial storage tanks,or distribution systems of public utili-ties;

(8) Acidizing, cementing, logging,perforating, or shooting activities, and

services of a similar nature incident tothe drilling of new oil or gas wells, orthe maintenance of production from es-tablished wells;

(9) Supplying chemicals, mud, tools,pipe, and other materials or equipmentunique to the petroleum and gas pro-duction industry, as the primary activ-ity of the applicant if delivery, instal-lation or application of these materialsrequires the use of specifically fittedconveyances;

(10) The delivery of ice or fuel to theconsumer for heating, lighting, refrig-eration or power generation purposes,by means other than pipelines or rail-roads when such products are not to beresold following their delivery; or

(11) The delivery and pouring ofready mixed concrete or hot asphaltmix.

Specialized Mobile Radio system. Aradio system in which licensees provideland mobile communications services(other than radiolocation services) inthe 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands on acommercial basis to entities eligible tobe licensed under this part, FederalGovernment entities, and individuals.

SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statis-tical Area). A city of 50,000 or more pop-ulation and the surrounding counties.

Station authorization. A license issuedby the Commission for the operation ofa radio station.

Taxicab licensee. Persons regularlyengaged in furnishing to the public forhire a nonscheduled passenger landtransportation service (which may alsoinclude the occasional transport ofsmall items of property) not operatedover a regular route or between estab-lished terminals.

Telecommand. The transmission ofnon voice signals for the purpose of re-motely controlling a device.

Telemetering (also telemetry). Thetransmission of non-voice signals forthe purpose of automatically indicat-ing or recording measurements at adistance from the measuring instru-ment.

Telephone maintenance licensee. Com-munications common carriers engagedin the provision of landline local ex-change telephone service, or inter-exchange communications service, orwho provide wire-telegraph service, and

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.15

radio communications common car-riers authorized in the Point-to-PointMicrowave Radio Service under part 21of this chapter. Resellers that do notown or control transmission facilitiesis not included in this category.

Travelers’ information station. A basestation in the Local Government RadioService used to transmit non-commer-cial, voice information pertaining totraffic and road conditions, traffic haz-ard and traveler advisories, directions,availability of lodging, rest stops, andservice stations, and descriptions oflocal points of interest.

Trunk (telephony). A one or two-waychannel provided as a common trafficartery between switching equipment.

Trunk group. All of the trunks of agiven type of characteristic that ex-tend between two switching points.

Trunked radio system. A method of op-eration in which a number of radio fre-quency channel pairs are assigned tomobile and base stations in the systemfor use as a trunk group.

220 MHz service. The radio service forthe licensing of frequencies in the 220–222 MHz band.

Urbanized area. A city and the sur-rounding closely settled territories.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978]

EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-tations affecting § 90.7, see the List of CFRSections Affected in the Finding Aids sec-tion of this volume.

Subpart B—Public Safety RadioPool

SOURCE: 62 FR 18845, Apr. 17, 1997, unlessotherwise noted.

§ 90.15 Scope.The Public Safety Radio Pool covers

the licensing of the radio communica-tions of governmental entities and thefollowing category of activities: Medi-cal services, rescue organizations, vet-erinarians, persons with disabilities,disaster relief organizations, schoolbuses, beach patrols, establishments inisolated places, communications stand-by facilities, and emergency repair ofpublic communications facilities. Enti-ties not meeting these eligibility cri-teria may also be licensed in the PublicSafety Radio Pool solely to provide

service to eligibles on one-way paging-only frequencies below 800 MHz, i.e.,those frequencies with the assignmentlimitations appearing at § 90.20(d)(13) or(d)(60). Private carrier systems licensedon other channels prior to June 1, 1990,may continue to provide radio commu-nications service to eligibles. Rules asto eligibility for licensing, frequenciesavailable, permissible communicationsand classes and number of stations, andany special requirements are set forthin the following sections.

§ 90.16 Public Safety National Plan.

The Commission has established aNational Plan which specifies specialpolicies and procedures governing thePublic Safety Pool (formally PublicSafety Radio Services and the SpecialEmergency Radio Service). The Na-tional Plan is contained in the Reportand Order in General Docket No. 87–112.The principal spectrum resource forthe National Plan is the 821–824 MHzand the 866–869 MHz bands. The Na-tional plan establishes planning re-gions covering all parts of the UnitedStates, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Vir-gin Islands. No assignments will bemade in the 821–824 MHz and 866–869MHz bands until a regional plan for thearea has been accepted by the Commis-sion.

§ 90.20 Public Safety Pool.

(a) Eligibility. The following are eligi-ble to hold authorizations in the PublicSafety Pool.

(1) Any territory, possession, state,city, county, town or similar govern-mental entity is eligible to hold au-thorizations in the Public Safety Poolto operate radio stations for trans-mission of communications essentialto official activities of the licensee, in-cluding:

(i) A district and an authority, butnot including a school district or au-thority or a park district or authorityexcept as provided for in § 90.242;

(ii) A governmental institution au-thorized by law to provide its own po-lice protection;

(iii) Persons or entities engaged inthe provision of basic or advanced lifesupport services on an ongoing basis

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20

are eligible to hold authorization to op-erate stations for transmission of com-munications essential for the deliveryor rendition of emergency medicalservices for the provision of basic oradvanced life support. Applicationssubmitted by persons or organizations(governmental or otherwise) other thanthe governmental body having jurisdic-tion over the state’s emergency medi-cal service plans must be accompaniedby a statement prepared by the govern-mental body having jurisdiction overthe state’s emergency medical servicesplan indicating that the applicant isincluded in the state’s emergency planor otherwise supporting the applica-tion;

(iv) Governmental entities and gov-ernmental agencies for their own medi-cal activities; and

(v) Governmental entities and gov-ernmental agencies for providing medi-cal services communications to othereligible persons through direct partici-pation in and direct operational con-trol of the system, such as throughcentral dispatch service.

(2) Persons or organizations otherthan governmental entities are eligibleto hold authorizations in the PublicSafety Pool to operate radio stationsfor transmission of communications, aslisted below. When requesting fre-quencies not designated by a ‘‘PS’’ inthe coordinator column of the fre-quency table in paragraph (c)(3) of thissection, applications must be accom-panied by a statement from the govern-mental entity having legal jurisdictionover the area to be served, supportingthe request:

(i) Persons or organizations chargedwith specific fire protection activities;

(ii) Persons or organizations chargedwith specific forestry-conservation ac-tivities;

(iii) Persons or organizations, listedbelow, engaged in the delivery or ren-dition of medical services to the publicand on a secondary basis, for trans-mission of messages related to the effi-cient administration of organizationsand facilities engaged in medical serv-ices operations:

(A) Hospital establishments thatoffer services, facilities, and beds foruse beyond 24 hours in rendering medi-cal treatment;

(B) Institutions and organizationsregularly engaged in providing medicalservices through clinics, public healthfacilities, and similar establishments;

(C) Ambulance companies regularlyengaged in providing medical ambu-lance services;

(D) Rescue organizations for the lim-ited purpose of participation in provid-ing medical services;

(E) Associations comprised of two ormore of the organizations eligibleunder paragraph (a)(2)(iii) (A), (B), (C),and (D) of this section, for the purposeof active participation in and directoperational control of the medicalservices communication activities ofsuch organizations; or

(F) Physicians, schools of medicine,oral surgeons, and associations of phy-sicians or oral surgeons;

(iv) Persons or organizations operat-ing a rescue squad for transmission ofmessages pertaining to the safety oflife or property and urgent messagesnecessary for the rendition of an effi-cient emergency rescue service.

(A) Each rescue squad will normallybe authorized to operate one base sta-tion, and a number of mobile units (ex-cluding hand carried mobile units) notexceeding the number of vehicles actu-ally used in emergency rescue oper-ations.

(B) In addition, each rescue squadwill be authorized to operate a numberof hand carried mobile units not ex-ceeding two such units for each radioequipped vehicle actually used in emer-gency rescue operations.

(v) Persons with disabilities. The ini-tial application from a person claimingeligibility under this paragraph shallbe accompanied by a statement from aphysician attesting to the condition ofthe applicant or the applicant’s child(or ward in case of guardianship).

(A) Any person having a hearing defi-ciency such that average hearingthreshold levels are 90 dB above ANSI(American National Standards Insti-tute) 1969 or ISO (International Stand-ards Organization) 1964 levels and suchother persons who submit medical cer-tification of similar hearing deficiency.

(B) Any person having visual acuitycorrected to no better than 20/200 in thebetter eye or having a field of vision ofless than 20 degrees.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20

(C) Any person, who, through loss oflimbs or motor function, is confined toa wheelchair, or is non-ambulatory.

(D) Any person actively awaiting anorgan transplant.

(E) Parents or guardians of personsunder 18 years eligible under para-graphs (a)(2)(v)(A), (a)(2)(v)(B),(a)(2)(v)(C) of this section, or institu-tions devoted to the care or training ofthose persons.

(vi) A veterinarian, veterinary clinic,or a school of veterinary medicine forthe transmission of messages pertain-ing to the care and treatment of ani-mals. Each licensee may be authorizedto operate one base station and twomobile units. Additional base stationsor mobile units will be authorized onlyon a showing of need.

(vii) Organizations established fordisaster relief purposes having anemergency radio communications planfor the transmission of communica-tions relating to the safety of life orproperty, the establishment and main-tenance of temporary relief facilities,and the alleviation of the emergencysituation during periods of actual orimpending emergency, or disaster, anduntil substantially normal conditionsare restored. In addition, the stationsmay be used for training exercises, in-cidental to the emergency communica-tions plan, and for operational commu-nications of the disaster relief organi-zation or its chapter affiliates. The ini-tial application from a disaster relieforganization shall be accompanied by acopy of the charter or other authorityunder which the organization was es-tablished and a copy of its communica-tions plan. The plan shall fully describethe operation of the radio facilities anddescribe the method of integration intoother communications facilities whichnormally would be available to assistin the alleviation of the emergencycondition.

(viii) Persons or organizations oper-ating school buses on a regular basisover regular routes for the trans-mission of messages pertaining to ei-ther the efficient operation of theschool bus service or the safety or gen-eral welfare of the students they areengaged in transporting. Each schoolbus operator may be authorized to op-erate one base station and a number of

mobile units not in excess of the totalof the number of buses and mainte-nance vehicles regularly engaged in theschool bus operation. Additional basestations or mobile units will be author-ized only in exceptional circumstanceswhen the applicant can show a specificneed.

(ix) Persons or organizations operat-ing beach patrols having responsibilityfor life-saving activities for the trans-mission of messages required for thesafety of life or property.

(x) Persons or organizations main-taining establishment in isolated areaswhere public communications facilitiesare not available and where the use ofradio is the only feasible means of es-tablishing communication with a cen-ter of population, or other point fromwhich emergency assistance might beobtained if needed, for the trans-mission of messages only during an ac-tual or impending emergency endan-gering life, health or property for thetransmission of essential communica-tions arising from the emergency. Thetransmission of routine or non-emer-gency communications is strictly pro-hibited.

(A) Special eligibility showing. The ini-tial application requesting a stationauthorization for an establishment inan isolated area shall be accompaniedby a statement describing the status ofpublic communication facilities in thearea of the applicant’s establishment;the results of any attempts the appli-cant may have made to obtain publiccommunication service, and; in theevent radio communications service isto be furnished under paragraph(a)(2)(x)(C)(2) of this section, a copy ofthe agreement involved must be sub-mitted.

(B) Class and number of stations avail-able. Persons or organizations in thiscategory may be authorized to operatenot more than one fixed station at anyisolated establishment and not morethan one fixed station in a center ofpopulation.

(C) Communication service renderedand received. (1) The licensee of a sta-tion at any establishment in an iso-lated area shall make the communica-tion facilities of such station availableat no charge to any person desiring thetransmission of any communication

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20

permitted by paragraph (a) of this sec-tion.

(2) For the purpose of providing thecommunications link desired the li-censee of a station at an establishmentin an isolated area either may be thelicensee of a similar station at anotherlocation or may obtain communicationservice under a mutual agreement fromthe licensee of any station in the Pub-lic Safety Pool or any other stationwhich is authorized to communicatewith the fixed station.

(xi) A communications common car-rier operating communications circuitsthat normally carry essential commu-nication of such a nature that theirdisruption would endanger life or pub-lic property is eligible to hold author-izations for standby radio facilities forthe transmission of messages only dur-ing periods when the normal circuitsare inoperative due to circumstancesbeyond the control of the user. Duringsuch periods the radio facilities may beused to transmit any communicationwhich would be carried by the regularcircuit. Initial applications for author-ization to operate a standby radio fa-cility must include a statement de-scribing radio communication facilitiesdesired, the proposed method of oper-ation, a description of the messagesnormally being carried, and an expla-nation of how their disruption will en-danger life or public property.

(xii) Communications common car-riers for radio facilities to be used ineffecting expeditious repairs to inter-ruption of public communications fa-cilities where such interruptions haveresulted in disabling intercity circuitsor service to a multiplicity of subscrib-ers in a general area. Stations author-ized under this section may be usedonly when no other means of commu-nication is readily available, for thetransmission of messages relating tothe safety of life and property and mes-sages which are necessary for the effi-cient restoration of the public commu-nication facilities which have been dis-rupted.

(xiii) Persons or entities engaged inthe provision of basic or advanced lifesupport services on an ongoing basisare eligible to hold authorization to op-erate stations for transmission of com-munications essential for the delivery

or rendition of emergency medicalservices for the provision of basic oradvanced life support. Applicationssubmitted by persons or organizations(governmental or otherwise) other thanthe governmental body having jurisdic-tion over the state’s emergency medi-cal service plans must be accompaniedby a statement prepared by the govern-mental body having jurisdiction overthe state’s emergency medical servicesplan indicating that the applicant isincluded in the state’s emergency planor otherwise supporting the applica-tion.

(b) International police radio-communication. Police licensees whichare located in close proximity to theborders of the United States may beauthorized to communicate inter-nationally. Request for such authorityshall be written and signed and submit-ted in duplicate. The request shall in-clude information as to the stationwith which communication will be con-ducted, and the frequency, power, emis-sion, etc., that will be used. If author-ized, such international communica-tion must be conducted in accordancewith Article 5 of the Inter-AmericanRadio Agreement, Washington, DC,1949, which reads as follows:

Article 5. Police radio stations. When theAmerican countries authorize their policeradio stations to exchange emergency infor-mation by radio with similar stations of an-other country, the following rules shall beapplied.

(a) Only police radio stations located closeto the boundaries of contiguous countriesshall be allowed to exchange this informa-tion.

(b) In general, only important police mes-sages shall be handled, such as those whichwould lose their value, because of slownessand time limitations if sent on other com-munication systems.

(c) Frequencies used for radiotelephonecommunications with mobile police unitsshall not be used for radiotelegraph commu-nications.

(d) Radiotelephone communications shallbe conducted only on frequencies assignedfor radiotelephony.

(e) Radiotelegraph communications shallbe conducted on the following frequencies:2804 kHz calling, 2808 kHz working, 2812 kHzworking, 5195 kHz day calling, 5185 kHz dayworking, 5140 kHz day working.

(f) The characteristics of police radio sta-tions authorized to exchange information

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20

shall be notified to the International Tele-communication Union, Geneva, Switzerland.

(g) The abbreviations contained in Appen-dix 9 of the Atlantic City Radio Regulationsshall be used to the greatest possible extent.Service indications are as follows: ‘‘P’’, pri-ority, for messages that are to be sent imme-diately, regardless of the number of othermessages on file. If no service indication isgiven, the messages are to be transmitted inthe order of receipt.

(h) The message shall contain the pre-amble, address, text and signature, as fol-lows:

Preamble. The preamble of the messageshall consist of the following: The serialnumber preceded by the letters ‘‘NR’’, serv-ice indications, as appropriate; the groupcount according to standard cable count sys-tem; the letters ‘‘CK’’, followed by numeralsindicating the number of words contained inthe text of the message: Office and countryof origin (not abbreviations): Day, month,and hour of filing;

Address. The address must be as completeas possible and shall include the name of theaddressee with any supplementary particu-lars necessary for immediate delivery of themessage;

Text. The text may be either in plain lan-guage or code;

Signature. The signature shall include thename and title of the person originating themessage.

(c) Public Safety frequencies. (1) Thefollowing table indicates frequenciesavailable for assignment to PublicSafety stations, together with the classof station(s) to which they are nor-mally assigned, the specific assignmentlimitations which are explained inparagraph (d) of this section, and thecertified frequency coordinator foreach frequency:

(2)(i) The letter symbol(s) listed inthe Coordinator column of the fre-quency table in paragraph (c)(3) of thissection specifies the frequency coordi-nator(s) for each frequency as follows:

PF—Fire CoordinatorPH—Highway Maintenance CoordinatorPM—Emergency Medical CoordinatorPO—Forestry-Conservation CoordinatorPP—Police CoordinatorPS—Special Emergency CoordinatorPX—Any Public Safety Coordinator, except

the Special Emergency Coordinator

(ii) Frequencies without any coordi-nator specified may be coordinated byany coordinator certified in the PublicSafety Pool.

(3) Frequencies.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-



530 ................... .......................... 1 .............. PX1610 ................. Base (T.I.S.) .... 1 .............. PX1630 ................. Base or mobile .................. PF1722 ................. ......do ............... 2, 3 .......... PP1730 ................. ......do ............... 2, 3 .......... PP2212 ................. ......do ............... 4 .............. PO2226 ................. ......do ............... 4 .............. PO2236 ................. ......do ............... 4 .............. PO2244 ................. ......do ............... 4 .............. PO2366 ................. ......do ............... 2, 4 .......... PP2382 ................. ......do ............... 2 .............. PP2390 ................. ......do ............... 2, 4 .......... PP2406 ................. ......do ............... 2 .............. PP2430 ................. ......do ............... 2 .............. PP2442 ................. ......do ............... 2 .............. PP2450 ................. ......do ............... 2 .............. PP2458 ................. ......do ............... 2 .............. PP2482 ................. ......do ............... 2 .............. PP2490 ................. ......do ............... 2, 3 .......... PP2726 ................. ......do ............... 5 .............. PX, PS3201 ................. ......do ............... .................. PS2000 to 3000 .... Fixed ................ 75 ............ PS2000 to 10,000 Fixed, base, or

mobile.6 .............. PX


30.86 ................ Base or mobile 7 .............. PO30.90 ................ ......do ............... 7 .............. PO30.94 ................ ......do ............... 7 .............. PO30.98 ................ ......do ............... 7 .............. PO31.02 ................ ......do ............... 7 .............. PO31.06 ................ ......do ............... 7, 8, 9 ...... PO31.10 ................ ......do ............... 7, 8, 9 ...... PO31.14 ................ ......do ............... 7, 8, 9 ...... PO31.18 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.22 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.26 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.30 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.34 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.38 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.42 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.46 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.50 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.54 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.58 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.62 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.66 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.70 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.74 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.78 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.82 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.86 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.90 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.94 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO31.98 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... PO33.02 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PH, PS33.04 ................ ......do ............... .................. PS33.06 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PH, PS33.08 ................ ......do ............... .................. PS33.10 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PH, PS33.42 ................ Mobile or fixed 11 ............ PF33.44 ................ Base or mobile .................. PF33.46 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PF33.48 ................ Base or mobile .................. PF33.50 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PF33.52 ................ Base or mobile .................. PF33.54 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PF33.56 ................ Base or mobile .................. PF

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Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


33.58 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PF33.60 ................ Base or mobile .................. PF33.62 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PF33.64 ................ Base or mobile .................. PF33.66 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PF33.68 ................ Base or mobile .................. PF33.70 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.72 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.74 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.76 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.78 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.80 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.82 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.84 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.86 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.88 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.90 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.92 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.94 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.96 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF33.98 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF35.02 ................ Mobile .............. 12 ............ PS35.64 ................ Base ................ 13 ............ PS35.68 ................ ......do ............... 13 ............ PS37.02 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP37.04 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP37.06 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.08 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.10 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX37.12 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.14 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.16 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.18 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX37.20 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.22 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.24 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.26 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX37.28 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.30 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.32 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP37.34 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP37.36 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP37.38 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP37.40 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP37.42 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP37.90 ................ Base or mobile 10 ............ PH, PS37.92 ................ ......do ............... .................. PH37.94 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PH, PS37.96 ................ ......do ............... .................. PH37.98 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PH, PS39.02 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.04 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.06 ................ ......do ............... 14 ............ PX39.08 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.10 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX39.12 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.14 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.16 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.18 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX39.20 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.22 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.24 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.26 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP39.28 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP39.30 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP39.32 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP39.34 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP39.36 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP39.38 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP39.40 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


39.42 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.44 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.46 ................ ......do ............... 15 ............ PP39.48 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.50 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX39.52 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.54 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.56 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.58 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX39.60 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.62 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.64 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.66 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP39.68 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP39.70 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP39.72 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP39.74 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP39.76 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP39.78 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP39.80 ................ Base or mobile .................. PP39.82 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX39.84 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.86 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.88 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.90 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX39.92 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.94 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.96 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP39.98 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX42.02 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.04 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.06 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.08 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.10 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.12 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.14 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.16 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.18 ................ Mobile .............. 2, 16 ........ PP42.20 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.22 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.24 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.26 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.28 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.30 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.32 ................ Base or mobile 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.34 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.36 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.38 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.40 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16,


42.42 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.44 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.46 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.48 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.50 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.52 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.54 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.56 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.58 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.60 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.62 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.64 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.66 ................ Mobile .............. 2, 16 ........ PP42.68 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.70 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.72 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.74 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.76 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.78 ................ ......do ............... 2, 16 ........ PP42.80 ................ Base or mobile 13 ............ PP

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Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


42.82 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.84 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.86 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.88 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.90 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.92 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP42.94 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP43.64 ................ Base ................ 13, 18 ...... PS43.68 ................ ......do ............... 13 ............ PS44.62 ................ Base or mobile 2, 3, 16 .... PP44.64 ................ ......do ............... .................. PO44.66 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP44.68 ................ ......do ............... .................. PO44.70 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP44.72 ................ ......do ............... .................. PO44.74 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP44.76 ................ ......do ............... .................. PO44.78 ................ Mobile .............. 2, 16 ........ PP44.80 ................ Base or mobile .................. PO44.82 ................ Mobile .............. 2, 16 ........ PP44.84 ................ Base or mobile .................. PO44.86 ................ Mobile .............. 2, 16 ........ PP44.88 ................ Base or mobile .................. PO44.90 ................ Mobile .............. 2, 16 ........ PP44.92 ................ Base or mobile .................. PO44.94 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP44.96 ................ ......do ............... .................. PO44.98 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP45.00 ................ ......do ............... .................. PO45.02 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP45.04 ................ ......do ............... .................. PO45.06 ................ ......do ............... 2, 3, 16 .... PP45.08 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.10 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.12 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.14 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.16 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.18 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.20 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.22 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.24 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.26 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP45.28 ................ Base or mobile .................. PX45.30 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP45.32 ................ Base or mobile .................. PX45.34 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP45.36 ................ Base or mobile .................. PX45.38 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP45.40 ................ Base or mobile .................. PX45.42 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.44 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.46 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.48 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.50 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.52 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.54 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.56 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.58 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.60 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.62 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.64 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX45.66 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.68 ................ ......do ............... .................. PH45.70 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.72 ................ ......do ............... .................. PH45.74 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP45.76 ................ Base or mobile .................. PH45.78 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP45.80 ................ Base or mobile .................. PH45.82 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PP


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


45.84 ................ Base or mobile .................. PH45.86 ................ ......do ............... 15 ............ PP45.88 ................ ......do ............... 19 ............ PF45.90 ................ ......do ............... 20 ............ PP45.92 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS45.94 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP45.96 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS45.98 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP46.00 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS46.02 ................ ......do ............... .................. PP46.04 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS46.06 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.08 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.10 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.12 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.14 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.16 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.18 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.20 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.22 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PF46.24 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.26 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.28 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.30 ................ Mobile or fixed 11 ............ PF46.32 ................ Mobile .............. .................. PF46.34 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.36 ................ Base or mobile .................. PF46.38 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.40 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.42 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.44 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.46 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.48 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.50 ................ ......do ............... .................. PF46.52 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX46.54 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX46.56 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX46.58 ................ ......do ............... .................. PX47.02 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.04 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.06 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.08 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.10 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.12 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.14 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.16 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.18 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.20 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.22 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.24 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.26 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.28 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.30 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.32 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.34 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.36 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.38 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.40 ................ ......do ............... 21, 22 ...... PH47.42 ................ ......do ............... 10, 23 ...... PS47.46 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS47.50 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS47.54 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS47.58 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS47.62 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS47.66 ................ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS72.00 to 76.00 .. Operational


72.44 ................ Mobile .............. 25 ............ PF72.48 ................ ......do ............... 25 ............ PF72.52 ................ ......do ............... 25 ............ PF

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


72.56 ................ ......do ............... 25 ............ PF72.6 .................. ......do ............... 25 ............ PF75.44 ................ ......do ............... 25 ............ PF75.48 ................ ......do ............... 25 ............ PF75.52 ................ ......do ............... 25 ............ PF75.56 ................ ......do ............... 25 ............ PF75.6 .................. ......do ............... 25 ............ PF150 to 170 ........ Base or mobile 26150.775 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PM150.7825 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PM150.790 ............ ......do ............... .................. PM150.7975 .......... ......do ............... .................. PM150.805 ............ ......do ............... .................. PM150.995 ............ Base or mobile 28 ............ PH151.0025 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PH151.010 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PH151.0175 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PH151.025 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PH151.0325 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PH151.040 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PH151.0475 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PH151.055 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PH151.070 ............ ......do ............... 28, 30 ...... PH151.085 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PH151.0925 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PH151.100 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PH151.1075 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PH151.115 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PH151.1225 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PH151.130 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PH151.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PH151.145 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.1525 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.160 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.1675 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.175 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.190 ............ ......do ............... 28, 30 ...... PO151.205 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.2125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.220 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.2275 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.235 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.2425 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.250 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.2575 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.265 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.2725 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.280 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.2875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.295 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.310 ............ ......do ............... 28, 30 ...... PO151.325 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.3325 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.340 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.3475 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.355 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.3625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.370 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.3775 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.385 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.3925 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.400 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.4075 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.415 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.4225 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.430 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.4375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.445 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.4525 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.460 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


151.4675 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.475 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PO151.4825 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PO151.490 ............ ......do ............... 7, 28 ........ PO151.4975 .......... ......do ............... 7, 27, 28 .. PO152.0075 .......... Base ................ 13, 19, 30 PS153.740 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PX153.7475 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.755 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.7625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.770 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF153.7775 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF153.785 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.7925 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.800 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.8075 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.815 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.8225 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.830 ............ ......do ............... 31 ............ PF153.8375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 31 ...... PF153.845 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.8525 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.860 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.8675 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.875 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.8825 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.890 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF153.8975 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF153.905 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.9125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.920 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.9275 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.935 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.9425 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.950 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF153.9575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF153.965 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.9725 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.980 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX153.9875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX153.995 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX154.0025 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX154.010 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF154.0175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF154.025 ............ Base or mobile .................. PX154.0325 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX154.040 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PX154.0475 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PX154.055 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PX154.0625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PX154.070 ............ Mobile .............. 28 ............ PF154.0775 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.085 ............ Base or mobile 28 ............ PX154.0925 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PX154.100 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PX154.1075 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PX154.115 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PX154.1225 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PX154.130 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.145 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.1525 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.160 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.1675 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.175 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.1825 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.190 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.1975 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.205 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.2125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00263 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 21: 47cfr90


47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


154.220 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.2275 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.235 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.2425 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.250 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.2575 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.265 ............ ......do ............... 19, 28 ...... PF154.2725 .......... ......do ............... 19, 27, 28 PF154.280 ............ ......do ............... 19, 28 ...... PF154.2875 .......... ......do ............... 19, 27, 28 PF154.295 ............ ......do ............... 19, 28 ...... PF154.3025 .......... ......do ............... 19, 27, 28 PF154.310 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.3175 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.325 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.3325 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.340 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.3475 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.355 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.3625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.370 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.3775 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.385 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.3925 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.400 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.4075 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.415 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.4225 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.430 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.4375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.445 ............ ......do ............... 28 ............ PF154.4525 .......... ......do ............... 27, 28 ...... PF154.45625 ........ Fixed or mobile 32, 33, 34,


154.46375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 34, 35,36, 37.


154.47125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 34, 35,36.


154.47875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 34, 35,37.


154.650 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP154.6575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.665 ............ Base or mobile 16 ............ PP154.6725 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP154.680 ............ ......do ............... 16 ............ PP154.6875 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP154.695 ............ ......do ............... 16 ............ PP154.7025 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP154.710 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP154.7175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.725 ............ Base or mobile .................. PP154.7325 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.740 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP154.7475 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.755 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP154.7625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.770 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP154.7775 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.785 ............ Base or mobile .................. PP154.7925 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.800 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP154.8075 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.815 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP154.8225 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.830 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP154.8375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.845 ............ Base or mobile .................. PP154.8525 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.860 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP154.8675 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


154.875 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP154.8825 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.890 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP154.8975 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.905 ............ Base or mobile 16 ............ PP154.9125 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP154.920 ............ ......do ............... 16 ............ PP154.9275 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP154.935 ............ ......do ............... 16 ............ PP154.9425 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP154.950 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP154.9575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP154.965 ............ Base or mobile .................. PX154.9725 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX154.980 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX154.9875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX154.995 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.0025 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.010 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.0175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.025 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.0325 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.040 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.0475 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.055 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.0625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.070 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.0775 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.085 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.0925 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.100 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.1075 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.115 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.1225 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.130 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.145 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.1525 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.160 ............ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS155.1675 .......... ......do ............... 10, 27 ...... PS155.175 ............ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS155.1825 .......... ......do ............... 10, 27 ...... PS155.190 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.1975 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.205 ............ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS155.2125 .......... ......do ............... 10, 27 ...... PS155.220 ............ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS155.2275 .......... ......do ............... 10, 27 ...... PS155.235 ............ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS155.2425 .......... ......do ............... 10, 27 ...... PS155.250 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.2575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.265 ............ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS155.2725 .......... ......do ............... 10, 27 ...... PS155.280 ............ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS155.2875 .......... ......do ............... 10, 27 ...... PS155.295 ............ ......do ............... 10 ............ PS155.3025 .......... ......do ............... 10, 27 ...... PS155.310 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.3175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.325 ............ ......do ............... 38, 39 ...... PM155.3325 .......... ......do ............... 27, 38, 39 PM155.340 ............ ......do ............... 39, 40 ...... PM155.3475 .......... ......do ............... 27, 39, 40 PM155.355 ............ ......do ............... 38, 39 ...... PM155.3625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 38, 39 PM155.370 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.3775 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.385 ............ ......do ............... 38, 39 ...... PM155.3925 .......... ......do ............... 27, 38, 39 PM

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00264 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 22: 47cfr90


Federal Communications Commission § 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


155.400 ............ ......do ............... 38, 39 ...... PM155.4075 .......... ......do ............... 27, 38, 39 PM155.415 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.4225 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.430 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.4375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.445 ............ ......do ............... 16 ............ PP155.4525 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP155.460 ............ ......do ............... 16 ............ PP155.4675 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP155.475 ............ ......do ............... 41 ............ PP155.4825 .......... ......do ............... 27, 41 ...... PP155.490 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.4975 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.505 ............ ......do ............... 16 ............ PP155.5125 .......... ......do ............... 16, 27 ...... PP155.520 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.5275 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.535 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.5425 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.550 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.5575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.565 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.5725 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.580 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.5875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.595 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.6025 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.610 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.6175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.625 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.6325 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.640 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.6475 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.655 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.6625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.670 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.6775 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.685 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.6925 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.700 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.7075 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.715 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.7225 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.730 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.7375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.745 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.7525 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.760 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.7675 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.775 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.7825 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.790 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP155.7975 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.805 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.8125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.820 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.8275 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.835 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.8425 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.850 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP155.8575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.865 ............ Base or mobile .................. PX155.8725 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.880 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.8875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.895 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.9025 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.910 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP155.9175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


155.925 ............ Base or mobile .................. PX155.9325 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.940 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.9475 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.955 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.9625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX155.970 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP155.9775 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP155.985 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX155.9925 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX156.000 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX156.0075 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX156.015 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX156.0225 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX156.030 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP156.0375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP156.045 ............ ......do ............... 42 ............ PH156.0525 .......... ......do ............... 27, 42 ...... PH156.060 ............ ......do ............... 42 ............ PH156.0675 .......... ......do ............... 27, 42 ...... PH156.075 ............ ......do ............... .................. PH156.0825 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PH156.090 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP156.0975 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP156.105 ............ Base or mobile .................. PH156.1125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PH156.120 ............ ......do ............... .................. PH156.1275 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PH156.135 ............ ......do ............... .................. PH156.1425 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PH156.150 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PP156.1575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP156.165 ............ Base or mobile 42, 43 ...... PH156.1725 .......... ......do ............... 27, 42, 43 PH156.180 ............ ......do ............... 42, 43 ...... PH156.1875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 42, 43 PH156.195 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH156.2025 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH156.210 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP156.2175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP156.225 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH156.2325 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH156.240 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH156.2475 .......... ......do ............... 43, 44 ...... PH157.450 ............ ......do ............... 13, 45, 30 PS158.7225 .......... ......do ............... 44 ............ PP158.730 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP158.7375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP158.745 ............ Base and mo-

bile................... PX

158.7525 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.760 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.7675 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.775 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.7825 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.790 ............ Base or mobile .................. PP158.7975 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP158.805 ............ Base and mo-

bile................... PX

158.8125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.820 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.8275 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.835 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.8425 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.850 ............ Base or mobile .................. PP158.8575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP158.865 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PX158.8725 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.880 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.8875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


158.895 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.9025 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.910 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP158.9175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP158.925 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.9325 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.940 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.9475 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.955 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX158.9625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX158.970 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP158.9775 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP158.985 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH158.9925 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.000 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.0075 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.015 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.0225 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.030 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP159.0375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP159.045 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.0525 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.060 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.0675 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.075 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.0825 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.090 ............ Base or mobile .................. PP159.0975 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP159.105 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.1125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.120 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.1275 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.135 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.1425 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.150 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP159.1575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP159.165 ............ ......do ............... 43 ............ PH159.1725 .......... ......do ............... 27, 43 ...... PH159.180 ............ ......do ............... .................. PH159.1875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PH159.195 ............ ......do ............... .................. PH159.2025 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PH159.210 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP159.2175 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP159.225 ............ ......do ............... .................. PO159.2325 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PO159.240 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.2475 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.255 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.2625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.270 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.2775 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.285 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.2925 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.300 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.3075 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.315 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.3225 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.330 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.3375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.345 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.3525 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.360 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.3675 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.375 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.3825 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.390 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.3975 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.405 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.4125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


159.420 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.4275 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.435 ............ ......do ............... 46 ............ PO159.4425 .......... ......do ............... 27, 46 ...... PO159.450 ............ ......do ............... .................. PO159.4575 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PO159.465 ............ ......do ............... .................. PO159.4725 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PO163.250 ............ ......do ............... 13, 30 ...... PS166.250 ............ ......do ............... 47 ............ PF169 to 172 ........ Mobile .............. 48 ............170.150 ............ Base or mobile 47 ............ PF170.425 ............ ......do ............... 9, 49, 50 .. PO170.475 ............ ......do ............... 9, 49, 51 .. PO170.575 ............ ......do ............... 9, 49, 50 .. PO171.425 ............ ......do ............... 9, 49, 51 .. PO171.475 ............ ......do ............... 9, 50, 52 .. PO171.575 ............ ......do ............... 9, 49, 51 .. PO172.225 ............ ......do ............... 9, 49, 50 .. PO172.275 ............ ......do ............... 9, 51, 52 .. PO172.375 ............ ......do ............... 9, 49, 50 .. PO173.075 ............ ......do ............... 53 ............ PP173.20375 ........ Fixed or mobile 33, 34, 35,


173.210 ............ ......do ............... 34, 35, 36,54.


173.2375 .......... ......do ............... 32, 33, 34,35.


173.2625 .......... ......do ............... 32, 33, 34,35.


173.2875 .......... ......do ............... 32, 33, 34,35.


173.3125 .......... ......do ............... 32, 33, 34,35.


173.3375 .......... ......do ............... 32, 33, 34,35.


173.3625 .......... ......do ............... 32, 33, 34,35.


173.390 ............ ......do ............... 34, 35, 36,54.


173.39625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 34, 35,36.


220 to 222 ........ Base and mo-bile.

55 ............

220.8025 .......... Base ................ 55 ............ PP, PS220.8075 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.8125 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.8175 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.8225 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.8275 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.8325 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.8375 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.8425 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.8475 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS220.9025 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM220.9075 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM220.9125 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM220.9175 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM220.9225 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM221.8025 .......... Mobile .............. 55 ............ PP, PS221.8075 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.8125 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.8175 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.8225 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.8275 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.8325 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.8375 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.8425 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.8475 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PP, PS221.9025 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


221.9075 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM221.9125 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM221.9175 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM221.9225 .......... ......do ............... 55 ............ PM450 to 470 ........ Fixed, base, or

mobile.26, 56

453.0125 .......... Mobile .............. 57 ............ PX453.025 ............ Central control,

fixed base, ormobile.

58, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.03125 ........ Base or mobile 44, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.0375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.04375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.050 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.05625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.0625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.06875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.075 ............ Central control,

fixed, base,or mobile.

58, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.08125 ........ Base or mobile 44, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.0875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.09375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.100 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.10625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.1125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.11875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.125 ............ Central control,

fixed, base,or mobile.

58, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.13125 ........ Base or mobile 44, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.14375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.150 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.15625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.1625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.16875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.175 ............ Central control,

fixed, base,or mobile.

58, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.18125 ........ Base or mobile 44, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.1875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.19375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 60,61, 62.


453.200 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.20625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.2125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.21875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.225 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.23125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.2375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.24375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.250 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.25625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.2625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.26875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.275 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.28125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.2875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


453.29375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.300 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.30625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.3125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.31875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.325 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.33125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.3375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.34375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.350 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.35625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.3625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.36875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.375 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.38125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.3875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.39375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.400 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.40625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.4125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.41875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.425 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.43125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.4375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.44375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.450 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.45625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.4625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.46875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.475 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.48125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.4875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.49375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.500 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.50625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.5125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.51875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.525 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.53125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.5375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.54375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.550 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.55625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.5625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.56875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.575 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.58125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.5875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.59375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.600 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.60625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.6125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.61875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.625 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.63125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.6375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.64375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.650 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.65625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.6625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.66875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.675 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.68125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.6875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.69375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.700 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.70625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.7125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.71875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.725 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


453.73125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.7375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.74375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.750 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.75625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.7625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.76875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.775 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.78125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.7875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.79375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.800 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.80625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.8125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.81875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.825 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.83125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.8375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.84375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.850 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.85625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.8625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.86875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.875 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.88125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.8875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.89375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.900 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.90625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.9125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.91875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.925 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.93125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.9375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.94375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.950 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.95625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.9625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.96875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.975 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX453.98125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX453.9875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX453.99375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.0125 .......... Mobile .............. 57 ............ PS458.025 ............ Radio call

boxes, fixed,or mobile.

58, 59, 61,62, 63.


458.03125 ........ Mobile .............. 44, 59, 61,62.


458.0375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 61,62.


458.04375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 61,62.


458.050 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.05625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.0625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.06875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.075 ............ Radio call

boxes, fixed,or mobile.

58, 59, 61,62, 63.


458.08125 ........ Mobile .............. 44, 59, 61,62.


458.0875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 61,62.


458.09375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 61,62.


458.100 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.10625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.1125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.11875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


458.125 ............ Radio callboxes, fixed,or mobile.

58, 59, 61,62, 63.


458.13125 ........ Mobile .............. 44, 59, 61,62.


458.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 61,62.


458.14375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 61,62.


458.150 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.15625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.1625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.16875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.175 ............ Radio call

boxes, fixed,or mobile.

58, 59, 61,62, 63.


458.18125 ........ Mobile .............. 44, 59, 61,62.


458.1875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 61,62.


458.19375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 61,62.


458.200 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.20625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.2125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.21875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.225 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.23125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.2375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.24375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.250 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.25625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.2625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.26875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.275 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.28125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.2875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.29375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.300 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.30625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.3125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.31875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.325 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.33125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.3375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.34375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.350 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.35625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.3625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.36875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.375 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.38125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.3875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.39375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.400 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.40625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.4125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.41875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.425 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.43125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.4375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.44375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.450 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.45625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.4625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.46875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.475 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.48125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.4875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.49375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


458.500 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.50625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.5125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.51875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.525 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.53125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.5375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.54375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.550 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.55625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.5625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.56875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.575 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.58125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.5875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.59375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.600 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.60625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.6125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.61875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.625 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.63125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.6375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.64375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.650 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.65625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.6625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.66875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.675 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.68125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.6875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.69375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.700 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.70625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.7125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.71875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.725 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.73125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.7375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.74375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.750 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.75625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.7625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.76875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.775 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.78125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.7875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.79375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.800 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.80625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.8125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.81875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.825 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.83125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.8375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.84375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.850 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.85625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.8625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.86875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.875 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.88125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.8875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.89375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.900 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.90625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.9125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.91875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.925 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.93125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


458.9375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.94375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.950 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.95625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.9625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.96875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.975 ............ ......do ............... .................. PX458.98125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX458.9875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PX458.99375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PX460.0125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 64 ...... PP460.01875 ........ Base or mobile 44 ............ PP460.025 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.03125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.0375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.04375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.050 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.05626 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.0625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.06875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.075 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.08125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.0875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.09375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.100 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.10625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.1125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.11875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.125 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.13125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.14375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.150 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.15625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.1625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.16875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.175 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.18125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.1875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.19375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.200 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.20625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.2125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.21875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.225 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.23125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.2375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.24375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.250 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.25625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.2625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.26875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.275 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.28125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.2875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.29375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.300 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.30625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.3125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.31875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.325 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.33125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.3375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.34375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.350 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.35625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.3625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.36875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.375 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.38125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00269 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


460.3875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.39375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.400 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.40625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.4125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.41875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.425 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.43125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.4375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.44375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.450 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.45625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.4625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.46875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.475 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.48125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.4875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.49375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.500 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP460.50625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.5125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP460.51875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP460.525 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP, PF,

PM460.53125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP, PF,

PM460.5375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP, PF,

PM460.54375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP, PF,

PM460.550 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP, PF,

PM460.55625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP, PF,

PM460.5625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP, PF,

PM460.56875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP, PF,

PM460.575 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF460.58125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF460.5875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF460.59375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF460.600 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF460.60625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF460.6125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF460.61875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF460.625 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF460.63125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF460.6375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF460.64375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF462.9375 .......... Mobile .............. 57 ............ PS462.950 ............ Base or mobile 38, 65 ...... PM462.95625 ........ ......do ............... 38, 44, 65 PM462.9625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 38, 65 PM462.96875 ........ ......do ............... 38, 44, 65 PM462.975 ............ ......do ............... 38, 65 ...... PM462.98125 ........ ......do ............... 38, 44, 65 PM462.9875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 38, 65 PM462.99375 ........ ......do ............... 38, 44, 65 PM463.000 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 67 PM463.00625 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


463.0125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,67.


463.01875 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,67.


463.025 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 67 PM463.03125 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


463.0375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,67.



Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


463.04375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,67.


463.050 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 67 PM463.05625 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


463.0625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,67.


463.06875 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,67.


463.075 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM463.08125 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


463.0875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


463.09375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


463.100 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM463.10625 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


463.1125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


463.11875 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


463.125 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM463.13125 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


463.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


463.14375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


463.150 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM463.15625 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


463.1625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


463.16875 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


463.175 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM463.18125 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


463.1875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


463.19375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


465.0125 .......... Mobile .............. 57 ............ PP465.025 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.03125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.0375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.04375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.050 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.05625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.0625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.06875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.075 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.08125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.0875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.09375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.100 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.10625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.1125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.11875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.125 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.13125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.14375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.150 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.15625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.1625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.16875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.175 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00270 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 28: 47cfr90


Federal Communications Commission § 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


465.18125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.1875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.19375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.200 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.20625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.2125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.21875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.225 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.23125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.2375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.24375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.250 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.25625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.2625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.26875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.275 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.28125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.2875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.29375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.300 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.30625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.3125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.31875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.325 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.33125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.3375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.34375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.350 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.35625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.3625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.36875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.375 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.38125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.3875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.39375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.400 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.40625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.4125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.41875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.425 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.43125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.4375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.44375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.450 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.45625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.4625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.46875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.475 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.48125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.4875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.49375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.500 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP465.50625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.5125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP465.51875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP465.525 ............ ......do ............... .................. PP, PF,

PM465.53125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP, PF,

PM465.5375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP, PF,

PM465.54375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP, PF,

PM465.550 ............ Base or mobile .................. PP, PF,

PM465.55625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP, PF,

PM465.5625 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PP, PF,

PM465.56875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PP, PF,



Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


465.575 ............ Mobile .............. .................. PF465.58125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF465.5875 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF465.59375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF465.600 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF465.60625 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF465.6125 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF465.61875 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF465.625 ............ ......do ............... .................. PF465.63125 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF465.6375 .......... ......do ............... 27 ............ PF465.64375 ........ ......do ............... 44 ............ PF467.9375 .......... ......do ............... 57 ............ PS467.950 ............ ......do ............... 38, 65 ...... PM467.95625 ........ ......do ............... 38, 44, 65 PM467.9625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 38, 65 PM467.96875 ........ ......do ............... 38, 44, 65 PM467.975 ............ ......do ............... 38, 65 ...... PM467.98125 ........ ......do ............... 38, 44, 65 PM467.9875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 38, 65 PM467.99375 ........ ......do ............... 38, 44, 65 PM468.000 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 67 PM468.00625 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


468.0125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,67.


468.01875 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,67.


468.025 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 67 PM468.03125 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


468.0375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,67.


468.04375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,67.


468.050 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 67 PM468.05625 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


468.0625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,67.


468.06875 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,67.


468.075 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM468.08125 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


468.0875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


468.09375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


468.100 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM468.10625 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


468.1125 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


468.11875 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


468.125 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM468.13125 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


468.1375 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


468.14375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


468.150 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM468.15625 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


468.1625 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


468.16875 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


468.175 ............ ......do ............... 59, 66, 76 PM468.18125 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,


468.1875 .......... ......do ............... 27, 59, 66,76.


468.19375 ........ ......do ............... 44, 59, 66,76.


470 to 512 ........ Base or mobile 68 ............ PX806 to 824 ........ Mobile .............. 69.851 to 859 ........ Base or mobile 69.928 and above Operational


929 to 930 ........ Base only ......... 71.1,427 to 1,435 .. Operational

fixed, base,or mobile.


2,450 to 2,500 .. Base or mobile 73.10,550 to

10,680.......do ............... 74.

(d) Explanation of assignment limita-tions appearing in the frequency tableof paragraph (c)(3) of this section:

(1) This frequency is available for useby Travelers’ Information Stations inaccordance with § 90.242.

(2) The frequency is available for as-signment only in accordance with ageographical assignment plan.

(3) Base stations operating on thisfrequency and rendering service tostate police mobile units may be au-thorized to use a maximum outputpower in excess of the maximum indi-cated in § 90.205 but not in excess of 7500watts: Provided, That such operation issecondary to other stations.

(4) The use of this frequency is on asecondary basis to any Canadian sta-tion.

(5) In addition to base and mobilestations, this frequency may be as-signed to fixed stations on a secondarybasis to base or mobile stations. Upona showing of need, the use of a secondfrequency in the band 2505–3500 kHzmay be made available to govern-mental entities through appropriatearrangements with Federal Govern-ment agencies for restricted area useon a shared basis with maximum poweroutput, emission, and hours of oper-ation determined on the basis of thetechnical conditions involved in usingthe selected frequency in the particulararea.

(6) Only the central governments ofthe fifty individual States, the Districtof Columbia, and the insular areas of

the Commonwealth of the NorthernMariana Islands, the Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico, and the unincorporatedterritories of American Samoa, Guamand the United States Virgin Islandsare eligible to be licensed to use thisspectrum, and then only for disastercommunications purposes. Licenseesmay not use this spectrum to provideoperational communications circuits.See also, § 90.264.

(7) This frequency is shared with theIndustrial/Business Pool.

(8) This frequency is available for as-signment only in accordance with ageographical assignment plan. This fre-quency may be used for conservationactivities on a secondary basis to anystation using the frequency for forestfire prevention, detection, and suppres-sion.

(9) This frequency is reserved pri-marily for assignment to state licens-ees. Assignments to other licenseeswill be made only where the frequencyis required for coordinated operationwith the State system to which the fre-quency is assigned. Any request forsuch assignment must be supported bya statement from the State systemconcerned, indicating that the assign-ment is necessary for coordination ofactivities.

(10) A licensee regularly conductingtwo-way communication operations onthis frequency may, on a secondarybasis, also transmit one-way alert-pag-ing signals to ambulance and rescuesquad personnel.

(11) The maximum output power ofany transmitter authorized to operateon this frequency shall not exceed 10watts.

(12) This frequency is available inthis service only to persons eligibleunder the provisions of paragraph(a)(2)(v) of this section for operation oftransmitters having a maximum poweroutput of three watts using A1A, A1D,A2B, A2D, F1B, F1D, F2B, F2D, G1B,G1D, G2B, or G2D emission. This fre-quency is also available in the Indus-trial/Business Pool on a co-equal basiswith the Public Safety licensees.

(13) This frequency will be assignedonly for one-way paging communica-tions to mobile receivers. Trans-missions for the purpose of activating

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20

or controlling remote objects on thisfrequency are not authorized.

(14) The maximum output power ofany transmitter authorized to operateon this frequency, after June 1, 1956,shall not exceed two watts. Licenseesholding a valid authorization as ofJune 1, 1956, for base or mobile stationoperation on this frequency, with apower in excess of two watts, may con-tinue to be authorized for such oper-ation without regard to this power lim-itation.

(15) This frequency is reserved for as-signment to stations for intersystemoperations only: Provided, however,That licensees holding a valid author-ization to use this frequency for localbase or mobile operations as of June 1,1956, may continue to be authorized forsuch use.

(16) This frequency is reserved pri-marily for assignment to state policelicensees. Assignments to other policelicensees will be made only where thefrequency is required for coordinatedoperation with the state police systemto which the frequency is assigned.Any request for such assignment mustbe supported by a statement from thestate police system concerned indicat-ing that the assignment is necessaryfor coordination of police activities.

(17) In the State of Alaska only, thefrequency 42.40 MHz is available for as-signment on a primary basis to sta-tions in the Common Carrier RuralRadio Service utilizing meteor burstcommunications. The frequency maybe used by private radio stations formeteor burst communications on a sec-ondary, noninterference basis. Usageshall be in accordance with part 22 ofthis chapter or part 90. Stations utiliz-ing meteor burst communications shallnot cause harmful interference to sta-tions of other radio services operatingin accordance with the allocationtable.

(18) No new licenses will be grantedfor one-way paging under § 90.487 foruse on this frequency after August 1,1980. This frequency is available to per-sons eligible for station licenses underthe provisions of paragraph (a)(2)(v) ofthis section on a co-equal basis withone-way paging users under § 90.487prior to August 1, 1985, and on a pri-mary basis after August 1, 1985. Only

A1A, A1D, A2B, A2D, F1B, F1D, F2B,F2D, G1B, G1D, G2B, G2D emissionsand power not exceeding 10 watts willbe authorized. Antennas having gaingreater than 0 dBd will not be author-ized. Transmissions shall not exceedtwo seconds duration.

(19) This frequency is reserved for as-signment to stations in this service forintersystem operations only and theseoperations must be primarily base-mo-bile communications.

(20) In the State of Alaska only, thefrequency 45.90 MHz is available for as-signment on a primary basis to privateland mobile radio stations utilizingmeteor burst communications. The fre-quency may be used by common carrierstations for meteor burst communica-tions on a secondary, noninterferencebasis. Usage shall be in accordancewith part 22 of this chapter and part 90.Stations utilizing meteor burst com-munications shall not cause harmfulinterference to stations of other radioservices operating in accordance withthe allocation table.

(21) This frequency will be assignedonly in accordance with a geographicalassignment plan and is reserved pri-marily for assignment to Highwaymaintenance systems operated bystates. The use of this frequency byother Highway maintenance licenseeswill be authorized only where such useis necessary to coordinate activitieswith the particular state to which thefrequency is assigned. Any request forsuch use must be supported by a state-ment from the state concerned.

(22) Notwithstanding the provisionsof paragraph (d)(21) of this section, thisfrequency may be used by any licenseesin the Public Safety Pool without aseparate license for the purpose of op-erating self-powered vehicle detectorsfor traffic control and safety purposes,on a secondary basis, in accordancewith § 90.269.

(23) Thus frequency is reserved for as-signment only to national organiza-tions eligible for disaster relief oper-ations under paragraph (a)(2)(vii) ofthis section.

(24) Assignment and use of fre-quencies in the band 72–76 MHz are gov-erned by § 90.257 for operational-fixedstations and by § 90.241 for emergency

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20

call box operations. Specific fre-quencies are listed at § 90.257(a)(1).

(25) This frequency is available toPublic Safety Pool licensees for firecall box operations on a shared basis inIndustrial/Business Pool. All commu-nications on this frequency must beconducted with persons or organiza-tions charged with specific fire protec-tion responsibility. All operations onthis frequency are subject to the provi-sions of § 90.257(b).

(26) Assignment of frequencies in thisband are subject to the provisions of§ 90.173. Licensees as of August 18, 1995who operate systems in the 150–170 MHzband that are 2.5 kHz removed fromregularly assignable frequencies maycontinue to operate on a secondary,non-interference basis after August 1,2003.

(27) This frequency will be assignedwith an authorized bandwidth not toexceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450–470 MHzband, secondary telemetry operationspursuant to § 90.238(e) will be author-ized on this frequency.

(28) This frequency is not availablefor assignment in this service in Puer-to Rico or the Virgin Islands.

(29) This frequency is removed by 22.5kHz from frequencies assigned to otherradio services. Utilization of this fre-quency may result in, as well as be sub-ject to, interference under certain op-erating conditions. In considering theuse of this frequency, adjacent channeloperations should be taken into consid-eration. If interference occurs, the li-censee may be required to take thenecessary steps to resolve the problem.See § 90.173(b).

(30) This frequency will be authorizeda channel bandwidth of 25 kHz.

(31) The maximum output power ofany transmitter authorized to operateon this frequency shall not exceed 100watts. Stations authorized prior toJuly 15, 1992 for fixed operations will bepermitted to continue such operations,but at a maximum transmitter poweroutput of 10 watts.

(32) The maximum effective radiatedpower (ERP) may not exceed 20 wattsfor fixed stations and 2 watts for mo-bile stations. The height of the an-tenna system may not exceed 15.24 me-ters (50 ft.) above ground. All such op-

eration is on a secondary basis to adja-cent channel land mobile operations.

(33) For FM transmitters, the sum ofthe highest modulating frequency inHertz and the amount of the frequencydeviation or swing in Hertz may notexceed 2800 Hz and the maximum devi-ation may not exceed 2.5 kHz. For AMtransmitters, the highest modulationfrequency may not exceed 2000 Hz. Thecarrier frequency must be maintainedwithin .0005 percent of the center of thefrequency band, and the authorizedbandwidth may not exceed 6 kHz.

(34) This frequency is available on ashared basis with the Industrial/Busi-ness Pool for remote control and te-lemetry operations.

(35) Operational fixed stations mustemploy directional antennas having afront-to-back ratio of at least 20 dB.Omnidirectional antennas having unitygain may be employed for stationscommunicating with at least three re-ceiving locations separated by 160 de-grees of azimuth.

(36) The maximum power output ofthe transmitter may not exceed 50watts for fixed stations and 1 watt formobile stations. A1A, A1D, A2B, A2D,F1B, F1D, F2D, G1B, G1D, G2B, or G2Demission may be authorized.

(37) Use of this frequency is limitedto stations located at least 120.7 km (75miles) from the center of any urbanizedarea of 200,000 or more population (U.S.Census of Population 1970). Operationis on a secondary basis to licensees ofthe Industrial/Business Pool.

(38) A licensee regularly conductingtwo-way communications operationson this frequency may, on a secondarybasis, also transmit one-way alert-pag-ing signals to ambulance and rescuesquad personnel.

(39) In addition to other authorizeduses, the use of F1B, F1D, F2B or F2Demission is permitted on this frequencyfor the operation of biomedical telem-etry systems except in the followinggeographic locations:

(i) New York, N.Y.-Northeastern NewJersey; Los Angeles-Long Beach, Calif.;Chicago, Ill.-Northwestern Indiana;Philadelphia, Pa.-N.J.; Detroit, Mich.;San Francisco-Oakland, Calif.; Boston,Mass.; Washington, D.C.-Md.-Va.;Cleveland, Ohio; St. Louis, Mo.-Ill.;Pittsburgh, Pa.; Minneapolis-St. Paul,

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20

Minn.; Houston, Tex.; Baltimore, Md.;Dallas, Tex.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Seattle-Everett, Wash.; Miami, Fla.; SanDiego, Calif.; Atlanta, Ga.; Cincinnati,Ohio-Ky.; Kansas City, Mo.-Kans.; Buf-falo, N.Y.; Denver, Colo.; San Jose,Calif.; New Orleans, La.; Phoenix,Ariz.; Portland, Oreg.-Wash.; Indianap-olis, Ind.; Providence-Pawtucket-War-wick, R.I.-Mass.; Columbus, Ohio; SanAntonio, Tex.; Louisville, Ky.-Ind.;Dayton, Ohio; Forth Worth, Tex.; Nor-folk-Portsmouth, Va.; Memphis, Tenn.-Miss.; Sacramento, Calif.; Fort Lauder-dale-Hollywood, Fla.; Rochester, N.Y.;Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla;

(ii) The continuous carrier mode ofoperation may be used for telemetrytransmissions on this frequency for pe-riods up to two-minutes duration; fol-lowing which there must be a break inthe carrier for at least a one-minuteperiod; and

(iii) Geographical coordinates for theabove-listed urbanized areas may befound at Table 1 of § 90.635.

(40) This frequency may be des-ignated by common consent as anintersystem mutual assistance fre-quency under an area-wide medicalcommunications plan.

(41) This frequency is available na-tionwide for use in police emergencycommunications networks operatedunder statewide law enforcement emer-gency communications plans.

(42) This frequency may not be as-signed within 161 km (100 miles) of NewOrleans (coordinates 29°56′53″ N and90°04′10″ W).

(43) This frequency is reserved for as-signment for use in highway mainte-nance systems operated by licensesother than States.

(44) This frequency will be assignedwith an authorized bandwidth not toexceed 6 kHz.

(45) Operations on this frequency arelimited to 30 watts transmitter outputpower.

(46) This frequency is shared with theIndustrial/Business Pool in Puerto Ricoand the Virgin Islands.

(47) This frequency may be assignedto stations in the Public Safety Pool,only at points within 240 km. (150 mi.)of New York, N.Y.

(48) Frequencies in this band will beassigned for low power wireless micro-

phones in accordance with the provi-sions of § 90.265.

(49) This frequency will be assignedonly to licensees directly responsiblefor the prevention, detection, and sup-pression of forest fires, on a secondarybasis to any U.S. Government station.

(50) This frequency will be assignedfor use only in areas west of the Mis-sissippi River.

(51) This frequency will be assignedfor use only in areas east of the Mis-sissippi.

(52) In addition to agencies respon-sible for forest fire prevention, detec-tion, and suppression, this frequencymay be assigned to conservation agen-cies which do not have forest fire re-sponsibilities on a secondary basis toany U.S. Government stations, Pro-vided, That such assignment is nec-essary to permit mobile relay oper-ation by such agencies.

(53) This frequency is subject to theprovisions of paragraph (e)(6) of thissection.

(54) For FM transmitters, the sum ofthe highest modulating frequency inhertz and the amount of the frequencydeviation or swing in hertz may not ex-ceed 1700 Hz and the maximum devi-ation may not exceed 1.2 kHz. For AMtransmitters, the highest modulatingfrequency may not exceed 1200 Hz. Thecarrier frequency must be maintainedwithin .0005 percent of the center of thefrequency band, and the authorizedbandwidth may not exceed 3 kHz.

(55) Subpart T of this part containsrules for assignment of frequencies inthe 220–222 MHz band.

(56) The frequencies available for useat fixed stations in this band and therequirements for assignment are setforth in § 90.261. Operation on these fre-quencies is secondary to stations in theIndustrial/Business Pool where theyare assigned for land mobile oper-ations.

(57) This frequency is available forsystems first licensed prior to August18, 1995. No new systems will be author-ized after August 18, 1995, but prior au-thorized systems may be modified, ex-panded, and renewed.

(58) This frequency is available forsystems first licensed prior to March31, 1980, for radio call box communica-tions related to safety on highways in

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20

accordance with the provisions of§ 90.241(c). No new systems will be au-thorized of this nature, but systems au-thorized prior to March 31, 1980 may bemodified, expanded, and renewed.

(59) The continuous carrier mode ofoperation may be used for telemetrytransmission on this frequency.

(60) Paging licensees as of March 20,1991, may continue to operate on a pri-mary basis until January 14, 1998.

(61) Highway radio call box oper-ations first licensed prior to March 31,1980 on this frequency may continue tooperate in accordance with paragraph(d)(58) of this section.

(62) This frequency is also authorizedfor use for operations in biomedical te-lemetry stations. FIB, FID, F2B, F2D,F3E, G1B, G1D, G2B, G2D, and G3Eemissions may be authorized for bio-medical transmissions.

(63) Available for medical servicesmobile operations in the Public SafetyPool in accordance with paragraph(d)(61) of this section.

(64) Use of this frequency is on a sec-ondary basis and subject to the provi-sions of § 90.267 (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5), and(a)(7).

(65) This frequency is primarily au-thorized for use in the dispatch of med-ical care vehicles and personnel for therendition or delivery of medical serv-ices. This frequency may also be as-signed for intra-system and inter-sys-tem mutual assistance purposes. Foruniformity in usage these frequencypairs may be referred to by channelname as follows:

Frequencies base and mobile(megahertz)

Mobile only(MHz)


462.950 ................................... 467.950 MED–9462.95625 ............................... 467.95625 MED–91462.9625 ................................. 467.9625 MED–92462.96875 ............................... 467.96875 MED–93462.975 ................................... 467.975 MED–10462.98125 ............................... 467.98125 MED–101462.9875 ................................. 467.9875 MED–102462.99375 ............................... 467.99375 MED–103

(66) For applications for new radiosystems, the thirty-two frequencypairs listed in paragraph (d)(66)(i) ofthis section will be assigned in a blockfor shared operation under§ 90.20(a)(1)(iii) or § 90.20(a)(2)(xiii) sub-ject to the following:

(i) For uniformity in usage, these fre-quency pairs may be referred to bychannel name as follows:

Frequencies base and mobile(megahertz)

Mobile only(MHz)


463.000 ................................... 468.000 MED–1463.00625 ............................... 468.00625 MED–11463.0125 ................................. 468.0125 MED–12463.01875 ............................... 468.01875 MED–13463.025 ................................... 468.025 MED–2463.03125 ............................... 468.03125 MED–21463.0375 ................................. 468.0375 MED–22463.04375 ............................... 468.04375 MED–23463.050 ................................... 468.050 MED–3463.05625 ............................... 468.05625 MED–31463.0625 ................................. 468.0625 MED–32463.06875 ............................... 468.06875 MED–3346.075 ..................................... 46.075 MED–4463.08125 ............................... 468.08125 MED–41463.0875 ................................. 468.0875 MED–42463.09375 ............................... 468.09375 MED–43463.100 ................................... 468.100 MED–5463.10625 ............................... 468.10625 MED–51463.1125 ................................. 468.1125 MED–52463.11875 ............................... 468.11875 MED–53463.125 ................................... 468.125 MED–6463.13125 ............................... 468.13125 MED–61463.1375 ................................. 468.1375 MED–62463.14375 ............................... 468.14375 MED–63463.150 ................................... 468.150 MED–7463.15625 ............................... 468.15625 MED–71463.1625 ................................. 468.1625 MED–72463.16875 ............................... 468.16875 MED–73463.175 ................................... 468.175 MED–8463.18125 ............................... 468.18125 MED–81463.1875 ................................. 468.1875 MED–82463.19375 ............................... 468.19375 MED–83

(ii) Except as provided in paragraphs(d)(66) (iii) and (iv) of this section, mo-bile or portable stations must employequipment that is both wired andequipped to transmit/receive, respec-tively, on each of these MED frequencypairs with transmitters operated onthe 468 MHz frequencies.

(iii) Portable (hand-held) units oper-ated with a maximum output power of2.5 watts are exempted from the multi-channel equipment requirements speci-fied in paragraph (d)(66)(ii) of this sec-tion.

(iv) Stations located in areas aboveline A, as defined in § 90.7 will be re-quired to meet multi-channel equip-ment requirements only for those fre-quencies up to the number specified inparagraph (d)(66)(ii) of this section thathave been assigned and coordinatedwith Canada in accordance with the ap-plicable U.S.-Canada agreement.

(67) This frequency is authorized foruse only for operations in biomedicaltelemetry stations. F1B, F1D, F2B,F2D, F3E, G1B, G1D, G2B, G2D and G3Eemissions may be authorized. Entities

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20

eligible in the Public Safety Pool mayuse this frequency on a secondary basisfor any other permissible communica-tions consistent with § 90.20(a)(1)(iii) or§ 90.20(a)(2)(xiii).

(68) Subpart L of this part containsrules for assignment of frequencies inthe 470–512 MHz band.

(69) Subpart S of this part containsrules for assignment of frequencies inthe 806–824 MHz and 851–869 MHz bands.

(70) Assignment of frequencies above928 MHz for operational-fixed stationsis governed by part 94 of this chapter.

(71) Frequencies in this band areavailable only for one-way paging oper-ations in accordance with § 90.494.

(72) This frequency band is availableto stations in this service subject tothe provisions of § 90.259.

(73) Available only on a shared basiswith stations in other services, andsubject to no protection from inter-ference due to the operation of indus-trial, scientific, or medical (ISM) de-vices. In the 2483.5–2500 MHz band, noapplications for new stations or modi-fication to existing stations to increasethe number of transmitters will be ac-cepted. Existing licensees as of July 25,1985, or on a subsequent date followingas a result of submitting an applicationfor license on or before July 25, 1985,are grandfathered and their operationis co-primary with the Radiodetermin-ation Satellite Service.

(74) This band is available for DigitalTermination Systems and for associ-ated internodal links in the Point-to-Point Microwave Radio Service. Nonew licenses will be issued under thissubpart but current licenses will be re-newed.

(75) Appropriate frequencies in theband 2000–3000 kHz which are des-ignated in part 80 of this chapter asavailable to Public Ship Stations fortelephone communications with PublicCoast Stations may be assigned on asecondary basis to fixed Stations in thePublic Safety Pool for communicationwith Public Coast Stations only, pro-vided such stations are located in theUnited States and the following condi-tions are met:

(i) That such fixed station is estab-lished pursuant to the eligibility provi-sions of (§ 90.47) and that the isolatedarea involved is an island or other loca-

tion not more than 480 km (300 statutemiles) removed from the desired;

(ii) That evidence is submitted show-ing that an arrangement has beenmade with the coast station licenseefor the handling of emergency commu-nications permitted by § 80.453 of thischapter and § 90.20(a)(2)(x)(C); and

(iii) That operation of the PublicSafety fixed station shall at no timeconflict with any provision of part 80 ofthis chapter and further, that such op-eration in general shall conform to thepractices employed by Public Ship Sta-tions for radiotelephone communica-tion with the same Public Coast Sta-tion.

(76) This frequency is authorized onlyfor communications between medicalfacilities vehicles and personnel relat-ed to medical supervision and instruc-tion for the treatment and transport ofpatients in the rendition or delivery ofmedical services. F1B, F1D, F2B, F2D,G1B, G1D, G2B, F3E and G3E emissionsare authorized. Public Safety entitiesmay use this frequency on a secondarybasis for any other permissible commu-nications consistent with§ 90.20(a)(1)(iii) or § 90.20(a)(2)(xiii).

(e) Additional frequencies available. Inaddition to the frequencies shown inthe frequency table of this section, thefollowing frequencies are available inthis service. (See also § 90.253.)

(1) Substitution of frequencies avail-able below 25 MHz may be made in ac-cordance with the provisions of § 90.263.

(2) Frequencies in the band 73.0–74.6MHz may be assigned to stations au-thorized their use on or before Decem-ber 1, 1961, but no new stations will beauthorized in this band, nor will expan-sion of existing systems be permitted.See also § 90.257.

(3) The frequency bands 31.99 to 32.00MHz, 33.00 to 33.01 MHz, 33.99 to 34.00MHz, 37.93 to 38.00 MHz, 39.00 to 39.01MHz, 39.99 to 40.00 MHz and 42.00 to42.01 MHz, are available for assignmentfor developmental operation subject tothe provisions of subpart Q of this part.

(4) Frequencies in the 421–430 MHzband are available in the Detroit,Cleveland, and Buffalo areas in accord-ance with the rules in §§ 90.273 through90.281.

(5) A Police licensee may use trans-mitters on the frequencies indicated

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.20

below in connection with official policeactivities without specific authoriza-tion from the Commission, providedthat such use shall be on a secondarybasis and shall not cause harmful in-terference to services of other licenseesoperating on regularly assigned fre-quencies, and further provided that allsuch use complies with the require-ments of Federal, State and local laws.The provisions of § 90.429 shall notapply to transmitters authorized underthis paragraph. To be eligible for oper-ations in this manner, the transmittermust comply with all of the followingrequirements.

(i) In accordance with § 90.203 and§ 2.803 of this chapter, the transmittermust be of a type which has been cer-tificated by the Commission.

(ii) The carrier frequency shall bewithin the bands listed below and mustbe maintained within 0.005 percent ofthe frequency of operation. Use on as-signed channel center frequencies isnot required.

30.85–30.87 MHz30.89–30.91 MHz30.93–30.95 MHz30.97–30.99 MHz31.01–31.03 MHz31.05–31.07 MHz31.09–31.11 MHz31.13–31.15 MHz31.17–31.19 MHz31.21–31.23 MHz31.25–31.27 MHz31.29–31.31 MHz31.33–31.35 MHz31.37–31.39 MHz31.41–31.43 MHz31.45–31.47 MHz31.49–31.51 MHz31.53–31.55 MHz31.57–31.59 MHz31.61–31.63 MHz31.65–31.67 MHz31.69–31.71 MHz31.73–31.75 MHz31.77–31.79 MHz31.81–31.83 MHz31.85–31.87 MHz31.89–31.91 MHz31.93–31.95 MHz

31.97–32.00 MHz33.00–33.03 MHz33.05–33.07 MHz33.41–34.00 MHz37.00–37.43 MHz37.89–38.00 MHz39.00–40.00 MHz42.00–42.91 MHz44.61–45.91 MHz45.93–45.95 MHz45.97–45.99 MHz46.01–46.03 MHz46.05–46.60 MHz47.00–47.41 MHz150.995–151.490 MHz153.740–154.445 MHz154.635–155.195 MHz155.415–156.250 MHz158.715–159.465 MHz453.0125–453.9875 MHz458.0125–458.9875 MHz460.0125–460.5125 MHz460.5625–460.6375 MHz462.9375–462.9875 MHz465.0125–465.5125 MHz465.5625–465.6375 MHz467.9375–467.9875 MHz

(iii) The emitted signal shall be non-voice modulation (type PO emission).

(iv) The maximum occupied band-width, containing 99 percent of the ra-diated power, shall not exceed 2.0 kHz.

(v) The transmitter output powershall not exceed a mean power of 30

mW nor shall any peak exceed 1 wattpeak power, as measured into a 50 ohmresistive load. Should the transmitterbe supplied with a permanently at-tached antenna or should the transmit-ter and antenna combination be con-tained in a sealed unit, the followingstandard may be used in lieu of theabove: the field strength of the fun-damental signal of the transmitter andantenna combination shall not exceed0.4 V/m mean or 2.3 V/m peak whenmeasured at a distance of 3 meters.

(vi) The transmitter shall containpositive means to limit the trans-mission time to no more than 10 days.In the event of a malfunction of thispositive means, the transmitter signalshall cease. The use of battery life toaccomplish the transmission time limi-tation is permissible.

(6) The frequency 173.075 MHz isavailable for stolen vehicle recoverysystems on a shared basis with theFederal Government. Stolen vehicle re-covery systems are limited to recover-ing stolen vehicles and are not author-ized for general purpose vehicle track-ing or monitoring. Mobile transmittersoperating on this frequency are limitedto 2.5 watts power output and basetransmitters are limited 300 wattsERP. F1D and F2D emissions may beused within a maximum authorized 20kHz bandwidth. Transmissions frommobiles shall be limited to 200 milli-seconds every 10 seconds, except thatwhen a vehicle is being tracked ac-tively, transmissions may be increasedto 200 milliseconds every second.Transmissions from base stations willbe limited to a total time of 1 secondevery minute. Applications for basestations operating on this frequencyshall require coordination with theFederal Government. Applicants shallperform an analysis for each base sta-tion located within 169 km (105 miles)of a TV channel 7 transmitter of poten-tial interference to TV channel 7 view-ers. Such stations will be authorized ifthe applicant has limited the inter-ference contour to fewer than 100 resi-dences or if the applicant:

(i) Shows that the proposed site isthe only suitable location;

(ii) Develops a plan to control any in-terference caused to TV reception fromthe operations; and

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.20

(iii) Agrees to make such adjust-ments in the TV receivers affected asmay be necessary to eliminate inter-ference caused by its operations. Thelicensee must eliminate any inter-ference caused by its operation to TVchannel 7 reception within 30 days ofthe time it is notified in writing by theCommission. If this interference is notremoved within the 30-day period, oper-ation of the base station must be dis-continued. The licensee is expected tohelp resolve all complaints of inter-ference.

(f) Limitation on number of frequenciesassignable. Normally only two fre-quencies or pairs of frequencies in thepaired frequency mode of operationwill be assigned for mobile service op-erations by a single applicant in agiven area. The assignment of an addi-tional frequency or pair of frequencieswill be made only upon a satisfactoryshowing of need, except that:

(1) Additional frequencies above 25MHz may be assigned in connectionwith the operation of mobile repeatersin accordance with § 90.247 notwith-standing this limitation;

(2) The frequency 39.06 MHz may beassigned notwithstanding this limita-tion;

(3) Frequencies in the 25–50 MHz, 150–170 MHz, 450–512 MHz and 902–928 MHzbands may be assigned for the oper-ation of Location and Monitoring Serv-ice (LMS) systems in accordance withthe provisions of subpart M of thispart, notwithstanding this limitation;

(4) A licensee of a radio station in thePublic Safety Radio Pool may operateradio units for the purpose of determin-ing distance, direction, speed, or posi-tion by means of a radiolocation deviceon any frequency available for radio-location purposes without specific au-thorization from the Commission, pro-vided certificated equipment or equip-ment authorized pursuant to§§ 90.203(b)(4) and (5) is used and allother rule requirements are satisfied;and

(5) A Police licensee may use, with-out special authorization from theCommission, any mobile service fre-quency between 40 and 952 MHz, listedin paragraph (c)(3) of this section, forcommunications in connection withphysical surveillance, stakeouts, raids,

and other such activities. Such useshall be on a secondary basis to oper-ations of licensees regularly authorizedon the assigned frequencies. The maxi-mum output power that may be usedfor such communications is 2 watts.Transmitters, operating under this pro-vision of the rules, shall be exemptedfrom the station identification require-ments of § 90.425. Use of frequencies notdesignated by a ‘‘PP’’ in the coordina-tor column of the frequency table inparagraph (c)(3) of this section, is con-ditional on the approval of the coordi-nator corresponding to each frequency.Spread spectrum transmitters may beoperated on Public Safety Pool fre-quencies between 37 and 952 MHz, pro-viding that they are certificated by theCommission under the provisions of§ 2.803 of this chapter and § 90.203, andmeet the following conditions:

(i) Frequency hopping transmitterscan be operated, with a maximum out-put power of 2 watts, on any PublicSafety Pool frequency between 37 and952 MHz listed in paragraph (c)(3) ofthis section. At least 20 hopping fre-quencies shall be used and the averagetime of occupancy on any frequencyshall not be greater than 1⁄10 second inevery 2 seconds;

(ii) Use of spread spectrum transmit-ters under paragraph (f)(4) of this sec-tion is subject to approval by the appli-cable frequency coordinator of theradio services of the district in whichthe license and equipment are to beused; and

(iii) The use of direct sequence spreadspectrum equipment is also permitted.Equipment must meet the technicalstandards of § 15.247 of this chapter.

(6) In addition to the frequencies as-signed for mobile service operation,one base station frequency above 152MHz may be assigned as a common fre-quency to all licensees in a particulararea to permit intersystem commu-nication between base stations or mo-bile stations or both. This frequencyuse will not be authorized in any areawhere all available frequencies are re-quired for independent systems.

(7) A licensee may use, without a spe-cific authorization from the Commis-sion, transmitters on the frequenciesindicated below in connection withwildlife tracking and/or telemetry and

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.22

in connection with official forestry-conservation activities, provided thatsuch use shall be on a secondary basisand shall not cause harmful inter-ference to services of other licenseesoperating on regularly assigned fre-quencies. The provisions of § 90.203,§ 90.425, and § 90.429 shall not apply totransmitters complying with this para-graph. To be eligible for operations inthis manner, the transmitter mustcomply with all of the following re-quirements.

(i) The carrier frequency shall bewithin the bands listed below. The car-rier frequency must be maintainedwithin 0.005 percent of the frequency ofoperation.

Use on assigned channel center fre-quencies is not required.


31.17 to 31.1931.21 to 31.2331.25 to 31.2731.29 to 31.3131.33 to 31.3531.37 to 31.3931.41 to 31.4331.45 to 31.4731.49 to 31.5131.53 to 31.5531.57 to 31.5931.61 to 31.6331.65 to 31.6731.69 to 31.7131.73 to 31.7531.77 to 31.7931.81 to 31.83

31.85 to 31.8731.89 to 31.9131.93 to 31.9531.97 to 31.9944.63 to 44.6544.67 to 44.6944.71 to 44.7344.75 to 44.7744.79 to 44.8144.83 to 44.8544.87 to 44.8944.91 to 44.9344.95 to 44.9744.99 to 45.0145.03 to 45.05151.145 to 151.475159.225 to 159.465

(ii) The emitted signal shall be non-voice modulation (A1D, A2D, F1D, orF2D emission).

(iii) The maximum occupied band-width, containing 99 percent of the ra-diated power, shall not exceed 0.25 kHz.

(iv) The transmitter output powershall not exceed a mean power of 5 mWnor shall any peak exceed 100 mW peakpower, as measured into a permanentlyattached antenna; or if the transmitterand antenna combination are con-tained in a sealed unit, the fieldstrength of the fundamental signal ofthe transmitter and antenna combina-tion shall not exceed 0.29 V/m mean or1.28 V/m peak when measured at a dis-tance of 3 meters.

(v) The requirements of § 90.175 re-garding frequency coordination apply.

(8) An additional frequency may beassigned for paging operations fromthose frequencies available under para-graph (d)(13) of this section.

(9) The frequency 155.340 MHz may beassigned as an additional frequencywhen it is designated as a mutual as-sistance frequency as provided in para-graph (d)(40) of this section.

(10) Additional frequencies may beassigned for fixed station operations.

(11) The assignment of an additionalfrequency or frequencies may be au-thorized notwithstanding this limita-tion for common, intra-county, intra-fire-district, or intrastate fire coordi-nation operations. The frequency orfrequencies requested must be in ac-cordance with a frequency utilizationplan, for the area involved, on file withthe Commission.

[62 FR 18845, Apr. 17, 1997, as amended at 63FR 36608, July 7, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36608,July 7, 1998, § 90.20, paragraph (e)(5)(i), (f)(4)and (f)(5) were amended by removing theterm ‘‘type accepted’’ and adding in its place‘‘certificated’’, effective Oct. 5, 1998.

§ 90.22 Paging operations.Paging operations may be authorized

in this service only on frequencies as-signed under the provisions of §§ 90.20(d)(10), (13), (60), and (72). Paging oper-ations on other frequencies authorizedbefore August 15, 1974, may be contin-ued only if they do not cause harmfulinterference to regular operations onthe same frequencies. Such paging op-erations may be renewed indefinitelyon a secondary basis to regular oper-ations, except within 125 kilometers (75mi.) of the following urbanized areas:

Urbanized area Northlatitude


New York, NY-Northeastern NJ ..... 40–45–06 73–59–39Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA ....... 34–03–15 118–14–28Chicago, IL ..................................... 41–52–28 87–38–22Philadelphia, PA–NJ ...................... 39–56–58 75–09–21Detroit, MI ...................................... 42–19–48 83–02–57San Francisco-Oakland, CA .......... 37–46–39 122–24–40Boston, MA .................................... 42–21–24 71–03–25Washington, DC–MD–VA .............. 38–53–51 77–00–33Cleveland, OH ................................ 41–29–51 81–41–50St Louis, MO–IL ............................. 38–37–45 90–12–22Pittsburgh, PA ................................ 40–26–19 80–00–00Minneapolis-St Paul, MN ............... 44–58–57 93–15–43Houston, TX ................................... 29–45–26 95–21–37Baltimore, MD ................................ 39–17–26 76–36–45Dallas, TX ...................................... 32–47–09 96–47–37Milwaukee, WI ................................ 43–02–19 87–54–15Seattle-Everett, WA ....................... 47–36–32 122–20–12

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35

Urbanized area Northlatitude


Miami, FL ....................................... 25–46–37 80–11–32San Diego, CA ............................... 32–42–53 117–09–21Atlanta, GA ..................................... 33–45–10 84–23–37Cincinnati, OH–KY ......................... 39–06–07 84–30–35Kansas City, MO–KS ..................... 39–04–56 94–35–20Buffalo, NY ..................................... 42–52–52 78–52–21Denver, CO .................................... 39–44–58 104–59–22San Jose, CA ................................. 37–20–16 121–53–24Tampa-St Petersburg, FL .............. 27–51–48 82–33–11Phoenix, AZ ................................... 33–41–10 111–31–15

Subpart C—Industrial/BusinessRadio Pool

SOURCE: 62 FR 18874, Apr. 17, 1997, unlessotherwise noted.

§ 90.31 Scope.The Industrial/Business Radio Pool

covers the licensing of the radio com-munications of entities engaged incommercial activities, engaged in cler-gy activities, operating educational,philanthropic, or ecclesiastical institu-tions, or operating hospitals, clinics, ormedical associations. Rules as to eligi-bility for licensing, frequencies avail-able, permissible communications andclasses and number of stations, andany special requirements are set forthin the following sections.

§ 90.33 General eligibility.(a) In addition to the eligibility

shown in the Industrial/Business Pool,eligibility is also provided for any cor-poration proposing to furnish nonprofitradiocommunication service to its par-ent corporation, to another subsidiaryof the same parent, or to its own sub-sidiary. This corporate eligibility isnot subject to the cooperative use pro-vision of § 90.179.

(b) Eligibility is also provided for anonprofit corporation or associationthat is organized for the purpose of fur-nishing a radiocommunications serviceto persons who meet the eligibility re-quirements of the Industrial/BusinessPool. Such use is subject to the cooper-ative use provisions of § 90.179.

§ 90.35 Industrial/Business Pool.(a) Eligibility. Persons primarily en-

gaged in any of the following activitiesare eligible to hold authorizations inthe Industrial/Business Pool to providecommercial mobile radio service as de-

fined in part 20 of this chapter or to op-erate stations for transmission of com-munications necessary to such activi-ties of the licensee:

(1) The operation of a commercial ac-tivity;

(2) The operation of educational,philanthropic, or ecclesiastical institu-tions;

(3) Clergy activities; or(4) The operation of hospitals, clinics,

or medical associations.(b) Industrial/Business Pool frequencies.

(1) The following table indicates fre-quencies available for assignment toIndustrial/Business Pool stations, to-gether with the class of station(s) towhich they are normally assigned, thespecific assignment limitations whichare explained in paragraph (b) of thissection, and the certified frequency co-ordinator for each frequency:

(2)(i) The letter symbol(s) listed inthe Coordinator column of the fre-quency table in paragraph (a)(3) of thissection specifies the frequency coordi-nator(s) for each frequency as follows:IP—Petroleum CoordinatorIW—Power CoordinatorLR—Railroad Coordinator

(ii) Frequencies without any coordi-nator specified may be coordinated byany coordinator certified in the Indus-trial/Business Pool.

(3) Frequencies.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-



1614 ................. Base or mobile 1, 2, 3, 4 .. IP1628 ................. ......do ............... 5.1652 ................. ......do ............... 5.1676 ................. ......do ............... 5.1700 ................. ......do ............... 5.2000 to 25,000 Fixed, base or


2292 ................. Base or mobile 5.2398 ................. ......do ............... 5, 7.4637.5 .............. ......do ............... 5, 7.


25.02 ................ ......do ............... 3, 4 .......... IP25.04 ................ ......do ............... 8 .............. IP25.06 ................ ......do ............... 3, 4 .......... IP25.08 ................ ......do ............... 8, 9 .......... IP25.10 ................ ......do ............... 3, 4, 9 ...... IP25.12 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP25.14 ................ ......do ............... 3, 4 .......... IP25.16 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP25.18 ................ ......do ............... 3, 4 .......... IP25.20 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


25.22 ................ ......do ............... 4, 7 .......... IP25.24 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP25.26 ................ ......do ............... 4, 7 .......... IP25.28 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP25.30 ................ ......do ............... 4, 7 .......... IP25.32 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP27.43 ................ ......do.27.45 ................ ......do.27.47 ................ ......do.27.49 ................ ......do ............... 10.27.51 ................ Mobile .............. 11.27.53 ................ ......do ............... 11.29.71 ................ Base or mobile29.73 ................ ......do.29.75 ................ ......do.29.77 ................ ......do.29.79 ................ ......do.30.58 ................ ......do.30.60 ................ ......do.30.62 ................ ......do.30.64 ................ ......do.30.66 ................ ......do.30.68 ................ ......do.30.70 ................ ......do ............... 4, 7 .......... IP30.72 ................ ......do.30.74 ................ ......do.30.76 ................ ......do.30.78 ................ ......do 4, 7 .......... IP30.80 ................ ......do.30.82 ................ ......do.30.84 ................ Mobile .............. 11, 12.30.86 ................ Base or mobile 1330.88 ................ ......do.30.90 ................ ......do ............... 13.30.92 ................ ......do.30.94 ................ ......do ............... 13.30.96 ................ ......do.30.98 ................ ......do ............... 13.31.00 ................ ......do.31.02 ................ ......do ............... 13.31.04 ................ ......do.31.06 ................ ......do ............... 13.31.08 ................ ......do.31.10 ................ ......do ............... 13.31.12 ................ ......do.31.14 ................ ......do ............... 13.31.16 ................ ......do.31.20 ................ ......do.31.24 ................ ......do.31.28 ................ ......do.31.32 ................ ......do.31.36 ................ ......do.31.40 ................ ......do.31.44 ................ ......do.31.48 ................ ......do.31.52 ................ ......do.31.56 ................ ......do.31.60 ................ ......do.31.64 ................ ......do.31.68 ................ ......do.31.72 ................ ......do.31.76 ................ ......do.31.80 ................ ......do.31.84 ................ ......do.31.88 ................ ......do.31.92 ................ ......do.31.96 ................ ......do.33.12 ................ ......do ............... 11.33.14 ................ Mobile .............. 11, 12.33.16 ................ Base or mobile


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


33.18 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.20 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.22 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.24 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.26 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.28 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.30 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.32 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.34 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.36 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.38 ................ ......do ............... .................. IP33.40 ................ Mobile .............. 12, 14.35.02 ................ ......do ............... 11, 12, 13.35.04 ................ Base or Mobile 10.35.06 ................ ......do.35.08 ................ ......do.35.10 ................ ......do.35.12 ................ ......do.35.14 ................ ......do.35.16 ................ ......do.35.18 ................ ......do.35.28 ................ ......do.35.32 ................ ......do.35.36 ................ ......do.35.40 ................ ......do.35.44 ................ ......do.35.48 ................ ......do.35.48 ................ ......do.35.52 ................ ......do.35.70 ................ ......do.35.72 ................ ......do.35.74 ................ ......do.35.76 ................ ......do.35.78 ................ ......do.35.80 ................ ......do.35.82 ................ ......do.35.84 ................ ......do.35.86 ................ ......do.35.88 ................ ......do.35.90 ................ ......do.35.92 ................ ......do.35.94 ................ ......do.35.96 ................ ......do.35.98 ................ ......do.36.25 ................ ......do ............... 15 ............ IP37.44 ................ ......do.37.46 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.48 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.50 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.52 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.54 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.56 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.58 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.60 ................ Base, mobile,

or operationalfixed.

16 ............ IW

37.62 ................ Base or mobile .................. IW37.64 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.66 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.68 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.70 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.72 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.74 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.76 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.78 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.80 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.82 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW37.84 ................ Base, mobile,

or operationalfixed.

16 ............ IW

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


37.86 ................ Base or mobile .................. IW37.88 ................ ......do.41.71 ................ ......do ............... 15 ............ IP42.96 ................ ......do.42.98 ................ Mobile .............. 11, 12.43.00 ................ Base or mobile43.02 ................ ......do.43.04 ................ ......do ............... 17.43.06 ................ ......do.43.08 ................ ......do.43.10 ................ ......do.43.12 ................ ......do.43.14 ................ ......do.43.16 ................ Mobile.43.18 ................ Base or mobile.43.28 ................ ......do.43.32 ................ ......do.43.36 ................ ......do.43.40 ................ ......do.43.44 ................ ......do.43.48 ................ ......do.43.52 ................ ......do.43.70 ................ ......do.43.72 ................ ......do ............... 18.43.74 ................ ......do ............... 18.43.76 ................ ......do.43.78 ................ ......do.43.80 ................ ......do.43.82 ................ ......do ............... 18.43.84 ................ ......do ............... 18.43.86 ................ ......do ............... 19.43.88 ................ ......do ............... 19.43.90 ................ ......do ............... 19.43.92 ................ ......do ............... 18, 19.43.94 ................ ......do ............... 19.43.96 ................ ......do ............... 18.43.98 ................ ......do.44.00 ................ ......do.44.02 ................ ......do.44.04 ................ ......do.44.06 ................ ......do.44.08 ................ ......do.44.10 ................ ......do ............... 20.44.12 ................ ......do ............... 18.44.14 ................ ......do.44.16 ................ ......do ............... 18.44.18 ................ ......do ............... 18.44.20 ................ ......do ............... 18, 21.44.22 ................ ......do.44.24 ................ ......do.44.26 ................ ......do.44.28 ................ ......do.44.30 ................ ......do.44.32 ................ ......do ............... 18.44.34 ................ ......do.44.36 ................ ......do ............... 18, 19.44.38 ................ ......do ............... 19.44.40 ................ ......do ............... 18, 19.44.42 ................ ......do ............... 19.44.44 ................ ......do ............... 19.44.46 ................ ......do ............... 18.44.48 ................ ......do ............... 18.44.50 ................ ......do.44.52 ................ ......do.44.54 ................ ......do.44.56 ................ ......do.44.58 ................ ......do.44.60 ................ ......do.47.44 ................ ......do.47.48 ................ ......do.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


47.52 ................ ......do.47.56 ................ ......do.47.60 ................ ......do.47.64 ................ ......do.47.68 ................ ......do.47.70 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.72 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.74 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.76 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.78 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.80 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.82 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.84 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.86 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.88 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.90 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.92 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.94 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.96 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW47.98 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.00 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.02 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.04 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.06 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.08 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.10 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.12 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.14 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.16 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.18 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.20 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.22 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.24 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.26 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.28 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.30 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.32 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.34 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.36 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.38 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.40 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.42 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.44 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.46 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.48 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.50 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.52 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.54 ................ ......do ............... .................. IW48.56 ................ ......do.48.58 ................ ......do.48.60 ................ ......do.48.62 ................ ......do.48.64 ................ ......do.48.66 ................ ......do.48.68 ................ ......do.48.70 ................ ......do.48.72 ................ ......do.48.74 ................ ......do.48.76 ................ ......do ............... 18.48.78 ................ ......do.48.80 ................ ......do.48.82 ................ ......do.48.84 ................ ......do ............... 18.48.86 ................ ......do ............... 18.48.88 ................ ......do.48.90 ................ ......do.48.92 ................ ......do ............... 18.48.94 ................ ......do.48.96 ................ ......do.48.98 ................ ......do.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


49.00 ................ ......do.49.02 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.04 ................ ......do.49.06 ................ ......do.49.08 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.10 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.12 ................ ......do.49.14 ................ ......do.49.16 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.18 ................ ......do.49.20 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.22 ................ ......do.49.24 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.26 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.28 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.30 ................ ......do.49.32 ................ ......do.49.34 ................ ......do.49.36 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.38 ................ ......do.49.40 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.42 ................ ......do.49.44 ................ ......do.49.46 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.48 ................ ......do.49.50 ................ ......do ............... 18.49.52 ................ ......do.49.54 ................ ......do.49.56 ................ ......do.49.58 ................ ......do.72 to 76 ............ Operational


72.02 ................ Mobile .............. 23, 24.72.04 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.06 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.08 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24, 25.72.10 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.12 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.14 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.16 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24, 25.72.18 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.20 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.22 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.24 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24, 25.72.26 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.28 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.30 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.32 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24, 25.72.34 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.36 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.38 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24.72.40 ................ ......do ............... 23, 24, 25.72.44 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.72.48 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.72.52 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.72.56 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.72.60 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.74.61 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.63 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.65 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.67 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.69 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.71 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.73 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.75 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.77 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.74.79 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.21 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.23 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.25 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


75.27 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.29 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.31 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.33 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.35 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.37 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.39 ................ ......do ............... 26, 77.75.44 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.75.48 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.75.52 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.75.56 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.75.60 ................ ......do ............... 13, 24, 77.150 to 170 ........ Base or mobile 27.150.815 ............ ......do.150.830 ............ ......do ............... 28, 29.150.845 ............ ......do..150.8525 .......... ......do ............... 30.150.860 ............ ......do.150.8675 .......... ......do ............... 30.150.875 ............ ......do.150.8825 .......... ......do ............... 30.150.890 ............ ......do.150.8975 .......... ......do ............... 30.150.905 ............ ......do.150.920 ............ ......do ............... 28, 29.150.935 ............ ......do.150.9425 .......... ......do ............... 30.150.950 ............ ......do.150.9575 .......... ......do ............... 30.150.965 ............ ......do.150.9725 .......... ......do ............... 30.150.980 ............ ......do ............... 8 .............. IP150.9875 .......... ......do ............... 8, 30 ........ IP150.995 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.0025 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.010 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.0175 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.025 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.0325 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.040 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.0475 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.055 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.070 ............ Base ................ 28, 29, 31.151.085 ............ Base or mobile 31.151.0925 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.100 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.1075 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.115 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.1225 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.130 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.145 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.1525 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.160 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.1675 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.175 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.190 ............ Base ................ 28, 29, 31.151.205 ............ Base or mobile 31.151.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.220 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.2275 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.235 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.2425 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.250 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.2575 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.265 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.2725 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.280 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.295 ............ ......do ............... 31.

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00284 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


151.310 ............ Base ................ 28, 29, 31.151.325 ............ Base or mobile 31.151.3325 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.340 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.3475 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.355 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.370 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.3775 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.385 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.3925 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.400 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.4075 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.415 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.4225 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.430 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.445 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.4525 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.460 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.4675 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.475 ............ ......do ............... 31.151.4825 .......... ......do ............... 30, 31.151.490 ............ ......do ............... 32.151.4975 .......... ......do ............... 30, 32.151.505 ............ ......do ............... 17.151.5125 .......... ......do ............... 17, 30.151.520 ............ ......do.151.5275 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.535 ............ ......do.151.5425 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.550 ............ ......do.151.5575 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.565 ............ ......do.151.5725 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.580 ............ ......do.151.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.595 ............ ......do.151.6025 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.625 ............ ......do ............... 10.151.640 ............ ......do ............... 10, 33.151.6475 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.655 ............ ......do.151.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.670 ............ ......do ............... 30.151.6775 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.685 ............ ......do.151.700 ............ ......do ............... 10, 30, 34.151.715 ............ ......do.151.7225 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.730 ............ ......do ............... 30.151.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.745 ............ ......do.151.760 ............ ......do ............... 10, 30, 34.151.775 ............ ......do.151.7825 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.790 ............ ......do ............... 30.151.7975 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.805 ............ ......do.151.820 ............ Mobile .............. 12, 14, 30,

35.151.835 ............ Base or mobile.151.8425 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.850 ............ ......do ............... 30.151.8575 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.865 ............ ......do.151.880 ............ Mobile .............. 12, 14, 30,

35.151.895 ............ Base or mobile.151.9025 .......... ......do ............... 30.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


151.910 ............ ......do ............... 30.151.9175 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.925 ............ ......do.151.940 ............ Mobile .............. 12, 14, 30,

35.151.955 ............ Base or Mobile.151.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.970 ............ ......do ............... 30.151.9775 .......... ......do ............... 30.151.985 ............ ......do.152.2625 .......... ......do ............... 33.152.270 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.2775 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.285 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.2925 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.300 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.3075 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.315 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.3225 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.330 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.3375 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.345 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.3525 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.360 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.3675 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.375 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.3825 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.390 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.3975 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.405 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.4125 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.420 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.4275 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.435 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.4425 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.450 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.4575 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.152.465 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.480 ............ ......do ............... 29, 36, 37,

38.152.8625 .......... ......do ............... 33.152.870 ............ ......do ............... 6.152.8775 .......... ......do ............... 30.152.885 ............ ......do.152.8925 .......... ......do ............... 30.152.900 ............ ......do.152.9075 .......... ......do ............... 30.152.915 ............ ......do.152.9225 .......... ......do ............... 30.152.930 ............ ......do.152.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30.152.945 ............ ......do.152.9525 .......... ......do ............... 30.152.960 ............ ......do.152.9675 .......... ......do ............... 30.152.975 ............ ......do.152.9825 .......... ......do ............... 30.152.990 ............ ......do.152.9975 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.005 ............ ......do.153.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.020 ............ ......do.153.0275 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.035 ............ ......do.153.0425 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.050 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.0575 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.065 ............ ......do.153.0725 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.080 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


153.0875 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.095 ............ ......do.153.1025 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.110 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.1175 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.125 ............ ......do.153.1325 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.140 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.1475 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.155 ............ ......do.153.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.170 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.1775 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.185 ............ ......do.153.1925 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.200 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.2075 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.215 ............ ......do.153.2225 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.230 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.2375 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.245 ............ ......do.153.2525 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.260 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.2675 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.275 ............ ......do.153.2825 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.290 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.2975 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.305 ............ ......do.153.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.320 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.3275 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.335 ............ ......do.153.3425 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.350 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.153.3575 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.153.365 ............ ......do.153.3725 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.380 ............ ......do.153.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.395 ............ ......do.153.4025 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.410 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW153.4175 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW153.425 ............ ......do.153.4325 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.440 ............ ......do.153.4475 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.455 ............ ......do.153.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.470 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW153.4775 .......... ......do ............... 30 IW153.485 ............ ......do.153.4925 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.500 ............ ......do.153.5075 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.515 ............ ......do.153.5225 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.530 ............ ......do ............... IW153.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW153.545 ............ ......do.153.5525 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.560 ............ ......do.153.5675 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.575 ............ ......do.153.5825 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.590 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW153.5975 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW153.605 ............ ......do.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


153.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.620 ............ ......do.153.6275 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.635 ............ ......do.153.6425 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.650 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW153.6575 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW153.665 ............ ......do.153.6725 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.680 ............ ......do.153.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30.153.695 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW153.7025 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW153.710 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW153.7175 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW153.725 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW153.7325 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW154.45625 ........ Fixed or mobile 39, 40, 41,

42.154.46375 ........ ......do 39, 40, 43.154.47125 ........ ......do 39, 40, 41,

44.154.47875 ........ ......do 39, 40, 41,

42.154.4825 .......... Base or mobile 30.154.490 ............ ......do.154.4975 .......... ......do ............... 30.154.505 ............ ......do ............... 30.154.515 ............ ......do.154.5275 .......... Mobile .............. 10, 30, 34.154.540 ............ ......Base or mo-

bile.154.5475 .......... ......do ............... 30.154.555 ............ ......do ............... 33.154.570 ............ Mobile .............. 11, 12, 35,

45.154.585 ............ ......do ............... 8, 46 ........ IP154.600 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 45,

47.154.610 ............ Base or mobile 33.154.625 ............ ......do ............... 36, 37, 48.154.640 ............ Base ................ 30, 36, 37,

48.157.470 ............ Base or mobile 12.157.4775 .......... ......do ............... 12, 30.157.485 ............ ......do ............... 12.157.4925 .......... ......do ............... 12, 30.157.500 ............ ......do ............... 12.157.5075 .......... ......do ............... 12, 30.157.515 ............ ......do ............... 12.157.5225 .......... ......do ............... 12, 30.157.530 ............ Mobile .............. 6.157.5375 .......... ......do 6, 30.157.545 ............ ......do 6.157.5525 .......... ......do 6, 30.157.560 ............ Base or mobile 6.157.5675 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.575 ............ Mobile .............. 6.157.5825 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.590 ............ ......do ............... 6.157.5975 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.605 ............ ......do ............... 6.157.6125 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.620 ............ Base or mobile 6.157.6275 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.635 ............ Mobile .............. 6.157.6425 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.650 ............ ......do ............... 6.157.6575 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.665 ............ ......do ............... 6.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


157.6725 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.680 ............ ......do ............... 6.157.6875 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.695 ............ ......do ............... 6.157.7025 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.710 ............ ......do ............... 6.157.7175 .......... ......do ............... 6, 30.157.725 ............ Base or mobile 6.157.740 ............ ......do ............... 29, 36, 37,

38.158.1225 .......... ......do ............... l33 ............ IW158.130 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW158.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW158.145 ............ ......do.158.1525 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.160 ............ ......do.158.1675 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.175 ............ ......do.158.1825 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.190 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW158.1975 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW158.205 ............ ......do.158.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.220 ............ ......do.158.2275 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.235 ............ ......do.158.2425 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.250 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW158.2575 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW158.265 ............ ......do.158.2725 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.280 ............ ......do.158.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.295 ............ ......do.158.3025 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.310 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.158.3175 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.158.325 ............ ......do.158.3325 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.340 ............ Mobile.158.3475 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.355 ............ Base or mobile.158.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.370 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.158.3775 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.158.385 ............ ......do.158.3925 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.400 ............ ......do ............... 17.158.4075 .......... ......do ............... 17, 30.158.415 ............ ......do.158.4225 .......... ......do ............... 30.158.430 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.158.4375 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.158.445 ............ Mobile .............. 8, 49 ........ IP158.460 ............ Base or mobile 29, 36, 37,

38, 48.159.480 ............ ......do ............... 8. IP159.4875 .......... ......do ............... 8, 30. IP159.495 ............ ......do.159.5025 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.510 ............ ......do.159.5175 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.525 ............ ......do.159.5325 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.540 ............ ......do.159.5475 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.555 ............ ......do.159.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.570 ............ ......do.159.5775 .......... ......do ............... 30.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


159.585 ............ ......do.159.5925 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.600 ............ ......do.159.6075 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.615 ............ ......do.159.6225 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.630 ............ ......do.159.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.645 ............ ......do.159.6525 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.660 ............ ......do.159.6675 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.675 ............ ......do.159.6825 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.690 ............ ......do.159.6975 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.705 ............ ......do.159.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.720 ............ ......do.159.7275 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.735 ............ ......do.159.7425 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.750 ............ ......do.159.7575 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.765 ............ ......do.159.7725 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.780 ............ ......do.159.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.795 ............ ......do.159.8025 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.810 ............ ......do.159.8175 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.825 ............ ......do.159.8325 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.840 ............ ......do.159.8475 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.855 ............ ......do.159.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.870 ............ ......do.159.8775 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.885 ............ ......do.159.8925 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.900 ............ ......do.159.9075 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.915 ............ ......do.159.9225 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.930 ............ ......do.159.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.945 ............ ......do.159.9525 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.960 ............ ......do.159.9675 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.975 ............ ......do.159.9825 .......... ......do ............... 30.159.990 ............ ......do.159.9975 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.005 ............ ......do.160.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.020 ............ ......do.160.0275 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.035 ............ ......do.160.0425 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.050 ............ ......do.160.0575 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.065 ............ ......do.160.0725 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.080 ............ ......do.160.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.095 ............ ......do.160.1025 .......... ......do ............... 30.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


160.110 ............ ......do.160.1175 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.125 ............ ......do.160.1325 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.140 ............ ......do.160.1475 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.155 ............ ......do.160.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.170 ............ ......do.160.1775 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.185 ............ ......do.160.1925 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.200 ............ ......do.160.2075 .......... ......do ............... 30.160.215 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.2225 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.230 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.245 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.2525 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.260 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.2675 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.275 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.2825 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.290 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.2975 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.305 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.320 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.3275 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.335 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.3425 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.350 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.3575 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.365 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.3725 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.380 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.395 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.4025 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.410 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.4175 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.425 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.4325 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.440 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.4475 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.455 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.470 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.4775 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.485 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.4925 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.500 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.5075 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.515 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.5225 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.530 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.545 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.5525 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.560 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.5675 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.575 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.5825 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.590 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.5975 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.605 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR160.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR160.620 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.6275 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


160.635 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.6425 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.650 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.6575 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.665 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.6725 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.680 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.695 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.7025 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.710 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.7175 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.725 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.7325 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.740 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.7475 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.755 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.770 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.7775 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.785 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.7925 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.800 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.8075 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.815 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.8225 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.830 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.845 ............ ......do ............... 50 ............ LR160.8525 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50 ...... LR160.860 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.8675 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.875 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.8825 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.890 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.8975 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.905 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.920 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.9275 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.935 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.9425 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.950 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.9575 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.965 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.9725 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.980 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR160.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR160.995 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.0025 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.010 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.0175 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.025 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.0325 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.040 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.0475 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.055 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.070 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.0775 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.085 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.0925 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.100 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.1075 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.115 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.1225 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.130 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.145 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.1525 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00288 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


161.160 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.1675 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.175 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.1825 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.190 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.1975 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.205 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.220 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.2275 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.235 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.2425 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.250 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.2575 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.265 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.2725 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.280 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.295 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.3025 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.310 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.3175 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.325 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.3325 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.340 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.3475 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.355 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.370 ............ ......do ............... 50, 51 ...... LR161.3775 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 51 LR161.385 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.3925 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.400 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.4075 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.415 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.4225 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.430 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.445 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.4525 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.460 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.4675 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.475 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.4825 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.490 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.4975 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.505 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.520 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.5275 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.535 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.5425 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.550 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.5575 .......... ......do ............... 30, 50, 52 LR161.565 ............ ......do ............... 50, 52 ...... LR161.610 ............ ......do ............... 78 ............ LR169 to 172 ........ Mobile, oper-

ational fixed.53.

173.20375 ........ Fixed or mobile 39, 40, 41,44.

173.210 ............ ......do ............... 40, 41, 44,54.

173.225 ............ Base or mobile.173.2375 .......... Fixed or mobile 39, 40, 41,

42.173.250 ............ Base or mobile173.2625 .......... Fixed or mobile 39, 40, 41,

42.173.275 ............ Base or mobile.173.2875 .......... Fixed or mobile 39, 40, 41,



Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


173.300 ............ Base or mobile.173.3125 .......... Fixed or mobile 39, 40, 41,

42.173.325 ............ Base or mobile.173.3375 .......... Fixed or mobile 39, 40, 41,

42.173.350 ............ Base or mobile.173.3625 .......... Fixed or mobile 39, 40, 41,

42.173.375 ............ Base or mobile.173.390 ............ Fixed or mobile 40, 41, 44,

54.173.39625 ........ ......do ............... 39, 40, 41,

42.216 to 220 ........ Base or mobile 55.220 to 222 ........ Base and mo-


406 to 413 ........ Operationalfixed.


450 to 470 ........ Fixed, base, ormobile.

27, 57.

451.01875 ........ Base or mobile l33 ............ IW451.025 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW451.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW451.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.050 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW451.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW451.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.075 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW451.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW451.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.100 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW451.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW451.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.125 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW451.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW451.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.150 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW451.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW451.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.175 ............ ......do.451.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.200 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW451.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW451.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.225 ............ ......do.451.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.250 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW451.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW451.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW451.275 ............ ......do.451.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.300 ............ ......do.451.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33.

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00289 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 47: 47cfr90


47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


451.325 ............ ......do.451.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.350 ............ ......do.451.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.375 ............ ......do.451.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.400 ............ ......do.451.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.425 ............ ......do.451.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.450 ............ ......do.451.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.475 ............ ......do.451.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.500 ............ ......do.451.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.525 ............ ......do.451.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.54375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.550 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.451.55625 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.5625 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.451.56875 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.575 ............ ......do.451.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.600 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.451.60625 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.6125 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.451.61875 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.625 ............ ......do.451.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.650 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.451.65625 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.6625 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.451.66875 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.675 ............ ......do.451.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.700 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.451.70625 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.7125 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.451.71875 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.725 ............ ......do.451.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.750 ............ ......do ............... 4, 7.451.75625 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


451.7625 .......... ......do ............... 4, 7, 30.451.76875 ........ ......do ............... 4, 7, 33.451.775 ............ ......do.451.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.800 ............ Base, mobile,

or operationalfixed.

17, 58.

451.80625 ........ ......do ............... 17, 33, 58.451.8125 .......... ......do ............... 17, 30, 58.451.81875 ........ ......do ............... 17, 33, 58.451.825 ............ Base or mobile.451.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.850 ............ ......do.451.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.875 ............ ......do.451.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.900 ............ ......do.451.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.925 ............ ......do.451.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.950 ............ ......do.451.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.975 ............ ......do.451.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33.451.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30.451.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.000 ............ ......do.452.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.025 ............ ......do.452.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.050 ............ ......do.452.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.075 ............ ......do.452.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.100 ............ ......do.452.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.125 ............ ......do.452.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.150 ............ ......do.452.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.175 ............ ......do.452.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


452.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.200 ............ ......do.452.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.225 ............ ......do452.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.250 ............ ......do.452.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.275 ............ ......do.452.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.300 ............ ......do.452.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.325 ............ ......do.452.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.350 ............ ......do.452.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.375 ............ ......do.452.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.400 ............ ......do.452.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.425 ............ ......do.452.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.450 ............ ......do.452.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.475 ............ ......do.452.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.500 ............ ......do.452.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.525 ............ ......do.452.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.54375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.550 ............ ......do.452.55625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.56875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.575 ............ ......do.452.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.600 ............ ......do.452.60625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.61875 ........ ......do ............... 33.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


452.625 ............ ......do.452.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.650 ............ ......do.452.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.675 ............ ......do.452.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.700 ............ ......do.452.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.725 ............ ......do.452.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.750 ............ ......do.452.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.775 ............ ......do.452.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.800 ............ ......do.452.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.825 ............ ......do.452.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.850 ............ ......do.452.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.875 ............ ......do.452.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.900 ............ ......do ............... .................. LR452.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ LR452.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ LR452.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ LR452.925 ............ ......do ............... 59 ............ LR452.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 59 ...... LR452.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 59 ...... LR452.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 59 ...... LR452.950 ............ ......do ............... 59 ............ LR452.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 59 ...... LR452.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 59 ...... LR452.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 59 ...... LR452.975 ............ ......do.452.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33.452.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30.452.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33.453.000 ............ ......do.453.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33.453.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30.453.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33.454.000 ............ ......do ............... 8 IP456.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.025 ............ Mobile .............. .................. IW456.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW456.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00291 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 49: 47cfr90


47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


456.050 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW456.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW456.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.075 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW456.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW456.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.100 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW456.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW456.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.125 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW456.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW456.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.150 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW456.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW456.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.175 ............ ......do.456.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.200 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW456.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW456.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.225 ............ ......do.456.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.250 ............ ......do ............... .................. IW456.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ IW456.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ IW456.275 ............ ......do.456.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.300 ............ ......do.456.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.325 ............ ......do.456.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.350 ............ ......do.456.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.375 ............ ......do.456.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.400 ............ ......do.456.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.425 ............ ......do.456.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.450 ............ ......do.456.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.475 ............ ......do.456.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


456.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.500 ............ ......do.456.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.525 ............ ......do.456.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.54375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.550 ............ ......do.456.55625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.56875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.575 ............ ......do.456.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.600 ............ ......do.456.60625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.61875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.625 ............ ......do.456.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.650 ............ ......do.456.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.675 ............ ......do.456.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.700 ............ ......do.456.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.725 ............ ......do.456.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.750 ............ ......do.456.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.775 ............ ......do.456.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.800 ............ Base, mobile,

or operationalfixed.

17, 58.

456.80625 ........ ......do ............... 17, 33, 58.456.8125 .......... ......do ............... 17, 30, 58.456.81875 ........ ......do ............... 17, 33, 58.456.825 ............ Mobile.456.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.850 ............ ......do.456.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.875 ............ ......do.456.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.900 ............ ......do.456.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33.

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00292 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 50: 47cfr90


Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


456.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.925 ............ ......do.456.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.950 ............ ......do.456.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.975 ............ ......do.456.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33.456.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30.456.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.000 ............ ......do.457.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.025 ............ ......do.457.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.050 ............ ......do.457.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.075 ............ ......do.457.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.100 ............ ......do.457.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.125 ............ ......do.457.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.150 ............ ......do.457.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.175 ............ ......do.457.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.200 ............ ......do.457.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.225 ............ ......do.457.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.250 ............ ......do.457.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.275 ............ ......do.457.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.300 ............ ......do.457.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.325 ............ ......do.457.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


457.350 ............ ......do.457.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.375 ............ ......do.457.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.400 ............ ......do.457.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.425 ............ ......do.457.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.450 ............ ......do.457.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.475 ............ ......do.457.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.500 ............ ......do.457.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.525 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 47,

60.457.53125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

47, 60.457.5375 .......... ......do ............... 11, 12, 30,

47, 60.457.54375 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

47, 60.457.550 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 47,

60.457.55625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

47, 60.457.5625 .......... ......do ............... 11, 12, 30,

47, 60.457.56875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

47, 60.457.575 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 47,

60.457.58125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

47, 60.457.5875 .......... ......do ............... 11, 12, 30,

47, 60.457.59375 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

47, 60.457.600 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 47,

60.457.60625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

47, 60.457.6125 .......... ......do ............... 11, 12, 30,

47, 60.457.61875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

47, 60.457.625 ............ ......do.457.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.650 ............ ......do.457.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.675 ............ ......do.457.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33.

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00293 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 51: 47cfr90


47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


457.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.700 ............ ......do.457.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.725 ............ ......do.457.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.750 ............ ......do.457.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.775 ............ ......do.457.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.800 ............ ......do.457.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.825 ............ ......do.457.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.850 ............ ......do.457.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.875 ............ ......do.457.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.900 ............ ......do ............... .................. LR457.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ LR457.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30 ............ LR457.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33 ............ LR457.925 ............ ......do ............... 59 ............ LR457.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 59 ...... LR457.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 59 ...... LR457.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 59 ...... LR457.950 ............ ......do ............... 59 ............ LR457.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 59 ...... LR457.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 59 ...... LR457.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 59 ...... LR457.975 ............ ......do.457.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33.457.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30.457.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33.458.000 ............ ......do.458.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33.458.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30.458.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33.459.000 ............ Base or mobile 8 .............. IP460.650 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.675 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.700 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


460.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,62.

460.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,62, 69.

460.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,62.

460.725 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.750 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.775 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.800 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.825 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.850 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.875 ............ ......do ............... 48, 61, 62.460.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 48, 61,

62, 69.460.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 48, 61,

62.460.900 ............ ......do ............... 63, 64, 65.460.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64,

65.460.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 63, 64,

65.460.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64,

65.460.925 ............ ......do ............... 63, 64, 65.460.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64,

65.460.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 63, 64,

65.460.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64,

65.460.950 ............ ......do ............... 63, 64, 65.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


460.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64,65.

460.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 63, 64,65.

460.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64,65.

460.975 ............ ......do ............... 64, 65, 66460.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 64, 65,

66.460.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 64, 65,

66.460.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 64, 65,

66.461.000 ............ ......do ............... 64, 65, 66.461.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 64, 65,

66.461.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 64, 65,

66.461.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 64, 65,

66.461.025 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.050 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.075 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.100 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.125 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.150 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.175 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.200 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.225 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.250 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.275 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.300 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.325 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


461.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.350 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.375 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.400 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.425 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.450 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.475 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.500 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.525 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.54375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.550 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.55625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.56875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.575 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.600 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.60625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.61875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.625 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.650 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.675 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.700 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.725 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.750 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00295 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


461.775 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.800 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.825 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.850 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.875 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.900 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.925 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.950 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.975 ............ ......do ............... 62.461.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.461.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.461.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.000 ............ ......do ............... 62.462.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.462.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.025 ............ ......do ............... 62.462.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.462.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.050 ............ ......do ............... 62.462.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.462.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.075 ............ ......do ............... 62.462.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.462.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.100 ............ ......do ............... 62.462.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.462.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.125 ............ ......do ............... 62.462.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.462.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.150 ............ ......do ............... 62.462.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.462.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.175 ............ ......do ............... 62.462.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.462.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.462.200 ............ ......do.462.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


462.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.225 ............ ......do.462.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.250 ............ ......do.462.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.275 ............ ......do.462.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.300 ............ ......do.462.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.325 ............ ......do.462.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.350 ............ ......do.462.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.375 ............ ......do.462.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.400 ............ ......do.462.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.425 ............ ......do.462.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.450 ............ ......do.462.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.475 ............ ......do.462.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.500 ............ ......do.462.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30.462.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.525 ............ ......do.462.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33.462.750 ............ Base ................ 29, 36.462.7625 .......... Mobile .............. 67.462.775 ............ Base ................ 29, 36.462.7875 .......... Mobile .............. 67.462.800 ............ Base ................ 29, 36.462.8125 .......... Mobile .............. 67.462.825 ............ Base ................ 29, 36.462.8375 .......... Mobile .............. 67.462.850 ............ Base ................ 29, 36.462.8625 .......... Mobile .............. 67.462.875 ............ Base ................ 29, 36.462.8875 .......... Mobile .............. 67.462.900 ............ Base ................ 29, 36.462.9125 .......... Mobile .............. 67.462.925 ............ Base ................ 29, 36.462.9375 .......... Mobile .............. 67.462.94375 ........ Base or mobile 33.463.200 ............ ......do ............... 62.

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00296 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 54: 47cfr90


Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


463.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.225 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.250 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.275 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.300 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.325 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.350 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.375 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.400 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.425 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.450 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.475 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.500 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.525 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.54375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.550 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.55625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.56875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.575 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.600 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.60625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.61875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.625 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


463.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.650 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.675 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.700 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.725 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.750 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.775 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.800 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.825 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.850 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.875 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.900 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.925 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.950 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.975 ............ ......do ............... 62.463.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.463.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.463.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.000 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.025 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.050 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.075 ............ ......do ............... 62.

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00297 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


464.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.100 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.125 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.150 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.175 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.200 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.225 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.250 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.275 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.300 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.325 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.350 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.375 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.400 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.425 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.450 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.475 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.500 ............ ......do ............... 10, 34.464.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.525 ............ ......do ............... 62.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


464.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.550 ............ ......do ............... 10, 34.464.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.56875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.575 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.600 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.60625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.61875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.625 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.650 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.675 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.700 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.725 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.750 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.775 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.800 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.825 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.850 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.875 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.900 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.925 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.950 ............ ......do ............... 62.464.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.464.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.975 ............ ......do ............... 62.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


464.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.464.9875 .......... Mobile .............. 67.465.000 ............ Base ................ 29, 34, 36.465.0125 .......... Mobile .............. 67.465.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 34.465.650 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,

68.465.65625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,

62, 68.465.6625 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,

62, 68,69.

465.66875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.675 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.

465.68125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.6875 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.69375 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.700 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.

465.70625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.7125 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.71875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.725 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.

465.73125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.7375 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.74375 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.750 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.

465.75625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.7625 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.76875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.775 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.

465.78125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.7875 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.79375 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.800 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.

465.80625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.8125 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.81875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.825 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


465.83125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.8375 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.84375 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.850 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.

465.85625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.8625 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.86875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.875 ............ ......do ............... 11, 61, 62,68.

465.88125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.8875 .......... ......do ............... 11, 30, 61,62, 68,69.

465.89375 ........ ......do ............... 11, 33, 61,62, 68.

465.900 ............ ......do ............... 63, 64.465.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64.465.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 63, 64.465.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64.465.925 ............ ......do ............... 63, 64.465.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64.465.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 63, 64.465.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64.465.950 ............ ......do ............... 63, 64.465.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64.465.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 63, 64.465.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 63, 64.465.975 ............ ......do ............... 64, 66.465.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 64, 66.465.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 64, 66.465.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 64, 66.466.000 ............ ......do ............... 64, 66.466.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 64, 66.466.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 64, 66,

69.466.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 64, 66.466.025 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.050 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.075 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.100 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.125 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.150 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.

VerDate 23<NOV>98 10:25 Dec 08, 1998 Jkt 179191 PO 00000 Frm 00299 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179191T.XXX pfrm07 PsN: 179191T

Page 57: 47cfr90


47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


466.175 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.200 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.225 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.250 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.275 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.300 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.325 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.350 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.375 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.400 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.425 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.450 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.475 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.500 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.525 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.54375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.550 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.55625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.56875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.575 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.600 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.60625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


466.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.61875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.625 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.650 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.675 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.700 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.725 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.750 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.775 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.800 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.825 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.850 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.875 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.900 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.925 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.950 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.975 ............ ......do ............... 62.466.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.466.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.466.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.000 ............ ......do ............... 62.467.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.467.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.025 ............ ......do ............... 62.467.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.467.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


467.050 ............ ......do ............... 62.467.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.467.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.075 ............ ......do ............... 62.467.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.467.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.100 ............ ......do ............... 62.467.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.467.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.125 ............ ......do ............... 62.467.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.467.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.150 ............ ......do ............... 62.467.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.467.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.175 ............ ......do ............... 62.467.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.467.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.200 ............ ......do.467.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.225 ............ ......do.467.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.250 ............ ......do.467.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.275 ............ ......do.467.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.300 ............ ......do.467.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.325 ............ ......do.467.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.350 ............ ......do.467.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.375 ............ ......do.467.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.400 ............ ......do.467.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.425 ............ ......do.467.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.450 ............ ......do.467.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.475 ............ ......do.467.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


467.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.500 ............ ......do.467.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30.467.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.525 ............ ......do.467.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.467.750 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 35,

60.467.75625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

35, 60.467.7625 .......... ......do ............... 11, 12, 30,

35, 60.467.76875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

35, 60.467.775 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 35,

60.467.78125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

35, 60.467.7875 .......... ......do ............... 11, 12, 30,

35, 60.467.79375 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

35, 60.467.800 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 35,

60.467.80625 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

35, 60.467.8125 .......... ......do ............... 11, 12, 30,

35, 60.467.81875 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

35, 60.467.825 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 35,

60.467.83125 ........ ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

35, 60.467.8375 .......... ......do ............... 11, 12, 33,

35, 60.467.850 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 35.467.8625 .......... ......do ............... 67.467.875 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 35.467.8875 .......... ......do ............... 67.467.900 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 35.467.9125 .......... ......do ............... 67.467.925 ............ ......do ............... 11, 12, 35.467.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33.467.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 67.467.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33.468.200 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.225 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.250 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.275 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.300 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.325 ............ ......do ............... 62.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


468.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.350 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.375 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.400 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.425 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.450 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.475 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.49375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.500 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.50625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.525 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.54375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.550 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.55625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.56875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.575 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.600 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.60625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.61875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.625 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.650 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.675 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.700 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.725 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.750 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


468.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.775 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.800 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.825 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.850 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.875 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.900 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.925 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.950 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.975 ............ ......do ............... 62.468.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.468.9875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.468.99375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.000 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.00625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.0125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.01875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.025 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.03125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.0375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.04375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.050 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.05625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.0625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.06875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.075 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.08125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.0875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.09375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.100 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.10625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.1125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.11875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.125 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.13125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.1375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.14375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.150 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.15625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.1625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.16875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.175 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.18125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.1875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.19375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.200 ............ ......do ............... 62.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


469.20625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.2125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.21875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.225 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.23125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.2375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.24375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.250 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.25625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.2625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.26875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.275 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.28125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.2875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.29375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.300 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.30625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.3125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.31875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.325 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.33125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.3375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.34375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.350 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.35625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.3625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.36875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.375 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.38125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.3875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.39375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.400 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.40625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.4125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.41875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.425 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.43125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.4375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.44375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.450 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.45625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.4625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.46875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.475 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.48125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.4875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.500 ............ ......do ............... 10, 30, 34.469.5125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.51875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.525 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.53125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.5375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.550 ............ ......do ............... 10, 30, 34.469.5625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.56875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.575 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.58125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.5875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.59375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.600 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.60625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.6125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.61875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.625 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.63125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.6375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.64375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.650 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.65625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.6625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.


Frequency orband

Class of sta-tion(s) Limitations Coordina-


469.66875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.675 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.68125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.6875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.69375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.700 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.70625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.7125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.71875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.725 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.73125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.7375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.74375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.750 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.75625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.7625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.76875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.775 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.78125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.7875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.79375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.800 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.80625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.8125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.81875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.825 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.83125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.8375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.84375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.850 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.85625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.8625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.86875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.875 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.88125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.8875 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.89375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.900 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.90625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.9125 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.91875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.925 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.93125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.9375 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.94375 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.950 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.95625 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.9625 .......... ......do ............... 30, 62.469.96875 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.469.975 ............ ......do ............... 62.469.98125 ........ ......do ............... 33, 62.470 to 512 ........ Base or mobile 70.806 to 821 ........ Mobile .............. 71.851 to 866 ........ Base or mobile 71.896 to 901 ........ Mobile .............. 71.928 and above Operational


929 to 930 ........ Base only ......... 73.935 to 940 ........ Base or mobile 71.1,427 to 1,435 .. Base, or mobile


55 .

2,450 to 2,500 .. Base or mobile 74.8,400 to 8,500 .. ......do ............... 75.10,550 to 10,

680.......do ............... 76.

(c) Explanation of assignment limita-tions appearing in the frequency tableof paragraph (b)(3) of this section:

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35

(1) Use of this frequency is permittedas follows:

(i) Only entities engaged in the fol-lowing activities are eligible to usethis spectrum, and then only in accord-ance with § 90.266:

(A) Prospecting for petroleum, natu-ral gas or petroleum products;

(B) Distribution of electric power orthe distribution by pipeline of fuels orwater;

(C) Exploration, its support services,and the repair of pipelines; or

(D) The repair of telecommunicationscircuits.

(ii) Except as provided in this part,licensees may not use these frequenciesin the place of other operational cir-cuits permitted by the Commission’srules. Circuits operating on these fre-quencies may be used only for the fol-lowing purposes:

(A) Providing standby backup com-munications for circuits which havebeen disrupted and which directly af-fect the safety of life, property, or thenational interest or are used for coordi-nating inter-utility, intra-utility, andpower pool distribution of electricpower;

(B) Providing operational circuitsduring exploration;

(C) Coordinating the repair of inter-utility, intra-utility, and power poolelectric power distribution networks,or the repair of pipelines;

(D) Exploratory efforts in mining forsolid fuels, minerals, and metals im-portant to the national interest;

(E) Repair of pipelines used for thetransmission of fuel or water;

(F) Services supporting the explo-ration for energy or mineral resourcesimportant to the national interest,without which such exploration cannotbe conducted; or

(G) Coordinating the repair ofwireline or point-to-point microwavecircuits.

(2) Use of this frequency is limited toan amplitude modulation mode of oper-ation.

(3) This frequency is available for as-signment only to stations utilized forgeophysical purposes.

(4) Geophysical operations may usetone or impulse signaling for purposesother than indicating failure of equip-ment or abnormal conditions on this

frequency. All such tone or impulsesignaling shall be on a secondary basisand subject to the following limita-tions:

(i) Maximum duration of a singlenon-voice transmission may not exceed3 minutes;

(ii) The bandwidth utilized for sec-ondary tone or impulse signaling shallnot exceed that authorized to the li-censee for voice emission on the fre-quency concerned;

(iii) Frequency loading resultingfrom the use of secondary tone or im-pulse signaling will not be consideredin whole or in part, as a justificationfor authorizing additional frequenciesin the licensee’s mobile service system;and

(iv) The maximum transmitter out-put power for tone or impulse trans-missions shall not exceed 50 watts.

(5) Frequencies below 25 MHz will beassigned to base or mobile stationsonly upon a satisfactory showing that,from a safety of life standpoint, fre-quencies above 25 MHz will not meetthe operational requirements of the ap-plicant.

(6) Frequencies may be assigned inpairs with the separation between baseand mobile transmit frequencies being5.26 MHz. A mobile station may be as-signed the frequency which would nor-mally be assigned to a base station forsingle-frequency operation. However,this single-frequency operation may besubject to interference that would notoccur to a two-frequency system.

(7) This frequency is available for as-signment to geophysical stations on asecondary basis to other licensees. Geo-physical stations must cease oper-ations on this frequency immediatelyupon receiving notice that interferenceis being caused to mobile service sta-tions.

(8) This frequency is primarily avail-able for oil spill containment andcleanup operations and for training anddrills essential in the preparations forthe containment and cleanup of oilspills. It is secondarily available forgeneral base-mobile operations on anoninterference basis. Secondary usersof this frequency are required to foregoits use should oil spill containment andcleanup activities be present in theirarea of operation or upon notice by the

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35

Commission or a primary user thatharmful interference is being caused tooil spill containment or cleanup activi-ties in other areas.

(9) Operation on this frequency is sec-ondary to stations in the maritime mo-bile service operating in accordancewith the International table of fre-quency allocations.

(10) This frequency will be assignedonly to stations used in itinerant oper-ations, except within 56 km (35 miles)of Detroit, Mich., where it may be as-signed for either itinerant or perma-nent area operations (i.e., general use).

(11) Operation on this frequency islimited to a maximum output power of2 watts; and each station authorizedwill be classified and licensed as a mo-bile station. Any units of such a sta-tion, however, may provide the oper-ational functions of a base or fixed sta-tion on a secondary basis to mobileservice operations, Provided, that theseparation between the control pointand the center of the radiating portionof the antenna of any units so useddoes not exceed 8 m (25 ft.).

(12) This frequency may not be usedaboard aircraft in flight.

(13) This frequency is shared with thePublic Safety Pool.

(14) Operation on this frequency islimited to a maximum output power of1 watt and each station authorized willbe classified and licensed as a mobilestation. Any units of such a station,however, may provide the operationalfunctions of a base of fixed station ona secondary basis to mobile service op-erations, Provided, That the separationbetween the control point and the cen-ter of the radiating portion of the an-tenna of any units so used does not ex-ceed 8 m (25 ft.).

(15) This Government frequency isavailable for shared Government/non-Government use by stations engaged inoil spill containment and cleanup oper-ations and for training and drills essen-tial in the preparation for containmentand cleanup of oil spills. Such use willbe confined to inland and coastal wa-terways.

(16) This frequency may be assignedonly to stations operating in an inter-connected or coordinated utility sys-tem in accordance with an operationalcommunications plan which sets forth

all points of communications. Author-izations at variance with an estab-lished operational communicationsplan will be made only on a secondarybasis.

(17) This frequency will be assignedonly to stations used in itinerant oper-ations.

(18) This frequency is also used on asecondary basis for cordless telephonesunder part 15 of this chapter.

(19) In addition to single frequencyoperation, this frequency is availableto base and mobile stations for thepaired frequency mode of operation.For two frequency systems, the separa-tion between base and mobile transmitfrequencies is 500 kHz with the basestations transmitting on the higher ofthe two frequencies.

(20) In the State of Alaska only, thefrequency 44.10 MHz is available for as-signment on a primary basis to sta-tions in the Common Carrier RuralRadio Service utilizing meteor burstcommunications. The frequency maybe used by private radio stations formeteor burst communications on a sec-ondary, non-interference basis. Usageshall be in accordance with part 22 ofthis chapter and this part 90. Stationsutilizing meteor burst communicationsshall not cause harmful interference tostations of other radio services operat-ing in accordance with the allocationtable.

(21) In the State of Alaska only, thefrequency 44.20 MHz is available for as-signment on a primary basis to privateland mobile radio stations utilizingmeteor burst communications. The fre-quency may be used by common carrierstations for meteor burst communica-tions on a secondary, noninterferencebasis. Usage shall be in accordancewith part 22 of this chapter and thispart 90. Stations utilizing meteor burstcommunications shall not cause harm-ful interference to stations of otherradio services operating in accordancewith the allocation table.

(22) The frequencies available for useat operational fixed stations in theband 72–76 MHz are listed in§ 90.257(a)(1). These frequencies areshared with other services and areavailable only in accordance with theprovisions of § 90.257. Seismic telemetrytransmitters certificated with 1 watt

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35

or less power and a frequency tolerancenot exceeding +/¥0.005% may be usedas temporary operational fixed sta-tions.

(23) This frequency is shared withfixed stations in other services and issubject to no protection from inter-ference.

(24) All operations on this frequencyare subject to the provisions of§ 90.257(b).

(25) This frequency is shared with theRadio Control (R/C) Service, of the part95 Personal Radio Services, where it isused solely for the radio control ofmodels.

(26) Pulsed modulations will not beauthorized on this frequency.

(27) Assignment of frequencies in thisband are subject to the provisions of§ 90.173. In the 150–170 MHz band, licens-ees as of August 18, 1995 who operatesystems that are 2.5 kHz removed fromregularly assignable frequencies maycontinue to operate on a secondary,non-interference basis after August 1,2003.

(28) In Puerto Rico and the Virgin Is-lands this frequency is subject to thefollowing:

(i) This frequency is assigned only forone-way paging communications tomobile receivers. Only A1D, A2D, A3E,F1D, F2D, F3E, or G3E emissions maybe authorized. Licensees may provideone-way paging communications onthis frequency to individuals, personseligible for licensing under subparts Bor C of this part, to representatives ofFederal Government agencies, and for-eign governments and their representa-tives; and

(ii) This frequency will not be as-signed to stations for use at temporarylocations.

(29) This frequency will be authorizeda channel bandwidth of 25 kHz. Exceptwhen limited elsewhere, one-way pag-ing transmitters on this frequency mayoperate with an output power of 350watts.

(30) This frequency will be assignedwith an authorized bandwidth not toexceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450–470 MHzband, secondary telemetry operationspursuant to § 90.238(e) will be author-ized on this frequency.

(31) Use of this frequency is limitedto stations located in Puerto Rico andthe Virgin Islands.

(32) This frequency is not available tostations located in Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands.

(33) This frequency will be assignedwith an authorized bandwidth not toexceed 6 kHz.

(34) Operation on this frequency islimited to a maximum output power of35 watts.

(35) This frequency may be used formobile operation for radio remote con-trol and telemetering functions. A1D,A2D, F1D, or F2D emission may be au-thorized and mobile stations used tocontrol remote objects or devices maybe operated on the continuous carriertransmit mode.

(36) This frequency is assigned onlyfor one-way paging communications tomobile receivers. Only A1D, A2D, A3E,F1D, F2D, F3E, or G3E emissions maybe authorized. Licensees may provideone-way paging communications onthis frequency to individuals, personseligible for licensing under subparts Bor C of this part, to representatives ofFederal Government agencies, and for-eign governments and their representa-tives.

(37) This frequency is available on asecondary basis to one-way pagingcommunications.

(38) This frequency will not be as-signed to stations for use at temporarylocations.

(39) For FM transmitters the sum ofthe highest modulating frequency andthe amount of frequency deviation maynot exceed 2.8 kHz and the maximumfrequency deviation may not exceed 2.5kHz. For AM transmitters the highestmodulating frequency may not exceed2.0 kHz. The carrier frequency must bemaintained within 0.0005 percent, andthe authorized bandwidth may not ex-ceed 6 kHz.

(40) This frequency is shared with thePublic Safety Pool for remote controland telemetry operations.

(41) Operational fixed stations mustemploy directional antennas having afront-to-back ratio of at least 20 dB.Omnidirectional antennas having unitygain may be employed for stations

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35

communicating with at least three re-ceiving locations separated by 160 deg.of azimuth.

(42) The maximum effective radiatedpower (ERP) may not exceed 20 wattsfor fixed stations and 2 watts for mo-bile stations. The height of the an-tenna system may not exceed 15.24 me-ters (50 ft.) above the ground. All suchoperation is on a secondary basis to ad-jacent channel land mobile operations.

(43) This frequency is available forthe following:

(i) Assignment to multiple addressfixed stations employing omni-directional antennas used for powerutility peak load shaving and sheddingand to mobile stations used for the re-mote control of objects and devices.The maximum power that may be au-thorized to fixed stations is 300 wattsoutput, and the maximum power thatmay be authorized for mobile stationsis 1 watt output. This frequency mayalso be assigned to operational fixedstations employing directional antennasystems (front-to-back ratio of 20 dB)when such stations are located at least120 km. (75 mi.) from the boundaries ofany urbanized area of 200,000 or morepopulation. (U.S. Census of Population,1960). The maximum power output ofthe transmitter for such fixed stationsmay not exceed 50 watts. A1A, A1D,A2B, A2D, F1B, F1D, F2B, F2D, G1B,G1D, G2B, or G2D emission may be au-thorized; or

(ii) On a secondary basis for remotecontrol and telemetry operations, sub-ject to paragraphs (c)(41), (42), (43), (46),and (47) of this section.

(44) The maximum output power ofthe transmitter may not exceed 50watts for fixed stations and 1 watt formobile stations. A1A, A1D, A2B, A2D,F1B, F1D, F2B, F2D, G1B, G1D, G2B, orG2D emission may be authorized, andmobile stations used to control remoteobjects and devices may be operated inthe continuous transmit mode.

(45) Authorizations to operate on thisfrequency will be issued on a secondarybasis for A2B, A2D, F2B or F2D emis-sion for tone signaling or for a com-bination of such emission with A3E,F3E or G3E emission with a maximumbandwidth of 20 kHz. The output powershall not exceed 2 watts. The maximumdistance between any transmitter and

the center of the radiating portion ofits antenna shall not exceed 8 m. (25ft.).

(46) This frequency is limited to amaximum power of 20 watts.

(47) This frequency may be used formobile operation for remote controland telemetering functions. A1D, A2D,F1D, or F2D emission may be author-ized. The use of the continuous carriertransmit mode for these purposes ispermitted only for stations authorizedand continuously licensed since beforeMay 21, 1971.

(48) Except as noted in paragraph(c)(61) of this section, operation on thisfrequency is limited to a maximumoutput power of 20 watts.

(49) Operation on this frequency islimited to a maximum output power of75 watts.

(50) This frequency may also be usedfor the transmission of tone or voicecommunications, including such com-munications when prerecorded, for pur-poses of automatically indicating ab-normal conditions of trackage and rail-road rolling stock when in motion, ona secondary basis to other stations onthis frequency. All such operationsshall be subject to the following:

(i) The output power shall not exceed30 watts;

(ii) The bandwidth used shall not ex-ceed that authorized to the licensee forvoice transmissions on the frequencyconcerned;

(iii) The station shall be so designedand installed that it can normally beactivated only by its associated auto-matic control equipment and, in addi-tion, it shall be equipped with a timedelay or clock device which will deacti-vate the station within three (3) min-utes following activation by the lastcar in the train; and

(iv) Stations authorized pursuant tothe provisions of this paragraph are ex-empt from the station identificationrequirements of § 90.425.

(51) In Puerto Rico and the Virgin Is-lands only, this frequency is availableon a shared basis with remote pickupbroadcast stations.

(52) In Puerto Rico and the Virgin Is-lands only, this frequency is availableto all stations operating in the Indus-trial/Business Pool.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35

(53) Frequencies in this band will beassigned only for transmittinghydrological or meteorological data orfor low power wireless microphones inaccordance with the provisions of§ 90.265.

(54) For FM transmitters the sum ofthe highest modulating frequency andthe amount of frequency deviation maynot exceed 1.7 kHz and the maximumdeviation may not exceed 1.2 kHz. ForAM transmitters the highest modulat-ing frequency may not exceed 1.2 kHz.The carrier frequency must be main-tained within 0.0005 percent and the au-thorized bandwidth may not exceed 3kHz.

(55) This band is available to stationsoperating in this service subject to theprovisions of § 90.259.

(56) Subpart T of this part containsrules for assignment of frequencies inthe 220–222 MHz band.

(57) The requirements for secondaryfixed use of frequencies in this band areset forth in § 90.261.

(58) Operational fixed assignments onthis frequency will only be made to anitinerant fixed control or relay stationon a secondary basis to land-mobilestations in the Industrial/BusinessPool, provided that the fixed relay orcontrol station is to be associated withbase and mobile facilities authorized touse other frequencies available foritinerant operation in the Industrial/Business Pool. All such use of thesefrequencies for fixed systems is limitedto locations 161 or more km. (100 mi.)from the center of any urbanized areaof 200,000 or more population, exceptthat the distance may be 120 km. (75mi.) if the output power does not ex-ceed 20 watts. All such fixed systemsare limited to a maximum of two fre-quencies and must employ directionalantennas with a front-to-back ratio ofat least 15 dB. The centers of urbanizedareas of 200,000 or more population aredetermined from the appendix, page226, of the U.S. Commerce publication,‘‘Air Line Distance Between Cities inthe United States.’’ Urbanized areas of200,000 or more population are definedin the U.S. Census of Population, 1960,volume 1, table 23, page 1–50.

(59) This frequency may be assignedprimarily for stations used for the pur-pose of controlling slave locomotives

that are placed within a train to assistthe lead locomotive by providing,among other functions, auxiliary start-ing, pulling, and braking actions. Addi-tionally, on a secondary basis this fre-quency may be assigned for remotecontrol of all types of locomotives and,within a railroad yard or terminalarea, for remote control of cab indica-tor devices placed with a locomotive togive visual signals to the operator ofthe locomotive. (A1, A2, F1 or F2 emis-sions may be authorized.)

(60)(i) Frequencies subject to this as-signment limitation are herein consid-ered collectively for use for commu-nications concerned with cargo han-dling from a dock, or a cargo handlingfacility, to a vessel alongside. Anynumber of the frequencies may be au-thorized to one licensee for the pur-pose. Mobile relay stations may betemporarily installed at or in the vi-cinity of a dock or cargo handling fa-cility and used when a vessel is along-side the dock or cargo handling facil-ity.

Mobile relay (MHz) Mobile(MHz)

457.525 ................................................................ 467.750457.53125 ............................................................ 467.75625457.5375 .............................................................. 467.7625457.54375 ............................................................ 467.76875457.550 ................................................................ 467.775457.55625 ............................................................ 467.78125457.5625 .............................................................. 467.7875457.56875 ............................................................ 467.79375457.575 ................................................................ 467.800457.58125 ............................................................ 467.80625457.5875 .............................................................. 467.8125457.59375 ............................................................ 467.81875457.600 ................................................................ 467.825457.60625 ............................................................ 467.83125457.6125457.61875

(ii) For single frequency simplex: Usemobile relay frequencies. The effectiveradiated power (ERP) on any frequencyshall not exceed 2 watts. The center ofthe radiating system of the on-boardrepeater antenna shall be located nomore than 3 m (10 ft.) above the ves-sel’s highest working deck.

(61) This frequency is available forassignment as follows:

(i) To persons furnishing commercialair transportation service or, pursuantto § 90.179, to an entity furnishing radiocommunications service to persons soengaged, for stations located on or nearthe airports listed in paragraph

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35

(c)(61)(iv) of this section. Stations willbe authorized on a primary basis andmay be used only in connection withthe servicing and supplying of aircraft.

(ii) To stations in the Industrial/Business Pool for secondary use at lo-cations 80 km (50 mi) or more from thecoordinates of the listed airports at amaximum ERP of 300 watts.

(iii) To stations in the Industrial/Business Pool for secondary use at lo-cations 16 km (10 mi) or more from thecoordinates of the listed airports at amaximum transmitter output power of2 watts. Use of the frequency is re-stricted to the confines of an industrialcomplex or manufacturing yard area.Stations licensed prior to April 17, 1986may continue to operate with facilitiesauthorized as of that date.

(iv) The airports and their respectivereference coordinates are:

City and airportReference coordinate

Latitude Longitude

Akron, OH:Akron-Canton Regional (CAK) 40°55′01″


WAlbany-Troy-Schenectady, NY:

Albany County (ALB) ................ 42°44′53″N


Albuquerque, NM:Albuquerque International

(ABQ) .................................... 35°02′30″N


Allentown-Bethlehem, PA:Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton

(ABE) .................................... 40°39′11″N


Anchorage, AK:Anchorage International (ANC) 61°10′30″


WAtlanta, GA:

Atlanta International (ATL) ....... 33°38′25″N


Dekalb-Peachtree (PDK) .......... 33°52′30″N


Fulton County (FTY) ................. 33°46′45″N


Baltimore, MD:Baltimore-Washington Int’l

(BWI) ..................................... 39°10′30″N


Birmingham, AL:Birmingham Municipal (BHM) .. 33°33′50″


WBoston, MA:

Logan International (BOS) ....... 42°21′51″N


Bridgeport, CT:Sikorsky Memorial (BDR) ......... 41°09′49″


WBuffalo, NY:

Greater Buffalo Int’l (BUF) ....... 42°56′26″N


Canton, OH:Akron-Canton Regional (CAK) 40°55′01″



City and airportReference coordinate

Latitude Longitude

Charlotte, NC:Charlotte-Douglas Int’l (CLT) ... 35°12′52″


WChattanooga, TN:

Lovell (CHA) ............................. 35°02′07″N


Chicago, IL-Northwest, IN:Chicago-Wheeling-Palwaukee

(PWK) ................................... 42°06′48″N


Meigs (CGX) ............................. 41°51′32″N


Michiana Regional (SBN) ......... 41°42′18″N


Midway (MDW) ......................... 41°47′10″N


O’Harm International (ORD) ..... 41°58′48″N


West Chicago-Dupage (DPE) .. 41°54′52″N


Cincinnati, OH:Greater Cincinnati Int’l (CVG) .. 39°14′59″


WLunken (LUK) ........................... 39°06′12″


WCleveland, OH:

Burke Lakefront (BKL) .............. 41°31′03″N


Cuyahoga County (CGF) ......... 41°33′54″N


Hopkins International (CLE) ..... 41°24′38″N


Columbus, OH:Port Columbus Int’l (CMH) ....... 39°59′42″


WDallas, TX:

Addison (ADS) .......................... 32°58′06″N


Dallas-Ft. Worth Regional(DFW) ................................... 32°53′45″


WDallas-Love Field (DAL) ........... 32°50′49″


WRed Bird (RBD) ........................ 32°40′49″


WDavenport, IA (Rock Island, Mo-

line, IL):Davenport Municipal (DVN) ..... 41°36′42″


WQuad City (MLI) ........................ 41°26′56″


WDayton, OH:

Dayton International (DAY) ...... 39°54′04″N


Denver, CO:Centennial (APA) ...................... 39°34′19″


WColorado Springs Municipal

(COS) .................................... 38°48′31″N


Denver-Jeffco (BJC) ................. 39°54′28″N


Stapleton International (DEN) .. 39°46′22″N


Des Moines, IA:Des Moines Municipal (DSM) .. 41°32′06″


WDetroit, MI:

Detroit City (DET) ..................... 42°24′33″N


Detroit Metro-Wayne County(DTW) ................................... 42°12′55″



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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35

City and airportReference coordinate

Latitude Longitude

Oakland-Pontiac (PTK) ............ 42°39′54″N


Willow Run (YIP) ...................... 42°14′16″N


El Paso, TX:El Paso International (ELP) ...... 31°48′24″


WFlint, MI:

Bishop (FNT) ............................ 42°57′56″N


Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood, FL:Ft. Lauderdale Executive (FXE) 26°11′49″


WFt. Lauderdale-Hollywd Int’l

(FLL) ..................................... 26°04′19″N


Ft. Worth, TX:Meacham (FTW) ...................... 32°49′09″


WFresno, CA:

Chandler Downtown (FCH) ...... 36°43′56″N


Fresno Air Terminal (FAT) ....... 36°46′36″N


Grand Rapids, MI:Kent County Int’l (GRR) ........... 42°52′57″


WHana, HI:

Hana (HNN) .............................. 20°47′56″N


Harrisburg, PA:Capital City (CXY) .................... 40°13′01″


WHarrisburg Int’l (MDT) ............... 40°11′36″


WHartford, CT (Windsor Locks):

Bradley Int’l (BDL) .................... 41°56′20″N


Hartford-Brainard (HFD) ........... 41°44′10″N


Hilo, HI:General Lyman Field (ITO) ...... 19°43′24″


WHonolulu, HI:

Honolulu International (HNL) .... 21°19′20″N


Houston, TX:W.P. Hobby (HOU) ................... 29°38′43″


WD.W. Hooks Memorial (DWH) .. 30°03′50″


WHouston Intercontinental (IAH) 29°58′55″


WIndianapolis, IN:

Indianapolis Int’l (IND) .............. 39°43′32″N


Jacksonville, FL:Craig Municipal (CRG) ............. 30°20′10″


WJacksonville Int’l (JAX) ............. 30°29′33″


WKahului, HI:

Kahului (OGG) .......................... 20°54′07″N


Kailula-Kona, HI:Ke-Ahole (KOA) ........................ 19°44′08″


WKameula, HI:

Waimea-Kohala (MUE) ............ 20°00′16″N


Kansas City, MO-KS:Fairfax Municipal (KCK) ........... 39°08′50″



City and airportReference coordinate

Latitude Longitude

Kansas City Int’l (MCI) ............. 39°17′57″N


Kansas City Municipal Dntn(MKC) .................................... 39°07′24″


WRichard-Gebaur (GBW) ............ 38°50′37″


WKauna Kakai, HI:

Molokai (MKK) .......................... 21°09′22″N


Las Vegas, NV:McCarran Int’l (LAS) ................. 36°04′58″


WLihue, HI:

Lihue (LIH) ................................ 21°58′42″N


Los Angeles, CA:Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena

(BUR) .................................... 34°21′02″N


Catalina (AVX) .......................... 33°24′20N


Long Beach-Daugherty Field(LGB) .................................... 33°49′03″


WLos Angeles Int’l (LAX) ............ 33°56′33″


WOntario Int’l (ONT) .................... 34°03′22″


WSanta Ana-John Wayne-Or-

ange City (SNA) .................... 33°40′32″N


Louisville, KY:Standiford Field (SDF) ............. 38°10′40″


WMemphis, TN:

Memphis Int’l (MEM) ................ 35°02′59″N


Miami, FLA:Miami Int’l (MIA) ....................... 25°47′34″


WOpa Locka (OPF) ..................... 25°54′25″


WTamiami (TMB) ......................... 25°38′51″


WMilwaukee, WI:

General Mitchell (MKE) ............ 42°56′49″N


Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN:Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) ..... 44°53′03″


WMobile, AL:

Bates Field (MOB) .................... 30°41′23″N


Nashville, TN:Nashville Metropolitan (BNA) ... 36°07′37″


WNew Haven, CT:

Tweed-New Haven Municipal(HVN) .................................... 41°15′50″


WNew Orleans, LA:

Lakefront (NEW) ....................... 30°02′33″N


New Orleans Int’l (MSY) .......... 29°59′34″N


Newport News-Hampton,VA:Patrick Henry Int’l (PHF) .......... 37°07′54″


WNew York-Northeast, NJ:

Farmingdale Republic (FRG) ... 40°43′43″N


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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35

City and airportReference coordinate

Latitude Longitude

JFK International (JFK) ............ 40°38′25″N


LaGuardia (LGA) ...................... 40°46′38″N


Long Island-McArthur (ISP) ...... 40°47′44″N


Morristown Municipal (NJ)(MMU) ................................... 40°47′57″


WNewark Int’l (FWR) ................... 40°41′35″


WTeterboro (NJ) (TEB) ............... 40°51′00″


WNorfolk-Portsmouth, VA:

Norfolk Int’l (ORF) .................... 36°53′40″N


Oklahoma City, OK:Wiley Post (DWA) .................... 35°32′03″


WWill Rogers World (OKC) ......... 35°23′35″


WOmaha, NE:

Eppley Airfield (OMA) ............... 41°18′04″N


Orlando, FL:Orlando Executive (ORL) ......... 28°32′43″


WOrlando Int’l (MCO) .................. 28°25′54″


WPhiladelphia, PA-NJ:

Northeast Philadelphia (PNE) .. 40°04′55″N


Philadelphia Int’l (PHC) ............ 39°52′13″N


Phoenix, AZ:Phoenix-Sky Habor Int’l (PHX) 33°26′10″


WScottsdale Municipal (SDC) ..... 33°37′22″


WPittsburgh, PA:

Allegheny County (AGC) .......... 40°21′16″N


Greater Pittsburgh Int’l (PIT) .... 40°29′30″N


Portland, OR:Portland-Hillsboro (HIO) ........... 45°32′26″


WPortland International (PDX) .... 45°35′20″


WPortland-Troutdale (TTD) ......... 45°32′58″


WProvidence-Pawtucket, RI—MA:

North Central State (SFZ) ........ 41°55′15″N


T.F. Green State (PVD) ........... 41°43′31″N


Reno, NV:Reno International (RNO) ........ 39°29′52″


WRichmond, VA:

Byrd International (RIC) ........... 37°30′18″N


Rochester, NY:Rochester-Monroe County

(ROC) .................................... 43°07′08″N


Sacramento, CA:Sacramento Executive (SAC) .. 38°30′45″


WSacramento Metropolitan

(SMF) .................................... 38°41′44″N


City and airportReference coordinate

Latitude Longitude

St. Louis, MO–IL:Spirit of St. Louis (SUS) ........... 38°39′36″


WSt. Louis-Lambert Int’l (STC) ... 38°44′51″


WSt. Petersburg, FL:

Albert Whitted Municipal (SPG) 27°45′53″N


Clearwater Int’l (PIE) ................ 27°54′38″N


Salt Lake City, UT:Salt Lake City Int’l (SLC) .......... 40°47′13″


WSan Antonio, TX:

San Antonio Int’l (SAT) ............ 29°32′00″N


San Bernardino, CA:Ontario Int’l (ONT) .................... 34°03′22″


WSan Diego, CA:

Lindbergh Int’l (SAN) ................ 32°44′01″N


San Francisco-Oakland, CA:Metropolitan Oakland Int’l

(OAK) .................................... 37°43′17″N


San Francisco Int’l (SFO) ......... 37°37′08″N


San Jose, CA:San Jose Int’l (SJC) ................. 37°21′41″


WScranton, PA:

Wilkes-Barre Scranton Int’l(AVP) .................................... 41°20′20″


WSeattle, WA:

King County Int’l (BFI) .............. 47°31′49″N


Seattle-Tacoma Int’l (SEA) ....... 47°26′57″N


Shreveport, LA:Shreveport Downtown (DTN) ... 32°32′23″


WShreveport Regional (SHV) ...... 32°26′48″


WSouth Bend, IN:

Michiana Regional (SBW) ........ 41°42′18″N


Spokane, WA:Grant County (MWH) ............... 47°12′28″


WSpokane Int’l (GEG) ................. 47°37′12″


WSpringfield, MA:

Barnes Municipal (BAF) ........... 42°09′28″N


Westover Field (CEF) ............... 42°11′52″N


Syracuse, NY:Syracuse-Hancock Int’l (SYR) .. 43°06′44″


WTacoma, WA:

Tacoma Narrows (TIW) ............ 47°16′05″N


Tampa, FL:Tampa Int’l (TPA) ..................... 27°58′31″


WToledo, OH:

Toledo Express (TOL) .............. 41°35′15″N


Trenton, NJ-PA:Mercer County (TTN) ............... 40°16′38″



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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35

City and airportReference coordinate

Latitude Longitude

Tucson, AZ:Tucson Int’l (TUS) .................... 32°07′06″


WTulsa, OK:

R.L. Jones, Jr. (RVS) ............... 36°02′18″N


Tulsa Int’l (TUL) ........................ 36°11′54″N


Washington, DC:Dulles International (IAD) ......... 38°56′39″


WNational (DCA) ......................... 38°51′07″


WWichita, KS:

Mid-Continent (ICT) .................. 37°39′00″N


Wilkes-Barre, PA:Wilkes-Barre-Scranton (AVP) ... 41°20′20″


WWilmington, DE:

Gr. Wilm.-New Castle City(ILG) ...................................... 39°40′42″


WWorcester, MA:

Worcester Municipal (ORH) ..... 42°16′02″N


Youngstown-Warren, OH-PA:Youngstown Municipal (YNG) .. 41°15′32″



(62) This frequency may be assignedto fixed stations in the Industrial/Busi-ness Pool in accordance with the provi-sions of § 90.261.

(63) Within the boundaries of urban-ized areas of 200,000 or more popu-lation, defined in the United StatesCensus of Population, 1960, vol. 1, table23, page 1–50, this frequency may beused only by persons rendering a cen-tral station commercial protectionservice within the service area of theradio station utilizing the frequencyand may be used only for communica-tions pertaining to safety of life andproperty, and for maintenance or test-ing of the protection facilities. CentralStation commercial protection serviceis defined as an electrical protectionand supervisory service rendered to thepublic from and by a central stationaccepted and certified by one or moreof the recognized rating agencies, orthe Underwriters Laboratories’ (UL),or Factory Mutual System. Other sta-tions in the Industrial/Business Poolmay be licensed on this frequency onlywhen all base, mobile relay and controlstations are located at least 120 km (75miles) from the city center or centersof the specified urbanized areas of200,000 or more population. With re-spect to combination urbanized areas

containing more than one city, 120 km(75 mile) separation shall be main-tained from each city center which isincluded in the urbanized area. The lo-cations of centers of cities are deter-mined from appendix, page 226, of theU.S. Commerce publication ‘‘Air LineDistance Between Cities in the UnitedStates.’’

(64) Persons who render a central sta-tion commercial protection service areauthorized to operate fixed stations onthis frequency for the transmission oftone or impulse signals on a secondary,noninterference base-to-base/mobileoperations subject to the followingconditions and limitations:

(i) Secondary fixed operations maybe used only for the following purposes:

(A) Indication of equipment malfunc-tion;

(B) Actuation of a device to indicatethe presence of an intruder, fire, orother hazardous condition on the prop-erty under the protection of the li-censee;

(C) Indication of an abnormal condi-tion in facilities under the protectionof the licensee that, if not promptly re-ported, would result in danger tohuman life;

(D) Transmission, as may be nec-essary, to verify status of equipment;adjust operating conditions; or correctany abnormal condition; or

(E) Confirmation of status, or that anoperation or correction has been ac-complished.

(ii) The maximum duration of anyone non-voice signal may not exceed 2seconds and shall not be transmittedmore than three times.

(iii) Systems employing automaticinterrogation shall be limited to non-voice techniques and shall not be acti-vated for this purpose more than 10seconds out of any 60-second period.This 10-second frame includes bothtransmit and response times.

(iv) The bandwidth shall not exceedthat authorized to the licensee for theprimary operation on the frequencyconcerned.

(v) Frequency loading resulting fromthe use of secondary signaling will notbe considered in whole or in part as ajustification for authorizing additionalfrequencies in the licensee’s mobilesystem.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.35

(vi) A mobile service frequency maynot be used exclusively for secondarysignaling.

(vii) The output power shall not ex-ceed 30 watts (at the remote site).

(viii) A1D, A2D, F1D, or F2D emissionmay be authorized.

(ix) The transmitter shall be designedto deactivate automatically after 3minutes of continuous carrier radi-ation.

(x) Operational fixed stations author-ized under this paragraph are exemptfrom the requirements of §§ 90.137(b),90.429(d), 90.425 and 90.433.

(xi) On these frequencies, base, mo-bile relay or mobile stations maytransmit secondary tone or impulsesignals to receivers, as provided in thissection.

(65) Licensees providing a central sta-tion commercial protection servicemay communicate with police or firestations, or vehicles, on this frequency,and may install licensed transmittingunits which operate on this frequencyat police or fire stations, or in police orfire vehicles, if the frequency’s primaryuse is in a base/mobile system for acentral station commercial protectionservice.

(66) This frequency may be assignedonly to persons rendering a central sta-tion commercial protection service,which is defined in paragraph (c)(63) ofthis section, within the service area ofthe radio station utilizing the fre-quency.

(67) Use of this frequency is on a sec-ondary basis and subject to the provi-sions of § 90.267 (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5), and(a)(7).

(68) Maximum permissible power out-put for stations on airports is 3 watts.Each station authorized on this fre-quency will be classified and licensedas a mobile station. Any units of sucha station, however, may provide thefunctions of a base station on a second-ary basis to mobile service operationsprovided that the vertical separationbetween the control point or groundlevel and the center of the radiatingportion of the antenna of any units soused shall not exceed 8 m (25 ft.).

(69) This frequency may be used on asecondary, non-interference basis by ahospital or health care institutionholding a license to operate a radio sta-

tion under this part to operate a medi-cal radio telemetry device with an out-put power not to exceed 20 milliwattswithout specific authorization from theCommission.

(70) Subpart L of this part containsrules for assignment of frequencies inthe 470–512 MHz band.

(71) Subpart S of this part containsrules for assignment of frequencies inthe 806–821/851–866 and 896–901/935–940MHz bands.

(72) Assignment of frequencies above928 MHz for operational-fixed stationsis governed by part 101 of this chapter.

(73) Frequencies in this band areavailable only for one-way paging oper-ations in accordance with § 90.494.

(74) Available only on a shared basiswith stations in other services, andsubject to no protection from inter-ference due to the operation of indus-trial, scientific, or medical (ISM) de-vices. In the 2483.5–2500 MHz band, noapplications for new or modification toexisting stations to increase the num-ber of transmitters will be accepted.Existing licensees as of July 25, 1985, oron a subsequent date following as a re-sult of submitting an application for li-cense on or before July 25, 1985, aregrandfathered and their operation isco-primary with the Radiodetermin-ation Satellite Service.

(75) Use of frequencies in this band islimited to developmental operationand is subject to the provisions of sub-part Q of this part.

(76) The frequencies in the band 10.55–10.68 GHz are available for Digital Ter-mination Systems and for associatedintermodal links in the Point-to-PointMicrowave Service. No new licenseswill be issued under this subpart butcurrent licenses will be renewed.

(77) All communications on this fre-quency must be conducted within theboundaries or confines of the licensee’sbusiness premises.

(78) Base and mobile stations author-ized as of April 1, 1968, may continue tobe authorized for such operation on asecondary basis to the Maritime Mo-bile Service. The licensees of such sta-tions may renew, modify, reinstate, orassign their licenses in those caseswhere such assignment accompanies achange of ownership of the licensee’s

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.35

business to the assignee, and may ex-pand existing systems when using thatfrequency; however, they will not beauthorized to establish any new sys-tems.

(d) Additional frequencies available. Inaddition to the frequencies shown inthe frequency table of this section, thefollowing frequencies are available inthis service. (See also § 90.253.)

(1) Frequencies may be substitutedfor those available below 25 MHz in ac-cordance with the provisions of § 90.263.

(2) Frequencies in the band 73.0–74.6MHz may be assigned to stations au-thorized their use on or before Decem-ber 1, 1961, but no new stations will beauthorized in this band, nor will expan-sion of existing systems be permitted.(See also § 90.257.)

(3) Frequencies in the 421–430 MHzband are available in the Detroit,Cleveland, and Buffalo areas in accord-ance with the rules in §§ 90.273 through90.281.

(4) The following frequencies areavailable only in Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands. These ‘‘Base and Mo-bile’’ and ‘‘Mobile only’’ frequenciesare available on a shared basis with thePublic Safety Pool. These ‘‘Mobileonly’’ frequencies may be assigned to acontrol station associated with a mo-bile relay system if it is also assignedto the associated mobile station.

Base and mobile Mobileonly

159.240 ................................................................ 160.410159.2475 .............................................................. 160.4175159.255 ................................................................ 160.425159.2625 .............................................................. 160.4325159.270 ................................................................ 160.440159.2775 .............................................................. 160.4475159.285 ................................................................ 160.455159.2925 .............................................................. 160.4625159.300 ................................................................ 160.470159.3075 .............................................................. 160.4775159.315 ................................................................ 160.485159.3225 .............................................................. 160.4925159.330 ................................................................ 160.500159.3375 .............................................................. 160.5075159.345 ................................................................ 160.515159.3525 .............................................................. 160.5225159.360 ................................................................ 160.530159.3675 .............................................................. 160.5375159.375 ................................................................ 160.545159.3825 .............................................................. 160.5525159.390 ................................................................ 160.560159.3975 .............................................................. 160.5675159.405 ................................................................ 160.575159.4125 .............................................................. 160.5825159.420 ................................................................ 160.590159.4275 .............................................................. 160.5975159.435 ................................................................ 160.605

Base and mobile Mobileonly

159.4425 .............................................................. 160.6125

(5) Low power mobile stations of 100mw or less output power used for one-way, non-voice medical telemetry oper-ations in hospitals or in medical con-valescent centers are subject to theprovisions of § 90.238.

(6) The frequency band 33.00–33.01MHz may be used for developmentaloperations subject to the provisions ofsubpart Q of this part. Any type ofemission other than pulsed emissionmay be used if the bandwidth occupiedby the emission is contained within theassigned frequency band.

(e) Limitation on number of frequenciesassignable. Normally only one fre-quency, or pair of frequencies in thepaired frequency mode of operation,will be assigned for mobile service op-erations by a single applicant in agiven area. The assignment of an addi-tional frequency or pair of frequencieswill be made only upon a satisfactoryshowing of need, except that:

(1) Additional frequencies above 25MHz may be assigned in connectionwith operation of mobile repeaters inaccordance with § 90.247 notwithstand-ing this limitation.

(2) Frequencies in the ranges 30.56–30.57 MHz, 35.00–35.01 MHz, 35.99–36.00MHz, and 37.00–37.01 MHz are availablefor developmental operation by appli-cants in this service subject to the pro-visions of subpart Q of this part, not-withstanding this limitation.

(3) Frequencies in the 25–50 MHz, 150–170 MHz, 450–512 MHz and 902–928 MHzbands may be assigned for the oper-ation of Location and Monitoring Serv-ice (LMS) systems in accordance withthe provisions of subpart M of thispart, notwithstanding this limitation.

(4) Authorizations for multiple fre-quencies for geophysical operationswill be granted on the frequencies gov-erned by the limitations in paragraphs(c) (3) and (4) of this section notwith-standing this limitation. However,each geophysical exploration partymay only use a maximum of four fre-quencies at any one time.

(5) Authorization for more than onemobile frequency in the band 72–76 MHz

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.103

will be issued notwithstanding thislimitation.

(6) This limitation shall not apply toparagraph (c)(1) of this section.

(7) Frequencies in the 457 and 467MHz bands may be assigned collec-tively as provided by paragraph (c)(60)of this section notwithstanding thislimitation.

(f) Limitation on itinerant operation.Base or mobile stations being utilizedin itinerant operation will be author-ized only on base or mobile frequenciesdesignated for itinerant operationunder paragraphs (c)(10) or (c)(17) ofthis section, or on other frequenciesnot designated for permanent use.

(g) The frequencies 10–490 kHz areused to operate electric utility PowerLine Carrier (PLC) systems on powertransmission lines for communicationsessential to the reliability and securityof electric service to the public, in ac-cordance with part 15 of this chapter.Any electric utility that generates,transmits, or distributes electrical en-ergy for use by the general public or bythe members of a cooperative organiza-tion may operate PLC systems andshall supply to a Federal Communica-tions Commission/National Tele-communications and Information Ad-ministration recognized industry-oper-ated entity, information on all exist-ing, changes to existing, and proposedsystems for inclusion in a data base.Such information shall include the fre-quency, power, location of transmit-ter(s), location of receivers and othertechnical and operational parameters,which would characterize the system’spotential both to interfere with au-thorized radio users, and to receiveharmful interference from these users.In an agreed upon format, the indus-try-operated entity shall inform theNTIA and the FCC of these systemcharacteristics prior to implementa-tion of any proposed PLC system andshall provide monthly or periodic listswith supplements of PLC systems. TheFCC and NTIA will supply appropriateapplication and licensing informationto the notification activity regardingauthorized radio stations operating inthe band. PLC systems in this band op-erate on a noninterference basis toradio systems assigned frequencies bythe NTIA or licensed by the FCC and

are not protected from interference dueto these radio operations.

[62 FR 18874, Apr. 17, 1997, as amended at 63FR 36608, July 7, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36608,July 7, 1998, § 90.35, paragraph (c)(22) wasamended by removing the term ‘‘type accept-ed’’ and adding in its place ‘‘certificated’’, ef-fective Oct. 5, 1998.

Subparts D— E [Reserved]

Subpart F—Radiolocation Service§ 90.101 Scope.

The Radiolocation Service accommo-dates the use of radio methods for de-termination of direction, distance,speed, or position for purposes otherthan navigation. Rules as to eligibilityfor licensing, permissible communica-tions, frequency available, and any spe-cial requirements are set forth in§ 90.103. Provisions for the Location andMonitoring Service (LMS) are con-tained in subpart M of this part.

[60 FR 15252, Mar. 23, 1995]

§ 90.103 Radiolocation Service.(a) Eligibility. The following persons

are eligible for authorizations in theRadiolocation Service to operate sta-tions to determine distance, direction,speed, or position by means of radio-location devices, for purposes otherthan navigation:

(1) Any person engaged in a commer-cial, industrial, scientific, educational,or local government activity

(2) A corporation or association thatwill furnish radiolocation service toother persons.

(3) A corporation that will furnish anonprofit radio communication serviceto its parent corporation, to anothersubsidiary of the same parent, or to itsown subsidiary where the party to beserved is regularly engaged in any ofthe eligibility activities set forth inthis paragraph.

(b) Frequencies available. The follow-ing table indicates frequencies avail-able for assignment to stations in theRadiolocation Service, together withthe class of station(s) to which theyare normally assigned, and the specificassignment limitations, which are ex-plained in paragraph (c) of this section:

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.103


Frequency or band Class of station(s) Limitation


70 to 90 ................... Radiolocation land ormobile.


90 to 110 ..................... Radiolocation land ...... 2110 to 130 ................... Radiolocation land or


1605 to 1715 ............... ......do .......................... 4, 5, 6, 28,and 29.

1715 to 1750 ............... ......do .......................... 5, 61750 to 1800 ............... ......do .......................... 5, 6, 71900 to 1950 ............... ......do .......................... 6, 25, 26,

27, and30.

1950 to 2000 ............... ......do .......................... 6, 25, 27,and 30.

3230 to 3400 ............... ......do .......................... 6, 8


420 to 450 ............... ......do .......................... 212450 to 2500 ............... ......do .......................... 9, 22, 232900 to 3100 ............... ......do .......................... 10, 113100 to 3300 ............... ......do .......................... 123300 to 3500 ............... ......do .......................... 12, 133500 to 3700 ............... ......do .......................... 125250 to 5350 ............... ......do .......................... 125350 to 5460 ............... ......do .......................... 10, 145460 to 5470 ............... ......do .......................... 10, 155470 to 5600 ............... ......do .......................... 10, 115600 to 5650 ............... ......do .......................... 10, 168500 to 9000 ............... ......do .......................... 12, 179000 to 9200 ............... ......do .......................... 10, 149200 to 9300 ............... ......do .......................... 129300 to 9500 ............... ......do .......................... 10, 15, 189500 to 10,000 ............ ......do .......................... 1210,000 to 10,500 ......... ......do .......................... 12, 13, 1910,500 to 10,550 ......... ......do .......................... 20, 22, 2413,400 to 13,750 ......... ......do .......................... 1213,750 to 14,000 ......... ......do .......................... 3115,700 to 17,700 ......... ......do .......................... 1224,050 to 24,250 ......... ......do .......................... 12, 22, 2433,400 to 36,000 ......... ......do .......................... 12

(c) Explanation of assignment limita-tions appearing in the frequency tableof paragraph (b) of this section:

(1) This frequency band is sharedwith and stations operating in this fre-quency band in this service are on asecondary basis to stations licensed inthe International Fixed Service andthe Maritime Mobile Service.

(2) This frequency band is sharedwith and stations operating in this fre-quency band in this service are on asecondary basis to the LORAN Naviga-tion System; all operations are limitedto radiolocation lands stations in ac-cordance with footnote US104, § 2.106 ofthis chapter.

(3) [Reserved](4) Non-Government radiolocation

service in this band is on a secondarybasis to stations in the Aeronautical

Radionavigation Service operating on1638 or 1708 kHz.

(5) Station assignments on fre-quencies in this band will be made sub-ject to the conditions that the maxi-mum output power shall not exceed 375watts and the maximum authorizedbandwidth shall not exceed 2 kHz.

(6) Because of the operation of sta-tions having priority on the same oradjacent frequencies in this or in othercountries, frequency assignments inthis band may either be unavailable ofmay be subject to certain technical ofoperational limitations. Therefore, ap-plications for frequency assignments inthis band shall include informationconcerning the transmitter outputpower; the type and directional charac-teristics of the antenna and the mini-mum hours of operation (GMT).

(7) This band is shared with the Dis-aster Communications Service (part 99)and operations are on a secondary basisto that service between local sunsetand local sunrise, or at any time dur-ing an actual or imminent disaster.Local sunrise and sunset times shall bederived from the 1946 American Nau-tical Almanac. Each frequency assign-ment in this band is on an exclusivebasis within the daytime primary serv-ice area to which assigned. The day-time primary service area is the areawhere the signal intensities are ade-quate for radiolocation purposes duringthe hours from sunrise to sunset fromall stations in the radiolocation systemof which the station in question is apart; that is, the primary service areaof the station coincides with the pri-mary service area of the system. Thenormal minimum geographical separa-tion between stations of different li-censees shall be at least 580 km. (360mi.) when the stations are operated onthe same frequency or on different fre-quencies separated by less than 3 kHz.Where geographical separation of lessthan 580 km. (360 mi.) is desired underthese circumstances it must be shownthat the desired separation will resultin protection ratio of at least 20 deci-bels throughout the daytime primaryservice area of other stations. Applica-tions in this band are placed on publicnotice in accordance with § 1.962 of thischapter. Where the number of appli-cants requesting authority to serve an

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.103

area exceeds the number of frequenciesavailable for assignment; or where itappears that fewer applicants or licens-ees than the number before it should begiven authority to serve a particulararea; or where it appears that an appli-cant, either directly or indirectly,seeks to use more than 25 kHz of theavailable spectrum space in this band,the applications may be designated forhearing.

(8) Frequencies in this band may onlybe assigned to radiolocation stationswhich are also assigned frequencies inthe 1605–1800 kHz band, provided theuse of frequencies in this band is nec-essary for the proper functioning of theparticular radiolocation system. Oper-ations in this band are on a secondarybasis to stations operating in accord-ance with the Commission’s table offrequency allocations contained in§ 2.106 of this chapter.

(9) This band is allocated to theRadiolocation Service on a secondarybasis to other fixed or mobile servicesand must accept any harmful inter-ference that may be experienced fromsuch services or from the industrial,scientific, and medical (ISM) equip-ment operating in accordance withpart 18 of this chapter. In the 2483.5–2500 MHz band, no applications for newor modification to existing stations toincrease the number of transmitterswill be accepted. Existing licensees asof July 25, 1985, or on a subsequent datefollowing as a result of submitting anapplication for license on or beforeJuly 25, 1985, are grandfathered andtheir operation is co-primary with theRadiodetermination Satellite Service.

(10) Speed measuring devices will notbe authorized in this band.

(11) This frequency band is sharedwith and is on a secondary basis to theMaritime Radionavigation Stations(part 80) and to the Government Radio-location Service.

(12) This frequency is shared with andis on a secondary basis to the Govern-ment Radiolocation Service.

(13) Operations in this band are lim-ited to survey operations using trans-mitters with a peak power not to ex-ceed 5 watts into the antenna.

(14) This frequency band is sharedwith and is on a secondary basis to theAeronautical Radionavigation Service

(part 87) and to the Government Radio-location Service.

(15) The non-Government Radio-location Service in this band is second-ary to the Maritime RadionavigationStations (part 80), the AeronauticalRadionavigation Service (part 87) andthe Government Radiolocation Service.

(16) This frequency band is sharedwith and is on a secondary basis to theMaritime Radionavigation Stations(part 80) and the Government Meteoro-logical Aids Service.

(17) Operation in this frequency bandis on a secondary basis to airborneDoppler radars at 8800 MHz.

(18) Radiolocation installations willbe coordinated with the GovernmentMeteorological Aids Service, and inso-far as practicable, will be adjusted tomeet the needs of that service.

(19) Operations in this band are on asecondary basis to the Amateur RadioService (part 97). Pulsed emissions areprohibited.

(20) This band is restricted to radio-location systems using type N0N emis-sion with a power not to exceed 40watts into the antenna.

(21) Non-Government radiolocationstations in the band are secondary tothe Government Radiolocation Service,the Amateur Radio Service and theAmateur-Satellite Service. Pulse-rang-ing radiolocation stations in this bandmay be authorized along the shorelinesof Alaska and the contiguous 48 states.Radiolocation stations using spreadspectrum techniques may be author-ized in the band 420–435 MHz for oper-ation within the contiguous 48 statesand Alaska. Also, stations using spreadspectrum techniques shall be limitedto a maximum output power of 50watts, shall be subject to the applica-ble technical standards in § 90.209 untilsuch time as more definitive standardsare adopted by the Commission andshall identify in accordance with§ 90.425(c)(3). Authorizations will begranted on a case-by-case basis; how-ever, operations proposed to be locatedwithin the zones set forth in § 90.177(e)should not expect to be accommodated.

(22) For frequencies 2455, 10,525, and24,125 MHz unmodulated continuouswave (NON) emission only shall be em-ployed and a frequency stability of atleast 0.2 percent shall be maintained.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.103

Such stations shall be exempt from therequirements of §§ 90.403(c) and (f) and90.429.

(23) Devices designed to operate asfield disturbance sensors on fre-quencies between 2450 and 2500 MHzwith a field strength equal to or lessthan 50,000 microvolts per meter at 30meters, on a fundamental frequency,will not be licensed or certificated foruse under this part. Such equipmentmust comply with the requirements forfield disturbance sensors as set forth inpart 15 of this chapter.

(24) Devices designed to operate asfield disturbance sensors on fre-quencies between 10,500 and 10,550 MHzand between 24,050 and 24,250 MHz, withfield strength equal to or less than250,000 microvolts per meter at 30 me-ters, on the fundamental frequency,will not be licensed or certificated foruse under this part. Such equipmentmust comply with the requirements forfield disturbance sensors as set forth inpart 15 of this chapter.

(25) Station assignments on fre-quencies in this band will be made sub-ject to the conditions that the maxi-mum output power shall not exceed 375watts and the maximum authorizedbandwidth shall not exceed 1.0 kHz.

(26) Each frequency assignment inthis band is on an exclusive basis with-in the primary service area to whichassigned. The primary service area isthe area where the signal intensitiesare adequate for radiolocation purposesfrom all stations in the radiolocationsystem of which the station in questionis a part; that is, the primary servicearea of the station coincides with theprimary service area of the system.The normal minimum geographicalseparation between stations of dif-ferent licensees shall be at least 1931km (1200 miles) when the stations areoperated on the same frequency or ondifferent frequencies separated by lessthan 1.0 kHz. Where geographical sepa-ration of less than 1931 km (1200 miles)is requested under these cir-cumstances, it must be shown that thedesired separation will result in a pro-tection ratio of at least 20 decibelsthroughout the primary service area ofother stations.

(27) Notwithstanding the bandwidthlimitations otherwise set forth in this

section of the rules, wideband systemsdesiring to operate in this band mayuse such bandwidth as is necessary forproper operation of the system pro-vided that the field strength does notexceed 120 microvolts per meter persquare root Hertz (120 uv/m/Hz1⁄2) at 1.6km (1 mile). Such wideband operationsshall be authorized on a secondarybasis to stations operating within oth-erwise applicable technical standards.Applications for wideband systems inthis band will be accepted beginningDecember 15, 1985.

(28) Since the 1605–1705 kHz band hasbeen reallocated for AM broadcasting,no new assignments in the 1605–1705kHz portion of this band shall be madeafter September 30, 1985.

(29) Beginning July 1, 1987, licenseesof existing systems authorized fre-quencies in the 1605–1705 kHz portion ofthis band may request modification oftheir authorizations to change fre-quencies to the 1900–2000 kHz band.

(30) Until July 1, 1988, this band willbe available only for licensees of exist-ing systems operating in the 1605–1705kHz portion of the 1605–1715 kHz bandrequesting modification of their au-thorizations to change frequencies tothis band and for licensees of widebandsystems. On July 1, 1988, requests fornew station authorizations in this bandwill be accepted and, if necessary, willbe subject to the random selection pro-cedures outlined in § 1.972 of the Com-mission’s Rules.

(31) This frequency band is sharedwith and is on secondary basis to theFixed-Satellite Service and to the Gov-ernment’s Radiolocation, Space Re-search and Earth Exploration-SatelliteServices. After January 1, 2000, theGovernment’s Space Research andEarth Exploration-Satellite Servicesshall operate on a co-equal secondarybasis with the non-Government Radio-location Service, except that grand-fathered space stations in the Trackingand Data Relay Satellite System shallcontinue to be protected from harmfulinterference.

(d) Other additional frequencies avail-able. Radiolocation stations in thisservice may be authorized, on request,to use frequencies allocated exclusivelyto Federal Government stations, inthose instances where the Commission

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.119

finds, after consultation with the ap-propriate Government agency or agen-cies, that such assignment is necessaryor required for coordination with Gov-ernment activities.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978]

EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-tations affecting § 90.103, see the List of CFRSections Affected in the Finding Aids sec-tion of this volume.

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36608,July 7, 1998, § 90.103, paragraphs (c)(23) and(c)(24) were amended by removing the term‘‘type accepted’’ and adding in its place ‘‘cer-tificated’’, effective Oct. 5, 1998.

Subpart G—Applications andAuthorizations

§ 90.111 Scope.This subpart contains the procedures

and requirements for the submission orfiling of applications for authority tooperate radio facilities under this part.The procedures described as those uti-lized by the Commission after receiv-ing filed applications.

[51 FR 14996, Apr. 22, 1986]

§ 90.113 Station authorization re-quired.

No radio transmitter shall be oper-ated in the services governed by thispart except under and in accordancewith a proper authorization granted bythe Commission.

§ 90.115 Foreign government and alieneligibility.

(a) No station authorization in theradio services governed by this partshall be granted to or held by a foreigngovernment or its representative.

(b) No station authorization in theradio services governed by this partshall be granted to or held by an entityproviding or seeking to provide com-mercial mobile radio services (exceptsuch entities meeting the requirementsof § 20.9(c) of this chapter) if such en-tity is:

(1) An alien or the representative ofany alien;

(2) A corporation organized under thelaws of any foreign government;

(3) A corporation of which more thanone-fifth of the capital stock is ownedof record or voted by aliens or their

representatives or by a foreign govern-ment or representative thereof, or byany corporation organized under thelaws of a foreign country;

(4) A corporation directly or indi-rectly controlled by any other corpora-tion of which more than one-fourth ofthe capital stock is owned of record orvoted by aliens, their representatives,or by a foreign government or rep-resentative thereof, or by any corpora-tion organized under the laws of a for-eign country, if the Commission findsthat the public interest will be servedby the refusal or revocation of such li-cense.

[59 FR 59957, Nov. 21, 1994, as amended at 61FR 55581, Oct. 28, 1996]

§ 90.117 Applications for radio stationor radio system authorizations.

Persons desiring a radio station orradio system authorization must firstsubmit the appropriate application(s).Prescribed application forms are listedin § 90.119. The Forms may be obtainedfrom the Washington, DC office of theCommission, its Gettysburg, PA office,or from any of its engineering field of-fices. (See § 90.145 for information re-garding special temporary authoriza-tions.) Applicants for new stationscomprising a land mobile radio systemas defined in § 90.7 of this part, or appli-cants modifying or renewing a stationthat is a part of a system, may file anapplication for a system authorization.

[47 FR 57051, Dec. 22, 1982]

§ 90.119 Application forms.The following application forms shall

be used—(a) Form 600 shall be used to apply:(1) For new base, fixed, or mobile sta-

tion authorizations governed by thispart.

(2) For system authorizations, wherethe system meets the requirements of§ 90.117.

(i) Application for a radio systemmay be submitted on a single Form 600.

(ii) If the control station(s) will oper-ate on the same frequency as the mo-bile station, and if the height of thecontrol station(s) antenna(s) will notexceed 6.1 meters (20 feet) above groundor an existing man-made structure(other than an antenna structure),

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.121

there is no limit on the number of suchstations which may be authorized. Ap-propriate items on Form 600 shall becompleted showing the frequency, thestation class, the total number of con-trol stations, the emission, and theoutput power of the highest poweredcontrol station. Applicants for all con-trol stations in the 470–512 MHz bandmust furnish the information requestedin the relevant items in Form 600.

(3) For modification or for modifica-tion and renewal of an existing author-ization. See § 90.135.

(4) For the Commission’s consent tothe assignment of an authorization toanother person or entity, except for au-thorization to provide commercial mo-bile radio service. In addition, the ap-plication shall be accompanied by aletter from the assignor setting forthhis or her desire to assign all right,title, and interest in and to such au-thorization, stating the call sign andlocation of the station, and statingthat the assignor will submit his or hercurrent station authorization for can-cellation upon completion of the as-signment. Form 1046 may be used inlieu of this letter.

(5) For reinstatement of an expiredlicense. See also paragraphs (b)(1) and(e) of this section.

(b) Form 405–A shall be used to:(1) Apply for license reinstatement or

renewal if the reinstatement or re-newal does not involve the modifica-tion of the station or system license.

(2) Notify the Commission of achange in the licensee’s name or mail-ing address that occurs during the li-cense term. See § 90.135(b).

(3) Notify the Commission that thelicensee has discontinued station oper-ation and wishes to cancel the license.See § 90.157.

(c) Form 490 shall be used wheneverit is proposed that a licensee for a com-mercial mobile radio service in thispart change, as by transfer of stockownership, the control of a corporatelicensee or for the Commission’s con-sent to an assignment of an authoriza-tion to another person or entity.

(d) Form 572, Temporary Permit toOperate a Part 90 Radio Station,should be properly executed if the ap-plicant is eligible and desires to oper-ate his or her station pending the proc-

essing of his or her formal application.See also §§ 90.159, and 90.657.

(e) Form 574–R shall be used to applyfor renewal of an existing authoriza-tion and may be used to apply for rein-statement of an expired license, if therenewal or reinstatement does not in-volve the modification of the station orsystem license. (Form 574–R is gen-erated by the Commission and mailedto the licensee prior to the expirationof the license term.)

[59 FR 59957, Nov. 21, 1994]

§ 90.121 Canadian registration.

Form 410 shall be filed by Canadianlicensees desiring to operate in theUnited States under the terms of Arti-cle 2 and 3 of the Convention betweenthe United States and Canada concern-ing operation of Certain Radio Equip-ment or Stations (which entered intoforce May 15, 1952). This form may beobtained from the Department of Com-munications, Ottawa, Canada. That de-partment should also be consulted byU.S. licensees desiring to operate inCanada.

§ 90.123 Full disclosures.

(a) Each application shall containfull and complete disclosures with re-gard to the real party or parties in in-terest and as to all matters required tobe disclosed by the application forms.

(b) Each application shall be clearand complete in itself without crossreference to information previouslyfiled. An application for modificationof an existing station must show inprecise detail all particulars of the de-sired operation, including those not af-fected by the modification.

(c) Each application for digital voiceemission shall only be made with theunderstanding that the applicant is re-sponsible to disclose current encodinginformation to an FCC official at anytime after station authorization. Dis-closure shall be only upon request ofthe FCC official, and only for enforce-ment purposes. All authorizations fordigital voice systems are issued subjectto this requirement.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 47FR 15340, Apr. 9, 1982]

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.129

§ 90.125 Who may sign applications.See part 1 of this chapter, § 1.913, for

practices and procedures governing sig-natures on license applications.

[58 FR 21407, Apr. 21, 1993]

§ 90.127 Submission and filing of appli-cations.

(a) All applications for private landmobile licenses that require both fre-quency coordination and fees as setforth at part 1, subpart G of this chap-ter shall first be sent to a certified co-ordinator for the radio pool concernedas specified in §§ 90.20(c)(2) and90.35(b)(2). After the appropriate co-ordination and attachment of the stat-utory fee, such applications shall beforwarded to the appropriate address inaccordance with § 0.401(b) of the rules.A list of the certified frequency coordi-nators may be obtained from the Fed-eral Communications Commission,Gettysburg, PA 17326.

(1) All applications for private landmobile licenses that require frequencycoordination but not a fee shall be sentto a certified coordinator for the radiopool concerned as specified in§§ 90.20(c)(2) and 90.35(b)(2). After theappropriate coordination, such applica-tions shall be forwarded to the FederalCommunications Commission, Gettys-burg, PA 17326.

(2) All applications for private landmobile licenses that require a fee butnot frequency coordination shall besent to the appropriate address in ac-cordance with § 0.401(b) of the rules.

(3) All applications for private landmobile licenses that do not require ei-ther frequency coordination or a feeshall be sent to the Federal Commu-nications Commission, Gettysburg, PA17326.

(b) Unless otherwise specified, an ap-plication should be filed at least 60days prior to the desired date of Com-mission action. Applications for re-newal should be filed no more than 90days nor less than 30 days prior to theend of the license term. When timelyand sufficient application for renewalof the license has been made, the li-cense shall not expire until Commis-sion action on the application has beencompleted. Application for license rein-statement must be filed no later than

thirty (30) days after the expirationdate of the license. See § 1.4 of thischapter.

(c) Each application shall limit itsrequest for authorized mobile trans-mitters and paging receivers to:

(1) Mobile transmitters and pagingreceivers that will be installed and op-erated immediately after authorizationissuance.

(2) Mobile transmitters and pagingreceivers for which purchase ordershave already been signed and whichwill be in use within eight months ofthe authorization date.

(d) Failure on the part of the appli-cant to provide all information re-quired by the application form or tosupply the necessary exhibits or sup-plementary statements may constitutea defect in the application.

(e) All applications for modificationof license and renewal of license mustinclude the number of mobile transmit-ters and paging receivers in use on thelicensed facilities.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 43FR 59071, Dec. 19, 1978; 44 FR 27995, May 14,1979; 47 FR 41044, Sept. 16, 1982; 51 FR 14996,Apr. 22, 1986; 52 FR 10231, Mar. 31, 1987; 54 FR39739, Sept. 28, 1989; 56 FR 65858, Dec. 19, 1991;57 FR 48739, Oct. 28, 1992; 62 FR 18924, Apr. 17,1997]

§ 90.129 Supplemental information tobe routinely submitted with appli-cations.

Each application received by theCommission must be accompanied bythe applicable information listedbelow:

(a) Evidence of frequency coordina-tion as required by § 90.175.

(b) Description of any equipment pro-posed to be used if it is not approvedfor use under this part.

(c) A functional system diagram anda detailed description of the manner inwhich the interrelated stations will op-erate, if the station is part of a systeminvolving two or more stations at dif-ferent fixed locations.

(d) Applicants proposing to sharetheir authorized transmitters pursuantto § 90.179 shall so indicate in their ap-plication.

(e) Applicants proposing to constructa radio station in the vicinity of radioastronomy observatories in West Vir-ginia; on the islands of Puerto Rico,

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.129

Desecheo, Mona, Vieques, and Culebra;or in the vicinity of a radio receivingzone in Colorado must submit thestatements prescribed by § 90.177.

(f) Statements required in connectionwith developmental operation, as spec-ified in § 90.505.

(g) The environmental assessment re-quired by §§ 1.1307 and 1.1311 of therules, if applicable.

(h) Requests for authorization tocommunicate with foreign stations inaccordance with § 90.20(b) or § 90.417;

(i) Showings required in connectionwith the use of frequencies as specifiedin subppart S.

(j) Any other statements or otherdata specifically required under specialcircumstances which are set forth inthe applicable subpart of this part, bythe particular form on which the appli-cation is filed or upon request by theCommission.

(k) If the applicant proposes to use amultiple-licensed transmitter, he mustprovide the name of the owner and thenames and call signs of any other li-censees of that transmitter.

(l) Applicants for new land stationsto be interconnected with the publicswitched telephone network must indi-cate on their applications that theirstations will be interconnected.

(m) Applicants requesting licenses tooperate on frequencies pursuant to§ 90.20(d)(6) must submit disaster com-munications plans containing the fol-lowing information:

(1) A system network/system use dia-gram including a showing of emergencypower and methods of deployment toall parts of the State or insular area;

(2) A designation of the responsiblegovernmental authority within theState or insular area who will be thecontrolling agency for the licensee;

(3) A schedule of proposed drills and/or exercises by the participants;

(4) The number of frequencies in eachband, and the type of emission requiredby the applicant;

(5) The distances expected to be cov-ered within that State or insular area;

(6) The adjacent states and insularareas expected to be communicatedwith during a regional disaster oremergency;

(7) The point of contact for emer-gencies involving more than one Stateor insular area;

(8) The common frequency band(s)and number of frequencies in each bandrequired for interstate communication,and the point(s) of contact for these ad-jacent States or insular areas;

(9) The format and emission param-eters of radio teletype transmissions tobe used for interstate communications.

(n) All applications for renewal ofbase/mobile station licenses by licens-ees who also operate wildlife trackingtelemetry transmitters, as described in§ 90.20(f)(7), must include a statementdetailing the number of units in serv-ice, by frequency, on Public SafetyPool frequencies at the time the re-newal application is filed.

(o) Applicants requesting licenses tooperate on frequencies pursuant to§ 90.35(c)(1) must submit communica-tions plans containing the following in-formation:

(1) A description of the communica-tion requirement sufficient to dem-onstrate that no alternative to the linkis appropriate and that there is no rea-sonable way to abbreviate the link;

(2) The frequency bands and the num-ber of frequencies necessary for thelink(s);

(3) The name and phone number ofthe person(s) responsible for ceasingoperations of the licensee’s stations inthe event of interference; and,

(4) Where the link(s) provides astandby backup circuit for anothercommunications circuit, a brief de-scription of the supported circuit andits vulnerability to disruption.

(Secs. 4, 303, 307, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066,1082, 1083; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 307)

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978]

EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-tations affecting § 90.129, see the List of CFRSections Affected in the Finding Aids sec-tion of this volume.

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36608,July 7, 1998, § 90.129 was amended by revisingparagraph (b), effective Oct. 5, 1998. For theconvenience of the user, the superseded textis set forth as follows:

§ 90.129 Supplemental information to beroutinely submitted with applications.

* * * * *

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.135

(b) Description of any equipment proposedto be used if it does not appear on the Com-mission’s current Radio Equipment List,Equipment Acceptable for Licensing, anddesignated for use under this part.

* * * * *

§ 90.131 Amendment or dismissal ofapplications.

This rule governs all applications re-lating to radio services in this part, in-cluding applications filed by entitiesmeeting the requirements of § 20.9(c) ofthis chapter, except applications con-cerning facilities used to provide com-mercial mobile radio services, whichare governed by § 90.161.

(a) Any application, except for mutu-ally exclusive applications or thoseagainst which a petition to deny hasbeen filed, may be amended as a matterof right at any time prior to the timethe application is granted or des-ignated for hearing. Each amendmentto an application shall be signed andsubmitted in the same manner as re-quired for the original application. Theprocedures for amending applicationsmutually exclusive under this part, ap-plications against which a petition todeny has been filed, and applicationsdesignated for hearing are set forth in§ 1.918.

(b) Any application may, upon writ-ten request signed by the applicant orhis attorney, be dismissed withoutprejudice as a matter of right prior tothe time the application is granted ordesignated for hearing.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 59FR 59958, Nov. 21, 1994]

§ 90.135 Modification of license.(a) The following changes in author-

ized stations require an application formodification of license:

(1) Change in frequency.(2) Change in the type of emission,

except under the conditions specifiedin paragraph (b)(5) of this section.

(3) Change in power from that au-thorized.

(4) Change in antenna height fromthat authorized.

(5) Change in the authorized locationor number of base stations, fixed, con-trol or, for systems operating on non-exclusive assignments in the 470–512

MHz, 800 MHz or 900 MHz bands, achange in the number of mobile trans-mitters, or a change in the area of mo-bile operations from that authorized.

(6) Change in the class of a land sta-tion, including changing from multiplelicensed to cooperative use, and fromshared to unshared use.

(7) Any change in ownership, control,or corporate structure.

(b) The following changes in author-ized stations do not require an applica-tion for modification of license.

(1) Change in mailing address of li-censee.

(2) Change of name only of licensee,without changes in ownership, control,or corporate structure.

(3) Change in the number and loca-tion of station control points or of con-trol stations operating below 470 orabove 800 MHz meeting the require-ments of § 90.119(a)(2)(ii).

(4) Change in the number of mobileunits operated by Radiolocation Serv-ice licensees.

(5) Change in the type of emissionwhen:

(i) Operation is in the 150–174 MHz or421–512 MHz bands; and

(ii) The modification will be for anarrower emission than specified in thecurrent authorization.

(6) Any other changes not listed inparagraph (a) of this section.

(c) Unless specifically exempted in§ 90.175, requests for modifications list-ed in paragraph (a) of this section mustbe submitted on Form 600 to the appli-cable frequency coordinator.

(d) In case of a change listed in para-graphs (b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(5) of this sec-tion, the licensee must notify the Com-mission immediately. Notification maybe by Form 405–A or by letter. The let-ter must contain the name and addressof the licensee as they appear in theCommission’s records, the new name oraddress, the call signs and classes of allradio stations authorized to the li-censee under this part and the radioservice in which each station is author-ized. The completed and signed Form405–A or the letter must be sent to:Federal Communication Commission,Gettysburg, PA 17326. Licensees whoselicenses are due for renewal and whohave received the renewal Form 574–Rin the mail from the Commission must

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.137

use the appropriate boxes on that formto notify the Commission of a changelisted in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), or(b)(5) of this section.

(e) In the case of a change listed inparagraphs (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(6) ofthis section, the licensee must notifythe Commission within 30 days of thechange. The notice may be filed on FCCForm 574 or may be contained in a let-ter specifying the nature of the change,the name and address of the licensee asappearing on Commission records, andthe call sign, class, and radio service ofthe station. The notice must be sentto: Federal Communications Commis-sion, Gettysburg, PA 17326.

(f) Any change that requires a fee asset forth at part 1, subppart G of thischapter must be filed in accordancewith § 1.912 (b) or § 1.912 (b)(2) of therules.

[51 FR 14997, Apr. 22, 1986, as amended at 51FR 36014, Oct. 8, 1986; 52 FR 10232, Mar. 31,1987; 54 FR 38680, Sept. 20, 1989; 57 FR 48739,Oct. 28, 1992; 59 FR 59958, Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR2038, Jan. 15, 1997]

§ 90.137 Applications for operation attemporary locations.

(a) An application for authority tooperate a base or a fixed transmitter attemporary locations shall be filed inaccordance with the following:

(1) When one or more individualtransmitters are to be operated by a li-censee as a base station or as a fixedstation at unspecified or temporary lo-cations for indeterminate periods, suchtransmitters may be considered tocomprise a single station intended tobe operated at temporary locations.

(2) The application must specify thegeneral geographic area within whichthe operation will be confined. Thearea may be specified as a city, a coun-ty or counties, a state or states orother definable geographic area such asa specified radius around a particularcity or known geographic site.

(3) Applications for operation at tem-porary locations exceeding 180 daysmust be accompanied by evidence offrequency coordination, except that ap-plications for operation at temporarylocations exceeding 180 days by appli-cants using 220–222 MHz spectrum forgeophysical telemetry operations need

not be accompanied by evidence of fre-quency coordination.

(b) When any unit or units of a basestation or fixed station which are au-thorized for operation at temporary lo-cations actually remain or are in-tended to remain at the same locationfor more than 1 year, an application fora separate authorization specifying thefixed location shall be made as soon aspossible, but not later than 30 daysafter the expiration of the 1-year pe-riod.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 45FR 63862, Sept. 26, 1980; 51 FR 14997, Apr. 22,1986; 58 FR 44956, Aug. 25, 1993; 62 FR 15992,Apr. 3, 1997]

§ 90.138 Applications for itinerant fre-quencies.

An application for authority to con-duct an itinerant operation in the In-dustrial/Business Pool must be re-stricted to use of itinerant frequenciesor other frequencies not designated forpermanent use and need not be accom-panied by evidence of frequency coordi-nation. Users should be aware, how-ever, that no protection is providedfrom interference from other itinerantoperations.

[62 FR 18924, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.139 Commission processing of ap-plications.

(a) Applications received for filingare given a file number. The assign-ment of a file number to an applicationis for administrative convenience anddoes not indicate the acceptance of theapplication for filing and processing.

(b) Applications which are incom-plete with respect to answers, supple-mentary statements, execution, orother matters of a formal charactershall be deemed defective and may bedismissed. In addition, if an applicantis requested to file any additional doc-uments or information not included inthe prescribed application form, failureto comply with such request willrender the application defective and itmay be dismissed. Applications willalso be deemed to be defective and bedismissed in the following cases:

(1) Statutory disqualification of ap-plicant;

(2) Proposed use or purpose of stationwould be unlawful;

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.145

(3) Requested frequency is not allo-cated for assignment for the serviceproposed.

(c) Applications which are not in ac-cordance with the provisions of thischapter, or other requirements of theCommission, will be considered defec-tive and may be dismissed unless ac-companied by a request in accordancewith § 90.151 of this part.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 51FR 14997, Apr. 22, 1986]

§ 90.141 Resubmitted applications.Any application received by the Com-

mission for frequencies below 470 MHzwhich has been returned by the Com-mission to the applicant for correctionwill be processed in its original posi-tion in the processing line if it is resub-mitted and received by the Commissionwithin 60 days from the date on whichit was returned to the applicant. Other-wise it will be treated as a new applica-tion for the purpose of processing con-siderations. An application received bythe Commission for frequencies above470 MHz which has been returned bythe Commission to the applicant willbe processed in its original position inthe processing line if it is resubmittedand received by the Commission within30 days (45 days outside the continentalUnited States) from the date on whichit was returned to the applicant. Other-wise it will be treated as a new applica-tion for the purpose of processing con-siderations.

[51 FR 14997, Apr. 22, 1986]

§ 90.143 Grants of applications.(a) The Commission will grant an ap-

plication for a station authorizationwithout a hearing if it is in properform, and conforms with all rule re-quirements, and would serve the publicinterest, convenience or necessity.

(b) All applications in pending statuswill be processed in the order in whichthe application acceptable for filingwas received by the Commission; pro-vided, however, that if there are moreapplications than can be accommo-dated on available frequencies, theCommission may grant the applica-tions pursuant to the system of ran-dom selection prescribed in § 1.972 ofthis chapter.

(c) The Commission may grant anyapplication in part, or add privileges,terms or conditions not requested.When such action is taken without ahearing, the applicant may accept theauthorization as granted, or may re-turn it to the Commission along with awritten request for a hearing. Any suchrequest for hearing must be made with-in 30 days from the date of the grant,or from its effective date, if a laterdate is specified. Upon receipt of a re-quest for hearing, the Commission willvacate the grant and designate the ap-plication for hearing in the usual man-ner.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 48FR 27207, June 13, 1983]

§ 90.145 Special temporary authority.

(a) In circumstances requiring thetemporary use of radio facilities, theCommission may issue special tem-porary authority for new or modifiedoperations. A request for special tem-porary authority may be made in letterform signed in accordance with § 90.125of this part. It should be submitted, induplicate, at least 10 days prior to thedate of the proposed operation. How-ever, in cases of emergency involvingdanger to life or property, or due todamage to equipment, the request maybe made by telephone, telegraph or fac-simile transmission under the condi-tion that a letter request is submittedwithin the following 10 days. All re-quests for special temporary authorityshall be clear and complete withinthemselves and shall not rely on anypending application.

(b) Every request for special tem-porary authority should contain thefollowing information:

(1) Name and address of the appli-cant;

(2) Need for special action, includinga description of any emergency or dam-age of equipment;

(3) Type of operation to be conducted(such as field test, dispatching etc.);

(4) Purpose of operation;(5) Times and dates of operation;(6) Class of station and name of radio

service or radio pool;(7) Location, including geographical

coordinates if known, of transmitterand/or mobile area of operations;

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.147

(8) Number of fixed transmitters andnumber of mobile units;

(9) Operating frequency;(10) Output power of the transmitter;(11) Type of emission;(12) Description of antenna, including

height above ground and power gain;(13) Statement of eligibility for a

radio service or radio pool under thispart.

(c) Requests for special temporaryauthority to operate as a private mo-bile radio service provider for periodsexceeding 180 days require evidence offrequency coordination. Requests forshorter periods do not require coordi-nation and, if granted will be author-ized on a secondary, non-interferencebasis.

(d) A request for special temporaryauthority to operate a commercial mo-bile radio facility under this part maybe granted without being listed in aPublic Notice, or prior to thirty (30)days after such listing, if:

(1) The STA is to be valid for thirty(30) days or less and the applicant doesnot plan to file an application for regu-lar authorization of the subject oper-ation;

(2) The STA is to be valid for sixty(60) days or less, pending the filing ofan application for regular authoriza-tion of the subject operation;

(3) The STA is to allow interim oper-ation to facilitate completion of au-thorized construction or to providesubstantially the same service as pre-viously authorized; or

(4) The STA is made upon a findingthat there are extraordinary cir-cumstances requiring operation in thepublic interest and that delay in theinstitution of such service would seri-ously prejudice the public interest.

(e) The Commission may grant STAsto operate a commercial mobile radiofacility for a period not to exceed onehundred eighty (180) days under theprovisions of Section 309(f) of the Com-munications Act of 1934, as amended, 47U.S.C. 309(f), if extraordinary cir-cumstances so require, and pending thefiling of an application for regular op-eration. The Commission may grantextensions for an additional period ofup to one hundred eighty (180) days,but the applicant must show that ex-

traordinary circumstances warrantsuch an extension.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 48FR 11717, Mar. 21, 1983; 51 FR 14997, Apr. 22,1986; 59 FR 59958, Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 18924,Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.147 Mailing address furnished bylicensee.

Each application shall set forth andeach licensee shall furnish the Com-mission with an address in the UnitedStates to be used by the Commission inserving documents or directing cor-respondence to that licensee. Unlessany licensee advises the Commission tothe contrary, the address contained inthe licensee’s most recent applicationwill be used by the Commission for thispurpose.

§ 90.149 License term.(a) Licenses for stations authorized

under this part will be issued for aterm not to exceed five (5) years fromthe date of the original issuance, modi-fication, or renewal, except that the li-cense term for stations licensed ascommercial mobile radio service on220–222 MHz, 929–930 MHz paging, Indus-trial/Business Pool, and SMR fre-quencies shall be ten (10) years. Licens-ees shall have an additional thirty (30)days after the expiration of the licenseterm to apply for reinstatement of ex-pired licenses.

(b) If no application for reinstate-ment has been filed as specified in thispart, the authorization shall be deemedto have been automatically cancelledon the date specified on the authoriza-tion.

(c) Authorizations for stations en-gaged in developmental operationunder subppart Q of this part will beissued upon a temporary basis for aspecific period of time, but in no eventto extend beyond 1 year from date oforiginal issuance, modification or re-newal.

(d) Nationwide authorizations undersubpart T of this part will be issued fora term not to exceed ten years fromthe date of the original issuance, modi-fication or renewal.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 49FR 36376, Sept. 17, 1984; 56 FR 19602, Apr. 29,1991; 56 FR 65858, Dec. 19, 1991; 59 FR 59958,Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 18924, Apr. 17, 1997]

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.153

§ 90.151 Requests for waiver.(a) Requests for waiver of the rules in

this part shall state the nature of thewaiver or exception desired, and setforth reasons in support thereof includ-ing a showing that unique cir-cumstances are involved and that thereis no reasonable alternative solutionwithin existing rules. When related toa specific application the submissionand filing procedures of § 90.127 alsoapply.

(b) Applications may be dismissed ifthe accompanying petition for waiverof the rules does not set forth reasonswhich, sufficient if true, would justifya waiver or exception.

(c) Applicants requiring expeditiousprocessing of their request for waiver,shall, pursuant to § 1.931 of this chap-ter, clearly caption both their requestfor waiver and the envelope containingit with the words ‘‘WAIVER—TIMELYACTION REQUESTED.’’

(d) Requests for waiver of the rulesnot related to a specific applicationshall be submitted to the Federal Com-munications Commission, Gettysburg,PA 17326. (Waiver requests associatedwith and attached to specific applica-tions that require a fee as set forth atpart 1, subppart G of this chapter mustbe filed in accordance with § 0.401(b) ofthe rules. See also § 0.482 of the rules.)

(Sec. 4(i), Communications Act of 1934, asamended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), and the authoritydelegated to the Managing Director by § 0.231of the Commission’s Rules, 47 CFR 0.231)

[49 FR 20292, May 14, 1984, as amended at 51FR 14997, Apr. 22, 1986; 52 FR 10232, Mar. 11,1987]

§ 90.153 Transfer or assignment of sta-tion authorization.

A station authorization and therights it grants shall not be trans-ferred, assigned, or in any manner dis-posed of to any person, unless the Com-mission shall, after obtaining full in-formation, decide that the transfer, as-signment, or disposal is in the publicinterest, convenience or neccessity andgive its consent in writing. An appli-cant for voluntary transfer of controlor assignment under this section wherethe subject license was acquired by thetransferor or assignor through a sys-tem of random selection shall, togetherwith its application for transfer of con-

trol or assignment, file with the Com-mission the associated contracts forsale, option agreements, managementagreements, or other documents dis-closing the total consideration that theapplicant would receive in return forthe transfer or assignment of its li-cense. This information should includenot only a monetary purchase price,but also any future, contingent, in-kind, or other consideration (e.g., man-agement or consulting contracts eitherwith or without an option to purchase;below-market financing). The assigneeis responsible for ascertaining that thestation facilities are and will remain incompliance with the terms and condi-tions of the authorization to be as-signed.

(a) Application required. The assignoror transferor of a commercial mobileradio license under this part must filean application for approval of assign-ment or transfer of control (Commis-sion Form 490). In the case of involun-tary assignment, such applicationmust be filed no later than thirty (30)days after the event causing the as-signment. The assignee or transfereemust file a report qualifying it as acommercial mobile radio provider(Commission Form 430) unless a cur-rent report is already on file with theCommission.

(1) Forbearance from pro forma assign-ments and transfers of control. Licenseesthat are telecommunications carriersas defined in 47 U.S.C. 153 are subjectto streamlined procedures for proforma, i.e., non-substantial, transfersand assignments.

(2) A pro forma assignee or transfereeis not required to seek prior FCC ap-proval for the transaction, but mustnotify the FCC no later than 30 daysafter the event causing the assignmentor transfer, either by filing an FCCForm 490 or in letter form. If a letter issubmitted, it must contain a certifi-cation that the transfer or assignmentis non-substantial and, together withall previous non-substantial trans-actions, does not involve a change inthe licensee’s ultimate control. A sin-gle letter may be filed for a transfer orassignment of control of more than oneauthorization if each authorization af-fected is identified by call sign in the

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.155

letter. Licensees must concurrently up-date ownership information on theirFCC Form 430, if necessary.

(b) Notification of completion. Assign-ments and transfers of control of com-mercial mobile radio licenses must becompleted within sixty (60) days ofCommission approval, except those li-censees subject to the streamlined pro-cedures of paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-tion. The assignee or transferee mustnotify the Commission by letter of thedate of completion of the assignmentor transfer of control. If an assignmentor transfer of control is not completedwithin this time, the assignor or trans-feror must so notify the Commissionby letter, and the assignee or trans-feree must submit the authorization(s)to the Commission for cancellation orrequest an extension of time to com-plete the assignment or transfer of con-trol. If the assignment or transfer ofcontrol is not completed, the author-ization(s) remain with the assignor ortransferor.

(c) Partial assignment of authorization.If the authorization for some, but notall, of the facilities of a commercialmobile radio station is assigned to an-other party, voluntarily or involuntar-ily, such action is a partial assignmentof authorization.

(1) To request Commission approvalof a partial assignment of authoriza-tion, the following must be filed in ad-dition to the forms required by para-graph (a) of this section:

(i) The assignor must notify the Com-mission (Commission Form 600) of thefacilities to be deleted from its author-ization upon completion of the assign-ment.

(ii) The assignee must apply for au-thority (Commission Form 600) to oper-ate a new station including the facili-ties for which authorization is as-signed, or to modify the assignee’s ex-isting station to include the facilitiesfor which authorization was assigned.

(2) Partial assignments must be com-pleted within sixty (60) days of Com-mission approval. If an approved par-tial assignment is not completed with-in this time, the assignor must notifythe Commission (Commission Form600), and the assignee must submit theauthorization(s) to the Commission for

cancellation or request an extension oftime to complete the assignment. Ifthe assignment is not completed, theauthorization(s) remain with the as-signor.

(d) Limitations. The Commission maydeny applications for assignment of au-thorization or consent to transfer ofcontrol of a commercial mobile radiolicense if:

(1) The Commission is unable tomake the public interest determina-tions required under the Communica-tions Act with respect to both partiesto the assignment or transfer; or

(2) The authorization was obtainedfor the principal purpose of speculationor profitable resale, rather than provi-sion of commercial mobile radio serv-ices to the public.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 59FR 9101, Feb. 25, 1994; 59 FR 59958, Nov. 21,1994; 63 FR 10345, Mar. 3, 1998]

§ 90.155 Time in which station must beplaced in operation.

(a) All stations authorized under thispart, except as provided in paragraphs(b) and (d) of this section and in§§ 90.629, 90.631(f), 90.665, and 90.685,must be placed in operation withineight (8) months from the date of grantor the authorization cancels automati-cally and must be returned to the Com-mission.

(b) For local government entitiesonly, a period longer than eightmonths for placing a station in oper-ation may be authorized by the Com-mission on a case-by-case basis, wherethe applicant submits a specific sched-ule for the completion of each portionof the entire system, along with ashowing that the system has been ap-proved and funded for implementationin accordance with that schedule. Seealso §§ 90.631 and 90.633.

(c) For purposes of this section, abase station is not considered to beplaced in operation unless at least oneassociated mobile station is also placedin operation. See also §§ 90.633(d) and90.631(f).

(d) Multilateration LMS EA-licens-ees, authorized in accordance with

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.159

§ 90.353, must construct and place in op-eration a sufficient number of base sta-tions that utilize multilateration tech-nology (see paragraph (e) of this sec-tion) to provide multilateration loca-tion service to one-third of the EA’spopulation within five years of initiallicense grant, and two-thirds of thepopulation within ten years. In dem-onstrating compliance with the con-struction and coverage requirements,the Commission will allow licensees toindividually determine an appropriatefield strength for reliable service, tak-ing into account the technologies em-ployed in their system design and otherrelevant technical factors. At the fiveand ten year benchmarks, licenseeswill be required to file a map and othersupporting documentation showingcompliance with the coverage require-ments.

(e) A multilateration LMS stationwill be considered constructed andplaced in operation if it is built in ac-cordance with its authorized param-eters and is regularly interacting withone or more other stations to providelocation service, using multilaterationtechnology, to one or more mobileunits. Specifically, LMSmultilateration stations will only beconsidered constructed and placed inoperation if they are part of a systemthat can interrogate a mobile, receivethe response at 3 or more sites, com-pute the location from the time of ar-rival of the responses and transmit thelocation either back to the mobile orto a subscriber’s fixed site.

[45 FR 81208, Dec. 10, 1980, as amended at 47FR 41044, Sept. 16, 1982; 48 FR 51927, Nov. 15,1983; 54 FR 4030, Jan. 27, 1989; 56 FR 65859,Dec. 19, 1991; 60 FR 15252, Mar. 23, 1995; 61 FR6155, Feb. 16, 1996; 62 FR 52044, Oct. 6, 1997; 63FR 40663, July 30, 1998]

§ 90.157 Discontinuance of station op-eration.

(a) The license for a station shallcancel automatically upon permanentdiscontinuance of operations and thelicensee shall forward the station li-cense to the Commission. Alter-natively, the licensee may notify theCommission of the discontinuance ofoperations of a station by checking theappropriate box on Form 574–R orForm 405–A and requesting license can-

cellation. Notification of discontinuedoperation or cancellation shall be sentto: Federal Communications Commis-sion, Gettysburg, PA 17326.

(b) For the purposes of this section,any station which has not operated for1 year or more is considered to havebeen permanently discontinued.

[48 FR 36106, Aug. 9, 1983, as amended at 54FR 38680, Sept. 20, 1989; 56 FR 65859, Dec. 19,1991]

§ 90.159 Temporary and conditionalpermits.

(a) An applicant for a license underthis part (other than a commercial mo-bile radio license) utilizing an alreadylicensed facility may operate the radiostation(s) for a period of up to one hun-dred eighty (180) days under a tem-porary permit evidenced by a properlyexecuted temporary license certificate(Form 572) after submitting or filing aformal application for station licensein accordance with § 90.127, providedthat all the antennas employed by con-trol stations are 6.1 meters (20 feet) orless above ground or 6.1 meters (20 feet)or less above a man-made structureother than an antenna tower to whichit is affixed. When required by § 90.175,applications must be accompanied byevidence of frequency coordination.The temporary operation of stations,other than mobile stations within theCanadian coordination zone is limitedto stations with a maximum of 5 wattseffective radiated power and a maxi-mum antenna height of 6.1 meters (20ft) above average terrain.

(b) An applicant proposing to operatea new land mobile radio station ormodify an existing station below 470MHz or in the one-way paging 929–930MHz band (other than a commercialmobile radio service applicant or li-censee on these bands) that is requiredto submit a frequency recommendationpursuant to paragraphs (b) through (h)of § 90.175 may operate the proposedstation during the pendency of its ap-plication for a period of up to one hun-dred eighty (180) days under a condi-tional permit upon the filing of a prop-erly completed formal application thatcomplies with § 90.127 if the applicationis accompanied by evidence of fre-quency coordination in accordance

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.159

with § 90.175 and provided that the fol-lowing conditions are satisfied:

(1) For applicants proposing to oper-ate below 470 MHz, that the proposedstation location is south of Line A orwest of Line C as defined in § 90.7; forapplicants in the one-way paging 929–930 MHz band, that the proposed sta-tion location is west of Line C as de-fined in § 90.7.

(2) The proposed antenna structurehas been previously studied by the Fed-eral Aviation Administration and de-termined to pose no hazard to aviationsafety as required by § 17.4 of the Com-mission’s Rules; or the proposed an-tenna or tower structure does not ex-ceed 6.1 meters (20 feet) above groundlevel or above an existing man-madestructure (other than an antenna struc-ture), if the antenna or tower has notbeen previously studied by the FederalAviation Administration and clearedby the FCC.

(3) The grant of the application doesnot require a waiver of the Commis-sion’s Rules.

(4) The applicant has determined thatthe proposed facility will not signifi-cantly affect the environment as de-fined in § 1.1307.

(5) The applicant has determined thatthe proposed station affords the levelof protection to radio ‘‘quiet’’ zonesand monitoring facilities as specifiedin § 90.177.

(6) The applicant has submitted anapplication to the Commission statingthe frequency the applicant intends touse and that the frequency coordina-tion requirements specified in § 90.175for selection and use of this frequencyhave been met and a minimum of tenbusiness days has passed between sub-mission of the application to the Com-mission and the onset of operation.

(c) An applicant proposing to operatean itinerant station or an applicantseeking the assignment of authoriza-tion or transfer of control of a licensefor an existing station below 470 MHzor in the 929–930 MHz band (other thana commercial mobile radio service ap-plicant or licensee on these bands) mayoperate the proposed station during thependency of the application for a pe-riod not to exceed one hundred eighty(180) days under a conditional permitupon the filing of a properly completed

formal application that complies with§ 90.127. Conditional authority ceasesimmediately if the application is re-turned by the Commission because it isnot acceptable for filing. All other cat-egories of applications listed in§ 90.175(i) that do not require evidenceof frequency coordination are excludedfrom the provisions of this section.

(d) A conditional authorization pur-suant to paragraphs (b) and (c) of thissection is evidenced by retaining theoriginal executed conditional licensing572C Certification Form with the sta-tion records. Conditional authorizationdoes not prejudice any action the Com-mission may take on the subject appli-cation. Conditional authority is ac-cepted with the express understandingthat such authority may be modified orcancelled by the Commission at anytime without hearing if, in the Com-mission’s discretion, the need for suchaction arises. Consistent with§ 90.175(g), the applicant assumes allrisks associated with operation underconditional authority, the terminationor modification of conditional author-ity, or the subsequent dismissal or de-nial of its application. Authority re-verts back to the original licensee if anassignee or transferee’s conditional au-thority is cancelled.

(e) The transmissions of new stationsoperating pursuant to conditional au-thority shall be identified by a tem-porary call sign consisting of the prefix‘‘WT’’ followed by the applicant’s localseven digit business telephone numberas provided in § 2.302. Transmissions byapplicants for the modification, assign-ment of authorization or transfer ofcontrol of an existing station shall beidentified by the station’s call sign.

[51 FR 14997, Apr. 22, 1986, as amended at 54FR 50239, Dec. 5, 1989; 58 FR 44956, Aug. 25,1993; 58 FR 62291, Nov. 26, 1993; 59 FR 59959,Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 18924, Apr. 17, 1997]


SOURCE: 59 FR 59959, Nov. 21, 1994, unlessotherwise noted.

NOTE: The following rules (§§ 90.160 through90.169) govern applications, licensing, and op-eration of radio facilities in the 220–222 MHz(subpart T), Business Radio (Subpart D), 929–930 MHz Paging (subpart P), and Specialized

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.161

Mobile Radio (Subpart S) services that areused to provide commercial mobile radioservices (see §§ 20.3 and 20.9 of this chapter).Compliance with the rules relating to appli-cations and licensing of facilities on paging-only channels in the Business Radio Service(see § 90.75(c)(10)) and 929–930 MHz pagingchannels (see § 90.494(a),(b)) is not requiredprior to August 10, 1996. Compliance with § 990.168 is also not required prior to August 10,1996 for reclassified commercial mobile radioservice providers who are to be regulated asprivate carriers until August 10, 1996 as pro-vided in the Second Report and Order in GNDocket No. 93–252, 9 FCC Rcd 2348 (1994),paras. 280–284. The licensing and operation ofradio facilities in the 220–222 MHz (SubpartT), Business Radio (Subpart D), 929–930 MHzPaging (Subpart P), and Specialized MobileRadio (Subpart S) services that are used toprovide commercial mobile radio services arealso subject to rules elsewhere in this partthat apply generally to Private Land MobileRadio Services. In the case of any conflictbetween rules set forth in §§ 90.160 through90.169 and other rules in this part, §§ 90.160through 90.169 apply.

§ 90.160 Public notice.Periodically, the Commission will

issue Public Notices listing major fil-ings and other information of publicsignificance concerning commercialmobile radio services licensed underthis part. Categories of Public Noticelistings are as follows:

(a) Accepted for filing. Acceptance forfiling of all applications and majoramendments thereto.

(b) Actions. Commission actions onpending applications previously listedas accepted for filing.

(c) Informative listings. Informationthat the Commission, in its discretion,believes to be of public significance.Such listings do not create any rightsto file oppositions or other pleadings.

§ 90.161 Amendment or dismissal ofapplications.

(a) Amendment. Pending applicationsconcerning facilities for providing com-mercial mobile radio services may beamended as a matter of right if suchapplications have not been designatedfor hearing or listed in a Public Noticefor a random selection or competitivebidding process, except as provided inparagraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this sec-tion. If a petition to deny or other for-mal objection has been filed, a copy ofany amendment (or other filing) must

be served on the petitioner. If the Com-mission has issued a Public Noticestating that the application appears tobe mutually exclusive with another ap-plication (or applications), a copy ofany amendment (or other filing) mustbe served on any such mutually exclu-sive applicant (or applicants).

(1) Amendments to applications thatresolve mutual exclusivity may be filedat any time, subject to the require-ments of § 90.162.

(2) Amendments to applications des-ignated for hearing may be allowed bythe presiding officer and amendmentsto applications selected in a randomselection process may be allowed bythe Commission for good cause shown.In such instances, a written petitiondemonstrating good cause must be sub-mitted and served upon the parties ofrecord.

(b) Dismissal. The Commission maydismiss any application for authoriza-tion, assignment of authorization, orconsent to transfer of control of a com-mercial mobile radio facility.

(1) Upon request by the applicant;Any applicant may request that its ap-plication be returned or dismissed. Arequest for the return of an applicationafter it has been listed on Public No-tice as tentatively accepted for filing isconsidered to be a request for dismissalof that application without prejudice.

(i) If the applicant requests dismissalof its application with prejudice, theCommission will dismiss the applica-tion with prejudice.

(ii) If the applicant requests dismis-sal of its application without prejudice,the Commission will dismiss that ap-plication without prejudice, unless

(A) The application has been des-ignated for comparative hearing;

(B) It has been selected in a randomselection process; or

(C) It is an application for which theapplicant submitted the winning bid ina competitive bidding process. If theapplicant requests dismissal of its ap-plication for which it submitted thewinning bid in a competitive biddingprocess, the Commission will dismissthat application with prejudice. If theapplicant requests dismissal of its ap-plication after that application hasbeen designated for comparative hear-ing or selected in a random selection

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.162

process, it may submit a written peti-tion requesting that the dismissal bewithout prejudice. Such petition mustdemonstrate good cause, comply with§ 90.162 of this part, and be served uponall parties of record. The Commissionmay grant such petition and dismissthe application without prejudice ordeny the petition and dismiss the ap-plication with prejudice.

(2) If the application is untimelyfiled; The Commission may dismisswithout prejudice any application thatis prematurely or filed late, includingany application filed prior to the open-ing date or after the closing date of afiling window, or after the cut-off datefor a mutually exclusive applicationfiling group.

(3) If the application is mutually ex-clusive with another application thatis selected or granted in accordancewith the rules in this part; The Com-mission may dismiss any mutually ex-clusive application:

(i) For which the applicant did notsubmit the winning bid in a competi-tive bidding process;

(ii) That is included in a random se-lection process but is not granted; or

(iii) That receives comparative con-sideration in a hearing but is notgranted by order of the presiding offi-cer.

(4) For failure to prosecute; The Com-mission may dismiss applications forfailure of the applicant to prosecute orfor failure of the applicant to respondsubstantially within a specified timeperiod to official correspondence or re-quests for additional information. Suchdismissal will generally be withoutprejudice if the failure to prosecute orrespond occurred prior to designationof the application for comparativehearing or prior to selection of the ap-plication in a random selection proc-ess, but may be with prejudice in casesof non-compliance with § 90.162. Dismis-sal will generally be with prejudice ifthe failure to prosecute or respond oc-curred after designation of the applica-tion for comparative hearing or afterselection of the application in a ran-dom selection process. The Commissionmay dismiss applications with preju-dice for failure of the applicant to com-ply with requirements related to acompetitive bidding process.

(5) If the requested spectrum is notavailable; The Commission may dis-miss any application that requestsspectrum which is unavailable because:

(i) It was previously assigned to an-other licensee on an exclusive basis orcannot be assigned to the applicantwithout causing interference; or

(ii) Reasonable efforts have beenmade to coordinate the proposed facil-ity with foreign administrations underapplicable international agreements,and an unfavorable response (harmfulinterference anticipated) has been re-ceived.

(6) If the application is found to bedefective. Such dismissal may be‘‘without prejudice,’’ meaning that theCommission may accept from the ap-plicant another application for thesame purpose at any later time, or‘‘with prejudice,’’ meaning that theCommission will not accept from theapplicant another application for thesame purpose for a period of one yearfollowing the date of the dismissal ac-tion taken by the Commission. Unlessotherwise provided in this part, a dis-missed application will not be returnedto the applicant. The Commission maydismiss without prejudice applicationsthat it finds to be defective. An appli-cation for authorization or assignmentof authorization is defective if:

(i) It is unsigned or incomplete withrespect to required answers to ques-tions, informational showings, or othermatters of a formal character; or

(ii) It requests an authorization thatwould not comply with the Commis-sion’s Rules and does not contain a re-quest for waiver of these rule(s), or inthe event that the Commission deniessuch a waiver request, does not containan alternative proposal that fully com-plies with the rules.

§ 90.162 Agreements to dismiss appli-cations, amendments, or pleadings.

(a) Parties that have filed an applica-tion concerning facilities used to pro-vide commercial mobile radio servicesthat is mutually exclusive with one ormore other applications, and thenenter into an agreement to resolve themutual exclusivity by withdrawing orrequesting dismissal of the applicationor an amendment thereto, must obtain

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.162

the approval of the Commission. Par-ties that have filed or threatened tofile a petition to deny, informal objec-tion, or other pleading against a pend-ing application, and then seek to with-draw or request dismissal of, or refrainfrom filing, the petition, either unilat-erally or in exchange for a financialconsideration, must obtain the ap-proval of the Commission.

(b) The party withdrawing or re-questing dismissal of its application,petition to deny, informal objection, orother pleading, or refraining from fil-ing a pleading, must submit to theCommission a request for approval ofthe withdrawal or dismissal, a copy ofany written agreement related to thewithdrawal or dismissal, and an affida-vit setting forth:

(1) A certification that neither theparty nor its principals has received orwill receive any money or other consid-eration in excess of the legitimate andprudent expenses incurred in preparingand prosecuting the application, peti-tion to deny, informal objection, orother pleading in exchange for thewithdrawal or dismissal of the applica-tion, petition to deny, informal objec-tion, or other pleading, or threat to filea pleading, except that this provisiondoes not apply to dismissal or with-drawal of applications pursuant tobona fide merger agreements:

(2) The exact nature and amount ofany consideration received or prom-ised;

(3) An itemized accounting of the ex-penses for which it seeks reimburse-ment; and

(4) The terms of any oral agreementrelated to the withdrawal or dismissalof the application, petition to deny, in-formal objection, or other pleading orthreat to file a pleading.

(c) In addition, within five (5) days ofthe filing date of the applicant’s or pe-titioner’s request for approval, each re-maining party to any written or oralagreement must submit an affidavitsetting forth:

(1) A certification that neither theapplicant nor its principals has paid orwill pay money or other considerationin excess of the legitimate and prudentexpenses of the petitioner in exchangefor withdrawing or dismissing the ap-

plication, petition to deny, informalobjection, or other pleading; and

(2) The terms of any oral agreementrelating to the withdrawal or dismissalof the application, petition to deny, in-formal objection, or other pleading.

(d) No person shall make or receiveany payments in exchange for with-drawing a threat to file or refrainingfrom filing a petition against an appli-cation. For purposes of this section, re-imbursement by an applicant of the le-gitimate and prudent expenses of a po-tential petitioner or objector, incurredreasonably and directly in preparing tofile a petition to deny, will not be con-sidered to be payment for refrainingfrom filing a petition to deny or an in-formal objection. Payments made di-rectly to a potential petitioner or ob-jector, or a person related to a poten-tial petitioner or objector, to imple-ment non-financial promises are pro-hibited unless specifically approved bythe Commission.

(e) For purposes of this section:(1) Affidavits filed pursuant to this

section must be executed by the filingparty, if an individual, a partner hav-ing personal knowledge of the facts, ifa partnership, or an officer having per-sonal knowledge of the facts, if a cor-poration or association.

(2) Applications, petitions to deny,informal objections, and other plead-ings are deemed to be pending beforethe Commission from the time the ap-plication or petition to deny is filedwith the Commission until such timeas an order of the Commission grant-ing, denying, or dismissing the applica-tion, petition to deny, informal objec-tion, or other pleading is no longer sub-ject to reconsideration by the Commis-sion or to review by any court.

(3) ‘‘Legitimate and prudent ex-penses’’ are those expenses reasonablyincurred by a party in preparing to file,filing, prosecuting and/or settling itsapplication, petition to deny, informalobjection, or other pleading for whichreimbursement is sought.

(4) ‘‘Other consideration’’ consists offinancial concessions, including, butnot limited to, the transfer of assets orthe provision of tangible pecuniarybenefit, as well as non-financial con-cessions that confer any type of benefiton the recipient.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.163

(f) Notwithstanding the provisions ofthis section, any payments made or re-ceived in exchange for withdrawing ashort-form application for an FCC au-thorization awarded through competi-tive bidding shall be subject to the re-strictions set forth in section § 1.2105(c)of this chapter.

[59 FR 59959, Nov. 21, 1994, as amended at 62FR 11636, Mar. 12, 1997]

§ 90.163 Petitions to deny, responsivepleadings.

Petitions to deny any major filingconcerning facilities used to providecommercial mobile radio services maybe filed by parties able to demonstratestanding to file such petitions. Respon-sive pleadings to such petitions may befiled in accordance with the provisionsof this section.

(a) Content and requirements. Peti-tions to deny and responsive pleadingsmust:

(1) Clearly identify the pertinentmajor filing(s);

(2) Comply with all applicable re-quirements of §§ 1.41 through 1.52 of thischapter;

(3) Contain specific allegations offact which, except for facts of which of-ficial notice may be taken, are sup-ported by affidavit of a person or per-sons with personal knowledge thereof,and which are sufficient to dem-onstrate that the petitioner (or re-spondent) is a party in interest andthat a grant or other Commission ac-tion regarding the major filing wouldbe inconsistent with the public inter-est;

(4) Be filed within 30 days after thedate of the Public Notice listing themajor filing; and

(5) Contain a certificate of serviceshowing that a copy has been mailed tothe applicant no later than the date offiling with the Commission.

(b) Expansion. Petitions to deny amajor amendment to an applicationmay raise only matters directly relatedto the major amendment that couldnot have been raised in connectionwith the application as originally filed.This paragraph does not apply to peti-tioners who gain standing because ofthe major amendment.

(c) Dismissal. The Commission may,by letter, dismiss any petition to deny

a major filing if the petition does notcomply with the requirements of thissection or § 90.161. The reason(s) for thedismissal must be stated in the letter.When a petition to deny is dismissed,any related responsive pleadings alsoare dismissed.

§ 90.164 Classification of filings asmajor or minor.

Applications and amendments to ap-plications are classified as major orminor when such filings concern facili-ties used to provide commercial mobileradio services. Categories of major andminor filings are listed in section 309 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, asamended (47 U.S.C. 309). In general, amajor filing is a request for a Commis-sion action that has the potential toaffect parties other than the applicant.The following are major filings:

(a) Initial station authorization. Fil-ings for an initial authorization as de-fined in § 90.165(d)(2) are major.

(b) Ownership or control change. Fil-ings are major if they specify a sub-stantial change in beneficial ownershipor control (de jure or de facto), unlesssuch change is involuntary or if the fil-ing merely amends an application toreflect a change in ownership or con-trol that has already been approved bythe Commission.

(c) Renewal. Applications for renewalof authorizations are major.

(d) Environmental. Filings are majorif they request authorization for a fa-cility that would have a significant en-vironmental effect, as defined by§§ 1.1301 through 1.1319 of this chapter.

(e) In the Specialized Mobile RadioService, in addition to filings listed inparagraphs (a) through (d) of this sec-tion, filings are major if they:

(1) Request a change in frequency;(2) Request an authorization that

would increase the effective radiatedpower or antenna height above averageterrain in any azimuth from an exist-ing transmitter authorized to the filer;

(3) Request an authorization thatwould relocate an existing fixed trans-mitter;

(4) Amend a pending application tochange a requested frequency;

(5) Amend a pending application in away that would increase the proposedeffective radiated power or antenna

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.165

height above average terrain in anyazimuth from an existing transmitterauthorized to the filer;

(6) Amend a pending application tochange the location of a fixed trans-mitter from that previously proposedin the application; or

(7) Amend a pending application forwhich pre-filing coordination was re-quired to change the technical proposalsubstantially from that which was co-ordinated with other users.

§ 90.165 Procedures for mutually ex-clusive applications.

Mutually exclusive commercial mo-bile radio service applications are proc-essed in accordance with the rules inthis section, except for mutually exclu-sive applications for licenses in the 220–220 MHz service and the 929–930 MHzPaging service, which are processed inaccordance with the rules in subpart Pand subpart T of this part.

Two or more pending applications aremutually exclusive if the grant of oneapplication would effectively precludethe grant of one or more of the othersunder Commission rules governing theservices involved.

(a) Separate applications. Any appli-cant that files an application knowingthat it will be mutually exclusive withone or more applications should not in-clude in the mutually exclusive appli-cation a request for other channels orfacilities that would not, by them-selves, render the application mutuallyexclusive with those other applica-tions. Instead, the request for suchother channels or facilities should befiled in a separate application.

(b) Filing groups. Pending mutuallyexclusive applications are processed infiling groups. Mutually exclusive appli-cations in a filing group are given con-current consideration. The Commissionmay dismiss as defective (pursuant to§ 90.162) any mutually exclusive appli-cations(s) whose filing date is outsideof the date range for inclusion in thefiling group. The types of filing groupsused in day-to-day application process-ing are specified in paragraph (c)(3) ofthis section. A filing group is one ofthe following types:

(1) Renewal filing group. A renewal fil-ing group comprises a timely-filed ap-plication for renewal of an authoriza-

tion and all timely-filed mutually ex-clusive competing applications.

(2) Same-day filing group. A same-dayfiling group comprises all mutually ex-clusive applications whose filing dateis the same day, which is normally thefiling date of the first-filed applica-tions(s).

(3) Thirty-day notice and cut-off filinggroup. A 30-day notice and cut-off filinggroup comprises mutually exclusiveapplications whose filing date is nolater than thirty (30) days after thedate of the Public Notice listing thefirst-filed application(s) (according tothe filing dates) as acceptable for fil-ing.

(4) Window filing group. A window fil-ing group comprises mutually exclu-sive applications whose filing date iswithin an announced filing window. Anannounced filing window is a period oftime between and including two spe-cific dates, which are the first and lastdates on which applications (or amend-ments) for a particular purpose may beaccepted for filing. In the case of a one-day filing window, the two dates arethe same. The dates are made known tothe public in advance.

(c) Procedures. Generally, the Com-mission may grant one application in afiling group of mutually exclusive ap-plications and dismiss the other appli-cation(s) in the filing group that areexcluded by the grant, pursuant to§ 90.162.

(1) Selection methods. In selecting theapplication to grant, the Commissionmay use competitive bidding, randomselection, or comparative hearings, de-pending on the type of applications in-volved.

(2) Dismissal of applications. The Com-mission may dismiss any application ina filing group that is defective or oth-erwise subject to dismissal under§ 90.162, either before or after employ-ing selection procedures.

(3) Type of filing group used. Except asotherwise provided in this part, thetype of filing group used in processingof two or more mutually exclusive ap-plications depends on the purpose(s) ofthe applications.

(i) If one of the mutually exclusiveapplications is a timely-filed applica-tion for renewal of an authorization, arenewal filing group is used.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.165

(ii) If any mutually exclusive appli-cation filed on the earliest filing dateis an application for modification andnone of the mutually exclusive applica-tions is a timely-filed application forrenewal, a same-day filing group isused.

(iii) If all of the mutually exclusiveapplications filed on the earliest filingdate are applications for initial author-ization, a 30-day notice and cut-off fil-ing group is used.

(4) Disposition. If there is only one ap-plication in any type of filing group,the Commission may grant that appli-cation and dismiss without prejudiceany mutually exclusive applicationsnot in the filing group. If there is morethan one mutually exclusive applica-tion in a filing group, the Commissiondisposes of these applications as fol-lows:

(i) Applications in a renewal filinggroup. All mutually exclusive applica-tions in a renewal filing group are des-ignated for comparative considerationin a hearing.

(ii) Applications in a 30-day noticeand cut-off filing group.

(A) If all of the mutually exclusiveapplications in a 30-day notice and cut-off filing group are applications for ini-tial authorization, the Commission ad-ministers competitive bidding proce-dures in accordance with subpart Q ofpart 1 of this chapter. After such proce-dures, the application of the successfulbidder may be granted and the otherapplications may be dismissed withoutprejudice.

(B) If any of the mutually exclusiveapplications in a 30-day notice and cut-off filing group is an application formodification or an application for fa-cilities, the Commission may attemptto resolve the mutual exclusivity by fa-cilitating a settlement between the ap-plicants. If a settlement is not reachedwithin a reasonable time, the Commis-sion may designate all applications inthe filing group for comparative con-sideration in a hearing. In this event,the result of the hearing disposes all ofthe applications in the filing group.

(iii) Applications in a same-day filinggroup. If there are two or more mutu-ally exclusive applications in a same-day filing group, the Commission mayattempt to resolve the mutual exclu-

sivity by facilitating a settlement be-tween the applicants. If a settlement isnot reached within a reasonable time,the Commission may designate all ap-plications in the filing group for com-parative consideration in a hearing. Inthis event, the result of the hearingdisposes all of the applications in thefiling group.

(iv) Applications in a window filinggroup. Applications in a window filinggroup are processed in accordance withthe procedures for a 30-day notice andcut-off filing group in paragraph(c)(4)(ii) of this section.

(d) Terminology. For the purposes ofthis section, terms have the followingmeanings:

(1) The ‘‘filing date’’ of an applica-tion is the date on which that applica-tion was received in a condition ac-ceptable for filing or the date on whichthe most recently filed major amend-ment to that application was received,whichever is later, excluding majoramendments in the following cir-cumstances:

(i) The major amendment reflectsonly a change in ownership or controlfound by the Commission to be in thepublic interest;

(ii) The major amendment as re-ceived is defective or otherwise foundunacceptable for filing; or

(iii) The application being amendedhas been designated for hearing and theCommission or the presiding officer ac-cepts the major amendment.

(2) An ‘‘application for initial author-ization’’ is:

(i) Any application requesting an au-thorization for a new system or sta-tion;

(ii) Any application requesting au-thorization for an existing station tooperate on an additional channel, un-less the additional channel is for pairedtwo-way radiotelephone operation, isin the same frequency range as the ex-isting channel(s), and will be oper-ationally integrated with the existingchannel(s) such as by trunking; or

(iii) any application requesting au-thorization for a new transmitter at alocation more than 2 kilometers (1.2miles) from any existing transmittersof the applicant licensee on the re-quested channel or channel block.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.167

(3) An ‘‘application for modification’’is any application other than an appli-cation for initial authorization or re-newal.

§ 90.166 Grants of applications.Applications for a commercial mobile

radio service authorization under thispart may be granted thirty (30) daysafter the issuance date of a Pubic No-tice listing an application or the latestfiled major amendment thereto as ac-ceptable for filing.

(a) Criteria for grants. The Commis-sion grants applications without ahearing if, after examination of the ap-plication and consideration of any peti-tions or other pleadings and of suchother matters as it may officially no-tice, the Commission finds that:

(1) A grant will serve the public in-terest, convenience, and necessity;

(2) There are no substantial and ma-terial questions of fact presented;

(3) The applicant is eligible andqualified under applicable Commissionregulations and policies;

(4) The application is acceptable forfiling, and complies with the Commis-sion rules and other applicable require-ments;

(5) The application has not been des-ignated for a hearing after being se-lected in a random selection process;

(6) There are no applications entitledto comparative consideration with theapplication being granted; and

(7) Operation of the proposed stationwould not cause interference to any au-thorized station(s).

(b) Grant of petitioned applications.The Commission may grant, without aformal hearing, applications againstwhich petitions to deny have beenfiled. If any petition(s) to deny arepending (i.e., have not been dismissedpursuant to § 90.161 or withdrawn bythe petitioner) when an application isgranted, the Commission shall denythe petition(s) and issue a concisestatement of the reason(s) for the de-nial, disposing of all substantive issuesraised in the petitions.

(c) Partial and conditional grants. TheCommission may grant applications inpart, and/or subject to conditions otherthan those normally applied to author-izations of the same type. When theCommission does this, it will inform

the applicant of the reasons therefor.Such partial or conditional grants arefinal unless the Commission revises itsaction in response to a petition for re-consideration. Such petitions for re-consideration must be filed by the ap-plicant within thirty days after thedate of the letter or order stating thereasons for the partial or conditionalgrant, and must reject the partial orconditional grant and return the in-strument of authorization.

(d) Designation for hearing. The Com-mission may designate applications fora hearing, specifying with particularitythe matters in issue, if, after consider-ation of the application, any petitionsor other pleadings, and other matterswhich it may officially notice, theCommission is unable to make one ormore of the findings listed in para-graph (a) of this section. The Commis-sion may grant, deny, or take other ac-tion with respect to applications des-ignated for a hearing.

§ 90.167 Time in which a station mustcommence service.

(a) Unless otherwise specified in thispart, all 220–222 MHz, private carrierpaging, Industrial/Business Pool, andSMR licensees must commence servicewithin twelve (12) months from thedate of grant or the authorization can-cels automatically and must be re-turned to the Commission.

(b) For purposes of this section, astation licensed to provide commercialmobile radio service is not consideredto have commenced service unless itprovides service to at least one unaf-filiated party.

(c) Application for extension of timeto commence service may be made onCommission Form 600. Extensions oftime must be filed prior to the expira-tion of the construction period. Exten-sions will be granted only if the li-censee shows that the failure to com-mence service is due to causes beyondhis or her control. No extensions willbe granted for delays caused by lack offinancing, lack of site availability, forthe assignment or transfer of control ofan authorization, or for failure to time-ly order equipment. If the licensee or-ders equipment within 90 days of the li-cense grant, a presumption of due dili-gence is created.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.168

(d) An application for modification ofan authorization (under construction)at the existing location does not ex-tend the initial construction period. Ifadditional time to commence service isrequired, a request for such additionaltime must be submitted on Commis-sion Form 600, either separately or inconjunction with the submission of theCommission Form 600 requesting modi-fication.

[59 FR 59959, Nov. 21, 1994, as amended at 62FR 18925, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.168 Equal employment opportuni-ties.

Commercial Mobile Radio Services li-censees shall afford equal opportunityin employment to all qualified persons,and personnel must not be discrimi-nated against in employment becauseof sex, race, color, religion, or nationalorigin.

(a) Equal employment opportunity pro-gram. Each licensee shall establish,maintain, and carry out a positive con-tinuing program of specific practicesdesigned to assure equal opportunity inevery aspect of employment policy andpractice.

(1) Under the terms of its program,each licensee shall:

(i) Define the responsibility of eachlevel of management to insure a posi-tive application and vigorous enforce-ment of the policy of equal oppor-tunity, and establish a procedure to re-view and control managerial and super-visory performance.

(ii) Inform its employees and recog-nized employee organizations of thepositive equal employment oppor-tunity policy and program and enlisttheir cooperation.

(iii) Communicate its equal employ-ment opportunity policy and programand its employment needs to sources ofqualified applicants without regard tosex, race, color, religion or national or-igin, and solicit their recruitment as-sistance on a continuing basis.

(iv) Conduct a continuing campaignto exclude every form of prejudice ordiscrimination based upon sex, race,color, religion, or national origin, fromthe licensee’s personnel policies andpractices and working conditions.

(v) Conduct a continuing review ofjob structure and employment prac-

tices and adopt positive recruitment,training, job design and other measuresneeded in order to insure genuineequality of opportunity to participatefully in all organizational units, occu-pations and levels of responsibility.

(2) The program must reasonably ad-dress specific concerns through policiesand actions as set forth in this para-graph, to the extent that they are ap-propriate in consideration of licenseesize, location and other factors.

(i) To assure nondiscrimination in re-cruiting.

(A) Posting notices in the licensee’soffices informing applicants for em-ployment of their equal employmentrights and their right to notify theEqual Employment Opportunity Com-mission (EEOC), the Federal Commu-nications Commission (Commission),or other appropriate agency. Where asubstantial number of applicants areSpanish-surnamed Americans, such no-tice should be posted in both Spanishand English.

(B) Placing a notice in bold type onthe employment application informingprospective employees that discrimina-tion because of sex, race, color, reli-gion, or national origin is prohibited,and that they may notify the EEOC,the Commission, or other appropriateagency if they believe they have beendiscriminated against.

(C) Placing employment advertise-ments in media which have significantcirculation among minority groups inthe recruiting area.

(D) Recruiting through schools andcolleges with significant minoritygroup enrollments.

(E) Maintaining systematic contactswith minority and human relations or-ganizations, leaders and spokespersonsto encourage referral of qualified mi-nority or female applicants.

(F) Encouraging present employeesto refer minority or female applicants.

(G) Making known to the appropriaterecruitment sources in the employer’simmediate area that qualified minoritymembers are being sought for consider-ation whenever the licensee hires.

(ii) To assure nondiscrimination inselection and hiring.

(A) Instructing employees of the li-censee who make hiring decisions that

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.168

all applicants for all jobs are to be con-sidered without discrimination.

(B) Where union agreements exist,cooperating with the union or unionsin the development of programs to as-sure qualified minority persons or fe-males of equal opportunity for employ-ment, and including an effective non-discrimination clause in new or renego-tiated union agreements.

(C) Avoiding use of selection tech-niques or tests that have the effect ofdiscriminating against minority groupsor females.

(iii) To assure nondiscriminatoryplacement and promotion.

(A) Instructing employees of the li-censee who make decisions on place-ment and promotion that minority em-ployees and females are to be consid-ered without discrimination, and thatjob areas in which there is little or nominority or female representationshould be reviewed to determinewhether this results from discrimina-tion.

(B) Giving minority groups and fe-male employees equal opportunity forpositions which lead to higher posi-tions. Inquiring as to the interest andskills of all lower-paid employees withrespect to any of the higher-paid posi-tions, followed by assistance, counsel-ing, and effective measures to enableemployees with interest and potentialto qualify themselves for such posi-tions.

(C) Reviewing seniority practices toinsure that such practices are non-discriminatory and do not have a dis-criminatory effect.

(D) Avoiding use of selection tech-niques or tests that have the effect ofdiscriminating against minority groupsor females.

(iv) to assure nondiscrimination inother areas of employment practices.

(A) Examining rates of pay and fringebenefits for present employees withequivalent duties and adjusting any in-equities found.

(B) Providing opportunity to performovertime work on a basis that does notdiscriminate against qualified minor-ity groups or female employees.

(b) EEO statement. Each licensee hav-ing sixteen (16) or more full-time em-ployees shall file with the Commission,no later than May 31st following the

grant of that licensee’s first Commer-cial Mobile Radio Services authoriza-tion, a statement describing fully itscurrent equal employment opportunityprogram, indicating specific practicesto be followed in order to assure equalemployment opportunity on the basisof sex, race, color, religion, or nationalorigin in such aspects of employmentpractices as regards recruitment, selec-tion, training, placement, promotion,pay, working conditions, demotion,layoff, and termination. Any licenseehaving sixteen (16) or more full-timeemployees that changes its existingequal employment opportunity pro-gram shall file with the Commission,no later than May 31st thereafter, a re-vised statement reflecting thechange(s).

NOTE: Commercial mobile radio service li-censees having sixteen (16) or more full-timeemployees that do not have a current EEOstatement on file with the Commission as ofJanuary 2, 1995, must file the statement re-quired by this paragraph no later than May31, 1995.

(c) Report of complaints filed against li-censees. Each licensee, regardless ofhow many employees it has, shall sub-mit an annual report to the Commis-sion no later than May 31st of eachyear indicating whether any com-plaints regarding violations by the li-censee or equal employment provisionsof Federal, State, Territorial, or locallaw have been filed before anybodyhaving competent jurisdiction.

(1) The report should state the par-ties involved, the date filing, thecourts or agencies before which thematters have been heard, the appro-priate file number (if any), and the re-spective disposition or current statusof any such complaints.

(2) Any licensee who has filed suchinformation with the EEOC may file anotification of such filing with theCommission in lieu of a report.

(d) Complaints of violations of EqualEmployment Programs. Complaints al-leging employment discriminationagainst a common carrier licensee areconsidered by the Commission in thefollowing manner:

(1) If a complaint raising an issue ofdiscrimination is received against a li-censee who is within the jurisdiction of

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.169

the EEOC, it is submitted to that agen-cy. The Commission maintains a liai-son with that agency that keeps theCommission informed of the disposi-tion of complaints filed against com-mon carrier licensees.

(2) Complaints alleging employmentdiscrimination against a common car-rier licensee who does not fall underthe jurisdiction of the EEOC but is cov-ered by appropriate enforceable Statelaw, to which penalties apply, may besubmitted by the Commission to therespective State agency.

(3) Complaints alleging employmentdiscrimination against a common car-rier licensee who does not fall underthe jurisdiction of the EEOC or an ap-propriate State law, are accorded ap-propriate treatment by the Commis-sion.

(4) The Commission will consult withthe EEOC on all matters relating tothe evaluation and determination ofcompliance by the common carrier li-censees with the principles of equalemployment as set forth herein.

(5) Complaints indicating a generalpattern of disregard of equal employ-ment practices which are receivedagainst a licensee that is required tofile an employment report to the Com-mission under § 1.815(a) of this chapterare investigated by the Commission.

(e) Commission records. A copy ofevery annual employment report, equalemployment opportunity programstatement, reports on complaints re-garding violation of equal employmentprovisions of Federal, State, Terri-torial, or local law, and copies of allexhibits, letters, and other documentsfiled as part thereof, all amendmentsthereto, all correspondence betweenthe licensee and the Commission per-taining to the reports after they havebeen filed and all documents incor-porated therein by reference, are openfor public inspection at the offices ofthe Commission.

(f) Licensee records. Each licensee re-quired to file annual employment re-ports (pursuant to § 1.815(a) of thischapter), equal employment oppor-tunity program statements, and annualreports on complaints regarding viola-tions of equal employment provisionsof Federal, State, Territorial, or locallaw shall maintain for public inspec-

tion a file containing a copy of eachsuch report and copies of all exhibits,letters, and other documents filed aspart thereto, all correspondence be-tween the licensee and the Commissionpertaining to the reports after theyhave been filed and all documents in-corporated therein by reference. Thedocuments must be retained for a pe-riod of two (2) years.

§ 90.169 Construction prior to grant ofapplication.

Applicants may construct facilitiesprior to grant of their applications,subject to the provisions of this sec-tion, but must not operate such facili-ties until the Commission grants anauthorization. If the conditions statedin this section are not met, applicantsmust not begin to construct facilities.

(a) When applicants may begin con-struction. An applicant may begin con-struction of a facility thirty-five (35)days after the date of the Public Noticelisting the application for that facilityas acceptable for filing.

(b) Notification to stop. If the Commis-sion for any reason determines thatconstruction should not be started orshould be stopped while an applicationis pending, and so notifies the appli-cant, orally (followed by written con-firmation) or in writing, the applicantmust not begin construction or, if con-struction has begun, must stop con-struction immediately.

(c) Assumption of risk. Applicants thatbegin construction pursuant to thissection before receiving an authoriza-tion do so at their own risk and haveno recourse against the United Statesfor any losses resulting from:

(1) Applications that are not granted;(2) Errors or delays in issuing Public

Notices;(3) Having to alter, relocate, or dis-

mantle the facility; or(4) Incurring whatever costs may be

necessary to bring the facility intocompliance with applicable laws, orCommission rules and orders.

(d) Conditions. Except as indicated,all pre-grant construction is subject tothe following conditions:

(1) The application is not mutuallyexclusive with any other application;

(2) No petitions to deny the applica-tion have been filed;

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.173

(3) The application does not include arequest for a waiver of one or moreCommission rules;

(4) For any construction or alter-ation that would exceed the require-ments of § 17.7 of this chapter, the li-censee has notified the appropriate Re-gional Office of the Federal AviationAdministration (FAA Form 7460–1),filed a request for antenna heightclearance and obstruction marking andlighting specifications (FCC Form 854)with the Commission;

(5) The applicant has indicated in theapplication that the proposed facilitywould not have a significant environ-mental effect, in accordance with§§ 1.1301 through 1.1319 of this chapter;and,

(6) Under applicable internationalagreements and rules in this part, indi-vidual coordination of the proposedchannel assignment(s) with a foreignadministration is not required.

Subpart H—Policies Governing theAssignment of Frequencies

§ 90.171 Scope.This subpart contains detailed infor-

mation concerning the policies underwhich the Commission assigns fre-quencies for the use of licensees underthis part, frequency coordination pro-cedures, and procedures under which li-censees may cooperatively share radiofacilities.

§ 90.173 Policies governing the assign-ment of frequencies.

(a) The frequencies which ordinarilymay be assigned to stations in theservices governed by this part are list-ed in subparts B, C and F of this part.Frequencies other than those listed insubparts B and C may be assigned inthe 150–174 MHz, 421–430 MHz, 450–470MHz, and 470–512 MHz bands, providedsuch applications are accompanied by ashowing of frequency coordination inaccordance with the requirements of§ 90.175. Except as otherwise specifi-cally provided in this part, frequenciesassigned to land mobile stations areavailable on a shared basis only andwill not be assigned for the exclusiveuse of any licensee.

(b) All applicants and licensees shallcooperate in the selection and use of

frequencies in order to reduce inter-ference and make the most effectiveuse of the authorized facilities. Licens-ees of stations suffering or causingharmful interference are expected tocooperate and resolve this problem bymutually satisfactory arrangements. Ifthe licensees are unable to do so, theCommission may impose restrictionsincluding specifying the transmitterpower, antenna height, or area or hoursof operation of the stations concerned.Further the use of any frequency at agiven geographical location may be de-nied when, in the judgment of the Com-mission, its use in that location is notin the public interest; the use of anyfrequency may be restricted as to spec-ified geographical areas, maximumpower, or such other operating condi-tions, contained in this part or in thestation authorization.

(c) Frequencies allocated for FederalGovernment radio stations under Exec-utive order of the President may be au-thorized for the use of stations in theseservices upon appropriate showing bythe applicant that such assignment isnecessary for inter-communicationwith government stations or requiredfor coordination with activities of theFederal Government, and where theCommission finds, after consultationwith the appropriate government agen-cy or agencies, that such assignment isnecessary.

(d) The radio facilities authorizedunder this part are intended for use inconnection with and as an adjunct tothe primary governmental or businessactivities of the licensee.

(e) Persons requesting authority tooperate in the band 25–50 MHz shouldrecognize that this band is shared withvarious services in other countries andthat harmful interference may becaused by the propagation of signals inthis band from distant stations. Noprotection from such harmful inter-ference generally can be expected.

(f) Applications for stations in the150–174 MHz and 421–512 MHz bands foroperation on frequencies 15 kHz or lessremoved from existing stations in thesame geographic area will be grantedbased upon a recommendation from theapplicable frequency coordinator asspecified in §§ 90.20(c)(2) and 90.35(b)(2).

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.173

(g) In the states of Alaska and Ha-waii, and in areas outside the continen-tal limits of the United States and theadjacent waters, the frequencies above150.8 MHz which are listed elsewhere inthis part as available for assignment tobase stations or mobile stations in theIndustrial/Business Pool are also avail-able for assignment to operationalfixed stations in the Industrial/Busi-ness Pool on a secondary basis.

(h) In the Public Safety Pool, basestations may be authorized to operateon a secondary basis on frequenciesbelow 450 MHz which are available tomobile stations.

(i) In the 450–470 MHz band, the fre-quencies are ordinarily assigned inpairs, with the mobile station transmitfrequency 5 MHz above the paired basestation transmit frequency. In the 470–512 MHz band, the frequencies are ordi-narily assigned in pairs with the mo-bile station transmit frequency 3 MHzabove the paired base station transmitfrequency. In the Industrial/BusinessPool, in the 150 MHz band, the fre-quencies subject to § 90.35(c)(6) may beassigned in pairs with the separationbetween base and mobile frequenciesbeing 5.26 MHz. A mobile station maybe assigned the frequency which wouldnormally be assigned to a base stationfor single-frequency operation. How-ever, this single-frequency operationmay be subject to interference thatwould not occur to a two-frequencysystem.

(j) [Reserved](k) This paragraph is only applicable

to entities with Finder’s Preference re-quests pending before the Commissionas of July 29, 1998. Notwithstandingany other provisions of this part, anyeligible person shall be given a disposi-tive preference for a channel assign-ment on an exclusive basis in the 220–222 MHz, 470–512 MHz, and 800/900 MHz(except on frequencies designated ex-clusively for SMR service) bands bysubmitting information that leads tothe recovery of channels in thesebands. Recovery of such channels mustresult from information provided re-garding the failure of existing licenseesto comply with the provisions of

§§ 90.155, 90.157, 90.629, 90.631 (e) or (f), or90.633 (c) or (d).

(l) In the 150–174 MHz band, exceptwhere otherwise specifically provided,authorizations for frequencies thatwere available prior to August 18, 1995will be granted with channelbandwidths of 25 kHz or less. Author-izations for all other frequencies inthis band will be granted with channelbandwidths of 12.5 kHz or less (i.e., inthe Public Safety Pool, frequenciessubject to §§ 90.20 (d)(27) and (d)(44), andin the Industrial/Business Pool, fre-quencies subject to §§ 90.35 (c)(30) and(c)(33)).

(m) In the 421–512 MHz band, exceptwhere otherwise specifically provided,authorizations for frequencies thatwere available prior to August 18, 1995will be granted with channelbandwidths of 25 kHz or less. New au-thorizations for frequencies 12.5 kHz re-moved from these frequencies will bemade for channel bandwidths of 12.5kHz or less (i.e., in the Public SafetyPool, frequencies subject to§ 90.20(d)(27) and in the Industrial/Busi-ness Pool, frequencies subject to§ 90.35(c)(30)). Authorizations for fre-quencies 6.25 kHz removed from thesefrequencies will be granted with chan-nel bandwidths of 6.25 kHz or less (i.e.,in the Public Safety Pool, frequenciessubject to § 90.20(d)(44), and in the In-dustrial/Business Pool, frequencies sub-ject to § 90.35(c)(33)).

(n) Any recovered channels in the 800MHz SMR service will revert automati-cally to the holder of the EA licensewithin which such channels are in-cluded. If there is no EA licensee for re-covered channels, such channels will beretained by the Commission for futurelicensing.

(Secs. 4, 303, 307, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066,1082, 1083; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 307)

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 45FR 43419, June 27, 1980; 46 FR 55704, Nov. 12,1981; 50 FR 13605, Apr. 5, 1985; 54 FR 39739,Sept. 28, 1989; 56 FR 65859, Dec. 19, 1991; 57 FR24992, June 12, 1992; 58 FR 51252, Oct. 1, 1993;60 FR 37261, July 19, 1995; 60 FR 48917, Sept.21, 1995; 61 FR 6155, Feb. 16, 1996; 62 FR 2038,Jan. 15, 1997; 62 FR 18925, Apr. 17, 1997; 63 FR44585, Aug. 20, 1998]

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.175

§ 90.175 Frequency coordination re-quirements.

Except for applications listed inparagraph (f) of this section, each ap-plication for a new frequency assign-ment, for a change in existing facilitiesas listed in § 90.135(a), or for operationat temporary locations in accordancewith § 90.137, must include a showing offrequency coordination as set forthbelow. An application to reinstate a li-cense expired for more than thirty (30)days will be considered as a request fora new frequency assignment.

(a) Frequency coordinators may re-quest, and applicants are required toprovide, all appropriate technical in-formation, system requirements, andjustification for requested station pa-rameters when such information is nec-essary to identify and recommend themost appropriate frequency. Addition-ally, applicants bear the burden of pro-ceeding and the burden of proof in re-questing the Commission to overturn acoordinator’s recommendation.

(b) For frequencies between 25 and 470MHz: A statement is required from theapplicable frequency coordinator asspecified in §§ 90.20(c)(2) and 90.35(b)(2)recommending the most appropriatefrequency. The coordinator’s rec-ommendation may include commentson technical factors such as power, an-tenna height and gain, terrain, andother factors which may serve to mini-mize potential interference.

(c) For frequencies above 800 MHz:When frequencies are shared by morethan one service, concurrence must beobtained from the other applicable cer-tified coordinators.

(d) For frequencies in the 450–470 MHzband: When used for secondary fixedoperations, frequencies shall be as-signed and coordinated pursuant to§ 90.261.

(e) For frequencies between 470 and 512MHz, 806–824/851–869 MHz, and 896–901/935–940 MHz: A statement is requiredfrom the applicable coordinator rec-ommending specific frequencies thatare available for assignment in accord-ance with the loading standards andmileage separations applicable to thespecific radio serve, frequency pool, orcategory of user involved.

(f) For frequencies in the 929–930 MHzband. A statement from the coordina-

tor recommending the most appro-priate frequency. For applicationsunder § 90.495, the coordinator’s state-ment must verify that the proposedsystem meets the requirements of thatsection.

(g) Any recommendation submittedin accordance with paragraphs (a), (c),(d), or (e) of this section is advisory incharacter and is not an assurance thatthe Commission will grant a license foroperation on that frequency. Therefore,applicants are strongly advised not topurchase radio equipment operating onspecific frequencies until a valid au-thorization has been obtained from theCommission.

(h) Applications for facilities nearthe Canadian border north of line A oreast of line C in Alaska may require co-ordination with the Canadian govern-ment. See § 1.955 of this chapter.

(i) The following applications neednot be accompanied by evidence of fre-quency coordination:

(1) Applications for frequencies below25 MHz.

(2) Applications for a Federal Govern-ment frequency.

(3) Applications for frequencies in the72–76 MHz band except for mobile fre-quencies subject to § 90.35(c)(77).

(4) Applications for a frequency to beused for developmental purposes.

(5) Applications in the Industrial/Business Pool requesting a frequencydesignated for itinerant operationonly.

(6) Applications in the RadiolocationService.

(7) [Reserved](8) Applications for frequencies listed

in the SMR tables contained in §§ 90.617and 90.619.

(9) Applications indicating license as-signments such as change in owner-ship, control or corporate structure ifthere is no change in technical param-eters.

(10) Applications for mobile stationsoperating in the 470–512 MHz band orabove 800 MHz if the frequency pair isassigned to a single system on an ex-clusive basis in the proposed area of op-eration.

(11) Applications for add-on base sta-tions in multiple licensed systems op-erating in the 470–512 MHz band orabove 800 MHz if the frequency pair is

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.176

assigned to a single system on an ex-clusive basis.

(12) Applications for control stationsoperating below 470 or above 800 MHzand meeting the requirements of§ 90.119(a)(2)(ii).

(13) Applications for frequencies inthe 216–220 and 1427–1435 MHz bands.

(14) Applications for frequencies inthe 220–222 MHz band.

[51 FR 14998, Apr. 22, 1986, as amended at 51FR 36014, Oct. 8, 1986; 53 FR 1024, Jan. 15, 1988;54 FR 4030, Jan. 27, 1989; 54 FR 39740, Sept. 28,1989; 56 FR 19602, Apr. 29, 1991; 56 FR 65859,Dec. 19, 1991; 57 FR 48739, Oct. 28, 1992; 57 FR60135, Dec. 18, 1992; 58 FR 62291, Nov. 26, 1993;60 FR 37261, July 19, 1995; 62 FR 18925, Apr. 17,1997; 63 FR 44586, Aug. 20, 1998]

§ 90.176 Coordinator notification re-quirements on frequencies below512 MHz.

(a) Frequencies below 470 MHz. Withinone business day of making a frequencyrecommendation, each frequency coor-dinator must notify and provide the in-formation indicated in paragraph (e) ofthis section to all other frequency co-ordinators who are also certified to co-ordinate that frequency.

(1) The applicable frequency coordi-nator for each frequency is specified inthe coordinator column of the fre-quency tables of §§ 90.20(c)(3) and90.35(b)(3).

(2) For frequencies that do not speci-fy any frequency coordinator, all cer-tified in-pool coordinators must be no-tified.

(3) For frequencies that are sharedbetween the Public Safety Pool and theIndustrial/Business Pool (frequenciessubject to §§ 90.20(d)(7), (d)(25), (d)(34),or (d)(46) in the Public Safety Pool, andsubject to §§ 90.35(c)(13), (c)(25), or (d)(4)in the Industrial/Business Pool), allcertified coordinators of both poolsmust be notified.

(b) Frequencies in the 470–512 MHzband. Within one business day of mak-ing a frequency recommendation, eachfrequency coordinator must notify andprovide the information indicated inparagraph (e) of this section to allother certified frequency coordinatorsin the Public Safety Pool and the In-dustrial/Business Pool.

(c) Each frequency coordinator mustalso notify all other certified in-poolcoordinators on any day that the fre-

quency coordinator does not make anyfrequency recommendations.

(d) Notification must be made to allcoordinators at approximately thesame time and can be made using anymethod that ensures compliance withthe one business day requirement.

(e) At a minimum the following in-formation must be included in each no-tification:

(1) Name of applicant;(2) Frequency or frequencies rec-

ommended;(3) Antenna locations and heights;(4) Effective radiated power (ERP);(5) Type(s) of emissions;(6) Description of the service area;

and(7) Date and time of recommenda-

tion.(f) Upon request, each coordinator

must provide any additional informa-tion requested from another certifiedcoordinator regarding a pending rec-ommendation that it has processed buthas not yet been granted by the Com-mission.

(g) It is the responsibility of each co-ordinator to insure that its frequencyrecommendations do not conflict withthe frequency recommendations of anyother frequency coordinator. Should aconflict arise, the affected coordinatorsare jointly responsible for taking ac-tion to resolve the conflict, up to andincluding notifying the Commissionthat an application may have to be re-turned.

[62 FR 18926, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.177 Protection of certain radio re-ceiving locations.

This section pertains to applicationsfor new or modified authorizations inthe vicinity of the National Radio As-tronomy Observatory, Green Bank, Po-cahontas County, WV; the Naval RadioResearch Observatory, Sugar Grove,Pendleton County, WV; the Arecibo Ob-servatory, which is part of the Na-tional Astronomy and Ionosphere Cen-ter, located near Arecibo, PR; theTable Mountain Radio Receiving Zone,Boulder County, CO.; the Federal Com-munications Commission monitoringstations; and other protected sites.

(a) Any applicant for a new perma-nent base or fixed station, or for a

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.177

modification of an existing authoriza-tion which would change the fre-quency, power, antenna height, direc-tivity, or location within the bound-aries described in paragraph (b) of thissection shall notify the Director, Na-tional Radio Astronomy Observatory,P.O. Box 2, Green Bank, WV 24944, inwriting, of the technical parameters ofthe proposal.

(1) The notification shall be madeprior to, or simultaneously with thefiling of the application with the Com-mission.

(2) The notification shall state thegeographical coordinates of the an-tenna, antenna height, antenna direc-tivity, proposed frequency, type ofemission, and effective radiated power.

(3) After receipt of such applications,the Commission will allow a period of20 days for comments or objections inresponse to the notifications indicated.If an objection to the proposed oper-ation is received during the 20-day pe-riod from the National Radio Astron-omy Observatory for itself or on behalfof the Naval Radio Research Observ-atory, the Commission will consider allaspects of the problem and take what-ever action is deemed appropriate.

(4) The provisions of this paragraphdo not apply to applications for mobile,temporary base, or temporary fixedstations.

(b) The area of concern for the Na-tional Radio Astronomy Observatoryor the Naval Radio Research Observ-atory is the area bounded by 39°15′ N.on the north, 78°30′ W. on the east,37°30′ N. on the south, and 80°30′ W. onthe west.

(c) Protection for Table MountainRadio Receiving Zone, Boulder County,Colorado. Applicants for a station au-thorization to operate in the vicinityof Boulder County, Colorado under thispart are advised to give due consider-ation, prior to filing applications, tothe need to protect the Table MountainRadio Receiving Zone from harmful in-terference. These are the research lab-oratories of the Department of Com-merce, Boulder County, CO. To preventdegradation of the present ambientradio signal level at the site, the De-partment of Commerce seeks to ensurethat the field strengths of any radiatedsignals (excluding reflected signals) re-

ceived on this 1800 acre site (in the vi-cinity of coordinates 40°07′50′′ N Lati-tude, 105° 14′40′′ W Longitude) resultingfrom new assignments (other than mo-bile stations) or from the modificationor relocation of existing facilities donot exceed the following values:

Frequency range


(millivolt permeter) in

authorizedbandwidthof service

Power fluxdensity 1

(dBW persquare

meter) inauthorizedbandwidthof service

Below 540 kHz ........................... 10 65.8540 to 1600 kHz ........................ 20 59.81.6 to 470 MHz .......................... 10 65.8470 to 890 MHz ......................... 30 56.2Above 890 MHz ......................... 1 85.8

1 Equivalent values of power flux density are calculated as-suming free space characteristic impedance of 376.7=120πohms.

(1) Advance consultation is rec-ommended particularly for those appli-cants who have no reliable data whichindicates whether the field strength orpower flux density figures in the abovetable would be exceeded by their pro-posed radio facilities (except mobilestations). In such instances, the follow-ing is a suggested guide for determin-ing whether coordination is rec-ommended:

(i) All stations within 2.4 km (1.5statute miles);

(ii) Stations within 4.8 km (3 statutemiles) with 50 watts or more effectiveradiated power (ERP) in the primaryplane of polarization in the azimuthaldirection of the Table Mountain RadioReceiving Zone;

(iii) Stations within 16 km (10 statutemiles) with 1 kW or more ERP in theprimary plane of polarization in the az-imuthal direction of the Table Moun-tain Receiving Zone;

(iv) Stations within 80 km (50 statutemiles) with 25 kW or more ERP in theprimary plane of polarization in the az-imuthal direction of the Table Moun-tain Receiving Zone.

(2) Applicants concerned are urged tocommunicate with the Radio Fre-quency Management Coordinator, De-partment of Commerce, Research Sup-port Services, NOAA R/E5X2, BoulderLaboratories, Boulder, CO 80303; tele-phone (303) 497–6548, in advance of filingtheir applications with the Commis-sion.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.177

(3) The Commission will not screenapplications to determine whether ad-vance consultation has taken place.However, applicants are advised thatsuch consultation can avoid objectionsfrom the Department of Commerce orproceedings to modify any authoriza-tion which may be granted which, infact, delivers a signal at the site in ex-cess of the field strength specifiedherein.

(d) Protection for Federal Commu-nications Commission monitoring sta-tions:

(1) Applicants in the vicinity of anFCC monitoring station for a radio sta-tion authorization to operate newtransmitting facilities or changedtransmitting facilities which would in-crease the field strength produced overthe monitoring station over that pre-viously authorized are advised to giveconsideration, prior to filing applica-tions, to the possible need to protectthe FCC stations from harmful inter-ference. Geographical coordinates ofthe facilities which require protectionare listed in § 0.121(c) of the Commis-sion’s Rules. Applications for stations(except mobile stations) which willproduce on any frequency a direct wavefundamental field strength of greaterthan 10 mV/m in the authorized band-width of service (¥65.8 dBW/m2 powerflux density assuming a free spacecharacteristic impedance of 120 timespi, or 377, ohms) at the referenced co-ordinates, may be examined to deter-mine extent of possible interference.Depending on the theoretical fieldstrength value and existing root-sum-square or other ambient radio field sig-nal levels at the indicated coordinates,a clause protecting the monitoring sta-tion may be added to the station au-thorization.

(2) In the event that calculated valueof expected field exceeds 10 mV/m(¥65.8 dBW/m2) at the reference coordi-nates, or if there is any questionwhether field strength levels might ex-ceed the threshold value, advance con-sultation with the FCC to discuss anyprotection necessary should be consid-ered. Prospective applicants may com-municate with: Chief, Compliance andInformation Bureau, Federal Commu-nications Commission, Washington, DC20554, Telephone (202) 632–6980.

(3) Advance consultation is suggestedparticularly for those applicants whohave no reliable data which indicateswhether the field strength or powerflux density figure indicated would beexceeded by their proposed radio facili-ties (except mobile stations). In suchinstances, the following is a suggestedguide for determining whether an ap-plicant should coordinate:

(i) All stations within 2.4 kilometers(1.5 statute miles);

(ii) Stations within 4.8 kilometers (3statute miles) with 50 watts or moreaverage effective radiated power (ERP)in the primary plane of polarization inthe azimuthal direction of the Monitor-ing Stations;

(iii) Stations within 16 kilometers (10statute miles) with 1 kW or more aver-age ERP in the primary plane of polar-ization in the azimuthal direction ofthe Monitoring Station;

(iv) Stations within 80 kilometers (50statute miles) with 25 kW or more av-erage ERP in the primary plane of po-larization in the azimuthal direction ofthe Monitoring Station.

(4) Advance coordination for stationsoperating above 1000 MHz is rec-ommended only where the proposedstation is in the vicinity of a monitor-ing station designated as a satellitemonitoring facility in § 0.121(c) of theCommission’s Rules and also meets thecriteria outlined in paragraphs (d)(2)and (3) of this section.

(5) The Commission will not screenapplications to determine whether ad-vance consultation has taken place.However, applicants are advised thatsuch consultation can avoid objectionsfrom the Federal CommunicationsCommission or modification of any au-thorization which will cause harmfulinterference.

(e) In the band 420 to 450 MHz, appli-cants should not expect to be accom-modated if their area of service is with-in 160 kilometers (100 miles) of the fol-lowing locations:

(1) 45°45′′ N., 70°32′ W,(2) 64°17′ N., 149°10′ W,(3) 48°43′ N., 97°54′ W;

within 200 kilometers (124 miles) of thefollowing locations:

(1) 32°38′ N., 83°35′ W,(2) 31°25′ N., 100°24′ W;

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.179

within 240 kilometers (150 miles) of thefollowing location:

(1) 39°08′ N., 121°26′ W;

within 320 kilometers (200 miles) of thefollowing locations:

(1) 28°21′ N., 80°43′ W,(2) 30°30′ N., 86°30′ W,(3) 43°09′ N., 119°11′ W;

or in the following locations:

(1) The state of Arizona,(2) The state of Florida,(3) Portions of California and Nevada south

of 37°10′ N,(4) And portions of Texas and New Mexico

bounded by 31°45′ N., 34°30′ N., 104°00′ W. and107°30′ W.

(f) Licensees planning to constructand operate a new station at a perma-nent fixed location on the islands ofPuerto Rico, Desecheo, Mona, Viequesor Culebra in services in which individ-ual station licenses are issued by theFCC; planning to construct and operatea new station at a permanent fixed lo-cation on these islands that may causeinterference to the operations of theArecibo Observatory in services inwhich individual station licenses arenot issued by the FCC; or planning amodification of any existing station ata permanent fixed location on these is-lands that would increase the likeli-hood of causing interference to the op-erations of the Arecibo Observatorymust notify the Interference Office,Arecibo Observatory, Post Office Box995, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00613, in writ-ing or electronically (e-mail address:[email protected]), of the technical param-eters of the planned operation. Carriersmay wish to use the interference guide-lines provided by Cornell University asguidance in designing facilities toavoid interference to the Observatory.The notification must include identi-fication of the geographical coordi-nates of the antenna location (NAD–83datum), the antenna height, antennadirectivity (if any), proposed channeland FCC Rule Part, type of emission,and effective isotropic radiated power.

(1) In services in which individualstation licenses are issued by the FCC,the notification required in paragraph(f) of this section should be sent at thesame time the application is filed withthe FCC, and at least 20 days in ad-

vance of the applicant’s planned oper-ation. The application must state thedate that notification in accordancewith paragraph (f) was made. In serv-ices in which individual station li-censes are not issued by the FCC, thenotification required in paragraph (f)of this section should be sent at least45 days in advance of the applicant’splanned operation. In the latter serv-ices, the Interference Office must in-form the FCC of a notification within20 days if the Office plans to file com-ments or objections to the notification.

(2) After the FCC receives an applica-tion from a service applicant or is in-formed by the Interference Office of anotification from a service applicant,the FCC will allow the Interference Of-fice a period of 20 days for comments orobjections in response to the applica-tion or notification. The applicant willbe required to make reasonable effortsin order to resolve or mitigate any po-tential interference problem with theArecibo Observatory and to file eitheran amendment to the application or amodification application, if appro-priate. If the FCC determines that anapplicant has satisfied its responsibil-ity to make reasonable efforts to pro-tect the Observatory from interference,its application may be granted.

(3) The provisions of this paragraphdo not apply to operations that trans-mit on frequencies above 15 GHz.

(Secs. 4, 303, 307, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066,1082, 1083; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 307)

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 44FR 77167, Dec. 31, 1979; 47 FR 34420, Aug. 9,1982; 49 FR 32770, Aug. 16, 1984; 50 FR 39003,Sept. 25, 1985; 54 FR 38680, Sept. 20, 1989; 54FR 39740, Sept. 28, 1989; 61 FR 8478, Mar. 5,1996; 62 FR 55534, Oct. 27, 1997; 63 FR 41204,Aug. 3, 1998]

§ 90.179 Shared use of radio stations.

Licensees of radio stations author-ized under this rule part may share theuse of their facilities. A station isshared when persons not licensed forthe station control the station fortheir own purposes pursuant to the li-censee’s authorization. Shared use of aradio station may be either on a non-profit cost shared basis or on a for-profit private carrier basis. Shared useof an authorized station is subject to

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.185

the following conditions and limita-tions:

(a) Persons may share a radio stationonly on frequencies for which theywould be eligible for a separate author-ization.

(b) The licensee of the shared radiostation is responsible for assuring thatthe authorized facility is used only bypersons and only for purposes consist-ent with the requirements of this rulepart.

(c) Participants in the sharing ar-rangement may obtain a license fortheir own mobile units (including con-trol points and/or control stations forcontrol of the shared facility), or theymay use mobile stations, and controlstations or control points authorized tothe licensee.

(d) If the licensee shares the land sta-tion on a non-profit, cost shared basisto the licensee, this shared use must bepursuant to a written agreement be-tween the licensee and each participantwhich sets out (1) the method of oper-ation, (2) the components of the systemwhich are covered by the sharing ar-rangements, (3) the method by whichcosts are to be apportioned, and (4) ac-knowledgement that all shared trans-mitter use must be subject to the li-censee’s control. These agreementsmust be kept as part of the stationrecords.

(e) If the land station which is beingshared is interconnected with the pub-lic switched telephone network, theprovisions of § 90.477 et seq. apply.

(f) Above 800 MHz, shared use on afor-profit private carrier basis is per-mitted only by SMR, Private CarrierPaging, and LMS licensees. See sub-parts M, P, and S of this part.

(g) The provisions of this section donot apply to licensees authorized toprovide commercial mobile radio serv-ice under this part.

[48 FR 26620, June 9, 1983, as amended at 51FR 36014, Oct. 8, 1986; 53 FR 12156, Apr. 13,1988; 54 FR 4030, Jan. 27, 1989; 54 FR 38681,Sept. 20, 1989; 57 FR 48739, Oct. 28, 1992; 59 FR59965, Nov. 21, 1994; 60 FR 15252, Mar. 23, 1995]

§ 90.185 Multiple licensing of radiotransmitting equipment in the mo-bile radio service.

Two or more persons eligible for li-censing under this rule part may be li-

censed for the same land station underthe following terms and conditions.

(a) Each licensee complies with thegeneral operating requirements set outin § 90.403 of the rules.

(b) Each licensee is eligible for thefrequency(ies) on which the land sta-tion operates.

(c) If the multiple licensed base sta-tion is interconnected with the publicswitched telephone network, the provi-sions of § 90.477 et seq. apply.

[48 FR 26621, June 9, 1983]

§ 90.187 Trunking in the bands be-tween 150 and 512 MHz.

(a) Applicants for trunked systemsoperating on frequencies between 150and 512 MHz (except 220–222 MHz) mustindicate on their applications (class ofstation code, see § 1.952 of this chapteror Instructions for FCC Form 600) thattheir system will be trunked. Licenseesof stations that are not trunked, maytrunk their systems only after modify-ing their license (See § 90.135).

(b) In the bands between 150 and 512MHz, trunking may be authorizedunder the following conditions:

(1) Where applicants for or licenseesoperating in the 470–512 MHz band meetthe loading requirements of § 90.313 andhave exclusive use of their frequenciesin their service area.

(2) Trunking will be permitted on fre-quencies where an applicant or licenseedoes not have an exclusive service area,provided that all frequency coordina-tion requirements are complied withand consent is obtained from all licens-ees pursuant to paragraphs (b)(2)(i),(b)(2)(ii), and (b)(2)(iii) of this section.

(i) Stations that have operating fre-quencies (base and mobile) that are 15kHz or less removed from proposed sta-tions that will operate with a 25 kHzchannel bandwidth; stations that haveoperating frequencies (base and mobile)that are 7.5 kHz or less removed fromproposed stations that will operatewith a 12.5 kHz bandwidth; or stationsthat have operating frequencies (baseand mobile) 3.75 kHz or less removedfrom proposed stations that will oper-ate with a 6.25 kHz bandwidth; and

(ii) Stations with service areas (37dBu contour for stations in the 150–174MHz band and 39 dBu contour for sta-tions in the 421–512 MHz bands; See

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.203

§ 90.205) that overlap a circle with ra-dius 113 km (70 mi.) from the proposedbase station. Alternatively, applicantsmay submit an engineering analysisbased upon generally accepted engi-neering practices and standards whichdemonstrates that the service area ofthe trunked system does not overlapany existing stations whose serviceareas overlap a circle with radius 113km (70 mi.) from the proposed base sta-tion.

(iii) The consensual agreementsamong licensees must specifically statethe terms agreed upon and a statementmust be submitted to the Commissionindicating that all licensees have con-sented to the use of trunking. If a li-censee has agreed to the use oftrunking, but later decides against theuse of trunking, the licensee may re-quest that the licensee(s) of thetrunked system reconsider the use oftrunking. If the licensee is unable toreach an agreement with the li-censee(s) of the trunked system, the li-censee may request that the Commis-sion consider the matter and assign itanother channel. New licensees willonly be assigned the same channel as atrunked system, if the new licenseereaches an agreement with the li-censee(s) of the trunked system.

(c) Trunking of systems licensed onpaging-only channels or licensed in theRadiolocation Service (subpart F) isnot permitted.

[62 FR 18926, Apr. 17, 1997]

Subpart I—General TechnicalStandards

§ 90.201 Scope.

This subpart sets forth the generaltechnical requirements for use of fre-quencies and equipment in the radioservices governed by this part. Such re-quirements include standards for ac-ceptability of equipment, frequencytolerance, modulation, emissions,power, and bandwidths. Special addi-tional technical standards applicableto certain frequency bands and certainspecialized uses are set forth in sub-parts J, K, and N.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 54FR 4030, Jan. 27, 1989]

§ 90.203 Type acceptance required.

(a) Except as specified in paragraph(b) of this section, each transmitterutilized for operation under this partand each transmitter marketed as setforth in § 2.803 of this chapter must beof a type which has been certificatedfor use under this part.

(1) [Reserved](2) Any manufacturer of radio trans-

mitting equipment (including signalboosters) to be used in these servicesmay request certification for suchequipment following the procedures setforth in subpart J of part 2 of thischapter. Certification for an individualtransmitter or signal booster also maybe requested by an applicant for a sta-tion authorization by following theprocedure set forth in part 2 of thischapter. Such equipment if approvedwill be individually enumerated on thestation authorization.

(b) Certification is not required forthe following:

(1) Transmitters used in develop-mental operations in accordance withsubpart Q.

(2) Transmitters used for police zoneand interzone stations authorized as ofJanuary 1, 1965.

(3) Transmitting equipment used inthe band 1427–1435 MHz.

(4) Transmitters used in radio-location stations in accordance withsubpart F authorized prior to January1, 1974, for public safety and land trans-portation applications (old parts 89 and93).

(5) Transmitters used in radio-location stations in accordance withsubpart F authorized for industrial ap-plications (old part 91) prior to Janu-ary 1, 1978.

(6) [Reserved](7) Transmitters imported and mar-

keted prior to September 1, 1996 for useby LMS systems.

(c) Radiolocation transmitters foruse in public safety and land transpor-tation applications marketed prior toJanuary 1, 1974, must meet the applica-ble technical standards in this part,pursuant to § 2.803 of this chapter.

(d) Radiolocation transmitters foruse in public safety and land transpor-tation applications marketed afterJanuary 1, 1974, must comply with the

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.203

requirements of paragraph (a) of thissection.

(e) Except as provided in paragraph(g) of this section, transmitters de-signed to operate above 25 MHz shallnot be certificated for use under thispart if the operator can program andtransmit on frequencies, other thanthose programmed by the manufac-turer, service or maintenance person-nel, using the equipment’s external op-eration controls.

(f) Except as provided in paragraph(g) of this section, transmitters de-signed to operate above 25 MHz thathave been approved prior to January15, 1988, and that permit the operator,by using external controls, to programthe transmitter’s operating fre-quencies, shall not be manufactured in,or imported into the United Statesafter March 15, 1988. Marketing of thesetransmitters shall not be permittedafter March 15, 1989.

(g) Transmitters having frequencyprogramming capability and that aredesigned to operate above 25 MHz areexempt from paragraphs (e) and (f) ofthis section if the design of such trans-mitters:

(1) Is such that transmitters with ex-ternal controls normally available tothe operator must be internally modi-fied to place the equipment in the pro-grammable mode. Further, while in theprogrammable mode, the equipmentshall not be capable of transmitting.The procedures for making the modi-fication and altering the frequency pro-gram shall not be made available withthe operating information normallysupplied to the end user of the equip-ment; or

(2) Requires the tramsitter to be pro-grammed for frequencies through con-trols normally inaccessible to the oper-ator; or

(3) Requires equipment to be pro-grammed for frequencies through useof external devices or specifically pro-grammed modules made available onlyto service/maintenance personnel; or

(4) Requires equipment to be pro-grammed through cloning (copying aprogram directly from another trans-mitter) using devices and proceduresmade available only to service/mainte-nance personnel.

(h) The requirements of paragraphs(e), (f), and (g) of this section shall notapply if:

(1) The equipment has been designedand manufactured specifically for air-craft use; and

(2) The part 90 certification limitsthe use of the equipment to operationsonly under § 90.423.

(i) Equipment certificated after Feb-ruary 16, 1988 and marketed for publicsafety operation in the 821–824/866–869MHz bands must have the capability tobe programmed for operation on themutual aid channels as designated in§ 90.617(a) of the rules.

(j) Except where otherwise specifi-cally provided for, transmitters operat-ing on frequencies in the 150–174 MHzand 421–512 MHz bands must complywith the following.

(1) [Reserved](2) Applications for certification re-

ceived on or after February 14, 1997 willonly be granted for equipment with thefollowing channel bandwidths:

(i) 12.5 kHz or less for single band-width mode equipment or multi-band-width mode equipment with a maxi-mum channel bandwidth of 12.5 kHz;

(ii) 25 kHz for multi-bandwidth modeequipment with a maximum channelbandwidth of 25 kHz if it is capable ofoperating on channels of 12.5 kHz orless; and

(iii) 25 kHz if the equipment meetsthe efficiency standard of paragraph(j)(3) of this section.

(3) Applications for part 90 certifi-cation of transmitters designed to op-erate on frequencies in the 150–174 MHzand/or 421–512 MHz bands, received onor after February 14, 1997, must includea certification that the equipmentmeets a spectrum efficiency standardof one voice channel per 12.5 kHz ofchannel bandwidth. Additionally, if theequipment is capable of transmittingdata, has transmitter output powergreater than 500 mW, and has a channelbandwidth of more than 6.25 kHz, theequipment must be capable of support-ing a minimum data rate of 4800 bitsper second per 6.25 kHz of channelbandwidth.

(4) Applications for certification re-ceived on or after January 1, 2005, ex-cept for hand-held transmitters withan output power of two watts or less,

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.203

will only be granted for equipmentwith the following channel bandwidths:

(i) 6.25 kHz or less for single band-width mode equipment;

(ii) 12.5 kHz for multi-bandwidthmode equipment with a maximumchannel bandwidth of 12.5 kHz if it iscapable of operating on channels of 6.25kHz or less;

(iii) 25 kHz for multi-bandwidth modeequipment with a maximum channelbandwidth of 25 kHz if it is capable ofoperating on channels of 6.25 kHz orless; and

(iv) Up to 25 kHz if the equipmentmeets the efficiency standard of para-graph (j)(5) of this section.

(5) Applications for part 90 certifi-cation of transmitters designed to op-erate on frequencies in the 150–174 MHzand/or 421–512 MHz bands, received onor after January 1, 2005, must include acertification that the equipment meetsa spectrum efficiency standard of onevoice channel per 6.25 kHz of channelbandwidth. Additionally, if the equip-ment is capable of transmitting data,has transmitter output power greaterthan 500 mW, and has a channel band-width of more than 6.25 kHz, the equip-ment must be capable of supporting aminimum data rate of 4800 bits per sec-ond per 6.25 kHz of channel bandwidth.

(6) Modification and permissivechanges to certification grants.

(i) The Commission’s Equipment Au-thorization Division will not allow add-ing a multi-mode or narrowband oper-ation capability to single bandwidthmode transmitters, except under thefollowing conditions:

(A) Transmitters that have the inher-ent capability for multi-mode ornarrowband operation allowed in para-graphs (j)(2) and (j)(4) of this section,may have their grant of certificationmodified (reissued) upon demonstrat-ing that the original unit complieswith the technical requirements for op-eration; and

(B) New FCC Identifiers will be re-quired to identify equipment thatneeds to be modified to comply withthe requirements of paragraphs (j)(2)and (j)(4) of this section.

(ii) All other applications for modi-fication or permissive changes will besubject to the Rules of part 2 of thischapter.

(7) Transmitters designed for one-way paging operations will be certifi-cated with a 25 kHz channel bandwidthand are exempt from the spectrum effi-ciency requirements of paragraphs(j)(3) and (j)(5) of this section.

(8) The Commission’s Equipment Au-thorization Division may, on a case bycase basis, grant certification to equip-ment with slower data rates than spec-ified in paragraphs (j)(3) and (j)(5) ofthis section, provided that a technicalanalysis is submitted with the applica-tion which describes why the slowerdata rate will provide more spectral ef-ficiency than the standard data rate.

(9) Transmitters used for stolen vehi-cle recovery on 173.075 MHz must com-ply with the requirements of§ 90.20(e)(6).

(k)(1) For transmitters operating onfrequencies in the 220–222 MHz band,certification will only be granted forequipment with channel bandwidths upto 5 kHz, except that certification willbe granted for equipment operating on220–222 MHz band Channels 1 through160 (220.0025 through 220.7975/221.0025through 221.7975), 171 through 180(220.8525 through 220.8975/221.8525through 221.8975), and 186 through 200(220.9275 through 220.9975/221.9275through 221.9975) with channelbandwidths greater than 5 kHz if theequipment meets the following spec-trum efficiency standard: Applicationsfor part 90 certification of transmittersdesigned to operate on frequencies inthe 220–222 MHz band must include astatement that the equipment meets aspectrum efficiency standard of atleast one voice channel per 5 kHz ofchannel bandwidth (for voice commu-nications), and a data rate of at least4,800 bits per second per 5 kHz of chan-nel bandwidth (for data communica-tions). Certification for transmittersoperating on 220–222 MHz band Chan-nels 1 through 160 (220.0025 through220.7975/221.0025 through 221.7975), 171through 180 (220.8525 through 220.8975/221.8525 through 221.8975), and 186through 200 (220.9275 through 220.9975/221.9275 through 221.9975) with channelbandwidths greater than 5 kHz will begranted without the requirement thata statement be included that the equip-ment meets the spectrum efficiency

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.203

standard if the requests for certifi-cation of such transmitters are filedafter December 31, 2001.

(2) Certification may be granted on acase-by-case basis by the Commission’sEquipment Authorization Division forequipment operating on 220–222 MHzband Channels 1 through 160 (220.0025through 220.7975/221.0025 through221.7975), 171 through 180 (220.8525through 220.8975/221.8525 through221.8975), and 186 through 200 (220.9275through 220.9975/221.9275 through221.9975) with channel bandwidthsgreater than 5 kHz and not satisfyingthe spectrum efficiency standard iden-tified in paragraph (k)(1) of this sec-tion, if requests for part 90 certifi-cation of such transmitters are accom-panied by a technical analysis that sat-isfactorily demonstrates that thetransmitters will provide more spectralefficiency than that which would beprovided by use of the spectrum effi-ciency standard.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978; 44 FR 32219, June5, 1979, as amended at 50 FR 13606, Apr. 5,1985; 52 FR 47570, Dec. 15, 1987; 53 FR 1024,Jan. 15, 1988; 54 FR 38681, Sept. 20, 1989; 60 FR15252, Mar. 23, 1995; 60 FR 37261, July 19, 1995;61 FR 18986, Apr. 30, 1996; 62 FR 2038, Jan. 15,1997; 62 FR 15992, Apr. 3, 1997; 62 FR 18926,Apr. 17, 1997; 63 FR 32590, June 12, 1998; 63 FR36609, July 7, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36609,July 7, 1998, § 90.203 was amended revisingparagraph (a) and paragraph (b) introductorytext and paragraphs (c), (e), (f), (h)(2), (i),(j)(2) introductory text, (j)(3), (j)(4) introduc-tory text, (j)(5), (j)(6) introductory text,(j)(6)(i)(A), (j)(7), (j)(8), and (k), effective Oct.5, 1998. For the convenience of the reader,the superseded text is set forth as follows:

§ 90.203 Certification required.(a) Except as specified in paragraph (b) of

this section, each transmitter utilized for op-eration under this part and each transmittermarketed as set forth in § 2.803 (of part 2)must be of a type which is included in theCommission’s current Radio Equipment Listas type accepted for use under this part; or,be of a type which has been type accepted bythe Commission for use under this part in ac-cordance with the procedures in paragraph(a)(2) of this section.

(1) The Commission periodically publishesa list of equipment entitled ‘‘Radio Equip-ment List, Equipment Acceptable for Licens-ing.’’ Copies of this list are available for pub-lic reference at the Commission’s offices inWashington, D.C., and at each of its field of-

fices. This list includes type accepted and,also, until such time as it may be removedby Commission action, other equipmentwhich appeared in this list on May 16, 1955.

(2) Any manufacturer of radio transmittingequipment (including signal boosters) to beused in these services may request type ac-ceptance for such equipment following theprocedures set forth in subpart J of part 2 ofthis chapter. Type acceptance for an individ-ual transmitter or signal booster also maybe requested by an applicant for a stationauthorization by following the procedure setforth in part 2 of this chapter. Such equip-ment if approved or accepted will not nor-mally be included in the Commission’s‘‘Radio Equipment List’’ but will be individ-ually enumerated on the station authoriza-tion.

(b) Type acceptance is not required for thefollowing:

* * * * *

(c) Radiolocation transmitters for use inpublic safety and land transportation appli-cations marketed prior to January 1, 1974,must meet the applicable technical stand-ards in this part, pursuant to § 2.805 of thischapter.

* * * * *

(e) Except as provided in paragraph (g) ofthis section, transmitters designed to oper-ate above 25 MHz shall not be type acceptedfor use under this part if the operator canprogram and transmit on frequencies, otherthan those programmed by the manufac-turer, service or maintenance personnel,using the equipment’s external operationcontrols.

(f) Except as provided in paragraph (g) ofthis section, transmitters designed to oper-ate above 25 MHz that have been type accept-ed prior to January 15, 1988, and that permitthe operator, by using external controls, toprogram the transmitter’s operating fre-quencies, shall not be manufactured in, orimported into the United States after March15, 1988. Marketing of these transmittersshall not be permitted after March 15, 1989.

* * * * *

(h) * * *(2) The part 90 type acceptance limits the

use of the equipment to operations onlyunder § 90.423.

(i) Equipment type accepted after Feb-ruary 16, 1988 and marketed for public safetyoperation in the 821–824/866–869 MHz bandsmust have the capability to be programmedfor operation on the mutual aid channels asdesignated in § 90.617(a) of the Rules.

(j) * * *

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.205

(2) Applications for type acceptance re-ceived on or after February 14, 1997 will onlybe granted for equipment with the followingchannel bandwidths:

* * * * *

(3) Applications for part 90 type acceptanceof transmitters designed to operate on fre-quencies in the 150–174 MHz and/or 421–512MHz bands, received on or after February 14,1997, must include a certification that theequipment meets a spectrum efficiencystandard of one voice channel per 12.5 kHz ofchannel bandwidth. Additionally, if theequipment is capable of transmitting data,has transmitter output power greater than500 mW, and has a channel bandwidth ofmore than 6.25 kHz, the equipment must becapable of supporting a minimum data rateof 4800 bits per second per 6.25 kHz of channelbandwidth.

(4) Applications for type acceptance re-ceived on or after January 1, 2005, except forhand-held transmitters with an output powerof two watts or less, type acceptance willonly be granted for equipment with the fol-lowing channel bandwidths:

* * * * *

(5) Applications for part 90 type acceptanceof transmitters designed to operate on fre-quencies in the 150–174 MHz and/or 421–512MHz bands, received on or after January 1,2005, must include a certification that theequipment meets a spectrum efficiencystandard of one voice channel per 6.25 kHz ofchannel bandwidth. Additionally, if theequipment is capable of transmitting data,has transmitter output power greater than500 mW, and has a channel bandwidth ofmore than 6.25 kHz, the equipment must becapable of supporting a minimum data rateof 4800 bits per second per 6.25 kHz of channelbandwidth.

(6) Modification and permissive changes totype acceptance grants.

(i) * * *(A) Transmitters that have the inherent

capability for multi-mode or narrowband op-eration allowed in paragraphs (j)(2) and (j)(4)of this section, may have their grant of TypeAcceptance modified (reissued) upon dem-onstrating that the original unit complieswith the technical requirements for oper-ation; and

* * * * *

(7) Transmitters designed for one-way pag-ing operations will be type accepted with a25 kHz channel bandwidth and are exemptfrom the spectrum efficiency requirementsof paragraphs (j)(3) and (j)(5) of this section.

(8) The Commission’s Equipment Author-ization Division may, on a case by case basis,

grant type acceptance to equipment withslower data rates than specified in para-graphs (j)(3) and (j)(5) of this section, pro-vided that a technical analysis is submittedwith the application which describes why theslower data rate will provide more spectralefficiency than the standard data rate.

(k) For transmitters operating on fre-quencies in the 220–222 MHz band, type ac-ceptance will only be granted for equipmentwith channel bandwidths up to 5 kHz, exceptthat type acceptance will be granted forequipment operating on 220–222 MHz bandChannels 1 through 160 (220.0025 through220.7975/221.0025 through 221.7975), 171 through180 (220.8525 through 220.8975/221.8525 through221.8975), and 186 through 200 (220.9275through 220.9975/221.9275 through 221.9975)with channel bandwidths greater than 5 kHz.

§ 90.205 Power and antenna heightlimits.

Applicants for licenses must requestand use no more power than the actualpower necessary for satisfactory oper-ation. Except where otherwise specifi-cally provided for, the maximum powerthat will be authorized to applicantswhose license applications for new sta-tions are filed after August 18, 1995 isas follows:

(a) Below 25 MHz. For single sidebandoperations (J3E emission), the maxi-mum transmitter peak envelope poweris 1000 watts.

(b) 25–50 MHz. The maximum trans-mitter output power is 300 watts.

(c) 72–76 MHz. The maximum effec-tive radiated power (ERP) for stationsoperating on fixed frequencies is 300watts. Stations operating on mobile-only frequencies are limited to onewatt transmitter output power.

(d) 150–174 MHz. (1) The maximum al-lowable station ERP is dependent uponthe station’s antenna HAAT and re-quired service area and will be author-ized in accordance with table 1. Appli-cants requesting an ERP in excess ofthat listed in table 1 must submit anengineering analysis based upon gen-erally accepted engineering practicesand standards that includes coveragecontours to demonstrate that the re-quested station parameters will notproduce coverage in excess of thatwhich the applicant requires.

(2) Applications for stations wherespecial circumstances exist that makeit necessary to deviate from the ERPand antenna heights in Table 1 will be

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.205

submitted to the frequency coordinatoraccompanied by a technical analysis,based upon generally accepted engi-neering practices and standards, thatdemonstrates that the requested sta-tion parameters will not produce a sig-nal strength in excess of 37 dBu at anypoint along the edge of the requestedservice area. The coordinator may thenrecommend any ERP appropriate tomeet this condition.

(3) An applicant for a station with aservice area radius greater than 40 km

(25 mi) must justify the requested serv-ice area radius, which will be author-ized only in accordance with table 1,note 4. For base stations with serviceareas greater than 80 km, all oper-ations 80 km or less from the base sta-tion will be on a primary basis and alloperations outside of 80 km from thebase station will be on a secondarybasis and will be entitled to no protec-tion from primary operations.


Service area radius (km)

3 8 13 16 24 32 40 48 4 64 4 80 4

Maximum ERP (w)1 ................. 1 28 178 2 500 2 500 2 500 500 2 500 2 500 2 500Up to reference HAAT (m) 3 .... 15 15 15 15 33 65 110 160 380 670

1 Maximum ERP indicated provides for a 37 dBu signal strength at the edge of the service area per FCC Report R–6602, Fig.19 (See § 73.699, Fig. 10).

2 Maximum ERP of 500 watts allowed. Signal strength at the service area contour may be less than 37 dBu.3 When the actual antenna HAAT is greater than the reference HAAT, the allowable ERP will be reduced in accordance with

the following equation: ERPallow = ERPmax × (HAATref / HAATactual)2.4 Applications for this service area radius may be granted upon specific request with justification and must include a technical

demonstration that the signal strength at the edge of the service area does not exceed 37 dBu.

(e) 220–222 MHz. Limitations on powerand antenna heights are specified in§ 90.729.

(f) 421–430 MHz. Limitations on powerand antenna heights are specified in§ 90.279.

(g) 450–470 MHz. (1) The maximum al-lowable station effective radiatedpower (ERP) is dependent upon the sta-tion’s antenna HAAT and requiredservice area and will be authorized inaccordance with table 2. Applicants re-questing an ERP in excess of that list-ed in table 2 must submit an engineer-ing analysis based upon generally ac-cepted engineering practices and stand-ards that includes coverage contours todemonstrate that the requested stationparameters will not produce coveragein excess of that which the applicantrequires.

(2) Applications for stations wherespecial circumstances exist that makeit necessary to deviate from the ERPand antenna heights in Table 2 will be

submitted to the frequency coordinatoraccompanied by a technical analysis,based upon generally accepted engi-neering practices and standards, thatdemonstrates that the requested sta-tion parameters will not produce a sig-nal strength in excess of 39 dBu at anypoint along the edge of the requestedservice area. The coordinator may thenrecommend any ERP appropriate tomeet this condition.

(3) An applicant for a station with aservice area radius greater than 32 km(20 mi) must justify the requested serv-ice area radius, which may be author-ized only in accordance with table 2,note 4. For base stations with serviceareas greater than 80 km, all oper-ations 80 km or less from the base sta-tion will be on a primary basis and alloperations outside of 80 km from thebase station will be on a secondarybasis and will be entitled to no protec-tion from primary operations.


Service area radius (km)

3 8 13 16 24 32 40 4 48 4 64 4 80 4

Maximum ERP (w) 1 ................ 2 100 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.207


Service area radius (km)

3 8 13 16 24 32 40 4 48 4 64 4 80 4

Up to reference HAAT (m) 3 .... 15 15 15 27 63 125 250 410 950 2700

1 Maximum ERP indicated provides for a 39 dBu signal strength at the edge of the service area per FCC Report R–6602, Fig.29 (See § 73.699, Fig. 10 b).

2 Maximum ERP of 500 watts allowed. Signal strength at the service area contour may be less than 39 dBu.3 When the actual antenna HAAT is greater than the reference HAAT, the allowable ERP will be reduced in accordance with

the following equation: ERPallow = ERPmax × (HAATref / HAATactual)2.4 Applications for this service area radius may be granted upon specific request with justification and must include a technical

demonstration that the signal strength at the edge of the service area does not exceed 39 dBu.

(h) 470–512 MHz. Power and heightlimitations are specified in §§ 90.307 and90.309.

(i) 806–824/851–869 MHz and 896–901/935–940 MHz. Power and height limitationsare specified in § 90.635.

(j) 902–928 MHz. LMS systems operat-ing pursuant to subpart M of this partin the 902–927.25 MHz band will be au-thorized a maximum of 30 watts ERP.LMS equipment operating in the 927.25–928 MHz band will be authorized a max-imum of 300 watts ERP. ERP must bemeasured as peak envelope power. An-tenna heights will be as specified in§ 90.353(h).

(k) 929–930 MHz. Limitations onpower and antenna heights are speci-fied in § 90.494.

(l) 2450–2483.5 MHz. The maximumtransmitter power is 5 watts.

(m) All other frequency bands. Re-quested transmitter power will be con-sidered and authorized on a case bycase basis.

(n) The output power shall not exceedby more than 20 percent either the out-put power shown in the Radio Equip-ment List [available in accordancewith §90.203(a)(1)] for transmitters in-cluded in this list or when not so list-ed, the manufacturer’s rated outputpower for the particular transmitterspecifically listed on the authorization.

[60 FR 37262, July 19, 1995, as amended at 62FR 2039, Jan. 15, 1997]

§ 90.207 Types of emissions.

Unless specified elsewhere in thispart, stations will be authorized emis-sions as provided for in paragraphs (b)through (n) of this section.

(a) Most common emission symbols. Fora complete listing of emission symbols

allowable under this part, see §2.201 ofthis chapter.

(1) The first symbol indicates thetype of modulation on the transmittercarrier.

A—Amplitude modulation, double sidebandwith identical information on each side-band.

F—Frequency modulation.G—Phase modulation.J—Single sideband with suppressed carrier.P—Unmodulated pulse.W—Cases not covered above, in which an

emission consists of the main carrier mod-ulated, either simultaneously or in a pre-established sequence, in a combination oftwo or more of the following modes: ampli-tude, angle, pulse.

(2) The second symbol indicates thetype of signal modulating the trans-mitter carrier.

0—No modulation.1—Digital modulation, no subcarrier.2—Digital modulation, modulated subcar-

rier.3—Analog modulation.

(3) The third symbol indicates thetype of transmitted information.

A—Telegraphy for aural reception.B—Telegraphy for machine reception.C—Facsimile.D—Data, telemetry, and telecommand.E—Voice.N—No transmitted information.W—Combination of the above.

(b) Authorizations to use A3E, F3E,or G3E emission also include the use ofemissions for tone signals or signalingdevices whose sole functions are to es-tablish an to maintain communica-tions, to provide automatic stationidentification, and for operations inthe Public Safety Pool, to activateemergency warning devices used solelyfor the purpose of advising the general

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.209

public or emergency personnel of animpending emergency situation.

(c) The use of F3E or G3E emission inthese services will be authorized onlyon frequencies above 25 MHz.

(d) Except for Traveler’s Informationstations in the Public Safety Pool au-thorized in accordance with § 90.242,only J3E emission will be authorizedfor telephony systems on frequenciesbelow 25 MHz.

(e) For non-voice paging operations,only A1A, A1D, A2B, A2D, F1B, F1D,F2B, F2D, G1B, G1D, G2B, or G2D emis-sions will be authorized.

(f) For radioteleprinter operationsthat may be authorized in accordancewith § 90.237, only F1B, F2B, G1B or G2Bemissions will be authorize above 25MHz, and A1B or A2B emissions below25 MHz.

(g) For radiofacsimile operationsthat may be authorized in accordancewith § 90.237, only F3C or G3C emissionswill be authorized above 25 MHz, andA3C emissions below 25 MHz.

(h) [Reserved](i) For telemetry operations, when

specifically authorized under this part,only A1D, A2D, F1D, or F2D emissionswill be authorized.

(j) For call box operations that maybe authorized in accordance with§ 90.241, only A1A, A1D, A2B, A2D, F1B,F1D, F2B, F2D, G1B, G1D, G2B, G2D,F3E or G3E emissions will be author-ized.

(k) For radiolocation operations asmay be authorized in accordance withsubpart F, unless otherwise providedfor any type of emission may be au-thorized upon a satisfactory showing ofneed.

(l) For stations in the Public Safetyand Industrial/Business Pools utilizingdigital voice modulation, in either thescrambled or unscrambled mode, F1Eor G1E emission will be authorized. Au-thorization to use F3Y emission is con-strued to include the use of F1D, F2D,G1D, or G2D emission subject to theprovisions of § 90.233.

(m) For narrowband operations in a3.6 kHz maximum authorized bandwith,any modulation type may be usedwhich complies with the emission limi-tations of § 90.209.

(n) Other emissions. Requests for emis-sions other than those listed in para-

graphs (c) through (e) of this sectionwill be considered on a case-by-casebasis to ensure that the requestedemission will not cause more inter-ference than other currently permittedemissions.

[49 FR 48711, Dec. 14, 1984, as amended at 50FR 13606, Apr. 5, 1985; 50 FR 25240, June 18,1985; 52 FR 29856, Aug. 12, 1987; 54 FR 38681,Sept. 20, 1989; 60 FR 15252, Mar. 23, 1995; 60 FR37263, July 19, 1995; 62 FR 2039, Jan. 15, 1997;62 FR 18927, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.209 Bandwidth limitations.(a) Each authorization issued to a

station licensed under this part willshow an emission designator represent-ing the class of emission authorized.The designator will be prefixed by aspecified necessary bandwidth. Thisnumber does not necessarily indicatethe bandwidth occupied by the emis-sion at any instant. In those caseswhere § 2.202 of this chapter does notprovide a formula for the computationof necessary bandwidth, the occupiedbandwidth, as defined in part 2 of thischapter, may be used in lieu of the nec-essary bandwidth.

(b) The maximum authorized singlechannel bandwidth of emission cor-responding to the type of emissionspecified in § 90.207 is as follows:

(1) For A1A or A1B emissions, themaximum authorized bandwidth is 0.25kHz. The maximum authorized band-width for type A3E emission is 8 kHz.

(2) For operations below 25 MHz uti-lizing J3E emission, the bandwidth oc-cupied by the emission shall not exceed3000 Hz. The assigned frequency will bespecified in the authorization. The au-thorized carrier frequency will be 1400Hz lower in frequency than the as-signed frequency. Only upper sidebandemission may be used. In the case ofregularly available double sideband ra-diotelephone channels, an assigned fre-quency for J3E emissions is availableeither 1600 Hz below or 1400 Hz abovethe double sideband radiotelephone as-signed frequency.

(3) For all other types of emissions,the maximum authorized bandwidthshall not be more than that normallyauthorized for voice operations.

(4) Where a frequency is assigned ex-clusively to a single licensee, morethan a single emission may be used

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.210

within the authorized bandwidth. Insuch cases, the frequency stability re-quirements of § 90.213 must be met foreach emission.

(5) Unless specified elsewhere, chan-nel spacings and bandwidths that willbe authorized in the following fre-quency bands are given in the followingtable.


Frequency band (MHz)Channelspacing(kHz)

Authorized band-width (kHz)

Below 25 2 ..............................25–50 ..................................... 20 2072–76 ..................................... 20 20150–174 ................................. 1 7.5 1,3 20/11.25/6220–222 ................................. 5 4421–512 2 ............................... 1 6.25 1,3 20/11.25/6806–821/851–866 .................. 25 20821–824/866–869 .................. 12.5 20896–901/935–940 .................. 12.5 13.6902–928 4 ...............................929–930 ................................. 25 201427–1435 2 ...........................2450–2483.52 2 ......................Above 2500 2 ..........................

1 For stations authorized on or after August 18, 1995.2 Bandwidths for radiolocation stations in the 420–450 MHz

band and for stations operating in bands subject to this foot-note will be reviewed and authorized on a case-by-case basis.

3 Operations using equipment designed to operate with a 25kHz channel bandwidth will be authorized a 20 kHz band-width. Operations using equipment designed to operate with a12.5 kHz channel bandwidth will be authorized a 11.25 kHzbandwidth. Operations using equipment designed to operatewith a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth will be authorized a 6 kHzbandwidth.

4 The maximum authorized bandwidth shall be 12 MHz fornon-multilateration LMS operations in the band 909.75–921.75 MHz and 2 MHz in the band 902.00–904.00 MHz. Themaximum authorized bandwidth for multilateration LMS oper-ations shall be 5.75 MHz in the 904.00–909.75 MHz band; 2MHz in the 919.75–921.75 MHz band; 5.75 MHz in the921.75–927.25 MHz band and its associated 927.25–927.50MHz narrowband forward link; and 8.00 MHz if the 919.75–921.75 MHz and 921.75–927.25 MHz bands and their associ-ated 927.25–927.50 MHz and 927.50–927.75 MHznarrowband forward links are aggregated.

[60 FR 37263, July 19, 1995]

§ 90.210 Emission masks.Except as indicated elsewhere in this

part, transmitters used in the radioservices governed by this part mustcomply with the emission masks out-lined in this section. Unless otherwisestated, per paragraphs (d)(4), (e)(4), and(m) of this section, measurements ofemission power can be expressed in ei-ther peak or average values providedthat emission powers are expressedwith the same parameters used tospecify the unmodulated transmittercarrier power. For transmitters that donot produce a full power unmodulatedcarrier, reference to the unmodulated

transmitter carrier power refers to thetotal power contained in the channelbandwidth. Unless indicated elsewherein this part, the table in this sectionspecifies the emission masks for equip-ment operating in the frequency bandsgoverned under this part.


Frequency band(MHz)

Mask for equip-ment with audiolow pass filter

Mask for equip-ment without

audio low passfilter

Below 25 1 ................ A or B ................. A or C25–50 ........................ B ......................... C72–76 ........................ B ......................... C150–174 2 ................. B, D, or E ........... C, D, or E150 Paging-only ....... B ......................... C220–222 .................... F ......................... F421–512 2 ................. B, D, or E ........... C, D, or E450 Paging-only ....... B ......................... G806–821/851–866 3 .. B ......................... G821–824/866–869 ..... B ......................... H896–901/935–940 ..... I .......................... J902–928 .................... K ......................... K929–930 .................... B ......................... GAbove 940 ................ B ......................... CAll other bands ......... B ......................... C

1 Equipment using single sideband J3E emission must meetthe requirements of Emission Mask A. Equipment using otheremissions must meet the requirements of Emission Mask B orC, as applicable.

2 Equipment designed to operate with a 25 kHz channelbandwidth must meet the requirements of Emission Mask B orC, as applicable. Equipment designed to operate with a 12.5kHz channel bandwidth must meet the requirements of Emis-sion Mask D, and equipment designed to operate with a 6.25kHz channel bandwidth must meet the requirements of Emis-sion Mask E.

3 Equipment used in this band licensed to EA or non-EAsystems shall comply with the emission mask provisions of§ 90.691.

(a) Emission Mask A. For transmittersutilizing J3E emission, the carriermust be at least 40 dB below the peakenvelope power and the power of emis-sions must be reduced below the outputpower (P in watts) of the transmitteras follows:

(1) On any frequency removed fromthe assigned frequency by more than 50percent, but not more than 150 percentof the authorized bandwidth: At least25 dB.

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe assigned frequency by more than150 percent, but not more than 250 per-cent of the authorized bandwidth: Atleast 35 dB.

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe assigned frequency by more than250 percent of the authorized band-width: At least 43 + 10 log P dB.

(b) Emission Mask B. For transmittersthat are equipped with an audio low-pass filter pursuant to § 90.211(a), the

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.210

power of any emission must be belowthe unmodulated carrier power (P) asfollows:

(1) On any frequency removed fromthe assigned frequency by more than 50percent, but not more than 100 percentof the authorized bandwidth: At least25 dB.

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe assigned frequency by more than100 percent, but not more than 250 per-cent of the authorized bandwidth: Atleast 35 dB.

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe assigned frequency by more than250 percent of the authorized band-width: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

(c) Emission Mask C. For transmittersthat are not equipped with an audiolow-pass filter pursuant to § 90.211(b),the power of any emission must be at-tenuated below the unmodulated car-rier output power (P) as follows:

(1) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 5 kHz, but not more than10 kHz: At least 83 log (fd/5) dB;

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 10 kHz, but not more than250 percent of the authorized band-width: At least 29 log (fd2/11) dB or 50dB, whichever is the lesser attenu-ation;

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby more than 250 percent of the author-ized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P)dB.

(d) Emission Mask D—12.5 kHz channelbandwidth equipment. For transmittersdesigned to operate with a 12.5 kHzchannel bandwidth, any emission mustbe attenuated below the power (P) ofthe highest emission contained withinthe authorized bandwidth as follows:

(1) On any frequency from the centerof the authorized bandwidth f0 to 5.625kHz removed from f0: Zero dB.

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 5.625 kHz but no morethan 12.5 kHz: At least 7.27(fd ¥ 2.88kHz) dB.

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidth

by a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 12.5 kHz: At least 50 + 10log (P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is thelesser attenuation.

(4) The reference level for showingcompliance with the emission maskshall be established using a resolutionbandwidth sufficiently wide (usuallytwo to three times the channel band-width) to capture the true peak emis-sion of the equipment under test. Inorder to show compliance with theemissions mask up to and including 50kHz removed from the edge of the au-thorized bandwidth, adjust the resolu-tion bandwidth to 100 Hz with themeasuring instrument in a peak holdmode. A sufficient number of sweepsmust be measured to insure that theemission profile is developed. If videofiltering is used, its bandwidth mustnot be less than the instrument resolu-tion bandwidth. For emissions beyond50 kHz from the edge of the authorizedbandwidth, see paragraph (m) of thissection. If it can be shown that use ofthe above instrumentation settings donot accurately represent the true in-terference potential of the equipmentunder test, then an alternate proceduremay be used provided prior Commis-sion approval is obtained.

(e) Emission Mask E—6.25 kHz or lesschannel bandwidth equipment. Fortransmitters designed to operate witha 6.25 kHz or less bandwidth, any emis-sion must be attenuated below thepower (P) of the highest emission con-tained within the authorized band-width as follows:

(1) On any frequency from the centerof the authorized bandwidth f0 to 3.0kHz removed from f0: Zero dB.

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 3.0 kHz but no more than4.6 kHz: At least 30 + 16.67(fd ¥ 3 kHz) or55 + 10 log (P) or 65 dB, whichever is thelesser attenuation.

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby more than 4.6 kHz: At least 55 + 10log (P) or 65 dB, whichever is the lesserattenuation.

(4) The reference level for showingcompliance with the emission maskshall be established using a resolutionbandwidth sufficiently wide (usually

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.210

two to three times the channel band-width) to capture the true peak emis-sion of the equipment under test. Inorder to show compliance with theemissions mask up to and including 50kHz removed from the edge of the au-thorized bandwidth, adjust the resolu-tion bandwidth to 100 Hz with themeasuring instrument in a peak holdmode. A sufficient number of sweepsmust be measured to insure that theemission profile is developed. If videofiltering is used, its bandwidth mustnot be less than the instrument resolu-tion bandwidth. For emissions beyond50 kHz from the edge of the authorizedbandwidth, see paragraph (m) of thissection. If it can be shown that use ofthe above instrumentation settings donot accurately represent the true in-terference potential of the equipmentunder test, then an alternate proceduremay be used provided prior Commis-sion approval is obtained.

(f) Emission Mask F. For transmittersoperating in the 220–222 MHz frequencyband, any emission must be attenuatedbelow the power (P) of the highestemission contained within the author-ized bandwidth as follows:

(1) On any frequency from the centerof the authorized bandwidth fo to theedge of the authorized bandwidth fe:

Zero dB.(2) On any frequency removed from

the center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 2 kHz up to and including3.75 kHz: 30 + 20(fd -2) dB or 55 + 10 log(P), or 65 dB, whichever is the lesser at-tenuation.

(3) On any frequency beyond 3.75 kHzremoved from the center of the author-ized bandwidth fd: At least 55 + 10 log(P) dB.

(g) Emission Mask G. For transmittersthat are not equipped with an audiolow-pass filter pursuant to § 90.211(b),the power of any emission must be at-tenuated below the unmodulated car-rier power (P) as follows:

(1) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 5 kHz, but no more than10 kHz: At least 83 log (fd/5) dB;

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)

of more than 10 kHz, but no more than250 percent of the authorized band-width: At least 116 log (fd/6.1) dB, or 50+ 10 log (P) dB, or 70 dB, whichever isthe lesser attenuation;

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby more than 250 percent of the author-ized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P)dB.

(h) Emission Mask H. For transmittersthat are not equipped with an audiolow-pass filter pursuant to § 90.211(b),the power of any emission must be at-tenuated below the unmodulated car-rier power (P) as follows:

(1) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of 4 kHz or less: Zero dB.

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 4 kHz, but no more than8.5 kHz: At least 107 log (fd/4) dB;

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 8.5 kHz, but no more than15 kHz: At least 40.5 log (fd/1.16) dB;

(4) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 15 kHz, but no more than25 kHz: At least 116 log (fd/6.1) dB;

(5) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby more than 25 kHz: At least 43 + log(P) dB.

(i) Emission Mask I. For transmittersthat are equipped with an audio lowpass filter pursuant to § 90.211(a), thepower of any emission must be attenu-ated below the unmodulated carrierpower of the transmitter (P) as follows:

(1) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency of morethan 6.8 kHz, but no more than 9.0 kHz:At least 25 dB;

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency of morethan 9.0 kHz, but no more than 15 kHz:At least 35 dB;

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency of morethan 15 kHz: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB,

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.210

or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser at-tenuation.

(j) Emission Mask J. For transmittersthat are not equipped with an audiolow-pass filter pursuant to § 90.211(b),the power of any emission must be at-tenuated below the unmodulated car-rier power of the transmitter (P) as fol-lows:

(1) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 2.5 kHz, but no more than6.25 kHz: At least 53 log (fd/2.5) dB;

(2) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 6.25 kHz, but no morethan 9.5 kHz: At least 103 log (fd/3.9) dB;

(3) On any frequency removed fromthe center of the authorized bandwidthby a displacement frequency (fd in kHz)of more than 9.5 kHz: At least 157 log(fd/5.3) dB, or 50 + 10 log (P) dB or 70 dB,whichever is the lesser attenuation.

(k) Emission Mask K—(1) Widebandmultilateration transmitters. For trans-mitters authorized under subpart M toprovide forward or reverse links in amultilateration system in the subbands904–909.75 MHz, 921.75–927.25 MHz and919.75–921.75 MHz, and which transmitan emission occupying more than 50kHz bandwidth: in any 100 kHz band,the center frequency of which is re-moved from the center of authorizedsub-band(s) by more than 50 percent ofthe authorized bandwidth, the power ofemissions shall be attenuated belowthe transmitter output power, as speci-fied by the following equation, but inno case less than 31 dB:A=16+0.4 (D¥50)+10 log B (attenuation

greater than 66 dB is not required)Where:

A=attenuation (in decibels) below the maxi-mum permitted output power level

D=displacement of the center frequency ofthe measurement bandwidth from the cen-ter frequency of the authorized sub-band,expressed as a percentage of the authorizedbandwidth B

B=authorized bandwidth in megahertz.

(2) Narrowband forward link transmit-ters. For LMS multilaterationnarrowband forward link transmittersoperating in the 927.25–928 MHz fre-quency band the power of any emissionshall be attenuated below the trans-

mitter output power (P) in accordancewith following schedule:On any frequency outside the author-ized sub-band and removed from theedge of the authorized sub-band by adisplacement frequency (fd in kHz): atleast 116 log ((fd+10)/6.1) dB or 50 + 10log (P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is thelesser attenuation.

(3) Other transmitters. For all othertransmitters authorized under SubpartM, the peak power of any emissionshall be attenuated below the power ofthe highest emission contained withinthe licensee’s LMS sub-band in accord-ance with the following schedule:

(i) On any frequency within the au-thorized bandwidth: Zero dB;

(ii) On any frequency outside the li-censee’s LMS sub-band edges:55+10log(P) dB where (P) is the highestemission (watts) of the transmitter in-side the licensee’s LMS sub-band.

(4) The resolution bandwidth of theinstrumentation used to measure theemission power shall be 100 kHz, exceptthat, in regard to paragraph (2) of thissection, a minimum spectrum analyzerresolution bandwidth of 300 Hz shall beused for measurement center fre-quencies within 1 MHz of the edge ofthe authorized subband. If a video filteris used, its bandwidth shall not be lessthan the resolution bandwidth.

(5) Emission power shall be measuredin peak values.

(6) The LMS sub-band edges for non-multilateration systems for whichemissions must be attenuated are902.00, 904.00, 909.5 and 921.75 MHz.

(l) Other frequency bands. Transmit-ters designed for operation under thispart on frequencies other than listed inthis section must meet the emissionmask requirements of Emission MaskB. Equipment operating under this parton frequencies allocated to but sharedwith the Federal Government, mustmeet the applicable Federal Govern-ment technical standards.

(m) Instrumentation. The referencelevel for showing compliance with theemission mask shall be established, ex-cept as indicated in §§ 90.210 (d), (e), and(k), using standard engineering prac-tices for the modulation characteristicused by the equipment under test.When measuring emissions in the 150–174 MHz and 421–512 MHz the following

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.213

procedures will apply. A sufficientnumber of sweeps must be measured toinsure that the emission profile is de-veloped. If video filtering is used, itsbandwidth must not be less than theinstrument resolution bandwidth. Forfrequencies more than 50 kHz removedfrom the edge of the authorized band-width a resolution of at least 10 kHzmust be used for frequencies below 1000MHz. Above 1000 MHz the resolutionbandwidth of the instrumentationmust be at least 1 MHz. If it can beshown that use of the above instrumen-tation settings do not accurately rep-resent the true interference potentialof the equipment under test, then analternate procedure may be used pro-vided prior Commission approval is ob-tained.

[60 FR 37264, July 19, 1995, as amended at 61FR 4235, Feb. 5, 1996; 61 FR 6155, Feb. 16, 1996;61 FR 18986, Apr. 30, 1996; 62 FR 41214, July 31,1997; 62 FR 52044, Oct. 6, 1997]

§ 90.211 Modulation requirements.

Each transmitter must meet the re-quirements of either paragraph (a) or(b) of this section. The requirements ofthis paragraph do not apply to mobilestations that are authorized to operatewith a maximum power output of 2watts or less.

(a) Transmitters utilizing analogemissions that are equipped with anaudio low-pass filter must meet theemission limitations specified in§90.210. Testing must be in accordancewith the rules specified in part 2 of thischapter.

(b) Transmitters utilizing digital oranalog emissions without an audio low-pass filter must be tested for certifi-cation using the digital or analog mod-ulating signal or signals specified bythe part 2 of this chapter. The certifi-cation application must contain suchinformation as may be necessary todemonstrate that the transmitter com-plies with the emission limitationsspecified in § 90.210.

[60 FR 37266, July 19, 1995, as amended at 62FR 2039, Jan. 15, 1997; 63 FR 36610, July 7,1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36610,July 7, 1998, § 90.211 was amended in para-graph (b) by removing the term ‘‘type ac-ceptance’’ each place it appears and adding

in its place ‘‘certification’’, effective Oct. 5,1998.

§ 90.212 Provisions relating to the useof scrambling devices and digitalvoice modulation.

(a) Analog scrambling techniquesmay be employed at any station au-thorized the use of A3E, F3E, or G3Eemission, subject to the provision ofparagraph (d) of this section.

(b) The use of digital scramblingtechniques or digital voice modulationrequires the specific authorization ofF1E or G1E emission, and these emis-sions will only be authorized subject tothe provisions of paragraph (d) of thissection.

(c) The transmission of any non-voiceinformation or data under the author-ization of F1E or G1E emission is pro-hibited. However, stations authorizedthe use of F1E or G1E emission mayalso be authorized F1D, F2D, G1D orG2D emission for non-voice commu-nication purposes, pursuant to para-graph (k) of § 90.207.

(d) Station identification shall betransmitted in the unscrambled analogmode (clear voice) or Morse code in ac-cordance with the provisions of § 90.425.All digital encoding and digital modu-lation shall be disabled during stationidentification.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 47FR 15340, Apr. 9, 1982; 49 FR 48711, Dec. 14,1984]

§ 90.213 Frequency stability.(a) Unless noted elsewhere, transmit-

ters used in the services governed bythis part must have a minimum fre-quency stability as specified in the fol-lowing table.

MINIMUM FREQUENCY STABILITY[Parts per million (ppm)]

Frequency range (MHz) Fixed andbase stations

Mobile stations

Over 2wattsoutputpower

2 wattsor lessoutputpower

Below 25 ...................... 1,2,3 100 100 20025–50 20 20 5072–76 ........................... 5 .............. 50150–174 ....................... 5,11 5 6 5 4,6 50220–222 12 .................... 0.1 1.5 1.5421–512 ....................... 7,11,14 2.5 8 5 8 5806–821 ....................... 14 1.5 2.5 2.5821–824 ....................... 14 1.0 1.5 1.5851–866 ....................... 1.5 2.5 2.5

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.214

MINIMUM FREQUENCY STABILITY—Continued[Parts per million (ppm)]

Frequency range (MHz) Fixed andbase stations

Mobile stations

Over 2wattsoutputpower

2 wattsor lessoutputpower

866–869 ....................... 1.0 1.5 1.5896–901 ....................... 14 0.1 1.5 1.5902–928 ....................... 2.5 2.5 2.5902–928 13 .................... 2.5 2.5 2.5929–930 ....................... 1.5 .............. ..............935–940 ....................... 0.1 1.5 1.51427–1435 ................... 9 300 300 300Above 2450 10 .............. ...................... .............. ..............

1 Fixed and base stations with over 200 watts transmitterpower must have a frequency stability of 50 ppm except forequipment used in the Public Safety Pool where the fre-quency stability is 100 ppm.

2 For single sideband operations below 25 MHz, the carrierfrequency must be maintained within 50 Hz of the authorizedcarrier frequency.

3 Travelers information station transmitters operating from530–1700 kHz and transmitters exceeding 200 watts peak en-velope power used for disaster communications and long dis-tance circuit operations pursuant to §§ 90.242 and 90.264must maintain the carrier frequency to within 20 Hz of the au-thorized frequency.

4 Stations operating in the 154.45 to 154.49 MHz or the173.2 to 173.4 MHz bands must have a frequency stability of5 ppm.

5 In the 150–174 MHz band, fixed and base stations with a12.5 kHz channel bandwidth must have a frequency stabilityof 2.5 ppm. Fixed and base stations with a 6.25 kHz channelbandwidth must have a frequency stability of 1.0 ppm.

6 In the 150–174 MHz band, mobile stations designed to op-erate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth or designed to oper-ate on a frequency specifically designated for itinerant use ordesigned for low-power operation of two watts or less, musthave a frequency stability of 5.0 ppm. Mobile stations de-signed to operate with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth musthave a frequency stability of 2.0 ppm.

7 In the 421–512 MHz band, fixed and base stations with a12.5 kHz channel bandwidth must have a frequency stabilityof 1.5 ppm. Fixed and base stations with a 6.25 kHz channelbandwidth must have a frequency stability of 0.5 ppm.

8 In the 421–512 MHz band, mobile stations designed to op-erate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth must have a fre-quency stability of 2.5 ppm. Mobile stations designed to oper-ate with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth must have a fre-quency stability of 1.0 ppm.

9 Fixed stations with output powers above 120 watts andnecessary bandwidth less than 3 kHz must operate with a fre-quency stability of 100 ppm. Fixed stations with output powersless than 120 watts and using time-division multiplex, mustoperate with a frequency stability of 500 ppm.

10 Frequency stability to be specified in the station author-ization.

11 Paging transmitters operating on paging-only frequenciesmust operate with frequency stability of 5 ppm in the 150–174MHz band and 2.5 ppm in the 421–512 MHz band.

12 Mobile units may utilize synchronizing signals from asso-ciated base stations to achieve the specified carrier stability.

13 Fixed non-multilateration transmitters with an authorizedbandwidth that is more than 40 kHz from the band edge,intermittently operated hand-held readers, and mobile tran-sponders are not subject to frequency tolerance restrictions.

14 Control stations may operate with the frequency tolerancespecified for associated mobile frequencies.

(b) For the purpose of determiningthe frequency stability limits, thepower of a transmitter is considered tobe the maximum rated output power asspecified by the manufacturer.

[60 FR 37266, July 19, 1995, as amended at 61FR 4235, Feb. 5, 1996; 61 FR 18986, Apr. 30,1996; 61 FR 38403, July 24, 1996; 62 FR 2040,Jan. 15, 1997; 62 FR 18927, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.214 Transient frequency behavior.

Transmitters designed to operate inthe 150–174 MHz and 421–512 MHz fre-quency bands must maintain transientfrequencies within the maximum fre-quency difference limits during thetime intervals indicated:

Time intervals 1, 2 Maximum frequencydifference 3

All equipment

150 to 174 MHz 421 to 512MHz

Transient Frequency Behavior for Equipment Designed to Operate on 25 kHz Channels

t1 4 .............................................................................................. ± 25.0 kHz 5.0 ms 10.0 mst2 ................................................................................................ ± 12.5 kHz 20.0 ms 25.0 mst3 4 .............................................................................................. ± 25.0 kHz 5.0 ms 10.0 ms

Transient Frequency Behavior for Equipment Designed to Operate on 12.5 kHz Channels

t1 4 .............................................................................................. ± 12.5 kHz 5.0 ms 10.0 mst2 ................................................................................................ ± 6.25 kHz 20.0 ms 25.0 mst3 4 .............................................................................................. ± 12.5 kHz 5.0 ms 10.0 ms

Transient Frequency Behavior for Equipment Designed to Operate on 6.25 kHz Channels

t1 4 .............................................................................................. ± 6.25 kHz 5.0 ms 10.0 mst2 ................................................................................................ ± 3.125 kHz 20.0 ms 25.0 mst3 4 .............................................................................................. ± 6.25 kHz 5.0 ms 10.0 ms

1 t on is the instant when a 1 kHz test signal is completely suppressed, including any capture time due to phasing.t 1 is the time period immediately following ton.t2 is the time period immediately following t1.t3 is the time period from the instant when the transmitter is turned off until toff.toff is the instant when the 1 kHz test signal starts to rise.2 During the time from the end of t2 to the beginning of t3, the frequency difference must not exceed the limits specified in

§ 90.213.3 Difference between the actual transmitter frequency and the assigned transmitter frequency.4 If the transmitter carrier output power rating is 6 watts or less, the frequency difference during this time period may exceed

the maximum frequency difference for this time period.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.217

[62 FR 2040, Jan. 15, 1997]

§ 90.215 Transmitter measurements.(a) The licensee of each station shall

employ a suitable procedure to deter-mine that the carrier frequency of eachtransmitter authorized to operate withan output power in excess of two wattsis maintained within the tolerence pre-scribed in § 90.213. This determinationshall be made, and the results enteredin the station records in accordancewith the following:

(1) When the transmitter is initiallyinstalled;

(2) When any change is made in thetransmitter which may affect the car-rier frequency or its stability.

(b) The licensee of each station shallemploy a suitable procedure to deter-mine that each transmitter authorizedto operate with an output power in ex-cess of two watts does not exceed themaximum figure specified on the cur-rent station authorization. On author-izations stating only the input powerto the final radiofrequency stage, themaximum permissible output power is75 percent for frequencies below 25 MHzand 60 percent of the input power forfrequencies above 25 MHz. If a non-DCfinal radiofrequency stage is utilized,then the output power shall not exceed75 percent of the input power. This de-termination shall be made, and the re-sults thereof entered into the stationrecords, in accordance with the follow-ing:

(1) When the transmitter is initiallyinstalled;

(2) When any change is made in thetransmitter which may increase thetransmitter power input.

(c) The licensee of each station shallemploy a suitable procedure to deter-mine that the modulation of eachtransmitter, which is authorized to op-erate with an output power in excess oftwo watts, does not exceed the limitsspecified in this part. This determina-tion shall be made and the followingresults entered in the station records,in accordance with the following:

(1) When the transmitter is initiallyinstalled;

(2) When any change is made in thetransmitter which may affect the mod-ulation characteristics.

(d) The determinations required byparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this sec-tion may, at the opinion of the li-censee, be made by a qualified engi-neering measurement service, in whichcase the required record entries shallshow the name and address of the engi-neering measurement service as well asthe name of the person making themeasurements.

(e) In the case of mobile transmit-ters, the determinations required byparagraphs (a) and (c) of this sectionmay be made at a test or service bench:Provided, That the measurements aremade under load conditions equivalentto actual operating conditions; andprovided further, that after installa-tion in the mobile unit the transmitteris given a routine check to determinethat it is capable of being receivedsatisfactorly by an appropriate re-ceiver.

§ 90.217 Exemption from technicalstandards.

Except as noted herein, transmittersused at stations licensed below 800 MHzon any frequency listed in subparts Band C of this part or licensed on a busi-ness category channel above 800 MHzwhich have an output power not ex-ceeding 120 milliwatts are exempt fromthe technical requirements set out inthis subpart, but must instead complywith the following:

(a) For equipment designed to oper-ate with a 25 kHz channel bandwidth,the sum of the bandwidth occupied bythe emitted signal plus the bandwidthrequired for frequency stability shallbe adjusted so that any emission ap-pearing on a frequency 40 kHz or moreremoved from the assigned frequency isattenuated at least 30 dB below theunmodulated carrier.

(b) For equipment designed to oper-ate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth,the sum of the bandwidth occupied bythe emitted signal plus the bandwidthrequired for frequency stability shallbe adjusted so that any emission ap-pearing on a frequency 25 kHz or moreremoved from the assigned frequency isattenuated at least 30 dB below theunmodulated carrier.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.219

(c) For equipment designed to oper-ate with a 6.25 kHz channel bandwidth,the sum of the bandwidth occupied bythe emitted signal plus the bandwidthrequired for frequency stability shallbe adjusted so that any emission ap-pearing on a frequency 12.5 kHz ormore removed from the assigned fre-quency is attenuated at least 30 dBbelow the unmodulated carrier.

(d) Transmitters may be operated inthe continuous carrier transmit mode.

[60 FR 37267, July 19, 1995, as amended at 62FR 2041, Jan. 15, 1997; 62 FR 18927, Apr. 17,1997]

§ 90.219 Use of signal boosters.Licensees authorized to operate radio

systems in the frequency bands above150 MHz may employ signal boosters atfixed locations in accordance with thefollowing criteria:

(a) The amplified signal is re-transmitted only on the exact fre-quency(ies) of the originating base,fixed, mobile, or portable station(s).The booster will fill in only weak sig-nal areas and cannot extend the sys-tem’s normal signal coverage area.

(b) Class A narrowband signal boost-ers must be equipped with automaticgain control circuitry which will limitthe total effective radiated power(ERP) of the unit to a maximum of 5watts under all conditions. Class Bbroadband signal boosters are limitedto 5 watts ERP for each authorized fre-quency that the booster is designed toamplify.

(c) Class A narrowband boosters mustmeet the out-of-band emission limits of§ 90.209 for each narrowband channelthat the booster is designed to amplify.Class B broadband signal boosters mustmeet the emission limits of § 90.209 forfrequencies outside of the booster’s de-sign passband.

(d) Class B broadband signal boostersare permitted to be used only in con-fined or indoor areas such as buildings,tunnels, underground areas, etc., or inremote areas, i.e., areas where there islittle or no risk of interference to otherusers.

(e) The licensee is given authority tooperate signal boosters without sepa-rate authorization from the Commis-sion. Certificated equipment must beemployed and the licensee must ensure

that all applicable rule requirementsare met.

(f) Licensees employing either ClassA narrowband or Class B broadbandsignal boosters as defined in § 90.7 areresponsible for correcting any harmfulinterference that the equipment maycause to other systems. Normal co-channel transmissions will not be con-sidered as harmful interference. Li-censees will be required to resolve in-terference problems pursuant to§ 90.173(b).

[61 FR 31052, June 19, 1996, as amended at 63FR 36610, July 7, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36610,July 7, 1998, § 90.219 was amended in para-graph (e) by removing the term ‘‘type-ac-cepted’’ and adding in its place ‘‘certifi-cated’’, effective Oct. 5, 1998.

Subpart J—Non-Voice and OtherSpecialized Operations

§ 90.231 Scope.

This subpart sets forth requirementsand standards for licensing and oper-ation of non-voice and other special-ized radio uses (other than radio-location). Such uses include secondarysignaling, telemetry, radioteleprinter,radiofacsimile, automatic vehicle mon-itoring (AVM), radio call box, relay, ve-hicular repeater, and control stationoperations.

§ 90.233 Base/mobile non-voice oper-ations.

The use of A1D, A2D, F1D, F2D, G1D,or G2D emission may be authorized tobase/mobile operations in accordancewith the following limitations and re-quirements.

(a) Licensees employing non-voicecommunications are not relieved oftheir responsibility to cooperate in theshared use of land mobile radio chan-nels. See also §§ 90.403 and 90.173(a) and(b).

(b) Authorization for non-voice emis-sion may be granted only on fre-quencies subject to the coordinationrequirements set forth in § 90.175. Non-voice operations on frequencies notsubject to these requirements are per-mitted only a secondary basis to voicecommunications.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.237

(c) Provisions of this section do notapply to authorizations for paging, te-lemetry, radiolocation, AVM,radioteleprinter, radio call box oper-ations, or authorizations granted pur-suant to subpart T of this part.

[48 FR 2794, Feb. 3, 1983, as amended at 49 FR48711, Dec. 14, 1984; 56 FR 19602, Apr. 29, 1991]

§ 90.235 Secondary fixed signaling op-erations.

Fixed operations may, subject to thefollowing conditions, be authorized ona secondary basis for voice, tone or im-pulse signaling on a licensee’s mobileservice frequency(ies) above 25 MHzwithin the area normally covered bythe licensee’s mobile system. Voice sig-naling will be permitted only in thePublic Safety Pool.

(a) The bandwidth shall not exceedthat authorized to the licensee for theprimary operations on the frequencyconcerned.

(b) The output power shall not exceed30 watts at the remote site.

(c) A1D, A2D, F1D, F2D, G1D and G2Demissions may be authorized. In thePolice Radio Service, A3E, F1E, F2E,F3E, G1E, G2E, or G3E emissions mayalso be authorized.

(d) Except for those systems coveredunder paragraph (e) of this section, themaximum duration of any non-voicesignaling transmission shall not exceed2 seconds and shall not be repeatedmore than 3 times. Signaling trans-missions may be staggered at any in-terval or may be continuous. In thePublic Safety Pool, the maximum du-ration of any voice signaling trans-mission shall not exceed 6 seconds andshall not be repeated more than 3times.

(e) Until December 31, 1999, for sys-tems in the Public Safety Pool author-ized prior to June 20, 1975, and Powerand Petroleum licensees as defined in§ 90.7 authorized prior to June 1, 1976,the maximum duration of any signal-ing transmission shall not exceed 6 sec-onds and shall not be repeated morethan 5 times. For Power licensees au-thorized between June 1, 1976, and Au-gust 14, 1989, signaling duration shallnot exceed 2 seconds and shall not berepeated more than 5 times. Such sys-tems include existing facilities and ad-ditional facilities which may be au-

thorized as a clear and direct expansionof existing facilities. After December31, 1999, all signaling systems shall berequired to comply with the two secondmessage duration and three messagerepetition requirements.

(f) Systems employing automatic in-terrogation shall be limited to non-voice techniques and shall not be acti-vated for this purpose more than 10seconds out of any 60 second period.This 10 second timeframe includes bothtransmit and response times.

(g) Automatic means shall be pro-vided to deactivate the transmitter inthe event the r.f. carrier remains on fora period in excess of 3 minutes or if atransmission for the same signalingfunction is repeated consecutivelymore than five times.

(h) Fixed stations authorized pursu-ant to the provisions of this section areexempt from the requirements of§§ 90.137(b), 90.425, and 90.429.

(i) Base, mobile, or mobile relay sta-tions may transmit secondary signal-ing transmissions to receivers at fixedlocations subject to the conditions setforth in this section.

(j) Under the provisions of this sec-tion, a mobile service frequency maynot be used exclusively for secondarysignaling.

(k) The use of secondary signalingwill not be considered in whole or inpart as a justification for authorizingadditional frequencies in a licensee’sland mobile radio system.

(l) Secondary fixed signaling oper-ations conducted in accordance withthe provisions of §§ 90.317(a), or90.637(c), or 90.731 are exempt from theforegoing provisions of this section.

[54 FR 28679, July 7, 1989, as amended at 57FR 34693, Aug. 6, 1992; 58 FR 30996, May 28,1993; 60 FR 50123, Sept. 28, 1995; 62 FR 18927,Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.237 Interim provisions for oper-ation of radioteleprinter andradiofacsimile devices.

These provisions authorize and gov-ern the use of radioteleprinter andradiofacsimile devices for base stationuse (other than on mobile-only or pag-ing-only frequencies) in all radio poolsand services except Radiolocation inthis part.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.238

(a) Information must be submittedwith an application to establish thatthe minimum separation between aproposed radioteleprinter orradiofacsimile base station and thenearest co-channel base station of an-other licensee operating a voice systemis 120 km. (75 mi.) for a single fre-quency mode of operation, or 56 km. (35mi.) two frequency mode of operation.Where this minimum mileage separa-tion cannot be achieved, either agree-ment to the use of F1B, F2B, F3C, G1B,G2B or G3C emission must be receivedfrom all existing co-channel licenseesusing voice emission within the appli-cable mileage limits, or if agreementwas not received, the licensee of theradioteleprinter or radiofacsimile sys-tem is responsible for eliminating anyinterference with preexisting voice op-erations. New licenses of voice oper-ations will be expected to share equallyany frequency occupied by establishedradioteleprinter or radiofacsimile oper-ations.

(b) The application must list themanufacturer and model number of theradioteleprinter or radiofacsimile sys-tem to be employed, or contain a de-tailed technical description of the sys-tem.

(c) Transmitters certificated underthis part for use of G3E or F3E emis-sion may also be used for F1B, F2B,F3C, G1B, G2B or G3C emission forradioteleprinter or radiofacsimile, pro-vided the keying signal is passedthrough the low pass audio frequencyfilter required for G3E or F3E emission.The transmitter must be so adjustedand operated that the instantaneousfrequency deviation does not exceedthe maximum value allowed for G3E orF3E.

(d) Frequencies will not be assignedexclusively for F1B, F2B, F3C, G1B,G2B or G3C emission forradioteleprinter or radiofacsimile (ex-cept where specifically provided for inthe frequency limitations).

(e) The requirements in this part ap-plicable to the use of G3E or F3E emis-sion are also applicable to the use ofF1B, F2B, F3C, G1B, G2B or G3C emis-sion for radioteleprinter andradiofacsimile transmissions.

(f) The station identification re-quired by § 90.425 must be given byvoice or Morse code.

(g) For single sideband operations inaccordance with § 90.266, transmitterscertificated under this part for use ofJ3E emissions may also be used for A2Band F2B emission for radioteleprintertransmissions. Transmitters certifi-cated under this part for use of J3Eemissions in accordance with§§ 90.63(d)(1), 90.65(c)(1), 90.73(d)(1) and90.81(d)(13) may also be used for A1B,A2B, F1B, F2B, J2B, and A3C emissionsto provide standby backup circuits foroperational telecommunications cir-cuits which have been disrupted, whereso authorized in other sections of thispart.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 49FR 48712, Dec. 14, 1984; 51 FR 14998, Apr. 22,1986; 62 FR 18927, Apr. 17, 1997; 63 FR 36610,July 7, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36610,July 7, 1998, § 90.237 was amended in para-graphs (c) and (g) by removing the term‘‘type-accepted’’ each place it appears andadding in its place ‘‘certificated’’, effectiveOct. 5, 1998.

§ 90.238 Telemetry operations.

The use of telemetry is authorizedunder this part on the following fre-quencies.

(a) 72–76 MHz (in accordance with§ 90.257 and subject to the rules govern-ing the use of that band).

(b) 154.45625, 154.46375, 154.47125, and154.47875 MHz (subject to the rules gov-erning the use of those frequencies).

(c) 173.20375, 173.210, 173.2375, 173.2625,173.2875, 173.3125, 173.3375, 173.3625,173.390, and 173.39625 MHz (subject tothe rules governing the use of thosefrequencies).

(d) 216–220 and 1427–1435 MHz (asavailable in the Public Safety and In-dustrial/Business Pools and in accord-ance with § 90.259).

(e) In the 450–470 MHz band, telem-etry operations will be authorized on asecondary basis with a transmitteroutput power not to exceed 2 watts onfrequencies subject to § 90.20(d)(27) or§ 90.35(c)(30).

(f) 220–222 MHz as available undersubpart T of this part.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.241

(g) 450–470 MHz band (as available forsecondary fixed operations in accord-ance with § 90.261).

(h) 458–468 MHz band (as available inthe Public Safety Pool for bio-medicaltelemetry operations).

(i) Frequencies available for lowpower (2 watts or less) operations inthe Industrial/Business Pool.

[44 FR 17183, Mar. 21, 1979, as amended at 46FR 45955, Sept. 16, 1981; 50 FR 39680, Sept. 30,1985; 50 FR 40976, Oct. 8, 1985; 56 FR 19603,Apr. 29, 1991; 60 FR 37268, July 19, 1995; 61 FR6576, Feb. 21, 1996; 62 FR 18927, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.239 [Reserved]

§ 90.241 Radio call box operations.

(a) The frequencies in the 72–76 MHzband listed in § 90.257(a)(1) may be as-signed in the Public Safety Pool for op-eration or radio call boxes to be usedby the public to request fire, police,ambulance, road service, and otheremergency assistance, subject to thefollowing conditions and limitations:

(1) Maximum transmitter power willbe either 2.5 watts plate input to thefinal stage or 1 watt output.

(2) Antenna gain shall not exceedzero dBd (referred to a half-wavedipole) in any horizontal direction.

(3) Only vertical polarization of an-tennas shall be permitted.

(4) The antenna and its supportingstructure must not exceed 6.1 m (20feet) in height above the ground.

(5) Only A1D, A2D, F1D, F2D, G1D, orG2D emission shall be authorized.

(6) The transmitter frequency toler-ance shall be 0.005 percent.

(7) Except for test purposes, eachtransmission must be limited to a max-imum of two seconds and shall not beautomatically repeated more than twotimes at spaced intervals within thefollowing 30 seconds. Thereafter, theauthorized cycle may not be reac-tivated for one minute.

(8) All transmitters installed afterDecember 10, 1970, shall be furnishedwith an automatic means to deactivatethe transmitter in the event the car-rier remains on for a period in excess ofthree minutes. The automatic cutoffsystem must be designed so the trans-mitter can be only manually reac-tivated.

(9) Frequency selection must be madewith regard to reception of televisionstations on channels 4 (66–72 MHz) and5 (76–82 MHz) and should maintain thegreatest possible frequency separationfrom either or both of these channels,if they are assigned in the area.

(b) [Reserved](c) Frequencies in the 450–470 MHz

band which are designated as availablefor assignment to central control sta-tions and radio call box installations in§ 90.20(c) or § 90.20(d)(58) may be as-signed in the Public Safety Pool forhighway call box systems subject tothe following requirements:

(1) Call box transmitters shall be in-stalled only on limited access highwaysand may communicate only with cen-tral control stations of the licensee.

(2) Maximum transmitter power forcall boxes will be either 2.5 watts inputto the final amplifier stage or one wattoutput. The central control stationshall not exceed 25 watts effective radi-ated power (ERP).

(3) The height of a call box antennamay not exceed 6.1 meters (20 feet)above the ground, the natural forma-tion, or the existing man-made struc-ture (other than an antenna supportingstructure) on which it is mounted. Acentral station transmitting antenna,together with its supporting structureshall not exceed 15 m. (50 ft.) above theground surface.

(4) Only F1D, F2D, F3E, G1D, G2D, orG3E, emission may be authorized fornonvoice signaling, radiotelephony,and multiplexed voice and nonvoiceuse. The provisions in this part appli-cable to the use of F3E or G3E emissionare also applicable to the use of F1D,F2D, G1D or G2D emission for call boxtransmitters.

(5) The station identification re-quired by § 90.425 shall be by voice andmay be transmitted for the systemfrom the central control station.Means shall be provided at each centralcontrol station location to automati-cally indicate the call box unit identi-fier when a call box unit is activated.

(6) Call box installations must be sodesigned that their unit identifier isautomatically transmitted when thehandset is lifted.

(7) Each application for a call boxsystem must include a description of

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.242

the nonvoice transmitting equipment.This description shall specify the char-acter structure, bit rate, modulatingtone frequencies, identification codes,and the method of modulation (i.e., fre-quency shift, tone shift, or tone phaseshift).

(8) Call box installations may be usedsecondarily for the transmission of in-formation from roadside sensors. Cen-tral control station transmitters maybe used secondarily to interrogate callbox roadside sensors and for the trans-mission of signals to activate roadsidesigns.

(9) Each call box transmitter must beprovided with a timer which will auto-matically deactivate the transmitterafter 2 minutes unless the central con-trol station operator reactivates thetimer cycle.

(10) The central control station mustinclude facilities that permit directcontrol of any call box in the system.

(11) Call box transmitter frequencytolerance shall be 0.001 percent.

(12) Transmitters certificated underthis part for use of F3E or G3E emis-sion may be used for F1D, F2B, G2B orG2D emission provided that the audiotones or digital data bits are passedthrough the low pass audio filter re-quired to be provided in the transmit-ter for F3E or G3E emission. The trans-mitter must be adjusted and operatedso that the instantaneous frequencydeviation does not exceed the maxi-mum value allowed for F3E or G3Eemission.

(d) In addition to the frequenciesavailable pursuant to § 90.20(c) the fre-quencies set forth in § 90.20(d)(58) maybe used for central control station andcall box installations in areas wheresuch frequencies are available for fixedsystem use subject to the requirementsand limitations of that section andsubject to the provisions of paragraphs(c) (1), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), and(12) of this section.

(e) In accordance with subpart Q ofthis part, the frequencies available pur-suant to § 90.20(c) or § 90.20(d)(58) forcentral control station and call box in-stallations may be assigned for devel-opmental operation as part of a high-way safety communication programwhich is designed to provide radio com-

munications directly with motorists toand from their motor vehicles.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978; 44 FR 32219, June5, 1979; 49 FR 48712, Dec. 14, 1984; 50 FR 39680,Sept. 30, 1985; 50 FR 40976, Oct. 8, 1985; 54 FR38681, Sept. 20, 1989; 54 FR 45891, Oct. 31, 1989;58 FR 44957, Aug. 25, 1993; 62 FR 18927, Apr. 17,1997; 63 FR 36610, July 7, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36610,July 7, 1998, § 90.241 was amended in para-graph (c)(12) by removing the term ‘‘Type ac-cepted’’ and adding in its place ‘‘certifi-cated’’, effective Oct. 5, 1998.

§ 90.242 Travelers’ information sta-tions.

(a) The frequencies 530 through 1700kHz in 10 kHz increments may be as-signed to the Public Safety Pool forthe operation of Travelers’ InformationStations subject to the following condi-tions and limitations.

(1) For Travelers’ Information Sta-tion applications only, eligibility re-quirements as set forth in § 90.20(a) areextended to include park districts andauthorities.

(2) Each application for a station orsystem shall be accompanied by:

(i) A statement certifying that thetransmitting site of the Travelers In-formation Station will be located atleast 15 km (9.3 miles) measuredorthogonally outside the measured 0.5mV/m daytime contour (0.1 mV/m forClass A stations) of any AM broadcaststation operating on a first adjacentchannel or at least 130 km (80.6 miles)outside the measured 0.5 mV/m day-time contour (0.1 mV/m for Class A sta-tions) of any AM broadcast station op-erating on the same channel, or, ifnighttime operation is proposed, out-side the theoretical 0.5 mV/m–50%nighttime skywave contour of a U.S.Class A station. If the measured con-tour is not available, then the cal-culated 0.5 mV/m field strength con-tour shall be acceptable. These con-tours are available for inspection atthe concerned AM broadcast stationand FCC offices in Washington, DC.

(ii) In consideration of possible cross-modulation and inter-modulation in-terference effects which may resultfrom the operation of a Travelers Infor-mation Station in the vicinity of anAM broadcast station on the second orthird adjacent channel, the applicant

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.242

shall certify that he has consideredthese possible interference effects and,to the best of his knowledge, does notforesee interference occurring tobroadcast stations operating on secondor third adjacent channels.

(iii) A map showing the geographicallocation of each transmitter site andan estimate of the signal strength atthe contour of the desired coveragearea. For a cable system, the contourto be shown is the estimated fieldstrength at 60 meters (197 feet) fromany point on the cable. For a conven-tional radiating antenna, the esti-mated field strength contour at 1.5 km(0.93 mile) shall be shown. A contourmap comprised of actual on-the-airmeasurements shall be submitted tothe Commission within 60 days afterstation authorization or completion ofstation construction, whichever occurslater. A sufficient number of pointsshall be chosen at the specified dis-tances (extrapolated measurements areacceptable) to adequately show compli-ance with the field strength limits.

(iv) For each transmitter site, thetransmitter’s output power, the type ofantenna utilized, its length (for a cablesystem), its height above ground, dis-tance from transmitter to the antenna,and the elevation above sea level at thetransmitting site.

(3) Travelers Information Stationswill be authorized on a secondary basisto stations authorized on a primarybasis in the bands 510–535 and 1605–1715kHz.

(4) A Travelers Information Stationauthorization may be suspended, modi-fied, or withdrawn by the Commissionwithout prior notice of right to hearingif necessary to resolve interferenceconflicts, to implement agreementswith foreign governments, or in othercircumstances warranting such action.

(5) The transmitting site of eachTravelers’ Information Station shall berestricted to the immediate vicinity ofthe following specified areas: Air,train, and bus transportation termi-nals, public parks and historical sites,bridges, tunnels, and any intersectionof a Federal Interstate Highway withany other Interstate, Federal, State, orlocal highway.

(6) A Travelers Information Stationshall normally be authorized to use a

single transmitter. However, a systemof stations, with each station in thesystem employing a separate transmit-ter, may be authorized for a specifiedarea provided sufficient need is dem-onstrated by the applicant.

(7) Travelers Information Stationsshall transmit only noncommercialvoice information pertaining to trafficand road conditions, traffic hazard andtravel advisories, directions, availabil-ity of lodging, rest stops and servicestations, and descriptions of localpoints of interest. It is not permissibleto identify the commercial name ofany business establishment whose serv-ice may be available within or outsidethe coverage area of a Travelers Infor-mation Station. However, to facilitateannouncements concerning departures/arrivals and parking areas at air, train,and bus terminals, the trade nameidentification of carriers is permitted.

(b) Technical standards. (1) The use of6K00A3E emission will be authorized,however N0N emission may be used forpurposes of receiver quieting, but onlyfor a system of stations employing‘‘leaky’’ cable antennas.

(2) A frequency tolerance of 100 Hzshall be maintained.

(3) For a station employing a cableantenna, the following restrictionsapply:

(i) The length of the cable antennashall not exceed 3.0 km (1.9 miles).

(ii) Transmitter RF output powershall not exceed 50 watts and shall beadjustable downward to enable the userto comply with the specified fieldstrength limit.

(iii) The field strength of the emis-sion on the operating frequency shallnot exceed 2 mV/m when measuredwith a standard field strength meter ata distance of 60 meters (197 feet) fromany part of the station.

(4) For a station employing a conven-tional radiating antenna(s) (ex. verti-cal monopole, directional array) thefollowing restrictions apply:

(i) The antenna height above groundlevel shall not exceed 15.0 meters (49.2feet).

(ii) Only vertical polarization of an-tennas shall be permitted.

(iii) Transmitter RF output powershall not exceed 10 watts to enable the

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.243

user to comply with the specified fieldstrength limit.

(iv) The field strength of the emis-sion on the operating frequency shallnot exceed 2 mV/m when measuredwith a standard field strength meter ata distance of 1.50 km (0.93 miles) fromthe transmitting antenna system.

(5) For co-channel stations operatingunder different licenses, the followingminimum separation distances shallapply:

(i) 0.50 km (0.31 miles) for the casewhen both stations are using cable an-tennas.

(ii) 7.50 km (4.66 miles) for the casewhen one station is using a conven-tional antenna and the other is using acable antenna.

(iii) 15.0 km (9.3 miles) for the casewhen both stations are using conven-tional antennas.

(6) For a system of co-channel trans-mitters operating under a single au-thorization utilizing either cable orconventional antennas, or both, nominimum separation distance is re-quired.

(7) An applicant desiring to locate astation that does not comply with theseparation requirements of this sectionshall coordinate with the affected sta-tion.

(8) Each transmitter in a TravelersInformation Station shall be equippedwith an audio low-pass filter. Such fil-ter shall be installed between the mod-ulation limiter and the modulatedstage. At audio frequencies between 3kHz and 20 kHz this filter shall have anattenuation greater than the attenu-ation at 1 kHz by at least:

60 log10 (f/3) decibels.

where ‘‘f’’ is the audio frequency inkHz. At audio frequencies above 20kHz, the attenuation shall be at least50 decibels greater than the attenu-ation at 1 kHz.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978; 44 FR 67118, Nov.23, 1979; 49 FR 48712, Dec. 14, 1984, as amendedat 54 FR 39740, Sept. 28, 1989; 56 FR 64874, Dec.12, 1991; 62 FR 18928, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.243 Mobile relay stations.(a) Mobile relay operations will be

authorized on frequencies below 512MHz, except in the Radiolocation Serv-ice.

(b) Special provisions for mobilerelay operations:

(1) In the Public Safety Pool, medicalservices systems in the 150–160 MHzband are permitted to be cross-bandedfor mobile and central stations oper-ations with mobile relay stations au-thorized to operate in the 450–470 MHzband.

(2) [Reserved](3) In the Industrial/Business Pool, on

frequencies designated with an ‘‘LR’’ inthe coordinator column of the fre-quency table in § 90.35(b)(3), mobilerelay operation shall be on a secondarybasis to other co-channel operations.

(4) Except where specifically pre-cluded, a mobile relay station may beauthorized to operate on any frequencyavailable for assignment to base sta-tions.

(5) A mobile station associated withmobile relay station(s) may not be au-thorized to operate on a frequencybelow 25 MHz.

(c) Technical requirements for mo-bile relay stations.

(1) Each new mobile relay stationwith an output power of more than onewatt, and authorized after January 1,1972, that is activated by signals below50 MHz shall deactivate the stationupon cessation of reception of the acti-vating continuous coded tone signal.Licensees may utilize a combination ofdigital selection and continuous codedtone control where required to insureselection of only the desired mobilerelay station.

(2) Mobile relay stations controlledby signals above 50 MHz or authorizedprior to January 1, 1972, to operatebelow 50 MHz are not required to incor-porate coded signal or tone control de-vices unless the transmitters are con-sistently activated by undesired sig-nals and cause harmful interference toother licensees. If activation byundesired signals causes harmful inter-ference, the Commission will requirethe installation of tone control equip-ment within 90 days of a notice to thelicensee.

(3) Except in the Industrial/BusinessPool, on frequencies designated with an‘‘LR’’ in the coordinator column of thefrequency table in § 90.35(b)(3), eachnew mobile-relay station authorizedafter January 1, 1972, shall be equipped

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.247

for automatic deactivation of thetransmitter within 5 seconds after thesignals controlling the station cease.

(4) Except in the Industrial/BusinessPool, on frequencies designated with an‘‘LR’’ in the coordinator column of thefrequency table in § 90.35(b)(3), eachnew mobile-relay station authorizedafter January 1, 1972, during periodsthat is not controlled from a mannedfixed control point; shall have an auto-matic time delay or clock device thatwill deactivate the station not morethan 3 minutes after its activation by amobile unit.

(5) In the Industrial/Business Pool, onfrequencies designated with an ‘‘LR’’ inthe coordinator column of the fre-quency table in § 90.35(b)(3), each mo-bile relay station, regardless of the fre-quency or frequencies of the signal bywhich it is activated shall be so des-ignated and installed that it will be de-activated automatically when its asso-ciated receiver or receivers are not re-ceiving a signal on the frequency orfrequencies which normally activate it.

(6) Multiple mobile relay stationradio systems shall use wireline orradio stations on fixed frequencies forany necessary interconnect circuits be-tween the mobile relay stations.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 49FR 40177, Oct. 15, 1984; 50 FR 13606, Apr. 5,1985; 50 FR 39680, Sept. 30, 1985; 50 FR 40976,Oct. 8, 1985; 54 FR 39740, Sept. 28, 1989; 56 FR19603, Apr. 29, 1991; 56 FR 32517, July 17, 1991;60 FR 37268, July 19, 1995; 61 FR 6576, Feb. 21,1996; 62 FR 18928, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.245 Fixed relay stations.

Except where specifically providedfor, fixed relay stations shall be au-thorized to operate only on frequenciesavailable for use by operational fixedstations.

§ 90.247 Mobile repeater stations.

A mobile station authorized to oper-ate on a mobile service frequencyabove 25 MHz may be used as a mobilerepeater to extend the communicationsrange of hand-carried units subject tothe following:

(a) Mobile repeaters and/or associ-ated hand-carried transmitters may beassigned separate base/mobile fre-quencies for this use in addition to the

number of frequencies normally assign-able to the licensee.

(b) In the Industrial/Business Pool,on frequencies below 450 MHz, only lowpower frequencies (2 watts or less out-put power) may be assigned for use bymobile repeaters or by hand-carriedtransmitters whose communicationsare directed to mobile repeaters, whenseparate frequencies are assigned forthat purpose.

(c) Except as provided in paragraph(d) of this section, hand-carried trans-mitters whose communications will beautomatically relayed by mobile sta-tions shall be limited to a maximumoutput power of 2.5 watts.

(d) In the Industrial/Business Pool,on frequencies designated with an‘‘LR’’ in the coordinator column of thefrequency table in § 90.35(b)(3), use ofmobile repeaters is on a secondarybasis to the stations of any other li-censee. Hand carried units used in con-nection with mobile repeaters on fre-quencies designated with an ‘‘LR’’ inthe coordinator column of the fre-quency table in § 90.35(b)(3) may oper-ate only above 150 MHz and are limitedto a maximum output power of sixwatts. The frequency and maximumpower shall be specified in the stationauthorization.

(e) In the Industrial/Business Pool,on frequencies designated with an‘‘LR’’ in the coordinator column of thefrequency table in § 90.35(b)(3), the out-put power of a mobile repeater station,when transmitting as a repeater sta-tion on the frequency used for commu-nication with its associated pack-car-ried or hand-carried units, shall not ex-ceed 6 watts except when the same fre-quency is also used by the same stationfor direct communication with vehicu-lar mobile units or with one or morebase stations.

(f) When automatically retransmit-ting messages originated by or destinedfor hand-carried units, each mobile sta-tion shall activate the mobile trans-mitter only with a continuous codedtone, the absence of which will de-acti-vate the mobile transmitter. The con-tinuous coded tone is not requiredwhen the mobile unit is equipped witha switch that activates the automatic

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.249

mode of the mobile unit and an auto-matic time-delay device that de-acti-vates the transmitter after any unin-terrupted transmission period in excessof 3 minutes.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 62FR 18928, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.249 Control stations.Control stations associated with land

mobile stations under this part shall beauthorized to operate subject to thefollowing:

(a) Frequencies for control stations. (1)Control stations may be authorized tooperate on frequencies available for useby operational fixed stations.

(2) A control station associated withmobile relay station(s) may, at the op-tion of the applicant, be assigned thefrequency of the associated mobile sta-tion. In the Industrial/Business Pool,on frequencies designated with an‘‘LR’’ in the coordinator column of thefrequency table in § 90.35(b)(3), such acontrol station may be assigned anymobile service station frequency avail-able for assignment to mobile stations.Such operation is on a secondary basisto use of the frequency for regular mo-bile service communications.

(3) Control and fixed stations in thePublic Safety Pool may be authorizedon a temporary basis to operate on fre-quencies available for base and mobilestations between 152 and 450 MHz,where there is an adequate showingthat such operations cannot be con-ducted on frequencies allocated for as-signment to operational fixed stations.Such operation will not be authorizedinitially or renewed for periods in ex-cess of one year. Any such authoriza-tion shall be subject to immediate ter-mination if harmful interference iscaused to stations in the mobile serv-ice, or if the particular frequency is re-quired for mobile service operations inthe area concerned.

(b) [Reserved](c) A base station which is used inter-

mittently as a control station for oneor more associated mobile relay sta-tions of the same licensee shall operateonly on the mobile service frequencyassigned to the associated mobile relaystation when operating as a base sta-tion and on the mobile service fre-quency assigned to the associated mo-

bile station when operating as a con-trol station. Authority for such dualclassification and use must be shownon the station authorization. When op-erating as a control station, the li-censee must meet all control stationrequirements. In the Industrial/Busi-ness Pool, on frequencies designatedwith an ‘‘LR’’ in the coordinator col-umn of the frequency table in§ 90.35(b)(3), base stations used inter-mittently as control stations shall op-erate only on a mobile service fre-quency which is available for assign-ment to base stations.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 49FR 36376, Sept. 17, 1984; 62 FR 18928, Apr. 17,1997]

§ 90.250 Meteor burst communications.Meteor burst communications may

be authorized for the use of privateradio stations subject to the followingprovisions:

(a) Station operation is limited tothe State of Alaska only.

(b) The frequency 44.20 MHz may beused for base station operation and45.90 MHz for remote station operationon a primary basis. The frequencies42.40 and 44.10 MHz may be used by baseand remote stations, respectively, on asecondary basis to common carrier sta-tions utilizing meteor burst commu-nications. Users shall cooperate amongthemselves to the extent practicable topromote compatible operation.

(c) The maximum transmitter outputpower shall not exceed 2000 watts forbase stations and 500 watts for remotestations.

(d) Co-channel base stations of dif-ferent licensees shall be located atleast 241 km (150 miles) apart. A re-mote station and a base station of dif-ferent licensees shall be located atleast 241 km (150 miles) apart if the re-mote units of the different licenseesoperate on the same frequency. Waiverof this requirement may be granted ifaffected users agree to a cooperativesharing arrangement.

(e) The authorized emission designa-tor to be used in F1E, F7W, G1E or G7Wto allow for Phase Shift Keying (PSK)or Frequency Shift Keying (FSK).

(f) The maximum authorized band-width is 20 kHz (20 F1E, F7W, G1E orG7W).

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.257

(g) Station identification in accord-ance with § 90.425(a) or (b) shall only berequired for the base station.

(h) Stations may be required to com-ply with additional conditions of oper-ation as necessary on a case-by-casebasis as specified in the authorization.

(i) Stations employing meteor burstcommunications shall not cause inter-ference to other stations operating inaccordance with the allocation table.New authorizations will be issued sub-ject to the Commission’s develop-mental grant procedure as outlined insubpart Q of this part. Prior to expira-tion of the developmental authoriza-tion, application Form 574 should befiled for issuance of a permanent au-thorization.

[48 FR 34043, July 27, 1983, as amended at 49FR 48712, Dec. 14, 1984; 58 FR 44957, Aug. 25,1993]

Subpart K—Standards for SpecialFrequencies or Frequency Bands

§ 90.251 Scope.

This subpart sets forth special re-quirements applicable to the use of cer-tain frequencies or frequency bands.

[54 FR 39740, Sept. 28, 1989]

§ 90.253 Use of frequency 5167.5 kHz.

The frequency 5167.5 kHz may be usedby any station authorized under thispart to communicate with any otherstation in the State of Alaska foremergency communications. The maxi-mum power permitted is 150 watts peakenvelope power (PEP). All stations op-erating on this frequency must be lo-cated in or within 50 nautical miles(92.6 km) of the State of Alaska. Thisfrequency may also be used by stationsauthorized in the Alaska-private fixedservice for calling and listening, butonly for establishing communicationbefore switching to another frequency.

[49 FR 32201, Aug. 13, 1984]

§ 90.255 [Reserved]

§ 90.257 Assignment and use of fre-quencies in the band 72–76 MHz.

(a) The following criteria shall gov-ern the authorization and use of fre-quencies within the band 72–76 MHz by

fixed stations. (For call box operationssee § 90.241).

(1) The following frequencies in theband 72–76 MHz may be used for fixedoperations:




(2) All authorizations are subject tothe condition that no harmful inter-ference will be caused to television re-ception on Channels 4 and 5.

(3) The applicant must agree toeliminate any harmful interferencecaused by his operation to TV recep-tion on either Channel 4 or 5 thatmight develop by whatever means arenecessary. Such action must be takenwithin 90 days of notification by theCommission. If such interference is noteliminated within the 90-day period,operation of the fixed station will bediscontinued.

(4) Vertical polarization must beused.

(5) Whenever it is proposed to locatea 72–76 MHz fixed station less than 128km (80 mi.) but more than 16 km (10mi.) from the site of a TV transmitter

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.257

operating on either channel 4 or 5, orfrom the post office of a community inwhich such channels are assigned butnot in operation, the fixed station shallbe authorized only if there are fewerthan 100 family dwelling units (as de-fined by the U.S. Bureau of the Cen-sus), excluding units 112 or more km (70mi.) distant from the TV antenna site,located within a circle centered at thelocation of the proposed fixed station.The radius shall be determined by useof the following chart entitled, ‘‘Chartfor Determining Radius From FixedStation in 72–76 MHz Band to Inter-ference Contour Along Which 10 Per-cent of Service From Adjacent ChannelTelevision Station Would Be De-stroyed.’’ Two charts are available, onefor Channel 4, and one for Channel 5.The Commission may, however, in aparticular case, authorize the locationof a fixed station within a circle con-taining 100 or more family dwellingunits upon a showing that:

(i) The proposed site is the only suit-able location.

(ii) It is not feasible, technically orotherwise, to use other available fre-quencies.

(iii) The applicant has a plan to con-trol any interference that might de-velop to TV reception from his oper-ations.

(iv) The applicant is financially ableand agrees to make such adjustmentsin the TV receivers affected as may benecessary to eliminate any inter-ference caused by his operations.

(v) All applications seeking authorityto operate with a separation of lessthan 16 km (10 mi.) will be returnedwithout action.

(b) The following criteria governs theauthorization and use of frequencies inthe 72–76 MHz band by mobile stationsin the Industrial/Business Pool.

(1) Mobile operation on frequencies inthe 72–76 MHz band is subject to thecondition that no interference iscaused to the reception of televisionstations operating on Channel 4 or 5.Interference will be considered to occurwhenever reception of a regularly usedtelevision signal is impaired by signalsradiated by stations operating under

these rules in the 72 to 76 MHz band re-gardless of the quality of such recep-tion or the strength of the signal used.In order to minimize the hazard of suchinterference, it shall be the duty of thelicensee to determine whether inter-ference is being caused to television re-ception, wherever television receiversother than those under the control ofthe licensee, are located within 31 m.(100 ft.) of any point where the stationslicensed under these rules may be oper-ated. In any case, it shall be the re-sponsibility of the licensee to correct,at its own expense, any such inter-ference and if the interference cannotbe eliminated by the application ofsuitable techniques, the operation ofthe offending transmitter shall be sus-pended. If the complainant refuses topermit the licensee to apply remedialtechniques which demonstrably willeliminate the interference without im-pairment of the original reception, thelicensee is absolved of further respon-sibility.

(2) The maximum transmitter outputpower that will be authorized is 1 watt;and each station authorized will beclassified and licensed as a mobile sta-tion. Any units of such a station, how-ever, may be used to provide the oper-ational functions of a base or fixed sta-tion. The antennas of transmitters op-erating on these frequencies must bedirectly mounted or installed upon thetransmitting unit: Except that whenpermanently installed aboard a vehi-cle, antenna and transmitter may beseparated as required for conveniencein mounting. Horizontal polarizationwill not be allowed; and the gain of an-tennas employed shall not exceed thatof a halfwave dipole. The maximumbandwidth that will be authorized is 20kHz. Tone control transmissions arepermitted.

(c) Radio remote control of models ispermitted on frequencies 10 kHz re-moved from these frequencies author-ized for fixed and mobile operations inthe 72–76 MHz band. Remote control op-erations are secondary to operation offixed and mobile stations as providedfor in this section.

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[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978; 44 FR 32219, June 5, 1979, as amended at 47 FR 51879, Nov. 18, 1982;49 FR 41249, Oct. 22, 1984; 54 FR 38681, Sept. 20, 1989; 58 FR 30129, May 26, 1993; 60 FR 37268,July 19, 1995; 62 FR 18928, Apr. 17, 1997]

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.261

§ 90.259 Assignment and use of fre-quencies in the bands 216–220 MHzand 1427–1435 MHz.

Frequencies in the bands 216–220 MHzand 1427–1435 MHz may be assigned toapplicants under this part provided theband is listed in the individual radiopool under which they establish eligi-bility. Use of these bands is limited totelemetering purposes only and all op-eration is secondary to Federal Gov-ernment operations. Operation in theband 216–220 MHz is also secondary tothe maritime mobile service and oper-ation in the band 1427–1429 MHz is alsosecondary to the space operation serv-ice (earth-to-space). Base stations au-thorized in these bands shall be used toperform telecommand functions withassociated mobile telemetering sta-tions. Base stations may also commandactions by the vehicle itself, but willnot be authorized solely to performthis function. Airborne use will not beauthorized. Each application will becoordinated with the Federal Govern-ment by the Federal CommunicationsCommission and is subject to suchtechnical and operational limitationsas may be imposed by the government.Each application should include preciseinformation concerning emission char-acteristics, transmitter frequency devi-ation, output power, type and direc-tional characteristics, if any, of the an-tenna, and the minimum necessaryhours of operation.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 54FR 38681, Sept. 20, 1989; 62 FR 18928, Apr. 17,1997]

§ 90.261 Assignment and use of the fre-quencies in the band 450–470 MHzfor fixed operations.

(a) Frequencies in the 450–470 MHzband as listed in § 90.20(c)(3) and§ 90.35(b)(3) may be assigned to all eligi-bles for fixed use on a secondary basisto land mobile operations.

(b) Fixed stations located 140 km (87mi) or more from the center of any ur-banized area of 600,000 or more popu-lation are limited to a transmitter out-put power of 75 watts. Fixed stationsless than 140 km (87 mi) from the cen-ters of these areas are limited to atransmitter output power of 20 watts.Urbanized areas of 600,000 or more pop-ulation are defined in the U.S. Census

of Population 1970, Vol. 1, Table 20,pages 1–74. The centers of the urbanizedareas are determined from the Appen-dix, page 226, of the U.S. Department ofCommerce publication ‘‘Airline Dis-tance Between Cities in the UnitedStates.’’

(c) All fixed systems are limited toone frequency pair with 5 MHz spacingand must employ directional antennaswith a front-to-back ratio of 15 dB, ex-cept that omnidirectional antennashaving unity gain may be employed bystations communicating with a mini-mum of three receiving locations en-compassed in a sector of at least 160° inazimuth. Stations authorized for sec-ondary fixed operations prior to (effec-tive date of the rules) may continue tooperate under the conditions of theirinitial authorization.

(d)–(e) [Reserved](f) Secondary fixed operations pursu-

ant to paragraph (a) of this section willnot be authorized on the following fre-quencies:

Frequencies (MHz)



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[57 FR 24992, June 12, 1992, as amended at 58FR 33212, June 16, 1993; 60 FR 37268, July 19,1995; 62 FR 18928, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.263 Substitution of frequenciesbelow 25 MHz.

Frequencies below 25 MHz whenshown in the radio pool frequency list-ings under this part will be assigned tobase or mobile stations only upon asatisfactory showing that, from a safe-ty of life standpoint, frequencies above25 MHz will not meet the operationalrequirements of the applicant. Thesefrequencies are available for assign-ment in many areas; however, in indi-vidual cases such assignment may beimpracticable due to conflicting fre-quency use authorized to stations inother services by this and other coun-tries. In such cases, a substitute fre-quency, if found to be available, maybe assigned from the following bands1605–1750, 2107–2170, 2194–2495, 2506–2850,3155–3400, or 4438–4650 kHz. Since suchassignments are in certain instancessubject to additional technical and op-eration limitation, it is necessary thateach application also include preciseinformation concerning transmitteroutput power, type and directionalcharacteristics, if any, of the antenna,and the minimum necessary hours ofoperation. (This section is not applica-ble to the Radiolocation Radio Service,subpart F.)

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 62FR 18929, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.264 Disaster communications be-tween 2 and 10 MHz.

(a) The use of any particular fre-quency between 2 and 10 MHz is limitedto those frequencies falling within thebands allocated to the fixed and landmobile services as indicated in § 2.106 ofthe Commission’s Rules and Regula-tions.

(b) Only in the following cir-cumstances will authority be extended

to stations to operate on the fre-quencies between 2 and 10 MHz:

(1) To provide communications cir-cuits in emergency and/or disaster situ-ations, where safety of life and prop-erty are concerned;

(2) To provide standby and/or backupcommunications circuits to regular do-mestic communications circuits whichhave been disrupted by disasters and/oremergencies.

(c) The FCC will not accept respon-sibility for protection of the circuitsfrom harmful interference caused byforeign operations.

(d) In the event that a complaint ofharmful interference resulting from op-eration of these circuits is receivedfrom a foreign source, the offendingcircuit(s) must cease operation on theparticular frequency concerned imme-diately upon notification by the Com-mission.

(e) In order to accomodate the situa-tions described in paragraphs (c) and(d) of this section, the equipment shallbe capable of transmitting and receiv-ing on any frequency within the bandsbetween 2 and 10 MHz and capable ofimmediate change among the fre-quencies.

(f) Only 2K80J3E, 100HA1A and thoseemission types listed in § 90.237(g) arepermitted.

(g) Applicants must fulfill eligibilityrequirements set out in § 90.20(d)(6) andshall submit disaster communicationsplans pursuant to § 90.129(m).

(h) Training exercises which requireuse of these frequencies for more than420 minutes per week, cumulative, arenot authorized without prior writtenapproval from the Commission.

[46 FR 52373, Oct. 27, 1981, as amended at 48FR 32831, July 19, 1983; 49 FR 48712, Dec. 14,1984; 62 FR 18929, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.265 Assignment and use of fre-quencies in the bands 169–172 MHzand 406–413 MHz.

(a) The following frequencies areavailable for assignment to fixed sta-tions in the Industrial/Business Poolsubject to the provisions of this sec-tion:




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(1) The use of these frequencies islimited to transmitting hydrological ormeteorological data.

(2) All use of these frequencies is ona secondary basis to Federal Govern-ment stations and the hydrological ormeteorological data being handledmust be made available on request togovernmental agencies.

(3) Other provisions of this part not-withstanding, an operational fixed sta-tion operating on these frequenciesshall not communicate with any sta-tion in the mobile service unless writ-ten authorization to do so has been ob-tained from the Commission.

(4) Persons who desire to operate sta-tions on these frequencies should com-municate with the Commission for in-structions concerning the procedure tobe followed in filing formal applica-tion.

(b) The following frequencies areavailable for wireless microphone oper-ations to eligibles in this part, subjectto the provisions of this paragraph:




(1) The emission bandwidth shall notexceed 54 kHz.

(2) The output power shall not exceed50 milliwatts.

(3) The frequency stability of wirelessmicrophones shall limit the total emis-sion to within ±32.5 kHz of the assignedfrequency.

(4) Wireless microphone operationsare unprotected from interference fromother licensed operations in the band.If any interference from wirelessmicrophone operation is received byany Government or non-Governmentoperation, the wireless microphonemust cease operation on the frequency

involved. Applications are subject toGovernment coordination.

(Secs. 4(i) and 303(r), Communications Act of1934, as amended, §§ 0.131 and 0.331 of theCommission’s Rules and 5 U.S.C. 553 (b)(3)(B)and (d)(3))

[49 FR 20506, May 15, 1984, as amended at 62FR 18929, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.266 Long distance communica-tions on frequencies below 25 MHz.

(a) The use of any particular fre-quency between 2 and 25 MHz is limitedto those frequencies falling within thebands allocated to the fixed and landmobile services as indicated in § 2.106 ofthe Commission’s Rules and Regula-tions.

(b) Only in the following cir-cumstances will authority be extendedto stations to operate on the fre-quencies below 25 MHz:

(1) To provide communications cir-cuits to support operations which arehighly important to the national inter-est and where other means of tele-communication are unavailable;

(2) To provide standby and/or backupcommunications circuits to regular do-mestic communications circuits whichhave been disrupted by disasters and/oremergencies.

(c) No protection is afforded to usersof these frequencies from harmful in-terference caused by foreign oper-ations.

(d) In the event that a complaint ofharmful interference resulting from op-eration of these circuits is receivedfrom a foreign source, the offendingcircuit(s) must cease operation on theparticular frequency concerned imme-diately upon notification by the Com-mission.

(e) In order to accommodate the situ-ations described in paragraphs (c) and(d) of this section, the equipment shallbe capable of transmitting and receiv-ing on any frequency within the bandsbetween 2 and 25 MHz and capable ofimmediate change among the fre-quencies, provided, however, that thisrequirement does not apply to equip-ment manufactured prior to August 15,1983.

(f) Only 2K80J3E, 100HA1A, 100HA1Band those emission types listed in§ 90.237(g) are permitted.

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(g) Applicants must fulfill eligibilityrequirements set out in § 90.35(c)(1) andsubmit communications plans pursuantto § 90.129(o).

(h) Exercises or circuits tests whichrequire use of these frequencies formore than seven hours per week cumu-lative are prohibited unless prior writ-ten approval is obtained from the Com-mission.

[48 FR 32996, July 20, 1983, as amended at 49FR 48712, Dec. 14, 1984; 52 FR 29856, Aug. 12,1987; 62 FR 18929, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.267 Assignment and use of fre-quencies in the 450–470 MHz bandfor low-power use.

(a) Any regularly assignable fre-quency in the 450–470 MHz band listedin the tables in subparts B and C of thispart may be designated by the fre-quency coordinators as a low-powerchannel in a defined geographic area.These channels are subject to the fol-lowing conditions.

(1) [Reserved](2) Assignments are subject to the

frequency coordination requirementsof § 90.175.

(3) Stations are limited to 2 wattsoutput power and will be licensed asmobile, but may serve the functions ofbase, fixed, or mobile relay stations.

(4) Wide area operations will not beauthorized. The area of normal day-to-day operations will be described in theapplication in terms of maximum dis-tance from a geographical center (lati-tude and longitude).

(5) A hospital or health care institu-tion holding a license to operate aradio station under this part may oper-ate a medical radio telemetry devicewith an output power not to exceed 20milliwatts without specific authoriza-tion from the Commission. All licens-ees operating under this authoritymust comply with the requirementsand limitations set forth in this sec-tion.

(6) Each coordinator must maintain alist of all channels designated for low-power use and the geographic areaswhere such channels are available. Thecoordinator must make this list avail-able to the public upon request.

(7) Antennas of mobile stations usedas fixed stations communicating withone or more associated stations located

within 45 degrees of azimuth shall bedirectional and have a front to backratio of at least 15 dB. Except as pro-vided in this paragraph (b)(7), theheight of the antenna used at any mo-bile station serving as a base, fixed ormobile relay station may not exceed 7m. (20 ft) above the ground level.

(i) No limit shall be placed on thelength or height above ground level ofany commercially manufactured radi-ating transmission line when the trans-mission line is terminated in a non-ra-diating load and is routed at least 7 m.(20 ft) interior to the edge of any struc-ture or is routed below ground level.

(ii) Only sea-based stations, and cen-tral alarm stations operating on fre-quencies allocated for central stationprotection operations, may utilize an-tennas mounted not more than 7 m. (20ft.) above a man-made supportingstructure, including antenna struc-tures.

(b) [Reserved]

[60 FR 37268, July 19, 1995, as amended at 61FR 4235, Feb. 5, 1996; 62 FR 2041, Jan. 15, 1997;62 FR 18929, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.269 Use of frequencies for self-powered vehicle detectors.

(a) Frequencies subject to§ 90.20(d)(22) may be used for the oper-ation of self-powered vehicle detectorsby licensees of base/mobile stations inthe Public Safety Pool in accordancewith the following conditions:

(1) All stations are limited to 100milliwatts carrier power and 20K00F7W,20K00F7X, 20K00F8W, 20K00F8X,20K00F9W or 20K00F9X emissions. Thefrequency deviation shall not exceed 5kHz. No more than two 30 ms. pulsesmay be emitted for each vehiclesensed.

(2) The transmitters must be crystalcontrolled with a frequency toleranceof plus or minus .005% from ¥20° toplus 50 °C. They must be certificated.

(3) The total length of the trans-mission line plus antenna may not ex-ceed one-half wavelength and must beintegral with the unit.

(4) All operation shall be on a second-ary, non-interference basis.

(b) [Reserved]

[48 FR 54982, Dec. 8, 1983, as amended at 54FR 38681, Sept. 20, 1989; 62 FR 18929, Apr. 17,1997; 63 FR 36610, July 7, 1998]

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.273

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 36610,July 7, 1998, § 90.269 was amended in para-graph (a)(2) by removing the term ‘‘type ac-cepted’’ and adding in its place ‘‘certifi-cated’’, effective Oct. 5, 1998.

§ 90.273 Availability and use of fre-quencies in the 421–430 MHz band.

The frequency bands 422.1875–425.4875MHz and 427.1875–429.9875 MHz areavailable for use in the Detroit, Michi-gan and Cleveland, Ohio areas. Thebands 423.8125–425.4875 MHz and428.8125–429.9875 MHz are available foruse in the Buffalo, New York area. Sec-tions 90.273 through 90.281 address thespecific rules applicable to these bands.Use of these bands is also subject tothe general technical standards and ap-plication procedures contained in othersubparts of part 90. The technicalstandards applicable in this band arethe same as those contained in subpartI of part 90 for the 450–470 MHz band.Private land mobile use of these fre-quencies is subject to accepting any in-terference from Federal Governmentradiolocation operations.

(a) The following tables list fre-quencies available for assignment inthe Public Safety and Industrial/Busi-ness Pools as indicated. In the tables,the Public Safety Pool frequencies aredenoted as ‘‘PS’’ and the Industrial/Business Pool frequencies are denotedas ‘‘IB.’’ The frequencies 422.19375 MHzthrough 424.99375 MHz are paired withfrequencies 427.19375 MHz through429.99375 MHz, respectively. Only thelower half of each frequency pair,available for base station operation, islisted in the tables. Corresponding mo-bile and control station frequencies are5 MHz higher than the base station fre-quency. The frequencies 425.000 through425.48125 are unpaired and are availablefor either single frequency dispatch orpaging operations.


Frequency (MHz) Pool in whichassigned

Paired channels:422.19375 * ............................................. IB422.200 ................................................... IB422.20625 * ............................................. IB422.21250 ............................................... IB422.21875 * ............................................. IB422.225 ................................................... IB422.23125 * ............................................. IB


Frequency (MHz) Pool in whichassigned

422.23750 ............................................... IB422.24375 * ............................................. IB422.250 ................................................... IB422.25625 * ............................................. IB422.26250 ............................................... IB422.26875 * ............................................. IB422.275 ................................................... IB422.28125 * ............................................. IB422.28750 ............................................... IB422.29375 * ............................................. IB422.300 ................................................... IB422.30625 * ............................................. IB422.31250 ............................................... IB422.31875 * ............................................. IB422.325 ................................................... IB422.33125 * ............................................. IB422.33750 ............................................... IB422.34375 * ............................................. IB422.350 ................................................... IB422.35625 * ............................................. IB422.36250 ............................................... IB422.36875 * ............................................. IB422.375 ................................................... IB422.38125 * ............................................. IB422.38750 ............................................... IB422.39375 * ............................................. IB422.400 ................................................... IB422.40625 * ............................................. IB422.41250 ............................................... IB422.41875 * ............................................. IB422.425 ................................................... IB422.43125 * ............................................. IB422.43750 ............................................... IB422.44375 * ............................................. IB422.450 ................................................... IB422.45625 * ............................................. IB422.46250 ............................................... IB422.46875 * ............................................. IB422.475 ................................................... IB422.48125 * ............................................. IB422.48750 ............................................... IB422.49375 * ............................................. IB422.500 ................................................... IB422.50625 * ............................................. IB422.51250 ............................................... IB422.51875 * ............................................. IB422.525 ................................................... IB422.53125 * ............................................. IB422.53750 ............................................... IB422.54375 * ............................................. IB422.550 ................................................... IB422.55625 * ............................................. IB422.56250 ............................................... IB422.56875 * ............................................. IB422.575 ................................................... IB422.58125 * ............................................. IB422.58750 ............................................... IB422.59375 * ............................................. IB422.600 ................................................... IB422.60625 * ............................................. IB422.61250 ............................................... IB422.61875 * ............................................. IB422.625 ................................................... IB422.63125 * ............................................. IB422.63750 ............................................... IB422.64375 * ............................................. IB422.650 ................................................... IB422.65625 * ............................................. IB422.66250 ............................................... IB422.66875 * ............................................. IB

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.273


Frequency (MHz) Pool in whichassigned

422.675 ................................................... IB422.68125 * ............................................. IB422.68750 ............................................... IB422.69375 * ............................................. IB422.700 ................................................... IB422.70625 * ............................................. IB422.71250 ............................................... IB422.71875 * ............................................. IB422.725 ................................................... IB422.73125 * ............................................. IB422.73750 ............................................... IB422.74375 * ............................................. IB422.750 ................................................... IB422.75625 * ............................................. IB422.76250 ............................................... IB422.76875 * ............................................. IB422.775 ................................................... IB422.78125 * ............................................. IB422.78750 ............................................... IB422.79375 * ............................................. IB422.800 ................................................... IB422.80625 * ............................................. IB422.81250 ............................................... IB422.81875 * ............................................. IB422.825 ................................................... IB422.83125 * ............................................. IB422.83750 ............................................... IB422.84375 * ............................................. IB422.850 ................................................... IB422.85625 * ............................................. IB422.86250 ............................................... IB422.86875 * ............................................. IB422.875 ................................................... IB422.88125 * ............................................. IB422.88750 ............................................... IB422.89375 * ............................................. IB422.900 ................................................... IB422.90625 * ............................................. IB422.91250 ............................................... IB422.91875 * ............................................. IB422.925 ................................................... IB422.93125 * ............................................. IB422.93750 ............................................... IB422.94375 * ............................................. IB422.950 ................................................... IB422.95625 * ............................................. IB422.96250 ............................................... IB422.96875 * ............................................. IB422.975 ................................................... IB422.98125 * ............................................. IB422.98750 ............................................... IB422.99375 * ............................................. IB423.000 ................................................... PS423.00625 * ............................................. PS423.01250 ............................................... PS423.01875 * ............................................. PS423.025 ................................................... PS423.03125 * ............................................. PS423.03750 ............................................... PS423.04375 * ............................................. PS423.050 ................................................... PS423.05625 * ............................................. PS423.06250 ............................................... PS423.06875 * ............................................. PS423.075 ................................................... PS423.08125 * ............................................. PS423.08750 ............................................... PS423.09375 * ............................................. PS423.100 ................................................... PS423.10625 * ............................................. PS


Frequency (MHz) Pool in whichassigned

423.11250 ............................................... PS423.11875 * ............................................. PS423.125 ................................................... PS423.13125 * ............................................. PS423.13750 ............................................... PS423.14375 * ............................................. PS423.150 ................................................... PS423.15625 * ............................................. PS423.16250 ............................................... PS423.16875 * ............................................. PS423.175 ................................................... PS423.18125 * ............................................. PS423.18750 ............................................... PS423.19375 * ............................................. PS423.200 ................................................... PS423.20625 * ............................................. PS423.21250 ............................................... PS423.21875 * ............................................. PS423.225 ................................................... PS423.23125 * ............................................. PS423.23750 ............................................... PS423.24375 * ............................................. PS423.250 ................................................... PS423.25625 * ............................................. PS423.26250 ............................................... PS423.26875 * ............................................. PS423.275 ................................................... PS423.28125 * ............................................. PS423.28750 ............................................... PS423.29375 * ............................................. PS423.300 ................................................... PS423.30625 * ............................................. PS423.31250 ............................................... PS423.31875 * ............................................. PS423.325 ................................................... PS423.33125 * ............................................. PS423.33750 ............................................... PS423.34375 * ............................................. PS423.350 ................................................... PS423.35625 * ............................................. PS423.36250 ............................................... PS423.36875 * ............................................. PS423.375 ................................................... PS423.38125 * ............................................. PS423.38750 ............................................... PS423.39375 * ............................................. PS423.400 ................................................... PS423.40625 * ............................................. PS423.41250 ............................................... PS423.41875 * ............................................. PS423.425 ................................................... PS423.43125 * ............................................. PS423.43750 ............................................... PS423.44375 * ............................................. PS423.450 ................................................... PS423.45625 * ............................................. PS423.46250 ............................................... PS423.46875 * ............................................. PS423.475 ................................................... PS423.48125 * ............................................. PS423.48750 ............................................... PS423.49375 * ............................................. PS423.500 ................................................... PS423.50625 * ............................................. PS423.51250 ............................................... PS423.51875 * ............................................. PS423.525 ................................................... PS423.53125 * ............................................. PS423.53750 ............................................... PS423.54375 * ............................................. PS

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.273


Frequency (MHz) Pool in whichassigned

423.550 ................................................... PS423.55625 * ............................................. PS423.56250 ............................................... PS423.56875 * ............................................. PS423.575 ................................................... PS423.58125 * ............................................. PS423.58750 ............................................... PS423.59375 * ............................................. PS423.600 ................................................... PS423.60625 * ............................................. PS423.61250 ............................................... PS423.61875 * ............................................. PS423.625 ................................................... PS423.63125 * ............................................. PS423.63750 ............................................... PS423.64375 * ............................................. PS423.650 ................................................... PS423.65625 * ............................................. PS423.66250 ............................................... PS423.66875 * ............................................. PS423.675 ................................................... PS423.68125 * ............................................. PS423.68750 ............................................... PS423.69375 * ............................................. PS423.700 ................................................... PS423.70625 * ............................................. PS423.71250 ............................................... PS423.71875 * ............................................. PS423.725 ................................................... PS423.73125 * ............................................. PS423.73750 ............................................... PS423.74375 * ............................................. PS423.750 ................................................... PS423.75625 * ............................................. PS423.76250 ............................................... PS423.76875 * ............................................. PS423.775 ................................................... PS423.78125 * ............................................. PS423.78750 ............................................... PS423.79375 * ............................................. PS423.800 ................................................... PS423.80625 * ............................................. PS

* This frequency will be assigned with an authorized band-width not to exceed 6 kHz.


Frequency (MHz) Pool in which as-signed

Paired channels:423.81875 * .......................................... PS423.825 ................................................ PS423.83125 * .......................................... PS423.83750 ............................................ PS423.84375 * .......................................... PS423.850 ................................................ PS423.85625 * .......................................... PS423.86250 ............................................ PS423.86875 * .......................................... PS423.875 ................................................ PS423.88125 * .......................................... PS423.88750 ............................................ PS423.89375 * .......................................... PS423.900 ................................................ PS423.90625 * .......................................... PS423.91250 ............................................ PS423.91875 * .......................................... PS


Frequency (MHz) Pool in which as-signed

423.925 ................................................ PS423.93125 * .......................................... PS423.93750 ............................................ PS423.94375 * .......................................... PS423.950 ................................................ PS423.95625 * .......................................... PS423.96250 ............................................ PS423.96875 * .......................................... PS423.975 ................................................ PS423.98125 * .......................................... PS423.98750 ............................................ PS423.99375 * .......................................... PS424.000 ................................................ PS424.00625 * .......................................... PS424.01250 ............................................ PS424.01875 * .......................................... PS424.025 ................................................ PS424.03125 * .......................................... PS424.03750 ............................................ PS424.04375 * .......................................... PS424.050 ................................................ PS424.05625 * .......................................... PS424.06250 ............................................ PS424.06875 * .......................................... PS424.075 ................................................ PS424.08125 * .......................................... PS424.08750 ............................................ PS424.09375 * .......................................... PS424.100 ................................................ PS424.10625 * .......................................... PS424.11250 ............................................ PS424.11875 * .......................................... PS424.125 ................................................ PS424.13125 * .......................................... PS424.13750 ............................................ PS424.14375 * .......................................... PS424.150 ................................................ PS424.15625 * .......................................... PS424.16250 ............................................ PS424.16875 * .......................................... PS424.175 ................................................ PS424.18125 * .......................................... PS424.18750 ............................................ PS424.19375 * .......................................... PS424.200 ................................................ PS424.20625 * .......................................... PS424.21250 ............................................ PS424.21875 * .......................................... PS424.225 ................................................ PS424.23125 * .......................................... PS424.23750 ............................................ PS424.24375 * .......................................... PS424.250 ................................................ PS424.25625 * .......................................... PS424.26250 ............................................ PS424.26875 * .......................................... PS424.275 ................................................ PS424.28125 * .......................................... PS424.28750 ............................................ PS424.29375 * .......................................... PS424.300 ................................................ PS424.30625 * .......................................... PS424.31250 ............................................ PS424.31875 * .......................................... PS424.325 ................................................ PS424.33125 * .......................................... PS424.33750 ............................................ PS424.34375 * .......................................... PS424.350 ................................................ PS424.35625 * .......................................... PS

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.273


Frequency (MHz) Pool in which as-signed

424.36250 ............................................ PS424.36875 * .......................................... PS424.375 ................................................ PS424.38125 * .......................................... PS424.38750 ............................................ PS424.39375 * .......................................... PS424.400 ................................................ IB424.40625 * .......................................... IB424.41250 ............................................ IB424.41875 * .......................................... IB424.425 ................................................ IB424.43125 * .......................................... IB424.43750 ............................................ IB424.44375 * .......................................... IB424.450 ................................................ IB424.45625 * .......................................... IB424.46250 ............................................ IB424.46875 * .......................................... IB424.475 ................................................ IB424.48125 * .......................................... IB424.48750 ............................................ IB424.49375 * .......................................... IB424.500 ................................................ IB424.50625 * .......................................... IB424.51250 ............................................ IB424.51875 * .......................................... IB424.525 ................................................ IB424.53125 * .......................................... IB424.53750 ............................................ IB424.54375 * .......................................... IB424.550 ................................................ IB424.55625 * .......................................... IB424.56250 ............................................ IB424.56875 * .......................................... IB424.575 ................................................ IB424.58125 * .......................................... IB424.58750 ............................................ IB424.59375 * .......................................... IB424.600 ................................................ IB424.60625 * .......................................... IB424.61250 ............................................ IB424.61875 * .......................................... IB424.625 ................................................ IB424.63125 * .......................................... IB424.63750 ............................................ IB424.64375 * .......................................... IB424.650 ................................................ IB424.65625 * .......................................... IB424.66250 ............................................ IB424.66875 * .......................................... IB424.675 ................................................ IB424.68125 * .......................................... IB424.68750 ............................................ IB424.69375 * .......................................... IB424.700 ................................................ IB424.70625 * .......................................... IB424.71250 ............................................ IB424.71875 * .......................................... IB424.725 ................................................ IB424.73125 * .......................................... IB424.73750 ............................................ IB424.74375 * .......................................... IB424.750 ................................................ IB424.75625 * .......................................... IB424.76250 ............................................ IB424.76875 * .......................................... IB424.775 ................................................ IB424.78125 * .......................................... IB424.78750 ............................................ IB424.79375 * .......................................... IB


Frequency (MHz) Pool in which as-signed

424.800 ................................................ IB424.80625 * .......................................... IB424.81250 ............................................ IB424.81875 * .......................................... IB424.825 ................................................ IB424.83125 * .......................................... IB424.83750 ............................................ IB424.84375 * .......................................... IB424.850 ................................................ IB424.85625 * .......................................... IB424.86250 ............................................ IB424.86875 * .......................................... IB424.875 ................................................ IB424.88125 * .......................................... IB424.88750 ............................................ IB424.89375 * .......................................... IB424.900 ................................................ IB424.90625 * .......................................... IB424.91250 ............................................ IB424.91875 * .......................................... IB424.925 ................................................ IB424.93125 * .......................................... IB424.93750 ............................................ IB424.94375 * .......................................... IB424.950 ................................................ IB424.95625 * .......................................... IB424.96250 ............................................ IB424.96875 * .......................................... IB424.975 ................................................ IB424.98125 * .......................................... IB424.98750 ............................................ IB424.99375 * .......................................... IB

Single channels:425.000 ................................................ IB425.00625 * .......................................... IB425.01250 ............................................ IB425.01875 * .......................................... IB425.025 ................................................ IB425.03125 * .......................................... IB425.03750 ............................................ IB425.04375 * .......................................... IB425.050 ................................................ IB425.05625 * .......................................... IB425.06250 ............................................ IB425.06875 * .......................................... IB425.075 ................................................ IB425.08125 * .......................................... IB425.08750 ............................................ IB425.09375 * .......................................... IB425.100 ................................................ IB425.10625 * .......................................... IB425.11250 ............................................ IB425.11875 * .......................................... IB425.125 ................................................ IB425.13125 * .......................................... IB425.13750 ............................................ IB425.14375 * .......................................... IB425.150 ................................................ IB425.15625 * .......................................... IB425.16250 ............................................ IB425.16875 * .......................................... IB425.175 ................................................ IB425.18125 * .......................................... IB425.18750 ............................................ IB425.19375 * .......................................... IB425.200 ................................................ IB425.20625 * .......................................... IB425.21250 ............................................ IB425.21875 * .......................................... IB425.225 ................................................ IB

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.279


Frequency (MHz) Pool in which as-signed

425.23125 * .......................................... IB425.23750 ............................................ IB425.24375 * .......................................... IB425.250 ................................................ PS425.25625 * .......................................... PS425.26250 ............................................ PS425.26875 * .......................................... PS425.275 ................................................ PS425.28125 * .......................................... PS425.28750 ............................................ PS425.29375 * .......................................... PS425.300 ................................................ PS425.30625 * .......................................... PS425.31250 ............................................ PS425.31875 * .......................................... PS425.325 ................................................ PS425.33125 * .......................................... PS425.33750 ............................................ PS425.34375 * .......................................... PS425.350 ................................................ PS425.35625 * .......................................... PS425.36250 ............................................ PS425.36875 * .......................................... PS425.375 ................................................ PS425.38125 * .......................................... PS425.38750 ............................................ PS425.39375 * .......................................... PS425.400 ................................................ PS425.40625 * .......................................... PS425.41250 ............................................ PS425.41875 * .......................................... PS425.425 ................................................ PS425.43125 * .......................................... PS425.43750 ............................................ PS425.44375 * .......................................... PS425.450 ................................................ PS425.45625 * .......................................... PS425.46250 ............................................ PS425.46875 * .......................................... PS425.475 ................................................ PS425.48125 * .......................................... PS

* This frequency will be assigned with an authorized band-width not to exceed 6 kHz.

(b) [Reserved](c) Base or control stations shall be

located within 48 km (30 miles) of thecenter of Buffalo or 80 km (50 miles) ofthe center of Detroit. In Cleveland,base or control stations will be allowedat locations north of line A that arewithin 48 km (30 miles) of the city cen-ter. In addition, low power (2 watts orless) base stations may locate within 80km (50 miles) of the center of Buffalo.The following coordinates shall be usedfor the centers of these areas:Buffalo, NY ........ 42°52′52′ North latitude.

78°52′21′ West longitude.Cleveland, OH .... 41°29′51′ North latitude.

81°41′50′ West longitude.Detroit, MI ........ 42°19′48′ North latitude.

83°02′57′ West longitude.

(d) Mobile operation shall be confinedto within 80 km (50 miles) of the cen-ters of Detroit, Cleveland, or Buffalo.

[52 FR 6156, Mar. 2, 1987, as amended at 54 FR38681, Sept. 20, 1989; 58 FR 31476, June 3, 1993;58 FR 44957, Aug. 25, 1993; 60 FR 37269, July 19,1995; 61 FR 6576, Feb. 21, 1996; 62 FR 18929,Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.275 Selection and assignment offrequencies in the 421–430 MHzband.

Applicants must specify the fre-quencies in which the proposed systemwill operate pursuant to a rec-ommendation by a frequency coordina-tor certified for the pool in which therequested frequency is assigned.

[62 FR 18932, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.279 Power limitations applicableto the 421–430 MHz band.

(a) Base station authorizations in the421–430 MHz band will be subject to Ef-fective Radiated Power (ERP) and Ef-fective Antenna Height (EAH) limita-tions as shown in the table below. ERPis defined as the product of the powersupplied to the antenna and its gainrelative to a half-wave dipole in agiven direction. EAH is calculated bysubtracting the Assumed Average Ter-rain Elevation (AATE) as listed intable 7 of § 90.619 from the antennaheight above mean sea level.


Effective antenna height (EAH) in meters (feet)


0–152 (0–500) ....................................................... 250Above 152–305 (above 500–1000) ....................... 150Above 305–457 (above 1000–1500) ..................... 75Above 457–610 (above 1500–2000) ..................... 40Above 610–762 (above 2000–2500) ..................... 20Above 762–914 (above 2500–3000) ..................... 15Above 914–1219 (above 3000–4000) ................... 10Above 1219 (above 4000) ..................................... 5

(b) The maximum transmitter poweroutput that will be authorized for con-trol stations is 20 watts.

[52 FR 6157, Mar. 2, 1987, as amended at 58 FR44957, Aug. 25, 1993]

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.281

§ 90.281 Restrictions on operationalfixed stations in the 421–430 MHzband.

(a) Except for control stations, oper-ational fixed facilities will not be au-thorized in the 421–430 MHz band. Thisdoes not preclude secondary fixed tonesignaling and alarm operations author-ized in § 90.235.

(b) Control stations associated withone or more mobile relay stations willbe authorized only on the assigned fre-quency of the associated mobile sta-tion. Use of a mobile service frequencyby a control station of a mobile relaysystem is subject to the condition thatharmful interference shall not becaused to stations of licensees author-ized to use the frequency for mobileservice communications.

[52 FR 6158, Mar. 2, 1987, as amended at 54 FR38681, Sept. 20, 1989]

§ 90.283 [Reserved]

Subpart L—Authorization in theBand 470–512 MHz (UHF–TVSharing)

§ 90.301 Scope.This subpart governs the authoriza-

tion and use of frequencies by land mo-bile stations in the band 470–512 MHz ona geographically shared basis with Tel-evision Broadcast stations. Under thisspecial sharing plan, different fre-quencies are allocated depending onthe geographic urban area involved asfully detailed in the following rule sec-tions.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 62FR 18932, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.303 Availability of frequencies.(a) Frequencies in the band 470–512

MHz are available for assignment inthe urbanized areas listed below. Thespecific frequencies available are listedin § 90.311.


Urbanized area

Geographic centerChan-


latituteWest lon-


Boston, MA ..................................................................................................... 42°21′24′′ 71°03′25′′ 14 470–47616 482–488

Chicago, IL1 ................................................................................................... 41°52′28′′ 87°38′22′′ 14 470–47615 476–482

Cleveland, OH2 .............................................................................................. 41°29′51′′ 81°41′50′′ 14 470–47615 476–482

Dallas/Fort Worth, TX .................................................................................... 32°47′09′′ 96°47′37′′ 16 482–488Detroit, MI3 ..................................................................................................... 42°19′48′′ 83°02′57′′ 15 476–482

16 482–488Houston, TX ................................................................................................... 29°45′26′′ 95°21′37′′ 17 488–494Los Angeles, CA4 ........................................................................................... 34°03′15′′ 118°14′28′′ 14 470–476

20 506–512Miami, FL ....................................................................................................... 25°46′37′′ 80°11′32′′ 14 470–476New York/N.E. NJ .......................................................................................... 40°45′06′′ 73°59′39′′ 14 470–476

15 476–482Philadelphia, PA ............................................................................................. 39°56′58′′ 75°09′21′′ 19 500–506

20 506–512Pittsburgh, PA ................................................................................................ 40°26′19′′ 80°00′00′′ 14 470–476

18 494–500San Francisco/Oakland, CA ........................................................................... 37°46′39′′ 122°24′40′′ 16 482–488

17 488–494Wash., DC/MD/VA ......................................................................................... 38°53′51′′ 77°00′33′′ 17 488–494

18 494–500

1 In the Chicago, IL, urbanized area, channel 15 frequencies may be used for paging operations in addition to low power base/mobile usages, where applicable protection requirements for ultrahigh frequency television stations are met.

2 Channels 14 and 15 are not available in Cleveland, OH, until further order from the Commission.3 Channels 15 and 16 are not available in Detroit, MI, until further order from the Commission.4 Channel 16 is available in Los Angeles for use by public safety users.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.307

(b) [Reserved]

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, 44 FR 32220, June5, 1979, as amended at 50 FR 39681, Sept. 30,1985; 50 FR 40976, Oct. 8, 1985; 51 FR 4361, Feb.4, 1986; 52 FR 29856, Aug. 12, 1987; 62 FR 18932,Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.305 Location of stations.(a) The transmitter site(s) for base

station(s), including mobile relay sta-tions, shall be located not more than 80km. (50 mi.) from the geographic centerof the urbanized area listed in § 90.303.

(b) Mobile units shall be operatedwithin 48 km. (30 mi.) of their associ-ated base station or stations. Suchunits may not be operated aboard air-craft in flight except as provided for in§ 90.315(i).

(c) Control stations must be locatedwithin the area of operation of the mo-bile units.

(d) Base and control stations shall belocated a minimum of 1.6 km. (1 mi.)from local television stations operat-ing on UHF TV channels separated by2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 TV channels from thetelevision channel in which the basestation will operate.

§ 90.307 Protection criteria.The tables and figures listed in

§ 90.309 shall be used to determine theproper power (ERP) and antenna heightof the proposed land mobile base sta-tion and the proper power (ERP) forthe associated control station (controlstation antenna height shall not exceed31 m. (100 ft.) above average terrain(AAT)).

(a) Base stations operating on thefrequencies available for land mobileuse in any listed urbanized area andhaving an antenna height (AAT) lessthan 152 m. (500 ft.) shall afford protec-tion to co-channel and adjacent chan-nel television stations in accordancewith the values set out in tables A andE of this subpart, except for Channel 15in New York, NY, and Cleveland, OH,and Channel 16 in Detroit, MI, whereprotection will be in accordance withthe values set forth in tables B and E.

(b) For base stations having antennaheights between 152–914 meters (500–3,000 ft.) above average terrain, the ef-fective radiated power must be reducedbelow 1 kilowatt in accordance withthe values shown in the power reduc-

tion graph in Figure A, except forChannel 15 in New York, NY, andCleveland, OH, and Channel 16 in De-troit, MI, where the effective radiatedpower must be reduced in accordancewith Figure B. For heights of morethan 152 m. (500 ft.) above average ter-rain, the distance to the radio path ho-rizon will be calculated assumingsmooth earth. If the distance so deter-mined equals or exceeds the distance tothe Grade B contour of a co-channelTV station, (Grade B contour definedin § 73.683(a)) an authorization will notbe granted unless it can be shown thatactual terrain considerations are suchas to provide the desired protection atthe Grade B contour, or that the effec-tive radiated power will be further re-duced so that, assuming free space at-tenuation, the desired protection atthe Grade B contour will be achieved.

(c) Mobile units and control stationsoperating on the frequencies availablefor land mobile use in any given urban-ized area shall afford protection to co-channel and adjacent channel tele-vision stations in accordance with thevalues set forth in table C and para-graph (d) of this section except forChannel 15 in New York, NY, andCleveland, OH, and Channel 16 in De-troit, MI, where protection will be inaccordance with the values set forth intable D and paragraph (d) of this sec-tion.

(d) The minimum distance between aland mobile base station which has as-sociated mobile units and a protectedadjacent channel television station is145 km (90 miles) .

(e) The television stations to be pro-tected (co-channel, adjacent channel,IM, and IF) in any given urbanizedarea, in accordance with the provisionsof paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) ofthis section, are identified in the com-mission’s publication ‘‘TV stations tobe considered in the preparation of Ap-plications for Land Mobile Facilities inthe Band 470–512 MHz.’’ The publicationis available at the offices of the Fed-eral Communications Commission atWashington, DC or upon the request ofinterested persons.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 49FR 36107, Sept. 14, 1984; 58 FR 44957, Aug. 25,1993]

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.309

§ 90.309 Tables and figures.(a) Directions for using the tables. (1)

Using the method specified in § 73.611 orcharts or maps of suitable scale, deter-mine the distances (i) between the pro-posed land mobile base station and theprotected cochannel television stationand (ii) between the proposed land mo-bile base station and the protected ad-jacent channel television station. If theexact mileage does not appear in tableA for protected cochannel televisionstations (or table B for Channel 15 inNew York and Cleveland and channel 16in Detroit) or table E for protected ad-jacent channel television stations, thenext lower mileage separation figure isto be used.

(2) Entering the proper table at themileage figure found in paragraph(a)(1) of this section, find opposite, aselection of powers that may be usedfor antenna heights ranging from 15 m(50 ft) to 152.5 m (500 ft) (AAT). If theexact antenna height proposed for theland mobile base station does not ap-pear in the proper table, use the powerfigure beneath the next greater an-tenna height.

(3) The lowest power found using thetables mentioned in paragraphs (a)(1)and (a)(2) of this section is the maxi-mum power that may be employed bythe proposed land mobile base station.

(4) In determining the average ele-vation of the terrain, the elevations be-tween 3.2 km (2 mi) and 16 km (10 mi)from the antenna site are employed.Profile graphs shall be drawn for aminimum of eight radials beginning atthe antenna site and extending 16 km(10 mi). The radials should be drawnstarting with true north. At least oneradial should be constructed in the di-rection of the nearest cochannel and

adjacent channel UHF television sta-tions. The profile graph for each radialshall be plotted by contour intervals offrom 12.2 m (40 ft) to 30.5 m (100 ft) and,where the data permits, at least 50points of elevation (generally uni-formly spaced) should be used for eachradial. For very rugged terrain 61 m(200 ft) to 122 m (400 ft) contour inter-vals may be used. Where the terrain isuniform or gently sloping, the smallestcontour interval indicated on the topo-graphic chart may be used. The aver-age elevation of the 12.8 km (8-mile)distance between 3.2 km (2 mi) and 16km (10 mi) from the antenna siteshould be determined from the profilegraph for each radial. This may be ob-tained by averaging a large number ofequally spaced points, by using a pla-nimeter, or by obtaining the medianelevation (that exceeded by 50 percentof the distance) in sectors and averag-ing those values. In the preparation ofthe profile graphs, the elevation orcontour intervals may be taken fromU.S. Geological Survey TopographicMaps, U.S. Army Corps of EngineersMaps, or Tennessee Valley AuthorityMaps. Maps with a scale of 1:250,000 orlarger (such as 1:24,000) shall be used.Digital Terrain Data Tapes, providedby the National Cartographic Institute,U.S. Geological Survey, may be uti-lized in lieu of maps, but the number ofdata points must be equal to or exceedthat special above. If such maps arenot published for the area in question,the next best topographic informationshould be used.

(5) Applicants for base stations in theMiami, FL, urbanized area may, in lieuof calculating the height of averageterrain, use 3 m (10 ft) as the averageterrain height.


Distance in kilo-meters (miles): 2

Antenna height in meters (feet) (AAT)

15 (50) 30.5(100) 45 (150) 61 (200) 76 (250) 91.5





260 (162) ............. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000257 (160) ............. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 800249 (155) ............. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 875 775 700 625 575241 (150) ............. 1,000 1,000 950 775 725 625 550 500 450 400233 (145) ............. 850 750 650 575 500 440 400 350 320 300225 (140) ............. 600 575 475 400 350 300 275 250 230 225217 (135) ............. 450 400 335 300 255 240 200 185 165 150209 (130) ............. 350 300 245 200 185 160 145 125 120 100201 (125) ............. 225 200 170 150 125 110 100 90 80 75

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.309


Distance in kilo-meters (miles): 2

Antenna height in meters (feet) (AAT)

15 (50) 30.5(100) 45 (150) 61 (200) 76 (250) 91.5





193 (120) ............. 175 150 125 105 90 80 70 60 55 50

1 The effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna height above average terrain (AAT) shall not exceed the values given in thistable.

2 At this distance from transmitter site of protected UHF television station.


Distance in kilo-meters (miles): 2

Antenna height in meters (feet) (AAT)

15 (50) 30.5(100) 45 (150) 61 (200) 76 (250) 91.5





209 (130) ............. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000201 (125) ............. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 850 750 725193 (120) ............. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 750 675 600 550 500185 4(115) ........... 1,000 1,000 800 725 600 525 475 425 375 350177 (110) ............. 850 700 600 500 425 375 325 300 275 225169 (105) ............. 600 475 400 325 275 250 225 200 175 150161 (100) ............. 400 325 275 225 175 150 140 125 110 100153 (95) ............... 275 225 175 125 110 95 80 70 60 50145 (90) ............... 175 125 100 75 50 .............. .............. .............. .............. ..............

1 The effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna height above average terrain (AAT) shall not exceed the values given in thistable.

2 At this distance from transmitter site of protected UHF television station.


[50 dB protection]

Effective radiated power(watts) of mobile unit and

control station


Kilometers Miles

200 ..................................... 249 155150 ..................................... 243 151100 ..................................... 233 14550 ....................................... 217 13525 ....................................... 201 12510 ....................................... 188 1175 ......................................... 180 112


[40 dB protection]

Effective radiated power(watts) of mobile unit and

control station


Kilometers Miles

200 ..................................... 209 130150 ..................................... 201 125100 ..................................... 193 12050 ....................................... 185 11525 ....................................... 177 11010 ....................................... 169 1055 ......................................... 161 100


Distance in kilo-meters (miles): 2,3

Antenna height in meters (feet) (AAT)

15 (50) 30.5(100) 45 (150) 61 (200) 76 (250) 91.5





108 (67) ............... 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000106 (66) ............... 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 750104 (65) ............... 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 825 650 600103 (64) ............... 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 775 625 500 400101 (63) ............... 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 650 450 325 325 22599 (62) ................. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 525 375 250 200 150 12598 (61) ................. 1,000 1,000 700 450 250 200 125 100 75 5096 (60) ................. 1,000 1,000 425 225 125 100 75 50

1 The effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna height above average terrain (AAT) shall not exceed the values given in thistable.

2 At this distance from transmitter site of protected UHF television station.3 The minimum distance is 145 km (90 miles) where there are mobile units associated with the base station. See sec.


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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.309


dB reduction below 1 kW

ERP per-mitted (fig-


1 ........................................................................... 7952 ........................................................................... 6303 ........................................................................... 5004 ........................................................................... 4005 ........................................................................... 3156 ........................................................................... 2507 ........................................................................... 2008 ........................................................................... 1609 ........................................................................... 12510 ......................................................................... 10011 ......................................................................... 8012 ......................................................................... 6513 ......................................................................... 5014 ......................................................................... 4015 ......................................................................... 3016 ......................................................................... 2517 ......................................................................... 2018 ......................................................................... 1519 ......................................................................... 1220 ......................................................................... 1021 ......................................................................... 822 ......................................................................... 623 ......................................................................... 524 ......................................................................... 425 ......................................................................... 326 ......................................................................... 2.527 ......................................................................... 228 ......................................................................... 1.529 ......................................................................... 1.2530 ......................................................................... 1

(b) Directions for Using the Figures. (1)Determine antenna height above aver-age terrain. (According to § 90.309(a)(4).)

(2) Locate this value on the antennaheight axis.

(3) Determine the separation betweenthe LM antenna site and the nearestprotected co-channel TV station. (Ac-cording to § 73.611.)

(4) Draw a vertical line to intersectthe LM/TV separation curve at the dis-tance determined in step 3 above. Fordistances not shown in the graph uselinear interpolation.

(5) From the intersection of the LM/TV separation curve draw a horizontalline to the power reduction scale.

(6) The power reduction in dB deter-mines the reduction below 1 kW thatmust be achieved.

(7) See table F for dB/power equiva-lents.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.309

(Section 0.231(d) of the Commission’s Rules and secs. 4(i) and 303 of the Communications Act,as amended)

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 49 FR 36107, Sept. 14, 1984; 49 FR 49837, Dec. 17, 1984;58 FR 44958, Aug. 25, 1993]

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.311

§ 90.311 Frequencies.(a) Except as provided for in § 90.315

and except for those frequencies allo-cated to services in part 22 of thischapter (see §§ 22.591, 22.621, 22.651, and22.1007 of this chapter) the followingfrequencies in the band 470–512 MHz

may be assigned as indicated in thetable below. The first and last assign-able frequencies are shown. Assignablefrequencies occur in increments of 6.25kHz. The separation between base andmobile transmit frequencies is 3 MHzfor two frequency operation.

Channel assignment Urbanized areaGeneral access pool

Base and mobile Mobile

14 ............................ Boston, MA .................................. 470.30625 to 472.99375 ............. 473.30625 to 475.99375.Chicago, ILCleveland, OHLos Angeles, CAMiami, FLNew York/N.E. NJPittsburgh, PA

15 ............................ Chicago, IL .................................. 476.30625 to 478.99375 ............. 479.30625 to 481.99375.Cleveland, OHDetroit, MINew York/N.E. NJ

16 ............................ Boston, MA .................................. 482.30625 to 484.99375 ............. 485.30625 to 487.99375.Dallas/Fort Worth, TXDetroit, MISan Francisco/Oakland, CA

17 ............................ Houston, TX .................................San Francisco/Oakland, CA ........Washington, DC/MD/VA ..............

488.30625 to 490.99375 ............. 491.30625 to 493.99375.

18 ............................ Pittsburgh, PA ..............................Washington, DC/MD/VA ..............

494.30625 to 496.99375 ............. 497.30625 to 499.99375.

19 ............................ Philadelphia, PA .......................... 500.30625 to 502.99375 ............. 503.30625 to 505.99375.20 ............................ Los Angeles, CA ..........................

Philadelphia, PA ..........................506.30625 to 508.99375 ............. 509.30625 to 511.99375.

(1) Channel availability in the Gen-eral Access Pool in any of the urban-ized areas referred to in the table de-pends on whether that channel is pres-ently assigned to one of the followingcategories of users:

(i) Public safety (as defined in§ 90.20(a));

(ii) Power and telephone mainte-nance licensees (as defined in § 90.7);

(iii) Special industrial licensees (asdefined in § 90.7);

(iv) Business licensees (as defined in§ 90.35(a));

(v) Petroleum, forest products, andmanufacturers licensees (as defined in§ 90.7);

(vi) Railroad, motor carrier, andautomobile emergency licensees (as de-fined in § 90.7); and

(vii) Taxicab licensees (as defined in§ 90.7).

(2) If assigned, subsequent authoriza-tions will only be granted to users fromthe same category. If unassigned, orshould a channel subsequently becomeunassigned, it will be treated as avail-able in the General Access Pool.

(3) Normally, each channel should besubstantially loaded in accordancewith the standards set out in § 90.313.

(4) The following frequencies will beauthorized a maximum bandwidth of 6kHz.

Channel Frequency

14 ....................................................................... 470.30625475.99375

15 ....................................................................... 476.30625481.99375

16 ....................................................................... 482.30625487.99375

17 ....................................................................... 488.30625493.99375

18 ....................................................................... 494.30625499.99375

19 ....................................................................... 500.30625505.99375

20 ....................................................................... 506.30625511.99375

(b) [Reserved]

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 44FR 49692, Aug. 24, 1979; 51 FR 4362, Feb. 4,1986; 60 FR 37272, July 19, 1995; 62 FR 2041,Jan. 15, 1997; 62 FR 18932, Apr. 17, 1997]

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.313

§ 90.313 Frequency loading criteria.

(a) Except as provided for in para-graph (b) of this section, the maximumchannel loading on frequencies in the470–512 MHz band is as follows:

(1) 50 units for systems eligible in thePublic Safety Pool (see § 90.20(a)).

(2) 90 units for systems eligible in theIndustrial/Business Pool (see § 90.35(a)).

(b) If a licensee has exclusive use of afrequency, then the loading standardsin paragraph (a) of this section, may beexceeded. If it is a shared channel, theloading standards can be exceeded uponsubmission of a signed statement by allthose sharing the channel agreeing tothe increase.

(c) A unit is defined as a mobiletransmitter-receiver. Loading stand-ards will be applied in terms of thenumber of units actually in use or tobe placed in use within 8 months fol-lowing authorization. A licensee will berequired to show that an assigned fre-quency pair is at full capacity before itmay be assigned a second or additionalfrequency pair. Channel capacity maybe reached either by the requirementsof a single licensee or by several userssharing a channel. Until a channel isloaded to capacity it will be availablefor assignment to other users in thesame area. A frequency pair may be re-assigned at distances 64 km. (40 mi.), 32km. (20 mi.) for Channel 15, Chicago;Channel 20, Philadelphia; and Channel17, Washington, or more from the loca-tion of base stations authorized on thatpair without reference to loading atthe point of original installation. Fol-lowing authorization, the licensee shallnotify the Commission either during orat the close of the 8 month period ofthe number of units in operation. Inthe Industrial Radio Services, if thebase station facility is to be used bymore than a single licensee, the fre-quency assigned to it will not be reas-signed for use by another facility with-in 64 km. (40 mi.) or 32 km. (20 mi.)where applicable for a period of 12months, Provided, That the facility isconstructed within 90 days from thedate of the first grant, meets the load-ing standards to at least 50 percent

within 9 months, and meets all loadingstandards within 12 months.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 47FR 36649, Aug. 23, 1982; 62 FR 18933, Apr. 17,1997]

§ 90.315 Special provisions governinguse of frequencies in the 476–494MHz band (TV Channels 15, 16, 17)in the Southern Louisiana-TexasOffshore Zone.

(a) The frequency bands from 490–491and 493–494 MHz will be available forassignment to stations governed bythis part within Zone A. The bound-aries of Zone A are from longitude87°45′ on the east to longitude 94°00′ onthe west, and from the 3-mile limitalong the Gulf of Mexico shoreline onthe north to the limit of the OuterContinental Shelf on the south. Thefrequency bands from 484–485 and 476–488 MHz will be available for assign-ment to stations governed by this partwithin Zone B. The boundaries of ZoneB are from longitude 87°45′ on the eastto longitude 95°00′ on the west and fromthe 3-mile limit along the Gulf of Mex-ico shoreline on the north to the limitof the Outer Continental Shelf on thesouth. The frequency bands from 478–479 and 481–481 MHz will be availablefor assignment to stations governed bythis part within Zone C. The bound-aries of Zone C are from longitude94°00′ on the east, the 3-mile limit onthe north and west, a 281 km (175 mile)radius from the reference point atLinares, N.L., Mexico on the south-west, latitude 26°00′ on the south, andthe limits of the Outer ContinentalShelf on the southeast. These fre-quencies may also be assigned to fixedstations located on shore designed toprovide communications service withinthe zone.

(b) Offshore base/mobile, and offshoreand shore fixed stations may be au-thorized.

(c) F2, F3, F4, F9, and A2, A3, A4, andA9 emissions may be authorized.

(d) Offshore stations shall afford co-channel protection to TV stations onChannels 15, 16 and 17. Station operat-ing parameters shall be in accordancewith the values given in table 1 of thissection.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.315


[In Watts]

Distance from transmitter to co-channel TV station kilometers


Antenna Height abovesea level meters (feet)




338 (210) .................................... 1,000 1,000 1,000330 (205) .................................... 1,000 900 800322 (200) .................................... 800 710 630314 (195) .................................... 590 520 450306 (190) .................................... 450 400 330298 (185) .................................... 320 280 240290 (180) .................................... 250 210 175281 (175) .................................... 175 150 130274 (170) .................................... 130 110 100265 (165) .................................... 95 80 70257 (160) .................................... 65 55 50249 (155) .................................... 50 40 35241 (150) .................................... 35 30 25

NOTE: To determine the maximum permis-sible effective radiated power:

(1) As specified in § 73.611 determine thedistance between the proposed station andthe cochannel television station. If the exactdistance does not appear in table 1 of thissection, the next lower distance separation isto be used.

(2) Opposite this distance figure ERPs aregiven that may be used for antenna heightsof 30.5, 45 or 61 meters (100, 150 or 200 ft) ASL.If the exact antenna height is not shown, theERP allowed will be that shown for the nexthigher antenna height.

(e) Shore stations communicatingpoint-to-point with offshore stationswill be permitted at least the sameERP as the offshore station, but onlyin the direction of the offshore station.A directional antenna shall be used andthe rearward radiated power from theantenna in a sector ±221⁄2° from the linejoining the shore antenna to the co-channel television station shall not ex-ceed those shown in table 2 of this sec-tion.


Distance from transmitter to cochannel television station: kilometers(miles)

Antenna height above ground in meters (feet)







298 (185) ................................................................................................ 320 280 240 190 125 90290 (180) ................................................................................................ 250 210 175 125 100 60281 (175) ................................................................................................ 175 150 130 100 70 50274 (170) ................................................................................................ 130 110 100 75 40 35265 (165) ................................................................................................ 95 82 70 50 35 25257 (160) ................................................................................................ 65 55 50 40 25 20249 (155) ................................................................................................ 50 40 35 30 20 15241 (150) ................................................................................................ 35 30 25 20 15 10233 (145) ................................................................................................ 25 20 18 15 10 7225 (140) ................................................................................................ 18 15 13 10 7 5217 (135) ................................................................................................ 13 10 9 7 5 3209 (130) ................................................................................................ 10 8 6 5 3 2201 (125) ................................................................................................ 7 6 5 4 3 2193 (120) ................................................................................................ 5 4 3 3 2 1

NOTE: As an example of the use of tables 1and 2, assume an offshore station located 290km (180 mi) from TV Channel 17 located inBude, Miss. with an antenna height of 30.5 m(100 ft). Table 1 allows this station to operatewith 250 W ERP. Now assume the shore sta-tion communicating with the offshore sta-tion is 48 km (30 mi) from the offshore sta-tion and 241 km (150 mi) from Bude, Miss.The shore station antenna height is 152.5 m(500 ft) above ground. The shore station willbe allowed the same ERP as the offshore sta-tion (250 W) in the direction of the offshorestation. Table 2 indicates that the effectiveradiated power in a sector <±> 221⁄2° from theline joining the shore antenna to Bude, Miss.

can only be 15 W. Consequently, a directionalantenna must be used whose minimum front-to-back ratio over this 45° sector must be atleast 12.2 dB. (250 W forward power to 15 Wrearward power is a power ratio of 16.6 or 12.2dB).

(f) To provide cochannel protectionto television stations, no shore stationwill be allowed closer than 193 km (120miles) from the cochannel televisionstation.

(g) To provide adjacent channel pro-tection to television stations, no shoreor offshore station shall be allowedwithin an 128 km (80 mile) distance of

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.317

the adjacent channel television sta-tion.

(h) Mobile stations shall not operatecloser to shore than 6.4 km (4 miles) be-yond the three mile limit and shall notoperate with an ERP in excess of 100watts with 9.1 m (30 ft) maximum an-tenna height.

(i) Mobile stations installed in air-craft shall operate 11 km (7 miles) be-yond the three mile limit and shall notoperate with an ERP in excess of 1 wattor at heights in excess of 305 m (1000feet) AMSL.

(j) The following frequency bands areavailable for assignment in all servicesfor use in the Zones as defined in para-graph (a) of this section.


Zone Transmit (or receive) Receive (or transmit)

A ................. 490.01875–490.98125 493.01875–493.98125B ................. 484.01875–484.98125 487.01875–487.98125C ................. 478.01875–478.98125 481.01875–481.98125

Only the first and last assignable fre-quencies are shown. Frequencies shallbe assigned in pairs with 3 MHz spacingbetween transmit and receive fre-quencies. Assignable frequency pairswill occur in increments of 6.25 kHz.The following frequencies will be as-signed for a maximum authorized band-width of 6 kHz: 478.01875, 478.98125,484.01875, 484.98125, 490.01875, 490.98125,481.01875, 481.98125, 487.01875, 487.98125,493.01875, and 493.98125.

(k) Fixed stations operating point-to-point shall be assigned frequencies be-ginning with 490.025/493.025 MHz (ZoneA), 484.025/487.025 MHz (Zone B) and478.025–481.025 MHz (Zone C) and pro-gressing upwards utilizing availablefrequencies toward the end of the band.Offshore base/mobile stations shall beassigned frequencies beginning at490.975/493.975 MHz (Zone A), 484.975/478.975 MHz (Zone B) and 478.975/481.975MHz (Zone C) and progressing down-wards utilizing available frequenciestoward the beginning of the band. Allfrequency assignments are subject tothe conditions specified in § 90.173.

[50 FR 12027, Mar. 27, 1985; 50 FR 14389, Apr.12, 1985, as amended at 58 FR 44959, Aug. 25,1993; 60 FR 37277, July 19, 1995]

§ 90.317 Fixed ancillary signaling anddata transmissions.

(a) Licensees of systems that haveexclusive-use status in their respectivegeographic areas may engage in fixedancillary signaling and data trans-missions, subject to the following re-quirements:

(1) All such ancillary operationsmust be on a secondary, non-inter-ference basis to the primary mobile op-eration of any other licensee.

(2) The output power at the remotesite shall not exceed 30 watts.

(3) Any fixed transmitters will notcount toward meeting the mobile load-ing requirements nor be considered inwhole or in part as a justification forauthorizing additional frequencies inthe licensee’s mobile system.

(4) Automatic means must be pro-vided to deactivate the remote trans-mitter in the event the carrier remainson for a period in excess of three min-utes.

(5) Operational fixed stations author-ized pursuant to the provisions of thisparagraph are exempt from the require-ments of §§ 90.425 and 90.429.

(6) If the system is licensed on 470–512MHz conventional frequencies, and ex-clusivity has been achieved throughthe aggregate loading of more than asingle co-channel licensee, then a li-censee must obtain the concurrence ofother co-channel licensees prior tocommencing such ancillary operations.

(b) Licensees of systems that do nothave exclusive-use status in their re-spective geographic areas may conductfixed ancillary signaling and datatransmissions only in accordance withthe provisions of § 90.235 of this part.

[57 FR 34693, Aug. 6, 1992]

Subpart M—Intelligent Transpor-tation Systems Radio Service

SOURCE: 60 FR 15253, Mar. 23, 1995, unlessotherwise noted.

§ 90.350 Scope.

The Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems Radio Service is for the purposeof integrating radio-based technologies

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.353

into the nation’s transportation infra-structure and to develop and imple-ment the nation’s intelligent transpor-tation systems. It includes the Loca-tion and Monitoring Service (LMS).Rules as to eligibility for licensing, fre-quencies available, and any special re-quirements for services in the Intel-ligent Transportation Systems RadioService are set forth in this subpart.

[60 FR 15253, Mar. 23, 1995, as amended at 62FR 52044, Oct. 6, 1997]

§ 90.351 Location and Monitoring Serv-ice.

These provisions authorize the li-censing of systems in the Location andMonitoring Service (LMS). LMS sys-tems utilize non-voice radio techniquesto determine the location and status ofmobile radio units. LMS licensees au-thorized to operate a system in the 902–928 MHz band may serve individuals,federal government agencies, and enti-ties eligible for licensing in this part90.

(a) Each application to license anLMS system shall include the follow-ing supplemental information:

(1) A detailed description of the man-ner in which the system will operate,including a map or diagram.

(2) The necessary or occupied band-width of emission, whichever is great-er.

(3) The data transmission character-istics as follows:

(i) The vehicle location update rates;(ii) Specific transmitter modulation

techniques used;(iii) For codes and timing scheme: A

table of bit sequences and their alpha-numeric or indicator equivalents, and astatement of bit rise time, bit trans-mission rates, bit duration, and inter-val between bits;

(iv) A statement of amplitude-versus-time of the interrogation and reply for-mats, and an example of a typical mes-sage transmission and any synchroniz-ing pulses utilized.

(4) A plan to show the implementa-tion schedule during the initial licenseterm.

(b) LMS stations are exempted fromthe identification requirements of§ 90.425; however, the Commission mayimpose automatic station identifica-tion requirements when determined to

be necessary for monitoring and en-forcement purposes.

§ 90.353 LMS operations in the 902–928MHz band.

LMS systems may be authorizedwithin the 902–928 MHz band, subject tothe conditions in this section. LMS li-censees are required to maintain what-ever records are necessary to dem-onstrate compliance with these provi-sions and must make these recordsavailable to the Commission upon re-quest:

(a) LMS operations will not cause in-terference to and must tolerate inter-ference from industrial, scientific, andmedical (ISM) devices and radio-location Government stations that op-erate in the 902–928 MHz band.

(b) LMS systems are authorized totransmit status and instructional mes-sages, either voice or non-voice, so longas they are related to the location ormonitoring functions of the system.

(c) LMS systems may utilize storeand forward interconnection, where ei-ther transmissions from a vehicle orobject being monitored are stored bythe LMS provider for later trans-mission over the public switched net-work (PSN), or transmissions receivedby the LMS provider from the PSN arestored for later transmission to the ve-hicle or object being monitored. Real-time interconnection between vehiclesor objects being monitored and thePSN will only be permitted to enableemergency communications related toa vehicle or a passenger in a vehicle.Such real-time, interconnected com-munications may only be sent to or re-ceived from a system dispatch point orentities eligible in the Public Safety orSpecial Emergency Radio Services. Seesubparts B and C of this part.

(d) Multilateration LMS systems willbe authorized on a primary basis with-in the bands 904–909.75 MHz and 921.75–927.25 MHz. Additionally,multilateration and non-multilateration systems will share the919.75–921.75 MHz band on a co-equalbasis. Licensing will be on the basis ofEconomic Areas (EAs) formultilateration systems, with one ex-clusive EA license being issued for eachof these three sub-bands. Except as pro-vided in paragraph (f) of this section,

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.355

multilateration EA licensees may beauthorized to operate on only one ofthe three multilateration bands withina given EA. Additionally, EAmultilateration LMS licenses will beconditioned upon the licensee’s abilityto demonstrate through actual fieldtests that their systems do not causeunacceptable levels of interference to47 CFR part 15 devices.

(e) Multilateration EA-licensed sys-tems and grandfathered AVM systems(see § 90.363) are authorized on a sharedbasis and must cooperate in the selec-tion and use of frequencies in accord-ance with Section 90.173(b).

(f) Multilateration EA licensees maybe authorized to operate on both the919.75–921.75 MHz and 921.75–927.25 MHzbands within a given EA (see§ 90.209(b)(10)).

(g) Multilateration LMS systemswhose primary operations involve theprovision of vehicle location services,may provide non-vehicular locationservices.

(h) Non-multilateration stations areauthorized to operate on a shared, non-exclusive basis in the 902–904 MHz and909.75–921.75 MHz sub-bands. Non-multilateration systems andmultilateration systems will share the919.75–921.75 MHz band on a co-equalbasis. Non-multilateration LMS sys-tems may not provide non-vehicular lo-cation services. The maximum antennaheight above ground for non-multilateration LMS systems is 15 me-ters.

(i) Non-multilateration LMS licenseswill be issued on a site-by-site basis,except that municipalities or othergovernmental operatives may filejointly for a non-multilateration li-cense covering a given U.S. Depart-ment of Commerce Bureau of EconomicAnalysis Economic Area (EA). Such anapplication must identify all plannedsites. After receiving the license, thenon-multilateration EA licensee mustnotify the Commission if sites are de-leted or if new sites are added, beforethose sites may be put into operation.

[60 FR 15253, Mar. 23, 1995, as amended at 62FR 52044, Oct. 6, 1997]

§ 90.355 LMS operations below 512MHz.

Applications requiring not more than25 kHz bandwidth per frequency in the25–50 MHz, 150–170 MHz, and 450–512MHz bands may use either base-mobilefrequencies currently assigned the ap-plicant, or be assigned base-mobile fre-quencies available in the service inwhich eligibility has been established,provided that:

(a) For transmission between vehi-cles and base stations, each frequencyin a single-frequency mode of operationwill provide location data for approxi-mately 200 vehicles, or both frequenciesin a two-frequency mode of operationwill provide location data for approxi-mately 400 vehicles, except that for fre-quencies in the 450–512 MHz band thatare assigned in pairs in accordancewith the allocation plan for the band,the requirement is that location databe provided for approximately 200 vehi-cles for each frequency pair; and ashowing is made that 50 percent of thevehicles will be in operation within thesystem by the end of the second year ofthe initial license term, and 70 percentwill be in operation within the systemby the end of the initial license term;except that if these vehicle loadingstandards will not be met, frequencieswill be assigned only on a secondarynon-interference basis to any author-ized radiotelephony operation.

(b) The minimum separation betweena proposed LMS station and the near-est co-channel base station of anotherlicensee operating a voice system is 75miles (120 km) for a single frequencymode of operation or 35 miles (56 km)for a two-frequency mode of operation.Where the minimum mileage separa-tion cannot be achieved, agreement tothe use of F1D, F2D, G1D, G2D or P0Nemission must be received from all ex-isting co-channel licensees using voiceemissions within the applicable mile-age limits. If there is interference withvoice operations and required agree-ment was not received, or operationwas authorized on a secondary non-in-terference basis, the licensee of theLMS system is responsible for elimi-nating the interference.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.363

(c) Frequencies additional to any as-signed under paragraph (a) of this sec-tion will not be assigned to the same li-censee at any stations located within64 km (40 miles) of any station in whichthe licensee holds an interest untileach of such licensee’s frequencies forLMS operation is shown to accommo-date not less than 90 percent of the fre-quency loading requirements specifiedin paragraph (a) of this section.

§ 90.357 Frequencies for LMS systemsin the 902–928 MHz band.

(a) Multilateration LMS systems willbe authorized on the following LMSsub-bands:

LMS Sub-band Forward Link 1

904.000–909.750 MHz .......... 927.750–928.000 MHz.919.750–921.750 MHz 2 ........ 927.500–927.750 MHz.921.750–927.250 MHz .......... 927.250–927.500 MHz.

1 Forward links for LMS systems may also be containedwithin the LMS sub-band. However, the maximum allowablepower in these sub-bands is 30 watts ERP in accordance with§ 90.205(j).

2 The frequency band 919.750–921.750 MHz is shared co-equally between multilateration and non-multilateration LMSsystems.

(b) Non-multilateration LMS systemswill be authorized on the following fre-quency bands:

LMS Sub-band 1

902.000–904.000 MHz909.750–921.750 MHz

1 Applicants for non-multilateration LMSsystems should request only the minimumamount of bandwidth necessary to meettheir operational needs.

[60 FR 15253, Mar. 23, 1995, as amended at 60FR 37277, July 19, 1995]

§ 90.359 Field strength limits for EA-li-censed LMS systems.

EA-licensed multilateration systemsshall limit the field strength of signalstransmitted from their base stations to47 dBuV/m at their EA boundary.

[62 FR 52044, Oct. 6, 1997]

§ 90.361 Interference from part 15 andAmateur operations.

Operations authorized under Parts 15and 97 of this chapter may not causeharmful interference to LMS systemsin the 902–928 MHz band. These oper-ations will not be considered to becausing harmful interference to amultilateration LMS system operating

in one of the three EA sub-bands (see§ 90.357(a)) if they are non-video linksoperating in accordance with the provi-sions of Parts 15 or 97 of this chapterand at least one of the following condi-tions are met:

(a) It is a field disturbance sensor op-erating under § 15.245 of this chapterand it is not operating in the 904–909.750or 919.750–928.000 MHz sub-bands; or

(b) It does not employ an outdoor an-tenna; or

(c) If it does employ an outdoor an-tenna, then if:

(1) The directional gain of the an-tenna does not exceed 6 dBi, or if thedirectional gain of the antenna exceeds6 dBi, it reduces its transmitter outputpower below 1 watt by the proportionalamount that the directional gain of theantenna exceeds 6 dBi; and

(2) Either:(i) The antenna is 5 meters or less in

height above ground; or(ii) The antenna is more than 5 me-

ters in height above ground but lessthan or equal to 15 meters in heightabove ground and either:

(A) Adjusts its transmitter outputpower below 1 watt by 20 log (h/5) dB,where h is the height above ground ofthe antenna in meters; or

(B) Is providing the final link forcommunications of entities eligibleunder subpart B or C of this Part, or isproviding the final link for commu-nications of health care providers thatserve rural areas, elementary schools,secondary schools or libraries.

[60 FR 15253, Mar. 23, 1995, as amended at 62FR 52044, Oct. 6, 1997]

§ 90.363 Grandfathering provisions forexisting AVM licensees.

(a) These provisions authorize grand-fathered operation by automatic vehi-cle monitoring (AVM) systems licensedon or before February 3, 1995. To attaingrandfathered status for their stations,existing multilateration AVM licenseesmust file, on or before May 22, 1995, ap-plications to modify their station li-censes to comply with the band planshown in § 90.357(a). These applicationsto modify must identify themultilateration sub-band or sub-bandsin which the applicants intend to oper-ate their LMS system stations, oncetheir applications to modify have been

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.365

authorized. The application to modifya license to comply with the band planshown in § 90.357(a) may also include amodification to specify an alternatesite, so long as the alternate site is 2kilometers or less from the site speci-fied in the original license.

(b) When existing multilaterationAVM licensees file applications tomodify, as specified in paragraph (a) ofthis section, they must certify that ei-ther:

(1) The stations that compose theirAVM system were constructed andplaced in operation in accordance with§ 90.155(e) on or before February 3, 1995;or

(2) The stations were not constructedand placed in operation in accordancewith § 90.155(e) on or before February 3,1995.

(c) Multilateration AVM systemsthat were constructed and placed in op-eration on or before February 3, 1995will be given until April 1, 1998 to con-vert to the spectrum identified in theirLMS system license. Such licenseesmay continue to operate their systemsduring this period. Licensees ofmultilateration AVM constructed andoperational systems that do not file ap-plications to modify on or before May22, 1995, will be permitted to continueoperations under the provisions offormer § 90.239 until April 1, 1998 or theend of their original license term,whichever occurs first, at which timesuch licenses will cancel automaticallyand will not be renewed.

(d) Multilateration AVM licensees forstations that were not constructed andplaced in operation on or before Feb-ruary 3, 1995 must construct their LMSsystems and place them in operationon the spectrum identified in theirLMS system license on or before Sep-tember 1, 1996, or their licenses willcancel automatically (see Section90.155 (e)). Also, these licenses will can-cel automatically on July 1, 1996 unlesstimely modification applications arefiled on or before this date (see para-graph (a) of this section).

(e) Non-multilateration systems li-censed in spectrum other than the902.00–904.00 and 909.75–921.75 MHz bandsmust modify their licenses by April 1,1998 to specify operation solely in thebands provided in § 90.357(b) for non-

multilateration systems and to operatetheir systems consistently with theprovisions of § 90.353.

[60 FR 15253, Mar. 23, 1995, as amended at 61FR 18986, Apr. 30, 1996]

§ 90.365 Partitioned licenses anddisaggregated spectrum.

(a) Eligibility—(1) Parties seeking ap-proval for partitioning anddisaggregation shall request an author-ization for partial assignment of a li-cense pursuant to § 90.153.

(2) Multilateration LMS licenseesmay apply to partition their licensedgeographic service area or disaggregatetheir licensed spectrum at any timefollowing the grant of their licenses.Multilateration LMS licensees maypartition or disaggregate to any partythat is also eligible to be amultilateration LMS licensee. Parti-tioning is permitted along any servicearea defined by the parties, and spec-trum may be disaggregated in anyamount. The Commission will also con-sider requests for partial assignment oflicenses that propose combinations ofpartitioning and disaggregation.

(b) Technical Requirements—In thecase of partitioning, requests for au-thorization for partial assignment of alicense must include, as attachments, adescription of the partitioned servicearea, and a calculation of the popu-lation of the partitioned service areaand the licensed geographic servicearea. The partitioned service area shallbe defined by coordinate points atevery three degrees along the parti-tioned service area unless county linesare followed. The geographic coordi-nates must be specified in degrees,minutes, and seconds to the nearestsecond of latitude and longitude andmust be based upon the 1927 NorthAmerican Datum (NAD27). Applicantsmay supply geographical coordinatesbased on 1983 North American Datum(NAD83) in addition to those requiredbased on NAD27. In the case wherecounty lines are utilized, applicantsneed only list the specific area(s)(through use of county names) thatconstitute the partitioned area.

(c) License term. The license term fora partitioned license area, and for

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.403

disaggregated spectrum shall be the re-mainder of the original licensee’s li-cense term.

(d) Construction requirements—(1)Requirements for partitioning.

(i) Parties seeking authority to parti-tion must meet one of the followingconstruction requirements:

(A) The partitionee may certify thatit will satisfy the applicable construc-tion requirements for the partitionedlicense area; or

(B) The original licensee may certifythat it has or will meet the construc-tion requirement for the entire licensearea.

(ii) Applications requesting authorityto partition must include a certifi-cation by each party as to which of theabove construction options they select.

(iii) Failure by any partitionee tomeet its respective construction re-quirements will result in the auto-matic cancellation of the partitionedor disaggregated license without fur-ther Commission action.

(2) Requirements for disaggregation.Parties seeking authority todisaggregate must submit with theirpartial assignment application a cer-tification signed by both parties stat-ing which of the parties will be respon-sible for meeting the construction re-quirement for the licensed market.Parties may agree to share responsibil-ity for meeting the construction re-quirements. Parties that accept re-sponsibility for meeting the construc-tion requirements and later fail to doso will be subject to license forfeiturewithout further Commission action.

[63 FR 40663, July 30, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 40663,July 30, 1998, § 90.365 was added, effectiveSept. 28, 1998, except paragraph (d) which iseffective Jan. 19, 1999.

Subpart N—OperatingRequirements

§ 90.401 Scope.

The subpart prescribes general oper-ating requirements for stations li-censed under this part. This includesstation operating procedures, points ofcommunication, permissible commu-nications, methods of station identi-

fication, control requirements, and sta-tion record keeping requirements.

§ 90.403 General operating require-ments.

(a) Licensees of radio stations in theprivate land mobile radio services shallbe directly responsible for the properoperation and use of each transmitterfor which they are licensed. In thisconnection, licensees shall exercisesuch direction and control as is nec-essary to assure that all authorized fa-cilities are employed:

(1) Only for permissible purposes;(2) Only in a permissible manner; and(3) Only by persons with authority to

use and operate such equipment.(b) In carrying out their responsibil-

ities under § 90.403(a), licensees shall bebound by the provisions of the Commu-nications Act of 1934, as amended, andby the rules and regulations of theCommission governing the radio serv-ice in which their facilities are li-censed; and licensees may not, throughwritten or oral agreements or other-wise, relieve themselves of any duty orobligation imposed upon them, by law,as licensees.

(c) Except for stations that have beengranted exclusive channels under thispart and that are classified as commer-cial mobile radio service providers pur-suant to part 20 of this chapter, each li-censee must restrict all transmissionsto the minimum practical transmissiontime and must employ an efficient op-erating procedure designed to maxi-mize the utilization of the spectrum.

(d) Communications involving theimminent safety-of-life or property areto be afforded priority by all licensees.

(e) Licensees shall take reasonableprecautions to avoid causing harmfulinterference. This includes monitoringthe transmitting frequency for commu-nications in progress and such othermeasures as may be necessary to mini-mize the potential for causing inter-ference.

(f) Stations licensed in this part shallnot continuously radiate anunmodulated carrier except where re-quired for tests as permitted in § 90.405,except where specifically permitted bythis part, where specifically authorizedin the station authorization, or on an

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.405

as needed basis in the RadiolocationRadio Service.

(g) The radiations of the transmittershall be suspended immediately upondetection or notification of a deviationfrom the technical requirements of thestation authorization and until suchdeviation is corrected. For trans-missions concerning the imminentsafety-of-life or property, the trans-missions shall be suspended as soon asthe emergency is terminated.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978; 44 FR 32220, June5, 1979, as amended at 59 FR 59965, Nov. 21,1994]

§ 90.405 Permissible communications.(a) Stations licensed under this part

may transmit only the following typesof communication:

(1) Any communication related di-rectly to the imminent safety-of-life orproperty;

(2) Communications directly relatedand necessary to those activities whichmake the licensee eligible for the sta-tion license held under this part. In ad-dition, when communication service isprovided under the cooperative sharingprovisions of § 90.179, the licensee pro-viding such service may transmit com-munications related to the activitiesfor which the parties receiving theservice would be eligible to be licensed.

(3) Communications for testing pur-poses required for proper station andsystem maintenance. However, each li-censee shall keep such tests to a mini-mum and shall employ every measureto avoid harmful interference.

(b) The provisions contained in para-graph (a) of this section do not applywhere a single base station licensee hasbeen authorized to use a channel above470 MHz on an exclusive basis, or tostations licensed under this part thatare classified as CMRS providers underpart 20 of this chapter.

[50 FR 6182, Feb. 14, 1985, as amended at 59FR 59965, Nov. 21, 1994]

§ 90.407 Emergency communications.The licensee of any station author-

ized under this part may, during a pe-riod of emergency in which the normalcommunication facilities are disruptedas a result of hurricane, flood, earth-quake or similar disaster, utilize such

station for emergency communicationsin a manner other than that specifiedin the station authorization or in therules and regulations governing the op-eration of such stations. The Commis-sion may at any time order the dis-continuance of such special use of theauthorized facilities.

[49 FR 36376, Sept. 17, 1984]

§ 90.411 Civil defense communications.

The licensee of any station author-ized under this part may, on a vol-untary basis, transmit communica-tions necessary for the implementationof civil defense activities assigned suchstation by local civil defense authori-ties during an actual or simulatedemergency, including drills and tests.The Commission may at any timeorder the discontinuance of such spe-cial use of the authorized facilities.

[49 FR 36376, Sept. 17, 1984]

§ 90.415 Prohibited uses.

Stations licensed under this partshall not:

(a) Transmit program material ofany kind for use in connection withbroadcasting; or

(b) Render a communications com-mon carrier service, except for stationsin the Public Safety Pool providingcommunications standby facilitiesunder § 90.20(a)(2)(xi) and stations li-censed under this part in the SMR, pri-vate carrier paging, Industrial/BusinessPool, or 220–222 MHz services.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 59FR 59965, Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 18933, Apr. 17,1997]

§ 90.417 Interstation communication.

(a) Any station licensed under thispart may communicate with any otherstation without restriction as to type,service, or licensee when the commu-nications involved relate directly tothe imminent safety-of-life or prop-erty.

(b) Any station licensed under thispart may communicate with any otherstation licensed under this part, withU.S. Government stations, and withforeign stations, in connection withmutual activities, provided that wherethe communication involves foreign

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.421

stations prior approval of the Commis-sion must be obtained, and such com-munication must be permitted by thegovernment that authorizes the foreignstation. Communications by PublicSafety Pool eligibles with foreign sta-tions will be approved only to be con-ducted in accordance with Article 5 ofthe Inter-American Radio Agreement,Washington, DC, 1949, the provisions ofwhich are set forth in § 90.20(b).

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 62FR 18933, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.419 Points of communication.

Normally, operations licensed underthis part are intended to provideintrastation mobile communications.For example, a base station is intendedto communicate with its associatedmobile stations and mobile stations areintended to communicate between as-sociated mobile stations and associatedbase stations of the licensee. Accord-ingly, operations between base stationsat fixed locations are permitted only inthe following situations:

(a) Base stations licensed under sub-part T of this part and those in thePublic Safety Pool that operate on fre-quencies below 450 MHz, may commu-nicate on a secondary basis with otherbase stations, operational fixed sta-tions, or fixed receivers authorized inthese services or pools.

(b) Base stations licensed on any fre-quency in the Industrial/Business Pooland on base stations frequencies above450 MHz in the Public Safety Pool maycommunicate on a secondary basiswith other base stations, operationalfixed stations, or fixed receivers au-thorized in these pools only when:

(1) The messages to be transmittedare of immediate importance to mobilestations; or

(2) Wireline communications facili-ties between such points are inoper-ative, economically impracticable, orunavailable from communicationscommon carrier sources. Temporaryunavailability due to a busy wirelinecircuit is not considered to be withinthe provisions of this paragraph.

(c) Operational fixed stations maycommunicate with units of associatedmobile stations only on a secondarybasis.

(d) Operational fixed stations li-censed in the Industrial/Business Poolmay communicate on a secondary basiswith associated base stations licensedin these services when:

(1) The messages to be transmittedare of immediate importance to mobilestations; or

(2) Wireline communications facili-ties between such points are inoper-ative, economically impracticable, orunavailable from communicationscommon carrier sources. Temporaryunavailability due to a busy wirelinecircuit is not considered to be withinthe provisions of this paragraph.

(e) Travelers’ Information Stationsare authorized to transmit certain in-formation to members of the travelingpublic (see § 90.242).

(f) CMRS Licensees in the SMR cat-egories of part 90, subpart S, CMRSproviders authorized in the 220 MHzservice of part 90, subpart T, CMRSpaging operations as defined by part 90,subpart P and for-profit interconnectedbusiness radio services with eligibilitydefined by section 90.75 are permittedto utilize their assigned spectrum forfixed services on a co-primary basiswith their mobile operations.

[61 FR 45356, Aug. 29, 1996, as amended at 62FR 18933, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.421 Operation of mobile units invehicles not under the control ofthe licensee.

Mobile station transmitters may beinstalled in vehicles operated by per-sons other than the licensee as pro-vided in the following paragraphs whennecessary for the licensee to meet hisrequirements in connection with theactivities for which he is licensed. Thenumber of units so installed, togetherwith units installed in vehicles oper-ated by the licensee, must not exceedthe number of mobile units authorizedto the licensee. When an insufficientnumber of units is licensed to coversuch additional units, the license mustbe modified to add a sufficient numberof mobile units. The licensee is respon-sible for taking any necessary pre-caution to effectively eliminate thepossibility of unauthorized operation oftransmitters when not under the con-trol of the licensee.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.423

(a) Public Safety Pool. (1) Mobile unitslicensed in the Public Safety Pool maybe installed in any vehicle which in anemergency would require cooperationand coordination with the licensee, andin any vehicle used in the performance,under contract, of official activities ofthe licensee. This provision does notpermit the installation of radio unitsin non-emergency vehicles that are notperforming governmental functionsunder contract but with which the li-censee might wish to communicate.

(2) Additionally, units may be in-stalled in the following:

(i) Vehicles of contractors or otherpersons having a direct responsibilityfor official highway activities;

(ii) Vehicles of forestry cooperators,and persons having a direct responsibil-ity in the prevention, detection, andsuppression of forest fires; and

(iii) Mobile units licensed under§ 90.20(a)(2)(iii) may be installed in a ve-hicle or be hand-carried for use by anyperson with whom cooperation or co-ordinations is required for medicalservices activities.

(b) Industrial/Business Pool. Mobileunits licensed in the Industrial/Busi-ness Pool may be installed in the fol-lowing:

(1) Vehicles of persons furnishingunder contract to the licensee and forthe duration of the contract, a facilityor service directly related to the ac-tivities of the licensee;

(2) Vehicles operated by an organiza-tion or association comprised of inter-connected electric utilities forminginterconnections, power pools, orgroups;

(3) Vehicles of persons furnishing aprivate emergency road service to itsmembers pursuant to a contract withthe association; and

(4) Vehicles operated by organiza-tions providing, under contract, facili-ties or service in connection with rail-road operation or maintenance includ-ing pickup, delivery, or transfer be-tween stations of property shipped,continued in, or destined for shipmentby railroad common carrier. Parties tothe contract must comply with theprovisions of § 90.179.

(c) In addition to the above, fre-quencies assigned to licensees in thePrivate Land Mobile Radio Services

may be installed in the facilities ofthose who assist the licensee in emer-gencies and with whom the licenseemust communicate in situations in-volving imminent safety to life orproperty.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 44FR 50603, Aug. 29, 1979; 47 FR 19539, May 6,1982; 47 FR 42751, Sept. 29, 1982; 61 FR 6576,Feb. 21, 1996; 62 FR 18933, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.423 Operation on board aircraft.(a) Except as provided in paragraphs

(b), (c), and (d) of this section, and ex-cept as may be provided in other sec-tions of this part with respect to oper-ation on specific frequencies, mobilestations first authorized after Septem-ber 14, 1973, under this part may be op-erated aboard aircraft for air-to-mo-bile, air-to-base, air-to-air and air-to-ship communications subject to thefollowing:

(1) Operations are limited to aircraftthat are regularly flown at altitudesbelow 1.6 km (1 mi) above the earth’ssurface;

(2) Transmitters are to operate withan output power not to exceed tenwatts;

(3) Operations are secondary to land-based systems;

(4) Such other conditions, includingadditonal reductions of altitude andpower limitations, as may be requiredto minimize the interference potentialto land-based systems.

(b) Exceptions to the altitude andpower limitations set forth in para-graph (a) of this section may be au-thorized upon a showing of unusualoperational requirements which justifydeparture from those standards, pro-vided that the interference potential toregular land-based operations wouldnot be increased.

(c) Mobile operations aboard aircraftin the services governed by this part,under licenses in effect September 14,1973, may be continued without regardto provisions of paragraph (a) of thissection, as follows:

(1) Operations may be continued onlyfor the balance of the term of such li-censes if aircraft involved are regularlyflown at altitudes greater than 1.6 km(1 mi) above the earth’s surface.

(2) Operations may be continued forone additional renewal license term if

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.425

the aircraft involved are regularlyflown at altitudes below 1.6 km (1 mi)above the earth’s surface.

(d) Operation of radiolocation mobilestations may be authorized without re-gard to limitations and conditions setforth in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) ofthis section.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 58FR 44960, Aug. 25, 1993]

§ 90.425 Station identification.Stations licensed under this part

shall transmit identification in accord-ance with the following provisions:

(a) Identification procedure. Except asprovided for in paragraph (d) of thissection, each station or system shall beidentified by the transmission of theassigned call sign during each trans-mission or exchange of transmissions,or once each 15 minutes (30 minutes inthe Public Safety Pool) during periodsof continuous operation. The call signshall be transmitted by voice in theEnglish language or by InternationalMorse Code in accordance with para-graph (b) of this section. If the stationis employing either analog or digitalvoice scrambling, or non-voice emis-sion, transmission of the required iden-tification shall be in the unscrambledmode using A3E, F3E or G3E emission,or International Morse, with all encod-ing disabled. Permissible alternativeidentification procedures are as fol-lows:

(1) A mobile relay stations call signmay be used to identify the associatedcontrol and mobile stations, except inthe Public Safety Pool where the sta-tions operate on frequencies below 450MHz. Alternatively, a base station (in-cluding a mobile relay station) whichis controlled by radio may be identifiedby the transmission of the call sign ofthe station at which communicationsoriginate.

(2) One or more fixed relay stationsmay be identified by the transmissionof the call signs of the stations atwhich the communications originate.

(3) When a mobile station transmitson a different frequency than its asso-ciated base station, the assigned callsign of either the mobile station or thebase station may be transmitted. Fur-ther, a single mobile unit in the licens-ee’s authorized geographic area of oper-

ation may transmit station identifica-tion on behalf of any other operatingmobile units in the fleet.

(4) Use of an identifier other than theassigned call sign. (i) In the Public Safe-ty Pool, mobile units licensed to a gov-ernmental entity and which operate onfrequencies above 30 MHz may use anidentifier which contains, at a mini-mum, the name of the licensee if the li-censee maintains at the station a listof the special identifiers to be used bythe mobile units.

(ii) In the Industrial/Business Pool,licensees may request the Commis-sion’s local Engineer-in-Charge to ap-prove the use of special mobile unitidentifiers in lieu of the assigned callsign. Such requests, however, will notbe granted where it appears that harm-ful interference to international oper-ations may be caused by stations below50 MHz, or by stations operating inareas within 80 km (50 miles) of aninternational boundary, or where it ap-pears that the proposed method ofidentification will not adequately dis-tinguish the mobile units of the appli-cant from the mobile units of other li-censees in the area.

(iii) In the Industrial/Business Pool,railroad licensees (as defined in § 90.7)may identify stations by the name ofthe railroad and the train number, ca-boose number, engine number, or thename of the fixed wayside station. Ifnone of these forms are practicable,any similar name or number may bedesignated by the railroad concernedfor use by its employees in the identi-fication of fixed points or mobile units;Provided, That, a list of such identifiersis maintained by the railroad. An ab-breviated name or the initials of therailroad may be used where such are ingeneral usage. In those areas where itis shown that no difficulty would be en-countered in identifying the trans-mission of a particular station (as, forexample, where stations of one licenseeare located in a yard isolated fromother radio installations), approvalmay be given to a request from the li-censee for permission to omit the sta-tion identification.

(5) Use of identifiers in addition to as-signed call signs. Nothing in this sectionshall be construed as prohibiting the

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.425

transmission of station or unit identifi-ers which may be necessary or desir-able for system operation, Provided,That, they are transmitted in additionto the assigned station call sign orother permissible form of identifica-tion.

(b) Use of automatic Morse code identi-fication equipment. Automatically acti-vated equipment may be used to trans-mit station identification in Inter-national Morse Code pursuant to thefollowing conditions:

(1) The signal output of the auto-matic identification equipment shallbe connected to the transmitter at themicrophone input or any other manu-facturer-provided signal input terminaland shall be adjusted to produce 40 per-cent ± 10 percent of the maximum per-missible modulation or deviation level.This adjustment shall be performedwhen all other modulating signals areabsent.

(2) The Morse code transmission rateshall be maintained between 20 and 25words per minute.

(3) The frequency of the keyed tonecomprising the identification signalshall be 1200 ± 800 Hz. A licensee may berequired to change the frequency inorder to prevent interference to the op-erations of another co-channel li-censee.

(4) Should activation of automaticMorse code identification equipmentinterrupt the communications of an-other co-channel licensee, the Commis-sion may require the use of equipmentwhich will delay automatic stationidentification until such co-channelcommunications are completed.

(c) Special provisions for identificationin the Radiolocation Service. (1) Stationsin the Radiolocation Service are notrequired to identify except upon spe-cific instruction from the Commissionor as required by paragraph (c)(2) ofthis section.

(2) Stations in the RadiolocationService operating on frequencies above3400 kHz that employ spread spectrumtechniques shall transmit a two-lettermanufacturer’s designator, authorizedby the Commission on the station au-thorization, at the beginning and end-ing of each transmission and onceevery 15 minutes during periods of con-tinuing operation. The designator shall

be transmitted in International MorseCode at a speed not exceeding 25 wordsper minute, and the spread spectrummode of operation shall be maintainedwhile the designator is being transmit-ted. The identifying signal shall beclearly receivable in the demodulatedaudio of a narrow-band FM receiver.

(d) General exemptions. A station neednot transmit identification if:

(1) It is a mobile station operating onthe transmitting frequency of the asso-ciated base station.

(2) It is a mobile station in the PublicSafety Pool using F1E or G1E emission.

(3) It is transmitting for telemeteringpurposes or for the activation of de-vices which are employed solely as ameans of attracting attention, or forremote control purposes, or which isretransmitting by self-actuatingmeans, a radio signal received from an-other radio station or stations.

(4) It is any type of radiopositioningor radar station authorized in a serviceother than the Radiolocation Service.

(5) It is used solely for automatic ve-hicle monitoring or location.

(6) It is a paging station authorizedin accordance with the provisions of§ 90.20(a)(2)(v).

(7) It is a mobile station employingnon-voice emissions and the associatedbase station identifies on behalf of themobile unit(s).

(8) It is a base or mobile station inthe 220–222 MHz band authorized to op-erate on a nationwide basis in accord-ance with subpart T of this part.

(9) It is a wireless microphone stationoperating in accordance with the provi-sions of § 90.265(b).

(e) Special provisions for stations li-censed under this part that are classi-fied as CMRS providers under part 20 ofthis chapter.

(1) Station identification will not berequired for 929–930 MHz nationwidepaging licensees and MTA-based SMRlicensees. All other CMRS stations willbe required to comply with the stationidentification requirements of para-graphs (a) through (d) of this section.

(2) CMRS stations subject to a sta-tion identification requirement will bepermitted to use a single call sign forcommonly owned facilities that are op-erated as part of a single system. Thecall sign must be transmitted each

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.431

hour within five minutes of the hour,or upon completion of the first trans-mission after the hour.

(3) CMRS stations granted exclusivechannels may transmit their call signsdigitally. The station licensee mustprovide the Commission with informa-tion sufficient to decode the digitaltransmission to ascertain the trans-mitted call sign.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978]

EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-tations affecting § 90.425, see the List of CFRSections Affected in the Finding Aids sec-tion of this volume.

§ 90.427 Precautions against unauthor-ized operation.

(a) Each transmitter shall be so in-stalled and protected that it is not ac-cessible to or capable of operation bypersons other than those duly author-ized by and under the control of the li-censee. Provisions of this part author-izing certain unlicensed persons to op-erate stations, or authorizing unat-tended operation of stations in certaincircumstances, shall not be construedto change or diminish in any respectthe responsibility of station licenseesto maintain control over the stationslicensed to them (including all trans-mitter units thereof), or for the properfunctioning and operation of those sta-tions and transmitter units in accord-ance with the terms of the licenses ofthose stations.

(b) Except for frequencies used in ac-cordance with § 90.417, no person shallprogram into a transmitter frequenciesfor which the licensee using the trans-mitter is not authorized.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 52FR 47570, Dec. 15, 1987]

§ 90.429 Control point and dispatchpoint requirements.

(a) Control point required. Unless per-mitted to be operated on an unattendedbasis, each station shall be providedwith a control point;

(b) A control point is an operatingposition:

(1) Which must be under the controland supervision of the licensee;

(2) Where a person immediately re-sponsible for the operation of thetransmitter is stationed;

(3) Where the monitoring facilitiesrequired by this part are installed.

(c) Control point location. The locationof the control point will be specified inthe station license and will be assumedto be the same as that of the transmit-ting equipment unless an applicationfor a different location has been ap-proved by the Commission.

(d) Control point facilities required. Ateach control point, the following facili-ties shall be installed:

(1) A carrier-operated device whichwill provide continuous visual indica-tion when the transmitter is radiating,or, a pilot lamp or meter which willprovide continuous visual indicationwhen the transmitter circuits havebeen placed in a condition to produceradiation. The provisions of this sub-paragraph shall not apply to hand-car-ried transmitters or transmitters in-stalled on motorcycles. The controlpoint for a transmitter utilized to acti-vate another radio station may employa single pilot lamp or meter as an indi-cation of the activation of local and re-mote transmitters.

(2) Facilities which will permit theperson responsible for the operation ofthe transmitter either to disconnectthe dispatch point circuits from thetransmitter or to render the transmit-ter inoperative from any dispatch pointunder his supervision; and

(3) Facilities which will permit theperson responsible for the operation ofthe transmitter to turn the transmit-ter carrier on and off at will.

(e) Dispatch point. A dispatch point isany position from which messages maybe transmitted under the supervision ofthe person at a control point who is re-sponsible for the operation of thetransmitter. Dispatch points may beinstalled without authorization fromthe Commission.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978; 44 FR 67118, Nov.23, 1979, as amended at 48 FR 29517, June 27,1983]

§ 90.431 Unattended operation.

No person is required to be in attend-ance at a station when transmittingduring normal rendition of service andwhen either:

(a) Transmitting for telemeteringpurposes; or,

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.433

(b) Retransmitting by self-actuatingmeans a radio signal received from an-other radio station or stations.

§ 90.433 Operator requirements.(a) No operator license or permit is

required for the operation, mainte-nance, or repair of stations licensedunder this part.

(b) Any person, with the consent orauthorization of the licensee, may em-ploy stations in this service for thepurpose of telecommunications.

(c) The station licensee shall be re-sponsible for the proper operation ofthe station at all times and is expectedto provide observations, servicing andmaintenance as often as may be nec-essary to ensure proper operation. Alladjustments or tests during or coinci-dent with the installation, servicing, ormaintenance of the station should beperformed by or under the immediatesupervision and responsibility of a per-son certified as technically qualified toperform transmitter installation, oper-ation, maintenance, and repair dutiesin the private land mobile services andfixed services by an organization orcommittee representative of users inthose services.

(d) The provisions of paragraph (b) ofthis section shall not be construed tochange or diminish in any respect theresponsibility of station licensees tohave and to maintain control over thestations licensed to them (including alltransmitter units thereof), or for theproper functioning and operation ofthose stations (including all transmit-ter units thereof), in accordance withthe terms of the licenses of those sta-tions.

(Secs. 4(i) and 303(r), Communications Act of1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i) and 303(r),and sec. 553 of the Administrative Proce-dures Act, 5 U.S.C. 553)

[49 FR 20672, May 16, 1984]

§ 90.437 Posting station licenses.(a) The current original authoriza-

tion for each station shall be retainedas a permanent part of the stationrecords but need not be posted.

(b) Entities authorized under thispart must make available either aclearly legible photocopy of the au-thorization for each base or fixed sta-tion at a fixed location at every con-

trol point of the station or an addressor location where the current author-ization may be found.

(c) Entities operating under a tem-porary permit authorized in accordancewith § 90.159 shall post an executedcopy of the Form 572 at every controlpoint of the system or an address or lo-cation where the current executed copymay be found.

(d) An applicant operating under atemporary permit authorized in ac-cordance with § 90.657 must retain anexecuted copy of FCC Form 572 as apermanent part of the station records.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 45FR 59884, Sept. 11, 1980; 47 FR 41045, Sept. 16,1982; 47 FR 51883, Nov. 18, 1982; 54 FR 4030,Jan. 27, 1989; 59 FR 59965, Nov. 21, 1994]

§ 90.439 Inspection of stations.All stations and records of stations

in these services shall be made avail-able for inspection at any reasonabletime and any time while the station isin operation upon reasonable request ofan authorized representative of theCommission.

§ 90.441 Inspection and maintenanceof antenna structure marking andassociated control equipment.

The owner of each antenna structurerequired to be painted and/or illumi-nated under the provisions of Section303(q) of the Communications Act of1934, as amended, shall operate andmaintain the antenna structure paint-ing and lighting in accordance withpart 17 of this chapter. In the event ofdefault by the owner, each licensee orpermittee shall be individually respon-sible for conforming to the require-ments pertaining to antenna structurepainting and lighting.

[61 FR 4369, Feb. 6, 1996]

§ 90.443 Content of station records.Each licensee of a station in these

services shall maintain records in ac-cordance with the following:

(a) For all stations, the results anddates of the transmitting measure-ments required by § 90.215 of this partand the name of the person or personsmaking the measurements.

(b) For all stations, the dates andpertinent details of any maintenanceperformed on station equipment, and

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.461

the name and address of the servicetechnician who did the work. If allmaintenance is performed by the sametechnician or service company, thename and address need be entered onlyonce in the station records.

(c) For private land stations that areinterconnected with the publicswitched telephone network, the li-censee must maintain a detailed de-scription of how interconnection is ac-complished. When telephone servicecosts are shared, at least one licenseeparticipating in the cost sharing ar-rangement must maintain cost sharingrecords. A report of the cost distribu-tion must be placed in the licensee’sstation records and made available toparticipants in the sharing and theCommission upon request. See § 90.477.

(d) For shared land stations, therecords required by § 90.179.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 48FR 26621, June 9, 1983; 48 FR 29518, June 27,1983; 50 FR 39681, Sept. 30, 1985; 50 FR 40976,Oct. 8, 1985; 61 FR 4369, Feb. 6, 1996]

§ 90.445 Form of station records.(a) Station records shall be kept in

an orderly manner, and in such detailthat the data required are readilyavailable. Key letters or abbreviationsmay be used if proper meaning or ex-planation is set forth in the record.

(b) Each entry in the records of eachstation shall be signed by a personqualified to do so, having actual knowl-edge of the facts to be recorded.

(c) No record or portion thereof shallbe erased, obliterated, or wilfully de-stroyed within the required retentionperiod. Any necessary correction maybe made only by the person originatingthe entry, who shall strike out the er-roneous portion, initial the correctionmade, and indicate the date of correc-tion.

§ 90.447 Retention of station records.Records required by this part shall be

retained by the licensee for at least oneyear.

§ 90.449 Answers to official commu-nications and notices of violation.

(a) Licensees are required to respondto official communications with rea-sonable dispatch and according to thetenor of the communication. Failure to

do so may be considered by the Com-mission to reflect adversely on a per-son’s qualifications to hold Commis-sion authorizations and may also cre-ate liabilities for other sanctions.

(b) Any licensee receiving official no-tice of a violation of the terms of theCommunications Act of 1934, as amend-ed, any legislative act or treaty towhich the United States is a party, orthe rules and regulations of the Com-mission, shall, within ten (10) daysfrom such receipt or such other periodas may be specified by the Commission,send a written answer to the office ofthe Commission originating the origi-nal notice. If an answer cannot be sent,or an acknowledgement made, withinsuch period, acknowledgement and an-swer shall be made at the earliest prac-ticable date with a satisfactory expla-nation of the delay. The answer to eachnotice shall be complete in itself andshall not be abbreviated by reference toother communications or answers toother notices. The reply shall set forththe steps taken to prevent a recurrenceof improper operation.

[59 FR 59965, Nov. 21, 1994]

Subpart O—Transmitter Control§ 90.460 Scope.

This subpart sets forth the provisionsrelating to permissible methods oftransmitter control and interconnec-tion (see the definition in § 90.7) ofradio systems authorized under thispart.

[44 FR 67124, Nov. 23, 1979, as amended at 62FR 18934, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.461 Direct and remote control oftransmitters.

(a) In general. Radio transmittersmay be operated and controlled di-rectly (as when the operating positionfor the transmitter and the transmit-ter being operated are at the same lo-cation), or remotely (as when thetransmitter being operated and the po-sition from which it is being operatedare at different locations).

(b) Control of transmitters at remote lo-cations. Radio transmitters at remotelocations may be operated and con-trolled through the use of wire line orradio links; or through dial-up circuits,

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.463

as provided in paragraph (c) of this sec-tion. Such control links or circuitsmay be either those of the licensee orthey may be provided by common car-riers authorized by law to furnish suchservice.

(c) Dial-up circuits. Dial-up circuitsmay be provided by wire line telephonecompanies under appropriate tariffs,and they may be used by licensees forpurposes of transmitter control, pro-vided:

(1) The dial-up circuits serve only tolink licensed transmitter controlpoints and the transmitters being con-trolled.

(2) The dial-up circuits are so de-signed that the transmitters being con-trolled cannot be operated from anyfixed position other than the licensedcontrol points for those transmitters.

(3) Equipment used to provide thetransmitter/dial-up-circuit interface isdesigned to preclude associated mobileunits of the licensee from reaching anypoint(s) served by the wire line tele-phone facilities other than the controlpoint(s) of the station(s) controlled.

(4) Any direct electrical connectionto the telephone network shall complywith applicable tariffs and with part 68of the Commission’s Rules (See§ 90.5(j)).

(5) Interconnection, within the mean-ing of §§ 90.7 and 90.477 through 90.483,may not take place at a control pointwhich connects to its associated trans-mitter(s) through dial-up circuits; normay such dial-up transmitter controlcircuits be used in conjunction with (orshared by) interconnection equipment.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 44FR 67124, Nov. 23, 1979; 60 FR 50123, Sept. 28,1995]

§ 90.463 Transmitter control points.(a) A control operator is required to

be stationed at the operating positionof a transmitter control point. A con-trol operator is any person designatedby the licensee to exercise supervisionand control over the operation and useof the licensee’s facilities. The controloperator may be the licensee; or an em-ployee of the licensee; or the agent ofthe licensee, appointed by the licenseeto act as the control operator; or athird-party contractor, engaged by thelicensee to serve as the control opera-

tor: Provided, however, In no case,through appointment or designation ofany person to serve as control opera-tor, may the licensee delegate any ofthe duties and responsibilities the li-censee may have in his capacity as li-censee.

(b) Each station or licensed system ofcommunication shall normally have acontrol point, or control points, atwhich the control operator or opera-tors are stationed and at or from whichthe licensee may exercise supervisionand control over the authorized facili-ties, as required by the provisions of§ 90.461. Provided, however, Controlpoint requirements may vary from onesystem to another, depending upon thenature of the radio operation; the wayand by whom the facilities are em-ployed; and other factors, as set out inother rule sections under this subpart.

(c) A transmitter control point maybe located at a fixed position in a sys-tem of communication at or fromwhich the control operator exercisessupervision and control over the oper-ation and use of the licensed facilities.Each fixed transmitter control pointshall have equipment and facilities topermit the control operator:

(1) To determine when the transmit-ter or transmitters controlled are ei-ther radiating ‘‘RF’’ energy, or whenthe transmitter circuits have beenplaced in a condition to produce suchradiation. This may be accomplishedeither through the use of a carrier op-erated device which provides a visualindication when the transmitter(s) areradiating or a pilot lamp or meterwhich provides a visual indicationwhen the transmitter circuits havebeen placed in a condition to produceradiation. Further, where a local trans-mitter is used to activate a remotetransmitter or transmitters in the li-censee’s system of communication, asingle pilot lamp or meter may be em-ployed to indicate the activation ofboth the local and the remote trans-mitter(s).

(2) To turn the carrier of the trans-mitter on and off at will, or to closethe system down completely, when cir-cumstances warrant such action.

(d) The licensee’s transmitting facili-ties may be operated from dispatchpoints, the fixed control point shall

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.467

have equipment to permit the controloperator to either disconnect the dis-patch point circuits from the transmit-ter(s) or to render the transmitter(s)inoperative from any dispatch pointbeing supervised.

(e) Where the system is inter-connected with public communicationfacilities, as provided at §§ 90.477through 90.483, and where those rules sorequire, the fixed control point shall beequipped to permit the control opera-tor:

(1) To monitor co-channel facilitiesof other licensees sharing an assignedchannel or channels with the licenseein the licensee’s area of operation; and,

(2) To terminate any transmission(s)or communication(s) between points inthe public communications system andthe private communications system.

(f) In urban areas, the location offixed transmitter control points will bespecified, ‘‘same as transmitter,’’ un-less the control point is at a street ad-dress which is different from that ofthe transmitter(s) controlled. In ruralareas, the location of fixed controlpoints will be specified, ‘‘same astransmitter,’’ unless the control pointis more than 152.5 m (500 ft) from thetransmitter(s) controlled. In the lattercase, the approximate location of thecontrol point will be specified in dis-tance and direction from the transmit-ter(s) controlled in terms of distanceand geographical quadrant, respec-tively. It would be assumed that the lo-cation of a fixed control point is thesame as the location of the transmit-ter(s) controlled, unless the applicantincludes a request for a different loca-tion described in appropriate terms asindicated herein.

(g) [Reserved](h) Mobile transmitters shall be as-

sumed to be under the immediate con-trol of the mobile operator; provided,however, overall supervision and con-trol of the operation and use of a com-munication system may be the respon-sibility of a fixed control point opera-tor. In general, mobile transmittersshall be equipped to permit the opera-tor to determine when they are radiat-ing ‘‘RF’’ energy or when the transmit-ter circuits have been placed in a con-dition to produce such radiation. Thismay be accomplished either through

the use of a carrier operated device orof a pilot lamp or meter which will pro-vide a visual indication when thetransmitter is radiating or has beenplaced in a condition to produce radi-ation provided, however, that hand-car-ried or pack-carried transmitters andtransmitters installed on motorcyclesneed not be so equipped.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978; 44 FR 32220, June5, 1979; 44 FR 34134, June 14, 1979, as amendedat 44 FR 67125, Nov. 23, 1979; 48 FR 29517, June27, 1983; 54 FR 39740, Sept. 28, 1989; 58 FR44960, Aug. 25, 1993]

§ 90.465 Control of systems of commu-nication.

(a) Depending on design consider-ations, control of a system of commu-nication may be exercised in varyingways. In single frequency simplex,base/mobile operations, control may beexercised by the control operator atthe fixed control point. In mobile relaysystems, where there is an associatedcontrol point or control station, con-trol may be exercised by the operatorat the control point or control station.In mobile-only systems, control may beexercised by the mobile operator. Incommunication systems involving mul-tiple base stations or fixed relays con-trol of the system may result from acombination of factors and consider-ations, including control by a fixedcontrol point operator at some pointwithin the system of communication orcontrol by the mobile station operatorof the licensee.

(b) In internal systems, as defined at§ 90.7 control may be maintained byconforming the system to the require-ments of §§ 90.471 through 90.475.

(c) In interconnected systems, as de-fined at § 90.7 control may be main-tained by conforming operation andsystem design to that permitted at§§ 90.477 through 90.483.

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 54FR 39740, Sept. 28, 1989]

§ 90.467 Dispatch points.

Dispatch points meeting the require-ments of this section need not be spe-cifically authorized; provided, however,that the licensee of any radio stationoperated from a dispatch point orpoints shall assume full responsibility

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.469

for the use and operation of the author-ized facilities in compliance with allapplicable provisions of law or rule andshall comply with the policy:

(a) A dispatch point may be linked tothe transmitter(s) being operated byprivate or leased wire line of fixedradio circuits, provided the require-ments of § 90.463 are met.

(b) No telephone position in the pub-lic, switched, telephone network willbe treated as a dispatch point withinthe meaning or intent of this section.

(c) Operation of transmitting facili-ties from dispatch points is permittedonly when the control operator at afixed control point in the system is onduty and at no other time.

§ 90.469 Unattended operation.

(a) Subject to the provisions of§§ 90.243, 90.245, and 90.247, mobile relay,fixed relay, and mobile repeater sta-tions are authorized for unattended op-eration; and the transmitter controlpoint requirements set out at §§ 90.463through 90.465 shall not apply.

(b) Self-activated transmitters maybe authorized for unattended operationwhere they are activated by eitherelectrical or mechanical devices, pro-vided the licensee adopts reasonablemeans to guard against malfunctionsand harmful interference to otherusers.



§ 90.471 Points of operation in internaltransmitter control systems.

The transmitting facilities of the li-censee may be operated from fixed po-sitions located on premises controlledby the licensee. The fixed position maybe part of a private telephone exchangeor it may be any position in a closed orlimited access communications facilityintended to be used by employees ofthe licensee for internal communica-tions and transmitter control purposes.Operating positions in internal trans-mitter control systems are not synony-mous with dispatch points (See § 90.467)nor with telephone positions which arepart of the public, switched telephonenetwork; and the scheme of regulation

is to be considered and treated as beingdifferent. See §§ 90.485 through 90.489.

[44 FR 67125, Nov. 23, 1979]

§ 90.473 Operation of internal trans-mitter control systems through li-censed fixed control points.

An internal transmitter control sys-tem may be operated under the controland supervision of a control operatorstationed at a fixed control point inthe system. In such a case, the controlpoint must be equipped to permit thecontrol operator to monitor all trafficto and from fixed positions and mobilestations or paging units of the licensee;and the system shall be so designed topermit the control operator to eitherdisconnect any operating position inthe internal system from the transmit-ter control circuit or to close the sys-tem down entirely at will.

[44 FR 67125, Nov. 23, 1979]

§ 90.475 Operation of internal trans-mitter control systems in speciallyequipped systems.

(a) An internal transmitter controlsystem need not be designed to meetthe requirements of § 90.473 if it meetsthe following requirements:

(1) All operating positions must belocated on premises controlled by thelicensee.

(2) An internal transmitter controlsystem may be used in conjunctionwith other approved methods of trans-mitter control and interconnection solong as the internal transmitter con-trol system, itself, is neither accessedfrom telephone positions in the publicswitched telephone network, nor useddial-up circuits in the public switchedtelephone network. Licensees withcomplex communications systems in-volving fixed systems whose base sta-tions are controlled by such systemsmay automatically access these basestations through the microwave oroperational fixed systems from posi-tions in the PSTN, so long as the basestations and mobile units meet the re-quirements of § 90.483 and if a separatecircuit is provided for each mode oftransmitter operation (i.e., conven-tional, dial-up or internal).

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.477

(3) The system must be designed sothat upon completion of a trans-mission, the base station transmit-ter(s) will close down automaticallywithin 3 seconds.

(4) To guard against malfunctions,the system must also be designed sothat the base station(s) will be deacti-vated by an automatic timing devicewhen a modulated signal is not trans-mitted for a period of three (3) consecu-tive minutes.

(5) The system must include auto-matic monitoring equipment, installedat the base station transmitter site(s),which will prevent the activation ofthe system when signals of other co-channel stations are present.

(b) [Reserved]

[43 FR 54791, Nov. 22, 1978, as amended at 44FR 67125, Nov. 23, 1979; 47 FR 17521, Apr. 23,1982]


§ 90.476 Interconnection of fixed sta-tions and certain mobile stations.

(a) Fixed stations and mobile sta-tions used to provide the functions offixed stations pursuant to the provi-sions of §§ 90.35(c)(11), 90.35(c)(42), and90.267 are not subject to the inter-connection provisions of §§ 90.477 and90.483 and may be interconnected withthe facilities of common carriers.

(b) Mobile stations used to providethe functions of base and mobile relaystations pursuant to the provisions of§§ 90.35(c)(11), 90.35(c)(42), and 90.267 arenot subject to the provisions of§ 90.477(d)(3) and may be interconnectedwith the facilities of common carrierssubject to the provisions of§§ 90.477(d)(1), 90.477(d)(2), 90.477(e), and90.483.

(c) The provisions of this section donot apply to commercial mobile radioservice providers, as defined in part 20of this chapter.

[50 FR 15152, Apr. 17, 1985, as amended at 59FR 59965, Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 18934, Apr. 17,1997]

§ 90.477 Interconnected systems.(a) Applicants for new land stations

to be interconnected with the publicswitched telephone network must indi-cate on their applications (class of sta-tion code) that their stations will be

interconnected. Licensees of land sta-tions that are not interconnected mayinterconnect their stations with thepublic switched telephone networkonly after modifying their license. See§ 90.135. In all cases a detailed descrip-tion of how interconnection is accom-plished must be maintained by licens-ees as part of their station records. See§ 90.433.

(b) In the frequency ranges 806–824MHz, 851–869 MHz, 896–901 MHz, and 935–940 MHz, interconnection with the pub-lic switched telephone network is au-thorized under the following condi-tions:

(1) Interconnected operation is on asecondary basis to dispatch operation.This restriction will not apply totrunked systems or on any channel as-signed exclusively to one licensee.

(2) Interconnection may be accom-plished at any location through a sepa-rate or shared interconnection device.When land stations subject to this partare multiple licensed or shared by au-thorized users, arrangements for tele-phone service must be made with aduly authorized carrier by users, li-censees, or their authorized agents on anon-profit cost sharing basis. Whentelephone service costs are shared, atleast one licensee participating in thecost sharing arrangement must main-tain cost sharing records and the costsmust be distributed at least once ayear. Licensees, users, or their author-ized agents may also make joint use ar-rangements with a duly authorized car-rier and arrange that each licensee oruser pay the carrier directly for the li-censee’s or user’s share of the joint useof the shared telephone service. A re-port of the cost distribution must beplaced in the licensee’s station recordsand made available to participants inthe sharing and the Commission uponrequest. In all cases, arrangementswith the duly authorized carrier mustdisclose the number of licensees andusers and the nature of the use.

(c) Interconnection of facilities inthe Radiolocation Service (subpart F)will not be permitted.

(d) In the frequency ranges below 800MHz, interconnection with the publicswitched telephone network is author-ized under the following conditions:

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.477

(1) Interconnected operation is on asecondary basis to dispatch operation.This restriction will not apply totrunked systems or on any channel as-signed exclusively to one licensee.

(2) Interconnection may be accom-plished at any location through a sepa-rate or shared interconnection device.When land stations subject to this partare multiple licensed or shared by au-thorized users, arrangements for tele-phone service must be made with aduly authorized carrier by users, li-censees, or their authorized agents on anon-profit cost sharing basis. Whentelephone service costs are shared, atleast one licensee participating in thecost sharing arrangement must main-tain cost sharing records and the costsmust be distributed at least once ayear. Licensees, users, or their author-ized agents may also make joint use ar-rangements with a duly authorized car-rier and arrange that each licensee oruser pay the carrier directly for the li-censee’s or user’s share of the joint useof the shared telephone service. A re-port of the cost distribution must beplaced in the licensee’s station recordsand made available to participants inthe sharing and the Commission uponrequest. In all cases, arrangementswith the duly authorized carrier mustdisclose the number of licensees andusers and the nature of the use.

(3) For licensees in the Industrial/Business Pool and those licensees whoestablish eligibility pursuant to§ 90.20(a)(2), except for §§ 90.20(a)(2)(i)and 90.20(a)(2)(ii) and medical emer-gency systems in the 450–470 MHz band,interconnection will be permitted onlywhere the base station site or sites pro-posed stations are located 120 km (75mi.) or more from the designated cen-ters of the urbanized areas listedbelow. If these licensees seek to con-nect within 120 km (75 mi.) of the 25cities, they must obtain the consent ofall co-channel licensees located bothwithin 120 km (75 mi.) of the center ofthe city; and within 120 km (75 mi.) ofthe interconnected base station trans-mitter. The consensual agreementsamong the co-channel licensees mustspecifically state the terms agreedupon and a statement must be submit-ted to the Commission indicating that

all co-channel licensees have consentedto the use of interconnection. If a li-censee has agreed to the use of inter-connection on the channel, but laterdecides against the use of interconnec-tion, the licensee may request that theco-channel licensees reconsider the useof interconnection. If the licensee isunable to reach an agreement with co-channel licensees, the licensee may re-quest that the Commission considerthe matter and assign it to anotherchannel. If a new licensee is assigned toa frequency where all the co-channel li-censees have agreed to the use of inter-connection and the new licensee doesnot agree, the new licensee may re-quest that the co-channel licensees re-consider the use of interconnection. Ifthe new licensee can not reach anagreement with co-channel licensees itmay request that the Commission reas-sign it to another channel.

Urbanized area Northlattitude

West lon-gitude

New York, NY-northeastern NJ 40°45′06′′ 73°59′39′′Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA ... 34°03′15′′ 118°14′28′′Chicago, IL ................................. 41°52′28′′ 87°38′22′′Philadelphia, PA-New Jersey .... 39°56′58′′ 75°09′21′′Detroit, MI .................................. 42°19′48′′ 83°02′57′′San Francisco-Oakland, CA ...... 37°46′39′′ 122°24′40′′Boston, MA ................................ 42°21′24′′ 71°03′25′′Washington, DC-Maryland-Vir-

ginia ........................................ 38°53′51′′ 77°00′33′′Cleveland, OH ............................ 41°29′51′′ 81°41′50′′St. Louis, MO-Illinois .................. 38°37′45′′ 90°12′22′′Pittsburgh, PA ............................ 40°26′19′′ 80°00′00′′Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN .......... 44°58′57′′ 93°15′43′′Houston, TX ............................... 29°45′26′′ 95°21′37′′Baltimore, MD ............................ 39°17′26′′ 76°36′45′′Dallas, TX .................................. 32°47′09′′ 96°47′37′′Milwaukee, WI ............................ 43°02′19′′ 87°54′15′′Seattle-Everett, WA ................... 47°36′32′′ 122°20′12′′Miami, FL ................................... 25°46′37′′ 80°11′32′′San Diego, CA ........................... 32°42′53′′ 117°09′21′′Atlanta, GA ................................. 33°45′10′′ 84°23′37′′Cincinnati, OH-Kentucky ............ 39°06′07′′ 84°30′35′′Kansas City, MO-Kansas ........... 39°04′56′′ 94°35′20′′Buffalo, NY ................................. 42°52′52′′ 78°52′21′′Denver, CO ................................ 39°44′58′′ 104°59′22′′San Jose, CA ............................. 37°20′16′′ 121°53′24′′

(e) Additional frequencies shall notbe assigned to enable any licensee toemploy a preferred interconnection ca-pability.

(f) Paging systems operating on fre-quencies in the bands below 800 MHz

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.483

are not subject to the interconnectionprovisions of § 90.477(d)(3).

[47 FR 17520, Apr. 23, 1982, as amended at 48FR 29518, June 27, 1983; 50 FR 15152, Apr. 17,1985; 51 FR 14998, Apr. 22, 1986; 51 FR 37401,Oct. 22, 1986; 52 FR 15501, Apr. 29, 1987; 52 FR29856, Aug. 12, 1987; 53 FR 1025, Jan. 15, 1988;58 FR 44961, Aug. 25, 1993; 61 FR 6576, Feb. 21,1996; 62 FR 18934, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.483 Permissible methods and re-quirements of interconnecting pri-vate and public systems of commu-nications.

Interconnection may be accom-plished by commercial mobile serviceproviders licensed under this part byany technically feasible means. Inter-connection may be accomplished byprivate mobile service providers eithermanually or automatically under thesupervision and control of a transmit-ter control operator at a fixed positionin the authorized system of commu-nications or it may be accomplishedunder the supervision and control ofmobile operators, and is subject to thefollowing provisions:

(a) Where a system is interconnectedmanually at a fixed control point, thecontrol point operator must maintainthe capability to turn the carrier of thetransmitter off or to de-activate thesystem completely when circumstanceswarrant such action.

(b) When the system is inter-connected automatically it may be su-pervised at the control point or in mo-bile units.

(1) For control point supervision, thefollowing is required:

(i) The control point operator mustmaintain the capability to turn thecarrier of the transmitter off or to de-activate the system completely whencircumstances warrant such action.

(ii) When a frequency is shared bymore than one system, automatic mon-itoring equipment must be installed atthe base station to prevent activationof the transmitter when signals of co-channel stations are present and acti-vation would interfere with commu-nications in progress. Licensees mayoperate without the monitoring equip-ment if they have obtained the consentof all co-channel licensees locatedwithin a 120 km (75 mile) radius of theinterconnected base station transmit-ter. A statement must be submitted to

the Commission indicating that all co-channel licensees have consented to op-erate without the monitoring equip-ment. If a licensee has agreed that theuse of monitoring equipment is notnecessary, but later decides that themonitoring equipment is necessary, thelicensee may request that the co-chan-nel licensees reconsider the use of mon-itoring equipment. If the licensee can-not reach an agreement with co-chan-nel licensees, the licensee may requestthat the Commission consider the mat-ter and assign it to another channel. Ifa new licensee is assigned to a fre-quency where all the co-channel licens-ees have agreed that the use of mon-itoring equipment is not necessary, andthe new licensee does not agree, thenew licensee may request the co-chan-nel licensees to reconsider the use ofmonitoring equipment. If the new li-censee cannot reach an agreement withco-channel licensees, it should requesta new channel from the Commission.Systems on frequencies above 800 MHzare exempt from this requirement.

(2) For mobile unit supervision, thefollowing is required:

(i) When a frequency is shared bymore than one system, automatic mon-itoring equipment must be installed ateach base station to prevent its activa-tion when signals of other co-channelstations are present and activationwould interfere with communicationsin progress. Licensees may operatewithout this equipment if they haveobtained the consent of all co-channellicensees located within a 120 km (75mile) radius of the interconnected basestation transmitter. A statement mustbe submitted to the Commission indi-cating that all co-channel licenseeshave consented to operate without themonitoring equipment. If a licenseehas agreed that the use of monitoringequipment is not necessary, but laterdecides that the monitoring equipmentis necessary, the licensee may requestthat the co-channel licensees recon-sider the use of monitoring equipment.If the licensee cannot reach an agree-ment with co-channel licensees, the li-censee may request that the Commis-sion consider the matter and assign itto another channel. If a new licensee isassigned to a frequency where all theco-channel licensees have agreed that

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.483

the use of monitoring equipment is notnecessary, and the new licensee doesnot agree, the new licensee may re-quest the co-channel licensees to re-consider the use of monitoring equip-ment. If the new licensee cannot reachan agreement with co-channel licens-ees, it should request a new channelfrom the Commission. Systems above800 MHz are exempt from this require-ment.

(ii) Initial access from points withinthe public switched telephone networkmust be limited to transmission of a 3-second tone, after which time thetransmitter shall close down. No addi-tional signals may be transmitted untilacknowledgement from a mobile sta-tion of the licensee is received. Licens-ees are exempt from this requirementif they have obtained the consent of allco-channel licensees located within a120 km (75 mile) radius of the inter-connected base station transmitter.However, licensees may choose to settheir own time limitations. A state-ment must be submitted to the Com-mission indicating that all co-channellicensees have consented to operatewithout the monitoring equipment. If alicensee has agreed that the use ofmonitoring equipment is not nec-essary, but later decides that the mon-itoring equipment is necessary, the li-censee may request that the co-channellicensees reconsider the use of mon-itoring equipment. If the licensee can-not reach an agreement with co-chan-nel licensees, the licensee may requestthat the Commission consider the mat-ter and assign it to another channel. Ifa new licensee is assigned to a fre-quency where all the co-channel licens-ees have agreed that the use of mon-itoring equipment is not necessary, andthe new licensee does not agree, thenew licensee may request the co-chan-nel licensees to reconsider the use ofmonitoring equipment. If the new li-censee cannot reach an agreement withco-channel licensees, it should requesta new channel from the Commission.Systems above 800 MHz are exemptfrom this requirement.

(c) In single frequency systems,equipment must be installed at thebase station which will limit any singletransmission from within the publicswitched telephone network to 30 sec-

onds duration and which in turn willactivate the base station receiver tomonitor the frequency for a period ofnot less than three (3) seconds. The mo-bile station must be capable of termi-nating the communications during thethree (3) seconds. Licensees are exemptfrom this requirement if they have ob-tained the consent of all co-channel li-censees located within a 120 km (75mile) radius of the interconnected basestation transmitter. However, licenseesmay choose to set their own time limi-tations. A statement must be submit-ted to the Commission indicating thatall co-channel licensees have consentedto operate without the monitoringequipment. If a licensee has agreedthat the use of monitoring equipmentis not necessary, but later decides thatthe monitoring equipment is necessary,the licensee may request that the co-channel licensees reconsider the use ofmonitoring equipment. If the licenseecannot reach an agreement with co-channel licensees, the licensee may re-quest that the Commission considerthe matter and assign it another chan-nel. If a new licensee is assigned to afrequency where all the co-channel li-censees have agreed that the use ofmonitoring equipment. If the new li-censee cannot reach an agreement withco-channel licensees, it should requesta new channel from the Commission.

(d) A timer must be installed at thebase station transmitter which limitscommunications to three (3) minutes.After three (3) minutes, the systemmust close down, with all circuits be-tween the base station and the publicswitch telephone network discon-nected. This provision does not applyto systems which establish eligibilitypursuant to §§ 90.20(a)(1)(i),90.20(a)(1)(ii), and 90.20(a)(2), except§§ 90.20(a)(2)(i) and 90.20(a)(2)(ii), or whoare Power, Petroleum, or Railroad li-censees (as defined in § 90.7), or to sys-tems above 800 MHz. All systems mustbe equipped with a timer that closesdown the transmitter within threeminutes of the last transmission. Li-censees may operate without these re-quirements if they have obtained theconsent of all co-channel licensees lo-cated within a 120 km (75 mile) radiusof the interconnected base stationtransmitter. However, licensees may

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.493

choose to set their own time limita-tions. A statement must be submittedto the Commission indicating that allco-channel licensees have consented tooperate without the monitoring equip-ment. If a licensee has agreed that theuse of monitoring equipment is notnecessary, but later decides that themonitoring equipment is necessary, thelicensee may request that the co-chan-nel licensees reconsider the use of mon-itoring equipment. If the licensee can-not reach an agreement with co-chan-nel licensees, the licensee may requestthat the Commission consider the mat-ter and assign it to another channel. Ifa new licensee is assigned to a fre-quency where all the co-channel licens-ees have agreed that the use of mon-itoring equipment is not necessary, andthe new licensee does not agree, thenew licensee may request the co-chan-nel licensees to reconsider the use ofmonitoring equipment. If the new li-censee cannot reach an agreement withco-channel licensees, it should requesta new channel from the Commission.

[47 FR 17520, Apr. 23, 1982, as amended at 48FR 29518, June 27, 1983; 50 FR 15153, Apr. 17,1985; 58 FR 44961, Aug. 25, 1993; 59 FR 59966,Nov. 21, 1994; 61 FR 6576, Feb. 21, 1996; 62 FR18934, Apr. 17, 1997]

Subpart P—Paging Operations§ 90.490 One-way paging operations in

the private services.(a) Subject to specific prohibition or

restriction by rule provisions govern-ing the radio service in which a licens-ee’s radio system is authorized, pagingoperations are permitted:

(1) Where the signals and messagesare transmitted by a control operatorof the licensee stationed at a licensedcontrol point in the licensee’s systemof communication.

(2) Where the signals and messagesare transmitted from an operating po-sition within an internal system ofcommunication which meets the testsof §§ 90.471 through 90.475.

(3) Where the signals and messagesare transmitted from a dispatch pointwithin the licensee’s system of commu-nication, as defined as § 90.7.

(b) Systems employing dial-up cir-cuits (§ 90.461(c)) may be used in one-way paging operations, but only where

the paging signals are transmitted asprovided at paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-tion.

(c) Paging may be initiated directlyfrom telephone positions in the publicswitched telephone network. Whenland stations are multiple licensed orotherwise shared by authorized users,arrangements for the telephone servicemust be made with a duly authorizedcarrier by users, licensees, or their au-thorized agents on a non-profit, cost-shared basis. When telephone servicecosts are shared, at least one licenseeparticipating in the cost sharing ar-rangements must maintain cost shar-ing records and the costs must be dis-tributed at least once a year. Licens-ees, users, or their authorized agentsmay also make joint use arrangementswith a duly authorized carrier and ar-range that each licensee or user paythe carrier directly for the licensee’s oruser’s share of the joint use of theshared telephone service. A report ofthe cost distribution must be placed inthe licensee’s station records and madeavailable to participants in the sharingarrangement and the Commission uponrequest. In all cases, arrangementswith the duly authorized carrier mustdisclose the number of licensees andusers and the nature of the use.

[47 FR 39509, Sept. 8, 1982, as amended at 48FR 56231, Dec. 20, 1983; 52 FR 15501, Apr. 29,1987]

§ 90.492 One way paging operations inthe 806–824/851–869 MHz and 896–901/935–940 MHz bands.

Paging operations are permitted inthese bands only in accordance with§§ 90.645(e) and (f).

[54 FR 4030, Jan. 27, 1989]

§ 90.493 Paging operations on exclu-sive channels in the 929–930 MHzband.

Paging operations on the exclusivechannels in the 929–930 MHz band aresubject to the rules set forth in thissection.

(a) Exclusive channels. The center fre-quencies of the channels in the 929–930MHz band that may be assigned on anexclusive basis are as follows: 929.0125,929.1125, 929.1375, 929.1875, 929.2125,929.2375, 929.2875, 929.3125, 929.3375,929.3625, 929.3875, 929.4125, 929.4375,

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.494

929.4625, 929.4875, 929.5125, 929.5375,929.5625, 929.5875, 929.6125, 929.6375,929.6625, 929.6875, 929.7125, 929.7375,929.7625, 929.7875, 929.8125, 929.8375,929.8625, 929.8875, 929.9125, 929.9375,929.9625, and 929.9875 MHz.

(b) Part 22 licensing, construction andoperation rules apply. Licensing, con-struction and operation of paging sta-tions on the exclusive channels in the929–930 MHz band are subject to the ap-plication filing, licensing procedure,auction procedure, construction, oper-ation and notification rules and re-quirements that are set forth in part 22of this chapter for paging stations op-erating in the 931–932 MHz band, in-stead of procedures elsewhere in thispart.

(c) Part 22 power limits apply; type ac-ceptance required. Paging operations onthe exclusive channels in the 929–930MHz band are subject to the transmit-ting power limits set forth in part 22 ofthis chapter for paging stations operat-ing in the 931–932 MHz band, instead ofpower limits elsewhere in this part.Transmitters used on the exclusivechannels in the 929–930 MHz band mustbe of a type accepted under either part22 of this chapter or this part (or both).

[62 FR 11636, Mar. 12, 1997]

§ 90.494 Paging operations on sharedchannels in the 929–930 MHz band.

(a) This section applies to licensingof paging stations on the shared (non-exclusive) channels in the 929–930 MHzband. The center frequencies of thesechannels are listed in paragraph (b) ofthis section.

(b) The following frequencies areavailable to all eligible part 90 usersfor one-way paging systems on a sharedbasis only and will not be assigned forthe exclusive use of any licensee.929.0375929.0625929.0875


(c) All frequencies listed in this sec-tion may be used to provide one-waypaging communications to persons eli-gible for licensing under subpart B or Cof this part, representatives of FederalGovernment agencies, individuals, andforeign governments and their rep-resentatives. The provisions of§ 90.173(b) apply to all frequencies listedin this section.

(d) Licensees on these frequenciesmay utilize any type of paging oper-ation desired (tone only, tone-voice,digital, tactile, optical readout, etc.).

(e) There shall be no minimum ormaximum loading standards for thesefrequencies.

(f) The effective radiated power forbase stations providing paging serviceon the shared channels must not ex-ceed 3500 watts.

(g) Licenses may be granted on theseshared paging channels only for expan-sion (addition of new sites or reloca-tion of existing sites) or other modi-fication, assignment or transfer of con-trol of existing, licensed private orcommercial paging systems, and fornew private, internal-use paging sys-tems. Any application for authority tooperate a new commercial paging sys-tem on any of these shared channels isunacceptable for filing.

[58 FR 62291, Nov. 26, 1993, as amended at 59FR 59966, Nov. 21, 1994; 61 FR 8483, Mar. 5,1996; 62 FR 11637, Mar. 12, 1997; 62 FR 18934,Apr. 17, 1997]

Subpart Q—DevelopmentalOperation

§ 90.501 Scope.

This subpart contains the proceduresand requirements for the filing of ap-plications for developmental licenses.It includes special requirements relat-ed to developmental operation, restric-tions on operations, and special reportsrequired when the development oper-ation is to seek operational data ortechniques directed toward the exten-sion of that service.

§ 90.503 Eligibility.

Those persons who are eligible to op-erate stations in services under thispart on a regular basis are also eligibleto obtain an authorization for develop-mental operation in those particularradio services.

§ 90.505 Showing required.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph(b) of this section, each application fordevelopmental operation shall be ac-companied by a showing that:

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.517

(1) The applicant has an organizedplan of development leading to a spe-cific objective;

(2) The actual transmission by radiois essential to proceed beyond thepresent stage of the program;

(3) The program has reasonable prom-ise of substantial contribution to theexpansion or extension of the radio art,or is investigating new unexplored con-cepts in radio transmission and com-munications;

(4) The program will be conducted byqualified personnel;

(5) The applicant is legally and finan-cially qualified, and possesses adequatetechnical facilities to conduct the pro-posed program; and

(6) The public interest, convenience,and necessity will be served by the pro-posed operation.

(b) The provisions of paragraph (a) ofthis section do not apply when an ap-plication is made for developmental op-eration solely for the reason that thefrequency requested is restricted tosuch developmental use.

§ 90.507 Limitations on use.

Stations used for developmental op-eration shall conform to all technicaland operating requirements of subpartsI and N of this part, unless specificallyexempted in the instrument of author-ization.

§ 90.509 Frequencies available for as-signment.

Stations engaged in developmentaloperation may be authorized to use afrequency or frequencies available inthe service in which they propose tooperate. The number of channels as-signed will depend upon the specific re-quirements of the developmental pro-gram and the number of frequenciesavailable in the particular geographi-cal area where the station is to oper-ate.

§ 90.511 Interference.

The operation of any station engagedin developmental work shall not causeharmful interference to the operationof stations regularly licensed underany part of the Commission’s rules.

§ 90.513 Special provisions.(a) The developmental program as de-

scribed by the application for author-ization shall be followed unless theCommission shall otherwise direct.

(b) Where some phases of the develop-mental program are not covered by thegeneral rules in this chapter and therules in this part, the Commission mayspecify additional requirements or con-ditions as deemed necessary in the pub-lic interest, convenience, or necessity.

(c) The Commission may, from timeto time, require a station engaged indevelopmental work to conduct specialtests which are reasonable and desir-able to the authorized developmentalprogram.

§ 90.515 Change or cancellation of au-thorization without hearing.

Every application for authority toengage in developmental operationshall be accompanied by a statementsigned by the applicant in which it isagreed that any authorization issuedpursuant thereto will be accepted withthe express understanding of the appli-cant that it is subject to change in anyof its terms or to cancellation in its en-tirety at any time, upon reasonable no-tice but without a hearing, if, in theopinion of the Commission, cir-cumstances should so require.

§ 90.517 Report of operation.A report on the results of a develop-

mental program shall be filed with andmade a part of each application for re-newal of authorization. In cases whereno renewal is requested, such reportshall be filed within 60 days of the expi-ration of such authorization. Matterswhich the applicant does not wish todisclose publicly may be so labeled;they will be used solely for the Com-mission’s information, and will not bepublicly disclosed without permissionof the applicant. The report shall in-clude comprehensive and detailed in-formation on:

(a) The final objective.(b) Results of operation to date.(c) Analysis of the results obtained.(d) Copies of any published reports.(e) Need for continuation of the pro-

gram.(f) Number of hours of operation on

each frequency.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.601

This report is not required if the solereason for the developmental author-ization is that the frequency of oper-ation is restricted to developmentaluse only.

Subpart R—Frequency List[Reserved]

Subpart S—Regulations GoverningLicensing and Use of Fre-quencies in the 806–824, 851–869, 896–901, and 935–940MHz Bands

§ 90.601 Scope.

This subpart sets out the regulationsgoverning the licensing and operationsof all systems operating in the 806–824/851–869 MHz and 896–901/935–940 MHzbands. It includes eligibility require-ments, application procedures, oper-ational, and technical standards forstations licensing in these bands. Therules in this subpart are to be read inconjunction with the applicable re-quirements contained elsewhere in thispart; however, in case of conflict, theprovisions of this subpart shall governwith respect to licensing and operationin these frequency bands.

[56 FR 41469, Aug. 21, 1991]


§ 90.603 Eligibility.

The following persons are eligible forlicensing in the 806–824 MHz, 851–869MHz, 896–901 MHz, and 935–940 MHzBands.

(a) Any person eligible for licensingunder subparts B, C, D, or E of thispart.

(b) Any person proposing to providecommunications service to any personeligible for licensing under subparts Bor C of this part on a not-for-profit,cost-shared basis.

(c) Any person eligible under thispart and proposing to provide on acommercial basis base station an ancil-lary facilities as a Specialized MobileRadio Service System operator, for theuse of individuals, federal government

agencies and persons eligible for licens-ing under subparts B or C of this part.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 53FR 1025, Jan. 15, 1988; 60 FR 15495, Mar. 24,1995; 62 FR 18934, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.605 Forms to be used.Applications for conventional and

trunked radio facilities must be pre-pared on FCC Forms 574 and 574A andmust be submitted or filed in accord-ance with § 90.127.

[51 FR 14999, Apr. 22, 1986]

§ 90.607 Supplemental information tobe furnished by applicants for fa-cilities under this subpart.

(a) Where the applicant is a personproposing to provide service to eligi-bles under this part on a commercialbasis, the applicant must supply:

(1) A statement of the planned modeof operation.

(2) A statement certifying that noperson not eligible to use the proposedfacility for the purposes for which it isto be authorized will be offered or pro-vided service through the licensee’sbase station facility.

(b) Except for applicants for SMR li-censes, all applicants for conventionalradio systems must:

(1) Furnish a list of all radio systemslicensed to them or proposed by themwithin 64 km. (40 mi.) from the locationof the base station transmitter site ofthe facility for which they have ap-plied.

(2) Specify the number of mobileunits to be placed in operation upongrant of the authorization and thenumber of such units that will beplaced in operation within 8 months ofthe date of grant.

(c) Except for applicants for SMR li-censes, all applicants for trunked sys-tems must:

(1) Furnish a list of all radio systemslicensed to them within 64 km (40 mi.)from the location of the base stationtransmitter site of the facility forwhich they have applied;

(2) Specify the number of vehicularand portable mobile units and controlstations to be placed in operation with-in the term of the license.

(d) Each applicant shall furnish afunctional system diagram illustratingthe inter-relationship of all stations

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.611

being applied for, together with tech-nical details including antenna height(AAT), effective radiated power (ERP),the proposed area of coverage, and thesignalling methods to be employed.

(e) Except for applicants requestingfrequencies in the SMRS category list-ed in §§ 90.617(d) and 90.619, all appli-cants for frequencies governed by thissubpart must comply with the fre-quency coordination requirements of§ 90.175(b).

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 49FR 36377, Sept. 17, 1984; 51 FR 14999, Apr. 22,1986; 59 FR 59966, Nov. 21, 1994]

§ 90.609 Special limitations on amend-ment of applications for assignmentor transfer of authorizations forradio systems above 800 MHz.

(a) No application for a conventionalor trunked radio system may beamended so as to substitute a new en-tity except in the following cir-cumstances:

(1) The amendment does not involvea substantial change in the ownershipor control of the applicant; or

(2) The changes in the ownership orcontrol of the applicant are involun-tary due to the original applicant’s in-solvency, bankruptcy, incapacity, ordeath.

(b) A license to operate a conven-tional or trunked radio system maynot be assigned or transferred prior tothe completion of construction of thefacility. However, the Commission maygive its consent to the assignment ortransfer of control of such a licenseprior to the completion of constructionwhere:

(1) The assignment or transfer doesnot involve a substantial change inownership or control of the authorizedradio facilities; or,

(2) The assignment or transfer is in-voluntary due to the licensee’s insol-vency, bankruptcy, incapacity, ordeath.

(c) Licensees of constructed systemsin any category other than SpectrumBlock D frequencies in the 800 MHzSMR service (formerly General Cat-egory) are permitted to make partialassignments of an authorized grant toan applicant proposing to create a newsystem or to an existing licensee thathas loaded its system to 70 mobiles per

channel and is expanding that system.An applicant authorized to expand anexisting system or to create a new sys-tem with frequencies from any cat-egory other than Spectrum Block Dfrequencies in the 800 MHz SMR serviceobtained through partial assignmentwill receive the assignor’s existing li-cense expiration date and loading dead-line for the frequencies that are as-signed. A licensee that makes a partialassignment of a station’s frequencieswill not be authorized to obtain addi-tional frequencies for that station for aperiod of one year from the date of thepartial assignment.

(d) A constructed system originallylicensed in the General Category thatis authorized to operate in the conven-tional mode may be combined with anexisting SMR system above 800 MHzauthorized to operate in the trunkedmode by assignment of an authorizedgrant of the General Category stationto the SMR station.

[47 FR 41032, Sep. 16, 1982, as amended at 55FR 28029, July 9, 1990; 58 FR 44962, Aug. 25,1993; 61 FR 6155, Feb. 16, 1996]




IN THE 806–824 MHZ, 851–869 MHZ, 896–901 MHZ, AND 935–940 MHZ BANDS

§ 90.611 Processing of applications.

Applications for facilities to operateon the frequencies governed by thissubpart will be processed as follows:

(a) All applications will first be con-sidered to determine whether they aresubstantially complete and acceptablefor filing. If so, except as otherwisespecifically provided for in this sub-part, they will be assigned a file num-ber and put in pending status. If not,they will be returned to the applicant.

(b) All applications in pending statuswill be processed in the order in whichthey are received, determined by thedate on which the application was re-ceived by the Commission in its Get-tysburg, PA office, or the address setforth at § 0.401(b) for applications re-quiring the fees established in part 1,subpart G of this chapter.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.613

(c) Each application will be reviewedto determine whether it can be grant-ed. Applicants must specify the in-tended frequency (or frequencies) of op-eration.

(d) [Reserved](e) An application which is dismissed

will lose its place in the processingline.

(f) If an application is returned forcorrection and resubmitted and re-ceived by the Commission within 30days from the date on which it was re-turned to the applicant, it will retainits place in the processing line. If it isnot received within 30 days it will loseits place in the processing line.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 49FR 36377, Sept. 17, 1984; 53 FR 12156, Apr. 13,1988; 54 FR 4030, Jan. 27, 1989; 55 FR 28030,July 9, 1990; 56 FR 65859, Dec. 19, 1991; 61 FR6155, Feb. 16, 1996]

§ 90.613 Frequencies available.The following table indicates the

channel designations of frequenciesavailable for assignment to eligible ap-plicants under this subpart. Fre-quencies shall be assigned in pairs,with mobile and control station trans-mitting frequencies taken from the806–824 MHz band with correspondingbase station frequencies being 45 MHzhigher and taken from the 851–869 MHzband, or with mobile and control sta-tion frequencies taken from the 896–901MHz band with corresponding base sta-tion frequencies being 39 MHz higherand taken from the 935–940 MHz band.Only the base station transmitting fre-quency of each pair is listed in thetable.


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

1 ............................................................................. 851.01252 ............................................................................. .03753 ............................................................................. .06254 ............................................................................. .08755 ............................................................................. .11256 ............................................................................. .13757 ............................................................................. .16258 ............................................................................. .18759 ............................................................................. .212510 ........................................................................... .237511 ........................................................................... .262512 ........................................................................... .287513 ........................................................................... .312514 ........................................................................... .3375


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

15 ........................................................................... .362516 ........................................................................... .387517 ........................................................................... .412518 ........................................................................... .437519 ........................................................................... .462520 ........................................................................... .487521 ........................................................................... .512522 ........................................................................... .537523 ........................................................................... .562524 ........................................................................... .587525 ........................................................................... .612526 ........................................................................... .637527 ........................................................................... .662528 ........................................................................... .687529 ........................................................................... .712530 ........................................................................... .737531 ........................................................................... .762532 ........................................................................... .787533 ........................................................................... .812534 ........................................................................... .837535 ........................................................................... .862536 ........................................................................... .887537 ........................................................................... .912538 ........................................................................... .937539 ........................................................................... .962540 ........................................................................... .987541 ........................................................................... 852.012542 ........................................................................... .037543 ........................................................................... .062544 ........................................................................... .087545 ........................................................................... .112546 ........................................................................... .137547 ........................................................................... .162548 ........................................................................... .187549 ........................................................................... .212550 ........................................................................... .237551 ........................................................................... .262552 ........................................................................... .287553 ........................................................................... .312554 ........................................................................... .337555 ........................................................................... .362556 ........................................................................... .387557 ........................................................................... .412558 ........................................................................... .437559 ........................................................................... .462560 ........................................................................... .487561 ........................................................................... .512562 ........................................................................... .537563 ........................................................................... .562564 ........................................................................... .587565 ........................................................................... .612566 ........................................................................... .637567 ........................................................................... .662568 ........................................................................... .687569 ........................................................................... .712570 ........................................................................... .737571 ........................................................................... .762572 ........................................................................... .787573 ........................................................................... .812574 ........................................................................... .837575 ........................................................................... .862576 ........................................................................... .887577 ........................................................................... .912578 ........................................................................... .937579 ........................................................................... .962580 ........................................................................... .987581 ........................................................................... 853.012582 ........................................................................... .037583 ........................................................................... .0625

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.613


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

84 ........................................................................... .087585 ........................................................................... .112586 ........................................................................... .137587 ........................................................................... .162588 ........................................................................... .187589 ........................................................................... .212590 ........................................................................... .237591 ........................................................................... .262592 ........................................................................... .287593 ........................................................................... .312594 ........................................................................... .337595 ........................................................................... .362596 ........................................................................... .387597 ........................................................................... .412598 ........................................................................... .437599 ........................................................................... .4625100 ......................................................................... .4875101 ......................................................................... .5125102 ......................................................................... .5375103 ......................................................................... .5625104 ......................................................................... .5875105 ......................................................................... .6125106 ......................................................................... .6375107 ......................................................................... .6625108 ......................................................................... .6875109 ......................................................................... .7125110 ......................................................................... .7375111 ......................................................................... .7625112 ......................................................................... .7875113 ......................................................................... .8125114 ......................................................................... .8375115 ......................................................................... .8625116 ......................................................................... .8875117 ......................................................................... .9125118 ......................................................................... .9375119 ......................................................................... .9625120 ......................................................................... .9875121 ......................................................................... 854.0125122 ......................................................................... .0375123 ......................................................................... .0625124 ......................................................................... .0875125 ......................................................................... .1125126 ......................................................................... .1375127 ......................................................................... .1625128 ......................................................................... .1875129 ......................................................................... .2125130 ......................................................................... .2375131 ......................................................................... .2625132 ......................................................................... .2875133 ......................................................................... .3125134 ......................................................................... .3375135 ......................................................................... .3625136 ......................................................................... .3875137 ......................................................................... .4125138 ......................................................................... .4375139 ......................................................................... .4625140 ......................................................................... .4875141 ......................................................................... .5125142 ......................................................................... .5375143 ......................................................................... .5625144 ......................................................................... .5875145 ......................................................................... .6125146 ......................................................................... .6375147 ......................................................................... .6625148 ......................................................................... .6875149 ......................................................................... .7125150 ......................................................................... .7375151 ......................................................................... .7625152 ......................................................................... .7875


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

153 ......................................................................... .8125154 ......................................................................... .8375155 ......................................................................... .8625156 ......................................................................... .8875157 ......................................................................... .9125158 ......................................................................... .9375159 ......................................................................... .9625160 ......................................................................... .9875161 ......................................................................... 855.0125162 ......................................................................... .0375163 ......................................................................... .0625164 ......................................................................... .0875165 ......................................................................... .1125166 ......................................................................... .1375167 ......................................................................... .1625168 ......................................................................... .1875169 ......................................................................... .2125170 ......................................................................... .2375171 ......................................................................... .2625172 ......................................................................... .2875173 ......................................................................... .3125174 ......................................................................... .3375175 ......................................................................... .3625176 ......................................................................... .3875177 ......................................................................... .4125178 ......................................................................... .4375179 ......................................................................... .4625180 ......................................................................... .4875181 ......................................................................... .5125182 ......................................................................... .5375183 ......................................................................... .5625184 ......................................................................... .5875185 ......................................................................... .6125186 ......................................................................... .6375187 ......................................................................... .6625188 ......................................................................... .6875189 ......................................................................... .7125190 ......................................................................... .7375191 ......................................................................... .7625192 ......................................................................... .7875193 ......................................................................... .8125194 ......................................................................... .8375195 ......................................................................... .8625196 ......................................................................... .8875197 ......................................................................... .9125198 ......................................................................... .9375199 ......................................................................... .9625200 ......................................................................... .9875201 ......................................................................... 856.0125202 ......................................................................... .0375203 ......................................................................... .0625204 ......................................................................... .0875205 ......................................................................... .1125206 ......................................................................... .1375207 ......................................................................... .1625208 ......................................................................... .1875209 ......................................................................... .2125210 ......................................................................... .2375211 ......................................................................... .2625212 ......................................................................... .2875213 ......................................................................... .3125214 ......................................................................... .3375215 ......................................................................... .3625216 ......................................................................... .3875217 ......................................................................... .4125218 ......................................................................... .4375219 ......................................................................... .4625220 ......................................................................... .4875221 ......................................................................... .5125

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.613


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

222 ......................................................................... .5375223 ......................................................................... .5625224 ......................................................................... .5875225 ......................................................................... .6125226 ......................................................................... .6375227 ......................................................................... .6625228 ......................................................................... .6875229 ......................................................................... .7125230 ......................................................................... .7375231 ......................................................................... .7625232 ......................................................................... .7875233 ......................................................................... .8125234 ......................................................................... .8375235 ......................................................................... .8625236 ......................................................................... .8875237 ......................................................................... .9125238 ......................................................................... .9375239 ......................................................................... .9625240 ......................................................................... .9875241 ......................................................................... 857.0125242 ......................................................................... .0375243 ......................................................................... .0625244 ......................................................................... .0875245 ......................................................................... .1125246 ......................................................................... .1375247 ......................................................................... .1625248 ......................................................................... .1875249 ......................................................................... .2125250 ......................................................................... .2375251 ......................................................................... .2625252 ......................................................................... .2875253 ......................................................................... .3125254 ......................................................................... .3375255 ......................................................................... .3625256 ......................................................................... .3875257 ......................................................................... .4125258 ......................................................................... .4375259 ......................................................................... .4625260 ......................................................................... .4875261 ......................................................................... .5125262 ......................................................................... .5375263 ......................................................................... .5625264 ......................................................................... .5875265 ......................................................................... .6125266 ......................................................................... .6375267 ......................................................................... .6625268 ......................................................................... .6875269 ......................................................................... .7125270 ......................................................................... .7375271 ......................................................................... .7625272 ......................................................................... .7875273 ......................................................................... .8125274 ......................................................................... .8375275 ......................................................................... .8625276 ......................................................................... .8875277 ......................................................................... .9125278 ......................................................................... .9375279 ......................................................................... .9625280 ......................................................................... .9875281 ......................................................................... 858.0125282 ......................................................................... .0375283 ......................................................................... .0625284 ......................................................................... .0875285 ......................................................................... .1125286 ......................................................................... .1375287 ......................................................................... .1625288 ......................................................................... .1875289 ......................................................................... .2125290 ......................................................................... .2375


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

291 ......................................................................... .2625292 ......................................................................... .2875293 ......................................................................... .3125294 ......................................................................... .3375295 ......................................................................... .3625296 ......................................................................... .3875297 ......................................................................... .4125298 ......................................................................... .4375299 ......................................................................... .4625300 ......................................................................... .4875301 ......................................................................... .5125302 ......................................................................... .5375303 ......................................................................... .5625304 ......................................................................... .5875305 ......................................................................... .6125306 ......................................................................... .6375307 ......................................................................... .6625308 ......................................................................... .6875309 ......................................................................... .7125310 ......................................................................... .7375311 ......................................................................... .7625312 ......................................................................... .7875313 ......................................................................... .8125314 ......................................................................... .8375315 ......................................................................... .8625316 ......................................................................... .8875317 ......................................................................... .9125318 ......................................................................... .9375319 ......................................................................... .9625320 ......................................................................... .9875321 ......................................................................... 859.0125322 ......................................................................... .0375323 ......................................................................... .0625324 ......................................................................... .0875325 ......................................................................... .1125326 ......................................................................... .1375327 ......................................................................... .1625328 ......................................................................... .1875329 ......................................................................... .2125330 ......................................................................... .2375331 ......................................................................... .2625332 ......................................................................... .2875333 ......................................................................... .3125334 ......................................................................... .3375335 ......................................................................... .3625336 ......................................................................... .3875337 ......................................................................... .4125338 ......................................................................... .4375339 ......................................................................... .4625340 ......................................................................... .4875341 ......................................................................... .5125342 ......................................................................... .5375343 ......................................................................... .5625344 ......................................................................... .5875345 ......................................................................... .6125346 ......................................................................... .6375347 ......................................................................... .6625348 ......................................................................... .6875349 ......................................................................... .7125350 ......................................................................... .7375351 ......................................................................... .7625352 ......................................................................... .7875353 ......................................................................... .8125354 ......................................................................... .8375355 ......................................................................... .8625356 ......................................................................... .8875357 ......................................................................... .9125358 ......................................................................... .9375359 ......................................................................... .9625

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.613


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

360 ......................................................................... .9875361 ......................................................................... 860.0125362 ......................................................................... .0375363 ......................................................................... .0625364 ......................................................................... .0875365 ......................................................................... .1125366 ......................................................................... .1375367 ......................................................................... .1625368 ......................................................................... .1875369 ......................................................................... .2125370 ......................................................................... .2375371 ......................................................................... .2625372 ......................................................................... .2875373 ......................................................................... .3125374 ......................................................................... .8375375 ......................................................................... .3625376 ......................................................................... .3875377 ......................................................................... .4125378 ......................................................................... .4375379 ......................................................................... .4625380 ......................................................................... .4875381 ......................................................................... .5125382 ......................................................................... .5375383 ......................................................................... .5625384 ......................................................................... .5875385 ......................................................................... .6125386 ......................................................................... .6375387 ......................................................................... .6625388 ......................................................................... .6875389 ......................................................................... .7125390 ......................................................................... .7375391 ......................................................................... .7625392 ......................................................................... .7875393 ......................................................................... .8125394 ......................................................................... .8375395 ......................................................................... .8625396 ......................................................................... .8875397 ......................................................................... .9125398 ......................................................................... .9375399 ......................................................................... .9625400 ......................................................................... .9875401 ......................................................................... 861.0125402 ......................................................................... .0375403 ......................................................................... .0625404 ......................................................................... .0875405 ......................................................................... .1125406 ......................................................................... .1375407 ......................................................................... .1625408 ......................................................................... .1875409 ......................................................................... .2125410 ......................................................................... .2375411 ......................................................................... .2625412 ......................................................................... .2875413 ......................................................................... .3125414 ......................................................................... .3375415 ......................................................................... .3625416 ......................................................................... .3875417 ......................................................................... .4125418 ......................................................................... .4375419 ......................................................................... .4625420 ......................................................................... .4875421 ......................................................................... .5125422 ......................................................................... .5375423 ......................................................................... .5625424 ......................................................................... .5875425 ......................................................................... .6125426 ......................................................................... .6375427 ......................................................................... .6625428 ......................................................................... .6875


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

429 ......................................................................... .7125430 ......................................................................... .7375431 ......................................................................... .7625432 ......................................................................... .7875433 ......................................................................... .8125434 ......................................................................... .8375435 ......................................................................... .8625436 ......................................................................... .8875437 ......................................................................... .9125438 ......................................................................... .9375439 ......................................................................... .9625440 ......................................................................... .9875441 ......................................................................... 862.0125442 ......................................................................... .0375443 ......................................................................... .0625444 ......................................................................... .0875445 ......................................................................... .1125446 ......................................................................... .1375447 ......................................................................... .1625448 ......................................................................... .1875449 ......................................................................... .2125450 ......................................................................... .2375451 ......................................................................... .2625452 ......................................................................... .2875453 ......................................................................... .3125454 ......................................................................... .3375455 ......................................................................... .3625456 ......................................................................... .3875457 ......................................................................... .4125458 ......................................................................... .4375459 ......................................................................... .4625460 ......................................................................... .4875461 ......................................................................... .5125462 ......................................................................... .5375463 ......................................................................... .5625464 ......................................................................... .5875465 ......................................................................... .6125466 ......................................................................... .6375467 ......................................................................... .6625468 ......................................................................... .6875469 ......................................................................... .7125470 ......................................................................... .7375471 ......................................................................... .7625472 ......................................................................... .7875473 ......................................................................... .8125474 ......................................................................... .8375475 ......................................................................... .8625476 ......................................................................... .8875477 ......................................................................... .9125478 ......................................................................... .9375479 ......................................................................... .9625480 ......................................................................... .9875481 ......................................................................... 863.0125482 ......................................................................... .0375483 ......................................................................... .0625484 ......................................................................... .0875485 ......................................................................... .1125486 ......................................................................... .1375487 ......................................................................... .1625488 ......................................................................... .1875489 ......................................................................... .2125490 ......................................................................... .2375491 ......................................................................... .2625492 ......................................................................... .2875493 ......................................................................... .3125494 ......................................................................... .3375495 ......................................................................... .3625496 ......................................................................... .3875497 ......................................................................... .4125

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.613


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

498 ......................................................................... .4375499 ......................................................................... .4625500 ......................................................................... .4875501 ......................................................................... .5125502 ......................................................................... .5375503 ......................................................................... .5625504 ......................................................................... .5875505 ......................................................................... .6125506 ......................................................................... .6375507 ......................................................................... .6625508 ......................................................................... .6875509 ......................................................................... .7125510 ......................................................................... .7375511 ......................................................................... .7625512 ......................................................................... .7875513 ......................................................................... .8125514 ......................................................................... .8375515 ......................................................................... .8625516 ......................................................................... .8875517 ......................................................................... .9125518 ......................................................................... .9375519 ......................................................................... .9625520 ......................................................................... .9875521 ......................................................................... 864.0125522 ......................................................................... .0375523 ......................................................................... .0625524 ......................................................................... .0875525 ......................................................................... .1125526 ......................................................................... .1375527 ......................................................................... .1625528 ......................................................................... .1875529 ......................................................................... .2125530 ......................................................................... .2375531 ......................................................................... .2625532 ......................................................................... .2875533 ......................................................................... .3125534 ......................................................................... .3375535 ......................................................................... .3625536 ......................................................................... .3875537 ......................................................................... .4125538 ......................................................................... .4375539 ......................................................................... .4625540 ......................................................................... .4875541 ......................................................................... .5125542 ......................................................................... .5375543 ......................................................................... .5625544 ......................................................................... .5875545 ......................................................................... .6125546 ......................................................................... .6375547 ......................................................................... .6625548 ......................................................................... .6875549 ......................................................................... .7125550 ......................................................................... .7375551 ......................................................................... .7625552 ......................................................................... .7875553 ......................................................................... .8125554 ......................................................................... .8375555 ......................................................................... .8625556 ......................................................................... .8875557 ......................................................................... .9125558 ......................................................................... .9375559 ......................................................................... .9625560 ......................................................................... .9875561 ......................................................................... 865.0125562 ......................................................................... .0375563 ......................................................................... .0625564 ......................................................................... .0875565 ......................................................................... .1125566 ......................................................................... .1375


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

567 ......................................................................... .1625568 ......................................................................... .1875569 ......................................................................... .2125570 ......................................................................... .2375571 ......................................................................... .2625572 ......................................................................... .2875573 ......................................................................... .3125574 ......................................................................... .3375575 ......................................................................... .3625576 ......................................................................... .3875577 ......................................................................... .4125578 ......................................................................... .4375579 ......................................................................... .4625580 ......................................................................... .4875581 ......................................................................... .5125582 ......................................................................... .5375583 ......................................................................... .5625584 ......................................................................... .5875585 ......................................................................... .6125586 ......................................................................... .6375587 ......................................................................... .6625588 ......................................................................... .6875589 ......................................................................... .7125590 ......................................................................... .7375591 ......................................................................... .7625592 ......................................................................... .7875593 ......................................................................... .8125594 ......................................................................... .8375595 ......................................................................... .8625596 ......................................................................... .8875597 ......................................................................... .9125598 ......................................................................... .9375599 ......................................................................... .9625600 ......................................................................... 865.9875601 ......................................................................... 866.0125602 ......................................................................... .0375603 ......................................................................... .0500604 ......................................................................... .0625605 ......................................................................... .0750606 ......................................................................... .0875607 ......................................................................... .1000608 ......................................................................... .1125609 ......................................................................... .1250610 ......................................................................... .1375611 ......................................................................... .1500612 ......................................................................... .1625613 ......................................................................... .1750614 ......................................................................... .1875615 ......................................................................... .2000616 ......................................................................... .2125617 ......................................................................... .2250618 ......................................................................... .2375619 ......................................................................... .2500620 ......................................................................... .2625621 ......................................................................... .2750622 ......................................................................... .2875623 ......................................................................... .3000624 ......................................................................... .3125625 ......................................................................... .3250626 ......................................................................... .3375627 ......................................................................... .3500628 ......................................................................... .3625629 ......................................................................... .3750630 ......................................................................... .3875631 ......................................................................... .4000632 ......................................................................... .4125633 ......................................................................... .4250634 ......................................................................... .4375635 ......................................................................... .4500

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.613


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

636 ......................................................................... .4625637 ......................................................................... .4750638 ......................................................................... .4875639 ......................................................................... .5125640 ......................................................................... .5375641 ......................................................................... .5500642 ......................................................................... .5625643 ......................................................................... .5750644 ......................................................................... .5875645 ......................................................................... .6000646 ......................................................................... .6125647 ......................................................................... .6250648 ......................................................................... .6375649 ......................................................................... .6500650 ......................................................................... .6625651 ......................................................................... .6750652 ......................................................................... .6875653 ......................................................................... .7000654 ......................................................................... .7125655 ......................................................................... .7250656 ......................................................................... .7375657 ......................................................................... .7500658 ......................................................................... .7625659 ......................................................................... .7750660 ......................................................................... .7875661 ......................................................................... .8000662 ......................................................................... .8125663 ......................................................................... .8250664 ......................................................................... .8375665 ......................................................................... .8500666 ......................................................................... .8625667 ......................................................................... .8750668 ......................................................................... .8875669 ......................................................................... .9000670 ......................................................................... .9125671 ......................................................................... .9250672 ......................................................................... .9375673 ......................................................................... .9500674 ......................................................................... .9625675 ......................................................................... .9750676 ......................................................................... .9875677 ......................................................................... 867.0125678 ......................................................................... .0375679 ......................................................................... .0500680 ......................................................................... .0625681 ......................................................................... .0750682 ......................................................................... .0875683 ......................................................................... .1000684 ......................................................................... .1125685 ......................................................................... .1250686 ......................................................................... .1375687 ......................................................................... .1500688 ......................................................................... .1625689 ......................................................................... .1750690 ......................................................................... .1875691 ......................................................................... .2000692 ......................................................................... .2125693 ......................................................................... .2250694 ......................................................................... .2375695 ......................................................................... .2500696 ......................................................................... .2625697 ......................................................................... .2750698 ......................................................................... .2875699 ......................................................................... .3000700 ......................................................................... .3125701 ......................................................................... .3250702 ......................................................................... .3375703 ......................................................................... .3500704 ......................................................................... .3625


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

705 ......................................................................... .3750706 ......................................................................... .3875707 ......................................................................... .4000708 ......................................................................... .4125709 ......................................................................... .4250710 ......................................................................... .4375711 ......................................................................... .4500712 ......................................................................... .4625713 ......................................................................... .4750714 ......................................................................... .4875715 ......................................................................... .5125716 ......................................................................... .5375717 ......................................................................... .5500718 ......................................................................... .5625719 ......................................................................... .5750720 ......................................................................... .5875721 ......................................................................... .6000722 ......................................................................... .6125723 ......................................................................... .6250724 ......................................................................... .6375725 ......................................................................... .6500726 ......................................................................... .6625727 ......................................................................... .6750728 ......................................................................... .6875729 ......................................................................... .7000730 ......................................................................... .7125731 ......................................................................... .7250732 ......................................................................... .7375733 ......................................................................... .7500734 ......................................................................... .7625735 ......................................................................... .7750736 ......................................................................... .7875737 ......................................................................... .8000738 ......................................................................... .8125739 ......................................................................... .8250740 ......................................................................... .8375741 ......................................................................... .8500742 ......................................................................... .8625743 ......................................................................... .8750744 ......................................................................... .8875745 ......................................................................... .9000746 ......................................................................... .9125747 ......................................................................... .9250748 ......................................................................... .9375749 ......................................................................... .9500750 ......................................................................... .9625751 ......................................................................... .9750752 ......................................................................... .9875753 ......................................................................... 868.0125754 ......................................................................... .0375755 ......................................................................... .0500756 ......................................................................... .0625757 ......................................................................... .0750758 ......................................................................... .0875759 ......................................................................... .1000760 ......................................................................... .1125761 ......................................................................... .1250762 ......................................................................... .1375763 ......................................................................... .1500764 ......................................................................... .1625765 ......................................................................... .1750766 ......................................................................... .1875767 ......................................................................... .2000768 ......................................................................... .2125769 ......................................................................... .2250770 ......................................................................... .2375771 ......................................................................... .2500772 ......................................................................... .2625773 ......................................................................... .2750

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.613


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

774 ......................................................................... .2875775 ......................................................................... .3000776 ......................................................................... .3125777 ......................................................................... .3250778 ......................................................................... .3375779 ......................................................................... .3500780 ......................................................................... .3625781 ......................................................................... .3750782 ......................................................................... .3875783 ......................................................................... .4000784 ......................................................................... .4125785 ......................................................................... .4250786 ......................................................................... .4375787 ......................................................................... .4500788 ......................................................................... .4625789 ......................................................................... .4750790 ......................................................................... .4875791 ......................................................................... .5000792 ......................................................................... .5125793 ......................................................................... .5250794 ......................................................................... .5375795 ......................................................................... .5500796 ......................................................................... .5625797 ......................................................................... .5750798 ......................................................................... .5875799 ......................................................................... .6000800 ......................................................................... .6125801 ......................................................................... .6250802 ......................................................................... .6375803 ......................................................................... .6500804 ......................................................................... .6625805 ......................................................................... .6750806 ......................................................................... .6875807 ......................................................................... .7000808 ......................................................................... .7125809 ......................................................................... .7250810 ......................................................................... .7375811 ......................................................................... .7500812 ......................................................................... .7625813 ......................................................................... .7750814 ......................................................................... .7875815 ......................................................................... .8000816 ......................................................................... .8125817 ......................................................................... .8250818 ......................................................................... .8375819 ......................................................................... .8500820 ......................................................................... .8625821 ......................................................................... .8750822 ......................................................................... .8875823 ......................................................................... .9000824 ......................................................................... .9125825 ......................................................................... .9250826 ......................................................................... .9375827 ......................................................................... .9500828 ......................................................................... .9625829 ......................................................................... .9750830 ......................................................................... .9875


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

1 ............................................................................. 935.01252 ............................................................................. .02503 ............................................................................. .0375


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

4 ............................................................................. .05005 ............................................................................. .06256 ............................................................................. .07507 ............................................................................. .08758 ............................................................................. .10009 ............................................................................. .112510 ........................................................................... .125011 ........................................................................... .137512 ........................................................................... .150013 ........................................................................... .162514 ........................................................................... .175015 ........................................................................... .187516 ........................................................................... .200017 ........................................................................... .212518 ........................................................................... .225019 ........................................................................... .237520 ........................................................................... .250021 ........................................................................... .262522 ........................................................................... .275023 ........................................................................... .287524 ........................................................................... .300025 ........................................................................... .312526 ........................................................................... .325027 ........................................................................... .337528 ........................................................................... .350029 ........................................................................... .362530 ........................................................................... .375031 ........................................................................... .387532 ........................................................................... .400033 ........................................................................... .412534 ........................................................................... .425035 ........................................................................... .437536 ........................................................................... .450037 ........................................................................... .462538 ........................................................................... .475039 ........................................................................... .487540 ........................................................................... .500041 ........................................................................... .512542 ........................................................................... .525043 ........................................................................... .537544 ........................................................................... .550045 ........................................................................... .562546 ........................................................................... .575047 ........................................................................... .587548 ........................................................................... .600049 ........................................................................... .612550 ........................................................................... .625051 ........................................................................... .637552 ........................................................................... .650053 ........................................................................... .662554 ........................................................................... .675055 ........................................................................... .687556 ........................................................................... .700057 ........................................................................... .712558 ........................................................................... .725059 ........................................................................... .737560 ........................................................................... .750061 ........................................................................... .762562 ........................................................................... .775063 ........................................................................... .787564 ........................................................................... .800065 ........................................................................... .812566 ........................................................................... .825067 ........................................................................... .837568 ........................................................................... .850069 ........................................................................... .862570 ........................................................................... .875071 ........................................................................... .887572 ........................................................................... .9000

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.613


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

73 ........................................................................... .912574 ........................................................................... .925075 ........................................................................... .937576 ........................................................................... .950077 ........................................................................... .962578 ........................................................................... .975079 ........................................................................... .987580 ........................................................................... 936.000081 ........................................................................... .012582 ........................................................................... .025083 ........................................................................... .037584 ........................................................................... .050085 ........................................................................... .062586 ........................................................................... .075087 ........................................................................... .087588 ........................................................................... .100089 ........................................................................... .112590 ........................................................................... .125091 ........................................................................... .137592 ........................................................................... .150093 ........................................................................... .162594 ........................................................................... .175095 ........................................................................... .187596 ........................................................................... .200097 ........................................................................... .212598 ........................................................................... .225099 ........................................................................... .2375100 ......................................................................... .2500101 ......................................................................... .2625102 ......................................................................... .2750103 ......................................................................... .2875104 ......................................................................... .3000105 ......................................................................... .3125106 ......................................................................... .3250107 ......................................................................... .3375108 ......................................................................... .3500109 ......................................................................... .3625110 ......................................................................... .3750111 ......................................................................... .3875112 ......................................................................... .4000113 ......................................................................... .4125114 ......................................................................... .4250115 ......................................................................... .4375116 ......................................................................... .4500117 ......................................................................... .4625118 ......................................................................... .4750119 ......................................................................... .4875120 ......................................................................... .5000121 ......................................................................... .5125122 ......................................................................... .5250123 ......................................................................... .5375124 ......................................................................... .5500125 ......................................................................... .5625126 ......................................................................... .5750127 ......................................................................... .5875128 ......................................................................... .6000129 ......................................................................... .6125130 ......................................................................... .6250131 ......................................................................... .6375132 ......................................................................... .6500133 ......................................................................... .6625134 ......................................................................... .6750135 ......................................................................... .6875136 ......................................................................... .7000137 ......................................................................... .7125138 ......................................................................... .7250139 ......................................................................... .7375140 ......................................................................... .7500141 ......................................................................... .7625


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

142 ......................................................................... .7750143 ......................................................................... .7875144 ......................................................................... .8000145 ......................................................................... .8125146 ......................................................................... .8250147 ......................................................................... .8375148 ......................................................................... .8500149 ......................................................................... .8625150 ......................................................................... .8750151 ......................................................................... .8875152 ......................................................................... .9000153 ......................................................................... .9125154 ......................................................................... .9250155 ......................................................................... .9375156 ......................................................................... .9500157 ......................................................................... .9625158 ......................................................................... .9750159 ......................................................................... .9875160 ......................................................................... 937.0000161 ......................................................................... .0125162 ......................................................................... .0250163 ......................................................................... .0375164 ......................................................................... .0500165 ......................................................................... .0625166 ......................................................................... .0750167 ......................................................................... .0875168 ......................................................................... .1000169 ......................................................................... .1125170 ......................................................................... .1250171 ......................................................................... .1375172 ......................................................................... .1500173 ......................................................................... .1625174 ......................................................................... .1750175 ......................................................................... .1875176 ......................................................................... .2000177 ......................................................................... .2125178 ......................................................................... .2250179 ......................................................................... .2375180 ......................................................................... .2500181 ......................................................................... .2625182 ......................................................................... .2750183 ......................................................................... .2875184 ......................................................................... .3000185 ......................................................................... .3125186 ......................................................................... .3250187 ......................................................................... .3375188 ......................................................................... .3500189 ......................................................................... .3625190 ......................................................................... .3750191 ......................................................................... .3875192 ......................................................................... .4000193 ......................................................................... .4125194 ......................................................................... .4250195 ......................................................................... .4375196 ......................................................................... .4500197 ......................................................................... .4625198 ......................................................................... .4750199 ......................................................................... .4875200 ......................................................................... .5000201 ......................................................................... .5125202 ......................................................................... .5250203 ......................................................................... .5375204 ......................................................................... .5500205 ......................................................................... .5625206 ......................................................................... .5750207 ......................................................................... .5875208 ......................................................................... .6000209 ......................................................................... .6125210 ......................................................................... .6250

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.613


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

211 ......................................................................... .6375212 ......................................................................... .6500213 ......................................................................... .6625214 ......................................................................... .6750215 ......................................................................... .6875216 ......................................................................... .7000217 ......................................................................... .7125218 ......................................................................... .7250219 ......................................................................... .7375220 ......................................................................... .7500221 ......................................................................... .7625222 ......................................................................... .7750223 ......................................................................... .7875224 ......................................................................... .8000225 ......................................................................... .8125226 ......................................................................... .8250227 ......................................................................... .8375228 ......................................................................... .8500229 ......................................................................... .8625230 ......................................................................... .8750231 ......................................................................... .8875232 ......................................................................... .9000233 ......................................................................... .9125234 ......................................................................... .9250235 ......................................................................... .9375236 ......................................................................... .9500237 ......................................................................... .9625238 ......................................................................... .9750239 ......................................................................... .9875240 ......................................................................... 938.0000241 ......................................................................... .0125242 ......................................................................... .0250243 ......................................................................... .0375244 ......................................................................... .0500245 ......................................................................... .0625246 ......................................................................... .0750247 ......................................................................... .0875248 ......................................................................... .1000249 ......................................................................... .1125250 ......................................................................... .1250251 ......................................................................... .1375252 ......................................................................... .1500253 ......................................................................... .1625254 ......................................................................... .1750255 ......................................................................... .1875256 ......................................................................... .2000257 ......................................................................... .2125258 ......................................................................... .2250259 ......................................................................... .2375260 ......................................................................... .2500261 ......................................................................... .2625262 ......................................................................... .2750263 ......................................................................... .2875264 ......................................................................... .3000265 ......................................................................... .3125266 ......................................................................... .3250267 ......................................................................... .3375268 ......................................................................... .3500269 ......................................................................... .3625270 ......................................................................... .3750271 ......................................................................... .3875272 ......................................................................... .4000273 ......................................................................... .4125274 ......................................................................... .4250275 ......................................................................... .4375276 ......................................................................... .4500277 ......................................................................... .4625278 ......................................................................... .4750279 ......................................................................... .4875


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

280 ......................................................................... .5000281 ......................................................................... .5125282 ......................................................................... .5250283 ......................................................................... .5375284 ......................................................................... .5500285 ......................................................................... .5625286 ......................................................................... .5750287 ......................................................................... .5875288 ......................................................................... .6000289 ......................................................................... .6125290 ......................................................................... .6250291 ......................................................................... .6375292 ......................................................................... .6500293 ......................................................................... .6625294 ......................................................................... .6750295 ......................................................................... .6875296 ......................................................................... .7000297 ......................................................................... .7125298 ......................................................................... .7250299 ......................................................................... .7375300 ......................................................................... .7500301 ......................................................................... .7625302 ......................................................................... .7750303 ......................................................................... .7875304 ......................................................................... .8000305 ......................................................................... .8125306 ......................................................................... .8250307 ......................................................................... .8375308 ......................................................................... .8500309 ......................................................................... .8625310 ......................................................................... .8750311 ......................................................................... .8875312 ......................................................................... .9000313 ......................................................................... .9125314 ......................................................................... .9250315 ......................................................................... .9375316 ......................................................................... .9500317 ......................................................................... .9625318 ......................................................................... .9750319 ......................................................................... .9875320 ......................................................................... 939.0000321 ......................................................................... .0125322 ......................................................................... .0250323 ......................................................................... .0375324 ......................................................................... .0500325 ......................................................................... .0625326 ......................................................................... .0750327 ......................................................................... .0875328 ......................................................................... .1000329 ......................................................................... .1125330 ......................................................................... .1250331 ......................................................................... .1375332 ......................................................................... .1500333 ......................................................................... .1625334 ......................................................................... .1750335 ......................................................................... .1875336 ......................................................................... .2000337 ......................................................................... .2125338 ......................................................................... .2250339 ......................................................................... .2375340 ......................................................................... .2500341 ......................................................................... .2625342 ......................................................................... .2750343 ......................................................................... .2875344 ......................................................................... .3000345 ......................................................................... .3125346 ......................................................................... .3250347 ......................................................................... .3375348 ......................................................................... .3500

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.617


Channel No.Base fre-quency(MHz)

349 ......................................................................... .3625350 ......................................................................... .3750351 ......................................................................... .3875352 ......................................................................... .4000353 ......................................................................... .4125354 ......................................................................... .4250355 ......................................................................... .4375356 ......................................................................... .4500357 ......................................................................... .4625358 ......................................................................... .4750359 ......................................................................... .4875360 ......................................................................... .5000361 ......................................................................... .5125362 ......................................................................... .5250363 ......................................................................... .5375364 ......................................................................... .5500365 ......................................................................... .5625366 ......................................................................... .5750367 ......................................................................... .5875368 ......................................................................... .6000369 ......................................................................... .6125370 ......................................................................... .6250371 ......................................................................... .6375372 ......................................................................... .6500373 ......................................................................... .6625374 ......................................................................... .6750375 ......................................................................... .6875376 ......................................................................... .7000377 ......................................................................... .7125378 ......................................................................... .7250379 ......................................................................... .7375380 ......................................................................... .7500381 ......................................................................... .7625382 ......................................................................... .7750383 ......................................................................... .7875384 ......................................................................... .8000385 ......................................................................... .8125386 ......................................................................... .8250387 ......................................................................... .8375388 ......................................................................... .8500389 ......................................................................... .8625390 ......................................................................... .8750391 ......................................................................... .8875392 ......................................................................... .9000393 ......................................................................... .9125394 ......................................................................... .9250395 ......................................................................... .9375396 ......................................................................... .9500397 ......................................................................... .9625398 ......................................................................... .9750399 ......................................................................... .9875

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 48FR 51928, Nov. 15, 1983; 51 FR 37402, Oct. 22,1986; 52 FR 29856, Aug. 12, 1987; 53 FR 1025,Jan. 15, 1988; 54 FR 38681, Sept. 20, 1989; 54 FR39740, Sept. 28, 1989]

§ 90.615 Spectrum blocks available inthe General Category for 800 MHzSMR General Category.


Spectrum block Channel Nos.

D ............................................ 1 through 50.E ............................................ 51 through 100.F ............................................. 101 through 150.

[62 FR 41214, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.617 Frequencies in the 809.750–824/854.750–869 MHz, and 896–901/935–940 MHz bands available fortrunked or conventional system usein non-border areas.

(a) The channels listed in table 1 andparagraph (a)(1) of this section areavailable to eligible applicants in thePublic Safety Category which consistsof licensees eligible in the Public Safe-ty Pool of subpart B of this part. Thesefrequencies are available in areas far-ther than 110 km (68.4 miles) from theU.S./Mexican border, and 140 km (87miles) from the U.S./Canadian border.Specialized Mobile Radio Systems willnot be authorized in this category.These channels are available for inter-category sharing as indicated in§ 90.621(g).



Group No. Channel Nos.

209 ................................................. 209–249–289–329–369210 ................................................. 210–250–290–330–370211 ................................................. 211–251–291–331–371218 ................................................. 218–258–298–338–378219 ................................................. 219–259–299–339–379220 ................................................. 220–260–300–340–380229 ................................................. 229–269–309–349–389230 ................................................. 230–270–310–350–390231 ................................................. 231–271–311–351–391238 ................................................. 238–278–318–358–398239 ................................................. 239–279–319–359–399240 ................................................. 240–280–320–360–400Single channels ............................. 159, 169, 179, 189, 199,

160, 170, 180, 190, 200

(1) Channels numbers 601–830 are alsoavailable to eligible applicants in thePublic Safety Category in areas fartherthan 110 km (68.4 miles) from the U.S./

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.617

Mexican border, and 140 km (87 miles)from the U.S./Candian border. The as-signment of these channels will be donein accordance with the policies definedin the Report and Order of Gen. DocketNo. 87–112 (See § 90.16). The followingchannels are available only for mutualaid purposes as defined in Gen. DocketNo. 87–112: channels 601, 639, 677, 715,753.

(b) The channels listed in Table 2Aare available to eligible applicants inthe Industrial/Land TransportationCategory (consisting of Power, Petro-leum, Forest Products, Film and VideoProduction, Relay Press, Special Indus-trial, Manufacturers, Telephone Main-tenance, Motor Carrier, Railroad, Taxi-cab, and Automobile Emergency licens-ees, as defined in § 90.7). These fre-quencies are available in areas fartherthan 110 km (68.4 miles) from the U.S./Mexico border and farther than 140 km(87.0 miles) from the U.S./Canada bor-der. Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR)systems will not be authorized on thesefrequencies. These channels are avail-able for inter-category sharing as indi-cated in § 90.621(g).


Group No. Channel Nos.

212 ................................................. 212–252–292–332–372213 ................................................. 213–253–293–333–373214 ................................................. 214–254–294–334–374215 ................................................. 215–255–295–335–375216 ................................................. 216–256–296–336–376217 ................................................. 217–257–297–337–377Single channels ............................. 155, 165, 175, 185, 195,

156, 166, 176, 186, 196,157, 167, 177, 187, 197,158, 168, 178, 188, 198


For multichannel systems channelsmay be grouped vertically or hori-zontally as they appear in the table.

Channel Nos.





(c) The channels listed in Table 3Aare available to eligible applicants inthe Business Radio Category. This cat-egory includes those entities eligible inthe Industrial/Business Pool of subpartC of this part and does not include Spe-cial Mobilized Radio Systems as de-fined in § 90.603(c). These frequenciesare available in areas farther than 110km (68.4 miles) from the U.S./Mexicoborder and farther than 140 km (87.0miles) from the U.S./Canada border.Specialized Mobile Radio Systems willnot be authorized on these frequencies.These channels are available for inter-category sharing as indicated in§ 90.621(g).


Group No. Channel Nos.

232 ................................................. 232–272–312–352–392233 ................................................. 233–273–313–353–393234 ................................................. 234–274–314–354–394235 ................................................. 235–275–315–355–395236 ................................................. 236–276–316–356–396237 ................................................. 237–277–317–357–397Single channels ............................. 151, 161, 171, 181, 191,

152, 162, 172, 182, 192,153, 163, 173, 183, 193,154, 164, 174, 184, 194


For multichannel systems, channelsmay be grouped vertically or hori-zontally as they appear in the table.



(d) The channels listed in Tables 4Aand 4B are available only to eligibles inthe SMR category which consists ofSpecialized Mobile Radio (SMR) sta-tions and eligible end users. The fre-quencies listed in Table 4A are avail-able to SMR eligibles desiring to be au-thorized for EA-based service areas in

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.619

accordance with § 90.681. SMR licenseeslicensed on Channels 401–600 on or be-fore March 3, 1996, may continue to uti-lize these frequencies within their ex-isting service areas, subject to themandatory relocation provisions of§ 90.699. This paragraph deals with theassignment of frequencies only in areasfarther than 110 km (68.4 miles) fromthe U.S./Mexico border and fartherthan 140 km (87) miles from the U.S./Canada border. See § 90.619 for the as-signment of SMR frequencies in theseborder areas. For stations locatedwithin 113 km (70 miles) of Chicago,channels 401–600 will be assigned inblocks as outlined in Table 4C.


Spectrum block Channel Nos.

A ............................................ 401 through 420B ............................................ 421 through 480C ............................................ 481 through 600G ............................................ 201–241–281–321–361H ............................................ 202–242–282–322–362I .............................................. 203–243–283–323–363J ............................................. 204–244–284–324–364K ............................................ 205–245–285–325–365L ............................................. 206–246–286–326–366M ............................................ 207–247–287–327–367N ............................................ 208–248–288–328–368O ............................................ 221–261–301–341–381P ............................................ 222–262–302–342–382Q ............................................ 223–263–303–343–383R ............................................ 224–264–304–344–384S ............................................ 225–265–305–345–385T ............................................. 226–266–306–346–386U ............................................ 227–267–307–347–387V ............................................ 228–268–308–348–388


Block Channel Nos.

A .......... 1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10B .......... 21–22–23–24–25–26–27–28–29–30C .......... 41–42–43–44–45–46–47–48–49–50D .......... 61–62–63–64–65–66–67–68–69–70E .......... 81–82–83–84–85–86–87–88–89–90F .......... 101–102–103–104–105–106–107–108–109–110G .......... 121–122–123–124–125–126–127–128–129–130H .......... 141–142–143–144–145–146–147–148–149–150I ............ 161–162–163–164–165–166–167–168–169–170J ........... 181–182–183–184–185–186–187–188–189–190K .......... 201–202–203–204–205–206–207–208–209–210L ........... 221–222–223–224–225–226–227–228–229–230M .......... 241–242–243–244–245–246–247–248–249–250N .......... 261–262–263–264–265–266–267–268–269–270O .......... 281–282–283–284–285–286–287–288–289–290P .......... 301–302–303–304–305–306–307–308–309–310Q .......... 321–322–323–324–325–326–327–328–329–330R .......... 341–342–343–344–345–346–347–348–349–350S .......... 361–362–363–364–365–366–367–368–369–370T .......... 381–382–383–384–385–386–387–388–389–390


Group No. Channel Nos.

401 1 ......................... 401 through 410411 ........................... 411–447–483–519–555412 ........................... 412–448–484–520–556413 ........................... 413–449–485–521–557414 ........................... 414–450–486–522–558415 ........................... 415–451–487–523–559416 ........................... 416–452–488–524–560417 ........................... 417–453–489–525–561418 ........................... 418–454–490–526–562419 ........................... 419–455–491–527–563420 ........................... 420–456–492–528–564421 ........................... 421–457–493–529–565422 ........................... 422–458–494–530–566423 ........................... 423–459–495–531–567424 ........................... 424–460–496–532–568425 ........................... 425–461–497–533–569426 ........................... 426–462–498–534–570427 ........................... 427–463–499–535–571428 ........................... 428–464–500–536–572429 ........................... 429–465–501–537–573430 ........................... 430–466–502–538–574431 ........................... 431–467–503–539–575432 ........................... 432–468–504–540–576433 ........................... 433–469–505–541–577434 ........................... 434–470–506–542–578435 ........................... 435–471–507–543–579436 ........................... 436–472–508–544–580437 ........................... 437–473–509–545–581438 ........................... 438–474–510–546–582439 ........................... 439–475–511–547–583440 ........................... 440–476–512–548–584441 ........................... 441–477–513–549–585442 ........................... 442–478–514–550–586443 ........................... 443–479–515–551–587444 ........................... 444–480–516–552–588445 ........................... 445–481–517–553–589446 ........................... 446–482–518–554–590591 ........................... 591–592–593–594–595596 ........................... 596–597–598–599–600

1 Reserved for contiguous assignments or as a frequencypool for assignments to systems with odd number of chanels.

2 These frequencies will be authorized only in the area en-compassed by a 113 km (70 mile) radius centered at41°52′28′′ N. 87°38′22′′ W.

3 All stations located beyond the 113 km (70 mile) distanceauthorized on or before August 16, 1982 to use these fre-quencies may continue to do so. Stations beyond the 113 km(70 mile) distance authorized after August 16, 1982, shall em-ploy frequencies listed in table 4A subject to the provisions of§ 90.621 (b) or (c) as applicable.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 47FR 51883, Nov. 18, 1982; 51 FR 37404, Oct. 22,1986; 52 FR 3662, Feb. 5, 1987; 52 FR 29856, Aug.12, 1987; 53 FR 1026, Jan. 15, 1988; 53 FR 12156,Apr. 13, 1988; 54 FR 38682, Sept. 20, 1989; 58 FR31476, June 3, 1993; 58 FR 44962, Aug. 25, 1993;60 FR 21990, May 4, 1995; 60 FR 48918, Sept. 21,1995; 61 FR 6156, Feb. 16, 1996; 61 FR 6576, Feb.21, 1996; 62 FR 18934, Apr. 17, 1997; 62 FR 41214,July 31, 1997]

§ 90.619 Frequencies available for usein the U.S./Mexico and U.S./Canadaborder areas.

(a) U.S./Mexico border area. Thechannels listed in tables 1A, 2A, 3A and4A are offset 12.5 kHz lower in fre-quency than those specified in the 806–

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.619

821/851–866 MHz table in § 90.613. TheChannel 201 base frequency will be856.000 MHz, followed by Channel 202 at856.025 MHz and proceeding with uni-form 25 kHz channeling to Channel 400at 860.975 MHz. Mobile station fre-quencies will be 45 MHz lower in fre-quency. These channels are availablefor assignment for conventional ortrunked systems only in areas 110 kilo-meters (68.4 miles) or less from theU.S./Mexico border. Stations located onMt. Lemmon, serving the Tucson, AZarea, will only be authorized offset fre-quencies. The channels listed in tables2B, 3B, and 4B correspond to thosespecified in the 896–901/935–940 MHztable in § 90.613 and are not offset. Mo-bile station frequencies will be 39 MHzlower in frequency. The frequencieslisted in tables 2B, 3B, and 4B are notavailable for licensing in the U.S./Mex-ico border area until June 11, 1993.

(1) Table 1A lists the channels in the806–821/851–866 MHz band that are avail-able for assignment to eligible appli-cants in the Public Safety Categorywhich consists of licensees eligible inthe Public Safety Pool of subpart B ofthis part. Specialized Mobile RadioSystems (SMRS) will not be authorizedin this category. These channels areavailable for intercategory sharing asindicated in § 90.621(g).


Offset group No. Offset channel Nos.

2011 .................................................. 241–281–321–361202 ................................................... 202–242–282–322–362203 ................................................... 203–243–283–323–363204 ................................................... 204–244–284–324–364205 ................................................... 205–245–285–325–365206 ................................................... 206–246–286–326–366207 ................................................... 207–247–287–327–367208 ................................................... 208–248–288–328–368209 ................................................... 209–249–289–329–369210 ................................................... 210–250–290–330–370211 ................................................... 211–251–291–331–371401 ................................................... 401–441–481–521–561403 ................................................... 403–443–483–523–563405 ................................................... 405–445–485–525–565407 ................................................... 407–447–487–527–567409 ................................................... 409–449–489–529–569411 ................................................... 411–451–491–531–571

1 Offset Group 201 is available for conventional system useonly. Offset Channel 201 is not available for use in the U.S./Mexico border area.

(2) Certain channels in the 821–824/866–869 MHz band are also available toeligible applicants in the Public Safety

Category in areas within 110 kilo-meters (68.4 miles) of the U.S./Mexicoborder. These channels will be assignedaccording to the policies defined in theReport and Order of Gen. Docket No. 87–112 (See § 90.16). The following channelsare available only for mutual aid pur-poses as defined in Gen. Docket No. 87–112: channels 601, 639, 677, 715, and 753.Certain channels in the 896–901/935–940MHz band are also available in areaswithin 110 kilometers (68.4 miles) of theU.S./Mexico border. The specific chan-nels that are available for licensing inthe bands 821–824/866–869 and 896–901/935–940 MHz within 110 kilometers (68.4miles) of the Mexico border are listedin tables 1B, 2B, 3B, and 4B and are sub-ject to Effective Radiated Power (ERP)and Antenna Height limitations as in-dicated in table 1C. In addition, allchannels designated for use withinMexico in the 821–824/866–869 MHz and896–901/935–940 MHz bands are availablefor assignment to U.S. stations within110 kilometers (68.4 miles) of the Mex-ico border if the maximum power fluxdensity (pfd) of the station’s transmit-ted signal at any point at or beyondthe border does not exceed ¥107 dB(W/m2). The spreading loss must be cal-culated using the free space formulataking into account any antenna dis-crimination in the direction of the bor-der. Authorizations for stations usingchannels allotted to Mexico on a pri-mary basis will be secondary to Mexi-can operations and conditioned to re-quire that licensees take immediateaction to eliminate any harmful inter-ference resulting from the station’stransmitted signal exceeding ¥107dB(W/m2).


Channel Base fre-quency

Mobile fre-quency Country

601 .......... 866.0125 821.0125 Both countries.866.0250 821.0250 Not available.

602 .......... 866.0375 821.0375 U.S.603 .......... 866.0500 821.0500 U.S.604 .......... 866.0625 821.0625 U.S.605 .......... 866.0750 821.0750 U.S.606 .......... 866.0875 821.0875 U.S.607 .......... 866.1000 821.1000 U.S.608 .......... 866.1125 821.1125 U.S.609 .......... 866.1250 821.1250 U.S.610 .......... 866.1375 821.1375 U.S.611 .......... 866.1500 821.1500 Guard channel.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.619


Channel Base fre-quency

Mobile fre-quency Country

612 .......... 866.1625 821.1625 Mexico.613 .......... 866.1750 821.1750 Mexico.614 .......... 866.1875 821.1875 Mexico.615 .......... 866.2000 821.2000 Mexico.616 .......... 866.2125 821.2125 Mexico.617 .......... 866.2250 821.2250 Mexico.618 .......... 866.2375 821.2375 Mexico.619 .......... 866.2500 821.2500 Mexico.620 .......... 866.2625 821.2625 Mexico.621 .......... 866.2750 821.2750 Mexico.622 .......... 866.2875 821.2875 Mexico.623 .......... 866.3000 821.3000 Mexico.624 .......... 866.3125 821.3125 Mexico.625 .......... 866.3250 821.3250 Mexico.626 .......... 866.3375 821.3375 Mexico.627 .......... 866.3500 821.3500 Mexico.628 .......... 866.3625 821.3625 Mexico.629 .......... 866.3750 821.3750 Guard channel.630 .......... 866.3875 821.3875 U.S.631 .......... 866.4000 821.4000 U.S.632 .......... 866.4125 821.4125 U.S.633 .......... 866.4250 821.4250 U.S.634 .......... 866.4375 821.4375 U.S.635 .......... 866.4500 821.4500 U.S.636 .......... 866.4625 821.4625 U.S.637 .......... 866.4750 821.4750 U.S.638 .......... 866.4875 821.4875 U.S.

866.5000 821.5000 Not available.639 .......... 866.5125 821.5125 Both countries.

866.5250 821.5250 Not available.640 .......... 866.5375 821.5375 U.S.641 .......... 866.5500 821.5500 U.S.642 .......... 866.5625 821.5625 U.S.643 .......... 866.5750 821.5750 U.S.644 .......... 866.5875 821.5875 U.S.645 .......... 866.6000 821.6000 U.S.646 .......... 866.6125 821.6125 U.S.647 .......... 866.6250 821.6250 U.S.648 .......... 866.6375 821.6375 U.S.649 .......... 866.6500 821.6500 Guard channel.650 .......... 866.6625 821.6625 Mexico.651 .......... 866.6750 821.6750 Mexico.652 .......... 866.6875 821.6875 Mexico.653 .......... 866.7000 821.7000 Mexico.654 .......... 866.7125 821.7125 Mexico.655 .......... 866.7250 821.7250 Mexico.656 .......... 866.7375 821.7375 Mexico.657 .......... 866.7500 821.7500 Mexico.658 .......... 866.7625 821.7625 Mexico.659 .......... 866.7750 821.7750 Mexico.660 .......... 866.7875 821.7875 Mexico.661 .......... 866.8000 821.8000 Mexico.662 .......... 866.8125 821.8125 Mexico.663 .......... 866.8250 821.8250 Mexico.664 .......... 866.8375 821.8375 Mexico.665 .......... 866.8500 821.8500 Mexico.666 .......... 866.8625 821.8625 Mexico.667 .......... 866.8750 821.8750 Guard channel.668 .......... 866.8875 821.8875 U.S.669 .......... 866.9000 821.9000 U.S.670 .......... 866.9125 821.9125 U.S.671 .......... 866.9250 821.9250 U.S.672 .......... 866.9375 821.9375 U.S.673 .......... 866.9500 821.9500 U.S.674 .......... 866.9625 821.9625 U.S.675 .......... 866.9750 821.9750 U.S.676 .......... 866.9875 821.9875 U.S.


Channel Base fre-quency

Mobile fre-quency Country

867.0000 822.0000 Not available.677 .......... 867.0125 822.0125 Both countries.

867.0250 822.0250 Not available.678 .......... 867.0375 822.0375 U.S.679 .......... 867.0500 822.0500 U.S.680 .......... 867.0625 822.0625 U.S.681 .......... 867.0750 822.0750 U.S.682 .......... 867.0875 822.0875 U.S.683 .......... 867.1000 822.1000 U.S.684 .......... 867.1125 822.1125 U.S.685 .......... 867.1250 822.1250 U.S.686 .......... 867.1375 822.1375 U.S.687 .......... 867.1500 822.1500 Guard channel.688 .......... 867.1625 822.1625 Mexico.689 .......... 867.1750 822.1750 Mexico.690 .......... 867.1875 822.1875 Mexico.691 .......... 867.2000 822.2000 Mexico.692 .......... 867.2125 822.2125 Mexico.693 .......... 867.2250 822.2250 Mexico.694 .......... 867.2375 822.2375 Mexico.695 .......... 867.2500 822.2500 Mexico.696 .......... 867.2625 822.2625 Mexico.697 .......... 867.2750 822.2750 Mexico.698 .......... 867.2875 822.2875 Mexico.699 .......... 867.3000 822.3000 Mexico.700 .......... 867.3125 822.3125 Mexico.701 .......... 867.3250 822.3250 Mexico.702 .......... 867.3375 822.3375 Mexico.703 .......... 867.3500 822.3500 Mexico.704 .......... 867.3625 822.3625 Mexico.705 .......... 867.3750 822.3750 Guard channel.706 .......... 867.3875 822.3875 U.S.707 .......... 867.4000 822.4000 U.S.708 .......... 867.4125 822.4125 U.S.709 .......... 867.4250 822.4250 U.S.710 .......... 867.4375 822.4375 U.S.711 .......... 867.4500 822.4500 U.S.712 .......... 867.4625 822.4625 U.S.713 .......... 867.4750 822.4750 U.S.714 .......... 867.4875 822.4875 U.S.

867.5000 822.5000 Not available.715 .......... 867.5125 822.5125 Both countries.

867.5250 822.5250 Not available.716 .......... 867.5375 822.5375 U.S.717 .......... 867.5500 822.5500 U.S.718 .......... 867.5625 822.5625 U.S.719 .......... 867.5750 822.5750 U.S.720 .......... 867.5875 822.5875 U.S.721 .......... 867.6000 822.6000 U.S.722 .......... 867.6125 822.6125 U.S.723 .......... 867.6250 822.6250 U.S.724 .......... 867.6375 822.6375 U.S.725 .......... 867.6500 822.6500 Guard channel.726 .......... 867.6625 822.6625 Mexico.727 .......... 867.6750 822.6750 Mexico.728 .......... 867.6875 822.6875 Mexico.729 .......... 867.7000 822.7000 Mexico.730 .......... 867.7125 822.7125 Mexico.731 .......... 867.7250 822.7250 Mexico.732 .......... 867.7375 822.7375 Mexico.733 .......... 867.7500 822.7500 Mexico.734 .......... 867.7625 822.7625 Mexico.735 .......... 867.7750 822.7750 Mexico.736 .......... 867.7875 822.7875 Mexico.737 .......... 867.8000 822.8000 Mexico.738 .......... 867.8125 822.8125 Mexico.739 .......... 867.8250 822.8250 Mexico.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.619


Channel Base fre-quency

Mobile fre-quency Country

740 .......... 867.8375 822.8375 Mexico.741 .......... 867.8500 822.8500 Mexico.742 .......... 867.8625 822.8625 Guard channel.743 .......... 867.8750 822.8750 U.S.744 .......... 867.8875 822.8875 U.S.745 .......... 867.9000 822.9000 U.S.746 .......... 867.9125 822.9125 U.S.747 .......... 867.9250 822.9250 U.S.748 .......... 867.9375 822.9375 U.S.749 .......... 867.9500 822.9500 U.S.750 .......... 867.9625 822.9625 U.S.751 .......... 867.9750 822.9750 U.S.752 .......... 867.9875 822.9875 U.S.

868.0000 823.0000 Not available.753 .......... 868.0125 823.0125 Both countries.

868.0250 823.0250 Not available.754 .......... 868.0375 823.0375 U.S.755 .......... 868.0500 823.0500 U.S.756 .......... 868.0625 823.0625 U.S.757 .......... 868.0750 823.0750 U.S.758 .......... 868.0875 823.0875 U.S.759 .......... 868.1000 823.1000 U.S.760 .......... 868.1125 823.1125 U.S.761 .......... 868.1250 823.1250 U.S.762 .......... 868.1375 823.1375 U.S.763 .......... 868.1500 823.1500 Guard channel.764 .......... 868.1625 823.1625 Mexico.765 .......... 868.1750 823.1750 Mexico.766 .......... 868.1875 823.1875 Mexico.767 .......... 868.2000 823.2000 Mexico.768 .......... 868.2125 823.2125 Mexico.769 .......... 868.2250 823.2250 Mexico.770 .......... 868.2375 823.2375 Mexico.771 .......... 868.2500 823.2500 Mexico.772 .......... 868.2625 823.2625 Mexico.773 .......... 868.2750 823.2750 Mexico.774 .......... 868.2875 823.2875 Mexico.775 .......... 868.3000 823.3000 Mexico.776 .......... 868.3125 823.3125 Mexico.777 .......... 868.3250 823.3250 Mexico.778 .......... 868.3375 823.3375 Mexico.779 .......... 868.3500 823.3500 Mexico.780 .......... 868.3625 823.3625 Guard channel.781 .......... 868.3750 823.3750 U.S.782 .......... 868.3875 823.3875 U.S.783 .......... 868.4000 823.4000 U.S.784 .......... 868.4125 823.4125 U.S.785 .......... 868.4250 823.4250 U.S.786 .......... 868.4375 823.4375 U.S.787 .......... 868.4500 823.4500 U.S.788 .......... 868.4625 823.4625 U.S.789 .......... 868.4750 823.4750 U.S.790 .......... 868.4875 823.4875 U.S.791 .......... 868.5000 823.5000 U.S.792 .......... 868.5125 823.5125 U.S.793 .......... 868.5250 823.5250 U.S.794 .......... 868.5375 823.5375 U.S.795 .......... 868.5500 823.5500 U.S.796 .......... 868.5625 823.5625 U.S.797 .......... 868.5750 823.5750 U.S.798 .......... 868.5875 823.5875 U.S.799 .......... 868.6000 823.6000 U.S.800 .......... 868.6125 823.6125 Guard channel.801 .......... 868.6250 823.6250 Mexico.802 .......... 868.6375 823.6375 Mexico.803 .......... 868.6500 823.6500 Mexico.804 .......... 868.6625 823.6625 Mexico.


Channel Base fre-quency

Mobile fre-quency Country

805 .......... 868.6750 823.6750 Mexico.806 .......... 868.6875 823.6875 Mexico.807 .......... 868.7000 823.7000 Mexico.808 .......... 868.7125 823.7125 Mexico.809 .......... 868.7250 823.7250 Mexico.810 .......... 868.7375 823.7375 Mexico.811 .......... 868.7500 823.7500 Mexico.812 .......... 868.7625 823.7625 Mexico.813 .......... 868.7750 823.7750 Mexico.814 .......... 868.7875 823.7875 Mexico.815 .......... 868.8000 823.8000 Mexico.816 .......... 868.8125 823.8125 Mexico.817 .......... 868.8250 823.8250 Mexico.818 .......... 868.8375 823.8375 Mexico.819 .......... 868.8500 823.8500 Mexico.820 .......... 868.8625 823.8625 Mexico.821 .......... 868.8750 823.8750 Mexico.822 .......... 868.8875 823.8875 Mexico.823 .......... 868.9000 823.9000 Mexico.824 .......... 868.9125 823.9125 Guard channel.825 .......... 868.9250 823.9250 U.S.826 .......... 868.9375 823.9375 U.S.827 .......... 868.9500 823.9500 U.S.828 .......... 868.9625 823.9625 U.S.829 .......... 868.9750 823.9750 U.S.830 .......... 868.9875 823.9875 U.S.


Antenna height above mean sea level ERP

Meters Feet Watts (maxi-mum)

0–503 .................. 0–1650 ................. 500504–609 .................. 1651–2000 ............... 350610–762 .................. 2001–2500 ............... 200763–914 .................. 2501–3000 ............... 140915–1066 ................ 3001–3500 ............... 1001067–1219 .............. 3501–4000 ............... 751220–1371 .............. 4001–4500 ............... 701372–1523 .............. 4501–5000 ............... 65Above 1523 ............. Above 5000 .............. 5

(3) Tables 2A and 2B list the channelsthat are available for assignment to el-igible applicants in the Industrial/LandTransportation Category (consisting ofPower, Petroleum, Forest Products,Film and Video Production, RelayPress, Special Industrial, Manufactur-ers, Telephone Maintenance, MotorCarrier, Railroad, Taxicab, and Auto-mobile Emergency licensees, as definedin § 90.7). New applications for Special-ized Mobile Radio systems will not be

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.619

accepted for these channels afterMarch 18, 1996.


Offset group No. Offset channel Nos.

212 ................................................... 212–252–292–332–372213 ................................................... 213–253–293–333–373214 ................................................... 214–254–294–334–374215 ................................................... 215–255–295–335–375216 ................................................... 216–256–296–336–376217 ................................................... 217–257–297–337–377218 ................................................... 218–258–298–338–378219 ................................................... 219–259–299–339–379413 ................................................... 413–453–493–533–573415 ................................................... 415–455–495–535–575417 ................................................... 417–457–497–537–577419 ................................................... 419–459–499–539–579



CATEGORY 896–901/935–940 MHZ BAND (99CHANNELS):

For multichannel systems, channelsmay be grouped vertically or hori-zontally as they appear in the table.Channels numbered above 200 may beused only subject to the power fluxdensity limits stated in paragraph(a)(2) of this section:

Channel Nos.



(4) Tables 3A and 3B list the channelsthat are available for assignment to el-igible applicants in the Business RadioCategory. This category includes thoseentities eligible in the Industrial/Busi-ness Pool of subpart C of this part anddoes not include Special MobilizedRadio Systems as defined in § 90.603(c).These channels are available for inter-category sharing as indicated in§ 90.621(g).


Offset group No. Offset channel Nos.

220 ................................................... 220–260–300–340–380221 ................................................... 221–261–301–341–381222 ................................................... 222–262–302–342–382223 ................................................... 223–263–303–343–383224 ................................................... 224–264–304–344–384225 ................................................... 225–265–305–345–385226 ................................................... 226–266–306–346–386227 ................................................... 227–267–307–347–387421 ................................................... 421–461–501–541–581423 ................................................... 423–463–503–543–583425 ................................................... 425–465–505–545–585427 ................................................... 427–467–507–547–587


For multichannel systems, channelsmay be grouped vertically or hori-zontally as they appear in the table.Channels numbered above 200 may beused only subject to the power fluxdensity limits stated in paragraph(a)(2) of this section.

Channel Nos.



(5) Tables 4A and 4B list the channelsthat are available for assignment forthe SMR Category (consisting of Spe-cialized Mobile Radio systems as de-fined in § 90.7).

These channels are not available forinter-category sharing.


Spectrum block Offset channel Nos.

EA-Based SMR Category (83 Channels)

A ............................................ 398–399–400.B ............................................ 429–431–433–435–437–439–


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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.619


Spectrum block Offset channel Nos.

C ............................................ 509–511–513–515–517–519–549–551–553–555–557–559–589–591–593–595–597–599.

G ............................................ 229–272–349.H ............................................ 230–273–350.I .............................................. 231–274–351.J ............................................. 232–278–352.K ............................................ 233–279–353.L ............................................. 234–280–354.M ............................................ 235–309–358.N ............................................ 236–310–359.O ............................................ 237–311–360.P ............................................ 238–312–389.Q ............................................ 239–313–390.R ............................................ 240–314–391.S ............................................ 269–318–392.T ............................................. 270–319–393.U ............................................ 271–320–394.V ............................................ 228–268–308–348–388.

General Category (12 Channels)

D ............................................ 275–315–355–395.E ............................................ 276–316–356–396.F ............................................. 277–317–357–397


Block Channel Nos.

Channels numbered above 200 may be used only subject tothe power flux density limits at or beyond the Mexican bor-der stated in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

A .......... 1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10B .......... 21–22–23–24–25–26–27–28–29–30C .......... 41–42–43–44–45–46–47–48–49–50D .......... 61–62–63–64–65–66–67–68–69–70E .......... 81–82–83–84–85–86–87–88–89–90F .......... 101–102–103–014–105–106–107–108–109–110G .......... 121–122–123–124–125–126–127–128–129–130H .......... 141–142–143–144–145–146–147–148–149–150I ............ 161–162–163–164–165–166–167–168–169–170J ........... 181–182–183–184–185–186–187–188–189–190K .......... 201–202–203–204–205–206–207–208–209–210L ........... 221–222–223–224–225–226–227–228–229–230M .......... 241–242–243–244–245–246–247–248–249–250N .......... 261–262–263–264–265–266–267–268–269–270O .......... 281–282–283–284–285–286–287–288–289–290P .......... 301–302–303–304–305–306–307–308–309–310Q .......... 321–322–323–324–325–326–327–328–329–330R .......... 341–342–343–344–345–346–347–348–349–350S .......... 361–362–363–364–635–366–367–368–369–370T .......... 381–382–383–384–385–386–387–388–389–390

(b) U.S./Canada border area. The fol-lowing criteria shall govern the assign-ment of frequency pairs (channels) inthe 806–821/851–866 and 896–901/935–940MHz bands for stations located in theU.S./Canada border area. These chan-nels are available for assignment for

conventional or trunked systems in ac-cordance with all applicable sections ofthis subpart. They are available forintercategory sharing as indicated in§ 90.621(g). Specific provisions for use ofthe 821–824/866–869 MHz bands in theU.S./Canada border area are containedin paragraph (c) of this section, andprovisions for use of the 896–901/935–940MHz bands in the U.S./Canada borderare contained in paragraph (d) of thissection.

(1) The U.S./Canada border area is di-vided into eight geographical regionswith U.S. channel allocations shown intable 5.


Region Location (longitude)



1 .......... 66° W–71° W (0–100 km from border) .. 3002 .......... 71° W–81° W (0–100 km from border) .. 1803 .......... 81° W–85° W (0–100 km from border) .. 4204 .......... 85° W–121° –30′ W (0–100 km from


5 .......... 121°–30′ W 127° W(0–140 km from bor-der).


6 .......... 127° W–143° W (0–100 km from bor-der).


7 .......... 66° W–121° –30′ W (100–140 km fromborder).


8 .......... 127° W–143° W (100–140 km from bor-der).


(2) Station authorizations in Regions1–4 and Regions 6–8 will be subject toEffective Radiated Power (ERP) andEffective Antenna Height (EAH) limi-tations as indicated in table 6. Stationsin Region 5 will be subject to the ERPand antenna height above mean sealevel limitations in table 8. EffectiveRadiated Power (ERP) is defined as theproduct of the power supplied to theantenna and its gain relative to a half-wave dipole in a given direction. Effec-tive Antenna Height is calculated bysubtracting the Assumed Average Ter-rain Elevation (AATE) given in table 7from the antenna height above meansea level.


Feet MetersWatts(maxi-mum)

0–500 ............................ 0–152 ........................... 500

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.619


Feet MetersWatts(maxi-mum)

501–1000 ...................... 153–305 ....................... 1251001–1500 .................... 306–457 ....................... 401501–2000 .................... 458–609 ....................... 202001–2500 .................... 610–762 ....................... 10


Feet MetersWatts(maxi-mum)

2501–3000 .................... 763–914 ....................... 103001–3500 .................... 915–1066 ..................... 63501–4000 .................... 1067–1219 ................... 5Above 4000 ................... Above 1219 .................. 5

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.619


Antenna height above mean sea level ERP watts(maximum)Feet Meters

0 to 1,650 ............................... 0 to 503 ......... 5001,651 to 2,000 ........................ 504 to 609 ..... 3502,001 to 2,500 ........................ 610 to 762 ..... 2002,501 to 3,000 ........................ 763 to 914 ..... 1403,001 to 3,500 ........................ 915 to 1,066 .. 1003,501 to 4,000 ........................ 1,067 to 219 .. 754,001 to 4,500 ........................ 1,220 to 1,371 704,501 to 5,000 ........................ 1,372 to 1,523 65Above 5,000 ........................... Above 1,523 .. 5

(3) The following frequency bands areavailable in each Region with the ex-ception of those listed in § 90.619(b)(5).

Region(s) Frequency bands (MHz)

1, 4, 5, 6 .............. 806.00–809.75/851.00–854.75 and817.25–821.00/862.25–866.00.

2 .......................... 806.00–808.25/851.00–853.25 and818.75–821.00/863.75–866.00.

3 .......................... 806.00–811.25/851.00–856.25 and815.75–821.00/860.75–866.00.

7, 8 ...................... 806.00–821.00/851.00–866.00.

(4) Coordination with Canada will berequired:

(i) For frequencies in the 808.2625–809.7375/853.2625–854.7375 MHz and817.2625–818.7375/862.2625–863.7375 MHzbands, for stations to be located in thegeographical area in Region 1 enclosedby the United States border, the merid-ian 71° W and the line beginning at theintersection of 44°25′N, 71° W, then run-ning by great circle arc to the intersec-tion of 45° N, 70° W, then North alongmeridian 70° W to the intersection of45°45′N, then running West along 45°45′Nto the intersection of the UnitedStates—Canada border.

(ii) For frequencies in the 808.2625–811.2375/853.2625–856.2375 MHz and815.7625–818.7375/860.7625–863.7375 MHzbands, for stations to be located in thegeographical area in Region 3 enclosedby the meridian 81° W longitude, thearc of a circle of 100 km radius centeredat the intersection of 81° W longitudeand the northern shore of Lake Erieand drawn clockwise from the south-erly intersection with 81° W longitudeto intersect the United States-Canadaborder, and the United States-Canadaborder.

(5) Applicants requesting authoriza-tions in the frequency bands in the geo-graphical areas listed below shall sub-mit documentation indicating compli-ance with the following protection cri-teria to the indicated Canadian tele-vision station. Protection to Canadiantelevision assignments and allotmentsis based on the field strength of aninterfering mobile radio signal at theTV station’s calculated Grade B con-tour (64 dBu) not exceeding the TVfield strength by more than 20 dB (i.e.,84 dBu). The field strength of the TVassignment or allotment is calculatedusing the R6602 [F(50,50)] propagationcurves and any land mobile base sta-tion interfering signal is calculatedusing the R6602 [F(50,10)] propagationcurves at a receiving effective antennaheight of 9.1 meters (30 feet). Where thecalculated field strength of the TV as-signment or allotment exceeds theGrade B contour value of 64 dBu at theCanada/U.S.A. border, the land mobileradio signal may not exceed the actualcalculated TV field strength at the bor-der by more than 20 dB.

Frequency bands (MHz) Areas

852–853.25 MHz (Cornwall—TV Channel 63).

Area bounded by a line joining, clockwise, the following coordinates: starting at point45°00′00′′ N. Lat., 74°38′00′′ W. Long., moving east along the Canada/USA border to point44°59′30′′ N. Lat., 74°05′00′′ W. Long., moving south west to point 44°56′30′′ N. Lat.,74°08′00′′ W. Long. moving west to point 45°00′00′′ N. Lat., 74°38′00′′ W. Long.

The second area is bounded by a line joining, clockwise, the following coordinates: 44°50′30′′N. Lat., 75°17′30′′ W. Long., moving east along the Canada/USA border to point 44°55′30′′N. Lat., 75°05′00′′ W. Long., moving south to point 44°55′00′′ N. Lat., 75°05′00′′ W. Long.,moving south west to point 44°53′00′′ N. Lat., 75°06′30′′ W. Long., moving south west topoint 44°48′30′′ N. Lat., 75°14′30′′ W. Long., and moving north west to point 44°50′30′′ N.Lat., 75°17′30′′ W. Long.

852–854.75 MHz (Vancouver—TV Channel 63).

Area bounded by a line joining, clockwise, the following coordinates: starting at point49°00′00′′ N. Lat., 122°45′30′′ W. Long., moving east along the Canada/USA border topoint 49°00′00′′ N. Lat., 122°05′00′′ W. Long., moving south west to point 48°57′30′′ N.Lat., 122°09′00′′ W. Long., moving west to point 48°59′00′′ N. Lat., 122°44′30′′ W. Long.,and moving north to point 49°00′00′′ N. Lat., 122°45′30′′ W. Long.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.619

(6) [Reserved](7) Frequencies in Regions 1–8 are

designated in accordance with the fol-lowing:

(i) As shown in § 90.613, mobile andcontrol station transmitting fre-quencies will commence with ChannelNo. 1 at 806.0125 MHz, followed by Chan-nel No. 2 at 806.0375 MHz and proceedwith uniform 25 kHz spacing to theband end, with Channel No. 600 at820.9875 MHz. Corresponding base sta-tion frequencies, separated by 45 MHzfrom the mobile control frequencies,will commence with Channel No. 1 at851.0125 MHz and end with Channel No.600 at 865.9875 MHz.

(ii) Channels will be arranged into 5-channel groups. Because of the dis-tribution and differing number of chan-nels available for United States use inRegions 1–8, channel spacing betweenchannels in a 5-channel group vary asfollows:

RegionNumber of5-channel



in a 5-channelgroup


1, 4, 5, 6 ......................................... 60 302 ..................................................... 36 183 ..................................................... 1 80 407, 8 ................................................. 120 40

1 Region 3 also has ten (10) contiguous channels in each ofthe two allocated sub-bands.

(iii) The Public Safety Category con-sists of those entities eligible in thePublic Safety Pool of subpart B of thispart. The Industrial/Land Transpor-tation Category consists of Power, Pe-troleum, Forest Products, Film andVideo Production, Relay Press, SpecialIndustrial, Manufacturers, TelephoneMaintenance, Motor Carrier, Railroad,Taxicab, and Automobile Emergencylicensees (as defined in § 90.7). TheBusiness Radio Category consists ofthose entities eligible in the Industrial/Business Pool of subpart C of this part.Specialized Mobile Radio Systems(SMRS) will not be authorized in anyof the above mentioned categories, butonly in the SMRS category to those ap-plicants eligible under § 90.603(c).

(8) Tables 9, 10, 11, and 12 list thechannels available in Regions 1, 4, 5,and 6 for the categories of users indi-cated. Frequencies are given in § 90.613.


[Regions 1, 4, 5, 6]

Group No. Channel No.

1 ..................................................... 1–31–61–91–1212 ..................................................... 2–32–62–92–1223 ..................................................... 3–33–63–93–1234 ..................................................... 4–34–64–94–1245 ..................................................... 5–35–65–95–1256 ..................................................... 6–36–66–96–1267 ..................................................... 7–37–67–97–1278 ..................................................... 8–38–68–98–1289 ..................................................... 9–39–69–99–12910 ................................................... 10–40–70–100–13011 ................................................... 11–41–71–101–13112 ................................................... 12–42–72–102–13213 ................................................... 13–43–73–103–13314 ................................................... 14–44–74–104–13415 ................................................... 15–45–75–105–13516 ................................................... 16–46–76–106–13617 ................................................... 17–47–77–107–137


[Regions 1, 4, 5, 6]

Group No. Channel No.

18 ................................................... 18–48–78–108–13819 ................................................... 19–49–79–109–13920 ................................................... 20–50–80–110–14021 ................................................... 21–51–81–111–14122 ................................................... 22–52–82–112–14223 ................................................... 23–53–83–113–14324 ................................................... 24–54–84–114–14425 ................................................... 25–55–85–115–14526 ................................................... 26–56–86–116–14627 ................................................... 27–57–87–117–14728 ................................................... 28–58–88–118–14829 ................................................... 29–59–89–119–149


[Regions 1, 4, 5, 6]

Group No. Channel No.

451 ................................................. 451–481–511–541–571452 ................................................. 452–482–512–542–572453 ................................................. 453–483–513–543–573454 ................................................. 454–484–514–544–574455 ................................................. 455–485–515–545–575456 ................................................. 456–486–516–546–576457 ................................................. 457–487–517–547–577458 ................................................. 458–488–518–548–578459 ................................................. 459–489–519–549–579460 ................................................. 460–490–520–550–580461 ................................................. 461–491–521–551–581462 ................................................. 462–492–522–552–582


(Regions 1, 4, 5, 6)

Spectrum block Channel Nos.

EA-Based SMR Category (90 Channels)

A ............................................ None.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.619


(Regions 1, 4, 5, 6)

Spectrum block Channel Nos.

B ............................................ 463 through 480.C ............................................ 493 through 510, 523 through

540, 553 through 570, 583through 600.

General Category (5 Channels)

G through V ........................... None.D ............................................ 30.E ............................................ 60 and 90.F ............................................. 120 and 150.

(9) Tables 13, 14 15, and 16 list the fre-quencies available in Region 2 for thecategories of users indicated.


[Region 2]

Group No. Channel Nos.

1 ..................................................... 1–19–37–55–732 ..................................................... 2–20–38–56–743 ..................................................... 3–21–39–57–754 ..................................................... 4–22–40–58–765 ..................................................... 5–23–41–59–776 ..................................................... 6–24–42–60–787 ..................................................... 7–25–43–61–798 ..................................................... 8–26–44–62–809 ..................................................... 9–27–45–63–8110 ................................................... 10–28–46–64–82


[Region 2]

Group No. Channel Nos.

11 ................................................... 11–29–47–65–8312 ................................................... 12–30–48–66–8413 ................................................... 13–31–49–67–8514 ................................................... 14–32–50–68–8615 ................................................... 15–33–51–69–8716 ................................................... 16–34–52–70–8817 ................................................... 17–35–53–71–89


[Region 2]

Group No. Channel Nos.

511 ................................................. 511–529–547–565–583512 ................................................. 512–530–548–566–584513 ................................................. 513–531–549–567–585514 ................................................. 514–532–550–568–586515 ................................................. 515–533–551–569–587516 ................................................. 516–534–552–570–588517 ................................................. 517–535–553–571–589


(Region 2)

Spectrum block Channel Nos.

SMR Category (55 Channels)

A ............................................ None.B ............................................ None.C ............................................ 518 through 528, 536 through

546, 554 through 564, 572through 582, 590 through600.

G through V ........................... None.

General Category (5 Channels)

D 18 and 36..E ............................................ 54–72–90.F ............................................. None.

(10) Tables 17, 18, 19, and 20 list thefrequencies available in Region 3 forthe categories of users indicated.


Group No. Channel Nos.

1 ..................................................... 1–41–81–121–1612 ..................................................... 2–42–82–122–1623 ..................................................... 3–43–83–123–1634 ..................................................... 4–44–84–124–1645 ..................................................... 5–45–85–125–1656 ..................................................... 6–46–86–126–1667 ..................................................... 7–47–87–127–1678 ..................................................... 8–48–88–128–1689 ..................................................... 9–49–89–129–16910 ................................................... 10–50–90–130–17011 ................................................... 11–51–91–131–17112 ................................................... 12–52–92–132–17213 ................................................... 13–53–93–133–17314 ................................................... 14–54–94–134–17415 ................................................... 15–55–95–135–17516 ................................................... 16–56–96–136–17617 ................................................... 17–57–97–137–17718 ................................................... 18–58–98–138–17819 ................................................... 19–59–99–139–17920 ................................................... 20–60–100–140–18021 ................................................... 21–61–101–141–18122 ................................................... 22–62–102–142–182Contiguous channels ..................... 201, 202, 203, 204, 205


[Region 3]

Group No. Channel Nos.

23 ................................................... 23–63–103–143–18324 ................................................... 24–64–104–144–18425 ................................................... 25–65–105–145–18526 ................................................... 26–66–106–146–18627 ................................................... 27–67–107–147–18728 ................................................... 28–68–108–148–18829 ................................................... 29–69–109–149–18930 ................................................... 30–70–110–150–19031 ................................................... 31–71–111–151–19132 ................................................... 32–72–112–152–19233 ................................................... 33–73–113–153–19334 ................................................... 34–74–114–154–194

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.619


[Region 3]

Group No. Channel Nos.

35 ................................................... 35–75–115–155–19536 ................................................... 36–76–116–156–19637 ................................................... 37–77–117–157–197Contiguous channels ..................... 391, 392, 393, 394, 395,

396, 397, 398, 399, 400


[Region 3]

Group No. Channel Nos.

401 ................................................. 401–441–481–521–561402 ................................................. 402–442–482–522–562403 ................................................. 403–443–483–523–563404 ................................................. 404–444–484–524–564405 ................................................. 405–445–485–525–565406 ................................................. 406–446–486–526–566407 ................................................. 407–447–487–527–567408 ................................................. 408–448–488–528–568409 ................................................. 409–449–489–529–569410 ................................................. 410–450–490–530–570411 ................................................. 411–451–491–531–571412 ................................................. 412–452–492–532–572413 ................................................. 413–453–493–533–573414 ................................................. 414–454–494–534–574415 ................................................. 415–455–495–535–575416 ................................................. 416–456–496–536–576Contiguous channels ..................... 206, 207, 208, 209, 210


(Region 3)

Spectrum block Channel Nos.

SMR Category (120 Channels)

A ............................................ 417 through 420.B ............................................ 421 through 440, 457 through

480.C ............................................ 497 through 520, 537 through

560, 577 through 600.

General Category (15 Channels)

G through V ........................... None.D ............................................ 38–39–40–158–159.E ............................................ 78–79–80–160–198.F ............................................. 118–119–120–199–200.

(11) Tables 21, 22, 23, and 24 list thefrequencies available in Regions 7 and 8for the categories of users indicated.


Group No. Channel Nos.

1 ..................................................... 1–41–81–121–1612 ..................................................... 2–42–82–122–1623 ..................................................... 3–43–83–123–1634 ..................................................... 4–44–84–124–1645 ..................................................... 5–45–85–125–165


Group No. Channel Nos.

6 ..................................................... 6–46–86–126–1667 ..................................................... 7–47–87–127–1678 ..................................................... 8–48–88–128–1689 ..................................................... 9–49–89–129–16910 ................................................... 10–50–90–130–17011 ................................................... 11–51–91–131–17112 ................................................... 12–52–92–132–17213 ................................................... 13–53–93–133–17314 ................................................... 14–54–94–134–17415 ................................................... 15–55–95–135–17516 ................................................... 16–56–96–136–17617 ................................................... 17–57–97–137–17718 ................................................... 18–58–98–138–17819 ................................................... 19–59–99–139–17920 ................................................... 20–60–100–140–18021 ................................................... 21–61–101–141–18122 ................................................... 22–62–102–142–18223 ................................................... 23–63–103–143–18324 ................................................... 24–64–104–144–18425 ................................................... 25–65–105–145–18526 ................................................... 26–66–106–146–18627 ................................................... 27–67–107–147–18728 ................................................... 28–68–108–148–18829 ................................................... 29–69–109–149–18930 ................................................... 30–70–110–150–19031 ................................................... 31–71–111–151–19132 ................................................... 32–72–112–152–19233 ................................................... 33–73–113–153–19334 ................................................... 34–74–114–154–194


Group No. Channel Nos.

201 ................................................. 201–241–281–321–361202 ................................................. 202–242–282–322–362203 ................................................. 203–243–283–323–363204 ................................................. 204–244–284–324–364205 ................................................. 205–245–285–325–365206 ................................................. 206–246–286–326–366207 ................................................. 207–247–287–327–367208 ................................................. 208–248–288–328–368209 ................................................. 209–249–289–329–369210 ................................................. 210–250–290–330–370211 ................................................. 211–251–291–331–371212 ................................................. 212–252–292–332–372213 ................................................. 213–253–293–333–373214 ................................................. 214–254–294–334–374215 ................................................. 215–255–295–335–375216 ................................................. 216–256–296–336–376217 ................................................. 217–257–297–337–377218 ................................................. 218–258–298–338–378219 ................................................. 219–259–299–339–379220 ................................................. 220–260–300–340–380221 ................................................. 221–261–301–341–381222 ................................................. 222–262–302–342–382223 ................................................. 223–263–303–343–383224 ................................................. 224–264–304–344–384


Group No. Channel Nos.

401 ................................................. 401–441–481–521–561402 ................................................. 402–442–482–522–562403 ................................................. 403–443–483–523–563404 ................................................. 404–444–484–524–564

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.619


Group No. Channel Nos.

405 ................................................. 405–445–485–525–565406 ................................................. 406–446–486–526–566407 ................................................. 407–447–487–527–567408 ................................................. 408–448–488–528–568409 ................................................. 409–449–489–529–569410 ................................................. 410–450–490–530–570411 ................................................. 411–451–491–531–571412 ................................................. 412–452–492–532–572413 ................................................. 413–453–493–533–573414 ................................................. 414–454–494–534–574415 ................................................. 415–455–495–535–575416 ................................................. 416–456–496–536–576417 ................................................. 417–457–497–537–577418 ................................................. 418–458–498–538–578419 ................................................. 419–459–499–539–579420 ................................................. 420–460–500–540–580421 ................................................. 421–461–501–541–581422 ................................................. 422–462–502–542–582423 ................................................. 423–463–503–543–583424 ................................................. 424–464–504–544–584


Spectrum block Channel Nos.

SMR Category (172 Channels)

A ............................................ 389 through 400B ............................................ 425 through 440, 465 through

480C ............................................ 505 through 520, 545 through

560, 585 through 600G ............................................ 155–229–269–309–349H ............................................ 156–230–270–310–350I .............................................. 157–231–271–311–351J ............................................. 158–232–272–312–352K ............................................ 159–233–273–313–353L ............................................. 160–234–274–314–354M ............................................ 195–235–275–315–355N ............................................ 196–236–276–316–356O ............................................ 197–237–277–317–357P ............................................ 198–238–278–318–358Q ............................................ 199–239–279–319–359R ............................................ 200–240–280–320–360S ............................................ 225–265–305–345–385T ............................................. 226–266–306–346–386U ............................................ 227–267–307–347–387V ............................................ 228–268–308–348–388

General Category (18 Channels)

D ............................................ 35 through 40E ............................................ 75 through 80F ............................................. 115 through 120

(c) Use of frequencies in the 821–824/866–869 MHz band (Channels 601–830) in theU.S./Canada border area. The followingcriteria shall govern the assignment offrequency pairs (channels) in the 821–824/866–869 MHz band for stations lo-cated in the U.S./Canada border area.

They are available for assignments forconventional or trunked systems in ac-cordance with applicable sections ofthis subpart and the Report and Orderin Gen. Docket No. 87–112. They are notavailable for intercategory sharing.

(1) Channels 601–830, as listed in§ 90.613 table of 806–824/851–869 MHzChannel Designations, are available toeligible applicants in the Public SafetyCategory for use in the U.S./Canadaborder area as shown in table 25. Addi-tionally, Channels 601, 639, 677, 715, and753 are available in all regions only formutual aid purposes.


Re-gion Location (longitude) Chan-


1 ....... 66° W–71° W (0–100 km from border) ..... 715–8302 ....... 71° W–80°30′ W (0–100 km from border) 760–8303 ....... 80°30′ W–85° W (0–100 km from border) 636–8304 ....... 85° W–121°30′ W (0–100 km from bor-


5 ....... 121°30′ W–127° W (0–140 km from bor-der).


6 ....... 127° W–143° W (0–100 km from border) 715–8307 ....... 66° W–121°30′ W (100–140 km from bor-


8 ....... 127° W–143° W (100–140 km from bor-der).


Note: For assignments in the 821–824/866–869 MHzbands, the cities of Akron, Ohio (41°05′00′′ N, 81°30′40′′ W)and Youngstown, Ohio (41°05′57′′ N, 80°39′02′′ W) are con-sidered outside of Region 3, and Syracuse, New York(43°03′04′′ N, 76°09′14′′ W) is considered outside of Region2. These cities are defined as an area with the given centercoordinates and encompassing a circle of 30 km radius.

(2) All frequency assignments madepursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this sec-tion shall comply with the require-ments of § 90.619(b)(2).

(3) In Region 5, Channels 601–714 maybe authorized in the United Statesunder the following conditions:

(i) An assignment may be made if thepredicted power flux density (PFD) of aproposed station’s signal does not ex-ceed ¥107 dBW/m 2 at the border. Theprediction of the PFD is calculatedbased upon a modified Longley-Ricepoint-to-point propagation model withtime and location variabilities of 10

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.619

1 G.A. Hufford, A.G. Longley, and W.A.Kissick, A guide to the use of the ITS irregularterrain model in the area prediction mode, NTIAReport 82–100. (Available from U.S. Depart-ment of Commerce, National Technical andInformation Service (NTIS), Springfield, VA22161. Accession number PB–217977.)

A.G. Longley and P.L. Rice, Prediction oftropospheric radio transmission loss over irregu-lar terrain—a computer method 1968, ESSATechnical Report ERL 79–ITS 67. (Availablefrom NTIS, Assession number AD–676–874.)

P.L. Rice, A.G. Longley, K.A. Norton, andA.P. Barsis, Transmission loss predictions fortropospheric communication circuits, NationalBureau of Standards Technical Note 101, Vol-umes I and II. (Available from NTIS,Assession numbers AD–687–820 and AD–687–821.)

2 Level 1-Digital Terrain Elevation Data,United States Defense Mapping Agency.(Available from National Cartographic Infor-mation Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 507National Center, Reston, VA 22092 as DigitalElevation Model Data in 1°×1° units. Two ofthese units are required to cover each 1°×2°map (1:250,000-scale quadrangle) from whichthe data were produced.

percent 1 and 3-second digitized terraindata.2

(ii) Authorizations for Channels 601–714 in Region 5 are secondary to Cana-dian operations and conditioned to re-quire that licensees take immediateaction to eliminate any harmful inter-ference resulting from the station’stransmitted signal exceeding ¥107dBW/m 2 at or beyond the U.S./Canadaborder.

(4) Channel assignments for stationsto be located in the geographical areain Region 1 enclosed by the UnitesStates-Canada border, the meridian71°W and the line beginning at theintersection of 44°25′ N, 71° W, then-run-ning by great circle arc to the intersec-tion of 45° N, 70° W, then North alongmeridian 70° W to the intersection of45°45′ N, then running West along 45°45′N to the intersection of the UnitedStates-Canada border, will be only foreven numbered channels beginningwith Channel 716 and ending withChannel 758.

(5) Channel assignments for stationsto be located in the geographical areain Region 3 enclosed by the meridian81° W longitude, the arc of a circle of100 km radius centered at 42°39′30′′ Nlatitude 81° W longitude at the north-ern shore of Lake Erie and drawn

clockwise from the southerly intersec-tion with 80°30′ W longitude to inter-sect the United States-Canada borderWest of 81° W, and the United States-Canada border, will be only for evennumbered channels beginning withChannel 636 and ending with Channel758. Coordination with Canada will berequired for these channels. U.S. sta-tions must protect Canadian stationsoperating on channels 636 through 758within an area of 30 km radius from thecenter city coordinates of London, On-tario (42°59′ N, 81°14′ W).

(6) Additional channels available.—Thechannels listed in table 26 are availablefor assignment in Regions 1–6 if themaximum power flux density (PFD) ofthe station’s transmitted signal doesnot exceed the limits specified in ta-bles 27 and 28. The spreading loss shallbe calculated using the free space for-mula taking into account an antennadiscrimination in the direction of theborder.


Region ChannelNo.’s

Effective radiatedpower

1 ................................... 601–714 See Table 292 ................................... 601–759 See Table 293 ................................... 601–635 See Table 294 ................................... 601–714 See Table 295 ................................... 601–714 See Table 306 ................................... 601–714 See Table 29

Authorizations for stations usingthese channels will be secondary to Ca-nadian operations and conditioned torequire that licensees take immediateaction to eliminate any harmful inter-ference resulting from the station’stransmitted signal exceeding the val-ues specified in tables 29 or 30 at or be-yond the U.S./Canada border.

(d) Use of frequencies in the 896–901/935–940 MHz band (Channels 1–399) in theU.S./Canada border area. The followingcriteria shall govern the assignment offrequency pairs (channels) in the 896–901/935–940 MHz band for stations lo-cated in the U.S./Canada border area.They are available for assignments forconventional or trunked systems in ac-cordance with applicable sections ofthis subpart.

(1) Channels 1–399, as listed in § 90.613table of 896–901/935–940 MHz ChannelDesignations, are available to eligible

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.619

3 See note 1, paragraph (c) of this section.4 See note 2, paragraph (c) of this section.

applicants for use in the U.S./Canadaborder area as shown in table 27. Addi-tionally, Channels 71, 75, 79, 151, 155,and 159 are available in all regions onlyfor implementation of an AdvancedTrain Control System as defined in 3FCC Rcd 427 (1988) (Advanced TrainControl Waiver).


Re-gion Location (longitude) Chan-


1 ....... 66° W–71° W. (0–100 km from border) .... 1–200,398,399

2 ....... 71° W–80°30′ W (0–100 km from border) 1–1203 ....... 80°30′ W–85° W (0–100 km from border) 1–3404 ....... 85° W–121°30′ W (0–100 km from bor-



5 ....... 121°30′ W–127° W (0–140 km from bor-der).


6 ....... 127° W–143° W (0–100 km from border) 1–200,398,399

7 ....... 66° W–121°30′ W (100–140 km from bor-der).


8 ....... 127° W–143° W (100–140 km from bor-der).


Note: For assignments in the 896–901/935–940 MHzbands, the cities of Akron, Ohio (41°05′00′′ N, 81°30′40′′ W)and Youngstown, Ohio (41°05′57′′ N, 80°39′02′′ W) are con-sidered outside of Region 3, and Syracuse, New York(43°03′04′′ N, 76°09′14′′ W) is considered outside of Region2. These cities are defined as an area with the given centercoordinates and encompassing a circle of 30 km radius.

(2) All frequency assignments madepursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this sec-tion shall comply with the require-ments of § 90.619(b)(2).

(3) In Region 5, Channels 201–397 maybe authorized in the United Statesunder the following conditions:

(i) An assignment may be made if thepredicted power flux density (PFD) of aproposed station’s signal does not ex-ceed –107 dBW/m2 at the border. Theprediction of the PFD is calculatedbased upon a modified Longley-Ricepoint-to-point propagation model withtime and location variabilities of 10percent3 and 3-second digitized terraindate4.

(ii) Authorizations for Channels 201–397 in Region 5 are secondary to Cana-dian operations and conditioned to re-

quire that licensees take immediateaction to eliminate any harmful inter-ference resulting from the station’stransmitted signal exceeding –107 dBW/m2 at or beyond the U.S./Canada bor-der.

(4) Channel assignments for stationsto be located in the geographical areain Region 1 enclosed by the UnitedStates-Canada border, the meridian 71°W and the line beginning at the inter-section of 44°25′ N, 71° W, then runningby great circle arc to the intersectionof 45° N, 70° W, then North along merid-ian 70° W to the intersection of 45°45′ N,then running West along 45°45′ N to theintersection of the United States-Can-ada border, will be only for channels121 through 160, inclusive, and will belimited to assignments with 11 kHz orless necessary bandwidth. Coordinationwith Canada will be required for thesechannels.

(5) Channel assignments for stationsto be located in the geographical areain Region 3 enclosed by the meridian of81° W longitude, the arc of a circle of100 km radius centered at 42°39′30′′ Nlatitude and 81° W longitude at thenorthern shore of Lake Erie and drawnclockwise from the southerly intersec-tion with 80°30′ W longitude to inter-sect the United States-Canada borderWest of 81° W, and the United States-Canada border, will be only for chan-nels 121 through 230, inclusive, and willbe limited to assignments with 11 kHzor less necessary bandwidth. Coordina-tion with Canada will be required forthese channels. U.S. stations must pro-tect Canadian stations operating onchannels 121 through 230 within an areaof 30 km radius from the center city co-ordinates of London, Ontario (42°59′ N,81° 14′ W).

(6) Additional channels available—Thechannels listed in table 28 are availablefor assignment in Regions 1–6 if themaximum power flux density (PFD) ofthe station’s transmitted signal doesnot exceed the limits specified in ta-bles 29 and 30. The spreading loss shallbe calculated using the free space for-mula taking into account any antennadiscrimination in the direction of theborder.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.621


Region ChannelNo.’s

Effective radiatedpower

1 ................................... 201–397 See Table 292 ................................... 121–399 See Table 293 ................................... 341–399 See Table 294 ................................... 201–397 See Table 295 ................................... 201–397 See Table 306 ................................... 201–397 See Table 29

Authorizations for stations usingthese channels will be secondary to Ca-nadian operations and conditioned torequire that licensees take immediateaction to eliminate any harmful inter-ference resulting from the station’stransmitted signal exceeding the val-ues specified in tables 29 or 30 at or be-yond the U.S./Canada border.


[Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6]

Effective antenna height (EAH) PFD (dBW/m 2)Feet Meters

0–500 ........................ 0–152 ....................... ¥84501–1000 .................. 153–305 ................... ¥901001–1500 ................ 306–457 ................... ¥951501–2000 ................ 458–609 ................... ¥982001–2500 ................ 610–762 ................... ¥1012501–3000 ................ 763–914 ................... ¥1013001–3500 ................ 915–1066 ................. ¥1033501–4000 ................ 1067–1219 ............... ¥104Above 4000 ............... Above 1219 .............. ¥104


[Region 5]

Antenna height above mean sea level PFD (dBW/m 2)Feet Meters

0–1650 ...................... 0–503 ....................... ¥87.01651–2000 ................ 504–609 ................... ¥88.52001–2500 ................ 610–762 ................... ¥91.02501–3000 ................ 763–914 ................... ¥92.53001–3500 ................ 915–1066 ................. ¥94.03501–4000 ................ 1067–1219 ............... ¥95.04001–4500 ................ 1220–1371 ............... ¥95.54501–5000 ................ 1372–1523 ............... ¥96.0Above 5000 ............... Above 1523 .............. ¥107.0

(Secs. 4(i) and 303, Communications Act, asamended, and 5 U.S.C. 553 (b)(3)(B) and (d)(1))

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982; 47 FR 41045, Sept.16, 1982; 47 FR 51883, Nov. 18, 1982, as amendedat 48 FR 51928, Nov. 15, 1983; 49 FR 22094, May25, 1984; 50 FR 12261, Mar. 28, 1985; 52 FR 3662,Feb. 5, 1987; 55 FR 42571, Oct. 22, 1990; 56 FR41469, Aug. 21, 1991; 57 FR 55146, Nov. 24, 1992;58 FR 31476, June 3, 1993; 58 FR 44963, Aug. 25,1993; 59 FR 31558, June 20, 1994; 60 FR 48918,Sept. 21, 1995; 61 FR 6156, Feb. 16, 1996; 61 FR6577, Feb. 21, 1996; 62 FR 18935, Apr. 17, 1997;62 FR 41214, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.621 Selection and assignment offrequencies.

(a) Applicants for frequencies in thePublic Safety, Industrial/Land Trans-portation, and Business Categoriesmust specify on the application the fre-quencies on which the proposed systemwill operate pursuant to a rec-ommendation by the applicable fre-quency coordinator. Applicants for fre-quencies in the SMR Category must re-quest specific frequencies by includingin their applications the frequenciesrequested.

(1) For trunked systems, the assign-ment of frequencies will be made in ac-cordance with applicable loading cri-teria and in accordance with the fol-lowing:

(i) Channels will be chosen and as-signed in accordance with §§ 90.615,90.617, or 90.619.

(ii) A mobile station is authorized totransmit on any frequency assigned toits associated base station.

(iii) There are no limitations on thenumber of frequencies that may betrunked. Authorizations for non-SMRstations may be granted for up to 20trunked frequency pairs at a time inaccordance with the frequencies listedin §§ 90.615, 90.617, and 90.619.

(2) For conventional systems the as-signment of frequencies will be made inaccordance with applicable loading cri-teria. Accordingly, depending upon thenumber of mobile units to be served, anapplicant may either be required toshare a channel, or, if an applicantshows a sufficient number of mobileunits to warrant the assignment of oneor more channels for its exclusive use,it may be licensed to use such channelor channels on an unshared basis in thearea of operation specified in its appli-cation.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.621

(i) Channels will be chosen and as-signed in accordance with §§ 90.615,90.617, or 90.619.

(ii) A mobile station is authorized totransmit on any frequency assigned toits associated base station.

(b) Stations authorized on fre-quencies listed in this subpart, exceptfor those stations authorized pursuantto paragraph (g) of this section and EA-based and MTA-based SMR systems,will be afforded protection solely onthe basis of fixed distance separationcriteria. For Channel Blocks A,through V, as set forth in § 90.917(d),the separation between co-channel sys-tems will be a minimum of 113 km (70mi) with one exception. For incumbentlicensees in Channel Blocks D throughV, that have received the consent of allaffected parties to utilize an 18 dBµV/msignal strength interference contour(see § 90.693), the separation betweenco-channel systems will be a minimumof 173 km (107 mi). The following excep-tions to these separations shall apply:

(1) Except as indicated in paragraph(b)(4) of this section, no station inChannel Blocks A through V shall beless than 169 km (105 mi) distant froma co-channel station that has beengranted channel exclusivity and au-thorized 1 kW ERP on any of the fol-lowing mountaintop sites: SantiagoPeak, Sierra Peak, Mount Lukens,Mount Wilson (California). Except asindicated in paragraph (b)(4) of thissection, no incumbent licensee inChannel Blocks D through V that havereceived the consent of all affected par-

ties to utilize an 18 dBµV/m signalstrength interference contour shall beless than 229 km (142 mi) distant froma co-channel station that has beengranted channel exclusivity and au-thorized 1 kW ERP on any of the fol-lowing mountaintop sites: SantiagoPeak, Sierra Peak, Mount Lukens,Mount Wilson (California).

(2) The separation between co-chan-nel stations that have been granted ex-clusivity and that are located at highsites in California north of 35° N Lati-tude and west of 118° W Longitude shallbe determined as follows:

(i) Required co-channel separationsbetween common antenna sites aregiven by table 1. A channel group as-signed to a station on a site listed inthe vertical column may not be re-as-signed to a station on a site listed inthe horizontal column if there is an‘‘X’’ in the box created by the intersec-tion of the vertical and horizontallines. The geographic coordinates list-ed in the table represent an average foreach particular site; all locations with-in 1.6 km (1 mi) of the coordinates willbe considered to be at that site.

(ii) Required co-channel separationsinvolving antenna sites not listed intable 1 shall be determined by Commis-sion staff on a case by case basis. Theinterference potential of proposed as-signments will be evaluated consider-ing parameters such as antenna height,effective radiated power, terrain irreg-ularities, and market conditions.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.621

(3) Except as indicated in paragraph(b)(4) of this section, stations in Chan-nel Blocks A through V that have beengranted channel exclusivity and are lo-cated in the State of Washington at thelocations listed below shall be sepa-rated from co-channel stations by aminimum of 169 km (105 mi). Except asindicated in paragraph (b)(4) of thissection, incumbent licensees in Chan-nel Blocks D through V that have re-ceived the consent of all affected par-

ties to utilize an 18 dBµV/m signalstrength interference contour, havebeen granted channel exclusivity andare located in the State of Washingtonat the locations listed below shall beseparated from co-channel stations bya minimum of 229 km (142 mi). Loca-tions within one mile of the geographi-cal coordinates listed in the tablebelow will be considered to be at thatsite.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.621

Site name North lati-tude

West lon-gitude

Mount Constitution ....................... 48–40–48 122–50–24Lyman Mountain .......................... 48–35–42 122–09–35Cultus Mountain ........................... 48–25–31 122–08–54Gunsite Ridge .............................. 48–03–23 121–51–37Gold Mountain .............................. 47–32–52 122–46–52Buck Mountain ............................. 47–47–06 122–59–30Cougar Mountain ......................... 47–32–40 122–06–30Squak Mountain ........................... 47–30–15 122–03–30Tiger Mountain ............................. 47–30–14 121–58–28Devils Mountain ........................... 48–21–53 122–16–02McDonald Mountain ..................... 47–20–12 122–51–26Maynard Hill ................................. 48–00–59 122–55–31North Mountain ............................ 47–19–08 123–20–44Green Mountain ........................... 47–33–41 122–48–27Capitol Peak ................................. 46–58–22 123–08–17Rattlesnake Mountain .................. 47–28–10 121–49–13Three Sisters Mountain ................ 47–07–20 121–53–30Grass Mountain ............................ 47–12–15 121–47–38Spar Pole Hill ............................... 47–02–52 122–08–35

(4) Upon an applicant’s specific re-quest to the Commission or a fre-quency coordinator, co-channel sta-tions may be separated by less than 113km (70 mi) by meeting certain trans-mitter ERP and antenna height cri-teria. The following table indicatesseparations assignable to such co-chan-nel stations for various transmitterpower and antenna height combina-tions. The minimum separation per-mitted is 88 km (55 mi). Applicants willprovide the Commission with a state-ment that the application is submittedfor consideration under the table, a listof all co-channel stations within 113km (70 mi), and the DHAATs and ERPsfor these stations and the applicant’sproposed station. Applicants seeking tobe licensed for stations located at dis-tances less than those prescribed in thetable are required to secure a waiverand must submit with the application,in addition to the above, an inter-ference analysis, based upon any of thegenerally-accepted terrain-based prop-agation models, that shows that co-channel stations would receive thesame or greater interference protectionthan provided in the table. Requestsfor separations less than 88 km (55 mi)must also include an analysis of inter-ference potential from mobile trans-mitters to existing co-channel base sta-tion receivers. Applicants seeking awaiver must submit with their applica-

tion a certificate of service indicatingthat concurrent with the submission ofthe application to the Commission or acoordinator, all co-channel licenseeswithin the applicable area were servedwith a copy of the application and allattachments thereto. Licensees thusserved may file an opposition to the ap-plication within 30 days from the datethe application is filed with the Com-mission.

(i) The directional height of the an-tenna above average terrain (DHAAT)is calculated from the average of theantenna heights above average terrainfrom 3 to 16 km (2 to 10 mi) from theproposed site along a radial extendingin the direction of the existing stationand the radials 15 degrees to either sideof that radial.

(ii) Except for the sites listed in para-graphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of thissection, additional co-channel distanceseparation must be afforded to an ex-isting station from an applicant wish-ing to locate a station less than 113 km(70 mi) from a co-channel station,where either the applicant’s or the ex-isting station is located at sites withDHAATs of 458 m (1500 ft) and above.The separation between short-spacedco-channel stations shall be deter-mined as follows:

(A) Calculate the DHAAT in each di-rection between every existing co-channel station with 113 km (70 mi) andthe proposed station.

(B) In the table, locate the approxi-mate ERP and DHAAT values for theproposed and existing stations.

(C) When DHAAT values are greaterthan 458 m (1500 ft), use the requiredseparation for 305 m (1000 ft) and add 1.6km (1 mi) for every 30.5 km (100 ft), orincrement thereof, of DHAAT above 458m (1500 ft) to the distance indicated inthe table. If both the proposed existingstations have DHAATs of 458 m (1500 ft)or more, the additional distance is sep-arately determined for each stationand the combined distance is added tothe distance obtained from the table.Protection to existing stations will beafforded only up to 113 km (70 mi).

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.621


Proposed station ERP (watts)/DHAAT(m) 3

Distance between stations (km) 1,2

Existing station DHAAT (meters) 3

305 215 150 108 75 54 37

1000/305 ................................................................................. 113 113 113 113 113 113 1131000/215 ................................................................................. 113 113 113 113 113 113 1101000/150 ................................................................................. 113 113 113 113 112 108 1031000/108 ................................................................................. 113 113 113 110 107 103 981000/75 ................................................................................... 113 112 108 103 100 96 911000/54 ................................................................................... 113 109 105 100 97 93 881000/37 ................................................................................... 109 104 100 95 92 88 88500/305 ................................................................................... 113 113 113 113 113 113 110500/215 ................................................................................... 113 113 113 112 109 105 100500/150 ................................................................................... 113 112 108 103 100 96 91500/108 ................................................................................... 112 107 103 98 95 91 88500/75 ..................................................................................... 107 102 98 93 90 88 88500/54 ..................................................................................... 103 98 94 89 88 88 88500/37 ..................................................................................... 99 94 90 88 88 88 88250/305 ................................................................................... 113 113 113 112 109 105 100250/215 ................................................................................... 113 113 107 102 99 95 90250/150 ................................................................................... 109 104 100 95 92 88 88250/108 ................................................................................... 105 100 96 91 88 88 88250/75 ..................................................................................... 99 94 90 88 88 88 88250/54 ..................................................................................... 95 90 88 88 88 88 88250/37 ..................................................................................... 91 88 88 88 88 88 88125/305 ................................................................................... 113 111 107 102 99 95 90125/215 ................................................................................... 108 103 99 94 91 88 88125/150 ................................................................................... 103 98 94 89 88 88 88125/108 ................................................................................... 98 93 89 88 88 88 88125/75 ..................................................................................... 93 88 88 88 88 88 88125/54 ..................................................................................... 88 88 88 88 88 88 88125/37 ..................................................................................... 88 88 88 88 88 88 8862/305 ..................................................................................... 108 103 99 94 91 88 8862/215 ..................................................................................... 103 98 94 89 88 88 8862/150 ..................................................................................... 97 92 88 88 88 88 8862/108 ..................................................................................... 92 88 88 88 88 88 8862/75 ....................................................................................... 88 88 88 88 88 88 8862/54 ....................................................................................... 88 88 88 88 88 88 8862/37 ....................................................................................... 88 88 88 88 88 88 88

1 Separations for stations on Santiago Peak, Sierra Peak, Mount Lukens, and Mount Wilson (CA) and the locations in the Stateof Washington listed in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are 56 km (35 mi) greater than those listed in the table above. In theevent of conflict between this table and the table of additional California high elevation sites shown in paragraph (b)(2) of thissection, the latter will apply.

2 Distances shown are derived from the R–6602 curves and are based upon a non-overlap of the 22 dBu (F50,10) interferencecontour of the proposed station with the 40 dBu (F50,50) contour of the existing station(s). No consideration is given to the 40dBu service contour of the proposed station and the 22 dBu contour of the existing station(s). The minimum separation of sta-tions will be 88 km (55 mi).

3 All existing stations are assumed to operate with 1000 watts ERP. When the ERP and/or DHAAT of a proposed station or theDHAAT of an existing station is not indicated in the table, the next higher value(s) must be used.

(5) The separation between co-chan-nel systems may be less than the sepa-rations defined above if an applicantsubmits with its application letters ofconcurrence indicating that the appli-cant and each co-channel licenseewithin the specified separation agree toaccept any interference resulting fromthe reduced separation between theirsystems. Each letter from a co-channellicensee must certify that the systemof the concurring licensee is con-structed and fully operational. The ap-plicant must also submit with its ap-plication a certificate of service indi-cating that all concurring co-channel

licensees have been served with an ac-tual copy of the application.

(6) A station located closer than thedistances provided in this section to aco-channel station that was authorizedas short-spaced under paragraph (b)(4)of this section shall be permitted tomodify its facilities as long as the sta-tion does not extend its 22 dBu contourbeyond its maximum 22 dBu contour(i.e., the 22 dBu contour calculatedusing the station’s maximum powerand antenna height at its original loca-tion) in the direction of the short-spaced station.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.623

(7) Offset frequencies in the 811–821/856–866 MHz band for use only withinU.S./Mexico border area, as designatedin § 90.619(a), shall be considered co-channel with non-offset frequencies inthis band as designated in § 90.613. Newapplications for frequencies in thisband for stations adjacent to the U.S./Mexico border area must comply withthe co-channel separation provisions ofthis section.

(c) Conventional systems authorizedon frequencies in the Public Safety (ex-cept for those systems that have par-ticipated in a formal regional planningprocess as described in § 90.16), Indus-trial/Land Transportation, Business,and Spectrum Block D frequencies inthe 800 MHz SMR service (formerlyGeneral) Categories which have notmet the loading levels necessary forchannel exclusivity will not be affordedco-channel protection.

(d) UHF television translator sta-tions using UHF output channels fromChannels 70 through 83 operate on asecondary basis to land mobile stationsusing the UHF bands allocated underthis subpart for land mobile use. Ac-cordingly, such television translatorstations will not be protected from in-terference from such authorized landmobile stations.

(e) Frequencies in the 806–821/851–866MHz bands listed as available for eligi-bles in the Public Safety, Industrial/Land Transportation, and BusinessCategories are available for inter-cat-egory sharing under the following con-ditions:

(1) Channels in the Public Safety, In-dustrial/Land Transportation and Busi-ness categories will be available to eli-gible applicants in those categoriesonly if there are no frequencies in theirown category and no public safety sys-tems are authorized on those channelsunder consideration to be shared.

(2)–(4) [Reserved](5) The applicant must submit a

statement from its own category coor-dinator that frequencies are not avail-able in that category, and coordinationis required from the applicable out-of-category coordinator.

(6) The out-of-category licensee mustoperate by the rules applicable to thecategory to which the frequency is al-located.

(f) The 896-901/935-940 MHz channelslisted as available for eligibles in theIndustrial/Land Transportation andBusiness categories will be availablefor inter-category sharing to all per-sons eligible in those categories underthe following conditions thirty-six (36)months from the date the first author-ization in this spectrum is issued.

(1) The applicant must submit astatement from its own category coor-dinator that frequencies are not avail-able in that category, and coordinationis required from the applicable out-of-category coordinator.

(2) The out-of-category licensee mustoperate by the rules applicable to thecategory to which the frequency is al-located.

(g) Applications for Public Safetysystems (both trunked and conven-tional) in the 821–824/866–869 MHz bandswill be assigned and protected based onthe criteria established in the appro-priate regional plan. See § 90.16 and theReport and Order in General Docket 87–112.

(h) Channel numbers 401–410, 441–450,481–490, 521–530, and 561–570 are avail-able on co-primary basis to station inBasic Exchange TelecommunicationsRadio Service as described in part 22 ofthe Commission’s Rules.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982]

EDITORIAL NOTE: For Federal Register cita-tions affecting § 90.621, see the List of CFRSections Affected in the Finding Aids sec-tion of this volume.

§ 90.623 Limitations on the number offrequencies assignable for conven-tional systems.

(a) The maximum number of fre-quency pairs that may be assigned to alicensee for operation in the conven-tional mode in a given area is five (5).

(b) Where an applicant proposes tooperate a conventional radio system toprovide facilities for the use of a singleperson or entity eligible under subpartsB or C of this part, the applicant maybe assigned only the number of fre-quency pairs justified on the basis ofthe requirement of the proposed singleuser of the system.

(c) No non-SMR licensee will be au-thorized an additional frequency pairfor a conventional system within 64

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.629

kilometers (40 miles) of an existingconventional system, except where:

(1) The additional frequency pair willbe used to provide radio facilities to asingle entity and the additional fre-quency pair is justified on the basis ofthe requirements of the proposed singleuser; or,

(2) The licensee’s existing frequencypair(s) is loaded to prescribed levels.

(d) No licensee will be authorized fre-quencies for a conventional system ifthat licensee is operating an unloadedtrunked system or has an applicationpending for a trunked system to servemultiple subscribers within 64 km (40miles) of the requested conventionalsystem.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 48FR 44559, Sept. 29, 1983; 48 FR 51929, Nov. 15,1983; 58 FR 44963, Aug. 25, 1993; 59 FR 59966,Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 18935, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.625 Other criteria to be applied inassigning channels for use in con-ventional systems of communica-tion.

(a) Where an applicant shows that achannel will be loaded to 70 mobile sta-tions, that channel will be made avail-able to that applicant for its exclusiveuse in the area in which it proposes tooperate. If the showing made justifiesthe assignment of more than one chan-nel to the applicant, additional fre-quencies will be authorized.

(b) Where an applicant proposes tofurnish service to eligibles under sub-parts B or C of this part on a commer-cial basis using a conventional systemof communication, the applicant willbe considered on the same basis as thatof an applicant for private or sharedcommunication facilities.

(c) No person authorized to operateany radio facility under the provisionsof this subpart shall have a right toprotest proposals on grounds otherthan violation of or inconsistency withthe provisions of this subpart. Allgrants are made subject to this condi-tion and to the other conditions andstandards set out in this subpart.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 62FR 18935, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.627 Limitation on the number offrequency pairs that may be assign-able for trunked systems and on thenumber of trunked systems.

(a) The maximum number of fre-quency pairs that may be assigned atany one time for the operation of atrunked radio system is twenty, exceptas specified in § 90.621(a)(1)(iv).

(b) No non-SMR licensee will be au-thorized an additional trunked systemwithin 64 kilometers (40 miles) of anexisting trunked system, except where:

(1) The additional trunked systemwill be used to provide radio facilitiesfor a single entity, where the addi-tional system is justified on the basisof the requirements of the proposedsingle user; or,

(2) The licensee’s existing trunkedsystem is loaded to at least 70 mobileand control stations per channel.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 48FR 44559, Sept. 29, 1983; 48 FR 51929, Nov. 15,1983; 49 FR 36377, Sept. 17, 1984; 51 FR 37404,Oct. 22, 1986; 53 FR 12157, Apr. 13, 1988; 58 FR44963, Aug. 25, 1993; 59 FR 59966, Nov. 21, 1994]

§ 90.629 Extended implementation pe-riod.

Applicants requesting frequencies foreither trunked or conventional oper-ations may be authorized a period of upto five (5) years for constructing andplacing a system in operation in ac-cordance with the following:

(a) The applicant must justify an ex-tended implementation period. The jus-tification must describe the proposedsystem, state the amount of time nec-essary to construct and place the sys-tem in operation, identify the numberof base stations to be constructed andplaced in operation during each year ofthe extended construction period, andshow that:

(1) The proposed system will requirelonger than eight months (if a conven-tional system) or one year (if a trunkedsystem) to construct and place in oper-ation because of its purpose, size, orcomplexity; or

(2) The proposed system is to be partof a coordinated or integrated wide-area system which will require morethan eight months (if a conventionalsystem) or one year (if a trunked sys-tem) to plan, approve, fund, purchase,construct, and place in operation; or

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.631

(3) The applicant is required by lawto follow a multi-year cycle for plan-ning, approval, funding, and purchasingthe proposed system.

(b) Where an applicant is required bylaw to follow a multi-year cycle forplanning, approval, funding and pur-chasing a proposed system, the appli-cant must indicate whether funding ap-proval has been obtained and if not,when such funding approval is ex-pected.

(c) Authorizations under this sectionare conditioned upon the licensee con-structing and placing its system in op-eration within the authorized imple-mentation period and in accordancewith an approved implementation planof up to five years. Licensees must cer-tify annually that they are in compli-ance with their yearly station con-struction commitments, but may re-quest amendment to these commit-ments at the time they file their an-nual certification. If the Commissionapproves the requested amendments toa licensee’s implementation commit-ments, the licensee’s extended imple-mentation authority will remain in ef-fect. If, however, the Commission con-cludes, at this or any other time, thata licensee has failed to meet its com-mitments, the Commission will termi-nate authority for the extended imple-mentation period. When the Commis-sion terminates an extended implemen-tation authority, the affected licenseewill be given six months from the dateof termination to complete systemconstruction. At the end of any licens-ee’s extended implementation period,authorizations for all stations not con-structed and placed in operation will becancelled. Trunked systems granted anextended implementation period mustcomply with the channel loading re-quirements of section 90.631(b). Conven-tional channels not loaded to 70 mobileunits may be subject to shared use bythe addition of other licensees.

(d) Applicants eligible in the Indus-trial/Land Transportation Category re-questing authorizations under this sec-tion may request frequencies in theBusiness Category only if the applica-tion contains a statement that no fre-quencies in the Industrial/Land Trans-portation Category are available for as-signment in their geographic area.

(e) As of March 18, 1996, SpecializedMobile Radio systems are not eligiblefor extended implementation periodsunder this section. Additionally, all 800MHz SMR licensees that are operatingunder extended implementation au-thority as of March 18, 1996 must, byMay 16, 1996, demonstrate that continu-ing to allow them to have an extendedperiod of time to construct their facili-ties is warranted and furthers the pub-lic interest. If a licensee’s extended im-plementation authority showing is ap-proved by the Bureau, such licenseewill be afforded an extended implemen-tation of two years or the remainder ofits current extended implementationperiod, whichever is shorter. Upon thetermination of this period, the author-izations for those facilities that remainunconstructed will terminate auto-matically. If a licensee with a currentextended implementation period failsto submit the showing mentionedabove within the designated timeframeor submits an insufficient or incom-plete showing, such licensee will havesix months from the last day on whichit could timely file such a showing orfrom the disapproval of its request toconstruct the remaining facilities cov-ered under its implementation plan toconstruct any unconstructed facilitiesfor which it is authorized. The author-izations for those facilities remainingunconstructed after this six-month pe-riod will terminate automatically.

[58 FR 34379, June 25, 1993, as amended at 61FR 6157, Feb. 16, 1996]

§ 90.631 Trunked systems loading, con-struction and authorization re-quirements.

(a) Non-SMR trunked systems will beauthorized on the basis of a loading cri-teria of one hundred (100) mobile sta-tions per channel. For purposes of de-termining compliance with trunkedsystem loading requirements underthis subpart, the term ‘‘mobile sta-tion’’ includes vehicular and portablemobile units and control stations.

(b) Each applicant for a non-SMRtrunked system must certify that aminimum of seventy (70) mobiles foreach channel authorized will be placedinto operation within five (5) years ofthe initial license grant. Except forSMR systems licensed in the 806–821/

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.631

851–866 MHz band and as indicated inparagraph (i) of this section, if at theend of five (5) years a trunked systemis not loaded to the prescribed levelsand all channels in the licensee’s cat-egory are assigned in the system’s geo-graphic area, authorizations fortrunked channels not loaded to seventy(70) mobile stations cancels automati-cally at a rate that allows the licenseeto retain one channel for every onehundred (100) mobiles loaded, plus oneadditional channel. If a trunked systemhas channels from more than one cat-egory, Spectrum Block D frequenciesin the 800 MHz SMR service (formerlyGeneral Category) channels are thefirst channels considered to cancelautomatically. All non-SMR licenseesinitially authorized before June 1, 1993,that are within their original licenseterm, or SMR licensees that are withinthe term of a two-year authorizationgranted in accordance with paragraph(i) of this section, are subject to thiscondition. A licensee that has author-ized channels cancelled due to failureto meet the above loading require-ments will not be authorized additionalchannels to expand that same systemfor a period of six (6) months from thedate of cancellation.

(c) Except for SMR applicants and asprovided in paragraph (d) of this sec-tion, an applicant seeking to expand atrunked system by requesting addi-tional channels from the Commission,or through intercategory sharing, orthrough an assignment, must have aloading level of seventy (70) mobilesper channel on the existing systemthat is the subject of the expansion re-quest.

(d) In rural areas, a licensee of atrunked system may request to in-crease its system capacity by five morechannels than it has constructed with-out meeting the loading requirementsspecified in paragraphs (b) and (c) ofthis section. A rural area is defined forpurposes of this section as being be-yond a 100-mile radius of the des-ignated centers of the following urban-ized areas, as well as those areas thathave a waiting list. (Rural areas maybe different for 800 and 900 MHz chan-nels since the Commission maintainsseparate waiting lists for these fre-quency bands.) The identified urban-

ized areas are: New York, NY; Los An-geles, CA; Chicago, IL; Philadelphia,PA: San Francisco, CA; Detroit, MI;Boston, MA; Houston, TX; Washington,DC; Dallas-Fort Worth, TX; Miami, FL;Cleveland, OH; St. Louis, MO; Atlanta,GA; Pittsburgh, PA; Baltimore, MD;Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN; Seattle,WA; San Diego, CA; and Tampa-St. Pe-tersburg, FL. The coordinates for thecenters of these areas are those ref-erenced in § 90.635, except that the co-ordinates for Tampa-St. Petersburg arelatitude 28°00′00′′ N, longitude 82°27′00′′W. Where waiting lists determinewhether an area is rural, the des-ignated centers of those areas will beidentified on the actual waiting listsreleased by the Commission. If a wait-ing list is later established in a ruralarea, licensees who have acquired addi-tional channels pursuant to this para-graph will be subject to the automaticcancellation provisions in paragraph(b) of this section at the end of oneyear from the date the area first ap-pears on a Commission waiting list, orat the end of their license term, which-ever is longer.

(e) Except as provided in § 90.629, li-censees of trunked facilities must com-plete construction within one year.

(f) If a station is not placed in perma-nent operation, in accordance with thetechnical parameters of the station au-thorization, within one year, except asprovided in § 90.629, its license cancelsautomatically and must be returned tothe Commission. For purposes of thissection, a base station is not consid-ered to be placed in operation unless atleast two associated mobile stations, orone control station and one mobile sta-tion, are also placed in operation. AnSMR licensee with facilities that havediscontinued operations for 90 continu-ous days after the effective date of thisrule is presumed to have permanentlydiscontinued operations, unless the li-censee notifies the FCC otherwise priorto the end of the 90 day period and pro-vides a date on which operation will re-sume, which date must not be in excessof 30 additional days.

(g) Wide area systems may be author-ized to persons eligible for licensingunder subparts B or C of this part uponan appropriate showing of need. Re-mote or satellite stations of wide area

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.633

systems in the Public Safety, SpecialEmergency, Telephone Maintenance,and Power Radio Services may be au-thorized on a primary basis if such sta-tions are the first to be authorized intheir area of operation on the fre-quency or group of frequencies. Remoteor satellite stations of wide area sys-tems in all other services will be au-thorized only on a secondary, non-in-terference basis to cochannel licensees.To determine system loading, the totalnumber of mobile units and controlstations operating in the wide-area sys-tem shall be counted with respect tothe total number of base station fre-quencies assigned to the system.

(h) Regional, statewide, or ribbonconfiguration systems may be author-ized to persons eligible for licensingunder subparts B or C of this part uponan appropriate showing of need. In aribbon, regional or statewide system, amobile station will be counted forchannel loading purposes only for thebase station facility in the geographicarea in which it primarily operates. Ifthis cannot be determined, it will becounted fractionally over the numberof base station facilities with which itcommunicates regularly.

(i) For SMRS category trunked sys-tems licensed in the 896–901/935–940 MHzband (other than MTA-licensed sys-tems), if at the end of the initial five-year license term the licensee of such atrunked system has not satisfied theloading requirements of paragraph (b)of this section, the licensee requestingrenewal of its license will be granted arenewal for only a two-year period. Re-gardless of the date of grant of the two-year renewal, the licensee will be re-quired to comply fully with the mini-mum requirements set forth in para-graph (b) of this section at the end ofthe two-year renewal term. As an ex-ception to this requirement, if the li-censee obtains the MTA license cover-ing its assigned spectrum in accord-ance with §§ 90.661 through 90.671, theseloading requirements will no longer be

applicable and the coverage require-ments of § 90.665 will govern.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 48FR 51929, Nov. 15, 1983; 49 FR 36377, Sept. 17,1984; 53 FR 12157, Apr. 13, 1988; 57 FR 37731,Aug. 20, 1992; 58 FR 12177, Mar. 3, 1993; 59 FR59966, Nov. 21, 1994; 60 FR 21991, May 4, 1995;60 FR 48918, Sept. 21, 1995; 61 FR 6157, Feb. 16,1996; 61 FR 6577, Feb. 21, 1996; 62 FR 18935,Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.633 Conventional systems loadingrequirements.

(a) Non-SMR conventional systems ofcommunication will be authorized onthe basis of a minimum loading cri-teria of seventy (70) mobile stations foreach channel authorized.

(b) A channel will not be assigned toadditional licensees when it is loadedto 70 mobile stations. Where a licenseedoes not load a channel to 70 mobilesthe channel will be available for as-signment to other licensees. All au-thorizations for conventional systemsare issued subject to this potentialchannel sharing condition.

(c) Except as provided in § 90.629 li-censees of conventional systems mustplace their authorized facilities in op-eration not later than eight monthsafter the date of grant of the licensefor the system.

(d) If a station is not placed in oper-ation in eight months, except as pro-vided in § 90.629, its license cancelsautomatically and must be returned tothe Commission. For purposes of thissection, a base station is not consid-ered to be placed in operation unless atleast one associated mobile station isalso placed in operation.

(e) A non-SMR licensee may apply foradditional frequency pairs if its au-thorized conventional channel(s) isloaded to seventy (70) mobiles. Applica-tions may be considered for additionalchannels in areas where spectrum isstill available and not applied for, evenif the already authorized channel(s) isnot loaded to 70 mobile units, upon anappropriate demonstration of need.

(f) Wide area systems may be author-ized to persons eligible for licensingunder subparts B or C of this part upon

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.635

an appropriate showing of need. Forloading purposes, if the total number ofmobile stations justifies the total num-ber of authorized based frequencies in agiven area, the system will be con-strued to be loaded.

(g) Regional, statewide, or ribbonconfiguration systems may be author-ized to persons eligible for licensingunder subparts B or C of this part uponan appropriate showing of need. In aribbon, regional or statewide system, amobile station will be counted forchannel loading purposes only for thebase station facility in the geographicarea in which it primarily operates. Ifthis cannot be determined, it will becounted fractionally over the numberof base station facilities with which itcommunicates regularly.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 48FR 51929, Nov. 15, 1983; 56 FR 65860, Dec. 19,1991; 59 FR 59966, Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 18935,Apr. 17, 1997]


§ 90.635 Limitations on power and an-tenna height.

(a) Systems to be located within 24km. (15 mi.) of the geographic center ofthe 50 urbanized areas detailed in table1 will be considered ‘‘urban’’ systems.All others will be considered ‘‘subur-ban’’ systems.

(b) The effective radiated power andantenna height, for base stations usedin suburban-conventional systems ofcommunications, shall be no greaterthan 500 watts (27 dBw) and 152 m. (500ft.) above average terrain (AAT), re-spectively, or the equivalent as deter-mined from table 2. These are maxi-mum values, and applicants are re-quired to justify power levels and an-tenna heights requested. For servicearea requirements less than 32 km. (20mi.) in radius, see table 3.

(c) The effective radiated power andantenna height for base stations usedin trunked and urban-conventional sys-tems may not exceed 1 kilowatt (30dBw) and 304 m. (1,000 ft.) above aver-age terrain (AAT), respectively, or theequivalent thereof as determined fromtable 2. These are maximum values,

and applicants will be required to jus-tify power levels and antenna heightsrequested. For service area require-ments less than 32 km (20 mi.) in ra-dius, see table 4.

(d) The maximum output power ofthe transmitter for mobile stations is100 watts (20 dBw).


Urbanized area

Geographic center

North lati-tude

West lon-gitude

Akron, OH .................................. 41°05′00′′ 81°30′44′′Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY ... 42°39′01′′ 73°45′01′′Atlanta, GA ................................. 33°45′10′′ 84°23′37′′Baltimore, MD ............................ 39°17′26′′ 76°36′45′′Birmingham, AL ......................... 33°31′01′′ 86°48′36′′Boston, MA ................................ 42°21′24′′ 71°03′24′′Buffalo, NY ................................. 42°53′12′′ 78°52′30′′Chicago, IL ................................. 41°52′28′′ 87°38′22′′Cincinnati, OH ............................ 39°06′07′′ 84°30′35′′Cleveland, OH ............................ 41°29′51′′ 81°41′50′′Columbus, OH ........................... 39°57′47′′ 83°00′17′′Dallas, TX .................................. 32°47′09′′ 96°47′37′′Dayton, OH ................................ 39°45′32′′ 84°11′43′′Denver, CO ................................ 39°44′58′′ 104°59′22′′Detroit, MI .................................. 42°19′48′′ 83°02′57′′Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood, FL 26°07′30′′ 80°09′00′′Fort Worth, TX ........................... 32°44′55′′ 97°19′44′′Houston, TX ............................... 29°45′26′′ 95°21′37′′Indianapolis, IN .......................... 39°46′07′′ 86°09′46′′Jacksonville, FL ......................... 30°19′44′′ 81°39′42′′Kansas City, MO-KS .................. 39°04′56′′ 94°35′20′′Los Angeles, CA ........................ 34°03′15′′ 118°14′28′′Louisville, KY-IN ......................... 38°14′47′′ 85°45′49′′Miami, FL ................................... 25°46′37′′ 80°11′32′′Memphis, TN-MS ....................... 35°08′46′′ 90°03′13′′Milwaukee, WI ............................ 43°02′19′′ 87°54′15′′Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN .......... 44°58′57′′ 93°15′43′′New Orleans, LA ........................ 29°56′53′′ 90°04′10′′New York-northeastern New

Jersey ..................................... 40°45′06′′ 73°59′39′′Norfolk-Portsmouth, VA ............. 36°51′10′′ 76°17′21′′Oklahoma City, OK .................... 35°28′26′′ 97°31′04′′Omaha, NE-IO ........................... 41°15′42′′ 95°56′14′′Philadelphia, PA-NJ ................... 39°56′58′′ 75°09′21′′Phoenix, AZ ............................... 33°27′12′′ 112°04′28′′Pittsburgh, PA ............................ 40°26′19′′ 80°00′00′′Portland, OR-WA ....................... 45°31′06′′ 122°40′35′′Providence-Pawtucket-Warwick,

RI-MA ..................................... 41°49′32′′ 71°24′41′′Rochester, NY ............................ 43°09′41′′ 77°36′21′′Sacramento, CA ......................... 38°34′57′′ 121°29′41′′St. Louis, MO-IL ......................... 38°37′45′′ 90°12′22′′St. Petersburg, FL ...................... 27°46′18′′ 82°38′19′′San Antonio, TX ......................... 29°25′37′′ 98°29′06′′San Bernardino-Riverside, CA ... 34°06′30′′ 117°17′28′′San Diego, CA ........................... 32°42′53′′ 117°09′21′′San Francisco-Oakland, CA ...... 37°46′39′′ 122°24′40′′San Jose, CA ............................. 37°20′16′′ 121°53′24′′Seattle, WA ................................ 47°36′32′′ 122°20′12′′Springfield-Chicopee-Holyoke,

MA-CT .................................... 42°06′21′′ 72°35′32′′Toledo, OH-MI ........................... 41°39′14′′ 83°32′39′′Washington, DC-MD-VA ............ 38°53′51′′ 77°00′33′′

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.635


Antenna height (ATT) meters (feet)

Effective radiatedpower (watts) 1,2,5

Urban/trunked Suburban

Above 1,372 (4,500) ...................... 65 15Above 1,220 (4,000) to 1,372

(4,500) ........................................ 70 20Above 1,067 (3,500) to 1,220

(4,000) ........................................ 75 25Above 915 (3,000) to 1,067

(3,500) ........................................ 100 30Above 763 (2,500) to 915 (3,000) 140 35Above 610 (2,000) to 763 (2,500) 200 50Above 458 (1,500) to 610 (2,000) 350 80Above 305 (1,000) to 458 (1,500) 600 160Above 152.5 (500) to 305 (1,000) 3 1,000 220


Antenna height (ATT) meters (feet)

Effective radiatedpower (watts) 1,2,5

Urban/trunked Suburban

Up to 152.5 (500) ........................... 1,000 4 500

1 Power is given in terms of effective radiated power (ERP).2 Applicants in the Los Angeles, CA, area who demonstrate

a need to serve both the downtown and fringe areas will bepermitted to utilize an ERP of 1 kw at the following mountain-top sites: Santiago Park, Sierra Peak, Mount Lukens, andMount Wilson.

3 Stations with antennas below 305 m (1,000 ft) (AAT) willbe restricted to a maximum power of 1 kw (ERP).

4 Stations with antennas below 152.5 m (500 ft) (AAT) willbe restricted to a maximum power of 500 W (ERP).

5 Licensees in San Diego, CA, will be permitted to utilize anERP of 500 watts at the following mountaintop sites: Palomar,Otay, Woodson and Miguel.


[Base station antenna height (AAT) in meters (feet)]

Above / to

122 (400)to 152.5


91.5 (300)to 122(400)

61 (200) to91.5 (300)

30.5 (100)to 61 (200)

15 (50) to30.5 (100)

0 (0) to 15(50)

Service area radius km (mi):32 (20) ......................................................... 500 500 500 500 500 50030 (19) ......................................................... 400 500 500 500 500 50029 (18) ......................................................... 310 385 500 500 500 50027 (17) ......................................................... 235 300 385 500 500 50026 (16) ......................................................... 175 220 285 440 500 50024 (15) ......................................................... 130 160 215 330 500 50022 (14) ......................................................... 95 120 155 240 480 50021 (13) ......................................................... 70 85 115 175 350 50019 (12) ......................................................... 50 60 80 125 250 50018 (11) ......................................................... 35 45 60 90 180 36016 (10) ......................................................... 25 30 40 60 120 24014 (9) ........................................................... 15 20 25 40 80 16013 (8) ........................................................... 10 12 15 25 50 10011 (7) ........................................................... 6 7 10 15 30 6010 (6) ........................................................... 3 4 5 7 15 308 (5) or less ................................................. 1 2 3 4 8 16


Base station antenna height (AAT) meters (feet)

Above 228 (750) 152.5(500)

122 (400) 91.5(300)

61 (200) 30.5(100)

15 (50) 0 (0)


(1,000) 228 (750)152.5(500) 122 (400)

91.5(300) 61 (200)

30.5(100) 15 (50)

Service area radius: km (mi):32 (20) ............................. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,00030 (19) ............................. 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,00229 (18) ............................. 640 830 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,00027 (17) ............................. 480 625 960 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,00026 (16) ............................. 360 470 720 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,00024 (15) ............................. 270 350 540 675 875 1,000 1,000 1,000

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.645


Base station antenna height (AAT) meters (feet)

Above 228 (750) 152.5(500)

122 (400) 91.5(300)

61 (200) 30.5(100)

15 (50) 0 (0)


(1,000) 228 (750)152.5(500) 122 (400)

91.5(300) 61 (200)

30.5(100) 15 (50)

22 (14) ............................. 200 260 400 500 650 1,000 1,000 1,00021 (13) ............................. 140 180 280 350 450 700 1,000 1,00019 (12) ............................. 100 130 200 250 325 500 1,000 1,00618 (11) ............................. 70 90 140 175 230 350 700 1,00016 (10) ............................. 45 60 90 110 145 220 440 1,00014 (9) ............................... 30 40 60 75 100 150 300 60013 (8) ............................... 20 25 40 50 65 100 200 40011 (7) ............................... 15 20 30 40 50 80 160 30010 (6) ............................... 8 10 16 20 25 40 80 1008 (5) or less ..................... 5 6 9 12 15 25 50 100

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982; 47 FR 41045, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 50 FR 784, Jan. 7, 1985;51 FR 37404, Oct. 22, 1986; 52 FR 29857, Aug. 12, 1987; 53 FR 1027, Jan. 15, 1988; 58 FR 44963, Aug.25, 1993; 60 FR 50123, Sept. 28, 1995]

§ 90.637 Restrictions on operationalfixed stations.

(a) Except for control stations, oper-ational fixed operations will not be au-thorized in the 806–824 MHz, 851–869MHz, 896–901 MHz, or 935–940 MHzbands. This does not preclude second-ary fixed tone signaling and alarm op-erations authorized in § 90.235 or inparagraph (c) of this section.

(b) Control stations associated withone or more mobile relay stations willbe authorized only on the assigned fre-quency of the associated mobile sta-tion. Use of a mobile service frequencyby a control station of a mobile relaysystem is subject to the condition thatharmful interference shall not becaused to stations of licensees author-ized to use the frequency for mobileservice communications.

(c) Trunked and conventional sys-tems that have exclusive-use status intheir respective geographic areas mayconduct fixed ancillary signaling anddata transmissions subject to the fol-lowing requirements:

(1) All operations must be on a sec-ondary, non-interference basis to theprimary mobile operation of any otherlicensee.

(2) The output power at the remotesite must not exceed 30 watts.

(3) Any fixed transmitters will notcount toward meeting the mobile load-ing requirements nor be considered in

whole or in part as a justification forauthorizing additional frequencies inthe licensee’s mobile system.

(4) Automatic means must be pro-vided to deactivate the remote trans-mitter in the event the carrier remainson for a period in excess of three min-utes.

(5) Operational fixed stations author-ized pursuant to the provisions of para-graphs (c) and (d) of this section are ex-empt from the requirements of §§ 90.425and 90.429.

(d) Conventional systems that do nothave exclusive-use status in their re-spective geographic areas may conductfixed ancillary signaling and datatransmissions only in accordance withall the provisions of § 90.235.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 48FR 51929, Nov. 15, 1983; 49 FR 36377, Sept. 17,1984; 51 FR 37405, Oct. 22, 1986; 52 FR 1332,Jan. 13, 1987; 53 FR 12157, Apr. 13, 1988; 57 FR34693, Aug. 6, 1992]

§ 90.645 Permissible operations.Conventional and trunked radio sys-

tems may be used:(a) Only for purposes expressly al-

lowed under this part.(b) Only persons who are eligible for

facilities, either under this subpart orin the radio service included under sub-parts B or C of this part.

(c) Except for licensees classified asCMRS providers under part 20 of this

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.647

chapter, only for the transmission ofmessages or signals permitted in theservices is which the participants areeligible.

(d) For digital or analog trans-missions.

(e) An SMRS licensee or a licenseewho has been authorized a channel(s)on an exclusive basis, may use the sys-tem for the transmission of any base/mobile message, page or signal per-mitted in the service in which the par-ticipants are eligible.

(f) Where the channel(s) is assignedto an SMRS licensee or exclusively toa single licensee, or where all users ofa system agree, more than a singleemission may be utilized within the au-thorized bandwidth. In such cases, thefrequency stability requirements of§ 90.213 shall not apply, but out-of-bandemission limits of § 90.209 shall be met.

(g) Up to five (5) contiguous 806–821/851–866 band channels as listed in§§ 90.615, 90.617, and 90.619 may be au-thorized after justification for systemsrequiring more than the normal singlechannel bandwidth. If necessary, li-censees may trade channels amongstthemselves in order to obtain contig-uous frequencies. Notification of suchproposed exchanges shall be made tothe appropriate frequency coordina-tor(s) and to the Commission for ap-proval.

(h) Up to 10 contiguous 896–901/935–940MHz band channels as listed in § 90.617may be combined for systems requiringmore than the normal single channelbandwidth. If necessary, licensees maytrade channels amongst themselves inorder to obtain contiguous frequencies.Notification of such proposed ex-changes shall be made to the appro-priate frequency coordinator(s) and tothe Commission for approval.

(i) Paging operations may be utilizedon multiple licensed facilities (commu-nity repeaters) only when all licenseesof the facility agree to such use.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 48FR 51929, Nov. 15, 1983; 51 FR 37405, Oct. 22,1986; 59 FR 59966, Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 18935,Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.647 Station identification.

(a) Conventional systems of commu-nication shall be identified in accord-

ance with existing regulations govern-ing such matters.

(b) Trunked systems of communica-tion, except as noted in paragraph (c)of this section, shall be identifiedthrough the use of an automatic devicewhich transmits the call sign of thebase station facility at 30 minute inter-vals. Such station identification shallbe made on the lowest frequency in thebase station trunk group assigned thelicensee. Should this frequency be inuse at the time station identification isrequired, such identification may bemade at the termination of the com-munication in progress on this fre-quency. Identification may be made byvoice or International Morse Code.When the call sign is transmitted inInternational Morse Code, it must beat a rate of between 15 to 20 words perminute and by means of tone modula-tion of the transmitter, the tone fre-quency being between 800 and 1000hertz.

(c) Stations operating in either the806–824/851–869 MHz or 896–901/935–940MHz bands that are licensed on an ex-clusive basis, and normally employ dig-ital signals for the transmission ofdata, text, control codes, or digitizedvoice may also be identified by digitaltransmission of the call sign. A li-censee that identifies its station in thismanner must provide the Commission,upon its request, information sufficientto decode the digital transmission andascertain the call sign transmitted.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 58FR 12177, Mar. 3, 1993]

§ 90.651 Supplemental reports re-quired of licensees authorizedunder this subpart.

(a) [Reserved](b) Other trunked system licensees

must report the number of mobileunits being served annually, and at thetime of filing applications for renewalof licenses. These reports should befiled with the Commission’s PrivateRadio Bureau, Licensing Division,Land Mobile Branch in Gettysburg, PA17326.

(c) Licensees of conventional systemsmust report the number of mobileunits placed in operation within 8months of the date of the grant of their

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.658

license. Such reports shall be filedwithin 30 days from that date.

(d) Licensees of trunked systemsmust report, to the Commission’s Pri-vate Radio Bureau, Licensing Division,Land Mobile Branch in Gettysburg, PA17326, within thirteen months of thedate of the grant, whether or not con-struction of the facility has been com-pleted.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982, as amended at 47FR 51883, Nov. 18, 1982; 54 FR 38682, Sept. 20,1989; 57 FR 40850, Sept. 8, 1992]

§ 90.653 Number of systems authorizedin a geographical area.

There shall be no limit on the num-ber of systems authorized to operate inany one given area except that imposedby allocation limitations and no personshall have a right to protest any otherproposal on grounds other than viola-tion of any inconsistency with the pro-visions of this subpart.

[47 FR 41032, Sept. 16, 1982]

§ 90.655 Special licensing require-ments for Specialized Mobile Radiosystems.

End users of conventional or trunkedSpecialized Mobile Radio systems thathave control stations that require FAAclearance, as specified in subpart B ofpart 17 of Title 47 of the Code of Fed-eral Regulations, 47 CFR 17.7–17.17, orthat may have a significant environ-mental effect, as defined by § 1.1307, orthat are located in a ‘‘quiet zone’’, asdefined by 47 CFR 90.177 must be indi-vidually licensed for such control sta-tions prior to construction or oper-ation. All other end users’ operationswill be within the scope of the base sta-tion licensee. All end users, however,continue to be responsible to complywith 47 CFR part 90 and other federallaws.

[57 FR 40850, Sept. 8, 1992]

§ 90.656 Responsibilities of base sta-tion licensees of Specialized MobileRadio systems.

(a) The licensees of base stations thatprovide Specialized Mobile Radio serv-ice on a commercial basis of the use ofindividuals, Federal government agen-cies, or persons eligible for licensingunder either subparts B or C of this

part will be responsible for exercisingeffective operational control over allmobile and control stations that com-municate with the base station. Thebase station licensee will be respon-sible for assuring that its system is op-erated in compliance with all applica-ble rules and regulations.

(b) Customers that operate mobileunits on a particular Specialized Mo-bile Radio system will be licensed tothat system. A customer that operatestemporarily on more than one systemwill be deemed, when communicatingwith the other system, to be tempo-rarily licensed to the other system andfor that temporary period, the licenseeof the other system will assume thesame licensee responsibility for thecustomer’s mobile station(s) as if thecustomer’s stations were licensed tothat other system.

[57 FR 40851, Sept. 8, 1992, as amended at 62FR 18935, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.657 Temporary permit.An applicant for a subpart S radio

station license utilizing an already au-thorized facility may operate the radiostation(s) for a period of up to 180 daysunder a temporary permit evidenced bya properly executed certification ofFCC Form 572 after filing a formal ap-plication for station license, togetherwith evidence of frequency coordina-tion (when required), provided that theantenna(s) employed by the controlstation(s) is (are) 6.1 m (20 ft) or lessabove ground or 6.1 m (20 ft) or lessabove a man-made structure otherthan an antenna tower to which it isaffixed.

[58 FR 44964, Aug. 25, 1993]

§ 90.658 Loading data required forbase station licensees of trunkedSpecialized Mobile Radio systems toacquire additional channels or torenew trunked systems licensed be-fore June 1, 1993.

(a) A base station licensee of atrunked Specialized Mobile Radio sys-tem that applies for additional chan-nels to expand an existing system or toconstruct a new system within 40 milesof its existing system, or a base stationlicensee of a trunked system applyingfor its first renewal in a waiting listarea for a system licensed before June

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.659

1, 1993 must identify on the appropriateapplication form the number of mo-biles and control stations loaded on itssystem as calculated in paragraph (b)of this section.

(b) The number described in para-graph (a) of this section must be cal-culated by averaging the number ofmobiles and control stations operatingon a licensee’s system on the first busi-ness day of each of the six months im-mediately preceding the filing of an ap-plication and must be based on the li-censee’s business records for that pe-riod. Alternative calculations will bepermitted upon good cause showings ofspecial circumstances.

(c) Business records may constituteinvoices, customer service agreements,customer lists or any other type ofrecord kept in the ordinary course ofbusiness.

(d) The FCC will use the loading datarequired by this section to determinewhether the licensee’s existing systemhas a sufficient number of mobiles asrequired by 47 CFR chapter I to qualifyfor additional channels or for the firstrenewal of trunked systems licensedbefore June 1, 1993.

[57 FR 40851, Sept. 8, 1992]

§ 90.659 Change in number or locationof base stations or transmitters.

(a) Licensees of trunked SpecializedMobile Radio systems are exempt fromthe requirement under § 90.135(a)(5) tofile an application for modification oflicense when there is a change in thelocation or number of fixed, control, ormobile transmitters from that author-ized, including area of mobile oper-ations.

(b) Licensees of conventional Special-ized Mobile Radio channels are not ex-empt from the requirement under§ 90.135(a)(5) to file an application formodification of license when there is achange in the location or number offixed, control, or mobile transmittersfrom that authorized, including area ofmobile operations.

(c) Licensees of trunked and conven-tional Specialized Mobile Radio sys-tems are not exempt from the require-ment under § 90.135(a)(5) to file an ap-plication for modification of license

when there is a change in the locationor number of base stations.

[57 FR 40851, Sept. 8, 1992]


§ 90.661 MTA-based SMR service areas.MTA licenses for SMR spectrum

blocks in the 896–901/935–940 MHz bandlisted in table 4B of § 90.617(d) are avail-able in 51 Major Trading Areas (MTAs)as defined in § 90.7. Within these MTAs,licenses will be authorized in ten chan-nel blocks as specified in table 4B of§ 90.617(d) through the competitive bid-ding procedures described in subpart Uof this part.

[60 FR 21991, May 4, 1995]

§ 90.663 MTA-based SMR system oper-ations.

(a) MTA-based licensees authorizedin the 896–901/935–940 MHz band pursu-ant to § 90.661 may construct and oper-ate base stations using any frequencyidentified in their spectrum block any-where within their authorized MTA,provided that:

(1) The MTA licensee affords protec-tion, in accordance with § 90.621(b), toall sites for which applications werefiled on or prior to August 9, 1994.

(2) The MTA licensee complies withany rules and international agreementsthat restrict use of frequencies identi-fied in their spectrum block, includingthe provisions of § 90.619 relating toU.S./Canadian and U.S./Mexican borderareas.

(3) The MTA licensee limits its fieldstrength at any location on the borderof the MTA service area in accordancewith § 90.671 and masks its emissions inaccordance with § 90.669.

(b) In the event that the authoriza-tion for a previously authorized co-channel station within the MTA licens-ee’s authorized spectrum block is ter-minated or revoked, the MTA licens-ee’s co-channel obligations to such sta-tion will cease upon deletion of the fa-cility from the Commission’s licensingrecord. The MTA licensee then will beable to construct and operate base sta-tions using such frequency.

[60 FR 21991, May 4, 1995]

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.671

§ 90.665 Authorization, constructionand implementation of MTA li-censes.

(a) MTA licenses in the 896–901/935–940MHz band will be issued for a term notto exceed ten years.

(b) MTA licensees in the 896–901/935–940 MHz band will be permitted fiveyears to construct their stations. Thisfive-year period will commence withthe issuance of the MTA-wide author-ization and will apply to all of the li-censee’s stations within the MTA spec-trum block, including any stationsthat may have been subject to an ear-lier construction deadline arising froma pre-existing authorization.

(c) Each MTA licensee in the 896–901/935–940 MHz band must, three yearsfrom the date of license grant, con-struct and place into operation a suffi-cient number of base stations to pro-vide coverage to at least one-third ofthe population of the MTA. Further,each MTA licensee must provide cov-erage to at least two-thirds of the pop-ulation of the MTA five years from thedate of license grant; or alternatively,demonstrate through a showing to theCommission that it is providing sub-stantial service. The MTA licenseemust meet the population coveragebenchmarks regardless of the extent towhich incumbent licensees are presentwithin the MTA block.

(d) MTA licensees who fail to meetthe coverage requirements imposed ateither the third or fifth years of theirlicense term, or to make a convincingshowing of substantial service, will for-feit the portion of the MTA licensethat exceeds licensed facilities con-structed and operating on the date ofthe MTA license grant.

[60 FR 21991, May 4, 1995, as amended at 60FR 48918, Sept. 21, 1995; 60 FR 61487, Nov. 30,1995]

§ 90.667 Grandfathering provisions forincumbent licensees.

(a) These provisions apply to all 900MHz SMR licensees who obtained li-censes or filed applications for second-ary sites on or before August 9, 1994(‘‘incumbent licensees’’), as well as toall 900 MHz SMR licensees who ob-tained authorizations pursuant to§ 90.173(k). An incumbent licensee’sservice area shall be defined by its

originally-licensed 40 dBu fieldstrength contour. Incumbent licenseesare permitted to add new or modifytransmit sites in this existing servicearea without prior notification to theCommission so long as their original 40dBu field strength contour is not ex-panded.

(b) Incumbent licensees operating atmultiple sites may, after grant of MTAlicenses has been completed, exchangemultiple site licenses for a single li-cense, authorizing operations through-out the contiguous and overlapping 40dBu field strength contours of the mul-tiple sites. Incumbents exercising thislicense exchange option must submitspecific information for each of theirexternal base sites after the close ofthe 900 MHz SMR auction.

(c) Applications in the 900 MHz SMRservice for secondary sites filed afterAugust 9, 1994 shall be authorized on asecondary, non-interference basis toMTA licensee operations. No secondarysites shall be granted on this basis inan MTA once the MTA licensee hasbeen selected.

[60 FR 48918, Sept. 21, 1995]

§ 90.669 Emission limits.(a) On any frequency in an MTA li-

censee’s spectrum block that is adja-cent to a non-MTA frequency, thepower of any emission shall be attenu-ated below the transmitter power (P)by at least 43 plus 10 log10(P) decibelsor 80 decibels, whichever is the lesserattenuation.

NOTE: The measurements of emissionpower can be expressed in peak or averagevalues, provided they are expressed in thesame parameters as the transmitter power.

(b) When an emission outside of theauthorized bandwidth causes harmfulinterference, the Commission may, atits discretion, require greater attenu-ation than specified in this section.

[60 FR 21992, May 4, 1995]

§ 90.671 Field strength limits.The predicted or measured field

strength at any location on the borderof the MTA service area for MTA li-censees shall not exceed 40 dBuV/m un-less all bordering MTA licensees agreeto a higher field strength. MTA licens-ees are also required to coordinate

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.681

their frequency usage with so-channeladjacent MTA licensees and all otheraffected parties. To the extent that asingle entity obtains licenses for adja-cent MTAs on the same channel block,it will not be required to coordinate itsoperations in this manner. In the eventthat this standard conflicts with theMTA licensee’s obligation to provideco-channel protection to incumbent li-censees under § 90.621(b), the require-ments of § 90.621(b) shall prevail.

[60 FR 21992, May 4, 1995]


SOURCE: 61 FR 6158, 6159, Feb. 16, 1996, un-less otherwise noted.

§ 90.681 EA-based SMR service areas.EA licenses in Spectrum Blocks A

through V band listed in Table 4A of§ 90.617(d) are available in 175 EconomicAreas (EAs) as defined in § 90.7.

[62 FR 41216, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.683 EA-based SMR system oper-ations.

(a) EA-based licensees authorized inthe 806–821/851–866 MHz band pursuantto § 90.681 may construct and operatebase stations using any of the base sta-tion frequencies identified in theirspectrum block anywhere within theirauthorized EA, provided that:

(1) The EA licensee affords protec-tion, in accordance with § 90.621(b), toall previously authorized co-channelstations that are not associated withanother EA license;

(2) The EA licensee complies withany rules and international agreementsthat restrict use of frequencies identi-fied in their spectrum block, includingthe provisions of § 90.619 relating toU.S./Canadian and U.S./Mexican borderareas;

(3) The EA licensee limits the fieldstrength of its base stations at any lo-cation on the border of the EA servicearea in accordance with § 90.689;

(4) The EA licensee notifies the Com-mission within 30 days of the comple-tion of the addition, removal, reloca-tion or modification of any of its facili-ties within the EA. Such notificationmust be made by submitting an FCC

Form 600 and must include the appro-priate filing fee, if any; and

(5) For any construction or alter-ation that would exceed the require-ments of § 17.7 of this chapter, licenseesmust notify the appropriate RegionalOffice of the Federal Aviation Adminis-tration (FAA Form 7460–1) and file a re-quest for antenna height clearance andobstruction marking and lighting spec-ifications (FCC Form 854) with theFCC, WTB, Support Services Branch,Gettysburg, PA 17325.

(6) Any additional transmittersplaced in operation must not have asignificant environmental effect as de-fined by §§ 1.1301 through 1.1319 of thischapter.

(b) In the event that the authoriza-tion for a previously authorized co-channel station within the EA licens-ee’s spectrum block is terminated orrevoked, the EA licensee’s co-channelobligations to such station will ceaseupon deletion of the facility from theCommission’s official licensing records,and the EA licensee then will be able toconstruct and operate without regardto that previous authorization.

[61 FR 6158, 6159, Feb. 16, 1996, as amended at62 FR 41216, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.685 Authorization, constructionand implementation of EA licenses.

(a) EA licenses in the 806–821/851–866MHz band will be issued for a term notto exceed ten years. Additionally, EAlicensees generally will be afforded arenewal expectancy only for those sta-tions put into service after August 10,1996.

(b) EA licensees in the 806–821/851–866MHz band must, within three years ofthe grant of their initial license, con-struct and place into operation a suffi-cient number of base stations to pro-vide coverage to at least one-third ofthe population of its EA-based servicearea. Further, each EA licensee mustprovide coverage to at least two-thirdsof the population of the EA-based serv-ice area within five years of the grantof their initial license. Alternatively,EA licensees in Channel blocks Dthrough V in the 806–821/851–866 MHzband must provide substantial serviceto their markets within five years ofthe grant of their initial license. Sub-stantial service shall be defined as:

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.693

‘‘Service which is sound, favorable, andsubstantially above a level of mediocreservice.’’

(c) Channel use requirement. In addi-tion to the population coverage re-quirements described in this section,we will require EA licensees in Channelblocks A, B and C in the 816–821/861–866MHz band to construct 50 percent ofthe total channels included in theirspectrum block in at least one locationin their respective EA-based servicearea within three years of initial li-cense grant and to retain such channelusage for the remainder of the con-struction period.

(d) An EA licensee’s failure to meetthe population coverage requirementsof paragraphs (b) and (c) of this sec-tion, will result in forfeiture of the en-tire EA license. Forfeiture of the EA li-cense, however, would not result in theloss of any constructed facilities au-thorized to the licensee prior to thedate of the commencement of the auc-tion for the EA licenses.

[62 FR 41216, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.687 Special provisions regardingassignments and transfers of au-thorizations for incumbent SMR li-censees in the 806–821/851–866 MHzband.

An SMR licensee initially authorizedon any of the channels listed in Table4A of § 90.617 may transfer or assign itschannel(s) to another entity subject tothe provisions of §§ 90.153 and 90.609(b).If the proposed transferee or assignee isthe EA licensee for the spectrum blockto which the channel is allocated, suchtransfer or assignment presumptivelywill be deemed to be in the public in-terest. However, such presumption willbe rebuttable.

[62 FR 41216, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.689 Field strength limits.(a) For purposes of implementing

§§ 90.689 through 90.699, predicted 36 and40 dBµV/m contours shall be calculatedusing Figure 10 of § 73.699 of this chap-ter with a correction factor of ¥9 dB,and predicted 18 and 22 dBµV/m con-tours shall be calculated using Figure10a of § 73.699 of this chapter with a cor-rection factor of ¥9 dB.

(b) The predicted or measured fieldstrength at any location on the border

of the EA-based service area for EA li-censees must not exceed 40 dBuV/m un-less all bordering EA licensees agree toa higher field strength. In the eventthat this standard conflicts with theEA licensee’s obligation to provide co-channel protection to incumbent li-censees pursuant to § 90.621(b), the re-quirements of § 90.621(b) shall prevail.

[61 FR 6158, 6159, Feb. 16, 1996, as amended at62 FR 41216, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.691 Emission mask requirementsfor EA-based systems.

(a) Out-of-band emission requirementshall apply only to the ‘‘outer’’ chan-nels included in an EA license and tospectrum adjacent to interior channelsused by incumbent licensees. The emis-sion limits are as follows:

(1) For any frequency removed fromthe EA licensee’s frequency block byup to and including 37.5 kHz, the powerof any emission shall be attenuatedbelow the transmitter power (P) inwatts by at least 116 Log10(f/6.1) deci-bels or 50 + 10 Log10(P) decibels or 80decibels, whichever is the lesser at-tenuation, where f is the frequency re-moved from the center of the outerchannel in the block in kilohertz andwhere f is greater than 12.5 kHz.

(2) For any frequency removed fromthe EA licensee’s frequency blockgreater than 37.5 kHz, the power of anyemission shall be attenuated below thetransmitter power (P) in watts by atleast 43 + 10Log10(P) decibels or 80 deci-bels, whichever is the lesser attenu-ation, where f is the frequency removedfrom the center of the outer channel inthe block in kilohertz and where f isgreater than 37.5 kHz.

(b) When an emission outside of theauthorized bandwidth causes harmfulinterference, the Commission may, atits discretion, require greater attenu-ation than specified in this section.

§ 90.693 Grandfathering provisions forincumbent licensees.

(a) General provisions. These provi-sions apply to ‘‘incumbent licensees’’,all 800 MHz SMR licensees who ob-tained licenses or filed applications onor before December 15, 1995.

(b) Spectrum blocks A through V. Anincumbent licensee’s service area shallbe defined by its originally-licensed 40

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.699

dBµV/m field strength contour and itsinterference contour shall be defined asits originally-licensed 22 dBµV/m fieldstrength contour. Incumbent licenseesare permitted to add, remove or modifytransmitter sites within their original22 dBµV/m field strength contour with-out prior notification to the Commis-sion so long as their original 22 dBµV/m field strength contour is not ex-panded and the station complies withthe Commission’s short-spacing cri-teria in §§ 90.621(b)(4) through90.621(b)(6). The incumbent licenseemust, however, notify the Commissionwithin 30 days of the completion of anychanges in technical parameters or ad-ditional stations constructed through aminor modification of their license.Such notification must be made bysubmitting an FCC Form 600 and mustinclude the appropriate filing fee, ifany. These minor modification applica-tions are not subject to public noticeand petition to deny requirements ormutually exclusive applications.

(c) Special provisions for spectrumblocks D through V. Incumbent licenseesthat have received the consent of allaffected parties to utilize an 18 dBµV/msignal strength interference contourshall have their service area defined bytheir originally-licensed 36 dBµV/mfield strength contour and its inter-ference contour shall be defined astheir originally-licensed 18 dBµV/mfield strength contour. Incumbent li-censees are permitted to add, removeor modify transmitter sites withintheir original 18 dBµV/m field strengthcontour without prior notification tothe Commission so long as their origi-nal 18 dBµV/m field strength contour isnot expanded and the station complieswith the Commission’s short-spacingcriteria in §§ 90.621(b)(4) through90.621(b)(6). The incumbent licenseemust, however, notify the Commissionwithin 30 days of the completion of anychanges in technical parameters or ad-ditional stations constructed through aminor modification of their license.Such notification must be made bysubmitting an FCC Form 600 and mustinclude the appropriate filing fee, ifany. These minor modification applica-tions are not subject to public noticeand petition to deny requirements ormutually exclusive applications.

(d) Consolidated license—(1) Spectrumblocks A through V. Incumbent licenseesoperating at multiple sites may, aftergrant of EA licenses has been com-pleted, exchange multiple site licensesfor a single license, authorizing oper-ations throughout the contiguous andoverlapping 40 dBµV/m field strengthcontours of the multiple sites. Incum-bents exercising this license exchangeoption must submit specific informa-tion for each of their external basesites after the close of the 800 MHzSMR auction.

(2) Special provisions for spectrumblocks D through V. Incumbent licenseesthat have received the consent of allaffected parties to utilize an 18 dBµV/msignal strength interference contouroperating at multiple sites may, aftergrant of EA licenses has been com-pleted, exchange multiple site licensesfor a single license. This single site li-cense will authorize operationsthroughout the contiguous and over-lapping 36 dBµV/m field strength con-tours of the multiple sites. Incumbentsexercising this license exchange optionmust submit specific information foreach of their external base sites afterthe close of the 800 SMR auction.

[62 FR 41216, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.699 Transition of the upper 200channels in the 800 MHz band to EAlicensing.

In order to facilitate provision ofservice throughout an EA, an EA li-censee may relocate incumbent licens-ees in its EA by providing ‘‘comparablefacilities’’ on other frequencies in the800 MHz band. Such relocation is sub-ject to the following provisions:

(a) EA licensees may negotiate withincumbent licensees as defined in§ 90.693 operating on frequencies inSpectrum Blocks A, B, and C for thepurpose of agreeing to terms underwhich the incumbents would relocatetheir operations to other frequencies inthe 800 MHz band, or alternatively,would accept a sharing arrangementwith the EA licensee that may resultin an otherwise impermissible level ofinterference to the incumbent licens-ee’s operations. EA licensees may alsonegotiate agreements for relocation of

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.699

the incumbents’ facilities within Spec-trum Blocks A, B or C in which all in-terested parties agree to the relocationof the incumbent’s facilities elsewherewithin these bands. ‘‘All interestedparties’’ includes the incumbent li-censee, the EA licensee requesting andpaying for the relocation, and any EAlicensee of the spectrum to which theincumbent’s facilities are to be relo-cated.

(b) The relocation mechanism con-sists of two phases that must be com-pleted before an EA licensee may pro-ceed to request the involuntary reloca-tion of an incumbent licensee.

(1) Voluntary negotiations. There is aone year voluntary period during whichan EA licensee and an incumbent maynegotiate any mutually agreeable relo-cation agreement. The Commissionwill announce the commencement ofthe first phase voluntary period byPublic Notice. EA licensees must no-tify incumbents operating on fre-quencies included in their spectrumblock of their intention to relocatesuch incumbents within 90 days of therelease of the Public Notice that com-mences the voluntary negotiation pe-riod. Failure on the part of the EA li-censee to notify the incumbent li-censee during this 90 period of its in-tention to relocate the incumbent willresult in the forfeiture of the EA li-censee’s right to request involuntaryrelocation of the incumbent at anytime in the future.

(2) Mandatory negotiations. If noagreement is reached by the end of thevoluntary period, a one-year manda-tory negotiation period will begin dur-ing which both the EA licensee and theincumbent must negotiate in ‘‘goodfaith.’’ Failure on the part of the EA li-censee to negotiate in good faith dur-ing this mandatory period will resultin the forfeiture of the EA licensee’sright to request involuntary relocationof the incumbent at any time in the fu-ture.

(c) Involuntary relocation procedures.If no agreement is reached during ei-ther the voluntary or mandatory nego-tiating periods, the EA licensee mayrequest involuntary relocation of theincumbent’s system. In such a situa-tion, the EA licensee must:

(1) Guarantee payment of relocationcosts, including all engineering, equip-ment, site and FCC fees, as well as anylegitimate and prudent transaction ex-penses incurred by the incumbent li-censee that are directly attributable toan involuntary relocation, subject to acap of two percent of the hard costs in-volved. Hard costs are defined as theactual costs associated with providinga replacement system, such as equip-ment and engineering expenses. EA li-censees are not required to pay incum-bent licensees for internal resourcesdevoted to the relocation process. EAlicensees are not required to pay fortransaction costs incurred by incum-bent licensees during the voluntary ormandatory periods once the involun-tary period is initiated, or for fees thatcannot be legitimately tied to the pro-vision of comparable facilities;

(2) Complete all activities necessaryfor implementing the replacement fa-cilities, including engineering and costanalysis of the relocation procedureand, if radio facilities are used, identi-fying and obtaining, on the incum-bents’ behalf, new frequencies and fre-quency coordination; and

(3) Build the replacement system andtest it for comparability with the ex-isting 800 MHz system.

(d) Comparable facilities. The replace-ment system provided to an incumbentduring an involuntary relocation mustbe at least equivalent to the existing800 MHz system with respect to the fol-lowing four factors:

(1) System. System is defined func-tionally from the end user’s point ofview (i.e., a system is comprised of basestation facilities that operate on an in-tegrated basis to provide service to acommon end user, and all mobile unitsassociated with those base stations). Asystem may include multiple-licensedfacilities that share a common switchor are otherwise operated as a unitarysystem, provided that the end user hasthe ability to access all such facilities.A system may cover more than one EAif its existing geographic coverage ex-tends beyond the EA borders.

(2) Capacity. To meet the comparablefacilities requirement, an EA licenseemust relocate the incumbent to facili-ties that provide equivalent channelcapacity. We define channel capacity

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.699

as the same number of channels withthe same bandwidth that is currentlyavailable to the end user. For example,if an incumbent’s system consists offive 50 kHz (two 25 kHz paired fre-quencies) channels, the replacementsystem must also have five 50 kHzchannels. If a different channel con-figuration is used, it must have thesame overall capacity as the originalconfiguration. Comparable channel ca-pacity requires equivalent signalingcapability, baud rate, and access time.In addition, the geographic coverage ofthe channels must be coextensive withthat of the original system.

(3) Quality of service. Comparable fa-cilities must provide the same qualityof service as the facilities being re-placed. Quality of service is defined tomean that the end user enjoys thesame level of interference protectionon the new system as on the old sys-tem. In addition, where voice service isprovided, the voice quality on the newsystem must be equal to the currentsystem. Finally, reliability of serviceis considered to be integral to definingquality of service. Reliability is the de-gree to which information is trans-ferred accurately within the system.Reliability is a function of equipmentfailures (e.g., transmitters, feed lines,antennas, receivers, battery back-uppower, etc.) and the availability of thefrequency channel due to propagationcharacteristics (e.g., frequency, terrain,atmospheric conditions, radio-fre-quency noise, etc.) For digital data sys-tems, this will be measured by the per-cent of time the bit error rate exceedsthe desired value. For analog or digitalvoice transmissions, this will be meas-ured by the percent of time that audiosignal quality meets an establishedthreshold. If analog voice system is re-placed with a digital voice system theresulting frequency response, harmonicdistortion, signal-to-noise ratio, andreliability will be considered.

(4) Operating costs. Operating costsare those costs that affect the deliveryof services to the end user. If the EA li-censee provides facilities that entailhigher operating cost than the incum-bent’s previous system, and the cost in-crease is a direct result of the reloca-tion, the EA licensee must compensatethe incumbent for the difference. Costs

associated with the relocation processcan fall into several categories. First,the incumbent must be compensatedfor any increased recurring costs asso-ciated with the replacement facilitates(e.g., additional rental payments, in-creased utility fees). Second, increasedmaintenance costs must be taken intoconsideration when determiningwhether operating costs are com-parable. For example, maintenancecosts associated with analog systemsmay be higher than the costs of digitalequipment because manufacturers areproducing mostly digital equipmentand analog replacement parts can bedifficult to find. An EA licensee’s obli-gation to pay increased operating costswill end five years after relocation hasoccurred.

(e) If an EA licensee cannot providecomparable facilities to an incumbentlicensee as defined in this section, theincumbent licensee may continue tooperate its system on a primary basisin accordance with the provisions ofthis rule part.

(f) Cost-sharing plan for 800 MHz SMREA licensees. EA licensees are requiredto relocate the existing 800 MHz SMRlicensee in these bands if interferenceto the existing incumbent operationswould occur. All EA licensees who ben-efit from the spectrum clearing byother EA licensees must contribute, ona pro rata basis to such relocationcosts. EA licensees may satisfy this re-quirement by entering into privatecost-sharing agreements or agreeing toterms other than those specified in thissection. However, EA licensees are re-quired to reimburse other EA licenseesthat incur relocation costs and are notparties to the alternative agreement asdefined in this section.

(1) Pro rata formula. EA licensees whobenefit from the relocation of the in-cumbent must share the relocationcosts on a pro rata basis. For purposesof determining whether an EA licenseebenefits from the relocation of an in-cumbent, benefitted will be defined asany EA licensee that:

(i) Notifies incumbents operating onfrequencies included in their spectrumblock of their intention to relocatesuch incumbents within 90 days of the

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.699

release of the Public Notice that com-mences the voluntary negotiation pe-riod; or

(ii) Fails to notify incumbents oper-ating on frequencies included in theirspectrum block of their intention to re-locate such incumbents within 90 daysof the release of the Public Notice thatcommences the voluntary negotiationperiod, but subsequently decides to usethe frequencies included in their spec-trum block. EA licensees who do notparticipate in the relocation processwill be prohibited from invoking man-datory negotiations or any of the pro-visions of the Commission’s mandatoryrelocation guidelines. EA licensees whodo not provide notice to the incum-bent, but subsequently decide to usethe frequencies in their EA will be re-quired to reimburse, outside of theCommission’s mandatory relocationguidelines, those EA licensees whohave established a reimbursementright pursuant to paragraph (f)(3) ofthis section.

(2) Triggering a reimbursement obliga-tion. An EA licensees reimbursementobligation is triggered by:

(i) Notification (i.e., files a copy ofthe relocation notice and proof of theincumbent’s receipt of the notice tothe Commission within ten days of re-ceipt), to the incumbent within 90 daysof the release of the Public Notice com-mencing the voluntary negotiation pe-riod of its intention to relocate the in-cumbent; or

(ii) An EA licensee who does not pro-vide notification within 90 days of therelease of the Public Notice commenc-ing the voluntary negotiation period,but subsequently decides to use thechannels that were relocated by otherEA licensees.

(3) Triggering a reimbursement right. Inorder for the EA licensee to trigger areimbursement right, the EA licenseemust notify (i.e., files a copy of the re-location notice and proof of the incum-bent’s receipt of the notice to the Com-mission within ten days of receipt), theincumbent of its intention to relocatethe incumbent within 90 days of the re-lease of the Public Notice commencingthe voluntary negotiation period, andsubsequently negotiate and sign a relo-cation agreement with the incumbent.An EA licensee who relocates a channel

outside of its licensed EA (i.e., one thatis in another frequency block or out-side of its market area), is entitled topro rata reimbursement from non-noti-fying EA licensees who subsequentlyexercise their right to the channelsbased on the following formula:

Ci TcChj

TCh= ×

Ci equals the amount of reimbursementTc equals the actual cost of relocating the

incumbentTCh equals the total number of channels

that are being relocatedChj equals the number of channels that

each respective EA licensee will benefitfrom

(4) Payment issues. EA licensees whobenefit from the relocation of the in-cumbent will be required to submittheir pro rata share of the relocationexpense to EA licensees who have trig-gered a reimbursement right and haveincurred relocation costs as follows:

(i) For an EA licensee who, within 90days of the release of the Public Noticeannouncing the commencement of thevoluntary negotiation period, providesnotice of its intention to relocate theincumbent, but does not participate orincur relocation costs in the relocationprocess, will be required to reimbursethose EA licensees who have triggereda reimbursement right and have in-curred relocation costs during the relo-cation process, its pro rata share whenthe channels of the incumbent havebeen cleared (i.e., the incumbent hasbeen fully relocated and the channelsare free and clear).

(ii) For an EA licensee who does not,within 90 days of the release of thePublic Notice announcing the com-mencement of the voluntary negotia-tion period, provide notice to the in-cumbent of its intention to relocateand does not incur relocation costsduring the relocation process, but sub-sequently decides to use the channelsin its EA, will be required to submit itspro rata share payment to those EA li-censees who have triggered a reim-bursement right and have incurred re-location costs during the relocationprocess prior to commencing testing ofits system.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.701

(5) Sunset of reimbursement rights. EAlicensees who do not trigger a reim-bursement obligation as set forth inparagraph (f)(2) of this section, shallnot be required to reimburse EA licens-ees who have triggered a reimburse-ment right as set forth in paragraph(f)(3) of this section ten (10) years afterthe voluntary negotiation period be-gins for EA licensees (i.e., ten (10) yearsafter the Commission releases the Pub-lic Notice commencing the voluntarynegotiation period).

(6) Resolution of disputes that ariseduring relocation. Disputes arising outof the costs of relocation, such as dis-putes over the amount of reimburse-ment required, will be encouraged touse expedited ADR procedures. ADRprocedures provide several alternativemethods such as binding arbitration,mediation, or other ADR techniques.

(7) Administration of the cost-sharingplan. We will allow for an industry sup-ported, not-for-profit clearinghouse tobe established for purposes of admin-istering the cost-sharing plan adoptedfor the 800 MHz SMR relocation proce-dures.

[62 FR 41217, July 31, 1997]

Subpart T—Regulations GoverningLicensing and Use of Fre-quencies in the 220–222 MHzBand

SOURCE: 56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, unlessotherwise noted.

§ 90.701 Scope.(a) Frequencies in the 220–222 MHz

band are available for land mobile andfixed use for both Government and non-Government operations. This subpartsets out the regulations governing thelicensing and operation of non-Govern-ment systems operating in the 220–222MHz band. It includes eligibility re-quirements, application procedures,and operational and technical stand-ards for stations licensed in thesebands. The rules in this subpart are tobe read in conjunction with the appli-cable requirements contained else-where in this part; however, in case ofconflicts, the provisions of this subpartshall govern with respect to licensingand operation in this frequency band.

(b)(1) Licensees granted initial au-thorizations for operations in the 220–222 MHz band from among applicationsfiled on or before May 24, 1991 are re-ferred to in this subpart as ‘‘Phase I’’licensees;

(2) Applicants that filed initial appli-cations for operations in the 220–222MHz band on or before May 24, 1991 arereferred to in this subpart as ‘‘Phase I’’applicants; and

(3) All assignments, operations, sta-tions, and systems of licensees grantedauthorizations from among applica-tions filed for operations in the 220–222MHz band on or before May 24, 1991 arereferred to in this subpart as ‘‘Phase I’’assignments, operations, stations, andsystems, respectively.

(c)(1) Licensees granted initial au-thorizations for operations in the 220–222 MHz band from among applicationsfiled after May 24, 1991 are referred toin this subpart as ‘‘Phase II’’ licensees;

(2) Applicants that filed initial appli-cations for operations in the 220–222MHz band after May 24, 1991 are re-ferred to in this subpart as ‘‘Phase II’’applicants; and

(3) All assignments, operations, sta-tions, and systems of licensees grantedauthorizations from among applica-tions filed for operations in the 220–222MHz band after May 24, 1991 are re-ferred to in this subpart as ‘‘Phase II’’assignments, operations, stations, andsystems, respectively.

(d) The rules in this subpart apply toboth Phase I and Phase II licensees, ap-plicants, assignments, operations, sta-tions, and systems, unless otherwisespecified.

[62 FR 15993, Apr. 3, 1997]

§ 90.703 Eligibility.The following persons are eligible for

licensing in the 220–222 MHz band.(a) Any person eligible for licensing

under subparts B or C of this part.(b) Any person proposing to provide

communications service to any personeligible for licensing under subparts Bor C of this part, on a not-for-profit,cost-shared basis.

(c) Any person eligible under thispart proposing to provide on a commer-cial basis, station and ancillary facili-ties for the use of individuals, federal

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.711

government agencies and persons eligi-ble for licensing under subparts B or Cof this part.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 60FR 15495, Mar. 24, 1995; 62 FR 18935, Apr. 17,1997]

§ 90.705 Forms to be used.Phase II applications for EA, Re-

gional, or Nationwide radio facilitiesunder this subpart must be prepared inaccordance with §§ 90.1009 and 90.1013.Phase II applications for radio facili-ties operating on public safety/mutualaid channels (Channels 161 through 170)or emergency medical channels (Chan-nels 181 through 185) under this subpartmust be prepared on FCC Form 600 andsubmitted or filed in accordance with§ 90.127.

[62 FR 18935, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.709 Special limitations on amend-ment of applications and on assign-ment or transfer of authorizationslicensed under this subpart.

(a) Except as indicated in paragraph(b) of this section, the Commission willnot consent to the following:

(1) Any request to amend an applica-tion so as to substitute a new entity asthe applicant;

(2) Any application to assign ortransfer a license for a Phase I, non-na-tionwide system prior to the comple-tion of construction of facilities; or

(3) Any application to transfer or as-sign a license for a Phase I nationwidesystem before the licensee has con-structed at least 40 percent of the pro-posed system pursuant to the provi-sions of § 90.725(a) or § 90.725(h), as ap-plicable.

(b) The Commission will grant theapplications described in paragrpah (a)of this section if:

(1) the request to amend an applica-tion or to transfer or assign a licensedoes not involve a substantial changein the ownership or control or the ap-plicant; or

(2) The changes in the ownership orcontrol of the applciant are involun-tary due to the original applicant’s in-solvency, bankruptcy, incapacity, ordeath.

(c) The assignee or transferee of aPhase I nationwide system is subject tothe construction benchmarks and re-

porting requirements of § 90.725. The as-signee or transferee of a Phase I na-tionwide system is not subject to theentry criteria described in § 90.713.

(d) A licensee may partially assignany authorization in accordance with§ 90.1019.

(e) The assignee or transferee of aPhase II system is subject to the provi-sions of § 90.1017 and § 1.2111(a) of thischapter.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 57FR 32449, July 22, 1992; 62 FR 15993, Apr. 3,1997; 63 FR 49295, Sept. 15, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 49295,Sept. 15, 1998, § 90.709 was amended by revis-ing paragraph (d), effective Nov. 16, 1998. Forthe convenience of the user, the supersededtext is set forth as follows:

§ 90.709 Special limitations on amendmentof applications and on assignment ortransfer of authorizations licensed underthis subpart.

* * * * *

(d) A licensee may not partially assign anyauthorization granted pursuant to the sub-part.

* * * * *

§ 90.711 Processing of Phase II appli-cations.

(a) Phase II applications for author-izations on Channels 166 through 170and Channels 181 through 185 will beprocessed on a first-come, first-servedbasis. When multiple applications arefiled on the same day for these fre-quencies in the same geographic area,and insufficient frequencies are avail-able to grant all applications (i.e., if allapplications were granted, violation ofthe station separation provisions of§ 90.723(k) would result), these applica-tions will be considered mutually ex-clusive and will be subject to randomselection procedures pursuant to § 1.972of this chapter.

(1) All applications will first be con-sidered to determine whether they aresubstantially complete and acceptablefor filing. If so, they will be assigned afile number and put in pending status.If not, they will be dismissed.

(2) Except as otherwise provided inthis section, all applications in pendingstatus will be processed in the order inwhich they are received, determined by

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.713

the date on which the application wasreceived by the Commission in its Get-tysburg, Pennsylvania office (or the ad-dress set forth at § 1.1102 of this chapterfor applications requiring the fees es-tablished by part 1, subpart G of thischapter).

(3) Each application that is acceptedfor filing will then be reviewed to de-termine whether it can be granted.Frequencies will be assigned by theCommission pursuant to the provisionsof § 90.723.

(4) An application which is dismissedwill lose its place in the processingline.

(5) If an application is returned forcorrection and resubmitted and re-ceived by the Commission within 60days from the date on which it was re-turned to the applicant, it will retainits place in the processing line. If it isnot received within 60 days, it will loseits place in the processing line.

(b) All applications for Channels 161through 165 that comply with the ap-plicable rules of this part shall begranted. Licensees operating on suchchannels shall cooperate in the selec-tion and use of frequencies and resolveany instances of interference in accord-ance with the provisions of § 90.173.

(c) Phase II applications for author-ization on all non-Government chan-nels other than Channels 161 through170 and 181 through 185 shall be proc-essed in accordance with the provisionsof subpart W of this part.

[62 FR 15993, Apr. 3, 1997, as amended at 63FR 32590, June 12, 1998]

§ 90.713 Entry criteria.(a) As set forth in § 90.717, four 5-

channel blocks are available for na-tionwide, commercial use to non-Gov-ernment, Phase I applicants. Appli-cants for these nationwide channelblocks must comply with paragraphs(b), (c), and (d) of this section.

(b)(1) An applicant must include cer-tification that, within ten years of re-ceiving a license, it will construct aminimum of one base station in atleast 70 different geographic areas des-ignated in the application; that basestations will be located in a minimumof 28 of the 100 urban areas listed in§ 90.741; and that each base station willhave all five assigned nationwide chan-

nels constructed and placed in oper-ation (regularly interacting with mo-bile and/or portable units).

(2) An applicant must include certifi-cation that it will meet the construc-tion requirements set forth in § 90.725.

(3) An applicant must include a ten-year schedule detailing plans for con-struction of the proposed system.

(4) An applicant must include anitemized estimate of the cost of con-structing 40 percent of the system andoperating the system during the firstfour years of the license term.

(5) An applicant must include proofthat the applicant has sufficient finan-cial resources to construct 40 percentof the system and operate the proposedland mobile system for the first fouryears of the license term; i.e., that theapplicant has net current assets suffi-cient to cover estimated costs or a firmfinancial commitment sufficient tocover estimated costs.

(c) An applicant relying on personalor internal resources for the showingrequired in paragraph (b) of this sec-tion must submit independently au-dited financial statements certifiedwithin one year of the date of the ap-plication showing net current assetssufficient to meet estimated construc-tion and operating costs. An applicantmust also submit an unaudited balancesheet, current within 60 days of thedate of submission, that clearly showsthe continued availability of sufficientnet current assets to construct and op-erate the proposed system, and a cer-tification by the applicant or an officerof the applicant organization attestingto the validity of the balance sheet.

(d) An applicant submitting evidenceof a firm financial commitment for theshowing required in paragraph (b) ofthis section must obtain the commit-ment from a bona fide commerciallyacceptable source, e.g., a state or feder-ally chartered bank or savings and loaninstitution, other recognized financialinstitution, the financial arm of a cap-ital equipment supplier, or an invest-ment banking house. If the lender isnot a state or federally chartered bankor savings and loan institution, otherrecognized financial institution, the fi-nancial arm of a capital equipmentsupplier, or an investment banking

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.715

house, the lender must also dem-onstrate that it has funds available tocover the total commitments it hasmade. The lender’s commitment shallcontain a statement that the lender:

(1) Has examined the financial condi-tion of the applicant including an au-dited financial statement, and has de-termined that the applicant is credit-worthy;

(2) Has examined the financial viabil-ity of the proposed system for whichthe applicant intends to use the com-mitment; and

(3) Is willing, if the applicant is seek-ing a Phase I, commercial nationwidelicense, to provide a sum to the appli-cant sufficient to cover the realisticand prudent estimated costs of con-struction of 40 percent of the systemand operation of the system for thefirst four years of the license term.

(e) A Phase II applicant for author-ization in a geographic area for Chan-nels 166 through 170 in the public safe-ty/mutual aid category may not haveany interest in another pending appli-cation in the same geographic area forChannels 166 through 170 in the publicsafety/mutual aid category, and aPhase II applicant for authorization ina geographic area for channels in theemergency medical category may nothave any interest in another pendingapplication in the same geographicarea for channels in the emergencymedical category.

[62 FR 15994, Apr. 3, 1997, as amended at 62FR 18935, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.715 Frequencies available.(a) The following table indicates the

channel designations of frequenciesavailable for assignment to eligible ap-plicants under this subpart. Fre-quencies shall be assigned in pairs,with base station frequencies takenfrom the 220–221 MHz band with cor-responding mobile and control stationfrequencies being 1 MHz higher andtaken from the 221–222 MHz band. Onlythe lower half of the frequency pair(s)is listed in the table. Use of these fre-quencies in the Mexican and Canadianborder areas is subject to coordinationwith those countries. See paragraph (c)of this section for special provisionsconcerning use in the Mexico borderarea.


Channel No. Base frequency(MHz)

1 ............................................................... 220.00252 ............................................................... .00753 ............................................................... .01254 ............................................................... .01755 ............................................................... .02256 ............................................................... .02757 ............................................................... .03258 ............................................................... .03759 ............................................................... .042510 ............................................................. .047511 ............................................................. .052512 ............................................................. .057513 ............................................................. .062514 ............................................................. .067515 ............................................................. .072516 ............................................................. .077517 ............................................................. .082518 ............................................................. .087519 ............................................................. .092520 ............................................................. .097521 ............................................................. 220.102522 ............................................................. .107523 ............................................................. .112524 ............................................................. .117525 ............................................................. .122526 ............................................................. .127527 ............................................................. .132528 ............................................................. .137529 ............................................................. .142530 ............................................................. .147531 ............................................................. .152532 ............................................................. .157533 ............................................................. .162534 ............................................................. .167535 ............................................................. .172536 ............................................................. .177537 ............................................................. .182538 ............................................................. .187539 ............................................................. .192540 ............................................................. .197541 ............................................................. 220.202542 ............................................................. .207543 ............................................................. .212544 ............................................................. .217545 ............................................................. .222546 ............................................................. .227547 ............................................................. .232548 ............................................................. .237549 ............................................................. .242550 ............................................................. .247551 ............................................................. .252552 ............................................................. .257553 ............................................................. .262554 ............................................................. .267555 ............................................................. .272556 ............................................................. .277557 ............................................................. .282558 ............................................................. .287559 ............................................................. .292560 ............................................................. .297561 ............................................................. 220.302562 ............................................................. .307563 ............................................................. .312564 ............................................................. .317565 ............................................................. .322566 ............................................................. .327567 ............................................................. .332568 ............................................................. .337569 ............................................................. .342570 ............................................................. .3475

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.715


Channel No. Base frequency(MHz)

71 ............................................................. .352572 ............................................................. .357573 ............................................................. .362574 ............................................................. .367575 ............................................................. .372576 ............................................................. .377577 ............................................................. .382578 ............................................................. .387579 ............................................................. .392580 ............................................................. .397581 ............................................................. 220.402582 ............................................................. .407583 ............................................................. .412584 ............................................................. .417585 ............................................................. .422586 ............................................................. .427587 ............................................................. .432588 ............................................................. .437589 ............................................................. .442590 ............................................................. .447591 ............................................................. .452592 ............................................................. .457593 ............................................................. .462594 ............................................................. .467595 ............................................................. .472596 ............................................................. .477597 ............................................................. .482598 ............................................................. .487599 ............................................................. .4925100 ........................................................... .4975101 ........................................................... 220.5025102 ........................................................... .5075103 ........................................................... .5125104 ........................................................... .5175105 ........................................................... .5225106 ........................................................... .5275107 ........................................................... .5325108 ........................................................... .5375109 ........................................................... .5425110 ........................................................... .5475111 ........................................................... .5525112 ........................................................... .5575113 ........................................................... .5625114 ........................................................... .5675115 ........................................................... .5725116 ........................................................... .5775117 ........................................................... .5825118 ........................................................... .5875119 ........................................................... .5925120 ........................................................... .5975121 ........................................................... 220.6025122 ........................................................... .6075123 ........................................................... .6125124 ........................................................... .6175125 ........................................................... .6225126 ........................................................... .6275127 ........................................................... .6325128 ........................................................... .6375129 ........................................................... .6425130 ........................................................... .6475131 ........................................................... .6525132 ........................................................... .6575133 ........................................................... .6625134 ........................................................... .6675135 ........................................................... .6725136 ........................................................... .6775137 ........................................................... .6825


Channel No. Base frequency(MHz)

138 ........................................................... .6875139 ........................................................... .6925140 ........................................................... .6975141 ........................................................... 220.7025142 ........................................................... .7075143 ........................................................... .7125144 ........................................................... .7175145 ........................................................... .7225146 ........................................................... .7275147 ........................................................... .7325148 ........................................................... .7375149 ........................................................... .7425150 ........................................................... .7475151 ........................................................... .7525152 ........................................................... .7575153 ........................................................... .7625154 ........................................................... .7675155 ........................................................... .7725156 ........................................................... .7775157 ........................................................... .7825158 ........................................................... .7875159 ........................................................... .7925160 ........................................................... .7975161 ........................................................... 220.8025162 ........................................................... .8075163 ........................................................... .8125164 ........................................................... .8175165 ........................................................... .8225166 ........................................................... .8275167 ........................................................... .8325168 ........................................................... .8375169 ........................................................... .8425170 ........................................................... .8475171 ........................................................... .8525172 ........................................................... .8575173 ........................................................... .8625174 ........................................................... .8675175 ........................................................... .8725176 ........................................................... .8775177 ........................................................... .8825178 ........................................................... .8875179 ........................................................... .8925180 ........................................................... .8975181 ........................................................... 220.9025182 ........................................................... .9075183 ........................................................... .9125184 ........................................................... .9175185 ........................................................... .9225186 ........................................................... .9275187 ........................................................... .9325188 ........................................................... .9375189 ........................................................... .9425190 ........................................................... .9475191 ........................................................... .9525192 ........................................................... .9575193 ........................................................... .9625194 ........................................................... .9675195 ........................................................... .9725196 ........................................................... .9775197 ........................................................... .9825198 ........................................................... .9875199 ........................................................... .9925200 ........................................................... 220.9975

(b) The 200 channels are divided intothree sub-bands as follows:

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.720

Channel No. Sub-band Frequencies (MHz)

1–40 ................................................................................ A .................... 220.0025–220.1975/221.0025–221.197541–160 ............................................................................. C .................... 220.2025–220.7975/221.2025–221.7975

161–200 ............................................................................. B .................... 220.8025–220.9975/221.8025–221.9975

(c) U.S./Mexico border area. (1) Chan-nels 16–30, 45–60, 76–90, 106–120, 136–145,156–165, 178–194 are available for pri-mary use within the United Stateswithin 120 km (74.6 mi) of the Mexicanborder, subject to the power and an-tenna height conditions specified in§ 90.729 and the use restrictions speci-fied in §§ 90.717–90.721.

(2) Channels 195–200 are available toboth the United States and Mexico inthe border area on an unprotectedbasis. Use is limited to a maximum ef-fective radiated power (ERP) of 2 wattsand a maximum antenna height of 6.1meters (20 ft) above ground.

(3) Channels allotted for primaryMexican use (1–15, 31–45, 61–75, 91–105,121–135, 146–155, and 166–177) may beused in the border area subject to thecondition that the power flux densitynot exceed¥86 dB(W/m2) at or beyondany point on the border. Stations oper-ating under this provision will be con-sidered secondary and will not begranted protection from harmful inter-ference from stations that have pri-mary use of the frequencies.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 57FR 55148, Nov. 24, 1992]

§ 90.717 Channels available for nation-wide systems in the 220–222 MHzband.

(a) Channels 51–60, 81–90, and 141–150are 10-channel blocks available to non-Government applicants only for na-tionwide Phase II systems.

(b) Channels 21–25, 26–30, 151–155, and156–160 are 5-channel blocks availableto non-Government applicants only fornationwide, commercial Phase I sys-tems.

(c) Channels 111–115 and 116–120 are 5-channel blocks available for Govern-ment nationwide use only.

[62 FR 15994, Apr. 3, 1997]

§ 90.719 Individual channels availablefor assignment in the 220–222 MHzband.

(a) Channels 171 through 200 areavailable to both Government and non-Government Phase I applicants, andmay be assigned singly or in contig-uous channel groups.

(b) Channels 171 through 180 areavailable for any use by Phase I appli-cants consistent with this subpart.

(c) Channels 181 through 185 are setaside in Phase II for emergency medi-cal use for applicants that meet the eli-gibility criteria of § 90.20(a)(1)(iii) or§ 90.20(a)(2)(xiii).

(d) Channels 161 through 170 and 181through 185 are the only 220–222 MHzchannels available to Phase II non-na-tionwide, Government users.

[62 FR 15994, Apr. 3, 1997, as amended at 62FR 18936, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.720 Channels available for publicsafety/mutual aid.

(a) Part 90 licensees who meet theeligibility criteria of §§ 90.20(a)(1),90.20(a)(2)(i), 90.20(a)(2)(ii),90.20(a)(2)(iii), 90.20(a)(2)(iv),90.20(a)(2)(vii), 90.20(a)(2)(ix), or90.20(a)(2)(xiii) are authorized by thisrule to use mobile and/or portable unitson Channels 161–170 throughout theUnited States, its territories, and pos-sessions to transmit:

(1) Communications relating to theimmediate safety of life;

(2) Communications to facilitateinteroperability among entities eligi-ble under §§ 90.20(a)(1), 90.20(a)(2)(i),90.20(a)(2)(ii), 90.20(a)(2)(iii),90.20(a)(2)(iv), 90.20(a)(2)(vii),90.20(a)(2)(ix), and 90.20(a)(2)(xiii); or

(3) Communications on behalf of andby members of organizations estab-lished for disaster relief purposes hav-ing an emergency radio communica-tions plan (i.e., licensees eligible under§ 90.20(a)(2)(vii)) for the transmission ofcommunications relating to the safety

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.721

of life or property, the establishmentand maintenance of temporary relieffacilities, and the alleviation of emer-gency conditions during periods of ac-tual or impending emergency, or disas-ter, until substantially normal condi-tions are restored; for limited trainingexercises incidental to an emergencyradio communications plan, and fornecessary operational communicationsof the disaster relief organization or itschapter affiliates.

(b) Any Government entity and anynon-Government entity eligible to ob-tain a license under §§ 90.20(a)(1),90.20(a)(2)(i), 90.20(a)(2)(ii),90.20(a)(2)(iii), 90.20(a)(2)(iv),90.20(a)(2)(vii), 90.20(a)(2)(ix), or90.20(a)(2)(xiii) is also eligible to obtaina license for base/mobile operations onChannels 161 through 170. Base/mobileor base/portable communications onthese channels that do not relate tothe immediate safety of life or to com-munications interoperability amongthe above-specified entities, may onlybe conducted on a secondary non-inter-ference basis to such communications.

[62 FR 18936, Apr. 17, 1997]

§ 90.721 Other channels available fornon-nationwide systems in the 220–222 MHz band.

(a) The channel groups listed in thefollowing Table are available to bothGovernment and non-GovernmentPhase I applicants for trunked oper-ations or operations of equivalent orgreater efficiency for non-commercialor commercial operations.


Group No. Channel Nos.

1 ......................................................... 1–31–61–91–1212 ......................................................... 2–32–62–92–1223 ......................................................... 3–33–63–93–1234 ......................................................... 4–34–64–94–1245 ......................................................... 5–35–65–95–1256 ......................................................... 6–36–66–96–1267 ......................................................... 7–37–67–97–1278 ......................................................... 8–38–68–98–1289 ......................................................... 9–39–69–99–12910 ....................................................... 10–40–70–100–13011 ....................................................... 11–41–71–101–13112 ....................................................... 12–42–72–102–13213 ....................................................... 13–43–73–103–13314 ....................................................... 14–44–74–104–13415 ....................................................... 15–45–75–105–13516 ....................................................... 16–46–76–106–13617 ....................................................... 17–47–77–107–13718 ....................................................... 18–48–78–108–13819 ....................................................... 19–49–79–109–139


Group No. Channel Nos.

20 ....................................................... 20–50–80–110–140

(b) The channels listed in the follow-ing Table are available to non-Govern-ment applicants for Phase II assign-ments in Economic Areas (EAs) andRegional Economic Area Groupings(REAGs) (see §§ 90.761 and 90.763).




Group Nos. (fromtable 1)


A .................. EA 2 and 13.B .................. EA 3 and 16.C .................. EA 5 and 18.D .................. EA 8 and 19.E .................. EA .................................... 171–180F .................. REAG 1, 6, and 11.G .................. REAG 4, 9, and 14.H .................. REAG 7, 12, and 17.I ................... REAG 10, 15, and 20.J ................... REAG .................................... 186–200

[62 FR 15995, Apr. 3, 1997]

§ 90.723 Selection and assignment offrequencies.

(a) Phase II applications for fre-quencies in the 220–222 MHz band shallspecify whether their intended use isfor 10-channel nationwide systems, 10-channel EA systems, 15-channel Re-gional systems, public safety/mutualaid use, or emergency medical use.Phase II applicants for frequencies forpublic safety/mutual aid use or emer-gency medical use shall specify thenumber of frequencies requested. Allfrequencies in this band will be as-signed by the Commission.

(b) Phase II channels will be assignedpursuant to §§ 90.717, 90.719, 90.720,90.721, 90.761 and 90.763.

(c) Phase II applicants for publicsafety/mutual aid and emergency medi-cal channels will be assigned only thenumber of channels justified to meettheir requirements.

(d) Phase I base or fixed station re-ceivers utilizing 221–222 MHz fre-quencies assigned from Sub-band A asdesignated in § 90.715(b) will be geo-graphically separated from those PhaseI base or fixed station transmitters uti-lizing 220–221 MHz frequencies removed

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.723

200 kHz or less and assigned from Sub-band B as follows:


Separation distance (kilometers)Radiated

power(watts) 1

0.0–0.3 ................................................................. (2)0.3–0.5 ................................................................. 50.5–0.6 ................................................................. 100.6–0.8 ................................................................. 200.8–2.0 ................................................................. 252.0–4.0 ................................................................. 504.0–5.0 ................................................................. 1005.0–6.0 ................................................................. 200Over 6.0 ............................................................... 500

1 Transmitter peak envelope power shall be used to deter-mine effective radiated power.

2 Stations separated by 0.3 km or less shall not be author-ized. This table does not apply to the low-power channels196–200. See § 90.729(c).

(e) Phase II licensees authorized on220–221 MHz frequencies assigned fromSub-band B will be required to geo-graphically separate their base stationor fixed station transmitters from thebase station or fixed station receiversof Phase I licensees authorized on 221–222 MHz frequencies 200 kHz removed orless in Sub-band A in accordance withthe Table in paragraph (d) of this sec-tion. Such Phase II licensees will notbe required to geographically separatetheir base station or fixed stationtransmitters from receivers associatedwith additional transmitter sites thatare added by such Phase I licensees inaccordance with the provisions of§ 90.745(a).

(f) Phase II licensees with base orfixed stations transmitting on 220–221MHz frequencies assigned from Sub-band B and Phase II licensees with baseor fixed stations receiving on Sub-bandA 221–222 MHz frequencies, if suchtransmitting and receiving frequenciesare 200 kHz or less removed from oneanother, will be required to coordinatethe location of their base stations orfixed stations to avoid interference andto cooperate to resolve any instancesof interference in accordance with theprovisions of § 90.173(b).

(g) Phase I licensees with base orfixed stations transmitting on 220–221MHz frequencies assigned from Sub-band B and Phase I licensees with baseor fixed stations receiving on Sub-bandA 221–222 MHz frequencies (if such

transmitting and receiving frequenciesare 200 kHz or less removed from oneanother) that add, remove, or modifystation sites in accordance with theprovisions of § 90.745(a) will be requiredto coordinate such actions with one an-other to avoid interference and to co-operate to resolve any instances of in-terference in accordance with the pro-visions of § 90.173(b).

(h) Phase I licensees with base orfixed stations transmitting on 220–221MHz frequencies assigned from Sub-band B that add, remove, or modifystation sites in accordance with theprovisions of § 90.745(a) will be requiredto coordinate such actions with PhaseII licensees with base or fixed stationsreceiving on Sub-band A 221–222 MHzfrequencies 200 kHz or less removed.

(i) A mobile station is authorized totransmit on any frequency assigned toits associated base station. Mobileunits not associated with base stations(see § 90.720(a)) must operate on ‘‘mo-bile’’ channels.

(j) A licensee’s fixed station is au-thorized to transmit on any of the li-censee’s assigned base station fre-quencies or mobile station frequencies.

(k) Except for nationwide assign-ments, the separation of co-channelPhase I base stations, or fixed stationstransmitting on base station fre-quencies, shall be 120 kilometers. Ex-cept for Phase I licensees seeking li-cense modification in accordance withthe provisions of §§ 90.751 and 90.753,shorter separations between such sta-tions will be considered by the Com-mission on a case-by-case basis uponsubmission of a technical analysis indi-cating that at least 10 dB protectionwill be provided to an existing Phase Istation’s predicted 38 dBu signal levelcontour. The existing Phase I station’spredicted 38 dBu signal level contourshall be calculated using the F(50,50)field strength chart for Channels 7–13in § 73.699 (Fig. 10) of this chapter, witha 9 dB correction factor for antennaheight differential. The 10 dB protec-tion to the existing Phase I station’spredicted 38 dBu signal level contourshall be calculated using the F(50,10)field strength chart for Channels 7–13in § 73.699 (Fig. 10a) of this chapter,

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.725

with a 9 dB correction factor for an-tenna height differential.

[62 FR 15995, Apr. 3, 1997, as amended at 62FR 18936, Apr. 17, 1997; 63 FR 32590, June 12,1998]

§ 90.725 Construction requirements forPhase I licensees.

(a) Licensees granted commercial na-tionwide authorizations will be re-quired to construct base stations andplaced those base stations in operationas follows:

(1) In at least 10 percent of the geo-graphic areas designated in the appli-cation within two years of initial li-cense grant, including base stations inat least seven urban areas listed in§ 90.741 of this part;

(2) In at least 40 percent of the geo-graphic areas designated in the appli-cation within four years of initial li-cense grant, including base stations inat least 28 urban areas listed in § 90.741of this part;

(3) In at least 70 percent of the geo-graphic areas designated in the appli-cation within six years of initial li-cense grant, including base stations inat least 28 urban areas listed in § 90.741of this part;

(4) In all geographic areas designatedin the application within ten years ofinitial license grant, including basestations in at least 28 urban areas list-ed in § 90.741 of this part.

(b) Licensees not meeting the twoand four year criteria shall lose the en-tire authorization, but will be per-mitted a six month period to convertthe system to non-nationwide chan-nels, if such channels are available.

(c) Licensees not meeting the six andten year criteria shall lose the author-izations for the facilities not con-structed, but will retain exclusivity forconstructed facilities.

(d) Each commercial nationwide li-censee must file a system progress re-port on or before the anniversary dateof the grant of its license after 2, 4, 6and 10 years, demonstrating compli-ance with the relevant constructionbenchmark criteria.

(1) An overall status report of thesystem, that must include, but neednot be limited to:

(i) A list of all sites at which basestations have been constructed, with

antenna heights and effective radiatedpower specified for each site;

(ii) A list of all other known base sta-tion sites at which construction hasnot been completed; and

(iii) A construction and operationalschedule for the next five-year period,including any known changes to theplan for construction and operationsubmitted with the licensee’s originalapplication for the system.

(2) An analysis of the system’s com-pliance with the requirements of para-graph (a) of this section, with docu-mentation to support representationsof completed construction, including,but not limited to:

(i) Equipment purchase orders andcontracts;

(ii) Lease or purchase contracts re-lating to antenna site arrangements;

(iii) Equipment and antenna identi-fication (serial) numbers; and

(iv) Service agreements and visits.(e) Beginning with its second license

term, each nationwide licensee mustfile a progress report once every fiveyears on the anniversary date of thegrant of the first renewal of its author-ization, including the information re-quired by paragraph (d)(1) of this sec-tion.

(f) Licensees authorized Phase I non-nationwide systems, or authorized onChannels 161 through 170 or Channels181 through 185, must construct theirsystems (i.e., have all specified basestations constructed with all channels)and place their systems in operation,or commence service in accordancewith the provisions of § 90.167, withintwelve months of the initial licensegrant date. Authorizations for systemsnot constructed and placed in oper-ation, or having commenced service,within twelve months from the date ofinitial license grant cancel automati-cally.

(g) A licensee that loses authoriza-tion for some or all of its channels dueto failure to meet construction dead-lines or benchmarks may not reapplyfor nationwide channels in the samecategory or for non-nationwide chan-nels in the same category in the samegeographic area for one year from thedate the Commission takes final actionaffirming that those channels havebeen cancelled.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.729

(h) The requirements and conditionsof paragraphs (a) through (e) and para-graph (g) of this section apply to na-tionwide licensees that construct andoperate stations for fixed or paging op-erations on a primary basis instead of,or in addition to, stations for land mo-bile operations on a primary basis ex-cept that, in satisfying the base stationconstruction and placed in operationrequirements of paragraph (a) of thissection and the system progress reportrequirements of paragraphs (d) and (e)of this section, licensees operating sta-tions for fixed operation on a primarybasis instead of, or in addition to, sta-tions for land mobile or paging oper-ations on a primary basis in a given ge-ographic area may demonstrate howsuch fixed stations are providing sub-stantial service to the public in thosegeographic areas.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 56FR 32517, July 17, 1991; 57 FR 32450, July 22,1992; 58 FR 36363, July 7, 1993; 62 FR 15996,Apr. 3, 1997; 63 FR 49295, Sept. 15, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 49295,Sept. 15, 1998, § 90.725 was amended by revis-ing paragraph (a) introductory text, effectiveNov. 16, 1998. For the convenience of theuser, the superseded text is set forth as fol-lows:

§ 90.725 Construction requirements forPhase I licensees.

(a) Licensees granted commercial nation-wide authorizations will be required to con-struct base stations having a minimum offive assigned nationwide channels and placethose base stations in operation as follows:

* * * * *

§ 90.727 Extended implementationschedules for Phase I licensees.

Except for nationwide and commer-cial systems, a period of up to three (3)years may be authorized for construct-ing and placing a system in operationif:

(a) The applicant submits justifica-tion for an extended implementationperiod. The justification must includereasons for requiring an extended con-struction period, the proposed con-struction schedule (with milestones),and must show either that:

(1) The proposed system will serve alarge fleet of mobile units and will in-volve a multi-year cycle for its plan-

ning, approval, funding, purchase, andconstruction; or

(2) The proposed system will requirelonger than 8 months to place in oper-ation because of its purpose, size, orcomplexity; or

(3) The proposed system is to be partof a coordinated or integrated area-wide system which will require morethan 8 months to construct; or

(4) The applicant is a local govern-mental agency and demonstrates thatthe government involved is required bylaw to follow a multi-year cycle forplanning, approval, funding, and pur-chasing the proposed system.

(b) Authorizations under this sectionare conditioned upon the licensee’scompliance with the submitted ex-tended implementation schedule. Fail-ure to meet the schedule will result inloss of authorizations for facilities notconstructed.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 56FR 32517, July 17, 1991]

§ 90.729 Limitations on power and an-tenna height.

(a) The permissible effective radiatedpower (ERP) with respect to antennaheights for land mobile, paging, orfixed stations transmitting on fre-quencies in the 220–221 MHz band shallbe determined from the followingTable. These are maximum values andapplicants are required to justify powerlevels requested.


Antenna height above average terrain (HAAT),meters

Effectiveradiatedpower,watts 1

Up to 150 ............................................................... 500150 to 225 .............................................................. 250225 to 300 .............................................................. 125300 to 450 .............................................................. 60450 to 600 .............................................................. 30600 to 750 .............................................................. 20750 to 900 .............................................................. 15900 to 1050 ............................................................ 10Above 1050 ............................................................ 5

1 Transmitter PEP shall be used to determine ERP.2 These power levels apply to stations used for land mobile,

paging, and fixed operations.

(b) The maximum permissible ERPfor mobile units is 50 watts. Portableunits are considered as mobile units.Licensees operating fixed stations orpaging base stations transmitting onfrequencies in the 221–222 MHz band

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.733

may not operate such fixed stations orpaging base stations at power levelsgreater than 50 watts ERP, and maynot transmit from antennas that arehigher than 7 meters above averageterrain, except that transmissions fromantennas that are higher than 7 metersabove average terrain will be permittedif the effective radiated power of suchtransmissions is reduced below 50 wattsERP by 20 log10(h/7) dB, where h is theheight above average terrain (HAAT),in meters.

(c) Base station and fixed stationtransmissions on base station transmitChannels 196–200 are limited to 2 wattsERP and a maximum antenna HAAT of6.1 meters (20 ft). Licensees authorizedon these channels may operate atpower levels above 2 watts ERP or witha maximum antenna HAAT greaterthan 6.1 meters (20 ft) if:

(1) They obtain the concurrence of allPhase I and Phase II licensees withbase stations or fixed stations receiv-ing on base station receive Channels 1–40 and located within 6 km of theirbase station or fixed station; and

(2) Their base station or fixed stationis not located in the United States/Mexico or United States/Canada borderareas.

[62 FR 15996, Apr. 3, 1997, as amended at 63FR 32590, June 12, 1998]

§ 90.733 Permissible operations.

(a) Systems authorized in the 220–222MHz band may be used:

(1)(i) For government and non-gov-ernment land mobile operations, i.e.,for base/mobile and mobile relay trans-missions, on a primary basis; or

(ii) For the following operations in-stead of or in addition to a licensee’sland mobile operations: One-way ortwo-way paging operations on a pri-mary basis by all non-GovernmentPhase II licensees, fixed operations ona primary basis by all non-GovernmentPhase II licensees and all Governmentlicensees, one-way or two-way pagingor fixed operations on a primary basisby all non-Government Phase I licens-ees, except that before a non-Govern-ment Phase I licensee may operateone-way or two-way paging or fixedsystems on a primary basis instead ofor in addition to its land mobile oper-

ations, it must meet the following re-quirements:

(A) A nationwide Phase I licenseemust;

(1) Meet its two-year benchmark forthe construction of its land mobile sys-tem base stations as prescribed in§ 90.725(a); and

(2) Provide a new 10-year schedule, asrequired in § 90.713(b)(3), for the con-struction of the fixed and/or pagingsystem it intends to construct insteadof, or in addition to, its nationwideland mobile system; and

(3) Certify that the financialshowings and all other certificationsprovided in demonstrating its abilityto construct and operate its nationwideland mobile system, as required in§§ 90.713 (b), (c) and (d), remain applica-ble to the nationwide system it intendsto construct consisting of fixed and/orpaging operations on a primary basisinstead of, or in addition to, its landmobile operations; or

(4) In lieu of providing the require-ments of paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A)(3) ofthis section, provide the financialshowings and all other certificationsrequired in §§ 90.713 (b), (c) and (d) todemonstrate its ability to constructand operate a nationwide system con-sisting of fixed and/or paging oper-ations on a primary basis instead of, orin addition to, its land mobile oper-ations.

(B) A non-nationwide Phase I li-censee must first meet the requirementto construct its land mobile base sta-tion and place it in operation, or com-mence service (in accordance with§ 90.167) as prescribed in § 90.725(f) or§ 90.727, as applicable.

(2) Only by persons who are eligiblefor facilities under either this subpartor in the pools included in subpart B orC of this part.

(3) Except for licensees classified asCMRS providers under part 20 of thischapter, only for the transmission ofmessages or signals permitted in theservices in which the participants areeligible.

(b) See § 90.720 of this part for permis-sible operations on mutual aid chan-nels.

(c) For operations requiring less thana 4 kHz bandwidth, more than a single

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.735

emission may be utilized within the au-thorized bandwidth. In such cases, thefrequency stability requirements of§ 90.213 do not apply, but the out-of-band emission limits of § 90.210(f) mustbe met.

(d) Licensees, except for licensees au-thorized on Channels 161 through 170and 181 through 185, may combine anynumber of their authorized, contiguouschannels (including channels derivedfrom multiple authorizations) to formchannels wider than 5 kHz.

(e) In combining authorized, contig-uous channels (including channels de-rived from multiple authorizations) toform channels wider than 5 kHz, theemission limits in § 90.210(f) must bemet only at the outermost edges of thecontiguous channels. Transmittersshall be tested to confirm compliancewith this requirement with the trans-mission located as close to the bandedges as permitted by the design of thetransmitter. The frequency stabilityrequirements in § 90.213 shall applyonly to the outermost of the contig-uous channels authorized to the li-censee. However, the frequency stabil-ity employed for transmissions operat-ing inside the outermost contiguouschannels must be such that the emis-sion limits in § 90.210(f) are met overthe temperature and voltage variationsprescribed in § 2.995 of this chapter.

(f) A Phase I non-nationwide licenseeoperating a paging base station, or afixed station transmitting on fre-quencies in the 220–221 MHz band, mayonly operate such stations at the co-ordinates of the licensee’s authorizedland mobile base station.

(g) The transmissions of a Phase Inon-nationwide licensee’s paging basestation, or fixed station transmittingon frequencies in the 220–221 MHz band,must meet the requirements of§§ 90.723(d), (g), (h), and (k), and 90.729,and such a station must operate at theeffective radiated power and antennaheight-above-average-terrain pre-scribed in the licensee’s land mobilebase station authorization.

(h) Licensees using 220–222 MHz spec-trum for geophysical telemetry oper-ations are authorized to operate fixedstations on a secondary, non-inter-ference basis to licensees operating inthe 220–222 MHz band on a primary

basis under the conditions that such li-censees:

(1) Provide notification of their oper-ations to co-channel non-nationwidePhase I licensees with an authorizedbase station, or fixed station transmit-ting on frequencies in the 220–221 MHzband, located within 45 km of the sec-ondary licensee’s station, to co-chan-nel, Phase II EA or Regional licenseeauthorized to operate in the EA orREAG in which the secondary licens-ee’s station is located, and to co-chan-nel Phase I or Phase II nationwide li-censees;

(2) Operate only at temporary loca-tions in accordance with the provisionsof § 90.137;

(3) Not transmit at a power levelgreater than one watt ERP;

(4) Not transmit from an antennahigher than 2 meters (6.6 feet) aboveground; and

(5) Not operate on Channels 111through 120, 161 through 170, or 181through 185.

(i) All licensees constructing and op-erating base stations or fixed stationson frequencies in the 220–222 MHz bandmust:

(1) Comply with any rules and inter-national agreements that restrict useof their authorized frequencies, includ-ing the provisions of § 90.715 relating toU.S./Mexican border areas;

(2) Comply with the provisions of§ 17.6 of this chapter with regard to an-tenna structures; and

(3) Comply with the provisions of§§ 1.1301 through 1.1319 of this chapterwith regard to actions that may or willhave a significant impact on the qual-ity of the human environment.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 56FR 32517, July 17, 1991; 57 FR 32450, July 22,1992; 59 FR 59967, Nov. 21, 1994; 62 FR 15997,Apr. 3, 1996; 62 FR 18936, Apr. 17, 1997; 63 FR32591, June 12, 1998]

§ 90.735 Station identification.(a) Except for nationwide systems au-

thorized in the 220–222 MHz band, sta-tion identification is required pursuantto § 90..425 of this part.

(b) Trunked systems shall employ anautomatic device to transmit the callsign of the base station at 30 minuteintervals. The identification shall bemade on the lowest frequency in the

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.737

base station trunked group assigned tothe licensee. If this frequency is in useat the time identification is required,the identification may be made at thetermination of the communication inprogress on this frequency.

(c) Station identification may be byvoice or International Morse Code. Ifthe call sign is transmitted in Inter-national Morse Code, it must be at arate of between 15 to 20 words perminute, and by means of tone modula-tion of the transmitter, with the tonefrequency being between 800 and 1000hertz.

(d) Digital transmissions may also beidentified by digital transmission ofthe station call sign. A licensee thatidentifies its station in this mannermust provide the Commission, upon itsrequest, information (such as digitalcodes and algorithms) sufficient to de-cipher the data transmission to ascer-tain the call sign transmitted.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 62FR 15997, Apr. 3, 1997]

§ 90.737 Supplemental reports re-quired of Phase I licensees.

(a) Licensees of nationwide systemsmust submit progress reports pursuantto § 90.725(d) of this part.

(b) Licensees offering service on acommercial basis must maintainrecords of the names and addresses ofeach customer and the dates that serv-ice commenced and terminated. Theserecords must be made available to theCommission upon request. Such licens-ees must report at the time of licenserenewal the number of mobile unitsbeing served.

(c) Non-commercial trunked systemlicensees must report at the time of li-cense renewal the number of mobileunits being served.

(d) Except for licensees of nationwidesystems, all licensees must reportwhether construction of the facilityhas been completed within eightmonths of the date of initial grant oftheir respective licenses.

(e) All reports must be filed with theLand Mobile Branch, Licensing Divi-sion, Wireless Telecommunications Bu-reau, Gettysburg, PA 17326.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 56FR 32517, July 17, 1991; 60 FR 50123, Sept. 28,1995]

§ 90.739 Number of systems authorizedin a geographical area.

There is no limit on the number of li-censes that may be authorized to a sin-gle licensee.

[62 FR 46214, Sept. 2, 1997]

§ 90.741 Urban areas for Phase I na-tionwide systems.

Licensees of Phase I nationwide sys-tems must construct base stations, orfixed stations transmitting on fre-quencies in the 220–221 MHz band, in aminimum of 28 of the urban areas list-ed in the following Table within tenyears of initial license grant. A basestation, or fixed station, is consideredto be within one of the listed urbanareas if it is within 60 kilometers (37.3miles) of the specified coordinates.


Urban Area


West Lon-gitude

° ′ ′′ ° ′ ′′

New York, New York—NortheasternNew Jersey ....................................... 40 45 06 73 59 39

Los Angeles-Long Beach, California .... 34 03 15 118 14 28Chicago, Illinois—Northwestern Indiana 41 52 28 87 38 22Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/New Jersey 39 56 58 75 09 21Detroit, Michigan ................................... 42 19 48 83 02 57Boston, Massachusetts ........................ 42 21 24 71 03 25San Francisco-Oakland, California ....... 37 46 39 122 24 40Washington, DC/Maryland/Virginia ....... 38 53 51 77 00 33Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas ..................... 32 47 09 96 47 37Houston, Texas .................................... 29 45 26 95 21 37St. Louis, Missouri/Illinois ..................... 38 37 45 90 12 22Miami, Florida ....................................... 25 46 37 80 11 32Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ...................... 40 26 19 80 00 00Baltimore, Maryland .............................. 39 17 26 76 36 45Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota .......... 44 58 57 93 15 43Cleveland, Ohio .................................... 41 29 51 81 41 50Atlanta, Georgia .................................... 33 45 10 84 23 37San Diego, California ........................... 32 42 53 117 09 21Denver, Colorado ................................. 39 44 58 104 59 22Seattle-Everett, Washington ................. 47 36 32 122 20 12Milwaukee, Wisconsin .......................... 43 02 19 87 54 15Tampa, Florida ..................................... 27 56 58 82 27 25Cincinnati, Ohio/Kentucky .................... 39 06 07 84 30 35Kansas City, Missouri/Kansas .............. 39 04 56 94 35 20Buffalo, New York ................................. 42 52 52 78 52 21Phoenix, Arizona .................................. 33 27 12 112 04 28San Jose, California ............................. 37 20 16 121 53 24Indianapolis, Indiana ............................. 39 46 07 86 09 46New Orleans, Louisiana ....................... 29 56 53 90 04 10Portland, Oregon/Washington .............. 45 31 06 122 40 35Columbus, Ohio .................................... 39 57 47 83 00 17Hartford, Connecticut ............................ 41 46 12 72 40 49San Antonio, Texas .............................. 29 25 37 98 29 06Rochester, New York ........................... 43 09 41 77 36 21Sacramento, California ......................... 38 34 57 121 29 41Memphis, Tennessee/Arkansas/Mis-

sissippi .............................................. 35 08 46 90 03 13Louisville, Kentucky/Indiana ................. 38 14 47 85 45 49Providence-Pawtucket-Warwick, RI/MA 41 49 32 71 24 41Salt Lake City, Utah ............................. 40 45 23 111 53 26Dayton, Ohio ......................................... 39 45 32 84 11 43

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.743


Urban Area


West Lon-gitude

° ′ ′′ ° ′ ′′

Birmingham, Alabama .......................... 33 31 01 86 48 36Bridgeport, Connecticut ........................ 41 10 49 73 11 22Norfolk-Portsmouth, Virginia ................. 36 51 10 76 17 21Albany-Schenectady-Troy, New York .. 42 39 01 73 45 01Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ................... 35 28 26 97 31 04Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee ........... 36 09 33 86 46 55Toledo, Ohio/Michigan .......................... 41 39 14 83 32 39New Haven, Connecticut ...................... 41 18 25 72 55 30Honolulu, Hawaii ................................... 21 19 00 157 52 00Jacksonville, Florida ............................. 30 19 44 81 39 42Akron, Ohio ........................................... 41 05 00 81 30 44Syracuse, New York ............................. 43 03 04 76 09 14Worcester, Massachusetts ................... 42 15 37 71 48 17Tulsa, Oklahoma .................................. 36 09 12 95 59 34Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA/NJ ... 40 36 11 75 28 06Richmond, Virginia ............................... 37 32 15 77 26 09Orlando, Florida .................................... 28 32 42 81 22 38Charlotte, North Carolina ...................... 35 13 44 80 50 45Springfield-Chicopee-Holyoke, MA/CT 42 06 21 72 35 32Grand Rapids, Michigan ....................... 42 58 03 85 40 13Omaha, Nebraska/Iowa ........................ 41 15 42 95 56 14Youngstown-Warren, Ohio ................... 41 05 57 80 39 02Greenville, South Carolina ................... 34 50 50 82 24 01Flint, Michigan ...................................... 43 00 50 83 41 33Wilmington, Delaware/New Jersey/

Maryland ........................................... 39 44 46 75 32 51Raleigh-Durham/North Carolina ........... 35 46 38 78 38 21West Palm Beach, Florida .................... 26 42 36 80 03 07Oxnard-Simi Valley-Ventura, California 34 12 00 119 11 00Fresno, California ................................. 36 44 12 119 47 11Austin, Texas ........................................ 30 16 09 97 44 37Tucson, Arizona .................................... 32 13 15 110 58 08Lansing, Michigan ................................. 42 44 01 84 33 15Knoxville, Tennessee ........................... 35 57 39 83 55 07Baton Rouge, Louisiana ....................... 30 26 58 91 11 00El Paso, Texas ..................................... 31 45 36 106 29 11Tacoma, Washington ............................ 47 14 59 122 26 15Mobile, Alabama ................................... 30 41 36 88 02 33Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ..................... 40 15 43 76 52 59Albuquerque, New Mexico ................... 35 05 01 106 39 05Canton, Ohio ........................................ 40 47 50 81 22 37Chattanooga, Tennessee/Georgia ....... 35 02 41 85 18 32Wichita, Kansas .................................... 37 41 30 97 20 16Charleston, South Carolina .................. 32 46 35 79 55 53San Juan, Puerto Rico ......................... 18 28 00 66 07 00Little Rock-North Little Rock, Arkansas 34 44 42 92 16 37Las Vegas, Nevada .............................. 36 10 20 115 08 37Columbia, South Carolina .................... 34 00 02 81 02 00Fort Wayne, Indiana ............................. 41 04 21 85 08 26Bakersfield, California ........................... 35 22 31 119 01 16Davenport-Rock Island-Moline, IA/IL .... 41 31 00 90 35 00Shreveport, Louisiana ........................... 32 30 46 93 44 58Des Moines, Iowa ................................. 41 35 14 93 37 00Peoria, Illinois ....................................... 40 41 42 89 35 33Newport News-Hampton, Virginia ........ 36 59 30 76 26 00Jackson, Mississippi ............................. 32 17 56 90 11 06Augusta, Georgia/South Carolina ......... 33 28 20 81 58 00Spokane, Washington .......................... 47 39 32 117 25 33Corpus Christi, Texas ........................... 27 47 51 97 23 45Madison, Wisconsin .............................. 43 04 23 89 22 55Colorado Springs, Colorado ................. 38 50 07 104 49 16

NOTE: The geographic coordinates givenare from the Department of Commerce publi-cation of 1947: ‘‘Air-line Distances BetweenCities in the United States’’ and from datasupplied by the National Geodetic Survey.The coordinates are determined by using the

first city mentioned as the center of theurban area.

[56 FR 19603, Apr. 29, 1991, as amended at 56FR 32517, July 17, 1991; 60 FR 37277, July 19,1995; 62 FR 15997, Apr. 3, 1997]

§ 90.743 Renewal expectancy.

(a) All licensees seeking renewal oftheir authorizations at the end of theirlicense term must file a renewal appli-cation in accordance with the provi-sions of § 90.149. Licensees must dem-onstrate, in their application, that:

(1) They have provided ‘‘substantial’’service during their past license term.‘‘Substantial’’ service is defined in thisrule as service that is sound, favorable,and substantially above a level of me-diocre service that just might mini-mally warrant renewal; and

(2) They have substantially compliedwith applicable FCC rules, policies, andthe Communications Act of 1934, asamended.

(b) In order to establish its right to arenewal expectancy, a renewal appli-cant must submit a showing explainingwhy it should receive a renewal expect-ancy. At a minimum, this showingmust include:

(1) A description of its current serv-ice in terms of geographic coverage andpopulation served;

(2) For an EA, Regional, or nation-wide licensee, an explanation of itsrecord of expansion, including a time-table of the construction of new sta-tions to meet changes in demand forservice;

(3) A description of its investments inits system;

(4) Copies of all FCC orders findingthe licensee to have violated the Com-munications Act or any FCC rule orpolicy; and

(5) A list of any pending proceedingsthat relate to any matter described inthis paragraph.

(c) Phase I non-nationwide licenseeshave license terms of 5 years, andtherefore must meet these require-ments 5 years from the date of initialauthorization in order to receive a re-newal expectancy. Phase I nationwidelicensees and all Phase II licenseeshave license terms of 10 years, andtherefore must meet these require-ments 10 years from the date of initial

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.745

authorization in order to receive a re-newal expectancy.

[62 FR 15997, Apr. 3, 1997]

§ 90.745 Phase I licensee service areas.

(a) A Phase I licensee’s service areashall be defined by the predicted 38 dBuservice contour of its authorized basestation or fixed station transmittingon frequencies in the 220–221 MHz bandat its initially authorized location orat the location authorized in accord-ance with §§ 90.751, 90.753, 90.755 and90.757 if the licensee has sought modi-fication of its license to relocate itsinitially authorized base station. ThePhase I licensee’s predicted 38 dBuservice contour is calculated using theF(50,50) field strength chart for Chan-nels 7–13 in § 73.699 (Fig. 10) of thischapter, with a 9 dB correction factorfor antenna height differential, and isbased on the authorized effective radi-ated power (ERP) and antenna height-above-average-terrain of the licensee’sbase station or fixed station. Phase I li-censees are permitted to add, remove,or modify transmitter sites withintheir existing service area withoutprior notification to the Commission solong as their predicted 38 dBu servicecontour is not expanded. The incum-bent licensee must, however, notify theCommission within 30 days of the com-pletion of any changes in technical pa-rameters or additional stations con-structed through a minor modificationof its license. Such notification mustbe made by submitting the appropriateFCC form and must include the appro-priate filing fee, if any. These minormodification applications are not sub-ject to public notice and petition todeny requirements or mutually exclu-sive applications.

(b) Phase I licensees holding author-izations for service areas that are con-tiguous and overlapping may exchangethese authorizations for a single li-cense, authorizing operations through-out the contiguous and overlappingservice areas. Phase I licensees exercis-ing this license exchange option mustsubmit specific information for each oftheir external base station sites.

[63 FR 32591, June 12, 1998]

§ 90.751 Minor modifications of PhaseI, non-nationwide licenses.

Phase I non-nationwide licensees willbe given an opportunity to seek modi-fication of their license to relocatetheir initially authorized base station,i.e., locate their base station at a siteother than its initially authorized loca-tion. The conditions under which modi-fications will be granted and the proce-dures for applying for license modifica-tions are described in §§ 90.753, 90.755,and 90.757. For CMRS licensees, thesemodifications will be treated as minormodifications in accordance with§ 90.164.

[62 FR 15998, Apr. 3, 1997]

§ 90.753 Conditions of license modifica-tion.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs(b), and (c) of this section, a Phase Inon nationwide licensee may modifyits authorization to relocate its au-thorized base station up to one-half thedistance over 120 km toward any co-channel licensee’s initially authorizedbase station, to a maximum distance of8 km.

(b) A Phase I non-nationwide licenseewith an authorized base station locatedoutside a Designated Filing Area (DFA)(see Public Notice, DA 86–173, 52 FR1302 (January 12, 1987)) may modify itsauthorization to relocate its author-ized base station up to one-half the dis-tance over 120 km toward any co-chan-nel licensee’s initially authorized basestation, to a maximum distance of 25km, so long as the base station is relo-cated no more than 8 km inside of anyDFA (i.e., no more than 8 km from thenearest DFA boundary line).

(c) A Phase I non-nationwide licenseethat has been granted Special Tem-porary Authority (STA) to operate atan alternative base station locationmay modify its authorization to seekpermanent authorization at that loca-tion, regardless of whether locating thestation at the STA site is in strict con-formance with the provisions of para-graphs (a) and (b) of this section, if thelicensee certifies that such a modifica-tion is in conformance with §§ 90.723and 90.729 and:

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.757

(1) It has constructed its base stationand has placed it in operation, or com-menced service, at the STA site on orbefore January 26, 1996; or

(2) It has taken delivery of its basestation transceiver on or before Janu-ary 26, 1996.

(d) The application of a Phase I non-nationwide licensee proposing a basestation modification resulting in lessthan 120 km separation from a co-chan-nel licensee’s initially authorized basestation will be accepted by the Com-mission only with the consent of thatco-channel licensee, as evidenced in aletter submitted concurrently with thelicensee’s application.

(e) The application of a Phase I non-nationwide licensee proposing a basestation modification resulting in atleast a 120 km separation from each co-channel licensee’s initially authorizedbase station but more than one-halfthe distance over 120 km toward anyco-channel licensee’s initially author-ized base station will be accepted bythe Commission only with the consentof that co-channel licensee, as evi-denced in a letter submitted concur-rently with the licensee’s application.

[61 FR 3845, Feb. 2, 1996]

§ 90.755 Procedures for license modi-fication.

(a) A Phase I non-nationwide licenseeseeking modification of its authoriza-tion to relocate its authorized base sta-tion in accordance with the provisionsof § 90.753 must file the following on orbefore May 1, 1996:

(1) Form 600 requesting license modi-fication, and providing all applicableinformation;

(2) Certification that the location ofits proposed base station is in conform-ance with the provisions of § 90.753, or,as provided in § 90.753(d), a letter evi-dencing consent of a co-channel li-censee that the licensee may be au-thorized less than 120 km from the co-channel licensee;

(3) If applicable, the required certifi-cation by a licensee with a SpecialTemporary Authority, in accordancewith § 90.753(c);

(4) If applicable, certification thatthe licensee has constructed its basestation and placed it in operation, orcommenced service, at its initially au-

thorized location on or before March11, 1996.

(b) A licensee seeking modification ofits authorization to relocate its basestation in accordance with the provi-sions of § 90.753, should file, on or beforeMarch 11, 1996, either a modificationapplication, as provided in paragraph(a) of this section, or a letter certifyingto the Commission its intent to file anapplication to modify its authorizationto relocate its base station. For a li-censee that has not constructed its au-thorized base station and placed it inoperation, or commenced service, byMarch 11, 1996, this filing will serve toextend the licensee’s construction re-quirement in accordance with the pro-visions of § 90.757.

[61 FR 3845, Feb. 2, 1996]

§ 90.757 Construction requirements.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph(b) of this section, a Phase I non-na-tionwide licensee that is granted modi-fication of its authorization to relocateits base station must construct its basestation and place it in operation, orcommence service, on all authorizedchannels on or before August 15, 1996,or within 12 months of initial grantdate, whichever is later. The authoriza-tion of a licensee that does not con-struct its base station and place it inoperation, or commence service, bythis date, cancels automatically andmust be returned to the Commission.

(b) A Phase I non-nationwide licenseewith a base station authorized at a lo-cation north of Line A must constructits base station and place it in oper-ation, or commence service, on all au-thorized channels within 12 months ofinitial grant date, or within 12 monthsof the date of the release of the termsof an agreement between the UnitedStates and Canadian governments onthe sharing of 220–222 MHz spectrumbetween the two countries, whicheveris later. The authorization of a licenseethat does not construct its base stationand place it in operation, or commenceservice, by this date, cancels automati-cally and must be returned to the Com-mission.

[61 FR 3845, Feb. 2, 1996]

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.761


SOURCE: 62 FR 15998, 15999, Apr. 3, 1997, un-less otherwise noted.

§ 90.761 EA and Regional licenses.(a) EA licenses for spectrum blocks

listed in Table 2 of § 90.721(b) are avail-able in 175 Economic Areas (EAs) as de-fined in § 90.7.

(b) Regional licenses for spectrumblocks listed in Table 2 of § 90.721(b) areavailable in six Regional EconomicArea Groupings (REAGs) as defined in§ 90.7.

§ 90.763 EA, Regional and nationwidesystem operations.

(a) A nationwide licensee authorizedpursuant to § 90.717(a) may constructand operate any number of land mobileor paging base stations, or fixed sta-tions, anywhere in the Nation, andtransmit on any of its authorized chan-nels, provided that the licensee com-plies with the requirements of§ 90.733(i).

(b) An EA or Regional licensee au-thorized pursuant to § 90.761 may con-struct and operate any number of landmobile or paging base stations, or fixedstations, anywhere within its author-ized EA or REAG, and transmit on anyof its authorized channels, providedthat:

(1) The licensee affords protection toall authorized co-channel Phase I non-nationwide base stations as follows:

(i) The EA or Regional licensee mustlocate its land mobile or paging basestations, or fixed stations transmittingon base station transmit frequencies,at least 120 km from the land mobile orpaging base stations, or fixed stationstransmitting on base station transmitfrequencies, of co-channel Phase I li-censees, except that separations of lessthan 120 km shall be considered on acase-by-case basis upon submission bythe EA or Regional licensee of:

(A) A technical analysis demonstrat-ing at least 10 dB protection to the pre-dicted 38 dBu service contour of the co-channel Phase I licensee, i.e., dem-onstrating that the predicted 28 dBuinterfering contour of the EA or Re-gional licensee’s base station or fixed

station does not overlap the predicted38 dBu service contour of the co-chan-nel Phase I licensee’s base station orfixed station; or

(B) A written letter from the co-channel Phase I licensee consenting toa separation of less than 120 km, or toless than 10 dB protection to the pre-dicted 38 dBu service contour of the li-censee’s base station or fixed station.

(ii) The Phase I licensee’s predicted38 dBu service contour referred to inparagraph (a)(1)(i) of this section is cal-culated using the F(50,50) field strengthchart for Channels 7–13 in § 73.699 (Fig.10) of this chapter, with a 9 dB correc-tion factor for antenna height differen-tial, and is based on the licensee’s au-thorized effective radiated power andantenna height-above-average-terrain.The EA or Regional licensee’s pre-dicted 28 dBu interfering contour re-ferred to in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of thissection is calculated using the F(50,10)field strength chart for Channels 7–13in § 73.699 (Fig. 10a) of this chapter,with a 9 dB correction factor for an-tenna height differential.

(2) The licensee complies with the re-quirements of § 90.733(i).

(3) The licensee limits the fieldstrength of its base stations, or fixedstations operating on base stationtransmit frequencies, in accordancewith the provisions of § 90.771.

(4) The licensee notifies the Commis-sion within 30 days of the completionof the addition, removal, relocation ormodification of any of its facilitieswithin its authorized area of operation.Such notification must be made bysubmitting an FCC Form 600, and mustinclude the appropriate filing fee, ifany.

(c) In the event that the authoriza-tion for a co-channel Phase I base sta-tion, or fixed station transmitting onbase station transmit frequencies,within an EA or Regional licensee’sborder is terminated or revoked, theEA or Regional licensee’s channel obli-gations to such stations will ceaseupon deletion of the facility from theCommission’s official licensing records,and the EA or Regional licensee thenwill be able to construct and operatewithout regard to the previous author-ization.

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.771

§ 90.765 Licenses term for Phase II li-censes.

Nationwide licenses authorized pur-suant to § 90.717(a), EA and Regional li-censes authorized pursuant to § 90.761,and non-nationwide licenses authorizedpursuant to §§ 90.720 and 90.719(c) will beissued for a term not to exceed tenyears.

§ 90.767 Construction and implementa-tion of EA and Regional licenses.

(a) An EA or Regional licensee mustconstruct a sufficient number of basestations (i.e., base stations for land mo-bile and/or paging operations) to pro-vide coverage to:

(1) At least one-third of the popu-lation of its EA or REAG within fiveyears of the issuance of its initial li-cense; and

(2) At least two-thirds of the popu-lation of its EA or REAG within tenyears of the issuance of its initial li-cense.

(b) EA and Regional licensees offer-ing fixed services as part of their sys-tem, and EA and Regional licenseesthat have one or more incumbent, co-channel Phase I licensees authorizedwithin their EA or REAG may meetthe construction requirements of para-graph (a) of this section by dem-onstrating an appropriate level of sub-stantial service at their five- and ten-year benchmarks.

(c) Licensees must submit maps orother supporting documents to dem-onstrate compliance with the construc-tion requirements of paragraphs (a)and (b) of this section.

(d) Failure by an EA or Regional li-censee to meet the construction re-quirements of paragraph (a) or (b) ofthis section, as applicable, will resultin automatic cancellation of its entireEA or Regional license. In such in-stances, EA or Regional licenses willnot be converted to individual, site-by-site authorizations for already con-structed stations.

(e) EA and Regional licensees willnot be permitted to count the resale ofthe services of other providers in theirEA or REAG, e.g., incumbent, Phase Ilicensees, to meet the construction re-quirement of paragraph (a) or (b) ofthis section, as applicable.

(f) EA and Regional licensees will notbe required to construct and place inoperation, or commence service on, allof their authorized channels at all oftheir base stations or fixed stations.

§ 90.769 Construction and implementa-tion of Phase II nationwide li-censes.

(a) A nationwide licensee must con-struct a sufficient number of base sta-tions (i.e., base stations for land mobileand/or paging operations) to providecoverage to:

(1) A composite area of at least750,000 square kilometers or 37.5 per-cent of the United States populationwithin five years of the issuance of itsinitial license; and

(2) A composite area of at least1,500,000 square kilometers or 75 per-cent of the United States populationwithin ten years of the issuance of itsinitial license.

(b) Nationwide licensees offeringfixed services as part of their systemmay meet the construction require-ments of paragraph (a) of this sectionby demonstrating an appropriate levelof substantial service at their five- andten-year benchmarks.

(c) Licensees must submit maps orother supporting documents to dem-onstrate compliance with the construc-tion requirements of paragraphs (a)and (b) of this section.

(d) Failure by a nationwide licenseeto meet the construction requirementsof paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section,as applicable, will result in automaticcancellation of its entire nationwide li-cense. In such instances, nationwide li-censes will not be converted to individ-ual, site-by-site authorizations for al-ready constructed stations.

(e) Nationwide licensees will not berequired to construct and place in oper-ation, or commence service on, all oftheir authorized channels at all oftheir base stations or fixed stations.

§ 90.771 Field strength limits.

(a) The transmissions from base sta-tions, or fixed stations transmitting onbase station transmit frequencies, ofEA and Regional licensees may not ex-ceed a predicted 38 dBu field strength

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.801

at their EA or REAG border. The pre-dicted 38 dBu field strength is cal-culated using the F(50,50) field strengthchart for Channels 7–13 in § 73.699 (Fig.10) of this chapter, with a 9 dB correc-tion factor for antenna height differen-tial.

(b) Licensees will be permitted to ex-ceed the predicted 38 dBu field strengthrequired in paragraph (a) of this sec-tion if all affected, co-channel EA andRegional licensees agree to the higherfield strength.

(c) EA and Regional licensees mustcoordinate to minimize interference ator near their EA and REAG borders,and must cooperate to resolve any in-stances of interference in accordancewith the provisions of § 90.173(b).

Subpart U—Competitive BiddingProcedures for 900 MHz Spe-cialized Mobile Radio Service

SOURCE: 60 FR 48919, Sept. 21, 1995, unlessotherwise noted.

§ 90.801 900 MHz SMR subject to com-petitive bidding.

Mutually exclusive initial applica-tions to provide 900 MHz SMR serviceare subject to competitive bidding pro-cedures. The general competitive bid-ding procedures found in part 1, sub-part Q of this chapter will apply unlessotherwise provided in this part.

§ 90.802 Competitive bidding designfor 900 MHz SMR licensing.

The Commission will employ a simul-taneous multiple round auction designwhen choosing from among mutuallyexclusive initial applications to pro-vide 900 MHz SMR service, unless oth-erwise specified by the Wireless Tele-communications Bureau before theauction.

§ 90.803 Competitive bidding mecha-nisms.

(a) Sequencing. The Wireless Tele-communications Bureau will establishand may vary the sequence in which900 MHz SMR licenses will be auc-tioned.

(b) Grouping. All 900 MHz SMR li-censes for each of the MTAs will beauctioned simultaneously, unless theWireless Telecommunications Bureau

announces, by Public Notice prior tothe auction, an alternative auctionscheme.

(c) Minimum bid increments. The Wire-less Telecommunications Bureau will,by announcement before or during anauction, require minimum bid incre-ments in dollar or percentage terms.

(d) Stopping rules. The Wireless Tele-communications Bureau will establishstopping rules before or during mul-tiple round auctions in order to termi-nate an auction within a reasonabletime.

(e) Activity rules. The Wireless Tele-communications Bureau will establishactivity rules which require a mini-mum amount of bidding activity. Inthe event that the Commission estab-lishes an activity rule in connectionwith a simultaneous multiple roundauction, each bidder will be entitled torequest and will be automaticallygranted a certain number of waivers ofsuch rule during the auction.

§ 90.804 Aggregation of 900 MHz SMRlicenses.

The Commission will license each 10-channel block in the 900 MHz SMRspectrum separately. Applicants mayaggregate across spectrum blocks with-in the limitation specified in § 20.6(b) ofthis chapter.

§ 90.805 Withdrawal, default and dis-qualification payments.

(a) During the course of an auctionconducted pursuant to § 90.802, theWireless Telecommunications Bureauwill impose payments on bidders whowithdraw high bids during the courseof an auction, who default on paymentsdue after an auction closes, or who aredisqualified.

(b) Bid withdrawal prior to close ofauction. A bidder who withdraws ahigh bid during the course of an auc-tion will be subject to a payment equalto the difference between the amountbid and the amount of the winning bidthe next time the license is offered bythe Commission. No withdrawal pay-ment would be assessed if the subse-quent winning bid exceeds the with-drawn bid. This payment amount will

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.810

be deducted from any upfront pay-ments or down payments that the with-drawing bidder has deposited with theCommission.

(c) Default or disqualification afterclose of auction. See § 1.2104 (g)(2) of thischapter.

[60 FR 48919, Sept. 21, 1995, as amended at 63FR 2349, Jan. 15, 1998]

§ 90.806 Bidding application (FCCForm 175 and 175–S Short-form).

All applicants to participate in com-petitive bidding for 900 MHz SMR li-censes must submit applications onFCC Forms 175 and 175–S pursuant tothe provisions of § 1.2105 of this chap-ter. The Wireless TelecommunicationsBureau will issue a Public Notice an-nouncing the availability of 900 MHzSMR licenses and, in the event thatmutually exclusive applications arefiled, the date of the auction for thoselicenses. This Public Notice also willspecify the date on or before which ap-plicants intending to participate in a900 MHz SMR auction must file theirapplications in order to be eligible forthat auction, and it will contain infor-mation necessary for completion of theapplication as well as other importantinformation such as the materialswhich must accompany the Forms, anyfiling fee that must accompany the ap-plication or any upfront payment thatwill need to be submitted, and the loca-tion where the application must befiled. In addition to identifying its sta-tus as a small business or rural tele-phone company, each applicant mustindicate whether it is a minority-owned entity, as defined in § 90.814(g)and/or a women-owned entity.

§ 90.807 Submission of upfront pay-ments and down payments.

(a) Each bidder in the 900 MHz SMRauction will be required to submit anupfront payment of $0.02 per MHz perpop, for the maximum number of li-censes (in terms of MHz-pops) on whichit intends to bid pursuant to § 1.2106 ofthis chapter and procedures specifiedby Public Notice.

(b) Each winning bidder in the 900MHz SMR auction shall make a downpayment to the Commission in anamount sufficient to bring its total de-posits up to 20 percent of its winning

bid within five business days after theauction closes, and the remaining bal-ance due on the license shall be paidwithin five business days after PublicNotice announcing that the Commis-sion is prepared to award the license.The grant of the application requiredby § 90.808 is conditional upon receipt offull payment, except for small busi-nesses that are winning bidders, whichare governed by § 90.811. The Commis-sion generally will grant the licensewithin ten (10) business days after thereceipt of the remaining balance dueon the license.

§ 90.808 Long-form applications.

Each winning bidder will be requiredto submit a long-form application onFCC Form 600 within ten (10) businessdays after being notified by Public No-tice that it is the winning bidder. Ap-plications on FCC Form 600 shall besubmitted pursuant to the proceduresset forth in 90.119 and any associatedPublic Notices. Only auction winners(and rural telephone companies and in-cumbent 900 MHz SMR licensees seek-ing partitioned licenses pursuant toagreements with auction winners under§ 90.813) will be eligible to file applica-tions on FCC Form 600 for initial 900MHz SMR licenses in the event of mu-tual exclusivity between applicants fil-ing Form 175.

§ 90.809 License grant, denial, default,and disqualification.

(a) A bidder who withdraws its bidsubsequent to the close of bidding, de-faults on a payment due, or is disquali-fied, will be subject to the paymentsspecified in § 90.805 or § 1.2109 of thischapter, as applicable.

(b) MTA licenses pursued throughcompetitive bidding procedures will begranted pursuant to the requirementsspecified in § 90.166.

§ 90.810 Bidding credits for small busi-nesses.

(a) A winning bidder that qualifies asa small business or a consortium ofsmall businesses, (as defined in§ 90.814(b)(1)(i) may use a bidding creditof 15 percent to lower the cost of itswinning bid on any of the blocks iden-tified in § 90.617(d), table 4B. A winning

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.811

bidder that qualifies as a small busi-ness or a consortium of small busi-nesses, (as defined in § 90.814(b)(1)(ii)may use a bidding credit of 10 percentto lower the cost of its winning bid onany of the blocks identified in§ 90.617(d), table 4B.

(b) Unjust Enrichment. (1) A smallbusiness seeking transfer or assign-ment of a license to an entity that isnot a small business under the defini-tions in § 90.814(b)(1) will be required toreimburse the government for theamount of the bidding credit, plus in-terest at the rate imposed for install-ment financing at the time the licensewas awarded, before transfer will bepermitted. The amount of this pay-ment will be reduced over time as fol-lows: a transfer in the first two yearsof the license term will result in a for-feiture of 100 percent of the value ofthe bidding credit: in year three of thelicense term the payment will be 75percent; in year four the payment willbe 50 percent and in year five the pay-ment will be 25 percent, after whichthere will be no assessment. If a smallbusiness as defined in § 90.814(b)(1)(i)seeks to transfer or assign a license toa small business as defined in§ 90.814(b)(1)(ii), the value of the biddingcredit to be repaid is five percent, thedifference between the 10 and 15 per-cent bidding credits. The five percentdifference will be subject to the per-centage reductions over time specifiedabove. These payments must be paidback to the U.S. Treasury as a condi-tion of approval of the assignment ortransfer.

(2) If a small business that utilizes abidding credit under this section seeksto assign or transfer control of its li-cense to a small business meeting theeligibility standards for lower biddingcredits or seeks to make any otherchange in ownership that would resultin the licensee qualifying for a lowerbidding credit under this section, thelicensee must seek Commission ap-proval and reimburse the governmentfor the difference between the amountof the bidding credit obtained by the li-censee and the bidding credit for whichthe assignee, transferee or licensee iseligible under this section as a condi-tion of the approval of such assign-

ment, transfer or other ownershipchange.

§ 90.811 Reduced down payment for li-censes won by small businesses.

Each winning bidder that qualifies asa small business shall make a downpayment equal to ten percent of itswinning bid (less applicable biddingcredits); a winning bidder shall bringits total amount on deposit with theCommission (including upfront pay-ment) to five percent of its net winningbid within five (5) business days afterthe auction closes, and the remainderof the down payment (five percent)shall be paid within five (5) businessdays following Public Notice that theCommission is prepared to award thelicense. The Commission generally willgrant the license within ten (10) busi-ness days after receipt of the remain-der of the down payment.

§ 90.812 Installment payments for li-censes won by small businesses.

(a) Installment payments. See§ 1.2110(f)(4) of this chapter.

(b) Unjust enrichment. See § 1.2111(c) ofthis chapter.

[63 FR 2349, Jan. 15, 1998]

§ 90.813 Partitioned licenses anddisaggregated spectrum.

(a) Eligibility. Parties seeking ap-proval for partitioning anddisaggregation shall request an author-ization for partial assignment of a li-cense pursuant to § 90.153(c).

(b) Technical standards—(1) Partition-ing. In the case of partitioning, re-quests for authorization for partial as-signment of a license must include, asattachments, a description of the parti-tioned service area and a calculation ofthe population of the partitioned serv-ice area and the licensed geographicservice area. The partitioned servicearea shall be defined by coordinatepoints at every 3 degrees along the par-titioned service area unless an FCCrecognized service area is utilized (i.e.,Major Trading Area, Basic TradingArea, Metropolitan Service Area, RuralService Area or Economic Area) orcounty lines are followed. The geo-graphic coordinates must be specifiedin degrees, minutes, and seconds to the

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.813

nearest second of latitude and lon-gitude and must be based upon the 1927North American Datum (NAD27). Ap-plicants may supply geographical co-ordinates based on 1983 North Amer-ican Datum (NAD83) in addition tothose required (NAD27). In the casewhere an FCC recognized service areaor county lines are utilized, applicantsneed only list the specific area(s)(through use of FCC designations orcounty names) that constitute the par-titioned area.

(2) Disaggregation. Spectrum may bedisaggregated in any amount.

(3) Combined partitioning anddisaggregation. The Commission willconsider requests for partial assign-ment of licenses that propose combina-tions of partitioning anddisaggregation.

(c) Unjust enrichment—(1) Installmentpayments. Licensees that qualifiedunder § 90.812 to pay the net auctionprice for their licenses in installmentpayments that partition their licensesor disaggregate their spectrum to enti-ties not meeting the eligibility stand-ards for installment payments, will besubject to the provisions concerningunjust enrichment as set forth in§ 90.812(b).

(2) Bidding credits. Licensees thatqualified under § 90.810 to use a biddingcredit at auction that partition theirlicenses or disaggregate their spectrumto entities not meeting the eligibilitystandards for such a bidding credit,will be subject to the provisions con-cerning unjust enrichment as set forthin § 90.810(b).

(3) Apportioning unjust enrichmentpayments. Unjust enrichment paymentsfor partitioned license areas shall becalculated based upon the ratio of thepopulation of the partitioned licensearea to the overall population of the li-cense area and by utilizing the most re-cent census data. Unjust enrichmentpayments for disaggregated spectrumshall be calculated based upon theratio of the amount of spectrumdisaggregated to the amount of spec-trum held by the licensee.

(d) Installment payments—(1) Appor-tioning the balance on installment pay-ment plans. When a winning bidderelects to pay for its license through aninstallment payment plan pursuant to

§ 90.812, and partitions its licensed areaor disaggregates spectrum to anotherparty, the outstanding balance owed bythe licensee on its installment pay-ment plan (including accrued and un-paid interest) shall be apportioned be-tween the licensee and partitionee ordisaggregatee. Both parties will be re-sponsible for paying their propor-tionate share of the outstanding bal-ance to the U.S. Treasury. In the caseof partitioning, the balance shall be ap-portioned based upon the ratio of thepopulation of the partitioned area tothe population of the entire original li-cense area calculated based upon themost recent census data. In the case ofdisaggregation, the balance shall be ap-portioned based upon the ratio of theamount of spectrum disaggregated tothe amount of spectrum allocated tothe licensed area.

(2) Parties not qualified for installmentpayment plans. (i) When a winning bid-der elects to pay for its license throughan installment payment plan pursuantto § 90.812, and partitions its license ordisaggregates spectrum to anotherparty that would not qualify for an in-stallment payment plan or elects notto pay for its share of the licensethrough installment payments, theoutstanding balance owed by the li-censee (including accrued and unpaidinterest) shall be apportioned accord-ing to paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(ii) The partitionee or disaggregateeshall, as a condition of the approval ofthe partial assignment application, payits entire pro rata amount within 30days of Public Notice conditionallygranting the partial assignment appli-cation. Failure to meet this conditionwill result in a rescission of the grantof the partial assignment application.

(iii) The licensee shall be permittedto continue to pay its pro rata share ofthe outstanding balance and shall re-ceive new financing documents (prom-issory note, security agreement) with arevised payment obligation, based onthe remaining amount of time on theoriginal installment payment schedule.These financing documents will replacethe licensee’s existing financing docu-ments which shall be marked ‘‘super-seded’’ and returned to the licensee

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.813

upon receipt of the new financing docu-ments. The original interest rate, es-tablished pursuant to § 1.2110(e)(3)(i) ofthis chapter at the time of the grant ofthe initial license in the market, shallcontinue to be applied to the licensee’sportion of the remaining governmentobligation. We will require, as a furthercondition to approval of the partial as-signment application, that the licenseeexecute and return to the U.S. Treas-ury the new financing documents with-in 30 days of the Public Notice condi-tionally granting the partial assign-ment application. Failure to meet thiscondition will result in the automaticcancellation of the grant of the partialassignment application.

(iv) A default on the licensee’s pay-ment obligation will only affect the li-censee’s portion of the market.

(3) Parties qualified for installment pay-ment plans. (i) Where both parties to apartitioning or disaggregation agree-ment qualify for installment payments,the partitionee or disaggregatee will bepermitted to make installment pay-ments on its portion of the remaininggovernment obligation, as calculatedaccording to paragraph (d)(1) of thissection.

(ii) Each party will be required, as acondition to approval of the partial as-signment application, to execute sepa-rate financing documents (promissorynote, security agreement) agreeing topay their pro rata portion of the bal-ance due (including accrued and unpaidinterest) based upon the installmentpayment terms for which they qualifyunder the rules. The financing docu-ments must be returned to the U.S.Treasury within thirty (30) days of thePublic Notice conditionally grantingthe partial assignment application.Failure by either party to meet thiscondition will result in the automaticcancellation of the grant of the partialassignment application. The interestrate, established pursuant to§ 1.2110(e)(3)(i) of this chapter at thetime of the grant of the initial licensein the market, shall continue to be ap-plied to both parties’ portion of thebalance due. Each party will receive alicense for their portion of the parti-tioned market or disaggregated spec-trum.

(iii) A default on an obligation willonly affect that portion of the marketarea held by the defaulting party.

(iv) Partitionees and disaggregateesthat qualify for installment paymentplans may elect to pay some of theirpro rata portion of the balance due in alump sum payment to the U.S. Treas-ury and to pay the remaining portionof the balance due pursuant to an in-stallment payment plan.

(e) License term. The license term fora partitioned license area and fordisaggregated spectrum shall be the re-mainder of the original licensee’s li-cense term as provided for in § 90.665(a).

(f) Construction requirements—(1) Re-quirements for partitioning. Parties seek-ing authority to partition must meetone of the following construction re-quirements:

(i) The partitionee may certify thatit will satisfy the applicable construc-tion requirements set forth in § 90.665for the partitioned license area; or

(ii) The original licensee may certifythat it has or will meet the construc-tion requirements set forth in § 90.665for the entire market. In that case, thepartitionee must only meet the re-quirements for renewal of its licensefor the partitioned license area.

(iii) Applications requesting partialassignments of license for partitioningmust include a certification by eachgeographic area 800 MHz SMR licensesin the lower 230 channels will be award-ed to small entities, as that term is de-fined by the SBA.

(iv) Partitionees must submit sup-porting documents showing compliancewith the respective construction re-quirements within the appropriatetime frames set forth in § 90.665.

(v) Failure by any partitionee tomeet its respective performance re-quirements will result in the auto-matic cancellation of the partitionedor disaggregated license without fur-ther Commission action.

(2) Requirements for disaggregation.Parties seeking authority todisaggregate must submit with theirpartial assignment application a cer-tification signed by both parties stat-ing which of the parties will be respon-sible for meeting the construction re-quirements for the market as set forthin § 90.665. Parties may agree to share

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.814

responsibility for meeting the con-struction requirements. Parties thataccept responsibility for meeting theconstruction requirements and laterfail to do so will be subject to licenseforfeiture without further Commissionaction.

[62 FR 41219, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.814 Definitions.(a) Scope. The definitions in this sec-

tion apply to §§ 90.810 through 90.813,unless otherwise specified in those sec-tions.

(b) Small business: Consortium of smallbusiness:

(1) A small business is an entity thateither:

(i) together with its affiliates, per-sons or entities that hold attributableinterests in such entity, and their af-filiates, has average gross revenuesthat are not more than $3 million forthe preceding three years; or

(ii) together with its affiliates, per-sons or entities that hold attributableinterests in such entity, and their af-filiates, has average gross revenuesthat are not more than $15 million forthe preceding three years.

(2) For purposes of determiningwhether an entity meets either the $3million or $15 million average annualgross revenues size standard set forthin paragraph (b)(1) of this section, thegross revenues of the entity, its affili-ates, persons or entities holding inter-ests in the entity and their affiliatesshall be considered on a cumulativebasis and aggregated, subject to the ex-ceptions set forth in § 90.814(g).

(3) A small business consortium is aconglomerate organization formed as ajoint venture between or among mutu-ally-independent business firms, eachof which individually satisfies eitherdefinition of a small business in para-graphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section.In a consortium of small businesses,each individual member must establishits eligibility as a small business, asdefined in this section.

(c) Rural telephone company. A ruraltelephone company is a local exchangecarrier having 100,000 or fewer accesslines, including all affiliates.

(d) Gross revenues. For applicationsfiled after December 31, 1994, gross reve-nues shall be evidenced by audited fi-

nancial statements for the precedingrelevant number of calendar or fiscalyears. If an entity was not in existencefor all or part of the relevant period,gross revenues shall be evidenced bythe audited financial statements of theentity’s predecessor-in-interest or, ifthere is no identifiable predecessor-in-interest, unaudited financial state-ments certified by the applicant as ac-curate.

(e) Businesses owned by members of mi-nority groups and/or women. A businessowned by members of minority groupsand/or women in which minorities and/or women who are U.S. citizens controlthe applicant, have at least 50.1 percentequity ownership and, in the case of acorporate applicant, a 50.1 percent vot-ing interest. For applicants that arepartnerships, every general partner ei-ther must be a minority and/or woman(or minorities and/or women) who areU.S. citizens and who individually ortogether own at least 50.1 percent ofthe partnership equity, or an entitythat is 100 percent owned and con-trolled by minorities and/or womenwho are U.S. citizens. The interests ofminorities and women are to be cal-culated on a fully-diluted basis; agree-ments such as stock options and con-vertible debentures shall be consideredto have a present effect on the power tocontrol an entity and shall be treatedas if the rights thereunder alreadyhave been fully exercised. However,upon a demonstration that options orconversion rights held by non-control-ling principals will not deprive the mi-nority and female principals of a sub-stantial financial stake in the ventureor impair their rights to control thedesignated entity, a designated entitymay seek a waiver of the requirementthat the equity of the minority and fe-male principals must be calculated ona fully-diluted basis.

(f) Members of minority groups. Mem-bers of minority groups includes Blacks,Hispanics, American Indians, AlaskanNatives, Asians, and Pacific Islanders.

(g) Attributable interests. Partnershipand other ownership interests and anystock interest amounting to 20 percentor more of the equity, or outstandingstock, or outstanding voting stock of alicensee or applicant will be attrib-utable.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.814

(1) Multiplier. Ownership intereststhat are held indirectly by any partythrough one or more intervening cor-porations will be determined by succes-sive multiplication of the ownershippercentages for each link in the verti-cal ownership chain and application ofthe relevant attribution benchmark tothe resulting product, except that ifthe ownership percentage for an inter-est in any line in the chain exceeds 50percent or represents actual control, itshall be treated as if it were a 100 per-cent interest.

(2) [Reserved](h) Affiliate. (1) Basis for affiliation. An

individual or entity is an affiliate of anapplicant or of a person holding an at-tributable interest in an applicant(both referred to herein as ‘‘the appli-cant’’) if such individual or entity:

(i) Directly or indirectly controls orhas the power to control the applicant,or

(ii) Is directly or indirectly con-trolled by the applicant, or

(iii) Is directly or indirectly con-trolled by a third party or parties thatalso controls or has the power to con-trol the applicant, or

(iv) Has an ‘‘identity of interest’’with the applicant.

(2) Nature of control in determining af-filiation. (i) Every business concern isconsidered to have one or more partieswho directly or indirectly control orhave the power to control it. Controlmay be affirmative or negative and itis immaterial whether it is exercised solong as the power to control exists.

Example for paragraph (h)(2)(i). An appli-cant owning 50 percent of the voting stock ofanother concern would have negative powerto control such concern since such party canblock any action of the other stockholders.Also, the bylaws of a corporation may per-mit a stockholder with less than 50 percentof the voting to block any actions taken bythe other stockholders in the other entity.Affiliation exists when the applicant has thepower to control a concern while at the sametime another person, or persons, are in con-trol of the concern at the will of the party orparties with the power of control.

(ii) Control can arise through stockownership; occupancy of director, offi-cer or key employee positions; contrac-tual or other business relations; orcombinations of these and other fac-tors. A key employee is an employee

who, because of his/her position in theconcern, has a critical influence in orsubstantive control over the operationsor management of the concern.

(iii) Control can arise through man-agement positions where a concern’svoting stock is so widely distributedthat no effective control can be estab-lished.

Example for paragraph (h)(2)(iii). In a cor-poration where the officers and directorsown various size blocks totaling 40 percent ofthe corporation’s voting stock, but no officeror director has a block sufficient to give himor her control or the power to control andthe remaining 60 percent is widely distrib-uted with no individual stockholder having astock interest greater than 10 percent, man-agement has the power to control. If personswith such management control of the otherentity are persons with attributable inter-ests in the applicant, the other entity will bedeemed an affiliate of the applicant.

(3) Identity of interest between andamong persons. Affiliation can arise be-tween or among two or more personswith an identity of interest, such asmembers of the same family or personswith common investments. In deter-mining if the applicant controls or iscontrolled by a concern, persons withan identity of interest will be treatedas though they were one person.

Example 1 for paragraph (h)(3) introductorytext. Two shareholders in Corporation Y eachhave attributable interests in the same SMRapplication. While neither shareholder hasenough shares to individually control Cor-poration Y, together they have the power tocontrol Corporation Y. The two shareholderswith these common investments (or identityor interest) are treated as though they areone person and Corporation Y would bedeemed an affiliate of the applicant.

Example 2 for paragraph (h)(3) introductorytext. One shareholder in Corporation Y,shareholder A, has an attributable interestin a SMR application. Another shareholderin Corporation Y, shareholder B, has a non-attributable interest in the same SMR appli-cation. While neither shareholder has enoughshares to individually control Corporation Y,together they have the power to control Cor-poration Y. Through the common invest-ment of shareholders A and B in the SMR ap-plication, Corporation Y would still bedeemed an affiliate of the applicant.

(i) Spousal affiliation. Both spousesare deemed to own or control or havethe power to control interests owned orcontrolled by either of them, unless

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.814

they are subject to a legal separationrecognized by a court of competent ju-risdiction in the United States.

(ii) Kinship affiliation. Immediatefamily members will be presumed toown or control or have the power tocontrol interests owned or controlledby other immediate family members.In this context ‘‘immediate familymember’’ means father, mother, hus-band, wife, son, daughter, brother, sis-ter, father- or mother-in-law, son- ordaughter-in-law, brother- or sister-in-law, step-father, or -mother, step-brother, or -sister, step-son, or -daugh-ter, half brother or sister. This pre-sumption may be rebutted by showingthat

(A) The family members are es-tranged,

(B) The family ties are remote, or(C) The family members are not

closely involved with each other inbusiness matters.

Example for paragraph (h)(3)(ii). A owns acontrolling interest in Corporation X. A’ssister-in-law, B, has an attributable interestin an SMR application. Because A and Bhave a presumptive kinship affiliation, A’sinterest in Corporation X is attributable toB, and thus to the applicant, unless B rebutsthe presumption with the necessary showing.

(4) Affiliation through stock ownership.(i) An applicant is presumed to controlor have the power to control a concernif he or she owns or controls or has thepower to control 50 percent or more ofits voting stock.

(ii) An applicant is presumed to con-trol or have the power to control a con-cern even though he or she owns, con-trols or has the power to control lessthan 50 percent of the concern’s votingstock, if the block of stock he or sheowns, controls or has the power to con-trol is large as compared with anyother outstanding block of stock.

(iii) If two or more persons eachowns, controls or has the power to con-trol less than 50 percent of the votingstock of a concern, such minority hold-ings are equal or approximately equalin size, and the aggregate of these mi-nority holdings is large as comparedwith any other stock holding, the pre-sumption arises that each one of thesepersons individually controls or hasthe power to control the concern; how-ever, such presumption may be rebut-

ted by a showing that such control orpower to control, in fact, does notexist.

(5) Affiliation arising under stock op-tions, convertible debentures, and agree-ments to merge. Stock options, convert-ible debentures, and agreements tomerge (including agreements in prin-ciple) are generally considered to havea present effect on the power to controlthe concern. Therefore, in making asize determination, such options, de-bentures, and agreements will gen-erally be treated as though the rightsheld thereunder had been exercised.However, neither an affiliate nor an ap-plicant can use such options and deben-tures to appear to terminate its con-trol over another concern before it ac-tually does so.

Example 1 for paragraph (h)(5). If companyB holds an option to purchase a controllinginterest in company A, who holds an attrib-utable interest in an SMR application, thesituation is treated as though company Bhad exercised its rights and had becomeowner of a controlling interest in companyA. The gross revenues of Company B must betaken into account in determining the size ofthe applicant.

Example 2 for paragraph (h)(5). If a largecompany, BigCo, holds 70% (70 to 100 out-standing shares) of the voting stock of com-pany A, who holds an attributable interest inan SMR application, and gives a third party,SmallCo, an option to purchase 50 of the 70shares owned by BigCo, BigCo will be deemedto be an affiliate of company, and thus theapplicant, until SmallCo actually exercisesits options to purchase such shares. In orderto prevent BigCo from circumventing the in-tent of the rule which requires such optionsto be considered on a fully diluted basis, theoption is not considered to have present inthis case.

Example 3 for paragraph (h)(5). If companyA has entered into an agreement to mergewith company B in the future, the situationis treated as though the merger has takenplace.

(6) Affiliation under voting trusts. (i)Stock interests held in trust shall bedeemed controlled by any person whoholds or shares the power to vote suchstock, to any person who has the solepower to sell such stock, and to anyperson who has the right to revoke thetrust at will or to replace the trusteeat will.

(ii) If a trustee has a familial, per-sonal or extra-trust business relation-ship to the grantor or the beneficiary,

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.815

the stock interests held in trust will bedeemed controlled by the grantor orbeneficiary, as appropriate.

(iii) If the primary purpose of a vot-ing trust, or similar agreement, is toseparate voting power from beneficialownership of voting stock for the pur-pose of shifting control of or the powerto control a concern in order that suchconcern or another concern may meetthe Commission’s size standards, suchvoting trust shall not be consideredvalid for this purpose regardless ofwhether it is or is not recognized with-in the appropriate jurisdiction.

(7) Affiliation through common manage-ment. Affiliation generally arises whereofficers, directors, or key employeesserve as the majority or otherwise asthe controlling element of the board ofdirectors and/or the management of an-other entity.

(8) Affiliation through common facili-ties. Affiliation generally arises whereone concern shares office space and/oremployees and/or other facilities withanother concern, particularly wheresuch concerns are in the same or relat-ed industry or field of operations, orwhere such concerns were formerly af-filiated, and through theses sharing ar-rangements one concern has control, orpotential control, of the other concern.

(9) Affiliation through contractual rela-tionships. Affiliation generally ariseswhere one concern is dependent uponanother concern for contracts and busi-ness to such a degree that one concernhas control, or potential control, of theother concern.

(10) Affiliation under joint venture ar-rangements. (i) A joint venture for sizedetermination purposes is an associa-tion of concerns and/or individuals,with interests in any degree or propor-tion, formed by contract, express of im-plied, to engage in and carry out a sin-gle, specific business venture for jointprofit for which purpose they combinetheir efforts, property, money, skilland knowledge, but not on a continu-ing or permanent basis for conductingbusiness generally. The determinationwhether an entity is a joint venture isbased upon the facts of the business op-eration, regardless of how the businessoperation may be designated by theparties involved. An agreement toshare profits/losses proportionate to

each party’s contribution to the busi-ness operation is a significant factor indetermining whether the business oper-ation is a joint venture.

(ii) The parties to a joint venture areconsidered to be affiliated with eachother.

§ 90.815 Eligibility for small businessstatus.

(a) Short-Form Applications: Certifi-cations and Disclosure. Each applicantfor an MTA license which qualifies as asmall business or consortium of smallbusinesses shall append the followinginformation as an exhibit to its short-form application (Form 175):

(1) The identity of the applicant’s af-filiates, persons or entities that holdattributable interests in such entity,and their affiliates, and, if a consor-tium of small businesses, the membersin the joint venture; and

(2) The applicant’s gross revenues,computed in accordance with § 90.814.

(b) Long Form Applications: Certifi-cations and Disclosure. In addition tothe requirements in subpart U of thispart, each applicant submitting a long-form application for license(s) andqualifying as a small business shall, inan exhibit to its long-form application:

(1) Disclose separately and in the ag-gregate the gross revenues, computedin accordance with § 90.814, for each ofthe following: the applicant; the appli-cant’s affiliates, the applicant’s attrib-utable investors, affiliates of its attrib-utable investors, and, if a consortiumof small businesses, the members of thejoint venture;

(2) List and summarize all agree-ments or other instruments (with ap-propriate references to specific provi-sions in the text of such agreementsand instruments) that support the ap-plicant’s eligibility as a small businessunder §§ 90.810 through 90.812, includingthe establishment of de facto and dejure control; such agreements and in-struments include articles of incorpo-ration and bylaws, shareholder agree-ments, voting or other trust agree-ments, franchise agreements, and anyother relevant agreements (includingletters of intent), oral or written; and

(3) List and summarize any investorprotection agreements, includingrights of first refusal, supermajority

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.816

clauses, options, veto rights, and rightsto hire and fire employees and to ap-point members to boards of directors ormanagement committees.

(c) Records Maintenance. All winningbidders qualifying as small businesses,shall maintain at their principal placeof business an updated file of owner-ship, revenue and asset information,including any documents necessary toestablish eligibility as a small businessand/or consortium of small businessesunder § 90.814. Licensees (and their suc-cessors in interest) shall maintain suchfiles for the term of the license.

(d) Audits. (1) Applicants and licens-ees claiming eligibility as a small busi-ness or consortium of small businessesunder §§ 90.810 through 90.812 shall besubject to audits by the Commission,using in-house and contract resources.Selection for audit may be random, oninformation, or on the basis of otherfactors.

(2) Consent to such audits is part ofthe certification included in the short-form application (Form 175). Such con-sent shall include consent to the auditof the applicant’s or licensee’s books,documents and other material (includ-ing accounting procedures and prac-tices) regardless of form or type, suffi-cient to confirm that such applicant’sor licensee’s representations are, andremain, accurate. Such consent shallinclude inspection at all reasonabletimes of the facilities, or parts thereof,engaged in providing and transactingbusiness, or keeping records regardinglicensed 900 MHz SMR service and shallalso include consent to the interview ofprincipals, employees, customers andsuppliers of the applicant or licensee.

(e) Definitions. The terms affiliate,business owned by members of minoritygroups and/or women, consortium of smallbusinesses, gross revenues, members of mi-nority groups, nonattributable equity,small business and total assets used inthis section are defined in § 90.814.

§ 90.816 Criteria for comparative 900MHz SMR renewal proceedings.

(a) Ultimate issue. The ultimate issuein comparative renewal proceedingswill be to determine, in light of theevidence adduced in the proceeding,what disposition of the applications

would best serve the public interest,convenience and necessity.

(b) Renewal expectancies. The mostimportant comparative factor to beconsidered in a comparative 900 MHzSMR renewal proceeding is a majorpreference, commonly referred to as a‘‘renewal expectancy’’.

(1) The 900 MHz SMR renewal appli-cant involved in a comparative renewalproceeding will receive a renewal ex-pectancy, if its past record for the rel-evant license period demonstrates that:

(i) The renewal applicant has pro-vided ‘‘substantial’’ service during itspast license term. ‘‘Substantial’’ serv-ice is defined as service which is sound,favorable, and substantially above alevel of mediocre service which justmight minimally warrant renewal; and

(ii) The renewal applicant has sub-stantially complied with applicableFCC rules, policies and the Commu-nications Act of 1934, as amended.

(2) In order to establish its right to arenewal expectancy, a 900 MHz renewalapplicant involved in a comparative re-newal proceeding must submit a show-ing explaining why it should receive arenewal expectancy. At a minimum,this showing must include:

(i) A description of its current servicein terms of geographic coverage andpopulation served;

(ii) An explanation of its record of ex-pansion, including a timetable of theconstruction of new base sites to meetchanges in demand for SMR service;

(iii) A description of its investmentsin its 900 MHz SMR system; and

(iv) Copies of all FCC orders findingthe licensee to have violated the Com-munications Act or any FCC rule orpolicy; and a list of any pending pro-ceedings that relate to any matter de-scribed in paragraph (b)(2) of this sec-tion.

(3) In making its showing of entitle-ment to a renewal expectancy, a re-newal applicant may claim credit forany system modification applicationsthat were pending on the date it filedits renewal application. Such creditwill not be allowed if the modificationapplication is dismissed or denied.

[60 FR 55485, Nov. 1, 1995]

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.901

Subpart V—Competitive BiddingProcedures for 800 MHz Spe-cialized Mobile Radio Service

SOURCE: 61 FR 6159, Feb. 16, 1996, unlessotherwise noted.

§ 90.901 800 MHz SMR spectrum sub-ject to competitive bidding.

Mutually exclusive initial applica-tions for Spectrum Blocks A through Vin the 800 MHz band are subject to com-petitive bidding procedures. The gen-eral competitive bidding proceduresprovided in 47 CFR part 1, subpart Qwill apply unless otherwise indicated inthis subpart.

[62 FR 41220, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.902 Competitive bidding designfor 800 MHz SMR licensing.

The Commission will employ a simul-taneous multiple round auction designwhen selecting from among mutuallyexclusive initial applications for EA li-censes for Spectrum Blocks A throughV in the 800 MHz band, unless other-wise specified by the Wireless Tele-communications Bureau before theauction.

[62 FR 41220, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.903 Competitive bidding mecha-nisms.

(a) Sequencing. The Wireless Tele-communications Bureau will establishand may vary the sequence in which800 MHz SMR licenses for SpectrumBlocks A through V will be auctioned.

(b) Grouping—(1) Spectrum blocks Athrough C. All EA licenses for Spec-trum Blocks A through C will be auc-tioned simultaneously, unless theWireless Telecommunications Bureauannounces, by Public Notice prior tothe auction, an alternative competitivebidding design.

(2) Spectrum blocks D through V. AllEA licenses for Spectrum Blocks Dthrough V will be auctioned by the fol-lowing Regions:

(i) Region 1 (Northeast): The North-east Region consists of the followingMTAs: Boston-Providence, Buffalo-Rochester, New York, Philadelphia,and Pittsburgh.

(ii) Region 2 (South): The South Re-gion consists of the following MTAs:

Atlanta, Charlotte-Greensboro-Green-ville-Raleigh, Jacksonville, Knoxville,Louisville-Lexington-Evansville, Nash-ville, Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Rich-mond-Norfolk, Tampa-St. Petersburg-Orlando, and Washington-Baltimore;and, Puerto Rico and United StatesVirgin Islands.

(iii) Region 3 (Midwest): The MidwestRegion consists of the following MTAs:Chicago, Cincinnati-Dayton, Cleveland,Columbus, Des Moines-Quad Cities, De-troit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Min-neapolis-St. Paul, and Omaha.

(iv) Region 4 (Central): The CentralRegion consists of the following MTAs:Birmingham, Dallas-Fort Worth, Den-ver, El Paso-Albuquerque, Houston,Kansas City, Little Rock, Memphis-Jackson, New Orleans-Baton Rouge,Oklahoma City, San Antonio, St.Louis, Tulsa, and Wichita.

(v) Region 5 (West): The West Regionconsists of the following MTAs: Hono-lulu, Los Angeles-San Diego, Phoenix,Portland, Salt Lake City, San Fran-cisco-Oakland-San Jose, Seattle (in-cluding Alaska), and Spokane-Billings;and, American Samoa, Guam, and theNorthern Mariana Islands.

(c) Minimum bid increments. The Wire-less Telecommunications Bureau will,by announcement before or during anauction, require minimum bid incre-ments in dollar or percentage terms.

(d) Stopping rules. The Wireless Tele-communications Bureau will establishstopping rules before or during themultiple round auctions in order toterminate an auction within a reason-able time.

(e) Activity rules. The Wireless Tele-communications Bureau will establishactivity rules which require a mini-mum amount of bidding activity. Inthe event that the Commission estab-lishes an activity rule in connectionwith a simultaneous multiple roundauction, each bidder will be entitled torequest and will be automaticallygranted a certain number of waivers ofsuch rule during the auction.

(f) Duration of bidding rounds. TheWireless Telecommunications Bureauretains the discretion to vary the dura-tion of bidding rounds or the intervalsat which bids are accepted.

[61 FR 6159, Feb. 16, 1996, as amended at 62FR 41220, July 31, 1997]

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.907

§ 90.904 Aggregation of EA licenses.The Commission will license each

Spectrum Block A through V in the 800MHz band separately. Applicants mayaggregate across spectrum blocks with-in the limitations specified in § 20.6 ofthis chapter.

[62 FR 41221, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.905 Withdrawal, default and dis-qualification payments.

(a) During the course of an auctionconducted pursuant to § 90.902, theCommission will impose payments onbidders who withdraw high bids duringthe course of an auction, who defaulton payments due after an auctioncloses, or who are disqualified.

(b) Bid withdrawal prior to close of auc-tion. A bidder who withdraws a high bidduring the course of an auction will besubject to a payment equal to the dif-ference between the amount bid andthe amount of the winning bid the nexttime the license is offered by the Com-mission. No withdrawal payment wouldbe assessed if the subsequent winningbid exceeds the withdrawn bid. Thispayment amount will be deducted fromany upfront payments or down pay-ments that the withdrawing bidder hasdeposited with the Commission.

(c) Default or disqualification afterclose of auction. If a high bidder de-faults or is disqualified after the closeof such an auction, the defaulting bid-der will be subject to the payment inparagraph (b) of this section plus anadditional monetary asssessment equalto three (3) percent of the subsequentwinning bid. If the subsequent winningbid exceeds the defaulting bidder’s bidamount, the 3 percent payment will becalculated based on the defaulting bid-der’s bid amount. These amounts willbe deducted from any upfront pay-ments or down payments that the de-faulting or disqualified bidder has de-posited with the Commission. If the de-fault occurs within five (5) businessdays after the bidding has closed, theCommission retains the discretion tooffer the license to the second highestbidder at its final bid level, or if thatbidder declines the offer, to offer the li-cense to other bidders (in descendingorder of their bid amounts) at the finalbid levels.

§ 90.906 Bidding application (FCCForm 175 and 175–S Short-form).

All applicants to participate in com-petitive bidding for 800 MHz SMR li-censes in Spectrum Blocks A throughV must submit applications on FCCForms 175 and 175-S pursuant to theprovisions of § 1.2105 of this chapter.The Wireless Telecommunications Bu-reau will issue a Public Notice an-nouncing the availability of these 800MHz SMR licenses and, in the eventthat mutually exclusive applicationsare filed, the date of the auction forthose licenses. This Public Notice alsowill specify the date on or before whichapplicants intending to participate in a800 MHz SMR auction must file theirapplications in order to be eligible forthat auction, and it will contain infor-mation necessary for completion of theapplication as well as other importantinformation such as the materialswhich must accompany the Forms, anyfiling fee that must accompany the ap-plication or any upfront payment thatwill need to be submitted, and the loca-tion where the application must befiled. In addition to identifying its sta-tus as a small business or rural tele-phone company, each applicant mustindicate whether it is a minority-owned entity and/or a women-ownedentity, as defined in § 90.912(e).

[62 FR 41221, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.907 Submission of upfront pay-ments and down payments.

(a) Upfront payments. Bidders in a 800MHz SMR auction for Spectrum BlocksA through V will be required to submitan upfront payment prior to the startof the auction. The amount of the up-front payment for each license auc-tioned and the procedures for submit-ting it will be set forth by the WirelessTelecommunications Bureau in a Pub-lic Notice in accordance with § 1.2106 ofthis chapter.

(b) Down payments. Winning biddersin a 800 MHz SMR auction for Spec-trum Blocks A through V must submita down payment to the Commission inan amount sufficient to bring theirtotal deposits up to 20 percent of theirwinning bids within ten (10) businessdays after the auction closes. Winningbidders will be required to make full

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.908

payment of the balance of their win-ning bids ten (10) business days afterPublic Notice announcing that theCommission is prepared to award thelicense.

[62 FR 41221, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.908 Long-form applications.Each winning bidder will be required

to submit a long-form application onFCC Form 600 within ten (10) businessdays after being notified by Public No-tice that it is the winning bidder. Ap-plications on FCC Form 600 shall besubmitted pursuant to the proceduresset forth in § 90.119 of this part and anyassociated Public Notices. Only auc-tion winners (and rural telephone com-panies seeking partitioned licensespursuant to agreements with auctionwinners under § 90.911) will be eligibleto file applications on FCC Form 600for initial 800 MHz SMR licenses in theevent of mutual exclusivity betweenapplicants filing FCC Form 175.

§ 90.909 License grant, denial, default,and disqualification.

(a) Except with respect to entities el-igible for installment payments (see§ 90.912) each winning bidder will be re-quired to pay the balance of its win-ning bid in a lump sum payment withinfive (5) business days following PublicNotice that the license is ready forgrant. The Commission will grant thelicense within ten (10) business daysafter receipt of full and timely pay-ment of the winning bid amount.

(b) A bidder who withdraws its bidsubsequent to the close of bidding, de-faults on a payment due, or is disquali-fied, will be subject to the paymentsspecified in § 90.905 or § 1.2109 of thischapter, as applicable.

(c) EA licenses pursued through com-petitive bidding procedures will begranted pursuant to the requirementsspecified in § 90.166.

§ 90.910 Bidding credits.(a) A winning bidder that qualifies as

a very small business or a consortiumof very small businesses, as defined in§§ 90.912(b)(2) and (b)(5), may use a bid-ding credit of 35 percent to lower thecost of its winning bid on SpectrumBlocks A through V. A winning bidderthat qualifies as a small business or a

consortium of small businesses, as de-fined in §§ 90.912(b)(1) or (b)(4), may usea bidding credit of 25 percent to lowerthe cost of its winning bid on SpectrumBlocks A through V.

(b) Unjust enrichment. (1) If a smallbusiness or very small business (as de-fined in §§ 90.912(b)(1) and 90.912(b)(2),respectively) that utilizes a biddingcredit under this section seeks to as-sign or transfer control of an author-ization to an entity that is not a smallbusiness or very small business, orseeks to make any other change inownership that would result in the li-censee losing eligibility as a smallbusiness or very small business, thesmall business or very small businessmust seek Commission approval andreimburse the government for the dif-ference between the amount of the bid-ding credit obtained by the licenseeand the bidding credit for which the as-signee, transferee, or licensee is eligi-ble under this section as a condition ofthe approval of such assignment, trans-fer, or other ownership change.

(2) If a very small business (as de-fined in § 90.912(b)(2)) that utilizes abidding credit under this section seeksto assign or transfer control of an au-thorization to a small business meetingthe eligibility standards for a lowerbidding credit, or seeks to make anyother change in ownership that wouldresult in the licensee qualifying for alower bidding credit under this section,the licensee must seek Commission ap-proval and reimburse the governmentfor the difference between the amountof the bidding credit obtained by the li-censee and the bidding credit for whichthe assignee, transferee, or licensee iseligible under this section as a condi-tion of the approval of such assign-ment, transfer, or other ownershipchange.

(3) The amount of payments madepursuant to paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2)of this section will be reduced overtime as follows: a transfer in the firsttwo years of the license term will re-sult in a forfeiture of 100 percent of thevalue of the bidding credit (or the dif-ference between the bidding credit ob-tained by the original licensee and thebidding credit for which the post-trans-fer licensee is eligible); in year three ofthe license term the payment will be 75

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.911

percent; in year four the payment willbe 50 percent; and in year five the pay-ment will be 25 percent, after whichthere will be no assessment.

[62 FR 41221, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.911 Partitioned licenses anddisaggregated spectrum.

(a) Eligibility. Parties seeking ap-proval for partitioning anddisaggregation shall request an author-ization for partial assignment of a li-cense pursuant to § 90.153(c).

(b) Technical standards—(1) Partition-ing. In the case of partitioning, re-quests for authorization for partial as-signment of a license must include, asattachments, a description of the parti-tioned service area and a calculation ofthe population of the partitioned serv-ice area and the licensed geographicservice area. The partitioned servicearea shall be defined by coordinatepoints at every 3 degrees along the par-titioned service area unless an FCCrecognized service area is utilized (i.e.,Major Trading Area, Basic TradingArea, Metropolitan Service Area, RuralService Area or Economic Area) orcounty lines are followed. The geo-graphic coordinates must be specifiedin degrees, minutes, and seconds to thenearest second of latitude and lon-gitude and must be based upon the 1927North American Datum (NAD27). Ap-plicants may supply geographical co-ordinates based on 1983 North Amer-ican Datum (NAD83) in addition tothose required (NAD27). In the casewhere an FCC recognized service areaor county lines are utilized, applicantsneed only list the specific area(s)(through use of FCC designations orcounty names) that constitute the par-titioned area.

(2) Disaggregation. Spectrum may bedisaggregated in any amount.

(3) Combined partitioning anddisaggregation. The Commission willconsider requests for partial assign-ment of licenses that propose combina-tions of partitioning anddisaggregation.

(c) Unjust enrichment—(1) Biddingcredits. Licensees that qualified under§ 90.910 to use a bidding credit at auc-tion that partition their licenses ordisaggregate their spectrum to entitiesnot meeting the eligibility standards

for such a bidding credit, will be sub-ject to the provisions concerning un-just enrichment as set forth in§ 90.910(b).

(2) Apportioning unjust enrichmentpayments. Unjust enrichment paymentsfor partitioned license areas shall becalculated based upon the ratio of thepopulation of the partitioned licensearea to the overall population of the li-cense area and by utilizing the most re-cent census data. Unjust enrichmentpayments for disaggregated spectrumshall be calculated based upon theratio of the amount of spectrumdisaggregated to the amount of spec-trum held by the licensee.

(d) License term. The license term fora partitioned license area and fordisaggregated spectrum shall be the re-mainder of the original licensee’s li-cense term as provided for in§§ 90.629(a), 90.665(a) or 90.685(a).

(e) Construction and channel usage re-quirements—incumbent licensees. Partiesseeking to acquire a partitioned licenseor disaggregated spectrum from an in-cumbent licensee will be required toconstruct and commence ‘‘service tosubscribers’’ all facilities acquiredthrough such transactions within theoriginal construction deadline for eachfacility as set forth in §§ 90.629 and90.683. Failure to meet the individualconstruction deadline will result in theautomatic termination of the facility’sauthorization.

(f) Construction and channel usage re-quirements—EA licensees—(1) Licensees inchannel blocks A, B and C—(i) Require-ments for partitioning. (A) Thepartitionee may certify that it will sat-isfy the applicable construction re-quirements set forth in § 90.685(c) forthe partitioned license area; or

(B) The original licensee may certifythat it has or will meet the three andfive year construction requirements setforth in § 90.685(c) for the entire mar-ket.

(C) Applications requesting partialassignments of license for partitioningmust include a certification by eachparty as to which of the above optionsthey select.

(D) Partitionees must submit sup-porting documents showing compliance

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.912

with the respective construction re-quirements within the appropriatetime frames set forth in § 90.685(c).

(E) Failure by any partitionee tomeet its respective construction re-quirements will result in the auto-matic cancellation of the partitionedlicense without further Commission ac-tion.

(ii) Requirements for disaggregation.Parties seeking authority todisaggregate spectrum from an EA li-censee in Spectrum Blocks A, B and Cmust meet one of the following channeluse requirements:

(A) The partitionee may certify thatit will satisfy the channel usage re-quirements set forth in § 90.685(d) forthe disaggregated spectrum; or

(B) The original licensee may certifythat it has or will meet the channelusage requirements as set forth in§ 90.685(d) for the entire spectrumblock. In that case, the disaggregateemust only satisfy the requirements for‘‘substantial service,’’ as set forth in§ 90.685(c), for the disaggregated spec-trum within five years of the licensegrant.

(C) Applications requesting partialassignments of license fordisaggregation must include a certifi-cation by each party as to which of theabove options they select.

(D) Disaggregatees must submit sup-porting documents showing compliancewith the respective channel usage re-quirements within the appropriatetime frames set forth in § 90.685(c).

(E) Failure by any disaggregatee tomeet its respective channel usage re-quirements will result in the auto-matic cancellation of thedisaggregated license without furtherCommission action.

(2) Licensees in channel blocks Dthrough V—(i) Requirements for parti-tioning. Parties seeking authority topartition an EA license must meet oneof the following construction require-ments:

(A) The partitionee may certify thatit will satisfy the applicable construc-tion requirements set forth in § 90.685(c)for the partitioned license area; or

(B) The original licensee may certifythat it has or will meet the construc-tion requirements set forth in § 90.685(c)for the entire market.

(C) Applications requesting partialassignments of license for partitioningmust include a certification by eachparty as to which of the above optionsthey select.

(D) Partitionees must submit sup-porting documents showing compliancewith the respective construction re-quirements within the appropriatetime frames set forth in § 90.685(c).

(E) Failure by any partitionee tomeet its respective construction re-quirements will result in the auto-matic cancellation of the partitionedlicense without further Commission ac-tion.

(ii) Requirements for disaggregation.Parties seeking authority todisaggregate must submit with theirpartial assignment application a cer-tification signed by both parties stat-ing which of the parties will be respon-sible for meeting the construction re-quirements for the market as set forthin § 90.685. Parties may agree to shareresponsibility for meeting the con-struction requirements. Parties thataccept responsibility for meeting theconstruction requirements and laterfail to do so will be subject to licenseforfeiture without further Commissionaction.

(g) Certification concerning relocationof incumbent licensees. Parties seekingapproval of a partitioning ordisaggregation agreement pursuant tothis section must include a certifi-cation with their partial assignment oflicense application as to which partywill be responsible for meeting the in-cumbent relocation requirements setforth at § 90.699.

[62 FR 41221, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.912 Definitions.(a) Scope. The definitions in this sec-

tion apply to §§ 90.910 and 90.911, unlessotherwise specified in those sections.

(b) Small business; very small business;consortium of small businesses; consor-tium of very small businesses. (1) A smallbusiness is an entity that together withits affiliates and controlling principals,has average gross revenues that do notexceed $15 million for the three preced-ing years; or

(2) A very small business is an entitythat together with its affiliates andcontrolling principals, has average

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gross revenues that do not exceed $3million for the three preceding years.

(3) For purposes of determiningwhether an entity meets the $3 millionor $15 million average annual gross rev-enues size standard set forth in para-graph (b)(1) of this section, the grossrevenues of the entity, its affiliates,and controlling principals shall be con-sidered on a cumulative basis and ag-gregated.

(4) A consortium of small business is aconglomerate organization formed as ajoint venture between or among mutu-ally-independent business firms, eachof which individually satisfies the defi-nition of a small business in para-graphs (b)(1) of this section. In a con-sortium of small businesses, each indi-vidual member must establish its eligi-bility as a small business, as defined inthis section.

(5) A consortium of very small businessis a conglomerate organization formedas a joint venture between or amongmutually-independent business firms,each of which individually satisfies thedefinition of a very small business inparagraph (b)(2) of this section. In aconsortium of small businesses, eachindividual member must establish itseligibility as a very small business, asdefined in this section.

(c) Gross revenues. Gross revenuesshall mean all income received by anentity, whether earned or passive, be-fore any deductions are made for costsof doing business (e.g., cost of goodssold). Gross revenues are evidenced byaudited financial statements for therelevant number of calendar or fiscalyears preceding the filing of the appli-cant’s short-form application (FCCForm 175). If an entity was not in exist-ence for all or part of the relevant pe-riod, gross revenues shall be evidencedby the audited financial statements ofthe entity’s predecessor-in-interest or,if there is no identifiable predecessor-in-interest, unaudited financial state-ments certified by the applicant as ac-curate. When an applicant does nototherwise use audited financial state-ments, its gross revenues may be cer-tified by its chief financial officer orits equivalent.

(d) Affiliate—(1) Basis for affiliation.An individual or entity is an affiliate

of an applicant if such individual or en-tity:

(i) Directly or indirectly controls orhas the power to control the applicant,or

(ii) Is directly or indirectly con-trolled by the applicant, or

(iii) Is directly or indirectly con-trolled by a third party or parties whoalso control or have the power to con-trol the applicant, or

(iv) Has an ‘‘identity of interest’’with the applicant.

(2) Nature of control in determining af-filiation. (i) Every business concern isconsidered to have one or more partieswho directly or indirectly control orhave the power to control it. Controlmay be affirmative or negative and itis immaterial whether it is exercised solong as the power to control exists.

Example for paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this sec-tion. An applicant owning 50 percent of thevoting stock of another concern would havenegative power to control such concern sincesuch party can block any action of the otherstockholders. Also, the bylaws of a corpora-tion may permit a stockholder with lessthan 50 percent of the voting stock to blockany actions taken by the other stockholdersin the other entity. Affiliation exists whenthe applicant has the power to control a con-cern while at the same time another person,or persons, are in control of the concern atthe will of the party or parties with thepower of control.

(ii) Control can arise through stockownership; occupancy of director, offi-cer, or key employee positions; con-tractual or other business relations; orcombinations of these and other fac-tors. A key employee is an employeewho, because of his/her position in theconcern, has a critical influence in orsubstantive control over the operationsor management of the concern.

(iii) Control can arise through man-agement positions if the voting stockis so widely distributed that no effec-tive control can be established.

Example for paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this sec-tion. In a corporation where the officers anddirectors own various size blocks of stock to-taling 40 percent of the corporation’s votingstock, but no officer or director has a blocksufficient to give him/her control or thepower to control and the remaining 60 per-cent is widely distributed with no individualstockholder having a stock interest greaterthan 10 percent, management has the powerto control. If persons with such management

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.912

control of the other entity are controllingprincipals of the applicant, the other entitywill be deemed an affiliate of the applicant.

(3) Identity of interest between andamong persons. Affiliation can arise be-tween or among two or more personswith an identity of interest, such asmembers of the same family or personswith common investments. In deter-mining if the applicant controls or iscontrolled by a concern, persons withan identity of interest will be treatedas though they were one person.

(i) Spousal affiliation. Both spousesare deemed to own or control or havethe power to control interests owned orcontrolled by either of them, unlessthey are subject to a legal separationrecognized by a court of competent ju-risdiction in the United States.

(ii) Kinship affiliation. Immediatefamily members will be presumed toown or control or have the power tocontrol interests owned or controlledby other immediate family members.In this context ‘‘immediate familymember’’ means father, mother, hus-band, wife, son, daughter, brother, sis-ter, father- or mother-in-law, son- ordaughter-in-law, brother- or sister-in-law, step-father or -mother, step-broth-er or -sister, step-son or -daughter,half-brother or -sister. This presump-tion may be rebutted by showing that:

(A) The family members are es-tranged,

(B) The family ties are remote, or(C) The family members are not

closely involved with each other inbusiness matters.

Example for paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this sec-tion. A owns a controlling interest in Cor-poration X. A’s sister-in-law, B, has a con-trolling interest in an SMR application. Be-cause A and B have a presumptive kinshipaffiliation, A’s interest in Corporation X isattributable to B, and thus to the applicant,unless B rebuts the presumption with thenecessary showing.

(4) Affiliation through stock ownership.(i) An applicant is presumed to controlor have the power to control a concernif he/she owns or controls or has thepower to control 50 percent or more ofits voting stock.

(ii) An applicant is presumed to con-trol or have the power to control a con-cern even though he/she owns, controls,or has the power to control less than 50percent of the concern’s voting stock,

if the block of stock he/she owns, con-trols, or has the power to control islarge as compared with any other out-standing block of stock.

(iii) If two or more persons eachowns, controls or has the power to con-trol less than 50 percent of the votingstock of a concern, such minority hold-ings are equal or approximately equalin size, and the aggregate of these mi-nority holdings is large as comparedwith any other stock holding, the pre-sumption arises that each one of thesepersons individually controls or hasthe power to control the concern; how-ever, such presumption may be rebut-ted by a showing that such control orpower to control, in fact, does notexist.

(5) Affiliation arising under stock op-tions, convertible debentures, and agree-ments to merge. Stock options, convert-ible debentures, and agreements tomerge (including agreements in prin-ciple) are generally considered to havea present effect on the power to controlthe concern. Therefore, in making asize determination, such options, de-bentures, and agreements will gen-erally be treated as though the rightsheld thereunder had been exercised.However, neither an affiliate nor an ap-plicant can use such options and deben-tures to appear to terminate its con-trol over another concern before it ac-tually does so.

Example 1 for paragraph (d)(5) of this section.If company B holds an option to purchase acontrolling interest in company A, who holdsa controlling interest in an SMR application,the situation is treated as though companyB had exercised its rights and had becomeowner of a controlling interest in companyA. The gross revenues of company B must betaken into account in determining the size ofthe applicant.

Example 2 for paragraph (d)(5) of this section.If a large company, BigCo, holds 70% (70 of100 outstanding shares) of the voting stock ofcompany A, who holds a controlling interestin an SMR application, and gives a thirdparty, SmallCo, an option to purchase 50 ofthe 70 shares owned by BigCo, BigCo will bedeemed to be an affiliate of company A, andthus the applicant, until SmallCo actuallyexercises its options to purchase such shares.In order to prevent BigCo from circumvent-ing the intent of the rule, which requiressuch options to be considered on a fully di-luted basis, the option is not considered tohave present effect in this case.

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Example 3 for paragraph (d)(5) of this section.If company A has entered into an agreementto merge with company B in the future, thesituation is treated as though the mergerhas taken place.

(6) Affiliation under voting trusts. (i)Stock interests held in trust shall bedeemed controlled by any person whoholds or shares the power to vote suchstock, to any person who has the solepower to sell such stock, and to anyperson who has the right to revoke thetrust at will or to replace the trusteeat will.

(ii) If a trustee has a familial, per-sonal or extra-trust business relation-ship to the grantor or the beneficiary,the stock interests held in trust will bedeemed controlled by the grantor orbeneficiary, as appropriate.

(iii) If the primary purpose of a vot-ing trust, or similar agreement, is toseparate voting power from beneficialownership of voting stock for the pur-pose of shifting control of or the powerto control a concern in order that suchconcern or another concern may meetthe Commission’s size standards, suchvoting trust shall not be consideredvalid for this purpose regardless ofwhether it is or is not recognized with-in the appropriate jurisdiction.

(7) Affiliation through common manage-ment. Affiliation generally arises whereofficers, directors, or key employeesserve as the majority or otherwise asthe controlling element of the board ofdirectors and/or the management of an-other entity.

(8) Affiliation through common facili-ties. Affiliation generally arises whereone concern shares office space and/oremployees and/or other facilities withanother concern, particularly wheresuch concerns are in the same or relat-ed industry or field of operations, orwhere such concerns were formerly af-filiated, and through these sharing ar-rangements one concern has control, orpotential control, of the other concern.

(9) Affiliation through contractual rela-tionships. Affiliation generally ariseswhere one concern is dependent uponanother concern for contracts and busi-ness to such a degree that one concernhas control, or potential control, of theother concern.

(10) Affiliation under joint venture ar-rangements. (i) A joint venture for sizedetermination purposes is an associa-

tion of concerns and/or individuals,with interests in any degree or propor-tion, formed by contract, express orimplied, to engage in and carry out asingle, specific business venture forjoint profit for which purpose theycombine their efforts, property, money,skill and knowledge, but not on a con-tinuing or permanent basis for con-ducting business generally. The deter-mination whether an entity is a jointventure is based upon the facts of thebusiness operation, regardless of howthe business operation may be des-ignated by the parties involved. Anagreement to share profits/losses pro-portionate to each party’s contributionto the business operation is a signifi-cant factor in determining whether thebusiness operation is a joint venture.

(ii) The parties to a joint venture areconsidered to be affiliated with eachother.

[62 FR 41222, July 31, 1997]

§ 90.913 Eligibility for small businessstatus.

(a) Short-form applications: Certifi-cations and disclosure. Each applicantfor an EA license which qualifies as asmall business or consortium of smallbusinesses under §§ 90.912(b) or (c) shallappend the following information as anexhibit to its short-form application(FCC Form 175):

(1) The identity of the applicant’s af-filiates and controlling principals, and,if a consortium of small businesses (ora consortium of very small businesses),the members of the joint venture; and

(2) The applicant’s gross revenues,computed in accordance with § 90.912.

(b) Long-form applications: Certifi-cations and disclosure. In addition to therequirements in subpart V of this part,each applicant submitting a long-formapplication for license(s) for SpectrumBlocks A through V and qualifying as asmall business shall, in an exhibit toits long-form application:

(1) Disclose separately and in the ag-gregate the gross revenues, computedin accordance with § 90.912, for each ofthe following: the applicant, the appli-cant’s affiliates, the applicant’s con-trolling principals, and, if a consortiumof small businesses (or consortium ofvery small businesses), the members ofthe joint venture;

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(2) List and summarize all agree-ments or other instruments (with ap-propriate references to specific provi-sions in the text of such agreementsand instruments) that support the ap-plicant’s eligibility as a small business,very small business, consortium ofsmall businesses or consortium of verysmall businesses under §§ 90.910 and90.912, including the establishment ofde facto and de jure control; such agree-ments and instruments include articlesof incorporation and bylaws, share-holder agreements, voting or othertrust agreements, franchise agree-ments, and any other relevant agree-ments (including letters of intent), oralor written; and

(3) List and summarize any investorprotection agreements, includingrights of first refusal, supermajorityclauses, options, veto rights, and rightsto hire and fire employees and to ap-point members to boards of directors ormanagement committees.

(c) Records maintenance. All winningbidders qualifying as small businessesor very small businesses, shall main-tain at their principal place of businessan updated file of ownership, revenueand asset information, including anydocument necessary to establish eligi-bility as a small business, very smallbusiness and/or consortium of smallbusinesses (or consortium of very smallbusinesses) under § 90.912. Licensees(and their successors in interest) shallmaintain such files for the term of thelicense.

(d) Audits. (1) Applicants and licens-ees claiming eligibility as a small busi-ness, very small business or consor-tium of small businesses (or consor-tium of very small businesses under§§ 90.910 and 90.912 shall be subject toaudits by the Commission, using in-house and contract resources. Selec-tion for audit may be random, on infor-mation, or on the basis of other fac-tors.

(2) Consent to such audits is part ofthe certification included in the short-form application (FCC Form 175). Suchconsent shall include consent to theaudit of the applicant’s or licensee’sbooks, documents and other material(including accounting procedures andpractices) regardless of form or type,sufficient to confirm that such appli-

cant’s or licensee’s representations are,and remain, accurate. Such consentshall include inspection at all reason-able times of the facilities, or partsthereof, engaged in providing andtransacting business, or keepingrecords regarding licensed 800 MHzSMR service and shall also include con-sent to the interview of principals, em-ployees, customers and suppliers of theapplicant or licensee.

(3) Definitions. The terms affiliate,small business, very small businessconsortium of small businesses, consor-tium of very small businesses, andgross revenues used in this section aredefined in § 90.912.

[62 FR 41224, July 31, 1997]

Subpart W—Competitive BiddingProcedures for the 220 MHzService

SOURCE: 62 FR 15999, Apr. 3, 1997, unlessotherwise noted.

§ 90.1001 220 MHz service subject tocompetitive bidding.

Mutually exclusive initial applica-tions for 220 MHz geographic area li-censes are subject to competitive bid-ding procedures. The procedures setforth in part 1, subpart Q, of this chap-ter will apply unless otherwise pro-vided in this part.

§ 90.1003 Competitive bidding designfor the 220 MHz service.

A simultaneous multiple round auc-tion will be used to choose from amongmutually exclusive initial applicationsfor 220 MHz geographic area licenses,unless the Commission specifies other-wise by Public Notice prior to the com-petitive bidding procedure.

§ 90.1005 Competitive bidding mecha-nisms.

(a) Sequencing. The Commission willestablish and may vary the sequence inwhich 220 MHz geographic area licensesare auctioned.

(b) Grouping. The Commission willdetermine which licenses will be auc-tioned simultaneously or in combina-tion.

(c) Minimum bid increments. The Com-mission may, by public announcement

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.1015

before or during an auction, requireminimum bid increments in dollar orpercentage terms.

(d) Stopping rules. The Commissionmay establish stopping rules before orduring an auction in order to termi-nate the auction within a reasonabletime.

(e) Activity rules. The Commissionmay establish activity rules which re-quire a minimum amount of biddingactivity. In the event that the Commis-sion establishes an activity rule in con-nection with a simultaneous multipleround auction, each bidder may requestwaivers of such rule during the auc-tion. The Commission may, by publicannouncement either before or duringthe auction, specify or vary the num-ber of waivers available to each bidder.

§ 90.1007 Withdrawal, default and dis-qualification payments.

The Commission will impose pay-ments on bidders who withdraw highbids during the course of an auction,who default on payments due after anauction terminates, or who are dis-qualified. When the Commission con-ducts a simultaneous multiple roundauction, payments will be calculated asset forth in §§ 1.2104(g) and 1.2109 of thischapter. When the amount of such apayment cannot be determined, a de-posit of up to 20 percent of the amountbid on the license will be required.

§ 90.1009 Bidding application (FCCForm 175 and 175–S Short-form).

Each applicant to participate in com-petitive bidding for 220 MHz geographicarea licenses must submit an applica-tion (FCC Forms 175 and 175–S) pursu-ant to the provisions of § 1.2105 of thischapter.

§ 90.1011 Submission of upfront pay-ments and down payments.

(a) The Commission will require ap-plicants to submit an upfront paymentprior to the start of a 220 MHz Serviceauction. The amount of the upfrontpayment for each geographic area li-cense auctioned and the procedures forsubmitting it will be set forth by theWireless Telecommunications Bureauin a public notice in accordance with§ 1.2106 of this chapter.

(b) Each winning bidder in a 220 MHzService auction must submit a downpayment to the Commission in anamount sufficient to bring its total de-posits up to 20 percent of its winningbid within ten (10) business days fol-lowing the release of a Public Noticeannouncing the close of bidding.

[63 FR 32591, June 12, 1998]

§ 90.1013 Long-form application (FCCForm 601).

Each successful bidder for a 220 MHzgeographic area license must submit along-form application (FCC Form 601)within ten (10) business days afterbeing notified by Public Notice that itis the winning bidder. Applications for220 MHz geographic area licenses onFCC Form 601 must be submitted in ac-cordance with § 1.2107 of this chapter,all applicable procedures set forth inthe rules in this part, and any applica-ble Public Notices that the Commis-sion may issue in connection with anauction. After an auction, the Commis-sion will not accept long-form applica-tions for 220 MHz geographic area li-censes from anyone other than the auc-tion winners and parties seeking parti-tioned licenses pursuant to agreementswith auction winners under § 90.1019 ofthis chapter.

[63 FR 32591, June 12, 1998]

§ 90.1015 License grant, denial, de-fault, and disqualification.

(a) Unless otherwise specified by Pub-lic Notice, auction winners are re-quired to pay the balance of their win-ning bids in a lump sum within ten (10)business days following the release of aPublic Notice establishing the pay-ment deadline. If a winning bidder failsto pay the balance of its winning bidsin a lump sum by the applicable dead-line as specified by the Commission, itwill be allowed to make payment with-in ten (10) business days after the pay-ment deadline, provided that it alsopays a late fee equal to five percent ofthe amount due. When a winning bid-der fails to pay the balance of its win-ning bid by the late payment deadline,it is considered to be in default on itslicense(s) and subject to the applicabledefault payments. Licenses will be

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.1017

awarded upon the full and timely pay-ment of winning bids and any applica-ble late fees.

(b) A bidder that withdraws its bidsubsequent to the close of bidding, de-faults on a payment due, or is disquali-fied, is subject to the payments speci-fied in § 1.2104(g), § 1.2109, and § 90.1007 ofthis chapter, as applicable.

[63 FR 32591, June 12, 1998]

§ 90.1017 Bidding credits for smallbusinesses and very small busi-nesses.

(a) Bidding credits. A winning bidderthat qualifies as a small business or aconsortium of small businesses as de-fined in § 90.1021(b)(1) or § 90.1021(b)(4)may use a bidding credit of 25 percentto lower the cost of its winning bid. Awinning bidder that qualifies as a verysmall business or a consortium of verysmall businesses as defined in§ 90.1021(b)(2) or § 90.1021(b)(4) may use abidding credit of 35 percent to lowerthe cost of its winning bid.

(b) Unjust enrichment—Bidding credits.(1) If a small business or very smallbusiness (as defined in §§ 90.1021(b)(1)and 90.1021(b)(2), respectively) that uti-lizes a bidding credit under this sectionseeks to transfer control or assign anauthorization to an entity that is not asmall business or a very small busi-ness, or seeks to make any otherchange in ownership that would resultin the licensee losing eligibility as asmall business or very small business,the small business or very small busi-ness must seek Commission approvaland reimburse the U.S. government forthe amount of the bidding credit, plusinterest based on the rate for ten yearU.S. Treasury obligations applicable onthe date the license was granted, as acondition of approval of the assign-ment, transfer, or other ownershipchange.

(2) If a very small business (as de-fined in § 90.1021(b)(2)) that utilizes abidding credit under this section seeksto transfer control or assign an author-ization to a small business meeting theeligibility standards for a lower bid-ding credit, or seeks to make any otherchange in ownership that would resultin the licensee qualifying for a lowerbidding credit under this section, thelicensee must seek Commission ap-

proval and reimburse the U.S. govern-ment for the difference between theamount of the bidding credit obtainedby the licensee and the bidding creditfor which the assignee, transferee, orlicensee is eligible under this section,plus interest based on the rate for tenyear U.S. Treasury obligations applica-ble on the date the license was granted,as a condition of the approval of suchassignment, transfer, or other owner-ship change.

(3) The amount of payments madepursuant to paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2)of this section will be reduced overtime as follows: A transfer in the firsttwo years of the license term will re-sult in a forfeiture of 100 percent of thevalue of the bidding credit (or the dif-ference between the bidding credit ob-tained by the original licensee and thebidding credit for which the post-trans-fer licensee is eligible); in year 3 of thelicense term the payment will be 75percent; in year 4 the payment will be50 percent; and in year 5 the paymentwill be 25 percent, after which therewill be no assessment.

[63 FR 32591, June 12, 1998]

§ 90.1019 Partitioning anddisaggregation.

(a) Definitions.Disaggregation. The assignment of

discrete portions or ‘‘blocks’’ of spec-trum licensed to a geographic licenseeor qualifying entity.

Partitioning. The assignment of geo-graphic portions of a licensee’s author-ized service area along geopolitical orother geographic boundaries.

(b) Eligibility. (1) Phase I non-nation-wide licensees may apply to partitiontheir licensed geographic service areaor disaggregate their licensed spectrumafter constructing their systems andplacing their in operation or commenc-ing service in accordance with the pro-visions in § 90.725(f) of this part.

(2) Phase I nationwide licensees mayapply to partition their licensed geo-graphic service area or disaggregatetheir licensed spectrum after con-structing at least 40 percent of the geo-graphic areas designated in their appli-cations in accordance with the provi-sions in § 90.725(a) of this part.

(3) Phase II licensees may apply topartition their licensed geographic

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.1019

service area or disaggregate their li-censed spectrum at any time followingthe grant of their licenses.

(4) Phase I and Phase II licensees au-thorized to operate on Channels 161through 170 or Channels 181 through 185are not eligible to partition their geo-graphic service area or disaggregatetheir licensed spectrum.

(5) Parties seeking approval for parti-tioning and disaggregation shall re-quest authorization for partial assign-ment of a license pursuant to § 90.709 ofthis part, as amended.

(c) Technical Standards—(1) Partition-ing. In the case of partitioning, re-quests for authorization for partial as-signment of a license must include, asan attachment, a description of thepartitioned service area. The parti-tioned service area shall be defined bycoordinate points at every 3 degreesalong the partitioned service areaagreed to by both parties, unless eitheran FCC-recognized service area is uti-lized (i.e., Major Trading Area, BasicTrading Area, Metropolitan ServiceArea, Rural Service or Economic Area)or county lines are followed. The geo-graphical coordinates must be specifiedin degrees, minutes and seconds to thenearest second latitude and longitude,and must be based upon the 1983 NorthAmerican Datum (NAD83). In the casewhere an FCC-recognized service areaor county lines are utilized, applicantsneed only list the specific area(s)through use of FCC designations orcounty names that constitute the par-titioned area. In such partitioningcases where an unjust enrichment pay-ment is owed the Commission, the re-quest for authorization for partial as-signment of a license must include, asan attachment, a calculation of thepopulation of the partitioned servicearea and licensed geographic servicearea.

(2) Disaggregation. Spectrum may bedisaggregated in any amount.

(3) Combined Partitioning andDisaggregation. The Commission willconsider requests for partial assign-ment of licenses that propose combina-tions of partitioning anddisaggregation. In the event that thereis a conflict in the application of thepartitioning and disaggregation rules,the partitioning rules take precedence.

(d) License Term. The license term fora partitioned license area and fordisaggregated spectrum shall be the re-mainder of the original licensee’s li-cense term.

(e) Construction requirements—(1) Re-quirements for partitioning. Phase II EA,Regional or nationwide licensees seek-ing authority to partition must meetone of the following construction re-quirements:

(i) The partitionee may certify thatit will satisfy the applicable construc-tion requirements set forth in §§ 90.767or 90.769 of this part, as applicable, forthe partitioned license area; or

(ii) The original licensee may certifythat it has or will meet its five-yearconstruction requirement and willmeet the ten-year construction re-quirement, as set forth in §§ 90.767 or90.769 of this part, as applicable, for theentire license area. In that case, thepartitionee must only satisfy the re-quirements for ‘‘substantial service,’’as set forth in § 90.743(a)(1) of this part,for the partitioned license area by theend of the original ten-year licenseterm of the licensee.

(iii) Applications requesting partialassignments of license for partitioningmust include a certification by eachparty as to which of the above con-struction options they select.

(iv) Partitionees must submit sup-porting documents showing compliancewith the respective construction re-quirements within the appropriate five-year and ten-year construction bench-marks set forth in § 90.767 or 90.769 ofthis part, as applicable.

(v) Failure by any partitionee tomeet its respective construction re-quirements will result in the auto-matic cancellation of the partitionedlicense without further Commission ac-tion.

(2) Requirements for disaggregation.Parties seeking authority todisaggregate spectrum from a Phase IIEA, Regional or nationwide license,must submit with their partial assign-ment application a certification signedby both parties stating which of theparties will be responsible for meetingthe five-year and ten-year constructionrequirements for the particular marketas set forth in § 90.767 or 90.769 of thispart, as applicable. Parties may agree

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.1021

to share responsibility for meeting theconstruction requirements. If oneparty accepts responsibility for meet-ing the construction requirements andlater fails to do so, then its license willcancel automatically without furtherCommission action. If both parties ac-cept responsibility for meeting theconstruction requirements and laterfail to do so, then both their licenseswill cancel automatically without fur-ther Commission action.

[63 FR 49295, Sept. 15, 1998]

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 49295,Sept. 15, 1998, § 90.1019 was revised, effectiveNov. 16, 1998. For the convenience of theuser, the superseded text is set forth as fol-lows:

§ 90.1019 Eligibility for partitioned licenses.If partitioned licenses are being applied for

in conjunction with a license(s) to be award-ed through competitive bidding procedures—

(a) The applicable procedures for filingshort-form applications and for submittingupfront payments and down payments con-tained in this chapter shall be followed bythe applicant, who must disclose as part ofits short-form application all parties toagreement(s) with or among other entities topartition the license pursuant to this sec-tion, if won at auction (see 47 CFR1.2105(a)(2)(viii));

(b) Each party to an agreement to parti-tion the license must file a long-form appli-cation (FCC Form 600) for its respective, mu-tually agreed-upon geographic license areatogether with the application for the remain-der of the geographic license area filed bythe auction winner.

(c) If the partitioned license is being ap-plied for as a partial assignment of the geo-graphic area license following grant of theinitial license, request for authorization forpartial assignment of a license shall be madepursuant to § 90.153.

§ 90.1021 Definitions concerning com-petitive bidding process.

(a) Scope. The definitions in this sec-tion apply to §§ 90.1001 through 90.1025,unless otherwise specified in those sec-tions.

(b) Small business; very small business;consortium of small businesses or verysmall businesses. (1) A small business isan entity that, together with its affili-ates and controlling principals, has av-erage gross revenues that are not morethan $15 million for the preceding threeyears.

(2) A very small business is an entitythat, together with its affiliates andcontrolling principals, has averagegross revenues that are not more than$3 million for the preceding threeyears.

(3) For purposes of determiningwhether an entity meets either of thedefinitions set forth in paragraph (b)(1)or (b)(2) of this section, the gross reve-nues of the entity, its affiliates, andcontrolling principals shall be consid-ered on a cumulative basis and aggre-gated.

(4) A consortium of small businesses(or a consortium of very small busi-nesses) is a conglomerate organizationformed as a joint venture between oramong mutually independent businessfirms, each of which individually satis-fies the definition in paragraph (b)(1) ofthis section or each of which individ-ually satisfies the definition in para-graph (b)(2) of this section. Where anapplicant (or licensee) is a consortiumof small businesses (or very small busi-nesses), the gross revenues of eachsmall business (or very small business)shall not be aggregated.

(c) Gross revenues. Gross revenuesshall mean all income received by anentity, whether earned or passive, be-fore any deductions are made for costsof doing business (e.g., cost of goodssold). Gross revenues are evidenced byaudited financial statements for therelevant number of calendar or fiscalyears preceding the filing of the appli-cant’s short-form application (FCCForm 175). If an entity was not in exist-ence for all or part of the relevant pe-riod, gross revenues shall be evidencedby the audited financial statements ofthe entity’s predecessor-in-interest or,if there is no identifiable predecessor-in-interest, unaudited financial state-ments certified by the applicant as ac-curate. When an applicant does nototherwise use audited financial state-ments, its gross revenues may be cer-tified by its chief financial officer orits equivalent.

(d) Affiliate—(1) Basis for affiliation.An individual or entity is an affiliateof an applicant if such individual or en-tity:

(i) Directly or indirectly controls orhas the power to control the applicant,or

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.1021

(ii) Is directly or indirectly con-trolled by the applicant, or

(iii) Is directly or indirectly con-trolled by a third party or parties whoalso control or have the power to con-trol the applicant, or

(iv) Has an ‘‘identity of interest’’with the applicant.

(2) Nature of control in determining af-filiation. (i) Every business concern isconsidered to have one or more partieswho directly or indirectly control orhave the power to control it. Controlmay be affirmative or negative and itis immaterial whether it is exercised solong as the power to control exists.

Example for paragraph (d)(2)(i). An appli-cant owning 50 percent of the voting stock ofanother concern would have negative powerto control such concern since such party canblock any action of the other stockholders.Also, the bylaws of a corporation may per-mit a stockholder with less than 50 percentof the voting stock to block any actionstaken by the other stockholders in the otherentity. Affiliation exists when the applicanthas the power to control a concern while atthe same time another person, or persons,are in control of the concern at the will ofthe party or parties with the power of con-trol.

(ii) Control can arise through stockownership; occupancy of director, offi-cer, or key employee positions; con-tractual or other business relations; orcombinations of these and other fac-tors. A key employee is an employeewho, because of his/her position in theconcern, has a critical influence in orsubstantive control over the operationsor management of the concern.

(iii) Control can arise through man-agement positions if the voting stockis so widely distributed that no effec-tive control can be established.

Example for paragraph (d)(2)(iii). In a cor-poration where the officers and directorsown various size blocks of stock totaling 40percent of the corporation’s voting stock,but no officer or director has a block suffi-cient to give him/her control or the power tocontrol and the remaining 60 percent is wide-ly distributed with no individual stockholderhaving a stock interest greater than 10 per-cent, management has the power to control.If persons with such management control ofthe other entity are controlling principals ofthe applicant, the other entity will bedeemed an affiliate of the applicant.

(3) Identity of interest between andamong persons. Affiliation can arise be-tween or among two or more persons

with an identity of interest, such asmembers of the same family or personswith common investments. In deter-mining if the applicant controls or iscontrolled by a concern, persons withan identity of interest will be treatedas though they were one person.

(i) Spousal affiliation. Both spousesare deemed to own or control or havethe power to control interests owned orcontrolled by either of them, unlessthey are subject to a legal separationrecognized by a court of competent ju-risdiction in the United States.

(ii) Kinship affiliation. Immediatefamily members will be presumed toown or control or have the power tocontrol interests owned or controlledby other immediate family members.In this context ‘‘immediate familymember’’ means father, mother, hus-band, wife, son, daughter, brother, sis-ter, father- or mother-in-law, son- ordaughter-in-law, brother- or sister-in-law, step-father or -mother, step-broth-er or -sister, step-son or -daughter,half-brother or -sister. This presump-tion may be rebutted by showing that:

(A) The family members are es-tranged,

(B) The family ties are remote, or(C) The family members are not

closely involved with each other inbusiness matters.

Example for paragraph (d)(3)(ii). A owns acontrolling interest in Corporation X. A’ssister-in-law, B, has a controlling interest ina 220 MHz service geographic area license ap-plication. Because A and B have a presump-tive kinship affiliation, A’s interest in Cor-poration X is attributable to B, and thus tothe applicant, unless B rebuts the presump-tion with the necessary showing.

(4) Affiliation through stock ownership.(i) An applicant is presumed to controlor have the power to control a concernif he/she owns or controls or has thepower to control 50 percent or more ofits voting stock.

(ii) An applicant is presumed to con-trol or have the power to control a con-cern even though he/she owns, controls,or has the power to control less than 50percent of the concern’s voting stock,if the block of stock he/she owns, con-trols, or has the power to control islarge as compared with any other out-standing block of stock.

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.1021

(iii) If two or more persons eachowns, controls or has the power to con-trol less than 50 percent of the votingstock of a concern, such minority hold-ings are equal or approximately equalin size, and the aggregate of these mi-nority holdings is large as comparedwith any other stock holding, the pre-sumption arises that each one of thesepersons individually controls or hasthe power to control the concern; how-ever, such presumption may be rebut-ted by a showing that such control orpower to control, in fact, does notexist.

(5) Affiliation arising under stock op-tions, convertible debentures, and agree-ments to merge. Stock options, convert-ible debentures, and agreements tomerge (including agreements in prin-ciple) are generally considered to havea present effect on the power to controlthe concern. Therefore, in making asize determination, such options, de-bentures, and agreements will gen-erally be treated as though the rightsheld thereunder had been exercised.However, neither an affiliate nor an ap-plicant can use such options and deben-tures to appear to terminate its con-trol over another concern before it ac-tually does so.

Example 1 for paragraph (d)(5). If companyB holds an option to purchase a controllinginterest in company A, who holds a control-ling interest in a 220 MHz service geographicarea license application, the situation istreated as though company B had exercisedits rights and had become owner of a control-ling interest in company A. The gross reve-nues of company B must be taken into ac-count in determining the size of the appli-cant.

Example 2 for paragraph (d)(5). If a largecompany, BigCo, holds 70% (70 of 100 out-standing shares) of the voting stock of com-pany A, who holds a controlling interest in a220 MHz service geographic area license ap-plication, and gives a third party, SmallCo,an option to purchase 50 of the 70 sharesowned by BigCo, BigCo will be deemed to bean affiliate of company A, and thus the ap-plicant, until SmallCo actually exercises itsoptions to purchase such shares. In order toprevent BigCo from circumventing the in-tent of the rule, which requires such optionsto be considered on a fully diluted basis, theoption is not considered to have present ef-fect in this case.

Example 3 for paragraph (d)(5). If companyA has entered into an agreement to mergewith company B in the future, the situation

is treated as though the merger has takenplace.

(6) Affiliation under voting trusts. (i)Stock interests held in trust shall bedeemed controlled by any person whoholds or shares the power to vote suchstock, to any person who has the solepower to sell such stock, and to anyperson who has the right to revoke thetrust at will or to replace the trusteeat will.

(ii) If a trustee has a familial, per-sonal or extra-trust business relation-ship to the grantor or the beneficiary,the stock interests held in trust will bedeemed controlled by the grantor orbeneficiary, as appropriate.

(iii) If the primary purpose of a vot-ing trust, or similar agreement, is toseparate voting power from beneficialownership of voting stock for the pur-pose of shifting control of or the powerto control a concern in order that suchconcern or another concern may meetthe Commission’s size standards, suchvoting trust shall not be consideredvalid for this purpose regardless ofwhether it is or is not recognized with-in the appropriate jurisdiction.

(7) Affiliation through common manage-ment. Affiliation generally arises whereofficers, directors, or key employeesserve as the majority or otherwise asthe controlling element of the board ofdirectors and/or the management of an-other entity.

(8) Affiliation through common facili-ties. Affiliation generally arises whereone concern shares office space and/oremployees and/or other facilities withanother concern, particularly wheresuch concerns are in the same or relat-ed industry or field of operations, orwhere such concerns were formerly af-filiated, and through these sharing ar-rangements one concern has control, orpotential control, of the other concern.

(9) Affiliation through contractual rela-tionships. Affiliation generally ariseswhere one concern is dependent uponanother concern for contracts and busi-ness to such a degree that one concernhas control, or potential control, of theother concern.

(10) Affiliation under joint venture ar-rangements. (i) A joint venture for sizedetermination purposes is an associa-tion of concerns and/or individuals,

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.1023

with interests in any degree or propor-tion, formed by contract, express orimplied, to engage in and carry out asingle, specific business venture forjoint profit for which purpose theycombine their efforts, property, money,skill and knowledge, but not on a con-tinuing or permanent basis for con-ducting business generally. The deter-mination whether an entity is a jointventure is based upon the facts of thebusiness operation, regardless of howthe business operation may be des-ignated by the parties involved. Anagreement to share profits/losses pro-portionate to each party’s contributionto the business operation is a signifi-cant factor in determining whether thebusiness operation is a joint venture.

(ii) The parties to a joint venture areconsidered to be affiliated with eachother.

§ 90.1023 Certifications, disclosures,records maintenance and audits.

(a) Short-form applications: Certifi-cations and disclosure. In addition tocertifications and disclosures requiredin part 1, subpart Q, of this chapter,each applicant for a 220 MHz service ge-ographic area license which qualifies asa small business, very small business,consortium of small businesses, or con-sortium of very small businesses, shallappend the following information as anexhibit to its FCC Form 175:

(1) The identity of the applicant’s af-filiates and controlling principals, and,if a consortium of small businesses (orconsortium of very small businesses),the members of the joint venture; and

(2) The applicant’s gross revenues,computed in accordance with § 90.1021.

(b) Long-form applications: Certifi-cations and disclosure. In addition to therequirements in § 90.1013, each appli-cant submitting a long-form applica-tion for a 220 MHz service geographicarea license and qualifying as a smallbusiness or very small business shall,in an exhibit to its long-form applica-tion:

(1) Disclose separately and in the ag-gregate the gross revenues, computedin accordance with § 90.1021, for each ofthe following: The applicant, the appli-cant’s affiliates, the applicant’s con-trolling principals, and, if a consortiumof small businesses (or consortium of

very small businesses), the members ofthe joint venture;

(2) List and summarize all agree-ments or other instruments (with ap-propriate references to specific provi-sions in the text of such agreementsand instruments) that support the ap-plicant’s eligibility as a small businessor very small business under §§ 90.1017through 90.1023, including the estab-lishment of de facto and de jure control;such agreements and instruments in-clude, but are not limited to, articlesof incorporation and bylaws, share-holder agreements, voting or othertrust agreements, franchise agree-ments, and any other relevant agree-ments including letters of intent, oralor written; and

(3) List and summarize any investorprotection agreements, includingrights of first refusal, supermajorityclauses, options, veto rights, and rightsto hire and fire employees and to ap-point members to boards of directors ormanagement committees.

(c) Records maintenance. All winningbidders qualifying as small businessesor very small businesses shall maintainat their principal place of business anupdated file of ownership, revenue, andasset information, including any docu-ments necessary to establish eligibilityas a small business or very small busi-ness and/or consortium of small busi-nesses (or consortium of very smallbusinesses) under § 90.1021. Licensees(and their successors-in-interest) shallmaintain such files for the term of thelicense. Applicants that do not obtainthe license(s) for which they appliedshall maintain such files until thegrant of such license(s) is final, or oneyear from the date of the filing of theirshort-form application (FCC Form 175),whichever is earlier.

(d) Audits. (1) Applicants and licens-ees claiming eligibility as a small busi-ness or very small business or consor-tium of small businesses (or consor-tium of very small businesses) under§§ 90.1017 through 90.1023 shall be sub-ject to audits by the Commission. Se-lection for audit may be random, on in-formation, or on the basis of other fac-tors.

(2) Consent to such audits is part ofthe certification included in the short-form application (FCC Form 175). Such

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47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–98 Edition)§ 90.1025

consent shall include consent to theaudit of the applicant’s or licensee’sbooks, documents and other material(including accounting procedures andpractices) regardless of form or type,sufficient to confirm that such appli-cant’s or licensee’s representations are,and remain, accurate. Such consentshall include inspection at all reason-able times of the facilities, or partsthereof, engaged in providing andtransacting business, or keepingrecords regarding licensed 220 MHzservice, and shall also include consentto the interview of principals, employ-ees, customers and suppliers of the ap-plicant or licensee.

(e) Definitions. The terms affiliate,small business, very small business,consortium of small businesses (or con-sortium of very small businesses), andgross revenues used in this section aredefined in § 90.1021.

§ 90.1025 Petitions to deny and limita-tions on settlements.

(a) Procedures regarding petitions todeny long-form applications in the 220MHz service will be governed by§§ 1.2108(b) through 1.2108(d) of thischapter and § 90.163.

(b) The consideration that an individ-ual or an entity will be permitted toreceive for agreeing to withdraw an ap-plication or a petition to deny will belimited by the provisions set forth in§ 90.162 and § 1.2105(c) of this chapter.

Subpart X—Competitive BiddingProcedures for Location andMonitoring Service

SOURCE: 63 FR 40664, July 30, 1998, unlessotherwise noted.

§ 90.1101 Location and MonitoringService subject to competitive bid-ding.

Mutually exclusive initial applica-tions for multilateration Location andMonitoring Service licenses are subjectto competitive bidding procedures. Theprocedures set forth in part 1, subpartQ of this chapter will apply unless oth-erwise provided in this part.

§ 90.1103 Designated entities.(a) This section addresses certain

issues concerning designated entities

in the Location and Monitoring Service(LMS) subject to competitive bidding.Issues that are not addressed in thissection are governed by the designatedentity provisions in part 1, subpart Q ofthis chapter.

(b) Eligibility for small business provi-sions. (1) A small business is an entitythat, together with its affiliates andcontrolling interests, has average grossrevenues not to exceed $15 million forthe preceding three years.

(2) A very small business is an entitythat, together with its affiliates andcontrolling interests, has average grossrevenues not to exceed $3 million forthe preceding three years.

(3) For purposes of determiningwhether an entity meets either of thedefinitions set forth in paragraph (b)(1)or (b)(2) of this section, the gross reve-nues of the entity, its affiliates, andcontrolling interests shall be consid-ered on a cumulative basis and aggre-gated.

(4) Where an applicant (or licensee)cannot identify controlling interestsunder the standards set forth in thissection, the gross revenues of all inter-est holders in the applicant, and theiraffiliates, will be attributable.

(5) A consortium of small businesses(or a consortium of very small busi-nesses) is a conglomerate organizationformed as a joint venture between oramong mutually independent businessfirms, each of which individually satis-fies the definition in paragraph (b)(1) ofthis section (or each of which individ-ually satisfies the definition in para-graph (b)(2) of this section). Where anapplicant or licensee is a consortium ofsmall businesses (or very small busi-nesses), the gross revenues of eachsmall business (or very small business)shall not be aggregated.

(c) Controlling interest. (1) For pur-poses of this section, controlling inter-est includes individuals or entitieswith de jure and de facto control of theapplicant. De jure control is greaterthan 50 percent of the voting stock of acorporation, or in the case of a partner-ship, the general partner. De facto con-trol is determined on a case-by-casebasis. An entity must disclose its eq-uity interest and demonstrate at least

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Federal Communications Commission § 90.1103

the following indicia of control to es-tablish that it retains de facto controlof the applicant:

(i) the entity constitutes or appointsmore than 50 percent of the board of di-rectors or management committee;

(ii) the entity has authority to ap-point, promote, demote, and fire seniorexecutives that control the day-to-dayactivities of the licensee; and

(iii) the entity plays an integral rolein management decisions.

(2) Calculation of certain interests.(i) Ownership interests shall be cal-

culated on a fully diluted basis; allagreements such as warrants, stock op-tions and convertible debentures willgenerally be treated as if the rightsthereunder already have been fully ex-ercised.

(ii) Partnership and other ownershipinterests and any stock interest eq-uity, or outstanding stock, or out-standing voting stock shall be attrib-uted as specified below.

(iii) Stock interests held in trustshall be attributed to any person whoholds or shares the power to vote suchstock, to any person who has the solepower to sell such stock, and, to anyperson who has the right to revoke thetrust at will or to replace the trusteeat will. If the trustee has a familial,personal, or extra-trust business rela-tionship to the grantor or the bene-ficiary, the grantor or beneficiary, asappropriate, will be attributed with thestock interests held in trust.

(iv) Non-voting stock shall be attrib-uted as an interest in the issuing en-tity.

(v) Limited partnership interestsshall be attributed to limited partnersand shall be calculated according toboth the percentage of equity paid inand the percentage of distribution ofprofits and losses.

(vi) Officers and directors of an en-tity shall be considered to have an at-tributable interest in the entity. Theofficers and directors of an entity thatcontrols a licensee or applicant shallbe considered to have an attributableinterest in the licensee or applicant.

(vii) Ownership interests that areheld indirectly by any party throughone or more intervening corporationswill be determined by successive mul-tiplication of the ownership percent-

ages for each link in the vertical own-ership chain and application of the rel-evant attribution benchmark to the re-sulting product, except that if the own-ership percentage for an interest in anylink in the chain exceeds 50 percent orrepresents actual control, it shall betreated as if it were a 100 percent inter-est.

(viii) Any person who manages theoperations of an applicant or licenseepursuant to a management agreementshall be considered to have an attrib-utable interest in such applicant or li-censee if such person, or its affiliatepursuant to § 1.2110(b)(4) of this chap-ter, has authority to make decisions orotherwise engage in practices or activi-ties that determine, or significantly in-fluence,

(A) The nature or types of servicesoffered by such an applicant or li-censee;

(B) The terms upon which such serv-ices are offered; or

(C) The prices charged for such serv-ices.

(ix) Any licensee or its affiliate whoenters into a joint marketing arrange-ment with an applicant or licensee, orits affiliate, shall be considered to havean attributable interest, if such appli-cant or licensee, or its affiliate, has au-thority to make decisions or otherwiseengage in practices or activities thatdetermine, or significantly influence,

(A) The nature or types of servicesoffered by such an applicant or li-censee;

(B) The terms upon which such serv-ices are offered; or

(C) The prices charged for such serv-ices.

(d) A winning bidder that qualifies asa small business or a consortium ofsmall businesses as defined in para-graph (b)(1) or (b)(5) of this section mayuse the bidding credit specified in§ 1.2110(e)(2)(ii) of this chapter. A win-ning bidder that qualifies as a verysmall business or a consortium of verysmall businesses as defined in para-graph (b)(2) or (b)(5) of this section mayuse the bidding credit specified in§ 1.2110(e)(2)(i) of this chapter.


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