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Dolores St. John, 334 West Olive, Mon- rovia, Calif.

Sirs: Having discovered that I am only one of the many who like the singing of Andy Russell, I want to cast my vote for him right now. He is fast moving into the spotlight that Sinatra and Crosby are holding, and I'm sure that he will remain there for some time to come. Here's hoping that you have,a feature page on him as soon as he returns from New York .

You het'

Elaine Dickinson, 1524 South Garfield, Alhambra, Calif.

Sirs: I have enjoyed reading your column, "The Ear Inspires the Pen," and have had the urge to write sev- eral times, but it has taken several letters appearing in recent issues. against the "Mary Marlin" program, to get some action from me.

I have been a follower of "Mary Marlin" for many years. and agree with some that the program wanders away from the point of interest and has taken two years to get Mary and Joe together again. but. aside from that, the acting has been splendid, and I feel I knew them when they

Pa g


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lived in the little house ón Main Street, and I like to consider them close neighbors.

I am so happy Joan Blaine is back, and I have enjoyed Joe, Annie, and Arnold very much.

It is still my favorite serial, even though I do get disgusted many times when it takes so long to get to the point of interest. The program, "The Right to Happiness" is especial- ly interesting, too, and I enjoy Caro- line and Dick so much.

Mrs. Eunice Sweet, 1075 Cherry A Long Beach, Calif.

Sirs: I wish to speak of subjects discussed in three letters in your October 22nd issue of Radio Life. First, I like John McIntire on "I Love A Mystery" very much. Even better than the original. I prefef to hear "Paul" l as we always think of him) in "One Man's Family" only. I have heard that wonderful story since its second airing.

Next, I want to say that I also wish Lux Theater and "Information, Please" did not conflict. I love both.

Next, I consider Crosby in a dif- ferent class than Sinatra, whose voice has improved. But I won't lis- ten to the latter any more because of the shrieks and noises of the audi- ence which are disgusting and vul- gar. I think Ronny Mansfield, Dick Brown. and voices in "Rider of the Purple Sage" and "Sons of the Pio neers" are nearer to rivalling Crosby than Sinatra. We enjoy all the pro grams except the jazz. Good music. soothing to the nerves, is wanted. and needed.

Mrs. Charlotte Meade, 6 South Marguerita A , Alhambra, Calif. Sirs' Regarding a recent issue re-

ferring to other singers' rating with Bing Crosby, he is in a class all by himself. There is no other singer who can compare with him, due to the fact that there is only one Bing. As for Sinatra, don't make me laugh. I have talked with many people who say he has no voice. People who like his singing evidently know nothing about what constitutes a singing voice.

Oh. oh -here use go again.'

Burton E. Gear, 1678 West 25th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: My wife and I are ardent

radio fans and have our favorites. of course. In music we prefer the

Telephone Hour, Standard Symphony, Richard Crooks, and John Charles Thomas. Other favorites of ours in- clude the one and only John Nesbitt. "Mayor of the Town," "Hot Copy," and "Sherlock Holmes." But the top program, in our opinion, is "It Pays To Be Ignorant." We think the whole program shows wonderful direction and real cleverness on the part of the entire cast. I wonder if ih would be possible for you to print a picture of them in Radio Life -and especially a picture of Miss O'Connell.

We korlu' many Radio Lifers share your enthusiasm for "It Paps To Be Ignorant." When the show first raptured the attention of ether dialers. Radio Life obliged ils readers with u story and u photo of the cast (February 13. 1444). We may soon houe n story on Tom Howard.

Jantes Young, 5126 Wood A , South Gate, California.

Sirs: In regard to the letter from a reader in the October 1st issue. I was at the "Frank Sinatra Vimms" show when it opened this season.

The reason most of the public was put in the balcony was because Mrs. Sinatra and her child were seated in the front seats.

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Hugh B. Birch, Agent Gov't Telegraph Ser- vice, Lower Labarge, Yukon

711-5: been Intenaing f0 ao this for a long time, but somehow, it got sidetracked. Wish to offer my hearty congratulations on your Fourth An- niversary number, 1944. It is really wonderful' I dig it out of the pile every once in a while and go through it again, I can always find a little something I somehow overlooked the time before. The photos of the stars, etc., are just what I have been look- ing for. When the long winter com- mences, I am going to have a swell old time taking a lot of them, mount- ing them, and adding new decoration to the wall of this old log cabin.

A very famous Irishman, by the name of Patrick Kilmartin, once said, "More power to your elbow, may your shadow never grow less." These are my own sentiments to a "T," so here they are -a world of good wishes for your continued prosperity and suc- cess. Radio Life is just "tops" with me. Cheerio.

Mrs. H. Kimble, 1440 East Rock Glen Avenue, Glendale, Calif.

Sirs: May we have a story on Sam Baiter? I'm sure you must have had other favorable comment on this fine commentator. He has original ideas, fine ideals, splendid delivery and real courage.

Radio Life is interviewing Sum Railer soon. and you'll .see the story in ra future issue. Watch for it'

Three Hits for You in



BROADWAY NEWS ... hot off the wire . . . KHJ, 12 noon, 5 P. M. Monday thru Saturday. Noon on Sunday.

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Roger Hopkins, 4830 Art Street, San Diego, Calif.

Dies go,

Issys,ic. and 1 air ell thusiastic "Breakfast Club" fans too, and hope you have another story about all the gang. Sam, with his "Fiction and Fact" is so dumb, we know he must be a clever person to put it over. When Nancy Martin is on, we like her best; then when Marion Mann is on, we like her as well. The entire cast is so swell.

Isn't there something we in San Diego can do about getting the first half of the "Breakfast Club "? Our station manager says it is because it isn't sponsored; surely the "Break- fast Club" is worth a sponsor.

lih:l:,A. Lrrs Angeles' Blue station is now Carrying the "Breakfast Club" for its full hour (perhaps Sat, Diego will soon do the satinet. To celebrate the oc- casion for local listeners. Radio Life will feature another story on the popu- lar early morning program segos,. with such pictures at the likeable ' Rreakfast Club" yang

* Margie Cog, 426 West Francis, Ontario,

Calif. Sirs: Would you please do a fea-

ture story with lots of photos of Stu- art Hamblen and his Lucky Stars, of KFWB? All my friends and I think theirs is the best cowboy program on the air.

If a sufficient number of requests are received for a story on Stuart Hamblen and his gang. Radio Life will he happy to oblige. We once had an article ready. but il n'as shelved because we were re- peatedly unable tu gel pictures to go with it.

Mrs. Estelle Pitteu:er, 2618 West 84th Street, Inglewood, Calif. Sirs: I cannot understand why, in

these morning programs, they don't have some happiness and good in them for a change. Everything is always had news and unhappiness.

* Shirley Tarpy, Route 3, Box 386, Sun-

nyvale, Calif. Sirs: In regard to the letter about

Jack Owens, Frank Sinatra and Bing: It seems to me Sinatra worked awful-

* * RADIO LIFE * * \'norm her 26. 191 Volume 10 . Number l2

Published Weekly at ta. Angeles IS, California. Huanev. Offices: 111:2.9 Nest Washington Risd., Phone Richmond 5262. Editorial (Mires, I5.7R North tine, Hollywood 211, Phone HEmp- .trad Y025. Northern California Affiliate, RADIO FAN FARE. enoS Market Street, Nan Francisco I. Phone SI Her RM.

Rodin Fife way entered OK Second Class Matter Hoy R, 1912, ill law Angeles, under Art of March :i. 1,179. l'o.tisaid Suh'eriptlons, $2.75 year. $1.50 .is month.. Slnalr Copies on Nate at leading Independent Iiro,er, in Southern California at 5e- each. Heprinting in whole or in part ss iN t Iwrmiv.ion strictly forbidden.

Publisher, ('art M. Rigsby: Editor -In -Chief Radio Life and Radio Fun Farr, Fselyn A. Higby: Editor Radio Can Farr, Helaine Peters; Ilusi- ne,. Stanger, timon Vaughan; Office Man - aerr, Georgia ('ayweud; Art Director- Allen Rick.; Lug Editor, l'earl Rail: Editor-in-the- Sees ice, John F. Whitehead.

.ldsrrtiving Reprrventatise of RADII) LIFE and RADIO F'AN FARE: Southern California, ( 'ulbreth smiler. Northern California. Hon It.

N. Scar., Hal Jackson. All material uwd by Radio Life is specially pre-

pared lu its own -staff writer.. and reprinting in whole or in part %salami publi.her'. per - mi +ion vI rictls forbidden.

. .1 , ,244.4. 1? oplr-elln

ly hard to get up with Bing. He had the stuff, so he got there. I really think Jack Owens has a special

Frank ack a

charm of his own, too, just as and Bing do. Why not give chance?

I personally enjoy Sinatra ';,re than any other singer. His Vimms program has improved so much since last winter.




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Tikes a Beck Seat RV ShlrleN Gordon

Saturday, 6:00 p.m. CRS-RN-\

E HADN'T chatted over the luncheon table with charming Claire Trevor more than a moment before becoming empha- tically aware of the two

factors -which are of greatest impor- tance in her life today. Her hazel eyes sparkled and her attractive metallic voice with its pleasant tinge of huskiness, raised to a keen note of enthusiasm as she talked - not of her latest radio assignment on


Mutual's n e w ccmedy- mystery-ad- venture series, "Results, Inc.," nor of the choice movie roles which will probably follow her current screen appearance in 'Farewell My Lovely" -hut of a Naval :ieutenant named. Cylos William Dunsmoor "Call him Cy") and of a ten - months -old tot named "Charlie."

Charlie has flaxen hair and corn- flower blue eyes. "He looks like me, I think," smiled Miss Trevor. "He has a sweet disposition," she went on to assure us, adding quickly. "But a touch of temper now and then. too.


always smartly dressed in tailoreó ensembles and chic snoods, al-

though she smilingly declares she fol- lows the "comfort first, style second" policy. For one thing," she insists, "I won't ever buy a dress that I have to put on over my head. I like things I can just step into!"

He knows all the tricks. When you're lifting him in one direction, he's pulling with all his might toward another. He can sure wear me out fast!"

Charlie's father is training to be a pilot aboard an aircraft carrier. "You know what that means," grim. aced Claire.

Lt. Dunsmoor was home recently on a furlough, but now expects to go overseas at any time. "I've had a continual headache ever since he left," Claire went on, furrowing her brow. "It means he won't be with us for the baby's first birthday. He's never been home on any of our an- niversaries or holidays. We always seem to be saying 'goodbye.' This d- war!"

The actress told us that, ever since her marriage, her career has become of minor importance. "In fact," she grinned, "during my first interview with a producer after the birth of my baby, I couldn't even remember the name of my last picture. Names and dates regarding my career have faded from my memory. I think the Lux Theater must have been the first radio show I did, but I'm not sure."

Two months after the birth of lit- tle Charlie, Claire Trevor left Holly- wood to be with her husband, who was then stationed in Kansas City. It meant leaving the baby, too (in care 'of her mother and a nurse). "And if you don't think that was hard," she pointed out, "just go have a baby, and then try to leave it when it's just two months old."

Bridelike Cook But she treasures those few brief

months spent in the middlewest with her husband. She even tried her hand at housekeeping. "I bought a cook book and spent each afternoon preparing our dinners," she related, "but they were so awful, we could never eat them. I did everything the book said, though, and I'm still wondering what was wrong!"

Here in Hollywood, Claire lives with her mother and baby in a rented, furnished home in Beverly Hills. A few years ago, she sold the home she had furnished herself. "Furnishing a home," she mused then, "that's really fun!"

With her customary straightfor- ward frankness, the actress makes no claim to being domestic. She employs a nurse to care for Charlie, and a woman to attend to the cook- ing and household chores.

"Acting is my only forte," Claire confessed. "That's why I'll stick to my career. I wouldn't be complete- ly content without it." She told us



"RESULTS, INC. ", a new Mutual airshow, brings Claire Trevor back on the airlanes, co- starred with Lloyd Nolan.

They are pictured here with Don Sharp, the program's producer - writer. Away from the microphone, Claire's spare -time pursuits include reading, knitting, and listening to such radio shows as

"Suspense," "Information, Please" and "Blind Date."

that she had formerly resolved never to work in rac'io and pictures simul- taneously again, since it crowds her schedule so, but she now finds her- self back in radio, and at the same time, testing for a forthcoming Technicolor film.

"I like radio, and would probably he happy limiting my activities to this medium, but I've got to main- tain my screen name, or radio wouldn't want me," is the way Miss Trevor has it figured.

Airlane audiences remember her well for her radio work, however. Until 1939, she played "Lorelei" on the "Big Town" dramas, then co- starred with Don Ameche on a mu- sical- variety series. Now, radio - dialers have welcomed her return to the ether waves as the fast -talk- ing, smooth -sleuthing partner of Lloyd Nolan in the swift -moving weekly episodes of "Results, Inc."

Is Radio Fan A radio fan herself. Claire lists as

her favorites, "Suspense," "Informa- tion, Please," Jack Benny, Bing Cros- by. good musical programs and good - news commentators. "Oh, and 'Blind Date,' too," she added quickly. "I love that show, and the gal who does it - Arlene Francis. She's a good friend of mine, and I think she's terrific!"

In addition to listening to the- ra- dio, Claire told us she passes away any idle time knitting and reading. She enjoys all types b of hooks, but has a special passion for mystery stories.

"I also play the piano - badly," Claire told us then. "Like almost

AS THE FAST- TALKING, SMOOTH- SLEUTHING part- ner of Nolan on "Results, Inc. ", Claire Trevor shares in

the swift- moving, adventurous escapades of a min who guar- antees to get results on any problem presented to him. So far, they have tangled with a variety of situations including every- thing from murder and counterfeiting to ghosts and haunted houses. -Otto Rothschild Photo,

Claire Trevor Is Screen Success, Star of New Airsho "c, But Neither Is the Important Part of Her Life

everyone else. I studied for several years as a youngster, and recently I decided it would be fun if I got out all my old pieces to try to learn them again. Now I'm able to play a little Bach, a little Debussy -and a rustle of spring!"

Little Exercise The actress laments the fact that

she seldom gets much exercise any more. "I used to play tennis sev- eral times a week," she went on, "but that was before the war." She is busy in war activities now -the VACS and other organizations -and she sometimes goes out on camp shows. doing a takeoff on "Romeo and Juliet" with some lucky G.I. in the role of her "Shakespearean lover."

But in spite of the small amount of exercise she indulges in, she con- tinues to satisfy her craving for fat- tening foods. "That's what I like best," she laughed, "everything

FAVORITE OF MOVIE -GOERS for her work in such films as "Dead End," "Dark Command" and "Texas,'' the talented Miss Trevor is equallx familiar to radio audiences for her long -time stint as "Lorelei" of "Big Town." Back in radio, she still plans to continue her film career, reasoning, "I've got to maintain my screen name, or radio wouldn't want me."

that's fattening. But I never go on a diet, because I know I could never stick to one. I'd like to lose about four or five pounds, though."

When it comes to clothes, her pref- erence is for tailored ensembles. She

(Please turn r" Page 33)


olilcor Without

ilu licor

CECIL UNDERWOOD, who produces the Fibber McGee and Molly show, assumes a typical, unworried pose in the control room of Studio C. He has had offers

for jobs with more money, but says: "They're the sort of jobs where I'd have to have six teletypes in the bathroom." -Hob Crawford Photos

Cecil Underwood, Fibber and Molly's Cue -Thrower, Says His Show Is One Without a Boss, Claims 113 Years Of Radio Experience for His Cast

Tuesday. 6 ::to p.m. .\'NC -KI-'I

ECIL UNDERWOOD, pro- ducer of the Fibber McGee and Molly show, smacked his lips over a succulent shrimp cocktail dripping

with hotly seasoned sauce, waved away the proffered glass of milk, and rejoiced: "I can eat anything. Sure, I'm a producer, but I don't have ulcers!"

It's a joke around Hollywood that producers of high- rating programs invariably have ulcers - in fact you've not really arrived until you can compare notes on your milk diet. It's a joke, but a rather grim one, because the producer, to get the show up where it is, has had to knock himself out and then arriv- ing at the top of the heap, has to worry about staying there.

When one talks with the unas- suming Cecil Underwood, he real- izes that here is one producer who still has his equilibrium after mak- ing the grade and that, along with other members of the Fibber McGee and Molly family, he is still slightly dumbfounded by the smashing suc- cess of the program. Not that all of Page Six

the group hasn't worked. and hard; but success came so unexpectedly.

Back in 1939, when it was decid- ed to move the origination point from Chicago to Hollywood, Under- wood promised the agency a gain of five rating points.

At that time, the program chalked up a 16 rating. Last season, it post- ed a 45.2, the highest Crossley ever attained by any commercial show.

Keeping Abreast Looking toward the future, one

realizes that McGee's situation hu- mor has been copied by an ever -

increasing number of programs for- merly stuck with gag comedy and that the situation trend is still on the upgrade. "I think," said Under- wood, "that Fibber and Molly will be in the top three for years to come."

"Our show." he continued, "is a show without a boss. The client only makes suggestions -'kick it around and see what you think of it' is the sponsor's approach with ark idea. Fibber and Molly are never bossy or temperamental. In fact, we won't stand temperament on the show. One display of prima donna tactics, and out the actor goes!"

Those close to Jim and Marian Jordan (Fiber and Molly) know them as very unpresumptuous per- sons. When they call to make a din- ner reservation, they give the name of "Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jordan" and if the maitre d' isn't hep, he'll fail to associate the couple with his fa- vorite air entertainment.

When Jim and Marian come in from their Encino ranch to Radio City, they look like any nice, well - to-do, middle -aged pair. She's of- ten wearing a turban and he needs a shave, but somehow they manage to slip away from the studio be- tween dress rehearsal and the broadcast, Molly to have her hair dressed, and Fibber to have the min- istrations of a barber.

Is Doodler Jordan isn't being temperamental.

but there is one thing he insists upon doing when he arrives for re- hearsal and until it is done, he won't start work. With great flourish, he doodles his name on the front page of his script, then carefully fills in all the o's and e's.

One day he sat back and pride- fully surveyed his doodle. "That's the best I've ever done!" he ex- "laimed.

Producer Underwood later filched the page and had a rubber stamp of the signature made. Next week when Jordan prepared to start his customary ritual, Underwood glee- fully whipped the stamp out of his pocket, and marked Jordan's script before the amazed doodler knew what was happening.

Only infrequently do Jim and Marian object to any portion of their script. When Jim seriously shakes his head and says, "I don't like to say that," he's usually right and the lines are modified. A short time ago, however, a scriptual incident which Jim thought reflected on the integrity of the police was kept in the show. Underwood wasn't too sur- prised when several protests ar- rived afterward.

At rehearsal it's a common thing to see the Jordans give up laugh lines for themselves and insist on other cast members reading them. That's one thing they've always been generous about and they are rewarded with loyal and capable supporting players. Surveying the record, Underwood admitted t h a t one reason he didn't have ulcers was the accumulated experience rep- resented on the show. "It adds up to 143 years." he observed. "Twen- ty- for Marian and Jim, twenty for Arthur Q. Bryan, and twenty f o r orchestra leader Billy Mills and for myself, too. Fifteen for writer Don Quinn, and for announcer H a r l o w Wilcox, fourteen for Marlin Hurt (Beulah) thirteen for the King's Men, and six for Shirley Mitchell." That represents a lot of years in radio!

Show Devotion Underwood says Marian's and

Jim's devotion to the show makes his production duties simple. "She's very devoted to her f a m i l y and



FIBBER AND MOLLY (Marian and Jim Jordan) are not prima donnas," says Underwood, who adds "We won't

stand for temperament on the show ". Only thing Jordan insists on

doing is doodling his name on the front page of his script before starting rehearsal.

friends," he pointed out, and then cited examples of her thoughtfulness in offering to send him soup when he had a bad cold, of gifting him with a beautiful shirt and tie and merely saying "I thought you might like them." When Underwood was instrumental in booking Fibber and Molly on Lux, they asked him to share their fee. "Absolutely not! ", he insisted.

"The next time I went out to the golf club," the producer recalls, "and asked for my clubs to be sent out, there was a complete new set of the finest ones made. The Jordans had thought of me again."


McGEE SHOW runs smoothly for many reasons, one of which is that its cast has amassed a total radio ex-

perience of 143 years, a fact here pointed out by Jim, left, Marian, producer Underwood, and orchestra leader B i l l y


It's needless to point out Jim's and Marian's devotion to one an- other, for everyone remembers when she was off the air for a year and a half how Jim used to sign off the show with a "Good Night, Mol- ly." Too, one remembers when Jim was so ill with pneumonia l a s t spring and how drawn Marian looked as she refused to db the show without him.

"I know," remarked Producer Un- derwood, "that Jim came back to the program too soon after his ill- ness and that the reason he did it was his allegiance to the show."

Competetent, experienced Under-

wood. who used to he a fine an- nouncer, has also filled positions as NBC production manager and assis- tant program manager in San Fran- cisco, as program manager for the network in Hollywood, and is now a vice-president of the Needham, Louis and Brorby Agency w h i c h produces the program. He says he has turned down other jobs with more money -"they're the sort of jobs where I'd have to have six tel- etypes in the bathroom" -and he's sure he'd sprout a flock of ulcers overnight. Besides, he says facetious- ly, "I don't care very much for milk!"

Apr THE JORDANS ARE UNASSUMING PERSONS, who always want their fellow actors to shine, too. "They fight to get their people laughs", commented Underwood as M o l l y pushes Arthur Q. Bryar (Dr. Gamble) and Fibber shoves Shirley Mitchell (Alice

Darling) toward the mike.


5,;46-1, Outwits Phil Baker in Hilarious Routine with Psychology Category

SIXTEEN - YEAR - OLD CHARMER, Shirley Temple, heckles Phil Baker

into giving her the $64 on a recent "Take It Or Leave It" broadcast.

them make in cas

We r BAKER :



Sunday. 7 p.ni. CRS -6,Y 1

9 NE OF the best of Phil Baker's recent Eversharp programs had as its guest oung Shirley Temple,

who carried off her lines in merry style, reading

with a delightful chuckle that s her good radio. The lines, too,

se you missed the program, were r, as the following script shows. 'print it for your amusement.

And now will the nest contestant step up?

E :flow do you do. Mr. Baker? And what's your name?

E: Shirley Temple. Well. I can hardly believe it's you. Shirley . you know, you were always nay favorite actress . . .

TEMPLE : Arid you're nay favorite. too. .1/r. Baker ... I pick you to be the out- standing radio star this year . . . 1

pick this program to be the out- standing program . . .

BAKER: Thank you, Shirley. TEMPLE :I also picked the St. Louis Browns. BAKER: I didn't think you knew anything

about baseball. Shirley. TEMPLE : Oh, I'm a regular baseball fun .

whenever I'm in New York. I al- ways watch the Giants play when I'm in Brooklyn. 1 watch the Dodgers ., and when I'm in Chi- cago. I watch the Gray Sox plag .. .

BAKER: Not gray sox -white so.r . you don't know the baseball .situation.

TEMPLE: Gray sus . , you don't know the laundry situation.

BAKER: Well, that washes that up. Say. Shirley, I heard you on the "Let Yourself Go" program with Milton Berle . . . niad I thought you were swell...

TEMPLE: Thank you. BAYER: What was gour secret ambition ou

that program? TEMPLE: Well, I've always clone so many

serious things . . . my secret .ani- bil,oa has always been to be on u program with a funny comedian.

BAKER: Well. l'm happy to know that your ambition has finally been realized.

TEMPLE : Yes -isn't that .Hilton Berle u

IMKER: scream! What has that Berle got that I wouldn't have if my mother went around kicking people who didn't

Page Eight

laugh at nay jokes . or, well, just to show you how fickle he is . .

he's gonna haue June Withers on his program this Tuesday.'

TEMPLE: Well. it doesn't make any diflrer- enre to me anyway -i like Joseph Cotten . did you see him in my last picture'

BAKER: Well. I wanted to see "Since You Went Awap" hat the line outside was so long i derided to wait until you carne back.

TEMPLE: Weld. when I was making that pic- ture Joseph Cotten -he told ore that Monty Woolley told hint that I didn't like Joseph Cotten.

BAKER : Oh. 1 wouldn't worry about that... Cotten is just (ryiny to pull the Woolley over pour eyes' I wonder why Berle sent nie that joke!t But now tell me -what category have you chosen for tonight. Shirley?

Chooses Category 1'EMPLF.: Number sir . . . psychology! BAKER: Psychology . . . but Shirley. you're

only a child. TEMPLE: Well. haven't you heard of child

psychology:' Y'knou', jr. Baker. while you've been talking-I've been ob- serving you . and I've cone to certain conclusions.

IMKER: Why, what do you mean? TEMPLE: Tell me, does your conscience bother

you lately? IMKER : Well . . . er . . .

TEMPLE: Does goer sleep come in fitful snat- ches lately:'

BAKER: Yes . ,

.TEMPLE: Does your cigarette taste different lately?

BAKER : Who's been able to get any ciga- rettes!

TEMPLE :.Iir. Baker. you may not be aware of it -but you exhibit definite signs of new- roe -s is. Tell rue, when you pursue a girl -do you press yrnm' suit with maniac depressive tenden- cies?

BAKER : No. I use a hot iron! TEMPLE: Well. don't you ever have a mania

for something . , , a definite craving? B',KI.R: Well. a couple of weeks ago. 1 had

a mania for smoking MENTHOL cigarettes . last week I had a mantra for using .HEN7'H(JL shaving cream . . and this week i got a mania for using MENTHOL rough drops. I

TEMPLE: Aha . sounds to me like a MEN- THOL case! ito you have any strange phobias?

BAKER : Yes. I meet u friend on the street, and 1 Lumina hide behind buildings

I meet people at the office, and I hide behind desks . people visit me at home and I run upstairs and hide under the bed . . . what kind of u phobia is that?

TEMPLE: Sounds like HYDROPHOBIA to rue!

BAKER : Well. let's forget your psychology for a moment . . and let's get on with the qui: . .

TEMPLE: But I've got to use psychology if I want to ruin I'll bet I can win si.rty -four dollars without answering a tingle question-through psychol- ogy.

BAKER : Oh. yeah . . . we'll see about That ,,ou, for your first question . l'll make it easy just tell nue

the funniest joke you ever heard. TEMPLE :.Ilr. Baker-after all l'in not a co-

median . and if 1 tell n joke .

the people in your audience won't laugh . . but the people listening in will thank it's u funny joke .

and they'll say - why didn't the people in the audience laugh: ' so they'll think that the people in the audience haven't gad a sense of humor . . and you wouldn't want all these nice people in the audience insulted -would pmt?

BAKER: No. Tries for $2

TEMPLE: Shall we try for two dollars:' BAKER : Yes-1 guess I shpwed her.' Now for

two dollars . . . If u train goiny northbound on a truck is going three hundred and seventy eight miles an hour starting In New York . and a train coming south from Philadel- phia is going two hundred and twen- ty -three smiles an hour in the oppo- site direction . . . at what point will they meet :'

TEMPLE : Now. 31r. Baker . y'know three - quarters of the passengers ma trains today are soldiers . now they're obviously going somewhere on u military mission . if I tell at zuhat point the trains wall meet- how rio I know that some enemy agent is not listening? Those troops may he going to a port of embarka- tion , anal you know ar slip of the lip may sink a ship . . . and not only that . . .

BAKER: Don't say another word. Shirley ant I glad that you didn't answer that question . . . 1 )night have been arrested for treason.

TEMPLE: Shall we try for four dollars? BAKER: Okay . for four dollars . If

there are three billion, nine hundred and sixty -seven million, four hun- dred and twelve thousand grains of sand on n beach . and you take away three naillion, two hundred and thirty -fine grains of sand ... what's the difference?

TEMPLE: That's what 1 say- what's the dif- ference . . . shall we try for eight dollars?

BAKER: Yes, shall we try for eight dollars now, wait a minute. young

lady -the abject of this quiz is that you answer tlas r.uestiun for u cer- (Please Turn to Page 2S)




RADIO: West * National and International

Mtn- in -nì! Long, "Tall In The Saddle" John

Wayne was due for a guest appearance on NBC's "People Are Funny" show the other Friday night and since we are lovers of the great -out -of -doors we strolled over to take a look at the west - ern hero. Not bad, not bad at all! When he kissed that gal we got the strangest feeling - but that's getting ahead of our story.

The gag was for this girl contestant, who was picked at random from the audience, to concentrate on something else while John Wayne made love to her. What an assignment!

The poor girl was first asked who her favorite Western star was and she of course replied "Gene Autry," not knowing that John was there. Then they asked her who her favorite ani- mal star was and she replied "Lassie!" So they asked her to pull a rope which led behind a curtain and she pulled, fully expecting some animal to come out but who appeared but John Wayne with a rope around his neck! Then John pulled her to a comfortable posi- tion on his lap and proceeded to make love to her while she was supposed to concentrate on farming! She did pretty well until they asked her if she wanted to go out with John Wayne later. She immediately forgot farming and said, "Yes, I'd love to!" Her penalty? A kiss from Wayne, and for that she got a Gruen wrist watch and a carton of Raleighs! Afterwards the young lady decided that John Wayne is now her favorite Western star. What did John get? Well, they gave him a carton of Raleighs, too, and a pair of stilts so he could be "Tall Out Of The Saddle" too!

True Troupers Child -actor Tommy Cook proved his

troupership the other night at a per- formance of Columbia's "Lux Radio Theater" when he was playing the role of Margaret O'Brien's brother. As he finished a line, he noticed that the little boy who was to take the next script line wasn't at the microphone. The fast -thinking Tommy immediately changed personalities and portrayed a French boy, in addition to his own English role. He didn't miss a cue throughout the hour -long show, play- ing both parts. After the performance, they discovered the absent little actor had suddenly become ill.

Frank Morgan, who was starring

with Miss O'Brien in the "Pied Piper," was full of words of praise for the young Tommy and also for six -year -old Norma NIlsson, who noticed the sick little boy's absence and was halfway out of her chair to take his place when Tommy stepped up to the mike.

No Secret "You just can't keep a secret in Hol-

lywood," moaned popular radio actress Karen Holt last week. Karen and actor - announcer Pat McGeehan plan to be married in the very near future, but wanted to surprise Radio Row until the actual time of the wedding. Im- agine their surprise when telephone calls and congratulatory messages poured in.

Karen, who is one of Radio Life's favorite cover girls, appeared in the title role of "The Amazing Jennifer Logan" until its recent exit from the air lanes. McGeehan can be heard on such shows as "Cavalcade of America," the Ginny Simms show, and "Don't You Believe It."

1.N .5n, .MN!j i.,. qAMM ..,.. ..

Most Listenable Radio Life enjoyed a pleasant chat

with Bill Beaton, new manager of KWKW, the other afternoon, and learned of the new policies he has instituted in the station's program- ming. Listeners will undoubtedly be pleased with his plans to increase the station's music and news presentations, resulting already in addition of five and fifteen -minute newscasts.

The station's musical programs are being built of fine transcriptions and recordings, all of which are now pre- selected to lend smooth continuity to the musical programming. On Satur- day, a major portion of the day is be- ing devoted to broadcasts of Western music.

KWKW listeners also receive race results throughout .the day, and will find, as well, additional programs of community interest being featured reg- ularly.

Also, starting December 1, all for- eign language programs will be sched- uled on KWKW preceding the hour of 8:15 a. m. (with the exception of Sunday).

"Our entire staff," Mr. Beaton in- formed us, "is cooperating to the ut- most to make KWKW one of the most listenable stations on your radio dial."

Eleanor's "Little E" Last week Radio Life was visited by

a charming little lady who didn't know whether she was more excited about appearing opposite Charles Laughton in NBC's "Cavalcade of America" or the fact that her brother in New Guinea had named his jeep, the "Little E," after her.

Twelve- year -old Eleanor Taylor might be called a "veteran of radio," for six

(Please Turn to Page 25)

plór0` 5'AM(antic FAVORITE

With A Brand NEW 1u

Gracie Fields -The Lancashire Lass with the laugh you love! Brady and

Bring -Mirth and Music! Gracie Fields and Fred Brady matching

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best half hours -you'll find it right here on this station.

There's Somat'",'"q

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The great NBC Parade of Stars goes great guns with

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radio listening brilliant in top -flight, all -star entertain-

ment . . . all right at your elbow . . . today and to-

night on NBC.




7:00 7:45 8:30

10:00 10:30 10:45 4:00 p.m. 5:00 5:45 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:00 9:30


Graeme Fletcher Sam Hayes Homemaker's Hour Tillamook Kitchen Aunt Mary Art Baker Dr. Kate Okay for Release Elmer Peterson Waltz Time People Are Funny Amos 'n Andy Music Shop Fleetwood Lawton Duffy's Furlough Fun Village Store Richfield Reporter


KFI 640 on your dial


Monday, November 27 -Andy and Vir- ginia, KHJ -DLBS, 8:15 a.m. (15 min.) Monday -Wednesday - Friday. Former- ly KHJ -DLBS, Monday-Wednesday- Friday, 9:15 a.m.

Monday, November 27- Fulton Lewis jr., KHJDLBS, 10:00 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Formerly KHJDLBS, Monday through Friday, 9:30 p.m.

WHAT'S NEW? Variety

Saturday, December 2- "Gaslight Gai- eties," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) A new musical -variety presentation of old -time comedy and song by Mi- chael O'Shea, Beatrice Kay, Sally Sweetland and cast.

D rama Saturday, December 2 - "Yank, the

Army Weekly," KFI, 10:00 a.m. (30 min.) A program of dramatizations based on material prepared by the editors and writers of "Yank," the famous Army publication.

Commeentation Monday, November 27 - Blue Corre-

spondents Around the World, KECA, 11:30 a.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. 11:00 a.m. (15 min.) Sunday. On- the -spot coverage by Blue cor- respondents in all areas.

Music Sunday, November 26-The Metropoli-

tan Opera Presents, KECA, 2:30 p.m. ( 30 min.) The Metropolitan Opera auditions under the baton of Wilfred Pelletier.

Monday, November 27 -Ozie Waters, KECA, 4:30 p.m. (15 min.) Monday -

(P)eas( turn lo Pope 11)

7'( \'E IN



Charlotte Greenwood


Sunday - 12 Noon


It's a Blue Network Program



l s`4yri Stadia^'


OI S ® O ball


She Afner,


Hollywood Rangers rs.

Seattle Bombers


2:30 P.M. Sponsored As A Public Service By

CARE BEER Bohemian Distributing Co.


music» Forty -five minutes of good music...familiar melodies


9 :15 a. m. to 10 a. m.


KMPC - 710 BARKER BROS. Seventh Street, Flower and Figueroa

Do you know who introduced the finger -bowl to America? Neither did the listening audience of KNX's "Mid- night Merry-Go-Round" the other night, but the correct answer is Thomas Jefferson.

PRECASTS (Continued from Page 10)

Wednesday - Friday. Songs by this familiar old- timer.

Tuesday, November 28 - Wax Shop, KHJ -DLBS, 8:45 p.m. (15 min.) Tues- day- Thursday- Saturday. A program of recorded popular music.

Tuesday, November 28 - Roy Rogers Show, KHJ -DLBS, 9:30 p.m. 130 min.) Songs by Roy Rogers, Pat Friday, the Sons of the Pioneers, and company.

Saturday, December 2 - Metropolitan Opera, KECA 11:00 a. m. (Three hours.) Initial presentation will be "Die Walkure" starring Helen Trau- bel, Laurltz Melchoir and Rose Bamp- ton.

Saturday, December 2- Halleson's Ra- dio Roundup, KWKW, 1:00 p.m. (30 min.) A program of Western music by the Halleson family and a guest performer.

Saturday, December 2 -Swoon Time, KHJ, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.) A program dedicated to the bobby - sockers, with records of Bing, Sinatra and other swoon- crooners.


Monday, November 27- "Cavalcade of America," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) "Witness for the People" stars Fay Bainter and Ray Collins in this story of Ann Royal( and Andrew Jackson.

Tuesday, November 28 -"This Is My Best," KFI, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) "Ro. mance of Rosy Ridge" stars Robert Walker.

Wednesday, November 29 -Main Line, KHJ -DLBS, 8:00 p.m. (30 min.) This evening's story concerns a locomo- tive engineer who stopped his run to save four lives in a fire, then con- tinued on his way and made his schedule on time.

WHO'S GUESTING? ,1 lusic

Sunday, November 26 -"Star Theater," KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) Mary Mar- tin will be James Melton's guest.

NEXT WEEK The cover of Radio Life's Decem-

ber 3 issue will be graced by Harold Lloyd and his two lovely young daughters, and on pages 4.5, you will find an intimate glimpse of the famed, bespectacled comic who has at last come to radio as host of "Comedy Theater."

On pages 28-29 of next week's issue, Radio Life readers will surely be delighted to find an article on "My Town," by Lionel Barrymore, radio's beloved "Mayor of the Town," plus a detailed map of his own "Springdale." Also in this issue you will fir d stories and pictures on "Michael Shayne, Private Detec- tive," Haven MacQuarrie's "Noah Webster Says," and Sam Bolter, radio's two - fisted news and sports- caster.


KFI There's no better way to describe

that ever -lovin' "K C Jamboree" than to say it's a Saturday morning night club! While offering plenty of songs and instrumental music, along with a running fire of comedy dialogue, the program carries a broader- appeal than straight variety shows because the music and fun are built right into a def- inite story - -- complete in each broadcast.

Featuring Curley Bradley a s emcee, the Prairie Ramb-

A _

lers and a host of ?: top -flight comedians, "K C Jamboree" should be on your listening schedule every week.

You'll love Uncle Gideon Sprigg. He's a great character, If you've al- ready heard the show you'll agree - if you haven't, dial KFI any Satur- day morning at 8, and you won't miss another episode.

By the way, we don't know what Uncle Sprigg is pointing to, but it's probably a leak in the roof of the KCville House -that's where the gang hangs out and where all the excite- ment takes place.

A word about Curley Bradley. Cur. ley -a nickname he acquired when a kid -is a shore -nuff cowboy. Between ridin' the rañge and ranch chores, as a boy, Curley went to the village school at Coalgate, Oklahoma, and spent his evenings learning to play the guitar and to croon cowboy bal- lads.

All -in -all, "K C Jamboree" Is a great show and one which we can recom- mend highly.

John Charles Thomas, for his Sun- day morning show (KFI, 11:30 a. m.) on November 26, has arranged a great musical program,

Thomas will sing Handel's "Where'er You Walk" and "Homing Heart" by Mallotte. Victor Young's orchestral selections are Cole Porter's "All Thru the Night" and Percy Grainger's "Molly on the Shore."

The Ken Darby Chorus will offer "Sweetly Sings the Donkey" and "This Is a Lovely Way to Spend an Even- ing."

While on the subject of music, we'd like to call attention to the "Contented" program on KFI each Monday at 7. For the program this week, Maestro Percy Faith features the rousing When Johnny Comes Marching

Home" for his weekly march selection. The orchestra also programs "May - time" on this show.

The compositions "Gypsy Song" and 'Road to Paradise," are other orches- ral selections and soprano Josephine

Antoine and basso Reinhold Schmidt duet with "Sweethearts.' Advertisement.

Uncle Sprigg



KGFJ 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

presents RISE' STEVENS, support- ed by Helen Marshall, Hel- en Oelheim, Morton Bowe, Thomas L. Thomas and Nathaniel Shiikret in a


with selections from "Blossom Time," "The New Moon," "Maytime," "My Maryland." "The Student Prince" and "The Desert Sony"

PLUS One of the most unusual

I suites of native music ever assembled -

SINGING AMERICANA Complets .mixed chorus . soloists, instrumental solos, full orchestra with All - Amerlcan Melodies such as "Heaven, Heaven," "Old Time Religion," "America," the beautiful "Stephen Fos- ter Melodies," "Yip I Addy

I I AY "and countless others! PLUS

"The Lord's Prayer" by the master voice of John Charles Thomas!


PLUS News on the half houri

SUNDAY, NOV. 26 *Tndlcates Nes Wood, asta


II ur p

KFWB 7:30-8 AM

8 KF'1 -The Eternal light. *KNX, KPAS, KI:ER -News,

KECA -Blue Correspondents at Home, Abroad.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Wesley Radio League.

*KMIti -News, Maurice John - aon.

KFWB--Funnies. *KM'l'K -News, Voice of

Prophecy. KFAC- Country Church. KKKD- Country Church. KKKD -Ranch Program. KWKW- Tubernael. of Holy

Spirit, KFVD- Teutpo Tunes. HFSD --Cap to Wurshlp. KFOX -Rev. Dean (teed. K(FJ -Arm Chair Concert.

8:00.-KNX-Blue GEB- Hiugdom .Wit !lin.

11k. -KE iA`-w Symphonie

KPAS- Immanuel Baptist Ch. f)YM- Sunday Serenade.

$130-KFI-Successful Gardening. KNX- Invitation tu !.ensuing. KHJ KGB, KFXM, KN OE-

Voice of Prophecy. KECA -Hour of Faith. li[MPC- Wesley Radio League. EFWB -Union Rescue Mission KMTR -W. B. Record. KWKW -Church of the Air. KFAC- Strutlin' Tom. KFVD- Church of Christ.. KFSD- Visiting Nurse. KGER -Dr. Lowman. KFOX-Rev. R. E. Reid.

/:46 *KFFJMQu . KKKD- ews.

9 -HFI, K}ND- Chicago Round- table.

KNX -Solt lake Tabernacle. *KECA -Blue Network War

Journal. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Ptlgrint ùour. * KMYC -Sews, Dolen's Matirai *KMTR -News, Swedenborg tir.

KPAS -Judge P. E. Gardner. K WK W- Little Itale. KP PC-St udio Devotional. KKKD -Sunday on Ranch. KFAC-Liberal Catholic Hour KFVD.-Waltz Time. KGFJ-Mid-Morning Melodies.

*HOER -News, Dr. Springer. 9 :111-KMTR- Paster K. G. Egertson.

KFAC- Concert. KPPC -Prelude to Worship. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell.

9:3O. KFI- Stradivari Orch. * KNX- 'fraosatlantic Call.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE- Lutheran Hour.

KECA -Dr. Ben Sweetland. KFWB -Peter Potter.

Church on High 9:30 -9:45 A. M.

Sunday KPAS -I I IO kcy.

Rey. A. V. Havens M.A., B.D. P. O. Bos

Glendale 5

u t

*h\ITlt -The World Tomorrow. E h .t('- Popular Melodies. KPAS- Church on High. KPPC -Dr. Frederic P. Woell-

ner. KFVD- Victory Parade. KOEB -Radio Revival. KF`ID- Sunday Concert.

9 :46- KECA -Master Radio Canaries 10 *KFI, KFSD- Layman's Views

of News. KNX- Church of the Air.

*KECA, 14FM1t -John Kennedy, News.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*Kerr - News, Western Fed-


The Romance of the Highways

"Unreal Realities" KHJ-KVOE

10:15 A. M. Sundays

*KFWB, KGER, KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, Fannie Rein-

hart. RYAS- Slavic Program. KWKW- Hungarian Baptist.

10 :05- KGER- Fallertuu Foursquare. 10:15* KFI -News.

KHJ, KGB. KF'X.Y, KVOE- ('nmmander Scott.

*KE('.4 -ti Hicks. KFWB -Peter Puller. KFOX -Rev. Russell. KFSD -NBC Concert.

10:30 -KFI -Musical Milestones. *KNX -News.

KECA -S y Kaye's Sere- nade.

KHJ, KGB, KFXMM, KVOE- Bubby Flunkey

KPAS-Czech Polkas. KPPC- Church News.

10:4a *KNX- Edward B. Morrow. KPPC -Tower Chimes. KFOX- Cumberland Church.

1e :56*KECA- George Gunn, News Extra.


KM, KFSP -Those We love. KNX- Matinee Theatre. KECA -Blue Correspondents

Around the World. KHJ, KGB -Band Concert.

*KMPC -Sews, Off the Record. *KFWB -News. *KMTR -Newa, Church of

Christ. KPAS-Church of Open Door. KFAC -lst Methodist Church. KWKW- Glendale C. B. Ch. HGFJ -Say It With Music.

till 1 p.m. KFXM -St. Paul Methodist. HYPC- Church Service. Dr.

Eugene ('arson Blake. KVOE- Concert Miniature. KFOX- Presbyterian Church. KGER- PUgrim' Hour.

11:16 *KECA- Behind the War News. KFWB -Peter Putter. KVOE -Word of life.

11 :30-KFI, KFMD -W ea inghuuse,

John Charles Thomas. *KNX -World News Today.

KECA- Krmember Hour. KHJ -Morning Melodies. KWKW -Lincoln Ave. Pres-

byterian Church. KFOX -First Christian Ch. KGB -Billy Rogers' Orch.

11:45 -KHJ -Canary Pet Shop. KMTR -Pen u' Gold.

11:56 -KNX -CBS Pro. Program.

12 *KFI, KFSD -World News Pa- rade.

KNX -N. Y. Philharmonic. *KHJ -Broadway News.

KECA--Charlotte Greenwood. *KMPC -News, Off the Record. *KFWB, KGI!U -News. *KMTR -News, Boys' Choir.

KWKW- American Jewish Heur.

KGB -This Is Fort Dix. HVOK -Voice of the Army.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Yros]anis Appear In Llghtface Type : Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 10:30 -Hookey Hall, KHJ. 12 :00-Charlotte Greenwood,

KECA. 3:00 -Ozzie A Harriett KNX. 4:00-Jack Benny, KFI. 4:00 -Kate Smith Hour, KNX. 5:00-McCarthy-Bergen, KFI. 5:30 -Joe E. Brown, 5:00 -Radio Rtader' Digest,

KN X. 5:30 -James Melton Show, KNX. ö:4.5- Jimmie Fidler, KECA.

::tu- Harold Lloyd, Comedy Theater, KFI.

7:30 -Fanny Brice, KNX. s:00 -Great Gildersleeve, KFI. 9:30 -Romance of the Ranchos,

KNX. 9:30 -Jack Benny, HFI.

War 9:00 -War Journal, RECA.

12:30 -Army Hour, KF'1. 1:00 -Your America, KHJ.

11:15- Pacific Story, KFI.

Q Programs 1:00 -Darts for Dough. KECA. 1:30 -Name That Song, KHJ. :00-Take It or Lease It, KNX.

8:30 -Quis Kids, KECA.

Drama 10:15- Commander Scott, KHJ. I I :ton-Thug. k'e Love, KFI. IY :30 -Ethel Barrymore, In

"Miss Raffle," KECA. 'i:30 -The Shadow, iHJ. 3:30 -"l Kas There ", KNX. 3:30 -One Man' Family, KFI. ö:15- Hullywoud Mystery Thor,


:OO -l.ife of Riley, KECA. 6 :00- Crime Doctor, KNX. 5:30- Blondie, KNX. 9 :00 -The Green Hornet, KECA. 9:00 -BILL Lance, KNX. 9:30 -Hermite Cave, KMPC.

Outstanding Music 9:00 -Salt Laks Tabernacle,

KS X. 9:30- Stradivarl Orch., KFI.

11:30 -John Charles Thomas,

12:00 -New York Philharmonie, KNX.

1:30 -Pause That Refreshes, KN X.

2:00- Beethoven Festival, KFI. Y:00- Family Hour, KNX. 2:30 -Metropolitan Opera, -KFI, 3:00-Hall uf Fame, RECA. 4 :110- Cleseland Symphony, KHJ. 6:00- Manhattan Merry -Go-

Kuund, K11. 6:30 -Album of Familiar Music,

KEI. 7:00-Hour of ('harm, KFI, 8:30- Standard Symphony, KFI .s

16:00~- Newslcal, REV D. 16:30 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,

KFAC'. 11:35 -Bridge to Dreamland,


Public 4ffairs 8:30 - invitation to Learning,

KNX. 9:00 -Chicago Roundtable, KFI. 6:45 -Mayor Bowron, KMPC. 7 :00-Open Forum, KFAC. 9:45 -Washington inside Out,


12:15 -101J- Parade of States. KFWB -Peter Potter.

*KFAC -News. KPPC- Music of Masters. KFXM, KVOE -Canary Cho-

rus. 12:30 -KFI, KFSD -This Is The

Army Hour. KECA -"Miss Hattie," Ethel

Barrymore. KHJ- Memory Music, Ted

Bacon. KFWB -Jean Leonard. KPAS -Dr. Corley.

*KKKD- News, Browning. KLEB -Trinity Holiness Ch. KGB- Reviewing Stand.

*KFXM-Western Playboys. KVOF: Southern Baptist Hr.


IR:15 P.M. Dally -3 P.M. Suu.

Rev. John R. Richey

KWKW -1430

i -KNX-N. Y. Philharmonic. RECA, KFMH -Darts for

Dough. *KMPC -News, Manhattan

Highlight*. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE,

Vour America. *KFWB -Henry ('harles. *KMTR -News, Light A Life.

HRKD- Sunday on Ranch. KPAS -E1 Monte Nazarene. KFAC- Victory Players. KFOX -Dirk Ross. KOFJ -Easy Rhythm.

*KFVD- News, McKee Plano. *KGER -News.

1:05 -KGER -Rev. Chas. G myer.

1:15 -KFWB -Frederlek H. Speare. *KFAC -News.

KF't D- Musical Revue. 1:30 -KFI -Peter de Lima.

Men and Women

Expert Radio Training Incl. Live Air Experience

Our Pupils Broadcast

Sun. 1:15 P. M. -KFWB Frederick H. Spears The West's .Outstanding

Radio School

6671 Sunset H011ywood 2325

KNX -Pause That Refreshes KECA, KFMB- Reserve. KHJ, KGB =Name That Song KMl'C -Bible augs So. KFWB -"M usleaYWeets'.' KMTR -Young Peoples' Ch. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos. KWKW -Hoye. Hour. KPAS -- Church in Barn. KFAC-Good Neighbor Sainte. KFOX -Young Peoples' Ch. KFVD- Musical Revue. KFXM- Harvest Brigade. KVOE -Music Enduring. HFSD -Music America Loves

Bert. 1:45 *HF'I -Sam Batter, "Sizing Cp

News." KMPC- Samuel B. McKee.

Hear Our Pupils Sing KFOX

Sunday, 2:15 p.m. Free Auditions

Phone ce Write CIVORU STUDIO

1664 No. Bronson -GL. 126$

KF'1, KFSD-- Symphony Hour. KNX- Family Hour. KECA -Mary Small Revue. KHJ, Milt-Let's Face the

Issue. *KMPC -News, College Songs. *KFWB -News. *KMTR -News, Nazarene Voice

SPAS, KFVD -Informed De- mocracy.

Kt:FJ- Intermezzo. KFOX -Good News. KFXM- Sacred Harmonies. KVOE- Foursquare Church. HEER -lung Beach Band.

2:15- KFOX- Civoru Group. KFWB -Old Fashioned GIrI. KMPC -2nd Air Force vs.

March Field.



NOVEMBER 26, 1944

2:30 -HFCA- Metropolitan Opera Co. KHJ-The Shadow. KFWB -- Cooperative Religion. KFAC -Pro. Football. KPAS- Burbank Foursquare. HWKW- Pan -American Revi-

val. KFOX -Rev. Billy Adams. KFVD- Timely Tunes. KGB- Convair Lady. KVOF Bethel Tabernacle.

2:45- HNX -William L. Shirer.

Pro Football Hollywood Rangers


Seattle Bombers

2:30 P.M. SUNDAY

KFAC 1330 on your dial

3- HNX - Adventures of Ozzie & Harriett.

HFI- Catholic Hour. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Quick

As Flash. RECA -Radio Hall of Fame. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

*H.MTit -News, Pianos. KWKW-Rev. Richey. KPAS- Christian Memory Hr. HGFJ -Time Was. KFSD-- Convair Entertains.

*HGER -News, Marvin H. Case.

KFOX -Rev. Earl Isle. KGB -Music for Sunday. 3:15-KFWB-Lest Te Forget, with

Hal Styles. KMTR-Betty Phillips. KFVD -Colored Revue. KVOE -Music Enduring.

3:30 *KFI, HFSD -News. HNX -"I Was There."

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Upton Close.

HMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. HPAS- Church of Christ. KFVD -Hank, Nightwatch-

man. HWKW -Rev. Gagnon. KGER -Gospel Tidings.

*KFXM -News. 3:45 -HFI- Reports from Battle-

fronts. KF W'B -Help Wanted. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Dick Brown. KFSD -Music Masquerade. BFI, KFSD -Jack Benny.

04/ KNX-Kate Smith Hour. *KECA -Drew Pearson.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Cleveland Symphony.

*KFWB--Henry ('harles. *HMTR -News, Old Fashioned

Revival. KGFJ- Manhattan HI- Lites. HPAS --Old Fashioned Revival

Hr. HWKW- Sunshine Mission. *KGER -News. Rev. R. H.

Harms. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

4:15 *KECA -Don Gardiner, News. HFWB- Christine Parkhurst. 4:30-1(1 1, HFSD -Fitch Band-

wagon. KECA- National Vespers. *KFWB-News. KFVD -90 -90 -Club. HGER -Colonial Tabernacle. KFXM -AB('- King's Ambas- )

sailors. 4:45- KF"VB- Stuart Hamblen. KFVD- Carter Wright.

S -HFI, KFSD-Charlie McCar- thy-Edgar Bergen. KNX- American Rhapsody. *KECA- General Pierce.

KHJ, KGB- Mediation Board. *KM PC -News, Music. *KMTR -News, Church of

Christ. HPAS -Open Bible Hour. K W'K W-Rev. O' Hair. KFAC-Bowling News. KGFJ- Twilight Tinte. KIND- Harlem Holiday. KFON -Rev. Dilbeck. KFXM- F011ness of Time. IVOE- Christian Youth. KGER-News. Rev. Draper.

5:15. -KECA- Broadway Memories. KMPC- Memory Kassel. KFAC -Christian Science. *K W K W- Symphony. KFOX -Rev. Lyle Hale.

5:30 -KFI, HFSD -Une Mateo Fam-



HNX- Rhythm Inn. KECA-Stop or Go. KMI'('- Across the Foot-

lights. HMTR- Reformed Witness

Hour. KPAS- Alhambra Pres. Ch. HWKW - -Courage That Wins. HFOX-- Calsary Echoes. KFXM -Made in America. KVOE -Of Civic Interest. KGER -Melvin Moomjean.

5:45 *KE(A, HI-MR-Drew Pearson *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Gabriel Meatier.

KMPC- Washington Inside Out.

*KFAC -News. 5 :55*KNX-Bob Trout.


Sunday, 6:05 P. M. KGER -1310 Ke Now Discussing -

"Current Events In the Light of the Scriptures."

6 -KFI' KFSD- Manhattan Merry -Go- Round.

HNX- Conrad Nagel Show. *KECA. 111,31B- Walter

W inchell. KHJ, KGB, .KFI'M, HVOE-

Steel Benisons. *HMPC -News, Philharmonic

Reporter. *KFWB, KFOX -News. *HMTR -News, Bethel Chapel.

KPAS -Lutheran Gospel Hour. KGFJ- Today's Hits. KWKW -Rev. Earl lute. *KGER- News, "Prophetic

Hour." 6:I5 -KECA, KFMB -Hollywood

Mystery Time. KMPC- Mother's Album.

*KFWB-Henry ('harles. 6:30 -KFI, KFSD- Albuni of Fa-

miliar Music. KNX -.lames Melton Show.

*KH.1, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

KMP('- Mothers Album. KFWB- Gospel and Song. KMTR -Savior of All. KPAS- Beyond Tomorrow. KW'KW- Sunshine Mission. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room. KGER- Lutheran Layman's

league. 6:45 -KECA. KFMB -Jimmy Fidler. KHJ- Musical.

KMIY' -Mayor Bowron. *KFAC -News. *KRKD -News, Browning.

KPPC -Story Time. KVOE- -Grace and Truth. KFXM -Winifred Newlin Pre-


HFI, KFSD -Hour of Charm. KNX-Take It Or Leave It. KE('A -Life of Riley. MI I, KGB, Good Will Hour.

*KMPC -News, Classic Interlude KFWB- Strollin' Tom. *KMTR -News, Music. HPPC Sacred Song Recital.

KPAS -Ethel Mohler. HWKW -EI Programs de Oro KFAC -Open Forum. Kt:FJ- Overture to Evening. KFOX -Olga Graves.

*HGER -News, Sister Sylvia. 7:15 -KMPC -First Church Vespers.

*KFWB, KPAS -News. KPPC -Organ Recital. HVOE- ('horch of Christ.

*KPAS -News. 7:30 -HFI, KFSU- Harold Lloyd.

Comedy Theater. HNX -Fanny Brice. KECA, KFMB- Keeplug Up

With the World. HMPC -Preview Time. HFW'B -Rabbi Magnin. KMTR -Southwest Church of

Christ HPAS- Church of Open Door. KPPC- Masterworks. KFXM -Ave Maria.

7:45 -HHJ, HVOE -This Changing World.

HMPC-Music for Sunday. KFWB -- Catholic Answers. 0 -HFI, 11113D-The Great

Gildersleeve. HNX -Crime Doctor. KECA, KFMB- Greenfield

Village Chapel. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Music Depreciation. *HMPC -News, Music.

KFWB- Hollywood Presby- terian Church.



REVIVAL Charles K.

Fuller, Director.

P. O, lins 124. Los Angeln,

Calif. KMTR -4:06 -3:00 P. M. KPAS- 4:00 -5:00 P. M. KPRO- 4:00 -3:00 P. M.

REBROADCAST KPAS -9:00 P. M. KPRO -9:00 P. M. KFOX -10:00 P. M. KVOE -10:00 P. M. KFXM -10:00 P. M. KPMC -10:00 P. H.

*KMTR -News. KFAC -1st Methodist Church. KFOX- Christian Science. KGFJ -B. & R. Cowboys. KPP('- Sunday Evening Hr.

*HGER -News, Chatauqua. S:05 -KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. s:15 *KECA- Dorothy Thompson. *KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. s:25- HNX -Song of the Week. 8:311 -KFI, KFSD- Standard Sym-



and King's Ambassador Quartet EMTR- 8:000 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

KNX -Blondie. KECA, KFMB -Quiz Kids. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Tonight at Hoagy's. HMPC- Everybody's Hour. KPPC-Word of Life. HGFJ -Western Melody.

8:45 -HPPC -Religious News. .*KFAC -News.

KGFJ- Trumpet Blues. 9- 1INX -Adventures of Bill Lance.

KECA, KFMB -The Green Hornet,

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*HMPC -News, Organ Melodies KFWB -Union Rescue Mission *KMTR -News, Figueroa

Christian Church. *HGFJ -Newsboy's Review.

SPAS KPRO -Old Fashioned Revival.

KFAC- Sunday Evening Club. *KGER -News, Bethel Church. KFOX- County Barn Dance. 9:1.5 *KH.f, KGB, HVOE -Rez

Miller. KGF.1 -Blue of Evening. KFX31- Unscheduled.

9:30 -KFI, KFSD -Jack Benny. KNX- Romance of the Ranchos.

KHJ, KFXM, HVOE -Human Adventure.

*KECA -News. KMPC- Hermit's Cave. KFWB- Pacific Lutheran Hr. HMTR -Voice of Prophecy. KFAC- Musical Gems. KFOX -Rev. Eddie Driver. KGB- Something Old, Some-

thing New. HGER- Tuckin' In Hour.

9:45 *KECA -Washington Inside Out.

HPPC -Religious News. i0 *KFI, HFSD- Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX-Ten o'clock Wire. KHJ- Roosty of A.A.F. KECA, KFMB -Soldiers of

the Press. *KMPC -News, Old Fashioned

Revival. *KFWB -Henry Charles. *KMTR -News, Texas Jim.

SPAS -Voice of Calvary. KFAC- American Red Cross. KGFJ-Hank, Nightwatch-

man, till ti a.m. *KFVD -Newsical 3 Hrs.

KGB, KFXM, i#VOE -Old Fashioned Revival.

KFOX -Rev. Fuller. *HGER -News, DeUa Collins.

10:15. -KFI -Chapel Quartet. HNX -Discussion. KM- Hawaii falls. KECA -Tailor Made Melodies. KFWB -Gaol News Hour.

*KFAC -News. 10:30 *KFI -Inside the News.

(Thrifty Drug Co.,. KNX -We Deliver the Goods.

*KECA -News. *KHJ-Bill Cunningham.

KMTR -Bob Brooks, Music. KPAS- Bright l'orner Church. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *HIND- Newsical. KGER -Sougs in the Night.

Inside the News with

James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner


10 :45-KFI-Evening Serenade. KECA- Weekend Feature. KHJ -Chuck Foster Orth. KMTR -Al Donoghue Orch.

11 *HFI- Eleventh Hour News. *KNX-News.

KECA- Tunes, Tidings-Phil McHugh.

*HMPC -News, Masters Hour. KFVVB -V oke of the Army.

*HMTR -News, Dine -Dann Parade.

KFAC- lucky Tager nano, Time.

*HFV II- Newsical, 'til 2 a.m. *Kl'AS -News.

KFOX -Merl Lindsay's Band. KFSD -Kenny Baker.

11:15 -KFI- Pacific Story. 11:20- KNX -Woody Herman. 11:30- KHJ- Sinfoni etta.

KFWB -Music You Want. 11:35- KECA, KFMB- Bridge to

Dreamland. KNX- Frankie Masters.

11:45 -HFI. KVSD -Music In the Night.

11:55*KNX. RECA, KFWB-News. KFI- Musical Encore.

POPULAR BOY Little Conrad Binyon does-

n't know whom to call his mom and dad any more these days. Right now he is the ether offspring of William Bendix appearing on Blue's "Life of Riley," Lionel Barry - more of CBS' "Mayor of the Town," and Bernice Berwin (Hazel of NBC's "One Man's Family "). Poor Junior Is fast becoming "everybody's son" of the air.

WEEKLY RACE Announcer Ken Niles and

producer Don Bernard have a weekly race to see who can get from NBC to CBS first. It seems they leave one show with only two minutes to catch the dress of another at the neighboring studio. Ber- nard can leave first but trim Niles carries less weight.

HOPEFUL BILL Bill Goodwin, affable an-

nouncer of CBS' "Burns and Allen" show, soon hopes to begin a program of his own. It will be a comedy show co- starring Goodwin and Phil Silvers, and is based on an idea devised by Al Levey, manager of Frankie Sinatra.


...marte(Resw}lwN-...ry.y . . .._w+ l:I:p...S, l(I...;_ ,.;.41,}1- ¡... ,.,i4

MONDAY NOV. 27 *Indicates News Broadcasts. S-KFI- Johnny Murray.

SNX -Mark Breneman. KECA- McNeill' Breakfast

Club. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'oE-

Arthur Gaeth. *KMPC -News, Wllllam Parker

HMTR -News, Ezra's Hill- billies.

*SPAS, KGFJ, HGER -News. KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot, KWKW-Hal McIntyre. KRKD- Morning Melodies. KFV'D- Cuvered Wagon


KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., tri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

:15*KFI -T. B. Bin kiston, comment KNX -Valiant Lady. HHJ, KGB -Andy and Virginia KMPC- Market Report, Sports

Roundup. KFWtt -Bands in Review. KWKW- Alvino Rey, HGER -M iz pa h. KGFJ- tireskfast Tunes. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

8:25 -HPAS- Minute Prayer. 8 :30 -KFI- Transcript loo.

KNX -Light of the World. *KHJ-Frank Hemingway,

News. KMPC -Unity Daily Word. HFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR -Tes Tyler.

*KFAC, KRKD, KFSD -News. KPAS-Haven of .Rest.

*KRKD -Newa Headlines. KWKW-Va ritty. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. KFXM-Sunshine Service. KGB, KVOE- .lolly Joe &

Ralph 8:45-KFI, KIND -David Ha rum.

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Lite Stories.

*HFWB -News. KMTR-Bible Treasury. KFVD- Vocal Favorites. KVOE-Bing Crosby KGFR -Rev. Bennington.

8:55 -MBS -Lanny & Ginger. $ :58 -KMTR -Time Signal.

9 *HFI -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- News, Hooke Carter. News Comment.

*KM PC -News. Sweet Leilanl, KM PC Today.

HFWB -Dr. Reynolds. *KMTR -News, People Are

Asking. KFAC -J. Newton Yates, Or-

gan. KPAS-Polly Patterson. KRHD- Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW-Bing Crosby. KPDX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGFJ, KGER -News. 9:05 *HFI- Edward .Jorgenson.

HGER -Curtis H, Springer.


R. L McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Retry morning -Mon. thew Frs.

KFAC at 9:15

9:15*KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith. KNX-Big Sister. KHJ -Time Out. KMPC -Say It With Music. KFWB-Rhumba Time. KFAC -Voice of Health. HGF,1- Medical, KKK W-V ariety. KGB- Serenading You. HFXM -Future Unlimited. KVOE -Music Mixers. HGER -Dr. J. A. Lovell.

9ß0 -KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 9:30 *K Fl -News.

KNX- Romance of Helen Trent.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE- L. S. Nasal Academy Band.

KECA, HEM B- Breakfast at

Sardis. *HFWB, KFAC, KWKW-

News. HMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS--Scratches & Jockeys.

eKGFJ -Swing Serenade. KG ER-Radio Revival. KFVD -Show Tunes. REND -Across the Threshold.

9:40 -HFI- (i.l's Abroad. KFWB-Sweet I.eilanl Time.

9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs. KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR- Curtis H. Springer.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KWKW- Willard Messenger. KGER -Full Gospel. KFVD -Here ('untes Parade. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:55 *KFI -News.

10 *HFI -Voice of a Nation. KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KECA, KFMB -Tony Morse. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HAVE--

News. Glenn Hardy. *KMPC-News Especially for

You. HFWB -Kitchen Rollege

(lief Milani. *HMTR -News, Music.


From 10:00 a.m. Daily

KWKW 1430 Kc. First On Your Dial

v H ..-.. ,,a.111

(MTI tEl KU (FYI KIYM KFAC a-pm ágY. FWBT KFOKTKGB s76TGWT3 ß0 IBZ6 o í2e TIì3oT (

600 lie 919 1070I10 12 1200 1360 1430 1460

HP.is-Harmony Homestead. KWKW- Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. *KOFJ, KFOX -News.

HFVD- Midmorning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins.

*KGER-News, Mission Workers.

KFSD-t niversity Extension. 10:15 *HFI -Peter de Lima's Close -

ups. LLNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Jack Beech & Boys. KHJ -John Burton, "Human

Horizons." HMTR -Chicago Tabernacle.

*11 PAS-News. KGFJ -Salon Swing. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KGER -Kingdom Within. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-Terry's

House Party. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -HFI -Aunt Mary. ynn


Luncheon with Lopes. KECA -My True Story. KMPC -'sump Cs.


with MARION LEE At the Console

J. NEWTON YATES K P A S -10:30 A. M.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFAC -News, *KWKW -News.

RPAS- Woman's World. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission KRKD-1 Solemnly Swear. KGER- Sunshine Pastor. REND -Your Albers Hour.

10:45 *KFI, KFSD-Art Baker, News KNX-The Goldberg'. KHJ--Mandy Man. KMPC -Home Chats. KFWB- Science of Mind. HMTR -('are of the Body. RFA('- Between the Lines. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KWKW King's Men & Mills. HOB, HFX.M, KVOE- Ameri-

can Women's Jury. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michsison.

14:56 -KECA -Aunt Jemima.

11 HFf, KFSD- Guiding Light. KNX- .Joyce Jordan, M. D.

*KHJ, KGB, HVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KEC Talking.

*K News, Homemaker"

Club. HFWB -Al Jarvis.

*HMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KFAC- Fioretta. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KWKW-Vocal Variety.

*KGFJ, KFV'D, HGER -News. KFXM-Voice of Experience.

11 :15-KFI, KFSD- Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue. RECA, KFMB- MysteryVO Chef. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HH

Jane Cowl. K 'P.1 -Sweet and Low.

*KWKW -News. RFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11:85 -HHJ -Owl Program. 11:30 -HFI, KFSD- Woman in White

KNX-Young Dr. Malone. HH 1, KGB. KFXM, KV'0E

Open House. *KECA -Blue Correspondents

MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface -Type: Afternoon srd

Evening Programs in Boldface.

rariet y 8 :00-Johnny Murray, KFI. 8 :00-McNeill's Break fact Club.

KECA. 8:15 -Andy and Virginia, KHJ. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30- Breakfast at' Bardis.

KECA. 6:30- Spotlight Bands, KECA. ":30 -HeIdt Time, RECA. 8:00-Johnny Mercer -Jo

Stafford, KFI. 8:15 -11edda Hopper, KNX. 8:15 -1.um and Abner, RECA. 5:30 -Frank Sinatra Show, HNX 9:30 -Vos Pop, KNX.

War 5:15- Salute to the Services,

KMTR. 8:00 -Reuter's News Dispatch,

HFWB. :t 10:1, From the Pacific, KFI.

10:15 -Pacific War Analysis, HNX.

Outstanding usic 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

RFA('. 5:30- V'olce of Firestone, KFI. 6:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 6:00 -A Song Is Born. KFI. 7:00- Contented Hour, KFI. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 9:90 -- Telephone Hour, KFI.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Newslcal, KFVD. 10:00- Eastside Dance, KFWB.

Drama 11:13 -Two on a Clue, KNX. 5:30 -Tom Mix. KHJ. 8:00 -Lux Radio Theater, KNX. 7:00-Screen Guild Players,

KNX. 7:30 -Lone Ranger, HHJ. :v0 -- Sherlock Holmes. KHJ. $:Mi- Cavalcade of America.

TEFL 9:30 -Counterspy. KECA. 8:30-Michael Shayne, KHJ. 9:00 -The Whistler, KNX.

Quiz Programs $:30- Information Please, KFI. 7:30- Thanks to the Yanks.

KNX. ":30 -Dr. I. Q., HFI. 5:30 -Pay Day Quiz, KMPC. 9:341-Noah Webster Sale. KFI.

Public Affairs 12:45- Books, KVOE.

1:30 -School of Air, KNX. 5:15 -Hon. Jerry Voorhis, KPAS

Sports -Comment 9 :30-Scratches, Jockeys, KPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletins. KRKD. 10 :00-Met. Scratch Sheet, KWKW 19:30--Bridge Club, KMPC. 5:30- Hollywood Park, HPAS.

10:30 -Sam Baiter, KECA.

Around the World. HMTR -Curti' Springer.

*KPAS- Pasadena Independent. KWKW- Freddy Martin.

*KRKD, KFAC, HFOX -News. KGFJ-Tuneful Times. HGER -Kev. Greenemeyer.

11:45 -KFI -Hymns of AR Churches. KNX- Adventures of Perry

Mason. *HRCA -News.

KHJ-Victor Lindlahr. KFAC -Plano Briefs. KPAS -Hoot Gibson's Painted

Post. KWKW-Frank Sinatra. KFVD- Violet Schram. KFOX- Varieties. KGFJ- ('ailing All Zones. KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Lunch-

eon Dance. u :55 *K W K W -News, H.MPC- Prayer.

12e HFI -Farm Reporter.

-1111-Farm Martin. *KHJ -Broadway News,

KECA, HFMIS- Morton Dow- ney.

*RM1'C -News, Bing Crosby. *KMTR -News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. KFAC- Luncheon Concert. HPAS- Rancho 11 -1u. KWKW-Heartstrings. KRKD- Prairie Schooner.

*KGFJ, KGB, KVOE -News. KFVD- Editor of Air.

*HOER -News, 1:490 Club. KFSD -Woman of America.

11:15 -KFI KFSD -Ma Perkins. ANN- Neighbors, Irene

Beasley. KECA -Jay Barnett. KHJ-Johnson Family. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KWKW-Open Bible Revival

Soc. KFVD- Luncheon Musical. KGB -Two Keyboards.

*KFOX, KFXM-News. HVOE -Two Keyboards.

12:30-KFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX-Bright Horizon. *KECA- Kiernan's News

Corner. HHJ, KVOE- Smoothies. KMPC- Bridge Club. Robert

Lee Johnson. *HFWB -News.

KMTR-Meri Lindsay & Band. KFAC -Pan Americana. KWKW -Dinah Shore. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM-Farm Front.

12:45 -KFfnes s.

, KFSD -Right to Happi-

HNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA -Memories In Melody. KHJ -This Is Music. KMPC -Leas Back, Listen. HFWB -AI Jarvis.

*KFAC, KFSI) -News. KWKW-Dick McIntyre. KFYD- Violet Schram. KFOX -Lucky Lady. KGB, KFXM -Musicale. KVOE-Books. HFL, KFSD- Backstage Wife. 1 KNX-This Changing World.

*HF('A, KFMB- World Wide Review.

*K.MP(' -News, Sweet T.eilanl. *KFWB-News. *KMTR-News, Music.

KFAC -Dr. Helen Collier. KWKW-Military Band. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm.

*HFVD -News. KGB, KVOE- Walter Compton.

I:15 -HFI, KFSD- Stella Dallas. *KNX-Bob Andersen.

RECA. HFMB -Radio Parade. KHJ. KFX.M -Need Advice? KMPC -Lady of Charm. HFWB -.Vl Jarvis. HMTR -Saunders Sisters. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KWKW -Viennese. KFVD -Moods in Music.

'KGB-Cony air Lady. KVOE- Afternoon Melodies.

1:30 --HFI, HFSD- Lorenzo Jones. KNX -School of the Air.

*KECA -Time Views the News. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Headlines in Harmony. KMPC- Family Bible.

*K PAS-News. *KRKD -News, Music.

HWHW'- Memories. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos. KFOX- Christian Science.

I:45 -HFI, HI-ND-Young Widder

-N Brown. *ANN ews, Afternoon Daiwa_


NOVEMBER 26, 1944

*KECA -Buddy Twibs.' KWKW -Alv no Rey. AMP(' -Homer Rodeheav er. KRKD- Singing Waiters. KFVD -Music City. KFOX- Concert Master.

I:7r0*RE('A -Ed Jorgenson. 2-1(1I. KFSD -When a Girl

Marries. KNX- Iotluck Party.

*KH,I -This Changing World. KF:(' A, KFMB- What's Doing,





Monday- Wednesday- Friday -1:45 P. M.

KMPC Presented by GLEN HAVEN


*KMPC -News, Pan Americana *KMTR-News, Halley's

Swingtime. KRKD- Concert Matinee. RGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KF'l'D- Timely Tunes. MINIM-- Copper Caravan.

*K(iER -News, Music Appreci- ation.

KGB. ILVOE -Handy Mae. HFXM -Our Town. Social Se-

curity. 2:15 -RFC KFSD -Portia Faces Life

KHJ-Today on the Coast. KFAC- Paradise Isle. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2:t5 *KNX -News. 2:30 -KFI, KFSD -.lust Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Miaous. *KECA -Between the Lines.

KMPC -Easy Rhythm. KFWB -Hal Styles.

*KRK1) -News. KFOX- Weston Songs.

2: M *KWKW -News. 2:45 -HFT. KFSD -Front Page Far-

rell. KH,1, KGB, KVOE -Radio

Tour. KECA- Frances Scully.

*KFVD -News. KRHD- Salvatore Santaella.

eiHFI. HFSD -Road of Life. KNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three & Clock News. *KHJ. KGER -News. *KMPC -News, Swing Shift.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR-News, It Pays to

Know. *KPAS- Llaleners Digest. KGFJ -Jack Pot. KRKD -Victory Queen Contest KGB. KV'OF Prayer. Griffin

Reporting. KFXM- Prayer, News, Devo-

tions. KFOX -Buddy Cole. REVD- Popular Favorites.

3:15 -KF L -Star Playhouse. KECA- Broadway Memories. KH.I -Happy Homes, Norma

Voting. KMTR -Newe Quiz. KPAS -Juke Bog Matinee. KWKW -Dave Rose. KFON -Mr. k Mrs. America. KV'OE -Of Civic Interest.

3:30 -KFI -Rosemary. KNX -Lynn Murray's Musie. KECA -Appointment With Life

*KFWB -News. KMTR- Pianna.

*KRKD -News, Magic. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KGFJ- Variation. KGB- Miracles of Faith. HVOF- Variety. KFOX -Hollywood Salon. K(:ER- Cheerful Chatter.

3:35-RE('A -Ruth Wentworth. 3:45- KFI -Woman of America.

*KNX -The World Today. KH.I -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KFWB -Jazz. KGB. KFXM. RVOE-

Inhnson Family. KWKW -Dave Rose. KFSD -Aunt Mary.

4- ELM KFSI) -Dr. Kate. KNX-Sandra Martin.


News, Fulton Lewis, jr. *KMPC -Swing Shift, Sweet



KFWB -Bert. Fiske. *KMTR -News. Santarlla En-

semble. KFAC- Musical Masterpieces.

*KGFJ -News. KWKW-Bing Crosh,. KFVD- Afternoon Concert.

*KGER -News. Music. 4:13 *KFI. KFSIl -News of the

World. *KECA -General Pierce.

KHJ -Sky Room. KFWB -Organ Program. KMTR -Radio Newsreel. KGF.1- Interlude.


Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


KWRW -Harry James. *KFV D -News.

KRKD- Movieland Quiz. KGB, KF.XM, HVOE -Real

Life Stories. 4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

*HNX -News, Open House. KECA -/hie Waten. KMPC-Casa Loma Time.

*KFWB -News, Vocal Varieties KMTR, KFOX -Old Age Pen-

sions. KWKW-Glen Miller. KRKH -Tunes of the Day. KEXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. K%'OE- Carron Glenn. RE/SD-Black k White.

4:45- KECA -Hop Harrigan. KH.J- Frnlirs. KFWB -Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ -Cas Mouse Concert. KWKW-Tommy Doney.

*K MILD-News. KFOX -Art Dickinson. KGB. HVO/rMuaic Matinee.

*KFBD -B. V. Hattaabon. S*AFT. KFSD -OK for Release.

KNX -Burritt Wheeler. KFA"A. KFMB -Terry and

the Pintes. *RHO!. KPXM. KGER -News. *KMPC -Teen and Twenty. *HMTR -News, Music.

KWKW- American Jewish Hr. KGFJ -Jive at 5. KPAS -Tacle Charlie. KR/CD-Songs of the Saddle.

5:16 *KFI, KFSD -Newe. KNX -Barbara Tate. KECA -Dick Tracy- KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Superman. KMPC -%'striations in Rhythm. KMTR -Salute to the Services

*KFAC, REVD. HERD -News. 5:30 -HFI. KFSD- Voice of Fire-

stone. *KNX -Harry Flannery.

KECA. WENS-Jack Arm- strong.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE- Ad; entures of Tom Mix.

KMPC- World of Song. KMTR -Irwin Allen. SPAS -Today Hollywood Park. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. RGF.J-Hawaii Sings. KFVI)- -80-90 Club. KRHD -South Seas Serenade. KGER -Lighthouse Melodies.

5:45 *RNA -News, Truman Bradley. SE('A- Captain Midnight.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Night News Wire.

KMPC -Help Wanted. *KMTR-IL Louis Plataa,

News. KGFJ- Intermission.

5:55*HNX -Bill Henry.

6 B. KFSD -A Song Is Born. FIHNX

-Lux Radio Theater. *KECA -News. *KHJ, KGB, KF:XM, KVOE-

News, Gabriel Heatter. *KMPC -News. *KFWB, KFOX, KGER -News. *KMTR-News, Beverly Hill-

billies. KFAC -Music for Everyone. RGFJ- Musical Digest.

5:15 -11HJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Screen Test.

*KECA -Peter de Lima. KMPC -Music by Sears.

*KEW'S --John B. Hoehn. KRKD -Sweet and Lovely.

KP.IS- American Chiropractics KFOX- Master Theater Radio

6:38 -HFI. KISD- Information Please.

KECA, KFMB- Spotlight Bands.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV 0E- Harmony Hall.

KMPC- Salute to the Hits. KFWB- America Dances. ILEAC-Erwin Yen. Organ. KPAS- Church of Christ. KFOX -Hare Memory Room.

6:45 -KMPC- Barber Shop Quar- tette.

KPAS- Townsend Plan. 6:65- KECA, KEMB- Coronet Story

Teller. 7 -HFI, KFSII -Carnation Con- tented Hr.

KNX -Screen Guild Players. *KHJ, KGB. HFXM, Kl'0E-

Henry Gladstone. *KECA, KF:MB- Raymond

Gram Swing. *KMPC, KMTR -Newa, Music.

ILEAC -Floyd A. Allen. KGFJ-Show Tunes. K PAS-Help Wanted.

7:16 *HHJ, KGB, HFXM, Kl'0E- Lowell Thomas.

*KE('A -Ted %Malone. KMPC-Norman Nesbitt. KMTR -W. B. Record. i :30-1E Et, KFSI) -Dr. I. Q. KNX -Thank.. to the Yanks. KECA, KFMB -Horace Heidt

for Servicemen. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Lone Ranger. KMPC- (:andlelight. and Silver.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFOX- Fishing Facts. KFAC -America ('ailing. K PAS-Studio Frolics. KGRI- Spanish Hour.

7:45 *KFWB, KFOX -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

KPAS -Roy & Lonny. 8 -HFI, KFSD- Chesterfield Mu- sir Shop.

KNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. KFA'A, KFMR- Watch the

World Go By. KHJ, KGB, Kl'XM, KV0E-

Sherlock Holmes. *KMPC -News, Musical Mile-

stones. *KFWB- Reuters' News Dis-

patches. *KMTR-News. Floyd B.



and King's Ambassador Quartet XMTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:3n -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

KFAC -Eening Concert. KGFJ -It. k R. coy, ho a. SPAS --.L Frank Burke.

a :65- KGER -Jesse Name. a:15 *KFI, K151)- Fleetwood Law-

ton. KNX -Hedda Hopper. RECA. KFMB -Lam A Abner. KFWB -Warner Bros.. Orch. KPAS -Hon. Jerry Voorhis.

01:30 -HFI. KIND-Cavalcade of America,

KNX -Frank Sinatra Show.



Private Detective" Adventure Intrigue


KEC A, RFMB-Couotersp . KH.1. KGB. KFYM, Hl'E-

Michael Shayne KMPC'-Pay Dar quiz.

*KFWB-News. KG/Iv-Weste= Melody.


5:33 -Dr. Wallace sterling.

9 KFI, KFSD- Telephone Hour. KNX-The Whistler. KFA'A, KFMR -Blind Date.

*KH.1, KGB. KFXM, Kl'0E- News. Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -News, Music Box. KFWB- Victory Service Club.

*KMTR-News, Dr. A. P. Michelson.

New Time -New Station

Barbara Ann


KMPC 710 on your dial .

P:15 *HHJ, KGB. KF XM. EVOE- Cecil Brown. News.

p:30- HFI,RFS1) -Nrrh Webster Says HNX -Vox Pop.

*KECA -News. *KFWB -Henry (harles.

KMTRe-Ham and Eggs. K(.l J -Blue of Evening.

8:45 -KECA -Stand by for Adven- ture.

KH.1, KFXM, KVOR -Sunny Skyiar.

*KFWB -Sam Baiter. 10 *KFI, KFSD- Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX -Ten aTlock Wire.. *KECA, KEMB- Hollywood

Spotlight, George Fisher. *KH.r. KGB, KFXM. KS OE

Fulton Lewis, jr.

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. s..rr MIN r...el )der

America's Maori g..4r

KF%VIR- Eaatside Dance Tonite.

*KMTR -News, Tesas Jim. KFAC -Lucky Loger Danse. KGW -Hank, Nightwatch-

man. 'till 8 a.m. *REVD- Newalcal..3 Hrs.

10:16 *HFI -From the Pacific. *KNX- Parifir War Analysis.

SPAS- Carter Wright. 10:30*KFl- Inside the News (Thrifty

Drug.) KNX -World' Most Honored


HoBrwcwd Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P.M.-KECA

Inside the. News *r with James Lionel Harris

and Major H. S. Turner


KECA -Sports. Rook. KHJ -Johnson Family. KMPC- Chisholme Trail.

10:45 -KFI- Medals in Music. KNX -Gayle k ('harles. KHJ- George Olsen Oreb. KMPC -American Songs. RMTR -Al Donahue Orch.

11 *KFI, HNX, KHJ-News.

KECA- Tunes, Tidings -Phil McHugh.

*KMPC-News, Showboat. KFWIS -- Eaatside Dance.

*KMTR-News, Dine -Dance Parade.

*KEVD- Newakal. KFOX -Meri Lindsay and

Nite Riders. 11:15 -K I- Philharmonic l'rrvirw.

KHJ-Wings Over the IS ('oast.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. 11:20 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

HNX -Lenny Conn. 11:30 -HFI -Radio Fanfare.

KECA -News, Dixie Hospital- ity.

*KFD-Newsical. 'till I a.m. 11 :45*KHJ. KFSD -News. 11:56 *HNX, KFWB -News.


TUESDAY, NOV. 28 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station, recorded music has been scheduled.

8 K11-,luhnn,r Murray. KNX-Mark Rreneman. KF('a-MrVeiIl's Brenkfast


KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

Fast Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

*KIIJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE- Arthur (meth.

*KM I'(' -News, William Parker *Kt I tt -News, Ezra's Res. Ifillbilltes.

ILEAC- Country Church of Hollywood.


Hasen of Rest. REVD-Cos ered Wagon

Jubilee. KFSD -A to Z.

8:15*KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com- ment.

HNX- Valiant Lady. KHJ. KGB. KVOE -Shady

Valley Folk. KMPC- Market Report, Sports

Roundup. RF\1B -Bands In Res kw. KGF'.1- Breakfast Tunes. KGER- Mizpah. KE \M- Morning Melodies. Kt-SD-Good Cheer.

8:2.5 -KPAS- Minute Prayer. 8:30 -KFI- Aihers' Hour.

RNX -Light of the World. *KHJ -Frank Hemingway,

News. KMP('- I'nity Daily Word. KEW B-Hrlp Wonted. KMTR-Tes Tyler.

*RFA('. KRRD -News. KPAS -Haven of Rest. KWKW" -Am. League Praying

Mothers. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. K(.It-Wally Townsend. KFSM- Sunshine Service. K\ LIE -Matti 11ollls Oreh.

g :45 -KFI, KIND-DasId Ilarum. KN\ -Aunt Jenny's Stories.

B -News. K\I TR- Bible Treasury. KFSD -Dr. Reynolds. KFIIS-Vocal Favorites. K1t1E -Ring Crosby. KGER -Rev. Bennington.

8:55- MRS -Charlotte Drehte. 8:58 -KMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE- News Comment.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC-News. Sweet Leilani

KMPC Today. RFW'R- Henith Talk.

*KMTR -News, Christian Fun- damentals.

KFAC -J. Newton Yates, Or- gan.

KRKD -Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW -Bing Crosby. KPAS -Polly Patterson.

*RC.F.1, K(.F :R. KFSD -News. KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX -Firebrands for Jesus.

9:05 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson, Comment.

9:15 *KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith. Commentator.

KNX -Rig Sister. KII.1 -Time Out. KM PC-Say It With Musk. K 1 V. IS- Rhumba Time. KG EJ- Medical. KEA(' -Voice of Health. KW KW-Variety. KGER-Rev. .1. A. Lovell. K(.It -Time for Music. KF \M -Fu tire Unlimited. Kt (H: Music Mixers.

:20-KF XM -Old Family Almanac. 9:30 *K FI- Ness's.

KNX-Romance of Helen Trent.

RECA. KFMB- Breakfast at Sardis.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- U. S, Marine Band.

*KEW ß, KFAC, KWKW -News RMTR -W. B. Record.

KPAS- Scratches and Jockeys KGER-Radio Revisal. REVD-.Show Times. K6FJ- Swing Serenade. KFSD -Across the Threshold.

9:111 -RF7 -6. I.'s Abroad. KFW'B -Sweet Leilani.

9:35 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs. KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KEW'S- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR- Curtin H. Springer.

*KRRD -News, Clifton. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KWKW -Willard Messenger. KGER-Full Gospel. REVD-Here Comes Parade. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

10 0E1.7 -Voice of a Nation. KNX -Life ('an Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'0E- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA, RFMIt -Tony Morse. *KMI'C -News, Especially for

l'on. KFSt IS- Kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *KMTR -News, Music.

KPAS-Harmony Homestead. KWKW -Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. KRKD -Turf Bulletin.

*K(iF.1, KFOX -News. KFSD -Sewing School.

*KGER -News, Mission Work- ers.

10:15 *BFI -Peter de Lima. KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -.lack Berci, & Boys. KH.1, KGB. KFXM, K\ 0E-

Terry's House Party. RMTR -Chicago Tabernacle.

*K l'AS -News. K( :F.1 -Salon Swing. KGER- Kingdom Within. KRKD -Dr. 0. M. Richardson KFOX-Res'. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. *KNX-Bernadine Flynn, News.

RHJ Sewing School. KECA -My True Story. KMPC -Stump t's.

*KERB -Henry Charles. KMTR -Floyd B. .Johnson.

*KFAC, KWKW -News. KPAS- Women's World. KEY'S- Union Rescue Mission. KGB, REAM, Kt i)F-l.uneh-


with MARION LEE At the Console




a7DTc4aT7eoT93DTIDZDT 1 II o T 1240 T330TI390 600 710 810 9B0 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1431141

eon ss it h Lopez. KI.I:It- Sunshine Pastor. K FSI)- Albers Hour.

10:45 *KF1, KIND-Art Baker, News RNX -The Goldhergs. 1(11.11-Handy Man. KMPC-Home ('hats. KFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR -Talks and Tunes. RFA(' -Between the Lines. KF'OX -Dr. A. I'. Michelson. KWKW- Mills' A King's Men. KGB. KFXM, K\'OE -Wom-

en's Jury. KRKD- Midnight Mission.

10:55 -RECA -Aunt ,lemima.

11 KF(, KFSD- Golding Light. KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

*KECA, RFMB- Baukhage Talking.

*KHJ, KGB, HVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KMP ('huh.

C' -News, Homemakers'

RFWR -Al .lavis. *RMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KWKW -Vocal l'a rietles.

*KGF.1 REVD, KGF'R -News. KPAS-Rodeo Rhythm. KFAC-Floret ta. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -RFT, KFSD -Today's Children KNX -Two on a ('lue. KECA, KFMB- Mystery Chef. KH.I, KGB, KFXM, K\ 0E-

.1nne ('owl. K(:F'.1 -Sweet and Low.

*BRRR -News. REVD- Musical Res ue. KFOX- Spotlight. Bands.

11 :2S -KHJ -Owl Program. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Woman in White

KNX -young Dr. Malone. *KECA -Blue Correspondents

Around the World. KH.I. KI.lt. KFXM, KA 0E-

Open House. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer.

*KPAS- Pasadena Independent. *RF'AC, KFOX -News. *FERRIS-News, Douglas.

KWKW- Freddy Martin. KGF.1- Tuneful Tunes. KGER -Rev. ('has. I.reene-

myer. 11:45 -K El, KFSD -Hymne of All

('Itlirehes. KNX-Perry Mason.

*KECA, KF.MB- News, Ted Meyers.

KHJ- Victor l.indixhr. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KFVD- Violet Schram. KPAS -Hoot's l'ainted Post. KWKW -Frank Sinatra. KFOX- Varieties.

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In .Ight face 'rs p... Afei norm and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00- Johnny Murray. KFI. 8:00- McNeill's Breakfast Club,

KECA. 9:00 -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis.

KECA. 10:00- -Chef Milani, KFWB. 11:1 Jane Con I, KFI.I. 4:30 -Art Bakers Notebook. KFI 5r30 -Date s.ith .Judy. KFI. 6:00 -Burns and Allen. KNX. 6:30- Fibber Mc(.ee A Molly,

K FI. e:30- Spotlight Bands, KECA. 7 :OO -Roh Hope. KIT. ::30 -Let Yourself (.n. RECA. 7:311 -Raleigh Room, Hildegard.

K FI. 8:00 -Jack Kirkwood Show,

KNX. 8:01 -Mercer- Stafford Show,

K F'I. S:II -Lunt and Abner, RECA. 8:30 -.Johnny Presents Ginny

Simms, KF1. a:30 -Alan Young Show. RECA. 9:00- Everything for the Boys,

BFI. 9:00 -- Gracie Fields. RECA.

elf mar 3:30- t'nited Nations Forum.

K E(' A. 10:15 -Pacific War Analysis, KNX

Drama B:no-Mystery Theater, KFI. 6:;10.--This Is My Best. KNX.

6:53-- Coronet Story Teller, KECA.

7:30 -Red Ryder, KHJ. 8:00-Count of Monte Cristo,

K11.1. A:3o- Romance, HNX, 9:00-Big Town. KNX. 9:30 -Downstage Center, HFL.

Quiz Programs 1:01 -Think liard Now, KHJ. 7:30 -Weber's Roundup, KMPC .

Outstanding Music 4:0X- Musical Masterpieces,

KEA('. 4:30- American Melody Hour,

KNX. 8:00--- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:30 -Inglewood Park Concert,

KN X. a:00- Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:011 --Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC'.

In :00- New'sical, REVD. 10:00- Eastside Dance Tonfite,


Public Affairs 8:30 -American Forum, KHJ.

1O:30-( 'ongress Speaks, KN X. Sports -Comment

9 :3( )-Scratches. Jockeya. KPAS. 10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet,

KWK.W. 5:15 -Belle Martell. KMTR. 5:311 -Hollywood Park, KPAS.

10:01 -Olympic Fight'., RMTR. 10:30-Sam Railer Sports, HE('A.

11 :53*KW K W'-News. K M I'('-l'rnyer.

1 12-Form Reporter. KNX -Mary Marlin.

*K11.1- Broadway News. KECA, KF11B- Morton Dow-

ney. *Raft' -News, Bing Crosby. *KMTR -News, Ezra's Hill-

billies. KPAS- Rancho 11 -10. KFAC -Luncheon Concert.


KWKW- f.unch With Moores. REVD-Editor of Air. KFSD -Woman of America. KRKD- Prairie Schooner.

12:15 -KFI, RESO -Ma Perkins. KNX-Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. KECA-.Ivy Burnett. KILO-Johnson Family. KMPC -Norman Nesbitt. KWKW -Open Bible Soc. REVD- Luncheon Musical. KGER -13M1 Club. KGB. KVOE- Palmer House

Orch. 12:30-K FL KFSD- Pepper Young's

Family. KNX-Bright Horizon. KIIJ, KVOE- smoothies.

*KECA- Kiernan's News Corner KMPC- Bridge Club.

*KI'WIS- Nesss. KMTR -Merl Lindsay A Band. KFAC-Pan Americana. REVD-Violet Schram. KWKW -Dinah Shore. KFOX -March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM- Western Playboys.

12:15 -KFI. KFSD -Right to Happi- ness.

KNX-Bachelor's Children. Kl:1'A- Memories in Melody. K)II'(' -Lean Back, Listen. KI'WB -Al Jarvis.

*KF'%(', KFXM, KFSD -News. KW' KW -Dick McIntyre. K(.It, KVOF--Mnsicale. KFOX -Lucky Lady.


BETTY ALLEN Gifts and contest prizes every day

Mon. thru Fri. KFOX, 12:45 P.M.

1 KFI, KFSD -Backstage Wife KNX -This Changing World.

*KE('a, KFMB -World Wide Res less..

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HV'OE- Think Hard Now. *Haft'- Ness's, Sweet Lellanl.

*KEW R -News. *KMTR -News. Musle.

K(:F.1 -Easy Rhythm. *KWKW-News, Military Rand

KFAC -Dr. Walter Raymond. *KGER, KFVD -News.

1:15 -KFI. KFSD -Stella Dallas. *KNX-Boh Andersen.

KECA, HEM'S -Radio Parade. KIL1 -Lee Shippey. KMPC-Lady of ('harm. KFWR -AI Jars is. KMTR- Saunders Sisters. KWKW -Viennese. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KFX51. KFVD -Moods In

Music. KGB, KFXM -Need Ads ice?

I :25 *K WK W- News. 1:30 -KFI, KIND- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX -School of the Air. KH.I. K(:lt, KFXM, KV'OE-

Headlines in Harmony. *KECA -Time \ "lees the News.

KMPC- Family Bible. *KPAS, KRKD -News.

KWKW- Memories, KFV IS- Hawaiian. KFOX- Concert Master. KGFJ- Riensenidos Amigos.

1:45 -KF'I, KIND-]bung Widder Brown.

*KNX -News, Afternoon Dance *KF :('A -Blue Newsroom

Review, Buddy Twiss. KMPC- Rendersous with Ro-

mance. KMTR -Teri Tyler. KWKW- alsinu Key. KRKD -Singing Walters.

1:50 *KECA- Edward Jorgenson.


NOVEMBER 26, 1944 RADIO LIFE 2 -KFI, RFSD -W hen a Girl

Marries. KNX- PMlurk Party.

*KHJ -This Changing \orld. KECA, KFMB -What's Doing,

Ladies. *RMPC -News, Pan Americana *KMTR -News, Halley's

Swingtime RWSW-- Popper Caravan. RFOX -Organ Treasures. It REED-Concert Melodies. KFVD- Timely Tunes. KGB. ELF-NM-Handy Man. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KGER -Lon_ Beach Band.

2:13 -KFI, KFSD -Portia Fares Life *KHJ -Today on ('neat.

EMPC -War Bond Show. KFAC- Paradise Isle. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

e:2.5*KNX- News. 2:30 -KFI, KFSD -Just Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Mucus. *KECA- Between the Linee.

EMP(' -Easy Rhythm. R F 1 B-R*F Styles.

*KRKD -Newe. KF(IX -Songs of the West.

2:45 -AFI, KFSD -Front Page Farrell.

KECA- Frances Scully. RRRD -Salvatore Santaella. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Radio

Tour. *KFVD -News.

3 FI, KFSD-Read of Life. -1(11, ves Protective

League. *KECA -Three n'Clnrk News. *KILL KFSD, KGER -News. *RMPC -News. Swing Shift. l

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, It Pays to

Know. *KPAS- Listeners' Digest.

AGFJ -Jack rot. KRAD- Matinee Melodies. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB. KVOF Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM- Prayer, News. Devo-

tions. 3:15 -KFI -Star Playhouse.

RAJ-Happy Homes, Norma Young.

KECA, AFMB- Broadway Memories.

KWKW -Dave Rose. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KFOX -Hawaii Calls. KVOE -Ctvir Interest.

3:30 -KFI- Rosemary. *HNX -News, Afternoon

Dance. KECA -Appointment With Life

*KFW'B, KRKD -News. KMTR -Pianos. RGF.1- Variation.

*KRIM -News Headlines. *KWHAV -Off the Press.

KFVDStar Time Tunes. EFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGB, KVOE- Musical Matinee

3 :35-KECA-Ruth Wentworth. 3 :45- KFI- Woman of America. *SNX- World Today. Joseph

Harsch. KECA -day Burnett. AHJ -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KFWB -Jazy. KGB. KFXM, HV0E -John-

son Family. HMI-Aunt Mary. EGER- Cheerful Chatter.

4- KFI, HFSD -Dr. Kate. KNX-Sandra Martin. KECA- American Side Show.

*KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Fulton Lewis, jr.

*KMPC -Sweet Lellani, Swing


Gems of Melody

4.5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330 Sponsored by


KIWIS-Bert Fisk.. *KMTR -News, Santaetla En-

semble. KFAC-Musical Masterpieces.

*KGF',/ -News. KW'K1V -Ring Crosby. KFVD -Afternoon Concert.

*KGER, HFO1 -Seas.

4:15 *RFI, KFSD -World News. *RNX -News. Music.

101.1-Sky Room. *KECA- General Pierre.

KMPV -Cuir Fighting Heroes. KFWB- Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFVD -News,

KGFJ -Reeord Time. KW'KW -Harry .James. KGB. KFXM. K\ "OE -Real

Life Stories. KRKD- Mlotieland Quiz.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX- American Melody Hour. KECA- Twilight Tales. KMPC -Casa Loma Time. KMTR. KFOX -Old Age Pen

sins. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KWKW -Glen Miller. KFVD -Tea Time Music. KFXM -Dr. Philip Lovell. KFSD--Black 'a' White.

4:45-KHJ, KGB, KV0E- Frolics.

KFR'B -Stuart Hamblen. KECA -Hop Harrigan. RWKW -Tommy Dorsey. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

*KRKD -News, Browning. K( :F.1 -Gas House Concert. KC :FR-- Colonial Tabernacle. KRKD Salvatore Santaella.

5 *RFI KFSD-OK for Release. KNX- Burritt Wheeler.

*K11.1- Broadway News. RECA, KFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KMN -News, Tern and Twenty *KMTR -News, Music.

KW'KW- _American Jewish Hr. KPAS -1 nrie Charlie. KRRII -Songs of the Saddle. KGFJ -Jive at 3. KFVD- Evening S de. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

*KGER, KFXM -News. K V0E- Variety.

5:O3 --KGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *RFI, REND-News.

RNX- Barbara Tate. K ECA -Dirk Tracy. KH.I. K(:R, KFXM, KVOE-

Superman. KMP('- Variations in Rhythm. KMTR -Relie Martell, Sports.

*KFAC. RFVD, KFSD -News. 5:30-RFI.In,

dy. FSD -A Date with R

*KNX -Harry W. Flannery. KECA,

strong. KFMB - ack Arm-

RRJ, KGB. KFXM, Kl "OE- Adventures of Tom Mix.

KMPC -World of Song. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill ('Inh. KPAS -Today Holly Park. H C.F.1- Hawaii Sings. KFVD -00-90 Club. KRKD -Routh Seas Serenade. KGER- Lighthouse Melodies.

5:43 *KNX -Truman Bradley. News. RECA- Captain Midnight.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Night News Wire.

KM PC-Help Wanted. *KMTR -K. Louis Flatau.

KGFJ- intermisalon. 5:33 *KNX -Bill Henry.

KFI KFSD-Mystery Theater. HNX -George Burns and

Oracle Allen. *KH.1. KGB. KFXM, HYDE--

Gabriel Heatter. *KECA, RP-AB-News. *IMP(' -News. Music. *KMTR -News. Ezra's Beverly

Hillbillies. *KFOX, KGER -Newe.

KFAC-Music for Everyone. KGFJ- Musical Digest. KWKW- Fordellon. KPAS -Future Pianists.

6:15 -KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KV0E- Screen Test.

*KECA -Peter de Lima. EMPC -Music by Sears.

*KFWB -John B. Hughes. *KFSD-News.

RFOX -Dirk Ross. KPAS -Amer. Communications

6:30 -KFT. KFSD- Fibber McGee A Molly.

RNX -This te My Best. KECA, KFMB- Spotlight

Bands. KH.I, KF:CM, KVOF Amer-

ican Forum. KMPCSalute to Hits. KFW'B- America Dances" RRRD -Recreated Races. KFM' -Erwin Yen. Organ. KWRW' -Hoyes Hour. KPAS -Church of Christ. KFOX-Hal's Memory Room.

*KGB -Eddy Orcutt. KJ "OE- Gospel Light.

6:43-KPAS- Townsend Plan.


Quartette. f:.35- KECA -Coronet Story Teller.

RFI, KFSD-Rob Hope. RNX -Servire to the Front.

*KECA. KFMB- Raymond Gram Swing.

*KMPC -News, Lou Holtz. *KMTR -News, Mottle.

KI:FJ -Show Tunes. KFA('- Musical Comedy.

*KRKD -News. KPAS -Help Wanted.

7:15 *KH.1. KGB. KFXM, KV0F Lowell Thomas.

Josephine Vadala SOPRANO

Male Quartette KNX -Tuesday, 7:30 P. In.

Inglewood Park Cemetery Ass'n.

*KF:('A, KFMB. KFVI) -News. KMP('- Norman Nesbitt, KMTR -W. B. Record. KI'AS -CIO Reporter. K EOX -Voire of the Army.

7:3O-AFJ. KFSD -Raleigh Room with Hildegard.

AFT A, KFMB -Let Yourself

KNX -Inglewood Park Con- vert.

KILL KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Red Ryder.

KMPC- Webers Roundup. *KFWB -News.

K MTR -Dr. Clem Davie.. EFAC- America Calling. KPAS- Studio Frolics. KRKD -Do You Know? KGFJ- Spanieh Hour. KGER- Kingdom Within.

7:43*KFW'B, KFOX -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

*KFAC-News. APAS -Roy 3 Loon.

8 -RFI, KFSD-Chesterfield Mu- sir Shop.

KNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. *KECA, SFMB -Watch the

World Go By. KHI, KGB. KFXM, KV0E-

(ount of Monte Cristo. KMPC -News, Vocal Gems.

*KFWB- Dispatch from Reuters'.

*KMTR -News. Grace Dotson. KFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -B. & R. Cowboys.

*KPAS -,/. Frank Burke. 6:05- KPAS- ('nited Races. 6:13 *KFI, KFSD -Fleetwood Law-

ton, Comment. KNX -Warner Bros. Orrh. RECA. KFMB -I.um d Abner. KFW'R -Music for You.

6:30 -RFI, SFSD- Johnny Presents Ginny Simms.

SNX- Theater of Romance. RECA. KFMB -Alan Young

Show. KHJ -Roy Rogers Show. KM I'('- Symphonettes.

*KFW B -News. KMTR -Central Church oQ

Christ. SPAS, KFOX-P. E. Gardner. AGFJ- Western Melody. KGB. KFXM, HVOE- Freedom

of Opportunity. 6:46 -KGFJ- Trumpet Blues. 6:66 *HNX -Dr. Wallace Sterling.

9 -S FI, KFSD-Everything for the Boys, Haymes- Jenkins.

HNX -Big Town. KECA- Gracie Fields.

*RH.1, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- News, Glenn Hary.

*KMPC-News, Music Box KFWB- Strollln' Tom.

*KMTR -Newe, Dr. A. C. Michelson.

K PAS -Dr. Lnuls T. Talbot. 9:13 *HHJ, KGB. KFXM. AVOE-

Rex Miller. KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm.

*KFOX -News. 9:t5-KNX- Dramatie Story. 9:30 -KFI- Downstage Center.

KNX -Edwin C. Hill. *KF,CA. KFMB- United Na-

tions Forum. RILL KGB. KFXM, KY'OE-

Unscheduled. *KFWB -Henry ('harle..

KMTR -Ham and Eggs. SPAS -Spotlight Stories. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. SP'SD- Frtendahl .

9:46 -KECA. KFMLB- Reserve.




KN \- 'l'apestries of Life. KIIJ. KFNM, RIVE- -Sunny

Skylar. *KFW{'B -Sam Baltes.

KMTR- Interpretation Please. *KFI, KFSD- Richfield Re-

porter. *RNX -Ten ,i Clock Wire.

KECA. KFMB.-Hnllywond Spotlight, George Fisher.

*KH.1, KGB, KFXM, K% OE- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

*KMP(' -News, Rainbow Ren - ilez,ous.

KF)\ "K- F:nstside Dance Tnnite.

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. r.rr a op s-.sr

KFIVB, .r.,s elas t s., *K\l'I'li-Nrw., Olympic Fights

-I.omk. Lager Dance. K 1.1'.I-Ilonk, Night Watch-

man. till 8 a.m. *KI'\ 3 Qrs.

1il:1,-KF'I-Mno.h..lrr It.ddy. *KN -Pacific \\ar Analysis.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner

10:30 P. M.- KFI


RH.I. KGB, KFXM, HYDE-. George Hamilton Orch,

10:30- RFI -Inside News (Thrifty Drug).

KNX -Congress Speaks. KH.l- Johnson Family. KECA -Sports Book. KMPC- ('hisholme Trail.

*RFVD- Newsical. 10:45- KFI -Ta for Made Bowies.

KM. KFXM, KV0E -Thu Feeling Is Mutual.

KECA- What's New on Blue, KNX -Gayle and Charles. KMI'C- American Songs.

11 *RFI -Eleventh Hour News.

*RNX -News, Rob Andersen. *K11.1-News. Music.

KT :('A- Tunes, Tidings -Phil McHugh.

*KMPC -Newa, Showboat. KFWB- Eastaide Dance To-

nifie. *KMTR -New., Dine, Dance

Parade. RFA('- I.acky Lager Dance. KFOX -Merl Lindsay Nite

Riders. 11:15 -RFI -Coat Parade, Henry

Ring Orch. 11:20- RNX -Woody Herman Orch.

*KFVD- Newsical 'till 1 a.m. 11:30- RFI -Radio Fanfare. 11:43 -EFE, KFSD -Ted Weems

Orrh. RNX -Fra nkie Masters.

*KECA -News, Dixie Hospi. (silty.

*KHJ. RFSD -News. KMTR- Viennese Ensemble.

11:55*1ENX, HFWB -News. MI- Musical Encores,



*Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station. recorded music has been scheduled.

8 BFI- Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Breneman. AECA -McNeill'. Breakfast

Club. *KHJ, KGB, HF'XI(. EVOE-

Arthur Gaeth. *R.MPC -News William Parker

W HFB- Breeidast Club.

*E tTR il Ì -News, Ezra's Beverly

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

*KPAS, HGds. Mel e

KFAC-- Coanh7 Church. HWHW -James Townsend. RFVD -Covered Wagon

Jubilee. KFOX -Dr. Louie ?. Talbot.

8:05 -HGER -Snot Patrol. 8:15*KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. KNX- Valiant lady. RAJ. HGR -Andy and Virginia HMPC- Market Report, Sports

Roundup. HWHW- Alt ino Rey. KGFJ-Brea kfast Tunes. HGER- Mizpail. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

8:25-KPAS- Prayer Minute. 8:30*KFf. KIND, HFAC -News.

KNX -Light of the World. *KHJ -Frank Hemingway News

KMPC- l'nity Daily Word. ' HMTR -Tex Tyler.

*KFAC-Hewn. KPAS -Haven of Rent. KWHW -Tah. of Holy Spirit.

*BRED- \ewe Headlines. KFOX -Rey. R. E. Reid. KFX.M- Sunebine Service. KGB, RVOE -lolly Joe and

Ralph. t45 -EFT. KFSD -Derid Ha rum. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories. WITH-Bible Treasury. KGB -Leo Huff Trio. KFVD-Vocal Favoriten. KGER-Rev. Bennington. KVOE -Bing Craaby

8:88- MRS -Lanny & Ginger. X:58 -HMTR -Time Signal.

Polly and Pat

P ATTERSON "Household Hints"

KPAS -9:00 a.m. Monday thru Friday

8:30 *HF7 -News. KNX- Romance of Helen

Trent. KIM KGB, KFXM, KV'0E-

l'our Army Service Force.. RECA. KFMB-Breakfast at

Sardis. *KFWB, /WA', HWHW -News

KMTR-W. B. Record. APAS- Scratches and Jockeys. KFVD-Show Tunes. KGFJ-Swing Serenade. RGER -Radio Rerical. HFSD -Arroes the Threshold.

Sao- HFI-G. I.'s Abroad. HPWB -Sweet Leilanl Tinte.

:45 -BFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs. KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KFWB--Midmorning Melodies. HMTR- Curtis H. Springer

*RRHD -News Clifton. HFAC- Mid- Morning Serenade KWHW -Willard Messenger. KFVD-Here Comex Parade. HGER -Fell Gospel. RIND-Ann Gibson.

:55-KHJ--Aunt Jemima.

10 *KFI -Voice of Nation. HNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KGB. KFX.M, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*HECA, RFMB -Tony Morse. *KMI'C -News, Especially for

You. KFWB-Kitchen Kollege. Chef

Milani. *HMTR -News, Music. *KGFJ, KFOX-News.

KPAS -Ha rmnny Homestead. HWKW- Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. KFVD- Morning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins.

*HGER -News, Mission Work- ers.

10:15 *BFI -Peter de Lima. KNX -Ma Perkins. KF.CA-Jack Berth it Boys. KH.1 -John Burton. KMT'Rr -Chita go Tabernacle.

*KPAS -New.. KGFJ -Scion Swing. KRRD -Dr. 0. M. Richardson. K(iER- Kingdom Within. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Terry's

House Party. KFOX -Rey. Emma Taylor.

10 :30-KFI-Aunt Mary. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn. News.

Kell, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Luncheon with Lopes.

HMPC -Stump Us. KECA -My True Story.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. IGMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFAC, KWKW-News. KPAS- Woman's World. KRKD-- Samoiloff.

' 9 *BFI -News. KNX -Kate Smith. KECA- Glamor Manor.

*HAS. KGB. KFX.IM -KVOE- New s Comment.

*KM PC -News, Sweet Lellani. *HMTR -News, Church Looks

at Life. KFAC-J. Newton Yates, Organ KWHW -Girl Scouts. KPAS-Polly Patterson. RRHD- Sagebrush Serenade. KFVD-Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGFJ, HGER -News. 9:05- HGER -Curtis H. Springer.

*BFI- Edward Jorgenson, Comment.

9:15 *KFI, HFSD -Larry Smith, Commentator.

KNX -Big Sister. KHJ-Time Out. HMPC -Say It With Music. KEW B--Rhumba Time. KFAC-Voice of Health. KW KW -Jimmy Dorsey. KGFJ-Medical. HGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. HFXVI- Future Unlimited. HVOE -Music Mixers. KGB-Serenading Yon.

9:20 - -Old FaWly J,loaes .



600 710 870 880 18701111 12 1280 13601438 1411

Now PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KPAS -10:30 A. M.

KFVD-Union Rescue Mission HFSD -]'our Albers Hr. HGER -Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 -BFI. AFSD -Art Baker, News KNX-The Goldbergs. KHJ -Handy Man. AM PC -Rome Chats. HFWR- Science of Mind. HMTR -Care of the Body. K RED-Midnight Mission. KFAC-Between the Lines. HWKW-King's Men & Mills. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson. KGB, HFXM, HVOr Amert-

can Women's Jury. 10:55 -KECA -Aunt Jemima.

iiBFI, KFSD- Gulling Light. KNX -Joyre Jordan, M.D.

*KECA. KF.1IB- Bankhage Talking.

*KH1, KGB, HI OE- Cedrle Foster.

*ILM b. News, Homemakers'

*K tTR-. es, Dr. Louis

Talbot EMS- Al Jarvis. HFAC- Floretta.

*KGFJ, KFVD, KGER-News. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KW KW -Vocal Varieties. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD- Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue. KECA, KFMR -Myvstery Chef. HMI. KGB, HFXS1, HVOR-

lane Cowl. KGFJ-Sweet and Low.

*KWKW -News. KFOX- Spotlight Bands. KGER-Dr. Lowman.

11:30 -KFT. KFSD- Woman in White R?7X -Young Dr. Malone. HHJ. KGB, HFXM, HVOE-

Open House. *RECA -Blue Correspondents

Around the World. AMTR -Curtis H. Springs. KWKW-Freddy Martin.

*KFAC, KRHD, AFOX -News. KGFJ-Tuneful Tunes. KPAS-Pasadena Independent.

WEDNESDAY Program, Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Liahtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

l'arien y 8:O0 -- Johnny Murray, KF7. 8:00 -McNeill's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 8:On- Breakfast Club. KFIV73. 8:11. -Andy and Virginia. KHJ. 9:00 -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30- Breakfast at Sardi's,

KECA. 10:00 -Chet Milani, KFICB. 11:15 -Jane Cowl, KHJ. 8:60 -Eddie Cantor. BFI. 7:00 -Kay Ryser, BFI. 5:00-Jack Kirkwood, HNS.

8:06 -Mercer -Stafford Show. EFL, 8:15 -Lum and Abner. KECA. 8:30- Carton of Cheer, BFI. 9:00 -,lark ('arson. KNX.

10:45 -Andy Russell Show, RECA

.War S:15- Salute to the Services.

HMTR. 8:00- Reuters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8:88- Televisien, Test Pattern,

W6XYZ. 8:30 -Television. Amateur

Boxing. W6X%Z. 9 :00-Television, Vaudeville,


Drama 3:1S' -Star Playhouse, HFL 6:00 -Inner Sanctum. KNX. 6:30 -Mr. District Attorney, WM 7:30 -Lone Ranger, KH.1. 8:30 -Dr. Christian, J. Henholt.


8:30- Bulldog Drummond. KHJ. 9:00 -Mr. and Mrs. North, Ki 1.

Quis Programs 1i:30 -Which Is Which. ENI. 7:30- Scramby Amby KECA. 9:30 -Money on the Line, KNX.

Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 0:00 -Musical Digest. RGFJ. 7:00 -Great Moments in Musir,

AN X. 7 :30- Nelson Eddy. HNY. 0:00 -Evening Concert. KFAC. 9:30 -Young %rtist's Competi-

tion, KFI. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Tim',

KFAC. 10:00- Newnleal, KFVD. 10:00- Eestside Dance Tonite,


Public .4fjairs 7:00 -Sumner Welles. KHJ. 7:30 -- Juvenile Forum, HMPC.

Sports- Comment 9:30 -Scratches. Sockeye. KPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletins. KRED. 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet.KWKW 12:30- Bridge Club, KMPC. 5:30- Holly. Park, EPA!.

10:30 -Sam Baiter, Sports, KECA.

HGER -Rev. Chas. Greene. myer.

11:45 -BFI. KFSD-Hymns Of All Churches.

KNX -Perry Marine. *KECA. KF:I(B -News, Trd

Meyers. KHJ-Victor Lindlahr. KGFJ-Calling All Zones. KFAC-Piano Briefs. KPAS--Hoot's Painted Post. HWHW -Frank Sinatra. KFOX- Varieties. HFVTT- Violet Schram.

11 : 36 *K W K W -News. HMPC- Prayer.

1 -KFI -Farm Reporter. Km HNX -Mary Marlin.

KECA, B.FMB- Morton Downey.

*K IJ- Broadway News. *H.IIPC -News, Bing Crosby. *KMHT toil ewe,

Ezra's Bev.

*KGFJ. KGB, KFSD, EV'0E- News.

KFAC-Luncheon Concert. HFIT}- Editor of the Air. KPAS- Rancho 11 -1n. KWKW -Lunch With the

Moores. KRKD- Pralrie Schooner.

*HGER -News, 1390 Club. 12:15 -BFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins.

KNX-Neighbors, Irene Beas- ley. KHJ- Johnson Family.

HEOA -Jay Burnett. A.MPC- Norman Nesbitt. KWKW-Open Bible Ses. KFVD -luncheon Music.

*KFOX, KF71LH -News. KGB, HVOE- Palmer Hoag

Orch. 12 :30 -HF(. KFSD -Pepper Young

Family. KNX- Bright Horizon.

*KECA- Kiernan's News Corner.

KHJ. EV0E- Smoothies. KMIEC Bridge Club, Roby.

Lee Johnson. *KFWB-News.

KMTR -Merl Lindsay A Baud. K FAC -Pan Americana. REVD- Violet Schram. KWKW -Dinah Shore. HFX01 -Farm Front. KGB -Molly Morse.

12:15 -EFL, HFSD -Right to Happt. ness.

KNX-Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories in Melody. KHJ -This Is Music. HMPC -Lean Back, Listen. KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KFAC-News. KWHW -Dick McIntyre. FiFOX-Locky Lady. KGB, EVO Musicale. HFXM -Moods in Music.

1 BFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife. ANY -This Changing World.

* geA, 11:131E-World Wide

*KHPC -News, Sweet Lollard. *KFWB, KFVD -News. *HMTR -News. Music.

KFAC-Dr. Helen Colder. HWHW -Military Band. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm. KFOX-Dance Time.

1:15 -BFI. KFSD -Steil. Dana& *KNX -Bob Andersen.

RECA. KFMB -Radio Parade. KHJ, KFXM -Need Advice? RMP(' -Lady of Charm. KFWB-Al Jarvis. KMTR-Saunders Sisters. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KFVD -Moods in Music. A W H W -I iennese. KGER -Officials on Farad.. KGB- Convair Lady. EVOE- Afternoon Melodies.

1:2S *HWHW -News. 1:30 -KFT. HFSD- Lorene Jones.

KNX-School of the Air. *KECA -Time Views News.

KHJ, KGB,, EFXM, HAVE-. He4adlines in Harmony.

HMPC -Family Bible. *RRHD -News, Music. *KPAS -News.

H W K W- Memories. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Antigua. MITI-Hawaiian Music. KFOX- Christian Science.

1:45 -BFI. KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

*KNX -News, Afternoon Dane. KECA-World of Tomorrow. LAM-Romer Rodebeaver. KMTR-Tex Tyler. RRHD- Singing Waiters. HWHW -Alvino Rey.


NOVEMBER 26, 1944 R A D I O L I F E PAGE 19 WEDNESDAY LOGS F COX-Concert Master.

1:51 *KE1'A -1A Jorgenson.

2-K FL KFSD-When a Girl Marries.

ANN -Potluck Party. *KILT-This ('hanging World.

KF.('A, Kr :Mt- What's Doing, Ladies:'

*RMPC -News, pen Americana *KMTR -News, Hnlleys

Swingt line. . RGF'.I -Town (Tier Presents. RWKW- ('upper Carol an.

.. BGER -Long Beach Band. KFVD- Timely Tunes. R(:R. KVOF-Handy. Man. KFXM-Safety First.

:15 -KFI. REND-Portia Fares Life KILT-Today on the Coast. RMPC -War Bond Show. RFA(' -Paradise Isle. RFOX- Publie Bulletin. KFSD -Classic Hour.

2:25 *K N X -News. 2:30 -KFI. KIND-Just Plain Bill.

' KNX-Meet the Milieus. *KE('A- Between the Lines.

KHJ-Concert. AMPS -Easy Rhythm. KFWB -Hal Styles.

*KRKD -News. KFOX -Songs of the West.

2:45 -KFT, KFSD -Front Page Farrell.

META- Frances Scully. KM, KGB, KTOE -Radio

Tour. *KFVD- ewe.

KRKD - alwatnre Santaella.

3 RF'I, KFSD -Road of Life. KNX- Burritt Wheeler.

*RE('A -Three o'('lock News. *KHJ. KGER -News. *RMPC -News. Swing Shift.

RFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, It Pays to

Know. BGF'J -Jerk Pot. KRKD -Victory Queen Con-

test. *K PAS- Listeners' Digest.

RFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, KVOE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. 'RFXM- Prayer, News, Devo-

tions. 3:0.5- K(:F:R- Helene Smith. 3 :13 -KFF -Star Playhouse.

KHJ -Happy Homes, Norms Toung.

AMA-Broadway Memories. SPAS -Juke Box Matinee. RWKW-Dace Rose. A FOX -Hawaii Calls. KVOE Of Civic Interest.

3:30 = KFT -Rosemary. KNX -Lynn Murrays Music.

*KF:I'A- Appointment With Life *KFW'B -News.

KMTR -Pianos. *KRAD -News Headlines.

KFVD -..Star Time Times. *KWKW-Off the Press.

RGFI- 1'ariation. KGB- Muaicnl - Matinee. KVOF Variety EFOX- Hollywood Salon.

3:35 -1(EC.% -Rlrth Wentworth. 3:40- KFWR -Dr. Reynolds. 3:43 -KFL, -Woman of America.

*RNX -The World Today. KHJ-Bill flag Reads the

BIDIe. H { {'KW -Art Shaw. KGB. KFXM, HVOE- ,lohn-

son Family. KFSD -Aunt Mary.

3:55 *KN -Joseph Harsch.

4 BFI. KFSD -Dr. Kate. KNX -Sandra Martin.



Gems of Melody

4.5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


*K11.1. KGB, KFXM, K1'OF Fulton Lewis, Jr.

KM PC-Sweet I.eilani. Swing Shift.

KFW'B -Bert Flake. *KMTR -News, Santaella En-

semble. RFA(' -Musical Masterpieces. KWKW-Bing Crosby. KFVD- Afternoon Concert.

4:15 *KFT, KFSD -Ness of the World.

*KNX -News, Music. KHJ -Musical Sky Room. * K E(' A- Genera 1 l'ierce. KF'l5'B- Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -Radin Newsreel. *KF l D -News.

K(:F.1- Record Time. K %KW-Harry James. RRKD- Morielaod Quiz. KGB. KFXM, KV OE -Real

Life Stories. 4:30 -BFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX -Easy Aces. KHJ, KGB, KV'OE -I'p to

the Minute. KF.('A -Ogle Waters. KM PC -Case Loins Time. KMTR, KFOX -Old Age Pen-

sions. REVD -Tea Time Melody. KWKW -Glen Miller. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lowell.

4:45 -KHJ, KFXM- Frolics. KE('A -Hop Harrigan. HMS-Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ -Gas House Concert. RWKW -Tommy Dorsey. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB, RIVE-Music Matinee.

*KFSD -H. V. Kaltenhorn.

5 *KFI, KFSD -OK for Release. KNX- Barritt Wheeler.

*KHJ, RFXM KC.ER -News. RECA. KFMR -Terry and the

Pirates. *KM1'C -News, Teen and Twenty *KMTR -News, Music.

SPAS -Cncle Charlie. RWKW- American Jewish Hr. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. K614 -Jive at 5. REVD- Evening Serenade. KVOE -Satine to Services.

5:A5 -KGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *KFI, KFSD, KFAC, HFVD-

News. RNX -Barbara Tate. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Superman. WE('A -Dick Tracy. EMIT-Variations in Rhythm. KMTR Salute to the Services.

5:30 -AFL -Alvin Wilder. *KNX -Harry W. Flannery.

HF.('Astrong. . KFMB -,lack Arm-

KHJ, KGB, RFXM, KVOE- Adsentures of Tom Mix.

KMIN' -World of Song. KMTR -Irwin Allen. RFA(' -Whoa Rill Club. K PAS -Holly Park Today. KGF.I- Hawaii Sings. KRKD- Sontlt Seas Serenade. K FVI) -IM -0NI Club. KGER- Lighthouse Melodies.

5:45 *KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX -Newa.

KECA- Captain Midnight. *KHJ. KGB, RFXM. KVOE-

Night News Wire. AMI'(' -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flatau, News K G Fl -Inf ermission. AGF.R -God's Quarter Hour. KFOX -Bel Taherin.,

5:53 *RNX -Bill Henry.

6 BFI, KFSD -Kddie Cantor. KNX -Inner Sanctum Mystery


*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- Gabriel Meatier.

*KMP(: -News. Music. *KMTR -News, Beverly Hill-

billies. KFAC -Muale for Everyone. K G FJ- Musical Digest. KPAS- Pasadena Playhouse.

6:13 -KHJ, KGB. RFXM, JIVOE- Screen Test.

*KE('A -Peter de Lima. KMP(' -Music by Sears.

*KF'WB- -.John B. Hughes. 6:30 -KFI, KFSD -Mr. District At-

torney. KNX -Winch Is Which? KE(A, KFMB- Spotlight


('isre Kid. AMP(' -Salute to Hits.

KFWB- America Fleeces. KRKD -Races Recreated. KPAS- Church of Christ. RWKW- Hoyes Hour. KFOX-Hal's Memnry Room.

6:43- KRKD -Sweet and Lovely. KMP('- Barber Shop

Quartette. K PAS- Townsend Plan. KFSD- Television.

6:55- KF.('A. KFMB- Coronet Story Teller.

7 -KFT, HFSI3 -Kay Kyser's Mu- sical College.

KHJ. KFXM-Sumner Welke Speaks.

*KI:('A, FF'MB -- Raymond Gram Swing.

FNX -Great Moments In Music *KM PC -News, Lou Holtz. *KMTR -News, Music.

KEA('- Musical Comedy. *KRKD -News.

KGFI -Show Time. SPAS --Help Wanted. B1"0I:- Hasten the Day. RFOX -Jane Arden.

7:15 -KECA -Ted Malone. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Lowell Thomas. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KITH' -Organ Recital. SPAS- ('.1.O. Reporter. BFOX- Salute to Services.

7:30 -KNX- Nelson Eddy, Electric Hr.

SFA'A, HFMB- Scramby Amby.

HIL.J, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- lotne Ranger.

Keel'('- Jut enlle Forum. *KFWR -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. SFAS- America ('ailing. KGF.1- Spanish Hour. KI'Asi -- Studio Frolics. Ki'PC -Let's Talk It Over.

7:13 *KFW'B, KFON -Major Hubert Turner. Comment.

*KFAC-News. SPAS -Roy & Lonny.

8 -KF1I, KFSD- Chesterfield Mu- sic Shop.

KNX -.Jack Kirkwood.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:13 A. 51. Monday through Friday

*RF.('A. KFMB -Watch the World Go By.

K1I.1 -Main Line. *AMP(' -News, Adohr Golden

Hour. *BF'W'It- Reuters' News Dis-

patch. *KMTR, KGER, SPAS -News.

RFA(' -Eyeing Concert. KGF./ -B R R Cowboys. BPI'('- Midweek Ilevnt sonal. W'6XV7 Television, Test -

Pattern. RFXM -Air Service Command

Show. Kt OE -The Shadow.

f1:113- KMTR -Floyd R. Johnson. 5:15 *KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood Law-

ton, Comment. RNX -Music That Satisfies. KE('A -I.nm Jr Abner. KFW'R- Warner Bros. Orch. KPAS -.1. Frank Burke.

9:30 -KF1. KFSD- Carton of Cheer. RNX -Dr. Christian, Jean

Hersholt. AECA -My Best Girl.

*KF'W'B -News. KGFJ- Western Melody. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Bnlldog Drummond. KPPC -Friendship Hour. KPAS -Radin Gospel Hour. W6Xl'Z- Television, Amateur

Boxing Routs. 9:4.5 -KGFJ- Trumpet Blues.

KPP('- ClaSaics Commentary. 9:3S *RNX- Wallace Sterling.

9 -KFT, KFSD -Mr, and Mrs. North.

KNX -.lack Carson Stow. KE('A. KF :MR- llunninger.

*RNLI, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMW' -News. Music Box. KFW "B- Slrollin' Tom.

$zeitut>rud ! 7144tc**# ! THRILL TO

íS'uf.tdog Duoxdsraad ACE - DETECTIVE ADVENTURER

WEDNESDAY 8:30e.M. KHJ w.f DON LEE ?Ictoau.

r "42' NAIR OÌ(a d "42" SHAMPOO

*KMTR -News, Dr. A. C. Michelson.

KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. KPH'(' -Garret Opera Co. WRXYZ- Television, Vaude-

u-ille. KPAS-Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

8:15 *KHJ, KGB. -KFXM, !EWE-- Cecil Brown, News.

KIT'S'- Courtney Wiesen. 9:30 -KFI -loung Artists Compe-

tition. KNX -Money on the Line.

*KI;t' A -Neu s. *KtIJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

l'nseheduled. *KE W'S- -Henry Charles.

K >ITR -Ham and Eggs. KPA$ -- "Spotlight Stories. KFOX- ('umberland l ewers.

9:45 -KE('A -Two Bella Theater. KHJ, KFXM, K1'OR -Sunny

Skylar. TUNIS-Sam Salter.

10 *KEY,' KFSD- Rlchtield Re- porter.

*RNX -Ten o'clock Wire. HEI'A- Hollywood Spotlight,

George Fisher. *KHJ -Fulton Lewis. Jr.

KF VII- Eastside Dance

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. Every NIT. E.<p ia,.day

KFWB A,e.rica's eln,t seed,

Tonne. *KMTR -New, Texas Jim.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. *KFVD- Newsical. 3 Hrs.

KGFI -Hank, Nightwateh- man, 'til 6 a.m.

lo :15- KFI -K FEyewit ness. *KNX- Pacific War Analysis.

KH. {,' KGB, HFN:11, KVOE- Del' Courtney Orch.

KPAs -W e Three. 10:30 -KFI- Inside the News (Thrifty

Drug). KECA- Sports Book. KNX, -World's Most Enanced

Music. HILT- Johnson Family. KMPC-- Chishohne Trail.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner

10:30 P. M.- KFI


KFW'B- Enstside Dance Tonile KMTR -Bob Brooks.

10:45 -KFI- -Medals in Music. KE('A -Andy Russell Show. OBITS-AI Donahue.

i1 *SFr, JINX. KHJ -News. KEC.I- Tunes, Tidings -Phil

McHugh'. . .

*KMIX' -News, Show Boat. KFW'B- Eaatside Dance To-

nne. *KMTR -News, Job College.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. KFOX -Merl Lindsay's Rand.

2 hours popular music



DANCE TIME 11:13 -KFT -Poet Parade. Peter de

Lima. 11:20 -KNX -Woody Herman arch. 11:30 -KFZ. KF:ill -Radio Fanfare.

JIE('A -News, Dixie Hospital- ity.

KMI'('- Concert Miniature. *KFVD,rNewsieal, till I a.m.

11:15- KFI -Ted Weems Orch. KSX= Frankie Masters.

*KHJ. KFSD- Netvs. 11:13 *KNX, KFWB-News.

KFI- Musical Encores.


THURSDAY, NOV. 30 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no hating Is shown for a l o c a l station, recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

8-HFI- Johnny Murray. 'CNN-Mark Breneman. EECA- McNel6's Breakfast


Arthur Gaeth. *KM PC-New s, William Parker *KM

1 billies s, Ezra's Bev.


Haven of Rest. RFAC- Country Church. REND-Covered Wagon


KRKD 8:00 A. M.


Tues., Thun., Sat. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

a :05- HGER -Soul Patrol. 11:15*SFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. ENX- Valiant Lodi. SHJ. KGB, EV0E -Shady

Valley Folk. I MPC- Market Report, Sports

Roundup. HFWB -Bands hi Review. HGF.1- Breakfast Tunes. RGER- Mfizpah. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

5:2tL -HPAS- Prayer Minute. $ :30*HFI, RFSD, FRED, KFAC -

News. RNX -Light of the World.

*HHJ -Frank Hemingway. SPAS- Baptist Brothers. HMPC -Cuity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. K.MTR -Tex Tyler. EWER-Variety. KGB -Wally Towne uL KFXM- Sunshine Sen ice. KEOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. RVOE -Matti Doslis Orrh.

K :85 -HFI, HFSD -Datad Herum. HNI -Aunt Jenny's Stories. * HFW B -News. RMTR -Bible Treasury. RFVD -Vocal Favorites. HVOE -Ring Crosby. HGER -Rev. Bennington.

$:55-DLBS- Charlotte Deeble. $:55- 11ú11Tß -Time Signal.

9 *HFI. KGFJ, RGER -News. ENI-Hate Smith.

*ß3I.1, KGB, RFIM, HVOE- News Comment.

RECA- Glamor Manor. *HMPC -News. Sweet Leilanl,

EMPC Today. RFW'B -Dr. Reynolds. * RMTR -News, Moments with

God. KFAC. Newton Yates. KPAS -Polly Patterson. KRHDSa ehrush Serenade. 'EWER-Bing Crosby. HFVD -Waltz Time. HFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.


R. L McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Every morning -Mon. then Fri.

KFAC at 9:15

9:05 -RGER- Curtis H. Springer. *HFT- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 9:15 -HFI, KFSD -Larry Smith,

Comment. HNX -Big Sister. HHJ -Time Out. HMP( -Say It With Music. HERB- Rhumba Time. HFAC -Ioice of Health. HGFJ -Medical. HWHW' -Jimmy Dorsey. HGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KGB -Time for Music. HFX.M- Future Unlimited. EVOE -Music Mixers.

9:20 -KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 9:30*HFI -News.

HNX- Romance of Helen Trent.

HHJ, KGB, KFÇI, HYDE - U. S. Navy Band.

HEC A. HEMS- Breakfast at Sard1's.

*KERB, HFAC -News. RMTR -W. B. Record. EPAS- Scratches and Jockeys.

*RWHW -Off the Press. HGFJ -Swing Serenade. RGER -Radio Revival. HFVD -Show Tunes. HFSD -Across the Threshold.

9 :40- HFI-G. I.'s Abroad. HEWS -Sweet Leitani Time.

9:45 -HFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs. RNX -Our Gal Sunday. RFWB- Midmorning Melodies. RMTR- Curtis H. Springer. KFAC -Midmorning serenade.

*HRHD -News, Clifton. REVD-Here Cornea Parade. RGER -Full Gospel. RWHW -Willard Messenger. RFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:55 -HHJ -Aunt Jemima.

10 *HFI, HFSD- Reserve. ENI-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*HECA, Hi :MB -Tony Morse. *HHJ, KGB, HEIM, EVOE-

Glenn Hardy, News. *KMPC -News, Especially for

You. KERB-Chef Milani.

*RMTR -News. Music. SPAS- Harmony Homestead. EWEW-Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. *BGFJ. KEOX -News.

REVD- Morning Serenade. KRRD -Turf Bulletins.

*HGER -News, Mission Work- ers.

10:15 -1INX -Ms Perkins. HHJ, KGB. EF:AM. KV0E-

Terry's House Party. RFCA -Jack Beech & Boys. RMTR- Chicago Tabernacle. BGFJ -Salon Swing. KRRD -Dr. 0. M. Richardson. EWER-Nov a chord Trio.

*SPAS -News. RGER -Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Pauma Taylor.

111:30 -KP7 -Aunt Mary. *HNX -Bernadine Flynn, News.

RECA -My True Story. MU, KGB. REIM,

Luncheon With Lopez. KMPC Stump Us.

*HFWB -Henry Charles. RMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFAC -News. KPA.$- Woman's World.

*K W K W -News. REVD- l'ninn Rescue Mission. HGER Sunshine Pastor. HEMD -Your Albers Hour.

10:45 *11FI, KFBD -Art Baker, News


TKFSIPuPCT1FVTrcwITrMK C1Ï(0 TK3- KFOYTKGBT T S70T640T-790T930TI020T II 0 1240 T1330T1390 600 710 IA 880 1070 i1111 1230 I2ß0 1360 I4301480


with MARION LEE At the Console

J. NEWTON YATES K P A S -10:30 A. M.

HNX -The Goldbergs. HHJ -Handy Man. KMPC -Home Chats. HFWB- Science of Mind. RMTR -Talke and Tunes. H FAC- Between the Lines. RWHW -King's Men A Mills. "CRIED-Midnight Misston. KGB, REIM, KVOE- Ameri-

ran Women's Jury. HFOX -Dr. A. T. Michelson.

10 :55 -HECA -Aunt Jemima.

4 4 -HEI. HEED- Guiding Light.

RNX-Joyce .Jordan M.D. *HECA, HFMB -Bail hege

Talking. *HHJ, KGB. HVOE- Cedrie

Foster. *K


News, Homemaker's

HFWn -Al Jarvis. *RMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KFAC- Floretta. SPAS -Roden Rhythm.

*BGFJ, HFVD, HGER -News. EWER-Vocal Varieties. KEIM-Voice of Experience.

11:15 -HFI. KEBD -Tode s Children H NI -Two on a Clue. RECA, HFMB- Mystery Chef. "[NI-Young Dr. Malone. HHJ, HGB, HEIM, HVOE-

Jane Cowl. KPAS-J. Newton Yates. BGFJ -Sweet and Low. REVD-Musical Revue.

*K W K W -News. EGER -Dr. Lowman. RFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11:30 -HEI. HFND -Woman In White HHJ. HGB. KFIM, EN 0E-

Open House. *KECA -Blue Correspondents

Around the World. RMTR -Curtis H. Springer. SPAS- Pasadena Independent. EWER- Freddy Martin. '

HGFJ -Tuneful Tunes. EGER -Rev. Greenemeyer.

*ILEAC, REED. KFOI -News. 11:45 -EFI. HFSD -Hymns of All

Churches. RNX -Perry Mason.

*HECA -News. MU-Victor Lindlahr.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface 'Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety X.00- Johnny Murray. n :00- McNeill'a Breakfast Club.

KECA. 9 :fi) -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis,

KECA. 11:15-.Tane Cool. KILT. 1:00 -Elgin Thanksgiving Show,

EN X. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook,

e HFI. 5:00 -Kraft Music Hall, EFI. 6:00 -Major Bowes, ENS. 8:30 -Bob Burns. HFI. 8:30 -Spotlight Bands HECA. 7:00- Abbott t Costello, EFl. 7:00 -The First Line. ENI. 7 :30-Rudy Vallee. HFI, 9:00 -Chesterfield Music Shop,

RF7. 8:00 -Sammy Haye. HH.I. 5:15 -Lum and Abner, EECA. 5:30 -Frank EFL organ. HF 5:38 -Fred Wearing, 'MCA. 9:00 -Dinah Shore. HEI.

Q uiz Programs I:30- Weber's Roundup, HMPC. 8:30 -Stop That Villain, HHJ.

Drama 3:15 -Star Playhouse, HFI. 5:30 -Tom Mix, HHJ. e:30- Corlfiss Archer. HNX. 8:30 -Death Valley Sheriff, H.NZ 9:00 -Suspense, RNX. 9:30 -EBery Queen, HFI.

War 5:00- Dispatch from Renters',

HFW B. 10:13- Pacific War Analysis,


Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 0 :011 -Musical Digest. HGFJ. 0:30 -Treasure Hr. Song, HHJ. 7:15 -Musical Portraits, EEC A. a:Oa- Evening Concert HFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, HFAC.

10:00- Newsical, HFVD. 10 :00-Ea stside Dance Tonite.


Public Affairs 9:00 -Town Meeting of the Air.

EECA. 9:30 -Citizens Forum, JINX.

10:15 -Mayor Fletcher Bowan, HFI.

10:45- Chester Bowles, O.P.A. EECA-

Sports-Comment 9:311- Scratches. Jockeys, SPAS.

10:n0 -Turf Bulletins. FIRED. 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet. KWKW 5:15 -Belle Martell. RMTR. 5:30- Hollywood Park HPA&.

10:30 -Sam Baiter. 10:45 -Tom Hanlon. TOM.

ILEAC-Piano Brief.. S PAS- Gibsons fainted Post. EWER-Frank Sinatra. HFVD- Violet Schram.

11:65 *RWRW -News. 'MPC- Prayer.

12-KFI -Farm Reporter.

KNX -Mary Marlin. 'MCA, HEMS-Morton

Downey. H.1- Broadway News.

* 5IPC -News, Bing Crosby. *RMTR -News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. KI'AS- Rancho 11 -10. HFAC -Luncheon Concert.

*KGFJ, HGER, KGB, '%0E- News.

KFVD- Editor of Air. RWKW -Lunch with Moores. HFSD -Woman of America. SRKD -PraWe Schooner.

12:15 -KEL KFSD -Ma Perkins. RNX- Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. RECA lay Burnett. HHJ - Johnson Family. KMI'C- Norman Nesbitt. HFVD- Luncheon Musical.

*KFOX, KFXM -News. KGB, HVOE- Palmer Houw

Orch. EWER-Rev. Richey.

12:30 -HFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family. KNI- Bright Horizon.

*KECA- Hiernan's News Corner RHJ, HVOE- Smoothles. 'MPC- Bridge Club.

*KF W B -News. RMTR -Merl Lindsay & Bead. EFAC-Pan Americana.

KW-Dinah Shore. REVD- Violet Schram. KFOX -March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. KE.IM- Western Playboys.

12:45-EFT, HFSD -Right to Happi- ness.

JINX-Bachelor's Children. RE('A- Memories in Melody. KMPC -Lean Back, Listen. KFWB -Al Janis. EWER-Dick McIntyre.

*KFAC. KFSD -News. KGB, HVOF Musicals. 'FOX -Lucky Lady.

1 'FI. KFSD- Backstage Wife. HNI -Elgin Thanksgiving

Show. *HECA. HEME -World Wide


Think Hard Now. * HMPC- -News. Sweet Leilant. *KERB, KFV'D, HGER -News. *RMTR -News, Music.

KGFJ-Easy Rhythm. KFAC- FIRST. EWER-Military Band. HFOI -Dance Time.

1:15 -HFI, HIND-Stella Dallas. RECA -Radio Parade.

t HHJ -Lee Shippey. KMPC -Lady of ('harm. KERB -Al Jarvis. KMTRSaunders Sisters. HFAC -Melody Matinee. RWHW- Viennese. REIM, REVD -Moods In Music ROB -Need Advice? HVOE- Afternoon Melodies.

1:30 -KFI, HFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

*HHJ, , Views the

KGB, VOE- Headlines in Harmony.

KM PC-Family Bible. REVD-Hawaiian Music,

*FRED-News: Music. *'PAS -News.

K W K W- Memories. BGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:45 -HFI. 'FSD -Young Widder Brown. t

*HECA -Blue Newsroom Re- view, Buddy Twiss.

KM PC-Rendezvous with Romance.

RMTR -Ter Tyler. EPAS- Federated Women's

Clubs. REVD -Vocal Varieties. RWRW- Lyrics with Luella. K RRD- .Singing Waiters.

1:60 *HECA -Edward Jorgenson. of -HFI. KFSD -When Ohl i. Marries.

*KHJ-This Changing World. "MCA, HERB-What's Do-

ing. Ladies. *HMI'C -News, Pan Americana *HINTS -News. Halley's

Swingtime. RGFJ -Town Crier Presents. HSHD- Concert.



KWKW- Copper Caravan. KFVD -Timely Tunes. Kt.B. KFX.M, KV-OE -Handy

Man. KGER-Long Beach Band.

2 :15 -KFI, KFSD- Portia Faces Life *KHJ -Today on the Coast.

KFAC -Paradise Isle. KFOX- Public Bulletin. KFSD-- Classic Hour.

2:30 -HFI, KFSD -Just Plain Bill. *KECA- Between the Lines.

KMPC- Flying Feet. KI W'B -Hal Styles.

*HRHD -News. KGB-U. S. Navy Band. KFOX -Songs of the West.

S:46 -KFI, KF3D -Front Page Far- rell.

KECA- Frances Scully. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Radio

Tour. *KFVD -News.

KRKD- Salvatore Santeeils.

3 HFI, KFSD -Road of Life. KNX- Burrltt Wheeler.

*KECA -Three O'clock News. *KHJ, EGER -News. KMPC-News, Swing Shift.

KFWB-Melody Matinee. *KMTR-News, It Pays to

Know. EGFJ -lack Pot. KEY 1)- Popular Favorites. KPAS- Listener's Digest. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, KVOE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM- Prayer, News, Devo-

tion.. KR/ED-Matinee Melodies.

2:15 -10I -Star Playhouse. KECA- Broadway Memories. KHJ -Happy Homes, Norma

Young. HMTR- Eugenia Clair. KPAS -Juke Box )Matinee. KWKW -Dase Rose. KFOX- Hawall Calls. KGB- Melody Memories. K(,ER -Music Appreciation. HV-OE -Cis le Interest.

3:30-1M-Rosemary. KNX -Ona Munson in Holly- KECA-Appointment With Life

wood. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Pianos. *KRHD -News Headlines. *KW KW-Off the Press.

HGFJ- Variation. KFON- Hnllywnod Salon. KGB. KVOE- Musical Matinee. HE'S D--Star Time Tunes. HGER -Cheerful Chatter.

3 :35 -KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3 :46- KFI -Woman of America.

KNX -The World Today. HHJ -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KECA -Jay Burnett. HEWS-Jazz. HWHW -Art Shaw. KGB, HF.NM. KV'0E- John-

son Family. REM-Woman of America.

3:55*11N X- Joseph Harsch.

4 HFI, RFSD -Dr. Kate. KNX -Sandra Martin.


Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -News, Sweet Leilani.

KFW'B -Bert Flake. *KMTR -News, Santaella En-

semble. KFAC -Musical Masterpieces.

Vi KW-Bing Crosby. KFVD- Afternoon ('oneert.

*HGER -News, Music.


Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


4:15 *HFI. KFSD -World News. KNX -News. Music. KHJ-Sky Room.

*KECA -General Pierce, Com- ments

KMPC-Our Fighting Heroes. HFNB- Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFVD, KFSD -News.

KGFJ-Record Time.

KWKW-Harry .lames. HGER -Cotnntunity Chapel. FRAU- Mouietand Quiz. KGB, KFX.M, HYDE-Real

Life Stories. 4:30 -MI-Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX-Mr. Keene. KECA- Twilight Tales. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Up to

the Minute. HMP C -Casa Loma Time. KMTR, KFOX -Old Age Pen-

sions. HRED -Tunes of the Day. KFVD -Tess Time Tones. HWHW-Glenn Miller. HGER -Rev. Parrott. KFXM-Dr. Philip Lovell.

4 :45- KHJ- Frolics. KEt'A -bop Harrigan. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KWKW- Tomrpy Dorsey. KGF.1 -Gas House Concert.

*KRKD -News. KGB, KVOE-Afternoon Mel-

odies. HFOX -Art Dickinson. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle.

S *HFI, KFSD -OH for Release. KNX- Burritt Wheeler. SECA, HF31B -Terry and the

Pirates. *EMI- Broadway News. *KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty *KMTR-News, Music.

KPAS -Uncle Charlie. HWHW -American Jewish Hr KGFJ -live at 5. KFVD-Evening Serenade. HRKD- .Songs of the Saddle.

*HGER, KFX.M -News. KFOX.- Senshine Pastor.

5:05- HGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *HFI, KFSD, KFVD, KFAC-

News. KNX- Barbara Tate. KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HYDE--

Superman. KMPC -Variations in Rhythm. KMTR -Belle Martell. Sports.

5:30 -Ell -Alvin Wilder. *KNX -Harry W. Flannery.

KECA. KFMB -Jack Arm- strong.

HHJ. KGB. KFYCM. EVOE- Adventures of Tom Mix.

KMPC -World of Song. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KEA(' -Whoa Bill Club. HPAS -Today Holly Park. HGFJ- Hawaii Sings. KURD -South Seas Serenade. KFVD -90-90 Club. HGER -Lighthouse Melodies. KFSD- Garden Homes.

g :45 *KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX -Truman Bradley.

KECA- Captain Midnight. *KHJ, KGB, HF/KM, EV'OE-

News Night Wire KMPC -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Matsu, News KGFJ- Intermission. KFOX -Bal Taberin. HGER -Cod's Quarter Hour.

5:55 *KNX -Bill Henry HFI, KFSD -Kraft Music 6 Hall. KNX -Major Bowes Amateurs


*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE- Gabriel Heatter.

*KMPC -News. Music. *KMTR -News, Ezra's Hill-

billies. KFAC -Music for Everyone. KC.FJ- Musical Digest. KWKW- Fordellon. KRKD- F.arly Dancette. KPAS -Future Pianists.

*HGER -News, Music. 6:15-KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HyOE-

Screen Test. *KECA -Peter de Lima.

KMPC -Musie by Sears. *KFWB -John B. Hughes.

KPAS-- "Calling Americans." KRKD -South Sea Serenade. KF'OX -Dick Ross.

*KFAC, HFV-D -News. 6:30 -REI. HFSD -Bob Burns.

KNX- Cnrlias Archer. KHJ, KVOE- Treasure Hoar

of Song. RECA. KFMB- Spotlight

Bands. KMPC -Saluts to the Hits. KFWB -America Dances. KFAC-Erwin Yen, Organ. KPAS-Church of Christ. KWKW -Roves Hour. KRKD -Races Recreated. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6:45-KMPC-Barber Shop Quartette HPAS- Townsend Plan. KRHD -Sweet and Lovely. KGB -Voice of Liberator.

6:33- KECA. KFMB -- Coronet Story Teller.

7 -HFI. KFSD- Ahbott a Cos- tello.

KNX -The First Line. *Kfl.1. FGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Henry (,ladstone. *KEl'A, KF ?ist -Raymond

Gram Swing.


HOFFMAN & GARRETSON presented by


Thursday, 7:15-730 P.

Blue Network

*KMPC, HMTR -News, Mulle. *KRIM, KGER -News.

KFAC-Musical Comedy. KGFJ -Show Time. HFOX -Jane Arden. Kl'AS -Help Wanted.

1:15- KECA -Musical Portraits. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM- Lowell

Thomas. KMPC- Normaa Nesbitt. KMTR -W. B. Record. HPAS- C.I.O. Reporter. KFOX- Fishing Pals.

7:30 -KFI HFSD -Rudy Vallee. KNX-Here's to Romance. KECA, KFMB -March of Time KHJ, KGB. KEL'M, EV'OE-

Red Ryder. KMPC -Webers Roundup.

*HEWS-News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC-America Calling. KGF.1- Spaniati Hour. HPAS- Studio Frolics.

7:45 *KFWB, KFOX -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

SPAS -Roy d: Lonny. 8 -1(FI. HFSD- Chesterfield Ma-

sir Shop. HNX -lack Kirkwood Show.

*KECA, KFMR -Watch the World Go By.

KH.1 -Sammy Raye's Variety Show.

*KMPC -Newa, Vocal Gems. *1111413- Reuters' News Dir

patch. *KMTR -News, Gospel Herald.

KFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -B & R Cowboys.

*HPAS -News. KFXM- Quartermaster Corp. K4'OE- National Editorial

Hour. KGER-Rev. Billy Adams.

e :15- FL, KFSD -Night Editor. KNX -Music That Satisfies. KECA -Lum and Abner. KFWB -Warner Bros. Orch. HPAS --Mary Burke King. KVOE- Minister Hour.

ß:30--HFL. KFSD- Maxwell House Time.

KNX -Death Valley Sheriff. KECA -Fred Waring Pennsyl-

vanians. KH.1, KGB. KFXM -Stop

That Villain. HM PC- Symphonettes.

*KFWB-News. KGFJ-Western Tunes. KPAS -Radio Gospel Hour.

S:45- HGFJ -Trumpet Blues. 5:55*HNX -Wallace Sterling.


Listen as Sheriff Mark Chase

and Cousin Cassie solve their

next exciting case in a half

hour of laughs and adventure.

Every Thursday night ... KNX, 8:30 -9:00 P. M.

9 HFI, KFSD -Dinah Sho. rtHNX

-Suspense. KECA -Town Meeting of the

Air. *KHJ,

Nes,, Glenn Hardy. iHVOE- KMPC -News, Music Box. HFWB- Strollin' Tom.

*HMTR -Newa, Dr. A. V. Michelson.


Sparkling half hour discussion by lead- ing author.tirs on problems affecting -

c.eryone. A "must" for good citizens. PRESENTED BY CITIZENS

"A-IL 12V .4 Da.VIt mizorrZ>¢Y7 a>a» THURSDAYS KNX. 9 :30 P. M.

EGF.I- DancIng Rhythm. KPAS -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

9:05 -HGER -Rev. Billy Adams. 9:15 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Rex Miller. KFWB-Manpower.

*KFOX -News. 9:30 -HFI, KFSD -Ellery Queen.

KNX-Citizen's Forum. KHJ, KGB. HFX.M, EVOE --

Unscheduled. *KFWB-Henry Charles.

HMTR -Ilam and Eggs. BGFJ -Blue of Evening. KI'AS-- Spotlight Stories.

P:45 -KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, HV'OE- Sunny Skylar.

*BFWB -Sam Baiter. KMTR-Merl Lindsay d Band.

10 *KFI. KFSD- Richfield Re- porter.

KECA KFM- Houywood Spotlight,

B ight, Gen a Fisher.

*KNX -Ten o'Cloek Wire.


Lewis, Dance Tonle

*KMTR-News, Texas Jim. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KFVD- Newslcal, 3 Hours.

KGFJ-Hank Nlghtwatchmaa. till 6 a.m.

HFAS -Voice of Calvary. 10:15 -KFI -Mayor Bowron.

*KNX -Pacific War Analysis. 10:30 *KF I- Inside the News.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner

10:30 P. M. - KFI


KNX- Murray Dance Time. KHJ- Johnsen Family. RECA, KF3IB- Sports Book. KMPC- ('hishelme Trail. KMTR -Bob Brooks. KFWB- Eastside Dance Tonie

*KFVD- Newsical. 10:4. -KFI- Taylor Made Melodies.

KNX -Gayle and Charles. KECA- Chester Bowles,

O.P.A. Administrator. KMTR-Al Donaghue Orch.

11 *HFI. KNX. KH.1 -News.

KECA-Tunes, Tidings - Phil McHugh.

DANCE Tonit® 10to12P.M. [very Nit. r.up, Sunday

KFWB As,wlea'. Flans laud.

*KMPC -News, Showboat. KFW B- Easteide Dance To-

nite. *LMTTR- taws, Dine -Dance

Parade. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. HFOX -Merl Lindsay Band.

11:15 -BFI -Post Parade. 11:20- KFI -Henry King arch.

KNX-Woody Herman Orch. 11:30- KFI#-Rndio Fanfare.

*KECA -News, Dixie Hospi- tality.

*KFVD- Newsieal, till 1 a.m. 11:43- HFI -Ted Weems Orch.

*KHJ KFSD -News. KNX- Frankle Masters.

*KMTR- ews, Viennese En-

11:55*H.NX, KFWB, News. KFf- Musical Encores.



FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station, recorded music has been scheduled.

8 AEI-Johnny Murray. RNX -Mark Breoeman. KECA -Mc ieW's Breakfast


Art hur Garth. *AMP(' -News, William Parker. *KMTR -News, Ezra's Hill-

billies. *SPAS, KGFJ KGER -News.

RRRD -Morning Melodies. KFAC- Country Church. IMAM' -Alhambra Baptist. RFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot. HFY'D- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. 9:85-KGER -Soul Patrol. 9:15 *RFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. RNX -Valiant Lady. RAJ. KGB -Andy and Virginia AMPC- Market Report, Sports


KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

HEWS-Bands in Review. KGFJ- Breakfast Tunes. KGER- Mizpah. KFXM- Morning Melodies,

9:25-11PAS- Prayer Minute. 8:30*HPT, HFSD, KFAC -News.

KNX -Light of the World. *RHJ -Frank Hemingway.

KMPC -Tnity Daily Word. AMR-Help Wanted. KMTR -Tex Tyler. APAS -Haven of Rest. HWKW -Tab. of Holy

Spirit. ARKD -News Headlines. HFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. KFXM Su nab ine Ser. ice. KGB, KV0E- Jolly .Ine and

Ralph. 8:45 -RFI, KFSD -David Hamm.

SAX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. *RFR'B -News.

KMTR -Bible Treasury. KFAC- Musical Comedy. KGER -Rev. Bennington. KGB -Les Huff Trio. HFVD -Vocal Favorites. KVOE -Bing Crosby.

11:55-3111S-Lanny & Ginger. 8:50 -HMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News. ENX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, AYOE- Newa Comment.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News, Sweet Lellad.

KFWB- Health Talk. *HMTR -News, Church Views

News. KFAC -J. Newton Tates.

*KGFJ, KGER -New.. HPAS -Polly Patterson. HRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. KWRW -Bing Crosby. KFV"D -Waltz Time. AEON-Firebrands for Jesus.

9:05 -KGER- Curtis H. springer. . *KFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 9:15*KFi, KIND-Larry Smith,

Comment. RNX -Big Sister. HHJ -Time Out. KMPC -Say It With Musie. KFWB- Rhamba Time. RFAC -Voice of Health. AGF.1- Medical. KWKW-Variety. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. HE/CH- Future 'Unlimited. KGB- Serenading Ton. RIVE-Music Mixers.

9:30*KFI -New.. v HNX- Romance of Helen


192nd Army Band. KECA, HFMB- Breakfast at

Sardi'.. *KFWB, KFAC, SWIM-News

KMTR -W. B. Record. XPAS- Scratches & Jockeys. HGFJ -Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Revival.

HFY D -Show Tunes. KFMI)- Across the Threshold.

9:40- RFi -G. L's Abroad. KFWB -Sweet Leilani Time.

0:45 -KFl -Ronny Mansfield, Songs. KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer. RFA' -Mid- Morning Serenade

*HRKD -News, Clifton. KWHW- Willard Messenger. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. HFSD -Ann Gibson.

10 -HFf, HEAD- Tillamook Kit- chen.

RNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *AMA, HP-MB -Tony Morse. *KMPC -News, Especially for

Von. KFWB -Chef Milani.

*KMTR -News, Musir. *KGF.1, KFOX, KGER -News.

HWHW -Metropolitan Scratch Sheet.

RRRD -Turf Bulletins. SPAS- Harmony Homestead. REVD-Morning Serenade.

10 :05-AGAR-Mission Workers. 10:15 *KFi -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Jack Berch & Boys. HIM-John Burton. KMTR -Chicago Tabernacle. * K PAS -News. KGFJ -Salon Swing. RRRD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KGB, KFXM, HVOR- Terry's

House Party. RFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGER -Kingdom Within.

10:30 -HFI -Aunt Mary. *HNX- Bernadine Flynn, News KECA -My True Story. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Luncheon with Lopez. KMPC -Stump lis.

*RFIVB -Henry Charles. KMTR -Floyd B. . Johnson. KPAS- Women's World. RFA(' -News.

*IMAM-News. KF VD- l'nlon Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor. NERD-Your Albers Hour.

10:45*KFi, HFSD -Art Baker, News ANN-The Goldbergs. KHJ -Handy Man. KMPC -Home Chats. HF WII- Science of Mind. HMTR -Care of the Body. ARAD- Midnight Mission. KFAC -Between the Lines. SPAS -1. Newton Yates.


TKFS9TKMPC KIEVTKFWITKNK D T KC KFOKTKGOT T DTG4oT7éoT93oTio201- n 50 1 1240 T1330TI390 B00 710 870 980 1070 1110 1234 1290 1360 1430I490


with MARION LEE At the Console

J. NEWTON YATES K P A S -10:30 A. M.

HWHW -Mills & King's Men. KGB, RVOF American

Women's Jury. KFXM- Rediands N

Church. KFOX -Dr. A. I'. Michelson.

10:55 -RECA -Anni Jemima.

11 RFI, HFSD- Guiding Light. KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

*K CA, 1

M KFB- Bsukhage

*RHJ, RGB, HVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KMPC -News, Homemaker's Club.

KFWB -A1 Jarvis. *HMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. *KFY'D, KGFJ, KGER -News.

KWHW -Vocal Varieties. SPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. RFAC -Floretta. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -HFI, HFSD- Today's Children KNX -Twa on a Clue. KECA, RFMB- Mystery Chef. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Jane ('ctrl. REVD-Musical Revue. KGFJ-Sweet and Low.

*KWKW-News. KGER -Dr. Lowman. KFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11:25- HHJ -Owl Program. 11:30 -HFi. HFSD- Woman In White

RNX -Young Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RVOE-

Open House. *KECA -Blue Correspondents

Around the World. KMTR- Curtis H. Springer.

*SPAS- Pasadena Independent. KGFJ- Tuneful Tunes. 'MAW- Freddy Martin.

*RFAC, HRKD. HFOX -News. 11:45 -HFI. HFSD -Betty Crocker.

KNX -Perry Mason. HHJ -Victor Lindlahr.

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Llghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety S:00- Meyeill's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 8:00- Johnny Murray, KIR. x:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 8:15 -Andy and Virginia, KHJ. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis,

KECA. 10:00 --Chef Milani, KFWB. 11:15 -Jane Cowl, KHJ. 4:30--Art Baker's Notebook. SF! 6:00 -Erskine Johnson, FLAX. 6:30 -People Are Funny, FEEL 6:30-Spotlight Bands, KECA.

:90 -Moore- Durante Show, KNX 7:00 -Amos & Andy, AFI. 7:30-Ed Wynn. KECA. 7:30 -Stage Door Canteen, HNX. 8:00 -Mercer -Stafford Show, AEI 8:15 -Press Club, ANN. 8:30 -Duffy's Tavern, AFi. 9:00 -Furlough Fun, AFI. 9:00 -Tom Breneman, KECA. 9:30 -Joan Davis -Jack Haley,


War 8:00- Reuters' News Dispatch,

HEWS. 8:00 -Television, Test Pattern,

W'BXYZ. 8:30 -Television, T. B. Blakiston,

News Analysis, WBXY'Z. 9:00 -Television. Travel.

Comment, WOXY'Z. 9:15-Television-Comedy,


Quiz Programs 6:30 -Double or Nothing ,' KHJ. 8:36 -Ignorance Pays. KIXX.

Drama 3:15 --Star Playhouse !E!EFL F 8:30 -That Brewster

Playhouse, KNX.

7:30 -Lone Ranger, HHJ. 8:30 -Gang Busters. KECA. 9:00 -Aldrich Family, HNX. 9:30 -Weird Circle, MEAD. 9:30 -The Thin Man, KNX.

Outstanding Music 4 :00- Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 6:00 -Musical Digest, EGFJ. 8:00- Evening Concert, ILEAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:04- Newsieai, HFVD. 10:00- Eastside Dance Tonite,


Public Affairs

2 :30- Cabbages It Queens. KHJ, 10:15 -World and America, AFI.

Sports -Comment 9:30- Scratches. Jockeys. KPAS.

10:00-Turf Bulletins. KRKD. 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet, KWKW 12:30 -Bridge Club, KMPC. 5:30 -Hollywood Park. 'PAS. 7:30 -Bill Stern, AFI. 8:00 -Boxing Bouts, KHJ.

10:00 -- Leglon Fights, KMPC. 10:30 -Sam Baiter, 'MCA.

*KECA -News. KFAC -Piano Briefs. AI'AS- Gibson's fainted Post. RWKW' -Frank Sinatra. KGFJ- ('ailing All Zones. RENT- Violet Schram.

11:55 *K WS W -News. AMPC- Prager.

12-KFI -Farm Reporter. RNX -Mary Marlin.

KECA, HEMS -Morton Dow- ney.

*RHJ- Broadway News. *KMPC -News. Bing Crnshy.

HMTR -News, Ezra's Hill- billies.

RFAC- Luncheon Concert. KFVD- Editor of Air. SPAS- Rancho 11 -10. HRKD- Prairie Schooner. KWHW- l.unch with Moores.


*KGER -News. 1390 Club. 12:15 -HFI, HFSD -Ma Perkins.

KNX- Neighbors, Irene Beas- ley.

KECA -.Jay Burnett. RHJ -Johnson Family. KGB, HVOE- Palmer Bons.

Orch. KMPC-Norman Nesbitt. S FVD- Luncheon Musical. RWKW -Rev. Richey.

*RFOX, KFXM -News. 12:30 -HF!, RFSD- Pepper Young's

Family. ANX- Bright Horizon.

*KECA- Hiernen's News Corner.

RH./, HVOE- Smoothies. AMPC -Bridge Club, Johnson.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KFAC -Pan Americana. K WHW -Dinah Shore. RFOX -March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. HEXM -Farm Report.

12 ;45 -HFi, RFSD -Right to Happi- ness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories In Melody. RHJ -This Is Musir. KMPC -Lean Back, Listen. KFWB -A. Janis. KFVD- Violet Schram.

*KFAC -News. AWRW -Dick McIntyre. RFOX -Lucky Lady. KGB. KVOF ,-Musicale. KFXM -Moods in Musir.

1 RFI, KIND- Backstage Wife. KNX -Thin ('hanging World.

*KECA, KFMB- World Wide Review.

*AMP(' -News, Sweet Lellani. *KFWB, REVD, KGER -News. *HMTR -News. Music.

KWHW- Military Band. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KGB. HVOF Welter Compton.

1:15 -HFI, READ-Stella Dallas. *RNX -Boh Andersen.

RECA -Radio Parade. KHI. KFXM -Need Advice? KMPC -Lady of Charm. KFWB -AI Jarvis. KMTR- Saunders Sisters. RFAC -Melody Matinee. HWHW -Viennese. RGB- Contair Lady. RVOF Afternoon Melodies. KF!'D -Monds in Music.

1:30 -RFI, HI-SD-Lorenzo Jones. RNX -School of the Air.

*RE('A -Time Views the News. HMI, KGB, HFX51, KVOE-

Headlines in Harmony. KMPC- Family Bible.

*ARAD -News, Music. *H PAS -News.

HWHW -Musical Memories. KGFJ- Blenvenidos Amigos. KFOX- Christian Science.

1:45 -11FI, HFSD -Young Widder Brown.

*KNX -News. KECA -Buddy Twics. AMP(' -Homer Rodeheaver. K MTR -Tea Tyler. RUED-Singing Waiters. HFOX- Concert Master.

1 :50*KECA-Ed Jorgenson. 2 -KM, RFSD -When a Girl Marries.

RNX -Potluck Party. *HIM-This Changing World.

KECA -What's Min', Ladies? *KMPC -New., Pan Americana *HMTR -News. wi ngt i me.

H MSO-Concert Matinee. K WHW'- Copper Caravan. RFOX -Organ Treasures. KFVD- Timely Tunes. EGFJ -Town Crier Present*.


NOVE114BER 26, 1944 RADI O LIFE PAGE 23 FRIDAY LOGS HGER -Long Beach Band. KGB. K7 OE -Handy Man. KFXM -Navy Time.

2:18 -KFI &FSD- Portia Faces 1.11e RAJ-Today on the Coast.

*KGB -San Diego Journal. HFON- Public Bulletin. HFAC- Paradise Isle. HFSD -Classic Hour.

2:2R *HNX -News. 2:30-HET. HFSD -.lust Plain BM.

HNX -Meet the Mrs. *KECA- Between the Lines.

KHJ -Cabbages and Queens. KMPC -Easy Rhythm. REVS-Hal Styles. HFOX -Songs of the West.

*HERD-:dew s. 2:46 -HFI, HFSD -Front rags

Farrell. KECA- Frances Scully. EH.,, KGB. EVOE -Radio

Tour. *KFVD -News.

&R &D- Salvatore Santaella.

3 HFI, KFSD -Bond of Life. HNX- Burritt Wheeler.

*SECA -Three & Clock News. *KHJ. HGER -News. *KMPC -News, Swing Shift.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News. It Pays to

EGFT -Jack Pot. * /PAS -Listeners' Digest. KRIED-Victory Queen Contest RFVD- Popular Favorites. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB. KVOE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. HFX.M- Prayer, News, De-

votions. 8 :15 -KFI -Star Playhouse.

HHJ -Happy Homes, Norma Young.

KECA- Broadway Memories. KPAS -Juke Boy Matinee. KWKW -Don Allen. KFOX -Hawaii Calls. KGER -Music Appreciation. HVOE -Of Civic Interest.

E:30- HFI -Rosemary. HNX -1.4 on Murray's Music. KECA- Appointment With Life

*KFWB -News. KMTR- Pianos.

*KWKW -Off the Press. KFVD -Star Time Tunes. KRID -News Headlines. KGFJ- Variation. KFOX -Hollywood Salon. KGB- Musical Matinee. KVOF Variety, HGER- Cheerful Chatter.

7:35 -KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:45- HFI -Woman of America.

*KNX -The World Today, .Joseph Barsch.

101.1 -Bill Hay. KECA -Jay Burnett. RFD B -Jazz. KWKW -Art Shaw. KGB. KFXM. KVOE -John-

son Family. HFSD -Aunt Mary.

4 -EFL KFSD-Dr. Kate. HNX -Sandra Martin.


Fulton Lewis, Jr. *H ch -Sweet Leilani, Swing

HFI%B -Bert Flake. *KMTR -News, Santaella En-

semble. KRHD -Toeat to the Town. KFAC -Musieal Masterpieces. KWKW -Bing Crosby.


Gems of Melody

4.5 P.M. daily KFAC 1330

Sponsored by


KFVD- Afternoon Concert. *HGER -News, Music.

4:16 *SF1, KFSD -News of the World.

HHJ -Sky Room. *KECA -General Pierce, Com-

ment. KFWB- Gospel and Bong. KMTR -Radio Newsreel KGFJ- Record Tlme. KWKW -Harry James.

+RFVD -News, KKHD- Moytelaad en .

KGB. RF1.f, HVOE -Real Life Stories.

HGER -Community Chapel. 4:30 -HFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

ANN- Friday on Broadway) KECA -Ozie Waters. KMPC -Casa Loma Time. KMTR, HFOX -Old Age



Radio News Rees I 4:15 P. M. DAILY F

KMTR - 510 Kc.. MIIM747T1 .i> .j,_7 s llr=

KWKW -Hoyes Hour. HGER -Rev. Parrott. KFXM -Dr. Lovell.

4:45 -KECA, KFMB -Hop Harrigan KHJ, KFXM- Frolics. KSIPC -Music by D'Artega. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ -Gas House Concert. KWKW -Tommy Dorsey.

*KRKD -News. KGB, HVOE -Music Matinee.

*KFSD-H. V. Kaltenborn. HGER -Colonial Vespers.

S *KFI. HFSD -OK for Release. KNX- Burritt Wheeler. KECA. KF'.IB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KHJ -Broadway News. *KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty *KMTR -News, Music.

KWKW- American Jewish Hr. KPAS --Uncle Charle. KGFJ -Jive at 5.

*KGER, KFXM -News. KVOE- Salute to Services.

8:15 *HFI, HFSD, SEND, HFAC News.

KNX- Barbara Tate. KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Superman. KMTR Salute to the Services KFXM- Cinnamon Bear.

5:30 -1EFI -Alvin Wilder. KNX -Harry Flannery. KECA, HF:B -Jack Arm-

strong. H$,1, KGB, HFCIf, HVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMPC-World of 9o0g. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. HPAS -Today Holly. Park. KGFJ -Hawaii Sings. KFVD -9O -90 Club. KRKDSouth Seas Serenade. KFOX- Varleties. KGER -Lighthouse Melodies.

8:45 *ELF( HFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KN'X-News Truman Bradley

KECA -Captaln Midnight. *HHJ. KGB, KF\N, KV0E-

Night News Wire. KMPC Help Wanted.

*HSITR -K. Louis Flats°, News KGFJ- Intermission. KFOX -Bal Taberin. KGER -God's Quarter Hots,

8:55 *KNS -BIB Henry.

6 KFI. RFSD-Waltz Time. HNX -Erskine .Johnson.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE- Gabriel Heatter.


*KMPC -News, Music. *KMTE- Ezra's Hillbillies.

KPAS- Pilgrim Inspirational Hour.

KWKW -Italian Melodies. KGFJ- Musical Digest. HFAC -Music for Everyone.

6:15 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Screen Test. HIS- Riders of Pur!.le Sage.

*KECA -Peter de Lima. RMPCMueic by Sears. KFWB -John B. Hughes. KPAS- W.C.T.U. KGER -Rev. Burp°.

6:34 -KFI, KFSD-People Are Funny.

KNX -That Brewster Boy. KECA KFMB- Spotüsht


Double or Nothing. KMPC- Salale to the Hits. KFWB- "America Dances." KWKW -Noyes Hour. KRHD -Races Recreated. HPAS- Church of Christ. KFOX -Has Memory Room. HGER -Prophecy Speaks.

6:45 -KMPC- Barber Shop Quartet d :äS -SECS, EFMB- Coronet Story




6:00 -7:00 P.M. The Family Dinner Hour Concert presents LAURITZ MELCHOIR as "Tristan ", Herbert Janssen as "Kur- venal", in excerpts f r o m


and the great Wagnerian so- prano LOTTE LEHMANN singing an especially se-

lected suite, SONGS OF VIENNA

(Reserve December 21, 22, and 23 for the Oratorio

_'MESSIAH" by Handel).

-HF!. HFSD -Amos 'n' Andy. KNX-Moore-Durante.

*KECA -Earl Godwin. KHJ, KVOE -Dale Carnegie.

*AM PC, KMTR -News, Music. KGFJ -Show Time. KFAC -Musical Comedy.

*H RK1) -News. KFXM -Meet the Horse. KFOX -Jane Arden. HI'AS -Help Wanted. KGER -Gene Dowdle.

7:15 *KH.I, KGB, HFX31 -Lowell Thomas.

*KECA -Ted Malone. KMPC -Norman Nesbitt. KMTR -W. B. Record. KI'AS- C.N.O. Reporter. EFOX- Salute to Services.

7 :30 *KFT, HFSD -Bi6 Stern, Sports FINK -Stage Door Canteen. KECA, Kt'MB- -Happy Isle,"


Lone Ranger. KMPC- Candlelight and Slicer.

*KFWB -News. ANITA-Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC- America Calling. KRKD -Do You Know. KI'AS- Studio Frolics. KWKW -Hoyes Hour. KGFJ -Spanish Hour. KGER -Ft. Wayne Gospel.

7:45 -HFT-Cabbages and Rings. *KFWB, K}'OX -Major Hubert

Turner. Comment. *KFAC-News.

HPAS -Ray a Loony. HFSD -Diamond Dramas.

8 -HP'I' [(FBA-Chesterfield Ma- sic Shop.

HNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. *KECA. KFMB -Watch the

World Go By. KHJ, KFXM, K1'0E- Boring

Bouts. *KMPC -News, Extravaganza.

KFWB- Dlepatch from Reu- ters.

HFAC -Evening Concert. KGR1 -B R R Cowboys. WIIXYZ- Television, Test Pat-

tern. HPAS- J. Frank Burke.

*KGER -News.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTA- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:35 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

8:05 -11GER -Aubrey Lee. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. HPAS -Chic.

8:18 *HFI. HFSD -Fleetwood Law- ton, Comment.

KNS -Press Club. RECA. KFMB- Reserve. KFWB -Warner Bros. Orch,.

8 :30-HFI, KFSD-Duffy's Tavern. KNX-It Pays To Be Ignorant. RECA. SFMB -Gang Busters. SFWB- Warner Bros. Orch.

/PAP, HFOX -P. E. Gardner, KGFJ- Western Tunes. K RKD- Merry-Go- Round. W6XYZ- Telesision. T. B.

Blakiston, News Analysis. s:45-KGFJ- Trumpet Blues.

KMI'C- Something for the Girt,

9 KFI. HFSD- Furlough Fun. KNX- Aldrich Family. KECA, KFMB -Tom Brene-

man, Highlights. *K , K , News,

KGB, KVOE+ KMPC News Music Boy KFWB- Strotlio' Tom.

*KMTR -News, Dr. A. H. Michelson.

KGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. W6XYZ- Television. World

Travels. HFOX- Samuel M. Polin.

8:15*KHJ, KGB. KFXM. SVOK+ Cecil Brown, News.

*KFOX -News. WSXYZ- Television Cons

1:30 -HFI -Joan Davis -Jack Ha afA, Thin Tian.


Unscheduled. *KFWB -Henry Charley

KPAS -Pasadena Civic Dane&. HFSD -Weird Circle.

9:45 -KECA -Two Bells Theater. KHJ, KGB, KFSIY, HVOliwe

Sunni Skylar. *KFWB -Sam Baller.

KMTR -Merl Lindsay d Band. I:55 -HNX -Tobe Reed.

10 *KFI, HFSD- Rlchtleld Be. porter.

*KNX -Ten .'Clock Wire. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HYDE-.

Fulton Lewis, Jr. /ECA. KIIIB-Plollywood

Spotlight, George Fisher. *KMPC -News, Legion Fights.

KFWB- Eastslde Dance Tonle *KMTR -News, Texas Jim.

HFAC -Luckv Lager Dance.

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. Ivory Mito Iccept S..d.y

KFWB y.r,.s, raut Said

*HFVD- NewsleaL 3 Hrs. KGFJ -Hank, Nightwatcbman,

till I a.m. 10:15- HFI -The World and America.

*KNX- Pacific War Analysis. 10:30 *KF1 -Inside the News.

(Thrifty Drugs). HNX- World's Most Honored


Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News r with James Lionel Harris

and Major H. S. Turner


KECA -Sports Book. KH.J- Johnson Family.

10:45- HFI -Medals in Music. KEA- Doctor Talks It OTiS KHJ- George Hamilton Orch, HSITR -AI Donahue Orch.

11 *KFI HHJ -News. *HNX -News. Bob Andersen *KECA-Tunes, Tidings -Phil *KMPC -News. Showboat.

KFWB- Eastside Dance boatti. *KMTR -News, Dine -Dance

Parade. RFA(' -Lucky Lager Dance. HFOX -Merl Lindsay Okla-

homans. 11:15- HFI -Post Parade, Peter de

Lima. 11:30 -1EFI HFSD -Radin Fanfare.

KNX- Frankle Masters. KECA -News, Dille Hospital-

ity. RFYD- Newsical. till 1 a.m.

11:45*KHJ. KFSD -News. KFI -Ted Weems Orel. qS TB- Viennese Ensemble.

BIAS -:taws


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

RADIO LIFE LOGS are checked carefully and intelligently, item by item each week, with program information furnished by the va- rious stations. They are, there- fore as accurate as Is humanly possble under present shifting wartime conditions.

At hours where no listing Is ahown for a l o c a l station, reco-ded m u s i c has been scheduled.

Solving Your Hardware problems 1, Our Rr>t Con >ideration



KFI, RFSD -H -C Jamboree. *EN X, KGFJ, KGER -News.

3ECA -Me \eel's Breakfast Club.

THJ- Hubby's Hobby. *KMPC -News, Commentary.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mete Bob and the Good Ship Grace

41LFRB -Henry Charles. *RMTR -News, Ezra's Hill-

billies. KFAC-Country Church. HWHW, KFOX, KRKD-

Haven of Rest. =PAS -Quartermaster's Corp. Kin/)-Covered Wagon

Jubilee. KGB. WEAL HVOE -Larry

Meier. R:85 -IX -Let's Pretend.

HGER -Soul Patrol. 8:15 -KMPC- Market Report.

Sports Roundup. HFWB -Bands in Review. HRRD- t"nseen Enemy. KGFJ- Breakfast Tunes. HGER- Mizpah. KGB, HVOF Rainhow House. HFX-M- Morning Melodies.

R:30 -LEI, KFSD- Smilin' Ed Mc- Connell.

KNX-Billie Burke Show. *KHJ. KFAC. HRRD -News.

KMPC -Girl Scouts. KWKW-Morning Variety.

*ERKD -News Headlines. KFOX-Children's Bible Hour EFXM- Sunshine Service.

$:43- HHJ -Wax Shop. *Rì WB -News,

F.FVD- Vocal Varieties. RAMC-Jr. Army on March. RMTR- International Sunday

School. F.FAC- Mnslcal Comedy. HWHW -Pasadena Police

Dept. BGER- Colonial Tabernacle.

8:58 -RMMTH -Time Signal.

9 *KFI, HFSD, KGFJ, HGER - News.

HNC- Theater of Today. RECA- Fannie Hurst Pro-


RHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Hello Mom.

*K.MP(' -News, Swing out the Old.

RFW B- Islands Songs. *KMTR-News, Childrens' Re-

ligious Hr. KFOX-Firebrands for Jesus. KRKD- Sagehrush Serenade. KWKW -Azusa Temple. KFVD -Waltz Time.

5:05 -RGER -Ada S. Teeple. 9:15 -KFI, HFSD- Consumer Time.

H.51PC -Frank and Ernest. KFWB- Health Talk. HFAC -Civil Service Comm. KGFJ- Medical. KWKW-Full Gospel.

*KFVD -News. 9:30 *KFI -Alex Drier.

RNX -Stars Over Hollywood. HECA- Chatham Shopper,

Lots Long. RAJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Swap and Shop. KMPC- Studio Party.


KMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS -Scratches & Jockeys. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KFVD-Show Tunes. HGER -Radio Renia al. KFSD -Atlantic Spotlight.

9:45 -KFI -L. A. County Medical. Assoc.

KECA-Something for the Girls.

RFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMITR- Curtis Springer. KFAC-Midmorning Matinee.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KWKW-Willard Messenger. KFVD-Here Comes Parade. HGER -Full Gospel. KGB -Red Cross Reporter. KFI, HFSD -Tank, Army Wkly KNX -Grand Central Station.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE= News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA -News. *KMP(' -News, Ray Bloch. *K(.F.1, KFOX, HGER -News.

KFW B -Sal, athin Army. *RMTR -News, Music.

H WEE W- Metropolitan Scratch Sheet.

, KRKD-Turf Bulletins. KFVD- Morning Serenade.

10:15 -RECA- Collins Calling. KH. /. KGB, KFXM, K GE-

Al Williams. KMPC -Naomi Reynolds.



S)DT640 i 790T930TI0201 1150 1240 TI330T13p0 T 600 710 810 980 1070 II O 1230 1280 1360 1431 1490


From 10:00 a.m. Daily

KWKW 1430 Kc. First Ort Your Dial

KFWB- F.P.O. Grams. KMTR -Chicago Tabernacle. RFA(' -L. A. Medical Assoc.

*K PAS-News. K1.F.1 -Salon Saint. KFOX -Res. Emma Taylor. KC.F.R -Grace Testimony.

In:25 *KNX- \ewe. 10:30*KFI, HFSD -It's a Dog's Life.

KNX-Report to the Nation. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Luncheon With Lopez. *KECA- What's C'ookin', News.

KM PC -l'an- Americana. KFWB -Varieties. KMTR- American Story Book. KPAS -Help Wanted.

*KFAC. KW KW -News. HGER -Sunshine Pastor.

10:43 *KFI, KFSD -News. *KFWB -Henry ('hurles.

KMTR- 2ahernacle Choir. KWKW-King's Men & Mills. KFAC- Between the Lines. KFOX -Firebrands Children's

Hour. SPAS -Marines. ' FI- Opportunity Theater. KNX -Mary Lee Taylor,

Economist. KRJ- C'Ilnte Forum. KECA- Metropolitan Opera.

*KMPC -News, Hollywood Melodies.

KFWB -AI Jars is. *KMTR -News, Manchester

Baptist Ch. RFA(' -Song Shos KWKW -Vocal Varieties.

*KGFJ, KFVD, KGER -News. KGB- Treasury Salute. KFXM -Moods In Music. KS 01: Voire of The Army. KFSD -House of Make Be-

lie.e. 11:15 -KMPC -Bing Crosby.

SATURDAY Program Highlighrs Morning Programs Appear In LIghtfacs I'ype. Afternoon and

Es coins Programa In Boldface.

Variety 8:06 -KC Jamboree, KFI. 8:00- McNe1ll's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 9 :00- "Hello, Mom." KHJ. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardl's

KECA. 10:00- -Grand Central Station.

KNX. 4:30- Hollywood Barn Dance,

EN-1. 5:00 -Kenny Baker Show. 104-X. 6:00- National Barn Dance,

HET. 6:30 - Spotlight Bands, KECA. 6:311 -Can You Top This? HFI. 7:00 -Guy Lombardo, KECA. 7:00 -Barry Wood -Patsy Kelly

show, RFI. 7:30 -Grand Ole Opry, RFI. 5:00 -Tour Hit Parade, KNX.


g:00-Fennie Hurst Presents. KECA.

9.00- Theater of Today. KNX. 9:30-Stars Over Hollywood,

KNX. 2:00 -Grand Hotel, RFI. 6:00 -This Is My Story, KNX. 6:00 -Results. Inc.. KHJ. 6:30 -Mysterious Traveler, KHJ. 7:30 -Man Called X, KECA. 9:I0- Hollyivnod Theater, KFI.

11:00 -Nick Carter, KHJ.

Quiz Programs I:OA --Quiz of Two Cities. HHJ, 8:00 -Truth or Consequences.


.War 3:43-It's Murder, RECA. 4:00 -American Eagle In Bri-

tain HHJ. 10:00 -Yang, Army Weekly, HUI. 11:00 -Tanks in Orient, KECA.

Outstanding Music 11 .00- Metropolitan Opera, KEC'.\ 2:00- Philadelphia Symphony,

KNX. 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 5 :30- Boston Symphony, KECA. 5:30 -Detroit Symphony, KR.I. 6:00 -Musical Digest, ROE.), 6:43- Saturday Night Serenade.

KNX. 5:00 -Evening Concert, HPA('. 9:00 -lour Hit Parade. KNX.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

to :00- Eaatside Dance Tontte, RE W B.

Public Affairs 10:3(t -it's a Dogs Life. 1:15 -Book of the Month, Ki l If 3:15 -People's Platform, EN \. 8:30 -In Peace and War, KN N.

Sports -Comment 9:30- Scratches, Jockeys, KrA.

10:0Y0 -Turf Bulletin. FCRKIl. 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet, K\VX \t 11 :30-Football, KNX. 12:30- Football, RFI. 5:13-Belle Martell, KMTR. S:IS -Today in Football, KHJ. 5:30- Fnolhall Res iew, KFI. 5:30- Hollywood Park. HPAS. 8:30 -Sports Bull Session, RM1'1

11:00- Football Facts, Fumbles, KFI.

KGFJ-Sweet and Low. KFAC-Far Horizons.

*KWKW-News. RFVD- Musical Revue. KFXM- Rancho Roundup. KGB, HSOE- Hsweliens. ROER- Venice Foursquare.

11:30-KFI-Here Comes the Band. KNX-Foothall. KHJ-George Sterney Orch. KMPC- Hasten the Day. RMTR -Curtis H. Springer.

*SPAS- Pasadena Independent. KWKW-Freddy Martin.

*KFAC -News, *KRKD-Newa, Music.

KGFJ- Tuneful Tunes. KGB, KFXM. KVOE- -Georgs

Sterne's Orch. 11:45-KHJ-Sert lee Unlimited.

RAMC-This Day of War, Prayer.

KFAC-Plano Briefs. KWKW-Frank Sinatra. KFVD- Violet Schram. HP /S -Girl Scouts.

11:53 *KW KW- Newa.$

12- KFI-Noon Farm Reporter.

*KH.f -News. *RMPC -News, Waltz Time.

KMTR -News, Ezra's Hill- billies.

Kl'AS -J. Newton Yates, Organist.

KFAC, KFVD- Luncheon Concert.


KRKD-Prairie Schooner. l' :15 *KFI -James Abbe.

*KMP('- Norman Nesbitt. e *KFOX, KFXM -News.

RWKW -Dr. Richey. KGB. HVOE- Unscheduled. RGER- Police Broadcast.

12 :311 -RFI -Font ba I I. KMI'(' -Lean Back, Listen.

*KF'N'R- News. KMTR-Merl Lindsay & Band. KWKW-Dinah Shore. KFAC-Pan Americana. KEVIN-Violet Schram. KFXM- Western Playboys.

12:45 -HEWS -Al Jarvis. *RFA(' -News.

KWKW-Dirk McIntyre. KFOX-Meet the Band. RGER- Townsend Plan.

1 *KECA -News. Saturday Revue *KMPC -News, Unity Word. *KFWB, KFVD, KC,'ER -News. *KMTR -News, Music.

RFAC-Song Showcase. KGFJ- Record Session. RWKW- Military Rand. KFOX-Dance Time.

1:15 -KHJ -Felix de Cols. KFWB -Al Jarvis. RFAC -Melody Matinee. HOER-Book of the Month. "EWE W.-Viennese. KFXM -Stars on Parade.

1:30-KHJ, HFX-51- George Olsen Orch.

RMPt' -Mary Alice Collins. RMTR -Dick Roes. KFVD- Hawaiian Music.

*KI'AS -News, KWKW-Musical Memories. KFOX- Concert Master. KRKD- Singing Walters.

1:43 -KMPC -War Bond Show. *MIND-News.

KWKW- Alsinn Rey. KFVD-Vocal Varieties. HOER- Veterans' Employ-

ment. KFXM -South American Way. KFI, HFSD -Grand Hotel. KNX- Philadelphia Sym-

phony. *KECA- News. *KMPC -News, War Bonds. *KMTR-News. Halle.'s

Swingtime. KWKW- Copper Cares BGFJ -Town Crier Prevents. 'CRIED-Concert Melodies. KFVD- Timely Tunes. KGFR- -Long Beach Band. KFOX -Organ Treasures.

2:15 -K E('A- Musical Serenade. KM- Adrian Rollini Trio. KFW'B -Hill hilly. HF. -t('- Paradise Isle.

2:30- RFI- Areent on Rhythm. KHJ-Louis Prima's Orch. HM PC -Joan Edwards. REW B- Better Speech.

*KRKI) -News, Music. KFSD- Reverse.

RECA -Hello Sweetheart. HMPC -Milt Berth Orch. *Hill) -News.


NOVEMBER 26, 1944

3 SFF -Since Pearl Harbor. HHJ -Balls of Montezuma. KECA -Music Room.

*KFWB, HEER -News. *K }'' -News, Claude Thorn-


*KMTR -News, Music. SPAS- Llstruers' Digest. HRHD -Matinee Melodies. KFOX- Varieties. W.W.I-Swing Club. KFVD -Popular Favorites. KFSD -House uf Make -Believe

3:15-K FI, SFSD -I Sustain Wings. KNX- People's Platform. KFWB -Vocal Varieties.

*HMTR -George Highley. KWKW -Dace Ruse. KPAtt --Juke Box Matinee. KGER -Music Appreciation. KFOX- Hawail Calls.

3:39 -KF1, SFSD -Curt Massey and l'o.

KECA- Master Radio Ca- naries.

KHJ- Hawall Calls. KMPC -Bob Hannah. KFWB -Organ Program. KMTR- Plunus.

* K RKD- News. KFVD -Star Time Tunes.

*KWKW-Off the Press. KFOX- Hollywood Salon.

3:45 -K11, KESD- Religion lu News.

KNX -The World Today. KECA -It's Murder. KMPC -The Charioteers.

*KEW enrharles. l Shaw.

3:55 *KNX -News Analysis.

4 HFI, KFSD- Saturday Matinee KNX -Men Who Make Music. KHJ- .American Eagle in Bri-

tain. *KECA, HGER, KFOX -News. *K.MPC -News, Harry James.

KFWB- Gospel and Song. *HMTR -News, Santsella En-



Gems of Melody

4.5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. *KGFJ -News.

KWKW -Bing Crosby. KFVD- Plant.

4 :15*KFI-John W. Vandercook, Comment.

*KECA -Waltz Time. *K.SITR -Radlu Newsreel. *KFVD-News.

HGFJ -Saturday Special. KRHD- Movieland Quiz. HOER- Colonial Tabernacle.

4:3 -KFI, HFSD -Ou Scouting Trail,

KNX- Hollywood Baru Dance. KECA- Musical Toast. KMPC- American Music. KFWB -Blind Artists Guild. HMTR, KFOX -Uld Age

Pensions. SHIED-Tunes of the Day. KWKW -Harry James. HGER - Prophecy Speaks.

4 :45- KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KUFJ -Gas House Concert.

*HRHD -News. c HFI- Trot(lc Tribunal. .i KNX -Kenny Baker.

*KHJ, KECA, K'Y)K, KGER - News.

*KMPC -News, Harry Horlock. *KMTR-News. Music.

KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KFVD- Es enim Serenade. SPAS --Jon Billings. HGFJ -Jive at 5. HGB -True Detective Mystery. KFUX- Sunshine Pastor. c cc.. at-- sees.- a:

5:oS -HGER -Olga Graves. 5 :15 *HFI -News.

KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Music for Remembrance.

KECA -Out of the Blue. KMP(' -At the (opera. K.MTR -Belle Martell, Spurts.

*SFAC, HFVD, KP.45 -News. KFXM- l'innumun Bear.

5:30-K11-Football Review. *KNX -Harry nunnery.

llIC10'unaull11111 it lL WìCiWl;JdilL' 0 NL'iI L72ii L;



Bishop Stevens KMPC -710 kc. -5:45 P.M.

K E(C A. K1 \Ili- fk,stuu sym- phony.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Detroit Symphony.

KMPC- Louise Yellen. *HMTR -Irwin Allen.

K FA('- American legion Aux. KPAS -Today Holly. Park. KGF,1- Hawaii Sings. KRKD -South Seas Serenade. HOER-Sister Despalne. HFOX -On the Band Wagon. K:FVD -90 -90 Club.

5:45 *HFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX- Truman Bradley, News.

KMPC -Bishop Stevens. HMTR- Edltur's Notebook. HGFJ -"These Are lour

Neighbors." HRHD- Hollywood Tune -

smiths. KFOX -Bal Taberin.

5:55 *KNX -Bob Trout. 6- HFI -KFSD -Hai :neat Barn Dance.

KNX -This Is My Story. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVUE-

Results, Inc. *KMPC-News, American


6:00 P.M. KNX Alive with the lire

. Alive and rornonri

m u of stories written by actual per sons! The drama of real humons

t7 O Presented by


oö zo

*Ki VS KOLR, KFOX -News. *KMTR-News, Ezras Hill-

billies. KFAC -Music for Everyone. HGFJ -Musical Digest. KWKW- Italian Melodies.

Oil. CM *AO'

um' Presents PANr INC.





SPAS- Sunset Hour. 8:13 *KFWB -Dane Ormont.

HRHD -South Sea Serenade. HEER -Jack Walker.

4:30 -HFI, KFSD -Can You Top This? . 1:.....r r,l

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Mysterious Traveler.

SE('A, KÏMB- Spotlight Bands.

KMPC- Challenge to Youth. KPAS -Sweet ('harlot Hour. KRKD -Races Recreated. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6:45 -KNX- Saturday Night Sere- nade.

8:55 -KECA, KFMB-Coronet Quick Quiz.

World -Wide Youth for Christ



Saturdays 6:30 P. M. -KMPC

710 Kc.

HFI. KFSD -Barry Wood- Patsy Kelly.

KECA -Guy Lombardo. HHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Quiz

of Two Cities. *KMPC KMTR -News. Music.

KFW15- America Dances. KFAC -Dr. James Fifield, Jr. KPAS- Nazarene Church.

*KRKD-News. KWKW-Band of Week. KGF.f -Show Time. KFOX -Rev. Stuart I.eroy

Anderson. HGER -Wings of Healing.

7:15 -KNX -Mayor of Town. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KMTR-W. B. Record.

:30 -HFI, KFSD -Grand Ole Opry. KECA, HFMB -Man Called X. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Red Ryder. KMPC- ('andlellght & Silver.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC -Dr. F. B. Fagerburg. KGFJ -Spanish Hour. SPAS- Studio Frolics. KRKD -Do You Know?

:45-KNX-The Story Teller. *KFWB -Henry Charles. *SFAC -News.

KPAS -Roy & Loony. 8 -HFI, KFSD -Truth or Conse-

quences. KNX -America in the Air. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KY OE-

Shady Valley Barn Dance. KECA -Early American Dance

Music. *KMPC -News. Dr. Fagan.

KFWB- American Sketches. KMTR-News, Rev. H. O.

Egertson. HFAC- Evruing Concert. KGFJ -B. & R. Cowboys. KPAS- Church of God.

*KGER- News. Sister Sylvia 8:15- KFWB -Community Syna-

gogue. 8: 311 -KFI, KFSD- Gaslight Gaieties.

KNX -In Peace and War. *KECA- Leland Stowe. *KMPC -New., Bull Session.

HMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KFOX- County Barn Dance. KGFJ -Western Tunes. KPAS -P. E. Gardner. KGER -Sunshine Pastor.

8:45 -KFWB- Palestine Speaks. *KECA -News.

KGFJ-Trumpet Blues. 8 :55*KN X -News. 9 *HFI, KFSD- Skippy HoUT-

wood Theater. KNX -Your Hit Parade. KECA -Meet Your Navy.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE -r News.

KMPC -News, Sat. Nite Dance KFWB--Victory Service Club.

*KMTR-News, Dr. A. U. Michaelson.

HGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. KFOX -Bev. C. T. James

9:15 *KF{ .B -News. KHJ- Dreamboat, Poems.

9 :30 *HFI -News. KECA- Soldiers With Wings. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- -George

Hamilton Orch. *KF's It-Henry ('harles.

KMTR -Kant and Eggs. KGFJ -Blue of Evening.

9:45 -KFI -This Is My Country. KNX -Don't You Believe It. KHJ -Songs of Good Cheer. KFWB- Desert Battalion. KMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFSI) -Rupert Hughes.

10 *HFI- Sick'a Star Final. *KNX -Ten ti Clock Wire.

KHJ, KFXM, KVOE- Chi- cago Theater of the Alr.

*KECA,. K.MPC, KGFJ-News. KMPC -News, Saturday Nita

Dance. KFWB -Eastside Dance.

*KMTR-News, Texas Jim. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance. HPAS- Pasadena Civic Dance. KFOX- County Barn Dance.

*KFVD- Newsical, 3 Hrs. KGFJ -Hank, Nlghtwatcbman

till 8 a.m. 10:15- HFI- Cnseen Enemy.

KNX- ('laude Watson. KECA -On Stage, Everybody.

10:30 *KFI -London Letter. *KNX- Murruy Dance Team.

HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Harmony Hall.

KFWB- Eastside Dance. HMTR -Bub Brooks. KFAC- Evening Concert. KGFJ -B. & R. Boys. KPAS- Carter Wright.

*KEVD- Newsical.

DANCE Tonne 10 to 12 P. M. tory MIN t...pt Sund.!

KFWB amener s Mt..) Bead.

10:43 -KFI -Ted Weems Orch. *KNX- Public Affairs.

KECA -Harry Owens Orch, KMTR -Al Donahue Orel',

-KFI- Football Facts and Fum- bles.

*KNX -News. *KHJ-News, Nick Carter.

KECA -Yanks in Orient. *KMPC -News, Showboat.

KF W B- Eastside Dance. *HMTR -News, Dine -Dance

Parade. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance.

11 :05-KNX-Paul Martin. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Tommy Dorsey

Orch. KNX- Lionel Hampton.

*KECA -News, Dixie Hospital- ity.

Miniature. *KFVD- Newsical, till 1 a.m.

11 :35-KHJ-Concert. 11:55*KN X, KHJ, KFWB -News.

KFI- Musical Interlude.


.RADIO WEST (Continued from Pape 9)

years ago she was heard regularly as "Joan Lacey," one of the younger gen- eration of "One Man's Family." Last week she enacted the role of Benja- min Franklin's granddaughter, sharing "Cavalcade's" spotlight with actor Laughton.

Radio Course A course in Electronics, with special

application to radio, opened at the 813 South Hill Street classroom center of the University of California Ex- tension Division on Friday evening, November 17, at 7 o'clock. The course, the first of its kind to be included in the state University's adult education program, will stress the study of tim- ing methods, radio wave propagation and microphones. Charles P. Hedges will be the instructor. Enrollment may be made at the Extension Divi- sion address.

Mikeman a Prisoner Radio -dialers who became familiar

with his voice during his year's stint as a KHJ announcer, will be very much interested to learn that Lieu- tenant Dick Ross, who was reported missing in action over Germany last August, has now been listed as a pris- oner of war in Germany. His wife, Wanda, has just received word to that effect.


PAGE 26 ...1111!


ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs marked with an asterisk () are of the contest. quiz, or offer type. *Indicates programs of news and commentation.

AlIs Symphonic Flight..._..HECA, 8:15 a.m. Su Chicago Theater KHJ, KGB, KFX.1, 10 p.m. Sa Great Moments In Music KNX, 7 p.m. W *abbe, James .._...HEEL 12 :15 p.m., Sa Children's Bible Hour KFOX, 8 :3U e.m. :5a Green Hornet KFCA, 9 p.m. Su Abbott & Costello. EFI, 7 p.m. Th Christian Science KFAC, 5:15 p.m. Su Greenfield Village Choir KECA, 8 p.m. $0 Across the Threahold.._...KFSD 8:30 a.m. M -F _._ HFOX, 8 p.m. 1st, 3d, .5th Su; Greenwood, Charlotte..._..._..KECA, 12 N, Su Adventures of BB! Lanee....HNX, 9:00 p.m. Su --- ....___..._.... 1 :30 p.m. SI, W, F Guiding Light-._.. KFI, 11 a.m. M -F Adventures of Tom Mix KHJ, 5:30 p.m. M -F ... ._.._..HGER, 5:45 p.m., Sa Gus _...KMPC, 130 a.m. M -Sa Adventures of the Thin Man KNX, 9 :30 p.m. F Chuckwagon Jamboree..._...HFI, 5:30 a.m. 111 -Sa Hell of Fame KECA, ;; p.m. Su Album of Familiar Music BFI 630 p.m. Su Church of the Air.r_...INX, a.m., lU a.m. Su Hal's Memory Itoom....KFOX, 6 :30 p.m. M -Su Aldrich Family...__ KNX, 9 p.m. F Churchman Views..._.._...HMPC, 5:45 p.m. Sa Hamblen, Stuart..._._._ KFWB, 4:45 p.m. D Allen, Irwin........_ KMTR, 5:30 p.m M -Sy Citizens' Forum..._.._.... KNX, 9:30 p.m. Th ... KFVD, 7 :45 a.m. M -F America in the Air KNX, 8 p.m. SS Cicero Grau -" Eggs____ P p _.._...HFOX, 2 :15 p.m. Su Ham and Eggs__.... KMTR, 9:30 p.m. M-Sa American Forum. KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Tu *('lose, Upton _. KHJ, Handy Man KHJ, 10:43 a.m. Id -fi American Town Meeting of the Air KGB, KFXM, KS'OE 3:30 p.m. Su Hank the Nlgbtwatehmao 'GI 6 a.m.__ _ KECA, 9 p.m. Th Cleveland Symphony KHJ, 4 p.m. Su ..._._.___.._. .......__...._.........._.HGFJ, 10 p.m. D American Melody Hour...._..KNX, 4:30 p.m. Tu Coffee Club...........r. KNX, 5:30 a.m. M -F ;}Hardy, Glenn _._....KHJ, KGB, Amer. Woman's Jury Collins Calling ..___._....SNX 7:25 a.m, M, W, F HEM', K', OE. 10 a.m.; 9 p.m. D KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 10:45 a.m. M -F _..___...KEIA, 10:15 a.m. Sa Happy Homes.._..__... HHJ, p.m. M.

American Story Book........HMTR 10:30 a.m. Sa Colored Revue ......._.._._.._..HFIT), 3:15 p.m. Tu Happy Isle......._.._.... _. KECA3.:157 :30 p.m. F Amos 'n' Andy KFI, 7 p.m. F Comedy Theater.._..____....KFI, 7 :30 p.m. Su Harrigan, Hop..,....__. I:LCA, 4:45 p.m. M -F Andy and Virginia KHJ, 8:15 a.m. M, W. F Commander Scott ........ ..._...HHJ, 10:15 a.m. Su Harold Lloyd ....._.._... _ ._KFI. 7:30 p.m. Su Andy Russell Show KECA, 10:45 p.m. W Community Synagogue__...K WB 8:15 p.m. Sa *Iiarsch, Joseph____ . KNX, 3:55 *Andersen, Bob P p.m. * Contented Horr.._ KNX, 6:30

: p.m. Th

Ravens, Rev. A. V.____.... _ X:30 a.m. F HNX. 1:15 p.m. M-F; 5:45 p.m. eu ('orliss Archer HNX, 8:30 p.m. Th Haven of Rest RYAS, :30 a.m. M-F with Life.. -KECA, 3:30 p.m. M -F "Coronet Quick Quiz..._ RECA, 6:55 p.m. Sa KW'KW, KFOX KRKD, 8 a.m. Tu, Th, Sa *Art Baker, News KFI, 10:45 a.m. M -P Coronet Story Teller........KECA. 6:55 p.m. M -F Hawaii Calls..__-,.kHJ, DLBS, 3 :3u p.m. Sa Art Baker's Notebook EFI, 4:30 pan. M -F' Counterspy KECA, KFMB, 8:30 p.m. M "Hawk, Bob KNX ;;30 Um SI - ._.._ Armstrong, Jacic.T`:HFC.4, 5:30 p.m. M -F Country Church of Hollywood *Haworth, Bill. .-.KNX, 7 :30 a.m. M -F` Army Hour KFL, 12:30 p.m. Su ...KFAC, 8 a.m. Tu-Sn Hay, Bill__ - KHJ, 3:45 p.m. M -F A Song Is Born..__... HFI, 6 p.m. M County Medical Assn KFAC, 10:15 a.m. Sa KMPC, 9:15 a.m. M -F Aunt .lemima KFCA 10:55 a.m. M -F KFI. 9:45 a.m. Sa *Hayes, Sam.__- _._._...__KFI, 7:45 a.m M -Sa Aunt Jenny..._._..._._ KNX 8:45 a.m. M -F Count of Monte Cristo KHJ, 8 p.m. Tu KECA, 4:30 p.m. Su Aunt Mary __...__ KFt, 10 :30 a.m, M -F Cowl, Jane ..........._._._....KHJ, 11 :15 a.m. M -P *Heatter, Gabriel KHJ. KGB. 6 P.m. M -F Bachelor's Chlldrew........HN7C, 12:45 p.m, SI -F Crime D et r

..._......_ ___.._.......KNX, 8 p.m. Su KHJ, KGB 5:45 p.m. Su Backstage Wife ..N..H 1 5 p.m, M -F y' g KFI, 6 p.m. Th Heartstrings .....__. I WKW. l2 n. F Baker, (Benny) KNX, 5 p.m. Cumberland berlaud Vespers_. .. KFO, 9:30 p.m. W Heidi, Horace._ HF.(`A ::30 p.m. M Sa *Cunningham, Bill..........._ HHJ, 30 :30 p.m. Su Hello, Mum.... _ KHJ, 9 a.m. Sa *Batter, Sam KFWB, 9:45 p.m. M -F _...

Dance Time (Lucky Lager) Hello, Sweetheart..._._ HNKECA !C, b


:S5 p. 2:4p

m. p.m.

M -S Sa

a EFL, 1:45 p.m. Su; KECA, 10:30 p.m. M -F KFAC. 10 p.m. M -Sa; 10:30 p.m. Su *Henry, Bill Baptist Brothers KPAS, 8:30 a.m. T, Th Dance Tonite (Eastside Beer)..._.._ ................... *Hemingway, Frank..._ KHJ. 8:30 a.m. M -F Barn Dance HFI, 6 p.m. Sa KFWB 10 p.m. M -Sa Here's to Romance KNX, 7 :30 _..._.. Barrymore, Ethel KECA, 12:30 p.m. Su Darts for Dough..._....._._...HECtA, 1 p.m. Su Hermit's Cave

p.m. Th Barrymore, Lionel H__NX, 7 :15 p.m. Sa p 9:30 p.m. Su *Baukhage Talking KECA, HFSIB, 11 a.m. M -F Date With Judy-- _.._.......HFI 5:30 TF *F111 George..._ _.HSITR, 9:30

p.m. Sa Benny, Jack KFI, 4 Davie Hamm _ _..HFI, x; p.m. M-F

Parade Edwin G..._..___ KNX, 8:39 p.m. Ta p.m. 9:30 P.m. Su Davies, Dr. Clem............HS[TR. .:30 p.m. M -Sa Hit Parade SNX, 9 Burch, Jack KECA, 10:15 a.m. M-F - p.m. Sa

Bergen- McCarthy ... EFI, b p.m. Su - - ....HFW'B, 6 a.m. M -Sa Hollywood Barn Dance....... KNX, 4:30 p.m. Sa D Davis -Hatay _....._..BFI, 9:30 p.m. F Hollywood Mystery Time KECA, p.m. Su Better Speech KFWB, 2:30 p.m. Sa Death Valley Sheriff KNX. 8 :30 p.m. Th Hollywood Spotlight KECA, p.m. N -F Between the Lines KECA, 2 :30 p.m., M -F Detroit Bible Class. .._...KGB, KVOE, 9 a.m. Su Hollywood Park HPAS, 5:30 p.m. M -Sa KFAC, 10 :45 p.m. M -F Detroit Symphony..._.._..........KHJ, 5:30 p.m. Sa Hollywood Theater..._.._ HFI p,m. Sa Bible Treasury Hour KMTR, 3:30 p.m. Su: Dick Tracy HECA, 5:15 p.m. M -F "Homemakers Club.._ KMPC, 11L a.m. M -F 8:45 a.m. M -F Don't Tou Believe It!..._.._.._KNX, 9 :45 p.m. Sa Home ('hats..._____._._.HMM', 10:45 a.m. M -F Bible Says So KMPC, 1 :30 p.m. Su Double or Nothing KHl, Hope. Bob KFI, : p.m. Tu Big Sister KNX, 9:15 a.m. M -F - .-- ...._.._..._ Big Town KNX, 9 p.m. Tu --KGB, KFXM KVOE, 13:30 p.m. F Hopper, Herlda._ KNX, 8 :15 p.m. M Bill Hay Reads the BIDIe....HHJ 3'45 pm. M- Downstage Center__._.__KFI 9 :30 p.m. Tu Hooke). Hall __,- __,___KHJ, 10 ;30 a.m. Su p.m. Downs Morton_._._.__.__KECA 1? n. M -F Hour of harm.._...-..... _ KFF, 7 -p.m. Su Bishop Stevens .KMPC, 5 :45 p.m. Sa Dreamboat. ......_....__.._.._.._....KHJ. 9:1.5 p.m. Sa Hour of Faith KECA, 8 :30 a.m. Su *Blakiston, T. B KFI 8:15 a.m. M -F Dr. Christian...............___..SNX, 8 :30 p.m. W Housewives' Protective- KNX, 3 p.m. M -F HECA, 7 a.m. M -Sa; KFI, 7:15 a.m. M -Sa Dr. A. C. Michelson. KMTR, 9 p.m. M -Sa Hubby's Hobby KHJ, S a,m. Sa WSXYZ, Television, 8 :30 p.m. F -_--.KFOX, 10:45 p.m. M -F Hughes, John B...HFW'B, 0:13 Blind Date ..._ ... 'MCA, 9 p.m. M Dr. I. Q.__- HF( 7 :30 p.m. M Human Adventure.._ KILL 9:30 p.m.

M-F Blind Artists Guild. .._...KFWB, 4:30 p.nt. Sa Dr. Hate ...KFI', 4 p.m. SI -F Human Horizons ......._...KHJ 10:15 a.m. M. W. F Blondie KNX, 8:30 p.m. Si. Duffy's Tavern.. KFI, 8 :30 p.m. F *Huntley, Chet Blue Jacket Choir KNX, 8 :05 a.m. Su * y, KNX, 3:5,5 p.m. F, Sa Blue Newsroom Review IIE('A, 1:45 p.m. Tu Th

Dunninger......_...._ _KECA, 9 p.m. W ........_ : :45 a.m. Sa 10 p.m. M -F p Easy Aces .KNX, 4:30 p.m. W Hymns of All Democracy

es....HF7, 11 :45 a.m. M -Th }Bodily, Manchester..... - 'CFI, 10 :15 p.m. Tu Eddy. Nelson..._......__. KNX, 7:30 p.m. N' Informed Democracy HPAS, 2 p.m. Su Book of the Month..._.._ KGER, 1:15 p.m. Sa F :dltor of the Air... - .KFSE), lY N. M -F ..._ and 8:15 p.m. W, KFVD, 2 p.m. Su Books _...._......KVOE, 12:45 p.m. M Ellery Queen KFI 9:30 p.m. Tit "Information Please. KFI, 6 :30 . Boston Symphony...._ ..... KECA, 5:30 p.m. Sa Eternal Light 1F1, P.m. M

8 a.m. Su Inglewood Park (.'oncert..._...H \. 7:30 p.m. Tu Bowes. Major _ ..... ___ _...._... ENX, 6 p.m. Th Evening Concert....... - ....HFAC, 9 Mystery ~ Bowlers S p. m. p.m. Tu

Inner Sanctum p. m. W Sports Cast KFAC, 5 p.m. Su Everything for the Boys KFI, 9 p.m. Tu *inside the News (Tñrift S 6:0U

Bowron, Fletcher. ...... KFI, 0:15 p.m. Th Family Bible KMPC, 1.30 p.m. M -F BEI, 1130":30g) .KMPC 6:45 p.m. Su Family Circle..._._._ -_.._..KFWB, School p.m. Su -Sa " 7:30 a.m. Su International Sunday Boxing Bouts - HHJ, 8 p.m. P Family Hour S\\, 2 p.m, Su KMTR, 8 :45 a.m. Se *Bradley, Truman. KNX, 2:30 p.m. M -Th Fanny Hurst Preseots...___.._...EECA, 9 a.m. Sa Investment New's HMPC, 6:15 a.m. M -Su 5 :45 p,m. M -F Fami Reporter .. w KFI, 12 n. M -Sa Imitation to Learning KNX, 8:30 a.m. Su Breakfast Club KFWB, 8 a.m. W Fibber McGee & Molly .....__...KFI, 6:30 p.m. Tu 1 Solemnly Swear KRHD, 10:30 a.m. M Breakfast at Sardi's *Fidler, Jimmy KECA-, KFMB, 6:45 p.m. Su I Sustain Wings KFI, 3:15 p.m. Se 'MCA, KFMB, 9:30 a.m. M -Sa Fields, ( ;raele..._.........._..__KECA, 9 p.m. Tu It Pays To Be Lt(norant....KNX, 8:30 p.m. F Brenemnn, Mark KNX 8 H.M. M -F Fifleld, J. W KFAC, , p.m. Sa Its Murder ....... _...._._._.KF.CA, 3:45 p.m. Sa Breneman, Tom HEtCA, 9 p.m. F First Church Vespers.... KMPC. 7:15 p.m. Su I Was There KNX, 3 :30 p.m. Su Brewster Boy KNX, 6:30 p.m. F First Line KNX, 7 p.m. Th Jack Kirkwood Show KNX, 8 p.m. M -F Brice. Fanny KNX, 7 :30 p.m. Su "....

Bridge Club HMPC, 12:30 P Fisher, George..........._.._...HEC.4 10 p.m. M-F James Abbe Observes ...- KFCA, 7 :30 a.m. M -F p.m. SI -W -F Fitch Bandwagon SIFF, 4 :30 p.m. Su .lames W'. Bell..._..._.........HMPC, 7:15 p.m. Su Bridge to Dreamland KECA, 11:35 p.m. Su *Flannery, Harry W'.- -KNX 5 :30 p.m. M -Sa .Jarvis, Al ......KFWB, 11 a.m. M -Sa Bright Horizon KNX, 12:30 p.m. M -F *Flatau. K. Louis..._.._...KMTR,5.45 m M -F Johnny Presents *Broadway News KHJ, 12 N M -F; 5 p.m. M -F *Fletcher, Graeme..+._ KFI, 7 a.m. Tu -Th Johnson, Erskine.._._.._Y .K'v(ß:36

p.m Tu *Brown, Cecil KHJ. 9:15 p.m. M, W', F F'loretta ___ ..... ... ... ..._.._.._.HFAC, 11 a.m. M -F Johnson Family p.m F Brown, Joe E KECA, 5:30 p.m. Su *Flynn. Bernadine HNX, 10:30 a.m. M -F _.. KGB, HFXM, KVOE. 3:45 p.m. M -F Brown, Dick... ......................KHJ. 3:45 p.m. Su Football ....... Bulldog Drummond....KHJ, DLBS, 8::30

p KNX, 11:30 a.m. Sa; KFL. 72 :a0 KIM. p.m. Su. M, W.

M-F p.m. W p.m. Sa: KHJ, KMPC, p.m. Su; Johnson, Floyd B KMTR, 8:05 p.m. Su. m, M-F

F Burke, Billie KNX 8:30 a.m. Sa KFAC, 2:30 p.m. Su I0:30 a.m. M -F *Burke, J. Frank KPA I. 8 p.m. M -F Foreman Phillips' Country Barn Dance *Jorgenson, Edward KFI, 9 a.m. M -F Burnett. Jay KECA, 12:15 p.m. M -F KFOX. 9 p.m. Su; 8:30 para. Sa: .Joyce Jordan KNX, 11. a.m. M -F Burns. Bob KFI. 6:30 pan. Th *Foster, Cedric KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Sa lust Plain Bill KEEL 2::30 p.m. M-F Burns and Allen KNX, 6 p.m. Tu KHJ, DLBS, 11 a.nt. M -F *Kaltenborn, H. V. KIND, 4 :45 p.m. M, W, F Burton, John KHJ, 10:15 a.m. M, W, F Frank and Ernest KMPC, 9:15 a.m. Sa Haye, Sammy..._ KECA, 1030 a.m. Su Cabbages & Kings HFI, 7:45 p.m! F Fred Waring KECA, 8: :t0 p.n,. Th KHJ, 8 p.m. Th Cabbages & Queens ................KHJ, 2:30 p.m. F' Front Page Farrell............KFI, 2:45 p.m. M -F *Keeping up. with World KECA, 7:30 p.m. Su Calling All Zones KGFJ, 11:45 a.m. M, W. F Frost Warning HF!, 8 p.m. nightly KFEyewitness KFI, 10:1.5 p.m. W' Can You Top This" KFI, 6 ;30 p.m. Sa Funnies KFWB, 8 a.m. Su *Kennedy, John KECA, KFMB, 10 a.m. Su Cantor, Eddie KFI, 6 p.m. W Funny l'aper Land ..-KFAC. 7:30 a,m. Sn *Kiernan's ('orner..._ KECA, 12:30 p.m. M -F Captain Midnight KECA, 5:45 p.m., M -F Furlough Fun _....._....____ KFI, 9:00 p.m. F Kraft Music Hall HFI. 6 p.m, Th Cara of the Body KMTR, 10:45 a.m. M, W, 'F *(:meth, Arthur KHJ, 8 a.m. M -F Kyser's Kollege..._._ KFI, 7 p.m. W Carnation Hour KFI, 7 p.m. M Gang Busters KECA, KFMB, 8:30 p.m. F Lane, Dave.... ........ ....-- .KNX. ::25 a.m. M -Sa Carson, Jack ._._. ..... _...HNX, 9 p.m. W Gaslight Gaieties KFI. 8:30 p.m. Sa *Lawton, Fleetwood....KECA. 6:45 a.m. M -Sa: Carton of Cheer..- HFI, 8:30 p.m. W G. Lys Abroad. KFI, 9:40 a.m. M -F HFE. 7:15 a.m. M -Sa and 8:15 p.m. M -F Catholic Answers.- ...-_...KFW'B : :45 p.m. Su *Gladstone, Henry.... KHJ, DLBS, 7 p.m. M -F *I.ayman's Views of News...KFI, 10 a.m. Su Catholic Hour KIT, 3 p.m. Su Glamor Manor KECA, 9 a.m. M -F Legion Fights ..... _.._.._.._ KMPC, 10 p.m. F Cavalcade of America..._ KFI, 8:30 p.m. M Goldberga K \X, 10:45 a.m. M -F I.est We Forget..._.___...KFWB, 3:15 p.m. Su Challenge to Youth K.MPC, 6:30 p.m. Sa Good Will Hour KHJ, 7 p.m. Su Let's Pretend ....... ______KNX, 8:05 a.m. as Chapel Quartet (Pierce Bros.) Gospel Herald KMTR, 8:06 p.m. Th *Let Yourself Go _ ._...KECA, ::30 pall. Tu _.'CFI, 10:15 p.m. Su Grand Central Station...__ KNX, 10 a.m. Sa *Lewis, Fulton jr KHJ, KGB, Chesterfield Time KNX; 8 :15 p.m. Tu, W, Th Grand Ole Opry ..._ _.__._.._BFI, 7:30 p.m. Sa KFXM, HVOE. 4 p.m. M -F: 10 p.m. M -F Chicago Roundtable..._...._.KFL, y a.m. Su Great Gildersleeve KFI 8 p.m. Su Liberal Catholic Hour..._.._.KFAC, 9 a.m. Su


NOVEMBER 26, 1944 R A D I O L I F E

Lite Can Be Beautiful KNX, 10 a.m. M -F Life of Riley ....... ...KECA, KFMB, 7 p.tu. Su Lindlahr, Victor KHJ, 11:45 a.m. M -F *Listener's Digest ........ _......HPAS, 3 p.m. M -Sa Lislenin8 Post ...... _.._.._ KPX'A 7:45 a.m. Tu -F' Lombar o, Gul--- ----- --- ____ -KLCA, 7 p.m. Sa LoneRanger ...................... ........_.._...............KHJ.

KGB, KFXM, KVOE. 7:30 p.m. M, W. F Lorenzo Jones _.._ KFI. 1:30 p.m. M -F Lucky lardy KFOX, 12:45 P.m M -F Lucky Lager Dance Time KFAC, 10 p.m. D

Lunn ant Abner....KECA, KF.WB, 8:15 p.m. M -Th Luncheon with I.opez KHJ. KGB,

......._ ..............KFXM, KVOE, 0:30 a.m. M -F Lutheran Hour KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Su Lutheran Gospel Hour KPAS. 6 p.m. Su Lux Radio Theater KNX. 6 P.m. M

Make Believe Bailroom..._.KFWB, 11 a.m. M --Se

Ma Perkins ..._......_ ...............KFI, 11:15 p.m. M -F KNX, 10:15 a.m. M -F

*Malone. Ted KECA. 7:15 p.m. M. W, F Manhattan Merry-Go -Round KFI, 6 p.m. Su Mao Named X.._......_. _.._...KECA, 7 :30 p.m. Sa Starch Of Time _._._. -KECA, 7 :3U p.m. Th Market Re tort KMPC 8:15 a.m. M -F'

Mary Marlin ...... ....... __. ANN. It M. M -F Mary Small Revue..._.._ KECA, 2 p.m. Su Hasub. Perry ..KNX, 11:45 a.m. M -F H:usey, Curt Co KFI. 3:30 p.m. Sa Mlutinee Theater . KNX, II a.m. Su Maxwell House Time _.._.._.. KEY. 8::10 p.m. Tit Master Radio Canaries KECA, 9:43 a.m. Su;

3:30 P.m. Sa Mayor of the Towa.._.._.._..KNX. 7:15 P.m Sa McCarthy, Charlie ..._. ..... _. ..... _.._...KFI, 5 p.m. Su SIc ce U'r Breakfast Club

KECA, KFMB. 8 a.m. M -Sa Mediation Hourd ...__ .... .....HHJ. ULKS, 5 p.m. Su Meet Your Navy ._ KECA. 9 ptn. Sa Meet the Mlsaus KNX. 2 :30 p.m. M - Melton. James

msic, (Ted BacK X, 6:30 p.m. Su

Memory _.--_ --_ -- -.KHJ, 12:30 p.m. Su

Mercer, Johnny ......._..___ _.._.._._NFL 8 p.m. M -F Message of Israel.._..__ _ .._...KECA. 7 a.m. Su Metropolitan Opera .... ....... ............. ..........._....._

KECA, .:;kl p.m. Su, 11 a.m. Sa Metropolitan Scratch Sheet

KWKW, 10 a.m. M -F Michael Shamme... ..HHJ 8:30 p.m. M

Midland, U. S. A. KHJ, 9:30 a.m. M -F *{Stiller. Res ...... Khi. KGB. 9:15 p.m. Su, T,

Su ''Miss Hattie" i i.CA, 12:30 p.m. Money on the Line...-....._._.KNX, 9:30 p.m. W

Moore- Durante..._ -KNX, 7 p.m. F Morgan, Frank .... _....- .....SF7, 8:30 p.m. Th *Morse, Tony .KECA, 10 a.m. M -F Mr. and Mrs. North KFI, 9 p.m. W \Ir. District Attorney.._ _ HF7, 6:30 p.m. W Mr. Keene......._.._ .KNX, 4:30 p.nt. Tit Munson, Una KNX, 3:30 p.m. T Murray, Johnny KFI, 8 a.m. M -F' *Marrow, Edward......._._...KNX. 10:45 a.m. Su Musical Masterpleees.__ i._...KFAC, 4 p.m. M -F

Musical l'ortralts..._._.____._KECA. 7:13 p -en. Th Musical Digest...__._ KGFJ, 6 p.m. M -F My Best Girls RECA, KFMB, 8:30 p.m. W Mystery Chef KECA, KFMB. 11:15 a.m. M -F Mystery Theater.......__.._ KFI, 6 p.m. Tu Mysterious Stranger.._.. KHJ. 6:30 p.m. Sa My True Story.. ........... .....KECA. 1U:30 a.m. M -F

Nagel, Conrad ._. _ KNX, 6 p.m. Su Name That Song [HJ. 1::40 pnt. Su

National Barn Dance..._.._ KFI, 6 p.m. Sa National Vespers KECA 4 :30 p.m. Su Navy In Review ..._.. -.....__.. .... .KFW B, 8 p.m. Sa

BC Symphony..._._.._.._. _ KFI. Y p.m. Su Need Advice' KHJ, 1:IS p.m. M,W,F Neighbors..._... KNX. 12:15 p.m. M -F Nesbitt, Norman ...... KMPC, 12:15, 7:15 p.m. M -F'

8:15 p.m. Su New Adventures of Perry Mason

KNX, 11:45 a.m. M -F New York Philharmonic..._......_...HNX, 11 N Su *Newsical KFVD, 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Su -Sa *Newsreel Theater KHJ,

,......_.......KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 9:15 p.m. M -F *Night News Wire.._...........KHJ 5:45 p.m. M -F Noah Webster Saya KEY, 9:30 p.m. M

O K for Release _ ..... _.._...KFI, 5 p.m. M -F Old- Fashioned Revival KHJ,

KGB. KFXM, KVOE, KMPC. 10 p.m. Su ()id Age Pensions KMTH, KEOX, 4:30 p.m. M-F OldGold Show ..._ ...... _......_.._.. ... KFI. 7:30 p.m. Su Olympic Fights __..__..._..._._..KMTH, In p.m. Tu O'Neill, Danny ..... _... -KNX, 8:05 x.111. Su Da Scouting Trail..._ KFI, 4:30 p.m. Sa One Manu Family.___...._ KF'l, 5:30 p.m. Su Open Forum ....... _...._- .._ ...... _ KFAC, 7 p.m. Su Open House KNX. 8:30 a.m. M -F Opportunity Theater......_ KFI, 11 a.m. Our Gal Sunday._ __.KNX, 9:45 a.m. M -F Owl Progrants KHJ, 11.25 p.m. M-F

2:25 p.m. M -tit *Owens, Tom .. ..... ....... .._ K Fl, 6:15 u.nt. 51 -F Ozzie & Harriett . KNX, 3 p.m. S'

Pacific Lutheran HOnr GI'WB, 9:30 p.m. Su Pacific Story........ KFI, 11:15 p.m. Si.

Pacific War :1m.,L."- K -. . . 10 :15 pm. M -F Palestine Speak, hl wit, 11:15 P.m. Sa *Parker, William .. KMPC, 8 a.m. M -F' l'a.udena Playhouse KPAS, 6 p.m. W l'at terwu, fully Is PAS, 9 a.m. M -F' Pay Day Quiz KMPC. 8::10 p.m. M Pause That Refresh,- KNX, 1:30 p.m. Su *Pearson, Drew

.KECA, KF3111, 4 p.m. 5:45 p.m. Su People Are Funny ...................KI, 6:30 p.m. F

l'epper S bung's Family..._...KFI, 12:30 p.m. M-P


*Peter de Lima KECA. 6:15 p.m. M -F - ...... _..___._..__._._.._ KFI, 10:15 a.m. M -F KEY. 1:30 p.m., Su; 10:20 p.m. M. W, F

*Peterson, Elmer KIT, 5:45 .111. ' Sa Philadelphia Symphony

*fierce, General c,. Pilgrims Huur - _...-_ HHJ, 9 a.m. Su _ ....

Polly Patterson . HPAS, 9 a.m. M-F Portia Faces Life ..... _.._ .ICFI 2:15 p.m. M-F' Potluck l'arty--___..-._.._._.__..1#.NX. 2 p.m. M-F Prayer......--------. DLBS, 3 p.m. D

. ,........._._.........._.._...KMPC, 11:55 a.m. M-Sa Press Club... .. KNX, 8:15 p.m. F *Pringle. Nelson...-. 7:45 a.m. M-F L'ru-Football KFAI', 230 p.m. Su

kuiz Kids KECA, KF:MR, 8:30 p.m. Sii

Quiz of Two Cities KHJ' ' p.m. Sa kulek Aa a Flash._.._.._..-. ... .._..KHJ, 3 p.m. Su

Races Recreated. KRKD, 6:30 p.m. M -F Radio Newsreel..._._......_.KMTK 4:15 p.m. M -Sa Radio Parade..._..... ..... _.._..KECA 1:15 p.m. M -F Radio Readers' Digest ÁNX, 6 p.m. Su

Radio Tour KHJ. KGB, KVOE, 2:45 p.m. M -F Raleigh Room ..._......_.._...._.._...KFI, 7:30 p.m. Tu Real Life Stories

4:15 p nt. M-F KGB, KFXM, KVOE, Red Ryder KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Tu, Th. Sa Remember Hour KECA, 11:30 a.m. Su

*Reporta from the Battlefront KFI. 3:45 p.m. Su

*Report from London._ -.KFI.

1:45 p.m. Sa

Report to the Nation. KNX., 10:30 0 p.m: Sa Results, Inc...._

*Reuters' News Dispatcher KFWB, 8 p.m. M-F Rev. K. G. Egertsoa.._.._...ÌCMTH, 9:15 a.m. Su

*Richfield Reporter KFI, 10 p.m. Su -F Right to HuUpiness.

KIT, 12:45 p.m. M -F

Rise B Shine.__ _._.HHJ. 6 m. ; 3 a p.m. M -F Road of Life p Hocking Horse Rhythms, B Hockey

KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Su

Rodelteaver, Homer..l(r31PC 1:15 p.m. M. W, F

Romance KNX, 8:30 p.m. Tu Romance of Helen Trent _KNX, 9:30 .m.


Romance of Highways KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 10:15 p.m. Su

Romance of the Ranchor..._...KNX, 9:30 p.m. Su

Rooaty of AAF KHJ 10 p.m. Su Rosemary KFI. 3:311 p.m SI -F'

Roy Rogers Show ....... __..._...-HHJ, 8:30 p.m. Tu

Salt Lake Tabernacle.__ KNX, 9 a.m. Su Salute to Services..__. SMTR, 5:15 p.nt. M -F Salvation Army _....KFWI3. 9:15 a.m. Sa

Salvatore Santaella..._ _.._.KMTR 4 p.m. M -Sa Sandra Start in KNX, 4 p.m. M -F' Suntaella Ensemble HRKD, 2:45 p.m. M -F Saturday Night Serenade KNX, 6:45 p.m. Sa Say It With Music KMPC, 9:15 a.m. M -F:

KGFJ. ll a.m. to 1 p.m. Su

School of the Air _.__.. KNX, 1:311 p.m. M -F Science ..f Mind..._- .-.YFWB, 10:45 n.m. M -F Scramhy Amby KECA. 7:30 p.m. W Scratches 4t Jockeys SPAS, 9:30 a.m. M -Sa Screen Guild l'IaYers..._ __ KNX, 7 p.m. M Screen Test ......-_.._...__...HHJ. 6:15 p.m. SI-E Scully. Frances SECA. 2:45 p.m. M -F Service to the Front ....... _ -__ KNX, '7 p.01. Tu

Sewing School .... . ... ....._..__.._...HHJ, 10:30 a.m. Tu Shady Valley Folks

KHJ. DI.BS, 8:13 a.m. Tu, Th Sherlock Holmes KHJ, S Pm M

Shippey, Lee KHJ 1:15 p.m., 'l'u, Th * Shirer, William KNX, 2:43 p.m. Shore, Dinah..__...-. KFI.

S93U in

pPnm Tu Simms, Gindy..._.___._ KFI, Sinatra, Frank KL%KW'. 11:45 a.m. SI -F' Sinatra Show_.. kNX, 8:30 p.m. Si Since Pearl Harbor.. ...KIT, 3 p.m. Sa Sky Riders .. KHJ. KGB,

............._..__......_.K}XM h v LIE. 8:30 P.m. Th

Suspense .. KNX, 9 p.m., Th Sntilln Ed DlcConnell...__...KPI. 11:311 a.m. Sa

Smith. Kate ........ ...___.._._._.._ -..KNX, 94aó . M-F

*Smith, Larry KFI. 9:15 a.m. 5l -F KNX, Soldiers of the Press KECA, 10 p.m. Su

ullier% With Wings KECA, 9:30 P.nt. Sa

Song Is Born .... _. ....... _ -..- .__ _._ KFI, 6 p.m. M

Songs of Faith KFAC, 6 p.m. Si

Songs of Goon Cheer..._.._.._.KHJ, 9 :45 p.m. Sa

Song of the Week......._- KNX, 8:25 p.m. Su

Spanish Hour .......» _..__.SGFJ. 7:30 :30

p.m. m. M -F

Spanish~ Hour KNIT'S, 6 a.m. D

Sports, Belle Martell._.KMTR, 5:15 p.m. T, Th, Sa Sports Newsreel .............__._. K11, 7:30 p.m. F Sports Review KNX, 10:30 p.m. Tu Spotlight Baodr....KECA, HEMD 6:30 p.m. SI-Sa Staflurd, Jo ..............._._..__,. ,.K11, 8 Vm, M -F Stage Door Canteen..._.._.._ KNX, 7:311 p.m. F Standard Symphony KEY, 8:30 pttl. Su Standard Sri I Broadcast KFI, to a.m. 'l'It Stars liver Hollywood..._ KNX, 9:30 a.m. Sa Star Playhouse ._.._ .... ... ..... KIT. 3:15 P.m. M -F' St. Brendan's Boys' Chuir KMTR, 12:05 p.m. Su

Steel Horizons ..... _...._. KIIJ, U p.m. Su

Stella Uellas.........._._- ._..._ BFI, 1:13 p.m. 51-F'

Stop that Villxin .___ ..... _..........KIIJ. 8::41 p.m. Th * Stowe, Leland. .._.._.._.._...KECA, lia 3 ; :m.


Stradivari Orchestra KF1, 9:30 u.oI. Su

Strullin' Tom _._...KFWB, 9 p.m. T -F. 7 P.m. Su _...__ ........ ................_.._._....KFAC, 8:311 a.m. Sii

Stump Cs ._.___....KM KMPC, 10:30 a.m. M -F Styles, Hal KFWS,

2:305pVi. ,löu Sunrise Salute .... ...._._ [NX, 6:15 a.m. SI -Sa Superman KHJ, 5:15 p.nt. SI -F Swap and Shop KHJ, 9:30 S.M. Sa

*Swing, Raymund liram._...KECA, 7 p.m, M-F Sweet Chariot Hour KWKW, 5 p.

. 1 p.m. W __ ._........ KPAS, 8:30 p.m. Sa

Symphony...- ..__..._HHJ. HGB. 10:30 p.m. M-F Sympl flee KMKC, 8:30 p.m. Tu, Th Take It or Leave it_ __ KNX. 7 p.m Su

T Tapestries of l.tte._..._._.__.....KNX, 9:45 p.m. Taylor, Mary Lee...___.._._.._.._ K-NX 11 a.m. Sa Telephone Hour._..__ KFI, 9 p.m. M

Televlsiui .._..__...._._...WUXYZ, 8, 8:30, 9 p.m. W

_ ..... Y..___.__ 8, 8:30, 9 p.m. k' KFSD, 10:15 p.ttt. M. 11

10 -2-4 Ranch..._ KECA, 10:15 p.m. M, W F Terry and the Pirates KECA. 5 p.nt. 5I -F Terry's Homie forty KHJ, 10:15 a. Ì. T u.


to the 1'afks._._.._.KNX, 7:30 p.m. 51

That's a Good Idea ....._ __.......KNX. 6::30 p.m. Sa Theater of Today..._.._ KNX, 9 a.m. Sa The Shadow _ ..KFIJ, 2:30 p.m. Su The Story Teller. .._.._..__..._. KNX, 7:43 p.m. Sa Think Hard Now KILL 1 p.m. T, Th *This Changing

7 4 World p.m. Su; KNX, 1 p.m. M-F'

This Is My Country.__...._.KFI 0:45 p.m. Su This Is My Best..._.. KNX, 6:30 p.m. Tu This Is Sly Story.._._..___ KNX, 6 p.m. Sa

This la the Army_ 12:30 p.m. Si *Thomas, Lawell..._.._.._._ KHJ 7:15 p.m. 31-F *Thompson, Dorothy..____ -KECA II 8:15 p.m.

So Those We Love SIX, 5:15 p.m. M-F Through a Woman's Mgrs- .K--KF:

10 a.m. F Tillamook Kitchen_ Time Out .. 9:15 a.m. M -F *Time Views the News....KKLA, 1:30 p.m. M -F Today's Children..._......_ KFI, 11:15 a.m. M -F 'l'oday on the Coast..._ KHJ, 2:15 P.m. M-1 Tonight at HoagY's KHJ. KGB,

.............. _ ..__.._.KFXM. KVOE, 8:30 p.m. 150

Toastfes Time..._... ....._ ....... ._......_.....HNX, 7:30 Su Townsend Nat'l Recovery flan_ -- .

,..._ KPAS 6:45 p.m. M -Th Town Sleeting... . KECA, I#F'K I, 9

Ta Truffle Tribunal.. Transatlantic Call KNX 9:30 a.m. Su

Treasure (lour of Song H.%, 6:30 p.m. Th *Trout, Bob KNX, 5:56 p.m. Su. Sa


Truth or Consequences KFI, 8 p.m. Sa Tunes. Tidings ......._.._....,.......KECA, 11 p.m. M-F Turf Bulletins. ..... ...._......_.BRIM, 10 a.m. M -Sa *Turner. Major H. S._ _ .... .....-------

KFWB. KFOX. 7:45 p.m. M -F Twilight Tales KECA 4:30 p.m. Tu Th Tao Bells Theater..._.._..KECA, 9:45 p.m. W', F Two on a Clue ---..KNX, 11:1.5 a.m. M -F

Uncle Charlie ._ KPAS, 5 p.m. M -F

Unity Dail Nations

Word or ... __ KMPC, 8:30 a.m. M Fu Union Rescue Mission - ....KFWB. 8:30 a.m.: 9 Vm Su

HFVD, 10:30 a.m. M-Sa Lady.. _.__......_...KNX. 8:15 a.m. M -F'

Vallee, Rudy.- ___.KF-I. '7 :30 p.m. Th *1'uodercook, John W KFI, 4:15 pIn. Sa Victory Players KFAC, J. p.m. Su Victory Queen Contest...ICKKI), 3 p.m. U Voice of Calvary.... ....... _...Kt'AS, 10 p.m. Su. Th Voice of Firestone KFI. 5:30 p.m. M

Voice of Health......._ ILEAC. 9:15 a.m. Su-F Voice of a Nation

K KFI, 10 a.m. M -F

Voice of Propheey.._KMTK, 8 a.m., 9:30 p.m. Su ...:..___._...KHJ, KGB, KVOE, 8:30 a.m. Su

Voorhis, Hon. Jerry..._.-_..__KPAS, 8:15 P.m M

'1 oz l'up. -- ...... .......... _.._.._....__...HNX. 9:30 ptn. F Waltz Time_______ 6 p.m. Pennsylvanians KECA. 8:30 p.m. Th

Wartime Nutrition, Mllani KFWB, 10 a.m. M-F Washington Inside Out KECA, 9:45 p.m. Su

KML'(', 5:45 p.m. Su Watch the World Go By- -- .KECA, 8 p.m. M -F W. C. T. U..........__........____. Kl'AS, 6:15 p. m. F We Deliver the Goode KNX, 10:30 p.m. Sa W'eber's Roundup KMPC, 730 p.m. 'l'u, Th

Wentworth. Ruth ....... _ _...KFC . t, 3:3.3 p.m. M -F'

Wesley Radio League _ K.111'(', 8:30 a.m. Su .................._.._...KHJ. KGB, KVOE. 8 a.m. Su

Western Hit Parade...__...._...... KL'AS, 10 p.m. F Westinghouse Hour KEI, 11:30 a.m. Su What's Doing, Ladies, KECA, KFMB, 2 p.m. M -F What's Cookin'..._.__.___._ KECA, 10:30 a.m. Sa

Wheeler, Burrltt KNX, 5 p.m. M -F When a Girl Marries..__._ __KK; ̀ . 2 p.m. M-F F M Whistler .- - - --

......KNX, 0:30 P.M. W Which la Which? KECA, 3 p.m. Su Whiteman, Club __ -_._

Whoa Bill Club..._..---_.......KF'AC. 5:30 p.m. Th, F *Wilder, Alvin..._.._.._...KFI, 5:30 p.m.

a.m. F - '....-_..__...:_......-----_ *Williams, Al KHJ. 10:15 a.nt, Sa

' *Winchrll, Walter KECA, 6 p.m. S 'Mines Uvee Jordan

- .KSI i'('. ,:3U a.m. Mt

At an of America ........._.....KFI, 3:45 p.m. M -F Sa \{'amen In Blue... ....... _..._..

RIFT 11130 a.m. F Woman io White Women's Clubs.._.___._. .KPAS, 1:45 p.m, T'h

\human's World KL'AS, KFI,

u.i . M-F Wood -Kelly Show '7

*World News Today.._ HNX, 11:3(1 a.m. Su *World Today KNX. 3:45 p.m. 51 -Sa *World Wide Review-......._11%,-.1,71:3117.m. M -F Wynn, Ed. .._._..._._.._.._.._._..E . m. I' lour America......_ KHJ, 1 D.m, Sb Your lilt Parade..._ KNX, 9 p.m. Sa ]bang Artists' CompetitIoKE({A,, 89,310

:311 p .10 Tíi.

Young Dr. Malone ~ ANN, 11:30 a.m. 51 -F Young. Norma KLIJ. 3:15 Ynt. Sí -F

Brown. ICFI, 1:45 Pm, .BI -F

Tuut'o Speaks KFWB, 8:43 p





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1 Shirley Temple Wins the $64 (Continued from Page 8)

tain amount . then you try lo double it . . now you say you wanted to try for eight dollars.

TEMPLE: Okay. Let's double it ... and try for sixteen.

BAKER: That's better . . now. watt a min- ute! . . . YOU said you had six- teen . . . I didn't say you had six- teen ... 1 said you had eight.

TEMPLE: Sow. don't get excited, Mr. Baker it's all a question of psychology .. . now, supposing you had sixty ap- ples ... and you decide to give me half ... then you have thirty, right?

BAKER: Right. TEMPLE: And what do I haue? BAKER: You have thirty. ton.

Ah ho l The $64 TEMPLE: Thank you . , now may I try for

the sixty -four :' BAKER: Oh. all right! . you think you

know so couch about psychology... Shirley. I'm going to put the sixty - four dollars in front of us. and I'm going to prove 10 you. by psychology that you are not ever here .. ,

TEMPLE: All right. BAKER: No, you're not in Chicago, are you? TEMPLE: No BAKER: And you're not in Hollywood. are

you? TEMPLE: No BAKER: Well. tf you're not In Chicago. and

not in Hollywood -then you must be someplace else ... right?

TEMPLE: Right. BAKER: And if you're someplace else . . .

that means you're nut here there! , . . You lose the sixty-four dollars.

TEMPLE: Well, I'll be seeing you, Mr Baker. BAKER: Wait a minute . don't take that

sixty -four dollars . . . it belongs to me.

TEMPLE: I didn't lake any sixty -four dollars. BAKER: Yes you did ... you just took it. TEMPLE: No. I didn't ... and ¡'il prove it to

you that 1 didn't take the money. BAKER: Go ahead ... prove it. TEMPLE: i%'etl. I'm not in Chicago, right? BAKER: Right. TEMPLE: And I'm not in Hollywood, right? B +KPJI: Right. TEMPLE: And if I'm not in Chicago and I'm

not in Hollywood. then I must be someplace else, right:'

BAKER : Right. TEMPLE : And if I'm someplace else -then 1

couldn't be here, right? BAKER: Right. 'l'ESSPLE: And if I'm not here . how could

I take the money! Goodbye, Mr. Baker! * * PATIENT GLADYS

Can't help wondering if lovely Gladys Swarthout didn't write the fictionalized account of her own career in answer to the hundreds of requests she re- ceives on advising other aspirants. Miss Swarthout's forthcoming book is en- titled "Come Soon Tomorrow," and makes very good reading. **

KNIGHTS OF THE ROAD This joining -the -Hoboes -Society must

be catching, because within one week both Art Linkletter, emcee of the Blue's "What's Doing Ladies," and Fred Kroemer, of CBS' "I Was There," have been knighted into the traveling organization.


EDITH ARNOLD. "the best gun moll in the business in comparison with whom Dil- linger's gal was a sissy, is the underworld character on CBS' "Crime Doctor" who does foul murder. 'Once in a while she herself gets shot just to prove that she can take it as

well as dish it out.

Rest Om MoII i the Rusiness Demure Edith Arnold Is Good at Beine Bad on the Radio, Has Bumped Of fllore Than 200 Guys in the Past Few Years

Sunday, 8 ,n+. CBS-KNX

PRETTY titian - haired girl stepped before the microphone. Her smart, but not ex- treme attire, her soft eyes, her finely

chiseled facial features, her very at- titude and posture, all spelled breed- ing and refinement with capital let- ters. With a shy smile, the redhead

followed her script silently waiting for her cue. It came -she started to sneak -and from somewhere in the depths of her slight, shapely frame emanated a voice as tough and hard as the underworld roles she has been playing for years.

The pretty girl is Edith Arnold, who has just been named "the best gun moll in the business." Demure - even shy -in private life, she has been good at being bad on the stage.

QUITE A CONTRAST IS EDITH in real life. She's petite and demure, holds a master's degree in philosophy From UCLA. She has red hair, is shown here with her red and white cocker spaniel pet.

screen. and, for the past six years, in radio. In fact, Edith Arnold, who plays the tough feminine character on the "Crime Doctor" program pre- sented each Sunday night over CBS by Philip Morris, is so good- or rather bad-on the radio that she has bumped off more than 200 guys dur- ing the past few years (on the air, of course).

Not only is Edith good at playing bad girl roles, but she likes it. The holder of a master's degree in phi- losophy from U.C.L.A., Edith has probably been presented to the pub- lic as a brazen, tough character more times than any other actress.

It all started when Hollywood - reared Edith (she moved to the coast with her parents when she was only four years old) was offered her first dramatic role at the age of sixteen in The Pilgrimage Play. Edith, who was still going to school, was offered the part of "The Woman Taken In Adultery." She splurged her first weekly pay check of $25 on a big, black picture hat. Right then and there, Edith decidgd that it paid to

(Please turn to Pape 34)

Page Twenty -nine


Js yvú Is or

r'Oá By

Lynn Roberts KEN MURRAY, emcee of CBS' "Which Is Which show, challenges contestants from the studio audience

to guess whether celebrities concealed behind a curtain on- stage are "the real McCoy" or -clever impersonators. Premiere airing presented Basil Rathbone, Ted Lewis and Frank Mor- gan in person (as shown above).

-Gene !.ester and CBS P1,0103

401, SCRIPT CONFERENCE before broadcast time finds program producer, Mel Williamson (kneeling, front)

in a huddle with emcee Ken Murray, guest stars Basil Rath - bone and Frank Morgan, agency man Jim Andrews, and .orchestra conductor Richard Himber.

")Which Is Which ", a New Show Emceed by Ken Murray, Brings To rlirlanes a Galaxy of Stars -Or Talented Impersonators!

'Wednesday. 6:30 pan. CBS -tiVX

.6IGAR IN HAND, hat tipped cockily over his forehead, Ken Murray swaggered up to the CBS microphone to give a rousing send -off to the dress rehearsal of his

new and novel comedy -quiz show, "Which Is Which."

A gleaming red and yellow cur- tain was draped across a portion of the stage at his side, and from be- hind it caroled a familial voice and its trademark tune, "When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain."

"It's up to you," announced Ken into the mike, as he would to the audience a few hours hence, "to tell me whether the voice you hear is that of Kate Smith, or a reasonable fac- simile. See if you can tell which is which!"

The voice made you certain it was Kate. Basil Rathbone, one of the bona fide guest stars to appear on the show, exclaimed, "It's amazing!"

At show time, the contestant, one


THREE ON A MATCH: Murray, Rathbone and Morgan light up before going into their acts. Inter- rupted by Murray's quips, Morgan told one of his fabulous fabrications, Rath -

bone assumed his role of Sherlock Holmes to solve a miniature mystery.

of those chosen from the studio aud- ience to guess which guest artists were the "real McCoys" and which were imitators, decided that it must surely be Miss SSnith herself, or else a recording of her voice. But it was neither.

"You're wrong," Ken told the sur- prised contestant. "That was a rea- sonable facsimile of Kate Smith! And now, I want you to meet her!"

Tiny Judie Manners, whose rich, melodious voice had sounded so strikingly like Kate's, emerged from the curtain, and the audience she had fooled applauded her enthusi- astically.

Is Something New Something new in the way of ra-

dio entertainment a n d audience participation programs, "Which Is Which" brings to the CBS micro- phone each Wednesday evening at six, a gala parade of personalities- - or clever impersonators. Contest- ants are chosen from the studio audience to guess which is which, with a cash prize of fifty dollars awarded to those who guess cor- rectly. Those who miss their guess receive five dollars for trying, with the remaining forty -five being con -

tributed to the National War Fund. Richard Himber and his orchestra

provide music for the sparkling new show that has Ken Murray as its quip - making emcee. Murray, an en- tertainment headliner since 1922, is known to ether audiences from his days on the "Texaco Star Theater," "Hollywood Hotel" and "Stop or Go," and to Hollywood theater -goers as the impresario of the sensation- al, long -running s t a g e success, "Blackouts ?'

Radio Life looked in on the re- hearsals for the premiere presenta- tion of "Which Is Which," and found Murray going over the script with his galaxy of guest stars - Ted Lewis, Basil Rathbone, Frank Mor- gan, and Judie "alias Kate Smith" Manners.

A petite figure dressed informally in a trench coat and slacks, Miss Manner bore no physical resem- blance to the famous Miss Smith, but when she raised her voice in song to send the moon over the mountain, her fellow performers lis- tened in wonderment.

Ted Lewis warbled his well -known version of "When My Baby Smiles at Me," as only he (or a good im- personator!) could sing it. Basil Rathbone assumed his familiar role

MUSIC BY RICHARD HUMBER is another highlight of the star - studded variety show. Here Him - ber, Murray and producer Williamson talk over show's song score.

of Sherlock Holmes to solve a mini- ature mystery. Frank Morgan told one of his fabulous fabrications:

Spins Lie Morgan: I'm Frank Morgan -bet-

ter known in Mexico as Senor Fran- cisco Morgan, the renowned and most daring bull fighter in all Mexico.

Murray: Frank, you're not going to tell me you were a toreador!

Morgan: For generations, my fam- ily has been connected, on the dis- taff side, with the bull ring. Begin- ning with my great- great -grand- father, El Senor Don Morgan, and including my grandfather, Broken - Don Morgan! But I scored the great- est success of my career last sum- mer when I returned to the scene of my former triumphs -the Plaza de Toros in Mexico City.

Murray: You fought a bull last summer?

Morgan: At the request of the Mexican government, I consented to

(Meuse turn to Page :tí)

THE AUDIENCE WAS FOOLED by petite Judie Manners, shown above

with Frank Morgan. Concealed behind the curtain, Miss Manners warbled "When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain "; con- testant guessed that it was the voice of Kate Smith.


4 MERE IS THE KING of Crepes Su tette, Pierre, presiding o y e r his flaming chafing dish at his San.

Marino restaurant. Bill Henry once de- scribed Pierre as a "culinary high priest before a mobile altar."

NCE UPON a time, so the story goes, there was a man who was chef to Louis XIV. but he was a very unhappy `J cook beçause the king de- creed he should lose his head

unless he contrived a new dessert I for his majesty. Dejectedly munch-

ing his breakfast and trying to think up an idea, the chef decided

f to cook some left -over pancake bat- a ter that was close at hand. Feeling

the need of a little stimulation, he poured a blend of liqueurs over the

I cakes instead of using the custo- mary honey.

About this time, his young daugh- ter, Suzette, came into the kitchen, and tasting the cakes, exclaimed: "What a lovely dessert! But why do you eat dessert for breakfast, papa ?"

That was it! The chef, thanks to his child, had stumbled upon an idea which would save his neck. In appreciation, he named his concoc- tion Crepes Suzette.

And ever since that time until today, Crepes Suzette have been pop- ular with epicures all over the world.

Here in Southern California there is a chef who can make superb crepes. Pierre of San Marino has won four national awards for his prowess with the chafing dish and last sum- ! '- 00 e


gøgC he

(,, u iIX,

llha; '` uf kn sto.


Crepes Suzette mer he was crowned King of Crepes Suzette at New York's Hotel May- flower in open competition with An- toine of New Orleans, Louis of the W a l d o r f, and four other famous chefs.

Those of you who have eaten din- ner at Pierre's place on Huntington Drive know that the gastronomic en j,,yment of his crepes is abetted by lights that are dimmed and by soft music to create a hushed at- mosphere as background for Pierre's amusing patter. "The beegest bless- ing of Pierre," he shrugs as he stirs vigorously, "is that the OPA is across the street and when they see Pierre with a sour face, they know he has to have some butter and sugar for his Crepes Suzette. Butter has to be

"BATTER UP ". Pierre mixes a bat- ter of milk, flour, eggs, salt, butter

r and cordials.


PANCAKES OF TISSUE PAPER thinness are achieved by pouring the batter into individual pans, where it is fried

to a beautiful rich brown, then carefully folded into quarters to await further developments.

used without any fear of caloric values."

Started Five Years Ago Pierre has been making crepes for

only five year s. Before that h e washed dishes at Chicago's College Inn, "waited on hot shots at t h e Congress and Edgewater Beach Ho. tels," was a waiter at the Beverly - Wilshire and then at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. He prepared his first batch of crepes in a $2.50 chafing dish, but now has a dozen attractive receptacles.

When Pierre flips his warm delic- acies out of the pan, it is with an air of nonchalant assurance. H e knows they must be good because seventy -five per cent of his custo- mers are repeat patrons. Emily Post was so overcome with Pierre's crepes that she discarded her fork and ate hers with a spoon, never once wait- ing unte the other guests were served. Jimmy Fidler devoured h i s crepes, then reported that Pierre

PIERRE MAKES HIS Crepes Suzette sauce by using for each portion, one tsp. sugar, one ounce orange juice,

one ounce liqueur, one cube butter, little orange peel, and rubs a 'cube of sugar over the orange rind to extract part of the delicate oil which adds that "certain something ", Then, he sets fire to the mixture.

lookd like Charles Boyer. Reserva- tions from the feminine contingent immediately deluged the restaurant.

Bill Henry. one of Pierre's most loyal patrons, describes the chef as a "culinary high priest hefore a mo- bile altar. Pierre," he continued, "performs his sacred rites with ges- tures, genuflections, and even gri- maces to match the massaging of the sugar cube on the orange skin and mixing of the mystic potions, the lighting of the flame, the immer- sion of the succulent tidbit and all the merlinesque mummeries that produce the gastronomic gem."

Here's How Admiring patrons who have

smacked their lips over Pierre's crepes invariably return home a n d try to duplicate his success. He re- ceives on the average of a dozen cards a week asking him how h e

(Please turn to Page 3íl .i THE PANCAKES are'carefully added to the prepared sauce and allowed to simmer for several minutes. Here the w. iter

is carrying some of the crepes to the dining room on small plates covered with glass bell tops.

THE SAUCE is brought to a boil. Here, Pierre adds the butter. He

also adds, something he calls "furniture polish ", which is fruit juices which have been "cooked and cooked" and augmented with cointreau, maraschino and other rich liqueurs. i THE FINISHED CULINARY ACHIEVEMENT. Although

the usual epicure stands in awe of such a masterpiece, Emily Post ate hers with a swoon.


Best Gun Moll in the Business

(Continued from Page 29) be bad-on the stage, providing, of course, that one's private life was above reproach.

The next summer saw the demure, refined young woman playing a bad, bad girl with Richard Bennett in a production of "The Dove" in Holly- wood and San Francisco.

Typed as "Baddie" She liked the stage so much that

when "The Dove" ended, she didn't return to school, but journeyed, in- stead to New York where she took over Claudette Colbert's role in "The Barker" and played opposite Walter Huston. Her part? Another "baddie," of course. Then followed "Jarnegan" with Richard Bennett and his beau- teous daughter Joan. The show ran eight months and then traveled to Chicago. Again Miss Arnold played the part of a bad girl.

Next on the list of stage produc- tions for Edith was Sam Harris' "June Moon." Here for the first time Edith was assigned the role of a girl who was neither a gun moll, a half -wit, nor prostitute. However, playing the saccharine ingenue convinced Edith that this was not for her and made her all the more determined to stick to her original type.

"I felt 'scratchy' and extremely irri- tated after every performance," Edith recalls with a grimace. "That decided me. My forte was bad girls, tough girls, gun molls and gutty people." After "June Moon" Edith returned to U.C.L.A. and obtained her master's degree. Meanwhile, she found time to play the part of a half -wit in "Kind Lady" starring May Robson.

Into Flickers Moving pictures followed next in

the career of talented Edith: her first film role was one in which Elliot Nugent starred. Paramount studios subsequently placed her in "College Scandals" and then Columbia Pic- tures featured her as a half -wit in "Crime and Punishment." Al Wood signed her to do a meaty bad -girl role in "Censor."

During her association with Para- mount, Miss Arnold made the ac- quaintance of one Max Marcin, now author and producer of the popular and long- running "Crime Doctor." Aware of Edith's "gun moll" talent, he contacted her for his show. That was nearly six years ago. Edith Arnold is still successfully "gun - molting" for "Crime Doctor."

People who know the parts she plays in radio are surprised and not a little disappointed when they meet her and learn that she isn't "that kind" of girl at all. She makes dates and dreams about being taken to The Stork, The Colony, or one of the other better boites around town, but in- stead finds herself laboring over a hot stove in her apartment overlook- ing the Hudson on Cahrini boulevard, Page

or at her summer home on Belle Island, off South Norwalk.

To give an idea of how realistic her acting is, Edith's friends tell of a recent incident which occurred when she was being photographed for publicity purposes. She was photographed screaming, re- enacting one of the scenes where she was the victim. So intense was' the terror and horror that went into her cry that people from the adjoining offices came running into the studio to find out who was being mistreated.

Enjoys Colds She likes to play bad girl parts be-

cause they are challenging and diffi- cult. There haven't been any "carry- overs" of her toughy assignments into her private life. Her unusual parts make Edith enjoy the effect of colds because they make her voice huskier. Since she has been on the air. she hasn't missed a broadcast.

She likes to swim, which she does very well. For relaxation, she reads heavy books on metaphysics. Rare perfumes are her one weakness.

Residing in Connecticut, Edith commutes to New York for rehearsals and her program. She has a ranch in San Fernando Valley,but hasn't been able to take a vacation for a period sufficiently long to enable her to visit it.

Beneath her crop of red hair, she sports a face peppered with freckles. Edith owns a red and white cocker spaniel. It, too, has freckles and its long, droopy red ears match the color of her hair.

Is You Is Or Ain'tcha?

(Continued froo) Page 31) give a farewell appearance. What an ovation I received! The cheers were deafening. The audience was composed mostly of women, of course.

Murray: Of course. Morgan: As I entered the arena,

I was recognized instantly, and three thousand women stood up as one and cried, "Ooowww0000000!" I mean, "Ole, ole, ole!" That's bravo with tobasco on it. Then, prelimi- naries over, the bull was released, and even I blanched as I saw I was facing the notorious killer, El Di- ablo. Even my nimble footwork was inadequate to cope with this vicious beast, and he cornered me! I called to one of my assistants . . .

Murray: Picador? Morgan: No time. I shinnied over

the fence! Beard Brings Gag

Sight of the afternoon rehearsal was the suave Mr. Morgan, long cigarette holder in hand and his dis- tinguished- looking white hair accen- tuated by the beginnings of a beard for his current movie role), sitting

cross - legged. in Mahatma Ghandi fashion, on the floor of the stage,

discussing script changes with em- cee Murray.

His beard caused his celebrated co-star, Mr. Rathbone, to give forth with a choice quip during the infor- mal dress rehearsal.

When, while going over the script, Murray acknowledged that the yarn -

spinner concealed on-stage was the famous Frank Morgan in the flesh. and asked him to emerge from be- hind the curtain, Morgan stepped out on cue, and Murray beamed: "Here he is, folks -Frank Morgan!"

Rathbone, watching the rehearsal from a seat out front, took one look at the be- whiskered Morgan and scoffed, "Whaddayuh mean - Frank Morgan. It looks like Monty Woolley to me!"

Pierre Makes Crepes Suzette

(Continued f Page 33

makes them. The accompanying pic- tures show the procedure.

His most impassioned plea for help came not by mail, however, but by phone one night when a so- cially prominent lady cried: "I've invited fifty guests and got every- thing ready to the point where I want to make the crepes burn. They won't burn and I don't know what to do!"

"I wanted to help her," Pierre ex- plained. "When I got up out of bed and started to go, my wife was ready to chew me up and spit me out. But we compromised, and I

went, and made crepes suzette for the poor lady and her fifty guests until they were ready to burst."

Her Career Takes a Back Seat

!Co) tinued from Page 3) wears suits a great deal, and almost always has her golden blonde hair partially covered by a smart snood. "I wear them all the time," she ac- knowledged. "I just don't fuss with my hair any more. With me, it's always comfort first, style second.

"Another thing," she stressed with a merry wrinkle of her nose, "I just won't buy another dress that I have to put on over my head. I like things I can simply step into. Around the house, I wear pinafores a lot -you don't have to put them on over your head!"

But it was obvious that this dis- cussion of her clothes and career seemed somewhat superfluous to Miss Trevor, whose mind was dwelling every moment on a Naval lieutenant named "Cy," and on little Charlie with the cornflower blue eyes..

"But no," she laughed, when we were talking about her Charlie again, "I haven't any pictures of him in my purse. I always said I. wasn't going to be one of those mothers. Nevertheless," she beamed broadly, "he is simply sensational!"




i THESE ARE THE EIGHT YOUNG ladies composing "Ted Bacon's Golden Strings ", heard on Mutual, Sundays, 12:30 to

I:00 p. m., who will celebrate the starting of their third year on November 19, 1944. The "Golden Strings" will make its 1050, consecutive weekly appearance without having missed . sirgle broadcast.

SURPRISED SHIRLEY DINSDALE receives a Distin- guished Service Citation signed by Morgenthau for

her bond selling work as Student Chairman, Schools at War. Avery J. Gray makes award while dummy, Judy Splinters, looks on.

JEFF DAVIS, KING OF HOBOES, INC., shows emcee Are Linkletter of Blue's ''What's Doing, Ladies?" the

right way to thumb a ride. King Davis recently paid Mr. Linkletter and the ladies of the audience a visit and told them of his thirty- six -year reign.


KMPC 710



NORMAN NESBITT °74zee aqe4 frt 70day



12:15 to 12:30 P. M.

7:15 to 7:30 P. M.






NATIONAL SCENE Or an unexpectedly

rich bit of philosophy





