
Similarities and Differences between Rommel and I Personalities I am Daniel Isaac R. Cordovez. I was born on November 9, 1997. My favorite color is pink and red. My birthday falls under the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is the eight sign of the zodiac that comes between Libra and Sagittarius and that has a scorpion as its symbol. A person born under the sign of Scorpio is a cute one and very kind just like me. Well, actually my friends told me that I’m hot and handsome which is not true about me but as time goes by I learned to accept it. They always make fun of me. I want to discuss first the positive and negative traits of the zodiac sign Scorpio and Libra. First they are “exciting and magnetic”, “determined and forceful”, and “powerful and passionate”. The negative traits are “jealous and resentful”, “compulsive and obsessive”. While Libra’s positive traits are “diplomatic and urbane”, “romantic and charming”, “easygoing and sociable”. And negative traits are “flirtatious and self- indulgent”. One of the difference between Rommel and I is that I am adventurous and he is lazy. He loves to sleep all the time. I always encourage him to do things such as biking, travelling to other places but he always refuses. He’ll always have an excuses but the truth is that he’s just lazy. Even though were like that we’re still really good friends up to now. One of the similarities we have is that we are both selfish and cute. We tend to care for ourselves more than we care for others. We care first ourselves before we'll care to others. We're not the kind of really selfish but I think just a little bit. We both depend on ourselves but still we're really a good friends. Therefore, Rommel and I are different. We don't have much similarities and not all the positive and negative traits are true and will apply to you. You don't need to follow those steps, it’s just only some guide and tips for our everyday life. Even though we are different, still we are best friends and partners in crime. I know and I believe that opposites do attract. What I'm trying to say is that even your personalities have differences or different, still you can be friends.

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Post on 11-Sep-2015




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Similarities and Differences between Rommel and I PersonalitiesI am Daniel Isaac R. Cordovez. I was born on November 9, 1997. My favorite color is pink and red. My birthday falls under the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is the eight sign of the zodiac that comes between Libra and Sagittarius and that has a scorpion as its symbol. A person born under the sign of Scorpio is a cute one and very kind just like me. Well, actually my friends told me that Im hot and handsome which is not true about me but as time goes by I learned to accept it. They always make fun of me.I want to discuss first the positive and negative traits of the zodiac sign Scorpio and Libra. First they are exciting and magnetic, determined and forceful, and powerful and passionate. The negative traits are jealous and resentful, compulsive and obsessive. While Libras positive traits are diplomatic and urbane, romantic and charming, easygoing and sociable. And negative traits are flirtatious and self-indulgent. One of the difference between Rommel and I is that I am adventurous and he is lazy. He loves to sleep all the time. I always encourage him to do things such as biking, travelling to other places but he always refuses. Hell always have an excuses but the truth is that hes just lazy. Even though were like that were still really good friends up to now.One of the similarities we have is that we are both selfish and cute. We tend to care for ourselves more than we care for others. We care first ourselves before we'll care to others. We're not the kind of really selfish but I think just a little bit. We both depend on ourselves but still we're really a good friends.

Therefore, Rommel and I are different. We don't have much similarities and not all the positive and negative traits are true and will apply to you. You don't need to follow those steps, its just only some guide and tips for our everyday life. Even though we are different, still we are best friends and partners in crime. I know and I believe that opposites do attract. What I'm trying to say is that even your personalities have differences or different, still you can be friends.