45,1 riche.rde, karl 1 to be trr-oeterred from cuatoaa se ... · appto. •r.d reoicnotior. s 465...

J.ppto, and Roaignaiiono 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Ser vice in Senttle to Je fenao Sa vings St arr ti oro 1 o;n 1•1 •> •• 201

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Page 1: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.ppto, and Roaignaiiono 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1

To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Ser vice in Senttle to J efenao Savings Starr t i oro 1o;n 1•1 •>•• 201

Page 2: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

455 Appte, and Re~igna(~on) for Collector of Cuatoca, d to Honeyman • •• an • • F eo r or kino rococmon • 8

Portland , Oro~onl ran~0/28/41 455• 22 , 26 , 2 FD!t o.nd Uru . i:>:l

"")~ ... ._. ,..,., c·"·'""·~, '\ ~-\. ··~ .. ,., 4-C. 4- : I~ f" .

''I~ u, (;\Uw{~s,t..\t.l,~ .... . ~ ~Q ~ ''I,, \tr\

l)y\i .... ••<\

Page 3: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~~"""" · M~\ ~~ '"\•It,\ •) ~~- .. ~, \o"f<~ \.1'-i)Q· ... , ... ,.&.,

Page 4: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior.s 465 Cor:peneo.t i on frou };riva t e eoployora i n o.d.:iit ion

to Covt . oo.lo.ry l tleo . E. Pat;e ease brings r.el!'lo f ro' c.,,.. Couns l ll/25/•'l 465• 3

a.) ;: 'Jr-Cack diectu!leion 1,6

Page 5: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appta . and ~eoignnt.iona 9uff ingtor. , Ceorge 1

.lpvt d . Aeot. t.o 3eey . ll/26/U

o.t t 9000 }'er annum 1365

465• 268

Page 6: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

'lli!'jj Al't'!IIIY" ,,... Clovoland, Ohio Appt . for Republ ican vacancy <m Customs Ct ;

oemo to ?~!l concernir~ ll/;!5/41 - 4.65

465• 91

Page 7: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. ar.d 1ooignationo -t66 Paul, ~- ndol ph 1

':o e ir. c .. nrge of }.lr ·!i,u._rt:.tioll of r.ow tux ~ill - '1!Jr- ruul c onv . 11/LC./41 .. oo l 2.:.2

o..) ff!l( "'1-lJ. ·~I •• ,.._, \,.) ~\" ,~,,, \1.- \

Page 8: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Jlppto. nnd Roaib1lat.iono Barnard, Cheater I . '

Resifln& 12/9/41

470 470 I 29J

Page 9: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A.'.·tO. • nd Resi.;n..tlono 4

...,() Kt.ll.hrck , Amlrew U. : ~

To be c.ttpchcO directl:,- to !f.:Jr ' s o!'·"ice 1~/9/1..1 470: :·s

,..,, ·. ~~~

Page 10: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. nnd. Reeietlr.tionr. Flynn, J ohn (Brother of Edwnr d J . Flynn) • •17t

K'J r t ol l s E. J . of hr:>thor 1 o O.J.I:t . 12/ll/41 -11 1 l05 , 2o·;

Page 11: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

App~:i1:~~ ~~i~~~t~~~:r.unonded by Ch.-:m. Flynn f or 171 Collector ot' Int. . Rev . , 2nd Distr i ct , r . Y.; Coston r e}JOr t Jc.os not auJ..~.ort rocor.~nendution

l l/11/al 4711 zn 20d ~'> ~~,.. \.\\ v'"'r'~ \.._ ._. ...... ~


Page 12: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

:\p .. .,t • ~ n· R.cci.;n tiona

Kno~~~;'J?~d' ?~~~-L;~~~cs r ssitt.: :1c-:- to Tret:~ . 4 ?2 1~/1','.:1 t.T :

6.) Knoll ILert,;-'P..Jr corrns , ... 95

Page 13: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 14: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 15: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

't\) '1\ .. \-.'n -.\......_., 1 . ''-\...1 \tr\- lrH ·. nf'

\) t~ ...... \.i -'<\' .. ~• '-" ·~l ..... v., "-1'\ ·. '\<(

·,') ~ -'ln•>t '-" '~h. \4\ .lrto; .z.

~ c;,.., .. .-It B>c.\) J. til~. 1~r ·~ \h +,-... ' "-r

Page 16: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

\. 1 t-: . tYid h"l'l~ ·1 •i.i~r e Loeb, ~·t·l11 ~

..... 'r &1.d. 1..-ck. 11sc 1.1~ .i·":sci .J!o C(lr.r.uc'ti' 1

l.'ti. fn.c .• :-onor.t :> ... v . 1..1 ... 1 1

471 1_.} , 14~

Page 17: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Av~:;u~~~ ' rt~~1·~~tione q 75 COioBultir.t_; Ext·ort ett:.t1.1s l'J"Oil l:.j,;,0/41 4 7~ 1 23'

Page 18: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

1\ppt. • • • nd ~esicnot..l ~ns Procure~mt Div.: Er nston (Gee . D. ) "-<·octc' 177

b~· Jur 'i:1._; ... on L.~ 11. : ... on l::!t n bctr.ccn :cc_,. .' O!'"ico u.vl ?r ocurc ... :1t ; ..,:r<h;n (! . ... . ) nl.:.;o co:t:-ulteci o:.r t.( r u.... .... c:.tion:J 1~/""//,1

1.77: 97, -',;)

Page 19: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 20: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ppt.e . c.nd Roeignc:H~·mo

5'-'ovo . Ct•Jrci·U• 8

_,0ut no iotit. ·

;· Jr as~.s S . 1., c7 / 4 1

0.) -v<\V,...O .... ~.~" .. ~~ .... . ~-a·;~ ~T""4 ....

~ '-\· "'\L <;."""&'- .lri"O : l.l~

Page 21: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.:,rt.e . end :lesit,;Miicrl& 1i ittt , l!t:.rry D.l

~tnto-':r~a~t . corres . 011 ronpo. uihility for ft:r•~- J. r··lnt.ior.s lljLo/41

478 '7<l l ~6

Page 22: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 23: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

" An J)lT. lililr

Viner, Jacob: J.pptd. Spoc. J.ut. and ConouHinc ixport

~~2 ~·~ ·1'11

Page 24: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 25: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

t..i ~u- ••P' ttwa -!$!~ tloo ... ,. te O...ooltia& .........

---~t~a..iatl• Matt 1/28/42 489• 38T

Swope, Gorario .t.ppU • .t. .. t. to tho s-. l/28/42

Page 26: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 27: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ap~a. aa4 RHipatiOIIa 491 Pwel, Harter•• Cloouoc• t- Dl..r..W.. of ~ (Det..,.a

S.•inc• loDcllo) to ConaW.te.Dt diacuoa..S by R1Jr1 Grana, IIIIID, and Odegard 2/ 2/ 42 4~11 81~

Page 28: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Apph • ...S RoeipaUono Stoae 1 ta .. ona JIIJr 1U•cu•••• with hia poH1l:i.1ty

or job 2/4/ 42 4'2' 111 &1 Decline• appt . 2/34/4 21 Bk. liQ!l, .t~)2

p. 253

Page 29: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

2/?/•2 ''3' 227 493

Page 30: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appta. and Reaisnationa Jones, llontfort (Prof. of I'J.nance, Dniv. of Pitteb"!S!!) 1

" HJ&.Tr conaiders hia for appt . in Treaa. 4~a

on finance 2/6/42 493• 94

Page 31: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 32: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppts. end Ruignatiooa Shell, Bernard J . , lloot. Rev. (Auxlllax7 Bishop of4~ago

J.pptd. Conoulting Expert, Office of Secy. • 2/14/ 42 497• 6J

Page 33: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. UMI Reoi-tiGH llorrio, Dan, Jr.l lxebanJo ot lettero on leu1J14i,JP

tor tbe J.rwiT 2/20/42 '" • 21T

Page 34: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 35: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ap~e. aad 1!•11CJI&Uona • Day, w.. P. • a .. p• aemo conaernin& 3/4/42 $041 32


Page 36: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 37: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

lppto. and !_looipaU•o BorD&r4, l.awronco J.o Trano!or to OLL1 4oclillo4 507

3/13/42 501 I 264

Page 38: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 39: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.t.ppto. 084 Roo~aUOilo ..., Loob, Jolm/ (Proeur•ont DiT.)o To bo rol•ood 51-

to Air Sor-.ico 4/2/42 512• 26'

Page 40: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. and Resignatiol18 "'>Q Hinckley, Wm. liheeler: Carey (CIO) and ffiiJ'r dilllim.'s'

Treasury's refusal to reioetato 5/13/ 42 528: 128 a) Tb001pson memo 5/14/42 221

Page 41: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appt•. and Ruignationa 5"0 Gamble, Tod R.o Apptd. ABOt. to tho Sacy . at •>

$1 a yoar 5/22/42 5301 286

Page 42: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppte. and Reeignationa l'ait , Bernard (Cultoma Attache') • Retire•;

m•Jr'a lottor 5/25/42 sat

5311 350

Page 43: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppto. and Rooignationa Ode&ard, Peter H.o Apptd. at $22.22 per day


:i:~:> 535• 138

Page 44: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appte. an4 Reeignatiene Welch, Rey D. •

Appt. diecueeed at 9 •30 •eeting .lppt. 6/2/42



~J:l,_} 535• 122


Page 45: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appts. 1.nd Reeignejiona Odegard, Peter H. t To be ' "'" t . to Seey . ae 540

well a e Consulting Expert on 't7a r Sav i ng• Starr 6/ 18/42 5<0o 240

Page 46: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Apph. and Reoignationo 512 Elliott, Harr iet (Dean ot liOMil, Oob. of I . C. )

See alee Book 5391 Tinancinc, Govt. (War Savini• Bonde)

AJ;ptd . Consul ting EXJ>ert and Aae oc i ate Field Di r ector 6/23/ 42 542 1 50,51

Page 47: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto . and Rooignotiono S 1 r.: Sp11rke . Robt . W.l Re signe aa Field Director ... ··~

ot War Savin&• Stott 7/2/42 5 45 1 175

Page 48: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appts. and Resignations fl-l i' llacl<, Clifton E. (Director of Proeurewent):

Transfer to position of Chief Procure:lent Offi cer for !nay Air Corps at Wrleht Field, Deyton, Ohio, dh;cussed by KNJ'r", Bell , Craves , and Thompson 7/ 6/ 42 547: 66

")'!flo.<.~<. ....._.\ . ~·c\ ~.,.t 1\ 1 \,.~ :S',o\-f : lo~

Page 49: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appt.a . and Resi01atione c: Foley, £dward 'f. , Jr . r Lett ore in connection :~S:J

with entering ANitf 7/2•/42 553 • 221

Page 50: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appt e . and Resignation• f ' Dodeon , Albert i Coopor/i.l2iBflf'!P"'t8•ti£i"~•r• d').J

old rriend in • •odeet job -..~ .. 7/ 27/ 42 55•• 44


Page 51: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appts. and Roaignotiono ('II ... ~""'"''• ~)" 55? i7eleh, Roy D. I Let tor fro• Uarehall S..rtholoaew

(Director, Yale Glee Club) concerning 8/:142 557• 208

Page 52: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appte. end Resicnationa l.Ulle, Abbot L. , Jr . 1 Corres . on resienation 559

8/14/42 559 I 4l

Page 53: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. and Aeel.cnaHono Sny4er, s .. uel A. • Precure• ent appt . diecueee~ r~

by HI'Jr and !lack 8/24/ 42 ~'I 43

Page 54: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appte. and !\eei,naHono lleffelfincer , t:a. T . • Deaicnat ed. A est . to 572

Under Secy . of Treae . - dnft of Or der 9/25/42 572• 51

Page 55: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appts. anti Resitnaiions _-. Capek , CharleB A.t Appt4.. t o Proow-e1nent DiT\,l " '>

10/7/42 576 • 61

Page 56: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appt• . IJli l\esl t n• Hone O'Neill, Jaaea F.t Caston tneoo an inveeti r;att• J

after I:! OJ &r61tion alii Treaa . Attache' in ehar,e in t a ris 11/~/~2 5Bl o 141

Page 57: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appts . and 1\eeitnaHono nrown , Pr enti aa M. a H' 'Jr aeh Crace Tully -8.,

to a a.k ~·oR to urce ro':ITI to uaX»ll .;;) ,) join 3e cretor,•1o ot kff 11/ll/42 583•

L) FD.ll.c~I'J.•r,o,vw,L b) mi~~~n c~n~~A \.t\-- ~1 ~: 11"\

179 236 238

c) Brown lettor 1 "Coneid.er '!.n!: offer" 11/12/42 376

592• 50

Page 58: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto . onl RooicnaH <>no llur;~es , t"alterl 1\o. co~ended. by Ceo. Ha.rrUoq.A]\)

(nro.therhood. of Riloilway enP, SteW"~el.ip Clerke) ,I..Tlcl naniel .. ' ... Tobin to bo CoL of l nt . ftev . , th einnat i , Ohi o ll/ll/42 5E3 1 246 ,249


Page 59: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.p~ie. and RostcnoHono rooko, ~enjll.ftin T/ . ;,8 ";

l'or,w._n, Jero.e J. T.rofeB&t'r <' f Ci eraiel!l ~r%1ne~rin&:, Colu:11bia Univ . )

Aprt•· &o conoulb.nh ll/17/42 565 • 211

Page 60: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 61: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

t.t) ~\ .l "' ., _.l.l. r:""·>r~=..J... ~-'lb ~11> (Soo aloo Book W, pa,;o 140)

' _L

Page 62: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppt.s. and "!•ignatione (Lindow, lioelq (T iclctoo, Sidn!IY G.

Haas recowacnde promotion to $6500; !IUJr approves 12/8 42


594: 148

Page 63: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.ppto . ani Reeifncil.ona Vaeear liet or clir;ib\ea f or appt. s ent

by l'iss llewcomer 12/10/42

!>~ J

595 • 213

Page 64: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appie . and Reaienailone Oftedal, Al f' 1 Uchante of corre e . on rof1rer-e,ll ,

12/15/42 , ,6. 317

Page 65: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arr+.s. a.r.d ~ee!o·aHone Clar\r, Cl.atJ . R. (Head ef ll .Y. office ef ~99

For~i:rt fund. a Ccntnl , Fiel• Inv~at~ t~"' he Starr) 1 Paul P ... o cor.cern: ,., 12/29/42 599 • 227

""' : .... 1.1

Page 66: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appta. and Reeignatiooa Thomas, Harold! Gastoo confera with b!JD ai'tcr 60:!.

arrival at Trees . 1/ 5/ 43 601: 280

Page 67: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Apph. 1.114 Bu!«UUono c1.!. Cath, lfruaan: .Appt , al Col. of Int . ReY. , Md.,

•ugcested by nlB. and dlacuued by HMJr and G11tton Z/ZZ/43 611 : 30

a) Mt .. Tully--HMJr coD.T. 33

Page 68: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto . , ncl ~ .. !gnaHon• · • r" 9 Schult e , Wm. 'I'. (former Consreeeman, lnd.)a '• • •

Congreeenan Ludlow recocment e; HI 'Jr eugge'tsta. War Savings 2/15/ 43 60<} 1 103,239

.. ) 1.,.1\"' ··\·~ •\ ~""'· b) Schulte decline s appt . J/8/43 c) 1 r•eonlidera ud. Accept•

3/l~/431 .Bit. !l§., p . 1150

Page 69: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

&ppta. lltld llulgnaUono Hoyt, Morp.n: To be ct•e.n Job 11'\ Alb&nJ' office

of I nt . Rev. hr . </9/43 615: 48,50 615

Page 70: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

I liMn; 'l't.'!!Ie 'Nyloe (Dlre~tor ot l!l~t) Reatvt • r eported to Sen . O'L:ahoney


. ~ 1 9

61~ I 200

Page 71: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appts. and Resi!;nBtions Bo=, Ylirt: F'?2

Appt. as Collector of Custocs at l egales , Ariz., discussed by Barnes (Asst. to fDR) and Senator s UcForland and Hayden of Ariz. with unnamed Treas . official 4/1/43

a) fDR 1 s reaction 4/~/43 b) Gaston memo 4/5/43

6:Z2: 89 <19 2<1

Page 72: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appio • ....& 11 .. l.paU0111 633 '-• 'l'lrto CollMhreblp ot lat. Re.. a~

lloploo, Arb., 4loouooo4 1>1 a.,.. Carl L. Har4• aD4 IIUr 5/ll/43 63)o 10'1

... )"'-.~~..,~"'a ........ '\\-\.~

""\:r-'1-:... S"\"'1 \o~t}

Page 73: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

633 633• 2'70

.. 'l~>t ... ..,_..,..,..-...; ··~.~ .... ;,., ... \-I,.R_··

~;au ~,....,-. ..... ~ .... 'f"D ~~ ... ~, ~H ·., ••

Page 74: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

tpptoo' illld. rt.eiCMUou llul'tirl&teD, Ooorp I Letter ot rooip~~~Uoa

• 6/14/ 43

Hobbo, Robt. 8.1 Letter ot rooicnatioD

6/14/ 43

• Burke, h. a Colleet orlhip ot Ul Cuat••• ..XU Boot ~a - rDR-Tr .. • • .....


641 64lt 234


6411 236


Page 75: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 76: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.tp,to. 11ul llotliftaU.ont 642 Shao!hr, Charloll Ortor u ciYi.lie llll !iN.Dcial

ad..,.iler to a general reported by Schwara 6/15/43 ; 642. T3

Page 77: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


Page 78: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

l.ppeint ..... te and Reoicnationo 64 6 DuBoi•, Je•iah I. a Apptd.. Ct.iet C•Uil•el ef

Foreign Fwwlo Control 7/6/43 646t 216

Page 79: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

!ppto. e d AeoicnatiMio 6 4 S Vquire, Jehft V. t Cen•ulting bpert •n eimpliticatioa

ot Int . Rn. l awo 7/l5/43 64'' 48

Page 80: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appio. and 1\ool.,naU..,• 6 4 9 T-ell, Lewio (Col. or Int. ROY •• llont.) I

FDR-HIUr cerr••· ceDcerniag reappt.. 7/20/43 64,. 333

Page 81: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto, ancl 1\oo!cnaHoao 6 51 llcCoaaoll, Rob!•' rt rod hi• to ""'k oD "6<{, 33

Tr•:;m:~~i~ti:n prebleme 7/ 26/ 43 ~

"-)~ ..... \-1'1 ... , ~-- .............. '/~.~,~) ~·l. ·. ,~"b

\,.)~ "-\w....., 'Po\~ .. ,~,4-1 l.q ·.1\i

Page 82: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.i.ppto. ud 1\oo!,naUono 6 5 llhorton, John I lliocuoeion of by ~oae . group 1 ~ 7/27/43 6511 178

Page 83: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

l.ppio. and 1\u!gnaHono 6 53 Cann, tlonaant

See als o Book 648• Re•enue Reyidon (Income Tax Foro to be Filed

Sept. 15) Resignation dieeueaed by HloiJr, Helvering,

Sullivan, Bell, and Gaoton 8/3/43 65)1 128 Reeignation diacuaaed by HIAJr o.nd Helvering

aubeequent to receipt ot reeignation by White Hou.. 8/J.0/431 Bk, 2,a, p. l

Bell'• report attar imeattcating eituation 8/l,0/43 655• 7 a) 11ecuea10n by HUJ!t, Bell, Paul,

Sullinn, Thompeon, Helvering, Smith 8/ll/43 lli• 117

l) He).•e}'"ing-cann eonv. on loyalty 8fl2(43, ~· 274

Page 84: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A99io, an.! ll .. ignat.iona 6 53 Internal Rn, Colloctorobip, Booton (Haooott) 1

Hel•ering explain• in.eu.borcU.Mtion and aake that reeignation be roquoatod 8/3/43 653• 131

~')""'- ... ~""'- <.\...,,~· .... , , M ,, !\... U "'C... 11\(..W(Y'I-.H(, -"-o\!,, ·~ '<Ia..\,\. 'I '\ .... ., "5'1\- : \L-

Page 85: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppto, *"<< llooipotionl Weleht Roy D. 1 A eke to be relieTed ot aeeigmnent 6 c::; 4

with l'ar Sningo Bondo 8/6/43 654• 124

Page 86: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 87: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.ppie. Rul.gnetiorto kelYerinc, euy F.t ReeigrJAtion ae Co•liee1oner

ot tnt . R.••• and n., appointee diecuuM i n rDR'e m""o ~/7/43 662 • 145

Page 88: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

£ppto. &nd Au!gnaHon& 666 lltggillo, Joooph T. (Col. or !nt. ltn., 3rd Iliotrict, N.T

1\ooignaUona ail ou'bmittod 9/21/43 666o 98

~ucceeeor (Negro) diecu•e•d by JDJJr and Sulltnn 9/22/43 139

Page 89: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto, and Aeeigno.Hona endoreo6o 6 8 Hanne~, Robt . J:.t Senator Cochr&JI. (Uo. )

9/2'1/ 43 666• 62

Page 90: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.ppio. and Reoign•tiono 670 Pon .. u, Lowio (Col . of Int. Rov. , llontana) 1

!!Wruch- Rt!Jr correa. concernine; continWtlnce •• 10/6/43 6701 91

Page 91: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. and ~u!gnationo ~haefter, Charlel P.1 HIUr wiehe l him t o

670 eucce .. Schwar& aa Dire ctor of~ Public ~ebti<>no 10/6/43 6701 47

Page 92: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ippto. an~ ltooignotiofto 6 7 2 Rotrorbort, Goorgol DIIXIIUUlXUII

Collectorehip of Int. Rn"., Baltimore, lld.t Senatore Tydinge and RadcU..tte,-Rep. D'Aleeandro-.

'l'hite Houae corree. concerning appt. ll/2/43 672• 233

Page 93: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.Apph. aa4 lellpatlou lloJle, llro. Beu:r Grattaa: Join• !r••· ao

... lo;rll CouDielor ll/5/43 674

6?4: 22

Page 94: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. nnd Resignotions ~o~ur h,y , J0 s . E.: Ret~es as /,::.61. . Chi fit',

Secret Service ll/<9/~3 a) Proposed letter !'or FDR' s

sit;nsture ll/'0/4)

681 681: 1?0


Page 95: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

PP~•· &lid R .. ignaUono Shaeffer, Chae. P.e A.pptd. Director ot Public

Ro1aUono to ouccood Sch•r&l 11/29/ 43 Hl!Jr a•k• •taft to cooperate

"''~ .... ;,A ~1.-ooo ' ... I I IUJIIIntiillX'fx " 4-)

681 6811 163,


Page 96: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.l.ppto. and Rooignationo 68 4 Ca.nn, llornazu Hannegan reeo111111enda t}•t C. be

broU&}lt back a a Ae1t. CoDIIlieeioner ot Int. ReT. 1 HMJr ogroeo 12/15/43 684 1 150

Page 97: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto . and Reoignationo 686 Jordan, Joeeph A./ (Chief, 'Employ•• Rell.t1one Seeti on) l

"llho ' s Who" prepared by Thompeon for m!Jr 12/2l/t3 686 1 tO

Page 98: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ppte. and Reo len•t l on• Elliot t t Harr i et t Jr'Jr -Frank Crahaa corre• • -

llise El liott to continue on 2-3 d11ys a 691

month basil 1/5/H 691 • 1•0

Page 99: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.A.ppta . t.nd f\esienr: tione I nt. 'lev. • Connieei orr ott NUP&n, Joseph , Jr .

700 {Col. or Int. i\ev. , Breeklyn) - recol'lll!lendatione a nd FDR ' !I requeot for action t C~eton r::eome 2/9/44 700 1 24l

Page 100: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. and llui«nationo 711 Can. Ceuntsl t Paul'a reeir;nation and ~ tuece eter

Cox, Otcar S. to:


Cu-HYJr eonv. 3/18/44 FDR-Hl!Jr " 3/18/H Crowloy-!IDJr eon,., 3/23/44 Cox 1ottor 3/23/44

711 1 203 208

lli• 100,141 142

Paul ' • letter or res1t:,:nati on aant to TDR 3/23/44 ll.l• 4, 7,9

O'Connell, Joaeph J., Jr., n&~~ed.

Actin« Gen . Cotmeol 3/23/44 ll.l• 143

Page 101: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appio, and Rut.,otiona 713 Schoene.an, Gee. J . 1 Aaet . Ce•heionerehip of Int. Rev.

diaeuu•• by 9 130 croup ' 3/24/<4 7131 269

Page 102: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appt a . and A.ed.~!"'~tiona Oliphant 1 Ct-u-lea t ~auator to Treae .

by !ll.!Jr , D.t' . lieU, and C.S. ~ell 4/7/44


7181 2~5

<)19' ""'"'' "r~ \,, ;, c..- .'"'1 ;" . 1'<1( . ..,.\O"'"'j>

"'\ .. ,,. ... ,,~ , ... 6

Page 103: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ap~•· ond neal.gr.oHone 71 8 Ol rieh , Ernest L.

Cc:Ming t o ':'rcae. ae ~1-a-yr. !"'..a.Jl j atayin1 on aa preeid.o11t or l.~ut~ ainc.,t"'•r, t 'inr.eaJ:.ol ie . 4/6/44 7181 24

L.t.. ~ o ..... 'I "-t\.., ... , .. '··1 ....... , ,.. '""' 0.'- ~ ~"\' •j.,\ lt-io' l><>. l o +

1>.1 ·.~

1 l-1 : "1 ( ,,_, :,_ •t­J."-· :)...,1"

Page 104: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Av~to . and Rooignoticno 7 ?0 O'Connell, J. J ., Jr.t Aprtd. Gen. Ceuneel

4/13/44 7201 w 142

- -

Page 105: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

/.ppb. and Reaicnationo Bmlr;et Of ficer , Tree. a . 1 Diecueeed by Hl'Jr,

0.7.'. "ell, and c . ~ . ~~11 1./19/4.4 a) Septlr.,t1.on of ;.dllil'l1Atrative A1st.

and BuJget Off:icer reeOTt:~tet.ded by D~. Bell; Schoeneman (Chae . J.) euggeoted for Sudget orricer

7?2 722 I 309

Page 106: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. and Reei:ndiere Olrich, Ernest L. s Cla7ten (f!ill) · Troae . c orres.

upon appt . 5(1/44 726 1 65 Q

U.U P'rod S.,ith oue;c;e sti on of Public Rolatirna 5/ll•• 68

..,.. ·~ ""'"'~\ .. "' ..._,, "\''"f ~. -._,<- .t.J:,.,; , u ,~,~~

~ ~ .,,~ ou 1' ;IJI.tr-~o- 11.1 , ~1 ~~ .C.'b. ,....,,.."'- ~\\--•• --~ 'o-".~!9\c.~\. ~ (l-..ll SI .. 'W... 1-..1 : 11.>

Page 107: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppte. &nd Reeiznatlena t'&ul, Randolph E. t Aecepbnce or r eta i ner a 726

while in a leave statue diecuaeed by l"" Jr, O' Connell , or,d C. S. Bell 5/l/H 726 o 47

diecuaead by HJ.'J r, D.7. Bell , C.S. Bell, Gaston, and O' Ccmnell 5/2/H 131

a ) Reeicnation accepted ao or 4/25 145

Page 108: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.&ppts. and Roa!cr.iiono 727 J..eet. Secretaryship diccusend by 1-C.'Jr , Gaston ,

Sr~ith , tr ,ite , O'Cennell, C.S. Sel l 5/</44 7"7 • 137

a) White and Blouch diecueeecl

~, ~~~ ~··" · ')1\A-~ •\ 'fl ........ \, .~,.) c'r.... . ~• • . ~\ ~\., ... , EI\;,...J C . .

,""' ·. 1 . : .)

, a i:l k·hc..-.1"' ;-r.c..(,.., .--LO ... . ~ ~"H?..,)~4. ·. 8

Page 109: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lpr,t o . a nd P.eaicr ai. ir t • St-1 ver a , R.obt • • Col . c!' Cuato ... e , Honoll .. lu -

~ite Eouee -Tre .. u . corres . conce ... !".1r-e &J>lt • UlC 5/•/H



Page 110: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Jlrrh . "r~ '\o·1r•·oU cr.e 727 ':'a ylor, 7.'n . !-{ . t Apptd. ~a 'l"r ~Rr. . Rep. ir. Lor Jon -PJ '._Tr ' a letter to ""'inan• 5/~/« 727• :os

l ~o : lo~

Page 111: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

jAprto . end :t .. t~rotl ono :f.,.. *' e ee c;lrla - e,,ltyl"ent in ':'rea a .

by C.S. Bell ot 9 •30 ••tint · !/f./H

di eeueaed 729

Page 112: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. o.nd Reo<~;MaHono Luxtor• I An eel r . • Actinr;, Ceuneel in abeenc•

or 0 1~onnoll 5/l C/H 730

7301 165

Page 113: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ilopp~o . aa4 lodpaUoao 732 llcCo1111oll, B.oll, • .1.: ualpaOil' ••rlT f1A1ohe4;

DW 4utlea 41acuaaa4 'b7 9 :30 croup 6/17/ <U 732: 1150

Page 114: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.i.;.rte . ani ReeioraU.one 7 33 Olrleh, Erne at L. t A est. Secretaryahip liiacu1a.,

b7 H!'Jr •nt Olrich 5/l!/44 733 1 27

Page 115: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


o v v

!'.locton, t.ll,::eet tid !.., 7J 61 146 5/27/ 44

Page 116: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.&ppto ...... 1\oaicftai!ofto 7 4 0 Olrich, Ern .. t L.o J.ppt(, J.oat. to tho S.cy. .

1ft ch&• ot Procur-nt DiT. 6/7/44 740o 237, 2)8-.t.

Page 117: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appt. • .W IMlifoa•U.. ....... , _ ...... Jr.

- -ala -- 7)6 lllh '""""" J.et"r ' ~o Fill reu-un, oliJeoUon u •liP'• '6/16/44

a) n:.-!r••• eorre•• Fill uto tw -u.. 6/l,/44

l.; .. ,....._:_ .. ~'" · "'~'> ........ "'\ 1111 i ·. \~4/Jr"'

Page 118: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Applo. U4.'a .. liMU• . :. · · · · · ·: · 7 4 7 n ...... or-·· ·c.l. of cuot-• c-u,. (a ••. ,'l'exao)-

O.I'toft OOIITo 6/27/4-4 7471 1)8

Page 119: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

,p.,.e~· ii4n1Hi;.&UOM llenewia,-•.a. . .. · Gl••••• HaroU

rr...,te4 to •aooo 7/11/44 752o 291, 292

Page 120: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 121: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 122: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 123: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Apph. 0..1-l••J.PoUoae -Bill, !lour-. (Cbi•f c.-1, Proc~~r- Dh.)o -:, •i

Carr••• ea ree1pat1ou to rua tor S.-.t• 8/22/44 764. 167

Page 124: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lpf\e. 1114 t.eJ.eMUoae Blll'ke, 'h. H., lro (C.l. of c ... -, -.)o J

C.riaia -~ .... UUti- ~· - ,...__,.. 0 iornoUpUn roporl - 41ocuoo101l by ,... ••• '""" 8/24/44 ?65• '6

Page 125: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppto. ed R .. ignat.iono -,- ,. Saith, Fredl Lettor indiaatins deoire to r .. ign · ;)

9/26/« 775• 147

~\~- ... ~~ -..-•. , .... :'0"'"1,;.,.. , !..,lt4-

1 ll : lo-A--

Page 126: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.pph • .,d llotignaiioiW Olrich, %rneat L. 1 Reeignation announced by Troae.

11/15/44 795• 121 I Correa. - exchange or

ll/16/44 J: 306

Page 127: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. and Reaignatiooo Sulllven, Jobll L.s Reei&nation - excblinge or corres .

ll/ 15/44 7951 35 a) Om Pearson's column on aas~lc.tioo

with lavy discussed by SulliYan &Dd l!IIJr 33

Page 128: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appie • one! Reol.gnaiiene S • toryehip diecu80ed llhite, Hai-ry D.o Aut. ecroll/17/44 796• 29

by Hl!Jr and liannegan

~~ b.-.l...t•\.'--)• ~~....,~. "l>f~ 1'1'1 : .... _)

fl>~ ...... &..,~ ~ ~~ .. ,,) .. ,.n.l : \~4-

Page 129: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

/.f~to. ancl !luif:I*H~o Puo Toxao Col. or Cuotoco - ' 11/20/44 Ga eton review ot • i t ua"tion 797• 105

""\ ..1 .. \~.\\(1/oo.....~._., ._ '\-:..-..._c.....~~, Y.w> r

'1\>-t\olit' 1'\"1 : 1 14-;

11"' ')'""--""'- 1-\-"'"lr c..,.., . •. ll<f

1.-)lr.._.,. -\tw<S'r ""'"· .... ,, .. , ...... n.l : l1,4

~ _ C.,. • . ...,-M \, \lo .;. ~ r ••1,.,_ ~)~~--- G<...-..n u ....,,.. , .,_1>1

Page 130: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppto, and !\oaignaUo .. Crave•, Harold N. t Letter or relignation

11/22/U 7981 91

Page 131: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppto. and Roeignationo .llk, Ioo.doro G.o Apptd. Chief COW'liOl of

Foreign Fundo Control 12/16/44 8o3• 1$2

Page 132: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appia. and 1\uignatl.oM Surplua Pro party, Diapoaal ot

Roaentkal, Morrie: Lewi1ohn (Sam) -m!Jr conv. concerning 12/15/44 803 1 11

1 Riogol...rul (Chao.)-!!l!Jr cony.; Rooontha1 prooont 12/15/44 34 ,2~

1 Hl1Jr-Roaenthal eonT. 12/19/ 44 ~I 3

1 Struoor (Arthur L. )-~Jr conv. 12/19/44 6

Page 133: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lppto• and lleoignatl.eno Harrieon, Carter H.1 Reti ree ae Col. of Int . Rev. ,

l st Ill. District - oxchan&o or corree . 12/20/44 804. 115

Page 134: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 135: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

'PI!'•· - llel1&aft1 ... lualaa, Da'1'141 Pat\ca <•u. ru. ... 11a1 .. ) reo--. &I Aaot. C... of lat. lin. ~45 ~·~

:~ .... ~~ -. ~'~ks- fbr : "•"'

Page 136: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~ppto. ond ReoignaHono Saxon, Jame• J.• lleritoriou• promotion approYed

by Hl!.lr 1/l/45 8061 79

Page 137: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

8o6o 204

.l.ppto. and Reoignaiione A t Soey. White, Harry D.l Appt. ae •• •

See also Book ~ II• TDR eigne nomination l 2 5

ot Treae .

'1~~ (~ ·""'l "'r""' 'IJ ,..,,- '6'•1 ' 4-o

~'\\1( .. . ) ·~lh" I>.., "''1l . ~i)

Page 138: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.ppi•• and lteoii!Jlatione Forbes 1 Ruaaella Jn'Jr and Pehle diecu .. tor

Surplue Proporty (Diepoeal o!) 1/3/45 807 • 50

Page 139: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. and Ftosi&rtaticne Berkshire, Stewart • Barkley reco01nende for

Aut. Com. or Int. Rev. l /13/45 809 1 203

Page 140: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ippto. and RoeignaHono Surplu• Property , Diepoaal ot

Kaneae City, Uo.t '!'rumnn and Hannegan- Treae. corree. concerning appta. and dieniaeale 1/12/•5 8o<)o H3,l'7

·. cw....x,~ '-11\.U._ 'I"'-I~> ~ ... ., 3 vir-

Page 141: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

jlppta . o.nd Reaignotiono Aa.rona, Lehman C. t Apptd. Aeet. Cen. Counsel

1/19/45 811 • 65

Taylor, Wm. H.t Appt d. Aeet. Di rector or tl<netary Ro onrch 1/19/•5 66

Page 142: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appto. and Reoignatione Fiscal .lt.aet. Secy.J See Treaa. Dept.

Page 143: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

lAPP:•• end Re!1gnat1ono Sherwood, Vim . T. • Recot'lnlendod for Aeet .

of Int. Rev . 2/3/45 a) Oiecueaion by 'I'reaa. croup

2/5/45 b) HJJJr agree a

Connheioner 816 t 38


Page 144: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lp('te , and R .. it;Mtiona Coe 1 V. Fraok\ .:.ppt. to succeed t'hite ae

Director or lJonetary Res earch ;/{

6/r?c• ••ace d!acuosed by 9 130 group

8201 4 a) Relationship to Foreir;n runda Contnl

diecU&aed bJ TUl¥UlU H!JJr nnd Treae . group 2(17/45 165

Page 145: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appio. and RoaignaUo .. Fueecll , Eclwar4t Appt. and epace t•r

cliseuae~ by Hl!Jr and Bell 3/3/45

Peraennel Div. 1 Orti.de pro:"'l•tiono tor tl'ils•n, J•rdan, and Urs. D•yl• diecuaaod by Hl!Jr and Boll 3/3/45

825• 141


Page 146: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appraiaara stores Building · See Customs, Bur. ot

Page 147: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

4 ~,y,,\.., fn~~

(!i''M .. \,q.,,1 l'-~)~'n.._ '1\w.~, ·~ ~....w • ...J \t..Ol(

' ..... Q....;, -t "'! "• t- ln'r \\..11 I. ......0 ~ 6"-N~ I""'"" ""' IP"l "'llt "'"'\""'''f ~ \......,." "\11\,?~~A<.

Page 148: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appropriations, Treas. Dept . - 1941 HUJr' s letter to UID Seontor Glass recom:nending

certain amendcents l/29/40 238• 241

Page 149: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

i&PPB•• , 1'1-eao. ' Dl1111-rftla aa4 ora .. o' natt o11a~ted ill Caa.l 493

di ... •ioa by JIUr, era-. .. , ,...,_, reler, 8_.-.!, 8utt111Jton, Bell, end Schoon_,. 2/?' 42 JQ 493• 197

a) CaMon-IIIIJr COD'fo 2/T/ 42 205 b) Roo- bopoo Donald Duok'o

appn. will bo rootored 210 \..~.(>,.\ 1 c.y:t.tb.* ........... ...,.,,"" -.~--s-, /1\4,. "''~'~- ... ~

•)i~ "'~~'1 \\~ .. ~ ~-... \ l . 2.'1'

1.) s ... ,,:.., ..... (!.,.\1:+ \.., ---~ ~ . b-~·"i "1!!;, 111v..;&. ~ \ •• ,,.,._. -1"'1 > +

Page 150: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

(~y,\,-c:....-:... .......... ~ ... c..-,. . ~ .... {: ~

\)G.,.\ ·,~.,..-'~: "'~'•,c'I> ... I'HI\ 1<;,.,.,...._,~ 1 <>~\\ ...... 0"'-·-·'·''t ~ .. \~ . \ '"\

u • ,~,."W'"'"'f'##o' ,, \"'"'-'

•)~ ........... ~~ ~ ~;,, 1.. ... ~ L '"-" - ~\....a.. u I

·~~I .... , - \T ... ~< w.~ . ~)\..1.... \<~ "'"""· "'··"'' . s~

Page 151: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

1.-[rt..... _..,• ... 11.-, ..... ,..,,G-v . .. ~.., .. ._. 4-oo,;, l'"f"" ~\1> \h ·~~ : IH "> Go.'<'\ h-~ . :> t&.~ ~·· "'. ~ .......... - \\"'''

')'~"'-)'-oO\J:\""4'\C... ~ 'l.), 11n~4.:\.. +4\~ \~l "\) c...\ .1!-.,.· ~ '"\,, ,.._ """ ;- 'l >-'i"" . -~ ~ l)) c.-..... t . ..,...,.~ ,<"'- . -~~-\-- {,.... w ..-t-.... _ 'I .. I.._

·~ 0 : ) .... ...... v.);JM \..~ """'-

Page 152: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.... - .... :_ .... ""' ~~·~·\c.-.. .

l)\l,\;._'\ "'-~G... .• - r.~ ,,~,, .. ,~,.. +"\~ · . .:, ., "'~\\.·v._ -· ,. M~ •. 2.\

""')'!1..,'\att c..-,(1. ~~. .. h ·v ir~b ·. 0

"tl~ ....... i- <6 ........ ,l1 ~"'" '" o;,.,.-n_ -4-<11 , 2.f4-

•) f."-1 l.\1 ................... \,. ~~:........... .., f . \ { :> s-..rr~- .......... 11>- 'l·~l~ .. ~\. ',... .

~) "',.., ... \...~..., -'"··-~ .. '"

Page 153: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

> ~ r'!f''•L,,. ;c,. ...... f 493

'~~ '''·-.f>,..,L,..t ,\ .. ...,.~=--... a-~"1 .. ,~) ""'' '1.1\

lli-r ............ ~~"'- <;...,\.·..., ··~21)"<.0( .. '"!~.~ .. b-oO : 'i'i.

~~A--- ·~o< \, t"'- a..h1 t-~o .. -... ··~ '>o\ : 1•1 I

Page 154: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appr opriations, Treas. Dept. - Fiscal P"• 1941. er g Funds for Di v. of Tax Research, Office of

Tax Legislative Cotmsel, and Foreign Funds COntrol discussed in Paul mf!lllo 2/ll/4J 608: 164

I.O'\:,_, ....

'") .,; • .., • ......_ ..,~,~ U\.., .J...:l. "'~ .. ....,

LJ•~I'~<} 1.\1 : ~.

Page 155: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.A.pproprlat.ione, l'ree.e . Dept . Senator George thanked for &pveerance before

At·~ns . Coc:1. in conn . with Oiv. of Tax


Research , Office of Legielat i ve Counsel, a"d Foreign l'unds. Contr ol 3/3/43 613 1 262

r ..... \ "'~ Is _...... b.- .. ' ' I '1j -... .. ''- .. 6-u' ~' UIM · '-\ \ ... ~ ~11 : '!> •> 't.f.w ;n,:, ..... ~ c....-\ . ~;.,..;~ ........ "'- ~.... ' I . • • ,.. f'J1 'l-fr\~~

.. )~ ~ .... , 3 "' ........... ""''~ ~ \1-'l''Df>

•\ro.~ 'k, ,.,.)

Page 156: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appno., Troao, 701 Appn. llll1 -for Tiooal Yr. 1~451 To.bor'o aUack aa

••"t•, inettic.iency, etc., outlined in Thompoon _,.... 2/ll/44 7011 2.8 d4

a) Diacuaaion by 'l'reae. group 2/13/« 212

Page 157: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Appne . , Tree.e. 6/30/45 Act oer.t to Ht'Jr by Lu1low

5/l./44 726

7261 83

Page 158: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Apple., Trv.a. llo.nw,r (Ceo. J.) to eene ao lxoc. S.cy. of

HoU8e Subcoa. hovini; jurledlot1oo over 'rreas. appos. l/l/45 . 806: eo

Page 159: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.f.ppne • • Treae. - riocal yr . 1 ~46 See State~.er.to by Hl.!Jr

Page 160: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arabia Conversion of dollar draft. i:lto Saudi Rials ')51

7/20/42 551: 24 7

Page 161: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~abia, Sau4i See SawU .lrabia

:Sool<o 649 6?3 n•

Page 162: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.rabia, S&wll See War lletu,gee Bd. . 702

Page 163: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arant, Dean (Ohio Law School) See Appt s . and Resignetiono

Page 164: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Archdeacon, Eric L. F. rnr report 280: 217

Page 165: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ArcbU.ecto 3 ()yertiaoo pa7 reca-ended to Adairol Peopleo by

IIILTr for tbo• •plOJed on $4 b1111on 8 prosraa 1/lJ./35 31 90

Page 166: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.1rch1 tectural Compe t1 tloM See ProcurA'llent D1vb \on

... y

• 25

Page 167: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


........ )\ . .,., To )~ -~·1-.-.t g"""'<:S~-:;1\ ..... \4.-

\.. .<,.. d'....._J .. ,,,~\, ~l·. 1- 4--

Page 168: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argomtina( (See IU.esioo to atudy aoneta.ry develo~ente pl.a.oned 10/1/36 - Book 37, page a 1-4)

Irigoyen, Financial Attache', calla on HM.Tr; Taylor and Lochhead proaent 10/15/36 40•



Page 169: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina HM.Jr cables FDR need for l45 million by end

46 of •onth to be used by Argentine Clovt . to redee~ the totsl of a loan in this lllkt.; they wUl &ell sterling in London &nd purchase dollars in N.Y.; use of u.s. and English Stabilization FUnds will prevent any disturbance to exchange mltt . 11/27/36 46t 260

Bewley discusses with HMJr, Taylor, and Lochhead question of publicity at prose conf. 11/30/36


Page 170: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

H ~\;n~ '1v~t~ . ~ ~~ wQ. ... ~ ...... 13 ..... ~.,~~. ~ ..... v·.~.\ '\ .,.., ... ,,,_. 1 \', • ........_ """"~~ ... II .. S"•"~L.,

Page 171: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

hrgen tina r 2. S.Ce al<o Book ~6, poj,eS 260, 280- 282 :w.Jr t.ellE Bellliley trnns!"er of f'unds hfio

been finished ; a lfflcult to In ncile <2: iH U5 ,,,.._ \Y\

Page 172: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lrpntina Baas GMOI -Tho saaJ...l Corn orop in Argentina"

6/15/38 1281 498

Page 173: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arp•·- 139 t.por\ of Pi- (arp..\-1-r\ •·> _, \o

lllllr '117 1\a\o llep\. 9/14/JS 139• 190

Page 174: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ar_u ... 11h1to IDOmO on lndobtodnuo 2/10/39 164: 188

Page 175: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ar~!!:• et tustlon w1. th ~rDAD7 dia01aaed by J'eia - 7 • on4 BIIJr 3/24/39 171: 63

Page 176: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.\rr;ent!ne o.t 176 HWJr • e cemo 1-=a lea hland, Ga. I BlUr ~te• ta

to 1DR ~ t.M.t delegation el:Dilar to :Bra&llla.n one be 1nY1 ted to •~~hlngton: J'DR .. etrt.te• thAt he will etr&l&-ten out entire matter with Dep t. of Agrlcul ture on hie return to Wallh. './4/39 176: 90

Page 177: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina llliJr, Iruoyon (Financial Attac~), and Lochhead - b

dlacustl present financial sitWiltion 4/12/39 l ?8: 22

Page 178: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~gMt~e 1Pl tlhi te meoo1 "thy does State Dept. appear eager

to have Treaa. hllndle t be financial assist ance to the Argentine?• 4/V./39 181: 95

EspU (Ambassador) and Irigoyen (Finnncial CoWlsel or) confer with HMJr end Lochhead 4/<6/39 267

Page 179: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentinll 189 Lochhcnd oe::so: I r igoyen i ska whether U. S.

would furni£h dolll\J' exchange against gold collater al trlich, instead of being s hipped b 'J . ~., would be held for U. S . account in Argentina; answer is negative; ..turther no~;ot.iatlons postponed 5/10/39 189: 121.

unite memo/ on financial situation 5/17/39 230, 21.7

Page 180: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina .., Argentine Financial Counselor inyuires what U.s..-06

intends to do in filllUlcin l mkts. in event of outbreak or ""r 8/26/)9 206: 1.1)

Page 181: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arc en tina See liar Condition• : Latin .America

Book• 209, 221 , 232

Page 182: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ArceUaa leo l.&Un Aaorlca

lloolto 233 273 308 328 3'70 436 512 53i 578 24:1 279 30V 330 :377 4:3i 515 M2 582 :oM? 284 :317 :3:31 378 443 521 644 604 2150 290 :318 :3:32 36i 4&i 523 &47 ll&i 25:3 ail! 31i m :!i& 473 &27 &1!0 6&9 284 2i& 320 3i8 476 52i 653 6i3 255 308 322 :3:37 40& 48& 531 15611 6M 2150 308 :323 :342 406 4M 532 857 6ii 3151 30'1 326 :352 427 4i8 5:34 5&i 702


( ConUnuod on noxt card)

Page 183: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.l.rc.,tilla IN Latin Aaerlea

Boolto ?ll 712 718 140 12.1 1t3 ,H 1H ,l, 717 75, 763

Page 184: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lr.::t~la Morlaa 322 • War Conditiomu Forei gn l""..mda Control (Franoe)

Page 185: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina 335 Gee r, bin :lcct iee Argentine meat: See Wor Conditi'J!ls : Fore i gn Funds Control


Page 186: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Joolta 373 Ul5

Page 187: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argen~ina See 'i1ar Conditions: Spodn 376

Page 188: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~contlaa s .. loro1p J'lm4o Control

.Boob 634 700 683 ?04 688 ?06 6?2 ?06 6?8 131 682 768 6!10 692 693 6116

Page 189: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina See Latin Amer ica I Ur uguay " BEW

Page 190: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina Seo "1ar Condit ional Gol• 455

Page 191: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ArL:;&ltina ~Pe r.ar Conditicns : Fro.nce 4c·~ ,_

Page 192: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.... , ... u .. s •• Geld 501

Page 193: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

flrcoaU• lee Lead-Lea• .. U.l. 5.0

Page 194: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina See FBI

Page 195: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l



Page 196: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ar~oniina See "'ar Refu, ee nJ. 717 c;. ... 1,. Book 1i.3

Page 197: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Art;entirta 3eo "'1i llldo, ":fer.dell T..

Page 198: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


Page 199: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.t.rcontiaa See Pe•t..War Planning• Currency Stabilization

( Intorootl. Conf .)

P 9

Page 200: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina 763

Gold temporarily frozen - to be confirmed later by State Department - 8/17/44 See Foreign ~ ~ 763: 161


Page 201: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lt"g::!~ foeauc \.,..>,,"" b.~.~ """ 1..~-lu~<- , \.. .¥:. ~~~2 y ...... ~ ~'""''~

Page 202: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Argentina See Latin herica

Page 203: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

l.rcenf.lna See Geld

Page 204: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.rgeni1na See Latin America

Page 205: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A.~IZCI:A See -cr Conditio110 1 Sl,ipj.ir.g 462

Page 206: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arko.nsas, State ot 37'> Jones asks IIIJ.Jr about offering of t1JO mil. ' ""

in road bonds </14/ 41 )7:1: 27:1 o.) Haas answer </l!./41 :!95

1.11'1 \ A.\ ~· ~; .... ,.!.A, ~~- -"' \ l 1--·'t ~~~. 1.1....:... "'

v -r ·uu-- 1 ''"''"' o 1 ~ : I o-,.-, ,,.-~

Page 207: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arkaneae - Jeneeboro See Financire , Govt • • ,.,ar Savir-c;e Bonlle

Page 208: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

AI"IIIaClents .! See llllitary Expenditures of forei gn Govts . f. <I

Page 209: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

-· ... Di.......t - -ld ec.r-• Clreat Britoia

Page 210: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

IJ.r.uOIIh See War Coodi tiona

lloolu U6 166 326

Page 211: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Armaments Reduction· and 11.ral.tations of a See League o! liatJono

Page 212: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

See Poet~ar Planni ng

Page 213: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arcaa~:~ent See Uilitary Reporta 578

Page 214: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

f' ,_,ent Production See War Productien


Page 215: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Armed Fercee, U.s. See Finanein&, Govt .a 'Wu S&vinge Benie 5G2

Page 216: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 217: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 218: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.l.l'llotron~~:, ll..,ilton J'toh 110 HWJr tellt PJ1• he hae Md chMce to mmtlon A..

to :!'DR 2/1? /38 1101 ?6

Page 219: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


Page 220: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A~ 305 See liar Conditional Airplanes (a.ginea)

Page 221: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.rtq S.. Financing, Go'Ot.1 liar Savinrs Bonde 532

Page 222: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

I'";!. 'loMroal lliooaoo 644

Page 223: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Army1 llavy See Bankin& Facili tiee

••• aleo Book 713

Page 224: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

AniQ'•Na..y Football C... See ri.nancing, Gcn-t . t War Savinga Bonde

( 6th War Loan Drin)

Page 225: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ar•y ani 1!avy Jeurna1. See F1 nancint, Covt •1 1'~inancin.t the t1ar" [:iSS

Page 226: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 227: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~ ~. roroe., u. a. lbp•41nree: ... Olt.taa


Page 228: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Army Appns . See Wo.r Conditions

Page 229: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

I~ lult• . . a.. Jaata, AIWIJ

Page 230: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Army Coadaeariea and Peri hchangee Appl icability ot retaUera' axci aa taxea 530

dieeueeed. i.a War-Juriica-Treae. eorrea. 5/20/42 5301 95

Page 231: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.r r:q Contract• See War Conditional u.s.


Page 232: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

SH J'inanciD&, lorl.e Deten•• Sad.J!l&• BoAC!• 511

Page 233: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

jA1'111t- Navy Football o-Oromyko i.nYited to occupy truJr ' a box

ll/29/U 800• 13

Page 234: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


Page 235: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~-PliWliDC .8<1. In London, ~lan4 See Occupied Territor!••

Boolto 6611 681

Page 236: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 237: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Army , u.s. For itinerar~r of proposed inspection trip by ([JJ'r ,

see f.'nr Con Ut.ions : Army , U. E. (Air Bases; Campa)


Page 238: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

#..nay. u.s. UJXIJWII[

For amugcling , black market, etc., ee~ China

Page 239: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lrahold a. S. Bleiollrocler, IDO. See Foreign P'Undo Control 493

Page 240: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arneld, E~war~ See Finaneint, Gov1. .. 1~ar Sav~"":;e Bonlle 580


Page 241: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arnold, H. H. (Genertll) ? 4 7 See War Conditional United Stntea Committee

Page 242: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~tl•~ 1 V1.w . (~-~\\J ',<.~ & • ...Q. ~~"1 ~



1 0~

Page 243: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ar nold, Wa. W. See Beard of Ta.x Ap}'e&la 711

Page 244: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arnstein, Daniel For r eport o tl Burr:1a Road , soe ~ler Conditional Chir4G


Page 245: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

"Art tor ftnndo" Exhibition at Srookl yn l'useum, Brook111~.!!~ 7 llii~kl~- . . . ., ,. ~ee rinanc irt: , Govt . t War Savinge Bonde

Page 246: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Art;, llatl . Caller;y or See Natl. Galler;y or Art 411

Page 247: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

!rthvdalo, Y. Ta. o .. rall !act01'7 dhcuoood b7 hwllen and IIIC.1r

s/5/40 211v• 1n

Page 248: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Arthurdnle 1 'II , Va., Project A69 Procurerent cooperc tion with reportod to l!rs. FDil9 "

12/5/41 469 I 88 .... ,,1.1!", ~1"1 ·- 14(.. ~) ' T'"

Page 249: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

-·•• w, 1'a. Woocl deU. coatraot tor AJwy .lir Corpo lot


Page 250: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~riburdal.o, t. Va. See flrocurement DiT• 661

Page 251: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ariifl cial. Fog See Def ense, Natl . 407

Page 252: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~ ..... 4oll, c . Bocoro See N . o'f !as -'PP•l•

lee Jooke 112 llK

Page 253: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aoh, Adrian !l. (Sur . of lnt. Rev.) See Deferment • , 1.1111tary 691

Page 254: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ali& a.. 1far Coad1Uonoa J'oroiF ""''" Control

Page 255: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.al&Ue, lett, co: ) ~ c Sae War OoD41t1oatl J'oro1111 J'aa4a Ooatrol

Page 256: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

As: 1 tic PetroleUI:I Co . (Shell) Eee 1it:..r Co:1diti~nn : Foroi&n fun4 ;.s Control 457

Page 257: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 258: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

-h 6\..J:+-- ~\,....,1\ 12

S.: i. C..~L~ ( Sv--t..-, ~""""'':)

Page 259: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Assay Com., Annual See Mint , Bur. of


Page 260: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.• aay Commj oeion See L:'int , Bur. of

Page 261: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aooociotod and Unit .. Ratieno See Peet-W'ar Planning

Page 262: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A-.!."' .nl_ G.-, " f \u \; ,. <- G 1 4

S ii J"'~~~ (),.._,_...._ 1

Page 263: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 264: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


11 .1.......- ~ .. ~ f.r'lt1 C.... . \, ... ..... .!,\.,;\,~

,......_, .... , Yt ...... -:r. ~ ~ ,,:u, E'.l.,. S. G.u.l...._

4. '-I;~~ ... • ........ ; '\\ .... :r. ..., ).. \\ 1 &;., .• -.,~ ~(, 31~\lb ~4.3

Page 265: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

"- d \ ~ ~'C\t.\.,,'- I f\~)o~ • .,_\"t>( \..0 23

~...._J_ >t,qH- >.j'•h\

Page 266: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

1\""' :s.' ISl\ :o\....::! .... VI ; L........., c... r ,,:u,..__

""~~.... ._~ 'un~ \..\,.,...) 'r......·., ~... t. t.A'IL-_

~--T+'1 ~ ·~~l)H ~ 1'1-1!1<\

Page 267: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~!>oo;~ Ga.....,. £\tu\.1.·, {.;, JJ

s~ no ... -r ~...:~'ldl'l"'...:1;.1t .. .r. fJ,,~'"

:!>o : '••-••-'

Page 268: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.llsociated Gas and Electric C011~ 1111 FDLTr d 1sctl3ses caee with Wta.an

9/2/36 llXI J, 7 A-C



Page 269: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Associated Gas and Electric Coapany IIIJ RI&Jr diacueaea case with wus.-.n




Page 270: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

:; "$. =-.:~ (4\.,~ "\Aw.....Q ,.. ~\-a\- '11'-"\\s I ~(. ·. ,;-!>

•) l"'~'"\. ... ~ ~ 1-w." "''1hi , .... \...., \...._ 1-t,, \.., ~ J; ~ .. LC,

!.-) .,. ,~ -\\\1} IP\.j\.,...j \..t ~I,._\. II

c...i\ •·W.·, "'\"' ""'~'""

Page 271: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


~\~ ·\ ,,...,_._ ~ lh, 1' .... ~\.-g~ .,.;, ....,1 ""~~~..,... "\,~\~\. ~

L~;, (!:.<..c.. E '~<-h . c;.,.\ ~......_ ~·~ ) -~-· ·· ... ~.~.- .. ~f 11- ... ~. '')"'h~o -+-~II 'llo

•)•~\w..~ i~ "'';•t...+.-... ~ \{... ~·t..:., c.. .,\.r

Page 272: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Associated Gas and .Llectric Co. a.. Oliphan t places before lDUr) "' uccinct

aumcary of the important provisions of the stipulation as now dr ... n" 1/6/37 511 26-30

Page 273: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

baociated C..a/ and Elec. Co. Oliphant report on hearing in 1.1. oo l/ll/J7

- 2/10/37 551 87

Page 274: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aaeoci n.ted One nnd m.ectr1c Oo~ Jl\."':l.CG P..oosevelt t el ls Hl:Jr Burr ou.;;l·e (Vi co Pres .)

pl ans to ,;et ir. touch 'r-'1 th hin j FC:Jr t el ls Kl.el ey t o ~k Burrou .hs to put natter in vr1 t1ng 11/24/~7 99: 154

Page 275: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Associated Gas & Elec . Co. ·o1 Congressman Somers I at Brooklyn) proposes

settlecent to HMJr; HUJr tells Sor:.er;p~ proposition bas been offered bim /.Ctnrn--last teo days 12/9/37 1011 173

Page 276: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Associated Gas & Elec . Co. • 01 Congressman Somers l at Brooklyn) proposes

settlecent to fDIJr; HUJr tells Soo.~¥t:llfJM proposition has been offered hl.JIIj1("tnln"" last teo days 12/9/37 1011 173

Page 277: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auociated Gas and Electric Co. '02 Congreo81118ll llead (Buffalo, N. Y.) 1 phones Hli.Jr

concerning - 12/ 15/ 37 102t 100

Page 278: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~oooelft- Cia• 1111111. llee~rie 117-- 1 1 Olipbm\ - l!l•lns ..._1'7 <11 otatne of' pea41ng

euea tmol•lta« tax 11ab11U.S.• All4 alao th~• of l!owud C. Ropeon 1e penoruol co~~p~~niee 10/15/)S

Page 279: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

AJ:oelat"I\.J!p~"'l4 •tectrle Co. PM't,blll!'f"tilhool•on report fro• c.....tlu 1nopoetor

at tneo .. taz: of ftdlure to locate boon of iropeon'o fo~r Wewfoun41M>4 COIIP"ftloo

11/17/JS 151: 206


Page 280: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Assoctatcd Cos c.nd Electric Co. GroJ, Ben: R..:port on Oli pll :nt ' c two confe::-encf'!r

with 5/18/39 190: ~61.

Page 281: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Associated Gas and Electric Co. Krock (Arthur) resume' of bankruptcy f iling "on grounJs

t:1at SEC ruling leaves it wit;out neccssar; funds" 1/12/40 ?351 10,

Page 282: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

As~ocinted Gns and Electric Co. t• Cohen (Ben) congratulstes HW'r ('In st: nd on

llllltter of trustee 1/17/40 236: 76

Page 283: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aaaoclttted Caa a nd Elec. Co. ,... .., ,.. Case transferred to Souther -., Di str ict of ll. Y.

1/30/40 238: 263

Page 284: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Associa ted Gas ond EJ.cctr i c Co . Hunc:J , John .. . : A pt . h S r ece i ver d i scussed by

lUJr ~d Gc.ston; J'-!Jr expl ni nz 1lis cr. rly ~ · t~te..:ent of • ppr i vcl '.o H<nes <, 5/1.0 2'9: 212

Myers (r.m. ) d i s cusses tru~teeship with J-L.:Jr 2/6/40 365

"-)""'-•.tv. \. "-bu.-tL 0~~ -,.hi~ k

!!>-.:. 1-41l : 1 lo

Page 285: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aeeoci"ted Gas l'lld n~~tctrtc Co. Jhvle e. Jotm W. :

Ickes talko to l!l!Jr (ID 'l'ueoon); sta too thAt J'rank: will ovooee Hcmee 1.n open co\D"t

1 1f he does not d1hdrRw 2/9/l>o '':0 : 260 . RMJ'r fDi J'ol.,. diBCUfl8 ei tU& tion

?/9/'l>o 2<>4 S!C rele see in Mt•er to inquiry of

u.s. District J\ligo Vincent L. Leiboll ae to lll:lllta:MIWlether Co.nhelon 110uld ..e~~~ruoteo•hip 2/10/'l>o 331

lrott':~rttcle an\ Cohm (Beo.} IIMIDl on 1mp11eatl 001 a! &rtielo 2/13/4o 398

Page 286: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

• A) Iekot telegr._. 2/9/i¥J 1) 'rele,-ame between HVJr Nld

Poley ?/ 9/ 411

?i¥Jo ~6

332.333. 334.394

Page 287: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A[j~QxJ.•t,s!..9"ll ~d Electric Sntem C~~'ol'"'~nat6r Uorris' letter concerning Hanes ' appt .

addressed to SEC 2/15/1,0 W: J5 a) Cohen (Ben) meoo concerning

2/17/~0 109

b) f!l.IJr discusses with Foler 2/19/~0 175

1) Time of con·Jerso.tion between Hnnes and HlJJr discussed

Conf . on trustees; present : &Ur, Bell , Foley, Sullivan , Schwarz 2/20/ ~0 234

a ) Dnte of HMJ'r ' s conversation with Hanes again discussed

WJJ'r a sks Dougl as to discuas entire question with him * 2/20; ~0 ~130

Page 288: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~ * Fol ey chronol oBY of ovent s 2/70/40

~41: ~ 304

Page 289: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Associated Gas a nd Electric System Henes, John ii.:

Com:uissi::>ncr Eic er (SEC) d isv.ppr oves appt . but ms.j orlty of Conu:~.issLm votes othcrdse -so Sen. Norris i s inforn~ed 2/21/40 :>t.?a 1.4, 25

a) Norris o.nswcr 23 l!MJr ' s 1ett~r ~9 Nq_rris l(not §l'n~) ;-1. 2}21/40 15 llot,.;1cs ililif'!riiith !L..Jr ....,.._I<J'::t;t."Cf"\ .. r•<• 108

a ) i.lefi nitcly of opinion t'ntire situut.icn "is being put over on Henes"

b) ne . ..oz·ts Ben Cohen Wlbeli cvablj: bittl·r tor.rt.ro .. EC , i r f.M , Uld Hcn . .;cr~(.Jn

c) li..i.Jr str esses Fol ey loyalty d ) Dout,.los lC'eves t o confer with Ju~tice Stf"ne

hopinc to cet Stone to 1 u~. pressure on Leibel! (N . Y, Court)

Page 290: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ults tlorl·i;.; concerfung * a) HUJr con:~ ';./22/1.0

b ) iC.:Jr • JL.ckr;on ~/7< 40

21.2 : 145



Page 291: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aooociatod Gas and Electric Co. See SEC

Page 292: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.l.aeoei.aied Preee See Financing, Govt. 1 War Savin&• Bond a

(6th War Loan Drhe)

Page 293: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Assn . of A!1eriean Colle&oJ UJ:l£..•._.., •'--\· ·'-~ "l.,-1,.,.. Exec . Director au~ u to s oc 1'? 'Jr"' 3/9/., 4. 7081 23 ,


1\ ~ .... \ .._.,_o 1\ \ r •1 "" II C.. , ,_·11. -.,.,;'; '- , h{\o,it

I \o; ll<t.

Page 294: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

••• of llotion Picture Prod.uoere, IDe. s .. Financing, Gort. 1 Defenee Se.•in&• Bond•

Page 295: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.l.otoria louoinc Project See Bouelnc

Soo Booko 16 17

Page 296: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

&tchOion, rrodorick 11. ~ r ') Soo Poot_.o.r Pl&nnillc • Surplwo Proporty, Dupooal ot

Page 297: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atchison, Topeka, and Sa::::~. Ro1lrosd See Finnncing , Gavt . : ' Savings Bonde

(Sente Fe Ruilrond) 514

Page 298: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Athonagor aa, Hio Crace Archbishop Se• F inancing , Govt .s We.r Savi ngl Bonde (Greece )

Page 299: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

AtkeeoJt. T. C. 727 See Aprh: . and 1eait•-atic:ne t Aaet . Secret•ryahip

Page 300: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atkinu , E. c., Co. (Saw !Jfr s. - Indinna;>alis, Ind . ) rni report ~69: 1~1


Page 301: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

j.Udaooa, Brooke S.o China

Page 302: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atlnntn See 1-'irlnt~ci~&f , Q, vt . l Defe!l8e So.v.inge 1\C'nda

Page 303: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.l.tlaa\a, ~orcit. See Jinaneiac. Go•e~ent: Var Sa•1n&• !on4e

See Soolr:e 608 614

Page 304: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atltm tlc ,.00 Pectflc TeR Co. See :Bit!11 re se Cord t '!lone ·3o

Page 305: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atlantic and Paeilic Tea Co. , Great See 71naneing, Gort. 1 War SaYing• Bonda

Page 306: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atlantic and Pacific TM c •• , Great Se• lltl.t.tiea

Page 307: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atlutlo eHy opooeh by lli!Jr See Speeehe• by HlfJr

Page 308: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 309: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atlantic City, N.J. See Speech•• by HllJr

Page 310: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

ATLANTIC GULF, SS See iiar Conditionsa Japan

Page 311: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atlantic Seaporte For stored goods awaiting ships, see War .Con:ll.tlons:

Foreign Fundn Contr ol

Page 312: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Atlfs Powder Co. See 'iia.r Conditione : Purchasing lli ssion (B r itisb..Jorench)


Page 313: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

See War Refugee Bd.

Page 314: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Attachle and Viaaione, Financial -Vichy , Latin Ameriea,ili See Fina.ncial Attachia and lliaaione -Vichy, Latin

Ameri ea, f'tc.

'! 1

Page 315: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

At tlee , Clement ( DoJ?uty Prir:1e l.lin . and Lord rrivy !leal) See •·:ar ConJi!ion'u r Unit ed Kingdom

Page 316: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Attorney General Salary of official or empl oyee of U. S. Govt . on C 1 2

l eave with pay froo private employuent l Gen . Counsel ' s opinion 2/ 26/43 612 • 123

Page 317: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Attor11ey !or the Go•ernment See Gen. Coun•el, Office o! 650

Page 318: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.OGUSrA 1 USS For HlJ.Jr 'a cruise in nerouda see llorgentbau, Henry, Jr.


Page 319: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A11JUSTA, USS Silver C''lP pr eeonted by H!'Jr 7/16/41

~21 421 1 358

Page 320: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

1 AU~~i:~~ ~~~ ;>re<ented b;r I!''.Jr •w•rded for 19~1 4 t1 '1

to Officer 1n CJ.tt . ~~ Fire C.·nt.rol Div. 9/<5/I,J. 4~: ;~~

Page 321: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aurand, &n.n - Lieut. J,lcCley euggeete te }DUr ae participant on a

'l'a.r Boncl broaclcaet 4/24/ 42

Page 322: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A118chw1h (Gol'DOJl l!::r:toraillation Ca11p) S.o 'lar Rofuj:ee Bd.

Page 323: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auatre_lia See "tobilizst ion


Page 324: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

lUstral !a 38 See International Trade

Page 325: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.l.uot,.,.lla See CounterTa111~ Dut lea 106

Page 326: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Austr ali a See ffs r Con lit ions

Book• 258 a59 288 289 294 3211 331 397 •06 .36 •61

Page 327: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A'latral io. See :ur Cor.Ji1. ic.J.8 1 L 'nd - Lenae

Page 328: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auetr&lia Seo War Conditlono : Strator;ic llator1alo (Wool) 29()

Page 329: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Australia Wool : See War Conditions

Page 330: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.luou.lla Pr•cedn.nib reepeat te check• drawn ••

TrouT ~t u.s. 3/13/ 42 '?

5071 335

Page 331: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

I &u;::-t!:d-Leaoo 50!)

~u also ~ .. 11:. SIS" 5~b .n.. '1

Page 332: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Australia Caeey, Richard G.& Correa. on leaving Legation

3/<3/42 510: 192

Page 333: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auatralia See Geld.

Page 334: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auotran:& Coin• ointed by U.S . 1 hube tort Cable from

Aran, Conoulato , Sydnoy 5/7/42

Page 335: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aue~r••·· 5:l:'! Negotiation or dolla.r telegraphic tranetere, etc . -

J.mn. Coneulate Gen . • Sydney, report 5/28/•2 533• 268

Page 336: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auetralia Irving Berl i n s ong, "Any Bond• Today?" •

Perai6alon t o uee gr ant ed 7/20/' 2 551"•')1 6

1h~ ,,~ . , , , .,_.,~

Page 337: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Australia Reciprocal aid - draft notes on terms of: ~!

White memo 7/ 2J./42 552: 115

Page 338: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Australia. See l!otion Picture Industry 51.i'!

Page 339: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~t..:Jtr~ro~.lia •)..-, ( "~ ..... ,·· ... ,~,· ' ; .. ~oe .. itJ'Iln,.. · ··g, Cc.vt .l .: ... r S:n•iq~e Donde A -. •.,.

':'"-t"'~ ? '')

Page 340: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Australia Sue Pc..ot -7/e.r Plann ir.t f I nternatl. Stab . Fw.d 628

Page 341: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


s •• :::'f:;~;:·u'.• .. } 703

$u 'lso Bool\ 11'1

Page 342: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

lwoirali& See Poat.Yar Plan nine 1 Currency Stabililatien

(Intornatl. Conf . )

Su at .. e .. !( 7+.2. 7S'


Page 343: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.loultralla l.uOil\-.Uc!rich preuuro on 4oleph at lntornatl. 7 ~ 8

Moaet&r7 Cont., Brettoa Woodll lee Po1t-1far Planntnc (Curronc7 Stab111aaUon)

Page 344: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.uairalia See Lend-Leaae 1 U.K. - Phaee 2

Page 345: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

AuatraHa See Lond .... Leaeel U.X . .. Phase 2 (Britiah Dominion•)

Su .. l•o Soolll 7'1 803

Page 346: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Austria See Stci>ilizat i on 37

Page 347: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

-. !~~ISo annual Meting, 11&7 1937, for rea.:.J "


of eoad1t1ona 67• 1, 59

Page 348: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.lustra .luatro---German eituation: Eden apeeoh further

splitting Cabinet repcrted b;y Bolton to Knoke 2/'<J./38 1111 278


Page 349: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

au.trla 'see far Condltl on•l Germa.I17 2'J7

Page 350: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Austria Welles gives !IIIJr letest evallable info. 114

3/11/.38 114: 233 a) Germany h&s closed entire Austr i ltl frontier

I!IIJr discusEes With Cochrnn 3/11/38 239 Bol '"" on report s to Knoke situt~tion in Austria.

nnd Europe gene1·n1ly 3/12/38 253 Butterworth r eports rapidity of developmm ts in

Austri& has caused the dollar to be bid •esinst all r uropeon currencies 3/12/38 263

Amn. Le(::ation , Swit~erlblld , reports on devslopoents 3/14/38 373

Page 351: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

2 A.u•i.':_i~erwort."- reportu on Price lllnhter' e 4 stet.,.nt In Houoe of Comoono 3/15/38 114: 415

Page 352: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A.UA triA Bu•terworth reports ~n :Br1t1th Tree8Ury 1e

c oncl"rn over politicN. developments 3/16/}8

American Ecbassy , Berlin, r eports on laws ei01ed yesterday with respect to absorption of Austria 3/18/38

Vienna r eports on absorption of Austri an Natl. Bk. by Reichsb•nk 3/18/!18

,, ~;)

ll'j : ?3



Page 353: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Austria Servicing of 2 loans by Germany 1n contemplation

or action by France and Gt. Britain reported on by Cochran 6/7/JS 128: 77,78

Cocl-ran re.;')Or t~ on :met tne of French r.ni Gert!liUl nego tt .. t or e 6/11/38 274

Cochrm r~C'T'tl! on stAtue of A.uatrien 1930 loc.n ,.. 61s">aeed at BIS ce•tlr-~: 6/111/38 446

Page 354: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.l"J.strlo. See Debh, !'or e l e;n 0

Page 355: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


Puhl (i'dm.ini stntive Hand of Rcich&btmk) "in spite of great diff_culties will meet ~ont in Brussels to ti1scuss solution of defaulted Aus tricn dollar bond situation" 7/J/39 201: 65

Page 356: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Austria Puhl reports to Amn a Lmbassy , Berlin, on con.f . 'l'ith

Lamont in Brussels conaern...ng defaulted Aus t rian dolJ...r bond situa tion 7/7/39 202: 77

Page 357: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.\ u:rl r ie. St1e ''a r Conditj cne

Page 358: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

An~ ria S(•f': 'ar Conditj ens 449

Page 359: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

/:.;rLr:.n Cou1C'rt'love- K·ler ... i 1 Co~nt ;" . 'i . : Pctit. ion ror l i'i'

rcco~,..l.ition " !..:"' :10t. on:&eX"'l L,o ~6;:X"' hut .~:-E'ly Ger...:...n-.,cc·.1. ie~ !.c:-r·~ !"";, "

1 ... ' .. ") ~.'.1 ~:-::: l ':~

Page 360: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auotri.a Resistance rnova:r.ont outlined in OSS report

1/24/4; 812 1 173

Page 361: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.utoaobilt Induot!'J' See Buein••• Conditione

See Book• 177 180 187

Page 362: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Automobile Industry sr• flar Conditions! Automobiles 41i'

Page 363: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auto . Labor Situati on HIIJr asks JUss Roche to explain difficulties

bet,;een Gen. Wotors Corp . and United Auto. \oorkers Onion l /J./37 51: 18

a) Roche meco 19-20 b) Uiss Roche und John L. Lewis to

dine with HIIJr Seltzer (Oiv . of Research and Stutist.ics)

reports on labor developments in auto. field 1/5/37 1.8-1.9

U.issRoche tells HMJr developments in situ:...tion l/6/37 109 1/ 7/37 122

N~ '"

Page 364: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

l.uta.obUe llale•eD S•• rJ.na.a.cinc, Garl. t n.tenae S.•in&• Bond•

Page 365: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Automobile Tires See Bids , Collusive or Tie t. 2

Page 366: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~utoooblle T !res and Tubes Sec ·sar Con.Jitions: OPA 4::>7

Page 367: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

!J.ntoaobilt Yorlo:trt , Uaitt4 See Uai\ed hto110'bile Vorkere

See Boolca 478 498 630 6116

Page 368: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Auteilib!lil YOi'bi'i , tlaiW

a .. '-·- l>J IIUr

Page 369: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

AutoD'Iobile ";'torker a , Unlted See Financiny , Covt. . t "';far Savings Bonde S·'l 1

Page 370: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A.uto:nobt let See :Business Con41 tiona

Page 371: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Automobil es See Defense, Rotl. 422

Page 372: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J.utoMoblleo 7? 2 See Procureaent Div .l Surplue Prorerty, Dhpoul of

s .. a/so B. oK 711

Page 373: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 374: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

G....\-. \,;\to' c..,;t 13 ~ ... ;rr \t--.....:1<< f,.J... ~ Ch<..rn \.\\ ~..;ct\ )...- .\l

·~···;oM '.{uf c.J.; .. t ·\\-- 'w., •I ~~ ·tl •. -xiiL II

Page 375: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

1 AutomObile• t -rrea•. Hl~Jr ••k• Thomp•on to inveetlgat• ear-eharing ~ ~0

plan• or •mploy••• and uee or care by Treae. ot!icialo 4/27/42 520• 369

,, ....... ""''f"' ,..,,_. ... ,., ''" .....

") r~~ \~'1\"Y "l~t \~rv c) 1st report to FDR 5/29/42:

Bk. 2Jio., P• 29

:n.• ·· '"'> ~~

s-... , , ~,r

Page 376: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

JA .. t .. tobi1eo ('rrooo:'l E.x.c) ilnee o! Hl.'J;\ , Ruick f or a. Cadilla c

'l'ho•peon •••• 9/2/42 not poaaible -

56" 103

co:.)~-''-- ~ '... ... w 1 l"l~ 5ho

Sb"\ : )...5"~

Page 377: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.luio~obiloo , Treo.s . 6 9 4 Thoopson aaked for report on pres ence of cara

between 7 and 9 .l,l.l , l /17/44 69•• 188

Page 378: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.i.utonoH ve E4uirmeni See Poet - ';"!ar Planntne• Surrll.e Pr•}'ertr , D1eposa or

Page 379: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

fAu omotive arto See Poat-':'far Planning a lurplu• Property, Diapoeal ot

Page 380: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

l~•u..-\-;0"'<'\ l u

C:'nc..\'(.~ - G<\..\.,.., .::;... \..,. .. ·.\t, \'r'M ~~

Page 381: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Aviation See CiTil A"Yiation Cont'erenc• ... Chicago, n1.

Page 382: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Avlotion Fuels See \1or Conditions: Cel'"IDD.l\Y


Page 383: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Avintion Indust17, Pacific Coast See Finoncir.g , Govt.z Yler Savi ngs Bonds

Page 384: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

.t.zit C.ltal, J'Upt ot a .. l'oroip l'lm4o Cootrol

Page 385: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

xio Radio l'r opneanda 1::0 A See Finnncill£: , Govi. . 1 "!Jar Savinee 'Jor.de ( 2nd t·ar Lo~~ v

Dri ve)

Page 386: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

1-'ydeloiie, Frank See Refugees (Jewish ) 694

Page 387: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Avera , Leonard (Cleveland True t) Soo Business C'Jnl.! i ticms

Page 388: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ayr es, General Leonard Post-War Planning: Bretton ':ioods

8)0 8)0: 111

Page 389: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

!.zaleao f or Fishkill, ~ . Y, .A.lr iculture consulted Cor nsw types and color•

3/27/44 714 I 157 7ld

Page 390: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Azores See Corcenthau , Henr y , Jr.t ""rip to Ber.nuda

Page 391: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

A.zoree \':ar Dept. info. concern · ng a ir route throueh

12/17/43 685

685 • 91

Page 392: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 393: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bab, Herbert J. G. (King's College- Cambridge, l<lglnnd) '5b1te c0:11a1.ent on article entitled, "Outline of

a aound eccmomic program for Amn. democracy securing 30 yra . of fUll employment" 4/17/39 180: 86

Page 394: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Babcock, I, ~. lee .lqlcul tw-o

I • ::>

Page 395: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Babcock, H. E. See Asri culturo 434

Page 396: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Babcock, ll . E. (Chmn. ot Bd . ot Tr uoteoa, Cornell U!fi.y._J See Finnnci.n(; , Govt. 1 War Saving a Bonds 1 2

(College Reunions)

Page 397: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Jal>r Bodo See u. s. S.•1nc• Boa.4•

Soo Booko 3 / 4

133 177

Page 398: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baby Bonde (U, S, Savi nga Bonde) See Financirg , COTt.

Page 399: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baby Bondo_~u.s. Savlnc• Bonde) See Financine, Oo"Yt.

Page 400: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bache , Jules See ~oar Conditi ons: U. S.S. R.

Page 401: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Badc•r A Sou ee,, !. b. s .. ~rocur.-Jit f)1y, 636

Page 402: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baor, Frank L. 7'J8 S•e Uorgcnths u , Henry, Jr . a "Waahingten Broa. cast"

Page 403: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


Page 404: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bahr, Karl Friedrich See Fore:!cn Funda Contr•l 550

s., aleo Book 5'10

Page 405: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bahrol..D Iolan4 Soo Military Roporto 514

Page 406: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bailey, J. Lawrence See Dero,..nto, llilitaey 591

Page 407: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bailey, Josiah W. (Sea ., N.C.) See Democratic Party


Page 408: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baili e , l:.srl See St..bilization


Page 409: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~6..;\; l I~ '-<\L lS -

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f>> II. -1--\\, II>.• ; • ~-·iJ

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Page 410: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~IM\i'.. I~..,\ 16

~~"!t .. ~E . f'l . R.\,._ ~~ tt.~ <>J\~

IN._,. ·\ ~~~. ..... "fb.:.., ~..~ ... ~ ~ •~ ~ .... ~\ ''ho)~lo :l!l.t.ll.t~4

+!. : 1~ 4- - 117. '(

Page 411: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bailie , Earl See Business Conditions •J2


Page 412: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

!8111e, !!arl e See 1'"r Cond iti one

177 See a leo Book 1 ?8

Page 413: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bai l i e , Earle oo111 join Treas. staff 4/14/39 179: /02

Page 414: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ballh, larle Death reported to BMJr 1n J-ica

11/l.!Jf•o 331

331 1 .6

Page 415: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bn111e, l.tr .. . Ee.rle HNJ"r asks tha t t.rentoent nccordod i.!r s . B. a."ld her

secy. in regord t o socinl sccurit; tax be inveaUgated 7/2J/J9 203: :u,

Page 416: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

• Bail;UeU, 51!' CUY. See Lend-Leas e F62

Page 417: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~in, Steelman See J"ost-""lar Pl nnn1nt 1 Surpl ue Property , Dispoeel ot

Page 418: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Balcer, Davis L., Jr . See Financing, Govt • I

Page 419: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~~ ~ 'f~p .. ,.:\. ( ~ .. ~n)y,~) ~ .... :~ ... ~ 1·: 3 i""'"'\v,.C~,. ... ~ ... , .. -

~\)R 0...1'.~ "Y'A ~. ~ Lw......, ... u k:.. 1'-lub,

%<Ht : lilA

Page 420: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

""~ " :" 1t."o e~ r a)'""ed.s ~er- !t;t er· "'l , ':'rat.Skctl 110 728

Page 421: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baldwin, Cabin 6 53 See Occupied Terri t oriee l Italy (ArM. Di rector)

Page 422: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baldwin, H. Streett (Congressman, NY) Post-War Planning: Bretton '.'loods 831: 85


Page 423: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baldwin, Joseph (Congr eee!!W.11 , N.Y.) C( 7 Dieeueeee salary and bonue from tiitroloy Corp.

(over -$25 ,000) 2/9/43 607 1 176,177

Page 424: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baldwin Locomoth·• Co. See Finane ins, Gorl. 1 War SaTing• Bonde 518

Page 425: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

B&ltour, JU.rold H. (Captain) See War Conditione: United llncdos 307

Page 426: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Balkan a Sec War Condi tioDe

Page 427: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

f'alkan e See "::'ar nerutee d . 731

Page 428: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

1 Balkan coun~riea See War Refugee Bd.

Page 429: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

aa11 , Jueph (Sene tor, l'inn .) Seo Post- i:ar Ple.nning 1 q:-etton '::'ooda Con! .


Page 430: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bali, 'H.oodoro II. See Torelgn Tunde Cantrell Martinique 646

Page 431: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Sail I 'lb•edore k. See Occupied Territorieal L'artiniqLie 651

Page 432: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

"Ballad for Ar.:~erieane" See f inancin&, Co~ ., Defense Savl•c• Bonde 41a

Page 433: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Balla.ntyl'le, l&- . See Philippine Iolanda

Page 434: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ballinger, E. R. See Custoas , Dur . of

Page 435: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ball!ncor, 1. II. See Penonnel , Dt•. of

s .. aleo Book 3?3

Page 436: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ballinger, E. R. See Appts. and Resignations 1 Per sonnel, Div. of


Page 437: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 438: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

1 Balt1moro, 11<1. See Financ ing, Govt.1 War Savin&• Bondi C::<>•l ,,.._, ..

Page 439: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Baltiaore, lld. , First Natl. Rank of See Financint t Govt . 556

Page 440: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

e.ltitere, t!d . Seo Sreeches hy tn•Jr

Page 441: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ba.nca Credt to Italtana FBI report acknowledeod 6/25/40

Page 442: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Banc:n Credito Italian& FBI report aclcnowledged 6/26/4o 276: 127

Page 443: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~1.0 l,. ~·· c.o

Sii S:.:\~

Page 444: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Banco dl Napoli Trus t Co., Chicago See War Conditions : Foreign Funds Control

Page 445: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ba~~co lopuol 4t Paril Soo Spain 722

Page 446: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bandages See Poet-i!ar Plannin& l Surplue Property , Disposal of

Page 447: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l
Page 448: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

I Bane , !"ran• See Financing, GoYt .

Page 449: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bank Credit Copy o!" memo given ID.LJ'r by l'r.1ite Houwe

2/6/J.o 239: m a) Copy of ilo , ard S . Collman letter


to Jones 263

Page 450: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bank DopoeHe See Fir.c.r.ci .(; , Covt .r t.'cr Savines 9onds

Page 451: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bank Depoait.a See Kentucky 683

Page 452: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bo.nlc krnl.n&•• tlteet •t 'liar •• ita.. meme co•eriDg U.IC., Canada • and U.S.,

1939-1942 6/ 22/43 644

6«t 52

Page 453: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

B&lllt (•au.) lzaaiD.ationa Blllr Coaf'III'O aith repa. ot 4 Fed. acaocioo to plan UllifoN poliO)' 8/l/34 2r 7

Blllr'a pla. forb- CIOOI'diD&tion preiOlltod to FDII ll/2/34 1"

Page 454: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BMk Xxaminationt Oliphant memo eoncemin& O'Connor eta\emeote .t08

with re~rd to eofti'O!'\rl !Ori or bk. eXN:IlM.tlon• by Comptroller of Currency Md J'DIC ?/2/3S

l OS: 255

Page 455: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~tmir.lltione -.,!.; P.YJr , Tn,vlor , Uph!l!l. And Crowley

4/21/315 a ) Lett er a ttr..c,.,.cd froo i'Dl C to

Treas . expb . .1ntng cert ni n ft teps wi th r espect to bk. NperviP.i on

·2o 1?0: 120

CopporAti on 1a plrum1~ to t3ke HYJ r reoorh 1,. true t i ona from 'P'DR t.? hold mee ttne

with 'hV.:. exn.- ~natle, a~e:lciee on posaibUity of p r ocflledi JlC' wlth.,ut tM neceas l ~ o! ler:t.a1~t1on 4/?2/?8 151

n) Uph~S~the meno: "Trea t r.1er.t by Jk.. B'lnerTieory

4/~/3~ t1ee of Govt . bolUs i n bk. por tfol1oe;71

Page 456: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Dk. Sv::::~lnAtlona

Conf.; rreeent: reps. of rreaa . I nne, Co=troller'• lt'flc e 4/?5/Y,

~t} Letter from Crl'\wley to Eccles concern ' ng chAliCe of nAl:le of "alo"" clAestflcAtlo':'l

b) ~~~~fo~;;~~f e::.gfr.!;!ea

1,.,(1 J'M . ~et.,

1?0: 280

Page 457: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

l3k. :!Vl:linn.tione '- 1 Conf.; r.:rel!ent: HVJr , Taylor , UphA.n, Gaeton ,

Smyth•. Dr.vts , llclee , one! Crowley 4/i!f>/38 1?1 :36 a) ~·:r deacrtbea Crowley' e disnleaaure

at iiJiili.. of S~the (Compir oller ot J~clua i or.

CUrrency office) 111 Copy of eddreaa by Jone o ( !U'C) 164

Page 458: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bnhk !xl'.r.i nP.ttone .?. Wl!'co concern t nr !11.!\jorl ty AFTe~ment on cl e.aaif\ce.tJ on

of l oMB (Blow, doubt ful, a n! l o88) 5/~i'g l ;>• 1 Cnnf, ; prese nt : r eps . ::>f Trella , , ! I'd. Bes , ];:If",, mtd, -

Comptrolle r of Currency'• office 5/3/3S 247 a) Slow column considered I) A:opr a ila.l of borx!s consid ered 253 c) Profite f ro:a certai n s ecllrl ttea t o be

i mpo:ulied t. n special acc t. 1rhere- t!l.e y are umvallA.b l e !or d i viderd a. considered 255

Page 459: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Ec . 'EXN:I1nstiona !. Co:U .: prP~ent: JNJ r, R~~"rr1eon, TP,ylor, Tom X. Sol t.'lt,

:Broder1ck , Coolld{"f' , R. lJ. RNlea , UphP.o, T. J . Gro om (Wa8hl,..ton), Lawree ( N.T . ), W. R. White (N.T.) ;/4/38 123: l

A) RArrhon adden,lum ata.t ing thnt Fed . Res. Bk. of N.Y. eumi"VVti on r e port fore ehowa now only lonna in wh \ch lol oea !\re anttei~ted or Ukely to IX cur in ACCI'1!"dl"..n:: e .,.1 th new deflnU!ion in Co:.ptroller of Curr ency 'e l natructlom for 1934

b) Copiea of :.nJorl ty' R«l"eeoent An! exnr euil)n of :~ 1nor1 t\f po11 tion lOQ

c) Upham mtlll o 116 Upham r eports 1ha t :Brown (Preo., :f.lr ;t !l&tl Bk f

Chic £\go) !)lensed w1 th !!sne a r:: /5( ) S • ' 0 ;50

Page 460: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

:Bk. :!xA:~iMt1one Conf.: , resent: HHJr, TJ\,Vlor, Up~-.. Gflston ,

WcXee , Drtv1e, Cro•ley, Pl'l.ul~r , DlYJ'S , 511\Yth, J'olt;er, Nidlolol 5/9/38 a) D1Pc•.aeion of pointe on -.hich

S;>ecial J.dvii0'1' .lroup:Uuo:a 11 in e_er eement

1>4 : 4o


Page 461: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bk. Exa.oainlltions • 2 5 Melee (Fed. Res . Bd . ) expresses concern to Upbam

over success of efforts at agreement 5/16/38 125: 135

Page 462: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bk. Examinations Ransom tells RIIJr "in eff ort to get better

coordinati on, we may have reached point whe~ everybody i s out of step with us• 6/9/38 128:

RE'.n~olll ~d Hl!J r d1Bcl.lla 3 p~Jtnt e u at lesue

11r. 6/;;,Jb?t;on eonf. ; ;Ff'PProt : HVJ r, !.cclee , Pan80 ~.

U;>l'"" 6/14/36 a ) Proposed. e.tate:Jent read by Ra.•'lsoc ;

PllJ'r Coe e not DO'ee .... cons ider s 1t cr1t\c1em of oti"e r t-,:"!ncie e

1) C~~ Of r. t At eJ..Cnt b) Gener a l bitter discueston c) Copy of Eccle o letter to VMdenber c

G{ll: t:r.


293 351

Page 463: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

2 llk. !.XT~1 :l&t1 one d ) Iintner And .A.laop etory or cont . d1rMJsscd

~t 9•:'0 ,..etlr-t; 6/15/:;5 123: 4S9

Page 464: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

130: 18 FAd . :Res. :Bd , position ea Mven by Zccle11


• 20

Cor.f.: ;vesent: Hl.!Jr, Gnrton . Uphan. Crowley, D1t;(8 , Ani Sm;yth 6/20/38 °0

n) ~~e:i:ttt1!~~~c~U:~Mf ~t=~e~~e!~!;11de b) Crowley De::!O tlettirg forth viewe, read 51 c) 'F:'ft In!Jr should ea;r et rreaa oonf. d1eCUI' aed 54 d) m!Jr expreeeea his opinion c£ Fed. P.es. S:r-tem 58 e) J onea 1 •UI"eesttooa 59 f) :!:celeB' t l'UIIIp card explAined ~· Uphan: h• th1nlce

FDR prom"iaed hio. that he would ~e t ""coordimtlon of ~e bankint ae;enciea to m..."lke effective A.d.!ninistr 111 ti onf 1a cheap money poll~· 62

Page 465: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

• 1) T1cker report of pre a a con!. 130 : 93

Page 466: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

2 Et. ~inn tiorw :30

J oneo nol:o for m 1\ppt. 6/20/38 120 : 65 Ecclea 1 letter to Vardenber« : ...... tell• HWJ'r

It .,.. not :!!d. actlm 6/ 20/38 Wall St . Journal edi tor1el point of view

6/20/38 . Conf.,JXJ"IDm:b. at Hl!Jr'a home : nreaent: Jone1 ,

Crouley. Dit'(t , 011;ilia."lt 1 Cleeton, Upb"--n 8:30 P.ll. 6/20/}8

" ) Suerested rev1a1on of 1nveet!:ler.t Aec,tr1 t1et reeuJ,A.ttonc of Co!!lptroller of Currency



dlacneaed L) Copy of Comptroller ' s r Pgulati on 85

l\ ~ ..... - -- ......... """ ....... ~ '"'"" ~,..·1.,,/.1

Page 467: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Blc. tDUD1nrtt1nna 1 30 Gf\eton DII':"JO on •go:cp:trbon ot volumP of b.ut ne_.a of

Jed . Rea . Bkt!. ond. l'arm Cre!\1t A.f'lm1n\Ptrat1 on•

6/21/}S 130: 173 Con!'.; preaent: HUJr, G8eton, UphAm , :'l:cclPe,

Re.neom, S:yu:zsk , V.clee. DrP.per, Digt;s . Crowle~ ,

Joreo, 011phmt 6/'71/'S 177 Q A) Cl:\ss1f'1cat1 rm 'jt loan. a :ta.t in

bk, eXM>Ina.t! .. repcrta 251

Page 468: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

131 Co~.: :n-esentJ RWJr, 011-,hMt, Uph~W-, Dtue, Crowle,.,

DreJ>'r, llclee, Sr.ymczak , kcleo 6/2?/Y, 131: 49 R) Stat~~r.e nt of reviled O&TeeD!On t d~ ~'l••ed

UMA11110Ul1 report trMI! mlt te• to J'DR 6 f 24 (yJ xB

a) Dhc\a oed at 9:30 ~eeting b) J"DR telll Gaston rtleA.ae aho~ be iasued

jointly by Treaa. I red. Rea. 0 !'DIC, Moi Comptroller of Currency 6/25/Y, 1) Co:py of pTOpoAed ~ee" release, but

not uaed 2) .Preas releA.ae

Gft.eton memo on timing at Ecclea 1 letter s.nd HUJr'a co~nte on l'RB'• Attitude tn preea

. con!t;.,"\'-~~f:'~..__-,.:a.. e \ ''11-4h<J" ~'"1..

123 l"\8


Page 469: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

2 l!lc, b.om!Mt!ona 131 RAnsom CO¥r~tulAtee I!IIJ'r 6/?S/33 1}11 222 Luncheon oeettnt;; preeent: HllJr, Dtegs , Eccles,

RFn so:n, J one a , Crowley, Gaa tnn , nnd Upham 6/YJ/"1! 410

,.) Steps to be t n.'<en to put Into effect new ~rerment c d. diecu~aed

Page 470: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Donk Examinntiono 2 Uniformity of Practice: Resu.c:tel of steps leading

to revision - Janutll"Y 1938 to JWlc 27, 1938 Book 132

Page 471: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bi:.. Zc~~":!!~:~ent 11\lf',.es ted fnr uae by F:IR 1

) J 1n connf'ction •1th release of ~ee""ent

tJ.Clal""1edr;ed by l!I!Jr 7/1/38 133 : 55 1:ccl.e e-HMJr connree.t1<'n concern tnr !>~U conf. 67

Page 472: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

llk. ! XIU!I.1Mt1 0D1 Secles r e:x>rt& to ~r thr t. CrOJ'le:-r Prrl D~c3"•

&re dtaret"U"~'r-4: - O/'T0 01!11'o t 7/ 14/38

Page 473: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~k. 'IJ:Nninatione UphAa memo to HMJ'r coneerntne propoeed coneol tdati on

In o!nele -ncy 3/23/39 170: 195 &) n>R o.alood by l!liJr to take no otep

unier reorganb~ttion plM until return of lniJr trom Sea hlrtnd 3/2)/39 194

Page 474: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bank Examinatitlla See Banking Legislation 178

Page 475: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bank ExaainaHone Jeil'\t ata.tem;.ent by co.pt or. Cur. J t-niC, Fe.,ZRS

Rea . ~yetea, •nl Exec . Co•· of t\atl . Assn. or Superviooro of Stato gar>s 11/23/42 ;8~ . 135

Page 476: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bank Examiner o Ex~mption trom Civil Servicu See Comptroller or


Page 477: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l


Page 478: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~"' r ~"\vl .... \..J. '";:,l \\Q.,.~ ~~ (\\~ . ~ - ,'1\i) -~-> "a·..........._,! 10

t,-......1 s-11->\il•.,

..,::, ~1;-c. '"~ · ~\-~~ ''h•\.r £)_<;1 .. , •"'\' 1"\.\\j B..,.,:~

~) fJ.. ~- ~ • ..l, ... ,, '6~· .. · .... ,. '-•'·1'-') ""'~' ~'••<• d'"" "-k ~- ·~ ~......)- ­

• v-.~ .... J. ~- 1.1...... 1-11--< ~\....._,

Page 479: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

But tar Iat.erl>atiaaal s.ttl-Dta - -illaatl•

I•• alao Joot:a 48 114



Page 480: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

Bt n'.c for Inter:v t i :tl .... ~..ttlr~tf'nt.t l.,;oc.•r; n,rcpo:-tE oJU u.f"£-i!~"~t:. ; ... oct P.f :Jir.cu;;sion C)'l ~Entrr.-.LL uj>On ..l!'l ftl.!'t),. t..:.:.c:l•.;.:.cnt"":.t: t:.~tcs ~:>t d~

ncce~·::.: ry b~ tt plan ~or c<:y: r- •.Lit. ofricec of c·unn . f td .l pru . c~ 'h< Bk. 1/1~/'7 51: '0£-'16

L) Tri j) v.ill uot co:1t.Jr.UC' t1!'! pu citun . oi' bt.: . r..~':cr close of bu:::i-lc:;r ~r .

) !:i.r Otto ~acme;er mo~t li11.t.l;,· Juccc~sor c) l'ri. :ctt.t.c. th ~ brrt~nbf"~ent.:. f'or t,;old

rcciproci.+. bctt.E:;Cn U. !' . ut ~ll'l-~t>rl· nee &rE:; .. o:""'<i·lo "-' •-l~"': c•.o:"'llJ

d) S"toi ss vovcrnor discur~cs ~is lOll snipu.('nta

to N.Y. e) Kooth ,;1voD '-'Ochr&n nls ret-cons T.h;;

.. ct ndd.n:.vir n l,;(ntr:..l Bks . c.~c c: t pr e. sent not. L'lclint<d to na.herc to -;'ril..t.rtlt.e trr!;nuaccnt

Page 481: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

nto Uoc':lrr n----- - -

f) French bu. ff lt>ry &ni. T!"t-~.3 • • it.Ut ~ ion ~oorri<:s ,hl" vulch, 0:.1ti .... , :a• li· u .. , Vf'J"i.il n , tono Oritl~h

u} ~cht.c~t-Cochnn converL• t.i·Jil rr-port.ed

Page 482: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BIS Cochrs.n reporte on llarch 111eet log 3/2/;.., <8: J 57

Page 483: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BIS Cochran reports 011 •oetJ.ni 4/U/37 a) Reca.aondation or the cuato:nary 6"

dividend for fiecal year or ' Ji>-' 37 to ah&roholdere 00 the oldfKOld f~ bash

b) Rule to be abolished which hao heretofore required that 40S of BIS aharea originall7 aubacribod to by Allin. baokin& group be retai ned in U.S.

c) Resu.e• of European si tuation

Page 484: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

' BIS £11 ua.n ._ .. , b 7 Cochran neUMI ot neoto 1n T&rioue luropean countr1•• durin& past .,..r baaed on adY&Doe COP1: of report whioh Proo. Trip w1ll -at ?i.h annual .. etl..o& S/1/37 67• 1, SJ

Page 485: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~~(!..1)5 Cochran report• OD wo .... l Metinll or thoae BIS diNctoro who are Con. ot Central Bko. to diacuea correepood.ence excbance with fed. Rea. Bk. of H.I. with regard to Hgarian credito

CoclU>u reports on final conversatio~/ !{~ 671 52

I.,....,, ot Bk. o! bog. 5/5/37 74 a) Noraan raieea queatloo of u.s.

antboritias takl.n!l ea.o act~ on net cold bqyinc price withtiieceseitatinc

N fnrtber locielation b) BeUeYoe French Treaa. eit..,tion •lll

"eTentual.l..7 wreck Bla and ie therefore ell the •ore au:.d.oue that u.s. end Gt. B~ita stand tceether

Page 486: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BIS cj Res ume' of favorable press COGmlent on annual r eport

perticularl.y on the referezncea to the outlook oa gol d contained therein, tranud tted by lbi:D:xJm Cocbr ~·nn>hda- 5/13/ 37 68: 172

Page 487: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

82~chron reports on meeting 6/ 15/37 73 < l3 a)llain business tJu t of studying , requests

of Natl. Bk. of Hungary for 3-yr. extension of BIS and g_entra l ]!k. credits with 1:( interest and 4t~ repayment

b) OenuinblT pess.IJUstic point of view on conditions in France

c) SWiss situation discussed with Bachl:>snn; Cochran 3 tlaea repeats DJrta ;uessage, making it clear this is official

d) Pr~.r-~9. sailing of Paul Van Zeelnnd for u.s. , ~,Van Zeeland asked Jacobsaon to prepere memo on gold situation ; after revision, Niemeyer will circulate to Centrsl Bk. governors and Cochrwl is promised copy

1) '@l'O"ing price of gold is favored in this

Page 488: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

2 BIS 2) Cochran UDderatanda llarcel Van ZeeJ.aai3

doea not !&Yor thiaJ !&Tore rather increaain& cash requi..rcente of co.mercial blr:e. and increaain&: coYerap requir•enta of Central Bko.

e) Cochran leorno fro. witb.in BIS that Central Bk. of finland has boen largHt seller of gold agoinat dollars through BIS

f) CcY. Roctb, of Swedish Rikobank, oees no need tor Swede• a talcing a:t17 Umediate aooetary action

g) Ccv. lol'IUll feels that great care ehou.ld be exercised in accopting ar-ts put !orwerd b:r ~in financUJ. journals and writero, l!!. on ~icular~, against cbenging price 0 go-. oliice irect 1ntereot 1n aold &1n1ng 1s held b thaN curnalo

Page 489: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

J BIS . 7 J efforts to pootrol production or gold also opposed by !lorman

b) Gov. Worman' a asst., Cobbold, pnrticula.rly cood&Wla Paul b: Einzig of Lonrbn F1n8Jlc1al Mews as being 1mfair in cOr.liZient

Page 490: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BIS Cochran report a 011 •tirat

1 meeting aince July, 1937"

10/12/37 921 l

a) lhether gold coilll abould be oold to priftte bko. b7 Cectral Bks. diacusoed

b) GoY. aor-n (Bk. or E,g.) peasia1atic1 not hopeful of ag:reeiMint between Britiab and Aim. officialo for ucbongo or dote with respect to copital holdingo

c) lldu Bachllacnl .........., 1 1 1 • .. , 1 contiru report that l&tl. Bk. of Switoerland 1a accepting gold bars trOll other C&tral Bks. Ollly

d) Trip (letberlanda) consulted about reciprocal

arrana:•enta tor i.nf'ormatiSI t&xea

Page 491: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

2 BIS o) t)

Swiaa loan tor French ra.il•aya discuaaed DetW teJ.r tolt that Paul. Van Zeeland baa burt his C&reft' treaendouelJ' by &:etting in'f'O}'f'ed 1D 1Dtornat1011&l inquiry •1 tbout eiDcore support o.· either French or Britieh


&) Sebacbt indicates he will IOOD resign froa IIWatey ct Ec011om1ca and troa Reiebebank

Page 492: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BIS Coehren reports on meeting ll/9/37 94• 210

Page 493: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BIS j Ql Cochran, upon return fa. to Parle from U.S., reports

that Schacht regrets tha t Hiemeyer has advocated Hechler as general mgr. for BIS; cannot support him but failure to support a German candidate will weaken his (Schacht's) pos ition further 12/9/37

lOlt 110

Cochran also reports that Fourni er and Niemeyer will coosult soon in l:itQI.»Aa.t))..; Fournier to carJY out threat ofjFier'i'Cl11eposits ID_t.Qd French participation and even ...,_, po :6i'To~e question of reparations by removing long-ten~ French funds placed i n Bk. under the Young plan, if Niemeywr persists in his move for a German general mgr. 12/ 9/37 110

Page 494: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BISs.0 tioo S~ols1Hw~il>l1 • U2 Cochran reporto appt . of a Frenchman (Roger Auboi.n)

aa aucceaaor to Queanay aa ~ea.eral ~gr.

12/ 14/J? 1021 28 •

Page 495: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

~a 106 c~~.pit.IU.I Chl'lll~ of ttuue capitAl f'ro• IJ)ld Male

diecuesed ; :Br1t1fh 1\Dl lwed.lth f'e:•or d!.a~e -Du.tctt, Yrench, NW1 Swies oppoeed: 1t c~e MD• rep~eut of :Btl 'P'V'•entt to Geraeny ~ .. expmoi'fl, ScMcht will fo:•or l/11/38 l o6:

l'e1herlen1el ~king an! buaineee cond itl OIU d hC\lllled

l/ll/38 5 TOll ZeelAnd r-rt d1o cuaaed l/ll/38 10


Page 496: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

DIS Doyen (Pre•., DIS) proposed v1a1t to u.s.

with a w:!ew to getting U.S. to Join Dk. offici ally di•cu•sed by Cochran IIJld HIIJr 2/10/38 1091



Page 497: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

liiS Cochran repor ts on ..,.u"': 3/14/38

Page 498: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

:SIS Coehran re aume1 of mePtlng

Page 499: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

l!IS ::xcerota from 8th lln.nU1\l report to be rendered

..,,~; 9 . 1938 123: 4hl

Page 500: 45,1 Riche.rde, Karl 1 To be trr-oeterred from Cuatoaa Se ... · Appto. •r.d Reoicnotior. s 465 Cor: peneo.t i o n frou };riv a te eoployora i o.d .:ii ion to Covt . oo.lo.ry l

BIS 1 11 Coc!>rM r epor ts m onnu.U meettng 5/9/Y, 1?4: 6

294. xHtgxytrttx ___ Uapd__ 301