406d - organisational behaviour

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  • Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science(Autonomous, affiliated to the Bharathiar University, recognized by the UGC)Re-

    accredited at the 'A' Grade Level by the NAAC and ISO 9001:2008 CertifiedCRISL rated 'A' (TN) for MBA and MIB Programmes

    II BCA [2013 - 2016]Semester - IV

    Allied : Organisational Behaviour - 406DMultiple Choice Questions.

    1. Internal social system of the organization consists of _________. A. individuals. B. small groups. C. large groups D. all the above. ANSWER: D

    2. Human behavior in organizations is sometimes _________. A. easy. B. confusing. C. predictable. D. unpredictable . ANSWER: D

    3. There are _______ perfect solutions to organizational problems. A. many. B. no. C. sometimes. D. limited. ANSWER: B

    4. Organizations are _______ systems. A. compound. B. simple. C. organized. D. complex. ANSWER: D

    5. People can empathize with the _______ of others. A. feelings. B. works. C. hard work. D. social problems. ANSWER: A

    6. Organizational behavior is the _______ study. A. economic. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • B. applied. C. systematic. D. social. ANSWER: C

    7. Organizations can be viewed and managed as ______. A. whole systems. B. macro systems. C. micro systems. D. small systems. ANSWER: A

    8. _______ is the use of more principles and values to affect the behavior of individuals and organizationwith regard to choices between what is right and wrong. A. Ethics. B. Goals . C. Policy of the company. D. Desire. ANSWER: A

    9. _________ make up the internal social system of an organization. A. People. B. System. C. Networks. D. Structure. ANSWER: A

    10. Groups are _________. A. dynamic. B. virtual. C. complex. D. compound. ANSWER: A

    11. __________ is the on going process through which valuable behavioral knowledge is continuallyuncovered. A. Survey. B. Research. C. Analysis. D. Case-study. ANSWER: B

    12. Each person is different from others because of differences in __________. A. education. B. style of living. C. DNA profile. D. d. status. ANSWER: C

    13. Knowledge X Skill = _______. A. Situation. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • B. Attitude. C. Motivation. D. Ability. ANSWER: D

    14. Attitude X Situation = __________. A. Motivation. B. Knowledge. C. Skill. D. Ability . ANSWER: A

    15. Ability X Motivation =________. A. Potential human performance. B. Attitude. C. Skill. D. Knowledge. ANSWER: A

    16. Potential Performance X Resources X Opportunity=________. A. Organizational results. B. Attitude. C. Skill. D. Knowledge. ANSWER: A

    17. Which of the following is not a limitation of organizational behavior? A. Ethical manipulation of people. B. The law of diminishing returns. C. Behavioral bias. D. Social system. ANSWER: A

    18. ________ are the communication interferences that arises from human emotions, values and poorlistening habits. A. Physical barriers. B. Personal barriers. C. Semantic barriers. D. Psychological barries. ANSWER: B

    19. When an employee is overloaded with so much of information, then its called as______. A. communication barrier. B. communication overload. C. communication gap. D. communication need. ANSWER: B

    20. When employees search for feedback about their performance that behavior is called as_________. A. appraisal seeking behavior. B. feedback seeking behavior. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • C. 360 degree feedback. D. performance feedback. ANSWER: B

    21. The slow movement of information to the top management by the manager is called as _______. A. filtering. B. silence. C. delay. D. need for response. ANSWER: C

    22. Employee who plays a major role in lateral communication is referred to as ________. A. active participators. B. networkers. C. boundary spanners. D. passive participators. ANSWER: C

    23. A few details getting missed out in a communication based on the interest and the ambiguity is called as_________.

    A. exaggerating. B. filtering. C. missing of data. D. cooking up of stories. ANSWER: B

    24. A drive to accomplish objectives and get ahead is called as _________. A. performance. B. power. C. affiliation. D. achievement. ANSWER: D

    25. A drive to relate to people effectively is called as _________. A. power. B. performance. C. achievement. D. affiliation. ANSWER: D

    26. MBO is the acronym for _______. A. Management By Objectives. B. Management By Offers. C. Management By Orders. D. Management By Opportunities. ANSWER: A

    27. Elements of ERG model are ________. A. Existence, Relatedness, Growth. B. Existence, Reasoning, Growth. C. Experiment, Relations, Growth. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • D. Experiment, Reasoning, Growth. ANSWER: A

    28. _____ are communication interferences that occur in the environment in which the communicationtakes place. A. Physical barriers. B. Personal barriers. C. Semantic barriers. D. Psychological barriers. ANSWER: A

    29. The external rewards are called as ________. A. intrinsic motivators. B. extrinsic motivators. C. reward factors. D. motivating factors. ANSWER: B

    30. Job security and fringe benefits relate to _______. A. existence needs. B. relatedness needs. C. growth needs. D. model needs. ANSWER: A

    31. _________ is a drive to influence people, take control and change situation. A. Affiliation motivation. B. Power motivation. C. Achievement motivation. D. Personal motivation. ANSWER: B

    32. For an internal physical inequity reaction what possible over-reward reaction is shown? A. Discount the reward. B. Work harder. C. Encourage the person. D. Change the referent person. ANSWER: B

    33. For an internal psychological inequity reaction what possible over-reward reaction be shown? A. Discount the reward. B. Work less. C. Discourage the person. D. Change the referent person. ANSWER: A

    34. Job analysis and wage survey rate jobs ,comparing one job with another to determine ___________. A. base pay. B. consolidated pay. C. overall pay. D. incentive. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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    35. What kind of reward is given when an increase is given on seniority? A. Non economic reward. B. Service reward. C. Non work reward. D. Sacrifice reward. ANSWER: B

    36. What kind if reward is given for overtime and on shift differential? A. Sacrifice reward. B. Non work reward. C. Non economic reward. D. Service reward. ANSWER: A

    37. What kind of reward is given for vacations and pensions? A. Sacrifice reward. B. Non economic reward. C. Service reward. D. Non work reward. ANSWER: D

    38. What kind of reward is given for on-site and day care? A. Non economic reward. B. Non work reward. C. Sacrifice reward. D. Service reward. ANSWER: A

    39. What kind of reward is paid for incentive and gain sharing? A. Performance reward. B. Non work reward. C. Service reward. D. Sacrifice reward. ANSWER: A

    40. A major factor in the success of goal setting is _______ which is an internal belief regarding one's jobrelated capabilities and competencies. A. self-esteem. B. feedback. C. self-efficacy. D. performance appraisal. ANSWER: C

    41. Money is to act as a strong motivator so an employee must want more of ______. A. attitude. B. motivation. C. expectancy. D. valance. ANSWER: D BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • 42. The effort than an employee makes is helpful in producing desired performance explains ________. A. instrumentality. B. valance. C. expectancy. D. motivation. ANSWER: C

    43. The trust that monetary reward will follow better performance states ______. A. valance. B. instrumentality. C. expectancy. D. motivation. ANSWER: B

    44. Valance X Expectancy X Instrumentality = ______. A. Motivation. B. Attitude. C. Personality . D. Perception. ANSWER: A

    45. Which reward has high valance? A. Appreciation. B. A house. C. Money. D. Letter of merit. ANSWER: C

    46. ________ is a system that distributes to employees some portion of the profit of business, eitherimmediately or deferred until a later date. A. Wage incentive. B. Gain sharing. C. Profit sharing. D. Skill based pay. ANSWER: C

    47. Which is the area where management has more opportunity for building trust and positive action? A. valance. B. expectancy. C. Instrumentality. D. motivation. ANSWER: C

    48. When the level of performance is high and the level of economic reward is low then instrumentalitycondition is _______. A. high. B. desirable. C. low. D. undesirable. ANSWER: D BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • 49. The payment of an extrinsic reward ______ the intrinsic satisfaction is received. A. decreases. B. increases. C. balances. D. has no effect on. ANSWER: A

    50. When both the level of performance and economic reward is low, then the instrumentality condition is________.

    A. low. B. undesirable. C. desirable. D. high. ANSWER: C

    51. In leadership behavior, _________ refers to a person's knowledge of and ability in any type of processtechnique. A. human skill B. technical skill. C. conceptual skill. D. motivational skill. ANSWER: B

    52. Which objective is usually set for the next calendar year? A. Completion of project. B. Action planning. C. Objective setting. D. Annual evaluation. ANSWER: C

    53. Which determines the participative or even independent planning by the employee as to how to reachthose objectives? A. Periodic reviews. B. Action planning. C. Annual evaluation. D. Objective setting. ANSWER: B

    54. Joint assessment of progress toward objectives by manager and employee performed informally andsometimes spontaneously is ______. A. periodic reviews. B. objective setting. C. action planning. D. annual evaluation. ANSWER: A

    55. More formal assessment of success in achieving the employees annual objectives, coupled with arenewal of the planning cycle explain______. A. periodic reviews. B. annual evaluation. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • C. action planning. D. objective setting. ANSWER: B

    56. Which sense is brought about through identified passions, an exciting vision, relevant and whole task? A. A sense of choice. B. A sense of meaningfulness. C. A sense of competence. D. A sense of progress. ANSWER: B

    57. Which sense is created by delegated authority, demonstrated trust, and provision of security, clearpurpose and relevant information? A. A sense of choice. B. A sense of meaningfulness. C. A sense of competence. D. A sense of progress. ANSWER: A

    58. Which sense is created through training, positive feedback, skill recognition and challenging standards? A. A sense of meaningfulness. B. A sense of choice. C. A sense of competence. D. A sense of progress. ANSWER: C

    59. When a manager, sub ordinate, peers and even customers judge an employee's skills and abilities that iscalled as _______. A. 90 degree feedback. B. 120 degree feedback. C. 240 degree feedback. D. 360 degree feedback. ANSWER: D

    60. ___________ centralize power and decision making in themselves. A. Autocratic leaders. B. Consultative leaders. C. Participative leaders. D. Negative leaders. ANSWER: A

    61. Who will try to predict and control future employee's behavior? A. Manager. B. Co-worker C. Sub-ordinate. D. Lay man. ANSWER: A

    62. ________ is the psychological process in which high expectations by employees themselves lead tohigh performance. A. Alpha effect. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • B. Beta effect. C. Galatea effect. D. Managerial effect. ANSWER: C

    63. Performance appraisals are _________ tasks for managers, which require job understanding and carefulobservation of performance. A. confrontational. B. judgmental. C. emotional. D. complex. ANSWER: D

    64. The theory of attribution stemmed from the works of _________. A. Alder Keno. B. Siege. C. Fritz Heider. D. Freda Helter. ANSWER: C

    65. Which process involves people interpreting and assigning causes for their own and others behavior? A. Motivation. B. Attribution. C. Attrition. D. Affiliation. ANSWER: B

    66. Rewards will follow ________ performance. A. high. B. low. C. medium. D. set targeted. ANSWER: A

    67. Piece rate and sales commission are examples of ________ incentive measure. A. amount of profit. B. success in reaching goals. C. quality of output. D. amount of output. ANSWER: D

    68. Commission only for sales that are without bad debts are examples of _______ incentive measure. A. amount of output. B. quality of output. C. amount of profit. D. success in reaching goals. ANSWER: B

    69. Bonus for selling established number of items is an example of _______ incentive measure. A. amount of output. B. amount of profit. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • C. success in reaching goals. D. cost efficiency. ANSWER: C

    70. ___________ , approach one or more employees and ask them for inputs prior to making decisions. A. Autocratic leader. B. Consultative leader. C. Participative leader. D. Negative leader. ANSWER: B

    71. Gain sharing is an example of _________ incentive measure. A. cost efficiency. B. amount of profit. C. amount of output. D. employee skills. ANSWER: A

    72. Which is the process of determining the standard output for each job? A. Profit setting. B. Rate setting. C. Pay setting. D. Skill setting. ANSWER: B

    73. Wage incentives make the supervisors job more ___________. A. enjoyable. B. easy. C. compound. D. complex. ANSWER: D

    74. What rate is fixed when the employees are able to reach standard output with less than normal effort? A. Loose rates. B. Profit rates. C. Gain rates. D. Normal wages. ANSWER: A

    75. Which is a catalyst which transforms potential into reality? A. Motivation. B. Leadership. C. Attitude. D. Perception. ` ANSWER: B

    76. Which is the primary role of a leader? A. To get things done from others. B. To make others work. C. To lead others. D. To influence others. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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    77. Which one of the following is a primary trait? . A. Cognitive ability. B. Knowledge of business. C. Charisma. D. Honesty and integrity ANSWER: D

    78. Which one of the following is a secondary trait? A. Charisma. B. Honesty and integrity. C. Desire to lead. D. Self-confidence. ANSWER: A

    79. Which skill refers to a person's knowledge and ability in any type of process or technique? A. Technical skills. B. Competent skills. C. Analytical skills. D. Verbal skills. ANSWER: A

    80. Which skill refers to the ability to work effectively with people and to build teamwork? A. Competent skill. B. Technical skill. C. Human skill. D. Conceptual skill. ANSWER: C

    81. ___________ leadership requires behavior that unites and stimulates followers toward definedobjectives in specific situations. A. Strict. B. Conducive. C. Modern. D. Situational. ANSWER: D

    82. ______ is constructively confronting the leader's ideas, values and actions. A. Situational. B. Mentorship. C. Leadership. D. Followership. ANSWER: D

    83. If an approach of a leader emphasizes economic or other rewards then the leader uses ________. A. unbiased leadership. B. positive leadership. C. biased leadership. D. negative leadership. ANSWER: B BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • 84. Who developed the managerial grid? A. Robert R Blake and Jane S Mouton. B. Robert R Mouton and Paul S Blake. C. Richard R Blake and Jane S Mouton. D. Robert R Blake and Joseph S Mouton. ANSWER: A

    85. ________centralize power and decision making in themselves. A. Democratic leadership. B. Autocratic leadership. C. Situational leadership. D. Consultative leadership. ANSWER: B

    86. Employee orientation of leadership is called as ________. A. autocratic. B. participative. C. structure. D. consideration. ANSWER: D

    87. Structure orientation of leadership is called as _______. A. consideration orientation. B. participative orientation. C. task orientation. D. technology orientation. ANSWER: C

    88. Thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to comfortable, friendlyorganization atmosphere and work tempo, refers to what matrix of the managerial grid? A. 9,9. B. 9,1. C. 1,9. D. 1,1. ANSWER: C

    89. What matrix of the managerial grid refers to "Exertion of minimum effort to get work done inappropriate to sustain organization membership"? A. 9,9. B. 5,5. C. 1,9. D. 1,1. ANSWER: D

    90. ______ refers to putting one in others shoes and understanding them. A. Understanding. B. Consoling. C. Sympathy. D. Empathy. ANSWER: D BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • 91. The contingency model was framed by _______. A. Frieda. B. Freda. C. Henries. D. Fiedler. ANSWER: D

    92. Who framed the situational leadership model? A. Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard. B. Kenneth Hersy and Kenneth Blanchard. C. Kenneth. D. Blanchar and Joseph. ANSWER: A

    93. Low Employee Willingness and High Employee Ability = _______. A. Selling. B. Telling. C. Participating. D. Delegating. ANSWER: D

    94. Who initially developed the path-goal model of leadership? A. Martin G Evelix. B. Martin G Evans. C. Martin H Evangeline. D. Martina. ANSWER: B

    95. According to path goal theory which styles of leadership the leader focuses on clear task assignments,standards of successful performance, and work schedules? A. Directive leadership. B. Supportive leadership. C. Achievement leadership. D. Participative leadership. ANSWER: A

    96. According to path goal theory which style of leadership, the leader invites employees to provide inputto decisions, and seriously seeks to use their suggestions as final decisions are made? A. Participative leadership. B. Directive leadership. C. Achievement leadership. D. Supportive leadership. ANSWER: A

    97. _______ refers to alternative beliefs about whether an employee's achievements are the product of theirown effort. A. willingness to control B. locus of control C. resistance to control D. loci to resist BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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    98. If the willingness to accept the influence of others is _______ the directive approach is successful. A. high. B. low. C. medium. D. constant. ANSWER: A

    99. People who are optimistic, upbeat, cheerful and courteous are said to have ______. A. high satisfaction. B. low satisfaction. C. positive affectivity. D. negative affectivity. ANSWER: C

    100. ______ is the degree to which employees immerse themselves in their job. A. Job delight. B. Job satisfaction C. Job motivation. D. Job involvement. ANSWER: D

    101. Day dreaming in the job is ______. A. psychological withdrawal. B. work withdrawal. C. physical withdrawal. D. attitude withdrawal. ANSWER: A

    102. Extended taking of breaks during job is _____. A. physical withdrawal. B. lateness to work. C. absenteeism. D. psychological withdrawal. ANSWER: A

    103. When an employee leaves an organization in a given period of time is _____. A. attrition. B. resignation. C. withdrawal. D. turnover. ANSWER: D

    104. Presenteeism affects _______. A. job motivation. B. the work environment. C. job performance. D. job satisfaction. ANSWER: C BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • 105. Verbal or physical aggregation at work is _______. A. disruption. B. violence. C. rowdism. D. assault. ANSWER: B

    106. _______ is the capacity of a survey instrument to produce consistent results, regardless of whoadministers it. A. Reliability B. Validity C. Authenticity. D. Legitimacy ANSWER: A

    107. Which is an interpersonal process that arises from disagreements over the goals to attain or themethods to be used to accomplish those goals? A. Arguments. B. Divergence. C. Conflict. D. Variance. ANSWER: C

    108. When employees fail to exhibit concern and regard for others it is _______. A. workplace incivility. B. workplace impoliteness. C. work place bad manners. D. workplace vulgarity. ANSWER: A

    109. Carl Jung is a ______. A. Development expert. B. Psychiatrist. C. Counselor. D. Scientist. ANSWER: B

    110. Carl Jung differentiates people into ______ major categories. A. 14. B. 15. C. 16. D. 17. ANSWER: C

    111. MBTI is short form of ________. A. Myra-Briggs Type Indicator. B. Moers-Briggs Type Indicator. C. Meer-Briggs Type Indicator. D. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. ANSWER: D BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • 112. Physical or mental withdrawal from the conflict is _____. A. compromising. B. forcing. C. smoothing. D. avoiding. ANSWER: D

    113. Accommodating the other party's interest is _______. A. forcing. B. avoiding. C. smoothing. D. confronting. ANSWER: C

    114. Which is the process of expressing feelings, asking for legitimate changes and receiving honestfeedback? A. Brazenness. B. Assertiveness. C. Insolence. D. Shyness. ANSWER: B

    115. Using power tactics to achieve a win is _____. A. forcing. B. smoothing. C. compromising. D. confronting. ANSWER: A

    116. When the recipient's sense of being is OK, then it is ______. A. positive strokes. B. negative strokes. C. mixed strokes. D. conditional strokes. ANSWER: A

    117. When an employee is hurt physically or psychologically, then it is _______. A. positive strokes. B. negative strokes. C. conditional strokes. D. mixed strokes. ANSWER: B

    118. Power of personality is ______. A. reward power. B. expert power. C. personal power. D. coercive power. ANSWER: C

    119. Developing contacts into useful allies and supporters is creating ______. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • A. socially astute. B. sincerity. C. interpersonal influence. D. networks. ANSWER: D

    120. The attitude of "if you'll do something for me, I'll do something for you" is ______. A. social barter. B. social trade. C. social swap. D. social exchange. ANSWER: D

    121. The social process by which people interact face-to-face in small groups is called _____. A. groups B. team management. C. teams. D. group dynamics. ANSWER: D

    122. Dynamics comes from the _____ word "force". A. French. B. German. C. Greek. D. Italian. ANSWER: C

    123. Which type of group is formed when people meet regularly to perform tasks together as a part of theirjob assignments? A. Players. B. Team. C. Panel. D. lineup. ANSWER: B

    124. Informal power is _____. A. personal. B. individual. C. not public. D. delicate. ANSWER: A

    125. Informal standards of behavior are called _______. A. conduct. B. rules. C. norms. D. regulations. ANSWER: C

    126. ______ places higher priority for team spirit. A. Team leaders. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • B. Managers. C. Job satisfiers. D. Workaholics. ANSWER: A

    127. Counseling emphasizes on _____. A. changing. B. treatment. C. psychotherapy. D. healing. ANSWER: A

    128. Participative counseling is also called as ______. A. non directive. B. cooperating counseling. C. directive. D. client centered. ANSWER: B

    129. Non directive counseling is also called as _____. A. manager centered. B. followers centered. C. client-centered . D. employee centered. ANSWER: C

    130. Release of emotional tension is called as ______. A. emotional let out. B. emotional burnout. C. emotional catharsis. D. emotional hooligan. ANSWER: C

    131. The capacity to measure what they claim to measure is ______. A. legitimacy. B. legality. C. authority. D. validity. ANSWER: D

    132. Conflict between different departments is _____. A. divergence. B. intergroup conflict. C. clash. D. argument. ANSWER: B

    133. Encouraging an internal change in goals, values and mental models is _____. A. clarification. B. reorientation. C. advice. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • D. rethinking. ANSWER: B

    134. Giving a person re assurance and confidence is ______. A. reassurance. B. advice. C. clarification. D. making them to rethink. ANSWER: A

    135. Who are more relaxed and easy going? A. Type-C people. B. Type-A people. C. Type-B people. D. Type-D people. ANSWER: C

    136. The level of stress between frequency and magnitude is _______. A. stress force. B. stress magnitude. C. stress factor. D. stress threshold. ANSWER: D

    137. Little things causing stress is called ______. A. hassles. B. small factors. C. tiny effect. D. devils tiny force. ANSWER: A

    138. Asking for a transfer of the job is ______. A. apathetic. B. fixation. C. regression. D. withdrawal. ANSWER: D

    139. ______ is not responding to your associate or job. A. Fixation. B. Physical disorder. C. Regression. D. Apathetic. ANSWER: D

    140. Which is the result of motivation drive being blocked? A. Frustration. B. Annoyance. C. Dissatisfaction. D. Unhappiness. ANSWER: A BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • 141. ______ places higher priority for work than for family. A. Team leaders. B. Managers. C. Job satisfiers. D. Workaholics. ANSWER: D

    142. _______is the disintegration of employee's self concept and beliefs in their capabilities. A. Work place breakup. B. Workplace infrastructure. C. Workplace surrounding. D. Workplace trauma. ANSWER: D

    143. _____ occurs following a major threat to one's security. A. Trauma. B. Dread. C. Phobia. D. Peace. ANSWER: A

    144. No one is immune to______. A. work. B. stress. C. attitude. D. job satisfaction. ANSWER: B

    145. Which team is referred as "Dramatic successes or dismal failures"? A. Expert team. B. Self managed teams. C. Boundary teams. D. Virtual teams. ANSWER: D

    146. Team members learning a wide range of skills and practice is called _____. A. multi-skilling. B. multi jobbing C. multi expertise. D. expert. ANSWER: A

    147. Probing and confronting is a _______ behavior. A. team building. B. facilitating. C. inter personal. D. intra personal. ANSWER: B

    148. ________ is a set of activities that help others to focus on what is happening currently around them. BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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  • A. Process tutoring. B. Process clarification. C. Process consultation. D. Process training. ANSWER: C

    149. _______ encourage employees to examine their intended versus their actual role. A. Managers. B. Counselors. C. Consultators. D. Facilitators. ANSWER: D

    150. Having a commitment to a worthwhile experience is experiencing ______. A. meaningfulness. B. understanding. C. autonomy. D. impact. ANSWER: A

    Staff Name Vijayalakshmi P R . BCA [2013 - 2016], Semester -...

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