4 th october 2012. breakout session – auditorium session 1: kbd overhaul self-serve

4 th October 2012

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Page 1: 4 th October 2012. Breakout session – Auditorium Session 1: KBD Overhaul Self-serve

4th October 2012

Page 2: 4 th October 2012. Breakout session – Auditorium Session 1: KBD Overhaul Self-serve

Breakout session – Auditorium

Session 1: KBD OverhaulSelf-serve

Page 3: 4 th October 2012. Breakout session – Auditorium Session 1: KBD Overhaul Self-serve



James LambKBD and Test & Diagnostics Manager

BT Wholesale, Service Operations, T2R

Page 4: 4 th October 2012. Breakout session – Auditorium Session 1: KBD Overhaul Self-serve


James LambKBD and Test & Diagnostics Manager

BT Wholesale, Service Operations, T2R

Page 5: 4 th October 2012. Breakout session – Auditorium Session 1: KBD Overhaul Self-serve

ServicEdge Review 14/03/12

KBD … feedback from Customers

• Current diagnostic time averages 6 mins.Takes Too Long!

• Customers want to hit a button and get a diagnostic result. They don’t want to answer many questions.

No Non-Interactive Option

• Some tests currently performed serially.• Some tests are executed when not necessary. Inefficient

• There is no option to do non-intrusive testing on a line first. Hence Customer needs to spend time calling end-users on alternate numbers when testing the line.

No Non-Intrusive Option

• Hundreds of KBD outcome codes. • Simplified/rationalised/tightened up.

Too Many Outcome Codes

• Must be above 90%• Consistent fault baseline. Diagnostic Accuracy

From CustomerFeedback

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Existing KBD Simplified KBD

A number of structured questions adding to test execution time

Non-interactive model during test execution. Fewer questions asked upfront .

Large number of outcome codes (220) Lesser number of outcome codes (90) across WBC Copper, FTTC and FTTP

Large number of workflows (38) Reduced number of workflows (13)

Outcome codes follow Test specific notation

Outcome codes categorized in domains like Home, Network, Access, No Fault, Further Diagnostics which aligns outcome codes with localized domains

Complex and Heavy Light weight and simpler

Copper Line Test called in 29 places in workflow

Copper Line Test called in only 3 places in workflow


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ServicEdge Review 14/03/12

July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June

Rel AD Rel AE Rel AF Rel AG Rel AH

New KBD Plan-on-a-Page

Q2/1213 Q3/1213 Q4/1213 Q1/1314

Scope = WBC & NGA

New KBD Standalone Tool (not integrated with T2R journey)

KBD Test History Retrieval Simplification


CC-SFI standalone Functionality

New KBD integration with Portal Journey

New KBD integration with XML / Sentry / B2B journey

KBD fine-tuning – iteration 1

Customer Migration to New KBD

Replace OSC

T2R / L2C journey improvements

KBD fine-tuning – iteration 2

Concept Rel AF Designs Rel AG Designs Rel AH Designs

Socialise concepts within BTW

Socialise concepts with Customers and Suppliers

Capture feedback to improve concept designs

Trial 1Trial 2

Controlled trials to test KBD Logic with BTW & Customers

Co-Lo approach, Feedback and Continuous Fixes

Controlled trials to test KBD Logic with BTW & Customers

Trial Customer migration & in-life experience

Co-Lo approach, Feedback and Continuous FixesDelivery dates are NOT confirmed.

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• 20 to 40% diagnostic cycle time reduction for Customers• People/Resource Savings

Diagnostic Cycle Time

• Reduction in CCSFI i.e. truck rolls by disassociating the CCSFI process from KBD.

Engineering Visit Reduction

• Simpler Cleaner Interface - Rationalised systems and flows 20/21C

• Faster future development enabled through new clean code/logic base.

Cost Reduction

• Rationalised KBD outcome codes (Localised).• Non-interactive/Slicker• GUI Simplification/Enhancement

Customer Experience

• Aim to maintain accuracy through programme• Aspiration to increase based upon new KBD diagnostic

baselineDiagnostic Accuracy


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If you would like additional Information or have any further questions, contact;

James LambKBD and Test & Diagnostics ManagerBT Wholesale, Service Operations, T2R

Telephone: 07713 265365

Email: [email protected]

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James LambKBD and Test & Diagnostics Manager

BT Wholesale, Service Operations, T2R

Page 11: 4 th October 2012. Breakout session – Auditorium Session 1: KBD Overhaul Self-serve

Capability Self Serve BenefitsHot VP/VLANS

(Cu) 1. Reduction in time, information available to Customers2. Reducing the need for Customer contacts into BTW

DLM - direct access to affect profiles(Cu)

1. Customer control of EU DSL profile to either optimise performance or stabilise service in a fault scenario. 2. Accommodates Customer own CPE/chipset given that the product is 'wires-only'

BRAS Profile Mismatch(Cu)

1. Allows Customers to throttle downstream speed to align with the Sync Speed of the EUs router. 2. Reduce First or Second cycle faults by managing throttling without having to report a fault into BTW

TAM Test (Cu)

1. Customers will have the capability to test the network and confirm whether the End User is configured correctly where an IP connection issue is being experienced. 2. Allow Customers to confirm the DSL, ATM, PPP and IP layers are functional between these points including QoS tests.

'TAM Test' (Fibre)

1. Discussion required with Supplier - Openreach2. SoR

TRDB (Test Retrieval Database)

1. TRDB will assist Customers in normal first cycle or repeat type faults. 2. The database will provide records of test results to assist in repeat type faults

RRT-1 - Self Serve Cu & Fibre

1. Customers able to do meaningful and accurate diagnostics for EU Home and Access domain issues. 2. RRT data over 28days with near real time data will provide greater confidence to progress CCSFI or Boost orders for Openreach investigation3. Offers Customers greater control and confidence to manage Home related problems with EUs

Radius Logs(IP Connectivity)

1. Customers can view data longer then 24Hrs (up to 48Hrs)2. Including whether any IP (Internet Protocol) session connectivity has occurred or ‘Worked’ (not currently connected) or ‘Working’ and how long that working session has been established.3. The IP Connectivity Log data, however will be 10-15 minutes behind so is close to real time. 4. Show any attempts to connect, short sessions (potential intermittent IP connection issue) etc.

Port flex/reset - standaloneCu & Fibre

1. Reduction in cycle time – queried time to resolve. Following TOR how quickly is this passed back to CP when successful?

Common fault (e.g. EMU) Provide Customers with greater visibility of BTW's EMU notifications

KBD super-lite

1. Quick and easy standalone check to confirm any account, network or connectivity issues that may be impacting the ADSL Broadband or FTTx Broadband service.  2. Substitute for the standalone IP and Status Checks 3. Faster and more accurate identification of connectivity issues. 4. Optimises test performance by using logic to determine what checks are required and will run tests in parallel where applicable. 

Batch Testing - Post outage  

Access to near real-time performance data Cu & Fibre

Performance Test Result 1. Results available in TRDB2. Visibility in other Tools.

CCSNR Cu & Fibre

1. Available in near Real time

Fault & Order Tracker Dashboard(Jeopardy Management)


KCI overhaul on journeys

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If you would like additional Information or have any further questions, contact;

James LambKBD and Test & Diagnostics ManagerBT Wholesale, Service Operations, T2R

Telephone: 07713 265365

Email: [email protected]

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Breakout session – Maple Suites

Session 2: Broadband retirements – alternative products surgery

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ISP Forum- Product Matrix WorkshopOctober 2012

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Date Datastream IPstream & IPstream Connect

End User Access30th June 2011 Datastream retirement notification


July 2011 Began CPs’ requirements capture Began CPs’ requirements capture

By 31st Dec 2011 No further supply of new CALs and – ATM Access ports nationally

By 1st May 2012 First exchange-based stop sell six-month notification issued

June 30th 2012 No further supply of new EU access or new VPs - nationally

By 1st November 2012 First exchange-based stop sell begins as notified

By 30th June 2013 Datastream retired within WBC footprint

By 31st October 2013 First exchange-based retirement of service begins as notified

31st March 2014 Datastream & Datastream SDSL retired nationally

Retired within WBC footprint

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6 Months

12 Months

May12 Nov 12 Oct 13

Stop Sell

Product ClosurePh


e 1

- 4







6 Months

12 Months

May 12 Nov 12 Nov 13

Stop Sell

Product ClosurePh


e 2

- 4







13 Months

5 Months

Sep 12 Oct13 Mar 14

Stop Sell Notification

Stop Sell

Product Closure



e 6







Phases 3 & 4


Stop Sell Notification

Stop Sell Notification

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ServicEdge Review 14/03/12

Product ReplacementCurrent Product Proposed Solution Commercial Benefit Comments

Datastream 1:1 contention within WBC footprint

WBC with Real Time QoS

Datastream – c.£122 for 1Mbit/s userWBC – c.£66 for 1Mbit/s dedicated RTQoS user incl WBMC shared costs

Guaranteed delivery through the network via packet marking

Datastream in final 10% footprint IPstream Fixed Rate Ipstream is utilised for

VoIP calls currently

Bonded services (multiple Datastream lines combined to create a faster access service)

EFM All options increase potential speed of broadbandML-PPP option may require enhanced CPE and special LNS config

Multi-link PPP on WBCn x cost of single WBC service (n x £5.88 plus WBMC bandwidth and EU costs)

Single WBC with RTQoS WBC – c.£66 for 1Mbit/s dedicated RTQoS user inc WBMC shared costs

Fibre WBC FTTC 40/10 product is £14 pm rental

SDSLWBC with Annex M

Datastream – c.£175 p.m. for 1Mbit/s user, VP, CALWBC – c.£73 for 1Mbit/s dedicated RTQoS with Annex M (includes WBMC BW and EU costs)Would require WLR (~£10 p.m.) and new CPE

Provide increased upstream speed in those available exchanges

EFM Fibre WBC FTTC 40/10 product is £14 pm rental

Fixed Rate Datastream/ Ipstream

WBC Fixed Rate No additional charge – Standard £5.88 & £48.55 per Mb

Trials in Q3 aiming for Q4 launch

Datastream/ Ipstream Max WBC £5.88 & £48.55 per Mb BAU

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Network Performance


Key Considerations

Real-Time QoS – Summary of Features

• BT Wholesale monitor network performance using independent third party robots (Epitiro). Packet Loss no greater than 0.1%

• Round Trip Delay (latency) no greater than 30milliseconds• Jitter no greater than 15milliseconds

• Utilises the industry standard ‘Expedited Forwarding’ (EF) DSCP marking• ‘Traffic is strictly prioritised in the downstream direction within the WBC network• WBC network congestion is heavily asymmetric in the SVLANs, thus upstream is

not congested and does not require strict prioritisation

• Recommended ADSL Annex M is consumed to optimise upstream bandwidth • Recommend Super Stable or Custom Dynamic Line Management profiles are

used• CPs need to ensure their End User’s CPE supports Real Time prioritisation in both

upstream and downstream directions.

• Available on WBC ADSL2+, FTTC and FTTP• £3.50 for 1Mb per end (at launch) user plus £53.55 per Mb contracted bandwidth

(WBMC Shared)


• Allows important time/quality critical traffic to be prioritised • Minimises packet loss, jitter and delay • Enables customers to provide assurances against applications like VoIP and Video


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ServicEdge Review 14/03/12

Dynamic Line Management (DLM)

ADSL1 ADSL2+ Benefits

Upstream problems managed through downstream DLM


Separate upstream and downstream DLM changes

No loss in downstream speeds for upstream


Limited set of profiles available

Increased set of profiles both fully rate adaptive and banded

Allows DLM to better manage more severe line issues

Limited level of interleaving available

Multiple interleaving levels and much higher protection

Improved impulse noise performance

Interleaving cannot be removed by DLM when noise


Where “Auto” is selected & interleaving is applied, can be

auto-removed if noise improves

Improved rates when interleaving not required

Limited control over DLM More custom control over DLM

Allows customer to tune DLM for specific service

Slow to react to problems and improvement

(2 days and 14 days)

Faster to react to problems and improvements

(2 days)

More reactive to changes of line conditions

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Network Performance


Key Considerations

Annex M– Summary of Features

• This is achieved by allocating a small part of the bandwidth that would normally be used for the downstream channel to the upstream

• Results in a slight decrease in downstream rate

• Extends theoritical upstream speed to 2.5Mb• 1Mb on Annex A

• Can be used in conjunction with Real Time QoS• Annex M can only be used on loops which are 38dB or shorter in length

• Due to regulatory restrictions

• Available on WBC ADSL2• £7 per end user per month

Benefits • Optional feature of standard WBC end user lines• Permits higher upstream rates

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How RTQoS Works

WBC Network Prioritisation:

1. Real-Time QoS marked traffic (‘Expedite Forwarding’ – Industry standard DSCP mark EF) arriving from the CP’s network in the downstream direction will take priority at the Aggregation Point over all other traffic as it flows to the BRAS.

2. Traffic marked as real-time will have first access to the SVLAN during the queuing process, with the BRAS ensuring that all RTQoS queues are emptied before the best-efforts class is served.

3. Each SVLAN will have a maximum RTQoS partition. This partition will ensure that bandwidth is reserved for real-time traffic when required.

4. Traffic that exceeds RTQoS Contracted Bandwidth at the AP will be treated as RTQoS Burst Bandwidth. Customers are responsible for determining the level of traffic being prioritised and appropriate capacity.

5. Traffic that exceeds the End User Contracted Bandwidth will be discarded.

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RTQoS – Host Link/AP Bandwidth Utilisation Benefits

Network with RTQoS enabled• CPs can ensure that during the busiest

periods their end users critical data is prioritised and transmitted without delay or loss.

• CPs would not need to provide generous planning rules to protect business data, thus reducing the overall best efforts bandwidth required.

Network without RTQoS• CPs wanting to ensure all of their End Users

critical data is transmitted during the busiest periods would have to purchase significantly more bandwidth in-order to provide generous planning rules against peak utilisations.

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RTQoS Components

Components Ordered Separately

• End User access bandwidth

• Contracted bandwidth at the WBC Aggregation Point / WBMC Host Link

RouterxDSL Line

BTW Core

WBC Aggregation Point/WBMC Host Link

Best EffortsSubscription b/w

Real TimeSubscription b/w

End User Access Options

220 kbps350 kbps700 kbps1000 kbps1300 kbps…4900 kbps

Variety of options to support different codecs and multiple lines

Bandwidth Subscriptions1Mbps2 Mbps3 Mbps…500 Mbps

Subscriptions are additional to the BE existing subscription

Total b/w

XML, PortalXML, Portal on WBC

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RTQoS Pricing

WBC AP Bandwidth price Per Mb Occurrence

RTQoS AP Contracted Bandwidth £45.00* Monthly

RTQoS AP burst bandwidth band A - up to & incl 10% above contracted

£45.00 Monthly

RTQoS AP burst bandwidth band B - over 10% above contracted

£80.00 Monthly

WBC and WBMC EU Access Pricing Per Month$

price Occurrence

220kb £1.50 Monthly350kb and 700kb £2.50 Monthly1.0 and 1.3Mb £3.50 Monthly1.6 and 1.9Mb £7.50 Monthly2.2, 2.5 and 2.8Mb £15.00 Monthly3.1, 3.4, 3.7, 4.0, 4.3, 4.6 and 4.9 Mb £20.00 Monthly

$End User Access is free of charge during Early Market Deployment

*The WBMC bandwidth prices will be as above plus £8.55 per Mb per month

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ServicEdge Review 14/03/12

Basic Overview

DLM is an active line management process that monitors performance and automatically re-configures a line when needed

Detailed line performance information is captured on a daily basis

DLM categorises each line daily based on this information

Primarily uses errors and re-trains in this categorisation

Limits (thresholds) are set on these metrics to determine good and bad performance

A line is re-profiled if needed

Upstream and downstream are categorised and re-profiled independently

DLM learns from the changes it has made based on a historical view of how the line has performed

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ServicEdge Review 14/03/12

Dynamic Line Management (DLM)




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ServicEdge Review 14/03/12

Annex M performance












5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Loop loss (dB at 300kHz)


a ra

te (



Basic ADSL2+

Annex M

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Breakout session – Auditorium

Session 1: Broadband retirements – Migrations SurgeryHow to migrate from 20C to 21C

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- BT Wholesale is looking to close down the 20C network- Datastream will be retired- IPStream will be retired in the WBC footprint

- WBC is the suggested replacement product for most 20C users- Aside from the retirement of the 20C products, there are other good reasons

to move users to WBC- WBC is faster than the 20C products- WBC is cheaper than the equivalent 20C product

- We are looking at ways to improve the migration journey

Migrations Context

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Two processes available:- Singleton process:

- £11 per order- 5 day lead time on orders- Customer determines the exact date of migration

- Bulk migration process- Free- 12 day lead time on orders- Requires forecast into BT Wholesale 8-12 weeks before migrations start- Openreach determines the date on which the migration at a given

exchange will take place- Only offered where BT Wholesales demand for migrations at an exchange

>10 users

Migrations to WBC

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Bulk migration process enhancements

-8wks -7wks -6wks -5wks -4wks -3wks -2wks -1wkmigration

month starts


Bulk migration allocation returned to customers

Last day for order placement for 1st day of

migration month (12 day lead time)

Migrations startLast day for forecast submission to BTW by



Change request submitted

Change request response

Managed forecast process

Managed order process (trial)- Reduces forecast -> allocation fallout by >15%- Simplifies forecast process for our customers- Engineers forecasts to fit exchange capacity- Ensures CP forecasts fit within Openreach resource

constraints- Recognises minimum 10 requirement and co-

ordinates across multiple CP forecasts to achieve

- Simplifies bulk migration process further for customers

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Left-in Jumper top-up process- Currently being trialled with Openreach for where BT Wholesale forecast 10 or more

migrations but <10 orders are placed - Proposal is to top-up the migration orders with orders to remove Left-in jumpers- Prevents the need to cancel the migration orders- If trial successful may look to extend to allow mop-up of end users prior to IPStream

retirement at a specific exchange

Openreach project services- Engagement with Openreach project services teams to support more bespoke or

tailored migration options (e.g. engineer rings CP before then rings CP after migration)

Out of hours migrations- Investigating whether a short term solution can be put in place to enable migrations out

of hours

6 month notification countdown- BTW seeking to produce a notification to send to customers of all active end users on

exchanges due to be retired 6 months before the exchange retirement date

Further process enhancements

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Breakout session – Auditorium

Session 2: Focussed Improvement AreaService Performance

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Trouble to Resolve(Faults)

20cTarget Aug 12

WBCTarget Aug 12

FTTCTarget Aug 12

Combined Call and Chat PCA 80% 79.04% 80% 78.80% 80% 81.75%

eChat - average time to answer 30Secs 48Secs 30Secs 43Secs 30Secs 32Secs

eChat – average handling time 14mins 13mins58secs 14mins 15mins18secs 14mins 17mins03secs

Calls – average time to answer 30Secs 17Secs 30Secs 24Secs 30Secs 24Secs

Calls – average handling time 13mins10secs 11mins41secs 13mins10secs 11mins41secs 13mins10secs 12mins

Lead to Cash(Provision)

20cTarget Aug 12

WBCTarget Aug 12

FTTCTarget Aug 12

Combined Call and Chat PCA 80% 79.94% 80% 79.83% 80% 82.46%

eChat - average time to answer 30Secs 34Secs 30Secs 34Secs 30Secs 25Secs

eChat – average handling time 14mins 14mins03secs 14mins 14mins48secs 14mins 18mins44secs

Calls – average time to answer 30Secs 17secs 30Secs 24secs 30Secs 21secs

Calls – average handling time 13mins10secs 11mins41secs 13mins10secs 11mins41secs 13mins10secs 12mins

Continuing improvements seen on average handling times & average time to answer during August. Percentage of calls answered impacted by call spikes and repeat contacts to chase orders and faults as a direct impact of the bad weather and areas under Openreach MBORC declaration.

• Version 2 – 14/02/2012

Performance improving across our key service metrics…

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Latest position: • Over a ten week period up to mid-September, fault intake to Openreach was 23% above typical

industry levels, placing an additional strain on overall recovery • Further bad weather and flooding led to the fault repair stack increasing to 25,500 as at 27 th

September vs. c16,000 the weekend prior (within OR’s standard operating range).• As a result, lead times for repair and provision could increase with additional risks to missed

appointments – the effect of this will be additional contacts and escalations and this may continue through into December.


Actions taken in Openreach to improve the situation (expected to impact in Q3): • Resource reallocation: Over 600 people in training to be deployed Q3• Recruiting permanent Resource: recruited 400 with another 440 joining shortly• Recruiting temporary resource: recruited 400 with a further 600 joining shortly• Improved productivity: Reduced all non-essential training to maximise effectiveness • Enacted contractual overtime• Expected recovery within Q3• Additional detailed communications will continue to be issued as MBORC or general service

updates from Openreach.

But some tough challenges ahead as a result of the weather…

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BT Wholesale are helping by focussing on: • Dwell time (how long jobs sit in our queues) & turnaround times are as short as they have ever

been to help with on time repair and to jeopardy manage against provision failure – this focus will be maintained throughout Q3

• Deploying software upgrades across our exchanges to improve line card performance and deliver significant reduction in faults

• Improved accuracy of the KBD tool (we hit 90% in August)• Minimising need to contact Openreach and book engineering visits (unless needed).


How you can help: • Always check the fault and order tracker for updates before contacting BT Wholesale and only

where it has passed its committed date• Ensure there is an open fault prior to making contact • Where a fault fails a retest it will automatically route through to Wholesale diagnostic teams so

there is no need to chat in• Complete a satisfaction survey on e-chats so we know where to improve• Encourage agents to be as direct and specific on the question that needs to be answered via

eChat• Always follow the escalations process as per the CSP• Let us know your ideas for how we could work smarter at busier times

There are several ways that we can help to improve things…