4. properties function plastics

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  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics



    Can you think of advantages or disadvantages of

    using plastics in our daily lives?

    Can you name different products made out of plastic ?

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics



    Task – name 10 objects made of plastic that is in close proximity to you

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics



    ! ho" do "e use plastics in our homes?

    Photographs belo" courtesy of """bodieandfoucom  """thelollipopshoppecouk 


  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    ! Thermoplastics


    This material is man made and is a by

    product of the oil industry 

    There are two types of plastic #

    ! Thermosetting

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    These are described as plastics that can 

    be reformed using heat # this plastic hasa memory$ it returns to its original flatshape "hen re%heated

    &ere are some examples and their uses #

    Acrylic – available in almost any colour  in sheetrod or tube form$ can be shaped using a linebender or vacuum former. 

    ABS – a very commonly used plastic can be injection moulded from a po"der form


    Thermoplastics materials

    Styrene – very good for vacuum forming 

    thermoplastic resin 



  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    Polyester resin – poured into moulds to

    make products or for boat repair  

    Thermosetting materials

    These are described as plastics that do

    not reform using heat$ they *)+T,and cannot be reshaped

    Urea formaldehyde – electric plugsand sockets

    Melamine – kitchen "orktops$

    unbreakable drink mugs

    &ere are some examples and their uses  #

    &arry 'llen-s paper "eight.doorstop

    made from resin 

    /ettle saucepan handles

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    aterials – PlasticsPlastics are synthetic resinous substances that can be moulded with the help of heat or pressure.There are two main classes of plastics:! Thermosetting – plastics that can only be heated and be moulded once f re%heated they cannot soften

    ! Thermoplastics – plastics that are moulded by heating and can be remoulded if heated again.

    Thermoplastics soften "hen heated and can be shaped "hen hot The plastic "ill harden

    as it cools do"n

    Thermoplastic Thermoplasticproperties

    Thermoplastic uses !ample outcomes

    Acrylics or Perspe!"Polymethyl


    )tiff$ hard$ shiny$ brittle insmall sections$ durable$

    scratches easily$ availablein different colours$ good

    electrical insulator 

    2sed for signs$ key rings$lighting$ storage containers

    $igh impact polystyrene"$%PS#

    3ight but strong plastic$available in sheets in a

    variety of thicknesses andcolours and softens at

    about 45 degrees

    2sed for vacuum forming andmaking outer casings andpackaging for products

    Acetate &ard$ shiny andtranslucent.transparent

    2sed in badge%making$packaging and for overhead

    projector transparencies

    !panded polystyrene"styrofoam#

    6hite$ light"eight andcrumbly

    2sed for protective orinsulating packaging

    aterials % Plastics

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    aterials – PlasticsThermoplastic Thermoplasticproperties Thermoplastic uses !ample outcomesPolypropylene "PP# 3ight$ hard$ flexible but

    can scratch easily 7urableto "ear and has good

    resistance to chemicals

    2sed for different kinds ofpackaging$ chairs$

    gadgets$ textiles andautomotive components

    &ow densitypolyethylene "&'P#

    )oft$ flexible$ goodresistance to chemicals$good electrical insulator$


    2sed for packaging film$carrier bags$ bottles$ toys

    $igh density

    polyethylene "$'P#

    &ard$ stiff and strong 'ble

    to be sterilised

    2sed for plastic bottles$

    tubing and householde8uipment

    (orrugated plastic 3ight"eight$ rigid and"eatherproof 

    2sed for sign boards andfolders

    &ow)tac* mas*ing film 9lexible and transparent 2sed to position sticky%backed vinyl letters orimages onto a chosen

    surface 2sed for creatingsigns$ stencils and vehicle


    Polyvinyl chloride "P+(# )tiff$ hard "earing$ brittlebut can be treated to

    make it softer and more


    2sed for blister packs$"indo" frames$ records

    and clothing

    aterials % Plastics

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    t-s just another plastic bag:

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    Are there any problems or issues with using

    carrier bags , 

    Tas* 1 – in smalls group$ list three advantagesand disadvantages of using carrier bags

    Tas* ; – in your group consider two "ays of

    improving any problems that you have identified

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    &o" many supermarket carrier bag does the

    average shopper use to carry goods home every


    )upermarkets hand out 10)hopperbags

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    - million mobile phones are e!pected to go on

    the scrapheap during a (hristmas period.

    million people e!pect to get a newmobile phone over (hristmas in the U/

    0hat can be done to improve this, 

    0hat happened to your old mobile phone,

    1ust one more phone 2it won3t matter.

  • 8/18/2019 4. Properties Function Plastics


    Plastic and sustainability aspects

    (efore "e use plastic materials aspects for consideration

    Plastic is a precious resource made

    from oil (ecause it is such a versatile 

    material$ "e use it a lot

    ; 3ist 5 plastic products that no%one

    should ever bothered making

    6orking in small groups – discuss the

    follo"ing and feed back to the class

    3ist 5 plastic products that "ould be

    better  made from a different materials

    1 3ist 5 products "here plastic is the

    best material to use

    Photographs courtesy of photo gallery "ales