4 priciples - lou corona

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Post on 28-Oct-2015




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Life regenerator


Vital Life Foundation

The Four Principles


Cellular Communication

Cellular Communication refers to the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional aspects of life.

Spiritual: Attitude of Gratitude. Conscious Breathing. Stay Present.

Mental:Recognize we are spiritual electrical, unlimited beings. Every experience is a lesson and an opportunity to learn and grow.

Emotional: Learn to love life, be joyful, be radiant, accepting and non-judgemental of yourself and others, and create peace and harmony everywhere you go.

Prayer, meditation, and the communication between the self and the Higher Self is one of the most valuable tools to have to live a GREAT LIFE!

In each moment we have the choice to love or hate, condemn or encourage, destroy or create. Once we make a Declaration to live an incredible life, that declaration then can begin to govern our life. So it's important to ask ourselves, how do I want to live? What am I committed to? How to I want to feel and think? What do I want to believe? How do I want to conduct my life?

Vital Tools to apply the Principle of "Cellular Communication"

The love triangle

Cellular Environment

The four elements of life

Sun - Sunlight on your body, 30 to 60 minutes a day for vitamin D, detoxification and more energy.
Be aware that if your body is still toxic to go slow with it. Once the temple becomes more lean, clean, and serene the more you will be able to sun bathe without any ill effects. Skin Cancer is simply toxins coming out of the skin.

Air - Fresh air, long, slow deep rhythmic breathing for detoxification, energy, clarity, peace, harmony, inspiration, balance and strength. There is more to the air than just the oxygen. The ancients have known for thousands of years what scientist are now proving to be an unlimited amount of potential energy existing between the particles than we can see with our naked eye. This energy is called prana, life-force, spirit, chi, and so-on.

Water - Visit the ocean, drink pure, alkaline, antioxidant, structured water at your best. If you have access to geothermal water created by Mother Earth you are in good shape. However the next best step is to get a powerful ionization device with proper filtration.

Earth - Walk in nature, eat plants from organic, mineral and enzyme rich soil to balance the electro-magnetic matrix of the human body-system. Just standing directly on the earth without shoes or socks and being present to your breath and the elements around you can recharge your body-energy.

The Sun is a great source of energy and life. We could not sustain life on planet earth without this incredible, abundant powerhouse of a star. It is one of billions of stars that gives of that omnipresent vibration of service.

The sun just gives and gives and gives. The people who are living the longest on the planet right now, are those who are devoting plenty of time under the sun. Especially while being grounded on the earth.

The sun is a great source of positive energy, vitamins and vital-life-force. It is wise to do our best to be exposed to the sun at least a little bit each day. If you are dealing with detoxification or some sort of illness, be cautious about when you go into the sun and for how long.

Air is also known as the Breath of Life. One of the most important things to master is the breath. If you are someone who aims to become masterful at the art of living a radiant, vibrant and healthy lifestyle, then the practice and understanding of the power of conscious breathing is important.

The word breath comes from Latin, espiritus,which translates to spirit. That is why when we are inspired we take a breath in, and when we expire we stop breathing, and when we breath together we conspire, and our breathing mechanism is called the respiratory system.

So therefore the more we consciously breath long, slow and deep, the more we live abundantly inspired lives. Plus there is vital pranic energy within the air that sustains all life. So the more we bring this into our being the less deadly things can live in our mind, heart and body.

Next to air, we cannot live and have our being on earth without water. Water is a vital element to gain overstanding about in our life as it relates to our health and well-being. Without water there is no life. Without water plants cannot grow; it allows us to have communication between our cells. And the quality of the water that we choose to put into our body will contribute to the quality of our communication.

And what allows us to bring ourselves to the best water ever is knowing and believing first off, that it is possible. As Mother Earth provides us with unlimited abundance of water that comes from deep within the ground. Nature produces the most perfect water to hydrate our bodies, and flush and cleanse our cells - this water is called geothermal water.

However if one does not have access to this type of water, from what we have discovered is, a water that is micro-clustered (structured), an anti-oxidant and alkaline. The best way to create this type of water, is through a Medical Grade Ionizer.

Also water therapy can be applied through the application of colon hydro therapy or colon irrigation. This process is an ancient way to cleanse and rid the large colon of toxic build-up such as mucoid plaquing and putrefied, undigested food particles, as well as parasites and other toxic critters.

The soil is our natural grounding station. Mother Earth provides magnetic energy that helps to balance and harmonize our cells. There is an eletro-magnetic field that projects from the earth and cleanses and balances the energy systems within our bodies and minds.

It is vital to connect with the earth each day. Whether it be going for a walk, or swimming in a lake or the ocean. Or possibly just going out in your yard and standing on the grass for 30 minutes.

It is also essential to consume plant-based living foods from soils that are enzyme and mineral rich at best. Organic soil is superior to conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. And beyond organic is bio-dynamic, locally grown foods.

Cellular Exercise

The picture above is a picture of one of the most important organs in the body, THE LUNGS. Breath is life. And the more we breath consciously the more we get oxygen into the depths of our cells. And beyond the oxygen and even more important is the pranic vital life force within the air we breathe...this is the key element to longevity, energy, power, and creationary ability.

There are two forms of exercise but of the two the internal for is the most important, as every cell is the body gets oscillated or exercised.

If all you do is breath more consciously, stretch a little everyday, get a rebounder and start oscillating those cells, your life will be transformed.

Running Capoeira - BicycleYoga - Swimming - deep rythmic breathing

Cellular Nutrition

Cellular Nutrition is one of the most creative areas we like to focus on, when it comes to deliberately creating a radiant, healthy and joyful life spiritually, mentally emotionally and physically.

The concept of Cellular Nutrition is to supply every cell of our bodies with the essential elements and vital nutrients to support and regenerate all 33 trillion cells in our body.
On a physical level our bodies require enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids, glucose and other simple and complex sugars, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and phyto-nutrients to start.


Not only is Cellular Nutrition about supplying the body with the most bio-available nutrients, but it also incorporates the ability to properly break down the food into it's simplest forms so that it can be assimilated, absorbed, utilized and metabolized out of the system with efficiency and grace.

And most importantly choosing what we eat because we love and honor ourselves.

DeclarationCreating a Declaration
Creating your own Declaration for you life is a huge factor in setting up direction for where you want your life to go. Once you create a powerful declaration for yourself and you read it aloud to yourself and become so familiar with it that you begin to own it, what begins to happen is that it will govern your life. It automatically begins to manifest itself in your reality.

Things to consider when creating a Declaration:How do I want to think?

How do I want to feel?

How do I want to believe?

How do I want to conduct myself?

What do I want to put into my body?

What is my purpose?