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  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Instrumental Analysis




  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Unit 4Voltammetry


    Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry SKOOG WEST HOLLER CROUCH


    Electroanalytical Methods Fritz Scholz

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya






    Interfacial methods

    Static methods (i=0)


    potential Current controlled



    Dynamic methods (i0)




    Bulk analysis



    AmperometryPotential controlled




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    Voltammetry is the general name given to a group ofelectroanalytical methods in which the current is measured as a functionof applied potential wherein the polarization of the indicator or workingelectrode is enhanced. The working electrodes used in voltammetry aregenerally microelectrodes having surface area of few square micrometersto square millimeters.

    Polarography which is a particular type of voltammetry has beendeveloped in this field at first time by Heyrovsky in the early 1920sanachievement for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in1959. A dropping mercury electrode was used as the working micro-

    electrode.The electrochemical cell, where the voltammetric experiment is

    carried out, consists of a working electrode, a reference electrode, andusually a counter (auxiliary) electrode.

    Description of voltammtric system and How It Works

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    In general, an electrode provides the interface acrosswhich a charge can be transferred or its effects felt.Because the working electrode is where the reaction or

    transfer of interest is taking place, whenever we refer to theelectrode, we always mean the working electrode.

    The reduction or oxidation of a substance at thesurface of a working electrode, at the appropriate applied

    potential, results in the mass transport of new material tothe electrode surface and the generation of a current. Thus,we can say that the electrochemical method in which thecurrent is measured as a function of the potential applied to

    a microelectrode is known as voltammetry.

    These electrodes may be solid like gold, platinumand glassy carbon or mercury. If the electrode is formed bya drop of mercury dropping from a fine glass capillary, thetechnique is called Polarography

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    Other forms of working electrodes used are hanging mercury

    dropping electrode (HMDE), static mercury drop electrode (SMDE),

    thin mercury film electrode (TMFE), glassy carbon electrode (GCE),

    carbon paste electrode (CPE), etc. Working electrodes made of noblemetals are used less frequently.


    Various methods are assigned to the terms voltammetry and

    polarography which differ in the measuring techniques and the type

    of electric potential used to excite the determination process.

    Voltammetry is widely used for the quantitative analysis of trace

    metal ions and electroactive organic compounds at micro level.

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    Voltammetry is widely used for the quantitative analysis of tracemetal ions at micro level. This study of redox processes lead to the

    qualitative and quantitative analysis of heavy metals and some

    organic substances in solution. In addition to this aspect this

    technique is quite versatile for research purpose in the fields of

    i) redox processes

    ii) electron transfer mechanisms at chemically modified electrode


    iii) adsorption processes

    iv) corrosion proof materials

    v) new electronic processes for chemical industries

    vi) production of new types of batteries that can store large

    quantities of energy

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    The most widely used voltammetric methods are

    A) Direct current methods

    i) D.C. Polarographyii) Linear sweep voltammetryiii) Sampled D.C. Polarographyiv) Hydrodynamic voltammetryB) Pulse methods

    v) Normal Pulse voltammetryvi) Differential Pulse voltammetryvii) Square wave voltammetryviii) Cyclic voltammetry

    C) Stripping voltammetryix) Anodic stripping voltammetryx) Cathodic stripping voltammetryxi) Adsorptive stripping voltammetry

    D) Alternating current methods

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    In voltammetry, the effects of the applied potential and thebehavior of the redox current are described by several well-known laws. The applied potential controls theconcentrations of the redox species at the electrode surface(CO0and CR0) and the rate of the reaction (k0), as describedby the Nernst or Butler Volmer equations, respectively.

    In the cases where diffusion plays a controlling part, thecurrent resulting from the redox process (known as thefaradaic current) is related to the material flux at the

    electrodesolution interface and is described by Ficks law.The interplay between these processes is responsible for thecharacteristic features observed in the voltammograms of thevarious techniques.

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    The advantages of

    controlled-potential techniques10

    These include high sensitivity, selectivity towardelectroactive species, a wide linear range, portable andlow-cost instrumentation, speciation capability, and a widerange of electrodes that allow assays of unusualenvironments.

    Extremely low (nanomolar) detection limits can be achievedwith very small (520-L) sample volumes, thus allowing

    the determination of analyte amounts ranging from 1013to1015mol on a routine basis. Improved selectivity may beachieved via the coupling of controlled-potential schemeswith chromatographic or optical procedures.

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    In voltammetry a time-dependent potential is applied to anelectrochemical cell, and the current flowing through the cell is

    measured as a function of that potential.

    A plot of current as a function of applied potential is called avoltammogram and is the electrochemical equivalent of a spectrum

    in spectroscopy, providing quantitative and qualitative information

    about the species involved in the oxidation or reduction reaction.

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    Jaroslav Heyrovsk was the inventor of the

    polarographic method, and the father ofelectroanalytical chemistry, for which he was the

    recipient of the Nobel Prize. His contribution to

    electroanalytical chemistry can not be

    overestimated. All modern voltammetric methods

    used now in electroanalytical chemistry originate

    from polarography.

    On February 10, 1922, the "polarograph" was born as Heyrovsk recorded the current-voltage curve

    for a solution of 1 M NaOH. Heyrovsk correctly interpreted the current increase between -1.9 and -2.0 V as being due to deposition of Na+ions, forming an amalgam.

    History of Polarography

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    Jaroslav Heyrovsky

    The earliest voltammetric technique to be introduced was

    polarography, which was developed by Jaroslav Heyrovsky(18901967) in the early 1920s, for which he was awardedthe Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1959.

    Since then, many different forms of voltammetry have been


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    Stripping voltammetry Unstirred soln

    Polarography and voltammetrywith quiescent electrodes

    Pulse polarographyand voltammetry

    Stirred soln.



    amper metriVOLTAMMETRY

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    Electroanalytical methods that depend on the measurement ofcurrent as a function of applied potential are called voltammetric

    methods. They employ conditions that encourage polarization of

    the indicator or working electrode. Generally, to enhance

    polarization, the working electrodes in voltammetry arerelatively small, with surface areas of a few square millimeters

    at the most and, in some applications, only a few square


    Voltammetry is based on the measurement of current in anelectrochemical cell under conditions of complete concentration

    polarization in which the rate of oxidation or reduction of the

    analyte is limited by the rate of mass transfer of the analyte to

    the electrode surface.

    Voltammetric Methods

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    In voltammetry, the voltage of the working electrode isvaried systematically while the current response ismeasured. Several different voltage-time functions,called excitation signals, can be applied to theelectrode.

    The simplest of these is a linear scan, in which thepotential of the working electrode is changed linearly

    with time.

    Other waveforms that can be applied are pulsedwaveforms, square wave and triangular waveforms.

    These technique will be discussed soon.

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    Voltammetric Measurements

    Although early voltammetric methods relied on the use of only

    two electrodes, modern voltammetry makes use of a three-

    electrode potentiostat.

    A time-dependent potential excitation signal is applied to the

    working electrode, changing its potential relative to the fixedpotential of the reference electrode.

    The resulting current between the working and auxiliary

    electrodes is measured. The auxiliary electrode is generally a

    platinum wire, and the SCE and Ag/AgCl electrode are commonreference electrodes.


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    Two special electrodes

    Supporting electrolyte : Usually relatively higher concentra

    tion of strong electrolytes (alkali metal salts) serves as sup

    porting electrolyte

    Dissolved oxygen is usually removed by bubbling nitrogen

    through the solution

    Voltage scanning Under unstirred state, recording voltage -

    current curve

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    Saturated calomel electrode,SCE

    Silver/silver chloride electrodeAg/AgCl









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    Potentiometric measurements2 electrode-system





    Voltammetric measurements3 electrode-system

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    elektrotlu voltammetrik lm sistemi

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    Auxiliary electrodes

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    Working electrodes

    Several different materials have

    been used as working electrodes,

    including mercury, platinum, gold,

    silver, and carbon.

    The earliest voltammetric

    techniques, including polarography,

    used mercury for the workingelectrode. Since mercury is a liquid,

    the working electrode often consists

    of a drop suspended from the end

    of a capillary tube.


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    Mercury based electrodes

    Carbon based electrodes

    Metallic electrodes

    Modified electrodes

    Compozite electrodes

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    dropping mercury electrode, DME

    DME is an electrode in which successive

    drops of Hg form at the end of a capillary

    tube as a result of gravity, with each drop

    providing a fresh electrode surface.

    In the DME, mercury drops form at the endof the capillary tube as a result of gravity.

    Unlike the HMDE, the mercury drop of a

    DME grows continuously and has a finite

    lifetime of several seconds.At the end of its lifetime the mercury drop is

    dislodged, either manually or by gravity,

    and replaced by a new drop.


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    Dropping mercury electrode (DME)

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    Mercury electrode dropping

    with gravity effect

    Mercury electrode dropping

    with a magnetic hammer

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    Hanging mercury drop electrode30

    HMDE is an electrode in which a drop of

    Hg is suspended from a capillary tube.

    In the HMDE, a drop of the desired size

    is formed by the action of a micrometer

    screw that pushes the mercury through a

    narrow capillary tube.

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    Static mercury drop electrode, SMDE

    The static mercury drop electrode, or SMDE, is anelectrode in which successive drops of Hg form at

    the end of a capillary tube as the result of a

    mechanical plunger, with each drop providing a

    fresh electrode surface.SMDE uses a solenoid-driven plunger to control

    the flow of mercury. The SMDE can be used as

    either a hanging mercury drop electrode or as a

    dropping mercury electrode. A single activation

    of the solenoid momentarily lifts the plunger,

    allowing enough mercury to flow through the

    capillary to form a single drop. To obtain a

    dropping mercury electrode the solenoid is

    activated repeatedly.


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    Advantages of mercury electrodes

    Mercury has several advantages as a working electrode.

    High overpotential for the reduction of H3O+ to H2, which

    allows for the application of potentials as negative as -1 V

    versus the SCE in acidic solutions, and 2 V versus the SCE in

    basic solutions. A species such as Zn2+, which is difficult toreduce at other electrodes without simultaneously reducing

    H3O+ , is easily reduced at a mercury working electrode.


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    Advantages of mercury electrodes

    Other advantages include the ability of metals to dissolve in the

    mercury, resulting in the formation of an amalgam, and the ability

    to easily renew the surface of the electrode by extruding a new

    drop. Amalgam is a metallic solution of mercury with another



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  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    One limitation to its use as a working electrode is the ease with

    which Hg is oxidized.

    For this reason, mercury electrodes cannot be used as at potentials

    more positive than 0.3 V to +0.4 V versus the SCE, depending on

    the composition of the solution.


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    -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4

    i (A)

    0.001 M Cd2+in 0.1 M KNO3supporting electrolyte

    V vs SCE

    Working electrode is

    no yet capable of

    reducing Cd


    only small residual

    currentflow through

    the electrode

    Electrode become more and more

    reducing and capable of reducing Cd2+

    Cd2+ + 2e- Cd

    Current starts to be registered at the


    Current at the workingelectrode continue to rise as

    the electrode become more

    reducing and more Cd2+

    around the electrode are being

    reduced. Diffusion of Cd2+

    does not limit the current yet

    All Cd2+around the electrode has

    already been reduced. Current at

    the electrode becomes limited by

    the diffusion rate of Cd2+from the

    bulk solution to the electrode.

    Thus, current stops rising and

    levels off at a plateauid


    Base line

    of residual


    R id l C Th id l i l h i h

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    Residual Currents: The residual current in polarography is the

    small current observed in the absence of an electroactive species.

    Residual Currentcontains both double layer or capacitive current

    and faradaic current which is formed by the impurities of


    The faradaic current part can be easily eliminated with pre-

    electrolysis process.

    But the double layer or capacitive current deterimined the

    sensitivty of the voltammetric technique. It can also be eliminatedby new developed time techniques.

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    At any electrode immersed in an electrolyte solution, a

    specific interfacial region is formed. This region is called the

    double layer. The electrical properties of such a layer are

    important, since they significantly affect the electrochemical


    In an electrical circuit used to measure the current that flows

    at a particular working electrode, the double layer can be

    viewed as a capacitor.

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    To obtain a desired potential at the working electrodes, the

    double-layer capacitor must be first appropriately charged,

    which means that a capacitive current, not related to the

    reduction or oxidation of the substrates, flows in the electrical


    While this capacitive current carries some information

    concerning the double layer and its structure, and in some cases

    can be used for analytical purposes, in general, it interferes withelectrochemical investigations.

    A variety of methods are used in electrochemistry to depress,

    isolate, or filter the capacitive current.

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    Although many models for the double layer have been publishedin the literature, there is no general model that can be used in all

    experimental situations.

    This is because the double-layer structure and its capacity dependon several parameters such as electrode material (metals, types of

    carbon, semiconductors, material porosity, the presence of layers

    of either oxides or polymeric films or other solid materials at the

    surface), type of solvent, type of supporting electrolyte, extent of

    specific adsorption of ions and molecules, and temperature.

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    The composition of the double layer influences the electrontransfer rate. Some ions and molecules specifically adsorbed at the

    electrode surface enhance the rate of the electrode process. In

    such a situation, we talk about heterogeneous electrocatalysis.

    On the other hand, there are numerous compounds that, after

    adsorption, decrease the electron transfer rate and therefore are

    simply inhibitors. Some surface-active compounds can be very

    strongly adsorbed.

    This may lead to the total isolation of the electrode surface and,

    finally, to the disappearance, or substantial decrease, of the

    voltammetric peaks or waves.

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    The concept of the existence of the double layer at the surface ofa metal being in contact with an electrolyte appeared in 1879


    That first theoretical model assumed the presence of a compactlayer of ions in contact with the charged metal surface.

    The next model, of Gouy and Chapman, involves a diffuse

    double layer in which the accumulated ions, due to the

    Boltzmann distribution, extend to some distance from the solid


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    A classic, simplified model

    of the double layer formed

    at the metal electrode

    surface is presented in Fig.

    There is a layer of adsorbed

    water molecules on the

    electrode surface.

    Since it has been assumed

    that there is excess of

    negative charge at the

    metal phase, the hydrogenatoms of adsorbed water

    molecules are oriented

    toward the metal surface.

    A specifically adsorbed largeneutral molecule is also shownin Fig.

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    Bulk solution

    Two planes are usually associated with the double layer. The first one, the

    inner Helmholtz plane (IHP), passes through the centers of specifically

    adsorbed ions (compact layer in the Helmholtz model), or is simply located

    just behind the layer of adsorbed water. The second plane is called the outer

    Helmholtz plane (OHP) and passes through the centers of the hydrated ions

    that are in contact with the metal surface.

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    Current in Voltammetry

    When an analyte is oxidized at the working electrode, a current

    passes electrons through the external electric circuitry to the

    auxiliary electrode, where reduction of the solvent or other

    components of the solution matrix occurs.

    Reducing an analyte at the working electrode requires a source

    of electrons, generating a current that flows from the auxiliary

    electrode to the cathode. In either case, a current resulting from

    redox reactions at the working and auxiliary electrodes is calleda faradaic current.


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    Faradaic current: Any current in an electrochemical cell due to an

    oxidation or reduction reaction.

    cathodic current: A faradaic current due to a reduction reaction.

    anodic current: A faradaic current due to an oxidation

    Sign Conventions

    Since the reaction of interest occurs at the working electrode,

    the classification of current is based on this reaction. A current

    due to the analytes reduction is called acathodic current and,

    by convention, is considered positive.

    Anodic currents are due to oxidation reactions and carry a

    negative value.


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    Eat i

    Limiting currentRelated to concentrati

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    The potential at which the current is equal to one half the

    limiting current is called the half-wave potential and given

    the symbolE1/2.

    Half-wave potential polarographic qualitative analysis

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    How it works?

    The applied voltage is gradually increased, typically bygoing to a more positive( more negative decomposing potential)

    A small residual current is observed.

    When the voltage becomes great enough, reduction occurs atthe analytical electrode causing a current.

    The electrode is rapidly saturated so current production is

    limited based on diffusion of the analyte to the smallelectrode.

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    How it works ?

    The reduced species alters the surface of the mercury electrode.

    To prevent problems, the mercury surface is renewed by

    knocking off a drop providing a fresh surface.

    This results in an oscillation of the data as it is collected.

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    The diffusion current theory and polarographic wave


    In above equations, K is called Ilkovic constant, it is expressedas follows:

    id= KC

    We have already known:

    K = 607n D1/2m2/3t1/6

    Thus,id= 607nD


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    id= 607nD1/2m2/3t1/6C

    Average limiting diffusioncurrent denoting average

    current on mercury drop fromdrop forming to falling (mA)

    Number of transferringelectrons in electrode


    Diffusion coefficientof electroactiveanalyte in


    Mercury mass flowrate(mg.sec-1)

    Drop time(sec)

    Concentration ofelectro-active


    From above equation, we can find thatwhen temperature,

    matrix solution and capillary characteristic are kept

    constant, idis proportional to C

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    Limiting diffusion current -- A basis of polarographically

    quantitative analysis

    When the applied voltage exceeds the decompositionvoltage, diffusion-controlled current is expressed as:

    i= K(C-C0)

    When the applied voltage gets more negative, C0 0,

    current becomes only diffusion limited, then

    id= KC

    Idreaches a limiting value proportional to ion concentrationC in bulk solution, and do not changes with applied voltage


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    polarographic wave equation







    When i = id, log term in above equation is equal to zero,

    corresponding potential is calledhalfwave potential E1/2

    E1/2independent on the concentration

    basis of qualitative analysis

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    The objective of control led-potential electroanalytical

    experiments is to obtain a current response that is

    related to the concentration of the target analyte.

    Such an objective is accomplished by monitoring the

    transfer of electron(s) during the redox process of

    the analyte:

    where O and R are the oxidized and reduced forms,respectively, of the redox couple.

    Such a reaction will occur in a potential region that

    makes the electron transfer thermodynamically or

    kinetically favorable.

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    For systems controlled by the laws of thermodynamics,

    the potential of the electrode can be used to establish

    the concentration of the electroactive species at the

    surface [CO(0,t) and CR(0,t)] according to the Nernst


    where E is the standard potential for the redox reaction,

    R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol K), T is theKelvin temperature, n is the number of electrons

    transferred in the reaction, and F is the Faraday constant


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    Faradaic Current59

    The current resulting from a change in oxidation stateof the electroactive species is termed the faradaic

    currentbecause it obeys Faradays law.

    The faradaic current is a direct measure of the rate of

    the redox reaction. The resulting currentpotential plot,known as the voltammogram, is a display of current

    signal [vertical axis (ordinate)] versus the excitation

    potential [horizontal axis (abscissa)].

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    60 The pathway of the electrode reaction can be quite

    complicated, and takes place in a sequence thatinvolves several steps. The rate of such reactions is

    determined by the slowest step in the sequence.

    Simple reactions involve only mass transport of the

    electroactive species to the electrode surface,electron transfer across the interface, and transport

    of the product back to the bulk solution.

    More complex reactions include additional chemical

    and surface processes that either precede or follow

    the actual electron transfer. The net rate of the

    reaction, and hence the measured current, may be

    limited by either mass transport of the reactant or the

    rate of electron transfer.

    Influence of Applied Potential on the

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    Influence of Applied Potential on the

    Faradaic Current

    As an example, lets consider the faradaic current when a solutionof Fe(CN)6

    3is reduced to Fe(CN)64at the working electrode.

    The relationship between the concentrations of Fe(CN)63and

    Fe(CN)64and the potential of the working electrode is given by theNernst equation; thus

    where +0.356 is the standard-state potential for the


    4redox couple,

    andx = 0 indicates the surface concentrations.


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    Lets assume that we have a solution for which the concentration

    of Fe(CN)63 is 1.0 mM and in which Fe(CN)6

    4is absent.

    A ladder diagram for this redox example is shown in the Figure.


    If a potential of +0.530 V is applied to

    the working electrode, the

    concentrations of Fe(CN)63and


    at the surface of theelectrode are unaffected, and no

    faradaic current is observed.

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    Switching the potential to +0.356 V, however, requires that

    which is only possible if a portion of the Fe(CN)63at the

    electrode surface is reduced to Fe(CN)64. If this was all that

    occurred after the potential was applied, the result would be a

    brief surge of faradaic current that would quickly return to zero.

    However, although the concentration of Fe(CN)64at the electrode

    surface is 0.50 mM, its concentration in the bulk of solution is

    zero. As a result, a concentration gradient exists between the

    solution at the electrode surface and the bulk solution. This

    concentration gradient creates a driving force that transports

    Fe(CN)64away from the electrode surface.


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    The subsequent decrease in the

    concentration of Fe(CN)64at the

    electrode surface requires the further

    reduction of Fe(CN)63, as well as its

    transport from bulk solution to theelectrode surface.

    Thus, a faradaic current continues to

    flow until there is no difference

    between the concentrations ofFe(CN)6

    3and Fe(CN)64, at the

    electrode surface and their

    concentrations in the bulk of solution.


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    Although the applied potential at the working electrode

    determines if a faradaic current flows, the magnitude of the

    current is determined by the rate of the resulting oxidation or

    reduction reaction at the electrode surface.

    Two factors contribute to the rate of the electrochemicalreaction:

    the rate at which the reactants and products are transported

    to and from the surface of the electrode, and

    the rate at which electrons pass between the electrode and

    the reactants and products in solution.


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    Influence of Mass Transport on

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    There are three modes of mass transport that influence

    the rate at which reactants and products are transported

    to and from the electrode surface:

    diffusion, migration, and convection.

    Diffusionfrom a region of high concentration to a regionof low concentration occurs whenever the concentration

    of an ion or molecule at the surface of the electrode is

    different from that in bulk solution.

    When the potential applied to the working electrode issuff icient to reduce or oxidize the analyte at the electrode

    surface, a concentration gradient similar to that shown in

    Figure is established.

    Influence of Mass Transport on

    the Faradaic Current

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    The volume of solution in which

    the concentration gradient exists

    is called the diffusion layer.

    Without other modes of mass

    transport, the width of thediffusion layer, d, increases with

    time as the concentration of

    reactants near the electrode

    surface decreases.The contribution of diffusion to

    the rate of mass transport,

    therefore, is t ime-dependent.

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    Elektriksel ift katmanda potansiyelin

    elektrottan uzakla gre deiimi


    M T C ll d R i

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Mass-Transport-Controlled Reactions71

    Mass transport occurs by three different modes: Diffusion : the spontaneous movement under the

    influence of concentration gradient, from regions

    of high concentrations to regions of lower ones,

    aimed at minimizing concentration differences.

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    Convectionoccurs when a mechanical means is usedto carry reactants toward the electrode and to remove

    products from the electrode. The most common

    means of convection is to stir the solution using a stir

    bar. Other methods include rotating the electrode andincorporating the electrode into a flow cell.

    Convection: transport to the electrode by a gross

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    Convection: transport to the electrode by a gross

    physical movement; the major driving force for

    convection is an external mechanical energy

    associated with stirring or flowing the solution orrotating or vibrating the electrode (i.e., forced

    convection). Convection can also occur naturally

    as a result of density gradients.

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    Migration occurs when charged particles in solution

    are attracted or repelled from an electrode that has a

    positive or negative surface charge.

    Thus, when the electrode is positively charged,negatively charged particles move toward the

    electrode, while positively charged particles move

    toward the bulk solution.

    Unlike diffusion and convection, migration only affects

    the mass transport of charged particles.

    M T t C t ll d R ti

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Mass-Transport-Controlled Reactions75

    Migration: movement of charged particles along

    an electrical field (i.e., where the charge is

    carried through the solution by ions according

    to their transference number).

    The pathway of the electrode reaction can be quite

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    complicated, and takes place in a sequence that

    involves several steps. The rate of such reactions is

    determined by the slowest step in the sequence.

    Simple reactions involve only mass transport of the

    electroactive species to the electrode surface,

    electron transfer across the interface, and transport of

    the product back to the bulk solution.

    More complex reactions include additional chemical

    and surface processes that either precede or follow

    the actual electron transfer. The net rate of the

    reaction, and hence the measured current, may be

    limited by either mass transport of the reactant or the

    rate of electron transfer.

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    For a given system, the rate-determining step maythus depend on the potential range under


    When the overall reaction is controlled solely by

    the rate at which the electroactive species reachthe surface (i.e., a facile electron transfer), the

    current is said to be mass-transport-limited.

    Such reactions are called nernstian or reversible,

    because they obey thermodynamic relationships.

    Several important techniques rely on such mass-

    transportlimited conditions.


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    The flux (J), a common measure of the rate of masstransport at a fixed point, is defined as the number of

    molecules penetrating a unit area of an imaginary

    plane in a unit of time and is expressed in units of




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    The flux to the electrode is described mathematically

    by a differential equation, known as the Nernst

    Planck equation, given here for one dimension

    D is the diffusion coefficient (cm2/s); (in aq. about 105and 106cm2/s)

    [C(x,t)]/xis the concentration gradient (at distance x and time t);[(x,t)]/x is the potential gradient;

    z and C are the charge and concentration, respectively, of the

    electroactive species;

    and V(x,t) is the hydrodynamic velocity (in the x direction).

    C t

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    The current (i) is directly proportional to the flux and

    the surface area (A)

    The situation is quite complex when the three modes

    of mass transport occur simultaneously. This

    complication makes it difficult to relate the current

    to the analyte concentration.

    Diffusion Migration Convection

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    The situation can be greatly simplified by suppressingthe electromigrationthrough the addition of inert salt.

    This addition of a high concentration of the supporting

    electrolyte helps reduce the electrical field by

    increasing the solution conductivity.

    Convection effects can be eliminated by using a

    quiescent solution.

    In the absence of migration and convection effects,

    movement of the electroactive species is limited by

    diffusion.The reaction occurring at the surface of the electrode

    generates a concentration gradient adjacent to the

    surface, which in turn gives rise to a diffusional flux.

    Ficks laws

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    Ficks laws82

    According to Ficks first law, the rate of diffusion (i .e.,

    the flux) is directly proportional to the slope of the

    concentration gradient:

    Hence, the current (at any time) is proportional to

    the concentration gradient of the electroactive


    Ficks second law

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    Fick s second law


    The diffusional flux is time-dependent. Such dependenceis described by Ficks second law (for l inear diffusion):

    This equation reflects the rate of change with time of

    the concentration between parallel planes at points x

    and (x + dx) (which is equal to the difference in flux at

    the two planes).Ficks second law is valid for the conditions assumed,

    namely, planes parallel to one another and

    perpendicular to the direction of diffusion, specifically,

    conditions of linear diffusion.

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    Concentration profiles for different t imes after the

    start of a potential-step experiment.

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    The flux of material to and from the electrode surface isa complex function of all three modes of mass transport.

    In the limit in which diffusion is the only significant

    means for the mass transport of the reactants and

    products, the current in a voltammetric cell is given by

    where n is the number of electrons transferred in the

    redox reaction, F is Faradays constant, A is the area ofthe electrode, D is the diffusion coefficient for the

    reactant or product, Cbulkand Cx=0are the concentration

    of the analyte in bulk solution and at the electrode

    surface, and d is the thickness of the diffusion layer.

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    86For this equation to be valid, convection and migration

    must not interfere with the formation of a diffusion layerbetween the electrode and the bulk of solution.

    Migration is eliminated by adding a high concentration of

    an inert supporting electrolyte to the analytical solut ion.

    Ions of simi lar charge are equally attracted or repelledfrom the surface of the electrode and, therefore, have an

    equal probability of undergoing migration.

    The large excess of inert ions, however, ensures that few

    reactant and product ions will move as a result of

    migration. Although convection may be easily eliminated

    by not physically agitating the solution, in some

    situations it is desirable either to stir the solution or to

    push the solution through an electrochemical

    flow cell.

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    Fortunately, the

    dynamics of a fluid

    moving past an

    electrode results in a

    small diffusion layer,typically of 0.001

    0.01-cm thickness, in

    which the rate of mass

    transport byconvection drops to


    Influence of the Kinetics of Electron

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    Transfer on the Faradaic Current88

    The rate of mass transport is one factor influencing thecurrent in a voltammetric experiment.

    The ease with which electrons are transferred between

    the electrode and the reactants and products in solut ion

    also affects the current. When electron transfer kineticsare fast, the redox reaction is at equilibrium, and the

    concentrations of reactants and products at the electrode

    are those specif ied by the Nernst equation. Such systems

    are considered electrochemically reversible. In other

    systems, when electron transfer kinetics are suff iciently

    slow, the concentration of reactants and products at

    the electrode surface, and thus the current, differ from

    that predicted by the Nernst equation. In this case the

    system is electrochemically irreversible.

    Nonfaradaic Currents

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    Nonfaradaic Currents89

    Faradaic currents result from a redox reaction at the

    electrode surface. Other currents may also exist in an

    electrochemical cell that are unrelated

    to any redox reaction.

    These currents are called nonfaradaic currents andmust be accounted for i f the faradaic component of the

    measured current is to be determined.

    The most important example of a nonfaradaic current

    occurs whenever the electrodes potential is changed.

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    In discussing migration as a means of mass transport,we noted that negatively charged particles in solution

    migrate toward a positively charged electrode, and

    positively charged particles move away from the same

    electrode.When an inert electrolyte is responsible for migration, the

    result is a structured electrodesurface interface called

    the electrical double layer, or EDL, the exact structure of

    which is of no concern in the context of this text.

    The movement of charged particles in solution, however,gives rise to a short-lived, nonfaradaic charging current.

    Changing the potential of an electrode causes a change in

    the structure of the EDL, producing a small charging


    Residual Current

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    Residual Current91

    Even in the absence of analyte, a small current

    inevitably flows through an electrochemical cell. This

    current, which is called the residual current, consists

    of two components:

    a faradaic current due to the oxidation or reductionof trace impurit ies,

    the charging current.

    Methods for discriminating between the faradaiccurrent due to the analyte and the residual current

    are discussed later.

    Shape of Voltammograms

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    Shape of Voltammograms92

    The shape of a vol tammogram is determined by severalexperimental factors, the most important of which are how

    the current is measured and whether convection is

    included as a means of mass transport. Despite an

    abundance of different voltammetric techniques, onlythree shapes are common for voltammograms.

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    This voltammogram is characterized by a current thatincreases from the background residual current to a

    limiting current at potentials at which the analyte is

    oxidized or reduced. Since the magnitude of a faradaic

    current is inversely proportional to , a limiting current

    impl ies that the thickness of the diffusion layer

    remains constant.

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    The simplest method for obtaining a limiting current isto stir the solution, which can be accomplished with a

    magnetic stir bar, or by rotating the electrode.

    Voltammetric techniques that include convection by

    stirring are called hydrodynamic voltammetry.When convection is absent, the thickness of the

    diffusion layer increases with t ime, resulting in a peak

    current in place of a limiting current.

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    In the voltammograms given above, the current ismonitored as a function of the applied potential.

    Alternatively, the change in current following a change in

    potential may be measured.

    The result ing voltammogram also is characterized by apeak current.

    3. Interference current

    i l i l DC l h

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Residual current(1) redox reactions of impurities in solution

    (2) charging of Hg drop(non-faradaic current / non-redox current)

    Migration current

    The current produced by static attraction of the

    electrode to sought-for ions

    in classical DC polarography

    Polarographic Maximum (or malformed peak )

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Complex arti factualphenomenon

    Less likely at low drop

    rates, in concentrated

    electrolyte, or lowconcentration of

    electroactive species

    Lessened by inclusion of

    surfactants in medium

    Polarographic Maximum (or malformed peak )

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Oxygen waveDissolved oxygen is easily reduced at many working

    electrodes. Thus an aqueous solution saturated with airexhibits two distinct oxygen waves.

    The first results from the reduction of oxygen to

    hydrogen peroxide:O2 + 2H+ + 2e- H2O2

    The second wave corresponds to the further reduction ofhydrogen peroxide:

    H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e- 2H2O

    Sparge solutions with high purity N2or Ar for 5-20 min

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    F h ff li i i diff i

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Factors that affect limiting diffusion current

    Characteristics of capillary hight of Hg

    Potential of dropping Hg electrode

    Composition of solution


    Factors that affect

    half-wave potentialType and concentration ofsupporting electrolyte

    TemperatureForming complex

    Acidic of solution

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    The polarographic technique is also useful in the analysis of biologicalsystems to determine vitamins, alkaloids, hormones, terpenoid substances

    and natural colouring substance, analysis of drugs and pharmaceutical

    preparations, determination of pesticide or herbicide residues in foods, in

    the structure determination of many organic compounds etc.

    Polarographic analysis of organic compounds

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    102This technique is used in organic chemistry for qualitative

    and quantitative analysis and structure determinations.

    Most of the organic compounds are insoluble in pureaqueous medium and also in mercury to form amalgam.

    Therefore, the solvent in which the organic compound andits electrode product is soluble, is added to the supportingelectrolyte. These solvents include various alcohols orketones, dimethyl formamide, acetonitrile, ethylene diamine

    and others.

    The commonly used supporting electrolytes which areeasily mixed with organic solvents are various quaternary

    ammonium salts such as tetrabutyl ammonium iodide.

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    Alternating Current Polarography

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    The a.c. Polarography technique involves the application ofpotential wave form of the type shown in Fig. 1 a for a DME.

    This may be envisaged as linearly increasing d.c. potentail

    ramp upon which is superimposed a small alternating voltage

    with an amplitude af about 10-20 mV.

    The current flow through the cell is containing both a.c and

    d.c. components, but when the former is ploted as a function

    of the applied d.c potential a symmetrical peak shape is

    obtained Fig.1.b


    Fig.1 a) Exitation wave

    form and b) response

    obtained in a.c.


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    A.c. voltammetry is more sensitive then d.c. voltammetry,because it is possible to use electronic technique to

    discriminate between faradaic and capacity current. It can be

    achieved through the use of phase-sensitive detectors, which

    are based on the diffreneces in phase angle between faradaic

    and capacity current.

    The technique can be used only for completely reversible

    electrochemical process and the peak potential corresponds to

    the E1/2 value..

    The current can be flowed from the system after the Ox/Red

    species formed on the electrode surface. The detection limit of

    the a.c polarography/voltammetry is about 1.10-6 M for

    reversible electrode reaction process.


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    Fig. Polarograms obtained d.c and a.c polarography at DME.

    A.C voltammograms can be obtained in the presence of

    small amount of oxygen. Because, first oxygen reduction is

    quasireversible therefore, it is not interfere to electroactive

    species current.


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    The sensitivity of linear scan voltammetry or d.c polarography

    is limited by charging current which is large initially in the

    drop life. The slowness, inconvenient apparatus and poor

    detection limits of linear scan voltammetry or polarography

    were the reasons for its decline.

    The sensitivity of these two methods is improved by pulse

    methods by about 6.5 times by eliminating charging current.

    The current in these methods is measured at a time when thedifference between the Faradaic current and the interfering

    charging current is large.


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    There are four important pulse methods namely i) Normal pulse voltammetry/polarography

    ii) Differential pulse voltammetry/polarography

    iii) Square wave voltammetry iv) Cyclic voltammetry


    Normal Pulse Polarography (NPP)

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Pulse polarographic techniques were developed by Barker and

    Gardner in order to improve the polarographic performance and

    lower the detection limits for the electroactive species.

    The capacity current is the major source of interference inpolarography and the pulse wave forms were designed to

    discriminate against this and measure the required faradaic



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    This is achieved by applying apotential pulse with a short duration

    near the end of the mercury drop

    life. This is then repeated at exactly

    the same time in the life of thefollowing drops. Since capacity

    currents decrease more rapidly to

    zero than farradaic current and it is

    possible to discriminate against the

    former by making a currentmeasurement at the end of a fixed

    pulse period.

    In normal pulse polarography, the applied wave form employedin Following Fig. A pulse applied by stepping from an initial

    potential E to another potential E and then returning to E at

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya



    Sampling scheme for normal pulse polarography. (a) Potential

    program, (b) Current and (c) potential during a single drop's


    potential E1 to another potential E2 and then returning to E1 at

    afixed time drop life.

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    This process is continued by appllying further pulses from E1,the amplitude of subsequent pulses is increased by constant

    amount of to produce a linear potentail scan.

    The pulse witdh is normaly set at about 50ms, incerases inpulse amplitude are function of the scan rate and drop time are

    around 5 mV.

    The sampled current for a periot of 15-20 s at the end of theeach pulse. The response obtained is an S shape as given in



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    Differential Pulse Polarography (DPP)

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    A still greater improvement is reached by using theprogramming wave form. In this technique a 50 mV pulse is

    applied during the last 50 ms of the life time of the mercury


    The current is measured twice during the life time of each

    drop, firstly just before the pulse and second one just before

    the drop falls.

    The difference in the current is plotted resulting a peak shaped

    curve. The top of the peak corresponds toE and the height of

    the peak depends on the concentration.


    The peak current in differential pulse voltammetry

    increases linearl with the concentration of the

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    increases linearly with the concentration of the

    analyte. It also increases with the pulse amplitude but

    in a complicated linear fashion. In practice amplitudesgreater than 100 mV are not used, since the peaks

    broaden and the resolution is significantly inhibited.

    The higher detection limit in this technique is due to

    superior discrimination against charging current and

    impurity Faradaic current. The peak current in

    differential pulse polarography is given by


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    where, ip = Peak current, n = Number of exchanged electrons, F = Faraday constant,

    R = Gas constant, T = Temp. in Abs. Scale,A = Electrode surface

    area, Ca = Concentration of the analyte, EA = Pulse amplitude,

    D = Diffusion coefficient of the analyte, and tp = Pulse duration.

    The detection limit for the determination by this technique is

    similar to square wave polarography at 107



    . Butfor irreversible reaction it is lowered.


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    Fig. a) Excitation wave form and response obtained indifferential-pulse polarography /voltammetry.

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    For reversible reactions, a larger pulse is used so that its size is

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    , g p

    great enough for the oxidation of the product formed in the

    forward reaction occurs during the reverse phase.

    The forward pulse gives the cathodic current i1, while the

    reverse phase gives the anodic current i2 and the difference

    between these two i = i2 i1 is plotted to give thevoltammograms. This difference is directly proportional to the

    concentration, the potential at the peak corresponds to the E.

    It is possible to increase the precision ofthe analysis by signal

    averaging data from several voltammetric scans.

    Detectionlimits for square wave voltammetry are reported tobe 107 to 108 M.


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    Cyclic Voltammetry

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) is an attractive method for theteaching of a number of concepts in electrochemistry.

    In brief, it is perhaps the most versatile electrochemical

    technique for the study of electroactive species.

    The effectiveness of CV results from its capability for rapidlyobserving the redox behaviour over a wide range of potential.

    The resulting voltammogram is similar to a conventional

    spectrum in that it conveys information as a function of an

    energy scan. In spite of its wide applications, this technique is not generally

    well understood as compared to other instrumental techniques

    such as spectroscopy and chromatography.


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    Fundamentals of Cyclic Voltammetry: It consists of cycling the

    potential of an electrode that is immersed in an unstirred solution of

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    the electroactive species and then measuring the resulting current.

    The potential of this working electrode is controlled versus a

    reference electrode such as a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) or

    asilver/silver chloride electrode (Ag/AgCl).

    The controlling potential which is applied across these two

    electrodes can be considered as excitation signal. The excitation

    signal for CV is a linear potential scan with a triangular waveform

    as given in Fig.


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    This triangular potential excitation signal sweeps the potentialof the electrode between two values, sometimes called the

    switching potentials. The excitation signal in Fig. causes the

    potential first to scan negatively from +0.80 (initial potential)

    to 0.20 V (E

    F final potential) versus SCE at which point thescan direction is reversed, resulting a positive scan back to the

    original potential of +0.80 V (Ei).

    The scan rate as reflected by the slope is 50 mV per second asshown in Fig. A second cycle is indicated by the darked line.

    Single or multiple cycles can be used.


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  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    In some cases, the anodic current is low as compared to thecathodic current.

    This is because throughout most of the experiment there is a

    concentration difference which drives back the reduced

    species away from the electrode, most of the reduced speciesproduced in forward reduction process, therefore, diffuse into

    the bulk solution and cannot be re-oxidized on the time scale

    of a cyclic voltammetric experiment during reverse direction,

    i.e. anodic process. Hence, it gives reduced anodic peak current as compared to

    cathodic peak current.


    Types of indicator electrodes

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Metal solid

    Pt, Au, Ag, C

    liquiddropping mercury electrode (DME)


    Si, GaAs

    In-SnO2/glass (optically transparent)

    Solid Electrodes

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    Solid electrodes constructed using platinum, gold, silver, or carbonmay be used over a range of potentials.

    For example, the potential range for aPt electrode extends from

    approximately +1.2 V to 0.2 V versus the SCE in acidic solut ions and

    from +0.7 V to -1 V versus the SCE in basic solutions.

    Solid electrodes, therefore, can be used in place of mercury for manyvoltammetric analyses requir ing negative potentials and for

    voltammetric analyses at posit ive potentials at which mercury

    electrodes cannot be used.



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  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya


    Paste With nujol (mineral oil)

    Glassy carbon (GC)

    Amorphous Pyrolytic graphite - more ordered than GC

    Basal Plane

    Edge Plane (more conductive)

    Solid Electrodes

  • 8/12/2019 4 Instr an. Volt.zek Ek Kopya



    Except for the carbon paste electrode, solid electrodes are fashionedinto disks that are sealed into the end of an inert support and are in

    contact with an electrical lead.

    TheCPE is made by filling the cavity at the end of the inert support

    with a paste consisting of carbon particles

    and a viscous oil.

    Solid electrodes are not without problems, the most important of

    which is the ease with which the electrodes surface may be altered by

    the adsorption of solution species or theformation of oxide layers.

    For this reason solid electrodes need

    frequent reconditioning, either by

    applying an appropriate potential orby polishing.

    Fiber used in in-vivo studies

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    Mula niv.

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    The first is the reduction of trace impurities that arealmost inevitably present in the blank solution. Thecontributors here include small amounts of dissolvedoxygen, heavy metal ions from the distilled water, and

    impurities present in the salt used as the supportingelectrolyte.

    The second component of the residual current is the so-called charging or capacitive current resulting from aflow of electrons that charge the mercury droplets withrespect to the solution; this current may be eithernegative or positive.

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