4-i.mm^m^ai, -...

^' III- rfc^'.'!*^- «' •mi mm Wh - jj&v.*-' 'AT* «•£?' assi^ .W-WAfs!*f«:S iM wmm»m •*$#• •<)&*ii&mM. sm£m$mai& Mmmmm^mmmsimm&M SSriH ^m & m m i flg^Wi-^r^WK-H..! "VjftfeSSJiii... -•('•'v, ™,.«,'- i »*,.„ .*- r" ^HH -,-••-JMM VrrlHllfl 1 9H Plffiil ',-'-]aUB9aM "- : |§Kta| D|; ^BSP- IHw- nKIr--' HHf- ^^^^Kr ffil ••Bs; §M'. e d, miry'to dooWodOf#«!^C#t^is,(i«)tibft I TO' UfX i "7R 7 MSflfeMAMTS ' M 1 "«l .-X SB1 f the dispftititin oHed, tlmn^t.^jsorfeteMl^: : pte»t® •to pay dan}8##tiat$^^^^^ - from the wt^wmm^jimMm^^ oanal, or from atfyotaaf cause, tho state shall in no eveht be-liable to iiffaftp.-upanj; deficiency » of revenuo, or to rad^mn-'t&b 1 canal TeVonuO'Oor- lifieates, is anyV^ffi^'&aaWtBattfcifrof tlflj . uial rovpnue-^f. the.«taus» as directed by Ihe . .-oviaiofts oJSpSi ; fe»U'ibr?.UOjt#rp'oa« , « "That •rtiSeates-te-f^^ged-B«a«r tMaaoJ-sMcfe ••) esantspri.qontiBffenoy bo w opnstnrad as tp- Create &#jpbj;i>r^iabiuty against the Btnte t ar o poopfelhoroof> withiwtho meaning of see*. in twaltio* article scvCT, oT two Constitution., « 15. s-W&feuot shall take offi>cumin>ediatoly. t nl- ' '—, . *-. „_ CHAP 504. " AN" AC? more effectually. V? suppress, gam- blings, . • i. . -. .- Eassod July 10, 1031. T\? pco\Ae oftfsasla.it:of Nc-iu Yorl^.vcptcsenlid hi V <T«MI& and Assembly, d»-enact as follows^ § j. Ifany perso^'$h$llit^©p. a room .building, arbor, bpptK sbp,d,, tenenrant, boat, or float, to ja usod <m poqapM. n?r gamhlitfg;""or shall •inowi^y>,p,6^it,ti^'ramf^ be used or occu- pied*forgambling: <jr if the owner, snporinton^ Jontor ap$i^of/parry-room, buflding, arbor^ booth,ahedjitonetnontjoaatforiloal, shall rout tlib sapioU'aty'ousodoreeeupie.dfur gambling:, he sha11J"&n%Bh?.tetip»thereof, Be fined in any .-um not wSfr$iufcljfty not more than five ban- . -4 SAipJff person, for .gambling purposes, phalH^pVf.c?bjbit'any-p(i«bliBg-toblo estab- lishment de*W or .apparatus,'or. if any person or pcreons-sh'nlUie guilty of dealing " farp," or bo nkinj/for .others to deal " fttro^" .or acting as "loohoiit" or gamtf-keopor for. tho game of '•faro" Or any 6„ther banlsingf gama, where mon- ey or pfoperjy is depehdont on tho result, tfr if any person, shall sell or vend lottery policies, purporting to be governed by the drawing of tiny public or' private tpttary, or ifany person fba.ll endoraa' a, book or\ ajiy' other document I'or.theopurpose-of enabling others to.seizor vf-nd lottery ^wjioibs, he shall bo taken and In Id as-a eSferriori' gambler and npon o'onvie-, nm thereof?' 1 shall ho ~sentenot#J to not less than tartfays, hard labor in the penitentiary, i r notmbr^thMn'two. years hard labor in tho ftato pviis,on, ! and b«%ed in any sum not more than one thousand 'dollars, to bo paid into the QHWhtyatreasq'ty where rPn&h JLQttfiifition. shall, take j8aoa^'fer.ithe a.se of t^o ioommon- sohoola tboreinj to be^-ditided among ,$e school districts in that eount|' Jn the 'same manner asjtho (•choolmi|rifey'.lf"th'e state is divided- aritong- caid dis^dfe-and ta defaatl thereof 'shall w- main fgi^spttad UfltiJ suoh fine be remitted or p a i d . '*". i- r ' .„.'""' •' 5 3.j If any^affidavit shall be filed tvith the magis.tratOi on'polioo justice of aiiy>4t>wn'or city, befcrre-isrhoipi complaint shall^iave been made "f aii offbBt-& against any profeon of this act, staling;that'th'S""Wfiajit has reason to beliovo, ar>d ddfe boirSvo; that tho person so charged in fauoti poypTUnt-ba§_upOu his "person or at any binder pja'do n^med in"^peb affidavit any fpecifio a^ti^lea- of* personal ''property,-or any giiTBirtg-tablp,,device or.apparatus, or any lot- tery policies, public or private, tho discovery of ivhieh mighfc J«.ad ta establish the truth of Ku^h charge, tho said magistrate or justiee may jp hisSfsdrottpnby warrant, command the officer who is authorized, t& arrest the person so chafggd lis toake diligent search &r snoh. prrrpe|tyafiSj.able, device or "apparatus, aEdif l'ot;ndi'tft ri b4ng'tho..ganre. .before suoh magis- trate 'ojr jastioe'L and the'efSoers so seizing shall jde'.ivor tb^-EJEHJa"to the magistrate or justieo, bt-foT^'Wham he takes tlio same, who Shall re- tain possession of said property, and bo rospon- 6ffile;|B , e'refet;until tho discharge or "eonimit- maritffr letti tiff to bail of'the) parson so charg- ed; aid jn b^^ofsuob commitment or lotting to baiiVf 'the. perso'ri so "oli'nrged, such officer shall retain.sueh propprty^aiibject. to tfio order of the court before ti'hich. suoh' ofTender'may bo. required.tvappear,.until his-tlischarge or.-oon- vieiicin. -Anil in case of tho con*ictionof Buoh porsontho ^ambling-Jable, dtrvide,' pr- appara- tus shalr-be aestroyed, and tho bouseholdjirop- erty and' otter fixtures holopging to such g'Ste- bling place shall_bo..hold liable to be sold to pay any jiidgtpontS; arid costs whioh may bp 'ran- dered'agafrist aaeh' porton; and aftfer the pay- ment 6f t ,6U.oh jii^giiient ana costs, the; surplus, if any,*haiibo paid into'tlia treasury of the UFtEKS,' and K,T& ANIt %0 JKAlmuf, _.... Jj (vholesatt BoofcssHeTs and^tattaner9,i8SJohn st,;»or.Gpld,N, V., offer tpAbBgUy ai.dcountry *#Healarga«QeR'<OTlanMW!w 0l ' % ^ own w .nulactitre, consistingof-gsiii Demy a,!Bd IVitedi- H'JI Day Boijfce, Ledgera, Journals, Cash, invoice <ii.id fteedrd 1?«I1JS, &c, §«<", X*ass Boaks-ipf : ev?ry vai iciy and size-, sixt^e&'dXnerent kinds, jyemp- , • a i.anma r plain, tuclviwt clasM.bPUt forty diiiar-. e\,r - itws and >;^es. Poekel Diaries, ihree diflfcr- . jM -itev cap l$t»n,4tS!U0. and B.vo, various styles : f:^.m-,dtu;k,';ilt edges. " - ^-4«. Bill, shipping ret^t^4>laaltffic£si(jtand_ ,> n .-i -•adwg ooblos, crmposition, blante-^nd ei- J»iif.»', 8.f(*s; eommoa place nndWritj,og dg,; c c , -• .,*. SeljpoUnd MjseerfeTremts-BB6lrs«e^jiy v.iTji.i,' ia uiisi.\ Ctbrnrv BoSks^tWc schools, Sun- 3;>,'sni, oiK,.p«blie-toit.!Miow r families- Engr. li-.'; '-.,M ATO«ucanJ8jbUi3 J ''from jbg-largest fetid d'.cu'tb* .K? smallest diamond, of every variety of Uii.riin? mH price. Prajftr^ BV&n aftti jnisceila^ i>v>'j-st» o»si._«,general assortment, . (.'-Jtiu. —priming, playing, visiting.and conwr- {sGlM'tt '• i d s . •. - Sa-Aw /SF.KV.—Gold and steel .pens and' holdars, quill.-, ealiiii; wax, wafers, sand, ink, india rub- bo , pa j^,draBting,papef and. pencils; writing an.is-li e pencils, crayons) brisjol hdatdi cap,le.t- le.t, j.c J. tissue, cnveLop&ano: TSSriJ.iftg .gapers;— luloi.iodx, stamps, rttlers, aiders, and e^'ry other attic'-; of staaioneryTi'urnished;'and^all at as low prit r e% as-atanyqther JouW^rtlJjS'^ityC ' ' Oin^GASKirORiiC.t.QgUp^arunitein „... has dtily'inortgased'W?Ch.|i'lea M-^cwfe, - atH*hatcBf»io.P'eceor parcel ol:J«n,a;tyiag.aa(l i^^sixsmtSgSK.r-r:'-^' parfoiwiiito. v», (lou'iueu as iwiows : v com- menciBg three rods ft : oiii'. the nofth e.asnsarne* of jand deeded to Nathaniel Bennet^ Jr. and riinnitig thenc"esoHth twenty rods, thence?asr ,three rod's, •theace no'ttM^eRty rods, .thence west t h r o rods to the glace of begfantiogr-coinainking thjee-eights ofan.n«re; ot'laad^e, \l$ aani? aib^e ut less, jp,ean ing jo Myey-aJUhe land.fe^e'p'Uijee'd given to Nattiau'iel Bennett, Jr. and Daniel S, Pratt, ther desd of th<r:saiil Picatt giveorby IraWest |f.Mai.'eh a , 1850, aria tilf deed given by MhSjii' |Wpng to Nathanicl_Rgnntitdated Beh'v (stil838: Tnemort. Wni bs.—K, & K. having ffiade. afaigenients with a i extBBsive.mahufacttarer,' a.reenabkd'tb sijpply theiftatlewith an article, equal.to any Aaa " u'faetiired in'tbis eouqtrv, aiid€t as-low |prices.ti Bnvow will please call ahd "eSamine our goods- New YofiSt, J u l y . I ; , i a 5 4 1 '' '-" 4I'*i8' TVfOTICE OP'01S^mBtJTiON.-^Notice U i . \ hereby;gjven, that the balance remaining of the proceeds oftHe s&le ofthe real ; cstatd of David Matteson, late'oi tbi town" oWah'sh fn the county of Oswego, deceased, lately made under the-oader of the Ommty Judge of (he county of Osvsego by •Harvey Paliawand ObedSah Maiteson, the Esfec- ntqrs o't the last Will and testament of David-Matv teson, deceased, will bSdrvided by thfe said CoUTn- ty Judge amorijrjhccreditbrs of the said deceased, in proportion to their ie^eotive debts, according to latv, at the Connty,Jadg«t's.o^oeiia5MesicOjOtt. the Sf&ih day of AugoH next at'ltf oVlock" fn the - ...•«i._.* , '^'!rT:-""""*r\^...^j ^s..^*—i T~I.. , iiwenoon of that^Say! 'based at'Mexico, Jnlyl, 1851. ' - ' . *lw<1 ©.'H. WHITNEY, Co. Jodge qf'O&wego Co. PalasM Oamfege i Manufactory* , „„JS0'Ea;SOE.iU&] OSGOOD,. -* ' Keep on haDd and manniaejure to order every va- riety of .Carriages, Wagons, a^ndjSleighs, which they Varran^os .reeommendea, anil will-sell on as .favorable, jerms as'can be obtained elsewhere. $3f&Jlepa'ic?ng done on short notice.-'. ..P«l^..lfi„P4>.^85J. . ' j . . ' . . CL O.TH ! M 0!! 0. L,0T H I N~G! M ORtQAGE SAt,E.-Obed Griffith and Fan-* nv Griffith his wife, latq of Mexico, Oswego wiSoiy New Yoik, did Uy a certaia ipdqnturepf mdrlgage executed under their bands and s^rtls and dated the twenty-eighth (28) day b^MarchTh" .iliejear eighteen hundred and lorty-fiye 1 ,* in order i;o secure Hie payment of ihe sum of sis httnp'red dollars and interest thereon, grant and convey un- to .Sidney 1. Stone, certain lands sitjiate the* said cb'unty of Osweeo, and described in said mort- gage as fbllo.wsto "wit:- that certain piece or parcel of landsituate int&e town ofMexico aforesaid,be?ng the equal undivided ^two-thirds'-iDf'that part oubi < number sevemy-seveh in the twentieth. ToxstHshlp'' ofScriba'sPatent,bottndedand described as tot- lows : Beginning'at the south -weaf'corner of said lot at a state and stones; thence!runniugnorth one- degree lorty minutes east along the west line of •saidlot 12 chains 80links; thence north thirty- one degrees east along Samuel Emory's east line 13 chains one link; thence along the south bounds of the public highway* south lorty-fbur degrees eighteen minutes eas-t 21 chains'55J links to a stake and south §6 deg's 15 min's'east 5'c'h's to a stalce; thence sototbuOne degree forty minnips west along the west Tineoflandsioanerfyowoed by vne ' Cbed Griffith fiow deceased SehainsS7 Units to j a stalce standing on thesoulh line of Said \o{; thence north eighty-seven degrees'thirty minutes west along said line S6 chains It links to the place ol | beginningcontaiuiag;395-100 aores-of land be the j of] W frfc JUNE^Waving . returned £wa New Igf 8 qfflc or less; _said.mougagewl.tlt a power n«,„« ra »„i„r r- j_-r . Clerks ofllre ot Os assoriment of - Cloths, Cassimercs, Veslings.Ti'mmhigs," ' And a general assortment and Variety Of'.GEN- TLI2MS Ei - UilNlSHlN.G<SOQDS,respe'ctfuT!»y so- licits ttje patronage of Gentlcriifen ol' this section- Ol the co'ifrty in want of any. article of clqthing,,eon- fidem that he..caa furnish' a l/eller article, of QtCUr piaterwls. teller made, andal Tower prices than like garments have been or can be purrhased jn Oswc- g j County or horthera.New York. His Clothing is all manuthetured in this'village, and under hi$, ..awn supervision. He.jviii keep on..hai!d'S" variety ° ' READY MADE OttfTBtNO) .• For suminar aadwinter_wear,tittt wouldprefev Gentlemen 'waijfing clotbTn? ibr themselves or iamilies, would select'their cloth-.ltd thereby, be sure.ofsati'siaction. ' ,_ ... Intending to continue a permanent'Clothing JEs tablishment >i Pulaski, the Subscriber wonid in vite all whe* would encourage Hpnfc Industry to gi^a liim the^r patroliage. •WUUAM JD1SE. .. Ptrhisldf April l%t85U„-.'., 1d~p-—^*— i- ccuantv, wherejsu^h prosecation slmll taka place to boWfag-dls p^'ided for in tfte pircceodinff soc'tio'iiliyflridin case of thg diseharjJ-B of suoh'' pprsqrrby the. magistrate Or court, the officer havingVeteprojiMfy in his cifstrstiy', Bbalt, on- domi|iid ) dt)liy.cr4t.to such person. , J 4^Ib sliafl he tawi\tl,for any iustice^^of thc_ poaeefj|pqneje. jusiiee, ohlei*. uiagistrita ^of any municitpai octrpora^m, or judg'q of any oourt of re'eord, 'MJ!9JS. Ounfpladnt upon oath that any gamblmg'.^Blps, apparatus, <jatablwhmcnt'4or- dovio^i.sllt^ptliy atiy person % the- purposo of b^JBg t^"e)il%^'<'P)5i«6rg'ein-rnoney or other p"rop- erty,-w Dy 5 alfy pflier.ft^saB.orany lottory pol- ieioaofany letictiia,'to rssue his.warrant com- rfiaridjng'atii/ B'heriff or constable, tdpfivliom the Hame/epal.tiW directed, within tho proper juris- dicti-Jn.lftftor demondiug 6attant:o to break o- "pen and'Onter any hpuso or-placo wherein such garoblitlg' lablo^-efifitblishmont, apparatus or rfevie^ sTiall'B^ftopt, and'to'.seize atrf'ajilfVfr ifehs fa menfroh,sTSciratBh0et'2iftI{,tedPtse,fl;y ! Generalrlnsurance Agency. E. Jf. HILL,, . Is Asent- fir the following Insurance Companies. Merchants tMutual Insurance Company, .- ... , of Buffalo, Capital SI 00,000, secured by realestateand stocks. Moutgoincrjf Co. tVItttual Insurapqe Co. •'• the Fai'mer ; s Company. ._,,... ,,, United States Mutual. Insurance CoiripanY, Capi.alS150,000. New. Ya?k Stale .MutualIfMOjrsnco-Co. Capitol Si^O.000., .All the above, CqmpijitifiS are .rnbstanti^il, aha insurers have the bestguaranfee that,, in case of lpsSj the-amount iniai-ad-wOl. be promptly paid. Applications for lijsUrariCfe, by letter or other- wise, TforA any part of "the'eouhty, will receive prompt attention. . ., - Richland, May 195k ' ~ 3-3 H.aHDWikHE STORE, M EACfctAM & CRONK, respectfully siihmji. to the citizen? of FKchland and adjoining towns thiet'ollowingstatenxtnrfotfaTJts; -f H. They have on hand, at the store occupied byMeachams & Norton, the .most extensive"assorttnentpf Plate, "Parlor,•a'lid-CwPte'Stovesf to-'be 'found'rfi 'ttfi3 - mar- •i"Pt,einbracibg all (he desirable patterns-. ' ... ' 2.1, ."t"fiey a is tbc sole" agents IbrAlotls* ^<aten^ li.ilry Stove'for this Section of country, an article tiiiH-.'pens'aEle,t"p F w l e r s n n d Darymen/ ' " ' 'JJ, Every quality, ifie and. variety 'of Stove Pipe (in hand and tirade to order, ofthe best of RnsM'a and'Ameriean Iron. " ". '•** 4th. All kinds of Tin Ware kept ott Band, maa- n; iiftu red -of the best material an'tthy' experienced workmen. ^ '-..•- *. ,..__,„ ^ 5th. A general variety ot articles,'too numer.- tfto"i5tfiO'16tbe niayorof tho'city, presidant «f tho mlttgi, supervisor of thq.tpwn, or elerk of thecounte.,"Vhet , 'S BUOII'-seizure shatf be made, who~ghati'Ke>*p'th6 same until the terra ofthe court tit.wji^f' tbe.oaso shall be tried, and the oourtssnail'-^hen if there be no- necessity of IteeptngtW-property to bo proiueed on the- trialefiarp'iSiRjnelor against this act, have a ju- ry-swotWfe try the fact, whether the property taka^ipisrtjp-is-itsed Kr gambling, arid it the "inrltij-feaWl be that the.property was usedio'f gambling,, the court shall order suoh property, to bo broken up and sold by tha sheriff of the county and tho pneeeds shall "after the pay- menfBf-coefe gp'iinto tho treasury of the-ooan"- t_-vfpmp^Ss^f'fhe'cTothftion schoolk'thbre'i"n7' in tbVsame tnpfri&r as"*ii provided ta the sec- ond«Sgbtibn'scif!illi6 attt. § 6f*If'iEn|'f*8fsbn shell, through ' inyitation ^r Wfa^pifgifarJo 6#""pf«iil on-affy'jp'erson to vi^t'i^f^PjD'iii/^ijfdinfe, arbor, booth, shad, .lew^entTncaior ffont, Eept/'or the "purpose of gambling; he-shalliuppn. oouvicti'diff hereof and upon proof, that the p.Crjscm so invited has gam^ b!^ditheroi»,1ic held ycspcmejblo for tho motio'y or property lost "by Btich" person eo ifivitod-or persuaded l>y reason nfStfSH'Irivitatioh ofi;4Bvioe atrd'in add'tit)t_.,theret6 fee shall bo finSff'tttia. imp^nod'a'eiPrding to 'f'ip 'pvovisiona of the" scopld^etdtfppoft'hiiaet. ."" ' • .' ^'.^.^litlftienho duty'of all elteriffs, police <rs6lg|r|^^'iia%8 and proseeuti'ng or district attofp^iic.vrnj'pjm' against and prosecute -all perso#. wnorathey 4ia.ll Iiavo orediblo reason tn beltovb^ar*oft'endors against this aot, and more than five KtlndiWl.: dollars, §?! rf*BBy^prampn-cter, owner ist loero V.f any boat ot float'' aojtjl 'Knowingly p&rmit an-.-. garnltilfttg1b#'lSoheJ'''o>'pro|>Mty on sueh boat or float, and shall'notfti}3na'his>knowledgo of the faef5im£tfedio*tely''>^io*ent tUb -aanre, ho shnli uponf>eb'h*Wtio«.th0fe'of*ri''tolii^6sponsi^^^ tor i " tholS5]DJe3^'<6«tipi^^todtrsttf* fined"in any \i' e'un'mmMhhmKv&kimM'm^Ts: •- rj; 5 9. This ab* .Shall t a k e -rfiiaet tiio Aw dytt •of Augjle|, oif^rtoetv-u'imotlef $0flity-ono. [ stn4$ffyi$:mrk L s J ] l''have^Dtt\p a areat'iepree(i drauii.; Rams, Eave Troths, Zink'Washboardsy P.n-'i nt Paite, Stone Ware, $heet'I^ad, Well and 'Ji.Mern Pumps, Wash Tub$, Mpp.Sticks, etc, etc kept on band. ' ' " ' <,., r < 6lSi. They will do fheif work better, aild sell lower tor Cash, thai! any other estaWfahmeilt in- Oswego County. Thev pledge themsslyss tg pOnvince customers of all these facts', and reroeetMlysplicii an inves- tigation: °-A1l kinds.of Johbin'g abbe on short no- tice and fn-ihejbestsiyle. ' '" . '""'f-tSj„MB*OnAM. '"- ^—- l)r . H. CROSK. .'Pulaski, Pebrnray,l65^. gage is .UjtedHlie"sixteenth clay uP^Ktecuh- in thc- ycar one thqtis^illglit hundred. 4M$fly, and was reqarfled with the power to sgl_ -therein con- tained, in the yflkapf the Clerk 6( ihe.(^(ujty ol Osjvego, on -the fifth day of J tine, 1850, at. ij>tir o'- clock P. M., in Book °8 of mortgages,, page 430,' ThFamouut claimed to be due on^said jaortgage at the time ot the first publication of thls^uptice 'is qne huudred aa4,eighteen dollars; ana (^ur cents; and default has been wadejn the psyaiehi thereof, Nptfre thereiore is hereby given flia't by virtue of the.fowerofsale corftainedln said mortgage aptl in pnrsuance of the statttje in such case made and' provided, the said mortgaged premises will be sold at public auction at>heSali)Voiv : Riyer.H<?Kse'n,ow keptiby Elijah B. Earl in the towti efKicliland, .Oswego co. N. Y.. Ofl tlie 8th day of August nexi at ten o'clock A.^M, and,tilie said inortgtige. w.ill be fqieclBsed thereby. 15nted"Ma'yJ.&, 1 Sirt.""' , ...QJHARXES H. LEWIS, Mprtgagee. B. F.RudnEs, Atfy. v • ... ;. 31 VEGET^B« plerksjifitre of Oswego county on thejllth day of j AprM .1815 'in book V of mortgage*; the-amount j claimed to'be due otj said Ettortgage aUhe time of , the first publication Q''thishot)ceT>f sa'le that be- , ing the date. hereof,is five hundretl and thirty'six dollars,anddefault has occurred in the condition oi j said, mortgage by the! nop payment of sajd sum pi moneynowdftetbVreona'riilno'sBitorpT'St^edingsat . lawhavebeen instituted toirecpver the debt remain- ' ing secured, by .said m'Prtgage "or any part thereof ffie power tt. selt"the-saidpremises hasfiecdni'eopv erative. Slid urortgage was assign^ by the saitT tfiortgagee S!dR<ry"lr;'|t6n.e to Peter Ch'amllerlafe ofMexico now'deceased On tbe-7th Bay of April' I8d8> Now therefore by virtue of a power ol sale jn said mortgage contained and in pnrsuance of Ihe statute in such case made and provided notiee is hereby given that said mortgaged premises will be sold at public auctioa a^the Mexico hotelin-the- towq and village of Mexico in-said county of Os- wego on the twelfth (12)day of August neitl,85lat 10 o'clock in the iorenoon of thafday. Dated May 8th 1851. JAMESS..CHAJTDLEU, I SAM'UEL H. STONE, I ..„ . JOHN W. CHANDLER,- - \ , Executors ot Peter Chandler, assignee, deoeased\ ^IOGINI & FBKNCH, Atrys, oi Mexico,N. Y. ^ THE MOST V J?OFULAR PXtel'^Y MEDICINE^ O v JJ THE.AIJKI Used by Physieians ol^Hjgli Standing. . Tlmso BJITEiRS mmovo aU morbid toorotloiiB, purify , fto bloqd,.Bivo;gjq£t tone and vigQf to. tto difOBtive •jcgaus, fortify, tlie a'ystom ogniust oil futttro disease, enn bfi lokea with safety, at no timn. debilitating ths patient , -being- grntofiiV" to-tl^e moai.^stysftto. 5to,maob, aa<i re. roarkttole for their obeering, invlgqrating, «t«ngUion- - iug, and restorative properties, and an Invaluable aal suio romedy fdr. ' ' DY^PEP^iA IN tTS W0Hsfi?0KSHS." Also, Liver. Compfalnts,. Janndife,.'Hesrt6iim, Coettve- nan, Faintness, plpordcra of tho SWn, biver, and SRiu, tjjs of Appetite, i.ow Spirits., Nervooa HoaUaehe, Gid. d|ic«s, rolpitatlon bf tho Hoavt, Sinking and Fullness of ' "Weight at UTO Stoylmch, and all other diseases caused by oi imimre state of the blood, Uver, etc., whioh tend to do* ^ latitats and weaKoji tho- system. ; /FBM'ALJBS ybQ suffer ftatn a morbid and unnatural condition will , /* find tlUs, Medicine of \ INESTIIV1ABLE VALUE. >JIM. cAsis of GENKIUL DEBIUTV, UUs Modieino itCTS LIKE/A CHARJI!. ' . H6WSAWSS Ifcvo tfistoiWifes eflloacy, and thousands mow are now un d)r treatinont; and not one solitary case of failu^p has MitVl3h*renort0il. Votumea could be tilled with Qertifi- (^ites of tl^'ose who have boon permanontty onred. Call oil the Afreni, anil get a PAIIll'ElLET, ^ontalnlnix tho Cdrtifloatog.of Remarkablp_Cures, and the jigh cstitiatian. in. wHs)> this; Mediolno jsueld'by tho ^iblio Pijiss—oan'be'naa'oj the Agents, freo. j ,,... 73- Price*'liU; Cenfe per large iott}e,' i ' rnnoiual Office, 122 FULTON ST., N. Y., up itai™. " 1 28vl' JONES. ^ McCARTY, Agents. " mrim . . ._-____...-"-"-. ™:— "—•'•'•T^iK a. ,st J'twit,. and tlotAe ^ ^ f t t i g Pp. aiiiluir of ourcti^teneo hqts' (mused if'fe'iJw'tu'D ipolitaneousfy.lln'BirglioUt'tl^Vo^ldfltfl^'-vteel. •table,ppftprieijesa*wilf aUinfieciir^rfjvhen pro. petty npp.UcdiOlt cuiaabkdiseases,„ 'XJ>» prppij. hf of'tf.csetruly valuable mc|i^s mfflffll. MP 4-i.mm^M^Ai, ( COFFEE.—Java, Laguyra, Samatra, "Maracai- j b6,Brazit, Rio and -Bermuda, and ground coi- Tee sale lojMtt" JONES & McOAETX A large and carelully .teleete4 lot of sumune.r •stuffs fPr Boys ctcrfhiag mry tie 1'oundcliea.p at aiark's. ... ' • B ROOMS, Pail*,Tttbs, Mop Sticks',-Close Pins', ^ Baskets Wash'Boards, Bed Cords and Cord- age, at JONES & MCCARTY'S. llatflity Land for Uic JKgvtprs, .liilliia and yojunlcers of Vie War a11812. RIGHT & RHODES wijl procure Scrip or Warrants for those eBrltled- to the Bounty Lands under the act passed at the last session il Congres^. ; Applvi : at J their office,corner ot.Jefl'ersoh at 'Briagc'strsetSi'Puiaikj;.'•-•• *' • "-.^.'Mv'HART 6VGG. $j, A JlEl'S^pireparea to- exniM;,'»(their Carpet . K&mmmmej^m^t .: . .. ' '%"i-r'' imtWB'}'liV<iS~ rom- the manufactory of Bnl)ie,„si& Co., Boston, which for goodness, testtirej design, and l>eauty, will not suffer-in, comparison with any other labj-ic manufactured in this country. ' ' r. C'arpetmgs from 12Jc. 10^1,31. ; Floor OilCloths, 4-1 5-1 aodsti-'tt 0ruggets, 5-4 G-5.1-2-2' •' ' H. , Also Rii'js and poor Malsr { - : " Paper Sangings, Window Shades, File-.board Prints at No. 5.First, and Water Streets,lEagle eiockjOajvegn.'* . • . OsVaegtyOctpbej 13r 1P50. . » FOB. THE OUfiS OF ; COmmoa Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Brdn- ohitis, Whooph^f-Cough, Asthma, Croup, and all other diseases of - :• . the Ltings and laroat. '- V Ti^s Syrup immediately tmleta a Cough,- removes soreness, loosensjihlegm, reUevcs ferer, and heads and 8t<oijfttben» the lungs. BEIEP TESTIMONY. DR. FODRD—r/J&tr Sir,—Jn the SprMg of 1847, my ' wife was apparently in the last stages of consumption. \ -She had been sick Soyeral months, and'.been tcealed- by. I Atopathic, aud^Hamcopathie PhTsioians,.and by a Ger- \ man. boctor bi.-thjs place. unUI sho' was .declared in. 1 oatoiblo. At this- tim'e"*sho had' a constant Cotigh, j attended witlUbver nnd sw.olting af tho lower limbs ;— t land'was unable to'WaHi, or even, to-sit up more than a lfcw mm'ntes at--a-time. -These with other symptoms (usually tittending consumptive cases, had become- so jfirmh- established, as to ronder her recovery entirely Uibyeloss. In this state of her case. Col. B. F, Brnco of Lenox, bdyised me to trw-you^ PISCTOBJU. .Svnt-p, saying that ho had used it in his family for several yesrswaih gro.(\t success in all 4iscasbS t 'of t]io Lungs and Throat'. My wijb commenced the use of the "Syrup, and for a short ' time she Uiought it injurious :-.7.bu-t soon found that it was decidedly beneficiaT" Sho continue*! the use of it, and much to my surprise and joy she continued to Im- prove until sho was-entirely and perfectly restored' to , health and strength.-.-Sho to.otc no other mfedicino during tho time she was taking your Peetm-al Syrup, and i am positive it was that which saved my'wife's life, t have not beea,wilhout your Syrup in my house sinco . . that time. ' . . .Respectfully yours, PETKH B. MOONEY „w„.,.^s«'«ffs, March 2i, tSJl. M. II. This medicine is prepared and sold Wholesnlo . and Ketajl, by Af. FOOJEUo, DX. D., Cazenovln, inadlson Co\.,.,Nf Y s , to .whom all orders may be ad dressed. It is ai'o sold in even- Town and Village kl . the country. PRICE—7." Ceiita per Bottle. For Sale bv A N G E L L , S E E L E Y <Str€!rJ. an J.CNES & McCARTY, in Pulaski. A. L' Tho npson Sandy Creek ; S. H. & B. S Stone, Mcvico; F. Devendorl, Hastingspind by agepts generally throughout the siateT 74y A VARIETY of Yankee notions, for'sale at wholesale at - JONES' & MCCARTY'S." 5 Drag and Oroceiy Store. T HERE will ie found at the Drug Store of E. Wrl?OX, a-.goodSstock of Dye Stuffs, includ- iag'he materials used in Fancy Dyeing, together ^Lfilte ritostkind of Medicines, Paints and Oils, a * choice and general assortment of GROCERIES, nndavarietrolother articles, aU of which mustj-' heboid, and-are oflerel axthe lowest prices. Alsu, School and Miscellaneous Books,Paper Hangings, Stationery, Writing Inks, etc. etc. tNn'chasera are respectinlly invited to call. E. W. FCX. Pulasjti, June 19, mt^ 39 OA&fQtet WARE. GREAT RE0UCTION"IN! PRICES!' [tl¥f% "alikinds'ofCabTfiet *areand Cbairsj.af the shbprjcehtly pj-6<iffi'^a"by P. Betitly one mrte^rtorthVPijlaSki. ftiiirelflis/Cenfre, Card, &mn% atfcTbther TaWcs. Light aliil tfrfcirk Stands, i BeilMcads.pf all kinds", Comnio^ ciitic eeht dinfng ajid Parlor Chairs, oi all styles' alid Jlrfees, lleady ' made'Cofflm'8, and a gene'ral assorlmiefttjof "artl c'lr«nstt;rl!y;iQumi''in estahlishmehts of th)s Irfnd wtrl- be kept or», band. Having sevehU' lir'st, rate ,wofItmen in hf« employ,, be- believes".fic!*""#ri' itM*- nihh as good work^ds, many sh'pp in thjS secttcn -cotintv, 'alt of which 'will be Spld at' fhe'lowes't Co>h Prices' An exarriinaiion ot his ware' is ie> sn-'cif'iilly solicited by ptti'tihasers' , - ALEXANOfipt WAKEFIELD. RWiland, June 28, IWt. ' ''"'"•' .jfppTAL SROTfifef: J6MTHAN, for Jojy'ith. Jg5i t for sale- aB'the' " Af.iv.SS.' ' VQL&mi BQMC STORE. A: JL'lioi .' €r6efe,eij> ; \ ' K W a n d general a'»soVthieht 'jpisfrefeeived' 3 l )tnwisir>K" , 'be latest,«tyler.aird fashionrby ' • ~ . , A'NGELL,' SE)3L«i &iCO.' '" eA'&ifeJixliiRSSljIiT"*' T HE Sut's'ca'jbt'is'ar'frprepai'ea 1 to furnish eyer.y v-ifietr &kl ; s'ty'|6*FCaolii.ef' Furniture, at waie.rooms Jlilhfe* Wll«SgB, afpricefw eor. Viibdnitb t eii*c In the' BetimOB.' Sa#PeyeWe3W e'n'uMfless, tffd*n|ldfu1cawtiil to e* en* on ity-fa &%> ofutMia^ ript tfleri a mint from, ani them to rjonduef it suMssfilliy.'irna a sm*g *vMi*r aeriTease ahdfet'!|fy%u1fb)iio , i^ my solicit pn!'iiepa.r6ti^ge, ' "• ?.''' tl M " - hairs,T.a81es,BedsieMs,siaebdard4 ) ee't ) afall d l h ^ w i t h tlift'fl.riginal law 1 vajietiesaHyays on hand. ce.and do cejttfKlbSUhe sm.iej -f A "y m M^ Coffins. yl'vaiMons prices ada_sif!es Aoftha whoic j'-M'imn I B Work ipalie to brder on sBnttftotieS. ,..::..;' GEO, GURLEY. , ,,&A1vttJ©L'©OX •c'«ivingal'ar.ge8trpnlv at' -warranted olmqperi&r gjtat^ the" " •'•*... PULASKI BOOK STORE. L EAD PIPE^-from 3-8 inches w the largest sizes, a hewlotjiist received and for sale Uy K •• • . MEACtfcJJVI'& CRONTL " -Pulaski, June tg, 185,^.^17,' fimO PATENT SJftHES- '&. SNATHS the \J best'article fn use.'adjasled.aild I'athoined by thosinjple-'tnfaing'oi a Sci-Pu. Also eotamon Scythair aid SnSls GRAIN'CRADLES-,-a new article^., ~ •. '.'.. HAY FORKS, twp aUd thn» lined. HAND RAKES. ,. , HOES, commtfpHpd garden. And ft general, 'assortment of! Faiittingglmplumenis for sah> aV •the loivfist prices By , '" "^FrACHAM&CROSfK, . •Pulaski, June 13, I85i. , , OOTS & -SHOES, lor Centlsmen, Ladies, oys, pirls and eilfldrens new nl lpwer prices Tnan ever b'cf'oreoflered in this markflt, j ust received and for saie ior' rcadt pay ont}-,by' Sent. 34. N. M. WAUDWELL frCO. C OPPER HEATERS.—The subicribers have •every facility lor getting up Copper Heatrrst ie}r "Eaoneries. Having recently made, several forTanneis in this vicinity, they bell..ve they can promise pate'nseniii'ePjrsatjsfacWy. Qrdert> respectfully solicited. ME AOHAM & CRONK. Pftlaski, June 13, 1851. :... '_ B LE.A6HED and BROWN Cptten, Canton Flanusls,, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp,, Tick- ing, Stripes, Wickiog, Twine, &c. «b'.; jnst t'eteelV» •&Tandf0MBle bv N. M. WARDWELL, &. Co. .SM.'g4,H5a. /' ..'••,,.•-' Coveiilet an^i Garpet Weaver, 1 T HE subscriber wishe&to inform tho public th|tt.' his has removed higastablishmorit tothcseoafi8 house north' of ihe^rWUngiCflfce, Jeflbrsoii stree'i, w'herehejsjpjepated id weaveCbverletsFigureUj Striped T andfeg^arpet». Shoals, Blankets, Flan- els, FulLClotb, iSiapers, Grain Bags, or any other Jtind of "weaving-tbat is - done -in a,Cust<«n,Shop, rilI wptk. put' WM> hi;) ca,re-w-iH 'bXJhi.thIXi% csteeu'- tcd''in thfi Shortestposslblo tlin" onrf- onMJjfl^rft'wt reasonable terms. ' J A ,\1 !.> lit ^ ^ ; ; Puln^ki Dcr.l!) IS.'iO. ,,"•."-!- A LASGE GOLD MEDAL was awarded Dr. Benjnihin, at ihe last State Fail' tor his Brass Spring Truss, and acknowledged to be the best now"in use.' For sale at ANGELL. SEELEY & CO'S. O UGARS.—All the varieties of Ppjvdffed, crush- O ed Refined and Brown Snirarsrjt'lhe lowest oi prices, 'jtist ree'd In- JONES & McCARTY. FDR THll OHMPI.tt'l'K CtlttE 0P ' Coughs, C61<Js," Influenza, Asthma, Bronohitia^spittila^of Blood, and all otb'e't ining Oomplaiiits" tending- t o . - -CONSUMPTION./. REAP! RliADIl T HIS medicine Is jur<t what it is declared to be- above. A. remedy lor the complete cure otall those atlectiuns ol'the Throat and Lungs, vsijlich, il neglected, always odd in CONSUMPTION. It is not a worthless,. adch-p/Q/ay article, made just to sell, like man-yof the comraon nosirums ot the* day,' virtues, lately introduced intolliis Country from California.. The Recipe, has-been shown to thou- sands of Physicians, who ha.ve universally .ap- proved i^.and will be shown tp any Physician!! wjtp desires tu se"e it, upon-application either to thf'Propriot'ors or'thoit Agmts. II has been used in miilltfudes'i'fcases, and is strongly recommended by P/iysicttms', even Professors in olu Medical Col» legffs, Ministers of the Quspel,, Judgtfb, Lawyew,- Merchants, Mechanics, &c—a conclusive .prooi that there is nu quackery or. deception about it,'but' that.il. is a medicine of most uncommon Virtue and efficacy,• ,'. • . PAMPHLETS. As no prdinary-sted advertisement can "begin to do justice to the "merits of this article, the Proprie- tors have embodied in a pamphlet )'orm > the^tstoy of'this Medicine—-the desciiptitallfiatwe, &c, of its principal ingredients—the effect the); are designed to have upon the hutnafysystem—and above alt, the meaicuUfJile am.<mnl of good which it has done.— They design to circulate this Pamphlbt extensively, but should any,atiebe.ove'rlooli:ed, they are earnest- ly desired to. call upon the Agents named below,. andprociYre oae,gratis. It well repay a perusal. The hints on page 7th may be worth'ta^oursell'or family,-THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, and if will iruroduce j'on to a niass of testimony in its favor wKiell'is'perfectly irresistible. Such being our confidence in its virtues, wgjire .willing to warrant the Medicine in every•feceutcase, (if used according tp-The direction's,) and where the person is not-satisfied that he is deriving henellt trom it, by returning the bottle, within 24 hours' tirnt.TH'G MONEY will be refunded, gafSee page 3d'ofthe'Pampkle.t. . ' .... - For sale, wholesale arid retail, 'by* A- L- SCO- VILL&, CO., Proprietors; at their Priticipat Office, No. 3W5 GoijiijC'Hall,.Broadway, Nsw Yorirjao whom all orders for (he Medicine, nnd-letters rela- ting to agencies, shortld be addressed, post-paid, g3P Be sure to ask for r. A. Rogers' i/mp of Liv HWORTy TAB, and CA^oiiiLAdUi, and let no other be palmed on to you. jCautiou*—A'one genuine, unless there is-on the buff wrapper ,-a note irf-HanU, signed-with a pen, by 'A. L. SUOVILL & CO. - v For- sale in Pulaski by JONES & McQA^TY- and E. .W. Fox ; also by.H. J. Jewell", W e s t Mon- roe; C. A. Perkins, Gonstantia; A. S. Poller, Cleveland; Chaapey Sims, JMexido-; Orjrin House, Sandy Creek. Pm'uE—In large bottles SI, orfi bottles far,f5. Pulaski, Aug. 7, 850* " - isuoi3 volume with Certificates arid Tetttptiniais In ft,- vor of his articles; but, considering such pans - wlit.iiy usete8,,sinctjtbey are so ftadjiy'manjrflaou uied.'aodjjjadejfej t^.jo^uch Rn Kttem to pufth " .vffsome dsetesis trRgh -Mpn M HW% i mWi' tliVrelore/stale at ohc6,41e vartou>! dtebat&s thai "ean bo sptJedlljt careiby tiiestf InvaTulhle Hdrfti Renovating Powdersj Viz : , «".9tand*rs,'.fiitlebflno'd and Hoi se JJiatcmper. It also caries oj' aljl.gross humbrjs,: attaVpuriiies the bl.oM, If is'fi^i a safe andceftaia cure foV \ h e TaetfveSi 'it will nho rieanse,-Bt once t thestDJna4h_g»dwjmJritmJlho-'- botB, worms, p>e., and again restore lljft«p' W ach. anfl.bpwej§t^,beiv)thy actipn. Smiths Repuvating Oin|>nentis ah IbvaVnaule remedy, ibr horse^''rri""flieTufe'bt -the' fpltb-wTntr diseased t' Freslv Wouiutsv-Gells ofTlU'kwdi Spra-in^JirfrisM. RtlSghSnep- ^ll-Evil, W| n d Galls,Spa,y f in4^,wepny.;.Fistula,.-;Stralii9 ) t^^a. ' S HERIFF SACE,—By virtue pf an execution to me directed and delivered, against th^ goods and chattels, landsrJF'fen<mieiitsof Alden Cran- dall.in my oalewick, I have seized and t?aen- all the right, title* aWlffferest-pf the" said Orandall, which he bad on the liih day bf ApVil, 1851', or which he might have since acquired to All lhat certain piece and parce) or land situate and being in the town ot Richland, county of Oswesjo, and state ol New Yorlr, and hounded as follows, town: 'beginning at iltf.'south-eaat corner ot land hereto? lore deeded by Jelreiniatl A. Maihcwson to Johp-'S. Davis, and runs thence south 30 minutes, EySlpng the west boundariccbf the salt road, so calJ«Ltwo chains; thence south 86° add 40 m.wfestpne chain and 45 links; 'rom thence north E. ( g& link^ to a stalce; thence north'33-Lwest One chain to -a.hem- lock stump;.thence west to the centfe of Salmon River; thence up'the centrg'of ssiitt river ness. Fuundergd Feet, Craclfs", and Seratefejt, . '.'• The above articles are to be had til jMlt $\U Cities and pritteitaal^llagesthroughoUnteii'.tJit. ted States, anil'the Canadas*. For sale, wholesale and retail, at John B Smith's Depot, 133 Fulton street, (Sdfloor,)New Jnjlf,'- '.,,.. Price^fJ canjs per bos-iot the Ointment; 60 cents lor the Horse Renovating Powders.' Par sale hy . P?w5J r , JONE8.-& M'cCARTY. ^^^VBY^gP^lA-. i J Ninons Debility, iMsetiM ofct&e Kit,. .,., ,. Diseases arismgfy<mi a -Jj}S(%fere« tjivef oY fitem Mh,JXA'as'Vombptot,i$n, 'fiipatd JHlesif^ll^ «. or Blood to llie'Efi sea; Heartburn, Disi itsl jfoV FotdJmS lorfiutt. iies's in the SlomacTi, £mw\$m^tiMK$infaiig$f. Fluttering at the Pit of Oie^miaih^ttimming of the HeadrMhied amiTD&iwU SrlaAingf Kw. ienng at the Heart, Choiring arJmjfocMneBe% iions wh#n> in a Lying JPostfift), Pfflwtss of V^oii. , Dotsor Webs btforeihs SigktjMvef and Dull Pain in the itead, Qefu^%iyolPeTfpiratioii. i Yjf%MtfH' ofthe SHnaiid Eye&, P&iifi^ihe Side, Back, or Ctei, Umbi, 4>c.; Sii4Mii:Mu§he&4>f.Ileat t Bi!fn- ing in the Flesli, CmistantJm<$-ini'l}g>ojEvil,qiii 'Great Depression o/.iS^iA - , , -' Can be ei&ctually' oute'd by ' CEZ+JSQ-lUiTED, 'tWpUtUtW FITTERS. P REPARED BY ©K,C M^JACliioN.atthe GpMANM#IClw| v StQ^^q..:i20 Aretf Sweet, pBikdMghl^, -• -', Their power^ver/lfie abpvediseases'ls Aot excell- ed if equalled, byakyotherpre^a^tionih.-th^'grij, jed States, as the cwres'|.ttestj in" in'ariy cases "a.f|er sk'lful pliysioians sad failed, .. , The Bitters are* ft'orthy ihe'altjejplionjjf ijtvalid% V Pessessibg great vliitues ih the rectification o.f dis- eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercijiinguus most searching powers In weakness and affections -• ofthe digestive orgails, they ai,e,.TVithal, safe, cw- . tdin and pleasant, L READ AND BE CONVINCED. [Framlthe,'"Boston:Bae."l"' '•-•<?.; .-.- . The editor "laid, pec.22d—''DjriJ ? |bttflap'4 , s!it|cl ebrated German Otters for the c;urepl')Liy#ifern- plaint, Jaundice, X)yspeps'ia,'"Chfpnfc oy^NteFyieus Debility-, is deservedly one ofth'e^Most'pppijIar medicines of iha day. -These Bitters have been .used by thousands, and a,fricnd at bdf elbow says ho hashimselfr^eejv^arieffeetti.alattdperniSnent cure o!S Liver cWjolaintirojntbiei.qse of this rem- edy. Wo arec?invincea"tnu,t, in thi useof these "• Bitters, trie^tWetttcoitistantly gain^strehgth and vi^goc—a fact ttforthyTSf great eohsideration. "IChey,— nm'pleasant ioi taste'-and smell, and cab bef'asejfby jjersiyja withjfte.mostrdelicate.stpma.phsyiiih safe- "•' ty, under -any circutnsta!nces. Wb are speaking irom experipice-and to'theaffiicted weadvisetheir use." ~ ... " . ' : " ~ »• Scott's Weekly," ..one of.the Best Literary pa- pers publ/.shed, said Aug. 25^-" Dr. Hoofiand's German Bitters, manufifptatedby D,r, Jackson, are now recummetiued by some bfiiie nio'st prominent members of the-fflcultv as an ariibleof much effi- cacy in cases of female weakness. As such-is the base,.we wonld.advise all mother t^dbtaln a buj- tle,and thus.save themselves m-idfh siekness. Per- sons of debilitated copstftmionswyrfind these Bll- teci advaptag<-ous.to^their-health, as tvfi IvBowfrotn experience the "salutttry eflect they.Jtave uptm weak sysld'me." . • _ . i.-.- t " ;* -' Jndge M. M. Noah, a gentlbtn'an.. wlth'great sci- entific and^literary attainments;' i n d i n his "New York Weekly Messsenger,'i Jatranry 6, 850. i" Dr. Holland's German Biuers.—gere isa-pr?. paratftm which the leading-presses,ln tbelTni^T. south line of land heretofore deeded by J. A . 1 appear-to be upaniamuwn recomniendmg, and Malbewson to John, S.. Davis: thence e»«ieily3'i 'he reason ,s obvious.. Itis ; i ft ade ap^-a'Ta-cscjip. -hains and 58 links to the place ot begirming; I U . on 'nrmsbed-by oneofthe mpstcelebrate^jthTOl* contaii 1 in-'ineacreofUind,hMth 2S ame^j-,re cU V™?'? , ?? d i? ,, , t, ? tw ,i lhc l a « \ Dr. Christpplier less. Thesbove described rrcmiscs are part of ) V l^ekn-Hofland, Pr,plessor to the tfttiversity g(. t lots.No.-l4.Sand 141), scriba's Patent, township - Jcna^Pfivate, Physldan to the King PI Ptussfe, Nu. t.0. Also all-tiiat certain mwvr.parcel of "«d o ^ oi thegretitest medical writers Gennan'y land lyingnod being.iii the v1tegi>' ol Pulaski, in luls cv6r produced. He was^mplla icnlly iheeh- the loin ofBicnlanfl ilate-aid, °..rt h bounded as , f m y o1 *?"*«' a , n ^ . ^ o / c - f f taedicihe ol whtcti follows, viz v a n n i n g at the s'outlkeast .corner of ie w jf? the ir,vs " u,i ' and f^orsermay-beflpnfident- the land ownidjiv tlieVorei ti I Isaac-fir Stearns, I \t * H «! »n V -. Hft "^ cial|y ,recommended it_.m Eand for Sale. T wo VALTJABLE LOTS oF'L'AND.ihthe town ot Albion, wilhjn iilty rods ofthe Bmtie and Oswsrd'Plank Road, about one and a quarter miles south ofthe viHage of Sand Bank in said town. There is about ioli acres in eaoh lot; welt watered, and limbered with maple, .fceacb, and- somc.pine. Said lands will be suld«lo'w l and on favorabtfi terms as to fiaymenf to the pnrchaser.-^ Forlunhei ih^ormatia'.i.. call on AAKQN FUM-EK, Esq,, at Sand Bank, or JOHN JSMl'EON, Jr., At Camden Village. .. Pulaski. May (i, 1850. "" iTOtf H OTICE is hereby given according to- law, to all persons jiaving claims .against Horace; Rich, late of Williamstown. rariner,4ece^sed„ibar they are reqnir« '. to cS:l ibit the samf vffith. the voachcrs thereof to the subscriber, Abijah Tnws- ley, Administjator of the §aid decea'iled, at his dtvelling in the town bt Williamstown,' on or be- fore the twenty second day of September next,-^ Dated this fith day ol March, 1851. ' ABU All TOWSLEY, Administrator. 35 ELIZABETH LJUCH; Administratrix. Watertown &> Rome Railroad- SUMMERMcaRANGEMENT, )¥lHE TRAINS tvi)j)^ntil further notice', run JL as follows: O0INO KOffiTlI. Leave Rome, 7.C0, a.m.' I p. m. i' Camden,- 8.35 a.m. - l,60>p. fit. ' . ICosoag, 9.30 a. m. S.25up»4n->»-< •ilichland, 10.10 a. m. 2,55 p . ra. .Pierpohts, H a.m. 'SrSO.p.-in^..^ •n O0INO 80UTH. Leave Plcrpohis fi.30 a. m. 12 • m. ' ' Richland, 7.10 a.m. •' l2.S5p* m. Kasong, 7.30 am. HOp. rn. Camden, 8.35 a.m.-- ' LSfrp* m. . Rome g,40ri.m, " &S0 ?• m. J$T Passengers leaving Alhapy by.the evpning Express train, will arrive in ; finW'o t ''u (; lst tra iu lrorp'Eome;. and those taking the Morning-Ex- press from Albany, can leavp.Rome to the second train.-.J'rom both, Stages lea>e for Waterto#h the sbme afternoon'. Passengers tnk - '" " and near hfs new sfune dwelling house, and i'iin« rom thence north 1" ei\n 1'4 linksto-the norUi-east' rornejofsaid Crnmlall'8,'..uor)ardf^iooee south 8-^. east one chnip, and 23 jinks.;,thence south I- 3 east 14 links; theiice north 88 4 east 1 chain' and 23 links, to the place ol beginning,- containing 1 ..andJitO of an acfeof land. Also alt that certain jtcce or.p'irrpl ol land lyui? in ihe town ol Rich- land and in the village of Putaskf, in the county of Oswego, and on tne south side' of the river, and being a piece ol land deeded' by James A,. Davis to Thomas C. Baker, ana fromsaid Baker to-S. Wright, and is a pan of lot on .'(vjjjch the said Crandallnow resides,'called the potash lot .' it is here-by intended to convey the same right and title which'the said Wright now has'jn the same, the boundariesheing oajoilows: beginning at a poin 1 on_J. A. Mathewson's line,*onechain and 44 links west from the west line ofthe saltroad', and runs from thence north 2 Q east 35Jinlts; theoeei noctli 23 u west one chain and 12 li.nks to a herpl»ck slmjfig; tlipnce west to ihe Salmon River and, to the Ceu^e-thereo'f; thence down the 4aid river to' tliS"tine ot J, A. Matqewson aforesaid'; "thence along said Mcthewson's line eastward to the.place of beginning. Also all the right ofjvay reserved by said deed of one rod wfdeV from this" piece of land bver'to the salt rpad, All bt which, above mentioned property I will expose to s^leas the law airccts, at the Hotel of E. B.Earll, in' the village ot Pulaski, courtly of Oswego, on Friday th^ B5th dao «f July next at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day. Dated Pulaski, June 4th, 185.1. NORMAN R0WE, Sheriff. By W. H. GRAY, Deputy Sheriff. - . The.*ale above mentioned Is postponed until the 22d day si' August next at 10 o'clock* the foie- noon at the above mentioned place. Dated July 25,1851. N.RQ-W,E, Sheriff. Ry W.H. GRAY, Dept. '; -• Livery Stable; P ' EejKi&.tJRANbALWthahkl'ul for past la- vors; Would say to the public that, they still Keep flORSESAND CARRIAGES TO LB'l the old at stand of S. Halcyon Jefl'ersson street., . __^„__« > . S HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of ap execution issucdhv the County Clerk of the county ol OsWgo, to me directed and delivered, against the goods hpd chattels lands and tenements of Jairus Wheeler, 1 have seized and taken all the^right, ftitle arijl interest ol'tbe said Jairus Wheeler"*which he had on the 6th day of April, i860, or^which he mayjiave since acquired, to "All that piece or parcel of land.being seventy fourand.three-lburtba acres from 'be south side of lot Itnown and distin- guished, .on a, map and survey biade by Benj. Wright ih the.ye80^99 t as number iorty-ihree-m- township number"Ti*e,-Seribas Patent;" all of which above mentioned prdperty I will expose fpi sale-fit pablicaiictlon^s the-tew directs, at the"' Mexico Hbtol 'kept by'it. Selly in the village of Mex*ice and county of Oswego, on Thursday the 7th day of<'$.ugust ) 189l ) at one o'clockP.M. Dated MexiftO'J.uneie, 1851. Iv. R0WE, Sheriff of Oswego county. By ASA LE'IPIIJ l?eputy Sheriff. -3g Li.verCiimijfajni, Dyspepsia', Debiliiy T Verfigo, Acjdityol the Stomach, Constipation, ttnd^li-e^Hi. phritus arNtng from a, disordej-ed condition ofthe Stomach, the liver and the intestines. NinePlnla- delphia pa pers express their convictiot) ^fJtg.eX- cellence, and .several ofthe edjtors.spegk'of jts"'ef- fects fronrtheirdwn indlvsdtfalexperience; UfMicr these circumstanees s . we feel wartaote'd, OPt pflly in calling the altentibn ol onr readers to the pre> ent proprietor's (D>. C. M. Jackson's)preparaljoli, but in -recommending the article to all afflicfea," MORE -EVIDENCE -rThe *• Philadelphia Sat- urday Gazette,!' the best'mmil£, newspaper pub- risked in the United States, the editor says of.DR. HOOFLANtrS GERMAN BITTER^, 'fills seldom that we recommendwhat'are termed Pijteat Medicines to thd confidence and patronage of bin readers, and, thereiore, when'tye recomrpend Dr, ! Hoofiand's German BiHers,-.we wish Ittd bedt»- lijictly understpod. that we are not speaUingnf, the Rostrums of the day, that are. noised nijjOutiora brief period arid thenforgotten after, tfterhiave dote iheif.jtnilty race of mischief, but of a ihMjicint long established, UOiVersa]lgnri2ed,a'ndiwljicl»iia« met the hearty approval of Ote-Ji!aculty itself.'' Evidence upon, evidence has been' received'(like an udge Jil^t^ T >0. CREblTORa-Pursuant to IXofdeTof'OauH.WHifNEV, County 3x>i a'tjcl S u i w a t e of Osf e^o eolre'lv, notice is hereby given,to all fje'mo'ns whq haye claims or demands against Abia) Hibbard, latedflhd tbwri tSt Ofwell ing tlje first in *aid county, deceased, to exhibit Ihe Same with train from Pierpont Manor, will arrive at £j.o#e ] thcvbachorsaStiAteof to Samuel D. Stowall.his ad- it) time tor I he'MorningEx-ffresses, both for Alba..' miniotrato}-,'at tfelwelling house oj sa id Samuel nyandjlm West. .., *. -, j.Di Smwell.in the town' of-Orwell id saWcounty, J...-1.-I .1..' *f.L J - f 1 ..... _ . - W ifh I- UJ jT I'i'Ci; hi trrwardpd daily from aiMlre'Sta-'" • ' r: ;: DUXTATCR, P-up'i. ' on or'bejore the' 15th day of Jawi*p»i»e««(—<jr-' w«U,3rtT01,,rjjar,'.. f SAMUELiJ. b'TOlVElL,' ^l"rr: : •,\•! H!M'-,A;;,.i.nTTV3'i,iir.ffv;!-.-if(!, .!.- •ch-i'A; ofthe regular Physicians of Phliadelphfa- than all other nostrums combined, a fact.that can easily be established, and 'fully preyfagthat a scientific pre- paration will meet withShelr qfiiet aliproval when presentedeven-irt thislljsih. • ••- That this tnedicine twill'CUre-4.iv6r-Cpmplaint andDyspe'psja, no pne caft doubt, after usingiUf directed. It atsts Bpec^cllw'jBpdh the' stomach ana . liver—it ispreiferableio calomfel in all billious dis- eases—the. effect is ipamedial*'. They can be ad- tnipistered"to lemalepr-inrantsit'-itlj aatfetyana* reli- able benefit,-at anytfiiniej;', •, .'"••• ^ -.' • BEWARE W"dOtfN»rfifJFMm This medicine has flttalhed fhai high character whieh is ne6essary.fo'r all'inedteineato^itaiM tola- luce cpunterfeitera to puv'fortfe&spurious"article' at the risk of thetfiTesot thbVe*hi/ are inhocenfly deceived.^ " - — ' LtoTwtt'Uf tlie Marts if foe 'Qmlfox. They have the Written^igna'tttfifj jtfjrp. At. Jar*, son upon the wrapper, and.the:w*apper„ and ffe name blown inthe bottle, without whichihey tt« spurious, . , ' For sate, whotesalg .and'Mail, atth'e,6f^r<MA{i MEDICINE S T l ^ l , ' fo. i^JWf I S£% door below Sixth, (late37fi RacffBlreet,) 'pliiadtf' phla. and by rflspeetable" dealers geiteicfclfythVougii 1 «utthe country. AWft (br-sale %%mm t&YlM Druggist,Jutaskotjy.'Y;.,--,...,,.•" •;„ ir j,jtWl' IsPublished-eyerifhwsM t at'?,uias^,0»««8» six months,or^i'inot paidtilViBeMtfWtoyMI: Village subscriber*, ^v.H-.uy-i, ihlte'»«!&» W' by ihe carrier, $l,!jfj in ad-va ^ ^ dBWDg Ten dollars will pay for -ipri eopies ecnj to one office—cash to accompany ih^owfet-' ... No paper tHscojJU^Dfid^ ijftta*!' 6We!Kr*fee«. at* paid, unless aHhRoptipupf^sBnbfisher.' IUTES Vf.'.RV{l«TJStrJ6. .,«.-„' On Square. Swe/jts . . . . . . -M On do is do-.- ....... -—-§52-- One do fjtr.onAi --. *"-- '-.'- • Sffi. O.e do year,- V .... '. . *..- .M°. A liberal dfecwo. j't made to tH*S« who acve"'*' ,l»)MhcTOir.. , -. •--» .. " "A-f? ci'^fwn « a Ic-vftip'i^. mfeTba T "dst paid. f^ ANDt-Ea,>y,the box, or single lb., at , Vr^^P^ifM

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19H Plffiil ',-'-]aUB9aM


D | ; ^BSP-I H w -nKIr--' HHf-^ ^ ^ ^ K r

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e d, miry'to dooWodOf#«!^C#t^is ,( i«)t ibft I T O ' UfX i "7R 7 MSflfeMAMTS ' M



f the dispftititin

oHed, t l m n ^ t . ^ j s o r f e t e M l ^ : : p t e » t ®

•to pay dan}8##t ia t$^^^^^

- from the wt^wmm^jimMm^^ oanal, or from atfyotaaf cause, tho state shall in no eveht be-liable to iiffaftp.-upanj; deficiency

» of revenuo, or to rad^mn-'t&b1 canal TeVonuO'Oor-lifieates, is anyV^ffi^'&aaWtBattfcifrof tlflj . uial rovpnue-^f. the.«taus» as directed by Ihe . .-oviaiofts oJSpSi;fe»U'ibr?.UOjt#rp'oa«,« "That

•rtiSeates-te-f^^ged-B«a«r tMaaoJ-sMcfe ••) esantspri.qontiBffenoy bo w opnstnrad as tp-

Create &#jpbj;i>r^iabiuty against the Btntetar • o poopfelhoroof> withiwtho meaning of see*. • in twaltio* article scvCT, oT two Constitution.,

« 15. s-W&feuot shall take offi>cumin>ediatoly. t nl- ' '—, . *-. „_

CHAP 504. "

AN" AC? more effectually. V? suppress, gam­blings, . • i . . -. .-

Eassod July 10, 1031. T\? pco\Ae of tfsasla.it: of Nc-iu Yorl^.vcptcsenlid hi

V<T«MI& and Assembly, d»-enact as follows^ § j . Ifany perso^'$h$llit^©p. a room .building,

arbor, bpptK sbp,d,, tenenrant, boat, or float, to ja usod <m poqapM. n?r gamhlitfg;""or shall • inowi^y>,p ,6^i t , t i^ ' ramf^ be used or occu­pied* for gambling: <jr if the owner, snporinton^ Jon to r ap$i^of/parry-room, • buflding, arbor^ booth,ahedjitonetnontjoaatforiloal, shall rout tlib sapioU'aty'ousodoreeeupie.dfur gambling:, he sha11J"&n%Bh?.tetip»thereof, Be fined in any .-um not wSfr$iufcljfty not more than five ban-

. - 4 SAipJf f person, for .gambling purposes, phalH^pVf.c?bjbit'any-p(i«bliBg-toblo estab­lishment d e * W or .apparatus,'or. if any person or pcreons-sh'nlUie guilty of dealing " farp," or bo nkinj/for .others to deal " fttro^" .or acting as "loohoiit" or gamtf-keopor for. tho game of '•faro" Or any 6„ther banlsingf gama, where mon­ey or pfoperjy is depehdont on tho result, tfr if any person, shall sell or vend lottery policies, purporting to be governed by the drawing of tiny public or' private tpttary, or ifany person fba.ll endoraa' a, book or\ ajiy' other document I'or.theopurpose-of enabling others to.seizor vf-nd lottery ^wjioibs, he shall bo taken and In Id as-a eSferriori' gambler and npon o'onvie-, n m thereof?'1 shall ho ~sentenot#J to not less than t a r t f ays , hard labor in the penitentiary, i r notmbr^thMn'two. years hard labor in tho ftato pviis,on,!and b«%ed in any sum not more than one thousand 'dollars, to bo paid into the QHWhtyatreasq'ty where rPn&h JLQttfiifition. shall, take j8aoa^'fer.ithe a.se of t^o ioommon- sohoola tboreinj to be^-ditided among ,$e school districts in that eount|' Jn the ' same manner asjtho (•choolmi|rifey'.lf"th'e state is divided- aritong-caid dis^dfe-and ta defaatl thereof 'shall w -main fgi^spttad UfltiJ suoh fine be remitted or pa id . '*". i - r ' . „ . ' " " ' •'

5 3.j I f any^affidavit shall be filed tvith the magis.tratOi on'polioo justice of aiiy>4t>wn'or city, befcrre-isrhoipi complaint shall^iave been made "f aii offbBt-& against any profeon of this act, staling;that'th'S""Wfiajit has reason to beliovo, ar>d ddfe boirSvo; that tho person so charged in fauoti poypTUnt-ba§_upOu his "person or at any binder pja'do n^med in"^peb affidavit any fpecifio a^ti^lea- of* personal ''property,-or any giiTBirtg-tablp,,device or.apparatus, or any lot­tery policies, public or private, tho discovery of ivhieh mighfc J«.ad ta establish the truth of Ku^h charge, tho said magistrate or justiee may j p hisSfsdrottpnby warrant, command the officer who i s authorized, t& arrest the person so chafggd lis toake diligent search &r snoh. prrrpe|tyafiSj.able, device or "apparatus, aEdif l'ot;ndi'tftrib4ng'tho..ganre. .before suoh magis­trate 'ojr jastioe'L and the'efSoers so seizing shall

jde'.ivor tb -EJEHJa"to the magistrate or justieo, bt-foT^'Wham he takes tlio same, who Shall re­tain possession of said property, and bo rospon-6ffile;|B,e'refet;until tho discharge or "eonimit-maritffr letti tiff to bail of'the) parson so charg­ed; a id jn b^^o f suob commitment or lotting to baiiVf 'the. perso'ri so "oli'nrged, such officer shall retain.sueh propprty^aiibject. to tfio order of the court before ti'hich. suoh' ofTender'may bo. required.tvappear,.until his-tlischarge or.-oon-vieiicin. -Anil in case of tho con*ictionof Buoh porsontho ^ambling-Jable, dtrvide,' pr- appara­tus shalr-be aestroyed, and tho bouseholdjirop-erty and' o t te r fixtures holopging to such g'Ste-bling place shall_bo..hold liable to be sold to pay any jiidgtpontS; arid costs whioh may bp 'ran-dered'agafrist aaeh' porton; and aftfer the pay­ment 6ft,6U.oh jii^giiient ana costs, the; surplus, if any,*haiibo paid into'tlia treasury of the

UFtEKS,' and K,T& ANIt %0 JKAlmuf, _.... J j (vholesatt BoofcssHeTs and^tattaner9,i8SJohn st,;»or.Gpld,N, V., offer tpAbBgUy ai.dcountry *#Healarga«QeR'<OTlanMW!w 0 l ' % ^ own w .nulactitre, consistingof-gsiii Demy a,!Bd IVitedi-H'JI Day Boijfce, Ledgera, Journals, Cash, invoice <ii.id fteedrd 1?«I1JS, &c, §«<", X*ass Boaks-ipf :ev?ry vai iciy and size-, sixt^e&'dXnerent kinds, jyemp-, • a i.anmar plain, tuclviwt clasM.bPUt forty diiiar-. e\,r - itws and >;^es. Poekel Diaries, ihree diflfcr-

. j M -itev cap l$t»n,4tS!U0. and B.vo, various styles : f :^.m-,dtu;k, ' ; i l t edges. " - ^-4«. Bill, shipping ret^t^4>laaltffic£si(jtand_ ,> n .-i -•adwg ooblos, crmposition, blante-^nd ei-J»iif.»', 8.f(*s; eommoa place nndWritj,og dg,; c c , -• .,*. SeljpoUnd MjseerfeTremts-BB6lrs«e^jiy v.iTji.i,' ia uiisi.\ Ctbrnrv BoSks tWc schools, Sun-3;>,'sni, oiK,.p«blie-toit.!Miowr families- Engr. li-.'; '-.,M ATO«ucanJ8jbUi3J''from jbg-largest fetid d'.cu'tb* .K? smallest diamond, of every variety of Uii.riin? mH price. Prajftr^ BV&n aftti jnisceila^ i>v>'j-st» o»si._«,general assortment, . (.'-Jtiu. —priming, playing, visiting.and conwr-

{sGlM'tt '• i d s . •. -

Sa-Aw /SF.KV.—Gold and steel .pens and' holdars, quill.-, ealiiii; wax, wafers, sand, ink, india rub-bo , pa j^,draBting,papef and. pencils; writing an.is-li e pencils, crayons) brisjol hdatdi cap,le.t-le.t, j.c J. tissue, cnveLop&ano: TSSriJ.iftg .gapers;— luloi.iodx, stamps, rttlers, aiders, and e^'ry other attic'-; of staaioneryTi'urnished;'and^all at as low pritre% as-atanyqther JouW^rtlJjS'^ityC ' '

Oin^GASKirORiiC.t .QgUp^arunitein „ . . . has dtily'inortgased'W?Ch.|i'lea M-^cwfe,

- atH*hatcBf»io.P'eceor parcel ol:J«n,a;tyiag.aa(l


parfoiwiiito. v», (lou'iueu as iwiows :vcom-menciBg three rods ft:oiii'. the nofth e.asnsarne* of jand deeded to Nathaniel Bennet^ Jr. and riinnitig thenc"esoHth twenty rods, thence?asr ,three rod's, •theace no'ttM^eRty rods, .thence west t h r o rods to the glace of begfantiogr-coinainking thjee-eights ofan.n«re; ot'laad^e, \l$ aani? aib^e ut less, jp,ean ing jo Myey-aJUhe land.fe^e'p'Uijee'd given to Nattiau'iel Bennett, Jr. and Daniel S, Pratt, ther desd of th<r:saiil Picatt giveorby IraWest |f.Mai.'eh a , 1850, aria tilf deed given by MhSjii' |Wpng to Nathanicl_Rgnntitdated Beh'v (stil838: Tnemort.

Wni bs.—K, & K. having ffiade. afaigenients with a i extBBsive.mahufacttarer,' a.reenabkd'tb sijpply theiftatlewith an article, equal.to any Aaa " u'faetiired in'tbis eouqtrv, aiid€t as-low |prices.ti Bnvow will please call ahd "eSamine our goods-

New YofiSt, July.I; , ia54 „1'' '-" 4I'*i8'

TVfOTICE OP'01S^mBtJTiON.-^Notice U i . \ hereby;gjven, that the balance remaining of the proceeds oftHe s&le ofthe real;cstatd of David Matteson, late'oi tbi town" oWah'sh fn the county of Oswego, deceased, lately made under the-oader of the Ommty Judge of (he county of Osvsego by •Harvey Paliawand ObedSah Maiteson, the Esfec-ntqrs o't the last Will and testament of David-Matv teson, deceased, will bSdrvided by thfe said CoUTn-ty Judge amorijrjhccreditbrs of the said deceased, in proportion to their ie^eotive debts, according to latv, at the Connty,Jadg«t's.o^oeiia5MesicOjOtt. the Sf&ih day of AugoH next at'ltf oVlock" fn the

- . . .•«i._.* , '^ '!rT:-""""*r\^.. .^j ^ s . . ^ * — i T ~ I . . ,

iiwenoon of that^Say! 'based at'Mexico, Jn ly l , 1851. ' • - • — • • ' . *lw<1

©.'H. WHITNEY, Co. Jodge qf'O&wego Co.

PalasM Oamfege i Manufactory* , „„JS0'Ea;SOE.iU&] OSGOOD,. -* '

Keep on haDd and manniaejure to order every va­riety of .Carriages, Wagons, a^ndjSleighs, which they Varran^os .reeommendea, anil will-sell on as .favorable, jerms as'can be obtained elsewhere.

$3f&Jlepa'ic?ng done on short notice.-'. ..P«l^..lfi„P4>.^85J. . ' j . . ' . .

CL O.TH ! M 0!! 0. L,0T H I N~G!

MORtQAGE SAt,E.-Obed Griffith and Fan-* nv Griffith his wife, latq of Mexico, Oswego

wiSoiy New Yoik, did Uy a certaia ipdqnturepf mdrlgage executed under their bands and s^rtls and dated the twenty-eighth (28) day b^MarchTh" .iliejear eighteen hundred and lorty-fiye1,* in order i;o secure Hie payment of ihe sum of sis httnp'red dollars and interest thereon, grant and convey un­to .Sidney 1. Stone, certain lands sitjiate t» the* said cb'unty of Osweeo, and described in said mort­gage as fbllo.wsto "wit:- that certain piece or parcel of landsituate int&e town ofMexico a foresaid ,be?ng the equal undivided two-thirds'-iDf'that part oubi< number sevemy-seveh in the twentieth. ToxstHshlp'' ofScriba'sPatent,bottndedand described as tot-lows : Beginning'at the south -weaf'corner of said lot at a state and stones; thence!runniugnorth one-degree lorty minutes east along the west line of •saidlot 12 chains 80links; thence north thirty-one degrees east along Samuel Emory's east line 13 chains one link; thence along the south bounds of the public highway* south lorty-fbur degrees eighteen minutes eas-t 21 chains'55J links to a stake and south §6 deg's 15 min's'east 5'c'h's to a stalce; thence sototbuOne degree forty minnips west along the west Tineoflandsioanerfyowoed by vne ' Cbed Griffith fiow deceased SehainsS7 Units to j a stalce standing on thesoulh line of Said \o{; thence north eighty-seven degrees'thirty minutes west along said line S6 chains I t links to the place ol | beginningcontaiuiag;395-100 aores-of land be the j


W frfc JUNE^Waving . returned £wa New I g f 8 qfflc or less; _said.mougagewl.tlt a power

n « , „ « r a » „ i „ r r- j _ - r . Clerks ofllre ot Os assoriment of -Cloths, Cassimercs, Veslings.Ti'mmhigs,"

' And a general assortment and Variety Of'.GEN-TLI2MS Ei-UilNlSHlN.G<SOQDS,respe'ctfuT!»y so­licits ttje patronage of Gentlcriifen ol' this section- Ol • the co'ifrty in want of any. article of clqthing,,eon-fidem that he..caa furnish' a l/eller article, of QtCUr piaterwls. teller made, andal Tower prices than like garments have been or can be purrhased jn Oswc-g j County or horthera.New York. His Clothing is all manuthetured in this'village, and under hi$, ..awn supervision. He.jviii keep on..hai!d'S" variety

° ' READY MADE OttfTBtNO) .• For suminar aadwinter_wear,tittt wouldprefev

Gentlemen 'waijfing clotbTn? ibr themselves or iamilies, would select'their cloth-.ltd thereby, be sure.ofsati'siaction. ' • ,_ . . .

Intending to continue a permanent'Clothing JEs tablishment >i Pulaski, the Subscriber wonid in vite all whe* would encourage Hpnfc Industry to gi^a liim the^r patroliage.

•WUUAM JD1SE. .. Ptrhisldf April l%t85U„-. ' . ,

1—d—~p—-—^*— i-

ccuantv, wherejsu^h prosecation slmll taka place to boWfag-d l s p^ ' ided for in tfte pircceodinff soc'tio'iiliyflridin case of thg diseharjJ-B of suoh'' pprsqrrby the. magistrate Or court, the officer havingVeteprojiMfy in his cifstrstiy', Bbalt, on-domi|iid)dt)liy.cr4t.to such person. ,

J 4^Ib sliafl he tawi\tl,for any iustice^^of thc_ poaeefj|pqneje. jusiiee, ohlei*. uiagistrita of any municitpai octrpora^m, or judg'q of any oourt of re'eord, 'MJ!9JS. Ounfpladnt upon oath that any gamblmg'.^Blps, apparatus, <jatablwhmcnt'4or-dovio^i.sllt^ptliy atiy person % the- purposo of b^JBg t^"e)il% '<'P)5i«6rg'ein-rnoney or other p"rop-erty,-w Dy5alfy pflier.ft^saB.orany lottory pol-ieioaofany letictiia,'to rssue his.warrant com-rfiaridjng'atii/ B'heriff or constable, tdpfivliom the Hame/epal.tiW directed, within tho proper juris-dicti-Jn.lftftor demondiug 6attant:o to break o-

"pen and'Onter any hpuso or-placo wherein such garoblitlg' lablo^-efifitblishmont, apparatus or rfevie^ sTiall'B^ftopt, and'to'.seize atrf'ajilfVfr ifehs fa menfroh,sTSciratBh0et'2iftI{,tedPtse,fl;y!

Generalrlnsurance Agency. E. Jf. H I L L , , .

Is Asent- fir the following Insurance Companies. Merchants tMutual Insurance Company,

. - ... , of Buffalo, Capital SI 00,000, secured by realestateand stocks.

Moutgoincrjf Co. tVItttual Insurapqe Co. • •'• the Fai'mer;s Company. ._,,... ,,,

United States Mutual. Insurance CoiripanY, Capi.alS150,000.

New. Y a ? k Stale .MutualIfMOjrsnco-Co. Capitol Si^O.000.,

.All the above, CqmpijitifiS are .rnbstanti^il, aha insurers have the bestguaranfee that,, in case of lpsSj the-amount iniai-ad-wOl. be promptly paid.

Applications for lijsUrariCfe, by letter or other­wise, TforA any part of "the'eouhty, will receive prompt attention. . ., - Richland, May 195k ' ~ 3-3

H.aHDWikHE STORE, MEACfctAM & CRONK, respectfully siihmji.

to the citizen? of FKchland and adjoining towns thiet'ollowingstatenxtnrfotfaTJts; -f H. They have on hand, at the store occupied byMeachams & Norton, the .most extensive"assorttnentpf Plate, "Parlor,•a'lid-CwPte'Stovesf to-'be 'found'rfi 'ttfi3- mar-•i"Pt,einbracibg all (he desirable patterns-. ' ... '

2.1, ."t"fiey a is tbc sole" agents IbrAlotls* ^<aten^ li.ilry Stove'for this Section of country, an article tiiiH-.'pens'aEle,t"p Fwlersnnd Darymen/ ' " '

'JJ, Every quality, ifie and. variety 'of Stove Pipe (in hand and tirade to order, of the best of RnsM'a and'Ameriean Iron. " ". '•**

4th. All kinds of Tin Ware kept ott Band, maa-n; iiftu red -of the best material an'tthy' experienced workmen. ^ '-..•- *. ,..__,„ ^

5th. A general variety ot articles,'too numer.-

tfto"i5tfiO'16tbe niayorof tho'city, presidant «f tho mlttgi, supervisor of thq.tpwn, or elerk of thecounte.,"Vhet,'S BUOII'-seizure shatf be made, who~ghati'Ke>*p'th6 same until the terra ofthe court tit.wji^f' tbe.oaso shall be tried, and the oourtssnail'-^hen if there be no- necessity of IteeptngtW-property to bo proiueed on the-trialefiarp'iSiRjnelor against this act, have a ju-ry-swotWfe try the fact, whether the property taka^ipisrtjp-is-itsed Kr gambling, arid it the "inrltij-feaWl be that the.property was usedio'f gambling,, the court shall order suoh property, to bo broken up and sold by tha sheriff of the county and tho pneeeds shall "after the pay-menfBf-coefe gp'iinto tho treasury of the-ooan"-t_-vfpmp^Ss^f'fhe'cTothftion schoolk'thbre'i"n7' in tbVsame tnpfri&r as"*ii provided ta the sec-ond«Sgbtibn'scif!illi6 attt.

§ 6f*If'iEn|'f*8fsbn shell, through ' inyitation ^r Wfa^pifgifarJo 6#""pf«iil on-affy'jp'erson to vi^t'i^f^PjD'iii/^ijfdinfe, arbor, booth, shad,

. lew^entTncaior ffont, Eept/'or the "purpose of gambling; he-shalliuppn. oouvicti'diff hereof and upon proof, that the p.Crjscm so invited has gam^ b!^ditheroi»,1ic held ycspcmejblo for tho motio'y or property lost "by Btich" person eo ifivitod-or persuaded l>y reason nfStfSH'Irivitatioh ofi;4Bvioe atrd'in add'tit)t_.,theret6 fee shall bo finSff'tttia. imp^nod'a 'eiPrding to 'f'ip 'pvovisiona of the" scopld^etdtfppoft'hiiaet. . " " ' • .' ^ ' . ^ .^ l i t l f t i enho duty'of all elteriffs, police

<rs6lg|r |^^ ' i ia%8 and proseeuti'ng or district attofp^iic.vrnj'pjm' against and prosecute -all perso# . wnorathey 4ia.ll Iiavo orediblo reason tn beltovb^ar*oft'endors against this aot, and

more than five KtlndiWl.: dollars, § ? ! rf*BBy^prampn-cter, owner ist loero V.f

any boat ot float'' aojtjl 'Knowingly p&rmit an-.-. garnltilfttg1b#'lSoheJ'''o>'pro|>Mty on sueh boat or float, and shall'notfti}3na'his>knowledgo of the faef5im£tfedio*tely''>^io*ent tUb -aanre, ho shnli uponf>eb'h*Wtio«.th0fe'of*ri''tolii^6sponsi^^^ tor i " tholS5]DJe3^'<6«tipi^^todtrsttf* fined"in any \i'

e'un'mmMhhmKv&kimM'm^Ts: •- rj; 5 9. This ab* .Shall take -rfiiaet tiio A w dytt

•of Augjle|, oif^rtoetv-u'imotlef $0flity-ono. [ stn4$ffyi$:mrkL

s J ]l''have^Dtt\paareat'iepree(i

drauii.; Rams, Eave Troths, Zink'Washboardsy P.n-'i nt Paite, Stone Ware, $heet'I^ad, Well and 'Ji.Mern Pumps, Wash Tub$, Mpp.Sticks, etc, etc kept on band. ' ' " ' <,., r <

6lSi. They will do fheif work better, aild sell lower tor Cash, thai! any other estaWfahmeilt in-Oswego County.

Thev pledge themsslyss tg pOnvince customers of all these facts', and reroeetMlysplicii an inves­tigation: °-A1l kinds.of Johbin'g abbe on short no­tice and fn-ihejbestsiyle. ' '" . '""'f-tSj„MB*OnAM. ' " - ^ — - l ) r . H. CROSK. . 'Pulaski , Pebrnray,l65^.

gage is .UjtedHlie"sixteenth clay uP^Ktecuh- in thc-ycar one thqtis^il lgli t hundred. 4M$fly , and was reqarfled with the power to sgl_ -therein con­tained, in the yflkapf the Clerk 6( ihe.(^(ujty ol Osjvego, on -the fifth day of J tine, 1850, at. ij>tir o'­clock P. M., in Book °8 of mortgages,, page 430,' ThFamouut claimed to be due on^said jaortgage at the time ot the first publication of thls^uptice 'is qne huudred aa4,eighteen dollars; ana (^ur cents; and default has been wadejn the psyaiehi thereof, Nptfre thereiore is hereby given flia't by virtue of the.fowerofsale corftainedln said mortgage aptl in pnrsuance of the statttje in such case made and' provided, the said mortgaged premises will be sold at public auction at>heSali)Voiv:Riyer.H<?Kse'n,ow keptiby Elijah B. Earl in the towti efKicliland,

.Oswego co. N. Y.. Ofl tlie 8th day of August nexi at ten o'clock A.^M, and,tilie said inortgtige. w.ill be fqieclBsed thereby. 15nted"Ma'yJ.&, 1 Sirt.""'

, ...QJHARXES H. LEWIS, Mprtgagee. B. F.RudnEs, Atfy. v • .. . ; . 31


plerksjifitre of Oswego county on thejllth day of j AprM .1815 'in book V of mortgage*; the-amount j claimed to'be due otj said Ettortgage aUhe time of , the first publication Q''thishot)ceT>f sa'le that be- , ing the date. hereof,is five hundretl and thirty'six dollars,anddefault has occurred in the condition oi j said, mortgage by the! nop payment of sajd sum pi moneynowdftetbVreona'riilno'sBitorpT'St^edingsat . lawhavebeen instituted toirecpver the debt remain- ' ing secured, by .said m'Prtgage "or any part thereof ffie power tt. selt"the-saidpremises has fiecdni'e opv erative. Slid urortgage was assign^ by the saitT tfiortgagee S!dR<ry"lr;'|t6n.e to Peter Ch'amllerlafe ofMexico now'deceased On tbe-7th Bay of April' I8d8> Now therefore by virtue of a power ol sale

jn said mortgage contained and in pnrsuance of Ihe statute in such case made and provided notiee is hereby given that said mortgaged premises will be sold at public auctioa a^the Mexico hotelin-the-towq and village of Mexico in-said county of Os­wego on the twelfth (12)day of August neitl,85lat 10 o'clock in the iorenoon of thafday. Dated May 8th 1851. JAMESS..CHAJTDLEU, I

• SAM'UEL H. STONE, I ..„ . • JOHN W. CHANDLER,- - \

, Executors ot Peter Chandler, assignee, deoeased\ ^IOGINI & FBKNCH, Atrys, oi Mexico,N. Y. ^



Used by Physieians ol Hjgli Standing. . Tlmso BJITEiRS mmovo aU morbid toorotloiiB, purify

, fto bloqd,.Bivo;gjq£t tone and vigQf to. tto difOBtive •jcgaus, fortify, tlie a'ystom ogniust oil futttro disease, enn bfi lokea with safety, at no timn. debilitating ths patient , -being- grntofiiV" to-tl^e moai.^stysftto. 5to,maob, aa<i re. roarkttole for their obeering, invlgqrating, «t«ngUion-

- iug, and restorative properties, and an Invaluable aal suio romedy fdr. ' '

DY^PEP^iA I N tTS W0Hsfi?0KSHS." Also, Liver. Compfalnts,. Janndife,.'Hesrt6iim, Coettve-

nan, Faintness, plpordcra of tho SWn, biver, and SRiu, tjjs of Appetite, i.ow Spirits., Nervooa HoaUaehe, Gid. d|ic«s, rolpitatlon bf tho Hoavt, Sinking and Fullness of

' "Weight at UTO Stoylmch, and all other diseases caused by oi imimre state of the blood, Uver, etc., whioh tend to do*

^ latitats and weaKoji tho- system.

; / F B M ' A L J B S • ybQ suffer ftatn a morbid and unnatural condition will , /* find tlUs, Medicine of



H 6 W S A W S S Ifcvo tfistoiWifes eflloacy, and thousands mow are now un d)r treatinont; and not one solitary case of failu^p has MitVl3h*renort0il. Votumea could be tilled with Qertifi-( ites of tl 'ose who have boon permanontty onred.

Call oil the Afreni, anil get a PAIIll'ElLET, ^ontalnlnix tho Cdrtifloatog.of Remarkablp_Cures, and the jigh cstitiatian. in. wHs)> this; Mediolno jsueld'by tho ^iblio Pijiss—oan'be'naa'oj the Agents, freo. j ,,... 7 3 - Price*'liU; Cenfe per large iott}e,' i ' rnnoiual Office, 122 FULTON ST., N. Y., up itai™. " 1 28vl' JONES. McCARTY, Agents. "

mrim „ . . . _ - _ _ _ _ . . . - " - " - . ™ : — " — • ' • ' • T ^ i K a.

, s t J'twit,. and tlotAe ^ ^ f t t i g Pp. aiiiluir of ourcti^teneo hqts' (mused if'fe'iJw'tu'D • ipolitaneousfy.lln'BirglioUt'tl^Vo^ldfltfl^'-vteel. •table,ppftprieijesa*wilf aUinfieciir^rfjvhen pro. petty npp.UcdiOlt cuiaabkdiseases,„ 'XJ>» prppij. hf of'tf.csetruly valuable m c | i ^ s m f f l f f l l .



(COFFEE.—Java, Laguyra, Samatra, "Maracai-j b6,Brazit, Rio and -Bermuda, and ground coi-

Tee sale lojMtt" JONES & McOAETX

A large and carelully .teleete4 lot of sumune.r •stuffs fPr Boys ctcrfhiag mry tie 1'oundcliea.p at

aiark's. . . . ' •

BROOMS, Pail*,Tttbs, Mop Sticks',-Close Pins', ^ Baskets Wash'Boards, Bed Cords and Cord­

age, at JONES & MCCARTY'S.

llatflity Land for Uic JKgvtprs, .liilliia and yojunlcers of Vie War a11812.

RIGHT & RHODES wijl procure Scrip or Warrants for those eBrltled- to the Bounty

Lands under the act passed at the last session il Congres^. ;

Applvi:atJtheir office,corner ot.Jefl'ersoh at 'Briagc'strsetSi'Puiaikj;.'•-•• *' •

" - . ^ . ' M v ' H A R T 6VGG. $j,

AJlEl'S^pireparea to- exniM;,'»(their Carpet .K&mmmmej^m^ t . : . ..

' '%"i-r'' imtWB'}'liV<iS~ • rom- the manufactory of Bnl)ie,„si& Co., Boston, which for goodness, testtirej design, and l>eauty, will not suffer-in, comparison with any other labj-ic manufactured in this country. ' ' r.

C'arpetmgs from 12Jc. 10^1,31. ; • Floor OilCloths, 4-1 5-1 aodsti-'tt

0ruggets, 5-4 G-5.1-2-2' • ' ' H. , Also Rii'js and poor Malsr { - : " Paper Sangings, Window Shades, File-.board

Prints at No. 5.First, and Water Streets,lEagle eiockjOajvegn.'* . • .

OsVaegtyOctpbej 13r 1P50. .


; COmmoa Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Brdn-ohitis, Whooph^f-Cough, Asthma,

Croup, and all other diseases of - :• . the Ltings and laroat. ' - V

Ti^s Syrup immediately tmleta a Cough,- removes soreness, loosensjihlegm, reUevcs ferer, and heads and 8t<oijfttben» the lungs.

B E I E P T E S T I M O N Y . DR. FODRD—r/J&tr Sir,—Jn the SprMg of 1847, my

' wife was apparently in the last stages of consumption. \ -She had been sick Soyeral months, and'.been tcealed- by. I Atopathic, aud^Hamcopathie PhTsioians,.and by a Ger-\ man. boctor bi.-thjs place. unUI sho' was .declared in. 1 oatoiblo. At this- tim'e"*sho had' a constant Cotigh, j attended witlUbver nnd sw.olting af tho lower limbs ;— t land'was unable to'WaHi, or even, to-sit up more than a lfcw mm'ntes at--a-time. -These with other symptoms (usually tittending consumptive cases, had become- so jfirmh- established, as to ronder her recovery entirely Uibyeloss.

In this state of her case. Col. B. F, Brnco of Lenox, bdyised me to trw-you^ PISCTOBJU. .Svnt-p, saying that ho had used it in his family for several yesrswaih gro.(\t success in all 4iscasbSt'of t]io Lungs and Throat'. My wijb commenced the use of the "Syrup, and for a short

' time she Uiought it injurious :-.7.bu-t soon found that it was decidedly beneficiaT" Sho continue*! the use of it, and much to my surprise and joy she continued to Im­prove until sho was-entirely and perfectly restored' to

, health and strength.-.-Sho to.otc no other mfedicino during tho time she was taking your Peetm-al Syrup, and i am positive it was that which saved my'wife's life, t have not beea,wilhout your Syrup in my house sinco .

. that time. ' . . .Respectfully yours,

PETKH B. MOONEY „w„.,. s«'«ffs, March 2i, tSJl.

M. II. This medicine is prepared and sold Wholesnlo . and Ketajl, by Af. FOOJEUo, DX. D., Cazenovln ,

„ inadlson Co\.,.,Nf Y s , to .whom all orders may be ad dressed. It is ai'o sold in even- Town and Village kl . the country. P R I C E — 7 . " Ceiita per B o t t l e .

For Sale bv A N G E L L , SEELEY <Str€!rJ. an J.CNES & M c C A R T Y , in Pulaski . A. L ' Tho npson Sandy Creek ; S. H. & B . S Stone, Mcvico; F . Devendorl , Hast ingspind by agepts generally throughout the siateT 74y

A VARIETY of Yankee notions, f o r ' s a l e at wholesale at - J O N E S ' & MCCARTY'S . "


Drag and Oroceiy Store.

THERE will i e found at the Drug Store of E. Wrl?OX, a-.goodSstock of Dye Stuffs, includ-

iag'he materials used in Fancy Dyeing, together ^Lfilte ritostkind of Medicines, Paints and Oils, a * choice and general assortment of GROCERIES,

nndavarietrolother articles, aU of which mustj-' heboid, and-are oflerel axthe lowest prices. Alsu, School and Miscellaneous Books,Paper Hangings, Stationery, Writing Inks, etc. etc. tNn'chasera are respectinlly invited to call. E. W. FCX.

Pulasjti, June 19, mt^ • 39


[tl¥f% "alikinds'ofCabTfiet *areand Cbairsj.af the shbprjcehtly pj-6<iffi' a"by P. Betitly one mrte^rtorthVPijlaSki. ftiiirelflis/Cenfre, Card, &mn% atfcTbther TaWcs. Light aliil tfrfcirk Stands,

iBeilMcads.pf all kinds", Comnio^ ciitic eeht dinfng ajid Parlor Chairs, oi all styles' alid Jlrfees, lleady

' made'Cofflm'8, and a gene'ral assorlmiefttjof "artl c'lr«nstt;rl!y;iQumi''in estahlishmehts of th)s Irfnd wtrl- be kept or», band. Having sevehU' lir'st, rate ,wofItmen in hf« employ,, be- believes".fic!*""#ri' itM*-nihh as good work^ds, many sh'pp in thjS secttcn -cotintv, 'alt of which 'will be Spld at' fhe'lowes't Co>h Prices' An exarriinaiion ot his ware' is ie> sn-'cif'iilly solicited by ptti'tihasers'

, - ALEXANOfipt WAKEFIELD. RWiland, June 28, IWt. ' ''"'"•'

. j f p p T A L SROTfifef: J 6 M T H A N , for Jojy'ith. Jg5i t for sale- aB'the' "

Af.iv.SS.' ' VQL&mi BQMC STORE.

A: JL'lioi

.' €r6efe,eij> ; \ 'KWand general a'»soVthieht 'jpisfrefeeived' 3l)tnwisir>K",'be latest,«tyler.aird fashionrby

' • ~ . , A'NGELL,' SE)3L«i &iCO.'

'" eA'&ifeJixliiRSSljIiT"*' THE Sut's'ca'jbt'is'ar'frprepai'ea1 to furnish eyer.y

v-ifietr &kl ;s'ty'|6*FCaolii.ef' Furniture, at waie.rooms Jlilhfe* Wll«SgB, afpricefw eor. Viibdnitb t

eii*c In the' BetimOB.' S a # P e y e W e 3 W e'n'uMfless, tffd*n|ldfu1cawtiil to

e* en*

on ity-fa &%>

o f u t M i a ^ ript tfleri

a mint from, ani

them to rjonduef it suMssfilliy.'irna a sm*g *vMi*r aeriTease ahdfet'!|fy%u1fb)iio,i^ my solicit pn!'iiepa.r6ti^ge, ' "• ? . ' ' ' t l M " -

hairs,T.a81es,BedsieMs,siaebdard4)ee't)afall dlh^with tlift'fl.riginal law 1 vajietiesaHyays on hand.

ce.and do cejttfKlbSUhe sm.iej -fA"y mM^ Coffins. yl'vaiMons prices ada_sif!es Aoftha whoic j'-M'imn I


Work ipalie to brder on sBnttftotieS. ,..::..;' GEO, GURLEY.

, ,,&A1vttJ©L'©OX

•c'«ivingal'ar.ge8trpnlv at ' -warranted olmqperi&r gjtat^

the" " • ' •* . . . • PULASKI BOOK STORE.

LEAD PIPE^-from 3-8 inches w the largest sizes, a hewlotjiist received and for sale Uy

K •• • . MEACtfcJJVI'& CRONTL " -Pulaski, June tg, 185,^.^17,'

fimO PATENT SJftHES- '&. SNATHS the \J best'article fn use.'adjasled.aild I'athoined by thosinjple-'tnfaing'oi a Sci-Pu. Also eotamon Scythair aid SnSls

GRAIN'CRADLES-,-a new article^., ~ •. '.'.. HAY FORKS, twp aUd thn» lined. HAND RAKES. ,. , HOES, commtfpHpd garden. And ft general,

'assortment of! Faiittingglmplumenis for sah> aV •the loivfist prices By , '"

"^FrACHAM&CROSfK, . •Pulaski, June 13, I85i. , ,

OOTS & -SHOES, lor Centlsmen, Ladies, oys, pirls and eilfldrens new nl lpwer prices

Tnan ever b'cf'oreoflered in this markflt, j ust received and for saie ior' rcadt pay ont}-,by'

Sent. 34. N. M. WAUDWELL frCO.

COPPER HEATERS.—The subicribers have •every facility lor getting up Copper Heatrrst

ie}r "Eaoneries. Having recently made, several forTanneis in this vicinity, they bell..ve they can promise pate'nseniii'ePjrsatjsfacWy. Qrdert> respectfully solicited.

ME AOHAM & CRONK. Pftlaski, June 13, 1851. :... '_

BLE.A6HED and BROWN Cptten, Canton Flanusls,, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp,, Tick­

ing, Stripes, Wickiog, Twine, &c. «b'.; jnst t'eteelV» •&Tandf0MBle bv N. M. WARDWELL, &. Co. •

.SM.'g4,H5a. / ' . . ' • • , , . • - '

Coveiilet an^i Garpet Weaver, 1

THE subscriber wishe&to inform tho public th|tt.' his has removed higastablishmorit tothcseoafi8

house north' of ihe^rWUngiCflfce, Jeflbrsoii stree'i, w'herehejsjpjepated id weaveCbverletsFigureUj StripedTandfeg^arpet». Shoals, Blankets, Flan-els, FulLClotb, iSiapers, Grain Bags, or any other Jtind of "weaving-tbat is - done -in a,Cust<«n,Shop, rilI wptk. put'WM> hi;) ca,re-w-iH 'bXJhi.thIXi% csteeu'-tcd''in thfi Shortestposslblo tlin" onrf- onMJjfl rft'wt reasonable terms. ' J A ,\1 !.> lit ^^; ;

Puln^ki Dcr.l!) IS.'iO. • ,,"•."-!-

A L A S G E GOLD MEDAL was awarded Dr. Benjnihin, at ihe last State Fail' tor his Brass

Spring Truss, and acknowledged to be the best now"in use.' For sale at

ANGELL. SEELEY & CO'S. O UGARS.—All the varieties of Ppjvdffed, crush-O ed Refined and Brown Snirarsrjt'lhe lowest oi prices, 'jtist ree'd In- JONES & McCARTY.

FDR THll OHMPI.tt'l'K CtlttE 0P

' C o u g h s , C61<Js," I n f l u e n z a , A s t h m a , B r o n o h i t i a ^ s p i t t i l a ^ o f •

B l o o d , a n d a l l otb'e ' t i n i n g O o m p l a i i i t s " t e n d i n g - t o .


THIS medicine Is jur<t what it is declared to be-above. A. remedy lor the complete cure otall

those atlectiuns ol'the Throat and Lungs, vsijlich, il neglected, always odd in CONSUMPTION. It is not a worthless,. adch-p/Q/ay article, made just to sell, like man-yof the comraon nosirums ot the* day,' virtues, lately introduced intolliis Country from California.. The Recipe, has-been shown to thou­sands of Physicians, who ha.ve universally .ap­proved i^.and will be shown tp any Physician!! wjtp desires tu se"e it, upon-application either to thf'Propriot'ors or'thoit Agmts. II has been used in miilltfudes'i'fcases, and is strongly recommended by P/iysicttms', even Professors in olu Medical Col» legffs, Ministers of the Quspel,, Judgtfb, Lawyew,-Merchants, Mechanics, &c—a conclusive .prooi that there is nu quackery or. deception about it,'but' that.il. is a medicine of most uncommon Virtue and efficacy,• ,'. • .

PAMPHLETS. As no prdinary-sted advertisement can "begin to

do justice to the "merits of this article, the Proprie­tors have embodied in a pamphlet )'orm>the^tstoy of'this Medicine—-the desciiptitallfiatwe, &c , of its principal ingredients—the effect the); are designed to have upon the hutnafysystem—and above alt, the meaicuUfJile am.<mnl of good which it has done.— They design to circulate this Pamphlbt extensively, but should any,atiebe.ove'rlooli:ed, they are earnest­ly desired to. call upon the Agents named below,. andprociYre oae,gratis. It well repay a perusal. The hints on page 7th may be worth'ta^oursell'or family,-THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, and if will iruroduce j'on to a niass of testimony in its favor wKiell'is'perfectly irresistible.

Such being our confidence in its virtues, wgjire .willing to warrant the Medicine in every•feceutcase, (if used according tp-The direction's,) and where the person is not-satisfied that he is deriving henellt trom it, by returning the bottle, within 24 hours' tirnt.TH'G MONEY will be refunded, g a f S e e page 3d'ofthe'Pampkle.t. . ' . . . . -

For sale, wholesale arid retail, 'by* A- L- SCO-VILL&, CO., Proprietors; at their Priticipat Office, No. 3W5 GoijiijC'Hall,.Broadway, Nsw Yorirjao whom all orders for (he Medicine, nnd-letters rela­ting to agencies, shortld be addressed, post-paid,

g3P Be sure to ask for r. A. Rogers' i/mp of Liv HWORTy TAB, and CA^oiiiLAdUi, and let no other be palmed on to you. jCautiou*—A'one genuine, unless there is-on the

buff wrapper ,-a note irf-HanU, signed-with a pen, by 'A. L. SUOVILL & CO. - v

For- sale in Pulaski by JONES & McQA^TY-and E. .W. Fox ; also by.H. J. Jewell", West Mon­roe; C. A. Perkins, Gonstantia; A. S. Poller, Cleveland; Chaapey Sims, JMexido-; Orjrin House, Sandy Creek.

Pm'uE—In large bottles SI, orfi bottles far,f5. Pulaski, Aug. 7, 850* " - isuoi3

volume with Certificates arid Tetttptiniais In ft,-vor of his articles; but, considering such pans-

wlit.iiy usete8,,sinctjtbey are so ftadjiy'manjrflaou uied.'aodjjjadejfej t^.jo^uch Rn Kttem to pufth "

.vffsome dsetesis trRgh -Mpn M HW% i mWi' tliVrelore/stale at ohc6,41e vartou>! dtebat&s thai

"ean bo sptJedlljt careiby tiiestf InvaTulhle Hdrfti Renovating Powdersj Viz :,«".9tand*rs,'.fiitlebflno'd and Hoi se JJiatcmper. It also car ies oj' aljl.gross humbrjs,: attaVpuriiies the bl.oM, If is'fi^i a safe andceftaia cure foV \he TaetfveSi 'it will nho rieanse,-Bt oncetthestDJna4h_g»dwjmJritmJlho-'-botB, worms, p>e., and again restore lljft«p'Wach. anfl.bpwej§t^,beiv)thy actipn.

Smiths Repuvating Oin|>nentis ah IbvaVnaule remedy, ibr horse^''rri""flieTufe'bt -the' fpltb-wTntr diseased t' Freslv Wouiutsv-Gells ofTlU'kwdi Spra-in^JirfrisM. RtlSghSnep- ^ l l - E v i l , W| n d Galls,Spa,yfin4^,wepny.;.Fistula,.-;Stralii9) t^^a. '

SHERIFF SACE,—By virtue pf an execution to me directed and delivered, against th^ goods

and chattels, landsrJF'fen<mieiitsof Alden Cran-dall.in my oalewick, I have seized and t?aen- all the right, title* aWlffferest-pf the" said Orandall, which he bad on the li ih day bf ApVil, 1851', or which he might have since acquired to All lhat certain piece and parce) or land situate and being in the town ot Richland, county of Oswesjo, and state ol New Yorlr, and hounded as follows, town: 'beginning at iltf.'south-eaat corner ot land hereto? lore deeded by Jelreiniatl A. Maihcwson to Johp-'S. Davis, and runs thence south 30 minutes, EySlpng the west boundariccbf the salt road, so calJ«Ltwo chains; thence south 86° add 40 m.wfestpne chain and 45 links; 'rom thence north 2° E.(g& link^ to a stalce; thence north'33-Lwest One chain to -a.hem­lock stump;.thence west to the centfe of Salmon River; thence up'the centrg'of ssiitt river

ness. Fuundergd Feet, Craclfs", and Seratefejt, . '.'• The above articles are to be had til jMlt $\U Cities and pritteitaal^llagesthroughoUnteii'.tJit. ted States, anil'the Canadas*.

For sale, wholesale and retail, at John B Smith's Depot, 133 Fulton street, (Sd floor,) New Jnjlf, '- ' . , , . .

Price^fJ canjs per bos-iot the Ointment; 60 cents lor the Horse Renovating Powders.' Par sale hy . P?w5J r , JONE8.-& M'cCARTY.

^ ^ ^ V B Y ^ g P ^ l A - . i J Ninons Debility, iMsetiM ofct&e Kit,. .,., , .

Diseases arismgfy<mi a -Jj}S(%fere« tjivef oY fitem Mh,JXA'as'Vombptot,i$n, 'fiipatd JHlesif^ll^


or Blood to llie'Efi sea; Heartburn, Disi itsl jfoV FotdJmS lorfiutt. iies's in the SlomacTi, £mw\$m^tiMK$infaiig$f. Fluttering at the Pit of Oie^miaih^ttimming of the HeadrMhied amiTD&iwU SrlaAingf Kw. ienng at the Heart, Choiring arJmjfocMneBe% iions wh#n> in a Lying JPostfift), Pfflwtss of V^oii. , Dotsor Webs btforeihs SigktjMvef and Dull Pain in the itead, Qefu^%iyolPeTfpiratioii.i Yjf%MtfH' ofthe SHnaiid Eye&, P&iifi^ihe Side, Back, or Ctei, Umbi, 4>c.; Sii4Mii:Mu§he&4>f.IleattBi!fn-

• ing in the Flesli, CmistantJm<$-ini'l}g>ojEvil,qiii 'Great Depression o/.iS^iA - , • , - '

Can be ei&ctually' oute'd by '


PREPARED BY © K , C M^JACliioN.atthe G p M A N M # I C l w | v S t Q ^ ^ q . . : i 2 0

Aretf Sweet, pBikdMghl^, -• • -', Their power^ver/lfie abpvediseases'ls Aot excell-

ed if equalled, byakyotherpre^a^tionih.-th^'grij, .« jed States, as the cwres'|.ttestj in" in'ariy cases "a.f|er sk'lful pliysioians sad failed, .. ,

The Bitters are* ft'orthy ihe'altjejplionjjf ijtvalid% V Pessessibg great vliitues ih the rectification o.f dis­eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercijiinguus most searching powers In weakness and affections -• ofthe digestive orgails, they ai,e,.TVithal, safe, cw-

. tdin and pleasant, L READ AND BE CONVINCED.

[Framlthe,'"Boston:Bae."l"' '•-•<?.; .-.-. The editor "laid, pec.22d—''DjriJ?|bttflap'4,s!it|cl ebrated German Otters for the c;urepl')Liy#ifern-plaint, Jaundice, X)yspeps'ia,'"Chfpnfc oy NteFyieus Debility-, is deservedly one ofth'e^Most'pppijIar medicines of iha day. -These Bitters have been

.used by thousands, and a,fricnd at bdf elbow says ho hashimselfr^eejv^arieffeetti.alattdperniSnent cure o!S Liver cWjolaintirojntbiei.qse of this rem-edy. Wo arec?invincea"tnu,t, in thi useof these "• Bitters, trie^tWetttcoitistantly gain^strehgth and vi goc—a fact ttforthyTSf great eohsideration. "IChey,— nm'pleasant ioi taste'-and smell, and cab bef'asejfby jjersiyja withjfte.mostrdelicate.stpma.phsyiiih safe- "•' ty, under -any circutnsta!nces. Wb are speaking irom experipice-and to'theaffiicted weadvisetheir u s e . " ~ . . . • " . ' • : "

~ »• Scott's Weekly," ..one of.the Best Literary pa­pers publ/.shed, said Aug. 25^-" Dr. Hoofiand's German Bitters, manufifptatedby D,r, Jackson, are now recummetiued by some bfiiie nio'st prominent members of the-fflcultv as an ariibleof much effi­cacy in cases of female weakness. As such-is the base,.we wonld.advise all mother t^dbtaln a buj-tle,and thus.save themselves m-idfh siekness. Per­sons of debilitated copstftmionswyrfind these Bll-teci advaptag<-ous.to^their-health, as tvfi IvBowfrotn experience the "salutttry eflect they.Jtave uptm weak sysld'me." . • _ . i.-.- t " ;* -'

Jndge M. M. Noah, a gentlbtn'an.. wlth'great sci­entific and^literary attainments;' i n d i n his "New York Weekly Messsenger,'i Jatranry 6, 850.

i" Dr. Holland's German Biuers.—gere isa-pr?. paratftm which the leading-presses,ln tbelTni^T.

south line of land heretofore deeded by J. A . 1 appear-to be upaniamuwn recomniendmg, and Malbewson to John, S.. Davis: thence e»«ieily3'i 'he reason ,s obvious.. Itis;iftade ap^-a'Ta-cscjip. -hains and 58 links to the place ot begirming; I U.on 'nrmsbed-by oneofthe mpstcelebrate^jthTOl* contaii1in-'ineacreofUind,hMth2Same^j-,re cU V™?'? ,??d i? , , , t ,? t w , i l h c la«\ Dr. Christpplier less. Thesbove described rrcmiscs are part of )V l^ekn-Hofland, Pr,plessor to the tfttiversity g(.t lots.No.-l4.Sand 141), scriba's Patent, township - Jcna^Pfivate, Physldan to the King PI Ptussfe, Nu. t.0. Also all-tiiat certain mwvr.parcel of "«d o ^ oi thegretitest medical writers Gennan'y land lyingnod being.iii the v1tegi>' ol Pulaski, in l u l s cv6r produced. He was^mplla icnlly iheeh-the loin ofBicnlanfl ilate-aid, °..rt h bounded as , f m y o 1 * ? " * « ' a,n^ . ^ o / c - f f taedicihe ol whtcti follows, viz v a n n i n g at the s'outlkeast .corner of i e w j f? t h e i r , v s " u , i ' a n d f^orsermay-beflpnfident-the land ownidjiv tlieVorei ti I Isaac-fir Stearns, I \t * H « ! »n V - . H f t "^ cial|y ,recommended it_.m

Eand for Sale.

Two VALTJABLE LOTS oF'L'AND.ihthe town ot Albion, wilhjn iilty rods ofthe Bmtie

and Oswsrd'Plank Road, about one and a quarter miles south ofthe viHage of Sand Bank in said town. There is about ioli acres in eaoh lot; welt watered, and limbered with maple, .fceacb, and-somc.pine. Said lands will be suld«lo'wl and on favorabtfi terms as to fiaymenf to the pnrchaser.-^ Forlunhei ih^ormatia'.i.. call on AAKQN FUM-EK, Esq,, at Sand Bank, or JOHN JSMl'EON, Jr.,

At Camden Village. .. Pulaski. May (i, 1850. "" iTOtf

HOTICE is hereby given according to- law, to all persons jiaving claims .against Horace;

Rich, late of Williamstown. rariner,4ece^sed„ibar they are reqnir« '. to cS:l ibit the samf vffith. the voachcrs thereof to the subscriber, Abijah Tnws-ley, Administjator of the §aid decea'iled, at his dtvelling in the town bt Williamstown,' on or be­fore the twenty second day of September next,-^ Dated this fith day ol March, 1851. '

ABU All TOWSLEY, Administrator. 35 ELIZABETH LJUCH; Administratrix.

Watertown &> Rome Railroad-

SUMMERMcaRANGEMENT, )¥lHE TRAINS tvi)j)^ntil further notice', run JL as follows:

O0INO KOffiTlI. Leave Rome, 7.C0, a . m . ' I p. m. i'

Camden,- 8.35 a .m. - l,60>p. fit. ' . ICosoag, 9.30 a. m. S.25up»4n->»-<

•ilichland, 10.10 a. m. 2,55 p. ra. .Pierpohts, H a .m. 'SrSO.p.-in^..^

•n O0INO 80UTH. Leave Plcrpohis fi.30 a. m. 12 • m. ' ' Richland, 7.10 a.m. •' l2.S5p* m.

Kasong, 7.30 a m . H O p . rn. Camden, 8.35 a .m. - - ' LSfrp* m. . Rome g,40 ri. m, " &S0 ?• m.

J$T Passengers leaving Alhapy by.the evpning Express train, will arrive in;finW'ot''u(; l s t t r a iu lrorp'Eome;. and those taking the Morning-Ex­press from Albany, can leavp.Rome to the second train.-.J'rom both, Stages lea>e for Waterto#h the sbme afternoon'. Passengers tnk- ' " "

and near hfs new sfune dwelling house, and i'iin« rom thence north 1" ei\n 1'4 linksto-the norUi-east'

rornejofsaid Crnmlall'8,'..uor)ardf^iooee south 8-^. east one chnip, and 23 jinks.;,thence south I-3

east 14 links; theiice north 884 east 1 chain' and 23 links, to the place ol beginning,- containing 1 ..andJitO of an acfeof land. Also alt that certain jtcce or.p'irrpl ol land lyui? in ihe town ol Rich­land and in the village of Putaskf, in the county of Oswego, and on tne south side' of the river, and being a piece ol land deeded' by James A,. Davis to Thomas C. Baker, ana fromsaid Baker to-S. Wright, and is a pan of lot on .'(vjjjch the said Crandallnow resides,'called the potash lot .' it is here-by intended to convey the same right and title which'the said Wright now has'jn the same, the boundariesheing oajoilows: beginning at a poin1

on_J. A. Mathewson's line,*onechain and 44 links west from the west line ofthe saltroad', and runs from thence north 2 Q east 35Jinlts; theoeei noctli 23u west one chain and 12 li.nks to a herpl»ck slmjfig; tlipnce west to ihe Salmon River and, to the Ceu^e-thereo'f; thence down the 4aid river to' tliS"tine ot J, A. Matqewson aforesaid'; "thence along said Mcthewson's line eastward to the.place of beginning. Also all the right ofjvay reserved by said deed of one rod wfdeV from this" piece of land bver'to the salt rpad, All bt which, above mentioned property I will expose to s^leas the law airccts, at the Hotel of E. B.Earll, in' the village ot Pulaski, courtly of Oswego, on Friday th^ B5th dao «f July next at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day. Dated Pulaski, June 4th, 185.1.

NORMAN R0WE, Sheriff. By W. H. GRAY, Deputy Sheriff. - . The.*ale above mentioned Is postponed until the

22d day si' August next at 10 o'clock* the foie-noon at the above mentioned place. Dated July 25,1851. N.RQ-W,E, Sheriff.

Ry W.H. GRAY, Dept.

'; -• Livery Stable;

P' EejKi&.tJRANbALWthahkl'ul for past la-vors; Would say to the public that, they still

Keep flORSESAND CARRIAGES TO LB'l the old at stand of S. Halcyon Jefl'ersson street.,

. __^„__« > .

SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of ap execution issucdhv the County Clerk of the county ol

OsWgo, to me directed and delivered, against the goods hpd chattels lands and tenements of Jairus Wheeler, 1 have seized and taken all the^right,

ftitle arijl interest ol'tbe said Jairus Wheeler"*which he had on the 6th day of April, i860, or^which he mayjiave since acquired, to "All that piece or parcel of land.being seventy fourand.three-lburtba acres from 'be south side of lot Itnown and distin­guished, .on a, map and survey biade by Benj. Wright ih the.ye80^99t as number iorty-ihree-m-township number"Ti*e,-Seribas Patent;" all of which above mentioned prdperty I will expose fpi sale-fit pablicaiictlon^s the-tew directs, at the"' Mexico Hbtol 'kept by'it. Selly in the village of Mex*ice and county of Oswego, on Thursday the 7th day of<'$.ugust)189l)at one o'clockP.M. Dated MexiftO'J.uneie, 1851.

Iv. R0WE, Sheriff of Oswego county. By ASA LE'IPIIJ l?eputy Sheriff. -3g

Li.verCiimijfajni, Dyspepsia', DebiliiyT Verfigo, Acjdityol the Stomach, Constipation, ttnd^li-e^Hi. phritus arNtng from a, disordej-ed condition ofthe Stomach, the liver and the intestines. NinePlnla-delphia pa pers express their convictiot) ^f Jtg.eX-cellence, and .several ofthe edjtors.spegk'of jts"'ef-fects fronrtheirdwn indlvsdtfalexperience; UfMicr these circumstaneess. we feel wartaote'd, OPt pflly in calling the altentibn ol onr readers to the pre> ent proprietor's (D>. C. M. Jackson's)preparaljoli, but in -recommending the article to all afflicfea,"

MORE -EVIDENCE -rThe *• Philadelphia Sat-urday Gazette,!' the best'mmil£, newspaper pub-risked in the United States, the editor says of.DR. HOOFLANtrS GERMAN BITTER^, 'fills seldom that we recommendwhat'are termed Pijteat Medicines to thd confidence and patronage of bin readers, and, thereiore, when'tye recomrpend Dr,

! Hoofiand's German BiHers,-.we wish Ittd bedt»-lijictly understpod. that we are not speaUingnf, the Rostrums of the day, that are. noised nijjOutiora brief period arid thenforgotten after, tfterhiave dote iheif.jtnilty race of mischief, but of a ihMjicint long established, UOiVersa]lgnri2ed,a'ndiwljicl»iia« met the hearty approval of Ote-Ji!aculty itself.''

Evidence upon, evidence has been' received'(like

an udge

J i l ^ t ^ T>0. CREblTORa-Pursuant to IXofdeTof'OauH.WHifNEV, County 3x>i a'tjcl S u i w a t e of Osf e^o eolre'lv, notice is hereby given,to all fje'mo'ns whq haye claims or demands against Abia) Hibbard, latedflhd tbwri tSt Ofwell

ing tlje first in *aid county, deceased, to exhibit Ihe Same with train from Pierpont Manor, will arrive at £j.o#e ] thcvbachorsaStiAteof to Samuel D. Stowall.his ad-

• it) time tor I he'MorningEx-ffresses, both for Alba..' miniotrato}-,'at tfelwelling house oj sa id Samuel nyandjlm West. .., *. -, j .Di Smwell.in the town' of-Orwell id saWcounty,

A « J . . . - 1 . - I . 1 . . ' * f . L J - f 1 . . . . . _ . - W


I-UJ j T I'i'Ci; hi trrwardpd daily from aiMlre'Sta-'" • • ' r: ;: DUXTATCR, P-up'i. '

on or'bejore the' 15th day of Jawi*p»i»e««(—<jr-' w«U,3rtT01,,rjjar,'..fSAMUELiJ. b 'TOlVElL, '

^l"rr::•,\•! H!M'-,A;;,.i.nTTV3'i,iir.ffv;!-.-if(!, .!.- •ch-i'A;

ofthe regular Physicians of Phliadelphfa- than all other nostrums combined, a fact.that can easily be established, and 'fully prey fag that a scientific pre­paration will meet withShelr qfiiet aliproval when presentedeven-irt thislljsih. • ••-

That this tnedicine twill'CUre-4.iv6r-Cpmplaint andDyspe'psja, no pne caft doubt, after usingiUf directed. It atsts Bpec^cllw'jBpdh the' stomach ana

. liver—it ispreiferableio calomfel in all billious dis­eases— the. effect is ipamedial*'. They can be ad-tnipistered"to lemalepr-inrantsit'-itlj aatfetyana* reli­able benefit,-at anytfiiniej;', •, .'"••• ^ -.' •

BE WARE W"dOtfN»rf i fJFMm This medicine has flttalhed fhai high character

whieh is ne6essary.fo'r all'inedteineato^itaiM tola-luce cpunterfeitera to puv'fortfe&spurious"article' at the risk of thetfiTesot thbVe*hi/ are inhocenfly deceived.^ " - — '

LtoTwtt'Uf tlie Marts if foe 'Qmlfox. They have the Written^igna'tttfifj jtfjrp. At. Jar*,

son upon the wrapper, and.the:w*apper„ and ffe name blown inthe bottle, without whichihey tt« spurious, . , '

For sate, whotesalg .and'Mail, atth'e,6f^r<MA{i MEDICINE S T l ^ l , ' f o . i ^ J W f I S £ % door below Sixth, (late37fi RacffBlreet,) 'pliiadtf' phla. and by rflspeetable" dealers geiteicfclfythVougii1

«utthe country. AWft (br-sale%%mm t&YlM Druggist,Jutaskotjy.'Y;.,--,...,,.•" •;„ i r j , j t W l '

IsPublished-eyerifhwsM tat '?,uias^,0»««8»

six months,or^i ' inot paidtilViBeMtfWtoyMI: Village subscriber*, v.H-.uy-i, ihlte'»«!&» W'

by ihe carrier, $l,!jfj in ad-va ^ dBWDg *»

Ten dollars will pay for -ipri eopies ecnj to one office—cash to accompany ih^owfet-' ...

No paper tHscojJU^Dfid^ ijftta*!' 6We!Kr*fee«. at* paid, unless aHhRoptipupf^sBnbfisher. '

IUTES Vf.'.RV{l«TJStrJ6. .,«.-„' On Square. Swe/jts . . . . . . -M On do is do-.- . . . . . . . -—-§52--One do fjtr.onAi --. *"-- ' - . ' - • Sffi. O.e do year,- V . . . . '. . *..- .M°.

A liberal dfecwo. j't made to tH*S« who acve"'*' ,l»)MhcTOir.. , -. •--» .. "

"A-f? ci' fwn « a Ic-vftip'i . mfeTba T"dst paid.

f ^ ANDt-Ea,>y,the box, or single lb., at ,
