4. electron-sample interaction, scattering process - electron microscopy and diffraction

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  • 8/9/2019 4. Electron-Sample Interaction, Scattering Process - Electron Microscopy and Diffraction


    Electron MicroscopyElectron Microscopy

    and Diffractionand Diffraction

    4.4. ElectronElectron-- specimen interaction,specimen interaction,

    Scattering process and applicationScattering process and application

    Do MinhDo Minh NghiepNghiepMaterials Science CenterMaterials Science Center

  • 8/9/2019 4. Electron-Sample Interaction, Scattering Process - Electron Microscopy and Diffraction



    Interaction of primary beam and specimenInteraction of primary beam and specimen

    Interaction volume and signals obtainedInteraction volume and signals obtained Scattering processScattering process

    Secondary electron image (SEI) and detectorSecondary electron image (SEI) and detector

    Backscattered electron image (BSEI) and detectorBackscattered electron image (BSEI) and detector

    XX--ray spectraray spectra

    Factors influencing resolution: voltage and ZFactors influencing resolution: voltage and Zsamplesample

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    modemodeand volumeand volume

    01.01.2009 3Materials Science Center, HUT

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    The size and shape of theThe size and shape of the

    region of primaryregion of primary

    excitation can beexcitation can beestimated by carrying outestimated by carrying out

    simulationssimulations that usethat use

    Monte Carlo calculationsMonte Carlo calculations

    and take into account theand take into account the

    composition (composition (ZZ), thickness), thickness((dd) of the specimen and) of the specimen and

    accelerated voltage (accelerated voltage (VV))

    MonteMonte--Carlo simulationCarlo simulation

    01.01.2009 4Materials Science Center, HUT

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    An interactionAn interaction

    volume can also bevolume can also be

    used to predictused to predict thethe

    types of signals thattypes of signals that

    will be produced andwill be produced and

    the depth from whichthe depth from which

    they canthey can escape.escape.

    MonteMonte CarloCarlo simulationssimulations ofof electronelectron trajectoriestrajectories areare basedbased onon 11)) thethe

    energyenergy ofof thethe primaryprimary beambeam electron,electron, 22)) thethe likelihoodlikelihood ofof anan interaction,interaction, 33))

    thethe changechange inin directiondirection andand energyenergy ofof thethe electron,electron, 44)) thethe meanmean freefree pathpath

    ofof thethe electronelectron andand 55)) aa randomrandom factorfactor forfor anyany givengiven interactioninteraction..

    MonteMonte--Carlo simulationCarlo simulation

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    MonteMonte--Carlo simulationCarlo simulation

    01.01.2009 6Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Interaction volumeInteraction volume



    Incident beamIncident beam

    ElectronElectron--samplesample interactioninteraction volumevolume hashas aa pearpear shapeshape (left)(left)..

    ActualActual imageimage of of interactioninteraction volumevolume betweenbetween incidentincident beambeam andand

    samplesample surfacesurface (right)(right) showingshowing shapeshape andand sizesize ofof primaryprimary excitationexcitation regionregion

    01.01.2009 7Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Interaction depth of signalsInteraction depth of signals

    1. Auger electron

    (0,10,1--2 nm2 nm)

    2. Secondaryelectron (10 nm10 nm)

    3. Backscattered

    electron ( 5 mm)

    4. Charact. X-ray

    5. Continiium X-ray

    6. Fluorescence

    Xray ( 1010 mmmm)

    Primary Signals:

    in t th cpin t tn x ng-cTia rngen





    1. Auger electron

    2. Sec. electron

    3. Back-scat.


    4. Charac.


    5. Xray continium




    01.01.2009 8Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Determination of interaction depthDetermination of interaction depth

    01.01.2009 9Materials Science Center, HUT

    Ec = 7 eV; Eo = 20 keV; r = 7 g.cm-3; d = 0.8 mm

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    Use of signalsUse of signalsWhen the electron beam strikes a sample, bothWhen the electron beam strikes a sample, both photonphoton andand

    electron signals are emitted:signals are emitted:

    XrayXray:: samplesample


    Incident electron


    Auger electronAuger electron::

    surfacesurface compositioncomposition

    Backscattered electronBackscattered electron::

    topographic info and phasetopographic info and phase

    (Z) contrast(Z) contrast (SEM)(SEM)

    Xray fluorescenceXray fluorescence::

    elemental compositionelemental composition

    (EPMA)(EPMA)Secondary electronSecondary electron::

    surface topographysurface topography


    Electric currentElectric current::

    electrical propertyelectrical property

    Transmitted electronTransmitted electron:: microstructure, crystal structure, compositionmicrostructure, crystal structure, composition (TEM+EELS)(TEM+EELS)

    01.01.2009 10Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Informations from interactionInformations from interaction

    Electron and photon signals give infos aboutElectron and photon signals give infos about- Topography of surface

    - Microstructure and /or morphology

    - Crystal and/or defect structure

    - Chemical composition- Electrical current

    - Local magnetic field

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    Scattering processScattering process

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    ScatteringScattering: change in the: change in the

    primary motion directionprimary motion direction


    - without energy loss:

    elastic scattering

    - with energy loss:

    inelastic scattering

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    Electron scatteringElectron scattering Elastic (coherent) scattering: electron changes its

    trajectory but energy unchanged

    - Scattered transmitted electron (diffraction)

    - Back-scattered electron Inelastic (incoherent) scattering: electron changes its

    trojectory and loses a part of energy for secondary


    - Secondary electron

    - Auger electron

    - Continium and characteristic X-ray radiation

    - Cathodoluminiscence

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    01.01.2009 15Materials Science Center, HUT

    TheThe probabilityprobability ofof anan

    elasticelastic vsvs.. ananinelasticinelastic collisioncollision isis

    basedbased primarilyprimarily onon

    thethe atomicatomic weightweight ofof

    thethe specimenspecimen (Z).

    Electron scatteringElectron scattering

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    Electron scatteringElectron scattering

    A beam electron interacts with the electrical fieldA beam electron interacts with the electrical field

    of theof the nucleusnucleus of a specimen atomof a specimen atom

    Resulting in:Resulting in:-- a change in the direction of the beam electrona change in the direction of the beam electron

    without a significant change in the energywithout a significant change in the energy of theof the

    beam electronbeam electron

    -- backscattered electrons (>50 eV) and continuousbackscattered electrons (>50 eV) and continuous

    xx--rays are formed, electron diffractionrays are formed, electron diffraction

    Elastic scattering

    A beam electron interacts with theA beam electron interacts with the

    electrical field ofelectrical field of electronselectrons of a specimenof a specimen

    atomatom Resulting in:Resulting in:

    -- a transfer of energya transfer of energy to the specimen atomto the specimen atom

    -- secondary electrons (

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    How signals are formedHow signals are formed

    DeDe--excitation occurs byexcitation occurs by

    release of Xrelease of X--ray photonray photonShellelectronreleased






    HighHigh--energyenergyprimary electronprimary electron

    Primary electron inPrimary electron in--elastically scatteredelastically scattered

    Secondary electronSecondary electron

    A shell electron fallsA shell electron falls

    to the vacant shellto the vacant shell

    Characteristic XCharacteristic X--rayrayAuger electronAuger electron

    A hole is createdA hole is created

    in the shellin the shellKL MM

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    Secondary electron:< 50 eV


    electron: > 80 % of

    primary electron


    X-ray: 0.520 keV



    Electron Signal


    scattered e-

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    Auger electronAuger electron

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    Low energy electrons emitted from the upper 2Low energy electrons emitted from the upper 2--3 nm of the surface and3 nm of the surface and

    Contains information about the element that produced it based on its energyContains information about the element that produced it based on its energy

    Auger electronAuger electron

    01.01.2009 20Materials Science Center, HUT

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    An Auger spectrum for Aluminum showing peaksAn Auger spectrum for Aluminum showing peaks

    for different electron replacement eventsfor different electron replacement events

    Auger electron spectrumAuger electron spectrum

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    Secondary electronSecondary electron(SE) image and detector(SE) image and detector

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    Secondary electron (SE)Secondary electron (SE) Secondary electrons areSecondary electrons are

    usually the result of anusually the result of an

    inelastic collision in whichinelastic collision in which

    the energy of the primarythe energy of the primarybeam is partly transferredbeam is partly transferred

    to an electron that is thento an electron that is then

    emitted from the atom asemitted from the atom as


    Secondary electronsSecondary electronstypically have an energytypically have an energy

    of 50 eV or less.of 50 eV or less.

    01.01.2009 23Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Although secondaryAlthough secondary

    electrons are producedelectrons are produced

    throughout the interactionthroughout the interaction

    region, they can only escaperegion, they can only escapefrom the uppermost portionfrom the uppermost portion

    due to their low energy.due to their low energy.

    SE gives info of topographySE gives info of topography



    01.01.2009 24Materials Science Center, HUT

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    TheThe angleangle atat whichwhich thethe beambeamstrikesstrikes thethe specimenspecimen andand thethe

    distancedistance fromfrom thethe surfacesurface areare

    importantimportant factorsfactors inin howhow muchmuch

    ofof signalsignal escapesescapes fromfrom thethe


    Rough area: more signals,

    Flat area: fewer signals

    Thick sample thin sample

    Primary electron Edge effect and

    sample thickness



    on edges

    Primary electron

    Fewer SE

    escape on

    flat areas

    Primary electron

    Thick sample

    Thin sample

    SE escape from both sides



    contrast by SEcontrast by SE

    01.01.2009 25Materials Science Center, HUT

    Fewer SE


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    contrast by SEcontrast by SE

    Sometimes one can takeSometimes one can take

    advantage of the this effectadvantage of the this effect

    and increase useableand increase useable

    signal by tilting thesignal by tilting the

    specimen towards thespecimen towards thedetector and at an angledetector and at an angle

    relative to the primaryrelative to the primary




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    01.01.2009 27Materials Science Center, HUT


    SE detector:SE detector:

    -- Lateral: side mountedLateral: side mounted

    -- Annular: inAnnular: in--lenslens

    BSE detector:BSE detector:

    -- Solid state detectorSolid state detector

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    The position of theThe position of the

    secondary electronsecondary electron

    detector also affects signaldetector also affects signal

    collection and shadow.collection and shadow.

    An inAn in--lens detector withinlens detector within

    the column is morethe column is more

    efficient at collectingefficient at collecting

    secondary electrons thatsecondary electrons thatare generated close to theare generated close to the

    final lens (i.e. shortfinal lens (i.e. short

    working distance).working distance).

    SE detectorSE detector

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    01.01.2009 29Materials Science Center, HUT

    AnAn inin--lenslens detectordetectordoesdoes notnot

    useuse aa faradayfaraday collectorcollector asas

    thisthis wouldwould affectaffect thethe primaryprimary

    beambeam electrons,electrons, butbut insteadinsteaddependsdepends onon thethe naturalnatural

    trajectorytrajectory ofof thethe secondarysecondary

    electronselectrons toto strikestrike itit..

    ItIt takestakes advantageadvantage ofof thethe

    focusingfocusing actionaction ofof thethe lenslens totobringbring thesethese SESE toto crosscross overover

    andand thenthen spreadspread outout toto strikestrike

    thethe annularannular detectordetector..

    SE detectorSE detector

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    Side mounted: deep image InSide mounted: deep image In--lens: distinckt surfacelens: distinckt surface

    SE detectorSE detector

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    ~ 300V



    Photoelectrons SE

    4. Photomultiplier tube

    3. Light guide pipe




    2. ScintillatorPhosphorus crystal

    Electrode1. Faraday


    SE detectorSE detector

    SE detector system usually consists of 4 parts: (1) a Faraday cage,

    (2) a scintillator, (3) a light guide pipe, (4) a photomultiplier.

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    01.01.2009 32Materials Science Center, HUT


    SE detectorSE detector

    Everhart -Thornley detector setup withFaraday cage biased to +300 V to collect SE

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    A conventional secondary electron detector is positioned off to the side of theA conventional secondary electron detector is positioned off to the side of the

    specimen. A faraday cage (kept at a positive bias) draws in the low energyspecimen. A faraday cage (kept at a positive bias) draws in the low energy

    secondary electrons. The electrons are then accelerated towards a scintillatorsecondary electrons. The electrons are then accelerated towards a scintillator

    which is kept at a very high bias in order to accelerate them into the phosphorus.which is kept at a very high bias in order to accelerate them into the phosphorus.

    SE detector: Faraday cageSE detector: Faraday cage

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    TheThe EverhartEverhart--ThornleyThornley detectordetector hashas anan aluminumaluminum coatingcoating (+(+1010--1212

    keV)keV) thatthat alsoalso servesserves toto reflectreflect thethe photonsphotons backback downdown thethe lightlight pipepipe..

    SE detector: scintillatorSE detector: scintillator


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    01.01.2009 35Materials Science Center, HUT

    The scintillator is aThe scintillator is a

    phosphor crystal thatphosphor crystal that

    absorbs an electronabsorbs an electron

    and generates aand generates a


    SE detector: scintillatorSE detector: scintillator

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    The photonsThe photons

    produced in theproduced in the

    scintillator arescintillator are

    carried down acarried down a

    fiber optic lightfiber optic light

    pipe out of thepipe out of themicroscope.microscope.

    SE detector: scintillatorSE detector: scintillator

    01.01.2009 36Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Most of the secondary electron detector lies outside of the SEMMost of the secondary electron detector lies outside of the SEM

    chamber and is based on a photomultiplier tube (PMT)chamber and is based on a photomultiplier tube (PMT)

    SE detector: photomultiplierSE detector: photomultiplier

    01.01.2009 37Materials Science Center, HUT

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    The PMT is converting the incoming photons into electrons which are then drawn toThe PMT is converting the incoming photons into electrons which are then drawn to

    dynodes kept at a positive bias. The dynodes are made of material with a low workdynodes kept at a positive bias. The dynodes are made of material with a low work

    function and thus give up excess electrons for every electron that strikes them. Thefunction and thus give up excess electrons for every electron that strikes them. The

    result multiplies the signal contained in each photon produced by the scintillator.result multiplies the signal contained in each photon produced by the scintillator.

    SE detector: photomultiplierSE detector: photomultiplier

    01.01.2009 38Materials Science Center, HUT

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    1.1. The electronic signal fromThe electronic signal from

    the PMT is further increasedthe PMT is further increased

    by a signal amplifier.by a signal amplifier.

    22. Thus an increase in gain. Thus an increase in gain

    is accomplished by voltageis accomplished by voltage

    applied to the dynodes of theapplied to the dynodes of thePMT and alters the contrast ofPMT and alters the contrast of

    the image.the image.

    3.3. An increase in the blackAn increase in the black

    level is made by increasinglevel is made by increasing

    the current in the amplifier andthe current in the amplifier and

    alters the brightness of thealters the brightness of theimage.image.

    4.4. Signal is thus increased atSignal is thus increased at

    the scintillator, PMT, andthe scintillator, PMT, and


    SE detector: photomultiplierSE detector: photomultiplier

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    electron (BSE) imageelectron (BSE) imageand detectionand detection

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    Backscattered electronsBackscattered electrons

    are the result of elasticare the result of elastic

    collisions with atoms of thecollisions with atoms of thespecimen.specimen.

    They result in emittedThey result in emitted

    electrons that have anelectrons that have an

    energy of 80 % or more ofenergy of 80 % or more of

    the original energy of thethe original energy of the

    primary beam electron.primary beam electron.

    BackBack--scattered electron (BSE)scattered electron (BSE)

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    electrons are alsoelectrons are also

    produced throughoutproduced throughout

    the interaction regionthe interaction regionbut because of theirbut because of their

    greater energy cangreater energy can

    escape from deeper inescape from deeper in

    the specimen.the specimen.

    Backward scattering

    about 180 o.

    BackBack--scattered electron (BSE)scattered electron (BSE)

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    ZZ--contrastcontrastby BSEby BSE Production of backscattered

    electrons varies with atomic

    number (Z). Higher atomic number

    elements appear brighter (or

    scatter more effectively) than

    lower atomic number


    Resulting image shows

    elemental contrast.



    01.01.2009 43Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Backscatter electronsBackscatter electrons

    have a greater energyhave a greater energy

    and can escape fromand can escape from

    deeper within thedeeper within the

    specimen than canspecimen than can

    secondary electrons, butsecondary electrons, but

    because they are morebecause they are more

    readily produced by highreadily produced by high

    atomic weight elementsatomic weight elementsthey can be used tothey can be used to

    visualize differences invisualize differences in

    elemental composition.elemental composition.

    BSE detectorBSE detector

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    BSE detectorBSE detector

    Repulsed SEs


    Primary e-

    -50 V

    Primary e-








    SEs fromsample

    Primary e-


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    The topography of the specimen will also affect the

    amount of backscatter signal and so backscatter

    imaging is often carried out on flat polished samples

    BSE detectorBSE detector

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    01.01.2009 47Materials Science Center, HUT

    Since backscattered electrons have a high energy theySince backscattered electrons have a high energy they

    cannot be collected by way of a Faraday cage or other devicecannot be collected by way of a Faraday cage or other device

    BSE detectorBSE detector

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    01.01.2009 48Materials Science Center, HUT

    The most common design is a four quadrant solid stateThe most common design is a four quadrant solid state

    detector that is positioned directly above the specimendetector that is positioned directly above the specimen

    BSE detectorBSE detector

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    BSE detectorBSE detector

    01.01.2009 Materials Science Center, HUT 49

    Two image modes:

    - COMPO (A+B)

    composition image

    - TOPO (A-B)topography image

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    Blood cells withBlood cells with

    nuclei stained withnuclei stained with

    a silver compounda silver compoundare visible inare visible in

    backscatter mode,backscatter mode,

    even though theyeven though they

    are beneath theare beneath the

    surface of the cellsurface of the cellmembrane.membrane.



    Example 1Example 1

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    Gold particles onGold particles on E. coliE. coliappear as bright white dots due toappear as bright white dots due to

    the higher percentage of backscattered electrons comparedthe higher percentage of backscattered electrons compared

    to the low atomic weight elements in the specimen.to the low atomic weight elements in the specimen.

    Example 2Example 2

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    01.01.2009 52Materials Science Center, HUT

    Backscatter image of nickel in a leafBackscatter image of nickel in a leaf

    Example 3Example 3


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    Backscatter image of a composite (polished cementBackscatter image of a composite (polished cement

    fragment) in which low atomic weight particles appearfragment) in which low atomic weight particles appear

    dark and high atomic weight particles are white.dark and high atomic weight particles are white.

    Example 4Example 4

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    BSE Detector: Large-area scintillator detector

    is more suitable than E-T detector. Because ofelectric discharge of the last, BSEs lose a bit

    of energy in the gas medium and have enough

    energy to activate scintillator.

    SE Detector: Gas-Amplification Detector (GasPhase Detector)

    Electron detectors inElectron detectors in

    Environmental SEMEnvironmental SEM

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    Environmental SEMEnvironmental SEM

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    01.01.2009 56Materials Science Center, HUT

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    SE detector in Environmental SEMSE detector in Environmental SEM

    01.01.2009 57Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Environmental electrons are a form of secondary electrons thatEnvironmental electrons are a form of secondary electrons thatare produced via interactions of secondary electrons producedare produced via interactions of secondary electrons produced

    by the specimen that strike gas molecules in the chamber, thusby the specimen that strike gas molecules in the chamber, thus

    amplifying the signal.amplifying the signal.

    SE detector in Environmental SEMSE detector in Environmental SEM

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    An environmental SEM or ESEM actually requires gas of

    some sort (usually water vapor) to create the signal and

    can operate at elevated pressures as high as 1 x 10 Torr

    Movie of melting sample in ESEM

    SE detector in Environmental SEMSE detector in Environmental SEM

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    10 min.

    15 min.0 min.

    20 min.

    Watching paint dry in ESEMWatching paint dry in ESEM

    ExampleExample01.01.2009 60Materials Science Center, HUT

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    The ESEM uses a special detector

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    XX--ray spectrumray spectrum

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    XX--raysrays areare indirectlyindirectly producedproduced

    whenwhen anan electronelectron isis displaceddisplaced

    throughthrough aa collisioncollision withwith aa

    primaryprimary beambeam electronelectron andand isisreplacedreplaced byby anotheranother electronelectron..

    TheThe resultantresultant lossloss ofof energyenergy isis

    givengiven offoff inin thethe formform ofof anan XX--rayray..

    TheThe energyenergy willwill alwaysalways bebe lesslessthanthan thethe energyenergy ofof thethe primaryprimary

    beambeam electronelectron..


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    01.01.2009 64Materials Science Center, HUT

    Because of their highBecause of their high

    energyenergy (5-20 keV) XX--raysrays

    can escape from verycan escape from very

    deep in the specimen.deep in the specimen. X-rays are used for

    elemental analysis (EDS,


    XX--ray spectrumray spectrumEDS

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    Resolution and itsResolution and itsinfluencing factorsinfluencing factors

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    Resolution in an SEM isResolution in an SEM is

    ultimately determined byultimately determined by

    the size of the regionthe size of the region

    from which signal isfrom which signal isproduced.produced.

    Thus for the sameThus for the same

    region of excitation theregion of excitation the

    resolution from the threeresolution from the three

    signals differs andsignals differs and

    decreases fromdecreases from

    secondary to backscattersecondary to backscatter

    and Xand X--rays.rays.

    Resolution decreases asResolution decreases as

    interaction volume increasesinteraction volume increases

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    If the region of excitation remains small then signal will beIf the region of excitation remains small then signal will beproduced from a small region and there will be no overlappingproduced from a small region and there will be no overlapping

    from adjacent regions. In this case each individual spot isfrom adjacent regions. In this case each individual spot is

    resolved from its neighbors.resolved from its neighbors.

    Resolution and excitation regionResolution and excitation region

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    Even a slight increase in size of the region of signalEven a slight increase in size of the region of signal

    production can result in decreased resolution.production can result in decreased resolution.

    Resolution and excitation regionResolution and excitation region

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    If the beam is scanned in exactly the same positions butIf the beam is scanned in exactly the same positions butthe region of excitation is larger then the regions of signalthe region of excitation is larger then the regions of signal

    production will also be larger and overlap with adjacentproduction will also be larger and overlap with adjacent

    ones. Such an image would thereforeones. Such an image would therefore not be resolvednot be resolved..

    Resolution and excitation regionResolution and excitation region

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    Factors affecting size ofFactors affecting size of

    the interaction region are:the interaction region are:

    Diameter of the primaryDiameter of the primary

    beambeam ddBB Energy of the primaryEnergy of the primary

    beambeam EEBB

    Atomic weight of theAtomic weight of thespecimenspecimen ZZsampsamp Coating of specimenCoating of specimen

    Interaction volume are affected byInteraction volume are affected by

    ddBB, E, EBB and Zand Zsampsamp

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    How dHow dBB, E, EBB and Zand Zsampsamp affectaffect

    the resolutionthe resolution

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    thin, heavy thick, light

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    Affect of beam crossoverAffect of beam crossover

    FinalFinal primaryprimary beambeam probeprobe sizesize

    ddBB fromfrom aa fieldfield emitteremitter isis ((1010--

    100100)x)x smallersmaller thanthan thatthat of of aa

    conventionalconventional tungstentungsten filamentfilamentoror LaBLaB66 emitteremitter.. ThisThis isis oneone

    reasonreason whywhy FESEMsFESEMs havehave thethe

    bestbest imageimage resolutionresolution..

    FESEMs also tend to remain stable at very low acceleratingFESEMs also tend to remain stable at very low acceleratingvoltages (0.5voltages (0.5 5 keV) resulting in shallow (5 keV) resulting in shallow (nngnng) regions of) regions of

    excitation and thus higher image resolution.excitation and thus higher image resolution.

    01.01.2009 72Materials Science Center, HUT

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    Overlapping of signal production is also the primary reason why itOverlapping of signal production is also the primary reason why it

    is so critical to have the beam of an SEM properly stigmated.is so critical to have the beam of an SEM properly stigmated.

    Even if the size of the region is kept small, it is only those regionsEven if the size of the region is kept small, it is only those regions

    which are perfectly circular that will produce the best resolution.which are perfectly circular that will produce the best resolution.

    Resolution and stigmatismResolution and stigmatism

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    Astigmatic regions may not reduce imageAstigmatic regions may not reduce image

    resolution in one dimension.resolution in one dimension.

    Resolution and stigmatismResolution and stigmatism

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    But can still reduce resolution by overlappingBut can still reduce resolution by overlapping

    with adjacent regions.with adjacent regions.

    Resolution and stigmatismResolution and stigmatism

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    Example 1:Example 1: affect of coatingaffect of coating

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    Mycoplasma pneumonia sputtered by

    Au gives better image than by Cr

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    Affect ofAffect of


    voltagevoltageand atomicand atomic



    Z RP

    E RP

    Increasing Z




    01.01.2009 Materials Science Center, HUT

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    The relationship of accelerating voltage (EThe relationship of accelerating voltage (Eoo) to atomic weight) to atomic weight

    (Z) of the specimen and its affect on the depth of penetration(Z) of the specimen and its affect on the depth of penetration

    is in reverse order.is in reverse order.

    Affect of accelerated voltageAffect of accelerated voltage

    and atomic weightand atomic weight

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    At higher voltage image is brighterdue to more signal

    Example 2:Example 2:

    affect of accelerating voltageaffect of accelerating voltage

    01.01.2009 79Materials Science Center, HUT

    3,0 keV3,0 keV 20,0 keV20,0 keV

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    01.01.2009 80Materials Science Center, HUT

    ButBut reducedreduced resolutionresolution because ofbecause of

    larger interaction volume caused.larger interaction volume caused.

    Example 3:Example 3:

    affect of accelerating voltageaffect of accelerating voltage

    3,0 keV3,0 keV 20,0 keV20,0 keV

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    ResolutionResolution -- cathode materialcathode material --

    voltage relationshipvoltage relationship

    01.01.2009 81Materials Science Center, HUT