3nbepenbenh t leabet an app«»l residents, who t» acknowledge •liruima:. hral letters since •...

ilrrt and vigorous newspaper U to the activities and intcr- f th C residents ol Woodbridge •k t« i>c f ul|v infomcd <* f e v e r v Rworthy event in your home town! unship. Read it regularly each 3nbepenbent leabet Before you shop, it will be wi»e to study carefully the values and wr- vices offered by our advertisers. Each edition carries merchandise news o! utmost importance to the thrifty buyer. You can trust our advertbers! XU-NO. 49 EliHareiJ m tfwotiil Cluiu Ma'.t'T «l th» Pom Omen, WiinilbrlilKo, N. .1 WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1950 Pul)lmli«il i«il K.vi'ry Thnr»day PRICE FIVE CENTS eacling,Avencl Special Census-Takers to be Appointed to Count Doggies, B. of H. Decides, Thus Displacing Police from Annual Job ^bridge Sites (Housing Eyed i,,, v ,\ve. t-ociition w ^ii,»piralbyFinn; ,1 Owned by Town ililUDOE ••- Three sites, [ ( ,i the new low-rent fed- „„ arc brine I 1 I,,,I-,|II2 Authority, Eugtw l director, said ,,i nil til; ,,,,. i, on Hallway Avenue, .'K1::I'. iin-oss the street from v (.,ii''npsi.«ur»nt and owned i" T ',,xnshlp. All utilities Me A considerable '.voulrt .be required rMiistni there wduld , |lie "'iilue of other prop- iu vicinity. Mr. Finn said. |,;,rt is Township-owned „, i ho port Reading nee- „. t MO present State Vet- i'Hid proposed site is. In •viiich is prlvaWy owned l i.nnouncrment Is beta? ,- rxnci. location due to ilmt simulators may npprty on the hope oJ innn sum from the mi. However, the Wood- Mlr ,ii present, appears to m ,,,; inirlral, Mr. Finn «tld. i,iions have been reached on iiir appointment of an , ( i or attorney. A meeting cti lor Tuesday niaht was ( , f l until .text Tuesday dut [0'.!. •> ArrliltrrU Apply air said to be several ap- trom architects inclufl- picr-mi, Perth Amboy: r/.. aWo of Perth Amboy R.;I: miis-en, Fords. Finn h.is announced that uporary offices of the Hous- .tlioiity will D e l « hla offlcc H on 40fi Amboy Avenue. Sale Receipts \, Clausen Says Chairman in lMea jAll Who Received |ni|»s to Send Money pDHHlDUE-E. A. L. Clau- mirmwi of the local 8aU ominittnc ol the Middlesex is imd Health ucd an app«»l residents, who t» acknowledge •liruima:. Hral letters since i ipi . tn date are still $16.- i n[ Middlesex County's j .. r;ni! I !it)'-i i- Mr WOODBRIDOE-Nlne m e n - one from each section of the Township—will be appointed In the near future to conduct a dot CMIMM U required by State law, tt was Indicated by the Board of Health Tuesday nUht. * # Heretnfore, the etnsus was conducted by the Police Depart- ment. However, due to the short- age of men, officers were as- signed to the doc census only at odd times and as a result the Kurver was not completed for several months. Hoard members expressed dis- approval of using t.1,fiOO-a-year nolicemrn to conduct a don ren- sus, when their services were needed, elsewhere. Since the law states that the "police depart- ment or such persons designated by the governing body shall con- duct the census." the Board de- cided to take advantage of the alternative. They point to the frfet that with nlnr mm working steady, (he siirvry will be com- pleted In a comparatively short time anil revenue in dog license fees wlU be forthcoming. , * * « The men will be paid out of the dog. license fund, which Is permissible according to law. No amount was agreed upon Tor salary of the mm to be appoint- ed nor were any names sug- gested. To date, only 108 dogs 'have been licensed for 1850 and previ- ous census counts have shown approximately 4,000 dots Ib the Township. As the survey Is con- dueled, notices are sent out to those who have not secured li- censes for their pets. # • « • In his 194!) report to the Board of Health Tuesday, Health Offi- cer Harold J. Bailey, In discuss- ing the dog question, stated- "This year a total of $2,400 was expended In ridding the Town- shin of stray dogs. A total of 1,640 dogs was rounded up; 1,424 were destroyed and 216 were re- deemed by owners. We had one Vet Housing Shows! 4 Service Clubs to Join Efforts Operating Profit For Township 'Goodand Welfare Gainof #6,215RwliKeilj|) r# \ Ano o f In *49 on Project; New j Committee in Prospect! s Chairman of Joint Committee; Initial Dinner of Croup January 2ii WOODBRIDGE—A committee, composed of three merrv- WOODBRIDOR—Now that the j bers from each of the Township's service clubs—Wood- Towiwhip has taken over the Fed- j bridge Liohs, Fords Lions, Rotary and Kiwanis—has been ~ ' formed "to work together as an integrated unit for the good and welfare of Woodbridge Township," At the initial get-together, Dr. John P. Lozo, a member of Rotary, was cral veterans housing project al the Mawbey tract, it was learned today that the Township Commit- tee plans to create by ordinance a new Veterans Housing Committee to supervise the project. Under Federal ownership, a vol- unteer committee consisting of namod as Reneral chairman. He appointed sub-oommlttee.s as fol- lows: Arrangements, Lyman Peck, Rotary, Adolph Gottsteln, Wood- Fred P. Buntenbach. chairman; j brl< »« •L'ons; Herman Dettmcr, Herman Stern, secretary: Andrew Kiwanis; program. Albert Dis- Aaro?.H.D.Claik.NathanDuffan(ll c « v «Re. Woodbridgc Lions; Fred Lester Brihr. controlled the project I **• Buntenbach, Rotary; Windsor Vincent McDonnell is the palrl I J- Lakls. Kiwanis and Samuel director. i Katz. Fords Lions, publicity and Heads Service Group today L il lomi dmi!' MI. A spokesman for the Township Committee today said that it was "a good business deal for the mu- nicipality to take over the proj- ecl" as It has consistently shown a profit. During 1949. with all unlU oc- cupied, the Income was approxi- mately $11,540. Expenses, approxi- mately, were as follows: Gas. $3,600; electricity. $3,000; water, $900: wages, $2,500: accountant's fees, $500; sencra! repairs, »l,nno-, Insurance, $225; payments in lieu of taxes to Township. $3,600; total expenses. $15,325. Net gain Is ap- proximately $6,215, project, Stephen K, Werlock, Ki- wanis: Hush Qulgley, Rotary, Alex Mclko. Fords Lions, and Clemens Slancik, Woodbridgc Lions. The first event planned by ihc committee is n dinner meeting to be held January 23 at the Lady of Peace Auditorium, Fords, 7 P, M., to tiring'all members of all the service clubs together. The guest speaker will be Gerald Priestly, well-known author and traveller. Comtnittee Named Editor is Speaker j To Plan Program It Hi* ir.'ui- make possible the DI the Middlesex iiitisis and Health Clausen said. "If ,' -.ii'i iTinvrd ClirUtmas : •• i in ill A ill respond, the ••on ill be enabled to put i' ;• full program of ac- ;>..iimcd fur the new year. iuii uo cannot empha- ' <ironuly the inCt that ill innr to make pay- !'i: Christmas Scale, al- MI' rumpaiitn officially 1 ('hn.stma.s. Seal Bale ik Uir year routid to iniviiin.'ii.s under complete MI Middlesex County. b now a n as .were during the .season." lirmcn Named Irish Supper 'I>WUUUE-Ladles AuXil- I'' i.inn 8, Ancient Order of 'H will meet tonight at 8 •I' t ho Columbian 'Club, 'mi a net make final plans umii.tl Irish Supper sjched- < .luiniary 21 at the club. 'iiiii'':, J. Keating and Mr». MoUt'imott are cO-chaltj- ihc affair. j win Hlbo be made to at- '<' meeting of t th« Middle- I'i'.y Board, Ladle*' Auttl- »H. Sunday at. 3:30 P. M. Auditorium. North m Avenue, Dune)Ion. J social hour after ta- li' session, hostesses will be |>i'isi'p|i Euan, Mfg. Robert Miss Eleanor Coflcy, Miss Sullivan. Hyun Polio Chatnii un County chUltUUUl (or Mlnnal Foundation ol tnian- piHiysiR, has appointed Mrs. 1 Ryan. 25 Brewster PIM8, i'chairman for the ann,u*l ul Dimes campa jn which pen formally Slilv lay. Ryan, has annoi&etd that returned, to Mi itt. l"iy one wishing t ooiltdp- not receive 11 s awQii t are bem I Wn| to ilder, the At Lions' Session New man DtMrihes Aims. Problems Involved in Operation of Diner W'KiDHHIDC.F. — Arthur New- man, editor and publisher of the, i( dale and arrange a program for Cornerstone Cerailotly i For Sunday School , Uuildin^ in Offing suspected rabid tiotf reported, maklnit It noctssary to expend $SS- for wnitn and doctor's few for anti-rabies treatment to two persons. We expended $100.60 for certificate* and dag tMs far 194!). maklh* a total disburse- ment for don control. $2,556,1)0. There were 158 don bite canes re- ported for the year." There has been some talk of raising dog licence fMH for the year 1951, with the passant nf newatary leijlslatlon thta year At the present time, the fet for male doss l s | U 5 and the fee tor female does, $2.25. It Is planned to make the license cost $2.25 for all dons. Pupils to Explore Career Potentials Specialists in Variouw Fields to Meet with High School StudentH WOODBRIDGE — The second annual Career Day, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club for Woodbrldgc High School students, will be held at, the High School next Thursday. Sneakers will foe on hand to dis- cuss every possible field of em- ployment with the students, They will be asked to select three groups In which they may be In- terested and attend the three con- ferences. Specialists in the various fields will discuss the Importance of the work, training required, possible oarninR capacity, advantages and I disadvantages, employment op- i portunltlcs, physical requirements, personality factors needed. Fields to be covered will include agriculture, army, auto mechanics, aviation, bookkeeping and ac- counting, building trades, chemis- try, engineering, fine arts, gar- ment trades, home economics, law, librarian, mathematical careers, medical and dental assistants, merchandising, navy, nursing, oc- cupational therapy, secretarial, general office including civil ser- vice, pharmacy, physical therapy, radio programming, radio and television, veal estate and insur- ance and teaching, B. of E. Budget Ready; Items Sliced So Net Boost Is Only $2,500 Teachers' Salary Account, Due to Mandatory Increases, jumps $60,000, but Will be Offset by Other Cuts; 'Break for Taxpayers,' Declares Van Ness On Probe Committee Mrs. Boos Heads 19th Time Mack Named asB. ofH. Secretary; Bailey Report Recalls Polio Toll AVKNEI Fl. G, Pcrier 'appomlf'l ii -O. H. WeferllllB. Mrs. I and Prank Vigil were, Township ill committee to select trade magazine. "Diner."'was the 1 guest speaker at the mettlng of thr Woodbridge Uons Club Monday a'. th.e I,og Cabin. Thr sucakcr dis- cussal the ptablems Involved in the- operation of a successful diner. He stated management Is pri- marily concerned with the pur- the lajiim ol ii;p corner stone of the now Sunday School Butldlnu of (he Pit byierian Church, now In the, proec!« of construction. Al a merlin;; of the building funrl cnmmlt,tee. R was reported that less than $1,0(10 of the money c h a t and serving of quality foods, I PMtfd remained unpaid. It Is leaks in profits and employe rela- tions. He also niagest«l that Indl- i hoped that the campaign will close j on January 25. vlduaU- offer constructive criticism j The next meeting of the general on valid complaints thereby offer- ing management an opportunity to correct condition'- and give bet- ter service to thr pal runs. Members of the club are ur.fjpJ to make reservations at pnee with P. C. Stanclk, secretary, lor the dinner meeting of the combined service clubs of WoodoVidge and r\>rds lo be held January 23 ut Our * Lady of Peace Auditorium. New I Dr. llullum to Brunswick Avenue. Ford. u Brotherhood Miner WOODBRIDGE—Dr. It. H. Bftl- Bx Fords. Load Owners i»rd. of the duPoni Company, who .' .... | was recently awarded a patent foi WOODBRTDQE—Two cars were ] his method of riecoratlha chlnii reported stolen Tuesday, one from j with precious metal*, will be the committee will be held February 13. The annual congregHtlAbal and corporation inerliim will be he-Id January 20 ut 8 P. M.. at which time nil organization! of the church will KIVC annual reports. Refreshments will be served bji the I Ladies' Aid Society. 2 Cart Reported Stolen fords and the other from Iselin. Sieve Yusko, 10 Bcnwnhurst Avenue. Fords, reported his gray Burst, speaker al a dlntwV Spon- sored hy the Men's Brotherhood of the First fcrcsbvt'tflan Church Jar. sedan was stolen from In /front of 'uary 18, 6:30 P. M... at the-Church his home. At approximately the | The speaker will take as His sub- same time, Prank Franchak. Jan- j ject "Decnritlns China With tn- sen Avenue, Woodbridgc, informed cious Metals." The dlnntr Will be police that his black roadster was | prepared by the Ladles"Aid Bocl- from ; ln front of Isulhi'ety. Tickets'art-no* available and i i lHclles ftre Had 17 More Infantile Cases Than in Previous Year, but Only One Death WOODBRIDGE—Arthur Mack, Sewaren, was named sec- retary to the Board of Health at the organization meeting of the Boajd Tuesday night. The salary is $240 a year for 12 meelings a year. The position was not officially filled last year due lo the court battle instituted by Mrs. Adelaide Crowley, also of Sewaren, who was not reappolntei i by the Democratic administration. The courts decided against Mis. Crowley. Meanwhile, A..H. Rosen- OFFICERS, BOARDS OF 2 BAMS NAMED Fords and Woodbridge WOODBRIDOE and directors were All oQlcers re-elected taken Establishment of a Fourth Is Pushed by Iselin Association ISKMN Tin' m'atiun of an ad- ditional ward In tin- Township was <llKcusse'd m si mcctlns of the isc- lin Imiwovemtin A»sot'latlon Mon- day at tin' Urecn atrecl flreliousc, Arthur Carlson, retiring presl- dejil, reported lie had alttendtd a Mfbeitim *«Uv the T6wii«# Coin: mlliee to dlacuss the proposal und staled "!tlwt alter sijmc discussion he founfl the commiltw was recep- tive " Mr. Cartoon then appointed N, Cumberland, N. Jensen; Miss Kllzabeth Bliss and Miss Helcne f Urr to assist members of the ex- eoutlve Board In pushing Uie for- ation of\a fourth, ward In the *•»• Among same group»-««w been » teelliw '<»" t*™ Um * been » teelliw '<» w , the Second Ward is too lanw and •cive their contrlbUUoJU Iwl unwieldy and that the problems ot them at her home. ' yards, fy>pel&wn and Keasbey are not the same us those fOiihd In Ise- Hi) and Colonla. Percy Hullck.repui'tlhfl (or the Teen hit Recreation program hcW Friday niuhts at School No. 15, slated thai mme volunteer super- visors are Jiecded. New 'M ofrWdn 'tMi'-MW. Mr. CarlHoii wu n ajam irauUedfc president but defined, Then Via Bettilll wtts'nominated ant) unani- mously eliMtwl. Otlitra elected were: Walter Frasee, vlef-presl; dent; Mrs. Elizabeth Bliss, secre- tary: Miss Helen Starr, treasurer; George Hill. ro»d chairmai Club members were adults oa January to 4 P. M., and 6 P. M. at School No. 15 by t h | p (ConUiued oo »IW I) bloom, Board of Health attorney, also served as secretary. Incumbents All Retained Reappointed at Tuesdays ses- sion were Dr. Henry A. Belafsky af Board of Health Physician and Mr. Rosenbloom as attorney, In his annual report, Health Of- ficer Harold J. Bailey noted that receipts for permits and licenses amounted to $4,119.60; nurses 1 service fees totaled $1,113 and dog licenses amounted to $2,903, mak- ing total cash receipts for the of- fice'$8,135. Report on Polio Discussing the Infantile paraly- sis cases, Mr. Bailey noted: "We .had an increase of 11 over last year in the number of Polio cases. Five patients are still at the Polio Cen- ter, H have completely recovered or are returning periodically for treatment, Not one has any perma- nent disability. One death, a boy of 15. itnust be attributed to this dreadful disease. I wish to com- mend the Polio Foundation of Mid- dlesex County lor the excellent medical care and scrvlqe Riven without a question of iaymeni. This chapter deserves unquestion- able support from all Woodbridge Township residents." There were 334 cases of commu- nicable diseases in 1949 as follows: Measles. 171; chicken pox, 72; tu- berculosis, 27; infantile paralysis. '20: scarlet fever, 15; pneumonia, SEN. B. W. VOGKL WOODRKIDOK — S e n a t o r VOKCI. Ehnwood Avenue, lias been named the lone Democratic member on the newly crcitcd Senate InvrstiealinK Committee which will have the riRht to investigate any department on the State. County or local level to which the State contributes. The committee will have full in- vestigating powers and power of subpoena. Senator Vogel has memher- ship on the. Senate's Appropria- tions Committee. 3 Still in Hospital After Car Mishap Parents, Infant Son art' Hurt Severely; Other Driver Also Injured WOODBRIDGE—Three persons are still in the Perth Amboy Gen- eral Hospital and the fourth has signed a release u go home as the result of a two-car accident on Route 35 near Main Street, Sat- urday. According to Patrolmen Elmer Krysko and William Majoros, a car driven by Andrew Surick, 23, Woodbridgc Avenue. Sewaren, jumped the safety Isle and col- lided head-on with an oncoming car driven by John B. Hamilton, 27, 292 Norwood Avenue, Laurence At Annual Meetings mj Harb °' Riding with Hamilton was his wife, Jean, 23. and their little son, John, Jr. All three wcre'taken to ihc hospital in the Woodbridge Emergency Squad ambulance. Su- rlclt was taken to the hospital in the Bt. John's First Aid Squad Reelected President First Ward Women's f nil in New Term WOODBIUDQE-For tfce l»th consecutive year, Mrs, John W. Boos. Park Avenue, was elected president, of the Woman's Unit of the Fh-st Ward Republican Club at a meeting held at the Craftsmen's Club. Others elected were first vice- president. Mrs, Joseph Hubert; second vice-president, Mrs, Kon- rad Stern; secretary, Mrs. Albert Martin; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Tiri>ak. ' Plans were made for a pubh> card party to be held at the Craftsmen's Club, January 25 with Mrs, Mabel Naylor as chair- man. During the social hour, prises were awarded to Mrs. Carrie Mundy. Mrs. Arthur Struber, Miss Stella Kelly, Mrs. Fred Sor- enson and Mrs. Boos. High Tide of Toys Due In by Jan. 15 This is Final Dale When Gifts to he Sent Abroad Can be Received Here both earSi poss jki e fractured skull possible internal Injuries, Tuesday at the annual meeting of stockholders of the Woodbridgc National Bank and the Fords Na- tional Bank. Re-elected directors In Wood- bridge are Thomas L. Hanson, Edward J. Pattei* J. Allyn Peter- wn, August Staudt, Frank Van Sycle and Harold Van Syckle. Officers re-elected are: Frank Van Syckle, president; Mr. Staudt, vice!lacerations of the president; Fred P. Buntenbach, chin, requiring 17 cashier, and Clarence H. Skinner, assistant cashier. Those rl-elected WOODBRIDGE—The Board of Education-sharpened Its pencils during the past two weeks and from all Indications it will come up with a budget tonight that will, according to Finance Chairman Harold Van Ness, "give the taxpayers a break," Despite the fact that mandatory increments for teachers, the appointment of new teachers, and the increasf.- to the maximum isalary, enlarge the teachers' sal- iary account aproxlmately $60,000, i the total budget will only be In- , creased by appveximately $5,500. The biggest slashes in appropil- atlons wore made in the Repairs 0 / | and Replacements account and in Capital Outlay Improvements. Last year the repair* appropriation was $81,490 plus $15,000 emsrgency ap- | pioprlatlon. This year, from a re- liable source,, It was learned the appropriation will be approximate- ly $54,000. Capital Outlay appro- priation last year WftS $67,000. It Is expected that the 1950- 51 budget fill carry a total of ap- proximately $29.dOO for tills appro- priation. Last'year $45,000 was ex- pended for stadium installations alone. State aid this year will amount to $317,000 us compared with $308.- 000 last year, or an increase ol $17,000. The buduet will be Introduced officially at an adjourned meeting at 8 o'clock tonight. Public hearlm; on the measure will be held Janu- ary 27 al the Board rooms in the High School. No Petitions Yet Meanwhile, no petitions have been filed by candidates for the Board of Educatloi election next month, although-the deadline for filing such petitions is lets than two weeks away—January S5 at J P. M. The terms of Maurice P. Dunlgan. Woodbridge; ^dolph. Quadt, Fords, and Joseph McAn- drews. Colonla expire and iMs be- lieved that, all three will seek re- election. There lias been consider- able agitation for a woman candi- date and there has been some talk I that the various women's clubs will got together and back one -woman for the office. Otherwise, the rumor mill has been strangely silent. Petition forms may be secured from the District Clerk's office in the High School.. WOODBRIDGE -- Dun to the generous response of the public to its appeal for a "Tide of Toys" for the children of Europe, the American Legion has extended the date for collection of such toys to January 15. All packaged toys must be at Pier 38, Philadelphia, by February I. Woodbridgc Post has set up a collection center for the receipt of toys at the Parish House. Dis- tribution of toys abroad will be handled by CARE. William Brabyn, commander of Woodbridge Post, requests that no electrical playthings, toy guns, tanks, planes or metal soldiers be donated. He also request* that the gifts be well-wrapped or packed and that a personal letter be en- closed from the donor. The Legion project, designated as the "Junior Marshall Plan," Is designed to provide toys for Euro- pean children born during or after World War II, thereby combating Communist propaganda abroad. signed a release and went home | Father Reports yesterday despite objections. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton's con- Lhe|r chlld . s con dition as ''good." in Fords arc; 20: sa 9; whooping cough, 6; mumps, 5; diptherltt. 2: lnfluenwi, 1. 5 Sels of Twins . i Continuing his report, Mr.iBalley stated: "There were 672 now *a- bies, plus five sets of twlnsJ added li k DiredWs Lawrence E. Crousc, Jo- seph Bacskay, Samuel Berlrowlty, Theodore Brlclwe, Nalhan Groite, R, W. Harris, Samuel Hodesi jSch- ator B. W. Vogel, Charles Schus- ter, Michael RletB, Joseph Siso- lak. Officers arc Mr. Schuster, president; Mr. Harris, chairman; Mr. Brlchw. cashier: Stephen Miuar, assistant cashier; Mr. Rlesz, vice president, and Senator Vogcl, solicitor. Mr. Hamilton was treated for eyebrow and sutures, dislo- cated hip, fractured leg and pos- sible fracture of the knee. Mrs. Hamilton had. a laceration of the lower lip and fractured leg. She was HIHO treated for shock. The youngster was treated for contu- sions Qf the forehead and shock, Youth Among Missing WOODBRIDOE—Luther Calvin, Lancaster Road, Colonia, reported to Acting Desk Sergeant, Closindo Zuccaro. yfcsterday that his son, John W. Calvin, 16, has been miss- ing from Ifome since Tuesday. The boy is five feet, 10. Inches tall, weighs 150 pounds, has brown eye?, blonde l»lr, light complexion. He (may be wearing a Navy jacket and corduroy trousers, to -U¥> loamshltt pop f 1 p p t i o n , mak- ing a birth rate of 19.2 BSWVi«t«ttr- sand based on a 35,000 population, Approximately 700 nuisance cou>- nlalnU «|c-ve. received of which about 701»r cent were alleviated lo the satislactlon of the complain- ant and about 80 per cent through court action. "A total of 1,838 visits were made to W bedside •patents, aver- W l l * «W e aging vlsltsU*r aging 3 W U »«fl service hag been vcH received, *Rd , in most cases, relieved a great (Continued on Fa«e 8 ) ; Sewaren Wontan. Struck fly Hit-und'Rdn Driver §E,WAREN~M>rAlice Bender, lid WoodbrldBe Avfcmel <-. 4*qfc treated tor brulues ot the r . Ice abmsBns of the head and shock. Monday evening- after the was knocked-down by a hlt-»nd-run car on West Avenue where she was crossing the street. The Sewaren woman was treat-. Wl ed by Dr. I. T. Spencer; % e j & WoMbrldse. whwe •*• WiW and Thomas Bishop In a ntdio car, Carragher Expects to Complete 300 Homes in Colonia This Year WOODBRIDGE — Real estate activities continue at a brisk puce iii the Township despite.,the fuel that winter is normally the slack season in real estate. Six hundred homes have been planned for jColonla by Currauher (Brothers Corporation. " w ,e now have 17 under conj- siructio'n "Wd we haw-sold fl» houses from plans," declared Jo- seph carratjher, president. "We expect to complete 300 dwellings this year and they will sell in the $io,orio-$n,ooo class." i Gordon Bronsoja Construction Company h'as transferred title to i>' Us dwellings, each of four th l ven i mid on« lwU rooms. ajUt.each lo- «»U<1 oo a lot iiprwiuwUly fi " by 100 feet, built by the seller on Dunbar, Mary and Summit Ave- nues. Fords. Purchasers on Dunbar Avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Bar- lha a_nd Mr. and Mrs. Cheater T. Baginski. Buyefrs of homes on Mary Avenue were Joseph W. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. James M. M»- lone, Mr. and M b . William 7. George L. Babino. A home i summit Avenue was bought by Mr. and Mrs, Norman C. Everson. All the purchasers Have taken pos- session. Baron Avenue House Sold, Too Mr,' and Mrs. John P. Putty have bought from Mr. and Mrs. John KoncB the elgJuVroom dwell- i n g at 544 Ban-oil Avenue, comer "(Continued oa Page 8) Mayor lo Install Fire Co. Officers Andrew Galinin lo Take Over I)ulien of Chief Of Avenel Compauy WOODBRIDOE—Mayor August F. Orelner will be the master of ceremonies at the annual installa- tion dtincr and' entertainment of Avenel Fire Co., No. 1, Saturday at the Avenel ftrehouse. Mrs. Charles MeWa will give the invocation after which Oeorge Ko- vack. retiring chief, will introduce the Chief-elect Andruw Oallsm. Others to be Installed are Wil- liam Meyers, president! Andre"/ PetersE-n, vlce-prtsldent; Jon.-. Anacker. seci'eWry; Charles Sies- sel, treasurer; Herbert Head, finan- cial secretary; John Lockie. firsl assistant chief; Michael Floria, second assistant chief; Rueben Oreco. captain; Herman SUlnbach, fh-st lieutenant; Fred Albrecht, in- side- warden; 1 Andrew Pelerscn, outside wardefj. The dlnnet* committee is John Lockie, John Anacker, Ruven Oreco, Herbert Head, Charles Kozo, Joseph McClue, William' Meyer*, Andrew Petersen, William Russell, Charles Blessel, Oeorge Slivk:i, Frank Wanca. Committee apbolntmeots will bu announctd by Chlel Qftlisin at the affair. WANTED VARIETY WOODBRIDOE—The thief who broke Into Marion's Diner, Route 26, yesterday, liked variety. J, Sejiversc. ( Route ' 25 and Green Stjeet Circle, the owner, reported to! Patrolman Anil Petersen that a •'quantity ot chewing, gum, a smoked ham. a portable iwto and t h ^ boxes «f; cJ*»r/>. war* Utou, TILT! ^ ' • WOODBRIDO1-A fine of $10 was imposed upon Dominlck Rug' giero, 48, 317 feast Westfleld Ave- nue, Roselle, own«r of a restaurant on Route 25 near Ford Avenue^ for having a bagatelle machine ou »d Ll tire premise*. mads »r»d Llau -til

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i l rr t and vigorous newspaperU to the activities and intcr-

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study carefully the values and wr-vices offered by our advertisers. Eachedition carries merchandise news o!utmost importance to the thriftybuyer. You can trust our advertbers!

X U - N O . 49 EliHareiJ m tfwotiil Cluiu Ma'.t'T«l th» Pom Omen, WiinilbrlilKo, N. .1 WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1950 Pul)lmli«ili«il K.vi'ry Thnr»day


eacling,Avencl Special Census-Takers to be Appointed to Count Doggies,B. of H. Decides, Thus Displacing Police from Annual Job^bridge Sites

(Housing Eyedi,,,v ,\ve. t-ociition w^ii,»piralbyFinn;,1 Owned by Town

ililUDOE ••- Three sites,[(,i the new low-rent fed-„„ arc brine

I1I,,,I-,|II2 Authority, Eugtwl director, said

,,i nil


,,,,. i, on Hallway Avenue,.'K1::I'. iin-oss the street fromv(.,ii''npsi.«ur»nt and ownedi"T',,xnshlp. All utilities Me

A considerable'.voulrt .be required

rMiistni there wduld, |lie "'iilue of other prop-

iu vicinity. Mr. Finn said.|,;,rt is Township-owned„, i ho port Reading nee-

„. t MO present State Vet-

i'Hid proposed site is. In•viiich is prlvaWy owned

l i.nnouncrment Is beta?,- rxnci. location due to

ilmt simulators maynpprty on the hope oJinnn sum from the

mi. However, the Wood-M l r ,ii present, appears tom,,,; inirlral, Mr. Finn «tld.i , i ions have been reachedon iiir appointment of an

,(i or attorney. A meetingcti lor Tuesday niaht was(,fl until .text Tuesday dut

[0'.!. •>

ArrliltrrU Applyair said to be several ap-

trom architects inclufl-picr-mi, Perth Amboy:

r/.. aWo of Perth AmboyR.;I: miis-en, Fords.Finn h.is announced thatuporary offices of the Hous-.tlioiity will De l« hla o f f l c c

H on 40fi Amboy Avenue.

Sale Receipts\, Clausen Says

Chairman in lMeajAll Who Received|ni|»s to Send Money

pDHHlDUE-E. A. L. Clau-mirmwi of the local 8aUominittnc ol the Middlesex

is imd Healthucd an app«»lresidents, whot» acknowledge

•liruima:. Hral letters since• i ipi . tn date are still $16.-• i n[ Middlesex County's j

.. r;ni!I !it)'-i i-


WOODBRIDOE-Nlne m e n -one from each section of theTownship—will be appointed Inthe near future to conduct a dotCMIMM U required by State law,tt was Indicated by the Board ofHealth Tuesday nUht.

* • • #

Heretnfore, the etnsus wasconducted by the Police Depart-ment. However, due to the short-age of men, officers were as-signed to the doc census only atodd times and as a result theKurver was not completed forseveral months.

Hoard members expressed dis-approval of using t.1,fiOO-a-yearnolicemrn to conduct a don ren-sus, when their services were

needed, elsewhere. Since the lawstates that the "police depart-ment or such persons designatedby the governing body shall con-duct the census." the Board de-cided to take advantage of thealternative. They point to thefrfet that with nlnr mm workingsteady, (he siirvry will be com-pleted In a comparatively shorttime anil revenue in dog licensefees wlU be forthcoming.

, * * «

The men will be paid out ofthe dog. license fund, which Ispermissible according to law.No amount was agreed upon Torsalary of the mm to be appoint-ed nor were any names sug-gested.

To date, only 108 dogs 'havebeen licensed for 1850 and previ-ous census counts have shownapproximately 4,000 dots Ib theTownship. As the survey Is con-dueled, notices are sent out tothose who have not secured li-censes for their pets.

# • « •

In his 194!) report to the Boardof Health Tuesday, Health Offi-cer Harold J. Bailey, In discuss-ing the dog question, stated-"This year a total of $2,400 wasexpended In ridding the Town-shin of stray dogs. A total of1,640 dogs was rounded up; 1,424were destroyed and 216 were re-deemed by owners. We had one

Vet Housing Shows! 4 Service Clubs to Join EffortsOperating Profit For Township 'Goodand WelfareGainof #6,215RwliKeilj|)r# \Ano of

In *49 on Project; New jCommittee in Prospect!

s Chairman of JointCommittee; Initial Dinner of Croup January 2ii

WOODBRIDGE—A committee, composed of three merrv-WOODBRIDOR—Now that the j bers from each of the Township's service clubs—Wood-

Towiwhip has taken over the Fed- j bridge Liohs, Fords Lions, Rotary and Kiwanis—has been~ ' formed "to work together as an integrated unit for the

good and welfare of Woodbridge Township," At the initialget-together, Dr. John P. Lozo, a member of Rotary, was

cral veterans housing project althe Mawbey tract, it was learnedtoday that the Township Commit-tee plans to create by ordinance anew Veterans Housing Committeeto supervise the project.

Under Federal ownership, a vol-unteer committee consisting of

namod as Reneral chairman. Heappointed sub-oommlttee.s as fol-lows: Arrangements, Lyman Peck,Rotary, Adolph Gottsteln, Wood-

Fred P. Buntenbach. chairman; j b r l < »« •L'ons; Herman Dettmcr,Herman Stern, secretary: Andrew Kiwanis; program. Albert Dis-Aaro?.H.D.Claik.NathanDuffan(llc«v«Re. Woodbridgc Lions; FredLester Brihr. controlled the project I **• Buntenbach, Rotary; WindsorVincent McDonnell is the palrl I J- Lakls. Kiwanis and Samueldirector. i Katz. Fords Lions, publicity and

Heads Service Group

today Lil lomidmi!' MI.

A spokesman for the TownshipCommittee today said that it was"a good business deal for the mu-nicipality to take over the proj-ecl" as It has consistently showna profit.

During 1949. with all unlU oc-cupied, the Income was approxi-mately $11,540. Expenses, approxi-mately, were as follows: Gas.$3,600; electricity. $3,000; water,$900: wages, $2,500: accountant'sfees, $500; sencra! repairs, »l,nno-,Insurance, $225; payments in lieuof taxes to Township. $3,600; totalexpenses. $15,325. Net gain Is ap-proximately $6,215,

project, Stephen K, Werlock, Ki-wanis: Hush Qulgley, Rotary,Alex Mclko. Fords Lions, andClemens Slancik, WoodbridgcLions.

The first event planned by ihccommittee is n dinner meeting tobe held January 23 at the Ladyof Peace Auditorium, Fords, 7P, M., to tiring'all members of allthe service clubs together. Theguest speaker will be GeraldPriestly, well-known author andtraveller.

Comtnittee NamedEditor is Speaker j To Plan Program

It Hi* ir.'ui-make possible the

DI the Middlesexiiitisis and HealthClausen said. "If

,' -.ii'i iTinvrd ClirUtmas: •• i in ill A ill respond, the••on ill be enabled to put

i' ;• full program of ac-;>..iimcd fur the new year.

• iuii uo cannot empha-' <ironuly the inCt that

• ill innr to make pay-!'i: Christmas Scale, al-

MI' rumpaiitn officially1 ('hn.stma.s. Seal Baleik Uir year routid to

iniviiin.'ii.s under completeMI Middlesex County.

b now a n as.were during the.season."

lirmcn NamedIrish Supper

'I>WUUUE-Ladles AuXil-I'' i.inn 8, Ancient Order of

'H will meet tonight at 8•I' t ho Columbian 'Club,

' m i a net make final plansumii.tl Irish Supper sjched-

< .luiniary 21 at the club.'iiiii'':, J. Keating and Mr».MoUt'imott are cO-chaltj-

ihc affair. jwin Hlbo be made to at-

'<' meeting of tth« Middle-I'i'.y Board, Ladle*' Auttl-»H. Sunday at.3:30 P. M.

Auditorium. Northm Avenue, Dune)Ion.

J social hour after ta-li' session, hostesses will be|>i'isi'p|i Euan, Mfg. Robert

Miss Eleanor Coflcy, MissSullivan.


Polio Chatniiun

County chUltUUUl (orMlnnal Foundation ol tnian-piHiysiR, has appointed Mrs.

1 Ryan. 25 Brewster PIM8,i'chairman for the ann,u*lul Dimes campa j n which

pen formally Slilv lay.Ryan, has annoi&etd that

returned, to Mi itt.l"iy one wishing t ooiltdp-

not receive 11

s awQii tare bem I Wn| to

ilder, the

At Lions' SessionNew man DtMrihes Aims.

Problems Involved inOperation of Diner

W'KiDHHIDC.F. — Arthur New-man, editor and publisher of the, i( dale and arrange a program for

Cornerstone Cerailotlyi For Sunday School, Uuildin^ in Offing

suspected rabid tiotf reported,maklnit It noctssary to expend$SS- for wnitn and doctor's fewfor anti-rabies treatment to twopersons. We expended $100.60 forcertificate* and dag tMs far194!). maklh* a total disburse-ment for don control. $2,556,1)0.There were 158 don bite canes re-ported for the year."

There has been some talk ofraising dog licence fMH for theyear 1951, with the passant nfnewatary leijlslatlon thta yearAt the present time, the fet formale doss l s | U 5 and the fee torfemale does, $2.25. It Is plannedto make the license cost $2.25 forall dons.

Pupils to ExploreCareer PotentialsSpecialists in Variouw

Fields to Meet withHigh School StudentH

WOODBRIDGE — The second

annual Career Day, sponsored by

the Kiwanis Club for Woodbrldgc

High School students, will be held

at, the High School next Thursday.

Sneakers will foe on hand to dis-cuss every possible field of em-ployment with the students, Theywill be asked to select threegroups In which they may be In-terested and attend the three con-ferences.

Specialists in the various fieldswill discuss the Importance of thework, training required, possibleoarninR capacity, advantages and

I disadvantages, employment op-i portunltlcs, physical requirements,personality factors needed.

Fields to be covered will includeagriculture, army, auto mechanics,aviation, bookkeeping and ac-counting, building trades, chemis-try, engineering, fine arts, gar-ment trades, home economics, law,librarian, mathematical careers,medical and dental assistants,merchandising, navy, nursing, oc-cupational therapy, secretarial,general office including civil ser-vice, pharmacy, physical therapy,radio programming, radio andtelevision, veal estate and insur-ance and teaching,

B. of E. Budget Ready;Items Sliced So NetBoost Is Only $2,500Teachers' Salary Account, Due to Mandatory Increases,

jumps $60,000, but Will be Offset by Other Cuts;'Break for Taxpayers,' Declares Van Ness

On Probe Committee

Mrs. Boos Heads19th Time

Mack Named asB. ofH. Secretary;Bailey Report Recalls Polio Toll

AVKNEIFl. G, Pcrier

'appomlf'l ii

-O. H. WeferllllB. Mrs. Iand Prank Vigil were, Township ill

committee to select

trade magazine. "Diner."'was the1

guest speaker at the mettlng of thrWoodbridge Uons Club Monday a'.th.e I,og Cabin. Thr sucakcr dis-cussal the ptablems Involved inthe- operation of a successful diner.

He stated management Is pri-marily concerned with the pur-

the lajiim ol ii;p corner stone ofthe now Sunday School Butldlnu of(he Pit byierian Church, now Inthe, proec!« of construction.

Al a merlin;; of the buildingfunrl cnmmlt,tee. R was reportedthat less than $1,0(10 of the money

c h a t and serving of quality foods, I PMtfd remained unpaid. It Isleaks in profits and employe rela-tions. He also niagest«l that Indl-

i hoped that the campaign will closej on January 25.

vlduaU- offer constructive criticism j The next meeting of the generalon valid complaints thereby offer-ing management an opportunityto correct condition'- and give bet-ter service to thr pal runs.

Members of the club are ur.fjpJto make reservations at pnee withP. C. Stanclk, secretary, lor thedinner meeting of the combinedservice clubs of WoodoVidge andr\>rds lo be held January 23 ut Our *Lady of Peace Auditorium. New I Dr. llullum to

Brunswick Avenue. Ford. u Brotherhood Miner

WOODBRIDGE—Dr. It. H. Bftl-Bx Fords. Load Owners i»rd. of the duPoni Company, who

.' .... | was recently awarded a patent foiWOODBRTDQE—Two cars were ] his method of riecoratlha chlnii

reported stolen Tuesday, one from j with precious metal*, will be the

committee will be held February 13.The annual congregHtlAbal and

corporation inerliim will be he-IdJanuary 20 ut 8 P. M.. at whichtime nil organization! of thechurch will KIVC annual reports.Refreshments will be served bji the

I Ladies' Aid Society.

2 Cart Reported Stolen

fords and the other from Iselin.Sieve Yusko, 10 Bcnwnhurst

Avenue. Fords, reported his gray

Burst, speaker al a dlntwV Spon-sored hy the Men's Brotherhood ofthe First fcrcsbvt'tflan Church Jar.

sedan was stolen from In /front of 'uary 18, 6:30 P. M... at the-Churchhis home. At approximately the | The speaker will take as His sub-same time, Prank Franchak. Jan- j ject "Decnritlns China With tn-sen Avenue, Woodbridgc, informed cious Metals." The dlnntr Will bepolice that his black roadster was | prepared by the Ladles"Aid Bocl-

from ; l n front of Isulhi'ety. Tickets'art-no* available and

i i l H c l l e s ftre

Had 17 More Infantile CasesThan in Previous Year, but Only One Death

WOODBRIDGE—Arthur Mack, Sewaren, was named sec-retary to the Board of Health at the organization meetingof the Boajd Tuesday night. The salary is $240 a year for12 meelings a year.

The position was not officially filled last year due lo thecourt battle instituted by Mrs. Adelaide Crowley, also ofSewaren, who was not reappolntei iby the Democratic administration.The courts decided against Mis.Crowley. Meanwhile, A..H. Rosen-


Fords and Woodbridge


and directors were

— All oQlcersre-elected


Establishment of a FourthIs Pushed by Iselin Association

ISKMN • Tin' m'atiun of an ad-ditional ward In tin- Township was<llKcusse'd m si mcctlns of the isc-lin Imiwovemtin A»sot'latlon Mon-day at tin' Urecn atrecl flreliousc,

Arthur Carlson, retiring presl-dejil, reported lie had alttendtd aMfbeitim *«Uv the T6wii«# Coin:mlliee to dlacuss the proposal undstaled "!tlwt alter sijmc discussionhe founfl the commiltw was recep-tive " Mr. Cartoon then appointedN, Cumberland, N. Jensen; MissKllzabeth Bliss and Miss Helcnef Urr to assist members of the ex-eoutlve Board In pushing Uie for-

ation of\a fourth, ward In the

*•»•Among same group»-««wbeen » teelliw '<»" t*™ U m *been » teelliw '<»

w , the Second Ward is too lanw and•cive their contrlbUUoJU Iwl unwieldy and that the problems otthem at her home. ' yards, fy>pel&wn and Keasbey are

not the same us those fOiihd In Ise-Hi) and Colonla.

Percy Hullck.repui'tlhfl (or theTeen hit Recreation program hcWFriday niuhts at School No. 15,slated thai mme volunteer super-visors are Jiecded.

New'M ofrWdn 'tMi'-MW. Mr.

CarlHoii wun ajam i r a u U e d f cpresident but defined, Then ViaBettilll wtts'nominated ant) unani-mously eliMtwl. Otlitra electedwere: Walter Frasee, vlef-presl;dent; Mrs. Elizabeth Bliss, secre-tary: Miss Helen Starr, treasurer;George Hill. ro»d chairmai

Club members were

adults oa Januaryto 4 P. M., and 6 P. M.at School No. 15 by t h | p

(ConUiued oo »IW I)

bloom, Board of Health attorney,

also served as secretary. Incumbents All RetainedReappointed at Tuesdays ses-

sion were Dr. Henry A. Belafsky afBoard of Health Physician and Mr.Rosenbloom as attorney,

In his annual report, Health Of-ficer Harold J. Bailey noted thatreceipts for permits and licensesamounted to $4,119.60; nurses1

service fees totaled $1,113 and doglicenses amounted to $2,903, mak-ing total cash receipts for the of-fice'$8,135.

Report on PolioDiscussing the Infantile paraly-

sis cases, Mr. Bailey noted: "We.had an increase of 11 over last yearin the number of Polio cases. Fivepatients are still at the Polio Cen-ter, H have completely recoveredor are returning periodically fortreatment, Not one has any perma-nent disability. One death, a boy of15. itnust be attributed to thisdreadful disease. I wish to com-mend the Polio Foundation of Mid-dlesex County lor the excellentmedical care and scrvlqe Rivenwithout a question of iaymeni.This chapter deserves unquestion-able support from all WoodbridgeTownship residents."

There were 334 cases of commu-nicable diseases in 1949 as follows:Measles. 171; chicken pox, 72; tu-berculosis, 27; infantile paralysis.'20: scarlet fever, 15; pneumonia,

SEN. B. W. VOGKLWOODRKIDOK — S e n a t o r

VOKCI. Ehnwood Avenue, liasbeen named the lone Democraticmember on the newly crcitcdSenate InvrstiealinK Committeewhich will have the riRht toinvestigate any department onthe State. County or local levelto which the State contributes.The committee will have full in-vestigating powers and power ofsubpoena.

Senator Vogel has memher-ship on the. Senate's Appropria-tions Committee.

3 Still in HospitalAfter Car MishapParents, Infant Son art'

Hurt Severely; OtherDriver Also Injured

WOODBRIDGE—Three personsare still in the Perth Amboy Gen-eral Hospital and the fourth hassigned a release u go home as theresult of a two-car accident onRoute 35 near Main Street, Sat-urday.

According to Patrolmen ElmerKrysko and William Majoros, acar driven by Andrew Surick, 23,

Woodbridgc Avenue. Sewaren,jumped the safety Isle and col-lided head-on with an oncomingcar driven by John B. Hamilton,27, 292 Norwood Avenue, Laurence

At Annual Meetings mjHarb°' •Riding with Hamilton was his

wife, Jean, 23. and their little son,John, Jr. All three wcre'taken toihc hospital in the WoodbridgeEmergency Squad ambulance. Su-rlclt was taken to the hospital inthe Bt. John's First Aid Squad

Reelected PresidentFirst Ward Women's

f nil in New Term

WOODBIUDQE-For tfce l»thconsecutive year, Mrs, John W.Boos. Park Avenue, was electedpresident, of the Woman's Unitof the Fh-st Ward RepublicanClub at a meeting held at theCraftsmen's Club.

Others elected were first vice-president. Mrs, Joseph Hubert;second vice-president, Mrs, Kon-rad Stern; secretary, Mrs. AlbertMartin; treasurer, Mrs. JosephTiri>ak. '

Plans were made for a pubh>card party to be held at theCraftsmen's Club, January 25with Mrs, Mabel Naylor as chair-man.

During the social hour, priseswere awarded to Mrs. CarrieMundy. Mrs. Arthur Struber,Miss Stella Kelly, Mrs. Fred Sor-enson and Mrs. Boos.

High Tide of ToysDue In by Jan. 15This is Final Dale When

Gifts to he Sent AbroadCan be Received Here

b o t h e a r S i p o s sjkie fractured skullpossible internal Injuries,

Tuesday at the annual meeting ofstockholders of the WoodbridgcNational Bank and the Fords Na-tional Bank.

Re-elected directors In Wood-bridge are Thomas L. Hanson,Edward J. Pattei* J. Allyn Peter-wn, August Staudt, Frank VanSycle and Harold Van Syckle.Officers re-elected are: Frank VanSyckle, president; Mr. Staudt, vice!lacerations of thepresident; Fred P. Buntenbach, chin, requiring 17cashier, and Clarence H. Skinner,assistant cashier.

Those rl-elected

WOODBRIDGE—The Board of Education-sharpened Itspencils during the past two weeks and from all Indicationsit will come up with a budget tonight that will, accordingto Finance Chairman Harold Van Ness, "give the taxpayersa break,"

Despite the fact that mandatory increments for teachers,the appointment of new teachers,and the increasf.- to the maximum

isalary, enlarge the teachers' sal-iary account aproxlmately $60,000,i the total budget will only be In-, creased by appveximately $5,500.

The biggest slashes in appropil-atlons wore made in the Repairs

0 / | and Replacements account and inCapital Outlay Improvements. Lastyear the repair* appropriation was$81,490 plus $15,000 emsrgency ap-

| pioprlatlon. This year, from a re-liable source,, It was learned theappropriation will be approximate-ly $54,000. Capital Outlay appro-priation last year WftS $67,000.It Is expected that the 1950-51 budget fill carry a total of ap-proximately $29.dOO for tills appro-priation. Last'year $45,000 was ex-pended for stadium installationsalone.

State aid this year will amountto $317,000 us compared with $308.-000 last year, or an increase ol$17,000.

The buduet will be Introducedofficially at an adjourned meetingat 8 o'clock tonight. Public hearlm;on the measure will be held Janu-ary 27 al the Board rooms in theHigh School.

No Petitions YetMeanwhile, no petitions have

been filed by candidates for theBoard of Educatloi election nextmonth, although-the deadline forfiling such petitions is lets thantwo weeks away—January S5 at JP. M. The terms of Maurice P.Dunlgan. Woodbridge; ^dolph.Quadt, Fords, and Joseph McAn-drews. Colonla expire and iMs be-lieved that, all three will seek re-election. There lias been consider-able agitation for a woman candi-date and there has been some talk

I that the various women's clubs willgot together and back one -womanfor the office. Otherwise, the rumormill has been strangely silent.

Petition forms may be securedfrom the District Clerk's office inthe High School..

WOODBRIDGE -- Dun to thegenerous response of the publicto its appeal for a "Tide of Toys"for the children of Europe, theAmerican Legion has extended thedate for collection of such toys toJanuary 15. All packaged toysmust be at Pier 38, Philadelphia,by February I.

Woodbridgc Post has set up acollection center for the receiptof toys at the Parish House. Dis-tribution of toys abroad will behandled by CARE.

William Brabyn, commander ofWoodbridge Post, requests that noelectrical playthings, toy guns,tanks, planes or metal soldiers bedonated. He also request* that thegifts be well-wrapped or packedand that a personal letter be en-closed from the donor.

The Legion project, designatedas the "Junior Marshall Plan," Isdesigned to provide toys for Euro-pean children born during or afterWorld War II, thereby combatingCommunist propaganda abroad.

signed a release and went home | Father Reportsyesterday despite objections.

Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton's con-

L h e | r c h l l d . s condition as ''good."

in Fords arc;

20: s a9; whooping cough, 6; mumps, 5;diptherltt. 2: lnfluenwi, 1.

5 Sels of Twins .i Continuing his report, Mr.iBalleystated: "There were 672 now *a-bies, plus five sets of twlnsJ added

l i k

DiredWs Lawrence E. Crousc, Jo-seph Bacskay, Samuel Berlrowlty,Theodore Brlclwe, Nalhan Groite,R, W. Harris, Samuel Hodesi jSch-ator B. W. Vogel, Charles Schus-ter, Michael RletB, Joseph Siso-lak. Officers arc Mr. Schuster,president; Mr. Harris, chairman;Mr. Brlchw. cashier: StephenMiuar, assistant cashier; Mr.Rlesz, vice president, and SenatorVogcl, solicitor.

Mr. Hamilton was treated foreyebrow and

sutures, dislo-cated hip, fractured leg and pos-sible fracture of the knee. Mrs.Hamilton had. a laceration of thelower lip and fractured leg. Shewas HIHO treated for shock. Theyoungster was treated for contu-sions Qf the forehead and shock,

Youth Among Missing

WOODBRIDOE—Luther Calvin,Lancaster Road, Colonia, reportedto Acting Desk Sergeant, ClosindoZuccaro. yfcsterday that his son,John W. Calvin, 16, has been miss-ing from Ifome since Tuesday.

The boy is five feet, 10. Inchestall, weighs 150 pounds, has browneye?, blonde l»lr, light complexion.He (may be wearing a Navy jacketand corduroy trousers,

to -U¥> loamshltt popf 1

p p t i o n , mak-ing a birth rate of 19.2 BSWVi«t«ttr-sand based on a 35,000 population,Approximately 700 nuisance cou>-nlalnU «|c-ve. received of whichabout 701»r cent were alleviatedlo the satislactlon of the complain-ant and about 80 per cent throughcourt action.

"A total of 1,838 visits weremade to W bedside •patents, aver-

W l l * « We

aging vlsltsU*raging 3 W U »«flservice hag been vcH received, *Rd

, in most cases, relieved a great(Continued on Fa«e 8) ;

Sewaren Wontan. Struckfly Hit-und'Rdn Driver

§E,WAREN~M>rAlice Bender,lid WoodbrldBe Avfcmel <-. 4*qfctreated tor brulues ot ther. IceabmsBns of the head and shock.Monday evening- after the wasknocked-down by a hlt-»nd-runcar on West Avenue where shewas crossing the street.

The Sewaren woman was treat-.W led by Dr. I. T. Spencer;

%ej& WoMbrldse. w h w e •*• WiW

and Thomas Bishop In a ntdiocar,

Carragher Expects to Complete300 Homes in Colonia This Year

WOODBRIDGE — Real estateactivities continue at a brisk puceiii the Township despite.,the fuelthat winter is normally the slackseason in real estate.

Six hundred homes have beenplanned for jColonla by Currauher(Brothers Corporation.• "w,e now have 17 under conj-siructio'n "Wd we haw-sold fl»houses from plans," declared Jo-seph carratjher, president. "Weexpect to complete 300 dwellingsthis year and they will sell in the$io,orio-$n,ooo class."i Gordon Bronsoja ConstructionCompany h'as transferred title to

i>' Us dwellings, each of fourth lven i

mid on« lwU rooms. ajUt.each lo-«»U<1 oo a lot iiprwiuwUly fi"by 100 feet, built by the seller on

Dunbar, Mary and Summit Ave-nues. Fords.

Purchasers on Dunbar Avenuewere Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Bar-lha a_nd Mr. and Mrs. Cheater T.Baginski. Buyefrs of homes onMary Avenue were Joseph W.Lane, Mr. and Mrs. James M. M»-lone, Mr. and M b . William 7.

George L. Babino. A home isummit Avenue was bought byMr. and Mrs, Norman C. Everson.All the purchasers Have taken pos-session.

Baron Avenue House Sold, TooMr,' and Mrs. John P. Putty

have bought from Mr. and Mrs.John KoncB the elgJuVroom dwell-ing at 544 Ban-oil Avenue, comer

"(Continued oa Page 8)

Mayor lo InstallFire Co. OfficersAndrew Galinin lo Take

Over I)ulien of ChiefOf Avenel Compauy

WOODBRIDOE—Mayor AugustF. Orelner will be the master ofceremonies at the annual installa-tion dtincr and' entertainment ofAvenel Fire Co., No. 1, Saturday atthe Avenel ftrehouse.

Mrs. Charles MeWa will give theinvocation after which Oeorge Ko-vack. retiring chief, will introducethe Chief-elect Andruw Oallsm.

Others to be Installed are Wil-liam Meyers, president! Andre"/PetersE-n, vlce-prtsldent; Jon.-.Anacker. seci'eWry; Charles Sies-sel, treasurer; Herbert Head, finan-cial secretary; John Lockie. firslassistant chief; Michael Floria,second assistant chief; RuebenOreco. captain; Herman SUlnbach,fh-st lieutenant; Fred Albrecht, in-side- warden;1 Andrew Pelerscn,outside wardefj.

The dlnnet* committee is JohnLockie, John Anacker, RuvenOreco, Herbert Head, Charles Kozo,Joseph McClue, William' Meyer*,Andrew Petersen, William Russell,Charles Blessel, Oeorge Slivk:i,Frank Wanca.

Committee apbolntmeots will buannounctd by Chlel Qftlisin at theaffair.


broke Into Marion's Diner, Route26, yesterday, liked variety. J,Sejiversc. ( Route ' 25 and GreenStjeet Circle, the owner, reportedto! Patrolman Anil Petersen thata •'quantity ot chewing, gum, asmoked ham. a portable iwto andt h ^ boxes «f; cJ*»r/>. war* Utou,

TILT! ^ ' •WOODBRIDO1-A fine of $10

was imposed upon Dominlck Rug'giero, 48, 317 feast Westfleld Ave-nue, Roselle, own«r of a restauranton Route 25 near Ford Avenue^for having a bagatelle machine ou

»d Lltire premise*.mads

»r»d Llau • - t i l

not two I •• , 1 1 I'.'. I ' i V i

Infant Christened,it Held SEWAREN NOUS

SEWAREN—The infant datighter of Mr. and Mrs Herbert Olsen.jWesteheigh. S. I., was christened;Patricia Ann at St Niaholas GreekCatholic Church. Perth Amboy. by 'the Rev. Julius J. Grigassy.

Miss Marie Stumpf. a cousin of Jthe infant, and Michael B«logt,|her uncle, were the sponsors. Mrs.'Olsen is the former Ann Baloga ofCharles Street. t

A reception • « given by the'maternal grandparents. Mr andMrs. Nicholas Baloga at theirhome on Charles Stiwl. Theguests were Mr. and Mrt. Charles'.Baloga and sons, John and James.Cartwet; Mr. and Mrs. John 8a-loga. Woodbridge; Mr. and Mr*Charles Bereb and children. Eu-gene and Carol Ann. Newark; Mr.and Mrs. John Ramet. Ffcrds, andMrs Joseph Qadyniak and son.Peter, and Oeorge Baloga. MissHelen Baloga ahd ,Mlss MargaretBaloga. all of Sewaren.


"ton< KT ; . - H-»n:i! n ' Kin < 'i.mml t |fi( 'npr«

"' r i t -f I ' M r i ' t N" '•, AvfnAl arid' r . l i ini i i , m i l iirild i i-' |i*"-.al m f f b n fa i ' I l i e AVni f - J \-\\- H i . l i v e , M o t i i U v••</f-fii iif?. . h u m a n '!'\. Ifl'.O, fit Si M - ] ' . ' l k . Tor Mi.- ( i n r p n s * 1 r.f t l i s i i l s ^ -in'K l!u> t . i l . lRf l ..( l l . f K ! » lii = i r i II'H u<e y e a r IS.'.ti.

I I : r;i rn A. Ti l l t lo . S f .Tf la tv .R i . a r l HI Kin- c 'nmnils-N.nfri .lili.lri.-i N.i :, Avmf! , N I

I.-I. l - l : . l!i

—Mr. and tors. Joseph HoganRobert 8treet, attended n pei-formance of "Kiss Me Kan ir.New York Saturday evenmv

—Mt. and Mrs. Franklin Rus-sell, their son, Naihan. and grand-son. Ronald Russell. Riverside. RI.. Were week-end tuests of Mrand Mrs. Albert Aritierten. BroadStreet.

—Mrs. Stephen Bohac*. GeorgeStreel, has returned to her homeafter being a surgical patient atthe Perth Amboy General Hos-pital

—E JjSkefflnRton ho1; reiurnedto his home on Brewster Placeafter spending some time in thePoeonos.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sulli-van. Wollaston. Mass have re-turned home after spending sever-al weeks with their sen-m-law anddaughter MT and Mrs Jiivifii PDriseoll 14 Oid Road

Dance, Floor Show ScheduledBy St. Anthony's Church Units Come to Church

Sewaren ,W«r« ClubHearn Rev. pevnnny

SEWAREN—Rev. Earl HannumDevanny. pastor of the First Pres-byterian Church. WoodbridKe. wasthe guest speaker at the meetingof the Sewaren Men's Club

Members of the St- John's Sup-per Club, who served the dinnerwere: Mrs. Daniel Bishop, Mrs.William Bird. Mrs. J E Ciowley,Mrs. John Vencrus ami MissGladys ODonnell

1 advised

ir "With health, everything It a Jourct ofpleasure; without It, nothing else, whateverit may be, is enjoyable. It follows that thegreatest of follies is to sacflice health for aoyother kind of happiness, whatever it may be-for gain, advancement, learning, for fame,let alone, then, for fleeting sensual pleasuresArthur Schopenhauer.

As pharmacist!, we are constantly alert to forwardmeasures important to public health. In our prescriptiondepartment we bate assembled the important drugs fromall ovet the vorld. These madicioal supplies representthe community's arsenal again* disease. Bring your pre-jcriptionj to us for expert compounding.


PORT HEADING -Preparationsnav<- Dff> n completed for the danceand ftnor show to bf sponsored byDie combined societies of Si. An-tony's Church on January 21 atColumbus Hall. stArtmg at 8 P.M Proceeds will go to the churrhlo pay for the sand blasting of thebrick exterior.

Music for the occasion will beby Eddie and his Qoldeji Serena-ders Julius Kollar Is chairman ofarrangements.

John Pallnsky and Carl Hereoghead the Holy Name Committeewhich consists of Louis Declbus.John Lazar, Joseph Rlizo. JohnHtitnick. John Lynch, AI Rasi-mowicz. Steve Gurka, John Jaco-vlnich and Nicholas Pellegrino

Mrs Carl Hercog and Mrs. Wil-liam o'Keefe are in charge of theRosary Society Croup, while Miss


B. Coyle. formerly of Penh Am-boy. have moved into their new

• home on Woodbridge Avenue MissSophie Terefenko and Steve Tere-fenko, sister and brother of Mrs.Coyle. are makinK their home with

i them,

(IIB18TF.N INFANT' .SEWAREN—The infant son ofMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Driscoll,14 Old Road, has been christenedJoseph Paul by Rev Stanislaus A.Milos at St. Anthony's Church,Port Reading.

Trw» sponsors were Lt. Co!, andMrs. Francis O'Brien of WestPnuit.

P.opain on Capitol building cost-nr «000.000 nearly finished.

I / i u i s c PelW'Piiiup ]'• ' ' h i i i r m n n fur

Die Chlldi i 'M nf M : n v

Tick.Ms iiiin be ii i irchfl .wl f i ' ( ) l"

any membn of I he various soci-eties or HI the hall the night ofthe affair. Members of tlie PortReading Fire Company are alsoassisting.


'Sorority to HoldCard Party Feb. 9

WOODBRIDCE — "ShalomMeans Peace" by Robert St, Johnwas reviewed by Mrs. BerwinBooton at » meeting of the Sterna

I Alpha Phi Sorority of the FirstjConKictjafional Church Monday.i Uiirinp the business ?es?lon j 1

'wa-, dcridfd to. hold a rnrd partyfur member; and friend5; Febmaiy9 ai the home of Mrs. Raymond F

i Jackson in Grove Avenue, withM»s. P. William Lauritsen aschairman.

Winners in the club projectwei'e Miss Anna L. Johnson. Mrs.Louis Nelson, Mrs. Jackson andMrs. Booton. Mrs, Andrew Menkoled the devotionals and Mrs. Her-bert Hollowell and Mrs. Nelsonwere co-hostesses.

Beats AllA balky mule has four - wheeled

I brakes.i A biily Koat has bumpers:'A firefly has a biu'ht spotlight,' Rabbits are puddle-jumpers.Camels have balloon -tired feet

j And carry spares of what they eat,'But still I think of nothing thati beatsi The kangaroos with rumble seats.

Sabbath Services.Saturday. 8:30 A. M.-8abbath

I Service


Wooakrldge, N. J.Center of School * James Mrtt taRev. Laszlo Kecakemethy, Pastor


R«V Samuel Newberger. Rabbi.: Rahway Avenue and Carteret Road •Friday, 7.30 P. M. — RefUlar : "THE OLD WHITE CHUKCH" •

WoodbridgeEarl Hannum Devanny. Minister ;

Mrs Lillian M. Stephens, Organist jDale L. Kalter, Choir Director |

Sunday ServicesMorning Worship at H:QQ.Sunday School, »:4& A. M.

Regular Meetings'Second Monday—Board of Trju-

Order of Services and ActlvltiM:; tees; Breckenrldge Auxiliary;Every 'undw at § A. M. Sunday • White Church Guild at the Manit.

School' -t 10 A. M. Worship Serv-1 Third Monday—3unday School,ce in English: at 11 A. M. Worship Teachers.Service in Hungarian. i Fourth Monday— Breckenrldge

First Sunday at 3 P. M. Ladies' Auxiliary; White Church Guild atAid Society meeting. the Manse.

Every Monday at 7:30 P. M. Third Thursday-Women's As-Christian Endeavor Society meet-, soclatlon meets at 8 P. M.

Second Thursday at 7:39 P. M,Consistory meeting.

Every Tuesday at 8:30 P. M.Junior Choir practice; 7:30 SeniorChoir.

First Wednesday at 7:38 P. M.Lorantffy Society meeting.

Every Thursday, at 8:30 P. M.,Boy Scout meeting, Prank Breeka,Scoutmaster; A. Toke, AssistantScoutmaster.

Last Friday at 8:30 P. M. CubPack meeting; Joseph Remenar.Cub Master.

NOTICETax duplicate books for Woodbridge Town-

ship will be open for inspection at the Bo&rd

of Assessors' Office in the Municipal Building

tonight and tomorrow night from 7:30 to

9 P. M.


Woodbridge Township, N. J.



• %


i •'

It lets you drive without shifting, It

has i tmilic ^igli-coniprwion engine,

biggrr-ttuiii-eVer brakes, weatherproof

ignition, feather-light steering. Yet it ia

HUE'S \ht bat-looking new car ofthem all! It's the * w De Soto,

deiign# to tire joa more room, morecomfwt, more vbibilitj, more aafety andmw» at»ipt awitfanwn tjm afty «tryou ever owned. Here's the ear designedwith YOU in mkd.

It'* hrandnew from ha^dtome newfrut pille to taflli^w. And it'a wtmng(or yon to come ind ride in 1L

p n # ]f> ppente.No matter Which make «f car yen

thought you might buy this year, "Drive,a D« Soto before you, decide." Let usarrange a demonstration.

r«M i» l i t CMKIO « m SHOW, "You Bet Your Lift." Every, WabuHky night ova tU CBS *aimt



Barron and Grove Avenue*Norman K. Allen, Organist and

Minister of MusicMondays

7:00 Boys' Club Basketball atParish House.

8:0Q--SUjma Alpha PW Boro-rlty, second and fourth Mondays.

8:15- G. E, T/ Club, first Mon-day.

Tuesdays *8:00 -Church School Workers

Conference—third Tuesday.


Main StreetRev. Frederick W. Poppy. Pastor

Bandar' Renlcei

Wednesdays2:00—Plymouth Colony, every1

other Wednesday. |8 00—Woodbridge Colony, flratj

and third Wednesdays.8:00—Church Council, quarterly

as announced.8:00—Pilgrim Women's Union,

first Wednesday In October, Ftb'njary and May.

8:00—Board of Governors of

t OUR LADY OF PEACi ,i Mew Brunswick AM-,! F«M» "

Rev John Ortmev f, .Sunday Classes. 7:no (.',„

10:00 and 11:00 A MWeekday Masses: 7 on ,,

(A.M.j Novena to Ourj petual Help each TP. M.

Confessions, Saturday* 4

8:00 P, M., and 7:30 to o •„,Tuesday*

First Tuesday—SessionWednesdays

LadM' Aid Society. »,.,„.fourth, 2:80 P. M., st tli, ,i

ThursdaysThird Thursday—Womc

soclatlon meeting at 8 P y,church.

FridaysJunior Choir, 3:45 p. MHigh School Choir, 7 p \<Adult Choir, 8 P. M.

TRINITY CHURCHRahway A»enue, Woodhti,|,.|

Rev William H. Schmau- i 'Mrs. WlllUun Neebe, Ou,,

Sunday Services8 00 A. M.-~Holy Comm0:38 A. M.—Sunday Set.,.,11:0© A, M . - H o l y Com:,

and sermon tflrst and tru:,

Bible 8ch7orforevVr7one,»:45!Pll«ri>n Women's Union • ' ^ days: morning prayer ai

'Wednesday except In December.]mOn (second and fourthI Thursdays : 7;00 P. M.-Young Peoi,1

, 8:00 - Christian Endeavor; | 0 W | ) h l p

: Alumni, every other week. ' j ^ y! 8:00r-OfBclal Board meeting,

A. M.Morning'Worship 11:00 A. M.

Stated Meeting*Official Board —First Monday.

8 P. M.


Amboy Avenue, WoodbrldreRt. Rev. Msir. Charles G. Mc-

Young Adult Fellowship — First t n l r d ThursdayTuesday. 8 P. M. Fridays

Fortnightly -Guild-Second and 3:30-Carol ChoirFourth Monday. 8 P. M. 4:00-Junlor Choir

Missionary Circle - Second «:30~PamU» Night Dinner,,Wednesday, 2 P. M. > s e c o n d " U w .

Sunday School Board — Second;Thursday, 8 P. M.

mary and up)'.

8:00—Senior Choir.Saturdays

Corristln, Pastor. Rev. James Rus-, ''Oman's" Society of Christian! *:00—Board of Deacons, as an-seU. Assistant Paitor , service ~ Third'Wednesday. 8 n o u n « d - . t

Weekday Masses: 7:00 and 7:30 ! p M ' BandarsA. M. i ' ' _ _ | 8:45—Youth Choir.

Sunday Masses 7:00, 8:00, 1:15, AVENEL PRESBYTERIAN i 9:45—Church School <Pre-pr!and 10:45 A. M. CHURCH

Jimior and Senor Sodalities! Woodbridge Avenue. Avenelwill receive Communon at V The Rev. Warren W.u'dock Mas? Sunday. ; Minister.

— i • Mrs. Sarah Krug, Organist.ST. ANDREW'S CHVRCH ! Mrs. Kenneth Taggart. Clfoir

Avenel i Director.Rev. John Egan. pastor. ; Sunday Services:

Sunday Masses. 7.00, 8:00, 9:00,] 9:45 A. M—Sunday School for10:00 and 11:00 A. M. | all except Beginners.

11:00 A. M—Beginners in the

11:00 — Morning Worship for p

10 finTrinity Vartry, second v

7 30 P. M.Trinity Men's Club,

Wednesday, 7:00 P. M.St. Agnes' Unit first v

2:30 P. M.St. Margaret's Uni:

Wednesday. 8:30 P. MTrinity Altar Guild men

terlyTrinity Junior Altar Oi;::

and third Mondays, 645 VTrinity Acolyte Oui'.d

quarterly.Trinity Choir, Thurs(!;ui

• • « n |

Warman.lthe family (Children's Depart- Trinity Church School i „menf.

5:00 —Junior Pilgrim Fellow-ship.

fourth Friday, 7:J0 P M

Holy Day Maii" «• 00, 7:00 and8:00 A. M.

Weekday Maases-7:30 A. M


Rev. Arthur L. Kreyllng, PaitorSunday School and Bible Clasa.

9:30 A. M.Momlne Worship. 11:00 A. M.

FIRST BAPTI8T CHUKCHNlelaon Street, WoodbrMteRev. Edward Klrby, Pastor

Sunday School. 10 A. II. jMorning Worship on Sundays, Tues.

11 A. M. Tues.Tues.

Manse.11:00 A. M—Worship.»:00 P. M.—Jr. Hi Fellowship.7:00 P. M—Sr. Hi Fellowship.

Young Adults meet 3rd Sundayat 6:30 P. M.

Weekday ActivitiesMonday

'; 7:15 P. M—Boy Scoutsi S. S. Teachers 1st. Monday, 8:00ip. M.: Trustees, 3ia Monday, 6;i5P. M.: Men's Fellowship, 4th Mon.


Rev. Henry M Hartman, Pastort:45 A. M—Sunday School.11:00 A. M— Morning Worahlo



Joseph Thompson, Lay R*a4tTMrs. Dorothea Kca«sSXi,

OrganUt8:30 A. i l -Church School.11:00 A. M — Morning prayar

and service.

Tuesday] Mr. and Mrs. Club, 1st and 3rd•Tues.; Ladies' Aid, 2nd and 4th

8:15 P. M.; Deacons. 2nd7:00 P. M.; Session,

8:15 P.M.Wednesday

3:30 P. M.—Bro»n!«.Thursday

7:00 P. M.—Youth Choir.8.00 P. M.—Senior Choir.

Friday3:30 P. M.—Children's Choir.7:00 P.M.—Jr. Hi Workshop.

New SlateBy Rainbow Girls


West Avenue, SewarcnSunday School, 9:30.Church Service, 11:00.Testimonial, Wednesday 8 P. MReading Room, Thursday, 2-4

P. M.LIFE' is the subject for Sim- ;iU a meet inn Monday at t...

day January 15. i nen'.s Club.GOLDEN TEXT: "Now that the'

dead arp rained, even Mo.sfsshewed at t'.it bush, when he t all -


elect«rl by Ameticus As,in.37. Order of the Rainbow

eth ti\c Lord the God of Abrahamand the God 0! Isaac, and the Gvuof Jacob. For he is not a God of

jthe dead, but of the living: forjail live unto him. iLuke 24:37,38>I SERMON: Passages from the| Kins James version of the Bibleinclude:

"Thou, O Lord, art our father,our redeemer: thy name is fromeverlasting." lisa. 63:16> Correla-tive passages from "Science and

j Health with Key lo the Scriptures 'by Mary Baker Eddy include:

"Jesus urged the commandment.

Electt;! for fnur mon'1

were Miss Charlotte Liithy adviser: Miss Gn-t.-ilei. worthy associate «ir. iNanette Uawson. cii.ii!1.Nancy Jaeger, Hope. ?:.u M.

ST. ANTHONT'8 R, C. CHURCHPart Reading

Rev. Stanislaus A. Mtlos, PaitorSunday Masses at 7:30,1:00 and

11:00 A. M.Weekday Masses at 8 A M.Novena In honor of 8t. Anthony

each Tuesday at 7:15 P. M.. withRev. Shelly, St. Peter's Hospital,New Brunswick, in charte.


Rev. John Wilus, Partor! Sunday Masses, 6:30. 8:00, 9:00.,1000, 11:00 A.M.| Weekday Masses 7:30 and 8:00

FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCHMarket and High Streets

Perth AmtarRev. Arthur L. Maye, Pastor11 A. M.—Morning Worship.9:45 A. M.—Sunday School.8:15 P. M—Baptist Youth Pel-i

lowship.7:30 P.. M. - Evening Gospel


Sharp, Faith.Elected for one-year I••!.:.

Miss Lorraine 2woyt-:. ,.Mis.s Barbara Graham, t; ..Mis. Hartley.Fields is niuilvviser.

The newly elected and ,ip;>officers and Installati-i:members will meet Moiiii.i.ai 7 o'clock at the tenip'.r •hearse for Lhf public in

Thou shalt have no other sfcd,s_ce»>nM)nies to take pUuv . j , : .Miss Lund, general.chai: iii.before me.' which may be rend-

ered: Thou shall have no btliefof Life as mortal; thou shalt not

the Valentine dance scFeb. 11 at the temple,

know evil, for there is one Life.—'that tickets may be piceven God, %Dod." ip. 19

TRINITY CHURCHCorner Berkeley Boulevard and

Cooper AvenueIseltat

Rev. Emily R. Q. Kletn, PastorSunday School, 9:45 A. M.Sunday Morning Worship, 11:001

o'clock.'Sunday Evening Evangelistic I Bible study.

Service at 7:30.Thursday Instructions,


118 Prospect StreetGustave Bott, Pastor

Sunday9:45 A. M. — Sunday School

Classes for all ages.11:00 A. M.—Worship service.6:30 P. M.-Young People's Fel-

lowship.I 7:45 P. M.—Gospel service tu| song and word.

Wednesday8:00 P. M. Prayer meeting and


.v M. j Thursday Prayer and Intercat-IWednesday. 8:00 P. M.-45)».lsioii, 7:30 P. M. \

Unuous Novena to Bt. Jude, Pa-1 Sabbath Service, Saturday 2:30tron of Hopeless Cases. P. M. -


Mrs Catherine Balog, SoloistMrs. Edith Elko. Organist

9:30 A. M—Sunday services.10:30 A. M-Church School.

Your Authorised DeSoto -r- Plymouth Dealer

446 6 t George's Ave., / Rahway, N. J.

Tht Family Next Door...

• Yes, indeed, you still pay surprisingly littL

for your telephone service, compared with

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ihe everyday confeojence your telephone

piovl ej «od the IIBK tad tfbtt k H m

And in emetgeadet yc

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Y M T I d t a h u n U alwayi r.ody lo iwv« you.On* no*M h* to dtpandabilUy li t U AU| oodkxyoXy of mar* than 22/100 libphant nwi afid<«m»*. Anolhw k «w fod thai in Hi* pail fwryaan, $110,000,000 hat btwi ip*M In upand-ki and tunxovinft «w rto^uj, (,|«phw.fyMnandH'nnirittravttiyMI



any of the members.Tentative pluiis wiTf ,:;

for a visit 19 Hallonui IIStaten Island, some 11 r.-nionth. The follawin^ v\'.lleered to serve as u.she; :Eastern Star variety MUMheld Mjivh 25 In the H i : ,auditorium: Louise Hoilii.Sandra Tansey. Joyce S ::Brook Melody. Betty Cor\ 1 ••.mary RidyHnl, Misses Gr.ilJuener.

A delegation ftill attoiui ...•lie installation at Sunsnirn •.blv In Metucv-n on Jar, :advisoj-y board will spon •!lie nird party at Koos U; 'RahwaV Saiurclay ni^lr.it 8 orloclt.

Air Force. Navy im-r n;in huids lor 1951 fl^'al v 1


.1 ;-( r

'A i . , i i •• - ' \ I'

I • i I t

Wt l>rlli<>|r and Trlriii-'I'1'



W O O U B R I D G E tt-10 •'•




f or and



ttfr '-


:heT'Fazekas Wedding HeldLady of Mt Camel Church

)plliniKiK Mi. nnd Mrs,,.,lW,k:i';, 107 Bergen

,,,„„,„„•,. the miirrinRE of, im,|itrr. Mnndalyn Bar-Curl Fischer, son of Mrs.

„., Rurltan Township.

r,.,MTinony look place Sat-i our Udy of Mt. Carmelwith Rev. Levandowskl of-

)M(|,,. pivrn In marriage by^il,rr, was attired In a

,|it satin Rown with off-,1,1,-r neckline, trimmed

| l T beads and seed pearls.! from a draped


veil of French illusion...ml from n klnis'.s crownpearls and crystal. Sheprayer book marked with

lias and lilacs.I Anne Fazekas, sister of the

maid of honor, wore anteen uowii of velvet and taf-

miitehlng cloche head*mils.

,1ari!firel Poe.sai, Wood-aiul Mrs, Joseph aemodls,

urldemaids, wore slm-of rust. Ann Wilson,

[of the bride, as flowerglrl,i>rcen

I worn

made similarbv the maid of honor. | ments.

and Pel or Plprh, New Brunswick.Mr. and Mrs. Fischer are on a

honeymoon to Cannda. For travel-ing tlie bride selected a beigetweed suit with nlle Rreen acces-sories and a corsage of Rardenias.

Upon their return they willmake their home in RarltnnTownship.

Fellowship ElectsMiss Nancy Olsen

WOODBRIDCJE — Miss NancyOlsen was elected president of theYoung People's Fellowship ofTrinity Episcopal Church at ameeting held In the Parish House

Others elected were: RobertZlesemer, vice president; MissMargaret Olah, secretary, andjRmes Bennett, treasurer, i

The following, chairmen wereappointed for the coming year:William Hlllyer, membership;George Cook, fellowship; MissBarbara Graham, Service; JamesBennett, worship; Zlesemer, pro-gram: Miss Dorothy Jeflerys, pubUolty; Henry Doucettes, refresh-

[ ntteiulant.s carried cascadeUs of Kimlenias and Ivy.

Innamorlttl, Hopelawn,s best man and ushers

^rdcrlek Fischer. Bovind; and Howard Fischer, Me-

brnihrrs of the bride-Bre/.a,

It was decided to make a col-lection of records and each mem-ber IN to donate one. Miss Olsenand Zlesomer conducted the devotionals.

United States alms at $100 pen-sions but on a "realistic" basis.

Buy at the Meat Plant -(Flavor- Packed)

IROUND BEEF • 33ciTuhlr ( linici

ll,. I.I.,;.

MP VEAL <b. 38G T-Bone Steak ib. 45cKMI.I (IK IH HI ( J l I

iced BACON». 42= FRANKS ib. 42c

UMAN ABATTOIRV. S. (iiivrrninrnt liisitwtiun No. 273

(hi; I'm1 Itiurt. One Mile I'ast lsflin Ontnrin Mui.. Tut- ;ii)(l Wed., 8:00 A. M. Till 8:30 I'. M.

Tlmrv .mil I ri., K:0« A, M. Till !l:0D V. VI.Sat., a:00 A. M. Till V.00 I1. M.

\SV < ;itcr to Diners. Krstaurants and Cafeteriasialists In Home Frrr/rr |irc|>uratlun at no pxtra chursr.

Reporter to SpeakTo History Oub'ltil> Ili'arH Talk byMiss Martha MorrowOn 'Modern Living'Miss Martha Morrow of the

Woodbrldge High School spoke on"Modern Living Courses" at themeeting of the Sewaren HistoryClub in the home of Mrs, Chaun-cey Burnett, 55B Wes^ Avenue. Adiscussion and question period fol-lowed. Mrs. Montgomery J. Bal-four, literature chnlrman, present-id the speaker.

Mrs. Oeorge Urban, Metuchen,entertained. She played three pi-ano preludes by Chopin.

Mrs. J. P. Ryan, who presidedover the busiriess session, read aninvitation to attend the Federa-tion Day of' the Asbury ParkWomen's Club, January 16.

A letter of thanks from Mrs. W.Frank Burns for the gift sent toher during her recent Illness wasalso read, Mrs. Burns, a formerresident and past president of theclub, is now residing in Milton,N. H.

H' was decided to send repre-sentatives of the club to a dinnerat the Hotel Statler, New York, to-morrow, when Alice MorrisonNash will be honored for hdr 50years of service to the VinelandFoundation, which has been aproject of the Sewaren HistoryClub.

Mrs. Andrew Slmonsen. secre-tary, conducted a collection forthe "soap for Europe" project.

It was announced that the nextmeeting will be held at the homeof Mrs, A. W. Scheldt, HoltnnStreet, and not at the home ofMrs. P, J, Adams, as listed in theclub program. The speaker will beWilliam Haskell, New York news-paperman. His topic will be'What's GoinK On?"

The co-hostesses for the after-noon were Mrs. Lawrence Ryanand Mrs. Thomas J, Moran.

RiKht In StyleThe wife cum;; home breathlessly

after a day of shopping."Look, darling." she told her

husband happily. "I've Rot one ofthose new tmty without a back andshoes without toes."

"You think that's something."grunted her husband. "Look at thiisuit of mine: it has pockets with-out money!"

IVLIT Momben Accept SlHtertlOO(l HearsBy Vortnifihtty (MM '

talk on UutliWOODBKTOOE -Mrs. Clmrl"-Wilicy wns welcomed Into metnhpr-ship at a meetins of the Fortninhi.-ly Guild of the Methodist Churchheld Monday at the home of Mrs.Ir-vln Nfbrt, DeSoto Avenue.

In the names conducted by MrsNelson Drost, Miss Kathryn Speh

Democratici.iric I nitTo VI<•<•( «» FVhnifiry 6

cer won'the prlw. Mrs. Stuan I Monday.

WOODB1UPUE -"T h e JewishCommunity of Tomorrow" was thrsubject of a talk ^iven by SylvanKohn. Newark, r,t a meeting of theSisterhood ol Conurrsatlon Adath1 -irn.pl ,it the Community Center,

Schoonover won the spevlalMis. Nebel conducted the devo-tlonais.

f hitellhurch UnitInducts New Slate


Mr. Kohn who was Introducedby Mrs. I -iwrence Wels-t, rhalrmanM Youth Activity, Is director ofthe Education and Program Bu-reau of the Jewish CommunityCenter of Essex County.

Devotlonals were read by Mr,;

Louis Ellentuch. Mrs. Isadore Ra-binowitz, cub pack chairman, an-nounced that a cub pack meetlywill be held January 23 at the

Westbrook was Installed president \ o»tr>r.of the White Church Guild at aninstallation dinner Monday in

A resume of current events wa1

»iven by Mrs. Irvine Qoodateh-the Sunday SChool rooms of the Hostesses were Mrs. Bernard CoenFirst Presbyterian Church. Mrs. > Mrs. Emanuel Klein, Mrs. Samuel

Carpenter. Mrs. Herman Stein,Mrs. Henry Ocrba and Mrs. Ber-nard Mimir.

Whitney C. Leeson was Installingofficer.

Others Inducted Into offlcq wereMrs. Oakley Blair, vice president;Mrs. James Sandahl, secretary,and Mrs. Wesley Helselberg, trea-turer.

The Invocation was offered byMrs. Earl H. Devanny and Mrs,Joel Leeson was toastmaster.Toasts were given to the outgoingofficers by Mrs. Mary Howell, Mrs.



ices for Mrs. .Yetta Lustgarten. 36Berry Street, widow of Ignatz Lust-

William Balderston, Mrs. Albert j marten, were held Tuesday afterH. Bowers and Mrs. John Eppen-steiner; to the new officers by Mrs.Andrew Lockle, Miss Ruth Brown,Mrs. Flora Altken and Miss SallePotter.

Mrs. Bowers gave a talk on herImpression as an old member andMrs. Donald Fales sp'oke as a newmember.

noon at the Orelher Funeral Home44 Green Street. Rabbi SamuelNewbcrger of Adath Synagogueofficiated. Burlnl was In Beth Israsl Cemetery.

Mrs. Lustgw-ten died Ttiesda.morning at Perth Amboy Genera'Hospital. She ls\survlved by tw(grandsons, Julius Redman, Mor

A gift was presented to Mrs. ristown, sfod Edward ReismanRussell Demarest, retiring presi- ' " - - 1 - - " - " ' ' • ^ — * » ^dent. Mrs. W. C. Leeson playedpiano selections during the dinnerand Miss Potter played for thegroup singing.

RESERVE TRAININGDrills and other training for

Rockvllle Center. L. I.; three brothCTS Joseph Lefkowits, New Brumwick, and Arthur and Morris Let-kowits, New York City.

Mrs. Lustgarten was founder amcharter member of the Sisterhoodof Congregation Adath Israel anta member of the Jewish Sisters Society. Perth Amboy, and RebecciDeborarh Lodne, No. 13, Odrifellows.

AVENF.I, -The Fifth DistrictDemonnstr Civic Club met Mon-'ny ut 10 VnsHiir Place, with Fra-'k

irwan pvskltnit. Stephen Vorl->ack won the dark horse nrlze nii(:drs. Jeanettp Sukatskas was ii•havvt' of hospitality.

It was announced that a speakerlll'be presented al the next meet-IK, February 6.

^rancois PreparesBrilliant Program

NEWARK-A brilliant and In-.rlgulnR program of piano musicas been prepared by Samson'raneois, French planistic genius,

[or his forthcoming concert, at theMosque Theater. Newark, on nextSunday iJan. 15» in the GriffithMusic Foundation's Master Pianoscries. The program will be:Two Chorales Bnch-Busonl

"I Call on Thee, Oil Lord""Rejoice, Beloved Christians"

Prelude and FURUC in A MinorBach-Liszt!

Fantasy in F minor ChopinWait?. In C Sharp minor ChopinNocturne in B flat OhopinSix Preludes, Nos. 16, 17,

18, 19, 20, 24 ChopinBallade No. 1 in Q' minor ChopinClalr de Lune DebussyEtude Pour les arpeges DebussyLe Serenade Interrompue DebussyLe Gibet.. , , RavelScarbo Ravel

Now returning from Europe forhis second American tour, Fran-cots is noted for his artistic sensi-tivity as well as for the great tech-nical ability he possesses as apianist.

Irving Belafshy Takes Bride;Couple Building New Home Here

Army Reservists will be sharplyreduced beginning January 1, ac-cordinK to an announcement bythe Department of the Army. Theretrenchment will effect both en-1 WILLIAM .1. FENTONlisted men and officers. The reason WOODBRIDGE—W 111 i a mfor the action was said to be that j Fenton. 59, 83 Caroline Street, dieiappropriations are Insufficient to j suddenly Tuesday at his home afte:cover training pay of the large j a heart attack. He was the son o

in the Reserve the late William and MargaretFonton. He was a past grand knigtvof Middlesex Council, Knights o

California is urged by Warren | C o l u mbus, and a member of th

number of menprogram.

to create rising total of jobs.


1 9 5 0




HOLIDAY(irratrst Travel Value hi Winter

Yuciition History

9 Days $218.00

-Daily Commencing January 18th-

Ratc includes round trip air passage—one week at Grand BahamaClub i every expense included with tremendous sports and enter-tainment t>r.08rami— then Ay on to Nassau 'sight-seeing andluncheon provided'—then to Havana—then to Miami (overnighthotel'included,'—und back to New York. All flights by day inOO-passenKer planes.Optional stopovers at additional cost for lonner stays at GranJBahama Island, Nassuu, Havana and Miami.



MIMtHMARGARETTEN Travel A p c y" \ t umplrlf, l'r |«- ii il I > TnivH Service"

27G Holrart Street Perth Amboy ifPhone P. A. 4-0900

Mrlnlitr Amrrlinil Nul'li-lj of Trnvrl lueiitH, lu i \ *ifjjSK<l»gr

Holy Name Society of St. Jarne:Church and Woodbridge CouncilRoyal Arcanum.

He is survived by a sister, Maryand a brother, Patrick Fentonboth of Woodbridne.

Funeral services will be,heldmorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock atthe Greiner Funeral Home and at9o'clock in St. James' Church. Bur-ial will be in St. James1 Cemetery.

WOODIiKIlKJE- M i s sBrady, iliuinhter of Wr and Mrs.Samuel H. Bvody. 102 Stale StiTpl,Perth Amboy. beenmp the bride ofIivui! Bclr.fiky. «on of Mrs. MollU:Brliifsky. 150 Green Street, Sun-day Hubbi Max D. Dnvlrtson, Tem-ple Beth Mordecal, Perty Amboy,and Rabbi Snmuel Npwbeiyer.Consrejtntlon Adath Israel, offici-ated,

The bride was attired In a toast-tfolorrd tsffeta cocktail dress. Herhat was a net helmet trimmed withbeiRe ond toast flowers and shtcarried a Bible marked with whit'-nnd sreen orchids.

Mrs, Norman J. Alfln as matronof honor wore R navy blue tissuefaille clrcc. large navy hat trlmme'lwith beige lowers and carried abouquet of tnlismnn rosra.

Dr. Henry A. Belhfsky. Wood-hrld';p, ..ervjtl as his brother's bestman.

Mr. and Mrs. Belafsky are on awertdiri!?' trip through New Yorkstate. Upon their return, they willmake • lu T home tempom'ily withher parents until their ,iew homeIn WoydbnriKo Is complet.d

Fur trnvelins the brldr selected

n m a i r - i ' i\u:i I i i i irk MIII n i n i m

w i t h vi Ivet ;itul b l a c k .<- '•.'•ori

M r s . Belafsky is ii ' t rml tn i te cfPerth Amboy .Schools ami Is em-ployed us s»crelary by 'onabeUeFrocks. Inc. Mr. Belafskv is sinarmy veteran of four nnd a haltyears' service and is co-owner ofthe B A W Food Storti, Penh Am-boy.

Henry Burhepemovrtflic Ctufr Haul

SEWAREN—The Sewaren Dem-ocratic Club hold election of of-ficers at its meeting in the ParishHouse. Harry Burke was re-olectedpresident; Joseph Turek, vice-president: Terrence Quinn. wre1-tary: Harry O'Connor. treaanrW.and Mrs, Harry O'Connor, goodwill chairman,

The club will sponsor n cardparty at the Parish House on Jan-uary 2*. Mrs. O'Connor will bechairman.

Elevator man in NPW Yorkspends most of Christmas stuckbetween floors,

For Fun • MoiU • AudtoMjn participation

tun. in "THE JOHN REED KINO SHOW"featuring Mponsond by FLAGSTAFF FOODS

Donald WthardiJ 7:3O P.M. Tw«. & Thurs. nightj

at the- Perth Amboy General Hos-pital after a IOIIK Illness.

A native uf New York City, Mrs.Qerity was the daufthter of the lateWilliam T , and Frances VolkertMessenger, residents of Perth Am-boy for a number of years andwhere she lived until her marriaiv.

Besides her husband, she is sur-vived by a son, Georne J. Gerityand a granddaughter. Carol Fran-ces. Another son, James Francis,died. Mrs, Gerity was a communi-cant of St. James Church,

Funeral services will be, held Sat-urday morning ut 8;30 from thehome and at 9 o'clock at St. Jame.s'Church. Burial will be in St. James'Cemetery.

German economist advocates re-vival of European cartels.

Soviet charges Japan usetlgerms on prisoners in Manchuria.


KelUman, widow of George Kelle-man, 186 Metuchen Avenue, diedTuesday at her home. She is sur-vived by a daughter, Mrs. Sophi:Olavacz; two sons, Stephen andJohn, all of Woodbridge, and 28grandchildren and 20 great-grand-children.

Funeral services will be held to-morrow afternoon at 1:30 o-clockat the Greiner Funeral Home, iiGreen Street, and at 2 o'clock atthe Hungarian Reformed Church.

j Burial will be in the €loverleafPark Cemetery.

light, low, trim and

noil. Easy to roll. Ea*y

[store. Hoover builds

you know it's

it. "R1 beats, at it

reeps, as iteans," for only


Ll> (''I.KAN Kit

Cleaning lool i (orHoover, Jr. plug In !h«fcont -the clean«r loHt

along o< you ">•llie cleaning looli,

Ask for Bob Dow, the Hoover Man


»l if\ S / , . il (HiHllHUU.L V J.


Gerity. 65, wife of James P. Ger.ity,15 Valentine Place, died Tuesday

SAVE up to

50%On Fashion-Right FursOt Guaranteed Quality!




t f •


9:30 to 5 P. M.t • •

Friday to 9 P. M.


11)5 MAIN STRIll'T


The finest foods from the garden spots ofj

the world'are yours when you buy

Flagstaff-pjcked at the peak of perfeo:

tion. Taste them today -because tasting

Is believing!... Ah-h, how delighted you

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Flagstaff n«ighborho*{ grocers

Here is the opportunityyou've1 been waiting for!!Every luxurious coat in ourstore reduced to save youmoney , . . and remember,—we stand back of every coatwe sell, so you can be sureyou're getting a real buy!!

In the event of. a reduction of theFur Excise Tax prior to April 1,1950, we will refund the differenceIn tax [on all fur purchases made(hiving the month of January.

WoodbridgeFur Shop

522 Aihboy Avenue, Wftpdbrf<|0




t SLACKSDon't Miss This SA1± OF SALES!;





ttfl lStED WIDOWcmsiw.il*

L 0 6 AWOELEh 'cMif - MrsI t n e r i Htddad Bartricrur 56, o!• e f t M«T. Lebanon. ha» won aI M J B M ihir? of \n» ?;ta'.e of tti M t a n d s>h* ciainv dewrted hertf y e t n H O Ai-.h'OKr; the will o!i«W9h Bwldour I / * Ansf.es la«-fer. who died January 2, 1948. didBOt |Mt)Uon a t.:U. Mrs Bsddo.-:M a t e d that a ti^orc* the ob-

, totaled In Nevada man? rears agoV H taiTtlkl bwaus* she had notf » 4 BOt been »rv«i n t h a sum-M i s to live wtion. !

knjfat H«»r. fv*l and buipnlfill*, K S . H that

to th* K - I ind aretikffti »ith > tr.t'3f>r:«itt>l firm and elaji.c f»-h.


Camay Soapfo* !©*>• e-.c b


b u y SoapFor lotltf and bath

2X21'Swan Soap


c s k e 5ZOc

Swan Soaplaundry and bain

Oxyilast (w all lajfCr/ us«

1.9. )pig -

Chiffon FlakesFo» Ashes, lingerie, etc


Super SudsFor dishes and cLdi

Urge k)pig i

Palmolive SoapFor toi'ei and bath

Palmolive SnapLarge cake lof bath us*

2 larS*


Colgate's Fabf V disKas and a'i lamily wail

I large i\£.pkg. i O c

LUA Flakesfor dishes anjl line fabrics

I'"*, •

t ,f

Lifebuoy Soapfor toilet and bath

lifebuoy SoapLtrg* take for bilh ut«

Silver DustGrtnuUled wkil* soap

HakesfDf ditKes, Imjeni, t i t


i Rip

What do >ou rou'idfr goodMTvire in a food More? Do youfr\ it at jour A&P?

Of couiv. v*e expect all our cm-|il<n m to bf friendly awd courteous.Hut Ve think good service goes be-yond lhat. We train cxir employee*to be prompt, efficient, helpful andaccurate a* well.

To us good sen ice mean? qualityfoj>d offered at low prices in clean,uell-M(*k«i and veil operated Jtorej.

Any t ime your A&P dofw't1 up to these yard&tkk»t»f

MTvjre, p l r v r let us knowabout it.

v i i l e :

(.u-torner Relations Department,, .UP Food Store?,

420 Islington A-.e.. N. V. 17. N. Y.n,


X • . 5 i I . , ', . ! " , 1 1

Table Celery c =- . 2>«»'25e

Mdntosli Applet 1 £ 29«New White Cabbage fe 6e

P o l a l o C S M«ir.t-A n»-U S No 1 jradl 1 0 Ib bag 3 9 ^

Florida Slrau berries . , , , pint i»« 39c

S*cet Potatoes usN<=iSr,dt 2 b» 17e

Yellow Turnips Canadian b 3e

Yellow Onions U S M « I J - » J « 2fe»17e

Frt's'll K a l e C'e»n»(jwar.Kid-eid/loc»k 10or cellobtg 1 "c

Filbert \ u t Meats . . * • • «»zt.aj25«

Pi s tach io Nul s . . . • • « i a i b n 2 5 c

Dried FruitsApples snbaa 19= Pears . • iibbas3S«

Apricots i is> b»8 49c Peaches . ' ib bag 33«

Prunes ' c t»s2'Jc Mixed Fruit i% b*a33c

Calinivrna Figs jjmbo w imjn «yi» ««pk |19c

Big, Jcl'ni'jus • flasorcd

fggs. As economical as

lliev aie lle^h. dozen


C l l C * l - O - l l i I * I"'* Cli«e»a food 2 »« 79«

Sliced AmericanImported Switzerland Swiss

GoWNR^ch Apopularlapl*

i Pro \ olone { i ian tiyi*

Grated American Cheese 2o^,Pk814c

Swiss Knight Gruyere . , •

Cottage Cheese foodcr»H

W h i p p e d But ler Sunnyiiaid »<».ciip40e

S u p e t Cream iord«niwhippinj vipmttout 3(k

SoUf Cream 'Bordari'i pmU9nl32<:

To Help

CHECK Y01R PURCHASESAgainst lour Cash

Register SUp





Y o u ' l l find A&P"> | . r i . f - I M - \ U> -<<• ;nnl f . i - \ !-• l A - - . h . r l l i . - \ > |»! . i i i i lv

m a r k e d o n e v e r y i t e m i n t h c - t t i r e a m i ' k t r K - l i ' ^ i i mi f \ c r \ <hrlf . . .

a t t r a c t i v e l y l o w e v e r y d a \ in t h e \ s e e k . T h a t I I K M I I - v o n <, in a l w a v s k H i r e

t h a t u* ' t?< m a d e n o m i s t a k e in j . u t t i n g u p \ o i i r o r d e r o r a d d i n « u p ) o u r

b i l l a n d t h a t y o u ' v e m a d e n o n r i n m a r k e t i n g a t \ o u r l l i r i f t v A & P !

J»« c«r 3.'J«

\ e t t a r T e a '••.-.••.•<-. , . , \i)r

O u r O w n T e a f ^: . • 'i l . )«

Nectar Tea Bags . , . , « n s r ' f i o c

Our Own Tea Bag? , . . . ;;•;-'«3!J9e

Light Meat Tuna Fish c-.-.ttr =i i« 7 5! :Jr :t*)r

Spaghetti & Meat Balh c e so, A D« ;s. =: Vk

Bea/dsley's Shredded CodlbH <o: s'»s loV

B«ardsley'g Codfish Cakes • i- i -; ^ 19c

Cold Stream Pink Salmon , • '• = •* .'We

SUhl-Mever Beef Stew . . . i •= -.*- 39c

Heinz Tomato Ketchup • • '< ••= -••• 2:5c

Sliced Pineapple

Yellow Cling Peaches '<>M

Peaches w M«« OI u*y

Fruit Cocktail U*r « W Mom.

In-tant CoffeeM»n««iflHom«2«47c

Carolina White Bice >»> P J l&V

NabiMo Sugar Wafers . . 3«Cks 2(="25c

Prwniiim Sitt tne Crackers H ^ « « »» 25c

B u r r v ' s C o o k i e s Houmpun M»rtmwl lib pig 3 9 c

Ne.-llc's Chocolate Morsels , 6oipi819«

Peter Paul Mounds . '. . . . 3b»>23«

Milk Chocolate Bars H.^.Y »or N.HI.. 6 bS.i23c

B o - r o •«.:'.*.•«*:;!* !2;ii«-25e 21 or in 13c

Ro^alGelalin Desserts . - . 3?VJ«19C

30« ci« 25«

toi i»1.35

} * p«s 35c

In Frosted Food Depts.Kaati IU< CtaiMtnM

Orange Juice . . .

French Beans »•'&•/•»'

Strawberries i»d»«y«o

Cod Fillets cap.


Libby 10 oi. pkg 2 5 c

' Ubby 12 oi .5 7c

'0*1(1 to \oC~

Famous for Tender, Ju/cy Goodness. . . Priced for Thrift.'


r a u ? e . \ i l ' c a r i ' i ' * . - " i i i v i\:\>- ^ ] . : : : :

l a m b a n d p o u l t r v . l i i ' .v <.<: A . ; , I \ ~ •;

A & P c u t s a n d t i i in- , t h a n '.*> ->\\: •. (li u.'>\? l u r

m o n e y , a n d p r i c e s t h e m a ? low a ; m a r k e t r.o?t5 p e r m i t .

\>:>l'h. • ' ( ' : ' . . .

it.1 f

Frcuh-Broiliag A FrviagSnes21 to 3'ilbi-Only lKtb*tt front ntarbytar 29-

PORKHibs ,.„„:,'.:•;' -=73c

f_.nf,,, D S I . lueleii f »l Roast . U' l

Sir lo in Steak jut^ n«.oiy tb 73c

Porterhou&e S teak shOTt ct-itsi wai>a it> HJK] i

Pot Roast tmttttt Ctatk-w 1.1 .dd.d b 79c

Bottom Round P6t Roa*t N» in M ib 8,'k

Top Sirtoiu Roasj toa*'*»-w in add«i tb B3c

Whole or «!lK«r hall-full cut Ib.

Boaelea* Brisket Beef Fttsh o. co,n.d j ib 79c

Plate & Navel Beef f^-to, b,o.i,ng tb. 27c

Shoulder Lamb Chops . . . • >° 79cFancy Seafood

Swordiuh si«k * 59e Smelts f«nc/ ' ib \',U

Smoked Fillet it 45c Oysters f«r on [fa

Chuck Hoast •rj^^,-,. t l.jeChopped Beef fi'JJ*»» 19«Loin Pork Chops c»m». tun to d3c

Pork Chops H,P M.d ihouid* cm b 29c

Fresh Hams wmia «< a.uw wt lib. 49c

Fresh Spare Ribs i. • • a a • "> 39c

fc 53e

ft) 39c

ib lie

n> 4 9 c

ib 39c

te 49c

Reafv-to-Eat HamsSliced Bacon Sunnyti»w

F O H 1 fw InctiiM, wlad»-al1 tiiai

1 urkeys nu> 17 ibi t undu ib. 59c

Frankiurlers siuniui

Pork Sausage Uk b 49c MM)

Sliced Bologna , , . » - , ,

13,0001,S.I', uiiiu Vtlajui«A added ID cadi pound.Hue for table use and cook-

.ing. (Not colored) Piki i Effective in Suptr Marktti and S^S«(vi« StwttOnly

, . » • Woi Can]<)<


Libby'g S«eet Peas

Kidney or Red Beans

Golden Corn **'•«"ty-«'M"l|t»l1 20ot c*>2i*27r

Sweet Corn '»«•-<'"™ »•»•• 2001 c*n2*<>'21<-

Diced Carrots o*1 M«"« 1 6 « 1* 2 '<" 2(>r

String Beans loni-grMncuf 19oican2'0'2Ho

Cut or Diced Beets iom 30o lt.n](V

Lar.een's Veg-All . , . • . W M U I I . V

Lima Beans o.'.ch J0oi<»n2ioT2.')r

Libby's Tomato Juice • » '»«« ""2^ 2.v-

Prepared Spaghetti Annpjj. IS^M c«n2<or2oc

T o m a t O SOUJ) AnnPig. 10 01 c»n *Ji'

Heinz Baked Beans . . i°°i c»n2io>27--

Ann P a g e Beans 3 vin«i>«i t* 01 «n 3 f»' 2()i-

Mazola or Wesson Oil P> IHe 41 59^

DcXO Pun vtgiUbU ihort.ning 11b can 2 5 C 3 ib e*« 6*^

CrisCOpurtv«giljbl. thortenmg 1 !b. an 2 9 c 31b csn 7 ()t

.In VnuHuul Yuluv!

APPLE SAl'CE\ & P Brand

Fancy Quality

20 oican in

Suniiyfield Flour . . « *

PilUbury Hot Roll Mix . .

Dromedary Gingerbread Mix

Pancake Flour Sunned

Aim Page Syrup c»« «id ™pi.

Flvaporated Milk whiwHeuw '

Marcal Paper Hankies « ,

Reynold's Aluminum Wrap


kirkman's Complexion Soap


H ' H I I a m i ( I J L V . . . f i o ! i an I

l l i r i t t s . A treat al a m m e a l s i . 'I

2ta p«3

20oi pke 12

12 or bo» 2i5



Plain ^ J f f fruii & Nul

Apple Pic j

Pouiid CakeMarvel White Bread .Mar\cl Rolls duMwi« 0

English Muffins

Macaroon Cup Cakes .

Corn Muffins j<n«pvt«

y 49c

pvt oi8'<" l 6 r

Pk9 oi6i<» 19'

, «

Pk5 'o' l ( ' r

FRESH A&P COFFEE'in the mJffv *!n> are changing Ui beau-(re»h,ust'in t.iuund A&H CoHet fium ci^ee* o( cum-

h and »*>iug 15c »r iubf« a pound!



unittees Listed for AnnualPatrick's Dance in Iselin

AttendInelin 7 W Program

COP Club Plans J| 1SEL1N NEWS ,|Col<mia Students ' ^Original' Colonia Fire

,,,;,„.- for the St. Pat-,

n , n , , , to be held in.,|i;,'s Recreation Center

made at a

n( l h f H,,iy Name Society,,,,jiivs Church.

.,/,„„ M . Wllus. RUlrttumlt.)u. society, WM »P-

I,,,,nor;uy chalvnun whileN,,ill nnd Oeorge Emery1 co-c.linlrmen.

i l v , .,,-i- committees as fol-mid programs, John

.vrrncc Clancy. Josephu Tlwmm, Ed Johnson,,,,,, John NcRVft, Pran,k

virrptlon. -• -O'Neill, FrankSchmidt, John

'bllMtlon, Martin,.,,, Robert Neura,• c.a Uilcr, Andrew

,nil Ills

K . , r v l ( i

publicity nnd advertising J. LUSUTNenry, Paul Hayes, Jeseph Car-

entertainment, .1. U*\.N j Mrs,Neary, Charles O'Neill, OcorKn ~ 'Emery; flodr committee, WilliamO'Neill, R, Negra, J. Nesra, EdwnrdJohnson, Walter Johnson, J. Mon-aghan, Jt\, Oeorae Devlin, WilliamCarlson, Al Thamm, T. Homa.ssn,Vincent Blasl, TerronceRiley, JohnCfltlnn, Ralph Carbons, DenisKane, Leon CosBrove, Michael Ko



IHKI.IN -Approximately 125tnen-asers attended the recrpntloiiprosram at School No. 15 Friday.

In change were: Registration,Clavc-nc* Bower nnd Mrs.

Robert Prrillard; dancing, Mrs.William DanitelV. volleyball, PercyHulick; pinu pong, checkers andchess. Stanley Nagrosst; shuffle-board. Octane Hill. The next pro-pram will be held tomorrow nightstarting at "i o'clock.


McCnc. Charles

vacs, John Asanlo. John McCbn-Igle. John Walsh, Anthony Kelt,Walter 8wl(t. Armand VaYi derLinden,Stanley Seabasty and Vin-cent Qrogan.

Special arrangements will bemade to expand faculties for thelarge crowd expected at the St.Patrick's dance will be the onlymajor social event planned for theLenten season by church oiRan-iMtlons.


the Iselin PTA will be held next

ll-litlll"'Ocrlando; • Thursday. 3 P. M., at Bchool No. 15.

Curd Party ScheduledAs Benefit for Library

I|^LIN—A card party for thebrrlfit, of the I.«elin Library BuildIn? Fund will be held January 28R P. M.. at Koos Brothers, StOeorse's Avenun, Rahway.

Mrs. John Hamilton h chairmanTickets may be obtained from her

! or at the library.I . ~ ~ "LENTKN DANCE

ISEIJIN—A pre-Lenten Dance,sponsored by St. Cecelia's RosarySociety, will be held February 18,9 P. to., In St. Cecelia's Recreatlqn

• Center. Music will oc- by UncleGeorfe and his Jersey Ramblers.

Scries of PartiesISELIN—Plans for a series of

monthly card parties, to be held atthe home of Alfred D. Hyde wersmnde at a meeting ot the SixthDistrict Republican Club »t theFirst Church of Isdln annex,

The first party Is slated for Fri-day evening, February 10, at 8 P.M. with Miss Sally Nahtss asihnirman. The admission fte willbe nominal and the public Is In-vited.

Refreshments were served by thehostess, Mrs. Andrew Sedlak. Thenext meetlnn will be held February1, 8 P. M., at the First Church ofIst'.ln.









Collum, daughter of Mr. and Mr».Jnmcs MeCollum, Wood Avenue,will be married on January 21, 1P. M., to John WllllamPizur, sonof Mr. and Mrs. John Pawir,Woodbrldgc.. The ceremony willtake place In St. Nicholas GreekCatholic Church, Perth Amboy.

British call Christmas celebra-tion the best In ten years.

BT Mrt, Rnmell FarmPhone Met. «-l««.1W

—The annual Installation din-ner-dance of Iselin Chemical Hookand Ladder Fire Co., District No.11, vas held Saturday at the VFWHall. Lincoln Highway.

—Robert PeriUtrd participatedIn a PTA broadcast called "LifeWith the Family" over StationWDHN. Netf Brunswick, Monday.Accompanying him to the County-seat were Mrs. Robert Petlllardand Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dickin-son.

—Mrs. Adole WeUcI and diugh-ter, Helene. Block Avenue, enter-tained friends from East Orangeand Newark st their home Thurs-day.

Visit at Library Installs August Frazier ChiefCOLONIA—A new service lor the

children of Colonia School WRSlaunched yesterday when the stu-dents, from the 2nd to 6th grades,visited the library, accompaniedby their teachers. Mrs. John Swln-ton introduced the children to the

i uses of the library and told of the

Half-Ton Club to HoldTheatre Party in N. V.

COLONIA—The Half-Tnn Clubmet at the home of Mrs. ElsieDa men and planned a trip toNew York on April 15. Memberswill have dinner and visit Radio

uses of reading for pleasure and;Information. Mrs. Bwinton showedthe location of the books for spe-cific croups, acquainted the chil-dren and made them feel at homeIn the library.

The promm will be enlarged toa point where classes working oria special project wllV\bo brought

City Music Hall.Mrs. Steffi Robak was surprised

with a birthday cake made by Mra.were served by the hostess. Mr».Anna Doyle was the winner of theblack horse prine. The next meetme will be at the home of Mrs.Mildred Price, Lancaster Road.

—Mr. nnd Mrs. William Rappjto the library every two we«ks,and son. Robert Matftwnn, visited | starting January 18. and will be

I While at the Shore

Mr. and Mrs. Georie Rapp,Avenue, Thursday.

—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carneymcl daughter. Pay, Kcyport, wereguests of Mr. anrl Mrs. Stanley Na-Krosst, Flat Avenue, Sunday,

—Mr. and Mrs. Prank, Trclcliand son. Richard. Newark, spentSunday wlih Mr. and Mrs. Matt-hew Pellctfrlno, Sonora Avenue.

—Mrs. Ida Shaw. East Oran«n,visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Furze,Sonora Avenue, Thursday.

assisted by the librarians In getting out the necessary researchbooks, Mrs. Einar Larscn and Mrs.Edward Nadlcr will be the librari-ans in charge of the special schoolsessions at the library.

The teachers will notify the li-brarians of the different projects,so that I fie proper books may beassembled.

—Mr. and Mr--.. Stanley Na-sroost-. . , and children. Wayne and Norconc.

—Mr, and Mrs. GeorftcRapp anfli Flat Avenue, were the Saturday?on, Brae. Flat ,Avenue, spen',.guests of his brother-in-law awlSaturday with Mr. and' Mrs. Frod • sister. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sen-Rapp, Hillside. cher. Laurence Harbor.

Stop at


son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore^lu-Jawskl, Inwood Avenue, v u guestof honor at a birthday party Incelebration ot his lflth birthdayThe affair was given by Mr. andMrs. Walter Barsnlca at theirhome in Ellzabcthport. Guests In-cluded Mrs. Helen Kujawskl, Mr.and Mrs. Edward Moscr, Mr. andMrs. Harold Deerlng, Linden, ant)Mr. and Mrs. Emll Barsnlca, Ellz-abethport.


—Miss Joanne Leehalne, QuebecCity, en route to West Pftlm'BeachFlorida, visited Mr. and Mrs. FrankJohnson. Hlehfield. Road.

COLONIA—The Colonis Volun-teer Chemical Hook and l*fiderCompany, the "original" flrr com-pany, met Thursday nlRht at thefirehouse and Installed new of-ficers as follows: President, JamesTagcart; vlce-preildent, GeorgeScott; secretary, 8tanlcy Seabas-ty: treasurer, Harry Read; trust-ees, Edmund Hughes, John torlo,Prtd Butter; custodian. RobertSchustler; sergeant-at-arms. Er-nest Frey; chief, August Fmler;assistant chief. Wllli Wcls; fore-man, Rudolph Enz; assistant fore-man, John Lloyd; first warden,Packel Merrltt; 2nd warden, Regi-nald Brady.

Letters of thanks were sent tothose who helped make the Ohrist-mas party for the children a suc-cess.

The Firemen's Association willsponsor a square dance this Sat-urday, from 9 I*. M. al the flrc-house. Uncle George and his Jer-sey Ramblers will provide the call-

Ivn r


HWAY BRAKE SERVICE, . . „ . „ ! Rrn»lrlnr - 21-Hour Tnwlnn Service

TED'SBar & Grill


Ing and music, The committee. In,(charge Includes James Taiwan,George 8cott, Rudolph Em, Hor.stTetschncr and John lorlo.


iary of the Colonia VolunteerChemical Hook and Ladder Co,will sponsor a card party January20,8 P. M., at the flrehouse. Therewill be table pri7.es and refresh-ments, The committee in chargeincludes Mrsi Emma Monissey,Mrs. Martha Read. Mrs. EdithScott, Mrs. Helen Kujawski andMrs. Marie Polhamus.

Highway 36 Keanslwrg

br Tnnr-u|i - (irnrral Repairing

MAIN STRICTlufl .1. ('.issaway

• Hour TowinK Service

RAHWAY "3-9671Joseph N. Gassaway

liamdian Music Every Friday and Saturday

Telephone Keansburg 60775



VALUES up lo S39.95


at the Crossroads of the East

AVENEL NOTES-Amcricus Chapter, Order of

Dc Molay. will meet tonight at 8o'clock at the Crnftsmen's Club. •

—The Women's Association ofthe Woodbridge Oospel Churchwill ,mcet at the home of Mrs,Gustave Bott, Prospect Avenue,tonight at 8 o'clock.

—Mrs. Thomas Bellanca, Mar-tin Terrace, entertained theCOunt-a-Stitch Club at her home.Mrs. Walter Ycdllnski won specialprize. Others present were Mrs.John Gels, Mrs. Matthew Sautner,Mrs. Joseph Rusln, Mrs. HenryZanzalai'l. Mrs, Stanley Zavorsky.

—Salmagundi Literary and Mu-sical Sdclety held Its first meetingof the new year Tuesday at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B.Rankln, Sewaren, with Miss MarieRobblns as assistant hostess.

-Dr. Carl R. Addlnall of theresearch department of Merck ItCo., Rahway, uavc a talk on"Modern Drugs." The next meet-,Inp will be January 24 at the homeof Mr, and Mrs. Victor C. Nicklas,

I Church Street.

COATS and SUITS REDUCED 5 0 %You may cliarpo it if you wish!





Women's Nylon HosieryNO SECONDS,

NO IRREGULARS,But First Quality,

Full FashionedEach Pair Marked at Mill

Dupont's Beautiful Hose51 - IS.

Three Pairs in a Box,


Beautiful Business Shears45-30 or 51-20. Low; Wear

Three Pairs In a, Bot,

$2.39 'Satisfaction Guaranteed

Write, Statin; Size and Color.Black • Tans -, Browns - Light.Shades - or Medium ShadesKni'lonine Money Order, orCheck. Or Pay Postman, DuFew Pennies on Delivery, Allow^ Days Delivery.


1674 BROADWAYSUITE 814, N. y. C.

Hi * ON, WAV tlua Public, Service * n * as a citizen of a great Statt-

we«i»l*iiHlu*trks to localf their pUqls in New jersey.

U lo be wanted'- nnd Public Service issues,* cor-

PUBLIC mvica CiflZfN of


ftili Service pb«» a vital role in the went action at the I:1 L*m » m-g-zinoi and - arc in W »*»

_ w h m Public Service is ready with the dependable services j ^ .

every day, Public Service rcprescntaUves cooperate with Stale

alH| private Al ic ia in effort* 1° furtlpr the economic develop- ,

ment of our great State. • . ,

X / A











, .».U-I»

COATS ^ sans


DAISYS A.M. -6 P"' M.



YOUR HOME TOWN PAPERftivtl you complete, dependablelocal newi. You need lo know oilthat it J»inJ on whet* y«u live.

But you live «ls» in •WORLD where big tvinte gie illI k l making — etcnlt which canmean Jo iriuch to you, to your|«b, your hume, your future. For<onitructiv( report! artd interpr«.loti«ni al Rational and interna-tional taewi, there it no substitutelo. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCEMONITOR.

Enjoy the benefit* of beingfc««t informed—locally, nationally,internationally — with your localpaper «nd The Chmtion ScienceMonitor.

LISTEN Tutiday night* o»erABC itationi to "The ChristianScience Monitor Viewi the Newi."And ul« thil coupon•odoy for a special in- x j D, s

troduetory fulucription, $ I H

p. A.

The CkrUHen Sc|i«(i MonitorOne, Htrway St., »Qit»n \ S.Mon., U.S.A.

*le«if liiid me an Introductory••facriptiMt te The Chitorten MMU*M M l e i - 2 » tHuee. I indue $|.

W h e n ' . N * n , i ' • ' •/• >

a s k e d h i : - w : • • •

m e a t i o i •.;..• --.,<•,-; • • :; r.-. - . • • -

o b i y s u g g ? " . -I'-i-..-. : • > " - ' ( I < > , I ,

b e t f s h o u l d ! : » - . » ;-. \ . . - : • " • • ' •; ••

a n d a m o M *,,;••;. • . - ' a - - * • • ' • : .

freshly em f.rrr! fir,' . • . : , • : » •cle; dry snu .-r-jrr.:- :- vi ' «>ii3white in Co]1--: a.r, ;... r ; ,;i:! edgeof Straw c o b m : lit B* k.:f yourbeef is b w u ! / . .•:!:: •<!t:<-d rieiu I

~ and » r v m T^i.i

Meat Pie * i th Biwuit Toppinrl i b s , bo'.wn; jjui.d in umO

o*el 1 ; . . int.'i*-- ::,i'r.'.% CUP flo'JII t**sp»oi, saltPepper — -e!ery v>'.i

'« cap taccin la:3 beef boiillior. ruD-t

2>4 nips iwDins »J'M'I teaspoon condiment laueeJ HJie carrot? -'.rawci and cui

in tergt pi*c«II snaU white onic-n* peeledCut meat tnw>! •* m-h OJO*« and

. dredge with ' , cup <A int flour to• (*hteh the salt, pepper and celtry

salt have beer; aCaeti. Brownquickly in a Sargp stilJe: & 4 table-spoons of thf- baror, !at M?lt re-maining 4 table«pr»ris in deep »•«'.'.cooker, la;PC kettle >.-Dutch ovenAdd 2 «tole«poon5 flciui and blendDissolve the bouillon cubes in thebolUng waver and add Gradually tothe bacon lat and flour matureStir until wui blended. a<Jd con-diment saure. Add browned mea;and drippings to gravy geduceheat u> low and


lor .: iir>ir V;-; ''"sf-'abi*"- and•• , ' " : V i f ( •>'•!•.? . r , > : i r i ) i r , 1 ' ;

*.(• , : - .inti'. .> •• ;?D,*-= and m ? a .of- i * i d f ! T i . n s ' t 2!a'"i » i l h t h «2 i jblf'iwons <>! flour Wenaed wi\to3 ubiespoonr o! *a;« Turn a»eaimiiture icw a gr'-twrt casserole,and top wlm baking ponder bis-cuits cut »nh s doughnut cuittr.

»n an overi 450 Agrees lor 15w* oi until o.vuiis are tJ»rw

Hoi seasoned *!rin$ beansHot cubed cannt.«

l;»ht!\ mix beef, wit. pens*1*-•.Tit' erat»<1 (iTijon Siispp o rpwoa-bif a T-bfffic M* ik swui 1 inr!:"lift Prefc* ir. ->mp* of n»» rarroiso 'im,ibt<> son* Plat? on ^hallj*baVin? pan Brill atyiv, 3 inrhe*firm rif-at in pr^fBt.fd broilerrarrm Md«Ji»n !or airmt 1 nun-u:«r* I rs>r.4« meal, wAec sick'down to an oiled plark M»k» •>border of muhed potatoesinv top «•)'!. une< o: , J K

; potato vith melted margarine andbroil about 5 minutes until ttea*is don' potatoes brtitnci! Pill rnspace around <U-ak *ith the «:rinet^ans and carrow.

M o 4 cui>--.staff

! r.ip N"1'4 t : , n ' ' ' , * • • •



i j - . v v or bot

Si l l '»"""•


• > i < t m i n : i :• •

-.her) pu; m tti*1 meatsalt and peppn Moi-vbf*f eravy and cover Lor heal throutii ihorouxlilv.nnc orcanlonatty to mix nand also to ketp it .(romWhen done it should bewatery nor dp-, but jus!enough to stand well whenRemote cover and allow hash u>bin«n. II deMr"d mi* a littl^chop-p»t1 onion *ith vhf- m<- »•- "- >•


<\^(* Pa-^temait' Rudy Vallef. »ho loves u> p!a>.i on Tiip UU villains on thf screen, will w '*I (lli'Hi toMWire'chanr* at anmher one In -Orv>w Over Lmhtly' a f w »l>»ch lie *i,

.start a personal app«-aranrp Ui>u

ux'k out hisi p avr-d 1)!.'of S« i ra

roleWai;ir H


7™'«nn,4i ,n . . . .... Jas-per left oft his toupe for "Twelve

I* i.rrrn "irrrf.I'Bt.M


n ™

ft of! his toup? for ^ck tfi*h" and turned in such i^s^nt pejfoimance.he proo- ,

Bo<«un Bttfi of round «tf&k thinly. cu: in half-inch wide

Mrsj»iI taViwpoor,: hox dripping' orp

shorten ;n a3 f^wm sii/d onion1: chopped

S»3t and pepperI1* cups water

1 teaspooc dry mustard1 cup soiir cream -Boiled noodles

Dredff strips of beef with Uwflour. Brown in the drippings. Addthe chopped onions. Season wrilwith salt «nc pepper. Add waterand simmer about an hour, untilmeat i« tender Just belore remov-.m from h?a: add .wur creamStri'e with hot boiled noodles.

Planked Beef Moderae2 pounds ground beef

1 '2 teaspoon sailPepper

2 teaspoons grated onion2 strips raw carrot3 cups seasoned mashed toma-


BHfian Meat Balk".Hind bee!

2 uolf <po'»n? minced onion1 ( cup com meal2 uWefpoons neen pfpper

minced'.. teaspoon chill powder

1 ; . teaspoons dry mu'tar.l1 tea^Ooh saltPepper1 cup milk.1 egg

I'J-CIHK tomato soupMis beef, minced onion, corn

•meal, eretn pepper, chili fonderdrr mustard, salt and pepp;r. milkand egg, Form into 12 balls Lethalls stand for '? hour trwn rollin flour Bryj.ii in 4 tablespoonshot !at. Take out meat balls, addto fat 1 tablespoon of flour and 1' 2cups tomato soup. Season well.Put balls into this mixture, coverand bake 15 to 45 minute in anovtn 400 dearees

Beef Hath2 cups choppedc old roa^ beef

or sU-afc

Aor/.'i .in;_ owr i

.- I',T;P (!,an;y or ne»dyilJ $ive a o-r.efit. vho* at

(*1ub m Jamury 'or lh(>

Ohio. — Mr.-.?a?e birth U '

_. Sprlngflkl City Hospiu!1

litUe Utet Mrs. Norma Jeananf«:fiifntpe!form2nce.heproo- !Chl lM a U | 0 W T e W r t h to a sonably « i l l ? a «nf- "*>•No* c < ? 1 " the same hosplttl. H happens« jme to wonder *hy tne feminme | m s vfj. ^ l l t t t e g J r l s n w n e d

- • - - • leave 'iff something i N o n M J w | > n u n . ^ c o u s i n snamed'Chile?. The twpj(irl» gavebirth to sons in the same hos-piul on the same day and intooccupy the wme room. The nur.*s

' liave a )ob of keeping the babi^' siraUht.

. , , | , - , . l l u . ! > » • • . , . . • •• , 1. J- | , , , i> Ai , i ' , oy < • ( * ! . ',•,

, , , 1 . . o l J i S f ' T I i l •,'."', fii>i<*»l, in *'•<"I



b f s i d f iriothtt-mayor they II gtl


; Tiru»» . IS, | *r (ln<-

Co--'Jo, -*lio are

1951 PREDICTION... an auto- Emerson P. Schmidt, director ni

; economic research of the Onitpc: Slates Chamber of Commerce, pre-

,s bfkqjaojij d i cts that 1950 should be 'kids.ihat Clifton y e a r , but not quite .so good••r'.;eao'=r bv the \ix ^ business is co.,-r.m Pnpa dflwa. T n e backlog of consumer demand

When W*3D h"SiTate= ever a line lraC4»bJ« to the production lo«in a scene any nr.e ol.ifc '»*<'-ve. created by the 5teel. coal and othe:supplie? i'-- A; i i r !- l5 majr' ing h l : n strikes, will help ke?p sales ami

Jimmy Stewart is anxious t* neivoi-help P>» "Harvey" on the screen.Josephine Mull will be whh l.imin the mm and Brfc-k Pemberton.a whi> ywiH be present as an observer when Henry st-;it starts shootui? I and •«•::'.

_ - , ^ - j»pek ti.^fBen Bogeaus bou^iit screen-,t|,p k.-.i>

. . „ „ | , , , , s . - , l . r . f ! • » • • r, I t , , , * . ) , - A v < f H . . M t - I . u l i f . .

i% i ' . - i ( n » '•• • '''''• ' ' v ( ! " ' ' ' ( I I C V I . b » i * T i : i i t i i

\LL CLABSIFIBU ADVERT1SINO ^ ( . — y _ s ) x „ , ,„


him over J100 000sp ir^i mu=icPort's "Wasonthinks "John Fthe great*5: juy I eve: m-ct•sliich many fully a?ret.

Ti HV.lywood forf ••; n dfreni rol?.

IS.IJI sfi o 1IL« homek-,v Yo.,; The nistJ lar.i!":! J part inCr;!-m:i play. "For

nrices up. Personal income, mean-while, has remained relativelystable, w the funds for continuedbuying appairttUy still are rm'.-able.

! ••«;'"•" 'T,,,\ „ , , mi . ( -» «»•« • " '

. , | j , , i , ,mt T'.P c,-<.Kr«ilunol U'«


rights to Mildred Crams Storj'.-One SAW-: G:ap•'The Promise." for which she has'Oteadj written a screen treatment.Bogeaus would like to have Gary Betty G-a'ole'Cooper and Jane Wyman for theare ;he

— —Arwr twelve yea: = in HoUyvrood


ghcDIi"They say Hunter, h«J to pro-

pose to Miss De Rich six Hmes be-fore she accepted him."

"6he certainly gave him a runfor her money'

, 11 ' , ' i -,,, M;i"|,l

I I I o » H

, , . • . « | . • I- •<" '

.! . . i r . i i l i " < > • • • < - >

. , • ; . , ] I : i ' « ;

Vj, MilillK. ' " c 1 l l i : ' :

i'.,iii:ii"l'. .i:'«ri">ir ' ' ' ' I 1 - '

George W. Miller, l{(l i l < karrk * l . . * ™ Urn,,. ,

•1 II)rr B»r«»»* *»lr« - HUN

( Xl'l ' l ( T H I N M » \ l i n

U - I . M A . S *i ' iui ' i l !k>- v^ . , - i n n i l , « l : I • •' i n - ••











MARCH OF TLMES1 Thf Ko.il fa? the B5Q March ol

)ixfs has ter< «•• at $50,ooo.ooo• -tv.-ici.- the umount raised In 1B4H

j •jidinn to Baiil O'Connor.

,))•( -id-nt 'if tl.c National Fuutnl-.<-1 i: 'ii ler Infantile Fardlyiis. whu'

\>:iu.\••'.'. on; t iu t the foundationis m .is AOi'-t flnani-l.il conditionis) i i . iiisiarv. This !•> due to the

hi: f-t numbT of cases of infan- i'.'.[>• p.ir.ilysis in any one country'iii jiiy one y-ar in'the world's hi.s-i i -y tthic;: occurred in 1949.A.1 Hi moii' iiii*si 41.461 (US'-, were:r]i<ir[t-d

SliciiKT :-r-"s business steady ,n

fliii qtiai'tsi'. InKlit-r in second.


Jiavy men, Jeise L, All,•:.m»i professional ballet d;,.

i Dale A. Lynch. 20. »fs

ihe Ukf-otf of a hcli'craft was caught in ,i •.of wind, causlnx it t) ;,.nays. The whnlint! ur.,,.copter ampuUt»rt the imen and aho clipped ..!ana index nnft-r from A1.

ALMECHT'S KEY SHOPi w k p B i l l l i - •>•>•• I I n , .l i n n Hmftrn «»»riin,, , i

W K I I I H I MarkUr I'irN ,i li•,,,]„ I••(••In T IMIU - ! ) * ) • Vk i.ir- 1 1

H a l l — * n i l I •I'U » » « H I \ ( . ! H N \ V I \ i |

r t K T K H K T I - 7 I M





Fneral Directors « « J H Biner Service ^ tRetl Estate Rugs

Tel: WOodbridre 8-06J*Nil*: WOodbrldgc 8-232$

Clarke Repuir SerriveRIFRIGEKATIUNand Al TOMATK

WASHING MACHINESMl Rah way Avenue, Ayenel. N. J.

Anthorixtd Lauderall ServiceE t Bendis Repairs


Funeral Home

46 Atlantic Street

Carteret, N. J.Telephone Carteret 1-5715




OIL BURNERSIl-Hoar Emer;en<

On All Makes.All Work Guaranteed.

Tall Vt atMelurhen 6-2S18—?A. 4-1113

BaldaufEnginereing and Maintenanrt

P. O. Boi ^M—Meturhen

Pet Shop

Donald T. Manton


Representing BoynUn Brotben: A Co. Over 29 Ve»»

I Tekphme WoodbrMce 1-1592 J

• Rooflig aN

Ut Ls REVIVEThe Txquisitc Beauty of



Call CA 8-G382

All work done In your homeBy Appointment Only.





HORSE MEAT.. i» 20

JI gioDf - Wwhed GravelW**be4 SaAd - Waterproofing| U . Brick - C>ment - Platter

Raritan MercantileCorporationptMDt PE-4-8375


4 9ns Stores •


, January Clearance Sale now inprogress. Shop now for extra;

: n inter tsrotners » • • . i u,,d>. ^m,piir«. Hur»m»tWayalde Furniture Shop i ••'"•» '••'H - i . s. <.«»t iu»<-rtr4

j Highway 25 Avenel, N. J. ' " • *""<" ' "»""" - ftl'»i"Open Dally 10 A. M to I P. M.

Bird. - I •**.* . •

rhon* Woodbrid/e 1-157* 156 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUEPERTH AMBOY TEL. 4-3419

MINES ROOFING CO.Gutters - Leaden - Bhjllfbw

Slat* and Asphalt Bocf»Kubberoid Shlntlea

All work cwred br Warkmen'sCompensation and liability

Hihes Roofing Co.*56 SchoftlncStreet, Woodbitldee

LnAer ai l Millwork t

t Service Station t



\mboy Avenue and James Street

Woodbrldje, N. J.

WO-g-1514 ' '


First '4 Mile 15c,Each Additional >« Mile . . IOc




'L' i Axenel Pharmacyl t i l RAHWAY AVENUE



- Film ' Greeting Cards

Woodhridge Lumber Co.

Woodbridge, N. J.

Telephone: WoodbrUte t-HZi


88 Main Street

Woodbridge, N. J.

'' 8-055)

J&J Poultry



RAHWAY 7-2171

Henry Jansen & SonTiiujint and Sheet Metal Work

BooflA*. MeUl CeiUoci »nd

Furnace Work

S88 Alden StraetWoodbridge, N. I

Telepbme l-114«

Geis Bros.Gulf Service





. Phone*: WO-8-Z927

Jack Gefa, John Doicsak, Props. E. W. NTEB WO-8-2368

Stirss • ' • Radii Repairs •



Dim W«eklX. Monthly RatesyV«W« and

'- Well Ventilatedv Bwt at Care

Kernels216. Innun Avenue


A C;OOD ion/ 0«f9>>'t J u t Happtu!

Telepbone Woodbridtt » 1 « 9 ,

Liaupr $tore|O8. ANDRASC1K, PBOP.

Complet«| Stock of Domesticand Imported Wipes, B«ers

ind liquors574 W Q Y AVENUEWOODBRIDGE, N, j .


Misical listnHMits •TUE ROAD TO


' Expert ItutrneUraAecordit>n - VWta,

Hca4«ua>ten for Qu4UtjMusical InstrumenU » M


Edm'$ Musk CeHterfKO SCHOOL OF MDHK)

K4. IhiBlMwia, ! •»« .

»7 State 8t t. A- MW

ilo's Music Shop

Telephone CA-8-5089

i('« Radio & fc/<?t>MionSALES and SEBJOTCE

Authoriiei Senice EngineerOnly the Best Replacement Tarts

Vw4 :

All Word FnUr GuaranteedAH Types Tubes and BaUeriea I* J

"SINCE 1905"

New Jer$ey Roofing

CompanyRotfln* - Brisk Sldlnj

MeUl Work



TeL PE; tMUj - [




Woodbridge 8-0887

Holohan BrothersGARAGE

Standard Esso Products

PheneWoodbridte K-0064 and 8-««3

Cor. Amboy Avenue andSecond Street

. Firestone TlrH and Tubes

N. I.

Used Cars


t Raiit



i. JtMr 8«r«plnf' Call

br am

Yew Car!


or Rahway 1-513*



£. P. Thompsonm LfNCQLN AVENUE


Instrument*jgcnUl PUn for SUdenU

46$ New Bnuww-ck Aveime

Nrti 4I94»


^114 Ambojr AveBoe, Perth Aatfojt

Phone Perth Afltbpy 4-JJW




jo$EPH p. %wm


Ttlepbw* W»»dbrid(e I-JMI

t Sewing Center i •



11.75 a Week Will Buy YourNew Sewing MachineHITTOMIOI.K* *\w.



tl WASHINGTON AVE.Carteret 1-7206




Wdfe. 8-1121 - 1-1021

Parliamentary PracticeThe meeting had dragged on

interminably. The president wasanxious to leave, but there werestill a few obstinate members vflioinsisted on continuing until thematter in question| was settled, al-though it wa$ apparent that noprogress was being mad?.i At last he •.•cJW stand it mlonger. "All t*K»e in favor ofan adioummeni," he anonunced.'may signify b? getting up and

1, the same!"'

. . . Sliorlatc uf Water . . . Shortace of SirtiwBut no—Dellnitely NO!I

Sliortatr uf Terrific Values—

At the SURPRISE STOREWhere You Can Buy:





All for only $ 2 7 9•'WITH NO MONEY DOWN

and $2.79 WeeklyAND LOOK WHAT YOU GET!

15 Pc. LIVING ROOM GROUPINGA I V m l i f i i l , r p l v i l V i i - n - J 3 - 1 V . S i r I f W i t h A l l A . - . « • ! • - • ' . : •

ONLY $12i COMPLETEPayments $1.25 Weekly!

11 Pc. BEDROOM* GROUPINGM ' . X l . . , l . - r n V . ' . i l t i m l l i - , i r ( M i i \ . M u i t f W i s l i A H T'<- T r i n '

' ' ONLY J125 COMPLETEPayments $1.25 Weekly!

61 Pc. KITCHEN OUTFITS . i i i . 1 i i . i ! ; I n i n - M i - w i i l i S i l v . - r » j i > . i i i . l I • ! - I t . ••

ONLY $19 COMPLETEPayments 29c Weekly!

And Dozens of Other Outfits to Select FromFREE STORAGE — FREE DELIVERY


ST1WI-: mi l H(!i M<i%.. ri KN. tMi TIII ID... » \ . M. n> n i- 1!

W|;il.. vttl. A MT.. V 1. M. TO 9 I". >••VrlK null, k«u-\rl> |>ni unl) 10", ilunu.



BOUGHT • SOLI) • RENTEDDozens of Machines in JStockOrntruu* Trade-in Allowanee,

K i pert Repair*.P. A. 4-WM

EafarnTypewriter Exchange

111 Market Utreti tor. HadituiPERTH AMBOY

Nont to HM on any Im to




.Mlt of Jam** Powell. $15,000,wfll go to the East Aurora HighSchool he once attended. MrPowell, who died lastThwlutiivinitDay,, became Internationally fa-mous when it became known thathe hu the "Mr. Benefactor" olAurora, who *as passfiis .outcheats fto makel, .pepflje tappswhile I am still alive." Me gaveaway MM.OM before Ilia tdcrttltVwas discovered.

Ml IIMU l*Btwe»_.J I M M, IMI


f)• Dining Car

( ,>•. .«l In

• Porloi Cor


local fire truck dasheira halt mileup WurOwro Mountain {o ex-dinguhh a blaze on a truck laded

|U> excelsior, they found Insuf-i i t <* i l l £ l i u i i £ t the

lt». fMtainf teto | » Wtt^i(nick's hot seat, fireman DukeSemontte sped down the mountain.Parking the truck by the villagehydrant, he h'-d tneftwOOtta Mtime at all.

1 J


tie Starts I K . , JANUARY 1 2 , 9 : 0 0 A. M.% This Sale All Sales Final — No Exchanges — No Refunds



yims, Failles,

tin ha i-dines

(Tool, ('(»tt»n & Rayon Jersey



FLAREUluc. Maize Pink, White



Keg. $1.69


Joys' Corduroy


Witt $3.99 & $4.45


Keg. $1.50

M.89'Reg. $1.00


men's Shoes







NOW $1.89s Tax

tej. 1.98-NOW $ 1 . 3 5Plus Tax




ew »:i.00 a«z.


SHIRTSReg. 1.75


NOW $ 1.39MEN'S 100% WOOL


JAC - SITSRegula


S00 Pair WOMEN'S

SHEETS63 x 99

72 x 99

81 x 99









Pillow Cases42 x S(i We

NYLONSGO Ga. 15 Den.


Children's Blue Denim



98cGet Several Pair



SIZES 4 -10



Slashed to

$3.49to $5.95


•1.69All Slippers Reduced

;2$%O«npW«, Daniel Green, Evans






Regular $1.49






Ladies' S L I P S$|98|


SizeB 1 • 4,1 Pie,<:



.7.95 4.9510.95 7.15


12.95 8.45


Training Pants19,

6 for $1.00



Values from $2.98 to $4.45



WERE #5.98



Gowns & PajamasUvular %'\M\

%*% .89


NOW 2Ladies' Skirts I


$3.98Values to S5.9K

Get Several

Pair Now


A Heal Buy




ValueH to $8.95





JACKETSReg. $8.95


$4.95BOYS' PEA

COATSReg. $7.95

Now $4.45


SHIRTSReg. to $2.49

$1.79A Real Value




ShirtsValues lo v\



You should buyIMMMMI pairs lit

this price.

General ReductionOn AH OtKer



l U, \it

• ^.yaw.'W,


PastorLadies'Akl Slat*

c°ntated H


*'. '


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,p:,::::-.rr^. ^ j - ; ; ^ 8 ; M l w J l l . M p o s s i t t , V. Carragbcr E\pArenwe

o : »* feet

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"Thr Bif Wh~-:

mitiuvkim iot*' im Thf lit»n k \ lfflw \ - : H .

Tbmtrr Urn

Avenel ItemsOf Hit Bli>S» 1

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:ai a? rrinw after b««-, .ii it W;;.ats Parke Hasp;- ,f i v . K : » -'• •• -

• , -cSl, » aithi awl. i:;-,, pynre fv. thr Tnmplb sriouii. """•"• ' v , r

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tiy H» lert Tbt buy-Th» <*•:••


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-.:-. .:'•»•• ir. .'•,' i iT3KTi i>-ncE ' . i ' r S.v Mr.

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-' " i ;-.. • • ",3ut. MB;% Aria ^ t w » rea] pnio- p a m i u ol « wn ior t T'jr«3sj »•,

p,y ar-' '<••' C«Awua. '•• Mr ti,-

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Tl il! b mtuiree n th» tci

: .V.'.- yarr. CJ;> WJ% Hyvsrc Mortoc<". t : - ' w d Mr PvOvr; Bws, Np»-art f t n ' r ; . ' . r:

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r.'-r-C*|l»«itti^i• .-,t.:ii irvu?h. . Oliti, - * t O W ? i h < - * ' j j i : v • • : > • ! : '<

ROLLER SKATINGtun arniii - »T.- sci.. M. 21 -22

Matiw* from 1HI/ r M — tvutin? trwn T:M) J" M


at tbf Beautiful Nf«


Special ftatet to Grmipt and Parlin.Tn*rt* a Sak is W wdbrMft »t

Green birrrl UHJ Rxbir>> Av«iii?iiMrt GMi , "* Main Street.

Mrt WilikrcMr: .An'li

c ".hi aor.nerr. , ' - :r i i v :,-••= :--i:- "

ine M«: r-"

Pane: Mrt. Grovp Pener

''f- U\ r,P| V". ii J . -*

A :-3mmit:« •->r;i..-'.;r.- r ! •'•

_ ^ ^ Anwin'-r^ Pffjiet- M^' ' ''a-

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'"'* ' Jaiheaeai JUILI: - T;.e s;«f if COT, i

LCi'jGi-irj aud

latl But Sot. , , ' " * « • Spr;;

' JIBDIC iliiCi O / j Li.':' ' TS'iLij 0 r .

...'Jtore Rabuiuv.-j- H>, prwjucwi'ilaMsph Nn.ia--:- »s cwu-h. A a « c

l « 4 » a p l 7 M yitti. ;•')' ;-.pi)Oi!it w i n - '

j_ TB^ttees. . . T .v t,ip. '•.')* 1 uJaWB HI

' * * - ' • ToWJi;' l ip w> <_•.-,;• yjJoir.U-d SV

tiiiK >'«:<ir v O ' . p ] ; 1 K Holy

lie iuifc '.-.!!:;/'-;-'--.: ^ la i . t for i'^

,UjJ but, •v:.:t.'.i;-T:i«- St . P t t -

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i la«t b v . o*'fai:i'.!j; Dot Jeast

&h9itid .'iii'1. iv. t jarzamii to

ANUARY SALELimited Time Only

Buy Now and Save

l ! : . * : . ? ;

Tun.p.r •:Indttstrj Ui B*n»fit

T : v

d!tiy ~• » ^ . ' v


^ 'J':

' . ; ! * • * : : •


1-f. •' I.'.1'


£.O'Jt1 6t.l;S£

MbNawSAT., SIN. JA* r.

• %J1vM>n f r t « LaMG.M ' Grr»t Mi

' GOOD VEWs"'. ol»r bj Tr:'hnie«k

— n « k « -


al and;

Sunday MiarUxmui !!




> > • "

N. J - P- A- 4 9 ; i 1 8

THUIfv. Mil \M> *\T


with Milton BEKLE and

' Vir;inia MAYO

"PROJECT X: nitb Krilh ANDERS and

! Rita COI.TON


'ADAM'S RIB'The M<*t

( uimty M tbt

Sprncrr Tra<>


asUJs -P••'me picked up <» and bl.iM'!-!.1.:1 couDle. :sChirp


«W1« uuj, V»J ,, ... }tk« T^e K-."Jt/i(' ctplauied uia'

i pJwi,c:i :i (-ommili fj>iTl' dfpwintj;' 'jOjjt'Jier, b*t

i ti'ater|»'uu too aria."

Kfiidiiuit,,. hy 6'J VJU »'«ep ov^r tht bor-lillwfti pf pt'jpl' in »'iic»nj you have

interetii WJIHI you Iso lo the

pert**.?" • auifrti u * m*n.1 * * 1 den'1 mow" replied the; % « B B » . "W.'.> «, VOLJ ciiwr wUdly

& 'mail va;, uiiom you arep.^H, *oouamu-u rjatj lulu




.00 More



$25 to $500IN RfrXORU TIME!



WO. 8-1848und ht'tl l u \ ' U» 'j»>.hjrCUl> lOt MrL Ul |"H k MP

in a hill ri"ur \<, »«iu;it'Loans lo rrnii niid ««ncilm Hoodhridtf and ncifh-

24 Hour Service vA kistallaUon Guaranteed -


^uuihiii>toi (jackal* Ib> n>ai4«n

d!i, i« df H*vitU*d

Monti •stum ( W



8} Main \\in






mth Junr HAVER and



wi(b Randolph SCOTT



vHh 1)*mtis O K t r n 4nd

«.»il BISSEU.

-STRANGE BAJUiAIN• iU> Jkffrej I.YNN and

Marthi S< OTT

Afe* I)i>^r» to thr


Michael O'Shru

Jalk Bbhap

STRANDA Wener Rwde Theohe


T « O Bid HIT-

"Miss Grant Takes!

Richmond'd",rn SupMWM






Jaattt M*



(hHdetU IttberiR^urt TwscGrmtt Brrnt

I;;:JDE FOR SALT— alse —

Kidtiljili StfeU . Jatur Nith


In CitUir:




U OOOBttlDbt. N J.

b tuud Up. Stop

|ft ind'pict^u^ WMK warm

iport iJ.:iu bwealert and ,

; JatieUi at (I SALES and SERVICE, INC04 MAIN ST.

384 SCHOOL St.

f THIll

MilKui BEE11 Virtteia MAYO in

ALVVAVS LEAVt THEM LAlGHli^G"nftttiilMfi L\3Ht Laura EUaOTT »».







TttBl SATUltylYOute K1LLY tra^i tUNATEl to





iiimerit Plans,livings Offered


I l)rlil\ Dedication,I.oi-Htc- Ceremony,,IM.,| for May 28th

Lois Faye Kahree Pretty BrideOf William J. Jogan, of Fords

Hand-Paint Your Own Ten Cloths and I\<I/»WIU

drnw-war memorial

br erected here Inihf servicemen of thewoh were killed In ac-

niTM-'ited at' the meet-[ i ne Fords Memorial PostII'W, held In the post head:

A Nelson


presented» talk on


ivUiK » tai n n s and Plans ol the•nmmment. The drawing,.SPII and will be turned/executive board for fur-

for the dedication of r o 5 f X

Couple on Wedding TripTo Florida; To ResideOn A'. Brunswick Are.

FORDS—The First PresbyterianChurch, Perth Amboy, was thesetting for the marrlatje of-MisstiOls Pnye Knhrer, daughter nf Mr.and Mrs. HIIRO Kahree, 553 New!Brunswick Avenue, to William Jo-seph Jof!«n, son of Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Jogan, 816 KlnK GeorneRrind. The dnuble-rlnR cercmenywas performed by Rev. Andrew M-Sebbcn, pastor, officiating?

Thr bride, Riven In mRrrlairr byher father, was ntllred In a navvClmntllly lncr drc« with anklc-

Rth accordion pleated skirt anda navy blue bolero. A navy hatwith pink and navy veiling com-pleted her Ensemble nnd she car-ried a colonial bouquet of white

The neyvlywcds will tour by nutoto World* duiinffihcir honeymoonand will reside at the New Bruns-wick Avenue address followingtheir return January 21. For solnaaway the bride wore a navy bluesuit with navy accessories nnd »

r-iHKe of d l

has been set fori( ; of n survey con-

il,p,ii5h('ut the various or-

timiiof the community indi-HniHiratc' ceremony, to

., ,,,-imr speaker from thfL;,,;i forces, and a parade of

,P(i various organizations.| m; in|,rr.s :.lso planned for a

( ! ; m r r (o be held this( | . l l r d, in- announced.

V,(r Oimmander Harold, ,„,.,,c|Ct| nt the meeting.

,/, Associationts Three Speakers

; E'.'nn ofPolice Drpart-

L p s f t i ' t i i l n

:hr l speaker, at

Koch YoungsterFeted on Birthday

FOFrDS In honor of the sixthbirthday of their son, Thomas,, Mr,and Mrs. Andrew Koch, 20 Law-vence Strict, entertained atparty In their home.

Present were Karen Nearv. Miand Mrs. Edward Plekarski anddauttliter. Patricia, Mr. and Mrs.Edward Polsen and son, Dean, Mr.and Mrs. Michael Lucas and chil-dren. Lonnlne, Robert and Carol,Mr, and Mrs. John Sydorko nndson, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Henry

j Kress and sons, Leonard and Wil-liam, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kacs,

' Mrs. Leo Konopko and daughter,Merrily, Miss Marie Labancc-, Janei

j Labance. Gall Kahree. Judith and: Barbara Herochlk, Albeit nnd

FRDS—Mr. and Mrs. Ben Juhl. D e a n H o w a r d . Mr. and Mrs.Dunbar Avenue, entertained the1 oeorjie Mi'/.ur and children. Jerry,members of the 5 and 2 Club at A QMrBfi m-\ Lyrn, Mr. and Mrsparty. i Andrew-K(.th and Mr. and Mrs.

Present were Mr. and Mrs.JWil-1 jOhn KvwkT&ll of town, and Miton Hanscn. Mr. and Mrs. Peter p n d M i s , J o l u Horoynnk and chll-Rnsmusien. Mr, and Mrs. Walter d r t11) RichnrS and Mary Ann ofSheaman, Mr. and Mrs. John Sul- • NCW York City.Uvan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aid-)Inuton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlck- _ xllns. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Balas. Grace Kovacs

Attending the bride "was Mrs.Helen Kahree as matron of honor,while Alvln Kahree served as best•man. Both are from Perth Amboy.

5 and 2 Club to Meet

Holy Name Gives Annual CharityGifts to Priests Show is PlannedSummer Rttrrfet Plans |By Fo rds LioilS

I.intcri by Chairman;Moving Picture Show

Service Group AlsoH Paper Collection

Sunday, January 29thFORD6--AI the- regular mwtlng

of the Lions Club of Fords, heldI In the Scandinavian'Grill Monday

Waller R»smuM*n, olwlr-of the Christmas Kiddle*'

I1 o^y reported the affair a hugeI success, with approximately 1.00ft,

'lillilreii attending and receivingndles donated by the

I club and Its

F o r m s At the mc-fllnn of tlie. Hnly N|imo Society ot Our Lady nf1 Peacr Church, held Monday nUlil,iln the cliurcli auditorium. JuliusPnnennl. vwtnU* Rev. John K.

1 Grimes, mstor, *»th a WTlst watoh.»nn Tlwodom R*u,lc7,ak presentedTUr. Stanley J. Levftndwkl with Awatch. Wty-flve members were

l1)1TS€ntJohn'Br7.ye.hiT. local capUta of

Hie Uymen's Jlrtrfiit beanue ofthe Trenton Diocese, unonunwd c l u l ) " n " ^that plans have been made for a Deputy District Oovernor Oeraldi ot real, for society members Aufcuut PnrrellR made his olflclal visltfltlort4, ft and 6 at 9an Alfonso Retreat to the dub at this meetinR andHouse, West End. 'poke briefly oil the ftnnual Melvln

Thomas Goekcl find OeoiKt Jones Birthday mcinbershlp dViveBoikes. delesales to the• district whlt'rt is hell In January of eachcouncil, reported on a mMtuist ai year. He also urned the memberswhich John J. Raflerty of New to attend the "Mnrch of Dimes1

Brunswick, a member of the dance, sponsored by the LionsKnlKhtsof St. Gregory, was n suies. Club nf Metuchen, to be- held atsneaker and talked on federal aid The Pines Monday, January 30.tn parochial schools and Irnns- Grortie W. Woodcock. Jr., re-4

povlaton of parochial school chll ported on the successful paperdren. drive last month and announcea

A motion picture entiled "Nc« that approximately 49.000 poundsJrsey State Police In Action" wa ^ p a p c l . w g s collected. Presidentshown by Joseph A. Mlck.ivlo of jo.vph Oreincr announced tinStandard Oil Company. Prand next paper ('rive will be held 8uniMfinion and ClifTnrd Hnnrierhan c|fty. j B n U i l v v 2fl, starting at. 1:00won Hie special prizes, donated by o M tlir> <teei-lnH mmmltirf forJohn Knseesl. William Stark' was this drive will be BUpheu A. Frost,

' All Prttrson and LafayetteYour gursKwIII admire this toa cToth and nankin to your homr. Ytm oun set painting Instruction*s?t. They'll applaud when you tell tlirm that the and patterns for "itencrls or thf leaf rtosicn by srfid-er;ipp-ivv leaf decorations arr your own handiwork. Ing 2!>c In Good llousrkrfplnc magazine's BulletinHand-paintine rtesiens on fabrics china, (tlass, He, Service. N*w York, SU-ncIl tutttrnu for (lecoratinRis one of the simplest ways to nfii personal touchy rhildren"s room*, plant boxes, et<\, are included.

M r a n d M r s . John Holt nnd MrL d f N, ,., ,ho Willam J. War- L n d M r s Arthur Mayland of New

>i ion held Monday nlnht Brunswick.Hull Kuan spoke on* flic club will meet tomorrow at

, i ion and outlined the\ t l , e home of Mrs. Rasmussrn on,, imli'-n ofllcer. 'summit Avenue. t

(^uiclt member of the - — — \i.,i,,r.tion. Wo3dbiidse,B |vni.F. FROM IIKAVF.N '

mi the functions pQRDS—Mr. and Mrs. Milton

* » Man

I, , . , v,).»kf

Cniiimttleeman Peterilnl tlie operations ofi-mi!iicr and revenue

Lund. 838 Kbi'i GeorEe Road, arethe parents of a son,

Kfrl.cs, Louis. . j . . . , , ! .i Oailaiihcr were,.,; ,i n r v members.,,,-<i Mi-etuw will be held InH ,n. Hnpdawn. February

JAItlUV.M.Rl lS Mr

FORDS — The enuaeement ofMiss Grace Kovacs. rlauahtcr ifMr. and Mrs. Robert Kovacs, 527Crows Mill Road, to Ew»ne Antnlson of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antol, 12Crows Mill Roan, Keasbey. hasbeen announced by her parents.

1 «. B : « ^ U J I I ''Mrs. Huller Entertains

Last Kites Held W m i Vinochh club

For Mrs. JohnsonKEASBEY—Funcra

SEAWAREN—The Scwarcn Pi-j nochle Club met at the home ol

services for i Mrs. K. B. Butler, West Avenuelast week.

former Dorothy Sundqulst.


Mrs. Helen Johnson, wife of Carl last «eeK. }

Johnson, 3 Cro-.vs Mill Road, were, P» « ^ " n e i s t E y c r k u s s ,

• , held Monday morning a- 8 _ 3 0 ' , ^ " l yF T H o w c H a n d Mrs. A. P.

,". 1 Ml« Kov?"s is a Ri-aauate of o'Ciock at the Flynn and Son Fu- ] ™»-*-::, iwoodbridrje High School, class of n c v a i Home. Fords, and at 9 o'clock , »°"c>°_ M A n t o n

* ! 1947. and is employed by the N. J. a t our Lady of Peace « . ) Otheis^ ^ » « « »i Bell Telephone Company in New w lH ,-e R ni(,h mass or requiem was Magyai, Mis. wmm J .B.urswlck. Her fiance, also a[ ofrel-ed. Rev. Stanley^. Lcvandoski (Joseph

" " !--adtmtc of Woodbrlcte" Kluli 1 «.a« the celpbrant. Rev. John a.E W ° °Jlv N ' J M K E I w nr-an I School, class of 1946, Is employed' Grimes was deacon and RevjohnKEASBEV-The newly organ- » o r ^ ^ C o r p o r a . R £ i s s w g g s u b . d e acon. Burial

Iwd Women's Republican Club olKcasbry met at tlie home of Mrs.John Faccak, 45 Oakland Avenue.

by Cana^her Brotherstlon, Colonla.

iml Mrs, Oconje


:.s DuntwT ATermc. we, [ » daualitrr Horn

MBS. HOSTESSFOHDS—The Fords Sorlal Club I

met at th" home of Mrs. Wlllard'HiU-sen Avenue las! i

\. Mc€(tn\l

!• Perth An*hoy(Jeti-|Ne»ry. 44

Tublfi Jjice V»u Con C.roehet

HOPELAwjf -WiLsbn.

• M r .

was in St.. James' Cemetery, Wood-bridge, with Rev. Ltvandoski of-flciatlnR.

The pall bearers were John Al-masi, Daniel Fee, William Bertram,

, William Knox, William GlofT andand Mrs. I jo . scph Romer. Services of the

Margierltn Kcasbcy Fire Department werei i h t T n c K o ; B l >

Mrs ^

monscn and Mrs, Bernard Sulli-

'. Allyn Peterson and LafayetteW. Llvlnaston.

Clifford Dunham and Stanley .JedrzeJewsVi reported proRresn onMi? Lions HlnrwHy stons and tlia\tills proje-t will be. eonplcted nextweek.

Safety Chairman Lafayette W.i.lvlneston reported on the variouasafety projects and also .stressedHie- need of sidewalks on E"anAvenue, between Rina GeorgeRoad and New Brunswick Avenue.

A letter of condolence was re--"eivecl fi'nm Lions International

"•• T""". • „ . „ , „ „ „_.,_. .Headquarters for the departed••- --• , ..., % n l g h t I" l

fh r k l ' 1 " L , member Louis Hlvsh, also a thank

ii, Post 163. The post will poppy Poster chuiimim Mis. received from theponsor a Woodbridge High School Florence Peterson annonneed that \ " % l£ J£^J2 I r°

Boy to the Boys $ate . I all pupils in the Public Schools in ^ «« f d ^ ™ g -^ - wa, voted Fords, Tlopelaw* and Ke^bev ^ I ^ J J ^ ' ^ U n l e y ^ ^ , ^

'lub with a brief speech byOreincr.

. s<irfBUi-v .Mulvancy conveyedI Christmas greetings to the club

ivelcoiw ;1 into membership.

IjCgon AuxiliaryVotes Donations

FORDS—Donations wir- votedto Salvation Army, AmericanHrnrt A^oclation and Middlesex,County Tuberculosis and Health!

nt the meeting of the La

Tickets on SaleFor Legion Social

FORDS—Tlckels were dUtrib'it-1 H.-OPU. , --•_ed for thesocial to be held March1 dies' AuxiltHi? of the Fords Am i-10 .in St. Nicholas' Auditorium, atthe meeting of the Fords Ameri-can Legion, Posi 163. The post will

luco nun,,,-,.., ^ .

ican Leulon, Unit i3, lield Tues-day night in the Lesion rocna.


d fThe buiWin" rommittcc will' thc"p.OPPy. P°»ipr eoI1, tcst - , - ,mJet in S e Pist ropms Tuesday held , at this time. The co,,U»tJamwry 17 at 7:30 P. M. and the | closes A ^ " L ^ , , t 7.3O p M ,, i from Alfred Mim«* of Porto Rlto.

Place Pen 11 Amboy. have in- 'he ld Sunday nisht, The Rosaryrecited nt the same time.

Girl to Wedm mf*^ g - - -

Perth Amboy ResidentHOPELAWN—Mr. and Mrs. Syl-

Lance. 59 James atrc;t, have

Place. Pe 11 ynounced tHr eniftHc-.nent of their

idaiiKliter, Violet Dorothy, to Mi-' i-liael A. McCann; soti of Mrs. Lena:Mc.Cann, 6 Warden Avenue, and

!)"• i;it» Michael McCann.The bridr-elcct l.i a graduate of

1 St. Mary's High School, Perth Am-bov, and is employed by the N. J.Bell

Hiiu IN c..iy.Ujt.. »> -• | vpstei- Lance. 59 James Street, have, „ , , Telephone Company at the,anl l0Unc(>d llietnipracementof theirPerth Amnov Exchanee. Her ft- d a u c | , t c r , Theresa, to Paul Vojack,

d d W d b i d s e Schools M i a t z Vojackiiiu-e



Amnov Exchane d a u c | , t c r , Theresa, tattended Woodbridse Schools s o n of M r flmi M r s . i^na

•rved in the U. S. Marine n f 4 5 2 Lawrence Street, Perth AmDS U\x tnice years during World |

I W i n - I I .

^ ^ jiau i ,M»ffv-IFWi BetrothalAnnounced by Parents

FORIXS Mr. and Mrs, John P.Wo,i>, :>:i Warner Street, have an-

boy.! Miss Lance, a sradua^c ot Wond-IbrldRf HiKli School, is cmployrilby thr First. Bank and Trust Co:n-panw, Perth Amboy. Her fiance at-tended Perth Amboy Hitih Schoo'

Ronald StankinckzCelebrates Birthday

WOODBRIDOE—Ronald Stan-kicwicz celebrated his seventhbirthday at a party at his home1G Melbourne Court.

Guests were: Eddie HapntakGnry Helsclbcrg, Bobble AndersonLeon Slaninko, Grace Raca, Ma-rlon Oclato, Roberta Hatfleld, Her-bert Swanson, Thomas Hatfleld.

BAI'TIZK BABY GIRI,FORDS-Tln; infant daujhtcr of!

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bucliany/1013 Main Street, was baptizedChristine at services' held in Our

;Ludy of Peace Church, Rev. Stan-j Icy J. Levandoski officiated. S|»n-! sors ware Miss Ruth Buchariy andJolin Hcgyes. A dinner was heldfor the sponsors and grandparents

8 P.M.rcmlar meeting will take place at


has returned to his studies at Elm-hurst College Illinois, after .spend-ing the holiday season with hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ko-vacs, 39 Erin Avenue.

benefit movie for Une Fln^ Fundwill be hold In the Lesion hall.Refreshments will be served andtlie public is Invited to all end.

The dark horse prize wns wonby Mrs. Florence Peterson, At thenext mectir.s January 24 the birth-days of Miss Julia Dani and Mrs.Peterson will b« celebrated.

and is employed by the ApexTrucking Company. Perth Amboy.


nmincrd tlio engagement of theirdmialiter. Evelyn, to WIlMam jM;iiey. sou nf Mi, and Mrs. Paul 'Matey. 1133 Herbert Street, PerthAm'wy.


at the Buchany home, followed byopen houw

(UUIJ) MEETIN'6FORDS—A raeetlns of the Mt

Cnrmel Guild will be held tomor-FORDS—Final plans were com-'Carmci uunu wm w ».«• „„,.....,,,.,.„ pleted fov the dance'to be h^lrtl row niRlit at 8 o'clock in St. JosephTlie bri.le-clcct is a graduate nf' Saturday nisht, Janunrv 21. in the Convent, Woodbridge. All captains

WundhridKo HiRli School He; ; auditorium of School No. 14 under and co-workers are invited. Trans-nance is a 'jradv.ate of Perth Am'-Uhe sponsorship of the Drum and aortation will be provided at 7:30boy Hiuh School and attended ! Bualc Corps oi the Fords Auiencui o'clock from Our Lady of PeaceRi i tws University. He is em- JLCROII, Post i p , at a meeting held iChurch,ployed in the office of the Inter- i i n the post room.s Tuesday night. | , ~ r u

Kmcltlnu and Reftnind1'110"111" Anrll""son, Jr., leader of ( ; U i B S I ; K S DISPLAYn i i l i o n a l

Company, Penh Amboy.


nen iicr-j. Icral chairman for theMarch of Dimes drive, announcedlliat tlie benefit danfe for the drive

the corps Is chairman of the affairMusic will be furnished by theMdodlalres. Tickets may be pur-

FORDS—The Janifary meetinpof the Woman's Club ol Fords washeld last nifilH- in the library. The

from any member ol the p r o R r a f f l Matured PeterT l l the night o t ^ u of Tottenville for

cm'ps orthe dnnce.

at the door tlie night

be hflcl JanuaiT 21 in the \ , N | , A N i BAPTIZED, n . .w , , r . l n\\A t i n ! An . l u l l - ' [ m t . _


bill t Ni», T-703.

• to

Hoijelawn School and not on Jan-miry li! as previously aimounsed.The allatr will start at 8:30 P. M.

i I>»Hr,HT*,R BORNHOPELAWN--Mr.(inri Mrs. Frank

Knsutz, 74 Juliette Street, arc theparents 6( it daughter burn at thePerth Amboy General Hospital.

FORDS — The sacrament ofbaptism was administered by Rev,John E. Grimes, pastor of Our

in im.u.v, Ottzcn.an.ua of Tottenville, formerly ofRaritan Township, who displayedsamples of his work and clurtng hislecture painted a still life,

KK1IKAUSAI.S ritOGBESSINGFORDS—Rchcarsalsj are beins

I Michae,Andu *weie spo

.so of Mr .anl . HJJB Oeor


Woudbriage 8-1735tr

IVrth Artboy 4-7538




11KALTIIChiropractic is not limitedis a health service to anymrtieular type pi jtUmcnt'ir kind of sickness. It fe auilural method in restoren{; sick people to health,mil merits your Consid-

atjon, investigation and.rial, .'" L


m , P . A . 4 - 4 1 2 7 - B y A l U

li) in tlie Fowls Playhouse, spon-sored by the Fathers of the PTA ofOur Lady of Peace ParochialScliool.

SON TO MAGYARSFORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Michael

Magyar. 48 Fifth Street, are theparents of A son born at St. Peters.Hospital, New Brunswick. MrsMuK.var is tlie former Ruth Glull.

1'TA MliETS TODAYFORDS—The regular meeting ot

the PTA of aclwol No. 7, will b<!hckl today a t b P. M. in the schoolauditorium. !

List m^\mFORD8--tfft ....

Demout'atlc Club wUlmeet MondayJunuary 18 at 8 P, M. in Scundi-uavlau Giili.

TO MEET MONDAYFORDS-The 8t. Jolutii First

Aid Squad will hold ttts meetlny . ianut i f 16 » t j P, M ''


<NOTi5: For insertions tn this caienaar, call Mrs. Stephen AFrost. Woodbrlrine 8-1710 or Perth Amboy 4-7111, before noonon Tuesday of each week.)


12-Mcclin- of School Nn. 7 PTA in the ;>rhool auditorium ul3 P. M.

12 Buzsar sponsored by Mothers' Chili of St. Nicholas' Church,In church hall.

13—Meeting of the 5 and 2 Club nt th~ hom; of Mrs. Peter Ras-mussen. Sutnnilt Avcmio at 8 P. M.

13 -McctUiK of Ml.. Carmel Guild in St. Joseph's Convent, Wood-briclae nt. 8 P. M. Trwisportallon from Our Lady of PenesChurch at 7:30 P. M. for sir captains and co-workers.

13—Ladies' Auxiliary VFW. County Council meetinu in WWhall. Fords.

16—Rcmilar MeeihiK SI.. John's First Aid Suad, Inc., 8 P. M. InK|Uiul hcadquarlprs.

•1G--Mcr^i)« Fords Women's Democratic Club, Scandinavian Grillat 8 P. M. .

17—Mw-ihiR Fords American Lesion, Post 163, at 8 P. M. in thepost roiprr.s. ' i ,

18-MeetinR PTA School No. 14 In thr.1 school auditorium at BP. M.

19-T;ilcr.t. Show, sponsored by Fathers' of PTA of Our Lady ofPeace School.

21—March of Dimes Dance—Hjopelawn School at 8:30 P. M.Mrs H^Jen Kronenberg, local chairman. . I

21—Dance sponsored bythc Drum arid Buo'le Corps, Fords Amer-ican Legion, School No. 14 Auditorium. ;

23—Service Clubs of Woodbi'idge and Fords, dinner meeting InOur Lady of Peace Auditorium at 7 P. M,

23—Mt -citing Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post, 6090, VFWin VFW hall, 8 P. M.

24—Meeting Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords American Legion, Unit163. 8 P. M. in the post rooms.

27—Meeting Home and School Association in Hopclawn Schoolat 8 P. M.

29—Monthly paper drive Lions Club of Fords at 1 P. M. StephenA. Frost, J. Allyn Peterson and Lafayette Livingston incharge. ,

Vtrnon Ralph, Qeorse MOOL; andthe Hawlcy, Pa . Lions Olub.

President Clrtrner nnnouncodthat the next rcKular mw.-tliiF ofthe club will be held January 23,at 7 P. M. at Our Lndy of PeaceAudltotrium. th is will br a Joint 'mcHihK of the combined service'iluhs of Woodbrirlae Klwants. Ro-tavy, Lions mid the- Fords Lions.Thp speaker for this brtherly oc-"nsun will hn a tinted traveler andlecturer, Qerard Priestly.

Khow Next MontbMr. Orelnrr also announcod that,

tlin fuinual Charity Sliow will be-held next month amMhe lolltiwing'wci'Cjappointed: General co-chair-men St?ohen A. Frost and MartinWeiss; Entertainment, chairman,Martin Weiss assisted by Dr. RalphDeutsch, Capt. Jack E?an. andGeorge E. Kovak; Tickets. Joseph.Dainbach, chairman, assisted bySamuel Kata. David Meyer. War^

I-en Crrmsc, Dr. David DeuUch,''rank Orahmatin, Aiiton Lund,Clifford Dunham and Stanley>dnw jewskl:' Program. Bonk. FredHanson, chairman, assisted by William Novk. Jacob Bocrer, WalterRfismiifiscn.. Charles Lpuenber«er,Edward .Stem and John J. Van7i«nt: Tlieatre Ushers, John E^an,"hairmBM. d8sl<ite-i by OeorgeWoodcock^ jr., Einer Jensen, BenErdeyl. L a f a y e t t e Livingston,Charles Tan-. David Pavlovsky,'•ftwrence Crousc and J. AlyynPeterson. •

Chris M Uer ot Fords was a tiueatand community singing was eonrducted by Tall Twister .StanleyJcdreejewgki.

A Board of Directors meetingfololwed with donations approvedfor March of Dimes, Boy ScoutDrive and JanicsburR School'forBoy.s.

PTA TO (lONVENIiFORDS—Tlte regular meeting i

School No. 14 PTA will be heldWednesday, JanuaiT 18 at 3 P. M'In iht H'liool auditorium,

InnuiiiuvsHe Has MovedNew Location

BRUNSWICKUltDS, N. J.In NrdN Playhuuvrl

Mrs. Wettcott HostessTo Idle Hour Knitters

jKEASBKY - The Idli Hour

Kuittlni! Club met at the home of'Mrs. Elizabeth Wcstcott, CharlesStreet. Rarlt.tu Townjihip onThursday night.

The iiiuiual holiday party heldby tin' members look place at the

Irs. Ida Yunck, JulietteStreet, |;,UopHawn.

—: Editorial:—Shut We'n G«Mt It Dt h-Ltt'i Mtk h C M I

\-rx£ v, beooaae tot beaeficarf ofirigtw -ere*** M the fans of *

//v-renlai iwariDg project *>'.hit OTT k>e*3 Tuctet vrfuo thu

vu r*--». .10 reran tti

iftacfc hsi* darac-rX KJ saurr other

thai our

jmfid is its eflorU to anwi theseliroogfc we staiinij

Selecting « S*penit*r for the Bocrd •/ Anemn

ot r Jo? 1£* Board a! Aaeet-of tbe Twnsryp

beet besef«!.to? tppb-'

Lfc?n w**fc a stroogrjr eofeniaf tht prs->••*** '.rv&vsi cf. suet a post, we afjT;g..i -rt^s ifagT tht utancwt cart t*»-*-i ir. w-rtrtajf the man to fiB n Wt-

x.: tni t poieotiafiy tbfr wait s*'.:* must important posts ir. theL. fti*mir>e5rt and that as sncfa it:C tint hjf*''*** H&egnty brosdfcE*.

iterates! penrveraoct ToOtf th i s T,Hhff>

attract weto protect'



w*J: fe

be proEca»ed and

a£ras m* Dot jaet, JB i i * maxs-* on}j going to be plating

om oi cisaot in

statiag~-. tot iksire to. wrrect l i *

Certtirfy Wertk € Careful, Fair Tad

n tiie Harealion Dcpan-

the sn^e-beaded « t a p of

prerk?ui jezst, make a good dea3 of saiae

*A> car. itft no reason why the plan should

r//v turr. out to be both -practical and

The corsmunlty COT«S such a wide area,r/j the yntraUion program has dweioped-Ui Tj.c"r. (Si ambitious one, that an equal.viittfi of the res^onability of supeirinMiu'/an iagicai. We arame that If Uw p!aa

adcpted that the Uiree paid supervisorsHj cv:u -jadtr the direct control of Coro-

?. Fitzpatnek, and that ail theVf-e dereiopment of the program

i.rd tht prxrurement of the necessary vol-unfeer sorters v21 lall upon him with the

? of his three-man rtafl.Mr. Fit^attidc, ire think, is taking on a

job became « are veil aware of

/ i f f Protection Should Have PriorityNo* that Hew Jtnej citiaeni have ap-

proved the $25 mUlioo bond issue for im-proveftems to State lastitatiwu, responsi-bility fw spending the money rest* withthe Legislature.

How will the Legislature go about spend-ing it?

l£gjii£tive bodies depend greatly uponthe advice oi administrattte offices of gov-

1erpipfern when authorizing funds for ppera-j lions. In this case, the. State Departmentor Institutions and Agencies, which oper-ates i'ew Jersey's 21 institutions, will be

' called on to recommend the best use of themoney.

Months ago the Department estimatedI that $42 million was needed to alleviate firehazards overcrowding and other adverse;conditions in the institutions. This estimatecovered a list of 101 improvement projects.

Each project was checked in a survey bythe New Jeiteey Taxpayers Association prior |to the November election. A committee of Ithree industrial engineers from the Asso-

ciation spent three monttis studying theproposed projects. After visiting the 20 in-stitutions for which the improvements wererequested, the committee issued a 46-pagereport of its survey and this was publishedby the Association. This became the basisfor the Association's approval of the then-proposed bond issue.

In its report, toe Association' recom-mends that first priority be given to the.projects which eliminate fire hazards, thusfirst providing for the safety of inmates.Relief should next be provided for over-crowding. •

The Association points out that thereshould be no rigid pattern for expenditureof the money. For economy's sake, ail themoney should not be spent'abruptly. It isestimated that economical (expenditure ofthe (25 million may take a* long as fiveyears. Obviously, construction should betimed to meet the most fa*oraWe buildingconditions and the most urgent needs ofthe Department's operations.

Census Query Causes DiscussionWhen the census is taken in 1950, the

enumeialors will ask every fifth person,over {fourteen years of age, questions abouthis, or her, Income. The Census Bureau*tyi the n V i m wul be eonfldoititl, roteven open to tax collectors ot the fWeralBureau of Investigation, but viftXQUS pro-teg has been raised by tone American*

against the inquisitive procedure.Jn |M0, a similar question was put to

wke-earners making less tlian H.M0 ay<jar. Those who preferred not to gwe theinformation personally to the eaummiorwere permitted to mail ft to <tlM &Rfty|Bureau. Only lMUWD persons out of 16,-000,000 questioned, asked tor'the prttflef«of mailing tbeir replies.

Do Y$* Reed Books Through?boob

,Tty"fho think that tbtyhwe to mdevefytook that they buy. Having acquired it,ttwy make up thdr mktdi to "m& itthsaush" t nd until th*r hftftf taMUIed thisiVMluUon, they are w t oi thf DMlket torbook*

Contrary to the fate gmettlry held, few

the peuM «mptton of deteettm SlortesThere U no sense to continuing to nMd ivolume which one finds ttnfiitefttttflg oiunprofltaWe Thf best thing to 4o is tothrow it aside and stte tone torelse.


lt*r? we us ts r dnatafait poarte

ir, rwpui to tr* kfjtaBacy of a i r tune to

suv.1'. sr: undfrtaJaag, ate cxpost to atoswr-

bg* tf* AvLb'xityt matt rtimw m ear.OUT pwrjai no* a. UMI tint* • * as*

v. ^animate t i* work, we 4hwk!

o e l a * tc tb» *wy betf of our abiirty

We viL i* the firtt to*«Authority if it e m tavpan Ux

&i Uw pctta of larf*--fica>be tlK taa tc

tzr. -tht u»j-iitj« vtaco poek-ffiark ourp:est.-:i n-j.>ti: Tc bdieye the admmistri-IYXI eat '«*. a« «* txtm seen, thai ih»Jn'J3»CJ.pa!ltJ it iOSBJg thnwan^* apOC tliOU-sarias, u\ ^oii&rt m revenue afiauaQy be-ci u» »t ntri beta too ttasid and reartka-arj- X-J corrw*. a k»g-standing erfi—«JM:

are paying naore than theirguvenm>eotai operator.

the rer. are getting by wife a tok«i

It i<> pus&lb> to correct this frightful «t-ustior. and the adnnnistration has i n i -cau-3 »cl orJy its desire but its determina-tion VJ do 90/ Oooe more, we cannot helpbuVpourt out that the sincerity of iU posi-n-jr, Till be cieariy dcmonstnled by ti*

of Board superrisw it chooses. We be-i! impvrataTe that ail pose^ilf ha#le bf

p p d to the seiectjoc but oertainly r*o:a; the expense of* the necessary quaiifica-toons EDd nttSsEarr lafeguam.

and oediocriUeE tti pubi»"wiaie i^iortunate, are not nfeoes-

i? . daii|woiis—•but we caimot afiord one)db. Under the Capitol Dome

k J

detail mvoived in the cur-peTttaoc wtoch is our recreation pro-H* «£ Dst&Uuj to we c*«^^Kided fer

TRENTON' — Go1.«x.i: AI!:ti


S J | to asHeoe this added rtspon-%1'j^.vt and tat w> doiflA will want to chooser/j. suf n t h a great deal of care. ActiyjUsin if AT. vrssja and summer require almost':"ntar* watching, IKA only so that theirgreatest benefits will be derived by the par-ticipants, but because of the ever-presentc&agers in mass play. Children are unpre-dictable at beet, and unless they are pro-vided with strong leadership when they aretogether under municipal auspices, dire re-tujts could tnsue. We are certain that theRecreation Department is cognizant of suchhazard* and will make its plans and takeits responsibilities accordingly.

With these thoughts in mind, f here cer-tainly is no reason why the suggestion ofsetting up a three-man staff should^not begiven £ thorough trial.

rtjv* us* o' ;TS


i oi SttajBOO bym? it* im-«un?u'3 uniie: Sti'.tTrtasuftj Wai>r T iiargetu' Jrsod another S2&0 000 prgS: if "x-

to u

OUT &a? mpe* k f*< ftaBars a

Ye. Uin u» our aigtirays.^ « -?sr >:*» «od fire de-

is Jot prsc.«iwiv, asdarrf urJoad at isai wrmauUs,of *tjcr> ere s i » u x Lt*.

O.htr «U!« I*« ! *iUi trieprc61«ti kavt set up

ase i « * Thich bring&. itibin into U* -S»U

Treasury. In lo*« 'J»T have anui&iial htgh*»7 c<. •gptmtauontut Thkh if i«Ttd a^ams tbebig, lor-i-Jwil comnercul CTJJA-*rs"»;j» croB Hit State. la Kan-sas and W«t V.rpnta the tax ist*v-a on i'r.+ »<-ch; and annm!

U* Gswrtw iito tut &ud?t: -1

V Q I I U ' S IXISE Fund This w&uia

*ojajtos«s or li* scupe oj itieloan program, for u.t f:ii. ' l l ! -00(1 ADO u. W- /jn&t: Crt^tC Vi:.b:bat hippened u Uiu Wr>tc -.'>oheitui vtiirm's ioi^ »a; Tnaric-by a Ice*) bir.z. the State KI

» JO psr cttt emranUrt Jo;loan T?* moa*f

iD£ the 20 per ctr.tremains wee though Ciebeen repjiwi. Thus, masvb as mu:h as M p « ctr; o!

vrtffan'i ioens fuiSy juar-*nt«td—against it* 20 p r traianticipated undf-r u * law. So nsetmy vtry iiidr ihai Govetr.a;Drisci^l Triil se*k W pick up someSSAOOJOO from wU source

W K&btliUes art moreat most tntsineu c{»-

« f i » in Nf« Jersey already coc-uibute subs^atially to UM- su{>-yjrt of eithsr teal orfavaiuBcDU. Thelion & studying one biggroup which at pressui pays al-nou notiiiiu tMraxd Uv supponot our jcfrools. ireliare. highuavs.c* our jroMctian. Thes* are mebis mteriUte iruc'iu liuch irere^Kttred in tome other »uie.Due W rteiprocii»,Uiev pay no

or Iterate Ittt V.

T.v,t acr iaJ reTfcut Jrom sucht ^u *<&£. dtpuni on :w rawu.$*d. ou*. Jaies Tfppw,'.x t)i« New JfnfyO»at:s. Inc. «::ma!« ih*'.-.-ulc gK at te*K tStMTMO ad-ditional revecue evcrr T«*r °?uaag UJC ton-mile tax at ienedin Oi*got. Uaoer this pian, theu i *^jk! be pbceti an all 1OD$-

th* same &s in New York andPrantylvinii Unless a motoristis drrriag to a tfrrttorj laned lotspeed a; ti tm\^ per hour, ht ivbraiting the i s * now b> UiVcl-inc pver 40 nules p*: hour. Thespeed limi; is re^denttal zoaesi; 20 miks ptr hoizr and it & up totrie mounts: to inow it.

In N»* York Suue poliwrntnmast failo* s spe«df !or a quar-ter ol i nuk tteion arresting ramfor ipetdms In Kew Jwwy the•»«• r«nnn-s surh a cha:? for irtisoBitjle fl:Ui&c*- •sruit. miyajear. fifty or a buadred yaids,irtKbn'e: a cop considers Isur.In this shorter disun« a mowr-

vtrud* and bt periili2ftd for

t» Je:«r, and wouW « - 'ioca: coal, farm ami deliv-

er; vehicles. TaectT aailboo <iol-laJl SOUiC »Jvt a lot Of SUlt

TRAFFIC CODE-Tbe rulesC. li-r rowl in Net Jtrsej. &s*ajwriwateo in ir* Suie Trafi»cArt, will be cr»wi|fr2 diumg thelftM *?isiaUyt atsaoa now uc-uf :r iv to conform »ith (fat t'n;-tom Trat&c Coat f«Oo«ed toy

The reouk«aent Uui tnicksand tra&n must s:op ai ail i»U-roMi trade cnK&in«< may also beeUmmaied, Host Kev Jerseycrossings are now projected bywatchmen, and as u>e sudden andunexpected s i o p P ^ o,' suchiruc'ii has caused a large n um-ber of accidents, the require-ment may be eliminated from thela*.

CROPS:—Hew Jersey ranksJim In the nation in ;ro»ir.,-'uie summer tomatoes, second ::Sew York a wee: corn fer th*lr*ih Bark«t atx) also ranks :u«rm the production ol many other

j For Ki«rai »««« Governo:DnseaB't COBUVUM ac TrafficSaieiy. mcluamg uie AUoracjGeneral 3UW liox? VeMcieDirecuR-. SvprnnuodoK of St4UPolice and oiners. W e beenburning ihe audni*at Oil wartinjoat a program a! ptui benefll u>ali motorou.

California. Texas ..Florida. N? rYork and Arizona outrank Ne«fynty in the overall producucno! trudt cropi. but all are mac:.larter than UK Gftrd» SUte

Other iaporUoU New Jerseytruck crops with the ranks of thestates mchid* early summer eab-tage fottrUi place: carrots

tContloued on n*t U-

Opinions of OthersTH*


•..urit U1. FXA « X<A "Jio-C 9t»'*» Cu-it*) rout/ yart-v -!'.• WTtt <>*• drt&fc•,'irwf. no tar Pa**• .• •*•?.# wA »' » pa'J-J'/

VU! **

»-i.-r, EIW* arflart by

i tl'.'

Panr. Bi.-/:• M.v

.<-•>•*" or.

•..•jiCf. W*TB

' v j ; •>• ..y

dWieribKl U

•.;!*••*• r * v

mx-i t.'i>-

and-".«r' 1 o-

l lrv«

'.r^1. 3

SriUL,-. firm »hjcti hwi BUJ/. UV '->jfiu '.!•*•• fwf.cri'-:

• MBII * '.r«l» in wxuiw. *.'.;. !''— '-'• **-'?' •"-*•'•'' ~'''•Coatin*j(< '.T, p.


Th* BS.tw

crJi&Tu di-Jy U> to* fc"r»co! bu"WJ(J a .; both Karpmirij unti d:.-tiiSUnt VJ w t so nun)' drtv+rs <*ili' Is f HIV *tlll*>'* t i l . ' } ' 1 . iKlK^rf t , . i -

JaiJy tin j i t o! si«jp:n? :<- >ic.'UJdrfc oc and of ;>* bu1- wkit. K> « u p j ! '.hat t j»>- n w d ^r"-»^)u'iit*'i r*i*Uv' to 3XJU>:ttt irje rults i r ^ ; eKulitrjr.5

Prtaii sty OVE ptrvosui! obsei-v»tion of trie** v;oUtors ;t swmvirte tftilctT-n hare mort ser.«#

•.:i*n Uit aciul'.VI '.'nmk x »iukl b* a K«x »2*»

vo rt-aiindi mavansv-, ay try no1*and tiiHi •-trough :!>«• iwdinai yltr» r.?»'spap*i of c * n a a ob'u^a-tions tin-; ihotfd pursu*-. Dc^i'tyew?

Yorir! very truly.• Mrs, • Ida "W. "KcJTTi'E i t : .StreM. Color.ui

Dear Pri?nds:i iao* you *;" stlcjin* U;1-

n**s thai tiie AaerKU.% Cr*Jis-asens Cub Christmas Party farthe uaitr?r:vi>?ea, chSi'in ofWooabricg* To*nship ^as a hu^fhiinj ju:f*ii. Therf *ert 450children presnu. about equalrepresentaUoo l:wn even com-muiuty in Woodteid?* Toraship.

Your auici eewr,3us icntniMi-lion made our STK anr.ia'. partythe success it was and on behalfof the officers and memirtrt olthe club. I want to tx>iid ou;most sincere and heanft'Ji tisaneto you.

The parry lasud aboui t i o ar.dwie-hall hours during >hkh timfUtt children *ere UuiKed by al;thai »as ;ranspirmg. The «iter-tainment con-isted a? commur.it ys,m?ma;. the icmckri jf a ma-

ifiCijr. th* p:*-t*T!'!play Dor. K*^Ciia>i>»o? Sar .u CJWI, i.*niu'jr. «*" * n't I; ••


a«e Iitac Skn'ui C .h«y ChriAiaai^ .course tr*rt «-r* ..frtMiSMai*.'. ii-^ ' •'.ri,'. ct»'jJti»!. r j i .;•SKte To drsmoeyou th» party * - . .tnd p»«« I or.':. ' .have ben :r*«-;o v.s^*ne bul 1 rjcp»* :.'SITlpitWE SJVT , >VJ .

of 'Mr afliirWith the tansir

Yea; ih» Amtric .Out* sends yirj ;•.peace aad ioj »;li ••

••- ' : *YiSvT

A/.. :-:

\ • • •

3nbraftihmt -> "ir — •'

M a r r l i V 1 « T ^ — v . i u .

!•.; , ' ^' • I 1 : . -<•••• \V.*.. .jt,I !..'•. 1; . . * : • * i • . . . • ' i -

i . * • J ' • f . t '

, . i ( A f . j v-v ,.

V': :'. I 'i:,'.; •

. . . . _ . .. ^ .




beper hew ni l verr

Ml mUes per hour

GLAMOR GIRLSOver 5,000 people-'now h^ve INSURED

savings accounts at thje Woodbridge National

IMS was a thrifty year for Woodbridge andneighboring oommuruties. A year ago 4,674thrifty people had INSURED savings ac-counts at the Woodbridge National Bank.Today, well over 5,000 do! Make 1950 athrifty year for you and your family. Open« compound-interest account at the Wood-bridfe National. Then every paiday hank

-flomeihing, no matter how srnitll. That'sthe way to get ahead financially.

I ^ * •

m ftiiay brtwen ( E M 1MMADI 8TEDT

nwwvc >


U s DummyMore ThrillsStunt Men

\'WMA. VA.-His f»ce U..hiipni. His hair, bUck,1 ( MnR*= in sparse clutnpiid His nrn1 hand, hai noid his eyes stare with a

„, ihafsi disconcerting. •jpec of abodf l« high In thttpt cupola ot an Alexandriafcni building, where he hangs

ipep of rusty wire, t*ztnfcross ihf city.

ion i waste »ny pity on him.j dummy, but probably th«

s dummy in th* hi«tor>Icily «nd nettr-by Walhtag-

have been filled withtrills than those of a icortl ie stunt men. H«'l bt»nIf mm a racing o r , hangld[ ,,c-ck twice from WMhtag-ajc-. belabored by llr«m»n

,i;lit he was » drunken ar>nd tins scared more peopli, rimld muni.

ri»««ed By Jokett• ; manrnt address I* fctop

Iliiydi npartmentj, wherei'livi'l•• cjcL-ept for minor in-tons iruusod by local jokert

IHTinen- sine* 1907.Ins put together »i a fl*her-

, f xhibit in the Jameitownthat year and after thethe government ilored

the building.iiiunv vi1 as diicovered by

,,( ,i spark plug factory,:,,yin?: the buildi.13, In 1914.

| n . . set him up In a thirdlindnw to net ni night witch-

lla!,.<1. and last, piece oflashiry, tccording to John[an. owner of the building,

esrntod to him by the localIt's a cop's blow*, com-

bMitnns and traffic to-

\,e nihi-p. had »n objec-.i...-,Mi III one of their celll

Ijr.t r il scared the daylight, hi;r. iiv placing the dummy,

,,« « |.i'i'c«man, in the cell./,.,- :t i*. sairl. has bean an

, , ; „ „ , , sm(.,.iI.'oolrrl Hutbattd

,• iii:n'i.il aliing Washington1!i n ct wh«n a pa i r of forti*

c A-I ' . ipei ' reporters toiled

:v,-v.v into the gutter a n d

,,< sncnv. inx at the top of

,< A-iB rai led to cut down

,..:-,, (nun u n d e r TattA;.(.'> tin- dummy was pro-

1 ,i <un ide when he waii,i..;;l-nn bv t!u> neck from ai i•••.,-,ith Memorial bridge.,\ v ,if plai-rd the dummy

!. , j ! , . n( a lovely Washingtonivi v. i«. w.ntinjt for her ever,nil ii-ain",i.-* husband on the

nf a f.iMuonable hotel,i ;.i\>, :!ir pair and prompt-i thf duniiny through theNo .me was arrested., •• •in' imliri- are used to the- iu'mt uf turning up in un-

i'.i But they've grownj f.• --. 1 ij[ him and promptly re-th:r• -. ' I I his hook when they

ill jyod.

1 SO i ears?-ithPossibk, !b'cians State . \

HAI'IUS. MICH.-No- ji> cxpecti to live 1*> or !• i/.,i the extension Of j> .Aprctuncy to those agei :

Hi. ,riv t.n'1'n assumed theore- i1 scientists. I.; iu.n was voiced by phyii*, ,ih- Mtli meeting Of the

Hate medical society

•\ .' ;nii("d against "over-!..' > > ti l led miracle dtugs

id fiMiu sutl.-bacteria, dust cul-••.,; plant! and animal

mure conservative spokes-j f"i i|ic medical professionlit. p. im iilm. the stil|on»rnid«s,|')ii:vi in, i liloiooiycttii, corti-

mhfi- elements of the newInu'iiUtuum represent an And1 PI u the tunquest of infectious

ny ni.iie persons who mightnmibed to iMnesi in th*

ar.d middle years of life willbabied to live into the tixtits

here is nothing on the hori-science which offers any

nt pnnpect (or immedlite andincrease in longevity.

jte pa t the half century mark,puman bofVy appears to react

.tidily to degenerative pr,o-is. In later life, these general-tanifest themselves in heart dis-, hardening of the arteriu andft. Thus far, medical telenetxertcd little con*ol over thsm.

; the consensus of th|JSt In-. . . .d that "the best ks»iir«nc*ngevity is found in | o n | lived

fours.11 Ito compound a prescrip-


physical examtnitionl,iagnosis and elimination of

lie; maintenance of minimumlit through * well balanced ditt;•rite but regular exercise;lance g( worry; continulrK:* <ft,1 contact ttnd the tulUviUon ttpally new interests, hobbles

| g Carton* iun the egg carton re-

, ntver to quality or

OPEN EVERY FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M.HEINZ KETCHUPFranco American SpaghettiOMX,0Si2cHearts Delight Large Prunes

Tomato Juife c"™Mit 313,,r 25cIdeal Prune Juice £ 25cSunsweet Prune Juice "129cApricot Nectar H " " m 10cSauerkraut Z L y 2 v£ 23cStandard Tomatoes 2 I Z 23cButter Beans r ; ,? c t r«n 15c

Chocolate Kisses m Z » 9 25cMarshmallows c'm"(i* J ; 31cChoc Spangles KlEINL,. pk,. 29cNbi Gh

0U M0NUGold.n Com

Brill's Spanish Rice " r 19cRed Kidney Beans ' £ 17cBaby Lima Beans *£ 17cSoup Mix i:r 3 r£ 32cRobford Rice fOBtyw,.tk.,, Uc

Nabisco GrahamsSunshine Cheez-itKrispy CrackersDel Monte PeachesFruit CocktailIdeal Apple Sauce 2 "„" 23cIdeal Purple Plums 3

c°r2kClaridge Hash C0"NED."" «„„ 29cArmour's Treet 1!r 39c

m M0NIL «

: 28c17c25c25c33c


10'2-oi - con 10c

JWII I Jitaintd

Baby Meats

2 ' r 35c

7-MinitComplete Pie Mix

C«i**nvl tr r)L —Umw, ,i§. * O C

iniit «nJ fillinfl


tvap. Mi lk %tani 2 c*,. l i eAsco Coffee Hi, 63c

Richer blend. Ground fresh to ordqr.

Wincrest Coffee £ 59cLighter bodied Vigorous flavor.

Ideal Coffee 1ST 173cHeavy bodied. Tops them all !

Shredded Wheat T £ V > 16cPeanut ButtertDtAl C T : k 29cMazolaOil r;.63cIdeal Grape Preserves"? 23cWaxtex Wax Paper '";* 23c»O*f PAD, AMHICAN

Steel Wool l i f ^Complexion Soap

Old DutchCleanser

2 r 23c

VtNICI MAID l"f10'i-oi, tan • ' t


. 24c

.t. 6c

Sauce with MeatSpaghetti SauceChili Sauce RelishRitters Catsup *"ulau,, b.t,i, 20cBaby Foods™; 10 IT93c/*"' L ' STRAINED OATMEAL or 1 I _V j e r D e r S COCKED CEREAL, t-oi. pkg, IOC

HersheySoopSi 4 - 2 8 cSweetheart Soap 3S"22cBath Soap lw«THEA" 2!z21cGold Dust Powder X 19cBlue White Flakes 2 X ! l 7 cLifebuoy MEMTH Soap 3wV- 22c



Special fur one tceekl

Buy this week and save!

RINSO8l" l l r

Giant Economy F 146-ai, patkw » ' ^

Silver DustWith Cannon

Fact Cloth,

With Cam

,, 27cntn Diih C O -iant pkg. J ^ V .



VEGETABLESBroccoli K bunch'29c

Rushed farm-fresh to your nearby Acme.i Large, fancy bunches.

Western Carrots buncji 10cThe country's finest, large, tender, fancy carrots! Most economical, mopt delicious!

Popular Size Juicy Florida^Oranges <•«. 35cDelicious Apples" i" 3 *• 25c Large Tangerines — 29cLarqe Pascal Celery »*» 19c Escarole » IJumbo Pascal Celery•** 25c Cauliflower u,,.^ cU. S. No. 1 MAINI


Acme 5oV'U-Trim rcmovr') inurU surplus fat be lore weighing, thus giving you more meat foryour money1

LEGS LAMB ib. 55cAcme self-service meat depts. feature ready-for-the-oven legs of lamb ot 65c lb., on equal value!

Smoked Cala Ham ib 29cEasily prepared! Full of flavor. Most economical!' Serve a cala ham tonight! -

Extra Fancy Fowl ib. 35cJust the thing for a delicious fricassee, pot pie or stewed chicken.

Featured at all Acmes!

Loin Lamb Chopslb 75cRib Lamb Chopslb 65c

CHUCKS LAMB*.39cStewing Lamb

Fresh Ground Beef lb 49cPlate Beef 5 U * 19c

Italian Sausage »• 59c


Mild ColoredCheese -ib. 49c

Featured at all Acme Markets this weekend.

Princess Margarine jBlue Bonnet Margarine ColorX 40cAged Cheddar Cheese *• 69cGlendale Club Cheese ^ 79cAmerican Loaf Cheese ^"V 49cDomestic Swiss Cheese »• 69cMuenster Cheese ib 45c

Fresh EggJ^-^iSi-,,57cLarge Eggs — - - ; I l 51c

Silver Seal Eggs u'"o'od'clnoM1



White Cocoanut Bar Cake 35cRich yellow cake, deliciously vanilli iced, cocoanut Sopped!

Double YourMoney Back

—If you do not agree that Seabrook Farms FroitedFood* ore unexcelled for quality and flavor!

Seabrook Farms Fordhook

Lima Beans 29cSpecial price! From field to freezer in one hour.

Equals 2'A to 2Vi lbs. limas in pod.

Seabrook Peastxl"Font' „... plg. 23cBirdseye Peas packa|i

Mixed Vegetables S E A ' T , F XBroccoli Spears S E A"0 0 Krp«,, . 29cTeddy's Fillet CodTeddy's Oysters

16.,. OCPkg. 3 J C

*•" dQrpackggo ~ /V»


Date & Nut Breakfast Cake 29c

Ange Food Ring X-SS, 39cVirgiLa Lee Spipe Loaf 3 " 25cJelly DoughnutsViriiBiBl;:,, 25cDanish Pecan Ring vir"ni0 lM 35cSupreme Pan Rolls ""S lOcSupreme White B r e a d l M * 14c

"Bargin' AroundWith Boulton"

• WPAT, 93 on your dial,every day — Mondaythrough Friday, 11 a.m.to 12 noon!Following iltms featured by Mi/o Iloiilfun!

Reddi-Wip TXSheffield Milk S T S l . 21CGeo. Inn Cookies w t ^ i . 39cCarolina Rice M" taB|

1£V118cRoyal Crown Cola 6 i i 2 9 c JCalo Dog Food 2 '£' 25cThrifty Liquid Starch K2 21cHudson Napkins 2

fvery Item Price• <ou Pay Only One*' for Your Total Food Purchateil• A Rtceipt I i Given With Ev«ry Purchase, Indicating

Each Dtpartmetit, Making RichecWng at Horn* Eaiy!


i< ^ Ai»

i r " •

r,M. wncw*i* Ifyf * ) (til ian (

T"* ^..-tv '• : .«-"-: V S< •*. Emma.! * ^ J

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WocMlhridge. National Bank: • ' •

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TOTAL J»M>' - * • * " r ' -'


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Xwt for a

l«Li« Affair "H<*TV i. o r r t B U

TO WMt* . 7 MAT <:•.

SINGERVacuum Cleaners

SINGER Hand Cleaner

Bl Y fr»B 6WGEK

SINGERSewing Center


T»t«« A Sailor.

^ s i r * : :-••* . : . - . - : i ' : f t T:.»! '-..Ji Cons

^ ^ t f c sU o l u.-e c r a i : i . - i W - J ? * . t ? i ; - :';\'!' : ; , / . ."_ - i » i i «

O f f i c e ^ c r ^ i ^ r i < - m f r a r s - c g 7 r ^ ^ f n - ^ ' * — " " ' - - * ^ - • • ' * <•.- *-* ** '

•Am I'" n* iiittd. ' I l l prtwt Hjfedi* ye mi WE." He giancfed about) N<jTKOo*r

nr.giJTA' «it ifce nearesi tfo:tman.ii.i^r:i ..V/:«"Dj??ar:." r.t oarited. '"jt're firenj." —

t . : . . r « - . ::t

+ -—I


f.f.i; L.-r.tf s'jntd . t teircs Shit j Ictve;c»f*d appi:i**i£ f.»r X-ray mor- .:t! of r—T i.-. crgsr.s £*. *crit. Dx- • |

ciLM .vl «ftk*f. Ek»i oSoti car* bt ;rr'.::ti instan^j ;

Stive—l f;tar ih*t yojB« Po-v^uAt ij> ormging suit aiauu: the

i tOveiBxntnt !oi »M).0« daroase*. i Pyc:aIt~Ori afcai groiUMU?] St:ve—Flaifo&;. He * i s on a,foverr.ment job and w u ciirryajg ;

a i*ivy jiew t»I iron when to*'»nisik bie* and he dropped tbe'iron oa liU !«rt, '




"cold wax" ocetht an/ipuncfnujlt xftai Uit U. S.

taiffii more than a million dw-) lars for tlectnt re(ng«»tort.—

Christian Bciswe Moniiot

iIn odor phoUM ukcn from »

rotkt-t 6 illM up, oui plant! givtiof! a uraiige purple hue. Qood-Bch». do you (tuppuse ihc old Uucgu» ipoiJlni!?—Hanlord Couruii.

— twvt ttttm in yovr pUmt"


aad «kA*?" S M c<Jf M»|iMi

"Have you imd any t-ip*ntnt« i schauffeur?" ! T"Weil, I can show you the re- |

tifU. Jor all the flue* I have ipMd



Serving the family and communityDid you ever stop to think that we live, we learn, we travel

—all through the pages of the newspaper we read! How

much broader is the scope of our lives, because we can

read all about our Township in newsprint How mmtk mow

we know about people and politics; child care and cook*

ing; heahh and happiness—'because our newspaper covers

even thing! Its editorial columns betted •ur Way of life

too, by championing th« democratic wa% Whtti vital kmf*

face us as a family—, community! And prawed be fu

advertising columns for simultaneously serving oar Meds

and aur budgets! All in all there is no truer "ptMic ac*v*

antv than ypur newspaper aid ours! ^

. • • • * - J., v -.» J

lit., , I

Woodbridge Publishing Co.PubUthm of the



» * » * * •


oodbridge Courtmen to Tangle with Metuchen Tomorrow\ownship Recreation Basketball Loops Off to Flying Startnoles Subdue

\ren} 43-25;din Defeated

I- The Townshipl>a*tbiill leagues oon-

j<| ihviilii-il week ol play with•ni--, lii-in", computed In thei iiriiiU throughout the mm-v. Prom now until March anic nf '12 ''iimps a week will be1 in 'tlie township courts. At,,,I.III the various circuits archandled efficiently by James

•n. The heavy senior leaguefl in a flyins start with the•1 Oilers, Greyhounds, Si,•, c.VO. and Hens* of Finnsrinx impres'slve victories tothe season.I yen's renlnr chnmptOTK

>v«ii"l Panthers, have dls-•j but hav? been replaced by/.•iiel Oil' ,s whojaok like theto bcit in the senior circuit.ihe light senior loop, the

Orioles humpled the Pe--A A. five by a 43-25 count.,,vens subdued the Keasbey;s 34-27 in a tlRht name.

• v'urins1. spurt paved the wayhe Rookies' 39-3» vlctorv overil'.i'lin Bulldog .and Shines'iv. nosrd cut the Mutineers411-38 (.core.

Woc>ribitrt?e Intermediate !

s.iw the St. James' C.Y.O.,us E-'"lcs Black Knhht>.iic ,is-!-ftpld Kids cop their tn-mi •-•'; to rtar tht season off

Be rivht fool. ]|e Brii Jnys. Hornets, and

»n indium posted early•s to open successfully theml • > mnior clruit which isill uf six trams.;• i;i-!in junior league, the

' iinji."l to a one-sidedvirtoiy over the Flashes,hr Cnhia-i defeated ihr Buw-l:i in a one-sided <n-

I I I . f V:I'S S'> I

Threatens M'Callen 's High Mark jSayreville VictoryUnknots Parochial

CYO Winner, 5U1Over St. Stephen's

MWON-DOUAR BABY - - By Alan M o w

Court league Tie In Overtime Fray

Pictured herewithJimmy Lake, theHiirrons1 brilliantronrj s t a r whoracked up 35 pointsa g a i n s t N e wBrunswick V o c a -tional last week to.set a new VV'ood-bridee Hlsh Schoolscnrlnt! record. TheVersatile lonor haschalked u p 112points in 6 games,and looks like acinch to shatterHowie McCtlKen'sall - time mark of225 points for asilicic unson. Lakelias \'l targes leftin which to set anew local reenrd,

Keep Skein Inarl byDefeating Carteret;St. JanW 5 Wins

Our 1 .artvSt . Jn nit'*1

W I.!', <i

'•! 11 12 1

\ ^ r v r l . 4>*i.1"i"-*



•>t. A n t h n n y ' nO u r l . . n l y o l P p n c p . . . . I) H

WOODBMDOE—The OUT Udyof Victory quintet of Sayrevlllecaptured lone possession of the toilspot in the Woodbrldge ParochialGrammar School League by over-whelming St. Joseph's of Carteretiy a 48-29 score in the first gameof the afternoon on the St. James'court. .

St. Joseph's, who won the cir-cuit crown last season, never hada chance to catch the high-flyingSayrevllle combine after they ac-cumulated an early lead In thefirst period. The victors' heightand expert ball handling were thecontributing factors which pavedthe way for Sayreville's all-impor-tant win.

Krawsek and Woznlak were thebig offensive guns for the Our Ladyof Victory combine tallying 19 and.17 points, respectively. Pete Kind-zierskl was high In the point pro-ducing department for Carteretwith nine counters.

With Moe Powers furnishing theoffensive fuel, St. James' bouncedback into the win column by sub-duing a stubborn St. Anthony's

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jContinued on P»«e 14)

~ I IH'lv JrOO






latawaa Recreation Centre• MATAWAN, N. J. £




Titan Thunderbult

SlIINR'S 131


I1:.l . vl : ;



Ul ) ,

112I l l l

Perth Amhoy Hub Gain*Tie at Last MinuteOnly to Drop contestWOODBRIDQE-ln one of the

closest games played this season,the St. James' CY.O. was forcedinto an overtime period to annexa 64-51 victory over a t . Stephen'sof Perth Amboy in a Holy NameLeague encounter piayeti on the St.James' court. Coach Jim Heating'soomblne is currently setting thepace In the county circuit with arecord of three straight games.

Both St, James' and St, Ste-phen's fought ea<:h otlier on even• arms in tht first half with neitherteam able to pile up a safe mar*indue to the well knit defense em-polyed by Ihe two well matched"tuintets. At tht half time periodthe score was tied up at 15-26.

The C.Y.O.'s persistent attackbegan to funtcion with satisfyingresults In the third and fouriastinaas when the Salute ran up acomfortable 4B-S6 irTarnin with twominutes remaining in the same.

With defeat staring them in theface. St. Stephen's caught fire inthe last mLiute of play to rack upten rapid points to tie up the sameat the whistle.

Both Woodbrldge and Perth Am-boy matched each other point forpoint in the overtime session untilJoe Oeis put the game on ioe forSt. James' in the last few seconds

five 35-25 In a rard fought game of the tilt with two accurate freewhich forced the Saints to play throws.their best ball same of the year to Rutan High Scorercome out on top. j B i g S l e v e RUian> St. James1 ver-

St, James' high scoring center, ^ ^ ^nt t r , once again provedPowers, walked off with the tilt's W m s e i f the top pivot player in theIndividual offensive honors by I l e a g u e b y £Wishing the cords forchalltlng up 14 counters, Halek and 12\ points to lead both teams in theKondas shared St. Anthony's scor-ing honorsapiece.

Our Lady

hi; i so

Korrtclsld. ff

with seven makers

of Peace was sub-likvged for the third straight, timethis season by St. Andrew's of Ave-nel, who hung up their secondconsecutive upset by a safe 38-24count in the final tussle of theafternoon's schedule.

Johnny Diyak, Aveirel's huskycenter, proved the sensation olthe game by hitting the hoops fora total of 25 points, which wasenough to .c?nd the Fords comblhedown to f'efeat His all-around

uii i play under the backboards also ks-ii? slsted hU team's winning cauBe.IK" Sunday's schedule for games to

be olayed on the St. James' Court:| St. Anthony's vs. Our Lady <>\

jjij [Victory. 130 P .M.l r. r. • St. Anthony's vs. St. Joseph!*

2:30 P. M.St. James' vs. Our Lady of Peace,

3:30 P, M.at ' i : i.Atvr OF

scoring section. Herbie Rees andJimmy DeJoy contributed to the

439 7 «


AVI'INKI, X(l. 2 ( 0 |US 190154 1'.I8

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U FMewtoii, t 0 0U'lUiTiik, I 0 0Krawsek, ( S 3

, f 1 1Wo>nlak. '• s 1

I'lillalmn, BCoyle, gKKolti, g


id 0

a rHelley,Leahy,


Kud}1, gSpeWlik, KVlllHku, Kl''«tr, g


Ilulek, r f, (I

t |J.O<(»I(, K IH h u « ( ) i m , g .,...

L. .Ionian,Haul. IlVr|ii»ulk, Iijerlty, Il'uweis, v •

jailer, K .

it. Jordan,tluftliar, H

Saints' well earned victory with13 and 10 counters, respectively.

Ed MaJewskllaurels for the


phen's team by compilingST. JAMIW

.i. Hfjuv, rIti'ii.lnink, r . ..Uut;in, c

K. lif.L.y, K.% f. - 1 . . 111H11! 111 R


^w;.K. Buliijga, I

Swatowlrz, c ...,f. HaldjB'a, i',\r:i.i6W»ki. gstr/yxak, K(Vliri), K '




, 19





Z..".'...'.'. ""2»0



offensiveSt. Ste-19 digit.;.









' 30













AVENEL-st. Andrew'sbaslretball t«am wouldgames with other twins

b i h l



their own.


in theg tWodbi idge a m whose players webetween the ages of 11 and 16.AU «ames must be played away »s

managers weasked t» oaU William Kirk »tWoodbridye 8-1338 alter 1 P. M.

tfattor tht W-lnch mirror In

****** ^"W «•

Collegetown GirlsSubdue Iselinites

ISfiLIN—The Collegetown O»ls,coached by, Vince Grogan, hadtheir initial debut marred thisw^ek by the Hi-Y quintet of PerthAmboy, who sank the Iselinites28-18 in a game played on thecapacity crowd.

Playln-! regular collegiate rulesin the first half the Coltegetown.Gals romped to a 15-11 lead overthe Amboyians. who were unafcleto solve the Iselinites' versatile at-tack, Prasser tmd Kane pacedCoach Grogan's combtae e&rtyscoring spree.

In the aecond half the game re-verted to the six player half courtgirls' rules which were not familiarto the Collegetown Girls. The Hi-Ytook advantage of their height andexperience with the new regula-tions and immediately forgedahead o fthe bewildered Iselln ag-gregation to wrap up the game.Against the unorthodox setup, theCollegetown Gils were only ableto score one field gal and foulin the entire second half.

Kissel and Janes dropped 16 and10 counters respectively throughthe hoops to star offensively forthe Hi-Y combine. Kane andPrasser were top girls for the Col*leKetown Girls with six countersapiece.

Next Tuesday night, Coach Gro-gan's quintet, v i n ptyy host to St.Joseph's, of Carteret \on the No.15 School ccwrt.

f O U . K O K T O W N (1AI.S OKII Cl K . .T

2Fink, ff»!N*ll, I

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A6 A 4-VeAR O.P.





JailM, f ..Pullutiky,Toss , i: ....

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CoWndo f(UtwiM in tk* louthwMtwa parttonof thi itit* which «r# u viluibti

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2 XMTOCK/ PUffB/IH Otie RAce /


Here we go again on our pet subject—the RecreationDepartment. We are hitting the keys of our typewriteronce more in regard to a move the department is con-templating for the coming year. In a report we read,the Recreation head or heads, whoever they might be,are considering naming James Mullen, Harry Burkeand Steve Stumpf to take charge of the enormousrecreation program in their respective wards in aneffort to solve the present problem.

Each of the above-mentioned is currently volunteer-ing his time to serve on the Recreation Committee,and we admire all three for their contribution to thecommunity. Mullen, Burke a,nd Stumpf have splendidathletic backgrounds, and we feel any one of themcould capably fill the vacant supervisor's position, butto operate as individuals in their respective territoriesis almost out of the question since there are problemswhich would take the world's greatest diplomat to ironout to everyone's satisfaction.

We are interested to learn how the appropraitioncan be split three ways to give each ward an equalshare, knowing that some parts of the township con-tain more parks, basketball courts, softball fields, andkids than others, It will be an impossibility to cut theapproved budget three ways under the present condi-tions. We would also like to know how each ward in-tends to operate its respective basketball, softball, andbaseball leagues, especially since the first ward is defi-nitely without a 4 n S l e softball or baseball field onwhich to play one lone game of "One-O-Cat," The thirdward is also without sufficient basketball courts tooperate three circuits.

There are numerous other reasons why the contem-plated set-up is impractical. If the Recreation Depart-ment is to operate efficiently, it must as a unit underone head over the entire township, The report we readstated the present syfetem is working out well, which ;requires scjme needed clarification since it has onlybeen in operation for one week.

We Jiad the pleasure of conversing with one of themembers of the present committee, ^ho informed usthe task of running the Recreation Department is nolonger a part-t|me job. Therj; are Very few qt us, whorealize the scope and importance of the recreation pro-gram in the township. We would be amazed aj; thenumber of kids and your|g men who take part in thevarious recreation activities each year, Athletic par-ticipation has become a costly pastime, and the youthsthroughout the community look upon the departmentfor their fields and necessary equipment.

We believe the time has come to'name a full-timesupervisor to All the vacant post because of the growth

:(pf, t h | d ^ a r t ^ n t , His annual salary should equal thatoi! a high school physical education director with iden-tical My raUe£ and seniority. He and his organizationshould definitely coifie urfder the jurisdiction of theBoard »of Education since they are more familiar with

'" the necessities of an expanded recreation program inthe township. We feel the busy" Township "Committeedoes not'have the extra lime to devqte to recreatton

wwh^ch I t now requires stncrtt p r a t e r tweive monthsout of the year.

Whether or not the committee agrees with our sug-tgeatipns. w hope they have the foresight to see thedifficulties which might arise from having.three*indi-vtduite operate the department. Our chief interest at

(Continued, on Pwe

Barrons Nose OutRoselle in FinalMinute of Tussur

WOODBftlDOE — Coach JohnTomctulc's charges will have anopportunity to bring their season'saverage over the .500 mark tomor-row night when the fiurrons trawlto Mrtuchen to engnfte Llie Bull-ions. The game will be played onLhe spacious Metuchen HighSchool court.

George Hartlnncl, Metuehen'smentor, has been working with a*reen siqaatl this season which isprobably the reason for his sub-par team. To date the Bulldogs'records show an jpven split In theirearly games, but they have shownHeady improvemfnt of late and arcexpected to Hiv; the Rod Blazers,a rough time tomorrow night.

Big Johnny Heller and BQDOec«l are Metuchcn's point makersv M Jjmmv Lake and companywill have to check in order to comeA«i cn\ top ul me tontiii.si:.n ul thesame-

Coach Tomczuk has not dis-closed his defensive plans for to-morrow night's encounter, al-though he is expected to sidetrackhis r.one defense in favor of man-to-man defense due to the size ofthe Metuchea court.

The Barron mentor will stick tohis usual starting lineup with Jim-my Lake tind John Tomczik at theforward pusltlons; Lee Straubc andDick Purdoi'k. the Fords twins, set,for the gunrd terminals and TonyMama will hold down ins usualpivot, post.

Strtuhe ShinesThe Barrons brought their sea-

! son's average up tothe .500 markny nosln:; out Rowlle 51-45 in thelast minute of play, Lee Straubecontribute heavily to Wood-brldae's well-earned victory withhis superb offensive Play.

Woodbrldse took a,n early 12-8 /lead In the first period hut wereunable to hold it when Rosellecame back stronR In thp secondstanza to go out front 23-22 at thehalf-time period.

| Both teams fought each other onjeven terms In the second half,matching each other point for

'] point. Straube's scoring spree andDick Furdock's free throws wereInstrumental in keeping Wood-brldge in the game down to thefinal two minutes.

Immediately after the automatictime out Straube connected withtwo field gocls, Mazaa one and Pur-dock contributed a foul to thegame in the win column for theBarrons.

Straube was by far the hero ofthe hectic game, hitting the hoopsfor rlne field goals and four foulsfor a total of 22 points, JimmyLake placed behind Straube in thepoint producing section with 10markers.

l,al;p, fI'ii'iminkl, r ...Tnmi'/.ik, fAliiixi, <• ....


i ;


on Page




\ We Have So Manv

Values We Cant

) Count 'Em

Our salesmen are going!) wild about the values that (j we are chalking up on the (January score board. )E\(ery department is chock |full of 'em so whatever you j

i need, we no doubt have it.(Suits, overcoat's, sweaters,) topcoats, raincoats, hatsjaad many, many otherjitprjisi too numerous to) mejitipn \n this j smallj space. |



OUTER COATSWere $35 to $75




PERTH AMBOYTftfltffritof/Tfff


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(ti; ftoart III' &f»'.<ipl«lt N-*;—'-at •• OL r».UT.'Tie Bnaiit—Ni. :.;• ; ur-e.


SPORTS ROUND-UP. CiftiUBuetf Iron, Bpi»n» Ptgt

jirfsen: it e uiggt" and optU1: P»ecr«t'ijor.aijc wt hope t i» toaimitwit vii; havt tht same thou|iii:r. rnai when the'v1 m&ki lifw fink deasiOK iater(

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DON'TWASTEte & Money


!<nil »r m)sk«ljUHt4n«nt Wttwered b. realGntr Iptrvir it Ll» I«SL)> iwUtud of inal «ad errorill th*- |»M Htutii iriur* <t>v knvwmt*4* U. bf duur m«o >ut> aulboriM: unijr tkr •wf* ;•» wuil

E*L?SERVICEAveatw and Cvuvm Boukiard


HOOKERS. . . The BaiTonr' anriu^ AL-Bpom ban-uur wat held Moao£y night at lh? Number 11 Scbooi•jal'.;eri& The Goidei; BecC-f wil; honor Lou Crwk-rri^: Wiiiiaro and ULtsy't Ali-Ajneritan tackJe who•jity<irs Saotbkn uncle Kick Priscot and Tony Caccrola.L: t xesuirianial diune: February 4 A host tri WillianihZkt Marj- grid BISTB &nci coaches including Eric TipumcZiZ, ihe popular Jack Cioud navt accepieti invitationf;;• fctvead. . Bl Andrenr't Johnny Dn-ak it settingt lorric Bcorxng pact in iht Woodbncigf ParochialCrraniraar Schooi Leap t T^it Recreation Depart-",'.:r.*. i-alea commenQatior. !rjr distributing the ofBciat'.TiS; .loot t* lonnei bas£*;^t^: slaxs tLroughout the


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No Purchase NecessaryKMrMKK AT


Tilt ai'junUfJi, n i;.fe-. !K: a;-jp :t e j^n^s ir. >o:x and f j i f-'.! "V

wjutrv ^B; U' l.'if Qy'-fl. C:.•c'.'rjll-.

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ufciwr. M p»yaiEr,l " j^c^n-i' >*»c -Ji> noat..-I-i-. : i i & *J' bna *UBJ3" o! mv

Pwef f»r Meet Cw» — au: 1 »ui'_r,: w to-VBDiNe<-.r:T JS5 miiliuD 6'jii»-E v t i iTr'rjK sxid ^rrmbled at i

s;«!!i la« 'yesr lor eitcirsc!^ sr,o ii:ais:-ii«i fctllj lrfi home." !' '•;•p«-.!-oi?utt product* to pw*r t!« " w « «**« t enirkaj *«ao- ' """•'''nav-'jEi r-r*ettari. «Wctric tn.;>f vii'-- '«-• J'DU BH WUO CW house-'c-jacnet *<)<! buRt s iSiEisvct rf v - > "M^f.ty i*-'» riUBtwadi art «i 'mm» that. thr« nui iot rciiei. t-'X.-jCf •»:< «tt w.ui.-. ' , ;.t 1:,

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V Ai^:lvi:.-I" t'• 1 + ,

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CHRISTENSEYS ^"The Friendly Store"


Come in now and see. . . a new. American Beauty!

(. ». t.

*• 1


1- 1 U " • ' '

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