~3^#m#af^j^||i - roman catholic diocese of...

v 1 ^ •m^mmmmmmmmmmmmm mm awwukt. «• ' t * -** ir i ^ j si K f* *«• 3- *Vj ^H -Ms- *\ 2.M 5.00 9.0*), 6.00 kino* nber mar- inish icee. iotas 510. < th* r art saed USOS, >ara, Erom irder i the irast S. rk >f nt es 00 00 00 M* E itre !•- otic oa i . „• ^»^£M£JJI*"" **7 ;«£, »~ ««fi»»tj J* '"'***«*7««*r»* ..' r ;«-*-»aijj^/Tir*f-*: , *3 v -£*> <. ** ** CA.THKWSA1. The funeral of John A.Geraghty» who died in Chicago last Saturday, wa* held I m Monday morning atlO o'clock, upon the arrival of the Chicago Limited in this city. In- terment was made in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Rt. Rev. T. F . BSokey officiated at the grave. The bearers were J* <3, JEJiekey, John Connors, ChaaFMertz.Chratopher Kerrigan, L. J.MoKearney and Geojb. White. Lost Monday morning a high mast was offered for the repoae of t h e soul of Daniel Burke. To-morrow is communion Sunday for the Boy's Sodality. The funeral of Johanna Twaig was held from Lady Chapel last Monday morning at 9 o'clock. In- terment was made in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. The marriage of Miss Lucy Mabar andMr. William EmerHng took place last Wednesday at 4 p. m. The ceremony was performed by Bey. Papier O'Hera. The funeral of Patriok Quiniivan was held from the family residence, 273 Brown 8t., laatThuraday morn- ing at 8:30 o'clock and at 9 o'olook Lady Chapel. He leave* t|0 mourn hi* loss one brother and five listen, all residents of this city. C0XPFJ8 CHXIS-n Next Friday,the first Friday of the month, masses will be at 5:30 and 8 o'clook. Holy communion will alio be given at 7 o'olook. The pupils of the eighth and ninth grades tried the regents during the past week at Cathedral Hall. The collectors enjoyed their an- nual banquet on Monday evening last in the parochial residence. The annual financial statement for the year just ended was given to the congregation on Sunday last. It ehows the receipts for the year to be $19,319.20, inolading the sub- scription of $2,540- The disburse- ments were $17,724.59, including a payment on church debt of 14,000. That the members of the congrega- tion have done well and that the year has been a success financially, is evidenced by the above. The oard parties and socials given by the Young Ladies Sodality have proven so saooesafal in getting the members of the congregation better acquainted as well as affording an evening of pleasure that it has been - - - -ij^ lem weekly next one will be held on Thursday evening in the ohurch 1 hall. HOLY VXMXLX Mrs. Anna Zimmerman, wife of Captain Zimmerman of the first, precinct, died suddenly Tuesday morning at the family residenoe, £89 Maple St., age 48 years. Mrs. Zimmerman was a life long resident of this oity. She was a woman of a kind and loving disposition and ' was well-known and highly esteemed and her sudden death will be keenly felt by her many friends. She was for many years a member of this parish and was prominent in church and oharitable works- Mrs.Zimmer- inan iiewr^ved by herhasb«Bd,0Be son, John B.,three sisters, Mrs.Mer- S aret Frank, Mrs.Ida Weidmah and [ra. J. B . Weins, three brothers, Michael, John and Charles Boehen, The funeral of Joseph Long took place from his late residence, 16* Rugraff St.,Friday morning at 8:30 and 9 o'olook from the churchy The funeral of Frank Fehrenbaoh took place from his son's residenoe, 458 Campbell St.,Wednesday morn* ing at 8:30 and 9 o'clook from the church. & cl^iier,m«re tasiy and wMesoine. Ro>^ Baking Powder helps die house vtikto produce at h(M^qiai%^^eo- nomicdiy, fine and toly c ^ $m rakd hot-bKcuit, pudffiog^ ft e feosted % ^ cak^ erisp codtfes, c r a ^ m& muffing with which the ready-made food found Sat the bake-shop or grocery does not conapflfe. •••••• ' »»AI. B*KWS l»OW0«J|i CO» W t » VOSSb. the soal.of Henry % 3TormiIe. A meeting of the membsra of Br. 121, a M, B. A. was held laat eirening in the sehood building and it was well attended. a*. i-oaapH's;, ' The annual banquet of t h e O . Y» M. A. wiU take pl*ce next Wednes-" Jg*& f h*r^ r Wf% f jM% » ^ t*mM mt s »itr^ st* $mm« ». and who** ittfjst took place at Kilaof^lsptVdV^ * %**r*4 itsi w~k .ffjfkfiQf th* . , presented the sacred reswls whiolfe haver bien ©ontoribttttd ^> tbs asw ^ooB*snti Tiaes* -oonsist^rr % Chtlioe,twa; ciborium*, a oenaer^a tabesrsacle ^roas > «ahd six Isrgs caas* dl«0cK M are *t Romanians deaiuB, * - * 0 o Wedaesday sight a a«oeet*fiil day evening in the gymnasium on!** 1 * P 1 ^ **» h«W in the'society rt _ , „. «v_^-. *roona»j under the aaspioet of the Toa»£ Ladies Sodality and lAe ToujJg tten\ Society, _ s Ti»t toang Wen's Society will meet to morrow afternoon: at four o'olook. ; - i .V v *'•/•;' The men are Invited to holy.jftm*; mwnaon. ^n^ttqWr,.,- '•;';',;,'.?/;.,"''' f The financial statement o* the i?if ceipt*andexpeaditni^ofth*ohttr«h for the year t905 wasgbrehto tj|ft pari»hionera la«t Sunday; it.showed that in^many wayi tie, "year |»s|- pained was *|f>; 'mm prosp>roiis M therjiia^ryof ,(|t» parish, Besictes meetinlf alt exptnies and making ' iuxi>y-iiuprovcTffBnwTT*«- Ormond St. Bishop Hickey be present and will make an address. There will be aeverai well-known speakera present. It is to be hop*d that alt the meniberi of the organiv ation will be present to help make the affair a success. A graofd galaacy of minatrel stars wto present i n ^he near future a protean pr^ograun of. stnpeiidoul mmstrelsy atoi*r haJUon Franklin St. The shbw wrill be given under theauspices of 0ieC t. M. A^and } °7* rwneI »MDg in its rnagni^ tnde. The man who has been en» gaged to bold doran the-oentral chair during the? fim por^oVof-th? affrsj is that we|l kiiow^ pbillo. tbropist and autonioDile expert Hr, Thomas Gafcyey. At-ojle end will be^the strong .nfcan* Mr. William Shleifert, ooniufcting aoooununt for the Eastman Syndioat^ Mr. Shlei- fert will lead the ootHlion. On the the other end wliy fa^ prtndfmi oi tne a. i j , thitt weH known eloon- le'rti tfonfat Mr.Pr.nk Hotfman'who"Willi ^ S f * ^ f — ^ M ^ contribute T»i« •i^^ W £^t:.^^ , w^*5^r«* known as "Me To Tie Hay." In close proximity •will be Mr. E. Fred Hennous.the Tommy Shearer of the oompany.in imitaatbrns of celebrated people who newer omght to have been-SenorVon Epps,the celebrated operatio maestro has been *ng»*ed t o t n l l sevferal festiwe lays. The stage hands have had several re- hearsals in the town haH at Peniield in order to give the siffair a rural sum^ of 19,800 haa been applied to ^thecwnyeht'^ttjd;. 1 -' . ; "-- ••'•'•./ : v - ^^^^^i^-O^^alefopj^b'alftmini; hanquet wbfeh vwllj be held In &* aohool hall m Feb*6tiu- |it r iRav»! Bishop Hieke^ is expected to be pres«ntand the event promises to be the"¥oun« Indies Sodality willti&e place on Feb. S8. vs. &&m*Jk4n,. I '"'•".• Bev.F.B. Bauber read the anhnat Ma^MoGfnhV ! ~3^#M#af^J^||i 4 -^sadSHasiaia^^ttMf^^^ *««'#to«^; liokii dmtf JTOhj «t^wj»„auitedby the pesaoa p«»wiis the ritisa Walled, for tha e»iniB|r **m,~fey Deputy Mrs. Bayer; Pr*«dentMr*; *&*&* Tic* im*M£l T** m •:,%•• •ty lanch was then serred l'''.'UJiul» Boildlnf f W «* 0 jr. " '$ -,. ;.• r *' *>&& \ "«^*»>» • ^ ^ - ^ ^ p t •? iflks .'^•a^sw^B' ^sja^aaj^ Moni j>Xfcj iHivtfitl'^nl M rer 1 * « « * ! * * •••»**< ' ??s>^' •*w^^^^^r?^- •*^^ - ^•^^Pss»BsT(a|Wa|^e c ^ . -. -0t -llidy :.harf; ItMtlft «o'^Uw»|)r_''aa; e l d :M«>»4'. *rho, b M Jfist-;W», W i t :is)" ava.-.. acelftsttfa.,' ^aalaa-. Mr: •.-. wwi aantnter- aside bsfor* '~~ "SIT •lis cantlontd MKifi^itt.:***^ .fafa^'*: Jbtji,. ii; : h*:^#:yery/;iiiBii*. tare :about; a v '^fcl ;t»att#ble: ^wgf%- th|«ir- .fint-i ^ett-; <«r ; -#fvtaW "taint Carrie/ wno iad bsen s^udyial jam i fatie lit sppafWt^parpt «oanci«Lal«teraeot to the people 1alt^^^^^^:-^^.i^^ Sunday. Tlie total reoeiptsfor t n e : M "*"** year 1905, jtogether with a balauoe ax. laoaunvs Next Sunday the nrst q diagrams will be given out. Requiem masse* were said this week for Mrs* Reinsohmidt, Helen Klesnhans, Clara Lowenguth, Anna Heinlein, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Staab.&ertrude Sobimer,and Henry Merkel, The Christmas collection amount- ed to $360. The funeral of Miss Clara Lowen- guth took piece last Saturday morn- ing at 9 o'clook from the church. She leaves to mourn her loss five sisters and one brother. A pleasant surprise was given to Mr.and Mrs. Fred Bach last Monday evening,it being their 39th wedding anniversary. Pedro was played and supper was--served.— ; They-were presented with a beautiful chocolate set. --••-Hoi^aosaarr- The Knights of St- John held a meeting and drilled last Thursday evening. To-morrow is bommunion Sunday for the boys and men of the parish. Branch 136, CM BA- held their meeting last Wednesday evening. HOLT APOSTUW on hand J a n . ! , 1905, of | 3 , 3 b l o ^ ^ f S M W ^ ^ ! % ^ were 118,198.96, while the t o t a l 5 - * Wr# ^^W^** expenses for the same period wet* tinge. Many soweitiee worth aeeing sr* promised ih this department, raere will be an augmented orches- tra for the occasion and the chorus ^hich h4» b^«n in training soau tune will cwtainiy^ a<Jd gieatly to the affair. The ticket* can be *ro~ cared from the - members of thi »Mooiitioa. Provide yourselves ia time.--.•"---:--•--' -?~ .i.,:...,•• -v..,„ -r.-i.v. ^ To-morrow wiU be communion Smtdiy for the men and boyn of the parish. The regular meeting of St. Wil* Ham's Cadets wall be held stasis to-morrow in the school house. Thef regular meeting of the Con» fraternHy df^ Meary washeld on last he following officer* were elected for the ensuing year: Pre*., Miss Cecelia Carey jvioc pree.» Miss Mary lewis;sec., Miss Margaret O'Connor; treis., Miss M. Laura Sfaroinghatti'i ereoutive oomiBiteee, Itisse* 0. 9««»n*^Keiter, B. McQuire, Nf, Grant* N.B»woira and M.^arwood* The society wiU hold a sock social on Feb. 16th intbechnrchball, .... The funeral of, Mr. Hngb Halpin was held oh Monday mornlns a t 9 d'clook. '• An anniversary high naass was celebrated on Monday last at seven o'clock for Richard Garry. . On Wednesday morning a months mind high mass eras celebrated for Mrs.Frank Daffy. 'An MnTversary" S^"''inaass'"' was celebrated on Wedaeiday last for Edward 0*LoughIia. Geo.T. Boucher,*member of our iio.37o.60. Iii $he abbve"a,mottnt of expenditures t&,tS7«80 was paid choir, who underwent an operation at St. Mary's Hospital, ig reported as improving. nO€ACOXJlT» C0KCBPT1OH "A "Visit, to the Blessed Sacra- f^nng on the church indebtedness. "Tbs debt Ian. 1, 1906, ia $1,3*2.33. Amoitnt in banks inoludirigintereit t o B ^ l , I1k«v^8»3^^ Aetwal balaaceonhandJan.t,190«,*r,501.- m,-l.'ITU *Wfr* *W* oon^bnted; 4$8k «otrf«*sjwi»i*W6^17» tivmajr- oolleertiowir Hvl€3!^9» dowatioawy $l,t98,35,aohooloollectio'n*,»l,100. 35, rents; l595y etc. •- > \* ^Tlx^^^^h^'reporua 1»h*oV fhlf daring the year there were 63 batV tisma, 25 marriage* and Hi deaths. •iiliiil$;& ^ l.Mii.^ $k : i '-•-/'•' ,.«/.v. ,i\-:,- —^.ji. _ ,^.«^ O'-'- - ; - >J • • \ '•'."• >'„ ..' +• i?-^r(rffeu3 *--'.-.'• /<• M .,*^Tsn>0', r*tf^t :v # si. raraa A»I> TXXTL _' A» anniversary requiem mass was aaid on Monday morning for Mir* Thomas Wiagickel. day snoraing for tne~membet* of tbe^oj||x| , S .8icie^r._^ ^ ^ ^ „ At the request of the Bosary Eon'fjiil to':«**,» s^.6*s4.wsi£H'.*£i Tbis week: only Society, a requiem mass, wss said on Wedniesday morning for Mrs. A»- : ' Regalar meeting of Br. «2, L/C. B,Ati*ifl|*l|tJW,Tb»waay a^wjbij^ 1 Feb.l. This is the last meeting to pay .Asscssaaeut 193. ^ % ^ ,: - i- A sppecial meeting of the Advisory Senate will be held Thursday even- ing.Peb.lst, after the regular meet- ing of Br.SJS at SS.Feter and PauFjf aesaion room.s to make arrangments f^rtbie sanuat banquet. ^ w : .The financial statement of the parish was read at all the masses last Sunday, showing she total •17,630.43; deposits ou choroh Jan* 1,150« 7 19,92*; indebtedness of th« LESTER 3 . 9B. iii^J a>M. -r—f i , t/S . .Yj-rfa) ;_ 1S0~ffMlilirSr« «r»i*iM.. liour^eoaipls^ Bctares, •lso^B*j« Calsedsrs, *CMtisiaf»i n VsseiMpqfOW»t <<- * teinUNI Funtral Oirttltrs *£*•' ^1$ ? r«olBffc8*»piois tt ^^**^' --•*-—' ^BeltPfc« wsaib^^j JOHN aUa'SfeBBttT" 1 -^ t fi*Y ! ment" was the subject of practical talk given to the 7 T Ladies Society by Rev. Father'Staiub A high mass was offered up last!last Sunday afternoon. Miss Mar- Monday nkorning fortherep^e of lgaret> Douglasi ia behalf ot the debtednese of the church Jan- 1906, *6,018.59. ^'^.^—sr.. aaiDorr's.- " W e ' were pleased to have our former altar boys from St,Bernsrd»s Seminary in the sanctuary Sundajf. the financial report will bo read Snndasy. ••••'•• .- -:, •.•'-:.. ui To^morrow,8nnday,i#cdmmusioat day for the men and boys of the psrisb). _ Watchw., Dlftmond|,CfMr << •tsury^JBUytjti roici tumiW -w. * ——ll3« <>»<{ ^ **T 'S* S«^^ -j "*»** WMUr ftiMsi i M M i i n ^ v f ^ located a 197 Malt SfcjEaa* • : , ^ oMoails QJstnsf'*. -^-^J 1 v-1. ;»>».; **v ^$CI 8o«»ety FU» your trad*, TIM Itkir lliffrilit! Maia«4aHi iTntiijiiia ^ * liSiL.^ **w , } JS| "S^ ^ l, i ^^fSF*W^WW!r«WW~ ^^^gtea»ife;wia^wi» I'M" -

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< th* r art saed USOS, >ara, Erom irder i the irast


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The funeral of John A.Geraghty» w h o died in Chicago last Saturday, wa* held I m Monday morning a t l O o'clock, upon the arrival of the Chicago Limited in this city. In­terment was made in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Rt . Rev. T. F . BSokey officiated at the grave. T h e bearers were J* <3, JEJiekey, John Connors, ChaaFMertz.Chratopher Kerrigan, L. J.MoKearney and Geojb. White.

Lost Monday morning a high mast was offered for the repoae of t h e soul of Daniel Burke.

To-morrow i s communion Sunday for the Boy's Sodality.

The funeral of Johanna Twaig was held from Lady Chapel last Monday morning at 9 o'clock. In­terment was made in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

The marriage of Miss Lucy Mabar andMr. Wil l iam EmerHng took place last Wednesday at 4 p. m. The ceremony was performed by B e y . Papier O'Hera.

The funeral of Patriok Quiniivan was held from the family residence, 273 Brown 8 t . , laatThuraday morn­ing at 8:30 o'clock and at 9 o'olook Lady Chapel. He leave* t|0 mourn hi* loss one brother and five l i s ten , all residents of this city.


Next Friday,the first Friday o f the month, masses will be at 5:30 and 8 o'clook. Holy communion will alio be given at 7 o'olook.

The pupils of the eighth and ninth grades tried the regents during the past week at Cathedral Hall.

The collectors enjoyed their an­nual banquet on Monday evening last in the parochial residence.

The annual financial statement for the year just ended was given to the congregation on Sunday last. It ehows the receipts for the year to be $19,319.20, inolading the sub­scription of $2,540- The disburse­ments were $17,724.59, including a payment on church debt o f 14,000. T h a t the members of the congrega­t ion have done well and that the year has been a success financially, is evidenced by the above.

The oard parties and socials given by the Young Ladies Sodality have proven s o saooesafal in getting the members of the congregation better acquainted as well as affording an evening of pleasure that i t has been - - - - i j ^ lem weekly next one will be held on Thursday evening in the ohurch1 hall.


Mrs. Anna Zimmerman, wife of Captain Zimmerman of the first, precinct, died suddenly Tuesday morning at the family residenoe, £89 Maple St., age 48 years. Mrs. Zimmerman was a life long resident of this oity. She was a woman of a kind and loving disposition and

' was well-known and highly esteemed and her sudden death will be keenly felt by her many friends. She was for many years a member of this parish and was prominent i n church and oharitable works- Mrs.Zimmer-inan iiewr^ved by herhasb«Bd,0Be son, John B.,three sisters, Mrs.Mer-

Saret Frank, Mrs.Ida Weidmah and [ra. J. B . Weins, three brothers,

Michael, John and Charles Boehen, The funeral of Joseph Long took

place from his late residence, 16* Rugraff St. ,Friday morning at 8:30 and 9 o'olook from the churchy

The funeral of Frank Fehrenbaoh took place from his son's residenoe, 458 Campbell St.,Wednesday morn* ing at 8:30 and 9 o'clook from the church.


cl^iier,m«re tasiy and wMesoine. Ro>^ Baking Powder helps die house

vtikto produce at h(M^qiai%^^eo-nomicdiy, fine and toly c ^ $m rakd hot-bKcuit, pudffiog^ fte feosted % ^ cak^ erisp codtfes, c r a ^ m& muffing with which the ready-made food found Sat the bake-shop or grocery does not conapflfe. ••••••

' » » A I . B*KWS l»OW0«J|i CO» Wt» VOSSb.

the soal.of Henry % 3TormiIe. A meeting of the membsra o f Br.

121, a M, B. A. was held laat eirening in the sehood building and i t was well attended.

a*. i-oaapH's;, ' The annual banquet of t h e O . Y»

M. A . wiU take pl*ce next Wednes-"

Jg*& f h * r ^ r Wf%fjM% » ^ t*mM mts »itr^ st* $mm«

». and who** ittfjst took place at

Ki laof^lsptVdV^ *

%**r*4 itsi w~k .ffjfkfiQf th*

. , presented the sacred reswls whiolfe haver bien ©ontoribttttd > tbs asw ooB*snti Tiaes* -oonsist^rr % Chtlioe,twa; ciborium*, a oenaer^a tabesrsacle roas>«ahd six Isrgs caas* dl«0cK M are *t Romanians deaiuB, * - *

0 o Wedaesday sight a a«oeet*fiil day evening in the gymnasium on!**1* P 1 ^ **» h«W in the'society rt_ , „. «v_^-. *roona»j under the aaspioet of the

Toaȣ Ladies Sodality and lAe ToujJg tten\ Society, _ s

Ti»t t o a n g Wen's Society wi l l meet to morrow afternoon: at four o'olook. ; - i .V v *'•/•;'

The men are Invited to holy.jftm*; mwnaon. n^ttqWr,.,- '•;';',;,'.?/;.,"'''f

The financial statement o* the i?if ceipt*andexpeaditni^ofth*ohttr«h for t h e year t905 wasgbrehto tj|ft pari»hionera la«t Sunday; i t . showed that in^many w a y i t i e , "year | » s | -pained was *|f>; 'mm prosp>roiis M therjiia^ryof ,( |t» parish, Besictes meetinlf a l t exptnies and making

' iuxi>y-iiuprovcTffBnwTT*«-

Ormond St . Bishop Hickey be present and wi l l make an address. There will be aeverai well-known speakera present. It is to be hop*d that alt the meniberi of the organiv ation will be present to help make the affair a success.

A graofd galaacy of minatrel stars w t o present in he near future a protean pr^ograun o f . stnpeiidoul mmstrelsy atoi*r haJUon Franklin St. The shbw wrill be given under theauspices of 0 i e C t . M. A^and

} °7* r w n e I»MDg in i t s rnagni^ tnde. The man who has been en» gaged to bold doran the-oentral chair during the? fim por^oVof-th? affrsj is that w e | l k i i ow^ pbil lo. tbropist and autonioDile expert Hr, Thomas Gafcyey. At-ojle end will be^the strong .nfcan* Mr. William Shleifert, ooniufcting aoooununt for the Eastman Syndioat^ Mr. Shlei­fert will lead the ootHlion. On the the other end wliy fa^ prtndfmi oi tne a. i j , thitt weH known eloon-

le'rti tfonfat Mr.Pr.nk Hotfman'who"Willi ^ S f * ^ f — ^ M ^ contribute T»i« • i ^ ^ W £ ^ t : . ^ ^ , w ^ * 5 ^ r « * known as "Me T o Tie Hay." In close proximity •will be Mr. E. Fred Hennous.the Tommy Shearer of the oompany.in imitaatbrns of celebrated people who newer omght to have been-SenorVon Epps,the celebrated operatio maestro has been *ng»*ed totnll sevferal festiwe lays. The stage hands have had several re­hearsals in the town haH at Peniield in order to give the siffair a rural

sum of 19,800 haa been applied to thecwnyeht' ttjd;.1-' .;"-- ••'•'•./:v -

^^^^^i^-O^^alefopj^b'alftmini; hanquet wbfeh vwllj be held In &* aohool hall m Feb*6tiu- |itriRav»! Bishop Hieke^ is expected to be pres«ntand the event promises to be

the"¥oun« Indies Sodality willti&e place on Feb. S8.

vs. &&m*Jk4n,. I '"'•".• B e v . F . B . Bauber read the anhnat

Ma MoGfnhV


4 -^sadSHasiaia^^ttMf^^^

*««'#to«^; liokii dmtf

JTOhj «t^wj»„auitedby the pesaoa p«»wiis t h e ritisa

Walled, for tha e»iniB|r **m,~fey Deputy Mrs. Bayer; Pr*«dentMr*; *&*&* Tic* im*M£l T**m



lanch was then serred l'''.'UJiul»

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. -. -0t -llidy :.harf; ItMtlft «o' Uw»|)r_''aa; e l d :M«>»4'. *rho, b M Jfist-;W», W i t :is)" ava.-.. acelftsttfa.,' ^aalaa-. Mr: •.-. wwi aantnter- aside bsfor* '~~ "SIT •lis cantlontd MKifi^itt.:***^

.fafa '*: Jbtji,. ii;:h*:^#:yery/;iiiBii*. tare :about; a v ' fcl ;t»att#ble: wgf%-th|«ir- .fint-i ^ett-; <«r ;-#fvtaW "taint Carrie/ wno iad bsen s^udyial jam

i fatie lit sppafWt parpt «oanci«Lal«teraeot to the people 1 a l t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ : - ^ ^ . i ^ ^ Sunday. Tlie total reoeiptsfor t n e : M "*"** year 1905, jtogether with a balauoe

ax. laoaunvs Next Sunday the nrst q

diagrams will be given out. Requiem masse* were said this

week for Mrs* Reinsohmidt, Helen Klesnhans, Clara Lowenguth, Anna Heinlein, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Staab.&ertrude Sobimer,and Henry Merkel,

The Christmas collection amount­ed to $360.

The funeral of Miss Clara Lowen­guth took piece last Saturday morn­ing at 9 o'clook from the church. She leaves to mourn her loss five sisters and one brother.

A pleasant surprise was given to Mr.and Mrs. Fred Bach last Monday evening,it being their 39th wedding anniversary. Pedro was played and supper was --served.—; They-were presented with a beautiful chocolate set.

- - •• -Hoi^aosaarr-

The Knights of St- John held a meeting and drilled last Thursday evening.

To-morrow is bommunion Sunday for the boys and men of the parish.

Branch 136, C M B A - held their meeting last Wednesday evening.


on hand Jan.!, 1905, of | 3 , 3 b l o ^ ^ f S M W ^ ^ ! % ^ were 118,198.96, while the t o t a l 5 - — * W r # ^ ^ W ^ * * expenses for the same period wet*

tinge. Many soweitiee worth aeeing sr* promised ih this department, raere will be an augmented orches­tra for the occasion and the chorus ^hich h4» b^«n i n training f « s o a u tune will cwtainiy^ a<Jd gieatly to the affair. The ticket* can be *ro~ cared from the - members of thi »Mooiitioa. Provide yourselves ia time.--.•"---:--•--' -?~ .i.,:...,•• -v..,„ -r.-i.v.

^ To-morrow wiU be communion Smtdiy for the m e n and boyn o f the parish.

The regular meeting of St . Wil* Ham's Cadets wall be held s t a s i s to-morrow i n the school house.

Thef regular meeting of the Con» fraternHy df^ Meary washeld on last

he following officer* were elected for the ensuing year: Pre*., Miss Cecelia Carey jvioc pree.» Miss Mary lewis;sec., Miss Margaret O'Connor; treis., Miss M. Laura Sfaroinghatti'i ereoutive oomiBiteee, Itisse* 0 . 9 « « » n * ^ K e i t e r , B. McQuire, Nf, Grant* N.B»woira and M.^arwood* The society wiU hold a sock social on Feb. 16th intbechnrchball , ....

The funeral of, Mr. Hngb Halpin was held oh Monday mornlns at 9 d'clook. ' • •

An anniversary high naass was celebrated on Monday last at seven o'clock for Richard Garry.

. On Wednesday morning a months mind high mass eras celebrated for Mrs.Frank Daffy.

'An MnTversary" S^"''inaass'"' was celebrated o n Wedaeiday last for Edward 0*LoughIia.

Geo.T. Boucher,*member of our

i io .37o .60 . Iii $he abbve"a,mottnt of expenditures t&,tS7«80 was paid

choir, who underwent an operation at St. Mary's Hospital, ig reported as improving.


"A "Visit, to the Blessed Sacra-


on the church indebtedness. "Tbs debt Ian. 1, 1906, ia $1,3*2.33. Amoitnt in banks inoludirigintereit t o B ^ l , I1k«v^8»3^^ Aetwal balaaceonhandJan.t,190«,*r,501.-m,-l.'ITU *Wfr* *W* oon^bnted;

4$8k «otrf«*sjwi»i*W6^17» tivmajr-oolleertiowir Hvl€3!^9» dowatioawy $l,t98,35,aohooloollectio'n*,»l,100. 35, rents; l595y etc. •- > \* ^Tlx^^^^h^'reporua 1»h*oV fhlf

daring the year there were 63 batV tisma, 25 marriage* and Hi deaths.

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si. raraa A»I> TXXTL _' A» anniversary requiem mass was aaid on Monday morning for Mir* Thomas Wiagickel.

day snoraing for tne~membet* of tbe^oj| |x| ,

S .8icie^r._^ ^ ^ ^ „ At the request of the Bosary

Eon' f j i i l t o ' : « * * , »

s^.6*s4.wsi£H'.*£i Tbis week: only

Society, a requiem mass, wss said o n Wedniesday morning for Mrs. A»-

:' Regalar meeting of Br. «2, L / C . B,Ati*ifl |*l |tJW,Tb»waay a^wjbij^1

F e b . l . This is the last meeting t o pay .Asscssaaeut 193. ^ % ^ ,: - i- A sppecial meeting of the Advisory Senate will be held Thursday even-ing.Peb. ls t , after the regular meet­ing o f Br.SJS at SS.Feter and PauFjf aesaion room.s to make arrangments f^rtbie sanuat banquet. ^ w :

.The financial statement of t h e parish was read a t all the masses last Sunday, showing she total

•17 ,630.43; deposits ou choroh Jan* 1 ,150« 7 19,92*; indebtedness of th«

LESTER3 . 9B. i i i ^ J a>M. - r—f i , t/S . .Yj-rfa) ;_


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Funtral Oirttltrs *£*• '

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1 -^ t fi*Y!

ment" was the subject of practical talk g iven t o the 7 T Ladies Society by Rev. Father'Staiub

A high mass was offered up last! last Sunday afternoon. Miss Mar-Monday nkorning f o r t h e r e p ^ e of lgaret> Douglasi ia behalf ot the

debtednese o f the church Jan-1906, *6,018.59. ^ ' ^ . ^ — s r . . aaiDorr's.-" W e ' were pleased to have our

former altar boys from St,Bernsrd»s Seminary in the sanctuary Sundajf.

t h e financial report will bo read Snndasy. ••••'•• .- -:, •.•'-:.. ui

To^morrow,8nnday,i#cdmmusioat day for the men and boys of t h e psrisb).

_ Watchw., Dlftmond|,CfMr << •tsury^JBUytjti

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