3gpp-23040-a00-technical realization of the short message service

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  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    3GPP TS 23.040 V10.0.0 (2011-03)Technical Specification

    3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals;

    Technical realization of the Short Message Serice !SMS"!#elease $%"

    The present document has been developed within the 3rdGeneration Partnership Project (3GPPTM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.

    The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPPOrani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this"pecification."pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TMsystem should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    %eywordsUMTS, GSM, SMS


    Postal address

    3GPP support office address

    650 Route des Lucioles - So!i" #$tiolis

    V"l%o$$e - &R#'Tel.* +33 4 2 4 42 00 &"* +33 4 3 65 4 16



    Copyright Notification

    'o part may be reproduced ecept as authori!ed by written permission.The copyriht and the foreoin restriction etend to reproduction in all media.

    *+,,- 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (/&0- T&"- 11"- 2T"&- TT- TT1).ll rihts reserved.

    MT"4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its members3GPP4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners

    5T24 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational PartnersG"M6 and the G"M loo are reistered and owned by the G"M ssociation

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  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service






    , "cope......................................................................................................................................................9

    * /eferences..............................................................................................................................................9

    3 "ervices and service elements..............................................................................................................,,

    : 'etwor# architecture............................................................................................................................*;

    8 "ervice 1entre and P5M' interconnection .........................................................................................3+

    9 "ervice 1entre functionality.................................................................................................................3+

    < M" functionality .................................................................................................................................3*

    ; 'ode functionality................................................................................................................................33

    = Protocols and protocol architecture......................................................................................................:+

    ,+ 7undamental procedures within "M"...............................................................................................,+., &ntroduction....................................................................................................................................,8:

    >.* The scope of applicability..............................................................................................................,8:

    >.3 Terminoloy...................................................................................................................................,8:

    >.: The reply path re?uestin procedure..............................................................................................,8:

    >.8 The reception of an oriinal MT "M..............................................................................................,88

    >.9 The submission of the reply MO "M..............................................................................................,88

    >.< sae of "1s for replyin..............................................................................................................,88

    >.; /eplyin possibilities for Phase , mobile stations..........................................................................,89

    >.= The resultin service for oriinatin "M2s....................................................................................,89

    2., Predefined "ound............................................................................................................................,8etermined 0arrin (O>0)J.

    H=I 3GPP T" *3.+3;E Jlphabets and lanuae@specific informationJ.

    H,+I 3GPP T" *3.+:,E JTechnical reali!ation of 1ell 0roadcast "ervice (10")J.

    H,,I Boid

    H,*I 3GPP T" ::.++;E JMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationJ.

    H,3I 3GPP T" *:.+,,E JPoint@to@Point (PP) "hort Messae "ervice ("M") support on mobile radiointerfaceJ.

    H,:I 3GPP T" *ata Terminal 2?uipment @ >ata 1ircuit terminatin 2?uipment (>T2 @>12) interface for "hort Messae "ervice ("M") and 1ell 0roadcast "ervice (10")J.

    H,8I 3GPP T" *=.++*E JMobile pplication Part (MP) specificationJ.

    H,9I 3GPP T" 8,.+,, /elease : (version :..)E J"pecification of the "ubscriber &dentity Module @Mobile 2?uipment ("&M@ M2) interfaceJ.

    H,ata ssociation. "pecifications for &r Mobile 1ommunications (&rM1).iMelody.

    H3:I &2T7 /71 ;**E J"tandard for the format of /P &nternet tet messaesJ.

    H38I Boid


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  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    H39I Jv1ard @ The 2lectronic 0usiness 1ardJ- version *.,-The &nternet Mail 1onsortium (&M1)-"eptember ,;- ,==9-/5EhttpEwww.imc.orpdivcard@*,.docJ.

    H3& Manufacturers ssociation (*++*)FhttpEwww.midi.or

    H3=I "calable Polyphony M&>& >evice 8@to@*: 'ote Profile for 3GPP- M&>& Manufacturersssociation (*++*)F httpEwww.midi.or

    H:+I The 1omplete M&>& ,.+ >etailed "pecification- &ncorporatin all /ecommended Practices- M&>&Manufacturers ssociation- >ocument version =9.,- ,==9F httpEwww.midi.or

    H:,I 3GPP T" *3.+=

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    Mo#ile-services Switching Centre (MSC):echane which performs switchin functions for mobile stations locatedin a eoraphical area desinated as the M"1 area

    Mo#ile-Station-Me$ory-Capacity-%&cee!e!-Flag (MC%F):part of the MA& to be stored in the D5/

    'OT2 *E M127 is a 0oolean parameter indicatin if the address list of MA> contains one or more entries becausean attempt to deliver a short messae to an M" has failed with a cause of M" Memory 1apacity 2ceeded

    Mo#ile-Station-'ot-eacha#le-Flag (M'F):part of the MA& to be stored in the B5/ and the D5/

    'OT2 3E M'/7 is a 0oolean parameter indicatin if the address list of MA> contains one or more entries becausean attempt to deliver a short messae to an M" has failed with a cause of bsent "ubscriber.

    Mo#ile-station-'ot-eacha#le-or-GPS (M'G):part of the MA& to be stored in the "G"' and the D5/

    'OT2 :E M'/G is a 0oolean parameter indicatin if the address list of MA> contains one or more entriesbecause an attempt to deliver a short messae to an M" has failed with a cause of bsent "ubscriber.

    Mo#ile-Station-'ot-eacha#le-via-the-MSC-eason (M'-MSC):part of the MA& in the D5/ which stores thereason for an M" bein absent when an attempt to deliver a short messae to an M" fails at the M"1 with a cause ofbsent "ubscriber

    Mo#ile-Station-'ot-eacha#le-via-the-SGS'-eason (M'-SGS'):part of the MA& in the D5/ which storesthe reason for an M" bein absent when an attempt to deliver a short messae to an M" fails at the "G"' with a causeof bsent "ubscriber

    More-Messages-*o-Sen! (MMS):information element offerin an M" receivin a short messae from an "1 theinformation whether there are still more messaes waitin to be sent from that "1 to the M"

    'OT2 8E The TP@MM" element (conveyed in the Transfer layer) is copied into the /P@MM" element (conveyed inthe /elay layer). &t is possible with Phase * and later versions of MP (3GPP T" *=.++* H,8I) for the/P@MM" element to #eep an "M transaction open between the "M"@GM"1 and the M" in the casewhere there are more@messaes@to@send. 2arlier versions of MP support the transport of the TP@MM"element.

    priority:service element enablin the "1 or "M2 to re?uest a short messae delivery attempt to an M" irrespective ofwhether or not the M" has been identified as temporarily absent

    protocol-i!entiier:information element by which the oriinator of a short messae (either an "1 or an M") may referto a hiher layer protocol

    receiving MS: the mobile station to which an MT "M is destined.

    reply path proce!ure:mechanism which allows an "M2 to re?uest that an "1 should be permitted to handle a replysent in response to a messae previously sent from that "M2 to another "M2

    'OT2 9E This may happen even thouh the "1 may be un#nown to the "M2 which received the initial messae.

    report:response from either the networ# or the recipient upon a short messae bein sent from either an "1 or an M"


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    @ in MO casesE from the same M".

    sen!ing MS:the mobile station from which an MO "M is sourced.

    Service Centre (SC):function responsible for the relayin and store@and@forwardin of a short messae between an"M2 and an M"

    'OT2 ;E The "1 is not a part of the G"MMT" P5M'- however M"1 and "1 may be interated.

    Serving GPS Support 'o!e (SGS'):echane which performs pac#et switchin functions for mobile stationslocated in a eoraphical area desinated as the "G"' area

    short $essage:information that may be conveyed by means of the "hort Messae "ervice

    'OT2 =E s described in the present document.

    Short Message %ntity (SM%):entity which may send or receive "hort Messaes

    'OT2 ,+EThe "M2 may be located in a fied networ#- an M"- or an "1.

    SMS-S*+*,S-%P*:short messae transfer protocol data unit informin the receivin M" of the status of a

    mobile oriinated short messae previously submitted by the M"- i.e. whether the "1 was able to forward the messaeor not- or whether the messae was stored in the "1 for later delivery

    SMS-CMM+'":short messae transfer protocol data unit which enables an M" to invo#e an operation at the "1

    'OT2 ,,En M" may then- for eample- delete a short messae- cancel a TP@"tatus@/eport@/e?uest- en?uire aboutthe status of a short messae or re?uest another function to be performed by the "1.

    'OT2 ,*EThe type of operation is indicated by the TP@1ommand@Type and the particular "M to operate on isindicated by the TP@Messae@'umber and the TP@>estination@ddress. /eceipt of an "M"@1OMM'>is confirmed by an /P@1% or /P@2//O/. &n the case of certain "M"@1OMM'>s- an"M"@"TT"@/2PO/T may be sent- where the outcome of the "M"@1OMM'> is passed in itsTP@"tatus field.

    SMS-"%I.%:short messae transfer protocol data unit containin user data (the short messae)- bein sent from an"1 to an M"

    SMS-S,/MI*:short messae transfer protocol data unit containin user data (the short messae)- bein sent from anM" to an "1

    Service-Centre-*i$e-Sta$p (SC*S):information element offerin the recipient of a short messae the information ofwhen the messae arrived at the "M@T5 entity of the "1

    'OT2 ,3EThe time of arrival comprises the year- month- day- hour- minute- second and time !one.

    ,%-'ot-eacha#le-or-IP (,'I):part of the MA& to be stored in the &P@"M@GA and the D""D5/

    'OT2 ,:E'/& is a 0oolean parameter indicatin if the address list of MA> contains one or more entries because

    an attempt to deliver a short messae to an 2 has failed with a cause of bsent "ubscriber.

    ,%-'ot-eacha#le-eason (,'):part of the MA& in the D""D5/ which stores the reason for an 2 beinabsent when an attempt to deliver a short messae to an 2 fails at the &P@"M@GA.

    .ali!ity-Perio! (.P):information element enablin the oriinator M" to indicate the time period durin which theoriinator considers the short messae to be valid.

    7or the purposes of the present document- the followin terms and definitions iven in 3GPP T" *3.+3; H=I applyE

    'ational anguage I!entiier

    'ational anguage ocking Shit *a#le

    'ational anguage Single Shit *a#le


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    2.1.2 #%%ei"tio$s

    7or the purposes of the present document- the abbreviations defined in 3GPP T/ *,.=+8 H*=I and the followin applyE

    "M MO "hort Messae Mobile Oriinated"M MT "hort Messae Mobile Terminated

    "M@5 "hort Messae pplication 5ayer "M@55 "hort Messae 5ower 5ayers"M@/5 "hort Messae /elay 5ayer "M@/P "hort Messae /elay 5ayer Protocol"M@/" "hort Messae /elay "ervice"M@T5 "hort Messae Transfer 5ayer "M@TP "hort Messae Transfer 5ayer Protocol"M@T" "hort Messae Transfer "ervice""' "ub@"ystem 'umber TP> Transfer protocol data unit

    3 Seices "$d seice ele7e$ts

    The "M" provides a means to transfer short messaes between a G"MMT" M" and an "M2 via an "1. The "1serves as an interwor#in and relayin function of the messae transfer between the M" and the "M2.

    The present document describes only the short messae services between the M" and "1. &t may- however- refer topossible hiher layer applications.

    3.1 8"sic seices

    The "hort Messae "ervice comprise two basic servicesE

    "M MT ("hort Messae Mobile Terminated)F

    "M MO ("hort Messae Mobile Oriinated).

    "M MT denotes the capability of the G"MMT" system to transfer a short messae submitted from the "1 to one M"-and to provide information about the delivery of the short messae either by a delivery report or a failure report with aspecific mechanism for later deliveryF see fiure ,.

    "M MO denotes the capability of the G"MMT" system to transfer a short messae submitted by the M" to one "M2via an "1- and to provide information about the delivery of the short messae either by a delivery report or a failurereport. The messae shall include the address of that "M2 to which the "1 shall eventually attempt to relay the shortmessaeF see fiure *.

    The tet messaes to be transferred by means of the "M MT or "M MO contain up to ,:+ octets.

    S!ot 7ess"e delie9


    25&B2/(TP@"ervice@1entre@Time@"tamp field- see clause =) bein delivered to the M".


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    3.2.3 Potocol-de$tiie

    The Protocol@&dentifier is the information element by which the "M@T5 either refers to the hiher layer protocol beinused- or indicates interwor#in with a certain type of telematic device.

    The Protocol@&dentifier information element ma#es use of a particular field in the messae types "M"@"0M&T-

    "M"@"0M&T@/2PO/T for /P@1%- "M"@>25&B2/ >25&B2/- "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T for /P@1%-"M"N"TT"N/2PO/T and "M"@1OMM'> TP@Protocol@&dentifier (TP@P&>).

    3.2.4 Moe-Mess"es-to-Se$d

    The More@Messaes@to@"end is the information element by which the "1 informs the M" that there is one or moremessaes waitin in that "1 to be delivered to the M". The More@Messaes@to@"end information element ma#es use ofa 0oolean parameter in the messae "M"@>25&B2/- TP@More@Messaes@to@"end (TP@MM").

    3.2.5 elie9 o Pioit9 "$d $o$-Pioit9 Mess"es

    Priority is the information element provided by an "1 or "M2 to indicate to the P5M' whether or not a messae is a

    priority messae.

    >elivery of a non@priority messae shall not be attempted if the M" has been identified as temporarily absent (seeclause 3.*.9).

    >elivery of a non@priority messae shall be attempted if the M" has not been identified as temporarily absentirrespective of whether the M" has been identified as havin no free memory capacity (see clause 3.*.9).

    >elivery of a priority messae shall be attempted irrespective of whether or not the M" has been identified astemporarily absent- or havin no free memory capacity.


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    3.2.6 Mess"es-:"iti$

    The Messaes@Aaitin is the service element that enables the P5M' to provide the D5/- "G"' and B5/ with whichthe recipient M" is associated with the information that there is a messae in the oriinatin "1 waitin to be deliveredto the M". The service element is only used in case of previous unsuccessful delivery attempt(s) due to temporarilyabsent mobile or M" memory capacity eceeded. This information- denoted the Messaes@Aaitin@&ndication (MA&)-

    consists of Messaes@Aaitin@>ata (MA>)- the Mobile@station@'ot@/eachable@for@GP/" (M'/G)- the 2@'ot@/eachable@for@&P ('/&)- the Mobile@"tation@'ot@/eachable@7la (M'/7)- the Mobile@'ot@/eachable@via@the@M"1@/eason (M'//@M"1)- the Mobile@'ot@/eachable@via@the@"G"'@/eason (M'//@"G"')- the 2 'ot /eachable@/eason ('//) and the Mobile@"tation@Memory@1apacity@2ceeded@7la (M127) located in the D5/F the Mobile@station@'ot /eachable@for@GP/" (M'/G) located in the "G"'- and the Mobile@"tation@'ot@/eachable@7la (M'/7)located in the B5/. 7iure 3 shows an eample.


    ...MSIsdn-Alert SC address1 SC address2

    SC addressn









    M'R& M& M'RG M'RR-MS




    0igure 31 4ample of how information on one MS can 2e put in relation to SC!s"in order to fulfil the re5uirement of 6lert*SC mechanism

    The MA> shall contain a list of addresses ("1@ddr) of "1s which have made previous unsuccessful delivery attemptsof a messae (see clause 8). &n order to be able to send alert messaes to every "1 which has made unsuccessfuldelivery attempts to an M"- the D5/ shall store the M"&sdn@lert (see clause 3.*.

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    The Mobile@"tation@'ot@/eachable@via@the@M"1@/eason (M'//@M"1) within the D5/ stores the reason for the M"bein absent when an attempt to deliver a short messae to an M" fails at the M"1 with the cause bsent "ubscriber.The D5/ updates the M'//@M"1 with the reason for absence when an absent subscriber dianostic information isreceived from the "M"@GM"1 and the M'/7 is set. The D5/ clears the M'//@M"1 when the M'/7 is cleared. &fthe M'/7 is set due to a failure at the M"1 with cause bsent "ubscriber and information pertainin to the absence ofthe M" is not available from the "M"@GM"1- the M'//@M"1 shall remain in a cleared state. The M'//@M"1 shall

    either be in a cleared state or contain one of the followin reasonsE

    'o Pain /esponse via the M"1F

    &M"& >etached.

    The Mobile@"tation@'ot@/eachable@via@the@"G"'@/eason (M'//@"G"') within the D5/ stores the reason for theM" bein absent when an attempt to deliver a short messae to an M" fails at the "G"' with the cause bsent"ubscriber. The D5/ updates the M'//@"G"' with the reason for absence when an absent subscriber dianosticinformation is received from the GM"1 and the M'/G is set. The D5/ clears the M'//@"G"' when the M'/G iscleared. &f the M'/G is set due to a failure at the "G"' with cause bsent "ubscriber and information pertainin to theabsence of the M" is not available from the GM"1- the M'//@"G"' shall remain in a cleared state. The M'//@"G"' shall either be in a cleared state or contain one of the followin reasonsE

    'o Pain /esponse via the "G"'F

    GP/" >etached.

    'OT2 ,E The M'/G can also be set in the D5/ and in the "G"' after an unsuccessful attempt to invo#e thenetwor# re?uested P>P@1ontet ctivation procedure. &n this case- no "1 address is stored in MA> list(see 3GPP T" *3.+9+ H* list (if it is not already present)- the M'/7 is set (if it is not already set) andthe M'//@M"1 is updated (if the information is available)- as described in clause ,+.

    ,b)Ahen a mobile terminated short messae delivery fails at the "G"' due to the M" bein temporarily absent (i.e.either GP/" >2T1D fla is set or there is no response from the M" to a pain re?uest via the "G"')- the "1address is inserted into the MA> list (if it is not already present)- the M'/G is set (if it is not already set) andthe M'//@"G"' is updated (if the information is available)- as described in clause ,+.

    ,c) Ahen a mobile terminated short messae delivery fails at the M"1 due to the M" memory capacity beineceeded- the "1 address is inserted into the MA> list (if it is not already present)-the M127 is set (if it is notalready set)- the M'/7 is cleared and the M'//@M"1 is cleared.

    ,d)Ahen a mobile terminated short messae delivery fails at the "G"' due to the M" memory capacity beineceeded- the "1 address is inserted into the MA> list (if it is not already present)- the M127 is set (if it is not

    already set)- the M'/G is cleared and the M'//@"G"' is cleared.


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    ,e) Ahen a mobile terminated short messae delivery fails due to the 2 memory capacity via the &P@"M@GA beineceeded- the "1 address is inserted into the MA> list (if it is not already present)- the M127 is set (if it is notalready set)- the '/& is cleared and the '// is cleared.

    ,f) &f the M"&sdn used by the "1 to address the recipient M" for alertin purposes is different from theM"&sdn@lert of the M" (see clause 3.*. (see clause 3.*.< and clause ,+). fter each "1 is alerted by the D5/- the address for that "1 shall bedeleted from the MA>. &f the M127 is set in the D5/- the D5/ shall not invo#e operations to alert the "1swithin the MA> and data are not cleared from the MA>.

    *b)Ahen either the D5/ or "G"' detects that the M" has recovered operation (e.. has responded to a painre?uest via the "G"')- the D5/ directly or on re?uest of the "G"' shall clear M'/G and M'//@"G"'. Then-if with a non empty MA> list and the M127 clear- the D5/ shall invo#e operations to alert the "1s within theMA> (see clause 3.*.< and clause ,+). fter each "1 is alerted by the D5/- the address for that "1 is deletedfrom the MA>. &f the M127 is set in the D5/- the D5/ shall not invo#e operations to alert the "1s within the

    MA> and data are not cleared from the MA>.

    *c) Ahen the &P@"M@GA informs the D5/D"" that the 2 is reachable for "M" over &P- either due to an &M"reistration or due to the 2 becomin available aain- the D5/D"" shall clear the '/& and '//. Then- ifwith a non empty MA> list and the M127 clear- the D5/D"" shall invo#e operations to alert the "1s withinthe MA> (see clause 3.*.< and clause ,+). fter each "1 is alerted by the D5/D""- the address for that "1 isdeleted from the MA>. &f the M127 is set in the D5/D""- the D5/D"" shall not invo#e operations to alertthe "1s within the MA> and data are not cleared from the MA>.

    *d)Ahen the D5/ receives (via the M"1 and the B5/) a notification that the M" (with a non@empty MA> and theM127 set in the D5/) has memory capacity available to receive one or more short messaes- the D5/ shallinvo#e operations to alert the "1s within the MA> (see clause 3.*.< and clause ,+). Once the lert "1operations have been invo#ed- the M'/7 is cleared in the B5/ and the M127- M'/7 and M'//@M"1 are

    cleared in the D5/. fter each "1 is alerted by the D5/- the address for that "1 is deleted from the MA>.

    *e) Ahen the D5/ receives (via the "G"') a notification that the M" (with a non@empty MA> and the M127 setin the D5/) has memory capacity available to receive one or more short messaes- the D5/ shall invo#eoperations to alert the "1s within the MA> (see clause 3.*.< and clause ,+). Once the lert "1 operations have

    been invo#ed- the M'/G is cleared in the "G"' and the M127- M'/G and M'//@"G"' are cleared in theD5/. fter each "1 is alerted by the D5/- the address for that "1 is deleted from the MA>.

    *f) Ahen the D5/D"" receives (via the &P@"M@GA) a notification that the 2 (with a non@empty MA> and theM127 set in the D5/D"") has memory capacity available to receive one or more short messaes- theD5/D"" shall invo#e operations to alert the "1s within the MA> (see clause 3.*.< and clause ,+). Once thelert "1 operations have been invo#ed- the '/& and '// are cleared in the D5/D"". fter each "1 isalerted by the D5/D""- the address for that "1 is deleted from the MA>.

    *)Ahen the D5/ receives from the "M"@GM"1 a notification that a short messae has been successfullydelivered from an "1 to an M" via the M"1 for which the M127 is set and the MA> are not empty- the D5/shall invo#e operations to alert other "1s within the MA> (see clause 3.*.< and clause ,+). Once the lert "1operations have been invo#ed- the M127- M'/7 and M'//@M"1 are cleared in the D5/. fter each "1 isalerted by the D5/- the address for that "1 is deleted from the MA>. The "1 which successfully delivered themessae is also deleted from the MA>- if present.

    *h)Ahen the D5/ receives from the "M"@GM"1 a notification that a short messae has been successfullydelivered from an "1 to an M" via the "G"' for which the M127 is set and the MA> are not empty- the D5/shall invo#e operations to alert other "1s within the MA> (see clause 3.*.< and clause ,+). Once the lert "1operations have been invo#ed- the M127- M'/G and M'//@"G"' are cleared in the D5/. fter each "1 isalerted by the D5/- the address for that "1 is deleted from the MA>. The "1 which successfully delivered themessae is also deleted from the MA>- if present.

    *i) Ahen the D5/ receives (via the M"1 and the B5/- or the "G"') a notification that the M" has memorycapacity available to receive one or more short messaes but the M127 is not set and the MA> are empty- theD5/ ac#nowledes the notification but does not alert any service centre.


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    'OT2 3E The D5/ can be in a situation where the MA> list is empty but where either M'/7 or M'/G (with therelated M'//@M"1 or M'//@"G"') is still set. This enables the D5/ to return the correct address(M"1 or "G"' address) at the net "end /outin &nformation /e?uest from the "M"@GM"1.

    'OT2 :E &f the "M" delivery failed on first attempt via the M"1 or the "G"' (see cases ,a for &M"& >etach and,b for GP/" >etach)- and is successful on the second attempt (see cases *e and *f)- the "1 address shall

    not be inserted into the MA> list

    3.2. #let-S

    The lert@"1 is the service element- which may be provided by some G"MMT" P5M's- to inform the "1 that anM"E

    ,) to which a delivery attempt has failed because the M" is not reachable or because the M" memory capacity waseceededF and

    *) which is now reconi!ed by the P5M'E

    a) to have resumed operation (e.. to have responded to a pain re?uest)F or

    b) to have memory newly available (which implies that the mobile is reachable).

    is aain ready to receive one or more short messaes. The "1 may @ on reception of an lert@"1 @ initiate the deliveryattempt procedure for the ?ueued messaes destined for this M".

    To each M" there may be allocated several M"&sdns. Ahen the D5/ is to alert an "1 that an M" is aain attainable itshall use a specific M"&sdn value for this purposeF in the present document called M"&sdn@lert.

    'OT2 8E /epeated delivery attempts from the "1 may be of two typesE

    i) repeated delivery attempt because the "1 has been informed that the M" is active and available toreceive short messaes.

    ii) n autonomous repeated delivery attempt by the "1.

    The application of these two options is defined by the providers of the "1 and the networ#.

    3.2." MT oel"tio$

    The MT 1orrelation &> is a service element used only when the DP5M' of the receivin M" is usin an "M" /outeror an &P@"M@GA. &t is used to correlate a 7orward "M operation to a previous &nfo /etrieval operation.

    se of the MT 1orrelation &> enhances security. 0y analysin the 1orrelation &> received in a 7orward "hort messaeoperation- it can be easily chec#ed from where the associated &nfo /etrieval operation oriinated- thus resultin indetection of Jfa#eJ and JspoofedJ "Ms.

    The MT 1orrelation &> is used in place of the &M"& in the &M"& &2 at the protocol layer. Dence- its structure is defined

    to be eactly the same as this element.

    'OT2E sin an MT 1orrelation &> in place of the real &M"& has the added benefit of enhancin subscriberprivacy in that the full &M"& is not shared with the DP5M' of the sendin M".

    The MT 1orrelation &> shall be composed as shown in fiure 3a below.


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"$-#elease $%

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    15 digits

    3 di its 3 di its

    MNC Sender ID

    MT-SMS Correlation ID

    0igure 3a1 Structure of the MT Correlation 78

    The MT 1orrelation &> is composed of three partsE

    ,) Mobile 1ountry 1ode (M11) of the DP5M' of the receivin M". &t consists of three decimal diits.

    *) Mobile 'etwor# 1ode (M'1) of the DP5M' of the receivin M". &t consists of three decimal diits. &f theM'1 of the DP5M' of the receivin M" is * diits only in lenth- the first diit of the M"&' shall be appended

    to the riht@hand side.

    3) "ender &>. &t consists of nine decimal diits and shall be uni?ue for its lifetime. 7or security purposes- its valueshall be a number allocated at random- rather than se?uentially.

    n eample of the MT 1orrelation &> isE

    "ender &>E 89=,*3++9

    &M"& in useE *3:,8,*3:89- M'/7- M'/G- '/&- M'//@M"1- M'//@"G"'- '//-and M127 are implemented in the D5/.

    &n the case of a delivery failure (to an M") with cause bsent "ubscriber- the "M"@GM"1 re?uests the D5/ to

    add- if needed- a new entry in the MA> with cause bsent "ubscriber. This new entry contains the "1 address.The D5/ sets its copy of the M'/7- M'/G or both and updates the M'//@M"1- M'//@"G"' or both (if


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"$.#elease $%

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    the information is available). The "1 is notified of the failure- the reason for the M" bein absent and also of theMA> settin in the D5/ within the /eport messae (see clause ,+).

    &f a delivery throuh an &P@"M@GA fails (to an M") with cause Mobile "tation Memory 1apacity 2ceeded viathe "G"'- &P@"M@GA- or the M"1- the &P@"M@GA re?uests the D"" to add- if needed- a new entry in theMA> with cause Mobile "tation Memory 1apacity 2ceeded. This new entry contains the "1 address. The

    D5/ sets the M127 and resets M'/7- M'/G- or '/&. The "1 is notified of the failure and also of the MA>settin in the D5/ within the /eport messae (see clause ,+).

    &n the case of a delivery failure (to an M") with cause Mobile "tation Memory 1apacity 2ceeded via the "G"'or the M"1- the "M"@GM"1 or "M" /outer re?uests the D5/ to add- if needed- a new entry in the MA> withcause Mobile "tation Memory 1apacity 2ceeded. This new entry contains the "1 address. The D5/ sets theM127 and resets M'/7 or M'/G. The "1 is notified of the failure and also of the MA> settin in the D5/within the /eport messae (see clause ,+).

    &f the D5/ indicates that it is able to store the "1 address- then the "1 shall receive an lert "1 messae whenthe M" becomes active.

    &f the D5/ indicates that it is unable to store the "1 address (e.. because MA> is full)- then the only way toensure delivery is for the "1 to try to retransmit the messae periodically.

    Ahen the D5/ receives the M" /eachable messae- if the M127 is clear it sends an lert "1 messae to theconcerned "1- updates MA> and clears M'/7 (if the M" is reachable via the M"1) or M'/G (if the M" isreachable via the "G"') or '/& (if the M" is reachable via the &P@"M@GA).

    Ahen the D5/ receives the M" Memory 1apacity vailable messae- it sends an lert "1 messae to theconcerned "1- updates MA>- clears the M127 and clears M'/7 (if the M" is reachable via the M"1)- '/&(if the 2 is reachable via the &P@"M@GA) or M'/G (if the M" is reachable via the "G"').

    1ase *E MA>- M'/7- M'/G- M'//@M"1- M'//@"G"' and M127 are not implemented in the D5/.

    'OT2E D5/s supportin "M"&P and havin implemented MA>- M'/7- M'/G- M'//- M127 shall alsoimplement '/& and '//

    &n the case of a delivery failure- the "1 is notified that the D5/ is unable to store its address in the MA>. &ncase of a delivery failure (to a M") with cause bsent "ubscriber- the "1 is notified of the reason for the M"

    bein absent (if the information is available). The "1 must retransmit the short messae periodically in order toensure delivery.

    The D5/ discards the M" /eachable messae received from the B5/ or "G"' without any failure or errorreport.

    The D5/ discards the M" Memory 1apacity vailable messae received from the M" via the M"1 and theB5/ or "G"' without any failure or error report.

    3.2. St"tus eot c""%ilities

    The "M" also offers to the "1 the capabilities of informin the M" of the status of a previously sent mobile oriinatedshort messae. The status of the messae can beE

    @ "uccessfully delivered to the "M2F

    @ The "1 was not able to forward the messae to the "M2. The reason can be an error of permanent or temporarynature. Permanent errors can be e.. validity period epired- invalid "M2 address. 2rrors of temporary naturecan be e.. "1@"M2 connection bein down- "M2 temporarily unavailable.

    This is achieved by the "1 returnin a status report TP> ("M"@"TT"@/2PO/T) to the oriinatin M" when the"1 has concluded the status of the short messae. The status report may be initiated by a status report re?uest within themobile oriinated short messae. The status report TP> is treated as an "M"@>25&B2/ TP> by the "1 when itcomes to delivery procedures e.. the alertin mechanism.

    The "1 may also return to a non@M" "M2 the status of a mobile terminated short messae. This is however outside thescope of the present document.


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"$/#elease $%

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    Ta2le $1 rror indications related to mo2ile terminated short message transfer which ma9 2etransferred to the originating SC

    rror indication S$" Meaning

    U$>$o$ su%sci%e P T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU %ec"use t!ee is $ot "lloc"ted"$ MS o " diecto9 $u7%e o t!e 7o%ile su%sci%e i$ t!e @LR (see3GPP TS 2.002 A15B).

    Teleseice $ot oisio$ed P T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU %ec"use t!e eciie$t MS !"s$o SMS su%scitio$ (see 3GPP TS 2.002 A15B).

    "ll %"ed T T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU due to %"i$ o t!e MS (see3GPP TS 2.002 A15B, descitio$ o t!e 8"i$ sule7e$t"9 seice,3GPP TS 22.004 A3B "$d 3GPP TS 23.011AB), descitio$ o "ll %"ed dueto U$"ut!oised Mess"e ed det"c!ed (see 3GPP TS2.002 A15B)D

    - t!e MS is su%?ect to o"7i$ estictio$s (see ERo"7i$ $ot "lloedE,3GPP TS 2.002 A15B)D

    - deeisteed i$ t!e @LR. T!e @LR does $ot !"e "$ MS, SGS' o%ot! $u7%es stoed o t!e t"et MS, (see 3GPP TS 2.002 A15B)D

    - U$ide$tiied su%sci%e (see 3GPP TS 2.002 A15B)D- MS ued (see 3GPP TS 2.002 A15B).

    (T!e e"so$s o "%se$ce "e "ssi$ed i$tee "lues i$ t"%le 1". T!e"oi"te i$tee "lue is se$t it! t!e "%se$t su%sci%e eo i$dic"tio$"s dei$ed i$ 3GPP TS 2.002 A15B)

    MS %us9 o MT SMS T T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU %ec"use o co$estio$e$cou$teed "t t!e isited MS o t!e SGS'. Possi%le e"so$s i$clude "$9o t!e olloi$ ee$ts i$ oess*- s!ot 7ess"e delie9 o7 "$ot!e SD- MS o GPRS det"c!- Loc"tio$ Ud"te o $te SGS' Routi$ #e" Ud"teD- "i$D- e7ee$c9 c"llD- c"ll setu.

    SMS loe l"9esc""%ilities $ot oisio$ed

    T T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU due to MS $ot %ei$ "%le tosuot t!e S!ot Mess"e Seice.T!e s!ot 7ess"e t"$se "tte7t is e?ected eit!e due to i$o7"tio$co$t"i$ed i$ t!e cl"ss-7">, o t!e MS $ot %ei$ "%le to est"%lis!co$$ectio$ "t S#P F 3 (see GSM 44.00; A12B "$d 3GPP TS 2.002 A15B).

    o i$ MS T T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU due to "$ eo occui$ it!i$t!e MS "t ecetio$ o " s!ot 7ess"e, e.. otocol eo.

    lle"l Su%sci%e P T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU %ec"use t!e MS "iled"ut!e$tic"tio$.

    lle"l ui7e$t P T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU %ec"use t!e M o t!e MS "s%l"c>-listed i$ t!e R.

    S9ste7 "ilue T T!e PLM' e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e TPU due to $eto> o otocol"ilue ot!es t!"$ t!ose listed "%oe (see 3GPP TS 2.002 A15B).

    Me7o9 ""cit9 ceeded T T!e MS e?ects t!e s!ot 7ess"e si$ce it !"s $o 7e7o9 c""cit9 ""il"%leto stoe t!e 7ess"e.


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"&$#elease $%

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    ,) E "tatus (Permanent or Temporary)

    The relation between the two sets of error indications is iven in the table ,. 2ach error is classified as eitherJTemporaryJor JPermanentJ. This classification ives an indication of whether or not it is probable that the M"

    becomes attainable within a reasonable period- and so provides the recommended action to be ta#en by the "1- i.e.either to store the messae for later transfer- or to discard it.

    Ta2le $a1 6ssignment ofalues to reasons for a2sence!alues must 2e in the range of % to &++: see 3GPP TS &/'%%& $+ ("M"@"0M&T@/2PO/T) containin dianostic information may be conveyed from the "1 to

    the oriinatin M"- transparently throuh the P5M'- as defined in 3GPP T" *=.++* H,8I and 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I.The sendin of the dianostic information is optional at the "1- but when it is sent- the P5M' shall convey theinformation to the M"- and the M" shall support reception of the information.

    'OT2E The "M"@"0M&T@/2PO/T is part of the neative ac#nowledement to the mobile oriinated shortmessae- and is not part of the status report capabilities described in clause 3.*.=.

    3.5 Use o Sule7e$t"9 Seices i$ co7%i$"tio$ it! t!e S!otMess"e Seice

    Only a sub@set of the "upplementary "ervices defined in 3GPP T" **.++: H3Iand 3GPP T" *3.+,, H

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    3.6 #lic"%ilit9 o

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    >ependin on the nature of the ateway- the destinationoriination address is either derived from the content of the"M" TP@O or TP@> field- or the TP@OTP@> field contains a eneric ateway address and the tofrom address isadded at the beinnin as shown above.

    Multiple addresses may be identified in MO messaes by separatin each address by a comma li#e thisE


    &t is optional for the receivin ateway to support this.&f the receivin ateway does not support multiple messaes thenit shall reject the oriinal messae by returnin an appropriate error in a tet messae.


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    3.;.3 Tet co$c"te$"tio$

    &f theconcatenationmechanism described in subclause =.*.3.*:., is not supported by the transmittin or receivinentity- the followin tetual concatenation mechanism may be used.The first messae is ended with a U sin- and eachsubse?uent messae start and end with U sins until the final messae which starts with a U sin but does not end with aU sin.




    ny header fields placed on the front of an MO or MT messae are not added to the second and subse?uent messaes.

    This provides a simple mechanism which is completely bac#ward compatible.There is no indication of the number ofmessaes and should a messae be lost by the system or arrive out of se?uence then the oriinal messae cannot bereconstructed.Therefore- wherever possible theconcatenation mechanism specified insubclause =.*.3.*:., should beused instead.

    3.;.4 #lte$"tie c!""ctes o $te$et e7"il "ddesses i$ M< SMS.

    &t is difficult or impossible to enerate some characters on a mobile phone and so the followin alternatives may beusedE

    R may be replaced by V

    N (underscore) may be replaced by W

    3. SMS

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    7or mobile oriinated compressed messaes- an M" capable of compression may compress a short messae eneratedwithin the M" itself prior to sendin it to the radio interface. n M" capable of compression may optionally compressan uncompressed messae received from a T2 subject to the M" bein confiured to do this via MM&. &n such a casethe M" would have to carry out component modification on the TP@>5 and TP@>1" values to indicate the correctlenth values and that the messae is compressed. T2 may send a messae (compressed or uncompressed) to the M"usin the procedures defined in 3GPP T" *

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    3.10.2 Pictues

    /asic Pictures

    &t is possible to include either a small (,9V,9 piels)- lare (3*V3* piels) or pictures of variable si!e. These pictureshave neither animation nor rey scaleF they are plain blac# and white. ll pictures are user defined.

    %&ten!e! Pictures

    &t is possible to include etended pictures. These pictures may be blac# and white- reyscale or colour bit maps. Thepicture si!e is a maimum of *88 *88 piels. These pictures may be transmitted in a compressed form.

    3.10.3 #$i7"tio$s


    There are number of predefined animations. These animations are not sent as animation over the air interface- only theidentification of them. s soon as the position of the animation in the "M data is reached- the animation correspondinto the receivednumber shall be displayed in a manner which is manufacturer specific.

    ,ser "eine!

    The user@defined animations consist of : pictures and there are two different si!es of these animations. The picture si!eof the small animations are ;V; piels and the lare ,9V,9 piels. These animations are sent over the air interface.

    %&ten!e! +ni$ations

    &t is possible to include etended animations. These may be blac# and white- reyscale or colour bit maps. Themaimum si!e of a sinle animated frame is *88 *88 piels. The repetition of these animations may be controlled bythe oriinator. These animations may be transmitted in a compressed form.

    3.10.4 Sou$d


    There are a number of predefined sounds. These sounds are not transferred over the air interface- only the identificationof them. There are ,+ different sounds that can be added in the messae- and as soon as the sound mar# is in focus (onthe display)- the sound will be played.

    ,ser "eine!

    The sender can define own melodies accordin to the iMelody format H33I. These melodies are transferred in the "Mand can ta#e up to ,*; bytes.

    %&ten!e! Soun!s

    Monophonic melodies may be transferred usin the iMelody format H33I. These may be transmitted in a compressedform.

    3.10.5 "d "$d "le$d"

    messae may contain v1ard and v1alendar objects as specified in H39IH3

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    I)* SMS-GMS !e$ t!e s!ot 7ess"e is t"$seed o7 t!e S to t!e MS, SMS-:MS !e$ t!e s!ot7ess"e is t"$seed o7 t!e MS to t!e S. T!e S 7"9 %e i$te"ted it! t!eSMS-GMS/SMS-:MS.

    II)* SGS' is used i$ l"ce o t!e MS o SMS t"$se oe GPRS.III)* T!e SMS Route is "$ otio$"l u$ctio$"l e$tit9, "$d is used o$l9 i$ t!e MT c"se.

    0igure (1 ntities inoled in the proision of SM MT and SM M=

    The reference points of fiure 8 support the short messae transfer in the followin wayE

    @ messae transfer on reference point , is described in clause 8F

    @ the operations performed on reference points * and : are described in 3GPP T" *=.++* H,8IF

    @ messae transfer on reference point 3 is described in subclause :.*F

    @ messae transfer on reference point 8 is supported by the protocol described in 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I.


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    &f any of the above two end nodes are in the same P5M'- the definition of this reference point is left to the operators.7or eample- this reference point may useE

    @ P"P>'F or

    @ 11&TT "" no < (accordin to 3GPP T" *=.++* H,8I).

    &f any of the above two end nodes are in different P5M's- this reference point shall use 11&TT "" no < accordin to3GPP T" *=.++* H,8I- unless otherwise bilaterally areed.

    5 Seice e$te "$d PLM' i$teco$$ectio$

    The present document deals with the "1 only with reard to the interchane of messaes between "1 and M". Only there?uirements put upon the "1 by the "M" functionality are specified in the present document.

    5.1 Seice ce$te co$$ectio$

    One "1 may be connected to several P5M's- and may be connected to several M"1s ("M"@GM"1s or"M"@&AM"1s) within one and the same P5M'.

    The "1 is addressed from the mobile by an 2.,9: H,

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    6.1 Seice e$te c""%ilities

    The "1 should be capable ofE

    @ submittin a short messae to an M"- retainin the responsibility of the messae until

    ,) the report has been receivedF or

    *) the Balidity@Period epires.

    @ receivin a report from the P5M'F

    @ receivin a short messae from an M"F

    @ returnin a report to the P5M' for a previously received short messae.

    6.2 S u$ctio$"l euie7e$ts

    The detailed functionality of the "1 is outside the scope of the present document- and is for the "1 operator to define.

    Dowever- the followin functional re?uirements are mandatory for all "1s in order to support the "M@TP (see clause =)towards the P5M'E

    ,) To identify each "M"@>25&B2/ sent to an M" in a uni?ue way- a time stamp value is included in the fieldTP@"ervice@1entre@Time@"tamp- TP@"1T"- of the "M"@>25&B2/. The time stamp ives the time when themessae arrived at the "1 with the accuracy of a second. &f two or more messaes to the same M" arrive at the"1 within one second- the "1 shall modify the time stamp of those messaes in such a way thatE

    a) all messaes to the M" contain different time stampsF

    b) the modification of the time stamps is #ept to a minimum.

    *) The "1 is only allowed to have one outstandin "M"@>25&B2/ (i.e. a messae for which a report has not beenreceived) to a specific M" at a iven time.

    3) The "1 shall be able to initiate overwritin of short messaes previously received by the "1 if re?uested by thesame oriinatin address (M" or any other source) by use of the same messae type.

    6.2.1 Su%"ddessi$ suot

    "upport for subaddressin is an optional functional re?uirement for an "1. &f it is supported- subaddressin informationshall be conveyed from "M2 to "M2 accordin the followin rulesE

    @ "M2 may send a "M with XVs or Xs included in the TP@> field. The first X encountered in TP@> indicates where the address for "1 routin purposes is terminated. dditional XVs or Xs can be

    present in the followin diits- and all these diits includin the first X are subaddress diits.

    @ Ahen the "1 receives a "M to convey with such a subaddress information- it should deliver the "M tothe destination "M2 with the same subaddress diits copied in the TP@O field.

    This subaddressin mechanism does not apply when the TO' is alphanumeric


    "M2 with number =;ata 7ormat >elivery /e?uest &2- and be mar#ed for automatic deletion by the mobile station.


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"3$#elease $%

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    MS u$ctio$"lit9

    &n the present document- only the M" functionality related to the short messaeservice between the "1 and the M" isspecified.

    .1 MS c""%ilities

    The M"- when e?uipped for "M"- should be capable ofE

    @ submittin a short messae TP> to an "1- retainin the responsibility of the messae untilE

    ,) the report arrives from the networ#F or

    *) a timer epires.

    @ receivin a short messae TP> from an "1F

    @ returnin a delivery report to the networ# for a previously received short messaeF

    @ receivin a report from the networ#F

    @ notifyin the networ# when it has memory capacity available to receive one or more short messaes when it haspreviously rejected a short messae because its memory capacity was eceededF

    @ notifyin the "1 when a short messae is intended to replace a short messae the M" has previously submittedto the same destination address.

    &t is recommended that an M" supportin both replyin and automatic "1 selection (as specified in clause >.* ofanne >) follows procedures specified in anne > when replyin to MT short messaes with MO short messaes.

    &t is recommended that an M" supportin a capability for re?uestin a reply path follows procedures specified inanne >.

    .2 MS co$iu"tio$

    The reference confiuration is assumed as in fiure 9- i.e. only the case where the terminal is interated in the M" isconsidered.


    U m

    0igure ,1 #eference configuration of the MS which appl9 to the SMS

    'OT2E &t is foreseen that a terminal interface may be offered- e.. for hiher layer protocols- memory capacityreasons or to be able to type in mobile oriinated messaes. This terminal interface is rearded as animplementation option- althouh- where offered- it must be based upon an /@ or "@reference point.3GPP T" *

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    ; 'ode u$ctio$"lit9

    The overall re?uirements to the M"1- "M"@GM"1- "M"@&AM"1- "G"' and "M" /outer with respect to handlin ofthe "hort Messae "erviceis to cater for the routin and necessary intermediate bufferin of the short messaes.

    ;.1 'ode u$ctio$"lit9 el"ted to SM MT

    ;.1.1 &u$ctio$"lit9 o t!e SMS-GMS

    Ahen receivin a short messae TP> from the "1- the "M"@GM"1 is responsible for the followin operationsE

    @ reception of the short messae TP>F

    @ inspection of the parameters.

    'OT2 ,E The "M"@GM"1 may be identical to the M"1.

    if parameters are incorrectE

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the "1 in a failure report (see clauses = and ,+)F

    if errors are not found within parametersE

    @ interroatin the D5/ (Jsend/outin&nfo7or"hortMsJ- see clause ,+)F retrievin routin information orpossible error informationF

    if D5/ is returnin error informationE

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the "1 in a failure report (see clauses = and ,+)F

    if no errors are indicated by the D5/E

    @ transferrin the short messae TP> to the M"1 or "G"' usin the routin information obtained from the D5/(Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)F

    'OT2 *E &n case where two addresses ("G"' and M"1) are received from D5/- the "M"@GM"1 may choose(operator dependant) via which nodes ("G"' or M"1) the "M" is first to be sent. The "M" delivery viathe "G"' is normally more radio resource efficient than the "M" delivery via the M"1.

    if one address ("G"' or M"1) is received from D5/E

    @ Ahen receivin the report associated with the short messae from the M"1 or "G"' (positive or neativeoutcome of Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)- the "M"@GM"1 is responsible for the followin operationsF

    if the report indicates successful deliveryE

    @ notifyin the D5/ of the successful delivery via the M"1 or the "G"'- which shall cause the D5/ to alert anyservice centres whose addresses are stored in the MA> for the M"F

    @ creatin and sendin the successful report to the "1F

    if the report is a failure report indicatin Jabsent subscriberJvia the M"1 or the "G"' (see clause 3.3)E

    @ re?uestin the D5/ to insert the address of the oriinatin "1 into the MA> (if implemented) with causebsent "ubscriber (J"MN>elivery/eport"tatusJ- see clauses = and ,+)F

    @ informin the D5/ of the reason for the M" bein absent via the M"1 or the "G"' (if this information isavailable)F

    @ establishin- where necessary- a lin# with the addressed "1 (see clause 8)F

    @ creatin and sendin the neative report to the "1 which should include the reason for the M" bein absent (ifthis information is available) so that the "1 may adjust any retry alorithm appropriately (see clauses = and ,+)F


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    if the report is a failure report indicatin JM" memory capacity eceededJvia the M"1 or the "G"' (see clause 3.3)E

    @ re?uestin the D5/ to insert the address of the oriinatin "1 into the MA> (if implemented) with cause M"Memory 1apacity 2ceeded via the M"1 or the "G"' (J"MN>elivery/eport"tatusJ - see clauses = and ,+)F

    @ establishin- where necessary- a lin# with the addressed "1 (see clause 8)F

    @ creatin and sendin the report to the "1 (see clauses = and ,+).

    if two addresses ("G"' and M"1) are received from D5/E

    @ Ahen receivin the first report associated with the short messae from the M"1 or "G"' (positive or neativeoutcome of Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)- the "M"@GM"1 is responsible for the followin operationsE

    if the first report indicates successful deliveryE

    @ notifyin the D5/ of the successful delivery via the M"1 or the "G"'- which shall cause the D5/ to alert anyservice centres whose addresses are stored in the MA> for the M"F

    @ creatin and sendin the successful report to the "1F

    if the first report is a failure report indicatinE

    @ nidentified subscriberF

    @ 7acility not supportedF

    @ bsent subscriber with indicationE GP/" or &M"& >etachF

    @ "ystem failureF

    @ nepected data valueF

    @ >ata missinF

    @ GP/" connection suspended(see 3GPP T" *=.++* H,8I)F

    @ "M >elivery 7ailure with indicationE e?uipment 'ot "M 2?uippedE

    @ transferrin the short messae TP> to the second path usin the routin information obtained from D5/.

    if the second report indicates successful deliveryE

    @ notifyin the D5/ of the successful delivery of the second transfer via the M"1 or "G"'- which shall cause theD5/ to alert any service centres whose addresses are stored in the MA> for the M"F

    @ notifyin the D5/ of the unsuccessful delivery at first transfer only with cause Jabsent subscriberJF

    @ notifyin the D5/ of the reason for the M" bein absent via the M"1 or the "G"' (if this information isavailable)F

    @ establishin- when necessary- a lin# with the addressed "1 (see clause 8)F

    @ creatin and sendin the successful report to the "1F

    if the second report is a failure reportE

    @ re?uestin the D5/ to insert the address of the oriinatin "1 into the MA> (if implemented) only if at leastone of the first or second report failed due to JM" Memory 1apacity 2ceededJ or Jbsent "ubscriberJ(J"MN>elivery/eport"tatusJ- see clauses = and ,+)F

    @ notifyin the D5/ only with the causes Jbsent "ubscriberJ- JMemory 1apacity 2ceededJ via the M"1 or the"G"'- or bothF

    @ notifyin the D5/ of the reason for the M" bein absent via the M"1- "G"' or both (if this information isavailable)F

    @ establishin- where necessary- a lin# with the addressed "1 (see clause 8)F


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    @ creatin and sendin the neative report to the "1 with errors from first and second path (see clauses = and ,+).

    ;.1.2 &u$ctio$"lit9 o t!e MS

    Ahen receivin a short messae TP> from the "M"@GM"1 (Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)- the M"1 isresponsible for the followin operationsE

    @ reception of the short messae TP>F

    @ the receivin networ# may verify if the received "M@"1 address (contained in /P@O &2) and "11P 1allinParty ddress are of the same P5M'F

    @ retrievin information from the B5/ (Jsend&nfo7or@MT@"M"J- see clause ,+)F location area address and- whenappropriate- error informationF

    if errors are indicated by the B5/E

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the "M"@GM"1 in a failure report (neative outcome ofJforward"hortMessaeJsee clauses ,+ and ,,)F

    if no errors are indicated by the B5/E

    @ transferrin the short messae to the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I).

    Ahen receivin a confirmation that the messae is received by the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)E

    @ relayin the delivery confirmation to the "M"@GM"1 in a delivery report (positive outcome ofJforward"hortMessaeJ- see clauses ,+ and ,,).

    Ahen receivin a failure report of the short messae transfer to the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)E

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the "M"@GM"1 in a failure report (neative outcome ofJforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+).

    Ahen receivin a notification from the M" that it has memory available to receive one or more short messaes (see3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)E

    @ relayin the notification to the B5/ (Jm"Memory1apacityvailableJ- see clause ,+)F

    if errors are indicated by the B5/E

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the M" in a failure report (neative outcome of J/eady7or"MJ-see clauses ,+ and ,,).

    Ahen there is an onoin MT@"M" transfer to the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)- or other busy condition for MT@"M"- the M"1 has the option to store the TP> in a ?ueue for a short time (which must be shorter than the supervisiontimer defined in 3GPP T" *=.++* H,8I). The maimum time that a messae may be ?ueued is related to the permitteddelay for the M"1 to respond to the "M"@GM"1.Ahen the M" becomes available for MT@"M" transfer- the stored

    TP>s are delivered to the M" on a first@in first@out basis. &f a messae is not successfully transferred to the M" withinthe permitted time- the M"1 returns an appropriate error to the "M"@GM"1.

    'OT2E The reaction of M"1 when the messae verification failed is operator specific and not specified in 3GPPspecifications.

    ;.1.3 &u$ctio$"lit9 o t!e SGS'

    Ahen receivin a short messae TP> from the "M"@GM"1 (Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)- the "G"' isresponsible forthe followin operationsE

    @ reception of the short messae TP>F

    @ the receivin networ# may verify if the received "M@"1 address (contained in /P@O &2) and "11P 1allinParty ddress are of the same P5M'.

    if errors are detected by the "G"'E


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    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the "M"@GM"1 in a failure report (neative outcome ofJforward"hortMessaeJsee clauses ,+ and ,,)F

    if no errors are detected by the "G"'E

    @ transferrin the short messae to the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I).

    Ahen receivin a confirmation that the messae is received by the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)E

    @ relayin the delivery confirmation to the "M"@GM"1 in a delivery report (positive outcome ofJforward"hortMessaeJ- see clauses ,+ and ,,).

    Ahen receivin a failure report of the short messae transfer to the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)E

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the "M"@GM"1 in a failure report (neative outcome ofJforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+).

    Ahen receivin a notification from the M" that it has memory available to receive one or more short messaes (see3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)E

    if errors are detected by the "G"'E

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the M" in a failure report (neative outcome of J/eady7or"MJ-see clauses ,+ and ,,).

    if no errors are detected by the "G"'E

    @ notifyin the D5/ of memory available in the M" via the "G"' with J/eady7or"MJ(see clauses ,+ and ,,).

    Ahen the M" is becomin reachable aain (see G"M ::.++; H,*I)E

    @ notifyin the D5/ of M" bein reachable via the "G"' (and via the M"1 if any) with J/eady7or"MJ(seeclauses ,+).

    Ahen there is an onoin MT@"M" transfer to the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)- or other busy condition for MT@

    "M"- the "G"' has the option to store the TP> in a ?ueue for a short time (which must be shorter than thesupervision timer defined in 3GPP T" *=.++* H,8I). The maimum time that a messae may be ?ueued is related to the

    permitted delay for the "G"' to respond to the "M"@GM"1.Ahen the M" becomes available for MT@"M" transfer-the stored TP>s are delivered to the M" on a first@in first@out basis. &f a messae is not successfully transferred to theM" within the permitted time- the "G"' returns an appropriate error to the "M"@GM"1.

    'OT2E The reaction of "G"' when the messae verification failed is operator specific and not specified in 3GPPspecifications.

    ;.1.4 &u$ctio$"lit9 o t!e SMS Route

    Ahen receivin a routin information retrieval (Jsend/outin&nfo7or"hortMsJ- see clause ,+)- the "M" /outer isresponsible for the followin operationsE

    @ interroatin the D5/ (Jsend/outin&nfo7or"hortMsJ- see clause ,+)F retrievin routin information orpossible error information. This interroation may be omitted if a parameter within theJsend/outin&nfo7or"hortMsJ eplicitly indicates that delivery of a short messae is not intended and onlyM11UM'1 are re?uested.

    if D5/ is returnin error informationE

    @ forwardin the returned error information transparently to the "M"@GM"1F

    if no errors are indicated by the D5/E

    @ creatin an MT 1orrelation &>F

    @ storin aainst the MT 1orrelation &>E the &M"&- the M"1 address andor the "G"' address. The address of the"M"@GM"1 and the destination M"&">' may also be stored. 1reatin an MT 1orrelation &> and storin thesedata aainst the MT 1orrelation &> may be omitted if a parameter within the Jsend/outin&nfo7or"hortMsJeplicitly indicates that delivery of a short messae is not intendedF


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    @ forwardin the returned information to the "M"@GM"1 populatin the &M"& &2 with the MT 1orrelation &> andeitherE

    a) the M"1 address andor "G"' address with the address of the "M" /outerF or

    'OT2 ,E &n this case if two addresses ("G"' and M"1) are received from D5/- the "M"@GM"1 chooses(operator dependant) via which node ("G"' or M"1) the "M is first to be sent- not the "M" /outer.

    b) the address of the "M" /outer. &n this case the "M" /outer delivers the "M as described in3GPP T" *3.*+: H:*I for the &P@"M@GA. This option is mandatory when the "M" /outer is deployedtoether with an &P@"M@GA.

    'OT2 *E &n this case if two addresses ("G"' and M"1) are received from D5/- the "M" /outer chooses viawhich node ("G"' or M"1) the "M is first to be sent- i.e. the "M" /outer delivers the "M as an &P@"M@GA.

    &f a parameter within the Jsend/outin&nfo7or"hortMsJ eplicitly indicates that delivery of a short messae isnot intended and that only &M"& or only M11UM'1 are re?uested- the &M"& &2 may be populated with &M"& orM11UM'1Udummy M"&'- respectively- and the M"1 address andor "G"' address with a dummy networ#node address.

    if D5/ is returnin an &nform@"ervice@1entre informationE

    @ fowardin the received information transparently to the "M"@GM"1.

    Ahen receivin a short messae TP> from the "M"@GM"1 (Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)- the "M" /outeris responsible forthe followin operationsE

    @ receivin the short messae TP>F

    @ chec#in validity of the MT 1orrelation &> received in the &M"& field

    The MT 1orrelation &> shall be considered invalid if the MT 1orrelation &> is un#nown. Optionally- the MT1orrelation &> may also be considered invalid if the 11 and '>1 of the address of the "M"@GM"1 from which the

    forward"hortMessae was received is different from the 11 and '>1 of the "M"@GM"1 address stored above i.e. theforward"hortMessae has oriinated from a different networ# than that which issued the send/outin&nfo7or"hortMs.

    &f the received MT 1orrelation &> is deemed invalid by the "M" /outerE

    @ returnin the error J"ystem failureJ to the "M"@GM"1 in a failure report (neative outcome ofJforward"hortMessaeJsee clauses ,+ and ,,).

    &f the received MT 1orrelation &> is deemed valid by the "M" /outerE

    @ transferrin the short messae TP> to the M"1 (if the called party ""' in the received messae is for M"1) orto the "G"' (if the called party ""' in the received messae is for "G"') usin the stored routin informationand replacin the MT 1orrelation &> with the stored &M"& (obtained from the D5/- above)F

    @ support for service eecution- lawful interception- and number portability if re?uiredF

    @ forwardin the delivery confirmation or failure report from the M"1 or "G"' (which may have oriinally comefrom the M") transparently to the "M"@GM"1F and

    @ if the "M" /outer finds that "M" delivery is to be performed towards servin M"1 or "G"' in a differentP5M'- the "M" /outer may replace the "M"@"1 address in /P O with an address containin the P5M' &>of the P5M' in which the "M"@/outer is located before the "M" router forwards the re?uest to the servinM"1 or "G"'.

    'OT2 3E This option can be used if the P5M' that deploys the "M"@router wants to ensure the delivery of a MT@"M" to a 2 roamin in a different P5M' and this P5M' is #nown to deploy P5M' &> chec# on both/P@O &2 and "11P Global Title.

    'OT2 :E Ahen usin this functionality- the P5M' deployin the "M"@/outer must be aware that reply pathfunctionality offered by the oriinatin "M"@"1 cannot be used.


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    ;.1.5 &u$ctio$"lit9 o t!e P-SM-G:

    The &P@"M@GA is described in 3GPP T" *3.*+: H:*I- it providesE

    @ protocol interwor#in for delivery of short messae between the &P@based 2 and the "M"1F

    @ delivery of the "M to the M"1"G"' if needed as described in 3GPP T" *3.*+: H:*IF and@ support for service eecution- lawful interception- and number portability if re?uired.

    ;.2 'ode u$ctio$"lit9 el"ted to SM M' of the M" and-when appropriate- error information. The retrieval of information from the B5/ is followed by the B5/investiatin the M'/7 (to be used in the alertin procedure- see clause ,+)

    if errors are indicated by the B5/E

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the M" in a failure report (neative outcome ofJsend&nfo7orMO@"M"Jsee clauses ,+ and ,,)F

    if no errors are indicated by the B5/E

    @ inspection of the /P@> parameterF

    if parameters are incorrectE

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the M" in a failure report (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)F

    if no parameter errors are foundE

    'OT2E The "M"@&AM"1 may be identical to the M"1.

    @ transferrin the short messae TP> to the "M"@&AM"1 (Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+).

    Ahen receivin the report of the short messae from the "M"@&AM"1 (positive or neative outcome of theJforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)- the M"1 is responsible for the followin operationsE

    @ relayin the report to the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I).

    ;.2.2 &u$ctio$"lit9 o t!e SMS-:MSAhen receivin a short messae TP> from the M"1- &P@"M@GA or "G"' (Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)-the "M"@&AM"1 is responsible for the followin operationsE

    @ reception of the short messae TP>F

    @ optionally- interroatin the D5/ (Jsend/outin&nfo7or"hortMsJ- see clause ,+)F retrievin the recipients&M"& in order to chec# for the eistence of an "M" &nterwor#in areement before establishin a lin# with theaddressed "1F

    if D5/ returns error informationE

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the M"1 or "G"' in a failure report (neative outcome of

    Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)F

    if no errors are indicated by the D5/E


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    @ inspectin the &M"& parameter and inorin the other routin informationF

    if the received parameter is unacceptable to the "M"@&AM"1 (due to lac# of an "M" &nterwor#in areement)E

    @ returnin "M >elivery 7ailure with indicationE invalid "M2@address to the M"1 or "G"'F

    if the parameter is acceptable to the "M"@&AM"1 (due to the eistence of an "M" &nterwor#in areement) or the

    "M"@&AM"1 didnt apply the optional D5/ interroationE

    @ establishin- where necessary- a lin# with the addressed "1 (see clause 8)F

    @ transferrin the short messae TP> to the "1 (if the address is valid)F

    if a report associated with the short messae is received from the "1- the "M"@&AM"1 is responsible for the followinoperationsE

    @ relayin of the report to the M"1 or "G"' (positive or neative outcome of Jforward"hortMessaeJ- seeclause ,+)F

    if a report associated with the short messae is not received from the "1 before a timer epires or if the "1 address isinvalid- the "M"@&AM"1 is responsible for the followin operationsE

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the M"1 or "G"' in a failure report (neative outcome ofJforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+).

    The value of the timer is dependent on the protocol between the "1 and the "M"@&AM"1.

    ;.2.3 &u$ctio$"lit9 o t!e SGS'

    Ahen receivin a short messae TP> from the M"- the "G"' is responsible for the followin operationsE

    @ reception of the short messae TP> (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)F

    @ inspection of the /P@> parameterF

    if parameters are incorrectE

    @ returnin the appropriate error information to the M" in a failure report (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I)F

    if no parameter errors are foundE

    @ transferrin the short messae TP> to the "M"@&AM"1 (Jforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+).

    Ahen receivin the report of the short messae from the "M"@&AM"1 (positive or neative outcome of theJforward"hortMessaeJ- see clause ,+)- the "G"' is responsible for the followin operationsE

    @ relayin the report to the M" (see 3GPP T" *:.+,, H,3I).

    ;.2.4 &u$ctio$"lit9 o t!e P-SM-G:

    "uccessful "M MO delivery procedure with &P@"M@GA is described in 3GPP T" *3.*+: H:*I (see subclause 9.3).

    ;.3 SMS-:MS u$ctio$"lit9 el"ted to "leti$

    Ahen receivin an alert from the D5/ (Jalert"ervice1entreJ- see clause ,+)- the "M"@&AM"1 is responsible for thefollowin operationsE

    @ inspect the "1 addressF

    @ enerate an /P@lert@"1 (see clause =)F

    @ transferrin the /P@lert@"1 to the "1.

    'OT2E &f the "1 address is not valid- then no further action shall be ta#en.


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    .. . . . .Oct.no.7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


    .. . . . . ..







    b1 b0b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

    5 5

    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

    7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7b7 b6




    b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


    8 8




    6b6 b1



    7b6 b1





    .... 6 .... 7




    5 b0 5 b1 b2 5 b3 5 b4 5 b5 5 b6 5 b7 b0 6 b1 6 b26

    b36 b4 6 b5 6 b6 6 b7 >5 6

    > 7b0







    7 b7 b0 8 b1 8 b2 8 b3 8 b4 b5 8 b68

    b78 8

    I)* 8its $ot eese$ti$ t!e i$tee.

    0igure .1 &$ 2its from the octets +: ,: -: and . in a short message " shall represent an integer as

    shown in ": and shall 2e transmitted in an order as shown in "


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    0elow is iven an eampleE

    Octet noE

    Digit 2 Digit 1

    Digit 4 Digit 3

    Digit 5



    n+3 11 11

    .1.2.4 #l!"$u7eic eese$t"tio$

    field which uses alphanumeric representation shall consist of a number of

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    7or Type@of@number ,+, bits 3-*-,-+ are reserved and shall be transmitted as ++++. 'ote that for addressin any of theentities "1- M"1- "G"' or M"- 'umberin@plan@identification +++, shall always be used. Dowever- for addressinthe "M2- any specified 'umberin@plan@identification value may be used.

    The M" shall interpret reserved values as Jn#nownJ but shall store them eactly as received.

    The "1 may reject messaes with a type of number containin a reserved value or one which is not supported.

    /eserved values shall not be transmitted by an "1 conformin to this version of the specification.

    Aithin the ddress@Balue field- either a semi@octet or an alphanumeric,)representation applies.

    The maimum lenth of the full address field (ddress@5enth- Type@of@ddress and ddress@Balue) is ,* octets.

    ,) pplies only to addressin at the "M@T5.

    .2 Seice oided %9 t!e SM-TL

    .2.1 Ge$e"lThe "hort Messae Transfer 5ayer ("M@T5) provides a service to the "hort Messae pplication 5ayer ("M@5). Thisservice enables the "M@5 to transfer short messaes to its peer entity- receive short messaes from its peer entity andreceive reports about earlier re?uests for short messaes to be transferred.

    &n order to #eep trac# of messaes and reports about those messaes- primitives between the "M@5 and "M@T5contain a "hort Messae &dentifier ("M&)- which is a reference number for the messae associated with the primitive.This "hort Messae &dentifier is mapped to and from the "hort Messae &dentifier used between the "M@T5 and the"hort Messae /elay 5ayer ("M@/5). The "hort Messae &dentifier is not carried between entities and therefore a ivenmessae may have different "M&s at the M" and "1 sides (see clause =.3., below).

    The "M@T5 communicates with its peer entity by the protocol described in the followin clauses.

    .2.2 PU T9e eetoie "t SM-TL

    The "M@T5 comprises the followin si P>sE

    "M"@>25&B2/- conveyin a short messae from the "1 to the M"F

    "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T- conveyinF

    a) a failure cause (if necessary)F

    b) information as part of a positive or neative ac#nowledement to an "M"@>25&B2/ or "M"@"TT"@/2PO/TF

    "M"@"0M&T- conveyin a short messae from the M" to the "1F

    "M"@"0M&T@/2PO/T- conveyinF

    a) a failure cause (if necessary)F

    b) information as part of a positive or neative ac#nowledement to an "M"@"0M&T or "M"@1OMM'>F

    "M"@"TT"@/2PO/T- conveyin a status report from the "1 to the M"F

    "M"@1OMM'>- conveyin a command from the M" to the "1.


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    .2.2.1 SMS-LVR t9e

    0asic elements of the "M"@>25&B2/ typeE

    622r' #eference P$" #&" 8escription

    TP-MT TP-Mess"e-T9e-$dic"to M 2% P""7ete desci%i$ t!e 7ess"e

    t9e.TP-MMS TP-Moe-Mess"es-to-Se$d M % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ !et!e o $ott!ee "e 7oe 7ess"es to se$d

    TP-LP TP-Loo-Pee$tio$ < % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!"t SMS"lic"tio$s s!ould i$!i%it o"di$o "uto7"tic 7ess"e e$e"tio$ t!"tcould c"use i$i$ite looi$.

    TP-RP TP-Rel9-P"t! M % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!"t Rel9 P"t!eists.

    TP-U@ TP-Use-"t"-@e"de-$dic"to < % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!"t t!e TP-Uield co$t"i$s " @e"de

    TP-SR TP-St"tus-Reot-$dic"tio$ < % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ i t!e SM !"seuested " st"tus eot.



    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"(+#elease $%

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    5ayout of "M"@>25&B2/E

    8it $o. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

    1 TP-MT, TP-MMS, TP-LP, TP-SR, TP-

    U@, TP-RP

    'u7%e o octets 1


    2 to 12 TP-

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    'OT2E ny unused bits shall be set to !ero by the sendin entity and shall be inored by the receivin entity.

    .2.2.1" SMS-LVR-RP25&B2/@/2PO/T TP> is carried as a /P@ser@>ata element within an /P@2//O/ P> and is part ofthe neative ac#nowledement to an "M"@>25&B2/ or "M"@"TT"@/2PO/T.

    n "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T TP> is also carried as a /P@ser@>ata element within an /P@1% P> and is part ofa positive ac#nowledement to a "M"@>25&B2/ or "M"@"TT" /2PO/T.

    (i) SMS-"%I.%-%P* or P-%

    0asic elements of the "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T typeE

    622r' #eference P$" P&" 8escription

    TP-MT TP-Mess"e-T9e-$dic"to M 2% P""7ete desci%i$ t!e 7ess"e t9e

    TP-U@ TP-Use-"t"-@e"de-$dic"tio$ < % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!"t t!e TP-U ieldco$t"i$s " @e"de

    TP-&S TP-&"ilue-"use M P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!e e"so$ o

    SMS-LVR "ilue

    TP-P TP-P""7ete-$dic"to M o P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!e ese$ce o "$9 ot!e otio$"l ""7etes !ic! ollo

    TP-P TP-Potocol-de$tiie < o see cl"use .2.3.

    TP-S TP-"t"-odi$-Sc!e7e < o see cl"use .2.3.10

    TP-UL TP-Use-"t"-Le$t! < o see cl"use .2.3.16

    TP-U TP-Use-"t" < 3) 4) see cl"use .2.3.24

    ,) ProvisionE Mandatory (M) or Optional (O).

    *) /epresentationE &nteer (&)- bit (b)- *bits (*b)- octet (o).

    3) >ependent upon the TP@>1".

    :) The TP@ser@>ata field in the "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T is only available for use by the MT.

    5ayout of "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/TE

    0it 'umber

    'umber ofOctets

    < 9 8 : 3 * , +

    , TP@MT&- TP@>D&

    , TP@71"

    , TP@P&

    +-, TP@P&>

    +-, TP@>1"

    +-, TP@>5

    + to ,8; TP@>

    0its < and 8 @ * in octet , are presently unused and the sender shall set them to !ero. &f any of these bits is non@!ero- thereceiver shall not eamine the other field and shall treat the TP@7ailure@1ause as Jnspecified error causeJ.


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"(-#elease $%

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    (ii) SMS-"%I.%-%P* or P-+C1

    0asic elements of the "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T typeE

    622r #eference P$" P&" 8escription

    TP-MT TP-Mess"e T9e $dic"to M 2% P""7ete desci%i$ t!e 7ess"e t9e

    TP-U@ TP-Use-"t"-@e"de-$dic"tio$ < % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!"t t!e TP-U ield co$t"i$s" @e"de

    TP-P TP-P""7ete-$dic"to M o P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!e ese$ce o "$9 o t!eotio$"l ""7etes !ic! ollo

    TP-P TP-Potocol-de$tiie < o see cl"use .2.3.

    TP-S TP-"t"-odi$-Sc!e7e < o see cl"use .2.3.10

    TP-UL TP-Use-"t"-Le$t! < o see cl"use .2.3.16

    TP-U TP-Use-"t" < 3) 4) see cl"use .2.3.24

    ,) ProvisionE Mandatory (M) or Optional (O).

    *) /epresentationE &nteer (&)- 0it (b)- * bits (*b)- octet (o).

    3) >ependent upon the TP@>1".

    :) The TP@ser@>ata field in the "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T is only available for use by the MT.

    5ayout of "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/TE

    0it 'umber

    'umber ofOctets

    < 9 8 : 3 * , +

    , TP@MT&- TP@>D&

    , TP@P&+-, TP@P&>

    +-, TP@>1"

    +-, TP@>5

    + to ,8= TP@>

    0its < and 8 @ * in octet , are presently unused in the "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T and the sender shall set them to !ero. &fany of these bits is non@!ero- the receiver shall inore them.


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"(.#elease $%

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    5ayout of "M"@"0M&TE


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"+%#elease $%

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    8it $o 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

    1 TP-MT, TP-R, TP-VP& TP-SRR, TP-U@, TP-RP

    1 TP-MR

    'u7%e o 1

    octets 2

    2 to 12 TP-#

    1 TP-P

    1 TP-S


    0, 1 o TP-VP

    1 TP-UL


    0 to 140 TP-U


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"+$#elease $%

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    'OT2E ny unused bits shall be set to !ero by the sendin entity and shall be inored by the receivin entity.

    .2.2.2" SMS-SU8MT-RP.

    (i) SMS-S,/MI*-%P* or P-%

    0asic elements of the "M"@"0M&T@/2PO/T typeE

    622r' #eference P$" P&" 8escription

    TP-MT TP-Mess"e-T9e-$dic"to M 2% P""7ete desci%i$ t!e 7ess"e t9e

    TP-U@ TP-Use-"t"-@e"de-$dic"tio$ < % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!"t t!e TP-U ieldco$t"i$s " @e"de

    TP-&S TP-&"ilue-"use M P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!e e"so$ oSMS-SU8MT "ilue

    TP-P TP-P""7ete-$dic"to M o P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!e ese$ce o "$9 o t!eotio$"l ""7etes !ic! ollo

    TP-STS TP-Seice-e$te-Ti7e-St"7 M o5)

    P""7ete ide$ti9i$ t!e ti7e !e$ t!e Seceied t!e SMS-SU8MTSee cl"use .2.3.11

    TP-P TP-Potocol-de$tiie < o See cl"use .2.3.TP-S TP-"t"-odi$-Sc!e7e < o see cl"use .2.3.10

    TP-UL TP-Use-"t"-Le$t! < o see cl"use .2.3.16

    TP-U TP-Use-"t" < 3) 4) see cl"use .2.3.24

    ,) ProvisionE Mandatory (M) or Optional (O).

    *) /epresentationE &nteer (&)- bit (b)- *bits (*b)- octet (o).

    3) >ependent upon the TP@>1".

    :) The TP@ser@>ata field in the "M"@"0M&T@/2PO/T is only available for use by the "1.

    8) This same time value shall also be carried in the "M"@"TT"@/2PO/T relatin to a particular "M. "eeclause =.*.*.3. This shall allow the submittin "M2 to associate a particular "M"@"0M&T with a subse?uent"M"@"TT"@/2PO/T by correlatin the TP@"1T" values.


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"+elease $%

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  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service



    , TP@P&

    < TP@"1T"

    +-, TP@P&>

    +-, TP@>1"

    +-, TP@>5

    + to ,8* TP@>

    0its < and 8 @ * in octet , are presently unused in the "M"@"0M&T@/2PO/T and the sender shall set them to !ero. &fany of these bits is non@!ero- the receiver shall inore them.

    .2.2.3 SMS-ST#TUS-RP contains information related to a "M"@>25&B2/F can contain information transported in the TP@> of"M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T- and information inserted by the "M"1. The lenth of the TP@> field is limited and


    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"+(#elease $%

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    miht not be lon enouh to fit information both from the oriinal receivin terminal (as included into the "M"@>25&B2/@/2PO/T) and information added by the "M"1. &n these cases the former information has hiher

    priority- and the latter shall be truncated.

    5ayout of "M"@"TT"@/2PO/TE

    8it $o. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

    'u7%e o octets 1 TP-MT, TP-MMS, TP-LP, TP-SRJ, TP-U@

    1 TP-MR


    2 TP-R#

    2 to 12



    1 TP-ST

    1 TP-P

    1 TP-P

    1 TP-S

    1 . . . . . . TP-UL1

    0 to 143 . . . . . . . . TP-U

    'OT2E ny unused bits shall be set to !ero by the sendin entity and shall be inored by the receivin entity.

    The maimum uaranteed lenth of TP@> is ,3, octets. &n order to achieve the maimum stated above(,:3 octets)- the TP@/ field must have a lenth of * octets and TP@P&> and TP@>1" must not be



    3GPP TS &3'%(% )$%'%'% !&%$$*%3"++#elease $%

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    .2.2.4 SMS- typeE

    622r' #eference P$" #&" 8escription

    TP-MT TP-Mess"e-T9e-$dic"to M 2% P""7ete desci%i$ t!e t9e

    TP-U@ TP-Use-"t"-@e"de-$dic"tio$ < % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ t!"t t!e TP- ieldco$t"i$s " @e"de

    TP-SRR TP-St"tus-Reot- Reuest < % P""7ete i$dic"ti$ i t!e SMS o77"$d iseuesti$ " st"tus eot.

    TP-MR TP-Mess"e Reee$ce M P""7ete ide$ti9i$ t!e SMS-

  • 8/13/2019 3gpp-23040-A00-Technical Realization of the Short Message Service


    5ayout of "M"@1OMM'>E

    8it $o. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

    'umber 1 TP@MT&- TP@"//-TP@>D&

    of octets 1 TP@M/

    1 TP@P&>

    1 TP@1T

    1 TP@M'

    2 to 12 TP@>


    1 TP@1>5


    0 to 156 TP@1>

    'OT2E The maimum uaranteed lenth of TP@1> is ,