3g -reslection etc-imp

3G-> 2G re-election periodic measurement of the cell terminal signal quality (RSCP), if a sustained period of time below a certain threshold, the start of the measurement of different system cell If RSCP <= Qrxlevmin (minimum reception level) + SsearchRAT (start of the GSM cell measurement threshold), the terminal starts the measurement on the different system cell If within a period of time, a neighbor of continuous quality higher than that of the cell, the terminal re-election of the Executive GSM cell level when the district level than the TD high Qhyst1s (re-election delay), and lasted Treselections (re-election triggered by the time delay) time, the implementation of the re-election move communications, home communications engineer, communications personnel, job recruitment, network optimization, traffic engineering, travel accommodation, communications companies blacklist $ v, p $ @ + n5b "K/v0Q5} +] Example: SsearchRAT set to 4, Qrxlevmin =- 103, Qhyst1s = 4, Treselections = 2 then: TD when the measured level is less than the area: -103 +4 =- 99dbm, the start of the GSM measurement > When the GSM cell level than the district level of the high TD 4db, and lasted more than 2s time, the implementation of the re- election | national leader in communications technology forum f8w9F7B # b (J1C) M 2G-> 3G re-election terminal regularly measuring signal quality of the area (RSCP), reaches a certain threshold, then start the different system of measurement threshold defined by the Qsearch_I, Qsearch_I = 7, as has been measured; Qsearch_I = 8, the GSM community level greater than-90dbm, start on the GSM measurement If the TDD system quality vary over time above a certain threshold, then the implementation of the re-election MSCBSC Mobile Communications Forum 8S $ v & F! U; o% y / R > Threshold defined by the TDD_QOFFSET, TDD_QOFFSET = 4, for the TD cell signal is greater than-93dbm, the re-election to the TD; TDD_QOFFSET = 5, for the TD cell signal is greater than-90dbm, the re-election to the TD; TDD_QOFFSET = 6, as TD cell signal is greater than-87dbm, the re-election to the TD; Example: QSEARCH_I set to 7, TDD_QOFFSET set to 4, namely: in the GSM network, has been measured TD ; when the TD cell signal is greater than-93dbm, the re-election to the TD; www.mscbsc.com.G "h & G7 ^ 6D $ f5B (f

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Page 1: 3G -reslection etc-imp

3G-> 2G re-election periodic measurement of the cell terminal signal quality (RSCP), if a sustained period of time below a certain threshold, the start of the measurement of different system cell If RSCP <= Qrxlevmin (minimum reception level) + SsearchRAT (start of the GSM cell measurement threshold), the terminal starts the measurement on the different system cell If within a period of time, a neighbor of continuous quality higher than that of the cell, the terminal re-election of the Executive GSM cell level when the district level than the TD high Qhyst1s (re-election delay), and lasted Treselections (re-election triggered by the time delay) time, the implementation of the re-election move communications, home communications engineer, communications personnel, job recruitment, network optimization, traffic engineering, travel accommodation, communications companies blacklist $ v, p $ @ + n5b "K/v0Q5} +]

Example: SsearchRAT set to 4, Qrxlevmin =- 103, Qhyst1s = 4, Treselections = 2 then:

TD when the measured level is less than the area: -103 +4 =- 99dbm, the start of the GSM measurement > When the GSM cell level than the district level of the high TD 4db, and lasted more than 2s time, the implementation of the re-election | national leader in communications technology forum f8w9F7B # b (J1C) M

2G-> 3G re-election terminal regularly measuring signal quality of the area (RSCP), reaches a certain threshold, then start the different system of measurement threshold defined by the Qsearch_I, Qsearch_I = 7, as has been measured; Qsearch_I = 8, the GSM community level greater than-90dbm, start on the GSM measurement If the TDD system quality vary over time above a certain threshold, then the implementation of the re-election MSCBSC Mobile Communications Forum 8S $ v & F! U; o% y / R > Threshold defined by the TDD_QOFFSET, TDD_QOFFSET = 4, for the TD cell signal is greater than-93dbm, the re-election to the TD; TDD_QOFFSET = 5, for the TD cell signal is greater than-90dbm, the re-election to the TD; TDD_QOFFSET = 6, as TD cell signal is greater than-87dbm, the re-election to the TD; Example: QSEARCH_I set to 7, TDD_QOFFSET set to 4, namely: in the GSM network, has been measured TD ; when the TD cell signal is greater than-93dbm, the re-election to the TD; www.mscbsc.com.G "h & G7 ^ 6D $ f5B (f

Note: TDD_Qoffset-(Qrxlevmin + Ssearch, RAT) is greater than 4dbm.! O2t K3h6r, K! F

CS 3G-> 2G Switch 3A of the system threshold. MSCBSC Mobile Communications Forum # {(T "m # m: n1f5O) H & K HYSTFOR3A, 3A CS sluggish business, recommend 4 or 8, the actual effect 1 or 2dbm. | A leading

communications technology forum; C & M9Y9?% U2u6U8H0A TIMETOTRIG3A, trigger delay time, recommended 640 or 1280ms. | A leading communications technology forum. J.l1H 'A2G: j TARGETRATCSTHD, 3A different system threshold, -110 different systems that meet the criteria level, different system than the system threshold threshold high 5 ~ 10dB. Example: USEDFREQCSTHDRSCP =- 98dbm, TARGETRATCSTHD = 30 (-80dbm), HYSTFOR3A = 4 (1dbm), TIMETOTRIG3A = 2560ms, then: of the system is lower than -98-1 =- 99dbm, and different system than -80 +1 =- 79dbm, and meet the duration of these two conditions is greater than 2560ms, the terminal 3A measurements reported reports;