3daybootcamp day2 guide

How To Build A Business That Funds A Life Of Freedom Fun And Adventure DAY 2: THE FREEDOM, FUN AND ADVENTURE MAGNET METHOD

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Post on 06-Dec-2015




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Page 1: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



How To Build A Business That Funds A LifeOf Freedom Fun And Adventure

D AY 2 : T H E F R E E D O M , F U N A N D A D V E N T U R E M A G N E T M E T H O D




Page 2: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

“me sitting on the couch at 3am having

$1milllion dollars come in online”

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)




Page 3: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



Page 4: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


“the income you need to live a freedom

lifestyle is everywhere”


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



Page 5: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

“You’ve just got to know how to

tap into it”


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)




Page 6: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



Page 7: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



“pure freedom to pursue anything you ever wanted”

Page 8: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



Page 9: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



Page 10: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



Page 11: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



Page 12: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?


• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)



Page 13: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)




Page 14: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)




Page 15: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)




Page 16: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)




Page 17: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)




Page 18: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)




Page 19: 3DayBootcamp Day2 Guide

Alright so this is it… No more day job of doom. No more tinkering around

with online courses that don’t work.

No more stress and frustration in trying to do this all alone.

Here we go.

Now imagine this scenario for a second...

What if suddenly you had your freedom business built and you were

waking up to thousands of dollars in new online sales every morning?

What would you be doing with your days once you had that type of


What if you were sitting on your couch at home with your laptop… and

you opened up your shopping cart online to a brand new product and had

$1million dollars rain into your bank account within the space of a couple

of hours?

Ok this sounds absolutely ridiculous and

a massive stretch... and I would never

have believed this to be possible myself.

Until that scenario actually happened to me.

What i’m going to show you here today in the Day 2 bootcamp is a simple

little exercise that you can do right now… to eerily attract and manifest

your online freedom business and lifestyle faster than you could ever have

imagined and i’ll come back to the story of me sitting on the couch at 3am

having $1million dollars come in online.

Check out this picture of me below from several years ago:

This is just before I launched my very first information product online.

Now apart from the ridiculous surfer blonde hair… I was actually on

what’s called a “Freedom Trip” where I bought this cool van and literally

ran my businesses from beaches all around Australia.

I was running businesses like the sales video business you saw yesterday

in the day 1 video… and as a side note i’ll be covering the different types

of online businesses plus the perfect business idea for you in tomorrows

day 3 video so don’t miss that!

But back to this concept of “Freedom Trips”.

This was taught to me by my very first freedom business Mentor.

A real life James Bond secret society type dude who was absolutely killing

it in online marketing.

He has multiple big houses all over the world and literally checks in with

his email for half an hour every day or so and that’s his online freedom

business work done for the day.

Let’s call him James.

I was introduced to James in Hollywood

many years ago way back before I even

started my first online business and

before I even knew this stuff

was even possible.

We met up at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood and if you know it it’s this

beautiful outdoor pool area cafe.

Picture this for a second: When you walk in the door there you you

instantly feel like an movie star…

So I sit down to beautiful LA sunshine with my new friend James and i’m

getting excited as I know he’s this multi million dollar rockstar online

business type of guy and he starts telling me some secrets to getting

started online.

First of all… he says

“The income you need to live a freedom lifestyle is everywhere.

Literally everywhere. It’s flying around our heads”.

Now... I was a little bit curious and frankly, weirded out…

But he goes along to say “there’s millions of transactions going on online

through the airwaves right now”… people right now are clicking “add to

cart buttons” and “buy now” buttons for all sorts of products.

"It’s up to you to tap into that constant stream that’s ALWAYS happening

and get some of those clicks and income your way.

“Money and income is super abundant and super easy to get once you

know how”

He referred to the constant stream of Ferraris

and Lambhorginis that were constantly

pulling up to the hotel as evidence.

“You’ve just got to know how to tap into it”.

I hope you’re envisioning me sitting wide eyed in hollywood, feeling like I

had just “made it” and getting the real secrets to online business from the

guy who’s done it all before.

Get Started Concept 1:“There’s a constant stream of online income flying around 24/7.

It’s your job to tap into it.”

That’s the first thing i’d like you to embrace and write down.

Get Started Concept 2:You need to figure out your target online income or

as he referred to it as “Your Freedom Figure”.

How much do you need to be coming in so you can be off chasing

adventures around the world or spending more time with your family or

doing projects that excite you?

So to do this… James gave me an exercise that i’ve used for the past 6 or

so years called:


And it’s how to freakishly attract the exact

lifestyle you want through freedom business.

Very exciting huh?!

James went on to talk about how he goes through the Magnet Method

exercise on a FREEDOM TRIP each year.

It’s where you go away from your normal life for a few days and map out

exactly what you want your life to look like - and this is really important:

You do it as if you had absolutely no

time or money constraints.

You act as if you had the pure freedom

to pursue anything you ever wanted.

Travel, adventures, more time with family, more time for projects that

inspire you… and you map everything from the time you open your eyes

until the time you go to sleep at night.

You want to map exactly how that perfect day looks like.

What I learned later, and where the power is… is this process literally

sinks into your subconscious and guides you like a heat seeking missile

directly to that lifestyle you want.

So before I go into how to do this exercise I want to give you a real life

example from me…

After learning this method I go away on a freedom trip to define my ideal

perfect day every year.

It started in a Van travelling the beaches of Australia.

It was here that I actually pictured in my mind this awesome community

of Freedom Business Builders.

And now my freedom trips are joined by hundreds of others at our live

events each year through our “Secret Society Mastermind” Freedom

Business builders.

I freakishly attracted that vision of my ideal day.

Now a couple of years ago using the magnet method I wrote down that I

would do a $million dollar online product launch. I literally wrote out the

steps of what that sort of day would look like.

And sure enough a year later…

I opened up the shopping cart to the new Secret Society Mastermind

program and we did our first $million in the first 3.6 hours or something

like that.

Anyway it’s about time I showed you how to do this cool little thing and i’m

excited to see what you come up with.

Remember… The more VIVID you can play this in your mind, the better.

You need to FEEL it.

4 Rules to doing this exercise:

1. It is vitally important that as you write down your day, you do

not think about how you are going to achieve this lifestyle.

This part comes later and needs to be done separately.

2. Each answer should supremely RESONATE with you. It should

be an absolute HELL YEAH!

3. Again - don’t try and fit your current situation into the new

one - this needs to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST

4. You have to FEEL yourself doing that thing. Use SENSES by

asking yourself:

- what do I see?

- what do I smell?

- what do I hear?

- what do I touch?

- what do I feel?

A final word on RESONATION. Your day should seem “just out of reach”.

For example it’s a bit too far out of reach to have a private jet and a billion


Your day should be just out of reach that it makes you slightly

uncomfortable, but SUPER excited at the same time.

This is where you will find the template to the Magnet Method.

Make sure you’re watching the video located at


for detailed instructions on how to use this method.

Answer these questions in one sentence one after the other.

I like to do this on my computer. I think I ended up with about 20 pages.

Just let the answers flow naturally with the FIRST THING that comes into

your head.


These are my questions that I use to build my perfect day - you may delete or

change questions based on what resonates with you!

(MOVE FAST and don’t dwell on an answer too much. You can edit later)

• What time do you wake up?

• What is the feeling your body when you wake up?

• What are the first three things that come into

your head when you wake up?

• When you sit up out of bed what and who do you see?

• What city are you in?

• Where do you walk/what do you walk past to get to the kitchen?

• What do you prepare for breakfast or what is prepared for you?

• What music is playing as you eat breakfast?

• What are you reading?

• Who do you have breakfast with?

• What do you see in the mirror on the way into the shower?

• What does your shower look like?

• What products do you use for grooming?

• What does your wardrobe look like?

• What individual items do you choose to put on today?

• Which watch do you choose to wear today?

• Do you kiss anyone on the way out the door?

• How do you feel about that person?

• How do they feel about you?

• What does your garage look like? how many cars? what other

equipment is in there?

• Do you have a driver?

• Where do you go? (office/beach/adventure)

• How do you carry yourself into this place? carry yourself in general?

• Who do you meet when you get there?

(your staff / PA /or virtual staff if on beach)

• What does it look like inside?

• What’s the first thing happening that day?

• You have a meeting with your typical client/customer,

who is this person?

• Where does this happen?

• What do you talk about?

• Why are they really happy when they walk away from you?

• What are the 3 next things that happen that day?

• What time do you finish work?

• Who do you meet after work and where?

• You’re walking down the street back to your car and you pass an

ATM and are reminded of how much money is in your personal

spending account, how much is this?

• How much money is in your Wealth account? (not to be touched

only to be spent on appreciating low risk assets)

• How much money is in your Giving account? (to be given away - tips,

people in need at your discretion, charity projects)

• On the drive home you’re thinking about the awesome trip you’re

taking this weekend, where is it and what are you doing? who are

you going with?

• When you get home, what music is playing in the background?

• Who is there?

• What are you preparing for dinner? or What is being prepared for


• What does the dining table look like?

• Dinner is served. What does the dinner table look like?

• What sort of cutlery are you using?

• What is your after dinner drink of choice?

• Do you stay in or go out for this drink?

• Who is texting you throughout this evening, what are they saying?

(big business deal, sale notification text, girl who misses you)

• When you decide to go to bed, who is going with you? if anyone?

• What are the last 3 things you think about before you sleep?

So there you have it.

I hope you spend the next day or so away from distraction and use the

worksheet to map your ideal perfect day and that it freakishly attract the

exact lifestyle you want.

Do you feel a little more excited?

Do you feel a little more motivated?

Do you feel as if this journey we are taking together is the

right one for you and you’re ready to take the next steps?


Because in Day 3 we are going back to the training where i’m going to

show you how to find and choose the exact perfect business idea for you.

We are going to talk about exactly what you are going to sell - to tap into

that online income that’s flying around everywhere right now as you

watch this.

I’m excited to see you tomorrow for day 3 where we are going to take the

very first step to you achieving this perfect day.

Look out for my email!

And don’t forget… leave me a comment below :)


