3d level workflow

3D Level Workflow Creating the Terrain To create the terrain I had to go to the hierarchy and go onto create and then terrain After I had created the terrain I was then given the terrain objects on the right hand side of my screen which gave me the terrain brushes this allowed me to draw out my terrain My finished terrain looked like the below

Upload: benatherton

Post on 02-Aug-2015




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3D Level Workflow

Creating the Terrain

To create the terrain I had to go to the hierarchy and go onto create and then terrain

After I had created the terrain I was then given the terrain objects on the right hand side of my screen which gave me the terrain brushes this allowed me to draw out my terrain

My finished terrain looked like the below

Next I decided to add water to the map to do this I went into the assets and got the water asset and then I added I into the map and dragged it out so that it was the size of the level the level with water looks like the below

Then after this I needed to add life to the world so I went onto the unity asset store and found some buildings and creatures that I could add to my map first I got a medieval buildings pack in order to create a town this town looks like the below

I also got a watchtower and some goblins to put at the top of the mountain as a sort of enemy area which looks like the below

Next I got some more medieval houses and some spiders in order to create a town/housing area that has been overrun by spiders and long since abandoned by people

Then I decided to add a large boss like enemy that would patrol the area for this I found an ice golem and enlarged it to a size where it was practically in the clouds it looks like the below

Next I added some golems in a valley in the middle and some trees using the tree painter the tree painter is in the terrain tool and it is used to paint trees onto the map by selecting the tree that you want from a menu and then selecting the size of your brush and then you can paint trees onto the map and then you have a lot of trees on the map so I did that near the golems and this is the finished valley below

Next I decided to add a skybox to my game this essentially the sky in the game I decided that I wanted my game to be set at night so I took the night skybox from the assets and then I went onto import and then skybox and then this added my skybox

My finished skybox looks like the below

Next I decided to change the lighting on my map to make it dark to do this I created a directional light and faced it at the map and then I changed to colour of it to black as shown below

This means that it shines a black tinted light onto the map simulating moonlight and means that the map is dark without being completely pitch black in the finished lighting on the map looks like the below

I also decided to change the water to red because it made it look more evil and I had decided that I wanted to go for a cursed land feel for the map where there was only one human refuge left with the last of the map inhabited by monsters this is also why I had made the map really dark the red water looks like the below

I decided to go for the cursed island feel as the map it’s self has very sharp mountains and sea ridges that look quite menacing and I figured that I could make it look like something corrupted and evil so I designed the whole map with this feel in mind from the giant ice golem to the spider village