
3D Weaving

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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3D Weaving

Dimension Convention in TextilesOne Dimension Fibre & YarnTwo Dimension FabricThree Dimension - GarmentDimension Definitions in Fabrics2D fabric:Constituent arns are !is"ose! in one "lane 2#$D fabric :Constituent arns are !is"ose! in a two mutuall "er"en!icular"lanes

%D fabric: Constituent arns are !is"ose! in a three mutuall "er"en!icular "lanes A single-fabric system, the constituent yarns of which are supposedly disposed in a three mutually perpendicular plane relationship%-D &oven ConstructionYXZThe 3D Woven fabrics are defined as:-A single-fabric system, the constituent yarns of which are supposedly disposed in a three mutually perpendicular plane relationship%-D Construction2 D 'tructure Yarns laid in a planeThickness is smallingle layer design

!lain, Twill, atin etc"" #sed in laminatingDrawbac(s of2D structure Anisotropic !oor in-plane shear resistance $ess modulus than the fibre materialdue to presence of crimp)eme!ial *easures %eduction of crimp in loading direction#se of high modulus yarnTo increase isotropy or shear rigidity or bais properties

Tria&ial weaving can be used'tructural +nalsisExtensionLoadYarn extension regonDecrimping regionInter-fiber friction effectABCDecrim"in, -one is com"letel absent in .D fabric an! ver little foun! in %D structures'mall amount of crim" is mainl !ue to the fact that the sam"les are "ro!uce! on 2D weavin, machine Tri-axial &eavin, Three yarn systems interlaced at '()* and *+ warp threadW is weft thread, is width is heightTri-axial &eavin, Three yarn systems interlaced at '()LooseCompact -ultia&ial WeavingDimension stable in any direction.sotropic distribution of stress forces#niform strain behaviour 3D WeavingYarns are arrangedperpendicular to each other in /, Y and + directions 0o interlacing or crimpe&ists between yarns1iber volume fraction is between 23 and 33 percent -aking of fabrics with substantial thickness by layeringhedding and weft insertion hori4ontally and vertically" What is 3D weaving?Technical te&tiles made on 3 planar geometry"Why 3D weaving ?&oven construction for reinforcement structure 2 D Structure3 D Structure 2D /s %D &eavin,One pick per oom cyce !utipe pick per oom cyce "navoi#a$e crimp %o internacrimpLimite# thickness&reater thickness 'igh pro#uction spee# (ery ow pro#uction spee# Weaving process2)D Weaving3)D WeavingDesigne# to interace two Orthogona set o* yarns+either singe or mutiayer warp an# a we*t,-n the *a$ric thickness #irection!ono)#irectiona-n the *a$ric wi#th #irectionSingeDesigne# to interace three Orthogona set o* yarns+. mutiayer warp an# two set o*we*t,-n the *a$ric thickness an# *a$ric wi#th #irectionDua)#irectiona-n the *a$ric wi#th an# *a$ric thickness #irection!utipeSinge!utipe2D +sheet ike an# tu$uar, 2/0D+pie1terry,2 3D+soi#,3D *a$ric +soi# an# tu$uar,Conventiona 2D weaving #eviceSpecia 3D weaving #evice3rocess type 4asic *unctiona #esign Warp #ispacement #irection *or she# *ormationShe##ing operation type She# ocation %o/ o* sha#e *orma$e 3ick insertion 5a$ric type pro#uci$e Device type Cassi6cation o* 3D *a$rics 01 2ase! on t"e of %D 'tructures%D 'oli!:*ultilaerOrtho,onal+n,le interloc(%D 3ollow:Flat surface.neven surface%D 'hell:2 weave combination2 !ifferential ta(e-u"2 moul!in,%D 4o!al001 2ase! on t"e of "rocess %D &oven %D 5nitte! %D 4onwoven %D 6ac7uar! !esi,n 2rai!e! structure0001 2ase! on t"e of weavin, "rocess 2D weavin, %D fabrics %D weavin, %D fabrics 4OO204G%D woven san!wich fabrics5onnected by orthogonal threads resulting in a te&tile ssandwich preform !roduction of 3-D fabric is based on velvet weaving technology6elvet is produced by cutting the connecting threads between 5onsists of two layers 7 the two fabric layers of a 3-D fabric3i,h !ama,e tolerance8xtremel hi,h !elamination resistance+ble to contain functional foams3i,h an! well-!istribute! ener, absor"tion%D 'oli! structuresMulti-layer *ulti-laer structures are !istin,uishe! b the in!ivi!ual laers 8ach laer ma be of !ifferent weave 'titchin, of laers 'tructure ran,es from 2 to 9 laers3D Soi# structuresOrthogonal0t is characteri-e! b strai,ht arns or arns sections in war": weft an! thic(ness !irections This structure can "rovi!e a ,reater volume fraction than an,le interloc( structures+n,le 0nterloc( Fabrics.t is a multilayer fabric#sed for flat panelreinforcement 0ormally woven on a shuttle loomWarp yarns taken directly from a creel'"ecial %-D structures 3-D hollow structure 3-D shell structure 3-D nodal structure %D 3ollow structures %D 'hell b uneven ta(e-u"%D 'hell b moul! 4o!al 'tructure3D by titching *peration $imitationsDimensional stability, conformability and mold ability To withstand multi-directional mechanical %e8uired interlaminar strength and damage tolerance3D fabric on 9D Weaving ystem-ultilayer structure weavingTrue 3D WeavingT).8 % D &8+/04G ;)04C0;s "atent : .'; % ?@? A$@5ho(ar>s "atent : '8 $BA A996a"an>s "atent TOYOT+!evelo"e! a %D weavin, conce"t in a research "roCectfun!e! b *8T0Commercial machine et to come*ulti weft insertion %D weavin,: un!er !evelo"ment at *anchesterD.*0'T13D weaving in ..T Delhi