38954115 javascript tutorial

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  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    JavaScript tutorial - Important guidelines

    First let's learn some important stuff. There are lots of browsers out there that cannot support

    JavaScript. Although browsers generally support more and more with each release the languageitself !eeps evolving and there is already a vast amount of the JavaScript language available for

    browsers to support. "o browser will ever support all of it and you cannot e#pect them to.

    There are many reasons why people cannot or will not 'upgrade' to your chosen browser. A few are$

    They are at wor! and they can only use the system default browser.

    They want to view pages more %uic!ly so they use a te#t only browser.

    They are blind or have poor eyesight so they need a te#t only browser&reader&raille reader.

    They realise that the more e#tra features li!e JavaScript or (Script you use the more you

    leave yourself open to becoming a target for viruses or vulnerability e#ploits.

    They don't li!e the way some sites insist on ta!ing over their control of the browser opening

    popup windows brea!ing the operation of the bac! button preventing the conte#t menu from

    wor!ing or insisting on ma!ing things appear and disappear in a way that causes usability


    )hatever their reasons you should notstop them from using your site. If your site uses JavaScript

    for navigation or content then that navigation and content should be there without JavaScript

    enabled. *our JavaScript can e#tract content from the page and do whatever it wants with that but

    you should ma!e sure that content is available without the script. If you want to use a script in way

    that you cannot simply e#tract the information from the static page then you should

    use to provide an alternative for people that cannot run your script.

    There are also many browsers out there that you do not realise e#ist. I !now of well over a hundred

    different browsers that support JavaScript to varying degrees. If your script uses something that

    browsers may not support you should detect if the browser is capable of using it and then fall bac!

    to an accessible alternative if it doesn't.

    There is no magic formula for this but the basic rules are that you should not detect a browser ma!e

    or version. *ou willget it wrong and you will mista!enly detect one browser and thin! it is another

    ending up with you using the wrong code. *ou willma!e incorrect assumptions about current and

    future browsers and you will cause problems for your users.

    This tutorial should help you learn how to correctly detect capabilities and wherever needed it will

    show you how to wor! out when a browser cannot do what you need so you can halt your script or

    provide an alternative. )hen there are different ways to do the same thing and some browsers only

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    support one while others support another it will show you how to correctly wor! out which one to


    Introduction to JavaScript

    JavaScript is a programming language that can be included on web pages to ma!e them moreinteractive. *ou can use it to chec! or modify the contents of forms change images open new

    windows and write dynamic page content. *ou can even use it with +SS to ma!e ,T/ 0,ynamic

    yperTe#t ar!up /anguage1. This allows you to ma!e parts of your web pages appear or

    disappear or move around on the page. JavaScripts only e#ecute on the page0s1 that are on your

    browser window at any set time. )hen the user stops viewing that page any scripts that were

    running on it are immediately stopped. The only e#ception is a coo!ie which can be used by many

    pages to pass information between them even after the pages have been closed.

    efore we go any further let me say2 JavaScript has nothing to do with Java. If we are honest

    JavaScript originally nic!named /ive)ire and then /iveScript when it was created by "etscape

    should in fact be called 3+Ascript as it was renamed when "etscape passed it to the 3+A for


    JavaScript is a client side interpreted ob4ect oriented high level scripting language while Java is a

    client side compiled ob4ect oriented high level language. "ow after that mouthful here's what it


    +lient side

    5rograms are passed to the computer that the browser is on and that computer runs them.

    The alternative is server side where the program is run on the server and only the results

    are passed to the computer that the browser is on. 3#amples of this would be 55 5erl

    AS5 JS5 etc.


    The program is passed as source code with all the programming language visible. It is then

    converted into machine code as it is being used. +ompiled languages are converted into

    machine code first then passed around so you never get to see the original programming

    language. Java is actually dual half compiled meaning it is half compiled 0to 'byte code'1

    before it is passed then e#ecuted in a virtual machine which converts it to fully compiled

    code 4ust before use in order to e#ecute it on the computer's processor. Interpreted

    languages are generally less fussy about synta# and if you have made mista!es in a part

    they never use the mista!e usually will not cause you any problems.

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    This is a little harder to define. Scripting languages are often used for performing repetitive

    tas!s. Although they may be complete programming languages they do not usually go into

    the depths of comple# programs such as thread and memory management. They may use

    another program to do the wor! and simply tell it what to do. They often do not create their

    own user interfaces and instead will rely on the other programs to create an interface for

    them. This is %uite accurate for JavaScript. )e do not have to tell the browser e#actly what

    to put on the screen for every pi#el we 4ust tell it that we want it to change the document

    and it does it. The browser will also ta!e care of the memory management and thread

    management leaving JavaScript free to get on with the things it wants to do.

    igh level

    )ritten in words that are as close to english as possible. The contrast would be withassembly code where each command can be directly translated into machine code.

    6b4ect oriented

    See the section on 'ob4ect oriented programming'for details.

    How is JavaScript constructed

    The basic part of a script is a variable literal or ob4ect. A variable is a word that represents a piece of

    te#t a number a boolean true or false value or an ob4ect. A literal is the actual number or piece of

    te#t or boolean value that the variable represents. An ob4ect is a collection of variables held together

    by a parent variable or a document component.

    The ne#t most important part of a script is an operator. 6perators assign literal values to variables or

    say what type of tests to perform.

    The ne#t most important part of a script is a control structure. +ontrol structures say what scripts

    should be run if a test is satisfied.

    Functions collect control structures actions and assignments together and can be told to run thosepieces of script as and when necessary.

    The most obvious parts of a script are the actions it performs. Some of these are done with

    operators but most are done using methods. ethods are a special !ind of function and may do

    things li!e submitting forms writing pages or displaying messages.

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    3vents can be used to detect actions usually created by the user such as moving or clic!ing the

    mouse pressing a !ey or resetting a form. )hen triggered events can be used to run functions.

    /astly and not %uite so obvious is referencing. This is about wor!ing out what to write to access the

    contents of ob4ects or even the ob4ects themselves.

    As an e#ample thin! of the following situation. A person clic!s a submit button on a form. )hen they

    clic! the button we want to chec! if they have filled out their name in a te#t bo# and if they have we

    want to submit the form. So we tell the form to detect the submit event. )hen the event is triggered

    we tell it to run the function that holds together the tests and actions. The function contains a control

    structure that uses a comparison operator to test the te#t bo# to see that it is not empty. 6f course

    we have to wor! out how to reference the te#t bo# first. The te#t bo# is an ob4ect. 6ne of the

    variables it holds is the te#t that is written in the te#t bo#. The te#t written in it is a literal. If the te#t

    bo# is not empty a method is used that submits the form.


    All e#amples on this page and elsewhere in my JavaScript tutorial are provided free of charge.

    5lease see theterms and conditions pagefor terms of use.

    These e#amples are all useful in their own right but when used together can produce spectacular

    results. I will leave that to your own creativity.

    "ote that the synta# highlighted source of all the header files I use in these e#amples as well as

    several others is available on my JavaScript librariespage. The header files can also be

    downloaded from there.

    The header file scripts are meant to be real scripts for real use not tutorials. I have included them on

    this page as they can be viewed as e#amples of real programming not lessons on how to program. I

    agree that they are not always easy to read but that is mainly because they are optimised for real

    use. *ou may choose to see this as a bad programming method but I do not as I can always see

    what I was intending for the script to do and it helps to cut down on the transmitted file si7e

    something which modem users are always happy for.

    To give you an e#ample of a more 'friendly' format which is easier to use as a learning aid one of

    my readers has !indly produced a reformatted version of my generic re-writable elementsscript

    which is included in the email they sent me.

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    Non DHTML

    The most popular use of JavaScript; changing images when the mouse hangs over a link

    5reloading images for use in mouseovers and pre-caching.

    The next most popular use of JavaScript; opening new browser winows

    6pening a window with customisable settings.

    The next most popular use of JavaScript; writing !namic content

    +hanging what is written depending on conditions.

    The next most popular use of JavaScript; checking forms

    Form chec!ing ensuring a form is filled in correctly.

    Slightl! less use but "ust as useful# retaining variables from one page for use on another


    +omplicated string manipulation ta!ing variables from the location bar.

    +reating reading and modifying coo!ies.

    Some specialist scripts

    Form manipulation offering the correct countries for a continent.

    ore form manipulation e#pandable tree structure.

    The most irresponsible script

    rowser sniffing - to be used only to help avoid browser specific bugs not to determine


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    $ppearing % isappearing content

    5opup enus.

    5opup enus with delay - see8ec!o engine bug.

    Auto-generation 5opup enus with delay -8ec!o engine bugsremoved.


    Movable content


    Static logo.

    Falling ob4ects 0snow1.

    Flying stars 0changes apparent si7e of div elements1.

    Firewor!s 0demonstrates changing colour1.

    Analogue cloc!.

    Mouse trails

    o Single trail with bouncing animation.

    o ultiple trail with several possibilities.

    &ewritable ocument content

    8eneric re-writable elements.

    0Simple1 message scroller.

    '() D*M

    Importing 9/ data files - a very advanced scripting topic.

    Solitaire game - a very advanced script.

    These scripts any many more are included on my JavaScript libraries page. The page also contains

    several utility scripts which you may find useful for your )eb development. 5lease see the terms

    and conditions pagefor terms of use.

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    6! so they are far too complicated to be e#amples but all of the principles are the same as I have

    described in these tutorials. These games re%uire various different technologies li!e T/ +SS

    ,T/ etc. "ot all browsers will be able to use all of the games in particular the :, games

    because they are (3;* demanding on resources. The simpler games may even wor! in browsers

    li!e "etscape :.

    These games are all on my games site.

    Adding JavaScript to a page

    *ou can add a script anywhere inside the head or body sections of your document. owever to

    !eep your document well structured there are some basic guidelines$

    ost scripts can go inside the document head. This !eeps them out of the way of the main

    document content.

    If your script needs to run at a certain stage during page layout 0for e#ample if it uses

    document.write to create content1 it should be put at the correct stage of the document almost

    always somewhere inside the document body. If the script is very small then put it all where it

    will be used. If it is larger then put it inside the head inside a function and you can then call that

    function when you need it.

    If your script is used on more than one page or if it is of any significant si7e then put it in its

    own file and load it in the document head. "ot only will this help to !eep the clutter of the

    document but it will also help avoid potential synta# problems 0I will cover these later1. As an

    e#tra benefit these can be used by multiple pages allowing browsers to use their cache and

    saving bandwidth for you and your visitors.

    $ing a script to the page

    To insert JavaScript into a web page use the tag. *ou should use the type attribute to

    specify the type of script being used which in the case of JavaScript is text/javascript. It is also

    possible to the language attribute to say what JavaScript version you are using. In practice this

    number means very little to browsers. They may claim to support a specific version but will have

    vastly different capabilities. All JavaScript supporting browsers currently in use will support a level of

    JavaScript e%uivalent to JavaScript 4avascript1 or higher so this is what I

    will teach you in this tutorial.

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    rowsers will generally choose an arbitrary version number that they will claim to support and will

    run any script that has either no language version number or a version e%ual to or lower than the

    one they claim to support. Since the language is so unreliable you should generally omit this

    attribute although it is common to see scripts using it. *our script can then detect if the browser is

    capable of running your script and it can do this a lot more accurately than the version number can.

    This is an e#ample of a script tag used to include a script in your page$

    //JavaScript goes here

    If your script is incapable of providing its own fallbac! but it is needed to access the page youshould include support for non-JavaScript browsers by using$

    This will not be displayed if JavaScript is enabled

    ,sing comments

    +omments allow you to leave notes to yourself and other people in your script and are useful as a

    reminder of what the script is doing and why. The double slash indicates a single line comment.

    3verything after it on the same line will be ignored by the script engine. The slash-asteris! indicates

    a bloc! comment. 3verything after it will be ignored by the script engine until an asteris!-slash is


    //This is a single line comment

    / This is a

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    bloc! comment /

    ,sing external script files

    *ou can also use a separate header file to contain the JavaScript 0usually ?.4s1 ma!ing it easy to

    share across pages$

    )hen using header files if you put any script code in between

    the and tags it will only be e#ecuted if the browser does not support

    header files 0assuming it doessupport the version of JavaScript shown in the language attribute if

    you used one1. In reality this is only for very old browsers that are not used at all any more so there

    is no need for anything to be put there.

    Scripts in header files are e#ecuted as if they were in the main page. If the script referances any

    e#ternal files such as images the addresses it uses are relative to the main page not the script


    )ommenting out !our scripts

    This is not needed any more. All current browsers are aware of script tags and how to treat their

    contents since they have been part of T/ since T/ :. rowsers that do not understand T/

    : or scripts 0these are virtually never used now1 will display the script as if it was the content of the

    page. *ou can hide the script from them by commenting out your script with standard T/

    comments. rowsers that understand script will simply ignore these comments and will 4ust interpret

    the script within them. The opening comment is ignored as if it were a normal single line JavaScript

    comment. The closing comment will not so it needs to have a JavaScript comment put before it$

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    //JavaScript goes here


    These T/ comments should not be used if you are using an e#ternal script file and are not to be

    used anywhere else in your scripts.

    Dealing with -HTML

    "ote that when I tal! about 9T/ I am tal!ing about pages that are served using a content type

    ofapplication/xhtml%xml- the ma4ority of pages that use 9T/ mar!up are actually served

    as text/htmland as a result are correctly treated as T/ not 9T/.

    The rules in 9T/ are different. Script tags are not treated as being special. Their contents are

    treated as any other part of 9T/ so various operators can be misinterpreted as part of the

    mar!up. To avoid this it is best to put all scripts in e#ternal script files so that they do not interfere

    with the page itself. If you feel the need to put something directly on the page you can declare it as

    +,ATA 0the default for script contents in normal T/1$

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    also do not understand 9T/ but in case you want to use it 0maybe you are serving it as 9T/

    to some browsers and T/ to others1 this is what to use$

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    onsubmit onreset


    onclic! onmouseover onmouseout onfocus onblur


    onload onunload

    +hec! with the T/ specifications on the ):+ sitefor more details. 'a' elements can also detect

    onmousemove in all current browsers but not some of the older browsers that are not used any

    more. For some of these older browsers such as "etscape it is possible to compensate using a

    combination of onmouseover onmouseout and then document.capture3vents and onmousemove

    on the body 0see the section on 3vent information1. The3vent informationand more advanced,6

    eventschapters of this tutorial show how to listen for more event types and obtain information from


    These are some e#amples of using events 0shown here using traditional inline event handlers - later

    on in this tutorial I will show you alternative ways to attach events to elements that will not re%uire

    you to alter your T/1$

    Another way of ma!ing T/ activate JavaScript is to usebut in general it is best to use events so the lin!

    can provide an accessible alternative if JavaScript is not available 0the event handler can prevent the

    browser from using the lin! normally if scripting is available1.

    In all these cases the script is contained within T/ attributes and is sub4ect to the normal rules ofT/ entities. If you need to put %uotes in the script in between the %uotes in the html use the

    T/ entity B%uot2 or BC:2 for > style %uotes or if your %uotes in the T/ are done using the '

    %uotes 0which is unusual ...1 you can use BC:D2 to represent these in the script. If you need to

    include E or operators you should use the Blt2 and Bgt2 entities.

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    Object oriented programming


    An ob4ect is a 'thing'. For e#ample a number is an ob4ect. An array is an ob4ect. *our browser

    window is an ob4ect. A form in your document is an ob4ect. There are hundreds more and in some

    cases you can create your own.

    6b4ects can have ob4ects in them. For e#ample your document can have a form in it. This form is a

    'child ob4ect' of the document. Therefore the document is the 'parent ob4ect' of the form. To reference

    the child ob4ect we have to go through the parent ob4ect eg. doc1mentmy7orm

    An array can have numbers in its cells. As we have already discussed the array is an ob4ect and so

    would be a cell within it and so is the content of the cell. )e cannot refer to the cell itself but we can

    refer to its contents$ my)rray&,cell name or n1mber,*for e#ample.

    )lasses .or t!pes/

    A class is a group of ob4ects that are similar in some way. For e#ample a number and a piece of te#t

    can both be stored as a variable 0in a way li!e the variables you would use in mathematical

    algebra1. In essence we can say that pieces of te#t and numbers are e#amples of class 'variable'.

    "umbers can be sub divided into two groups integers and floats 0or doubles1. Integers are wholenumbers$

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    There are many arrays that are inbuilt into each document. The document itself is an array in certain

    uses. The most obvious of these collections is the images collection. To refer to images in the

    document we use

    doc1mentimages&,name of image,*

    This is a special !ind of array !nown as a collection.


    Ta!e for e#ample an image. )hen we define images in T/ we write$

    The properties of the image would be src name height width alt and if we also used Style Sheets

    we might have included several more 0li!e bac!ground-color for e#ample1. All properties are a type

    of ob4ect so to refer to the src of my image I would write doc1mentimages&,my5mage,*src


    There are always actions that are associated with ob4ects. For e#ample a form may be submitted or

    reset. The actions are methods. To submit a form in non-ob4ect-oriented programs we might

    writes1bmit,name of form,0

    That would simply be a function. In ob4ect oriented programming li!e JavaScript we would


    The reason this is a method and not 4ust a function is that each form will have its

    own s1bmit0function built in which is referred to using the ob4ect oriented synta# shown above.

    *ou will never have to write methods in yourself unless you create your own ob4ects the browser

    does that for you.

    *ou can thin! of it li!e this$

    )ith the non-ob4ect-oriented way we would tell a function to submit the form.

    )ith the ob4ect oriented way we would tell the form to submit itself.

    If wanted you can run several methods in turn on the same ob4ect by using$

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    In this case method< must return a class of ob4ect that has the method 'method=' etc.


    The most common operators are mathematical operators2 - & ? 0add subtract divide multiply1 for

    e#ample. 6perators can be split into two groups comparison operators and assignment or 'action'

    operators. +omparison operators test to see if two variables relate to each other in the specified

    way for e#ample one variable is a higher number than the other. 6ther operators perform an action

    on a variable such as increasing it by one.

    The following table gives those that are most commonly used. There are many JavaScript number on the left must be greater than the number on the right - this also

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    JavaScript operators



    works with strings and values

    =number on the left must be greater than or equal to the number on the right -

    this also works with strings and values

    bitwise rightshift

    & bitwise !"

    | bitwise #$

    ^ bitwise %#$

    ~ bitwise !#&

    ! logical !#& 'the statement must not be true(

    && logical !" 'both statements must be true(

    || logical #$ 'either statement must be true(

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    JavaScript operators



    in object or array on the right must have the property or cell on the left

    "ote if you do not set the lang1age="javascript94"attribute in the Escript tag : == false ==

    ,,and1ndefined == n1ll. If you do set the language attribute to ,javascript94,

    o7illa&Firefo# and other 8ec!o browsers 0but none of the other ma4or browsers1 will change this so

    that none of these will e%uate to each other. Since the attribute is deprecated anyway and the

    JavaScript versions were never standardised you should not rely on this behaviour.

    There are also a few operators that can also be used li!e functions$


    void statementor voidstatement00see the section on writing functions1


    typeof variableor typeofvariable0returns the type 0or class1 of a variable.


    evalstring0interprets a string as JavaScript code.

    There are also the 'var' 'new' and 'delete' operators. See the section on variablesfor e#amples of

    their uses. Also see the section on the ath ob4ect operators below.

    "ote that JavaScript has no logical 96; operator. If you need that functionality see my

    separate 96; article.

    *perator preceence

    If you as! JavaScript to perform a calculation using multiple operators those operators will be

    evaluated in a specific order. For e#ample ; % is calculated as 0 % ;because the ?

    is calculated before the . The order in which these are evaluated is$ / % $ %0where the

    second is appending strings1. To change the order in which they are calculated use parenthesis 0 1

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    as the contents of parenthesis are calculated before the contents outside the parenthesis. For

    e#ample ; % = ?@but ; % 0 = ;

    The Math ob"ect methos

    In reality these are methods of the ath ob4ect but they are used in place of operators.

    )ath object methods

    Operator What it does

    Math.abs(n) $eturns the absolute value of n

    Math.acos(n) $eturns 'in radians( cos-*of n

    Math.asin(n) $eturns 'in radians( sin-*of n

    Math.atan(n) $eturns 'in radians( tan-*of n

    Math.atan2(n,k)$eturns the angle 'rads( from cartesian

    coordinates , to n,k

    Math.ceil(n)$eturns n rounded up to the nearest whole


    Math.cos(n) $eturns cos n 'where n is in radians(

    Math.e(n) $eturns en

    Math."loo#(n)$eturns n rounded down to the nearest whole



    $eturns ln'n(

    !ote, to find log*'n(, use )athlog'n(


    Math.a(a,b,c,...)$eturns the largest number

    Math.in(a,b,c,...)$eturns the smallest number

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    )ath object methods

    Operator What it does

    Math.o(n,k) $eturns nk

    Math.#an'o() $eturns a random number between and *

    Math.#on'(n)$eturns n rounded up or down to the nearest

    whole number

    Math.sin(n) $eturns sin n 'where n is in radians(

    Math.s#t(n) $eturns the square root of n

    Math.tan(n) $eturns tan n 'where n is in radians(


    (ariable types are not important in JavaScript. They may be interchanged as necessary. This means

    that if a variable is a string one minute it can be an integer the ne#t. The basic variable types are$


    'a' or 'K' or '!' etc.


    'hdttgs L -Mhs 01 8et the idea'


    G or < or = or : or etc. or -< or -= or -: or - etc.

    float 0or double1

    =:.HM or -

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    A function2 see the section on Functions


    An ob4ect2 see the section on 6b4ect oriented programming


    A type of ob4ect that can store variables in cells 0see below1


    A variable that has not been given a value yet


    A variable that has been defined but has been assigned the value of null

    Integer and float are grouped together as 'number'. +haracter and string are grouped together as


    @se the typeof operator to find out which variable type your variable is. "ote typeof will return

    'ob4ect' for arrays and null.

    Defining variables

    See the section on ';eferencing'subsection 'Avoiding referencing conflicts'to see how to choose

    names for your variables.

    Normal variables

    It is good practice to pre-define all variables using the var!eyword. It is possible to define the

    variable leaving its value undefined or assigning a value immediately or even to define multiple

    variables in a single command$

    var variablename.

    var variablename = val1e.

    var vari9 = val1e2 vari4 = another+al1e2 vari;.

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    JavaScript is fairly lenient and will create a global variable if you forget to use the 'var' !eyword but

    you assign a value to an undeclared variable 0if you attempt to read the value of an undeclared

    variable it will throw an error as discussed below1. owever this can lead to problems if you end up

    accidentally overwriting variables from another scope 0this will be covered in the chapter

    onFunctions1. 6nce a variable is defined do not use ,var variablename,again unless you wish tocompletely overwrite the variable. It ma!es no sense to redeclare a variable with the var!eyword

    within the same scope but browsers will not complain if you do it.

    These are some e#amples of how to define variables in this case a string a number and a regular


    var my7ish = ,) fish swam in the river,.

    var myA1mber8fBoats = 4;.

    var myCattern = /*E&D/gi.

    "ote that variables can be defined at any point in your script including inside a control structure that

    causes that statement never to be e#ecuted. owever no matter where you choose to define your

    variable the JavaScript engine will create the variable at the start of the current scope. It will hold

    the value 1ndefineduntil a statement is e#ecuted that gives it a value.


    )ebT( =.M- does not support the NO synta# for creating ob4ects.

    If you want to create variables that you want to be able to give child properties to you must define

    the variable as an ob4ect. To define a variable as an ob4ect use either the new

    8bject0or FGsynta#$

    var variableAame = new 8bject0.

    var variableAame = Fmy7irstCroperty692myAextCroperty6,hi,2etcG.

    *ou can then assign child ob4ects or properties to that ob4ect as you want$

    variableAameaCropertyAame5HadeIp = ,hello,.

    variableAamea'hild8bjectAame5HadeIp = new 8bject0.

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    "ote that if you want to run a method on an ob4ect that you 4ust created for true JavaScript

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    In JavaScript arrays and ob4ects are almost e%uivalent and accessing a named cell of an array is

    the same as accessing a property of an ob4ect. If a cell of an array is called 'mycell' you could use

    either of these to access its contents$



    There are some important differences between arrays and ob4ects. y default arrays have far more

    methods attached to them for stepping through the array or splitting it into pieces. In addition if

    numbers are used for entries you can find out how many entries 0or variables1 the array is holding

    using name8f)rraylength

    It is possible to create multi-dimensional arrays by creating aditional arrays as the contents of the

    cell of another array$

    var name8f)rray = new )rraynew )rray9242;2?02,hello,2&,a,2,b,2,c,*0.

    *ou can refer to the cells of that array using the s%uare brac!et notation twice 0or multiple times

    depending on how many dimensions your array has1$


    *ther t!pes of ob"ects

    rowsers will have many built in types of ob4ects. All JavaScript capable browsers will provide the

    following aditional ob4ect types$


    +reates a date ob4ect which can perform calculations based on the date for e#ample$

    var mydate = new (ate0.

    windowalert ,The year is, % mydateget71llKear0 0.


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    +reates an image that is not visible but is stored in cache. Setting the src attribute of the

    image causes the image to be loaded and stored in the browser's cache$

    var myimage = new 5mage0.

    myimagesrc = ,thinggif,.

    "ow each time I want to change an image on the page I can

    saydoc1ment&,imagename,*src = myimagesrc.and the image will change without

    having to wait for the new image to load.


    +reates an option that can be added into a select input for e#ample$

    var myoption = new 8ption,text,2,val1e,0.

    select5np1toptions&select5np1toptionslength* = myoption.

    See the section on '+reating ob4ects'for how to create your own ob4ects that are not one of the pre-

    defined ob4ect types. ,6 compliant browsers will provide far more ob4ect types - these will be

    covered in later chapters of this tutorial.

    Deleting properties

    6n several occasions here I have created properties for ob4ects. 3ven if these are set to undefined

    or null they still e#ist holding that new value and will be found using the for-in control structure. *ou

    can delete them completely by using the 'delete' !eyword$

    delete my8bjectitsCroperty.

    6f course unless you have serious computer memory considerations or security ris!s it is usually

    not necessary to do this at all since JavaScript engines clean up after themselves once the variable

    is no longer referenced.

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    $voiing errors with variables

    If at any time you refer to a variable that does not e#ist you will cause an error. owever JavaScript

    allows you to refer to one level of undefined child properties of an ob4ect. This is a very important

    rule to learn as it forms the basis of ob4ect and capability detection and is fundamental to ma!ing

    cross browser scripts. The following series of e#amples will demonstrate what will throw errors$

    var my8bject = new 8bject02 non8bject = ,,2 non8bject4.

    This sets everything up for the following e#amples. So far everything is fine but in the code below b

    is undefined. This will cause an error$

    var a = b% @.

    In the ne#t e#ample the parent ob4ect has been defined but its property has not. Since this is only

    one level of undefined properties this is allowed and will not cause an error$

    var b = my8bjectmy'hild.

    In the ne#t e#ample the parent ob4ect has been defined but its property has not. Trying to refer to a

    child of the non e#istent property means there are now two levels of undefined properties. This will

    cause an error$

    b = my8bjectmy'hildits'hild.

    In the ne#t e#ample the parent ob4ect has been defined but it is a type of variable that cannot

    accept child properties. Trying to create a child property will not throw an error since it is only one

    level of undefined properties. owever it will not do anything since the new property will be


    non8bjectits'hild = .


    //This will alert ,1ndefined,

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    In the ne#t e#ample the parent ob4ect has been declared but it was not given a value. As a result it

    holds the value undefined. Trying to refer to a child property means there are now two levels of

    undefined properties and will throw an error$

    non8bject4its'hild= .

    &eferencing a variable or "ust its value

    If you assign one variable to another there are cases where this merely copies the value in one

    variable and 'pastes' it into the other but there are also cases where instead of copying the variable

    it 4ust provides you with a new way to reference that variable. The following is an e#ample of where

    this might occur$

    var myAew+ariable = my8ld+ariable.

    If my8ld+ariablewas already defined as a string number boolean null or undefined it would

    simply have copied my8ld+ariableand 'pasted' it into myAew+ariable. If the new variable were

    changed 0for e#ample using myAew+ariable = ,some new val1e,.1 my8ld+ariableretains its old


    If on the other hand my8ld+ariablewas already defined as a function array ob4ect or

    optionmyAew+ariablewould have been created as a pointer to my8ld+ariable. The children of

    my6ld(ariable would now also be the children of my"ew(ariable. If the new variable were changed

    0for e#ample usingmyAew+ariable = ,some new val1e,.1 it would only alter the value

    of myAew+ariableso that it no longer references the same contents as my8ld+ariable. owever

    changing the child properties ofmyAew+ariablewill change the properties of the ob4ect it

    references and as a result my8ld+ariablewould also see the change$

    var my8ld+ariable = new 8bject0.

    var myAew+ariable = my8ld+ariable.

    myAew+ariablenew'hild = ,-ello,.


    //This will alert ,-ello,

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    More about numbers

    JavaScript understands numbers in several formats allowing you to specify numbers in he#

    decimal and octal. If a G precedes a number and there is no number higher than the number is

    considered to be in octal 0base L1 and if the number is preceded by G# then it is considered to be in

    he# 0base

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    Special string characters

    There are a few string characters that can be escaped with a bac!slash and can be used to replace

    untypeable characters. These are$


    A newline character. @se this if you want to insert a line brea! into te#t.


    A form feed. Try not to use this ever. @se Rn instead.


    A carriage return. Try not to use this ever. @se Rn instead.


    A tab character.


    A R character


    A & character 0most web developers Pmyself included on occasionQ forget this one - generallybrowsers will have no trouble with you forgetting the bac!slash but it is important for

    representing closing tags and in theory you should always use the bac!slash escape when

    writing a forward slash - see the section on )riting with scriptfor details of where it is


    If you need to recognise a )indows linebrea! you need to loo! for RrRn. If you are trying to add a

    linebrea! 0for e#ample when modifying the value of a te#tarea input1 you should insert a Rn

    character. This will wor! cross browser. "ote that browsers on )indows may convert this Rn

    character into a RrRn automatically depending on where you use it.

    6ld ac 6perating Systems 06S D and below1 used Rr for linebrea!s but as far as my tests showed

    they are converted to Rn by JavaScript. owever 4ust be aware that you may encounter some of

    these especially in te#t inputs 0ac 6S D is still popular among ac users - probably a little less

    than HG of the ac mar!et1. @ni# based 6perating Systems 0including ac 6S 91 use Rn for


  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    If you are writing a string that contains double %uotes the easiest way to deal with it is to surround it

    with single %uotes. *ou should also use double %uotes if your string contains single %uotes$

    var mystring = ,)nd he said "help" twice,.

    var mystring = "-elp )ndy,s cat".

    *ou may notice a problem. )hat if you have both single and double %uotes in your string The

    solution is to use the escape character 'R' to e#cape the %uotes 0in fact you can always escape

    %uotes even if the string is delimited by the other type of %uotes1. For e#ample both of the following

    are valid$

    var mystring = ,)nd he said "help )ndyL,s cat" twice,.

    var mystring = ")nd he said L"help )ndy,s catL" twice".

    If your string becomes too long to fit on one line 0this really doesn't matter - you can ma!e the te#t as

    long as you want1 and you want to split it onto several lines simply end the string follow it with the

    concatenation operator and start a new string on the ne#t line$

    var mystring = ,first line of the string , %

    ,still on the first line of the string $ itL,s li!e we never bro!e the line,.

    "ote in theory you can use R to brea! the string$

    var mystring = ,li!e L


    ut this has significant problems2 the R will not always cope with trailing whitespace may or may not

    correctly treat the leading whitespace before the new line and does not wor! correctly in all

    JavaScript implementations$

    "etscape 0inventors of JavaScript1 3scape 6pera .M- and I+3browser include the

    linebrea!s in the string.

    Internet 3#plorer o7illa&FireFo# 6pera L Safari&Uon%ueror i+ab and 6mni)eb ignore

    the linebrea! characters.

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    I+3browser sometimes ignores the whole string

    I mention this only for completeness. ,o not use it. It is easier and better to use the concatenation

    operator as shown above.

    &egular expressions

    6pera -M has a ma4or bug in its regular e#pression handling and will fail on even the simplest regular


    5oc!et Internet 3#plorer Internet 3#plorer for )indows +3 and i+ab =- do not support regular e#pressions


    +ertain methods li!e the string8bjectreplace0and string8bjectmatch0methods can

    recognise patterns in te#t. To do this they use regular e#pressions. These are well

    documented elsewhereso I will not describe the synta# here. asically what you can do is use

    special characters to recognise te#t patterns 0li!e Rw for characters a-7 A-V G-D and W1. To define a

    collection of characters as a regular e#pression you use the & character 0sometimes with a g or i

    after it1. For e#ample the regular e#pression /L/L&LwLM*LL//matches bloc! comments.

    Some rare browsers do not support regular e#pressions. In theory you should be able to detect

    regular e#pression support using this$

    if windowNegOxp 0 F var myNeg1larOxpression = new NegOxp"pattern"0. G

    This should not produce errors in 5oc!et Internet 3#plorer and Internet 3#plorer for )indows +3 0as

    they do not understand the &pattern&options synta# or support the ;eg3#p ob4ect1. owever as

    6pera M- and i+ab =- support the ;eg3#p ob4ect but fail to use it correctly your scripts will still fail

    though hopefully without errors. Than!fully current releases of 6pera and i+ab do support regular

    e#pressions correctly.

    ontrol structures

    The 1if1 statement

    if my+ariable == 4 0 F

    my+ariable = 9.

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    G else F

    my+ariable = :.


    If my(ariable had been = it would now be

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    avoiding this synta#. It ma!es your code harder to read especially if you start nesting your control

    structures. It also ma!es it easy to forget to put them in when you needed them and also ma!es

    debugging code much harder since you will need to go bac! through your code to add them so that

    you can add e#tra debugging tests. It is best to always use the curly braces even if they are


    As always there is an e#ception. "ested 'if' statements li!e this can start to get difficult to manage$

    if my+ariable == 4 0 F

    my+ariable = 9.

    G else F

    if my+ariable == @ 0 F

    my+ariable = ;.

    G else F

    my+ariable = ?.



    y strategically removing curly braces that can usefully be reduced to this construct 0which you mayrecognise from other programming languages1 - note that 'else if' is notwritten as 'elseif'$

    if my+ariable == 4 0 F

    my+ariable = 9.

    G else if my+ariable == @ 0 F

    my+ariable = ;.

    G else F

    my+ariable = ?.


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    The 1for1 loop

    This is one of the most common constructs in use. Typically it is used to cycle through the contents

    of an array or to create a specific number of new ob4ects but it can do many more useful things if

    needed. The synta# of the 'for' loop is as follows$

    for starting3initialise. contin1e3as3long3as3condition. do3this3each3time 0


    This is where you define new variables that you will use in the loop typically for use with

    incremental counting. As with all variables you must declare them 0if you have not done so

    already1. *ou can define multiple variables if needed using$

    var my+ariable9 = val1e2 my+ariable4 = another3val1e.

    These variables are not restricted to being inside the 'for' loop and will be available to all

    code after the loop 0in the same scope as the loop1.


    This is where you define the conditons under which the loop should continue to e#ecute. The

    synta# is e#actly the same as for the 'if' statement so you can apply more than one continue

    condition by using the BB or XX operators$

    my+ariable9 = :.

    If the condition is not satisfied when the for loop begins then it will never loop through it.


    6nce the end of the loop is reached it will do whatever you tell it to here. Typically this is

    used to increment or decrement a stepping variable and it is possible to perform actions on

    more than one variable by separating them with a comma$

    my+ariable9%%2 my+ariable4 $= ?

    The following is a full e#ample.

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    for var my+ariable = 9. my+ariable

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    The 1while1 loop

    The 'while' loop is identical in behaviour to the 'for' loop only without the initial setup and loop-end

    actions. It will continue to run as long as the condition is satisfied$

    var my+ariable = 9.

    while my+ariable

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    do F

    my)rray&my+ariable* = 9.


    G while my+ariable

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    If a case is satisfied the code beyond that case will also be e#ecuted unless the brea! statement is

    used. In the above e#ample if my(ar is

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    x = ro1nd RA4 % O % pow y2 ? 0 0.


    "ote that the 'with' statement brings e#tra variable names into the current scope. In the e#ampleabove if I already had a variable called powbefore the 'with' statement this variable would be

    unavailable inside the with statement as it would have been replaced by the method of

    the Hathob4ect 0as would any other variables that matched property or method names1. 6nce the

    'with' statement is complete the old variables would become available again.

    The 3uick 1if1 statement

    This is !nown as the conditional or ternary operator and is an easy way to assign different values toa variable depending on a condition.

    var my+ariable = doc1mentgetOlementy5d 9 6 :.

    This is identical to$

    if doc1mentgetOlementy5d 0 F

    var my+ariable = 9.

    G else F

    var my+ariable = :.


    The tr! 2 catch 2 finall! statement

    "etscape Internet 3#plorer and )ebT( do not support this structure and will produce errors if you use


    The 'try - catch - finally' control stucture allows you to detect errors and %uietly deal with them

    without producing error messages or aborting the script and in fact without even interrupting the

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    flow of the script that is running. This ma!es it superior to the original way of handling script errors

    0without error messages1 where scripts are completely aborted$

    windowonerror = referenceTo71nction.

    The synta# of the 'try - catch - finally' control stucture is as follows$

    try F

    //do something that might ca1se an error

    G catch myOrror 0 F

    //if an error occ1rs2 this code will be r1n

    //two properties will by defa1lt0 be available on the

    //object passed to the statement

    alert myOrrorname % ,6 , % myOrrormessage 0.

    G finally F

    //optional $ this code will always be r1n before the

    //control str1ct1re ends2 even if yo1 rethrow the error

    //in the catch


    If an error occurs in the 'try' section it immediately 4umps to the 'catch' part passing some

    information about the error. ,ifferent browsers provide different information for the same error so

    don't trust it 0in theory ,6 browsers will use a specific set of error types but this depends on their

    level of ,6 support - Internet 3#plorer is the least compliant here1. 6nce the 'try' or 'catch' parts

    have been run the 'finally' part is run if you have provided one then the script following the control

    structure is run unless you throw another error.

    If you nest these statements 0one 'try - catch' inside another1 you can rethrow the error from the

    'catch' part of the inner statement to the 'catch' part of the outer statement 0the 'finally' part - if there

    is one - would still be run before the outer 'catch' is run but the script following the inner structure

    will not be run1. This is done using the ,throw,method$

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    //some other code goes in here

    try F

    var a = nonexistb. //this will prod1ce an error

    G catchmyOrror0 F

    //this catches the error and alerts the message

    alert myOrrormessage 0.

    //re$throw the error 1p to the o1ter try $ catch

    throw myOrror 0.


    //some other code goes in here

    G catch myOrror8bject 0 F

    //5 re$threw the first error2 so this is the same error object

    //the message sho1ld be the same

    alert myOrror8bjectmessage 0.


    *ou can also throw your own errors at any point by creating an ob4ect with the re%uired properties

    and passing it as the parameter when using throw$


    var myOr = new 8bject0.

    myOrname = ,Hy error,.

    myOrmessage = ,Ko1 did something 5 didnL,t li!e,.

    throw myOr 0.

    G catch detectedOrror 0 F

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    alert detectedOrrorname % ,Ln, % detectedOrrormessage 0.


    'hat is wrong with it4

    It's lac! of support in older browsers is its ma4or failing. Than!fully these browsers are hardly used

    any more. It would be very useful to use this structure detect errors in "etscape 0li!e the 'this'

    !eyword inline method bug- for e#ample - there are lots more errors1 but that browser does not

    support the statement. It would also be useful for chec!ing for stupid bugs li!e where chec!ing for

    something li!e navigatortaintOnabledcauses errors in Internet 3#plorer. owever the error is

    not correctly thrown for these errors.

    @nfortunately if you use this structure in any script run by a browser that does not support it the

    browser will abort the entire script with errors even if it does not use the part containing the


    It should never be used to detect if a browser supports a method or property

    li!edoc1mentgetOlementy5das a proper ob4ect detect would suffice.

    So when shoul it be use4

    It can be used for ):+ ,6 scripting where you may want to avoid ,6 mutation errors 0for

    e#ample1 which are valid errors but serve to warn you not to do something and do not always need

    to abort the whole script. 6lder browsers do not support the ,6 anyway so it doesn't matter if they

    don't understand this part of it. owever they will still run the script 0it is not possible to protect them

    by using the language attribute on the script tag as you need to use JavaScript

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    try F


    G catch e 0 F



    )onitionals without a conition4

    *ou may notice in the e#ample for >The %uic! 'if' statement> that I tested for a property without

    testing for any specific value$ 'if doc1mentgetOlementy5d 0'

    That is valid and is one of the most useful parts of JavaScript. This is a very important rule to learn

    as it forms the basis of ob4ect and capability detection and is fundamental to ma!ing cross browser

    scripts. This will be true if$

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d #= "" PP

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d #= : PP

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d #= false PP

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d #= 1ndefined PP

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d #= n1ll

    The opposite is also possible$ 'if #doc1mentgetOlementy5d 0'

    This will be true if$

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d == "" QQ

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d == : QQ

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d == false QQ

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d == 1ndefined QQ

    doc1mentgetOlementy5d == n1ll

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    @sing this you can detect one type of capability and if it fails detect another type and continue until

    you find one that wor!s.

    *ou can also do this anywhere where a condition is e#pected such as with the 'while' loop condition

    the'do - while' loop condition and the 'continueWasWlongWasWcondition' in the for loop.

    )hecking for properties with 1in1

    )ebT( crashes if you use the 'in' operator to chec! for a property that does not e#ist.

    "etscape Internet 3#plorer H.G- on )indows and Internet 3#plorer on ac cannot use the 'in' operator as

    shown here.

    The 'in' operator used in the 'for - in' loop has another purpose. It can also be used to chec! for the

    e#istence of named properties of an ob4ect. In most cases it is best to use a conditional without acondition as shown above. owever there are some cases where you want to test for the e#istence

    of a property even thought the property's value may be one that does not evaluate to true. An

    e#ample would be where you want to chec! for the e#istence of a property whose value may be G or

    an empty string or null.

    If you !now what the type of the property will be it is possible to achieve this using identity

    operators or thetypeofoperator as shown here$

    if typeof doc1mentbodyinner-THR 0 == ,string, 0 F

    owever it is also possible to use the 'in' operator to test for a property. This allows you to test for

    its e#istence no matter what value it currently holds and no matter what type of value it currently

    has 0even if it has been assigned a value of 1ndefined1. In the 'for - in' loop the 'in' operator

    returned the name of properties as a string and so here it e#pects the name to be a string. This

    limits the usefulness a little as it can only search for the name and cannot be used to see if one of

    the properties holds a specific value or value type.

    if ,inner-THR, in doc1mentbody 0 F

    "ote that this is around =G times slower in Internet 3#plorer than the conditional without a condition

    as shown above. In most other browsers the two alternatives perform about the same. In general I

    consider it best to use the more common alternatives unless you have a specific use that needs the

    behaviour of the 'in' operator.

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    $ssignments insie a conitional

    JavaScript allows you to perform an assignment at the same time as testing if the assignment

    wor!ed. This can be used inside any conditional including inside an 'if' 'for' 'while' and 'do - while'.

    if x = doc1mentgetOlementy5d,mydiv,0 0 FG

    do F

    alert nodetagAame 0.

    G while node = nodeparentAode 0.

    "ote that Internet 3#plorer on ac will produce an error if you try to do this with an array when it

    steps off the end of the array.

    )ontinue an break statements an labels


    /abels are used to name the 'while' 'do - while' 'for' 'for - in' and 'switch' control structures. The

    synta# used is$


    'ontrol Str1ct1re

    /abels are very rarely used in JavaScript.

    The break statement

    )riting brea! inside a switch for for-in while or do - while control structure will cause the program

    to 4ump to the end of the statement. If you 4ust use for e#ample$

    for var x = 9. x < @. x%% 0 F

    var y = 9.

    while y < 0 F

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    if y == @ 0 F brea!. G




    The script will 4ump past the end of the while loop when y is H. ut if you use this$


    for var x = 9. x < @. x%% 0 F

    var y = 9.

    while y < 0 F


    if y == @ 0 F brea! my7orRoop. G




    The script will 4ump past the end of the for loop when y is H.

    The continue statement

    )riting continue inside a 'for' 'for - in' 'while' or 'do - while' control structure will cause the program

    to 4ump to the test condition of the structure and re-evaluate it having performed any

    'doWthisWeachWtime' instructions. If you 4ust use this for e#ample$

    for var x = 9. x < @. x%% 0 F

    var y = 9.

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    while y < 0 F


    if y == @ 0 F contin1e. G




    This script will 4ump to the test condition of the while loop when y is H so H will never be written but M

    and will be. If you use this instead$


    for var x = 9. x < @. x%% 0 F

    var y = 9.

    while y < 0 F


    if y == @ 0 F contin1e my7orRoop. G




    ere the script will increment # as part of the for loop and then re-evaluate the for condition.

    !riting wit" script

    e careful when writing with script. If script is not available that content will not be created. *ou

    should limit your use of this to parts of the page that are not needed to access page content. If you

    do write important parts of the page that are unavailable without scripting you should

    use tags to provide an alternative.

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    'riting while the page is still loaing

    If your code is being e#ecuted while the page is still loading 0in other words if it is run as part of the

    initial page layout1 put the following$


    Mhat ever yo1 want to write,0.


    Mhat ever yo1 want to write,0.

    //writeln p1ts a line brea! after the line

    //This is treated as a line brea! in the so1rce of -THR

    It will write whatever you put in whatever part of the page the script is currently running. 6f course

    you can include T/ tags in there too or some pre-programming.

    "ote that if you write content using an event handler 0such as the onload handler for an image1 it

    will be treated as if the page has completed loading even if it has not.

    'riting after the page has loae

    After the page has completed loading the rules change. Instead of adding content to the page it will

    replace the page. To do this you should firstly open the document stream 0most browsers will

    automatically do this for you if you 4ust start writing1. Then you should write what you want and

    finally you should close the document stream. Again most browsers will automatically close the

    stream for you. The notable e#ception here is the o7illa&Firefo# family of browsers that will

    continue to show a loading graphic until you close the stream. Some other browsers may fail to

    render part or all of the content. Just to be safe ma!e sure you always close the stream.



    Mhat ever yo1 want to write,0.


    Hore st1ff yo1 want to write,0.

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    That will remove everything that is currently being shown and replace it with what you write in there.This is the e%uivalent of moving the user to a completely new page. *ou should put Ehtml tags and

    things li!e that in there too if you want to use that method.

    *ou may notice that I close my T/ tags inside the script with a bac!slash before the forward

    slash in the closing tag. This is a re%uirement of the specification 0and can cause the T/ validator

    not to validate your page if you forget it1 although all browsers will understand if you omit the


    owever since you can write T/ with script you can write style or even script tags with it

    ma!ing one script import another. If you omit the bac!slash on any E&script tags that you are writingwith the script the browser will read that as the closing tag for the current script and your script will


    The same applies to opening or closing comments 0although I fail to see why you would want to

    write comments using a script1. These can be written as ,,. )hen the script

    runs the plus sign tells it to append the strings creating a valid T/ comment.

    0roblems with ol browsers

    Although not really in use any more you may want to be nice to older browsers li!e "etscape . If

    using doc1mentwriteto dynamically write a div element do notgive the div an inline style with

    left$ or top$ positioning. This will cause "etscape to fail completely and be unrecoverable without

    careful use of dialogs and tas! !ills.

    Also "etscape will completely fail to load if you attempt to use this method to create a and instead you should use the unnofficial tag. *ou can use

    if doc1mentlayers 0to detect if the layer tag should be used.

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    !riting #unctions

    +eneral s!ntax

    5re-alpha versions of T!html v: do not correctly interpret the Function class constructor.

    Functions group together script code2 control structures operations method calls etc. in the same

    way as a normal script. These functions can then be called when needed and the code contained

    within them will be run. This ma!es it very easy to reuse code without having to repeat it within your


    Functions are defined using one of these constructs$

    "ormal function construct

    f1nction name8f71nctionlist8f+ariableAames0 F

    f1nction code sho1ld be written here


    Anonymous function assigned to a variable

    @sing this synta# for ob4ect methods in early "etscape versions will cause problems with

    the 'this' !eyword due to bugs.

    name8f71nction = f1nction list8f+ariableAames0 F

    f1nction code sho1ld be written here


    "ormal function construct assigned to a variable

    name8f71nction = f1nction anotherAame7orThe71nctionlist8f+ariableAames0 F

    f1nction code sho1ld be written here


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    "ote that in this particular case because the function is being assigned and not defined

    normally the name anotherAame7orThe71nctioncan be used by the code inside the

    function to refer to the function itself but the code outside the function cannot see it at all

    0note that some browsers mainly Internet 3#plorer do not implement this correctly so you

    should not rely on it - it is better to usearg1mentscalleeas shown below1.

    The Function class constructor

    f1nctionAame = new 71nction"f1nction code sho1ld be written here"0.

    This construct evaluates the code as a string and is much slower than assigning anonymous

    functions. It should only be used in places where it is actually needed.

    The Function class constructor with parameters

    f1nctionAame = new 71nction"varAame"2"varAame4"2"etc"2"f1nction code"0.

    See the section on ';eferencing'subsection 'Avoiding referencing conflicts'to see how to choose

    names for your functions.

    Functions are called using one of these$



    objectonOventAame = name8f71nction.

    )hen created using the normal function construct the definition does not have to appear at the start

    of the script 0though it is usually best to do so for the sa!e of clarity1. It can even be defined after the

    the code that calls it. In most cases no matter where you choose to define your function the

    JavaScript engine will create the function at the start of the currentscope.

    "ote that you should never create a function using the normal function construct inside an 'if'

    statement 0or any e%uivalent control structure1$

    if some'ondition 0 F

    f1nction f1nctionAame0 F

    this will not wor! in most browsers

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial




    This is permitted by o7illa's JavaScript

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial



    This function when called will set the value of a te#t input to whatever value of passvar was as long

    as passvar was not blan!.

    As an e#ample part of my html will contain this$

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    windowalertvariable90. //alerts @

    windowalertarg1ments&:*0. //alerts @

    windowalertvariable40. //alerts

    windowalertarg1ments&9*0. //alerts

    windowalertarg1ments&4*0. //alerts

    windowalertf1nctionAamearg1ments&;*0. //alerts



    The arg1mentscollection also has a very useful property2 arg1mentscallee. This is a referenceto the function itself meaning that code running inside an anonymous function can still obtain a

    reference to the function that is being run. This property is not available in some older browsers.

    ,sing the return statement

    The return statement causes a function to stop e#ecuting at that point. The code that called the

    function will still continue to e#ecute.

    f1nction doMhatever0 F

    var apod = Hathpow;20.


    //the following code will not be exec1ted2

    //no matter what

    apod = ;?.

    if :: ;

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    G else F

    windowalert,The script has made a mista!e,0.



    The following is an e#ample of using the return statement to return a variable from a function$

    f1nction append'ommentpassvar0 F

    //in this case2 5 have passed a string variable and 5 ret1rn

    //a string variable 5 co1ld ret1rn any variable type 5 want

    passvar %= , witho1t yo1r help,.

    ret1rn passvar.


    var myString = append'omment,5 did it,0.

    //myString is now ,5 did it witho1t yo1r help,

    "ote that if you need your code to wor! in older browsers it is important to ma!e sure that if the

    return statement is used to return a value you must ensure that in all cases the function returns a

    value or some "etscape versions will produce errors.

    Ta!e for e#ample the action of fading. I want to write the same thing repeatedly slowly fading from

    one colour to another. ;ather than having to calculate this manually I want to run some script that

    calculates the fade for me. The script will run nicely as part of a function where the function returns

    the ne#t colour at each step which I can then use. This is useful because I can then use the same

    function to produce a variation of the same effect later on based on different parameters.

    f1nction fade'olo1r fromcol2 tocol2 fadeCortion 0 F

    //in the format fade'olo1r ,ff::U,2 ,fe:U;?,2 :4; 0

    var o7 = &*2 oT = &*2 oC = &*.

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    var o- = &,:,2,9,2,4,2,;,2,?,2,@,2,,2,,2,,2,U,2,a,2,b,2,c,2,d,2,e,2,f,*.

    //get the red2 green and bl1e s1bstrings

    for var x = :. x < ;. x%% 0 F

    // and convert them from hex into decimal

    o7&x* = eval ,:x, % fromcols1bstring 4 x2 4 x 0 % 4 0 0.

    oT&x* = eval ,:x, % tocols1bstring 4 x2 4 x 0 % 4 0 0.

    // add on the reV1ired portion of difference between the two

    oC&x* = Hathro1nd o7&x* % oT&x* $ o7&x* 0 fadeCortion 0 0.

    // and convert it bac! into hex

    oC&x* = o-& oC&x* $ oC&x* 9 0 0 / 9 * % o-& oC&x* 9 *.


    // and p1t them bac! together again as a colo1r string

    ret1rn ,W, % oCjoin,,0.


    for var y = :. y < 9:. y%% 0 F

    //in 9: steps2 fade the colo1r $ also see the section on writing with script

    doc1mentwrite ,7ade# , 0.


    for var y = :. y < 94. y%% 0 F

    //in 94 steps2 fade the colo1r

    doc1mentwrite ,7ade# , 0.

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    !arning if you are returning a value from a function do not call the function directly from the

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    inside thesamplefunction has access to them. The samplefunction is also global since it is not

    inside any other functions. If any other piece of code changes the contents of those variables then

    every other part of the code now sees the new contents. As a result the alert here will show ''

    since the value held by the global variable is changed when the function is run.

    (ariable dis defined inside the samplefunction so it is not global. It is in the local scope of the

    function. )hat that means is that only the code inside the function can see it. +ode outside the

    function does not even !now it e#ists. This happens with any function. They have the ability to create

    their own scopes and their own local variables without them interfering with variables located in the

    global scope. (ariable names written in the brac!ets of the function definition are also created as

    variables in the local scope 0and the same applies to the arg1mentscollection1$

    f1nction samplemyvar0 F

    //myvar is now a variable in the local scope




    "ow try this modification to the earlier code$

    var a = 92 b = 42 c = ;.

    f1nction sample0 F

    var a2 d.

    a = .




    ere the variable ais redefined inside the function. ecause it is declared using the var!eyword it

    becomes a local instance of a variable. 3ven though it shares the same name as a global variable

    the two are completely independent. The changes made to that variable inside the function only

    affect the local variable not the global one. As a result the alert will show '

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    "ow imagine that the code inside the function wants to reference the global variable ,a,instead of

    the local one. The global scope is special. In JavaScript the global scope can be referenced using

    the name,window,. The code inside the function can use windowato reference the

    global ,a,variable. Incidentally this is why methods li!e alert can be called using

    either alertor windowalert since these methods are globally available 0unless they are

    overwritten in the current scope of course1.

    Neste functions

    It is possible to create functions inside other functions. Simply declare another function inside the

    code of an e#isting function$

    var a = 92 b = 42 c = ;.

    f1nction sample0 F

    var a2 d2 e.

    f1nction anothersample0 F

    var e2 f.





    In that e#ample the anothersamplefunction only e#ists inside the samplefunction and it can only

    be called by the code inside the samplefunction. +ode outside that function does not even !now it

    e#ists. The scopes are also nested so the code inside the anothersamplefunction has access

    to band c from the global scope aand dfrom the samplescope and then eand ffrom its own

    local scope. It can also use windowato reference the variable afrom the global scope.

    6f course if you assign a reference to the nested function to a global variable then the function can

    be accessed globally through that variable. There is not much point in doing that here but it

    becomes very useful when creating ob4ect methods 0these will be covered in detail in a later


  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial


    Scopes have memor!

    Scopes are actually very clever since they persist over time. Imagine that the code inside a function

    creates a local variable. It also creates an event handler function that will be triggered when the user

    clic!s a lin!$

    f1nction sample0 F

    var a = 4:.

    doc1mentlin!s&:*onclic! = f1nction 0 F





    The action that calls the event handler 0inner1 function happens much later a long time after the

    script that created it has finished running. owever the variable ,a,has survived so the alert will

    display the number =G.

    ,sing scope to prevent conflicts

    Imagine that you are running a script that uses many global variable and function names. *ou want

    to put another script on the same page but there is a chance that the two scripts will use the same

    variable names as each other and may conflict. It is easy to wor!around this problem by putting the

    code from each script inside a function and running the function. That way the local scope provided

    by the function will protect the variables overwriting each other in the global scope. "ote that when

    doing this it is veryimportant that you remember to declare your variables properly.

    The easy way to do this without creating a global function is to create an anonymous function and

    enclosing it in parenthesis 0internally the engine will then replace that entire construct with the

    function reference1. *ou can then use the open-close parenthesis to run it immediately. This

    construct may loo! a little odd but it wor!s$

    f1nction 0 F

    //C1t yo1r script code in here

  • 8/13/2019 38954115 Javascript Tutorial



    ,sing neste function scope to preserve instantaneous values

    This is an advanced topic that iscovered in its own articlegiven below.

    $"e problem

    This problem is encountered with event handlers and in other situations such as when adding

    methods to an ob4ect. ost )eb authors first encounter it with event handlers so that is what this

    article will concentrate on but you should be aware that it also applies to those other situations.

    In JavaScript whether using traditional event handlers or ,6 events event handlers are attached

    to their relevant ob4ect as a reference to the function. In standards compliant browsers when the

    event fires the function is e#ecuted as a method of the ob4ect and passed a single parameter2 the

    event ob4ect. In Internet 3#plorer it is not passed any parameters at all$

    f1nction myhandlere0 F


    mydivonclic! = myhandler.

    mydiv4addOventRistener ,clic!,2 myhandler2 false 0.

    There are many occasions when it is desirable to pass a local variable to the handler function. An

    e#ample would be when looping through a list of elements and assigning the same event handler to

    each of them but needing to pass a uni%ue identifier to each handler so it can always reference the

    inde# of the element within a collection. *ou may also want to pass an ob4ect not 4ust an inde#.

    5erhaps this would be a reference to another element that is relevant to the handler.

    The obvious desire is to try something li!e this$

    mydivonclic! = myhandleri2myobject0.

    owever this does not wor!. )hat it will do is immediately e#ecute the handler as a normal function

    passing it the variables. Then whatever the function returns even if that is a string or perhaps

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    nothing at all is assigned as a property of the element with the name of the event handler. 6bviously

    this will not wor! correctly as an event handler.

    There are three main ways to overcome the problem. The first two are the most common but have

    limitations. The third is one of the most complete solutions but is not very common. The

    demonstrations are all prepared assuming the following e#ample algorithm$

    f1nction myf1nction0 F

    var paras = doc1mentgetOlementsyTagAame,p,0.

    var spans = doc1mentgetOlementsyTagAame,span,0.

    for var i = :. i < paraslength. i%% 0 F

    paras&i*onclic! = f1nction e0 F

    //ass1me that here2 we want to !now

    // $ what the val1e of i was for this element

    // $ the span that corresponds to spans&i*
