38 - sat am 2 - roy-chaudhry - bench to beside - future of av … · 2018. 4. 1. · •clinicalt...

Disclosures Consultant/AdvisoryBoard: W L Gore, M edtronic, BardPeripheralVascular,CookM edical,Akebia, T VA FounderandChiefScientificOfficer: Inovasc Grant/ResearchSupport: NIH,VA, Universityof Arizona, NSF ClinicalTrialSupport: N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularTherapies, Proteon,Cormedix

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Page 1: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix


•Consultant/A dvisory Board:W L Gore,M edtronic,BardP eripheralVascular,CookM edical,A kebia,T VA

•FounderandChiefS cientificO fficer:Inovasc

•Grant/R esearchS upport:N IH,VA ,U niversity ofA rizona,N S F

•ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,A kebia,A bbvie,Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Corm edix

Page 2: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

T heFutureofDialysisVascularA ccess

Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, MD, PhD, FACP, FRCP (Edin)University of Arizona and SAVAHCS



GP /P CP %%Early%referral%to%%


Vein%preserva7on%(GFR %=%30)%R efer%for%m apping%and%

surgery%(GFR %=%20)%

S urgeon%decision%

on%type%of%A VF%

P lacem ent%of%A VF%in%the%O R %

A VF%follow %up%at%4I6%

w eeks%

R eferral%for%angioplasty/surgery%


?%R eady%to%use;%Expert%cannulator%

S uccessful%A VF%

+ +


+ +

Page 3: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

T heFutureofDialysisVascularA ccess:of value, quality and outcomes

Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, MD, PhD, FACP, FRCP (Edin)University of Arizona and SAVAHCS



GP /P CP %%Early%referral%to%%


Vein%preserva7on%(GFR %=%30)%R efer%for%m apping%and%

surgery%(GFR %=%20)%

S urgeon%decision%

on%type%of%A VF%

P lacem ent%of%A VF%in%the%O R %

A VF%follow %up%at%4I6%

w eeks%

R eferral%for%angioplasty/surgery%


?%R eady%to%use;%Expert%cannulator%

S uccessful%A VF%

+ +


+ +

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Volum e Value

Individual P opulation

FFS Global

Page 5: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix



O utcom es


Page 6: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

P oorValueinvascularaccesscare

P oorValue

BadO utcom es


Page 7: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

How do we improve VALUE invascular access care = INNOVATION

T echnology innovation

P rocessofcareinnovation

Page 8: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

T echnology Innovation

EverL inqHum acyte


A rtery

Vonapanitase L utonix

Page 9: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

Lutonix drug eluting balloon for AVF stenosisimproves patency at 8 months (p=0.04)

P resentedby S cottT rerotolaatL IN C

N odifferenceat6m onths


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P rocessofcareinnovation(70% ofVA dysfunctionisduetoprocessofcareissues)

S urgeondecision


P lacem entofAVFintheO R


w eeks

R eferralforangioplasty/surgery


? R eady touse;Expertcannulator

S uccessfulAVF

Veinpreservation(GFR = 30)R eferform appingand

surgery (GFR = 20)

GP /P CPEarly referralto


Page 11: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix



O utcom es


Page 12: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

Precision medicine approach topopulation health

•N ew technology thatw orks

•U seitoneveryone

Very effective in 30%

Somewhat effective or have no effect in 60%

Have a negative effect in 10%

•Ifyou w anttoincreasevalueyou havetouseitonly inthosepatientslikely torespond

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P recisionm edicineapproach


O utcom es

CostP redictthenaturalhistory ofvascularaccess


Page 14: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

Real world evidence generation forvascular access

•Com ingtogetheroftheclinicalcareandclinicalresearchenterprises

•S tandardofcareclinicaldatathatisgeneratedevery day isusedforclinicalresearchandprocessofcareim provem ent(learninghealthsystem )

Page 15: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

Real world evidence generation could beparticularly suited to vascular access

HealthcareP rovider

O rganization(HP O )

L argeDialysisO rganizations

(HDU )

VascularA ccess


• M ostdialysisvascularaccesseventsoccurintheHP O ,HDU ortheVAC

• Hightech.settingsw ithphysicians,nurses,dieticians,technicians,highquality EHRsystem sw ithinnationalchains

P atients(subjects)areseenrepeatedly

Page 16: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

O verallVisionandGoal

•Createatripartitepartnershipbetw eenHP O ’s,L DO ’sandVAC’s

• L everagetheirintrinsicEM R andsam plesizestrengthstocollectstandardizedvascularaccessdatafieldsacrosstheentirespectrum ofvascularaccesscare(creation/m aintenance/abandonm ent)

•Developuniform datastandardsonclinical,dem ographic,biologicalandprocessofcareparam eters

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Benefitsofdevelopingsuchacom prehensiveR EA L T IM Edataset

• Identify clinicaland biologicalpredictorsofdialysisaccesssuccessandfailure(stratify patientsintohighandlow riskgroups)

• Incentivize processofcareinnovationinvascularaccess

• Facilitate pragm aticclinicaltrialsforvascularaccess(interventionw ithacoordinatorinoneunitbutnottheother:clusterrandom ization)

• R ealw orld realtim edatabasetocollectoutcom edataw ithm inim aladditionalcost

Page 18: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

Innovation+ P recisionM edicine= Im provedVA L U E

T echnology

P rocessofCare

VA L U EP recisionM edicineA pproach


Page 19: 38 - Sat AM 2 - Roy-Chaudhry - Bench to Beside - Future of AV … · 2018. 4. 1. · •ClinicalT rialS upport:N IH,Bayer,Akebia,Abbvie, Baxter,VascularT herapies,P roteon,Cormedix

Biodegradable Stent

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Lutonix DEB RCT in AVF (downstream)

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240












T im etoEvent(days)

P T A = 49.4% )

DEB = 61.6%

P ostinterventionprim ary patency at8

m onths

P resentedby S cottT rerotolaatL IN C