
2011.03 / g 198 41 367 128 124 131 31 22 284 60 This manual is to be given to the end user 3742 en - LSA 47.2 - 4 POLES ALTERNATORS Installation and maintenance

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2011.03 / g343100347793497090365466130136371983442841493663675112833124 91131 215348713115306822 284 6260This manual is to be givento the end user3742 en - LSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORSInstallation and maintenance2LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -SAFETY MEASURESBefore using your machine for the frst time, itisimportanttoreadthewholeofthis installation and maintenance manual.All necessary operations and interventions onthismachinemustbeperformedbya qualifed technician.Our technical support service will be pleased toprovideanyadditionalinformationyou may require.Thevariousoperationsdescribedinthis manual are accompanied by recommenda-tionsorsymbolstoalerttheusertothe potential risk of accidents. It is vital that youunderstand and take notice of the different warning symbols used.Warning symbol for an operation capable of damaging or destroying the machine or surrounding equipment. Warningsymbolforgeneraldangerto personnel. Warning symbol for electrical danger to personnel. WARNING SYMBOLSWewishtodrawyourattentiontothe following 2 safety measures which must be complied with:a) During operation, do not allow anyone to stand in front of the air outlet guards, in case anything is ejected from them.b) Do not allow children younger than 14 to go near the air outlet guards.A set of self-adhesive stickers depicting the variouswarningsymbolsisincludedwith this maintenance manual. They should be positioned as shown in the drawing below once the machine has been fully installed.WARNINGThealternatorsmustnotbeputinto service until the machines in which they aretobeincorporatedhavebeen declaredcompliantwithDirectivesEC and plus any other directives that may be applicable.Note: LEROY-SOMER reserves the right to modify the characteristics of its products at anytimeinordertoincorporatethelatest technologicaldevelopments.Theinforma-tioncontainedinthisdocumentmay therefore be changed without notice.Copyright 2005 : MOTEURS LEROY-SOMERThis document is the property of:MOTEURS LEROY SOMER.It may not be reproduced in any form without prior authorization.All brands and models have been registered and patents applied for.WARNINGThis manual concerns the alternator which you have just purchased.We wish to draw your attention to the contents of this maintenance manual. 3LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -CONTENTS1 - RECEIPT ............................................................................................................................ 41.1 - Standards and safety measures ................................................................................... 41.2 - Inspection ..................................................................................................................... 41.3 - Identifcation ................................................................................................................. 41.4 - Storage ........................................................................................................................ 41.5 - Applications .................................................................................................................. 41.6 - Contraindications to use ............................................................................................... 42 - TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................... 52.1 - Electrical characteristics ............................................................................................... 52.2 - Mechanical characteristics ........................................................................................... 53 - INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 63.1 - Assembly ...................................................................................................................... 63.2 - Checks prior to frst use ................................................................................................ 73.3 - Terminal connection diagrams ...................................................................................... 73.4 - Commissioning .......................................................................................................... 103.5 - Setting up ................................................................................................................... 104 - SERVICING - MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... 114.1 - Safety measures ........................................................................................................ 114.2 - Routine maintenance ................................................................................................. 114.3 - Fault detection ............................................................................................................ 114.4 - Mechanical defects .................................................................................................... 124.5 - Electrical faults ........................................................................................................... 124.6 - Dismantling, reassembly ............................................................................................ 144.7 - Installation and maintenance of the PMG ................................................................... 164.8 - Table of characteristics ............................................................................................... 175 - SPARE PARTS ................................................................................................................. 185.1 - First maintenance parts .............................................................................................. 185.2 - Technical support service ........................................................................................... 185.3 - Accessories ................................................................................................................ 185.4 - Exploded views, parts list and tightening torque ......................................................... 19EC declaration of incorporation ......................................................................................... 224LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -1 - RECEIPT1.1 - Standards and safety measures Ouralternatorscomplywithmost international standards.See the EC Declaration of Incorporation on the last page.1.2 - Inspection On receipt of your alternator, check that it has not suffered any damage in transit. If there are obvious signs of knocks, contact the transporter (you may be able to claim ontheirinsurance)andafteravisual check, turn the machine by hand to detect any malfunction.1.3 - Identifcation The alternator is identifed by means of a nameplatefxedonthemachine(see drawing).Makesurethatthenameplateonthe machine conforms to your order.The machine name is defned according to various criteria, for example :LSA 47.2 M7 C6/4 - LSA : name used in the PARTNER rangeM : MarineC : CogenerationT : Telecommunications 47.2 : machine type M7 : model C : excitation system(C : AREP / J : SHUNT or PMG) 6/4 : winding number / number of poles. 1.3.1 - Nameplate Sothatyoucanidentifyyourmachine quicklyandaccurately,wesuggestyou writeitsspecifcationsonthenameplate below.1.4 - Storage Prior to commissioning, machines should be stored :- Away from humidity (< 90%); after a long periodofstorage,checkthemachine insulation(section3.2.1).Topreventthe bearingsfrombecomingmarked,donot storeinanenvironmentwithsignifcant vibration.1.5 - Application These alternators are mainly designed to produceelectricityinthecontextof applicationsinvolvingtheuseof generators.1.6 - Contraindications to use Use of the machine is restricted to operating conditions(environment,speed,voltage, power, etc) compatible with the characteri-stics indicated on the nameplate.ALTERNATEURS ALTERNATORSLSADate N5700 125897 A15 Hz Min-1/R.P.M. 1500 Protection Cos /P.F.0,8Cl. ther. / Th.class Rgulateur/A.V.R.R 438 B Altit. m Masse / Weight Rlt AV/D.E bearing 6302 2 RS C3Rlt AR/N.D.E bearing 6303 2 RS C3Graisse / Grease45g / 3600 hValeurs excit / Excit.values en charge /full load vide /at no load Made in France - 1 024 959/aTension VoltageSecoursStd by40C(*) Tension maxi. / maximum voltage27CPUISSANCE / RATINGConforme C.E.I60034-1.According to I.E.C60034-1. 166631Connex.kVAkWAkVAkWAVPh.ContinueContinuousUS C5LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -2 - TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS1.1 - Electrical characteristics TheLSA47.2alternatorisamachine withoutslipringsorrevolvingarmature brushes,woundas2/3pitch,6or12-wire,withclassHinsulationandafeld excitationsystemavailableineither SHUNT,AREPorPMGversion(see diagrams and AVR manuals).2.1.1 - Electrical options - Stator temperature detection sensors- Bearing sensors (PTC, PT100, etc)- Space heaterInterferencesuppressionconformsto standardEN55011,group1,classB (Europe).2.2 - Mechanical characteristics - Steel frame- Cast iron end shields- Protected ball bearings, greased for life- Mounting arrangements:IM 1201 (MD 35) foot and fange mounted, single-bearing with SAE coupling disc.IM1001(B34)double-bearingwithSAE fangeandstandardcylindricalshaft extension.- Drip-proof machine, self-cooled- Degree of protection: IP 232.1.1 - Mechanical options - Air inlet flter- Regreasable ball bearings- IP 44 protectionT1 T2 T3T4 T5 T6Varistor5+6- T7 T8 T9T10 T11 T12R 250 SHUNT SYSTEMAREP SYSTEM PMG SYSTEMSTATOR :12-wire (marking T1 to T 12)EXCITERFieldArmatureEXCITERFieldArmatureEXCITERFieldArmatureMAIN FIELDPower supply / DetectionT1 T2 T3T4 T5 T6Varistor5+6- T7 T8 T9T10 T11 T12 R 450 Aux. windingsSTATOR : 6 or 12-wire (marking T1 to T 12)MAIN FIELDVoltage referenceT1 T2 T3T4 T5 T6Varistor5+6- T7 T8 T9T10 T11 T12R 450PMGSTATOR : 6 or 12-wire (marking T1 to T12) MAIN FIELDVoltage reference6LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -3 - INSTALLATIONPersonnelundertakingthevarious operations indicated in this section must wearpersonalprotectiveequipment appropriateformechanicalandelectri-cal hazards.3.1 - AssemblyAllmechanicalhandlingoperations mustbeundertakenusingsuitable equipmentandthemachinemustbe horizontal. Check how much the machine weighs (see 4.8.3.) before choosing the lifting tool.3.1.1 - HandlingThegenerously-sizedliftingringsarefor handling the alternator alone. They must not beusedtoliftthegenset.Thechoiceof lifting hooks or handles should be determined by the shape of these rings. Choose a lifting system which respects the integrity and the environment of the alternators.Duringthisoperation,donotallow anyone to stand under the load.3.1.2 - Coupling3.1.2.1 - Single-bearing alternatorBeforecouplingthemachines,checkthat they are compatible by:-undertakingatorsionalanalysisofthe transmission,-checkingthedimensionsofthefywheel and its housing, the fange, coupling discs and offset.Whencouplingthealternatortothe prime mover, do not use the fan to turn the alternator or rotor.The holes of the coupling discs should bealignedwiththefywheelholesby cranking the engine.Makesurethealternatorissecurely bedded in position during coupling.Checkthatthereislateralplayonthe crankshaft. - Double-bearing alternator- Semi-fexible couplingCarefulalignmentofthemachinesis recommended,checkingthatthelackof concentricity and parallelism of both parts of the coupling do not exceed 0.1 mm.This alternator has been balanced with a 1/2 key.3.1.3 - LocationTheroomwherethealternatorisplaced mustbeventilatedtoensurethatthe ambienttemperaturecannotexceedthe data on the nameplate.3.2 - Checks prior to frst use3.2.1 - Electrical checksUndernocircumstancesshouldan alternator, new or otherwise, be operated if the insulation is less than 1 megohm for the stator and 100,000 ohms for the other windings.WARNING7LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -There are 2 possible methods for restoring the above minimum values.a)Dryoutthemachinefor24hoursina dryingovenatatemperatureof110C (without the regulator).b)Blowhotairintotheairintake,having made sure that the machine is rotating with the exciter feld disconnected.Note : Prolonged standstill: In order to avoid these problems, we recommend the use of space heaters, as well as turning over the machine from time to time. Space heaters are only really effective if they are working continuously while the machine is stopped.Ensurethatthealternatorhasthe degreeofprotectionmatchingthe defned environmental conditions.3.2.2 - Mechanical checksBefore starting the machine for the frst time, check that:- all fxing bolts and screws are tight.- the cooling air is drawn in freely.- the protective grilles and housing are cor-rectly in place.- the standard direction of rotation is clock-wiseasseenfromtheshaftend(phase rotation in order 1 - 2 - 3).For anti-clockwise rotation, swap 2 and 3.- the winding connection corresponds to the site operating voltage (see section 3.3).3.3 - Terminal connection diagramsTomodifytheconnection,changethe position of the stator cables on the terminals. Thewindingcodeisspecifedonthe nameplate.3.3.1 - Terminal connection: 12 wireThe connection accessories are detailed in section 5.3.3.Anyinterventiononthealternator terminals during reconnection or checks shouldbeperformedwiththemachine stopped.WARNING8LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -Connection codesVoltage L.L Factory connection L1(U)NL3(W)T1 T7T12T10 T4T9T3T6T11T5T2T8L2(V)A3-phase3-phaseWinding60 Hz 50 Hz190 - 208 190 - 240220-- 190 - 2086786789678NT1T7T12T10T4T9T3 T6T11 T5T2T8L1(U)L3(W) L2(V)DFL1(U)ML3(W)T1T7T12T10T4T9T3T6T11 T5 T2 T8L2(V)Voltage LM = 1/2 voltage LLR 250 voltage sensing: 0=> (T8)/110 V => (T11) R 450 voltage sensing: 0=> (T3)/220 V => (T2) Winding60 Hz 50 Hz380 - 415 380 - 480440 600 -- 380 - 416R 250 voltage sensing: 0=> (T8)/110 V => (T11)NDEL1(U)L2(V)L3(W)Single-phaseor3-phaseWinding60 Hz 50 Hz220 - 240 220 - 240220 - 240240 - 254---LLR 250 voltage sensing: 0=> (T8)/110 V => (T11)T11T12T10 T4T6T5T7T8T9T1T2T3N(*)In case of reconnection, ensure that AVR voltage sensing is correct!Winding 9: R 450 voltage sensing + transformer (Diagram on request)NDEL1(U)L2(V)L3(W)T11T12T10 T4T6T5T7T8T9T1T2T3NMAR L1(U)L2(V)L3(W)T11T12T10 T4T6T5T7T8T9T1T2T3Operating phases L2 (V), L3 (W) single phase The factory can supply a set of flexible shunts and special connection links as an option for making these connections (*).R 450 voltage sensing: 0=> (T3)/380 V => (T2) R 450 voltage sensing: 0=> (T3)/220 V => (T2)9LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -3.3.2 - Terminal connection: 6 wire (not possible with the R 250)Connection codesVoltage L.L Factory connection3-phaseNT1T4T3T6T5T2L1(U)L3(W) L2(V)DNDE L1(U)L3(W)T1T4 T3T6T5 T2L2(V)FSingle-phaseor 3-phase(*)Winding60 Hz 50 Hz380 - 415 380 - 480440380 - 416---6S7S8SWinding60 Hz 50 HzR 450 voltage sensing: 0=> (T3)/220 V => (T2)9S600 220 - 240220 - 240220 - 277240 - 254 --6S7S8SWinding 9: R 450 voltage sensing + transformer (Diagram on request)NDE L1(U)L2(V)L3(W)T4T6T5T1T2T3NL1(U)L2(V)L3(W)T4T6T5T1T2T3In case of reconnection, ensure that AVR voltage sensing is correct! The factory can supply a set of flexible shunts and special connection links as an option for making these connections (*).R 450 voltage sensing: 0=> (T3)/380 V => (T2) Operating phases: L2 (V), L3 (W) single phase 3.3.3 - Option connection diagramR 791 T interference suppression kit (standard for CE marking) Remote voltage potentiometerBlackBlackBlackBlueWhiteConnectionsADFT1 T1 T1T2 T2 T2T3 T3 T3NN Voltage adjustmentvia remote potentiometerST4 6-wireCurrent transformer connection (optional)Anti condensation heater Thermistor (PTC) temperatureNeutrallink- PH 1In - Secondary 1 ACoupling D P1P2T412-wireNeutrallink- PH 1P1P2Coupling D & AT10In - Secondary 1A (coupl. D)Ph1Ph2Ph3103104130 C blue wire150C black wire180 C red/white wire101102250W - 220 V10LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -3.3.4 - Connection checksElectrical installations must comply with thecurrentlegislationinforceinthe country of use.Check that:-Theresidualcircuit-breakerconformsto legislationonprotectionofpersonnel,in forceinthecountryofuse,andhasbeen correctlyinstalledonthealternatorpower output as close as possible to the alternator. (Inthiscase,disconnectthewireofthe interference suppression module linking theneutral).- Any protection devices in place have not been tripped.- If there is an external AVR, the connections between the alternator and the cabinet are madeinaccordancewiththeconnection diagram.-Thereisnoshort-circuitphase-phaseor phase-neutral between the alternator output terminalsandthegeneratorsetcontrol cabinet (part of the circuit not protected by circuitbreakers or relays in the cabinet).- The machine should be connected with the busbar separating the terminals as shown in the terminal connection diagram.3.4 - CommissioningThe machine can only be started up and used if the installation is in accordance withtheregulationsandinstructions defned in this manual.Themachineistestedandsetupatthe factory. When frst used with no load, make surethatthedrivespeediscorrectand stable(seethenameplate).Withthe regreasable bearing option, we recommend greasingthebearingsatthetimeof commissioning (see 4.2.2).Onapplicationoftheload,themachine should achieve its rated speed and voltage; however, in the event of abnormal operation, the machine setting can be altered (follow the adjustment procedure in section 3.5). If themachinestilloperatesincorrectly,the causeofthemalfunctionmustbelocated (see section 4.4).3.5 - Setting upThevariousadjustmentsduringtests must be made by a qualifed engineer.Ensure that the drive speed specifed on thenameplateisreachedbefore commencing adjustment.Afteroperationaltesting,replaceall access panels or covers.The AVR is used to make any adjustments to the machine.11LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -4 - SERVICING - MAINTENANCE4.1 - Safety measuresServicingortroubleshootingmustbe carriedoutstrictlyinaccordancewith instructionssoastoavoidtheriskof accidents and to maintain the machine in its original state.Allsuchoperationsperformedonthe alternatorshouldbeundertakenby personnel trained in the commissioning, servicing and maintenance of electrical and mechanical components, who mustwearpersonalprotectiveequipment appropriate for mechanical and electrical hazards.Beforeanyinterventiononthemachine, ensure that it cannot be started by a manual orautomaticsystemandthatyouhave understoodtheoperatingprinciplesofthe system.4.2 - Routine maintenance4.2.1 - Checks after start-upAfter approximately 20 hours of operation, check that all fxing screws on the machine are still tight, plus the generalstate of the machineandthevariouselectrical connections in the installation.4.2.2 - BearingsThe bearings are permanently greased and they have a life of (20,000 hrs) or 3 years.NDE/DE bearing 6318 2Z C3 6315 2RS C3Replacement 20 000 hrs or 3 yrs 20 000 hrs or 3 yrsThe bearings are regreasable (option). It is advisable to lubricate the alternator during operation and when it is frst commissioned. The lubrication characteristics are given in the table below.NDE/DE bearing 6318 C3 6315 C3Quantity of grease 41 gr or cm330 gr or cm3Lubrication interval 3500 h 4500 hLubrication intervals are given for grease type: LITHIUM - standard - NLGI 3.In the factory, the grease used for lubrication is: ESSO - Unirex N3.Beforeusinganothergrease,checkfor compatibility with the original one. Monitor thetemperatureriseinthebearings(see section 4.4).4.2.3 - Electrical servicingCommercially-available volatile degreasing agents can be used.Donotuse:trichlorethylene,perchlo-rethylene, trichloroethane or any alkaline products.These operations must be performed at a cleaningstation,equippedwitha vacuum system that collects and fushes out the products used.Theinsulatingcomponentsandthe impregnationsystemarenotatriskof damagefromsolvents.Avoidlettingthe cleaning product run into the slots.Applytheproductwithabrush,sponging frequentlytoavoidaccumulationinthe housing. Dry the winding with a dry cloth. Let any traces evaporate before reassembling the machine.4.2.4 - Mechanical servicingCleaningthemachineusingwaterora highpressurewasherisstrictlyprohi-bited.Anyproblemsarisingfromsuch treatmentarenotcoveredbyour warranty.Degreasing:Useabrushanddetergent (suitable for paintwork).Dusting: Use an air gun.If the machine is ftted with air inlet and outlet flters,themaintenancepersonnelshould clean them routinely at regular intervals. In the case of dry dust, the flter can be cleaned using compressed air and/or replaced if it is clogged.After cleaning the alternator, it is essential to check the winding insulation (see sections 3.2 and 4.8).4.3 - Fault detectionIf, when commissioned, the alternator does notworknormally,thesourceofthe malfunction must be identifed (see sections 4.4 and 4.5).WARNINGWARNING12LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -4.4 - Mechanical defectsFaultActionBearingExcessive temperature rise in one or both bearings (bearing temperature more than 80 C) with or without abnormal bearing noise- If the bearing has turned blue or if the grease has turned black, change the bearing- Bearing not fully locked (abnormal play in the bearing cage)- Check the end shield alignment (fange not properly ftted)AbnormaltemperatureExcessive temperature rise in thealternator housing (more than 40 Cabove the ambient temperature)- Air fow (intake-outlet) partially clogged or hot air is being recycled from the alternator or engine- Alternator operating at too high a voltage (> 105% of Un on load)- Alternator overloadedVibrationExcessive vibration- Misalignment (coupling)- Defective mounting or play in coupling- Rotor balancing fault (Engine - Alternator)Excessive vibration and humming noisecoming from the machine- Phase imbalance- Stator short-circuitAbnormal noiseAlternator damaged by a signifcantimpact, followed by humming andvibration- System short-circuit- Mis-parallelingPossible consequences:- Broken or damaged coupling- Broken or bent shaft extension- Shifting and short-circuit of revolving feld winding- Fan fractured or coming loose on shaft- Irreparable damage to rotating diodes, AVR, surge suppressor4.5 - Electrical faultsFault Action Effect Check/CauseNo voltageat no load on start-upConnect a new battery of 4 to 12 volts to terminals E- and E+, respecting the polarity, for 2 to 3 secondsThe alternator builds up and its voltage is still correct whenthe battery is removed- Lack of residual magnetismThe alternator builds up but its voltagedoes not reach the rated value whenthe battery is removed- Check the connection of the voltage reference to the AVR- Faulty diodes- Armature short-circuitThe alternator builds up but its voltage disappears when the battery is removed- Faulty AVR- Field windings open circuit (check winding)- Revolving feld coil open circuit (check the resistance)Voltage too lowCheck the drive speedCorrect speedCheck the AVR connections (AVR may be faulty)- Field windings short-circuited- Rotating diodes burnt out- Revolving feld coil short-circuited- Check the resistanceSpeed too lowIncrease the drive speed (do not touch the AVR voltage pot. (P2) before running at the correct speed)Voltage too highAdjust AVR voltagepotentiometerAdjustment ineffective Faulty AVRVoltageoscillationsAdjust theAVR stabilitypotentiometerIf no effect: try normal or fast stabilitymodes (ST2)- Check the speed: possibility of cyclic irregularity- Loose connections- Faulty AVR- Speed too low when on load (or AVR LAM set too high)Voltage correct at no load and too low when onloadRun at no load and check the voltage between E+ and E- on the AVRVoltage between E+ and E- (DC)SHUNT / AREP / PMG < 10V- Check the speed (or AVR LAM set too high)Voltage between E+ and E-SHUNT / AREP / PMG > 15V- Faulty rotating diodes- Short-circuit in the revolving feld coil. Check the resistance.- Faulty exciter armature. Check the resistance.Voltagedisappearsduring operationCheck the AVR, thesurge suppressor,the rotating diodes, andreplace any defectivecomponentsThe voltage does not return to the rated value- Exciter winding open circuit- Faulty exciter armature- Faulty AVR- Revolving feld coil open circuit or short-circuited13LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -4.5.1 - Checking the windingYoucancheckthewindinginsulationby performing a high voltage test. In this case, you must disconnect all AVR wires.DamagecausedtotheAVRinsuch conditionsisnotcoveredbyour warranty.4.5.2 - Checking the diode bridgeA diode in good working order should allow thecurrenttofowonlyintheanode-to-cathode direction.C AAnode Cat hode- -+ +~ ~ ~CCCAAACCCAAA~ ~ ~-C A+-C A+4.5.3 - Checking the windings and rotating diodes using separate excitationDuringthisprocedure,makesurethat the alternator is disconnected from any externalloadandinspecttheterminal boxtocheckthattheconnectionsare fully tightened.1) Stop the unit, disconnect and isolate the AVR wires.2)Therearetwowaysofcreatingan assembly with separate excitation.AssemblyA:Connecta12Vbatteryin serieswitharheostatofapproximately 50 ohms - 300 W and a diode on both exciterfeld wires (5+) and (6-).6 -5 + Diode 1A12V batteryRh. 50 -300W-+ASSEMBLY AExciter field AssemblyB:ConnectaVariacvariable powersupplyandadiodebridgeonboth exciter feld wires (5+) and (6-).Boththesesystemsshouldhave characteristicswhicharecompatiblewith thefeldexcitationpowerofthemachine (see the nameplate).3) Run the unit at its rated speed.4)Graduallyincreasetheexciterfeld currentbyadjustingtherheostatorthe variac and measure the output voltages on L1 - L2 - L3, checking the excitation voltage andcurrentatnoload(seethemachine nameplate or ask for the factory test report).When the output voltage is at its rated value andbalancedwithin1%fortherated excitationlevel,themachineisingood workingorder.Thefaultthereforecomes fromthe AVRoritsassociatedwiring(ie. sensing, auxiliary windings).Diode 1A-+6 - 5 + Variac AC220VDC12V5060708090100403020100ASSEMBLY BExciter field WARNING14LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -4.6 - Dismantling, reassembly(see sections 5.4.1. & 5.4.2.)Duringthewarrantyperiod,this operation should only be carried out in anLEROY-SOMERapprovedworkshop or in our factory, otherwise the warrantymay be invalidated.Whilstbeinghandled,themachine shouldremainhorizontal(rotornot locked in position). Check how much the machineweighs(see4.8.3)before choosing the lifting method. 4.6.1 - Tools requiredTofullydismantlethemachine,we recommend using the tools listed below:- 1 ratchet spanner + extension- 1 torque wrench- 1 set of fat spanners: 8 mm, 10 mm, 18 mm- 1 socket set: 8, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 30 mm- 1 puller (U35) / (U32/350)4.6.2 -Screw tightening torqueSee section - Access to diodes- Open the air intake grille (51).- Disconnect the diodes.- Check the 6 diodes using an ohmmeter or a battery lamp (see section 4.5.2).If the diodes are faulty,- Remove the surge suppressor (347).- Remove the 6 H nuts for mounting the diode bridges on the support.-Changethecrescents,respectingthe polarity.4.6.4 - Access to connections and theregulation systemAccess directly by removing the top of the cover (48) or the AVR access door (466).4.6.5 - Replacing the NDE bearing- Remove the air intake grille (51).- Remove the lid of the protective cover (48) and the side panels (366) and (367).- Remove the hook (21) and the cover rear panel (365).- Replace the hook (21) in order to manipulate the fange.- Disconnect the exciter wires (5+,6-).If using a single-bearing or double-bearing machinewiththeregreasablebearing option:- Remove the bearing thrust screws (78).- Remove all 5 screws (37).- Remove the shield (36).- Take out the antifriction bearing (70) using a puller with a central screw (see drawing below). -Fitthenewantifrictionbearingontothe shaftafterheatingitbyinductionto approximately 80 C.- Mount the new preloading (wavy) washer (79)+thenewOringseal(349)inthe shield (36).If using a single-bearing or double-bearing machinewiththeregreasablebearing option:-Screwathreadedrodintothethrust bearing (78).- Reft the end shield on the machine using a dowel and nut in the shaft extension (see drawing).WARNING15LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -- Slide the threaded rod into the shield hole tomakeiteasiertoassemble(seebasic diagram).RotorNDE shieldDowelNutThreaded rod 4 78 36 - Fit the thrust bearing screws (78), remove thethreadedrod,fttheotherscrewand tighten up the assembly.- Tighten the 5 bearing screws (37).- Reconnect exciter wires E+, E-.- Finish reassembling the cover.Whendismantlingtheshields,youwill need to change the antifriction bearings, the O ring seal, the preloading (wavy) washer and adhesive paste.4.6.6 - Replacing the DE bearing- Remove the air outlet grille (33).-Removethe6screws(31)fromtheDE shield and the 4 screws (62) from the inner bearing retainer.- Remove the shield (30).- Take out the ball bearing (60) using a puller with a central screw (see section 4.6.5).-Fitthenewbearing,afterheatingitby induction to approximately 80 C.-Screwathreadedrodintothethrust bearing (68).- Reft the shield (30) on the machine.- Slide the threaded rod into the shield hole tomakeiteasiertoassemble(seebasic diagram).- Tighten the bottom thrust bearing screws (68),removethethreadedrodandftthe other screws.- Tighten the 6 shield screws (31).- Reft the air outlet grille (33).4.6.7 - Dismantling the rotor assembly- Remove the NDE shield (36) as described in section 4.6.5.- Remove the DE shield (30) as described insection4.6.6ifitisadouble-bearing machine.- Support the DE rotor (4) with a strap or with asupportconstructedinaccordancewith the following drawing.- Move the strap as the rotor moves in order to distribute the weight over it. Whendismantlingtherotorinvolves changingpartsorrewinding,therotor must be rebalanced.4.6.8 - Reassembling the machine-Mounttherotor(4)inthestator(1)(see drawing above) taking care not to knock the windings.WARNINGWARNING16LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -If using a single-bearing or double-bearing machinewiththeregreasablebearing option:- Mount the new preloading (wavy) washer (79)+thenewOringseal(349)inthe shield (36).-Screwathreadedrodintothethrust bearing (78).- Reft the shield (36) on the machine using a dowel and nut in the shaft extension (see diagram).- Slide the threaded rod into the shield hole to make it easier to assemble (see diagram).- Fit the thrust bearing screws (78), remove thethreadedrod,fttheotherscrewand tighten up the assembly.- Tighten the 5 bearing screws (37).- Reconnect exciter wires E+, E-.- Finish reassembling the cover.- Reft the fange (30) on the stator (1).- Tighten the screws (31).If using a double-bearing machine:- Mount the new preloading (wavy) washer (79)+thenewOringseal(349)inthe shield (36).- Reft the shield (36) on the machine using a dowel and nut in the shaft extension (see diagram).- Tighten the 5 shield screws (37).- Reconnect exciter wires E+, E-.- Finish reassembling the cover.-Screwathreadedrodintothethrust bearing (68).- Reft the shield (30) on the machine.- Slide the threaded rod into the shield hole tomakeiteasiertoassemble(seebasic diagram).- Fit the thrust bearing screws (68), remove thethreadedrod,fttheotherscrewand tighten up the assembly.- Tighten the 6 shield screws (31).- Reft the air outlet grille (33).-Checkthatthemachineassemblyis correctlymountedandthatallscrewsare tightened.4.6.9 - Dismantling and reassembly of the flters- Remove the grille (417) then take out the flter(418).Changetheflterifnecessary; please refer to section 4.2.5 for cleaning the flter.To replace, follow the instructions in reverse order.41841751 4.7 - Installation and maintenance ofthe PMGFortheLSA47.2,thePMGreferenceis: PMG 3.See the PMG manual ref : 4211.17LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -4.8 - Table of characteristicsTable of average valuesAlternator-4poles-50Hz-Standard winding No. 6.(400V for the excitation values)The voltage and current values are given for no-loadoperationandoperationatrated load with separate feld excitation.All values are given to within 10% and may bechangedwithoutpriornotifcation(for exact values, consult the test report).4.8.1 - Average values for the LSA 47.2Resistances at 20 C ()LSA 47.2 L/N stator Rotor Field ArmatureVS2 0.0081 0.77 10.2 0.128VS3 0.0081 0.77 10.2 0.128S4 0.0063 0.88 10.2 0.128S5 0.0063 0.88 10.2 0.128M7 0.0045 0.98 10.2 0.128M8 0.0047 1.03 10.2 0.128L9 0.0039 1.1 10.2 0.128LSA 47.2 - 6 wiresL9 0.0039 1.1 10.2 0.128Resistanceof AREPauxiliarywindings at 20C ()LSA 47.2 Auxil wdg: X1, X2 Auxil wdg: Z1, Z2VS2 0.2 0.38VS3 0.2 0.38S4 0.195 0.40S5 0.195 0.40M7 0.165 0.33M8 0.17 0.35L9 0.168 0.34LSA 47.2 - 6 wiresL9 0.168 0.34Field excitation current i exc (A)Symbols:iexc:excitationcurrentofthe exciter feldLSA 47.2 No load At rated loadVS2 1 4VS3 1 4S4 0.9 3.4S5 0.9 3.8M7 1 3.65M8 0.85 3.7L9 0.95 3.75LSA 47.2 - 6 wiresL9 0.95 3.7For 60 Hz machines, the i exc values are approximately 5 to 10% lower.4.8.2 - Voltage of auxiliary windings at no loadLSA 47.2 Auxil wdg: X1, X2 Auxil wdg: Z1, Z250 Hz 70 V 10 V60 Hz 85 V 12 V4.8.3 - Table of weights(values given for information only)LSA 47.2 Total weight (kg) Rotor (kg)VS2 1000 390VS3 1000 390S4 1130 445S5 1130 445M7 1255 495M8 1300 515L9 1400 550After operational testing, it is essential to replace all access panels or covers.18LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -5 - SPARE PARTS5.1 - First maintenance partsEmergencyrepairkitsareavailableasan option.They contain the following items:Emergency kit SHUNT ALT 472 KS 001AVR R 250 -Diode bridge assembly -Surge suppressor -Emergency kit AREP ALT 461 KS 001AVR R 450 -Diode bridge assembly -Surge suppressor -Single-bearing kit ALT 471 KB 002Non drive end bearing -O ring -Preloading (wavy) washer -Double-bearing kit ALT 471 KB 001Non drive end bearing -Drive end bearing -O ring -Preloading (wavy) washer -5.2 - Technical support serviceOur technical support service will be pleased toprovideanyadditionalinformationyou may require.Whenorderingspareparts,youshould indicatethecompletemachinetype,its serial number and the information given onthe nameplate.Address your enquiry to your usual contact.Part numbers should be identifed from the explodedviewsandtheirdescriptionfrom the parts list.Ourextensivenetworkofservicecentres candispatchthenecessarypartswithout delay.To ensure correct operation and the safety of our machines, we recommend the use of original manufacturer spare parts.Intheeventoffailuretocomplywiththis advice,themanufacturercannotbeheld responsible for any damage.5.3 - Accessories 5.3.1 - Space heater for use when stoppedThe space heater must run as soon as the alternator stops. It is installed at the rear of themachine.Itsstandardpoweris250W with 220V or 250W with 110V on request.Warning:thepowersupplyispresent when the machine has stopped.5.3.2 - Temperature sensors with thermistors (PTC)These are thermistor triplets with a positive temperaturecoeffcientinstalledinthe stator winding (1 per phase). There can be a maximumof2tripletsinthewinding(at2 levels:warningandtrip)and1or2 thermistors in the shields.Thesesensorsmustbelinkedtoadapted sensing relays (supplied optionally).Cold resistance of cold thermistor sensors:100 to 250 per sensor.5.3.3 - Connection accessories - 6-wire machines : coupling (F)3 fexible SHUNTS- 12-wire machines : coupling (F)3 fexible SHUNTSAfter operational testing, it is essential to replace all access panels or covers.19LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -5.4 - Exploded view, parts list and tightening torque5.4.1 - LSA 47.2 single-bearing34310034778793497090365466130136371983442841493663675112833124 91131 215348727132332232531153020LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -5.4.2 - LSA 47.2 double-bearing343100347793497090365466130136371983442841493663675112833124 91131 215348713115306822 284 62 6021LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -Ref. Qty DescriptionScrewTorqueN.mRef. Qty DescriptionScrewTorqueN.m1 1 Stator assembly - - 72 2 Fixing screws M8 204 1 Rotor assembly - - 78 1 Inner bearing retainer - -15 1 Fan - - 79 1Preloading (wavy) washer- -21 1 Lifting ring - - 90 1 Exciter feld - -22 1 Shaft extension key - - 91 4 Fixing screws M6 1028 1 Earth terminal M10 20 100 1 Exciter armature - -30 1 Drive end shield - - 124 1 Terminal plate M12 3531 6 or 4 Fixing screws M12 69 128 3 Starting range - -33 1 Protective grille - - 130 1 Neutral link - -34 2 Fixing screws M6 5 131 9Terminal block terminal screws- -36 1 Exciter end shield - - 198 1Voltage regulator (AVR)- -37 4 Fixing screws M12 69 284 1 Circlips - -41 1 Cover front panel - - 322 3 Coupling disc - -48 1 Cover top panel - - 323 6 Fixing screw M16 17049 - Cover screws M6 5 325 - Spacer shim - -51 1 Air intake grille - - 343 1Diode bridge assemblyM6 453 1 Plug - - 347 1Protection varistor(+ PCB)- -60 1 Drive end bearing - - 349 1 O ring - -62 3 or 4 Fixing screws M8 20 365 1 Cover rear panel - -68 1 Inner bearing retainer - - 366 1 Side panel - -70 1 Non drive end bearing - - 367 1Side panel with inspection door- -71 1 Cover - - 466 1 AVR inspection door - -22LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -

Electric Power Generation Division Declaration of CE compliance and incorporation This Declaration applies to the generators designed to be incorporated into machines complying with the Machinery Directive Nr 2006/42/CE dated 17 May 2006. MOTEURS LEROY-SOMER MLS HOLICE STLO.SROMOTEURS LEROY-SOMER Boulevard Marcellin Leroy SLADKOVSKEHO 431, rue de la Burelle 16015 ANGOULEME772 04 OLOMOUCBoite Postale 1517 FranceCzech Republic45800 St Jean de Braye France Declares hereby that the electric generators of the types LSA 36 37 40 42.2 43.2 44.2 46.2 47.2 49.1 50.2 51.2, as well as their derivatives, manufactured by Leroy Somer or on Leroy Somer's behalf, comply with the following International Standards and Directive : - EN and IEC 60034 -1 and 60034 -5 - ISO 8528 3 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets. Part 3. Alternating current generators for generating sets - Low Voltage Directive Nr 2006/95/CE dated 12 December 2006. Furthermore, these generators, designed in compliance with the Machine Directive Nr 2006/42, are therefore able to be incorporated into Electrical Gen-Sets complying with the following International Directives : - Machinery Directive Nr 2006/42/CE dated 17 May 2006 - EMC Directive Nr 2004/108/CE dated 15 December 2004, as intrinsic levels of emissions and immunity are concerned WARNING : The here above mentioned generators should not be commissioned until the corresponding Gen-Sets have been declared in compliance with the Directives Nr 2006/42/CE et 2004/108/CE, as well as with the other relevant Directives. Leroy Somer undertakes to transmit, in response to a reasoned request by the national authorities, relevant information on the generator. Technical Managers P Betge J.Begu 4152 en 2010.11 / d 23LEROY-SOMER2011.03/ g Installation and maintenanceLSA 47.2 - 4 POLESALTERNATORS3742 en -www.leroy-somer.com