362 commercial geography

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  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    Commercial Geography


    The Upper Indus PlainThe Northern part of Indus Plain is known as Punjab (West and ast!nthe greater portion ofwhich lies in Pakistan "The le#el plain is largely made of fertile allu#ium deposited by the ri#erIndus and its rubutaries"$rly near %argodha&Chiniot and %angla&some old dry hills rise abo#e theplain known as the 'irana hills"

    The land which lies between two ri#ers is known as doab "The Punjab plain is&therefore&di#idedinto se#eral doabs e"g"The )ari doab (land between %utlej and *a#i!&the *echna doab (landbetween the *a#i and the Chenab!&the Chaj doab (land between the Chenab and the +helum!and the %indh %agar doab (land between the 'irana )ar (in the middle of the Chaj doab!"

    The land in the center of the doab rises to an ele#ated land called bar e"g&the Nili )ar (betweenthe %utlej and the )eas!&the Ganji )ar (the old course of the beas and the *a#i!&the %andal )ar(in the middle of the *echna ,oab! and the 'irana )ar (in the middle of the Chaj ,oab!"

    The %ub -ountain plain area &west of the indus known as ,erajat is di#ided into the districts of,era Gha.i 'han and ,era Ismail 'han"

    The annually flooded ri#erine area is called )et and agriculturally is the most important area"

    The Lower Indus Plain

    )elow -ithonkot in %indh& the Indus carries not only its own water but also that of its fi#e bigtributarfes""The ri#er flows #ery slowly and the silt carried by it is largely deposil on its bed&therefore se#ere floods are e/perienced&but the soil is #ery fertile"

    The area is marked by o/0bow lakes locally called ,horos and small salt lakes called ,hands"

    West of the Indus lies the high 'irtan prdment plain which slopes gently to the ri#er"

    Economic Importance

    1")oth upper and lower Indus plain are the most important agricultural areas in Pakistan "Wheat&rice &cotton&sugar cane&mal.e&barley&millets&grains&&oil seeds&tobacco and fruits are the maincrops"

    2"The plain areas produce the bulk of food grains&agricultural raw &material ast market&foodpoducts and manufactured goods"3ence most of the Pakistan4s greatest industries are located inthe plains"

    5"These plains with gentle slope &le#elled lopography are suitable for the construction ofcanals"$ur Pakistan has got world4s one of the most e/ellent system of irrigation"

    6"The ease of mobility on plains also facilitates the e/change of foods&hence Pakistan4s roadsand railways are found mobily in the plain areas"

    7"The economic acti#ities of man are the greatest in the plains also thede#eloped&ci#ili.ed&cultured areas&greatest cities consontration of population in Pakistan arefound in there areas"

    8"9ctually the plain areas are the gift of the Indus and its tributariesn "9lso these plains are thecradles of the old ci#ili.ation e"g"-ohen0jo0daro in %indh and 3arrappa in Punjab"


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    The Desert Regions

    There are three different desert areas located in Punjab and %indh e"g":

    1"Thal ,esert:

    -ore than three fourth of the %indh %agar ,oab is still a desert or semi0desert (in betweenChenab0+helum and indus ri#er!"

    2"The area in %outh of )ahawalpur is an arid waste of shifting sand and is known as Cholistan"

    5"In the eastern parts of the 'hairpur and Tharparkar districts&the desert areas are known asPat and Thar respecti#ely"

    Economic Importance

    9nnual rainfall is less than 7"Population is #ery sparse 9griculture is carried on with the help ofdurigation"9lso rearing of animals is carried on to some e/tent"

    The Indus Delta

    The Indus ,elta is marked by a number of tributaries of the Indus *i#er&from Thatta to 9rabian%ea"-ost of the part is co#ered with mangro#e swamps"The eastern part is more swampy thanthe western"-ost of the area is barren"9griculture is carried out in small patches"

    Economic Importance

    The major part of the delta is burren"9griculture is practiced in small patches"The irrigationalfacilities pro#ided by the 'otri )arrage ha#e made it possible to reclaim a #ast area of the delta"

    Coastal AreasPakistan has about 8;; miles of coastline &about 17; miles of which is in %indh from 'utch to'arachi and about 67; miles long coast is in )aluchistan from 'arachi to +iwani"

    Economic Importance

    The progress of any country depends upon its coastal importance"International trade with the outside world is carried on through its ports"

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    11&;82&;;; in NW@&;; li#e

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    9ttock&+helum and ,era Gha.i 'han districts"%imilarly in %indh&3yderabad&Darkana&Nawabshahdistricts are more densely populated than Tharparkar&Thatta&,adu and %anghar ,istricts"

    6"Those areas which are situated far away and where climate is intense&irrigation facilities are nota#ailable &rain is meager and there is scarcity of resources&e#en the water for drinking purposehas to be brought from long distances&there density of population is #ery low"

    irth and Death Rates!"irth Rate

    )irth rate in Pakistan also figures highest in the World"In 1>@@ it stood at 61 per 1;;persons"

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    of urban population has been lower than that of rural population"The higher rate of growth ofurban population is&therefore&largely a result of rural0urban migration"

    !"Dense Population

    With the passage of time &the #illage autonomy and solidarity crumbled under impact of economicforces conducti#e to rural urban migration"The freedom of the city or the a#ailability of greater

    job opportunities in the town acted as a magnet"

    The process of industriali.ation has in#ol#ed marked shifts with the use of material and humanresources"It has altered the occupational large0scale mo#ement of population from rural to theurban areas"

    Pakistan is essentially dry with a large area of un0producti#e and barren land"

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    &C' Distri$ution y Age9ccording to 1>@1 census the distribution of population by age is as under:

    (1! Bnder 17 years066";6A

    (ii! 17 to 76 years071"@6A

    (iii! 87 years and abo#e06"12A

    It will be obser#ed that people falling in the age group (17 t 76! years may be considered workingpopulation which is 71"@6A&remaining 6@"18A is the dependent population "The high degree ofdependency is due to the high proportion of children in the total population"

    &D' Literacy*/ise PopulationIn Pakistan the literate people in towns is higher than in #illages"%imilarly it is higher in men thanin women"*atio of educated men and women is 25A and ?"7A respecti#ely"9mong the literatepersons in Pakistan only 5"17A ha#e been educated upto secondary school le#el orabo#e"9ccording to the present census report&only 2;A of the workers are educated "$nly ;"6;Aof the total population ha#e done their )"9 #en fewer are highly educated"

    9griculture and Its Problems in PakistanIntroduction

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    #"Lac% of Capital

    The majority of our farmers are poor and they often li#e in a hand to mouth position"-ost of themare always under hea#y burdens of debts"%o due to lack of capital they cannot afford to purchasemodern scientific implements&chemical manures&impro#ed types of seeds etc"3ence they can notattain the reuired standards"

    0".ollowing the 1ld Traditions

    -ost of our farmers are still stuck to the old traditions of their fore fathers"The circumstancesha#e compelled them to use the crude implements&because due to small holdings of land andpo#erty they are unable to acuire and use modern scientific methods"That is why their standardis lower than that of culti#ators in de#eloped countries"

    2"/ater*logging and +alinity

    ,ue to e/cessi#e use of canal water&most of our culti#ated lands ha#e become #ictims of thesetwo dangerous diseases"#ery year &salinity alone&is turning about 1&;;&;;; acres of arable landinto marches and salt lands"Water0logging is no less injurious"$n the other hand the measurestaken so far are uite inadeuate for such issues"

    3"Uneconomical Land 4oldings

    ,ue to our law of inheritance&our farmers command #ery small pieces of hands which pro#e to becostly"9 farmer cannot afford tractors and other machineries for a small piece of land and thosehis income is low"3ence his interest is con#erted to some other sector"

    5"+carcity of /ater

    $ur farmers ha#e to face many problems due to scarcity of water which is one our majorproblems"Darge tracts of land estimated to be about 22 million acres is lying unculti#ated due toshortage of water"*ainfall is uncertain and the e/isting irrigational facilities in our country are uiteinsufficient and need to be e/tended"

    6"Land Tenure +ystem

    The land tenure system of Pakistan has creates a chain of intermediatries in between the stateand the tenants"The system&instead of being conducti#e to agricultural de#elopment &stands inthe way of its progress"

    7"+oil Erosion

    In some areas of our country&especially in hilly regions&the upper fertile soil is being eroded bydifferent natural agents of change "Thus the fertility is poor and soils are becoming lessproducti#e"

    8"Lac% of 1rgani9ed -ar%eting

    The marketing facilities for agricultural products in Pakistan are still far from satisfactory le#el"$urculti#ators can not get just prices for their produce due to defecti#e marketing organi.ation"-oreo#er the chain of middlemen between the producers and ultimate consumers take a hea#yshare of their produce "Thus the culti#ators do not take much real interest in increasing theirproduct too"

    !:"Pests and Crop Diseases


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    ,ue to lack of agricultural education and methods of modern research&our farmers cannot controlthe #arious diseases of crops and attacks of pests and insects"The result is low yields"

    !!"Poor -eans of Transportation

    The agricultural acti#ities in our country are performed in rural areas&but most of our #illages ha#eno road or railway links with our markets"%o farmers ha#e to face innumerable hardships to selltheir products"3ence the farmers take #ery little interest in their profession and production suffers"

    !#"Lac% of Credit .acilities

    The resources reuired for agricultural operation are land&layout&li#e stock&farm euipment&seeds&fertili.ers&irrigation&transport etc"

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    Farious plant diseases damage a large part of our crops")ut our farmers ha#e no effecti#e controlo#er them"Therefore&pre#enti#e and neurati#e measures should be taken throughout the country"


    -echani.ation of agriculture refers to the use of #arious euipments the different stages ofculti#ation")y the use of modern euipments better results can be achie#ed in the shortest time"

    7"Co*operati;e .arming

    Co0operati#e farming refers to the farming done on the basis of mutual help and co0operation"Bnder this method the small holdings are consildated "In this way the owners of smallholdings can also use fertili.ers and modern euipments jointly"9fter har#esting&the yield can bedistributed among the owners according to their ownership"

    8"Education Le;el

    Increase of literacy ratio in rural areas especially in agre0education is the need of the day"Themore educated the farmers will be the better will be the results achie#ed"

    !:"-ar%eting .acilities-arketing procedures should be simplified and #arious marketing facilities should be pro#ided tothe culti#ators"

    !!"Impro;ement In The -eans 1f transportation AndCommunication

    The rural areas of the country must be pro#ided with road and railway links with marketingcentres and better means of transport and communication should be pro#ided"

    Climatic *egions of PakistanClimate

    The atmospheric conditions at any conditions at any place are known as weather"Climate is agenerali.ation of the day to day weather conditions during the course of a year"It means a#erageweather&including its #ariation from season to season"Temperature &pressure&wind rainfall etc"arethe composite parts or elements of climate"The climate of a particular place is controlled byse#eral geographical ractors like:

    (a! ,istance from the euator

    (b! ,istance from the %ea

    (c! 9ltitude or height abo#e sea le#el etc"

    Climate of Pa%istan

    The whole of Pakistan lies in the warm temperate .one"It lies roughly between 26 degree N and5?degree N latitude"Pakistan is noted for hot summer and cold winters with semi0arid to aridconditions pre#ailing in most parts&sub0humid conditions in a small area in the north"Thetopographic di#ersity and location of large areas a long distance from the sea ha#e all the moreintensified the climate contrasts"The rainfall is generally low "The monsoons bring such markedcharacteristics that a seasons in Pakistan"


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    1"Winter season (from No#ember to 7 inches or 7 cm"of rainfall annually&andrain often comes during the months of +anuary and

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    1"-ost of the plain areas of Pakistan ha#e been built by allu#ial soil brought by the *i#er Indusand its tributaries")ut due to deficient rainfall &agricultural acti#ities cannot be performed withoutadopting some artificial means of irrigation"%o the areas lying between the ri#ers ha#e pro#idedirrigation facilities through canals and #arious types of crops are grown in these areas"

    2"The *i#ers of our country used to take millions of gallons of water into the 9rabian %ea"Thatwater is being used for canal irrigation and a number of dry desert areas ha#e become fertile and

    producti#e regions of our country"

    5"The supply of water in our ri#ers remains irregular during the year"To regulate the water supplythroughout the year the year the water is stored by constructing barrages&dams and weirs etc"

    6"The slope of our country lies from north east towards south"This helps in the construction ofcanals and water can easily be distributed through canals from higher regions to lower areas"

    7"9ll the ri#ers of our country come from snow0co#ered mountainous areas&ha#ing abundance ofrainfall in summer &in those ri#ers a huge amount of water comes due to hea#y rainfall and themelting of snow during summer"Thus we store this surplus water in huge dams which is used forirrigation purposes in dry season"

    8"The upper and lower areas of Indus plain ha#e soft soil&where digging of canals is easier&andcheap labour is a#ailable in abundance"That reduces the cost of construction"That is why canal

    irrigation is preferred in our country"

    ?"Canal water adds to the fertility of the soil by bringing a number of organic and in0organicmatters with it&while the water of tube 0wells lacks all these matters&so people prefer canalirrigation"

    @"Canal irrigation is the cheapest and easiest means by which #ast areas can be commandedand made producti#e"

    -eans 1f Irrigation In Pa%istan

    The following means of irrigation are practiced in #arious areas of our country:

    !"/ells or Tu$e*wells=This is one of the oldest methods of irrigation which is being used from ancient times in ourcountry"Well irrigation is uite common in pledmont areas of North astern mountains and in the#icinity of ri#ers where the water0table is high"They are found all o#er the plain where canal wateris not a#ailable and water table is high enough for their construction"-any shallow wells are dugby hand the areas where the water table is not far below the surface of the earth "The water isthen lifted by Charas or Persian wheels dri#en by o/en or camels"

    In areas where the water table is low and cheap electric power is a#ailable &tube wells areuseddue to shortage of canal irrigation water &go#ernment is encouraging the farmers to digmore and more tube wells"


    Irrigation from ri#ers is an ancient practice"It was being carried before the birth of christ in #ariousareas of our country&but the modern system of large perennial canals was introduced by the)ritishers"The first modern canal in Punjab was opened in 1@7>it was taken out from ri#er *a#i atmadhopur (Gurdaspur district&India!"9fter that a number of canals ha#e been taken out from#arious ri#ers and our country has got one of the most e/cellent systems of irrigation in theworld"The canals found in our country may be di#ided into the following types:

    &a'Perennial Canals=


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    Those canals which supply water to their commanded areas throughout the year are known asperennial canals"To regulate the supply dams and barrages ha#e been built"-ost of the canals ofour country are of this type"


    In )aluchistan short underground canals called 'are. ha#e been built to carry the water whichsoaks into the ground at the foot of the mountains to the fields and #illages "9s the canals areunderground no water is wasted by e#aporation"In =ueta and Pashin districts this system is #erypopular and a large area of this region is irrigated by the 'are. system"

    Canal +ystems

    The irrigated area is ser#ed by more than 6; major canal commands"-ain canals start from abarrage or dam or weir on a ri#er"9 barrage feeds one or more main or link canals"9 number ofminor tributaries feed out of the main canal and these in turn&ser#e a number of outlets to thefarmers water0courses each of which irrigates between 8; and 26; hectares"

    There are three major groups of canal system :

    (i! Canals on upper Indus Tributaries

    (ii! %ystems on the Indus

    (iii! %ystems west of the Indus"

    &i' +ystems 1n Upper*Indus Tri$utaries

    The principal canal systems are:from the +helum&(a! Bpper +helum canal&which starts from-angla&joins the Chenab at 'hanki to gi#e its surplus water to the lower Chenab canal&and (b!the Dower +helum canal which starts from *asul:from the Chenab (a! the upper Chenab canalstarting from marala and joining the *a#i near )allokin to supplement the water supply of theDower )ari ,oab canal&(b! the lower Chenab canal from 'hanki&and (c! the 3a#eli system ofcanals from the Trimu weir below the junction of the Chenab and the +helumfrom the *a#i&(a! theupper )ari ,oab canal&which begins in -adhopur (India!&irrigating mainly the Indian Punjab&with

    only its Dahore branch reaching Pakistan&(b!the Dower )ari ,oab canal from )alakot and (c! the%idhanaj Canals from the left bank of the *a#i at %idhnal from the %utlej&the %utlej #alleyproject&in which canals depart from the ri#er Gandas in Ghwala&%ulaimanke&Islam and below the

    juction of the %utlej with the Chenab at Panjnad"

    The upper +helum&the upper Chenab&and the lower )ari ,oab canals together form The TripleProject &which was designed to carry surplus water from the +helum to the Chenab &and from theChenab to the *a#i"

    &ii' +ystems 1n The Indus


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    The largest dam on the Indus has been built at Tarbela"$ther barrages&in descending order alongthe ri#er&are +innah barrage near 'alabagh&part of the Thal projectTaunsa )arrage 2>;km"further downstream&which has 1;;&;;; kw power station in addition to di#ersion worksGuddu)arrage&17; km"upstream from %ukkar%ukkur or Diodyd )arrage&the oldest barrage on theri#er&and Ghulam -ohammad )arrage&near 'otri"

    &iii' +ystems /est of The IndusThese include (a! the %wat Canals departing from the ri#er at -alakand (upper %wat canal! and

    9ba.al (Dower %wat Canal! (b! the warsak -ultipupose Project on the 'abul *i#er 5; kms"northwest of Peshawar which includes a 18;&;;; 'W power plantand (c! the kurram Garhi Project onthe kurram and barren ri#ers in )annu tehsil"

    In addition to these major projects"%ome smaller dams ha#e also been built by the Water andpower ,e#elopment 9uthority (W9P,9!"These include reil ,am&Gomal ,am -ulti0PurposeProject 'hanpur ,am&and 3ab ,am"The 9gricultural ,e#elopment Corporation has set up thesmall ,am $rgani.ation to construct dams of locali.ed utility storing the flood water of hillstream"9 number of such dams ha#e been constructed in the dry sub0mountain areas of the northwest"

    -angla And Tar$ella Dam

    The -angla Dam

    Bnder the Indus )asin Treaty&this is the second largest multi0purpose project designed to controland conser#e the flood water of the +helum for use mainly as replacement irrigation supplies forthe area which was ser#ed by the three eastern ri#ers"$n the +helum ri#er near the #illage of the-angla&about two miles upstream from the regulator of the upper +helum Canal and about 2;miles from +helum town&a dam of the embankment type has been built"The dam has crest lengthof about 11&;;; feet and its height is 5@; feet"The reser#oir created by the dam is about 6; mileslong&ha#ing a storage capacity of 7"7 million acre feet"It is the second largest earth filled dam ofour country"The project is pro#iding 6;;&;;; kilowatts of electricity and @@ lakh acre feet water for

    irrigation purposes"The design of the dam has a pro#ision for future e/tension"Its height can alsobe increased about >> feet and storage capacity can also be increased upto >"8 million acre feetand electricity generated can also be increased from the present 6;;&;;; k"w" to one million k"w"The -angla lake has been de#eloped as a fishing centre and a health and tourist resort"Thisproject was completed in 1>8?"

    The Tar$ela Dam

    This is one of the largest earth and rock filled dam in the world"This dam has been built on theri#er Indus at Tarbela&17 miles from maripur and 5; miles from 9ttock"This is also a multipurposeproject "The dam has a gross storage capacity of 11"1 million acre feet"It is >&;;; feet long and6@7 feet high"9 7; mile long lake has been built behind it"It will pro#ide 21 lakh kilowatts of

    electricity and >5 lakh acre feet of water for irrigation when completed "It construction started in1>8@ under the Indus )asin Treaty&and the dam was completed in 1>?6"The installation of 1;units of electricity has been completed in 1>@7"There is proposal of or the tarbela project that 2large off0channel reser#oirs will ha#e to be built to increase storage and lengthen the life of thegenerating facilities&since silting is e/pected to reduce the life of main dam"Water from Tarbela willbe used in the 3aro and %oan )asins and for replacement the supplies will be di#erted to theChashma +helum link canal and thence to the Trimmu0%idhnaj0-ailsi0)ahawal link system"Thisproject will help other barrages to retain the supply of water"


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    9ccording to Indus )asin Treaty fi#e barrages ha#e been built and #arious link canals ha#e beentaken out from these barages"

    !"Chashma arrage

    9 barrage has been built on *i#er Indus at Chashma "9 link Canal has been taken out from theright bank of Chashma pro#iding water to canals of jhelum and Chenab"The work of Chashmawast )ank is under progress"It is hoped that after completion&this canal will irrigate large area ofbarren land in ,era ismail 'han and dera Gha.i 'han districts"

    The other )arrages from where the following link canals ha#e been taken out are:

    1" *asul at +helum

    2" Near =adirabad on Chenab

    5" Near %ighnaj on *a#i

    6" Near -ailsi below the e/isting Islam headworks on the %utlej"

    9ll these )arrages ha#e a total length of nearly 5 1E2 miles"These barrages are pro#iding about1;;&;;; cusecs of water to their link canals"

    Lin% Canals

    !"The Rasul*?adira$ad =

    9 5; miles long canal has been built linking *asul with =adirabad and 1>&;;; cusecs water hasbeen brought from +helum to Chenab"


    =adirabad0)aloki link canal is supplying 1@&8;; cusec combine water of +helum and Chenab to*a#i at baloki"It is about miles long"

    0"The allo%i +uleman%i Lin%=

    This link canal is pro#iding 8&7;; cusec water of *a#i to the %utlej canals &e"g"Pakpattan and,epalpur canals"

    2"The Chashma*@helum Lin% Canal=

    This link canal is 85 miles long and it is supplying 21&?;; cusecs water of Indus from Chashma to+helum so that the supply of water at Trimmu head works can be maintained"

    3"Trmmu*+idhnal Lin% Canal=

    Trmmu0%idhnal link canal is pro#iding 11&;;; cusec combined water of Indus &+helum and chenabat %idhnal on *a#i

    5"The +idhnal*-ailsi*ahawal Lin%=

    It is a si/ty miles long canal&which is carrying the Indus&+helum and Chenab waters to the Islamheadwrks canals from the %utlej"

    6"The Taunsa*Punnad Lin% Canal=


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    This link canal is 5@ miles long "It is carrying the Indus water for use at the Panjnadheadworks"The link canals ha#e a total length of 5@@ miles with a total capacity of about 1;;&;;;cusec&but the present supply of water from the canal is insufficient for our reuirements and alarge amount of water is obtained from tube wells and other means"

    9gricultural Crops of PakistanIntroduction

    9gricultural acti#ities in plain areas of Pakistan are performed in two seasons"Those crops whichare culti#ated before the beginning of winter season and har#ested in early summer are known as*abi Crops"They include wheat &barley &grams&oil seeds&pulses e"t"c")ut those crops which aregrown in the beginning in summer and their picking or har#esting takes place in early winter arecalled 'harif Crops"These may include *ice&%ugarcane&-illets&-ai.e etc"The following are themain crops culti#ated in Pakistan:

    +ugar Cane &Cash Crop'


    %ugar cane is an important cash crop of Pakistan"9ll a#ailable e#idences indicate that %ugarCane originated in Indo0Pak sub0continent"The description of sugar cane is found in the Indianmythological literature of 1;;; )"C"

    It is a type of long grass perennial in nature"The first crop is called plant cane and thesucceeding crops are called *atoon Crops"9lthough it is a plant of tropical regions but it canalso be culti#ated in sub0tropical areas"

    Uses of +ugar Cane

    %ugar cane is used for sweetening purposes"It is the most important and cheapest source ofrefined sugar"Gur&9lcohol and ,esi %hakkar are also prepared from %ugar cane"The left out stalkfibers (bagasse! are used in the paper industries are as fuel and cattle food"

    .a;oura$le Conditions .or Its Growth

    !" Temperature

    %ugarcane is a crop of wet tropical lands "

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    %ugarcane can be grown on a #ariety of soils ranging from sandy loams the hea#y clays but sillloams and clay loams are most suitable"It is grown primarily on both allu#ial and red soils"The soilshould contain some elements of lime&potash and nitrogen"


    The best land for sugarcane is flat or undulating and fertile with topsoil that retains moisture andsub soils that permit drainage"Therefore the main %ugarcane area in Pakistan is located in thecanal colonies of the fertile Indus #alley"

    +ugarcane Culti;ation

    In Pakistan&%ugarcane is culti#ated in the spring season in the month of @>0>; @76 """"""""""""""""""576>6"""""""""""""""""61"78

    1>>;0>1 @@6"""""""""""""""""""57@@>"""""""""""""""""6;"?1

    1>>10>2 @??"""""""""""""""""""5621;"""""""""""""""""5>";;


    Cotton &Cash Crop'


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    Cotton is considered to be the most important cash crop of Pakistan"Pakistan&ranks fifth in worldcotton production"It is outstanding among #egetable&animal and synthetic fibers&accounting forappro/imately one half of the all materials that are made into cloth")esides the preparation of anumber of its products &we also earn a large amount of foreign e/change from its e/port to other

    countries "Its importance may be estimated from the fact that it contributes 17A to the G"N"P Theentire te/tile industry directly or indirectly depends upon it"It pro#ides employment to 2E5rd ofindustrial labour force"

    iological And 4istorical Reference

    Cotton is also known as the %il#er

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    In Pakistan cotton is grown in canal irrigated areas of Punjab and %indh and also in some parts of)aluchistan and N"W"@>0>; 0 >77;

    1>>;0>1 0 >775

    1>>10>2 0 7>18

    (+uly to -arch!

    Rice &.ood Crop'

    Importance of Rice in Pa%istan=*ice holds an important position among the cash crops of Pakistan"It fulfills the food reuirementsof our country but we also earn a lot of foreign e/change from its e/port")esides it is an importantraw material for manufacturing starch&paper &sandals&hats&mattresses etc"grain as well as its huskis also used as fodder for cattle"

    iological and 4istorical References


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    *ice belongs to the genus $/ygen&two species of which are culta#ated&$ry.a Glaberrima and$ry.a %ati#a"The former is found only in tropical west 9frican while the latter is found all o#erthe rice growing areas""The e/act origin of rice is not known but most of the research workersgi#e this credit to %outh ast 9si"9fter 168@ it was introduced in Italy from where it spread toeuropean and many other contries of the world"

    .a;oura$le Coditions .or Its growth=!" Temperature=

    *ice is a tropical plant"it reuires high temperature during the growing season of 6 to 8months"The temperature should be more than @; degree < and in no way less than ?; degree 0>;""""""""""21;?"""""""""""""522;""""""""""""""""""""""172@





    1>@>0>; 0 *s" 7166 million

    1>>;0>1 0 *s" ?@68 million

    1>>10>2 0 *s" ?;@5 million


    /4EAT &.ood Crop'


    Wheat is the most popular food crop of Pakistan"Wheat being the staple diet of most of the

    people of Pakistan it dominates all crops in acreage and production "We use wheat and itsproducts in a number of ways"It accounts for o#er ?; A of the gross cereals and o#er 58 A of thecountry4s acreage is de#oted to wheat culti#ation"

    Wheat is being culti#ated in our country from ancient times"9ccording to some e/perts wheat wasfirst culti#ated in the Indus Falley"Pakistan is the 6th largest producer of wheat in 9sia and stands11th in world production"

    .a;oura$le Conditions .or Its Growth


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    !" Temperature=

    Wheat is essentially a temperate crop reuiring moderate heat and moisture"In Pakistan it is arain (winter! crop"It is culti#ated in the month of $ctober and No#ember"The temperature then isbetween 7; degree and 8; degree < which is most suitable for wheat growth while it is har#estedat the end of 9pril or early in -ay when the temperature is between @; degree < and 1;; degree

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    The pro#ince of %indh ranks second in wheat production"'abul&'urram and Gomal ri#ers ha#e asubstantial share in wheat acreage"-ost of the lands de#oted to wheat culti#ation in the lowerIndus Plains are located in the irrigated districts of Nawabshah&3yderabad&%ukkur&Tharparkarand 'hairpur"

    0" 11"""""""""""""""""""""16787""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1@61




    Period"""""""""""""""""""?uantity"""""""""""""""""""Unit Balue

    """"""""""""""""""""""""""""(;;; ml!"""""""""""""""""""*sEml!




    (+uly0-arch!(ml metric tonnes!

  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    celebrates weeks for tree plantation in the months of spring and rainy seasons",uring theseworks people are encouraged to plant more and more trees"

    >inds of .orests in Pa%istan

    !"E;ergreen Coniferous .orests=


    These forests are found in the Northern and Western hills such asChitral&%wat&,ir&9bbotabad&-alakand&'ohistan&-ansehra district of N"W"

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    These forests co#er land rising upto an altitude of 5;;; feet"The trees of these forests shed theirlea#es at a time when the amount of rainfall and temperature is insufficient in a particular season"

    Important Trees=

    The dominant trees of these forests are Phulai&'ao&Chestnut&+uniper&Walnut&$ak&-aple andPoplar"$lea and Chir occur occasionally at high ele#ations"

    Economic Importance=

    These forests are an important source of timber for the manufacture of furniture &rifle butts&sportsgoods etc"

    2"Ri;erian 1r ela .orests=


    Narrow belts along the banks of *i#er Indus and its large tributaries are occupied by the ri#erionforests commonly known as )ela

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    These forests are mostly found in the Indus delta"3ub delta is also co#ered with these forestswhich e/tend to *unn of 'uch co#ering an area of about ?7;&;;; acres"


    The trees of these forests grow in awampy areas"Dack of fresh water results in shunned growt oftrees and in the occurance of limited number of species "The normal height of trees is 1; feetwhile in better watered areas the trees rise to 2;027 feet"

    Important Trees=

    %ome #aluable species are being e/perimented upon in these areas"9#icennta $fficanilis&Ceriopaand *hi.o phoras are some of them"

    Economic Importance=

    9 #ital ad#antage of these forests in that they supply a large amount of firewood"The trees ha#emostly soft wood which is also used as fodder for animals"

    6"The Ra%hs=


    These forests are found in the Indus #alley scaltered far away from human settlements"


    These are mostly shrub forests and the trees are not #ery tall"

    Important Trees=

    The main species which are generally found in these forests are +and&Neem&'aril&

  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    6""In forests a large number of animals take refuge&so forests pro#ide hunting facilities for huntersand they get meat and skins from them"

    1;"alaagh Iron 1re=

    $ccurs near 'alabagh in the %urghar *ange and near %akesar in the %alt *ange"They are thelargest deposits in Pakistan but the ore is of low grade (5;"57 percent iron! and of irregularcomposition"*ese#es are estimated at about 5;; million tonnes"

    Dommel -isar=


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    -agnitite deposits in %outhern Chitral&about 5; kilometers south of ,rosh &ha#e an iron content of77"87 percent"*eser#es are estimated at 5 million tonnes"

    LangrialGaldanian And A$$ota$ad 1re=

    Dangrial iron deposits are in the #icinity of Dangrial #illage in haripur tehsil&about 5; kilometerssouth of 9bbotabad"The iron content #aries widely between ; and 7; percent "The Galdaniandeposits&about 17 kilometers north0east of abotabad ha#e an a#erage iron content of 2;percent"Iron content yardes from 16"68 percent"Total reser#es in 3a.ara ,istric are estimated tobe mere than 1;; million tonnes"

    Chigha9i -agnitite Deposits=

    $f #arious magnitudes ha#e been disco#ered in Chigai ,istrict&near ,albandin "*eser#es of highgrade ore (78 percent iron or more ! are estimated o#er 5 million tonnes and of low ore (27"5@percent iron! at 2; million tonnes"

    #" Chromite


    Chromium is used in the making of stainless steel &high speed tools and precisioninstruments&dyes and in photography"


    Pakistan leads the world in chromite production"Darge deposits of chromite occur in the-uslimbagh area of the Jaob #alley"Those are the best known of the chromite deposits inPakistan and ha#e been e/tensi#ely e/ploited "'hano.ai and +ang Torgarh are importantmines "$ther deposits are in Chagai and 'haran&where the total deposits amount to 1;";;;tonnes"

    In addition to the abo#e Peshawar di#ision deposits amount to 16&;;; tonnes"

    0" Copper


    Copper ranks ne/t to iron in importance because of its many industrial uses"It was used formaking coins and domestic utensils in the past"Now a days it is used in the manufacture ofelectric goods&telephone wires&refrigerators etc"


    The deposits of copper ha#e been found at %andak and 9muri in Chaghai districts of)aluchistan"%andak deposits are estimated to be 612 million tonnes"9t present copper is not

    being e/tracted commercially in our country but it is hoped that in near future we shall be able toproduce copper in sufficient uantity with foreign collaboration"

    2" Roc% +alt and rine

    9ll the rock salt deposits in Pakistan occur in the salt range"The most important mines are:

    &a' >hewra -ines=


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    'hewra is the most e/tensi#ely worked area with seams attaining thickness of as much as 1@metres"Present production is 22;&;;; tonnes a year"

    &$' >archa -ines=

    The mine has fi#e seams&with a ma/imum thickness of 17 metres and produces 6;";;;067&;;;tonnes a year"

    &c' >ala$agh -ines=

    The seams are irregular and contorted and production is about 12&;;;018&;;; tonnes a year"

    &d' @attaahadur%hel and >ara% +alt Deposits=

    Production from this area almost euals that of the Warcha mines"The reser#es&howe#er&arethought to be #ery large"

    %alt is also obtained from brine and salt"Dakes&but the amount obtained from these sources isrelati#ely small compared with that of rock salt"%alt is har#ested in the Tharparkar area of %indhand obtained by e#aprating sea0water at -auripur&near 'arachi&and along the -akran andDasbela coasts large deposits of concentrated brine ha#e been disco#ered at ,haryala near'hewra"Farious chemicals and fertili.ers may be manufactured from this brine"

    3" Gypsum


    Gypsum is also an important mineral of our country "It is used for the manufacturing ofcement&plaster of paris& fertili.ers and in #arious other industries"It is also used to regain thefertility of soil in water0logged and salinity areas"


    Gypsum is in our country is found in a large uantity"-ianwali&+helum&,era Gha.i 'han in

    Punjab&=uetta and %ibi in )aluchistan&'ohat in N"W"

  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    6"In %indh: -ango Pir&-arli 3ills&Cape -on.e&*ani Pir"

    Total annual production is about 5"7 million tonnes"

    6" -ar$le


    It is mainly used as a building and decorati#e stone"


    Pakistan e/ports marble manufactured items to a large number of countries around the world"In#arious parts of our country good uality marble in a wide range of colours is found"

    &a'Peshawar Di;ision Deposits=

    Good uality marble of white and #arious other colours in found at two places:

    a! %hahidmena area andb! 'umbela 'nwar area"

    &$' -ardan District Deposits=

    )est known deposits of marble&usually white and of uniform te/ture is found at two places :

    a! Gundari Tarko and

    b! -aneri"


  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    6"3ydro0lectric Power

    9bout 62 A of energy in Pakistan is obtained from oil&57A from Natural gas&12A from hydlepower and 6A from coal"

    &A' C1AL

    Usage=Coal is described as the mother of modern Industry"It is at the back of the rapid Industrialde#elopment of the great industrial powers which might not ha#e been possible without itspresence"

    Coal is uniue among natural products in the number of uses to which it can be put"The mainfunction of coal is to run the factories &the locomoti#es and the steam ships"%upplying heat fordomestic purposes is of secondary importance"9part from these&coal tar&dyes&perfumes&colourfilms&sewing thread and typewriter ribbons are some of the 2;;&;;; by products deri#ed fromcoal"


    Coal -ines of the Puna$=

    !"+alt Range -ines=

    The coal found in these areas is of low uality"The main centres of coal in this area are ,andotand Pidh")esides&some coal is also mined at 9ra 'atha&Chilaj&Pir +ahania etc"*eser#es areestimated at ?; million tonnes"

    #"-a%arwal Coal -ines=

    These are second important coal mines of )aluchistan "The coal found here is of poor uality andreser#es are small "

    0"Degari Coal -ines=The coal found here is of low uality&ha#ing more ash and sulphur content"*eser#es areestimated at 76 million tonnes"

    )esides the abo#e mentioned coal mines "%ome coal has also been disco#ered in other areas of)aluchistan such as Pir Ismail&Jiarat&%injidi and 'ach&but e/traction of coal has not been startedfrom those places"

    Coal -ines 1f +indh=

    !"La%hara Coal -ines=

    The coal found here is of inferior uality lignite and has a high moisture content"*eser#es are

    about 22 million tonnes"

    #"-eting @himpir Coal -ines=

    The seams of coal are thin and are of poor uality"*eser#es are about 2@ million tonnes"

    )esides coal has been disco#ered in other areas of Pakistan such as Cherat hills"Nowshera inN"W"

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    Total Reser;es=

    Coal has been the traditional source of energy and its resources are estimated to the tune of1?"?? billion tonnes"

    &' -I

  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    )esides the abo#e in %indh pro#ince at Gularchi )obi Pasakhi&Tajedi Nari&Turk&3aliPota&Ghunghro&Panero&'unner&$il has also been disco#ered and e/perimental processes andunder progress"

    1il Refining=

    9t present&Three refineries are operating in the country"$f these &Pakistan *efinery Dimited (P*D!and National *efinery Dimited (N*D! are located at 'arachi and 9ttock *efinery Dimited (9*D! at*awalpindi"P*D and N*D ha#e refining capacity of 1"@ million tonnes per year"In addition toimported crude oil&N*D is also processing indigenous crude from new find at Degari0'hashkheli"

    Total Reser;es And Production=

    The reco#erable reser#es of crude oil were estimated at 167"8> million barrels on -arch 51&1>>2"

    The production of oil increased from 75&6@1 barrels per day in 1>@>0>; to 86&56@ barrels per dayin 1>>;0>1"3owe#er&during the period +uly0-arch &1>>2 the production declined on an a#erage to82&7;; barrels per day"

    &C' 5?&so 9ttock $il Company &while searching formore oil&found natural gas at this field in 1>>6"

    &c' -eyal Gas .ield&Dist"Attoc% Puna$'=

    Pakistan $il @;"

    *ecently gas has been disco#ered at ,habi %outh %onoro&)ukhari&-atil and +abo in %indh and at-akhdompur in Punjab"


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    Total Reser;ed And Production=

    The reco#erable reser#es of natural gas are estimated at 762"7;7 billion cubic meres",uring thefirst nine months of 1>>10>2 the production was 11765"1> million cubic mores as against1;>52">2 million cubic meres during the same period in the pre#ious year showing an increase7"7@A "The country produces about 1"7 billion cubic feet of gas per day"

    &D' 4)DR1*ELECTRIC P1/ER

    The hydro0electric potential of Pakistan&substantial part of which has now been harnessed& ismostly located in the hilly north0western areas&where the different lated terrain pro#ides naturalsites for dams"%ome sites in the plains ha#e also been de#eloped by utili.ing fall in ri#ers andcanals"While the use of the three eastern ri#ers has&as a result of the Indus Water Treaty&passedto India&the hydro0electric potential of the three western ri#ers&the Indus&the +helum and theChenab has been estimated at 5; million 'w" -'W3%"

    #"The -angla Power +tation=

    This power station will ultimetly ha#e an installed capacity of 1&;;; million watts in ten sets of1;;&;;; 'W each"The first three generating sets&each of 1;;&;;; 'W&were installed as part ofthe Indus )asin Plan and the other four ha#e been added later by W9P,9"

    0"The /arsa% Power +tation=

    It has si/ units with a total capacity of 26; -W"The turbines are fed by a concrete lined tunnelfrom the 68 metre high dam"This station was one of the major sources of hydro0electric powerbefore the completion of -angla and Tarbela"

    2"The -ala%and And Dargai Power +tations=

    They produced electricity from falls in the upper %wat Canal"Water is taken back into the canalfrom the -alakand station to feed the power house at ,argai"-alakand station was completed in1>5@ &with an installed capacity of 18&?;; 'W& and this was to @;&;;; 'W in 1>72",argai alsohas an installed capacity of @;&;;; 'W"

    3"The Rasul Proect=

    This project was started in 1>68&with the limited purpose of feeding 1@8; tube 0wells in Gujrat and%argodha"The scheme was later modified to meet the reuirements of the Punjab&before thecompletion of Warsak power station"The water in the 50km power channel is taken from the Bpper+helum Canal&and after passing through the turbine&joines the Dower +helum Canal"

    5"The Chicho%i -allian Power +tation=

    This station is located on the upper Chenab Canal about 6@ km from Dahore&and in the e#ent of apower failure on the main grid&can be isolated to supply the city"

    6"The +hadiwal Power +tation=

    is located on the upper +helum Canal near Gujrat"


  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    7"The urram and Garhi +tation=

    These stations are on the irrigation canal taken out from the kurram *i#er "9bout 6;&;;; 'W ofelectricity is being produced from this project which is pro#iding the needs of 'ohat and ,eraIsmail 'han di#isions"

    Energy Generation=&million >wh'

    1>@>0>; 0 18>27

    1>>;0>1 0 1@2>@

    1>>10>2 0 15?26

    (+uly to -arch!

    IndustriesI6>07; manufactured items accounted for only 1"7A of the national income"9fter 1; years theratio impro#ed to 7 A"In ?;0?1 the ratio increased upto 18"51A "In ?@0?> the ratio declined to16"57A" Today the large soule industries ha#e 1>">A share in our GNP"Pakistan has attained a

    fairly di#ersified base in manufacturing ranging from essential consumer goods to hea#yengineering&chemicals and tools industry"Inspite of this enormous progress&we cannot still claimto be an industrially de#eloped country"$ur economy still depends upon the agricultural sectorand import of #arious industrial products from other countries"


    There are some important geographical and economic factors which e/ercise a great influence onthe Docali.ation of any industry"The factors are called the locali.ation factors and are as follows:

    !"Raw -aterials=

    No Industry can be established without a#ailability of raw materials"They should be easilyaccessible otherwise the e/penses incurred on their acuisition become immense "The modernmeans of transportation ha#e made possible to tap distant sources of raw material"

    #"Power Resources=

    9n industry can not run without the supply of energy and power"-odern comple/ industriesconsume large amount of power"

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    0"Pro,imity to The -ar%et=

    The ultimate purpose of all production is consumption"The consuming market should not beremote from the industries&otherwise the deli#ery of the manufactured items will add immensely tothe cost"3owe#er modern means of transportation ha#e opened the world market and decreaseddependance on the local market"


    Dabour of its three types:


    2!Bnskilled and

    5!-anagement and labour staff"

    9bundant and cheap supply of all kinds of labour should be a#ailable at the site of theindustry"Bnfortunately we are not self sufficient in the supply of skilled labour which is a greathandicap for our local industries"We ha#e to import skilled labour which adds to our cost"

    3"+uita$le Climate=Climate determines the working power and efficiency of labourers and also the economy of theproducts",ifferent kinds of industries reuire different kinds of climate" Generally speaking&temperate climate is most suitable as it stimulates people to work harder"

    5"Easy A;aila$ility of Capital=

    It is an accepted fact that modern industriali.ation is impossible without the large supply ofcapital"asy and large supply of capital is an important factor for the locali.ation of anyindustry"I",")"P&N","

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    Cotton te/tile industry is the biggest industry of Pakistan"Pakistan forms the base of world Cottonte/tile industry"It is a broad industry and in#ol#es spinning i"e"yarn production and wea#ingi"e"cotton production"

    The making of te/tiles employs o#er 2;;&;;; persons in Pakistan which is more than 1E5rd of allthose employed in large scale industries"It also makes the largest contribution to the GNP"9partfrom its basic contribution of fulfilling the need at home&we earn a large amount of foreign

    e/change from the e/port of cotton yarn and cloth"

    Re;iew of Progress=

    The country had 1@ cotton mills in 1>6@ with 1"?? lac spindles and 6&@26 looms"The totalproduction of yarn was 5 crore pounds and that of cloth amounted to > crore yds"Their productionwas altogether inadeuate for the country4s reuirements and a large uantity of cloth and yarnhad to be imported" *esources were a#ailable for its de#elopment"The go#ernment ga#e prioritythis industry made the greatest progress"In 1>86087 the number of factories was more than12;"9s regards to production of yarn&It increased to 16"7 yds"in 1>8?08@"

    9fter 1>?6&this industry faced a se#ere recession due to both to domestic and internationalfactors"Pakistan had suffered particularly&because this industry is e/port oriented")oth productionand e/ports of its products had drastically fallen during these years"The major causes of the

    crises of the cotton te/tile industry had been :

    1! Tall in demand for the products of this industry in the international market in the face of glut inproduction in se#eral countries"

    2! ,omestically there were se#eral unfa#ourable de#elopmentssuch as rise in price of cotton dueto fall in cotton production&and increase in wages of labour along with the reported fall in itsproducti#ity"Today we ha#e 2;; cotton te/tile mills in recogni.ed sector"

    Cotton Te,tile Centres=

    >arachiThe iggest Te,tile Centre=

    9fter the establishment of Pakistan&the first mill named as Falika Cotton Te/tile -ill was

    established at 'arachi in 1>6@"9lthough &'arachi is not located in cotton growing area"Het it soonbecame and is still&the biggest centre of cotton te/tile industry in Pakistan"-any factors wereresponsible"It had the ad#antage of a#ailability of capital &banking facilities&bussiness ability offamilies which migrated to 'arachi&fine labour&railway and road links with cotton growingareas&humid climate&easy a#ailability of sui gas etc"

    In addition to 'arachi &now in e#ery big city of all the four pro#inces&cotton te/tile mills ha#e beenset up"These are as follows:


    'arachi&3yderabad&Tando 9dam&Tando +am&'hairpur&Darkana&Tando -ohammed 'han&'otri etc"


  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography




    Installed Capacity

    Installed Capacity of Te,tile Industry & in thousands'

    )ear""""""""""""""""+pindles Installed""""""+pindles /or%ing"""""Looms Installed"""""Looms /or%ing1>@>0>;"""""""""""""""""71>7""""""""""""""""""""6618"""""""""""""""""""18"""""""""""""""""""@





    &a' Production of Cotton )arn&thousand >g"'=

    )ear* Production

    1>@>0>; 0 >11&7@@1>>;0>1 0 1&;61&26@

    1>>10>2 0 @81&@1>

    &$' Production of Cotton Cloth &thousand +F"-etre'=

    )ear* Production

    1>@>0>; 0 2>6&@5>

    1>>;0>1 0 2>2&>11

    1>>10>2 0 255&>>?


    Position of Trade=

    The country is now self0sufficient in #arieties of cotton cloth and cotton yarn"We are now e/citedfrom the list of importers in this connection"The major e/port markets of Pakistani cotton fabricsare C&B"%"9&B"%"%"*&9ustralia&Iran&Canada and %audi 9rabia"


    """""""""""""""""""""?uantity&-T' """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""Balue &-illion '

    """""""""""""""""""""1>>;0>1"""1>>10>2 """""""""""""""""""""1>>;0>1"""""1>>10>2

    Cotton )arn""""568817"""""5521;;""""""""""""""""""""""@1;"?5""""""?@8"75

    Cotton .a$rics"""?@2"""""""@8;""""""""""""""""""""""""6@8">2""""""7@?"87

    &' IR1< A

  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    In the first phase of Industrali.ation in Pakistan&the emphasis was on the de#elopment ofconsumer goods industry"It was soon felt that the establishment of basic industries like Iron and%teel were essential for the economic de#elopment of the country"9 #igorous search for iron oreand other minerals was started"

    9t present &Pakistan hea#y engineering industry comprises of the following units:

    !"4ea;y -echanical Comple,*Ta,ila=3-C Ta/ila is one of the most important industries of the 5rd fi#e year plan of Pakistan in theo#erall scheme of establishing basic and key industries in the country"

    It was completed in 1>?; with the technical and economic assistance of the people4s *epublic ofChina in#ol#ing a total cost of *s"26; million"Its annual production capacity is 1?&;;; tonnes of#arious types of complete machines and plants which include sugar and cement plants&chemicaland petro chemical plants&road bulldo.ers&railway wagons&a/les of wagons&o#erhead tra#elingcranes and boilers"9t present 12 cement plants and 1> sugar plants produced by the comple/ha#e been installed"9 cement plan has been e/ported to )angladesh and 5 sugar plants toIndonesia and )angladesh"/port orders which are under process ha#e also been recei#ed from)angladesh&%yria&Iran&'enya and 9.erbaijan"

    #"hea;y .oundry and .orge Proect*Ta,ila=This project was set up with the technical and financial assistance of the people4s *epublic ofChina in 1>?2 and is one of the biggest project of this kind in Pakistan" It is planned to pro#ide ametallurgical base to the hea#y engineering sector"The project&when in full production&will be ableto fully meet the reuirements of hea#y castings and forgings of the engineering units of Pakistan"

    0"Pa%istan -achine tool .actory*Landhi=

    This factory was established in collaboration with a"swiss firm at Dandhi in 'arachi"It is a highlysophisticated engineering facility which is producing transmission components and automobileparts since 1>8@"Its major products are gear bo/es&auda/les for trucks&jeeps&tractors etc"

    2"Pa%istan +teel -ill &>arachi'=The foundation stone of 'arachi %teel -ill was laid down on ,ecember"5;& 1>?5"It wascompleted at a cost of *s"2&77&7;; million with the economic and technical assitance of B"%"%"*"

    This biggest industrial enterprise in the country is the precursor of countless economicbenefits"The completion of the steel mill is a shining milestone which leads the way to a new eraof progress in the nation4s economy"


    The employment le#el at Pakistan %teel was 25&@62 as on -arch 51&1>>2 compared with 25&>87on ,ecember 51&1>>1"

    Installed Capacity=Pakistan %teel is a huge engineering comple/ and is producing coke&pig iron&billets&hot rolledsheetsEplates&cold rolled sheetsEplates&gal#anised sheets etc"It has a production capacityeui#alent to 1"1 million tonnes of raw steel per anum with a built in potential to e/pand to o#er 5million tonnes"

    The a#erage capacity utili.ation in terms of raw steel was ?8A during 1>>10>2"

    Production Performance&::: tonnes'=


  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography





    Pig Iron""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1;15"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?88

    *olled )illets"""""""""""""""""""""""""272"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1?8

    Cast )illets""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@1""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""6@3ot *olled Coils""""""""""""""""""""""""5@8"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2>8

    Cold *olled Coils"""""""""""""""""""""""111"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""">>

    Gal#ani.ed Coils"""""""""""""""""""""""""62""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""57

    >;0>1 to*s"888> million during +uly0-arch 1>>10>2 as compared with *s"52 million in +uly0-arch&1>>;0>1"

    &C' CE-E

  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    The +econd Phase of De;elopment=

    The second phase of de#elopment of cement industries started during the si/ties with the settingup of 5 cement factories in the pri#ate sector"

    The demand for cement had been steadily increasing which induced the pri#ate in#estors tofurther in#est in this industry "Conseuently&the annual production capacity of cement which was1;&;;&;;; tonnes in 1>7>08; increased to 2"? million tonnes in 1>8>0?; &registering an increaseof 187A during a period of 1; years"

    Impact of ?2&the units of cement industries were also nationali.ed along with other industrial unitsconseuently&the production of cement was limited between 2"? million tonnes to 5"1 milliontonnes"9ll cement industries were gi#en under the control of a corporation named Pak %tateCement Corporation"9s a result cement had to be imported to meet the domestic demand"

    Performance upto the End of the 5th Plan=

    In 1>?@&the go#ernment undertook #arious de#elopment projects for the reacti#ation of the pri#ate

    sector such as the completion of steel mills&port asim&construction of new dams&railwaylines&e/pansion of highways&de#elopment of the under de#eloped regions"Those projects causedunprecedented increase in the domestic demand for cement in the country and we had to dependon large scale import of cement to meet this increased demand"Conseuently &in 1>@10@2&>;;&;;; tonnes of cement was imported&while in 1>@20@5&8&2;&;;; tonnes was imported"

    In #iew of the steadily increasing demand for cement &the pri#ate sector was induced to in#est inthis industry"In addition to that &the production capacity of cement units in the public sector wasalso e/panded during the 7th and 8th fi#e Hear Plans"Conseuently &by the end of the 8thplan&the total production of cement increased from 5"6; million tonnes in 1>??0?@&to 8"? milliontonnes in 1>@80@?"

    Installed Capacity=

    9t present 25 cement units are operating in the country with a capacity of @157 thousandtonnes "$ut of these&12 units with a capacity of 718> thousand tonnes are in the public sector and11 units with a capacity of 2>88 thousand tonnes are in the pri#ate sector"

    Production&::: tones'=

    1>@>0>;0 ?6@@

    1>>;0>1 0 ??82

    1>>10>2 0 @;>7

    (+uly0-arch! Pro#isional


    1>@>0>;0 51

    1>>;0>1 0 17>

    1>>10>2 0 62

    &D'PAPER I

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    Paper was first in#ented in 1;; 9","in china")efore the e/istence of Pakistan there was no paperindustry in our country"9ll the paper reuirements were imported from abroad",omestic rawmaterials like bamboos&rice and wheat straws&jute stalks etc"Were lying un0utili.ed and inabundance in the eastern wing"Two big paper mills were established in ast Pakistan which not

    only made Pakistan self sufficient in writing&printing and wrapping papers but also placed it in aposition to e/port"There were only a few paper mills in the western wing"9fter 1>?1&the supply ofpaper from )angladesh stopped and we had to depend on imported paper"3owe#er with thepassage of time&many paper mills were set up in Pakistan"

    Important Paper -ills=

    9t present&following are the paper mills in our country:

    !"Adamee Paper -ills &>;0>1&the #alue of paper and paper board imported stood at dollar >>"@7million",uring the same period in 1>>10>2 the #alue of imports stood at dollar 111"@@ million"


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    There are 27 cigarettes manufacturing units situated at +helum -ultan&Dahore(Punjab!&'arachi(Dandhi&-aripur&%ukkar&(%indh!&Nowshera(N"W"

  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    Road Transportation in Pa%istan=

    9ll the time Pakistan was created there was not much #ahiculay traffic on roads e/cept bullockcarts and other animal drawn carts ")ut today the thronged with trucks&buses&stationwagons&jeeps&cars and motorcycles"National logistic cell established in 1>?@ is performing greatser#ice by transporting essential commodities to and from 'arachi Port Inland"

    9lthough road traffic is increasing rapidly&the density of the road network is still inadeuate andthe condition of most roads is unsatisfactory in uality&width& and separation of up and downcarriageways"%low mo#ing carts mingle with modern #ehicular traffic and accidents and traffic

    jams are freuent"

    Principal Roads=

    The main roads of Pakistan are as follows:

    !">arachi to Tor%ham ;ia Lahore=

    This is the longest and an important road of Pakistan"It is also known as the grand trunk road"Itslength is about 1?57 kilometers"

    This road links 'arachi Port with other interior parts of our country"The import and e/port of9fghanistan goes through this road"9ll the big cities situated on this road are linked with othersmall towns and #illages through small roads"In many regions&this road run parallel to the railwayline at some places due to hea#y traffic from 3yderabad to 'arachi&it has been rebuilt and isknown as the %uper 3ighway"This road passes from the following towns and cities"'arachi toThatta&3yderabad&Nawabshah&*ohri&*ahimyar'han&)ahawalpur&-ultan&'hanewal&%ahiwal&$kara&Pattoki&*aiwind&Dahore&Gujranwala&Gujrat&+helum&*awalpindi&Nowshera&Peshawar&Torkham"

    #">arachi to Chaman ;ia >alat and ?uetta=

    This is the second largest and an important road of Pakistan"Its distance is about @56 kilometersfrom 'arachi to Chaman"This road beginning from 'arachi passing through the remote areas of

    )aluchistan Pro#ince&reaches upto &Chaman&a small border town near the border of9fghanistan"The products of 9fghanistan &such as dry fruits etc"come to 'arachi through thisroad")esides this the reuirements of rural and urban areas of )aluchistan are fulfilled throughthis road"

    0"Rohri to ?uetta ;ia +u%%ur@aco$a$ad*+i$i=

    This is third important road of our country"Its distance is about 61; kilometers"This road passingthrough different parts of %indh Pro#ince&connects #arious important cities of )aluchistanPro#ince"The products of )aluchistan Pro#ince and trade with other pro#ince is mainly performedthrough this road"

    2"Dera Ismail >han to ?uetta ;ia .ort +andeman=

    This is also an important road of our country"This road connects the areas of N"W"

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    1>>5"This highway will connect the following cities:'arachi&%ewan%harif&,adu&Darkana&%hikarpur&'ashmir &,era Gha.i 'han&,era Ismail 'han&)annu&'ohat andPeshawar"

    &' RAIL/A)+

    Introduction=*ailways are the con#enient and uick means of transport of people and goods particularly hea#yitems&o#er long distances"

    Pakistan inherited @776 km"(7517 miles! of railways &to which much addition has not beenmade"The e/tension work has hampered because of difficulties in maintaining and running thee/isting railways"The locomoti#es in Pakistan were run by coal"9fter the creation of Pakistan coalbecame a scarce commodity "Therefore&Pakistan had to change its engines from coal to dieselwhich reuired money and time"Workshop had also to be remodelled to to repair and maintainthem"9nother problem was the a#ailability of railways are switching to concrete sleepers"9t someplaces metre gauge track has been changed into broad gauge track")esides this&electrification of*ailway track from Dahore to 'hanewal has been completed and work of electrification to%amasatta *ailway track is under progress"9t present& Pakistan *ailways comprise of @??7 route

    kilometers&>;? stations and ?@ train halts"Its major assets include ?75 locomoti#es&255>passengers coaches and 56@71 freight wagons"

    Railway Routes

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    This is a branch line which reaches from -ultan to 9ttock and meets the main line"

    3"Lalamusa to >hanewal ;ia +argodha.aisala$ad=

    This is also a branch line passing through #arious commercial centres and meets the main linenear Dala -usa"

    &C' AIR TRA6? a small air company&the $rient 9irways&$perated in Pakistan"Two more companiesuickly stand up namely the Pak0air Dimited and Crescent 9irways")y 1>72 the two newcompanies were dissol#ed"The $rient 9irways was too small to meet the growing needs of thecountry"Therefore&in 9pril 1>77&Pakistan International 9irlines (PI9! is established by anordinance"The $rient 9irways was merged in the new company which now monopoli.es airtransport in Pakistan"

    The Pakistan International 9irline has made a phenomenal progress since it Inception"It startedits life with a fleet of 17 aircrafts&three super constellation &two con#airs and ten ,akutas"9s on&1>>2 Pia4s fleet comprised of 6? aircrafts of different types"

    The PI9 ser#ices are a#ailable to some large cities like 'arachi&Dahore& Islamabad& Peshawar&

  • 8/10/2019 362 Commercial Geography



    transported by means of ri#ers"There is insufficient water in our ri#ers all the year round for largeboats to use them easily"The Indus carries sufficient water and is na#igable from 9ttock to itsdelta which is about a distance of >8; miles",ifferent kinds of Items such as timber&grains&stonesetc"&are transported from one place to another with the help of small boats"

    &'1CEA< TRA?; the corporation had 51 #essels with

    dead weight of 558&>51 tonnes")esides there were 6; ships owned by other companiesestablished in Pakistan"These ?1 Pakistani ships were handling the entire interwing trade (astPakistan0West Pakistan trade! and 16 A of the foreign sea0borne trade and could carry 88;;passengers"In 1>?6&th e pri#ate shipping companies were nationali.ed"To manage them Pakistanshipping corporation was established"In 1>?>&the two corporations were merged under the nameof Pakistan National %hipping Corporation (PN%C!"The PN%C4s de#elopment programmeincludes the acuisition of a bulk carrier for shipments of rock phosphate&an edible oil tanker forshipments of palm oil&four bulk carriers for shipments of iron ore and coal imported by Pakistan%teel and three container #essels for handling containeri.ed general cargo trade"

    9t present there are 22 #essels owned by PN%C"The corporation has a dead weight of 572&?18tons",uring the first half of the year ending ,ecember51&1>>1 the corporation handled 2"?6million freight tonnes of cargo as against 2"?? million freight tons during the pre#ious0half yearending ,ecember 51&1>>;"

    !" >arachi Port=

    Docated west of the Indus ,elta on the 9rabian %ea coast&'arachi Port has ser#ed Pakistan sinceits inception"'arachi is a natural harbour sheltered behind the island of 'eamari and a break0water at -anora" 'arachi&a major port by world standards&is Pakistan4s only large port"It has a#ast hinterland comprising not merely Pakistan and that part of 'ashmir which is not under indianoccupation but also 9fghanistan"The port has more than 27 berths&plus a petroleum dock"Theast Wharf &constructed o#er 7; years ago&has been moderni.ed"The West Whar#es and a drydock for the construction and repair of ships ha#e been built since independence"The ports drygeneral cargo handling capacity&though considerably increased in the past&is still less than theactual amount of cargo handled&the two respecti#ely being C and o#er 16 million tons perannum"9s a result&the harbour is #ery crowded&with most ships double0berthed&and long delays in

    entering the port are usual "-uch has been done to impro#e the port in four projects "The fourthproject of 'arachi port included&among other works&the construction of ?7&;;; dead weight oiltanker berth"It has impro#e the old handling capacity of the port from 7 to 1; million tonnes perannum"9 master plan had been prepared for the de#elopment of the port and the first set of @berths&with modern container terminals&was completed by 1>@?0@@"The dry general cargohandling capacity of the port impro#ed by 2 million tonnes"

    Cargo 4andling=


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    ,uring the first nine months of the >2&the 'arachi port handled acargo #olume of 16"? million tons (11 million tons of import and 5"? million tons of e/port! &whichis 6"2A abo#e the corresponding period of the pre#ious year"

    #" Port -ohammed in ?asim=

    In #iew of the increasing work the 'arachi Port had to perform&the necessity of a new port wasfelt"9fter e/amining a number of areas&finally a site for the new port was selected at PilliCreek&close to Pakistan %teel -ill"In +une 1>?5&Port -ohammed )in =asim 9uthority wasestablished and the work on the port was started"Port -ohammed )in =asim&which is the firstbulk&semi bulk and industrial port of the country is situated 75 kilometers south east of the'arachi Port"

    )esides handling general cargo like rice&cement&fertili.ers etc"the port will ha#e special facilitiesfor handling iron ore& coal and steel mill machinery"In the first phase the port shall ha#e @ berthsand 12 more will be added in the second phase"-ost of the work in phase 1 has been completedand the port has started functioning"

    Cargo 4andling=

    Cargo handled at Port )in =asim during +uly -arch 1>>10>2 was 7"?8@ million tonnes&including7"172 million tonnes of import and ;"818 million tonnes of e/port goods"

    I+TA?1&we had a number of paper mills our eastern wing and our reuirements were fulfilledfrom the eastern "9lthough&after 1>?1 some paper mills were set up in the wster wing&are still

    deficient in paper especially in paper for newspaper industry"We ha#e to import a large amount ofnews print paper and other kinds of paper from Cnada&+apan&%weden&B"%"9" etc"


    The global concentration of Pakistan4s trade can be broadly classified to the following majorgroups of countries:

    !"/est European Countries=

    In this group B"'"&

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    B"%"9"&-e/ico&Canada and other countries can be included in this group"The e/ports of ourcountry to North 9merican group is not progressi#e&but we import so many kinds of goods&suchas machinery&electrical goods&soybean oil and reuirements for our armed forces and #ariousother items&and our imports are about three times greater than our e/ports"%o due to all theseconditions the balance of trade remains in fa#our of these countries"

    3"R"C"D" Countries=In this group are included Iran&Turkey and newly Independent Central 9sian *epublics namelyTajikistan&B.bekistan&9.erbaijan and Turkmanistan"Pakistani e/ports to Turkey and Iran are uiteenough"9lthough all these countries are trying to make their balances of trade fa#ourable&butinspite of #arious measures taken by the concerned countries still Pakistan4s imports are greaterthan e/ports&so the balance of trade remains to the fa#our of these countries"

    5"East European Countries=

    This group includes countries of eastern urope such as Poland& B"%"%"*"& *omania& 3ungary&Hugosla#ia& Greece and others"%uch countries import large amount of our e/port goods such asrice& cotton cloth& sports goods&carpets and #arious other items &but our imports are comparati#elyless than our e/ports&so balance of trade is in fa#our of our country"

    )esides the abo#e we do trade with so many 9frican&central and %outh 9merican countries andalso the #arious 9sian and $ceania countries"