360° mongolia brochure

360° MONGOLIA by

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Bespoke journeys and private camps in Mongolia360º Mongolia is a collection of extraordinary bespoke experiences designed by Nomadic Journeys

PHOTO Mark Johnstad

MAIN PHOTO Guests arrive at one of our private landing strips.

Our approach to travel in Mongolia has always focussed on the places where we develop long term partnerships with local communities and conservation initiatives. These places are what can only be described as 360° landscapes with unspoiled views in every direction - an immersive experience in another world.

To visit these remote locations in comfort and style we have developed a unique travel philosophy utilizing small mobile private camps, comprising of well appointed traditional Mongolian gers. In this short photo book we present these incredible landscapes, and the faces of some of the characters that call these places home.



PHOTOS Main: Andrea Prégnan. This page: Andy Parkinson, Mark Johnstad.

Elst, our private camp in the heart of Ikh Nart Nature Reserve.

ACCOMMODATION At our camps you will sleep in a traditional Mongolian ger simply but stylishly decorated with colorful Mongolian crafts, furnished with cot beds and full bedding. You will dine in a separate dining ger, or in a traditional Mongolian marquee style tent. Compost style toilets, and a safari style shower are also set up in traditional Mongolian tents. In addition to talented guides, our camp entourage always includes skilled cooks and a camp host.

On relocation days the entire camp can be dismantled, packed onto our support vehicle, or even pack animals or carts, and set up again in the new location. The camp locations are carefully chosen with uninterrupted 360° views of pristine landscapes, situated nearby one of our local host families and herder communities. Occasionally we will also make use of the best tourist ger camps and lodges in the region.

Private camps

On all our journeys you will stay at our private 360° ger camps.

UlaanbaatarTHE WEST


THE PLACE Western Mongolia is a timeless landscape, home to Mongolia’s most fascinating and diverse ethic groups: the Kazakhs with their hunting eagles, surviving fragments of the Oirat Mongol tribes, and shamanist Tuvans. In the Great Lakes Basin, there are more extensive sand dunes than the Gobi, bordering great saltwater and freshwater lakes with a backdrop of snow-capped mountains.

The Altai Mountains are habitat to snow leopards. Takhi wild horses have been reintroduced to the Khomyn Tal.

Saiga Antelope still roam the dry steppes, an ice-age survivor, with a bulbous almost trunk-like nose uniquely adapted to the extreme cold. With the largest reed beds in Central Asia and a diversity of landscapes, the Great Lakes Basin and neighbouring mountains offer great birdwatching.

Our journeys in the region are jeep safaris and depending on the season we visit our local partner communities at their spring, summer or autumn camps.

PHOTOS Main: Delgermaa. This page : Claes Grundsten, Jan Wigsten, Delgermaa, Örjan Johansson

A Kazakh eagle hunter prepares to cast his golden eagle.

The Altai Mountains, Great Lakes and Dunes.

The West




PHOTOS Main: Andrea Prégnan. This page: Andrea Prégnan, Richard Reading, Andy Parkinson

Evening around the campfire at our private 360° camp on the Ikh Nart plateau.

THE PLACE A labyrinth of rocks in the East Gobi, Ikh Nart Nature Reserve is home to over 600 Argali Sheep, Ovis ammon, and more than 200 Siberian Ibex, Capra sibirica. While not guaranteed, there is a very good chance of seeing both species. Its a rich and unique landscape with an incredible story to tell - recently whistling arrows were found here embedded in the rocks. There are ancient graves and petroglyphs.

Nomadic Journeys have been an active partner and supporter of the Ikh Nart Nature Reserve and we are the only camp and tour operator here. We travel by camel cart into the heart of the reserve where we set up our private 360° camp, spending the days looking for wildlife - on foot or in the saddle - as well as exploring the history and archaeology of the reserve.

Ikh Nart Nature Reserve

The East Gobi




PHOTOS Main: B. Bayar. This page: Axel Bräunlich, Susan Fox, Andrea Prégnan.

A herd of horses on the Eastern Steppes

THE PLACE The Eastern Steppes of Mongolia are the largest remaining wild grasslands on earth. Here, nomadic herders and free ranging herds of perhaps 2 million Mongolian gazelle co-exist. The gazelles roam an area 20 times larger than the Serengeti. The objective of our journey to the Eastern Steppes is to reach two remote grassland reserves, Khar Yamaat and Toson Hulstai, hopefully encountering gazelle herds en route.

North of the steppes are the forests and meadows of the Onon River; Genghis Khan’s homeland and perhaps where he was buried in secret. Here we will also meet local Buryat families. The Buryats are a Mongol tribe with a distinct culture.

These journeys offer remarkable birdwatching, especially at the numerous steppe lakes which we pass. Five of the world’s crane species may be seen in this region including the rare Siberian Crane.

Mongolia’s Wild East

The Eastern Steppes


The Khan Khentii


PHOTOS Main: Sharipo & Dzjuba. This page: Sharipo & Dzjuba, Maria Nordvall, Angus Tulla, Mark Portman

A 360° private camp on the Southern edge of the Khan Khentii wilderness, where mountain and forest transition to meadow-steppes.

THE PLACE The Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area is a wilderness of Taiga forest and mountains that extends up to the Russian border - Siberia. The southern edge of the Khan Khentii is the transition from steppe to forest, creating a beautiful landscape of wildflower meadows, larch and birch woodlands. The wilds are habitat for wolves, lynx, brown bear, red deer, moose and wild boar. Although admittedly they can be hard to spot during the summer, there will be tracks and other indications of their presence.

Birdlife is plentiful, from Azure Tits, Black-billed Capercaillie to Steppe Eagles and Ural Owls.

Our 360° journeys here are a yak cart trek to a private camp in the wilds or a horse ride along the Southern edge of the wilderness. Each night of the ride we stay in our mobile private ger camps, furnished with cot beds complete with full linens and heated by wood stoves.

Wilderness experiences and horseback journeys.



PHOTOS Main: Jan Wigsten. This page: Mark Johnstad, Jan Wigsten, Mark Portman

Riverside camp at the head of the Hövsgöl canyons.

THE PLACE One of the world’s most beautiful wilderness rivers located in Mongolia’s northern Hövsgöl province. Carved through limestone and granite, the river valley is flanked by spectacular cliffs and rock pinnacles. The river is prime habitat for an endangered giant trout, the Taimen. We keep quiet on the name of the river to help the ongoing conservation efforts that we are involved in.

Each year, along with our sister fly fishing operation, we establish a string of comfortable ger camps on the river. For our non-angling trips, we float from camp-to-camp over 3 or 4 days, through the most scenic canyon section of the river.

Rafting on Mongolia’s most scenic river

The River Camps

All of our 360° Mongolia journeys are customizable private trips. Please contact us directly or get in touch with your private travel designer to begin planning your trip.

Nomadic Journeys Ltd.1 Sukhbaatar StreetSukhbaatar DistrictUlaanbaatar 14201


Voice: +976 11 330360Fax: +976 11 321489
