35 dinners

www.streetecology.com pg. 1 … 35 Dinners (shot with a Samsung Galaxy Mini smart phone) Photos and dinners produced by Andrew Bacchus www.streetecology.com / / Tweet @streetecology

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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This is a collection of 35 dinners that I made while living in Europe; images shot with a Samsung Galaxy Mini.


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… 35

Dinners (shot with a Samsung Galaxy Mini smart phone)

Photos and dinners produced by Andrew Bacchus

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/ Tweet @streetecology

A quick pasta with lean ground beef, tomatoes, and A LOT of fresh

(not dried) herbs such as oregano, rosemary, and thyme. Accompany

with red wine.


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Rice, and peas, with chicken, sugar reduct ion, fresh

chil l i pepper , c i lantro and green onions. Real ly easy —

cook separate ly and then plate together . Accompany

with a dry white .


Steak and potatoes! Plate with fresh sprigs of rosemary and top with

blue cheese. I also made a salty mushroom sauce with red wine

reduction that covers the steak. Steak = red wine :-)


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Fat pasta noodles , al dente . Shr imp, peas, goat cheese

chunks, and a few cherry tomatoes. Top with fresh basil

leaves. Accompany with a dry white .


Not a dinner ! Ate this for breakfast — fresh butter

cro issant with tablespoons of peanut butter and fresh

wildberry (or blackcurrant) jam. Dr ink with mint tea,

espresso, etc.


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Lamb chop with garl ic gloves, fresh thyme (always

fresh) and pan-fr ied potatoes . I l ike the potatoes sl ightly

burnt because it adds a touch of bit terness. Red or

white , i f white make it buttery.


This is a salad that I eat for lunch with some toasted

bread and green tea. Really easy —avocadoes, mush-

rooms, onions, and radishes — pour on the soy sauce.


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Stir fry with bok choy, mushrooms, lemongrass,

c i lantro, chicken, Spanish onions and green onions. Eat

with r ice. Dr ink wine or green tea.


This is a pre/ post workout meal, i f you’re going to the

gym. Lots of carbs and proteins! Pan fr ied chicken in

bread crumbs and Spanish o il . Pasta is store -bought four

-cheese sauce and broccol i . Beer / wine – e ither matches.


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Shrimp, avocado, on spinach pasta with creamy cheese

sauce, and cherry tomatoes for spark . Careful with the

black pepper , as it doesn’t go wel l with avocadoes.

Drink white.


Salmon cooked with lemon, butter , and fresh herbs.

Pasta with broccol i chunks and heavy cream sauce —add

cheese if you l ike. I prefer a blonde beer with this dish.


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Stuffed pasta (use any you l ike) with shr imp, peppers ,

cherry tomatoes , avocado, and green onion str ips. Black

pepper on the “salad,” not on the pasta . Dr ink a fruity

white .


Chicken with a l i t t le garl ic , a l it t le white wine and lots

of black pepper , served with carrots , green beans and

green peas al l on r ice. Chardonnay, or green tea —

whichever you l ike.


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Oven roasted lamb chop with salt and pepper, and some

garl ic ; top with lots of fresh dil l . Mushrooms ( fresh) in

creamy sauce, a l it t le salty . Pan fry potatoes in ol ive o il

unt il cr ispy, but don’t use a lot of sa lt . I drank a full

bodied red.


Lean minced meat with lots of tomatoes, in tomato

sauce. Put mushrooms in sauce pan last . Salt and freshly

ground pepper do wonders on this dish, and top with

basil upon serving. Use whatever pasta you l ike . Dr ink a

full -bodied red to accompany the black pepper .


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Oven roasted chicken roll , dr izzled with Spanish o il and

butter and a lot of fresh herbs, especial ly rosemary.

Cook slow for an hour or so.


… then sl ice the chicken into small servable port ions

and top with a cheese , l ike gouda or young Belgian

cheese . Broccol i and potatoes (pan fr ied in o l ive o il )

and l ightly salted go wel l with the chicken. Beer , or

wine—but not to strong.


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Goat cheese, cherry tomatoes, gar l ic -butter pan fr ied

shr imp with some yellow peppers, on top of pasta mixed

with basil leaves. Dr ink a white —anything: chardonnay,

or cabernet sauvignon.


Chicken, mushrooms, and broccol i . Roast chicken sepa-

rately in oven with some oil and herbs, l ike rosemary.

Then combine chicken with a ll other ingredients in a hot

pot that was used to cook pasta. Mix .


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This is how it should look, once plated. St ir in a cheese

if you l ike and dr ink a white .


Oven-roasted chicken with fresh thyme, ol ive o il , and

salt . Pan fr ied veggie chunks of peppers, and mush-

rooms. Light but f i l l ing! Drink whatever you l ike , even

water .


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Chunks of vegetables: peppers , mushrooms and

shredded broccol i mixed with r ice, salt and pepper, and

then covered with str ips of gouda cheese. Some ol ive o il

on the veggies , but don’t cook it too long —close to raw

is better . White wine or green tea .


This is a stew! Cook potatoes, chicken, and chil l i

peppers along with some salt and ci lantro for a while —

maybe 45 minutes, but on a low heat . There might be

some coconut too.


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This is how it looks once plated. I t is as spicy as you

l ike , depending the amount of chil l i peppers you use . I

drank a chardonnay, but anything l ight can go with this .


Beef with rosemary, some thyme, and lots of gar l ic . Pour

in some water so that the beef doesn’t dry out .


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… then sl ice the beef and pair with a fresh bread, but

something a l i t t le “rough.” The mushrooms are cooked

slowly in a store -bought gravy mix with a lot of water ,

but then reduced with a red wine. I t ’s a s imple

mixture—but it tastes good. Drink a cabernet sauvignon,

or merlot with this.


Simply prepared lamb chop, medium rare. Stuff pasta

with peppers and basil topping. Super quick to make —

good post -workout meal—and tastes really good. Beer ,

or green tea.


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This is a mushroom and spinach l ight dinner, or lunch.

The supermarket sold a mix of mushrooms including

shiitake , oyster and the tradit ional var iants —so I cooked

that s lowly with some herbs and soy sauce , steamed the

spinach and then toasted some mult i -grain fresh made

bread. Green tea.


Chicken coated in fresh thyme, with a tomato roasted in

the oven on a bed of fresh green beans. Very s imple to

prepare, but cook it slow for at least 30 minutes – and

put t infoil on top to steam everything to cook quicker .

Eat with r ice . Beer is nice with this .


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Pasta with fresh cherry tomatoes, shrimp, and a

lot of cheese in a heavy cream. Shrimp is cooked

in a lot of garlic and butter and then combined at

the finish with the main sauce. White wine.


Chicken breasts pan fr ied in o l ive o il with gar l ic and

fresh thyme. Cook slow and be pat ient —chicken has to

be browned but st i l l moist on the inside. Background

dish is s imple pasta with chives and creamy sauce.

White wine.


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Pasta with fresh basic chopped -up and cherry tomatoes.

Top with fresh Parmesan from a del icatessen. Buttery or

fruity white wine.


Steak—rare with blue cheese , butter and fresh thyme

topping. Gar l ic mash potatoes and mushrooms with a

store-bought gravy mixed with red wine. Red merlot

goes wel l , but a beer wil l be just as good.


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Pasta with everything! Great for after a workout. Cook

broccol i , mushroom, tomatoes, chicken together in a pot .

Add some ginger i f you l ike or white wine. Cook longer

than normal , but avoiding mushiness in the veggies .

Dr ink whatever you l ike.


Steak—rare—coated in a mixture of butter and fresh

thyme. Garl ic mash potatoes , boiled parsnips, and

mushrooms with c i lantro, ol ive o il and black pepper. A

full bodied red wine f inishes this nicely.


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Spinach pasta with mushrooms, lean ground beef , v ine

tomatoes, and white mushrooms. Oregano and a lot of

thyme. Tastes great the day after too . Red wine.
