3360 unit 02.3 2014-i-01

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  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    ENGR 3360U Winter 2014

    Unit 2.3

    Money and the Bank of Canada

    Dr. J. Michael Bennett, P. Eng., PMP,


    Version 2014-I-01

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-2

    Chan%e Re&ord

    2014--01 nitia' Creation

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-3

    Co(r)e *(t'ine for $art 2

    2.1 Mi&roe&ono+i&)

    2.2 Ma&roe&ono+i&)

    2.3 Money and the Bank of Canada

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-4

    Unit 2.3 Road Ma,

    2.3.1 Money

    2.3.2 Centra' Bankin%

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-

    2.3.1 Money and it) ()e)

    Why do ,eo,'e ()e +oney

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-6


    Money/ ny a))et that &an e ()ed a) a +ean) of ,ay+ent for ,(r&ha)e) and

    to )ett'e det)

    i)tori&a''y# +any for+) hae een ()ed )(&h a) %o'd &oin)# &orie

    )he'')# (no,ened %in ott'e)# ,'ayin% &ard)# &a&ao ean).

    n dee'o,ed &o(ntrie)# 5+oney i) ,ri+ari'y no C(rren&y andChe&kin% a&&o(nt a'an&e)

    $rin&i,a' ()e)

    Medi(+ of e7&han%e

    Unit of a&&o(nt

    8tore of a'(e

    9ey ))(e – i) it %enera''y a&&e,ted in ,ay+ent

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-:

    Medi(+ of E7&han%e

    Medi(+ of e7&han%e/

    n a))et ()ed in ,(r&ha)in% %ood) ; )eri&e)

    Red(&e) tran)a&tion &o)t)


    the dire&t trade of %ood) or )eri&e) for other %ood) or )eri&e)

    E.%. te7t ook ritin% ; ho()e ,aintin% Car) for oran%e)

    !i)adanta%e) of arter 

    ery hi%h tran)a&tion &o)t) (ire) do('e &oin&iden&e of ant) and i+,ede) ),e&ia'i?ation

    n ena'in% %reater ),e&ia'i?ation# +oney in&rea)e) the ,rod(&tiity of the

    entire e&ono+y

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-@

    Unit of &&o(nt and 8tore of Aa'(eUnit of a&&o(nt

    a)i& +ea)(re yard)ti&k of e&ono+i& a'(e

    n Canada - (nit of a&&o(nt i) Canadian do''ar 

    8tore of a'(e

    n a))et that )ere) a) a +ean) of ho'din% ea'th By ho'din% &a)h rather than ),endin% it no# ho()eho'd) &an

    tran)fer &on)(+,tion fro+ today to to+orro

     Note – no intere)t i) ,aid on &(rren&y - )o hy do ,eo,'e ho'd

    &a)h# other than eno(%h for &(rrent tran)a&tion) Conenien&e – (t a')o

    ide a))et) fro+ the a(thoritie) – e.%. dr(%

    f ,ri&e) are fa''in%

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-D

    Mea)(rin% the +o(nt of Money in the E&ono+y

    Mea)(re) of +oney


    8(+ of &(rren&y o(t)tandin% and a'an&e) he'd in&he&kin% a&&o(nt) at &hartered ank)

     Narro definition


    '' the a))et) in M1 ,'() noti&e ; )ain%) de,o)it)

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-10

    M1# M2# and M3# "an(ary 2004

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-11

    !eter+inin% the Money 8(,,'y

    he +oney )(,,'y &on)i)t) of


    !e,o)it a'an&e) he'd y &o++er&ia' ank)he deter+ination of the +oney )(,,'y

    de,end) in ,art on the ehaior of

    &o++er&ia' ank)

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-12

    What deter+ine) the tota' a+o(nt of +oney

    in &ir&('ation

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada


    Credit----- &redo

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    Wor'dF) *'de)t Bank

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-1

    BankF) Ba'an&e 8heet

    ))et) - What ank) on

    iai'itie) - What ank) oe

    Bank re)ere)Ca)h or )i+i'ar a))et) he'd y &o++er&ia'

     ank) for the ,(r,o)e of +eetin% de,o)itor

    ithdraa') and ,ay+ent) Not ,art of the +oney )(,,'y

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-16

    Re)ere Bankin%

    100 ,er&ent re)ere ankin%Bank)F re)ere) 100 O of their de,o)it)

    Bank) rea'i?ed 'on% a%o that they donFt need to kee, re)ere) 100 Ode,o)it)

    *n'y a )+a'' fra&tion of de,o)it) are ithdran on any %ien day$rofit o,,ort(nity  kee, P()t eno(%h re)ere) on hand to )ati)fy ithdraa')  'oan o(t the re)t ; &har%e intere)t  +ake +oney fro+ intere)t rate differentia'

    Ira&tiona'-re)ere ankin% )y)te+

    ankin% )y)te+ in hi&h ank re)ere) are 'e)) than de,o)it) )o thatthe re)ere-de,o)it ratio i) 'e)) than 100ORe)ere-de,o)it ratio Bank re)ere) diided y de,o)it)

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-1:

    Money Creation

    When a ank 'end)# it &reate) a &he>(in% a&&o(nt – i.e. +oney

    When a orroer ),end) the 'oan# the ,ro&eed) are de,o)ited at

    another ank# &reatin% ank re)ere) at that ank 

    $ro&e)) of e7,an)ion of 'oan) and de,o)it) end) hen a'' e7&e))e7&e))re)ere)re)ere) are 'oaned o(t/

    he a&t(a' ratio of ank re)ere) to de,o)it) then e>(a') the

    de)ired re)ere-de,o)it ratio

    i 2 3 d h k f C d

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-1@

    2.3.2 Centra' Bankin%

    What are the ),e&ia' f(n&tion) and ,oer)

    of the Bank of Canada

    U i 2 3 M d h B k f C d

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-1D

    he Bank of Canada

    *,ened in 1D3 - re),on)i'e for ad+ini)tration of

    +onetary ,o'i&y

    Monetary ,o'i&y de&i)ion) ty,i&a''y ino'e &han%e) to

    intere)t rate)the key ,o'i&y rate i) anno(n&ed on @ ,re-),e&ified

    date) ea&h year 

    8in&e 1D@@ - )o'e oPe&tie of Bank of Canada ha) een

    kee,in% inf'ation 5'o and )ta'etar%et ran%e for 5Core inf'ation in C$ i) 1O - 3O

    *n aera%e# C$ inf'ation 1.:O eteen 1DD2 ;


    U i 2 3 M d h B k f C d

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-20

    nf'ation $erfor+an&e in Canada

    8o(r&e/ http://www.bank-banque-canada.ca/en/indinf/cpi_graph_en.htm  

    U it 2 3 M d th B k f C d


  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    era%e fro+ 2000 i) 2.1OCon)(+er $ri&e nde7# hi)tori&a' )(++ary

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-22

    he Bank of Canada

    *ther f(n&tion) of the Bank of Canada

    $roidin% &entra' ankin% )eri&e)

    ))(in% ank note)

    d+ini)terin% the federa' det

    Me+er) of the %oernin% &o(n&i' and oard of dire&tor) are


    Iedera' %oern+ent na+e) Goernor for : year ter+

    a%ree) then on oPe&tie) – i.e. tar%et ran%e for inf'ation

    Bank of Canada ha) inde,enden&e in +eetin% tho)e


    U it 2 3 M d th B k f C d

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-23

    *ther Centra' Bank)

    U.8. Iedera' Re)ere 8y)te+

    Created in 1D13

    12 re%iona' Iedera' Re)ere ank)

    Iedera' *,en Market Co++ittee deter+ine) federa'f(nd) rate tar%et

     No e7,'i&it inf'ation tar%et

    E(ro,ean Centra' Bank 

    Created in 1DD@

    Goernin% &o(n&i' deter+ine) the +ini+(+ id rate

    Main oPe&tie i) 'o and )ta'e inf'ation

    U it 2 3 M d th B k f C d

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    More $re&i)e C$ !efinition)

    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-24

    Core C$/ he C$ e7&'(din% ei%ht of the +o)t o'ati'e


  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada


    2014--01 !r. ".M. Bennett# $.En%.# $M$ ENGR 3360U En% E&o2.3-2


    !ota "P#CoreC$ 1

    Percentage change o$er % &ear ago'unad(usted)




    C$ 1

    'ternatie+ea)(re) of trendinf'ation

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 02.3 2014-I-01


    Unit 2.3 – Money and the Bank of Canada

    Rate) yo( )ho('d kno

    *erni%ht 'endin% rate

    $ri+e rate

    Mort%a%e rateC$ – inf'ation



    8E !-" 8;$ N8!EC I**8E !

    2014 01 ! " M B tt $ E $M$ ENGR 3360U E E2 3 26