33327847 english teaching handbook

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  • 8/8/2019 33327847 English Teaching Handbook


    Reflecting pretexts and exercises

    Ruxanda Bontil


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    1. Towards Teacher Proficiency.3

    2. Language Methods and Techniques.................................................. .........................3

    y The Direct Methody The Audio-Lingual Methody Suggestopediay The Community Language Learning Methody The Communicative Approachy Communicative Syllabi towards a Communicative Methodology

    3. Class Management........................................... ................................... .......................... 9

    y Classroom Observation: Class Managementy Reflection as Exercise

    4. Lesson Planning............................................................................. ............................. 10

    y Layouty Example

    5. Teaching Vocabulary........................................................................ .........................12

    y Classroom Observation: Lexisy Reflection as Exercise

    6. Teaching Grammar............................................................ ........................................ 14y Classroom Observation: Grammary Reflection as Exercise

    7. Teaching Pronunciation....................................................................... .......................16

    y Classroom Observation: Phonologyy Reflection as Exercise

    8. Teaching Reading................................................................................. .......................18

    y Classroom Observation: Readingy Reflection as Exercise

    9. Teaching Listening............................................. .................................... .....................21

    y Classroom Observation : Listeningy Reflection as Exercise10.Teaching writing..................................................................................... .....................24y Classroom Observation: Writingy Reflection as Exercise

    11.Teaching Speaking................................................................................... ...................28

    y Classroom Observation: Speakingy Reflection as Exercise

    12.Teaching Literary Skills....................................................................... ......................32

    y Reflection as Exercise13.Correction................................................................................................ ....................33

    y Classroom Observation: Error Correctiony Reflection as Exercise

    14.Testing.................................................................................................. ........................35

    y Reflection as Exercise15.Materials Evaluation Criteria................................ ............................... .....................36

    16.Glossary of Some Common Modes of Teaching and Learning............................... 37

    17.Bibliography............................................................................................. ....................38

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    Its good to remember that the more successful English teacher is likely to be better endowed thanmany of his colleagues with:

    - energy- acting talent- artistic imagination and skill- patience and kindness- organising ability- powers of reflection and self-criticism, etc.

    STILL, the indispensable constituents which will always make a successful teacher are connected with

    three crucially important components of the foreign language teacher behaviour:

    1. knowledge of language use2. knowledge of language analysis3. knowledge of language teaching.

    To these three, an overarching concept should be added: reflective practice.

    y Reflection as ExerciseIf there are qualities which distinguish the outstanding teacher from the competent one (congruence,

    prizing, empathy), to what extent can these qualities be trained or developed?


    y THE DIRECT METHOD1. GOALS: to communicate in target language (TL); to think in TL.

    2. ROLES: Teacher (T) directs class activities; T & Ss are partners.

    3. TEACHING / LEAR NING PROCESS: Ss associate meaning & the TL through realia, pictures,

    pantomime. Ss speak as if in real situations. Grammar is taught inductively.

    4. INTERACTION: Teacher-directed & Student-directed

    5. DEALING WITH FEELINGS: no principles that relate to the area.

    6. VIEW OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: Language is primarily spoken. Ss study everyday

    speech in the TL. Aspects of foreign culture are taught.

    7. LANGUAGE AREAS & SKILLS THE APPROACH EMPHASIZES: Vocabulary over Grammar.Oral Communication overReading and Writing. Pronunciation is primordial.

    8. ROLE OF Ss NATIVE LANGUAGE: Not used.

    9. MEANS OF EVALUATION: Through actual use as in oral interviews. They may also be assigned

    written paragraphs.

    10. RESPONSE TO Ss ERRORS: Self-correction encouraged.

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    1. Choose a particular situation (such as at the bank, at the railway station, or at the doctors)or a particular topic and write a short passage or a dialogue on the theme you have chosen. Now think

    about how you will convey its meaning to a class.

    2. Select a grammar point from the passage. Plan how you will get students to practice the

    grammar point. What examples can you provide them with so that they can induce the rulethemselves?


    3. REMINISCE about your past learning experiences and say how often this method was used

    by your teacher and how successful it proved.

    4. Are there techniques of the Direct Method which you would consider adopting? Which


    5. What do you think Stevick (1982) might have meant when he said Making informedchoices is, after all, what teaching is all about.

    y THE AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD1. GOALS: to use TL communicatively; to overlearn TL by forming new habits in TL. and

    overcoming old habits of native language (NL).

    2. ROLES: T is a good model for imitation like an orchestra leader, directing and controlling; Ss are

    imitators of Ts model or tapes she supplies of model speakers.

    3 TEACHING/LEAR NING PROCESS: Vocabulary and structures are presented through dialogueslearned through imitation and practice (excessive drilling). Grammar is taught inductively. Cultural

    information is contextualized. Oral work precedes reading and writing.

    4. INTERACTION: T -Ss; T-initiatedS-S interaction (drilling; role-playing)

    5. DEALING WITH FEELINGS: no principles that relate to the area.

    6. VIEW OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: generated by descriptive linguistics (Language seen as a

    system). Gradation of level of complexity. Culture is seen as everyday behaviour of TL speakers.








    : Acquisition of the patterns of the language through structure practice. The oral skills are overemphasized (order:

    listening, speaking, reading, writing). Pronunciation is taught from the beginning.

    8. ROLE OF Ss NATIVE LANGUAGE: TL used exclusively. NL is considered a source of

    interference (T expected to undertake Contrastive Analysis (CA) studies so as to prevent negative


    9. MEANS OF EVALUATION: through discrete-point tests (one point of the language at a time).

    10. RESPONSE TO Ss ERRORS: through anticipation and restriction of taught areas.

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    LET GO IDEAS:1. Consider the following dialogue. What structure is it trying to teach?

    PAUL: Lous going to go to college next summer.BETTY: What is he going to study?

    PAUL: Hes going to study architecture. Hes going to be an architect.

    BETTY: Where is he going to study?

    PAUL: Hes going to study at Edinburgh University.

    Prepare a series of drills (backward build-up, repetition, chain, single-slot substitution,

    multiple-slot substitution, transformation, and Q-A) designed to give beginning level EFL students

    some practice with this structure.

    2. Prepare your own dialogue to introduce yourSs to the be going to structure.


    3. REMINISCE about your past learning experiences and say how often this method was usedby your teacher and how successful it proved.

    4. Are there techniques of the AUDIO-LINGUAL Method which you would consider

    adopting? Which ones?


    PURPOSE: to help Ss eliminate the feeling that they cannot be successful and, thus, to help them

    overcome the barriers to learning.

    1. GOALS: to accelerate learning for everyday communication by desuggesting the psychological

    barriers learners bring along to the language situation.

    2. ROLES: T is the authority Ss must wholly trust and respect. Infantilization is the consequence of

    this unconditional relationship.

    3. TEACHING/ LEARNING PROCESS: It takes place in a relaxing atmosphere (music, comfortablechairs, pleasant lighting). Peripheral learning ensured (posters display). Ss adopt new identities.

    Lengthy dialogues in TL are practiced at varying speed rhythms so as not to stress Ss (translationprovided). Learning activities: dramatizations, games, songs, and Q & A.

    4. INTERACTION: T is the initiator of all relationships (T - class, T - S, S-S).

    5. DEALING WITH FEELINGS: Building up student-confidence. New identities are considered

    carriers of self-confidence and security.

    6. VIEW OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: The two-plane process of communication is considered

    (linguistic and non-linguistic). Culture is seen as everyday life of native speakers. Fine arts become



    important. Grammar is explicitly but minimally taught. Speaking communicatively becomes the main

    concern. Reading and writing are subsequent.

    8. ROLE OF Ss NATIVE LANGUAGE: for clarifying meaning whenever necessary.

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    9. MEANS OF EVALUATION: conducted on Ss in-class performance and not through formal tests.

    10. RESPONSE TO Ss ERRORS: Correction is postponed until it is harmless.


    1. Think of ways of ensuring an environment designed to reduce psychological barriers in aschool classroom you are familiar with.

    2. Choose a thematic dialogue, select some music, and plan a visualization exercise.

    3. Make a list of five grammatical points about the TL that you would want to display onposters to encourage beginning Ss peripheral learning.


    3. REMINISCE about your past learning experiences and say how often this method was used

    by your teacher and how successful it proved.

    4. Are there techniques ofSUGGESTOPEDIA which you would consider adopting? Which


    y COMMUNITYLANGUAGELEARNING METHODThe method was inspired from COUNSELING-LEARNING APPROACH, developed by Charles A.Curran (a priest).

    RATIONALE: Premises of discussions: (1) Ss are whole persons. (2) Ts must be language

    counselors= a skillful understander of the struggle Ss face as they attempt to internalize another


    PRINCIPLES behind learning: (1) learning is persons= both T and Ss must make a

    commitment of trust to one another and the learning process. (2) Learning is dynamic and creative =

    learning is a living and developmental process.

    1. GOALS: to use TL communicatively while becoming responsively aware of their own learning in a

    nondefensive, nonthreatening atmosphere.

    2. ROALS: T= Counselor in as much s/he supports Ss master TL. S initially a client and finally an

    independent learner.

    3. TEACHING / LEAR NING PROCESS: Ss are helped to generate language (T provides TLtranslations in chunks) which will later become text for further explorations. (e.g. examination of a

    grammar point, pronunciation work, etc.)

    4. INTERACTION: T = facilitatorS-S; T = directorS-S & T-S centered (both equally important

    in decision-making).


    : T showsS

    s he understands how they feel which will help themovercome negative feelings that might otherwise block their learning.

    6. VIEW OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: Language is for communication and developing creative

    thinking. Culture is integrated with language.


    and vocabulary are practised on the language generated by Ss. Listening and speaking come first.

    8. ROLE OF Ss NATIVE LANGUAGE: NL is used forSs security (both when generating their owncorpus of texts and when expressing their feelings). TL eventually replaces NL.

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    9. MEANS OF EVALUATION: Integrative tests are better valued than discrete-point ones. Self-

    evaluation is also encouraged.

    10. RESPONSE TO Ss ERRORS: In a nonthreatening way: T repeats correctly what the S has saidincorrectly.


    1. Design a lesson plan on a transcript of a conversation Ss may have led in Romanian.Provide five separate activities you could use to teach them the TL version.


    2. Are there techniques of COMMUNITY LANGUAGE LEAR NING METHOD which you

    would consider adopting? Which ones?

    y THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACHRATIONALE: (1) Communication means use of functional language in social context.(2) Communication also presupposes negotiating-meaning skill (through the interaction betweenspeaker/reader and listener/writer)

    1. GOALS: To make Ss become communicatively competent (= being able to use the language

    appropriate to a given social context). To manage the process of negotiating meaning with their


    2. ROLES: T=Facilitator (1) manager of classroom activities (i.e. setting situations for

    communicationadvisor) (2) co-communicator (Littlewood, 1981- engaging in the communicative

    activity along with Ss). Ss are both communicators and managers responsible of their own learning.

    3. TEACHING/LEARNING PROCESS: Language in use through communicative activities such as

    games, role-plays, problem-solving tasks (Morrow, 1981 identifies three features of genuinely

    communicative activities: information gap, choice, and feedback). Authentic material is a must.Negotiation of meaning can best occur in small groups.

    4. INTERACTION: T is initiator of communication activitiesco-communicator and prompter ofS-

    S communication. All types ofS-S Interaction (pair, triads, small groups, whole group).5. DEALING WITH FEELINGS: Ss are more motivated since they feel they learn to do things with

    words and they can share their opinions on a regular basis.6. VIEW OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: Communicative competence is based on linguistic

    competence (knowledge of forms and meanings) + functional language + social context + nonverbalbehaviour. Culture is everyday lifestyle of native people.

    7. LANGUAGE AREAS AND SKILLS THE APPROACH EMPHASIZES: Language functions overforms (functional syllabus). Gradation of degree of difficulty. Discourse is envisaged (cohesion,

    coherence). All four skills are practised in a communicative perspective (purpose, audience).

    8. ROLE OF Ss NATIVE LANGUAGE: not used. TL should be used almost exclusively (inclassroom management exchanges as well) so as to acquire the value of an authentic vehicle of


    9. MEANS OF EVALUATION: Accuracy + fluency in integrative tests.

    10. RESPONSE TO Ss ERRORS: Errors of form are tolerated and seen as a natural outcome of the

    development of communication skills.

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    1. Why is communication a process? And, what does negotiation of meaning represent?(Consider communicative competence in all its aspects)

    2. List linguistic forms you can use for thefunction of complaining. Which would you teach tobeginners/ intermediates/ advanced students and how?

    3. Design a communicative game or problem-solving task or role-play in which the timetable is

    used to give yourSs practice in requesting information.


    4. REMINISCE about your past learning experiences and say how often this method was used

    by your teacher and how successful it proved.

    5. Are there techniques of THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH which you would consider

    adopting? Which ones?

    6. What do you think is the correct ratio of both accuracy andfluency for all levels and all Ss?


    1. A structuralsyllabusintroduces grammatical items and phrases under functional headings.

    2. Afunctionalsyllabusintroduces grammatical items and phrases under functional headings.

    3. A task-basedsyllabusconsists of a sequence of activities or tasks introducing language structures

    and functions.

    To replace language learning by language acquisition is more commonsensical since learning is a

    rather subconscious process which cannot be directly controlled or shaped.


    1. Behaviourism (Skinner): stimulus - response - reinforcementthe Audio-Lingual Method.

    3. Cognitivism (Mentalism) (N. Chomsky, 1959): competence and performancetheCommunicative Approach.

    3. Acquisition and Learning (S. Krashen): the former based on a subconscious process resulting inthe knowledge of a language; the latter results only in knowing about the language.

    4. Task-based Learning (Allwright, 1970): Solving communicative problems in the TL by necessitywill ensure language learning.

    5. Humanistic Approaches: Community Language Learning; Suggestopedia; Silent Way; TotalPhysical Response.

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    LOCKSTEP: the class grouping where all the students are working with the teacher, where all thestudents are locked into the same rhythm and pace, the same activity.

    PAIRWORK: the class grouping where activities are carried out in twos.

    GROUPWORK: the class organization where activities are carried out in groups.

    y CLASSROOM OBSERVATION: CLASS MANAGEMENT1. Did the teacher maintain good eye contact? (always/sometimes/not enough/never)2. Did the teacher change position appropriately with action?3. Did the students work well together?4. The teacher rearranged the seating when necessary.5. The instructions were clear.6. The teacher checked that the students had understood the instructions.7. The teacher did not obscure the blackboard.8. The teachers voice was clearly audible at all times. Speech was not slow/fast/unclear.9. The students were clearly audible to each other.10.The teacher was aware of students learning difficulties and responded in a supportive way.11.The students took away useful and clearly illustrated language copied from the blackboard or in the

    form of a handout.

    y Reflection as Exercise1. Think back of your own learning situation and state advantages and disadvantages of each type of


    2. Draw a list of expected problems and possible solutions with group work.3. Reflect on your own experience of learning a language successfully. Share with your friend your

    memories on:

    (a)how much of your success in learning English you would attribute to formal teaching, and howmuch to your own independent effort or experience.(b)Certain strategies or techniques you used, which you feel contributed to your success.Which of the things you have mentioned do you think are teachable and which are not? Were you

    taught any yourself? If not, how did you acquire them?4. One way of avoiding disruptive behaviour (though not all) is by making sure all your students of

    whatever age know where you stand. Somehow you and they have to agree upon a code of

    conduct. Write such a code you would like observed by your students.

    5. Mention three possible causes for discipline problems.6. Think of ways of teachers discouraging use of mother tongue in groupwork and pairwork.7. Here are some tips for monitoring group work. Please fill in the missing parts.

    (a)Stand back(b)Quickly check(c)Dont interrupt, unless: .(d)Spread your attention.(e)Dont correct, unless: .(f) Be easily accessible(g)Jolly them, if necessary(h)Take notes(i) If you need to feed in ideas, it is better to .

    8. Think of common techniques of constituting groups; mention varying roles the teacher must playduring one and the same class.

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    7. Assumptions: Students must be familiar with discourse markers initiating, incrementing andconcluding exchanges; must have some appetite for negotiating meaning in advancing anddefending an argument; must have a good grasp of language.

    8. Anticipated problems: Use of mother tongue in workgroup; some cultural interference e.g.body/sign language.

    9. Aids: Posters; map; cued-cards; w/b.

    Activity Timing Class



    A. Orientation


    Set up general situation



    plenary y To create the basis ofdiscussion

    y To introduce the function ofPERSUASION for making a case

    y To make students aware of theimportance of negotiating

    meaningB. Guide to meaning

    Set up particular situationSPEAKING



    plenary y To practice the function ofpersuasion on a given topic

    y To reinforce the idea of familyas strong community

    y To build on known vocabulary C. Highlight structure




    plenary y To draw attention to linguisticstructure: discourse markers(initiating, incrementing,

    concluding)D. Initial Practice SPEAKING 3-5




    y To elicit meaningful responseto stimulus

    E. Transferring concepts Giving

    Instructions READING +


    10 min Role-play in

    groups of 4(individual


    y To give students anopportunity to work on

    negotiating meaning when

    advancing and defending an

    argumentF. Feed-backSession


    10 min plenary y To make students report backon their choice



    10 min y To make students furtherpractice the linguistic function of


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    5. TeachingVOCABULARY

    y AIMS:(1) to empowerStudents.

    (2) to make Ss distinguish between passive/receptive & active/ productive vocabulary.

    (3) to encourage Ss read widely outside the classroom.

    (4) to encourage Ss to invest in a good monolingual dictionary.

    y KNOWLEDGE ABOUT VOCABULARY1. Definition: The potentially infinite number of words in a language.1.1word / morpheme / derivatives2. Classification: (A) active/use; (B) passive/recognition2.1Core vocabulary: 2,000-3,000 words > 80% of a text.

    y KNOWLEDGE OF ELT1. Students needs.1.1Comprehension: understand / store / recognise.1.2Production: retrieve / use them in contextually adequate situations2. To deal with a cline / continuum of approaches:3. Staging and grading learningand teaching.3.1Spoken form first.3.2Introduce new words in context.3.3Revise.4. Ways of teaching meaning4.1ostensive (realia; visual representation; demonstration; mime.)4.2translation4.3explanation (definition; examples; semantic fields.)5. Approaches to teaching vocabulary5.1system-oriented5.2t


    5.3.1 using contextual clues (formal and semantic)5.3.2 using knowledge of related forms5.3.3 analysing internal structure5.3.4 using knowledge of cognates 5.4discourse-oriented6. Ways of facilitating learning6.1review: interaction with visual aids; physical response to commands; games; vocabulary

    notebooks; group activities.

    6.2review: and extension: reading; oral composition; writing exercises (e g. dictionary use; affixes;collocation; style/register awareness; scales/semantic clusters)

    7. Criteria for selecting what words to teach:7.1frequency7.2range: # of contexts7.3familiarity7.4 usefulness: Students needs.

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    y CLASSROOM OBSERVATION: LEXISThe following are a number of areas you could consider when observing a class.

    They will not all be relevant.

    Lesson objectives

    1. How far does the lesson appear to have specific lexical objectives?

    2. If it does have lexical objectives, how would you express them?

    Reading/Listening Activities

    1. How does the teacher prepare for anticipated lexical difficulties?

    2. During while and post listening/reading phases, what lexical issues arise and how does theteacher handle these ?

    3. What techniques does the teacher use to explain/clarify/extend lexis (e.g. explanation,

    definition, synonym, paraphrase, example, etc.)?

    Students role

    1. What instances are there of students misuse of lexis?

    2. How are these handled by the teacher/students?

    3. What systems of storing lexis do students appear to be operating? Do these systems appear to

    be teacher guided/student initiated?

    4. Is there evidence of use of reference materials (dictionaries, etc.)? What is used? How is it

    used? Does this use seem to be teacher guided/student initiated?

    Post-lesson reflection

    Was the approach to lexis different from the way you normally deal with it with your own learners? If

    so, what were the differences?

    y Reflection as Exercise:1. Try to identify learners problems in coping with vocabulary in text.2. Review the arguments for and against teaching vocabulary in/with: Semantic sets/bilingual

    word lists, context/sense relations and collocations.

    3. Look at Lesson X. TextbookX/Y/Z. Comment on the way vocabulary is taught. Refer to

    Teachers Book and see how it helps.Choose the most important words, which you would focus on as active vocabulary and decide

    how you would teach them.

    4. Discuss the guiding principles any teacher and teaching materials should submit to when

    dealing with vocabulary work.

    y Organization of vocabulary around topicsy Distinction between vocabulary for productive use and vocabulary for receptive


    y Focus on form/spelling, meaning and pronunciationy Guessing/inferring meaning from context

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    y Use of tasks of graded difficulty (e.g. matching words with their definitions, Wordcharts, etc.)

    y Systemic attention to word formationy Revision and checking activitiesy Encouragement of students self study skillsy Distinction between formal and informal language registers.

    5. Formulate the basic criteria for an efficient policy concerning vocabulary learning andteaching.

    6. Guess at what a multi-layered work on new vocabulary might mean and find examplesfrom the textbooks in use.

    7. Design the vocabulary work session of a current language class on a topic you select fromany language course book. Age, level, number of students to be mentioned.

    8. Approve or disapprove of the idea that practice of vocabulary for active use, at the lowerlevel, is more integrated in the communicative activities meant to develop skills.

    9. Comment upon the decision of textbook writers to include word lists at the back ofStudents Books 5-8 (Pathway to English Series)

    10.Make a list of the most widely used lexical activities for testing students verbal power.

    6. TeachingGRAMMAR

    y AIMS: (1) to communicate efficiently (2) to empower the student by freeing him from adependency on context and the limitations of a purely lexical categorization of reality

    y KNOWLEDGE OF GRAMMAR1. Definition: (David Crystal) (1) = a systemic description of language (2) = the way words and their

    component parts combine to form sentences (3) = a device for generating a finite specification of

    the sentences of a language.

    2. History of Grammar2.1Prescriptive: Traditional Grammar2.2Descriptive: Structural and Generative Grammar2.3Rules of Grammar vs. Rules of Usage

    y KNOWLEDGE OF TEACHING GRAMMARAIM: to ensure that Ss are communicatively efficient with the grammar they have at their level.

    1. Grammar as means not end.1.1 From meaning to form (rather than vice-versa) reflected in notional-functional syllabuses and

    classroom practice.

    1.2 Errors accepted as natural2. Grammatical component ofefficient communication consists of:2.1 Formal Fluency: (A) Knowledge of how forms combine to make up the structures of the


    (B) Skill to combine these forms unhesitatingly.

    2.2 FunctionalFluency: (A) Knowledge of relationships between forms and meanings(B) Skill to choose and use an appropriate form unhesitatingly.

    3. Methods available to us:3.1 Analysis

    3.2Controlled practice3.3Exposure4. Two routes to the acquisition of the grammar of a second language: (A) Formal analysis + (B)

    Exposure > Practice + Fluency (formal + functional)

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    5. Two ways leading to the understanding of Grammar:5.1Induction: from particular to general truth5.2Deduction: from general truth to particular situations5.3Induction-deduction; Deduction-induction.

    y CLASSROOM OBSERVATION: GRAMMAR1. If the teacher presents a new grammatical item: How was the meaning got across to the

    students? How much explicit attention to form was there? Was the approach inductive or deductive?

    2. Was there a progression from controlled to free practice? What types of activities were used?

    How much variety was there?

    3. How much interaction was there between students? How early in the lesson did it first occur?

    4. What evidence was there by the end of the lesson that the students had learned something?5. Any other interesting features?

    y Reflection as Exercise:1. Think of ways to make grammar practice activities less of a chore and more of an enjoyable


    2. Lessons based on the PPP Approach fit within the category of logical line lessons. So, what is youropinion on the ratio ofPresentation and Self-directed discovery approaches in the language


    3. Most lessons involving work on grammar are built from three basic components: (1) Clarification

    and focus, (2) Restricted use activities and (3) Authentic use. Think of example activities

    and tools and techniques enabling the ARCperspective on the grammar class.

    4. Language acquisition research (Krashen, Ellis) and recent methodological studies (Lewis)

    acknowledge the place of thinking about and talking about language in the language process.Does this cohere with what type of approach?

    5. What approach do you appreciate the tradition of grammar teaching in Romanian ELT used to alignwith?

    6. Uncover the principles underlying the layered acquisition of new language or the spiralapproach.

    7. Find examples, from the textbook in use, of concept questions used to help students observe ornotice a new grammar point or check whether the concept is internalized (consciousness-

    raising questions).

    8. Language Focus boxes in the seriesPathway to English offer support with language-experimenting

    activities. Discuss the usefulness of such prompts in the economy of a language class.

    9. Devise a grammar scenario for introducing future perfect (level: intermediate; grade: 8; No: 25).

    10. Discuss the efficiency of such language-experimenting activities such as multiple choice, gap

    filling, error correction, rephrasing.

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    7. TeachingPRONUNCIATION

    Aims: (1) to encode and decode messages correctly.

    (2) to give variety, life to repetition.

    y Knowledge aboutPronunciation 1. Sciences dealing with Pronunciation1.1Basic elements of Pronunciation1.1.1 word stress: variable: main/secondary/unstressed1.1.2 sounds: how sounds are formed: E. Sound System vs. Sound System1.1.3 phonemic alphabet1.1.4 word linking1.1.5 sentence stress/ voice range/ intonation patterns1.1.5.1 two basic intonation tunes: fall/rise1.1.5.2 functions of intonation: accentual/syntactic/attitudinal.1.1.6 fluency1.1.6.1 static elements in Pronunciation: sounds/word-stress/word-linking1.1.6.2 expressive forms: sentence-stress/voice range/intonation pattern1.7 R.P. (received pronunciation)1.8 Tone patterns/ groups.1.8.1 three tones: falling./rising/fall-rise

    y Knowledge of ELT1. Ways of preventing Pronunciation mistakes.1 drilling exercises forRecognition

    1.2drilling exercises forProduction1.3Correctstudentsmistakes!


    2. Problems with English Pronunciation2.1Consonant Clusters: sounds disappear or change2.2Vowel clusters2.3Homophones

    y CLASSROOM OBSERVATION: PHONOLOGY1. List the major non-native features of pronunciation that you hear:1.1 Note who makes the major non-natives features of pronunciation: all students; some; a few.

    1.2 Listen to one student and see if he/she consistently makes the same errors.2. Can you identify a patternof/rationaleforcorrectionof non-native pronunciation?

    3. List the correction methods the teacher uses.4. What is the source of language produced in the classroom: teacher %; student %; other %.

    5. Is the language produced (by teachers, students, other)naturally produced (eg. vis--vis weakforms, elision, rhythm, speed, etc.)?

    6. Can you identify any listening comprehension problems that relate to phonological features (e.g.weak forms)? How does the teacher resolve any problems?

    y Reflection as Exercise:1. Pronunciation skills overlap with rhetorical skills (posture, loudness, pace, eye contact,compensation strategies, and use of feedback). How much practice is given to the latter ones in theEnglish class? Reminiscence your own learning experience.

    2. It is considered that many apparent pronunciation problems, e.g. in stress and intonation, arereally processing problems created by artificial or too difficult tasks. Agree or disagree in well-

    articulated discourse.

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    3. Phonological awareness (especially of weak forms etc.) is important for listening as well asspeaking. Think of ways to efficiently train students in this strategy.

    4. Approve or disapprove of the idea that intonation is always a matter of tendencies not rules.5. Add to the list of compensation strategies: rephrasing; repetition and redundancy; slower/louderspeech; spelling out; miming; use of visuals; (translation); checking with listeners; .

    6. The following correction/feedback features are in-built dimensions of the language classlearning/teaching activities: positive (what to do) not error-based; built into task design; from other

    learners, not just from teacher; global before detailed. Think back of your learning experience and

    tick off those features you are most accustomed with.7. What should be the criteria for text choice for teaching/learning materials to be used whenteaching pronunciation?

    8. Below is a dialogue without punctuation. Decide upon two possible scenarios:- What is the situation?- Who are the people?- How do they feel? What is their attitude?- How will they speak?

    Practise speaking the dialogue with different stress and intonation patterns for the two situations.A Where were you last nightB Why

    A Well I rang at ten oclock and you werent inBNo I went to the cinema.A Oh really Who with

    B Just an old friend from university

    A Oh

    9. Consider this piece of writing:Ive live derl ife thats full

    Ive travel dee chan devery bywayBut morm uch more than this

    Id idit my way.

    What helped you make sense of it; if any?

    10.Along with theatre techniques to spur creative language learning, jazz chanting represents aninstance of spontaneous communication which appeals to students emotional and imaginative

    potentials, Here is an example of a jazz chanting based on Q&A pattern:

    How do you like your coffee?Black! Black!

    How do you like your tea?

    With lemon, please.

    How do you like your steak?

    Medium rare.

    How do you like your eggs?

    I dont care!

    Sunny-side up?

    I dont care!

    Poached on toast?

    I dont care!


    I dont care

    Soft-boiled? Hard-boiled?!I dont care!

    How about an omelet?

    I dont care!

    Come on, tell me!

    This isnt fair.

    I told you the truth.

    I really dont care! (Major Decisions)

    What are the advantages of using such jazz chanting in the language class?

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    We are not trying to put something in his head,but instead we are trying to get him to take it in himself.


    Aims: (1) to help learners to independence in their private reading.

    (2) to achievefunctional literacy i.e. to show our learners that being literate is part of day-to-day life in a personal and social sense.

    y KNOWLEDGE OF READING1. Definition: (a) the process by which an actual reader and writer engage in a discourse in a context

    where the onus is on the reader to approximate to the intended meanings of the writer. (b) what the

    reader does in order to integrate the text into their real world and make sense of it within their own

    knowledge, interests and needs.2. Applying L1 higher-order strategies knowledge to the new language involves admitting and

    encouraging risk-taking strategies as READING IS COMMUNICATION.3. COMPREHENSION= what the reader does in order to integrate the text into their real world and

    make sense of it within their own knowledge, interests and needs.3. The TOP-DOWN model of Reading trying to show the psycholinguistic processes involved in

    reading and the complex relationships between Reader and Text as a backward and forwardprocess that may require many reversals and revisions before the final message is extracted and

    committed to the long-term memory.



    initial text interim text (task environment: readers


    graphological processing

    linguistic processing(readers short-term memory)

    semantic processing

    draft text final text

    knowledge of topic and world

    knowledge of text plansknowledge of writer

    Stanovich(1980) proposes an interactive-compensatory model: readers process texts by utilizing

    information provided simultaneously from several different sources and that they can compensate for

    deficiencies at one level by drawing on knowledge at other (either higher or lower) levels(i.e.

    phonological, lexical, syntactic, semantic and discoursal knowledge).

    y KNOWLEDGE ABOUT TEACHING READING1. The nature ofReading Difficulties1.1Decoding stage : greater or less depending on the degree of correspondence between L1 and L2.

    1.2Encoding stage: relate to: text, topic, purpose.

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    2. What can be taught?

    2.1 SKILLS: lower-order approaches i.e. enable readers to use the strategies.2.2STRATEGIES: higher-order approaches: give the reader independence.

    Examples of Skills and Strategies: Word-attack/ use of grammatical context/ understandingsignificance of cohesion devicescontext-deduction strategy;

    Distinguishing main ideas from supporting detail, identifying topic sentences skimming3. How can Reading be taught?

    NB. AsReading is communication the Reading lesson must be very active and full of discussion and

    cooperation through a wide variety and grading of:3.1 texts (authentic whenever possible)

    3.2 topics

    3.2 tasks

    4. Training/helping Ss with Prediction = giving a springboard to their understanding (in point of

    content, direction of story, mood, vocabulary, grammar)

    5. Comprehension and Prediction Ideas

    6. Qualities of the reading class: interactive, stimulating, challenging, providing a sense of security we

    all need before we will take risks.

    Some Truisms:

    y A person learns to read by readingy Teaching Reading Skills can mean teaching deliberate attack strategies.y Reading is much more than decoding a text, figuring out a message. It is interacting with a text,

    synthesizing ideas, drawing conclusions, forming new ideas.

    Process Skills List

    Observing: recognizing, identifying, listening, isolating, and discriminating.

    Predicting: anticipating, choosing, supplying, broadening, focusing, judging, assessing, and surveying.Classifying: listing, sorting, distinguishing, naming, labelling, arranging, organizing.

    Inferring: applying, associating, connecting, linking, matching, weighing, discarding, rearranging.

    Analyzing: questioning, considering, inquiring, pondering, exploring, parsing, reassembling, and


    Communicating: demonstrating, following directions, explaining, pronouncing, discussing.

    Interpretation: decoding, relating, drawing conclusions, generalizing, specifying, organizing,


    y CLASSROOM OBSERVATION: READING1. What do you think were the objectives of the reading lesson i.e. what reading

    sub-skills were being developed/practised?

    2. How was the reading lesson set up? Which of the following types of activity were

    present and what did they consist of?

    a) pre-reading task(s)

    b) while-reading task(s)

    c) post-listening task(s)

    3. How did the teacher deal with any learner difficulties in understanding the text?

    (e.g. give explanation, tell them to use dictionaries, etc.)

    4. Do you think all the learners achieved what they were required to do with the text?

    If so, why? If not, why not?

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    5. What in your opinion, were

    a) the good features of the lesson?b) the weak features of the lesson?

    Post-lesson reflection

    Was this reading lesson different from the way you approach reading in your own classes?

    If so, what were the differences?

    y Reflection as Exercise:1. Make a list of prediction ideas that may give students a springboard to their understanding of a


    2. State the main difference between the following strategies of ensuring comprehension:Ordering a sequence of pictures vs. reordering events

    Mapping it out vs. completing a documentMatching vs. summarizing

    3. Throughout most teaching materials reading is viewed as a process involving three stages.Mention the stages and the corresponding reading strategies to be employed.

    4. How do you explain the two-fold role of the reading skill (integrating and integrated) in theprocess of teaching?

    5. Devise your own list of criteria for selecting text-types for both intensive and extensive reading.6. Look at Unit 1 Lesson 2 fromPerspectives on English to find an illustration of how students are

    expected to access textual meaning, Starting from literal meaning (ex.II.2; Ex.III.1a; ex.III.1b;

    ex.III.1c; ex.III.1d) through type of text (ex.III.2a) to text assessment/ evaluation (ex.III.2b;

    ex.IV.1; ex.IV.2a; ex.IV.2b; ex.IV.2c; ex.IV.2d; ex.IV.3, students are put in charge of their own

    building sense out of the text. Reflect upon your own training for becoming the competent

    readers you are. Any differences/similarities?

    7. Go through the series Pathway to English (5-8) and devise a list with exercises dealing withdirect reference or understanding literal meaning of the text.

    8. Go through the series Pathway to English (9-12) and devise a list with exercises dealing withindirect reference/ meta-content information from a text.

    9. Choose a lesson from any textbook in use and devise a possible scenario for giving studentspractice in intensive reading. Mention level, age, and number of students.

    10.Mention all the books you have read this month.

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    9. TeachingLISTENING

    y Knowledge on how we reach understanding1. The map below sketches the relationship between the various information sources that we may

    need to refer to in order to understand a spoken or written text.

    background knowledge schematic

    - factual knowledge- sociocultural

    procedural knowledge

    - how knowledge is used in discourse

    knowledge of situation

    - physical setting, participants, etc .


    knowledge of co-text- what has been/will be said (written)

    knowledge of the language system- semantic

    - syntactic systemic- phonological knowledge

    Fig.1 from Anne Anderson and Tony Lynch,Listening, OUP, 1988

    2. There are two distinct modes oflistening: integrated (i.e. where the listener can become the

    speaker- in conversation) and isolated(i.e. where the listener cannot respond to the speaker)

    3.1 Top-down processing (Fig.1) corresponds to encoding (prediction)

    3.2 Bottom-up processing (Fig.2) corresponds to decoding (comprehension)

    listeners long term memory

    final text

    semantic/pragmatic analysis (meaning)

    speakers intention and required response

    linguistic analysis(lexical, grammatical and prosodic structure of the text)

    auditory analysis

    (sounds, word boundaries)

    drop-out noise

    speakers output text

    Fig.2 Bottom-up Processing







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    NB Anderson & Lynch (1988) contrast the Bottom-Up view of listener as taperecorder with Top-

    Down view of listener as active model builder: the listener constructs an interpretation of a messageby utilizing both bottom-up and top-down knowledge.

    4. Types of aural texts:

    Aural Texts

    monologues dialogues

    planned unplanned interpersonal tr

    unfamiliar familiar

    5. Text vs. Non-Text: Halliday & Hasan (1976) consider that textis defined in terms of the linguistic

    elements which serve to bind the texts together i.e. cohesive devices. Widdowson (1978, 1979)

    challenges the fact that coherence of a text is created by cohesion by arguing that we can create our

    own coherence by recognizing the function that each utterance fulfils within a given context or


    e.g. Edmonson(1981) proves that the example of non-text Van Dijk gives(We will have guests for

    lunch. Calderon was a great writer.) is, in fact, a perfectly coherent text.

    Conclusion: Successful listening involves the integration of information encoded in the message itself

    with broader knowledge of the world viz. successful listeners use both bottom-up and top-downstrategies in reconstructing messages.

    y Knowledge about TeachingListeningAim: to train Ss to understand and respond quickly to: (1) the sort of language they are likely to

    encounter in normal use;(2) the sort of situations they are likely to find themselves in. (both verbal

    behaviour and non-verbal behaviour should be encouraged)

    1. A checklist of listening sub-skills

    1.1 Anticipation (develop appropriate expectations; adjust listening strategy to listening purpose; scanfor activated information)

    1.2 Recognition (phonemic contrasts; word stress pattern; key morpheme; stress as indicator ofinformation focus; intonation as cue to information structure; (known) vocabulary; grammatical word

    class; syntactic structure; ideas; reference markers; variation between form and meaning; maindiscourse markers; fillers; attitude from intonation or word-choice) What did you say?

    1.3Inference (word meaning from context; function of utterances; situations from context; purpose ofdiscourse; connection between events in the discourse; relationship between topic and sub-topics;

    attitude from context; meaning of non-verbal parts of the message such as gesture)What did you

    mean when you said?

    1.4 Construction (build up a coherent picture on the basis of: Anticipation, Recognition, Inference;

    distinguish literal from implied meaning; follow the main thread of the discourse; predict nextmove or eventual outcome from ongoing discourse)Why are you telling me this?

    2. Enabling skills and enacting skills in listening from Rost, Listening in Language Learning,

    Longman, 1990

    What the listening skill consists of: (A) Emphasizing perception: Recognizing prominence within

    utterances; (B) Emphasizing interpretation: formulating propositional sense for a speakers

    utterance; formulating a conceptual framework that links utterances together; interpreting plausible

    intention(s) of the speaker in making the utterance; (C) Enacting skills: utilizing representation ofdiscourse to make appropriate response.

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    3. Types of listening tasks

    4. Criteria for evaluating activities and exercises:4.1 Content validity: Does the activity practice listening or something else?

    4.2 Listening comprehension or memory?4.3 Purposefulness and transferability: Does the activity reflect a purpose for listening and

    approximates authentic real-life listening?4.4 Testing or teaching?

    4.5 Authenticity: To what degree does the input resemble natural discourse?

    5. Four clusters of factors which can affect the difficulty of oral language tasks as discussed by Brown& Yule (1983): (1) related to the speaker (2) related to the listener (3) related to the content (4) related

    to the support


    1. Purpose of presentation2. Features of presentation3. Activities4. Type of interaction5. Role of teacher6. Degree of control7. Correction8. Length and pace of lesson9. Success of lesson were students using language correctly by the end?

    y Reflection as Exercise:1. The dictogloss approach encourages learners to use both bottom-up and top-down listening

    strategies. The 4 stages to go through are: (a) preparation; (b) dictation; (c) reconstruction; (d)analysis and correction. Hypothesize about advantages and disadvantages of such an approach.

    Mainly think about the importance of integrating background, inside the head knowledge with theclues picked up during the dictation.

    2. Brown and Yule referred to 4 clusters of factors, which can become sources of difficulty of orallanguage tasks. Take them in turn and hypothesize about how they can hinder comprehension.

    3. Reflect upon your experience of listeners to news broadcasts, for instance. How can this help youimprove the listening class?

    4. How far do you agree with the following statements?(a)Listening is an active process.(b)Classroom listening practice can be used to develop the listeners general linguistic resources.(c)Authentic listening texts are essential.(d)Learners should be exposed to as wide a range of listening rtexts as possible from a variety of


    5. Which phases might you expect to find in a lesson devoted to listening practice?6. What are the features of real-life listening and how far do the listening texts in present textbooks

    reflect real-life listening?7. How can replaying a text at various stages of the lesson be rewarding for both teacher and


    8. What about the practicalities of a listening class? Are they important or not?9. Select one listening task from any textbook available to you and carefully plan the activity so as to

    make it most profitable for your students. Detail stages and state purposes. Refer to Teachers book

    for help. Mention level, age, number of students.10. List the listening tasks favoured by textbook writers.

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    10. TeachingWRITING

    y Knowledge on written language1. Written language vs. spoken language: two different kinds of complexity

    1.1 complexities at the level of the clauselexical density (# of content words) vs. complexity in the

    way clauses are linked together.

    1.2 decontextualization, which makes it impossible to adjust the message vs. contextualization due topermanent feedback from the other person.

    2. Definition ofwriting = a communicative process involving the writer indecisions concerning the

    expected reader of the text.

    N.B. Textual decisions depend on the writers perception of the audience.

    3. Constraints in writing a text:1. Appropriate

    2. Intents 3. Context 4. Possible 5. Feasible 6. Performed


    Johnson, Keith, Communicative Syllabus Design and Methodology, 1982

    4. Functions in everyday life served by written language:

    4.1 for action: public signs, recipes, maps, bills, ....,....,....,....,......

    4.2 for information: newspapers, non-fiction books, textbooks, advertisements.4.3.for entertainment: fiction, comic strips, light magazines, etc.

    y Knowledge about teaching writingy1. Writing is a communicative activity where there is a reason to write and there is a reader.

    2. Components of the writing skill:

    2.1 mechanical component: e.g. hand-writing; spelling; capitalization; punctuation.2.2grammatical component: e.g. tenses; word order; etc.

    2.3discourse component: e.g. ability to paragraph; use of cohesive devices; etc.2.4 stylistic component: e.g. choice of appropriate vocabulary; ability to vary sentence structure to

    avoid repetition; ability to choose language according to the type of writing and writing.

    3. Potential problems: spelling; punctuation; stylistic confusion between spoken and written language;

    L1 interference; Ss resistance to writing in general.

    4. What the student MUST know:4.1 what the audience will be

    4.2 what s/he wants to convey i.e.purpose of writing4.3 how to write several drafts coming nearer to the message intended at the semantic and grammatical


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    5. Staging the writing lesson

    y ideas stagey composing stagey editing stage6. what will a course of writing include?

    y a lot of: reading, listening, oral discourse7. Role of the writing teacher:y find interesting and relevant writing activitiesy decide how best to present the activitiesy provide sufficient guidance and controly provide correction and suggestions for improvement8. Techniques used for teaching writing:

    y pre-reading discussiony spray-charts or visual formspresenting ideas before writingy first draftfollowed by peer discussion of the messagey second drafty editingy recompositiony modelling/ parallel versions for different audiencesy text combination (pairs use their best relevant pieces to make the whole text)y incubation (set the writing task a week after pre-writing activity)y writing many different kinds of texts (e.g. newspaper articles; menus; tourist brochures; doctors

    records; poetry; etc.)

    9. Process-orientedapproach vs.product-orientedapproach

    9.1 focus is on classroom activities, which are believed to promote the development of skilledlanguage use.

    9.2 language at the level of discourse.9.3 writing teacher more interested in the processes writers go through in composing texts.

    10. objectives + activities:

    10.1 arouse Ss interesttopic (stimulus for topic: learner choice of topic)

    10.2 arouse ideas/new wordsgroup/pair brainstorming

    10.3 help organize ideasoutline or jot down ideas

    10.4 get down main ideasfirst draft (individual, pair or group)

    10.5 clarifying message, editingfeedback from peers and teacher

    10.6 optional second draft and feedback

    10.7 final versionrewriting

    11. Discourse analytic tasksy true/false questions on writers intentiony cloze and gap-filling using semantic replacement criteriay given 1st paragraph, learners predict 2nd, etc.y match list of functions with texty rhetorical transformations (e.g. given a description of a product, learners rewrite it as an


    y modeling (e.g. given text as a topic, learners write a text of the same structure on a different topic).12. Stages of a writing lesson

    12.1 copying

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    12.2 controlled writing

    12.3 guided writing12.4 cued writing

    12.5 free writing: reports; summaries; letters; invitations; literary compositions.,13. Producing a piece of writing.

    (Raimes, A. Techniques in Teaching Writing, OUP, 1983)


    1. Was it a mini-skills lesson e.g. punctuation, letter format?2. What was the degree of control? i.e. controlled/less controlled/freer?3. What kind of writing exercise was it? e.g. letter writing, composition, descriptive passage4. Was there appropriate guidance for the task?5. How was the lesson concluded? NB: it may be set for homework.6. Comment on how successful you feel the lesson was. What factors contributed to this?


    Physical: Was the board visible to all?Was the layout clear? (Did it appear overcrowded/disorganized?)

    2. Was the new language highlighted effectively?3. Was the board work complete? (e.g. no unfinished sentences)4. Did the teacher use the board for:

    (a)clarifying points on the spot?(b)correction? (e.g. grammar, pronunciation)

    5. Could any of the following have been appropriate?(a) tabulation (e.g. substitution table)(b)display of visuals (flashcards/drawings)(c)prompts for practice

    Grammar The writersprocess


    PurposeOr anization


    Clear, Fluent,

    and effective


    of ideas




    Word choice

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    (d)preparation (e.g. giving information for an activity)6. What did the students write down and take away?

    Was it representative of the salient points of the lesson, and would the students have understood it

    several days later?7. Was the board overused or underused?

    y Reflection as Exercise:1. The writer can choose any structure or lexis, which will appropriately express the intended

    meaning to the expected audience. So, will you look at Keith Johnsons diagram of an utteranceand spell out the necessary constraints to be considered when writing.

    2. How can you reformulate such a writing task as Describe your room at home so that theassignment take on new dimensions besides a simple exercise in the use of the present tense and in

    prepositions. Consider providing student writers with a context in which to select appropriatecontent, language, and levels of formality.

    3. When is teacher feedback expected to happen during the writing process?4. What differences can you highlight between the process-approach to writing and a more traditional

    approach?5. Argue for writing as a group work activity or an isolationist activity.6. Mention advantages of use of brainstorming activities in the writing class.7. Consider the textbookEnglish News and Views. Put down all the writing tasks used by the authors

    in order to refine students writing skills.8. Detail a scenario presenting the stages of a lesson teaching writing on a topic of your choice from a

    textbook familiar to you.

    9. How can the teacher get the balance right between accuracy and fluency in writing?10.What do you understand by the need to develop the students communicative potential in writing?

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    11. TeachingSPEAKING

    y Knowledge on spoken language1. Identifying different types of speaking according to the functional analysis of speaking performed

    by Bygate (1987) - see Fig.1.Expository: description, instruction, comparison

    Information routines

    Evaluative: explanation, justification, prediction, decisionRoutines

    Service: job interview

    Interaction routines

    Social: dinner party

    Negotiation of meaning


    Management of interaction

    Fig.1 Characterizing oral interaction

    2. D. Nunans three-dimensional grid as a planning device for designing a syllabus for speaking and

    oral interaction - see Fig.2

    Information Negotiation of



    of interaction

    Expository Evaluative

    narrate describe instructcompare

    explain justify predict


    job interview booking a



    dinner partycoffee break

    theatre queue


    Fig.2 A planning grid for speaking and oral interaction

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    3. Predictability and unpredictability: Communication involves the reduction of uncertainty through a

    process of negotiation.3.1 Transactional encounters contain highly predictable patterns

    3.2 Interpersonal encounters (the focus being on the maintenance of social relationships) will beunpredictable or less predictable

    4. Strategies for accomplishing the vertical expansion (extending messages vertically, i.e.discoursally), according to Ellis (1984):

    4.1 Imitating another speakers utterance and adding to it.

    4.2 Building on ones own previous utterance.4.3 Juxtaposing two formulaic utterances.

    5. Spoken communication as negotiation of turn-taking, topic, message, seeking clarification, and

    expansion, repeatingorsummarizing.

    y Knowledge about TeachingSpeakingAim: mastering the art of speaking as the most important aspect of learning a foreign language (i.e.the ability to carry out a conversation in the foreign language)

    1. Skills involved in successful oral communication:1.1 The ability to articulate phonological features of the language comprehensively;

    1.2 Mastery of stress, rhythm, intonation patterns;1.3 Transactional and interpersonal skills;

    1.4 Skills in taking short and long speaking turns;1.5 Skills in the management of interaction;

    1.6 Skills in negotiating meaning (as part of what Canale and Swain (1980) call strategiccompetence)

    involve the ability to:

    1.6.1 initiate 1.6.2 maintains 1.6.3 interrupt 1.6.4 restore 1.6.5 repair/terminate the interaction;

    1.7 Conversational listening skills;

    1.8 Skills in knowing about and negotiating purposes for conversations;

    1.9 Using appropriate conversational formulae and fillers;

    2. The difficulty of speaking tasks: theinterlocutoreffect(Brown and Yule, 1983,1984)

    3. The degree of ascending difficulty of speaking tasks from: static tasksdynamic tasksabstract


    All three task types involve learners in exploiting basic information-transferring skills.NB The ability to reflect critically on ones performance as a language user is an important skill, which

    should be incorporated into any language programme.4. Top-down approach tospeaking- see Fig.2 on handout.

    5. A nine-point scale Yardstick for evaluatingspeaking- see Carroll & West, 1989 on handout.6. Consider what is involved in real-life communication - in any language.

    Complete the diagram below with your ideas.

    We want to communicate




    We choose our own language We focus on message

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    7. Consider how these features of real-life communication can be replicated in the classroom.

    8. Interaction activities: see Penny Ur (1981)

    E.g. Information Gap Activities: describe and drawdescribe and arrange

    describe and performdescribe and identify

    picture sequencing

    picture differencesOpinion Gap Activities: open-ended discussions

    priority discussions

    problem-solving tasks

    picture/text interpretation


    1. It may be an integrated skills lesson e.g. listening leading to speaking.2. Try to ascertain if the skills lesson is being used to reinforce language that has recently been

    introduced.3. You may find it helpful to note down the stages of the lesson and approximate time length of each


    SPEAKING SKILL(a)What type of speaking skill e.g. dialogue building, role-play, discussion, narrative building? What

    was the degree of control, i.e. controlled/less controlled/freer?(b)How was the lesson set up?(c)What instructions were given and were they clear?(d)Was the task realistic/appropriate/challenging etc?(e)How did the teacher deal with correction e.g. did the teacher correct during the activity or at the


    (f) Comment on how successful you feel the lesson was? What factors contributed to this?

    y CLASSROOM OBSERVATION: TEACHER TALKING TIME (TTT)Answer the questions by making notes of your thoughts and with any specific examples.1. Did the T. talk more than necessary to explain a point or not enough?2. Did the T. talk when the students could have been doing the talking?3. Did the T. speak too quickly/slowly?4. Was the level of language about right?5. Did the language sound authentic and natural?6. In which activities was student talking time more than TTT?7. Did the T. create enough opportunities for student talking time?8. Were instructions clear? Was what the trainee/teacher had to say interesting, informative, useful


    9. If/when TTT was high, was there a good reason for this?y Reflection as Exercise:

    1. If you agree that language tasks must have a degree of ascending difficulty covering such scale:static task > dynamic task> abstract task, and must involve learners in exploiting basic

    information-transferring skills, then mention what other very important skill has to be developed inany language programme.

    2. This is how Carroll and West (1989) appreciate as highest speaking performance:

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    Handles all general speech situations, as well as those in own specialist areas, with confidence and

    competence similar to those in mother tongue. An exceptional level of speaking. Message requiredis completely conveyed with total relevance and interest. Message fully adjusted to listeners

    knowledge of topic and language. S poken text is coherently organized with suitable use ofsequencing and cohesion. Total control of fluency in interaction without undue hesitations. Style

    effectively matched to context. Language control complete, allowing for high-level interaction.Complete accuracy apart from occasional slips of tongue. Little L1 accent and appropriate use of

    idiom contribute to overall impression. Can you identify the three main criteria at the basis of this

    near-perfect speaker portrait?3. Reading aloud used to be a common test of speaking. Contrast this with a more recent technique

    problem-solving working in pairs. Tick off features of each technique when appropriate.

    (purposive; spontaneous; interactive; planned language; message bearing; real-world task)

    4. The oral interview is open to several criticisms. What are these?5. Can you predict three objections to linguistic tests of speaking?6. The traditional one-to-one arrangement (learner-assessor interaction) has three main disadvantages.

    Can you predict what these are?

    7. The guided instructions technique evolved from the Lego brick-building task described byAllwright (1977). One learner is asked to give a set of instructions to either another learner or an

    interlocutor. There are several possibilities: describe and arrange; describe and draw;

    pathfinding. Mention two major advantages of the technique.

    8. Check any two textbooks available for how the speaking session is organized. Compare andcontrast: types of materials, assignments, difficulty parameters, sociolinguistic competenceoccurrences.

    9. Choose one topic from one current textbook. Edit a scenario to give students practice in speakingon the respective topic/language function. You can compare your scenario with the one below,

    inspired by a video-lesson illustrating the communicative approach.10.In Book 12, English Horizons, authors have included in each unit an assessment form for

    presentations (oral/written) that the students can use for themselves and for their peers and with

    which to organize their own learning. What might have been the authors hidden agenda in so


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    12. TeachingLITERARY SKILLS

    yKnowledge of literature from both diachronic and synchronic perspective of the history ofcivilization. Appropriate critical jargon and literary theory information should supplement it. And,

    what is more, the feeling for literature reading and discussion.

    yKnowledge of How to teach Literature to teenagers1. awareness of complexity of situation (cultural awareness raising; information transfer; artistic taste

    refinement; creativity enhancement; study skills improvement; language skills development; self-knowledge growth).

    2. Adaptation of readers response theory beliefs to the classroom situation: i.e. text seen as a flexiblestructure (both closed and open); reader as co-author of the text.

    3. Guidelines for achieving literary skills:(a)make the study of literary texts stimulating, challenging, enjoyable.(b)make students learn how to think and not what to think; how to handle concepts of literary theory

    and not parrot ready-made interpretations;

    (c)keep a right balance between focus on information and focus on personal response/creativity.(d)make the literary text an interesting encounter in time by presenting it in the context of the culture

    and civilization of their time.

    (e)make both the achievement and behaviour cultures (both English/American and Romanian) meeton the arena of the literary text.

    (f) Observe the spiral principle (from recognition, to guided discovery, to awareness and, finally, toresponse) for ensuring success and satisfaction in the development of the critical mind.

    4. Here are the teaching/assessment objectives of literaturing as presented by the authors of thePathway to English series: At the end of Grade 12, students should be able to:

    (A)demonstrate theirpresentation skills by planning an oral/written presentation of the features of aliterary text which should be relevant to the topic, selective and clear, and which should use the

    appropriate terminology and language register;

    (B)express their personal response, that is to explore and express their views on a literary text byarticulating informed and independent opinions on literary texts of different types and cultural


    (C)make a text analysis, i.e. to show their understanding of the ways in which writerschoice of form,structure, and language reveals meanings, their understanding of the cultural and historicalinfluences on literary texts, their awareness of the relationships between literary texts.

    5. Textbook writers spirally work upon the following concepts when aiming at developing literaryskills: plot-building; character-building; theme; narrative perspective; setting; symbol

    discovery; range of language(s) and style(s).

    y Reflection as Exercise:1. Look at the text from E. Brontes Wuthering Heights in Book 10, Perspectives on English. Design

    a scenario for teaching students the concept of plot uncovering. Detail: stages, purposes, skills,

    activities, timing, types of interaction.

    2. Look at the text from S. Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, in Book 11, News and Views. Design ascenario for teaching students the concept of character building. Detail: stages, purposes, skills,activities, timing, types of interaction.

    3. Look at the text from Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland, in Book 11,News and Views. Design ascenario for teaching theme discovery: Detail: stages, purposes, skills, activities, timing, types of

    interaction.4. Look at the text from Henry Jamess The Portrait of a Lady, in Book 11,News and Views. Design

    a scenario for teaching narrative perspective discovery: Detail: stages, purposes, skills, activities,timing, types of interaction

    5. Look at the text from Ernest Hemingways The Killers, in Book 11, News and Views. Design ascenario for teaching language as style: Detail: stages, purposes, skills, activities, timing, types of


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    6. Look at the text from J. Swifts Gullivers Travels, in Book 10,Perspectives. Design a scenario forteaching language as style: Detail: stages, purposes, skills, activities, timing, types of interaction


    y What is an error?Errors are of two types:(a) forms that are not acceptable according to the rules (syntactic, phonological, lexical) of the

    target language.

    (b)forms that are themselves acceptable but which are used in a way that is unacceptable (e.g.

    errors of style).

    y It is worth making a distinction between errors/slips/lapses. Slips of the tongue are oftenspontaneously corrected by the speaker; lapses caused by tiredness, or inattention can also be

    corrected by the speaker if attention is drawn to them.

    y It has now become clear that many of the errors of a second/foreign language-learner aredevelopmental: that is, they are a natural part of the learning process, in the same way that theincorrect utterances of a child learning its native language are seen as natural part of its linguistic

    development.y What causes errors?

    There are four main causes of error. Two of these are inevitable; the other two are to some degree


    (a)errors as indicators of the present state of knowledge: teacher should be prepared to acceptthese errors for what they are, and not as evidence of a poor memory or unsuccessful teaching.

    (b)Errors as a result of overgeneralization or false analogy on the basis of too little linguisticevidence. If language-learning proceeds in a sequence (Data>Hypothesis 1> More Data>

    Feedback> Hypothesis2> More Data> etc.) then correction can function positively, to assist

    learning.(c)Errors as a result of negative transfer (interference) from the learners mother tongue.

    Correction is not always effective in this case.

    (d)Errors as a result of wrong hypothesis caused by poor teaching. Here correction is a poorsubstitute for re-teaching.y Are most frequent also most serious errors?

    Grammatical errors (prepositions, word order, selectional restrictions after a particular verb, etc.),

    although extremely resistant to change, interfere with communication to a relatively small extent.

    Phonological errors are a much more serious problem since they are a potential source of

    irritation to native speakers, while lexical errors can lead to a complete breakdown in


    y Teachers must make decisions about what, when, and how to correct and make remedialintervention.

    WHAT we correct will depend partly on whether we consider correction will serve any purpose, and

    partly on what we consider important during a particular activity.

    WHEN goes both for the teacher and the student(s) who is/are expected to correct himself/each other.Dont mix up fluency activities with accuracy activities, when correction is important.

    NB: Teachers must find ways of encouraging students to monitor and correct, when appropriate, both

    their own production and (in a spirit of helpfulness) that of their fellow-learners.

    y CLASSROOM OBSERVATION: ERROR CORRECTION1. Note the type of mistakes e.g. Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary2. How was the correction achieved? e.g. Student guided to self-correction, student to student

    correction or teacher to student correction.3. Note when the teacher corrected, e.g. on the spot or delayed4. Did the teacher anticipate any mistakes? E.g. pronunciation/grammar?

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    5. Did the teacher hear mistakes?6. Did the teacher correct too much or too little?7. Was the teacher right in their correction?8. Did the teacher jot down mistakes?9. Comment on the overall success of the correction taking place.y Reflection as Exercise1. There are different schools of thought on how or even whether to correct during a fluency or

    communicative activity. Where do you stand, with those advocating the necessity of correction orthose disfavouring correction altogether?

    2. When should correction be more persistent: at lower levels or high levels, according to you?3. Mario Rinvolucri advocates hot correction (slip of paper with the correction on it, immediately

    handed in to the student) in group work. Would you consider the method disruptive or decentlyprotective to the student?

    4. Do you consider recording the activity, using video or sound tape, and playing it back to thestudents a valuable source of working on the language?

    5. It is said that the greatest irritants to native speakers are not grammar or morphology errors (thefirst obsession of classical Error Analysis), but what Thomson (1983) called pragmatic failures,

    which mainly occur due to native language transfers. Provide at least one example.6. It is well known the native speakers tolerance towards errors. How do you explain that there is

    always a tendency for deprecatory assessment with the non-native foreign language teacher?7. Chomsky (1981) refers to feedback given to infants acquiring the NL as positive v. negative

    evidence. What was he referring to more exactly?

    8. The idea that learners produce forms which, even if corrected, are not quite what the native would

    say is developed by Levenston (1978). He shows that an EA that limits itself to reconstruction, i.e.

    on putting the grammar right, is flawed: what is left will still display lexical inadequacy, syntactic

    blends, conceptual confusion and rhetorical ineptitude. We could say that what learners write may

    well be discourse in English but still falls short of being English discourse. Thus the attention,

    nowadays, has shifted from clear-cut error to the vaguer notion of infelicity.So, where do you

    stand among learners/teachers: those who perform correctly but infelicitously or those who have

    the feeling of the language?

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    14. TESTING

    y Test types:(a)Achievement/attainment tests are based on syllabus. Test what was learned/taught in class.

    They look backwards.(b)Proficiency tests are not based on syllabus. They find out language level and look forwards.

    (c) Placement tests are not based on syllabus and are meant to group students of similar

    competence and performance together in order to better collaborate to improve their languageskills.

    (d)Diagnostic tests are (not) based on syllabus and are meant to find out students areas of

    weaknesses. They are looking backwards and forwards, since re-teaching may be necessary.

    (e) Aptitude tests find out if students have aptitude for learning a foreign language. They are

    looking forwards.

    y Historical presentation of English testing:(A)Traditional/pre-scientific, Spolsky (1984)

    Grammatico-literary, Carroll & Hall (1985)

    Garden of Eden, Morrow (1979)

    E.g. written composition; oral interview; translation passage.

    Features: non-authentic; disembodied; subjective(B)Modern/scientific, Spolsky (1984)Psycho-linguistic, Carroll & Hall (1985)

    Vale of tears, Morrow (1979)E.g. multiple-choice; transformations; cloze; dictation.

    Features: non-authentic; disembodied; discrete-point; objective; integrative; objective.(C)Post-modern, Spolsky (1884)

    Socio-communicative, Carroll & Hall (1985)Promised Land, Morrow (1979)

    E.g. authentic texts (reading and listening); authentic tasks (writing and speaking).

    Features: authentic; contextualized; integrative; objective and subjective.

    y Making test items more communicative:- give students some purpose to communicate- establish audience/reader- create some information gap or conflictual situation- test enabling skills rather than products- make items integrative rather than discrete-point- use contextualized language rather than disembodied language- make them both objective and subjective, e.g. cloze /C-cloze tests- make them criterion-referenced rather than norm-referenced

    NB: make them both relevant to students needs and expectations and reliable!

    y Reflection as ExerciseSince teachers need to evaluate students performance they have to administer either ready-made tests

    or their own tests.Please, always reflect twice whether the task you give students is meant to teach them something or

    just test their competence/performance.


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    1. Subject and content1.1If it is relevant to learners needs.1.2 If it is interesting for the learners.

    1.2If there is enough variety of activities.2. Activities2.1If there is balance of activities.2.2If there is enough comprehensible input for the learners.2.3If there is enough practice in varying forms of tasks.2.4If there is a sufficient amount of communication output in the materials.2.5If new vocabulary is introduced in motivating and realistic contexts3. Skills3.1If the materials include and practice the skills learners of the respective age need.3.2If there is an appropriate balance of skills.3.3If the skills are integrated or practiced in isolation.4. Guidance4.1If the teachers book contains clear guidance for the teacher about how to present and practice the

    materials.4.2If there are clearly-stated objectives for each sequence of the lesson.4.3If there is additional input material to compensate for lack of teachers own materials and time.4.4If there are key answers provided to more problematic issues.5. Language type5.1If the language used in the materials is at the right level for students age/assumed competence and

    is real-life English.

    5.2If there is explicit reference to appropriateness (the matching of language to its social context andfunction).

    5.3If there is a cline of approaches.5.4If there is grading and recycling of language content.6. Supporting materials6.1If the materials contain visuals; recorded material; examples of authentic language; an index of

    grammar items/ functions; a glossary; testing materials; others

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    BRAINSTORMINGA kind of group activity intended to generate a lot of ideas. Every suggestion is recorded however

    unlikely or far-fetched. Decisions about practicality are made later.


    Computer assisted language learning.


    A form of teaching by question and answer gradually leading to the elicitation of certain truths.


    A class activity in which various individuals or groups report back to the class on what they have been

    researching or discussing. It may also be a session in which the teacher reports back to students with

    an evaluation of their work.


    A form of learning/teaching in which different students cover different areas of a topic; they later pool

    their knowledge (e.g. by means of seminar/class papers).


    A kind of Task-based activity which usually involves an extended amount of independent work, eitherby an individual student or by a group of students.


    A form of group activity in which the class is divided into groups. After some time, pairs of groups are

    joined together and continue the discussion. This procedure is repeated until there is only one group,

    comprising the whole class. Sometimes called a Snowball group.


    A form ofSIMULATION in which the participants adopt certain roles or parts.


    Used to describe any kind of learning which involves the performance of a specific task or piece of



    A kind of TASK-BASED group activity which involves the completion of a certain specified task. It isexpected that all the members of the group to contribute something to the completion of the task.

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    General Methodology

    Harmer, J., The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman, 1983Richards, J., Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. CUP, 1986

    Doff, A., Teach English, CUP, 1988

    Littlewood, W., Communicative Language Teaching. CUP, 1981Nunan, D.,Language Teaching Methodology. Prentice-Hall, 1991

    Freeman, D.L., Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford American English, 1986

    Grammar Teaching

    Harmer, J., Teaching and Learning Grammar. Longman. 1987

    Ur, P., Grammar Practice Activities. CUP. 1988

    Batstone, R., Grammar. OUP. 1994

    Gerngross, G., Creative Grammar Practice. Longman. 1992


    Underwood, M., Teaching Listening. Longman. 1989Rost, M.,Listening in Action. Prentice-Hall. 1991

    Rost, M.,Listening in Language Learning. Longman. 1990Anderson, A.,Listening. OUP. 1988


    Wallace, C.,Reading. OUP. 1992

    Nuttall, C., Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. Heinemann. 1982

    Williams, E.,Reading in the LanguageClassroom. MEP. 1984

    Alderson, C.,Reading in a Foreign Language. Longman. 1984


    Hedge, T., Writing.OUP. 1988

    White, R.,Process Writing. Longman. 1988

    Raines, A., Techniques in Teaching Writing. OUP. 1983


    Bygate, M., Speaking. OUP. 1087Byrne, D., TeachingOral English. Longman. 1987

    Littlewood, W., TeachingO


    ommunication. Blackwell. 1992

    Klippel, F., Keep Talking. CUP. 1983

    Ur, P.,Discussions that Work. CUP. 1981


    Wallace, M., Teaching Vocabulary. Heinemann. 1982

    Gairns, R., Working with Words. CUP. 1984

    McCarthy, M., Vocabulary. OUP. 1990

    Allen, V., Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. OUP. 1983

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    Classroom Interaction

    Wright, T.,Roles of Teachers and Learners. OUP. 1987Hadfield, J., Classroom Dynamics. OUP. 1990

    Underwood, M.,Effective Class Management. CUP. 1987Edge, J.,Mistakes andCorrection. Longman. 1989


    Heaton, J., Classroom Testing. Longman. 1980