33 motivational story of ca student

This forum is for the benefit of CA students to combat exam stress. We all the the stress CA students undergoing and we have also undergone. At this stage if some guidance and motivation comes from little top, they would be happy. Request others to contribute to this forum to help students as nobody will come from outside to help us. Together we are united as CA community and divided we fall. Today I would like to share the real story of my senior where I have done my articleship. He was very senior to me and I even didn’t meet him but came to know of his life from my principal. I cried for some time after listening and took some positives out of that. Here I am mentioning so that it may also prove fruitful to you all to combat the stress of exams:- His name was siddharth. He lost his father during schooling. His relatives didn’t help and he had mother and younger sister to look after. His illiterate mother told children to continue studies and she started work as maid and sweeping at temples. Siddharth used to do labour work along with studies in B.Com to help her Sister to study as well. After B.Com he told his mom that he would now do some job but his mother refused and told him to do further studies/CA to bring good name to family and upliftment of family status. Those time 3 years of articleship. Tremendous pressure on him. Her mother also started falling ill sometime during first year and he had to work sometime on night to earn some money. He would not share everything to principal. Also he had seen some days when he had no food but he managed for his sister and mom. Very difficult days for him and he passed 3 years of articleship in just two pairs of dress. CONTINUED TO NEXT MESSAGE CONTINUATION FROM PREVIOUS MESSAGE Anyhow he cleared Inter both groups without aid of coachings. Soon after he cleared inter, his mother passed away. He was totally shattered but the more difficulties came, the stronger he became. He decided to complete CA to fulfill wishes of parents and look after sister. Little help he was getting from friends also sometime.

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Post on 14-Apr-2015




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Page 1: 33 Motivational Story of CA Student

This forum is for the benefit of CA students to combat exam stress. We all the the stress CA students undergoing and we have also undergone. At this stage if some guidance and motivation comes from little top, they would be happy. Request others to contribute to this forum to help students as nobody will come from outside to help us. Together we are united as CA community and divided we fall.

Today I would like to share the real story of my senior where I have done my articleship. He was very senior to me and I even didn’t meet him but came to know of his life from my principal. I cried for some time after listening and took some positives out of that. Here I am mentioning so that it may also prove fruitful to you all to combat the stress of exams:-

His name was siddharth. He lost his father during schooling. His relatives didn’t help and he had mother and younger sister to look after. His illiterate mother told children to continue studies and she started work as maid and sweeping at temples. Siddharth used to do labour work along with studies in B.Com to help her Sister to study as well. After B.Com he told his mom that he would now do some job but his mother refused and told him to do further studies/CA to bring good name to family and upliftment of family status. Those time 3 years of articleship. Tremendous pressure on him. Her mother also started falling ill sometime during first year and he had to work sometime on night to earn some money. He would not share everything to principal. Also he had seen some days when he had no food but he managed for his sister and mom. Very difficult days for him and he passed 3 years of articleship in just two pairs of dress.



Anyhow he cleared Inter both groups without aid of coachings. Soon after he cleared inter, his mother passed away. He was totally shattered but the more difficulties came, the stronger he became. He decided to complete CA to fulfill wishes of parents and look after sister. Little help he was getting from friends also sometime. Principal increased his stipend but that was meager and difficult to manage. He continued his studies with consistency and finally CA final exam days came but god wanted him to test further. His sister fall ill badly and rushed to hospital during final exam days. Out of his strong will power, determination and previous good preparation, he managed to give final exams. Result came and he cleared both groups together and became CA. He and his sister started crying for an hour after he became CA in remembrance to her beloved mother and father. He is now in Canada and earning lacs together. He donates too much to trusts to help needy students.

So my dear friends, you should also take some positives from above like:

1) He was just an average student and wanting in every field like no coachings, meager finance, little books, looking after family etc. You have everything, so why don’t you study and clear your CA exams to fulfill your parents dream. Imagine the moments when u are CA and standing before parents. what a proud moments. Work on it yar from right now. Siddharth cleared CA out

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of strong will power and determination to fulfill parents dream, you should also do it. How many of you want to fulfill parents dream and actually started doing should scrap below.



2) Yar my dear friends you should understand that people do it inspite of all odds and difficulties. You are your maker or destroyer of your own career. But remember, your family and friends are always attached to you and if you wanna destroy your career by not studying, you are destroying them too. Think it and give a thought…………….

3) If you wanna sour like a lion, learn and develop the ways of a lion yar. Means be strong from inside and leave aside your weak man attitude that always complain. Difficulties will come for sure in life and while studying but how you overcome these is your strong attitude.

4) One thing I wanna share you that achievers don’t waste time in unproductive thoughts. They think constructively and they know their level of thinking determines their success. To conclude my friends, take some positives from above and implement it. This article is for your benefit only. Most people fail not because of ability and intelligence but because of lack of desire, direction, dedication and discipline. Pl express ur thoughts of how u find this article to continue further.Make most of today my friends and good luck for preparation.Regds, CA.Rakesh Kumar,Chandigarh