320 w. garvey ave. monterey park 91754 (626)573 …

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM (English) Sunday 7:00 AM (English) 9:00 AM (Spanish) 11:00 AM (English) 2:00 PM (Indonesian) Mon-Sat Daily Mass: 8:30 AM Perpetual Help Mass & Novena Wednesday 6:30 PM Friday 7:00 PM (Spanish) Reconciliaon Saturdays 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." This woman was an outsider. She was a Canaanite, not an Israelite, and as such she would have been considered ritually unclean. But she approached Jesus nonetheless and asked for his help. And Jesus used this opportunity to teach his disciples an important lesson. In the verses directly before today's passage, Jesus had told Peter that what defiles a person comes from the heart, not from ignoring external purity practices. Then, Jesus traveled with his disciples from Galilee to the region of Tyre and Sidon where they were much more likely to encounter someone considered to be unclean. At first it appeared that Jesus wasn't going to acknowledge the woman who begged for help. His comment, "It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs," was a common comparison between Jews (the children) and Ca- naanites (the dogs). But, in fact, Jesus said this only to go right ahead and break this social code! He showed by his actions that it did not matter whether someone was Jewish or not, what mattered was the faith in a person's heart. And this woman proved to Jesus and the doubting disciples that she had great faith. How many others would have even approached Jesus to ask for his help? How many others would have persevered when he appeared unresponsive? By pausing in his response, and first mentioning the standard reply, Jesus gave this woman the opportunity to demonstrate her great faith. And then, he answered her request and praised her extraordinary faith. What a lesson for his prejudiced disciples! And what a lesson for us, both to persevere in faith, and never to judge others on mere appearances. WEBSITE:STSTEPHENMPK.ORG ST STEPHEN MARTYR CATHOLIC CHURCH 320 W. GARVEY AVE. MONTEREY PARK 91754 (626)573-0427 COMEUNITY St. Stephen Parish Fiesta Sunday, October 8, “We are a diverse faith - community that strives to conform ourselves into the image of Christ in and through the power of the Holy Spirit, and nourished by The Word, Sacraments and Tradition to give glory to God and to be a light unto the nations.” Please join us for Fun, Food and Dancing COMEUNITY LUAUFostering Cultural Diversity Saturday, September 16, 2017 $25 Tickets will be sold soon! a project of the Pastoral Council Please pray for it’s success. “The Captive Letters of St. Paul” If you’re feeling adventurous for some Bible exploration, please join us for “The Captive Letters of St. Paul”! This will be a great opportunity to learn some fascinating facts about the missionary journeys of St. Paul and his role in the formation of the Early Church Communities. The sessions will be facilitated by the St. Stephen RCIA Team and will meet every Tuesday evening in August at 7:00 pm in Room 1. LIVE THE LITURGY - INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK Our relationships often need reconciling and healing. While it is easy to say, it is often difficult to achieve. Sometimes, reconciling requires that we take down the barriers that are sources of division, remove our prejudices, look beyond dif- ferences, and see the "sameness" that connects us one to another. Of course, each party has to be willing to do this in order for healing to occur. Our Gospel shows us the healing that can occur when both parties are willing participants.

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MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM (English)

Sunday 7:00 AM (English) 9:00 AM (Spanish) 11:00 AM (English)

2:00 PM (Indonesian) Mon-Sat Daily Mass: 8:30 AM

Perpetual Help Mass & Novena Wednesday 6:30 PM

Friday 7:00 PM (Spanish)

Reconciliation Saturdays 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

"O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." This woman was an

outsider. She was a Canaanite, not an Israelite, and as such she would have been

considered ritually unclean. But she approached Jesus nonetheless and asked for his

help. And Jesus used this opportunity to teach his disciples an important lesson.

In the verses directly before today's passage, Jesus had told Peter that what defiles

a person comes from the heart, not from ignoring external purity practices. Then,

Jesus traveled with his disciples from Galilee to the region of Tyre and Sidon where

they were much more likely to encounter someone considered to be unclean.

At first it appeared that Jesus wasn't going to acknowledge the woman who begged for help. His comment, "It is not right to

take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs," was a common comparison between Jews (the children) and Ca-

naanites (the dogs). But, in fact, Jesus said this only to go right ahead and break this social code! He showed by his actions

that it did not matter whether someone was Jewish or not, what mattered was the faith in a person's heart. And this woman

proved to Jesus and the doubting disciples that she had great faith. How many others would have even approached Jesus

to ask for his help? How many others would have persevered when he appeared unresponsive? By pausing in his response,

and first mentioning the standard reply, Jesus gave this woman the opportunity to demonstrate her great faith. And then, he

answered her request and praised her extraordinary faith. What a lesson for his prejudiced disciples! And what a lesson for us,

both to persevere in faith, and never to judge others on mere appearances.



320 W. GARVEY AVE. MONTEREY PARK 91754 (626)573-0427

COMEUNITY St. Stephen Parish Fiesta

Sunday, October 8,

“We are a diverse faith-community that strives to conform ourselves into the image of

Christ in and through the power of the Holy Spirit, and nourished by The Word, Sacraments

and Tradition to give glory to God and to be a light unto the nations.”

Please join us for Fun, Food and Dancing

“COMEUNITY LUAU” Fostering Cultural Diversity

Saturday, September 16, 2017

$25 Tickets will be sold soon! a project of the Pastoral Council

Please pray for it’s success.

“The Captive Letters of St. Paul” If you’re feeling adventurous for some Bible exploration,

please join us for “The Captive Letters of St. Paul”! This

will be a great opportunity to learn some fascinating

facts about the missionary journeys of St. Paul and his role

in the formation of the Early Church Communities.

The sessions will be facilitated by the St. Stephen RCIA

Team and will meet every Tuesday evening in August at

7:00 pm in Room 1.


Our relationships often need reconciling and healing. While

it is easy to say, it is often difficult to achieve. Sometimes,

reconciling requires that we take down the barriers that are

sources of division, remove our prejudices, look beyond dif-

ferences, and see the "sameness" that connects us one to

another. Of course, each party has to be willing to do this in

order for healing to occur. Our Gospel shows us the healing

that can occur when both parties are willing participants.

De acuerdo al diccionario la palabra “persistir” significa: "Mantenerse firme en algo, especialmente

en una idea o en una actitud". En nuestra experiencia todos tenemos dificultad para mantenernos

firmes en nuestros propósitos, especialmente en lo que toca a la persistencia en la oración, los bue-

nos hábitos y cambios en cualquier disciplina espiritual. En el Evangelio de hoy la mujer cananea

nos recuerda que el mantenerse firme en su petición de que su hija sanara de los tormentos que la

aquejaban y el buen trabajo, y la disciplina espiritual pueden llegar a ser oración. Nada ni nadie

detuvo a la mujer, ni vergüenza le dio el persistir con sus gritos al Señor. "¡Señor, hijo de David, ten

compasión de mí! Mi hija está terriblemente atormentada por un demonio" (Mt 15, 22).

¿Cuántas veces en la vida hemos hecho lo que esta mujer hizo? ¿Cuál ha sido la respuesta de Dios para los tormentos que nos acosan? Las

respuestas deben ser motivos de firmeza y petición en nuestra oración. La siguiente postura de la mujer aparte de pedir en alta voz fue el

arrojarse de rodillas al Señor. Su gran fe fue lo que motivó al Señor Jesús a tener compasión sobre su situación. Postrémonos ante el Señor en

la hora santa, en el sagrario y en nuestras devociones en casa. No tengamos vergüenza de ser católicos, no temamos el velar por los

derechos de los demás. Todos estamos invitados a alabar y adorar al Señor, para que podamos escuchar palabras de consuelo en la

oración como la mujer: "Mujer, ¡qué grande es tu fe! Que se cumpla lo que deseas" (Mt 15, 28). ¡Que así sea!


COMEUNITY Fiesta Parroquial de San Esteban

Domingo 8 de Octubre

Por favor únete a nosotros

Para Diversión, Comida y Baile


Formento de la

diversidad cultural

Sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017

$25 ¡Las entradas estaran al la ven-

ta muy proto!

Un proyecto del Consejo Pastoral

Por favor oren por su éxito.

El Ministerio de Oración

“Luz del Espirtu Santo” Los invita a una jornand para la Sanidad de la Familia en el

Espiritu Santo

Ven, Sanate con su Luz. Haz crecer en la Familia el amor de


Los sigientes dias de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm

Miercoles 26 de Julio

Miercoles 2 de Agosto

En el salon parroquial


Oscar Cuevas

40 años al servicio del Señor



Incluye desayuno

y almuerzo



Sabado 26 y Domingo 27 de Agosto

de 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

En el Salon Parroquial de San Esteban Martir


Elizabeth Carillo

Misioneros de Jesus

del Valle de San Fernando


Haydee Murga: (626)260-2697

Maria Hernadez: (626)569-0875

Retiro para niños de 5 a 12 años.


Fundación Jeff Cherubin Domond En su memoria, formamos este fundamento para crear cambios

reales y duraderos en las vidas de los niños que viven en las co-

munidades rurales de Marbial, Haití. Estos niños, que de otra

manera podrían ser olvidados, necesitan desesperadamente los ele-

mentos básicos más básicos de la vida, como alimentos nutritivos,

herramientas educativas y asistencia médica. Al enriquecer sus vidas

nos aseguramos de que el espíritu de Jeff siga viviendo a través de

los dones de servicio y comunión con nuestros semejantes.

La Fundación Jeff Cherubin Domond es una organización cristiana

que trabaja junto con líderes de la iglesia en la comunidad de Mar-

bial. Ofrecemos desarrollo de liderazgo, asistencia financiera, educa-

tiva y médica a las comunidades locales. Y mientras estas comuni-

dades son el foco de nuestros esfuerzos, nuestro alcance se ex-

tiende a otras áreas, donde sea necesario.

Como cristianos, servimos a cualquiera que lo necesite, inde-

pendientemente de su religión, raza, etnia o género. Nuestro ob-

jetivo es erradicar la situación de pobreza de un niño, una familia o

una comunidad a la vez. Con su generoso apoyo, contribuciones y

oraciones podemos hacer que la pobreza sea una cosa del pasado.

Podemos borrar la desesperación y desesperanza que amenaza los

sueños y aspiraciones de los niños que viven en Marbial y otras

partes de nuestro Haití.


August 12th & 13th $7,574.96

Second Collection $3,497.20

Wednesday Mass $121.00

Friday $54.75



SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2017 5:00 pm Edita Bona (D) Angela Galsin Sison (D) SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, 2017 7:00 am Elsa Hilton (L) 9:00 am Nancy Saavedra (D) Michael Alcantar (D) 11:00 am Edgar Battad (D) MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 2017 8:30 am Souls in Purgatory TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2017 8:30 am Corazon R. Yacat (D) Elizabeth M. Tran (L) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2017 8:30 am Elizabeth M. Tran (L) 6:30 pm St. Stephen Parishioners THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2017 8:30 am Silvestre Manatad (D) Elizabeth M. Tran (L) FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2017 8:30 m Elizabeth M. Tran (L) 7:00 pm Dolores Compean Alvarado (D) SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2017 8:30 am Elizabeth M. Tran (L)

Frances Salaises, Kitty Carlucci, Ana Nunez, Maria Gonzalez, Rita Thoms, Elizabeth Dodge, Virginia Medina, Rudy Barraza, Kathy Gar-cia, Helen Lawrence, Frances Montez, Ramiro Sanchez, Judy Backer, Virginia Miranda, Mayo & Teresa Ycedo, Eva Monroy, Al & Susan Acosta, Ray Fratino, Linda McWeeney, Florence Kreslake, Francisco Paniagua, Dolores Escobedo, Carlos Navarro, Anna Barellano, David Morehead, Tim Niu, Carlos Godinez, Bertha Marquez, Kathy Moreno, Kim Chacon, Larry Hernandez, Will Martinez, Janine Lugo, George Gomez, Luis Hernandez, Craig Heller, Priscilla Isip, Linda Gomez, Bernadette Zavala, Elsa Hilton, Pio Rongavilla

To insure that the prayer list is accurate, please contact the parish

office on a monthly basses if you would like for your name to re-

main on the this.

Registration for Religious

Education classes will take place this

Sunday, August 20th

Registration will take place in the Religious Ed. office,

after the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses.

Parents that wish to enroll their children in our First

Communion Classes Must register during the above

mentioned date.

Please call the Parish Office for more information.

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Get informed on Formed.org. Best Catholic Content – movies, documentaries, best sell-ing books and new releases about our faith St Stephens parishioner’s membership is

FREE: Formed.org: Parish Code / Access Code FCPCJV

SECOND COLLECTION Jeff Cherubin Domond Foundation

In his memory, we formed this foundation to create real and lasting changes in the lives of children living in the rural communities of Marbi-al, Haiti. These children, whom might otherwise be forgotten, are in desperate need of the most basic essentials of life, such as nutritious foods, educational tools and medical assistance. By enriching their lives we ensure that Jeff’s spirit lives on through the gifts of service and fel-lowship to our fellow man.

The Jeff Cherubin Domond Foundation is a Christian organization working together with church leaders in the community of Marbial. We offer leadership development, financial, educational and medical assis-tance to the local communities. And while these communities are the focus of our efforts, our outreach extends to others areas, wherever the need arises.

As Christians, we serve anyone in need, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. Our goal is to eradicate the plight of poverty one child, one family or one community at a time. With your generous sup-port, contributions and prayers we can make poverty a thing of the past. We can erase the desperation and hopelessness that threatens the dreams and aspirations of the children living in Marbial and other parts of our Haiti.

Readings for the Week of August 20, 2017

Sunday: Is 56:1, 6-7/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Rom 11:13-15, 29-

32/Mt 15:21-28

Monday: Jgs 2:11-19/Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44/

Mt 19:16-22

Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a/Ps 85:9, 11-14/Mt 19:23-30

Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15/Ps 21:2-7/Mt 20:1-16

Thursday: Rv 21:9-14/Ps 145:10-13, 17-18/Jn 1:45-51

Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22/Ps 146:5-10/Mt 22:34-40

Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17/Ps 128:1b-5/Mt 23:1-12

Sunday: Is 22:19-23/Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8/Rom 11:33-36/

Mt 16:13-20