313162648446; judy biuiano page 1 tel: ma~ pj!i · -> 313162648446; judy biviano page 2 ma~ 27...

This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 1 of 2 V IA FAX BS/27/92 12:35:13; VIA FAX TEL: -> 313162648446; Judy Biuiano Page 1 27 . 92 11 : 22 No . 003 P. 02 PJ!I Campaign Briefing TODAY: PRESIDENT SPEAKS TO GRADUATING MIDSHIPMEN ._,2 ISSUE 78 Wednesday, Mav 27. 1992 Page 1 of 2 HEADUNES I Bush wins Arkansas C87%), Kentucky (74%). Idaho C64%) prm.rlea CAP} Durable goods orders up 1.4% in April. fourth consecutive monthly Increase (ABC News) TODAYWS SCHEDULE I PrMident Bu.h oommenoem.nt eddf••• •• U.$. N•vel AoU.my In ettende Bu.h/Ouay&. clnner In Atlant•, O.orgle. Vloe Pr .. klant Clueyle delv.,. commencement eddr••• et U.S. Air Foro. Aoeclemy In Coloredo; e«ende VIctory '82 lunoh.on . NEWS IN BRIEF I FIRST LADY URGES YOUNG PEOPLE TO WAIT FOR IDEAL FAMILY "I spend a lor of my time saying to young girls and young boys, 'Hold off. Walt. Get your education. Be responsible, "' First lady Barbara Bush told reporters on Tuesday when asked about the Vice President's family values speech last week. Regarding the Murphy Brown example, Mrs. Bush said. "I hope this won't influence young men and women to think that having babies without the ides/ fsmily is the WilY to st11rt. • (CBS Evening News, 5/26, AP, 5/27. (oont'd p. 2} Tomorrow In Phoenix PRESIDENT TO MEET WITH LEADERS OF VETERANS FOR BUSH·OUAYLE miNI and wom1111 who hiiVB fought Amllricll 's wars to keep us frH h11vt1 lllways been lmportsnt. A 1/TIItefullllltlon h/18 IIIWIIY8 provldBd for thBir Cllre and for thllt of thfllr lovtHI ontl$. Thle year, fot the fourth time In Its 75-year hi•tory, tho votorarw lifo ineuranco program will pay more than $1 bill i on In dlvldonde to veterans holding aotivo polloles. Tho o.,_rtment of Veterans Affairs prollidoe $30 bill ion annually In health care, eduoatlon, compon•ation, ponelon end houalng benefits and cemetery •ervioos to tho nation'e 28.8 million mi li tary veterans. VtltBI'IIn$ tJmbody our n11tlon'• highest ldBMis - •tNVIctl, Vlllor, •trtlllgth, 11nd unity. They are truly '• hBrOBS •• much 118 thost1 who •nswlll'tJd the cttH to fight for AmsriCII'• lndep817dence. e rron'l George W.ahlngton to George Bush, 27 of the nation'• 40 prealdenta oerved In the military. The First Co(ID/e PRESIDENT PRAISES FIRST LADY: · President Bush last night confided. "[SJometh!ng Prime Minister (Felipe] Gonzalez of Spain told me. He said, 'Your wife Is the most admired woman in the world. '" Speaking by videotape at the Statesman's Dinner in Miami Beach honoring Mrs. Bush, the President said it was appropriate that such a dinner would be hald to honor the First Lady: "Someone once sai'd that 'a politician thinks of the next election; {butl a stetesm8n thinks of the next generation. That's BsrbBrB Bush -In so many ways. "... So I'm not surprised when so msny other Americans look to her leadership, " the President said. "She is waging a w11r against illiterllcy - and shfJ is determined to .S88 that war won. She has shared her greatest gift - her love - with the tragic victims of AIDS. And through example, she tettches the meaning of family, faith, snd friends. " Reflecting upon their lives together "in 30 different homes - from tiny apartments to the White House. • the President stated his steadfast belief that "Home Is wherever Barbara Is. Some view Mrs. Bush to be a follower of her husband. The President disagrees: "They got it wrong. In countless ways - I have followed Barbara. " (5127) Almolilt half of all moles 40 to 60 ve•r• of •oe 11111 veteran•. Neartv two-thlrda of the voter• in th11t group c .. t their bellote for George Buah In 1988. To kHp the PINfCB, Amoric:6 must btJ PfBIJllrtHI for wiN snd detBrmintnl to use force, H nfiCfl.sury, to prot«:t friHHiom. rhe moo 11nd wom11r1 who SBIVII In the m11itsry desBtVe tht1 bBst from u• just •• dllmllrld the btl$t from them. Our gr11tltude must be matched by our action•. Slnoe taking office In January, 1989, Pre!Jident Boah has lnoroa11ed funda for veteran• by •3.5 billion, prin'wtrlly for health care . A total of 70.1 million •nd thalr depandonte - 28 percent of the entire rosldont population of tha United State• - are eligible for bal'ltlfits. Tho Push Administration roeolved one of the most contentloua veteran• l88uoe of all time when It daolded that Vietnam Wer veterans who become Ill from Agent Orange expoaura will bo med ically treated and financially compensated.

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Page 1: 313162648446; Judy Biuiano Page 1 TEL: Ma~ PJ!I · -> 313162648446; Judy Biviano Page 2 Ma~ 27 ,92 11 :22 No.003 P.03 ISSUE 76 Wednesday. May 27. 1992 Page 2 of 2 NEWS IN BRIEF continued

This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. http://dolearchives.ku.edu

Page 1 of 2

VIA FAX BS/27/92 12:35:13; VIA FAX

TEL: -> 313162648446; Judy Biuiano Page 1

Ma~ 27 . 92 11 : 22 No . 003 P . 02

PJ!I Campaign Briefing TODAY:



ISSUE 78 Wednesday, Mav 27. 1992 Page 1 of 2

HEADUNES I • Bush wins Arkansas C87%), Kentucky (74%). Idaho

C64%) prm.rlea CAP}

• Durable goods orders up 1.4% in April. fourth consecutive monthly Increase (ABC News)

TODAYWS SCHEDULE I PrMident Bu.h ~- oommenoem.nt eddf••• •• U.$. N•vel AoU.my In Mwy~Mw~; ettende Bu.h/Ouay&. clnner In Atlant•, O.orgle.

Vloe Pr .. klant Clueyle delv.,. commencement eddr••• et U.S. Air Foro. Aoeclemy In Coloredo; e«ende VIctory '82 lunoh.on.

NEWS IN BRIEF I FIRST LADY URGES YOUNG PEOPLE TO WAIT FOR IDEAL FAMILY "I spend a lor of my time saying to young girls and young boys, 'Hold off. Walt. Get your education. Be responsible, "' First lady Barbara Bush told reporters on Tuesday when asked about the Vice President's family values speech last week. Regarding the Murphy Brown example, Mrs. Bush said. "I hope this won't influence young men and women to think that having babies without the ides/ fsmily is the WilY to st11rt. • (CBS Evening News, 5/26, AP, 5/27.

(oont'd p.2}

Tomorrow In Phoenix


Tht~ miNI and wom1111 who hiiVB fought Amllricll 's wars to keep us frH h11vt1 lllways been lmportsnt. A 1/TIItefullllltlon h/18 IIIWIIY8 provldBd for thBir Cllre and for thllt of thfllr lovtHI ontl$.

• Thle year, fot the fourth time In Its 75-year hi•tory, tho votorarw lifo ineuranco program will pay more than $1 billion In dlvldonde to veterans holding aotivo polloles.

• Tho o.,_rtment of Veterans Affairs prollidoe $30 billion annually In health care, eduoatlon, compon•ation, ponelon end houalng benefits and cemetery •ervioos to tho nation'e 28.8 million military veterans.

Am~'• VtltBI'IIn$ tJmbody our n11tlon'• highest ldBMis - •tNVIctl, Vlllor, •trtlllgth, 11nd unity. They are truly AmBr~ '• hBrOBS •• much 118 thost1 who •nswlll'tJd the cttH to fight for AmsriCII'• lndep817dence.

e rron'l George W.ahlngton to George Bush, 27 of the nation'• 40 prealdenta oerved In the military.

The First Co(ID/e


President Bush last night confided. "[SJometh!ng Prime Minister (Felipe] Gonzalez of Spain told me. He said, 'Your wife Is the most admired woman in the world. '"

Speaking by videotape at the Statesman's Dinner in Miami Beach honoring Mrs. Bush, the President said it was appropriate that such a dinner would be hald to honor the First Lady: "Someone once sai'd that 'a politician thinks of the next election; {butl a stetesm8n thinks of the next generation. • That's BsrbBrB Bush -In so many ways.

" ... So I'm not surprised when so msny other Americans look to her leadership, " the President said. "She is waging a w11r against illiterllcy - and shfJ is determined to .S88 that war won. She has shared her greatest gift - her love - with the tragic victims of AIDS. And through example, she tettches the meaning of family, faith, snd friends. "

Reflecting upon their lives together "in 30 different homes - from tiny apartments to the White House. • the President stated his steadfast belief that "Home Is wherever Barbara Is. •

Some view Mrs. Bush to be a follower of her husband. The President disagrees: "They got it wrong. In countless ways - I have followed Barbara. " (5127)

• Almolilt half of all moles 40 to 60 ve•r• of •oe 11111 veteran•. Neartv two-thlrda of the voter• in th11t group c .. t their bellote for George Buah In 1988.

To kHp the PINfCB, Amoric:6 must btJ PfBIJllrtHI for wiN snd detBrmintnl to use force, H nfiCfl.sury, to prot«:t friHHiom. rhe moo 11nd wom11r1 who SBIVII In the m11itsry desBtVe tht1 bBst from u• just •• wt~ dllmllrld the btl$t from them. Our gr11tltude must be matched by our action•.

• Slnoe taking office In January, 1989, Pre!Jident Boah has lnoroa11ed funda for veteran• by •3.5 billion, prin'wtrlly for health care .

• A total of 70.1 million votorarn;~ •nd thalr depandonte - 28 percent of the entire rosldont population of tha United State• - are eligible for voterarn;~ bal'ltlfits.

• Tho Push Administration roeolved one of the most contentloua veteran• l88uoe of all time when It daolded that Vietnam Wer veterans who become Ill from Agent Orange expoaura will bo medically treated and financially compensated.

Page 2: 313162648446; Judy Biuiano Page 1 TEL: Ma~ PJ!I · -> 313162648446; Judy Biviano Page 2 Ma~ 27 ,92 11 :22 No.003 P.03 ISSUE 76 Wednesday. May 27. 1992 Page 2 of 2 NEWS IN BRIEF continued

This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. http://dolearchives.ku.edu

Page 2 of 2

85/27/92 12:36:85; VIA FAX TEL:

-> 313162648446; Judy Biviano Page 2 Ma~ 27 , 92 11 : 22 No. 00 3 P. 03

ISSUE 76 Wednesday. May 27. 1992 Page 2 of 2

NEWS IN BRIEF continued J NEW REFORMS PROMOTE BIOTECH PRODUCTS Vice President Quayle and Secretary of Health and Human Services Louis Sullivan announced on Tuesday a new set of reforms to speed up and simplify the process of bringing bener biotech agricultural products to the market. • A• • re•ult of thtJae l'flfoTm•, tJt. c:on•umtll' will enjoy bette#'~ hiNIIthler fotHI products •t lowlll' prion~.. said the vice president. Quayle said the biotech industry also will benefit. "The United Ststes Is elre11dy the world lesder in biotechnology, 11nd we want to keep it that way," said Quayle. "In 1991 tJione it was a $4 billion industry. It should reach at lesst $60 billion by the yesr 2000 as long ss we resist the spread of unnecessary regulation. • (5/26)

CONGRESSWA TCH I BOUNCING OUT The answers: 1 52. 487. 109. The question: How many bounced checks did it take for Democrat Congressmen Carroll Hubbard (D·KYJ and Bill Alexander (D·AR] to be bounced out of Congress, and for Congreuman Beryl Antho"'y lD-ARJ to be forced into a runoff election after yesterday's primaries? "I could not see this coming, • Hubbard said. The challengers to all three House members hit the incumbents' check~ kiting hard during the primary campaign, Including a •aounce Beryl• campaign by one of Anthony's opponents. tAP, 5127)


OEMS LOATHE TO BALANCE BUDGET. CONTROL SPENDING "They ere crying wolf," White House 5pokesman Marlin Fitzwater said of the Democratlc~domlnated House Budget Committee. The Committee reported on Tuesday that the budget can only be balanced by gutting national defense, cutting lmponant domestic programs, and raising taxes. Fitzwater disagreed sttongly1 saying, .. thtlftl Ia plenty of room to cut spending In thB budgBt without IJf'ldangtNinll essential IJI'OIJI'INTIS... He emphasized that the budget can be balanced •by wise SpiJf'ldinll cuts and economic growth without tllx rattJ incrtNistJs. .. Fitzwater urged congressmen and senators to ignore the Budget Committee's scare tactics and join President Bush In supporting the balanced budget amendment. (5/26)

DRASTIC CUTS NOT REQUIRED "Contrary to common perceptions, Congress would not even have to cut spending in order to bBIBnce the budgttt. H Congreu would only Hmlt thB growth of toW ftKIMal spending to 2.8 percent ptN yfltfr~ the dsficit would be e/lmlnattKI by 1997. Our amendment ptovides a phase­in period so that just such a limitation could take pl11ce. • Congressman Jon Kyl lR-AZJ (Washington Times, 5/261


WIDE SUPPORT, EXCEPT FROM OEM LEADERS "The balanced budget t~mendment is the strongest, most realistic shot this Congress has st eliminating the deficit 11nd controlling both the size of government and the growth in federal spending ••.. ln • 1990 poll taken nationwide, more thsn 75 (JIIrcent of respondents supported the balanced budget amendment •••. Support i• widB tmd dfHIP, coming from evwy qUIII'tllr except that occuplsd by the Democ:r•tlc IIIBdsrshlp . .. . Democratic leaders dsfend the status quo. And if there is one absolute certainty in the entire budget debate, It Is that the status quo i& indefensible. • Rep. Bob Smith [R-ORJ (Washington Times, 5/26)



SOURCE: OhiQ Urolveralty's Center fQr PQUtlc:al CommunioatiQn (586 edulta surveyed May 17-21) • AP, 6/27


CONSUMER CONFIDENCE RISES The Conference Board's consumer confidence index rose a dramatic 6.5 points in May, suggesting that Americans are becoming more optimistic about the economy. The Index has climbed more than 24 points since the beginning of March. ..This conslst8nt improvement In sBntimflllt •PPNr• to ltNivs litUe doubt th11t the tiCDTIDmY Ia at long last l'fiCOVBrlng, • said Fabian Linden, executive director of the Conference Board's Consumer Research Center. Allen Sinal1 chief economist for Boston Co., agreed: •Improving confidence is 11 good sign for •n entrenched rt~CDvfiiY. .. (Wall Street Journal, 5/27)

( EDITORIALS CLINTON: TWO POSITIONS FOR EVERY ISSUE "On issue lifter issue, !Clinton} has crafted 11 two~tiered approach: one for the home market and one for export only.... Who says he has no stsnd on civil rights for homosexut~lsJ He's got at least two --one for NtJw York and one for Arkansas, one •• govsmor snd one as presldtJntllll candidate. What does the re11l Bill Clinton think? The very question makes s giant assumption -that thers still Is B res/ Bill Clinton somewhete inside the office-sooker. " Paul Greenberg. editorial page editor. The Arkansas Democrat Gazette

For drah newa rala ... a, new. ooofer•n.- •tatamant., '*tt•r. to the editor, epeaohea, op .. ". and talking pe»>n1a, p'*au oall the STATE PRESS OPERATIONS DESK at 202/338·7.294.

PRODUCED BY: Bueh-Qua~ '82, Communlcatl- Dlvlalon 1030 16lh &treat, NW w .. hlogtQh, P.C. ~0005 12021338·71~~