3.1 land use and zoning final - city of yonkers, ny

LAND USE AND ZONING ASHBURTON AVENUE/ MULFORD GARDENS FEIS February 2006 Page 3.1-1 3.1 LAND USE AND ZONING 3.1.1 Environmental Setting 1) Land Use A. Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan The Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal area (“study area”) encompasses 30 blocks, including land to the north and south of Ashburton Avenue. The bulk of the area is north of the avenue (See Figure 2-1). Ashburton Avenue passes through the neighborhoods of Nepperhan Heights/The Hollows, St. Joseph’s, Locust Hill, and the northern end of Getty Square. The study area contain a broad mix of building types and uses, including residential, commercial, institutional, open space and public parking areas. Along the avenue, there are multi-story buildings with aging retail and other storefronts on the ground level and some upper floor walk-up apartments. The side streets are largely low-rise residential, interspersed with parks and a few institutional uses. The major land use categories are summarized below, and are illustrated in Figure 3.1-1. 1. Residential Use Residential buildings constitute the dominant use and are dispersed throughout the study area. The condition of the housing stock ranges from pockets of significant distress to homes that are maintained and modernized. Building types range from small-scale single family homes to high rise apartment buildings. Concentrations of residential use occur in the following areas: Mulford Gardens: the development is the largest public housing project in Yonkers and is slated for demolition under the HUD Hope VI program. The current 552-unit development includes 17 three and four story buildings. Grant Park area: housing surrounding the park includes two 4-5 story apartment buildings and adjacent multi-family housing on the east side of Palisade Avenue, an apartment complex on the south including side of Grant Park Drive and substantial, good quality residential development along High Street that extends to Ridge Avenue. Vineyard Avenue – Orchard Street blocks: residential use dominates the two block area east of Mulford Gardens, extending north from Ashburton Avenue to Lake Avenue and Smith Park. Apart from the high-rise Monastery Manor Apartment complex for senior citizens near the park, most of the housing involves two or three story single family units or two-three family homes.

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Page 1: 3.1 Land Use and Zoning FINAL - City of Yonkers, NY




3.1.1 Environmental Setting

1) Land Use

A. Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan

The Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal area (“study area”) encompasses 30 blocks, including land to the north and south of Ashburton Avenue. The bulk of the area is north of the avenue (See Figure 2-1). Ashburton Avenue passes through the neighborhoods of Nepperhan Heights/The Hollows, St. Joseph’s, Locust Hill, and the northern end of Getty Square. The study area contain a broad mix of building types and uses, including residential, commercial, institutional, open space and public parking areas. Along the avenue, there are multi-story buildings with aging retail and other storefronts on the ground level and some upper floor walk-up apartments. The side streets are largely low-rise residential, interspersed with parks and a few institutional uses. The major land use categories are summarized below, and are illustrated in Figure 3.1-1.

1. Residential Use

Residential buildings constitute the dominant use and are dispersed throughout the study area. The condition of the housing stock ranges from pockets of significant distress to homes that are maintained and modernized. Building types range from small-scale single family homes to high rise apartment buildings. Concentrations of residential use occur in the following areas: Mulford Gardens: the development is the largest public housing project in

Yonkers and is slated for demolition under the HUD Hope VI program. The current 552-unit development includes 17 three and four story buildings.

Grant Park area: housing surrounding the park includes two 4-5 story

apartment buildings and adjacent multi-family housing on the east side of Palisade Avenue, an apartment complex on the south including side of Grant Park Drive and substantial, good quality residential development along High Street that extends to Ridge Avenue.

Vineyard Avenue – Orchard Street blocks: residential use dominates the two

block area east of Mulford Gardens, extending north from Ashburton Avenue to Lake Avenue and Smith Park. Apart from the high-rise Monastery Manor Apartment complex for senior citizens near the park, most of the housing involves two or three story single family units or two-three family homes.

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0 350 700 ft

Source: Basemap by City of Yonkers





























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Note: This graphic has been revised for this FEIS

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Moquette Row – Orchard Place: this area dates back to the 1880s when the Alexander Smith Mill Company developed housing for local mill workers. The Moquette Row houses involve four terraces of two-story homes, with four-story apartments located on Orchard Street and Orchard Place.

East section of Ashburton Avenue: this corridor includes the Whitney Young

Manor apartments and, further east, a low-rise apartment complex facing Seymour Street.

2. Institutional Uses

The study area includes a significant number of institutional building including medical facilities, churches and religious institutions, schools and other community-related uses. Some of the most prominent of these uses are found in the Ashburton Avenue – Park Avenue – St. Joseph Avenue area, located south-west of the Mulford Gardens project. This section of the study area includes St. Johns Riverside Hospital (formerly Yonkers General Hospital); the church of St. Joseph and associated school, convent and rectory buildings; the Greyston Foundation and Blessed Sacrament Monastery; the Westchester School for Special Children (located to the north of Blessed Sacrament); and YCAP on the south side of Ashburton Avenue. In addition to St. Joseph’s, several other prominent churches exist in the area. These include the Community Baptist Church, and nearby, the Messiah Baptist Church in the west portion of the study area; the Russian Orthodox Church and Slovak Evangelical Church on Ashburton Avenue to the east of Walnut Street, and St. Mary’s Church located on High Street. In addition, Mt. Hebron Apostolic Temple is located on Vineyard Avenue on the east side of Mulford Gardens, and a number of storefront churches exist along Ashburton Avenue. There are no active public schools in the study area.

3. Commercial Uses

Retail, office and auto-related uses such as gas stations are concentrated along Ashburton Avenue. The majority of retail uses – restaurant and fast food outlets, personal services, deli shops, etc. – occur between Palisade and Vineyard Avenues. This commercial area, however, lacks retail continuity due to the vacant storefronts, surface parking areas or vacant sites that occur along this section of Ashburton Avenue. A commercial building on Nepperhan Avenue near Orchard Place is occupied by personal service uses with office uses on the second floor. Auto-related uses are concentrated along Ashburton Avenue and include three gas stations located at the Nepperhan Avenue and the Saw Mill River Road/Walnut Street intersections.

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Light industrial and storage uses are located within the portion of the Nepperhan Valley industrial area included in the study area.

4. Park and Recreation

Park and open space areas in the study area include:

Grant Park, an approximately four-acre park that includes an active recreation area along Grant Park Drive.

Smith Park located between Orchard Place and Lake Avenue. This park includes a basketball court and a softball field.

John Barton Park, on High Street, includes a basketball court.

The Old Croton Aqueduct, which generally forms the southern boundary of the study area. This open space corridor is derelict in sections behind Ritter Lane and includes an unmaintained footpath that extends eastward across Nepperhan Avenue.

Doyle Park, located at the intersection of Ashburton Avenue and Walnut Street, adjacent to the Whitney Young Manor apartments, is an old small park (just under one and one-half acres) furnished with playground equipment.

5. Transportation Uses

A number of municipality-owned car-parking areas are located along Ashburton and Nepperhan Avenues. The multi-level garage facing St. Joseph Avenue is used exclusively by the St. John’s Riverside Hospital. Surface parking areas along Ashburton Avenue, including the lot at the corner of Vineyard Avenue are designed for use by shoppers in the area. A series of city-owned lots also occur on the west side of Nepperhan Avenue for use by business in the Nepperhan Valley Industrial Park. The parking structure on Ashburton Avenue, between Nepperhan Avenue and Walnut Street, is utilized by residents of the Whitney Young Manor apartments.

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B. Mulford Gardens Hope VI Plan

The Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan covers nine Sections, or assemblages of land, some of which cover separate sites. Locations of the Sections are described in Chapter 1.0 and are illustrated in Figures 1-4, 1-5, and 1-6.

1. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections A, B, C

Phase 1 of the Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan entails three sites surrounding, and south of, Ashburton Avenue. Existing land use of the HOPE VI Sections and surrounding areas is illustrated in Figure 3.1-1.

Section A

Section A consists of 0.76 acres of vacant land that falls within the proposed Ashburton Avenue Urban Renewal Area, located on the south side of Ashburton Avenue and east of Park Avenue. Existing conditions of the HOPE VI Sections are shown in the aerial photograph in Figure 2-1. The Section A site is owned by the City of Yonkers, which acquired the site through in rem foreclosure proceedings. The proposed Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan designates Section A for multi-family housing with ground floor commercial. The Section A project site is lightly wooded in its rear (southern) portion and contains the remains of a stone foundation and concrete wall. There is garbage and debris present on the site near its southern boundary, which is partly lined with a stone retaining wall that extends onto the property on its western end. Section A is located adjacent to the west of a four-story City of Yonkers Parking Authority garage that serves Yonkers General Hospital. This parking garage is also part of the eastern assemblage of land in the Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan Section F project site. Abutting Section A to the west is vacant land and an asphalt parking area that comprises the western assemblage of land of the Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan Section F project site. To the south is vacant land that slopes steeply to the south where the Old Croton Aqueduct Trail runs in an east-west direction. This linear trailway is publicly accessible, though lightly used in this area. On the north side of Ashburton Avenue, across from Section A, is Yonkers General Hospital. Further south of the Old Croton Aqueduct is densely wooded land and high-rise housing, with War Memorial Park beyond.

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Section B

Section B is comprised of the Vineyard Parking Facility municipal parking lot, which is owned by the City of Yonkers and operated by the Yonkers Parking Authority. The 0.61-acre Section B project site is located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue, north of Ashburton Avenue and approximately south of Whelan Place. It falls within the proposed Ashburton Avenue Urban Renewal Area, which designates Sections A and B for multi-family housing with ground floor commercial use. The Vineyard Parking Facility is un-landscaped and generally underutilized. The metered parking lot is improved with two concrete curbs located in the center of the lot that separate its rows of metered spaces. Access points include a curb cut entrance at the southeastern corner of the parking lot off of Ashburton Avenue, and two curb cuts on Vineyard Avenue. Section B is located adjacent to a three-story wood frame residence with a Mansard roof to the north, and a three-story brick residential building located to the east. Rear yards of several single-family homes form the remainder of its abutting land, with concrete retaining walls located on adjacent lots to the northwest and northeast. Across Vineyard Avenue from the Section B project site are a mixed-use building, a 2.5-story wood frame residence, and a vacant, three-story brick commercial structure opposite the northwestern corner of the site. The Ashburton Avenue frontage of the parking lot contains a sign for the parking lot, with overhead utility lines and unused planters installed on the sidewalk.

Section C

Section C is comprised of 1.01 acres of vacant land and is owned by the City of Yonkers Community Development Agency. It is used as a community garden by local residents and contains planting beds. Section C lies within The Hollows Urban Renewal Area. The Hollows Urban Renewal Plan designates most of Section C for commercial use. The eastern edge abutting the Nepperhan River (Saw Mill River) is designated for recreational use. Section C is an irregularly shaped parcel located on the east side of Nepperhan Avenue, with bulkhead and rip rap abutting the Nepperhan/Saw Mill River forming the site’s eastern boundary. Construction debris (e.g., bricks, concrete) is used to create walkways and trails in this seasonal community garden. The site slopes downward on its eastern side and contains concrete debris and trees on its Nepperhan Avenue frontage. Other portions of the site on its northern and eastern side are lightly wooded and contain rocks, with the remains of a stone wall and steps located along the northern property line.

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Adjacent to the north of Section C is high-rise public housing separated by a narrow vacant lot. Adjacent to the south is the City of Yonkers’ Stefanik Park. Stefanik Park is a passive recreational facility with asphalt paths and sitting areas, with an elevated viaduct supporting the Old Croton Aqueduct Trailway located to its south, overlooking the park and Section C. Nepperhan Avenue supports four lanes of traffic in this vicinity. Across Nepperhan Avenue is vacant land that is slated for low-rise residential development as part of the Father Pat Caroll Green project, which is planned for a total of 62 two-family homes. The eastern boundary of Section C is comprised of a four-foot concrete wall abutting the Saw Mill River, also known as the Nepperhan River in this location. There is a 10-25-foot deep permanent easement on the site abutting the Nepperhan River. This easement has been granted to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for the acquisition of property for the Yonkers Flood Protection Project II. According to the City Engineer’s office, the Floodplain Easement on Section C prohibits construction of structures in this area, including buildings or retaining walls, so that access to the river for maintenance purposes can be maintained. On the eastern side of the Nepperhan River in this vicinity, opposite and within approximately 50 feet of the closest property line of Section C, are two-story modular homes built in recent years. The Nepperhan River in this area is a narrow channel surrounded by bulkhead. It is designated as a Federal Navigable Waterway. The use of navigable waterways is subject to federal navigational servitude. Therefore, the public has the right of navigation, including the right to use the surface.

2. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections D and E

Sections D and E, or Phase 2 of the Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan, are comprised of the 12.08-acre site of the existing Mulford Gardens complex, containing 18 partially occupied apartment buildings, a community center building, a boiler house with a smoke stack on the northeastern corner of the site, pedestrian paths, recreational facilities and stormwater facilities. Two privately-owned lots containing buildings also fall within the boundaries of Sections D and E, although these two lots and buildings are not part of the Proposed Action and are to remain. These two sections are defined separately only for project financing purposes and are geographically coterminous. Mulford Gardens is owned and operated by the Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Yonkers (MHACY) and is bounded by St. Joseph Place on the north, St. Joseph Avenue on the west, Vineyard Avenue and the rear lot lines of a mixed use property and an institutional use to the east, and Whelan Place on the south. Loehr Place bisects Sections D and E from approximately the end of Myrtle Street

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on the east to the southwestern corner of Sections D and E, the western end of Whelan Place on the west. Sections D and E contain 550-units of public housing. Approximately 200 units are vacant. The four-story brick buildings are oriented diagonally in relation to the surrounding street grid and are contained within an approximately three-square block area. Portions of the site are landscaped, although the main east-west running street (Loehr Place) is devoid of street trees or landscaping. The complex has deteriorated sidewalk and building conditions, and negative perceptions regarding safety and security based on comments made during public outreach meetings. Building conditions are generally categorized as fair. Play areas, ball courts, and retaining walls are in disrepair. The site slopes to the south, with its northern portion containing steeply sloping land. Besides Loehr Place, which has on-street parking, internal circulation on the site includes several east-west running drives and two north-south running pedestrian paths with interspersed steps. Mulford Gardens is surrounded by a mix of open space (Grant Park) and low-rise residential and mixed-use development to the west, with Yonkers General Hospital located to the southwest across St. Joseph Avenue; low rise residential uses and interspersed community facilities to the north and south; and low-rise residential uses to the east, with two lots containing mid-rise buildings located on the same block of Sections D and E near their southeast corner, accessed from Vineyard Avenue and Mulford Place. The southerly of these two lots contains a three-story brick building that is vacant on its upper stories with the Mt. Hebron Apostolic Church on its ground floor. Adjacent to the north of this vacant/institutional use is a mixed-use brick apartment building containing a grocery store on its ground floor.

3. Other Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections

Section F

Phase 3 of the Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan consists of Section F and Section G. Section F covers two separate sites located on either side of Section A, and is located on the south side of Ashburton Avenue between Palisade Avenue and approximately Ritters Lane. Section G is located on either side of Ashburton Avenue, to the east of the easterly portion of the Section F project site. As with Section A, Section F backs onto the Old Croton Aqueduct Trailway, with the western site of Section F abutting the entrance to the Old Aqueduct Trailway at Palisade Avenue.

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Section F falls within the proposed Ashburton Avenue Urban Renewal Area. The proposed Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan designates Section F for multi-family housing with ground floor commercial. Section F contains approximately 2.2 acres of land in two sites. The western portion of Section F contains vacant land, a vacant building and some surface parking. The eastern portion of Section F contains a four-story parking garage on its western side that is owned by the City of Yonkers and operated by the City of Yonkers Parking Authority, with vacant land and a low-rise mixed use building containing a dry cleaners with residential uses above and the YCAP community center -- a former Police Station used as a community center -- on its eastern portion. The YCAP Community Center is deeply set back from Ashburton Avenue, with its paved front yard area used for parking. There are no residential units present within Section F.

Section G

Section G of the Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan is located adjacent to the east of Section F on the south side of Ashburton Avenue and extends east to the site of the future Father Pat Carroll Green project site, or Summit Street (midway between Vineyard Avenue and Orchard Avenue). Section G falls within the proposed Ashburton Avenue Urban Renewal Area. The proposed Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan designate Section F for multi-family housing with ground floor commercial. Section G predominantly contains mixed-use development consisting of stores with upper floor residential uses facing Ashburton Avenue. This section surrounds Section B and is approximately 2.5 acres in size. Stewart Place, a north-south running dead end street, currently bisects Section G. Greystone Community Garden, which is sponsored by a local retail establishment, is located within Section G at the southwestern corner of the intersection of Ashburton Avenue and Stewart Place. Ground floor uses on Section G that face Ashburton Avenue include two grocery stores, a laundromat, a pharmacy, several fast food restaurants, a restaurant, and several vacant storefronts. Building conditions within this area range from good to poor. Vehicular circulation is constrained in Section G. Though it is major east-west thoroughfare in the City of Yonkers that supports bus routes, Ashburton Avenue is only two lanes wide in this vicinity. Stewart Place is a short north-south running dead end street with on-street parking and no cul-de-sac, requiring that motorists back up in order to re-enter Ashburton Avenue without turning around on private property.

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Section H

Phase 4 of the Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan consists of Section H, I and J. Section H consists of nine blocks located north of Chanfrau Place, approximately south Lake Avenue and Father Finian Sullivan Drive, east of Vineyard Avenue, and west of Nepperhan Avenue. Specific Tax Lots that are proposed for redevelopment within this area have not yet been identified. Therefore, the analysis of this section examines potential redevelopment of any vacant lots in this area. Section H predominantly contains low-rise residential uses south of Moquette Row north, with some mid-rise and high-rise apartment buildings located to the north. Vacant land, lots used for construction-related storage, and several commercial properties are interspersed. Several public parking lots face Nepperhan Avenue in Section H that are owned by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT). Land slopes steeply to the east in this area and the subject blocks are traversed by several step streets. Industrial buildings face Nepperhan Avenue to the east of Section H. This section also encompasses the Moquette Row row houses. The Moquette Row buildings are designated historic landmarks that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Section I

Section I is located south of Mulford Gardens from approximately Saint Joseph’s Avenue and Jones Place to Orchard Street. It totals approximately 2.6 acres in size and contains a mix of low-rise, one-to-three family homes and small apartment buildings. Buildings facing Jones Place maintain a consistent streetwall setback, while buildings facing Ritter Lane and Whelan Place have varying setbacks, including a single-family home on Whelan Place that is deeply recessed. Surrounding land uses include Mulford Gardens to the north and residential uses to the east and west. South of Section I is mixed-use development that fronts onto Ashburton Avenue within Section G.

Section J

Section J contains approximately 3.1 acres of land in two sites (Section J East and Section J West). Existing land uses in Section J are predominantly residential and vacant land, with some rear portions of buildings facing Ashburton Avenue extending into this area, including the Crest Hill Industry button factory. The Old Croton Aqueduct abuts Section J.

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2) Zoning

A. Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan

The study area contains a broad mix of zoning districts both residential and non-residential which are illustrated in Figure 3.1-2. These zoning districts include three residential districts and five non-residential districts as listed below: Residential Districts M Apartment Houses, Medium Density MG Apartment Houses, Medium Density A Elevator Apartments, Highest Density The residential districts located within the boundaries of the proposed Ashburton urban renewal area account for 72 acres of the total study area. The residential districts are comprised of M, MG and A districts. The M districts which occupy the largest area within the study area are located west of Vineyard Avenue, east of Warburton and north of Ashburton. Mulford Gardens is entirely located within the M-District. Smaller M districts are located south of Ashburton Avenue between Walnut Street and Prescott Street and on the Pat Carroll Green existing urban renewal site. Higher density A districts are mapped at three different locations throughout the study area: the first is located between Vineyard Avenue and Orchard Street, north of Ashburton Avenue and south of the study area boundary; the second is mapped on the south side of Ashburton Avenue between Locust Avenue and Warburton Avenue; and the third is mapped south of the Croton Aqueduct at the level of the Pat Carroll urban renewal area. One MG-District is mapped in the northwestern corner of the study area, immediately west of Mulford Gardens and north of Grant Park Drive. This district encompasses Grant Park and the apartment complexes surrounding the park. Non-Residential Districts BR Restricted Business, Residences Excluded B Neighborhood Business and Apartment Houses, Medium Density BA General Business and Apartment Houses, High Density CM Commercial, Storage, and Light Manufacturing, Residences Excluded I Industry, Residences Excluded The business and commercial zoning districts mapped in the study area are clustered around the area’s main commercial artery, Ashburton Avenue. These include CM districts at either end of Ashburton Avenue (intersection with Yonkers Avenue and Warburton Avenue), BA, B and BR district along Ashburton Avenue between Nepperhan Avenue and Broadway. Two small commercial districts are mapped off Ashburton, a BR district located immediately north of the Croton

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0 350 700 ft

Source: basemap from City of Yonkers
























Project Area

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Aqueduct between Summit Street and Stewart Place and a CM district located east of Orchard Street between Ashburton and Myrtle Street. The I industrial district which encompasses most of the former carpet mill buildings located in the Nepperhan Valley occupies the eastern edge of the study area, spanning along Nepperhan Avenue from the former Croton Aqueduct to the south, to Lake Avenue to the north. The use, dimensional and parking regulations which apply to these zoning districts are summarized below.

1. Use and Dimensional Regulations

MG, M and A districts all allow apartment houses, single-family detached dwellings, two-family detached dwellings and municipal uses as principal permitted uses. In fact, MG, M and A districts also allow the same list of uses under special use permit. The major differences between these districts are their dimensional regulations. The floor area ratio (FAR) varies between 1.20 for the MG zone with a maximum height of 35 feet or three stories, and an FAR of 3.00 for the A district with a maximum height of 1.5 times the width of the street on which it fronts (see Table 3.1-1). In addition to several commercial and retail uses including banks, funeral parlors, restaurants, offices and retail establishments, districts B and BA allow residential uses as principal permitted uses. In these mixed-use districts, the allowable FAR for multi-family dwellings varies between 1.25 for a B district and 3.00 for a BA district (see Table 3.1-1). FARs for commercial uses are considerably higher (see Table 3.1-2), ranging between 1.5 for B district and 5.0 for BA districts. Three of the zoning districts mapped within the study area do not allow any residential development. These include the BR-Restricted Business district, the CM-Commercial, Storage and Light Manufacturing district and the I-Industry district. The commercial uses permitted in the BR district are the same as those permitted in the B and BA districts with the exception of indoor markets and theatres. Maximum permitted FAR in the BR district is 1.5 with a maximum height of 48 feet. The CM district is a lower density commercial district which in addition to allowing the commercial uses listed above allows some light manufacturing uses. The permitted FAR in this district is 1.0 with a maximum permitted height of 2 stories or 35 feet (see Table 3.1-2).

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Table 3.1-1: Dimensional Requirements for Residential Uses Minimum Requirements for Residential Uses MG M A B BA Lot Area (SF) Single- and two-family dwellings 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Multi-family dwellings 10,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a Lot Width Single- and two-family dwellings 50 50 50 50 50 Multi-family dwellings 100 n/a n/a n/a n/a Front Yard Single- and two-family dwellings 20 20 20 20 20 Multi-family dwellings 25 15 25 10 10 Rear Yard Single- and two-family dwellings 25 25 25 25 25 Multi-family dwellings 25 25 25 25 20 Side Yard; one/both Single- and two-family dwellings 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 Multi-family dwellings 25/50 12/25 16/32 16/32 16/32 Side front yard of corner lot Single- and two-family dwellings 10 10 20 10 10 Multi-family dwellings 25 10 20 10 10 Building coverage (%) Single- and two-family dwellings 40 40 40 40 40 Multi-family dwellings 40 40 40 40 40 Height (stories/feet) Single- and two-family dwellings 2.5/35 2.5/35 2.5/35 2.5/35 2.5/35 Multi-family dwellings 3/35 -/65 Note 1 -/35 Note 1 Floor area ratio Single- and two-family dwellings 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Multi-family dwellings 1.20 1.25 3.00 1.25 3.00 Notes 1.The maximum permitted height in the A and the BA Districts shall be 1 ½ times the width of the street right-of-way on which it fronts.

With an allowable FAR of 7.0 and a maximum building coverage of 75 percent, the I district has by far the most generous dimensional requirements in the study area. This district allows light as well as medium and heavy industrial uses.

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Table 3.1-2: Dimensional Requirements for Non-Residential Uses Minimum Requirements for Non-Residential Uses MG M A B BA BR CM I Lot Area (SF) 15,000 15,000 15,000 n/a n/a 10,000 10,000 n/a Lot Width 150 150 150 n/a n/a 100 100 n/a Front Yard 25 25 25 n/a n/a 25 20 n/a Rear Yard 25 25 25 10 10 25 20 20 Side Yard; one/both 12/24 12/24 12/24 note 2 note 2 25/50 16/32 5/10 Side front yard of corner lot 25 25 25 n/a n/a 25 20 n/a Building coverage (%) 40 40 40 70 70 40 50 75 Height (stories/feet) 3/36 3/36 note 1 -/35 note 1 -/48 2/35 note 3 Floor area ratio 1.00 1.20 1.25 1.5 5 1.5 1 7.5 Notes 1. The maximum permitted height in the A and BA districts shall be 1 1/2 times the width of the street right-of-way on which it fronts. 2. The side yard setback in the B and BA districts may be zero feet. However, when abutting a residential district, the side yard setback shall be a minimum of five feet. 3. The maximum permitted height in the I District shall be two times the width of the street right-of-way on which it fronts.

2. Off-Street Parking Requirements

According to the Yonkers’ zoning ordinance, all uses of land are required to meet off-street parking and loading space regulations. Parking and loading requirements in the Yonkers zoning code are specific to individual land uses as defined below: Residential uses:

• Apartments 1 per dwelling unit plus 0.33 per bedroom

• Row houses 2 per dwelling unit • Single family detached dwelling 2 per dwelling unit • Townhouses 1 per dwelling unit plus 0.33 per

bedroom • Two- or three-family dwellings 2 per dwelling unit

Commercial and retail uses:

• Office 1 per 300 square feet of gross floor area • Restaurant 1 per 3 seats or 1 per 100 square feet of

gross floor area, whichever is greater

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• Retail Establishment 1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area • Supermarket 1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area

Industrial uses:

• Light industrial uses 1 per 400 square feet of gross floor area • Medium industrial uses 1 per 500 square feet of gross floor area • Heavy industrial uses 1 per 600 square feet of gross floor area • Mini warehousing or self-storage 4 plus 1 per 2,500 square feet of gross

floor area

B. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Plan

1. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections A, B, C

The existing zoning designation of Sections A and B is the “B” District, which permits development of neighborhood business uses and medium density apartment houses. This district covers most of Ashburton Avenue in the Urban Renewal Area (see Figure 3.1-3, Existing Zoning). For residential uses, the “B” District requires a minimum lot area of 5,000 feet for single- and two-family dwellings, and has a minimum required lot width of 50 feet, with a minimum required front yard of 20 feet. Maximum building coverage permitted is 40 percent with a maximum permitted building height of 2.5 stories, or 35 feet, for single-- and two-family residences. The maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio for single- and two-family homes is 1.00, and the maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio for multi-family dwellings is 3.00. Commercial uses have different dimensional requirements, including a maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio of 1.5. The “A” District, permitting high density elevator apartments, is located adjacent to the south and north of Sections A and B, respectively. The Section C site is designated “I” for industry, and excludes residential uses. The “I” District has a maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio of 7.5, with a maximum permitted building height of two times the width of the street right-of-way on which the site fronts. The “B” and “I” Districts are described in greater detail under the Urban Renewal and Master Plan section above.

2. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections D and E

Sections D and E are zoned “M” for medium density apartment houses. This district has similar lot area, width and yard requirements as the “B” District and has a maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio of 3.00 for multi-family dwellings. Maximum permitted building height for multi-family dwellings is 65 feet. The “M” District is described in greater detail under the Urban Renewal and Master Plan section above.

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Sections D and E abut areas to the west that are zoned “M” and “MG” for medium density apartment houses and “B” for neighborhood business uses and medium density apartment houses. The “B” District continues south of Sections D and E. Adjacent to the east is the “A” District, which permits high density elevator apartments.

3. Other Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections

Sections F and G are zoned “B” for neighborhood business uses and medium density apartment houses, as described above. The “A” District abuts Section F to the south, while the “M” and “BR” Districts abut Section G. Section H is zoned “A” for high density elevator apartments on its eastern half, with its western half north of Myrtle Street zoned “I” for Industry, as described above. To the south of Myrtle Street and east of Orchard Street Section H is zoned “CM” for Commercial, Storage, and Light Manufacturing uses, excluding residences. As detailed under the Master Plan and Urban Renewal section, the “CM” District permits development with maximum Floor Area Ratios of 1.00. Section I is split between three zones. It is predominantly zoned “M” for medium density apartment houses, and a combination of the “A” and “B” Districts to the east of Vineyard Avenue. To the south of Section I is the “B” District. Section J is zoned “BR” and “M”, with a small portion of the “B” District located just west of Fegan Street. The “BR” District allows restricted business uses, with residences excluded. These districts are described in greater detail under the Urban Renewal and Master Plan section above. Abutting Section J to the south is the “A” District, while the “I” District is mapped adjacent to the east. 3.1.2 Potential Impacts

1) Land Use

A. Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan

No adverse impacts on land use are anticipated as part of the proposed action. The proposed residential and retail development will be compatible with the existing pattern of development. Housing is the currently the largest use and will remain so. Approximately 800 new residential units (approximately 300 net units) will be added to the project area, restoring the area’s population which has been in decline since the 1970s. Proposed new building types range from single family and duplex units to 5-6 story (maximum 65 feet) apartment buildings (some will be rentals and some units will be ownership). New development will largely occur on vacant lots, cleared sites from the widening of Ashburton Avenue and infill parcels where lots are vacant, and houses are derelict. New residential units and

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rehabilitated existing units will strengthen the character of the existing neighborhoods. Existing retail uses will benefit from the additional ground floor retail proposed along Ashburton Avenue. Additional retail uses will create a more active retail corridor and will be strengthened by the Ashburton Avenue street widening. Part of the widening includes on-street parking for retail customers. The street widening will also provide an upgraded streetscape including 15 foot sidewalks, street furniture, lighting and street trees, creating a more attractive and safe pedestrian-oriented environment. Proposed ground floor retail uses will provide a greater range of goods and services to area residences. There will be positive impacts on the area’s open space and recreation areas. The major positive impact is the improvement to the Old Croton Aqueduct (OCA) State Historical Park. Proposed improvements include (1) More entry points onto the trail (2) Grading and clearance of overgrown vegetation to re-establish a well-defined bike/ pedestrian path, and (3) a gateway kiosk or special signage in the vicinity of Palisade Avenue where the trail meets Ashburton Avenue. Other positive impacts include refurbishment of existing playgrounds, basketball courts and other active areas.

B. Mulford Gardens Hope VI Plan

1. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections A, B, C

Development of Section A will replace vacant land with mixed-use development, as shown in Chapter 2.0 Figure 2-8, Site Plan. The proposed five-story apartment building with ground floor retail space would be similar to and compatible with the pattern of mixed-use development that is present along Ashburton Avenue now. That being the case, no long term adverse land use impacts are anticipated. Security on the adjacent Old Croton Aqueduct Trailway would be enhanced with the rear windows of apartments overlooking the trailway where now there exists only vacant land. The new development would be located adjacent to future HOPE VI development on Section F, and would be located across from Yonkers General Hospital. During the period between occupancy of the proposed building and the demolition of the adjacent parking structure on Section F, the Section A apartment building will abut a four-story garage. The residential use of Section A is not expected to interfere with operations of the parking garage. Construction and operation of the Section A, B and C buildings will also have positive land use effects. These proposed new apartment buildings will strengthen this section of the City of Yonkers as a residential neighborhood by restoring some

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of the area’s population base that had been reduced in previous decades, and by providing neighborhood service retail uses to serve existing residents of the area and proposed new residents. As with all HOPE VI Sections, proposed development would be pedestrian oriented and designed to match the traditional form of the neighborhood. Development in Section B would replace an underutilized municipal parking lot with new mixed-use development. The loss of this parking will be addressed by Ashburton Avenue improvements that will include a combination of new on-street parking, and additional off-street parking for the public provided through recommendations of the Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan. The proposed apartment building with ground floor commercial space would be compatible with the pattern of mixed-use development present along Ashburton Avenue. The proposed building would also be compatible with proposed HOPE VI construction of mixed-use buildings on Section G. No long term adverse land use impacts are anticipated since the proposed use would continue the existing pattern of land uses along Ashburton Avenue. The development of this site, as well as Section A development, will strengthen Ashburton Avenue as a residential and mixed-use corridor, and will upgrade physical conditions in the neighborhood as a whole. Construction of an apartment building on Section C will replace vacant land that is utilized informally as a community garden. The overall Master Plan recommends improvements to the Old Croton Aqueduct that will compensate for the displacement of this open space resource. The proposed apartment building would be compatible in scale with nearby residential uses, and would not result in adverse land use impacts on Stefanik Park to the south or residential uses that exist to the north or east, or that are planned to the west. A small area of overlap between a corner of the proposed retaining wall and the NYSDEC Flood Plain Easement is not expected to impair access to the river for easement purposes. In the event that this construction is not permitted, the site layout will be modified to avoid any construction of retaining wall in this area. Development of residential use on Section C would require a change in the designation of this site in the Hollows Urban Renewal Area.

2. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections D and E

Redevelopment of Sections D and E will replace residential uses within a large apartment complex that contains accessory recreation and community facility space with newer residential uses divided between smaller sites. The layout of proposed development is shown in Figure 2-11. Replacement of the Mulford Gardens complex with a mix of housing types within a reconfigured block pattern will not result in adverse land use impacts on adjacent or nearby uses. The project

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will upgrade physical conditions and will replace a superblock with a grid pattern of smaller blocks. This change in block configuration will be more compatible with the surrounding community and will also result in land use benefits through restoration of the traditional urban design form of this area north of Ashburton Avenue. The overall land use of the site will change from mid-rise apartment residential use to residential uses including elevator apartments, townhouses, and garden apartments. No long term adverse land use effects are anticipated as a result of the change in housing types and block configuration on Sections D and E.

3. Other Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections

As shown in Figure 2-5, Illustrative Site Plan, development planned for Section F and Section G in Phase 3 will replace vacant land, a garage, and occupied residential and commercial buildings with new mixed-use development. The parking garage on Section F is proposed to be relocated nearby on the Yonkers General Hospital campus. The proposed mixed-use buildings will abut similar proposed mixed-use HOPE VI development on Sections A and B. The new development will further upgrade physical conditions along Ashburton Avenue and will continue the pattern of mixed-use development that currently existing along Ashburton Avenue. Development of housing adjacent to the Old Croton Aqueduct Trailway on Sections F and J will enhance this linear open space by improving the sense of security for trailway users. No long term adverse land use impacts are anticipated. Also, shown in Figure 2-5, Illustrative Site Plan, development planned for Sections H-J will predominantly include infill housing on currently vacant sites, and rehabilitation. Some relocation would be required on Section J. Proposed development would be compatible with adjacent uses in this area, although the eastern edge of Section H is located across Nepperhan Avenue from existing industrial development. While Nepperhan Avenue is a wide avenue that presents a physical barrier between any potentially proposed residential development in Section H and the existing industrial development located to the east, the design of housing on sites that are located on this eastern side of Section H would need to address the incompatible nature of residential and industrial uses through screening or landscaping improvements. Development within Section H would not occur on the parking lots facing Nepperhan Avenue, which are owned by NYS DOT. Sections F and J abut the Old Croton Aqueduct Trailway. Proposed new development in these sections would enhance the sense of security for users of this linear open space. In general, Phase 3 and 4 development would reinforce existing land use patterns in the area. No adverse land use impacts would be expected from development on Sections H-J. The mix of housing proposed on these sites would be similar to that which currently exists in the neighborhood.

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As with other HOPE VI sections, in areas where infill housing will occur the density of residential development will increase. This would represent a land use benefit through partly restoring the population base of a neighborhood where total population has decreased through a period of disinvestment over previous decades.

3) Zoning

A. Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan

There are several zoning changes proposed for the study area. The purpose of the zoning changes are to better reflect the built condition of the neighborhood and to carry out the goals of the Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan. The proposed zoning changes are illustrated in Figure 3.1-3 and described in detail below.

1. Ashburton Avenue between Yonkers Avenue and Nepperhan Avenue

This area is currently zoned CM, M, and I. The area zoned CM is proposed for a rezoning to B. The M zone will remain as is, as it is the zoning held by The Hollow, the residential neighborhood in this area. The area zoned I south of Nepperhan Avenue in which Whitney Young and HOPE VI Site C are located will be rezoned to M. This will make the Whitney Young Manor apartments a conforming use and will allow the residential development of site C. Where necessary and appropriate, the CDA will employ the zoning code’s PUR Planned Urban Redevelopment District as an overlay.

2. North of Ashburton Avenue, Saw Mill River Road to Nepperhan Avenue

This area is currently zoned I. The Nepperhan Valley area plan envisions this area becoming more commercial over time. The block that is bisected by the Saw Mill River should have two different zoning districts. The lots east of the river should be rezoned to B. The lots west of the river and with frontage on either side of Nepperhan Avenue should be rezoned to C.

3. Ashburton Avenue between Nepperhan Avenue to Warburton Avenue

The majority of this area is currently zoned B, and should remain so. Certain small areas are zoned BA, BR, and M, and should be changed to B. North of Ashburton, the MG zone should replace the M zone at Mulford Gardens and the A zone between Vineyard and Orchard. (The M and A zones provide for medium and high density apartments that are not appropriate to the existing neighborhood or the Mulford Gardens Plan.) Where necessary and appropriate, the CDA will employ the zoning code’s PUR Planned Urban Redevelopment District as an overlay.

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0 350 700 ft

Source: basemap from City of Yonkers
























Project Area









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4. North of Ashburton Avenue, Nepperhan Avenue to Palisade Avenue

This area is zoned M, MG, A, and CM. The entire area, as shown on the Proposed Zoning figure, should be rezoned to MG. This better reflects the existing and proposed housing scale and density.

5. Off-Street Parking Requirements

Parking regulations will also be examined. On one hand, it is difficult, and perhaps unnecessary, for all new development to strictly comply with the City’s new parking standards enacted only several years ago. These standards are aimed at market-rate housing. On the other hand, a minimal parking requirement is necessary if the goal of successful mixed income development is to be achieved. This plan recommends that one parking space per unit be established as a minimal parking requirement. However, the city may wish to allow the Planning Board to waive (up to a fixed amount) off-street parking requirements for small-scale infill development. The Planning Board may also be allowed to give credit towards off-street parking if the applicant can show that there is municipal parking within walking distance (say 100 feet). This would enable the Planning Board to process the site plan application without requiring the applicant to obtain a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals.

B. Mulford Gardens Hope VI Plan

1. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections A, B, C

Regulations governing the existing "B” and “I” of the Section A, B and C sites are listed above. The Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan propose a rezoning of the Section A, B and C sites from B and I to B and M (allowing general business uses and high-density apartment houses) to permit the five-story height of the proposed Section C buildings, and the four-story height of the Section B building. The proposed projects on the Phase 1 sites are generally consistent with this proposed zoning. Where necessary and appropriate, the CDA will employ the Planned Urban Redevelopment District (PUR) provisions of the Zoning Ordinance as an overlay to allow the proposed placement of buildings and proposed bulk features of the Section A, B and C project sites. Sections A and B conform with the two-acre minimum lot area required for the application of PUR zoning, since these sites are less than two acres in size but are contiguous with other HOPE VI sites, with the aggregate area of the Ashburton Avenue HOPE VI sites totaling more than two acres in size. The Section C project site does not conform with the PUR required minimum lot area of two acres. Refer to tables 2-5 through 2-7 in Chapter 2 for a comparison of the zoning requirements of the existing and proposed zoning, where applicable, for Sections A, B and C.

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2. Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections D and E

Proposed zoning of this area, pursuant to the Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan, is MG, for medium-density apartments.

3. Other Mulford Gardens HOPE VI Sections

Proposed zoning of Sections H and I pursuant to the Ashburton Avenue Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan is MG, for medium-density apartments, with the Nepperhan Avenue frontage of the three southern-most blocks in Section H zoned C, for wholesale business and storage uses, with residences excluded from the first floor except for predominantly residential buildings. Proposed zoning for the Section J is M. Proposed zoning for the Section F and Section G is B.

3.1.3 Mitigation Measures

1) Land Use

A. Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan

No adverse environmental impacts are anticipated; therefore no mitigation measures are necessary.

B. Mulford Gardens Hope VI Plan

No adverse environmental impacts are anticipated; therefore no mitigation measures are necessary.

2) Zoning

A. Master Plan and Urban Renewal Plan

No adverse environmental impacts are anticipated; therefore no mitigation measures are necessary.

B. Mulford Gardens Hope VI Plan

No adverse environmental impacts are anticipated; therefore no mitigation measures are necessary.