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  • 8/6/2019 300 Words


    If you have the gift of music, you can create your own songs and plug the vocab words andtheir definitions right into the lyrics. You can sing your songs anywhere! So what if JoeNextdoor thinks youve lost it as you sing while washing your car? Youre the one going tograd school and leaving Joe Nextdoor . . . well . . . next door!

    Regardless of when you begin studying, make sure to do it every day. Revisit the words youthink you already know. Knowing as much vocabulary as possible will help you immenselywith the Verbal section.

    The Paramount 300: Memorizing theMost Common Words

    This section features the 300 most commonly occurring words on the GRE. Of course, youneed to know way more than 300 words for this test. However, for space considerations,weve included only the most popular words here. We recommend that you scour the

    Internet for additional GRE vocabulary words (theyre everywhere!) and then use your find-ings to supplement our list.

    With that said, get ready to dive in and start studying!

    1. Aberrant: Abnormal; different from the accepted norm

    2. Abeyance: State of suspension; temporary inaction

    3. Abstemious: Characterized by a state of self-denial, particularly in the area of food ordrink

    4. Acrid: Bitter; harsh

    5. Acumen: Keen; quickness of intellectual insight

    6. Admonition: A gentle reproof

    7. Amalgamate: To mix or blend together in a homogenous body

    8. Ameliorate: To relieve, as from pain or hardship

    9. Ascetic: Given to severe self-denial; practicing excessive abstinence

    10. Assiduous: Persistent, unceasing

    11. Astute: Keen; wise

    12. Audacious: Fearless

    13. Austere: Unadorned; severely simple

    14. Aver: To avouch, justify, or prove

    15. Banal: Trite; commonplace

    16. Blatant: Offensively loud

    17. Bolster: To support; to reinforce

    18. Bombastic: Using inflated language; pompous

    19. Burgeon: To grow forth; to send out buds

    20. Cacophony: A disagreeable, harsh, or discordant sound or tone

    21. Chicanery: Use of trickery to deceive

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    22. Coda: Concluding section of a musical or literary piece; something that summarizes

    23. Cognizant: Aware; taking notice

    24. Colloquial: Pertaining to common speech

    25. Consternation: Panic26. Contentious: Quarrelsome

    27. Contrite: Penitent

    28. Contumacious: Rebellious

    29. Craven: Cowardly

    30. Decorum: Orderliness and good taste in manners

    31. Deleterious: Hurtful, morally or physically

    32. Delineate: To represent by sketch or diagram

    33. Deride: To ridicule; to make fun of

    34. Derision: Ridicule35. Desultory: Aimless; haphazard

    36. Diatribe: Bitter or malicious criticism

    37. Didactic: Pertaining to teaching

    38. Dilatory: Causing delay

    39. Disconcert: To disturb the composure of

    40. Dissemble: To disguise or pretend

    41. Dissolution: Breaking up of a union of persons

    42. Divest: To strip; to deprive

    43. Divulge: To tell or make known, generally of something secret or private44. Dubious: Doubtful

    45. Dupe: Someone easily fooled

    46. Ebullient: Showing great enthusiasm or exhilaration

    47. Efficacy: Power to produce an intended effect

    48. Effrontery: Shameless boldness; impudence

    49. Egress: Exit

    50. Elegy: A poem lamenting the dead

    51. Elicit: To extract without violence; to learn through discussion

    52. Embellish: To add attractive and ornamental features53. Emulate: Imitate

    54. Engender: To produce

    55. Enervate: To weaken

    56. Ennui: Boredom

    57. Ephemeral: Short-lived; fleeting

    58. Equanimity: Evenness of mind or temper

    59. Equivocal: Ambiguous

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    60. Eradicate: To destroy completely

    61. Erudite: Very learned

    62. Eschew: To keep clear of

    63. Esoteric: Hard to understand; known only by a few64. Exacerbate: To make more sharp or severe; to make worse

    65. Exculpate: To free from blame

    66. Exigency: Urgent situation

    67. Expatiate: To speak or write at some length

    68. Extirpate: To root out; to eradicate

    69. Facetious: Amusing

    70. Fallacious: Illogical

    71. Fatuous: Idiotic

    72. Fervor: Ardor or intensity of feeling73. Fledgling: Inexperienced

    74. Foment: To nurse to life; to encourage

    75. Forestall: To prevent by taking action in advance

    76. Frugal: Economical

    77. Fulminate: To cause to explode

    78. Gainsay: To contradict; to deny

    79. Garrulous: Trivial talking

    80. Germane: Relevant

    81. Goad: To urge on82. Grandiloquent: Pompous; bombastic

    83. Gregarious: Sociable; outgoing

    84. Guileless: Without deceit

    85. Gullible: Easily deceived

    86. Halcyon: Calm

    87. Harangue: A tirade

    88. Harbinger: One who foreruns and announces the coming of a person or thing

    89. Heresy: Opinion or doctrine subversive of settled or accepted beliefs

    90. Homogeneous: Of the same kind91. Hyperbole: Exaggeration or overstatement

    92. Iconoclast: An image-breaker

    93. Ignominious: Shameful

    94. Impecunious: Having no money; broke

    95. Impede: To hinder; to block

    96. Imperious: Insisting on obedience

    97. Imperturbable: Calm

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    98. Impervious: Impenetrable

    99. Implicit: Implied

    100. Importune: To harass with persistent demands

    101. Impugn: To assail with arguments or accusations102. Inadvertently: Unintentionally

    103. Inane: Silly

    104. Inchoate: Recently begun

    105. Indolence: Laziness

    106. Ineffable: Unutterable

    107. Inert: Inactive; lacking power to move

    108. Inexorable: Unrelenting

    109. Innocuous: Harmless

    110. Insouciant: Nonchalant111. Intrepid: Fearless and bold

    112. Inure: To harden or toughen by use, exercise, or exposure

    113. Invidious: Showing or feeling envy

    114. Irascible: Easily angered

    115. Itinerant: Wandering

    116. Laconic: Brief and to the point

    117. Latent: Dormant

    118. Laudable: Praiseworthy

    119. Licentious: Wanton120. Loquacious: Talkative

    121. Lucid: Easily understood; clear

    122. Magnanimity: Generosity

    123. Malingerer: One who feigns illness to escape duty

    124. Malleable: Pliant

    125. Maverick: Rebel; nonconformist

    126. Mendacious: Untrue

    127. Metamorphosis: Change of form

    128. Meticulous: Overcautious129. Misanthrope: One who hates mankind

    130. Mitigate: To lessen in intensity; to appease

    131. Modicum: A small amount

    132. Mollify: To soothe

    133. Mordant: Biting

    134. Morose: Ill-humored; sullen

    135. Mundane: Worldly

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    136. Nefarious: Extremely wicked

    137. Negate: To cancel out; to nullify

    138. Neophyte: Beginner

    139. Obdurate: Stubborn140. Obfuscate: To darken

    141. Obsequious: Servile; ready to serve

    142. Obviate: To make unnecessary

    143. Odious: Hateful

    144. Officious: Meddlesome

    145. Onus: Burden

    146. Opprobrium: Infamy; vilification

    147. Oscillate: To waver

    148. Ostentation: A display of vanity; showy149. Palpable: Perceptible by feeling or touch

    150. Paragon: Model of perfection

    151. Parsimonious: Sparing in spending of money

    152. Partisan: One-sided; committed to one party

    153. Pathos: Having a quality that rouses emotion or sympathy

    154. Paucity: Few

    155. Penchant: Strong inclination

    156. Penurious: Excessively sparing in the use of money; frugal

    157. Perennial: Something long-lasting158. Perfidy: Treachery

    159. Permeable: Penetrable; porous

    160. Pernicious: Tending to kill or hurt

    161. Pervasive: Spread throughout

    162. Phlegmatic: Not easily roused to feeling or emotion

    163. Pious: Religious

    164. Placate: To soothe; to bring from a hostile state to a calm one

    165. Platitude: Trite or commonplace statement

    166. Plethora: Excess; superabundance167. Porous: Full of pores

    168. Portend: Foretell

    169. Pragmatic: Practical

    170. Precarious: Perilous

    171. Precipitate: Rash; premature

    172. Precocious: Mature at a young age

    173. Prescience: Knowledge of events before they happen

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    174. Prevaricate: To use ambiguous language for the purpose of deceiving

    175. Proclivity: Natural inclination

    176. Prodigious: Immense

    177. Profound: Deep; not superficial178. Proliferate: To grow rapidly

    179. Propensity: Natural inclination

    180. Prudence: Caution

    181. Puerile: Childish

    182. Pugnacious: Quarrelsome

    183. Pungent: Stinging; sharp in taste or smell

    184. Pusillanimous: Cowardly; fainthearted

    185. Qualm: Misgivings; uneasy fears

    186. Quibble: Minor objection or complaint187. Quiescence: Being quiet or still; inactive

    188. Quixotic: Idealistic; romantic to a ridiculous degree

    189. Recant: To formally withdraw ones belief

    190. Recondite: Incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding; profound

    191. Redress: To set right by compensation or punishment

    192. Reprobate: A sinful and depraved person

    193. Repudiate: To refuse to have anything to do with

    194. Rescind: To void by enacting authority

    195. Respite: Interval of rest196. Reticent: Reserved; inclined to silence

    197. Reverent: Respectful

    198. Rhetoric: The art of effective communication

    199. Rout: To drive out; to stampede

    200. Ruminate: To chew over again; to think over

    201. Sagacious: Wise

    202. Salacious: Having strong sexual desires

    203. Salubrious: Healthful

    204. Sanction: To approve205. Sanguine: Cheerfully confident; optimistic

    206. Satiate: To satisfy or fulfill the appetite or desire of

    207. Savor: To satisfy fully

    208. Secrete: To hide away

    209. Sedulous: Persevering in effort or endeavor

    210. Seethe: To be disturbed

    211. Seminal: Influencing future developments

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    212. Shard: Fragment

    213. Shirk: To avoid

    214. Shoddy: Not genuine; inferior

    215. Sinuous: Curving in and out216. Skeptic: Doubter

    217. Skittish: Lively; frisky

    218. Slander: Defamation

    219. Sloth: Slow-moving

    220. Solicitous: Worried; concerned

    221. Sonorous: Resonant

    222. Soporific: Causing sleep

    223. Specious: Seemingly reasonable but incorrect

    224. Spendthrift: Someone who wastes money225. Spurious: Not genuine

    226. Stentorian: Extremely loud

    227. Stigma: A token of disgrace

    228. Stint: To be thrifty

    229. Stipulate: To make express conditions

    230. Stolid: Dull; impassive

    231. Striated: Marked with parallel bands

    232. Strut: A pompous walk

    233. Subterfuge: Evasion234. Supercilious: Careless contempt

    235. Superfluous: More than what is needed

    236. Supersede: To cause to be set back

    237. Supine: Lying on the back

    238. Tacit: Understood

    239. Taciturn: Stern; silent

    240. Tangential: Digressing

    241. Tantamount: Equivalent in effect or value

    242. Tawdry: Cheap243. Temerity: A foolish disregard of danger

    244. Tempestuous: Stormy; impassioned

    245. Tenacious: Holding fast

    246. Tenuous: Thin; slim

    247. Tepid: Lukewarm

    248. Thrall: Slave; bondage

    249. Thwart: To frustrate

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    250. Titillate: To tickle

    251. Torpid: Dull; sluggish; inactive

    252. Tortuous: Abounding in irregular bends or turns

    253. Tractable: Docile254. Transgression: Violation; sin

    255. Transmute: To change

    256. Transparent: Easily detected

    257. Transpire: To happen, to be revealed

    258. Trepidation: Nervous feeling; fear

    259. Truculence: Ferocity

    260. Tutelage: The act of training or being under instruction

    261. Tyro: Beginner

    262. Ubiquitous: Being present everywhere263. Umbrage: Sense of injury

    264. Unassuaged: Unsatisfied; not soothed

    265. Uncouth: Clumsy; dumb

    266. Undermine: To weaken; to sap

    267. Unerringly: Infallibility

    268. Ungainly: Awkward; clumsy

    269. Unison: Complete accord

    270. Unruly: Disobedient

    271. Untenable: Indefensible272. Upbraid: To reproach as deserving blame

    273. Vacillate: To waver; to fluctuate

    274. Vagabond: Wanderer

    275. Vainglory: Excessive; pretentious

    276. Valorous: Courageous

    277. Vantage: Position giving advantage

    278. Vapid: Having lost quality and flavor; dull; lifeless

    279. Variegated: Many colored

    280. Vehement: Forceful281. Venerate: To look upon with deep respect

    282. Veracious: Truthful

    283. Verbiage: Use of many words

    284. Verbose: Wordy

    285. Vicissitude: Change of condition or circumstances, generally of fortune

    286. Viscous: Sticky; gluey

    287. Vituperate: Overwhelm with wordy abuse

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    288. Vociferous: Making a loud outcry

    289. Volatile: Changeable

    290. Warranted: Justified

    291. Wary: Very cautious292. Welter: Turmoil

    293. Whimsical: Fanciful

    294. Whorl: Ring

    295. Winsome: Attractive

    296. Wreak: Inflict

    297. Writhe: Twist in coils

    298. Yore: Time past

    299. Zealot: Fanatic

    300. Zeitgeist: Intellectual and moral tendencies of any age

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