30 days to become a better hitter, guaranteed!reif.io/lib/sa/challenge/30daychallenge.pdf · 30...

30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED! *See Full Challenge Requirements Under the Challenge Log

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Post on 05-May-2018




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Page 1: 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED!reif.io/lib/sa/challenge/30DayChallenge.pdf · 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED! *See Full Challenge Requirements Under


*See Full Challenge Requirements Under the Challenge Log

Page 2: 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED!reif.io/lib/sa/challenge/30DayChallenge.pdf · 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED! *See Full Challenge Requirements Under

What to Expect from the Challenge:

Pre-Challenge Tips:

Make sure you are familiar with the unit. Learn how to move the ball to all 9 pitch locations - Inside-high, middle, & low; center-high, middle, & low; outside-high, middle, & low.

Take note of where your ball hits the net, using the square target on the net to monitor accuracy. If you hit the ball correctly, it should hit the center of the target. This should be your goal with each swing. The program will track the

progress of your target accuracy.

With each swing, be sure to orient your feet parallel to the plate, taking strides directly toward the pitcher, making adjustments with your hands. Repetitions on the SwingAway and consistently working to put the ball to the center of the target will naturally help you learn this.

Each swing should be executed every 6-10 seconds, so take your time and do it correctly. You need to be honest with yourself when following this program. Note your target hits and write out your results accurately. This will allow you to see progress and strengthen your work ethic.

Lastly, you must take at least 100 swings everyday for 30 days to build up the positive muscle memory necessary to make you a better hitter. It will take your muscles 3,000 swings to commit positive mechanical changes to memory, so you must be diligent to build better muscular habits for your swing.

This program is not simply about practice – it is about perfect practice. Implement this program and join the legions of others who watch their performance soar!

The SwingAway 30 Day Challenge is a disciplined but fun way to develop “Positive Muscle Memory”

while identifying and fixing existing swing flaws.

This program will:

INCREASE Offensive Productivity, Batting Average, Contact, & Bat Speed with Power & Confidence

IMPROVE Swing Mechanics, Mental Focus, & Discipline to make the Proper Adjustments at the Plate

GENERATE Ability to Square Up More Pitches at Different Pitch Locations to Hit the Ball to the

Appropriate Field Location

Page 3: 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED!reif.io/lib/sa/challenge/30DayChallenge.pdf · 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED! *See Full Challenge Requirements Under

Challenge Instructions:

Print out the following pages and write down the results of each workout. This program should be executed

7 days a week over a 4 week period. Done correctly, this workout will take between 15 and 20 minutes to complete.

1. Take 10-20 warm-up swings on your SwingAway Hitting Machine.

2. Take 10 swings in Zone 1, counting how many times you hit the net inside the target, then take 15-30 seconds to record your target hits

on the chart provided and reset your position.

3. Repeat Step 2 for Zones 2 through 9.

See the Strike Zones Illustrated Below. During each zone’s set, count how many times you hit the net inside the target.

Between zone sets, take 15-30 seconds to record your target hits on the chart provided and reset your position.

*Challenge Guarantee Requirements:

This Challenge Guarantees an improvement in your hitting skills based on your target accuracy improvement from day 1 to day 30. If your target accuracy does not improve, the challenge guarantees you a refund. This guarantee is null & void if you do not follow the challenge

instructions exactly. If you skip days or do not have a verified guardian signature for every day, the challenge guarantee is forfeited.

Page 4: 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED!reif.io/lib/sa/challenge/30DayChallenge.pdf · 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED! *See Full Challenge Requirements Under
Page 5: 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED!reif.io/lib/sa/challenge/30DayChallenge.pdf · 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED! *See Full Challenge Requirements Under
Page 6: 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED!reif.io/lib/sa/challenge/30DayChallenge.pdf · 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED! *See Full Challenge Requirements Under
Page 7: 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED!reif.io/lib/sa/challenge/30DayChallenge.pdf · 30 DAYS TO BECOME A BETTER HITTER, GUARANTEED! *See Full Challenge Requirements Under

Increased Bat Speed

Increased Power & Confidence

Increased Offensive Productivity

Increased Batting Average