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  • 8/7/2019 30 Days Planner



    Success Tip #1: Hold meetings on the business/culture with your manager, direct reports, and y

    Success Tip #2: Discuss expectations about performance and management practices with your

    Success Tip #3 Agree on how youll establish yourself within the organization

    Success Tip #4: If possible, arrange a meeting with your predecessor

    Success Tip #5: Jointly develop written performance objectives.

    Success Tip #6: Negotiate the support and expectations you need

    Success Tip #7: Jointly prepare an individual development plan

    Success Tip #8: Establish an accountability to talk with clients.

    Success Tip #9: Develop an initial "map" and list of priorities.

    Success Tip #10: Hold a meeting with Human Resources on key systems (Note: HR needs HR

    Success Tip #11: Hold discussions/meetings to establish your group's now direction

    Success Tip #12: Make the staffing/structure changes necessary to execute your new direction

    Success Tip #13: Re-immerse yourself in learning more about the operation

    Success Tip 14: Schedule periodic sessions for feedback and coaching

    Following these guidelines will put you well on the path towards realizing your goal ofgetting off to a fast start as a new HR executive in a new role.

    About the Author: Alan L. Collins is Vice President - Human Resources for a global,well-known consumer products company. His accountabilities include developingstrategies for attracting and retaining talent, building organization capability and leadinglarge-scale change and transformation.

  • 8/7/2019 30 Days Planner


    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days Feedback on 1st quarter

    What the locations/functions do

    How they do it

    Success Tip #1: Hold meetings on the business/culture with your manager, direct reports, and your HR clien

    Discuss the mission, goals, andobjectives of the Company ordivision or client group you are joining as a new HR Executive.Establish how you and your newHR team fit into the overallcompany.

    Get feedback about the unit youare inheriting. Discuss operatingissues, resources, people

    strengths, weaknesses,expectations of clients and teammembers, history of the group.Objectivity is important -- becareful not to be biased byuntested opinions.

    Broaden your perspective of the job by getting a description ofthe other locations and functionsyou will work with. Revieworganization charts wherepossible. Discuss:

    How your responsibilities fit inwith those of the otherlocations/functions

    Discuss how the formal andinformal systems work. Also,

    have your manager pair you witha peer or colleague who can"show you the ropes" andanswer questions. Build a solidsupport system you can draw on.

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    Learn the informal expectations people have about the style ofhow things are done. Identify behaviors and actions that willcause friction between you andother individuals/groups.

    Invest as much time learning theclimate and culture of thecompany and your team as youdo developing functionalknowledge. Knowing what to dois not enough to succeed. Youmust also know how to workwithin the personality of the

    company or your team.

    Discuss areas where you shouldinitiate reforms or makechanges. Also, identify placeswhere its more important toconform to the style of thecompany than to make changes.

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  • 8/7/2019 30 Days Planner


  • 8/7/2019 30 Days Planner


    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days Feedback on 1st quarter

    Discuss expectations about performance and management practices with your manager.

    The process of clarifying needs andexpectations begins between youand your new manager during yourinitial interview about the job.And, it should continue with your boss, direct reports, and yourclients throughout your career.

    Re-clarify specifically what yournew manager expects from you.Make sure your charter is explicitaround problems, people, and

    products/services you and yourteam will be providing.

    Discuss again expectations both ofyou have about the workingrelationship. (e.g., What do youneed from your manager to feelcomfortable? What support andguidance do you need?)Periodically renegotiate yourexpectations.

    Reconfirm with your boss what, inhis or her opinion is, good practice(e.g., tight control, loose control,style of decision-making group vs.individual, etc.). Style issues thatcome from differing personal beliefand perceptions account for a large portion of the problems newmanagers experience.

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    Assess the appropriateness of yourmanagerial style against the needsof the situation and the needs and

    expectations of those you manage.Also, assess the fit of your practicewith the management practices ofyour predecessor.

    Recognize there are different waysto get thing done. Your newmanagers style may differ fromyours. Negotiate the latitude youneed to act using your own bestjudgment.

    Be patient-recognize taking chargeof a new unit takes time. You maynot reach full maturing andproductivity for some time.

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    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days Feedback on 1st quarter

    Hold a staff meeting on your first day to:

    Discuss your style of working

    Agree on how youll establish yourself within the organization

    Soothe any "ruffled feathers" that may existif you were brought into your new HR roleabove someone who thought they shouldhave had your job. Position yourself withyour staff and the people you will manage.Ask your boss to position you before yourarrival to minimize rumors and speculationand upon arrival as a "getting to know you."

    Jointly identify something you can bring tothe party that adds value in the eyes ofsubordinates/colleagues.

    Introduce yourself to key players/clientswhose support and sponsorship is needed.Describe the value you think you add to theoperation. (e.g., Answer the question "Whatdo you have to offer you clients?)

    Find out from you new manager whichcolleagues/peer are good resources to drawon. Dont hesitate to use their skills andabilities.

    Meet informally with your staff and othersyoull need for support to get to know them.The earlier in the orientation period youmeet. The better. People personally supportthose they see as "friends and allies." Peopledistrust the motives of those they dont know.

    Establish credibility with key people who cansupport what you need to do. Identify aknowledgeable person who can act as yourcoach and sponsor.

    Express your enthusiasm and optimism aboutthe new HR assignment.

    Share background information aboutyourself.

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    Share initial expectations you have of yourstaff.

    Make beginning work assignments (e.g.,collect background information you need).

    Take time to learn about the neworganization before making decisions andacting-learn, about the products, the people,and the problems. Ask experiencedsubordinates and colleagues their opinionsabout problems/opportunities. The greater thedifference between the old and newcompany, the longer the learning curve.

    Provide credit and recognition to the groupfor what they did well in the past. No one

    likes to think everything theyve done up tothe point of your taking charge has been invain.

    Review and discuss individual performanceobjectives with. Each staff member. Whereneeded, renegotiate your staffs performanceobjectives so everyone knows what youexpect and how their performance ties towhat youre trying to achieve

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    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days Feedback on 1st quarter

    1. List of operating issues

    3. Key Human Resource issues4. Important contacts

    5. History of the group

    If possible, arrange a meeting with your predecessor

    Take advantage of any overlap in time

    that exists between when you start and the previous person leaves. Meet to discussthe operation and share thoughts.

    Ask the departing HR Leader to providean overview of the job and schedule a "getacquainted" meeting to discuss theoperation. Review:

    2. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities ofthe unit

    Jointly review the operating issues of theunit around people, products/services, andresources. Prepare a list of the short-term,mid-term and long-term issues you needto address. Ask the departing employeefor beginning recommendations on how to

    address the issues. Record actions alreadytaken that set precedent for future action.

    (Where appropriate) Walk through theunit with the exiting employee and learnthe important parts of the operation. Stop periodically for introductions and shortinformal chats with members of the staff.

    Discuss the performance objectives the

    departing employee has been working on.Review where things stand against eachobjective and what remains to be done.

    Ask the outgoing employee to transmithis/her view of what the group canbecome or can do.

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    Develop a Support System

    Dont feel obligated to use all of whatis offered.

    Ask the departing HR Leader to reviewthe Human Resources issues with you

    Discuss the Human Resource decisionsyou need to make in the first six months.(E.g. performance evaluations due, probationary action pending, requiredManagement Planning Reviews, paydecisions, etc.)

    Review the past performance andstrengths/developmental needs of eachmember of your new group. Be careful

    not to be biased by the departingmanager-"consider just the facts.

    Study the files the departing employee haskept on Human Resource issues (e.g.,critical incident files, salary histories, past performance appraisals, managementplanning worksheets, job descriptions.)

    Acquaint yourself with the help yourHuman Resources representative can


    Together develop a list of keyclients/peers you should get to knowwithin the first month. Identify and list theresources and support each can provide.

    Find out who is a knowledge person youcan use as a sounding board whenquestions arise.

    Use the, exiting employee as an on-goingsupport system. Stay in touch after he/sheleaves. Dont hesitate to ask if there arequestions. (If possible) arrange informalget-togethers (e.g. coffees/lunches) afterthe current employee leaves to talk abouthow its

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  • 8/7/2019 30 Days Planner


    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days Feedback on 1st quarter

    Jointly develop written performance objectives

    Clarify with your new boss expectationshe/she has about what is effective performance. Set goals and objectives todescribe in specific and measurable termswhat you are to accomplish. Withoutcommon understanding, each side in therelationship inevitably will stop trusting theother.

    Test your assumption about how thingsshould operate. Look at the operation with a

    fresh perspective. Offer new ideas aboutwhat to do to bolster performance.

    Jointly develop a list of initial workassignments to guide your efforts during thefirst several weeks in the job.

    Involve yourself in a high profile projectyou can succeed at quickly to build personalconfidence and credibility

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    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days Feedback on 1st quarter

    Success Tip #6: Negotiate the support and expectations you need.

    Get your new bosss help in

    buffering anything that takes youaway from the task of gettingsettled-in and taking charge of theoperation.

    Negotiate exceptions that allowyou time to build momentumwithin the group. However, besensitive about how intense tonegotiate and when to withdraw.

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    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days

    Success Tip #7: Jointly prepare an individual development plan

    Jointly author a plan that describes the

    knowledge, skills, and developmentexperiences you need during the firstyear.

    Agree with your manager on the timeyou need to learn about the new job.Take every opportunity to learn moreabout the new operation. In the initialtake charge period, learn from yourmistakes. Keep your boss informed toavoid second-guessing or premature

    judgment of your actions.

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    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days Feedback on 1st quarter

    Success Tip #8: Establish an accountability to talk with clients

    Talk with your clients to find out how the

    group is perceived and how well it'sservicing the organization.

    Whenever possible, work on neededchanges by using a task force of those thechange affects. This increases the chanceseveryone knows what to do. It alsoincreases ownership of the changes youdecide to make.

    Obtain feedback on planned changes,even if you're unable to involve others in

    the decision-making upfront.

    Sell your new ideas/proposals by firstdetermining the needs of clients and thosewhose commitment you want. Showclearly, how your ideas/proposals meetthose needs. Pre-sell the key decision-makers. Sell new ideas in smallmanageable chunks to allow people timeto get use to them.

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  • 8/7/2019 30 Days Planner


    Action items

    A. Build Energy, Enthusiasm, and Involvement

    Sponsor a group celebration.

    Champion cause team members are excited about.


    New DecisionsDiscussions on how to execute plans/changes

    B. Develop Your Initial Direction

    Success Tip #9: Develop an initial "map" and list of priorities

    Notes taken on first30 days

    Develop energy and enthusiasm within the group as earlyas possible.

    Develop a rallying cry, theme, or challenge to unite thegroup.

    Build in lots of involvement for members of your newstaff (more than usual). For instance include them in:

    Develop initial priorities and a "map" to guide you.Remain flexiblechange direction as you learn more aboutthe operations.

    Avoid going for the home-run hit on early decisions.Recognize youll have to redo later some of the changesyou make in the early stages of taking charge.

    Recognize complex problems require some immediate,stop-gap action, but may also take several attempts tofind the underlying causes. In short, experiment ("do it,try it, fix it") when handling complex problems.

    Initially, act to correct near -term problems where there'sgood support or where there's some clear need to act.Avoid making premature decisions on long-term issues before you know all the facts. Its more important toestablish a track record on smaller issues than to makeyour mark on major issues before you have the importantfacts. Managers brought in to "turn around the operation"sometimes fall victim of this need to act.

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    As an insider taking charge of a new operation, test yourassumptions about key people and the problems of theunit. It is especially important to question perceptionsand beliefs about individuals youve worked with.

    Change in structure and reporting relationships change personal relationships. Be willing to renegotiate oldrelationships as well as form new ones.

    As an insider, look at the job as an outsider might. Beinnovative-be willing to abandon the status quo. Adaptgoals and strategies to the new challenges of a growingbusiness.

    Figure out the pressure points in the new unit. Focus thegroups energy on 1-2 carefully chosen projects thatimprove performance and provide an early success.

    Choose projects based on importance and the readinessof the group (e.g. creativity, energy, and determination tosucceed). Take care of the rest of the unitsresponsibilities on a business-as-usual basis. Resist thetemptation to do everything at once.

    Exercise the latitude the organization gives you as a newmanager. Be willing to take a few risks. Determine ifothers will give you the benefit of the doubt if thingsdont work out.

    Develop written plans for the hi-impact, hi-visibilityprojects. Let people know what part they play so they cancommit themselves to the task. With the group's help,spell out who's to do what, when. and the authority andresponsibility of those accountable. Describe the desiredresults and how you'll measure progress and results. Getfeedback from your team.

    C. Make Changes Suggested by Your Initial Direction

    Be clear on who has sponsored past practices and

    policies and whybefore making changes.Take initial action where you have the most functionalknowledge.

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    Allow time between the changes you make to be surethey accomplish what you intended. Those affected bythe changes may also need time to get used to the newways of doing things. Remember: "The more radical thechange and the less people know of your motives, thelonger it takes for themto adjust."

    Establish check-points for feedback on how well thechanges are working.

    Share credit for success on important projects withsubordinates and peers who "help make it happen."

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  • 8/7/2019 30 Days Planner


    Action items

    Success Tip #10: Hold a meeting with Human Resources on key systems (Note: HR needs HR too!!)

    Notes taken on first30 days

    Feedback on 1stquarter

    After the settling in period, find out moreabout the Human Resource systems youneed to use in the first year. (e.g.,Performance Planning and Review,Management Planning, Pay Systems,Management DevelopmentOpportunities/Programs, etc.) Identify theHuman Resources people who can provideadditional information, guidance, andsupport.

    Work with the Human Resources group inmanaging personnel issues. Take time toget acquainted with the Human Resourcesperson assigned to your group if there isone. Learn how the various HumanResources systems work.

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  • 8/7/2019 30 Days Planner


    Action items Feedback on 1st quarter

    Success Tip #11: Hold discussions/meetings to establish your group's now direction.

    Notes taken on first 30days

    In the early stages of taking charge,involve the members of your team indefining the groups direction. Thedirection describes where the unit needs toget and how the team needs to worktogether to get there. Frequently holddiscussions with the team to redefine thedirection. Check what else you need to doto bring the team together. (Bringing theteam together includes things youll do

    more of/less of as well as things theyll doto promote better working relations).

    Give credit and respect to the old-timersand experienced people in the group. Seektheir opinions and listen to theirrecommendations. Develop your staff as agroup of allies. Let them guide youthrough the initial period of taking charge,until you can learn the important factsabout the new operation. Some practical

    strategies include:Ask lots of questionsbe sure youunderstand the answers.

    Let people know you understand andappreciate their viewpoint.

    Build upon others ideas versus killingthem.

    Implement the ideas you get from peoplewithin your group.

    Provide public recognition for good ideas

    from the group.

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    Action items

    Success Tip #12: Make the staffing/structure changes necessary to execute your new direction.

    Notestaken onfirst 30


    Feedbackon 1st


    Avoid quick changes in staffing and structurejust for the sake of saying you've taken action.Explore uncertainties and concerns you haveabout staff members and the structure of theorganization with your boss and others.Assess the staffing and structure of yourorganization against the yardstick of its abilityto carry out the new direction.

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    Action items

    Success Tip #13: Re-immerse yourself in learning more about the operation.

    Notes takenon first 30days

    Feedback on1st quarter

    Take time to reassess the initialassumptions you made when youinherited the job. Periodicallyimmerse yourself in learning moreabout the operation. Frequentlyreassess how it's going and identifyneeded fine-tuning.

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    Action items Notes taken on first 30 days Feedback on 1st quarter

    Success Tip 14: Schedule periodic sessions for feedback and coaching

    Establish frequentopportunities to discusswith your manager thedetails of changes you are proposing. Augment yourlimitations in experience orskills with coaching. (Dontconfuse coaching with"Here's how you should doit.")

    Anticipate potential problems you will have because you lack companyexperience. Developadequate back-up support.

    Solicit frequent, frank,informal, timely feedbackon how things are goingduring break-in period as

    natural opportunities occur.

    Informally talk to your peers, colleagues, andclients about how it's goingduring the take-charge phase. Learn from thepositive feedback you hear.

    Ask your new boss to

    provide early-warning toyou when problems exist oras issues arise.

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