3 year formation track

CFC YOUTH FOR CHRIST 3-YEAR PASTORAL FORMATION TRACK OVERVIEW Committed to the direction of “Greater Sustainability in the Grassroots Level,” CFC Youth for Christ (YFC) is moving to empower more the YFC members and give them pastoral formation that will help them in their spiritual growth and nourishment. YFC also acknowledges the fact that its members need to grow not only in his/her personal relationship with God but also grow in his/her relationship with the family, friends, the community and the society where he/she belongs in. More so, YFC believes that intense pastoral support is needed by a YFC member not just in the first year of his/her membership, but all throughout his/her YFC life. Because of this, YFC starts to give pastoral formation in the first three years of YFC membership. Hence, the 3-Year Pastoral Formation Track for YFC general membership. The 3-Year Pastoral Formation (PFO) Track is the new- compiled pastoral module of YFC given to all members of YFC regardless of area or program of service. It is composed of twelve (12) modules, which will start with a Youth Camp, the entry activity of those who want to join YFC. PHASES OF EVANGELIZATION The 3-Year Pastoral Formation (PFO) Track caters to three (3) Phases of Evangelization, which represents the number of years of YFC membership. YEAR 1 – KNOWING THE FAITH This is the phase when a YFC started getting to know God more and started learning to experience belonging to a support community like YFC.

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Page 1: 3 Year Formation Track



Committed to the direction of “Greater Sustainability in the Grassroots Level,” CFC Youth for Christ (YFC) is moving to empower more the YFC members and give them pastoral formation that will help them in their spiritual growth and nourishment. YFC also acknowledges the fact that its members need to grow not only in his/her personal relationship with God but also grow in his/her relationship with the family, friends, the community and the society where he/she belongs in.

More so, YFC believes that intense pastoral support is needed by a YFC member not just in the first year of his/her membership, but all throughout his/her YFC life. Because of this, YFC starts to give pastoral formation in the first three years of YFC membership. Hence, the 3-Year Pastoral Formation Track for YFC general membership.

The 3-Year Pastoral Formation (PFO) Track is the new-compiled pastoral module of YFC given to all members of YFC regardless of area or program of service. It is composed of twelve (12) modules, which will start with a Youth Camp, the entry activity of those who want to join YFC.


The 3-Year Pastoral Formation (PFO) Track caters to three (3) Phases of Evangelization, which represents the number of years of YFC membership.

YEAR 1 – KNOWING THE FAITH This is the phase when a YFC started getting to know God more and started

learning to experience belonging to a support community like YFC. He/she starts getting to know his/her family more in the light of Christian

values and principles. He/she starts being open to the idea that loving the poor is an expression of

loving God.

YEAR 2 – DEEPENING THE FAITH This is the phase where a YFC is called to a deeper relationship with God by

taking more active role in the family and by taking faith a step higher by exemplifying excellence in studies and living a 100% Free life.

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[3-Year PFO Overview and Pastoral Planning Workshop]

YEAR 3 – LIVING OUT THE FAITH This is the phase where a YFC’s conviction is strengthened and lived out by

taking active discernments for the future that God has in store him/her; by actively participating in the sacraments and in workings of the bigger Church; and by taking a pro-active stand in the issues in the society.


The modules are further divided into the different areas of growth of a YFC member, namely: personal life, family life, community life and membership in the society. Below is the 3-Year PFO matrix.

YEAR 1Knowing the faith

YEAR 2Deepening the faith

YEAR 3Living Out the Faith

SELF YOUTH CAMP(weekend activity)

DISCOVERY CAMP(weekend activity)

1-year after YC


(whole day)


3 months after the CO

PARENT’S HONORING(evening activity)

BEST WEEKEND(weekend activity)


(whole day)3 months after YC

100% FREE(whole day)


(half-day activity)

SOCIETAL YOUTH POWER(whole day activity)3 months after FC


(half day activity)


*while some module must be conducted at a specific time span (e.g. Covenant Orientation which should happen 3 months after the Youth Camp), others are left to the discretion of the Cluster Couple Coordinators and their youth heads, provided that they fall under the specific year of the youth’s membership in YFC.


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[3-Year PFO Overview and Pastoral Planning Workshop]

Of the 12 PFO Tracks, 3 are old YFC manuals which are fully revised to cater to the changing times. These tracks are the following:

1. YOUTH CAMP- The Youth Camp is the entry point to YFC. It is a 2-day, 2-night weekend activity

that introduces the youth to a new life in Christ, through YFC, founded in God’s ultimate love for them. This will start their journey as a YFC member and will open new and exciting opportunities for them to grow in their personal relationship with God.

- The Revised Youth Camp Manual features a more extensive explanation of the Youth Camp, its compositions, activities and sessions. It will address the question “how is the Youth Camp conducted… really?” and will lay down the principles behind its activities, debunking practices that is not really part of our culture but have been done over the years.

- This includes new handbooks for the Team Leaders, Facilitators and Prayer Warriors.

2. COVENANT ORIENTATION- The Covenant Orientation (CO) is the Pastoral Formation Track that laid down

our commitments as YFC members, as shown in the YFC Covenant Card.- Objectives of the Covenant Orientation are:

1. Learn and understand the covenant of a CFC Youth for Christ member.2. Renew and deepen our commitment with Christ by understanding and

following our covenant with Him.3. Develop a sense of identity and responsibility in our role as a believer of

faith, a member of our church, our family, our community and our country.4. Inspire the youth as they mature in their Christian life through YFC.5. Live out the covenant of YFC through the pastoral formation and activities.

3. DISCOVERY CAMP- The Discovery Camp is the 1st pastoral formation track on the members 2nd year

in YFC. It is given one year after the Youth Camp. - This talks about more extensively the different aspects of a YFC’s life and shows

the YFC Christian way of dealing with these aspect. It also serves as a refresher course for the YFC members of their experience in their youth camp. This activity aims to bring them to a deeper level of commitment to God, to YFC and to their households.


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The rest of the PFO tracks are very new manuals, which address the needs of the “new” CFC Youth for Christ with its 7 Identities and core values. This is YFC’s response to the call to be more relevant to the times. The following are the new Pastoral Formation Modules:

4. FAMILY CULTURE- A whole day activity, given in a YFC member’s first year- It allows our YFC members to appreciate the different family cultures which are

unique in every family and allows them to appreciate the entire family and the different personalities of the family members.

- Objectives of the activity are:a) This formation track aims for the YFC members to acknowledge, to

appreciate and to understand the distinct culture in each of their family.b) This seeks for the YFC members to believe and to understand that the Lord

has a unique plan for their family.c) This aims to let YFC members realize that we are to fulfill God’s promises for

the family to our respective families.- SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES

8:00 am Registration9:00 Opening Worship9:30 Icebreaker10:00 Session 1: Picture Perfect10:30 Group sharing11:30 Processing of the activity12:00 pm Lunch1:00 Ice breaker1:30 Session 2: My Family and I2:15 Prayer-Writing Activity2:30 Session 3: My Choice, My Family3:15 Reflection / Closing activity3:35 Praise fest4:00 Closing / home sweet home

5. YOUTH POWER- A whole-day activity, given in a YFC member’s first year.- It focuses on YFCs response to the social dimension of the gospel, which is loving

others, especially loving the poor as our expression of our love for God.- Objectives of the Activity are:


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a) For the YFC to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of our mission of “building the church of the poor”.

b) Provide an opportunity for YFC to be a true champion of the poor.c) Show that our deep love for God in YFC is also expressed by putting our faith


Youth Power is intended as a whole day activity.8:00am – 8:30 Arrival and Registration8:30 – 8:45 Opening Worship8:45 – 9:15 Session: I am Hero! 9:15 – 9:30 Activity Orientation9:30 – 10:00 Pre- Group Activity10:00 – 3:00pm Immersion Activity Proper

(Lunch included)3:00 – 4:00 Big Group Sharing4:00 – 4:30 Processing of the Immersion Activity4:30 – 5:00 Closing Worship/ Praisefest


6. PARENTS’ HONORING NIGHT- A night activity, given in a YFC member’s second year as a YFC.- This is a structured fellowship which allows the YFC members to have a venue to

appreciate their parents and vocally honor them in front of others.- Objectives of the activity are:

a) Level up the YFC’s appreciation of his/her family through the culture of appreciating and honoring.

b) Provide a venue for the YFC members, their parents, the YFC Couple Coordinators and the CFC to interact and build relationship and support.

c) Bring out from the parents, the CFC, and the members of the other ministries, the appreciation of YFC and the work of CFC in bringing families closer to each other.

- SUGGESTED SCHEDULE 05:00P M Arrival/Registration 05:30 Teaching of Songs 05:50 Eucharistic Celebration 06:50 Opening Worship/Prayer 06:55 Welcome Remarks 07:00 Dinner07:45 YFC Presentation 08:20 KFC Presentation08:25 Parents Support Group Program 08:30 Testimonies/Honoring 09:00 Parents’ Response


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09:20 Couple Coordinator’s Exhortation 10:00 Closing Worship/Prayer

7. 100% FREE- A whole-day activity, given in a YFC member’s second year as a YFC.- This is a launching of the new and improved concept of 100% Free, coming from

the previous 100% Pure advocacy. It is an overview of all the repackaged principles and advocacies of 100% Free, given in a creative and comprehensible manner.

- It is all in all encouraging the YFC into aiming and advocating to live a life free from the bondage of sin and the lures of the world.

- Objectives of the activity are:a) Explain the new concept of 100% Free.b) Create an awareness of our God’s given freedom.c) Move the youth in initiating a 100% Free lifestyle.

- SUGGESTED SCHEDULE8:00am – 8:30 Registration8:30 – 8:45 Gathering9:45 – 10:00 Worship10:00 – 10:15 Emcees Adlib10:15 – 11:30 SESSION 1: 100% FREE

Creative:Talk ProperSharingReflection-

11:30 – 12:30pm LUNCH12:30 – 12:45 GATHERING12:45 – 01:00 Afternoon worship01:00 – 01:30 ICE BREAKER01:30 – 02:30 SESSION 2: FREE TO LIVE02:30 – 02:45 BREAK / Snacks02:45 – 03:45 SESSION 3: FREE TO BE. FREE TO LOVE

Breakout sessionMen’s and Women’s ForumNOTE: This session is recommended to be done in different areas aside from the main session area where the praisefest will be held.

03:45 – 03:50 BREAK03:50 – 04:30 PRAISEFEST



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8. STAKE FOR THE NATION- A half-day activity, given in a YFC member’s second year as a YFC.- This pastoral formation stresses the highest calling of every YFC, which is being a

student.- Objectives of the activity are:

a) For YFC to realize that their highest calling is to study well/actively pursue learning

b) Instill in them the importance of studying/learning c) Widen their perspective and see that studying is their stake for the nation


The Stake for the Nation is a half day, four-hour activity. It can be given either in the morning or afternoon.

00:00 – 00:30 Arrival and Registration00:30 – 01:00 Gathering/Teaching of Songs01:00 – 01:15 Worship01:15 – 01:30 Orientation01:30 – 02:30 Activity No. 1: My Puzzle Portrait02:30 – 03:30 Activity No. 2: The Strongest Bridge

Group DiscussionCommitment

03:30 – 03:45 Closing worship/prayer03:45 – 04:00 Announcements04:00 Home Sweet Home

9. VOCATION RECOLLECTION- A whole day activity, which gives the YFC members a venue to appreciate the

different vocations and God’s personal calling for them. It is given in a YFC member’s third year as a YFC.

- Objectives of the activity are:a) For the YFC to be aware and to appreciate the different types of vocation or

calling.b) Initiate in the hearts of the YFC the desire to seek what the Lord’s plan for



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8:00am – 9:00 Arrival/ Gathering9:00 – 9:30 Opening Worship9:30 – 10:00 Welcome/Orientation10:00 – 11:00 Session 111:00 – 11:30 Discussion Group11:30 – 12:30pm Lunch12:30 – 1:00 Gathering/ Teaching of Songs 1:00 – 3:00 Session 23:00 – 4:00 Session 3 Closing Worship 4:00 – 5:00 Mass 5:00 Home sweet home

10. BEST WEEKEND- An Overnight activity Father-son and Mom-daughter bonding activity. It is given

in a YFC member’s third year as a YFC.- This activity reinforces the YFC’s role in the family as he/she enters into a camp

with his/her father/mother. It is a great venue for bonding and sharing between the father and his son and between the mother and her daughter.

- In the same way, this will be an evangelistic experience as well for the parents who are not members of CFC.

- Still under PFO revision- Piloted in TORCH Metro Manila

11. CHURCH AND SACRAMENTS- A whole-day, immersion-type activity, given in a YFC member’s third year as a

YFC.- A venue for the YFC to appreciate more our faith through our relationship with

the bigger Catholic Church- Objectives of the activity are:

a) Understand and appreciate our being part of the CHURCH; b) Have a deeper understanding of the SACRAMENTS and live out our faith

through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist;c) Share our faith by living out and enriching our roles in the CHURCH.

- SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIESThe Church and Sacraments is a whole-day activity; below is the suggested schedule:

09:00am Arrival & Registration


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09:30 Teaching of Songs09:45 Opening Worship10:00 Ice Breaker 10:30 Session 1: Overview of the Church and Sacraments 11:00 Session 1A: Sacrament of Reconciliation

Activity: EXAMEN12:00 LUNCH01:00pm Session 2: YFC and the CHURCH02:00 Field Trip 02:30 Session 2B: Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist 03:00 Celebration of the Holy Eucharist 04:00 Home Sweet Home


- A whole-day activity, given in a YFC member’s third year in YFC- An activity for the YFC to actively make stands in society that will translate their

Christian ideals and values and encourage them to actively pursue these stands.- Objectives of the activity are:

a) Make the youth realize that they can fight for what they greatly value.b) Help them understand what and how it means to be a true Christian

Advocate.c) Help them be aware for the values that YFC advocates as a community.

- SUGGESTED SCHEDULEThe Y-AD is a whole day, 9-hour activity. It is ideally a Saturday or

Sunday activity unless a more convenient day is preferred. Suggested schedule is as follow:

8:00am – 8:30 Arrival and RegistrationSurvey forms (PULSE OF THE PEOPLE) are distributed during registration

8:30 – 9:00 Gathering9:00 – 9:15 Opening Worship9:15 – 9:30 Orientation

Ice Breaker: PULSE OF THE PEOPLE9:30 – 11:00 SESSION 1: I STAND11:00 – 12:00pm Lunch12:00 – 12:15 Gathering 12:15 – 12:30 Afternoon Worship12:30 – 01:00 Ice Breaker01:00 - 03:00 ACTIVITY: SCRIPTED DEBATE03:00 – 03:15 Snacks/Break03:15 – 04:15 SESSION 2: I ADVOCATE04:15 – 04:30 Closing Worship


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A. Who will attend the PFO? All YFC members are required to go through all the Pastoral Formation (PFO)

tracks regardless of service (whether one has been given bigger responsibility as a YFC Youth Head) and program, ideally in the first three years of their membership in YFC.

We indicated that it is ideal because we cannot avoid instances when members fail to attend a particular PFO track at the time they are supposed to. In which case, they will be asked to attend the same PFO track the next time it will be made available. The crucial part is to make sure that ALL members attend ALL Pastoral Formation Tracks.

B. What level of implementation?All the PFO tracks are conducted in the following levels except for the Youth

Camp, which is conducted on a Chapter level: Community Based - Cluster level Highschool – School level Campus – Sector (for schools on the initial stage) and Campus level

Note: Schools on the initial level are campuses that are still starting to form its officers and have no youth camp, and formal recognition from the campus.

TORCH – sector levelNote: All the Torch Members who are serving in different YFC programs

attend their regular PFO track with the Program they are serving.

C. Who will implement? Community Based - Cluster Coordinator and Youth Head Highschool – Club President Campus - Sector Coordinator and Youth Head (for initial stage only) and

Executive Vice President (for the rest of the levels) Torch – sector coordinator and youth head

D. Who will monitor? The immediate heads will monitor whether the PFO tracks are being conducted. For Community Based - Commbased Sector coordinators and Youth Heads Highschool – Highschool Program volunteer Campus – Campus program youth head (for the initial stage) and Campus

President (for the rest of the growth levels) Torch - Provincial Program Coordinators and Youth Heads


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Since we will be having new teaching tracks to conduct, it is crucial to ensure that we plot out and schedule the PFO tracks every year. A thorough Pastoral Planning must be conducted per cluster (Sector, in case of the YFC Programs) at the start of the YFC Year (which is April to April of the following year).

YFC Pastoral Planning is the systematic way of plotting out the different YFC teachings at the given year to ensure that all YFC members are able to go through them.

A. GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR PASTORAL PLANNING1. Pastoral Planning. Pastoral Planning is done annually before the start of the YFC

year, it is ideally conducted in March or earlier2. Different Roles. Note the complementary roles of the Chapter and the Cluster when

it comes to the different YFC teachings.The following Youth Camp, Youth Camp Training, and Regular Assemblies

(chapter for commbased, club meeting for highschool, and prayer assemblies for campus) will be handled by:

Community Based – chapterheads Higschool – VP on Internal Affairs, and EVP of highschool Campus – VP EvangelizationThe implementation of the 3 year pastoral formation track will be handled by: Community Based – Cluster heads Highschool Based - Club President or Senior Sister Campus Based - EVP – 3-Year Pastoral Formation Track, HLT

3. Simultaneous with Regularized Activities. The implementation of the 3-year PFO will be simultaneous with the:

Chapter Assembly – for community based; Club Meetings – for highschool based; Prayer Assemblies – for campus based

Only those who have not yet attended a particular 3-year PFO will attend such. The rest will push through with the regular activities.

4. Area of Focus. Although the Pastoral Planning will involve both the youth head and Couple Coordinators, one should keep in mind that there are different planning considerations or area of focus for different levels


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FOR COMMUNITY BASEDLevel Area of Focus Details

Chapter Members Monitors each member of the chapter and see who among them has attended a particular PFO track and who has not

Cluster PFO Track Makes sure that the PFO tracks are scheduled, prepared for and conducted.

Note: because of the different area of focus, both must work hand in hand to ensure that the PFO tracks are carried out to all the members.

FOR HIGHSCHOOL BASED:Level Area of Focus Details

President Members Monitors each YFC member of the club and see who among them has attended a particular PFO track and who has not

High School Program Volunteer

PFO Track Makes sure that the PFO tracks are scheduled, prepared for and conducted.

Note: because of the different area of focus, both must work hand in hand to ensure that the PFO tracks are carried out to all the members.

FOR CAMPUS BASED:Level Area of Focus Details

President Members Monitors each member of the chapter and see who among them has attended a particular PFO track and who has not

Sector Youth Head

PFO Track Makes sure that the PFO tracks are scheduled, prepared for and conducted.

Level Area of Focus DetailsVP Evangelization

Members Monitors each member of the chapter and see who among them has attended a particular PFO track and who has not

President PFO Track Makes sure that the PFO tracks are scheduled, prepared for and conducted.

Note: because of the different area of focus, both must work hand in hand to ensure that the PFO tracks are carried out to all the members.

B. SPECIFIC PLANNING CONSIDERATION FOR THE AREA1. On the 1st implementation of the new PFO, all the members of

the chapter will attend the said PFO


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2. Take note of the members usual activities every month*, considering: Week 1 Chapter Collective HouseholdWeek 2Week 3 Chapter Assembly and PFOWeek 4Week 5 Fellowship*NOTE: This division of activities per week is only applicable for community based

3. If a member fails to attend a particular PFO, the youth head assigned to monitor the pastoral growth of each member through the formation track will ensure that he/she attends the next time said PFO becomes available. The particular youth head has an option (with the approval of his/her Immediate Head) can ask the member to attend the said PFO in another cluster/school/campus, if it the PFO is being conducted there.

C. SPECIFIC PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS1. The first 5 Pastoral Formation Tracks are conducted subsequently

(one after the other), to wit:YOUTH CAMP - entry pointCOVENANT ORIENTATION - within 3 months after the Youth CampFAMILY CULTURE - 3 months after the Covenant OrientationYOUTH POWER - 3 months after the Family CultureDISCOVERY CAMP - at least 1 year after the Youth Camp

2. The rest of the PFO tracks can be done in no particular order as long as it is conducted within the year it is suppose to be conducted, to wit:



D. WORKSHOP PROPERObjective: to experience firsthand a Pastoral Planning

1. Plot out the regular activities of the Chapter within the year2. Plot out the first-year PFO3. Plot out the second and third-year PFO

NOTE: This table is based on the community based program. Blank template will be provided for Highschool Based and Campus Based Pastoral Plotting.


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Table 1. Regular Chapter/Cluster ActivityApr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Chapter Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH


Table 2. After Plotting Year 1 PFOApr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Chapter Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Youth Camp

Cluster CovenantOrientation

Family Culture

Youth Power

*underlined are the year 1 PFO

Table 3. After Plotting Year 2 PFOApr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Chapter Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Youth Camp

Cluster Discovery Camp


Parents Honoring

Family Culture

100% Free Youth Power

Stake for the Nation

*underlined are the year 2 PFO

Table 4. After plotting Year 3 PFOApr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Chapter Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Chapter Assembly

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Collective HH

Youth Camp

Cluster Discovery Camp

Vocation Reco


Parents Honoring

Best Weekend

Family Culture

100% Free Church and Sacraments

Youth Power

Stake for the Nation


*underlined are the year 3 PFO

June 2010