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  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Windows New Hire Training

    Windows Basics

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Microsoft Condential - For Internal and Partner Use Only

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    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 2

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications


    This #od!le provides a "road set of topics to fa#iliari7e yo! 6ith indo6s. Topics

    incl!de C hard6are "asics indo6s versions and feat!res installing indo6s!pdating the ,( steps in the start!p process adding devices #aintaining indo6s and

    solving si#ple pro"le#s.

    Together these topics for# a fo!ndation kno6ledge set for an inter#ediate !ser of



    At the end of this #od!le yo! sho!ld "e a"le to:

    &isc!ss indo6s versions and editions.

    &isc!ss indo6s 8 start!p ter#s and concepts

    &isc!ss the p!rpose of key indo6s 8 cong!ration interfaces

    List so#e principal disk and le #anage#ent tools

    &e#onstrate #ethods for freeing disk space on a cons!#er co#p!ter

    &isc!ss concepts and tasks associated 6ith indo6s sec!rity and #aintenance

    *dentify key hard6are co#ponents and device #anage#ent concepts

    &e#onstrate steps !sed to verify *nternet connectivity on indo6s 8.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is Mod%le

    This #od!le takes appro9i#ately ho!rs to co#plete.

    La"s in this #od!le take an additional ;.2; ho!rs to co#plete.

    The assess#ent for this #od!le takes an additional

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to:

    &isc!ss C hard6are and soft6are concepts.

    &isc!ss the indo6s versions and editions c!rrently availa"le and c!rrently

    s!pported "y Microsoft.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &esson

    This lesson takes appro9i#ately 2.; ho!rs to co#plete.

    La"s in this lesson take an additional 2 ho!rs to co#plete.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly >

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Co#"%ter Basics

    This topic e9plores ele#ents of the C ? hard6are and soft6are.

    Hardware Basics*t is e9pected that yo! are fa#iliar 6ith co#p!ters incl!ding the follo6ing C hard6are


    &esktop vers!s Mo"ile C

    Co#p!ter parts s!ch as hard disks inp!t devices #onitor printer etc.

    +evie6 the follo6ing pages for "asics if yo! co!ld !se a refresher in any areas:




    (o#e c!sto#ers !se virt!ali7ation soft6are to r!n their copy of indo6s. @irt!ali7ation

    soft6are provides the a"ility to r!n #!ltiple operating syste#s on the sa#e physical C.

    *t acco#plishes this "y creating a virt!al instance of all of the hard6are necessary to r!n

    an operating syste# fro# a virt!al C4 to a virt!al hard disk. =y r!nning an operating

    syste# in a virt!ali7ed environ#ent yo! can r!n as #any operating syste#s as yo!

    need to 6itho!t re!iring any additional Cs.

    4sing virt!ali7ation yo! can si#!ltaneo!sly r!n a copy of indo6s and indo6s

    @ista on top of a copy of indo6s 8 all at the sa#e ti#e. (o#e !sers of Mac ,( also

    !se virt!ali7ation to r!n indo6s on top of ,(.

    The C that hosts the virt!ali7ed operating syste#s is referred to as the host C. /ach

    virt!ali7ed operating syste# instance is referred to as a g!est. There is only one host

    6hich is the ,( instance r!nning on the physical C "!t there can "e #!ltiple g!ests

    r!nning si#!ltaneo!sly. /ach operating syste# 6ill have itBs o6n data settings and


    /ach g!est operating syste# 6ill "e presented to the !ser as a separate 6indo6. (o#e

    virt!ali7ation soft6are is also capa"le of displaying any applications r!nning in the g!est

    ,( as if they 6ere r!nning on the host desktop directly. *n the case of indo6s @irt!al

    C this feat!re is called sea#less #ode.

    Examples of Virtualization Software

    There are #any dierent virt!ali7ation progra#s availa"le. Microsoft #akes the

    follo6ing virt!ali7ation sol!tions:

    Windows 'irt%al PC: This desktop virt!ali7ation soft6are is considered to "e a

    feat!re of indo6s 8 altho!gh it is availa"le as a separate do6nload for !sers of

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    indo6s 8 3o#e =asic and a"ove. This version of indo6s @irt!al C is only

    s!pported on indo6s 8 and 6ill not install on indo6s or indo6s @ista.

    o Microsoft also provides a sol!tion called indo6s Mode that is a

    virt!ali7ed copy of indo6s that is provided for !sers of indo6s 8 to

    r!n older soft6are that is inco#pati"le 6ith indo6s 8. indo6s Mode

    r!ns on top of indo6s @irt!al C and is provided for free for !sers ofindo6s 8 rofessional 4lti#ate and /nterprise Cs.

    'irt%al PC )**+: This desktop virt!ali7ation soft6are is a free do6nload fro#

    the Microsoft &o6nload Center and is the version that 6as released prior to

    indo6s @irt!al C. @irt!al C 2008 6ill install on indo6s indo6s @ista

    and indo6s 8.

    Hy"er-': This server virt!ali7ation soft6are is part of MicrosoftBs indo6s (erver

    operating syste# fa#ily and integrates.

    ,f these three sol!tions only indo6s @irt!al C Dand indo6s ModeE is s!pport "y

    Microsoft Cons!#er s!pport.,ther e9a#ples of other virt!ali7ation sol!tions that yo! #ight enco!nter 6hile 6orking

    6ith c!sto#ers are listed "elo6:

    @Mare orkstation or @Mare layer Dindo6sE

    arallels orkstation Dindo6sE

    ,racle @irt!al=o9 Dindo6s and ,(E

    @M6are -!sion D,(E

    arallels &esktop D,(E

    The !se of virt!ali7ation soft6are is a co##on 6ay for Mac ,( !sers to install and r!n

    indo6s applications. Another option yo! #ay hear a"o!t for ,( !sers is called =oot

    Ca#p. =oot Ca#p sho!ld not "e conf!sed 6ith virt!ali7ation sol!tions ho6ever.

    =ootCa#p is si#ply soft6are that ena"les indo6s to "e installed on Apple hard6are.

    indo6s installed !sing =oot Ca#p r!ns natively on Apple hard6are allo6ing the !ser

    to d!al "oot "et6een indo6s and ,(. =oth operating syste#s are not r!nning at the

    sa#e ti#e. The pri#ary dierence "et6een indo6s on a standard C and indo6s on

    a Mac !sing =oot Ca#p is that the set!p process is started fro# a 6i7ard in ,( instead

    of )!st si#ply "ooting fro# a indo6s &@&. ,nce installed tho!gh the e9perience of

    !se indo6s is al#ost e9actly the sa#e.

    ,oftware Basics

    *n addition to the hard6are disc!ssed a"ove yo! need soft6are to #ake a C !sef!l.

    (oft6are on yo!r C falls into the follo6ing categories:

    BIO,Fir#ware: The "asic inp!t'o!tp!t syste# D=*,(E is lo6%level soft6are that

    r!ns on yo!r co#p!ter ena"ling yo! to start an operating syste#. This is "!ilt

    into the co#p!ter in the for# of a read%only #e#ory D+,ME chip on the

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    #ain"oard'#other"oard the device that ties yo!r C4 to all the other hard6are

    in the co#p!ter. Many devices have their o6n e#"edded soft6are ? si#ilar to

    =*,( for the entire syste#. This device%specic soft6are is called r#6are and it

    is "!ilt into the hard6are.

    O"erating ,yste# .O,/: This is the soft6are that #anages connections to the

    hard6are and provides co##on progra# ele#ents needed for applications to6ork. This incl!des services like graphics to sho6 i#ages on%screenF inp!t to

    receive yo!r instr!ctions via the key"oard and #o!seF storageF and net6orking

    to connect yo! to the *nternet to send and receive infor#ation. indo6s is an

    operating syste#.

    0""lication: An application is a progra# that ena"les yo! to perfor# a task.

    This co!ld "e a task like 6riting a letter editing a ho#e #ovie perfor#ing #ath

    calc!lations or play a #ovie. Microsoft ord and indo6s Live Mail are

    e9a#ples of applications.

    Utility ,oftware: This is another category of soft6are 6hich co!ld "e

    considered a s!"set of application soft6are. 4tility soft6are typically perfor#s aservice for yo! either to help protect yo!r data Dsec!rity soft6are "ack!p

    soft6areE or enhance so#e f!nction an operating syste# or application. 4nlike

    application soft6are !tility soft6are does not typically help yo! perfor# a nal

    o!tp!t task. *nstead it is designed to help yo!r applications to r!n "etter or #ore

    safely. Antivir!s progra#s are an e9a#ple of !tility soft6are.

    The foc!s of this co!rse is on the indo6s ,perating (yste#. /ven if yo! 6ill "e

    s!pporting so#ething other than indo6s yo! 6ill nd that kno6ledge of indo6s

    "asics is re!ired 6hen tro!"leshooting applications hard6are or !tilities that are !sed

    6ith indo6s.

    ,oftware Co#"onents

    G!st like yo!r co#p!ter #ost soft6are consists of several co#ponents. $ot all progra#s

    have all of these types of co#ponents "!t #any do.

    Progra# !ec%ta1le: This is the le that yo! activate to start a progra#. ,n

    indo6s it often has a na#e ending in H.//I ? a lena#e e9tension that

    represents an e9ec!ta"le in indo6s. /9a#ple: $otepad.e9e.

    &i1rary File: These are s!pport les 6hich allo6 the e9ec!ta"le to "e s#aller.

    The progra# !ses ro!tines in li"rary les as needed. ,n indo6s these are

    typically H.&LLI les "!t they can have other le e9tensions. indo6s incl!des a

    set of .&LL les for its o6n !se and in the for# of shared services for progra#s6ritten for indo6s. /9a#ple: Co#ctl

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    2ata: This is the o!tp!t of a progra#. *t is the reason yo! !se a progra# ? to

    give yo! o!tp!t data of so#e kind. This #ight "e pict!res #ovies doc!#ents

    #!sic "anking data etc.

    0rc$itect%re or Bitness

    ,ne key consideration for soft6are and co#pati"ility is the "itness of an operatingsyste# application driver or other co#ponent. This ter# refers to the n!#"er of "its

    !sed to store a val!e or an address. *n the case of Cs the "itness descri"es the

    architect!re of the C4. >%"it processors can address a larger a#o!nt of #e#ory than

    %"it versions. >%"it indo6s can

    r!n #ost %"it progra#s.

    &rivers are generally only s!pported in one architect!re ? so a device 6ith only

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Windows 'ersions

    The recent history of indo6s releases is sho6n in the ta"le "elo6.

    Ta1le 34 Windows 'ersions

    'ersion 5elease







    This release 6as foc!sed on si#plifying the

    indo6s !ser e9perience. This ranged fro#

    easier feat!re !sage and cong!ration to a

    #ore ro"!st core 6hich 6o!ld provide #ore

    sta"ility and "etter perfor#ance than

    indo6s @ista.

    4pgrades are s!pported fro# indo6s @ista


    (hipped in >%"it and %"it and %"it indo6s

    ,( "!t it 6as "ased on a indo6s (erver

    200< core. As a res!lt it is not co#pati"le6ith indo6s !pdates and service packs.





    This 6as the last of the cons!#er indo6s

    versions "!ilt on the older code"ase 6hich

    6as fro# the M(%&,(6and indo6s K;





    This 6as the last solely "!siness%oriented

    client indo6s version "!ilt on the indo6s

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly K

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    $T code"ase.

    ,%""ort &ifecycle

    Microsoft provides 6arranty and paid s!pport for each indo6s version 6ithin a certainti#e period. This s!pport e9pires according to a p!"lished lifecycle. More infor#ation on

    this lifecycle and s!pport e9piration dates for vario!s indo6s versions is availa"le



    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 10

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Windows ditions

    ithin each indo6s versions yo! 6ill nd a set of editions. hen yo! p!rchase a

    indo6s license yo! are deciding on a set of feat!res and capa"ilities incl!ded in the

    edition yo! select.

    /ditions for recent indo6s versions are disc!ssed in the pages that follo6.

    Windows + ditions and Feat%res

    Microsoft provides several dierent editions of indo6s 8 to #eet a variety of c!sto#er

    needs. There is one #ain cons!#er edition and one #ain "!siness edition. This #akes

    it easier for c!sto#ers and partners to choose the right version of indo6s 8 for their

    needs. *f yo! have #ore speciali7ed needs fo!r other editions are availa"le. The f!ll set

    of si9 #ain editions is sho6n in the i#age "elo6.

    Fig%re 34 Windows + ditions

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 11

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    All indo6s 8 editions are a s!per set of the one "elo6 6ith no trade o on feat!res

    6hen yo! !pgrade fro# one version to the ne9t.

    Fig%re )4 Windows + ditions 8 Feat%re ,et 5elations$i"

    4pgrading fro# a lo6er to a higher edition is easy 6ith indo6s Anyti#e 4pgrade

    DA4E. All yo! need to do is p!rchase a prod!ct key for the edition yo! 6ant and then

    enter it in the A4 interface in indo6s 8. The !pgrade is typically done in less than 1;


    Ta1le )4 Windows + ditions

    Windows6 +


    /nterprise is the "!siness%foc!sed edition for

    #anaged environ#ents advanced data protection

    net6orking and sec!rity needs.

    This version of indo6s is oered e9cl!sively thro!gh

    Microsoft (oft6are Ass!rance agree#ent. *t is

    designed for large enterprises and organi7ations 6ith

    co#ple9 desktop infrastr!ct!res.

    /nterprise ships in "oth

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    net6orking "ack!p and sec!rity needs and #!ltiple

    Cs or servers.

    This version of indo6s is oered thro!gh "oth ,/M

    and retail as 6ell as thro!gh vol!#e licensing


    rofessional ships in "oth %"it versions.Windows6 +


    This edition of indo6s 8 is ai#ed at "eginning

    co#p!ter !sers. *t has the fe6est feat!res of the

    indo6s 8 editions. indo6s and @ista also had

    (tarter /ditions 6ith signicant li#itations. 3o6ever

    (tarter /ditions of those ,(s 6ere availa"le

    e9cl!sively in e#erging #arkets 6hile indo6s 8

    (tarter /dition 6ill "e availa"le to ,/Ms 6orld6ide.

    This version of indo6s is oered orld6ide thro!gh

    ,/M only.

    (tarter ships in a

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    ,%##ary of Ma:or Feat%res 1y dition

    Ta1le ;4 Windows + Feat%res 1y dition

    Feat%re Windows6

    + ,tarter


    6 + Ho#eBasic .M



    6 + Ho#ePre#i%#


    6 +Profession





    + Ulti#ate



    Task"ar G!#p


    N N N N N



    N N N N N

    Goin a 3o#eOro!pN N N N N

    indo6s Medialayer

    N N N N N



    N N N N N

    /nhanced Media


    N N N N N

    Action Center N N N N N&evice (tageP N N N N N/nhanced ho#e

    #edia strea#ing

    incl!ding lay To

    N N N N N

    =l!etooth s!pportN N N N N

    -a9 (can N N N N N=asic Hin"o9I


    N N N N N



    N N N N N



    Task"ar G!#p


    N N N N N

    Live Th!#"nail

    revie6s fro#


    N N N N

    -ast 4ser


    N N N N

    Create ad%hoc

    6ireless net6orks

    N N N N




    N N N N

    M!lti%#onitor N N N N

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 1;

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    s!pportindo6s Mo"ility

    Center D6'o


    settingsE Q

    N N N N

    Aero Olass




    N N N



    N N N

    indo6s To!ch

    DM!lti%to!ch and



    N N N

    Create a


    N N N

    indo6s MediaCenter N N N

    &@& @ideo

    play"ack and


    N N N

    re#i!# Rin"o9R


    N N N

    (nipping Tool

    (ticky $otes

    indo6s Go!rnal

    N N N



    Da!9iliary displayE

    N N N

    Location A6are


    N N

    &o#ain Goin

    Oro!p olicy


    N N

    +e#ote &esktop


    N N

    Advanced =ack%

    !p D$et6ork

    Oro!p olicyE

    N N

    /ncrypting -ile


    N N

    indo6s Mo"ility




    N N

    ,Sine -olders N N=itLocker

    =itLocker To Oo


    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 1

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    AppLocker N&irectAccess N=ranchCache NM4* Lang!age



    /nterprise (earch






    =oot fro# @3& N

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 18

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    5eco##ending a Windows + dition to C%sto#ers

    *f a c!sto#er asks yo! 6hat indo6s 8 edition yo! 6o!ld reco##end consider asking

    the follo6ing !estions and reco##ending the sol!tion listed.

    Fig%re ;4 5eco##ending a Windows + 0rc$itect%re

    -or #ore infor#ation a"o!t

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications


  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Windows 'ista ditions

    indo6s @ista shipped editions in t6o edition "ranches:

    Cons!#er: rovides feat!res foc!sed at cons!#ers. *ncl!des these editions fro#

    #ost to fe6est feat!res:

    o 4lti#ate

    o 3o#e re#i!#

    o 3o#e =asic

    o (tarter

    Co##ercial: rovides sec!rity and net6orking feat!res foc!sed at co##ercial

    !se. Also s!pports vol!#e licensing capa"ility for deploying #!ltiple Cs in a

    6ork environ#ent. *ncl!des these editions fro# #ost to fe6est feat!res:

    o /nterprise

    o =!siness

    5o! co!ld !pgrade 6ithin a "ranch De.g. fro# 3o#e re#i!# to 4lti#ateE "!t not across

    "ranches. The only e9ception to this 6as the !pgrade fro# =!siness to 4lti#ate 6hich

    6as s!pported.


  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    on a ta"let for# factor C and do#ain #e#"ership. *t is

    availa"le for retail p!rchase on ne6 Cs and in a vol!#e

    license version.

    indo6s @ista editions 3o#e =asic or =!siness and higher co!ld "e installed in either

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Windows 7P ditions

    indo6s originally shipped 6ith the follo6ing t6o editions:

    rofessional: This is the "!siness oriented edition. rofessional 6as availa"le in

    retail ,/M and vol!#e license for#s. This 6as the edition targeted atco##ercial and advanced ho#e !se.

    3o#e /dition: This is the "asic ho#e !se version of indo6s . *t lacked the

    #ore advanced sec!rity feat!res of rofessional s!ch as do#ain )oin encrypting

    le syste# and others.

    Later releases increased the set of /ditions in the indo6s fa#ily.

    Ta1le =4 Windows 7P ditions

    dition Notes

    indo6s rofessional Co##ercial !se version of indo6s 6ith f!ll

    sec!rity net6orking and do#ain #e#"ershipfeat!res. Also p!rchased "y #any ho#e !sers 6ho

    6ere interested in the specic feat!res incl!ded in

    this edition.

    indo6s 3o#e /dition This is the pri#ary edition of indo6s for ho#e


    indo6s Media Center /dition This edition 6as released after indo6s . *t

    provided an interface for !se 6ith a television and

    re#ote control. This 6as availa"le pri#arily on a

    ne6 C 6ith a T@ t!ner card to "e !sed as a ho#e

    theater C.

    Later releases !pdated these capa"ilities: Media Center /dition 200>

    Media Center /dition 200;

    Media Center /dition 200; 4pdate +oll!p 2

    indo6s Ta"let C /dition This later edition 6as designed for !se on a C in a

    ta"let for# factor 6ith a styl!s for inp!t. *t

    incl!des feat!res for pen inp!t s!ch as HinkI

    s!pport ? 6riting 6ith the pen as inp!t ? and

    hand6riting recognition.

    indo6s (tarter /dition This later edition of indo6s 6as released to

    provide a lo6er%cost indo6s license for Cs inso#e #arkets. The foc!s 6as on ho#e Cs.

    indo6s rofessional 9>


    This 6as a release of indo6s rofessional 6ith

    the a"ility to r!n in native >%"it #ode on the ne6

    9> Dalso kno6n as a#d>E architect!re.

    This is the only edition "!ilt on the indo6s (erver

    200< code "ase ? the server version in the sa#e

    indo6s generation as indo6s . This #akes

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 22

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    service packs for indo6s inco#pati"le 6ith

    indo6s 9> /dition. (pecial service packs are


    indo6s 3o#e /dition for


    indo6s 3o#e /dition for(!"scription

    These variations of indo6s 3o#e /dition 6ere

    designed 6ith Microsoft -le9Oo technology. These

    Cs 6ere sold in so#e #arkets 6here !p%front cost6as seen as a "arrier to C o6nership. ith

    -le9Oo yo! co!ld p!rchase a ne6 C at a lo6 cost

    and pay overti#e via a periodic s!"scription

    charges or thro!gh prepaid cards that 6o!ld !nlike

    !sage ti#e. The #odel 6as #!ch like a prepaid or

    contract s!"sidi7ed #o"ile phone.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 2

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    &a14 Installing Windows

    *n this la" yo! 6ill install indo6s on yo!r classroo# C. (elect the /9ercises #ost

    appropriate for yo!r s!pport scope "ased on the g!idance provided "y yo!r instr!ctor.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &a1

    This la" takes 0%120 #in!tes to co#plete depending on the e9ercises selected.


    To perfor# this la" yo! 6ill need the follo6ing:

    A C that #eets the hard6are re!ire#ents for indo6s 8.

    indo6s installation #edia.

    !ercise4 Install Windows 7P

    *f yo! 6ill "e s!pporting indo6s co#plete the steps "elo6.

    1. (tart yo!r C !sing the indo6s C&%+,M.

    a. -ollo6 the steps to install indo6s to the rst partition on yo!r

    classroo# co#p!ter follo6ing g!idance fro# yo!r instr!ctor.

    i. &!ring set!p create a 20 O= partition for indo6s.

    ii. *nstall indo6s to this partition.

    ". hile installing if yo! are !sing indo6s (1 or earlier #edia yo!

    sho!ld disconnect yo!r C fro# the net6ork to protect against #al6are

    infection d!ring and after set!p. +e#ain disconnected fro# the net6ork

    !ntil yo! have ena"led the -ire6all D*nternet Connection -ire6allE.

    c. $ear the end of (et!p enter the !serna#e H(t!dentI 6hen pro#pted.

    d. -ollo6 yo!r instr!ctorBs g!idance for entering a co#p!ter na#e.

    2. +esolve any set!p iss!es enco!ntered 6ith the help of the instr!ctor and peers in

    yo!r class.

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    ". (tart installing indo6s 8 as a C!sto# installation.

    c. hen yo! reach the step asking 6here yo! 6ant to install create a ne6

    >0 O= partition for indo6s 8 !sing these steps:

    i. Click 2ri?e o"tions .ad?anced/

    ii. (elect an H4nallocated spaceI entry in the drives list that has atleast >0 O= free space.

    iii. Click New.

    iv. /nter the ne6 partition si7e as >0K0 M=.

    v. roceed 6ith the installation to this ne6 partition.

    d. $ear the end of (et!p enter the !serna#e H(t!dentI 6hen pro#pted.

    e. -ollo6 yo!r instr!ctorBs g!idance for entering a co#p!ter na#e.

    2. +esolve any !estions or iss!es enco!ntered 6ith the help of the instr!ctor and

    peers in yo!r class.

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  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Copy Move and &elete

    3ide -ile /9tensions

    3idden -iles


    The #ain #ethod for nding and starting progra#s in indo6s 8 is via search. The (tart

    Men! provides a search eld. To r!n any installed progra# or open a indo6s interface

    search for it in this search eld.

    2e#o4 ,tarting Progra#s wit$ ,earc$

    ,pen a fe6 indo6s interfaces 6ith search:



    ,n%(creen ey"oard


    indo6s 8 presents data les to yo! in the for# of Li"raries. This is also provided via

    (earch. The search inde9 for yo!r les is e9posed into categori7ed Li"rary folders for

    ease of access. These Li"raries are displayed in indo6s /9plorer in the left pane as

    sho6n "elo6.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 28

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Fig%re @4 &i1raries in Windows !"lorer

    /ach li"rary sho6s a certain type of le ? doc!#ents #!sic pict!res or video les ? in

    #!ltiple locations. 5o! can add additional folder paths if yo! 6ant to incl!de yo!r o6n

    folder locations in the li"rary scope.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 2J

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Control Panel

    The interface for cong!ring and #aintaining indo6s is called the Control anel. This

    is a special folder that provides access to cong!ration interfaces for indo6s and

    installed progra#s.

    Fig%re +4 Control Panel

    ey Control anel interfaces incl!de:

    (yste# roperties

    &evice Manager

    rogra#s and -eat!res

    ro"le# +eports and (ol!tions

    indo6s 4pdate

    (ec!rity Center

    4ser Acco!nts

    $et6ork and (haring Center

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 2K

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    2e#o4 Control Panel

    ,pen each of the follo6ing Control anel interfaces and disc!ss key f!nctionality

    provided "y each:

    1. (yste# roperties

    a. Main vie6 % indo6s version co#p!ter na#e Activation'Oen!ine stat!s

    ". (yste# rotection (ettings

    c. +evie6 4ser role List in Advanced (yste# (ettings

    2. &evice Manager

    a. @ie6 device list

    ". +e#ove pro"le# devices

    c. Check for hard6are changes

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Windows U"dates and ,er?ice Pac9s

    indo6s e9ists in a changing C landscape ? ne6 hard6are soft6are !ser scenarios

    and sec!rity threads arise each day. Microsoft #akes !pdates availa"le to c!rrently

    s!pported indo6s versions as sho6n in the Microsoft Lifecycle to stay c!rrent in this

    changing ecosyste#.

    As ne6 iss!es are fo!nd and resolved Microsoft releases !pdates for indo6s and other

    prod!cts. The pri#ary #ethod for cons!#ers to o"tain these !pdates is indo6s

    4pdate. This service eval!ates availa"le !pdates to provide yo! 6ith a list of !pdates to

    install "ased on yo!r indo6s version lang!age and previo!sly installed !pdates.

    indo6s 4pdate is sho6n "elo6.

    Fig%re A4 Windows U"date

    Note4 ,n older versions of indo6s s!ch as indo6s and earlier indo6s 4pdate

    is provided as a 6e" site ? http:''!pdate.#icrosoft.co#. 5o! can !se this 4+L to !pdate

    a indo6s C.

    A service pack D(E is a special !pdate 6hich collects together previo!sly released

    !pdates and occasionally ne6 f!nctionality. hen yo! have a certain service pack this

    helps identify the state of yo!r C. (o for indo6s 8 6ith (ervice ack 1 installed 6e

    6o!ld say that yo! are r!nning Hindo6s 8 (1I. 5o! sho!ld have the latest indo6s

    service pack installed 6henever possi"le.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    (ervice packs can either "e do6nloaded like other !pdates or yo! #ay "e a"le to order

    (ervice ack 4pdate #edia fro# Microsoft to !pdate yo!r indo6s C 6ith the service


    *nstallation #edia for the latest indo6s version is typically !pdated to incl!de the

    latest service pack. This #eans that yo! do not need to install the service pack after

    perfor#ing a clean installation fro# that #edia. *t also helps ens!re that ne6 Cs do notneed to install large n!#"ers of !pdates after p!rchase.

    Windows + ,er?ice Pac9s

    indo6s 8 service packs can "e installed as an !pdate to indo6s. 5o! can install on

    one C via indo6s 4pdate or do6nload a f!ll installation package to !pdate several


    Ta1le @4 Windows + ,er?ice Pac9s




    indo6s 8


    rovides the follo6ing for cons!#ers:

    revio!sly released !pdates

    Minor iss!es are resolved

    The service pack incl!des #ore signicant changes for indo6s

    (erver 200J +2 and enterprise environ#ents. (ee:


    Windows + ,er?ice Pac9 3

    Most of the i#pact of indo6s 8 (1 co#es fro# the collection of previo!sly released

    !pdates. There are only #odest ne6 changes introd!ced in indo6s 8 (1 that co!ld

    i#pact Cons!#er (!pport.

    -or additional infor#ation on !pdates and changes in indo6s 8 (1 see the $ota"le

    Changes doc!#ent 6hich is linked fro# the Tech$et page on (1 here:


    Windows 'ista ,er?ice Pac9s

    At the ti#e of the 6riting (2 is the latest availa"le indo6s @ista (ervice ack. 5o!

    sho!ld have the latest indo6s service pack installed 6henever possi"le.

    Ta1le +4 Windows 'ista ,er?ice Pac9s

    ,er?ice Pac9 2escri"tion

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    indo6s @ista



    revio!sly released !pdates

    erfor#ance i#prove#ents

    (!pport for ne6 3ard6are technologies: e9-AT J02.11n

    ireless $et6orking and others.

    $e6 lo6%level interfaces for antivir!s soft6are vendors.

    indo6s @ista



    revio!sly released !pdates

    M!lti#edia perfor#ance i#prove#ents

    indo6s (earch >.0

    ,ther i#prove#ents.

    +e!ires (1 to "e installed in order to install this !pdate.

    Windows 'ista ,er?ice Pac9 3

    indo6s @ista (ervice (1 contains previo!sly released !pdates as 6ell as

    enhance#ents in relia"ility perfor#ance co#pati"ility and s!pport for ne6 technology


    The reco##ended Dand easiestE 6ay to get (1 is to t!rn on a!to#atic !pdating in

    indo6s 4pdate in Control anel and 6ait for indo6s @ista to notify yo! that (1 is

    ready to install. 5o! can also #an!ally do6nload (1 fro# the Microsoft &o6nload

    Center. $e6 co#p!ters p!rchased after the release of a indo6s (ervice ack 6ill

    typically "e shipped 6ith the service pack already installed.

    -or #ore infor#ation a"o!t indo6s @ista (1 cons!lt the ( ho#e page at


    Windows 'ista ,er?ice Pac9 )

    indo6s @ista (ervice ack 1 D(1E is availa"le at no charge for all !sers r!nning a

    gen!ine version of indo6s @ista. *t contains previo!sly released !pdates as 6ell as

    enhance#ents in relia"ility perfor#ance co#pati"ility and s!pport for ne6 technology


    Windows 7P ,er?ice Pac9s

    At the ti#e of the 6riting (< is the latest availa"le indo6s (ervice ack.

    Ta1le A4 Windows 'ista ,er?ice Pac9s

    ,er?ice Pac9 2escri"tion

    indo6s *ncl!des:

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    (1 revio!sly released !pdates.

    (!pport for ne6 hard6are technologies: 4(= 2.0 larger

    hard drives



    This 6as a #a)or !pdate 6ith a foc!s on sec!rity i#prove#ents

    and ne6 sec!rity capa"ilities:

    revio!sly released !pdates.

    indo6s (ec!rity Center 6hich sho6s 6hether yo! have

    certain "asic sec!rity reco##endations i#ple#ented to

    help protect yo!r C fro# #al6are.

    *#proved re6all ena"led "y defa!lt.

    (!pport for ne6 hard6are technologies: =l!etooth A

    encryption for 6ireless net6orks

    More infor#ation on this service pack is provided "elo6.



    To perfor# this la" yo! 6ill need the follo6ing:

    A C 6ith indo6s 8 installed

    *nternet access

    !ercise4 Windows ,ec%rity and Maintenance

    1. (tart the co#p!ter to indo6s 8:

    a. Check for Action Center for 6arnings or notications. hat is listedV

    ". &isa"le indo6s -ire6all !sing the Control anel indo6s -ire6all


    c. 3as the state of Action Center changedV *f so ho6V

    d. +e%ena"le indo6s -ire6all.

    e. List the reco##ended ele#entDsE of ho#e !ser indo6s sec!rity thatcannot "e satised 6itho!t additional soft6are.

    f. &o6nload and install Microsoft (ec!rity /ssentials.

    g. &id this satisfy all of the reco##endations in Action CenterV

    2. (tart the co#p!ter to indo6s :

    a. Check for (ec!rity Center for 6arnings or notications. hat is listedV

    ". &isa"le indo6s -ire6all !sing the Control anel indo6s -ire6all


    c. 3as the state of (ec!rity Center changedV *f so ho6V

    d. +e%ena"le indo6s -ire6all.

    e. List the reco##ended ele#entDsE of ho#e !ser indo6s sec!rity that

    cannot "e satised 6itho!t additional soft6are.

    f. &o6nload and install Microsoft (ec!rity /ssentials.

    g. &id this satisfy all of the reco##endations in (ec!rity CenterV

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly >2

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Lesson: 4sers and Oro!ps

    This #od!le disc!sses the concepts of !ser acco!nts !ser proles gro!ps and

    per#issions. These are core concepts related to sec!rity on a indo6s C.


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to:

    &isc!ss !ser acco!nts on indo6s.

    &e#onstrate the steps to check and change gro!p #e#"ership.

    /9plore yo!r !ser prole folder.

    Check and change per#issions for a folder in indo6s.

    &isc!ss 4AC cong!ration options.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &esson

    This #od!le takes appro9i#ately >; #in!tes to co#plete.

    La"s in this #od!le take an additional

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Users 0cco%nts

    A !ser acco!nt is a collection of infor#ation that tells indo6s 6hich !ser rights and

    access per#issions yo! have on the co#p!ter. The !ser acco!nt records yo!r !ser

    na#e pass6ord and a !ni!e n!#"er that identies yo!r acco!nt. 5o! !se yo!r !ser

    acco!nt 6hen yo! enter yo!r !ser na#e and pass6ord to log on to the co#p!ter.

    There are fo!r kinds of !ser acco!nts in indo6s. /ach acco!nt type has dierent rights

    and restrictions.

    Ta1le 4 User Ty"es

    User Ty"e 2escri"tion

    ,tandard (tandard acco!nt !sers can !se #ost soft6are and change syste#

    settings that do not aect other !sers or sec!rity on the co#p!ter.

    The standard acco!nt is the acco!nt to !se for everyday co#p!ting.

    0d#inistrator Ad#inistrators have co#plete access to the co#p!ter and can

    #ake desired changes. To help #ake the co#p!ter #ore sec!read#inistrators are asked to provide their pass6ord or conr#ation

    "efore #aking changes that aect other !sers.

    The ad#inistrator acco!nt provides the #ost control over the

    co#p!ter and sho!ld only "e !sed 6hen necessary.

    G%est *f yo! t!rn on the O!est acco!nt people 6ho do not have an

    acco!nt can !se the g!est acco!nt to log on to the co#p!ter.

    ass6ord%protected les folders or settings are not accessi"le to

    g!est !sers.



    (ervices are progra#s that r!n in the "ackgro!nd. This type of

    progra# needs an acco!nt to access reso!rces and o")ects on the

    operating syste# so a special type of acco!nt is provided for the#.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly >>

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    5o! can vie6 !sers in the User 0cco%ntsinterface in Control anel. A single

    ad#inistrator%type !ser acco!nt is sho6n "elo6.

    Fig%re 3;4 User 0cco%nts

    The Manage anot$er acco%ntoption in the vie6 a"ove is the option that takes yo! to

    a list of all the !ser login acco!nts on this indo6s installation. (pecial acco!nts likeservice acco!nts are not sho6n as they sho!ld not "e #odied "y !sers.

    2e#o4 User 0cco%nts

    1. 4sing the 4ser Acco!nts Control anel create a ne6 standard !ser acco!nt

    2. Logon as the ne6 !ser.

    . Then logon as the original !ser again.

    ;. *n 4ser Acco!nts change the pass6ord for the ne6 !ser acco!nt. &isc!ss the

    6arning provided.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly >;

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications


    The !ser type for each !ser acco!nt is deter#ined "y its gro!p #e#"ership.

    Users gro%": Me#"ers of the 4sers gro!p are (tandard !sers and have li#ited

    access to the C. (tandard !sers can change settings that aect only their

    indo6s !sage. They cannot change syste# settings or access other !sersB les.

    0d#inistrators gro%": Me#"ers of the Ad#inistrators gro!p are

    Ad#inistrators and have 6ide control over aspects of indo6s. Me#"ers of this

    gro!p can gain access to all the les stored on the C. *f yo! are in "oth 4sers

    and Ad#inistrators yo! are an Ad#inistrator.

    G%ests gro%": Me#"ers of the O!ests gro!p are O!ests and have very li#ited

    access to the C. This is little !sed on #ost cons!#er Cs.

    An ad#inistrator can change the gro!p #e#"ership of a !ser 6ith the C$ange yo%r

    acco%nt ty"eoption sho6n in /rror: +eference so!rce not fo!nd.

    Note4To vie6 indo6s gro!ps directly !se the &ocal Users and Gro%"s interfaceavaila"le in Co#"%ter Manage#ent.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly >

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    User Proles

    art of the cong!ration of a !ser acco!nt is the path to the !serBs prole. The !ser

    prole is a folder containing yo!r les and settings. The e9a#ple "elo6 identies

    several key ele#ents that are incl!ded in the prole:

    1. App&ata folder 6hich contains !ser%specic les for installed progra#s. This

    incl!des things like te#plate les for !se in an ,Uce progra# cong!ration

    les for a photo editing progra# te#porary *nternet les and other les that

    are needed "y progra#s on yo!r co#p!ter.

    2. $T4ser.&AT 6hich is the !ser%specic registry le. This contains settings that

    c!sto#i7e yo!r indo6s and progra# cong!ration.

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Fig%re 3J

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Windows 7P Prole

    indo6s saves !ser proles in a dierent folder than indo6s 8 ? H&oc!#ents and

    (ettingsI. The e9a#ple "elo6 sho6s a sa#ple indo6s prole:

    1. Application &ata folder 6hich contains !ser%specic les for installed progra#s.

    2. $T4ser.&AT 6hich is the !ser%specic registry le.


  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Per#issions Basics

    5o!r !ser acco!nt is ho6 indo6s identies yo! on the co#p!ter. *n order to deter#ine

    6hat yo! sho!ld "e a"le to access indo6s !ses per#issions. This is a set of attri"!tes

    on each folder le and registry key that lists the level of control each !ser or gro!p can

    e9ert on the o")ect.

    The types of actions controlled "y per#issions incl!de:

    +eading an o")ect. /9a#ple: opening a le.

    /9ec!ting an o")ect. /9a#ple: r!nning a progra# le.

    riting to an o")ect. /9a#ple: saving a le.

    &eleting an o")ect.

    *f yo! try to perfor# an action that is not per#itted d!e to yo!r acco!nt and the

    o")ectBs per#issions yo! 6ill receive an HAccess &eniedI error #essage.

    To see the properties of an ite# open the o")ectBs roperties and go to the (ec!rity ta".

    An e9a#ple of the

    Fig%re 3@4 Folder Per#issions

    $otice that the 4sers gro!p is not sho6n. This #eans that other !sers on the co#p!ter

    6ill not "e a"le to open the My &oc!#ents folder in #y !ser prole. *t is private.

    Ad#inistrators ho6ever have access.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;0

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    5o! can #odify the per#issions of an o")ect !sing the ditor 0d?anced"!ttons. This

    gives yo! the a"ility to grant access to other !sers.

    2e#o4 Per#issions

    1. @ie6 the per#issions for yo!r !ser prole folder.

    2. Add +ead /9ec!te per#issions to this folder for another !ser acco!nt on the C

    Ds!ch as the ne6 !ser created in the previo!s de#onstrationE.

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    ,a?ed Passwords

    Credential Manageris the #echanis# 6ithin indo6s 8 that is !sed to save !ser

    na#es and pass6ords that are !sed to connect to net6ork reso!rces s!ch as le shares

    or 6e" sites.

    Fig%re 3+ 8 Credential Manager

    The pass6ords saved in the va!lt are incl!ded 6hen yo! perfor# a syste# i#age

    "ack!p. *f yo! 6ant to preserve yo!r saved credentials separate fro# a syste# i#age

    "ack!p !se the Bac9 %" ?a%ltoption here. This creates a .C+& le containing yo!rsaved credentials. This is especially !sef!l for retaining yo!r saved credentials 6hen

    perfor#ing a reinstallation.

    Credential Manager is #!ch the sa#e as the Manage Networ9 PasswordsControl

    anel in indo6s @ista and the ,tored User Na#es and Passwords interface in

    indo6s . The interfaces in the older versions of indo6s do not provide a "ack!p

    and restore capa"ility 6hich is the pri#ary ne6 i#prove#ent in indo6s 8.

    ,a?ed Passwords and Internet !"lorer

    5o! can also save pass6ords !sing *nternet /9plorer. These pass6ords are saved as part

    of the A!toCo#plete feat!re 6hich yo! can #anage in Internet O"tions ContentA!toCo#plete ,ettings.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;2

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    User 0cco%nt Control

    4ser Acco!nt Control D4ACE is a feat!re that can help prevent !na!thori7ed changes to

    yo!r co#p!ter. 4AC does this "y asking yo! for per#ission or an ad#inistrator

    pass6ord "efore perfor#ing actions that co!ld potentially aect yo!r co#p!terWs

    operation or that change settings that aect other !sers. hen yo! see a 4AC #essage

    read it caref!lly and then #ake s!re the na#e of the action or progra# thatWs a"o!t to

    start is one that yo! intended to start.

    =y verifying these actions "efore they start 4AC can help prevent #alicio!s soft6are

    D#al6areE and spy6are fro# installing or #aking changes to yo!r co#p!ter 6itho!t


    hen yo!r per#ission or pass6ord is needed to co#plete a task 4AC 6ill alert yo! 6ith

    one of the follo6ing #essages:

    Ta1le 3*4 U0C Messages

    Icon Ty"e 2escri"tion

    A setting or feat!re that

    is part of indo6s needs

    yo!r per#ission to start.

    This ite# has a valid digital signat!re that veries

    that Microsoft is the p!"lisher of this ite#. *f yo!

    get this type of dialog "o9 itWs !s!ally safe to

    contin!e. *f yo! are !ns!re check the na#e of the

    progra# or f!nction to decide if itBs so#ething yo!

    6ant to r!n.

    A progra# that is not

    part of indo6s needs

    yo!r per#ission to start.

    This progra# has a valid digital signat!re 6hich

    helps to ens!re that the progra# is 6hat it clai#s

    to "e and veries the identity of the p!"lisher of

    the progra#. *f yo! get this type of dialog "o9

    #ake s!re the progra# is the one that yo! 6ant tor!n and that yo! tr!st the p!"lisher.

    A progra# 6ith an

    !nkno6n p!"lisher

    needs yo!r per#ission to


    This progra# doesnWt have a valid digital signat!re

    fro# its p!"lisher. This doesnWt necessarily indicate

    danger as #any older legiti#ate progra#s lack

    signat!res. 3o6ever yo! sho!ld !se e9tra ca!tion

    and only allo6 a progra# to r!n if yo! o"tained it

    fro# a tr!sted so!rce s!ch as the original C& or a

    p!"lisherWs 6e"site. *f yo! are !ns!re look !p the

    na#e of the progra# on the *nternet to deter#ine

    if it is a kno6n progra# or #alicio!s soft6are.

    5o! have "een "locked"y yo!r syste#

    ad#inistrator fro#

    r!nning this progra#.

    This progra# has "een "locked "eca!se it is kno6nto "e !ntr!sted. To r!n this progra# yo! need to

    contact yo!r syste# ad#inistrator.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    How does U0C Wor9

    ,n indo6s 8 and indo6s @ista "oth standard !sers and ad#inistrators access

    reso!rces and r!n applications in the sec!rity conte9t of standard !sers "y defa!lt. This

    #eans that even if yo! are a #e#"er of the ad#inistrators gro!p yo! do not have f!ll

    ad#inistrator capa"ilities all the ti#e.

    hen any !ser logs on to a co#p!ter the syste# creates an access token for the !ser.

    This access token contains infor#ation a"o!t the level of access that the !ser is

    granted incl!ding specic sec!rity identiers D(*&sE and indo6s privileges. hen an

    ad#inistrator logs on this version of indo6s creates t6o separate access tokens for

    the !ser: a standard !ser access token and an ad#inistrator access token. The standard

    !ser access token contains the sa#e !ser%specic infor#ation as the ad#inistrator

    access token "!t the ad#inistrative indo6s privileges and (*&s have "een re#oved.

    The standard !ser access token is !sed to start applications that do not perfor#

    ad#inistrative tasks DRstandard !ser applicationsRE.

    hen the ad#inistrator needs to r!n applications that perfor# ad#inistrative tasks

    DRad#inistrator applicationsRE this version of indo6s pro#pts the !sers to change orHelevateI their sec!rity conte9t fro# a standard !ser to an ad#inistrator. This defa!lt

    ad#inistrator !ser e9perience is called Ad#in Approval Mode. *n this #ode applications

    re!ire specic per#ission to r!n as an ad#inistrator application Dan application that

    has the sa#e access as an ad#inistratorE.

    hen an ad#inistrator application is starting "y defa!lt a 4ser Acco!nt Control

    #essage appears. *f the !ser is an ad#inistrator the #essage gives a choice to allo6

    the application to start or to prevent it fro# starting. *f the !ser is a standard !ser the

    !ser can enter the !ser na#e and pass6ord of an acco!nt that is a #e#"er of the local

    Ad#inistrators gro!p.

    C$anges in Windows +

    indo6s 8 #ade a change to the 4AC e9perience "y red!cing the overall n!#"er of

    pro#pts 6hich the re#aining pro#pts #ore #eaningf!l 6hen they do appear. The

    follo6ing lists so#e of the changes to 4AC in indo6s 8.

    4sers are presented 6ith fo!r choices for the 4AC pro#pt e9perience thro!gh a

    ne6 control panel interface.

    The 4AC settings screen is #ore discovera"le and #ore !nderstanda"le.

    The defa!lt setting for 4AC is set to notify 6hen progra#s atte#pt to change

    settings 6hich #akes 4AC pro#pts less fre!ent in nor#al !se of the C.

    Additional indo6s operations that !sers perfor# often are ena"led to 6ork

    6itho!t ad#inistrative rights.

    There are n!#ero!s instances of d!plicate notications for co##on activities

    that are red!ced for e9a#ple 6hen installing applications fro# */.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;>

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    *t is easier for ad#inistrators to look at specic indo6s settings on the syste#

    6itho!t needing ad#inistrative privileges. This is possi"le "y refactoring #any of

    o!r control panel applications to separate interfaces for vie6ing syste# settings

    fro# those that #odify the#.

    *n indo6s @ista there 6ere only t6o 4AC setting choices vers!s the > availa"le in

    indo6s 8. The indo6s @ista 4* #akes it diUc!lt for people to choose to not receivenotications thro!gh 4AC pro#pts. The changes in indo6s 8 oer #ore choice and

    control over this feat!re.

    *n indo6s 8 fe6er operating syste# applications and tasks re!ire elevation and

    local ad#inistrators have #ore control over consent pro#pt "ehavior to red!ce !ser


    *n indo6s @ista ad#inistrative repairs 6ere #i9ed in 6ith the non%ad#inistrative

    repairs res!lting in a high n!#"er of ad#inistrator pro#pts. =ased on c!sto#er

    feed"ack indo6s 8 red!ces the n!#"er of pro#pts. $et6ork diagnostics tries all

    a!to#atic repairs that do not re!ire elevation rst.


    5o! can cong!re 4AC settings in indo6s 8. To access the settings interface !se one

    of the follo6ing paths.

    Control anel XOetting (tarted. Clic9 C$oose w$en to 1e notied a1o%t

    c$anges to yo%r co#"%terEClick C$ange yo%r settings.

    Control anelX4ser Acco!ntsX4ser Acco!nts. Click C$ange User 0cco%nt

    Control settings.

    Control anelX(yste# and (ec!rityXAction Center. Click C$ange User 0cco%nt

    Control settings.

    Click the Action Center icon. Click ,pen Action Center. Click C$ange User

    0cco%nt Control settings.

    The settings interface is sho6n "elo6.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;;

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    Lesson: Applications

    Fig%re 3A 8 U0C 2efa%lt setting

    Cong%ring User 0cco%nt Control ,ettings

    The fo!r settings for the 4AC feat!re in indo6s 8 are disc!ssed "elo6.

    "lways Notify

    Al6ays $otify #e 6hen:

    o rogra#s try to install soft6are or #ake changes to #y co#p!ter.

    o * #ake changes to indo6s settings.

    2escri"tion: 5o! 6ill "e notied "efore progra#s #ake changes to yo!r co#p!ter or

    indo6s settings that re!ire the per#issions of an ad#inistrator. hen yo! are

    notied yo!r desktop 6ill "e di##ed and yo! #!st either approve or deny the re!est

    in the 4AC dialog "o9 "efore yo! can do anything else on yo!r co#p!ter. The di##ing

    of yo!r desktop is referred to as the sec!re desktop "eca!se other progra#s cannot r!n6hile it is di##ed.

    ,ec%rity I#"act: This is the #ost sec!re setting. hen yo! are notied yo! sho!ld

    caref!lly read the contents of each dialog "o9 "efore allo6ing changes to "e #ade to

    yo!r co#p!ter.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    !efault* Only Notify when rorams +a'e &hanes

    &efa!lt ? $otify #e only 6hen progra#s try to #ake changes to #y co#p!ter.

    &o not notify #e 6hen * #ake changes to indo6s settings.

    2escri"tion: 5o! 6ill "e notied "efore progra#s #ake changes to yo!r co#p!ter that

    re!ire the per#issions of an ad#inistrator. 5o! 6ill not "e notied if yo! try to #ake

    changes to indo6s settings that re!ire the per#issions of an ad#inistrator. 5o! 6ill

    "e notied if a progra# o!tside of indo6s tries to #ake changes to a indo6s setting.

    ,ec%rity I#"act: This setting has a #edi!# level of sec!rity. *t is !s!ally safe to allo6

    changes to "e #ade to indo6s settings 6itho!t yo! "eing notied. 3o6ever certain

    progra#s that co#e 6ith indo6s can have co##ands or data passed to the# and

    #alicio!s soft6are can take advantage of this "y !sing these progra#s to install les or

    change settings on yo!r co#p!ter.

    This is the defa!lt setting for indo6s 8 "oth on clean installations and on !pgrade

    installations fro# indo6s @ista to indo6s 8.

    Only Notify when rorams +a'e &hanes and !o Not !im

    $otify #e only 6hen progra#s try to #ake changes to #y co#p!ter Ddo not di# #y


    &onBt notify #e 6hen * #ake changes to indo6s settings.

    2escri"tion: 5o! 6ill "e notied "efore progra#s #ake changes to yo!r co#p!ter or

    indo6s settings that re!ire the per#issions of an ad#inistrator. 5o! need to either

    approve or deny the re!est in the 4AC dialog "o9 to contin!e 6ith that task "!t yo!

    can still do other things on yo!r co#p!ter 6hile the 4AC dialog "o9 is open. This setting

    is fairly sec!re.

    ,ec%rity I#"act: =eca!se the 4AC dialog "o9 is not on the (ec!re &esktop 6ith this

    setting other progra#s #ight "e a"le to interfere 6ith the dialogWs vis!al appearance.

    Ne#er Notify

    $ever notify #e 6hen:

    rogra#s try to install or #ake changes to #y co#p!ter.

    * #ake changes to indo6s settings.

    2escri"tion: 5o! 6ill not "e notied "efore any changes are #ade to yo!r co#p!ter. *fyo! are logged on as an ad#inistrator progra#s can #ake changes to yo!r co#p!ter

    6itho!t yo! kno6ing a"o!t it. *f yo! are logged on as a standard !ser any changes that

    re!ire the per#issions on an ad#inistrator 6ill a!to#atically "e denied. *f yo! select

    this setting yo! 6ill need to restart the co#p!ter to co#plete the process of t!rning o

    4AC. ,nce 4AC is o people that log on as ad#inistrator 6ill al6ays have the

    per#issions of an ad#inistrator.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;8

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    Lesson: Applications

    Note: *f this 4AC setting is selected */ 6ill r!n in protected #ode 6ith no 4AC

    pro#pts. 3o6ever protected #ode can "e cong!red independently !sing *nternet


    ,ec%rity I#"act4This is the least sec!re setting. hen yo! t!rn o 4AC yo! open !p

    yo!r co#p!ter to potential sec!rity risks. *f yo! t!rn o 4AC yo! sho!ld "e caref!l

    a"o!t 6hich progra#s yo! r!n "eca!se they 6ill have the sa#e access to the co#p!teras yo! do. This incl!des reading and #aking changes to protected syste# areas yo!r

    personal data saved les and anything else stored on the co#p!ter. rogra#s 6ill also

    "e a"le to co##!nicate and transfer infor#ation to and fro# anything yo!r co#p!ter

    connects 6ith incl!ding the *nternet.

    Best Practices and Tro%1les$ooting

    *t is reco##ended to !se 4AC in indo6s 8 6hen it is availa"le. Additional

    tro!"leshooting and "est practices are disc!ssed "elo6.

    Best Practices

    Consider the follo6ing "est practices for 4AC:

    2efa%lt or Hig$er 5eco##ended: *t is reco##ended that yo! !se the defa!lt

    4AC setting or higher. The defa!lt 4AC level has "een i#proved in indo6s 8 to

    red!ce the n!#"er of pro#pts 6hile still ens!ring yo! are notied of potential


    No ,%""ort-initiated 5ed%ction of U0C &e?el: &o not reco##end a red!ced

    4AC level to a c!sto#er !nless there is a re!est fro# the# to change it or a

    direct need for tro!"leshooting. *f there is a need to disa"le 4AC for

    tro!"leshooting yo! sho!ld ret!rn to the defa!lt setting 6hen the

    tro!"leshooting is co#pleted.

    5eco##end ,tandard 0cco%nts: *t is reco##ended that c!sto#ers !se

    (tandard 4ser acco!nts 6hen possi"le partic!larly for !sers 6ho #ay

    inadvertently #ake syste# changes. This can help red!ce the likelihood of a

    sec!rity or relia"ility iss!e.

    !ercise Ca%tion wit$ 2ownloads: 5o! sho!ld "e ca!tio!s 6hen do6nloading

    and r!nning progra#s fro# the *nternet or fro# potentially !ntr!sted so!rces.

    4AC can help yo! keep yo!r co#p!ter #ore sec!re "!t once #alicio!s soft6are

    is copied to yo!r co#p!ter there is no g!arantee of safety.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;J

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    &a14 Users and Gro%"s

    This la" e9plores !ser acco!nts and !ser proles.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &a1

    This la" takes appro9i#ately %ire#ents

    To perfor# this la" yo! 6ill need the follo6ing:

    A C 6ith indo6s 8 installed

    !ercise4 Wor9ing wit$ Users and Per#issions

    1. (tart the co#p!ter to indo6s 8.

    2. hat !ser acco!nts are c!rrently cong!red in indo6s on yo!r CV

    . Create a ne6 ad#inistrator !ser na#ed HL!cyI.

    ;. After the !sers are created check the C:X4sers folder to see if they have !ser

    proles yet.

    . Log on to the co#p!ter as L!cy.

    a. Create a te9t le in L!cyBs private doc!#ents folder DMy &oc!#entsE.". Create another in the !"lic doc!#ents folder.

    8. Log o and then log on as =ill.

    a. Can yo! access L!cyBs private doc!#ents folderV

    ". Can yo! access the doc!#ent in the !"lic doc!#ents folderV

    c. Create a doc!#ent in =illBs private doc!#ents folder.

    d. @ie6 the per#issions of =illBs private doc!#ents folder.

    J. Log o and then log on as L!cy again.

    K. hat happens 6hen yo! try to get to =illBs private foldersV

    10. hy is this dierent fro# 6hat yo! sa6 6hile logged on as =illV

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;K

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Lesson: Applications

    This #od!le e9a#ines applications r!nning on indo6s. This incl!des application

    !sage application types application installation and re#oval and application

    co#pati"ility considerations.


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to:

    &isc!ss application types s!pported on indo6s.

    ,!tline the steps to install and re#ove applications.

    &isc!ss application co#pati"ility reso!rces.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &esson

    This #od!le takes appro9i#ately 1; #in!tes to co#plete.

    La"s in this #od!le take an additional >; #in!tes to co#plete.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 0

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications





    The .$/T -ra#e6ork is a r!nti#e co#ponent installed on indo6s

    6hich provides s!pport for .$/T -ra#e6ork Applications. This

    technology #akes application develop#ent easier "y providing

    #any re!sa"le co#ponents for a progra# developer.


    Gava is a lang!age for progra#s often !sed on the *nternet in a"ro6ser "!t 6hich #ay also "e standalone progra#s. *n order to

    r!n Gava applications yo! #!st have the Gava +!nti#e installed.

    This is availa"le fro# Gava.co#.

    Finding 0""lications in Windows

    hen yo! install an application it is typically added to the (tart Men! as a shortc!t yo!

    can !se to la!nch it.

    Fig%re 34 ,tart Men% Progra#s

    +ecently installed progra#s are highlighted for yo! as sho6n in the e9a#ple a"ove.

    This is done to help nd the progra#s yo! have installed and are likely to 6ant to r!n.

    hile the (tart Men! contains the shortc!ts to start progra#s the les for each

    application are typically installed to the HC:Xrogra# -ilesI folder or to the HC:Xrogra#

    -iles D9JEI folder if yo! are installing a

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  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Installing and 5e#o?ing Progra#s

    The steps yo! !se to install progra# vary "!t typically involve r!nning a set!p

    progra#. This co!ld "e fro# a do6nloaded installation so!rce or fro# an optical disc.

    This progra# copies les needed "y the application registers services or feat!res 6ith

    indo6s and sets !p its defa!lt cong!ration for !sers to r!n the progra#.

    Note: *nstalling applications so#eti#es re!ires yo! to "e an ad#inistrator on the C.

    This is for progra#s that install for !se "y any !ser acco!nt on the co#p!ter or 6hich

    need to #ake syste# changes to r!n correctly. ,ther applications #ay install for )!st

    one !ser 6itho!t the need for ad#inistrator per#issions.

    0""lication Co#"ati1ility

    Will #y "rogra# wor9 wit$ #y ?ersion of Windows

    =eyond the application type there co!ld "e co#pati"ility iss!es that prevent an

    application fro# r!nning on a ne6er or older version of indo6s. ,ften there are

    specic progra##ing actions !sed that changed in indo6s necessitating an !pdate to

    the progra# if yo! 6ant to r!n it on a ne6 version of indo6s.

    To check 6hether a progra# is co#pati"le 6ith indo6s 8 !se the indo6s 8

    Co#pati"ility Center: http:''666.#icrosoft.co#'co#pati"ility.This 6e"site contains a

    list of progra#s that have "een tested to 6ork 6ith indo6s 8. This incl!des

    infor#ation a"o!t co#p a"ility 6ith >%"it indo6s versions.

    *f yo! are r!nning indo6s @ista and plan to !pgrade yo!r co#p!ter to indo6s 8 yo!

    can nd o!t if yo!r progra#s have kno6n iss!es 6ith indo6s 8 "y do6nloading and

    r!nning the indo6s 8 4pgrade Advisorfro# the Microsoft 6e"site. *t 6ill scan yo!r

    co#p!ter and tell yo! 6hich progra#s #ay have iss!es after yo! install indo6s 8.

    5e#o?e and 5e"air Progra#s

    The Progra#s and Feat%resinterface in Control anel is 6here yo! can nd the list of

    installed progra#s. (electing a progra# typically provides yo! 6ith options. These co!ld


    Uninstall: This re#oves the progra# fro# yo!r C.

    5e"air: This is the choice yo! can !se 6hen a progra# is not 6orking properly. *t

    re%r!ns all or part of the set!p progra# to get it 6orking again.

    C$ange: This #ay give yo! a chance to change the feat!res installed "y the

    application. *n so#e cases this is the choice yo! pick to 4ninstall or +epair a


    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly >

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    The e9act options oered for a progra# are deter#ined "y the progra# p!"lisher so

    they vary fro# one to another. An e9a#ple vie6 of Progra#s and Feat%resis sho6n


    Fig%re )*4 Installed Progra#s

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly ;

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    Progra# 2efa%lts

    How does Windows 9now w$at "rogra# to start w$en yo% o"en a "artic%lar

    ty"e of le

    -iles that contain a partic!lar type of data co##only have the sa#e le na#ee9tension. This is appended to the le na#e and typically consists of a period follo6ed

    "y three or #ore alphan!#eric characters. indo6s !ses this e9tension to associate it

    6ith an application that handles the le type. (o for e9a#ple .&,C les are Microsoft

    ord doc!#ents. hen yo! do!"le%click a .&,C le it is opened "y 6in6ord.e9e if


    The #echanis# 6hich s!pports this association is #anaged thro!gh the &efa!lt

    rogra#s interface in indo6s /9plorer as sho6n "elo6.

    Fig%re )34 2efa%lt Progra#s

    4sing this interface yo! can give a progra# control of all its defa!lt le types or change

    the progra# that is !sed to open a specic le type.

    2e#o4 2efa%lt Progra#s

    1. 4sing the rogra# &efa!lts interface #ake *nternet /9plorer the defa!lt for all of

    its le types and protocols.

    2. /9a#ine the 0ssociate a le ty"e or "rotocol wit$ a "rogra#interface.

    &isc!ss the options here for changing the defa!lt for a single le type.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly

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    Lesson: Applications

    . ,pen the A!tolay settings interface.

    a. &isc!ss the dierent disc types sho6n.

    ". &isa"le A!tolay for the disc type yo! )!st inserted.

    c. Then e)ect and re%insert the disc.

    O"en Wit$

    *n addition to the le associations cong!red for a le type indo6s /9plorer provides

    an O"en Wit$option in the shortc!t #en! for les. This ena"les yo! to select an

    application to !se for opening the le either )!st this one ti#e or "y !sing the C$oose

    defa%lt "rogra# link yo! can choose a ne6 defa!lt progra#.

    Fig%re ))4 2efa%lt Progra# - O"en Wit$

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 8

  • 8/9/2019 3. Windows Basics - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Lesson: Applications

    &a14 0""lications

    This la" provides an opport!nity to practice call handling "est practices in the conte9t of

    an application s!pport #ock call.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &a1

    This la" takes appro9i#ately >; #in!tes to co#plete.


    To perfor# this la" yo! 6ill need the follo6ing:

    A C 6ith indo6s and indo6s 8 installed

    *nternet Connectivity

    !ercise4 0""lications Moc9 Call

    *n this scenario the instr!ctor is yo!r c!sto#er. They are e9periencing an !pgrade

    pro"le#. ork as a gro!p to investigate and resolve the pro"le#.

    Lesson: 3ard6are and &evice &rivers

    e have seen e9a#ples of hard6are !sed 6ith indo6s and 6e have seen driversloading in the steps of indo6s start!p. This section e9a#ines hard6are co#pati"ility

    and drivers on indo6s fro# a !ser perspective.


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to:

    *dentify reso!rces for deter#ining hard6are co#pati"ility 6ith indo6s.

    &ene the p!rpose of drivers in indo6s 8.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &esson

    This #od!le takes appro9i#ately

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    Lesson: Applications

    Installing Hardware for %se wit$ Windows

    All of the capa"ilities of a C are e9perienced thro!gh the hard6are. *f yo! 6ant a ne6

    type of e9perience yo! #ay nd that yo! need ne6 hard6are. (o#e e9a#ples:

    Ga#ing: hen yo! p!rchase the latest ga#es yo! #ay need to !pdate yo!rdisplay adapter Dalso kno6n as a video cardE to s!pport the graphics

    re!ire#ents of the ga#e.

    Tele?ision: *f yo! 6ant to !se yo!r C to vie6 and record television

    progra##ing yo! 6ill need a T@ T!ner !sed to connect to a ca"le satellite or

    "roadcast receiving antenna.

    'ideo conferencing: *f yo! are connecting to other people over the internet for

    a video conference yo! 6ill need a #icrophone and speakers Dor a headsetE and

    a ca#era.

    /ach of these scenarios has specic hard6are re!ire#ents.

    *n order to have a good e9perience adding a ne6 device yo! sho!ld consider the

    hard6are co#pati"ility indo6s co#pati"ility and driver availa"ility. /ach of these is

    disc!ssed "elo6.

    Hardware Co#"ati1ility

    2oes #y PC s%""ort adding t$e ty"e of de?ice I need

    Check the device #an!fact!rerBs infor#ation to deter#ine the re!ire#ents for !sing a

    device. *n #ost cases the re!ire#ents incl!de an availa"le port of the right type onyo!r co#p!ter. Co##on internal and e9ternal connection types are sho6n "elo6.

    !ternal Connection Ty"es

    *t is #ost co##on for !sers to add e9ternal devices. These are devices that yo! can

    connect 6itho!t opening the syste# !nit. Typically this is the only type of device yo!

    6o!ld add to a note"ook co#p!ter. (everal co##on connectors are sho6n "elo6.


    4(= devices co#e in several varieties:

    4(= 1.0'1.1'2.0: Also kno6n as Lo6 (peed or -!ll (peed devices. These devicesconnect at !p to 1;M"ps. This is co##on for devices s!ch as #ice key"oards

    and lo6er%resol!tion 6e"ca#s.

    4(= 2.0 3igh (peed: These devices connect at !p to >J0M"ps. Ca#eras and

    hard drives co##only !se a high%speed connection.


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    Lesson: Applications

    "ack6ard%co#pati"le and accepts 4(= 2.0 style pl!gs. 4(=

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    Lesson: Applications


    ireless devices re!ire a transceiver to "e installed on yo!r co#p!ter. This is often in

    the for# of a s#all 4(= device s!ch as 6hat it provided 6ith Microsoft 6ireless

    key"oards and #ice.

    Fig%re )

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    Lesson: Applications

    Fig%re )@4 5-

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    Lesson: Applications

    Internal Connection Ty"es

    *f yo! have a desktop C yo! have the option of adding internal devices. These are

    !s!ally connected !sing HslotsI ? long ports 6ith #!ltiple connections !sed to add

    devices to yo!r #other"oard.

    PCI .Peri"$eral Co#"onent Interface/

    This is a connection type for C e9pansion cards that is fading in pop!larity replaced "y

    the faster C*%/9press slot.

    0GP .0ccelerated Gra"$ics Port/

    This connection type 6as developed for display adapters to s!pport higher "and6idth

    devices than C*. Like C* this is increasingly "eing s!pplanted "y C*%/9press.

    PCI- .PCI-!"ress/

    C*%/ is the #ost pop!lar e9pansion slot for ne6 Cs at the ti#e of the 6riting. This

    connector co#es in several variations "ased on the n!#"er of data lanes re!ired.

    C!rrent s!pport variants are 91 9> 9J 91 and 9 device in an 91 slot. The reverse is not possi"le.

    ,0T0 .,erial 0d?anced Tec$nology 0ttac$#ent/

    (ATA is the #ost pop!lar internal storage connection type for Cs at the ti#e of the6riting. (ATA replaced the older arallel ATA standard "y s!pporting higher data rates

    and s#aller #ore Ye9i"le ca"les.

    Windows Co#"ati1ility

    Will #y de?ice wor9 wit$ #y ?ersion of Windows

    =eyond the physical connection yo! #!st consider 6hether a device is co#pati"le 6ith

    yo!r version of indo6s. ,ne of the considerations in the past has "een driver

    availa"ility for >%"it versions of indo6s. This is less co##only an iss!e today.

    To check a device for indo6s 8 co#pati"ility !se the indo6s 8 Co#pati"ility Center:

    http:''666.#icrosoft.co#'co#pati"ility. This 6e"site contains a list of co#p!ters and

    devices that have "een tested to 6ork 6ith indo6s 8. This incl!des infor#ation a"o!t

    co#p a"ility 6ith >%"it indo6s versions.

    *f yo! are r!nning indo6s or indo6s @ista and plan to install indo6s 8 on yo!r

    co#p!ter yo! can nd o!t if yo!r co#p!ter is ready for indo6s 8 "y do6nloading and

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 8

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    Lesson: Applications

    r!nning the indo6s 8 4pgrade Advisorfro# the Microsoft 6e"site. *t 6ill scan yo!r

    co#p!ter and tell yo! 6hich co#ponents and devices yo! sho!ld !pgrade or replace

    "efore !pgrading to indo6s 8 as 6ell as alert yo! to any inco#pati"le progra#s.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 8>

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    Lesson: Applications


    ,nce yo! have yo!r device physically connected yo! #ay need to install a driver. This

    is needed if indo6s does not incl!de driver s!pport for yo!r device.

    W$at is a dri?er

    A driver is soft6are that allo6s yo!r co#p!ter to co##!nicate 6ith hard6are or

    devices. itho!t drivers the hard6are yo! connect to yo!r co#p!terZfor e9a#ple a

    video card or a printerZ6ill not 6ork properly. &rivers are 6ritten to 6ork 6ith a specic

    device or device type so yo! #ay need to locate a driver for yo!r hard6are.

    How can I nd a dri?er

    *n #any cases yo!r hard6are 6ill "e s!pported "y drivers that are incl!ded 6ith

    indo6s. *f indo6s reports that there is not a driver availa"le there are several

    options to proceed:

    Check the 0ction Centerfor #essages a"o!t drivers for yo!r hard6are.

    Check the 2e?ice Installation ,ettingsinterface fro# the 3ard6are ta" of

    Advanced (yste# roperties to t!rn on driver do6nloading. /na"ling this setting

    ca!ses indo6s to check indo6s 4pdate for availa"le drivers.

    4se indo6s 4pdate to check for !pdates. This 6ill oer !pdated drivers.

    Check the device #an!fact!rerBs 6e"site.

    The &evice *nstallation (ettings interface is sho6n "elo6. This is ena"led "y defa!lt on


    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 8;

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    Lesson: Applications

    Fig%re )+4 2e?ice Installation ,ettings

    Note: This interface is called indo6s 4pdate &river (ettings on indo6s @ista.

    'iewing Installed 2ri?ers

    ,nce yo! have a device installed it sho!ld "e listed in &evice Manager. This interface

    provides the overall vie6 of devices connected to yo!r C and drivers !sed "y

    indo6s. /ach device entry in &evice Manager provides infor#ation on the driver les

    and driver version "eing !sed to s!pport the device.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 8

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    Lesson: Applications

    U"date 2ri?er

    5o! can right%click a device entry in &evice Manager and !se the U"date dri?eroption

    to nd a driver for one of these devices or for a device 6here yo! already have a

    6orking driver. This opens the interface sho6n "elo6.

    Fig%re )4 U"date 2ri?er

    *f yo! choose ,earc$ a%to#atically for %"dated dri?er software indo6s checks

    for "etter drivers availa"le 6ith indo6s and fro# indo6s 4pdate online if yo! chose

    the reco##ended settings d!ring indo6s installation.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly 8J

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    Lesson: Applications

    2e?ice and Printers

    ,nce yo! have a device and its driver installed yo! can interact 6ith it in the &evices

    and rinters folder on indo6s 8. This folder sho6s a s!"set of devices ? )!st the device

    types !sers tend to interact 6ith reg!larly. 5o! can !se the &evices and rinters folder to

    access device specic tasks yo! #ay 6ant to perfor# s!ch as changing yo!r printer

    settings or yo!r 6e" ca# cong!ration.

    Fig%re ;*4 2e?ices and Printers

    M%ltif%nction 2e?ices

    (o#e devices incl!de #!ltiple f!nctions ? like a scanner and printer together in one

    device. indo6s 8 sho6s these as a single device in &evices and rinters. 5o! 6ill

    typically nd the# listed separately on previo!s versions of indo6s.

    As an e9a#ple letWs look at the Canon i9#a MJ;0 6hich is a pop!lar device that

    provides several dierent pieces of f!nctionality all in one package.



    -a9 Machine

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    Lesson: Applications

    Copy Machine

    -lash #edia reader

    Fig%re ;34 !a#"le Printer

    hen a !ser pl!gs the i9#a MJ;0 into a indo6s @ista C several dierent entry

    points for the device get created in dierent locations.

    Fig%re ;)4 Printer &ocations in Windows +

    The -a9 and rinter appears in the rinters folder.

    The scanner appears !nder (canners and Ca#eras.

    The Yash #edia reader listed as a generic +e#ova"le &isk in indo6s /9plorer.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly J0

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    Lesson: Applications

    This is contrary to the 6ay the !ser sees the device 6hich is as one single co#ponent.

    indo6s 8 #akes an eort to "ring the vie6 of the device 6ithin indo6s closer to the

    vie6 the c!sto#er sees. hen 6e pl!g in the device to a indo6s 8 C &evice and

    rinters gives !s a consolidated vie6 of these sa#e f!nctions in one #en!.

    Fig%re ;;4 Printers and Fa!es

    W$at 2e?ices 0""ear in 2e?ice and Printers

    The follo6ing ta"le sho6s e9a#ples of ho6 devices 6ill appear in the &evice and

    rinters Control anel.

    0ll e!ternally

    detecta1le and

    connected de?ices

    These incl!de:

    4(= *///1 and CMC*A DC CardE devices

    All rinters

    =l!etooth and ireless 4(= devices $et6ork connected devices s!pporting n%

    All other e9ternally connected n devices

    &a"to" (everal peripheral devices are physically integrated into

    the laptop and cannot "e re#oved or replaced

    D6e"ca# ngerprint reader and a!dio controlsE

    The !ser sho!ld only see the laptop in &evices and

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly J1

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    Lesson: Applications

    rinters. *n the laptop properties the 3ard6are ta"

    sho6s the !nderlying device f!nctions and s!"%

    devices. This is ill!strated "elo6.

    MP; Player Connected to the a"ove laptop !sing 4(=.

    4ser sho!ld see a single instance of the M< player in

    &evices and rinters.PCMCI0 Wireless

    Networ9 Card

    Connected to the a"ove laptop thro!gh the CMC*A


    4ser 6o!ld see a single instance of this card in &evices

    and rinters

    The co#p!ter provides several dierent types of f!nctionality 6ithin a single device so it

    is also displayed in &evices and rinters. *t is treated )!st like any other device "y

    &evices and rinters. $ote"ook Cs in partic!lar incl!de #any f!nctions in one device.

    As a res!lt a note"ook C has #any options in the shortc!t #en!.

    Fig%re ;

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    Lesson: Applications

    indo6s Connect $o6 DC$E 6ireless net6orks

    $et6ork Connected &evices s!pporting n%

    This replaces the =l!etooth Control anel that e9isted in indo6s @ista and

    consolidates the pairing for =l!etooth and ireless 4(= devices in the sa#e interface

    6ith nding and installing /thernet and i%-i connected devices. 5o! can install andstart !sing a certied =l!etooth or net6ork%connected device in )!st a fe6 #in!tes.

    indo6s 8 displays all the 6ireless devices that are availa"le to install and !seF choose

    a device enter a *$ n!#"er and start !sing the device.

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly J

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    Lesson: Applications

    &a14 Hardware and 2e?ice 2ri?ers

    This la" provides hands%on practice !pdating drivers in indo6s.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &a1

    This la" takes appro9i#ately %ire#ents

    To perfor# this la" yo! 6ill need the follo6ing:

    A C 6ith indo6s 8 installed

    An *nternet connection

    !ercise4 U"date a 2ri?er

    1. Locate yo!r display adapter in &evice Manager.

    2. @ie6 the properties of the device in &evice Manager and nd the driver

    infor#ation. $ote the follo6ing details:

    a. @ersion

    ". &ate

    c. &igital (igner ? this tells yo! the so!rce of the driver.

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    Lesson: Applications

    . $o6 check the indo6s 8 Co#pati"ility Center. *s there a dierent driver

    provided "eyond the versions yo!Bve fo!nd a"oveV

    8. ho provides the R"estR driverV *s there a "est driverV Considerations:

    a. indo6s 4pdateV

    ". Chipset driver onlyV

    c. C Man!fact!rer driver onlyV

    d. &epends on deviceV D@ideo a!dio net6orking etc.E

    e. Co#pati"ility Center for indo6s 8V

    Lesson: (torage

    This lesson revie6s concepts and considerations related to les disks and #aintaining

    data integrity.


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to:

    &isc!ss key disk #anage#ent concepts and tasks.

    &isc!ss hard drive partitioning and drive #anage#ent.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is &esson

    This #od!le takes appro9i#ately 0 #in!tes to co#plete.

    La"s in this #od!le take an additional

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    Lesson: Applications

    2is9 Basics

    3ard disks the pri#ary storage devices on yo!r co#p!ter are organi7ed in partitions

    Dalso called vol!#esE each of 6hich is given a drive letter "y indo6s. These are the

    drive letters sho6n in indo6s /9plorer.

    &isk Manage#ent incl!ded in the Co#p!ter Manage#ent interface is the interface

    6here yo! can #anage yo!r disks and partitions. 5o! can see a fairly co#ple9 e9a#ple


    Fig%re ;=4 2is9 Manage#ent

    Microsoft Condential % -or *nternal and artner 4se ,nly J

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    Lesson: Applications

    &isk Manage#ent sho6s infor#ation for each disk ? the total si7e and the disk type

    D=asic is the #ost co##on &yna#ic is the alternativeE.

    /ach partition is descri"ed 6ith the le syste# and roles assigned to the partition "y

    indo6s. As part of that #ap yo! can nd infor#ation a"o!t these i#portant storage

    roles and attri"!tes for partitions:

    File ,yste#4 (ho6s the le syste# s!ch as $T-( -AT

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    Lesson: Applications

    Partition and For#at

    =efore for#atting a hard disk yo! #!st rst create one or #ore partitions on it. 5o! can

    choose to !se a single partition on each disk or #!ltiple partitions. ,ften it is easier to

    keep track of yo!r data it yo! !se fe6er drive letters.

    To create a partition right%click a section of !nallocated space on a drive and chooseNew ,i#"le 'ol%#eas sho6n "elo6.

    Fig%re ;@4 Creating a "artition

    After yo!Wve partitioned the hard disk yo! can for#at each partition. artitions need to

    "e for#atted "efore yo! can !se the#. hen yo! for#at a partition yo! cong!re it

    6ith a le syste# so that indo6s can store infor#ation on the disk. This is another

    right%click option this ti#e 6ith a partition selected.

    Fig%re ;+4 For#atting a "artition

    3ard disks in ne6 co#p!ters r!nning indo6s are already for#atted. *f yo! "!y an

    additional hard disk to e9pand the storage of yo!r co#p!ter yo! #ight need to for#at


    (torage devices s!ch as 4(= Yash drives and Yash #e#ory cards !s!ally co#e

    prefor#atted "y the #an!fact!rer so yo! pro"