3 slasher poster analysis

The tagline has an immediate effect on the audience as it does not give clues as to who this ‘someone’ is. This is effective as it intrigues the audience as the only way they will find out is if the go to see the film. Also, the addition of ‘rewrite’ indicates how this is a sequel as in the previous movie, the stalker may had been revealed and now someone else has taken the role of Scream. The ‘group shot’ of the main characters have all been edited onto the poster individually so that the camera focuses on all the characters rather than one specific person. This is effective as now, each characters facial expressions, body language and mise en scene can be seen. The title of the film continues with the theme of all its previous film posters which makes it consistent as the audiences are familiar with the title. The use of replacing the ‘A’ with the number ‘4’ has been effective in the fact that it Subsequently there are two images on one poster which makes the poster more interesting as often only one image is the main focus of a poster. However the smooth integration of the image on the top half of the poster contrasting and blending in with the second image is useful as image 1 is in black and white which creates a chiaroscuro effect on the characters’ face through light and shadow making them look more mysterious

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: 3 slasher poster analysis

The tagline has an immediate effect on the audience as it does not give clues as to who this ‘someone’ is. This is effective as it intrigues the audience as the only way they will find out is if the go to see the film. Also, the addition of ‘rewrite’ indicates how this is a sequel as in the previous movie, the stalker may had been revealed and now someone else has taken the role of Scream.

The ‘group shot’ of the main characters have all been edited onto the poster individually so that the camera focuses on all the characters rather than one specific person. This is effective as now, each characters facial expressions, body language and mise en scene can be seen.

The title of the film continues with the theme of all its previous film posters which makes it consistent as the audiences are familiar with the title. The use of replacing the ‘A’ with the number ‘4’ has been effective in the fact that it reduces the amount of text on the poster making it concise.

Subsequently there are two images on one poster which makes the poster more interesting as often only one image is the main focus of a poster. However the smooth integration of the image on the top half of the poster contrasting and blending in with the second image is useful as image 1 is in black and white which creates a chiaroscuro effect on the characters’ face through light and shadow making them look more mysterious which indicates that there is more than meets the eye with these characters who may had been the protagonists in the previous films.

Page 2: 3 slasher poster analysis

This poster uses only one image in comparison to the previous poster which had two. However it can be argued that this poster is more effective as it continues the theme of who is hiding behind the mask. In this case there is a cartoon black and white effect of a female hiding behind the number ‘4’ (the fourth addition of the franchise).

Only one eye, her nose and half her mouth is shown and yet it portrays her facial expressions of being scared but aware from her widely open eye.

The outline of the number ‘4’ is smudged and the white blends in with the remaining of the poster which is all black which keeps the colour theme constant to the other posters as it remains black, white and red.

The tagline in comparison to poster 1 remains short and effective as it implies that another decade goes and another legacy of scream continues. However the ‘new rules’ may foreshadow the fact that there may be a new person taking the role of scream with their own set of “new rules”. This is effective as it creates suspense and the audience are unaware therefore eager to know who and what this new person acting as scream will be like.

Similar to the other poster, the five main actors of the film are on the poster which appeals to all their fans thus they will go to support the actor in their new movie.Credits have also been included which includes all the soundtracks and song writers, additionally this too is effective as some of the audience may be interested in singers more than the actors. The directors and studio have also been included in the credits which appeals to a wider audience who watch movies directed by a certain successful director and studio production.

Page 3: 3 slasher poster analysis

A group shot of the three main characters is shown where they all conform to posters as they are looking towards the camera engaging with the audience.

The woman in the middle has been purposely positioned in the middle as she is the main character in the movie. Her facial expressions does not give much away as in other posters, the antagonists often have a smirk on their face however in this case the antagonist here seems guilty. This is effective as the audience do not suspect her to be the antagonist as she seems sincere thus they will be in for a surprise when they watch the film.The other to characters who have been photographed separately then been edited on also seem to have serious facial expressions and their costume has been effectively edited off to make it blend in with the black poster background and the antagonists clothes too. There also appears to be a use of chiaroscuro on the males face indicating that he has a dark secret in comparison to the female on the opposite side of him.

The tagline of this particular poster has two different colours used. The words ‘horror’ and ‘die’ have both been made red as they connote death which suggests what the genre of the movie is.

The colour scheme of black white and red is very effective as they are the original colours associated with Slasher movies as they suggest fear, blood and unpredictability as many Slasher movies take place in the dark during night time.

The title of the film is in big white bold font and goes almost across the last quarter of the poster as it stands out and draws most attention from the black and red colour scheme. The number 5 placed in between letters ‘R’ and ‘A’ resembles a knife or blade because of its sharp edges and roundedness. This can also be seen in the letter ‘M’.

‘5’ has also been used as this is the fifth sequel to the movie which suggests to the audience how well the other four movies have done. This is also effective as it draws in attention as it shows the success of the previous movies therefore this movie will be as good if not better.