3 round application questionnaire | mceb 1516 | aiesec in kyrgyzstan

AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan MC EB 15/16 Application Questionnaire | Round 3 – FINAL

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AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan !MC EB 15/16!

Application Questionnaire | Round 3 – FINAL!

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Full name Member/Local Committee Current position in AIESEC Email address Phone number Nationality Birth date Address University / Degree

Your photo

   №   Time Position Key achievement

1. What are your experiences in AIESEC?

2. What are your experiences in AIESEC conferences/events?

   №   Name of conference/ year/ location Role Main learning


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Personal Vision, Motivation and Ambition 1. Why have you decided to stand for MC of AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan 15/16? Why is it important for you? 2. How does this experience fit with the rest of your future plans? 3. Who is your role model in life and how does that person influence you as a leader? 4. What do you stand for and what do you value the most in life? 5. What are your main strengths and weaknesses a team leader? 6. What role do you play in a team? Define your strength and weakness working in a team! Please also explain what is unique contribution you can give to the team? 7. What is MC role and what is LC role? How do you think MC-LC can work together in a good collaborative environment? 8. What is your vision for AIESEC Kyrgyzstan in 15/16? What will be the role of Generation 1516 in achieving Gen2015? AIESEC Relevance 1. Please explain, “What is AIESEC” to a. Kyrgyz student, b. CEO, c. Kyrgyz Parents (maximum 50 words for each stakeholder). 2. Please provide PESTEL Analysis of Kyrgyzstan as a country 3. How do you assess the relevance of AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan? What does Kyrgyzstan need and how can AIESEC address those needs?


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*Please note: VP candidates apply as a general VP with a maximum of 2 preferences (oGIP, TM, etc.), minimum 2, elect MCP will then decide on the specific roles of the chosen candidates.

MC VP oGIP 1.   Please, create SWOT analysis of oGIP functional area for 1415, how can we grow both in quantity and quality in

1516? 2.   What is the relevance of oGIP in Kyrgyzstan? 3.   What strategy you will propose for ideal RA-MA-RE? 4.   What initiatives do you want to implement as MC VP oGIP to ensure the progressive development of area on

national and local level? Please mention at least 5 initiatives. 5.   What Entity-to-Entity partnerships you will create to achieve high matching rate? Please, specify 3 entities and

why? 6.   What is the role of AIESEC Kyrgyzstan in achieving the global network’s 2015 goals and ambition? What will be

the key contribution of your area in term 1516 to achieving that?

MC VP oGCDP 1.   Please do a SWOT analysis of the current oGCDP reality. 2.   Please briefly explain your goal in term of

a. member development b. # of EP Ra/Ma/Re

3.   What Entity-to-Entity partnerships you will create to achieve high matching rate? Please, specify 3 entities and why?

4.   What initiatives do you want to implement as MC VP oGCDP to ensure the progressive development of area on national and local level? Please mention at least 3 initiatives.

5.   How you will ensure Standard & Satisfaction quality delivery? 6.   List common directions and initiatives, which should be between oGCDP and other FAs to achieve goals of the

term 1516? 7.   What is the role of AIESEC Kyrgyzstan in achieving the global network’s 2015 goals and ambition? What will be

the key contribution of your area in term 1516 to achieving that?


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MC VP iGIP 1.   Please do a SWOT analysis of the current iGIP reality. 2.   Please briefly explain your goal in term of

a. member development b. # of TN Ra/Ma/Re c. # of New TN Takers d. # of Re-raise TNs e. Upscale Partnership

3.   Which functions do you think iGIP should have synergy with? Why? How? 4.   What are the 3 main action steps you would do in the first quarter to ensure the operation in LCs can start

working 5.   What are your 3 main strategies to push iGIP term 14/15 to the next stage? 6.   What are the 3 new initiatives you want to implement in order to build Professional Sales Culture in AIESEC in

Kyrgyzstan next term? Please mention the timeline of your implementation. 7.   What legacies do you want to leave for term 16/17? Why?


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MC VP TM 1.   Please, create SWOT analysis of TM in 1415 2.   Design three main strategies how talent capacity in AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan can drive GCDP and GIP. 3.   Discuss the main bottlenecks and indicate certain milestones in the implementation of these strategies during your term. Use

flowchart to show ideas. 4.   Define the role of TM in driving integrated experiences (IXP). Discuss with each of the followings:

a. TMP to GCDP, b. TLP to GCDP, c. GCDP to TMP

5.   What is your strategy to ensure Leadership in Every Experience? 6.   What will be the 3 main focuses throughout all TM Process for 14/15 based on current reality? What is the role of AIESEC

Kyrgyzstan in achieving the global network’s 2015 goals and ambition? What will be the key contribution of your area in term 14/15 to achieving that?

MC VP Marketing 1.   Please, create SWOT analysis of Marketng in 1516? 2.   Analyse the current student market, how feasible and visible are our four programmes in this market? Suggest strategies/

possible solutions to: a. Capitalize on the strength and opportunity b. Strengthen the weakness and threat.

3.   Describe the synergy that should occur between Marketing and a. OGX (both GCDP and GIP) b. ICX (both GCDP and GIP) c. Talent Management d. Business Development

4.   What is your vision and National focus for Marketing of AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan for term 15/16? 5.   Based on your vision, what ideal structure will you make in your department and why? (division on Mkt., Comm., Design,

etc.) 6.   Please evaluate the current Brand Awareness of AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan of the following stakeholders

a. Students b. Partners c. Global Network

7.   How can AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan 1516 engage and develop every university student in Bishkek?

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MC VP BD 1.   Please, create SWOT analysis of BD functional area for 1415 2.   Describe the synergy that should occur between BD and

a. OGX (both GCDP and GIP) b. ICX (both GCDP and GIP) c. Marketing and CommPR as separate d. TM

3.   What Value Proposition you will make to set strong partnership with Companies? 4.   What strategic alliances you will set in 15/16 to support Programs Operations and increase BD revenue? 5.   What would you do to improve the existing National Partnerships in 15/16? 6.   How do see the communication and the division of market between LCs and MC. What initiatives do you want to implement

as MC VP BD to ensure the progressive development of area on national and local level? Please mention at least 3 initiatives.

7.   What is the relevance of running Y2B in Kyrgyzstan? 8.   What innovative products would you develop for partnerships in 1516? 9.   Case: you are starting your term and you identify that there is no money in MC budget; you have just one mouth to raise

200,000 KGS. Please, describe your actions and strategy to raise money to MC budget and prepare its detailed plan.

MCVP Finance & Governance 1.   Please, create SWOT analysis of Finance in 1516? 2.   According to you, what is the role of the MCVP F? Describe your role in the team and the interaction/ relationship with your

team members. 3.   Explain the synergy of MCVP Fin with the other FA. Please focus on the top three functions on the MC that this position have

the most synergy with. 4.   How confident are you about your current ability in terms of finance? How are you going to get yourself most ready for this

role until the start of the term 15/16? 5.   What are 3 main strategies do you want to suggest for make strict finance system? 6.   What kind of legal & finance documents AIESEC have to use or already uses? When and how , in which case they are used

to be? 7.   With 1,000 USD for investment, what investments do you suggest 1516 generation make? What ROI (return on investment)

can be expected? There's no framework to this; you are encouraged to create your own framework to make this investment appealing to the MCP elect, who will have the final say on the investment.

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1. Please zip all the files into ”1516_MCEB_App_Full Name.zip” sent to Selection Committee [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Upload to the podio form: h"ps://podio.com/webforms/10969968/777792  DEADLINE: 23:00 (GMT+6), 14th April 2015 You will receive confirmation of your application as soon as it has been received. Candidate List will be released on 20th March 2015

Provide all the important and relevant information we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, or any other experiences as well as your contact details etc. You can use a maximum of two (2) pages to create your CV

You have 1 page and all your creativity to propose what is the biggest question that lies in front of AIESEC today and give an answer to it. You have the license to change the system, to challenge any paradigms and unleash the potential of the organization

Total 3 endorsement letters with at least • 1 from your team leader • 1 from your member • 1 from your teammate (current MC or LC EB)

A Video (Max. 5 mins) should include: • Introduction about yourself • Vision and Motivation for applying for MCEB AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan 15/16 • Brief strategy to show your suitability being MCEB AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan 15/16

Must include MBTI test result (http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp). Should reflect your personality ( max.2 pages)

You are free to design your application package

yourself - any graphic style and color J

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1.   The official term 15/16 starts on July 1st, 2015 and lasts till June 30th, 2016 2.   Transition for MCVP starts in April 2015 and will continue till June 2015. 3.   Each full time member in general works for around 6 days in a week, 50 hours per weeks (40 hours inside the

office), which can be higher during special events and lower around less busy periods. 4.   Sunday is free apart from team days, conferences, events or other planned meetings 5.   Monthly salary to be discussed with MCP elect.

For international MCVP accommodation/ host family is provided 6.   IC fees are partly covered. Depends on financial sustainability of the entity at the moment 7.   National conferences and team days are covered fully by MC budget 8.   MC office is located in the city center of Bishkek, capital. Well-equipped with furniture,

free Wi-Fi and kitchen


1.   No late submission, even by a minute, will be accepted, no matter what the excuse might be. All applicants are highly advised to start completing the application as early as possible. Please do not wait until the very last minutes to send your application. If you submit the application well before the deadline, in case certain documents are missing or certain points in your application are unclear, you’ll be notified and asked for clarification.

2.   The purpose of this application is not meant to only assess the ability and suitability of each candidate for the position; it’s also meant as a tool to prepare each applicant for the role, through their intense thinking process and research efforts to live up to what is expected of this application. Approach and ask people! We are here to help you have better understanding of the current realities.

3.   The application form package is given in the .PDF format for a reason. It’s such that you won’t feel restricted (or tempted) by the format given; you can be as creative as you can be, in how you would like to present yourself, your vision, your ideas etc. through your application form

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Name Position Email

Gulnoza Khodizoda Selection Committee | MCP current [email protected]

Dinara Nazarmatova Selection Committee | MCP elect [email protected]

Mushtary Saididkova Selection Committee | MCVP TM [email protected]

Aidana Kalbaeva MCVP oGCDP [email protected]

Aizhan Kasymova MCVP iGIP/ BD [email protected]

Aziret Zhakypbaev MCVP iGCDP [email protected]

Asel Elebesova MCVP oGIP / Finance [email protected]

Asel Baidyldaeva MCVP MarComm [email protected]

Aizhamal Abdykadyrova LCP of AIESEC Bishkek [email protected]

Ekaterina Soloshenko LCP of AIESEC UUB [email protected]

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AIESEC in Kyrgyzstan !MC EB 15/16!

Application Questionnaire | Round 3 – FINAL!