3 i r f the badgeufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03247/00317.pdfguy w toph open the year...

t t t J or OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY AUGUST 17 1909 5 3 A r MONTEZUMA HOTEL GUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND JOHN R DEWEY i Lead Coutrclal Intel Rales 2 Per Day Ocala Florida I THE FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAVING CO e- We I are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kind Manufacturers of cement brick bu ilding blocks hexagon and octagon blocks and all kinds of paving materi al We employ skilled workmen and our motto is to please Temporary quarters phone 256 JAMES R MOORHEAD MGRF- OR HEALTH AND PLEASURE- The f Beautiful l Haywood White Sulphur Springs Hotel r r Land of the Sky WAYNESVILLE N C Altitude 2850 Feet On the Southern Railway one Hour trom Asheville Capacity 250 guests No consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Tennis > Special attention to mountain parties Special party and family rates For Information address G C ROGAN Manager Formerly manager of Kenil worth Inn Asheville AO 1 i ROLLINS COLLEGE FLORIDAS OLD EST COLLEGE I COLLEGE ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSION- FINE ARTS DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS AND i- I S- t BUSINESS Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric s I lights steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condi- tions ¬ s fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links s- J baseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida in 1909 1 I Nearly a quarter 5f a million dollars endowment expenses moderate 1 scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for tt t CHARACTER CULTURE CONDUCT For Catalogue Address the President it I i Wm F Blackman Ph D Winter Park Fla 5 s- A s- 4f fA of M o + 4 I ROWES LITTLE BONANZA- S i E ROWE PROPRIETOR OCALA FLORIDA- ALL i KINDS OF Fresh Meat Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both Y J Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com- plete 1 Place of its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right t t s UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Class t p Meals and Reasonable Board to Wekly Customers f r s i i l Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bought t- t and Sold f 1 Telephone No 111 P 0 Box No 652 101 and 102 North Magnolia Street t t- i x F- t >> ww- I t WINDSOR HOTELJACKS- ONVILLES i FINEST AND FLORIDAS LARGEST and BEST YEARROUND HOTEL Rates 3 per Day and Upwards American Plan 4 THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor t ATLANTIC COAST tiNE ROUTE OF THE CELEBRATED 11 Florida and West Indian Limited 1- t l and u New York and Florida Express 7- 4b c to the East f t 4r To the West Ers h Dixie Flyer Montgomery Route f f Central Route ft South Atlantic Route Pullman Burt Sleeping Cars to New York Louisville Cin innati Chica I St Louis Atlanta and Intermediate Points PULLMAN DINING CAR SERVICE For tickets reservation or Information call on nearest Coast Line Agt or I J G KIRKLAND D P A Tampa Florida r C WHITE G P A Wilmington N C W J CRAIG PT M r SEASIDE BETTERMENT II Hints on Beautifying Homes With Trees and Shrubs i I BE SURE TO PLANT CLOSE f I Thorough Preparation of the Soil Very I Important Cut All Plants Back Se- verely Except Evergreens Suitable I Trees and Shrubs to Plant I It is natural that people lining by I the seaside should be as interested in I beautifying their homo with trees and shrubs as those who live Inland On f attempting to grow plants near the sat water many seaicle dwellers Lave been much disappointed to find their efforts vain have seen their carefully planted trees and shrubs die killed by I the salt spray and fogs blown to pieces by heavy winds torn ly flyinz I sand or shriveled up In the storile soil The problem of seaside planting is one which should be given special consid- eration j by landscape architectK gar j deners and those Interested beauti fyinj the home grounds The writer j has had an opportunity to study sea ¬ shore conditions Rovoruini plant growth on the coasts of Maine and Massachusetts in landscape work on Long Island with Mr Henry Hicks an I authority on this subject and in assist lnj to make a landscape report on ElackwelFs island New York city Some of the most important re quirements for seaside planting are 1 The choice of plants that are hardy 1 under seashore conditions 2j a thor- ough preparation of the soil which usually is sand and should be mixed with onehalf to threefourths per cent of well rotted barnyard manure or else should be removed altogether and fine rich loam substituted the depth of preparation being about three 3 close planting so that the trees Hull shrubs may afford each other mutual protection isolated or scattered plants- are almost sure to fail W plant more hardy things in exposed spots less I hardy in more sheltered positions 3 I sometimes an artificial shelter of boughs or planks may be needed to I give the plants a start fJ > provide good winter protection of strawy ma ¬ nure and In some cases leaves or evergreen boughs For holding banks near the sea and to prevent sand drifting Mr Henry Hicks recommends pitch pine and rod cedar Beach grass and rod oak are also found in nature serving these pur ¬ poses in a most satisfactory way It Is often possible to fill In later after these plants are established with oth- er ¬ very hardy trees and shrubs This should at leas be tried since thick planting fc > the key to success Mr Hicks says Plant thick and cut back severely Evergreens of cpurse must not be cut back lie also mentions in I a recent letter that he has soon brush used to fill in a depression caused by the wind blowing out the sand the brush being carefully staked down The result of this was that the sand drifted about In the brush and nearly filled the hollow again This treat ¬ ment combined with judicious plaat ing would probably Uiijg the drifting sand under complete contra Following Is a list of trees and shrubs suitable for ooasido planting Very hardy Bayberry beach plum- sea buckthorn yucca woodbine or Vir- ginia ¬ creeper wild cherry tamarisk American holly hardy as far north as Long Island many of the willows red cedar pitch pine black spruce esp- ecially near ocean marshes black oak post oak chokeberry beach grass bearberry black huckleberry false heather and shining sumac Less hardy Scrub oak scarlet oak chestnut oak Norway maple red may pIe American white birch horse chest ¬ nut western catalpa plane tree honey locust white spruce Austrian pine mugho pine sweet hay rj iner Euro- pean barberry Hercules ub Califor- nia ¬ privet marsh elder purple fringe upright honeysuckle cockspur thorn high bush blueberry sassafras pep peridge bittersweet and blacklKTry All of these are hardy as for north as Long Island and the majority to Maine Stanley F Morse In Country Gentle- man ¬ Scheme to Boom Trade The New York Industries association had a meeting recently to plan a Loom for metropolitan merchandise through- out ¬ the country The implements by which the boom is to be developed are the ink of the printer the colors of the painter the personal efforts of the dealer and the coaching of the travel- ing ¬ men who go out of the city to tall New York first last and all the time This Is regarded as about the first con- fession ¬ the city has ever made that she is not sufficient all to herself There are other trade center that are threatening her supremacy as a buy- Ing and trafficking place and the In- dustries ¬ association is determined to use all the service the press agent can afford in meeting the competition- To Protect Trees From Live Wires Injuries to street trees by wires are many Often dead wires attached to trees come in contact with live ones and all show exasperating powers- of destruction There Is little ex- cuse ¬ for the attaching of any wire to a tree yet the very unsightly anchor poles and wires lead many property owners to consent to the ttse of large street or garden trees as anchors Where this Is done blocks of wood should be placed between the wire and the trees so that the wire will not cut the living word and will have a non ¬ conductor to protect it again injury through the contact of live wires with guy wires we- iIC i > r 1II < f iWf J < The Badge of HonestyI- s + i 1- t r on every wrapper of Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discov- ery ¬ f t because a full list of ingredients composing it is printed there- in iiit plain English More than years of experience proven J f a its superior worth as a bloodpurifier and vlgoratlDgtoDlc for r the cure of stomach disorders and all liver up the rundown system as no other tonic can in which alcohol IS used J0 2 + The active medicinal principles of native roots such as Golden- Seal r tJ and Queens root Stone root and Mandrake root Bloodroot u1 f Black Cherrybark are extracted and preserved by the use of h- and J chemically pure triplerefined glycerine tt F ft r l I Send to Dr R V Pierce at Buffalo N Y for free booklet j which quotes extracts from wellrecognized medic authorities i I such as Drs Bartholow King Scudder Coe EUingwcod and a t 1 host of others showing that these roots can be depended updn for their curative action In all weak states of the stomach accom- panied ¬ f by indigestion or dyspepsia as well as in all bilious or liver 7 t h complaints and in all wasting where there IS loss of 1i i flesh and gradual running down of the strength and system it t J sCi u Via M The U Golden Medical Discovery makes rich pare blood and r 1 fJ so invigorates and regulates the stomach liver and bowelS + i 4 and through them the whole system Thus all skin affections t fl- If rw blotches pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel1int and old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed- In A 3 treating old running sores or ulcers it is well to insure their healing to apply to them L Dr Pierces AllHealing Salve If your druggist dont happen to have Salve in J stock send fifty cents In postage stamps to r R V Pierce Invalids Hotel and Sur- gical i rr Institute Buffalo N Y and a large box of the All Healin Salve U will read you by return post rte YOU cant afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this nonalcoholic medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION not even though the urgent dealer marhercbi I f make little bigger profit Though he offers the substitute for a pn e you cant afford to experiment with your health Go where they give you what you ask for without argumen- tDr t 4ii Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach liver and bowels Sugarcoated tiny granules easy to take as candy 4 r J1 1 STREET TREES AN ASSET- Next In Aesthetic Importance to High Class Architecture Next to high class architecture a town or citys chief asset should lie In its street trees While architecture- may claim first rank that city is most beautiful which Is possessed of the grcKest number of suitable street trees But a few days ago nn eastern woman visiting In Los Angeles was heard to say I think Salt Lake City- Is the most beautiful place west of the I Mississippi it has so many finely planted trees Viewed from the heights on any side where detail is lost and composite whole is considered no place of like size in California is more beautiful than Riverside the Forest City and street trees are Its chief asset Wher- ever ¬ we hear an opinion expressed re ¬ garding a beautiful city we may note if we but listen that some remark Js made about street trees Every vis- itor ¬ to Europe commenting on the fine cities does not leave off enumerating- the chief charms until he has spoken of magnificent avenues and boulevards tined with trees None Is mentioned that is not tree lined When one con- siders both the aesthetic and economic value of trees it is hard to realize that we have people who do not like them There are those who really would rather see bare streets than well plant- ed ¬ ones To some these persons are objects of pity but to a majority they I but Invoke disgust by a presentation l of their views Los Angeles Times Trees as Sanitary Agents When City Forester Frost of Chicago delivered his maiden speech the other I day as the citys spokesman on tree and shrubbery planting before the Womans club of Esther Falkenstein settlement he said I More can be urged for a tree than I that it improves the beauty of a thor ¬ oughfare It Is a distinct sanitary agent W A Murrcll in one of the Cor- nell ¬ bulletins contends that the trees add to the healthfulness of a city or town by cooling and purifying the air It also cuts off direct and reflected rays of the sun The tree absorbs in- jurious ¬ gases and gives off oxygen which humans must have I Take Kodol at the times when you feel what you have eaten is not digest- ing ¬ Kodol digests what you eat so you can eat sufficiently of any good wholesome food if you will just let Kodol digest it Sold by all druggists LUW HATES via the sliijv12u AIR t tNE 1795Black Mountain N C and re ¬ turn Chautauqua July 12 19 26 31 August 2 9 16 21 25 Limit Sept 6 j10465San Francisco Cal and re ¬ I turn One way via Portland July 1 to Sept 30 inclusive Limit Oct I 31 PtopovcSs I 9540 Seattle Portland Tacoma Vancouver Victoria Everett New Westminster and Bellingham and re ¬ turn Yukon Exposition July 1 to fcept 30 inclusive Limit Oct 21 Stopovers Above Rates Open to the Public HENRY RAYSOR C P T A OCALA FLA- C M DICKERSON T P A n TAMPA FLORIDA I LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE I I S339Oil0463Los Angeles and San Francisco on sale various dates Limit October 3L Variable routes and stopovers j 95140 Seattle Washington Variable routes and stopovers Limit Octo her 31 For further information call on or write F J Huber C P T A or J K Kirkland D P A Tampa Fla 1 z = azzrN- Lln4nIrnrn == = == Mf1AaM1RAwnIM911MIaTnd i V- e G Ib j 9 00 ROP For Infants and n- TIj1j t The Kind YouHa ft Always Bought x AVegebbkPreparationforA- ssimlatingti Fr + r Toodandge ula I- l6eSlaltilifhs i Bears the- Signature Al t- II t i j 1 f IrcmKtesliesHonClKtiful r oess and HestCoii tains neither Iorpliine norlfineraL of 1 NARCOTIC i y- M a ItS 1- eafUIrSJH1llJJJ1filU u i- DL w- r PJ J lef- rSt4i1 + J fi- rxcrrt 1 6t- crl s x > 0- I r I T- 71IrW U SO < fit A eclRemed forCons6- nonSourStonlachDiarrhoea + 1 Worms fCorrvulsionsiFcvErish c ness and Loss OF SLEER ForOve r < facsimile Signature of lJ NEW YORK t Thirty Year- sCASTOBIA V 1 t i- t heel coPYOrw a THE CKTAU COM urr KKWTWNC wrn 1t I- I tt 9 f The V alueofGoodr tvl DigestionI- s I h easy to figure if you know what your stomach is worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par value by insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia Kodol Insures good digestion by to special effort by tonics ant f absolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesnt cure anything f normal process in perfectly digest ¬ or accomplish any good Neither ing all food taken into the stom- ach ¬ does dieting Indigestion and the serioua ailmenta which it induces While Kodol li doing this the can be averted and corrected only stomach is restingand becoming by natural means strong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies this natural healthy stomach guarantees a means It performs the stomachtl sound and active brain work for Itjust as the stomack The man with a sound stomach should perform It while the stom- ach ¬ + a stomach that is doing for the takes a little rest < for tiM body just what Nature Intended stomachs sake It to doIs the man who is always Our Guarantee prepared for He any emergency Go to your dregytst today and get a Bell Is there with the goods lar bottle ThetA after you baTe used the The man with a sick stomach Is- a entire contents of the If- doaeTott ea honestly that It has say not NT man sick all over When the cod return the bottle to the druggist ad stomach is irritated by undigested be will refund your money without food the blood and heart are di- rectly ¬ tlon or delay We win taen pay the S > c put for the bottle Dont he affected Then dullness un ¬ druggists know tbat onr ruarantee is good natural sleepiness sickheadaches This offer applies to the large bottle only x vertigo and fainting spells and and to but one fn a family The large bot- tle ¬ y contain tf times aa much u the fifty even serious brain trouble develop cent bottle Kodol will prevent these Kodol prepared at the labors Spurring the stomach and brim loriesotECDeWitteoChfCQF- OR w SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES p fOLETMLONETAZWTAR- stops ULmllomAIDT l the couch sond heals 1un iE+ vows tlu couJh ud Bali d 4 t 1

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Page 1: 3 i r f The Badgeufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03247/00317.pdfGUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND JOHN R DEWEY i Lead Coutrclal Intel Rales 2 Per Day Ocala Florida I THE FLORIDA


t t J or


3 A




Lead Coutrclal Intel Rales 2 Per Day Ocala FloridaI




are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kindManufacturers of cement brick bu ilding blocks hexagon and octagon

blocks and all kinds of paving materi al We employ skilled workmen andour motto is to please

Temporary quarters phone 256





lHaywood White Sulphur Springs Hotel


rLand of the Sky WAYNESVILLE N C Altitude 2850 Feet

On the Southern Railway one Hour trom Asheville Capacity 250 guestsNo consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Tennis

> Special attention to mountain parties Special party and family rates ForInformation address G C ROGAN Manager Formerly manager of Kenilworth Inn Asheville

AO 1




I S-


Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric sI lights steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condi-

tions¬ s

fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links s-

J baseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida in 1909 1I Nearly a quarter 5f a million dollars endowment expenses moderate 1

scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands fortt


For Catalogue Address the President it

I i Wm F Blackman Ph D Winter Park Fla 5s-


4f fA

of M o + 4





Fresh Meat Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce BothY

J Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com-


Place of its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right tt sUpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Class


Meals and Reasonable Board to Wekly Customersf

r si

i l Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bought t-

t and Sold


1Telephone No 111 P 0 Box No 652

101 and 102 North Magnolia Street tt-

i x F- t >> ww-







Rates 3 per Day and Upwards American Plan4




11 Florida and West Indian Limited 1-


l and u New York and Florida Express 7-


c to the Eastft


To the West


h Dixie Flyer Montgomery Route

ff Central Route ft South Atlantic Route

Pullman Burt Sleeping Cars to New York Louisville Cin innati ChicaI St Louis Atlanta and Intermediate Points


For tickets reservation or Information call on nearest Coast Line Agt orI

J G KIRKLAND D P A Tampa Floridar C WHITE G P A Wilmington N C W J CRAIG P T M



Hints on Beautifying Homes WithTrees and Shrubs i




Thorough Preparation of the Soil Very I

Important Cut All Plants Back Se-

verely Except Evergreens Suitable I

Trees and Shrubs to Plant I

It is natural that people lining by I

the seaside should be as interested in I

beautifying their homo with trees andshrubs as those who live Inland On f

attempting to grow plants near thesat water many seaicle dwellers Lavebeen much disappointed to find theirefforts vain have seen their carefullyplanted trees and shrubs die killed by I

the salt spray and fogs blown topieces by heavy winds torn ly flyinz I

sand or shriveled up In the storile soilThe problem of seaside planting is onewhich should be given special consid-eration


by landscape architectK gar j

deners and those Interested beautifyinj the home grounds The writer j

has had an opportunity to study sea ¬

shore conditions Rovoruini plantgrowth on the coasts of Maine andMassachusetts in landscape work onLong Island with Mr Henry Hicks an


authority on this subject and in assistlnj to make a landscape report onElackwelFs island New York city

Some of the most important requirements for seaside planting are

1 The choice of plants that are hardy 1

under seashore conditions 2j a thor-ough preparation of the soil whichusually is sand and should be mixedwith onehalf to threefourths per centof well rotted barnyard manure orelse should be removed altogether andfine rich loam substituted the depthof preparation being about three3 close planting so that the trees Hull

shrubs may afford each other mutualprotection isolated or scattered plants-are almost sure to fail W plant morehardy things in exposed spots less I

hardy in more sheltered positions 3I

sometimes an artificial shelter ofboughs or planks may be needed to I

give the plants a start fJ > providegood winter protection of strawy ma ¬

nure and In some cases leaves orevergreen boughs

For holding banks near the sea andto prevent sand drifting Mr HenryHicks recommends pitch pine and rodcedar Beach grass and rod oak arealso found in nature serving these pur¬

poses in a most satisfactory way ItIs often possible to fill In later afterthese plants are established with oth-


very hardy trees and shrubs Thisshould at leas be tried since thickplanting fc> the key to success MrHicks says Plant thick and cut backseverely Evergreens of cpurse mustnot be cut back lie also mentions in I

a recent letter that he has soon brushused to fill in a depression caused bythe wind blowing out the sand thebrush being carefully staked downThe result of this was that the sanddrifted about In the brush and nearlyfilled the hollow again This treat¬

ment combined with judicious plaating would probably Uiijg the driftingsand under complete contra

Following Is a list of trees andshrubs suitable for ooasido planting

Very hardy Bayberry beach plum-sea buckthorn yucca woodbine or Vir-


creeper wild cherry tamariskAmerican holly hardy as far north asLong Island many of the willowsred cedar pitch pine black spruce esp-

ecially near ocean marshes blackoak post oak chokeberry beachgrass bearberry black huckleberryfalse heather and shining sumac

Less hardy Scrub oak scarlet oakchestnut oak Norway maple red may

pIe American white birch horse chest¬

nut western catalpa plane tree honeylocust white spruce Austrian pinemugho pine sweet hay rj iner Euro-pean barberry Hercules ub Califor-nia


privet marsh elder purple fringeupright honeysuckle cockspur thornhigh bush blueberry sassafras pepperidge bittersweet and blacklKTryAll of these are hardy as for north asLong Island and the majority to Maine

Stanley F Morse In Country Gentle-man


Scheme to Boom TradeThe New York Industries association

had a meeting recently to plan a Loomfor metropolitan merchandise through-out


the country The implements bywhich the boom is to be developed arethe ink of the printer the colors ofthe painter the personal efforts of thedealer and the coaching of the travel-ing


men who go out of the city to tallNew York first last and all the timeThis Is regarded as about the first con-


the city has ever made thatshe is not sufficient all to herselfThere are other trade center that arethreatening her supremacy as a buy-

Ing and trafficking place and the In-


association is determined touse all the service the press agent canafford in meeting the competition-

To Protect Trees From Live WiresInjuries to street trees by wires are

many Often dead wires attached totrees come in contact with live onesand all show exasperating powers-of destruction There Is little ex-


for the attaching of any wire toa tree yet the very unsightly anchorpoles and wires lead many propertyowners to consent to the ttse of largestreet or garden trees as anchorsWhere this Is done blocks of woodshould be placed between the wire andthe trees so that the wire will not cutthe living word and will have a non ¬

conductor to protect it again injurythrough the contact of live wires withguy wires


iICi> r 1II <

f iWf J <

The Badge of HonestyI-s +



t ron every wrapper of Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discov-

ery¬ f tbecause a full list of ingredients composing it is printed there-


plain English More than years of experience proven J faits superior worth as a bloodpurifier and vlgoratlDgtoDlc for r

the cure of stomach disorders and all liver up therundown system as no other tonic can in which alcohol IS used J0 2 +

The active medicinal principles of native roots such as Golden-Seal

r tJand Queens root Stone root and Mandrake root Bloodroot u1 fBlack Cherrybark are extracted and preserved by the use of

h-and J

chemically pure triplerefined glycerine ttFft



Send to Dr R V Pierce at Buffalo N Y for free booklet jwhich quotes extracts from wellrecognized medic authorities i Isuch as Drs Bartholow King Scudder Coe EUingwcod and a t 1host of others showing that these roots can be depended updnfor their curative action In all weak states of the stomach accom-panied

¬ fby indigestion or dyspepsia as well as in all bilious or liver 7 thcomplaints and in all wasting where there IS loss of 1i


flesh and gradual running down of the strength and system itt J sCi

u Via M

The U Golden Medical Discovery makes rich pare blood and r1fJ

so invigorates and regulates the stomach liver and bowelS +i4and through them the whole system Thus all skin affections tfl-


blotches pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel1intand old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed-

InA 3

treating old running sores or ulcers it is well to insure their healing to apply to themL

Dr Pierces AllHealing Salve If your druggist dont happen to have Salve in Jstock send fifty cents In postage stamps to r R V Pierce Invalids Hotel and Sur-gical

i rrInstitute Buffalo N Y and a large box of the All Healin Salve U will read

you by return post rte

YOU cant afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this nonalcoholicmedicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION not even though the urgent dealer marhercbi If

make little bigger profit Though he offers the substitute for a pn e youcant afford to experiment with your health Go where they give you what you askfor without argumen-

tDrt 4ii

Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach liver and bowelsSugarcoated tiny granules easy to take as candy 4





Next In Aesthetic Importance to HighClass Architecture

Next to high class architecture atown or citys chief asset should lie Inits street trees While architecture-may claim first rank that city is mostbeautiful which Is possessed of thegrcKest number of suitable streettrees But a few days ago nn easternwoman visiting In Los Angeles washeard to say I think Salt Lake City-Is the most beautiful place west of the I

Mississippi it has so many finelyplanted trees

Viewed from the heights on any sidewhere detail is lost and compositewhole is considered no place of likesize in California is more beautifulthan Riverside the Forest City andstreet trees are Its chief asset Wher-ever


we hear an opinion expressed re¬

garding a beautiful city we may noteif we but listen that some remark Jsmade about street trees Every vis-itor


to Europe commenting on the finecities does not leave off enumerating-the chief charms until he has spokenof magnificent avenues and boulevardstined with trees None Is mentionedthat is not tree lined When one con-

siders both the aesthetic and economicvalue of trees it is hard to realize thatwe have people who do not like themThere are those who really wouldrather see bare streets than well plant-ed


ones To some these persons areobjects of pity but to a majority they


but Invoke disgust by a presentationl

of their views Los Angeles Times

Trees as Sanitary AgentsWhen City Forester Frost of Chicago

delivered his maiden speech the other I

day as the citys spokesman on treeand shrubbery planting before theWomans club of Esther Falkensteinsettlement he said


More can be urged for a tree thanI that it improves the beauty of a thor ¬

oughfare It Is a distinct sanitaryagent W A Murrcll in one of the Cor-nell


bulletins contends that the treesadd to the healthfulness of a city ortown by cooling and purifying the airIt also cuts off direct and reflectedrays of the sun The tree absorbs in-


gases and gives off oxygenwhich humans must have


Take Kodol at the times when youfeel what you have eaten is not digest-ing


Kodol digests what you eat soyou can eat sufficiently of any goodwholesome food if you will just letKodol digest it Sold by all druggists

LUW HATESvia the

sliijv12u AIR t tNE

1795Black Mountain N C and re ¬

turn Chautauqua July 12 19 2631 August 2 9 16 21 25 LimitSept 6

j10465San Francisco Cal and re¬

I turn One way via Portland July1 to Sept 30 inclusive Limit Oct

I31 PtopovcSs

I 9540 Seattle Portland TacomaVancouver Victoria Everett NewWestminster and Bellingham and re ¬

turn Yukon Exposition July 1 tofcept 30 inclusive Limit Oct 21

StopoversAbove Rates Open to the Public





I S339Oil0463Los Angeles and SanFrancisco on sale various datesLimit October 3L Variable routesand stopovers

j 95140 Seattle Washington Variableroutes and stopovers Limit Octoher 31

For further information call on orwrite F J Huber C P T A orJ K Kirkland D P A Tampa Fla


z= azzrN-



Mf1AaM1RAwnIM911MIaTndi V-


G Ibj9 00 ROPFor Infants and n-


tThe Kind YouHa ftAlways Bought x



rToodandge ula I-


Bears the-


t-II ti j

1 fIrcmKtesliesHonClKtiful roessand HestCoii tains neither

Iorpliine norlfineraL of 1


M aItS



i-DL w-

rPJ Jlef-rSt4i1

+J fi-

rxcrrt 1 6t-

crls x

> 0-

I rI


71IrW U SO< fit

A eclRemed forCons6-nonSourStonlachDiarrhoea

+ 1

Worms fCorrvulsionsiFcvErish cness and Loss OF SLEER ForOver <

facsimile Signature of lJ



Thirty Year-




t i-t

heel coPYOrw a



I tt



The ValueofGoodr tvl




easy to figure if you know what your stomachis worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par valueby insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia

Kodol Insures good digestion by to special effort by tonics ant fabsolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesnt cure anything f

normal process in perfectly digest¬ or accomplish any good Neithering all food taken into the stom-ach

¬ does dieting Indigestion and theserioua ailmenta which it induces

While Kodol li doing this the can be averted and corrected onlystomach is restingand becoming by natural meansstrong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies this naturalhealthy stomach guarantees a means It performs the stomachtlsound and active brain work for Itjust as the stomack

The man with a sound stomach should perform Itwhile the stom-ach


a stomach that is doing for the takes a little rest <for tiMbody just what Nature Intended stomachs sakeIt to doIs the man who is always Our Guaranteeprepared for Heany emergency Go to your dregytst today and get a BellIs there with the goods lar bottle ThetA after you baTe used the

The man with a sick stomach Is-

aentire contents of the If-doaeTott eahonestly that It hassay not NTman sick all over When the cod return the bottle to the druggist adstomach is irritated by undigested be will refund your money without

food the blood and heart are di-

rectly¬ tlon or delay We win taen pay the S >cput for the bottle Dont heaffected Then dullness un¬ druggists know tbat onr ruarantee is good

natural sleepiness sickheadaches This offer applies to the large bottle only x

vertigo and fainting spells and and to but one fn a family The large bot-tle


contain tf times aa much u the fiftyeven serious brain trouble develop cent bottleKodol will prevent these Kodol prepared at the labors

Spurring the stomach and brim loriesotECDeWitteoChfCQF-OR




ULmllomAIDT lthe couch sond heals 1un iE+ vows tlu couJh udBali d

